#then they love ships like Rosekiller or quillkiller
olivers-cocoapuffs · 8 months
me staring at the “how I feel about certain ships” except ships with Peter or Severus in them are automatically in the hate section, affirming that you all think that “bad guys” don’t deserve love which is why you headcanon them as aroace which is harmful to the a-spec community for a million reasons
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cazzythefrogking · 7 months
rating marauders era ships cuz why not!
Wolfstar- 100/10. I actually didnt ship this for a long time but now i love it, it's probably my favorite
Dorlene- 100/10 as well, it's my second favorite. I love it as both the slytherin dorcas rivals to lovers, and the gryffindor dorcas friends to lovers
Jily- 9/10. It's really cute and i love it but I love jegulus and marylily equally
Jegulus- 9/10, same reason as above
Marylily- 9/10, still same as above
Prongsfoot- 4/10, I love it platonically but I'm really just not a fan of it romantically. I see them too much as brothers
Alice & Frank- 7/10. I like it, but not as much as others
Marylene- 6/10. It's cute, but I definitely prefer dorlene. but i think they probably hooked up at some point
Marlily- 5/10. platonically i love it, but otherwise no
Bartylus- 7/10. They probably dated at some point. I like it, but not as endgame
NobleFlower- 5/10 havent actually seen much on it, so no opinion
Mary & Remus- 6/10 I use to really ship this for a while, but not really anymore. I can see them maybe dating for a bit after james & lily die and sirius is sent away, but then they decide to stay friends
Moonflower- 4/10. Platonically it's amazing, otherwise no
Pandalily- 8/10. I love it, it's really cute
Rosekiller- 9/10. I love it. Not one of my main ships, but i see it as endgame
Mary & Sirius- 4/10. I think they wouldve dated briefly in like 4th year before they realized they were gay
Quillkiller- 5/10. dont have an opinion
Ravenrock- 8/10, very cute
James & Peter- 5/10. I think peter wouldve been in love with james, but it wouldnt be reciprocated and he'd never confess
Blackinnon- 3/10. Sirius would be her gay awakening. By that i mean they'd have dated briefly, because marlene would probably have been in deep denial, and they'd kiss and she'd be like. Oop. Nope. i am definitely into girls. This would be prior to sirius coming out.
also, these are just my opinions! no hate to any ship. ship whatever you want, as long as it's not problematic.
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all-too-unwell-13 · 3 months
I never do marauders posts anymore but!!! here I am!!!
evermore lyrics as marauders era characters/ships
(I'm doing this mostly out of memory so the lyrics might be off lmao)
"hey, dorothea, do you ever stop and think about me?" - remus to mary after 1981 :(
"but it's never too late to come back to my side, the stars in your eyes shined brighter" - pandalily/jegulus from pandora and regulus' povs after jily get married
"what must it be like to grow up that beautiful? with your hair falling into place like dominoes" - wolfstar (from remus' pov)
"my mind turns your life into folklore, I can't dare to dream about you anymore" - wolfstar (remus about sirius after halloween 1981)
"forever is the sweetest con" - starchaser/jegulus (from james' pov)
"grieving for the living" - wolfstar (remus after halloween 1981)
"now I'm sitting on a bench in coney island, wondering, 'where did my baby go?'" - jeglus (james after regulus' death)
"now I know, I'm never gonna love again" - rosekiller (barty after evan's death)
"takes one to know one, you're a cowboy like me" - slytherin skittles
"it could be love, I could be the way forward, but I know I'll pay for it" - rosekiller
"everybody moved on, I stayed there" - remus after halloween 1981
"the snaps from the same little breaks, in your soul. you know when it's time to go" - marylily/jegulus
"trying to find where I went wrong, writing letters addressed to the fire" - quillkiller (from rita's pov)
"haunted by the look in my eyes that would've loved you for a lifetime, leave it all behind" - jegulus (from james' pov - after regulus ends it with him)
"you haven't met the new me yet, but I think she'll give you that" - jily (from mary + regulus' pov after marylily and jegulus breakup)
"never be so kind, you forget to be clever" - james potter
"never be so clever, you forget to be kind" - regulus black
"if I didn't know better, I'd think you were still around" - rosekiller (barty after evan's death)
"you're alive, you're alive, in my head" - rosekiller (barty after evan's death)
"never be so polite, you forget your power" - lily evans
"never wield such power, you forget to be polite" - dorcas meadowes
"I should've asked you how to be, asked you to write it down for me" ... "cause every scrap of you would be taken from me" - james after his parents' deaths :(
"I know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it" - james potter :(
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thirdspeakerdebater · 10 months
i love how the marauders have such cool ship names, like:
sunseeker/starchaser, wolfstar, rosekiller, nobleflower, quillkiller, the list goes on
and then harry potter just has:
hinny, romione, drarry, linny…
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itsjaywalkers · 14 days
hii!! i am still somewhat new to this fandom but i’ve read all of your stuff and ADORE your writing, like you are SO talented, it’s insane. your blog is actually kind of what inspired me to make a tumblr account for this fandom in the first place. you seem so sweet and have so much talent, i hope your day has been wonderful 🫶 do you have any accounts/any mutuals of yours that you’d recommend to someone new(ish) to the fandom? i’m excited to see more fics and art & would love some recommendations !!
hey angel <3
oh this is such a lovely and wonderful message, i read it this morning at work and it warmed my heart (and it was one of the few things that managed to pull me through today's nightmare of a shift). i'm so so so happy that my silly blog encouraged u to join the tumblr side of the fandom?? like, don't get me wrong it's the Worst sometimes but it can also be soooo fun!! you're the SWEETEST and my day wasn't great but it's gonna end on a nice note so <3 i also hope your day was as great as you are!!
oh i have LOTS of accounts.. honestly i think you should follow every single one of my mutuals or any single person you've seen me interact with, but to name a few: @carniferous (one of my favourite writers ever.. no one gets jegulus like dil does they know them personally) @foursaints (one of my favourite artists in the whole world.. made me get properly invested in rosekiller + showed me the bartylily vision) @quillkiller (Amazing writing.. Impeccable takes.. got me into quillkiller and always manages to make me care about ships i don't even like) @static-radio-ao3 (my baby.. wonderful writing with some of the best and most natural dialogue i've ever read.. fucking love how she writes the black brothers every single time) @certifiedl0verboy (india is writing one of my current fav jegulus wips.. aka deep the water.. it has one of the only james ever!! to me!!) @likeprongstostars (THE jegulus fanartist.. to me.. vi is always dropping masterpiece after masterpiece and she's always keeping us all so incredibly well-fed) @sommerregenjuniluft (always and forever kissing lune's brain.. one of the most creative people i know, she blows my mind even with the briefest of drabbles)
that's just a handful but really, every single one of my mutuals is so incredibly talented and dear to me, following any (or all) of them is always a safe bet. mwah <333
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maladaptivewriting · 4 months
On scale from 1 to 10 how would you rate these ships and why:
Bellatrix/Rita/Ms.Zabini (I don't think she had a name in canon, tell me if I'm wrong)
Draco/a dragon (you keep mentioning this one fic, you asked for it)
Lucius/Snape (this ship used to constantly haunt me a few years ago)
wow what a fun ask.
okay i want to preface this by saying that i’m not really into poly ships, but im going to make an exception for this and try to be fair.
1. james/regulus/barty/evan: 5/10
i could this happening like one time as a fun anniversary gift for one of the couples, but i could never see the four of them in an actual relationship.
2. lily/barty/evan: 7/10
i like this to the extent that it is far superior to jegulily which is absolutely despise. i can see barty and evan as people who might have a looser definition of relationships and jealous than james or regulus so rosekiller with lily could be really fun. lily seems soft enough to dull some of their edges. plus the fanart is hot
3. narcissa/lily: 9/10
there is a lot of potential here, especially for angst purposes, but i think this ship would work best in like a bdsm fic/setting. like narcissa is older than lily and she’s definitely the most put together of all the malfoys so i could see her domming lily and i love that for them.
4. james/regulus/sirius/remus: 7/10
putting aside the incest for a second. i could see this happening like once or twice. however i think regulus and sirius are both extremely possessive and jealous people, remus and james too but not to the same extent, so i dont think they would like to share. however i think the possessiveness could be hot depending on how it’s used.
5. bellatrix/rita/mrs. zabini: 3/10
the thing about mrs. zabini is that i just don’t think she likes being tied down and i can’t see her enjoying it with two partners. i like quillkiller but mrs. zabini throws a wrench in things.
6. draco/dragon: 9/10
i have read all the fics with this tag, however i think charlie/dragon works better. but the best option imo is like draco/dragon animagus. so like a drarry fic where harry is a dragon animagus? that would be 10/10
7. james/barty: 3/10
i feel indifferent to this ship, but i don’t think it would work out. one of my closest friends irl is so barty core and i think a james person would piss her the fuck off, they would never work
8. lily/pandora/mary: 6/10
i think there is potential here for something soft and sweet but i would only read this ship if one of them was evil and out to hurt the other two.
9. mary/marlene/dorcas: 1/10
i just cannot see marlene with mary like at all. i actually don’t even think these two would be friends post hogwarts based on their personalities. i think they would seriously annoy each other
10. lucius/snape: 8/10
again so much angst potential. i’ve read this ship a few times, it used to pop a lot as a background ship so i would often see it, and i feel like it can work but there has to be discussions about power dynamics here for it to read well. i prefer snape with a non-magical oc personally
you didn’t ask for full explanations but you’re getting them anyway
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aithusarosekiller · 10 months
What are your favorite ships?
Oooo I love this question bc I have like 500 so I have to narrow it down 😭 hElp
Okay top 7
DARKSUN (my actual children)
Sunstargazer (I had to include Regulily somehow)
At least one person is probably thinking 'but you have rosekiller in your name' but the thing is, tiktok has wolfstarified rosekiller in the past year so I can hardly enjoy them anymore 💔 it is a true tragedy ikik, I'm just attached to the name so I refuse to get rid of it
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
Masterlist of my Fics
---------- (make sure to read the tags!)
• Ao3
1. How To Not Die Young
- Status: Unfinished / Ongoing
- Archive Warnings: None
- Length: Long
- Chapters: 43/?
- Words (Per Chapter): 2000-3000
- Main Ships: Wolfstar, Jegulus, Rosekiller
- Minor Ships: Dorlene, Marylily, Pandora x Xenophilius, Sybil x Peter, Quillkiller, Andromeda x Ted
- Background Ships: Nobleflower, Narcissa x Lucius (briefly), Alice x Frank (briefly),
- Desc/Themes: a modern highschool au, surrounding mental health and queerness + queer struggles, healing from trauma, finding happiness and reasons to keep going
- Link: How To Not Die Young - risetherivermoon
2. Just Different, Apparently
- Status: Finished
- Archive Warnings: None
- Length: 24,553 words
- Chapters: 4/4
- Words (Per Chapter): 5000-6000
- Main Ships: Jegulus
- Minor Ships: Wolfstar,
- Background Ships: Marylily, Dorlene, Rosekiller, Alice x Frank
- Desc/Themes: Modern meet-cute au, trans reg & autistic james, basically a lot of the themes are about feeling different and not being able to relate to others, and not knowing why, finally feeling seen & understood and loved,
- Link: Just Different, Apparently - risetherivermoon
3. Like A Kick To My Face, Your Love
- Status: Finished
- Archive Warnings: None
- Length: One Shot
- Chapters: 1/1
- Words (Per Chapter): 1,973
- Main Ships: Marylily
- Minor Ships: Jegulus
- Background Ships: None
- Desc/Themes: Mary, a famous musician/song writer recounts how she first met her now wife in an interview
- Link: Like A Kick To The Face, Your Love - risetherivermoon
4. Can't Get The Words Out
- Status: Finished
- Archive Warnings: None
- Length: One Shot
- Chapters: 1/1
- Words (Per Chapter): 1,316
- Main Ships: None
- Minor Ships: Wolfstar
- Background Ships: None
- Desc/Themes: Lily comes out to the group as a lesbian while they're all sitting together talking after a party in the boys dorm, + her experience growing up queer
- Link: Can't Get The Words Out - risetherivermoon
5. Reaching From Arm's Length
- Status: Finished
- Archive Warnings: None
- Length: One Shot
- Chapters: 1/1
- Words (Per Chapter): 2,106
- Main Ships: Wolfstar
- Minor Ships: None
- Background Ships: None
- Desc/Themes: Remus freaks out during a party because of a migraine, Sirius brings Remus away from the crowd and they talk, and Remus confesses and opens up to Sirius for the first time.
- Link: Reaching From Arm's Length - risetherivermoon
6. Feeling Overheated
- Status: Finished
- Archive Warnings: None
- Length: Oneshot
- Chapters: 1/1
- Words (Per Chapter): 1,640
- Main Ships: Wolfstar
- Minor Ships: None
- Background Ships: Jily
- Desc/Themes: After Remus comes out a few months prior Sirius starts to realize things about himself and how he feels about his friend, he talks to James about it and then approaches Remus.
- Link: Feeling Overheated - risetherivermoon
• Tumblr
1. Sock’s Fame Au Fic
- Status: Unfinished / Ongoing
- Warnings: Suggestive Jokes, Weed & Alcohol, Saying ‘kms’ as a joke,
- Media: Twinote / Fake Twitter Posts & Messages
- Major Ships: Rosekiller, Jegulus
- Minor Ships: Wolfstar, Dorlene, Pandamarylily
- Desc: A fame fake dating au, put together through twitter posts and messages between characters! Mostly a comedy,
- Parts:
- Out of context screenshots
- Ooc 1
- Ooc 2
- Ooc 3
- Ooc 4
- Parts
- Part 0.5: profiles
- Part 1: a fake relationship for no reason
- Part 2: the reason
- Part 3: another fake relationship but with more viable reasoning
- Part 4: not just a crush
- Part 5: tarty crouch jr
- Part 6: mr handsomeman & mrs prettylady
- Part 7: a new perspective
- Part 8: A Violent Encounter (Love You James)
- Part 8.5: More Profiles, More People
- Part 9: An Argument
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thund3randrain · 7 months
The marauders era fans just had to get all fancy with the ship names and I love us for that
Honey do you see any other fandoms calling their ships things like 'Wolfstar' 'Starchaser' 'Sunseeker' 'Rosekiller' 'Nobleflower' 'Moonwater' 'Quillkiller' 'Skyflower' 'Flowerpott' 'Sunflower' etc?
Nope. Because we're the best. Hands down. I will fight you on this.
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aidyaiden · 2 months
I saw ur post abt marauders. I joined the fandom like 5 months ago and am very deep already. (Also- side note- BYLER! I need them to be canon!) 
So I thought i’d give you some insight. I hope this is not too overwhelming. 
So, I started from Wolfstar, ran into a couple of tiktok, learnt fan casts of the main five (marauders and Lily) and picked up some headcanons (which says a lot about the fandoms perception of a character)
a lot of ppl will say to read the long fics (such as ATYD) but that’s totally up to you. I still haven’t read those cause I can’t read long fics. 
I read a lot of one shots, sometimes factoring in character tags on ao3, so I could see a little more of different characters. 
Oh and I found fanart of the big group (including the slytherins) helpful. Once I could identify everyone from fanart alone just by scrolling through tumblr I felt like i’d achieved something (since all the characters look very different to canon. Eg, they’re not all white anymore- thank god). 
So you start with Marauders (James, Sirius, Remus, Peter). Then there’s Lily, Mary, Marlene in Gryffindor. 
Then an extension of that is Dorcas, Pandora, Barty and Evan in Slytherin with Regulus (Sirius’ brother). Although sometimes Dorcas and Pandora are in different houses but usually that friend group. 
Then there’s more depth but I won’t overwhelm you too much (there’s a massive part of the fandom just dedicated to Black family lore tbh)
oh and learning to identify ship names is another whole thing. 
Wolfstar (Remus and Sirius), Prongsfoot (James and Sirius), Sunseeker/Starchaser (James and Regulus), Moonwater (Remus and Regulus), Moonflower (Remus and Lily), Nobleflower (Alice and Narcissa), Rosekiller (Barty and Evan), Quillkiller (Bellatrix and Rita Skeeter). 
Oh and I have to add Dorlene (Dorcas and Marlene) who I don’t think have a ship name like that but I love them so yeah. 
And obviously you don’t have to go as deep as Rita and Bella- they’re a bit of a push to be considered marauders fandom anyway. And you can ship whoever you like. Or not ship anyone if you prefer- these can be used platonically. 
Basically I have no idea what level of Marauders knowledge you already have, but i’d say tumblr headcanons help a lot and don’t be afraid to ask questions cause most ppl in the fandom are lovely and happy to explain :) 
for now i think i'll just have to know the characters an recognize them etc because rn i only know sirius and remus from the HP movies (and i heard a bit about regulus, james and lily i think)
and so i wanted to ask you who are some good marauders fan artists? or just blogs? :')
yeah i'll just. try to scroll on the marauders tumblr a bit every day until they get in my brain
(and yes byler canon in s5!!! 😼)
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
I love how unhinged this fandom is when it’s naming ships. You’ve got the pretty names, Sunseeker, Wolfstar, Moonwater, Pandalily, Noble flower. You’ve got the darker vibes, Rosekiller, Quillkiller. You’ve got the silly name mash ones, Jegulus, Jily, bartylus, dorlene.
and then you’ve got the dumb shit like Party, Partyvan, bitchkiller, prongsfoot
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quillkiller · 11 months
for the ask game for ships:
quillkiler: 7, 10, 11, 19, 21 rosekiller: 10, 11, 19
(this ask game!!)
7. Who is the more romantic one?
definitely bellatrix. but in a really intense and disturbing way shshdjjd. like bella will give rita a necklace w a vial of her blood on it and stuff like that to show her devotion. rita isnt good with romantic gestures but she loves bella being romantic and insane and makes up for it by ravaging her
10. Who drives and who picks out the music?
rita both drives and picks the music……. bellatrix has shit music tate and can NOT be trusted behind the wheel . she will absolutely road rage of rita’s behalf the entire time tho and rita will hold her hand on bellas thigh bc she loves it. bellatrix thinks its hot as fuck when rita drives . rita loves bella being her passenger princess
11. What’s a song that describes their relationship? Or, what’s the song that they’ve deemed “their” song?
’yes to heaven’ lana del rey, ’pink in the night’ by mitski, ’the archer’ taylor swift
19. How do they silently/subtly express their love for each other?
they don’t . neither of them know how to be subtle. bellatrix would kill for rita, literally, and rita knows this. rita would cover for her and bellatrix knows this too. they don’t know what a small gesture is even if they’d be oblivious in the beginning. bellatrix’s love for rita is so big that it literally pours out of her against her will. rita’s love for bellatrix is so all consuming that it shows in everything she writes or whenever she talks
21. Which of their friends/family pokes fun at them for them getting flustered/affectionate?
literally all of them. except for maybe regulus bc i feel like he’d relate to bellatrix’s struggles when she first falls in love with rita. if its a fix it black sisters au andromeda would take the piss SO MUCH ahsjdjjdkkkdk she wouldnt shut up about it fr .
10. Who drives and who picks out the music?
evan definitely drives!! my mans barty doesn’t even have a license and will never get one… he was born to be a passenger princess.. so he picks the music<3
11. What’s a song that describes their relationship? Or, what’s the song that they’ve deemed “their” song?
’like real people’ do by hozier…… and obv the classic ’don’t blame me’ by taylor swift heheh
19. How do they silently/subtly express their love for each other?
evan’s love language is acts of service and he loves doing things for barty. literally anything just to make his happy or content. my man is so whipped he’d probably make barty’s bed i swear . barty is clingy and i imagine him just always hanging off of evan even when there’s plenty of space. barty isn’t very subtle either …..
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cattiemk · 4 months
ive been thinning about, like, the double standard of men and women in the marauders fandom and whenever i do i try to think of an explanation as to why they have this double standard by saying it’s bc they know more abt the boys and i think in some way that’s true, bc, like, we know more abt james, sirius, and remus way more then we know stuff abt mary, marlene, and lily and i think that is totally jk rowling’s fault bc she’s a sexist piece of shit who cares more abt the men in her stories then the women and they’re left extremely underdeveloped while the boys are well thought out and i think as a fandom that’s made up of hcs that we have the chance to change that, and we kind of do, but a lot of the girls are still left underdeveloped in some parts of the fandom. and i know the sexism was a big thing talked abt like 6 months ago and i still think it’s a huge thing. i see this with sirius and mary bc sirius is constantly with women and is always flirting and always dating(before remus) but mary is doing the same and she’s called a slut, and we totally change her character and i just feel like dating is such an important part of her character bc she goes through so many men and puts them in their place when they break her heart and i just think that’s so badass and everyone hates her for it and im just like “WHAT THE FUCK WHY???” and it’s true why. barty and bellatrix to bc we love barty and he’s all tragic and he’s a lunatic but he’s a cool lunatic and a hot one but oh bellatrix is crazy. like what is this??? also with ships like why is jegulus all over the place and categorized as tragic and there’s so many fics abt them but nobleflower which is basically the same thing(the same thing very generally) is not talked abt at all?? same with rosekiller which is like my fav ship of all time btw is seen as these two hot psychos who went through a lot and went crazy and everyone loves them and they love barty and evan but quillkiller which is also like the same thing isn’t a thing at all. what’s with this sexism??
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 9 months
im currently hiding in one if the bathrooms stalls to get away from my science teacher.
if you were to have one marauders era ship, and make it canon. like siriusly fr in the books and movies, what ship would it be?
mine personally would be either darksun, killerlily or rosekiller
why do they all hanve barty? idk
I’ve turned my laptop off to do the same 💀
I’d have to go quillkiller tbh. Imagine them making Harry’s life miserable together?? Iconic
I feel like darksun -> Jily would be cool cause someone mentions darksun at some point and Harry’s like BRO WHAT TJE FUCKKKK
Cause barty is amazing and I love him??
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risetherivermoon · 10 months
what are your thoughts on quillkiller? (just found out this was a ship like two days ago)
ooh! i’m not as involved with the black sisters side of the fandom (i’d like to be) but i love quillkiller from the stand point im at? i feel like bellatrix and rita would have a cool dynamic with how i see their characterisations. One of of my fics does include quillkiller although i dont have too much of them in that since they’re a background couple, honestly id have to read more about how others see them to get a better idea of them, if that makes sense??
if anyone would like to tune me in or give fic recs id be happy to listen 🤷‍♂️
honestly in retrospect it seems like an odd pairing but so does jegulus, rosekiller…really a lot of popular ships in this fandom would be considered odd from a normal hp enjoyer stand point, which tbh makes it more fun!
ill have to read more about them and the black sisters side of the fandom to really get into writing about them, but from where i am i enjoy the ship! sorry that i dont have more to say, but thank you for the ask :DD
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