#there are worms in my brain that tell me what to draw im sorry i didnt do this willingly
daily-grian · 2 years
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today i offer you..,.,.. grian horse
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autisticartbug · 2 months
Tell us about Esther! I saw her on instagram and she looks cute :3
I love seeing people make DAWM oc’s- we need more!
I really wanted to make art for this post since Esther has gone through some changes under the sun- buuttt- sadly I couldn’t think of anything 😔
Anyways, Esther Skylight is magical puppet :0 and I tried to make her design related to the night sky!! Like her front bang, looks like a moon! A little collar with a star, and I planned to give her star freckles like Archie but I forgot about them 😭😭😭 Her entire design is with blue, for a night emotional sky!
Esther is often in the clouds, that’s how she spends her days and nights- but she is pulled to the town for special events and occurrences. She has the ability to go down herself, she’s just so shy and overthinks. And so often, it’s always Mae or Bertie calling her down 😂 In that insta post, I did mention that she saw it as a curse. But Esther isn’t necessarily bound to the sky. I don’t know what I was thinking when I made her- I just put a design and slapped facts on her. Which is so sad bc my bby didn’t deserve that 😭
Esther is still confirmed a book-worm. And she often goes by Honeybell’s bookstore. But she never really greets HB- so when she comes in and goes in front of HB to ask a question, she always manages to spook her!
Esther isn’t as artistic as I made her, more of that she can at least draw… decently. But her coloring job is amazing- but she never practices other aspects 😭 Her neurodivergent brain gets too distracted easily. (Talking abt that, Esther has ADHD and is autistic. She also has OCD.)
Esther is still a big fan of Teddy, but doesn’t necessarily have a crush on him as I intended. She actually has eyes for… hmm. For her sake, I’ll just say he’s a very oblivious sweetheart. But still, Esther tries her best to attend each and every show- but doesn’t always make it. And if she’s too late, she just moves on to do something else with her time since she fears to just step in right in the middle of the show. (Also have that fear.)
Esther also has a little side-job. Just working beside Mae and Bertie! It’s her favorite thing to pass the time, and yes! She made herself a cute uniform! I’ll totally doodle it later 😭 if I remember!
Okay, I mentioned Esther was a magical puppet. And she’s a puppet from the sky. So, I’ll just spill a few powers she has.
• Telekinesis
• Clairvoyance
• Illusion
• Creation (Only lasts for minimal time and uses a lot of energy)
• Levitation
• Regeneration (Often not used)
Though for one of her magical powers, there’s a reason she wears her star collar. If activated near a spirit, Esther has the ability to see the dead! :o
Okay- erm. Now to think of plain and simple facts… Oh! Esther is panromantic, and asexual. She’s Dream-A-Long’s Sentimental Sky-Joy! And she’s at least around her mid twenties. She’s 5’6. And Esther is adopted! Her family is all made of goblins, but after she moved out to find somewhere else new- she was in the clouds. Almost like… she was meant to be there? :0
Her entire vibe should totally remind people of the song- “Lost at a Sleepover.” By OMORI. (I’ve never played or seen the game so if it’s bad or smth- IM SORRY :(((()
Esther is nocturnal- but it’s not like she sleeps at all anyway? She kind of just says she doesn’t need to. Only thing that makes her deathly tired is overusing her abilities to a far extent. Which never happens since Esther doesn’t wanna show off.
Esther’s relationship with Archie is strange. The two barely communicate, but they don’t necessarily dislike one another. It’s just their aura and presence that makes the other uneasy and uncomfortable… Wonder why?
Though, Esther enjoys the shenanigans in the town! Her friends make sure she is included! And she’s always so happy to join in!
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twiggyart6 · 4 months
collecting short funny things to write under fanart of characters you really love
please feel free to add more thank you :3
(this is long as shit be prepared)
looking at them
my friend :)
I can't believe this
brain blasted
what a little freak
do you even care
be so fucking for real
your kidding
what a weirdo
a wonderous creature
consider this
from my personal collection
what the
I'm so normal
I'm not normal
why are they like that
evil swag
I'm gonna frow up
yeah this is pretty cool
pretty fucked up dog
have you seen this?
my beautiful princess
I'm ill
oh good heavens!
my son. he has every disease
this shit aint nothin to me man
I laurve them
just a little bit. as a treat
tell them to stop
me when I GET you
the psychic worm (wohwohwohwohw)
good lord
cuteness aggression towards them
what the fuck ever
im feeling something
me when the
im fucking serious
love it when they appear
its becoming unhealthy
go white boy go!
your never gonna believe this
worst guy ive ever seen
their just so ... drawable
sorry guys
i saw it in a dream
she is very gorgeous to me!
i see them when i close my eyes
my little scrungle
be so fucking for real
i can do whatever i want
my baby girl
my little kitty meow meow
they've done something to me
i gotta get outa here
my favorite white man
full of joy a whimsy
going cray cray!
heyy gurl wasup
she is beuty she is grace
aaaaanything could happen
just like me fr
its time
divine retribution
so was foretold in the prophecy
their so ... woah
god. fucking. damn.
they understand me
you are not immune to propaganda
Explodes character with mind
Forgive me
I would tell them my most depraved thoughts
for the win!
my treasure my beloved
oh yeah woo yeah
thats it thats the post
this above all else
had to get it out of my system
you absolute baby buffoon
but make it epic
dont question it
gay baby jail
mwah <3
i want to make them into bread
no guys you don't get it
i got nervous
every fuckin time man
[puts face in hands and groans loudly]
no way
take a deep breath
stupid little bow wow
cringeposting once again
abandon society, embrace insanity
god has let me draw another day
had to do it
changed my brain chemistry
so the thing is-
im going to make you so girlfail
pathetic wet cat
their neat idk
or something like that
i have the disease and its terminal
shrimply amazing!
hits you with the beam
smile :)
send help
oh hi didn't see you there
no i will not elaborate
the creature is demonic in nature
i think there's something wrong with them
i think there's something wrong with me
its fine
woah woah woah
do you even realize what you've done
very cool
do you see my vision
whatever the fuck this is called
the strugler
oh i got you dont worry
nobody move
character on the brain always and forever
#1 hater
funny you should say that
nature is healing
imagine a guy. now imagine them again
ooo mama
get drawn idiot
get obsessed over idiot
if only they were real
post this character instantly
your honor i need them
ive got some notes
A juicy morsel
I want to push them down the stairs
They wouldn’t dare
(Eyes wide and mouth frothing) yeah!
my beautiful wife <3
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perexcri · 1 year
helloo! i think this is now…my third time leaving an anonymous ask in your inbox? i do not remember but it’s been no less than three.
i don’t recall precisely what i said in the other two but i believe it was mainly me raving about to hell and back again, a flower that resembles you, and irresistible.
i enjoy your writing immensely and whenever i get the email notification that you’ve posted a new work or chapter it brings a smile to my face.
that being said, could you possibly pay for my therapy after tonight? i have never cried as intensely while reading a fic, maybe while reading any written work at all, as i did while reading “beneath these boughs, my devotion blooms.”
yes i did read the tags beforehand. yes i did read both of the inspiration posts beforehand.
yes i did start crying like a little bitch when i got to the line “you took me home.” yes i kept crying like the aforementioned little bitch the rest of the way through.
i have been an avid reader of all things perexcri since september and you never fail to amaze. even when you make me sob like a baby over fantasy boyfriends who are devoted to each other (helplessly so, if you even care.)
ahhhh hello anon!! i remember your message about thaba, aftry, and irresistible!! you're always a kind presence here, so thank you for stopping by :D
i'm glad you like my writing though 🥺 that means a lot to me!!
but AHHH IM SO SORRY FOR THE TEARS T_T i will gladly contribute all twelve of my dollars to your therapy if it helps at all!! i'll also send you tissues and flowers as a consolation 💐 i want my writing to make people feel things ofc, but then i end up feeling a little bad when people say they cried because of it (though i've also been laughing maniacally at the comments i've gotten and your ask,,,that fic infected my brain so i'm glad to have spread the disease to others so i can be free 😌)
oh and the you took me home thing,,,my friend idk what happened, but the idea of home ended worming its way into that fic so hard. i usually try to have one or two motifs or images to draw on when i write a fic just to make things feel more cohesive, but idk why HOME ended up being one of those things for this fic. even weirder because i decided to make magnolia trees so important to it, and those are one of the more popular trees where i live. and i don't like where i live!! ugh so weird how we internalize these things and then they end up coming out regardless
all that aside, i am glad that you read it and seemed to enjoy it :') and that you like my writing in general!! like i already said, it means a lot to me, especially because sometimes i either get too much in my own head or i can't tell if people actually like my stuff. it's stupid, i know, but messages like yours help remind me that people are reading and they are enjoying it :]
anyway, i'm glad you read it!! thank you for being such a kind and lovely reader, and i will continue for as long as i am allowed to be a devoted writer (helplessly so,,,,,,,also if you even care 🙄)
thanks again friend 💜💜💜
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sucre-blue · 2 years
I'm so sorry you had a bad Wednesday last week :c I hope this week is better for you ♡♡ if it all helps to jumpstart some better days ahead, can you tell me what you think would happen if Law, Luffy, and Zoro would do in that one episode of spongebob where they have to babysit wormy but wormy metamorphoses overnight and now the entire ship is in mayhem? :3c
THIS WAS FROM LIKE A couple weeks ago so im so sorry i never answered it properly ahaha ;; whoever you are ty soo much youre so nice this did help :)))
ive just been so swamped with annoying school work and other things its been hard to look on the bright side all the time but im getting thru it (>o<)b!!!!
I WAS GOING TO DRAW A WHOLE COMIC bc!!!! can you imagine the chaos and also i love spongebob lmao.....but like i said im so busy rn it would have taken me a bajillion years ;; so instead i drew a fun splash page ill post later BUT u can also have my hastily written script idea aaaand some beginning sketches i worked on under da cut :)
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rough script lmao:
Luffy, looking panicked: LAW!!!!!! HAVE U SEEN WORMY???
Law: TxT …what
Lu: Well….:x usopp found a cool bug in his garden and he decided to keep him as a pet AND-
I was maybe a little bit jealous so I…borrowed…him for the day and we had so much fun together! You remember that island we visited yesterday?
Law remembers being stuck on board the ship (drew the short straw) with sanji (who tortured him with bread because robin was nice to him that morning) and nami (who started charging him for being in the same room as her, using the toilet, etc)
Law: I haven’t seen…whatever you’re talking about. Now leave me alone
Law: ...fine…
-on the deck-
Law: where did you last leave it?
Luffy: Well, I left him with zoro, since I wanted to go try and steal an after breakfast snack!
Zoro: is asleep, holding the jar
Law: isn’t that-
Zoro: what the fuck luffy?
Lu: Torao is helping me look for wormy!
Z: isn’t he right- oh.
Lu: where did he go, zoro? And who is this?
Z: What the fuck is that D:< ….
Law: It’s a butterfly-
Lu: well DUH! But what happened to wormy?
Law: it evol-
Z: Obviously there was a battle and the superior guy won! Look, that must be wormy’s remains, what a loser.
Lu: DDDDDDD: fuck usopps gonna be so mad
Law: It’s a process called metamorphosis-
Z: Wouldn’t usopp be happy to have the stronger creature as a pet?
L: well *I* would, but he seemed to really like Wormy…
Luffy thinking face.....then: LAW! Can you bring Wormy back??
L and Z: …wow ur dumb. This is literally nothing like a worm.
Law: ahskflsjs
Usopp (and Robin. for fun idc) enter, see luffy and zoro bullying law who is still trying, foolishly, valiantly, to reveal the secrets of metamorphosis to captain rubber brain and his first mate himbo (HAHAH like i said, ROUGH script. very rough ahahaha thats how i outline most of my projects tho lol)
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Help me stop lewding everything in my life please
(Cecaelia (OctoMer) Hisoka thirst I’m sorry)
(Warnings - non con, NSFW, monster fucking. Kind of like bestiality but not really (I don’t want to fuck an octopus), fucking while half-way in water. This doesn’t make any sense Im so sorry lol it’s gross)
Have you ever touched an octopus?
They’re pretty slimey, their texture can change from smooth to bumpy to ridged and back to smooth at will.
More than 250 suckers are attached to each tentacle, and instead of their brain being used to store the majority of neurons, they use their limbs to store those important connections.
Suckers are like the ultimate sensory organ - they can taste, touch, smell, and “see”.
One of their eight arms is a reproductive organ. To inseminate a female, they’ll sometimes rip it off before presenting her with the limb, for her to use whenever she decides she’s ready to settle down.
Have I said that they’re slimy? And they like to grab. Incredibly intelligent creatures, they’re able to figure out humans and like to “play” with us, through memory games and fetch, sometimes even tag.
And Hisoka would definitely like to play with you.
He’d catch you while you were out swimming in a small cove, have a bit of fun chasing you through the waves, seeing the fear on your face as you try to swim back to shore, away from the terrifying creature that he was. 
You’d stand no chance, get dragged away from the shore, his long tentacles wrapped around your body, suckers attached to every bit of bared skin.
When you figured out that he was half-man, half-octopus, you would calm down considerably, become curious and interested. And since he’s able to communicate, you’re asking him questions, so enamored by the fact that you’re talking to a Cecaelia that you don’t notice how his suckers are rhythmically moving over your flesh, dragging and sucking.
He lets you feel his tentacles, has you feel the one with a bulbous tip, and you’re so distracted by the ticklish sensation of the suckers attaching to your arm, you miss the way Hisoka licks his lips and shudders in pleasure as you unknowingly fondle his octopod reproductive organ.
But Hisoka is half-man, after all.
It isn’t long before his human cock is slipping free from it’s gummy slit, right underneath where his flesh melts into octopus skin. His lower half is underwater, so you don’t notice until Hisoka bumps against you and you feel an “extra tentacle” against your thigh. 
You laugh, before grabbing at it, squeezing as you try to pull it up and out of the water, thinking that he’s curled up a tentacle beneath you. 
The painful tugging makes Hisoka moan, pink mouth stretching open as his hands shoot to your hips, tentacles wrapping around your legs.
When you finally realize what you had just grabbed, what’s going on, why Hisoka is moaning - it’s too late.
You try to apologize and push yourself away, but Hisoka doesn’t let you move. 
You try to tell him to stop as a tentacle starts to creep under your swimsuit, but he’s not listening.
You try to scream and thrash in his hold - you would not let yourself be fucked by a mutated octopus today - but all that got you was a slimy tentacle shoved down your throat, tip teasing your gag reflex.
Trying to bite down on that only made the Cecaelia release a breathy sigh, grinding against your thigh with his human cock.
The swimsuit you wore was easily ripped to shreds, cast aside to be taken by the ocean. suckers attacked the new flesh presented to them, and when they neared your beasts you screamed.
You screamed even louder when a sucker settled over each nipple, before clamping down and pulling.
Another tentacle wormed it’s way in between your leg, his reproductive organ, the one with the bulbous tip. You kicked at it, but the Cecaelia only grinned when your foot made contact.
As the tentacle’s bulbous tip rubbed against your folds, you screamed again, hands moving from trying to pull the tentacles away from your tits, to trying to pull the tentacle away from your slit.
But more tentacles grabbed you, completely immobilizing you in the Cecaelia’s hold. 
All you could do was feel as the tentacle between your legs turned, the slimy suckers on the underside immediately latching onto your clit and your folds, sucking with such pressure and with such a rhythmic pull that you felt an orgasm rip through you immediately. 
It was like no other sensation you had ever felt before, slicker than lube, firm as plastic yet softer than human flesh. It didn’t even seem like Hisoka was trying to make you cum, but he had anyway, golden eyes trained on your face. 
Thankfully, the suckers didn’t stay attached to your clit for long - you were sure if they had, you’d have passed out cold from the stimulation. 
As soon as they detached, a rush of cold water flooded onto the heated flesh, and you gasped, trying and failing to close your legs.
Hisoka muscles his way between your thighs, his human cock quickly being pressed against your over-sensitive pussy. He groaned at the contact, hips already rocking against you, idly rubbing his cock through your folds.
The tentacle down your throat was replaced by the one with the bulbous tip, letting you emit a garbled cry while they were switching, before you were forced silent again.
Your chest was burning under the ministrations of the tentacles there, the sucking overloading your nerves.
Hisoka thrust into you while you were distracted by the limbs on your breasts, and you cried out, throat convulsing around the tentacle blocking it.
He had suckers on his cock.
The half-man moaned, voice low and shaky as his eyes rolled back into his head. You were afraid he was going to drop you beneath the waves, drown you.
But he held on, kept your lower half submerged as he rested inside of your pussy.
It was torture already - his thick cock staying completely still, yet the suckers covering it pulsing so strongly at your sensitive walls that you couldn’t help but shake through another orgasm in his hold.
That only spurred Hisoka into action, drawing out of you (the suckers detached easily... did he have control of them?) before slamming back in. He let go of your arms, which immediately grabbed at his neck, your nails digging in deep as you tried to hurt him.
Hisoka only moaned again, hips slamming into you harder and harder.
He was getting off on the pain.
The tentacle inside your mouth pulsed, and a gloopy texture leaked down your throat. You wanted to throw up, to cry.
When Hisoka came into you pussy, you cried out, the sound muffled and pathetic. HIs seed felt so hot inside of you, the water felt so cold around you.
Instead of pulling out, he stayed buried balls deep. The contrasting texture of milky, soft human skin and textured, slimy octopus skin made your own flesh cringe, the defining line between man and beast skin rubbing over your ass as waves rocked you both.
The suckers on his cock began pulsating again, and tears fell from your eyes when the sucker from your mouth finally withdrew, only to shoot down to your pussy.
With your mouth now free, you could scream and shout and cry yourself hoarse. Unfortunately, Hisoka was the only one around to hear you.
When his bulbous-tipped tentacle rubbed at your clit, you shot forward, clamping down on his shoulder hard with your teeth at the overstimulation. 
His tentacle eased inside your pussy, alongside his dick. It was slow-going, and painful, and you were crying through the whole ordeal, chewing on Hisoka’s shoulder, but the Cecealia didn’t seem to mind, instead humming and sighing in pleasure as you bloodied his flesh.
Only when his tentacle finally wormed it’s way fully inside you, then did Hisoka still his movements.
The suckers were still pulling at you, your nipples, your clit, the insides of your messy, stretched pussy. It felt like heaven and hell, but you couldn’t move either way.
Octopus can take up to four hours to mate.
It had only been a few minutes.
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zontiky · 5 years
Okay but au where they're not all related and five is a mysterious orphan Diego keeps running into at odd hours of the night and then him just being like "fuck it he's like 13 he can't be out alone at night" and then just takes him home like a godamn stray and five is THRIVING under the positive attention he never had I beg of you please feed my soul. Also sorry if this doesn't make sense I've had 2 hours of sleep and like 8 coffees today
i think i’ve read a fic similar to this but FUCK YEAH let’s do this (sorry im so late btw i havent been feeling bullet points lately fksjdfks) ALSO HEY OP PLEASE DON’T DIE I HOPE YOU’RE OK??? 
so diego is still a cop and he’s patrolling or doing whatever it is that cops do, and then he sees a kid sitting in an alley
obviously he pulls over like “hey kid you okay?” and the kid is like “shut up go away bootlicker” and diego is instantly “okay then come on im taking you to get food”
the kid doesn’t want to go but at the same time diego can tell he knows that there’s really no better options. this child looks hungry
so the kid and diego go to griddy’s and the kid says his name is five when asked
“that’s not a name”
“is too”
diego+fam have a long history of trauma and reginald called them by number which was their birth order or something? idk OH SHIT WAIT YOU SAID NOT ALL RELATED OK OK COOL SO
luther is a mechanic who diego knows because he’s the dude who’s often the one repairing his car, they’re on pretty good terms and go out for coffee sometimes because luther hates alcohol and diego’s body is a temple so he doesn’t drink
diego is diego he’s a cop but he’s highkey broke and i really don’t know how much cops get paid? hm
ok google says from 34.6k - 89.4k a year and numbers mean nothing to me so lets say he’s just a gremlin who lives in a boiler room because it’s efficient
OR he’s still dating eudora and lives with her
you know what that’s probably the better option i’m gonna go with that. they don’t have as much childhood trauma even though none of the “siblings” come from exactly good homes? but none of them were raised by reggie mcfuckface so it’s less like,,, bad even though they’re all fucked up
ok ok so luther is a mechanic who uses his super strength and endurance to just fucking carry cars around his garage and i know NOTHING about mechanics as a profession but but but luther is good at what he does
diego is a cop who lives with eudora and throws knives like a boss. he also throws tennis balls really hard because stabbing people on duty isn’t advised
you know what? i’m gonna say allison ISNT a movie star, shes a smaller actress with minor roles here and there because she’s a mom and spends time with claire. she doesn’t use her rumor as much because honestly she doesn’t see a reason to? like sometimes she’ll go “i heard a rumor you gave me a free shot of coffee” and like,,, that’s it shfskd
her and patrick are still divorced but that’s because they did it the healthy way. they knew they were drifting apart but instead of rumoring him they broke it off mutually and they still meet up for coffee. they’re friends ok. claire loves her parents
klaus! klaus has problems but because im a soft bitch dave is here in 2019. he’s… also a mechanic…. they all know eachother but dave knows luther and diego pretty well. luther via work and diego via luther
yes klaus! so klaus has a history of drugs and addiction, because while he wasn’t shoved into a mausoleum ghosts screaming at you all the fucking time doesn’t help with staying sober
but because he has a support network he can fall back on he’s doing well, he’s a barista in a coffee shop that allison and patrick & diego and luther frequent
shoutout to klaus
five is an orphan he’s 13 and small and kind of a genius? fuck what if as a kid five accidentally time-traveled to 2019 and thaT’S HOW HE BECAME AN ORPHAN 
galaxy brain
so five is this kid in the wrong time living on the streets not knowing how things work
i mean he does obviously because he catches on quick and he’s smart but really he doesn’t know how some shit works ok. he’s clueless when it comes to technology and pop culture and shit
ben!! ben is alive!! he’s a part time writer and a full time librarian!! he knows klaus because during his homeless days klaus stuck around the library because free bathrooms and also reading to take his mind off the ghosts. they become really close and ben gets klaus to move in with him and then he’s trying to get sober and then ben’s car crashes and that’s how they meet luther and dave OHHHH
additionally: klaus illustrates some of ben’s books because he knows how to draw yay
vanya! she’s first chair in the orchestra and she’s dating helen cho because i say so
so vanya kicks ass at violin, she’s being gay teaching lessons all that good shit what more is there to say
harold isn’t here because there was never an umbrella academy
hmmm back to the,,, actual plot,,, im sorry sksfhdjsk
AND HE’S LIKE “oh no this child is awakening my paternal instincts oh no i have to take him home with me now”
eudora opening the door to see her husband boyfriend with an angry looking teenager at his side: dear god what did you do this time
eudora instantly bonds with five and i mean INSTANTLY like she lays eyes on him and goes “child?? small?? looks lonely?? must protect” and five looks at her like “badass looking lady she probably knows what shes doing might as well ask for info and stuff” but hes actually thinking “oh dang she looks like she knows what she’s doing RESPECT” and yeah ksdjhsdkf
then five expects them to be mean or just get tired of him and kick him out but?? they dont??? wack
diego is instantly like “kid where do you live”
“you live somewhere right???”
they find out he’s legally dead and thats another can of worms entirely
so they register and foster five
diego and eudora are registered foster parents you cannot change my mind alright
then five is introduced to luther and dave, and also ben and klaus because theyre hanging around the shop bc it’s their off day
so five instantly has 4 more people giving him instant love and validation and he’s like “woah”
claire too,, claire immediately adopts five as her older brother
this entire time five is like “i can’t stay im gonna leave soon you all know this right” and eveybody is “yep ok sure” but they all know hes gonna stay
five beats everybody at scrabble
diego beats everybody at darts, even though everybody calls him out for cheating
vanya beats everybody at musical chairs. she levitates the chairs so nobody can sit down
luther beats everybody at outdoor games. do not play tag with this man you might not make it out alive
allison is the QUEEN of blurt! 
ben is so good at charades it’s unfair
klaus honestly sucks at board games, but he always wins uno and nobody knows how (its the ghosts skfhsdkf)
five is so confused because its obvious all of them are cheating but??? nobody cares?? what
“it’s because it’s fun nobody is actually upset”
so they have to explain to him that they dont play to win they play to have fun and its just a fun thing they do to spend time together and bond
five: mind blown
five gets exposed to modern culture!! klaus and ben teach him memes is what i’m saying 
five goes to school!!! he makes friends!!!! they have nice sleepovers and diego and eudora make them cookies :’)
i want to say. okay so.
reginald exists and he had made grace eariler as preparation for the children he was going to adopt, but he died before he could buy any babies
so grace exists! and!! she knows the “siblings”!!!
so five has a grandma because im not going to lie grace is basically all of their’s mom
she lives in the mansion but she can go outside and DO THINGS and she makes them COOKIES and she LOVES HER KIDS and GRANDKIDS and five ADORES her ok
basically five is happy with his pseudo family that’s it thank you for your time
wait no actually he figures out how to time travel safely and he does go back and forth
sometimes he pops in and he’s like “hey we ran out of milk” and then a second later he’s like “for the love of god wait until tomorrow to get milk dont ask why you dont wanna know” and its obvious that he came back from the future and HHHHHH YES
the commission can’t do shit because found family love is simply too strong
hazel and agnes are the nice couple who run griddys and birdwatch
five is fond of them too honestly like he just loves going to griddys because it has so many happy memories for him and its where he met diego (sorta) and also yay hazel and agnes!!
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Part of your world - Harry Hook x reader - Part 15 - talk
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a rewrite of the harry hook x reader that @bluediamondsevie wrote for me
summary: a who doesn’t love the Disney World, well, (y/n) especially loves descendants, and one day, as she dances in her kitchen getting ready to head out. 17-year-old (y/n) becomes part of that world, now a certain blue-eyed pirate meets the girl from a world where he is a fictional character and he has an actor named Thomas Doherty.
 h/c- hair color
 e/c- eye color
 h/l- hair length
 s/c- skin color
 y/n- your name
 your stuff
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You were glad to get that off your shoulders, the relief of knowing you no longer had to ignore Harry was exhilarating. Now you sat at one of the tables, waiting for Harry to return, Uma stalked around the shop, taking and dropping off orders.
You sighed and dug through your bag, withdrawing your sketchpad and pencil, opening to a blank page.  You sat for a moment, not knowing what to draw before inspiration hit you, and you began to draw.
10 minutes later, a pretty goddamn good looking sketch of Harry was on your page, from his diamond cut jawline to his soft fluffy hair, it was Harry.
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Specifically, it was Harry from a week ago, when you, Uma, Gil, and Harry were chilling on the deck of the revenge, and Harry had laughed at one of Gils jokes, and you had locked the memory of his face in your brain (as you have done many times) and now you had sketched it out. It was one of the few times you saw the true harry, not harry hook, son of captain. Without the eyeliner and hook, he was just a 17-year-old boy who was kind and loving to the people he cared about. But to others, he was a psychopathic, bloodthirsty, and uncaring.
But he wasn’t like that, not really.
He was the boy you loved, you would never leave his side, not if you could do anything about it.
--- Mal pov---
“okay! Okay, so what are we gonna do?” Jay asked, silencing Evie and Carlos, all three looked at me, and I rolled my eyes.
“we!” I spoke, stalking over to them and grabbing my bag “are not doing anything, this is between Uma and me, and shes a punk and guess what?! Now I have to go and get him!!”
Carlos quickly tried to stop me, holding his hands in front of him “woah woah woah, you’re still going to have to go through harry hook and his wharf rats”
“Yeah,” jay jumped in “besides, in the short time we've been here, I've heard Umas got a new crew member that took down Hook, you’re gonna need us”
I rolled my eyes, Hook wasn’t that hard to take down,…I hoped, he was one of the few Villains that scared me.
“Uma said to come alone”
“Mal come on.” Evie pleaded, I just made a face and shrugged, Carlos sighed and made his final statement
“Uma said to come alone. I know one thing, I’m not going anywhere” Carlos flopped onto the couch, looking up at the three of us. Jay sighed and said; “we’ll be here when you get back.”
I just nodded and started to walk out.
I arrived at the chip shop and slammed open the doors, seeing shrimpy tossing orders to her patrons, not caring if they were correct or not.
I smirked when she looked up and locked eyes with her, I sang out; “im back~” shrimpy scoffed, and gestures to an empty table
“loser party of one, right this way, please” as I walk forward Shrimpy shoves a chair at me, I fumbled to catch it and she laughed cruelly.
I sit and look around, it still stunk like old fish and shit.
“place still stinks”
Shrimpy made a face of innocence “oh im sorry, we were down a butler today…princess” I glared, hating the name.
“where is he?” shrimpy only laughed and tossed her apron onto the floor, grinning at me.
“you know I've dreamed of this? You wanting something from me, and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook~”
“im so flattered that you dream of me, I haven’t given you thought since I left”
Shrimpy growled and slammed her hands on the table, but I wasn’t paying attention anymore, my sights had locked onto a girl.
A girl with (h/c) (short/long) hair, and (s/c) skin, she turned slightly to look at shrimpy, and I recognized her as the girl I saw on the rooftops earlier today.
‘Oh, so shes apart of shrimpy’s crew’ Mal thought, turning back to shrimpy, hiking her hand on the table, prepared to not lose ben to the sea bitch ‘that makes it easier’
Fuck! Shrimpy wanted the wand in exchange for Ben, shit.
“there's no way we can give Uma the wand, we can't just let her destroy Auradon!!” Evie forced out, panicking over the situation.
“if we don’t give her the wand bens toast” Carlos ground out, Evie just waved her hands around still panicking “great! So we're just gonna give Uma of all people the wand!” a thought came to my head, Carlos’ printer!!
“wait, you guys!! Your 3D printer!”
Carlos’ eyes brightened and he smiled “ a phony wand” “yeah!” “im my sleep!” Evie stopped us with logic “but the second Uma tests it, she’ll know it’s a fake”
“then we’ll just get Ben out really fast we’ll need some kind of diversion” the four of us Sat for a second before Jay jumped in “smoke bombs” I grinned and pointed at him, Evie jumps at the idea “that’s perfect! I’ll get the chemicals we need at lady Tremaine’s place, that could work!”
Evie walked over to me and complimented my hair, I gushed that Dizzy did it and Evie squealed, but the boys brought us back down to earth.
“Oh, one more thing!!” Evie, Carlos, and Jay stopped, looking at me in confusion.
“remember the girl the FG wanted us to find?” they all nodded, clearly remembering the picture of the (h/c), (e/c) girl.
“shes apart of Uma’s crew, when the smoke bombs go off, who ever’s closest to her, grabs her.”
They nodded.
“we’re sending her back home, no matter the cost”
--- back to you---
You were finishing another sketch of Harry, though this time Uma and Gil were apart of the sketch. It was a sketch from a week ago, just like your last sketch, but this was when you were sitting across from the trio and the sight of them being normal teenagers instead of vk striving to escape their hell hole had burned into your memory.
As you finished the details of Harry's hair, you felt a presence behind you. Glancing behind, it was one of Gils brothers…the one you first encountered on your arrival to the isle.
He smirked cruelly and tore the sketchbook away from you, you growled and tried to grab it but he held it above you, laughing.
“come on girly~ don’t you want your book back?!” you snarled, jumping trying to snatch it, when the oaf grabbed your waist and pressed you against his chest, making him smirk at the squish of your chest.
“let me go you fuckin cunt”
“oh such a dirty mouth, don’t worry, I know how to clean it~” you paled at his remark, as he glanced down at his crotch, and then at your mouth. Disgusting.
“tell ya what, if you do a little something for me, I’ll give you back your book, if you know what I mean”
You quickly tried to wriggle away, but his grip held tight, and he cackled but stopped when a hook was pressed against his neck.
You sighed in relief, Harry was here.
“I suggest ye put the lass down ye Gypit Hoor” Gaston jr gulped and released you, but he still had your sketchbook and Harry noticed, he gripped the wrist holding the book and twisted it, Gaston gasped and released the book, it fell to the floor. You rushed to grab it and shuffled behind Harry.
Harry growled in Gaston jr’s ear and whispered something. He paled and nodded, Harry huffed and released him, Gaston took the opportunity and bolted.
You sighed and flipped open the book, checking for damage. Luckily only a corner of the cover was scuffed.
Looking up you saw Harry gently gazing at you, you could see the question in his soft ocean blue eyes.
‘are you okay?’
You smiled and nodded. He smiled back and tilted his head, raising his eyebrow.
“Now lass, ye said ye wanted to talk?” you nodded, but reached out and tugged at his jacket nodding towards the door.
“yes, but in private, its important that this is only for your ears”
Harry's eyes widened and he nodded, following you out the door and to the ship, as you walked side by side, you didn’t notice Harry glance at your free hand, he bit his lip, wondering how you would react.
Fuck it.
Shyly reaching out, he brushed his fingers with yours, you jumped slightly, and with that he retracted, his face pink.
You glanced at his face, seeing his embarrassment, he-he wanted to hold your hand?
…fuck why is he so cute!...
Knowing he lost his nerve to do it again, you reached out and curled your pinkie around his.
Harry turned red, only thinking ‘holy shit holy shit holy shit, im holding (y/n)s hand holy shit’
Soon you arrived at the ship, but even when you entered your room, Harry didn’t release your hand. Continuing to lock his fingers with yours.
“sooo” Harry mumbled, curious on what you wanted to tell him “what did ye want to tell meh?”
You froze, oh right…tell him who you really were.
You sighed, releasing his hand and taking a deep breath.
You looked up at Harry, who was staring at you in confusion and concern.
“what I am about to tell you is not to leave this room, understood, this is a secret between you and me.” Harry nodded, and his eyes turned serious.
You internally smiled, glad to have his support back. Now, to tell him. Just let it out in one go.
“I’m not from the Isle” Harry made a face, what?
“im, not an Auradon runaway either” Harry swallowed harshly. What was going on? Did-did you lie to him the entire time he knew you?!
“im from a different dimension where you are a character from a movie called Descendants 2”
Harry only stared at you, you lied to him? Pain started to seep from his chest “wha’- wha’ about yer ma? The one ye told meh ye escaped from?”
“im sorry but I lied to you about that, I didn’t know how you react to suddenly meeting a girl from a different dimension?! Tell me to harry what would you have done if I immediately told you who I really was?”
Harry's pain decreased, dear god what would he have done? Meeting a girl who knew the ins and outs of this world?
“i-I would have takin’ ye hostage and forced the information out’ve ye”
You nodded hurt by knowing that Harry would have hurt you just to get information about his world, to rule over it.
“s-s, but how do I know ye are telling the truth, for I know ye are just pulling me leg?” you were prepared for this, fishing your phone from your pocket, you unlocked it and opened the page from earlier. “Thomas Doherty”
You handed the phone to harry and his eyes widened at the identical boy on the screen, he saw beneath the picture was a description.
“Harry Hook played by Thomas Doherty”
He quickly pressed the images tab, seeing multiple pictures of the actor who looked exactly like him, before stopping at a picture, one of Him Uma and Gil, all standing on the stage, Uma and Gil grinning at each other, he himself was glaring at Gil.
“wh-where are ye?” you sighed, shoulders slumping, “im not there because im not supposed to be, im technically supposed to standing in front of you right now actually”
Harry nodded slowly, glancing back down at your phone. He sighed walking forward and bumping his forehead on yours, making you slump in relief and you fell into his side.
“I understand lass, but” you drew back slightly looking up at his face, confusion, and pain set on it.
“why did ye ignore me?”
Releasing a shaky breath you slowly revealed what happened, though some reasoning was changed.
“I told Uma bout me being from another world, and” “wait Uma knows?” “yes, I told her yesterday.” “alright continue”
“anyway, and I realized something, you and I had become really close, and I thought that if I left this world, you would be hurt by it, and so to spare you the pain of that, I started to ignore you. But Uma kinda cornered me and told me something that changed my mind, and now…here we are.”
Harry nodded, before seeming to think something over.
“(y/n)?” you hummed, looking into his eyes “what do ye mean ‘if ye leave this world’ ?” you sighed and hugged yourself, “there's a chance that Im forced back into my world”
Harry growled, like hell that would happen, he just got you back!!
“but” Harry stopped, what? “I won't leave your side, not if there's anything I can do about it.”
Harry nodded and seemed to ponder over something for a minute. Before holding out a fist, his pinkie finger extended. And he spoke in a slightly broken voice
“ye promise?” you didn’t hesitate, threading your pikie with his, smiling at him, determination in your eyes
“I promise”
As you both stood there, you saw Harry's eyes flash towards your lips, your eyes widened slightly, what?
Harry began to lean in slightly, you ignored the condescending voice in your head, leaning in as well, but before anything really happened, the door slammed open, and there stood Uma, a proud grin on her face.
“come on you two, we gotta go over the specifics of the plan for tomorrow with the crew”
She turned and made her way back to the deck. You and Harry stood there for a moment, faces red, before Harry broke away from you, walking to the door, you stared sadly at his back, thinking you had gone back after the awkward moment just then, before he stopped and looked back at you, extending his hand, and smiling softly.
“Shall I escort ye me lady~” you giggled and grasped his hand letting him lead.
“you shall~”
Dear god, you hope you never had to leave this handsome pirates side~
 ---end of part 15---
Comment or message me for part 16
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itsshortfurball20 · 5 years
Percy Jackson, The Avenger
Summary: Percy has an encounter with Nick Fury. A year later, he’s being called on to help protect the world… again. He’s not alone in this Avengers Initiative. A genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist; a super soldier; a green scientist; a Norse god; and two secret agents. What could go wrong? 
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This chapter has 2, 389 words
3 – American Idols and Pirates
“So not only did you think it was a good idea to idea to promise to fight for a secret organization, even though they had just threatened to keep you locked up if you didn’t agree to their terms, but you hid it from me? For a year?”
“Well when you put it like that…”
Percy had told the entire story to his mom and Annabeth, with his mom interrupting and asking questions. After finishing, Sally gave him a hug and told him that she understood that saving the world came first before leaving to intercept Paul who had walked back in, leading him into the kitchen. That left a very nervous Percy and an angered Annabeth in the living room.
It was only after Percy’s mom had left did Annabeth start chewing him out. He hated being yelled at by his girlfriend, but her anger was justified. Percy tried to hold his ground under Annabeth’s piercing glare, but eventually, he folded.
“’When I put it like that’,” she repeated, not fully believing her boyfriend. “How were you putting it then? Were you putting it as the thing you didn’t want to tell Annabeth about because it’s not like she wouldn’t help.”
“It wasn’t like that—” Percy tried to tell her, but Annabeth was nowhere near done.
“Percy, something like this isn’t something you should keep to yourself.”
“I know that, but—”
“But what?” Annabeth had her arms crossed. “What reason did you have that you couldn’t tell me about this.”
The son of Poseidon looked down at the ground, scuffing his shoe against the floor. “You were happy.”
Annabeth paused, mouth mid-open. She closed it, before asking, “What?”
Percy looked up at her. “You were happy. Simple as that. Back at college, in New Rome, you’re happy. You love it there, and it’s because you don’t worry about fighting anymore. And after everything we’ve been through—the Titan war, Gaea, Tartarus—you deserve a little peace and happiness.” Percy grabbed her hands, gently holding them. “And before you even ask, you’re not coming.”
Annabeth let out a noise of protest. “Percy, you can’t decide that for me.”
“Wise girl, please.” Percy pulled out his baby seal eyes. “This isn’t a request. I don’t know what I’m up against here, but I would feel better knowing that you’re here with my mom and Paul. Help watch over Estelle.”
“Percy, you can’t expect me to sit here while you're out there doing gods knows what.” She pulled her hands from Percy’s and crossed her arms. “I’m coming.”
“No,” Percy said with a tone of finality. He could see Annabeth wasn’t going to let this go any time soon and would eventually worm her way into coming if this continued on. “Another reason I didn’t tell you about SHIELD was because I knew you’d want to get involved in some way. I don’t know a lot about these people, but I know they’re just not the type to let anyone walk away. Just look at me, I owe them a favor and it doesn’t take a genius to realize that this isn’t going to end here.”
The dark-haired demigod watched the gears turn in his girlfriend’s brain, analyzing the situation before them. She huffed, pushing her curly blonde hair behind her ear. “You know, sometimes I’m surprised you managed to graduate from kindergarten.”
“I have an associate degree in marine biology if you want to see.”
Annabeth didn’t smile, just wrapped Percy in a big hug. “I don’t like this,” she whispered.
“I didn’t expect you too.”
“I can’t believe you’re actually going.”
Percy’s arms tightened, drawing her in closer. “I don’t have a choice.”
“This has to be one of your worst ideas. And there’s a lot to pick from,” she teased.
The son of Poseidon smiled, starting with a small grin before chuckling. “Yeah, I guess I deserve that.” He watched as Annabeth’s eyes drifted towards the packet on the table.
“I wonder what can make a government agency so scared that they feel the need to contact you.” Annabeth mused. She looked back up at Percy, like he might know the answer.
“Whatever it is, it’s nothing good.”
The next morning, Percy felt the dread in his stomach build. He had packed the night before, thinking he’d need to leave right away, but to his surprise found, after flicking through the packet, that the meeting time was 10 the next morning.
Percy had a duffel bag packed with all the essentials; clothes, armor, toiletries, and duct tape. He didn’t have to check to know that Riptide was in his pocket. His hand slipped into his pocket and started to fiddle with the pen, the familiar gesture calming him down some. He glanced over at Annabeth while his mom went over the list one last time.
“You have extra clothes?”
“Drachmas to IM us?”
“In my wallet.”
“Mom,” Percy stopped her from continuing. “I’m good. It’ll only be a couple days. Hopefully.” Sally didn’t look impressed. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, promise.” Percy gave his mom a hug, who embraced it.
“Please be careful,” she asked him. Sally let go of him, getting one good last look at his face before letting Paul say goodbye.
“Hey, Paul, take care,” Percy told him, giving him a hug. Paul gave him a pat on the back, before letting go.
“I should be saying that to you. Come back,” Paul said before leaving him and Annabeth to say their goodbyes.
The air was tense, the two still reeling from their little argument. “I want regular updates,” Annabeth ordered. “And don’t do anything stupid. I prefer my boyfriend to be alive.”
Percy nodded. “Got it,” He paused for a second, wondering if he could kiss her goodbye. Taking a step, he gave her a quick kiss, pulling away before Annabeth could fully realize what was happening. “Love you,” he told her. “And I’m sorry.”
“I know,” Annabeth said. “Come back soon.”
Percy looked at his family, minus Estelle who was still sleeping this early in the morning. With a final wave, he picked up his duffel bag and head for the door.
As soon as the door closed behind him, his shoulders slumped. He hadn’t gotten much sleep last night. There had been too much tossing and turning and worries plaguing his mind to get any sleep. A couple of seconds passed before Percy took a deep breath and pushed himself off the wall. He headed towards the elevator, where he would take a taxi over to Montauk.
Then he would swim to the strange coordinates that led to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
Percy’s waterproof watch showed that the time was 10:06 by the time he arrived at the coordinates. His head poked above the water, having already seen the hulking ship from under the water. It was just as impressive above.
Huge propellers, four of them, sat in the water unmoving. Percy thought it was a little strange how, above water, there was almost nothing until he noticed a plane land. He realized that it was a runway as he saw other planes up there.
The demigod also noticed people running around. Figuring that this was his destination, he propelled himself forward with the water currents. The water carried him clear to the ship. At the edge, Percy willed the water to lift him up and plop him on the deck.
Not many people took notice of the twenty-year-old as he looked around. The only person who looked at him was a red-headed woman, who didn’t seem all that surprised to see the man appear from the water. Or if she did, she hid it well.
The woman strolled over to where Percy was watching the crew run around, preparing the ship for takeoff. Standing behind him, she spooked the demigod when she spoke. “You’re late.”
Percy spun around, one hand going for his pocket before realizing that there was no threat. The woman raised her eyebrow. Percy felt as he was on display as the woman briefly scanned him. Remembering what the woman had said, the demigod gave a sheepish smile. “Yeah, sorry about that. I didn’t want to come.”
The woman said nothing, instead turning around and walking away. “Follow me,” she called behind. Percy picked up his duffel bag and headed after her. “I’m going to introduce you to the rest of the team.”
They walked toward a plane that had just landed. The ramp was lowering. Two men walked out, the first one Percy recognized as the same agent who had shown up at his house, Agent Coulson. The second man looked familiar, but Percy couldn’t place it. He looked like he the perfect American Idol—neat blond hair, button-down shirt, and a leather jacket.
“Ah, Percy,” Agent Coulson greeted. “This is Agent Romanoff,” he gestured to the red-headed woman. “And this is Captain Steve Rogers.”
“Hi,” Percy gave a small wave to the newly introduced people. The Captain gave a wave back, looking from him to Coulson confusedly. Agent Romanoff ignored Percy’s wave.
“They need you on the bridge. They’re starting the face-trace.” She told Coulson.
“See you there.”
Coulson walked off, leaving the three by themselves. Agent Romanoff wandered off, leaving Captain Rogers and Percy to follow behind (again).
“It was quite the buzz around here, finding you in the ice.” The agent spoke to Steve. “I thought Coulson was gonna swoon. Did he ask you to sign his Captain America trading cards yet?”
“Trading cards?” Captain Rogers asked.
“Captain America?” Percy asked at the same time.
The two looked at one another. Captain Rogers held up his hand. “Please, just Steve.” He turned back to Agent Romanoff. “And what trading cards?”
“They’re vintage, he’s very proud.”
Percy saw a man spinning around in circles, trying not to bump into the workers crowding the area. Steve noticed him too, calling out, “Dr. Banner.” The man turned, noticing them. Looking grateful, he walked over to their small-but-growing group. Steve and Dr. Banner shook hands.
“Oh, yeah. Hi. They told me you’d be coming.” Dr. Banner glanced Steve over. His eyes then shifted over to Percy. “And you must be the demigod.”
“Uh, yeah,” Percy said. “Name’s Percy.” He held out his hand for the older man to shake. The demigod was slowly realizing that he should’ve read the packet a little more before coming because he knew little about the people who surrounded him were, but they clearly knew about him.
“Word is you can find the cube,” Steve said, helping break the awkward silence that had been beginning to fall.
Banner looked nervous. “Is that the only word on me?”
“Only word I care about.”
“Hang on, what cube?”
Three sets of eyes turned to him. “Did you read the packet?” Steve asked him.
“I skimmed it,” Percy admitted. “Reading isn’t my strong suit.”
“We can talk about it later.” Agent Romanoff stepped forward. “Gentlemen, you may wanna step inside in a minute. It’s gonna get a little hard to breathe.”
The ship started to creak and beep as various parts started moving, preparing the ship to get ready. Steve looked around, something akin to amazement on his face. “Is this a submarine?”
“Really?” Banner asked. “They want me in a submerged pressurized metal container?”
Percy, Steve, and Banner stepped closer to the edge to see the four propellers started to spin, sending the water flying. The three of them seemed to realize at the same time that this wasn’t a submarine, but a plane.
Banner smiled, although it was pained. “Oh, no. This is much worse.”
“Much worse indeed,” Percy agreed, thinking of his uncle who wouldn’t hesitate to blast them out of the sky.
The plane rose higher into the sky. People started heading indoors, leaving the top deck clear. The four of them followed suit, following Agent Romanoff as she lead them through a series of hallways that eventually led to a door that opened as soon as they got close.
Percy fought to keep his mouth from dropping to the floor in shock. They stood in a large room, filled with agents manning computers as they lifted the plane higher into the sky. Percy watched out the windows as the sea grew farther and farther and the clouds closer. His stomach twisted slightly, and he turned away.
“Let’s vanish.”
Percy turned towards the familiar voice. He found Fury standing above the rest of the agents, two consoles on either side of him, displaying a bunch of information that Percy wouldn’t understand half of. The man turned around and walked towards them. “Gentlemen,” he addressed.
“Pirate-man,” Percy said back. Fury glanced at him before being handed ten dollars by Steve. He pocketed the money then held out his hand for Dr. Banner to shake. Percy could see Banner hesitate before accepting the other man’s hand.
“Doctor, thank you for coming.”
“Thanks for asking so nicely.” Banner replied. “So, uh… how long am I staying?”
“Once we get our hands on the Tesseract, you’re in the wind.”
“Where are you with that?” The two wandered off, leaving Percy by himself.
Several hours had passed since they had taken off. An agent had shown him to his room, where he dropped off his duffel and made a quick IM to Annabeth, updating her on the situation. After a while, Percy ventured back to what seemed to be the main area. He had read a little more of the packet and could understand more of what was going on.
Steve and Coulson stood to the side, talking back and forth. Percy let them be. He sat at the table, just spinning the chair around in circles. Around them, people were trying to run a face-match on the evil-guy, Loki.
One of the computers started beeping, signaling a match. Everyone ran towards the computer. Percy caught a look over everyone’s shoulders. A picture of a tall man with slicked-back black hair was shown.
“We got a hit.” The agent called out. “Sixty-seven percent match. Wait, cross match, seventy-nine percent.”
“Location?” Coulson asked.
“Stuttgart, Germany. 28, Konigstrasse. He's not exactly hiding.”
Fury nodded, before turning to Steve and Percy. “Captain, Mr. Jackson, you're up.”
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jcmorgenstern · 5 years
[slides onto ur bed with a rose between my teeth] so...tell me more about this consensual jon/clace stuff
[slides into the silky sheets of a readmore] hello anon 🌹
aghsdfkjgg ok first off i just gotta know: are you “let a bitch know” anon because im still grateful to you for validating my ass enough that i could write the jon/seb thing. if you are: bless you. if you are not: bless you too.
ok im gonna be real with ya this fic is just. a. whole lot of pwp bullshit. all my personal wants and needs in one big dubious bucket of worms. dark bond bullshit taken up to 11. totally illogical garbage wrapped with a big red bow. did i mention pegging? it’s a hot greasy stage light mess.
basically: jonathan doesn’t really have any grand plans, is kind of a mess, doesn’t actually run away with a stab wound to the leg, jace or luke tackles him and they drag his ratty ass back to the institute. he takes this badly.  actually he bites and screams. you know. the usual. meanwhile clary and jace r horny af and want to have “yayyyy we’re back from the dead!” sex but there’s kind of that mood-killing “jonathan can feel everything i do” elephant in the room. and then clary’s like “wait i got it what if we break him out of his cell to fuck him” and jace is like “great idea i love u babe” so they do exactly that because they have approximately 3 brain cells between the two of them. jace fucks jonathan for clary. shame is involved. clary doms. did i mention pegging? there’s a lot of horrible fanfic dialogue. i consider blocking myself daily.
i honestly don’t even know if it’s serious because that summary is whack but here’s a few excerpts so yall can decide: (sorry in advance)
As if he’d rehearsed his role a thousand times, Jace sidled up behind him, gripping both of Jonathan’s forearms and pulling him in close. Jonathan refused to look, mouth still set into a thin line, but she could see him glance back out of the corner of his eyes, just a little. Jace leaned in close and Clary could almost feel his breath hot on the shell of her ear. His voice was low and silky smooth when he said, “Now, are you ready to behave yourself for us?”
Clary watched, satisfied, as Jace fumbled one-handedly with [Jonathan’s] belt, unzipping his jeans. Jonathan wasn’t meeting her eyes—couldn’t—as Jace decided to draw out the torture some more, rubbing long lines over the centerline of Jonathan’s abs down to his open fly. Jonathan squirmed some more, a flush creeping over his exaggerated cheekbones, his breathing quick and shallow. Another roll of Jace’s hips and Clary could have sworn Jonathan made a strangled sound.
“Come on,” Jace said, and his voice was beginning to sound a little tight. “Make some noise for her. Pretty boy like you should moan a little for his only sister.”
Jonathan’s cheeks were flushed a beautiful shade of red, his teeth grit. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re intolerably obnoxious?”
Jace grinned. Silently Clary willed him not to, but he did. “Yeah. Your mom, actually.”
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croakings · 6 years
tags masterpost
someone asked me to do this and whoever u are im coming 4 u but here u go
* about--- tags i relate to similar: oh worm, worm, me, literally me, god me, me rn, same, relatable, mood, big mood, that’s a mood, yeah/ yup, me 2, me 2 buddy, hard same, god same, aesthetic, story of my life, who took this picture of me in my private home, picrew, how im tryna be, word, so true bestie <3, tbh, writing, drawing
* rip--- negative tag similar: lmao, the struggle, mental illness, ah., yeah., god, god., this is irrelevant, tw, alas
* the happening--- stuff about tumblr’s new “nsfw” ban, or whatever related: hellwebsite, tumblr, i hate this place, i hate this website, i hate this fuckin family, stop, no, tunglr.hell, tunglr dot hell, i hate it here, i fcuking hate it here, everything happens so much
* the end of times--- bad stuff happening in the world related: fuck that guy (trump), its guillotine time babey (eat the rich), good (sometimes good news), usa tag, texas, chicano tag, opinion on main, dear cia this is a joke, psa, political bullshit, what the fuck, yikes, jfc, the discourse, 9_9, politics, the protest, reagan hate blog, uspol, coronavirus, donations, that other thing i always yell about (american schoool system) , cannot emphasize enough how much i hate it here, new tags for individual debate and election cycles
* rekt--- someone got owned similar: get rekt, obliterated, absolutely obliterated, its what she deserves
* ha--- i laughed related: pft, i snorted, i snorted i’m/im sorry, legendary, im crying, holy shit, oh my god, iconic, truly
* i am in love--- something i liked a lot related: i love, clothes, jewelry, makeup, beauty tips, favorite, tunes, want, need, pls/please, goals, ideal, the fires of my jealousy cannot be contained, dance, nice, actual art, good lines, i love him, cool, tattoos, god i wish that were me, a friend
* fun fact--- a fact i thought was fun similar: history, science/science!, science?, useful, adult tag, that thing i always yell about, academic bugfuckery, mythology, folklore, greek mythology, how to, language, languages, tech, plants
* reference--- a general reference for something related: writing, writing reference, art reference
* cute--- something cute related: this is cute, dogs, cats, baby, birb, bun, pretty, flowers, shaped like a friend!!!!! (animals in general), pets, under the sea, a friend, my heart
* story time--- a story similar: kids, that thing i always yell about (yet again), this isn’t a story but i feel like it is, tell me a story, people, poetry, my writing, lines of a form fashioned
* amazing--- usually a meme this is a pure wholesome meme (bongo cat), why did fireflies become a meme, tbh, 2 tru, tru, art, cursed, kill me, ominous bullshit, i, the absurd, thank god, i love this meme, i love this post, i think about this post all the time, legendary, incredible, if i had to see this so do you, cursed, bless, ? , today (for all the daily/calendar-specific memes)
* fandom stuff (etc.): somebody once told me--- smashmouth/shrek related rollin around at the speed of sound--- sonic hey gamers--- stuff about video games in general, but mostly nintendo stuff reel talk--- movies disney--- disney stuff no capes--- super heroes venom 2018--- stuff about venom, 2018 undertale--- u get it probably lmao. deltarune lives here also poyo--- kirby! i love hozier honestly--- hozier’s shenanigans ghibli--- ghibli stuff books--- books billiam spearmint-- the works of shakespear, or something pjo--- percy jackson and related series night in the woods spop--- she ra tdp--- the dragon prince dp--- danny phantom atla--- avatar the last airbender, and the few korra things that don’t fill me with boundless rage war of stars--- star wars hp--- harry potter (now a hate tag) loz--- zelda (perpetually in my brain rent free)(mostly moved to @zelda-posting!) su--- steven universe spange--- spongebob gravity falls megamind over the garden wall alien meme--- anything about or in the spirit of the “what if humans were the space orcs” universe, ft stabby the roomba an idiot sandwich--- gordon ramsey currently in love with this stupid video--- bill wurtz childhood/ i love this show--- mostly cartoon stuff, may contain other things (edit: now there is a separate “cartoons” tag as well, for more recent stuff) dragons--- stuff about dragons rip vine--- vine compilations animation hollow knight twilight—- twilight, but i’ve never really watched the movies or read the books, so it’s just memes owl house 500 miles--- into the spiderverse kipo anime man bdg--- brian david gilbert unsolved--- shane and ryan my king arthur hate continues--- anything about king aruthur and also bbc merlin i love riverdale. i love it so much. i love taking shots thru it it is a superb drinking game--- riverdale, which i have barely watched spn--- supernatural but i never watched it. as w twilight: just memes fandom--- meta! talking about... fandom.
misc.: village witch tag--- stuff about how i want to be a witch in the woods, or that general aesthetic don’t do drugs kids--- stuff about my experience doing stuff i probably shouldn’t what a wonderful world--- stuff i like about the world * --- something i, personally, have made, written, or commented on (edit: now subdivided variously, but all of them will have *) answered/mutual tag--- an ask that i answered/a mutual's ask i've answered/about mutuals war flashbacks--- triggered a memory god bless--- thanks thank you--- someone said something real well zap--- dash/rb game wizardposting--- just tumblr wizard things™️ sounds about right--- it sure does accurate/that's fair--- a horoscope or something that was on point double-dog dare you--- one of those ask prompts fuk u--- fuk u also/ so/ okay i’m done now/ anyways/ anyway/ well/ i mean/ like--- i probably rambled in the tags it got better/ did i put this here already/ again--- this is already on my blog somewhere but i lost it/i like this version better/i simply Love it that’s fair--- most of my tags are reactions. this is one of them testing 1 2 3--- a personality test usually tag--- a tag game this is a callout post/ this is a shoutout post--- drags and thanks @/ friends--- something i think someone i know would like sorry friends--- i do something badly and it’s probably inconvenient on it coach/ok/sure--- this is a joke but also a reaction stop dragging me/ don’t call me out like this/look/look.--- i was called out and i didn’t like it roygbiv--- LGBTQA+ stuff the saga--- ongoing drama or stories here on tumblr dot com my wife--- the moon (love letters--- art of her <3) hero/king--- someone who did something i like, support, or think is funny college/school--- stuff about college/school, or would be helpful to a college/school student we go forward--- postive stuff mental health--- stuff about maintaining a happy brain later--- something 2 come back  later to do--- see above puns how to--- tutorials etc words--- someone used words well, or just a word a like ah--- something nice hm--- a post that made me go hm 🔪--- stay away from me tag/ has a knife in it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯--- post that made me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. sibling t—- a sibling mood or about my siblings a horse of course--- horses! will probably be ominous oh worm?--- worm on a string posts perfection--- frogs effervescent--- snails sewing tag--- all textiles/fiber craft spooky/its october--- halloween etc merry--- christmas i still don’t have a religion tag: anything about religious beliefs tags that i stole:--- i liked the tags from the person i reblogged it from/the source! they are not mine
that’s it and if i forgot something. pls tell me lmao. i forget about my tags all the time n i have NO idea how or when any of these will b used but this SHOULD help some w filtering. ideally. probably. godspeed out here tbh
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lids-flutter-open · 6 years
writing bloggin ignore if u want
so after listening to a ton of rpg live play podcasts the thing i think i’ve taken away from it is that the dynamics between characters and character choice and motivation cannot be underestimated ever at all and that you can set up a plot but your characters have to take you thru it and you can’t force them to make certain choices, and i think this is gonna rlly help w my titus reno story--
in making jenny and reno come alive and be equally like, legible for me like titus, i rlly wanted like to figure out how and why they were all originally hanging out and what they want and what their longterm goals are. initially i conceptualized jenny as this sort of punk hermione who is chaotic good and breaks the rules for the sake of justice and benevolence etc but i couldn’t figure out how jenny would get like that or develop those principles in the context of the medical compound and i also didnt find that like, a compelling character arc. BUT i have a new idea where jenny is like, this drug dealer turned accidental but passionate prophet and it has just tied my whole thing together in a way that i hope is gonna help me actually get this stuff on paper+ it also provides a GREAT underlying dramatic arc and a good rationale for the dynamic of titus and reno to work as a couple the way i want it to
so: in this future world, everyone, human and mutant laborer alike, has this parasitic worm living in them that’s impossible to kill which makes people infertile, causes nerve damage, and finally eats your brain, some fifteen years after your initial infection. Because the worms lay thousands of eggs in all kinds of water supplies, most people are infected within a few years of birth, except some hastily quarantined human children. Super secret scientists know the worm is an alien and this fact has only recently been released, but it doesn’t make much noise because at this point there are multiple global crises threatening civilization--climate change that has flooded cities and made agriculture on industrial scales impossible in many areas, total breakdown of all democratic governments, and now almost universal infertility. Pig-human mutants, who had been raised as laborers in dangerous lines of work, continue to be produced even as human mothers fail to concieve; these piggos are taken to be tested on, and each year as more die others are brought in. The scientists are working on trying to find something to kill the parasite that everyone on earth has. 
Jenny’s roommate in the medical compound realizes, through an accident, that the worms release hallucinogenic chemicals when you eat potassium fertilizer. She starts tripping and then begins dealing potassium fertilizer (to which she has restricted access as a specially authorized gardener). When she becomes too sick to continue, Jenny takes over. The position of dealer affords piggos status and power, and Jenny even deals to nurses, without telling them what the substance is. But gradually as time goes on she begins to be curious about the visions everyone has on this drug--because they’re all the same. 
When people take the fertilizer and ingest it and the worms release hallucinogens, people see pretty much all the same thing. they see alien landscapes and waterfalls and a sky with two moons and a distant red sun. It drips and spasms and is intermingled with other kinds of LSD type visions, but in general people see the same thing over and over. Jenny becomes convinced that the visions are a link to the world the alien worm came from, and she starts making all her clients draw their visions in an attempt to catalogue them. At the same time, the visions start to shift, and people start to see weird humanoid aliens, and increasingly, start to see visions of strange vines growing into what look like large organic structures. When, shortly afterward, the doctors announce they have cloned an alien humanoid from DNA left in the asteroid /ship? that hit Earth and brought the worm, and are using this clone to create antibodies to the worm, Jenny realizes that the alien is one of the humanoids from her visions, and becomes determined to figure out a way to contact the aliens. 
Reno is one of Jenny’s clients. He is hooked on the hallucinogen because he likes her sense of purpose but also he likes to escape and draw his visions and feel that there is something in the world besides the limited medical compound and the adolescent power struggles that surround him. He also has a little crush on Titus, who as Jenny’s bff is a supplier for a lot of the dorms and who is, while not very well liked, and not part of any male friend group, semi- respected based on his activities.
Reno keeps borrowing things to pay Jenny with, and his roommate/dorm head Rustler gives him an ultimatum--pay it all back with the fertilizer hallucinogen, or fight Rustler in a public match to settle the debt. It isn’t mean spirited but it’s like an adolescent maintenance of the status quo thing. Reno determines to get the drug and pay people back. 
When Jenny notices some of her stash is gone, she stakes out the shed she keeps it in overnight and she and Titus ambush Reno and threaten him with: knives, blackmail, the suggestion they could alter his medical records to make him look sicker than he is and have him removed to the late-term infirmary, etc etc. Titus sees Reno is genuinely scared and that he also is really miserable to find himself on Jenny and Titus’s bad side, and feels a little proud and excited and drunk with power, and is like, “ok, we don’t have to do all that, but you do need to either work with us and act as a supplier or just tell Rustler you have to fight him and we’ll supply hallucinogens to whoever wins.” reno does this partly bc he wants to impress titus. after he wins the match he asks titus to be his boyfriend, which surprises jenny and titus. when titus realizes reno has a crush on him he is also stoked, proud, flattered etc... though he is initially motivated primarily by lust, self interest and self preservation, and his romantic feelings only really emerge later.
sorry for this long ass post but im so glad to like work all this out and establish the ways that my characters’ personalities work--
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franruto · 7 years
sasuke + the mountain goats songs
if this read more doesnt work on mobile im so sorry
so i was thinking about how many tmg songs could be applied to sasuke and i decided to make a list. tmg has an absurd number of songs and im doing this just from my fave albuns + a quick check so this list very probably isnt even complete. also, some of these songs are more sns than just sasuke but o well. if u have suggestions to add lmk
- no children: this might be the most sasuke song ever made. im going to put just the last part here but please listen to the whole song
I am drowning, there is no sign of land You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand And I hope you die I hope we both die
- autoclave: i lov this one and all of it is sasuke too so listen to the whole thing
When I try to open up to you, I get completely lost Houses swallowed by the earth, windows thick with frost And I reach deep down within but the pathways twist and turn And there's no light anymore and nothing left to burn I am this great, unstable mass of blood and foam And no emotion that's worth having could call my heart its home
- heel turn 2:
Get stomped like a snake Lie down in the dirt Cling to my convictions Even when I get hurt
Spend too much of my life Now trying to play fair Throw my better self overboard Shoot at him when he comes up for air Come unhinged Get revenge (...) Let all the trash rain down From way up in the rafters I’m walking out of here in one piece Don’t care what comes after Drive the wedge Torch the bridge
- game shows touch our lives: gives me sad sns feelings
Shadows crawled across the living room's length I held onto you with a desperate strength With everything With everything in me And I handed you a drink of the lovely little thing On which our survival depends People say friends don't destroy one another What do they know about friends? Thunderclouds forming, cream white moon Everything's going to be okay soon Maybe tomorrow Maybe the next day 
- oceanographer’s choice: this is one so fucking sad, it makes me think about sasuke trying to break his bond with naruto 
I don't know why it's gotten harder to keep myself away Thought I'd finally beat the feeling back, it all came back today And then we fell down and we locked arms, we knocked the dresser over as we rolled across the floor I don't mean it when I tell you that I don't love you anymore Look at that, would you look at that? The way the ceiling starts to swerve What will I do when I don't have you? When I finally get what I deserve
- up the wolves: i really like this one for sasuke & i love john darnielle’s comment on it too so i’m going to include it here. “Part of me wants to say look it's about revenge, but as soon as I say that... no, that's not quite it. Part of me wants to say it's about the satisfaction of not needing revenge... and I say no, thats some new age stuff. I think it's a song about the moment in your quest for revenge when you learn to embrace the futility of it. The moment when you know that the thing you want is ridiculous and pompous and a terrible thing to want anyway. The direction in which you're headed is not the direction in which you want to go, yet you're going to head that way a while longer anyway cause that's just the kind of person you are.”
There's bound to be a ghost at the back of your closet No matter where you live There'll always be a few things, maybe several things That you're going to find really difficult to forgive
I'm going to get myself in fighting trim Scope out every angle of unfair advantage I'm going to bribe the officials, I'm going to kill all the judges It's going to take you people years to recover from all of the damage
- cry for judas: listen............
Some things you do just to see How bad they'll make you feel Sometimes you try to freeze time 'Til the slots are a blur of spinning wheels But I am just a broken machine And I do things that I don't really mean Long black night, morning frost I'm still here, but all is lost
Sad and angry, can't learn how to behave Still won't know how in the darkness of the grave
- outer scorpion squadron: ok this is darnielle’s comment on it again and he says it better than i could: “This is a song (...) for people like me, who have a strong indwelling evidently permanent urge to damage themselves or cut themselves off prior to some accomplishment or arrival at a place of comfort and happiness. I didn't succeed in my goal to not bum everyone out, but... In short, this is a song about trauma, and surviving it”.
If you really want to conjure up a ghost Cultivate a space for the things that hurt you most Rake the sands until they surface Bind their tiny eyes Stake out your position, let your armor fall Stay put 'till they find you, it won't take long at all Rake the sands until they surface Up they come, gone translucent They're coming up no matter what Fools rush in and the doors slam shut Ghosts of my childhood, stay with me, if you will Find a place where there's water, hold you under 'till you're still Rake the sands until they surface Don't let anybody call them ugly 
- the young thousands: ok this one makes me think of pre timeskip sasuke who continues to live in his parents house and also has a lot coming in his future
Boats ease into the harbor bearing real suspicious cargo And the sunlight on the water sets a switch off in your brain The things that you've got coming will consume you There's someone waiting out there in an alley with a chain The ghosts that haunt your building are prepared to take on substance And the dull pain that you live with isn't getting any duller There's a closet full of almost-pristine videotape Documenting sordid little scenes in living color (...) The things that you've got coming will do things that you're afraid to There is someone waiting out there with a mouthful of surprises The ghosts that haunt your building have been learning how to breathe They scan the hallways nightly vainly searching for a sign
- hebrews 11:40: this is one of my faves tmg lyrics. think sasuke w/ orochimaru period
Bright candles in the manor Where the curse takes hold Bodies reassembling down where the worms crawl Make your own friends when the world's gone cold It gets dark and then I feel certain I am going to rise again If not by faith, then by the sword I'm going to be restored Build fires to keep the beacon flashing where the earth lies flat Blood calls to blood as the hours draw down, invent my own family if it comes to that Hold them close, hold them near Tell them no one's ever going to hurt them here
- deuteronomy 2:10: this one is esp relevant bc of The Last Uchiha stuff
Feel in my bones just what the future has in store
I pace in circles So the camera will see Look hard at my stripes There'll be no more after me
I have no fear of anyone I'm dumb and wild and free I am a flightless bird And there'll be no more after me
I sang all night The moon shone on me through the trees No brothers left And there'll be no more after me
- absolute lithops effect: i like to think of this one as sasuke healing
After one long season of waiting After one long season of wanting I am breaking open My insides are pink and raw And it hurts me when I move my jaw But I am taking tiny steps forward
After one blind season alone in here After one long, sweltering summer I'm going to find the exit And I will go to the house of a friend I know And I will let myself forget With a little water and a little bit of sunlight And a little bit of tender mercy, tender mercy
- rain in soho: i might just be indulging here because i listen to this song 10 times a day and its overall feel reminds me of sasuke
No promise sweeter than a blood pact Nothing harder to go through with than a vanishing act No morning colder than the first frost No friends closer than the ones we've lost Nothing sharper than a serpent's tooth Nothing harder than the gospel truth Though you repent and don sackcloth and try to make nice You can't cross the same river twice
No town more barren than our town No haven safer than the one they tore down No greater love than to lay my life down for a friend No sweeter pleasure than to see the credits clear through to the end
ok so this is the moment where i give up because holy shit. some honorable mentions that im too lazy to go into detail (keep in mind some of those have just like one line that reminds me sasuke): this year, the house that dripped blood, old college try, choked out (i SWEAR no double meaning intended), prowl great cain, magpie, heretic pride, all up the seething coast
@yondaiime hello im tagging u here 
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