#there might be more underneath all of this
moondirti · 2 days
privateer! johnny mactavish, whose only job is to raid and rob foreign vessels under arms, taking them for condemnation and their crews as prisoner for exchange. he isn’t a pirate per se – he really prefers the term corsair, if the letter of marque framed in his cap’s office has anything to say about that—
finds a stowaway on his very own ship. clever little thing must have wormed her way through from another vessel during one of their assaults, because gaz makes good work of checking for hitchers before they sail off. she’s malnourished, dangerously close to developing scurvy, arms bruised in a way no bird’s should be. hair matted, face caked in gunpowder and salt. she can hardly voice her pleas when he comes across her while looking for extra ammunition.
but there’s no need to worry. johnny’s a good man, from a good name. sure he might look a little crazed, sea legs and beard veiling the hero underneath – as though he were just another buccaneer who paves their life’s path taking from innocents – but he only does so to those who deserve it. promise.
and you don’t look like you do. virtuous thing. pretty thing, like a fresh-shelled pearl who has yet to be polished. he won’t tell the crew about your transgression. in fact, he won’t tell them anything about you at all; especially not simon, who treats him as though he were nothing more than an extension of himself. no. this is for him, and for him alone.
he’ll keep you in his room. give you a nice place to rest. feed you orange slices until the colour blooms behind your cheeks. give you baths with a washcloth when he can. checks what all the fuss is about when you cover your tits protectively – he’s only cutting the dirty garbs of ye – to discover that, so long as he assures you that what he’s doing is in your best interest, you’ll let him get away with anything.
like stuffing his nasty fingers in your cunt, tongue notched down your throat to muffle your cries. like feeding you his cock after successful raids, the cork off a bottle of rum plugging your tight ass shut. like folding you in half and jackhammering into your womb, months worth of pent-up sexual energy laying itself onto your poor body.
all the while – as you grow more wary, exhausted – his delusion grows worse.
because what kind of alternative fate would you find out there, with the brutes he calls friends? better off with him, lass. even if you are constantly dripping cum, growing dizzy in his bed while he’s away. at least he was taught how to treat a woman right.
(can’t say the same about simon, who hasn’t fallen short on noticing johnny’s shift in behaviour. the new gait in his step, the dazzle of his smile. his bunk’s only a few doors away, after all. some nights, he swears that the creaks of his bed frame are too loud for even the stormiest of seas to spur.)
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corroded-hellfire · 2 days
As You Wish - Eddie Munson x Reader, Part 9
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Collaboration with the one and only Dr. @munson-blurbs 💛
Summary: Eddie's finally moving into a place of his own. It's fun and exciting but at the same time, it makes things more real for the boys.
Note: It is here! A happy As You Wish Wednesday to you all
Warnings: talk of divorce, Brittany
Words: 7.4k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Eddie usually hated his government name. He’s Eddie, not Edward; the latter too formal and a reminder of when he’d get reprimanded at school. 
But today, as the ballpoint pen glides over the paper, he’s never been happier to be Edward Munson. 
“All right,” the leasing manager chirps, procuring a key from her back pocket, “congratulations on your new apartment, Mr. Munson.”
“Thank you.” It’s bittersweet; his first place without Brittany, without his boys as permanent fixtures. But he no longer needs to couch surf or rely on anyone else. This is his place, and though it’s not quite the house he once lived in, it’s home. 
The Harrington household is in its usual state of controlled chaos when Eddie arrives. His sons are running around with Steve and Nancy’s three oldest kids on their front lawn, so engaged in a rousing game of freeze tag that they don’t even notice the car pulling up. 
You spot him right away, greeting him with an excited wave. One arm stays wrapped around Mia, who offers a big smile when she sees her favorite uncle. 
“Ryan! Luke! Dad’s here!”
The boys grumble, clearly upset about their game being cut short, and the Harringtons cheer triumphantly. 
“We won! We won!” Theo cheers. 
Luke shakes his head. “No, we’re just pausing until next time.”
“Nuh-uh! You guys forfeit, which means we win!”
You sigh. “We’ll call it a tie,” you decide, not waiting for a reply. Nancy comes out of the house to pay you, scooping up her youngest. 
“Did we avoid a fight?” She whispers to you. 
“Barely,” you confirm, tucking the bills into your front pocket. “I’m hoping to make our escape before it escalates.”
Nancy nods. “Godspeed.” She ushers Natalie, Theo, and Danny back into the house, bidding Eddie and his boys farewell, but not before Luke sticks his tongue in his friend’s direction. 
“Saw that,” Ryan mutters. So did you, but you lack the energy to reprimand the youngest Munson, so you act oblivious. 
This evening was the final celebration of your birthday week—the cherry on top that it seemed the boys wouldn’t let you go without: them treating you to a McDonald’s date. Ryan and Luke had both chipped in some pocket change they had in a piggy bank or hidden underneath a mattress. Though, you wouldn’t be surprised if Luke scrounged some of his from between couch cushions and between seats in his dad’s truck as well. 
With their donations appreciated, Eddie pocketed the money and told everyone to order whatever they wanted. That’s dangerous territory with the two rugrats around, but it’s a special occasion. 
The order in total managed to fit on four trays, which the guys said they had handled and would head off to find a table while you wait for the milkshakes at the counter.
As you rest your hip against the cool metal island that contains condiments and utensils, you hear familiar giggles coming from the tables around the corner. They bring an instant smile to your face. There’s a lot of turmoil going on in these kids’ lives right now, so the fact that they get to have these moments of peace and joy with their dad is very important. It’s part of the reason you told Eddie that it might be better to take Ryan and Luke shopping for their new rooms on his own. None of the three Munson men were having this, though. Every single one of them trusted your opinion far more than anyone with an XY chromosome in your little gang. 
The worker’s voice pulls you out of your head and you give her a polite smile as you pick the cardboard carrier up off the counter, holding two vanilla shakes for you and Ryan, a chocolate for Eddie, and a strawberry for Luke. You set off in the direction the previous laughter came from and just as you turn the corner are greeted by the sight of the back of your boyfriend’s head in all its curly glory. Thing One and Thing Two are on the other side of the table throwing fries at one another, trying to catch them in their mouths. 
“Come on, try me,” Eddie says, tilting his head back a bit. Ryan throws a fry first, but it bounces off his father’s cheek. Luke then throws a fry that is way too long and was never going to make it across the table. You watch in silence as the boys make a few more valiant attempts, Ryan able to sink one in eventually. The shakes are getting melty now though, so it’s time to barge in on their game.
When you walk over to the table and set the drink caddy down, you notice Eddie’s expression goes from playful to remorseful. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take your brain long to make the connection that this is something Brittany probably would’ve berated him for in the past—acting like a child and goofing around with the boys. It’s preposterous to even think of, really.
Instead of assuring Eddie with comforting words, you just slide onto the red vinyl booth next to him and nudge his arm with your elbow. 
“My turn.”
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Juxtaposed with the fun dinner you just had is the quiet car ride back to Brittany’s house to drop the boys off. Seeing the two happy little moods dampened weighs on Eddie’s heart, so he tries to get them engaged in another fun topic.
“Are you guys excited to pick out stuff for your new rooms tomorrow?” he asks, grinning at them through the rear-view mirror.
“Do I get, like…a new bed?” Luke asks.
“Sure do,” Eddie says as he flips the blinker on to turn into his old neighborhood. “And whatever kind of sheets you want to put on it.”
“Can I get ones with Spider-Man? Or Batman? Or Spider-Man and Batman?”
Eddie chuckles. “We’ll see what they have.”
That seems to satisfy Luke, at least for the moment, which is all you need. Eddie takes a deep breath as he pulls up to Brittany’s house—his former house. That twinge of pain never seems to dissipate, even though the end of his marriage was inevitable, the loss still hurts. Ryan doesn’t give him much time to dwell on things, though.
“Can I get a PlayStation for my room?”
Eddie barks a laugh and rubs a hand over his eyes. Before he can open his mouth to say no, Luke has to add his own outlandish request.
“Can I get a dog?!”
Your boyfriend just looks at you, silently begging you to take over before his patience completely runs out.
As you unbuckle your seatbelt, you casually announce, “No additional living beings until further notice.”
Luke grumbles, but ultimately relents, climbing out of his booster seat and running up to the door where Brittany is waiting.
“Mom!” Ryan and Luke yell out in unison. The older boy’s enthusiastic grin falters a bit when he notices the fakeness in his mom’s smile, but the younger boy thankfully remains oblivious.
“We’re gonna pick out stuff for our new rooms tomorrow!” Luke chirps.
Brittany’s perfectly plucked brows pinch together in a mix of confusion and her usual perpetual annoyance. “Tomorrow?” she asks, her voice far from genuine. “I thought we would spend tomorrow together, guys.”
“Britt, you said tomorrow you had that work thing, remember?” Eddie reminds her, a smug smile on his face. They both know damn well she just wanted to get out of taking the boys to the toy store when Luke originally asked the other day. 
Brittany glares at Eddie but Luke shrugs and walks away.  
“Another time, Mom.” He says casually, and something inside you breaks. You can feel it in Eddie, too. Luke’s unbothered attitude is too natural, like he’s accustomed to his mother constantly breaking their plans. 
Speaking up will only incur the wrath of Brittany, so you stay silent, leaving Eddie to maneuver the rest of the awkward conversation. 
“See you guys tomorrow,” he calls out to his sons, giving a cordial wave to Brittany. She doesn’t return it, closing the door in your faces. 
Eddie turns to you. “That could have gone worse, I guess.”
You scoff. “Yeah, she could’ve turned into one of those Demogorgon things from your D&D campaigns.”
“Now that would be entertaining.” He takes your hand in his, his rings pressing against your fingers. 
The car ride home will almost certainly involve a discussion about the way the boys’ faces fell when they saw Brittany and how to undo the damage of her bailing on plans. But for now, you take the moment to relish the love between you and Eddie. 
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“Look at that lamp! It looks like a jellyfish!”
It seems as if every other thing that Luke sees as the four of you walk up and down the aisles of the store catches his eye. If his new room incorporated all these new interesting finds of his, the small bedroom would look like the storage space of an eccentric car enthusiast who has an odd pension for nautical memorabilia. 
“I thought you wanted a Hot Wheels room,” Eddie says for what feels like the fortieth time.
“I do, that lamp just looks cool,” Luke says. “Hey! Can I get one of those rugs that looks like there are roads on it so I can drive my cars all around?”
“If we see one,” his dad tells him. 
Luke may only be five, but he already has expensive tastes. Ryan seems to be the opposite on this shopping trip—he doesn’t seem to know what he wants. None of the movie or character themed bed sets thrilled him, and there wasn’t a sport or activity he wanted highlighted. The only things the elder Munson brother had in the cart so far were a set of two black bookshelves to hang on the walls and a package of glow in the dark stars to stick to his ceiling. 
On the other hand, Luke had already collected Hot Wheels sheets, Hot Wheels curtains, a nightstand that looked like three tires stacked one on top of the other, a stuffed German Shepherd (since he can’t get a real dog, he said), a Scooby Doo calendar, and a set of four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle posters. The young boy had also tried to add an espresso machine to the cart, which was immediately halted by both you and Eddie.
“What in the world do you need an espresso machine for?” you had asked.
“For when I have guests,” Luke replied simply. 
“Oh, right,” Eddie said, raising his eyebrows. “Because I think that much caffeine is exactly what Mia Harrington needs.”
Luke scoffed and rolled his eyes as if his dad thought he was stupid. “Well, I wouldn’t give any to a baby.” 
You pinch the bridge of your nose between your thumb and forefinger, massaging gently. As grateful as you are that you have this opportunity to shop with Eddie and his boys, you can’t deny that your patience is swiftly draining.
“Luke, why are you pouting?” 
The voice doesn’t belong to you, Eddie, or even Ryan. No, this shrill, weasley voice could only belong to one person.
Brittany stands before you, a gaudy pocketbook tucked underneath her arm. Her lips curl into what you can only consider an attempted smile, though it still makes your insides curdle. 
“C’mere.” She motions to her youngest son, pulling him into a too-tight hug. You watch him squirm out of her grasp.
“Britt,” Eddie says through gritted teeth, “I thought you were busy today.”
Brittany shrugs nonchalantly, as though she hasn’t just completely derailed your afternoon. “Moved some things around.” She grins at Ryan and Luke. “What are we buying today?”
We. Like she was paying for any of it.
You swallow your frustration and shoot her an equally feigned smile. “Luke’s getting stuff for his Hot Wheels room, and Ryan still needs a reading lamp.”
“I wanted a race car bed, but Daddy said it was too ‘spensive. So, I’m gonna get Hot Wheels sheets instead,” Luke proudly announces.
Brittany furrows her brows in mock confusion. “But how can you have a Hot Wheels room with a regular bed?” She cocks her head, looking at Eddie. “I mean, you can’t splurge a little? I’m sure you have a guitar you could pawn.”
Eddie bites his lower lip so hard that you swear you see a speck of blood form. He’s holding himself back; being in public and in the presence of his kids keeps him from launching into an expletive-laden tirade.
“I’m not pawning a guitar for a bed he’s going to outgrow in a few years. Especially not when we came up with a good compromise.” His tone is terse, clipped.
Brittany rolls her eyes. “I’m sure the court will love to hear that,” she mutters under her breath, still loud enough for you and Eddie to hear. The boys, luckily, have dashed ahead. 
Your instinct is to bite back with a snarky comment about the court being much more interested in every important event she’s missed, but you restrain yourself. This isn’t your battle to fight, and any remark will just make Eddie’s life harder. Instead, you act as though she hadn’t said a word as you all catch up to the kids. 
Not one to be ignored, Brittany turns to her oldest son. “What about you, Ry? What did you pick out?” Her frown deepens when Ryan shows her the three items in the cart belonging to him. “That’s it? It’s like they forgot about you!”
“We didn’t—” you start, watching hurt seep into Ryan’s eyes, but Eddie quickly squeezes your hand. Don’t play into it. You know her comment stung him, too, and that it was even more difficult for him not to defend himself. 
There was no need for either of you to say anything, because Ryan is ultimately the one who speaks up. 
“I’m still deciding what I want. No one forgot about me—not like how you forgot about my holiday concert.”
Brittany’s cheeks go beet red, her jaw clenched. “You know what? I need to get going now, anyway.” She glares at Eddie. “Drop them off at my house when you’re done.” With that, she walks away. 
Your gaze immediately drops to Ryan, who just stands there as though shocked by his own comeback. “I…I didn’t mean to…” Tears well up in his eyes, and he blinks them back before they can stain his cheeks. “She just…”
Eddie puts one hand on his shoulder. He takes a deep breath, looking up, and you know he’s weighing his options. He can harp on Brittany’s insufficiencies, or he can do the right thing. Be a role model. 
“I know, bud. It’s hard. Especially when we’re angry.” He gives a soft smile. “You’ve got that Munson temper—quiet till it boils over. But you can apologize to Mom when you see her later.”
Ryan nods somberly. 
Eddie glances at you for help, and you carefully oblige. “That doesn’t mean that it’s okay for her to miss your concerts,” you say. “But you can talk about how it makes you feel before those emotions get to be too much.”
“Maybe we should go home,” Eddie says, but Ryan shakes his head. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” Ryan swipes at his misty eyes. “I wanna pick out a bed. Maybe one that has the drawers underneath.”
You grin. “More storage space for books?”
Ryan nods, and Eddie grins. “Whose kid is this? Certainly too smart to be mine.”
You want to ask him what he kept stored in his bedroom drawers, but refrain at the last second. Perhaps some things are better left unknown. 
Just one aisle over, Ryan’s attention snags on a bed that has his eyes widening. 
“It has a desk, too!” he says, taking off towards the bed at the end of the aisle. 
“Whoa!” Luke echoes, following behind his big brother. 
You slip your hand into Eddie’s as he pushes the cart forward with the other hand. Even though the boys are preoccupied with the piece of furniture, you keep your voice low. 
“I’m so proud of how you handled that,” you tell your boyfriend. “I was ready to scoop Ryan into my arms and comfort him and tell him everything is okay, but you did the right thing.”
Eddie sighs and gives your hand a small shake. “Shit. When did I become a grown up?” With another, more dramatic sigh, Eddie shakes his head. “Gotta fix that.”
Before you can ask what he means, he leans over and licks up the side of your face, tongue flat and hot against your skin. You squeal, taken by surprise and duck your head down away from him. 
“You’re a child!” you say through a heavy bout of laughter. 
“Damn straight, baby.”
When you look up ahead, the boys are now watching you two, your squeal having gained their attention.
“You guys know that your dad is bonkers?” you ask with a playful smirk on your face. 
“Uh huh!” Luke declares proudly. “We’re the Goof Troop!”
“Oh, are we?” Eddie questions. He spins the cart out of his way, like a car doing donuts, and hoists Luke up, throwing him over his shoulder. “I think you’re the goofiest of the goofs.”
Luke laughs as his orange t-shirt rides up his back. You adjust it for him before leaving the two guys with the matching curls to their antics and join Ryan over by the bed.
“You like this one, huh?” You wrap an arm around the elder brother’s shoulders and give a gentle squeeze. 
Ryan nods. “I wanted a desk in my old room. I mean, the room at the old hou—uh, Mom’s house. But my room is too small for one. But this is perfect! I crawl up top, there’s my bed! I come back down, it’s a desk!”
His excitement is palpable, and you can’t help but lean in and press a kiss to the top of his head. God, you’d give this kid the world if you could. Luke too, of course. They’re both such great kids and it’s moments like these where you realize just how lucky you were to meet this family. 
Brittany’s abrupt departure, while welcome, also means that the boys will be accompanying you and Eddie while you pick out his furniture. Or, as Luke so aptly puts it, “the boring stuff.”
The youngest Munson lasts all of six minutes before he starts whining. Your patience has already worn thin from Brittany’s antics, and you have to take a deep breath before you respond. 
“Luke, we picked out your stuff, now it’s Daddy’s t—”
Tears well up in his eyes. “But I don’t wanna! I wanna go home!”
You and Eddie share a glance. Between your schedule and his, there are few opportunities for you to shop together. You’re trying to remember what days you’ll be free when you hear Ryan pipe up. 
“We should play The Price is Right!” He exclaims. “Y’know, that show we watch when we’re home sick? We can guess the price of Dad’s furniture and see who gets the closest.”
Luke ponders this for just a moment before nodding emphatically. You and Eddie exhale twin sighs of relief, and you make a mental note to thank Ryan later. 
The boys guess on everything from bed sheets to sofas, with Luke’s answers only getting more outlandish. There’s no way he thinks a TV stand costs $80 million…right?
Eddie chuckles as he watches his sons over his shoulder. They’re looking up at a chandelier, Ryan’s lips pursed, and Luke with his head tilted to the side like a confused puppy. Your boyfriend shakes his head in amusement as he faces forward again, pushing the now-heavy cart further down the aisle. 
“I kinda like that lamp,” Eddie says, taking a closer step to the display sets blinding you with their high wattage all aimed in your direction. “Oh shit, that’s nice, too. Babe, what do you think?”
Coming up beside him, you loop your arm through his and press a few kisses to his shoulder.
“Sweetheart, it’s your apartment,” you remind him. “You deserve to make this place your own.” Giving a soft shake of your head, you wrinkle up your nose in a way that Eddie finds adorable. “You don’t want your girlfriend playing interior decorator.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows and angles his head down to meet your eyes. “Am I allowed to ask for my girlfriend’s opinion?”
“Of course.”
“Okaaay,” Eddie says, playfully pulling you in front of him so he can wrap his arms around your middle and run the tips of his calloused fingers over the soft material of your pink shirt. “So, girlfriend, which of the two lamps do you like better?”
The one that first caught Eddie’s eyes was a simple, basic design, but who really needs more than that? The black, twisting metal that twines up to an off-white lampshade is elegant and something you can absolutely see being in Eddie’s new living room. The second lamp is a little more ostentatious, though it’s certainly pretty. The silver body of the lamp resembles an hourglass, rounded edges topped off with a round white lampshade. It’s nice, but not something you can see Eddie being really happy with.
“I like the first one,” you tell him.
“That’s the one I was leaning towards,” he says. Eddie presses a kiss to your cheek before unwinding his arms from around your body so he can grab two of the lamp boxes to add to the cart. “Come on, shortstops. Keep up.”
The boys trail at a small distance, calling out numbers and pointing at various objects on shelves they’ll never be able to correctly identify prices on. With one hand, Eddie pushes the cart forward, and he lays his other hand, large and warm, against the small of your back as you walk.
“Now, this next part in particular is what I really want your opinion on.” Eddie’s words are just above a whisper and the ghosting of his lips against the shell of your ear sends a chill down your spine. There’s no need for you to look, you already know your boyfriend is smirking at the reaction he has on you. 
You turn the corner with the cart and when you see the next aisle, your face feels warm. Of course this is what he wants your input on the most. The bedding department. 
“What exactly would you like my help with?” you ask, feigning as much innocence as you possibly can. 
The aisles of bed linens, bed frames, mattresses, and pillows seem to stretch out for a mile before you. You don’t see this ending without Eddie severely working you up. 
“Well,” Eddie says with a shrug, far too innocuous for the thoughts you know are running through his mind. “We found things for the boys’ rooms, but none for mine yet. And since I’m really hoping you’ll be spending a good amount of time in my bedroom, I’d like you to be comfortable there.”
“Sounds reasonable enough.” You don’t meet his eye, instead strolling closer to the mattresses, to get a better look at them.
“Oh, yes!” you hear Luke cheer as his black and blue sneakers squeak on the linoleum floor. “I’m gonna guess all the beds right!”
Ryan follows along behind his little brother, shaking his head. He looks at you and mouths no he’s not. A chuckle rumbles your chest as you watch the boys walk further down the aisle, inspecting a shelf of body pillows. 
“What kind of mattress do you prefer?” you ask Eddie. “Firm? Soft? Somewhere in the middle?”
“I—” he cuts himself off, brow wrinkling as he looks down at the scuffed white floor beneath his boots. “I don’t actually know.”
“No?” you ask, curiosity burning inside of you. He’ll explain if he wants to, but you’d never push. 
He shakes his head. “I had a hand-me-down mattress when I lived with Wayne. Brought that same mattress when Jeff and I got a tiny ass apartment on the edge of Hawkins. After that I moved in with Brittany and we just used the one she already had. We got a new mattress when we moved into the house, but Brittany went out and picked it out herself. I didn’t see it until I went to sleep on it that night. It’s the same one there now.”
“So that mattress has a few good memories then,” you tease, giving him a gentle smirk. “Let’s test out what you like then.” You take a seat at the foot of the bed on the nearest mattress and hold out your hand to Eddie. 
He parks the cart between two adjacent mattresses and climbs on the mattress next to you. The two of you situate yourselves as if you were going to go to bed, to sleep. 
“This feels…” Eddie shifts his position, adjusting his shoulders to make himself more comfortable. “It’s a little hard.”
“I think so, too,” you agree. “Onto the next.”
After testing half a dozen beds, you and Eddie have deduced that he likes softer mattresses, but not too soft. With one goal achieved, now it’s time to find the most comfortable of the semi-soft mattresses.
“Okay, this might be the best one we’ve laid on,” Eddie says after four attempts. “I really like this.”
“This is nice,” you concur. “One more test.”
Eddie turns his head to look at you in question, but it clicks soon enough as you cuddle up to his side and rest your head on his chest. It’s the exact position the two of you lay in quite frequently, and you have to make sure that this bed is accepting and supportive of that. 
“I mean, I can think of another test,” Eddie says as he wraps his arm around you. “But I don’t think they’d let us do that in the store.”
With a girlish giggle, you press a kiss to Eddie’s chest and push yourself into a seated position. 
“What’s your verdict?” you ask.
Dark chocolate eyes gaze up at the ceiling as Eddie adjusts his position on the bed once more. Then, he slips his eyes closed and rolls onto his side, which is his most common sleeping position.
“Yeah,” he says, opening his eyes. “I’m gonna go with this one.”
“And this one is…thirteen thousand dollars!” Luke calls as he and Ryan run over. Luke face plants on the bed and Ryan plops down next to his brother on his bottom. 
“He tried guessing the price of a lady’s dog,” Ryan says.
Luke lifts his head, blue eyes wide as he pulls his shoulders up towards his ears.
“She was carrying him in a little doggy bag! It looked like she was buying him!”
“This is the one you’re getting?” Ryan asks, ignoring his little brother completely. The older brother bounces slightly as he sits, testing out the springiness.
“Yep,” Eddie says as he pushes himself up from the bed. “Just have to get some sheets for it now. You two stay here and watch the cart, okay? We’re just gonna be right over there looking at the linens.”
“Okay,” Ryan says.
“Aye aye!” Luke gives his dad a salute before going to sit up near the pillows. 
Eddie laces his fingers with yours, tugging you over to where bedsheets lay wrapped in their plastic coverings. “Gonna need your help for this one, baby.”
“Eds,” you protest, “this apartment is for you and the boys. I don’t wanna—”
Your boyfriend leans in and silences you with a kiss. “While I appreciate that…you and I are gonna be the ones getting well-acquainted with these sheets. I wanna make sure you’ll be comfy laying on them…or kneeling on them.” His eyes twinkle mischievously. “Don’t want those pretty knees getting scratched up while you’re riding me.”
You shove him away playfully. “Behave,” you warn, thumbing through the linen options. 
“Yes, ma’am,” Eddie mumbles under his breath, though it’s hard to take that promise seriously when it’s followed by a pinch to your ass. 
Eddie grabs a set of dove gray sheets and a matching comforter from the shelf and turns to head back towards the boys. Before the two of you reach the end of the aisle though, your boyfriend stops short and looks to you with eyes wide as saucers.
“Can I get Star Wars sheets?”
As much as Eddie tries to hold in his laughter, a snort breaks though. You shake your head in bemusement as you pass him by and head towards the arguably more mature Munsons. 
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“Okay, so.” Steve stands with his hands on his hips as he addresses his two oldest kids along with Eddie’s boys. “Any box marked with this word,” he points to where FRAGILE is written in black Sharpie, “is not for kids to carry.”
Luke furrows his brow. “Why not?”
Before Steve can answer, Theo speaks up. “Because it says the F-word,” he says matter-of-factly. 
“No, it does not!” Steve sputters. 
“There’s an F right there,” Luke points out. “See?”
Steve sighs. “Yes, that is an f-word, but it says ‘fragile,’ not—never mind.” He shakes his head. “Just don’t touch it.”
Across the room, Eddie grimaces as his uncle tries to lift a coffee table. “Old man,” Eddie calls out. “Put that down before you hurt yourself. My goal is to avoid the emergency room at all costs.”
Wayne shakes his head. “I’m not just gonna stand around while everyone else works,” he protests. 
Eddie runs his fingers through his hair, wincing when he snags them on a knot. 
“I didn’t wanna have to bring out the big guns…” He grins at Wayne’s puzzled expression before calling out to his sons. “Ryan! Luke! Grandpa wants to hear all about that cartoon you’re obsessed with.”
Luke bounds over with Ryan right behind him. “Okay, so there’s a cat and a dog, but they’re stuck together where their butts would be!” He cackles at this. 
“And Cat is scared all the time, but Dog is crazy,” Ryan chimes in. “And he’s always getting Cat into trouble.”
Eddie throws his uncle a wink, a silent I warned you, and slides his arm around your waist. 
“Thank God for shitty kids’ shows,” he murmurs. 
You roll your eyes. “Pretty sure I’ve caught you watching that ‘shitty kids’ show’ on more than one occasion. Even without the boys there.”
Pressing a smacking kiss to your temple, Eddie whirls around to see Lucas, Max, and Dustin struggling with the sofa. “That’ll stay our little secret,” he says before darting off to help them. 
A few hours later, once the moving van has been unloaded and furniture and boxes have been placed in their respective rooms, the whole group finds themselves in the living room. The youngest Munsons sit on the floor next to their Uncle Dustin. Wayne rests on the couch, sandwiched between Eddie and Steve. You, Lucas, and Max pull up some folding chairs. Each of you has a slice of pizza on a paper towel, since no one wanted to unpack the plates. 
Pressing on his knees, Eddie stands up. “Before we dig in, I’d just like to offer a toast.” He raises his beer bottle, and everyone does the same—root beer for the boys, of course. “To the best moving crew this town has ever seen. May we never have to do this again.”
Everyone nods in agreement, bottles clinking before the room goes quiet. The only noise is the sound of pizza being devoured. 
You look at Eddie, trading exhausted smiles. Today was long, but it was one huge step closer to your future together. No matter how strongly sleep beckoned you, you wouldn’t trade this for the world. 
Once all that remains of the pizzas are the few crusts left behind in the box, everyone starts to head out. Eddie makes sure to thank each of them again when they say their goodbyes. 
Wayne is the last one there besides you and the boys. The older man yanks his keys free from his back pocket and jingles them in his hand as he walks towards the front door.
“This is a nice place you got here, Ed.”
It doesn’t matter how old he is, hearing praise from Wayne still makes Eddie feel like a little boy making his father proud. He can’t help but smile as he shuffles over to his uncle.
“It is pretty nice, isn’t it?” Eddie looks around, taking in the dark green walls that he can’t wait to fill up with silly photos of the boys and pictures of your beautiful face to greet him every morning. A blank slate, his to do what he wants with.
“I’m proud of ya, son,” Wayne says, clapping Eddie on the shoulder. “You were dealt a rough hand but you’re making it through alright.”
“Doing my best,” Eddie admits with a shrug.
“That’s all anyone can,” Wayne says. “I’ll see you later, kid. Where my boys?”
As if waiting for their cue, both Luke and Ryan rush at Wayne, arms open and ready to receive their goodbye hugs.
“Bye, Grandpa!” Ryan says as he’s squeezed in the older man’s arms.
“Remember,” Luke says when it’s his turn to get hugged, “Catdog is on Nickelodeon, not Cartoon Network.”
“I’ll try to remember that,” Wayne says with a hearty chuckle. Next, those wise blue-gray eyes are aimed your way and before you even realize it, you’re going in for a hug. 
Being hugged by Wayne is like cuddling up with a cherished childhood teddy bear after you’ve had a bad day. It feels safe, warm, and loving. It’s as obvious as Luke’s love for Hot Wheels where Eddie learned how to be a good father. Wayne might like to make people think he’s rough around the edges, but you’ve learned in a short time that he’s Mr. Softy when it comes to anything involving his family. But who can blame him when his family is Eddie, Luke, and Ryan?
“You take care, doll,” Wayne says, giving you a soft pat on the back before pulling away. “And let me know if any of these three get out of line.”
“Us?” Luke asks, voice an octave higher than usual as he gestures to himself. “Never!”
“Uh huh,” Wayne hums with a rumbling laugh. He ruffles the smallest boy’s curls before heading out the door. 
You, Eddie, and the boys leave a few minutes later—not without arguing with Luke about using the bathroom. Ryan and Luke climb into the backseat, and after double-checking that they’re securely buckled in, you slide into the passenger seat. 
Eddie shifts the gears from park to reverse, and you keep your hand atop his. The ride back to Brittany’s is fairly quiet, with no bickering from the brothers. Apparently, a long day of unpacking boxes and bothering their grandpa has worn them out. 
It isn’t until you’re a few blocks away from the house that Luke speaks up. 
“Dad, what’s for dinner tonight?”
Eddie keeps his eyes on the road as he answers. “You’re, uh, gonna have to ask Mom about that,” he says evenly. 
“Can you ask her not to make fish sticks? I hate those.”
A lump forms in Eddie’s throat. He thought the boys both understood what the living situation was going to be. Sometimes it’s easy to forget Luke is only five with the larger than life personality he has or that Ryan is only seven when Eddie’s pretty positive the kid is smarter than he is. Eddie silently prays that he won’t have to explain the separation time and time again because he doesn’t think he has the strength to repeatedly let his sons down. Because that’s what he’s doing, right? Breaking their little hearts by telling them things are changing whether they like it or not.
It seems like aspects of it they like—like you being around more and being their father’s girlfriend. But it’s hard for them to grasp that in order for that to happen, they have to have Mom live in one place and Daddy in another. Eddie’s sure that the three of them not all waking up in the same house everyday is killing him more than it is them.
“Luke, buddy,” Eddie starts. “I’m not eating dinner with you tonight. We’ll eat dinner together when you stay at my place.”
Ryan leans forward. “Is Mom gonna eat with us there, too?”
You catch the sadness in Eddie’s face. The two of you know that it isn’t healthy for the boys to grow up in a home with parents who don’t want to be together, but that doesn’t mean the divorce is easy. You give Eddie’s hand a small squeeze of support.
“Guys, Mom and I don’t live together anymore. She lives at the house, and I live at the apartment.”
“Oh.” Realization hits Ryan. “So…you and Mom are gonna be separate forever?”
Forever. Eddie had promised Brittany forever that day at the altar, and now they’d reached a much different definition of that word. 
It’s funny how the same word is so full of promise and excitement, blooming with life and warmth when he says it to you, but shriveled up and desiccated when presented by his sons in this context.
“Yeah. That’s what happens when people get divorced—they stop living together. But you will always have a home at Mom’s, and you’ll always have a home with me. They just won’t be the same home.”
There’s only silence as Luke and Ryan process the information. Neither you nor Eddie are used to them being so quiet; the million follow-up questions you’d anticipated never arise. 
The floodgates burst when Eddie pulls into Brittany’s driveway, before the seatbelts can even be unfastened. 
“I d-don’t wanna leave!” Luke cries, tugging his knees to his chest. “I don’t want Dad to live at the ‘partment!”
Your heart lurches. There’s nothing to say or do—he’s disappointed, and rightfully so. As much as you love Eddie, as glad as you are that he’s yours, you wish he and his sons didn’t have to deal with the pain of this divorce. 
Eddie helps Luke out of the car, then Ryan. The older boy is fighting back tears of his own. 
“I know this change is hard,” Eddie says to both kids, “but we’ll get used to it. I promise.”
Luke shakes his head, his curly mop of hair tangling. “No! I don’t wanna get used to it! I want you to live here again!”
“I know,” Eddie repeats, exhaling. “I wish I could make it easier.” He kisses each of his boys on the forehead and turns to you. 
Ryan and Luke follow his gaze. They look even younger, smaller somehow, when they’re sad. All you want is to protect them from all of the bad in the world. 
You open up your arms, enveloping them in a hug. “We’ll see you guys super soon, okay?”
It isn’t okay, and you’re sure Luke is about to tell you that. But then the front door swings open. 
“Good, you boys are home. Wait. What’s wrong? What’s going on?” Brittany looks from the heartbroken boys in your arms over to Eddie in question. She doesn’t give anyone a chance to reply before her eyes snap back to the boys and she demands, “What’s wrong? Luke?”
The five-year-old turns out of your arms and buries his face in his father’s t-shirt. His small sniffles and sobs are heart wrenching, and you find yourself holding onto Ryan a little tighter out of reflex. Ryan rests his head against your body. The feeling of his shoulders heaving dials up your instinct to comfort, so you card your fingers through the boy’s honey brown curls.
Eddie is doing his best to comfort Luke as well. One ringed hand rubs up and down Luke’s small back, while the other cups the back of the boy's head as he cries. The pain lashing through your heart is nearly unbearable—you can’t even begin to imagine how bad it is for Eddie. 
“He was a little confused about having two places to live now,” Eddie explains to Brittany. “He, uh, doesn’t want me living at the apartment.” 
Brittany, to your surprise, stays quiet. She simply nods her head and crosses her arms over her chest. 
“Do you want to go inside, Luke?” Ryan speaks up from your arms, standing up straight so he’s no longer leaning against you for support.
Still sniffling, Luke turns from Eddie’s torso and nods at his big brother, his left fist coming up to rub at his eye. 
Ryan nods and steps out of the circle of your arms to offer his little brother his hand. Luke grips it tightly, like it’s a lifeline and he’s scared Ryan is going to be the next one to live somewhere else. 
The two make their way into the house and the gazes of you three adults on the porch follow them until they’re out of sight. 
Letting out a pained sigh, Eddie rubs his hands over his face. He hardly gets those two seconds of reprieve because Brittany immediately snarls at him.
“So, you just explained it all to him without me? Without even telling me?”
The look you register on Eddie’s face first is shock, but it disappears after half a second, used to this insanity and savagery from his ex.
“What did you want me to do?” Eddie sounds exhausted. Mentally, now, in addition to physically from moving furniture all day. “He was upset, did you want me to have him hold on so I could have you come over to the apartment? Get into the car with us?” 
She probably wouldn’t have anyway, you say to yourself.
“Now I have to deal with him being upset,” Brittany complains.
You’re seeing red. The world is painted in crimsons and scarlets and it’s a good thing Eddie speaks up first, because something would’ve come out of your mouth that you would’ve ended up regretting later. 
“He’s your son,” Eddie argues, seething anger present in his voice as well. “That’s part of your job. You should want to comfort him when he’s upset.”
With one last roll of her eyes and a loud scoff, Brittany steps back into the house and slams the front door behind her. 
Eddie takes a few breaths before he lets out a pained chuckle and turns away from the house.
“I hate her so fucking much,” he says. 
Your boyfriend takes a deep breath and turns to you. The pain in his eyes steals the breath from your lungs. That agony morphs into a look you can’t interpret at first. No, it’s still pain, just a different kind. He speaks up before you can ask about it.
“This shit isn’t easy,” he says. The tone of his voice makes it click for you. Part of him thinks you’re going to walk away from all of this. Now that the emotions are raw on a different level, he thinks you’re going to change your mind about this. About him. 
But he’s crazier than Brittany is if he thinks you’re going to leave his side for even a moment.
“I know,” you answer him with a shrug of your shoulders. “But I’m not going anywhere, Eds. I’m here for you—all three of you.”
The plug is pulled on that pain and worry, and it all disappears down the drain to make room for the love and gratefulness that fills him up now. A small smile even curls one corner of his mouth up.
“Have I told you that I love you lately?” he asks.
“Not in the last…” you peer down at your watch before meeting his gaze once more, “hour or so. So, I think you’re due.”
Eddie steps forwards and presses a soft kiss to your forehead.
“I love you,” he whispers. “Come on. Let’s go home.”
His voice faltered slightly on the word “home,” but you don’t let him dwell on that. You slip your arm around his waist and start walking towards the car. “Oh, I forgot to tell you,” Eddie says as the two of you step into the driveway, “I got that bottle of champagne I bought for your birthday that I left at the Harrington’s. Figured it could be used to celebrate the new place. But, shit, I think I’m going to need something a whole lot stronger than champagne when we get back.”
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jasmineoolongtea · 12 hours
― if you think i'm pretty 𝜗𝜚 ‧₊˚
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― the ways in which they lay their hands on you and can't stop thinking about it ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
contents: gojo x gn!reader, geto x gn!reader, nanami x gn!reader, megumi x gn!reader, yuuta x gn!reader, headcanons/brief drabbles, quite suggestive (all characters are aged up!!!!), a lot of touching, making out, both reader and characters are needy and down bad for each other what can i say a/n: inspired by if you think i'm pretty by artemas and baby by madison beer, as you can see, i was very inspired for some of them compared to others so don't mind the difference in length djkajdwd
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gojo satoru can't help but have his hands on you at all times. it's a genuine problem. some might even call it a disease or affliction, a deadly illness if you want to go that far.
whatever it is, he doesn't think he wants to find a cure for it. not when he can so easily coax out those wonderful sounds from you with the brush of his fingertips, those noises that are reserved just for him even though you try and deny it, and especially not when you decide you want to try and turn the tables on him.
that's how he finds himself underneath you on the floor of an abandoned office, his wrists pinned above his head as a devilish smirk graces his features. you're hovering above him, one hand locking his troublesome hands in place while the other is pressed against the cold floor to support your stance. right now, he's thinking about how this might be one of his favourite angles to look at you from.
he knows you're trying to tease him back, testing his patience and will to resist like he does with you, in a sort of punishment for his wandering hands but he can't even hide how much he's visibly enjoying this moment. it annoys you, deeply. you decide to give him a taste of his own medicine, shifting your weight onto your knees to free up your other hand so you can run it down from his neck and stopping just right where his belt sits which earns you a breathy gasp from him.
you smile to yourself, clearly pleased at your own doing. but you don't have long to celebrate your victory as it seems you've underestimated how thin his patience runs when it comes to you. in an instance and in one fell swoop, you're flipped onto your back as satoru is now the one caging you against the floor. your faces are barely inches from each other when he leans in, his breath ghosting the shell of your ear as he whispers,
"it's my turn now."
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geto suguru thinks apologies are useless. in most cases, he rather you show him instead.
to him, words often get in the way of many things and even more so when emotions come into the mix, scrambling them up to the point where they are nothing more than regurgitated word vomit. he's a firm believer in the phrase, actions speak louder than words, and he's definitely not shy about carrying out said belief in his daily life.
why tell you how much he wants you when he can simply show you through how his hand never seems to leave your waist even in the most crowded of places and how his lips seem to find yours in an instance as if he's worried that they might miss his company even if just for a second.
the same goes for you. why tell him how sorry you are when you can just show him? and so you do, caressing his jaw with your fingertips while your lips roam the expanses of his neck and collarbones, making it their sole mission to map out and commit each curve and mark to memory. every kiss you place is an apology in its own way and it makes the both of you forget what you two were even in arms over anyway.
"satisfied yet, sugu?" you murmur against his skin, the sound of your voice sending tiny vibrations that grants you a pleased hum from him.
too bad for you, it turns out that he's tough to please, or rather just tough to fully satiate his seemingly insatiable appetite for you.
"not yet. actually, far from it."
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kento nanami is pretty sure that you're trying to punish him for something he did.
maybe it was because he didn't tell you what was truly on his mind when he came home from work last night in fear or burdening you with worries or maybe it was because he didn't touch you then, even though he knew that you were looking too good for no one to be touching you like they should.
but whatever it is, he knows that whatever you are doing, it's dangerous.
you two were in public, wide out in the open. he could feel his breath hitch in his throat as you nudge your heel against him, dragging lazy lines up and down his leg and stopping just right next to his upper thigh before disappearing again underneath the cover of the table. as usual, you offer him no visible reaction that could possible give away your true intentions to him, just a ghost of a coy smile on your lips.
was this fun for you? to test his resolve as a gentleman, drawing it thinner and thinner into a taught line ready to snap at any second? or did you just want to see first-hand what it would be like to see come undone from your actions alone. knowing you, it would probably be the latter but he could never know for sure as it seemed that he would inexplicably always play into your hand.
with each lingering touch wherever you could get your hands on and each teasing glance at his necktie, as if you were already trying to undress him with your eyes, he had never wanted to throw caution and any ounce of public decency he still had at this point and return the favour to you.
god, you were going to be the death of him.
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fushiguro megumi thinks that you're a handful and isn't shy about making it known to you.
it doesn't help him at all, of course, only earning him a sly grin from you as you continue with your wandering touches and teasing kisses, lingering on certain areas such as right under his jaw where you know you can elicit a low breathy groan from him. he tries to hide his reaction in an attempt to not give you more fuel to continue but he fails every time with his body betraying him as the tips of his ears seem to grow impossibly redder and he even finds himself subconsciously leaning into your touch.
in response to his words, all you say is, "hmm maybe, but that's what hands are for." as if to prove your point, you entangle one of his hands with yours, pulling it closer towards you and placing it right in the middle of your chest like you were inviting him to do some of his own exploration himself. he avoids your gaze, knowing the moment he made eye contact he would be done for and whatever was holding him back now would shrivel into nothing in an instant.
you giggle softly to yourself, showcasing your obvious amusement at how much he's trying to prove that he's stronger than this. you lean in closer towards him, your faces barely centimetres apart as you murmur, "and last time i checked, i'm pretty sure you have two of them."
that's when he makes his fatal mistake, looking down to see your plump lips just a breath away from his and noticing how your eyelashes flutter softly as you, in turn, look up at him through them. he can imagine your body on his lips and that's all that it takes him to use his free hand and to close the distance between you two as your lips crash against each other.
screw this, he doesn't want to wait anymore.
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okkotsu yuuta is obsessed with you to the point where to others, it could be seen as concerning. thankfully for the both of you, he's never been much to care for other's opinions.
it doesn't matter if you manage to kill him, whether intentionally or unintentionally, because no matter what, he'll just come back more obsessed with you. a fact that he so clearly demonstrates whenever you're around him.
"p-please," he mumbles against your lips, his fingers tightening their grip around your cheek, "don't go." his voice is shaky with a tinge of desperation and his pupils are so enlarged with his unquenchable thirst and desire for you that you've lost track of the whites of his eyes. to him, even parting for a breath of air when it comes to you is a painful act that causes his heart to ache and swell.
yuta's never been much of a sweet tooth but he thinks you taste like the sweetest candy that could ever exist and it's as if you're covered in a layer of sugarcoating he wants to be the only person who has the privilege of being able to lick it off with his own lips. your hand snakes its way up his arm and around his neck, pulling him tighter into your grasp and he takes this as his cue to dive back into your lips.
at this point, he's no better than an addict with how much he's greedily devouring you with his mouth, wholeheartedly consuming you with every fibre of his being as his tongue desperately awaits to explore more of you and see if this is the only place that you taste sweet. all good things in this world cost something and you're no exception but whatever the price is, he doesn't care because he'll pay for it.
hopefully, he's planning to repay it now in his own sort of way.
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sxcret-garden · 3 days
ღ Ateez Yunho x gn!reader ღ words: ~1k ღ genre: smut (sub!Yunho, he's blindfolded, temperature play (ice cubes), nipple play, oral, handjob, overstimulation, multiple orgasms (all idol receiving), dacryphilia) ღ reader: no description of reader’s anatomy, no pronouns used to refer to reader ღ warnings: none ღ prompt: “I can’t get enough of you.”
Author’s note: Idkkkk I just love the concept of letting service dom!Yunho lean back while you take care of him and repay him for all the times he’s done the same for you,,, and subsequently having him become a moaning, shaking mess underneath you,,,,,,,
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Your boyfriend lets out a breathy moan at the cold sensation of the ice cube against his skin. Holding it between your lips, you drag it from his sternum all the way up to his throat, making him throw back his head instinctively to give you access, and then once you lift it off his skin, he lets out a shaky sigh. You cup his face with one hand, thumb brushing against his cheek and the silky fabric of the blindfold, placing the ice into your other hand, before you lean in for a kiss. His lips feel hot against yours for a moment, until you’ve adjusted to the temperature difference, and while you kiss him at an unhurried pace you don’t hesitate to part his lips with your tongue to lead him into an open mouthed kiss. He lets you take control as his hands find your hips on top of him, loosely holding onto them.
“I’ll take care of you today,” you mutter once you part. It’s been a while since you’ve last done this, switched roles, made him sprawl out on the bed for you to have your way with him - but oh, how you missed this. Of course you like it when he’s in control, doing everything in his might to make you feel nothing short of amazing. But sometimes the urge to give all of that back overcomes you, and in times like these you always find yourself baffled at how much more badly you could need him.
You roll your hips on top of him once, a teasing gesture, and yet - the deprivation of one of his senses heightens all others, and you don’t fail to draw another of those pretty moans from his lips.
“Shit, Yun… I can’t get enough of you.” It’s merely a whisper as you lean back in, pressing another impatient kiss against the corner of his mouth, and then you take the ice cube between your lips again, letting a drop of the cold water fall onto his chest. Mesmerized by the goose bumps forming on his skin and his nipples hardening without you needing to touch them, you eventually lean back in to take one of them into your mouth. The mixture of the cold ice and your hot tongue swirling around the sensitive bud has him arching his back underneath him, and the way he reacts so strongly has you moaning while you continue your ministrations. You move on eventually, scattering ice cold kisses down his stomach, leaving the remainder of the ice cube behind on his navel for it to melt there. Your hand finds Yunho’s cock, grown to its full size now, and you find yourself amused by how affected he is once again. Starting to give him a few slow strokes, you lick up the droplets of water running down his skin, and then you position yourself in between his thighs, aching to please him even more.
“You good, baby?” you ask, running your nails down the inside of his thigh, your lips hovering just above his tip.
“Y-yeah,” he gives you a strained answer, desperation in his voice and you grin to yourself.
“Gonna make you feel even better…” you say, before you press a kiss to his head and even at such a tiny gesture you can feel him shiver underneath you. “Fuck, you’re so sensitive, Yun…” Very slowly, you lick a stripe up the underside of his cock, and when you finally reach the tip, you wrap your lips around it. Your boyfriend lets you hear a whine, one that you assume wasn’t supposed to slip out, as he immediately presses his lips tightly together, but you can’t help but want more of it. “Let me hear you, baby,” you say. “Sounds so pretty…” And as soon as you take him into your mouth, sinking down on him as you hollow your cheeks until you have as much of him inside of you as you can take, yet another of those sinful whines bursts out of him. His breathing heavy and his thighs attempting to close around your frame, he moans at your touches. You go at exactly the pace you know he likes the most, doing all the things that will be sure to drive him crazy in no time, and when you begin to moan in tune with him, a curse escapes him.
“Shit, Y/N… g-gonna cum…” His fingers grappling at the bedsheets until his knuckles turn white, you keep your pace steady, until finally you can feel his warm seed spilling into your mouth and you swallow without hesitation. Leaving not a drop of his cum behind, you sit up eventually, and before he can fully come down from his high, you continue stroking him until you can feel him getting hard again. “Sh-shit…” Yunho tries to hold back any more of those desperate whines as he bites his bottom lip, but it’s no use. You watch your boyfriend squirming underneath you, sometimes instinctively bucking his hips into your hand while he mewls at the overstimulation. His ears bright red and his muscles working underneath the skin in futile attempts to balance out the overwhelm - and still he doesn’t tell you to stop. Instead, there’s soon broken moans falling from his lips, your hand that’s moving up and down his pulsating cock picking up in speed, and the way he cries out as he cums again could’ve sent you over the edge as well.
“You did so well, baby,” you coo at him once you finally let him rest, hovering above him as you leave a trail of soothing kisses up his chest, and when you take off his blindfold, you can see the tears in the corner of his eyes. Running your fingers through his hair, you press a kiss to his temple, to his nose, and finally to his lips. “So, so well.”
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bambi-slxt · 22 hours
✨a concept✨
"ohhh, i know, mamas, i knowww..." he whispered, petting your clit and fluttering hole. chris lay beside you, resting on his side while you were strewn about the bed, legs thrown open.
if you'd had the wherewithal to be ashamed, your cheeks would be crimson, but as it was, the only thing your mind could focus on was the overwhelming sensations from the man next to you.
with one hand, he caressed the stray baby hairs from your face. with the other, he made your stomach twist into knots, pressing on your most sensitive nerve, using the generous lubrication of your juices to make his fingertips slippery.
a whine escaped your throat and you looked over at chris, his the movement of his hand causing your back to arch.
"hey, pretty lady," he said softly, continuing his maddening pace, "you doin' okay?" chris's blue eyes were soft and sweet, his eyelids heavy with the weight of his desire.
"y-y-yes," you stuttered after he sunk a finger inside of you (he must have timed it like that on purpose, the little shit), "please, m-more-"
"more?" he repeated, drawing the word out as a smile flickered over his face. "baby girl wants more?" his finger slowed its thrusting as his thumb feathered over your nub.
"fuck, yes, chris, more, please-" your hips bucked into his palm but the veins had already appeared on his forearm - chris's arm wasn't going to budge, and your body was kept pretty firmly against the mattress underneath the flexed muscles.
"so greedy," he purred. chris dug another finger inside of you, curling both of his soaked digits upwards. "s' that feel good?" he asked, as if he didn't know.
"it does, chris, it does, it feels so good," you babbled softly, keening under his touch. chris dipped his head out of your eyeline and you felt his nose brush against your temple. his voice, low and steady, filled your ear as his breath washed over it.
"that's my girl...there we go, breathe...in, out...good girl. just feel it, ma."
"you look so pretty."
"you're so good for me. best girl in the world. my pretty little girlie."
"ah, ah, ah, not yet, you know better...ask me. use your big girl words and ask me. what do you want, miss lady?"
"please, chris, can i cum, please, i've been so good, i can't hold it anymore, please, please, please, i need it, i need it, i-"
"cum for me, mamas."
your body almost convulsed with the power of the orgasm that ripped through you. your head shot up and your teeth found chris's shoulder. he hissed at the pain but leaned into it.
"good girl," he growled, "take it out on me. that's my girl. so good for me."
his fingers didn't stop. your pussy squelched but the pleasure tingled everywhere, everywhere, it was all you could see, all you could taste, and there was chris, holding you tightly, as though you might disappear at any moment, flexing his arm so you could get a better grip on his shoulder, rubbing your clit at just the right pace...
your orgasm broke and you collapsed with a cry onto the mattress once again. chris slowly extracted his hand from between your clenched thighs (when did that happen?), his own chest heaving a little as he caught his breath.
"easy ma, easy. breathe."
you nodded slowly, staring unseeing at the ceiling. chris saw your fucked-out expression and smiled. he twisted around, facing the nightstand but never letting his hand leave you.
he returned with a towel, soft and warm from the dryer. you had no idea when he'd gotten it. you didn't care.
"up," he said, tapping your hips. you struggled, so he slid his arm under you and lifted your ass, giving it a squeeze as he slipped the towel underneath you and lowered your body back down.
chris brought the edges of the fabric up to your soaking wet pussy, wiping away your juices gently, taking great care to move slowly over your clit. you gasped at the touch anyway, and his brows furrowed. "i know, ma. m' sorry. almost done."
you were beginning to return to your body, blinking away the fog of pleasure. your eyes were drawn to chris's shoulders, one of which sported a magnificent purple bruise and...were those teeth marks?
"oh my god did i bite you?"
chris just grinned and placed a kiss on your tummy. "it was worth it."
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r3starttt · 2 days
- request | dina - ellie - abby x reader
cw: no mention of any past/canon relationship or detailed events. all hc's are sfw. Abby's hc's are considering she'd stay at WLF base. Ellie's and Dina's hcs are considering they'd stay at Jackson.
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𐙚 After her dad’s loss, she definitely became more attached to people that were special for her. It was a matter of days after she met you, she had already convinced herself you'll be her biggest priority for as long as she could keep you close if not forever.
𐙚 It started with small acts of service, nothing beyond abby being friendly towards you because how could she not when you've proved endless times you care about her, you're someone she can genuinely trust. Whenever you met she'd take her time with you, chatting about anything, inviting you to have lunch together, doing small exchanges of clothing, food, movies, anything you can think about.
𐙚 That until she invited you over, asking probably the first favor ever to Manny. Who definitely didn't doubt on telling the whole crew about you later that day.
𐙚 After ending cuddling with her, talking for hours that seemed endless, getting her to open up about her dad and her life in general. You knew she had to be the one. It was a connection that was so real and pure it could almost be palpable. And there was no need to talk about it. It had become a mutual agreement at this point.
𐙚 Those small dates kept on going, until it was basically a need to stay together.
𐙚 Abby did everything from that moment on to keep you near her all the time. Fearing to loose you, fearing if you went on patrol alone it could be the last say she'll see you, or fearing she might not come back one day.
𐙚 However that never happened. Not even one day passed by without her on your side. It would be a lie to say none of you were ever at risk, but both had the luck to keep moving, surviving.
𐙚 At one point it was indeed painfull the idea of not being able to make a family on your own, yet the idea was briefly lost by the realization you two had more than that, not only because you were healthy and had friends growing along the two of you, but also because you two would always have each other.
𐙚 The more you aged the more the bond griew. And there could never be something more beautiful than seeing the woman you've loved most get those shinny white hairs start to grow, seeing her skin become more and more soft, loosen. Her body becoming weaker, more and more vulnerable.
𐙚 The days becoming heavier to go through, the nights of rest and cuddles becoming a need. And you could never imagine doing it without her. Without her pretty eyes that looked deep at you each night, with so much love. Her voice murmuring soft praices at you before you fell asleep underneath her hands, brushing so softly against your skin, your hair. Without her lips pressing over your temple each morning. Without her hugs each time she noticed you tired or troubled, or her existence itself, making sure you never got hurt whenever you had to go on patrol, making sure you never felt like a burden when it started to get harder and harder to move under such situations.
𐙚 Either you decided to stay at the base or search for a secure place to leave the rest of your life's together she made sure you'll never have to worry about how to make it to the next day, next week, month or year. And yes it was teamwork between both, but she needed to make sure you did the easier tasks most of the time.
𐙚 The small 'house' you've made with her had become the most safe place for both. A prove of the love you felt for each other in each shared blanket, each movie placed on the beautiful furniture you've exchanged some years ago with a friend. Every corner filled with love, calm and pureness.
𐙚 There's gotta be at least a few boxes filled with medicine. Always fresh food. Anything to make sure the two of you get to live in the most comfort possible.
𐙚 Also, each holiday gets celebrated no matter what. She started it, many years later simply asking you if you've ever celebrated Christmas. Later on you where the one planing what to do. All to see her pretty smile. Her eyes filled with adoration. You would always fo anything to see her this happy. Making secret stockings for the both of you. Gifting her the most simple thing that somehow has the biggest meaning for her. Always receiving a bunch of kisses on exchange.
𐙚 The more she ages, the more she realizes she's just like her dad, and the more she realizes the most sensitive she gets. You're always there to comfort her, like you did on the very first beginning, taking her hand on her sleep whenever she had nightmares. Waking her up and offering all kinds of comfort possible even though it was more than enough with your presence next to her. And realizing all this makes the same fuzzy feeling in your heart that you felt that first night you slept on her side. What could you possibly do on this life to deserve aging to her side in such beautifully way?
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𐙚 She did all first moves on you ever since she met you. It was almost impossible to not give in her. The way she looked at you every time you spoke. The way her hands felt so smooth and soft each time she touched you. She easily became the safest place you could ever have.
𐙚 Smoothly and in a very short time, her friends were yours and vice versa. Your family was hers, so was your food, your clothes, anything she or you needed could be shared. And it wasn't ignored nor talked, but you were both very aware of it all.
𐙚 She never doubted you liked her back, but you never said it openly so she feared maybe she'll make a mistake trying to take things further. That until your lips pressed over hers, abruptly. And she knew she'll never let go of you, not after you didn't care that's she was all covered in sweat, not after you didn't care people watching and talking about it.
𐙚 She never was the type to be all the time close to you, but god when she was. Muffled words in between kisses, hands roaming all over your body, her eyes amused each time she met your face. It was pure and real.
𐙚 There would be many nights where she'll take you out, to smoke, talk, kiss, make out over and over again. The closest you would ever be to the typical teenage love you've seen on those movies she'll show you sometimes before you even thought about her romantically. And you loved it, how she tried hard for you to have the nicest time with her every single time.
𐙚 It broke your heart seeing a change on her after some weeks of dating. Which was later changed by fear, confusion, happiness. All at once. She was pregnant. She seemed shocked and you really didn't know what to do. Any choice that ran through your mind didn't include leaving her, and you felt so guilty for making her think otherwise. It's one of the most precious memories you have, that's when you knew it had to be forever.
𐙚 The following months after the new were so weird. Changes everywhere for the both of you. Fears you never imagined you'll experience. A current worry for her, for you even. What would you do when the life she was carrying on her stomach became an actual tangible little thing? Could you manage it?
𐙚 Eventually, she practically obliged you to learn everything about how to work as a family, as a mom as insane it would sound at that age. And even though you never actually felt ready, the moment you chose the name, the moment you saw that little baby, the moment you heard him, it all changed. You really couldn't wait to not only grow with dina on your side, but to grow with your baby, to see them grow together and learn together. To leave a legacy that could grow with tender and love in such world.
𐙚 And that's how it happened. At first staying in Jackson to have support until needed. To get enough recourses and an established safe place to grow the three of you in peace. Ever since you met dina she shared with you how much she wanted to have her own little farmhouse, and the more you saw JJ grow up the more you knew it had to be your reality as soon as possible. The chance to have a quiet life with your family. Such a big privilege you were dying to achieve.
𐙚 And even though it took you a while, you made sure it happened just as Dina wanted it to. Not to far from Jackson but far enough to get your own privacy. The whole decorating process mostly made by her. All to see her happy, to make her dream come true.
𐙚 And just as you did with that very first house in Jackson, you worked day and night to make it comfortable. Secure. A place where JJ could grow up free, as loved as possible. Dina did everything to make the most beautiful room a baby could ever have, the most comfortable room for the two of you, with a bunch of peaces that screamed your names. Like blankets with your and her favorite color, curtains with a flowery pattern that remind her of you. The plush you got for her at a small fair in Jackson placed on JJ's crib, her favorite books placed on a small table near his crib so she could read them to him when he grew up. Every detail on that house made for the three of you to enjoy the best life possible.
𐙚 It was insane to see this part of her. Growing each day within her. How she sang quietly each night to put him to sleep, how she then came to your arms, cuddling as if you were about to run from her embrace. Seeing her smile each morning when you glanced at her after hearing some soft mumbles, realizing they were already awake. Or seeing her tired eyes asking you to take care of him if it was too early for her. It brought you so much joy to see how much he looked like her. How her giggles resembled so much to the laugh escaping her pretty lips whenever she was happy. You didn't think it was possible to love more than one person this much.
𐙚 Both of you took each other’s and JJ's birthdays way too seriously. Doing everything to make of it the greatest day on earth. And that eventually became harder and harder. What else could someone want when they have all they could ever dream of and more? And god, each year that passed brought the two of you so much nostalgia. Seeing your little baby grow and grow and grow. Your bodies aging with him. Your hairs turning gray and your bodies weak. It always elicted a smile on your face to see her always like the first time you ever spoke.
𐙚 It was a constant of compliments. How pretty her hair looked. Her body, her hands her eyes. Always returned with the same love she recieved them. How much she loved having you on her side, how much she adored you being the first thing she saw each morning. How she would always chose you.
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𐙚 she put an eye on you the very first moment she saw you, but never really approached you until you had to hang out together since you had friends in common. And even like that, she had a hard time, fearing she might be awkward, suddenly forgetting how someone's supposed to talk to someone new. She still managed to get a good impression
𐙚 Which led to you wanting to hang out more with her. She never denied. And it wasn't necessarily romantic. They were dates in between friendship and something more if possible. Both being a little awkward, mostly because of her. That until she opened up and decided to over share and yap about everything, you eventually did the same.
𐙚 It was a matter of months for you to fall completely for her. She was so simple for a world like this, so gentle with the people she cared. There was something so charming about how she shared her interests with you. How she eventually told you her whole life detail by detail. How it became so easy to open up to her and how suddenly the silence wasn't uncomfortable anymore. It was so sweet to see her pretty eyes looking at you with such hunger of more, seeing how she never did more than just look.
𐙚 That's when you knew you'll have to make the first move. Leaving such tender kiss on one of those dates you've been having for a while. The way she smiled when you stepped back, her sheepish expression and flushed cheeks, her freckles shining more than ever. It was so precious, probably one of the first times you were so conscious about how pretty she was, how there was the most sweet person behind her usual serious facade.
𐙚 After that you practically started to live at her house. Becoming friends with her friends, part of her family. However she never really said anything about it, to anyone. And you understood, knowing how she'd lost so much already, it made sense that she feared that many sharing what you two had so openly would make the rest of people she cared so much about simply leave her side. However she had to talk about it, not being able to ignore it at one point, feeling guilt later soothed by you.
𐙚 That was probably the most and last big conflict you two had. You taught her how to stop being so stubborn, how to be patience. And she simply couldn't hesitate, understanding she didn't need to be so defensive all the time. Finally getting someone she could get some free comfort of, someone she could be vulnerable with without fearing they might leave.
𐙚 On exchange she'll give anything for you, do anything even if you didn't ask. She naturally started to take care of you. Not realizing how much she looked at you whenever you were near, how she'd walk always on your side whenever you had to go patrolling together. Small details that became a thing, a ritual everytime you were with her.
𐙚 And behing those small actions you always knew there was so much more. She didn't even have to tell you, you could know by how she searched for comfort in you, how she'd cuddle with you when she had trouble sleeping, how she'll go and search for you when she was feeling off.
𐙚 Later on you could finally understand. You never really asked about the burn under her tattoo, in fact, too focused on the desfing to even care about whatever was underneath it. You'll never forget her face when she finally shared. The shock you felt, thinking about all those times she pushed you aside to kill for you, understanding it wasn't just her taking care of you but maybe even feeling the responsibility to do so. It broke your heart know the guilt she felt and it took you a long while to properly talk about it with her, to find a way to comfort her, to find a way to make her understand she didn't need to save anyone but herself. Though it was worht, after seeing that look on her face, her pretty eyes shining at your words and your embrace, finding sense in those words for the first time ever.
𐙚 that's what made her think you must be the one she had to stay for the rest of her life. You made her hide that defensive and vengative side of her. For your own good, she felt like being better, do better.
𐙚 She got a small house for the two of you. Still in Jackson, knowing that would be the safest place for both. At first it was messy, your things and her things simply put together wherever they fit. Yet with time it became a real house, a place of comfort for both. All decorated with so much color, the perfect mix of both.
𐙚 as years passed by she simply decided to get comfortable with the whole thing. Staying more at home, with you. Staying hours and hours painting for you. And you adored that, seeing how much you've grew together in each portrait she drew along the years. Seeing how much you meant for her. Her way to remind you she'll always be yours.
𐙚 You saw how hard it was for her to age. How much conflict it caused her to see her body change. The people she saw on herself, on her skin loosening, on her hair becoming clear and clear, more gray each year. And Ellie couldn't be more thankful for having you there always on her side, knowing how and when to give her some space, and knowing when to comfort her, when to remind her how pretty she looked in your eyes.
𐙚 She never really understood how she could end with such life and privilege. Having you on her side, this healthy and old. It seemed unreal. And the fear of loosing you never really disappeared. It was simply replaced by the comfort of your embrace each night, the delicious food you made for her, the warmth of your touch every time you cupped her face, the way your voice was so soothing each time you told her how much you loved her, how pretty she was, how grateful you were for having her too.
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iliketangerines · 3 days
If I may request
Please dom!/rough Smoke/Tomas x female reader with breeding kink. Can be either Mk9 version or MK11 version. I just need more dom!Smoke. There’s rarely ever any of him being rough.
The ones you did of him before were just mwah, amazing.
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quite the surprise
a/n: dom!smoke you'll always be famous to me...
pairing: tomas vrbada x afab!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI) slight breeding kink, overstimulation
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you lay in your bed, staring at the ceiling with the blankets tangled around you in a mess, proof of the sleeplessness tonight
sleep had always evaded you, and tonight was no different
sometimes, Tomas would find you in his own insomnia, and the two of you would walk off to the kitchens and have a snack while talking about useless drivel
however, it’s too late in the night for Tomas to be up, and so you’re left alone with your thoughts and the dark as you squirm around your bed and find a different position
to no avail, sleep continues to tease you with the tiredness on your eyes and your body, but no matter how much you chase it, dreams are always just a hair width too far
if you can’t sleep, you might as well have some fun, and you move to get yourself comfortable, throwing the blankets off you in the heat of the room
one of your hands dip below your waistband, and you sigh as your fingers circles your clit, pressing against it lightly
you just tease yourself for a minute or two, letting yourself grow wet with want and need, and then you press your fingers into your clit and moan at the feeling
your fingers rub lazily against your clit, bringing yourself slowly to the high, and you let the pleasure take you into its arms and carry you far
the door creaks open, but you don’t notice, too busy letting out breathy whimpers as you rub your fingers faster and faster
however, you do hear the door slamming close and the frantic apologies and then someone tripping and falling down in the hallways
you jump out of bed, ripping open the door to see who had spotted you, and you find Tomas getting up from the floor, red in the face as he looks at you
he’s looking away, trying to be respectful and not look at the loose t-shirt you’re dressed in along with the thin panties you have on
your own face burns hot with embarrassment at the realization of what happened, and you glance away from his face, eyes landing on his pants and how his cock bulges out from his sleep pants
looking back up at him, he’s back to apologizing and saying that he’ll leave, but you blurt out that if he likes, he can join you in bed
Tomas blinks at you for a second, and perhaps you’ve made a mistake with your offer, fingers gripping onto the frame of the door as you wait for his answer
but then he steps forward, eyes hazy as he walks you backward into your own room, one hand closing the door behind you before coming up to hold onto your waist
his lips press against yours insistently, groaning into your mouth that he had wanted you for so long, and you gasp as he nips at your bottom lip
his hands are reaching underneath your shirt, groping onto your chest roughly, and the both of you fall down onto the bed as the back of your knees hit the mattress
he doesn’t stop, hands continuing to roam all over your body, and you moan into his mouth, your own hands coming up to hold onto his broad shoulders
his hips grind into yours insistently, moaning into your mouth at the feeling, and your own hips buck up into his as your spread your legs and wrap them around his waist
Tomas gasps into your mouth as he ruts his cock into your clothes pussy, and one of his hands come down from your chest to rip off your panties
you gasp and go to slap his shoulder, but he presses his thumb into your clit, rubbing it in firm fast circles while his fingers slide into your soaked pussy
all coherent thought flies from your head, and you moan out his name as your hips grind down onto him
he moans and pulls away from your lips to pull off his pants with the hand still up your shirt, and he pumps at his cock hurriedly, desperate to fuck you
Tomas moves his fingers away from your pussy and presses his cock against you, gliding it against your soaked folds, and he digs his fingers into your hips as he ruts against you
a slick sound fills the air as he grinds his cock against your folds, and your hands grip onto the sheets as you beg him to just fuck you
he pants out for you to wait, to be patient as he makes sure his cock was properly lubed up so as to not hurt you too bad
you whine at the thought and look up at him through blurry vision, and Tomas looks absolutely debauched, face flush and teeth digging into his bottom lip
he just ruts against you, moaning out your name, and you wait as patiently as you can without squirming for more
finally, he slightly leans back and takes his dick in his hand to line himself up with you, groaning at the feeling, hips rocking into you slowly as he finally bottoms out
the both of your moan at the feeling, and Tomas pants into the air, eyes closed in pleasure as his hips only minutely fuck into you
you let out a whine, begging him to move and fuck you, and his eyes snap open as he looks at you
it’s an instant switch-up as his hips fuck into you hard and fast, his hands slightly bouncing you up and down to meet his thrusts, and you can’t help the needy high-pitched whine that you let out
he can’t help it as words start to spill out of his mouth, telling you how beautiful you look, how good you look fucked-out, how this is better than he imagined
you can’t respond, mind too clouded with pleasure, so you just whimper
it’s just the lewd sound of the two of you fucking, and he reaches a thumb down from his hand on your hip to rub at your clit, saying that he needs you to cum, asking you where you want him to cum
your head spins but you manage to stutter out inside, you want him to cum inside, need him right now, and Tomas groans at the answer
his hips slap into yours as your moans grow in volume, and he keeps muttering out that he needs you to cum, that he’s gonna cum in you and fill you with his seed, that you’ll look so pretty with it dripping out of your pussy
you whine and arch your back off the bed, eyes squeezing shut as you see white when you cum, and Tomas groans at the feeling of you clenching down on him
his hips stutter in their pace as he cums in you, but they never stop moving, fucking his seed farther and farther into you
he doesn’t stop until the both of your heads spin with the afterglow of your highs, and he leans down to kiss you, forearms coming up by your heads to balance himself
you whine and wrap your arms around his torso to dig your nails into his muscled back
the both of you pant as he pulls back, and you let out a small whimper when he thrusts back into you
Tomas starts to move again, saying that he just needs a little more, needs to properly fill you with his cum, just needs you to cum one more time on his cock
you dig lines into his back as he starts thrusting back into you, him intent on fucking you through the night
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heck-theo · 18 hours
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Okokokokok- ignore how rough and messy some of these redraws/sketches are - but it's apparently also dinosaur month?? (WHY did no one ever tell me it's Jurassic June? I love dinosaurs) And like. What if Rise but dinosaurs?!
I don't often post such loose sketches but I wanted to show these off cause I really like some of this.
Design choices and dino species + the reasons I picked them bellow (looking for potential Donnie dino suggestions):
Clothes: Without the shell they really need clothes. They'd all have pretty much the same pants to keep some unity, except maybe Mikey (I decided they should all have the same pants after I finished the Mikey sketches, not sure if I'll keep the shorts or change to pants). Accessories are a mix of pre and post finale.
Raph - I think would keep it simple and practical but would also wear nice jackets and stuff when in casual situations. I need to work on giving him an alternative outfit and tweak his accessories a bit.
Donnie - An oversized pull-over hoodie cause we already know he loves that shit. We see him wearing it all the time. Easy enough. He wears a comfortable singlet underneath so the straps of his battle sail don't rub. Nice soft fabric, tight fit so it doesn't move around, tucks it into his pants, etc. When he wears the battle sail he won't overheat so he can wear hoodies basically all year round.
Leo - He's in one of those shirts with obnoxiously large arm holes and make it cropped cause 1. I think he would 2. I want it to be different from Raph and Donnie's singlets. He usually wears the shoulder strap off his shoulder but pulls it up when he needs to. He has some of the black bandages over his mid drift atm but I might just make his pants super high waisted in the final version. He'd probably wear a bomber jacket (also cropped?) over the top for cool weather, but doesn't like to hide his feathers.
Mikey - I think he'd mostly wear hand me downs when he's younger. He definitely goes through a stage of rebelling and wanting to pick his own and would find a middle ground of appreciating sharing some of his brother's clothes and modifying them, as long as he has the choice of his own available. Not sure if that would be before or after this design. At the moment he's got Raph's old shorts (from a loooong time ago), Leo's old shirt, and Donnie's old zip up hoodie. He does have his own accessories though, including pins instead of stickers.
Dinosaurs: I kept them all as non-avian dinosaurs, AKA not including animals that are colloquially considered dinos but aren't (like pterosaurs). I wanted to keep an even split of herbivore vs carnivore just so one wasn't the odd one out. I wanted to keep most of their body structure, colours and distinguishing features the same as canon. Obviously I added tails cause, yeah, of course haha. I did want them to be recognisable as different species of dino using distinct characteristics that their species is known for. I did ignore a lot of differences though, like size and bipedal vs quadruped (although the quadrupeds might be more likely to go to all fours, especially when fighting or afraid). Leo and Donnie are carnivores so have sharper teeth and claws.
Raph - Some kind of Ceratopsian (likely Triceratops or something very similar) and he was the first idea I had for this and I'm really happy with it. I think it just suits him. Trike Raph just came to me in an unprecedented moment of genius. His spikey frill replicates his spikey shell. His sturdiness, protectiveness and willingness to kick ass when needed, all scream trike to me.
Donnie - Spinosaurus but looking for other species recommendations. More details below: So I wanted to figure out a way for him to have tech with a similar function to his battle shell (in the sense that it's something that helped him in day to day life) and so I went with spino cause one possible theory about a function of spinosaurus' sail is temperature regulation. So his battle sail has heating/cooling systems as well as other tech. A spino's sail was probably not fragile but the battle sail would also help protect it from being targeted during fights or crushed during extreme impacts. It was also thought to be used for display, and what's more of a display than a battle sail? The only problem I have with this is that it's lacking part of what makes Donnie's battle shell so great, which is that it is essentially a prosthetic. Not quite the same as how prosthetics are used in people of course, just in the sense that it is replicating the functionality of a body part that he doesn't have (I can't think of a better word). Well he does have a shell but it doesn't function in the same way that his brothers shells do, which leaves him with less defense than they have, hence a big reason for the battle shell (I hope I explained this well, it was hard to try and word properly). I can't think of a good way to do this with dinos. I was thinking of a carno or something with tiny arms, then Donnie could have tech enhanced arms but I'm pretty much ignoring body structure in the others so it would be weird to have just Donnie be affected by a difference in limb structure/functionality. I was thinking prosthetic tail but every non avian dinosaur had a pretty substantial tail. Except therizinosaurus but even they hade pretty obvious tails. I'm open to suggestions for this one if anyone has ideas. It does have to be an extinct non-avian dinosaur (anything not in Avialae), preferably carnivore but if someone suggests a really good herbivore or omnivore then I can try and swap Mikey for a carnivore. I want there to be an even split. I also wanted to give him something different on his face, like his brothers, and that could only be a little spino crest and it crowds the top of his head but I can't put it anywhere else...
Leo - A type of Dromaeosaur. I was tossing up between this and a dilophosaur where his red stripes were part of the dilo's crest, cause I wasn't sure about giving him feathers. But dilo Leo was so plain compared to the rest and the crests were hard to get looking right so I went back to raptor Leo. I can definitely imagine him literally and metaphorically preening his feathers too. You can't really see it but he does also have that big raptor claw. Raptors were smart, tactical and worked in packs so I think that suits him. I wasn't specifically referencing how some artists draw Leo's stripes coming off his face (I was just trying to replicate his stripes somehow, even though it doesn't make a huge amount of sense) but I realised afterwards that it kinda looks like that and might have been subconsciously inspired by it.
Mikey - Is an Ankylosaur. I'm pretty happy with the species but I need to work out the design of his armour plating so that it looks interesting, cool and protective but isn't too chunky, too pointy or super lumpy looking. I went with an anky cause Mikey is often hiding in his shell and he can't do the same here but he could curl up in a defensive ball. Plus I could imagine him using his tail club in his razzmatazz fighting style. A little like his kusari-fundo or nunchacku/nunchucks (not sure on proper wording).
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close to you — m!rover x f!reader
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soft, gentle, delicate—such was your touch on dark feathers.
lithe fingers grazing the feathers below, making him shiver from your electrifying touch. it seemed to echo from his wings down to the tips of his toes.
“you're quite sensitive,” you noted, “...does it distract you, rover?”
fluttering his eyes open, golden irises found themselves looking at you.
“...no,” he softly muttered, “please, don't mind me.”
it was only a simple check up. after the fiasco with the awakened threnodian, every citizen of jinzhou were relieved to find the two great heroes emerge alive from the lion's den. a checkup with your patient was long overdue since.
it was purely professional at first, really. it was what your job asked you to do anyway. you quickly dove into your usual checking his vitals, checking for any injuries underneath.
all was well, until you asked the rover to take off his top.
“is this normal?” you said, watching the noticeable scar on his back. you pulled the mirror closer to you, so that the rover could see the identical mirror reflect what you meant to point out.
“ah...I don't know...” sheepishly scratching the back of his neck, the rover sighed, “I have never seen that before. is it bad?”
“no,” you hummed, reaching out to touch it, “do you mind if I examine you further, rover?”
his breath hitched when your fingers gently traced the line on his back. with a small nod, you mapped out your examination. apart from that, there were a few more scratches, both fresh and old ones, littered across his back. tenderly tracing the fresh ones, you could feel him wince from your touches.
“does it hurt?” you asked, voice now soft as you sat on the examination table, body quite brushing his, “please tell me if I make you uncomfortable, rover.”
but you heard nothing from him, apart from his shallow breathing. when your fingers now brushed the large scar, the make couldn't help but hold his breath.
“did...the threnodian hurt you here?” you quietly asked, “I see no blood, yet I'm afraid that it might hurt you.”
“that's, ah,” what would the rover say? “...it doesn't.”
“really? are you sure? I could patch this up for you if you want—”
“it's fine, really.” the rover sighed, “they're my...wings.”
the rover must have think he's mad, telling it to a logical person like you. except he doesn't know, knowing you, you've heard too many bullshit from ridiculous patients, that none would faze you anymore.
“oh,” you shrugged, “okay.”
“I can show it to you...maybe?”
“it's okay.”
“I insist. so that I can really tell you that it doesn't hurt.”
“it's okay, I be—”
but the male rover didn't hear you. by the time you blinked, a large, dark feathered-wing came out from the scar. oh, you've heard too many bullshit from patients. but it's the first time you've seen it in person.
“...ah,” the rover mentally scolded himself, “s-sorry...it must have scared you.”
“you have...wings.”
“I do...they usually show up only when I'm fighting so...” looking back at your shocked expression, the rover smiled at you, “you're the first to see it without being in combat.”
is it adoration? the roger could see it in your face through the mirror. the way your mouth was agape, sparkling eyes fixated on the slow flutter of his wings. the rover, somehow feeling embarrassed, was ready to hide them again, when you placed your hand near the base of his wing.
“wait,” you sucked in a breath, never looking away, “can I...can I touch your wing?”
like a child, completely enthralled with the new discovery in front of them. as soon as the rover gave his consent, your fingers found themselves touching the feathers underneath.
those wings only knew chaos and disorder. it knew how to hack and slash its way to assist its owner against the tacet discords, or against any other enemy. but it was the first time the rover knew kindness, from the way you tenderly touched its feathers, from down below to the tips. he couldn't help but breathe deeply, trying to control his labored breathing.
“your wings are so sensitive,” you giggled, “it's almost in contrast to your persona in battle.”
you looked back at golden eyes staring at you. with a sheepish smile, you added, “sorry, you must've disliked it. I just couldn't help...it's the first time I've seen something so pretty.”
the rover couldn't help but sigh in content. to say that he disliked it was a lie—he liked it. he liked your gentle fingers on his sensitive wings, tenderly caressing them like cotton, tenderly conveying your hidden emotions, ones that his wings somehow could detect—
“you think...it's pretty?” the rover asked, flabbergasted.
“o-of course!” you exclaimed, a faint pink tinting your cheeks, “rover, you are so pretty.”
oops. so it was true—the blush on your cheeks a deeper shade. “I-I mean, your wings, they're, um...really...pretty.”
did he ever find you this cute before? turning to face you, a gracious smile on his lips, his wing pointed to you.
“you can touch them more, doctor.” he said, a hand out for you, “I'll allow you.”
only a fool would miss the giddy smile on your face. with one hand outstretched to touch the rover's wing, the man didn't miss the chance to hold your other free hand. you did miss, when he placed your hand on his cheek, leaning onto the warmth of your hand.
yes, it was warm. it was soft, gentle, and kind—you, who were growing affectionate; you, who treated him in kind. you only noticed the gesture when his cheeks reflected your own, warmth heating your palm.
and it was incredibly intimate, that the rover couldn't help but mirror your affection as well.
“doctor [y/n], do you perhaps know the medication to what I'm feeling for you right now?”
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m!rover is so babygirl I might write about him one of these days
— starry
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vox-ex · 2 days
can we have 💗 slow kiss / gentle kiss / inevitable / soft?? please and thank you!
Thank you so much for the ask! and your patience! I wanted to try and make this all these things...slow, gentle, inevitable...soft...so hopefully it is. Also tried this in first person…but third-person pov here if you prefer
Kara ponders the possibility of other worlds and Lena in her arms ... or Kara and Lena falling in love in all dimensions of time and space and matter.
There are many other worlds.
I do not know them all.
I cannot count them all.
The ones I can count, I count over and over, sliding them through my fingers in endless repetition.
Careful I have not forgotten anything — missed anything.
Each has its own colors, its own gravity, its own time.
Some spin up, and some spin down. Some, I beg, might spin backward to the beginning again and again and again.
There is a universe they never died in.
There is a universe we never met.
There is a universe that is crueler and perhaps one that is kinder.
There is a universe where you still hate me and perhaps one where we got to love each other sooner.
Sometimes, I lose myself to the gravity between them — the space between them.
I make company with the ghosts and the stars and the memories all covered in the dust of lost planets and lost love and lost chances.
I slip back to my own world, my own heart, my own ghosts.
Down, in, back.
In another universe, the sun is still red.
But this one is bright yellow.
In another universe, you're lying alone — so am I.
But in this one, we're not.
We're lying together. Our bodies sticking together. A thin sheet barely covering us. I am watching the tiny dots of sweat collect on your skin.
I pull myself away from you, and the loss of contact leaves goosebumps on my arms even though I cannot feel them. Slowly, I pad over to the window and open it all the way.
The sky is dark and dotted with stars.
The air is still and heavy, but at least it's cool.
"Come back," you say softly behind me, holding out your hand.
I move back across the room and slide under the sheet.
Down, in, back — to you.
In another world, you're lying alone — so am I.
But in this one, we are not.
In this one, I'm tracing nonsense shapes on your skin just to feel you under my fingertips.
In another world, we're strangers. In another, we're enemies. In another, we pass each other on the street without a second glance.
How many times have we met? How many times have we fallen apart? How many versions of you and me have touched each other like this?
Hated. Doomed. Loved. Lost. Found.
I am dizzy from trying to contain us all in this one room — under this one sheet.
I cling to you tighter to stop myself from spinning.
Just your skin and mine, just your heartbeat and mine.
I kiss the outside of your hip, the inside of your thigh, the back of your knee.
I lay my head on your stomach and wrap my arms around your body.
I kiss the hollow between your breasts, my thumb tracing softly underneath."
You hum my name quietly, threading your fingers through my hair.
I pause, careful I do not miss anything.
You tangle your legs in mine beneath the sheets. "Tell me how it happened. How we got here."
A smile, a little bittersweet, tugs at the corners of my mouth and into you.
You pull me up the length of your body, your hands gentle but insistent on my shoulders, my hips. I kiss my way back to you, shedding the infinite possibilities of a thousand different worlds on my way.
Down, in, back…here with you.
You sigh, tilting your head so I can reach more of you.
I press soft kisses along your collarbone, up the column of your neck, behind your ear.
Slowly, softly, unhurried. Making up for lost time and lost chances — even if they are not ours.
"I don't think it was ever a choice — in this universe at least."
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ao3commentoftheday · 12 hours
Do you have any tips for finding fics you love? My only strategies thus far have been recommendations from this site and other places, checking the bookmarks/ gift authors of authors I already love, and sorting fandoms/pairings by word count, kudos, etc. I also like to use the date function to look at fics that have been published in the last year/few months that I may have missed. My ways have never felt super effective though and I would welcome any suggestions :( Just going into the tag and sorting by most recent is way too broad for me.
You're doing a lot of what I'd suggest already, anon, but I think the additional thing you can do would be to make more use of the filters. You're already in the tag and sorting the works, so it's just one step beyond that.
The filters sidebar, which you can see after clicking on any tag on the Archive (if you're on mobile, you'll need to tap on the Filters button as well) has three broad sections to it: Include, Exclude, and More Options.
Include and Exclude both allow you to specify your preferences for the various tags and categories associated with a fic. Just tap on the word Rating, and you can see a list of the ratings on AO3 and select which one(s) you want to see results for. You can do the same for Warnings, Categories, Fandoms etc.
Include filters work on an AND system. If you say you want to include works with a Rating of M, the warnings Creators Chose Not to use Archive Warnings and Major Character Death, the Categories M/M and F/F and so on, the only search results you'll get are fics in that tag that have every single one of the things you've specified. In some cases, that will get you zero results.
Exclude filters might be the better way to go. If you want to read works that are rated as either G or T, then you can exclude Mature, Explicit, and Not Rated. By removing the ones you don't want, you'll get results with any or all of the things you do want.
When it comes to Fandoms, Characters, Relationships, and Additional Tags the filter menu will list out the top ten most frequent ones used. If those aren't the ones you want to include or exclude, there's a text box underneath where you can tag what you want and select it from the dropdown. The dropdown autopopulates the canonical tags on the Archive, and you'll want to use that because tag wranglers will match up an author's unique tag with the same meaning to the canonical one.
That's how all of those "no beta we die like X" all lead to the "not beta read" tag.
If you know exactly what you want to read, or if you just know what you're not in the mood for, using those additional filters might get you closer to the mark. Or at least, they'll narrow your results.
If you've got additional recommendations for how anon can find new fics, please do leave them in the notes!
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meow-xine · 2 days
imagine hanging with izuku and he gets self conscious oml
cw: nothing major!! mentions of scars (huge part of the plot), fluff
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it was just the two of you; laying in bed doing nothing more than mindlessly scrolling on social media, interrupting the scrolling with an occasional conversation or a “look at this!!”. it was peaceful, nothing going on.
even if the two of you wanted to get out and do things, the hot weather was just too limiting on options, so instead you opted for hanging out inside, doing quite literally nothing.
out of habit from the countless times you and izuku had just chilled in bed, your hand reached down to him, splayed out lazily on your lap, and started to draw small shapes. as he sighed in approval, the small shapes turned more into you just gently rubbing and scratching his arms, moving to his back. you struggled though, trying to find a way to squeeze your hands through the arm holes of his shirt, too lazy to try and slither your way up his back.
“Izuuu, sorry but this would be so much easier if you took your shirt off. Can you?” you asked for the first time, you had feared overstepping and wanted to prevent izuku from being uncomfortable. you thought now was an appropriate time though, seeing as it had been a while that the two of you had been dating and he always seemed to really like when you would offer comforting touches.
he sat up before speaking, “What? Um.. yeah I guess I can.” he answered hesitantly which instantly made you rethink asking. “I’m sorry!! If you don’t want to that’s fine! I just thought it might be a little easier is all.” you apologized in which he interrupted your apology, waving his hands. “No it’s not that I don’t want to! It’s just.. well I have some pretty nasty scars and I just don’t want to freak you out with them..” he started, removing his glance from your eyes downward, playing with his hands. “I’m proud of everything I have accomplished as a hero, but the scars are a not so gentle reminder of my failures.” he continued, “but I am more than happy to take my shirt off, sorry I kind of rambled..”
he took his shirt off, revealing much more than just his scars. underneath was his rough skin yes, but he also had the most beautiful array of freckles painted on his shoulders and scattered all around his chest, stomach, and back. he returned to his prior position, laying across your lap. with no words you resumed scratching his back, this time tracing all the beautiful marks and scars.
he was much more tense than before, getting used to someone seeing him so close and intimately. while he tried to steady his breath you continued admiring the parts of him you had never seen so close before. “Izuku?” you started. “Hm, yeah?”
you reached your head down to place small kisses between his shoulder blades.
“For what it’s worth, I think you are beautiful. Scars and all.”
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short drabble, but i think it’s cute :))
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Just an Accident
Welp. Uh. OKAY - first off no actual harm comes to the tiny!
Still kinndaaa def angsty tho ngl - oop
Astel yelped like a kicked dog - all high pitched and suddenly, painfully betrayed terrified - as a hand large enough to crush him beneath it came rushing down from far above. His legs collapsed underneath him, and he shot his arms up in a useless attempt to ward off his impending fate as he trembled in horror, only for the hand to abruptly stop.
For a second, everything was still. Then a giant face peered from around that palm that was now nothing but menacing in Astel's eyes, Chris looking down at him in surprise.
Chris's eyes were wide with his startlement, but they relaxed as he finally spotted Astel, casually moving his hand back away and to his distant side. "Woah, didn't see you there, buddy," he chuckled as easy as anything. He gave a funny little smile when he noticed Astel's tense, stiff posture, awkwardly joking, "Geez man, relax. You're acting like I was trynna kill you, or something."
And then, as if nothing had happened at all, the giant just... walked away, rubbing at the back of his neck as he headed for the living room.
Astel swallowed in large gulps of air, his trembling finally picking up now that the adrenaline from the shock finally hit his system. He shakily put a hand over his mouth, squeezing his eyes shut and scrunching his knees to his chest.
No, Chris hadn't been trying to kill him.
Astel couldn't help but think that that fact made it all the worse that the giant still almost had.
If Chris hadn't heard his scream - if he'd been wearing those headphones and blasting music like he was prone to do - Astel could be dead right now.
He could be nothing more than a smear of mangled bones protruding from his flesh in broken shards, crushed into a pulp without any intention behind it.
Just a giant's careless action, not looking where he was placing his hand before going to lean against a counter to reach a higher shelf, and Astel would be gone.
Or maybe he would've survived. Maybe the seemingly immeasurable weight of Chris's palm bearing down on him would've only landed on part of him - just an arm, or his legs.
And then Astel would be dead anyway. it was a feat approaching impossibility to fix a broken limb at his size. And no borrower could live a long life after losing the use of a limb.
An arm? Maybe. It wouldn't be a very good life, though. Climbing - basically an essential to a borrower's way of life - would from then on be out of the question. His sense of balance that he'd spent his entire life honing to a fine point would return to that of a helpless child's. His ability to care for himself the way a single borrower needed to would arguably be at less than that.
A leg? Both? He might as well kill himself then and there for how long he'd survive on his own afterwards.
And what other option would there be? Staying with Chris full-time? Losing his own autonomy and slowly but surely regressing to being treated as something less than - some kind of pet? Coddled and dehumanized and treated like an object rather than anything worth more -
Astel shuddered, burying his head against his knees.
It was fine. He was fine. None of that had happened, so there was no point in thinking about it.
Chris hadn't meant to come off as so callus about it, either, Astel was sure. The giant was probably thinking about something else, hadn't noticed how truly close he had come to -
Astel swallowed heavily, his arms curling across his chest to clutch at his ribs, soothing, comforting.
It was-
He was fine.
Chris cared about him, he did. It was just an accident - one that technically didn't even happen.
... so what if Astel's pulse refused to settle, if waking nightmares flashed across the backs of his eyelids with every squeezed-tight blink.
... so what if Astel couldn't help but now think that every carefully dealt out ounce of trust he had steadily handed out to the giant was built on a foundation of sand, of splintering wood that had already been eaten through from the very beginning.
whow this was uhh another more depresso fic than expected, uhhhhhh ye
Not really loving how this turned out, but it's been a minute since I've posted a story soooo Huhzahz
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hilsonamore · 14 hours
Okay so this is a question for all the people on the acespec out there because i desperately want to know if im the only one feeling this way:
so like, when i see a person, a pretty, wonderful, charming human whom i don’t know, or when im with the person that i have feelings for, i do think about…sex. Like, i think about it because i want to convince myself i guess that i can feel this way, that i do actually feel this way for this person, but it’s more of a forced thought than an actual natural occurrence. It’s more to test myself about these feelings and less about actually feeling them without any guilt.
And then…then there’s the weird part. When i am with said person, i might feel something tingling inside my belly. But like, it’s more like affection, it’s not something that screams “TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF”. It’s more of a thingy living inside of me saying “god i want to touch you with my bare hands across your bare skin just to show you how much i love you, just to feel your warmth underneath my fingertips” but not…not in a sexual way. More like, i crave to feel your touch, i can’t just hug you and kiss you on the cheek as a friend, i need to know you’re mine. Keep doing the same things, but i just want to know you’re mine.
BUT here’s the catch. When i’m reading fan-fiction or books with smut or just really intense tension between the characters, it’s like my body is on fire, which i’ve never felt in real life. But when i try to imagine myself in that same situation as the characters i…i feel nothing. I can’t see myself in that position. But i love reading about it. And if i were one of the people experiencing it i would love it still. But not as me. As the characters. Say i’m reading a hilson fanfic. If the fanfic was happening in real life and i was involved in it, i would love it if i were wilson or house. But not if i were me with one of the two. It’s like im a third person between them and i wish this were real but i also wish i weren’t myself to live it. Does that make sense?
I also remember always wanting my favourite celebrities or characters to have a significant other, when my friends would always wish they were single because they got jealous of the s.o. And like, i always knew nothing would happen between me and the person and i enjoyed seeing them with someone they loved and imagining me as the person, that i, not in my actual form, were there with them.
God i feel like i just made zero sense. Lemme know your thoughts <3 and be kind, everyone’s experiences are unique and valid
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love like you & rose’s love for pearl
i love relating love like you to pearlrose. particularly, from rose’s perspective. here is how i’ve always looked at it.
the war
do it for her + love like you are exactly how pearl and rose felt about each other during the rebellion.
“You have nothing but the way you feel, your strategy and a sword, you just think about the life you'll have together after the war.”
“If I could begin to be half of what you think of me, I could do about anything! I could even learn how to love… like you!” 
“Deep down, you know you weren't built for fighting but that doesn't mean you’re not prepared to try!”
“I always thought I might be bad… now, I’m sure that it’s true ‘cause… I think you’re so good! And I’m nothing like you!”
“And then you do it for her. That's how you know you can win.”
“Look at you go, I just adore you, I wish that I knew what makes you think I’m so special.”
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[Image description: Pearl’s blue hologram of Rose is depicted in this image as she reenacts a memory. She wears a dress with a star emblem at the chest, and she looks down, her expression appears to be one of concern. The background is a soft purple.]
a single pale rose
remember the night that they escaped from the other diamonds ?
“When I see the way you act, wondering when I'm coming back, I could do about anything.”
“When I see the way you look, shaken by how long it took, I could do about anything… I could even learn how to love like you.”
to fake pink’s shattering, she obviously vanished for a moment. in a single pale rose, we see a shapeshifted pearl crying and holding the diamond in her hand.
eventually rose came back, then, you know, “endless honeymoon” as rebecca described it. rebecca continues this in the book “end of an era” by adding, “pink is gone and pearl is free to love rose.”
meanwhile, rose saw how much pearl cared about her that night. she admired her so much–her courage, how much she meant to her because she definitely saw someone who was shaken and wondering when she was coming back after she reformed as rose.
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[Image Description: this image depicts a pink flower in Pink Diamond’s palm. She wears a pink glove and there is dirt underneath the flower. Pearl’s hand is taking the flower from Pink]
after rose’s death
the final line of the song is: “love ME like you…”
i like to interpret this as the… truth, really. rose loved pearl more than pearl knew. sapphire had to remind her that she swept her off her feet.
rose loved pearl just as intensely, just as strongly and deeply as pearl loves rose.
rose could love pearl the way pearl loves her.
… but she could never love herself.
pearl knew rose the best. she lived with pink and then she lived with rose for the rest of rose’s life.
the only other individual who knows rose entirely like that… is rose herself. and yet, she hated herself.
“Her lack of respect for herself makes it impossible for her to respect everyone closest to her. She reveres them instead, because they are better than she could ever be, and that reverence is so honest and intoxicating that it draws everyone closer to her, without them understanding the deep self-hatred that pull is coming from.” — Rebecca Sugar, End of an Era, page 88.
meanwhile, there’s:
Interviewer: “Pearl obviously has some unrequited love for Rose, you know, and…”
Rebecca: “I don’t know if I would call it unrequited!” — Comic News Insider Episode 679
and there’s:
“Rose falls in love with Pearl's surprising boldness that comes out of left field.” — Steven Universe: End of an Era, Page 86
all of the flashbacks with rose are told to her son from the perspectives of others. they were either from the perspectives of people who didn’t know pearl or pearl / rose very well. sometimes, pearl would tell a story, but the focus was on how much she loved rose. there are also a few times in the show where her friends remind her that rose loved her a lot more than she knew.
if you think about love like you from rose’s perspective, the ending is meaningful.
the story didn’t end because she couldn’t feel the same love for pearl. the story ended because she couldn’t love herself. it was never about choosing anyone, if anything, she chose steven. pearl’s protectiveness, garnet’s wisdom, amethyst’s playfulness, and greg’s kindness made rose believe that her child would grow up in such a wonderful environment and she was “so excited for everyone who’s going to know [her child].” she didn’t realize that her death would hurt people, she thought they would be better off without her. and besides, she didn’t want to live with herself.
pearl barely knew that rose did love like her !! she was in awe of her; she would blush and show vulnerable parts of herself and smile all the time around her.
the problem is, she never loved like pearl in a way that she could see herself through pearl’s eyes. if she could, then maybe she would have been able to love herself.
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[Image description: The Crystal Temple, a gray stone statue of a fusion between Pearl, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, and Garnet with long curls and four arms. In front of the statue, at the bottom, is a house. In front of the house is a sandy road leading to a beach, and the background is a soft purple sunset.]
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pearl-blue-musings · 2 days
too good to be true
Hiiii I’m low key obsessed with this song and I felt he was the perfect person for this 🥰 just a nice gentle morning with him
Pairing: Tsukishima Kei x reader
A/N: post time skip, feelings from my selfship, post sex
Word Count: 620
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Droplets of sweat dry on your skin as the smell of breakfast being made wafts into the room. The sheets still smell of your slow morning love making and his drifting cologne from the night before. The room is softly lit from the cloud filled sky filtering through the blinds. You groan slightly as the forming bruises on your hips and ass wake you up more than the smells in your nostrils or the man resting against the door frame. His shirtless frame has bite and scratch marks which you can barely see from the sleep in your eyes. You want to kiss at his chest but then remember that your own chest is uncovered and heavy. He might not imply it, but your boyfriend is more of a tits guy than he lets on.
With his mug of coffee in his hand and a gentle smile on his face, Tsukishima admires you quietly. He had snuck out of bed after your morning session to make you breakfast, thankful that his day doesn’t start until the afternoon. The look of love and adoration on his face is something he never thought would be possible in all of his life. At times you feel like this is a dream you don’t want to wake up from; and he the same. It may be overcast right now, but that is not how he feels when he’s with you. When your eyes lock onto each other, god he thinks you’re the most beautiful creature in the world, tired, naked, hair a mess. You groan and with sleep laced in your voice greet him with a, “good morning, baby.” You stretch your arms and he’s tempted to take you all over again. Tsukishima strides over to you and sits beside you, kissing you on the lips.
“You need to brush your teeth.”
“And you need to not expect too much of me this early,” you retort back.
Kei merely chuckles and pecks your lips again. He places the mug on the nightstand to cup your face and deepen the kiss. The both of you moan and groan into the kiss, getting lost exploring your bodies again. His kiss is possessive but his caresses are feather light. Your fingers trail through his soft golden blond hair before breaking apart for air. Tsukishima is about to get up when you hold onto his wrist. “What is it?”
You bite your lip and look away briefly, your insecurities and anxiety coming to the forefront. You breathe deeply before finally asking, “do you regret this? Knowing me?”
Kei sighs and pushes himself off the bed, grabbing your hands to bring you to standing. You’re thankful for the rug underneath the bed as the cold wood floor would have you shivering. “Look at me, all of me.” You do as he says and scan his nearly naked body up and down. He’s gorgeous, you think, littered in bruises and scars from volleyball and life. You don’t think there’s anything wrong with him. He takes your hands in his and rubs calming circles with his thumb on the back of your hand. “I don’t let just anyone see me like this. You are the only person I want to see me in this way. And whatever your dumb brain cooks up,” he pokes your forehead and you pout with a giggle, “is simply not true.”
You sigh and release your shoulders. “I know, it’s just…all of this is scary for me. I don’t want this to be too good to be true. What if I’m dreaming?”
“Then we both are, stupid. Now come on, you know I don’t cook but it is our anniversary, so come get your food, love.”
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