#there will be no new king ; | prompts / starters |
soxgetxthisx · 1 year
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nothing of note, simply a tag dump.
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To Go Alone
For: Open | If you’d like it specified, ask Muse: Arathorn Meme: Recovering From Trauma Prompt: “Recovery is a process; it takes time and patience.” 
“I’m leaving.” 
“Recovery is a process, it takes time and patience.” 
  The snap, when it came, was a much needed RELIEF for the Ranger. And in some ways, it was a relief for many of the Elves to see it happen. For the tension and restlessness that had been plaguing him for months had finally dissipated all at once. “It’s been two years. I’m as healed as I’m going to get with my left eye permanently gone.” 
  There was a slow exhale and it caught the attention of the Master of Imladris. He knew the man was getting frustrated with being stuck in the valley. But given that he had lost half of his vision, Elrond didn’t want him going out alone. “Wait a few more days, then Elladan and Elrohir will have had enough of a break to travel with you.” 
  Arathorn sighed, pushing the rise of wild fury down with practised ease. “Elrond. I appreciate everything that you and your kin have done for me. But I am leaving. Tonight. Alone.” His voice was quiet but rough. “My people need me and no one, not even you, will stop me from going to them.”
  The Dúnedain Chieftain watched Elrond, then closed his lone eye briefly and strode away. He had already said goodbye to his son and his horse, a quiet dappled grey mare was waiting patiently outside of the stables. Although he wished that his time in the peaceful valley hasn’t ended like this, he had the odd feeling that he was needed elsewhere.
  No one had expected him to go through losing his eye and two months of his life unchanged. But tonight had shown that the 62 year old Ranger wasn’t letting anyone prevent him from reaching his kin. Not even their closest allies.
  “Elrohir. Elladan.” Arathorn nodded to his friends, before nudging the mare gently and leaving through the entrance of the valley. As much as he loved Rivendell, he had been cooped up there for too long and that was never good. Not for someone who was used to wandering the North freely like he and his kin.
  Despite his new permanent handicap, there was nothing stopping the sharp eyed man or his animal companion from taking off once they hit open land. Neither lost awareness of their surroundings but for the first time since his injury, he felt more like Arathorn, son of Arador, Chieftain of the Northern Dúnedain.
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3hks · 2 months
How to Avoid "Talking to The Reader"
A lot of people will often tell you to avoid talking to the reader, but why? How? And what does it mean? "Talking to the reader" is a technique used by an author when they want to specifically address the reader directly. Depending on your writing level and style, there could be several drawbacks to using this, such as a sense of informality and sudden awkwardness. However, I'm not saying that you shouldn't talk to the reader, because how you write is ultimately up to you!
But if you're genuinely looking for some tips on how to avoid talking to the reader, then I absolutely got you! As both a frequent reader and writer, I have advice based on experience and knowledge! These simple tips can seriously elevate your writing (especially if you're pretty new), or at the very least, make you aware of certain things and offer new ideas!
Replacing the 'you' with...
A VERY common factor in talking to the reader is using the word 'you' to reach out to your reader (dialogue from characters don't count). Although you should avoid this when you're trying not to talk to the reader, there is something behind it. Majority of the time, we include this word in a story when asking a rhetorical question. This creates a certain effect that reaches out to the reader while making them think, which can't be exactly duplicated.
Okay, so how do we fix this? Well, my advice is to simply replace 'you' with the word 'one'! Let's go a bit into depth, shall we? When dealing with a rhetorical question, the first step is to rephrase and reform the inquiry into a statement that answers what you're asking. Remember that this is a rhetorical question, meaning that there IS technically a right answer that you're looking for! Next, remove the 'you' and slap the 'one' on top of it! The replace-you-with-one method also works when you're not including it in a question, but instead a statement! Let's look into some examples, shall we?
Prompt: A lot of people will often tell you to avoid talking to the reader, but why?
Let's examine this example that I took from the top of this post, shall we? While this sentence is indeed in the format of the question, I am not directly asking you to give me an answer and there isn't really just one right answer. So how do we fix this? Replace 'you' with 'one' and boom! Done!
Fixed: A lot of people will often tell one to avoid talking to the reader, but why?
Alright, how about a much more direct question?
Prompt: The king's way of ruling was incredibly biased and unfair, wouldn't you agree?
For this prompt, we can see that 'you' is in "wouldn't you agree?" so it's pretty clear that we are seeking for an answer from the reader. In this type of context, the answer is almost always "yes," so we will have to take the longer route of rewording the sentence.
Fixed: The king's way of ruling was incredibly biased and unfair, one might argue.
As you can see, the phrase "wouldn't you agree" got altered into "one might argue." Why did I choose this? Well for starters, the sentence is now a statement, not a question, and it does indirectly answer our questions of "wouldn't you agree?" because it distinctly demonstrates that they agree with the opinion that the king's rule was unjust. Now, why did I choose "might argue"? Our previous question may have been rhetorical, but not everyone is going to say "yes, the king was unfair," so adding "might" and "argue" helps include the fact that it is indeed, an opinion!
Now that we have gotten the 'you' part out of our system, let's talk about another thing that can really help you improve on your writing (while avoiding talking to the reader)!
Stop Using...
Stop starting the sentences with "he/she is or has" (including past forms) when describing someone. I can safely say with first-hand experience that repetitive use of the sentence starter can feel a bit unnatural and too straightforward. In other words, you can most definitely do better!
When writing one's attributes, instead of starting with "he is" or "she is," try starting out with a possessive form of the pronoun, such as "his" or "her"! After that, it'll work itself out; let's look at an example to clarify!
Prompt: She had long, luscious, brown hair that fell over her shoulders in waves.
Fixed: Her long, luscious, brown hair fell over her shoulder in waves.
Simple, right? There may seem to be hardly any change, but this can seriously improve your writing when used correctly! Of course, continuous use of "his," "her," or "their" will also sound repetitive, but it's a good place to start! As experience follows, you'll get the hang of creating more varied sentence styles! Let's look at an example!
Prompt: He was new to the school. He didn't know how to interact with those his age because he was homeschooled his whole life. He was nervous even when thinking about his classmates and didn't know how he was going to survive.
Does it sound choppy? Too direct? Let's fix that!
Fixed: He was new to the school. Having been homeschooled his whole life, he struggled to interact with those his age, and even thinking about his classmates made him anxious. He had no idea on how he was going to survive.
Look at the second sentence; that's the most major change. As I combined a few different parts of the other sentences and rearranged them, it should seem much smoother now!
Be creative with how to form your sentences--that's all there really is to it! Experience will be your biggest guide and best friend when it comes to this!
Did this help? Keep in mind that my advice won't work with every sentence because a lot of it mainly depends on context! Happy Easter Sunday!
Happy writing~
3hks :)
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katyawriteswhump · 5 months
364 days later (Steddie holiday drabble)
Written for @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 30/31 prompt, New Year's Eve/Resolutions I AM SO SAD IT IS NEARLY OVER!!!!
When Steve is hurt on New Year’s Eve, he discovers there’s only one person he can truly go home to.
WC: 918 Rating: T CW: off-screen/pre-fic violence including domestic violence. Tags: hurt/comfort, fluff. Established steddie.
Also part of my steve whump fic series (mainly steddie) on ao3
“I hadn’t a clue where else to go,” says Steve, an odd tremor in his voice. 
Steve hadn’t knocked, hadn’t announced his arrival. Eddie simply opened the trailer door and found him. God knows how long he’s been standing at the bottom of the steps, cradling one arm in the other. It’s dark, but it’s screamingly obvious something’s wrong. Steve’s hair is kinda ruffled for starters. 
“I mean, yeah, we have a date later,” Steve rambles, “being New Years Eve and all that crap, and… uh…”
Holy shit! Eddie jumps down to him, freaking out big-time. Blood smears one side of Steve’s face, his lip is bruised, and his harsh breaths cloud the icy air. Eddie wants to hug him tight; instead, he briefly clams up, super-terrified. He’s never seen anybody so robust appear so… brittle.
Gently, he cups the uninjured side of Steve’s face, curves an arm around him. “What the hell happened?”
“I did it, man. Finally. My dad… I, um…”
“Your dad did this?”
“He wishes,” Steve says, snarky.
Eddie seriously can’t fathom whether he’s lying: “Who else, man?”
“Got jumped leaving work, and I… I…” Steve’s wretched laugh crumbles into an even more wretched whimper. Eddie catches him, as his knees buckle.
“Okay, big guy, I gotcha.”
He bundles him inside, sits him on the couch. Steve stares spacily, hugs his arm, rocks himself. 
Momentarily, Eddie literally flaps. Then he grabs a chilled beer from the fridge, douses a clean cloth in water. He coaxes Steve into holding the can against his swollen wrist, while Eddie dabs the blood from his face.
“Gonna sting,” warns Eddie. Steve hisses. “Sorry, Stevie.”
“It’s fine. Christ, I’m okay.”
“Not buying that BS today. Not sorry.”
Eddie frowns, concentrating hard. The cut, fortunately, has clotted already. He binds Steve’s wrist with a make-shift bandage. Steve mutters about getting kicked a LOT, when he was curled on the ground, shielding his face. Eddie feels sick, soothingly shushes Steve’s gasps of pain. Possibly as much to comfort himself as Steve. “Look, we should get you to the Med—"
“No way. I’ll fix… Listen, I finally did it,” repeats Steve, as his eyes flutter closed.
“Yeah? Did what exactly, Babe?”
 “Carried out my New Year’s resolution.”
Steve barely recalls how he got here.
He’d driven around aimlessly. His wrist hurt so bad that he goddamn cried, too far gone to give a shit. He couldn’t think; he was drowning, sucked deep into thick, suffocating waters. Some crazy inner compass drew him to the one place he could pull for the surface.
He found himself outside Eddie’s trailer. Standing there stupidly, hurting and shivering. Not even yelling to be let in. Now, he’s inside and getting warm with Eddie, who asks again what happened.
Crap, does Steve even know?
He honestly couldn’t ID his attackers. Sorta knew why he was attacked, being guilty of so much these days—hanging with geeks, being a king that lost his crown, not to mention his boyfriend being Eddie ‘spawn-of-satan’ Munson.
Then his Dad.
The look he’d given Steve, when Steve arrived home bruised and bloodied. 
“He didn’t need to say it,” says Steve, head resting on Eddie’s shoulder. “It was written all over his smug-ass face. You deserve this.”
He’d yelled his butt off about Steve making trouble. Shoved Steve around a bit, knowing he was in no shape to fight back.
“I told him to stick it. Left with basically nothing. Okay, the car, though that technically belongs to him, and… Shit, where am I gonna go?”
His tardy reality check hits like a baseball bat to the gut. Huddled against Eddie, he’s shaking, breaths hitching, hating himself for it. Eddie wraps his other arm across Steve and holds him. 
Simply holds him.
And yeah, he calms a little.
“Seriously, don’t sweat it,” says Eddie. “You can stay here till you’ve figured stuff out. Forever, if you need.”
Steve glances up, swipes angrily across his damp cheekbone. “Uh, earth to Eddie? Wayne?”
“He’ll cuss under his breath. And love the heck out of you. Already does. What’s one more overgrown brat?”
“C’mon, he’ll—"
“Look, I’m genuinely blown away. It’s New Year’s Eve and you’ve already nailed your resolution.”
Steve buries his face again, and… Woah! He’s laughing. Eddie’s kickass painkillers are working, or… Screw it, life never sucks so bad when he’s with Eddie. 
“Leaving home was last year’s resolution,” he mumbles toward Eddie’s armpit.
“Oh.” Eddie plants a soft kiss on Steve’s hair. 
“Yeeeeah. I’m only, like, 364 days late.”
Eddie’s still freaking that he should get Steve better help. However, Steve is a dead weight against him, knee curled in Eddie’s lap, and refuses to budge from the circle of Eddie’s arms.
New Year ticks by, lost in a gentle, lingering kiss. Eddie ghosts his thumb, featherlight, down the uninjured side of Steve’s face. Steve scrunches his good hand tightly in Eddie’s hair, deepening the kiss more passionately than—given Steve’s bruises—Eddie dares.
“Happy New Year, Babe,” whispers Eddie, when they break apart. A sneaky smile plays on Steve’s lips. “What?”
“I hit a winning streak,” says Steve, “I’ve smashed this year’s resolution already.”
“Do I really have to spell it out, dipshit?”
Fixing deep in Steve’s eyes, Eddie’s grin spreads slowly. Dammit, this was going down as the worst and best New Year ever, and sure as heck the most shamefully sappy:
Oh, I get it. Falling in love.
“Back at ya,” he says, and tumbles forward into another kiss.
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the-possum-writes · 1 year
♡ 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 ♡
♡ “you’re all i’ll ever want.”
Character: Marshall Lee
Tags: SFW, Gen!neutral reader, harmless pranks, one sided pinning, reprociated feelings, Marshall being a little shit
A/n: Alright Marshall simps, come get your food.
[original prompt list]
Taglist: @watchingfromthefloorboards @foxpearlwilder
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It's grocery shopping time. Fionna and Cake usually invite you to dungeon crawls and sleepovers, but this time, you asked them to go shopping. To your surprise, Marshall Lee came along as well. Either because he's plotting something against the three of you, or because he's genuinely bored. Fionna is on her way to exchange her dungeon treasures for whatever random junk he has on display while you carry produce goods. So you and Marshall Lee are strolling through the market place, picking up the last few items on your grocery list when you notice vendors tying heart-shaped balloons to wooden posts and hanging signs for gift wrapping.
"Wow, February has only just begun, and they've already decorated the entire marketplace." You make your observation with a healthy dose of surprise and excitement, but Marshall doesn't appear to share your enthusiasm.
"Ugh, I hate Valentine's Day," he says, sticking out his tongue.
You raise a brow at him. "What's so bad about Valentine's Day?"
You two come to a halt, with Marshall Lee still floating and clutching his umbrella. "For starters, everything is all pink and cutesy, it's like the candy kingdom took over," the vampire king explains with a scrunched up nose. "It's stupid, I swear it's the lamest holiday out of them all, and only fools would celebrate it. I'll be spending the day alone, or possibly destroying it..."
You, on the other hand, take his claim personally; on a normal day, you enjoy arguing with him about trivial matters, but this time you're also upset because you're a hopeless romantic who has had a crush on this guy for quite some time. So handing him a present to make your feelings known today would probably have him laugh at you.
"Oh come on, don't be such a sour puss!" you joke lightly. "There's gotta be someone you like enough to go out of your way to give them a gift."
He audibly groans. “Eughhh, you’re getting on my nerves with all of these valentine's day questions. So, how about you and I work together to destroy valentine's day?~ How 'bout it~”
On one side you're against the idea, but then again, the thought of spending time with Marshall Lee is nothing but tempting. As long as you're not the target of his schemes that is.
"Alright, deal!"
"What are you two talking about?" Fionna approaches the two of you, she's carrying some sort of impracticable armor but if previous experience taught you anything, it's that you avoid bringing it up. Your gaze went to Marshall Lee floating behind Fionna who did a 'zip your mouth' kind of move, prompting you to hide your mischievous plans from Aaa's heroine. "Nothing, just finishing up my grocery list!" you exclaim.
You spent the next few days hanging out with Marshall Lee, making everyone else's lives harder by stealing sweets from strangers leaving supermarkets, releasing locusts at flower shops, prank calling restaurants and making reservations you'll never attend, and so on. Maybe there's a part of you that feels bad about screwing people over, but the time you've spent with Marshall Lee has been well worth it; you two weren't particularly close to begin with, but this has been a tremendous bonding experience that you wouldn't have shared with anyone else. You came to learn something new about him, he's not an actively evil dude but rather he gets a kick out of messing with people.
It's the night of valentine’s day and the two of you are howling in laughter after guiding a pack of wolves into an outdoor cinema, Marshall is carrying you by the shoulders while he flies over the scrambling couples running away. "Pfthaha, look at them. Told ya this is better than exchanging chocolates."
You've been keeping your real opinions to yourself during this time, but you still let one small bit escape. "Yeah for sure, though I wouldn't mind one right now..." you sigh.
"You're still hung up on that?" Marshall notices this with a brief cackle, flipping your over so you're left resting your weight on his chest. "We still have the stuff we stole from the people shopping from the supermarkets, an all you can eat buffet if you're upset about that."
You try to keep yourself steady on his floating body, sounding as nonchalant as possible without giving your crush away. "Meh It's not the same as having someone give it to you."
Marshall pouts momentarily. "Just admit it, valentine's day was created by companies to make the idiots buy their overprized valentines gifts.” He taunts you, wrapping his arms around you and keeping you pressed to his body.
"Is that why you're so hung up on Valentines day? Cause it's expensive." you laugh at his face, earning an annoyed hiss from the vampire.
"You really wanna know why I hate Valentines day huh? Let's say I do like someone and even if I get them “chocolate” or some stupid cliche lovey dovey stuff, they'll probably still reject me. It's a waste of time."
You hum thoughtfully at his explication before answering him with the same amount of snark as he's been giving you earlier. "That's a shame, cause I actually got you something."
This catches his attention, raising his eyebrows in curiosity as he reconsiders his recent statement. "What is it?"
You shove your hand in your pocket and retrieve a small box, Marshall Lee opens it to see its a new guitar pick with detailed engravings in it. This has him speechless, you're internally bitting your nails as Marshall looks at you and back at the gift before chucking the thing behind him and tightening his hold around you while giving you a sly expression.
"So that's why you didn't think twice about hanging out with me~?" Marshall Lee smiles to himself, giving you those demon eyes but it does the opposite of scaring you. Scaroused even. "I don't want anything. You're all I'll ever want~"
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morrisxn02 · 10 months
✍︎ open starter
Beneath the light grey sky of the early Sunday morning, three dark figures emerge. They soar downward in circles until they disappear behind the mist that fluctuates above the river. The desolate campus beach was the perfect place for an encounter between a man and the witches that haunt him. Outside of his field of vision, the vultures morph into human form – three elderly women clad in dark, thick cloaks –and levitate just above the water eerily, vigilant of Edward's every move, almost as if expecting a prompt to act. His attention divided between the Weird sisters, the sketchbook on his lap, and his iPad, lying unlocked in the sand. "Tell me, thou unknown power-" He recites from memory in a whisper. Still, the words are heavy with the unique energy that only someone who has once portrayed the cursed king himself can conjure. And then he recites the new, updated version which he intends to have in the final script of the game, "Show me the source of your power–" It lacks authenticity, energy... Spirit. "No, that's– That's not it. Um," His tone returns to his regular standard American now, a bit of frustration as he concludes that the scene is not playing out to its fullest potential. He reaches for the notebook and starts sketching the immense demonic figure that now lures over him in an attempt to unclog his brain as if seeing the whole scene play out without dialogue would help him find a voice for his protagonist. "This just feels so... bland." Talking to himself helps sometimes. Almost as if an invisible interlocutor follows him around to pose questions and to find holes in his logic. "Maybe if the–" His heart skips a beat as he notices a real, human shadow stretching over him. Not a malignant creature invoked by his childlike imagination, but an actual person. "Holy shit." A hand reaches for his chest instinctively as though he was about to have a heart attack. He turns to face his unexpected companion, already preparing an apology for the awkwardness of their encounter, "Sorry you caught me talking to myself. I just wanted to hear this dialogue out loud to see if makes sense." And then he chuckles charmingly as if running into someone reciting Macbeth and sketching 20 feet tall demons on a Sunday morning at the beach was the most common thing to ever occur. 
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memoryprompts · 9 months
( * a series of prompts taken from shayfer james and kate douglas' rock-noir reimagining of the epic poem beowulf. feel free to adjust as needed. / PART 1
Punish You. ( TW: asphyxiation )
"I swear I'll leave a scar."
"I'll mark you for the beast you are."
"It won't be gentle, clean, or quick."
"You'll taste the blood upon my lips."
"I will feast upon this fad."
"I will swallow you entire."
"I will punish you."
"You belong to me."
"I swear I'll leave a bruise."
"I'll take the breath away from you."
"My heavy hands around your throat."
"I'll teach you what it means to choke."
"We're all guilty of something."
"There is a memory."
"You took me to the river."
"You taught me how to swim."
"You sang for me a lullaby."
"How did it go again?"
"The moon is new, the wood is dark, the sun has died."
"But I am here, my darling dear."
"Come sit by my side."
"The stars are black, the air is still, the sky is wide."
"Don't worry, dry your eyes."
"It occurred to me."
"I never learned to float."
"Oh, this tragedy."
"My life has made a mess of me."
"With all this wasted energy."
"All my life you taught me."
"People can't be trusted."
"We have to fight to stay alive."
"We'll always be the enemy."
"Eye for eye, and limb for limb."
"I've grown tired of this."
"There's beauty and there's empathy."
"Some people might have cared for me."
"I hid my heart and stayed inside."
"I'm tired of this."
Life is Beautiful.
"I think I've found passage out of here."
"I'll become a messenger of fate."
"The beast is dead."
"The road ahead is clear."
"So raise a glass, we have cause to celebrate."
"So drink to the dawn."
"We'll be home."
"Life is beautiful."
"Save all your prayers while we're good."
"I think I see the sunlight peeking through."
"The time of fear and feebleness is done."
"I'll become a legend thanks to you."
"So raise a glass."
"The battle has been won."
"And if another comes, you go ahead."
"I'll meet you there."
Can't Go Back.
"This vicious beast has struck at home."
"We're on our knees."
"But we are not alone."
"Our hero's here."
"Her sword is stained with blood."
"One beast is dead."
"But that is not enough."
"So we can't go back now."
"This time is now."
"You swore you'd see this through."
"It's eye for eye, it must be tooth for tooth."
"This brutal beast must die in agony."
"For her offense."
"For this catastrophe."
"If we are to stay alive, then the beast cannot survive."
What They Want (Reprise).
"There is a wall, through which I dare not step."
"We have been warned time and time again."
"There is a lantern, shinning back upon this winter's day."
"And a castle in the corner of my eye."
"I am equal parts a criminal and king."
"And I was still to be the master of a fate."
"This is what I want."
"This is what I'm here for."
"This is who I am."
"This is what I came for."
"There is a river bank we sinners must ascend."
"I'd rather be someone who burns than someone who hesitates."
"I am equal parts a monster and a fool."
"And I was born to be a ruler of the cruel."
Fate Goes.
"I've been waiting for this moment to arrive."
"I can see you for the monster that you are."
"A predator in the dark."
"A beast without a heart."
"I've come for you."
"They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
"But I had none to start."
"So where am I then?"
"I will surrender to the tide."
"Let the water be my guide."
"I am a wave on the ocean wide."
"Fate goes, as ever fate must."
"Fate is the only one thats just."
"Fate I trust."
"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust."
"It's been written in the stars that you will fall."
"But I'm certain you won't go quietly."
"A spineless creature in the dark."
"Fate goes."
"As ever fate must."
"The same as me."
"The warrior returns."
"The warrior returns with blood on her hands."
"Our hero will never die."
"As long as we sing praises."
"As long as we write history from the right side."
"You have hunted down a wanted thing."
"The glory of the offering."
"Peace has finally been restored."
"We will sing your praise forevermore."
"Thank god your bloody aim is true."
"Thank god our good king sent for you."
"Thank the lord, his will is done."
"You came and rescued everyone."
"I've sung this song a thousand times before."
"And I'll be made to sing it more."
"I've grown tired of this."
"Eye for eye, and limb for limb."
"The blood that I've been swimming in."
"Tell me there's another song."
"Tell me there's another."
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izar-tarazed · 5 months
What this is: This blog is mostly dedicated to my Elden Ring OC Izar (and well, her companion Ensha – more about them below). There might also be other content (other games, DnD 5e, writing) unless I’ll feel the need to create specific sideblogs for that (unlikely, I lack the energy).
What I do: I’ll mostly share screenshots, headcanons, storytelling, and writing snippets. (Here's my tag list!) While this is not a pure RP blog I very much enjoy RPing, so feel free to shoot me a prompt/starter whenever you like! (For more information regarding RP, flip through the Stargazer's Cookbook I've left over here!)
Who I am: You can call me Zari. I’m over 30, she/her. Not a native English speaker, so bear with me if I say strange things. Expect occasional ramblings about the glory of freelance life, and know that there is never enough coffee.
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Izar Tarazed, Tarnished Astrologer
Izar barely remembers anything from the time before her awakening in the Lands Between – just her name and what she knew of the stars. However, the stars above the Lands Between are different, their lore mostly lost to her, so she gathers stories and bits of information wherever she can.
Her most treasured possessions are her telescope and her map-making tools.
Whenever she gets the chance, Izar will sit and work on her celestial maps, preferably beneath the golden light of grace, trying to figure out constellations and their possible meanings. Working on her maps also calms her down and helps her focus.
She’s often more driven by her astrological curiosity than by the ambition to become Elden Lord – she’ll confront Rennala mainly because she wants access to the library of Raya Lucaria, and Radahn because she wishes to set the stars back in motion.
Izar relies mostly on her sorceries – the Comet and Night Comet are her favorites – and only starts improving her skills with melee weapons and a shield when Ensha insists on teaching her.
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Izar is a little geek when it comes to astrology and will talk about it with neverending enthusiasm. At a new place, its (potential) view of the night sky is usually the first thing she’ll check.
She values the friendships and alliances she makes, being protective of those she cares about; that might be both her greatest strength and her greatest weakness.
Upon meeting someone for the first time, she'll rather be calm and cautious, but much more confident, cheeky and bubbly once she feels comfortable.
The fact that she doesn’t remember who she was before bothers her more than she lets on.
When upset, she can be pretty defiant, sarcastic and snappy.
Sir, That’s My Emotional Support Skeleton
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Izar spares Ensha’s life when he attacks her at the Roundtable Hold. This leads to them being sent out on a mission together to track down Latenna (which, of course, doesn’t go as planned). While they start out deeply suspicious of each other, teaming up only reluctantly, they eventually come to trust each other and become close friends.
(I’m not entirely sure what Ensha is, but I’m leaning way more into the headcanons of the somehow animated armor/actual skeleton with some kind of relation to the ancient king mentioned in the description of the Royal Remains set, rather than just being some guy with a skull mask.)
Ensha will often travel with Izar, having her back and finding picturesque dungeon walls to lean against and ponder how on earth this careless astrologer can still be alive. (He's exaggerating, of course. Izar can definitely handle herself ... most of the time.)
Since Ensha doesn’t speak, their communication process is a little rocky at first but improves once Izar gets better (and eventually good) at understanding his sign language. From that point, they'll often have some banter going on that usually remains at least partially unnoticed by their surroundings.
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liannelara-dracula · 2 years
Karlheinz Sakamaki in Real Life + Hcs
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Requests are open
*certain words have been censored for Tumblr guidelines.
♔ I don’t have an exact actor or model in mind, but I found that the first photo on the top left is what he looks like.
♔ @mikalara-dracula has Karl irl and she has an actual actor she thinks would work best to play Karl if dl had a live-action.
♔ Anyways I’m just going to be talking about Karl in general and what I want to point out.
♔ Okay so I know there is not an exact age on this man but we know that he is 2000+ years old.
♔ And knowing that he was friends with Socrates, he was definitely born during B.C times.
♔ Also, has anyone ever thought that because Karl was friends with Socrates, it means that he stayed/lived or possibly ruled Greece for a little?
♔ I’m betting he knows the language too.
♔ Which reminds me, I have always thought that because he’s so old, he’s traveled the world a lot throughout the centuries.
♔ So he has learned many languages (ancient ones) throughout his time, so it wouldn't surprise me if he remembers how to read or speak some of the languages.
♔ I know he’s been throughout all of Europe since there is speculation/belief and evidence which proves it, that the demon realm is located in Transylvania, so it doesn’t surprise me if he first explored Europe.
♔ Oh, and how much you wanna bet his real name is not Karlheinz?
♔ I mean, that could be his name as king now, but what about centuries back?
♔ He has many names and faces for sure.
♔ Speaking of which, I don’t think he’s only had six biological children and three wives in all his life.
♔No, this man has married many women, been with many women, and has had many children, whether they be biologically his or not.
♔ There’s no way Cordelia, Christa, and Beatrix are his only wives.
♔ It doesn’t seem possible.
♔ The guy’s a snake.
♔ And I know that the woman or women “he’s loved” are not the women he’s married.
♔ I think throughout his lifetime he’s only had two women he really cared about.
♔ And I mean REALLY care.
♔ Now apart from this I and @mikalara-dracula have this belief that Karl is a cheapskate because he doesn’t pay taxes for the houses he owns in the human world.
♔ We say this because I found there to be proof/truth in it.
♔ For starters, Reiji once said in-game translation (I believe so) to his brothers that if they make too much noise for a party it would cause trouble, and ppl will find out about their whereabouts.
♔ The same was said by Ruki about not changing mansions because Karl give it to them, and they were undercover.
♔ Plus, Yui heard from people that they believed the Sakamaki mansion to be abandoned.
♔ So because of this, if the houses Karl gives to his sons are supposedly believed to be abandoned, it’s not surprising that they live off of the grid.
♔ and if you live off the grid the government has no idea about the house you live in, which means you don’t pay taxes.
♔I have reason to believe that is where Reiji gets his cheapness from.
♔Even tho his sons hate him, they are more than alike.
♔Which I’m sure we’ve all noticed this.
♔Also, earlier I mentioned that he may have possibly ruled. I feel like he may have tried it a long time ago in the human world or was close friends with those who were rulers.
♔ Whatever the case, he’s been ruling in the demon world for a long time and has been in many wars.
♔ And he takes pride in this so much.
♔ He is really fascinated by humans and their inventions.
♔ And he sometimes takes what he’s learned and applies it to the Demon world but with a twist.
♔ I mean, it’s probably why the demon world has carnivals.
♔ And why there are many ballroom invitations and gatherings.
♔ You know idk what it is but it also wouldn’t surprise me if Karl actually was human.
♔ Bc I read somewhere in the new manga I believe and he made it sound like immortality was given to him, rather than being born with it.
♔ So perhaps he was once human but was then given immortality?
♔ If this is the case maybe he’s fascinated by humans because he wants to be closer to his kind, of which he once was?
♔ It doesn’t surprise me if that’s why he may do it because he feels alone in the world by possibly being the only human in existence to gain so much power and reign so much.
♔ If this theory I have is true it doesn’t surprise me if his creator is the reason why he is the way he is with experiments and such since in this case he was experimented on as well.
♔ I know it sounds crazy but most of the time people aren’t born rotten.
♔ So the better question is who made Karlheinz that way?
♔ If he truly wasn’t horrible from the start, I’d like to know who put that rock in his chest?
♔ Personally, I don’t know what to think if this is the case. I want to believe he’s just rotten but idk rejet might be leaving things out.
♔ Apart from this, I heard/saw that in one of Reiji’s routes Cordelia claimed that Karl hates familial bonds.
♔ So it makes me wonder are his parents the reason for that?
♔ I know he and Ric used to get along so I’m imagining that they went through a lot together but a wicked woman like Cordelia split them. But idk I mean, they must have been close to some degree.
♔ I thought it was a little silly knowing they literally fought over her like a duel.
♔ But I did feel a little sorry for Richter when he explained how troubled and lost he was after all that she had done to him.
♔ Still his character is not so great.
♔ But I don’t know how much fault Richter truly has. (I haven’t gotten there yet😂)
♔ Oh, speaking of Cordelia, I just want to say that Karl did his wives dirty.
♔ Like when he met Cordelia, I kinda felt bad for how she was brainwashed by her family and that what she was feeling was love and all that.
♔ That’s honestly just horrible, idk when she met him, but I’m betting she was like 16-17.
♔ I think he married all his wives at a young age.
♔ Beatrix may have been 18-20years old, and Christa might have been 14-16.
♔ I mean Karl really doesn’t care about age gaps, he was just scouting women he needed for his experiments.
♔ Like seriously, he’d get with his son’s wives if necessary or if he took a liking to them.
♔ He literally doesn’t care. I mean he told Cordelia that insest was ok soooo it doesn’t surprise me. It’s f*cked up ik.
♔ And honestly, he has so much charisma.
♔ Especially when he met these three ladies.
♔ His charm is out the roof and it had them hooked on like glue.
♔ Although I do think that Beatrix is his favorite because Reiji once said that she didn’t bring his father anything beneficial as she was just an ordinary vampire.
♔ She wasn't like Cordelia who was the daughter of the demon lord.♔ So even though Beatrix may have not given him much experimental gain he still chose her.
♔ Probably because he actually took a liking to her.
♔ But because he’s been through love and all that and he’s not phased by feelings, he preferred to have her as a vessel for experimental purposes by baring his sons.
♔ But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have/had mistresses.
♔ Speaking of which I just want to say that photo at the bottom right is a picture of a child because it represents the fact that he cherishes having an heir.
♔ I’m not gonna lie, but I also think the reason why he likes Beatrix more is that she gave him an heir too.
♔ I also think its because he just liked her more.
♔ Apart from this, I also want to mention how much Karl loves women.
♔ Like we can’t say his sons’ pervertedness doesn’t stem from him. Cause it surely does.
♔ Which is why there’s a picture of a girl in a white and gold dress cause I just have this belief that he loves the color white on women and dresses that are thin/transparent.
♔ It reminds of ancient times when women would wear more loose and see-through clothes.♔ The painting in red with a bunch of women represents all the experiments and scarifies he’s done throughout the centuries.
♔ That photo in particular, is probably the ritual needed in order to turn someone into a pure blood or to preserve something.
♔ Or to even make a linking of two beings.
♔ If you want more than that, I’d say request and hit my inbox for it 😂 cause it’s a lot to explain.♔ But yeah, essentially, these are ideas I just wanted to say/throw out there.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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ahistxrysowicked · 4 months
Closed Starter.
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The House of Ashwood was one of the greatest houses in the Age of Conquest.
Their founder laid dying beneath the ashwood trees, legend saying that it was his very blood that fed the trees and prompted his son and heir to abandon their old name and start a new. Honora was bred on these stories of greatness, stories that told her that she should go as far as to bleed for her house’s prosperity and success.
Honora watched the dawn rise, her body wrapped in her cloak and her hair unceremoniously let free. Such stories seemed like a good dream now, as Honora laid banished and believed dead. Aran had truly played her well. Honora was ashamed to admit that she had not expected it. His coup was planned meticulously, her own death being so flawlessly staged. Her father, as he lay dying, had warned her to be watchful of that boy. “Ambition will be his greatest downfall, daughter. Do not let him blindside you.’’ He had said. “You are my heir, the true Queen…’’ he declared with a smile, before that loving hand dropped from Honora’s cheek.
The Queen dreaded to think of what her father thought of her now.
Honora’s thoughts were interrupted by the rapid sound of horses, her heart dropping to her stomach. Swiftly reatreating from the yard, Honora was met by frantic servants, each leading her to the front garden, where more than five men waited…Aran among them.
Only…he was King Aran now.
Honora stood, refusing the blasted bow that the traitor now most certainly awaited.“You didn’t tell me you were coming.’’ She said sharply, her blue eyes fixed on the man she once believed to have loved her.
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tortoisesshells · 7 months
Writing Pattern Game
Thank you so much for tagging me, @shoshiwrites <3
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
untitled da:i ficlet, inquisitor in Haven
It wasn’t that the sun set any earlier in the mountains than it did in similar latitudes; the sky stayed day-bright, hours after Haven fell into darkness.
untitled da:i ficlet, inquisitor & blackwall in Haven
“There’s no mystery to it,” said Sophy, around the pins in her mouth, “Do you know how many Trevalyen children there are?”
untitled da:i ficlet, inquisitor & party in Crestwood
“So, Hero,” said Varric, leaning back in his chair, as Blackwall threw another log on the fire, “Wish you were back in Skyhold yet?”
untitled da:i ficlet, inquisitor & blackwall in Skyhold
“Respectfully, my lady Trevalyen,” said Blackwall, speaking between swings of a maul, the thud of split wood falling against the warm soil, “Solas – or even Pavus, or Madame de Fer – would be better able to answer such a question.”
Who something lost, the seeking for Is all that's left them, now - (1899, pre- Clémence/Jérôme)
“It’s unusual, that’s all I’m saying,” said one of the men at the oars to another, shivering.
half-built and half-rotted (potc: dmc, 5 sentence prompt fic, james norrington in tortuga)
Tortuga had been a new place, but all new places could be learned: a small island and a smaller port, half-built and half-rotted, alive in the same way that bloody-faced vultures and mushrooms were.
some familiar thing missing, or some unfamiliar thing at home (potc:dmc, 5 sentence prompt fic, elizabeth swann cannot figure james norrington out)
Truthfully, she never expected to see James Norrington again, and in some ways Elizabeth is not sure she has: there is a man in a hammock who answers to that name, who has a captain’s coat, and the same sharp-tongued disdain for what irritates him – but (and here, when she has thought on it, she has struggled) either there is some familiar thing missing, or some unfamiliar thing at home.
stood in the twilight (timeless, five sentence prompt fic, lucy preston and garcia flynn contemplate the sublime, and frostbite)
“Have you ever seen anything like it?” Lucy asked, thinking she would have gestured to the fading light in the sky if she could have borne unwrapping her heavy wool shawl for the half-second it would have taken to point – but they did not call 1816 The Year Without A Summer for nothing.
irrevocably altered (potc:cotbp, five sentence prompt fic, elizabeth swann at odds with her old life)
There was comfort, if only in the physical attributes of the King’s House in Port Royal: her feather-soft mattress, food not gone rotted in the cask, windows wide to every wandering breeze – things which Elizabeth had always understood, vaguely and without much in comparison, to be luxuries.
a pass-port for her presence (mercy street, five sentence prompt fic, henry hopkins struggles with emma green's indirect words)
It was easier to know those you didn’t than those you did, Henry Hopkins had thought at some distant, drunken point in the past – a practice as straightforward as prayer, to copy a man’s words exactly to send to his family, or to recall who and which had requested some concession or another.
A prompt specifically for five sentences brings out the worst in me, length-of-sentence-wise.
I love dialogue as a starter, particularly "Indirect Observation," Specific Description of Speaker/Speaker's Actions, "Indirect Observation, Continued And/Or Refined."
I think I try to establish who the POV character is pretty quickly - maybe too quickly?
what is it with me writing fics where someone's chopping firewood, or fussing with firewood. i'm not that cold all the time.
Tagging: @boltlightning, @johnbly, @theonlyredcar, @aloveforjaneausten, @jomiddlemarch, @sagiow, @enchi-elm, @ramiroangel, @admiraleyk, and anyone else who wants to play!
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deathfavor · 6 months
@kyukicho said: ❛ let’s just stay in and watch the snow. ❜ -KakuIza
winter themed starters
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" Huh? "
Izana halts as he feels Kakucho's hand grasp his before he can grab his coat from where it hangs by the front door. It feels rare that Kakucho speaks of his own plans without prompting these days and thus captures his attention. Then again, they've been busy for ages. Tenjiku has swallowed up group after group in the underworld, and its left many nights being busy with smoothing out details and rules and new trade routes. Mikey is nothing but a puppet head, it is Izana's power and ruthlessness that holds everyone in line and he oversees everything with king's authority. It's felt like a while since he's rested or done nothing at all for an evening.
Watch the snow? When was the last time Izana had really stopped to watch the snow? He almost couldn't recall. It had been a long time since he'd last gazed at snowy skies with hope or giggled when a snowflake danced and fell to rest on his nose or melted against the warmth of his cheeks. Wisteria eyes stare at Kakucho and then shift to look past his shoulder and gaze out the window of the penthouse where snow drifts down. Logically Izana had known it was snowing - it was why he had prepared to grab his hooded coat. But he really hadn't thought about it consciously. He hadn't reflected on it. He hadn't in years. He hadn't thought about it since they were little at the orphanage, giggling and sharing plans in a snow fort. Something about the way Kakucho speaks now makes Izana reflect on it for the first time since.
" Kakucho... " Izana's voice trails off for a moment and his eyes shift away from the snow back towards Kakucho's face. Why? Why now? Izana ponders over the question, weighing if he wants to ask it or not. His eyes drop down to their hands, where Kakucho's larger hand surrounds his. ( He is lucky he holds the king's affection to allow such an act to go without consequences or reprecussions. )
He lingers silently for a few more excruciating seconds. " Okay. " Izana drops his free hand from where it had been reaching for his coat. " Okay. I suppose we can stay in. " He agrees, turning his body more towards Kakucho and the warm lighting of the room. " I guess it's been a while since we've been in....or watched the snow. "
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Like Riding A Horse Into Battle
This is the story of how I became a knight (for approximately fifteen seconds).
My journey back from a lovely weekend in Oxford visiting a friend (saw some geese, drank some beer, watched a National League football match) necessitated two changes and went via London (via Didcot Parkway) because Sunday train timetables don't make any sense.
I got into Paddington and cycled through to Euston with the commentary of the Man Utd - Liverpool FA Cup match in my ears. So far so smooth.
Not for long. Chockablock at the Euston concourse. A crowd to fill twenty trains packed underneath the schedule screens, staring at page after page of delayeds. Signal failures between two places you've never heard of meaning every single route in and out of the station was in disarray.
Denied entry to the first train which left, I joined another thronging queue. We could see our train on the platform but no one was allowed through for about half an hour.
Twenty minutes into this interminable limbo, an Avanti staffer told us we could also queue in the adjacent concourse (both of which had access to the platform in question, but one of which had been empty). Ever the instruction follower, I moved over into the new zone, but when they opened the gates they only opened the ones for the old zone, prompting guttural groans from a number of men who felt that they (specifically) had been duped into joining the new queue for malicious reasons.
We did get through, eventually. But only after those from the original zone had been allowed to stampede like suitcase-laden wildebeest for about thirty seconds were we permitted to join the charge ourselves.
Spotting my bike, a staffer-cum-commanding officer yelled at me and said I was needed at the front. Or rather, he said I needed to be quick if I wanted to get to the furthest carriage before the train filled up and my bike wouldn't get on. But what I heard was that I was needed at the front.
Swinging a leg, I mounted my steed and did as my General had asked of me, absolutely nailing it past everyone else on the platform like I was riding a horse into battle.
Time stopped and I was King of Euston.
Pulverising these poor pedestrians with the prodigious power of my pedals.
They, lumbering, sluggish, lugging their cumbersome luggage. I, flowing, free, zipping transcendentally past them. So many people in such slow motion.
Time restarted, I dismounted.
A normal human being once more. But a normal human being with early access to the unreserved seats. The battle was over.
Sign up for The University Challenge Review
A few weeks ago I wrote about the fact I will never get the chance to be an elite athlete. This might be as close as I will ever get.
But on to eight people who have already experienced this, competing as they have done at the sharp end of student quizzing all series.
This is the last of the ten quarter-final matches, and sees Trinity take on Birkbeck.
Each have won and lost one of their previous matches at this stage, and its too close to call. If you want to watch the episode before reading the rest of the post you can do so here.
The winner will join UCL, Imperial and Manchester in the last four. If Birkbeck win there will be three London Unis in the semis for what would surely be the first time ever. Let's see if they can do it; here's your first starter for ten.
Jaksina attempts a bit of humour in his intro, saying 'I should be doing a masters in genetics, but instead I'm here', and while I'm not going to slate him too much, I think he should probably stick to the genetics once the tournament is over.
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They manage none of the bonuses, and Bannerjee gets Trinity off the mark with Hero on the next starter. Caldera and Mesa gave them two of the three bonuses on geographical terms in Spanish, before Bannerjee gave them the lead with Einstein.
It's McMillan vs Bannerjee on the buzzer so far, and the Birkbeck man picks up his third of the evening with the picture starter, an extract from Sir Gawain and The Green Knight (who had a horse, which was also green, but not a bike). Demonstrating solid knowledge of medieval poetry, they take a hat-trick on the bonuses. The Chronos Quartet gave McMillan a fourth starter, and Strasbourg a fifth (with a neg from Bannerjee in between continuing their control of proceedings).
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This must have given Henderson a taste for glory, because she was back at it with a rapid buzz of John Donne on the very next starter, breaking the duopoly. Another hat-trick on the bonuses tied the game.
Chadha continued the bright new post-McJee age with nucleation to grab the lead back for Birkbeck, but it didn't last long, with a superb Jaksina answer of Paraguay equalising for Trinity, and a Henderson bassoon nodding them ahead. The Cambridge side have really hit their stride now, and take a third consecutive 3/3 on the bonuses to take their biggest lead of the game.
Having hibernated for a few minutes, McMillan returns with Edith Cavell on the picture starter. Mixing up Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo leaves them 15 points adrift, but Kang takes charge with beryllium to put Trinity back in control.
He then pulls a magnificent educated guess of Cairo Station from the clue 'Egyptian transport terminus' on their first bonus. This kind of answer is absolute quizzing gold, based on nothing but word association, and Trinity are delighted by it.
An early buzz of Vienna by McMillan is wrong, and when Kang picks it up with Prague you sense that this is the end of the road for Birkbeck. It was the correct tactic to buzz in early, but these things don't always go your way, and his rueful shake of the head tells us he knows it's over too.
Rajan slates Kang for missing a bonus on a South Korean city, but it doesn't matter. Their place in the semis is already assured. Birkbeck 100 - 165 Trinity
A tight match up until the final few minutes, in which Trinity pulled away. A valiant performance from Birkbeck, especially McMillan, but they weren't quite good enough on the day.
The semi-final lineup is now complete, with my predictions coming 75% true.
The first matchup is Imperial/Trinity followed by UCL/Manchester. I can't wait, see you there.
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
So i got a request on my lmk x pokemon trainer!reader image and i decided to do part 2 sooner than i thought i would.
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(Also sorry if you wanted to stay anonymous, i could always edit it.)
Here’s part 1
Prompt: the lmk group along with a few others got transported to another world not knowing that this world was were it holds the person that they met not too long ago.
Reader will be gender neutral.
This also contains ‘the king, the prince, and the shadow.’ Episode so spoilers ahead if you haven’t watched it yet.
When you woke up after helping the group get the third ring you find yourself in your old world, in your living room;nothing changed really, it looks to as you never been gone from this world at all, the only ting proving it wasn’t a dream is the drawing mk made for you that has the whole group in it, including a meditating monkey king.
You decided to just live out you life like it normally was but before that you put the drawing in a frame and made sure to put it in a good place and made sure it doesn’t fall and break before turning away from it and heading towards your bedroom to call it a night since it was in fact night when you suddenly appeared back to your old world.
Of course you were so unaware of what’s to come into your life a few weeks later. While you were getting back to your routine you had before the whole transportation happen the group were worried about your disappearance not knowing that you went back to your world sadly not able to say goodbye with the unexpected event happened at night and the fact they don’t know this made them worry that maybe the lady bone demon found out about your predicament and decided to use you for her plan.
They decided to worry about it later since they could save you with the samadhi fire if you were indeed captured by her. They were finally at the mountain that had created the samadhi fire in the first place. Yada yada the same events happens sept for the fact that instead of mei leaving like she had planned she suddenly disappeared when a portal literally appeared in front of her not giving her much time to react to it before the portal disappeared as fast as it came making it seem as it never was there to begin with; the group were shocked.
Afterwards the rest of the group started disappearing one after the other. Macaque who was unable to fully leave like he intended to because of a powerful source stopping him from doing that was shocked at what is happening before feeling something slither up one of his leg and when he looked at his leg he saw some substance that was black with different colored glittering it along with star like patterns flashing every now and then.
You were finally in galar after a long plane ride, your going to stay there to see the new chairman, Leon; one of you old childhood friends but you sadly had to move for reasons you forgot, you were also of course friends with raihan and sonia so you were obviously going to visit them as well but first you need to visit both the new chairman and new champion which was a girl that was around hop age named Gloria.
Your the new champian for sinnoh after defeating Cynthia when you were in your teens/preteens (i didn’t know what age range to do so i did this so you could decide.)
Your Pokémon team consists of your starter, infernape, a zoroark your parent got you that also started as a egg, a gallade and gardevoir, and a espeon along with it’s sibling umbreon. (Sorry that you didn’t get to pick your Pokémon team but this just makes it easier for me.)
Yada yada boring conference that both had you and Leon bored, but it finally was over so as to get the boredom out of you, you decided to go to the wild area after slplittng up with Leon; you forgot how bad his sense of direction is though. You took the train instead of the corviknight taxi.
You would just be there for a minute or two be leaving though. While exploring you see many pokemon some reminded you of the people you met at the other world, you also started gaining crush for……..
Time flew past you, you found a group of baby Pokémon of different species playing with each other so you decided to join them and that’s what made you not notice what time it was and how long it was before finally getting up to leave.
You and Leon decided to have a Pokémon battle tomorrow with lots of people watching so you wanted to make sure you had a good enough rest before the battle.
It was finally the day of the battle, you went and made sure everything was sept and in order before checking on your Pokémon. After making sure they were settled and ready, you were off to the stadium in window now.
Now onto the lmk group, they decided to go to this stadium that had a big crowd of course the event was free and it was live for those who could’ve make it, they didn’t know that the one they were going to see in the battle would be; so when they saw you battling chairman Leon they were obviously shocked and that you were wining. They were even more shocked than before about the dynamax forms the last Pokémon of both of y’all’s growing gigantic (also pretend one if you pokemon has a gigantimax form for if you want.)
When it was over until the next battle they came sneaking into the locker room and good thing you were alone too because they’re appearance and all would freak out others.
They surprised you for sure, you all talked, made jokes and all of that and also calling for some food as well, the one to bring it was shocked by how much food but brush it over probably think it was for you and some friends made; the poor person had to carry that much food so you made sure tip them for their service.
Sadly it was time for the next battle so you had to escort them out of the locker room so Gloria doesn’t see and freak out;they somehow didn’t get attention from the first battle so you hoped that it would work like before.
You and Gloria finally started battling and to say they least they were impressed even more by you strategy, in fact the battle came out as a tie.
Finally it was over of course you introduced them to your friends and they all got along with the exception of the cocky ones trying to challenge each other but that got a bonk on the head by you so no trouble would be caused any further.
After all of that you snuck them in your hotel room that you got while staying here.
One day while they were here, flowers appeared on where you sleep it also had a note attached to it, it said to meet them at fountain, it was early in the morning so you hurried and got into your clothes that keeps you comfortable and warm because of the cool air that appears here in the morning.
The person who left you was….. and apparently is going to confess, of course you acted cool( by that you were stuttering because you don’t really date much/at all.) in the end you stayed yes.
(Bonus: they met you parent…………… plot twist you’re the child of arceus. (You can take this serious or as a joke, i thought it was funny if i added it in.))
So i hope ya’ll like it!!! I tried making it for everyone, and seeing as this is my first time making a gender neutral i obviously going to make a or more mistakes so please if you see one of more, please do tell me I’ll try and change it as soon as i can. Hope y’all like it and have a amazing day/evening/night!!!
(Edited for a reblog): The only way for me to do an ending for the characters is if I have a prompt on what going to go down in the confession and I don’t have one, so if you like to have a ending for a character of your choice then you can request me with a prompt on how they confess and I’ll see what I can do from there. Sorry for the inconvenience though!😅
Also remember to check out my rules first before you request
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librathefangirl · 1 year
Love your fics btw 🥺❤️
But 🦈 and 🍬 for the ask game ❤️
Thank you!! 🥺❤️ And thank you for the ask too :)
(Also can I say that I'm impressed that I've gotten 7 emojis for this ask game now, but none have been duplicates)
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
Ooh. For nnt I gotta go with daytime Escanor and Diane. I just... don't really know how to handle those two.
I much more prefer writing wimpy night Escanor than arrogant day Escanor. Although both will show up in an upcoming fic of mine (day 21 of my Febuwhump series, whenever I get to that one). So, we'll see how that works out.
As for Diane, I don't know, I just struggle a lot with her character. Which is probably why I have never actually written from her perspective yet.
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
I mean, technically yes? If we're looking at both my early fanfic days over on FF.net and my current ones on ao3, I've got 60 fics across 12 fandoms. Although, this year I've only posted fics for nnt. Which I don't mind actually, I haven't been this inspired to write since I started writing fanfic (for Lab Rats) back in 2016.
Only 5 of my written fandoms have more than 1 fic posted, so let's look at them, shall we? Going oldest to newest:
Lab Rats - Betrayal
I guess it would be cheating saying my entire A for Always fic, since it's my advent calendar fic and is thereby a collections of 24 fics? (Actually that advent calendar was fun to write, maybe I should do something like that for nnt this year?). So let's go with chapter 2: Betrayal. This one's actually a bit different from my usual stories. It's more of an introspection and deals with Chase's (canon) experiences of betrayal and the emotional impact these had (that was't explored in canon). Over 6 years later I'm still proud of this one.
Lab Rats: Elite Force - Her Baby Brother
This one's a set of three drabbles, showcasing Bree's relationship with her little brother during different stages of their lives. I like this one because writing drabbles is not always that easy, plus at the same time I managed to make them feel like three parts of the same story with a similar structure. (Not a story for people who don't like main character deaths.)
Glee - The Boy with the Christmas Sweaters
Okay, looking back at my Glee fics was actually kinda hard, because the ship I loved back then I can't stand anymore. But I do like this fic! It's a Samcedes fic based on a Christmas prompt. Just some fluff and humor (a rarity for me).
Stranger Things - Trust and Needles
I have a total of 3 ST fics. All of which less than 700 words. All of which Stoncy. This one's just fluffy ot3 shenanigans combined with Steve whump. It might leave a smile on your face (unless you don't like needles or stitching, then you won't like this fic).
The Seven Deadly Sins / Nanatsu no Taizai - Who'll Hug the Prince of Hell?
This one wasn't easy to choose. They're all so new and all so loved. I think I'll have to go with this one though. For starters, it's my first nnt fic, the start of a new era and all that. It also includes a lot of things I love to write about; Meliodas angst, the relationships between the Sins and Meliodas, Meliodas getting the love he deserves, Merlin knowing his whole story, Meliodas and Ban being Meliodas and Ban, King dealing with his feelings and actions towards Meliodas after the reveal. Also, who doesn't love a story where Meliodas gets hugged repeatedly? (I should make Mel get hugged more often)
Anyway. Here's the list for the ask game, if anyone else wanna send me something :)
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hellsurvivr · 1 year
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... › ⁽ ⁶ ⁾ for, @razorfst closed & plotted starter .....
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         SOME DAYS,    living in the red keep was okay. she felt at home within its magnificent walls and surrounded by royalty. but other days cassandra was reminded, of how different it truly was then the castle she'd called home. she was a stormlander, born as the second child, and only daughter to house declerq. (    and loyal to storms ends!    )  or at least she had been for the first ten years of her life. after that she was loyal to her queen only.   and housed in kings landing.    deep within the keep and on hand to serve the queen at her beck and call. as that's all she was now. a glorified lady-in-waiting, for the hightower queen.
        her only repieve came    ━   when she'd struck up a friendship with harwin strong.   the knight having taught cassandra, all she needed to survive after an unfortunate situation. with an overly handsy lord almost a year after she'd arrived. the lord not caring that she was just a child, nor that her father had been in the hall supping with the other lords of the kingdom.     (    he'd just wanted her!    )    thus from that moment, the knight had become her true friend. someone who didn't just her attempts to survive. or the way in which she wished to be trained to do such a thing. as she did not just him for his loyalty to the princess, OR THE BASTARDS HE'D FATHERED. but since he had left with the princess to dragonstone, as well as his children who had been like younger siblings to her, she was alone. alone in a pit of vipers.
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        shaking her head softly, she twirls the sword in her hands once more. bringing herself out of the memories it had lost itself in. and back to the squire who was currently shaking in front of her. praying he didn't up on the dangerous side of her sword, and in need of the maesters help.    (    she had no sympathy for them!    )    the squires wished to spar with her. and it was their fault for whatever happened, it was not her fault that harwin made her better than most. and it shows in how she smirks softly, before moving forward. her steps light and dangerous just as harwin taught her. and soon leaving the squire crying in the dirt. attention to the side calls her glance, and her head tilts as she sees the looming figure cutting across the training yard like a dark specter. and it has the smirk upturning further upon the edge of her red-painted lips. as she drops into a small bow of greeting.           ❛   ser bulwer, please do a lady the courtesy of being a challenge. i fear i've grown bored of making squires cry .....   ❜    THE SQUIRE IN QUESTION,   was indeed still on the floor crying. his tears falling into the dirt over the small cut she had given him. no bigger than her little finger.
        she ignores him and instead    ━   focuses on the knight she had slowly been getting to know.   via each instance, they spent sparring. the first having been at her own prompting. before he'd even learned that she was a lady-in-waiting for the queen. or that by right she was a lady via her birth.     (    but he was intriguing!    )    and she wished to know the new face that was inhabiting the red keep. NOTHING MORE. even if most thought there was. due to her stance as a lady, an unmarried one at that, and his as a knight and heir to his family's lands and titles. the politics of the red keep once more coming out. in hopes of controlling her life. but she wouldn't let it stop her. from getting to know him.
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