#there's a reason i kept it so sketchy. what is a tree
risingsunresistance · 10 months
i did draw recently btw but it flopped on twitter so it's staying there 🚶
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rebelliousstories · 10 months
25 Days of Ficmas
Relationship: Corey Cunningham x Reader
Fandom: Halloween Ends
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Mentions of Paganism, Light Angst
Word Count: 1,445
Masterlist: Here
Summary: Christmas holds some rough memories for Corey. Luckily his lover has some ways to override Christmas memories of the past.
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“Wait, so can you explain this again? I’m really trying to understand. I’m just having a hard time. I’m sorry.” Corey ducked his head as he asked for his girlfriend to repeat what she said for about the third time. He saw a hand rapidly approaching his face and flinched when he felt contact. But there was no stinging, just a gentle caress over his stubbly jaw.
“Of course. Don’t worry, I didn’t get it right away either.” She assured him, trying to reverse the years of damage any way she could. Grabbing her handwritten book, she opened up to a specific page and spoke slowly and carefully.
“So Yule is our version of Christmas. When the christians came upon the pagans living in Europe, they saw our festivals and celebrations and made their own versions to make it easier to convert the pagans. As opposed to a specific day, Yule is a time frame. It starts sundown of the winter solstice, and ends in the new year. We always have a big meal that first sundown and enjoy the festive time.” Her delicate writings and sketchy drawings that littered the pages in front of him, captivated his senses. Corey trailed his fingers over the ink that stained the pages in front of him.
“So christians took Yule, and turned it into Christmas?” He questioned,hoping to prompt more information out of his lover but he had no idea how or what to ask.
“Yeah, pretty much. Yule logs are a pretty obvious tie, but the reason there is always a big feast is because pagans would commemorate the solstice with a boar in honor of the wild hunt that takes place. Christmas trees were brought about because that’s what we use to offer thanks.” She explained further, watching as he kept his eyes on the pages before him. Corey opened and closed his mouth several times, like a fish gasping for air, but no words came from his throat.
“Do you… do you think, that-” came from the young man, but he never finished the thought. His hands messed with each other and he picked at his nails. However, his girlfriend reached her hand over and placed her own on top of his to steady them.
“Do I think what, Corey?” Her question was so soft and gentle, that he could not help but look up to see his lover gazing back at him.
“Do you think, maybe, I could. I don’t know. Maybe, I could come over and celebrate with you instead? I don’t have good memories with Christmas anyways.” Corey’s eyes dropped back to their hands that were joined together, and he fiddled with the rings that adorned his lover’s delicate fingers. It was quiet for a moment, as nothing but the sound of her breathing passing between them. Corey, on the other hand, was too afraid and anxious of her response to dare break his silence. But, he felt a kind kiss being pressed to his forehead.
“Of course you can! I would love to have some company.” He looked up at this, complete with a soft, boyish grin on his face. It grew into a smile that matched his lover’s as they sat there.
“Okay. Awesome. I’ll tell my mom, and then I’m all yours.” Corey looked so incredibly happy about coming over rather than spending the evening with his own family.
“No. Absolutely not. You are not leaving here Christmas Day.” And there it was, his mother’s veto that came with just about everything in life that Corey wanted. But he was an adult now, surely he could find the strength to tell his mother no. His hands shook, and he looked anywhere but here as he sought the strength he needed.
“Can’t even look me in the eyes and ask me. That just means you’re not serious, and you’re lying about having a girlfriend.” She continued to chastise and criticize her son, who still fought with his heart and his head. Yet soon, he thought about how excited his girlfriend was when he finally asked her to join her, how happy she looked to have him around.
“I am going to spend the day with her.” Corey stared his mother dead in the eyes, and fought with himself to not back down. She almost looked impressed, but she, too, did not back down.
“You really think that some girl is going to treat you the way I do? That some other girl will love you like I do? I am your mother. I am owed you being with me on the holidays.” Her tone turned deadly, and she shook her finger in his face. Corey wanted to run and apologize; his past experiences telling him that was the easiest path. But he did not want to let his lover down.
“I’m going, mom. I’m an adult and can make my own choices so I’ll be spending the day with her instead of here.” Before his mother could get another word out, Corey turned on his heels and went out the front door. There was still a couple days till Christmas, but he could not bear it in that house anymore. He got lost in his thoughts, and before he knew it, he arrived at the doorstep of his lover. Corey did not realize where he was walking and now he was here. Should he knock? Should he go? A sudden breeze blew by causing Corey to shiver and huddle closer, unknowingly kicking the door.
“Core?” A sweet and kind voice reached his ears. It was only then that he noticed that his girlfriend had opened the door to her apartment, and was reaching out to the man. He stepped inside once she touched his arm, and felt the warmth breathe into his bones.
“You alright, Core?” She questioned; her face full of concern. He smiled and shook off her worry as he placed his hands along her waist.
“Yeah. I’m alright. Just, needed out of the house. You know?” While his comment was vague, his girlfriend knew exactly what he meant.
“You had another fight with your mom?” Her question was rhetorical, but Corey nodded with a deep sigh, and pressed his head into her neck.
“Yeah.” His muffled voice tickled her lightly, causing a giggle to come out and a hand to start brushing through his curls.
“Well, you’re more than welcome to stay here. I still have you’re drawer and closet space. Want to help me decorate for Yule?” Pressing a gentle kiss to his head, his lover’s question was out of genuine interest and it made Corey happy. He nodded up and down into her neck, causing another fit of giggles over his stubble rubbing up against her. Pulling apart, Corey was eager to follow as he was dragged by the hand over to where some decorations laid in boxes.
“Okay. Let’s decorate.” The couple found themselves falling into an easy routine. Corey enjoyed being able to put up all the pine, holly, and runes around the rooms. At some point, he found himself hanging up a wreath above the television while she made a simmer pot on the stove. It provided an incredible smell to the whole home and made Corey enjoy this even more. His girlfriend came over at some point to take him away from his decorating skills with a dark blue and gold mug in each hand.
“Wassail?” She asked, holding the mugs up higher. Corey took one with glee and followed her onto the couch.
“Mhmm. What is this? This is amazing!” He complimented, watching his lover’s cheeks became set aflame as she tried to hid it in her mug.
“It’s basically spiced apple cider, brewed with intentions. It’s a traditional Yule drink, and it’s one of my favorite things about the season.” She explained, watching him drink even more of it.
“Well, I love it.” He concluded, and that led them into a moment of silence. Their eyes scanned the room and enjoyed what they saw. The decorations were hung up faster than usual having two people instead of one but it made them all that much better. Some of them were slightly taller than usual on account of Corey’s incredible height. The burst of color filled the bland apartment, and Corey just felt home. This was his home. Neither one spoke, just sipped their wassail, and enjoyed being with each other during the holidays. It felt oddly domestic for Corey, but he certainly was not turning it down. This was going to be his favorite Christmas, by far. As well as his first, of hopefully many, Yule celebrations.
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510amy5 · 2 months
Chapter 21
Charlotte didn’t move. ‘There’s no one there now, silly, or George wouldn’t be there. He’s very stupid, but not that stupid.’ Leo kept his eyes on the tree. ‘George?’ ‘The caladrius.’ ‘The bird is called George?’
So far this chapter has mostly been a bit of a transitional breather. Rosamund is undergoing medical treatments and recovery, Robin has hunted down Baron Mabry and Leo has been managing events at the estate (including keeping Rosamund off her feet).
I find this quote particularly funny though. The fact that Caroline's real world enemy made it into the book as the name of a particularly stupid caladrius bird is very amusing I'm.
Eventually the Queen leaves bringing the almost assassin and Baron Mabry with her. Between the continued medicine and the lessening of tension declares herself feeling much better, leading to this wonderful line.
‘I feel much better today.’ Leo raised his eyebrows. ‘Should I padlock my horse, or will you promise to behave yourself?’
Who knew Leo had such a great sense of humor? He doesn't take things seriously (which makes him a good match for Rosamund) but I'm glad he can loosen up as well.
no horse riding, running, lifting, or . . .’ Leo stopped, an awkward look crossing his face. ‘Or what?’ Charlotte piped up. The grin Rosamund flashed him was wicked. ‘Yes, Leo. Or what?’ ‘Err . . . working too hard.’
Rosamund! I can't believe that now when your children are watching is when you chose to flirt and practically dare Leo to try to use a clever euphemism. At any rate, Rosamund is slowly able to do more and is brought down 9ut of bed for part of the day to address security measures. This is enough to wear her out in her still fragile state.
She nodded, and when he lifted her from her seat, she rested her head on his chest like she had the night of the fire. On our wedding night. Not that he was thinking about their wedding night at this moment. Well. Maybe.
Leo! Thinking about what could have happened that night maybe? 😏 Regardless, he puts Rosamund to bed (by herself) and goes with Charlotte to be introduced to the caladrius birds.
Back in Caroline's world, George got arrested! There wasn't really any info about what he was specifically into, barring sketchy downloads, but its still nice to see him taken away and the CEO pleased at Caroline for a job well done.
We find out Baron Mabry's lost of crimes is long indeed and that Hawkhurst is no longer under his authority, but under the Collins viscountcy. Woot!
‘Rosamund, this is wonderful! Even if he avoids execution, Mabry no longer holds your fealty. You’re free.
We have an almost heartbreaking moment when Leo realizes that Rosamund doesn't need him anymore and offers to leave. Its what she wanted for so long, to be left alone with her children and knowing her family will be safe. Its such a relief to hear her say
‘Stay,’ she whispered. Then, more strongly, ‘Please.’
So sweet. Of course Caroline thinks that should have been a big love declaration and pops in to say so. What she doesn't expect to so be lectured by Rosamund about not going for it with Henry the Hot Editor!
‘I think that maybe the reason you made me so insanely decisive is that you’re afraid to make decisions in your own life. But I am you, Caroline. At least a little bit. Trust yourself.
Caroline ends up on a work call with Henry and I'm rooting for her.
Caroline braced herself. What would Rosamund do? Nothing that would work in this situation, she concluded wryly. The real question was: what was she going to do?
Come on, you can do it.....and she does and it works! I do think its very funny though that her excuse of being in the area ti visit family was not in fact true until she arranged it afterwards.
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newmiriamsmysteries · 2 months
[ "Followed" - 7/14/24 ]
((Possible scene in "Luna"))
Music - Tool - Forty Six & 2
Even though he told me not to…
I followed him.
I never said that I always did as I was told.
I followed his black Jeep in a cab so he wouldn’t recognize my truck.  We kept a reasonable distance so he wouldn’t expect a tail.  All the while, sitting in the back of that cab, I felt lousy.  I hated this.  Max was my best friend, we’d known each other since we were kids.  I knew I could trust him with everything, but there was something he was hiding from me.  He’s been the county coroner for years, and I never saw him get shaken up by what was on his table.  I had two vics in the morgue that looked like they’d been torn about by some kind of animal - and a coroner who turned pale at the sight of them.
Max pulled into a group of run-down plants lining the riverbank.  Remnants of times gone by.  Old warehouses popped up here and there looking old and tired.  Some had boarded-up windows and others had no windows at all.  Old streetlights and dim neon illuminated the row of buildings.  I saw Max’s Jeep parked by one of the larger buildings lit by a neon arrow pointing to a steel door with a panel in the center.  Voices caught my attention and I slipped around a shadowed corner of the building.  Peeking out, I saw a man step up to the door.  He was in a well-tailored, freshly pressed suit.  His salt and pepper hair wasn’t out of place and his go-tee was well maintained.  He honestly reminded me a little of Vincent Price.  
On his arm was a beautiful woman, a bit younger than him, dressed to the nines.  Her blond hair was pulled up into a fancy sort of updo in a pile of curls at the crown of her head.  She glanced over her shoulder once and I caught a glimpse of striking green eyes.  Diamonds dripped from her earlobes in what had to be the most expensive pair of earrings I’d ever seen.  Her neck as well, bore a striking diamond choker that reflected the red neon light, making her diamonds look like blood.  Her skintight, little black dress left little to the imagination, it was low cut and ended mid-thigh.  Leather, heeled boots crawled up from her feet to her thighs.  
The man reached up and knocked.  The panel in the center of the door opened and then closed a moment or two later.  Next thing I knew, the large steel door screeched open and the couple went inside.  So it was one of those kind of clubs, huh?  The kind with a very exclusive membership.  One that I obviously didn’t have.  
Time to improvise,  I thought as I crept along the wall.  I used the flashlight on my cellphone to guide my steps.  The alley was empty, save for some trash and debris all over the ground.  Rusted old trash cans rested against the wall to my right.  To my left, I came upon an old fire escape.  It looked sketchy, at best, and I was hit by the sudden realization that I was going to do something incredibly stupid.  
I slipped my phone into the pocket of my beat-up leather jacket and then jumped.  I grabbed the bottom rung of the ladder and thanked my lucky stars that I spent most of my childhood climbing trees.  It took a moment, but I easily pulled myself up.  I reached a landing just as the entire structure shuddered and groaned beneath my feet.  
I crouched down and pulled my phone from my pocket again, the flashlight was still on as I surveyed my position.  On my left was an old railing, flaking black paint revealed years of rust and a tetanus shot in my most immediate future if I touched it.  On the other side was an old piece of faded, wavy plastic.  It was nailed to the wall at the top corners as if to cover a hole.  From within the building, I could hear muffled voices, followed by shouts of exhilaration from a large audience.  I turned off the flashlight and hid my phone away before slipping my hands into the sleeves of my jacket.  I grabbed the plastic and pulled it away from the building, moving it just enough that I could squeeze inside.  
So I did just that.  
I was deposited on a new-looking catwalk above a huge amphitheater.   It reminded me of a Roman Colosseum I’d seen in a movie once.  Seats lined all but one wall in a horseshoe shape looking down over a floor made of dirt and sawdust.   The inside of the building looked absolutely brand new.  A stark contrast to the outside.  I could smell the fresh wood and paint.  Exhaust fans ran along the stone walls, adding some sort of ventilation to the area.  A sound system was set up on the wall without seats.  The chairs in the front row were plush and comfortable looking, then it seemed to get a bit more mundane the further they went up.  The “Cheap Seats” below me were nothing but wooden folding chairs.  Carefully, I stood and looked down. 
In the center of the floor was an announcer speaking into a microphone that hung from the ceiling.  He was a tall man, lanky almost, and moved a bit otherworldly.  It wasn’t a Vampire’s grace though, but it was still predatory.  His eyes were golden and his smile was a bit more toothy than I was used to.  He dressed well, however, as did the rest of the audience.  Suits, dresses, jewels, furs - any luxury you could think of.  
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,”  The announcer began.  “Once again I welcome you all to The Claymore Amphitheater!”  He exclaimed, opening his arms with a flourish as the audience erupted in praise.  I slipped behind a shadowed pillar as the announcer’s eyes moved over the crowd.  
“For those who are new, I am Abraham Nash, your Master of Ceremonies.  I hope you got your bets in early, folks, cause this one is going to be a doozy!”  The Announcer said.  “We have in our presence very prestigious fighters.”
Just as he spoke, the spotlight split into three, one keeping Nash illuminated and the others moving to two darkened doorways.  I leaned forward slightly to see.  
“In this corner - “  Nash stated, “We have the reigning Champion, hailing from Mother Russia - RODYK PETROVICH!”  The crowd whooped and hollered as a mountain of a man stepped into the spotlight.  He was built like a brick shit-house.  He was tall and thick with well-defined muscles.  He honestly reminded me of Braun Strowman - except with fairer skin and blond hair.  ( I watch wrestling.  So what?)  
“And in this corner - “  Nash gestured to the other dark doorway.  “Ladies and Gentleman, we here at The Claymore, are very pleased to introduce one of our own.  My friends…dear friends…I am happy to welcome back … JASON DUNNIGAN!”
“Wait what?!”  I caught myself saying out loud.  I put my hand over my mouth, my eyes wide as I looked at the doorway.  I grabbed the catwalk’s railing with my free hand and held it tight until my knuckles turned white.  He stepped out and my heart skipped in my chest.  He was everything I remembered.  He was tall and well-built where it counted.  He was a bit smaller than his opponent, though.  He was tanned and covered head to toe in freckles.  
“My friends!”  Nash said after the applause and accolades had died down.  “Now, we know the rules.  The first man to incapacitate - NOT KILL - their opponent wins the pot which sits at a whopping five thousand dollars thanks to our amazing patrons and partners.”  
As Nash kept going, I couldn’t stop looking at Jason.  Memories came back, most of them good, some of them not so good.  I shook my head to bring myself back to the present.  Scanning the crowd, I caught a glimpse of Max, sitting in what could have counted as box seats.  Just on the floor of the amphitheater.  He was staring at Jason’s back, but I couldn’t make out his expression from here.  His arms were crossed over his chest, one leg resting on top of the other.  People were sitting beside him - the man and the beautiful blond woman I watched enter the building.
The blond was speaking to Max, but he didn’t seem to be paying attention.  
The sound of a bell startled me and I looked back to the floor.  Jason and Rodyk were circling each other.  The Russian certainly had a height and weight advantage over the small man, but Jason had also been faster and more agile.  
Suddenly, the two men stopped and began to move oddly.  Their bodies fell forward as their legs moved direction.  Becoming more canine than human, fur rippled over their skin.  Rodyk’s was snow white with various bits of gray.  Jason’s was a russet red-brown.   Human faces were replaced by wolf ones.  I glanced up toward the large skylights over my head just in time to see the Full Moon peek through the glass.  
They were God Damn Werewolves!!
I looked back in Max’s direction again, he seemed unphased like this was a normal Monday night for him.   What the hell was going on and why was no one reacting?! 
The growls of the two wolves broke through the applause and adoration of the audience.  The noise was deafening and I tucked back a little in my shadowed hide-a-way.  Rodyk lounged at Jason, who easily dodged out of the way.  Keeping low, the Red Wolf leaped up toward Rodyk’s back leg, attempting to bite it and incapacitate him.  But the White Wolf was deceptively quick.  He dodged at the last minute, causing Jason to roll slightly beneath his opponent.  Dust flew into the air, floating in the glow of the house lights.  Growls and yips from the two brawling wolves went on well into the evening as they fought.  The battle ended abruptly with Jason’s jaw locked around Rodyk’s throat.  
The bell sounded again and the two animals parted before one could kill the other.  “Your winner!!  JASON DUNNIGAN!”  Nash yelled.  The crowd erupted again as Jason dropped his wolf form and became human again.  Nash held up his arm at the wrist and Jason bowed his head.  Even in human form, his body bore signs of battle.  Scratch and bite marks that were much akin to an animal attack.  
I looked at Max again, who had caught Jason’s eye now.  The coroner got up from his seat and wove his way through the crowd and out of the building.  I glanced at Jason once more, unsure how to feel, then turned and snuck out the way I had come in.  
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eienoah · 4 months
May 22 - Kyoto Imperial Palace
Today felt like an incredibly short day. I woke up a little late and ate those white tayaki again plus a cream puff. I really need to start figuring out how to use my bento to make something better. Maybe I’ll start making fried rice in the morning. After that I ran a little late so I had to actually run over to class. We took a train over to the imperial palace and had a tour. I found a small little charm I think. I can’t remember the actual name of it but I think it was like shenki. If I find the name I’ll update it right here _____. Then we had a little walk around the palace on a guided tour. I could only hear like 40 percent of what the guide was saying but it was so hot it was almost like I wasn’t listening. I accidentally wore a jacket so I was sweating like crazy but I pulled out my umbrella to make it a little bit better. People kept kicking up the gravel so the dust kept getting in my face which made it just so much worse. Recently I haven’t been drinking enough water so I was hungry, dehydrated, dirty, exhausted, and hot. Let’s just say I was a little cranky this morning. There was a garden at the palace that was really cool but the rest I was just trying to stay out of the sun so I didn’t notice that much around me. I felt very bad not getting to absorb the experience but for me it was just too bad outside. After that we went over to the train and I snuck off to a little conbini to grab pastries. I also got my first pocari sweat which was literally just a clear version of orange Gatorade. Then it was onto the museum. Some of the stuff in there was cool but I just got so used to seeing the same art. I did find one painting I really liked which was of two cranes, bamboo, and a peach tree. For some reason it just popped out to me. It might have been the way the two birds were posed or just the colors but it really stood out. The way the tree framed the birds was spot on and the bamboo offered a nice color balance. The museum ended a little fast and the usual group headed over to a little family run restaurant. We got a little lost on the way and had to find a map to figure out where the actual restaurant was. It turned out they moved down the road and we thought they were a flower store. I got just a simple nikudon but it was so much better than the ones I would buy from matsuya. The place was kinda sketchy with people smoking in the restaurant and everything but it was super good so I was happy. After that was just a trip back to the hotel and I was off for the day. 
One of the main things I realized about the palace was that I had a different picture in my head for how the shutters were. I fully pictured them to be like lots of small shutters that would all pull up with one stick in the middle. I have no idea why I pictured a completely modern type of shutter but so be it. To think it would take 6 men to lift each one is crazy though. I get he is the emperor and everything but it is absurd to make 6 men do something that you can fix with a little bit of innovation. Being able to see the garden mentioned in the reading was truly a spectacle. I could really see the craftsmanship they used to work such details, shapes and blending of colors into a multitude of patterns for the viewer to be amazed by. From the second you walk in you see the small bridge with grass growing on it that almost makes you think its been left alone for a hundred years and still remains. But it hasn’t, it is properly taken care of each and every single day for the enjoyment of what used to be the royal family. One thing I was expecting more of though was sekitei. Stone gardens to be precise. There was just a giant yard of gravel that had been swept but not into the proper form of a sekitei. It was kind of just a cleaning purpose thing.
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traceyaudette · 9 months
Wild Hearts and Broken Dreams
Triggers: Triggers: Unwanted pregnancy, talk of death of a baby, drug use during pregnancy, murdering a newborn child. abortion
Please do not alter, copy, or do anything else that is sketchy with my work. This story will be continued on Wattpad.
Dedria lay in bed, the exhaustion overtaking her; she laid back, sighing, glad it was over. She had been careless, had forgotten her birth control, and had gotten pregnant.  She did not realize she was pregnant until it was too late, and no ethical doctor would perform an abortion.
Even the unethical Dr.  Edward Matthews, her physician, the physician who kept the ladies at the Dangerous Curves, the brothel she and her husband owned, would perform an abortion.
'What's its name?" Dedria glared at her husband. Glancing at the bassinet, she had no feelings for the creature lying there.
"Doc said it won't live through the night...it's only 3 pounds. I told him to hurry the process along?" Camron frowned as the nurse pushed her out of the room.
Deidra glared at Camron as the doctor walked in. "Fix this shit, so I don't have another one. Tie my tubes, take my shit out... "
The doctor looked at her, frowning. "That poor innocent soul is gone because of your drug use. I should report you."
Dr. Matthews rushed out towards the door. “I will prepare for your hysterectomy, Dedria. Are you sure about this?”
“I do not want to have children!” She screamed! Dr. Matthews rushed from the room, to grab his nurse and prepare for the procedure.
 Deidra started to get out of bed. Camron handed her a small pack. 'Take these. Relax, I'll take care of everything. "
Behind Dangerous Curves, beyond the stone wall, there was a thick wood glen. Shining through the branches of the trees were bright lights and celestial music could be heard. In the center was a nest of ferns, flowers, and herbs of lavender and mint.
The nurse carried the sweet baby girl towards the glen; her weak cries could be heard. The nurse hummed a lullaby to the baby, holding the baby close to her. Once inside the safety of the glen, she laid the baby into the nest. The baby started to coo, and whispers of light flew around the baby.
 Whispers and kisses of light enveloped the baby’s body, lifting the body from the nest. The small body grew, and the weak cooing sound became stronger.  The warm glowing light extinguished the whispers of love, joy, and kisses, were gone. The baby was gently placed back in the nest.
The nurse stepped forward, and the residents of the glen bowed. She shall be called Quinn Rion; for she shall lead us one day.
Kellen Taggert returned home to find himself a broken man. His wife had divorced him, sold all of their possessions, and vanished without a trace with their ten-year-old daughter. Leaving him with nothing but the clothes on his back. The weight of the situation left him feeling lost, confused, and alone.
As he stepped off the plane, he felt a sense of overwhelming sadness and exhaustion.  He had no idea what he was going to do.  He soon heard motorcycles in the distance, and a small glimmer of hope flickered in his heart. He looked up and saw his brothers, who had come to welcome him home.
Their faces were filled with love and concern as they approached him, and Kellen couldn't help but smile a sad, tired smile. Although he had lost everything, he knew he could count on his brothers to be there. They were his family, and they would help him rebuild his life.
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labomi · 4 years
selfish | one (18+)
Summary: You're a former coworker of Kento Nanami back when he was just an office worker. You accidentally run into him at a bakery many years later which gives you a second chance at getting to know the man who had always caught your eye.
Pairing: Kento Nanami x f!Reader
Words: 11.1k+
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, oral sex, creampie, explicit language, attempted sexual assault, kidnapping, canon-typical violence, alcohol
Note: Read on ao3 here! I’ve been on tumblr on and off for about 10 years at this point (yikes), but I recently decided to start a new one as sort of a writing blog with a lot of anime gif reblogging on the side as well haha. Kind of nervous to post my first fic on tumblr for some reason, so I hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading!
Index: [Part One] [Part Two]
“Nanami? Kento Nanami? Is that you?”
You couldn’t believe your eyes. It had been years! Was that really him?
The night you accidentally ran into Kento Nanami started off like any other night in your life. After an exhausting day of work, you decided to treat yourself to some sweets at a nearby bakery. The small chime on the door signaled your entrance with the lone employee warmly greeting you.
There was only one other customer in the small shop. A tall man stood at the cash register. 
There was something strangely familiar about the man’s demeanor. Curious, you drifted over to the display case next to the register to try and sneak a peek at his face. While admiring the delicious-looking pastries on the counter, you listened in on the conversation between him and the cashier.
“That will be 2000 yen,” the lady said.
“I’ll pay with card.”
You stiffened slightly, eyes widening in surprise. 
That voice!  
You recognized that voice!
The man shifted his face towards you as he reached to grab his wallet from his pocket. You were finally able to get a glimpse of his face. 
You gasped.
“It is you!” you exclaimed in surprise. “Nanami!”
He looked as prim and proper as ever. The man still wore a suit and tie with his hair neatly parted. The only major difference in his appearance was the sunglasses that now completely shielded his eyes.
“It’s good to see you again! How have you been?” you asked eagerly.
Nanami looked at you silently, trying to recall where he had seen your familiar face before.
Then he remembered.
A flood of memories from a different life overcame him. The man hesitantly said your name, like he couldn’t quite believe your unexpected appearance before him. You nodded enthusiastically while he absentmindedly handed his credit card to the cashier.
“Oh wow,” you breathed, feeling a little giddy. “I haven’t seen you since you quit all those years ago. What are you doing now?”
Nanami seemed to pause for a second, adjusting his sunglasses. “I work at a school.”
“Oh! As a teacher?” 
“No, just as staff.”
“That sounds nice. What school?”
“It’s a private religious school in the mountains. It’s not particularly well-known,” the man replied vaguely. 
“Oh, I see.”
A loud beep of a cell phone interrupted the conversation. Nanami reached into his other pocket and took out his phone. He frowned, looking at the device. “I apologize, but I have to go immediately.”
“Oh, uh, ok,” you said, feeling slightly disappointed. You barely had any time to catch up with your former coworker. Nanami grabbed the bag from the counter and swiftly exited the store. You watched him walk away with a sigh. What were the chances that you would bump into him again? You pouted, upset that the circumstances hadn’t exactly worked out in your favor.
“Oh no!” the cashier suddenly cried out. “He forgot his card!” She pointed at the blue credit card on the counter.
“Lemme see if I can catch him!” you responded, already running out of the bakery. You pushed open the door and ran in the direction you saw the man leave. “Nanami!” you shouted. Other pedestrians looked at you curiously, but you couldn’t see the tall man anywhere. You walked around a bit further out, continuing to call his name but to no avail. Sighing, you headed back to the bakery.
“No luck,” you said to the cashier. “He’s gone already. I have no idea how he disappeared so quickly.” Crossing your arms against your chest, you looked at the forgotten card in frustration. “What should we do now?” If only you had his number! 
“I guess I can keep it here in case he comes back,” the lady reasoned.
An idea popped in your head. 
A selfish one.
“Wait! How about I take it and return it to him?” you asked. Then you realized that your request might come off as suspicious. “We used to work together, I promise I’m not trying to steal it or anything.”
The cashier smiled at you softly. “I trust you. You come in here quite a lot and that man did say your name, so I know you’re not lying.”
You sighed in relief.
Thank goodness.
After buying some pastries for yourself, you walked out of the bakery holding Nanami’s credit card in your hand. You carefully stored it in your bag before beginning the walk back to your apartment.
A private religious school in the mountains, huh?
It shouldn’t be too hard to find.
You groaned, fighting the urge to pull your hair in frustration. 
How hard was it to find this damn school?!
You were sitting at your desk in the dark. The only light in the bedroom came from your laptop screen which was full of search engine results for “tokyo private religious school”. You were on page 15. Not a promising sign.
Recalling your conversation with Nanami, you remembered the man said he worked at a religious school in the mountains. However, none of the private schools you had found so far were located in the mountains. You frowned. Had Nanami been lying?
You shook your head to yourself.
He’s not the type to lie. He did say it wasn’t well-known.
You scrolled further down and clicked on the next page. Quickly skimming the results, you finally found something that caught your eye. 
Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College.
Huh. What a strange name for a school.  
You clicked on the link. It brought you to a strange forum that looked somewhat sketchy and unreliable, but someone had at least posted an address for the school. You grabbed your phone and immediately plugged the address into the map app.
You punched the air in triumph.
“Yes!” The dot was located in the mountains by some Tokyo suburbs. 
This has to be the place!
Luckily, tomorrow was Friday which meant you had no classes, and you weren’t scheduled for a shift at work. You were free to find the school and return the card to Nanami in person. 
“Ok!” you said to yourself, rubbing your hands together. “Now to find out how to get there.”
You looked at the dot of your current location on your phone and then back at the vast empty woods in front of you.
This can’t be it!
You groaned out loud in frustration, stamping your feet in a little tantrum. 
Why is it still so hard to find this damn school?!  
Looking at your phone again, you double-checked the map to see that you were in fact at the exact location of the address you inputted, but nothing was here. It was just trees!
You sighed in disappointment but refused to give up right away. Maybe your phone’s GPS was off because you were so high up in the mountains and the signal was bad. You decided to follow the road that led up the mountain with the hope that you might accidentally stumble across the school. If there was a road, it had to lead somewhere! But strangely enough, you hadn’t seen any cars, buildings, or pedestrians since entering the area. 
After walking around for almost an hour, you decided to take a break. Sitting in the shade of some trees by the side of the road, you took your water bottle out of your bag for a quick sip. You admired the beautiful, quiet scenery in front of you.
Maybe this was a bad idea.
You were currently lost in the mountains of Tokyo looking for a school you weren’t quite sure actually existed. And it was all because you were selfish and wanted to see Nanami again. Your old coworker.
You hadn’t been particularly close to him at work, though he didn’t seem overly friendly with anyone in the office. Nanami was the stoic and serious type. He didn’t talk much with the team, but you could tell he worked hard. He was always one of the last people to leave the office for the night, if he did leave. On many occasions, you found him dozing at his desk in the morning when you arrived early to work before everyone else with the sneaking suspicion that he had spent the entire night in the office.
Unlike most of the other employees and especially your boss, Nanami seemed to still care about the clients instead of just the company’s profits, judging from the small snippets of conversations you overheard from him. You had always wanted to get to know him better, but he didn’t particularly have an approachable demeanor. At the time, you were just a young, newly graduated woman who was afraid of everything and everyone. So you often just kept to yourself.
You sighed, looking down at the ground. Taking Nanami’s credit card hostage was a pathetic way of trying to rekindle a relationship that never existed in the first place. You made up your mind. It was time to head back home and drop off the card at the bakery so he could pick it up himself. Today’s excursion was just a giant waste of time much to your disappointment.
“Excuse me, miss. What are you doing here?”
“Huh?” A man was hovering over you. You swore he hadn’t been there a second ago.
You screamed. “P-please don’t hurt me!” You put your arms out in front of you, shielding yourself from any potential harm. “I don’t have much money, but you can have it all!”
The man burst out laughing. You slowly lowered your arms, hoping that his laughter meant he wasn’t going to attack you.
“I’m not going to hurt you, and I especially don’t want your money.”
You let out a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness.” No longer afraid, you took a closer look at the stranger. He was tall. Very tall. Wearing a black outfit and a matching blindfold that spiked up his white hair.
What a strange appearance.
“Well, I won’t hurt you as long as you tell me what you’re doing here.” You gulped, hearing the silent threat in his words.
“Umm, umm, well, you see I-I got a bit lost and w-was just taking a rest,” you stuttered nervously, fiddling with your hands. “I heard there’s a private school around here and I’m trying to find it, because I know someone who works there. His name is Kento Nanami and we used to work together many many years ago and I just happened to run into him last night at a bakery but he left his credit card there and I wanted to give it back to him in person, so I thought it was a good idea to deliver it at his workplace but this school is so hard to find I have no idea where I’m going and-and I think I’m just going to leave now actually.” You realized you were rambling, so you forcibly shut your mouth to stop yourself from looking like a complete fool in front of the stranger.
The man hummed in thought for several seconds before suddenly grinning and chuckling to himself. His demeanor no longer felt threatening.
“Kento Nanami, huh,” the man said, still smiling happily.
“Oh, you know him?” You perked up, suddenly hopeful.
Maybe they work together!
“Leave it to me!” the stranger cheered, giving you a thumbs up. “I’ll escort you to the school and make sure you hand-deliver that credit card to Nanami!”
You felt relieved, tears almost prickling your eyes. “Oh thank you so much!”
“Can’t you tell there’s a human who has been wandering near the barrier for quite a while now? It looks like they’re trying to find a way in,” Yaga commented.
“Well, they can’t. Isn’t that the whole point of the barrier?”
“I know that!” the principal grunted angrily. “But since you’re just lounging here around doing nothing, go check it out.”
“Fine.” Gojo got off the couch and headed outside, wondering how a human accidentally wandered this close to the school so far up the mountains.
It only took several minutes before you and the strange man found a path leading to the school. You blinked in surprise. You felt like you had walked by this part of the road earlier but had seen nothing.
Walking alongside the man quietly, you suddenly realized you had completely forgotten your manners. Quickly bowing to your escort, you introduced yourself and thanked him for taking the time to safely bring you to the school.
“It’s no problem. Any friend of Nanami is a friend of mine. Oh, and I’m Satoru Gojo by the way. I’m the first-year teacher here.”
He was a teacher? This man wearing a blindfold in broad daylight? You swallowed nervously. You wondered what kind of school Nanami was working for exactly.
Once you finally reached the main school grounds, all of your reservations immediately melted away. “Wow!” you breathed. The campus was absolutely gorgeous with beautiful statues, shrines, and gates. You couldn’t help but stop and admire your surroundings. “This school is beautiful.”
Gojo brought you to the teacher’s lounge and gestured for you to sit down. “So, tell me again how you know our dear Nanami?”
Nanami had just finished a mission when his phone chimed, signaling a text. He finished wiping his blade clean before grabbing the device. The message was from Gojo.
Gojo: Come back to Jujutsu Tech. Your girlfriend is here ;)
The sorcerer stared at the message. 
Nanami: I have no idea what you mean.
Gojo: ( ˘ ³˘)♥
He angrily shoved his phone back in his pocket and walked over to the car where Ijichi was waiting. He entered the back seat before closing the door behind him. “Hurry up. I need to find a certain white-haired idiot and destroy him.”
Nanami was walking towards the teacher’s lounge when he heard your bright laughter. He froze for a couple of seconds.
What were you doing here?
He picked up the pace, quickly entering the lounge to see you giggling on the couch next to Gojo. For some reason, it bothered him to see how close the idiot was to you and how happy you looked in his presence.
“Nanami! You’re here!” Gojo exclaimed, immediately noticing the other sorcerer’s presence. 
You turned your head quickly towards the doorway with a bright grin. “Oh, Nanami! Hi again!”
Nanami observed the scene, trying to figure out what was going on, but he was drawing a blank. 
First of all, you weren’t a sorcerer. How did you enter the school grounds? 
Second, did you know Gojo? The two of you seemed quite friendly on the couch together. 
Third, was Gojo implying that you were his girlfriend? That was absolutely ridiculous.
“What are you doing here?” Nanami asked you cautiously, adjusting his sunglasses. 
“Oh!” You dug around in your bag, pulling out your wallet. You removed a blue credit card. “You left this behind at the bakery yesterday. I tried to chase after you, but you disappeared so quickly. I had the day off today, so I thought I would try to find your workplace and give your card back to you.” You got off the couch, approaching Nanami and handing him the card.
Nanami took the card from you before placing it back in his own wallet. “You didn’t have to do this. How did you even find your way here?”
“I found her wandering nearby!” Gojo jumped in, grinning at the other sorcerer. “Imagine my surprise when she said the two of you used to work together back when you were just a salaryman. I just had to invite her back here. You never mentioned you used to work with such a lovely lady.”
You visibly blushed at Gojo’s words which just bothered Nanami even more. “Thank you for returning my card, but I think it’s about time y—”
“Nanami. Nanami. Namami,” Gojo said in a singsong voice. “You’re all work and no fun. It’s been years since the two of you have seen each other, and you’re already trying to get rid of her? Don’t you want to catch up a little bit?”
You played with your hair, a little nervous. “I mean if you’re busy Nanami, I can go. But I was hoping we could talk a little bit.” You looked up at him with bright eyes. “I want to hear how you’ve been doing.”
Nanami took one look at your hopeful face and immediately gave in. “Alright.” He gestured for you to sit back down as he walked over to one of the armchairs. The sorcerer pretended like he didn’t see your little jump of excitement as you hurried back to the couch with Gojo.
Once the three of you were all seated comfortably, you brought up what you had been previously discussing with Gojo. “I didn’t know you’re teaching at the same high school you went to as a student. That’s pretty cool!”
“He was one of the few students who graduated and decided to leave the community,” Gojo pointed out. “Most of us stay here and continue working for the school.” Nanami subtly glared at the white-haired sorcerer, wondering how much he had told you about the jujutsu world.
“Why did you decide to come back then?” you asked curiously.
“I changed my mind,” Nanami simply stated. “I realized I would find my career slightly more rewarding if I worked for the school than that company.”
You nodded in agreement. “That makes sense. I’m glad we eventually both left that job.” You slightly grimaced, just thinking about your past. It didn’t go unnoticed by Nanami.
“When did you leave?” he asked.
You hummed, recalling the past. “It was probably a couple of months after you left. I, uh, messed up something really badly and I got fired.”
Nanami raised his eyebrows in surprise. You didn’t seem like the type to make big mistakes. He remembered you as quite the careful and diligent worker. He narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering if you were being deceitful.
“It’s ok though,” you continued. “I worked a couple of odd jobs afterward to keep up with the bills until I decided I wanted to become a nurse! So I’m actually back in school now and working part-time to help pay tuition.”
“A nurse, huh,” Gojo remarked. “What a noble career choice.”
“Ahh, I wouldn’t say I’m noble or anything. I just think I would find my life more fulfilling if I was actively helping people,” you explained. “Probably similar to how you felt when you switched careers, Nanami.”
He nodded at your words.
uThe three of you chatted amicably the rest of the day. Gojo and you mostly carried the conversation, but Nanami would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy listening to your voice. After he ran into you at the bakery last night, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. It was the first time he was confronted with his old life after deciding to become a sorcerer again. Part of Nanami wanted to never look back on that phase of his life again, but perhaps it wasn’t all bad. Sure, he hadn't particularly liked anyone from that office, but he didn’t mind you. You had always been quiet, polite, and hardworking. 
Nanami still remembered his last day at the office. You had organized a surprise farewell party just for him with a cake, balloons, and everything. After everyone had their fill of free food and left the conference room, you had shyly wished him luck in the future and said you would miss seeing him in the office. All those memories came rushing back after encountering you in that bakery.
The sun started to set when you finally noticed the time.
“Ah! I should probably go,” you announced, checking your phone. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to overstay my welcome.”
“No, no,” Gojo assured. “You are very much welcome here. Like I said earlier, any friend of Nanami is a friend of mine and all my friends are welcome here!”
“How do you plan on getting home?” Nanami asked, mildly concerned.
“Don’t worry!” Gojo said. “I got it handled. Ijichi will drive her back.”
“Huh? No, it’s fine,” you tried to argue. “I can get back by myself. It’s not a problem.”
“What kind of gentlemen would we be if we didn’t ensure you got home safely? Ijichi is our finest chauffeur,” the blindfolded man insisted. “He will take care of you.”
You looked at Nanami who simply nodded at you, encouraging you to accept Gojo’s offer. Sighing, you crossed your arms over your chest with a pout. “Alright. Thank you.”
The two men waved goodbye as you left in Ijichi’s car to head back home.
“Was it really wise to have her on the school grounds?” Nanami asked.
Gojo hummed. “It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not. Normal humans aren’t allowed here for a reason.”
The blindfolded sorcerer didn’t reply. Instead, he took out his phone and started tapping on the screen. Nanami’s phone chimed. It was a text from Gojo. Opening it, he saw it was a string of numbers.
A phone number.
“You should call her sometime,” Gojo said. “She likes you.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes, I do. What kind of woman travels to the mountains on her day off to try and find a publically non-existent school to return a credit card to someone she doesn’t like?”
Nanami remained silent.
“Just because we’re adults and jujutsu sorcerers doesn’t mean we aren’t allowed to have some normal fun. It’s alright to be selfish every once in a while.”
How badly Nanami wanted to believe Gojo’s words.
You heard the door open and close.
“Hello! How many I help y—Gojo?”
You blinked in surprise, not expecting to see the teacher at your workplace. While taking classes to become a nurse, you worked part-time at a small boba tea shop. You had just finished serving the flurry of college students who needed a midday pick-me-up when Gojo appeared. Several of the seated patrons whispered and pointed at him, wondering why he was wearing a blindfold and how he could see.
“Thought I would drop by and say hi,” he said with an easy grin.
You returned his smile. “Is Nanami with you too?” you asked, trying to sound casual.
“No, not today, unfortunately,” he replied. You tried to ignore the flash of disappointment you felt. “I’ll bring him next time.”
You perked up at Gojo’s promise, nodding eagerly. “Sounds good. So, would you like something to drink?” 
The man ordered a large brown sugar milk tea with extra sugar. You looked at him, mildly concerned. “You sure you want 120% sugar? It’s pretty sweet to begin with. Trust me.”
Gojo nodded. “Yup!”
“Alright,” you said with a shrug. You did try to warn him. 
You finished preparing Gojo’s drink and handed it to him along with a straw.
“Hey, do you mind if I borrow your phone for a second?” the teacher asked.
“Oh, sure,” you said, grabbing your phone from your back pocket.
Gojo took the device and opened the camera app. “Smile!” That was the only warning you got. He had taken a selfie of the two of you together. You weren’t even smiling in the photo, completely caught off guard. But Gojo was at least prepared, grinning happily and showing off his milk tea in one hand. You watched as the man repeatedly tapped on your phone screen.
“What are you doing?” you asked hesitantly.
“Here!” Gojo handed the phone back to you. Looking at the screen, you saw that he had sent the selfie of the two of you to a random number with a text that said “Having fun without you!”
“Um. Who did you send this to Gojo?”
“Nanami, of course!”
“Oh,” you said quietly, feeling butterflies in your stomach.
Nanami’s number!
You finally had it! 
Gojo chuckled to himself as he saw the way your eyes lit up.
“Oh, by the way,” you said, looking up from the phone. “It’s my birthday next weekend. I’m going out with a couple of friends on Saturday at 8pm at the bar around the corner, and I was wondering if you and Nanami would like to join? You should bring Ijichi too and anyone else from the school! Only if you want though. It’s ok if you don’t want to come or you’re worried about being awkward with my other friends even though they’re super cool and encouraged me to invite you guys and I promise I won’t be upset if you can’t make it because this is kind of last minute and I—”
“Sounds great!” Gojo interrupted your rambling. “I’ll be sure to pass along the information. We'll be there.”
“Really?” You grinned at the teacher. “Awesome! I guess I’ll see you then!”
Gojo waved at you goodbye as you tried to compose yourself before the next wave of customers arrived.
“Ahh!! You guys actually came!” you squealed as a group of individuals approached your table in the bar. You stumbled out of the large booth where your other friends were seated, already several shots in for the night. You clumsily hugged Gojo without thinking. Releasing him, you took in his new appearance.
“You look so different!” you commented. “But not in a bad way!” The man had traded in his signature blindfold for a pair of sunglasses that still hid his eye. His hair was lying down flat instead of its usual spiked-up look.
Behind Gojo, you saw Ijichi with a woman you didn’t recognize. 
“That’s Shoko Ieiri,” Gojo said, following your gaze. “She’s the doctor at our school.”
You happily greeted both of them, thanking them for coming. 
And finally, you saw the person you were looking forward to seeing the most. Nanami looked good as always. He was dressed a little more casually for the night without his signature jacket, tie, and sunglasses. Instead, he wore a crisp, blue button-up shirt with the top few buttons undone. You tried not to stare too much at his revealed skin.
As you approached Nanami, you reached out to hug him but you managed to stop yourself in time. You were worried about coming on too strong and opted for a small wave instead.
“Thanks for coming, Nanami! I’m so glad you came!”
Sitting at the table altogether, your other friends immediately fawned over Gojo. One of them grabbed you and whispered in your ear.
“What the hell? You didn’t tell me one of your friends was incredibly hot?”
You shrugged and ordered another round of shots for the whole table. Gojo ended up passing because he didn’t drink, so you took it upon yourself to finish it for him.
Nanami quietly nursed a beer as he observed the scene. He didn’t typically like crowded, loud bars like this, but he would make an exception for you. Gojo had also been extremely intent on making sure everyone from the school attended your little celebration. He managed to get Ijichi to come along only after getting Shoko to agree by bribing her with free alcohol.
Nanami was currently sitting across the booth from you, watching as you chatted with your friends. You were wearing a dark red dress that perfectly showed off your curves. The left strap of your dress was a little loose and it kept falling down the entire night despite you constantly readjusting it, not that Nanami had noticed. 
You looked so carefree and lively in this atmosphere. Every once in a while, you caught Nanami’s gaze and beamed at him happily.
At some point during the night, you left the table to go to the bathroom. It was only once you tried walking back to everyone that you realized how drunk you were. Stumbling a bit in your high heels, you leaned against the wall by the bathrooms for stability.
“Excuse me miss, are you alright?”
A man approached you, but you instantly waved him off. “Mmm, I’m good,” you replied. “Thanks though.” You were determined to make it back to your friends on your own, but as soon as you took a step away from the wall, you tripped. The man caught you before you could hit the ground. He had a tight grip on your waist.
 “You don’t seem good,” he chuckled softly. “How about I help you?” You could feel his hands starting to go lower, and you quickly latched onto them and tried to pry them off you.
“I said no,” you said firmly, but the man ignored you and pressed you against the wall. “Get off!” You struggled against him but to no avail.
Suddenly, the weight of the man was lifted and you felt like you could breathe again.
“Are you alright?” a smooth voice asked. 
You looked up to see Nanami in front of you. You nodded silently and admired his strong jawline and sharp eyes in the bar’s dark lighting. 
“Can you walk?”
You nodded again. Taking a step away from the wall, you immediately staggered again much to your embarrassment. Nanami grabbed your arm and lifted you up until you were half leaning on him for support. Inhibitions suddenly gone from all the alcohol in your system, you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders and gave him a hug. The man tried to ignore the shiver that went up his spine when he felt your warm, soft body pressed up against him. He didn’t want to admit it, but he was quite jealous that you had hugged Gojo when they first arrived. What was so special about that idiot anyway? Nanami slowly wrapped his arms around you, indulging himself for once and returning the hug.
“I’m so glad you came,” you mumbled against his chest. “I was so happy that I ran into you at the bakery that one night. But I was afraid I would never see you again.” You paused. “I really wanted to see you again.”
Nanami didn’t know how to respond to your words, so he gently rubbed your back instead. You leaned into his touch happily.
“Let’s get back to the others,” he said gently. You sighed and reluctantly removed yourself from the embrace. Nanami half-carried you back to the table and carefully deposited you next to your friends. To your disappointment, he didn’t sit down next to you and instead headed towards the front doors.
“Nanami? Where are you going?” Gojo asked, eyebrows raised.
“I’ll be back.”
When Nanami exited the bar, he was greeted by several couples who were taking a smoke break. He walked a bit further away, so he could be alone. The sorcerer leaned against a random building, taking a deep breath and trying to calm himself down. 
Nanami felt quite ashamed of himself. Acting like a hormonal teenage boy just because he briefly held you while you were wearing that damn dress. He tried to ignore the way his cock was straining in his pants. Gritting his teeth, he willed his body to relax. Nanami refused to let you see him so worked like this. He especially couldn’t let Gojo see. He could only imagine the endless teasing he would endure from the blindfolded idiot.
Inside the bar, you watched sadly as Nanami left. You wondered if it was something you did to scare him away.
Gojo sat next to you and handed you a glass of water. “Drink,” he commanded.
You did as you were told, keeping an eye on the doors to see if Nanami had come back in yet. “Does Nanami not like me?” you asked Gojo quietly with a pout.
The man chuckled. “I assure you that’s not the case.”
You turned to look at him. “How do you know?”
Gojo lowered his sunglasses slightly, and you were able to get a glimpse of his gorgeous blue eyes for the first time. “Trust me. I have good eyes.”
Nanami ended the call with Ijichi. He leaned against the wall of the bathroom with a grimace. He was still applying pressure to the wound he had received from Mahito. The sorcerer scrolled through the contacts list on his phone. He found himself hovering over your name.
Yes, he did save your number from Gojo’s text. Why wouldn’t he? It would be frivolous to ignore that kind of contact information.
Nanami grabbed another wad of paper towel to replace the one that was already drenched in blood. He grunted in pain.
A nurse, huh.
He wondered what you would do if you saw him right now. If you fuss over him and take care of his injuries yourself. Nanami sighed. He wouldn’t mind that. Would you carefully unbutton his shirt to get a better look at the wound? He could almost imagine the way your fingers would ghost over his stomach.
With a groan, Nanami banged his head against the wall. He couldn’t believe he was fantasizing about you while profusely bleeding in a public restroom.
The sorcerer cleaned up his blood all over the sink and threw out the dirty wads of paper towels. He went outside to wait for Ijichi to bring him back to school for proper treatment.
“I’m going to take my break!” you announced to your coworkers as you exited the bubble tea shop. You decided to go outside for a quick breather because it was such a nice, sunny day. Avoiding the crowds, you headed over to the alleyways near the shop to scroll through Twitter in peace.
You were so engrossed by your phone that you didn’t notice the presence of someone next to you. It was only when you heard them clear their throat that you looked next to you to see a man wearing sunglasses and a hat.
“Oh, sorry. Am I in your way? I can move.”
In the blink of an eye, he held a knife to your neck. You felt the cool blade lightly press into your skin. You held your breath, afraid to react in any way.
“Don’t scream. Don’t move,” he hissed.
Your eyes widened in shock.
That voice.
You recognized that voice.
The man grabbed you by the back of the neck and pulled you in the opposite direction of the busy street where unaware pedestrians were still walking by. He pressed the knife against your side now, digging it into the thin t-shirt you had to wear for work.
He led you to an abandoned building several minutes away. Once you were inside and the door closed shut, he roughly shoved you to the ground.
You landed in a heap, groaning in pain. Turning around, you finally faced your captor.
“It’s you, isn’t you,” you said evenly. “Boss.”
The man chuckled, removing the hat and sunglasses. It was your former boss from the company where you and Nanami had once worked together. You dug your nails in the palms of your hands. If he was here, you knew you were in trouble.
“You called the cops, didn’t you!” he yelled at you, pointing the knife at you menacingly.
Cops? What was he talking about?
“No, I didn’t,” you replied honestly.
“You BITCH! Don’t lie to me.” He waved the knife closer at you.
“I promise! I didn’t tell anyone!”
With a shout, the man grabbed your hair and held the knife to your neck again. You squeezed your eyes shut and couldn’t help but let a small whimper leave your lips.
The truth was you weren't just fired from your job. You were threatened. When numbers weren’t adding up, you realized that your boss was embezzling money and had been doing so for a long time. He found out that you knew the truth and protected himself by forcibly ousting you from the company. As a young professional, you knew better than to fight against a big shot financial executive. When he warned you to stay quiet or face his wrath, you were wise enough to shut your mouth, clean your desk, and leave the building immediately. True to your word, you had never mentioned your boss’s crimes to anyone. You thought you were safe to move on with the rest of your life but apparently, that was not the case.
The man spat at you before roughly kicking you away. He started pacing as you wiped his spit off your cheek with a disgusted groan.
“This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening. I’m about to lose everything. EVERYTHING!”
As he muttered to himself, you tried to survey your surroundings and determine if there was a way you could safely escape. Before you could figure anything out, your old boss approached you again, knife still in hand. He seemed to have made up his mind about what he was going to do.
“You’re going to fix this. Yea. This is your fault. I’ll pin it all on you. You’ll go down for this, not me!”
As the man ranted and raved at you, something appeared in the shadows behind him. There was some movement. You blinked your eyes, wondering if it was just a trick of your imagination. But to your horror, a green creature grew larger and larger in the background. It had three heads, each with multiple eyes and giant drooling mouths with huge teeth. The monster raised its multiple arms, hovering over your boss with all eyes fixed on him like he was a piece of prey.
“Scared, aren’t you?” the man commented with a chuckle. He was misinterpreting the horrified look on your face. “This is what you get for messing with the wrong man.”
You shook your head slowly and lifted a shaky finger to point behind him.
He turned around, dropping the knife in shock.
The weapon clattered to the ground.
Your boss screamed. He immediately tried to run away, but one of the monster’s arms snatched him in a tight grip. The three heads fought with each other as if deciding which one of them would get to swallow the prize. You took that as a cue to start running.
The monster was blocking the way you entered, so you ran towards the only other door you saw, which led to a stairwell. You ran up a couple of floors before hiding in a small closet you found. It was cramped and dusty but you hoped it was enough to hide you from that creature.
Sitting on the ground, you took out your phone shakily and called the police.
“Hello, what is your emergency?”
“I’m trapped in an abandoned building, and there’s a monster here.” You realized it sounded ridiculous, but you didn’t know what else to say in the moment.
The dispatcher groaned. “This is the last time! You kids have to stop with the prank calls. This line is for emergencies only!”
They hung up on you.
You stared at your cell phone in disbelief.
Instinctively, you scrolled through your contacts list until you found who you were looking for. You pressed the call button.
Please pick up. Please pick up.
It went to voicemail.
You cursed to yourself again.
“Nanami,” you whispered quietly, voice quivering. “I don’t know when you’ll listen to this, but you have to believe me. I’m in an abandoned building near my job, and I swear there’s a monster here. I-I think it might have killed our old boss. I don’t know what to do, I tri—”
There was a loud bang. You quickly hung up and pressed the phone into your chest while you covered your mouth and nose with your other hand to quiet your harsh breathing. The sounds got closer and closer until it sounded like it was right outside the closet door. Your heart was beating so loudly you were worried the monster would hear it. But luckily, the noises started to become fainter. Eventually, you heard nothing even after a long time of terrified waiting.
Once you were reasonably convinced the coast was clear, you quietly opened the closet door and peeked out. The hallway was empty. Maybe this was your chance to finally escape the building.
You carefully climbed to your feet and tiptoed your way back to the stairwell. 
Your phone loudly chimed. The noise echoed throughout the empty building. It was a text message from your coworker asking where you went. You had forgotten to turn your phone on silent.
Almost instantaneously, the monster started roaring from the floor beneath you. You barely caught a glimpse of it before running up the stairs again until you reached the top floor. Exiting the stairway, you ran through the hallways until you reached a dead end.
Back pressed up against the wall, you watched in horror as the monster let out a sharp laugh as it approached you. There was blood dripping out of the mouths of all three heads. You didn’t want to think about where it came from. With no other options left, you weakly held your arms up in front of your face and squeezed your eyes shut with a whimper.
Suddenly, there was an angry shout and a loud splat.
You felt some sort of liquid splash all over you. Lowering your arms, an unexpected sight greeted you. It was the body of the monster all chopped up into pieces. You realized you were covered in its blood.
Behind the monster’s corpse stood Nanami. He had a covered blade in his hand that was also stained with the creature’s purple blood.
“N-Nanami?” you whispered hoarsely.
You couldn’t believe your eyes. Did he take down that monster? With a sword?
Nanami wiped the blood off his weapon, putting it away in its holster. He approached you as you shuddered violently, still in shock.
“Are you hurt?” he asked gently.
You shook your head no, wrapping your arms around yourself.
He kneeled down in front of you, taking out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiping the droplets of blood from your face.
“What was that thing?” you whispered.
Nanami sighed, twisting the handkerchief in his hands once your face was relatively clean.
“A curse.”
You gave him a confused look.
“It’s a long explanation.”
You flinched as Gojo suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the hallway. You instinctively grabbed onto Nanami’s arm in fear. He glared at the blindfolded sorcerer in anger for startling you.
“Oh, you’re already done here? I thought I’d check up on you two to make sure everything’s okay.”
First, your boss had threatened you with a knife. Then, a giant monster, no, curse appeared and attacked both of you. Nanami killed said curse. And now Gojo had appeared out of thin air. Your brain was officially broken. You just wanted to go to sleep. Surely this had to be a dream. You would wake up and everything would be normal again.
“We should probably bring her to Shoko just to make sure she’s fine and clean her up,” Gojo said, observing how your eyes were starting to glaze over.
Nanami nodded in agreement. He lightly touched your shoulder, but you hardly reacted. He said your name quietly. Blinking slowly, you finally turned to acknowledge him. “I’m tired,” you mumbled.
“I know,” Nanami said gently. He picked you up in his arms. “You can go to sleep. I’ll keep you safe.” With a sigh of relief, you closed your eyes and surrendered to the darkness.
You woke up in a small room, tucked under the covers in a warm bed. Nanami was silently sitting in a chair next to you. You let out a deep breath and turned towards the man. The rustling of the covers alerted him that you were finally awake.
“Why was the boss with you?” Nanami asked suddenly.
So it wasn't a dream.
“Oh. He was trying to threaten me,” you explained. “I didn’t lose my job because I made a mistake. I found out he was embezzling money. He said the cops were starting to question him, so he accused me of reporting him.”
Nanami clenched his fists in anger. That bastard.
“Is he alive?” you asked.
“I figured.”
You quietly observed Nanami. He had taken off his sunglasses and blazer. You admired his wide shoulders and the way his tie was slightly loosened. 
“Nanami. What do you actually do?”
He shook his head. “I don’t want to tell you.”
You gripped the covers. “Why not?”
“Because,” Nanami sighed. “It’s a dangerous profession. You don’t need to be dragged into this world for no good reason.”
“What do you mean?” You didn’t understand what he was saying. “I do have a reason. It’s you.”
The man didn’t respond.
You sat up in bed suddenly. “If you won’t tell me, I’ll ask Gojo.” You started to climb out of bed, but Nanami stopped you.
“Fine. Fine. I’ll tell you. Sit back down.” He let out of a deep breath, rubbing his face.
You silently listened as Nanami discussed the existence of curses, the theories behind cursed energy, and the role of jujutsu sorcerers. He explained how the school’s true purpose was to train the next generation of sorcerers and act as the main headquarters for all jujutsu-related activities. 
You only asked one question. “Why was I able to see that curse?”
“Regular humans can see them in life or death situations.”
“I see.”
Nanami was surprised at your reaction to learning about cursed spirits thus far. He expected you to ask more questions, to be more doubtful, to laugh and call him an idiot, or to scream and accuse him of being crazy. But you did none of those things. You just listened quietly and accepted everything he said as true. 
In your heart, you knew there was no reason to doubt Nanami. You were trying to wrap your brain around the existence of curses you couldn’t see, but you didn’t consider that the sorcerer was lying to you for a single second. He wasn’t that kind of person.
Nanami abruptly stood up. “Ijichi will drive you back home.” He started to walk away from you, but you quickly grabbed his wrist.
“Wait, don’t go,” you pleaded, eyes wide. “I haven’t thanked you for saving me yet. Thank you, Nanami.” You didn't want him to leave you. Not yet. You didn't want to be alone.
The sorcerer refused to look at you. “I think it’s best if you kept your distance from Gojo, me, and this school.”
“What?” you breathed. “What are you saying? I-I won’t tell anyone about curses or that you’re a sorcerer if that’s what you’re worried about. I promise.”
“That’s not it. I already told you. This world is dangerous. You should stay away.” He paused. “Stay away from me.”
You flinched, releasing Nanami’s wrist. The sorcerer walked out of the room without another word. You didn’t call out after him.
As Nanami walked away, he knew he made the right decision. There was no reason for you to get involved with the jujutsu world. He wanted you to live a normal life, not one plagued by constant death and despair. He was doing this for you. For your future and your safety.
“It’s alright to be selfish every once in a while.”
Gojo’s words echoed in his mind.
No. This wasn’t about him. It was about you. It wasn’t right for him to drag you into his world. He should be happy. Happy that you would eventually move on and live a long, successful life.
But why did he feel so sad instead?
Numerous opened textbooks and notebooks were scattered around you on your bed. You had an upcoming exam at the end of next week and were in the midst of cramming a semester’s worth of information in your head.
There was a knock on the door.
You frowned, carefully getting off the bed and walking over to the door. You weren’t expecting any visitors or a delivery today. Looking through the peephole, you gasped. You clutched your hands against your chest, trying to calm your frantically beating heart.
What was he doing here?
You hadn’t talked to or seen Nanami since your last conversation with him at Jujutsu Tech. And that hadn't ended well. You respected his request to stay away from him and Gojo, making no attempts to contact either of the two sorcerers. Instead, you had thrown yourself into your schoolwork and picked up some extra shifts at the boba shop. The less free time you had to think about your emotions, the better.
But now the man who still weighed heavily on your heart was at your doorstep. You wondered whether or not to pretend you weren’t home, but you couldn’t bring yourself to turn him away. He had clearly come here for a good reason and you wanted to know why, especially because he was the one that told you to keep your distance from him.
You unlocked the door and opened it slightly.
He said your name quietly.
The two of you looked at each other in complete silence. You waited for him to say something, but the man just continued to stand there without a word.
“Umm, well, I have an exam I need to study for, so if you have nothing to say I’m just going to g—”
Nanami suddenly pushed the door open wider, shoving you into your apartment. You stood there in shock as the door slammed shut behind the sorcerer. His unusually aggressive behavior had you baffled.
“What’s wrong with you?” you asked sharply. The man told you to leave him alone but then showed up at your apartment and invited himself inside without a word. You couldn’t help but feel a little irritated. “What are you do— mmph!”
Nanami had pushed you against the wall and kissed you.
You froze in surprise for a second before immediately kissing him back fervently.
One of his hands had settled on your waist while the other was pressed against the wall by your head. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed him closer to you, unable to get enough of this man. Nanami eventually left your lips, causing you to groan in frustration before he attacked your neck with wet kisses. You panted heavily, brain suddenly fuzzy as you tried to process that this was actually happening.
“W-what happened to staying away?” you breathed as Nanami sucked on a particularly sensitive spot that left you weak.
“I changed my mind,” he muttered against your skin before continuing to attack your neck.
After Itadori had saved him from Mahito’s domain, Nanami realized he had been given a second chance. He didn’t want to live a life without regret, especially as a sorcerer. So he decided to heed Gojo’s advice for once. 
He wanted to be a little selfish. 
He wanted you.
Nanami pressed his forehead against yours as he rubbed his hands up and down your soft curves. You breathed heavily, trying to catch your breath as you got lost in his dark gaze. 
“Bedroom,” you whispered. Nanami nodded and quickly released you, so you could guide him to your room. 
As soon as you entered the bedroom, you inwardly cursed. In the heat of the moment, you had completely forgotten what you had been doing before Nanami arrived. “Uh, sorry, let me clean up real quick.”
What a way to kill the mood!
Nanami didn’t seem to mind. He looked fairly amused as you swiftly closed all the books on your bed and haphazardly tossed them on the ground. Once the bed was finally cleared, you turned around to face Nanami, but he was already one step ahead of you. He gently pushed you on the bed, so you landed on your back as he hovered over you. Your breath caught in your throat as you admired the man in front of you. He was absolutely perfect. 
Nanami played with the hem of your shirt. Taking the hint, you sat up a little and swiftly removed your shirt and bra, throwing them in the corner of your room. Nanami let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding as you took in your body. You fought the urge to cover yourself, feeling slightly embarrassed at how intensely the man was looking at you.
“You’re beautiful,” he breathed as you flushed in response. He reached out with both his hands to start kneading your breasts. You moaned as he began playing with your nipples that were already hard from excitement. Nanami removed his hand from your left breast and replaced it with his mouth. You squirmed underneath him in pleasure as he lapped and sucked on your nipple. Once he was satisfied with his work, the sorcerer switched to your other breast to give it the same treatment. With every flick of his tongue, you could feel electricity run through your body. You only craved his touch more and more.
Nanami started kissing down the valley of your breasts to your stomach. He eventually reached the hem of your shorts. “May I?” he asked.
You nodded, unable to trust your voice at the moment.
As he started tugging down your shorts, you lifted your hips to assist him. The garment was carelessly tossed to the ground. Immediately, Nanami could see how soaked your underwear was with your own arousal. His dick twitched in his pants. The sight of you so wet and eager from his touch alone only heightened his lust for you.
You practically sighed in relief when Nanami removed your underwear, fully exposing yourself to him. The heat from your core was overwhelming. You needed him to touch you and relieve some of that pressure before you lost your mind. A single finger stroked your folds, already slick with arousal. You gasped while Nanami groaned, enjoying how wet you already were for him.
“I’ve barely touched you and you’re like this already,” Nanami teased. You panted, trying to grind yourself on his hand for more friction, more pressure, more anything. He chuckled seeing how desperate you were for his touch. The sorcerer finally reached your swollen nub and rubbed it leisurely. You immediately cried out, arching your hips into man’s touch.
“Fuck,” you cursed as pleasure surged throughout your veins. Your eyes were squeezed tight as Nanami continued to play with your clit. You were so distracted by his fingers that you barely registered the hot breath near your entrance. It was only when a wet tongue began to prod into you that you realized what was happening.
With a gasp, your eyes flew upon to see Nanami’s head comfortably settled between your legs as he licked at your cunt without restraint. The sight of him eating you out only stoked the raging fire inside you. You buried one of your hands in Nanami’s hair as he worked diligently to get you off. The way he lapped at your fluids and sucked at your entrance had you moaning and quivering uncontrollably. 
“You taste so good,” he groaned against your folds as you barely registered his words.
A familiar pressure was building in your body. As it got stronger and stronger, you couldn’t stop your legs from thrashing about. With a growl, Nanami locked his arms around your legs to keep them as still. It only took a gentle suck to your swollen clit for the tension in your body to finally snap. Mouth opened wide in a silent scream, you writhed around on the bed as you finally reached your peak. 
Your mind was completely emptied while white-hot pleasure overtook your entire body. You swore you could see stars behind your eyes. As you rode out the last waves of your orgasm, Nanami eagerly slurped up your release, refusing to let a single drop go to waste.
Once you came down from your high, you released Nanami’s hair and laid back on the bed with a sigh. He removed himself from between your legs. Your fluids still covered his face, and his normally styled hair was a complete mess from your grip. Just the sight of him was enough to cause another spark of desire to flare between your legs. This man was going to be the death of you.
“Holy fuck, Nanami,” you breathed.
“Kento,” he replied, wiping his mouth clean on his sleeve. “Call me Kento.”
You flushed. Saying his first name felt incredibly intimate. 
He grunted with approval and then began to unbutton his shirt. You licked your lips as his broad shoulders and wide chest were finally revealed to you. He was incredibly well-built with defined muscles and abs, but a number of scars littered his body. Some looked quite fresh while others were old and almost completely faded.
This was the body of a jujutsu sorcerer.
You now understood why Nanami warned you that the jujutsu world was unsafe. You couldn’t imagine the suffering behind all those wounds. Perhaps one day he would be willing to share his pain with you, so you could understand his world.
You wanted to rub your hands up and down Nanami’s bare chest, but he moved out of your reach to start fiddling with his belt. Eyes lowering, you swallowed nervously as you stared at the large bulge that greeted you. Nanami slid down his pants and underwear in one go, erect cock finally released from its confines and bobbing in the air slightly.
The sight of him was both mouthwatering and intimidating. You admired the bulging veins and the bits of pre-cum that were already leaking out from the tip. He wasn’t excessively long, but he was incredibly thick. You nervously wondered if you would be able to handle his impressive girth.
You wanted to touch and taste him, but Nanami wasn’t interested. He gently pushed away your eager hands and instead spread open your legs once again. At the moment, he was more concerned about prepping you than chasing after his own pleasure.
He pressed one finger into your entrance, groaning as your walls greedily sucked him inside. You gasped, clenching around him. With how easily you were able to take one finger, Nanami slipped a second into you. It didn’t hurt, but you could feel your cunt stretching around them as they thrust in and out of you. Nanami’s fingers were so thick and long that you already felt so full.
“You’re so tight,” Nanami hissed as you got lost in pleasure once again. He pushed those two fingers in and out of you, occasionally scissoring them to loosen you up. You could hear how wet you were as he continued prepping you to take his cock. Nanami moved his fingers at just the right angle to hit a spot that had you instantly moaning and clenching around him. But he suddenly removed himself from you which had you whining at the sudden loss of contact, feeling empty. However, you stopped complaining as you watched Nanami stroke his dick, spreading your fluids and his pre-cum all over himself.
“Are you on birth control or do I need a con—”
“I’m on birth control,” you cut him off impatiently. “Hurry up. I want you inside me.”
Nanami didn’t keep you waiting much longer. He lined himself at your entrance and slowly began to push in. It wasn’t painful, but you still gasped as your walls stretched to accommodate his girth. The sorcerer immediately cursed when his tip entered you. You were so hot and tight around his cock that it took all his self-restraint not to immediately ram his full length into you. With slow, shallow strokes, you were able to accommodate more and more until his entire cock was buried inside you.
You felt so incredibly full. Your hand gripped the blanket on your bed to anchor yourself as you tried to get used to the sensation of being stuffed with Nanami’s dick. He tried to remain still above you, waiting for your signal. Eventually, you met his gaze and gave a little nod. He sweetly kissed you on the lips before he started to move.
Nanami started at a slow pace afraid to hurt you at first, but he eventually settled into a rhythm that had you moaning his name over and over again. You were so wet that he slid in and out of you effortlessly, rubbing against your walls in a way that had you seeing stars again. You had wrapped your legs against his waist, allowing him to enter you even deeper. 
You were almost babbling nonsense at this point, unaware of exactly what you were saying as your mind was just consumed by pleasure. “Fuck. Kento. You’re so big,” you whined. “Faster. Harder. D-don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
Nanami adjusted the angle of his thrusts until he finally found the spot that had you gasping and clenching down on him again. He groaned, making sure to continue hitting the same exact spot with strong, fast thrusts at just the right tempo. “You’re so perfect. Looking at you, taking my cock so well,” he growled.
The pressure was building again. Everything was so overwhelming. The lewd, wet noises of your bodies moving together. The way Nanami growled praises of you in your ear. The muscles on his back rippling with exertion underneath your wandering hands. You just needed that one final push.
One of your hands sneaked down to rub your clit, but Nanami pushed it away and pressed his thumb against your swollen nub instead. Just a couple of strokes had you reaching your peak again. You clenched down so hard around Nanami that his hips stuttered, groaning loudly in your ear. You were completely consumed by wave after wave of pleasure. You couldn’t think. You couldn’t hear. You couldn’t see. All you could register was the pure bliss that racked your entire body, leaving you gasping and shuddering.
Nanami continued to fuck you through your orgasm, ramming his cock into you over and over again. His thrusts had become more frantic and uneven, chasing his own climax after you started to come down from yours.
“Where should I cum?” he groaned with gritted teeth.
You wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him down closer to you.
“Cum inside me,” you panted against his ear.
He groaned. You were perfect. Absolutely perfect.
With a couple of more thrusts, Nanami completely buried himself inside you when he flooded your cunt with his cum. He remained inside for several more moments to catch his breath before finally removing himself from you. You slightly winced as his cock brushed past your sensitive walls. Nanami couldn’t help but admire the way his cum slowly dribbled out of you.
He laid down next to you as you both began to calm down. No words were needed between the two of you. The silence was comfortable as you cuddled against his chest. Nanami rubbed your back absentmindedly as you hummed in delight.
Eventually, the two of you got out of bed and cleaned up. The textbooks and notebooks haphazardly thrown on your floor were ignored for the rest of the day. You thought you deserved a break anyways. The two of you ate dinner together, cuddled on the couch while watching a movie, and went at it again for another round before settling down to go to sleep.
You were passed out next to Nanami, completely worn out from the day’s activities and normal sleep deprivation you had as a student. Your heavy breathing was the only sound in the tiny apartment. It strangely calmed Nanami just listening to you. He turned towards you and stroked your hair affectionately. 
A part of Nanami still worried if he had made the right choice with you. He was still concerned about your safety and well-being. Would he only bring you more grief if you constantly agonized over his dangerous missions as a jujutsu sorcerer? 
He let out a quiet sigh. He knew he would have regretted it if he continued to push you away. And if he was going to be a sorcerer, he wanted to be a sorcerer with no regrets. 
Nanami only hoped that he would never cause you any pain and anguish because of his profession. It was rare for sorcerers and non-sorcerers to find happiness as a couple. But perhaps the two of you would be an exception.
He prayed the two of you would be an exception.
“Welcome! How may I help y—oh!” You blinked in surprise as three individuals walked into the small boba shop.
Gojo waved at you with an easy grin. Nanami stood next to him as handsome and stoic as ever, but there was a new face behind them. He looked like a high schooler.
The blindfolded teacher wrapped his arms around the boy’s shoulder and pointed at him. “Meet Yuji Itadori! One of our first-year students!”
“Oh, it’s nice to meet you,” you said introducing yourself.
The boy tilted his head, looking at you curiously. “How do you know Gojo-sensei and Nanamin?”
You chuckled at the cute nickname. 
“I told you to stop calling me that, Itadori,” Nanami replied, clearly bothered.
“Well, I’m…” you hesitated. You didn’t know what to say. A friend? An ex-coworker? A normal person who couldn't see curses but knew about their existence?
“She’s Nanami’s girlfriend!” Gojo exclaimed to your horror. You immediately flushed and looked to Nanami for him to clarify, but he didn’t react. He glared at the blindfolded sorcerer as per usual but didn’t refute the statement. Your eyes widened in realization. 
“Uh, y-yeah,” you stammered. “I guess I am.”
“Nanamin has a girlfriend!?” Itadori gasped. He had even more respect for his mentor now.
“Don’t sound so surprised,” Nanami growled much to your amusement.
You took their orders and began to prepare the drinks. Nanami and Idatori were talking in the corner while Gojo hung out at the counter near you. You had just finished sealing the drinks when the teacher explained something to you.
“Oh, by the way, Yuji is supposed to be dead so be sure to not mention his existence to anyone else.”
You almost dropped the drink you were holding. “Um, okay.” You thought it was better not to ask questions.
Gojo thanked you as he took his drink from your hand and grabbed a straw for himself. “Yo! Nanami! Yuji! Grab your drinks and let’s head out!”
Itadori followed Gojo out the door once he had his milk tea, but Nanami stayed behind.
“I meant it.”
“Huh?” you asked, cleaning the counter with a rag.
“I want you to be my girlfriend.”
You blinked, processing his words. A bright smile grew on your face. “Well, according to Gojo, I’m already your girlfriend.”
Nanami let out a rare chuckle and flashed you a small smile. “I’ll see you tonight.”
“Goodbye!” You waved as he left the shop.
Your coworker came out of the back room, looking at you suspiciously. “Why are you so smiley?” She looked around the empty shop. “There’s no one here.”
“Oh, no reason," you replied with a hum.
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five-rivers · 3 years
Prompt:”Is there anything you would like to explain young man” preferably a continuation pig your ghost zone/earth fusion fic
Danny made the split second decision that he wanted none of this.
He ran.
It was easy for him to run. He knew this city. Knew it better than ever, since the merge. Every angle, line of sight, and warp of space was known to him with the ease of familiarity and reflex of long practice. Portals opened for him and shadows hid him. He knew exactly how to step out of sight. How to be invisible without actually becoming invisible.
This gave him time to ponder the words of the ghosts the Chicagoans had brought with them. Ponder, and reject.
Just because the merge happened on his birthday did not mean it was because of his birthday. It was a coincidence. Unrelated. Not his fault. He'd been over this. He'd gotten over this.
It didn't take him long to get from the mall to the center of the outdoor portion of the market fair. The main body of it was held in what had become a large clearing in the middle of town, although it had long since spilled over, into the adjoining streets, a patchwork of green grass and trees, lavender moss, five different kinds of asphalt, brick, and antique stonework. Some of the bricks held remains of windows in them. There had been a rumor that a building had been crushed to make room for it all, at the beginning of the trouble, but the building in question had eventually been located two dozen miles to the east, none of the residents the worse for wear.
After that, it was only a matter of weaving in and out of all the shoppers until he got to the tent his parents set up on market days. He waved to Jack, who was manning the front desk and cleaning a rather intimidating and violent looking tool that Danny knew to be, surprisingly enough, just a vacuum, and pushed through the flap into the tent.
Safe. Mostly. Rumors spread by out of town ghosts or not, there weren't a lot of people who would antagonize the Fentons. Although their (admittedly softened) attitude towards ghosts was becoming progressively less acceptable, they were the main reason Amity Park and Elmerton were doing so well.
(Danny had heard some dreadful rumors about other cities. Certain people did not take the apocalypse well at all.)
He leaned against the wall of the building the tent was built against and sighed. Outside, he heard the familiar sounds of Ember checking the tuning on her guitar and restarting her performance.
"Danny? Is something wrong?"
It was probably too much to hope that no one had recognized him. That didn't mean anyone would come after him, but...
"A case of mistaken identity, I think," said Danny, picking himself up off the wall.
"What kind of mistaken identity?"
Danny made a face. "I don't even know. The person looked kind of sketchy, so I got out of there."
"Do you think they're likely to find you again? Or come looking for you?" Maddie's hand strayed to the grip of a all-purpose stun blaster she kept in her boot.
Things might have been relatively peaceful in Amity Park now, years after the event, but immediately after the apocalypse there had been anarchy. From humans and ghosts both. A great many people were armed at all times, and it paid to be vigilant against threats to oneself and one's family.
"I think so. It was pretty out there, so I don't think they were entirely in their right mind. But there are going to be rumors now." He tugged at one of his longer strands of hair.
"That's good, if that's all," said Maddie, relaxing marginally and gesturing at the workbench in front of her. "Will you help me with this? We got some same day refill and repair orders already this morning."
Danny nodded. That was, after all, one of the reasons he was here. He let himself get lost in the repetitive motions of refilling ectoplasm charge capsules for small ecto-armaments. It was soothing, to a degree.
There was a bit of a thump from the front, loud enough to be heard over the ambient noise of the market fair. Both Danny and Maddie looked up.
"I don't know who you think you are," came Jack's voice, filtering back through the fabric of the tent, "but you can't come here and start throwing baseless accusations around about my family."
"It isn't baseless," shouted a dismally familiar voice. The Baxters never were going to give it up, were they? "You freaks are the reason we had ghosts in Amity Park to begin with! How do we know your portal didn't decide to go ahead and fracture all of reality?"
"We never dealt with anything of that power level, and it wouldn't have done that anyway!"
"So you claim, but it isn't as if there's anyone else around who could check-"
"Please, we're only looking for some information, and have no association with this... person. We represent the government of the Greater Chicago Area, and-"
"Oh, you're a customer, then! We have many models to choose from, if you're looking for protection against ghosts, whether they be the sentient variety or mindless ecto-scum! What kind do you have in mind? Big? Medium? Small? Intimidation, or something easily hidden? Or maybe you're just looking for something to get those nasty ectoplasm stains out of your clothes?"
As Jack went through his version of the standard sales pitch, Maddie stood up and pulled open the tent flap. Danny winced as he saw the faces of the Chicagoan woman and her companions, Dash Baxter's father, a large crowd of curious bystanders to whom Jack was utterly oblivious, and, across the street, the cohort of ghosts that had accused Danny of being a prince and then 'blessed' him.
"Hey! It's you!" shouted one of the Chicagoans, pointing at Danny.
The crowd quieted for a moment.
"See!" crowed Mr. Baxter. "See! He's the one they said was responsible for this."
"That's not what we said, sir. Perhaps you could leave, this is a matter of national, no, global importance, and," she turned to look at Danny, "we must talk to-"
"What, exactly, do you want with my son?" asked Maddie, icily.
The Chicagoan's leader, the man, swallowed. "We we informed, by what we believe to be a reliable source, that a person in this town... er. Has significant influence over ghosts and can be negotiated with regarding the current state of the world. A ghost king of sorts."
"A reliable source? Ha!" said Jack with a scoff. "I hope you don't mean a ghost. Even the smarter ones exist for nothing but trouble. And they hate us!"
"There was a ghost king here," said Maddie, "but that was years before the merge with the Ghost Zone, and he didn't stay long. I am also," she said, wielding the word like a knife, "unsure of what that has to do with my son."
"He was indicated by our contacts as a person who might be connected to this ghost king."
"That's nonsense," said Maddie, Jack nodding along.
"Still, we must insist-"
"You aren't insisting anything about my children, you-"
"Excuse me? Doctors Fenton?"
They broke off their conversation to look at the newcomer.
"I've just come in from near Henry's Hill," she said. "An elemental pool came in overnight."
"They aren't elemental pools. They're ectoplasm-matter integration points. Ectomat points. Integration points. Pools of transmutation, if you must. Ectoplasm isn't made of normal matter, so calling it elemental is just-" She sighed, cutting herself off. "How big is it?"
The argument had been abandoned. Integration pools, no matter what you decided to call them, could be dangerous. From a distance, they appeared to be simple pools of ectoplasm, but they were much more than that.
Anything nonliving that made contact with one would be dissolved and remade as something both material and ectoplasmic. Stronger ghosts could resist to a degree, and from what Danny had observed, it seemed to leave ghost cores alone, but weaker ghosts were vulnerable. Even then, with living things, they would be infused with ectoplasm, although Danny couldn't call them half ghosts.
The results tended to be... unpredictable.
"It was a few meters across when I left." She swallowed. "It was in the goat pasture. We let them roam during the summer, they..." The woman clutched at the hem of her shirt. "Some of them were missing."
That could go a lot of different ways. Many of them were not good.
"We need to finish the orders we already have," said Maddie. "We should be ready to go in an hour. You'll have to guide us there."
"You have something you can do about the pools? Something to negate them?" asked the Chicagoan.
"It doesn't work all the time," said Maddie, adjusting her belt. "But what we can do is take care of anything dangerous that comes out of one." She regarded him rather coolly. "If you want to see, come back in an hour. Danny, make sure the Speeder is prepped."
"Got it," said Danny.
It took a few hours to get to Henry's Hill.
By the time they got there, the sky had decided to be stranger than usual, broken into tiles like in a mosaic, the moon smeared across the sky in all its phases even as the sun burned pink and yellow from an inscribed disk. Better than red. The red sun was rarely a good omen. The red sun was for storms and fires and mist that didn't clear.
But a worse omen was the presence of the Chicagoan's and the ghosts who had decided to proclaim him king.
He really needed to figure out what they called themselves, but he didn't want to talk to them again, for obvious reasons.
"Danny, stop daydreaming," said Maddie. "Keep an eye out for ecto-goats. Jack, help me set up the perimeter for the shield."
The transmutation pool was large. Big enough to be called a pond, big enough to swim in, assuming it was a respectable depth. It had formed around the trunk of a large oak tree, and little green lights drifted above its surface. The oak tree had glowing green veins stretching up through its bark, which was a deep, dark color. Its acorns were oddly pale. The grass around the pool was purple.
The air smelled of decay and rain. Danny licked his lips. It felt like there should be more moisture in the air.
(Sometimes, Danny got the urge to wade into one of the pools. To sink in. He resisted.)
There was no sign of the goats.
"You'll probably have to burn the tree," said Maddie.
"I know," said the woman who had fetched them, wringing her hands. "But you can get rid of it, right?"
"It's big," said Maddie. "I'm not sure we have enough. We might have to wait it out."
"But the earth and air elementals," started the woman.
"Earth and air are not elements," said Maddie. "We're more than equipped enough to handle those, if it comes to it."
"Rot and petrichor, my prince," said one of the ghosts. "Don't you feel it in the air? Can't you taste it?"
Rot and petrichor. Decay and rain. Danny grimaced, and deliberately looked away.
"This moment was made for you, my prince. To confirm you in these blessings, as you should be confirmed in all blessings."
"I'm good, actually," said Danny.
"Don't engage with those no good spooks, Danny boy! They're just here to stir up trouble!"
Danny rolled his eyes. Still on the 'no good spooks' thing. Typical.
The shield went up with a fwoop and an electric crackle.
"Still no sign of the goats," said Maddie. "We might need to make this a real hunt."
Gosh, Danny hoped not. Odds were, the ghosts, ahem, the goats, the ghostly goats, weren't any more aggressive than normal goats. It wasn't like the personalities of the things involved changed.
But goats, hm... Actually, that might be problematic. He didn't have a lot of experience with farm animals, so... Yeah. Goats. They didn't have the best of reputations, did they?
Still, the way his parents went after elementals and mixed organisms made him uneasy. The few humans to accidentally slip into one of the pools had just been declared 'abnormally ecto-contaminated,' and Danny didn't have any evidence of ghost powers, but... Yeah.
Maddie finished setting up the integration negation delivery system, sticking the barrel of the gun through the shield. She sighed at the negation fluid capsule she had just filled, calculated to negate the estimated amount of ectoplasm in the pool.
"This will deplete our reserves," she said. "It'll take a while to make more of this." She slid the capsule into place and fired. Quickly, she pulled the barrel out of the shield and braced.
Ectoplasm splashed from the pool, staining the grass purple where it landed. A moment later, there was a flash of light that strained at the shield.
When the light faded, the insides of the shields were green smoke. Slowly, that began to clear as well, until it revealed a empty hollow full of purple grass where the pool had once been. The oak tree, less supported than it had been, now that many of its roots were exposed, creaked ominously.
At least, that was probably all the humans saw.
Danny rubbed his arms. Ectoplasm, much like normal matter, didn't just disappear. Not completely. In the past, it might have returned to the Ghost Zone, but not anymore.
And whatever was in the pools wasn't just disappearing either. Some of it was getting converted to energy, energy which might eventually be turned back into ectoplasm, but the rest was just going somewhere else.
The world was still changing. His parents were only slowing it down.
(Sometimes Danny wanted them to stop. There wasn't anything wrong with being between one world and the other. Especially since there was only one world now.)
The scent of ozone built in the air and ectoplasm seemed to leak from it, back into the pool, refilling it.
"That... has never happened before," said Maddie. "We have to take notes!"
Danny sighed. This would take a long time, then. The ectoplasm would either have to be absorbed by the grass, or the ectoplasm would have to dissolve the earth and stone beneath it, or the air above, for the purpose of turning them into 'elementals.' They wouldn't have any intelligence, at least at first, but they would, eventually, like most other things made of ectoplasm.
"My prince," said the spokesperson of the ghosts, "if you truly desired this pool of recreation to be gone, you need only command it to assume a form that suits you."
"I'm pretty sure I can't do that," said Danny.
"It wouldn't hurt to try, would it?" asked a Chicagoan.
"It might, actually," said Maddie, looking away from her notes. "Ectoplasm is psychoactive and there's a lot we don't know about this phenomenon, even three years later. Danny, can you help me with this?" She gestured at the ectometer she was trying to balance on her knee.
"Sure," said Danny.
This was when the goats decided to make an appearance, sheering out of invisibility and charging the crowd. Danny pushed Maddie out of the way of a goat's curved, glowing horns and was borne backwards, into one of the shield generators, which promptly broke.
Danny tumbled, following his usual 'oh, no, I'm just a weak human, I can't possibly fight these mutant goats, no matter how good I am at other ghost-related things' act, and rolled right into the transmutation pool.
He shouldn't have done that.
"Danny! Quick! Get out of there!"
He stood up quickly, but it was like the liquid in the pool had turned into putty. It didn't want to let him go. It wrapped around him, almost lovingly.
Danny really didn't want to know what prolonged contact with this stuff would do to him.
"Get off!" He shouted, a whisper of his wail leaking into his tone.
The liquid lost viscosity, collapsing again. Danny stood there dripping for a moment, then dragged himself the rest of the way out of the pool.
He dragged a cape woven of purple grass, wildflowers, and tiny mushrooms with him. His clothing was completely different. More formal. He still wasn't wearing shoes.
(The liquid ectoplasm sunk into his skin, leaving him dry. Behind him, he could feel the transformation pool evaporating, forming a cloud elemental many feet above. It would rain, soon, and there would be ectoplasm and other things in that rain. The hollow that once held the pool would contain mushrooms that glowed and glimmered and spread.)
"Um," said Danny.
"Ha!" said the Chicagoan's leader. "You said you weren't anything special and didn't know what we were talking about, but is there anything you want to explain now, young man?"
"No," said Danny, he turned back to his parents. "Can we go home now?"
"Quick, Danno, strip! We need to decontaminate you!"
Danny looked at the crowd of strangers and acquaintances.
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hologramcowboy · 3 years
What I find so interesting about Danneel antis is that almost all of them have experiences dealing with someone with narcissistic personality disorder and find her behavior alarmingly similar. I know that’s what set alarm bells off for me, she reminds me a lot of my mother (confirmed narcissist by a professional). I didn’t care about her for a long time, she was just the wife of an actor I liked and is unrecognizable from her One Tree Hill days so I didn’t even make the connection that she was on one of my favorite shows. But she kept getting shoved in the SPN fandoms face, so I ended up having to pay attention to her despite originally not caring. Only the Ackles attempts to raise Danneel’s status by using Jensen’s fans/SPN fans backfired on them. Why? Because instead of thinking “wow, she’s so cool and pretty! What a beautiful couple, I wish them all the success in the world,” I thought that something was off with her and their whole relationship. And I wasn’t alone in that. At first I brushed it off as internalized misogyny. That maybe I thought her and her marriage were sketchy because she’s not a very attractive or successful women and she married a handsome man. But that feeling of something not being right stayed with me. So I decided to do some research, no one wants to dislike a random “celebrity” (for lack of a better word) that they’ll never meet. It very quickly became clear that she is not a good person, has narcissistic tendencies and is in what appears to be a horrible marriage.
I’ve yet to see a Danneel anti who wasn’t level headed, reasonable and focused on evidence rather than baseless rumors. Everyone on this side of Tumblr seems to have a good head on their shoulders, and it’s so enjoyable to be apart of the discussions we have here. I know we’re in a bit of a sketchy crossroads situation right now because we’re all waiting with baited breath to see if Danneel will succeed in using Supernatural as her cash cow and Chaos Machine Productions to relaunch her career. Hopefully this plot fails like every plot before it, and regardless of what the outcome of this Thursdays virtual press tour at least we’ll have a lot of material to talk about!
Sorry you went through that experience with your mom, having a narcissistic parent can be so twilight zone at times because people can't relate, what narcissist says remains so lodged inside it keeps creating wounds even years after an episode. I can spot one from a mile away due to my own personal experience with a relative. Unfortunately, narcissist can rarely, if ever, be treated so it's the family members that end up in therapy to deal with the inflicted wounds which sometimes cause bulimia, anorexia, self destructive tendencies, just a couple of examples.
You definitely were not alone in that perception of Danneel and I fully agree, I see so many balanced opinions on antiblogs, people joke and exaggerate for entertainment but they never cross lines in real life like Elta stannies do. Plus, the antis focus on real situations and they can express their opinions, the real opinions. As opposed to most Elta stans who think however they think Danneel will approve and that in itself is scary.
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Friendly Neighbourhood Phantom
rKay, y’all remember how I said I would write a fic for that one post I reblogged? Well, Wattpad still hates me, but here ya go.
Danny was bored. He’d finally mastered the powers that decided to show up when he ‘died’ in the portal accident, but nothing was happening. Not that it was bad, just boring. He felt like he should do something. And when he overheard Sam talking about volenteering, he got an idea.  “Sam, what was that thing you were talking about volenteering for?” He asked. “Oh, it’s a soup kitchen not far from here. You thinking about helping out?” she replied. “Well, yeah. I was thinking about using these powers for something useful,” “Danny, that’s genius. But volenteering is a big step. Maybe you could just help out people in ghost form?” “Huh, that’s not a bad idea. Thanks Sam!” He ran to class.
After school, he put his backpack down and changed. The first few times it was painful, but now it was a numb tingling sensation. He knew about the more sketchy areas in town and sped off. 
He set down in a playground with a bunch of kids. There was one sitting off on her own. She was glumly playing with the sand.  “Hey kid, want to play a game?” He asked. She stared at him. At first, she seemed startled, but she smiled. “Yeah! Let’s play hide and seek!” She giggled. He smiled. “Okay, I’ll count to ten and you go hide. Just don’t leave the playground,” He turned around and closed his eyes. She giggled and ran off. Once he finished counting to ten, he turned back around. He heard giggling from her, but decided to wander when looking for her. “Oh my gosh, you’re so good at hiding. I wonder where you could be,” He heard giggling behind him. After looking around a few trees, he acted like he’d just spotted the play structure. “Maybe you’re hiding in here?” He peeked under the structure. She giggled up at him. “You found me! Now it’s your turn to hide!” She ran off to the tree. He dashed into the slide and hid just in view. She spotted him immediately. “Ha! I found you!” “You did!” they played a few more rounds. 
They were the only ones left when her dad showed up.  “Iliana? Where are you?” He yelled. She dashed out from the play structure.  “Right here daddy!” She yelled and ran over to Danny. He smiled at her and waved goodbye.  “Iliana! That’s dangerous, don’t play with demons,” The dad snatched her away from Danny.  “He’s not a demon!” Iliana said. “I’ve heard about things like you,” The dad narrowed his eyes at Danny. “Stay away from my daughter,” “We were just playing hide and seek!” Danny protested. “And I’m not a demon,” “Preying on children is wrong. Go back to hell,” Danny held back the tears and left. He knew the feeling. Transphobes liked to tell him to go to hell, but this was horrible. 
Once he got home and finished his homework, he looked through his insta. Then he got a random idea. He went to the account blurb and clicked “make new account”. He took a selfie in his ghost form and set it as his profile pic. What to call it? He drummed his fingers on the desk and an idea came to him. He typed it in. Danny Phantom. He posted a bunch of anti bullying posts and selfies. He’d take pictures when volenteering as Phantom and put them up. 
When he got to school in the morning, there was the usual buzz. Sam looked at him. Tucker was on vacation for a few more days.  “So, how’d ‘volenteering’ go?” she asked. “Pretty good. I played hide and seek with a little girl. Is that a good start?” “Sounds good to me. But pretty good with you usually means that something happened,” She knew him too well. “I got called a demon,” He snapped. She grimaced. “Oh, Danny. I’m sorry. What was it?” “I think it’s just the whole ghost thing. I doubt he could tell I’m trans,” “Well, that’s gotta count for something!” “Maybe,” He sat down in Lancer’s class and pulled out a notebook.  “Anything else happen?” “I started an account on Instagram for ghost me. I called it Danny Phantom. Should be easy enough to find,” “Don’t you think anyone’ll notice the parralels between that and Danny Fenton?” “The people here are too stupid to guess that. Besides, no one’s gonna connect the dots between me and a random ghost,” “Good point,” Lancer walked into the class.  “Alright class, you know the drill,” Danny pulled out the novel they were reading this week. 
Danny spent the rest of the week helping out in random ways and putting the pictures up on insta. Maybe it was kinda cheap, but unlike some accounts he’s seen, he was doing it solely for the purpose of raising awareness, not to make a good face. There were a few other derogatory terms thrown his way, but it wasn’t horrible. Today, he was going to start volenteering for real. He set down in front of the soup kitchen.  “Listen, we don’t have soup till later. Come back then,” A guy wearing a big apron said. “Actually, I was going to volenteer to help out,” Danny said. The guy turned around.  “You got a bit of a look going on there. Why do you wanna volenteer?” “To help out the community. And I can’t help looking this way,” “Huh. Well, get an apron on and help me make this soup,” The guy turned around. Danny obliged.  “Uh, you never told me your name,” Danny said meekly. “Milton’s the name. And since I gave you mine, I’m gonna need yours,” “Danny,” “That all? No last name?” “You didn’t give me yours,” “Nah, but the kids like you usually boast about it. For a teen, you’re pretty humble,” “Thanks?” “Okay, enough small talk. Help me stir this while I get the other ingredients,” Milton thrust a long wooden spoon into Danny’s hands and walked off. Danny started stirring the big pot on the stove. He smiled and hummed a little tune to keep his attention. Milton walked back in. “No picture taking? You really are humble,”  “I guess it just didn’t occur to me. I mostly made my account to tell people to be nicer to the less fortunate,” (Yes, the first part is a Toph line, but less condesending in this case) He kept stirring but didn’t pull his phone out.  “You kids these days. Always an ulterior motive,” “I mean, I’m a ghost, so I could’ve been dead for hundreds of years for all you know,” Milton stared at him. “A ghost?”  “Jeez, don’t panic or anything. Not all ghosts are malevolent. And I’ve only been ‘dead’, per se, for about a month,” “I thought it was just dumb hair dye and contacts,” Milton gaped.  “Yeah, teenager just casually floats and nothing’s weird about that. Got the ingredients?” “Wha- oh yeah. Here,” Milton dumps the vegetable in the pot. “Sorry to scare you like that. I just didn’t want you calling me a demon or something when you found out,” “Why would anyone do that? Seems cruel,” “People don’t often care about anything but their prejudices,”  “Generalization or stereotype there?” “Stereotype. I guess. Let’s just make soup,” He wasn’t about to spill his troubles onto a random stranger. 
He stood in the window giving out soup. Sam was standing not far off taking pictures. He wasn’t completely sure if he should keep posting. But it was kinda late to do that now. Danny Phantom had started to gain attention Danny Fenton never would.  “What the hell? I didn’t know Milton was the type to let freaks help out,” One skinny teenager in ripped clothes said.  “I didn’t know there was a reason to not let a person help the less fortunate,” Danny handed him a bowl of soup.  “Sorry man. I guess the stress of having to come here everyday is starting to get to me,” “It’s okay. When Milton takes his turn, wanna talk about it?”  “Thanks dude,” The skinny guy sat down at one of the many tables set up. “No problem. It’s the least I can do,” Danny smiled at him. Milton walked up behind him.  “I’ll take it for fifteen minutes. Ghost probably don’t need breaks, but I’d feel bad if I made you do all the work,” Danny nodded and ditched the apron. He phased through the wall and floated over to the skinny guy. 
The guy looked startled.  “You’re floating,” He stared at Danny’s feet.  “Ya know, probably could’ve told you that myself,” Danny smirked.  “Danny! Is your shift done or something?” Sam ran over.  “Nah, I just was gonna let this guy talk about his problems to someone,” “You’re a ghost,” The guy looked lost. “Yes and no. Semantics. Listen, I’m not here to tell you about my weird life. I’m here so you don’t completely lose it from having to support yourself,” “Thanks again for that. So your name is Danny?” “Yeah. This is Sam. What’s your name?” “Jack,” Danny held back the snort that came with thinking of his bumbling father. Bumbling couldn’t have been more accurate. Jack Fenton gave Danny bumblebee vibes.  “Nice to meet you Jack. What did you need to talk about?” Sam snorted behind Danny. “Shutup,” Danny slid into the seat across from Jack.  “What’s funny?” Jack said. “Nothing. My dad’s name is Jack and you look absoloutely nothing like him. Sam is drawing certain parralels that don’t need to be there,” “Your dad? Do ghosts have dads?” “Half ones do,” Sam said.  “We’re not talking about that. Why do you have to come here. You don’t look much older than 15,”  “If it weren’t for the glowy hair and eyes, I’d say you don’t look older than 12,” “I’m fourteen,” “Close enough,” “Whatever. Why do you come here?”
Danny became a hit with the soup kitchen users. He’d talk to people about they’re issues with an air of concern. He didn’t shut anyone down no matter how small the issue. Soon, he wasn’t a freaky prospect, he was the ghost who listened to people’s issues.  “I think we should get Jazz to help you out at the soup kitchen,” Tucker said one day at lunch. “I mean, she knows, so it can’t be that weird. It’ll give her some field experience with helping people out too. Yeah, that’ll work,” Danny took a bite out of the glowing sandwich.  “Are you sure that’s safe?” Sam poked it.  “Eating ectoplasm won’t kill me anymore than I already am,” “Touche,” Tucker said. “That’s not how touche works, at least I don’t think so,” Danny replied.  “And you’re in academic english,” Sam laughed. “You are too! And english is like, my worst class,”  “Fair enough. But yeah, getting Jazz to help out is a good idea,” She forked her veggy lasagna. “Okay! I’ll tell her tonight,”
The soup kitchen wasn’t the only place Danny volenteered. He kept up the random helping and stopped a few crimes when he came across them. It wasn’t like he went looking for crimes, but it came with the territory. He stopped a car crash one time. Danny Phantom slowly became a hit on Instagram. Danny had to turn off notifcations at night. He opened it and gaped.  “500 followers overnight! And it’s going up?! Holy shit,” He turned the notifications back off and did his morning routine. It was break day, so he glared at the sports bra he knew he’d have to wear.  “If I find that ghost boy, I’ll tear him apart molecule by molecule!” Jack Fenton said. Danny winced. It was normal at this point, but he didn’t like it very much. “Oh Jack. You know we should study it,” He head his mom say. Danny didn’t know what was worse, his dad’s threats of death or his mother’s dissociation.  “Dann-o! We’re going looking for the ghost boy today!” Jack said excitedly.  “What did he do wrong?” “Nothing, but he probably has an ulterior motive to all this helping stuff!” Jack replied. Danny sighed and pulled out the cereal.  “That’s the ecto contaminated cereal Danny,” Maddie said. Mom, that’s what he meant.  “Oh, whoops,” He put it back and grabbed a new box. “Why’re we keeping it anyways?” “It’s an experiment!” Mom replied.  “You guys and all your ridiculous ghost stuff need to stop it,” Jazz huffed as she walked down the stairs.  “But we have proof of ghosts now! And some of them can get they’re hands on human tech,” Jack- er Dad, said. “You mean social media? People could just taken random picture of a random guy doing that and made something out of it,” “He’s floating Jazzibear, that means something!” J- Dad said loudly.  “Photo editting,” Jazz knew it was hopeless, but she did it for Danny. “Believe what you want,” Dad grabbed some fudge from the fridge. 
Jazz and Danny walked to the soup kitchen. Well, Jazz walked and Danny floated. It was Saturday, so they were taking an all day shift.  “500 followers Jazz! That’s crazy for one night!” “That’s great!” “I know. Oh look, we’re here,” Danny sped over to the kitchen while Jazz sat at one of the tables. “Hey, it’s my favourite ghost,” Milton said. “More like the only ghost you know,” “Yeah, let’s stir this pot and make soup,” Milton laughed. Maybe everything wasn’t great, but Danny was okay with that. He smiled and stirred the pot of soup. 
And, la fin. Maybe it sucks, but I felt like writing something for this. My first oneshot actually. Let me know if you want more of this! The idea came from a post I read by @redrobin-detective. I reblogged it for those who want to see the original concept. Sorry if my grammar is a little strange to you. I’m from Canada, and grammar here is different than the States. 
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yourmcu · 4 years
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x vampire!reader
There’s a vampire in the city. Natasha (and Steve) went to investigate the aftermath of your killing spree.
Word count: 2,402
A/n: disclaimer! all info about vampires, description of vamps are based on tvd
Warnings: blood, violence, swearing, angst but fluff at the end? kinda confusing if I’m being honest but that’s ok! lmao
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gif not mine! credits to the owner^^
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Natasha found herself walking around the woods again. Not because she wanted to - well, half of her did, but she needed to find and talk to you for more important reasons.
The day (or night) before yesterday, she crossed paths with you. She went out with Steve in the woods to investigate more than a dozen deaths that occurred in less than two weeks, it was nothing compared to Loki’s attack in New York but they were... gruesome.
Steve pressed a button on the remote, showing three different pictures of the victims as holograms. They weren’t normal - murder - pictures, no bullet wounds or knife slices/stabs. One had bite marks all over their body, one’s head was entirely snapped off. But they had one thing in common: they looked drained, and thin. “There are fifteen more like that. Each gory than the other.”
They all let out noises of disgust.
“Definitely a psychopath,” Tony muttered.
“A deranged serial killer?” Bruce suggested.
“There’s bite marks. It’s probably an animal.” Sam emphasized on ‘bite marks’.
As she continued to walk, Natasha’s fingers brushed on the mark on her neck. For something that was two days old it still stung really bad sometimes. She’s not proud of it. You made her feel incredibly vulnerable that night, weak.
It all started when you jumped from a tree and landed on your feet just behind the redhead-
Natasha had her gun pointed at you in an instant. She was trained and could identify a murderer when she sees one but surprisingly, you looked... normal. Her eyes lowered, checking you out if you had something sketchy on you, but you just looked like a civilian in their mid-twenties or thirties.
You put your hands behind your back, smirking. You licked your lips and mimicked the way she looked at you up and down, not showing any signs that you were threatened by her lethal weapon. “Hey there.”
She was beautiful. Red hair with blonde tips, green eyes, plump lips, she gave off a fierce aura. She looked tough. You liked it.
Natasha kept her usual cold expression and her tone wasn’t any different. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“Neither should you...” you reached out to rest your palm on the barrel of her gun and-
She let out a shaky breath when you barely flinched as she shot a bullet through your hand, eyes widening. It was a metal bullet, it had little to no effect on you. You made an amused noise before ripping the weapon out of her grip and used all your strength to pin the fighting ex-assassin against a tree.
Her speed and strength surprised you. She kicked you hard in the abdomen before her back hit trunk and punched you across the face several times. For you they only stung for a moment; she had no match against you. She had no idea what she was dealing with.
Natasha looked up when she doesn’t hear pained grunts or signs of weakness from you. You smiled, gripping both of her wrists again. “I’ll have a go now, yeah?” She was grunting, struggling, trying to push you away. “You’re stronger than I thought you’d be.”
You forced her to look straight into your eyes. The only light source was coming from the moon but you could still see her green eyes perfectly. So beautiful.
“Think you can relax for me, hun?”
Natasha stared up at you curiously, breathing steadily. To her you looked so irresistible all of a sudden that she had no choice to listen. Her hands that gripped tightly on your arms relaxed, she was now the one holding on to you.
You moved a side of her hair back to get a clear view of her neck, smiling, “good girl.” Your fangs protrude and poked the sides of your lips, the whites of your eyes turned crimson red as black veins popped out just outside both of them. The smell of her blood filled your senses more intensely-
Well you all know what happened next.
Steve decided to show up while you were feeding on Natasha, successfully saving her from you, much to your dismay. They evacuated right away so you wouldn’t do more harm to the pair. They’d be fighting for a long time against you if they stayed, now knowing what you were capable of.
Natasha hated that she felt intrigued and curious by you, or eager if that’s one word to describe it, she doesn’t know exactly what she was eager for but, she can’t help but think about you.
A small cottage came into view, finally, and Natasha stopped walking. Under different circumstance she’d say it looked pretty cozy. She went on to knock on the door, not sure if you were the one occupying it, but she was right.
You answered the door, raising an eyebrow when you saw who it was.
She doesn’t say anything but her heartbeat quickens. You wordlessly stepped aside to let her in.
“Miss Romanoff,” you said softly, not wanting the air to be filled with awkward silence. Your eyes trailed her as she looked around your - the supposedly abandoned cottage that you may or may not have forcefully stole from a now deceased man. “After what I did to you I was sure the last thing you wanted was to see me again.”
She opened her mouth to speak but was astonished by how fast you’ve gotten in front of her to look at her neck. The bite mark you caused was still there and still looked bad. She tried to read your expression but couldn’t, and was taken by surprise when you bit your thumb without hesitation, a generous amount of blood oozing out.
“I... I don’t-”
“It’ll help but, suit yourself,” you shrugged, wiping away the blood and the wound immediately healed right after. You disappeared for a moment in the kitchen. “I apologize, I’m not used to having visitors. Are you here to kill me, Miss Romanoff, or did you want something else?”
Your stare lingered on her when you came back with a bottle of wine. You did a lot of digging on this woman ever since your encounter and if it wasn’t for your sudden attraction to her you would’ve finished her off already. You thought she was merely a sidekick to Captain America but as you dug further, she might as well be as dangerous as you.
But she was quiet, soft and maybe nervous around you, giving you the feeling that she felt the same way. Your little crush grew more at the thought. As a vampire, everything about you was magnified. Your senses, strength, and if you ever felt it for a certain person, feelings.
“I’m here on behalf of the Avengers,” Natasha spoke, slowly as if she’s choosing the right words to say. “Look, we mean no harm to you, or your kind. We just want to know your intentions...”
“It’s Y/N,” you said absentmindedly, and added, “you’ll never convince me, unfortunately. I won’t come with you.
“I’ve been around for, what, two centuries now and... that sort of play’s getting old. I lost friends the last time I heard that same line.”
You rubbed your temple while taking a swig of the red wine straight out of the bottle. 
“I’m sorry to here that.” Natasha shifted from where she was standing, still not budging whenever you urged her to take seat. 
She didn’t know where to go from here if she was being honest. The plan - well, the original plan, was to kill you. Stake to the heart. Just like that. But after hearing that little story, Natasha’s regrets about suggesting an interrogation on you faded. It’s not like you wanted to be a bloodsucking, immortal monster in the first place, right? You were human once. And it didn’t seem like you dedicated yourself to be completely against humans, because if you did, Natasha would be dead right now without a doubt.
She may or may not have suggested that because you also did leave quite the impression on her.
“Is that genuine, or is this all part of your plan to kill me?” You said coolly, getting up once more to put away the bottle. “Because you’re doing great - oh I forgot, you’re a spy, after all-”
In a swift movement you found yourself on the floor, bottle shattering, drilling pain on your shoulder and Natasha above you, pulling out a pistol. You winced as you struggled to pull out the thick wooden stake buried in your shoulder. You definitely did not expect that.
Natasha gave you an almost apologetic look, but it returned to its usual stoicism. “I’m giving you a chance to do this the easy way,” she breathed out. The sudden attack made you turn to your original form, she looked at the way your eyes faded from red to white again, black veins still pulsing around them.
With your incredible speed and strength you applied pressure to her stomach with your knee and pinned her against the wall again. “What the hell do you want from me, Romanoff?”
What was she waiting for? She could’ve stabbed me already and her job’s done. She’s easily done this before, why was she hesitating now?
Your foreheads were touching and both of your breaths were ragged. Her eyes were so beautiful up close. “You never wanted to be like this,” her voice was barely a whisper. “It’s never too late to change.”
You weren’t all that bad, Natasha was right. You still had a bit of goodness left in you. The vampire that turned you so many years ago didn’t give you a choice, everything just sort of happened. You had no choice but to live like this.
“Is that what this is about?” You mumbled back, loosening your hold on her.
Both of your guards were completely down now.
“I’m a monster,” you said bitterly. “I’ve done horrible things. I’ve killed so many innocent people.”
Natasha gave you a sad smile. She almost had the same background as you. Being an ex-assassin, yet now she was saving lives almost every day.
“You know,” she said, feeling a tingle when your lips brushed against hers. “I don’t judge people on their worst mistakes.”
You gulped, suddenly struggling with your words. But you didn’t have to say anything anymore since her lips connected with yours. Natasha ran her hands on the back of your head while you cupped her face. 
The warm sensation didn’t last for long. You heard something whiz by, and the next thing you knew you had a burning sensation all over, it made you weak. You pushed Natasha off you to look for the source but you were too weak-
The last thing you heard was the door opening and Natasha saying “Clint!”.
Your cell reminded Natasha of the one on S.H.I.E.L.D’s helicarrier, specifically the one they used on Loki. But yours was more small and instead of it being inside an aircraft it was inside the compound.
It’s been a few hours since you went unconscious. Clint used four vervain shots just to knock you out.  Natasha had to remind Steve endlessly that you were not to be killed unless things don’t go well.
“Are you sure this one’s a vampire? ‘Cause it looks like you just closed your eyes and picked a random person outside.” Tony leaned over the glass to get a good look at you.
But once you gained consciousness you lost it. You sped up to the glass, slamming your whole body against it which startled Tony. Not to mention you were in your vampire form.
Some of them cursed when you managed to get a crack on the glass on your third pound. “I don’t want to be here.” Your fists visibly shook as you spat at Natasha. “How do you expect me to change when you trick me, Romanoff?”
“Stark, do something about that glass.” Steve ordered as he pulled Natasha away from your cell.
“Right. You better have those shots at the ready too, Robin Hood.”
“Steve, I’m going in there,” Natasha removed his hand from her arm. She already knew what the look he was giving her meant. “I’ll be fine. Even I didn’t expect Clint to engage last night.”
So she made her way inside, the steel door shut behind her. You were silently pacing back and forth, still shaking. You had given up on the glass when it was replaced by a more durable one.
“Get the fuck away from me.”
“I’m sorry.”
You scoffed, glaring at her and glaring at Steve outside the cell who was watching you intently. “Just get your pals in here and finish the job.”
“I really do believe you can change-” she insisted.
When she went to touch your shoulder you immediately grabbed her wrist. Natasha was speechless when she saw your twisted face, eyes scarlet and unrecognizable, your fangs just waiting to sink into flesh.
“I can’t change.” you whispered. “I was meant to be like this.”
Ending 1: Natasha fights and convinces you that you still have a bit of humanity, despite being what you are. You end up having to fight Steve and the others too but they manage to knock you out a second time. When you wake up, Natasha’s the only one in the room with you. That’s when you both get to talk properly, and then you get to be one of the Avengers. It’s unusual, but it works, using your powers and abilities for good, not having to kill people but you feed on blood bags instead (occasionally). And maybe you even end up dating Natasha.
Ending 2: You completely snap at Natasha in the cell. Steve and Clint burst in to help her. This causes you to get even more aggressive. The fighting took a while, Tony and Rhodey even got into their suits to fight you, but you threatened them with the lives of their friends so they couldn’t do much. You knocked out Steve, Natasha and Clint, so it was now Bruce’s turn. They were a bit conflicted of letting Hulk out since they were sure he’ll destroy the whole building. But Wanda came out, using her witch powers to weaken you, it finally ended with a stake to your chest.
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twilightofficial · 3 years
Hand-Carved Heart
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Pt. 2 of this post
They found it by accident one day a few months after their search began; they had stopped a couple miles into their hike through a new part of the woods to rest and admire the small waterfall they had come upon. Bella sat on a large  boulder to catch her breath and to rub some of the tightness out of her legs, Jacob of course was looking for a way to get up to the top of the waterfall. She cautioned him to not try and use some sketchy looking vine as a climbing rope and he tossed back a joke about her being the klutz in this relationship. Bella’s responding laughter had come so easily. 
She could still remember how heavy she used to feel all the time having to put forth so much effort into thinking about every reaction, giving just enough of a smile so people wouldn’t worry. Then Jacob came along with his warmth and his crooked grin that made her feel lighter than air, only the feel of his hand in hers or the deep vibrato of his voice kept her feet safely planted on the ground. Being with him just felt as simple and easy as breathing. 
After the soreness in her calves was mostly gone she joined him at the edge of the waterfall, it really wasn’t very large, only about 15-20 feet and with Jacob’s tall stature he wouldn’t have any trouble making his way to the top. Still that didn’t stop Bella from worrying, but because of her disregard for her own personal safety a few months prior she kept her worries to herself and instead began skimming her hand along the wall of green that crept up the cliff-face. The light scrape of rock and leaves against her hand was a decent enough distraction until her hand fell through a gap. 
Weird. She thought to herself, curiosity bubbling in the pit of her stomach. She pushed aside a mass of greenery to peer through it, and there tucked neatly behind the wall of trees and bushes was a beautiful moss covered clearing. It was small, only about 6 feet in diameter, and the densely packed trees lining the perimeter provided a canopy of leaves above that sprinkled the light across the ground through the small gaps between the branches. A thick layer of moss covered every inch of the ground including what appeared to be the fallen trunk of a large tree. It was everything they had been looking for. She called Jake over so they could venture in together. 
They made their way through the foliage into the center of the glade, both with large smiles spread across their faces. The vivid green that coated every bit of the clearing had made it feel so bright and alive, even with the shade provided by the canopy above. They couldn’t believe they had found a place so perfect to call their own. 
Jacob pulled out the map and marked the location of the waterfall with a small heart as Bella cleared a portion of moss off the bark of the fallen tree so she could sit down. As she brushed away the moss an odd mark on the log caught her eye, a heart with two initials and a date was carved deeply into the wood. She smiled and called out that it looked like someone else had already beaten them to this little love-nest. Intrigued, he came to look at what she was talking about. When he saw what was carved into the wood his face paled and tears welled up in the corner of his dark brown eyes. BB+SW 1975 was marked into the bark, clearly having been carved over repeatedly to set it so deeply that even after so many years it remained. 
Bella rubbed at his back confused at his reaction, but knowing that once he calmed down he would tell her. For now she would just comfort him in anyway he needed like he had always done for her. It was her turn to be his rock to lean on and she was determined to be as strong and sure as he had always been even though it killed her to see him so clearly in pain. She drew idle circles into his back and the slow drag of her hand made it easier for Jacob to slow his breathing and steady himself. After several minutes he finally stopped tracing the outline and turned to look back at Bella. This was where my dad asked my mom to be his girlfriend… Bella was stunned, not expecting that to be the reason. She remained quiet though, letting Jacob tell the story at his own pace.
When I was little, I always asked my mom to tell me about their first date as a bedtime story. They were in high school, she was a year younger than him, but they had been friends since they were kids. My dad had finally gotten the courage to ask her out, though she had no clue it was a date because he had acted so nonchalant about it. I asked him about that later and he said he was just trying to act cool because he was so nervous. Jacob chuckled softly and shook his head. 
When she showed up and he told her they were going on a hike through the woods she was certain that she would just have to try her best and get over her crush on him. Then dad led her to a beautiful waterfall, and next to it under a large tree he had laid out a picnic blanket held down with a basket filled with new art supplies for her. When she turned to look back at him he was holding a slightly crushed bouquet of hand picked wildflowers that he had apparently been carrying in his bag the whole time. He smiled wistfully, remembering the way his mother’s face lit up when she told this story. 
She said it was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her, and when he asked her to be his girlfriend she answered by finding a sharp rock and carving their initials and the year into the tree they had been laying under. Every time they came back here they would go over it so it would never fade…  I guess the tree finally fell over and new plants grew in its place, hiding it away… I can’t believe we found this place Bells, I-I never even thought to look for it, thought it would be too sad…
Jacob leaned into Bella’s side and she wrapped her arms around him. That was the most she had ever heard him talk about his mom, she never wanted to pry by asking for more whenever Sarah was mentioned in conversation by either Charlie or Billy. Though she did have a faint memory of her from her visits as a child, a beautiful woman with deep set lines around her mouth from the toothy and slightly slanted grin she always seemed to wear. Jacob had that same smile. 
He finally lifted his head from her chest and Bella wiped the remnants of tears from his cheeks. He offered her a faint smile as a thank you and she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. They sat in silence for a couple more minutes before Jacob spoke again, saying that finding this spot felt like fate, like his mom was looking down on him and giving them her blessing. Bella blinked away a tear at that and nodded, promising that they could come back here whenever he wanted. 
The next time they came to the little clearing hidden away from the world, Jacob brought some of his carving knives to make something to bring back for his dad and Bella brought one of her favorite books to read. They sat in the calm of the forest, her back against the trunk of the tree with Jacob sitting next to her whittling away at a chunk of wood, the rush of water and the rustling of leaves as the wind blew keeping them company. 
They stayed for several hours, occasionally taking a break from their respective activities to kiss lazily, sometimes Bella would read aloud as Jacob carved. When the sun began to set they packed up their belongings, as they were about to leave Jacob paused and turned back to the tree, he pulled out one of his carving knives and added their initials right next to his parents. Bella pulled him into a tight hug, she couldn’t believe she was lucky enough to love this boy and have him love her back. 
When Bella first moved to Forks she couldn't stand how green everything was, she was so accustomed to the brown desert of Arizona that the emerald colored town was like an assault on her eyes. It was somehow too bright yet unbelievably dreary, like the constant clouds had sucked the life out of the place and the foliage was overcompensating. She used to miss the way the heat waves danced across the gravel lawns, and how the sun's consistent presence felt like an old friend greeting her every morning letting her know she wasn't alone. But here with Jacob, her new sun, in this small section of the woods; green might just be her new favorite color.
Thanks to @musingsofvenus and @teamjacobthot for helping me out with this💖💖💖 And shoutout to @paulxlahotee for the Billy Black album because I could not for the life of me find a picture of young Gil that worked for this on google 💖
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fractalcult · 3 years
A friend of mine visited the site of the bowling alley. THE Bowling Alley. It was February of 2020 — quarantine came down right after and he got stuck in California for two weeks between that and the business with the plane tickets — and I’m pretty sure it was The Bowling Alley for a couple reasons.
See, a few years ago, I met this guy in a bar. Kinda sketchy looking guy, but it was a sketchy kind of bar. Wrinkly, covered in faded tattoos, trucker hat over an uneven scrub of long gray hairs. He saw the five fingered hand of Eris tattooed on my arm, and came to talk to me.
“You one of them dis-cord-ians,” he said, in the manner of someone who had never heard the word “discordian” spoken aloud.
“After a fashion.”
“My college roommate was big into dis-cord-ya.” He looked like he was about eighty, but this was an experience so I let him talk. “Heard about it from an uncle, some acid casualty by that point.
“This uncle of his, you see, in about 1959, he was drinking in a bowling alley and he went outside to piss against the wall — seeing as how the head was in use by two assholes arguing loudly about philosophy or something — and he saw this globe of shining light. The light was silver at first, then green, then red, then gold, and then he didn’t know what color it was. And then it zipped off, like a UFO. I guess it WAS a UFO, seeing as how he never figured out what to call it.
“He was pretty drunk, but that’s no excuse, so the whole thing kept bothering him. That night, he dreamt about an apple.
“Nothing wrong with that apple, but the dream was so vivid that the dream-apple was more real than any real apple could ever be, and it put him off apples. He never ate an apple again.
“Anyhow, other than an aversion to apples, he barely thought about it again until 1973, when he went past that bowling alley again. It had been closed down, and the sign was removed, and there was something disturbing about the shadow on the wall from where the sign had been — like it didn’t really say the name of the bowling alley, but it secretly said something else.
“Anyhow, that night he had another dream. In that dream, he was in a forest at night, under a full moon, and this woman in a white gown appears from behind a tree. Like, a sapling that she couldn’t have possibly fit behind. She hands him a yellow apple, and he takes a bite out of it, but then stops because the texture is off. He looks down, and the apple has become a book. His mouth is full of pages.
“About ten years later he gets caught in the rain and has to duck into a used bookstore, and as he shakes off his coat he sees, laying on the floor in front of his feet, the book from his dream. Turns out to be the Dell Paperback Edition of book 2 of the Illuminatus trilogy, The Golden Apple. He takes this as a sign, and brings it to the cashier to buy it, but there’s no price. Turns out some other customer must have dropped it. He gets it for free.
“So this uncle has basically had his mind fucked, and got into discordianism in a big way, but I’m hearing this second hand and by the mid-80s he’s already taken enough drugs that maybe he read the book already and forgot or something.
“But he took my roommate to this parking lot, one night in May. The moon was high. Roomie would never say what happened there, but ever since, he was seeing the number five everywhere.”
I thought a bit about the inconsistencies in this guy’s story, and decided for the moment to ignore them. After all, this was more entertaining than drinking alone. “Can I buy you a drink,” I said.
“No,” he said, “I’ve gotta be getting back on the road.”
He picked up his coat and put it on, stuck his hand in his pocket, and paused, wide-eyed. “Here,” he said, and thrust a business card at me. “There was this fortune-telling place across the street from that parking lot, thirty years ago. This is their card.”
When a friend decided to go on a trip to California to see the PKD archives, I passed the card along, and he promised to do some kind of little ritual there. And, he did. See, apparently the fortune telling place got torn down too, and the one parking lot became two. And right in the middle was an unlicensed hot dog stand. So, my friend bought a hot dog in one lot and walked over to the other to eat it. There was some trouble getting the guy, who wasn’t fluent in English, to understand that he didn’t want a bun, so he finally lied and said he was gluten intolerant.
That night, my friend had this dream.
He was in the woods at night. There was a full moon. A woman in a silver dress came toward him, and handed him a book.
“There is a secret message in this book,” she said. “It will only be decoded during the aftermath. None of the authors will live to see it fully understood. The correct solution will be in my name, and the name of A L W 6 46.”
That’s why I think it was the right place.
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ofmcthman · 3 years
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⌠ andy biersack. 31, heterosexual, cis man, he/him. ⌡ wait a minute, is karmichael ashley “kash” bronson still in town? i thought i saw a flash of (heavily tattooed skin, the smell of musky cologne, and an icy blue gaze)! last i heard they were working as a tattoo artist nearby. when it’s the (capricorn)’s birthday on 12/26 i forget that they’re argumentative and celebrate that they’re humorous. i hear crown of thorns by black veil brides every time i think of them.
TW: injury, medical condition, alcohol abuse
full name: karmichael ashley bronson
birthdate: december 26th, 1990
age: 31
height: 6’4”
birth place: cincinnati, ohio
if you want to ask about kash bronson, he’d really prefer you didn’t
born and raised in cincinnati, ohio, karmichael is the only child to two parents that could only be described as loving and attentive, something that they hoped their son would pick up on
as a kid, kash was both adventurous and sweet, always carrying a batman coloring book wherever he went, but he was also always just a little bit different
while young kids his age often got scrapes and bumps and began crying, karmichael always seemed to brush it off and move right along, even if his injury was more than just a scarpe
doctor visit after doctor visit couldn’t provide his parents with any sort of answers, so they just chose to monitor him closely and go about their daily business
however, when kash was around six years old, he fell out of a rather tall tree, and that’s when his life changed drastically
his tumble to the ground left him and his parents confused, his attitude just the same as it always was and no sign of him feeling any pain
but upon a visit to the ER, it was found that he’d actually broken both his ankle and his wrist, neither of which he felt happen
test after test was run on the young boy, the neverending questions from his parents only piling up, as the doctors didn’t have any answers
however, after what felt like an eternity, kash was given a proper diagnosis
his condition was called congenital insensitivity to pain, a neurological disorder that makes it so he can’t feel pain of any kind; while kash can feel the difference between sharp and dull or hot and cold, he can’t tell if those things are causing him harm in some way
the usually adventurous little boy suddenly had reason to be stifled in his excursions, something that ultimately made him mad and begin acting out once he got to his teen years
it started small, sneaking out of the house at odd hours of the night, meeting up with friends at abandoned buildings or sketchy gas stations, often paying someone older than them to purchase alcohol and cigarettes
it was a “normal” teen phase, but it was one that left his parents stumped; their previously sweet and sassy little boy was suddenly angry and rebellious, and adjusting to that was difficult
late nights were spent with booze bottles in one hand and a cigarette in the other
before anyone really knew it, kash developed a drinking problem, his access to alcohol in the form of a friend’s older brother 
kash’s life quickly became consumed with harmful substances, all of which blurred his inhibitions and self-control
it was a way to really feel something, and despite knowing that it was wrong, kash simply couldn’t help himself
his problem became so bad, karmichael was finding it hard to focus throughout his day without some sort of alcohol in his water bottles just to get through his menial school tasks
it seemed that nobody caught on to karmichael’s problems, and in turn he continued his harmful actions just so he could feel like a normal person
kash’s problem continued for years before his parents found out, and that’s when everything flip turned around for karmichael
soon enough he was seeing three different therapists and attending AA meetings whenever they happened to pop up
once trusting parents suddenly kept a close eye on their only child, making it harder and harder for him to feel like he had any sort of freedom
kash’s only solace soon became his notebook, always filled with intricate drawings and designs that helped keep his mind off of what he really craved
unfortunately, even with the healthy distraction, he was still submersed within his old habits, taking to the bottle nightly just to feel like he could get his head clear
he drank in secret once more, putting on a facade so his parents wouldn’t worry, though inside he felt broken
at eighteen years old, kash finally moved out of his parents’ house and hit the road, much to their chagrin
he wanted more than ohio could ever offer him, and even though he was still battling with a secret addiction, he hoped breaking out of the city he once called home 
he drove for hours and hours before he happened upon centralia, a town that he’d never heard of before and one that seemingly came out of nowhere
the first thing kash did when he was in town was get a job working for a local tattoo artist, mostly just doing apprentice work and cleaning things up until he was trusted enough to begin tattooing
it wasn’t long before he built up a solid client base, which was something that helped him realize he needed to stop drinking
at the young age of twenty-three, karmichael began attending AA meetings in the hopes that he could kick his habit without rehab
he’s been in town for almost thirteen years at this point, and although every day for him is a struggle, he’s managed to stay clean for the last seven
he’s rather successful when it comes to his line of work, even able to put some of his drawings onto things other than people’s skin, working on a commission basis
he’s got a very hardened personality and can only be described as fickle; if kash doesn’t like you, he’ll tell you
don’t let him fool you entirely, though, as he has a soft spot buried down deep that pops out every now and again
he doesn’t know how many tattoos he has, but he does have a couple ex-girlfriend’s names on him, both of which he regrets
he’s got quite the goofy personality, but that’s something that doesn’t peep out often unless he really likes you
is a big fan of random hookups and will even let his partners stay the night and will cook them breakfast in the morning
basically just an overcooked noodle, though he does work out regularly as a means of avoiding his worse habits
kash goes to the doctor regularly for physical checkups, because even though he’s supposed to behave, he still has monkey tendencies
while he can be a brick wall at times, karmichael is undoubtedly an amazing friend, and as long as he can trust you, he’s more than happy to welcome you into his life
overall, please just show him some love
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shakuyaku-sama · 4 years
Creepypasta Scenarios: How You Meet
Jeff the Killer:
It was another pitch black night, which was not uncommon for where you lived. You lived alone in a tiny cabin in the middle of the woods so things like the dark didn't phase you in the slightest.
A lone owl hooted in the trees as you began to drift off in your bed, your eyes shutting slowly before you heard the floorboards creaking beneath someone or something's weight. Your eyes shot open as you quickly reached for your pistol before realizing that it was missing from its usual place on your nightstand. The moonlight shown through the curtains, highlighted a silhouette standing in the door frame of your bedroom.
"Go to sleep....", the person's raspy voice spoke as you began to snap out of your daze, ripping the covers off of your legs and grabbing at your knife that you kept under your pillow.
Rushing towards the intruder, you sliced the blade towards them before they swiftly dodged the attack. In the dim light of the moonlight, you could see what appeared to be a male in his late twenties with white skin and sunken eyes that seemed to never close. But the most shocking thing about his appearance were the gaping cuts in his skin on both sides of his cheeks, formed into a macabre smile.
He grabbed a hold of your arm and flung you to the ground with inhuman strength as he leaped into a window, the glass shattering in the process. You stood to your feet with a confused look on your face as you shook your head. 'I'll fix that window in the morning.', you thought as you headed back to bed, those words echoing in your head before closing your eyes.
Pain really never bothered you as you had a pretty high pain tolerance but today, your brain was absolutely pounding against your skull. You walked into the classroom and slumped down into your seat by the window as you looked out into the wooded area that surrounded the school. This morning, you added a pain killer to your medicine to ease up your headache, which didn't seem to be going anywhere at the moment.
Your teacher began to give their lecture as you found yourself peering out into the woods once again, in search of something that was not there. Time moved along in an instant as your last class of the day was over and you could go home. Walking outside of the building, you thought you heard a sound of static emitting from the direction of the trees as you began involuntarily moving your feet towards the woods. The sound seemed to be growing louder as you got closer before you saw a figure in the distance.
As the distance between you and the figure began to close, you could see that it was an extremely tall being with a blank, white face and a unusually dapper suit and tie. That was the last thing you saw before your vision began to fade away, feeling yourself go limp and fall at the feet of this creature.
Gaming had always been a passion of yours as you found love in video games and the whole gaming community. Your most prized possession was your PC that cost well over two thousand dollars but you spent about two years building.
You rarely touched handheld systems because in your eyes, you didn't have as much freedom on those as you did on computers but this time, you'd found something that you had been wanting to play for the longest time. A preowned copy of Majora's Mask. Sure, it looked sketchy and possibly was a bootleg, but there was always a first time for everything!
You pushed the cartridge into the slot as the screen began to load for the game. The opening screen appeared to be washed out but you continued anyways. Not the best decision as the game was very laggy and glitchy and after about thirty minutes of playing, you decided to quit out of frustration and log onto your computer for a while.
You opened your default messaging app, scrolling through the many messages from friends and family, until you spotted a weird message from an unknown account with a message that read "remember me, love?". You try to block the account but for some reason, it wasn't letting you. Before you could even restart your computer, a picture of a weird looking Link with blood dripping from the eyes flashed on your screen.
Jumping in shock, you hesitate for a moment before bursting into laughter. "What's so funny?", a voice asked from behind you before you turned your chair to face the same Link person who was in your room for some reason.
You howled with laughter at the short, blonde male with pitch black eyes as he crossed his arms with a glare. Before you could utter a single word, he faded out in a flurry of pixels as you stared at the now empty space with a look of confusion. With a final chuckle, you turn your PC off for the rest of the day and opted for a walk around the city.
Laughing Jack:
"You know I hate surprises, Mark!", you yelled at your roommate as he came out from his hiding place in your living room with a look of shame visible on his face. Without even stepping into your home and already, you're terrified. "You could have killed me!". You never liked being surprised when you were younger so that grew on you as you moved into adulthood.
In your eyes, people who pranked and scared others had a special spot in Hell and also obviously wanted to get punched in the face. You couldn't believe how rude people were nowadays. "But you didn't die.", his expression changed to a smug one as you rolled your eyes. You walked up to him and snatched the clown mask from his grip as he walked out of your apartment, snickering as he left.
Sighing and flopping on the couch, you grab the remote and turn on the TV. Before you knew it, it was dark outside and the city's lights glowed for miles outside of the window. You began to doze off but before you could close your eyes, you felt a hand on your shoulder and before you could react, a cloth was placed over your nose. Instantly, you were out like a light.
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sopxhiea · 4 years
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Alfie Solomons X Reader
| Prompt
“Could you come get me?”
“I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a damsel doing damage.” 
Warning: Blood. A lot of it.
This wasn’t bound to happen.
The grounds were quiet, the only breathing soul besides you had been shot a while ago. The wind blew against the fragile leaves, caressing them in a manner that certainly did not go with the scene before you.
You breathed in forcefully, feeling the cold stone base of the stair against your skin through your sheer dress. Inhaling once more, you shifted without realising. Your upper body was covered in blood, most of it someone else’s but the taste of it was the same when you’d shot the men.
A sigh escaped your lips, the want to scream resided somewhere deep in your now hollow chest while you stared at the situation before you. 
Blood, three dead men laying on the ground next to the water fountain, an abandoned car, wind in your face as you wiped the dried blood off of your hands even though it didn’t help much.
Your hands were shaking as you sat on the cold stone again, getting up every now and then because you didn’t quite know what to do. It wasn’t fear that made you shake, it was adrenaline.
A man named John had called you in for a meeting, saying that he had some valuable information. It had been a bait and you knew it, that was why you had blades and small guns decorating your upper thighs if he tried to do something funny. And he had, he was now making his way down to hell, you assumed.
You looked into the building that was right behind you, it was a big mansion that had been abandoned a while ago. The want to escape urged you to stand up and walk inside, praying to the gods you heard people pray to so that you wouldn’t be dead soon.
A phone came into your vision, it was located outside of the back side. You lifted it up, it worked. There was a chuckle from you at the relief but it disappeared not too long after. You couldn’t call your assistant, he was out of town and you had already given him hell enough times.
You couldn’t call Thomas, he was busy with some bookies and the Italians. You knew he would hold it over your head for some time and being in debt of someone was not something you looked forward to. You sighed, shaking your head while going for the number of the bakery.
You didn’t want to call him.
You were covered in blood and dirt and had just killed two men. The other man was on your side but he’d been the sacrifice for you to stay alive. There was a wait on the other end before he picked up. You at cursed yourself  internally for doing this but he was the only one you could rely on.
You had done business with him a couple times when you were around Camden. Tommy trusted him which made you trust him, he had proven to be reliable and a little too direct and stubborn but nothing you couldn’t deal with.
“‘ello?” he asked on the other end of the line for the third time. You pinched yourself to see if you were actually dead, you calling Alfie for help was something of a decoration of your nightmares. You’d wanted things to go differently.
“It’s me..” you whispered into the line, the cold getting under your skin while you held onto your now bloody coat. It was heavier due to the soaking of the fluid.
He recognised your voice instantly.
Feeding into his playful nature when it came to you, he was about to make a joke but your voice trembled under the clouded spring weather so he stopped. There was no response as you swallowed, hoping that this call wasn’t a mistake you were making due to the adrenaline in your system. You took a breath and spoke up after the long pause.
“What the fuck happened?” he asked, you chuckled from the other end of the line.
Despite being a business associate he sometimes saw around, he knew you very well. You were of similar nature, there was a fire within you that had been moulded by sorrow and loneliness. Much like him, you also had to grow up fast and he knew of the ways of this cruel world and what it could do to an innocent youngling.
He knew you well.
“I....um..” you licked your lips as he waited for an answer. 
You didn’t quite know how to proceed. You were not the one asking for help, you were usually the one offering to help. You had built a business of your own in between dirty faced gangsters and independence was all you craved. You didn’t ask for help, not from a friend or a jewish gangster.
“Could you come get me?” your airy voice filled his ear as he stared at the mountain of paperwork in front of him. 
It didn’t matter, nothing did when it came to you.
He had spent many nights trying to bury your sweet face into the depths of his mind. You were everything he envisioned his dreams to be. He had done deals with people around just for the possibility of running into you. You’d spent many nights in his office, trying to finalise a deal you were trying to make with the man but he’d thought of it to be more than that.
You were poised, way too beautiful to be in this line of business and fragile underneath the tough exterior of sarcasm and wit you had. He was old enough to know that women like you didn’t stay until midnight in another man’s work place just because they needed to get a job done.
He nodded his head while speaking, jotting down the address you told him with a shaky voice, the adrenaline was getting to you. He knew of the abandoned house, it was a place marked with death and sketchy business deals but he ignored the skipping of his heart at the thought that something bad might’ve happened to you. He just put on his coat and shouted at Ollie to get the car ready.
The trees swayed calmly at the touch of the gentle wind, the breeze was much more calmer than what it seemed due to the cloudy weather. You were still sitting on the entrance step of the house, the cold stone had become warmer with your body heat as you stared at the road, the source of the voice becoming more obvious with the passing minutes.
You recognised his car but stayed where you are. You were sitting on the steps like a child with fabric on your hands but you didn’t look like one. There was blood all over your body, your dress and coat were soaked in it as you eyed Alfie’s approaching figure.
His eyes were wide, the breeze didn’t affect him in the slightest while he walked towards your much smaller form. You didn’t smile at the familiar man like you used to but waited for him to process the image before him instead.
He looked over at you first, worry evident in his eyes as his eyes adjusted to the layers of blood around your body. He opened his mouth to speak but his eyes landed on the three corpses scattered around the house instead. He could make out the things that had taken place but he didn’t want to ask you when you looked like you had been cast in a horror movie just a second ago.
“Pet, Are you alri-” he spoke but you stood up instead and cut him off. You needed to get home as soon as you could and you didn’t want the man to dote on you like he always did.
“I’m fine. Can we go?” you asked, not waiting for an answer and walking towards the car instead.
The driver was horrified which made you smile for the first time that day. Alfie caught you by your arm and made you face him in one swift motion before you could actually walk away. You scoffed at the action but he had the right to be curious. You were looking like a dead bride after all.
“What the fuck happened!” he asked, voice high as he looked at you with way too much focus. You chuckled, why was he so worried?
He knew what you were capable of, he’d seen you working on field before and that was enough reason for him to oblige to your words instead of questioning you but seeing as he was the rescuer in this situation, you decided to play along.
You gave him a shrug, like you hadn’t just killed the men laying out on the field and that you weren’t covered in their blood and yours. He could tell you were wounded so he supported you with his arms around.
“I just...” you spoke, not wanting to admit the little fun you had to yourself.
“A man was messing with me and I decided to show him the cost of doing that..” you spoke against his face, he was staring at your blooded face as you spoke. You let his arms around you, your figure almost engulfed by his as he stared at you.
“It’s okay now. I will have the men collected in an hour. I’ve already made calls.” you whispered, trying to answer any questions that he may have. He didn’t speak, just stared at you in shock and in admiration.
You were covered in blood but your eyes had the same childish tint to them. He hated how weak you made him feel, the only person he went out of his way to help had been a family member and now that he was cradling you in his arms, he found himself caring a little too much about you.
“Luv, Are you su-” he spoke again, you cut him off. You two bickered like a married couple.
“I’m okay. Just take me home so I can clean the wounds.” you spoke, retrieving from his arms and walking to his car again.
He mumbled a low ‘fucking hell’ while watching you lay the fabric on the car so that the blood didn’t get on the surface of the seats. You were on your usual behaviour as he watched you make yourself comfortable on the seat, still covered in blood which made his heart ache but he just told the driver to drive to your house.
His driver knew the address.
When you arrived at the house, your house maids were already freaking out. They knew something horrid had happened when you came in with a loud thud, blood covering your face. After the first few steps, you couldn’t carry your body  anymore so Alfie picked you up and carried you to the bathroom.
You murmured a small ‘thank you’ at your low state and he found it hard to leave you until one of the maids came in the bathroom and chased him off with familiar words as she shouted at him in Yiddish.
An hour passed. Alfie had come to your house a couple times for tea and some company so he knew the boys around. They kept him occupied as you cleaned up, the wounds were attended to and you were soon put in a silk gown and comfortable shoes. Walking downstairs with the help of your maid, you saw his car parked out in the front. 
He was still here.
You chuckled, finding it a little painful but his smile made it worth it when he stood up from the sofa he was sitting on. There were biscuits and tea on the small table next to the sofa and you could tell he hadn’t touched them.
You let the maid go as he helped you sit down. You usually hated being babied, needing help from others to do normal things had been something you dreaded for as long as you could remember but you didn’t find it all so painful when his rough skin met yours.
Settling next to him on the large sofa, you looked into his eyes. There was still a hint of fear in his eyes and it made you smile out of the tenderness he was capable of making you feel. You hugged yourself as he watched your small form become even smaller.
“You were scared.” you spoke, as a matter of fact. He wasn’t hiding it and that made you like him even more than you already did.
He chuckled at your words, hands meting over his torso as he watched you put your head on the back of the sofa. “I fuckin’ was, yeah, ‘thought you were a goner, luv.” he spoke, making you smile but you didn’t chuckle as heartily as you would’ve.
You nodded, speaking with a breathy voice as he looked at your eyes like a small kid looked at candy.
“Mariam chased you off?” you said, erupting a sound of approval from his mouth while he watched you reach for a cookie but he helped you the last minute, reaching for the food himself before you could and handed it to you.
“She spits fuckin’ fire, ya know that?” he said, still surprised at the screaming the maid had just done in Yiddish. He knew you were fond of the jews around and a part of him grew softer at the thought of you making sure they had a roof over their head.
“Well, she’s a bit protective when it comes to me.” you said, putting your head back on the sofa as he nodded.
“Can’t fuckin’ blame her, right.” he said, reaching for his beard as you watched him touch the wiry part. “fuckin’ rare, a jewel like you.”
The parts of your face that had been covered in blood an hour ago were now covered in a natural blush color as he looked at you lovingly. He didn’t hide the fact that he was attracted to you, he had made advances from day one but you were hesitant because he seemed too dreamy, a little to unreal for this cruel world you were living in.
“I don’t know about a jewel but I heard they’ve been calling me a damsel in distress.” you said, chuckling at the last words as you spoke. His eyes shot up with anger at your words but you remained as calm as a bird.
“Who the fuc-” he spoke, voice a little too loud as he tried to find out more information about the said people but you knew better than to give the names to him. They would disappear a day after you would tell him and you’d have to watch him act all daft again.
You put your hand on his knee with a soft smile on your lips. There was always word going around about you. You were a woman many lusted after and knowing you hadn’t settled yet, jealous mouths had to make something out of it. You didn’t mind, you were unmarried and a little stressed so it was nothing of a lie, really.
You enjoyed the fire residing in his eyes while he watched your lips move. “I am a damsel..” you nodded and before he could cut you off with a reassuring tone that you were far from that, you continued.
“But I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a damsel doing damage.”
You spoke while his eyes casted an all too familiar look. His face was closer to yours now, you could feel his warmth radiating towards your body. You inched closer, moving your body a little towards him so that your eyelashes were almost touching. You stared at him, a hint of smile on his lips as he reacted to your previous words.
Oh, how he adored you.
He had done way too many awful things, killed far too many souls and had done considerable damage to the good in this world so he wondered. He wondered why you’d treat him the way you did. You were a source of sunlight in this mess of a place you both worked in and the kindness made him inherently curious as to why you did it.
He knew there was a price for having you, that had been why he was so hesitant even though he wouldn’t shy away from how he felt. There was a price to pay if he wanted you around like he did but he was ready to pay it, whatever it was.
You chuckled as he looked into your eyes, more than a few emotions swimming in his blue orbs when your hand found his chest, he was incredibly close now. You didn’t hesitate, it was you thanking him in the best way possible and he welcomed it when he felt your velvet lips against his.
You leaned closer, his hands found your leg as he caressed it. It wasn’t a heated kiss, it felt tender and loving while you moved your lips against his. The kiss was slow, it made you feel safe and secure until you broke it.
Panting slowly as you moved a little far from his face, he cursed at himself for being so weak at the sight before him. He stared at your now plump lips, licking his to savour the sweet taste of you while you let him go, your hand now hugging your body.
A sweet smile formed along the lines of your lips, your voice breathy as you spoke to the man sitting next to you.
“Thank you, Alfie.”
Tagging: @clairecrive​  @parkbearum​ @sourirez​ @bicevans​ @mollybegger-blog​
a/n: My finals are on their way and I will be a little less active on here just so you guys know! I still have a couple works on queue but school is kicking my ass so i may not return as soon as i please. also lemme know if you’d like to be tagged.
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