#there's so many to choose from so here's my biased picks
frigidfries · 1 year
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hartlesshart · 4 months
I have something to say - If you aren’t going to read the whole thing, then skip it. But I really hope you do. My intention is not to cause drama. I just felt this was important to say because I love this community and I want it to be the best it can be.
A few days ago, a very unfortunate thing happened on a certain post about Talanah and Seyka. I called someone out on what was a case of weaponizing a racist incident. Instead of having a meaningful discussion, my comments were deleted and called “inappropriate accusations.”
Long story short - several reblogged and commented on this post about how Talanah was constantly being tagged as Seyka. To be clear, this is not a good thing and I believe every single one of those post to be valid in their frustration. But I have also seen it happen the other way around to my own work (Seyka tagged as Talanah). None of this is okay but while it is exhausting, remember that mistakes do happen.
So I made a comment about my experience and my comment was dismissed because apparently it “hadn’t been seen.” I responded to this with an honest truth of how dismissals of experience affects people like me.
The thing about racism is that it doesn’t happen in a vacuum. You don’t get to pick and choose who it happens to just to fit your narrative. Dismissing it because you didn’t personally see it is harmful, especially to fans from marginalized groups who may not feel comfortable sharing their experiences in the future.
My comment was deleted and later referred to as an “inappropriate accusation” and “harassment.” Was it an accusation? Yes. Was it inappropriate? No. Was it harassment? Absolutely not - I took time to respond so it wouldn’t be seen that way. However, the comments involving Talanah mistags were kept. The comments defending a fictional character. To be clear, I am not saying these comments are not justified. It is incredibly frustrating to work so hard on a piece only for it to be tagged as another character. However, the fact other comments (including my personal experience), that challenged the narrative that these mistaggings were only happening to Talanah, were being deleted is problematic and a form of silencing. Intentional or not - this is a racist microaggression - and yes, I do deal with stuff like this in real life.
It became immediately clear to me that the goal here wasn’t to raise awareness or do anything about the racist misnaming but instead use it to put down a group in this community. And judging a whole group by the actions of a few bad apples is literally where prejudice begins. All of this pettiness stemming from - let’s face it - an unnecessary shipping war in a FICTIONAL STORY. I was incredibly disappointed and saddened because I know we are better than this.
I am not speaking out because I want to cause drama. Undoing systemic racism is something I am deeply passionate about because it affects so many people in my life. If someone calls you out on a problematic take, please take a moment to listen and reflect, even if it makes you uncomfortable. Do not follow the impulse to block or delete. This work is extremely exhausting for everyone, but it is SO important. We all carry prejudices and biases. We are human. But we can also learn because we are all human. I have been called out many times in life by my friends. I have made so many ignorant comments and mistakes. And I will still make them. Hearing I have is not easy at all but it is all part of growing.
Speaking out like this isn’t really my thing but I felt the need to make a comment that can’t be deleted by anyone. I love the Horizon community and I want it to be a safe and inclusive space for everyone no matter where you are from. That is what these games are about. Understanding people from different backgrounds, opinions and traditions in order to work together. 
You don’t have to be fans of the same characters. You can love or be disappointed with the canon. You can respectfully give and listen to critiques of these characters. And you can celebrate representation even if it’s not the direction you wanted Horizon to go in.
Whatever these games have given you is yours to keep.
Just don’t be an asshole about it (at least in public, what you do in private is none of anyone’s business so…) -> that goes to all fans in all groups. It is never okay to harass or hurt anyone - and especially over fictional characters.
(Also please respect the devs - we are lucky they are able to pour their hearts into this game for all of us to enjoy and frankly the direction is their creative choice)
This vibrant community is full of so much talent and love for this amazing series. I have made some truly incredible friends, worked on some hilarious and delightful collaborations and have seen wicked talent come together to make something special. Just look on the horizon, and you’ll see a certain 100% fan-made game coming soon, which has a little something for everyone!
Keep creating. Ignore the bad apples. Don’t be an asshole. I’m going back to drawing silly things. - from the hart 
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badaziraphaletakes · 4 months
Hello, I just want to state, in the hopes that knowing this can contribute to maybe lowering the temperature in the fandom a bit, that this blog absolutely and categorically was not made with any individual in mind. I think that is a worry people have when they see something like this, and I get why that would be a concern.
So in case this helps, here is how I run the blog:
75% of the takes I post are submitted to me (many with a request from the submitter to stay anonymous), not things I select myself, and they come from a variety of original authors. Occasionally I post one that I saved myself that I've been mulling over, most of which I have had kicking around in my files for months. (Seriously, I put a looooot of thought into this.) Those also come from a variety of people.
When it comes to deciding what to post, I make a point of specifically choosing takes that I have seen re-iterated by a lot of different people. If I post something, it's never because so-and-so wrote it - it just happened to be the particular post I either screenshotted (screenshot?) or was sent. (I also don't save people's handles when I do screenshot a take, unless I'm planning to reply directly to them, so 99 times out of 100 I don't even remember who originally wrote the take).
If I've only seen a take expressed by one person then I don't post it. Period. Because dollars to donuts it's just them bringing their experiences to how they view something. For that reason, individual people's takes aren't of concern to me. When you see a take over and over again, though, that's when I can no longer attribute it to one person's unique perspective and instead begin to look at broader societal biases that may be behind it. I didn't think of the problematic Aziraphale takes I've seen as victim-blaming/anti-Autistic/etc until I saw the sheer number of them. And that's when I realized, huh, this just isn't an individual person looking at it through their own personal lens - something bigger's going on here - this is a societal thing.
I came up with the idea for this blog weeks before deciding to actually make it, and it was not as a reaction to any one post. The idea just popped into my head one afternoon as I was sitting there feeling sad about the Aziraphale hate I was seeing - especially as regards victim-blaming and anti-Autistic bias - and lamenting that I didn't have a space to express how frustrating and hurtful it was. I'm far less concerned with anyone's individual opinions and more concerned with overall trends.
Bottom line: IF IT WAS ONLY ONE PERSON SAYING THESE THINGS, I WOULD NOT HAVE HAD ANY REASON TO CREATE THIS BLOG. That would just be a waste of everybody's time. Moreover, setting out to specifically attack anyone would lower people's experience of the fandom as a whole, and that is the opposite of what I want to do.
The fact that the very brutal anti-Aziraphale takes are coming from a lot of people is exactly why I felt the need to speak up. It made me and a lot of other people feel uncomfortable in the fandom. This blog has been my way of attempting to try to combat that by helping them know they're not alone and give people a space to express how hurtful it has been. (And also to hopefully find some humor in a difficult situation).
If anyone is worried, I hope this can help assuage those worries. I absolutely promise I am not sitting here raging over any specific people or anything like that. I'm just not wound that way. I have no bones to pick with any specific people.
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lilacmingi · 3 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: BTS x fem reader
Word count: 1,096
Note: The final part is here! At the end, you’ll have 7 endings to choose from! You can pick your bias/biases or read them all! The choice is yours <3
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You stepped back, your heart plummeting to your feet at the sight of him.
"Hoseok!" His name was uttered in shock.
The last thing you expected was to see him barging into Jin's castle, let alone by himself.
His burning gaze met yours and his eyes softened immediately.
"Y/n, I'm sorry for lashing out at you. I called off the guards not long after you ran off. It's just me here." He told you, taking a single step forward.
Jin wrapped his arms around you while the others moved to stand in front of you, creating a barrier to protect you. Hoseok frowned, a look of disappointment flashing across his features.
"Guys." You spoke softly. "It's okay."
The boys separated, albeit hesitantly, and you stepped out of Jin's embrace, slowly walking towards Hoseok. Your arms wrapped themselves around him, pulling the king into a tight hug.
"Y/n." He breathed out your name in a sigh of relief, his arms circling your waist.
"I forgive you, Hoseok." You whispered. "Though I should be the one apologizing to you. I left you after you opened up to me. I'm sorry for that."
He shook his head. "Don't worry about that. Everything is fine now. Come back to the castle with me, Y/n. You can be my queen."
"I can't." You frowned, pulling away. "Things need to be fixed between you and the others."
You glanced back towards Jin, gesturing for him to speak up.
He pressed his lips together, stepping forward. "Y/n and I had a conversation and she made me realize that I needed to do the right thing. I want to apologize to you, Hoseok—we all do. I personally have felt awful every day since you ran off. Truthfully, I should have apologized sooner, but I was being cowardly."
"We shouldn't have chose Jin over you." Namjoon stated.
"You were a lot of fun to be around. I miss it." Jimin spoke up.
"We're really sorry, Hoseok." Taehyung apologized, looking down at his feet shamefully. "We didn't mean to cast you out like that."
"Yeah and I don't blame you if you don't forgive us." Yoongi added. "We kinda deserve it."
Hoseok stood there, his unblinking eyes wide with shock.
"Hoseok?" Jungkook called out, tilting his head to the side as he waited for a response from the stunned man.
He blinked a few times, collecting his thoughts before finally speaking.
"I didn't expect this." His voice coming out so quietly you could barely hear him. "I accept your apologies, but it’s me who should be the one saying sorry. I suppose I had a little pity party and went about all this the wrong way." He slumped his shoulders.
"Everyone is at fault, Hoseok. We all messed up." Jin pointed out. "So, are we good?"
A gleaming and beautiful smile spread across Hoseok's face and we wasted no time running up and embracing all six boys in a hug.
"Y/n, come here!" Jimin motioned for you to join in on the group hug.
With that invitation, there was no way you could stand by. Rushing over, you latched onto the group hug, trying your best to stretch your arms around as many people as possible.
When you visited Wonderland all those years ago, Hoseok had already isolated himself from the others, so you never got to see all seven of them together. Despite that, this moment felt right.
"This probably wouldn't have happened if you didn't show up. We were all stuck in our ways and I don't think any of us would have stepped up and apologized." Namjoon stated after everyone parted ways. "Thank you."
"Yes. Thank you, Y/n." Hoseok smiled.
"So, what now?" Yoongi asked the question everyone in the group was thinking.
"Well," Jin began. "Y/n can either go home or stay here."
The thought of going home made your heart sink. You had met seven amazing people and experienced so many things in Wonderland that you didn't even want to go back home. Truthfully, there wasn't anything for you to go back to anyway, so what's the point of returning?
"I want to stay here." Your answer was certain.
Smiles spread across everyone's faces as soon as the response left your mouth.
"Well then, if you stay you have to choose one of us to be with." Yoongi stated.
"I have to?"
"You don't have to if you don't want to." Jin mentioned.
You still hadn't wrapped your mind around the fact that there were seven guys who all wanted to be with you. It was all so much and, while it was flattering, it was also overwhelming. However, one of them did manage to charm you.
"I want to choose one of you." You nodded. "I just don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or disappoint anyone."
"We'll be fine." Jungkook assured you.
"No matter who you pick, we'll understand." Hoseok smiled.
"Where will I live? I know Jin and Hoseok have castles and Namjoon told me he has a home, but what about the rest of you?"
"We have houses, you know." Yoongi feigned offense. 
"I have a little cottage." Jungkook grinned.
"I have a tiny house." Jimin added.
"What about that mysterious twin of yours who's never around?" Your brows tugged together.
"You think we live together?" He scoffed. "Not a chance."
"We all have our own places." Namjoon said.
"Well, my place is a little shabby-looking, but it's okay. Y/n, if you choose me we can spruce it up and make it look real nice!" Taehyung gleamed.
You glanced over the group who were all unique in their own way.
Jungkook, though shy at first, was actually rather bold and quite captivating.
Jimin was downright adorable but not to be underestimated. He had a flirtatious and charming side to him that was irresistible.
Yoongi was a sweet talker and had no shame in anything he did, but you knew he had a soft side.
Taehyung was a goofy person who didn't seem to care what others thought of him and his weird ways.
Namjoon was another smooth talker and very intelligent. Though he was a bit rude at first, you knew that wasn't his true personality.
Hoseok was happy-go-lucky and reminded you of the sun.
Jin was romantic and kind—a true gentleman. Not to mention he's incredibly good-looking. They all were.
Every single one of them were amazing and beyond perfect, but your heart seemed to be pulled towards one of them in particular.
Time to make your decision ➯ Jungkook ♤ Jimin ♡ Yoongi ♧ Taehyung ♢ Namjoon ♡ Hoseok ♧ Jin
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rainesol · 7 days
TWST Main Cast Pride Headcanons!!!
Compiling all of my personal twst gender/sexuality headcanons into one post 💪
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Disclaimer: I won’t bother with a DNI, however I won’t indulge any discourse or homo/trans/aphobia on this post. You will be blocked and promptly clowned on in the group chat. o7
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Riddle Rosehearts:
Riddle is an interesting character to me. I don’t think he’s the type to put a label onto his sexuality, but I headcanon bi with a female preference. Gender identity wise, I think within the current storyline he is satisfied with he/him pronouns. Best way to put it into words is that I think he’s nonbinary and uses he/him, but doesn’t have a label for that either. After finding out the custom, he always introduces himself and gives his pronouns.
I choose to interpret his line about enjoying the way his heels click as gender euphoria that just went unrecognised. At the time that I’m writing this, the Lost In The Book event isn’t out on en, but through this translation, you can see that any problems he had with the outfit came from the amount of skin shown rather than the actual presentation. I wholeheartedly believe that if he had been magical-girled into a sundress he’d have been totally cool with it.
As an extra note, I’ve seen a couple of transfem Riddle headcanons that I love. I’d love to see more fics with that concept in the fandom. Or I could do it myself lol.
Ace Trappola:
We know that Ace has canonically had a girlfriend in the past, and found her boring. Not nice. He also says that he decided that dating was a pain and he prefers just hanging out with his friends. I get it. I’m aroace and I’ve confessed that I’m biased and projecting 😔 But like. Come on. I’m choosing to interpret him as aromantic/arospec. Let me cling on to the representation that I made up in my head. I don’t have any specific gender headcanons on this guy. I just view him as cis. He/him.
Deuce Spade:
Deuce is another guy I don’t have much for </3 I usually view him as a gay man in my head? He/him pronouns, cisgender. I think he’s surprisingly more open to gender non-conformity than people expect of him, though. (For instance, the ballet lessons.)
Cater Diamond:
It’s canon in the jp server that Cater has interest in dating both men and women. I’m with everyone else in viewing him as canon bisexual. I headcanon him as having a male preference, but sometimes that changes.
It’s obvious what I’ll say about his gender, but for sure under the nonbinary umbrella. We all saw the guitar strap. Maybe demiboy? He/they. Cater is very online, and considering that the nonbinary flag is ten years old, he or his elder sisters might remember its creation.
Anyways, here’s the nonbinary flag colour picked from his club groovy, and the bisexual flag picked from his Halloween groovy! :D
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Trey Clover:
Trey is typically a cis dude in my head. (He/him) He's the supportive older brother type, so I imagine that he keeps the Heartslabyul public bathrooms stocked on pads. I don't know how helpful he would be with advice, but he'll hear you out or refer you to the guidance councillor if that's what you want o7 I don't think the NRC guidance councillors are much help though. Maybe just speak to your homeroom teacher.
I hc that Trey likes men and women with no preference, but just isn't very vocal about it. It'll come up in casual conversation, but I don't think he'd see the point in telling someone unless it was relevant. You'd be having a casual convo with him in the common room, and he might make a reference to a guy he had a crush on in secondary school. Cue SnapCube 'Woah, he's bisexual, I didn't know that!'
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Leona Kingscholar:
I've seen so many 'token cishet' Leona headcanons that I cant help but to absorb it a little. I do have another headcanon that he experiences some same-sex attraction, but he's got such high standards that he rarely notices any attraction at all. He/him. Maybe poly cause lions?
Jack Howl:
MLM demisexual/romantic truther. (He/him or he/they) I don't have many headcanons for the Savanaclaw trio <//3 if you see/make any please feel free to tag me!! I love reading I love information I love headcanons‼️
Ruggie Bucchi:
Either transmasc or the personification of the 'I'm probably nonbinary but I have a job so idrc about that rn'. I usually picture him with He/him or he/they. Perhaps a rare they/them if you so desire.
Pansexual, his only preference is hard workers on their grind 💪 Between you both you could create an empire of part-time jobs. I've also seen one or two poly headcanons with him that I enjoy. Dividing the bills between the whole polycule lads come on. We're eating good this week.
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Azul Ashengrotto:
I cannot lie, I don't have anything on this guy. There's nothing to be said yk. Like, he's just there in my head and there's not much else I can add. I tend to agree with the MLM headcanons. I also picture him as demisexual/romantic sometimes. Not always. He's the best in the school at remembering pronouns. He updates his secret file on you right away.
Gender wise, I always just enjoy whatever the fanartist/fic writer shows me. I default to he/him. Ursula was based on a drag queen! I think that there should be post-canon/book 3 Azul drag personas. Now I'm picturing a drag design. She/her/he/him for that.
Floyd Leech:
Asexual and panromantic. I think Floyd uses any pronouns, depending on his mood. I headcanon genderfluid, but he typically keeps near the masc end of the spectrum. Not always. The basketball club made colour-coordinated bracelets so that they can easily tell whenever Floyd's preferences have changed. Blue for he/him, pink for she/her, yellow for they/them. Open for combinations of those three, and no bracelets for when he has no preference :D
Jade Leech:
Asexual and gay. I headcanon that he always introduces himself with he/him pronouns, but at the same time I picture him being cool with any pronouns. In classic Jade fashion, he will be generally unnerving about your choice. Like 'Oh? Is that your choice? ...Fascinating :)'
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Kalim Al-Asim:
I don't have many headcanons on him specifically, but he'll totally pay for your HRT. Like Trey, he and Jamil keep Scarabia stocked with menstrual products. Kalim has a LOT of siblings, so he's seen a lot of different kinds of people :D He's got a ton of older brother advice. I see him with he/him pronouns, and MLM.
Kalim is a very supportive friend. Always excited to learn new things about his you. Also, those parades he throws? I bet he's (Jamil's) organised an NRC pride event. If I had the skills and patience, I'd draw that idea. If anybody does, tag me o7 I wanna see.
Jamil Viper:
Jamil is a very well prepared man. As I mentioned above, he's the one that puts Kalim's plans into action. He keeps Scarabia stocked on everything, he's technically still an older brother, but I don't see him as having that dynamic with anyone other than his sister. He's still a supportive friend, though :D
I headcanon Jamil as bi, usually with he/him pronouns.
I once had a transfem au Jamil idea way back when I was 17, but I haven't given it much thought since. Maybe I'll bring the au back someday?
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Vil Schoenheit:
Vil has A LOT of headcanons, theories and interpretations in the fandom. Vil is canonically a very gender nonconforming character, using typically gender neutral pronouns, being comfortable in his gender identity and presentation, and is very open to wider interpretations of gender outside of what is stereotypically considered 'masculine' or 'feminine'.
Surprisingly, I've got no proper headcanons on a set gender identity for him. There's already so much canon info within the series, that I just haven't given it much thought. I think he defaults to he/him pronouns, but is perfectly comfortable with anything. Keeps Pomefiore stocked and educated, and he's very well taught in makeup that can make you appear feminine OR masculine.
Similarly, I don't really have any label-specific headcanons for his sexuality. I normally interpret him as MLM. Vil is one of the characters that I'm always interested to see discussions about. His views on gender identity are pretty refreshing to see in modern media.
Epel Felmier:
Epel my friend! Another character that I like reading interpretations of. Again, I always give him he/him pronouns. He also had a lot of canon information on his views of gender norms. His character arc is honestly one of my favourites.
I typically picture that he’s attracted to multiple genders. I’ve seen a lot of interpretations where he mistakes his attraction for jealousy. A lot of “do I want to date him or be him?”
Another au/headcanon I’ve seen a lot of is transmasc Epel. I know a lot of transmasc people see themselves in him. That’s awesome.
Rook Hunt:
This guy! I see him as pansexual but also on the aromantic spectrum. Hear me out. In his suitor suit he has one (1) singular line about not being ready for marriage yet. Like obviously, he’s eighteen, but it just made the projecting side of my brain whir. I now see him as the type to like the idea of romance, just not for himself. Doesn’t mean that I don’t like seeing art/ships that go against this, but that is a hc I hold dear now.
He/him pronouns, but this guy loves to discuss peoples gender identity and interpretations of gender. Sit down with him and a cup of tea, and he’ll listen and talk for hours about how you both feel. Be warned that he may take notes. Mirror pronouns Rook? Oh wait. I like that. Mirror. Like Snow White.
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Idia Shroud:
I typically see Idia as aroace with either little or no attraction. I like the headcanon that he doesn’t date at all, but I’ve also seen enough Silver x Idia to have another set of headcanons. I like both :D I’ve never seen him as not aroace though.
I do kind of wish I had his Suitor Suit sometimes. Every other line is something I’ve definitely said before. Like, the only time he shows any interest in dating is through video games and manga with characters that aren’t him. That’s so me irl you guys don’t understand. I would die happy if twst had canon aro/ace rep.
I think Idia’s the type to only use different pronouns online. Maybe with Ortho, too. He/they online and with close family. Everyone else knows him as he/him. I said that Cater might remember the nonbinary flag’s creation. Idia does. He was on twst tumblr to witness the creation of many flags.
Here's the aroace flag picked from the Suitor Suit card! :D Very pretty.
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Ortho Shroud:
Ortho is downright fascinating to pick apart. Pre book 6, I doubt Idia programmed a sexuality into him. Like it would even be possible. Then post book 6, after he gains a soul/sentience, I think he and Idia would have had a talk about him now having the choice to one day explore his gender identity and orientation (if he so desires). I think Ortho wouldn’t have any interest in dating, though.
Confessional time. Before wiring this I had the random thought of “In second year Ortho downloads she/they.zip and gets a new body made”. I never meant to pay much kind to it but now I can’t let it go. Like I’ve been accidentally referring to Ortho as she in front of friends. I have a future design in mind. I have additional headcanons about this design. It’s completely taken over. If I ever post that redesign is beyond me but it’s there in my head and it won’t leave. Fem!Ortho future au. Idk if anyone would hear me out there.
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Malleus Draconia:
Another character I enjoy multiple interpretations of. One interpretation I have of him is cupiosexual/romantic. The other is demisexual/panromantic. Either way, the concept of a qpr would make him so excited that it doesn’t rain for days on Sage’s Island. The grass withered.
Malleus is old. Not mentally, but chronologically. He’s seen language change a couple of times, and he grew up with people even older than him. He was born in the mid 1800s equivalent. Thon is one letter off of thorn. See where I’m headed? The use of thon/thons was first recorded in the 1850’s. Gender neutrality is not a new concept to him.
If you asked for his pronouns, I feel like he wouldn’t immediately understand. Like, he calls himself I. Me. Sometimes if he’s with someone we. Did you want all of those too? Oh, just the ones you call him./j
Anyways twisted wokeland au where Malleus allows Yuu to make up a name and set of pronouns for him because he refused to introduce himself/j
Another guy I never considered. Mayybe also on the aroace spectrum? I think he’d be happy in a qpr. I think he’s not the type to question it. He just goes with whatever he feels. I’ve not got much lol.
Sebek Zigvolt:
Demisexual/romantic and he/him pronouns. Again, I’ve not thought much on him. I think it takes him a long, long journey of self-discovery though.
Lilia Vanrouge:
Again, Lilia was born a LONG time ago. He was born in the early to mid 1300s equivalent. He’s seen so much change since then, and he’s been through a lot of character arcs. I think I’m justified in headcanoning him as an unlabelled king. If he likes a girl, awesome. He likes a guy? Cool. I think it’s common to hear him refer to himself in a dead language. Baby girl, he has heard pronouns you could not comprehend.
If you ask his gender or sexuality, you’ll get some vague dad gestures, and a ‘you know what I mean’ nod. You don’t. You won’t.
Book 7 spoilers, but I hope that they keep the mlm implications in for the en translations. They’ll probably pull a Cater and write out the canon bi implications though. Heartbroken.
Thank you for reading to the end of my ramblings o7 If anyone else makes pride themed posts please feel free to tag me!! I would love to see them!
I really like the subtle ways these things are portrayed in the story. Especially within the world building. We know that is generally societally acceptable for men to wear makeup and dresses in TWST, and there’s canon development of language changing over time in a gender neutral way! (Witches and wizards -> mages. Suck on that, Rowling.)
@tixdixl @cyanide-latte @the-trinket-witch @thehollowwriter @elenauaurs
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pompompuriina · 4 months
Who are your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters each from Jujutsu Kaisen and Fairy Tail? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments each from both series? Thx :D
yippeee thank you for the askkk :3 here's my top 5 from jjk:
1. okkotsu yuta, fell in love tbh like i was reading the manga and watching season one in 2020 so when yuta was revealed in s1 (v briefly) i got interested and picked the manga up and ooh la la 😻😻 15 year old me was so captivated by this guy like wdym he's super strong, handsome and also an absolute gentleman??? he's literally my bf please 😕💔 i have a type and i'm not ashamed (dudes that are nervous and shy and look like absolute losers but could actually wreck your shit yes sir)
2. nanami kento; bro IS HIM HE GETS ALL THE BITCHES 😤😤 he's lit a gentleman, makes good money, strong AND he's got great looks???? mans cured my daddy issues INSTANTLY, and in season two??? i was going absolutely FERAL oh nooo season two nanami save me season two nanamiiiii
3. geto suguru, are you noticing a pattern here have you seem this guy, like bro was still him even after he defected wdymmm his high school persona is what got me tho 🤭 i can see why he was more popular than gojo, i like adult geto just as much thou because oh my ghee i need that hair routine
4. zen'in mai AND maki, listen bro, i fucking LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE THE SISTERS. idc. i'll stay defending mai, y'all just don't get her like i do y'all domt get her like iiii doooooo 😫😫 i may be a little more biased towards mai because liek i relate to her sm on a different level but hey, sisters. love those two. lit me.
5. mahoraga. i will not elaborate. all ima say rn is: hear me out.
for fairy tail here's my top five and why i love them sm :3
1. erza scarlet, queen is SLAYING. girl's power is literally to serve absolute cunt while beating the living shit out of you??? what's NOT to love about erza? she rightfully has the title as the fairy queen 🤭
2. lucy heartfilia, tbh she's up there because i wanted to spite the immature little boys in the fandom that hated lucy because she was "weak" (bffr my queen is NOT weak) but i actually grew to like her character a lot because lucy has shown herself to have amazing character development, like you go girl
3. jellal/mystogan, listen man i'm an absolute sucker for this guy, he has me on a chokehold 😞 "it was the color of your hair" sir please, sir PLEASEEEE NOTICE ME I HAVE RED HAIR (my hair is pink) (that's it, that's the reason he's so handsome)
4. zeref. ZEREF IS SO UNDErLOVED. when i said i liked guys who looked absolutely pathetic and look like losers i was NOT joking 💀 bro looks like he listens to pierce the veil or panic at the disco (their old music) and vent to the sadder songs but would absolutely fucking destroy you in one touch 😭
5. ok this is controversial...but acnologia. listen. listen. his human form?? just like mahoraga. hear me out. i will not elaborate.
i don't really have a top five moments from either show, unfortunately :( both are equally amazing to me and there's just too many scenes to pick from, i'd be writing an essay 😭 if i had to choose from one thou, from fairy tail is when natsu sees erza crying and absolutely loses it and jjk is actually in the intro of the first season, where itadori is recording everyone it's just so sweet :( the calm before the storm
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chynandri · 9 months
Why Ibara Would Pretend to Pick Up If a Toddler Handed Him a Fake Phone
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So you may have read my two previous posts about Ibara: An Analysis on Whose Bed is Whose in the Tsumugi and Ibara Section of their Dorm and Additional Thoughts About Ibara & Aesthetics (You don't need to read those to understand this one. Just thought I'd plug them in 🙂) This post is a bit sillier. As if the two other posts weren't silly enough as it is, I'm going even sillier - so this one is definitely not meant to be taken as seriously. The title is another random thing I saw going around on Twitter months ago where people claimed their fave character would pretend to pick up the phone or not if a toddler handed them a fake phone. Frontline Watchdogs came out on Engstars recently and I believe it is very relevant to this question!
Ibara WOULD pretend to pick up the phone if a toddler gave him one and this is WHY!!
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One of the many great scenes from Frontline Watchdogs that stood out to me is after Ibara pushes Mary too hard by exercising her too much and she ends up needing an IV. He intended to let Mary rest in Hiyori's dorm as the scent of her owner would be comforting.
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However, Kanata and Rinne (Hiyori's dormmates) prove to be chaotic presences in the dorm: Kanata wants to feed Mary raw fish, and Rinne wants to use a giant isopod plushie to play with her. Needless to say Ibara does not deem this a suitable place for Mary to rest properly! And how does Ibara choose to get out of this situation??
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...by pretending Mary TALKS to him. The cartoon-like comedy of this gets to me every time... just WHAT was Ibara's thought process?? It's like saying 'oops, I left the oven on at home'?
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Surprisingly, this works and Ibara saves Mary from Rinne and Kanata. I'm mentioning all this because the next image below is extremely relevant.
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What's this? It's Ibara petting the stuffed Daikichi toy in office mode. Let me emphasize PETTING. He crouches down and PETS him. As if he were a REAL DOG...
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There's actually two different interactions the idols will have with Daikichi (and most plushies in general, it seems). There's the idols who crouch down and pet the plushie, and - as Tomoya is demonstrating here - there's idols who lift the plushie. You could say... he holds it like a toy, in comparison to Ibara's petting. It's my hc that the idols who pet the plushie like to pretend that the plushie is a real representation of Daikichi and treat it as such. The idols who lift the plushie, they see and treat it as it is: a toy.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── (Optional thoughts: Another aspect is my personal interpretation that Ibara simply cannot be evil to people who are smaller than him. There's him feeling bad about potentially ruining Hajime's reputation in Bogie Time, being a nice teacher in Ibara Lecture, helping Mitsuru find the bread flavoured soda ((despite how weird it is that he wants... Bread flavoured soda)), and helping Tori calm down when they were stuck in an elevator.
Notably most of the people I listed are shorter and younger than him. He is a nice senpai overall. Kohaku... well... Kohaku is not like other kids... lol??)
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── Anyway… this is the insane and extremely Ibara-biased, probably not strongly informed connection and conclusion I'm making: Ibara is willing to pretend that Mary can talk, and he can pretend that the Daikichi plushie is real - therefore, the answer to the age old question!
Would he pretend to pick up if a toddler handed him a fake phone?
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I believe he would based on the 'evidence' I've laid out!!!! 🫵 I think this is a good opportunity to segway into other instances of Ibara's absurd and imaginative self, such as his literal mice-shaped drones in Vagabond that scurry around in the walls spying for him. He even uses one of them to exercise Mary. What sort of cartoon villain nonsense... And one of my fave quotes ever from his silly, silly mouth:
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I am endlessly in awe of Ibara's mind. As this post hopefully highlights, Ibara is so un-normal in ways that are so delightfully unexpected and he expresses it in full seriousness.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── Anyway, I guess the meaningful conclusion I can make from all this for you to all think about is that - as is mentioned here and there by other characters - Ibara has his moments that really reflect his age. Underneath the business man, 'adult' persona he uses to survive in the adult world, he can be an extremely silly teenager who pretends dogs can talk to get out of an awkward situation, mouse shaped drones are a good idea, that making people dress up as cows is a hilarious punishment, and was so upset at Nagisa not telling him about a toothache he wanted to brush his teeth for him. Although the damage has already been done with his awful childhood (or lack of), and with him being 18 he doesn't have many years left of being a teen anymore - I really enjoy the moments where he acts his age. It would do so much good for him to be able to be a kid, when he had little chance to be one at all.
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yandere-romanticaa · 9 months
Anna. Give it to me straight. As an Otome loving gal, out of 10 rate your top 3 Ikemen games and a brief description of WHY you’d recommend them? I see you talking about Ikemen and I wanna get into it but I don’t know yet.
Ok so, this is the order I started playing them because in truth, all of the Ikemen games are good in my opinion.
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This was, I believe, my first ever otome!! I actually started playing it because I saw that the voice actor for one of my top anime husbands, Mikaela Hyakuya, was in this game so I was SOLD, I just went in blindly.
I never turned back though.
In this game, through a freak accident the MC ends up going back in time to the Sengoku era and meets the actual warlords such as Oda Nobunaga, Mitsuhide Akechi and many others. She is trying to find a way to go back home and not fall in love with any of the warlords. Now, in case you don't know, the Sengoku era was the era in which Japan was united which meant that there was a lot of war and battling, which gives this game a bit of edge. All of the characters have this epic air to them, everything they do is for the greater good but then the MC shows up and just fucks it all up with her presence jahahaah
Personally, I'd give it a 7/10. Solid game but not quite as good as some other games. There is also a bonus to learn a little bit about Japanese history lmao!!
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Ah, here we are, to my personal favorite.
I'm biased, I'm a sucker for vampires, okay? I also find it so hilarious how this game takes some of the most famous people in history and turns them into cute anime boys which you can date. Seriously, just what game allows you to date Napoleon Bonaparte or Mozart?? Well, it's this one!! Here, the MC follows a mysterious man, Comte, through a door that sends her back in time to 19th century France. That's not all though!! She is stuck in a mansion full of these historical figures, who all happened to be hot vampires! They're all there for a reason and it's bloody amazing.
Can you tell that I love this game? Because I fucking love this game.
In my objective opinion, it's either 8.5ish/10, maybe even 9/10. I'm not good at rating, my apologies. But since I'm biased, I'll give it 10/10. I'm in love, leave me alone.
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This might just be the best game yet. The writing is very good here, it feels as though the developers keep pouring more and more love into each new game that comes out.
In this game, the MC lives in the fictional kingdom of Rhodolite. Whenever the ruler dies, a maiden with a fair and pure heart is selected to become "Belle", who has the duty of selecting the next ruler of the nation. She must become close with all of the candidates and understand them well in order to pick the right ruler. The catch?
Once the king is selected, Belle is not allowed to have any contact with the new king. Bummer, am I right?
There's a plethora of princes to choose from, even some from opposing kingdoms. My own bias is creeping in oopsie, but Gilbert is a treat. So is Kieth tbh. The world feels very real and fleshed out, there's always SOMETHING happening in the background which makes this game feel more alive, if that makes sense.
Dare I say, this game is a 10/10.
✨ PRO TIP! - For all of these games, if a character has different colored eyes, he's most likely a yandere.
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minlve0 · 2 years
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*°•.˜”*°•𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔅𝔞𝔯𝔟𝔦𝔢 𝔱𝔢𝔩𝔩 𝔶𝔬𝔲?*°•.˜”*°•
Choose one of the following pictures.
All the pictures are from Pinterest.
- If you liked it, do reblog.
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You are magical and you are powerful. Why do you doubt yourself so much? Who did that you? You have so much love inside you. But what use is that is you are too scared to give it to someone? Fall in love, let people in. There are so many who want to know you. You are special, don't be scared of pain that might never come. You are so strong, people admire your bravery. Good things are happening, pile 1. Don't hesitate to accept and go after it. You are magic, don't forget it. You have been blooming, turning your wounds into flowers. And the universe is proud of you for that. You have come a long way and it's time to rest and let go.
•You have everything you need to succeed. •You have been brave, but it's time to be soft. •You are my darling, and I won't let anyone harm you.
--you have a lot of messages. Listen to the universe. Someone wants to talk to you. It could be your spirit guides, your family or someone close to you.
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You are the moment!! You are confident, you are out spoken and no one can stop you. You are the person everyone wants to be or be WITH. Some people might be jealous of your aura. Jealousy is a normal human emotion but this is bitchy/hidden insecurity jealousy. You are mesmerizing and refreshing. There's something about you that's new or a unique. It can be your style, writing or just the way you express yourself. This might rub people off the wrong way, never let them stop you. You are here to shine. There's a scared kid inside you or used to. If you haven't yet, then nurture it. You are here to be confident enough to stand alone and not back down. You will have people around you, willing to have your back and fight for you. There's a strong soul connection/ tribe, bonded with shared troubles. You know how it feels to be alone, so you will never want anyone to go through that. You are a great companion to have. People will be lucky to have you in their life, once they put down their biases.
•Venus placements. •Air placements. •Pottery/ Clay /Art.
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You are a warrior. The person everyone wants to be friends with. You are protective over the people you care about. You might not open to a lot of people, but once you do, everyone can see your golden heart. You have a barrier around you. Not a lot of people pick up on that though. You are a sweetheart, worn down by love. You might be scared to be love again but it's going to be worth it soon. Someone's entering your life, equally fierce and protective. It can be a love interest, a friend or a new co-worker. Get ready for some excitement. You are a gem that a lot of people want a part of. Give yourself some of the love you readily give to strangers. You are deserving of the stars and more. You have a truly unique and loving soul. Capable of battling wars a lot of people can't, and loving intensity a lot of people crave to be on the recieving end of. Don't sell yourself short.
•Fire placements •Pink/Purple
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horizon-verizon · 12 days
those twt and tiktok fans used the the book description when it's convenient, bc it is said that rhaenyra was quick to anger, so are we going to say that she abused her children?? they are such short-sighed people. the maesters hated daemon targaryen, it was said by then that he fucked maidens, that he fucked nettles, they would have loved to paint D as an abuser to his family if existed a minimal sign of that. and this is why i'm so dissapointed in jj (i thought she was a book purist)
Anon refers to these tweets and retweets ladydragonjj made on the day the Daemon-Abuser-for-3-Seconds clip was made known on Twitter:
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There are also people going after Jacaerys, saying that it makes "sense" for him to turn out "abusive" as well towards women because he lives in a sexist world where noblewomen are breeders and "F&B is unreliable anyway":
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When before, it was just team-greens.
People--those who prefer PoV chapters just in most fiction esp after havign read the main series, misunderstood the point of having sources other than the MCs tell the MC's story(ies) OR those who never read the book--
Ozymalek, who I depicted answering JJ above first, had this to say in a tumblr post before they left tumblr (it's my reblog):
The Dance era in "Fire and Blood" is something that will fundamentally cause the feelings of cognitive dissonance. I think this is why people initially disliked this book when it first came out. It did not provide easy answers, it was written as a historical account, the in-universe historians were clearly biased. People, however, had trouble realizing who the historians are biased for and against. Team Green would have you think that "F&B" is biased against the Greens, because their allegiance as maesters clearly being to Hightowers notwithstanding, they could not evade simple historical facts: that most of the kingdom supported Rhaenyra, that Greens were horrendously misogynistic and that her usurpation was clearly wrong. That's why, approaching it from the "choose your favorite war criminal" point of view, it was difficult for Greens to accept that their preferred side is so cartoonishly evil - obviously bias must have been involved, even though the only pro-Black narrator of F&B is Mushroom, the rest are Greens. The maester's anti-Targaryen bias, however, manages to sneak in and mess with the reader's balance, causing said cognitive dissonance. It's hard to deal with it as a reader, let alone as a showrunner who's trying to adapt a story in which not everything is set in stone. They incorrectly assumed that, because they are constantly forced to question what is happening in the story, the bias is with the underlying idea that there was a correct side. As such, they assumed that all the inconsistencies result from maesters not choosing to view it that way. Ryan Condal repeatedly stated that he does not want watchers to pick sides, while George RR Martin embraces it and even encourages it (and I think that he himself has picked the Blacks). Such is our nature as human beings. So they decided that they have to balance the scales. Because Greens are poorly developed, they added more characterization for them that contradicts their book personas (abused child bride meow meow Alicent who is clueless about the plans that in the books she herself set in motion, for example) while simultaneously taking the characterization AWAY from team Black members.
I never saw JJ really sell or convey that she herself as a book purist. She just loves the books like many popular creators AND she likes the show even with some critiques here and there. Like a lot of popular creators. She and HallowedHarpy--very good explainers of canon, btw,, the latter esp for Dany's arc and being to Azor Ahai--are those who like HotD for what it is and continue to express reasons why fans should take chill pills for stuff released from the show or do not think of some things as "changes" bc of how the book is written as a historical propaganda tool. Or like some changes that they know are changes, like Rhaenyra's initial anti-warness or her fighting, which they both make a few persuasive points or I know where they are coming from to think so (like GRRM has made Rhaenyra too separate from battle by using the miscarriage thing [there were 3-9 months that Rhaenyra MIGHT have used to properly/fully recover from the stillbirth for her to be absent from Rook's Rest if we ignore the argument of how rulers were not always fighting bc it put them in danger...as what happened to Rhaenys & Aegon at Rook's Rest AND how Criston clearly planned that ambush, likely for her so I can't hate Rhaenrya for not being there but I dislike GRRM for writing that way]...but in the show idk/we don't know how long show!Rhaenyra will take to recover from her miscarriage/Visenya stillbirth either, since in the book, it's said that Rook's Rest happened not that long after the first black council...but time also works funky in the book, so 🤷🏼‍♂️).
Here are some thoughts I've taken down abt HH's convictions (italics are direct quotes and words used in video):
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It's from a tiktok called "Feminism: F&B Rhaenyra vs HotD Rhaenyra." I agree and disagree with some points (bc HERE, HERE, (authorial intent, how this is still a fiction piece), HERE, HERE, how we know abt Daemon v Aemond's fight despite no one being up there with them, how we know abt Aegon's 12 yr old "paramour" thru the green-sympathizer Septon Eustace, and just abt every post of mine with the tag "Rhaenyra's characterization" [in particular those where I defend *some* of her decisions]).
Nonetheless, I also don't think it's productive to go shame people for their thoughts...unless they are just (-ist). Even then, the energy.
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burnin0akleaves · 1 year
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Ranger Gathering Day 20: Change
Will. Apprentice, commander, ranger, husband, mentor. An orphan and a widower but also a son, brother and uncle. The apprentice of one of the most well-known rangers that have ever lived with a fame that rivals and even surpasses him. That Will. Will No-Name. Will Treaty.
Picked Will for this prompt because, well I am biased, but also because he is one of the characters that goes through change the most. When it comes to Will though I think people focus on the negative parts of change too much. Which is fair, we all love angst. But I think the message of "you get hurt, but you heal and at the end of the day live goes on" gets forgotten a bit, which is a shame.
Sure Will Treaty has suffered from trauma, a lot of trauma. But, he is more than that. I think what makes Will such a compelling character for so many people including me is the fact that he went through so much and didn't let it hold him back.
People focus on a specific point in Will's story and while they do that, they miss the fact that his story KEEPS GOING. He lost Alyss and he will probably never heal, but he can move on. And he does. He is hurt and there is a part of him that might forever feel empty, but that doesn't mean he can't enjoy life. Will Treaty wakes up every day knowing parts of him might never feel whole but he chooses to be happy and to live anyway. Staring at all the bad things that have happened to you and deciding to keep going no matter what is extremely hard but that man does it and if that isn't admirable and worthy of respect I don't know what is.
At the end of everything Will Treaty is a happy man. He is a hurt man AND he is a happy man.
(Talking more specifically here, Will is one of if not THE best ranger in the kingdom. Not only does he retain his smarts and courage from his younger years, he is the most experienced he has ever been and there is self-confidence there he couldn't have gained from anything except the passage of time. Will is at his absolute peak performance wise. YES this part didn't have to be included NO I DON'T CARE!! Middle aged Will Treaty is an absolute badass and I need more people to realize it! Change treats him well too.)
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Alright finally talking about the drawing here, the background is inspired by how oak leaves turn red during autumn thanks to passage of time. Obviously I took some creatives liberties with it, but that's because I think yellow, green and red are good colors to represent Will in general. Yellow symbolizes energy and youth in most cases, something that was heavily associated with Will even later into his life but especially in his childhood. Green is obviously the color rangers are known for, a part of Will that's extremely important to him. And red is a passionate, brave and even ruthless color. It is also one of the colors of Will's arrows.
Another little detail I want to point out is his nose!! Look at his nose! My nose bridge didn't develop until late into my teenage years, so I wanted to show a bit of his facial structure changing as well. It's barely noticable but it's there I swear, zoom in.
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terras-domain · 2 months
Which idol has your favourite:
Side Profile
Overall Body
terra's note: OMG, terra actually posting for once??!1!1?1!!!1? Yes I'm alive, not too well, but alive. Irl stuff hit me like a truck to the fact I wish I was hit by a truck (kidding ofc!) I'm sorry for not posting in months and I think I'll be more posty(?) after my uni stuff is over, which is like May. Peace for now <33
OMG I WANTED TO DO THESE TYPE OF ANSWERING SHIT FOR SO LONG THANK YOU FOR ASKING (although I imagined this being a few months back I'm just too stupid and on hiatus to even find it). But ANYWAYS, I'll try to answer the list without repeating any idols! Thanks again @toshareelsewhere for asking this btw, and so sorry if this took so long for me to actually answer it!
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I figured there's a really big pull for Yeji to be the best in the business when it comes to eyes, but me personally, there's nobody's gaze stronger than Minnie's. Like, you just know those eyes screams lust and I think it just gives her a really strong feeling from her when you're staring into her eyes. Not to mention how her eyes literally fit any type of contact lenses which makes her look very versatile and her eye colors really fun to watch every comeback cuz you know she'll rock each and every one of them.
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I'm a big mouth/lips enjoyer so there's so many I would choose ngl. So some honorable mentions are Wonyoung, Nayeon and Yeri. But Yunjin, oh Yunjin, my pookie bear, my sunshine....okay I'll stop my bad. Yunjin's lips and how she likes to show off her expression with her plump lips is just pure ecstasy. Like her lips alone just convinced me she'll give you the best blowjob you'll ever experience in your life and after.
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I mean, I'm biased here. I'm a Winter guy 100000000% of the day and I can't say her face is top tier. Like it's so sweet and pure, yet so sensual and hot at the same time. It definitely gets you feeling some type of way. Definitely one the best faces in Kpop, and maybe a perfect face to cum to aswell~
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I'm assuming bust is boobs, cuz I always get them mixed up with ass for some reason but since you also asked for butt, I'm guessing I'm on the money here. And is this a basic choice? Yes. But am I wrong? Definitely not. 10/10 bust.
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My absolute favourite tummy in the industry, and I believe there's a lot that's on the same boat on this one. Yoohyeon is also a popular pick if I remember correctly. But Sullyoon's is just so soft yet so defined, I don't know everything about her is amazing, especially her midriffs.
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Does this count as back? I'm not sure. But Yujin's back view is definitely a sight to see, like it's like the gates of heavens or something, idk it feels like you're getting free food or something lololol. But yeah, if in future she exposes it a bit more, like Momo's MiuMiu look, that is when you can start digging my grave.
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Man, another basic answer, am I just basic ;-; BUT(T), Yuna's ass sure is crazy. Like you don't see any other human rocking her body type, if this was the physique she was after, I'm sure she's proud she reached it <33 and for us, well, it's more ass content and more of her ass running around our heads all day 24/7.
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For some reason, at the time I'm doing this, I can't think of a better name for thighs than Hanni. I'm sure there's other good thighs in kpop but for some reason, all I can remember is Hanni's. Maybe I'm consuming too much Hanni nsfw posts but who knows. In the end, her thighs, are great thighs, would nibble on them after eating her out 10/10 definitely.
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Now I will say this, not the biggest feet guy, I honestly like thighs as the best feature in legs. So I was blanking here. I honestly just searched up every idol I know was lewded quite often for their pretty legs and BOOM, IU hit me the most. So yeah, my pick, is IU. I think it's the way she walks and how it's in the middle; like not too thick, not too thin and not too long not too short or something like that. Maybe I will indulge in more legs, feet related stuff in the future to find out about it even more, who knows right?
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Sana. End of discussion. But fr tho, how are you gonna compare to anybody else with Sana's side profile. It's just perfect. The way her nose, lips eyes, everything about her side profile is just perfection. The Minatozaki family had some extra love cooking the night they made her or something I swear to God.
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Another bias pick, yes I know. but it's fucking JIHYO! I can't say there's any flaws in this woman, absolute zero. From top to bottom, there's just nothing bad about her looks. If you combine every good feature to be looking like an idol, Jihyo has them all (tbf I think most, if not all idols has the perfect body in beauty standards) but Jihyo's is to me, the best built kpop idol. Any part of her is just cummable 100/10 she's a go to lewd, especially if you just met someone online and was like trying to lewd them an idol, Jihyo is probably one of your picks!
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vypridae · 5 months
anywayys requesting mori or tecchou or fyodor for the character thing [or bc you don’t need to do all of them pick and choose <3]
DOING ALL OF THEM i cant do the doodles i dont have the motivation for art rn i lied about that BUT ILL DO ALL THREE OF THEM
under a cut because these got LONG
first impression
honestly i think when i first met mori in the anime i was like oh hes sweet i like him . then it was the whole "woah port mafia boss!!!!" thing and i was like oh hes sweet and deadly i like him .
impression now
i love him soo much did you know. hes so fun hes just a silly guy . silly !!!
favorite moment
honestly the moment (from the manga specifically) thats stuck with me the most was the frame that he like, put tachihara's hd hat on his head and was like "you dropped something" it just STUCK with me
outside of canon manga stuff tho i love the little intersection in wan ep 11 that hes like "WHAT DID YOU SEND ME DAZAI ... THESE ARE ... SCARY!!!!!" like hes just so silly i love him
idea for a story
genuinely i do not think about story ideas enough to have a solid one for him but if it counts i often think about him accidentally stealing one of fukuzawa's scarves from That Era i forgot how old he was at the time . and then just keeping it . and fukuzawa finds out somehow . i love them shut up
unpopular opinion
uhhh liking mori in general FSJKHASJKHASFJKG like have you seen this fandom . 99% of the people here fucking hate mori with a passion . and just liking him is super controversial . aside from that though ive seen analyses (tending to be like "mori and pedophilia" or something along those lines) and honestly they make me feel like hes just being really uuuh whats the word. really abstract with how he says things i guess? like one in particular i remember was a word in the original manga (jap) and he said a word that means both "wife" and "thing by my side" or something like that, when theres so many different words he could have used if he wanted to be Creepy specifically. idk theres my mori opinion its so controversial i know block me if u'd like but i love him
favorite relationship
HAHA zskk . easily . love those dumbass gayasses
favorite headcanon
uuuuuh . probably trans mori honestly FJKHASDFGHADFG maybe im biased (trans) but like ... idk i am very biased about this
first impression
genuinely when i first met all of the hunting dogs i forgot all of their names immediately . as chapters went on though i think the two main things i remember thinking "hes adorable" and "hes in love with jouno 100%"
impression now
i . love him . so much . he is the silliest little guy ever and hes also me . also hes still in love with jouno btw
favorite moment
every one of them /j no but fr in specific i love the ant scene (it was one of the only ones i remembered from the manga after i read that chapter i think), the justice speech / kenji fight (GOD hes so cool) and when he gets hit by the car (that was THE FUNNIEST ever)
idea for a story
oh my god okay so imagine jouno is sick and tecchou is taking care of him . that is all
unpopular opinion
i dont actually think i have an unpopular opinion for tecchou . at least not one that i can think of???? like with tecchou i think most of my hcs line up with how a lot of the fandom talks about him
favorite relationship
favorite headcanon
he can cook !!!!! he can cook really well and i like to imagine even though he refuses to eat anything thats not the same color he likes cooking stuf he knows jouno likes and doesnt force him to eat any of his "weird" food combos because he knows jouno doesnt really like stuff like that so he cooks how jouno likes for jouno and how he likes for himself . UAHUAUAHGUA
first impression
i think i initially went "oh my god" when i saw fyodor . fell for him IMMEDIATELY and also initially hated fyolai???
impression now
still falling . now love fyolai . improvements !!!
favorite moment
YES. /j
in all seriousness, some of my favorite moments with fyodor are uuh
the dead apple scene where hes on the rooftop and goes "this is too much fun :)" because i think honestly that scene made me fall SO HARD . also he just looks really pretty there dont question me
time for happy group counseling hour !!!!!! hmm? hi everybody im your host fyodor dostevsky- okay hold up stop right there. whats the problem? exactly, what? exactly what what? ooooooooh . life counseling . < that whole scene
idea for a story
oh my god. ok so basically . connected oneshots but one member of fyosiglai is individually insecure for some reason and the other two are like FUCK NO YOU ARENT and love them and cherish and praise them until theyre like oguhgug
unpopular opinion
hes pretty i LOVE HIM hes SO PRETTY ive seen HUNDREDS of people say hes UGLY hes SO NOT UGLY i LOVE HI
(in all seriousness, ive seen a lot of people say he'd be like, an abusive manipulative awful husband / boyfriend / whatever, and i literally just cannot see that happening . like, i feel like he'd want the perfect world FOR his s/o, he fell for them for a reason sort of thing . idk maybe i just love him but hgjkahfjkahdfjk)
favorite relationship
fyosiglai. or fyodor and me /j (/hj)
favorite headcanon
UUUUUH UH UH UH UH UH OH MY GOD I HAVE SO MANY HCS ABOUT HIM I LOVE HIM hes a cat person thats one of my favorites . if there is a cat on his lap he will not move
i also love the idea that he cannot for the life of him play horror games because he gets jumpscared and screams and he HATES that bc "vulnerability bad" (nikolai likes when he plays horror games anyway he thinks its funny when he gets jumpscared and screams really loud)
actually scratch that . fyodor is just bad at video games because i love that idea . hes good at logic games but when it just comes down to "survive!!!" or "do this objective" or something i love the idea that hes just Dog Ass at it
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Hello again!
Okay I'm just here for a chat (if thats okay) (i think you're lovely!)
There are some stuff about the show that really bother me you know... First of all in season 4 What Happens to John Watson.. like he is simply characterized by loyalty right it is who he is, then HOW does he cheat on Mary?! (Okay granted that his heart was elsewhere... ahem. But he's just not someone who would cheat)
Also i think Mary shouldn't be a villain... i know she possibly looks like it messes up Johnlock but i think its the opposite actually. I think John is bisexual and his love for her was real but she was basically a Sherlock substitute who looked like him (John)! Plus, she was there when he was at rock bottom so. But what doesn't make sense is her shooting Sherlock in the chest?! What's up with that!
Okay but the Weirdest part is in the last episode when Sherlock has to choose between John and Mycroft and finally choses to shoot himself... BOTH John and Mycroft do Nothing?? HOW
AAAAA the Last Season was SO much angst.. i think this fandom saved me <3
In my head It was love at first sight... and then slowly falling head over heels crazy in love with your best friend and all of it culminating in the most beautiful TV Romance.
(okay im sorry i think i ranted a bit)
Hi Lovely!
Inbox is always open for a chat (even if it takes me a long time to get to it, LOL), so no worries!
Let's address each of you things one by one:
What HAPPENS to John Watson – Your guess is as good as mine, Lovely, and it's a lot of the reason a lot of us can't take S4 seriously. It feels so OOC for John to cheat on Mary with ANY other woman, other than Sherlock (hence it being part of the Alibi theory, this part of it referencing SHERLOCK as being the one John is actually texting in the night), so many of us just don't think that S4 is what it appears to be on the surface. Of course, it could all just be a coping mechanism to deal with how dirty a beloved series did it's fandom, but we take what we can get, honestly.
As for villain Mary, I have to respectfully disagree, only because I believe that I think they were setting her up in S3 to BE a kickass antagonist for S4. Amanda ALSO thought they were going that route for a bit until (my speculation) things went sour with MF, AND they built up her character as a psychopath imho. Then they made her character attempt a piss-poor redemption arc that just... really soiled S4 for me because I firmly believe that John would have NEVER forgiven Mary for trying to kill Sherlock after seeing what it did to him the first time.
But to your point: John is bisexual, yes, but I don't think he's biromantic. I think he's homoromantic, and it's VERY played up in the series that this is the case: his blasé attitude about ALL his girlfriends, but pouncing around the close men in his life like a puppy? Heck, if Lestrade was single, I have NO doubt John would have taken his chances with him too, LOL. John is horny. That's literally the gist of it. He likes sex, he doesn't care what hole it goes in, just as long as he gets it. But I do think he forms VERY strong attachments to men in his life, and in turn he gets hurt, so he pretends he's not into men because it's "just easier" (you can read more posts about my and others' thoughts on John's sexuality here). He was with Mary because he was lonely, and Mary played him like a fiddle. She knew what John liked, and played that up. I believe it's even explicitly stated she knows what John likes. They only knew each other 6 months, CONVENIENTLY just before Sherlock was on his way back? Even ANDERSON picked up on Sherlock making his way back to London. I believe she was a Moriarty plant to see if John knew Sherlock was for-real dead, and she herself enjoyed the game and stealing and keeping John for herself away from Sherlock was part of that game upon the return. So yeah, I really have a hard time believing she OR John actually loved each other. I dunno, again, personal biases and readings of the series, apologies, LOL. I spent a LOT of time analysing Mary's character arc. But I WANTED her to be the big bad for S4, and it just... fizzled and died.
And finally, on your point about the weirdness of John nor Mycroft opting to stop Sherlock, yeah, have to agree with you there. TFP was a goddamned clustereff of WTF moments and mischaracterizations of literally every character on-screen. The only character NOT in character was Eurus and that's literally because they didn't know what to fucking do with her. TFP was so dumb. I have a hard time believing any of it actually happened the way it did on-screen. But yeah, S4 was a big disappointment for everyone including the actors. I think they only people who thought it was great was Mofftiss and that's because they love the smell of their own farts. I can't believe that they GENUINELY thought TFP was going to be Emmy-worthy (for those unaware, they initially planned to nominate TFP for the Emmy, and instead chose TLD, I believe, after the poor reception of TFP, and acted like they were always going to nominate TLD lol).
Anyway, yeah, it was full of angst, though my reasons for it are probably different than everyone else's, LOL. But the fandom IS fantastic, and that's why we stay here, and why I choose now to curate fandom content. Makes me happy, and keeps me out of drama, LOL.
Thank you so much for giving ME the opportunity to chat and rant! It's been so long since I've done mini meta, and posted my thoughts about everything. I like chatting.
Hope you're having a wonderful day, and sorry again for the delay! <3
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sugolara · 4 months
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ft. yandere! Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
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It was the end of the week, and the class had begun to prepare their stalls and organize the classroom so it looked well. Shota had left to help the staff as they were all contestants. He wasn't biased, so he wouldn't choose his class in favor, only giving in points if they had done their best, though looking at them all, he could say that they have certainly done their best. 
In the far right corner was Momo's group, next to her and in the middle was Katsuki's group, next to his was Yuuga's group and on the other side was F/n's group. They had removed their desk to add space, leaving only three so that if someone wanted to enjoy their meal in the class they could do so. 
As Shoto and Tenya taped the banner to the poles of the stall, Ochaco's eyes twinkled as she placed a purple rock candy in a clear bag, "These turned out so cool! I didn't think this would actually work!"
"Yeah, I'm impressed." F/n pulled a green one out from a tray, the candy glistened from the room light.
"Where's Izuku?" The brown-haired asked, looking around only to not see him, "I thought he was just here."
Tenya let out a grunt as he stepped away from the banner, his arms on his hips as he looked at, "He went to the restroom. He'll be back in a bit."
Shoto held the corner of the banner, he looked at Tenya as he adjusted it, "Here?"
The one in glasses let out a hum, "A little bit lower."
"My arms are getting tired." The bi-colored male said as he moved his arm.
"It's almost there if you quit moving." The other male said, "A little bit higher."
F/n let out a chuckle when she heard Shoto let out a groan. She proceeded to pull out a tray from underneath the tables and removed the clear plastic. With her gloves on she picked up a citrus-zest lollipop and placed them on a lollipop holder.
The different shapes of the candy turned out well as the girl honestly thought it would look ridiculous. She had to thank Izuku for doing a wonderful job as it looked tasty. Her eyes moved to the classroom door and could see many people walking by with smiles painted on their faces. She wondered if with this many people, how would Izuku handle his anxiety. 
She should stay with him just in case he has a panic attack. She had to do something as she was the reason for inviting him to her friends group. 
"Finally." Shoto lifted his arm where his shoulder popped, "I could feel my arm lose its blood."
"The angle is still wrong." Tenya placed his hand underneath his chin, the other hand crossed around his chest, "It's crooked."
The male who helped him slightly glared at him, not wanting to help him any further, "Does it look noticeable from afar?"
Ochaco had gone to take a look, "It does if you pay real close attention to it."
"Then it's not our problem." He sat down on a stool, "We did all we could."
Just then Izuku came back, his school bag in hand. His form was a bit sweaty as he sat down next to Shoto. He fidgeted with his fingers, pulling down his sleeves as he tried to calm himself. 
Thankfully, F/n had noticed as she finished placing the candy gems in a glass container, "Shoto can you finish the rest? All we have left is the fruit wraps and caramels."
He nodded, letting the girl sit down next to the freckle male. She worriedly glanced at him before grabbing his hands and offering a comfortable smile, "You wanna check out the other classrooms? Tooru's group finished a while and they went to check out the others."
He had flinched when she grabbed his hand. He had held in a small hiss when his school blazer touched his wrist. He stared at her then to her lips, and nodded, "Yea, sure."
She then gently pulled him up and then exited the classroom, walking down the hall, "They really went all out, huh?"
He nodded, his eyes never leaving her, "Yeah..they did."
Before she could continue, Denki had swung by, placing an arm around her shoulders with a sly smile, "Since we're friends and all, you'll let me have one of your candies right? Free of charge."
She scoffed, "Dude, seriously? Don't think I haven't forgotten about how you made Izuku feel. He was uncomfortable."
Izuku and Denki stared at each other for a while, each of their minds replaying to that day. Denki would have apologized there, but he had to look away as he felt unnerved when the freckle boy narrowed his eyes at him.  
It almost seemed to Denki that Izuku knew something he didn't as he then offered a smile to him, a creepy smile. 
"Y-yeah, sure." Denki had removed his hand from her shoulder. 
"Dunceface, get over here!" Katsuki shouted as he held a box in hands, "We still have a lot of shit to do so don't even think about slacking off!"
The said boy rolled his eyes as he walked off. Though he was honestly glad to be leaving as he could feel the freckle male's eye bore into him.
The blonde only glared at Izuku when Denki had left. To F/n it seemed like two people hating each other, but little did she know that Katsuki knew something was mentally wrong with his old ex-friend. 
He had only called Denki because he saw their interaction. His ruby eyes briefly glanced down to his hands and then back to his emerald eyes while the freckle male's lips twitched into a smile, one that wasn't kind.
She felt uncomfortable as she watched, a tension that she didn't recognize though it almost felt familiar. She watched as the blonde let out a scoff, giving her a glance before shaking his head and walking off. 
She had forgotten they were in the hallway, until someone shoved her, apologizing. She then looked at Izuku, but was caught off guard as he was already looking at her, "...What was that about?"
He shrugged, pulling her further down the hallway, "He doesn't like me."
"Right, I figured that out." She said, letting the male pull her to where he wanted. Though she noticed that they were heading towards the school's stairs and that's when she stopped, looking at the male, "Where are we going? I hope you're not planning on ditching because of him."
Oh, dear, it seemed like he was once again acting out of impulsiveness as he had a place in mind. He looked down to his shoes, his eyes narrowing in tiredness until he looked at F/n, a blush coating his cheeks, "Sorry. I just need fresh air and I wanted to be..with you."
"I understand." She said, looking down at the stairs, "I felt like being around this many people your anxiety would worsen, so I tried to help clear your mind."
She's so kind, isn't she?
She really cares about him, but how far was she willing to go?
"Hey, F/n..." When he heard her hum, he continued, his mouth slightly opening unsure if he should tell her right here. He shook that thought away, his blush coating his cheeks, "...Do you..l̴̶̶̷̷̶̷̸̶̴̷̢̢̢̡̧̡̧̡̛̛̻͇̣͚̙̜̫̼͈͇̩͈̙͖̞̖̖̩͈̱͈͇̟͙̱͙̲̮̯̰̗̮̥̠̮͈͈͎̲̟͈̬̟̐̃̑͌̑͒̍̿̆̋̏̈̋̀͗̽̇͌͊̈́̆͋́̌̔͑̔̈̿̓̀͑͗̋̕͘͘̚͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅǫ̵̸̵̶̴̸̷̷̴̴̸̶̸̷̴̸̶̸̢̢̡̢̡̡̛̛͚̲͚̞͉͙̮̭̮̠̲̳̖͉͙̯̯̣̞̫͖͔͍̮̗͎͇̘̦͉̳̺͈̙̟̰̩̰̰̦̬̣͍͚̳̣̬̱͇̮̼̙̜̰̞̩̠̝̟̥͖̬͎̙̖̼͉̝͔͙̗̝̱͓̹̜̖̤̻̦͔̰̃̒͆̅́̽͛̌͛̊͋̌̓́̐̂̃͐͌̓̆̊̓̉́̋̈͑̇̀̓̀̈́͊̂̉̊̈̀͆͌̂̈́̐̏̀͌̃̄̃̾̋̾̎̓̐̃̈̔̿͒̇̐̾͊̂͆̓͆̒͆͗͌̀͋͊̃̈̒́̈́̽͂͋͋̾͗̓̍̔͑̂̒̅̈́̚̕͘̚̕̚͠͝͝ͅͅv̶̷̸̴̴̴̵̷̶̸̵̶̴̶̵̶̷̸̢̨̢̧̡̡̧̨̧̢̧̧̛̛̛̛͖͈̤͇͔̝͕͍̗̖̬̳̝̻̩͉̘̩̥͎̻̜͖̺̖̭͚͍̭̩̤̠̜̝̙̪̳̲̦͎͈̼͖͕̝͓̼̦̙͕̮͖̺̻̩͚̻̤̣̠̭̺̝̺͙͉̪͍̮̭͕͚̤̘̙͎̼͈̻̟̦̋͌̔̅͊̊̃̈́͒͐́͂̇̃̈́̊́̀͊̓̑̒͗͂̇̈̏́͒̿͋̅̔͑͐͛̌̃͌́̀̔̿̆̒̒̂͐̅̆̑̀̎̒̋̒̊̓̍͗̒̃̉̒̐̃͒͋̉͂̕̚̚̕̕̕̚͘̚͘̕͜͜͝͠͝͠͝͝ͅͅę̵̴̶̶̶̵̷̴̴̶̶̴̷̸̸̸̷̷̵̢̢̡̡̧̨̡̡̧̛̛͖̫̪̣̰͖̲̹̦̤̙̺̝̻͔̞̩̬̦̬̬̯̺̜͙̼̺̪̘̟̩͖̪̤͔̦̘̗͕̣͇͖̪̯̩̥̻͈̘̠̫̥͉̺̮̫͔̦͎̼̬͉̻̳̙̘̻̖͕͓̗͈̳͓͍̟̯͚͖͈̮̺̮̳̱̹̻͎̙͚̺̻̩̩͖͑͂͐̓̊̓̅͗̓̉̃̊̓̃̅͂̽͗̑͂̈́̋͆͒̅̊̅̇͛̽̄̉̊̈̉̉̊̿͆̅̋̊̈́̇̍̎̈̽̽̈́̉̈̇̅́́͗̓̔͊̾̈́͆͌͛̈͐͊̓̂́͗̈́́̀̃͊̄̔̒̿̑̀̌̽͛̓̋̓̇͗͂͛̂̅͐̀͗̐͛̈́͌̿̚͘͘͘͘̚̕͜͜͜͜͝͝͠͠ͅͅ ̶̶̵̸̵̶̵̶̴̶̴̴̧̡̢̨̧̢̨̢̛̛̛̛̳̣͉͇̺̞͚͖̝̠̥͚͍̹̖̲̭̹̰̝̣̳͖̮͔͚̤̖̦̦͍̣̲̩̺͖̲͍̤̭͔͖̯̝̳̝̠͔̯̪̤̰̺̙̮̇̆̎͑̍́̑̀̄͛͑̇̐͛̈͆̉́̒́͌͛̋̋̌̆͒̎̎̎͗̈́̏͛͗͗͌̌̃͌͛͗̆͗̉̅̐̈́̋́͊̎̽͑̒̕̕̕̚͜͠ͅͅͅͅm̶̵̴̷̵̵̶̡̧̨̧̢̧̖̰̱̰̮̤̱̙̺̮̖͇̼̳͙̮̩̺̘͖̼̹̞̹̹̺͋̽̊̒̅́̀̈̆̈́̍͛͑̄̀̊̍̿͒̆̓̾̓͗̔͆͑̍͑̕̕͜͝͝͝ͅę̸̴̸̸̶̶̶̵̢̢̛̭͉̻̖͔̯̮̭̟̜̦̻̣͖̩̮̺̥̲̠̱̭̳̹̞̼̯͓̮͇̬̺͚͇̙͙̤̠̳̤̜̟͈̃̐̑̃̔͂̇̎̀̈͐̏̽̊͊̂̓̈̂̒̄̿̃͊̔͑̿͌̈́͆̆͊͋͂̊̄́͒̚͘͜͜͝͠͝͝ͅ?̵̴̴̸̵̸̴̸̶̸̶̷̴̵̶̶̷̸̴̢̡̧̡̧̢̢̡̡̧̢̛̛̛̻̱̫̤̯̺͍̯̖͚̻̺̼̳̭̙̤͇̭͉̼̻͙͓̱̟̞̦̱̙̫̪̤͇̩̩̙̤͍͔̟̟͓̟̝̫̭͕̹͕̳̥̫͙̜̼͍͙̹̺̰̤̠̜̗̹͙͇̖̗͈̝͓̮̺̣̘̼̭͖̻͉̘͍̼̟͙͍͙̲̺͖̯͙͖̻̞̈́͗̂̅̍͂͒̔̉́̄̍͂͆́̂͒̔̅̎̀͒͐̂̈̃̂͂̅͋̋͑͒́͋̽̆͊̽̂̐̒̅́͐́͆̀͛͒̐̿̆̈́͆͋̈̇̄̄̀͊̄̕̕̕͘̕̕̚͘͜͜͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅͅ"
She looked at him, her eyes boring into his eyes, "Another sleepover?"
He nodded, placing his injured arms behind his back, "..Yeah..It's just, I feel safe with you and you're my...friend."
She hummed, her eyes never leaving him and she failed to notice what her stare was doing to him as he sifted in his spot, his blush darkening, "I guess, yeah. Why not? Should we invite the othe-''
"No!" She jumped and he apologized, "Sorry. I just want it to be us together. I kind of don't feel the same with others like I do with you."
She shouldn't have let that comment go over head as she nodded, "Okay, Just us two. That's fine. You can come over whenever you want."
He smiled. 
"My dad will also be there, but he won't come home till late, so I hope you don't mind."
"That's okay."
"You should let your mom know. I wouldn't want her worrying."
"You're too kind, of course I will let her know."
She smiled and pointed behind her, "We should go. I think the group is finished setting up the stall."
He nodded, but his eyes widened as he reached in his back pocket, "Oh, wait! I forgot to give you something."
She watched as he grabbed a red flower shaped lollipop, "Oh, did you make this?"
"Yeah. I made this one for you." 
He handed it to her, his eyes watching as she took the plastic wrapper off.
"I hope you don't mind that it might be sweet."
She chuckled. 
"That's fine."
His heart paced and his wrist tingled as she took a bite out of it. He was thinking that she would lick it, but to see her chew and hear the candy break as her teeth cracked it, made it even better.
She licked her lips, humming, "This is really good."
If only she knew what he added.
His heart felt like it was doing flips as he blush profusely, "Th-thank you!"
"Yeah, no problem." She said, "Anyways we should get going."
He quickly followed after her, his blazer touching his bloody wrist hurt, but he didn't mind it now that she took his gift. 
It wasn't long that they both entered the classroom. Everyone was in their spot, waiting for the teachers to come judge them. Some sat with their phones out while the other stood  acting professional in case the judges had a category for being presentable. 
Ochaco sat next to Izuku, "You did really well with the lollipops. I like that you did shapes with them and not just circles."
"Oh, thanks." He said, his head turning to her.
She blushed from his attention, "Of course! I'm seriously impressed with your skills."
Maybe using her would be an advantage for the boy. He smiled, of course unbeknownst to her it wasn't real, "My mom actually helped me make some. It wasn't easy as I had ended up making a mess."
"Ah! You should have asked me to help!" She pointed to the rock candies, "I made those and they turned out really well."
He eyed them, "Yeah...I'm impressed."
"Right?" She chuckled, inching closer to him. Her heart seemed like it was bursting the more she talked to him. Even if it was her holding the conversation, she didn't mind as much, though with her closed eye smile she hadn't noticed his eyes wandering to the group in front of them.
His dull eyes staring at a particular boy who ignores his friends, playing on his phone so the time would pass by. He wondered if the blonde could feel his eyes on him, but little did he know Katsuki could.
He was uncomfortable, his eyes only stared at his phone screen as he replayed that day back in middle school, where his feelings for the freckle male changed.
He then slowly glanced at Izuku, his eyes narrowing at him. He would have grinned when Izuku looked away, feeling like he won at their staring contest, but instead he was just worried. 
He could see F/n from the corner of his eyes, talking to Izuku. If anyone were to be close to him it would be her.
So here’s a thought. How long will it take for things to take a drastic turn once he shares everything about his dear old friend?
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relentless-endurance · 4 months
asking them about their family for wolmeric!!
"You know, Lauri, I've been meaning to ask..."
Aymeric softly cut in to the silence of the morning, pulling Lauriene from idle thought. Many a morning she spent overlooking Ishgard, watching the sun rise, but not nearly as many were spent in his company; so she did not mind the interruption.
"Huh, what is it?" She'd shift, leaning against the bench as she faced him, tilting her head.
He'd turn to look at her, smiling a bit. "I know you're from Ishgard, but the family name is only vaguely familiar to me; I was curious to learn more about them."
She would smile a bit, glancing outward over the view briefly before turning to look back at him apologetically. "Sure, though I hope you forgive me for dampening the mood a bit."
He looked at her quizzically, leaning forward a little bit and gesturing for her to continue. "It is alright. I asked."
"Well," A pause and a sigh. "As you're well aware, I am a daughter of Ishgard. A child of the Brume, no less."
A nod, a bit of a smile. "I remember - that history has been instrumental in many of our efforts."
She'd nod in turn. "Mhm. Well, it was me, my mother, and two elder brothers growing up. Never knew my father, I was always told he died before I was born, but the way my mother and brothers talked about it - I think he abandoned us."
Aymeric's expression would darken briefly - but he said nothing, gesturing for her to continue. A request that she would oblige.
"At any rate, that meant it was up to my mother alone to care for us growing up - she worked in the Crozier as a seamstress, though she could never find anything steady. So when each of us became old enough, we had to start working what odd jobs we could as well. My brothers mostly took up hunting, but I usually did odd jobs for the craftsmen in the Crozier." She'd tap her foot. "Hence why picking up a new craft is pretty easy for me."
"I'll spare you the worst of it, but essentially - we had to work, or we would go hungry. And we often had to choose between eating and other necessities. We managed to scrape by, but never really thrived. My mother - bless her heart - still did what she could to allow us space to be normal children, but we never really were."
Aymeric's expression had hardly changed, though there was clearly sympathy there; but again he did not interrupt.
"And when I was about sixteen, my mother  took ill. Working and working with little rest, little time to care for yourself properly, took its toll. The sacrifices she made to ensure our well-being had caught up with her. She died before my seventeenth birthday."
At this point, her hands were in her lap, clenched tightly into fists. He took one of them, squeezing gently and not letting go. Bold, but welcome. "And what of your brothers?"
"They were men grown who could hold a blade, so they'd gone from hunting to mercenary work. It was better coin than we were used to, but it was also rather dangerous. There was a contract they'd taken that had gone badly; and they never returned to me. I was bout eighteen - and that was about the time I decided it was time to leave Ishgard."
"And thus you set on the journey that took you down the Path of the Twelve all those years ago..."
She stared at their hands, nodding. "There was nothing for me here at that point. I would have lived and died the same way my mother did. I- I yearned for more."
Unintentionally, she was pretty sure, his thumb would stroke the back of her hand. Softly, he said. "That path brought you full circle, though. And for my part, I am quite glad it did."
"As am I." Lauriene felt heat rise in her cheeks. She was never certain if he did that on purpose or not. "And building a better life for my own daughter to boot. I think my family would be proud of me."
A squeeze of her hand, and he would let go, locking his gaze onto her and smiling warmly. "I think they would be."
"You might be biased." She laughed softly. "After all, I am your favorite."
"And I still believe what I said." He would laugh in return, and she was reminded once again how much she loved that sound. "But it is true. You are very much my favorite."
Her face would flush bright red yet again.
"You stop that, Ser De Borel, or I might just fall in love with you."
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