#theres a lot of telling instead if showing to the point that its very noticable and distracting
termagax · 1 year
having a comic idea in my brain but i dont wanna get up and sketch it but i cant write it in the way i want to because i am cursed to think in pictures but i cant. draw it rn.
#OH WELL. i just wanna know what their story mode journal entries would be like and i have some ideas#fish resents the entire concept of being forced to keep some kind of log and mostly uses it to complain about shit. l dear dumb diary#type shit like dear my stupid fucking diary that my stupid fucking boss is making me do. but they do actually do it because they cant bring#themselves to be mean to winston they just do it mad the whole time#they try to bother the boys into showing hir theirs and i think junkrats using his like a sketchbook to do little doodles instead of#actually writing anything and people just let him. maybe he lies and tells mercy he cant read so command just lets him get away w it#in my mind theres a tangential conversation where he has a lot of doodles of sojourn doing cool stuff and fish points out that he knows a#lot about overwatch and hes like yeah? i watched the old broadcasts as a kid. and theyre like ??????? how did you get a fucking tv in the#wasteland. and hes like OH well my mum was real handy where do you think i get my brilliance from. in my mind his mom was a tinkerer and a#fairly compassionate and decent woman who kind of taught him some of the basics before she died sometime when he was a kid/tween#anyways then they notice roadhog is spending a weirdly long time writing his and he wont show it to them so they just fucking wrassle it#away from him. i cant decide the funniest thing to be on there between genuinely journaling with a lot of emotion or hes writing some#shitty original novel or something. like brigs poetry where its just really bad but very earnest.
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opiopal · 2 months
yall wanna know something I think abt a lot? teenage/ little sibling mc au's. Mc gets brought down to the devildom at like 15-16 yr, obviously there is zero romance and instead they just get kinned as the 8th sibling in the HOL.
you guys wanna know what else I think of a lot? little sibling Mc being an agent of chaos when their found family trope isnt paying attention.
I can't help but imagine that once mc is kinned they get crazy spoiled. not spoiled rotten but they know they can get away with a LOT because they're now seen as the cute youngest that doesnt know any better. but obviously they do since they are a teenager who knows how the world works.
and I mention the agent of chaos thing is because they were already attending highschool before hand, so they quickly notice how highschoolish RAD feels, so they were able to jump into the social ring a lot faster then regular Mc. and thus have the ability to get information from people who trust them/like them. so it ends up being useful to them. and now to my leading point: imagine a sort of friendship with Mephisto. its really more like, a symbiotic relationship. they are around each other for a reason. and that reason is RADs newpaper club.
it first started out with Mc staying after at RAD with lucifer to help with a few things, eventually Mc was put in a random room to hang out in after they did all that they could. which turned out to be the room for the newspaper club. after a while they get bored because their D.D.D died and they snagged a paper that was meant for the next day. eventually Mephisto enters the room, goes to tell them to leave which quickly they say "Dia told me I can be in here, if you have a problem with what the lord wants you could always go tell him that!" which shut him up fast. a good couple of minutes go by before the silence is broken by Mc speaking up and going, "You know, this is kinda boring." offended, he whips around, "excuse me?"
"theres nothing interesting here. interviews.. talking about things that everyone already knows about.. like, I could google half this junk." "I- well what would you know!?" "a lot actually. you dont appeal to any of the students here."
he glares for second before inhaling slowly, remembering that diavolo might be nearby.
"oh yeah? as if you could do better." "I could actually," "well i would love to hear it then."
he says sarcastically. though Mc speaks anyways.
mc adjusts how they were sitting and scans over the paper for a second.
"a gossip section would do it good." "what?" "come on dude, its non-sports club 101, if you want people to pay attention to you, you need to appeal to them. I was in theater for a while and we'd bribe people with free food if they sat through the whole show. this place loves drama. and lucifer being drawn riding on a unicorn isn't funny enough to get more then one person to buy it."
slowly they start talking a bit more casually and stop being so hostile. eventually Mc says that they could tell him the gossip they hear if he wants to make a part in the paper for said gossip. so, from then on they slip notes to him about student drama. which does indeed get more papers told!
though one day, someone pisses Mc off. not really that they were the one insulted, but they heard a few demons talking shit about their older brothers. so for the next week Mc takes a good amount of notes on those demons. which eventually they go to Mephisto with their notes and gave them to him. when he questions why these particular demons, he's met with a very angry "if those cunts want to talk shit and not mind their business then why shouldn't their own business get talked about." for a moment he wants to press further... but unfortunately for him he found himself actually caring about this human very much so he couldn't help but just want to make them feel better... and this much of a consititant story would draw people in so its totally not that he kinned this kid as well, totally!! so for about two weeks the gossip section has an ongoing story that causes nearly the whole school to get a paper to stay updated.
of course every bit of gossip uses code names to keep people from being outed on anything. and honestly some of the gossip might end up being people bringing it to the newspaper club themselves, so maybe a small confessions page ends up being opened.
obviously this is something a little cracked, and just a not very thought out thing that exists bc it makes me giggle when I'm daydreaming before I fall asleep<3 and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if there was already a gossip section in the school papers, but unfortunately I was never ever able to make it past the first few lessons of session 2 of obey me, which sucks:/
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sillyyuserr · 5 months
terukane analysis, and/or just random stuff, i have too many prompts in drafts but they’re too small to be their own analysies so they’re here pt. 2 💫
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I already made one of these a bit ago, so if theres anything not here it’s either in that other one, or i just haven’t covered it (yet)
Item A: “I like Akane-san”
When teru says this, it comes out differently in every language. And seemingly equally ambiguous which i find interesting
for example, in the french translation of this line, teru says "I love you more than you might think akane" rather than saying “i like akane-san” and i mean having a mistranslation here is obviously something, but what he actually says is just what?
“i love you more than you might think akane” EXCUSE ME??
also not to mention “san” is gender neutral. He very well could be calling akane by his first name and them (akane & nene) misunderstanding what he said. Although he does refer to aoi as “akane-san”, the translators wouldve translated it to “aoi” instead of “akane” if he was referring to her (or not, im not completely sure on how they do the translation 😭)
Item B: queer association
(Edit: Im fucking dumb and forgot to add the panel of that one dude yelling “no i want to be his boyfriend!” But i can’t find it for the life of me so pretend its here)
not only is this one of the only canon queer characters in tbhk, (my guy only got one panel 💔) but also this associates “queerness” or wtv that means with teru
along with akane mentioning both genders being attracted to teru. Again, associating queerness with him. And you may be wondering, why is this important? well, notice how out of all of the main and/or reoccurring characters, he is one of the ONLY characters to be associated with queerness. (The only others being kou; his friends teasing him about wanting to “undress mitsuba” and akane; the whole yamabuki thing) for example, take note of how scarily popular aoi is because of her beauty, shes like a literal god, everyone loves this girl, but notice how never once has a girl ever confessed to her? actively not associating her with queerness, unlike teru.
and notice how the other characters that are associated with queerness are kou, who (its pretty much been canonized atp) has romantic feelings for his male friend mitsuba, and AKANE. The guy i swear he has a crush on like cmon now AidaIro can you be more obvious
Item C: reoccurring patterns
in tbhk, all of the confirmed/obviously implied romantic relationships between the main characters have been supernatural x human, hanako and nene, mitsuba and kou, akane and aoi, excluding only teru and aoi. But this does not exclude teru and akane, almost showing us that in the love triangle between teru, akane and aoi, it may not be revolving around which one gets with aoi, but which one gets with akane. It seems as though teru x aoi was never an option from the start.
Although teru has said he likes aoi, his actions say otherwise. for example teruaoi’s conversation in the convenience store was obviously extremely awkward, the only non-awkward part being when he helped her out of that creepy interaction with the clerk.
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And the face he made when akane asked/assumed he had a crush on aoi
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(Which he never definitively answered)
The point of this section was because of these reoccurring patterns we can conclude akane is the main love interest, not aoi.
Item D: their relationship
Something teru likes about akane, is how no matter what he doesn’t seem to ever give up. Which yes in some aspects this can be a bad thing, coff coff
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But most times, you can kind of tell this is a big reason he likes akane, almost like a “he pushes him down, he gets back up” kind of thing, its a big part of their dynamic. If akane wasn’t like this, their dynamic would change a lot. He likes this because as stated in the spinoff, he kind of uses akane as a “stress toy” (which has obviously changed, as their relationship did when the series progresses) but he likes this because at the end of the day, akane will come back. No matter how many times he ties akane up, he returns to the student council room. No matter how many times teru pushes akane down (in this example, literally) he gets back up.
Something i like about terukane, is their relationship. The trust and motivation they give one another. For example, its shown early on Teru has disassociates himself from other people. Teru views the living as “delicate” and kind of makes it his job to protect them from supernaturals (when i say he made it his job i mean his dad did). He was raised to have a very different view towards the living vs supernaturals. Rounding this back to Terukane, teru doesn't view akane as “fragile” like other people, and I think that's something to take note of. The reason he thinks like this could definitely tie into the fact that he’s half supernatural but also he views akane in a higher regard then most people. Akane keeps up with him, teru actually acknowledges this, saying he values his intelligence and enjoys talking to him. 
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Its kind of been shown teru has had a hard time making friends ever since grade-school, i mean yeah he talks to people, but the only people he’s lowered his guard around has been tiara and kou (siblings), and akane. A literal supernatural (the kind of person this guy is supposed to exterminate??) Literally what makes akane so special? This guy is the most popular person in THE school, second to none, and the only person besides his family that he can let his guard around is akane? They both work in the student council, president and vice president meaning they work in extremely close quarters, everyday, giving them lots of time to talk, so its no doubt they became close, but out of everyone, teru choosing akane to put his trust in is just odd to me idk man
Item E: bringing up each other alot
in many instances, teru and akane bring eachother up when they aren’t even involved in the current situation, or unintentionally show us they think about eachother more than we think they do, a few examples:
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Teru talking ab akane to his family. Call me insane but i have alot to say ab this one. This one really gets me because that would mean throughout his entire way home from school, including if he fought off supernaturals on his way back (which he seems to do pretty much everyday), from the last time he saw akane, he had to have been thinking about him the entire time. Since they are in the student council they stay together for most of the day when its not their extra/curricular classes or lunch, meaning they probably stayed together until about an hour after school ended, and according to google
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School ends around 3:50 to 4pm and their after school activities last until around 6pm. In one chapter i forget which one, kou complains about his brother not being home much and whenever he is home he’s usually sleeping or too sleepy to answer him properly, (and in art of their ‘home life’ teru is always either sleeping or sleepy) because of his constant fighting with supernaturals well into the evening. Now lets assume at this point teru has left the school building, and about a few (5) minutes down the sidewalk and he runs into supernaturals, fights them off yadayadayada, at this point it’s presumably now 6:30-6:40, now lets also assume they live about a few (5) blocks away from the school, one block presumably taking 5 minutes each, times the 5 blocks they live away, taking approximately 25 minutes to half an hour to walk, plus the additional time he took to exorcise the supernaturals on his way home, which by this point we can probably assume its 7-7:20 now which is around an hour after families/people usually make dinner, we can assume he gets home at the 7-7:20 mark, sits down with tiara and kou to have dinner when this panel was shown
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Meaning for an esitmated two and half, to three consecutive hours, akane was on teru’s mind. Thats a pretty long time to be thinking ab someone teru. I know what you are
Item F: extras
the “Aoi is coming too.” Bro brings him up at any given opportunity
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akane having a literal DREAM about him.
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Like I havent had dreams with life long friends in them so to have a dream about this boy you “hate” is.. hmmm
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Innermost subconscious feelings you say? okay okay so not queer at all yk so buddy so bro of them
Item G: the original plot
tbhk was originally going to be a oneshot manga featuring the love triangle between akane, lemon and aoi but later was cancelled, and in the official manga, they made lemon and akane “fall in love”
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obviously as a joke but that shows AidaIro is not oblivious to the idea/premise of the two boys instead falling in love with eachother, rather than the girl, so the idea (i talked more ab in a past analysis) of teru&akane getting together rather than teru&aoi or akane&aoi getting together is ON THE TABLE
would add more but i fear this will take me too long💔 new chapter next week yall prepare urselfs
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creativeartgal · 3 months
I just thought of this while I was at was at work. heads up it isn't going to be very coherent but is still long. spoilers ahead for all of obey me and nb
ok so I was just thinking about what might happen in season 3 of nb. specifically on if they will introduce Michael or not (more likely not but whatever) I basically was thinking that if the were going to add him they would probably add in other characters as well. the reason I say this is cause they added 3 new characters at once last time. so I figured they would do multiple new characters at once instead of just adding 1. so I got to wondering on if that's true who would be added as well. at first I thought it would be cool if it was the other exchange students ( the ones that went to the celestial realm and human world. I know the game forgot about them but I haven't) Like Beel named one demon that went to the human world so could be possible. maybe someone brand new. then, I don't know why, I thought about Diavolo's dad. then my brain went off
ok I'm going to sound absolutely insane right now but.... what if Diavolos dad is the reason we went back to the past. wait!!! hear me out before you put the straight jacket on me. I have some things that make sense to me but are still dumb.
number 1 Diavolo's dad is still "alive"
if I am remembering correctly Diavolos dad (who I will be referring to as dd) is not dead but just asleep. granted its been thousands of years since he's been asleep but not dead. like if he was dead then dia would be king instead of just a prince right? so theoretically he could make some appearance in obey me at some point. but why would I think he would?
number 2 the trailer.
in the description for the video it says "You have reformed your pacts with the brothers and returned to the present where a new event at RAD is waiting for you. Things look to be as lively and comforting as ever, but something feels off and no one else seems to notice..." what if something feels off because dd has woken up. like to be the king of all demons dudes gotta be really powerful. so what if him awakening gives off weird vibes across the devildom. hell it could be some what similar to season 2 when mc powers got too strong.
ok so if we go with this theory that dd would show up what does that have to do with anything? a lot according to my mind. ok so what if dd is nightbringer? again hes would most likely be really powerful so what if he has the ability to send someone to the past. I mean asside from Barbatos, Michael has been show to at least be able to tell and communicate when someone has been sent back in time so whos to say that dd couldn't as well? also if I remember correctly in og's new years event Dia stopped time for a bit so if he could to that its not that much of a reach to think that daddy can do the same or more. "But Lisa what if by that they meant that Dia asked Barbatos to stopped time since he's the one with time powers" oh you think I haven't thought of that!? if he doesn't have some type of time powers then he could ask Barbatos to do it for him. maybe dd thinks that it would be some what beneficial for Diavolo in the future to send mc to the past. and since Barbs want to do what's best for Dia and if what dd says is true then he would oblige in sending mc. or maybe cause he's the king and barbs has to listen to him but whatever. anyway this is more of what I think could have happened. i think we can all agree that everything leads to barbatos being the one who sends us back in time. but this can still be true with dd being the mastermind behind this. also dd can kinda take the blame if people start not liking Barbs cause of this.
ok but why would dd want to do this? why have Mc go into the past to remake pacts that they already have? at this point I a grasping at straws (as if I wasn't already) what if some kind of danger is coming to the devildom. maybey its becuae I just want some bigger stakes but what if theres some conflict brewing between the devildom and the celestial realm.
reason 1 solomon bringing up sides
i feel like hes brought up mc picking sides a litttle too much in the first season for that to not mean something. hell he even has a conversation with nightbringer about who mc would side with if anything would happen. not to mention trying to make mc promise to always protect the human world if something should happen.
reason 2 Michael and the celectial realm
Honesly like whats his deal. and im not saying that cause i wanna smack him. like what was up when he cure mc of their coma. dude litterally was like don't make pacts with the brothers or face the consequences. not to menion raphael mentioned the same thing while trying to get the brothers back to the celestial realm only for it to reveals at the end of season 1 that it was actually michale discised as Raphiel. it was also mentioned at the end of season 2 that the only way Lucifer could have been convicted and sent to coctus that it had to be agreed apon by 2 representatives from each world. Now I'm not saying one of them was Michael.... But I wouldn't be surprised. Kidding honestly it could be any angel but that would be more interesting. "Lisa that was in the past things are chill now" is it!? Yes technically everything in nb is in the past but, like I said, Michael knows when mc fucks around in the past. Plus we totally didn't listen to his threat about not making pacts. Dude is probably pissed when mc comes back to the present having pacts² with the bros.
Idk to me it feels like there could be some kind of conflict brewing. Now this could be because of anything. Maybe just some animosity between angels and demons. I think it was mentioned before that the devildom and celestial realm have fought before but haven't in a long time. But it's not hard to believe that some angels don't think to kindly of demons or vice versa I mean look at Luke. He didn't like demons at all in the first season of og even tho there hasn't been any real conflict in ages. Or hell look at the house of lords that were constantly mentioned and caused issues in nb. They had problems with the brothers because they were angels as well as with diavolo cause he was helping them. Honestly it could just be a lot of small things adding up to some kind of breaking point. But where would the fun be in that?
Ok so from here on out this is mostly from personal head cannons I've had since I finished season 3 of og. I think mc magic is kinda overlooked since season 2. Sure mc has the ring of light to help manage their powers but there was some damage to all 3 worlds because of them. Hell they could have destroyed the 3 realms if it wasn't for Simeon. You can't tell me there wouldn't have been some animosity for them cause of that. Granted we don't know if anyone other than the main cast knows about this. Well except for 1. Michael. He knows about all of this. Hell he was already wary of mc because who they associate with so adding the unstable magic isn't far fetched. Granted in the few times he interacted with me he's been cordial but like I mentioned in nb he sounded frustrated with them. so how long is that good will going to last. Plus we don't definitively know that nobody else knows the cause for the harm caused in season 2. Other angles could see mc as a problem because of their magic. Sure Solomon is more powerful and has caused problems for at least the devildom before, but he can control his magic.
Ok so where did we leave season 2 of nb. Mc has made pacts with the brothers for a second time. Something that Michael did not want. The same pacts that was the catalyst for mc magic becoming too powerful in the original game. Yes some has to do with their angelic bloodline but mc wasn't able to use magic until creating the pacts and even then in lesson 10 Solomon had to lend some of his own magic to help mc summon Asmo for the first time despite have 3 pact already. Who's to say doubling pacts won't make mcs magic stronger. Now I'm not saying we're going to have this conflict for a second time. Most likely mc magic isn't going to be that effected or at the very least the ring of light will still work as a buffer. But that doesn't matter if others believe that they will be a threat. What if that's why Michael didn't want us forming the pacts again? What if he was scared of something like season 2 happening again only for there to be no easy solution this time cause they already have the ring? What else could calm their magic? I'm not saying he would hurt mc but he doesn't know what could prevent something that that happening again. What if he wants to take Lisa to the celestial realm to try and make sure they don't cause more damage unintentionally. Or kill them if you want to get really angsty. Either way I don't think the cast would let me be taken away even if it's the first option. Which could lead to some kind of conflict. Again I feel like it could be a mix of a bunch of things piling up and this would just be the last straw.
"Lisa what does this have to do with Dias Dad" hang on Im getting there. What if dd is somewhat aware of of things that already happened. Maybe he woke up for a time during season 2 hell he could still be awake but we don't know it and found out some info that could make him believe that some conflicts is coming. So he send mc to the past with help from barbatos. Why? Who knows. Maybe to find a way to prevent things dd needed to get mc out of the way for a bit. But why the pacts? Maybe if some kind of conflict is inevitable the pacts would be helpful for mc and the brothers. With pacts it can allow them to boost each other's powers so having double pacts could cause double the boost. Which could come in handy. So that could have been the plan.
And that's all that I could come up with for now at least. Again I'm most likely just a dumbass and and connecting dots where there are none but I really found this theory really interesting. I'm just typing this up cause I wanna know if this makes sense to anyone else even if I'm absolutely wrong on every level here.
Oh also I didn't know where to add this but in regards to the last part of the trailer with Simeon. I'm just throwing this out there. What if dd turns Simeon into a demon. I have no explanation for this just thought that would be cool. Ok have a nice day
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Me in my head when I'm at work
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Someone liked my post about how Amren should have to drink fae blood and since ive been on a pretty big vampire kick since about october of last year Im just thinking about what if acotar was about vampires. first of all, i think sjm writing vampires would make me very angry, i hear that the way she writes fae makes fae-fans really angry and I can definitely see why even though i dont know THAT much about fae, I just dont have a whole lot of personal investment in the accuracy and interestingness of fae lore, but I am highly invested in vampire lore it would make me pretty mad but I think itd be more fun for me to complain about, so what Im saying is sjm should totally write a book series about vampires
But anyway, lets get back to my initial thought of 'What if ACOTAR but vampires'. honestly, theres not much to get back to because Im basically just rotating some vague aesthetic bullshit in around in my mind. Oh, also I just had a thought, what if Feyre had to experience episode one of the hit-netflix miniseries Dracula (2020). I think she'd kill that old man if im honest. OH wait no, speaking of dracula series
Okay so, imagine this: at some unspecified point in the future, Feyre gets sick and tired of Prythian and leaves, I was gonna say Rhysand died before that but i dont wanna imply that she only left because he died and also I remembered that stupid death bargain existed. So she leaves and she actually goes back to the mortal realm, but she goes to the continent instead of returning to her home village, she wants a completely fresh start and shes like, pretending to be a human too, shes hiding her ears and glamouring herself and whatnot. With her shes brought some faerie lights as well as all of the stuff she needs to make a whole lot more of them, because shes gonna sell faerie lights as this groundbreaking alternative to more traditional light sources. So she rolls up to the scene, this hot mysterious foreign entrepeneur, shes enlisted that mercenary from all the way in the beginning of ACOTAR to help her in her endevour, and shes got all these suits who have a vested interest in maintaining a monopoly on light sources so theyre doing everything they can to prevent her from getting faerie lights of the ground, but Feyre simply keeps evading them. At some point she aquires a boytoy with whom she does not have any kind of sexual or romantic relationship with its exclusively professional and for the sake of her faerie light business, Feyre ends up seducing her boytoys fiancee and just absolutely destroys her marriage. Thats when those light source suits come back in, they have still been trying to bring Feyre down while shes been busy seducing but now theyre back at the foreground, and they approach the boygoy being like "hey, we heard that mysterious weirdo stole ya girl. Well, shes in danger of stealing our profits as well so how about you sabotage her and destroy her business and life" maybe they would mention something about her being a dangerous fae as well but idk, theyre like capitalists so Im not expecting them to care that much about the danger. But whatever, boytoy says "sure I'll do that" and he goes over to this big warehouse/factory type building where they make/store all the faerie lights. Feyre is about to give this big show where she properly shows the public how the faerie lights work and how you can replace normal lamps with them, this has been planned for months now and theyre storing all these lights in one place. So boytoy goes to where they store all the lights and he fucks with them a little, and then Feyre goes up on like a stage in front of am audience holding a faerie light and shes giving this presentation on how they work and whatnot, but as she goes on she notices that theres something very wrong and she realizes that all the faerie lights are about to EXPLODE OH NO so she tells everyone to run away, get out of town as quickly as possible, but its too late; she just barely manages to save her girlfriend/boytoys fiancee but everyone else dies in this massive explosion that just completely destroy a good chunk of the town. And then Feyre and her new gf have sex in the rubble, i think? Idk, and then after that they decide to travel a bit and live a quiet life and maybe try the whole entrepeneur thing somewhere far away from the town that feyre just exploded
and thats my pitch for an acotar au based on the hit tv show Dracula (2012)
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meowza315 · 6 months
hi I'm anon who loved your au mike! whoopsie my memory must be bad i thought they were like 21 (maybe I mixed it up as 19-21 not 16-19) and because in the movies they're adults going in so i assumed lol! and im 17 anyway so i forgot as anon that could seem weird. byler being attractive or in love physically isn't weird though i think it's healthy to just say it's not what you like, as a teen it's nice to figure out what i like and be comfortable navigating it not grossed out. but not to worry as the artist it's fair not to want that and not what I meant for this au with what I said anyway! he's just a good looking silly guy 😎 like that little doodle of will sizzling on the floor on my last ask shows his love for sure LOL so so cute. their love language being touch is also very sweet and comes across in your art and suits the au, it's a nice thought! thnks for this au!
hello again!!
no worries, things happen 😭 they are in fact 16 when the story starts and by the time it ends three years passed (it’s 2.5 I did the math wrong) due to Mike’s extensive training period and the time between their confession and Mike transferring his consciousness to his avatar permanently. Together it’s 3 years but broken down his training took 18 months, the time from the end of training to tsaheylu was a year, and another month or two between that and the end of the story with a few days or weeks sprinkled in between in certain areas I can’t remember but. yeah 3 years? 2.5? Something like that.
With how they’re aged, they’re both essentially 16 1/2 which is why they’re 19, cause after the year and a half of struggle before their confession they both had turned 18 at that point and then the year after that blah blah blah you get the point. anyways.
I myself am 16 (birthday was a little under a week ago writing this) !!! I don’t think it’s weird that they’re attractive or love each other physically (I’ve said on insta a few times how they’re pretty or handsome etc etc), however it’s still not in the sexual sense. I probably took something and interpreted it wrong or something idk, I’m a very anxious person especially when it comes to the gayliens cause of all the aspects mashed together with how they don’t wear a lot and are 18 by the time they confess to one another. theres a lot of people in the byler fandom that are a bit.. wacky.. I guess I could say. so. yeah ❤️
and yeah as the creator of the AU and more than 75% of the artwork from it (as well as still being a minor) I don’t want anything weird coming from it or any people that are gonna take stuff from it and run, if you get what I mean by that. like not trying to see basic information I’ve come up with because I’ve shoved so much lore and story and detail into it. For the love of god I give their accessories and songcord beads meaning. Literally nobody cares about that but I DO!! I CARE!! I care about the little details!
and back to love language !! them having that love language of touch is going to end up stemming from having at least some attraction to each other physically. its a small detail but anxiety still makes me worry about it sometimes, especially in some parts of the storyline like tsaheylu. But even before then, in their confession, after they tell each other, it’s an intimate moment between them. they kiss, they hold each other close. Mike literally ends up on the ground at one point from pulling Will so close (doodles below). They finally both got what they want, each other. it’s still evident then. but even as the story continues and gets to the point of tsaheylu it’s more noticeable? I guess?
There’s literally a reference to the original scene in Avatar (tree of voices scene w/ Jake and Neytiri) that of course, inspired me to make the AU in the first place. However, they’re only small aspects from the scene that I pulled from it instead of it being exactly the same. we all know what happens there. besides them bonding. cough. yeah no that’s not canon in this AU thank god. but anyways, they bond and sigh contentedly and have this moment together. it’s a new experience and probably weird for both of them because they aren’t bonding with an Ikran or direhorse this time, it’s each other now (also I know my avatar lore and how bonding is technically erotic and done during mating but no. not today). They bond, kiss a few times before Mike picks up Will like Jake does to Neytiri, and after a bit they go to bed. literally nothing else (another unfinished visual below).
they’re silly guys and I’m glad people enjoy the AU as much as I do!! instances like this allow me to infodump about stuff and honestly I’m here for it. I just hope no one comes into my asks and says something really weird. I don’t want those weird ass “spicy bylers” on my page. but other than that i love when people ask stuff about the au, it makes me happy!! :) im welcome to explain more stuff for fun or if you’re interested cause it gives me more opportunities to rant haha
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Scythe chapter 16-20!!
Ayy we’re backk!! Let’s just get started shall we?
Chapter 16!!
-oh god the elegy—
-“Could you imagine me as a teenager?” OH YES I CAN OHOHO
-This also shows how much power scythes and especially Goddard has
-And also shows how bad of a scythe Goddard is as well
-Scythe Curie makes a good point that also relates to the toll, in which it doesn’t matter if they kill Goddard or anyone like him because another with the same ideology will always come along without fail
-this chapter didn’t have much but it IS good so ykyk
Chapter 17!!
-Rowan instinctively trying to protect Citra!!!
-it makes sense for most disabilities to be nonexistent but that doesn’t mean I have to like it :/ like idk why the way it’s done is just :// especially as a disabled person myself
-The way the describe Faraday’d death is already suspicious if you already know he isn’t dead but when you’re first reading it, it does make sense!
-“If I ever take on an apprentice it will be for a different reason entirely.” OHOHO I KNOW I KNOWWWW
-Again not much to say BUT still rlly good!!
Chapter 18!!!
-Part 3 begins!!
-Again I always forget the names of these places, falling water is a very pretty name!!
-Citra being angry about Faraday’s death OUGH, she’s rlly going through 5 stages of grieve style
-Could you imagine ppl in the future calling our decor and shit old fashioned? Bizarre
-I love how they make Curie instantly charming and likable with only a few scenes, good writing man!!
-What hobbies would other scythes have? I wonder…
-Fun fact, i cannot drive, tried to learn and crashed the car, oh how I wish driving wasn’t necessary like in scythe
-Giving us little notes about the comfort scythes can give
-We hear a lot about being stagnant in the Scythe universe, and like, yeah, if you were in this utopia wouldn’t you grow stagnant even quicker than most? You have nothing to do literally
-You can really feel how observant Curie is, she noticed the small details
-Jesus even Curie’s yelling scared ME and I already knew what was gonna happen! She’s rlly intimidating—
-Gotta uphold your image!!
-“Another Scythe might have exacted a punishment far worse.” *COUGH COUGH GODDARD*
-Again shit names!! Barton Breen??? What??
-20 kids,, Jesus,,
-You can Curie’s own version of compassion, it’s different from Faradays yet still wonderful
-She did find her own way of gleaning!!
-Again FUCK Goddard!!
-I do wonder what would happen if Citra was trained by Goddard instead of Rowan…
-“Immortality has turned us all into cartoons.” GOD THAT LINEE
-Amazing chapter!! Told a LOT abt Curie!!!
CHAPTER 19!!!!
-Oo!! I thought this moment happened in Thunderhead but I misremembered!!
-Tho I THINK something similar happens??? Idk maybe my memory is fuckin with me ushejdj
-ALSO DAMN CITRA!! Pushin girls in front of TRUCKS holy fuck!!!
-Hate the eating descriptions!!
-Cindy lmaoo, whenever someone whitewashes Citra im gonna call it Cindy instead <3 spite
-“err on the side of respect.” LMAO love that line
-RONDA ROADKILL IM DYINGGGGGG and so did she! (Temporarily but yk)
-“Can i throw you under a truck some other time?” She’s a busy person! I’d totally throw Citra under a truck! Would be fun!
-Morals change when theres little consequences, Citra would never even CONSIDER pushing Ronda in the mortal age, but since people can just come back it doesn’t seem like such a bad thing, it also shows how the concept of empathy and morality has changed in this society
-“the cloud” like icloud! Guess apple won in this world!
-“The machine had a purer soul than any human” NO IT DOESNT IVE SEEN AI ART YOU CANT FOOL ME!!!
-OO TIME FOR CITRA TO INVESTIGATE!! I remember LOVING this plot so!!!!
Chapter 20!!
-Rowan finally!!! I missed you!!!!!
-He doesn’t wanna kill Citra!!! The beginning of his devotion to her UGHHH
-god hes only 17, I think we forgot how young these characters are, they really are just kids being pushed into this horrible situation god,,,
-“His was a life without substance, and now it would end.” God and here we see Rowan’s iconic self deprecating “emo” moments, people make fun of these scenes a lot but I fucking love em, it really contrasts Rowan and Citra. Citra has people who love and care about her, Rowan doesn’t, he knows that (in this moment) if he died no one would really care or remember him, so when he finds Citra, someone who does care about him and would care if he died, he clings to it. I mean when you’re that neglected and want SOMEONE to care even a little about you, wouldn’t you do the same thing?
-He already wants to change things!! And he will!! He will change a lot, though not as much as his girlfriend!!
-“So is there a reason why you choose your robes to be the color of piss?” HA one of my favorite lines!!
-“the Change” god their ideology—, the fact they’re all thinking that they’re changing things for the better really shows how convincing of a man Goddard is, GOD i hate him!!!
-Ans here we have Goddard’s MANY parties
-my sensory issues would hate this
-I accidentally spelled Goddard’s name as Goodard which…Isn’t that so Ironic?
-“Bimbotech” Neal I’m BEGGING you to stop
-“Rowan wondered if the man had a diamond-studded bathing suit in his waredrobe as well.” He would because he’s a vain prick!!
-HES UNDERAGE STOP GIVING HIM ALCOHOL!! *Looking at you RAND especially ya creep—*
-“He was lucky if they even remembered to get him a gift” rowans parents man,,, He was really fucking neglected man it’s so awful, and the fact he still cares about them despite that GODDD
-See how goddard bend the rules? See how he twists them to make them fit what HE wants? Yeah, he’s gonna do that a lot; again, fuck you Goddard
-ESME!!! Shes backk!! And he’s right! She’ll be important!!
-GOD this is a good chapter, rowan my beloved!!
And that’s it!!! Next time will be chapters 21-25!! We’re going so fast aren’t we?
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dojae-huh · 6 months
I started getting into Wish after some reluctance but now I enjoy them thoroughly to the point where I watch all of their content. Their content is still at the point where they are getting use to the camera? In a sense that they have a bit of difficulty coming up with topics all the time but I am fine with that because I enjoy their personalities. The Japanese members feel very chic(?) in a way that the Korean members are more softer. As for performing, they are pretty engaging, but my only main issue is Yushi’s facials? Now I am coming from the view of a Yushi and Riku biased person, but i don’t know if its only me but Yushi has inconsistent facials when performing, which at a base is alright but you can kind of tell if hes in a good mood that day? Wish is a song with lots of smiling or energetic facials and sometimes he doesn’t perform to that standard. Other than that I can see why he is the center, he has a charm to him that draws your eyes to him but I feel like he would need to be more consistent in other areas to reach his full potential. My favourite member to watch is Riku, he’s always high energy and fun while performing. I don’t know if you watch all their performances but if you do, do you think theres a stark difference?
I recently realised how Weekly Idol and similar programmes with funny games are essential to idol groups. They allow idols to show themselves and interest a potential fan into paying more attention. Even if a song or a face hooks in an MV or on a music show, the resistance to get into a new group is still big afterall.
Wish are quickly gathering fans, albeit Japanese and Korean for now. I've translated some comments under their YT videos, they get many people in their 20-s and 30-s who watch them to get a dose of cuteness and relax after work, heh. The fans also like the editing, they praise NCT Wish media content team all the time for speed and amount of work they do.
I do watch content and performances, however, I don't pay close attention to Yushi. I only notice he is a good dancer for the team's level. I will look into his facials now that you brought the topic up. Yushi was chosen as the centre because he is the main dancer, and was introduced early. He seems to progress in singing, if he puts energy into learning how to sing properly, he may become a very strong neo.
The issue of inconsistency is probably due to his introverted nature. He is more of a "go with the mood" person like Yuta, so he seems unpredictable. One minute he is shy and quite, another minute he is bold and mischiveious. Riku, on the other hand, has relatives who work in showbusiness. Seems like he was taught how to behave in public. He pays a lot of attention to working for the camera and delivering during performances. He wants to be a maknae, but he is mature mentally, he fits his age.
Wishies are getting the hang of producing content very quickly, their easiness with fanservice helps them. I hope they will continue with their tv-mini-dramas, it's good entertainment.
The members seem at the stage of being awkward with each other still. Particularly with Jaehee, who was added as the last one. Their web of friendships is in the process of being formed. I think it adds to the "difficulty" you've mentioned.
Riku is the mother of the group, but he is different from Doyoung. Doyoung gravitates towards the role, Riku is pushed into it instead, it's like he feels the need to fill in the role because someone has to. I wonder if he has younger siblings.
For now it is: Yushi and everyone (Yushi and Sakuya are roommates), Shion and Yushi (trained together), Shion and Riku (roommates, similar age), Riku and Ryo (seems to click), Riku and Jaehee (Riku is the most welcoming, they gravitate towards hyung-dongsaeng, probably are language pals). Sakuya and Ryo are bound together by age and training period, but there is some mismatch of characters they have to navigate around.
The Japanese are cheeky. Maybe because they moved abroad at a young age. Most Japanese never leave the country (only around 15% travel). In general, foreigners who you can meet outside of tourist groups don't represent the norm for their respective country. With a few exceptions of those countries where taking a leap year and travelling is in the culture. And border cities. In addition, SM selects the bright ones, those who stand out during evaluations.
Speaking of Jaehee. Once he gets over the stage of "wow, I can't believe it is happening", he will be noisy and entertaining. He is afraid to let loose currently, but he is funny, there is an actor in him.
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bmpmp3 · 6 months
ive been a little frustrated in these latter years of my fine arts major because theres this weird... contradiction? discrepancy? something like that...
but like i've got like only two modes of making art really: 1) fuck around mode and 2) drawing my ocs like im a 10 year old on deviantart in 2008 mode AND LIKE okay Fuck Around Mode is just like. trying weird techniques for the sake of trying weird techniques - its very fun and i learn a lot that can be incorporated into the second mode and i mean i like the things i make in Fuck Around Mode they're nice and neat but like. theres no passion behind it except for THE PASSION OF THE GAME..... you know? im just playing ball with that art, i don't think all that much about my Fuck Around Mode pieces after im done making them until i need something for a portfolio or something LOL and to be honest i dont put all that much effort into it.....
but that leads into my '08 OC Mode where i do, in fact, pour my entire heart and soul in making images and pieces of art..... of just like an edgy angel oc or something. i do include techniques from Fuck Around Mode so they often get pretty interesting! but the subject of the piece is no longer "I Don't Really Care I Just Want To see What Happens If I Do This" and is instead. an anime boy i made up when i was 19. and i really do love the work i make in this mode, it means so much to me truly
but this is where the discrepancy i havent been able to grapple with quite yet comes in: to the IRL layman and to the citizens of the internet, both professional artists and otherwise, my '08 OC Mode is pretty strongly engaged with compared to any Fuck Around Mode stuff i put out there, even if people dont like it they take it seriously and earnestly you know!! but the second i step into school its the opposite - my teachers and peers seem to adore the Fuck Around pieces and many Do Not give a shit about the rest until i really push em to actually look at them.... its kind of bizarre.
i like getting critiques and i like when people interpret my art in whatever ways but its a bit frustrating when instead of giving useful advice on what to improve technically or compositionally or whatever i just get people ascribing passion and personal intent at art where there is very little.
where was that post of the comic where someones showing their art with all their heart and the other person says "this lacks truth" and the first person beats them up. i do feel a little like that LOL
i know not everything i make will always be effective at conveying the personal truths i put in to them, and effort put in does not have to equal an audience resonating with a piece: 2 minute doodle getting a million views and a 4 hour painting getting like 3 max online is a tale as old as time after all and i never minded it LOL i kind of post art on the internet using the same method as the wonderful ms paint fetish artist on deviantart who has been posting for 15 years without fail -> just keep posting what i do and what i like whenever i feel like it and whoever is interested will find me sooner or later <3
but it is a different feeling getting the IRL academic equivalent of this...... maybe its just the way the community in my faculty has been shifting? I've noticed there is like, an assumption, a bit among my undergraduate peers but mostly among professors and graduate students, that the reason one makes art is because they have something specific, clear, and pointed to tell the world. i do not make art because of that. i make art because i need to get it out of me.
i like it if a viewer can get something out of it, anything, whatever it is. im a big loud alien beast of a person like everyone else, desperate for connection and understanding only to be stopped by the barriers between molecules and atoms and everything as usual. but still i cannot make art with the intention to connect with others, with the express goal and desire to understand and converse and comprehend. i can only draw a cartoon character shoulders up facing three-quarters to the left.
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who-is-shades · 1 year
raz dnd 5
back to senna having a bad time!
teya helps senna sit in a chair. senna asks for ice and the weird servant brings some over and senna puts it on her neck. dorf asks senna if shes ok and shes doing better and they talk a little. dorf says hes a famous wizard! (naturally)
parsley goes to talk to the robots! 'sup'. parsley doesnt trust dorf so he doesnt wanna go in the mansion.
dorf goes up to teya and asks if she needs anything and shes just like nah. senna gets up and says she feels better. parsley asks zen whats androids name but he is denied lol. the twinx is on the loose.
senna compliments the mansion! dorf talks about the spell lets him design it himself hes so proud. senna asks for a tour if possible! floor 1: big comfy living room like place. floor 2: giant library with lots of books and shit. senna and teya are fuckin excited. teya wanders off to look at the books and dorf says he has necromancy tomes. he mentions hes fought several lichs.
dorf points out the books hes written! senna grabs one and begins reading lol. teya finds a book about liches! it talks about how liches become immortal and that liches are usually evil. teya thinks its sad lol.
3rd floor! big dining room and kitchen! senna asks for lobster tail! teya is still full from breakfast lol. dorf claps his hands and a butler shows up with the food! senna calls dorf cool lol.
parsley is still just pacing outside lol.
4th floor! magical floating doors? guest rooms! cool! senna calls all this impressive. teya says 1 bedroom is bigger than her house. 5th floor! bath place. saunas. its fuckin massive! ghost masseuse!
6th final floor! dorfs personal quarters! artifacts and shit. theres fuckin sans' head lol. he gagged him hes shut up forever lol. teya waves to him. dorf calls him davey and hes a lich? senna walks over and pokes the magic eye and it sparks me lol. she asks dorf how he beat him and how evil he was.
back outside now pog! senna tells parsley that dorf has killed several liches and that hes lacking lol. and that he has the head of a lich just in his house. now onto the fish people!
we see some giant mushrooms blocking the path! senna warns to be careful disturbing them cause they might release spore clouds. dorf summons a battle axe! he swings and gets knocked back! senna catches dorf! were under attack!
im being a little lazy with fights lol. teya firebombed 2 of them and killed them. the last mushroom spored parsley and teya and their freaking out. senna is just....trying to deal with the last mushroom to cure them. dorf is also a badass lol. parsley thinks im attacking his sister wtf. senna asks dorf for suggestions.
senna walks toward teya. she thinks she surrounded by mushrooms and thinks senna is a mushroom zombie of tori wtf. teya fuckin sets herself on fire to get rid of the mushrooms?! at the last second she sees senna but cant stop the fireball.
parsley doesnt even bother to not get attacked by the mushroom since he thinks its his sister. 'sis' yells at him and asks why he left her alone. (LORE YEAHHH) parsley is sad about this sadge.
dorf goes to attack the mushroom instead cause wizards cant heal lol. he firebolts it! parsley sees his 'sis' fuckin explode. thankfully senna has a spell to cure this illness. parsley is back to normal. parsley is fuckin crying. senna tries to calm him.
zen hits android for being a dick lol. teya is dead so senna has to rez her lol. she still has no heartbeat?! she finally wakes. senna feels for teya's pulse, its very very slow wtf. senna slaps a hand over her mouth but calms herself and tells teya she had a very bad nightmare.
senna helps teya and puts her arm around her shoulder. parsley went to sit in a tree. zen tries to speak to him but hes silent. dorf also tries and he insists hes fine. teya notices shes not in pain weird. senna asks dorf to let teya rest in the mansion. she also asks if parsley wants to come but he stays quiet so she leaves him. zen follows us! and android, slowly.
zens eyes glow yellow for a moment? omg level up?! were all healed! senna touches teyas wrist again. the pulse is normal weird but good. she tells teya shes just glad shes ok. teya is super hungry! senna notices teyas stomach growls and laughs and takes her to the dining hall. dorf summons stuff he likes to eat, big potato stew! senna eats some jello!
WHEATLEY FINALLY COMES OUT OF EEBY DEEBY! hes being examined by like doctor warforged to figure out why they keep dying lol. gods there too lol. he made improvements to him. (level up hint hint) hes warped in front of the mansion doors.
a servent tells wheatley his friends are waiting for him. zen and android are in there too. zen is glad hes back. wheatley is taken to the dining hall. space core is yelling and confused about how they got there. senna is glad to see them! senna pets spacecore on the head. he leaps out of wheatleys hands and pokes the portal but it does nothing.
dorf asks where wheatley went but hes not sure either. teya finishes eating yay. senna asks wheatley whats bothering him. he says god told him were emotionally fucked up lol. senna tries to disuade him but dorf fuckin jumps in lol. we tell him about the giant talking trees and mushrooms.
senna keeps saying everything is fine but wheatley is not convinced. dorf fuckin snitches. 'teya exploded! but shes fine now.' teya is worried greatly about dying lol. wheatley starts patting her looking for injuries. senna informs wheatley we met aa lich! (sans!)
dorf fuckin brings the skull down here wtf. space core gets left in dorfs room lol. dorf explains a lich to wheatley. senna holds the skull lol alas poor yorick. spacecore keeps trying to stack books to reach the stars but he opens a secret room on accident. they ignore it lol.
dorf notices and goes to get spacecore. wheatley says he wants to try some of his artificer infusions. wheatley says he wants to study teyas sending stone to make his own. teya agrees. suddenly a message comes through telling teya her medical checkup is due hmm.
dorf asks if teya has health problems. senna leads wheatley away and explains it was a private message. also she tells him weve been calling parsley spingledorf the fairy.
senna walks back over to teya. dorf offers to get some tools to look at this energy shes emitting. teya is uncertain. dorf goes to get them and comes back. he sounds worried. he asks to speak to teya in private. (they fuckin go into a private call lol)
they come back and tell us everything is fine. teya gives wheatley the stone again. senna quietly nods at teya. wheatley hands the stone back. teya is quiet. wheatley needs rocks so dorf summons some rocks for him pog. dorf fills the room with fake space lol. senna asks teya to 'space dance' with her lol. spingledorf is the ultimate wingman lol the stars push us together and were dancing on a moon and shit. (teya mustve gotten really bad news wtf did they talk about-) teya gets zapped and now is wearing a dress like stars.
(wheatley finishes making his stone lol) the moon turns into a crescent moon and makes teya fall into senna lol. everything settles down. we head back downstairs. wheatley asks zen to send him to god for a sec. (we've been fucking with addi all session xD punishment for being too gay to play dnd) zen cant take wheatley back but he can send the stone to lil bro.
senna goes outside to check on parsley. (teya keeps using sending wtf is going on stop being sneaky let me in!) parsley has cooked and eaten a rabbit.
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maythray · 10 months
had 2 dreams tonight i need to talk about the 2nd one first before i forget cause holy shit.
framed as if i were watching a twitch stream highlight reel of someones heavily modded minecraft hardcore world. biggest key mods were that they would not regenerate hearts (this guy was on about 7?) he had an upgrade that essentially allowed him to creative fly, and for some fucking reason he had some weird jerma mob that was roaming around the end. (later in the dream what were called "half life worms" show up which he gets confused by)
the main plot of the dream was this guy is about to go enter the end and defeat the dragon for the first time. when he walks in, he begins building some stairs, fancy things cause hes already planning what to do with the main end island. hes using blue/teal palettes (warped wood) because the first thing he notices is that the end is covered in a central jungle made out with teal colors. he quickly hears a groaning sound and realizes, hey! warden is spawning instead of a dragon! and begins to panic and flies towards the edges of the spawn island borders (theres a faint yellow transparent border surrounding the island. its also covered in a thick layer of frost (i guess?) and im telling u because its used later) before realizing that the warden is still very much targeting him and he is not safe yet. he begins to notice several key dangers about where he is.
1. he was not prepared in the slightest
2. the warden can still damage him from where hes at, and can still lock onto him
3. the jerma mob is around on the island, making noise and occasionally aggravating the warden so that it wont despawn even if the streamer is able to get it to stop hearing him.
4. the portal out is not activated and he has no other way home. he has to kill the warden and activate the portal to get home.
5. the health hes at right now is low enough that he can very possibly be one shot by this warden and have his entire hardcore world end at this fight.
at this point he spends the entire rest of the stream attempting to work out solutions to these issues. at this point all it consists of is him flying around, panicking, trying to scrape off the frost to use as an extra tool, taking potshots at both jerma and the warden, and overall getting nowhere before he ends the stream.
but this is a highlight reel like i mentioned so it just immediately fades into the next stream.
we open up on him *somehow* outside of the spawn island cage. the area outside is sky blue, and hes built around it these floating wood and tan paths, covered in jungle trees and shrubs and vines. tge actual spawn island cage has a lot of green jungle growth surrounding it, as well as a central tower/spire up on top of the box. this tower has a hole in the middle that allows this guy to see all the way down to the shrieker which is still active.
the guy is flying around, talking to chat about what hes done between streams, all while the warden is still shooting sonic booms at the streamer. these can be seen through the tree cover hes established just barely before their range ends.
the dream ends with no conclusion, simply me waking up while he is in the middle of this kind of introduction section.
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nicomrade · 1 year
I don't think my original message was sent (or maybe I'm getting confused, haha). My question is, how do you interpret the gap between chapter 538 and 539? What is your perspective on the ending? And most of all, how do you think Baku is still alive? Some believe that Baku really died and lives symbolically in Souichi (I recommend you read Waty's review of Usogui to better understand this point, you can find it on AniList) and others that he faked his death.
As a personal theory, I think the one who says the words "Welcome back, Madarame Baku" in chapter 537 is not Gonen, but Anoma (in fact, on the last page of that chapter we can see Anoma + Gonen + the welcome phrase, which is curious, since Anoma has no relation to the scene). I think Sako has been misleading us with the timeline, making us think that Abi Khan and Anoma's conversation happens in parallel with Baku's "death", but what if that's in the past? And Anoma (for whatever reason, I still can't tell you why he decided to do that) revives Baku with a defibrillator device like Marco did with Hal and hence his words of "Welcome back, Madarame Baku". Baku returned from a death that seemed final. It should also be added that the phrase he uses refers to Baku in a formal way, but not in a close or hierarchical relationship (he does not call him Leader or Baku-san, for example).
Another good point would be that Sako may have planned from the beginning that Baku would survive, since in chapter 147 (epilogue of the Labyrinth arc) we see a flashforward in which Baku is visiting an awakened Yukiide (he woke up during STL) in spring (hence the cherry trees), so it's been a few months since he became the Leader of Kakerou. So, this scene could take place after Baku's "death", close to leaving for Las Vegas to meet Kaji, Marco and Hal. Also, we never see his right hand (he has it in his pocket) so Sako doesn't show us his missing finger.
i couldnt find the anilist review, if you have a link to it i will hapilly read through!
the ending is very fast paced and (purposefully) doesnt give us a lot of answers, i dont think much about it because im personally not interested in speculating on what happens after/in between the gaps BUT i will try my best to answer everything you brought up!
im not OPPOSED to highly symbolic readings (god knows i love symbolism myself) but i do like the much more literal interpretation better. baku is alive with kaji & marco at the end because he is literally alive, and survived somehow, the same way he "survived somehow" the first STL, because baku always finds a way to live. but also- while i DO think the epilogue is trying to make us think baku dies after gonen pulls out the joker, i dont see how the dialogue actually supports this idea that baku was also betting his life here? gonen is asked to bet his OWN life so hes allowed to join in the gamble and flip the card but i dont see a confirmation that bakus own life is ever in the balance in that particular bet with gonen specifically. it IS the moment where gonen (literally) beats baku and (symbolically) takes his place (as the bigger evil and as the gambler who keeps on winning- also his spot as the one fighting against kakerou and souichi, and bakus "heart", etc.) but to me it at best maybe implies another gamble between them that isnt shown instead? like i dont think the joker was flipped and they shot baku here & there lol (and i highly doubt it was a STL game). theres a whole aftermarth to this we are not shown. what i wanna get to here is just asking, am i the one missing something? where does it say/imply baku is also betting his life VS gonen? i could just be silly & missing something i definitely dont notice everything going on in usogui its very dense lol the only thing i get is the prince bee narration saying he "never got up again"?
i love your theory about anoma being the one talking, like i dont think gonen would welcome baku back ever? not in this context anyway? and again, the epilogue is so vague on purpose there are probably a 100 hints with no pay-off/reveals. misdirections and foreshadowing are usoguis bread and butter and i think its very fitting for the epilogue to give us SO MUCH while actually saying SO LITTLE. it could 100% be anoma talking here i agree, and hinting at some involvement he had that we dont see.
i also love what you said about chapter 147 i didnt catch that (i straight up forgot this happened at all cause i never finished my minotaur labyrinth reread its the arc i like the least for some reason?) thank you for telling me about it, especially the cherry tree that serves as a season indication is 100% true but i wouldnt have caught it myself cause i always forget about this kind of time indication. i wonder if it happens before or after the gonen gamble indeed? this is very interesting to me because i have a whole thing about the parallels between souichi and yukiide (sorry yukiide for only liking you for the role you can fill for me.... i swear i also like him as a character but im always looking at his plot beats in the context of him being a mirror character for souichi)
last thing is ill try to answer this bit: "how do you interpret the gap between chapter 538 and 539? What is your perspective on the ending?" so i think we can think of the gap between 538 and 539 similarly to the gap between, like, the 2001 STL and the start of the story. baku has done this before, he will lay low and hide in the shadows before being ready to put his big plan in motion. in hangman he says he planned to stay in the shadow for longer but seeing souichi face to face he had to change his plans- i think this gap is something similar to this. theres a wrestling poster thats visible in the las vegas shots too, right? i think we can know what year the las vegas stuff happens in that way, and that will give a lot of information on what that gap looked like. i wish i had more of a big analysis about this but filling the gaps in the epilogue has never been my priority. what i DO care about in the epilogue is the uhm heart transplant stuff lol. under the cut cause its my own personal rant where i argue for why a part of the epilogue shouldnt be considered canon (which is a pretty heretical position to defend, im aware)
so uhm, the heart transplant stuff, uh? i kind of have hated that reveal/retcon ever since i read it and its always sat weirdly with me but i didnt think about it much, like blocking it out of my mind, except for during my 2nd read through (and the times id reread the epilogue like some morbid curiosity- maybe this time itll go differently? maybe this time they wont try to lie to me?) not that i think its BAD i like the epilogue as a WHOLE but the heart transplant thing ugh i always just skim over unconsciously i dont wanna engage with it too much because so heres the thing
that line about how its totally real cause "baku shouldve been taking medication quite frequently" and its like. well he HASNT? been doing that? and its drawn super similarly to how baku eats his kariume. are you trying to tell me that his kariume was heart medication all along? what about his obsession with plums in general, and on protoporos when he imports kariume for himself? about protoporos actually- how did a man with a diseased heart who has to take medication survive 24 days on an island with no access to said meds. including a couple days of running outside in the rain chased by a literal angry mob? and then drowning?. baku, as written in the story, DEMONSTRABLY DOES NOT! have a diseased heart. when did this transplant happen???????
baku literally already struggles with sprinting when he first meets hal in 1998- souichi EASILY follows after him and is barely tired when baku is on the floor shaking for his life. are you telling me the heart transplant happened BEFORE this????????? or he already had poor stamina even before and then it cant be appropriate foreshadowing for this. so you were just lying to me about the hints and it really does come out of nowhere. ok.
i dont even mind when/if usogui does retcon stuff (/have reveals that were very much not planned from chapter 1) it is OKAY to write new stuff in your story and about your characters as you go along. it is foolish to try to argue only stuff planned from even before you ever started writing is canon and true. this is not my point. my point is that this reveal CONTRADICTS the actual text that came BEFORE. it has retroactive impact that is nonsensical and downright absurd. this is the exact kind of writing i criticize in stuff like one outs or liar game, but praise usogui in comparison. usogui does lie to you about stuff sometimes, but that misdirection, those lies, ADD meaning to the text. (im always talking about this on twitter i can pull up threads if i need to explain this stuff more) the heart transplant reveal REMOVES meaning. so what meaning does it remove exactly?
one of Usogui's (manga) thesis statements is that to be human is to be FLAWED. this is why hangman ends the way it does (and why its kind of bad they changed it in the movie- though i do get it) its what kyara's arc in protoporos is about, and its what souichis entire character journey shows. i dislike calling souichi "the ultimate human being" because his character arc is about accepting that he ISNT, actually, perfect. that he, too, is flawed and can lose and is scared of dying and is HUMAN. souichi loses drop the handkerchief because he had this weakness (chronic memory loss) that usogui exploited. and for all he tried to make up for it, or make it into a weapon instead, it was still a flaw. and its what made him human. and for him to believe himself capable of not being human anymore, of transcending it, is a lie. and usogui ate that lie. and he reminded souichi that hes human- and loved. and loved. and so so loved. and that he has the potential to become so much greater still- BECAUSE hes human and BECAUSE he tasted defeat and is flawed. thats the basic gist behind drop the handkerchief.
and this weakness of souichi, his chronic memory loss, is inherent to him. theres no reason it happened. textually theres no reason to it. its, yeah, the pressure of having to be Perfect, and being the Leader of kakerou, but we know from the doctor's email that medically they couldnt find a reason for it- yes there are reasons for it, but theyre so inherent to him, to his bloodline, that he couldnt be souichi and NOT have this flaw. there is no version of souichi (or hachina, or hal) that does NOT struggle with memory loss. he has this weakness simply because hes alive.
bakus one core flaw is his weak constitution. baku cant run up stairs (see the abandonned building arc) anything that COULD be life-threatening becomes a death sentence for him (see the minotaur labyrinth arc) he CANNOT defend himself (marco & kyaras roles as bodyguards + all the times someone threatened him with violence) his body is WEAK. it just is. what the heart transplant does is take all of this and make it the result of losing a gamble once, years ago. is this inherent to him? was this always fated to happen? we dont even SEE the gamble this happened in! it CANNOT be this important! but if we forget about the heart transplant for a second, his weak body becomes just a part of his character, with no visible cause. maybe its a side effect of how he grew up on his own without anyone to play with so he never exercised, and possibly malnourished & homeless half of the time. but either way its a cause thats so at the core of who he is that for that not to have happened he wouldnt be usogui (or madarame baku) anymore. there is no version of him who had a happy, safe childhood and is still usogui. sounds familiar? and for souichis weakness to be mental and bakus weakness to be physical.. isnt it meaningful to have their fates mirrored and tied in that way?
baku & souichi(/hal) fates being tied together is also another CORE aspect of usogui's story! not just with the ship glasses on its literally just... the emotional core of the story is their relationship (whether romantic or platonic or whatever). if your reveal in chapter 538 out of 539 (i repeat, its in the second to LAST chapter) is contradicted by its own "foreshadowing", does not stand on its own, and weakens TWO very important aspects of your story, then i think im allowed to consider it not canon or true. uhm, "youre a big liar, arent you?" if you will.
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chisatowo · 3 years
Reading through poppin' party's band story was fun because their band story 0 was such a lovingly crafted and surprisingly well written story with some of my favorite character arcs and then I moved on to band story 1 and was just instantly hit with the reminder that ah. This was written long before.
#rat rambles#band posting#Im not saying this in a bad way its just kinda funny to me dnxmdjsh#popipa band story one isnt bad by any means its just that you can really tell it was one of the first#and you can also tell it was written quite some time before story 0 dnxmdms#most of the initial band story 1's are at least a lil sloppy but thats not unexpected nor is it bad#that being said I realllly get the impression that poppin'party and afterglow's were the earliest 2 written#afterglow's is by far the sloppiest and tbh I think thats a part of the reason that there doesnt seem to be as many afterglow enthusiasts#not to say people dont like afterglow but I get the vibe that people tend to like the individual characters more than the unit#and I think this is largely becauae their first band story really doesnt do a good job of establishing their dynamic naturally#afterglow story 1 is like the only band story that I really think is actually noticably sloppy from a new players perspective#its not like. bad. but it is again noticably messier than the others as far as character dynamics go at least#theres a lot of telling instead if showing to the point that its very noticable and distracting#Im definitely not saying 'grrrr afterglow story 1 is super bad why did they do this >:(' though like it was one of the firsts its expected#and fine that it doesnt quite hold up to the quality of more recent stuff fjxnsjsh#and again its not super bad or anything Im just noting that it doesnt do a great job at portraying the grouo dynamic#honestly I have a fun time looking back on it and the other ones simply because you can rly see how much the writing has improved#in hindsight though one thing they did that Im personally impressed with is how they managed to intertwine the different band's characters#like when I first started out I had like no fucking interest in pastel*palletes#but just going through the band stories I was interested in was enough to have them gain my intrigue#just going through those other stories was enough to make me want to learn more abt these other people I hadnt previously given a shit abt#which is pretty impressive in my opinion a lot of games with big casts fail to do that for me#a lot of them dont put in the work of making you actually interested in getting to know all the characters so I just think thats neat#tbh I still low key rly wanna do some kind of dub for bandori's stories#mainly because I rly wanna give more people the ability to go through them and experience these lovely little sapphics tales#I know that going through them would have been infinitely easier for me if I could just listen to them at least dnxnsksh#but I wouldnt even know how to begin organising a project like that sndmdkxndh#like obviously I couldnt voice every character myself so Id need to find more people willing to voice act#and then Id need to deal with intructing people and editing together voice lines and all that jazz#and thats a lot to try and take on with no previous experience djxmsmznd
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heysatori · 4 years
How they are with a sleepy s/o
genre: fluff
pairings: Kuroo x reader, Kenma x reader, Tendou x reader, and Suna x reader
a/n: another self indulgent post ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ ive just been sleeping a lot lately especially during my classes so i thought of this heh|requests are still open (´• ω •`) ♡ |
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Kuroo Tetsurou
our captain is quite energetic and only retires to bed at night !
so when he learns abt how sleepy u are he teases u so much !
he'd catch u asleep in a lot of places
the classroom, the gym, the local convience store by your house, hell even the bathroom
hes super protective of u and he cares abt u a lot !! so he'd give u a light scolding about falling asleep in public places, especially if youre alone
after that though, hes always with u
he just wants u to be safe !!
and who better to protect u than ur own boyfriend right?
study sessions always end up being 1-2 hours of studying and you asleep the entire time after that
usually he doesnt really notice that ure asleep since u work pretty quietly
but when he looks up from his work sheet to see ur head flat against the table, blissfully knocked out - he can't help but chuckle
"kitten! youve fallen asleep again!!"
whether at his house or your house, he'd always pick you up and place you on his/your bed, even covering you with a blanket so ure comfy
he'd resume studying after that
but not for long
how could he ignore how cute u look over there??? cuddling up into a pillow when it could be him youre cuddling up against !!
so he'd quickly tidy his things on the desk and gently lay down next to you, shifting a little to get under the blanket
at the newfound warmth, ur unconscious body moves towards his body, quick to mush ur face into his chest (´。• ω •。`) ♡
he finds u so cute !!!
he cant help but lean down and give u a few kisses here and there
he falls asleep not long after that with u safe in his arms
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Kozume Kenma
our gamer boy isnt much of a sleeper
he'd rather spend his time gaming
which is, by default, what he ends up doing
when he realized how sleepy u are of a person, well he doesnt really mind
hes kinda scared for you at certain times, especially when u tell him stories about falling asleep on the train home
hes not there to keep u safe and wake u up !!
he'd tell u off with a little pout after those stories
its dangerous to be so sleepy !
u understand of course and always keep his words in the front of ur brain, especially when ure alone
being at home is a different story though
whenever u come over to his house, u always end up falling asleep one way or another
whether it be on the bed while watching a video on ur phone
waiting for him to finish a game
on the couch after a good meal, etc.
with how lax u are abt sleeping, kenma suggests an idea that u couldnt turn down
"pudding, cmere"
kenma says one day as he games, pushing his chair out a little of his desk, vaguely gesturing to his lap
u immediately light up and crawl into his lap immediately !!
u settle down with ur arms around his neck and ur head laying on his shoulder
kenma pulls his chair back in and resumes gaming, this time with a cutie in his lap !
u'll fall asleep not long after that, especially with the calming sounds of the clacking of his keyboard and the clicking of his mouse
he wont ever admit it but he'll give u forehead kisses every now and then while he games (´ ω `♡)
ure just so cute in his lap !! he cant resist 
since kenma can also be pretty lazy he also ends up taking naps with u too 
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Tendou Satori
miracle boy satori is a very energetic and hyperactive boy in general
so when he learns that his lovely s/o is basically a snorlax he cant help but tease u a little !
whenever he'd find u asleep in odd places, such as the classroom, a table, the floor, etc.
he'd wake u up gently !
little pokes on ur face and a few kisses until ur eyes flutter open
"theres my pretty baby!"
other than that, such as u sleeping around at home, he wouldnt bother to wake u
maybe cover u in a blanket or even join u !!
there are a lot of times tho where u fall asleep while waiting for him
since shiratorizawa has dorms he'd give u his key so u can chill in his room while waiting for him after practice
so one day when he retires to his room after a gruesome practice, he didn’t expect to see u snuggled up under his sheets !! 
he finds the sight so adorable and hes eternally glad that he decided to shower at the gym instead of showering at his dorm ! 
he drops his bag (quietly) and changes into some comfier clothes immediately 
once hes all tidied up, he shuts off the lights and climbs into bed with u ! 
he snuggles up under the sheets and immediately wraps his arms around u, pulling u closer to him 
u subconsciously wrap ur own arms around him and he melts !! 
ure so cute !!!! 
he leans down and gives u a big wet kiss on the forehead before he closes his eyes and decides to head to sleep too 
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Suna Rintarou 
suna here is quite a sleepy person 
so u two end up being the perfect pair !! 
well other ppl say otherwise but thats besides the point 
he loves sleeping with u !!
and despite his cold exterior he always melts when u cuddle up to him when u fall asleep on his chest after a long day 
there a few times where he finds u asleep at the gym while waiting for him 
and he honestly doesnt have the heart to wake u up when u look so peaceful
but he eventually does wake u up with a little nudge to ur shoulder 
“cmon bunny lets head to my house and take a nap” 
a common phrase from the man 
other times when u both cant fall asleep but still feel sleepy u guys just cuddle ! 
his favorite position is u laying on his chest with a hand resting on ur back or ur head 
sometimes he likes it vise versa too 
u guys watch a lot of movies during cuddle sessions or his guilty pleasure (cooking/baking shows) 
whenever u do fall asleep before him he always give u a kiss on the corner of ur lips and the middle of ure forehead before he drifts off himself 
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jennrypan · 3 years
Ok this wont happen but imagine--
During the dumbass wedding-
While its happening. Bens staring out at the crowd, staring at the decorations..just staring. He looks happy, he supposes he feel..happy but then he looks at Mal and he doesnt feel as happy as he should..because hes realizing somethings..missing or something isnt right.
The decorations look too much like Mal, this is suppose to be a union of two people- hes fantasized about his wedding since he was a kid and yeah thinga change but this isnt anything like he thought, he felt like a guest in his own wedding, and he finds himself hesitating.
Theres a lot more he wants to do, yeah his parents got married young and so did almost everyone elses parents in Auradon but why does..he??
He knows he asked her but it feels..strange, because he felt he had to marry her but..hes recalling the events that led to this..he shouldve thought this through, all the problems he had to experience because Mal couldnt..talk it out, because Mal was..selfish, she put her needs before everyones and hes looking out in the crowd again..just a quick glance..
Audreys not there..neither is Uma, Harry or Gil..and he couldnt blame them- they had nothing against him but Mal..they had every right to not wish to attend..to stay away from the event, because even if Mal assumed they would forgive and forget they didnt and he understood why- he wanted so bad to unite everyone but...they had let the major villains in Auradon and all he wanted to do was let in the kids who didnt deserve to suffer for their crimes..sure some villains changed but not all of them, and he tried to explain this..tried to make his concerns known but it was brushed off.
What he wanted was always brushed off by his supposed wife--
So Ben takes a breath..its shakey and hes hesitating again, he looks worried almost as if hes about to be sick and he steps away from the alter as Fairy Godmother begins to speak.
Everyones eyes are on him and hes use to this but for some reason this makes him queasy, makes the pits of his stomach turn, Mals staring at him- visibly confused..everyones confused.
"Ben is something wrong?"
Mal asks, and he just nods.
"I..cant do this." He utters.
And theres surprised gasps from the peanut gallery, shocked murmurs and exclamations.
"What? What do you mean?"
F.G questions and Ben repeats himself..this time firmer,
"I cant do this, I thought I was ready to be married..because thats how we all grew up but..I cant..I dont think Im ready to be king, Im not ready to make decisions that'll just be ignored."
He cant stop that slight tone of bitterness from making its way in his voice..and he sees the way his parents shift..they had been the ones to so readily take Mals side, to turn to her for decision making.
Mals just staring at him as if hes grown two heads.
"Are you under a spell? Ben did Uma-"
She asks and he almost scoffs, almost..the irony wasnt lost on him, but he quickly cuts her off before she could even begin to accuse the young woman that wasnt even here of doing what shes done to him for so long.
"No..Im not under a spell, I can make choices out of the norm without being spelled."
He points out, maybe hes being rude..but hes tired..tired of the expectations and tired of no one ever asking what he thought and how he felt, it was all about Mal and the green and purple of his wedding was a clear sign of that.
Mal had the gall to appear affronted but he continued before he lost the nerve;
"I jumped into this..and I was thinking about this, about us..and we arent good together, I thought we were, I wanted us to be so bad because I loved you, but..I cant tell if that was actually me or just a spell anymore."
Theres more gasps and Mal looks offended,
"I thought you forgave me!"
She exclaims, and he just blinks for minute
"I never said I didnt, look- this right now..All of this! I dont want to do this, I dont want to be forced into something I have no experience in, we're young! Im sorry for all of this..sorry for all the work Evie and Jane put into this..and everyone else, Its very..Mal."
He speaks with a sad smile, and he just steps away, bowing his head- he doesnt know what else to do but he doesnt stick around to be yelled and glared at, the silence is deafening..Ben just leaves.
Goes to be in peace for a while..where no one bothers him..no ones trying to spell him, no ones invalidating his feelings and talking over him..he doesnt realize hes crying until he finds himself wiping away a tear with his sleeve.. All the anxiety finally crashing over him.
He doesnt notice a small group of people slowly approaching him until he feels a gentle hand on his shoulder and he tenses up.
"Hey Ben..its okay."
Evies voice is surprisingly gentle and he quickly snaps his attention towards her-surprised to see her here instead of comforting Mal..though he noticed Jay and Carlos were with her as well..along with Audrey, Uma..Harry and Gil- the sea trio didnt get too close but they were close enough to show they cared and they were in deed worried about him, Audrey gave him a comforting smile which he hesitantly returned.
"What about Mal?"
He asked lowly, even still he was worried about her.
"She stormed off..but I know she'll be fine..we're worried about you now." Evie replies, kneeling down besides him.
"More worried than his parents are."
Uma comments seeming annoyed at Adam and Belles incompetence but Audrey simply nudges her as if to signal now wasnt the time so Uma simply rolls her eyes.
Ben couldnt help but snort at the exchange..decidedly ignoring the jab at his parents..one problem at a time..and he looks back at Evie, then at Carlos and Jay who give him small smiles and without warning Dude wiggled from Carlos grasp, plopping to the floor before immediately walking towards Ben and nuzzling his small head against his arm, tail wagging.
And for once..Ben actually feels at peace..he could tell this wasnt some trick from Mal- they genuinely cared for him..and he found himself sniffling again but this time because he was overwhelming happy.
And they just hug him because he needs to be held and comforted for once with no expectations and no spells.
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Scythe chapter 16-20!!
Ayy we’re backk!! Let’s just get started shall we?
Chapter 16!!
-oh god the elegy—
-“Could you imagine me as a teenager?” OH YES I CAN OHOHO
-This also shows how much power scythes and especially Goddard has
-And also shows how bad of a scythe Goddard is as well
-Scythe Curie makes a good point that also relates to the toll, in which it doesn’t matter if they kill Goddard or anyone like him because another with the same ideology will always come along without fail
-this chapter didn’t have much but it IS good so ykyk
Chapter 17!!
-Rowan instinctively trying to protect Citra!!!
-it makes sense for most disabilities to be nonexistent but that doesn’t mean I have to like it :/ like idk why the way it’s done is just :// especially as a disabled person myself
-The way the describe Faraday’d death is already suspicious if you already know he isn’t dead but when you’re first reading it, it does make sense!
-“If I ever take on an apprentice it will be for a different reason entirely.” OHOHO I KNOW I KNOWWWW
-Again not much to say BUT still rlly good!!
Chapter 18!!!
-Part 3 begins!!
-Again I always forget the names of these places, falling water is a very pretty name!!
-Citra being angry about Faraday’s death OUGH, she’s rlly going through 5 stages of grieve style
-Could you imagine ppl in the future calling our decor and shit old fashioned? Bizarre
-I love how they make Curie instantly charming and likable with only a few scenes, good writing man!!
-What hobbies would other scythes have? I wonder…
-Fun fact, i cannot drive, tried to learn and crashed the car, oh how I wish driving wasn’t necessary like in scythe
-Giving us little notes about the comfort scythes can give
-We hear a lot about being stagnant in the Scythe universe, and like, yeah, if you were in this utopia wouldn’t you grow stagnant even quicker than most? You have nothing to do literally
-You can really feel how observant Curie is, she noticed the small details
-Jesus even Curie’s yelling scared ME and I already knew what was gonna happen! She’s rlly intimidating—
-Gotta uphold your image!!
-“Another Scythe might have exacted a punishment far worse.” *COUGH COUGH GODDARD*
-Again shit names!! Barton Breen??? What??
-20 kids,, Jesus,,
-You can Curie’s own version of compassion, it’s different from Faradays yet still wonderful
-She did find her own way of gleaning!!
-Again FUCK Goddard!!
-I do wonder what would happen if Citra was trained by Goddard instead of Rowan…
-“Immortality has turned us all into cartoons.” GOD THAT LINEE
-Amazing chapter!! Told a LOT abt Curie!!!
CHAPTER 19!!!!
-Oo!! I thought this moment happened in Thunderhead but I misremembered!!
-Tho I THINK something similar happens??? Idk maybe my memory is fuckin with me ushejdj
-ALSO DAMN CITRA!! Pushin girls in front of TRUCKS holy fuck!!!
-Hate the eating descriptions!!
-Cindy lmaoo, whenever someone whitewashes Citra im gonna call it Cindy instead <3 spite
-“err on the side of respect.” LMAO love that line
-RONDA ROADKILL IM DYINGGGGGG and so did she! (Temporarily but yk)
-“Can i throw you under a truck some other time?” She’s a busy person! I’d totally throw Citra under a truck! Would be fun!
-Morals change when theres little consequences, Citra would never even CONSIDER pushing Ronda in the mortal age, but since people can just come back it doesn’t seem like such a bad thing, it also shows how the concept of empathy and morality has changed in this society
-“the cloud” like icloud! Guess apple won in this world!
-“The machine had a purer soul than any human” NO IT DOESNT IVE SEEN AI ART YOU CANT FOOL ME!!!
-OO TIME FOR CITRA TO INVESTIGATE!! I remember LOVING this plot so!!!!
Chapter 20!!
-Rowan finally!!! I missed you!!!!!
-He doesn’t wanna kill Citra!!! The beginning of his devotion to her UGHHH
-god hes only 17, I think we forgot how young these characters are, they really are just kids being pushed into this horrible situation god,,,
-“His was a life without substance, and now it would end.” God and here we see Rowan’s iconic self deprecating “emo” moments, people make fun of these scenes a lot but I fucking love em, it really contrasts Rowan and Citra. Citra has people who love and care about her, Rowan doesn’t, he knows that (in this moment) if he died no one would really care or remember him, so when he finds Citra, someone who does care about him and would care if he died, he clings to it. I mean when you’re that neglected and want SOMEONE to care even a little about you, wouldn’t you do the same thing?
-He already wants to change things!! And he will!! He will change a lot, though not as much as his girlfriend!!
-“So is there a reason why you choose your robes to be the color of piss?” HA one of my favorite lines!!
-“the Change” god their ideology—, the fact they’re all thinking that they’re changing things for the better really shows how convincing of a man Goddard is, GOD i hate him!!!
-Ans here we have Goddard’s MANY parties
-my sensory issues would hate this
-I accidentally spelled Goddard’s name as Goodard which…Isn’t that so Ironic?
-“Bimbotech” Neal I’m BEGGING you to stop
-“Rowan wondered if the man had a diamond-studded bathing suit in his waredrobe as well.” He would because he’s a vain prick!!
-HES UNDERAGE STOP GIVING HIM ALCOHOL!! *Looking at you RAND especially ya creep—*
-“He was lucky if they even remembered to get him a gift” rowans parents man,,, He was really fucking neglected man it’s so awful, and the fact he still cares about them despite that GODDD
-See how goddard bend the rules? See how he twists them to make them fit what HE wants? Yeah, he’s gonna do that a lot; again, fuck you Goddard
-ESME!!! Shes backk!! And he’s right! She’ll be important!!
-GOD this is a good chapter, rowan my beloved!!
And that’s it!!! Next time will be chapters 21-25!! We’re going so fast aren’t we?
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