#these are two of my oldest oc's i have a lot of love for them
semageon · 2 years
which 2 of your ocs who have no reason to have interacted would you love to smush together like paper dolls?
not only do I have an answer but I've both draw vague ship art of my ocs Dimitri and Cansu and gotten an art commissioned of them askdfjaskjf
(Dimitri, my onyx tiefling sorcerer on the left. Cansu my mark of making human warlock on the right. Dimitri's slouching to hell, he's a good few inches than Cansu is.)
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In general when I'm working on ocs that aren't specific to a story, they either exist in a vague DnD realm, or they exist within the realm Cantatio operates in. Cansu exists in the DnD realm and Dimitri exists in the Cantatio realm.
So yeh in-canon it'd be super slim they'd ever run across each other, but I really enjoy the idea of their dynamic and I think it'd be neat if they smooched a little just a couple acespec lads safely exploring physical curiosities. Two Southern boys who got kinda fucked over by the positions they were born into just tryna make the best of it.
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demonic0angel · 2 months
More Shadow Facts! (Click for clarity)
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This is another post about Shadow, my DP OC that I attach to Jazz, since they’re becoming a bit popular!
Part two of this post.
More clarification on powers:
1) Shadow has all of the regular weaknesses as other ghosts, but is also weak in complete darkness. The brighter the light, the darker the shadows, so that is when it is more powerful. In complete darkness, they would be disoriented or lose consciousness/thinking and start working on autopilot.
2) Shadow cannot exist without a host or body to hide behind for long. So anywhere where there are shadows, is where they stay. It is technically spread across all universes and dimensions, but it is sleeping most of the time. Only when it consciously takes control of its pieces, do they gain awareness of what it is.
3) Shadow feeds on blood for energy and more powerful moves. Otherwise, they can only work as surveillance, mimicry, and small levels of restraint against opponents. The blood can be stored in bags or be old, as long as it’s still liquid. Shadow can also suck in blood from the ground, but they think it’s kinda gross.
4) Their mimicry and shape shifting is dependent on how long and how well they have observed its targets, which is why there are mistakes. Their senses are also a little skewed, so something is usually wrong. When mimicking other people, they also only use the sounds that it hears from its targets. Example, if Shadow was observing a woman and she only said a single sentence during that time, Shadow would only be able to repeat that sentence and “clip” it. If the target talks a lot, Shadow can say more and create better audio.
5) Shadow cannot directly hurt living beings or ghosts. They are able to restrain and hold down living beings, but can only act drastically in moments of great panic through force of will (and sacrificing blood/bodies to feed them). It is a very distracting and defensive being (since they can make any army look bigger and create illusions of living beings), but in some circumstances, it can deal great amounts of damage.
Some instances can include: when the opponent is injured and Shadow is powered up with blood (because they can pour themselves into the wounds and widen it, bursting the opponent apart 😃), capture enemies and absorb them (where they will be stored into a separate space and then slowly consumed via the soul), teleporting weaponry and projectiles onto enemies (however, it cannot transform into someone and then pull out a weapon to fight because it takes too much effort, time, and energy to do so).
Extra facts!
+ If I had to give Shadow a godly living counterpart (like how Vortex = Zeus and Clockwork = Kronos, etc), then Shadow would be the ghost of Phanes, who is sometimes considered to be a god of light, creation, procreation, thought, and desire, and is part of Orphic cosmogony.
+ They are extremely weak against ghosts because ghosts do not have shadows so Shadow cannot do anything. However, it can never be weaker than other ghosts since they are the oldest Ancient. So it’s often a stalemate until someone comes to help Shadow. In extreme circumstances, Shadow can forcefully absorb the other ghost and eat them, but they become unstable and sometimes catatonic afterwards.
+ Shadow does not think of Jazz as their master. Instead, they think of her as its best friend. She returns the sentiments and they consider each other trusted companions (although she also does think of Shadow as her ward too.)
+ Although Shadow loves humans and humanity, it cannot understand the human fear of death. To it, death is a natural process to life and they cannot understand the idea of not existing, since that can never happen to them. As such, Shadow can be kind of callous when dealing with human lives (they’re getting better with it since Jazz helps them.)
+ Shadow has no enemies, but they hate and love everyone who Jazz hates and loves. They can be rather vengeful and very spiteful if anyone has hurt Jazz or her loved ones. They are a loner, so they don’t really have friends either, but some of the other Ancients make an effort to be nice to them.
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erisweekofficial · 19 days
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We're thrilled to shine a light on @zenkindoflove!!! Amanda is an absolute gem in the Elucien fandom AND Eris fandom and has also blessed us with Alexius, her incredible OC for her Eris x OC fics.
Alexius stands out as one of the few male OCs in the community, and the dynamic between him and Eris is nothing short of captivating. Think forced proximity, delicious yearning, witty banter, political intrigue, and all the tension you could dream of. You can see them in both Summer Heat (which has Elucien) and Pull Me in Deeper, which... y'all you gotta read this asap😍🤭🥵 Also the mods are begging you to read Taste of You, a short and delightfully smutty one shot.
And PLEASE admire this amazing art of Alexius and Eris!
Read more to learn about how @zenkindoflove was inspired to create content about Eris AND her extremely helpful tips for writing content about him. (We're taking notes)
What inspired you to start creating content about Eris?  I became curious about writing Eris after he was featured in some of my Elucien fics. When I started my multichapter Elucien fic Summer Heat, I decided that I would give him a male love interest in that fic and create an OC - which ended up being Alexius who you see featured in all of my Eris work. I originally intended for it to be a background relationship, but I decided to experiment and write the scene of their first meeting (a very smutty scene) just to do some character exploration. I didn’t intend to include it in the fic, but then once I wrote it, I knew that it was something special and Eris x Alexius became a true B storyline in that fic with a fully fleshed out love story. After that, I wanted to expand and write fics that focused on them which I've written several now and more to come for Eris Week! It's a bit niche. Hardly anyone writes Eris x Male OC but I'm obsessed now.
What's your favorite piece you've created featuring Eris and why? 
That would be my Eris x Alexius multichapter fic - Pull Me in Deeper. I love it because it was a way for me to explore Eris’ character when he is out of the watchful eye of his father and others in Prythian. It’s also just a fun action/adventure/romance story and I got to explore more lore and character building for my OC Alexius as well. Alexius was designed to be, in my opinion, the perfect person for Eris and that means often standing in contrast to a lot of his personality traits and pushing him outside of his comfort zone. So it was an incredibly fun dynamic to explore. And it’s two gay men who are on a quest to find out (*spoilers*) if unicorns exist XD.
How do you approach writing dialogue for Eris? 
I tend to lean into Eris being more careful with his words - so he is sharp, concise, and efficient in his word choice. Depending on who he’s sharing a scene with and the context, he can be severe and short or he can be long-winded and eloquent. And of course, he has banter and jabs a plenty. So I try to balance all those sides of him depending on the context.
Do you have any advice for other creators wanting to make Eris content? 
Eris inhabits a unique space in canon where he is truly a free agent when it comes to relationships. So, I would recommend if you want to write romances with Eris to lean into self-indulgence and write the pairing/story you really want to tell and try to let go of what you think will be popular. And if that ends up being Eris x OC rather than a canon character, know that it can actually be such a rewarding experience even if you don’t have a built in audience. Creating an OC to pair with Eris has been immensely fun and has broadened my creativity. Eris is a complex, interesting character with so many layers and building someone to fit him and find out what is underneath all of those layers can lead you down quite an obsessive path. But a fun one. 
Please give us a name for one of Eris’s Brothers
Kian. He is the third oldest and is more of a scholarly type. Now that second brother Conan is dead, he is next in line after Eris.
Please give us a name for one of Eris's Dogs.
Lithia. She just had puppies in PMID and Eris is worried about her. 
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
I'm crazy and this is mainly based off my oc, but yn is prices adopted daughter that works with him, and the read is like 22-24 and price is supposed to be 45, and he kept it a secret because he's want to protect yn. I wanna see how the 141/könig reaction, can be romantic or platonic don't care lol, yes i know it's stupidly specific, but I'm stupidly specific.
The reader being Prices adopted daughter (part1)
Summary: you are Johns adopted daughter. This is how different members of the 141 find out about that and how they react.
AN: Hi! I'm almost through with this absolutely beautiful request! I've decided to split it into two parts, I really hope, you don't mind. I've kept it all really platonic and very comforting, and I just wanted to express my gratitude for such a wholesome request! Two important remarks: 1. My interpretation of your OC has turned to be a bisexual person. 2. The order in which the characters appear in the story does not affect their proximity to the main character in any way. This is simply the order in which the characters learned that she was Price's adopted daughter. She loves them all the same) I will, of course, tag you in the second part!!
There were four important names in your life. In your darkest hours, you kept repeating them in your mind. They were so much more than just colleagues, teachers, friends… they all were your family.
You were the oldest in your group in an orphanage. Others came and went, but not you. It happened so that you had to grow up ahead of time, get used to the fact that adults more often wanted to adopt babies. But you accepted this world and the rules. You never thought of it as some kind of noble mission, but you took care of your younger friends, worried about them, rejoiced with them. Whenever someone from your group left the shelter forever, you are separated from your friend, but at the same time rejoiced. Caregivers jokingly called you “the Keeper” sometimes, as you cared for other kids as much as a director of the orphanage. 
So when one day one of your teachers came up to you after class and said, "There's someone here who wants to meet you," and pointed to a man standing in the doorway, you were confused. The teacher led you to a stranger, and he squatted down so that your eyes were on the same level. "Hi. I'm John." He held out his hand, but noticing your uncertainty, lowered it and smiled warmly at you.
You hit it off quickly. John asked you a lot about life at the orphanage, about your interests. He himself turned out to be an incredibly interesting person: he visited all the corners of the world that you heard about on TV. John told you about jungles and canyons, about villages where all the roads were just small bridges thrown over the water, about ghost towns where it is so cold in winter that the steam from the mouth immediately turns into snow. Your stories seemed not that big to you. What is the story of how you and your friends fed a bumblebee worth compared to John's travels? You were embarrassed by this and quickly reduced such conversations to stories about your younger friends. What if he likes someone and takes one of them home?
“You seem to care for all of them dearly.” Johns looks on the horizon as you two sit on the bench. “You have it in you, kid. Willingness to help, to stand up for them. I see it clearly. Teach me to be like that, will ya?”
You look at him with big eyes full of disbelief. What can you teach him, an adult? Are you used to everyone teaching you something...
"I'm not doing anything special..." You look high into the sky above you. "Well, when any of them is very sad, I hug him with all my might. Maybe you can try to do the same and become like me?"
"Hug with all my might?" John chuckles. "Yes, Simon will be impressed..." But then he sees your worried stare and encourages you, "Hey, that's great advice! I'll try it. But I think, it's now time for you to have dinner, and for me to go home. Don`worry, kid, I promise to come in a week and update you on my progress!"
You do not believe that this man will return, so you try not to wait for him. Most often, adults come back for babies. You remember it. But he comes back a week later. Then he visits you again and again.
Then you end up visiting him. John has a whole house with a backyard! You build a bird feeders together, play board games late into the night, and even go hiking.
These are the best days of your life, and when it's time to go back to the orphanage, you turn your back on John and hide your tears, so he won't notice. "Hold on just a little longer, kid. I'll sort it out soon," he says, and puts a hand on your shoulder.
Whenever he takes you to his house, he gives you something: a plushie or a book or some clothes. But you never took those gifts to your orphanage because you were afraid that one day he would simply stop coming, disappear from your life, and all these trinkets would remind you of him. This little biter habit of yours broke Johns heart over and over again. You were still a child, but you were already afraid to get attached to someone.
One day he takes you back to his house once again. After an evening with cocoa and a board game, he hands you a simple envelope. "This is something very important. Take a look. I need your opinion on it." You are confused, but still open the envelope and start reading the document, that was inside it. You can hardly make out the text, overloaded with terms you are unfamiliar with. And then, little by little, understanding comes to you and the letters begin to blur before your watering eyes.
“Is… is it? I…” You try to say anything, but words fail you. So you jump off your chair and run to John. He barely has time to move away from the table when you do not even hug him - you cling to him with such force, as if your life depended on it. You've always tried to hide your tears in front of him, but now they're rolling and rolling down your face. John hugs you back and pats your head to comfort you. “It's ok, it's ok, I got you. You're gonna be ok, little one. We're gonna be ok. Not ok even - we're gonna be good. Together.” His voice is soft and quiet.
“I'll need you to take the mask off this time. Don't want you to scare anyone in m`house.” Ghost grants John a side eye and scoffs. “John Price lives alone no more?” John nods and continues to drive silently. Initially, Ghost was supposed to visit Captains house just for business, but now he is tormented by curiosity. “Someone trustworthy?” Ghosts voice is still muffled with the mask. “The most trustworthy person out there,” John smiles and Simon takes the mask off. Ghost enters the house before Price, who lingered at the trunk in search of something. Simon hears joyful kids voice. "John is back!" A girl of about twelve years of age runs down the stairs with a loud clatter. But when she sees Simon, she stops in her tracks. Price often leaves for some time, and she is already used to the fact that strangers often appear in the house: Johns relatives, acquaintances who look after the child while he is away. But Simons menacing appearance made her dumbfounded. She takes a tiny step back when Price's voice comes from the street. “It's ok, kid. This is mister Riley, he's my colleague and friend.” Both Ghost and the girl look at each other startled, not knowing what to say. John finally comes into the house and defuses the situation. "Look who we met on the way home," he says, and hands the girl a plush tiger cub. Her face immediately changes and she happily skips to John.
At dinner, she sits her new toy next to her and bombards Price with questions about his work and stories about what she has been doing in his absence. Simon looks from her to John and remembers how the captain stayed in his office until late at night, endlessly filling out some forms a couple of years ago. Ghost thought it had to do with work, but when he once offered to help Price with this paperwork, John refused with strange zeal. And now Ghost sees, what was it all about. And it all was hella worth it: she was the nicest, most well-behaved and happiest kid, Simon seen in a while. 
When they finished their dinner, the girl grinned conspiratorially. "Hey John! Guess what." And before Price could even react, she burst out impatiently and with ill-concealed delight: "I made your favorite dessert!"
"You? Or was it Aunt Meg?" John smirks and Simon realizes he's never seen the captain so happy before. "No, it's definitely me this time! She was just… looking out!"
Price walks into the kitchen and an awkward silence spreads across the living room. Although it seems that only Simon feels awkward - the girl stares at his tattoos with the most sincere interest. "Ehm, so you... love animals?" Ghost squints at the toy tiger cub. The girl smiles broadly and nods, never taking her eyes off Simon's arms. "Do you maybe… want to be a veterinarian when you grow up?" Simon continues this awkward conversation. "No!" She looks up at him and continues loudly, "When I grow up - I want to be a soldier like John!" The shrill sound of spoons and forks scattering across the floor comes from the kitchen.
“Soldier… I thought, kids in her age were supposed to want to become… I don't know, pop stars? Princesses? Figure skaters?” rants Price later that evening, when the girl is already sleeping and he and Simon are standing on a backyard. 
“She doesn't want to become any soldier. She wants to be 'a soldier like John'. You are her hero, Captain.” Simon chuckles, masking the fact, that he envies Price a bit. The undisguised delight with which the girl looks at John, her admiration for even the simplest, most trivial of his stories… No money could buy that.
Ghost visited Prices house throughout several next years, and every time he gradually became more comfortable around the girl. In some time, they could hang out together without any awkwardness. She brought her homework down to the big table in a living room and asked Simon to tell her stories about his work with John. Of course Simon tried not to mention anything too disturbing, but it was difficult, and the stories came out short and inconsistent. But she still thrived on them. “Seems like you are quite good at what you do!” She sounds almost as exited as when she talks to John. “Quite good? Lieutenant Ghost is the legend, kid,” comments Price, entering the room. Little do John and Simon know, this was the exact moment, that predetermined the girl's life for years to come. Now she had not just one, but two heroes and a dream: to become like them.
A few years later, which flew by for Simon like a few days, he and John were already present at her oath. Of the two, Ghost, who kept aloof from the others, seemed the calmer. John seemed to be worried about everything: because his daughter was one of the shortest in her formation, because of the bad weather and the fact that she was about to get wet, because of the form "which was of much better quality back in his time" ... But when she got out of line, when she began to recite the text of the oath, Simon shuddered inwardly. Price's daughter, this little dear miracle, who had been running around the house what seemed like just yesterday in funny pajamas, was reciting the oath... Ghost couldn't believe it.
And when she, with burning eyes and a happy blush on her face, ran up to them and saluted with the words "Captain, Lieutenant", Simon felt his eyes tingle. He left her alone with John so that they could share this very special moment. But a few minutes later he heard her hurried steps and she lightly squeezed his arm in a short friendly hug. "Starting your service with insubordination?" Simon scolded her, but in fact it was one of the brightest, happiest moments of his life. He never thought that someone else's adopted child could become so important to him.
“Let go!” The fabric of Soaps T-shirt was stretched, and the seams began to crackle dangerously, ready to burst. "Johnny, cut it out!" - your voice echoed between the gray walls of the neighboring buildings of your base. You tried to work things out quietly, but with Soap, that's impossible. If he decides something, it's as good as done.
You try to hold him by force, but it's not so easy: to a greater extent, it's not your hands that clutched at his T-shirt that stop him, but the risk of ruining that T-shirt forever.
"Hey Soap! The hell is going on here?" Price's voice sounds so close that both you and Johnny flinch and turn around at the same time. "She's holding me by force! And you still ask me what happened?" Soap sounds fierce, but his posture shifts, and he unconsciously shields you from Price, who is looking from him to you. 
"Sorry, Captain. It's all right, the Sergeant and I were just joking." You answer, turning away from Price. But nothing ever escapes John. He walks around Soap, catches up with you and looks into your eyes. "You've been crying." It's not even a question, it's a statement. Price sees your reddened eyes, swollen eyelids. He also knows that you almost never cry. You want to be a good soldier so much, you look up to him and Ghost, you never let your emotions get the better of you. But if something brings you to tears... Something or someone... It's really bad.
“Gonna ask it once…” Prices eyes pierce right through the mask of dumb jolliness, you desperately try to put on. “What happened?” You try to come with anything, but your best shot just sounds pathetic “It's just an allergy, Captain…”
“Allergy my ass…” - Price walks around you and comes back to Soap. “Ok, Sergeant, let's see if you have anything better for me… Same question, I'm waiting.” 
You look at Soap with a mute pleading, but he does not notice this, his eyes are riveted to Price. “She was dumped today. I wanted to find the bastard and have a word with him.” Soaps voice is still harsh from your fight. You shut your eyes and let go of his T-shirt at last. Price slowly exhales. You know that sound. A quiet long exhalation, a harbinger of a storm. “Who?” - Johns` voice sounds cold and distant.
“Your guess is as good as mine. She doesn't tell, so I was heading to the barracks to find out myself.” Soap finally looks at you, his gaze is absolutely fierce, as if rejecting you was some kind of personal insult to him. 
Price turns around to you once more. One word is enough for him to express both a question and an ominous threat. “Name.” You shake your head, not daring to look up at him. 
John clearly doesn't want so sound menacing to you. And if Soap wasn't around, Price would already wrap you in a tight embrace to hide you from your own pain. But the fact, that someone dared to hurt, to reject you, his little treasure (and it doesn't matter, that the last night you turned 22), makes his blood boil with rage. Of course, he is overprotective as your father, but he believes, it's you, who deserves to choose partners, and they just have to be eternally happy and grateful for your attention. You understand, that your problems have just doubled up… Now both Soap and Price are waiting for you to drop the name, and every next moment of silence seems to only make it worse.
“I need the name, kid. Now, there won't be any fights, we'll just talk. Nice and calmly… And if that bloody moron just happens to slip and fall on the Sergeant's fist - I may not notice …” your Captains` voice was quiet, menacingly quiet. Johnny didn't look any friendlier, his posture was tense and his eyes - furious. You bite your tongue, afraid to say a word. “As you wish. Off to the barracks we head then,” commands Price, and they walk past you.
In a fit of desperation, you take off and rush after them. "Wait! There's no need to 'talk' to anyone, please... It was Sarah... from the office."
They both stop in their tracks and look at each other. This... changed a lot. Of course, they still care about you and want to help, but now, obviously, they will have to reconsider their plans. Soap looks completely lost, Price checks time and rises his gaze back at you. 
"In two hours, both of you. My office." Johns` voice is echoing in your head as they both leave you alone. It's hard to even roughly imagine what awaits you and why John also needed Soap. Perhaps the Captain just wanted to lecture you about relationships at work, and so he invited Johnny, who had several... similar experiences.
But when you and Soap meet on the threshold of Price's office at the appointed time, the captain silently nods to his desk with three empty glasses and a flask. The rest of the evening, these two vied with each other to tell you about different failures in their personal lives. At first you feel awkward, but gradually you relax. Some stories make you sigh sadly, others are so funny that you almost choke with laughter. Little by little, you're feeling less pain from being dumped. Yes, maybe you didn't get someone, you wanted, but you have John and Johnny, who are not embarrassed to tell you the most silly and sad personal stories, just to make you feel less alone even in such a situation.
When you leave Price's office, both you and Johnny's faces are flushed with constant laughter. He puts his hand on your shoulder and says: “Hey, don`ya spend y`tears on that dafty, ok? She lost more than you today! We'll find you a nice lass or lad, that papa Price approves of!” You almost fall over in surprise. Nobody but Ghost knew that Price had ever adopted you. Here at the military base, you and Price were just colleagues.
"What, you think m`blind?" Soap stops and stares at you. "The captain takes care of everyone in his own way, but arranging something like this... The last time, I was in a similar situation - the man just filled me up with paperwork so that I had no energy left for anything else." When he puts it that way, it darts to be obvious to you too: you may kept your secrets, but the way you and Price cared for each other was sometimes on the surface. “Johnny… I don't know, how to put it right, but we really try to keep it…” 
“Keep just to yourselves? Dinae worry, I get it.” He smirks. “Price is protecting you and so will I from now on. So, ma mouths shut.” 
And Johnny keeps his word: he never mentions how you are related to Price, never publicly reminisces about that evening at Captains office. And he also starts a whole operation to find and select the perfect candidate for you, but that's a whole another story.
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lillysdreaminnn · 3 months
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Labyrinth; introduction.
Pairing; aaron hotchner x fem!oc
Words; 2.2k
Summary; Ivy got accepted to fill the empty place in the behavioural analysis unit - what she's been after her whole life - and meets her boss and colleagues for the first time.
Warnings; swearing, Derek being Derek, JJ being a little shit here and there (but we love her 🫶🏻), not proofread, i suck at warnings that's all ive got :)
A/n; hi! I decided to post my fic on here too! You can also find it on wattpad under the name Oceanbringerr (my dad picked it out 💀). It's my first fic 🫢 comments and reblogs are heavily appreciated and I hope you enjoy 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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"So, do you think I'm hired?" Ivy muttered, fixing her blazer for what seemed to be the fifteenth time. April just shot her a glare, basically scolding her.
 "Okay babe; relax. You've been after this your whole life. You got this, I promise you honey." April tried to reassure her sister once again, watching her mess with her outfit more - messing it up even more.
 "Ivy, I swear to fucking God if you mess with your blazer one more time I will murder you." Violet, the eldest of the family, yelled as she shot up from her spot on Ivy's bed. She stormed over to her sister, forcefully fixing the blazer and top.
 "You're beautiful, honey." She said, a lot calmer this time. "I don't want him to employ me just because I'm beautiful." Ivy scoffed at her two sisters, putting her hair up in a slick ponytail, wanting to seem as serious as she felt about all this.
"So you haven't even met your boss yet?" Violet asked, popping a piece of chocolate in her mouth after she sat back down on Ivy's - once - perfectly made bed.
 "No, not yet. I only met section chief Erin Strauss... She seemed... Fine?" Ivy said with a soft laugh, turning back to her sisters who shot her a thumbs up. "Anyway, I have to go. Don't eat all of these, your date will go perfectly fine, plus you have seven more hours to stress about it." The girl snatched the chocolate away from her sister, smiling as Violet whined like a child.
 "Fine. Have fun!" The oldest sister called out after the youngling - in Violet's very words - as she ran out the door.
 Blasting some music in her car, Ivy was quick to arrive at the bureau. She took a moment to herself, staring at the building in complete and utter awe, telling herself that she finally made it. After all those years of pure blood, sweat and tears - maybe even literally - she was finally there.
 Taking a deep breath, she put her name-tag on and walked inside the huge building with a box of her stuff. She was greeted by the usual lovely agents she always passed as she made her way to the elevators, pressing the number eight.
 "Hold the doors!" A voice called out, making Ivy put her hand between the doors to keep them from shutting. Once the sensor got her hand, the doors re-opened, revealing a tall, strong man.
 He's handsome. Ivy thought to herself, smiling politely at him.
 "Thank you." He smiled at her, holding a cup of coffee in his left hand. "You're new here?" He asked Ivy, making her look up at him. "Uh, not exactly. I've just been promoted to the behavioural analysis unit." She said with a smile.
 She thought she was bragging, but she had every right to; she had been chasing after this her entire life.
 The man smiled, making Ivy smile a little wider too. "So you're the new recruit, huh? Nice to meet you, I'm Derek Morgan." He introduced himself, making Ivy almost drop her stuff. Of course she had heard of Derek Morgan. Who hadn't?
 The specialist on obsessional crimes.
 "It's very nice to meet you, Derek." Ivy offered him another friendly smile, since she was holding a pretty heavy box in her arms. "I take it you're meeting Hotch today." He laughed a little at Ivy's worried expression.
 "Yup." She nodded, her polite smile never faltering. "He's not as scary as he seems. He likes to play it tough, but he's very nice." Derek said as the two walked out of the elevators and into the bullpen.
"Good luck and welcome to the team, agent." Derek said with a small smile as he walked to his desk, leaving Ivy lost.
 "Staircase, first door to your right." A girly voice called from next to her, making her head snap towards the blonde woman next to her. Finally a familiar face.
 "Hi JJ." Ivy smiled, wrapping her free arm around the girls waist, as she hugged Ivy back with a similar smile. "Hi honey. Let me take you to Hotch, he's been quite stressed as well." JJ said with a laugh, leading Ivy to their boss's office.
 She knocked on the door and waited for the green light, so they could walk inside. When they did get the green light, JJ opened the door, Ivy standing behind her like a lost child.
 "Hey, Hotch. Look who's here." JJ said, making the man look up from his papers, a subtle scowl on his face. The scowl disappeared when his eyes landed on the terrified girl behind JJ.
 Jesus Christ, man up Ivy. You're a full blown FBI agent, for fuck's sake.
 "You must be agent Monroe." Said Hotch, as he got up from his chair, stretching his hand out to Ivy, who gladly gave him a handshake with a smile.
 "It's very nice to meet you, sir." She said, using both hands to hold her box again. JJ had left the two be, shutting the door behind her as well. Hotch motioned for Ivy to sit, which she did after putting her box next to her feet.
 "Strauss told me all about you and your achievements and I have to admit; I'm surprised. In the best way, of course." Hotch said looking down at some files and then back up at Ivy.
 He's stressed.
 The files on his desk had nothing to do with Ivy and she knew it. He looked down because of the awkwardness in the room, which didn't take a profiler to notice.
 "Thank you, sir. I'm very honoured to be here." She said, a small smile on her face as well. Derek told her Hotch looked - and she quotes - 'scary' but to her he seemed just fine. Maybe a little intimidating, but that's about it.
 After a very in depth talk about the job and some of Ivy's accomplishments, Ivy was cleared to go set up. With a polite handshake, she picked up her box and started heading out, when Hotch's voice stopped her.
 "Oh and please; call me Hotch. We're collegues now."
 Ivy smiled and nodded, mumbling a soft 'bye' as she shut the door behind herself. She made her way down to the bullpen and found the desk Hotch had told her about, placing her box on it and sighing. She took a moment to look around, smiling to herself.
 "Meeting with the boss went well?" Derek's voice rang out of nowhere, making Ivy slightly jump. "You're jumpy for an FBI agent." He joked, making Ivy laugh. "I'm not gonna fight that." She chuckled, staring to set up on her desk.
 "Need any help?" Derek offered and before a woman scoffed with a laugh, "Let the poor girl set up her stuff before you start flirting." A woman with raven black hair said, laughing a little.
 Damn, why's everyone so fine in here?
 "Hey, I wasn't flirting! I was just... offering a helping hand to the newbie." Derek defended himself, making the woman laugh again as she shook her head. "Don't mind him, he's a flirt but a really nice guy. Hi, I'm Emily Prentiss." Emily stretched a hand out to Ivy.
 Ivy gladly shook her hand while politely smiling at her. "Nice to meet you, Emily, I'm Ivy." She said, making Emily smile as well.
 "Very pretty name." Emily chuckled, making Ivy's cheeks turn a dusty pink. "Thank you." Ivy said with a smile, staring to set up her stuff on her desk.
 Derek was sat in his spinny chair while Emily was standing, both watching the younger agent set up her office. "Do you need anything?" Ivy laughed awkwardly, as the two agents basically ogled at her. "Sorry, you just look so much like JJ..." Derek said, sounding as confused as he looked.
 "We're second cousins." Ivy laughed, stopping her movements so she could look at the two with an amused smile. "Oh my God! You're the Ivy she talks about!" Emily realised, pointing a finger at Ivy, who was horribly trying to hold back her laughter.
 "That's me" She said, motioning to herself.
 "I pictured you a redhead." Emily mumbled, mainly to herself, but Ivy heard and chuckled.
 "It's the name."
 "It's the DC villain."
 "Maybe both."
 "Both." Both women nodded, a similar grin on their faces.
 Derek just sat confused, watching the two women talk as if they had known each other for ages. "I'm very confused." He commented, mumbling to himself, "You look confused." Emily pointed out as Derek scoffed jokingly.
 "I do not." He defended himself.
 "Why's Derek confused?" A tall, scrawny boy asked as he walked by, sitting across Ivy's desk. God damnit, he's cute too.
 "Oh fuck you."
 Ivy could only laugh at the sibling-like interaction between Emily, Derek and the boy - who seemed awfully young to be witnessing such horrors the BAU saw daily. "Because; Spencer, this is Ivy. The cousin JJ always talks about." Emily introduced, making Spencer nod with a side smile.
 "JJ talks about you very often. I always pictured you a redhead, though." Spencer said with a chuckle, making Ivy smile. He was indeed very cute.
 "Well, I'm obviously a blonde. But I've been thinking about changing it up a li-"
 "Don't even finish that sentence missy." JJ's voice called out suddenly, making Ivy groan. "Why do you always spawn so randomly? Does the universe put money in the slot or something?" Ivy mumbled, making Derek laugh subtly.
 "Ivy, you remember how it went last time you tried to dye your hair." JJ laughed, sitting on her cousin's desk with a smile eerily identical to Ivy's, who just smiled softly and looked down to her feet.
 "How'd it go?" Emily asked with a curious smile.
 "Miss Monroe here had greenish hair for like a month." Ivy shot her cousin a glare, trying to hold back her own laughter. Eventually she gave in and started laughing as well, shaking her head a little.
 "Yeah okay, it was a disaster. Something went wrong with the dye and I ended up with green hair." Ivy explained, everyone laughing at the mental picture of their new friend with green hair.
 Ivy continued setting up her desk while chatting with the rest of the team, getting to know them better. Ny the end of their shifts, they had done their work and even tried to help Ivy but she wouldn't let them.
 "Go home, Emily." Ivy said with a laugh as Emily sighed in defeat. "Fine. But text me when you get home." The raven haired woman said, patting Ivy's shoulder as a goodbye gesture.
 It was nine when Emily left, leaving Hotch and Ivy alone.
 Two hours later, Hotch exited his office, seeking some caffeine to keep him up for the ridiculous amount of paperwork he had for some reason, when he spotted his new agent. "She's still here?" He mumbled to himself, surprised that Ivy was there.
 He shrugged it off and made his way to the coffee machiene, deciding to leave the girl be for now. That was all out the window when he saw the exhaustion in her face when she lifted her head from her paperwork to sip her own coffee.
 So he decided to be a good boos and check on her.
 "Hey, Monroe. You alright?" He asked, reaching her desk.
 Ivy looked up from her files and smiled at Hotch, nodding her head. "Yeah, I just want to get these out of the way so I have less for tomorrow." She said with a soft smile, making Hotch smile too.
 She's interesting.
 "What are you still doing here?" Ivy asked back, as Hotch sighed and rubbed his eyes, "Chief duties." He said with a faint smile, making Ivy giggle. "It's eleven at night." Ivy pointed out, a soft smile on her face.
 "Your point?"
 "It's too late to work."
 "You're working too."
 "Not for long." Ivy smirked, tapping her pen shut and putting her hair up, "I'm officially done with these, plus if I stay an other minute awake I actually think I'll go crazy." She chuckled, taking the thick stack of files in her arms.
 "I'll take them to my office, don't worry about it; go home." Hotch said, putting the full coffee mug down on Ivy's desk as he reached for the papers. "It's fine, Hotch, honestly." Ivy tried to stop him, but he insisted.
 "You look exhausted, Monroe. Leave those to me and go rest." Ivy gave up and sighed with a smile, "Fine." She passed the files over to Hotch, who easily held them up with one hand while Ivy needed both.
 Ivy sighed and put her coat on, placing her bag over her shoulder. She finished off her coffee and threw away the papercup, while making sure she got everything she needed. Once she gathered the last of her things, she walked to the doors about to leave when a voice called out to her.
 "Goodnight Monroe." Hotch's voice called out, not even looking at her as he opened the door to his office.
 "Goodnight Hotch." Ivy chuckled, shaking her head as she walked to the elevators, calling it a day finally.
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sukinapan · 11 months
honestly would be pretty interested in hearing about all of them, if thats alright
it's no problem o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o i like talking about this
for context, apart from making personal art i'm also an artist and character designer at Smarto Club, so I don't know if these count as OCs but i have posted art of them here: Haco from >Bubblegum Galaxy and Teacup from >Teacup.
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you can check the steam pages on those games for more info if u like. i love all my characters but i don't usually make personal art of these two since i already do it as my job.
my newest Smarto Club character is a bit different since she's more in the style of what i'm doing personally so i want to make more art of her soon. her name is Abigail:
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she's a kid who likes reading about bugs and catching them but she never hurts them : ) this is a short game in early development but it's about catching creatures called angels. it's got horrorish vibes but i don't think the end result will be full-out horror, since it's also kinda silly...
then there's Peklo, it's a game for which i created the whole concept and story but the plan is to develop it as a studio at Smarto Club. i wrote more context for it on this post, but for the characters, they're my favorites to make art about at the moment. the main ones are Kiku (the cat) and Mi (the bunny):
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i recently created these human forms of them for fun but i'm not sure whether i'll establish them as canon or not... they're trapped in limbo/hell so there's space for them to have a past human form. they don't remember their lives but Kiku feels a deep sense of regret about things unkown to her and wants to break out of Peklo. Mi feels trapped in an eternal sadness, she longs to see the ocean, she can always hear it but has never been able to reach it.
the antagonist in Peklo is a frog entity called Guppy but i haven't really shown him outside of his froggy logo
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i also have OCs from my smaller games. there's Hlina that i created specifically for >this game that was commissioned to me for a zine. i don't have any plans to use her again for now but i might make more art of her in the future for fun. she's part of a strange dream realm and is hostile to the player:
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there's iro from the >game with the same name who's my oldest game OC. i created that bitsy game for her story but she existed previously in my art degree final project, it was a version of the same story but just a section of it. it's a dream of mine to create a full-fledged 3D game for her some day.
she's a bit of a defective space exploration robot, sent to explore planetoid Iridium-3 in search of human contact. it's set in a future where humanity has dispersed among the whole galaxy so lots of groups have lost contact with each other.
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my latest game OC is Michtat, a wizard cat that i created just for this silly zine.
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lasty, there’s the characters from my comic that I’m working on, called The most distant planet. the main characters are Victor and Mitya, two 9 year olds whose families end up living together.
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i'd say these are the dearest characters to me of all. i don't post as much of them because they're mostly in the shape of comic pages and it doesn't spark as much interest as my games. i love drawing them though.
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they’re both little weirdos who isolate themselves and don’t fit in much with other children, so the friendship they develop is very special to them. they have almost opposite personalities where Victor (darker hair) is very shy and dorky but also very sweet to everyone, while Mitya mostly gives 0 fucks about what anyone thinks or says, he blurts out whatever he’s thinking and just wants to run around wild.
the story is mostly slice of life-ish but there’s also a science fiction element ^-^ Victor is obsessed with things like ghosts, aliens, etc but Mitya thinks it’s all just dumb tales.
another important character is Alyosha, Mitya’s 17-18yo brother. he doesn’t know how to talk or relate to his little brother and is kinda weirded out by him. they where very close when they were younger, but when Mitya was 2 he had an accident that Alyosha feels guilty about, and has been somehow different ever since.
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he still worries about his little brother and how isolated he is, though. at the beginning of the story the two of them live alone with their grandma who does love them but has kind of a cold and distant personality. 
Alyosha was the type of kid to be considered “gifted” but now feels completely burnt out and had to repeat a grade at school. he felt so humiliated by this he eventually stopped going entirely, so he now works part time and just studies at home. he cut contact with his old classmates but he still has 2 best friends from the last few months he spent at school in the grade below, Manon and Min Na. they’re the kind of friends who just show up unannounced at his house and job, and are very involved with his family’s life.
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i’ve also included Min Jie in some art, she’s Min Na’s younger cousin and comes into the story later:
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i should have like character sheets and stuff for all of these OCs but i’m the kind to just jump head first into drawing/modeling lol, that's why i included all these finished illustrations.
i really wanna publish this comic, i’ve been working on it for a long time and i’m currently waiting for the results of a public funding application here in my country to decide what i'll do next.
hope this could be of interest (^人^) thanks for the ask!
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blackberry-s0da · 8 months
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Gonna make a big post to try to answer this.
My characters are inspired by lots of thing things (and lots of artists), Machete wasn’t an inspiration in particular to be honest, it’s a fully fleshed character with a specific white-black-red aesthetic, catholic imagery, blood, violence, hate, guilt and by the latest posts, love too. Mercy barely has a name for now, I haven’t been able yet to make a story, place him in a specific historical context or do as much as design his clothes.
Regarding physical similarities I actually took most of the poses and general vibes for Mercy from paintings depicting naked women (mainly form renaissance) as i liked how soft and peaceful they looked;
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(Machete lives on that time period if I’m not wrong so there’s also that. Mercy doesn’t have a spot in any timeline yet, but I’ve depicted him in modern clothes once and I think I’ll eventually place him in a modern setting)
Another inspiration was actually the artist Babezord, specifically for Mercy’s color palette and face pattern as seen in the image below. Many characters count with this mask like pattern and I’ve always loved it;
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(funnily enough on this character it is an actual mask)
The similarities on style are due a few factors: I learned to draw dogs mostly from Canisalbus, I’ve been following their work since I was around 13 or 14 I believe? Maybe earlier, and I learned a lot of things from them for the most part. On top of that I also love sighthounds and mostly draw that type of dogs as I’ve been having them as pets since childhood and always found them very pretty. I currently have two greyhounds.
Another artist I’ve leaned from are Lilaira, putrid.hound, canisinfernalis and mischievousdog, amongst others so shoutout to them too.
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I believe that Canisalbus characters are more stylized and fancy looking, they’re more lean and lanky for the most part, their hands are small and delicate, characters are very expressive and culturally rich, the clothing and pieces of background are beautifully detailed, their pieces usually tell a story, Mercy in the other hand was recently picked up from a mental trashcan I had him on as he’s my oldest and probably less used oc (he used to be a she but I decided to keep the name, that’s as much as he has for now, besides two scraped background stories). I designed them when I was a teen for lots of vent art and didn’t like how he looked (plus the negativeness I attached him to) so he’s been pretty much abandoned until September of 2023 when I redesigned them. Also gotta add that, while he isn’t a self insert he’s been used for the most part to reflect things about me and how I feel at the moment.
I believe my art is similar in many aspects to the one of Canisalbus, but not remotely close to being as amazing as theirs, I wouldn’t say were identical but I do take inspiration on them, amongst other artists.
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thegreatwicked · 8 months
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Enjoy some of my favorite stories I've come across on Tumblr! Seriously, I LOVE these stories and I reread them A LOT!
Please note: Virtually ALL OF THESE STORIES ARE SMUT. That means 18+ content, and you are responsible for managing your internet consumption. Minors DNI.
DC Comics
Dance for Daddy by @matth1w LAWD. I love me some Roman Sionis fics and this one DELIVERS. Sexy, kinky, smutty I give it a solid Chefs Kiss.
Joy Ride and Let Me Make You Feel Good, The Intern by @littleredwing89 More delicious Roman Sionis one shots Joy ride is about teasing Roman as he drives and Let Me Make You Feel Good is about a sweet smutty cure for a hangover. And the Intern, a fuck buddies to lovers story, god yum. Reader inserts. Drool. Go forth read and enjoy.
Bait the Beast by @more-cardigan-than-womanLord help me, I found a new little gem. You cause a bit of a ruckus with Coblepot and Roman thinks you need a lesson.
Yours by @tarrenterror25set in the AO! Verse Roman is having some trouble during the holidays overcoming everything the Joker did to him, good thing he has you. Because he does. You're his now. Melt. Sorry about the mess.
Star Wars
Water and Rock by @split-spectrum I honestly cannot say enough good things about this story It follows Obi-wan/Fem Reader in the classic Master/Padawan troupe and it. is. SPICY. Up to twelve chapters which I have read MULTIPLE TIMES and it hits so hard. Go read this story it is sexy as HELL and gives you the feels. She's so damn good at writing Obi-Wan it hurts, but like in a kinky good way.
The Gift by @ladyinwriting18 I have already spoke at length about the fabulousness that is Lady in Writing and her amazing content. This one is a favorite! Its a Maul/Reader Insert and it is smutty sxy and kinky. Seriously if Maul is your fictional crush (Hi me too!), go read this.
The Three Princes Part One: The Oldest Profession by @thenightmarketofdathomir This writer is freaking legendary. I do not know the collection of words in my own language to describe the eloquence and sophistication this writer possesses. Just go. Go read this and you let me know if you're ever the same again. This gem stars our boy Feral and is a you/reader insert. Oh damn, this story makes me want things...
Birthday Wish, Romancing the Pages, The Write Seduction, To Create Life, by @jedianjakenobi Y'all, this author holds a special place in my writer's heart. She's a published author on Amazon and she's truly amazing. Her works are all Obi-Wan-centered and reader inserts. Birthday Wish is a birthday crush from your sexy neighbor, Romancing the Pages is a fake relationship/summer romance with a reclusive shy librarian (Ben) and a best-selling author, The Write Seduction is a professor Kenobi/writing student story and it is SPICY. And my favorite To Create Life is a Jedi Council green lights a baby-making program and who else is the reader paired with? Their good friend Padawan Kenobi. My darlings, my friends, if you like Obi-Wan smut then you are doing yourselves a disservice by NOT reading these.
Empty Me Out by @221bshrlocked reader insert/DOM Obi-Wan I'm tellin y'all this story NEARLY killed me. I've lost track of how many times I've readit. You're an entertainer and Master Kenobi needs information from you, so you give him what he wants and then he gives you what you want. Where it Wasn't massage therapy reader insert/Obi-Wan, do I need to say more? Pretty sure I melted into the floor with this one.
His Loving Satine by @waterlily707 I love reader insterT and OCs but these two Obi-Wan and Satine are a joy to read. Temporary paralyzed Obi-Wan at the "mercy" of a slightly dom Satine. Juicy, gorgeous, little bit of fluff. Love it.
Room 24 by @murdockussy Little angsty Obi-Wan/reader insert enemies to lovers in an undercover assignment-type situation. Spicy, dom Obi-Wan give. Me. More.
Tea with Lemon, Tea with Honey by @wickedscribbles an established relationship as a reader insert and Obi-Wan. If you want honey then you get to take care of a sick Obi-Wan and kind out you have a new kink, if you want Lemon then Obi-Wan takes advantage of said kink and whisks you away to another planet for some R&R under the guise of "work." Enjoy!
Ben Hardy
Hold Me Close, Don't Let Me Go by @stray-kaz God. This one shot is just sxy as hell, it's a Billy/Four fro, 6 Underground/Female Reader. Our boy comes home to one hell of an 'I missed you, I need you right now' welcome. GO read it. Right now.
Such an Experience by @rogermyreligionOk. Guys... FUCK, this is a hot little oneshot Roger Taylor of Queen/Female reader and OMG. Just go read it. I've officially stopped counting how many times I've read this. Smutty/Sexy. I'm dead.
Long Distance by @acciotwinzwinz. Y'ALL. Sit your asses down and read this Roger Taylor/Reader insert/You. It's fluffy, its sexy, its cute and the smut is -chefs kiss- Yes, I read this one a lot too.
For now, these are some of my favorites that I frequently reread because I love them. I'll probably be adding more, it's more than likely I've forgotten some...
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lyramundana · 1 year
I can feel your enthusiasm through the comment and I totally relate to it, I'm really a sub for these greek gods too!!
Now I have various headcanons with my oc, Vivi or Violeta, but since you mentioned fem!reader, I'll go with that.
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-They're both switches, but Minho tends to take the lead and leans towards dominance more. However, Jisung can be pretty intense too and they can have this battle of pride where they try to manhandle the other into submission. It's fucking hot when it happens because you can't tell which of them is doming here.
-Since Jisung is the younger in the relationship (for a while), he's usually the one being take care of and he LOVES it. Minho, on the other hand, enjoys pampering his jagiya and protect him. The roles outside the bedroom remain the same usually. Minho is the caretaker, with ocasional soft moments when he needs pampering too, and Jisung the babyboy that needs constant affection.
-When you come into their lives, their routine crashes and their entire world perception is turned upside down.
-You meet Jisung first, both of you becoming friends quickly, and you kinda befriend Minho too by association. At first you two only hang out when Jisung is involved and aren't really close, but as time passes and he sees how comfortable his boyfriend is with you, he starts to warm up to you. In return, you see how happy he makes Jisung and the great partner he is, so she start to apreciate him more.
-What started as a friendship with Jisung and a mutual respect with Minho becomes a besties trio. You're younger than them, so they try to look after you out of instinct, but since you're not korean you don't really see the point of this idea of treating people differently by their age.
-More often than not you have arguments because you feel they see you like a kid sometimes and you remind them that you're a fully independent human and you don't need to be treated like a damsel in distress. Jisung is a lot more open minded about it and understands your point of view, but Minho is more conservative and stubborn, so you two argue the most. As your bond progresses, you learnt to let them take care of you sometimes and be vulnerable with them, while they accept to treat you like an equal instead of a "dongsaeng".
-Following this, there are times you decide to take care of them instead and babying them in return, partially for teasing but also because you like it. They're so cute and soft and fluffy when you're alone, you just want to squeeze them in your arms. You reprimand them like they're your children when they do something that bothers you, you bring them clothes and make-up, you fix their hair and clothes when they look messy, you call them stuff like "good boys" "my babies", "my darlings" (the last one is always in a playful tone).
-The position of dominant one in the relationship it's yours now because Minho has found out he loves to be babied and spoiled too, so when you're around he lets you on charge often. In private, they just want to snuggle with you and have you massage their scalps, call them sweet names and cover them in love. Jisung lets out hums of contentment and Minho straight up purrs, curling into a ball against you. At first he fights is off because it hurts his pride as man and the oldest, but it feels way too good.
-Suddenly they bring you to their dates. You become a part of every activity they usually engage in together. You feel weird at first thinking you're intruding in couple activities, but they reassure you constantly that they enjoy your company.
-They're obsessed with hearing you speak in your native language. Even if they don't understand anything, the way your voice shifts and how beautiful you sound makes their brain go brrrr. If used right, you can use this to lull them to sleep.
-From outside, it looks like the typical girl with her gay besties (and you think that's the reality), but some of their acts feel more than platonic. Regardless, you embrace this image and proudly refer to them in the same way, not noticing the uncomfortable frown on their faces.
-They're the type to treat you like their partner before you guys establish it, just to mark territory for other people (and because they really want to live that fantasy). You may not be theirs fully, but they'll be damned if they let someone else get you. They don't get it at first, they fool themselves into thinking they're just being good friends that care for you too much.
-In my au where Minho experiences a bi awakening because of fem!reader or my oc Violeta/Vivi, this is all more intense and chaotic. They have a lot of trouble dealing with it because they don't know what this means for their relationship and, considering the culture they've been raised, the idea of polyamory doesn't instantly pop in their heads. They're confused and scared, because they feel they're emotionally cheating on the other and also ruining their friendship with you. This leads to several misunderstandings because they can't cope healthily, but they still insist on having you close.
-However, once they come to terms with their feelings for you and embrace, they go from shy, awkward boys to possessive, almost toxic men. They were already clingy before, not wanting you to leave them for anything or anyone, but now they don't even hide it. They're determined to have you, to show you belong with them, and can't stand seeing you with other people.
-It starts slow, you can't even notice. They're more physically affectionate, one of them or both is always touching you in some way when you're out, they refer themselves "jokingly" as your boyfriends and that's why you don't need to go on dates with someone else.
-Then it grows. Their hands now drift from their usual places at your shoulders and back to your waist. Their clinginess worsens. They make you sleep with them in the same bed, shower together like "besties" do, dressing you up because "they love seeing you in new clothes", etc. You force yourself to not think much of it because you see how perfect they are for each other and there's just no way they can feel something more for you..right?
-They're frustrated by how blind you are to their advances, but at the same time, they use it to their advantage to get away with it. The only reason you let them go this far is because you're convinced they can't like you that way and you bet they'll take it as an advantage. As long as you think it's all *overly friendly besties", you won't push them away.
-Deep down, you know something is off here but you can't help but enjoy their little acts. You're used to repressing your forbidden feelings for them to not ruin things, but when they treat you like this, you just let yourself get caught in the moment and pretend you're actually dating them.
-It all breaks down by a jealousy fit from them. The mere thought of losing you to another, for you to love someone else and let them touch you drives them mad, so they make a statement.
-By statement means they lock you in their room and spend hours teaching you not to stray away from your partners. By the end of it, your sweating, clothes tore open and there's not a single trace of skin they haven't marked. Bites, hickeys, bruises. They just let out all their anger and frustration on you.
-The aftercare and morning after is immaculate tho. They feel a bit guilty for how rough they were and make sure to treat you like a princess.
NSFW part ahead, beware❗
-They may be switches but with you, oh boy, you don't have any power in it.
-You have a safeword established and they will stop immediately if you don't want it anymore, but that's it. They have full control over you and your body.
-They worship your whole being, but they have their favourite spots. For Minho is your ass, neck and boobs. For Jisung is your hips, boobs and thighs. They have small competitions to see who leaves the most marks or whose mark are bigger. Your body ends up covered in splashes of red, purple and yellowish.
-They only times they let you be on top is to ride one of them when the other is behind you. They still control your moves and you're basically a doll for them to move around.
-Literally. While you guys are fucking, you're treated like a toy by them, a pair of wet, tight holes for them to fill and play with until they get tired of it (they never but you guys needs to rest from time to time).
-Minho is a sucker from going at you from behind while Jisung is underneath you, both thrusting into you from their positions while you're trapped between them, just taking whatever they give you. Their hands are never too long in one place, constantly roaming all over your skin to feel you up. When he's about to cum, Minho grabs into your boobs and hides his face on your neck, getting drunk on your scent, while Jisung hugs your hips and hides his face in your cleavage, licking the traces of swear that run down of it. They love cumming on their preferred spots to see their essence covering your skin, but if you're on birth control, the only way they're cumming is inside you.
-When they heard the concept of "double penetration", they knew they needed to try it, so they spent HOURS prepping you until they knew you could fit them both there. It was the first time the three of you orgasmed at the same time. The pleasure of feeling your walls closing them in and their dicks rubbing against each other with each movement was mind-blowing. It's a bit painful, so you guys only do it on special occasions.
-If they're still idols in this, you bet they have brought you backstage to fuck you in the the private rooms assigned for the group. Dressing rooms? Bathroom? The music station?? Done, done and done. You're their reward for a good performance or a stress reliever of the're not satisfied with the result.
-Mandatories quickies before stage. They say it's their "lucky charm" (which is a lie because there's usually another quicky after stage).
-The couches from the practice room? Jisung's studio? Yes and yes.
-You visited them once during practise to be a good girlfriend and bring them snacks during their break, and they thanked you by fucking you in front of the mirrors and fogging them. It was a sight to see.
-Another recurrent one is going to Jisung's studio and riding him in his seat or give him a blowjob while he works.
-Cockwarming it's not a kink, it's a necessity.
-And it's never just one of them, oh no. You have to keep both of them warm. Let it be each one in a hole or having both in your cunt. It's not always sexual, they're just pussydrunk and can't go a day without playing with it.
-When they feel in a rather possessive mode, they mark you and then you guys go out and you're forbidden from trying to hide it. They make you wear skirts that barely conceal the hickeys on your inner thighs, tops that don't reach your neck, leaving those purple bruises exposed. They get off from people watching them and realising you're taken.
-Outside the bedroom it might seem that you're in charge, since they behave like total babies with you and have to look after them. But if people look closely, they can see Jisung's firm hand on your waist, never letting you go. Or Minho occasionally brushing his hand on the expanse of your neck with a concentrated look in his eyes. They'll notice how you're never by yourself and one of them is always touching you somehow, keeping you glued to their side.
-In short, having Minsung as lovers would be a wild ride, full of passion and intensity. It's not a kid's game, since they're complicated people in their own right and you're still figuring out where this would lead, but one thing is clear.
-They're never letting you go.
If you want something specific or want me to change something, please let me know! I'd love to see more opinions.
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happyk44 · 3 months
Loving your takes on Greek Mythos!! I wonder if you have any headcanons for Hades and Poseidon. I feel like that is a relationship that is very neglected and would love to learn you pov.
Thank you! I’ve been thinking about the gods for a very long time (even before I got into PJO). There were two stories I wanted to write about their childhood and the war, but I later revamped them into original works with OCs versus retellings. Story A was an ensemble story with the theme of family and togetherness, and Story B was focused on Hades, him coming into his role and dealing with his family’s issues (mostly Zeus) over who he is and the purpose he serves. I mention these just because I know I’m gonna reference them as I write my answer.
But yeah, I do have a lot of thoughts about the six’s relationship to each other and obviously that includes Hades and Poseidon. With the two of them, I think they’re on pretty good terms. Poseidon thinks they’re very close, while Hades thinks they’re the regular amount of close for a sibling though.
I have always taken the approach of Hestia and Hades being sort of parental figures to the rest of the stomach siblings. They are the oldest, they’ve always been around, so while they personally don’t see themselves as Mom or Dad to their siblings, they do have a general amount of authority over them, and they are deferred to as authority figures, especially in the early days when the others are finding their footing and discovering their sense of self outside their father’s belly.
Poseidon is emotionally volatile and irrational. He lacks remorse and doesn’t feel guilt. Strangers don’t matter to him. On the other hand, Hestia is empathic, she is kind, loving. She adores people. So when Poseidon gets angry or destructive, Hades becomes the default person the others seek out. With Demeter, Hera and Zeus, the first thought is “where’s Hestia” then “where’s Hades”. For Poseidon it’s always, “where’s Hades” then “where’s Hestia”. So it’s not really a boy vs girl thing. Hestia can calm down Poseidon, but her approach always starts off gently and supportive, which is helpful with the other three when they’re angry because their emotions have a sense of logic to them.
It's not helpful with Poseidon because his emotions don’t always have one and ping pong so rapidly that the source of his rage may change by the time she gets there. Calming him down takes a lot of time for her. She’s much better once he’s settled. So Hades takes over for the whole walking through floodwaters, grabbing your little brother around the neck and choking him until he stops doing what he’s doing.
Where Poseidon is emotionally volatile, I think of Hades as being much more detached from emotion. Part of it is being god of the dead, in that the dead don’t feel, and part of it is that he’s just very soberminded. He does, of course, have feelings, but he approaches his feelings rationally in a way that Poseidon can’t.
However, he, like Poseidon, does lack empathy. I think he has a much higher capability for it, and he does experience remorse, but ultimately everything dies – people, plants, even gods. So Poseidon’s destruction is more of an “ugh, this is gonna be so much work” rather than “oh my stars, the people”. He’s expecting them to come to him one way or another. When Poseidon’s rage doesn’t affect people and is more destructive on the landscape, it doesn’t bother him because he lives underground. His home remains unaffected.
So Hades finds it easy to deal with Poseidon even if it’s a pain in the ass, and as a result, his words have much more hold on Poseidon’s behaviour than Hestia’s or the others. If Hades says, “Don’t do that”, he’s much more likely to listen. It’s like Poseidon is the reactive dog and Hades is the owner holding the leash.
Another thing I’m really keen on is that Poseidon has  abandonment issues. Think of the ocean: heavy, drowning, crushing, sticks to you as you surface, drags and sinks you so easily. He’s clingy, needy, physically affectionate. He is always on top of one of them. While I don’t think of Hades as a very touchy person, I think he’s so used to Poseidon’s behaviour that he doesn’t even really register Poseidon’s weight when it settles on him anymore. It’s just how it’s always been, why would it be anything different? Hades, of course, will shrug him off and push him onto someone else when it’s overstimulating or Poseidon won’t shut up about sharks, but otherwise it’s just. Yeah, whatever.
With that in mind, I used to think of Story A as a movie when I was first developing it, and I would pretend to do a behind-the-scenes thing and talk about the wardrobe and how the clothing choices informed the characters. One of the things I wanted to pull focus on, sort of a running joke through the story, was that while Poseidon had his own bedroom in the house, it went unused because he would always end up sleeping with one of his other siblings. He couldn’t sleep alone and refused to do it. The other running joke was that he didn’t dress himself. Whoever he slept with would put him in clothes.
Naturally these clothes would always match their own style and aesthetic, so warm, fall colours with very comfortable homey kind of clothes for Hestia; dark clothes for Hades; spring-summer clothing, natural fibers, breathable, things you can work and get dirty in for Demeter; very classy kind of chic clothes with pastels and a lot of blues for Hera; and then somewhat formal business-ish kind of attire, like button-ups, cufflinks, dark pants and such for Zeus. This was made to represent a) the fluidity and adaptability of the ocean, and b) his need to be included. He can think for himself, he often does, especially when he acts on his impulses, but intrinsically he wants his siblings to love and adore him. He wants them to stay with him. He wants to fit in, he wants people to like him, and if he has to wear what they’ve chosen for him to get that, then yeah, fine, let’s do it.
On that sense of mimicry, we lean into Story B, where the stomach siblings would frequently dream of the world outside of their father’s stomach, and the purpose they would eventually serve as gods. The girls would speak of these very warm beautiful things full of life and comfort, and Poseidon copies them. He doesn’t talk about the darker thoughts, the vicious part of the ocean because they don’t bring it up and Hades is very quiet about his dreams, so Poseidon does not want to be the odd one out. He’s already the angry one who screams too much and has to be wrestled into submission by Hades or forced into calm by Hestia’s flames surrounding him.
So, no. He doesn’t talk about the darkness at the deepest depths of the ocean, doesn’t talk about chilling cold, the terrifying monsters that lay beneath, the crushing pressure, or how he dreams so much of drowning them all and keeping them pinned and immobile at the deepest depths so they can never ever leave him. He keeps silent. Meanwhile, on Hades’ side of things, he knows that his dreams are different from the others. They don’t scare him, but he knows they would upset the others, or at least Hestia and Demeter – Poseidon unable to care for strangers and Hera being similarly emotionally detached from strangers as Hades is. His dreams are dreary and sad, full of darkness and rot. So he keeps quiet about it.
Which means that once they are finally thrown up and able to explore their domains, Hades’ powers come as a shock (and concern) the others. Poseidon, I think, becomes somewhat jealous. A key factor I have always wanted to emphasize in Hades (and in Nico and Bianca when I write PJO-verse) is that he is not ashamed of his powers or his purpose. Being god of the dead, being god of the underworld – he enjoys it and always has.
Yes, there are undesirable aspects of it, such as his siblings discomfort and mistrust in Story B, but that’s literally the only issue he has with it, and it’s not even really his issue. It’s theirs. He’s logical and understands that his status as god of the underworld has a purpose in the world and if it didn’t, he wouldn’t be in charge of it. He’d be something else. So he’s always been very settled in his role even before he fully knew what his role would be.
But because he never copped up to it in order to spare his siblings’ feelings, Poseidon feels irritated that Hades adapts the dark side of things so easily. Especially since Poseidon’s relationship to darkness is cloaked in viciousness and ferocity, in possession and desperate need. Hades isn’t like that. There are no differences in him because his domain is one settled thing, whereas Poseidon’s is evershifting.
It's because of this jealousy that Poseidon agrees that they should kill (or imprison) Hades at the end of the war in Story B.
But outside that story or the other one, I think Poseidon goes in and out on his jealousy through their childhood, just as part of his emotional volatility. Sometimes he finds it admirable, and other times it drives him up the wall. These times can happen within quick succession of each other, but Hades handles it in stride. Poseidon’s sudden bitterness isn’t new and Hades is too comfortable with himself and who he is to be bothered by Poseidon insulting him, or trying to get under his skin as he might with Zeus or the others.
Going back to Poseidon’s abandonment issues, Hestia loses a lot of his affection after the war. My general rule of the thumb is Zeus defeats their dad, any remaining titans or supporters of Kronos who haven’t already been dealt with concede, the kids take some time to themselves for a few days then Hades disappears to the underground, Zeus and Hera depart for Olympus and the other three leave to travel the world. Demeter splits off to teach people agriculture, leaving Hestia and Poseidon alone.
Hestia who is kind and empathic and Poseidon who has spent the last few years fistfighting uncles and suddenly can’t do that anymore. And he can’t just. Stop being emotionally volatile, he doesn’t know how and Hestia’s advice doesn’t work because she’s never dealt with turbulent emotions and eventually the guilt of bringing him around people he might decide to start fighting out of boredom becomes too much so she just disappears in the middle of the night. He wakes up. Alone. Screams her name but she doesn’t come. Eventually departs for the ocean and agrees to take over for Oceanus as king because at least this way he can’t be left behind. And anyone who tries will die by his hand, and no one wants that, so, yeah, they’ll never leave him. And he will be loved forever.
This just means that by the time Zeus and Hera have cleaned up Olympus and established the rule of gods, and have invited the family back as Olympians, he ignores Hestia and deviates to Hades’ side. He doesn’t get over it for a long time and even then it still bothers him. Later the opening Hestia created as figure of authority that Poseidon is more willing to listen to is filled by Amphitrite, his wife, who he loves more than anything.
I headcanon her to be asexual and sex-repulsed. She purely does it for procreation and, eventually, confesses to him that she despises it but only went through it for the kids and because she assumed he wouldn’t care and would force her anyway, as he does with other people. So for her, he stops doing that because there’s nothing worse to him than the idea his wife believes he’d hurt her. And when she admits this to him, he ends up going to Hades to talk about it because he knows that he’s a bad person. That he’s violent and cruel sometimes and that he hurts people. It’s never bothered him until now though. So what does he do? How does he be a good person so she’ll trust him? He can’t have her not trust him.
Hades walks him through it. Amphitrite doesn’t mind all the terrible things, after all she is also the ocean, she knows best what he feels, understands his tumultuousness better than anyone else. It’s just this one thing that causes stress. He doesn’t have to erase an entire part of himself, just pull back on this one thing. And he does. It’s hard and he’ll bitch about it because it’s just easier to make someone do what you want, but he does it because he loves his wife more than anything, and Hades told him that he could do it, and he believes Hades. Because Hades is his older brother and Hades took care of him and Hades has spoken to so many souls who have gone through so many things and most importantly, Hades would never lie to him.
Another thing that’s important when I view their relationship is they’re both chthonic to an extent. I think it’s in the Mycenaean Age that Poseidon was correlated as a chthonic god as well. I remember I had this joke that if Hades had to choose any of his siblings to marry he would pick Poseidon, but only because Poseidon was tall which would make it easier to kiss him and unlike Hera, who is also tall, he would be comfortable in the underworld. Hera would hate it and Hades would not want to live on that mountain, and there’s no way either of them are commuting to their jobs every day. So, damn, guess Poseidon’s the only choice. But, yeah, even outside that joke Poseidon and Hades are both comfortable in the dark, cold and creepy. So when Poseidon excitedly shows his family an anglerfish after exploring the bottom of the ocean and everyone else is “ewwwwwwww. what is that thing”, Hades is like “neat, can I cut it open and see how much of it is made of cartilage?”
I’ve always thought of Hades as being the balance between Poseidon’s chaotic nature and Zeus’s orderly ways. Death is also inherently chaotic, ya know? It throws life into an upset, it happens suddenly in various different ways. But the underworld does have structure, it does have clear lines and rules in its function. And it’s through this has Poseidon uses Hades. Because Hades is a workaholic and Poseidon is not. He does not enjoy being king, he does not appreciate the responsibility that comes with it.
Luckily Amphitrite is perfectly fine to handle a lot of the boring and day-to-day stuff of running a kingdom, which allows Poseidon to focus more on managing his army, dealing with sea monsters and being a general nuisance. But when he has to sit down and manage his papers, he always ends up calling Hades to do it for him. And Hades is a workaholic whose wife, children, and devious employees frequently lock him out of his office so he’ll take a break. Which means he tends to jump on the chance. Besides, it gives him some variety. So he’ll sit at Poseidon’s desk and crunch numbers and review requests and Poseidon will swim back and forth like the hyperactive ADHD merman he is, yapping on and on about sharks while Hades hums and nods along.
In the reverse of this, Poseidon’s active nature also helps Hades relax. Despite the “happy to sit behind a desk and work until he dies” thing, I think Hades is also a very active person. The difference is that Poseidon needs to be moving and Hades needs to be stimulated. He can sit still if he has something to do but once he starts getting bored, he’ll do anything, which, lol, okay side note but when I was first conceptualizing the gods as characters I used to have this joke that they all had crushes on Hestia and Hades, especially Poseidon, who, obviously, is very open about his affections.At some point Poseidon discovers that Hades has kissed all their siblings except him, he gets very upset about it and won’t stop whining until someone screams at Hades to please just kiss him and make him stop talking (Hades is very used to Poseidon’s yapping, he can tune it out so easily, other people don’t have that ability though). So he gives Poseidon a kiss and then, to make sure there’s no more complaints, gives everyone a kiss on the head so they’re all equal.
The context of the other kisses is that he and Hestia were trying it out to see what it was like, him and Demeter were posing as a couple to get information on their father’s army, Zeus was drunk and mistook him for Hera in front of Hera, so Hades kisses her to make it even between the two of them. The other joke is that Hades has zero interest in being intimate with Poseidon, mostly because he thinks it will make Poseidon’s clinginess worse than it already is, which it absolutely will, but he knows that if he’s bored enough and Poseidon asks him, he will say yes just so he’ll be doing something. Whether he finally caves and hooks up with his horny little brother is up to you, but either way he tops and Poseidon gets weird about it, lol.
But, ha, going back to Poseidon being able to help Hades relax, the water is nice when it's calm, you know. And Hades like to learn things, it’s part of his job as god of the dead, taking in all the history of the souls who’ve passed, using it to judge them, using it to give advice to other people or predict trends in mortal lives and make preparations for any sudden influx. So he doesn’t mind lying still in the sand while Poseidon points at the fish above them, and tells him everything about them. There’s a settling because the earth is great, but Hades is built for underground and it's under the earth where the dead lay, but the ocean is filled with death – shipwrecks, animals, people. Whale falls nourish a portion of the deepest depths. The sand is made of bones, it comes from rocks and the dead.
With that in mind, I think Poseidon likes to mess with Hermes and Thanatos when they come to collect souls from shipwrecks or drownings, so Hades generally takes over because Poseidon can’t bother him no matter how hard he tries. And Poseidon will usually give up pretty quickly and just follows him around like a little guppy.
I think between his ability to relate to Hades on a deeper level with the chthonic stuff that the others don’t vibe with, as well as Hestia abandoning him, there comes a part of Poseidon that is very obsessive over Hades. Once he’s king and especially once he’s married, he has less time to be as aggravating about it, but the obsession will always linger. He might not defer to Hades as readily as he used to, especially when Amphitrite’s word is much more holy, but Hades will always be someone he regards in high esteem (unless he’s angry. Then fuck that guy).
When I first started shipping Nico and Poseidon, I had Nico ask him once “are you only with me because you can’t be with my dad” and Poseidon is just “I’m with you because I like you, the fact that you remind me of your dad is a bonus”.
They both struggle with the concept that they are loved. I’ve always thought of Hades as someone who gives love easily, but has trouble accepting it back. Whenever one of his employees tell him they love him, whether platonically and/or romantically, he either says, “No, thank you” or “Okay” followed by him bolting in the opposite direction and not communicating with them for a while because he can handle emotions, but he doesn’t really know how to deal with them when they’re directed at him, especially when they’re affectionate.
With Persephone, she confesses on the surface during a lunch date and he shoves her into the lake and runs away. She chases him obviously and makes him accept it. It’s funny because it’s kind of like he’s so used to Poseidon’s volatility that people with more level-headed and straightforward emotions are hard to process. Especially since Poseidon’s emotions were evershifting, so the guarantee that you are loved is not as stable as it was. And then of course Demeter recoils from him because her nature and his don’t align which is painful and tells him that love is stable, and Zeus is paranoid about who he is so he might care for Hades in a very complicated way but he doesn’t love him. Hestia loves everyone and Hera is similar to Hades in her emotional detachment from people, so love is an awkward sentiment for her.
Comparatively, Poseidon does know that he is loved, but he craves a constant reminder of it which becomes bothersome and tiring over time. He needs to know he’s wanted and there will never be enough proof to satiate him. Luckily, his desire to be loved is simplified down to a small collective of people he genuinely cares for. However, out of that group, Amphitrite is really the only person he would never hurt. So he would attack Hades if need be, and Hades, so used to fighting him to get him to calm down, will defend. But Hades would never attack him for no reason. Even with reason, I think Hades cares for his family too much to start throwing hands.
Post-war is a little different as they become somewhat estranged from each other over time and because they all have domains they need to take care of. Under the right circumstance, he might start a fight but before then, he’d contentedly lower himself to his knees and accept his death by their hand if it would make him happy. In Story B, he points out how he doesn’t have anyone else, it’s always just been them, and he’d rather die by their hands than run away and be alone forever. Shortly after he’s introduced to Osiris and the other Egyptian gods, and they remind him that he shouldn’t entertain their fears by hiding himself from them. He is a part of the natural world. Whether he’s there or not, people will die and the dead will roam the earth, searching for home. He can provide shelter to thousands by making five people unhappy, or make five people happy and know that thousands will forever suffer until someone takes his place. Because someone will always take his place.
I think, as well, in Hades being very rational about himself as a person, incapable of experiencing shame over who he is even as other people revile it, Poseidon can garner some help from that. Because yes, he’s remorseless and doesn’t care about people, but he doesn’t always want to be. Just because he’s accepted that he’s this way and finds joy in it, doesn’t mean he always likes that this who he is. Who would, you know? It’s a very troubling life to live, especially when you do care about people, or at least want the capacity to care. And Hades, I’ve always thought of, is someone who is very introspective. So he can soothe Poseidon’s’ worries that maybe there’s something more wrong with him than there should be. Explains to him that he is the ocean. That’s how he is, it’s what he represents, he’s supposed to be vicious and cruel, destroying lives and violating people. But he’s also supposed to be calm and steady, basking in the warmth of the sun. Yes, he can be horrible sometimes, but he can also be loving, the sweet lap of tides against people’s feet. He is not mortal and he cannot beholden himself to mortal ideals, nor can he beholden himself to the behaviours of other gods. He represents something entirely separate from them. That’s fine. He shouldn’t be distressed by it. Just learn to adjust his tides to the change of time.
So, haha, in summation I think they’re closer as brothers than either of them are with Zeus. Poseidon is definitely a lot more intense about his relationship with Hades because, well, he’s intense about a lot things, where Hades views him more from the simple position of “yeah, that’s my brother”.
Hades is really Poseidon’s last link to their family as well – you know, Hades is a very chill person, and he’s fairly understanding. He gets why his relationship with Demeter changed after they starts tapping into their domains more and he understands why it went through further recoil following his marriage to Persephone. He understands that Zeus is paranoid and has a lot of trust issues and doesn’t fault him on that. He gets that Hestia and Hera, while they care about him, are devoted more to the surface than they are to him, Hera especially being Zeus’s wife, and if it came down to it, that’s likely the side they’d choose. But despite these complexities, he’s very relaxed with them because these things don’t bother him. To him, it’s both just the way it is and not his problem.
However with Poseidon, it’s very much Hestia abandoned him, he does not mesh well Zeus coming from the view of order vs chaos, Demeter does not trust him (and rightly so), and Hera knows how to shatter his ego into a million pieces with just a few words, which he hates. Also sometimes she gets really intense and it’s scary.
While he can socialize and interact with his siblings on a very chill or professional godly level, there is a lot happening beneath the surface and they’re all very aware of it. In the end, Hades is really the last grip he has to their siblings and, in some ways, the surface itself. If it became an Olympian vs Underworld thing, he would absolutely support Hades, but in the same breath he’d probably get very stressed out if Hades didn’t show enough appreciation for that, you know.
I hope that explains enough of how I intend their relationship. As always things shift and change depending on the story and background but in general this is how I try to focus them, and I do hope it makes sense because looking back on what I've written, I am. Concerned 😂
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disciplesofthelamb · 5 days
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"Greetings, fellow loyal cultists, as many of you already know, our great leader, The Lamb, has been very busy. But do not fret, I, Silas, have been left in charge as their loyal disciple-"
"Correction, WE were left in charge."
"Have some manners Briar, I am speaking."
"No, because you always do this! Why are you acting like you're better than us?!"
"AHEM, anyway... Like our dear friend Silas was saying, we were left in charge in the case of our leader being unavailable, so we will be happy to answer any queries you may have!"
"Thank you all for your attention, have a blessed day. Remember to praise The Lamb!"
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✮ This blog may depict sensitive topics, viewer discretion is advised.
✮ This blog is a work in progress, things are subject to change.
[About the characters under the cut!]
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[Silas, Briar and Dotty are my own cult of the lamb ocs! Here are a few things about them:
✭ Briar (She/Her) : A rescue from Anura, she was found by the lamb along with Dotty in the ruins of their old village. She became a disciple becase she complimented the lamb when they were having a bad day and just happened to be level X.
Likes: Painting, Anything pumpkin-flavored, Rain, Napping, Woodcarving, Watching the sunrise, Stuffed animals, Jewelry, Dotty.
Misc info: Tries to avoid conflict, but she always feels the need to have the last word. Prefers to stay indoors. She just wants some peace and quiet frfr. Veryy argumentative, if highschool was a thing in cotl she'd be in the debate club. Short temper, she won't yell at you but she gets irritated fast and will ignore you for the rest of the day.
Follower traits: Zealous, Ascetic
Pinterest board:
✭ Dotty (Any pronouns) : A rescue from Anura, she was found by the lamb along with Briar in the ruins of their old village. She became a disciple because she refused to work without Briar.
Likes: Walks in the forest, Bugs, Berries, Arts and crafts, Foraging, Sewing, Strawberry jam, Diced apples, Stuffed animals, Briar.
Misc info: She has like a billion hobbies and she loves all of them. Can't sit still for more than 5 minutes. Collects rocks. She will make you a friendship bracelet a day after meeting you. Silas thinks that he's the favorite disciple but it's actually Dotty. Addresses people by pet names when she can't remember their name.
Follower traits: Unrepentant, Strong Constitution
Pinterest board:
✭ Silas (He/him) : A rescue from Darkwood, he was found as he was about to be sacrificed, after his rescue he swore to devote himself to the lamb for the rest of his days, yet he was the first to dissent when faith got too low. He became a disciple because the lamb "Thought he was cute."
Likes: Formal clothing, Journaling, "Research" (reading YA romance novels), Tea, Writing, Scented candles, Silver jewelry, Fountain pens.
Misc info: Professional mansplainer. Chronically jealous. Calls himself a "hopeless romantic" but his standards are too high to actually date someone. He'll tell you that he likes old literature but if you ask for recommendations he won't have any. Thinks he's hot shit because he's a disciple but in reality he's just a glorified errand boy. Brags about being the lamb's favorite because they said it once. Thinks that writing shitty love poems is peak romance. Knows how to play chess, but he sucks at it. Cares a lot about his appearance, he will spend 3 hours to get ready before going out. Even though he's supposed to make deliveries for the lamb, he only does it whenever it's convenient for him.
Follower traits: Germaphobe, Materialistic, Poet
Pinterest board:
✮ Additional info: Briar is a weasel, Silas is a striped hyena, and Dotty is a raccon.
Silas is the oldest of the group, he joined the cult before the other two.
Briar and Dotty are dating, they have been since before The Lamb indoctrinated them.]
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"Briar speaks like this."
"Dotty speaks like this."
"Silas speaks like this."
Actions look like this.
[Moderator speaks like this.]
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@askacultleader (My other blog!) and @no-less-than-a-lambgod As our glorious leader
@ask-theredcrown As our Lord, The One Who Waits
@ask-thegreencrown and @he-ofhavoc As Leshy
@askthe-yellowcrown As Heket
@ask-thebluecrown As Kallamar
@ask-thepurplecrown As Shamura
@ask-thepurplecrownbearer As The Goat
Mortals/Miscellaneous entities
@askthe-littlepoet As... Who's this one again?
@the-sleepydragon As Imora
@tomb-the-god As Tomb
@keni-the-moth As Keni & Candy
@the-followers-of-them As other cultists!
@helob-the-spider As Helob
@terrorofthetarots As Clauneck
@ask-kudaai-the-weaponsmith As Kudaai
@ask-thefox As The Fox
@follower-of-the-old-faith As Ratau
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[Hello everyoneeeee it's me Zip again, I made another blog :3
This is purely to indulge myself because these guys have been infecting my brain for a while now.
If I forgot to add you in my pinned post or if you would like to be removed please tell me!!]
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truearchangel · 6 days
@solmxri Tordo is my oldest RP partner and friend on this blog. They are an incredible person who has put up with me for ten years and always engages in whatever I do. They’re so important to me, an incredible writer with OCs they’ve developed for so long. They’re a beautiful artist and if anyone on this blog is an affiliate / main it is them. I would give them my kidneys. Both of them.
@chasingrainbcws is a beautiful writer who portrayal of Charlie is so spot on to me. I love interacting with them and seeing their interactions of Charlie, especially with Lucifer. The vibe they have for their character is absolutely perfect and they’re incredibly kind in general.
@shiningxfates is so much fun to talk to! They’ve been drowning me in such beautiful plots with our two muses and I love talking to them so much. Their Alastor is incredibly fun to interact with and I love the way that they portray them! It brightens my day to scream at them so much about our two muses and I hope they really have as much fun as me with the little world we’re developing together. They’re such a kind person.
@diistortion I’ve screamed about them a lot already so just absolutely a beautiful artist, incredible writer and fantastic development of their character. Everything is just amazing. The fact they humor me and Michael so much just makes me want to scream. Very patient and kind mun.
@brokendreamscreation a very silly character with a lot of depth to them and thought out lore. I really do enjoy trying to understand Lucid and make him fit into Michael’s world. They’re getting there, I think, just gotta break the two of them a bit! But Soul is a very kind person who throws so much musings stuff at me and humors my silly antics. I adore seeing the chaos they get up onto on my dash!
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fabuloustrash05 · 7 months
ROTTMNT Love Interests Headcanon
If the Rise boys were ever given love interest, here’s who I headcanon they should’ve been and what their dynamic would be like:
Note: Raph and Mikey's love interest are my OCs/HCs of a Rise version of existing characters.
Leo’s love interest would be Yuichi
Leo met Yuichi through Hueso, who Yuichi works for as a new waiter for his restaurant in the Yokai city
Suddenly Leo constantly wants to go to Hueso's restaurant for lunch/dinner and his brother quickly figure out it's only because he wants to gawk at the cute new waiter.
Leo is overly flirty but Yuichi doesn’t notice him, not that he’s uninterested, it’s just he has lots of admirers, so sadly Leo in the beginning blends into the crowd.
It’s not until Leo takes a more forward approach by hitting on him with a cheesy pick up line, then proceeds to trip over himself and be humiliated by everyone, except Yuichi. He found the act endearing and Leo has now caught his eye.
Yuichi finds Leo annoying at first, but also charming/endearing thought he hates to admit it
*flirts* *flirts back* “I was not expecting this outcome, tf I do now??”
Leo tells a dumb joke and Yuichi thinks he’s a comedic genius.
They spar together, exchanging sword fighting tips/techniques
Hueso is their third wheel
Raph’s love interest would be Mona Lisa
My HC on how they first met (I guess you could say she really FELL for him ;D )
Mona is obviously in love with him but Raph is painfully oblivious. Everyone knows she likes him except Raph.
“She’s just a really good friend!” *said "friend" is wearing a shirt that says "I <3 Raphael"*
Raph would be very obvious to Mona's flirtatious actions towards him and not realize he's being hit on. Everyone knows Mona likes him, except Raph himself.
It took Raph a whole year to realize he liked Mona too. His bros can't comprehend his obviously stupidity when he asked his bros if he should ask Mona out and says he's worried she doesn't like him back (Raph end up freaking out and nearly faints when his bros tell him Mona has liked him the entire time)
She fell first, but he fell harder
For a while, Raph is conflicted with asking her out for a few reasons:
1) “What if she lost interest in me and I’m too late?!”
2) He feels he’s too busy as the oldest to have a relationship but his brothers encourage him to ask her out because him having a GF does not mean he’s being selfish for doing something for himself that makes him happy.
3) Mona’s got an overprotective father who hates the idea of his daughter dating. He liked Raph better when he was just her friend, but when Raph started having feelings for Mona he became a threat.
Eventually Raph does asks Mona out and she says yes! They become boyfriend and girlfriend shortly after their first date.
Everyone feels a wave of relief and satisfaction when these two FINALLY get together! "IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!" But everyone soon realized that they are annoying as a lovey dovey couple, "Stop shoving your happiness in our faces!!"
Donnie’s love interest would be Kendra
Partners in crime, on again off again romance
Fake dating trope in the beginning with them both having plans to steal each others tech, “I’ll woo him/her and when they’re off his/her guard, I’ll robbed them!”
They actually start to fall in love with each other, but then the truth comes out and they “break up”
Now constantly bicker anytime they see each other, blaming the other for the betrayal and “break up”
Check out my post on how I HC they first started “dating”
*Cue “True Love” by P!nk*
Argues then proceeds to make out then argue again
They are the first couple to get together, but them being really officially together is a secret. They secretly date after their first "break up" and everyone doesn't find out about them until much later on, to which Donnie just mentions he's actually dating Kendra so nonchalantly while everyone just looks on at him with shock. This is after Leo x Yuichi and Raph x Mona became couples.
Mikey’s love interest would be Renet
Renet is a human orphan who grew up in the Yokai City and is practicing to become a witch, specifically a time witch!
They met when Mikey was in the Yokai city and came across Renet when she was practicing her magic spells (aka she fell on top of him when practicing a teleportation spell)
Everyone struggles to figure out if they are dating or just REALLY close.
Best friends, goofy dummies who eventually fall in love with one another slowly over time
Innocent young love. A playground crush.
Mikey hangs out with her a lot because he likes her. He doesn’t realize he likes her and no one tries to tell him cause they thought he knew he liked her
Act like a couple loooooong before they even become a couple.
“Are you two dating or just friends?” “Yes”
That tweet of that girl asking her bf if they are dating (they are living together and have a kid) cause they never confirmed they are boyfriend and girlfriend, so when she asked the bf he responds by fist pumping his chest, giving her a peace sign and saying "we're just Bros"
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erkageka · 1 year
Headcanon to Canon✨
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Context: IndoIce/ネシアイ/volcano pair actually start off as a crackship during APH 🇮🇩OC era (used to be referred as IceNes + volcanoduo)
➡️Original Post
More context below! Feel free to read/skip. Writing this as a tribute for them, since I never really wrote about this before properly :')
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(hwsIndoIce/ネシアイ: Story time!)
The oldest fanart I made for them is from 2014, time flew so fast, it's almost 10 years. Even though they start off as a just-for-fun random crackship with no historical background, they become a comfort duo to me, I draw them a lot. The drawings of them were mostly associated with volcanoes and them hiking (an old IceNes AU). These are just some of the drawings of them, I still adore them until now... (If you noticed, the old APH🇮🇩 OC is inspired by that specific old Hima sketch)
And then one day..
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To be honest, when the 'second to Iceland' chapter was out, i'm in denial, there's no way Indo actually said that? Wait, it's not mistranslated? I know he must be joking~ But, out of anyone, he said 🇮🇸? Feels surreal to me, even though heart beat really fast lol. But then, Hima actually made them meet and interacted for real?! There's also a chapter with these two interacting on phone, I can't believe it, the random comfort crackship really interacted in the manga. Trying not to be way too excited about this because I don't want to be disappointed from expecting? lol, i'm ok with any future possibilities, but still glad 🇮🇩🇮🇸 actually meet and interacted. It's more than what i expected. (Though, even if they didn't actually meet, that doesn't change the feelings I have from them, and will still making fanarts of them)
(➡️More thoughts)
Still, despite of anything, I will continue to draw and show my love for them^^💖 Thank you if you have read until this part!
[ Note: if seeing the ship bothers you, please ignore it! ]
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justrainandcoffee · 4 months
Against all odds (Alfie Solomons x fem!oc) part 9
Crossover Peaky Blinders - Hunger Games
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Masterlist. Parts One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight
Summary: During the 72th Hunger Games, Panem meets Heaven Lavey the girl apparently angelical from district 7. But the eyes of the country are also on District 9, not just because they are the last winners but because of its tributes. The youngest of this edition Desirée and Charles, 12 years old. And twins. || Rose finally meets Aberama Gold. || The rebellion finds its symbol.
Warnings: The usual. Violence and death but it's not graphic (I tried, I couldn't write it.)
Words: 3.2 k || I think you need to listen to this song because I mentioned its lyrics here.
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A mother is crying. A father, also devastated, is trying to comfort his wife and oldest daughter. District 9 is moaning the death of its tributes. As always but this time it hurt. This time it was cruel. The 72th games finished with a victor from district 7. A pretty girl called Heaven whose name didn't match what she did in the Arena.
The thing is that no one is blaming the girl, clearly traumatized, but the voices claim for Coriolanus Snow's head. And at the same time Coriolanus Snow wants the head of the the director of the gamemakers.
Contrary to the people, Snow receives what he wants.
Everything happened in just two weeks.
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15 days earlier.
Rose was in her studio when she saw the tributes from district 9. She was used to see girls like Nina. Thin, around 15-17 years old. Or boys around the same age, usually taller than their counterparts but more or less the same height, some a bit heavier. But the difference between different tributes along the years she had been working on the games were minimal. That's why she prepared the costumes with anticipation. Usually very few things needed to be fixed when they wore the clothes for the first time.
But now…
12 years old, both of them.
Desirée Goldwyn was reaped first. Rose never saw such small girl before, she seemed around 10. She was scared and had her eyes full of tears. No one volunteered to help her. Of course not. No one of the girls were staring at Desirée as she walked to the stage where Alissa was waiting for her. Rose saw the forced smile the woman had in her face
The unexpected happened next.
A boy name Alexander Thomas was reaped. But a voice prevented him to follow Desirée steps.
"I volunteer as tribute!"
For a moment Rose's heart stopped. And she was sure that Alfie and Nina had the same thought as her in that infamous second.
Desirée Goldwyn had a dark brown curly hair and intense green eyes. The boy, had the same hair and eyes. Also the same height and probably weight.
Alexander Thomas saw the boy, clearly younger than him, walked very decided to the stage. Alex would never have the chance to thank him.
"A volunteer!" said Alissa "What's your name, darling?"
"Charles. Charles Goldwyn. And Desirée is my twin."
The Capitol exploded. Even before their arrival, the Goldwyn twins were the sensation of the games. Pure innocence, a fraternal love so strong that the boy decided to accompany his sister to the Arena. The fact that they were pretty helped a lot. They were exactly what The Capitol wanted and they received two.
Rose hid her face in her hands, before throwing the things over her table in one fell swoop, screaming in frustration at the same time. Frustration and anger weren't enough to describe her mood. Every single kid that she dressed had a special place in her heart. And nightmares. But the image of those twins that seemed to be younger than 12, were devastated.
They didn't have a chance. Not a single one.
Alfie was in silence in the train. He was facing the landscapes that by now he knew by heart, listening to the kids.
"I'm going to protect you," was saying Charles. "I'm quick! I can distract them so they can't touch you!"
"You should stay with mom and dad. And Leo," she said refering to Leonela, their older sister only 14. "Who's going to feed the chickens?"
"Mommy can do it, De! And Leo, too! Leo can help dad, too! And when you come back home, they're not going to worry about anything else."
"Don't say that!" Desirée had her eyes full of tears, too "You're going to come home, too, Charlie!"
"You know there's only one victor, De."
Nina and Alfie stared at each other. What do you say to two kids, twins, who were together from the moment of their conception, that one of them is going to die? That with the odds on their favour. But as Alfie knew very well, odds were never on their favour.
"So," Nina interrupted forcing the kids to think other things "what are your talents? Caesar likes to know what makes you happy!"
"Desirée is a good singer," Charles said to her "our nana always sang us a song when we were kids and then taught her how to sing. She tried to teach me too, but she gave up."
Nina chuckled and smiled at the boy "so, sing us something, Desirée."
[When I was a little girl, my mama said to me
"What's your favorite flower, darling? I'll get you the seed"
I said "Dandelion, Dandelion," that one's so pretty
She said, "Child, that one's not a flower, that one's just a weed"]
Alfie turned his head to listen to the girl. She indeed had a pretty voice.
["You can't stop me multiplying
No, you don't want me in your garden
Dandelion, Dandelion.
Then my fragile flower turned into a ball of grey
So I took a breath
and made a wish and blew them all away."]
"That's a pretty song, Desirée," said Nina.
"Our nana always said that her grandmother sang it to her and probably for generations. I always liked it."
"Leo, our sister," said Charles "sing it every time she sees a dandelion in our little backyard."
"I'd do the same," said Nina smiling again to both kids.
Alfie watched at his former mentee and asked himself if Nina also thought that the twins had any chance against the careers. No matter how quick Charles said he was.
The Capitol was excited to see the new tributes face to face, as always. But this time was a morbid pleasure behind it. Were the twins really that young? Were them really that precious?
The voices inside the building were disgusting. An hour after the reaping she already saw people trying to bet on them. Their faces were in every screen. People cheered every time that the reaping was repeated.
With her blood boiling, she went to the ninth floor and picked up some of the cookies that a month ago Alfie, and also Nina, baked when they went to their monthly visit to the Capitol. The cookies were in a perfectly closed jar so they were good. She picked up only five. And using a tweezers delicately put a piece of paper inside all of them.
Those cookies had a destination. Rose put them in a box and went to the post office.
Communication between districts were highly forbidden but inside the Capitol people were allowed to send packages or letters. And for few years she kept certain address just for her. It was time to used it.
A little cardboard box with his name on it was what Aberama Gold received when the sun was going down. It wasn't uncommon for him to received packages. But usually those were clandestine and contained guns. This one was from the official post office and it had just five cookies.
Soon Aberama understood that they were more than cookies and that the person behind that was important. Five little papers that formed a message:
We need to talk. Send your answer, same way you received this. To the tribute centre. Rosebeth Evert.
Aberama Gold didn't trust the ones involved in the games. And Mrs. Evert's face was in every news since district 9 won the previous games. He knew who she was. And he also knew that the woman was one of the very few members of the Capitol who were allowed to be part of the auction.
So why, such lady wanted to talk to him? And way she used such cryptic way yo do it?
He considered a trap. Wasn't Mrs. Evert, Snow's personal stylist? Aberama was sure of that. If she wanted to open a shop, Aberama was sure that people from the Capitol would kill for her clothes. But Mrs. Evert had a low profile and only appeared during the games.
Still, Aberama Gold ordered to his cook to bake some cookies and he left a message for her inside them.
"Five days after the games. Under the bridge. Go alone. Promise you'll be safe. A.G"
Alfie, Nina, the kids and Alissa arrived the next morning. As always people, citizens and those working there, were more annoying than usual.
Rose spent big part of the day adjusting the costumes and ordering every one around her in the studio to remain calm.
"You're going to be the most beautiful tributes ever," she said to them when finally they were ready. The same hairdresser that visited district 9 with her six months ago was the one in charge of comb their hair. Although Rose forbid the makeup artist to put anything on them to make them look older. The public wanted kids, she was going to give them kids.
Exactly what they were: just children.
She only found time to talk to Alfie only at night after the parade and when finally the city was in silence. There, in his bedroom, she could confess to him that she finally communicated with Aberama Gold.
"But he didn't answer yet," she said. "If he doesn't give me an answer soon, I'm going to visit him."
"It's dangerous."
"It is but I reached my limit, Al. We're going to see these kids die. You know that. You know they don't stand a chance."
"Do you trust him?"
"I trust no one here. They'd sell you to Snow for a corn chip but I need powerful people, too I can't do this alone. We can't. Do I have other options? No. It's the best I can do, love," Rose sighed deeply "how are you, Al?"
"I'm tired, luv. I'm very tired of everything. The only thing we can do is to expect the best."
"And that means…?"
"Hope, I guess."
She snuggled up against him and closed her eyes "Hope. I like that word. I really liked that word."
As expected the twins had no extraordinary ability. They couldn't throw knives, they didn't know how to use a bow. Nina commented that Desirée knew how to make traps because her father taught her. That's how they trapped rabbits and another little animals. Charles was right that he was quick, so Alfie spent some hours teaching him how to use a blade. Maybe he'd hurt some other tribute as he was running away. But they couldn't do more than that. Not with the careers showing themselves like peacocks around the arena.
And three days weren't enough to teach them how to kill.
The Arena was a foggy forest. The Cornucopia was made of wood covered with moss. Alfie always said the same to his kids "run away from there" some listened to him and others, like Nina, did not. But fortunately for the twins they did listen to him.
The bloodbath was always terrible and deadly. But this time…
That blonde girl from 7, Heaven Lavey, was the first one to be noticed as a menace despite her score wasn't that high. Alfie remembered that years ago, Lucy spoke about a tribute really unhinged and it seemed to be that the prophecy was true. It was cruel to say the least.
The careeers survived, same as the twins and tributes from other districts but compared to other games, the number of survivors was low.
All Panem witnessed the dawn of the third day. Heaven Lavey killed two careers in the same moment and by now the number of victims rise to eight. And she was about to add two more.
The twins were hiding in the bushes. They survived eating berries that weren't toxic but it wasn't enough. Charles was hugging Desirée who was incredible dehydrated. He too, but his sister was in worse condition.
"Sing to me, De," Charles said. "The song about dandelions."
"I can't. I think I'm going to die, Charlie."
"You're not, De. After the song I promise to search for water. Just sing to me, De."
And the girl did. And whole Panem listened to the song.
Charles knew better than people could think. No one knew Desirée the same way the boy knew her. And although young, he was old enough to know about death.
"I found a real dandelion," Charles said picking up the puffy flower "Make a wish, De."
"I want the games over," she said and blew it away.
Not long after that the deadly Heaven found them. They were still hugging each other when they died. Together they came to the world, together they left.
Some people said that in district 9, a woman cried so loud that some near mockingjays mimicked her screams and soon the whole district was hearing the lament of mother who witnessed her children being murdered.
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Five days after the games.
The night is warm and calm. After the games it seemed that people disappeared. And that year in particular was a very agitated event.
[You can't stop me multiplying.]
The song is in her head sounding like an infinite record player.
Rose left her car parked far away from the bridge that Aberama Gold mentioned and walked all the remaining blocks to that place.
Now, under the yellow streetlight she sees everything around her. She feels eyes on her although she can see no one. Probably they're spying on her to see if she's alone.
Fifteen minutes later, Rose sees a man wearing a hat walking towards her. He's wearing a brown coat despite the hot night. Rose doesn't know Mr. Gold but she knows it's him. She asks herself if the man has a gun hiding there. She knows that's very possible.
"Mrs. Evert," says Aberama approaching her, shaking her hand.
"I thought you weren't coming."
"I was here before your arrival, Mrs. Evert. I was just waiting, I'm sorry but I needed to know you were alone."
"I'm risking my own life coming here, Mr. Gold. Not because of you but him. So, I'm not that stupid to ruin my only chance to get help. We need to talk alone, please."
"What do you have to offer?"
"Not here. I'm not going to talk unless I'm sure we're on the same side, Mr. Gold."
"I'd say the same. I do not offer my help to anyone."
"A person you trust gave me the address to locate you, thanks that they trust the same person as I do. No one against this hell here can survive alone, Mr. Gold. We're part of the same chain. It just happens that not all the links know each other."
Aberama snorts and with his head orders her to follow him. That poor side of the Capitol reminds her of district 8. Grey buildings, dirty streets… Last year, during Nina's tour, when they stopped in that district, that was the first time in over a decade that she visited her birthplace. And it wasn't easy. Her mother and brothers were near as ever since then but she couldn't visit them. It hurt her to know that for example last time she saw her baby brother Louis was 8 years old and now he was a 24 years old man. She couldn't recognise him and probably for him, his own sister was a complete stranger. She didn't regret her choice to leave her house to help them, but she paid a high price when she did it.
Aberama invites her to enter into an old house. Its walls are covered by vines and it seems to be an abandoned place but as soon as he opens the door, she sees that it's in perfect conditions. There's a young man there, too.
"That's my son, Bonnie," he says. "Bonnie, she's Mrs. Evert."
After offering something to drink and a chair, Aberama sits down in front of her. After looking at him for one last time time, she finally shows to someone else what she has. Rose is still restless. What if…
And yet, she knows that she can't do this alone. The folders and papers she collected over the years are now in other hands.
"You did this alone?" he asks.
"But I can't do more."
"Ma'am, I don't know how to say this but this is a lot."
"Not enough," she insists. "If we want to start phase two, we need more than that. I need people, smart people. The kind of people you can find in district 3, those who know how to do this."
"When do you want to finish this?"
"Three years. Two and a half. We're going to sabotage the Quarter Quell, Mr. Gold."
"Then you need to know something that probably you don't know, but I do," Aberama opens a drawer and pulls out a cardboard folder that gives to her. Blueprints and a map are there "if we want to fuck Snow, I'm not enough, you're not enough. My people isn't enough… do you want this? Play bigger, Mrs. Evert. Go to district 13."
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
And it's that night, that moment in the Gold's household that she learns that District 13 is still alive. Rose learns about the pact between the capitol and the rebel district. The nuclear weapons… and Chester Campbell.
"They have a president?"
"Same way we have ours. No one chose him, but he's there. I don't know him personally, but I heard things about Campbell."
"And what do you think?"
"I think, if I were you I'd approach him the same way a mouse approaches a cat. In his own favour, Snow is charismatic he'll let you talk. Campbell is… well, more complicated. At least he's not Snow."
"Are there any other options?"
"I don't want his hands on this, Mr. Gold. I don't give a fuck if he's the president of Lostland. I'm trusting you with this, the afterwards is up to District 13 if you want but this? Just us and your people."
Aberama scratches his chin and offers his hand to her "I give you my word that this is just our mission, Mrs. Evert. This part, but we're going to need their help."
"It's fine. We have a deal. We sabotage the games and they take care of the rest. Burn everything once is over, Mr. Gold the good thing about papers is that can be consumed by fire."
"I'm a professional," smiles the man.
"In six months, I'm going to contact you again. I'm sure you know that I'm part of the auction. But I'm not part of them. I'm not them. I'm not my husband."
"I can see that. I see you in six months, Mrs. Evert."
"Use the cookies," she says before leaving his house.
"I will. Goodnight."
A single dandelion is in middle of the street growing up in the pavement. She takes it and blows it all away. The seeds fly with the wind.
[You can't stop me multiplying.]
Fascinating that rebellion found their symbol in something so simple and mundane as a dandelion. But it was also a powerful thing. Growing up were it shouldn't.
[You don't want me in your garden.]
Snow was walking through his garden full of white roses, thinking about the girl named Heaven and the twins.
The twins and their song.
[You don't want me in your garden.]
There in middle of his roses dozens of dandelions were growing up. Imperceptible under the beautiful flowers. But they were there.
And in every district.
“Make a wish, De.”
“I want the games over.”
Hundreds. Millions of dandelions around Panem. Stronger than ever, even if in the eyes of the Capitol, people from the districts were just weed.
[You can't stop me multiplying.]
And it was just the beginning.
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coffehbeans · 9 months
Y'all might be wondering where I've been. Well, I've been drawing!
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These are Juhren and Sunflower, my oldest g/t ocs (they're from 2018!) I'm very fond of these two and I was thinking about them a lot, not to mention redesigning them, and before I knew it, I've drawn a whole portrait aushshs
Although the only stories I've posted about these two were fluffy (here and here) their bond wasn't like this at first!
More about them under the cut~
Basically, Juhren and Sunflower are childhood friends in a fantasy world where each sentient being has a magical power inside them, which made the world full of different species of creatures. Humans like Sunflower, however, do not have this power and in the land she lives in they're being killed and harvested for a unknown purpose. So Sunflower pretends to be a magical species that's related to nature and plants (hence her name) and it was during this undercover period that she met Juhren. He's from a species of giants called the nordem, a barbaric, violent and powerful kind that's currently on war with the leaders of the country. However, when they met, Juhren was a child and nordem children are just a little taller than human size.
After a falling out, they've been separated until adulthood. Sunflower is discovered and has to flee her village and the country altogether in order to survive, hiding from basically everyone, since humans can be captured for a very high reward. In this world where she can trust no one, she needs allies in order to escape, and meeting Juhren again, now a powerful and (apparently) ruthless giant like the others, he might prove to be just the person she needs.
Sorry that got long lmaoo anyway I have their first meeting planned out (I've written it a few times as well) and, although I have a lot on my plate rn lol, I want to write it one day and show it to you guys! I've only been showing Juhren's soft side so far, but truth is he rarely makes the face he's making at the drawing ausush So anyway I love them
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