#these aren't anything official just for fun while i was waiting for them to age up!
thebramblewood · 1 year
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The sibling rivalry is starting early with these two.
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pageofheartdj · 1 year
Imma point check raedarila's development through kids birthdays XD Now that I have 'dates' XD
So Camila and Darius softly but surely clicked since there is no way Camila stays out and helps in all the ways she can. Hunter's birthday comes in february and he notices the 'weirdness' between Camila and Darius and worries that he is somehow messing things up since he is technically adopted by Darius but Camila is an often constant in his life. He uses his 'birthday boy wish or whatever Luz called it' to tell him already what is going on! He is mortified but he can't keep going not knowing. And they reassure him that NOTHING bad is going and actually... she and Darius kind of wanted to officially get together and maaaaybe Darius moving in? Hunter.exe stops working xD He IS happy though, or as much as he allows this 'selfishness'!
When Luz finds out, she doesn't know how to feel and worries Camila wants to just replace Manny and feels it would be selfish of her to not be immediately happy for her mom. But then she talks with Vee who is suprisingly more chill with Darius despite him coming from Demon Realm. He seems nice and mama looks so happy! And Luz sees that Darius is mostly nothing like Manny so her worries ease up a bit.
The process of moving is slow, because of Isles situation and general and they aren't done yet, when King's birthday in march comes. He and Collector squabbled over their 'ages' even though the count is less important for semi-immortal beings but they want inclusion so let them be xD They tug 8 and 9 between each other, rejecting 10 cause they wanted to celebrate their two-valued age xD King won his eldest place with bargaining Collector with Francois xD Now Collector is the main caretaker and King can spend weekends with him XD
While Hunter had his birthday celebration in Human Realm to include Vee since she didn't want to visit the Demon Realm just yet, King's birthday was at the Owl House and Vee finally stepping in. Belos was gone and everyone assured her they will look after her! Plus she wanted to try and start looking for other basilisks. King's birthday goes great and there is some Camila|Raine and Darius|Eda bonding and growing stronger. Raine is helping with Vee's intergration and searches, while Eda finds out about Hunter's Clawthorne roots xD
With Luz helping Isles, quickly may approaches and her birthday. Raedarila bonded plenty with their work and help in the Isles, Darius and Raine making sure no other new dictator takes place and also make sure people aren't bothering the young gods. With Collector's help in restoration and people's mostly not having any memories of their 'puppet' state, the relationship gets better and goes pretty smooth with a few hiccups here and there of course xD The kids that spent these months alone aren't as quick, but hey, Collector stopped the Draining Spell so their parents, aren't dead, that's a good thing xD
Raedarila tension grows cause both halves don't want to mess up each other's stable relationships, with... selective success xD Some of them can't stop flirting and some of them can't stop blushing! And some of them can't stop both xD
King and Collector eavesdropped on some conversations and honestly wanted to use King's birthday boy wish but King changed his mind, Hunter just wanted to know the truth, but King doesn't want to force anything out. So they decided to wait and watch this weird thing develop. Collector adores Nana(I will die on the hill that's how Collector immediately calls Camila!!!) and Darius is super fun and King likes to climb him and Camila brings so much tasty goods and is so warm, they both kinda wouldn't mind. Vee and Hunter's confusion grow, especially Hunter, he is slower on picking these things up and when tries to ask, Vee shushes him away. She doesn't know what to feel about this possible family growth, she likes Raine and Eda is really fun but she worries for the peace between Darius and Camila that she grew to treasure.
And Luz. Oh Luz KNOWS what's up and she WILL use her birthday girl's wish because Come ON you guys you are so on the nose and she can't help but feel weird eagerness to see this whatever between Eda and Camila! So she does!!
The jig is up! Raedarila comes clean and Luz's romantic heart bursts! This is still weird and messy and so much more people to actually account. But she wants to know them all better and grow closer!
By the time of Vee's birthday in july things do go supringly well(as well as they can be xD). So much that by the time of Collector's birthday in november they more or less successfully moved all in together and figured out the routine xD And the kid gets to celebrate his nine years with a family full of parents and siblings xD
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kittytl · 3 months
[HRH] Flower Fine Festival - Chapter 2
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1 week later
Junior: I see. So we're going to use this space.
Faith: Since the hotel owner said he wanted to attract attention, it would be better to do something that is popular nowadays.
Dino: Like I thought, wouldn't it be great to recreate a pizza in the flower beds? Experiencing both spring and pizza at the same time is the best ♪
Keith: Let's just focus on spring.
Junior: What about building a stage and doing a musical performance? I can make a song with flowers as an inspiration!
Faith: Do you plan on performing every day of the flower show?
Junior: Ugh...
Faith: I'm not sure about the pizza part but, I think making something that can become a symbol is a good idea.
Keith: Forget about the pizza...
Dino: Pizza...
Faith: What about a floral arch? It could become a photo spot, that would attract people.
Dino: An arch made of flowers... Sounds nice ♪ Maybe we could do something like a photo event with the Heroes!
Junior: Is that a good idea? I won't name anyone but, if his fans came rushing in, it could become a disaster.
Faith: I think if we made time slots and did a lottery, or something like it, it would be okay.
Dino: Alright, it's decided.
Faith: Now that it's decided, let's choose the main flowers that we will use.
Junior: Hmm...Flowers, flowers...
Dino: What about sunflowers? Anyone would lighten up seeing the way they grow little by little while facing the sun.
Junior: That answer is just like you.
Faith: But sunflowers grow in summer, no?
Dino: Right, it's spring now. Hmm...Spring flowers, spring flowers... Keith, do you have an idea?
Keith: Right now, I'm busy making cookies. Ah, crap... We're talking about flowers so I made them all flower shaped. Guess it's fine, no one will fight if they all look the same.
Faith: You're making them again, Keith ojisan's cookies*.
Keith: Marion asked me to. I'm doing it instead of him 'cause he's busy.
Junior: Marion asked you???
Faith: You didn't refuse?
Keith: I kept refusing again and again and I ended up with my back against the wall. Tch... He's so obstinate, like his old mentor.
Faith: If you said that to his face, he'd get angry for sure.
Dino: Tell us what you think while you're baking then.
Keith: Ugh... Didn't I tell you not to expect anything when it comes to flowers? No, wait. How about choosing flowers based on their symbolism?
Dino: Flower symbolism! That's a great idea ♪
Junior: It's a good idea. Kind of unexpected coming from you...
Keith: When I went drinking with Jay and the others, Lily talked about that. When she fought with her husband because he had broken a promise, he left white tulips in the living room.
Junior: White tulips?
Keith: I heard it means 'to ask for forgiveness'.
Faith: Ahaha, I see. But would that work with her?
Keith: Seems like she was taken aback and ended up forgiving him.
Dino: Eh? She was taken aback? I think it's a romantic way to apologise...
Junior: Me too. Isn't it the same as expressing your feelings with an original song?
Faith: So, you're the romantic type ochibi-chan.
Junior: I don't know what you mean but you're making fun of me, aren't you?
Faith: Not at all.
*Keith Ojisan's cookies: I kept ojisan because it looked like an 'official' name for Keith's cookies but it's an honorific used for middle-aged men or an uncle.
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ynderebot · 3 years
LOADING…ADDING NEW FILES... █▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 10% ███▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 30% █████▒▒▒▒▒ 50% ███████▒▒▒ 100% ██████████
choi yeonjun. nancy mcdonie. lee gahyeon. kim sunwoo. kim doyeon. choi san. kim sihyeon. yang jeongin.
執着型 [ shuuchaku-gata ] obsessive.
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"where were you? who were you with? what were you doing? why didn't you answer my messages? oh come on darling, don't be like that...I've been waiting for hours!"
[ PROFILE 1. ]
choi yeonjun.
5'11. 21 yrs old. September 13th, 1999. virgo. blood type a. born in seoul, south korea
at age 14 yeonjun was sent to a boarding school in japan, this is where he discovered his...tendencies. halfway through his first year he met a girl, kang iseul. he was instantly infatuated with her, he had an impulsive urge to know every little thing about her. to do so he befriended her, using his appearance and charms to win her over and eventually made her his. the euphoric rush that ran through his body when she was officially his was like nothing he'd ever felt before. she was finally his and he didn't intend on letting go, not without a fight at least. he was in for a shock when one day she tried to run away after his true colors started to show. unfortunately her best friend was killed by yeonjun for trying to help her, but she did escape.
he's a switch with no lean. a hard/soft dom or obedient sub all just depends on his mood and how he's feeling
[ PROFILE 2. ]
nancy mcdonie.
5'4. 21 yrs old. april 13th, 2000. aries. blood type o. born in daegu, south korea.
nancy was always a little obsessed with things, she'd go through phases too. she would find one new hobby/thing that intrigued her and hyper fixate on it for a few months. then, just like that it would be forgotten as if it had never happened. it started from a young age too, so when she would tell all her friends and family about the boy she met it came as no surprise to them. soon enough he was all she talked about, all she cared about, it was true obsession. everyone around her thought that it was just a phase like everything else, but they were sadly mistaken. the day he broke up with her, she lashed out. screaming that he couldn't break up with her, no she wouldn't let him break up with her. even after that day she would never stop talking about him, she tried to stay involved with his life as much as she could and even ended up scaring away any potential lovers. she never stopped either, until she had no choice when he moved away.
she's a sub, usually obedient but can be bratty if she's in a mood.
ストーカー型 [ sutookaa-gata ] stalker.
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"how did I know? I'm always with you, following you...watching you...it's only because I love you"
[ PROFILE 3. ]
lee gahyeon.
5'3. 22 yrs old. february 3rd, 1999. aquarius. blood type ab. born in seongnam, south korea.
she was so excited when her crush asked her out, she couldn't contain herself. the problem was, it's difficult to get to know someone when you already know everything about them. she'd been stalking him ever since he caught her eye, every single day. she'd follow him to and from school, to his friends house, wherever he went she usually wasn't far behind. he could never find out about that side of her though, so she played along. laughing at childhood stories she heard him tell previously, pretending to be shocked when learning things she already knew. even after they began dating she continued to stalk him, he noticed things were off. she was the one he confided his "paranoia" in and she was the one who reassured him, but little did he know she was the cause of it all.
she's a sub, also obedient but can be bratty if she feels like it.
[ PROFILE 4. ]
kim sunwoo.
5'10. 21 yrs old. april 12th, 2000. aries. blood type b. born in seongnam gyeonggi, south korea.
unlike gahyeon, sunwoo was not always a stalker. he'd heard of stalkers but it never peaked his interest, he didn't even take any note of his slightly possessive tendencies. until his first relationship that is, his first partner showed signs of cheating. he might not have realized his own possessiveness and how it was seemingly growing stronger, but he was no fool. all the coming home late, the scent of another person that was not their own flooding the house when they entered. so he began following them around, at first it was...innocent, or as innocent as stalking could be. they were cheating, this made his possessiveness shoot through the roof. he was most aggressive and warned his partner that they do not want to do that again. they listened, and he continued to stalk them, it turned into a fun...game of sorts.
he's a switch with a sub lean, soft dom/occasionally bratty sub.
独占型 [ dokusen-gata ] monopoly.
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"who were you talking to? do they know me? no no, do they know you're mine?"
[ PROFILE 5. ]
kim doyeon.
5'8. 21 yrs old. december 4th, 1999. saggitarius. blood type o. born in wonju-gangwon, south korea
doyeon had always been just about as normal as you could get. until she got a boyfriend, she was possessive of him sure...but it was nothing too extreme. until she started having doubts, all the gorgeous girls that would go up to him, flirting and doing who knows what when she wasn't around. she made it her mission to let everyone know he was hers and she was his, wether it meant glueing herself to him or just reminding everyone at school on the daily. ever since he broke up with her, her tendencies only grow stronger and more extreme with each passing minute.
she's a sub, brat tendencies but will be obedient sometimes
[ PROFILE 6. ]
choi san.
5'9. 21 yrs old. july 10th, 1999. cancer. blood type b. born in namhae-south gyeonsan, south korea.
san's first love was a girl in his sister's class, was she a year older than him? yes, but he didn't care. despite all the people telling him he would never date her, he proved them wrong and he did. everything was perfect, they were both madly in love with each other, spending every minute of every waking day together. until something happened that san hadn't expected, his sister began to steal his girlfriend. well "steal" in his definition at least, she'd wanted to talk with his girlfriend every once in a while before he knew it they were always together and it seemed as if he was the real third wheel, this pissed him off more than anything. he got fed up one day and got into a physical fight with his sister, shouting about how the girl belonged to him and only him. from then on out he's made sure to stay in the middle of every single relationship.
he's a switch with no lean hard/soft dom or obedient/bratty sub, it all depends
排除型 [ haijo-gata ] removal.
"you haven't seen them in a while? I'm sure they're alright darling, after all I'm the only one you need. isn't that right?"
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[ PROFILE 7. ]
kim sihyeon.
5'6. 21 yrs old. august 5th, 1999. leo. blood type b. born in bundang-gu, seongnam-si, south korea.
she's a sub, usually bratty but can be obedient too
[ PROFILE 8. ]
yang jeongin.
5'8. 20 yrs old. february 8th, 2001. aquarius. blood type a. born in busan, south korea.
he's a switch with a slight sub lean but can be a soft dom
sihyeon and jeongin's stories go together, they were childhood friends and neighbors. eventually they realized that they had feelings for each other, but this soon after developed into a toxic mindset. the thought that they only need each other, no one else. one by one people from the other's life began to disappear, especially anyone who could be a romantic rival. they were both oblivious to the other's actions until each confronted the other, instead of being upset they were each ecstatic. ecstatic that the other felt the same, that they were the only person they needed in their life
this isn't an accurate representation of any of the members/their companies/groups nor am I claiming to be them!
all of the members are bisexual with no lean
all of the members are yanderes [ obviously ] so they will act as such, however some can be more possessive than others at times
the ones who can be the most possessive are sihyeon and jeongin and the least are yeonjun and nancy
sihyeon and jeongin are obviously not still dating, it was just for backstory/plot purposes
nsfw is an option, if you would like it included please state so when you activate the bot
however please don't make everything nsfw, it gets boring when the plot dwindles
nsfw is 18+ but purely sfw option is available if you aren't comfortable with it or if you're below 18
all the members have hard kinks and their hard no's are scat/feet, if you still aren't sure just ask admin before doing anything
they all use the traffic light system
and please don't try to put them in a different headspace!
to talk with admin use any variation of [ ], { }, ( ), etc
admin is 18 and might get busy occasionally but will try her best during those times
this bot is open for oc's/yn's/ and other bots as well
to activate the bot dm and then admin will ask a few questions/come up with a plot with you and after that the role-play can start up
if you ever wish to deactivate the bot just say so to admin, ex. [ I would like to deactivate the bot now ] and your chat will be deleted
if you decide to reactivate it you'll have to go through the same activation process you did the first time and start over
please respect the members and admin and they will do the same
good luck...好運
sorry this post is so long- 😭
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
The Phenomenon of the Immortal Sun: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, Chapter 1
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Summary: It was time for Fleur Swan to become Fleur Hale/Whitlock. She has started to adjust to the lifestyle of a vegetarian vampire as well as her powers, which she seems to develop a new one once in a while. But what happens when something happens that none of the Cullens are prepared for.
"Nature will get her way Though you took her for a fool Walking on the lake Frozen under you."
Run Cried the Crawling by, Anges Obel
When Bella got home from Vegas with Edward at her side it was the most pissed off my dad had ever been at her. He knew she would throw out the "I'll move away." Card on him but he wasn't fazed by it anymore. She was married, and a adult... he couldn't stop her. It was satisfying to see dad finally stand up to her, letting go of the fear of losing her. Bella eventually developed a guilty look on her face while Edward tensed by her side. She decided that she would have her honeymoon after Jasper and I got married, since dad would know we would both be out of the house. It confused me since she would have to wait 5 months just to go on her honeymoon, it also delayed her changing into a vampire. Since they both agreed to do it on there honeymoon.
Regarding me however my eyes are still a dark red rose color, which completely puzzled the Cullens. It confused me as well...knowing that after a year of transformation my eyes should be golden by now. I had never drunken an once of human blood but, my eyes were just as red as they were when I first turned. My blood lust got a lot better and I was beginning to gain control of my powers. It turns out I am also a shape shifter in a sense... I can transform myself into anyone I wanted to be. Things seemed to have calmed down it was nice to have a moment of serenity.
I stood in my room which was now void of my items being out on display. They were instead all in boxes stacked up on top of each other. Dad helped me out earlier in the day, it was nice to spend so one-on-one time with him while I still lived here. Bella was packing up too, excited to finally leave the house and become a vampire. She wouldn't let dad help her out however and spent her time locked up in her room. Probably waiting for Edward to enter and talk with her. I just sat down on my bed looking at my surroundings when I heard Jasper enter through my window.
"I was waiting for you to show up." I said grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulling him in for a kiss.
"Mmm, hello to you too." Jasper said.
"You're not going to believe who accepted my RVSP'd to the wedding..."
"Who is it?"
"My mom, her new husband is coming with her too."
"I hope they won't cause any trouble." Jasper grumbled.
"Well... the last thing I said to her was when I moved back down here when I was 15...I told her that next time I see her would be at my wedding. I then told her that she would enjoy the the open bar and her speech for me would be her barfing all over the place. So umm... be prepared for that to happen." I explained trying to hold in a laugh at the face Jasper made.
"Damn love...you're brutal sometimes."
"Thank you... that is so sweet to say!"
"You better get down to our place... Alice and Rosalie are waiting for you so they can throw you a Bachelorette party."
"Yeah... they'll probably break the house trying to get to me." I said and then began to laugh.
"Have fun darlin." Jasper said softly.
"You too, if Emmett, Edward, and Dean got you a stripper I will murder all of them."
"Don't worry about that darlin, we're merely going out to the woods to hunt bears... maybe a few mountain lions. Besides Edward won't be there anyway"
"Oh fun...wait, Edward won't be there?"
"Yeah... it seems he still holds a grudge after I called him a boy before the battle."
"Only a boy would be offended by that." I said
"I better go love you." Jasper replied and pecked my cheek.
"Love you too." I did the same thing, pecking his cheek. He left a few seconds afterward leaving me alone. I pulled on pair of boots and ran downstairs.
"I'll see you later dad, Rose and Alice are throwing me a little party."
"Alright Petal, love you."
"Love you too!"
I arrived at the Cullen's house in record time, my tracking ability had improved greatly. I zoomed up to the door and before I could open it Rosalie, Esme, Bree, and Alice stood there with excited smiles on their faces.
"The party has arrived." I said jokingly.
They all laughed and ushered me into the lounge room.
Bree had been living with us ever since the end of the battle, she struggled to conform to the diet after living off of human blood so long and she couldn't leave the house much since she was presumed dead. But Jasper has been helping her out a lot.
"I can't wait to see what you did with the venue outside... can I take a look?"
"No, you may not, Rosalie and I all agreed that you shouldn't see it until tomorrow. It'll be great with the pictures."
"Okay okay... is the dress finished?"
"Yes, now that you can see." Rosalie said, dragging me down to her room. A large vanity was set up with hundreds of makeup products. I turned around and saw my dress... it was beautiful.
(I know the dresses aren't exactly the same but just pretend the one showing off the back of the dress has sleeves haha.)
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a"Oh my gosh Rose, you know my style so well."
"You're going to look beautiful tomorrow." Esme said, her gracious smile still on her face.
"Thank you guys so much... for everything."
"No problem Fleur, I can't wait for you to officially be a part of the family." Alice replied.
"So, how is everything back at home?" Rosalie said, already playing with my hair.
"It's tense...dad's pissed at Bella, Bella is pissed at dad. I still can't believe she actually eloped."
"Doesn't surprise me any... Bella's priorities have certainly changed." Alice grumbled.
"Yeah... not gonna lie though Alice they've always been like that, she just hid it from you guys pretty well."
"Yeah... I guess so." Alice said disappointment was on her face.
"Let's talk about something else...Fleur, did Jasper tell you where you two were going for your honeymoon?"
"No... he wants it to be a surprise, I can't wait to see where we're going."
"I'm sure it's going to be fun." Alice said, nudging me playfully.
"If I could blush right now, I would." I said.
Timeskip: The next day.
"Rosalie this is like we rehearsed it... smile and don't kill my mother." I reminded her.
"I'll try my best... Why does Bella have to be a bridesmaid again?" She said, brushing back my long black hair.
"Because I don't need my mother talking my ear off saying how selfish I am."
I saw Alice shake her head before going back to steaming my dress in the background.
"Fleur, Rosalie? Where are you guys?" I heard my dad call out.
"In here dad!" I called back.
"Renee get your butt up here your daughter is getting married. Get over this stupid grudge." I heard dad yell. Rosalie, Alice, and I all laughed.
"Aww, you look beautiful Petal." Dad said, smiling at me. I said Renee in the background she had a shocked look on her face.
"Thanks, Dad, you can thank Rosalie and Alice for all of this. Mom? You gonna come over? I'm not infected with anything you know."
She scoffed and walked up to me, we both gave each other fake smiles.
"Did you get plastic surgery? Your face looks... I don't know more sculpted." She said.
"No mother I just aged... the last time you saw me I was 15, I'm 20 now." I lied, everyone knew most vampires' facial features perfected when fully changed. But I couldn't exactly tell her that.
"Okay..." She said in a skeptical voice. I heard Rosalie growl behind me.
"Renee knock it off." Dad said he had a curt look on his face.
"Well since it's your wedding day we thought you needed something blue." Renee started, her face didn't look too happy.
"And something old, besides your mother." Dad joked, Rosalie and Alice let out a chuckle.
"Nice Charlie," Renee said rolling her eyes.
Dad then opened a jewelry box that had a hairpiece in it. I knew it was grandma swans.
"It was Grandma Swans, I added the Sapphires though, I thought it matched your ring pretty well. When the time comes around you can give it to your daughter." Dad said he handed it to Rosalie so she could put it in my hair.
"Aww thank you so much dad." I said I was lucky I didn't have my dress on yet so I could hug him.
"Should've saved this for Bella." Renee grumbled quitely.
"Oh no I forgot her veil, Rose could you come with me?" Alice asked.
Rosalie hesitated before answering.
"Sure..." They walked out a few seconds later.
"So... you stuck true to your guns. I didn't see you until your wedding day." Dad just looked at the two of us and walked out.
"How many men did you date before you got engaged to this one. I know how bored you can get." Renee said, implying I sleep around a lot.
"He's the first and only man I've dated." Renee's reflection was shocked in the mirror.
"Well... I knew my Bella would do that but... not, you." She said in a condescending voice.
"You have no idea what Bella has done."
"So who is he?" Renee said, ignoring my previous statement.
"His name is Jasper and he's an amazing, kind human being." I answered back, pride-filled my voice. I could suddenly feel Bella's presence behind the wall in the other room listening in on us.
"Sure... we all know women like you say that when the men have slept with you."
"You're childish insults do not bother me anymore mother."
"What childish insults? I'm stating facts." Renee said, acting innocent.
"Yeah, facts you convinced yourself are true."
"All I know is if my Bella wouldn't gotten married so young. So let's cut to the chase how far along are you?"
'I'm not pregnant Renee, I need to go help Rose and Alice find that veil." I got up to walk away when I got an idea.
"Oh by the way, Bella got married at nineteen in Vegas."
Renee just stood there in shock. I smiled in satisfaction.
"Enjoy the open bar!"
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julyarchives · 3 years
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→ A/n: Yanan x Reader
→ Genre: Fluff
→ Words:  1.3K
→ A/n: This story was just so sweet to write, our hearts are beating fast for Yanan 🥺 Thank you so much for requesting this, we hope you like our story 💕
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There are days that your job is everything you've ever asked for, but there are also days where you just wanted to go home and not get out of bed for the next 36 hours. Unfortunately, today was one of the latter.
Having to deal with people is always stressful to you, especially when they are rude to you for things that are out of your control, and that just drained your energy for the rest of the day.
Yanan was already at your apartment when you arrived, waiting for you with your favorite food and a bright smile.
"I thought you could use some comfort food today" he said, shrugging shyly.
"Thank God I gave you my spare key" you hugged him dramatically.
As usual, you had texted him all day, complaining about everything that happened, but you certainly didn't expect for him.to do this for you. Nevertheless, your mood already improved a million percent.
"I also added a few rom-coms to your Netflix list so we can watch while eating the ice cream I bought for dessert." He wiggled his eyebrows, making you laugh softly.
"Seriously, I don't deserve you" you kissed his cheek with an exaggerated noise.
Yanan is undoubtedly great at making you forget any problems you are having, so by the end of dinner, you were already having so much fun that you didn't even remember what you were upset about.
You watched the movie in bed, sitting under cozy blankets and stuffing your mouth with big chunks of chocolate ice cream.
"Life could be this easy, you know?" You whined, leaning your head on his shoulders.
"Like what? A romantic comedy?" He laughed at your drama.
"I mean it!" You slapped his arm lightly "she gets a nice job and a nice boyfriend! Is it so bad that I want that?" You pouted.
"Well, you do love your job, today was just a bad day." He caressed your head softly,
"I know" you sat up straight "what about a boyfriend, though? No guys want anything to do with me"
"Ah, that's easy" he paused and looked deep into your eyes "you already have me"
You stared at him completely panicked, your cheeks probably burning red.
Yanan has been your best friend for years already, and it's not news to you that you have feelings for him. For quite a while, actually, you noticed that you get a different kind of nervousness next to him. The jealousy you felt when he dated someone was not the friend-jealous type, and you definitely felt attracted to him.
So when he said that you didn't need a boyfriend, you were afraid he somehow found out about your feelings for him.
"What do you mean?" You laughed nervously
"Think about it" he smiled charmingly, the way you knew he did when he was trying to convince someone of something. "We are great together, aren't we?"
"I guess?" You furrowed your eyebrows, not really getting his point.
"We have known each other forever. You know me better than anyone, and I do you. I know everything you love and hate, and I can spoil you better than anyone. Besides, we are basically a couple, aren't we? Look at us!."
You felt so nervous that your heart felt like it might jump off of your throat
"Yeah, but-" you tried to say something, but he continued
"We are always together, and honestly when I have an awful day, all I wanna do is call you for comfort. Not to mention how we are always in sync!".
Yanan watched you with a soft smile while your mouth hung open and your chest heaved. It wasn't possible that he said all those things without knowing about your feelings but yet, there was no way he could know. If he spoke all of that, it meant that he felt that way and you felt a warm fuzzy feeling in your chest, your stomach doing flips of nervousness.
"I agree", you smiled at him, only to see his eyes lit up and his smile widened. "But about when you find a girl? I'll be alone with my romcoms and ice cream", you laughed at your own awful state.
"No", Yanan suddenly got serious and sat straight, hand moving your hair from your face. "I don't think that'll happen".
"Ha. As if", you moved until you felt Yanan's shoulder behind your back, his arm immediately holding your shoulder, all subconsciously. "You're an incredibly nice guy, charming and funny, and so handsome. In no time a girl will steal your heart".
"Actually, that already happened", he answered, still facing you.
Your face fell. You were already staring ahead and were thankful for that. Of course, he'd be in love with someone already. Everything he just spoke was all about your amazing friendship and you were the one delusional.
"But", Yanan made sure you looked at him. "I just told you that when I find the girl for me, you wouldn't be alone with your movies and ice cream".
"That's because you're too nice-", you barely had time to finish when he cut you off.
"That's because the girl is you".
"Wait, what?" You blinked a couple of times
"Geez, you're so dense." He laughed fondly. "But yeah, all I was trying to say is that I have feelings for you. More than friendship feelings. And I think I got to a point where I can't just stand next to you and not say anything about it."
He suddenly looked shy, but so precious that you just wanted to grab him and kiss him.
"I have been trying to come up with a way to tell you that I fell in love with you for ages, I guess now would be a good time to confess?" You chuckled
"I guess, yeah" he laughed shyly "why didn't you say something before?"
"Our friendship is the most important thing in my life, and I didn't want to risk losing that. I didn't want to risk losing you."
"You would never lose me, y/n" his free hand held yours gently
"And what does this mean for us?" You asked, suddenly feeling timid whilst his presence filled the whole room with his confidence
"Now I have to ask officially." He released his embrace on you, getting up and gently pulling you to stand in front of him. He looked into your eyes and opened the most charming smile. "Y/n, we've always been best friends, and for a while, I thought I was the luckiest man alive for that. But over the years you taught me that I can not predict anything when it comes to you. You're always changing and you make me change with you. You make me a better person every day and now I'm only missing one thing to actually be the luckiest. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
You couldn't find words since Yanan stole all of them from you. Your head was overflowing with emotions, and all you managed to answer was a nod, and the next thing you knew, Yanan's lips found yours.
His tender embrace on you made every muscle on your body relax and you gave yourself completely to him. You never thought this day would come, but kissing him was better than anything you've ever fantasized about. You knew now that there was no going back, you would not be able to hold any of these feelings to yourself.
You pulled apart and he cupped your cheek, caressing your face with his thumb while you two smiled fondly at each other, giggling like two teenagers.
"If I had known that a bad day at work would be what it takes for us to date, I would have found a reason to have one way sooner" you joked.
"That sounds like something out of a rom-com, are you happy now?" He pushed you on the bed and started tickling you, making you squeal and squirm under him.
When he finally stopped, he soothed you with a shy peck to your lips.
You just couldn't stop smiling, and Yanan's face mirrored yours. You felt grateful and finally, you could admit to yourself out loud.
"Much happier now"
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Summer of Strawberry Shortcake: Let's Dance
This DVD is classified as part of season four, even on the official list I found, despite the fact that it has the last two episodes to feature the original character designs, and has the same footage in the theme song as all the other season three episodes. The end credits are a little different, but as far as I can tell the only difference is that the voice actors for the characters outside of the main girls, Custard, and Pupcake, aren't credited, instead just listed as "also starring." Speaking of credits, something I hadn't picked up on until this rewatch is that (for seasons two and three anyway) the end credits are exactly the same for every episode, meaning that characters who haven't shown up yet get spoiled. And strangely enough, Peppermint Fizz was included in the season three credits, even though she didn't show up even once, not even as a background character!
Going back to this DVD being included as part of season four, in order to justify this, an extensive character profile special feature was included that shows off the aged-up designs for most of the characters who got them (once again, Peppermint Fizz is absent), and introduced a bunch of characters who would be introduced in season four, and a few who never showed up in the cartoon at all (from what I recall anyway). This more than makes up for the lack of special features on the past couple DVDs.
As for the episodes themselves, I think they make a decent send-off to season three. The first one is the stand out, of course, with Sour Grapes' change of heart being both touching and plausible, even if it doesn't stick. What isn't plausible is her strawberry allergy, which not only isn't consistent with her previous appearances, it isn't consistent within the episode, either. Ginger Snap first mentions that it's the blossoms she's allergic to, and since her allergy manifests as sneezing, that would make sense, but would be negated by the previous episode, since the whole point of the berry blossom festival was that they were holding it to celebrate how many blossoms there were that year, way more than any other year. In the actual plot, though, it's the fruit itself that makes her sneeze, and I'm pretty sure that's not how strawberry allergies work. On top of that, we've already seen her be just fine around strawberries. Makes no sense, and tbh was not even really necessary, since it was only to give Strawberry a way to figure out Sour Grapes' true identity, and as the second episode reminded us, Strawberry is very much a "let them figure it out on their own time" kind of girl (see also Win Some, Lose Some), so even if she'd figured it out earlier in the episode, she wouldn't have said anything.
The second episode wasn't nearly as much fun, though it did introduce winter outfits for all the girls. But the wait for Apricot's lying to be revealed made the episode not too much fun to watch, and there really wasn't that much plot to speak of. Now that there are recurring villains, the non-villain episodes have to work a little harder, and this one sadly is not up to the job.
I thought there weren't any more scripts for SSC03, but I found the rest! So here's a fun excerpt from the first ep:
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(it's the "understatement" that makes it)
And while Apricot's lying was frustrating in the episode, it does give her some good vocal directions, such as being "unusually delighted" when her lies are working, and then "weakly, sickly" when her lies work a little too well.
Onwards to season four, the last season of SSC03, and the one with episodes I haven't yet seen.
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What Makes A Memorable Scene: Joy of Life Edition - Chen Ping Ping
Hi! So I'm a giant fan of the Joy of Life (《慶餘年》) webnovel and TV series, and while I was compiling memorable/emotional scenes to talk about on this book I just realised how very skilled the author (Mao Ni) was in crafting this sort of thing. Therefore I decided to write some posts about memorable and emotional scenes in Joy of Life exclusively!
One of my favourite characters was ✨Chen Ping Ping✨, the badass Head of the Overwatch Department! He had this mix of savageness, calmness, kindness and wisdom in him that just made him an extremely intriguing person. Since I read Joy of Life over a year ago, the scenes about him that I remember most was his downfall. And I've got two scenes I'd like to share with you, even though all parts of the novel about him were gold.
Like my last post, I've translated some excerpts because 1) it's so fun and 2) so I can share them with you!
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1. The Capture of Chen Ping Ping
Volume 7, Chapter 97: 一根手指與監察院的臣服
Chen Ping Ping is arrested for treason and attempted assassination of the Emperor.
But at this time, He Zong Wei who was standing beside him suddenly said softly, “Best to kill them now, so as to shake their resolve.”
“When did it become your turn to speak about what I do?” Yan Bing Yun tossed out a sentence coldly.
Yet his words could silence He Zong Wei but not the officials of the Overwatch Department, they stood up slowly, watching Yan Bing Yun with an indifferent gaze, as if at a corpse; perhaps the next moment they would collectively move, and charge at the stretcher.
The situation was already at an extremely critical state; Yan Bing Yun squinted at his surroundings, knowing clearly that on his own, he still couldn't suppress the officials' love for Chen Ping Ping.
An aged finger was suddenly extended.
Everyone was silent, every Overwatch official cast their gaze at that aged finger, the finger that extended from beside the stretcher. The finger shifted slightly, motioning a gesture that every Overwatch official had memorised in their heart.
"Hold!" A Second Bureau official’s heart suddenly overflowed with sorrow, wetness lining the eyes; roared with grief and indignation, and knelt down heavily on both knees.
That aged finger seemed to have a certain magical power; it only extended and wagged lightly, subsequently, the courtyard sounded with countless voices saying the word hold; hold means silence, hold means waiting, hold means forbearance, hold means to give up against the will.
Hold means stay where you are.
All the Overwatch Department officials stayed where they were, the word hold from their mouths, two streams of tears flowing downwards, no weight of gold on their knees but with the heaviness of a mountain, striking the floor, watching the stretcher slowly pass them.
Before I say anything else can I say...OUCHH
Two main things here: helplessness and love. These two things feed onto each other, making this scene extremely emotional. This excerpt clearly shows the unbreakable bond between Chen Ping Ping and his officials, and their unbeatable loyalty and love for him. And due to that, Chen Ping Ping's order for them to stand down makes it so heartbreaking due to the dilemma in their minds: save him and break his order as a result, or obey him and watch him get captured? They choose to obey, but this makes them helpless and it becomes unbearable for them to watch him suffer. That emotion is shared by the reader due to their liking for Chen Ping Ping and after witnessing the unwavering loyalty of his officials.
Furthermore, the fact that Chen Ping Ping is thinking for his officials - telling them to stand down, so they aren't punished for treason- moves the reader as well, as this shows his care for them. This reciprocated loyalty is simply super emotional because Chen Ping Ping's goodness is revealed.
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2. The Death of Chen Ping Ping
Volume 7, Chapter 102: 雨中送陳萍萍
Chen Ping Ping is executed by the brutal method of "death by a thousand cuts".
The old man in his arms was so light, holding him was like holding a cloud of wind, a cloud of wind that could dissipate anytime. Below the slightly disheveled hair, Fan Xian’s pale face twitched slightly, instinctively reaching out to hold Chen Ping Ping’s old and icy hand, holding it tightly and never letting go.
The old man had suffered unspeakable amounts of pain in this life, and was disabled for half of it, so his qi and blood had exhausted long ago; today during the death by a thousand cuts, not a lot of blood other from the pain had burst out as every slice was made, but the torture of so many cuts still caused blood water to accumulate at a location, wetting the black uniform of the Overwatch Department, making it a little sticky, a little hot, a little scalding.
In the autumn rain, Fan Xian held his frail body lightly, afraid to pain him even more; grasped his icy hand tightly, afraid he would leave just like this.
“Who could make you come back if you refused to? Why did you keep me in Dong Yi City?” Fan Xian spoke lowly and hoarsely, parched lips soaked pale by the rain, peeling slightly, pitiful to the eyes. “Who was I toiling and labouring for all these years, wasn’t it all for you elders to leave the Capital City, to enjoy the days, I was always trying hard...”
“You know I know everything.” Fan Xian lowered his head a bit more, resting it against the old man’s wrinkled face, and in the rain his body swayed, as if coaxing the old man in his arms to sleep.
The hand suddenly tightened for a moment; the old man gripped Fan Xian’s hand firmly with his, but all the energy remaining in his life couldn’t even hold a hand firmly now; it was as if he was unwilling to let something go, or fearing something, so he had to hold on to something below this sky of gale and rain, on this ground of blood and water.
🥲🥲 So 🥲🥲
To be honest, I think sorrow and loss are one of the most impactful emotions to ever write about, especially the death of a loved one. Chen Ping Ping was both loved by Fan Xian and the reader, and he was simply a wonderful father figure that everyone is sorry to see him go, especially in a way as torturous and humiliating as "death by a thousand cuts" (literally, usually more than a thousand tbh). This brings us to two more chilling (and by that I mean extremely impactful) emotions - humiliation and powerlessness. Since the reader is literally helpless against the events within the story, they can definitely empathise with the powerlessness of the characters. And humiliation - yeah you get it. It stings.
Mao Ni's (the author) language was also honed very well to portray this scene as emotive as possible. Let me list out what I found:
Its chapter title! In Chinese it's 雨中送陳萍萍, meaning something like "seeing Chen Ping Ping go in the rain" and he doesn't just go, he dies; that's just so sad dude
The emphasis of Chen Ping Ping's physical weakness especially when he's been described as being powerful and badass the entire novel, which creates a giant contrast
"Holding it tightly and never letting go" - the bond between Fan Xian and Chen Ping Ping is so touching, and that's also a main factor of the emotions in the scene
"It was as if he was unwilling to let something go, or fearing something" - even though Chen Ping Ping never defied his arrest, this shows how he actually doesn't want to die at all, making it even more agonising
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AND that's all I have for now! I'll be doing a few (?) more posts on Joy of Life because I absolutely adore it, but for now, see you soon!
Bye bye!
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Okay okay about the ship asks now you gotta do all of them for electraboose 😈
1. How did they first meet?
At the championship, when Electra dramatically entered lmao
2. What was their first impression of each other?
C.B. was intrigued by the objectively gorgeous superstar. Electra just thought Wow, that dude really stands out with that colour.
3. Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
The Components were a little hesitant at first to see Electra spending time with a known criminal, but when they saw the positive effect he had on Electra they were quick to ship them. When Dinah finally found out she was all for it, and well she was of course the one to push them to confess so...
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Hard to say, they both caught it gradually and simultaneously.
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Both of them. So much. C.B. couldn't believe that a superstar like Electra would ever be interested in him like that, and Electra was already so happy to finally have a friend that they didn't want to ruin it. I wrote like five stories about that you should know by now sdklfjhsdkjfsdh
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
C.B. would dismiss it but secretly be feeling hopeful. Electra would be confused because they don't know what a soulmate is.
7. What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Bad. C.B. would continue his solitary quest for autonomy, and Electra would spiral into depression at constantly feeling misgendered.
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Dinah did lol. Although technically between the two of them Electra was the first to confess, albeit because they literally had no other choice. And technically C.B. was the one who made it official.
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
They did, and that's all I'm gonna say for now! The story after the next one will cover it ;-)
3. What was their first kiss like?
Soft and sweet. It was an emotionally confusing moment and they didn't have much time, so it was mostly hugging with their lips pressed together.
4. Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
Kiss: no. Relationship: yes. Etc.: you will just have to wait and see!
5. What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Height difference: a lot, Electra's easily 30cm taller than C.B. They don't really have set ages, but Electra has been manufactured much more recently than C.B.
6. What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
"families" being taken in a broad sense here The Components like C.B., he's very spontaneous and cheeky and he clearly adores Electra, who in turn is obviously happy with him. The freight is rather intimidated by Electra, but Dinah likes them for similar reasons as why the Components like C.B.: they make him happy.
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
C.B. does. He has little shame and enough social skills to have had the entire railyard fooled about his character for years. Electra doesn't really know how to act towards others other than flirty or disdainful.
8. Who gets jealous easier?
Surprisingly, Electra. They're used to getting their way and having everything set right for them, so when they see C.B. having fun with Dinah they aren't equipped to handle the weirdly possessive feeling that arises.
9. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
C.B. lmao, like there could be any question about that. Electra does too, but C.B. is much better at making them flustered while maintaining his pokerface.
1. Who said “I love you” first?
Surprisingly, Electra. You will find out more later ;-) #shamelesslypromoting
2. What are their primary love languages?
C.B.: physical touch, acts of service. Electra: physical touch, quality time. They match pretty well in this regard.
3. Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
C.B. does. He's a master. Electra has already heard a lot of pick-up lines, having been hit on all the time, so he simply invents new ones.
4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
ALL. THE. TIME. Both of them can't keep their hands off each other; Electra is possessive in public and C.B. is a little shit, they will violently french each other right in front of Greaseball (his uncomfortable spluttering will only spur them on, they have no shame).
5. Who initiates kisses?
Both, but C.B. a little more. He'll look up at Electra with those big puppy eyes and trembling lip and if that doesn't work he'll just literally climb them cause otherwise he can't reach, he tiny.
6. Who’s the big and little spoon?
The few times they tried spooning C.B. was the big spoon and Electra the little, but the height difference made this a rather unworkable arrangement. Neither of them is comfortable with the other way around, though, so they usually sleep entangled.
7. What are their favourite things to do together?
C.B. loves taking Electra along on his regular chaos runs, where he tries to piss off the diesels and Control as much as possible. Electra loves being taken along by C.B., but also to just simply sit together, having him do their hair or running their hands through his.
8. Who’s better at comforting the other?
C.B. is. In general he's a much more comforting presence than drama queen Electra, and of course he's gotten a lot more practice with them than the other way around. Though to be fair, Electra's problems are usually superficial and easy to cure so their dramatic bouts can quite easily be soothed, whereas C.B. tends to keep things inside so it's much more difficult to find the underlying problem with him, and when he is upset, he has reason to.
9. Who’s more protective?
Electra. They've been protected all their life, it's pretty much the only way of affection they know. C.B. will jump to Electra's rescue, but he can more easily step back when he knows they can handle it themself.
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Physical, both of them. Though especially C.B. will melt from compliments as well, he's not used to that.
11. What are some songs pieces that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
Oh dear, this is never my best part For some reason Le Coq D'Or by Nikolaj Rimsky-Korsakov comes to mind, specifically the suite, because it's so wild and varying and new. As for a pop song I randomly thought of Into The Unknown by Idina Menzel (from Frozen II) because... yeah.
12. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
C.B. calls Electra superstar, Electra calls him little criminal. They mostly just use each other's names, though.
13. Who remembers the little things?
C.B. does. Lil thing has an insanely good memory and he got so good at crashing because he pays attention to details. It drives Electra mad sometimes, they can never one-up him no matter what they try.
1. If they get married, who proposes?
They're not getting married cause marriage isn't a thing in my universe, but if they would, C.B. would propose. Electra would want to be swept off their wheels.
2. What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
If C.B. had his way they would elope, but Electra would get their way and it would be grand, with the entire railway and all their racing colleagues and the paparazzi and everything attending.
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
Kids also don't exist in my universe, but even if they would neither of them would want any. They're both completely unfit as parents and much happier having it be just the two of them anyway.
4. Do they have any pets?
Pets are also a human concept that I won't use, but hypothetically: C.B. would have a chicken. And it would either be super mean to anyone except him, or be the dumbest thing in existence.
5. Who’s the stricter parent?
6. Who worries the most?
C.B. worries most about Electra. Electra worries most about Electra as well.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
C.B. lmao, is that even a question? Electra freaks out at one tiny ant on the floor, C.B. could fall into Aragog's nest and be chill about it, lil maniac has nerves of steel.
8. How do they celebrate holidays?
Together. And probably with the Components.
9. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
They both try, but C.B. is more effective. Electra doesn't function that well in the morning anyway.
10. Who’s the better cook?
C.B. of course, Electra has never touched a stove in their life and he has always had to take care of himself. He's actually objectively pretty good (perks of being best friends with Dinah), but he rarely goes all out, when he cooks for himself he usually just stays with a fried egg and some lettuce or something.
11. Who likes to dance?
Both of them. The height difference makes it a challenge, but it also has its perks.
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BB: welcome back everyone! So good to see you all here today! We're back for a 3rd time here on BB Channel! Like before we're joined by the lil cuties of Ed and Mari. But this time their parents have come to join!
Rex: hello...
Quetz: Hola!
BB: that wasn't a very strong greeting Rex!
Rex: I'm tired right now. Can't this wait?
BB: time waits for no one and neither does BB!
Mari: already this is super annoying! *sigh* so why'd you decide to bring them into this anyways?
BB: the people who follow this blog need to see how they're doing so long after Chaldea too! You two have had the spotlight for a while, so now you should share.
Ed: I mean... guess that's fair.
Mari: should anyone be dealing with this?
Rex: I'd rather not be here either.
BB: aaaww, don't be like that! This will be fun!
Quetz: that's a very hard sell BB.
BB: just humor me at least.
Rex: ...fine
Quetz: what are we even doing anyways?
BB: some of your interdimensional buds have sent in questions about how you guys are doing, and I'm here to get those answers for them!
Quetz: that actually sounds nice...
BB: what'd I tell ya!?
Rex: yeah yeah, pls get started.
BB: fine. First few are from my precious bombardier beetle! First one she asks: do you have any pets?
Mari: oof! Do we!
Rex: currently we have four dogs: 1 German Shepherd named King, a Pitbull named Sparks, a Dogo Argentino named Duke, and a Corgi named Marshmallow.
Quetz: but also we have a habit of adopting older dogs who aren't likely to get a home because of their age or rescues to give them a nice place to stay.
BB: aaawww, well ain't that wholesome?
Mari: we also have mom's bigass pterosaur!
BB: less wholesome. Next one from my dear yellowjacket: favorite foods?
Mari: CAKE!
BB: whoa! Pump the brakes you two! No need to get too excited!
Quetz: ...honestly? I don't really have a favorite food. Just a bunch I like to eat and some I don't. If I had to choose, I'd say chocolate.
Ed: I'm a steak man myself.
BB: 2 sweets, and 2 savories. Next up! Who wakes up earliest?
Rex: Quetz
Ed and Mari: Mom
Quetz: ...I guess it's me... hehehe.
BB: honestly I'm not surprised. She's so damn athletic and even used to be a professional.
BB: next! Where do you all like to go for vacations and such?
Ed: mom and dad have a vacation home in Alaska.
BB: Alaska?! Why?
Mari: when warm weather is the norm for you it's nice to go to the cold to change things up.
Rex: yeah, it's actually very nice. Not too many people and beautiful nature sights.
BB: well to each their own. Another from my dear antlion: how long does it take to pick a movie or TV show to watch?
Quetz: hehehe, we're all so indecisive it takes ages to pick. It's not uncommon for us to give up after taking so long.
BB: you should work on that. This next one's interesting. My precious army ant also suggests a round of common household jobs and the like from each member.
Rex: hmmm
BB: she gave an example of like, who does the cooking?
Quetz: well it's both me and mi amor in that case. The kids aren't very creative.
Ed: hey! We're plenty creative!
Mari: no we're not, don't lie.
Rex: we only really ask that the kids clean their rooms and any messes they make. We handle most everything else.
BB: they should really show some independence tho. Can't coddle them forever.
BB: in the next one, Cadence asks about a house tour and if there's a jacuzzi.
Quetz: a house tour feels like it should be it's own thing.
Rex: yeah, but we do have a jacuzzi dude, so don't worry.
BB: next one's from Reen: she asks what would life be if you weren't in chaldea,
Rex: y'mean like now? I mean... it's a relatively normalish domestic life? With less work tho.
Quetz: si, I've made plenty from my lucha career before retirement we don't have to worry about money much. But mi amof still makes money just in case.
BB: well after that she asks: how was your life before and after meeting each other?
Rex: ...kinda sad. Aside from chaldea and saving the world, I was kinda just... stagnant. Go to work, go home and so on. Not much to my life before then.
Quetz: ...honestly, for me it was the same. After the age of Gods ended we didn't do much of anything. We mostly watched over humanity, I've been summoned in modern day before but that was rare and infrequent.
Rex: ...after I met Quetz tho... I dunno things felt... better? She kinda forced her way into my life after I summoned her and... I was more then ok to accept her... before long we had something beautiful...
Quetz: aww, mi amor! I'm so happy to hear that!
BB: ain't that sweet? Like me and my dear centipede. Final one from Reen: if you could build a dream home then where? (Can be in fantasy)
Rex: I mean... where we are now is good.
Mari: yeah, right at the border of a huge rainforest in the Yucatan sounds fine.
Ed: but what about the fantasy bit?
Quetz: hmmm... we don't really look at fantasy much. But maybe a castle of some kind?
Rex: or a Mayan temple? But with electricity and Wi-Fi.
BB: that's fair. Need those memes in your life. Now some from Kaz! First she asks: what kind of gifts do you give each other?
Rex: uuhh, well I like getting mi corazon custom things. Like some personal clothes, or even a portrait of the two of us.
Quetz: ehehehe, I like to spoil mi amor with extravagant things! Golden treasure and the like!
Mari: concerning...
BB: next, how would you spend the day if it's raining outside?
Rex: I actually enjoy rainy weather, so I like to chill near a window or even on the porch listening to the rain.
Mari: it's very soothing.
BB: how quaint. Last one from Kaz: whose good at cooking and baking?
Quetz: hehehe, that'd be me. Tho it might be considered cheating since I use my goddess power to help.
Mari: well no one else is the greatest normally so it's fine.
BB: a good 'ol better then nothing kinda attitude! Now we're back to Cadence but with more relaxed questions: what's the current house look like?
Rex: ....big.
Mari: like three stories tall with a DEEP basement.
Ed: like... 5 rooms too many.
Quetz: we also have an indoor pool.
Rex: the outside looks almost gothic, but partially taken over by nature.
BB: all this near a rainforest?
Quetz: si! Despite the size, all the nearby trees still tower over it.
BB: nature can get scary. I've seen worse and have been worse but still. Another one: how do family events function? Any specific holidays?
Quetz: ...most family events are just us... going somewhere nice to eat nice food...
Rex: do they mean bringing extended family? My family lives too far to visit often
Quetz: ...and I'd rather not speak of mine... things have gotten rocky as of late.
Mari: right, well for holidays we celebrate most standard one, like Easter and valentine's and such. For October we kinda try to combine Halloween and Day of the dead.
Ed: but Christmas is the most important for us! Mom and Dad always make the biggest celebrations for Christmas!
BB: gotta love the holidays! Especially when your mom is santa... still weird to say that. Next one! Any plans for the future?
Rex: eh... not really? I mean I want to prepare Maria to continue the family magecraft, since Ed has no interest.
Mari: someone has to continue on this lost practice.
BB: good to know it won't be lost to time like we thought. Next one! Daily life?
Rex: I wake up, eat, work on magecraft, spend family time, spend time with Quetz, go to bed.
Quetz: I wake up, workout, eat, workout, spend time with mi familia, lovely time with mi amor and then I sleep.
Ed: I wake up, take a walk, eat, practice soccer, spend family time, sleep.
Mari: sleep, sleep again, dragged to breakfast by mom, eat, eat again, mess with magecraft, eat, sit with everyone else, scroll thru my phone for hours, sleep.
Quetz: *sigh* mija, you need to change your priorities.
Mari: mmmmm... No.
BB: bad habits there Mari. Next they'd like to know if your in contact with anyone from chaldea? Other then me!
Rex: here's a real quick list: Marie, Mash, Kiara, Penth, Astraea, Martha, Ishtar, Gorgon, Jalter, The twins, your kids BB, etc etc.
Quetz: too many to list...
BB: nice you haven't lost contact! Next! About that Wedding?
Rex: well... it was eventful to say the least. Not long after completing the china LB. Most of the servants were invited, and most of Quetz's family showed up.
Quetz: si, Martha officiated it for us. Most of my family were so nice at the time... too bad that hasn't lasted.
Rex: let's not mention that...
BB: it was such a nice wedding! You two were so "nervous" you had trouble with your vows! How adorable!
Mari: why the quotes?
BB: no reason... now we're at the home stretch! Good 'ol Ash has some for stuff that technically hasn't happened yet, but you should still be able to answer! What responsibilities will Rex take on when he joins the pantheon?
Quetz: ...well he'll be largely a guardian of life on earth. Authority over things like the jungle itself, volcanos, and even snow... for some reason.
Rex: well it still snows in mexico... occasionally.
Quetz: and we'll be sharing authority over Venus! I wanted to share it with mi amor!
BB: cute! Hmmm, not sure if you cananswer this one just yet? Adjusting to God hood?
Rex: well I got to try it out a bit. Summoning lava and snow is... interesting. But also... my mind felt... odd... but also clearer? Not sure how to put it...
BB: I'm sure when you get there you'll get it... took me a bit after servant fest. And how did the other divinities react?
BB: actually I have some recordings of that to answer, so play the clip!
A screen appears showing recordings of some servants, one at a time.
Ishtar: eh! She's turning you into a god!? ...I guess you've earned it master...
Eresh: what!? Can you do that?! ...guess I won't see you in Kur... then again I don't think you have any link to Kur anyways.
Kama: do you really think your cut out for it? I mean... if it's just for you two to be together then I guess it's fine.
Astraea: godhood is a very big responsibility master. Are you certain you're up to it? Saving humanity is also a big task but at least that has an end point. This is... eternal.
Qin: oh! So you have decided to go for immortality after all?! Tho not the same as my methods, it is still good to see you two will be happy together!
Scathach: immortality? I've strived for death for so long... to see you go for immortality... Hopefully you'll find happiness, where I couldn't...
The screen turns off.
BB: very interesting! Most seem hesitant of it all... I for one think it's cute! Imagine in a thousand years you guys have a double date with me and my dear stag beetle!
Rex: ...a thousand years...
Quetz: still having trouble processing it all?
Rex: yeah... maybe when I get there... it'll be easier.
BB: now for today's final one! A scenario! One of you two goes berserk! What does the other do to calm them down?
Rex: well that has happened before... usually a nice hug is more then good enough.
Quetz: si! I've almost destroyed a few servants a few times until mi amor caught me in a hug! I can't bring myself to harm him... so I stop!
BB: sounds too easy... but I've seen that before so... I'll let it slide.
BB: well that's all the time we have for now! Hopefully you all are satisfied by the answers! We'll be doing this again, seeya!
Screen cuts out, the show's over.
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starryeyedcas · 3 years
I'm dropping a timeline of my South Park town in the Sims lmao (this is messy as FUCK btw and just drabble so-- reader beware //of my brain nonsense)
So I started by creating the boys and their families and then I quit playing for like a month (because doing all that work was just too much xD)
But I had all of the boys start out as children and I wanted to build there relationships from there. (as of now I have not made the girls other than Wendy and Bebe)
I dunno how most of y'all be playing the Sims but I have a story running thru my head throughout all of it and that's what makes it so fun for me xD My roommate can't relate
After I got finished building everyone's relationships* ALL WITHOUT CHEATING BY THE WAY- I was able to play as Craig and Tweek, which I wanted to do in the first place.
I decided not to force age my sims and the save file is set for the sims to have a normal lifespan while the seasons are 7 [sim] days long. So essentially, I would have to play for 56 days of the boys as children. Or 8 sim weeks/ 2 sim years.
I dunno if y'all have ever waited for your sims to age up naturally BUT HOLY WORDS IT IS AGONIZING.
But I wasn't going to give up. For a while, I played solely as Tweek. He was a straight A student, he joined the scouts and earned all of this badges. He completed 2 out of 4 aspirations for children (Rambunctious Scamp and the Creative one) and by the time he aged up he had mastered the piano skill and had written and published a song. 
Craig kept up in school even better than Tweek. He would do extra credit work and was mastered in the logic skill before he aged up. He had completed 3 of the 4 aspirations. Rambunctious scamp, Social Butterfly, and the Whiz Kid.
I spent most of the time playing as Craig and Tweek and didn't really play with the other characters that much, but lemme tell you, it's really cool to have all the boys playing at the park at the same time. And when they would come home from school it would be like: "Craig wants to invite over classmate Token, is that okay?" and I was just like :D
I was able to do a little with Kenny, he was doing okay in school, but due to poor living conditions was never really happy. I got him a dog that's agressive and runs away a lot, so I felt like that built him up into what he is now.
The Teen Years**
this is where I am currently. Everyone is aged up except for uh, Clyde - Butters - Token - Eric. (they'll age up in few more [sim] days)
So immediately, as they aged up, Craig and Tweek hit it off. They are in a relationship... kind of. (more on this later)
Craig is a lifeguard afterschool and keeps up his A grade. He's also really into fitness and works out alllll the time. He is obsessed with Tweek, he loves him to death. He's got pictures of the two of them together all over the house.
Tweek on the other hand enjoys writing and playing music. He also keeps up his grades but he's not as meticulous with it as Craig is. Craig gave Tweek a promise ring and now Tweek is promised to him.
This is where things get a little interesting on my end---
I got a little bored playing with Tweek and Craig and their loving committed relationship (call it the Gemini in me) and I went to play Kenny (unrelated but he is a major comfort character of mine).
Kenny is a serial romantic. What can I say, the guy likes to have a good time. SO I have Kenny run over to Stan's house and they start dating. Kenny leaves Stan's house and run's into Tweek and they start FLIRTING.
Out of curiosity, I had Kenny ask Tweek if he was in a relationship and Tweek said NO. So Kenny saw an open window and climbed in- BAM he and Tweek start dating too. Everything is on the DL of course.
Meanwhile, Kenny is teaching himself how to sing. He practices a lot in public, which gets him FAMOUS. So now he's a famous person who flirts with anything that moves.
But the way I see it is, yes, Kenny flirts a lot. He is a bird you can't keep in a cage, but he will always come back home. And to Kenny, that home is Stan. How does Stan feel about it? Well I imagine that when Stan finds out JUST HOW MANY PEOPLE Kenny has been with, he's not going to like it very much. Especially since one of those people is Tweek, one of Kenny's closest friends.
HOWEVER like I said, Kenny is a bird and his home is Stan. Kenny loves Stan a lot and I imagine that when Stan find out about everything Kenny has been doing behind his back, they will break up and go their separate ways. But when they get older, and Kenny is ready to settle down, he'll seek out Stan and see if they wanna try things again. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it-
I've got big plans for Butters, however. He adores the shit out of Kenny, and I imagine when Butters' ages up he'll be Kenny's new "home" for a while. But we all know Butters deserves better so, I'm gonna have to find a way to give him a happy arc at some point.
--I'll come back and update this later--
* How I set up the boys relationships as children
Eric Cartman
Best friends with Stan, Kyle, Kenny
Good Friend with Tweek (idk how that happened)
Friends with Craig, Butters, Clyde, Token
Stan Marsh
Best friends with Kyle, Kenny, Eric
Friends with Tweek, Craig, and Butters
Acquaintances with the rest
Kyle Broflovski
Best friends with Stan, Eric, and Kenny
Friends with Butters, Tweek, and Craig
Acquaintances with the rest
Kenny McCormick
Kenny's fucking friends with everyone dude
Tweek Tweak
Best Friends with Craig and Kenny
Friends with the main four and the rest of Craig's gang
Acquaintance - Butters
Craig Tucker
Best friends with Token, Clyde, and Tweek
Friends with the main four
Acquaintance - Butters
** The Teen Relationships so far
I have worked on this one a whole lot just yet so you only get a snippet of what I have xD
Craig Tucker
Promised to Tweek Tweak. (but the game says they aren't in a relationship so....?)
Good Friends with Kenny McCormick and bunch of random villagers
Tweek Tweak
In an official relationship with Kenny McCormick
Promised to Craig Tucker
Friends with Kyle
Kenny Mccormick
In official relationships with Stan Marsh, Tweek Tweak, Kyle Broflovski, and 2 random sim townies
Having flings with at least 8 other sim townies (but they aren't that serious or official)
Good friends with Butters xD
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motleyfuckingcruee · 5 years
11 Minutes (Mick Mars x Reader One shot)
You and Mick plan to meet up at a local café to discuss your relationship. You were driving there when a semi comes out of nowhere and hits the side of your car. Mick sat in the café for nearly an hour waiting on you. He thought that you had abandoned him. Little did he know, you were dying on the asphalt 11 minutes away.
Tumblr media
You and Mick Mars, the guitarist for the most notorious rock band in the world Mötley Crüe, have been having an on and off thing for about four years. It's been purely secret. Mick was worried about the paps getting to you. They're not exactly the nicest people in the world.
Lately, you've been wanting more out of the relationship. You guys have been seeing each other for a whole year and you weren't even official. To you, that was bullshit. You want something stable. You want to know that he won't go off and have sex with a stripper while you're stuck at home with your boring ass job.
You didn't even know if Mick loved you. He'd tell you when you were both piss ass drunk, but never sober. You cherished those moments with him. When you were together, everything felt right. He felt right. You know you love Mick more than anything. You knew that when you went backstage for the first time.
He ran off the stage, pumped full of adrenaline. He pulled you in for a long kiss. He had the hugest smile on his face when he pulled away. He told you he was happy that you came and that he missed you. After that you went on tour with them.
You called Mick the night before, asking to meet up at the café you love. He already knew what you were wanting to talk about and agreed.
That's what lead you here, driving down a nearly empty street in LA. Usually the traffic is horrible, but no one is on the road today. You turn up the radio as Girls, Girls, Girls came on. You love this song and the tour was amazing. It was the most fun you'd had in ages.
You hum along to Vince's voice. Your full attention is on the road. Your worst fear is to have a bad car crash. Your dad passed in one about three years ago and you miss him like hell.
You're going through a stop light that had just turn green as a huge semi rams right into the side of your tiny car. You feel nothing but pain as your car flips over onto its top. You lose consciousness quickly.
Eleven minutes away, Mick waits patiently for you. He knows you never were good with time, so he waited. He glances at his watch. You're fifteen minutes late. That's alright. Maybe you got held up somewhere. He orders himself another cup of coffee.
Tweny more minutes pass. He sighs, taking a sip from his third cup of coffee. You've been later than this before. The first time he took you out you were forty minutes late because you couldn't figure out what to wear. You wanted to look perfect for him. What you didn't know, is that he thinks you look perfect with a messy bun, no makeup, one of his shirts on, and some sweatpants. To him, you look gorgeous no matter what.
Finally an hour passes. Mick's scared that something might have happened. He knows that you wouldn't bail on him. He knows how badly you wanted to talk about your relationship. Mick knew this not knowing was killing you.
Mick sighs, getting out his wallet to pay for his coffees. He walks out of the café, going straight for your apartment. He didn't bring his car because it wasn't that far from the studio. That's where he was before he came to the coffee shop.
His hands are shoved inside of his pockets as he makes his way towards your small flat. You didn't live far from the café. It took you a bit longer to get there because you were coming from work. Mick pulls out his key that he has to the apartment. When he unlocks it though, he's shocked by how quiet it is. You definitely weren't home.
Where the hell is she? He wonders to himself.
Mick's about to leave when there's a knock at the door. Why would someone be coming here when you aren't around? He walks to the door, limping a bit. He pulls open the door to reveal two grim looking police officers.
"How can I help you?" Mick asks, beyond confused. Why are there police officers at your door? You never cause trouble.
"Are you Mick Mars?" The one in front asks.
Mick nods, still wondering what the hell is going on.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N) put you down as her emergency contact. She's been in a terrible car accident. She didn't make it," The other officer says.
Mick feels his heart drop through the floor. Your father just died from one, and now you too? You didn't drive for a whole year because you were scared of causing an accident.
Mick lost his only love. You were what kept his world going. He told you everything, even if he was scared you'd judge him. He never had to worry about you thinking less of him. You thought he was the most amazing man in the world.
The officers leave, giving him their condolences.
Mick shuts the door. He puts his back up against the door, sliding down to the floor. He lets out the tears he was holding in.
The love of his life is gone. Just gone. One minute you were on the way to the café, and the next you were just gone. Like a candle in the wind.
He misses you so much. He never even got to tell you how much he loves you sober. He can't believe how much of an idiot he was for not telling you.
Mick screams into the empty apartment, letting his sadness overwhelm him. He needs you.
Mick knows two things for certain:
1. He'll never find someone else.
2. He'll love you till the day he dies.
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We liked this "bad cut" of Madonna in 1990
Because it shows us as kids. Goofing off and being silly and not so perfect.
We aren't all perfect. But our voice still matters even if we don't take politics as serious as others.
And Madonna really took some convincing to have this unprofessional type of video set out as her primary support.
But I told her "the world knows you are special. But do they know you're silly while serious? That every thing doesn't have to be prim and proper? That sometimes we just wanna wear Jean cut offs and not a suit? That sometimes, were just kids no matter how old we are? I'm only 10 years old and im doing this because of Ms Chen, Madonna. Because she believes in all walks of life as long as their heart is good. And I believe this video you call scrap is good. Because it shows you in a different light. And when we got to vote in 8 or 9 years, its going to be different for us. Some even scary. What if we vote for the wrong person? That is intimidating and this video while you say it feels wrong, i feel its beautiful. I just want to hug the TV. Because, for me, im scared. That's why i started Rock the Vote. Ms Chen always told us not ti be. "Do not allow us to be scared" she would always say. And i see this video, unprofessional as it is, and i see "wow madonna can have fun! Have friends and certainly be established and so what?! So what if i make a mistake? Madonna did! And she tried her best!! So what if i make a mistakes? And i vote for the wrong person? Madonna makes me feel better. That's what i see"" and I crossed my arms at my waist at comfort in silence. Knowing I had been heard.
I waited a few in silence watching the video play on silence over and over in my Clear Lake Texas garage
"Ah okay. Director's cut, what do we see are we going with this one?"
And I heard deep gasping of wet air from Madonna... And my heart thudded fast and i realized the entire garage was crying.
"Oh. So we like it? Cool. :)) I'll get us some snacks from the kitchen until we are done crying"
Grapes and cheese.
Ms Chen was dead and she kept changing the world every day and through Rock the Vote, that young woman murdered by the Chinese Embassy, after spending years of hiding, hidden because she was born a girl who was supposed to have been murdered the moment she was born. She continues to change the world. For all of us scared and worried that our voices don't matter.
For 30 years Ms Chen lives on through Rock the Vote
And there isn't anything better to have done for her to honor her spirit and gain my own strength while allowing others to also gain theirs
There are very few things in the world that fill me with happiness and joy and excitement for the future of our country
So please Register to Vote soon and don't forget to Vote.
After two years of what she called a degrading commercial, she wanted to do a serious commercial about how she felt snd why she couldn't get her commercial just right after two takes which she was always able to.
"Look. I did yours. Its been running two years. Now i want to get my voice out. Can I?!"
"But isn't that the point, Miss Madonna? But before i say yes, which i will, but i mean Officially... I am yes off the record but on the record, can we still run the old one?"
I heard deep laughter for quite awhile "i hoped you wouldn't ask but i knew you would! Of course but i want the new one to run at least twice as much!"
"Deal! Now I'm on yes officially. So what's your voice?"
"You don't even know what it is! What if its degrading and against voting in particular and not just the people running"
"Oh we aren't allowed to talk about any one running. Its non affiliate. The point is just to get voting up and running and it's private! So we can't even mention a particular person running unless they're dead like JFK and we have to run through the script and approve it before we even pull out a camera"
"Well that's why i called!"
And she read the script and i didn't even know she was. Because she said every hidden negative feeling I was trying to hide with Rock the Vote. And i just listened and felt carried away on a cloud because she understood every one of my personal feelings and fears for the world's future
"Well that's it! That's the commercial!"
I was so fucked up. I wanted to know how she knew my every thought and how she was smart enough just to say it and just do it so perfectly.
"Now i feel vain again to say it is beautiful. But it truly is. Only the truth can set you free. And me. And me, too. And the rest of the world. Thank you Ms Madonna. If Ms Chen knew you You would feel extra good, she always had a way to make you feel just perfect for being imperfect as the world sees you"
"And so do you," she said softly "ill talk to you later. I got to go now"
And i knew we were both gonna cry when we hung up. And we did. Thousands of miles apart, crying together for the USA and the world. Her an adult and I just a child without an age between us. Just two 19 years olds living as best we could and many would say not good at all. But we were and we are.
Outtakes... As you see... We used them as the commercial. 💘
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hoonhosh · 7 years
idek if you're still doing the soonhoon au requests but would you mind writing writing one where soonyoung's friends (aka junhao seungcheol and wonwoo maybe) dare him to stay in a haunted house, but jihoon is the ghost? im sorry if you aren't taking any oops :)
Ghost! SoonHoon
It was the the third time Soonyoung lost a bet, But this time he didn’t regret losing In fact, it was his best lost.
((Sorry it took so long!! Enjoy!!
“Come on you idiot,” Seungcheol nudged him forward, almost pushing him to the ground. 
Soonyoung rubbed his arm, the other mouthing a sorry.
 “You can’t be scared, can you? It’s not that bad.” Minghao shrugged, shaking his head. 
He wasn’t scared. 
Okay, he was scared. 
The boy gulped, staring at the abandoned mansion in front of them 
This wasn’t looking good for him.
It wasn’t the first time he lost a bet but this time it was serious. 
He had to go into the Lee house. 
The Lee house was a famous mansion that’s been there for as long as he could remember It was famous for the obvious reason: 
It’s rumoured to be haunted by the dead Lee family, who all died to a serial killer Parents, a married cousin, & a sole child 
“Do I have to?” Soonyoung uttered out, Wonwoo scoffing. 
“Sorry bud, but we aren’t the ones who got a 72 on the test.” He replied. 
It’s not his fault that he got a lower score than all his friends
 It was math, math is boring 
Now he had to stay here for march break 
“A whole week?” He said weakly.
 “A whole week.” Jun repeated before wrapping his arm around him & whispering softly. “If you can’t handle, call me, I’ll let you hang at my place.” 
He smiled, thank god for Wen Junhui 
With that, he walked in extremely slowly, waving away his friends when he opened the door 
He walked inside the home, hearing the floor creak with every step 
It was scary enough that there were no light bulbs & that the only source of light was the windows covered in dust 
Everything was covered in dust actually 
“God, I should have study more.” He sighed, shuddering. 
“I need to calm down.. Aha!” He smiled brightly, taking out his headphones & phone 
“Music! My best friend.” He cried out, putting on any song he could find 
He already felt better, humming to the music. 
That was, until a loud bang was heard behind him 
In fear, he slowly took one earbud out, turning around 
He heard laughter, & then he knew he was going to die 
“Oooh.. Someone new.” A soft voice called out. 
“You like music, huh?” Another called out, a bit more mischievous. “How bout this, huh?!” 
Loud stomping on the stairs was heard before chairs were being flung & someone started to scream 
He covered his ears, accidentally dropping his phone & letting the music play from the speakers 
“W-Wait!” The soft voice called out, everything going quiet. “… Is that Full Metal Alchemist’s opening..?”
 He blinked owlishly, looking down at his phone & quickly picking it up. “Uhm, yes?” He answered, his eyes darting around 
Suddenly, someone jumped in front of him, as if he was protecting him from someone else 
“Jeonghan no, we can’t hurt him! He likes FMA! No bad person likes FMA!!” 
Soonyoung was officially confused.
 Where did this guy come from? Then, someone else just appeared in front of two, looking extremely angry.
 “Are you serious?! Even when we were alive Shua, anime is always first for you!” 
Where did this guy come from???- Wait what did he say? 
Soonyoung stared at the two as they bickered amongst each other It didn’t take him long before he realized that those two figures were transparent 
“Holy fuck.” He muttered out, gaining their attention. “You guys are ghost!” 
Before they could respond, he blacked out.
 “… Hannie, what did you do.”
He opened his eyes, finding himself on the floor with a pain in his head 
When he sat up he met face to face with another transparent male, only much smaller 
He screamed loudly, the ghost covering his ears 
“Fucking hell, are you sure you’re alive? You sound like a banshee.” 
“You’re- You’re-” He sputtered out, trembling as he raised a finger to point at him 
“Dead, yes.” The other finished, rolling his eyes. “I’m not going to do anything.” 
“Then what the hell were those other ghost doing?!” Soonyoung shouted, the ghost’s frown not wearing off 
“Joshua saw you liked anime so we’re letting you go.” He scoffed 
“You sound disappointed.” He said, regretting it as he glared at him 
“No shit! You’re trespassing! This is private property!” He responded. “Why are you here anyways?” 
If movies told him anything, lying always ends up with dying That’s why they rhyme, you know So he told the boy the truth 
“Wow, you’re stupid.” The boy chuckled at him, Soonyoung huffing. 
“Shut up, a grade schooler like you wouldn’t understand!” 
“Actually,” he interrupted. “I’m technically older than you.” 
“Well, if I were alive, I’d be a bit older.” He continued. “I died when I was your age though.” 
“You’re kidding me.” He was shook. “The newspaper from a while back said you were a kid!”
 “No fucking way, you gotta bring that back to me, I’m going to haunt the news station.” he said with anger before a glass hand rested upon his shoulder 
It was the ghost from earlier, Joshua, he assumed. “Calm down Hoonie, I’m sure you can haunt them later.” He smiled. “Right now, we have a guest!” 
Soonyoung chuckled awkwardly, seeing the other ghost calm visibly. 
Then, the other ghost came out, scoffing. “Alright kid, name.” 
He shuddered, gulping. “Kwon Soonyoung.” 
“Alright Kwon Soonyoung,” The smallest ghost said, the other two staring at him. “My name is Lee Jihoon, these two are Hong Jisoo & Yoon Jeonghan, but you probably know that from the news.” 
“You can call me Joshua though!” Joshua called out Soonyoung blinked. 
“You two are married?” 
“Sadly.” Joshua responded, getting hit by Jeonghan 
“Then why do you have different last names?” 
“I like Yoon.” He simply stated. 
The boy nodded slowly, still in slight disbelief that he was actually talking to ghosts, nORMALLY. 
“You said you were going to be here for a week, right?” Jihoon said, shocking the other two. He nodded “Alrighty, your room is the big one on the right upstairs. It’s pretty dusty though, not like we can clean it.” 
With that, they all disappeared & Soonyoung was still in a state of shock. 
What the fuck was happening. 
Living with the ghost weren’t actually that bad 
Joshua was for sure, fun to hang out with 
He liked anime & the weird movies Soonyoung liked 
They often fooled around 
Plus, Joshua was smart 
He would teach his knowledge 
Even if most of it is useless facts 
Jeonghan was the opposite in the beginning 
He really didn’t like Soonyoung 
Eventually they got really close & Jeonghan treated him as one of his own 
He told him many stories of how his & Joshua’s relationship was when they were alive & how it continued as they died 
They were the real relationship goals bless 
Him & Jihoon however were the closest 
Probably because they were the same age & probably because the second he slept in his supposed to be room the boy floated in & had some sort of bonding moment 
“Jesus!” He screamed, seeing the other
 “Oh fuck- Sorry, habit.” He sheepishly replied, the other groaning
 “Do you float into people’s rooms everyday?” 
“For you information, it’s not your room.” He spat 
“Who’s is it?” He asked 
“My parents.” 
Soonyoung blinked. He hadn’t seen his parents yet. 
“Where are they..?” He asked softly 
Jihoon sighed, watching Soonyoung sit up as he floated beside him 
“I don’t know. When I woke up, became a ghost I mean, they were nowhere to be found.” 
He spoke with sadness in every word, taking small breaths.
 “We got into a fight before we died. Joshua & Jeonghan was the only ones there but- I couldn’t apologize.” He wailed, burying his face in his hands 
It didn’t really help though, he’s transparent so.. 
Soonyoung took a breath “It’s okay. Because it’s not the end of the world. You’ll see them. Besides, they probably really love you anyways.” 
Jihoon looked up, sighing. “Thank you.” 
He tried patting his back, only his hand went through 
Jihoon hasn’t laughed that hard before 
They hung out a lot after that during the week 
Soonyoung tried taking a selfie with him & Jihoon only appeared as a scary blob 
On Saturday night, he sat outside the house, looking at the stars 
He felt a cold breeze beside him & smiled. “Hey.” 
“Mind if I join you?” Jihoon asked, looking down at him as he nodded 
“I heard that you’re leaving in the morning.” 
“Yeah, got school.” 
“Huh. I remember school, never got to finish.” 
“Hah, of course.” 
Silence filled the air before Soonyoung’s hand went cold 
He looked over & saw a certain transparent hand through it 
“I can’t hold your hand & hold you back but..” He signed. “Make sure you visit or something. It was fun, is what I’m saying.” 
Soonyoung grinned. “I’ll bring the newspaper & we can take down the company together.” 
“Great, I’ll start haunting them next week.” 
He laughed. “I guess I’m coming next week.”
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