#these were meant to be refs for me so :D
ryokosturntodie · 6 months
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WAKE UP RTTD MAIN CAST JUST DROPPED (aka participants who survived first trial...)
feel free to ask any questions !!!!
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wileys-russo · 11 months
Mearps with a reader who plays on like a local Sunday league football team so literally nothing close to professional, it’s just for fun. But Mary makes every game she can stood with her hood up on the sideline cheering when you so much as touch the ball or like shows off the fact that she’s yours by rolling up to get you from training or something? And you come home and dinners made “because she’s proud of you for training hard”
sunday league II m.earps
"-so are we all just expected to ignore the fact that there's an actual lioness watching us play right now." your teammate breathed out with a shake of her head making you smile.
"yes you are! heads back in the game." you ordered sternly, everyone huddled up for half time taking a water break. "she's like the least judgmental person ever guys we go through this issue every single week, relax." you chuckled as their eyes continued to flicker to your girlfriend on the sidelines.
you'd warned her over and over how intimidating her presence was at your grassroot level sunday league games however forever the proud girlfriend her solution to the problem was to just show up in a hoodie and cover her face as if that helped at all.
the ref calling for everyone to return to the pitch you turned to put your water bottle back, catching her eye as she gave you a toothy grin and a wink. "come on captain you can kiss your girlfriend later." your team mate teased as she grabbed you, dragging you back to the pitch.
though it was hardly the wsl that didn't mean none of you took your games seriously, so up by one you were determined to keep that lead if unable to widen it, shot after shot being blocked as the opposition resorted to a 5 man defensive line.
"lets go 14!" you heard mary call out your number proudly with an encouraging clap as you took another shot but it bounced off the post, kicking the ground in frustration and just waiting for the whistle to blow.
unfortunately for you luck seemed to be on their side. you watched with a defeated sigh as the ball swooshed into the back of your net, not even a minute later reprised by the whistle.
you did your best to build your team back up in a post game huddle, highlighing the positives of the game rather than the negatives and telling them you'd see them all at training on tuesday night. after a bried debrief with your coach he clapped you on the back and you grabbed your bag making your way over to mary.
"hi gorgeous." the older girl smiled sympathetically, opening her arms as you melted into her with a tired sigh. "oi, none of that. you played wonderfully love!" she assured softly as you reached up and tugged at the hood which covered your head.
"your disguise didn't work very well baby, you freaked them all out again." you smiled in amusement. "well i'm not staying away so they better get used to it." mary grinned and nudged your chin up, sweetly kissing your lips before taking your bag off you and pulling you into her side walking the two of you to her car.
"i had to fight off tooney and maya from coming with me you know? imagine if three lionesses came to watch, your team might faint on the pitch." mary teased as you rolled your eyes and she threw your bag in the back, opening your door for you.
"you know i still could-"
"no! i love you so very dearly but we do not need a mary earps masterclass at training." you shook your head but kissed her cheek in thanks anyway, knowing she meant no harm. "you look good as a wag. you know i could get you a spare jersey to wear next time?" you smirked wiggling your eyebrows as she started the car.
"oh my god and if you could sign it for me? i'd simply die i'm just your biggest fan!" mary gushed sarcastically, fanning her face with a sigh as you playfully shoved her head and she started to drive the two of you home.
"dinner's already done, go have a shower and i'll dish up." your girlfriend smiled softly, pecking your lips and nodding upstairs. "you're the best." you melted at the thoughtful act of domesticity.
"i know, you're so lucky." mary sighed dramatically as you shoved her. "i'm really proud of you though. my pretty hard working captain." the taller girl smiled much more sincerely as you craned your neck up to press your lips to hers.
"mm if this continues we'll both need a shower. go on love!" she pushed you away, smacking your bum with a wink. "doesn't sound like the worst idea?" you hinted, holding your hand out hopefully as she shook her head.
"later, if you play your cards right." mary smiled suggestively as she returned to the kitchen. "bold of you to hold that over me when its you who has the self control problem earps." you teased her as she flipped you off and you disappeared upstairs.
"you know baby it's just such a shame you're a...striker." mary gagged later on, forcing out the word as you punched her in the arm and continued drying the dishes she handed you.
"some of us like participating in games, not just sitting back in the net being bossy and yelling at everyone." you smirked as your girlfriend dropped the dish she was washing and fixed you with a glare.
within seconds you'd dropped the tea towel, racing off as she charged after you, your laughters filling your space before inevitably she caught you, the keeper taking you down to the floor with a grin.
"i'll show you bossy."
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kathanglangit · 1 year
The Second Blade: Diplata - Extinct Bolo
Continuing the countdown to the launch of the Gubat Banwa Kickstarter coming up on the 10th of October- 6 days to go! Gubat Banwa is a tactical war-drama TTRPG set in the Sword Isles, a fantasy setting inspired by Southeast Asian cultures and folklore.
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To promote its launch, I'll be posting some of the weapons I've been drawing for the game every day until the campaign kicks off in earnest. These were meant to be Swordtember entries, pardon the lateness I suppose. 2/7 blades so far, let me introduce you to the DIPLATA.
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The diplata is a short-to-mid-length blade with a distinct handle, with most specimens sporting a horn-like protrusion facing the same side as the edge.
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The blade shape itself I feel is something common across most toolblades in the Philippines, not much longer than one's forearm with a more-or-less rounded out tip- though the diplata seems a bit wider than most. I would say the most unique features definitely lie in the shape of the hilt, and the circular guard. Most Philippine blades don't have anything in the form of hand protection, so a wide guard like this stands out.
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This one was a little difficult to find photo references for, as apparently they're quite rare. Some blade scholars call it an "extinct" blade, meaning those who traditionally forge authentic ones supposedly aren't around anymore.
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(Photo from Victor Balaguer's museum near Barcelona; Diplata on the blades hanging on the wall, the two next to the rightmost blade) "Traditional" blades refer to those made by the same people to whose culture a blade belongs. To illustrate in the simplest terms, a katana made by a traditional Japanese swordsmith would count as a traditional blade. A messer made by a traditional German blacksmith would count as a traditional blade. I'm sure there's more internal nuance there, but that's the quickest reference point I could come up with. Take note however that the Philippines is composed of many, many different cultures who all happen to exist in the same archipelago with varying levels of overlap- there is no singular, unifying blade culture, so categorizations like "Traditional" and "Modern" (often referring to modern reproductions) aren't always as exact as convenience may demand. In particular, material exchange between cultures makes a mess of this categorization, not just because the blades themselves could get traded (or stolen or lost) and physically make their way to other places beyond the imaginary borders of their "homelands", but because the smiths themselves (or their knowledge and techniques) may travel around. Smiths in different places may also see blades from different cultures that they might feel like imitating or emulating in some way- that's how certain Philippine blades obtained D-guards- but that's a story for another time. The diplata is oft-attributed to the Aeta peoples, specifically those who come from Mt. Pinatubo in Zambales. Not much confusion as to whose culture these blades belong.
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It is a little disheartening that most of the refs I could find were photos from foreign museums and loose images in books and blade forums. I will not speculate here as to how these blades ended up in these places, but it isn't hard to guess.
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(Image from a Spanish museum)
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(Image from Philippines, Early Collections, Museum of Ethnologie Vienna)
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(Image from The Philippine Journal of Science Volume 81) I'm not a hardcore blade scholar, but even I recognize how inseparable blades are from the myriad cultures of the Philippines. I'm forever thankful to the random communities of blade enthusiasts who dedicate a not-insignificant portion of their time (and wallets) to supporting local artisan blacksmiths to grow their collections, and keeping track and tracing which blades came from which places and peoples. Our blade cultures are alive and still developing, but they could still use a little help sometimes, just so we don't lose them.
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(Photo from the collection of Zel Umali) In any case- while it's not exactly a scholarly work in the academic sense- part of Gubat Banwa's violence is pushing a fantasy setting of our own making, as seen by our own eyes, as told on our own terms. This is no foreign museum; This time, SEAsian cultures take center stage.
The Gubat Banwa Kickstarter launches in 6 days! Check it out here:
It would be a huge help to this very small team from the global south if you could help us get the word out! We straight up can't afford to advertise on the same scale as bigger players in the field, so we're relying heavily on word of mouth. You can find out more about the game on its itch page.
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beefslipper · 2 months
Halloween Headcanons (Months early lol)
My last post was such a flop I heard the crickets chirping before I even got on tumblr omg
Since nobody is giving me ideas, I'm just gonna do short n sweet headcanons on one (at least) character from each of the fandoms I'm in... Or at least the ones I can remember. Idk why but I can't wait until spooky month so we're doing Halloween-themed HCs!!!!!! I frickin' love the holidays :D
I won't be using images in my post this time just because I'm like half asleep and I need to yap. (I have no energy and I must yap /ref)
First up, Jason Todd! (Batman)
I think he'd avoid dressing up for trick or treating because his fave is Wonder Woman... Bro's not about to traumatize every child that sees him. However, if he is craving candy hard enough, he'd go in a lazier or goofy costume. You know those unicorn onesies? That's for if he isn't in the mood for ghits and shiggles. An inflatable dinosaur costume is his go-to if he's in a better mood.
I bet he'd have everything planned, too. He knows where all the rich people are and which ones give out the full-sized candy bars or any cool light up toys that make little kids jealous because they have no idea where to find them at.
If he were to go trick or treating with anyone, I think it'd probably be the Batfam as a whole (They don't trust him with not stealing some kid's candy bucket).
Next, Touya Todoroki! (MHA)
This is an AU one where he isn't dying because I don't want him to die (Insert sob emoji).
Since Enji himself is in a wheelchair, he isn't able to push Touya around. He was absolutely devastated by that and begged Natsuo and Fuyumi to take their older brother out to trick or treat since Shoto was with his friends.
Touya would either do a costume to heal his inner child or a lazier one that's comfortable and doesn't irritate his skin. Either way, he's demanding that they go to every house around no matter how long it takes. Any time he gets candy he doesn't like, he asks Natsuo to trade with him LOL
At the end of the night, Enji has to lock away the candy so Touya doesn't scarf it all down and get a stomach ache. He does anyway since it was 'hidden' in the same spot it had always been.
Onto Arlan! (HSR)
My boy doesn't get enough love <3
I think his excitement after hearing about Halloween's existence would be enough to convince the spaceship to set up little stalls for him, Asta, MC, and Peppy to run around to collect candy. He and Asta would probably have matching costumes like ketchup and mustard bottles or pb and j or something cute like that. Or it'd be a three-way deal since Asta would dress Peppy up in some cute little costume.
Arlan would definitely sit on the floor with Asta and MC and trade candies so they each get what they wanted. Asta would have some dog treats for Peppy so they weren't left out :)
At the night's end, Arlan would probably be caught falling asleep, still in costume with a half-eaten candy bar in hand.
Now, Bennett! (Genshin Impact)
He, Razor, Chongyun, and XIngqiu would get together and go out trick or treating. He tried to convince Fischl to go with, but she refused, claiming it was far too childish for someone of her status. That meant "Please bring me back some sweets".
He had a bag specifically for Fischl :)
As the night went on, the boys managed to have good luck. Bennett had never been happier since he was internally horrified of ruining the others' night by only getting raisins, toothbrushes, and apples or having someone's bag rip.
All went well and everyone got a pretty good amount of candy. Even Fischl.
Yap session is done! I kinda wanted to do DMCB stuff or Steven Universe stuff, but my creativity juice ran out. I hope y'all liked this one :D I'll probably do another one when it's actually October. (evaporates I FORGOT JJK oh well)
Have a great day, evening, and/or night everyone :DDDD
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hils79 · 1 year
Hils Watches The King's Avatar - Ep 40
It doesn't feel like 5 minutes ago that I started this drama. It's so very bingeable.
It's been a real journey. None of this has been what I expected beyond the very basic concept of 'it's a drama about esports'. There have been so many wonderful surprises. There are characters that I hated that I now love, characters that I loved that I now love even more, and more ships than I ever expected to ship.
While I'm at it I want to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has popped up in the replies to my posts or in my asks to either answer my questions or just yell about their favourite characters. I can tell this drama (and the novel and donghua) are so well loved and liveblogging this has really felt like a community experience. Thank you for not laughing at all the stuff I got wrong and for not making fun of me for shipping everyone. It's really been so wonderful and I almost don't want to press play on the final episode because I don't want it to be over.
But I need to see what happens so let's go!
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Ah, okay. I misunderstood what happened at the end of the last episode. I thought they'd lost the game but no they could still win they just didn't have enough points to win the championship.
Is there going to be some loophole like the whole 'oh the ref's watch broke so actually you won'
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HAHA! I fucking knew it! They got an extra two points for beating a league record. Because apparently that is a rule that has never been mentioned until now.
Eh, whatever. There was a nice moment with the fans before the found out they'd won
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Ye Xiu finally gets the hug that he's needed since episode 1
Good lord how is there 30 minutes left? What's going to happen now that they've won?
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God I hope Sun Xiang punches him
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Except of course he won't because he's all grown up now. Also, typically it's the coaches/managers that get fired when a team does badly. I hope he gets booted
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Love Shaotian dragging Wenzhou to his feet so he can cheer
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Remember when their entire fanbase was just this guy. I'm definitely not crying at all
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Look at that little half smile. He's grown so much considering they only lost on a technicality. I do think he's at least a little bit happy for Ye Xiu as the better player (for now)
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GDI I can't believe I'm crying over Sun Xiang AGAIN
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LOL remember when I thought he was going to be the antagonist of the drama when I watched the first episode. How wrong I was
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Haha yes let's have a little joke about the time when I nearly banned you for life in the middle of an important game and caused your team to lose as a result
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I have in no way been thinking about writing some King's Avatar fic with one based on the fact that Ye Xiu passes out after one drink
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HAHA! Mo Fan pretended to pass out too so he doesn't have to talk to anyone. He is such a mood
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Oh shit! I did not see that coming!
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Oh no he looks so sad to see his former team like this, and it's understandable. He built that team from the ground up and put so much time and work into making them the legends they were
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Yes, good. Baozi is cuddling one of his boyfriends as he should
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Ah, yay, I'd forgotten about the team graphic. Time to add one more person right before the end
And finished! That was wonderful! Definitely in my top 5 dramas that I've watched this year. Might even be the number one, actually. I definitely should have watched that years ago when people first told me to give it a try. But, you know, I firmly believe you find things when you were meant to find them. Now was good.
I'll be starting a new drama tomorrow. If you were just here for my King's Avatar posts it's been lovely to have you. If you're sticking around for other liveblogs I'll see you tomorrow for more yelling :D
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 8 months
Hi I'm now depressed (hockey has absolutely ruined me), gimme Jersey angst, please?
Why sad? Happy! HAPPY >:D /ref that no one but me understands
But uhm- yes here’s some NJ angst for ya >:D
New Jersey and New York were currently participating in one of their favorite activities to do together. Play fighting! The two have them have always loved play fighting with each other no matter where they were. It was a good way to get out the loads of energy that the two of them had stored up 24/7, and it was quite enjoyable for both.
NJ grunted a little bit as he was headbutted in the chest by NY, who was previously being held in a chokehold. He didn’t let go though, despite NY’s cat-like biting and scratching. He was basically immune to it at this point, being NY’s token scratching post (this is a half joke). The Garden State put in little to no effort when fighting NY, seeing as he was significantly stronger than the latter. That didn’t make the playfighting any less fun though!
That was, until….
New Jersey completely forgot that this was just a play fight, and he threw New York over the couch when he saw the opportunity. See, this would’ve been okay-ish, if NY got up right after. And it would’ve been okay-ish if Jersey didn’t hear a loud whimper along with a thud. Ahhh hell.
He stood there for a minute catching his breath, as well as getting more and more concerned and afraid when his little brother didn’t get up immediately. And he started panicking after hearing the loud whimper. Oh god. Did he actually hurt New York?? What if he did??? Oh god- did NY hate him now???? Was he scared of him maybe???? Either one would be just as bad…. What would the others say if they found out that he hurt a fellow state???? Much more that he hurt his own little brother????? Surely they would hate him….
New Jersey had been so lost in his thoughts that he hadn’t noticed New York calling his name until he felt a gentle bap to the face. He snapped out of it and looked at whoever had just slapped him. New York stood there, with a mildly concerned look on his face. New York stood there. He was okay. Okay. Good. New Jersey would’ve never forgiven himself if he actually hurt his little brother.
"….Jers? Ya good?? We lost ya there for a second." New York said, playfully punching NJ in the shoulder.
"Huh? Oh- yeah- I’m. Im fine."
Based on how New Jersey suddenly found himself pinned to the couch with a hug, New York could tell that that was pure bullsh*t. He wasn’t going to force the Garden State to say anything. He’ll just hug the sadness out of him.
After a few minutes, New Jersey speaks up:
"Did I uhh….. Did I uh- hurt ya by any chance…?"
"Mk….. ya sure?? Don’ make me check ya for injuries." New Jersey said sternly, but there was a worried lilt to his voice.
"Jers. I’m fine. Jeez yer soundin a lot like Masshole. Bein’ a mother hen and crap…"
New Jersey just chuckled a bit and laid there comfortably, listening to his little brother’s rambling. He was happy too. That meant that New York okay…..
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inkbedou · 11 days
L1X14N - ADS!Lix
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and finally, also made by me, we got ADS!Lix; L1X14N!
a quite literally perfect android fighter tasked to protect the humans in the Invincible II and their colony. although maybe 'perfect' isnt the right word...
more info about him under the read more!
is an android!! look at the robot go!!
very quiet, kinda nonchalant and standoffish but never in a cool guy type way, more like aloof, i guess? his brain is full of elevator music
has emotions, and he can detect he has them but not really what they are or mean
like i put in the ref sheet, i imagined he'd like making music with music pads or midi fighters, but of course only when he has time
ok, so i might have gone a little crazy with this one but HEAR ME OUT
i imagined that if he were to be a part of the story, that in some alternate universe L1X would realize that all the wormhole buisness happens because of Engineer. and as his job is literally to ensure the safety of the colonists, he decides to jump into the wormhole looking for Engie. this chase would get more and more frustrating tho, as L1X can find many Marks but not Engineer, and stresses as the more time he takes to find Engie, the more that the colonists will be hurt/traumatized. not to mention the betrayal, i mean, L1X would probably think that Engie meant what he was doing. In the end tho, i imagine that he wouldnt have a big part in the ending (i like that the captain and Engie have their moment), but that after all of it got resolved that he'd still remember everything that happened, so i guess more trauma for the poor android :(
his cat companion is a white oriental shorthair named Sequilho! sequilhos are brazilian cookies, i have this vid from Dylan B Hollis that shows the recipe, its so simple i should really try them sometime :D https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9rPCwLZ42Kg (recipe video)
and poor L1X is completely in love with this cat. if it sits on his lap he feels so much emotion towards it he cant bring himself to move it. he has a back pocket on his pants specifically designed for the cat to sit in while he works. you cant get it away from him.
someone who worked on him once tried to take the cat away from him and he lost all will to live. Engie and Gunther had to go get the cat back so that L1X could actually work again.
idk why i designed him to look kinda like a porcelain doll, but it looks pretty cool! tho obvs he's made of some stronger material XD also, he's made to look kinda weirdly human, so his "blush" is painted on.
the light blue lights are illuminated parts that show the inside of the wiring. whether the color can be changed to others like those rgb lights remains to be seen.
and finally, his weapon of choice is usually his two laser guns, though he knows how to fight with any weapon B)
aaa these three were so fun to do, im so happy with how they came out! although i have to admit there was a fourth idea that never really went anywhere. cause if we got lix in all areas of the ship, an alien!lix isnt that farfetched. it wasnt a bad idea at all, i just didnt have a good idea for it, but it could totally be made XD! maybe someday ill make it...
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nomsthecat · 1 year
i suggest 12: candles, 16: in dreams, and 46: shimmer. you can use 1, two, or all three! leaves through the me shaped hole i've left
oooo finally answers this because it’s late at night and that’s when I write best :sun thumbs up:
be warned of angst
muhahaha. I’m so evil (also I don’t know the word count and too tired to check soz)
A flickering sea of candles surrounds you, and this little circular clearing you happen to be standing in. You can’t tell what the ground was made of, (if it was even there,) but the sky above shimmers with twinkling pinpricks of dazzling light. A constellation of stars that seems to reflect the candlelight.
The candles go on forever, eventually becoming nothing but blackened mist that twists and turns and eats the worn down wax like a life no longer lived. Maybe that was what the candles meant.
You would smile, you would be amazed at this once in a lifetime view, if only the weight in your stomach and the fogginess that make up your fragile consciousness didn’t nag at you.
If only it wasn’t telling you that this wasn’t right. You’re not supposed to be happy.
They’re supposed to be dead.
You can’t be happy like this. The one you looked at so fondly— (the ones you looked at so fondly you should say,) with warm colors of tan, yellow, oranges and reds… a perfect resemblance of the sun with triangular rays decorating a circular face, and then he, with shades of blues, silver, white and bright yellow, patterned with stars and the waning crescent of the moon. One meant to play, one meant to sleep, both meant to act.
Neither meant to live.
You reach out for what isn’t there. To cup the side of a circular face and to smile so softly at them, to let them know you’re here for them. You weren’t.
You weren’t there for them when the building was sent aflame, when the floor caved and when they were abandoned. Ruined.
You went back for them, you did- you tried.
They were left on the floor. A caretaker with none to care for and none to seek care from.
And now they stand before you. You reached out for what wasn’t there, and they reached back.
Cold metal hands you cannot feel cradle your hand close, against their irreparable chassis and close to where would have been a heart, should they have had one. A face unmistakable to you, crowned with both rays and a night cap outdated for this era. Both are just as broken as the other.
But oh.
His smile. A smile that you saw often, ever unmoving but filled with such emotion, now torn in half just like the rest of his face. One eye the color of marigold, and the other a burning red, but both look at you with a plead. With hope. With grief and loss.
You’re supposed to be dead. you could’ve whispered, but find yourself incapable to speak with them. And you find your hand reluctantly released from their caring hold, where instead they now hold a candle.
Just like the many that surround you, that envelop the rolling hills made of nothing in this moment that could be described as everything. But this candle. This candle with the wax nearly gone and the wick burned black till there was nothing more. There is no flame to burn because there is nothing.
They died in that fire.
They died in that fire and this is their goodbye.
A gentle weight is placed on top of your head. An animatronic leans over you, the candle gone and replaced with your hands.
You didn’t deserve their grief, you didn’t deserve to cry. So why do they hold you so close, and why do these tears fall?
You wake up.
Thank you puff for your lovely prompts I wave goodbye before putting plastic wrap over the you shaped hole in my inbox for when you next decide to visit<3 (prank em’ john/ref/silly)
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polynomialpandemic · 4 months
A Sun That's Rising- partial redesigns!
As we've been writing STR, I've had the uncontrollable urge to worldbuild (map coming soon), and after speaking with a diversity consultant about designs and how appropriate accuracy to existing cultural clothing vs fantasy world=not the same culture and not wanting to misrepresent, I have started the STR character designs! One notable change is Wind's hair color, but aside from that it fits completely appropriately into EOS.
(Also, I have been picturing them as inspired by these cultures and of these races and appearances since I wrote EOS, this is just me getting the confidence/go-ahead to make their clothing more culturally accurate)
Here's the rough designs I have so far! (for EOS folks- this does contain the STR characters as well, so just. uh. know those guys exist, there shouldn't be any spoilers in here though so dont worry about that. Of the canon chain/EOS guys I've only properly designed 3 so far, but I do have concept sketches for Hyrule as well based on what part of the story he's in, so that's cool. These are also labeled (sometimes) for your convenience. I am mixing real life time periods a bit, but that's Fine, I did want everyone to be '''appropriately''' clothed (i.e. wearing enough clothing that nobody gets uncomfortable, as nudity tends to be sexualized in western culture) so that meant futzing around with eras a bit hahah. Also, reminder that many of these characters are adopted, and therefore I'm not just going 'boom he's south american because thats fun', Ihave thought through the distance and cultural exchange between countries and the origins of their bio families and stuff.
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Wind's design is inspired by Peruvian traditional clothing. The sandals have an extra ref, as I added them to the design later.
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Twilight's design, like Malon's, is inspired by Indigenous Turtle Island (american) cultures, specifically those located in the plains areas. He is Malon and Time's bio kid.
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Malon the beloved! As Jingle Dresses are ceremonial, I took some inspiration from them, but am not recreating one, because they are connected to the spirituality and ritual of Indigenous culture in real life, and those cultures and the ones in the story are not the same.
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Here's Shadow in Ao Dai! As I've determined that (specifically East) Hyrule(the country) has partially Chinese cultural inspirations (and is where Castle Town lies,) Shadow's design fits with West Hyrule's culture, which is inspired by Vietnamese culture. I also checked the meaning of colors of clothing and period appropriate dyes, so there's that :D
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As of now, none of you have met Groose in canon, but I Love Them So Much. Inspired by Norwegian cultural clothing.
me: [looks at Groose Skyward Sword] but what if you were a they/them lesbian-
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Filipino cultural inspiration for him! Yes, I gave him skirts as well as tunics. They are more interesting (to me) than pants.
NOTE: I will not be explicitly naming all of the clothing items as they are named in real life, when writing the fic. Since 'Tagalog' is the name of an Austronesian language, Hyrule could not wear something called a 'Barong Tagalog,' if Tagalog did not exist in the world.
I'll add on more characters as I sketch them, but I am, as always, pretty busy. I'll go ahead and post the maps next, and then some picrews I did as well, so you all can get a sense of their faces.
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axewchao · 1 year
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I was right; I couldn't bring myself to draw anything other than a ref for Koopa!Dal after making the human one:'D
Part of me wanted to copy/paste some of the stuff from the human bio... but then I looked at the stuff I already typed for Koopa!Dal and thought "yeah no I'm not gonna build another goddamn wall of text." Because I don't really need to; if anything is different with a specific version of my purple boi, I'll say so. owo)b
Much like his human counterpart, Dalex is calm, non-confrontational, and observant. Being born as a Poison Koopa-Boom Boom hybrid didn't change that fact, nor did his eventual choice to side with King Bowser and his brood of eight. Hailing from a mountain range northwest of the Koopa Kingdom, Dalex made his way to the Dark Lands in hopes of learning more about his own kind, as there were very few Koopas to speak of in his hometown of Wyverra Village.
Apart from getting in touch with his Koopa heritage, Dalex had another goal in mind when he arrived: solving the mystery of his pendant, which had been with him since he was four years old. Both he and his parents had no idea what it was or where it could've come from, and no amount of poring through the books of public libraries helped. At most, he learned that the pendant resembled the Shine Sprites of Isle Delfino, but the pendant's color and lack of eyes made it clear that they were not one and the same.
The only remaining option was the Castle library, but he couldn't just... waltz right into the Koopa friggin' Castle to look at some books. And as much as Dalex wanted answers, he wasn't about to poke his snout where he wasn't welcome. Maybe... maybe if he got a job there, he'd be able to check a few things out? He wasn't gonna go out on the front lines to fight the likes of the Mario Bros.; more along the lines of cleaning, patrols, or heavy lifting. He didn't necessarily need the coins, but... well, he could put it towards a trip to Sarasaland. He'd been meaning to go there one day.
Dalex had begun his work as one of Bowser's many minions hidden in the background, and the background was where he'd meant to stay. Little did he know, he'd eventually catch the eye of not one, not two, but eight special Koopas, who were more than happy to pull him into the foreground whether he liked it or not. But that was fine; Dalex wasn't in a hurry, and to be honest, even if they could be a bit much at times, the Royal Family certainly knew how to make life a bit more interesting.
Poison Koopas are a somewhat uncommon subspecies, often confused for Dragon Koopas with purple scales. As far as most people know, Dalex is just a purple Boom Boom. Admittedly this little secret is not as tight-lipped as one would think; no one (except Iggy) ever asks, so Dalex never tells.
His status as half-Poison Koopa renders him immune to poisonous substances, but he is vulnerable to his own kind's venom. If he were purely a Poison Koopa, he'd be immune to the venom as well.
His own venom can knock someone out in about 30 minutes, while a purebred's venom takes a mere 10. 
Among the other Minions, Dalex's best friends are Boom Boom and Pom Pom. They befriended him shortly after he joined and were the first two people he openly spoke to before any of the Koopalings got involved.
After meeting each of the Koopalings, Dalex became the "student" of Ludwig Von Koopa. First educating Dalex on Koopa culture and later magic, Ludwig initially wanted to keep things "normal" between them, but fell for him as time went on. Being treated like an equal despite Ludwig's higher status and generally feeling accepted and comfortable in Dal's presence certainly played a part in that. He didn't even notice how "close" the two of them were getting until it was literally spelled out for him by his siblings.
Since he's only recently begun practicing magic, doing something like making multiple paint portals over a short period/ones that stretch across greater distances can tire Dalex out quickly. The more he trains, the more magic he'll be able to use before he gets tired. Same goes for the magic output of his Shade Sprite.
Part of him is afraid of what he could do once he gets better at magic, particularly if he gets angry... but having no clue what he's doing sounds even more dangerous, hence him eventually asking Ludwig to help him.
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tomiyeee · 2 years
how long does it take you to draw and colour? since you post everyday which is great for me :D any tips for colouring cause Im still tryna figure all that out
hmm welllll, i don't exactly time how long it takes to draw but my partner said that sometimes i'll be working on a piece when they go to sleep and i'll still be working on it when they wake up 7 hours later so...my guess is anywhere from 3-8 hours each depending on complexity? at least for the art that i normally post, most of which is relatively simple.
not entirely sure what kind of tips you were looking for, but i'll just throw out some of my thought processes and stuff i try to keep in mind whenever i color. i'm gonna try and keep these relatively to the point so i won't go into much detail on art terms n whatnot, BUT i am also pretty terrible at explaining things so if you need clarification on anything, feel free to ask!
(sorry it's so longggg, i got carried away. i am...very wordy when it comes to art lol)
i like to block in the colors during the sketching stage before i do the lineart, especially for pieces where i know i want to do something funky with the color palette. you can see this in a lot of my process shots. doing colors in the planning stage just gives me a lot more freedom to focus purely on the colors and shading and how they work with the composition, without having to worry about the minute details like making sure the colors are inside the lines.
in order to save time while coloring, i'll usually just select the negative space (after making sure all the lineart is closed) > expand selection by 1 pixel (to make sure the edges are hidden within the liineart) > invert selection > fill bucket, then use clipping layers above that to color individual areas.
layer modes are your friend! i use multiply, overlay, and glow dodge (this one may be specific to mangastudio?) in almost every one of my drawings, but it's definitely worth playing around with all of the modes just to familiarize yourself with them if you haven't already.
color is honestly SO subjective. i'm never a fan of color picking (from source material or my own refs or whatever) bc while it may have its uses when it comes to consistency, imo it's much more fun to make them up as i go. you get a lot more variety from piece to piece while also familiarizing yourself with the character's palette that way. usually i'll start by deciding on the overall mood/palette (cool/warm, de-saturated, neon, pastel, etc), filling in the background color, then picking the characters' colors based on that. like with this venti pic, i started with a purple background and based my colors around that purple so they all fit the specific look i was going for. i could maybe get a similar effect by starting with the normal colors and using filters, shading, layer modes, etc to get the funky colors, but it will be much harder/more work and doesn't get as drastic of an effect imo.
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on that note, don't be afraid to use shades/colors that may seem odd! you'd be surprised how many times i've used gray in place of blue, orange, purple..basically any color. in the above example, you can see just how different the colors ended up being from the original. after i decide on my palette + bg color, i'll just throw down the color i think will work and then (bc that first guess is usually wrong and meant only as a ballpark estimate) see if it needs to be warmer or cooler/darker or lighter/more or less saturated/etc and adjust accordingly. it's like mixing paint or tuning an instrument! it takes a little bit of practice, but after a while you start to get the hang of what colors will look like in which color palettes. white is usually the easiest to start with bc it will always just be tinted whatever color your palette is (like how the "white" in the above example is just a light purple).
this and the next point are more about shading but i include it as part of the coloring process: the easiest way i've learned to do shading is to darken the entire image/character/part you want to shade (usually with a solid color multiply layer) then add in the lighting either by erasing parts of the multiply layer or by using a separate layer set to overlay or glow dodge (or a similar lightening layer mode). it works a lot better than drawing the shadows imo because it kind of mimics how light works in real life; things are dark by default until you let light in and it hits what it can while leaving the rest still dark.
if you want to blend shadows, i usually still use the above method, but just blur certain areas of it and when i'm deciding which parts to blur (bc i don't just do so indiscriminately) i'll mentally sort all of the shadows into 2 categories:
shadows created by light being blocked by an object: like putting your hand in front of a flashlight. these shadows will retain their sharp edge, but can transition into the 2nd category if they are far enough from the obstruction, like how your hand's shadow will become blurrier the further you move it from the flashlight. the more distance between a light source and the surface it's projecting onto, the more chances for the light to scatter = softer edges
shadows created by light "rolling" off the surface: like the shadows on a ball or rounded surface. these will get blurred and i usually like to put a little bit of color along the blurred edge (a different and usually brighter/more saturated color than the rest of the shadows) just to add some life to the shadows.
here's an annotated version of this mikey pic with just the shadows so it's a lot easier to see :) sorry im bad at annotating..
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aaaand this post has probably gotten way longer than you were hoping for so i'll cut it off here 😭 hope this has been at least somewhat useful, and good luck with your art!
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delusional-cryptid · 1 year
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I jumped on the SpiderSona bandwagon ( a while ago lmao) and finally finished this first spread! The colors are better irl but I really love a lot of these doodles :D
Below the cut is just me infodumping about him + some other art! Be prepared :]
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This is the final ref, and the very first draft! Obviously I named him Remy, he was bit by a purple-gold jumping spider when he was fifteen and has been acting as Spider-Man ever since! Technically, he does go by Spider-Man, but he calls himself Royal spider because in the functioning universe, Spider-Man media (comics, movies, etc) do also exist. It was his best friend/sister that suggested they take on the mantle after he developed spider abilities or whatever Lmao.
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All of these are just pose doodles and stuff, but some honorary mentions are: sometimes he just wears the bandana, not the full mask. Mostly cause he thinks it scares kids, and most of his Hero Efforts are aimed towards protecting kids. He’s not fully aware of this bias, but Remy sees himself in practically every kid who needs saving because he was that kid.
Anyways here’s some lore:
Remy Raine used to live with his mother in a rented flat, but she worked two jobs to try and support them, so he was alone a lot. When he was a little kid, not even 6, his best friend Rowan King told her dad about Remys situation. Mr. King contacted Remys mom and offered to watch him after school and whenever she needed it, because the kings were significantly financially better off. Remy came out as trans at nine, and was easily accepted because he had two good parents and an even better best friend. He lived between apartments until he was 12. A week from his 13th birthday, his mom was killed by a drunk driver on her way home from work. Since Mr. King was not his legal guardian, the legal system tried to place him with his uncle Ben and aunt May, who lived down in Colorado at the time and hadn’t seen him since he was a toddler. No one was all too happy with the situation, so Mr. King and Aunt May came to an agreement where Remy could stay in New York, and May would only be his legal guardian on paper. It only made official an arrangement that the three had been happy to have for years, but Mr. King was still happy to be a father of two.
When Remy was bitten, Rowan was the first person he told. She then suggested he become a real Spider-Man, and they got to designing his suit! Rowan was happily the man in the chair, because she wanted to do anything possible to keep her reckless best friend safe. Originally, as seen in the 3rd and 4th images in the second block, Rowan was meant to become/create an AI named R.O.W.A.N. After her death. Though, after fleshing out both the King’s characters, I don’t think I could hurt mr “loving dad of any kid he can parent” like that honestly
Anyways yeah if you got this far THANK YOU for indulging me!! If you want more info or have art ideas, feel free to send an ask/rb this!! I love him. That is all.
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never-wake-up · 2 years
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J'ai publié 5 073 fois en 2022
C'est 4 339 billets de plus qu'en 2021 !
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Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 207 billets en 2022
#mbs - 3 billets
#caleb widogast - 3 billets
#i wanted to die /j - 3 billets
#prev tags - 3 billets
#when i wake up at 3a.m. to have a literary breakthrough fill two whole pages of notes and crash back into my bed - 2 billets
#lemony snicket - 2 billets
#vfd - 2 billets
#all the bright places - 2 billets
#it's beautiful - 2 billets
#and the three other walls are covered in drawings and paintings i made - 2 billets
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#btw i'm not a native english speaker so i didn't know what oc meant. i thought it was the characters that you used to represent yourself.
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
I want a "that's not how the story goes" but for the Mysterious Benedict Society. Just nice music and fluff.
You might think these 4 children will find happiness and that's how the story goes :D
7 notes - publié le 4 avril 2022
Love it when people latch onto characters that I enjoy but don't feel really connected to like yes, it's your blorbo from my show <3
7 notes - publié le 2 mars 2022
Get you a man that loves you like Lemony loves Beatrice
8 notes - publié le 28 septembre 2022
So I had a dream and Mr.Oshiro was my teacher. He would send gigantic emails to the referent teacher about how good of a class we were, like several big ass messages a day and they were all formatted like this (italics included) :
lorem ipsum DOLOR sit amet, CONSECTETUR ADIPISCING elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt UT labore et dolore MAGNA aliqua. ut enim ad minim VENIAM, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea COMMODO consequat.
And then my ref teacher got mad and told him to stop sending her so many emails and I woke up.
Anyway now Mr.Oshiro writes emails like this and it is canon sorry 😔
8 notes - publié le 26 septembre 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
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Don't know if that has been made before but :)
51 notes - publié le 8 mars 2022
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pequenosol · 2 years
Alright!! It's been a while since I last posted, and, regrettably, I haven't accomplished as much as I hoped I had ^^' But here goes!
While training up for the Paradox Donphan, I caught numerous Pokèmon through raid battles, including a Bergmite and Shellos with Ghost Tera types, a Goomy, and a Dratini, and Blueberry evolved into Artibax!
The Titan battle was very easy for me, as per usual; Cinnamon took down that big boi without a problem <3
After that, I did a smidge more training, put Yarrow on the team in place of Lemon, and then off to the Psychic gym I went!
(Oh also Cardamom almost died on the way there lmao This is the second time this has happened X"D)
The Gym Test....went well. Tbh I thought it was a little weird in concept, but it was fun to watch Yarrow make all sorts of different expressions c:
I defeated the two trainers without any problems, and then I took on Tulip herself! Tbh, after seeing her approach me in battle, I became a fan- I like her speech pattern, elegant demeanor, and it's so cool how the butterfly bow thingies on her outfit can move....
As for the actual battle, Yarrow took care of her Farigarif without any problems! However, her Gardevoir wasn't as nice...
I taught Cinnamon Hex and Will-O-Wisp prior to the battle, because I've always wanted to do a sick combo move like that. The Will-o hit, but then....the next turn I accidentally misclicked and used it again TuT Cinnamon almost died and was on read health. I needed a turn to heal them up, and a free-switch in....knowing what that meant, I sent out Yarrow again and sacked him off. Rest in peace, buddy ;-;
Cinnamon took out the Gardevoir easily after that, and Cardemom OHKO'D the Espartha. Next up was Tulip's ace, Psychic Florges, and I sent out Cinnamon again.
A couple Hexes and a Torch Song (and almost dying again) later, the Florges went down. I won! :D Tulip took a selfie with me, gave me my badge, and went on her way.
After that, as recommended by a friend, I headed back to Uva Academy and took some classes! Much to my pleasure, I was not disappointed in the least! They actually were very fun and enjoyable ^^ I think every time I take down a gym or Titan or a Star base, I'm going to just take a round of lessons at the academy, as a way to relax and unwind after the boss battles, you know?
While I didn't make too much progression in the game, I did finish a lot of refs! So, let me just-- *BLARG*
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pathfinderunlocked · 2 years
Frost Man Vampire Spawn - CR5 Undead
It’s nearly impossible for most creatures to live in the arctic wilderness.  But that just means that if you run into a creature, there’s a good chance it’s not actually alive.
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Artwork by Josh Nizzi at joshnizzi.com, copyright Marvel Studios.
Frost Men are a race of wandering, rugged nomads who live in the wilderness of the tundra at the edges of the world.  They call themselves frost folk, but other races only ever see adult males, and so call them frost men.  The frost folk never correct them.  They’re originally from Forgotten Realms, and appeared in D&D 1e and 3e, but were converted to Pathfinder by Necromancer Games.  The D&D 3e lore is somewhat different, making female frost folk simply an unusual sight instead of being unheard of.
This is a frost man that was turned into a vampire’s thrall, presumably after trying to fight a vampire and losing.  Vampire spawns typically ignore everything about the base creature and completely overwrite their stats with those of a wight, but to me that makes more sense when the base creature is a human.  I wanted something that felt more like it was still connected to the frozen wilderness, even in undeath.
It annoys me that the typical vampiric “if defeated in combat, it becomes totally invulnerable and flies home to its coffin” nonsense applies to vampire spawns, which are theoretically meant to be used as nameless combat minions in a vampire adventure, not complex exploration encounters that force you to track down each one’s coffin.  A lot of vampire spawns probably don’t even have coffins, considering they're just captured enemies being used as cannon fodder.  With that in mind, I slightly altered the frost man vampire spawn’s version of this ability, compared to a typical vampire.
Frost Man Vampire Spawn - CR 5
The pale, largely unprotected body of this frost man wanderer seems unaffected by the ice and snow.  He has an axe in one hand, and he casts no shadow on the frozen tundra.
XP 1,600 LE Medium undead (cold) Init +3 Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+2 armor, +3 Dex, +4 natural) hp 38 (4d8+20); fast healing 2 Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +7 Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2 DR 5/silver Immune cold, undead traits Resist electricity 10 Weaknesses vulnerability to fire, vampire weaknesses
Speed 30 ft. Melee slam +6 (1d4+4 plus energy drain) or morningstar +8 (1d8+4) or morningstar +8 (1d8+3) and slam +1 (1d4+2 plus energy drain) Ranged composite longbow +6 (1d8+3/x3) Special Attacks blood drain, dominate (DC 16), energy drain (1 level, DC 16)
Str 16, Dex 16, Con —, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 19 Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 19 Feats Toughness, Weapon Focus (morningstar) Skills Intimidate +11, Perception +10, Sense Motive +10, Survival +7, Stealth +18 Languages Common, Frost Man, Necril SQ gaseous form, shadowless, spider climb Gear leather armor, mwk light flail, composite longbow (+3 Str), 30 arrows
Frost Howl (Su) Once per day as a standard action, with its voice, a frost man vampire spawn can create a ten foot ring of supernatural frost on the ground around it.  Creatures within a 10-foot radius of the frost man vampire spawn when it performs this technique take 1d6+4 points of cold damage, and can make a DC 16 Reflex save to halve this damage.  The save DC is Charisma-based.
A frost man vampire spawn is immune to the effects of its own ring of frost.  A creature can walk within or through the area of ice at half its normal speed with a successful DC 10 Acrobatics check.  Failure by 4 or less means the creature can’t move that round (and must succeed at a Reflex save or fall); failure by 5 or more means it falls (see the Acrobatics skill).  Creatures that do not move on their turn do not need to attempt this check.  The ring of frost lasts until it naturally melts (about 6 hours in comfortable weather).
A frost man vampire spawn cannot use this technique if it is silenced.
Ice Blast (Su) Three times per day as a standard action, a frost man vampire spawn can release a blast of freezing mist in a 30-foot cone from the eye underneath its eye patch.  A frost man vampire spawn can remove its eye patch as a free action.  A creature in the area takes 3d6 points of cold damage (DC 16 Reflex for half).  The save DC is Charisma-based.
Hunter’s Mark (Su) As a swift action, once per day, a frost man vampire spawn may place an invisible mark on a creature that it can see.  Its attacks against this target have a +2 bonus to hit, and the frost man vampire thrall can perceive the approximate direction of the marked creature if it is within 1000 feet.  This effect lasts for one hour.
Blood Drain (Su) A frost man vampire spawn can suck blood from a grappled opponent; if the vampire spawn establishes or maintains a pin, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution damage.  The vampire spawn heals 5 hit points or gains 5 temporary hit points for 1 hour (up to a maximum number of temporary hit points equal to its full normal hit points) each round it drains blood.
Dominate (Su) A frost man vampire spawn can crush the will of an opponent with the cold subtype as a standard action.  Anyone the spawn targets must succeed on a Will save (DC 16) or fall instantly under the frost man vampire spawn’s influence, as though by a dominate monster spell (caster level 12th).  The ability has a range of 30 feet.
Energy Drain (Su) A creature hit by a frost man vampire spawn’s slam (or other natural weapon) gains one negative level.  This ability only triggers once per round, regardless of the number of attacks a frost man vampire spawn makes.  See Energy Drain description for details.
Vampiric Fast Healing (Su) A frost man vampire spawn gains fast healing 2.  If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, a vampire spawn assumes gaseous form (see below) and attempts to escape.  It must reach an area of natural outdoor ice or snow within 2 hours or be utterly destroyed.  (It can normally travel up to 9 miles in 2 hours.)  Additional damage dealt to a frost man vampire spawn forced into gaseous form has no effect.  Once at rest, the vampire is helpless, and an ice tomb with 20 hit points forms around it as the gaseous form wears off.  The frost man vampire spawn heals at the rate of only 2 hit points per hour while reforming inside this ice tomb, instead of its normal fast healing rate, and remains paralyzed and unconscious until its hit points are fully restored, at which point the ice tomb shatters and the frost man vampire spawn emerges.  If the ice tomb is destroyed while the frost man vampire spawn is still healing, the ice tomb reforms 1 hour later unless the frost man vampire spawn is destroyed.
Gaseous Form (Su) When reduced to 0 hit points in combat, a vampire spawn can assume gaseous form (caster level 5th), as the spell, but it can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability.  It cannot assume gaseous form under any other circumstance.
Shadowless (Ex) A frost man vampire spawn casts no shadows and shows no reflection in a mirror.
Spider Climb (Ex) A frost man vampire spawn can climb sheer surfaces as though under the effects of a spider climb spell.
Vampire Weaknesses Frost man vampire spawns cannot tolerate the strong odor of garlic and will not enter an area laced with it.  Similarly, they recoil from mirrors or strongly presented holy symbols.  These things don’t harm the frost man vampire spawn—they merely keep it at bay.  A recoiling frost man vampire spawn must stay at least 5 feet away from the mirror or holy symbol and cannot touch or make melee attacks against that creature.  Holding a frost man vampire spawn at bay takes a standard action.  After 1 round, a frost man vampire spawn can overcome its revulsion of the object and function normally each round it makes a DC 25 Will save.
Frost man vampire spawns cannot enter a private home or dwelling unless invited in by someone with the authority to do so.
Reducing a frost man vampire spawn’s hit points to 0 or lower incapacitates it but doesn’t always destroy it (see fast healing).  However, certain attacks can slay frost man vampire spawns.  Exposing any frost man vampire spawn to direct sunlight staggers it on the first round of exposure and destroys it utterly on the second consecutive round of exposure if it does not escape.   Each round of immersion in running water inflicts damage on a frost man vampire spawn equal to one-third of its maximum hit points—a frost man vampire spawn reduced to 0 hit points in this manner is destroyed.  Driving a wooden stake through a helpless frost man vampire spawn’s heart instantly slays it (this is a full-round action).  However, it returns to life if the stake is removed, unless the head is also severed and anointed with holy water.
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sillymoonboi · 6 months
Uni: *using telepathy* look I'm here because you know I would never let any harm come to any astral from my dimension... besides Taurus be harmed or feel pain emotional or physical but you let Ceres and Pluto to die causing Scorpio to lose there job and become sad... also you caused time keeper to be so stressed...
*time keeper teleports in (they are like 23.5 ft tall)*
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*uni blushes but covers it up*
Time Keeper: hey uni
uni: *using telepathy* you know it is dangerous to leave our dimension little star especially when you leave your pocket dimension
(uni has a crush on time keeper)
Time Keeper: *stands next to uni*
Galaxy:you know i love the astrals just as much as you do …..but I didn’t cause ceres and pluto to die, it was some machine that some ruin guy made , saying that he saved soo many lives.. and I coudn’t do anything about it, the dwarf planets were not even from this dimension, and they were definitely not from our solar system they were from that black hole bastard…. And they were working for him, plus they entered a dimension where it wasn’t meant for them , and because of that machine, they increased to exist.
Also hi time keeper, how you doing I haven’t see you in a while! :D *galaxy waves at him*
Anyways continuing , i found out Scorpio has a new job now, Neptune rules them now.
Now Can you stop worrying about me? I have this dimension thing under control for years!!! Even before you!! >:(
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