#they are about two idiots who are bad in bed (lol) but love each other so what they do is perfect for one another
yarrystyleeza · 5 months
Happy birthday tomorrow Yuna! Hope you'll have an amazing day ❤️❤️
As for a request... When I saw you would write for Daryl, I knew I had to send you something. Season 1 and 2 Daryl lives rent free in my mind, so can I please request:
"when they tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear while you talk" and "brushing against each other, even if there is enough room"
Thank you in advance and again, Happy birthday 😁❤️🎉
Awww thank you my love, sorry for answering this late, hope you didn't mind it, it was stupid of me! 😅💖💖💖
I was stuck with the plot of the request for the last two months until last night, I literally wrote this in less than 10 hours lol 🤣🤣🤣 hope you enjoy it, though, and sorry for keeping you hanging! 💖💖💖 You're so welcome and thank you for dropping this request and for the birthday wishes! 🥰🥰🥰
Little Things (D.D)
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Requested by @munsonownsmyass
Pairing and dynamic: Daryl Dixon x female! reader, idiots in love
Prompt: fluff, s1!s2!Daryl, tucking hair behind ear, brushing against each other even if there's enough room + petnames for the cherry on top!
Word count: 1.4k!
Writer's note: I loved writing this one so much! As you lily, season one and two Daryl is my favorite Daryl era (beside S8). Not 100% proofread but I hope you really enjoy it, have a great day! <3
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"Hurt y'self, little thin'?" He teased, watching you lying on the forest bed after your foot faltered and slipped you into the bottom of the hill. Your brows knitted, you rolled your eyes, he chuckled at the face you made, "alright, I'm comin'."
He slides down, smoothly, and a little bit pompously—with a smirk on his face. You can't lie—he made you smile though you desperately wanted to punch him right in the face.
He offered his hand to you and you accepted his help. At first, he let you wrap your arm around his neck as he walked you towards the hill exit—but as it turns out, you sprained your ankle so bad it was impossible for you to take another step. He scooped you in his arms and carried you back to the quarry.
And that's how you met Daryl.
You can't admit he wasn't a pain in the ass most of the time—if not always, getting on your nerves and driving you up the wall, it was so constant you started thinking he was doing it on purpose.
It kinda was. Daryl had serious troubles with conveying his emotions, and that idiot had a sickening crush on you ever since he saw you at the camp with the girls. He wanted your attention and he only got it when he drove you mad, so he tooled it in his advantage.
You were his favorite. You're the only one he talks to—other than his brother, Merle—and you, too, are the only one who wants to talk to him.
You too had a crush on him. His silly fights and bickering became more amusing to you—sometimes you couldn't even contain the smile drawn across your face when he's mad about something so stupid and could be fixed in complete silence, and when you gave him your smug face—it always drove him insane. You learnt he's quick-tempered, but these ones were visibly made up just to get a chance to be with you.
Daryl reminded you of those little boys in the playground when they used to ruin the girls' sand castles or pull their braids and ribbons just to get their attention. Ever since you came up to this conclusion—life has never been easier!
But things changed a little bit after the attack on the quarry. Daryl turned from only being a hot-headed idiot to be completely protective of you, but that doesn't mean he stopped getting angry—God forbid he does! But he got more reasonable and collected—around you, at least.
As soon as you got to the CDC, he grew closer to you, more friendly, more worried, more caring. He barely slept the night you spent there, checking on you every thirty minutes to make sure you don't need anything—despite you being a wall apart. It was adorable, and it stirred something in you.
Same night at dinner, right before you went to bed, he sat beside you as you dined, he made sure your plate was full and that you'd eaten well because 'it's been a while since you got a decent meal', he says.
And in the middle of the chaos the following morning—he solely cared for you, and not a thing was going to stop him from smashing Dr. Jenner's head that morning if it wasn't for you calming him down.
The two of you escaped in his pickup truck. But despite the horror you had just fled, you couldn't stop stealing glances at each other, Daryl was focused on driving but you spotted him staring at you with soft eyes a couple of times. Both of you blushed, multiple times—vividly, but you couldn't stop. Something was so amusing and sweet about the way he was looking at you, and you were so tempting to him he couldn't stop staring at you even if he wanted to.
Now, staying at Hershel's farmhouse, Daryl turned out to be that sweet lovey dovey guy who'd absolutely melt under your touch—in complete opposite to the face he's been showing to everyone.
As you went out to search for Sophia, Daryl offered to accompany you. He kept brushing arms with you, pumping into your side, and gently holding your biceps to guide you as you walked. He kept putting himself between you and any threat, not letting you shed a drop of sweat—you were almost a passenger princess, but on foot.
But it was very obvious the night he got shot—your heart dropped when it happened, and when you learned it was your Daryl and not some misinformation. You couldn't watch as they took the bullet out, you couldn't watch him screaming in agony—yet you heard him from behind the door. It tore your heart into pieces.
The night fell as you sat on the chair next to his bed, your head dripping every couple minutes as you drifted in and out of sleep. Your head was heavy as a rock sinking in the ocean—yet you kept fighting Mr. Sandman back, shaking your head and rubbing your eyes and patting your face.
"Go to bed, pet," he softly demanded, "ye're tired from sittin' here all day," he extended an arm, gently placing it on your thigh and squeezing it chastely, "ya need some rest."
You shook your head, "I'm fine, Daryl," you shrugged, "it's not like it's the first time I stay up late."
Both of you stay silent, staring at each other with soft eyes. "Climb up in 'ere," Daryl says, his voice was tinted with plead "at least you won't have to keep droppin' yer head like a sippy chicken."
"No, Daryl," you shook your head in utter refusal, desperately trying to show him how awake you are despite craving a warm bed, "you need your own space. What if I accidentally hit your wound--"
"Come on, pet, you know you won't..." he softly smiles, shaking his head. You sigh and climb into the bed with him and he shares his blanket with you. He turns to face you, the moonlight is perfectly casted upon your faces, his blue eyes sparkled and reflected you like a looking glass. He grazes your cheek, tucking your stray hair back behind your ear and his fingertips linger on the skin of your neck.
"Get some sleep, love," he caresses your hair, "I won't need nothin' when ye're right next to me."
You woke up tangled up in his chest, it was warm and peaceful. You never wanted to slip out of his arms—if it wasn't for Hershel coming over to check on him and the men accompanying him.
Daryl got better as the days gone by. You started to see him in the kitchen fetching some biscuits or chips, he'd pump into you on his way out, brushing arms with you and glancing at you with his blueies and a smile. And if he's in the right mood, he'd take you off guard and peck your cheek, and you'd turn red and try to bite your smile. He caught it had quite the right effect on you, and he's been doing it ever since.
"Let it down, pumpkin," Daryl flirts as he snatches the scrunchie out of your hand as you tried to tie your hair, "love it when it's coverin' yer pretty face, gives me a reason to keep tuckin' it back."
"But we're going on a mission," you protest, "it would be dangerous for both of us!"
Daryl takes a run around the golden field and you chase him—but he overpowers you and you stop running, panting and clutching your chest as he giggles. He mischievously walks back closer to you, so you try to take it back, but he's taller than you, stretching his hand up with your scrunchie and shaking it to tease you. "Ya ain't tiein' it today, darlin'."
"Give it back!" you giggle as you jump to reach for your scrunchie, but he keeps stretching his arm above his head.
"Ye look so cute like that, pumpkin," he pulls a smug face as you lean forward against him, your chests compacting and you're an inch away from kissing.
"You could've told me you wanted to kiss me," you tease, not minding that he lowered his hand back down. He tucks your stray bangs behind your ear, ending up doing what he wanted to do all along.
"But it's more fun to watch ya tiptoe and lean on to me like that," he rounds you with his big arms, pulling you deeper into his chest with a Bastard smirk on his face, "it makes you even prettier, pet. These little things you do."
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Likes and reblogs are appreciated, thank you for coming to my birthday sleepover celebration! 💞💞💞
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kheta · 4 months
Things I need in a Reverse Robins AU
-I don’t care what the order is but please let Duke and Jarro be adopted before Damian is taken in! I need Damian to be jealous of an alien starfish, my bones require it 😭
-Duke ans Damian make Jason and Dick’s lives so difficult… not as antagonist and purely because they snuck out and caused so much havock that Bruce now has a sixth sense for when his kids want to act up. They cannot even attempt stealth because Duke and Damian did it better.
-I want Duke and Damian to be those kid brothers that never got along. They used to regularly ‘spar’ (fist fight) but Dick, Cass and Jason don’t believe it because they get along so well now? Tim and Steph are obviously lying.
-A grown Dick Grayson being so mad because he went his whole life wanting to be taller than just one big brother, one! And he never gets it 🥰 (Him and Tim are the same height. He hates it w a passion) Technically he is taller than Jarro. But so is Ace and Tidus, that accounts for literally nothing.
-In contrasts to his big brother’s stealth and sneaking out shennanigans, Tim just straight up lies to Bruce when he wants to take off with YJ, vaguely saying their plans (baseball, trip to some histprical landmark, chilling on Bart’s new ride) So while Bruce blames Duke and Dami for his greys, he says that Tim is the only reason he isn’t fully grey because he’s so responsible and considerate and always tells Bruce everything. (Tim tells Bruce exactly three things, two are half-truths and one is the boldest lie in town 😇 Bruce is nonethewiser.)
-Running off of that, I want Tim to be the sneaky middle child always in chaos, but I want Dami to know this and point it out to Bruce and gst shut down (like Candace Flynn levels of bad)
-Dick is spoilt by his many older siblings. He knows and takes advantage. I’m talking like 18yo Dick Grayson showing up at 22yo Jason’s place when Jason is at College and Jason returns home to find his little brother wearing his robe, eating hia cereal and asking if he can borrow Jay’s car because Bruce is hiding his keys until Dick actually gets a drivers license, which he doesn’t need because he hardly ever drives anyway 🙄😒 Jason tells him to fuck off, kicks him for not throwing thw empty cereal box away and asks where tf he thinks he’s off to anyway??????
-I want Cass to be a bratty younger sister, but only to Jason. She’s happy to hangout and cherishes her time with all her brothers, but she terrorises Jason. Purposefully is quieter when walking near him to frighten him, steals every comfy, bright hoodie he owns, wiggles into his bed and leaves her stuff for him to pick up, clean. She happily helps with chores until Jason asks and suddenly, she did not hear him, she was ‘busy, calm down grumpy.’ I want her looking at his school work and making faces at him if he tries to help her. I want her to want nothing more than to bite Jason, but also have him be her secret favourite brother. I need them to be best friends but the sort who will sell each other out for a single corn chip.
-Dick convinces Damian to help him steal an elephant. If Damian weren’t so weak for his baby brother he’d think about how even tge manor is not large enough to comfortably house an elephant. Duke isn’t completely sure it’s a good idea, but he trusts his brother’s to be smart enough to think this through ☺️ (they have not and will not think the logistics of owning an elephant through) Tim is fully aware this is a bad plan, he’s just even worse at saying no to Dick 💀 Steph is so mad that she has to be the voice of reason among these idiots 😒
-Tim dropping out of High-school actually leads to a huge fight lol. Bc Duke and Damian have Masters and Jason is looking into Ivy Leagues and Cass adores you Tim you need to be a role model 😠 Tim moves to San Francisco and doesn’t talk to Bruce for months after that fight. He still regularly contacts his siblings though.
-Personally don’t love Jason dying in Reverse Robin AU’s, but you know if Joker killed him at 15 he’d be dead in two weeks tops. Oh you want to kill the baby brother of a trqined assassin and Tim, one bad hour away from villany, Drake-Wayne? You think Duke would stop them? Dick? You think wrong. Dick might even try to jump ahead of the line. Cass is perfectly happy to shut her eyes and pretend she cannot see her brothers planning 🫢 The Joker would die a slow and painful death. Steph and Duje would run Batman distraction. (Bruce actually has a support network and two kids younger than Jason who are grieving. He’d need to be a parent and help them with their grief. He’ll probably be shit at it, but he’d still need to try.)
-When Steph starts college she occasionally visits the manor, liberally fills her bag with spare socks, new towels and non-perishables. Alfred doesn’t mind. Bruce does, but only because he’s more than willing to buy it for her and she will kick him if he even glances at any of his credit cards or bank accounts while she is near.
- Barbara probably has a crush on Steph and Tim. Like not a serious, I want a romantic relationship crush. But like ‘Steph is so strong and pretty and she’s so smart Dick, she wants to be a Doctor that’s so cool!’ And Tim is that weird crush you can’t describe. Like Matthew Gray-Gubler. He looks sorta like a raccon and an addict, but he’s weirdly handsome and can work a computer like no one else, ‘isn’t he so smart Dick?’ Dick doesn’t know whether to be jealous or to laugh at her because. Like. Really??? That’s who you think is cute from all my amazing big brothers ans sisters?
-Dick, as youngest brother, probably has the most eclectic music taste. He listens to classical, trap music, K-Pop, scremo, RnB, showtunes. Just all genres. He doesn’t love all genres, bit he k ows enough to have a super weird road trip playlist.
-Dick also always has to deal with his friends, civvie and otherwise, having crushes on his siblings.
-Jarro barely spends holidays with the family, but he gets presents put aside for him and is the most patient, most fun big brother of the batfam. Damian still hates him, but will begrudgingly buy him gifts and invite him to family events because unfortunately, Jarro is his sibling. -Because he's never around, Jarro is the favourite older sibling, with Jason, Cass and Dick always making him projects from school. Duke, Dami and Tim see Jarro more, since they love going to see the JL or going to space and don't care that Bruce disapproves. They will either lie to Bruce or sneak out or just leave the manor 'Because I am a grown ass adult B, you can't ground me.' Steph does not like space or the JL half as much and is more busy studying/working than the other three losers. (affectionate)
-Gotham villains are in shock when, after having highly predictable vigilantes who just come in through the front/back door (Duke and Damian) they are faced with vigilantes who will in fact bazooka an entry way open (Jason and Cass)
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crucifiedfaerie · 11 months
Kylo Ren — SFW Alphabet
no warnings, just lots of fluff and lil bit of angst !! however, just bc its SFW, doesn't mean i want minors interacting w this, BEGONE !!! TO THE GLUE TRAP YOU GO !
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— AFFECTION (how affectionate are they?)
in the beginning of your relationship, affection was very scarce. kylo wanted so badly to open up to you more, but was too afraid to, so when he would catch himself getting too close or too affectionate he would pull away and become that cold and calculated kylo again who you knew all too well. when he did finally admit his feelings, he couldn't get enough of you, as if he were making up for all of the lost time he spent pushing you away.
"i cant believe i waited so long to do this, what a fool i am."
— BEST FRIEND (what are they like as a bestie?)
the only hc i have for you as best friends would be if you grew up together in jedi training... and you guys would fuck w each other CONSTANTLY. like practically bully each other, it's all in good fun though. luke would refer to the two of you as partners-in-many-crimes because of the several messes you'd make doing stupid shit. one time ben almost burned the hut down because you dared him to light fireworks outside of luke's window while he slept. bad fucking idea.
"you idiot, he's going to kill us, you know?"
— CUDDLES (how do they like to cuddle?)
kylo loves holding you. his favorite is when your head is on his chest because it makes it easy for him to play with your hair. he also loves being the big spoon, wrapping his strong arms around your small frame. in those moments you were a tiny, precious thing that he wanted only to love and keep safe.
— DOMESTIC (thoughts on settling down? how would they be helping out around?)
kylo wanted nothing more than to make you his and his only forever. despite how kylo treats literally everyone else, he is a very doting partner and has a huge soft spot for you and only you. he's better at helping with cooking than he is cleaning. anytime he would try to clean, he'd never do it right or fully and you'd end up telling him to stop and do it yourself lol.
"what do you MEAN i'm not doing it right?!"
— ENDING (how would breakups go?)
its simply not happening. if he broke up with you, he didn't actually mean it and said it out of anger in the heat of the moment. if you broke up with him, he would probably lose his mind. his cold façade would shatter into a million pieces and he'd promise he would change, do better, do whatever it was you needed him to do. you were his and the mere thought of anyone else ever having you filled him with insurmountable rage and sadness.
— FIANCEE (how do they feel about commitment?)
kylo is devoted to you wholeheartedly. being his empress and ruling over the first order by his side would only solidify that.
— GENTLE (how gentle are they?)
when he isn't being a freak, he handles you as if you are made of glass. a pretty, precious thing that could break at any moment. if you fall asleep next to the fireplace, he will pick you up and carry you to bed, making sure the blankets are tucked around the both of you in the way you like, so you don't wake up cold in the morning.
— HUGS (do they like hugs? what are their hugs like?)
kylo loves hugging you, and you love hugging him. bc of his height, you are dwarfed by him and his hugs feel like getting tightly wrapped in a large, warm blanket. usually he just bends down to hug you, but sometimes he picks you up.
— I LOVE YOU (how long does it take for them to say the L word?)
again, kylo is terrified of showing weakness, so in the beginning of your relationship he's very cold towards you. every time he was around you he had to fight the strong urges telling him to be honest with you. after a long while, he did finally say it though. he was so nervous when he first said it, his eyes scanning your face for a reaction and his palms sweating. now he reminds you that he loves you all the time, especially if he's going out on a mission and won't be back for a couple weeks.
"don't look so sad, my star. i love you, you know i always come back to you."
— JEALOUSY (how jealous do they get?)
kylo is as jealous of a man as you can get. the mere thought of someone trying to take you from him fills him with a rage that rivals the fire of a thousand suns. one time he heard a guard having very loud, impure thoughts about his empress so kylo killed him. you have always been much more passive than he is, so you were not happy to see that he had killed someone on your living room floor.
"but my love- his thoughts were so loud! what else was i supposed to do?!"
— KISSES (do they like kissing? what are their kisses like?)
kissing you is kylo's favorite past time. if you both are out and his helmet is on, all he's thinking about is getting home so he can kiss you. sometimes if no one's around, he will lift his mask up just enough so it only exposes the bottom half of his face so he can get a quick kiss or two or eight in. his kisses are warm and never fail to send tingles down your spine, and you always say kylo tastes of cinnamon and smoke. to him, you taste of summer fruit.
— LITTLE ONES (how are they around kids?)
he's indifferent towards other peoples children, thankfully he's less harsh on them than adults, but he isn't pleasant to them either. one time he blew up on a servant boy that was no older than eleven, and you scolded him afterwards. "he's just a child kylo, don't be so hard on him." he has such a soft spot for you and admires the empathy you have for others that he will never have. he promised you he would try to be a little nicer. yours and his children however, he treats as well as he treats you. they are an extension of his beloved, after all. i hc that kylo is a wonderful father, making sure they receive the fatherly love he never got.
— MORNINGS (how do your mornings with them go?)
sometimes on busy days, he's gone by the time you wake up. you always look so beautiful and peaceful when you're sleeping, so he doesn't dare wake you up. instead he kisses your head and whispers that he loves you and that he will return shortly. he knows you can't hear him, but he likes to tell you anyways. on days he doesn't have to leave so early, you stay in bed together. kissing, cuddling, talking, other things. kylo is content doing anything as long as it's with you.
— NIGHTS (how do your nights with them go?)
this is a sfw post, therefore i cannot describe how your nights with kylo would go lmao. please refer to the nsfw abc's. afterwards though, kylo is a doting partner that takes care of you, cleaning you up and tending to every single mark he left on your body that he worships so much.
— OPEN (how open are they? when will they tell you more about themselves?)
the first few months of your relationship is like dating a brick wall, it is not easy getting kylo to open up. once he does though, he makes sure not to hide anything from you anymore. it took a lot of work and patience, but he loves and trusts you wholeheartedly.
— PATIENCE (how patient are they with you?)
kylo has a temper, and he tries so hard, but he does have slip ups sometimes. any time he blows up on you though, he apologizes immediately. you know he loves you because he absolutely hates admitting he was wrong.
— QUIZZES (how much do they remember about you?)
everything. every detail, every like, every dislike, your favorite color, your favorite flower, your blood type, your fears, hopes, and dreams. this man remembers EVERYTHING about you. at least fifty percent of his brain is an archive of facts about you.
— REMEMBER (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
the first time you told him you loved him. it was the first time anyone told him they loved him, and you made him feel like he was ben again. he used to be so scared of being that boy he tried so hard to kill, but you held that part of him so tenderly, that he knew he'd be an absolute fool to try to push that away.
— SECURITY (how protective are they of you?)
kylo protects you with his own life and would kill thousands for you, despite your disdain for unnecessary violence. you are the most important thing to him, and he would have to be dead before he let anything happen to you.
— TRY (how much effort do they put into dates/special occasions?)
kylo ren has an ungodly amount of rizz and i stand by that. this man buys you your favorite flowers, he sets up candlelit dinners, he watches the sunset with you, he makes you personalized playlists like every other fuckboy except he doesn't send it to seven other women. whether you're his empress yet or not, he treats you like royalty. @enviedear and i also have a hc that kylo is the type of guy to pick out your nail polish color for you, and then buy a tie to wear that matches.
"you'd look so heavenly in this shade of red, my star."
— UGLY (what is a bad habit of theirs?)
kylo has an awful temper and is prone to outbursts. he tries SO hard to not have a temper with you, but everyone makes mistakes. he always apologizes to you though. i also hc that kylo is a nail biter, idk it just makes sense ?? that man is a caged animal and emotionally damaged, he definitely has anxiety.
— VANITY (how insecure are they? what are they insecure about?)
our poor babygirl is sooo insecure about everything, no matter how much you tell him how beautiful he is. your loving words of affirmation always make him feel a little better though.
— WHOLE (would they feel incomplete without you?)
without you, kylo would return to the broken, shell of a man he was before you. if he somehow lost you, hundreds of innocent lives would be lost due to the rampage he'd go on.
— XTRA (a random headcanon about them)
another hc that liv and i came up with was kylo's and ben's music taste. kylo listens to typical male manipulator music like radiohead, the smiths, and deftones with some angrier shit like slipknot and korn. ben is a different breed of male manipulator that listens to the weeknd and pulls up blasting solo by future. we also hc that both cry alone to lana del rey.
— YUCK (what are some things they dislike?)
anything and everything that isn't you. his least favorite thing though, is when he can hear people's rude or impure thoughts about you. he hasn't told you this, but he's killed at least fifteen people for doing just that.
"personally, i think fifteen isn't enough."
— ZZZZ (what are their sleeping habits like?)
for the first few months of your relationship, he did not sleep around you. you were convinced he didn't sleep... like ever. after he became more vulnerable with you though, he would. you love how peaceful he looks when he sleeps. i also hc that sometimes he gets terrible, vivid nightmares that he wakes up crying from :(
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brayneworms · 1 year
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love you (just a little too much) | jolyne cujoh
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kinktober day seven: praise kink
word count. 4.6k
content. MINORS/AGELESS BLOGS DNI, smut, praise kink, cheating (jolyne cheats on her boyfriend with reader lol), reader is kind of scummy, obsession, childhood friends, mentions of drinking, gender-neutral reader, implied unrequited love, sub!jolyne + dom!reader, oral sex (f!recieving), pet names (pretty girl, good girl, angel, princess—all used on jolyne)
♩ serial killer - lana del rey
kinktober mlist | regular mlist
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Contrary to popular belief, Jolyne doesn't mind people knowing she's soft.
The others—particularly the ones she met at the prison, like Ermes and Anasui—think that she tries very hard to maintain a tough reputation, that she puts effort into her hard-as-nails routine that scares off the bad guys. And that's not to say it doesn't, but most people tend to assume that this means she spurns being seen as soft, or compassionate, or even girlish.
But you know better.
I mean, obviously you do. You've been at her side since you were both six years old, meeting on the playground of your relatively shitty elementary school. You remember burning asphalt painted with volleyball-court lines, arches cracked with flecks of black stone. You know every part of her, even the parts she maybe wishes you didn't.
And you've been in love with her for far longer. Longer than that waste of oxygen Romeo, longer than Anasui or Ermes. They can make all the assumptions they want, but you know the truth. Jolyne is soft. And she is sweet, and thoughtful, and loyal, and you know there is nothing she loves more than being reminded of it.
You remember the first time you watched her do her own makeup when you were thirteen years old. Sat in her bedroom, the teal walls and pink carpet, and you were too young and lacked too much taste to feel the nausea that the colours would later induce as your eyes grew more sensitive. You sat cross-legged on her bed as Mariah Carey blasted out from the stereo, watching Jolyne's reflection in the mirror. Her big emerald eyes outlined in messy dark liner, lips outlined in green.
Messy, but she liked it. And she whirled around, brandishing a tube you had no name for.
"Nah," you said flatly. "No way."
"It's just mascara, dummy," Jolyne sighed. "It'll make you look pretty."
"No, it won't."
"It made me look pretty."
"That's 'cause you are, dipshit." You pressed your spine flat against the wall, and as you watched, the skin of her cheeked flushed, soft baby-pink.
"You think?" she whispered, looking shyer than you'd ever seen her, and you felt your heart do something funny.
"Yeah. I mean, don't be weird about it." You bit the inside of your cheek. "Jolyne, you're gorgeous."
She made a strangled, squawking sort of noise and chucked the tube of mascara at you. It bounced off your head as you threw your body to the side to avoid it, and when you looked at her in disbelief, her face was scarlet and blotchy.
"You can't just say things like that," she whined, burying her face in her hands. "Although, feel free to say it again, I guess—"
"Idiot." Your own face burned. "You are not doing my makeup."
That was the start of it, you guess.
The start of looking at her differently, of watching her out of the corner of her eye; putting up her hair into a ponytail, applying lip balm with a careful pinky finger. You've been freinds for so long that you're comfortable changing in front of each other (you used to share baths, for fuck's sake), and suddenly you're seventeen and she's stripping off her shirt right in front of you and it's not innocent anymore. It's something else.
Of course, you're not the only one to notice. The way she sort of... glows when she enters a room. Other people do, and that dipshit Romeo with barely two braincells to rub together between the steroids and the peroxide, he managed to catch her eye. This hulking, seething jock who looked at you like you were a piece of shit under his shoe, who called you weirdo behind Jolyne's back (because he knew he'd catch a fist to the face if he ever did it in front of her).
"I know you want to fuck her," he growled one afternoon, after school, senior year. He crowded you against the wall of the locker room whilst you both waited for Jolyne to change out of her volleyball uniform inside.
"You don't even know what you don't know, you fucking prick," you snarled, staring right up into his eyes. Narrow pupils and bloodshot in the sclera.
"I've seen the way you look at her," he whispered. "You're obsessed with her. And I'm warning you, back off."
"Yeah, big boy?" A smile that was almost hysterical tugged at your lips. "Except you don't really want that. 'Cause you know if I left, she'd go right along with me without even looking at you. You're nothing, and you'll be gone soon, and I'll still be here."
Romeo laughed. "You're fuckin' crazy," he said wonderingly. "Are all Jo's friends this insane?"
"No. Not all of them," you said quietly. "But I am. I'm pretty insane. And you're going to ruin her life. I can fucking feel it. One day you're going to ruin her whole life, and I'll be there to pick up the pieces."
"Romeoooo~" The singing voice soared over the thick tension. The two of you barely had time to step apart before Jolyne came sauntering out the locker room, her face alight in a pleased flush. Her eyes widened when she saw you, and she squealed delightedly. "You stayed!"
"I told you I would, dipshit," you said fondly, grinning as she launched at you and pressed a green kiss to your cheek. Over her shoulder, Romeo glowered.
"Wasn't I amazing?" she said cheerily, linking hands with her boyfriend and swinging their joined arms. Her eyes practically sparkled as she stared up at him, lips stretched in a perfect smile.
After a moment, he grunted. "Yeah, babe. Exceptional as always. That's my Jo for you, huh?" A kiss to her temple, and Jolyne squirmed delightedly.
Strictly speaking, you guess—you ruined Romeo's life before he could ruin hers. Not that he knows it. Oh, you want him to know. You want to throw the evidence in his face and make him seethe, all the while knowing there's not a fucking thing he can do about it.
It happens on Jolyne's nineteenth birthday. You hadn't seen much of her in the day, unfortunately—you'd gone for breakfast, which was tradition for the both of you. You drove her to Denny's and your plates were loaded with pancakes, bacon and syrup, drooling sticky piles of sugar that you scooped up eagerly, talking enthusiastically between bites. She was spending most of the day with Romeo—gag—but you'd see her at the party later.
It takes place at your house, actually. Jolyne's mom won't stand for that kind of stuff, and she's gracefully turning the other cheek to the underage drinking because she adores Jolyne. Her dad had sent a card that arrvied two days early, the inscription typically blunt:
Jolyne, Happy birthday. Sorry I couldn't be there. Be responsible and have a good day. Best, Dad.
"Best, Dad," she snorts derisively, tossing the thing dramatically over her shoulder. But she doesn't trash it. She never trashes the stuff from Jotaro. She keeps it all in a silver box under her bed like a shameful secret, and she reads them when she wants to cry but can't get the tears out. "What an asshole."
She goes home for a bit to get ready, and you prep the house for the party. By the time she comes back, hand-in-hand with Romeo, the place is already crowded. Projections of shapes and colours glide lazily over the walls, filming the bassy music that thumps through the mortar.
She looks fucking angelic, weaving her way through the crowds; she gives an excited little skip when she spots you slouched against the wall, halfheartedly entertaining some drunk guy. Jolyne rushes up to you, clasping your hands excitedly in hers.
"This is amazing!" she gushes. "It's all so amazing! Don't you think, Romeo?"
He barely grunts in reply. "Where's the booze?"
Jolyne's smile falters; something hard sets in her jade eyes, the kind of look that has your mouth suddenly dry. "Eh? Why are you being rude?" Her shoulders square, knots of hard muscle. "Y/n put this whole party together for me! This is their house!"
"Yeah, Romeo." An oily smirk slips over your face, unseen to Jolyne. A vein twitches in his temple over his lusterless eyes. "This is my house. How 'bout a little thank you?"
A spasm crosses his ugly face. "Fuck this," he growls, and Jolyne's jaw drops. "I'm sick of this creep trying to make me look bad in front of you. Jo, I'm leaving. Are you coming, or what?"
"You're joking." Jolyne's eyes are round and hard; an angry blush is starting to bleed across her cheekbones. "It's my birthday, Romeo."
"We'll do something," he presses, picking up her small hands hamfistedly; you bite the inside of your cheek at the touch, wondering if he even noticed the nails she got done especially for today, whether he even cared. "C'mon, Jo, I'll take you to dinner. That Italian place."
Jolyne's face screws up. "I don't like Italian food," she says, which is true. She doesn't like cheese or tomatoes much. Her favourite food is dark chocolate, actually, but if you're talking dinner than Thai food is a safe bet. She likes to make out that she can handle more spice than she actually can.
Romeo grows visibly frustrated; you slouch back against the wall, barely blinking, trying to bite back a smirk. "Anything, then. C'mon, Jo, I can't—I won't leave you here with this creep. Can't you see? Can't you fucking see how obsessed they are with you? It's fucking freaky!"
"Get out!" Jolyne screams. "You horrible pig. How dare you talk about them like that?!"
"You're so dumb you can't even see it!" Romeo yells, his voice starting to rise up over the music. Eyes shift, people turn; you can't have that. As much as you enjoy seeing Romeo squirm, this is Jolyne's day, and you won't let some roid-chomping ape ruin it. You slide between them, setting a hand on Romeo's chest and shoving him back—not violently, not really, you can't have Jolyne thinking you're as bad as him—just enough to make some space to breathe.
You're so close to Jolyne, her shoulder touches your back. You can feel her breathing raggedly, taut with fury.
"That's enough," you say, looking Romeo dead in the eye. "I know we don't exactly get along, Romeo, but I was willing to put that aside for Jolyne on her birthday. I'm sorry you weren't."
Romeo's face flushes slowly with purple colour. "You fucking—you—"
"Romeo," Jolyne says harshly. "Leave. I don't want you here."
His jaw clenches. "Fine! Fine. See if I fucking care." He spins on his heel and storms out, and you physically feel the tension in the air thin as the front door slams behind him.
You turn around immediately as everyone else awkwardly buries themselves in cups and conversations again. Jolyne's arms are wrapped around herself, staring at the floor. Genuine sorrow twangs deep inside you—you wonder, hardly for the first time, whether you would be this instigatory if she was with someone who actually deserved her.
A smaller, bitter part of you that you usually try to ignore insists that nobody really deserves her. Not even you. But you'll try your best.
"Hey," you murmur. "You okay?"
"H-how can he be so mean?" Her eyes are big and luminous as she turns them to you, shining with tears. Something deep inside you dies at the sight—Jolyne is rare with her tears. More often her intense emotions manifest as anger. You swallow, glancing around.
"Okay. Come on, let's get out of here," you mutter. You lead her through the crowded hallway and up the stairs, heading for your own room. The music becomes muffled as you shut the door behind you, blaring softly through the floorboards like you've dipped your head underwater. Jolyne sniffles, her eyes already drying; she knuckles at them dispassionately, smearing her carefully-applied eye makeup.
"What a mess... I ruined it all," she says, flopping down on the bed. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be stupid, dipshit," you say fiercely. "It's your thickhead boyfriend. God, I can't stand him."
"I know." Jolyne picks miserably at her nails. "Maybe he's not... as perfect as I thought he was. But I love him. I mean, I think I love him? Just not when he's like this."
"He's like this all the time," you deadpan, and Jolyne's lip quivers. You sigh, melting down to sit next to her on the bed.
"I don't know what to do," she sighs. "I thought everything was so perfect, and now..."
"Jolyne." Always her full name. You never presume to shorten it, to chip off even one perfect syllable. Every time Romeo calls her Jo, you feel your bones grate together. Like he can't even be bothered to remember who she is. There are thousands of Jo's. There's only one Jolyne. "You deserve so much better than him."
Her throat flexes when she swallows, glancing up at you between the wisps of her green bangs.
It's funny—you know Jolyne inside and out. Every molecule. And yet you still don't see it coming.
Her lips press against yours for the briefest moment, shy and tentative and they taste like aloe vera. You freeze up completely in shock, not even having the werewithal to blink, and Jolyne rockets back, blushing madly.
She waves her hands frantically. "I—hang on! I'm sorry! I shouldn't... I didn't mean to..." Her voice gears up for a wail. "I'm ruining everythinggg!"
"Jolyne!" You clamp your hands upon her shoulders, your pulse thundering in your ears. "C-calm down. It's okay. You haven't—you haven't ruined anything."
Jolyne's brows draw tight together. "I can't betray Romeo," she says, twiddling her fingers. "But I... I'm so fuckin' sick of feeling like... he never compliments me! Never! And tonight, it was my fucking birthday and he just blew me off! What a pig! I'm so sick of him sometimes, I just want to—to—"
Her soft, cold hands land on your face and she kisses you again, harder this time, with intent, and you feel every cell in your body come alive. You hardly believe it's real, but this time you're not going to waste even a nanosecond not concentrating. Your eyes slip closed and your hands move, dropping from her shoulders; one slides down her arms until it wraps around her waist, drawing her close, feeling her soft, toned body press flush against you. The other cups the back of her neck, cradling her like she's something precious. She is, of course. She's the most precious thing in the whole world.
It's overwhelming; it's everything you've dreamed of for the last six years or so, and even as it's happening it barely feels real. You feel the urgent need to make the most of it before you snap out of this dream, or Jolyne reverts back from the delirium that's cleared seized her. It's your chance, after all—to finally show her what someone like Romeo could never give her.
Your left hand slips unde the hem of her shirt, fanning out over the warm skin beneath, and Jolyne shudders. She pulls back from your lip momentarily, her eyes searching yours so intensely that your heart lurches.
"Isn't this wrong?" she whispers, as though she's truly conflicted.
Your free hand brushes a lock of her from her face. "Does it feel wrong?"
There's a moment of hesitation—you can see her conjure Romeo's face in her mind—and then she shakes her head. "It should feel wrong," she mutters, and your thumb strokes soothingly over the small of her back.
"Jolyne," you murmur, and you watch in shivering euphoria as her body shudders as your voice slips into something lower, rolling over the both of you like hot honey. "Lemme take care of you, okay?"
A painful dark blush melts over Jolyne's pretty cheeks. "This won't ruin anything, will it?" She keeps you pinned for now, not letting you carry on. So bold, your Jolyne. People like Romeo want to stamp it out of her. You can't even imagine it. "I dunno what I'd do without you."
"Jolyne," you groan. "Don't say stuff like that right now."
"Eh? Why?!" Her expression twists. "I'm just trying to make sure—"
"You're kind of having an effect, princess," you grit out. Jolyne stops short, her mouth working soundlessly for a few moments.
"Ha! Am I really?" she gushes, her eyes sparkling. "Let me see!"
"Wh—no!" You swat at her hands, cheeks burning. "Cut it out, dipshit. You'll..." You pause, weighing your words. "You'll see soon enough, anyway."
The smile slips off of Jolyne's face, replaced by nervous anticipation. Your heart beats at the speed of sound, jackrabbiting against your ribcage.
You shake your head, scrub a hand down your face. "Lay down, okay? I said I would take care of you, and I mean it." There's a spot of hesitation on her face before she cautiously scrambles up against the headboard, peering down at you sat at the foot of the bed. You strip off your shoes quickly before clambering on over her, fitting your legs neatly over her waist.
She bites her lip. "Y-you really wanna..."
In answer, you lean forward and tuck your face against her neck, breathing in her perfume. She shivers as you nose at the delicate skin, finally putting your lips on it like you've dreamed of doing, and she's just as receptive as you've always thought she might be, letting out a squeak before her head tilts up, baring her throat to you.
"So cute," you whisper, running your hands up her sides. She's small, but so toned—she works out a lot, and it's a unique kind of torture seeing her in gym clothes, all sweaty with her hair pinned up, heading for the shower. "God, you drive me fucking crazy."
"I—I do?" Her breath is caught, trapped. Her hands push under your clothes and skim over the flesh there, cool and clammy, and you shudder so violently that you inadvertently press yourself against her.
"You have no idea." You mouth at her neck almost frantically, sucking skin between your teeth, laving with your tongue, pinching lightly with your teeth before moving onto the next; dotting lines down her neck, collarbones, putting your teeth over the jut of bone and sucking. Jolyne moans, high and shivery, and the sound makes liquid lightning rush to the place between your thighs.
You curse your own impatience, too hurried to savour her like you really want. You reason that you'll have time, after, later, some indeterminable point in the future as you reach down and hike up her shirt, over her head, flinging it to some distant point in the room. Jolyne stares up at you, unabashed; why would she be? You know every inch of each other's bodies already. You smooth a palm from her sternum to the waistline of her jeans, through the valley between her breasts, and Jolyne groans, eyes fluttering shut. You can see the smokey green makeup painted over her lids, the clumps of mascara caught in the delicate lashes.
The flesh beneath your hand is soft, warm muscle. You happily think that she could break you apart if she wanted—but that's the really incredible thing about your Jolyne. She doesn't. She is capable of great violence, but it's never what she wants to do.
She's so, so special.
"You're so beautiful," you sigh; your pupils are probably heart-shaped by this point. "Oh, god—princess, you have no idea how bad I want you."
Jolyne shudders, pushing her hips up against you and you nearly choke. "Show me," she grunts, a challenge in her eyes. "Show me—please."
"'Course, pretty girl," you murmur, watching the flush climbs down her chest. "Anything for you."
Your hands move to the front of her jeans, fumbling with the button and zipper before you drag them down her thighs. Jolyne perks up and helps you shed them, and they too disappear into the nameless void, where everything but Jolyne ceases to matter even an iota.
Next goes her underwear; she wears boxers a lot, and today is no exception. Emerald-green briefs that you drag down her legs so clumsily that they end up dangling from one ankle. Jolyne sinks her teeth into her bottom lip, face lit up bright red as she watches you knead the flesh on her knees, her thighs. Your breath comes in short, sharp gasps, the heat in your abdomen almost unbearable—but you can't even think of touching yourself. This isn't about you.
It's all about her.
You push her thighs apart, gently, and only now does some tension coil up in Jolyne's stomach, her breath shaking.
"It's okay," you remind her softly, and press soft kisses to her right knee. "It's me, yeah? You have nothing in the world to hide from me."
Jolyne's whole expression seems to melt into something dreamy, like she's home, and you could weep. A soft smile plucks at her mouth.
"You're right," she says, swallowing hard.
"'Course I am, pretty girl," you say lazily, skimming your lips against her inner thigh, a hint of teeth just to hear her gasp. "'Cause I know you, yeah? Better than anyone."
"Y-yeah," Jolyne whimpers, and your eyes practically roll back into your head at how wrecked she sounds already.
You prop your face on her inner thigh, gazing up at her dreamily. "Want me to make you feel good, angel?"
"W-well, obviously," she grunts, squirming her hips. You use your free hand to pin her down.
"Say it," you can't help but poke, watching as her blush darkens. "Say, I want you to make me feel good."
Jolyne glowers. "Eh... you're the worst kind of pervert, aren't you? How didn't I guess..." She throws an arm over her eyes. "I want you to make me feel good. Dummy."
Something intense and hot rolls over you as the words leave her mouth, and without another moment of hesitation you grab her leg, wrapping your fingers around one slim ankle and pulling it up so it bends. "Can you hold that there for me?"
Wide eyed and mouth agape, Jolyene reaches for her own leg to hold up, fingers digging into the flesh of her thighs.
"What a good girl," you murmur, and Jolyne squeaks again; her fingers dig into the fat of her own leg, and she stares at you like she's hardly seen you before. There's something gratifying in that disbelief; proof that you're not the awkward thirteen-year-old you've feared she's always seen as you as. You're her equal, her soulmate, and you're both all grown up, now.
Some more than others.
You press your lips to her cunt and she moans, fingers scrabbling desperately to retain a hold of her leg. There's a soft dark thatch of hair that tickles just slightly as you shuffle down between her legs, using your fingers to spread her open. She's wet, and your mouth fills with saliva as you dive in, burying your head between her thighs. With her free hand, you hear her clap her fingers over her mouth to stifle the shriek she lets out at the contact.
The moment your tongue makes contact you know you're lost. Your eyes slide shut as your mouth works at her, feeling her hands slide into your hair and grip, hard, hard enough to remember that it's real. And that notion sends a whole new delirium rushing through you, until you feel literally high, drunk on Jolyne, your perfect girl and her perfect body. She tastes so good, practically addictive, and when her thighs tremble and squeeze around your head you think there would be no better way to die in the world.
She's saying something—choked, hoarse gasps of your name. You pop off her clit with a lingering suck, gazing up at her with a smile you can't quite remember to dial back. Jolyne's pupils are blown wide and dark, barely a ring of green surrounding them.
"It—it's so..." She squirms. "Please keep going."
"No worries on that front, angel," you murmur, sliding your hands under her thighs and pulling her even closer. "I'm gonna make you come for me, yeah?"
A hard shudder wracks her body. She never—it's so strange to hear such filth spill from your lips so easily. You're barely comparable to the friend she's known almost her whole life.
And yet—you are. This could be nobody but you. She doesn't know how she didn't see it before.
You dive back between her legs with unparalleled vigour, and Jolyne's head spins frantically. She's never felt anything like this. Romeo went down on her once in a blue moon, and before that had only been awkward teenage fumblings, sticky and awkward, never this—this worship. It's honestly the best word she can come up with for it. You look like if someone tried to pry you away from her right now you'd kill them without a thought.
The thought shouldn't make her shiver in pleased delight—and yet here we are.
Your tongue rolls over her clit, glides between her folds, presses in, and loops all over again until her hands are fisted in your hair and she's crying out against the muted blaring of the music.
"Fuck, fuck," she curses, blinking hard to try and stay focused. "Gonna come, I'm gonna c-come—"
"I got you," you moan against her, the vibrations sending a whole new set of jitters up her spine. "My girl, my good girl, c'mon, give it to me, I need it, fuck, I need you to come for me—"
Your lips latch onto her clit and suck once, harshly, and Jolyne comes so hard she feels her body separate from herself. Seeing stars has always felt like a dumb expression, but she swears white rockets across her vision, tears it open to perfect clarity. Her thighs clamp down on your head, hips rocking up against you as she shudders and moans through it, and all the while you keep your fingers on her, stroking slow and soft until she twitches from overstimulation. Her foot kicks out on instinct, catching on your shoulder.
She comes back to herself when she hears you wince. "Sorry," she says hoarsely. You just roll your eyes fondly and tap her ankle away.
You flop against her as she attempts to pick her breath back up. She can feel her own release dripping down her thighs and she looks at you, unexpectedly shy. It's surreal, but—but even as reality sets in cold as stone, she cannot quite bring herself to feel guilty.
You press a lazy kiss to the size of her bared breast, making her flinch in surprise. "Heh. You animal."
"Yeah," you agree readily, your voice hoarse with want. "For you, yeah."
Jolyne's eyes flutter. She doesn't quite know what to say to that, to any of this. Instead she swallows, looks around to try and get her surroundings. Your bedroom is intimately familiar—the dark walls, the posters, the fishtank and blinds and assortment of blue stringlights and lamps. Your room has always kinda felt like being inside an aquarium.
A lump settles in her throat. She's grown up here. You both had.
And though she knows she should get dressed and find her phone, although she knows she should call Romeo and try to cover up the hickies dotted haphazardly all over her throat, she can't quite bring herself to do it. Any of it. Because you'd made her feel more loved in twenty minutes than Romeo had in months.
So she curls back up next to you, jamming her head aginst your heart. She feels your breath hitch at the contact and squirms delightedly.
"J-Jolyne?" you say weakly.
"Shut up, dummy," she says as matter-of-factly as she can manage. "I wanna sleep."
"...Okay, angel." Your voice is soft, soothing. "Anything for you."
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lunarw0rks · 11 months
hey girlie,
you're literally the best thing that happened to this fandom, ilysm, never stop writing, mwah
i had a headcanon idea/au idea from the op poster of fwb!ghost
so this is in the timeline of where you and simon have had this arrangement for a while and he's already fully aware he is down bad for you. i'm talking you're his everything, he won't love again, if not you then no one type of endgame. this means he is not seeing anyone else, everyone is turned down. you, unknowingly feel the same way but you're dealing with the exact opposite way. you're dating around, trying to find anyone who could mimic if not a sliver of what you're feeling for simon. you land on dating this dude who is... mediocre at best.
you break things off with simon, both of you leaving heartbroken but simon still remains your friend.
he's nice, but he isn't simon. he's good, but he isn't simon. you get him to meet the 141 who are possibly more surprised that you're dating anyone than you were. (what you don't know is that everyone knew you and simon were a 'thing' they were just waiting for the two of you to get your head out of your ass. price was the only one who knew because, for the first time, simon came heartbroken, searching for comfort from the only person he could think of. it was a rough night)
"this is james," you introduce him awkwardly and it doesn't get better from there. james isn't rude but he tries to match up to the guys which doesn't work. he brushes you off and simon keeps glaring at him like james was the sole reason for this evening being a shitshow (he is correct)
on your way to your apartment, james is standoffish and rude. he keeps mentioning the fact that you work with only guys, that he shouldn't allow that as a boyfriend, blahblah whatever. it turns into an argument and it doesn't get better.
to establish his masculinity (his words) he becomes rude and even misogynistic at times. he picks at your outfits, your cooking, baking, you name it he was an asshole about it. you complain to the guys and each time are met with a stern "leave him". which yes you should, but who would be left?
simon hates james with a burning passion. it wasn't even so much so that you were dating someone else, it was the fact that james treated you like trash when you were meant to be treated like gold, the finest treasures in the whole world. he scowled whenever he was mentioned and you two would often argue about your relationship. it goes as far as the two of you not talking to each other for over two weeks.
it isn't until you find out james is cheating that you break things off with him. he was going behind your back with multiple women and his flimsy excuse was that "you didn't have time for him and you cheated with the 141 anyway". you cried and threw him out, breaking up with him then and there. it was messy and bad, and you have never felt more awful. you and simon weren't even on speaking terms and yet you needed him.
you called him sobbing and you've never seen him come as fast as he did. you're pretty sure he broke speeding limits to get to you. you cried into his arms, telling him the whole story finishing it with the fact that you were never good enough. simon tries to tell you otherwise but through some miscommunication, you're arguing again and you're telling him you're unlovable until simon just shouts
"for fucks sake i love you, you idiot!"
silence. just pure silence until you throw yourself on him, kissing him deeply.
anyway, thank you for reading, hope it wasn't all that long, i just love ghost and angst a lot <3
🤍🩶🤍 *mwah smooch smooch* back to you. tysm for the love and support. that made my day, even though seeing “hey girlie” made me nervous at first LOL 🤍🩶🤍
we have a new character to the fwb!ghost timeline, and i hate him (in a good way). is it bad that i want ghost to beat him to a pulp in a back alley? just me? is this thing on?
you’re in simon’s bed that night, peacefully sleeping. all while he’s driving home with bruised knuckles. he gets home and climbs into bed with you, and you unintentionally wake up…
steamy things happen… and you notice his knuckles in the heat of the moment, but are quickly distracted by simon’s overwhelming intimacy; before you can connect the dots. he always has new bruises, new injuries — it comes with the job.
it’s sick of you to be even more aroused, watching those large, bruised hands squeezing and claiming your flesh.
and deep down, a part of you knows…
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marrr444 · 1 month
You finish ChoT? ❤️
I really wanted to talk about my thoughts on Chain of Thorns BUT I JUST COULDN'T GET. THEM. TOGETHER.
(But I promised you I would) So I searched anti chain of thorns and then regretted it.
Overall, I LOVED ITTT!!
SO...Here are things I loved, I wanted more of ect ect, as less scattered as possible, anyway:
(Wow this got long.)
I am glad Jesse wasn't punished for being Tatiana's son but also (especially) Lucie for necromancy.
Also kinda sad that Lucie and James couldn't use their powers anymore. (Or well ,mostly, James his gun) but I get why (and now Kit will get to have the gun in TWP, if I remember the spoilers for SoBH I've read correctly, which is pretty cool)
WE DIDN'T GET CORDELIA AND LUCIE'S PARABATAI CEREMONY??? idc if it was completely uneventful I still want it. Cassie you let me down.
On the topic of things we didn't get, here are two more: Matthew telling his family about his secret FROM HIS PERSPECTIVE (and not just a mention through Cordelia) same for Will and Tess learning about the gracelet and more specifically I would have LOVED a Will and Cordelia scene (like Will saying "thanks for taking care of my son" and ruffle her hair like he wanted to in the wedding).
Oh and also Alastair coming out to Sona with Cordelia reacting the same way Eugenia did with Thomas would have been WHOLESOME.
I'd also like to say I'd have loved a scene where James and Cordie played chess and/or woke up in the same bed but fingers crossed that will be in the Better in Black short story (the book which I feel compelled to remind I am not getting but it will hopefully be published soon enough. Hopefully.)
I was SO SCARED Alastair and Thomas wouldn't end up together, THANK GOD I was wrong.
Arianna? Yeah ok pretty cool. Can't be the least bit mad at Ari for what happened at GoTSM.
FAIRSTAIRS IN PARIS OMFG??? Should they have ended up together? No bUT am I happy they kissed a bit? YES???! AND THEN JAMES CAME DJSBFNDNFNCNDF
I didn't mind Cordelia killing Tatiana. There was no one else who could have done it. Grace definitely couldn't have (except if she wanted to be as dead as Christopher or Tatiana to escape) and James already killed Belial so that'd be too much for one person. AND JAMES KILLED BELIAL!! James's will was as strong as a Prince of Hell and STRONGER which WE DON'T TALK ENOUGH ABOUT (and we do occasionally talk about it)!!!!
CHRISTOPHER DIED AND WASN'T GRIEVED ENOUGH. which isn't necessarily a bad thing considering it would have broken my heart much more. ALTHOUGH, I can't remember James grieving him, and that is. Other than that we saw the impact his death had on everyone, we saw Anna grieving, Grace, Matthew thinking about him and even Cordelia shedding tears and hugging James and that is enough.
Oh also, I find that I cannot hate Grace. She helped Cordelia A LOT by telling her about what she'd done considering James' was being a stuck-up "ahmag" at the time. (Which Thomas is pretty sure means idiot in Persian and I trust him)
Also, I feel like I want more of the characters as a group, you know, banter and meetings at the devil tavern.Like, they are SUCH a nice group. Their characters are AMAZING but I feel like (other than to fight) we didn't see them interact with each other enough. (Except ,obviously, the couples)
Other than that pretty content??
No hate, I am sad I finished the book these are just things I wished we'd gotten, but one can't have everything and this gives me content for daydreaming lol
(I wrote this a while ago idk if it makes sense)
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lavender-creame · 2 years
hope you had a great holiday, whatever you celebrate! if you're feeling up to it, how about a couple quick headcanons about spending the holidays season with each of the guys? I just know those two make Christmas a blast
Thank you so much, I hope you had a fun holiday too! This is such a fun idea, I just had to do it!
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Holiday Season headcanons
Matt and Ryan Included
| Minors DNI | 18+ only |
1.2k words
Warnings: Just tooth rotting fluff and some kissing
a/n: Happy Holidays everyone! Sorry it took me a while to get to the last couple asks, but here they are, just in time for the New Year! Thank you all for the love and support as I'm working on the Ryan slow burn. You can also find my stuff on a03 at lavender_creame
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Ryan Magee headcanons
Ryan likes a quiet Christmas, but there are traditions that he definitely likes to do every year
He loves going out to look at all the pretty lights, and he always goes out to the local growers to get a real tree
Ryan is absolutely awful at decorating the tree, he just doesn’t understand the concept of where to put certain ornaments, but he loves doing it, nevertheless
He loves putting on Christmas music and making cookies and hot chocolate for when you two are decorating the house or apartment
He always puts up a piece of mistletoe in the most ‘easily accessible’ places and makes sure to point is out and kiss you every single time you guys walk under it
“Babe, I know it’s the third time today, but it’s Christmas tradition, we have to”
On Christmas morning, Ryan is up super early making you breakfast and placing the gifts under the tree (he insists on doing it the morning of so you can have the Christmas magic of waking up to presents that weren’t there the night before lol)
Ryan loves giving gifts, but prepare for the wrapping to be atrociously bad
Ryan keeps a list on his phone in the Notes app throughout the year of every little thing you mention you like or might want and he gets them all for you on Christmas
As much as Ryan loves Christmas, he can’t stand how many events he has to go to
Ryan ‘Always Fashionably Late Only to Later Take a French Leave’ Magee
Basically, Ryan isn’t the biggest party guy lol
If it’s a big party, chances are he’s going to be standing against the wall with a beer, talking to you, and you alone
The only parties that he actually wants to be at are ones that are smaller and pretty much only have people he’s close with
At parties like these, you can usually find Ryan on the couch talking to the others, making jokes, and telling stories
Ryan’s idea of a perfect holiday party is watching Matt and everyone else get absolutely plastered and making a fool out of themselves, as you snuggle up next to him on the couch, giggling at them
The good news is, you’re having a great time, the bad news is you’re having such a great time that you want to join the idiots like Matt who are dancing
Inevitably, you end up dragging Ryan onto the dance floor, and although he’s hesitant at first, you totally convince him to dance with you
Once you’ve had your fun though, he’s itching to get out of there
As for New Years Eve, Ryan refuses to go out to a party and instead spends the night pampering you
“We have to end the year on a good note, right?”
Sometimes you guys go out to a nice restaurant, other years, you guys just order an insane amount of take-out and watch a movie
Unfortunately, that much food almost always means a food coma
You guys somehow manage to fall asleep on the couch during the movie and wake up at like 3 in the morning, missing midnight literally every time
Like it's basically tradition at this point
When you guys finally wake up, Ryan apologies (even though it happens every year) and kisses you before carrying you to your shared bed so you can fall asleep more comfortably
Matt Watson headcanons
Matt LOVES Christmas
Every year, you guys take a trip for a weekend to somewhere it snows so he can take you sledding and make snowmen and all that cheesy stuff
When it comes to decorations though, Matt is lazy as hell
You guys have a fake tree, but he always puts off putting it up because he doesn’t feel like dragging it out of storage
One day, he tries to surprise you by having the whole house decorated by the time you get home from work, but he totally underestimates how long it would take and you walk in on him pathetically trying to hang up wreaths
“Shit. Babe. You’re already home? What time is it? Oh my god, I’ve been doing this for four hours and I’m only like a quarter of the way done??”
You definitely end up having to help him, but you don’t mind lol
It’s more fun together anyways
Matt’s favorite part of the holiday season is definitely the parties
Hopefully you like parties too, because he plans on dragging you to all of them
And there are a lot of them
Matt insists on calling you his ‘trophy wife’ and shows you off to everyone (even if you guys just recently started dating)
Even when his friends tease him for ‘being a huge simp’ he doesn’t care and only makes it an even bigger point to brag about you
One time at a party, he got absolutely wasted and started a fight with a dude who was mocking him for showing you off
“Okay yeah bro, say whatever you want, but is your girlfriend the hottest in the room? Yeah exactly, that’s what I thought.”
Needless to say, he walked out of the party with a black eye, but at least you know he’s genuine when he says that you’re ‘the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid his eyes on’
Matt somehow always manages to forget whatever side or desert he was planning on bringing to the party so you guys have to turn around half way there
If you like drinking, then you two are definitely getting wasted together
If not, then be prepared to babysit your stupid, drunken boyfriend
Matt is an awful dancer
Absolutely awful
But he still never turns down a chance to show off his ‘moves’
You bet that he’s pulling you over to dance with him too
Do you guys look like idiots?
But you’re idiots together!!
Matt swears on lowkey matching outfits
By all means, they aren’t obnoxiously matching, but they definitely match
You’re at a Christmas party? You have ugly sweaters that either match, or go together in some way
It’s Christmas morning? You guys have matching couples pajamas
Speaking of Christmas morning, Matt gets literally so many gifts for you
He couldn’t chose a normal amount, so he just got you everything he thought you might like
This heap of presents also consists of joke presents though
Signed art by Chris Chan? Of course. A weird ass t-Shirt he found while thrifting? You betcha. Supermega merch? You already know it.
The only holiday Matt likes even close to as much as Christmas is New Years Eve
First, you guys spend the day out, then you guys go out to lunch, then Matt always has some kind of special date planned, then you guys go out to dinner, and lastly you guys finish the night at another party
Of course Matt kisses you at midnight
He makes a huge deal out of it too
He makes sure to do it where everyone can see it and he always says something gross and cheesy too
“This must be the best year of my life yet, because I just started it by kissing a total babe”
Then he kisses you again
And again
And again
Then you gotta stop him or he’ll just keep going with the PDA lol
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heleizition · 8 months
u cannot just present me with gold right when i have to go to bed. i have a sleep schedule to keep to! for health! and sanity! and brain! i love them so much. ur ocs. i love twin characters, so many dynamics and all are good. the art is also just -wants to squeeze- affectionately. who were they in their past lives? is josephines 'i failwd to protec' a thing that also happened in past life? bunny person very good. love how expressive the ears can get. also cute. i think i watched the first ep of d.gray man way way back?? or the first few? i have very little memory of it but a vague plan to get back to that sometime. angel love, angel life, angel delight. the concept of god being a baby of a big species of gods is -chefs kiss- love it. sleep tiiiime, sleep well when u do byeeeee
HEHEHEHE >:3 im evil .
i looooove siblings dynamics........... so so much ........... both chronos & nath and then nell & belly weren't even twins at first it just Happened lmao... chronos & nath were almost the same character in two different stories and i couldnt decide who to keep lmao and then belly was supposed to be nell's little sister he ran from after she saw him kill their father (to protect her) (nell is an idiot) but . it jst happened. anyway
The group of oc is composed of many i havent introduced yet but the major ones are here i think except my Bad Guy. so keep in mind the story is cringy and bad lmao but i still like it to this day...
post apocalyptic earth where humans live under domes bc the outside is too toxic + technology evolved so now cyborgs exist + a while back some government doctors & scientists were working in a secret lab to implants animal genes w humans to make hybrids & something about genetic preservation whatever whatever. anyway.
eve is the protagonist. she's the only daughter of head doctor of that hybrid lab. it exploded 20 years ago which cause people inside that specific dome to mutate into hybrids (people woke up to agonizing pain bc their body was breaking and morphing and it wasn't made for that. josephine was one of those people ! she was a wolf hybrid :3)
we follow eve and her then group of friends until for some reasons (<==== guy who does not remember what that plot point was) the dome had to be evacuated. something about a deadly virus ? ofc as always the rich people got away first until the dome got closed off completely <3 . eve meets several people including chronos (human guy, future bf, hes a simp) maria & arthur (yes i will draw them at some point OTL) and they stick together to survive as the inside of the dome is becoming a battleground. doesn't help that part of the reason the dome was closed off so quick was that ~mafia~ (idk how else to call it, its not rly mafia tho oTL) boss stanislas was in here and has always escaped the government's assassination attemps thus far.
SO this virus slowly contaminate everyone but its slow and rots you from inside. terrible deadly soulcrushing. + stanislas is using every means he has to try to control the city & find a way out. except ex cop and also ex girlfriend jo (josephine) is here to basically kill him lol (he broke her trust & her heart and also killed a lot of people and revenge is her whole life). josephine at first is a lone wolf (haha) until she gets very badly injuried and ends up in a small alley where eve & her friends took quarters. they get her inside and find a way to keep her alive. also at this point the group has also met gabriel ! (bunny guy! he has a tragic past and i love him. hes my mary sue) and stephan ! (his not yet boyfriend who also has a tragic past and that jo feels very guilty about). gabriel used to be a test subject in the hybrid lab. he and eve used to know each other :] they are best friends now.
at the same time nath (who was supposed to be dead) shows up like hiiiiiiiiiiiii btw im here (hes one of stan's agent but when he was supposed to die he actually survived and got turned into a cyborg with special modification in his brain which makes him obey. but he did not Forget and he will fight what stan makes him do <3)
SO um after they all meet its basically just. a fight to survive and also moments where they're like. oh we're gonna die here. lets party so hard.
stan also realises he doesn't rly have a way out and dedicates himself to ending his and jo's fight for good this time which also put eve's group in danger since jo . stuck around . there are casualties which is why she feels she failed them..................
anyway . there are more stuff but its rly all over the place soobssss im sowwyyyy
LOOOVE D.gray man . one of my first and favorite manga if u ever get the chance to pick it up for a bit longer to see if u enjoy it ... yeah .....
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thatpunkmaximoff · 1 year
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Story: 5 out of 5 Smut: 0 out of 5
Hands down, this is my favorite fantasy read of the year!
I think, however, that the thing I loved most about The Forgotten Goddess is that it dives right into the character meetings and drama. Sure, I love a good world building and character-building story, but this one builds as the story progresses from the very first chapter. I liked that it wasn't a hundred pages of info dump before diving into the action. You get the action from the very beginning!
This book also has a little bit of everything. There's humor, there are feel-good moments, action, magical moments, and angst. Ugh, the angst!
I flipped page after page, not wanting to put the book down. And then when it was finally over, I was an emotional wreck. I have no idea how I'm gonna hold out for book 2 lol.
Now enjoy my rambling thoughts..
* Rhea flipping off Ethan in the bookstore and making him laugh has me grinning like an idiot 🤗 They only said a handful of words to each other! How am I already shipping it..? 🤔 😆
* How the hell did I not know werewolves were going to be part of this 😨
* Holy shit. She saw through his Mirage. It’s meant to be 😏 lol
* So Ethan is Hermes..
* Shit. The shifters took the girls 😒 Come on, wake up and fuck shit up!
* Well nevermind. Fucking collars.
* Oh hell yes! She still has access to her powers! 🙌🏻
* Lupo went from being a creep to a raging asshole. Big middle finger for you, my dude 🖕🏽
* Ugh.. I feel so bad for the girls 😩
* They’re saved. Oh thank god. And even unconscious, she called Hermes’ name 😏 I ship it even more now 😂
* Goddamn. She exploded out of her cuffs. Good for her. I didn’t like the whole mind violation.
* “Well, I’ll just come out and say it. Rhea, you’re an immortal goddess.” — Lmfao. Way to drop the bomb, Atlas 😂
* Her memories.. aren’t hers? 🥺
* Kind of jealous of the portlet system lol. I wish we could transport food and stuff into our homes like nothing.
* Man, Hermes does not like Flint lol.
* Four elements. You lucky duck 😏
* Flint and Rhea in the closet.. ugh. Hermes ripping the door open and being livid.. 😍
* Aww. That “almost” moment in the hallway out her apartment had me so excited. But she thinks it’s only a joke 🥺
* Oh. Oh no. The dreams are memories.. and he couldn’t feel the mate bond with her 😩
* Damien 💔
* “Turn. It. Off.” — whoa. Klaus Mikaelson flashbacks 😂
* Oohhh. That close call with Lupo had my heart pounding.
* Who the fuck was in Rhea’s apartment 🤔
* Awww. Rhea and Callie’s friendship is everything 🥰 That panic attack was starting to make me tense 😬
* Another memory? Only this time she’s a different person? And Ares smiling sadly as he tells her, “You are home. As I always remind you.” Don’t tell me they’re related 👀 😬
* Temple of Kukulcán? Now I’m having a Namor flashback from Black Panther 2 😂
* Oh. Not related. He wants her to rule with him.. No, sir. You can’t have her.
* Oh no. Achilles had to kill Patroclus 💔💔💔
* Fuckkkk. That memory of the car crash..? Brutal.
* Where the fuck did Rhea end up after Atlas put her in the portal?!
* “I found you. I’ll always find you.” — well I was supposed to stop reading for the night, but guess who’s reading one more chapter?
* ATHENA TOO?! 💔 And they think she’s a spy 😩 Wtf, man.
* “Just survive” — those words are gonna make me cry 😔
* Ohhh, fuck you, Flint! I can’t believe y’all kidnapped aunt Demi.
* Aunt Demi!!!! 🥺
* Medusa is GORGEOUS 😍
* “I’m sorry, I don’t have separate cottages for everyone.” — do I sense forced proximity? And hopefully only one bed? 😂
* One bed, one bed, one bed! 😏
* Hermes is having pervy thoughts and I’m here for it.
* Oh come on! The tension between these two is killing me 😩
* The Forgotten Goddess poem gave me chills!! And now we know who is responsible for the memory tampering 😬
* Dude, that training session got hot 🥵
* She’s gonna break her own heart and leave..? I don’t like it here anymore 😭
* They finally kissed!!!! Please don’t leave, Rhea 🥺
* Holy shit. She restored Flora 😨
* She’s his mate.. but their connection is severed. Why are you doing this to me 😩
* “Don’t you see? Not even death is strong enough to keep us apart. We have found each other a hundred times, and I’ll find you a hundred more. Across every lifetime, in any realm, my soul belongs to no one else but you.” — what the fuck are you doing to me, Rebekah?! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
* Aunt Demi..? 🥺 You- you’re with Ares?
* Ana?! Why the fuck is there so much betrayal 💔
* THEY FUCKING DIDNT!? Did his sword just pierce who I think it did?????
* We know her name. We know her name! We finally know who she is.
* More betrayal?! For fuck’s sake, man.
* Wait.. what?! It can’t end like this. I need book two asap!
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slocumjoe · 1 year
3, 18, 27, and/or 45 (depending how many u wanna do lol) for the ship ask 👀 bc we all know gage is bad at Verbalizing Feelings but what about ur oc??? tell us everything
3; What was their first impression of each other?
Gage knew of her before she knew of him, so he had time to form assumptions. He knew she was a manager type in a shipping company/trade network across the east coast, and he knew she came from wealth. Expected someone like Mags, someone prissy and full of herself. More importantly, the circumstances of Florence working with the Minutemen on the partnership was sketchy as hell, and he didn't trust Isadora's judgment yet, so he went to investigate himself.
Florence, for her part, had just moved to Sanctuary to help stabilize the Minutemen's place in the trade network, and then this guy shows up at her office, clearly a raider, clearly pretending he's definitely not a raider and definitely not looking for something.
So, Gage's first impression was suspicion with some dread at the thought of dealing with another rich girl. Florence knew she was being assessed and psychoanalysed by someone starting out with a bone to pick.
Gage is lucky Flora doesn't hold grudges about shit like that.
18; How do they care for one another when one of them is wounded or sick?
Florence is very doting to people she cares for, and is, for lack of a better way to describe it, kind of house-wifey, so she's ON that shit. Will call him an idiot when he gets hurt as she stitches him up, but he's still gonna have to deal with her coddling. She's a hoverer. Gage will grumble and bitch, but never actually turns her away.
Gage, when something's wrong with Flo, is...neurotic. Sick? Okay, that's fine, she just needs to rest and take her—Flo, why are you in the office? Forget the damn—go to bed. You're barely standing. She's a "I'll just power through" kind of person and it drives him crazy.
If she's HURT?
Florence (in my Canon, ignore in-game) isn't a fighter, she's a business woman. This isn't someone who's on the field. So, something/one would have had to attack her out of nowhere.
Gage is a fucking nightmare to deal with in this scenario. Hovers, flinches at the slightest hint she's hurt or in pain, eye twitches when she still insists she's fine to work. Anyone who wants to see her gets grilled, God forbid you somehow approach her without him noticing. Becomes the most annoying bodyguard. He can't do much besides protect her while she recovers, he's not a doctor. Paranoid as hell, and rides Isadora's ass to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Florence finds this adorable.
27; How do they say 'I love you' non-verbally?
Florence's love language leans towards Acts of Service and Gift Giving. Cooks for him, fixes up his armor and clothes, makes him a new, safer/comfier eyepatch. She's quick to say It, but quicker to express it. She's not a shy, insecure person and has no reservations. So, hope Gage adapts quickly to being spoiled like some kind of purse dog.
He does not, being the emotionally stunted asshole he is.
Gage...I've described him as a feral tom cat that will take food, but hisses and runs if you try to pet it. Thats...yeah. As time goes on, he gets better with it, but habits die hard.
His first real act of love is something literally no one could notice; he stops trying to read into her, psychoanalyze her. Stops the "I need to be two steps ahead" thing and lets himself let her be...just a person, not someone to be used, not someone up to something. It sounds weird, but for Gage...that's something no one else has gotten, not even Isadora gets that. It's purely a mental thing that Gage and Gage alone knows about, but it's more significant than one could fathom.
The first noticeable thing is a lot simpler, and partially on Isadora's recommendation. He just takes her to the shooting ranges and teaches her how to handle a gun. Gage is not a teaching sort, but he is protective, and anyone watching would notice how careful he is hovering around her, touching her to help adjust her holds on firearms.
45; How do they support each other?
Gage acts as a bodyguard and the muscle to help her get her way. Flora can be scary, but sometimes, getting a brahmin baron to hold up his part of the deal needs more than talk.
Florence sweet-talks her way into getting the local traders and doctors to give Isadora and her party some generous discounts, which helps them all, but was really intended for Gage.
In their emotional relationship? Florence and Gage don't need much. Gage wants someone who thinks like he does and doesn't pity him, and Florence wants someone who will listen to her and respect her for her skills. A snapshot of what this looks like is just Florence going through an extensive explanation of future negotiations and economic development while Gage listens and occasionally gives his opinion.
For a more emotional need...Gage needs space when he's upset for any reason, Florence needs grounding because she tends to drift and it can be hard for her to 'come back'. They compromise. Gage doesn't want to talk? They don't talk, he holds her and plays with her hair. It's a very quiet relationship. On the rare occasion Gage does want to vent, Florence listens and doesn't tell him how to feel, what do to. He appreciates that she doesn't try to guide him, like Isadora is prone to.
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ddeongies · 1 month
wow, should i be surprised to absolutely love chap 11? probably not, that’s the usual feeling after reading all of your works, i have a hard time trying to put into words all my thoughts about this chapter (english it’s not my first language 😿) but i’ll try cause i feel it’s the least i can do
god ryu is soooo fucked (no pun intended), her being nervous to finally see yeji after a month and after the kiss but at the same time wishing it happens sooner, damn ryu really fell harder, btw those pictures were indeed for YOU ryujin !
reading the “yeji is sweet” line, made me remember the first time i came to ur blog confessing about trying to read the word count kajskdjd, that line made me so happy 😭😭
and ryu planning everything 😭😭 as an anxious person i get her soooo much, that would be so me, also she’s so smart like killing to birds with one stone, her assignment and getting the girl, brilliant
i don’t think i have said it before but i just love the way you write the characters, it may be cause i find so easy to relate to them, to feel what they are feeling even through words, i was probably in the same nervous level as ryujin during her whole plan, shes stronger than me tho, yeji naked on her bed ??? yeah no drawing would be done on my side
it does kill me the fact that they both want the exact same thing but they think the other doesn’t 😭 and they are so respectful about it like, ‘i’ll take anything the other would give me’ 💔💔
i have a question, i don’t know if it’ll be answered later but it’s been bugging me since i read the chapter, did they hold each other after they finished? 🥺 i know they both think they’re casual, but they are also friends so, i just need to know 😭😭😭
thank u for another amazing chapter, i’ll patiently wait for the next one and also choreo epilogue and new fic (???) omgggg
ps: to the anon who said something about yeji in lingerie, how am i supposed to do anything productive with that thought on my head now ????
i am finally here.... catching up with my asks.... thank you for your patience it's been a time 🫠🫠🫠
hank you for liking the chapter (and the fic and my writing and everything 😭😭😭)
ryu is so fucked but at least yeji is too. like can it really be “ryujin falls harder” when yeji is how she is LOL they’re just the same at this point (and yes every single picture yeji posted over break was for you ryu LMAO)
omg yes the infamous “yeji is sweet” that you caught during the brief yunjin drama lmaaoooo so observant. every time i screenshot my wordcounts i’m like “what are people gonna manage to catch in the background here”
and yessss ryu is such a planner. i think she likes to really think things through and attempt to have control of a situation especially when it’s scary or she feels vulnerable. and also she’s just a smarty lol like whose plans have gone better so far 🤔
thank you for saying that! i’m really glad i can write people in a relatable way :) i just want these two (and the side characters) to feel real and to have a realistic relationship. it’s just more fun that way for me as a writer and as a reader
the way they’re on the exact same page but in a kinda bad way like…. you like each other the same way AND you’re being idiots in the same way??? please 💀
omg yes okay they’re def cuddling after and there will be onscreen cuddling in future chapters i promise you 😤 very good question thank u
im writing far too many things at once rn lakdjfl so thank you for the patience with me answering this very very late
ps: not the yeji in lingerie thoughts agin i’m running away now BYE 🏃🏽
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thaleleah · 5 months
awe tal 🩷 don't even apologize!
no girl same i have not met a single step parent who's at least a bit decent! my uncle recently married this woman who has two grown kids, my uncle also has two grown kids. and let's just say that both my cousins disowned their dad 👀 his wife and her daughters are all so problematic that my uncle only hangs out with them and he doesn't even talk to his sons anymore. it's honestly so sad how divided a parent and their child's relationship becomes. and they are so blind to it!
my stepmonster is 43-44! same age my older sister 🥴 and her dad is a year younger than my dad like it's actually so gross 🤮 i do not have an issue with huge age gap relationships, i was in one myself 2 years ago, but when it comes to it being the same age as your own kid or dad i'm like ew dad 😂
and tell me about it? how can they still get it up is the question 😂 my stepmom is actually sick. you know what she would do? she would come up to me and tell me how good my dad fucks her 😑 like bitch i don't want hear how my dad is in bed. i was about to throw up with the details she was providing me 🤢
also girl don't even feel bad for my dad. he fucked up his kids lives so much. he's been a serial cheater since he married my mom, which is why they got divorced, and yet he claims he's still in love with her like what? 😂 and my mom is just selfish. both did so much wrong. my dad actually has a girlfriend on the side rn 😂 and stepmonster knows, but it's all about the money for her. it's a mess of a shitshow lmfao 😂
i just went on a long ass rant i am so sorry girl 😂
your poor mom 😢 your step dad is such a pos. and of course he uses religion as an excuse to control your mom 🙄 "God first, then the husband, then the children" - fuck off clown. he knows damn well it's the kids that come first, you're not even her father? like stfu dude.
girl i get you, i also have to be civil, and it's so hard. i can't imagine how hard it is for you 🩷 it's so sad we have to keep the peace in order to still be in our parents lives 🫤 it's so unfair to us. some parents are just selfish. both mine fucked up everything for their own sake and happiness and completely forgot how it would affect us.
but... thank god we're not alone 🩷 like we always have each other to talk to about this stuff and that helps a lot to know that there is a lot of us who have gone through this!
thank god for tom blyth cause that man is my happiness atm 😩 he literally makes me so happy. whenever i see his face i have this instant smile on my face like an idiot 🥰 i honestly can't for june!
and tal, my love, you have gift.... that tom blyth drabble ughhh 👄💦
First of all, I take back everything I said about your dad lol. That man is a cheater and therefore I have ZERO sympathy for him.
I agree that the age gap isn't an issue but it is superrrrrr uncomfortable for him to be older than her own dad and her to be the same age as his daughter. Those vibes are NOT it 😭
Also, your stepmom is fucking horrid. Staple her lips shut cause no! No one wants to hear about their parent and how they are in bed. And that man is almost in his 80s. I'm sorry but there is no way he's fucking anyone that good. He'd probs break a damn hip, be so for real right now. I'm actually so curious how "attractive" your dad is to be having a side chick at 78. Or is his side-girlfriend trying to get money too? Is the side-gf nice at least???? How old is she??
I have so many questions lol. Tell me the tea ☕️ (if you're comfortable of course, no pressure)
My stepdad is the absolute worst. Nothing pisses me off more than someone using religion to control people and cause harm but it seems more and more that that's the norm. Also like... she loves me because I'm her daughter. She chooses to love him. He won - can he stop this bullshit feud now? I'm tired of it. Having to deal with him and constantly be in survival mode, plus seeing how he mistreats my mom has absolutely fucked me in terms of my own romantic relationships. I have never had a relationship that lasted longer than a month cause if I see even one thing that reminds me of my stepdad, I'm gone. He completely messed up my sense of trust and I'm trying to work through it but its sooooo hard.
Also, he threatened to take me to court once cause I pissed him off. That's not relevant to anything other than to further show that he's an asshole lol
But yes, you can 100% always talk to me about this cause even just going through these messages was actually really cathartic. I don't have any siblings so anyone that I talk to about this really can't understand anything completely from my perspective so its nice to talk to someone who gets it.
JUNE CAN'T COME FAST ENOUGH. I'm so excited for the new episodes, I'm gonna be completely unbearable for a lot of people lmaooooo
Thank you, babesssss 😏 I'm glad you liked it! I'm proud to serve 🫡
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iuwonys · 2 years
two idiots in love — y.jw ★ part one !
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synopsis. chou y/n's mom suddenly passes and she now has to run her floral shop that's halfway across town. alongside, she has to give up attending her dream school and become a student at hybe university and meets yang jungwon; who ends up becoming a regular at the floral shop.
pairings. softball player!jungwon x florist fem!reader
genre. strangers to friends to lovers, fluff, angst, mutual pining, this is a series lol
status: wip/ongoing
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“y/n, stop sulking. it’s really not that bad!” your bestfriend, heejin assures you. “i am not sulking! i’m just- you know-” “sulking!” she cuts you off. you roll your eyes in response, hating that she’s right. in your defense, you did not want to be at this school. it sounds sefish, seeing your situation but it still sucked. “i know it’s hard giving up your dream school but maybe this was for the best? you never know what the future holds” heejin tells you.
“i guess, i’m just a little bummed out though. at least i have the shop” you shrugged, trying to see the positive in all of this. “exactly! plus, i’m gonna be there with you 24/7” she smiles. you smile back as you both enter your new dorm. it was a nice size, and had enough room for both of your things as you didn't have much.
“oh ny god, this is so cute! i can’t wait to decorate this place” heejin clapped happily before basically throwing hersef onto one of the beds. you took the spot next to her and laughed at how cheerful she was. thank god you had her.
you and heejin had now part ways as you had different classes (obviously) and you were currently looking for your classroom. you kept switching between looking at your guide and the doors of each room in the hall. in the midst of you not paying attention, you ended up bumping into someone.
“oh my god- i am so sorry! i wasn’t paying attention” you blurt out. “it’s alright, don’t worry” the voice spoke. you finally rose your head and met eyes with the person you clashed into. the man was gorgeous. “are you sure? i’m really sorry again” you apologized once more. he nodded in response.
“are you by any chance new here?” he asked. “uh- yeah. i was looking for my class” you responded. “what class? i can walk you” he offered. “i’m looking for mrs. wong? i think” you told him. “ah okay, i have her class so we can just walk together” he smiled.
“really? thank you, i appreciate that” you smiled back and allowed him to lead the way to the classroom. “so.. i never got your name?” “huh? oh! i’m y/n, and you?” you asked.
“jungwon, yang jungwon” you nodded in response and jungwon kept the conversation going. “what are you majoring in?” he asked. “i’m majoring in pshycology, how about you?”
“oh i’m majoring in computer science, it’s pretty nice” he replied. you guys continued to talk and get to know each other until you finally arrived at your class. jungwon offered you a seat next to him, in which you gladly accepted.
he was a really sweet guy, you hoped to be seeing him more often.
— ★ —
your classes soon ended and you headed to straight to the shop after changing. the bell on the door ranh and heejin walked in, dressed and ready. “i have arrived! you ready?” she asked. “ready as always, but we just got some more sunflowers in so can you restock those and i can handle front desk” you asked. “of course” heejin smiled and got to work.
one of the perks of running this shop was being able to work with your bestfriend. it honestly makes the just way less stressful.
you stayed behind the front desk, patiently waiting for someone to walk in. not long after, the bell on the door rang and someone came in. you straightened up your posture and put one a small smile.
wait, was that jungwon?
“hi- wait y/n? you work here?” he asked, a little shocked. “uh yeah! i actually kinda run the place” you replied. “that’s so cool! this place is great” he smiled, eye scanning the shop. “thank you! so, what do you need today?” you asked.
“well, my older sister just got engaged and i wanna get her a small congratulations gift. do you have anything she might like?” he asked. “hm, i think i have something. follow me” you led jungwon to one of the walls which was mostly full of daisies.
“these are daisies, they symbolize friendship and prosperity. these are the best flowers to use when congratulating or wishing luck to a loved one” you explained. jungwon nodded as you spoke.
“these are perfect! i’ll take them” he smiled. “alright, i’ll get them ready in a vase for you” you took the flowers and prepared them in a nice bouquet before putting them in a nice vase. you wrapped the vase in pretty white bow before letting jungwon know that they were ready.
“here you are! that’ll be $15.95” he payed for the flowers and you were about to give him his changed back when he stopped you. “just keep it, i don’t mind” “what? no- take your change”
“y/n, it’s fine. just keep it” he chuckled. “i- fine. thank you, jungwon. also, make sure to put some water in that vase and keep them exposed to as much sunlight as possible! tell your sister to do the same” you reminded him.
“got it, thank you!” he waved goodbye before exiting the shop.
you jumped in shock when felt someone creep up behind you. “heejin what the fuck! you scared the shit out of me” you dramatically held your chest. heejin just scoffed and nudged your shoulder. “who’s the cutie?” she asked, her head nodding towards the door. you gave her a look.
“someone i bumped into today, literally” you sort of mumbled the last part. “bumping into people on the first day? dork move” heejin joked. you playfully slapped her before shoving her away from you lightly. “shut up, you’re not funny” you pouted.
“i’m hilarious” you scoffed and watched as she walked away to finish working. you sighed and sat down in the seat behind the desk, working on some stuff on the computer. you were tired and already had plenty of assignments to do.
time flew by and it was soon time to close. you did the normal closing procedures before you and heejin headed back to your dorms.
— ★ —
“i just can’t believe we already have a project! it’s only the second day for fucks sake!” heejin whines. “there there, jinnie” you sarcastically comforted. heejin glared at you before slapping your hand away from her shoulder.
you and heejin were currently leaving class when you heard someone call your name. both you and heejin turned at the same time and saw jungwon approaching you.
“oh, hi jungwon” you spoke. “hey! i wanted to ask you sometime” you nodded as a signal for him to go on. “since you're new and all, i was wondering if you'd like to eat lunch with my friends and i? you're friend can come aswell” he offered.
“uh-” heejin pinched your arm, making you wince. you looked over to her to see her giving you a look. “sure! we'd love to eat lunch with you” heejin ended up answering for you.
“cool, we’ll be at the be:lift café at around 2:40” he smiled before walking off. as soon as he was out of sight, heejin flicked your forehead. “ow! what the hell heejin?” you exclaimed, rubbing the spot on your forehead.
“what the hell was that?” heejin whisper shouted. “i don’t know what you mean” you shrugged. “you were daydreaming mid conversation” heejin put emphasis on that last part. “i- i was not? leave me alone” you groaned.
“i know what i saw! you totally like him” heejin teased. “i barely know him, jin! i mean yeah he’s cute but i know nothing about him” you said. “well that’s all about to change” heejin winked as she walked off.
god you could not stand her.
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— ★ author’s note: hii ! first chapter is done. i’m actually pretty happy with this and i hope whoever reads enjoys it aswell :D sorry if it was short :( please send feedback or asks, thank you 🤍 !
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*New Slowpoke chapter posted July 28th, 2024*
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Hey welcome! I hope you get some happy nostalgia and find a good escape while you’re here.
The Slowpoke Series can be found here, along with all Reader Requests (including the two Fabulously Confident Reader stories).
Everything, including the link to the Chronological Slowpoke List, can be found under “Keep Reading.”
I highly recommend going ham and diving in! You’ll find every chapter listed in order of publishing, from oldest on top to newest on the bottom. Kindness spam is always welcome!
This series is reader-insert, has Daryl x Reader as the end goal, is fairly wholesome, and is canon-compliant (as much as fanfiction has that capability when adding a new character XD).
Reader doesn’t have a specific look. Twangy accent, yes, but their looks match whatever you look like!
I’m fixing to stick to canon and shove you right into and in between the episodes all the way until that thing in season 10. Y’all know the thing :P That thing will be reworked into a non-romantic relationship, no cheating or adultery will take place whatsoever, cross my heart.
The stories are not all in chronological order in terms of when things take place, there are some time jumps. But never fear, the time frame of each one is specified at the top. I don’t know about y’all, but I love me some non linear storytelling :) When the chapters are written out of order, it’s on purpose.
All pronoun info along with trigger warnings are noted at the top of each story. There are a lot of chapters left GN or not mentioned at all. Others are feminine implied FI or she/her F specific.
For those who prefer a tidy timelines, we got us a chronological chapter list now, too! 
Again, please remember that while Shane is the reader’s big brother, their family isn’t solely blood related. The reader looks just like you (this is me asking that you imagine yourself as you are)
And as always, every dollar counts towards the bills, any amount is a blessing, and Ko-fi doesn’t charge any fee! Please toss anything in the Tip Jar
The Slowpoke Series  *ongoing as of  July 2024*
Slowpoke  Pre-S03, GN
Deal  S03, GN
Quarter!  S01, GN
How’s your head? Part 1  S01, F
How’s your head? Part 2  S01, F
The Chicken Swim  S01, FI
“Deserved” Part 1  S01, GN
“Deserved” Part 2  S01, GN
It’s not the end of the wor - oh.  S01, FI but GN
That mangy hick!  S01, GN
The Interview (story line no longer in limbo) S05, F
After the interview  S05, F
Southern Comfort, a Wii, and a big bowl of spaghetti.  S01, GN
Dead-end?  S01, GN
There’s also a bar.  S01, GN
Every step.  S05, F
Like a traditional Sunday dinner  S01, GN
Too much thinking before bed, Part 1  S01, GN
Too much thinking before bed, Part 2  S01, GN
Ain’t nothing...  S01, GN
Hell of a day   S01, GN
A fu---n’ great Christmas  Pre-S03, GN
douche car.  Pre-S02, F
...but 'dirtbag car’ if the kids are listening  Pre-S02, F
Two idiots  Pre-S02, GN
What’s worth going postal  Pre-S02, GN
Bad things happen* S02, GN
*in threes  S02, GN
Just one scrap, Part 1  S02, GN 
Just one scrap, Part 2  S02, GN
The best kind of damn weird  Pre-S09, F
Yesterday was rough  S02, GN
White lies.  S02, GN  
It was a pragmatic cigarette  S02, GN  
What were your nightmares about?  S02, FI
Happy 8th of July!  Pre-S04, GN 
Better with a friend  S02, F/GN 
Picking a flower = saving the day  S02, F/GN 
A cause for concern   S02, GN  
Oh my.    S02,  GN/FI  
A mighty good team   S02, GN/FI  
A measure of reverence, Part 1    S02, F
A measure of reverence, Part 2   S02, F
souls stripped bare  S02, F 
The first Christmas “without,” Part 1  Pre S03, GN
The first Christmas “without,” Part 2  Pre S03, GN
I don’t hate you   Pre S03, GN
Invisible, tugging strings, Part 1   S02, GN
Invisible, tugging strings, Part 2   S02, GN
Spell your last name, please.  S02, GN  
He hasn’t been himself   S02, GN  
Scary as a sleepy kitten  S02, GN
Still beating  Pre S09, F     
“fondness” LOL  S02, GN  
Thank you, angel...   S02, GN  
Redemption Arcs   S02, GN    
That was it.    S02, F       
Stuck in a damn bed.   S02, F 
Shame on a plate    S02, GN
Penance + (knock-off) Ambrosia   S02, GN
Keep this dog asleep    S02, GN
(Chronological List here if you prefer a tidy timeline)
Reader Requests
Oh heck yes, you can (Glenn x GN reader)
(One) Medical Exemption (Daryl x F reader)
Such a damned hassle... (Daryl x GN reader)
Guardian angel? (Daryl x F reader)
Simply one of those days (Daryl x F Fabulously Confident reader) *same story line as below*
Especially for an autobiography (Daryl x F Fabulously Confident reader) *same story line as above*
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638 notes · View notes
imaginemcyt · 3 years
cc!wilbur soot x tommy’s older sister
tw: language
note: this one uses specifically she/her pronouns, however, you can replace them with your pronouns. it won’t change the story at all. sorry that this is kinda shit but tumblr deleted my draft and i had to completely rewrite it so this is what i’ve got. hope you enjoy! <3
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“y/n this is wilbur, wilbur this is y/n.” tommy gave the basic introductions with a bored look on his face.
“y/n simons, pleasure to meet you.”
“wilbur soot, the pleasure is all mine.”
as he shook your hand, you stared into each other’s eyes. he wore a small smile, that was almost a smirk. was it just you, or was there electricity when your hands touched? that had to be in your head, right? your gaze lingered on the other for perhaps a little too long before you let go of each other’s hands.
“now get out, y/n.” tommy pushed you towards the door.
“y/n can you see wilbur out? i’m busy!”
wilbur looked at you with a smile, causing you to blush. you nodded and yelled back at your brother, “yeah!”
you led wilbur to the front door, opening it and stepping to the side. you looked at him to find he was already looking at you. he grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on your knuckles.
“it was nice meeting you, y/n.”
as you stuttered out a reply, he gave you that same almost-smirk and turned away, walking down your driveway.
“what are you doing up?”
you jumped, not expecting to see someone in your kitchen at two am. then you remembered tommy had invited friends over.
“oh, it’s you. i… i can’t sleep. what are you still doing awake?”
you filled a glass up with water and began to drink it, putting it in the sink when you were done.
“tommy snores really loud.”
you both let out a light laugh at your younger brother’s expense.
“well, since we’re both awake, do you want to do something? we could watch friends? that’s all i was doing anyway.”
“that sounds great.”
you both made your way up the stairs and into your room. you sat on the bed and set up the laptop with the episode you were currently on. eventually you were laying down together watching joey do lunges in all of chandler’s clothes.
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(like this ^^^)
you were about halfway through a second episode when tommy interrupted.
“what the hell are you guys doing?”
you both looked up at the tired gremlin child.
“watching friends.” wilbur gave him a cheeky smile.
“oh! uh, hello…?”
“oh it’s you, wilbur!” you spoke over your brother’s headset while he was in the bathroom.
“y/n? hi! what are you doing?”
“well tommy’s in the toilet so i wanted to see who he was talking to. turns out it’s you!”
wilbur let out a chuckle. “it’s me!”
“uh oh, gotta go!” you threw down the headset before running for your life.
“y/n, hang out with us!”
you stopped at the doorway, looking back at the group of boys all sitting on the floor. jack manifold, tubbo, and wilbur all stared up at you.
“no, y/n, get out of my room.” tommy spoke from his spot on the bed.
“aww, why can’t she stay?”
“yeah, tommy, don’t be a dick, man.”
“y/n, stay!”
“no, y/n, leave.”
you looked nervous, being pulled in two different directions, before ultimately deciding that you had other things to do.
“sorry guys, i should probably go.”
a chorus of disappointed groans and “aww”s left the group before you waved and closed the door behind you.
you went back to your room, deciding to give your brother his space despite your loneliness and boredom. you knew you’d want the same from him.
you decided to mess around with your ukulele to pass the time. you played your favorite song, singing along quietly. it wasn’t long before a knock on the door made you stop.
“come in.”
the door opened and none other than wilbur soot popped his head in.
“hey. tommy asked me to tell you to shut up, but i think you sound lovely.”
you turned slightly pink. “oh, uh, thanks. tell tommy i’m sorry and i’ll keep it down.”
“no need, he’s a prick anyway.” he made his way to where you sat on the bed, taking a seat next to you.
“what are you playing?”
you smiled and told him about how it was your favorite song by your favorite artist and you loved how fun it was. he requested you play a little bit for him, so you did. when you were done, you started to talk about it a little more.
at least until you realized he wasn’t listening. he was staring at your lips, leaning in. you followed suit.
the door burst open, causing you two to spring apart.
“wilbur, what the hell is taking so long? and what are you two doing in here with the door closed?”
wilbur smiled at tommy. “playing music, of course.”
tommy gave a skeptical look, dragging wilbur out of the room with a “keep it down, y/n!”
wilbur stopped at the doorway. “by the way, i quite like hanging out with you, y/n.”
“your hands are so tiny!”
“they are not,” you gasped. “your hands are just huge, probably because you’re a giant of a man.”
wilbur laughed. “put your hand up,” he instructed. he touched his to yours gently, showing off the size difference.
you both giggled before stopping and looking into each other’s eyes. he gave you a gentle smile and slipped his fingers in between yours, interlocking them and holding your hand in his larger one.
you looked back at him and smiled.
you knocked on the door three times, and he answered not long after.
“y/n? what are you doing here?”
“tommy thinks he left his sweater here and asked if i could drop by and pick it up on my way home.”
“oh yeah, one second.”
he disappeared for a moment before returning, holding your brother’s red hoodie. “here you go,” he said with a smile.
“thank you. sorry to bother you.”
“it’s no trouble. can i walk you home?”
you felt yourself heating up and smiled. “if you’d like.”
he nodded and grabbed his jacket. then you both started off toward the simons residence. you almost made it before it started raining.
it was light rain at first, so you carried on. however, it got heavier by the second, and pretty soon it was pouring on you two.
wilbur took off his jacket and held it above your heads. “we’re almost there, run!”
the two of you ran the rest of the way, only stopping once you got to your porch. you looked at each other for a moment, catching your breath. then you started laughing. you were both soaked and standing there like idiots, laughing at yourselves.
your laughter soon died down, and then you were just smiling at each other. he reached over to you and brushed a wet piece of hair behind your ear, getting it out of your face.
you weren’t stupid. you knew the look he was giving you was a lovestruck gaze, but you decided to play dumb.
then finally it happened. after months of flirting and mutual pining, he closed the gap and kissed you. with his right hand on your face he crashed his lips to yours (a/n: that sounds violent but it’s not meant to be lol), pulling you closer with his left. you wrapped your arms around him, hands tangling in his hair.
passion mingled with desperation and you kissed long after you were breathless. you didn’t part until you heard a loud yell of disgust.
you instantly sprang apart with swollen lips and red faces.
“are you fucking kidding me? that’s my sister, man!” tommy yelled, glaring at wilbur.
he then looked to you. “and you, kissing my best mate?!”
you stood there shocked for a moment before coming to your senses.
“uhhh, I wasn’t kissing, were you kissing?” you said, turning to wilbur and praying to god he caught on to your obvious lie.
“no, i wasn’t kissing.” he shook his head.
“neither was i! see, no kissing here.”
“i’m not stupid,” said tommy, voice low and angry as opposed to the shock and disgust from before. “i saw everything.”
he then turned and walked away from the door, leaving you two alone again.
a moment of awkward silence passed. “i should probably… you know.” you said, pointing to the house.
“oh yeah, no, definitely.” he rubbed the back of his neck.
“and look, i’m sorry if i ruined your friendship with tommy. i know you guys are close, and i hope he forgives you.”
he gave you a sad smile. “same here, love.” he then kissed your cheek and took off into the rain once more.
you went inside and tried fixing things with tommy, who refused to speak to you. after sitting outside his bedroom door for nearly an hour, you finally gave up and headed back into your room. you opened discord.
[your username]: tommy’s ignoring me. i’ve just sat outside his room for an hour and he refuses to talk to me.
WilburSoot: i’ll give it a go.
he did not speak to wilbur. tommy left him on read every time.
tommy avoided you entirely for two weeks. he left the room if you walked in, and he wouldn’t speak to you at the dinner table. your mother was curious what was going on between you two, but neither of you would say anything about it.
finally, you’d had enough.
you asked your mother to call tommy out of his room, since he wouldn’t answer if you were to try. she did, just wanting you two to speak again. once he arrived in the living room, you jumped him. you grabbed him around the middle and threw him on the couch, planting yourself on top of him so he couldn’t run away. your mum left the room.
“hey, you asshole, get off of me!”
“no, tommy! enough is enough! you’re not leaving until you hear me out!”
“no, i don’t want to talk to you!”
“too bad because i’m not moving until you hear what i have to say! i don’t want us to keep avoiding each other like this.”
he went silent and thought about it for a moment, an angry and skeptical look on his face. “…fine. get it over with.”
you took a deep breath.
“tommy, you’re my little brother, and i love you. i’ll always love you, even when you hate me. just know that i never meant to hurt you or make you angry. however… you can’t tell me how to live my life, or who i can be with. i want to be with wilbur. i can’t help it, tommy, i love him. you can be happy for me or not, that’s your choice. but what isn’t your choice, is who i love.”
by the end of your speech, your voice was shaking and your eyes were watery. you got off of tommy and helped him sit up.
his face softened. “you… you love him?”
your tears ran down your cheeks. you nodded. “i do.”
tommy sighed before pulling you into a hug. it was rare for him to show affection, especially to you, but after everything that happened between the two of you, he felt it was important.
“i love you, y/n. you’re my sister, i could never hate you. i’m happy for you. but just know, best mate or not, i’ll castrate him if he makes you sad.”
you laughed, wiping away your tears.
“i should… probably speak with wilbur, yeah?”
you nodded. tommy stood and went back to his room. you followed not long after, and even though you knew it was frowned upon, you stopped to listen at his door.
“tommy, thank god you’re speaking to me. listen, man, i–”
“do you love her, wilbur?”
“my sister. do you love her?”
“i– yeah. yeah, i do.”
“good. listen, all i want is for y/n to be happy. meaning if you make her cry, i’ll murder you.”
wilbur chuckled on the other line, making you smile.
“you won’t have to worry about that. i promise you i’ll take care of her.”
“just don’t make my sister cry and don’t be gross in front of me, alright big man?”
“you’ve got yourself a deal, tommyinnit.”
you smiled again before heading off in the direction of your room.
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rukunas · 4 years
lmao sorry i'm sending you two asks in a row but after reading the last sukuna fic it came to my mind how curses and sorcerers can model and control their domains as they desire, so like... what if, when reader's life is in danger, when sukuna has to fight with a strong enemy or something alike, he kinda traps her in his innate domain but makes it enjoyable? like, with a classic japanese house, a cute garden and all the comforts she can ask for.
i may be wrong here, since i'm an "anime only" i still have to understand how all their powers work lol
i’m also currently anime only so i’m also pretty confused about the whole power system so this entire fic might not be a “proper” fic but i really liked this ask and i’m going to do it anyway <3
author’s note: this is a part of my whole “king of curses” series, read the full fic here and the little drabble here.
warnings: mentions of smut, violence, mentions of blood
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After long days, you simply like to rest your head on Sukuna’s chest as the two of you lay in bed. His hands caress your back and hair, your fingers splaying in his hair.
Who knew that the two of you would be holding each other like lovers, finding calmness in each other’s embraces. Sukuna found it surprising that he found a soft spot for a human, you finding it shocking that you feel affection for a demon. Love is strange, the two of you suppose.
“What’s my darling thinking of, hm?” Sukuna coos when he sees your eyebrows stitch together.
You’re busy tracing the markings on his chest, fingers tapping his warm skin. “Nothing. Just... I have this bad feeling.”
Sukuna leans down and plants a kiss on your forehead. “You know I won’t hurt you.”
“No, it’s not you.” You’re quick to protest. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.” You bite your lip as you gaze up at him, worry flickering in your eyes. “What if one of those sorcerers come for you?”
Sukuna’s lips curve into a smile as he laughs. How cute, he thinks, his little human is all worried for him.
“My precious girl, nothing will happen to me or you. I will see to that.” He takes your palm and kisses the back of it. “Understand?”
You nod your head, giggling as Sukuna flips you over so that you are pinned underneath him. But even after he kisses your tense body until it grows pliable under his hands, feasting on you and fucking you until your legs go numb, you cannot help but still feel that worry gnawing inside you.
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Sukuna wants to go to the next village over, terrorize the people there before he heads north and expands the territory of curses. He moves at dawn, you right by his side as his army of monsters rips apart the town.
The screams of terror begin to quiet down as the humans either begin to die off or become curses. But there is still a strange tension in the air, one that makes you clutch Sukuna’s arm tighter. You feel as if the breeze shifts directions, causing the hairs on your arms to rise.
It is as if someone is watching you.
“Ryo, something is wrong.”
He doesn’t dismiss you like he did before— instead, you feel his muscles ripple underneath your touch as he narrows his eyes and stands at attention.
There, a few feet away. A man wearing a blue jacket and matching pants, a large sword in his hands.
A sorcerer.
He advances with a jump, his sword-wielding arm raised and reading to swing.
Your entire body stills in horror, but Sukuna shoves you back. “Domain expansion,” he growls roughly.
A bubble forms around the king and the sorcerer, but there’s another separate one forming around you. You watch as it surrounds you in darkness, your heart thrumming in a panic that makes you shut your eyes.
You trust Sukuna— He’ll be alright, he knows what he’s doing. Your king hasn’t been alive for a thousand years for being an idiot, after all. But you are absolutely terrified of his power, you can feel it growing all around you— What did he do?
Taking a deep breath and fighting your fear, you open your eyes and gasp.
You’re in a garden, blooming cherry blossoms everywhere in your sight, bushes of white jasmines lining the grass next to a bench. A small lake reflects the blue sky and pink flowers, and beyond, a quaint house stands with brown shingles and glass walls.
What is this?
You plant yourself on the bench, dizzy and overwhelmed from the sudden change in setting. Sukuna never really explained the extent of his powers to you, but you’ve been with him long enough to understand that he can create these mini rips in the universe— domains, he calls it.
He probably made this particular one to keep you safe.
The thought makes your little human heart swell with joy. Your king isn’t a monster like everyone makes him out to be, how can he be one when he cares about you so much?
Thinking about Sukuna makes you begin to worry again. Is he okay? Is he hurt? Your mind fills with thoughts, head in your hands as you wait for him.
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Sukuna eyes the blood on his hands— Disgusting, he sneers as he tries to get the sticky substance off of his arms and torso. The sorcerer’s limbs lay before him, bones hanging out of them. Sukuna cannot even distinguish the body of the man anymore because of the way he ripped through him with the snap of his fingers.
It was not at all a fair battle— Sukuna won with ease. Sure, he took his time though, wanting to teach the pathetic sorcerer a lesson by torturing him ever so slowly. But now, all he wants to do is rush back to you and take a warm bath, wanting to ease the aches lingering in his back and arms. A thousand years older but my body has not gotten any younger.
He watches his own domain crumble away, before he steps into the bubble that he formed around you. A little garden that he thought you would enjoy— he knows how much you like picking flowers. But he blinks in shock when he sees you sitting at a bench under a cherry blossom tree, quietly sobbing with your hands covering your face.
He approaches you, sitting besides you and forcing you into his lap. You quickly accept his embrace, tucking your head into his shoulder and continuing to let your tears drip onto his bare torso.
“Darling, what’s the matter? Do you not like this domain? I can make you another place—”
“No!” You cry out, leaning back you that face him. Sukuna can now clearly see your puffy red eyes— How long were you crying for? He curses himself, he should have gotten here faster.
“I thought you were hurt,” you whisper, tracing the blood splattering that still lingers on Sukuna’s chest.
Sukuna feels strange. He already felt odd after realizing his deeper feelings towards you, how he cares about you more than he should care for a human, a pet. But the way you look at him now, with distress painting your features, it’s as if someone reached in and squeezed his heart.
He loves you, and you love him. A human and a monster, a match made in hell.
Sukuna kisses your tears, finding satisfaction in the salty taste it leaves on his tongue. “My pretty girl, I am a king. It would take more than a hundred sorcerers to give me even a measly cut.” He fakes a scoff. “Perhaps I should even feel offended that you underestimate my abilities.”
You widen your eyes almost comedically, shaking your head. “No! You are so powerful, Ryo, I know, I’m sorry, I just—”
“Shhh.” He silences you with a finger on your lips, the nail gently tracing them. “How about we take a nice bath, and then you can truly show me how sorry you are?”
You walk to the house eagerly, Sukuna trailing right after you with a satisfied grin. Sure, he might be in love with you, but he cannot help to take advantage of your blinding loyalty by being a complete and utter tease.
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