#they are to straight up eat people as well as animals if they transform. so someone had to move out and try to make money
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Should I just write my cowboy falls in love with a werewolf idea. I’m starting to think it’s the only fun idea I’ve had recently
#the only thing is idk how to flesh it out. like okay we have a concept but we need MORE#i had some ideas but they were all stupid#i could keep it fairly stripped down and just make it a novella i suppose#a cowboy on a ranch has a mysterious alluring stranger come knocking at his door seeking hospitality. lets him stay. at the next full moon#some livestock are found dead. eaten by a wolf. obvs our cowboy is super concerned but does not suspect the stranger#the stranger is suuuper upset about it all and is also upset at the concept of shooting the wolf. which is what the cowboy wants to do#is somewhat possible that the stranger; while being a werewolf; is actually Not the werewolf who attacked the livestock. he has his urges#under control (he eats a lot before transforming or maybe suppresses his transformations somehow)#but one of his family members is not under control and is responsible for the attacks and he knows this and is trying to protect them#he’s staying with the cowboy/at the ranch to find work because his family have too many mouths to feed. the hungrier they go the more likely#they are to straight up eat people as well as animals if they transform. so someone had to move out and try to make money#something like that? i don’t know#i have characters in mind that i think this could work well with. floriano is sooo self-sacrifical and protective of his younger siblings#that he would 100% do all of this. and michael would make a perfect cowboy#i just feel like i need a setting. frontier america is obvious but feels basic. could i do that but alternate universe?#a bit of an apocalyptic vibe? hmm#i also feel like it just needs more stuff in general. like more of a conflict. although at the same time i feel like discovering your#new boyfriend is a werewolf and his little brother keeps snacking on the livestock is a fair bit of conflict to overcome#i’ll come back to it sometime. i should go to bed now#personal
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jishyucks · 6 months
Gleam and Glitter — hhj
‣ pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader
‣ genre: fluff, implied friends-to-lovers, rich-kid!au
‣ wc: 3.4k
‣ summary: You’ve quickly established that no one at this damn charity gala cares about the event’s purpose. They were just there to party. And you wanted nothing else but to leave; alternatively, in which Hyunjin saves you from your misery to see the city’s Christmas lights.
‣ warnings: lots of being annoyed at the rich (even though reader and hyunjin are rich), 1st world problems, reader’s wearing a dress and heels but no specific pronouns are used (I’m pretty sure), the pair eat some desserts
‣ an: 2nd part for my True Love Gave to Me Series! It's a little slow at first but the parts near the end are cute! Just like the Mark one, I wish I could write more for these two, I srsly think I could've done more but still,,, ENJOY!
Series Masterlist
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The venue was beautiful. 
The ballroom was transformed into the party’s theme, Winter Wonderland, adorned with white, silver, and royal blue decorations. From the ceiling hung giant snowflakes, lit up with twinkling lights that glowed softly within the dim room. 
The dance floor, placed in the middle of the room, was surrounded by tables draped in pearly white table cloths, giving it all a sleek, clean look. You can tell how much planning had gone into the centrepieces—delicate ice-looking glass sculptures of various animals. Within each of them were more lights, drawing out the details of the sculptures.
At the other corner of the room, the live band had already begun their setlist. They were dressed in blue or white, or both, as it was the theme of the party. You couldn’t quite tell what song they were playing, but it sounded nice and classy. 
And guests were trickling in, entering the room hand in hand with their plus ones. You can tell that they were all in awe from the scene. I mean you don’t blame them—the scene looked like something straight from a movie. Whoever had planned and decorated the venue knew what they were doing. 
The venue was beautiful… Too bad most of the people attending were snobby rich bitches who really don’t deserve anything good (respectfully).
The main purpose of the event was to raise money for charities involving children for god’s sake—sure it was okay to go all out and grab the attention of the wealthy, but it was so painfully obvious that two-thirds of the guests didn’t give a single fuck about the charities. They were just there for the publicity, hoping to look good in front of the press and it pained you. 
It pained you because, although you barely had the capacity to have passions for anything, you did know that you wanted to use your money for good. And heavy on the good for children.
The party was now in full swing, guests mingling in practically every corner of the room. The live band had just been replaced with a DJ, party songs blasting through the speakers. A small part of you does want to join in, but you wouldn’t say that you associated yourself with any of the people here. 
There was one person who you did love being around—your best friend, Hyunjin—but you simply weren’t sure where he had disappeared off to since you had greeted him at the start of the party. 
You’re not sure how you hear Hyunjin groan as he slumps in the seat next to you. He stretches his back over the chair before falling limp. 
You can’t help but laugh, “What’s up with you?” You shift in your own chair to look at him, your blue evening gown getting twisted underneath your ass.
“My parents introduced me to like—I don’t know—six old business owners?” Hyunjin mutters, “I don’t even remember a single one of them.” 
“Well, you gotta start working on that future CEO,” you joke, slapping his back, “Don’t wanna be the boss who calls his employees by the wrong name, do you?” You know Hyunjin hates when you call him future CEO, because, well, he doesn’t actually want to take over his father’s company once he retires. But being the only child in his family, it’s a responsibility that he couldn’t really get out of.
“No,” he pouts, lips jutting out. 
You let out another laugh, this time rubbing his back to provide some kind of comfort. From a nearby group of people, you hear people laughing, though it didn’t seem genuine. You echo them. 
“Y/N, they’re gonna hear you!” Hyunjin nudges your arm. “No they won’t. They’re all just caught up in their own world,” You roll your eyes. Then you dramatically say, “Oh how I wish to leave this place.”
There’s a few beats of silence between the two of you. Just by watching Hyunjin, you can tell he’s thinking, eyes darting back and forth as if he were reading a page of a newspaper. 
“Would it be crazy if I asked you to run away with me?”
Your heart misses a beat, “What?”
“Run away with me,” Hyunjin repeats. He’s almost expressionless, staring back at you as he waits for a reply. 
You blink at your best friend, utterly confused by the nonsense coming out of his mouth, “Hyunjin, you really need to be more specific with your words.”
Hyunjin brings a corner of his mouth up towards one side of his face, trying to word what he was asking of you. It wasn’t that difficult to explain, yet Hyunjin’s short on words right now because of all the introductions he’s just had. 
“Do you know what an Irish goodbye is?” 
You shake your head, “No? Is that even a thing?” 
“It’s when you just leave without telling anyone,” Hyunjin explains, “So… let’s leave without telling anyone.” There’s a youthful glint in his eye and you just know that Hyunjin’s ready to take off. He’s excited, even, just thinking about leaving and getting away from this place. You like the idea, too. 
“And do what?” Hyunjin shrugs and your face contorts, laughing, “You’re the one who’s suggesting to leave and you don’t have a plan?” 
The smile Hyunjin flashes is one that shows off his bottom teeth, brows raised and eyes widened, “Sorry, I didn’t actually think you’d consider it.” 
“Do you even know me?” you scoff, “Of course I wanna leave. Anything to get away from these people.” You scoot forward in anticipation to go, but you still really want to hear what Hyunjin’s plan is. 
Hyunjin searches the room as if it were going to hand him the answer. Then he hums and looks back at you, “Do you want to go downtown?” 
Without any hesitation you nod, “Yes.” 
Hyunijn watches as you scan the room, eyes trying to weed out your parents and his. You could guess they were speaking with people you’ve grown familiar with, so you try to pick them out, too. When you couldn’t spot any of your parents, your eyes darted in Hyunjin’s direction, eyes wide and round. “It’s clear.”
You don’t warn Hyunjin before you shoot up onto your feet, trying your best to keep discrete from any wandering eyes. The heels under your feet almost fail to support your pace, but you pay no mind, eyes dead set on the doorway furthest away from anyone’s attention. Hyunjin’s close at your tail, turning back every few steps to make sure that there was absolutely no one watching you both leave. 
The adrenaline’s causing your heart to pump above the average, and you can’t help but let out a laugh the moment you reach the door, soon finding yourself in an empty corridor of the venue (save for the doorman at the front and the woman attending coat check).
Hyunjin stumbles out after you, breathing heavily, “You didn’t even tell me you were going to take off like that!” 
Ignoring Hyunjin’s exclamations, you start making your way toward coat check, heels clicking against the marble floor. Hyunjin is unsure how you’re moving so quickly in heels, but he chooses not to question you.
“Y/N~” Hyunjin whines, “Slow down!”
“If we’re not quick we’re going to get caught,” you shoot a reply over your shoulder. You kindly ask for your coats, retrieving them within seconds before you toss Hyunjin his jacket. “Yeah, but we need to wait for Mr. Jang to come pick us up!” 
By the time Hyunjin finishes his sentence, you both find yourselves outside of the venue, cold air instantly nipping at your exposed skin. There were cars whizzing past, all probably on their way to your desired destination. Right at the bottom of the steps was a sleek black car, similar to what your family owned, and a man who you recognized as Mr. Jang, the Hwang’s driver. 
“So you did plan this!” you look over at Hyunjin. 
Hyunjin shakes his head, “No, but Mr. Jang will jump at any chance to actually do something.” The boy leads you down the steps and reaches the vehicle before you do. He greets Mr. Jang with a bow and then tugs on the door’s handle, opening it for you to hop in. You can’t help but giggle at the gesture, giving Hyunjin a look before sliding in. He shuffles in after you, smiling out of excitement.
“Where to, son?”
“Downtown, please.”
⋆⁺₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆
It’s when you both get to downtown that you realize that neither of you knew where to go. 
Sure, the plan was downtown but the city was a big place. Hyunjin should have been more specific, because right now, you were both standing in the middle of a busy street trying to decide which direction to go.
“Close your eyes, spin, and then stop when I tell you,” you suggest to Hyunjin, who’s trying to search his phone for any places you both could visit. 
“How about you do it!” Hyunjin’s brows furrow and he pouts, “It sounds like you’re going to ditch me.” 
“Now why the hell would I ditch you,” you sigh, “Just do it. I would do it, but I’m in heels.” 
You gesture for him to go on with the action, but not before he mutters a ‘the heels didn’t seem like a problem earlier’, earning him a thwack on his shoulder. 
Squeezing his eyes shut, Hyunjin sticks an arm out, using his index finger to point. Then, he begins to spin clockwise. From an outsider’s glance, this man probably looked ridiculous—he was dressed in formal attire and spinning like a top, almost taking out a few passerbyers in the process. 
You were finding this so amusing that you almost forgot that you had to tell him to stop. 
And when you tell Hyunjin to stop, he somehow ends up with his finger just inches away from your nose. You burst out laughing, your hands coming up to clutch your stomach because, for one, Hyunjin took the challenge seriously, and two, he looked absolutely ridiculous just standing there eyes closed and pointing. 
You don’t notice how Hyunjin’s eyes finally flutter open to see what was going on and how his taut expression relaxes the second they land on your bright figure just laughing, even if it is at his expense. His arm drops to his side, making a muted whap against his jacket. This catches your attention.
“I’m sorry,” you say, wiping a tear that has managed to slip out of the corner of your eye. And when Hyunjin doesn’t answer immediately, you take a step closer to him, “Hello?” 
“O-okay, so, that way!” Hyunjin’s brought back from space, head shaking. He side steps and walks around you, leading the way down the street while making sure you were following him. 
Hyunjin has no idea what just happened. It wasn’t like it was the first time he's seen you happy. In fact, you’ve always been happy around him. So, why did he suddenly freeze seeing you happy this time? 
Hyunjin shakes the thought out of his head, dismissing it as the remnants of wine from the party still in his system, and continues walking down the street, just a few paces in front of you.
You and Hyunjin weave through the people walking down the street against you, hands full with shopping bags or stuffed deep into their pockets. The pace Hyunjin had taken began to speed up, as if he had spotted something over the crowd that you couldn’t quite see even with heels. 
Glancing back, Hyunjin gently latches onto your wrist, afraid that you’d get lost in the sea of people, pulling you closer before he continues to step through the occasional gaps between bodies. 
“Where are we going?” you say out of curiosity. Hyunjin’s too occupied to answer you, still keeping his grasp firm around your wrist. He tugs you along for one more block, and by then you can tell that he did have an idea of where you were. Hyunjin knew where to go.
You feel like you’re able to breathe again when Hyunjin leads you into a plaza, and you let out a breath that you didn’t even know you were holding in. There was more space for people to walk around, buskers at each corner of the opening, and restaurants decked out in Christmas lights and decorations. Some places were blasting Christmas tunes out of outdoor speakers and, from afar, you can see Santa Claus taking pictures with children. You feel your heart fill with warmth in the atmosphere, excited to wander around and kill time with Hyunjin. 
“Do you want to eat something?” Hyunjin questions. The boy halts in front of a food truck, head falling back to scan the menu. The food truck was a dessert truck—candied fruit, ice cream, cake pops, and more. You can see that they also sold drinks. 
You nod, “What are you getting?” 
“I’m thinking a cake pop… you?” The line shifts forward and you both take a step forward to follow. 
You hum and try to decide on your own treat, “Can you get me candied strawberries, please?” 
It takes a little bit to reach the front of the line and finally receive your food. When the man on the truck hands Hyunjin the food, you go to grab it but Hyunjin refuses to let you take it, pulling the treats back to his own body. “Huh?” you frown, “Do you want me to pay you back or something?” Your mouth was practically watering at the sight of the tanghulu. It was almost unrealistically red, like strawberries you’d find in cartoons. 
“It’s cold,” Hyunjin shakes his head, “You can keep your hands in your pockets… I’ll hold it for you.” Then he holds the stick up to your lips, “Here.” 
Your brows furrow and you groan, “Hyunjin, I’m capable of holding it myself, you know.” You’re quick to grab the stick from Hyunjin and give him a look, “But thanks anyway.” 
Hyunjin grins, "Alright, suit yourself." He takes a bite of his cake pop as you enjoy the sweetness of the candied strawberries. The plaza is filled with a festive atmosphere, and you decide to stroll the rest of the area while munching on the treats. 
By the time you were halfway finished with your food, you had been able to properly take in the scene of the plaza. It was actually much larger than it was at first sight, the area stretching down another block or two of buildings. It extended into a wide pedestrian mall, with shops busy on either side of the broad walkway. 
Everyone there looked happy, like characters in the background of a movie. They minded their own business, stopping to watch the street performers entertain the passerbyers, or taking impromptu stops at the local shops lined up along the mall.
And though it did seem like such a first world problem for you to want to experience this without the stress that your parents constantly impose onto you to run a company, you like to think that your feelings still count. Even just a little.
“Look over there,” Hyunjin speaks up. He’s pointing further down the road and into a smaller plaza. There were people skating on a small, man-made, ice rink. 
A gasp leaves your mouth as you when you take notice of the gigantic Christmas tree sitting off to the side of the rink. It had been strung from top to bottom in lights that occasionally changed colours. Ornaments decorated the tree with large ornaments, accented with ribbons and garland. 
It was beautiful. 
It was beautiful and you wanted to go get a better look at it. 
Leaving Hyunjin’s side, you begin walking ahead of him, long forgetting the tanghulu in your hand. And just like earlier, Hyunjin calls for you to slow down, mainly because you were charging through the crowd with a pointy skewer, but also because he cannot catch up. You paid no mind to his attempts to slow you down. You were already dead set on catching a closer glimpse of that tree.
Hyunjin reaches you when you finally choose to stop. Your head falls back to look at the tree from its topper to its base, mouth falling open in awe, “Tell me why I’ve never seen this before.” Then you turn to look at Hyunjin, who’s looking at the tree himself, “How do you think they decorated it?”
Hyunjin lets out a laugh in the form of air shooting out his nose, “Cause all we know is work and school and business. I guess we never really have the time to enjoy these things, do we?” Then he thinks up a clever answer for your second question, but fails, “And honestly, I don’t know. Maybe one of those man lifts?” 
“You’re right,” you laugh, “We need to Irish Goodbye more often if it means we get to see more things like this.” You glance around the area and find a bench nearby. Wordlessly, you grab onto Hyunjin’s sleeve and tug him along to sit. 
You can feel how cool the metal bench is through your dress, but you lean back anyways, continuing to admire the Christmas tree. It was weird because you were feeling this sort of delight growing in your chest just at the sight of the decorated tree, though if you were asked what you were feeling you wouldn’t be able to put words to it. It was like the cherry on top of the sundae, perfectly fitting the ambience of everything that you and Hyunjin have seen tonight. 
And for Hyunjin, sure the tree and the lights strung up all over the plaza were beautiful, but he was having a hard time keeping his attention on them, and instead kept taking glances your way. It was probably the fact that this happiness was different than the ones he’s seen before. It was like your inner child had jumped out, eyes filled with all the galaxies the universe held. 
The corners of his lips had stretched at the slightest, eyes following in pursuit. 
Hyunjin realizes now that if you were happy, he was happy. And he’d do anything to make it happen. 
But he wouldn’t admit that to you just yet. 
Or anyone. 
It was enough for now that he had admitted it to himself.
Feeling eyes on you, you catch Hyunjin looking at you, expression soft. "What's up with that look?" you tease, your eyes narrowing. You lean over and nudge his arm with your shoulder. 
Hyunjin feels heat rush to the apples of his cheeks and the tips of ears. He hopes that you don’t notice, “It’s nothing… just thinking about how we should actually do this more often.” Hyunjin pries his eyes away from you and forces himself to look at the tree which, frankly, wasn’t as pretty as you. 
“We should…” you nod, “This is way better than the gala.” 
Hyunjin agrees silently. 
The two of you sit there in a comfortable silence, just taking in the environment. It wasn’t everyday that you both got freedom like this and it was nice. And you can tell that Hyunjin felt the same. 
Before you finally go to speak up after a while, your phone rings. Glancing at the caller ID, your heart rate shoots up when you see it's your parents at the other end of the line. You quickly answer it to not cause suspicion, already sensing the concern in their voices.
"Y/N, sweetheart, where are you?" your mom asks. You could hear your father’s voice saying something in the background, followed by another man’s voice. 
"I’m still at the venue," you lie, "I just needed to get air. Why?"
“We found the owner of—” You roll your eyes. Of course. 
“I’ll be right there, mom,” you say flatly, “Bye.” And you hang up. 
“So?” Hyunjin questions. You notice that he had shifted in his seat to look at you, “What did she say?” He didn’t want to get you in trouble. 
“She was talking about the owner of some company,” you shrug, “But that means we have to go.” 
You stand up and take one last look at the tree before you have to drag yourself back into your own reality. It was good while it lasted. 
Hyunjin frowns at your expression and gently takes your hand in his, “I’ll take you back here soon.”
You smile, eyes lighting up at the thought of coming back here again (and in much more comfortable clothes, too). “Promise?”
Hyunjin’s glad to see the joy instantly return to your previously deflating figure and nods.
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an: Thank you soso much for reading! Pls stay tuned for the upcoming members!
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azure-cherie · 2 years
Pac : what do people instantly assume about you :
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♡︎Hii , how have you been? This PAC will be focusing on assumptions and first impressions , use your intuition and choose a pile , take what resonates and leave the rest ;)
Pile 1:
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The very first thing that comes into their mind is that you're very into high fashion or maybe into pursuing a career related to the fashion industry, they see you in the sense of enchantment, someone who is well aware of what's going in and around the world , some people consider you to be vain and very interested in themselves, like you're in a coffee shop and you pretend to not see them , maybe it's because you're an introvert, they think you already know all about your future career, some consider that you don't even have to work because you're already rich enough, somewhat brat assumptions, they assume you're a heartbreaker because you look pretty but you have this coldness or aura that don't mess with me , some people are scared to talk to you because they think they will mess up their words , they see you as a very intimidating person , they sense you have this exterior because you have been betrayed in the past , there's this hidden aspect to you , this mystery that flows around you , some people see you as a revolutionary or a destroyer of what doesn't serve .
Random things that might resonate: body chain, Marilyn Monroe , fugitive, gremlincore , stoic , boba, Greek , Jamie , delaware , deftones , Honda, star wars , baby blues , earrings , moles , ocean eyes , tattoos, Gaia .
Pile 2:
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The very first assumptions are that you're full of love or in love , read a lot of romance novels , books , like to eat , you seem rather chaotic to others , some see you as really intellectual and connected to the spiritual world . Some see you as rather outcast or different because of your aura , you come off as anxious to some while hyperactive to others it's like you have two different personas , some see you as an angel on earth , they see you as someone interested in travelling and living your life on your own terms, some people assume you're somewhat lazy and rush on decisions, however a very transformation aura flows around you , they see you as someone who is grateful for what they have or atleast is trying to be grateful, very connected to your mother or nature , would fight for their loved ones , kind of vibe .They see you as a very interesting person , people maybe interested in stalking you as well .
Random things that might resonate : blueberry, diet mountain dew , piano, witchcraft, rose quartz, butterfly, long legs , heart shaped face , pug nose , beaches , flowy floral dresses , twirls , lips .
Pile 3 :
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They assume that you're really funny, life of the party , watch anime , roam around too much, they see that you are confident and this confidence comes from working on yourself, healing your traumas , they could really admire your physique , maybe you maintain a lot , they see that being with you will be one of the good experiences in their life , they think people fight for your company. You're seen as someone very strategic and straight forward too , they see you as a star as if fame is written for ya , could see you as wise too , someone who is decisive , really curious, and someone who trusts their gut feelings . Some people assume that you're really sad because of the current events in your life , while others see you as someone who has a perfect balance between feelings and logic, someone charitable, some people might find you cunning maybe because they cannot wrap around how can someone be so perfect, you seem to them as someone they can talk about anything without hesitation .
Random things that might resonate: cute, long nails , ripped jeans , punk, eyebrows , jewellery, diamonds, cherry blossom, freckles , bikes , skin , hibiscus, dancing, handicrafts, dreams , hairs , heels , Eve .
Hope it resonates, thank you for reading 🪐💫🌙
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fairytale-poll · 5 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Psychic goth girl who was cast as Cinderella in a school play. The play was so poorly cast overall that the entire script had to be rewritten, thus “Cinderella-ish” was born. Hanajima played a Cinderella dressed in all black, and when confronted by the fairy godmother, she simply wished for meat.
idk if this is what you meant by 'acting' as Cinderella but in-universe she got cast as Cinderella in the school play, and the characters ended up re-writing the entire play to work around her because she was too Goth and disinterested to play a classic Cinderella character.
She plays the best version of Cinderella. All she cared about was going to the ball for the barbecue. The episode she's in is a really good one as well.
Overall Saki is not a Cinderella character, but you did say we could submit them if they were Cinderella in an in-universe play, and that she was! In Season 2 Episode 23 "It's Cinderella-ish", her class puts on a production of Cinderella and she ends up getting cast as the titular role, which a lot of other characters think is crazy because she's this straight-faced, emotionally-repressed, exclusively-wears-black kinda girl. Also her best friend Tohru (the anime's protagonist) gets cast as an evil stepsister, and she's one of the sweetest people ever and has so much trouble being mean to Saki even fakely and vice versa. Of course, Saki has no problems being rude to the Prince Charming character in the play, played by Kyo, a guy who's sweet deep down (but only to Tohru and his adoptive father) but is other wise a hot head who's always getting into fights. So between Saki as Cinderella having a genuine love for her stepsister and a general animosity with the prince, in addition to the fact that when she goes to the ball, all she wants to do is eat, not mingle, she makes for a very interesting Cinderella.
so this shoujo series has a storyline where the class puts on a Cinderella play but instead of the heroine playing Cinderella, shenanigans happen that lead to the heroine's goth best friend, Saki Hanajima, aka Hana-chan, aka Demon Queen, playing the lead role. Hana-chan's Cinderella dresses in all black against the wishes of the play's director, does not give 2 shits about the prince, and is just a general menace to society. I know she's probably not gonna win but I just wanted to share her with all of you bc I love her and the Cinderella-ish arc is to this day some of the funniest shit I've seen in a manga
their high school class decided to randomize who played which characters in their production of Cinderella & the creepy goth girl got cast as Cinderella & her painfully kind-hearted bestie got cast as the evil stepsister (among other mismatched roles) so they rewrote the play into "Sorta Cinderella" & Cinderella became a deadpan, lazy girl who only wants the best for her darling step-sister & who only went to the ball for the food.  in the end, instead of marrying the prince she takes his money & opens a restaurant with her sister & I love that for them <3
[Mod's Note: Warning for Persona 5 spoilers]
Her Persona is Cinderella. Her story is about disguising herself as another person to gain acceptance.
Her persona is Cendrillon, the French name for Cinderella and the name of an opera based on the story, and it mirrors her arc in the game. When you boil her down to the essentials, she essentially made a wish that was granted by her....... fairy godtherapist to go from pauper (bland and talentless depressed Sumire) to princess (her dead sister Kasumi, bubbly, personable star gymnast). As far as she sees it, even, it's this transformation that helps her 'get the prince' (read: befriend the protagonist). Why should she win, though? Umm because she's my baby my angel my sweetie my cherub specialist character in fiction and most important girl in the universe. Out of love in your heart for me, tumblr user [REDACTED], vote for her.
GOD I LOVE HER SO MUCH ok ok ok everyone here's my autism. Major spoilers as you get closer to the end btw! - She has three personas, in order they go: Cendrion, Vanadis, Ella. The first and last are taken from Cinderella, with Cendrion being the german name for Cinderella, and of course Ella just being a shortened form of Cinderella. - She does gymnastics, although a lot of her phantom thief design is heavily based off of ballet as well! In particular the black swan mimicking the white swan, and while of course that's not cinderella, it does remind me of how Cinderella was treated in the beginnings of the story - Cinderella and her both have major sibling trauma! It's a huge point about her character. Major spoilers, but she pretends to be her older sister Kasumi for most of the game; the sad truth is that she's in fact the younger sister Sumire. She's pretending to be her older sister because she can't deal with the trauma of that day she ran out into traffic and her sister got hit instead of her. (It does not help that her therapist uses eldritch god powers to gaslight her into thinking she is her sister.) - They're both pretty and also I love sumi so much she's everything to me. unironically the character of all time NOT FOR PROPAGANDA but for mod: image because it can be awkward to find one: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/UyOsg26GnZU/maxresdefault.jpg also!!!! if you're interested in not potentially spoiling people you should call her Kasumi Yoshizawa. If you aren't worried about that though and want to be accurate, Sumire Yoshizawa is better. Or just call her Violet because that's her codename!
Initially introduced as Kasumi, she is a dorky and sweet first-year student who looks up to the protagonist as a mentor and eventually joins the Phantom Thieves in figuring out the fake reality they're trapped in. However, it's revealed that she's actually Kasumi's sister Sumire, who was always stuck in her more talented sister's shadow and yearned to be Kasumi. Unfortunately, she got her wish when her sister died saving her and her therapist brainwashed her into believing herself to be Kasumi. With help from the protagonist, Sumire realizes she was holding herself back and breaks free from her false identity, embracing her true self and rebelling against the hollow utopia. Her initial Persona--an embodiment of her true self--is Cendrillon, and her third tier ultimate Persona is Ella.
Sumire dosen't just pretends to be her dead sister, she was brainwashed into believing to be her by the final act's main villain/her fairy godfather figure, because that was her (misguided by trauma) wish as she believed that her sister was better than her. The final acts has a lot of 'making wishes come true' theme that connects her to Cinderella even more, also she does have a bit of 'save by the prince' thing going on with the game's protagonist
Please please vote my girl!!
Sumire is such a cute and cool character and deserves to leave the life of cinders how the fandom treats her and be a shiny princess!!
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morganalatina21 · 1 year
A House In Nebraska
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Summary: They met at Hogwarts, got closer in the Potter Mansion, but their real home was a humble house in Nebraska.
a/n: I'm slowly getting back to Tumblr, it's been a while since I wrote something in English so I'm sorry if it's a little off. Don't you worry, I'll go back to writing the Manipulating Death Series, but for now just enjoy this new series/one-shot.
“James.” Euphemia called, entering the living room sounding a little exhausted. “Is there any specific reason why there are animals in you room?” 
The boy looked over his mug with wide eyes, engines turning on his head thinking about an answer. “There are... animals... plural... in my bedroom?”
“Unless I’m getting the Potter curse of blindness and those are piles of clothes... Yes.” She nodded. “There’s a black dog and a black cat in your bedroom.”
The realization downed on him and he quickly stood up, spilling drops of tea on his own hands.
“Yes.. um.. they’re a family, I... found them on the streets and thought about... y’know, taking care of them?” That wasn’t a full-on lie, but he was itching himself, having to hide the true from his mother.
“You ever thought of asking me and your dad if we’re okay with that?” James shrugged, and Euphemia sighed. “They can stay if you take care of’em. Monty, we have a dog now... and a cat!”
James rushed upstairs to his room, slamming on the door and closing it, waking the huge black dog sprawled on the bed and the smaller black cat tangled on the nook of his bed, close to the piles of books.
“Sirius! What on Merlin’s underwear you doing here?” He whispered-yelled, shaking the dog that slowly transformed back into his best friend looking devastated.
“Hey Prongs! I just saw your mom but she left before I could say hi, how’s she?”
“Well she’d be freaking out if she saw you right now. What are you doing here and since when you like cats?” She signed to those glowing eyes watching them.
“You gotta trust him if we’re planning on staying here y’know.” Sirius said looking at the feline, that hesitated for a minute before jumping to the ground.
His eyes turned into blue-ish grey ones, and suddenly James was staring straight into Regulus Black figure.
“I thought you being a black dog was only a coincidence, Pads.” He mumbled. “Sine when are you an animagus?”
“You guys are not subtle in the slightest.” The younger simply answered.
“And what are you two doing here? I had to lie and say I found street animals. You made me lie to my mother!” James sounded hurt even thinking about that.
“We do that all the time.”
“You get used to it.” Regulus complemented. 
“Wha- I don’t wanna get used to it! Just answer my question.”
“I ran away from home.” Sirius replied, looking at the ceiling instead of his best friend. “I finaly had enough and when I was gathering my stuff, Regulus came and asked me to take him too. Can we stay with you guys for a while... please?”
James bit his tongue to ask why Regulus wanted to run away too, since Sirius always said he was this momma’s baby, but he knew how terrible the Black family could be.
“Are you guys okay? How d’you even get in?”
“Your window was open this morning so Regulus jumped and opened the back door f’me. I didn’t really thought about it, I just wanted a roof to sleep under really. Mom used a cruciatus in me, I was pretty dizzy.”
“Well, of course you can stay.” He said, looking at both brothers. “I just... can you guys go around the house and knock on the door so I don’t have to continue to lie to my mom?”
Sirius groaned, shifting to get up. “Sure, I’ll do that, my bones just hurt a little.” When Regulus did no mention to move, his brother turned to him. “You too, come on. Human interactions will do you some good. Unless you wanna stay as a cat and have people touch you all the time and eat raw fish, or be the Potter’s mouse catcher?”
Regulus scrunched his nose at that. “I do not eat rats.”
“Is not really different from that slug shit you ate in France.”
“It is called escargot, and it is made out of snails, not slugs.” He corrected, beginning to follow his brother.
“If you keep that attitude you can escargo away.”
James laughed at that, seeing Regulus roll his eyes and turn back into a cat, jumping off the window, Sirius following him right away.
Once left alone, he sighed seeing the amount of dog and cat hair all over his stuff. 
Never once the thought of having Regulus Acturus Black in his room occurred to him. In his bed? Maybe. But on his room at his parent’s house? Not even on the dark corners of his mind.
For the last year in Hogwarts, he took a liking toward the younger Black, watching him not-so-subtly on the slytherin table, sometimes getting distracted on Quidditch games when Regulus took a risky diving on his broom.
Of course, he’d never let him know, or Sirius.
Sirius Black, the queen of drama, would murder him if he even sneezed on Regulus’ direction.
But there was something about him...
Everything he ever liked in Lily, he’d have it, and multiplied. Her intelligence, her beautiful but harsh eyes, her passion for books, double it and add a sprinkle of low social battery and you’d have Regulus Black.
If he was ever to say that out loud, he’d probably lie and say it started when Lily started going out with Pandora, but it was bullshit, the Black caught his eye the moment he set foot in Hogwarts. The fifth year changed it up a bit because, thanks to Evans’ relationship, he was out of the library a lot more to spend time with Pandora whenever she needed.
Hearing his mom’s voice downstairs, he shook his head to avoid those thoughts and walked to the living room, hearing her voice just talking about the dog and the cat.
“...James’ in his room, taking care of his pets. We have a dog and a cat now, you like dogs don’t you Siri?”
“About that...” He interrupted. “They kinda escaped just now... y’know, I think they didn’t liked it here... so, yep.” Smiling yellowy, he turned to the Blacks. “Hey Pads, hey Regulus.”
“Hello, Prongs.”
Euphemia sighed again, changing her eyes between the boys. “You guys gonna be the death of me, and don’t worry, Regulus, you’re welcome here as much as your brother. I’ll just finish dinner.” Moving to leave the room, she met her husband mid-way. “Monty, we no longer have pets.”
“What happened?” He asked, putting his glasses on. “I thought we’d finally have  a cat.”
“Well, maybe he’ll come to visit?” Sirius suggested, looking carefully to his brother. “Since, y’know, you guys are so friendly and welcoming.”
Regulus hesitated, breathing deeply. “Yes, maybe it will. Cats have a really good memory.”
That is how it started. The beginning of something that crushed both Regulus and James.
If Regulus looked back and talked to his young self, he’d probably yell and ask him to leave that house as soon as possible, to maybe go over to Pandora, or even Lily, his parents wouldn’t even dream he’d be in a muggle house, but he had no idea where they lived, and it was about time to make amends with his brother.
He really should’ve left, is you ask me. But who am I to know?
Through the next months, both Regulus and Sirius would get daily howlers, the owls entering the Potter’s living room and dropping the red envelope on their laps.
They got so used to it, whenever a new one arrived, they’d just toss it in an empty room and cast a silence charm.
Even when they went back to Hogwarts, they’d come, more to the youngest one, who’d flee the table the exact time so no one else could hear. But it was more than useless, every pureblood whose parents were Voldemort’s allies already knew. That’s why he spent more time either in the Ravenclaw table with Pandora or on the library, where later either her or Dorcas would come and give him some savings from the meal.
But one good thing happened on all of this.
Yes, both Black brothers were closer now, and sometimes you could hear them joke about some terrible childhood memories, to get over them. However, I’m talking about another good thing: James and Regulus.
Whenever he spotted the Black family’s owl entering, he’d immediately look at Regulus, trying to catch a glimpse of the envelope color; and when it was needed, he would flee his own table to follow the slytherin boy.
The first time it happened, still in September, Regulus was more than reluctant to have his brother’s best friend there. Neither one of his friends followed him, knowing very well he enjoyed being left alone.
So the Potter’s attempt to make him feel better were shut down, earning a cold glare and a threat with a wand pointed at him. 
But being a people’s helper, James kept going after him to make sure he was fine.
After the first five few tries, Regulus finally showed some vulnerability, sighing and rubbing his face in exhaustion instead of keeping his posture. “What do you need, James?”
“Well I’m no longer ‘Potter’, that’s a first.”
Over the twentieth howler, Regulus was already waiting for James off the Great Hall, holding the envelope a small and mischievous smile on his face, asking him to place bets on what insults his mom was making now.
 It was their thing. The first thing it’d be only the two of them. The first of many.
Whenever they saw each other later the same day, James specially would make references on the words that were screamed earlier.
“That’s utterly outrageous.” He’d say, only to see Regulus snort through his nose and the Marauders more than confused.
With time passed, it was common for them to look in the map and see James and Regulus hanging out together, he was slowly becoming an extending part of the Marauders, just like Alice, Frank, Marlene, Mary and Lily.
They’d make fun of Snape together, make fun of Sirius together and later laugh at his theatrical acting on being betrayed by them.
All that closeness, led to Regulus and James once being seated in a library, an open book on James’ lap while the Black was turned to him, hugging his own knees and feet on the couch. They were planning on preparing the wolfsbane potion for Remus’ birthday, the younger one now having his suspicions confirmed. 
After five minutes on rambling about how this one time at the full moon Peter was sick so when he turned into a rat and climbed on the Whooping Willow, he sneezed and fell off the tree.
He looked at Regulus when finishing the story, thinking maybe he fell asleep due to his quietness, instead finding the boy looking at him with big eyes and a small smile, like he was the most beautiful thing in the world. 
James didn’t even noticed when he leaned in, only realizing his breathing was getting mixed with Regulus’ and a shiver ran all os his body. All his members tingling when they finally sealed lips.
The book dropped to the ground and James was rapid fire to hold the Black’s body, not wanting to let go of that moment, of him. 
They only had to separate when Regulus whispered he’d fail his OWL’s if he missed another History of Magic class. James frowned and mumbled he already knew everything but let go of him anyway.
“See you at dinner, Mon Coeur.”
“See ya... wait what that means?”
Regulus only smiled and left the library.
Need I say that James searched like crazy a French-English dictionary to learn what the heck that meant? 
He couldn’t just ask Sirius, risking letting him know what was going on between them.
When he finally found, running around through the letters to make sure it was the right one, man almost cried.
Luckily, he also found something a couple pages before, and he was ready to use it, practicing the pronunciation over and over when no one else was around.
He finally used it at dinner, having less than a month of Hogwarts left, he wanted to spend his last couple weeks there without having to hide how happy Regulus made him.
It was only the second time the youngest Black sat at the table with the rest of the Gryffindors so it probably wouldn’t happen again soon.
Remus had a book on his lap, ready to finish the chapter once done with the food; Sirius was mixing pasta, rice and beans with mashed potatoes; Peter was gathering all his favorites parts of fried chicken in a plate; Regulus was still analyzing the plates to see what he wanted.
Frank and Alice were just a couple seats away, Lily and Mary giggling on their other side too. 
All that while they were talking, discussing their days and late homework.
Everyone close enough to hear.
“James, can you pass me the fish please?”
There it was.
“Here ya go, Mon Chat.” 
Regulus froze, his fingers letting go of the plate quickly, thankfully James’ hands were close enough to hold it.
But the silence was dreadful, often broken by shock noises like Remus’ book falling to the ground, Sirius dropping his silverware on the plate and Peter choking on the hot sauce of the chicken.
Remus and Regulus’ eyes were constantly drifting off to Sirius, scared of his reaction. The blonde boy knew, of course, he was on the library the day they first kissed, both so drunk on each other’s presence they barely recognize the people around.
However, James’ eyes were firm on Regulus the entire time, of course he feared Pads’ reaction, but he was even more scared of what his lover would say.
“Thank Merlin!” 
Okay what? That was definitely a shock, and the Potter’s eyes finally moved to him.
“I was bloody scared you were replacing me as your best friend.” 
“Padfoot, how could you ever think that?” He reached a hand to Sirius, clinging to his shoulder. “You are my first and only best best friend, I’m only snogging your brother, I swear.”
“What on earth is going on?” Regulus whispered to Remus, sitting right between the Blacks.
“You still not used to it?”
Regulus held in a laugh. He should be used to it by now, but the boy cherished those moments so much he couldn't just consider it a normal daily occurrence, it would take away all the preciousness.
Those single moments were more than gold to him, making the young Black feel like the richest man to ever live.
He only wondered if one day he'd bankrupt and die in poverty again.
But that's... for another time.
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markeronacomputer · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel and Spirit Animals
I was thinking up this kinda faux worldbuilding for Pact of the Peacock because of how much that dapples in animal symbolism and such- specifically, with Adam referring to the peacock as his spirit animal- so I made this to kinda specify what that meant.
(Yeah, did you think this would be a canon-complacent, well-thought-out analysis? No, this is fanon worldbuilding for a shitty crossover with only shades of thought-out analysis.)
So, here are the basics:
Spirit animals are physical manifestations of one’s soul- in a different way to a Winner/Sinner form, that is, as spirit animals take the form of, you guessed it, animals, because it’s the only way they can be properly comprehended by the human mind.
Well, I should probably go into more detail about that: they don’t have non-animal or “real” forms. Well, they do, but they’re kinda more like thoughts, rather than tangible entities, and appearing as animals is the easiest way to sort of sum up who they are at core.
Spirit animals are overall summaries of one’s mind and soul. No preconceptions, no inspirations, it’s just them. Take Sir Pentious, for example: he’s a mad inventor and his design clearly takes from that, but his spirit animal form (if he was able to access his, which I doubt) would just be a straight-up snake with no other defining features besides maybe colour scheme.
All Sinners and Winners have a spirit animal, even if their normal forms don’t reflect it. They all have the potential to transform into theirs if they so choose: however, most haven’t tapped into that ability as it requires a painstaking journey of self-reflection on top of a whole lot of other undertakings.
(To any RWBY fans who may be reading this: it’s sort of similar to unlocking someone’s Aura. Everyone has the potential for it, but unlocking that potential is incredibly difficult. And finding someone with an unlocked spirit animal form is even harder than finding an Aura-user, because in this world there’s just not very many reasons why people would do it.)
Known spirit animals:
Angel - Spider (tarantula, perhaps?)
Alastor - Deer
Husk - Cat
Valentino - Moth
Zestial - Spider
Sir Pentious - Snake
Vox - Shark(?)
Spirit Animals According To My Guesses:
Adam - Peacock (because first of all, he acts like a peacock, and secondly, there’s a sense of irony in the idea of Dickmaster being a literal cock)
St. Peter - Heron (Because they’re apparently psychopomps in Japanese mythology, and also I wanted to continue the trend of Winners being birds)
Rosie - Mantis (because they eat their husbands)
Velvette - Poodle (She gives a lot of poodle vibes, let’s be real.)
Carmilla - Secretarybird (mainly because they are INCREDIBLY cool, just like her, but also because they symbolise protection and are holy animals. also legs.)
Mimzy - Pig (again, she gives those vibes)
Vaggie - Owl (First of all, there is no way in HELL she’s a moth anymore, that lore’s been retconned: second, she only has one eye so naturally I have to make her the bird associated with depth perception)
Niffty - Dragonfly (They’re apparently known as the devil’s needles, and I think that really fits her. Also… it’s Niffty.)
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crescentmoon-flower · 11 months
Rewatching winx season 4 for nostalgia and realizing how wierd some things are
Ep. 5
And even though they said they don't want attention, they're flying?
Homeless man cameo at perfect irony point
...I just noticed this but why do they always stand on their toes when in fairy form?
I feel sorry for roxy, imagine being told that not only are you a different species than you thought, but also the balance of the entire world is riding on you.
What are duman's transformation limits?
This whole break in and set a trap is actually clever, if only the trap was better
Cute kiko
Why did they all kneel if only Ogron cast the spell?
Ok that interaction between riven and Brandon was cute.
They kind of already do, except nabu though, he looks like a monk
Well at least helia's got his priorities straight
Also nice world building, gardenia is expensive to live in
Riven defying physics with a newspaper, also smart for looking at newspaper adds
Sassy brandon
You know what, not a bad idea to try mechanics
Also I love how nabu didn't change and still looks like a monk and the mechanic isn't questioning it
Oh my god this is painfully awkward
Did Riven break the hood of that car?
Ok that has got to be illegal or at least questionable, did they file tax before giving blooms parents their investment back?
Eh, I'm not going to question these details
Oh my god musa PRINTED the pictures of Stella half awake
Also this is a very fair concern to have when dealing with animals, they didn't mention some of the darker things that could happen to a pet after adoption but it is always a valid thing to keep in mind
Wow, mitzi is annoying
At least they came to the correct conclusion, but aren't they going to question how the wizards managed to cast the spell?
Property damage nullifies the closed sign Stella put up
I don't think what's good or bad for business is relevant when propert damage or bodily harm are bigger concerns
Did duman have to get close to cat the spell? It's seems redundant and frankly an unnecessary risk
... did.. did anagan get rid of the Sound waves with sound waves????
What even were either of those spells bloom? They did like nothing
ALIENS!!!!! I mean he's technically not wrong though
Ok creative Stella good job
Riven raising good points
Ditching jobs, to shame
Aw naw! Oh my god gantlos sounds adorable
What was gantlos's idea?
Thank you timmy, thievery is bad boys
Ok Riven, and probably all the boys, shouldn't be driving
Oh my god this interaction is so awkward and honestly I feel for mitzi here, she literally knows nothing and suddenly they're at her door
aisha and nabu are adorable
Oh no, mitzi and her obsesion
Both stella and Brandon are in the wrong here
"A girl never let's her Prince charming go" Ironic
I mean an actual valid reason for being fired
....I feel awful for only now noticing timmy wasn't there, but also why wasn't he?
Half packed apartment, realistic
I don't know how to feel about watching Stella eat for several unnecessary seconds
Huh didn't expect musa to be the most invested in the book
Also I wish we had more world building for believix, I have so many questions
Noooooo, helia's hair cut
Ok Riven is my spirit animal
Stalker nightmare
Note, if someone is doing something you don't like and makes you uncomfortable you have every right to tell them to stop, no matter their feelings
Tecna has good points
Aisha your great, never change
Oh my god are they seriously painting with several colours on top of each other wet?? This is a disaster
Uhhhng, this second hand embarrassment is horrible
Thank you tecna for stating the obvious
That's creepy, just knock girls
Roxy you are acting suspicious
What was Stella hanging from?
Well their tone changed drastically
Also roxy, crazy people are dangerous
What is this silent conversation between bloom and roxy
Well that could've gone far worse
You lost one group of loonies and found another
Oh my god roxy needs therapy after this
Also irony for artu to bite duman
I love Cute villains
Bouncy light, makes sense
Aisha? Love you
Creepy duman love it
Holy shit ogron is strong
I love ogro
Get the poor girl some therapy
Roxy your awesome, insult them more
I do actually love believix, it looks really pretty and has a nice concept
Roxy looks pissed
Ah, cliff hanger
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tubifexx · 7 months
I like to believe that different animals gather around/by Carrion that...well... eats carrion. They don't dare to eat Carrion, themselves, just whatever they've managed to catch at that time.
So many different birds, coyotes, crabs. The most odd one? Like, butterflies. Can you imagine this giant anomaly, having a bunch of butterflies swarming over them? And they don't harm Carrion in anyways (at most, they annoy them.) but if they transformed, they would still probably have a swam of butterflies around them. So, imagine a person walking straight outta the woods with a swam of butterflies in tow. This is why Carrion had a hard time eating people at first. They would've assumed that Carrion was some kinda Fea and fuckin BOOKED IT.
Another interesting interaction is between Carrion and Crows+Other scavengers. Scouting, mimicking calls, luring other animals into an ambush, etc. Just... Carrion making carrion for the carrion eaters.
Also, I feel like Carrion would have personal beef with Orcas and Dolphins. The fuckers are always up to something and the humans think that they are SO cute and Innocent. Carrion cannot stand them.
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diosinterlude · 2 years
general shigaraki headcanons
notes: SFW, mentions of abuse (not explicit nor detailed), manga spoilers (anime onlys watch out)
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takes long ass showers that are hotter than the devil’s bellybutton
he knows it makes his skin even MORE dry, but he’s gonna keep doing it anyway
bc that’s who he is 💁🏾‍♀️
he was motivated to do a skincare routine when dabi told him he was “way grosser in person,” he took that remark SO personal 😭
him and dabi totally bond over their complicated skin situations tho u cant tell me different
dabi is nagging about ointments for his burns and maintenance for his staples and shigaraki is nagging about his water-resistant skin, perfect.
he is addicted to those ASMR transformation vids on tiktok
kurogiri has definitely walked in on him watching these types of videos multiple times.
shiggy has NEVER picked up a cosmetic item in his life, but he’s so confident that he could do a full face of makeup just from watching those transformation videos on a daily.
he’s an intuitive eater. doesn’t have those 3 meals a day, he eats whatever he wants, whenever he’s hungry.
the type to eat 9 small meals throughout the day instead of the standard 3
he likes to eat by himself, bc he feels judged for no damn reason when he eats with others.
totally has a sweet tooth. i see him indulging on sweet breakfast foods like french toast, pancakes, waffles and croissants… things like pastries, pies, tarts and muffins.
not too sweet though. if there’s icing or fondant on a cake, he’ll scrape it off.
this man can’t stomach an entire chocolate bar without getting that icky feeling or acting like he ate a popeyes biscuit
he likes fruit. his favs are grapes, apples, honeydew and mango.
he prefers black and red grapes over the green ones
somebody on this app said they wanna sit in shigaraki’s lap and feed him grapes or apples and it lives in my head RENT FREE
after becoming the leader of the paranormal liberation front, he’s drowning in re-destro’s cash so he splurges out on more red shoes and becomes a sneakerhead.
red dunks, red jordans, red bapestas, red rick owens, red Praise The Lord 3000s
imagine him wearing red timbs
he’d KILL these shoes 😭
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financially responsible but not afraid to treat himself.
he might even treat his beloved league too if they ever ask.
definitely grew up playing online games
toontown, club penguin, wizard101, poptropica, roblox, minecraft, habbo hotel
if there is an animal that shigaraki really resembles, it’s a cat.
shiggy takes his sweet time getting to know people but when he’s comfortable, he’s comfortable. he’s open to giving praise, words of encouragement and morale to his people, (the league) he’s sort of like a personal hypeman
he’s the type of friend who constantly denies that you’re his friend, but you know DAMN WELL he sees you as one 😑
people often hc him as a straight up social recluse who does nothing but play video games, but i don’t think he’d be like that. he’s the leader (below AfO) so naturally he’s going to spend a lot of time surrounded and scheming with his followers. how do you lead an entire army when you’re rotting away in your room???
i see him as someone who simply values their space, but doesn’t mind being social. he’ll come around when he wants
he’s too preoccupied with his villain activities so i don’t think he has time to listen to much music
what little music taste he has would for sure come from video game and movie soundtracks. he’s into metal, nu-metal, and avant-garde music.
he has a place in his heart for children that have been through similar predicaments as him. children who have been discarded and abandoned by everybody, children who have been used and abused, children who have been taken advantage of, children who never got a chance to be children.
don’t get him started on abusive parental figures and how the heroes handle troubled children… molding them to be tools to carry out their agenda…. like hawks for example
i mean… look what he did to overhaul
you cannot tell me that shiggy, dabi, and mr. compress don’t keke about what he did to overhaul. they do impressions of him and keep themselves laughing for too long 😭
it’s what he deserves after severing mr. compress’ arm, killing magne and doing what he did to eri
they lose their shit TIME and TIME again whenever dabi imitates his scream.
magne is looking down from heaven, also joining in with their laughs
common headcanon but if eri fell into his hands, they’d definitely quirk train. shiggy decaying stuff, and eri using her rewind quirk on the said decayed stuff.
him and dabi also bonded bc of their mutual hatred of endeavor. endeavor’s a hero so by default, shiggy isn’t fond of him. but on top of that, he’s abusive and in a quirk marriage? he’s repulsed by that.
if he had a normal upbringing and went to school, he’d prefer mathematics over literacy. he would fucking love maths and i can’t stress this enough. he’d like science too specifically physics
i feel like shig has a fairly decent amount of education. he was raised by AfO, an evil mastermind and a ujiko, a doctor.
with that on top of his natural keen intellect, it’s as if he’s never missed out on a mainstream education
he’s more aware of the world than he appears, after all he knows about the “mother of quirks” and all that, but he prefers to stay away from social media. he think’s its literal garbage.
always uses a VPN and has a burner phone, laptop, EVERYTHING. he is not taking any chances.
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wrongydkjquotes · 1 year
Wrote another thing
The sequel to BinjPowered is here!
Fic text under the cut
"So, by green lantern shit, you mean, like, summoning holographic constructs?" Buzz asked Cookie as the five fucks sat in the office together, eating some leftover Chinese food that had frankly seen better days. "Gee, between that and the whole mindfuck psychonaut power set, I'm surprised the federal government isn't trying to experiment on your ass right now."
"Well, they aren't. Because this is not a fucking comic book."
Buzz's tone quickly did a 180 in response. "Uh...heard you and Nate are teaming up to do April fools stuff. How's that coming along?"
"Oh, it's going amazing." Nate smirked. "We've got a whole 5 step plan and everything! It's gonna be fucking awesome!!!!"
"Easy, tiger." Cookie rolled his eyes. "If you spoil too much, they're going to blab about it."
"Not true," Schmitty retorted.
"Easy for you to say, pants boy." Guy laughed.
"Shut up." He turned to Cookie. "I told you not to fucking post that-"
"I mean, come on, you gotta admit that shit was hilarious. Surprised you didn't say 'Here, take my pants with you for luck!'"
"How about I take your eye out for luck? Huh?" Schmitty raised a fist.
"Sheesh, ok." Guy raised his hands as he got up from his chair. "Can't a Guy make a tease in peace?"
"Nobody found that joke funny!" An intern chimed in from the other room, to which Guy awkwardly rubbed his shoulder while grabbing a beer from the fridge.
"That's because they aren't receptive to good fucking comedy!" Guy yelled back as he opened the can and guzzled it down.
Nate dusted his hands. "Welp. Love to chat more, really, but its time to do our thing." He smirked as Cookie used his newfound telekinesis to grab another beer can from the fridge. "You've got my flash drive?"
"Locked and loaded." Cookie pulled the flash drive out of his pocket, taking a quick sip of his beer while doing so, before dramatically slamming the beer on the table. "Let's do this."
"Locked and loaded, huh. Just what he likes a man." Schmitty snorted. Nate could only glare back at the Hawaiian shirt-wearing guy as the two left the break room.
"Ok..." Cookie sighed as they walked down the hall. "So...let me get the straight. The plan is to hack into the meeting Zoom feed and mindfuck a bunch of interns to do shit, then put it on camera for your stupid Youtube channel."
"Not how I'd put it, but yeah, that's basically it." Nate sighed. "If you don't like it-"
"No, no, I do." Cookie reassured. "But if Helen finds out-"
"You can reset people, dude. It'll be like it never happened."
"But if Helen found out I reset her...she's gonna be even more pissed." Cookie awkwardly looked away. "Quite honestly, Helen's had it rough. She's the only thing stopping me from going full-on anime revenge-seeking supervillain right now."
"That and therapy!"
"....You haven't been going to those appointments."
"The therapy sessions I scheduled for you."
"...I got busy?"
"Oh my god, you're such an idiot." Nate facepalmed. "Whatever. We'll talk later." He motioned over to an unmarked locked door. "Here's the spot."
"Right." Cookie's eyes glowed a brilliant bright pink as a small house key formed in his hand. Despite its more fitting shape for a home rather than an office, it fit into the door perfectly, and soon, they found themselves inside walls and walls of computers and server-machines.
"What now?"
"Hand me the flash drive, and I'll get you access to the smartboard feeds in every meeting room in this place. Then...." His voice turned sly. "...we'll do what we rehearsed."
"Hell yeah, man." Cookie couldn't help but snicker as he handed Nate the flash drive, and he began to turn on the computers. "Thanks for setting this up."
"Hey, you owed me one."
"True..." Cookie couldn't help but squee. "Either way, this shits gonna be good!"
"And next up in our agenda, any thoughts about the big Pack 10 sequel? We were thinking a You Don't Know Jack sequel, but quite honestly, the fans have been demanding Trivia Murder Party 3 for awhile now, and we already have Fibbage 4 to tie them-" Mavis spoke to an audience of Kim, Donny, and a couple of interns, only to be interrupt with the slides abruptly changing to a Zoom camera feed of Cookie. His smile was clearly smug as he rested his chin on the backs of his hands.
"Hello, staff members of the YDKJ community. If you're watching this, I have a mandatory message for you all. So, uh, if you could all listen to me real quick? That's an order by the way."
In the various zoom windows, a sudden flash of pink across the eyes of every staff member in the room confirmed that they were.
"Good. Now, uh, you've all got embarrassing moments in your lives, I'm sure. Ones that might have happened in this very office, perhaps?" The crowd nodded, their gazes distant. "Good. You're probably picturing them right now if that 'pink elephant paradox' Nate told me was correct or whatever. Anyway, good news! You're all in those very moments you're thinking about, right now! And you're trapped in them until I say you're free. Why? Because I'm the motherfucking boss! Cookie out!" He logged off the zoom meeting.
And everyone immediately began to panic. Mavis rambled on about forgetting to wear a bra this morning, covering her chest instinctively. Kim began flopping around the floor like a fish, panicking that someone discovered her secret mermaid form. Donny grabbed a random book in a vain effort to remember a more fancy word for cucumber.
And Cookie couldn't help but burst into laughter upon seeing that chaos.
"Now what?" Cookie shrugged as he glanced at the chaos on the security feeds.
"We just sit back and watch the chaos, then tell them to stop once things get too out of hand." Nate smirked back, only to notice Cookie's concern. "Don't worry, I'll take the blame if Helen somehow wasn't affected by this. What could go wrong?!?"
"Buzz, my dear, sweet, cousin, why didn't you fucking tell me Redacted's most embarrassing moment was setting the entire fucking break room on fire?" A few minutes later, the entire office found themselves outside, the fire truck sirens blaring so loud that they almost made Buzz's call inaudible.
"You didn't fucking ask!!!!"
"Well, I figured when I said to check on every staff member doing meetings, you would've checked every staff-"
"He peaked in, Nate. I have no fucking control of when people peak in."
"Oh." Nate's forced smile turned into more of a grimace. "Well...shit."
"Yeah. Helen wants to talk to y'all, by the way. Have fun." Buzz snarked.
"We will." Was Nate's reply as he ended call, before turning to Cookie. "Fuck...we're going to be in trouble for this, aren't we."
"Yeah...." Cookie trailed off. "...I'm not going to do the mindfuck on her, before you-"
"I get that." Nate quickly replied.
"Glad you do." Cookie awkwardly looked away. "...I should really go to therapy, huh."
"Yeah, probably!" Schmitty yelled in the background, his snark cutting through Cookie like a knife.
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themythscometolife · 1 year
Teen Wolf The Movie
Be warned there will be spoilers in this post.
Liam being in Japan is interesting.
We adore Scott interacting with children. Aw. He wants to have kids 😭
The sound production on this movie is awful. I had to change my sound bar to Standard instead of theatre. So weird.
Scott and Deaton seemingly running an animal shelter together is so lovely.
Scott clinging to Chris Argent is everything I needed.
JR Bourne was made for Chris Argent.
Oo Bardo. Is Allison in Bardo then? So perhaps could be cleansed and brought back?
“Well that fucking concept…” Oo. Chris Argent cursing is doing things to me. 😏
Scott jumping into some thousand year old ritual because of Allison feels… I don’t know. I’m not loving the regression.
Lydia doing business woman power boss work is nice. Well that turned real fast
The banshee premonitions are coming in faster. Practice and time.
Hot wiring the jeep and stealing from your dad seems like a bad move.
Mason being a cop SUCKS. Fuck that shit.
Derek being a consultant for the police department is… a move.
Derek being in sad mode is also nice.
“Why the hell does he keep taking the jeep?” “Because he knows I hate it.”
oh dang! They full on demolished Oak Creek! Which makes sense.
The editing in this movie is so jarring.
Lydia and Scott hugging 🥺
There’s like grass and dirt everywhere. You needed that specifically? To break concrete?
Jackson just fucking entering the scene and eating left over food is hilarious!
Of course it’s the Nemeton.
I called the Malia and Parrish thing back when the trailer hit.
Oh she’s afraid of commitment. I mean… valid tbf. Coyote’s are supposed to mate for life so.
“I missed you too.” “No you didn’t.” “I wanted to.” “Now that I believe.”
Autistic Malia.
Has Chris been possessed?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOO
“Darkness you mother fucker.” LMAO
I’m really loving the set light in the background of the forest that isn’t even concealed.
“I was only three the last time you saw me.” oh damn 12 years
Anticlimactic little spell. But i know it’s a red herring.
Oh there we go. Is this a light of life?
Yep. There’s Allison. Oh Crystal Reed butt 😏
Ope. There goes the fireflies. Owl City blares in the background.
“My good friend, your dad…” 🥺 They’re good friends.
I see why people say this is queerbaiting Sterek again. The jeep, the awkward clumsiness.
Think this would be like being awoken from a 17 year coma? Kinda seems like it. Maybe that would have made more sense tbh.
She is a trained hunter. Of course she can and will fight back.
She thinks Derek’s the alpha? Interesting.
I miss the Stiles Nogitsune.
So we just have an unlocked Kitsune at the police station? You know what? Yeah why not.
How does he have nine tails but doesn’t even know he’s a kitsune?
The god forsaken tunnels.
Oo! A little Eaddy Mays.
Jackson being here for one liners is fun.
I do miss Tyler as Derek.
Ah and here’s Liam and Hikari. Is she a flame Kitsune?
Scott’s out of practice but his beta is requesting help.
“Yeah but I’m a nice demon.” Yes you are baby.
Eli passes out when he sees his own fangs and claws? Lmao
Peter just inviting himself in. Of course.
“The healing process is faster with fire.” WITH WOLFS BANE! This is new. Why?
Jackson just wants to remind everyone he’s part Kanima.
“i’ll stop anyone that tries to kill an innocent 15 year old.” DOUBT
Scott just forcing Eli to transform is… a choice. Necessary but still
Oh okay it is wolfsbane. Interesting. She worked fast.
So the ONI are taking people like removing pieces from a board. But not killing them since Mason disappeared but they just straight up killed the blonde cop and now are showing up to Scott’s house and with Hikari/Liam
Not the aishiteru. NOT THE AISHITERU lmao
“Remember who you are.” okay fucking Mufasa.
And there goes Eli. bless his heart. he tried to be the bad wolf on campus.
Scott just piercing himself on the kunai. Boy. You are stupid.
“Okay you killed me, now can we talk?”
“There’s blood.” sir. there’s a red splotch on the ground. That ground crawling was unnecessary. But i respect Ian’s commitment
Jackson pointing out they’re Rowan trees is nice. Glad he’s useful.
“We protect those who can not protect themselves.”
And she kicks him okay
“If we don’t die tonight we can talk about the look.” Ah yes the marrish we all definitely asked for.
ARE THEY SAYING ITS FUCKING ADRIAN HARRIS?!? lmao they just brought whoever they could back huh
The Allison healing Scott but using a torch is… Whew.
Allison choosing to find her father is on brand. I like that.
“Because I’m still in love with you.” Oh man
“i was your chemistry teacher, Jackson. You fucking idiot.” LMAO
Not a fucking 30 something year old man playing High School lacrosse.
You’re telling me wolf coyotes would run into a werewolf’s house and try to eat or maim the werewolf’s child? Yeah okay
Car crashes can happen whether you’re there or not. You would still experience it.
This kinda implies that Stiles actually died.
Lmao Greenberg.
“My friends are in trouble and it’s all my fault.” :c
“i’ve killed oni before.” “then let’s kill a few more.”
“You are a hellhound that burns hellfire. Now burn this fucker up.”
I actually appreciate the amount of cursing that they’re doing. Truly capturing the millennial adult experience.
A banshee wail taking out the Oni. Okay
And waking up Allison fully, I suppose. Kinda like what they did for Mason as The Beast. A decent parallel.
The disgust on Allison’s face at the thought of killing Scott.
I feel like three arrows is overkill. Not a fucking heart blood stain.
Oh yeah. It’s all an illusion.
How did Hikari just cover him in Fox Fire?
“Silver, you mother fucker.” this movie is so ridiculous. / pos
lmao an alpha nogitsune. yeah okay
This sequence needed more Liam. A joke honestly
Derek: I’m cool calm and collected
Eli: Dad?!
Sir, is this Finding Nemo?
I actually applaud Dyan O’Brien for not joining this mess.
“I can’t you’ll both burn up.”
You’re fucking telling me Derek Hale holds the alpha Nogitsune while Jordan Parrish “Lights this fucker up.”
Hello, I’ll take, how many layers of trauma can we inflict in one stupid action for Derek Hale.
Oh yeah. A child was fucking orphaned but Allison lives. Okay. I guess.
And Scott gets to be a dad… jesus fucking christ
Hoechlin said “yeah i’ll come back. but on one condition. you can never bring me back ever again.”
“I’ve never seen anyone take the kind of punishment that Derek Hale took.”
Yeah your dad died. But here’s a jeep! That stiles got… because his mom dad.
The dead parent Jeep.
“I’m not worried about the past. Because now I have a future… with him… and you.” 😤
Adrian Harris to Eichen? Yikes
Aw. Tyler’s dad.
So. Uh That happened I guess…
lmao what am I even supposed to say or think
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livikattt · 1 year
ppau headcanons except it’s my au #2 ft. Meiko
As usual thank you to @aryasage for listening to my ramblings and adding yours. 1 braincell is better than none.
Meiko finds out he can shape-shift by accident, just a little after the events of “one day you’ll wish you hadn’t”. He’s brushing his teeth or something, spacing out, worrying about this and that, when he just casually imagined what he would look like with a different haircut and when he looks back in the mirror he suddenly has that haircut.
He screams. Loud. It takes him 30 minutes to change back and figure out what’s going on and 2 hours to convince Scout that he was just imagining the scream of pure terror that just came from the bathroom.
“Eh you know what, I haven’t slept in 3 days. I was probably imagining things.”
“…what did you do to make Jiejie mad this time”
Viper is the first to find out about this because Meiko figures out that he somehow heals better as a cat. I have been informed by AryaSage that there is a scientific basis for this. The more you know…
Shape-shifting is really hard to master because unlike people like Canyon, Meiko has way more alternate forms and they’re not a true part of him like Canyon’s lion form is. Meiko spends a lot of time practicing (with the help of his teammates).
Meiko transforms into Jiejie and immediately tries to fool his team into thinking he really IS Jiejie, but to his surprise, no one believes him for a second.
“What gave it away?”
“Bro you forgot the SCAR”
Jiejie, from the corner: also my nose isn’t that big wtf Meiko
Meiko absolutely uses his powers to fuck with his teammates 24/7 whether by turning into them or by turning into animals
Flandre is forced to call an emergency Team Meeting to get Meiko to chill out because Jiejie wakes up to a tarantula on his face and almost has a heart attack. (Thus almost giving Scout a heart attack.) Everyone tries their Absolute Best to keep a straight face on the entire time.
EDG end up with a new inside joke in which any of them (including Meiko himself once he hears about it) point to any remotely living thing and go "MEIKO??"
There are a lot of sleep-deprived discussions.
Jiejie: So if Meiko eats beef and then turns into a cow, is he a cannibal? Scout: Well he's not really a cow in his heart right? Jiejie: Since when has that mattered? Would a furry eating a human not be cannibalism then? Viper: Holy shit it is 7am would you two shut up I'm trying to sleep Scout: well at least you CAN sleep Jiejie: Viper: Scout: Flandre: Meiko: Okay wait but Jiejie has a point—
They try to keep Meiko's abilities on the down low until Worlds, at which point he goes nuts on their opponents for the Element of Surprise.
Combined with Flandre's smoke and Jiejie's mist, they can easily separate team members, at which point Meiko pretends to be an opponent's injured teammate. As soon as they get close, he stabs them. As you do.
Even if he can't imitate an opponent perfectly, seeing a scuffed version of yourself on the other side of the battlefield usually stunlocks you for a second or two.
Very few people figure out that Meiko is a shape-shifter without fighting him a lot, but some people do figure it out.
At Perkz's wedding, Meiko crawls under a table, and a second later, a cat comes out and jumps onto Viper. Team Liquid are understandably confused by this development.
Meiko puts on a one-man play at some point just for his teammates. They all almost die laughing before the end of the first act.
Once he gets better at it, he starts shifting almost on instinct, which often makes it hard for him to hide what he's thinking about.
"Meiko stop worrying about Viper he'll be fine in Korea"
"who said I was worrying about Viper???"
"you are LITERALLY Viper right now don't even try me"
"oh fuck"
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bkrandomworld · 2 years
Malachite Origin.
Alone. All alone and out in the world, just living. No other people telling him what to do or asking for his help. No clock on the wall to stress him out. No hustle and bustle outside his door to pull him from his own mind. Don’t misunderstand Frank Yost’s feelings. He loves his family and friends, he loves his job teaching kids discipline and self-defense. He even loves being in a big city but for the past couple months he’s had this feeling wheeling up in his body. A feeling that told him he needed to get, he go, he needed to just exist all to himself somewhere away from it all. After a while and letting that feeling just sit and eat at him he decided he had to go for it so he started to look at pulling out the inheritance money he got from his Grandparents a few years back. It wasn’t life changing money or the kind of money that just makes more money but it was quite a bit, enough to do pretty much whatever he wanted at least once. He next took a look at a map and picked a place that just felt “right”. It was some country he’d never heard of before and after Googling it he found it was mostly Jungle. He was happy with that. He immediately started making plans, calling travel agencies and buying the necessary gear for the trip and it wasn’t long till it was time for him to tell his family good-bye for a while. Hugs and well wishes were exchanged as well were unexpected gifts. His parents supplied him with a bit more money while his brother gave him a snazzy water bottle that strapped to his body with multiple heavy duty straps that each had pockets and pouches along them. Lastly his sister, the blacksheep of the family that everyone thought was kind of strange, gave him a stone. She was into crystals and magics, a big reason why she was seen as weird. The stone was a strong green color with swirls and wisps of lighter greens within it. She told him the stone was Malachite and it represented positive transformation and offered protection to those who carried it. She knew about the feelings he had and hoped this trip would let him find the peace he needed and come back as a new man, better than before. He didn’t believe in things like that but still he kept it as it would be a reminder of her love for him. He left shortly after to the airport and soon he was flying through the air in the back of a small plane with a privately hired Pilot taking him to the unknown.
After days and a few fuel stops they finally touched down in the country. The Pilot upon exiting onto an empty beach by Jungle asked Frank where his guide was. Frank assured him that one  was coming, a straight lie.Frank had arranged no guide, after all  the point of this trip to be alone. Instead he had in his possession a very badly stretched out, undated map that he printed off the internet. He made arrangements for the Pilot to return to this spot in a little over a week to take him home.The Pilot was unsure about leaving Frank without making sure this supposed guide showed up but eventually he was convinced and soon he was gone. Frank was now alone. Not another person for god only knows how far. Just him and his supplies. This was a start but not quite enough. He looked into the Jungle, pulled out his Machete and began to make his way in.
Once in the thick he began to lose track of the time, only really noticing the passage by the increasing hunger and thirst in his body and the dying of the light in the sky. He couldn’t find a place clear enough to make camp so instead he climbed up a tree and made himself a sleeping nest in the branches with his sleeping bag and munched on Food bars and water from his supply. He did this for three nights. The first two nights were the darkest nights he ever experienced. No light from anything. No cities, no planes, nothing  until the rising of the sun.The only thing out there was him and the animals below. They were like heaven to him but even still, the feeling remained. However the third night was different. He climbed a taller tree and found that it looked like it had already been prepared for a stay. He even found a strip of cloth snagged by a branch. And when the sun lowered the biggest surprise came. Light. Light in the distance. He didn’t know what it was from but he knew it was there. After that night he made his way in the direction, never losing the path, wondering what could interrupt his solitude. Before nightfall he found himself in a surprising situation. He busted out of the brush right into a Jungle village. It wasn’t a modern city or anything but it wasn’t some undiscovered settlement of indigenous peoples either.  There was an unpaved road in that he somehow missed completely and some of the people even spoke broken english. The people were actually very kind as well and quickly welcomed him in and took him to the best English speaker among them to get his story. Frank was glad these people were so kind and he was really familiar with the experience of making friends so quick, that was alway an  easy process for him but he couldn’t help but be disappointed with the fact that he hadn’t fulfilled his goal yet. Even in the middle of the Jungle he was still not alone.
After spending a couple of days in the Village partying and celebrating with his new friends Frank’s restlessness was out of control. He had asked some questions in his time hear about what else was nearby and he was told of a a trail that leads up a mountain to kind of a Plateau that overlooked a lower part of the Jungle. Apparently they used it in some kind of coming of age ritual at the beginning of each year but no one went out there this time of year. On his third night there Frank snuck out after everyone else had gone to bed, grabbed a torch and made his way to the trail and began working his way up.
He could see why the village used this trail the way they did. It was harder than cutting his way through the Jungle itself. There were obstacles, uneven footing, and gaps that needed to be jumped. That’s not even counting the number of brightly colored snakes he crossed or the growling that occasionally came from the brush. Still though he kept climbing. The feeling in his body had changed some, it now felt like the top of this thing was calling to him. That this would be the place that would give him his peace.He pushed and he pushed and after another couple days he made it to the top. He pulled himself up to the large Plateau and felt the sunlight coming down on him and the wind blowing past. This was it he thought. He’d walk out as far as he could before nightfall, make a camp and spend as much time as he could with his supplies up here and he would have his peace.
He began the next part of his journey, the trek across the Plateau till he had his campsite in sight. He however would stop short after a few hours because instead of the sun setting or him finding the edge Frank found something else. A large crevice in the ground. It traveled horizontally through the rock of the Plateu as far as he could see. It reminded him of that movie he went to see with his brother, the one about that guy that went rockclimbing and got trapped between two cliffs and a boulder. It wasn’t quite the same as this was just seemingly a crack in the earth. He knelt down and peered into it for a while until the hair on his neck started to stand up. He felt fear like he’d never felt before but he didn’t know why. He slowly turned his head and the reason soon became obvious. Standing there before him, glaring at him, looking as if he caught it in mid-stalk was a large Tiger. Frank looked at it with fear but also confusion. He read about the animals in the area and even asked some of the villagers below about it and he had heard nothing of Tigers. Also, where did it come from? There’s no longer any Jungle nearby, it’s just open rocky land on all sides.There was no way this thing snuck up on him but here it was. They stared into one another for what felt like age, The tiger looking for an opening and Frank not wanting to give it one. Eventually though Frank felt like he had to do something, they couldn’t stay here forever  so he slowly stood up, keeping eyes on the beast ahead of him. He went to make a move to start walking around but because he kept his eyes solely on the tiger he misjudged his step and half of his foot went over the crevice. Frank felt this and panicked, tried to get his feet on solid ground but over-corrected and twisted his feet around, ending up with him twisting and falling headfirst into the gap. He didn’t fall far before being wedged between the walls.
Frank passed out from fear for a short while before waking and working himself into a panic.He could not right himself no matter how hard he tried. He locked upside down. After the unanswered screams and tears Frank found himself alone with his thoughts.He sat there convinced this would be his grave and he thought of his family. He thought himself stupid for running so far away to be alone only to end up thinking of them.He was torn between what he wanted. To fulfill this calling inside his body or to go home. Neither thing he could actually do now. Frank worked his hand into his pocket and rubbed on the protective stone his sister had given him and made up his mind that he was still going to try to get out of this. He had to give it everything. He started thinking, trying to look at different ways to free himself when a lizard crawled across the top of his chest. He watched it go across and keep on going. It was then he thought that if he couldn’t go up or maybe he could go sideways. Pushing on the rock face with his hands in combination with twisting and scooching his hips Frank began to travel sideways. As he went he found that the space below him started to open just a bit. It was now he realized that his head would have been caught and trapped if he hadn't had on the water bottle contraption his brother had given him. The way the bottle was wedged at his belly in combination with the straps holding onto him held him in the perfect position to shimmy across. He prayed that part of the gap wouldn’t open up more.
Frank had no idea how long he had been doing this, he just kept going with every ounce of energy he had. He found himself about finished when he realized that the crevice below him now opened up into something. Something he could actually see! It was some water and somehow there was light down there. He thought for a moment it might just be a closed cave that rain water seeped into that’d be just as much of a death trap as where he was but the light killed that thought. If that was it then it’d be pitch black aside from the sun shining down. He had to get down there. He put his hand back in his right pocket and grasped his sister’s stone and then with his other arm he reached up and gave his waterbottle a shove and twist before he found himself falling.  Again he didn’t fall long before finding himself wedged. This time though he was at least half free. One of the straps had snapped off the bottle contraption and now the bottle hung beside him as he hung down in the cave stopped just at the middle of his stomach. Frank found himself frustrated beyond belief at this but settled on thinking that at least he can see what making the light. That’s before he realized the light source was behind him. This realization sent him into a rage and he placed his hands on the cave roof,started pushing off and twisting his waist and sucking him his stomach.Finally he was able to push enough and he popped free and fall down into the shallow water below.
Free from the crevice Frank found himself overjoyed. He quickly attempted to stand but fond himself quite dizzy and fell back over into the water. Still though this didn’t dim his happiness so he just laid in the cool water with a smile on his face until he felt settled. As he laid there he gazed up and the roof of the cave and realized it was littered with raw Malachite. Once more he reached into his pocket and felt the smooth, polished stone in his pocket. When he felt well enough Frank rolled over and pushed himself to his feet. His eyes went right over to the light to see the strangest thing yet. Stood before him were two 7 foot tall statues holding torches but these statues were not of men, at least not normal men. They were humanoid tigers. The bodies were made from gray and brown stone while the armor they wore was made of polished Malachite. Between them, a hallway The feeling that pulled him all the way across the world, awy from his home and family is now stronger than ever. Frank knows that wherever that hall leads is where he’s supposed to be.
Frank begins down the hall and finds it dark. There are no more statues holding torches this way. Undeterred he moves forward and on. Eventually he feels the hall open up into a room. After he steps into the room he tries to focus his eyes to see but it doesn’t really work. It doesn’t matter though because as he does this a stone door slides down over the opening he entered through and suddenly the room is lit by a seemingly supernatural glow. It’s now light but Frank can not comprehend  where the light is coming from. The room is quite small with only a path leading from the hall to the back wall. Water flows from the walls into pools on either side on the path. On the back wall is two rectangular cutouts the size of notebooks.  The cutouts are covered by some kind of see through material that's glass nor plastic. Behind each one is an octagonal object that appears to be made from stone. Frank’s eyes glued onto one of these chambers instantly. As he stared at it a voice rang in his head. Deep and old and says one word.
When this word hits him a small round slot opens above the chamber Frank was looking at. The edges glow green with a unnatural glow. Frank looks at it and feels a slight warmth in his hand. He opens it and looks down at the stone his sister gifted him.He feels like he knows what he needs to do and presses the stone into the slot. Before his eyes Frank sees the stone slowly float down to the octagonal object. A bright, shimmering light fills the room and blinds Frank temporarily until it fades revealing that the octagonal object is now copper colored metal and within it is the stone.Frank reaches in and takes hold over it and suddenly that feeling that plagued him for months on in is completely gone. He feels contentment like he never has in his life.This was meant to be. This was his calling. Again a single word rings in his head.
As the word enters his head Frank hits a trigger on the object in his hand and suddenly a green light like nothing else on earth fills the room. Frank feels himself become stronger, lighter and a little bigger. He feels his body be covered in something that feels protective but at the same time like the most comfortable clothing he’s ever worn in his life. The light fades and Frank Yost finds himself in a suit like one of the heroes he’s seen on the news. Green, white and copper colored with black tiger stripes a large chest piece uptop and around his head a helmet with a black visor on the front. The main parts of the suit feel soft like spandex but somehow looks like it could take a beating. The armor part feel metallic but also light. Frank touches the center of the chest plate and finds an emblem,  the face of a Tiger.
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tsumucore · 4 years
Headcanons for the type of tiktokers some of the boys would be? Bahejwjsjsbdbd sorry I couldn’t think of anything else.
YOU ALREADY KNOW… The most obvious one to try his hand at tiktok, eventually snagging a spot on the for you page, and blowing up overnight.
He’s cute, charming, and fun which is an instant recipe for success on this app. He especially uses this to his advantage when making povs. His povs are captivating to watch and vary in range (I imagine them to be like the user lilyisalilsleepy’s povs)
Doja Cat is currently his favorite artist and he knows every word to “Rules” (this is a FACT he told me so himself)
HAS to learn every dance and try almost every challenge or trend. Iwaizumi is ready to throttle him if he has to hear the words “did a full 180″ or “put a finger down … edition” one more time.
Often ropes Iwaizumi into joining him during dances, much to the latter’s dismay. Iwa will just stand awkwardly, blushing furiously and cursing Oikawa’s name into the void. He garners quite a bit of attention in the comments section with users constantly asking what his name was and if he was single or not.
Gains quite a following for his aesthetically pleasing tiktoks. He likes creating grwms, morning/nightly routines, paint/draw with mes, current playlists, mini aesthetic montages set to lofi or soft indie music, etc. Just very therapeutic and pretty content.
He abuses the bling and G6 filters, especially during golden hour.
Sometimes he’ll post tiktoks of him attempting some of the dances, then messing up as he laughs cutely and hides his face behind his hands which makes his audience go wild. Don’t be fooled; he knows exactly what he’s doing.
His pretty, soft boy vibe is what draws so many people into hitting the follow button and constantly refreshing his page to see if he’s posted since the last time they checked (me too tf)
His most popular tiktok was when he hopped on the “I just flipped the switch” trend and transformed himself from soft boy to eboy… It was reported that screams were heard all across the globe that day.
He caught wind of the tiktok hype from other social media platforms. After constantly watching youtube compilations of tiktoks, he finally decided to download the app itself.
His tiktoks are kind of like mini vlogs where he just showcases the daily shenanigans that occur in Nekoma and people eat it uP.
PRANKS!!! He and Yamamoto will team up together to try popular pranks which often results in Kuroo being the victim of said pranks. They tried playing one on Kenma once, which did not end well for them. To this day, they shiver in fear at the thought of trying to pull a fast one on Kenma ever again.
Absolutely 100% convinces the rest of the team to do the Jojo Pose trend. Their favorite anime scenes to recreate are from Naruto and Demon Slayer.
AYO WASIAN CHECK… You know he’s done it.
One word: chaos. His page is a mixture of random clips of his teammates clowning around to EBOY (yes, you heard me) outfit checks to cursed memes.
I know in my heart that this man was destined to be an eboy. I can feel it in my bones. He’s done all the typical eboy tiktoks, such as close ups of his chains and dangly cross earrings.
Once he decided to pull a fast one on the team. They were mulling around, waiting to start practice in the gym, when he connected his bluetooth to the gym’s speakers. “The giant horse cock weighs over 11 pounds,” blared through the speakers.
Ushijima blinked at him, Goshiki nearly fainted, Semi almost knocked the phone that was recording their reactions out of his hand, Shirabu called him an idiot, Reon ignored him, and Kawanishi and Yamagata aimed their spikes at him.
So you know that trend where people photoshop themselves throwing it back on anime characters? He does that.
Atsumu + Osamu
Originally, they had refused to have a joint page. But when Atsumu found out how much attention twins garnered, he went right ahead and created a page under both of their names.
Even though they have a joint page, their content couldn’t be anymore different. Atsumu created the most chaotic content that consisted of pranks, challenges, and clips of him doing cool moves during volleyball practice. Osamu opted for creating cooking tiktoks and clips of him playing games such as Animal Crossing (I know he plays animal crossing I KNOW he does)
They do come together to do that trend where they close their eyes and their parents have to point out which one is the sneakier one, more responsible one, the one with the better grades, etc.
I think it’d be the funniest thing ever if Atsumu couldn’t dance. Imagine Osamu desperately trying not to lose his sanity as he attempts to teach him how to do Renegade. “IT’S NOT THAT FUCKING HARD SWING SNAP ROCK *deep breath* Ok from the top.”
Atsumu may not know how to dance, but he CAN throw it back. He gets down to “Juicy” by Doja Cat every now and then (every time I listen to that song I always think of Atsumu and idk wHY)
Who can’t work tiktok to save their life/doesn’t understand the hype: Kageyama, Ushijima, Matsukawa, Futakuchi, Kita, Sakusa, Kunimi
Who downloaded it as a joke at first but is now regretting it because oh my god it’s 5am and they’ve been scrolling through an endless loop for a week straight now: Tsukishima, Kindaichi, Asahi, Kuroo, Semi, Suna
.°•  rules  ₊˚•.  masterlist  ₊˚•. 
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
Can you please write something for fenrys? first meeting maybe? And the bond clicks? Thank you 🥺🥺
pairing: Fenrys x reader (throne of glass)
warnings: implied smut, kissing and nudity, lil bit of blood and injuries but mainly pure fluff
a/n: fenrys is my fave and u can tell in the fic omg!! i hope you enjoy it cause it’s probs my fave one i’ve written yet :))) (i also made it a teensy bit ddlg but that’s just cause i want Fenrys to baby me lol)
Fenrys pressed his hand to the wound in his side, feeling the slow pump of blood seeping between his fingers as he stumbled through the woods. He had won the fight. The other guy now lying in the dirt, however not without consequence. And he wasn’t entirely sure he would stay alive unless he could find a healer soon.
He stopped to lean against a tree, breathing heavily as he held himself together. He transformed into a wolf, moving faster, and trying to pick up a scent, any scent, that could possibly help him, when he caught the sweetest smell he ever had. It was a female, smelling like peonies and blackberries, sweet but with an underlying smoky smell. She smelled of long days in flowers fields and even longer nights beside campfires, evenings spent curled in hand woven blankets and mornings spent drinking dark coffee and eating sweet toast.
He whimpered and began running in the direction of the scent. If he wasn’t so focused on not bleeding out he may have stopped to consider why the scent was pulling him in the way it did. He would have considered the direction he was running into, the direction of his future, his past and his present. But he just kept up, going as fast as his injured body would allow, concentrating on the sweet smell and putting one foot in front of the other.
He felt the change almost immediately, the cold snow and rough bark being swapped for cool moss. The pine trees swapped for tall, oak trees teeming with life. The silence of a frozen forest swapped for the rustling of bushes as nocturnal animals moved silently under the guise of darkness. The chill of the snow-covered woods swapped for the warmth of a summer evening. He pushed between two bushes and found himself facing a clearing, in the middle of which stood a wooden cottage, the wood dark and the roof covered in more moss, flowers growing from every surface and ivy peeking out of the crevices in the house. He stumbled down the path to the cottage, turning back into a male and crossing a small bridge over a stream that separated him from the intoxicating scent he chased.
He let out what he could only describe as a bark, calling for the female that carried the scent he was growing addicted to, collapsing onto his knees, feeling his conscious fade as he held to the side of his stomach, searing pain replaced by fiery veins as his head swayed. He barely heard the door open, only noticing the scent get so much stronger. He attempted to look up, the movement making his head spin as he collapsed, the last thing he saw, a girl in the halo of the moon.
Fenrys awoke in a foreign bed. An unbelievably comfortable bed, but foreign all the same. He pushed up on his forearms, gritting his teeth at the reminder of his wound.
The room he was in was dark, not just in light source, but also in décor. The window was cracked open with lacy curtains half closed, there was a tall bookshelf sat next to a desk with leather-bound books lining it, and tall candles flickering and casting the room in a golden glow. The bed he was in was small, clearly just for one, but so soft. He had blankets surrounding him and copious amounts of pillows, some that appeared hand made. In fact, upon closer inspection, a lot of the room looked handmade. Art covering the walls depicting crying women or bloody scenes that he presumed had been done by the owner of this house, given the pallet and assortment of brushed he saw on the windowsill.
And then there was that scent. It was stronger here and he pressed his face into a pillow tentatively, breathing in through his nose as he picked up on the deeper undertones. Fresh picked daisies, melted wax, the pages of old, worn books and something he couldn’t describe. Something so intoxicating he felt tears spring to his eyes, his body reacting in an unheard-of way, so overcome with emotion from scent alone.
He heard footsteps approaching the closed door and hastily put down the pillow, sitting up straight and readying himself to fight whoever it was if they were an intruder. But when you entered he faltered.
Mate. The word clanged through him as he came face to face with an angel. You were wearing a dark brown broderie dress with white hearts lining the hem, your feet bare and toenails painted black. Your hair was falling around your face, messy and untamed, and you had dark smudges around your eyes, makeup that accentuated your features and made you look like a character from the scary books he read as a boy. However right now you looked more like a teddy bear.
He briefly remembered the tail of a witch he had read. An evil witch who lured men into her house with whispered words and sweet kisses, only to steal their hearts and use their blood to keep her skin young and eyes bright. This girl however was no witch, you had elegantly pointed ears and a graceful way of moving that only came from being Fae. He watched as you moved to his side, silent on your feet, putting a tray down beside him before moving an opening the curtains further, letting in more natural light.
“How are you feeling?” your sweet voice interrupted his thoughts. His mind coming to a halt as he heard you speak.
“I- er fine..?” His voice was rough, and you smiled, a reserved smile. Moving to his side and sitting at the edge of the small bed he was on, pouring him a glass of water from a small decanter you had brought through.
“(Y/n.)” you answered his unspoken question.
He muttered a thanks as you passed the glass to him, noting the crystals that hung around your neck and adorned your fingers.
“Crystals?” he asked, and you looked down, playing with the rings you wore nervously.
“My mother taught me about their meanings, they’ve always helped me.” You bit your lip and Fenrys decided he would never meet anyone as cute as you again, it simply wasn’t possible.
“Me too, my mother used to carry them everywhere.” You smiled at him shyly, a beat of silence passing between the two of you as he listened to the birds outside.
“Can I see your wound? I want it make sure it’s healing properly.” You asked and he nodded, pulling the blankets down slightly, grinning as your eyes widened as you took in his physique.
“I’m presuming you’re the healer I have to thank for letting me see another day.” He flirted playfully but you shook your head,
“I’m not a very good healer I’m sorry, but I did stitch it up and it should do the rest itself.” You pressed gentle fingers against the skin surrounding his wound and he glanced down, seeing it was already practically healed.
“You still saved my life.” He said, completely serious and you looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes.
“I’ll let you rest.” You said quietly, standing to walk away and he smiled, feeling more at ease than he ever had since the war, watching his little mate leave.
He woke up again a few hours later, wound completely healed and puckering into a scar. Standing he stretched his arms above his head, not bothering with a shirt as he left the room in search of the girl that had occupied his dreams.
The rest of the house was alike your room, tall candles and worn books everywhere. He passed a kitchen filled with copper utensils and a living room with an old armchair, a half-filled mug left next to it, but still no you. He saw the front door was cracked open and wandered over to it, pulling it open and stepping into the fresh air, barely feeling the chill on his body as he found you kneeling on the moss-covered ground facing away from him.
You were muttering under your breath and as he got closer he saw you were cradling a small bird with a broken wing. He watched as you closed your eyes, the ground and air seeming to still as you called upon your magic, a soft white light flowing from your hand into the bird until its wing was healed and it could flutter away.
“I thought you said you weren’t a healer,” he broke the silence and you turned to him with a small smile.
“I said I wasn’t a very good healer.” You replied, standing with green stained knees, your hair now piled atop your head and lip gloss coating your soft lips.
“What are you then?” he came closer to you, unable to resist holding his mate, even if you weren’t aware yet.
“My mother said we were natural faeries.” You said, looking at him shyly, “we derive our power from the earth, crystals, sea water, dirt, fire, stuff like that.”
He hummed, “So technically you could have any type of magic?”
“I guess, but I’m not very good at magic,” you muttered, hands fiddling with your rings again as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “Fenrys?” you asked, all pouty lips and wide eyes.
“Have you realised yet darling?” he asked, and you bit your lip. He knew he could tell you, but he wanted to hear you say it.
“I- we’re mates I think.” You were practically shaking, and he didn’t know why he suddenly had this burning desire to scoop you into his arms and protect you against the horrible world that was out there. He nodded with a smile, watching as awe took over your stunning face.
“Can I kiss you princess?” he asked, and you felt your face heat up, looking down as he pulled you closer. “Have you ever been kissed before angel?” he asked, his face hurting from the grin that was spreading over his face when you shook your head.
He tilted your head up to his, looking deeply into your eyes as your breaths came out quicker. “Not many people can find our cottage, my mother put up wards when she got ill, our family wasn’t well liked by the king. You probably only got here because we’re mates,” You muttered.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked again, running a soft hand over your head, smoothing your hair away from your face as you nodded sweetly.
He smiled before leaning down and kissing you gently. Pulling away and feeling as smug as a thief when your lips followed his, pouting at the loss of contact so quickly. He chuckled at your put out expression and leaned down to kiss you again, deeper this time, his tongue slipping into your mouth when you gasped against his lips, quickly beating your own in a battle for dominance and taking his time exploring your mouth.
He laid you down that morning and took you for the first time in the soft moss. Then again in your even softer bed. Now you were sitting in his lap, eating strawberries of a bush you had in your back garden as he pressed dizzying kisses into your neck, both of you still as bare as the day you were born, Fenrys having forgot how much he missed skin to skin contact, when you suddenly remembered.
“Fenrys?” he hummed in response, completely enamoured with the feel of your soft skin against his rough calluses. “Why were you hurt last night?”
“I didn’t tell you my job did I angel?” he asked, the pet name making you giggle as you shook your head, “I work for the queen of Terrasen.”
You gasped, “But she was killed!”
“Oh angel, when was the last time you left this cottage?” he asked, worry coming over him as he realised you had been holed up alone for so long.
“Not since my mother died. She said the king was dangerous and that he would hurt me if he found me,” your bottom lip was wobbling and Fenrys quickly kissed it away, shushing you as it dawned on him just how innocent his little girl was.
“No baby, he’s gone now, the new king of Adarlan is a very kind man and the Queen of Terrasen is wonderful,” he promised, “Will you let me take you to meet them?”
You nodded enthusiastically, bouncing slightly in his lap making him groan. He nipped at your ear lobe and you squealed as he pushed you down. You could meet them another day, today he was too busy with his little mate.
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superhero--imagines · 3 years
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Part 1 here! / Part 2 Here!
* The flight feels shorter than you remember, maybe it’s because you don’t need to sleep anymore.
* When you land, you expect to see Carmen there, but instead it’s the entire Coven.
* They look like a group of supermodels, and they’re all holding gifts, you see several people staring at them. Every teenage boy’s fantasy no doubt.
* They’re holding balloons, and a woman (the one you believe is Carmen) is holding one of those giant teddy bears. They even have a sign that says “Welcome Home (Y/N).”
* You didn't think vampires could feel embarrassed.
* But here you are, living proof that they’re wrong.
* Tanya brings you into a hug before you can even be worried about being an unwanted addition.
* “Welcome home, we are so glad to have you here”
* “We have an important question for you,” the woman beside her asks, her long straight hair sparkles under the dark sky.
* Kate, you presume.
* “Which do you like more, pink flowers or yellow flowers?”
* The question catches you completely off guard, and when you look down you see she’s holding out a bouquet of sunflowers and hydrangeas towards you.
* You’re not sure if this is all a test, and maybe you’re overthinking all this, but you remember sunflowers mean loyalty.
* “Um... the yellow ones I suppose.”
* “See Irina I told you they would love the yellow ones.”
* Irina rolls her eyes, but she’s grinning. She’s the one holding a bouquet of balloons
* “I bet they like the balloons I picked out better though, they’re a nice touch.”
* “Is everything alright?” Tanya turns to you. Her eyebrows are threaded in concern. “Are you thirsty?”
* You shake your head, you feel bloated if anything.
* You’re happy, you really are. It’s just...
* “I’m just a little overwhelmed,” you admit.
* Back at the castle you did have company, but it was sparse. After you were transformed, you only saw Alec or Jane once every few days, if at all.
* So this much attention, all at once, it’s a lot to handle right now.
* “Let’s give them some space, it’s been a long day.” Eleazer nudges them all away, and towards getting your luggage in the car.
* While they’re all busy taking your things, and arguing about where they parked the car, you’re left alone with Carmen
* Carmen who is holding a very large stuffed bear.
* You gulp. You’ve been so busy worried about Tanya you haven’t thought about Carmen. Her husband disappears after he received a call from his old coven, and then he comes back with some newborn.
* You wouldn’t be happy if you were in her place.
* She clears her throat beside you.
* “Do you like bears?”
* A long second of silence passes as your mind tries to comprehend what’s happening.
* “I-yes I like bears.”
* She thrusts the bear out towards you, and you take it gingerly, balancing the two bouquets the Denali sisters had given you earlier.
* “If there’s ever anything you don’t like,” you whip your head to look at her, her eyes are focused on the horizon, they’re narrowed like she’s picking her words carefully. “Or if you would rather have a lion, or something completely different all together, you can tell me.”
* She turns to look at you, and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
* “Okay,” you smile back.
* It’s a long drive to their home, they live deep in the mountains.
* “We’re here,” Tanya sings from the driver's seat.
* The house is secured by an ivy ridden wall, so high you can barely see the tree branches hang over the ledge
* There’s a large iron gate at the front, and past it, what appears to be a gravel road.
* Tanya cracks her window down, pressing her finger to sensor.
* “We’ll have to add your fingerprints later, little one”
* “Tanya don’t call them that, it’s offensive,” Irina hisses from beside them.
* “Ah, sorry darling,” she meets your gaze from her rear view mirror.
* “No offense taken,” you mumble.
* The house is exactly the opposite of what the Cullens’ home looked like in the movies.
* It’s a four story home, well it’s a mansion, all dark brick, with a rugged face. You can count on one hand how many windows you currently see.
* It looks exactly like somewhere Dracula might live.
* The inside is equally intimidating, there’s actually a suit of armor near the entrance, like this is some Scooby Doo-esque castle.
* Kate leads the grand tour, walking you through their living room, fully equipped with a wall of swords, a 90 inch flat screen TV, and a family portrait hung over a roaring fire.
* She only waves at the kitchen.
* “It’s just for show.”
* She explains the living situation to you.
* “Irina, Tanya and I all have our rooms on the second floor,” she points to each room, all in completely different directions.
* “Carmen and Eleazer use the third floor,” She waves to the right end of the hall.
* “There’s also a movie theatre and another living area on this floor,” Irina adds from her other side.
* You expect to be staying near the happy couple, so they can keep an eye on you.
* You’re surprised when Kate keeps climbing the stairs,
* “On the right is the library, and on the left is a stairwell that leads to the roof”
* “And right here,” Irina grins, “is your room.”
* The second she opens the door you’re engulfed in light.
* It’s so bright.
* When the place comes into focus, you’re amazed.
* The entire room aside from the entrance wall, and the ceiling, are made from glass.
* There’s a roaring fireplace on one side, several cases full of books, a large plush armchair, and a bed.
* It’s like a queen’s bed, with mahogany spirals and creamy white bedding.
* “What’s with the bed?” It adds a nice touch to the room, but it’s not like you need it.
* “Oh well we thought maybe-“ Kate breaks off mid thought, looking to Irina for help who nods.
* “We thought maybe you might want it to pretend to sleep,” she finishes for her sister. Then noticing your confused expression she quickly adds “or as a comfy place to read, or for... other activities.”
* “Irina!” Kate shouts at the same time you cover your face in embarrassment. Sex is the farthest thing from your mind.
* “What? They need to know this is an open household.”
* “What did you mean about pretending to sleep?” You quickly interject.
* “Well you know,” Irina exchanges a look with her sister.
* “You just shut your eyes, and imagine things,” Kate finishes.
* “I did it a lot when I first transformed, helped me feel more human” Irina adds.
* “I still do it every so often, it’s a nice way to relax” Kate tells you.
* “I never thought to do that.” You mumble to yourself, sitting on the bed. The two exchange another look.
* They want to ask you questions, about the Volturi, and about your past.
* But thinking better of it, they decide to leave so you can get settled.
* As soon as they’re gone, you fall back into the bed.
* Pretending to sleep, what a strange thing, the books never talked about it.
* You turn your head to the side, looking out your window walls.
* “It really is a beautiful view.”
* The pine trees sway in the wind, the grey sky beyond it.
* You sigh, you’ll try and give that “pretending to sleep” thing a try.
* You close your eyes and imagine all sorts of things. You imagine being in your old body and doing crunches so that you could get abs. You imagine eating soup on a cold day while it rains outside, and you think about reading in the library with Alec and Jane. How you would sit in the nook, right below the window and bask in the sun.
* You’re abruptly broken out of the dream when you hear your door creak open.
* You sit upright with a start, eyes open, and your head turned to face the intruder.
* All you see is Eleazer shaking from laughter, as he hides his mouth in his hand.
* You turn to look at the clock, it’s 3 in the morning and it’s dark outside.
* “Thirsty yet?” He finally manages to say after a solid minute of laugh at you.
* You are growing a little parched.
* “We’re about to go hunt,.” Eleazer actually grins as he tells you.
* You move to stand and follow him outside.
* Tanya and Carmen are already waiting for you outside, they don’t need to explain much, it seems pretty obvious.
* Stalk the animal, and then kill, totally easy.
* Tanya and Carmen even corner a deer for you.
* You should be able to kill it, you should WANT to devour it, your throat is so dry, even a bit of relief seems nice right now.
* But when you look into it’s eyes, wide with fear, it looks just like a dog.
* You can’t do it.
* But everyone’s waiting for you to drink, how are you going to survive from here on out? There’s no Alec, bringing you a blood bag every few days, you can’t drink from humans and you can’t drink from animals what are you going-
* You’re broken out of your internal monologue by a pained scream, when you look around you, you see Carmen and Tanya kneeling on the ground.
* Crap your powers.
* The deer crumples to the floor, the fearful look in its eyes intensified.
* “I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.”
* And then you run, you climb up the tallest tree you can find and crumple into yourself like a collapsing star.
* What was your end game here? To raise hell on this world? Right.
* How are you going to do that when you can’t even control your emotions or even feed yourself.
* Geez, even Edward managed to eat rapists and murders.
* You feel the branch you’re crouched on shift a bit and look up to see Carmen.
* She instinctively reached for you only to flinch back, your power to reaching her.
* She must notice the look on your face because she smiles and says:
* “Don’t worry I’ve felt worse.”
* Well you don’t have time to unpack all of that.
* “I can’t kill an animal,” you finally admit.
* You’re waiting for her fury, but she just shrugs.
* “That’s alright, you know, I hate pretending to be a student, so I don’t do the school thing.”
* She continues on, “Kate hates going to the grocery store, Irina hates making small talk with the mail man, even Eleazer hates having to deal with their forgery, especially when it’s time to move
* “What about Tanya?”
* Carmen scoffs.
* “Tanya hates having to see Edward,” then realizing you might not know Edward she adds, “One of Carlisle’s coven.”
* You knew in the book Tanya felt scorned, but you didn’t think she hated him.
* “The point is, we all have things we don’t like to do.”
* Ah here it comes, the whole “but we do them for the better of the coven” spiel.
* “So we do them for each other.”
* Well this is unexpected.
* “Eleazer and I get supplies, Kate and Irina handle going to school and keeping our front, and Tanya handles the big picture stuff.”
* She puts her hand on top of your own, you hadn’t realized she had gotten so close, or that you were feeling calm enough to let her get close.
* “The point is, if there’s something you don’t want to do, it’s okay. You’re apart of our family now, and we help each other.”
* You nod.
* “Come, let’s go home.”
* When you get home, you see Tanya and Irina literally draining the blood out of a bear in the kitchen.
* “Ah you’re back! Look what we got you!”
* Tanya says it like she got you a new desk, not that she’s literally draining the blood out of an animal into a reusable starbucks cup.
* “Maybe we should do this for ourselves too, it’s much more convenient, and this way my blouses won’t get dirty” Irina comments, sealing another bottle and putting it in the fridge.
* “Tanya I’m sorry about before, I-“
* “There’s nothing to be sorry for little one,” she cradled your face in her blood stained hands. “I am sorry, I thought you seemed uncomfortable, but I thought it might be the thirst.”
* You nod slowly, they’re being so kind to you. You don’t know how to handle it tbh.
* “Tanya! We talked about this, you can’t call them little one, it’s condescending.” Irina hisses, and Tanya sucks her teeth.
* “Ah yes, sorry darling, you are just so young.” She pats your cheek, and then grins. “More importantly, you are so powerful!”
* Tanya’s beaming like a pageant mom who’s child just won first place.
* “You should have seen it Irina, she had me AND Carmen on the ground! It was incredible!”
* “I’ve never seen anything like it except with-“
* “Except with Jane,” you finish.
* The similarity had been noted by Aro, the type of power that only came once a century.
* Tanya’s expression darkens for a moment, Jane had been the one to carry out the order to kill her mother.
* Then it’s gone, her eyes fill with warmth once they settle onto you once more.
* “Eleazer, what is their power?”
* You hadn’t even realised he had come into the room
* “It’s an aura” he says it all matter of fact, like everyone in the room should know what that means. Upon noticing the confused looks he elaborates.
* “Basically whatever emotions they feel are felt by those around them, right now it seems to be a limited range of emotions.” He meets your gaze, he must mean the despair you feel.
* “But given time, it can extend to all emotions.”
* Well this is news to you, does that mean one day... you might be able to give happiness to others as well?
* You take a sip of the blood and have to hide your cringe.
* It’s disgusting, what the hell was that bear eating.
* “Delicious” you murmur, taking another disgusting sip.
* “Fantastic! This finally gives us an excuse to stock the fridge!”
* Irina opens the fridge to show several bottles full of blood.
* Great.
* The next few days pass in a haze, you “dream” every so often, drink the disgusting bear blood, and read.
* Oh and you also spend a lot of time with your new family. Getting together for a morning run is compulsory
* The only cringe worthy thing is drinking that gross blood.
* If you had to describe the taste, you would say it had a rich flavour at first, but it’s masked with a game-y aftertaste, it only gets worse over time, developing into a straight up skunky after taste.
* You sit on your bed, looking out your many windows/walls, to the frost covered estate.
* You wonder if humans taste that bad when you find them at random, it makes sense why the Volturi’s main racket were wellness retreats, three days of cleansing the blood with vitamin rich food.
* And then you’re struck with an idea.
* “Hey Carmen, you said I could ask if I need something right?”
* “Yes of course.”
* “I was wondering if I could have the far most corner of the estate?”
* She shrugs.
* “Sure.”
* You spend a few days making the fence, sanding down the wood.
* It’s actually pretty easy when you never get tired, or need a break, or when you’re not afraid you might get hurt.
* And, because Alaska is known for cruel weather, you make a barn with Kate’s help.
* “If I knew you were building something out here I would have asked Esme to draw something up for you.”
* “Nah, I wanted to do it myself.”
* Between the two of you, it’s pretty quick work, but it’s basically a rickety poorly built box.
* But it will do.
* It’s a good parcel of land, at least a quarter of an acre.
* Now comes the hard part.
* You’ve finally cornered a deer, probably the same deer from a few weeks ago.
* “Do you want to be friends?” you hold out an apple, and it watches you with a curious glance before running away.
* Well, it’s not a dog, it’s not going to follow you home because you just because you gave it food.
* You repeat the process with several other deer, but you don’t make much progress.
* You repeat the process for a few days, until you finally get the deer to eat the food you offer, and another several days until one will follow you back into the pen.
* You’re not really sure why it did, it’s trembling and afraid, but you guess it’s probably close to starving at this point.
* “Here,” you give it a healthy meal, before leading it to the barn you’ve sloppily built.
* You’re about to go inside, but noticing that it’s still trembling in fear, you decide to spend the night with it.
* “Dreaming” isn’t any different in your bed than it is in a creaky, poorly built barn.
* After that night, you and the deer are closer.
* “I think I’ll name you Henrietta, that’s a good name don’t you think.”
* You get a few more after that, but none of them like you as much as Henrietta.
* They’re mostly following you for food, well at least they won’t die as long as they’re with you.
* And so three days pass, you deer have healthy nutrient rich blood flowing through their veins.
* “Hey Eleazer?”
* He hums in acknowledgement, his hands are busy nailing in the nail on his birdhouse.
* “Do you think Carlisle might visit sometime?”
* Eleazer’s hands stop moving.
* “Do you want him to visit?”
* Well of course you do, he’s the only person you know with any kind of medical experience. He has to show you how to -hygienically- extract blood from your deer without killing them or contaminating the blood.
* “I think we were making a lot of progress with my powers before we stopped.”
* Eleazer nods.
* “I’ll give him a call soon.”
* Another few days pass, time seems to move differently now. You can’t tell how much time has passed, even the nights and days start to blur together, after all the nights are so much longer here in Alaska.
* And yet, it’s peaceful, you read books, and drink your disgusting bear blood. You watch Irina and Tanya play chess, and Kate sharpen her sword. Carmen likes to embroider when she can, and Eleazer enjoys wood work.
* It’s nice here
* You’re reading in your room when you hear them, Carlisle’ss soft gentle voice from down stairs.
* You haven’t seen him in so long, you convince yourself you’re rushing to greet him because you’ll always be grateful for what he did for you.
* But you know it’s actually because you miss him.
* He was the first person to show you true compassion.
* You get to the bottom of the stairs expecting to see Carlisle, and you do, but there’s someone else.
* He’s tall, at least he’s taller than you.
* His hair... it’s -what’s it called-, not quite red, not quite brown either.
* Auburn.
* Auburn hair as thick as a lions mane, hangs around his face, deep gold eyes, and a splatter of freckles across the bridge of his nose.
* This is actually the first boy vampire around your age you’ve seen. Alec was close, but he was younger than you by a handful of years.
* If your heart could beat, you’re sure it would be drumming.
* He’s beautiful. Chiseled cheekbones, and full lips.
* You’re suddenly starting to feel very conscious of the baggy sweatshirt and leggings you’re wearing
* His eyes meet yours, and they stay there, narrowing into a glare.
* Well that’s rude.
* Carlisle doesn’t seem to notice, pulling you into a hug.
* “You look well,” he says, his eyes are so warm as they gaze down at you that you can’t help but smile. “How are you handling the transition?”
* You know he really means to ask if you’re happy now, if you’re free.
* You nod, this is more than you could have ever hoped for.
* His smile widens.
* “I’m glad to hear that,” then noticing he hasn’t introduced you yet, he looks over his shoulder.
* “(Y/N), this is the son I told you about, Edward.”
* This is Edward?
* You turn to look at him again, this amber eyes narrowed.
* It’s not a glare, it’s concentration.
* He can’t read your mind.
* “Edward, this is (Y/N), my friend from Volterra.”
* Carlisle says it in such an easy way, like he didn’t meet you in the brink of despair, when you were pleading him to kill you.
* You gulp as Edward lifts his hand, and you gingerly take in yours.
* “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
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