#they both do not remember it happened and even with photo proof
soup-scope · 1 year
asher: am i in trouble?
babe: take a guess.
asher: …no?
babe: take another guess.
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hedgehog-moss · 8 months
Pampérigouste escaped today and I almost didn't make a post about it because it's just more of the same isn't it? do people who read this blog really want to hear about yet another Pampe escape? Then I thought, that's like asking if people who read detective novels really want to hear about yet another mysterious murder. Probably yes. Also Pampe would have been offended to have such a successful escape go unreported.
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I would like to say that my new fence is still fully Pampe-proof. She has not escaped a single time through breaking or outsmarting the fence, so now she does it by outsmarting me. Which doesn't happen all that often, because we are intellectual equals. But I let my guard down this morning—I'd just peeled some greenhouse carrots to make purée and I went into the pasture to distribute the peelings even though it was raining (see how I got punished for my selflessness?), and I left the gate open because I was right in front of it, obstructing it with my body.
Pampe dropped her carrot peelings and acted like she couldn't find them even though they were right under her feet, so I took pity on her and crouched down to gather them and offer them to her again (see how I'm getting punished for my compassion??) and she took advantage of this diversion. In the span of 0.2 seconds she slithered around me and she was out. It was a little bit beautiful. I don't know if you remember this photo of Pampe & Pyrgus, but it's a perfect illustration of what happened:
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I sighed and ignored her and finished distributing the peelings to the other animals, and then went to the barn to get muesli to lure my nuisance back to her pasture. After escaping she initially ran towards the woods, but since I ignored her the whole time, she emerged from the woods when I returned, like, wait, did you notice I escaped? Behind your back, just earlier? Did you notice how I won and you lost?
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It shouldn't have been difficult to get her back into the pasture with the help of her favourite snack; unfortunately Pampoldine is still a big baby who was distraught that her mum had left her behind yet again (she should be used to it, honestly, it's been like this since she was an infant), she started making these little panicky noises that Pampe has never paid any attention to—
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—so when I propped the gate open with a branch to get Pampe back inside, Poldine hurried out instead. I wasn't expecting this, I thought it was clear that I had the situation under control and her mum would be back in 5 seconds. You could have just waited 5 seconds, Poldine.
Pampelune had no interest in escaping, but she's the matriarch and where her herd goes, she goes, so once the other two were out she barrelled past me as well. I opened the gate to bring 1 llama in and instead 2 llamas went out. Pirlouit besides me was like
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For some reason the llamas galloped towards the road, instead of just hanging out in the woods where there's stuff to eat. Maybe because Pampe hadn't gone out in a long time and she wanted to be admired for her feat. Her wish was granted—2 cars stopped to say hi as I was miserably trotting after my llamas on the road in the rain. One of them was the post office lady who once herded my animals out of a pasture with her car, and she was like hop in, it'll be like old times!!!
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The two people who stopped their car were enchanted with the encounter and they both told me that they missed the days when Pampe Sightings on this road were a regular thing. No one sides with my fence in the Pampe v. Fence conflict. I love the post office lady though, she had a Niagara song playing in her car when I got in and a minute later I muttered "I'll sell her to the butcher" and she started singing "Pampe ♪ Je vais devoir te vendre au boucher ♫" to the tune of that song. It fit the tune really well, too.
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After we managed to get the llamas off the main road and back in the woods, she was like, godspeed, I wish I could continue chasing them with you but I have to go make lunch for my kids. I told her that now that the llamas were no longer on the road I'd just let them roam, they'll come home before night, no way I'm going to chase after them in the woods in this dog weather. So I went home and grumpily resumed peeling carrots and potatoes for my mash.
I sat in front of the window to do it so I could keep an eye on Pirlouit, who was wandering around the pasture like a cursed soul, drenched with rain, lonely and llamaforsaken. Sometimes he brayed to try and guide his friends back home, wherever they were, but he never brayed while I was filming. His braying is a poignant display of emotion and is not for public consumption.
I figured, if the llamas come back Pirou will spot them and perk up his immense ears, and I'll know to go out and open the gate. Instead at some point I looked up from my potatoes and saw my donkey finally at peace, grazing rather than pacing restlessly, and I went to look outside and his friends were back! And so was his appetite.
I had new peelings + some muesli to offer, but of course Pampe could tell this offering was a crude and blatant trap and refused to fall for it. Meanwhile her innocent daughter was like yay, snacks :) and followed me in the pasture, a llama entirely devoid of wiles.
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After I got Poldine back inside I went like WELL since NOBODY else wants that delicious MUESLI I guess these deserving chickens can have it—and Pampe was here in the blink of an eye to shoo the hens away from her muesli.
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She was grudgingly smiling about it, too. Like, point for you.
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I love this pic where my chicken looks like she's herding the animals back in their pasture all by herself.
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Everyone is home! Pampe and Pandolf are walking away in search of new adventures, Poldine follows her mum because of her abandonment issues, and Pirlouit is also following everyone very closely, like, I'm not getting left behind again.
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I finally managed to cook my mashed carrots & potatoes (+ herbs from the greenhouse) and it's so nice to make food with nothing but ingredients you grew yourself! (To be completely honest I only managed to grow 3 carrots in the past few months but that's because I neglected them in pursuit of more flashy summer vegetables)
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I also had an apple-plum compote for dessert made with my own fruit <3 Okay, the cheese course in between was store-bought. One of my friends really wants me to get goats and be self-sufficient in cheese and when I told her I would be constantly chasing my goats over hill and dale because they have a reputation to be insufferable escape artists she was like, what difference will it make to your life...
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kissforyouu · 3 months
Can you write a drabble of Oc being mad at him because some old fling sent him a pic through his DM’s and she saw, even though he never responds to the girl she still got mad
your eyes go completely wide, your expression just— shocked. wait, no, no! jumpscared is the right word. you grit your teeth while staring down at your boyfriend's phone displaying the nude photo of some other woman. and you couldn't help but think that if this was proof of jungkook cheating on you, you would've gone crazy on spot. but fortunately, it's not.
still though, due to your own suspicions you scroll up the chat only to be met with messages exchanged about 5 months before you two's relationship started. thank fuck, he is not cheating. you just almost had a heart attack.
still, you were mad though. the audacity for this bitch to send nudes to a man who's clearly in a relationship. it's not like jungkook doesn't post you, he posts you on all his socials, there's no way she wouldn't know. shame on her, she's just embarrassing herself.
but that's not even what made you mad, though. it's the fact that jungkook had already viewed it. he's already seen the picture and had left it on seen. despite being glad that he didn't reply or anything, you still couldn't help but feel jealous over the woman. you had everything she didn't - jungkook. he has just left her on seen, hasn't even bothered to block her!
you huff, blocking her yourself. fucking hell. great, now your entire mood's ruined.
"my phone's with you?" here he comes.
you don't say anything bad, clearly upset with him.
"i was looking for it. what'd you do with it?"
why? is he scared i'll find all his hoes?
you sit in silence. there was a big fat frown evident on your face, the face you often make when you're angry.
"y/n?" jungkook stands in front of you, raising his eyebrows wondering what the hell he did wrong again. he doesn't say anything but reaches forward to grab his phone from the grasp of your hand.
the moment he does that, you get up, storming out of his living room and into his bedroom. uh oh, you're stomping on the floor. —eek, here it comes ; jungkook pokes the inside of his cheek once he heard the door shut with a very loud thud. at this point, he was used to your attitude. but he just couldn't figure out why exactly you were mad at him.
—oh, nevermind. the man sighs, running his fingers down his face while he took a short glance at the explicit image sent to him by one of his old flings about a week ago. he didn't know you'd go through his instagram. coming to think of it, your attitude is justifiable. its his fault too, noh? he didn't block or anything. i mean, not his fault he doesn't even remember the girl's name.
but he noticed that you had already blocked her. he takes another deep sigh, eyes staring at his door, now closed. he had to console you somehow.
"baby?" your boyfriend knocks on the door thrice, and when you don't answer him, he decides he's gonna break in. it's his room anyway.
he walks in to be met with the sight of his pretty little (angry) girlfriend sitting on his bed, staring into the nothing of the nothingness. you looked cute, he thought. but now's not the time to pull jokes. (i think)
"my love." jungkook walks closer to you and bends down to meet your eyelevel on the bed. but you look away, avoiding his eye contact. he giggles, accepting the challenge and moving his face in front of wherever you're looking at. three or four of these and you're sick of him already, breaking into a whine as you slapped his shoulder.
"who the fuck is gianna and why's she not blocked?!" how come you remember the girl's name and not him when he was the one who talked to the girl for like, uh, uhhh, like, a few months or weeks, jungkook thinks.
"baby, she sent me that shit recently. i haven't talked to her ever since we both started dating, you know that very well. whatever you think happened, did not happen." he looks at you, waiting for a response.
he did say the truth though. you should—
"you're overreacting." nevermind. "overreacting" is crazy.
"i am NOT overreacting." you break your silence, "what would you feel if you saw the nudes of one of my exes on my phone, huh, jungkook?! bet you'd fucking LOVE that."
jungkook remains silent for a few seconds while you gave him the "told you so" look.
"don't fucking talk to me—"
jungkook flicks your forehead, forcefully pulling your upper body towards him so that your face would be pressed against his stomach. you let out muffled screams, completely annoyed.
"come on, i'm sorry, babyyy. we're fine, okay? i will immediately block and even report if this happens again. y/n—"
"eeek! i said don't talk! now—let me. go!" he had you on a headlock so it was harder for you to get out of his grip. you kept wiggling around like a worm, but in the end, you just give up, accepting defeat.
"i'm sorrryyy, my princess. you want my instagram pass? i'll give you. you know i love you only. i'm sorry i made you feel that way." he cups your cheeks, planting a sweet double kiss on your forehead.
but you just glare at him.
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spamgyu · 2 months
i miss you, i'm sorry // Soonyoung Oneshot
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DESCRIPTION: Soonyoung let his pride get in the way and now he's forced to come to terms of his mistakes... two years too late. PARING: Soonyoung x Reader GENRE: Angst WARNINGS: Mentions of alcohol, not a warning but mention of NCT Taeyong
Highly recommend listening to the following while you read: i know it won't work - gracie abrams i miss you, i'm sorry - gracie abrams
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It took him some time to swallow his pride; to own up to his mistakes.
Betraying you.
You two may have not been romantically together for very long; barely hitting the one year mark before the world you knew had been torn apart by the one man you have least expected to do so.
Before becoming officially his, you were a friend – someone who had been around him for nearly every waking moment of his idol life.
Their group's back-up dancer.
And maybe that's why it hurt even more; because maybe you have expected heartache from dating an idol... but you didn't expect a friend to hurt you the way Soonyoung did.
He wished he could forget that day – that whole week, in fact. But no matter where he turned, whatever he did, he was haunted by his actions.
Each time he listened to a love song, each time he saw a happy couple, every time he heard of any of his freinds brag about the connection they shared with their other half – he thought back to you.
And it wasn't long before he thought of the day he ruined it all.
You two had been caught, and not by the reporters that both of you have successfully dodged for months – but by his fans. It seemed fool proof at first, hiding in plain sight.
Who would have suspected a blurred face individual in the background of all their behind the scenes videos?
The answer was everyone.
There had been speculations at first, ones that were quite easy to dismiss – but that day in April, it had come crashing down.
Proof of your long term relationship had been uploaded on all platforms; clips of his lingering stares on stage, subtle glances caught on their behind the scene videos, similar instagram photos and profile pictures, more importantly images of you simply acting as a regular couple leaking from his iCloud.
There was no denying it this time.
Or so you thought.
Soonyoung had always told you that when this happened, he would own up to it. He was now at a place in his career where he was able to protect you from any harsh words of the public – a place where he was more than happy to brag about his relationship status.
But he fell short.
He lied.
He didn't know what came over him at that time, choosing the easy way out – or at least, what he thought was easy at the time.
Your heart sank to the deepest pit of your stomach when you had read the message he had posted on their fan service platform that day, shattering once it reached the bottom.
"Please don't believe any rumors that are being spread. If I was in a relationship, you would hear about it from me first. She is just our back-up dancer. I love you guys~ 🩷🩵"
Just our back-up dancer.
He remembered the tears streaming down your face that day, the only words uttering from your lips was "why?".
Why did he choose to dismiss you as just a staff?
Why didn't he fight for you?
Why didn't he fight for the relationship?
Why did he lie to you?
Soonyoung didn't have any explanation as to why, he couldn't answer you – simply remaining still as he watched you fall apart in front of him.
He didn't know why he didn't shed a tear that day, allowing for you to walk away without bothering to go after you when you had finally found your composure – silently saying your final goodbye.
His pride had gotten the best of him.
And he continued to allow it to do so for the following months; brushing off his member's attempt to address the situation. He didn't dare blink an eye when you didn't show up to the practices, waving off their choreographer when he had notified him that you were no longer a part of the team.
"I don't care." He scoffed, walking away.
He should have.
Staring at the article pulled up on his phone, sent so kindly by Seungcheol, Soonyoung felt that same sinking feeling he had put you through two years ago – his knees buckling under him.
He could have sworn he was over it, over you.
He came to terms of his mistakes, but he didn't think he would have to face it once again.
SEUNGCHEOL: I know you said it doesn't matter but I think it's best you heard from one of us first [NCT Taeyong confirms relationship with non-idol through social media post.]
The image didn't show your face; the boy, who Soonyoung had shared mutual friends with, had taken a picture in the mirror with a mystery girl hidden behind him. The only indicator of this being you was the arms wrapped around his waist – the arms that was loitered with sticker like tattoos.
The ones Soonyoung used to playfully color in with markers and lazily trace as the two of you laid in his bed.
He remembered all the times you happily showed off a new addition to the collection, each and every single one having a memory attached to it.
Especially the blue ink heart that was etched on to your left thumb – the one that he caressed each time your fingers would lock.
He knew this tattoo had no link to him, but somehow he felt as through he had been kicked down at the sight of his thumb sitting a few centimeters from it.
The heart that was once his.
Shakily taking a seat on the edge of his bed, Soonyoung allowed for his phone to slip from his hands – hitting the floor with a loud smack.
He didn't care if the screen cracked, or if there was any damages to the edges of his unprotected device. All he was focused on was the sudden pain that radiated throughout his body.
You had moved on, you were happy – while he was barely beginning to grieve the end of you.
He had run away from his emotions for the past two years, thinking that it would never come – but once again, he was oh so wrong.
Soonyoung felt as though his lung had been punctured, unable to get enough air into his system as his chest began to heave – the tears had now broken the flood gates.
Gripping the edge comforter, Soonyoung tried bite back the sobs that were now threatening to escape his lips – where was this pain when you had asked, no begged, for him to fight for the love you two shared.
"Soonyoung, please." Your voice shook, but he remained unfazed. "I need to know why."
Even now, he couldn't answer that question.
Soonyoung didn't know why he chose to respond to the scandal the way he did. He didn't know why he let you walk away. He didn't know why he chose to ignore your attempts to reach out for closure.
All he knew was that he was in pain, a great amount of it.
He was never good at handling any alcoholic drink, but that didn't stop Soonyoung from ending the past three days with at least one bottle of soju before bed.
It was easier to sleep that way.
In the stillness of the night, he sat alone at the dining table – throwing back another shot of the clear liquid, while his thoughts consumed his brain.
Soonyoung had been out of his game since reading that article, their group's comeback couldn't over power all the images of you that flashed through his mind – no matter how hard he tried to distract himself, his brain found it's way to wander back to you.
As his body began to feel the effects of the fourth shot, Soonyoung began to think of the unthinkable.
It wasn't like you would pick up anyways? You probably had his number blocked. Maybe even changed it.
Anyone would have.
But he needed to hear it – he needed to hear your recorded voice, the one that let a caller know that you have missed their call.
It was the closest thing he could have to hearing your voice.
"Y/n." He choked out, your voice instantly sobering him up – almost as if a bucket of cold water had been dumped on him.
This time, it felt as though someone had driven yet another knife into his chest – this time right into his heart.
It wasn't Soonyoung or Soonie.
It was Hoshi.
"I-I–" He tried to fight the sharp ache that pulsed under his ribcage as he searched his brain for the right words to say. "I'm sorry."
"Y/n, I'm so sorry." Soonyoung repeated, his voice showing clear evidence of the hurt he had been feeling in the past few days.
"No," He couldn't see you but he could practically picture you shaking your head at him, your expression mirroring the firm tone he heard on the other line. "You don't get to call me to apologize after two years of radio silence. You don't get to have the closure that I begged for. No."
There was that knife again; only this time, he didn't care for the discomfort because he knew you were right.
Soonyoung was instantly transported back to the months that followed that god-foresaken day – to the times he watched your notifications come in, only for him to delete it without a reply.
[8:23 pm - April 15] I'm sorry for walking out. Please, I want to talk about it [9:10 pm - April 15] I just want to know why.
[12:03 am - April 18] Y/N: I miss you. I miss us.
[11:28 pm - April 29] You told me you would always be by my side, that you wouldn't let them get to us. Why was it so easy for you to let us go? Did you not mean anything you told me?
[2:09 am - May 7] You were the one that pursued me, you made me fall for you. I was fine being friends. I shouldn't have let you in. I should have kept my distance. One day, I'll learn to realize you were a mistake but for now I want you to know that I love you. It hurts so much but I love you.
You were absolutely right, he didn't deserve to be forgiven.
He didn't deserve to be heard out, not when he covered his ears all while you called out for him.
"Those I love you's, those sweet words, they were all empty. You didn't feel the same way. You were my whole world and I was nothing but a grain of sand to you." He had never heard your voice so cold; the one that used to sound like a soft melodic song in his ears. "You made me fall for you only for you to not be there to catch me. I don't want to hear a single thing you have to say."
"Baby!" His voice was heard in the background.
"I'm hanging up. Don't ever call this number again."
The sound of the line ending echoed in his ears as the sob, that was held in his throat, came out as a small hiccup.
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@thegirlwhoimagined @forcheol @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @f4iryjjosh @akeminy @yonabutnotyuna @tacosandbitch @aaniag @bettybotterboughtabitofbutter @xbaekcult @alwaysalmostthere @ashkuuuu @morkswatermelonnnn @isabellah29 @lottogyu @bubbly-moon @lllucere @bo-fairykim @pluviophile-xxx @daegutowns @niktwazny303 @fragmentof-indifference @leah-rose03 @haolistic @eclliipsed @joshuahongnumbers @gyuguys @yaaaridk @christinewithluv @yoonzinoooo @livelikejinki @watercolureyes @whoa-jo @primoisellerose @wonwoobestboyy @rakshithanotrao @mingcouper @aksweet7 @nikkell @raginghellfire @kriizztin @doubleshoticedshakenespresso @porridgesblog @bbysnw @squashcolouredskies
(for some reason it's not allowing me to tag some who wanted to be added to the perm tag list ... cries... pls check ur settings so i can for future posts)
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ivys-garden · 2 months
I, like many of yall, have noticed a vocal minority of people showing there support for Wilbursoot, going as far as to attack shubble and her supporters. In this post I'll go through the main points I've seen them argue with and explain why I believe that they are all wrong.
“Shubble was the real abuser” - No. If she was, William would have spoken up. There is no evidence for this, well, that isn't faked or saying one thing is another (like the guy saying a pic of will crying was because of shubble or the guy trying to pass a stream of a completely different girl of as shubble abusing will… live. On stream. Yah, think we would have heard of that before now.)
“She has no proof” - genuinely fuck of. In domestic abuse cases there won't always be hard proof, that's one of the reasons the police struggle to do anything about it. If a wife is struck by a husband and it leaves no mark that doesn't mean it didn't happen “why didn't she show the bruises” have you guys ever been bruised? Bruises heal quickly, and she doesn't have any to show since the allegations came out after their break up, all the bruises would have healed. “Why didn't she take photos at the time?” Look at it this way, if I punch you across the face you will have a lot of thoughts, none of them will be “I should take a photo of this so people belive me what I say it happened”
(Also don't pretend that people wouldn't just say the evidence was fake if she did have pictures)
Oh and she does have evidence, the fact William admitted to it.
“She just did it for attention” - bitch, shubble doesn't need attention she was doing great. Just because you never heard of her didn't mean she was some underground indie youtuber, she didn't need to lie to get attention. Also lying about domestic abuse is not a good way to do this since it's really easy to disprove. The other party would come out instantly to tell everyone the truth. William didn't do that because shubble WAS telling the truth.
“Her story changed” - no. It didn't. Even the idea that she changed whether or not wilbur bruised with the bites or made her bled (both of which are still bad, btw) is made up, she never said that, as was clarified by shubble herself
“She encouraged death threats” - She openly decouraged death threats. Saying she was like: “everyone go and tell people to kill themselves” is literally putting words in her mouth
Also, this by no means goes for everyone, but arguing about death threats while, wilbur hasn't told his supports not to send death threats and that wilburs supporters have been saiding threats to shubble and her fans while condemning the few shubble fans who sent death threats, is kinda stupid
(Also this is by no means the main point but I have seen people who support wilbur literally begging for death threats, soooooooo)
(Oh aslo I was mistaken in the early version where I said shubble had implied that she didn't belive wilbur could change, that was another misconception and I'm sorry for spreading it. Shubble does belive that people can change IF they put in the work to do so)
Also remember, William has not been shown to actually change yet. He still hasn't even given shubble an apology that takes proper accountability, when he does that, apologies to everyone else he's wronged, and puts in the effort to actually be better moving forward, then we can forgive him. But at the moment he has not shown that.
So until then: support shubble. Belive victims. Raise awareness for these issues in the gaming space (this has been going on for a long time). And don't engage with people who make up evidence to support there parasocial relationships, don't send death threats (obviously, because that's wrong) but also don't engage in any other way. This will be my last post on this subject. Move on from William and the support for him will die down when they realise there's no one to disagree with, and then William, Shubble and all of us can move past this and into the future as a (hopefully) better space
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irishmammonagenda · 4 days
Types of Dogs I Think The Obey Me Brothers Would Have
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Disclaimer: i know nothing about dog breeds other than my dog is better than every other dog in the world because i said so. this is all obviously my opinion because im 100% not holding off looking at my inbox for requests rn 😰
(wee emo anon + réalta and then the other random one ilysm for not doxing me fir being atleast a month late and not having even started with your reqs yet🙏🙏🙏)
post dividers by @saradika-graphics, images of the brothers below the divider are from amias on pinterest + all animal photos found on pinterest
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Irish Wolfhound
He already has a dog who he obviously loves very much (Cerberus) who is a hellhound, so he thought to himself that another hound would be a good idea since Cerberus gets lonely sometimes :(
He calls the dog 'Tuireann' because he thinks he's fucking funny.
You know that stereotype of the dad not wanting the dog but the dad ends up loving the dog like its his own child or something?
If you do know, then you know Lucifer.
Tuireann gets on very well with Cerberus. Lucifer makes a commitment to taking breaks more often and taking both out on walks, which terrifies his brothers, but has made Diavolo very happy with him. (Yay Lucifer taking care of himself for once!)
He cuddles up to both of them more often. Both dogs are very happy.
Will kill for his dogs btw :)
Laughed one time when Tuireann saw Solomon as a threat.
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Golden Retriever
Someone told him he could win 'gold' at a casino. So he gambled, ended up winning (for once) and got his 'gold'.
This man was almost outraged when the 'gold' in question was a golden retriever puppy.
He was about to say something in outrage, then the witch plopped the little guy down into his arms and her little nose started sniffing at his exposed collarbone. He closed his open, outraged mouth and pet the little thing, blinking back small tears because it was so cute.
Mammon would like to argue that this did not happen but it did. The witch in question has proof and has sent Lucifer the video in apology for trying to summon him. Said witch is now a good acquaintance of Lucifer's, and has not been punished brutally. She has learnt her lesson and will not attempt to make a pact with the Avatar of Pride ever again. *Unlike Solomon. That bastard never learns.)
Mammon probably calls the dog something like 'Bailey'
He was originally going to call her 'Goldie' but then remembered that was his credit card's name. So he thought about the name 'Retrievie' but even to him that sounded fucking stupid.
He loves this dog so much and buys her so much dog toys and treats.
Gets his crows to play with her.
Mammon basically is a Golden Retriever if you think about it. (A Golden Retriever with mental issues that thinks its an awesome scary dragon or something, but a golden retriever none-the-less.)
He buys Bailey a bed but she literally only sleeps on him or on his bed.
When he lets her out into the garden while he's busy he always has atleast 2 crows watching her/playing with her.
He tries to train her to dig for buried treasure. Instructions unclear, they both dug up the whole back garden. He now has to fix the garden.
They say that a 'Dog is a Man's Best Friend', but this dog is Mammon's whole life.
There is dog hair all over this man. Atleast he's not an emo and doesn't wear all black.
Hair rollers are a must.
He cries when they're separated for more than a day in case you were wondering.
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Lucifer gave him it in an attempt to get Levi to touch grass once in a while.
At first Levi was scared of the dog, then he decided she was cute. Watches an anime about a dog and realises he should be a responsible owner and take her out on walks!
Leviathan has now touched grass. I repeat, Leviathan has now touched grass.
Calls her 'Ruri' you know he would.
He almost called her Henry 3.0
He has to make sure Henry 2.0 is unreachable to Ruri. He's scared Ruri might eat Henry 2.0
He's still kind of scared of Ruri but loves her.
Since getting Ruri he's actually been remembering to take care of himself. As a reward, once a month for a day or two, Lucifer will take over taking care of Ruri so Levi can have one of his gaming marathons uninterrupted.
Levi plays the Devildom equivalent to pokemon go while walking Ruri
Levi rants to Ruri about the anime or manga he's currently obessed with while playing with her with some chew toy or something.
She lays beside him in his bathtub sometimes and lays her head on his lap while he watches anime.
Lucifer is very happy with this outcome. So is Levi.
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He originally saw something in some article or whatever he read about Rottweilers being aggressive, possibly saying that they weren't a 'good' dog breed.
Satan knows what its like to be labelled as aggressive and unsafe, so he has sort of a soft spot for 'bad' dog breeds.
So one day, he's talking to one of his various acquaintances, and for whatever reason, they visit an animal shelter.
Satan hears another couple say they wouldn't get a dog because 'isn't that breed really aggressive?' and he feels sad, he's not mad at the couple, it's a reasonable concern, but poor dog :(.
He approaches that worker a couple of minutes after his acquaintance leaves and asks them about the rottweiler.
Long story short he walks out with it on a leash, standard food, and a bowl courtesy of the shelter.
Calls the dog 'Julie' because he had just finished pirating a preformance of Romeo and Juliet. (which he enjoyed criticising, but he liked the name Juliet and also Belphie likes the band Julie so)
He makes sure to take the time and effort to socialise Julie with cats because this is Satan we're talking about for fuck's sake.
He takes Julie on walks before stopping at a dog-friendly café in the Devildom.
Julie also sleeps on Satan's lap when she's tired and he's reading.
Satan gets a lot more into audiobooks after he adopts Julie so he can still technically 'read' without having to ignore his new pooch.
Will write several books on why she's the best girl ever, and will make you read them.
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A fan gifted him a dog for his birthday for some reason. At first he accepted the gift and devised a plan to give the dog away but the shelter was closed over the weekend, so he elected to let the dog stay with him until then.
Ends up getting attached. This is his baby now.
Calls her 'Angel' because he thinks she's an angel. She also kind of reminds him of Luke so.
This little rat is all over his Devilgram.
So much so there are fanclubs for her now.
This little rat has fanclubs.
Angel gets walked everyday. Asmo loves the excerise and says its done wonders for his skin.
He doesn't like when she digs, but oh well.
Loves grooming her.
Cuddles galore.
He trains her how to do tricks.
His excitable nature really goes well with hers, and they really bond.
The fan that gave her to him is now one of his friends.
He loves that rat.
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Bernese Mountain Dog
Two words. 'Gentle Giant'
He probably names her something like 'Bernie'
Bernese Mountain Dogs are massive, I feel like Beel would be the type of guy who loves big dogs. Given how big this Demon is, I feel like he'd be scared of hurting a smaller dog. He probably got an already adult rescue from a shelter.
It was one of those cliche things, meeting eyes with this big sad dog in a cage and Beel just knowing, "This is my baby."
Bernese Mountain Dogs DROOL, and I feel like Beel wouldn't mind that seeing as he is the Avatar of Gluttony.
Speaking of being the Avatar of Gluttony, Beel's dog 100% gives him puppy eyes while he's sitting at the table eating, and what does Beel do? He sneaks his dog food under the table.
Given his workout schedule this doggo gets atleast one walk a day. ATLEAST.
Beel one hundred percent cuddles up with that dog. You thought he had a mental bond with Belphie? Well that man has a mental connection of that caliber with his dog.
He is covered in dog hair but he sees that as making him part of the pact with Bernie so he couldn't care less. (He does clean up shed hair with a roller when going out though)
Bernie might've been a rescue and maybe could've lived a hard life before Beel adopted her, but Beel loves her like she's his own child that is his BABY.
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Shiba Inu
It reminded him of Beel, okay??!
Normally Belphie can't be bothered with animals, but when he saw the ad saying 'FOR SALE: NEEDS BETTER HOME' and saw that closed eye Beel smile his grinchy little heart grew three sizes that day.
He adopts the dog.
He calls her something like, 'Bella'
No thats not because it sounds like Beel. Piss off.
Bella isn't too high maintenence and actually does well for Belphie's productivity.
The seventh born actually goes on regular (though albeit) short walks with Bella.
Beel bonds with the dog as well and is very happy to take her on his morning runs with him.
Bella is affectionate but fucking stubborn. (Just like Belphie if you think about it)
Sometimes while cuddling (which only happen on Bella's terms by the way), she will not get off of Belphie, no matter how much Belphie asks. (Not that he minds, its an extra excuse to be lazy)
The cuddling in question is literally just Bella laying on top of Belphie like she's some sort of cat.
Bella is more of a brat than Belphie and thats saying something. The man spoils her.
Finally, a being (other than you and Beel) that understands him.
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as you can tell I love big dogs and think small dogs are little rats. (said affectionately)
all of these dogs are female btw bc i got humped by my cousins dog recently and i wish that pain on no one. not even my worst enemy (which is solomon btw)
by the way unhinged anon im still waiting for you to go through with that threat 🤨🤨
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pacifymebby · 7 months
Hope u r doing okay ❣️
Which of the peaky men would make the best fathers do you think?
ahhh you caught me at a broody moment bestie so
I think of all the Peaky men Bonnie and John would make the best fathers, they both strike me as family orientated, "fun" dads. They're definitely both very into keeping you pregnant haha, but I will get into that later, here are some quick little HCs about the men as dads <3
🌿 "Over Protective Dad"
🌿 He's the serious type of dad, the one with lots of rules, the one who definitely means it when he says "Behave, or else." He's very strict and the children definitely know not to cross him, sometimes you worry that he's too stern... and so does Tommy.
🌿 Because he adores his children, he's so proud of them and he has so much love for them, they're his proof that good things can really exist in this very bitter and twisted world... he just isn't always good at showing that love because the more you love something the more it hurts to lose that thing...
🌿 So he's terrified, every single second of every single day, that he's going to lose his little ones, that one way or another they'll be ripped away from him.
🌿 Thats why he has all these rules, and why he's so determined to see them kept to. Because he doesn't want something bad to happen to his children as a result of his "negligence"
🌿 He's also petrified that he'll be the reason their lives are ruined, he's scared he'll drive them away... a fear which is naturally made worse by his cold exterior and his struggle to be close with his family. He's always putting a distance between himself and the ones he loves, and it traps him in a mean cycle.
🌿 The kind of parent thats always trying to hide the worlds badness from his children, he wants them to stay innocent and care free for as long as possible so he wraps them in cotton wool and won't ever want them to do anything which could risk an unhappy ending.
🌿 That being said he rarely "lets" them win at games.
🌿 He gets very paranoid about their friends, the kind of parent that needs to know his children's friends parents before he lets the kids out of his sight. He worries when they're out after school, even more so if he has daughters.
🌿 Will hate his daughters boyfriends, will try his best to intimidate them.
🌿 His children will grow up resenting him for being controlling but in the end they will understand why he raised them the way he did because,
🌿 Ultimately Tommy is a devoted father figure, he's nurturing to the best of his ability. Nothing will hit harder than a "dad hug" when the kids are upset. He's sentimental as fuck so will make sure he is at every big event in the kids lives, he'll be the one taking photos.
🌿 Will never fail to tell his children he is proud of them. Sometimes it's a little scary when he tells them he loves them because he feels the emotion quite intensely.
🌿 Has killed for his children at least once, is determined they'll never find out.
🍂 "Overwhelmed Dad"
🍂 Is absolutely desperate to be a good, hands on father but oh my god is it difficult! Theres so much to remember, so many things which need to be done all at once... He's the father who always has food stains on his shirt, the one who is always at least fifteen minutes late, running down the street with the kids to try and get them into school on time... He forgets stuff all the time, sends the kids to school without a packed lunch or dinner money and has to go running back with it.
🍂 He is very awkward at first because he's paranoid that he will be too rough, hold the baby too tightly, that he's going to hurt them. But he is just so full of love and adoration and even when they're very small his children will sense that love and feel happy whenever daddy is near.
🍂 His children are his sun stars and universe. They're his reason to heal and carry on living despite all the pain he often feels inside. They're his hope.
🍂 Always self conscious that he's being too loud or too rough, he's always swearing then apologising for swearing in front of them. "Son your fathers a very naughty man eh, you shouldn't try to copy him yeah?"
🍂 "fook" is probably one of your babies first words despite all of his efforts. His brothers think that this is completely hilarious but Arthur feels so bad about it.
🍂 He doesn't want his children to grow up to be anything like him, he can't see any of the good that you see in him, only the bad so he's always worrying that his kids will have inherited "the bad seed"
🍂 It isn't true however, where Arthur sees himself as over emotional/ unpredictable with violent mood swings, you see him as a passionate man with real feelings. You see him as someone who needs nurture and care. You're always trying to remind him that his "flaws" make him a more empathetic person, that he'll much better be able to understand his children because of his own life experiences.
🍂 A really defensive father, if his kids get into trouble at school for anything he will be 100% on his kids side, if they were scrapping then the other kid definitely started the fight and deserved it, if they were back chatting a teacher then "what the fuck are you doin eh? You're an adult and you can't stand up to a fucking six year old? Thats mad..."
🍂 You're constantly having to apologise to the school on his behalf but on the plus side your kids aren't ever getting bullied.
🍂 If you have daughters they will definitely be doing their best to keep boyfriends a secret... This is perhaps not really necessary though because ultimately Arthur is a desperately loving father who would do anything to make his kids happy... so your daughters don't need to worry about a thing, as long as their boyfriend intends to marry them and care for them until the end of his days.
🌼 "Still a Kid Dad"
🌼 He's the "fun" parent, the soft one that the kids know to ask for extra play time or sweets. They know they can get away with bloody murder when it comes to their dad. If they're boys he's going to be impressed when they manage to weasel their way out of trouble and if they're girls all they have to do is pull those adorable puppy eyes and they will definitely get what they want.
🌼 Absolutely spoils the kids rotten! Basically he lives to see his children smiling and to hear them laughing so he will do whatever he thinks is going to earn him hugs and smiles.
🌼 A real criminal when it comes to feeding the kids things like rice pudding, chocolate pudding "one for you, one for daddy, little scoop for you, big spoon for daddy..."
🌼 Always helping them get up to know good. Teaches them naughty rhymes and then daring them to sing them in front of you so that you're permanently horrified.
🌼 They make him behave like a big kid so he's always playing stupid imaginary games, playing cowboys with them, playing tig, always starting food fights with them any excuse to play fight and tickle them... Any excuse to pick the littlens up and squeeze them in a big hug.
🌼 So many Dad jokes just waiting to be dropped it's like a disease, he just can't stop making the worst jokes you've ever heard and yet his kids think he's hilarious.
🌼 Can, very rarely, but sometimes be serious, but it's only when something very serious has happened such as if he thinks the family is under threat or the children are in danger. It's so rare to see daddy serious that the kids always do as he says in these situations, it's like they can just sense that play time is over.
🌼 Absolutely adoring, falls asleep with the baby on his chest all the time, never wants to put the littlens down. Smothers them in kisses.
🌼 Whenever its your birthday he will gather all the littlens up to try and bake mummy's birthday cake, it will be messy, it will be bordering on a catastrophe, the kids and him will be covered in flour, sugar, cake mix, chocolate, the lot. But it will be the best thing you've ever eaten.
🌼 Perhaps the reason John is the way he is is that he didn't get much of a childhood himself, his own father let him down astronomically when he was a lad and so he's determined that his children are going to have as much fun as possible. He hates seeing them sad, doesn't ever want them to feel let down. So even though you do sometimes get very fed up with always being the "strict" parent you can understand why John is as laidback with he kids as he is. It's because he's trying so hard to give them everything he never had.
🌼 Look he's lowkey addicted to being a dad, wants to have so many children with you, can't keep his hands off you... He will always always be telling you what a good mother you are, how beautiful you look when you're pregnant, how proud he is of you, always talking to you about how together you've made a gorgeous family. Whenever you're holding one of the little ones, or whenever you're playing with the children he'll tell you how much motherhood suits you.
🐻 "Grumpy Daddy"
🐻 Wasn't ever really expecting to be a father, wasn't ever really expecting to be a husband either to be honest but well, here he is and he can't say he isn't happy with his lot in life. When he finds out you're pregnant he is stunned, but he's determined to be a good father...
🐻 Always grumbling affectionately about parenthood, if his kids ask for help he'll put on a big song and dance of huffing and puffing and "oh I suppose I have to don't I I suppose I can't say no to my little angel..."
🐻 There is absolutely nothing this man will not whinge about, if theres a birthday party he has to take them to, if its the school run, other children's parents, helping with snack time, helping with homework, reading the bedtime story, carrying the kids when their legs get too tired... He will make a big song and dance all "woe is me the exhausted, overworked father, he never gets a minute to himself, never any peace and quiet, always bending over backwards for his family and what thanks does he get eh? What thanks exactly do I get in return for all this?"
🐻 Usually by the end of these speeches his little ones are giggling and you're affectionately rolling your eyes... Usually a kiss on the cheek is all the thanks he really needs to shut him up. And he's never being serious anyway, he actually really loves being a dad, its much nicer being at home with the family, playing the hero rather than the villain as he does at the bakery and in his dealings with Tommy Shelby.
🐻 Makes up the bedtime stories, they always go on and on and on, with the strangest characters.... Often he will ramble on and lose himself all "and then the princess yeah, the beautiful, mesmerising, heavenly princess in the tower... who looks a lot like you now I come to think of it my little cherub... the princess right, she looks down at the prince and she says, oi, mate... you touch my hair again yeah and I'll chop your head off and kick it like a football all the way to Timbuktu..." "Daddy!" your little one will gasp, giggling and fighting him, "a princess wouldn't say that!" "Well you see this princess would right my little angel cause this Princess yeah, she's a feminist ain't she..."
🐻 Honestly he'd be such a soft father to a little girl, he'd spoil her rotten and she'd be the princess of Camden town. Nothing would ever be good enough for his little cherub.
🐻 Would make a point of turning up on the first day of school so that everyone would know who his kids father is, so that they'd know not to mess with them - teachers included.
🐻 Much like Tommy however he is very overprotective, he has lots of rules as a result of him always worrying about his children. He knows the absolute pits the world can sink to, he knows how dangerous it is out there and therefore he will constantly be werriting about the safety of his children, about who they're friends with, where they hang out. He will run background checks on all their friends. He will send Ollie out spying on them.
🐻 He's the kind of dad who won't forget about Mum, he'll see how tired you are and want to dote on you too. He'll definitely be the first to try and hush the kids so that mummy can have a nap, or he'll take them out to the market to pick out some presents for mummy. He's always reminding them how much their mummy loves them and everything that she does for them, always reminding them to make sure they tell their mother that they love her very much.
🐻 Big on manners. Won't ever swear in front of the children and he won't let them curse either. He also is always reminding them of their manners, will not raise rude children who don't say please and thank you or hold doors open for people.
🐻 Similar to Arthur, his children can never do any wrong, the only person who is going to tell his kids off his him, if a teacher wants to talk about his children's bad behaviour he's going to talk to the teacher about why they're failing as a role model.
🍀 "Nurturing Dad"
🍀 Family is the most important thing in this lads life. He is absolutely devoted to you and the children, he would do anything for you. He never misses anything, from birthdays to bath time, story time... anything, he doesn't want to miss a second of his children's lives.
🍀 He's very laidback, often very cheeky, always very quick to make you and the little ones laugh. Much like John he's the "fun" parent, he's always playing games with the children, loves to make them laugh with silly little slight of hand tricks (definitely overdoes the "coin from behind the ear" trick)
🍀 Will teach his kids boxing, will teach the girls to fight too if its what they want letting them punch his hands and try to take him out (if all the kids gang up on him at once they can wrestle him to the floor so that you have to save him... not that you always feel like it - "hmmm I don't know Bon, I think you might have been asking for it?"
🍀 His favourite thing to do is to gather all the little ones up into bed with you and him, all of you tucked under the covers for a bedtime story. He does the voices but he gets shy in front of you so he can't help but blush when he's doing the silly parts. Encourages the kids to join in and do the voices themselves.
🍀 Loves to teach the littlens things, practical skills like woodworking/ hunting/ how to make a fire or a shelter. Any excuse to take them out into the forest to build a den or go camping.
🍀 He's really traditional and would definitely want to raise the children with traditional traveller values, wants to raise them how he was raised however
🍀 He's ambitious and he doesn't want his children to grow up in the bordering on poverty that he grew up in so he will work so hard to give them anything they could ever desire. He doesn't exactly spoil them because he definitely teaches them the value of their work, but he'd never let his children go without. He never lets you go without either, even if he doesn't want to spoil the children he does want to spoil you, "you deserve it sweetheart, for being such a perfect mammy."
🍀 Wants to have a really big family and loves getting you pregnant. He loves taking care of you and being nurturing when you are pregnant and he loves doting on you and the children... One day when they're all grown up his empty nest syndrome will be worse than yours.
🍀 A really nurturing father, will teach his boys that it's alright to cry and express their emotions, will want to kill anyone who makes his little girls cry. Will teach his sons to look after and love their sisters. Will raise his kids to know that family comes first always. If one of his kids gets into trouble at school for fighting, but it turns out he was fighting to defend his sister, Bonnie will be really proud of them and much to the teachers despair, will tell them "you did the right thing, next time hit him twice, one from me eh?"
🍀 Will do his best to be friendly when his daughters bring boys home but he will need so much support from you, so many gentle reminders to "be nice" because thats his little girl and what if this lad isn't good enough, what if they hurt her or let her down or... You'll probably have to remind him that no matter what no ones going to replace her dad, he'll always be important to her.
🐀 "Cool Dad"
🐀 Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that he's going to mature into a decent father but, it's going to take some time and a lot of growing up.
🐀 I get slightly unreliable vibes from him. He won't take parenthood seriously at first, he'll have no idea how hard it is or how out of his depth he is... He'll definitely think that everyone else is exaggerating when they warn him how much of his life he's going to have to put into being a father... Fatherhood is going to hit him like a freight train.
🐀 He assumes he's going to be great at it because he assumes he's great at everything, but then he's overwhelmed by the long sleepless nights and how difficult it is to read a babies mind... So because he isn't immediately great at it it knocks his confidence a bit, he gets frustrated with himself and becomes convinced that he's "just not meant to be a father"
🐀 So this leads to arguments, naturally... because "you really should have thought about that before you knocked me up Isaiah!" You would start to doubt whether you could rely on him, whether he resents you and the children as a burden, whether he even wants to stay with you or whether he's going to leave...
🐀 When you argue about that fact and you come out with "well if you're so fucking unhappy why don't you just leave... if you're so convinced you're not meant to be a father we'll just have to get by without you won't we..." He'd be stunned by this outburst and genuinely have no idea where it's come from. Because he's stupid.
🐀 He'd be really taken back but forced to consider your words he'd start to realise that this is hard for both of you, that you're both doing something you've never done before, that the responsibility is new and tiring for you both... just because he thinks you're better at it than he is doesn't mean you're not also just making it up as you go along...
🐀 And your suggestion that he might want to leave you makes him realise just how much he could lose, makes him realise that he doesn't want to lose you or the little ones, that even if its hard he wants so badly to be a good man and father.
🐀 So then he'd start trying a lot harder, he'd stop expecting to get everything right the first time, he'd start trying to learn from you. Like I said, he's going to be a good father, but it's going to take time.
🐀 In awe of how good at mothering you are, doesn't understand how you can be soft and gentle and patient when the baby won't stop crying... He longs to develop that kind of patience but honestly, you have the patience of a saint and he knows he's never going to be as easy tempered as you.
🐀 He's a strange mixture of over protective and completely irresponsible, he takes the children with him to the pub, he lets them sip the foam from his beer to teach them that they won't like it. He will let them run riot at family gatherings.
🐀 Has definitely forgotten then baby and left them sleeping in their carrier under the table at the pub at least once.
🐀 However, the children are never allowed out of his sight, they can go to these places but only with him where he's there to look after them. His theory is that if he's so strict that his children never get to have any fun, they'll grow up wanting to break rules and do stupid dangerous things just for the sake of rebelling, so he's cool about it, he lets them drink when they're older so that they'll see theres nothing special about it, he'll let them hang around with the Blinders so that the mystery and glamour is taken out of it... whether this tactic works you'll have to wait and see, you're not entirely confident however...
🐀 He will be the kind of parent that speaks to his children like they're adults, they're going to learn swearing and sarcasm and back chat really young and its going to be a nightmare.
🐀 Will be suspicious of all boys who so much as look at his daughters because he was a teenage boy once and he knows what they're like. Whenever you remind him, "we were just as bad at that age..." he'll say "exactly and look where it got us, I'm not having some halfwit knock up my daughter!"
🐀 sometimes you think he says that just so you'll tell him that actually he makes a really good father.
☘️ "Perfectionist Dad"
☘️ Being a father is probably more important to Michael than you realise... Having been taken from his real family when he was very young, he feels there's a part of childhood which he was robbed of and he's determined to make sure his own children have the best childhood.
☘️ Because of this he has quite a few rules that he sets, he just wants his children to be safe and to not waste their potential... however he will occasionally be soft on these rules and let things slide if he thinks it's going to make the children and you happy.
☘️ He puts so much pressure on himself to be the perfect father. He will never express his doubts to you but he has such high expectations of himself and you can tell. Sometimes you have to give him a kiss on the cheek and remind him that as long as he's doing his best thats all that matters, that his children will love him even if he makes mistakes. That you think he's a really good father and wouldn't ever wish for anyone else to be the dad to your kids.
☘️Tries his best to be supportive, sometimes struggles to be patient because he's a logical thinker and you can't always solve baby's crying the way you can a maths problem. Imagine him trying to reason with a toddler who won't eat their rice pudding... "Look you might not appreciate this right now little one but this snack is highly nutritious, its an excellent source of protein and its got lots of calcium which is especially important for making you grow big and strong just like daddy... so even if you don't like it eh, better to eat it up..." "Michael he's two..." "I'm just explaining...." "T W O"
☘️ You wouldn't expect it of him, and it's definitely something he struggles with a little however he's always determined to be an affectionate and loving father. He definitely comes off as being too serious when he kisses his children on the forehead and tells them he loves them, but they always know they can come to him when they need a hug.
☘️ He's a really attentive father when it comes to things like waking up in the night if the kids have had a nightmare or something, he will let you get your much needed rest and he'll be the one to deal with all issues nocturnal. Can change a nappy in his sleep, can pretty much sleep walk between your bed and the kids bedroom to answer their crying in the night.
☘️Will spoil his daughters rotten and accidentally raise princessy types. Doesn't really see the problem however because he thinks they're perfect in every way and deserve the absolute best.
☘️ Just like Tommy he is determined they will keep their childhood and their innocence for as long as possible. He will do his best to keep his children away from the family business, he doesn't want them to know that their father is a criminal and he certainly doesn't want them to ever know of all the evil things him and his cousins have done in the past. As a result he tells his children a lot of lies, feels incredibly guilty for being dishonest, and then ends up telling even more lies anyway.
☘️ He absolutely doesn't want his girls anywhere near boys, especially not peaky boys. He doesn't even really like them getting to see their cousins at family gatherings, is always reminding them that they're not like their cousins, they're honest well behaved children, their cousins are wild and can't be trusted.
☘️ Will try to teach his children to be brave, will want them to be able to stand up for themselves. He's a man with childhood trauma and he wishes he'd had the "wits" to defend himself as a child so he wants his own children to be able to fight back. However, a key component of this is that he wants his children to be able to tell him anything and know that their dad will always be on their side, he doesn't want them to keep any secrets from him at all. Wants them to know he will never be angry at them and that it's always better to tell daddy everything.
☘️ If anyone ever threatens or hurts his children he will probably genuinely plot to kill them, have them killed.
Taglist: @inalovesrabbits-blog@zablife @jomarch-wannabe @itsghostgirlyo @marwwfairy @toddlerbodybag @everysage @tommyshelbywhore @kas3ylovesyou @starrykit @call-sign-shark @liliac-dreamer @mollybegger-blog @impossibleheartflower @cocoaflowers
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twisted-lover-boys · 8 months
Hi again, I hope you've been doing well! And that life has been treating you fairly "
I was wondering if we could get diasomnia and/or possibly hearstlyblu ( if not either or is fine) with a male reader that's like March from star rail, (she's just my favorite ok, she's just so cute and funny and I love her 🤣)
Heartslabyul with a March 7th-like boyfriend
{not proof-read}
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Riddle always knew that you were a strange man when he first met you, but he guesses that strangeness only led to his deep affection for you
He was happy that you loved to take photos of events that happened in your life. He always strives to make every unbirthday party or any Heartslabyul-related event photographic worthy just for you
He always loved how enthusiastic you were over the little things that happened. Every little achievement you reached or event you went to was always met with your positive energy
No matter what you decide to dress in, you always look so cute to Riddle. It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing your school uniform or any event costume, you always look so adorable to him
Your powers have always amazed him. You have an unrivaled control over ice that many would be envious of, including him. You have always showed great control over them. Honestly it just makes you more handsome to him
Riddle knew that you remembered nothing of your past but that never stopped him from loving you. No matter what your past would bring up, he’d always love you as his boyfriend
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Ace has a habit of attracting strange people and you were no different…until he started developing a crush on you. Then badda-bing-badda-boom you were his boyfriend now
He fully supports your love for photography and often point out interesting or beautiful spots just so that you can picture them. Probably also gets you new film when you run out
He matches very well with your enthusiasm, especially if it’s something you both enjoy. Parties, pranks, events, anything so long as you’re both having fun
He will never admit this outright but that’s what I’m here for: he loves every single outfit you pull off. Any event outfit, your Halloween costume, or even anything casual, he is on his knees for you
I’ll be honest, Ace likes making hailstorms with you. He’s pretty good with his wind magic and with your unrivaled control over ice, you’re practically unstoppable. A recipe for disaster, if I may add
Ace doesn’t give two shits about your background or the fact that you don’t remember it. You’re his boyfriend here and now and nothing or no one from your past will change that
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Deuce honestly didn’t mind that others saw you as strange. If anything, it only added to his future attraction towards you. It didn’t surprise him when you became his boyfriend
He thinks that your love of photography is nice. It’s a nice hobby to have and loves seeing you get all giddy and happy when you take pictures of beautiful scenery or event
He could easily match your enthusiasm if he wanted to. He can get excited or determined over every little thing so long as you put in as much enthusiasm as him
Deuce is always on his knees for you and your wondrous power in looking cute in everything. He always wants to admire you and have any pictures of you in said outfits
He’s thought about many dangerous combos with his unique magic and your ice powers. Solely because he thinks putting your magic together will result in a full on blackout
Deuce knows that you don’t remember anything of your past but he doesn’t care. Something or someone may come back from your past but you can face it together, as partners
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Cater would use the word “unique” to describe you and even then, he doesn’t care because you’re just super sweet. Guess that’s why he ended up making you his boyfriend
You both share your love of photography. While he does it for his magicam, you do it for your own personal enjoyment. You both end up scouting photo-worthy spots or pick the best angle from events or parties
Somedays, it’s easy for Cater or match your enthusiasm and others…not so much. It just depends on the day. He could have the energy of a young Pomeranian and others he just wants to chill with you
You ever see that video game character who just takes pictures and says “fantastic”? That’s Cater when you wear anything cute. He’s always around with with a camera, snapping as many pictures of you in these cool outfits. Well, you look cute in anything anyway
He loves seeing you use your ice powers in combat but he also loves the more domestic and artistic uses they have. Making ice art that never melts, keeping things cold so they don’t spoil, and being a godsend in summer
He’s not super willing to admit that he’s afraid of your unknown backstory but that’s because he’s afraid that once you learn of your past again, you’ll leave him. Just reassure him that no matter what happens, you’ll always be with him
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Trey always felt like he had a habit of attracting strange friends, but that’s not to say he doesn’t mind. In fact, it probably played a hand in you becoming his boyfriend down the line
He honestly loves your love of photography because you manage to always make the most simplest of things and make them look absolutely beautiful
Trey honestly can’t keep up with your enthusiasm. You’re just too energetic for him! But he’d love to just sit on the sidelines and let you get all your excitement out
He doesn’t know how you do it, but you always manage to make the simplest of outfits look so adorable. Any provided school uniform, event costumes, literally anything. But hey, he’s not complaining
He both admires your ice powers and even wants to experiment with his own unique magic. Maybe you’d make some cool combos? But he also appreciates it for its recreational uses. He’s never had so many fresh tarts before
He knows that you don’t remember anything about your past and understands your fears with it, but he promises that no matter what ends up coming your way, you’d handle it together as a couple
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jokeroutsubs · 5 months
ENG translation: "When I'm on stage, I know that I have to be here and only here"
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An interview with Bojan Cvjetićanin in Slovenian newspaper Delo, originally published 31.10.2021.
Original article is available here for Delo subscribers. Original article written by Beti Burger for Delo; photos by Blaž Samec; English translation by a member of Joker Out Subs, native proof reading by IG GBoleyn123.
If you repost quotes from the interview, please link back to this post! And if you repost the photos, do not crop out the photographer credit.
Bojan Cvjetićanin, frontman of Joker Out, says that the success happening to them is not the result of something that happened overnight.
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When he's standing on stage, he doesn't know what's actually going on. Even though after the concert, he realises that he was on it, and remembers certain moments, he's actually in a zen-like state: his head is somewhere else, and his brain does what it wants to do. Young, reflective musician Bojan Cvjetićanin believes that he was born to write music and lyrics and sing them on stage. "What I enjoy the most at a concert is when we play a new song from start to finish with the band for the first time and we're 'vibing'."
And if some of the lines above did not have context yet when we talked the day before the first concert, and sort of 'hung in the air', in packed Cvetličarna it was crystal clear what he had wanted to say. They were 'vibing' not only when they played well-known hits - Omamljeno telo, Umazane misli, Vem da greš - but also to new songs from the album, when they felt the strong energy and heard the audience was singing the new songs with them... She'll find herself there, where no one knows her, where the road always carries the smell of fresh rain (...) where pearls are in seashells, not on necklaces (Barve oceana).
Bojan truly, as he said, seems a little distant on stage, as if he's in his own world, but also in contact with the audience at the same time. He is both confident and childishly playful at once, with a wide smile on his face, with the charisma of an experienced frontman. His friend and member of the band, bassist Martin Jurkovič, with whom they started their musical journey as young teenagers already, described him well in an interview as someone who "draws all the attention to himself and the band during a concert". When the band members look at each other during a gig, they recognise each other's exact thoughts, and a kind of perversion of pleasure happens. We witnessed this exact thing at the album presentation.
"On stage, I feel sexy, I feel free and accepted. I'm on autopilot and I'm never thinking about what my next move will be, it's when I'm 'free as a bird' because I am surrounded by friends who know me very well, so I don't have to be ashamed of anything. It's also a good feeling when you know that there is a crowd of people in the hall who came to our concert because they like something that we give them. This mutual accumulation of love and energy is very strong." Are there places where he doesn't feel accepted, I query his words. "I think that we all sometimes find ourselves in a situation when we feel like we don't belong there and we ask ourselves what we're even doing there. When I'm on stage, however, I know that I have to be here and only here."
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Bojan Cvjetićanin Born in 1999. Frontman of currently the most in-demand young Slovenian band Joker Out which, with their shagadelic rock'n'roll, a genre they actually invented themselves, sold out Cvetličarna twice last week with their just-released album Umazane misli. Even off-stage, he's the 'joker' in a group, optimistic and talkative and an occasionally childishly playful young man. His lyrics (and music) are mature, sensitive and empathetic. The Ljubljana resident, otherwise a sociology student, has been making music for almost half of his life. Last but not least, a listener can quickly recognise that he actually grew up exactly where he feels the best: on stage.
Tired and sleep deprived, just a few days before the concert in Cvetličarna, which had been postponed (more than once) due to Covid-19 and which seemed like it would never happen, he had a nightmare. He dreamed "that there was one song that we just could not start and we tried again and again". He really had a lot of stage fright before the first concert this year. At the end of April and beginning of May, it still looked like there wouldn't be concerts in the summer, and then everything started to open up. They've never had as many concerts as this summer. "Those concerts hit us like a train, because we were neither mentally nor physically prepared for this many performances. We'd got used to rehearsing all day long and being completely self-sufficient. It was pretty hard before the first sold-out concert in Čin čin in Ljubljana, because the audience's expectations, as well as our own, were high. We performed with a new drummer for the first time, so the tension was even greater. When we stepped on stage, however, an enormous wave of energy that reflected from the audience washed over us, you could feel and see that people had been locked up at home, that they needed to relax, needed concerts."
"In these times, when the internet and media constantly bombard us with so much information, that defines us pretty strongly. So it seems like any kind of thinking for yourself, about anything, is already a dirty thought."
The epidemic was also a time when changes happened in the group, as during the creative process, they realised that not all members of the band have the same creative drive, so in the end, they switched their drummer. Since then, they have significantly changed the way they work. They have created, even if not completely intentionally, a spirit of band co-production, they've become more dependant on each other. They've realised that music demands that they help each other. It's also important that, when they start to grow wings from all the congratulations and praises, they pull each other back to solid ground. In interviews and articles, he is described as "the most recognisable voice of the new generation of Slovenian rock" or as "a rising star" and he feels honoured by those compliments, but in truth, those titles don't really tell him a lot. Hearing that from the people who listen to their music is what means the most to him. He says that it's not the sea of congratulations that caresses your ego, but rather certain moments and situations when you actually feel strong and in your own skin. "In the moment when the light shines on you on the stage, the feelings are indescribable, you feel like a god. That's the 'awesome' thing, not when someone tells you that you're a god." He adds that he thinks he's still the same Bojan he was years ago, when all those congratulations and titles didn't exist yet.
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"The bassist Martin and I have been making music for almost half of our lives and I think that with time, we've managed to work through everything that happens during the evolution of a band. Our current success didn't come overnight, it is the result of a long period of work." The pivotal year for Joker Out was 2017, when it first started looking like this band could truly become 'something'. "From the start, you want it to be something more, but it's usually just a distant wish, like Cvetličarna used to be." Back then, however, after the single Omamljeno telo, all the positive response gave them the feeling that everything was being taken to a higher level. And there were several of those levels, they have jumped over many of them. "If I look at the situation objectively, it seems crazy to me that we sold out Cvetka (Cvetličarna, a.n.) twice with three singles." As he says, however, nothing that they do in the band is left up to chance. "Very early on, we put our heads together and had an in-depth discussion, first of all about our relationships with one another, and then about our duties, and we promised each other that we would never be afraid to tell each other what we wanted. When we determined our wishes, we turned them into goals, which we are now achieving." In his words, something that definitely contributes to their success is that they're surrounded by people who love what they do. "Now we work as a team, and if a team works well, it can't miss." In the future they want to release another album, and they're also drawn beyond the borders of Slovenia, to the Balkans.
As a band, they want to give people the things that drive them as artists - currently the prevailing theme in their lyrics is love, but also self-reflection and musings. These are very general, many songs talk about how young people sometimes feel constricted or lost and are looking for their place in the world. "We're currently not interested in politics and we don't plan to define ourselves politically one way or another, although our songs do feature some messages about society. We think that our job is to spread love and that people can, based also on our lyrics, come up with their own political opinion, without our imposition," he says.
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And when I challenged him to use one of their songs to describe his current feeling before the concert (adrenaline, fear, uncertainty, expectations), he said that "there's a butterfly in my head that's just swimming through a weird universe. It feels like people around me are buzzing and not actually talking." Metulji ('Butterflies') is actually his favourite song. He wrote it at the same time as Omamljeno telo and it already meant a lot to him back then. He wanted to hear a recording of it, but today he says that he's happy that they recorded it later, because back then it wouldn't have been anything like it is today. "Now, the song is exactly as we imagined it back then, but didn't know how to embody it."
As the singer, Bojan Cvjetićanin is also the most recognisable and exposed member of the band. On the Slovenian scene, his role models are (were), among others, Tomi Meglič from Siddharta and Gregor Skočir, the singer of the band Big Foot Mama - "today I can already call them friends, they feel respect for us, as we do for them and for both bands. They come to our concerts, we hang out in private. Even though some people say that you shouldn't meet your idols, because then everything falls apart, now that I know Tomi and know who the person who made all that music is, I like listening to it even more." Among foreign frontmen, his favourite is Liam Gallagher, who became famous with the band Oasis. He was actually his inspiration for keeping his hands crossed behind his back while singing on stage. "I had a period of that 'Liam pose'... I didn't know what to do with my hands on stage, and when I put them behind my back once, it seemed like a good trick. Today, I grab the guitar more and more on stage, so I don't have an issue with what to do with my hands anymore. (smile)." What, then, are the key characteristics of a good frontman? "He has to be honest, genuine. There are many types of lead singers, Mick Jagger, for example, gives himself away completely, goes crazy and dances, while some others stand still constantly, but they both completely enchant you." He doesn't think about this too much, he simply exists on stage.
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While some musicians, actors, or other performers are completely different, introverted, in their private lives and in the backstage, Bojan is generally very talkative and smiley. "Even as a little kid, as others have told me, I talked all the time, I wanted to socialise, with older people too, so it seems like I really never had issues with making connections. Now it's actually the same, there are just more people in front of the stage." At Poljane High School, which, as he has stressed many times, shaped him a lot as a person, he performed in a theatre group, so he already experienced the stage in the role of an actor, later he was on TV in the role of a host. These days, he still often says, half-laughing, that - if music won't be what he earns a living with - he'd like to be a sociology professor at Poljane. "But I heard they just got a new one, so I don't know how realistic the chances are."
But for now, he doesn't have to do anything other than make music. Bojan Cvjetićanin is also the author of the lyrics of most of the songs, in which, as he said, he's a kind of medium who conveys others' pain. While he did say not long ago that as a songwriter, he sometimes lacks unhappy emotions and that he doesn't know the pain of a broken heart, it's different now. "I got my dose of inspiration for quite some time..." He says that when making songs, it's almost always the music that comes first, and then the lyrics. "Most often, I take the guitar, lately I also sit at the piano, and I try to find the chords that sound interesting to me in that moment, and then I also sing along. Usually, associations form in my head and it feels like it suddenly becomes clear to me what the lyrics will be, sometimes I "accidentally" sing some lines that end up staying in the song and define what I will talk about." The lyrics are mostly, as mentioned, about love and self-reflection, but there are also a few slightly different ones among them. Aleppo, the duet with Omar Naber, who has been by his side from the beginning and helped him record demos, was created differently. The song, which talks about the city Aleppo in Syria, which is ravaged by war, was created when, in a TV report about what was happening there, he saw a young girl that inspired him. Then, he immediately started writing.
As someone who is sensitive to feeling other people's pain, does he ever fear that he could lose this empathy in the rather apathetic world we live in? "Just last year, there was a moment when I thought that I was completely alienated from myself, and I felt like I was never going to fall in love again. For a while, nothing excited me, I thought I had gone numb, but then something suddenly changed, I just waited for that natural 'click'." When songs become evergreen, hits that everyone sings and that connect generations, is it also important how much empathy the lyricists have?
"Absolutely. You have to have enough empathy to be honest with yourself. If you're honest, some people will connect very strongly with your lyrics. Nowadays, so many songs in the musical world are written just to be written. Not because they carry a real story within. And you can really feel that. It's that easy."
If you repost quotes from the interview, please link back to this post! And if you repost the photos, do not crop out the photographer credit.
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loubouskz · 1 year
strange things happen
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han jisung x thick!fem!reader
description: tour just ended, and they were going back home. jisung should be happy and excited but can't help but be in his head. when he's told about the backrooms, he didn't really think he'd end up there, nor did he think he would meet a girl too. but then again, the strangest things happen to good people.
genre: strangers to lovers, the backrooms
warning: SMUT!, pov changes a few times, foggy in head space, anxiety fear, mentions of meditation, insomnia(in text but not mentioned), crying, panic attack, passing out, body insecurity, jisung being a sweetheart, somewhat fear of water, yelling, overthinking, kissing, making out, slight marking kink, oral(both receiving), the smallest bit of dirty talk, creampie
wc: 8.8k(somewhat proof-read)
a/n: idk why I wrote this!🤣 I just couldn't shake the thought of it, so I had to write it and now I absolutely love it. I tried my best to explain the levels they were in, basing it off the game: The Complex: Backrooms Found Footage. I think I did okay. tho choosing what skz member to write it for was hard but ended up choosing jisung. anyway, I hope you enjoy this! I would love to hear your guys feedback!❤️❤️
taglist: @hgema @jisunglyricist
“what? you two honestly don’t believe in that stuff, right?” minho asked, placing his drink down. jisung hadn’t been listening to the conversation and looked around the dinner table. he saw everyone laughing and enjoying dinner while he was off wandering around in his head. the hyung line(besides minho who was sitting next to jisung) were finished eating and up and doing their own thing. while the maknae line were still sat at the table. they had just finished tour and were having a celebratory dinner party with the whole staff and crew.
“you never know what could be real minho.” jeongin said, shrugging his shoulders. jisung scrunched his eyebrows. “what are we talking about?” he asked, looking around the table. “the backrooms.” felix answered, leaning into the table. “what’s that?” he asked, poking around at his food. jisung didn’t really feel hungry, just more tired than anything. all he wanted to do was go to the hotel and sleep. 
“the backrooms are like an urban legend. its were you noclip out of our everyday world filled with people to a liminal space. there’s different areas or levels. the most famous one being this.” felix said, showing jisung a photo. an open room with yellow wallpaper and fluorescent lighting. “there’s been a lot of short films and documentaries to come out recently about it.” jeongin said. “but they’re fake.” seungmin cut in. “we don’t know that.” jeongin said, turning his head to seungmin. “basically you end up there, and you go through the levels to find a way out.” felix said. “that’s creepy.” jisung said as the two boys continued to show and tell him more about the backrooms.
the more felix and jeongin talked about the backrooms, the more fear set in jisung’s head. minho was starting to worry about him. “okay boys! i think that’s enough, let’s go enjoy this party before everyone gets too tired.” minho said, pushing his chair back to stand up. giving the two younger boys a stare, basically to say. shut the fuck up right now. everyone followed minho to the dance floor and processed to have a fun night. dancing the night away.
jisung could feel his body dancing to whatever song was playing. but he kept going back and forth in his head and being present while dancing. his brain had felt foggy for the last few days. even more now since the idea of the backrooms being real. he knows he shouldn’t believe it, but he can’t help it. the idea of being stuck and alone, going in endless loops, trying to find a way out…it scared him.
the party seemed to end quickly. though two hours had passed, it felt like six minutes. everyone cleaned up the areas that were messed up, and in a blink of an eye, jisung was in the van on the way back to the hotel. he doesn’t remember getting in the van and doesn’t even try to either. jisung took a deep breath and looked out the window. seeing the bright lights of the streetlamps and neon signs for the clubs, bushes and trees blurring at the speed. jisung just wanted to sleep. that’s all he needed. it had been a very long day, and he was ready for it to be over.
once in his shared hotel room. jisung took a long hot shower to relax his nerves. though he really didn’t do anything during the shower. he just stood under the water, forehead pressed against the cold wall till the water ran cold. jisung looked at himself in the mirror as he brushed his teeth for the night. he felt like he was seeing himself in third-person, and his body felt like a shell. he couldn’t understand why he was feeling like this. he’s been taking his medicine, never missing a day or night. jisung turned off the light and exited the bathroom. he removed his towel and put on a pair of boxers and his pajama pants on. not bothering to put on the matching shirt. 
he climbed into the bed and turned off his side lamp, ready for bed.  “you okay ji?” he heard minho voice ask. jisung turned his head and smiled at minho. “yeah, i’m fine man. just really tired and ready to sleep. can you turn off your light as well?” jisung said to him. minho gave a worried face but did what jisung asked with a nod. “if you need someone to talk and listen to you, you know you can talk to me. right, jisung?” minho asked out in the dark. jisung nodded his head, then remembered the lights were off. “i know. nothing’s wrong. i promise.” he said out loud before yawning. “night minho.” jisung said in a tired voice. “good night, jisung.” minho responded back.
why wasn’t sleep coming to him. jisung laid awake in the dark, staring at the ceiling. his arms under his head. his mind and body had felt tired. he wanted to sleep, so why wasn’t it coming to him. he didn’t want to toss around too much, scared that he would wake up minho. the one thing he didn’t want to do was worry him even more. so jisung stayed still and waited for sleep to take him. but it never did, he watched as the sun came up and heard the city become loud and full of life again. he heard minho starting to wake up. jisung turned over and closed his eyes, pretending to sleep.
he heard minho get out of bed and walk over to him. shaking him to wake up. “wake up. we have to get to the airport.” minho said. jisung pretended to stir awake and sat up. “what time is it?” jisung asked. “6:43am. now come on and got to get dressed and packed.”
just like last night everything seemed to move fast but slow at the same time. jisung was dressed in his outfit for the day. a white loose fit tee, his black jacket, black baggy pants with his sneakers, dad cap, and face mask. when he blinked and looked up he at the international airport, everybody was ready to go home. he waved to the flashing cameras and stays that were there.
the group made their way through the airport, doing everything they needed to do to get to their gate in time. once they were there, got their tickets scanned and passports looked at. jisung was the last one. when he looked up to continue to board the plane, everyone was so far ahead of him. he doesn’t want to say he freaked out a little, feeling like he was getting left behind even though they were all on the same flight. but that is exactly what he felt. like his flight or fight response kicked in. he secured his carryon and jogged to catch up to the rest of his members, but the more steps he stook, the further they got. “hey chan wait up!” jisung called out to his leader, then he tripped and fell down. 
jisung closed his eyes and waited for the impact of the floor, but it didn’t come. he felt the wind starting to pick up. he opened his eyes and being to panic. this has to be a dream. jisung was free falling in the sky. he couldn’t do anything but scream and cry as the city buildings got closer and closer. he closed his eyes once again, waiting for death to hit him.
then he hit a carpeted floor, but not hard but definitely enough to make a thud sound…like he tripped and fell. jisung pushed himself up onto his knees and saw where he was. just like the picture felix had shown him.
open room, yellow walls, and fluorescent lights. he was in the backrooms.
no no no no this cannot be happening. “i’m dreaming. i must be dreaming.” jisung said as he did everything he could think of to wake himself up. he pinched his arm. hit his leg. slapped his cheek. hell, he even stood up and ran into one of the walls near him and fell down. “ow.” jisung said. falling onto his butt with his head hurting. jisung didn’t know what to do. he busted into tears as he ran. ran and ran. he felt like he was going in circles. everything looked the same! this can’t be real. he stopped and thought for a quick second where he should go. he yanked his face mask off. took a deep breath and continued to run. it doesn’t make any sense of how he could have ended up here. he wanted to be with his members. on the plane. going home. the tears blurring up his vision to the point where he couldn’t see. it felt like everything was closing in around him. he started to sleep black dots. everything went dark.
opening the journal in hand, going back to read what you wrote so you wouldn’t go insane and forget who you are. saying the following words aloud. what your name was. how old you were. your birthday. what year it was. the date it was when you got here. where you are from and currently living at. family, friends, and pets. what you were studying. etc. anything. you didn’t want to risk it even if it wasn’t going to happen. 
once you were done, you placed the journal in the pocket of the hoodie you were wearing. continuing down the nevering-end yellow halls. you don’t know how long you’ve been here, but it felt like years at this point. you don’t know how you end up here either, what this place was, or how to get out. the feeling of someone watching you never going away, even though you knew you were alone.
you turned the corner and physically jumped out of your skin. freezing at that moment. just ahead of you, was a person. a man lying on the ground. he looked to be passed out. you didn’t know whether to go up and shake him to see if he was okay or run. after debating with yourself, you decided to see if he was alive. you slowly walked over to him, taking quiet steps.
once you were right next to him, you squatted down. now seeing his face. you could see he was asian and around your age. his cheeks puffy and red with swollen eyes. you felt a sting to your heart. he must have just shown up here and most likely completely terrified. 
“hey are you okay?” i asked, shaking him on his shoulder. he groaned as he started to wake up. “come on, get up.” i said, shaking him a bit harder. his eyes fluttered open and saw me. i could tell panic set in. he quickly flipped over and scooted away from me. looked around and made a face before looking at me again. “i’m not going to hurt you.” i said. “how do i know that?” he said back. “because we are in the same boat and trying to get out.” i told him. he brought his knees up to his chest. “my name is y/n. what’s yours?” i said. “i’m jisung. han jisung.” he said. “well it’s nice to meet you, jisung.” i said with a smile. “do you know the way out?” he asked.
i stood back up. “no i don’t. sorry. if i did, i wouldn’t be here…where ever i am.” i sighed out, looking around at the yellow walls. “you’ve never heard of this place?” jisung said, looking up at me. “no. have you?” i questioned. he nodded his head slowly before standing up. “just last night, my friends were telling me about this place. it’s called the backrooms.” jisung said, “it’s where you clip out of our everyday world and you’re here.” jisung looked around the room with a scowl. he’s crazy. 
he brought eyes back to me and saw the look on my face. “you don’t believe me..” he said, taking off his cap and running his fingers through his hair. “no. that sounds too insane.” i told him. “there’s this place, a warehouse, a maintenance hall, pool area thing, house, and a lot more.” he said. “i’ve never seen any of those places you’ve mentioned besides this one.” i told him. jisung’s cheeks started to turn red. probably out of embarrassment. i breathed in, “how about we just stick together and find a way out.” i said. he nodded, “good idea.” so we began to walk the eerie room. 
“so…” jisung said, making me turn my head to him. “what do you do? i mean like in our world.” he asked. i smiled, “i’m studying at my dream university while doing part-time at a music shop on the side.” i expressed with happiness. “you?” i directed to him. “oh i’m a k-pop idol. i’m in a group called stray kids. have you heard of us?” he stated. “no sorry.” i said, shaking my head. jisung was telling me about himself and telling stories about his members. which i’ve learned that there is eight of them in total. “we recently just started getting really big these last two and half years. then covid came and we were stuck at home all of 2020.” jisung said. i stopped in my tracks. the fuck? 2020. have i been in here for that long? “my group and i just finished our tour called maniac.” jisung said, turning his head to look at me. when he didn’t see me, he turned around. 
“you okay?” he asked, walking back to me. “2020. it’s 2020?” i exclaimed. he shook his head, “no it’s april 5th 2023.” jisung hesitated to say. he furrowed his eyebrows, “what year did you think it was?” he questioned. “2019. i showed up here on june 9, 2019. i didn’t think i was in here for that long.” i cried out, feeling tears welt up in my eyes. jisung’s eyes widened. “hey hey, don’t cry y/n. we’re gonna get out of here. i promise.” he comforted, placing his arms onto my shoulders. a few tears fell to my cheeks. “none of that.” he said, quickly wiping them away with the knuckle of his pointer finger. “we’re going to get back home. alright?” he said. i nodded and sniffed, “okay.” i told him. jisung gave me a bright smile. “okay then, let’s get a move on.” he said, holding out his hand to take. i placed my hand in his and we continued on our way, trying to find the exit.
turning left and right, going straight. all of it seemed to be the same, the same damn yellow walls with every turn and move. the quiet noise of the fluorescent lights buzzing. 
“i feel like we are going in circles y/n.” jisung said out loud. “i don’t think we are?” i said, more in a question sense. we did another left turn and were met with a dark dead-end. there was a crawl space giving off light. “should we go through it?” jisung asked, squatting down in front of it. i looked at the size of it and looked at my body. 
i was on the thicker size. a tummy, thick thighs and hips, big boobs and butt. i became overly aware of my size. starting to feel small and insecure. “umm, i don’t think i can fit through that.” i quietly told jisung. he looked up at me, eyeing me up and down then back at the crawl space. “i think you’ll get through. plus you won’t know unless you try.” jisung said in a nice tone. “will you try?” he asked. my head came up with a million and one thoughts in one second on why i shouldn’t do it. “as long as you won’t look.” i said, avoiding eye contact. “i can do that.” jisung said while nodding his head.
jisung stood back up and took a few steps back. i walked closer to the crawl space and got on my hands and knees. i looked back at jisung and he had both of his hands covering his eyes and turned to the side. i turned back to the crawl space and started to make my way through. my upper half made it easy, it was a little snug at my hips- but i got through. i stood back up and called out to jisung. 
“i made it!” i said loud and proud. “great!” he said. soon enough, jisung crawled through and was standing next to me. we looked around and the yellow walls were starting to fade into gray metal like material. “i guess this is progress.” i declared, walking ahead. “yeah.” he said, following by my side. as we walked further into the gray walls, we heard a ding. “what was that?” jisung asked. we looked all around us till my eyes landed on an elevator to the right of us, tucked away in a cornered with the doors open.
“jisung there’s an elevator.” i said, making my way over to it. jisung quickly followed. it was a small elevator, but both of us fit with a comfortable distance between us. jisung looked down at the button panel. “well there’s only one direction to go.” he joked. i looked at the panel and sure enough, he was right. we could only go up. “let’s get out of here.” i said, nodding my head. jisung pressed the up button. the elevator doors quickly closed and we started heading up.
“i just thought of something.” jisung said, leaning his back against the wall. “what is it?” i mumbled. “if you’ve been in here since 2019, how are you still alive? there’s no food, no drinkable water. have you even slept?” jisung asked. i looked at him with wide eyes. “i. i honestly don’t know. it doesn’t feel like i’ve been in here that long. maybe a few days or weeks? and i’ve slept, but it was to take a break from walking. not because my energy was low and i needed sleep.” i replied, trying to understand it myself. “wow.” jisung said in pure awe. “i hope you’re not here for as long as i’ve been.” i added, just as the doors opened up. “i hope so too, but then again. i think we are going to get out of here. a lot sooner.” he said with a smile as he exited the elevator.
i followed behind him and to my surprise. we were in a completely different place. the walls were now white tiles, our shoes echoing throughout the hall. soon we came out to an open room with water. “this was the pool area i was talking about!” jisung exclaimed, giving me another one of those big smiles. i felt butterflies dance around in my stomach. god, does he have a killer smile. wait no, don’t think like that y/n. just because this is the person, especially male. does not mean you can form a crush on him.
jisung walked over to the railing and looked down to the right. i came up beside him and looked the same way. he turned his head to me. “do you believe me now.” he said, more in a statement. i could only nod my head. he pushed off the railing and walked behind me. “someone was here.” jisung said. i turned around and looked to see what he saw. there was a blanket on the floor. “so we’re not alone?” i asked. “either we’re not or that person already got out.” jisung said, “but if they are still here, let’s hope they’re as nice as you.” he added, turning around to face to water again.
“i think we are going to have to walk through the water.” jisung stated, going to the steps into the water. i slowly walked over to the steps and watched as he got in. “does it get deeper?” i asked. jisung brought his eyes to mine. “can’t swim?” he asked. “i can doggy paddle, but that’s about it.” i said. jisung rose his hand from his side. “don’t worry.” he said. i made my way down the steps and put my hand his. his hand was so soft and warm. i looked up at him. “i won’t let you go.” jisung promised.
the water covered the bottom half of our legs. deep enough to slush the water around but shallow enough to walk in. as we made our way through the water, there was an opening on the right but there was also another crawl space. jisung turned to me and i shook my head. “not that one.” i pleaded. “we don’t have to.” jisung responded, squeezing my hand. so we took the right hall, which was a little dark considering there was no light other than the sunlight at the end…if you could even call it that. whatever it was.
we slowly made our way to the end of the hall where there was a big circular column and a set of curvy steps out of the water. we quickly started up the stairs to get out of the water, jisung letting me go first. once i reached the top, there was another elevator. “if the rest of this easy to get out of, we’ll be home in no time.” i said, looking back at jisung. jisung looked back down at me and smiled. i glanced down at his lips and back up at his eyes, seeing he did the same thing. “yeah.” he whispered, a ding from the elevator made us jump.
jisung cleared his throat and guided out his hand to let me enter the elevator first. once we were both inside, i pushed the up button this time and watched as the doors closed once again. there was a bit of awkward silence. “tell me more about yourself, y/n. about things you want to do and achieve in life.” jisung said, looking down at his feet. i thought about it for a second and then told him a mini version of my life story and my goals and dreams.
jisung was laughing his butt off by the time the elevator doors opened, making me giggle. we looked out the doors and saw a mall, our laughter dropping at the slight of it. we stepped out and carefully eyed our surroundings. there was an empty fountain, newspaper and random magazines scattered around the floor, dark and quiet like every place has been.  just our shoes making the most noise. we made our way forward, jisung noticing a map hung on the wall.
“do you can this will help us?” jisung asked. “i don’t know.” i said, trying to read the map. “i can’t tell what it says.” i added, looking at jisung. “me neither.” he sighed out. we walked around, not really finding anything. just more dark, dimly lit halls and rooms and rarely stuff in them. besides a chair or two.
we entered the last hall, leading us to something different. “at least we can kinda tell where we are. better than the yellow room.” jisung said, making me smile, “yeah, you’re right about that.” i replied. then my eyes caught a glimpse at something ahead of us. “is that a red light?” i asked, picking up my pace a little. that’s new. we looked at the little hall where the red light was coming from, but it lead no where.
so we just continued walking forward. making turns left and right whenever we felt like it, unless it lead us to a dead-end. to help pass the time we came up with jokes and telling embarrassing stories. 
it was easy talking jisung, even if i had just met him. it felt like we had been friends for awhile. for once and surprisingly, i was happy i was stuck in here and that this happened to me. because i would have never been able to meet han jisung and get to know him for him. as terrible as it is. having someone with me, him with him, made me feel a lot better. 
“hey y/n!” jisung shouted, “come here, i think i found the way to the elevator!” i quickly turned around and followed jisung down a narrow hall with random turns. it opened up to a small cafeteria thing with the elevator on the left wall to the back. 
“we are making so much progress!” jisung said happily and ran over to the elevator. bouncing up and down like a little kid. i laughed as i made my way over to him and stood next to him. “how many levels are there?” i asked him as the elevator dinged. “i don’t know, but hopefully not too many.” he said as we stepped in the elevator for the third time. 
the doors opened up to a hotel with chairs thrown everywhere, lit up by the wall sconces. “well this level it a bit more creepy.” i stated out loud. we left the elevator and went to the right. “it says there’s a dining hall, maybe there’s food there.” jisung said. “are you actually hungry?” i questioned. “no, but it would be nice to eat something right now.” jisung said with a smile. soon enough, we came into the dining hall. 
“shit there’s nothing in here.” jisung whined. i walked over to the crawl space and looked in. “no where to go in there.” i said, turning back around. “dead-end?” jisung sighed. “dead-end.” i said back to him. he groaned as we pushed our way back the way we came to go down a different hall. we came across a small gap in the wall. jisung looked at me. “should we try it?” he asked. “sure why not. we have all the time in the world.” i answered with laugh. 
jisung fit like it was nothing. for me, it was a bit of a squeeze, but bearable. it was just another long hall, just very small and dim. eventually, it opened back up and the elevator was right in front of us and already open. “luck seems to be on our side, we’re going to get home in no time!” jisung said as we entered the elevator.
the doors closed and we only went up for a few seconds then stopped. there was a tap on the door. we both looked at each other. two more taps, jisung stood in front of me in case there was actual someone there. four more taps against the door before the finally opened up. chairs were blocking the exit the leave, the room completely red. we couldn’t get out.
“are we suppose to get out?” i asked, jisung slowly shock his head. he quickly pressed the button to go up so the doors could close again. slowly but sure the doors closed and we started going up again. jisung spun around to face me. “i feel like we are getting closer to go home.” he said with a smile. the doors opened back up and saw the yellow wallpaper. “why the hell are we back here?” i said, pushing past jisung. yellow walls, carpeted floors, fluorescent lights. I turned back to jisung to had a defeated look on his face. i felt my eyes starting to burn. “you’re a fucking liar. i knew i shouldn’t have trust you.” i felt my voice cracking in the sentence. jisung jumped at the sound of my hurt voice. “y/n.” he said, stepping towards me. i back up and shook my head. “no.” i said, before turning around. i walked over to a wall and sled down. crying and feeling hopeless. 
“there’s no way this is the same.” i heard jisung say. he heard him jogging around, i couldn’t even bring myself to look up to see where he was going. i’m such an idiot for thinking i could get out of this place. there’s no way out, just endless loops of different rooms all feeling the same way. hell it’s been five years since i got here. everyone probably thinks i’m dead by now. my family, my friends, my two roommates, everyone who knew me. thinks i’m dead. what’s the point of trying to get out of here when they think i’m dead and gone.
i felt a pair of hands grab my cheeks and push my face up. i saw jisung’s face with tears and a light smile. “it’s not the same y/n.” jisung said, he grabbed my hands and pulled me up. “come on, all we have to do is follow the beeping.” he said, dragging me along with him at a fast pace. we turned a couple a corners and i was first it wasn’t the same. just the color of the room. instead of there just being rooms entering rooms, there were also columns now and more space going up. i hardly had time to process what was happening, jisung just kept pulling me with him. stopping every now and then to listen. 
“what are you liste-” jisung shushed me. then i heard the beep he had been following. “it’s this way.” he said, making a left turn, then a right. the beeping continued to get louder and louder as we got closer. we turned around corner and was greeted into a big room with the elevator. the next part happened so quickly. jisung turned around, placed his hands on my cheeks again and gave my a hard kiss with passion. i yelped as i wasn’t expecting that to happen. i recovered fast and kissed him back, placing my hands on his chest which made jisung smile into the kiss. he pulled away, leaving his forehead on mine.
“we’re going home like i promised.” he said just above a whisper. i looked into his soft brown eyes. “i’m sorry i yelled at you.” i apologized. he shook his head, “no i understand, you want to get back home as much i as i do and when you saw the yellow walls again you felt lied to. i understand, i would have felt the same way.” he told me. jisung removed his hands from my cheeks and down my arms. grasping my left hand with his right. “let’s keep going.” he said, to which i nodded to.
we entered the elevator once again, pressing the up button. the door closed once more, the elevator moving up once again. jisung squeezed my hand, making me turn to him. he leaned in for another kiss which i gladly accepted. it started out as a sweet innocent kiss but became more heated. jisung pushed me against the wall, pressing his body to mine. making me moan into the kiss. with that small opening, jisung slid his tongue into my mouth. exploring every nook and cranny. he tasted like a muted minty flavor. i ran my hands up his body and to the back of his neck, playing with the hair poking out of the cap. jisung groaned into the kiss, rolling his hips into mine. i whined, pushing my hips to his. feeling his erection growing by the second.
“god, i want to fuck you so bad.” jisung said, once he pulled his lips away. my body feeling tingly, goosebumps forming on my skin. i shivered at his words. i went to respond but the elevator dinged and the doors opened back up. “if we can find a not so creepy area, i’ll let you fuck me.” i said to him, looking dead in the eyes. he groaned and gave me another sloppy kiss.
he interlaced our fingers and pulled me out of the elevator. we only made it a few steps before stopping, realizing how dark it was. we could hardly see each other. we continued walking but very slowly, not knowing what was ahead.
just a few more steps forward, a loud snap echoed in the room we were in accompanied with red lights shining the area. we were in the middle of a street with few houses following the side. at the end of the road was a tunnel with the elevator in the center of the tunnel. i looked around at the lights. the redness gave the feeling a not welcoming feeling, like more eyes were on us then the last time. we listened and watched out for any nobody that could be here, but there was no one. not even in the houses. we continued to the tunnel and made our way inside the elevator.
the doors opened to a clean white wall with oak wood floors. nothing on the floor, but a blanket up ahead in front of a window. jisung bent down to it and felt it as i looked out the window. “it’s completely cold, whoever was here hasn’t been here for awhile.” jisung explained. “i think we’re in an apartment complex.” i said. i remember that being one of the places jisung said we could turn up at. jisung stood up and looked at the window as well. just looking at it gave me an uneasy feeling. it was dark ‘outside’, only light coming from all the windows and maybe one of two lamps. jisung turned to me, “let’s keep going.” he said, nodding his way down the hall.
turn after turn we were just greeted by more dead-ends. coming back out of one of the last halls. before we could even make it fully, we stopped in our tracks. there right in front of us was a an opening. like the building had been cut in half. 
we got closer to it. “that would be a long fall.” jisung said as he looked down. i nodded my head. “yeah it would be.” i said. jisung looked at the other opening his could see. “do you think i could make that jump?” he questioned. my eyes widened. “please do not try to make that big ass gap han jisung.” i raised my voice at him. he turned to me, wide eyed. “yes ma’am.” he said giving me a smirk.
we headed back to where the original hall connected to the hall we were just in and the elevator door was right in front of us. like it just appeared out of no where. “well that’s new.” i said as we walked up to it. “yeah, let’s hope that doesn’t happen again.” jisung laughed out as we got in. “on the next stop do you think we can sit down and take a breather?” i asked him. “yeah sure. i don’t mind taking a break at all.” he answered back. 
the doors opened up again to flat land and a singular house. we seated out, taking in our surroundings. it was like we were on a small planet, you could see a slight curve where it circled down and around. the sky was painted in a dusk night with the sun already gone and the stars starting to pop up.
“you picked a good one, y/n.” jisung pointed out as we made our way to the house. the front door was open and a room directly the right of us. a chair and a blanket on the floor. we walked a little further into the house and right there in the corner to the left was the elevator. in front of it on the other wall was a door but it was closed. jisung grabbed the door handle and twisted the knob.
“it’s locked.” he said. “did you still want to rest or did you want to just go since the elevator is right here?” he added. as much as i wanted to go, i couldn’t stand the feeling in the pit of my stomach anymore. i wanted him. right here and now. i walked up to him and placed my hands on his shoulders. i leaned my face close to his, lips barely touching. “did you forget what i told you earlier?” i asked, never breaking eye contact. i could feel his hot breath on my lips. “no.” he said, stealing a look at my lips. 
i leaned in and crashed my lips onto his, him groaning in the process. jisung’s hands went for my hips before dragging them down and to my ass. giving it a hard squeeze. i moaned into the kiss, right before pulling away with jisung chasing after my lips. i giggled and grabbed his forearm, pulling him the first open room we saw. i pressed him against the nearest wall, connecting my lips to his neck. i pushed off his jacket as i left marks on his body. i bit his collarbone, getting my hand under his shirt and pushing it up. jisung quickly threw his cap off and slid his shirt off his body. i kissed down his chest and got on my knees. unbuttoning his pants and unzipping them. i pushed them down his thighs along with his underwear. 
his cock was already halfway hard. i spat on my hand and gripped him. jisung moaned, throwing his head back onto the wall. i ran my hand up and down, my mouth watering at the sight of him. i placed the tip of his cock on my tongue and licked up the bead of pre-cum coming out. jisung looked down at me and brought his hand on the top of my head. i opened my mouth and shoved him in. taking as much as i could. 
“oh fuck y/n.” jisung said as his body tensed up from the feeling of my warm mouth. i bobbed my head back and forth, loving how heavy he felt on my tongue. i moaned around his cock. i moved my hand to his balls and played with them. jisung thrusted his hips forward, making me gag.
“sorry.” he said, pulling his cock out of my mouth. he placed his hand under my chin and tilted my head up. “you aright?” he asked with worried eyes. i nodded my head and smiled. “yeah i’m okay.” i said. “good.” he stated as he got on the floor then kicked off his shoes and pants. jisung grabbed his clothes and laid them behind me. he gently pressed me back to make me lay down.
jisung climbed over me and kissed me as he ran his hands up my body and under my shirt. i froze and grabbed his wrists, making him freeze. “you wanna leave it on?” he asked when he pulled away. “just my shirt, everything else can come off.” i shyly told jisung. “that’s fine.” jisung said with a smile. jisung sat up, running his hands down my body to my sweats. “just so you know, i think you look beautiful.” he said, admiring every curve and roll on my body. i blushed at his statement. he pulled down my sweats and off my legs, taking my shoes off too.
jisung groaned at sight of my underwear, seeing a dark patch on the material. he made eyed contact with me as he laid down. coming face to face with my cunt. jisung placed a kissed right on top of my clit then gave a bold lick, sending shock waves though my body. he hooked his finger around my underwear and pushed it to the side.
he immediately dived in and started eating me out. i threw my head back as i ached my back. my hand found his hair and tugged at it hard. the sounds of his groans vibrated my body. i whined as he pushed his tongue inside my wet hole. I clamped my thick thighs around his head.
“god, you taste so good.” jisung said, spitting on my mound. he ran his finger up my slit before pushing it in. “gotta stretch you out for my cock baby.” he said in a gravely voice, setting up a decent speed. “want you to cum all over my hand.” he said before diving back in. his tongue playing my clit again. “oh jisung!” i yelled out. my breathing picked up as his added a finger, making me clench around him. “curl your fingers up.” i whined out. jisung did exactly what i told him to do. finding my g-spot quickly. i ached my back and angled my hips even more as i felt my orgasm getting closer. making me curl my toes and my legs start to shake.
“harder.” i pleaded, needing more pressure to help me release. jisung pounded fingers hard into me with every pullback curling them up. his tongue danced around my clit as my legs started to shake. “oh fuck, i’m gonna cum!” i moaned loudly. he wrapped his lips around my clit and hummed, which sent me head first into my climax- nearly screaming jisung’s name from my lips. he slowly removed his fingers. patting my clit a few times, making me jolt.
“i love how you scream my name.” he said, sitting back onto his knees. “want more.” i said, spreading my legs out. “i want you inside me, please.” i whined. “fuck, i love that even more.” he said, scooting up so he could line his cock up with my opening. slowly pushing in as he rubbed my sensitive clit. i closed my eyes, running my hands above my shirt. gripping at my boobs. we both moaned as he bottomed out. jisung steaded himself before placing his arms under the back on my knees, holding my legs. he slowly pulled out halfway and slammed back in. 
“fuck.” i whispered. jisung’s eyes never left my body as he began to keep up the pace. watching every closely at my body and how it was jiggle and moving with each thrust. “shit, i’m not gonna last long.” he whined out, gripping my legs hard. i clenched around him at how whiny he sounded. just the sound of our skin hitting the walls of the room and loud moans from the both of us. jisung let go of my legs and laid on top of my body. his hot chest moving against my hoodie, making it come up a little. placing his hands neither side of my head. his hot breath fanning my face.
“you look so good under me. don’t wanna stop fucking this tight little cunt.” jisung said, punching a hard thrust. i wrapped my legs around his waist and arm around his back, burying my head into the crease of his neck. from this angle the pubic bone grazed my clit perfectly. i moaned feeling my second orgasm coming up fast. “gonna cum.” i whispered as i dug my nails into his back from the pleasure. jisung’s thrusts became sloppy and more rough. “me too, where should i cum?” he moaned. “inside. cum inside me, i wanna feel how much you fill me up.” i cried out, he shivered. he wrapped his right arm around the back of my shoulders, pulling my upper half even closer.
“cum with me baby.” he whined, sending a handful of hard thrusts with him pulling almost completely out, only leaving the tip in. slamming his cock deep inside one more time, shooting his hot seed around my walls. triggering my own climax, clenching around him harder than before. he rutted against me, my body feeling like pulp. i slowly released him from my grip, jisung helping me lay down my upper half. 
he sat up and grabbed his soften cock, easing it out of my sensitive hole. both hissing at the feeling. i closed my legs as jisung laid next to me so we could actual catch our breath. i looked over at jisung who was already looking at me. we broke out into smiles and laughter. he rolled over placing his arm loosely around my waist.
“when we get out of here, i wanna take you out of a date.” jisung said with a big bright smile. i felt my eyes widen and cheeks become red. “really?” i asked, making him nodded. “are you sure you want to be seen with a girl like me?” i questioned, glancing down at my bigger body. “i don’t care about that. just the type of person you are and from what i’ve learned so far. you seem like a great woman that i want to get to know more.” he said, making me blush even harder. i smiled at him then had a thought.
“what if when we get out of here we’re not together.” i said. jisung took a deep breath and placed his hand to my cheek. “then i’ll find you.” he said quietly before leaving a gentle kiss on my lips. jisung pulled away and laid back down. “come here.” he sai, opening his arms. i smiled and cuddled into him, laying my head on his chest. 
after a few minutes of cuddling, we got up and put back on our clothes. we were standing in front of the elevator. jisung turned his head to me. “ready?” he asked. “ready as i’ll ever be.” i answered back. we hopped in and watched as the doors closed. “where do you think we’ll go next?” i asked him. “well from what i remember my members telling me. we could end up in a long straight hall and a warehouse. other then those two, i don’t know.” jisung said.
the doors opened up but we weren’t completely on the level we need to be on. jisung and i looked at each other with questioning looks on our faces. jisung looked out to see what the level was. then the elevator cart jolted down a bit. jisung stumbled back into me. i grabbed ahold of his sides as we both looked at the doors. then the cart started falling, making loud screeching noises and lights going off.
“jisung!” i shouted. fear filling my body, heart pounding in my chest. jisung grabbed ahold of my arms and tried his best to face me. “grab onto my forearms y/n!” he yelled over the loud sound. i did what he said and held on tightly. “we’re going be okay!” i heard jisung said. i didn’t know what to do but scream as tears ran down my face. i tried to take a step to jisung but my body didn’t move. that’s when i realized had i closed my eyes.
i snapped my eyes open and saw that we were no longer in the elevator. i screamed out jisung’s name as i panicked. jisung opened his eyes and saw what was happening. i felt my grip of my left hand loosening and sliding down jisung’s arm. “don’t let go!” jisung screamed. “i’m trying!” i cried out as the wind started blowing faster and faster. then the wind hit us from the side, making us spin. both my hands were now at his wrists. jisung digging his fingertips into my skin.
i kept slipping from his grasp, hands to hands. jisung was using all his strength to pull me towards him the wind kept picking up. i looked at him with teary eyes the best i could. “you’ll find me!” i called out. “i promise!” jisung yelled back with tears in his eyes as well. the wind hit us once more from the other direction, making us spin hard.
that time, i lost the grip on jisung. “jisung!” i screamed. “y/n!” he screamed back but he sounded so far away. i kept spinning as the wind took me where it wanted. once i’d stopped spinning i realized i was headed straight to the ground in an alley. nonono. i closed my eyes, not wanting to see the ground getting closer. i landed on a big pile of trash bags, tumbling down them onto the concrete. landing on my side. 
“ow.” i said, looking around me and it was dark. that’s when i heard it. a car. people. a town. i shot up and looked in front of me, just to see a car pass by. “holy shit. i’m back.” i whispered. i got up from the ground and made my way out of the alley. i looked both ways before deciding to go right. i went into the nearest store and asked where i was. i’m home.
i sat in the police station waiting for my family and roommates to arrive. jisung was right about it being 2023. everything. i wouldn’t have made it back here if it weren’t for him. thank you han jisung. i can’t wait to see what you've told me about you and your group.
“y/n!” i heard my best friend called out. i looked up to see them all entering the station. “oh my god!” i said under my breath as i got up and ran to them. i hugged everyone so hard with them asking a million and one questions but being grateful that i was back and safe. “let’s go home first. what i’m going to tell you is crazy.” i told them.
later that night, in my soft bed. in my bedroom. i looked up han jisung and stray kids. jisung described them perfectly. treated each other like brothers. i listened to their music as i fell asleep.
jisung hit the trash bags, landing straight on his back. he groaned in pain of the sun as he removed himself from the stink. he looked around a saw he was in an alley. walking to the end where the street was, he saw that he was back in korea. just outside of jyp entertainment. i’m back! he ran inside the building greeting everyone who had shocked looks on their faces. but he couldn’t care less. he wanted to see is members. he ran to the elevator then stopped, turning around and heading to the stairs. he pushed himself through so many flights of stairs. he opened the hall door and ran down to the practice room, hoping his brothers would be in there. passing all his peers, like members of twice and itzy. 
he nearly broke down the door when he opened it. making everyone inside jump and look. the boys had stopped what they were doing and quickly ran to jisung, hugging him tightly.
“are you okay!”
“you’ve been gone for a full week!”
“what happened to you!”
“did someone kidnap you!”
“we were so scared!”
“one second we were behind us, next you were gone!”
“where have you been!”
jisung just cried being home again. “you’re not going to believe me when i tell you.” he said. explaining the full story, leaving out the sex part. felix and jeongin’s eyes were about to pop out of their head. “jisung, don’t lie.” minho said, rolling his eyes. felix shook his head. “how would he know about the the falling out of the sky! we never told him that.” felix explained. “or elevator failing when you come back!” jeongin added. “if you really did show us the girl.” seungmin said. “i need my phone then.” jisung said. chan quickly got up and ran over to a table, grabbing jisung’s phone.
once in his hands, he unlocked his phone and went straight to instagram. he typed in her fist and last name and she was the second account to pop up. jisung tapped on her icon and went to her profile. he clicked the first photo and noticed that it was posted just a few minutes ago. i scrolled down and looked at the date of the last photo. june 1st, 2019 was her last post. 
jisung showed the boys the proof with the photos, old comments, the article from when she first went missing, where she lives in the world, and even read the caption on her newest photo.
‘i’m back home! i won’t explain to here because it will most likely be on the news. but i can’t help but so grateful to the person i met who helped get me out. thank you so much h.j. i hope that you’re back home and safe as well and hope that we’ll meet again soon.’
after that, the boys believe him. they spent hours talking, completely forgetting about practice. just wanted to be with jisung with the rest of the day. we went out and had dinner. everyone went back to 3racha+hyunjin’s apartment, played games, and watched a movie or two. before finally calling it a night.
jisung laid in bed, staring at his phone. instagram was open once again, but this time he was trying to figure out what to type to y/n. fuck it he siad in his head.
hey, it was easy to find you. we still on for our date?
a few minutes passed before he saw someone typing…
date, time, and where.
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tropes-and-tales · 4 days
My Best Friend’s Girl, Part Seven
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Characters:  Santiago “Pope” Garcia and F!Reader
WC:  4302
Other Pieces:  This is part of a series, which can be found here.
CW:  Angst (oblique talk of addiction).  Smut (PiV, protected; implied oral, m!receiving; light roleplay).  18+ only.
AN:  As proofed as anything I publish here, which is to say:  this is full of typos.
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Six months. That’s how long you have to wait for Santiago to come home.  He has to run out his contract, wrap up his loose ends in Colombia while you wait for him in Florida.
You’re busy, of course.  You fill your hours – you work on the edits for your second book, you consult on the script based on your memoir.  You hang out with friends.  You work on your house, stripping paint and refinishing the built-in wood features of your home.  Slowly, the glory of the original home emerges, and you start to get furniture, start to decorate.
There’s a big fireplace in the living room, and you set framed pictures along the mantel. A picture of you and your father. One of you on the Appalachian Trail, a nice selfie you managed to take as you summitted Mount Greylock.
The latest photo is one of you and Santiago – he had asked a passerby to take it on one of your weekends out in Medellín, in one of the city squares bursting with color. At the last second, right before the photo was snapped, Santi had turned to kiss your cheek, and the captured moment is beautiful:  his head turned, his lovely profile, and you facing the camera with a look of pleased surprise.
You know you’re in the honeymoon period.  You’ve never been in a relationship that lasted longer than a few months, so you’re a little apprehensive about what will happen when he finally moves back to the U.S.  Maybe he’ll get bored of you.  Maybe he’ll find someone better.  He’s never been in a long-term relationship either, and you worry that he’s too used to being a tomcat to settle down. 
It’s a million little doubts circling your mind each night, and sometimes you struggle to fall asleep, worry gnawing at you.
But if your traitorous brain keeps telling you that it won’t work out, it’s your gut – which has never led you astray – that reminds you how solid Santiago is. How perfect for you.  He’s not perfect, of course, and neither are you – you both have dark pasts, and insecurities – but when you really think about your time with him, you feel nothing but a steady, solid sort of love.
So all you have to do is wait.  It’s the longest six months of your life.
Sara gives birth in September.  She and Frankie – they have a daughter now.  Amelia is a scowling, red-faced little thing, and when you go to visit with Benny and Will, it’s curious how little you feel.  Newborns, in general, make you nervous.  They are such soft creatures, seem so easily breakable.  But when you stand there and gaze down into the bassinet, you feel…nothing.
If someone would have told you that you’d be here, gazing down at Frankie’s baby that he had with another woman and feeling not an iota of angst, you wouldn’t have believed them.  You can still remember the pain of when Frankie started dating Sara, when they got engaged…and now your heart is made of tougher stuff.
Things are still a little tense between you and Frankie.  You have spoken here and there, after that ugly showing when you told him about you and Santi.  There’s a reserve.  The air gets chilly when the two of you speak to each other.  Another worry, that:  Frankie and Santi are best friends, and even though Frankie is married with a kid now, you still remain a shadow between them.  
You try to send out opening salvos to healing the rift between you.  You try to laugh off the awkward silences when you go to visit them with their new baby.  You ask a million questions about Amelia, show more interest than you really have. You tacitly ignore Frankie when he makes little jabbing comments meant to needle you, and you study him on the sly.
You think Santi is right.  There is something wrong with Frankie.  It’s more than marital stress or the stress of being a new parent.  It’s more than sleepless nights due to every-other-hour feedings.
You are naïve in many ways, but you know a bit about addicts.  At the center for troubled teens, there were plenty of addicts:  every shade and variety, from casual weed-smokers to full-on meth or crack addicts.  You’ve seen people in active withdrawal, and you’ve seen people with some sobriety, and you’ve seen people currently using, those able to smuggle in their drug of choice. 
You can’t say quite what you think Frankie is on, but you are certain he’s on something.  Something that keys him up, makes him buoyant and fun for a moment, then turns him sulky and irritable.  Some stimulant.  Meth? Coke? 
Maybe there’s no room left in your heart to love Frankie, but you still feel other things for him.  Concern. Pity.  Fear that he may die or lose his family.  Fear that he’s so far gone that he may be beyond help.
When you go to leave after your visit with the new baby, Frankie walks you to your car. He’s twitchy; he keeps removing his ball cap and running his hands through his curls, then resettling his hat no his head. 
“You know I’m always here if you need me,” you say, and you look at him until he finally meets your gaze with his own.
“Yeah, I know.”
“We’re still friends, right?”
At that, Frankie glances away, and you notice the way he shifts back and forth on his feet, like he’s itching to be somewhere else.
“Sure,” he replies, and there’s no warmth or conviction in his tone at all.
Santiago sets the date of his return with you:  the second week of November.  Right before Thanksgiving.  You light up at the news over your video call with him.  You shift straight into planning mode; a Friends-giving type feast paired with a welcome home party and a house-warming party.
Santi doesn’t miss how it makes him feel, the thought of coming home to you and building a home with you.  A cozy domestic life he used to scoff at, but now that it’s within reach, he wants nothing more.
He works so damned hard to wrap up all his loose ends, he finishes his contract two weeks early.
What better surprise than to turn up at your doorstep early?
The timing is a few days off from Halloween, but Santi turns up the evening when your neighborhood is doing trick-or-treating.  The taxi crawls down your street because of how many groups of children and parents are milling around, going from house to house, but when the taxi stops and the driver pops the trunk so he can get his luggage, Santi has a moment of confusion.
For a brief few seconds, Santi feels off-kilter.  This isn’t your house.  He peers closer in the late twilight and studies the lines of the house, and it takes him a moment before he realizes that it is your house and that you’ve worked far harder to get it ready for him than he had thought.
The peeling paint is gone.  The sagging window sashes have been replaced by flower boxes filled with bright flowers and lush greenery.  The shrubs and trees have been trimmed back into neatness, and the entire air of dereliction has been replaced by a warm hominess. 
The lights by the front door are on, chasing away the twilight shadows with warm yellow light, and in the center of it, there’s you.
You don’t notice the taxi.  You don’t notice him as he approaches.  You’re engrossed with a trio of children in front of you, smiling and chatting with them as you dole out candy from the giant bowl in your arms.
You’re dressed up like Little Red Riding Hood, he guesses:  a Bavarian-type dirndl, white knee socks, and a scarlet cloak, and it makes a flurry of feeling rocket through him.  Lust, obviously—he has a sudden, powerful image of bending you over some surface, flipping that skirt up and taking you from behind, of hauling you off your hands so he can turn your head and kiss you while he fucks you…
And love, too.  Obviously love.  Santi has never really been in love before, and now that he has you, he’s learning that love can feel a hundred different ways.  It can be a gentle groundswell, like sitting in a boat on a calm ocean, being softly rocked, like waking up beside you in Medellin before dawn.  It can be a warmth, like sitting beside you in your mother’s gazebo and teasing each other.
Right now? Right now, love feels like a knife in his heart, a sharp, piercing pain as he looks his fill of you.  As he realizes that he’ll never have it with anyone else, and the realization makes a thread of fear run alongside the love. What if he messes this up somehow?
The fear gets swept away the moment you notice him.  Santi has the distinct impression that you’d plow through the kids standing on your porch to get to him; he watches as you start to drop the bowl of candy and take a step towards him, then stop.  And he watches as your eyes fill with tears, but then he’s moving towards you, skirting around the gaggle of kids with their parents, and then he hears something fall but doesn’t look because he has his arms around you, he’s kissing you, and you’re struggling to kiss him back because you’re crying.  You’re crying and touching him—his face, his arms, his neck, his hair—to prove that he’s really there, and his feet crush the candy scattered along the porch because you’ve dropped the bowl so you can hug him.
“He didn’t say trick or treat,” one kid says in a voice that’s laced with indignation.
The parents can guess what’s up.  They exchange sly, knowing smiles as Santi hauls his luggage inside, and as you basically dump your reserve of candy onto the porch, then give a half-assed apology to the kids before you shut the front door and lock it.
“Santiago Garcia,” you say in mock-anger, wagging your forefinger at him.  “You’re early.”
“I think I’m right on time.”  He reaches out, tugs lightly against the hem of your cloak.  “Got to see this.”
You give a twirl, just like you did the night of Frankie engagement.  Your skirt bells out, and you give a shy smile.  “You like it?”
“Mmm.” He reaches out again, tugs against your cloak again.  “Very much.”
“I’m supposed to be Little Red Riding Hood.”
“That’s what I thought.”
“If I knew you were coming early, I would have gotten you something to wear.  A wolf costume or something.”
Santi snorts. He moves closer to you, the would-be Big Bad Wolf.  “How much candy do you think I could hand out with you looking like this?”
You roll your eyes.  You never quite believe him when he expresses how beautiful he thinks you are.  How sexy.  It’s a side effect of your trauma, he thinks.  Low self-esteem.  He promises himself to say it more.  He’ll say it all the time until you start to believe him.
He takes your hand in his and draws it down to himself until your palm is cupping where he’s hard and straining for you.  He watches your eyes go wide, your lips part as you take a deep breath.
“Told you I like this outfit of yours,” he grumbles near your ear. 
“Guess so.” You work your hand against him, cupping him, squeezing him gently through his jeans.
“Doesn’t Little Red Riding Hood get eaten?”  He drives the point home by biting you lightly against your neck, and he expects you to squeal and push him away, but your moan at the sensation and lean into him more.  So he bites you harder—he pushes the neckline of your cloak and dress aside to reveal the sensitive bit where your shoulder meets your neck.  He sinks his teeth into you.  Not hard enough to break the skin, but enough to leave indents, his teeth dimpling your flesh.  He runs the tip of his tongue over those little divots, and you moan again, so he sucks against you there, tastes you.
“God, Santi—”
“I’m the Big Bad Wolf,” he mutters against your skin.
“Gonna eat you up.”  He nips at you again, a line of light bites that end with him nipping your earlobe.  “Fucking starving for you, querida.”
Your free hand finds the back of his head, and he feels your fingers push through his curls and grip him.  You hold him against you—you don’t push him away.  Your other hand shifts from stroking him through his jeans to undoing his pants.  You fumble at the button and zipper, but then your hand slips through the waistband of his boxers and you grip him.  You stroke him as he pushes his hips against your hold.
He leans into the game and growls at your touch.  “Want you,” he manages to get out before his mouth finds the other side of your neck, nips and sucks against your soft skin there, raises matching marks.
“You have me. Please, Santi.”
“Wolf,” he corrects, and you laugh at that, but he snakes a hand down to your skirt. He slips under the layers of skirt and petticoat, he slips under your panties, and he finds you slick and ready for him.  He pushes a thick finger into your tight heat, and it makes you groan out his name, but then you amend it and call him ‘Wolf,’ and it turns him fully feral and you his willing victim.
He pulls his finger from you, and he pulls away from your stroking hand.  He gets himself under you at the right angle and lifts you up in a fireman’s carry, your body slung across his shoulders like a downed soldier as he carries you upstairs while your laughter fills the house.
Later, he’ll marvel on how much you’ve gotten done in the home.  Right now, he’s got tunnel vision.  He only feels the weight of you on his back, and he only focuses on getting you to the bedroom so he can fuck you senseless.
Until Santiago came into your life, you hated the position of doggy style.
You had a brief boyfriend in college who only liked to fuck you from behind—an obvious red flag you were too naïve to notice back then—and he had always been rough about it.  Made it degrading.  Called you a slut for taking him like that, said only whores took it from behind. You always felt bad afterwards, but you were too insecure to speak up or break it off.
Santi changed your mind about it, back in Colombia.  He always was gentle about it, never degrading.  You wondered at his ability to rewrite parts of your unhappy past. It was like magic.
Now, he’s less gentle.  He’s leaning into some Wolf persona, a dominant side you’ve never seen in him, but it makes a painful throb of desire rocket through you.  He’s still gentle, just less gentle than before.  He drops his voice down a half-octave, and his calloused hands are firm as they undo your cloak, making it pool at your feet like a scarlet puddle.  As he reaches under your skirt and tugs your panties down your legs until you step out of them.
As he pushes you gently onto the bed and tells you in his low, graveled voice to get on all fours.
Santi gets it perfect.  How does he always manage it, being so perfectly in tune with you in bed?  He’s playing at some dominant, growling wolf-Santi, and he’s ordering you around, but he’s careful too—when he reaches into the bedside stand for a condom, he whispers in your ear, asks if this is okay, tells you to talk to him if you need something different.
You repeat what you said downstairs.  “You have me.”  You wriggle a little from where you are perched on all fours on the bed and add, “I’m all yours.”
He hums at that.  You hear the rustle of clothing, the soft whump as his jeans hit the floor.  You hear the tearing of the foil condom packet, then Santi’s heavy breathing as he rolls it onto himself.  Then nothing, and the moment of nothing seems to stretch an eternity, so you wriggle again like a dog wagging its tail.  The full skirt of your costume flounces, but Santi flips it up over your hips and delivers a light smack to your ass.
“You gonna be a good girl?” he asks.  “Gonna be good for me?”
Oh, that’s new too.  You bite down against your lower lip, but the phrase good girl makes your pussy clench down on nothing, and you wonder if he can see.  The thought makes your face heat up.
“Y-y-yes. I’ll be good.”
“Not a very good girl, walking through the woods alone.”
Oh, this is new too.  A full-on roleplay.  You’ve never done it before; you always assumed you’d be too self-conscious to layer in acting to your sex life.  But you aren’t facing him, and it’s Santi anyway, so it feels easy to fall into the game.
“I am a good girl,” you pretend-pout.
Another swat to your ass, but Santi keeps his hand on you.  Cups your hip with it, and his other hand lightly strokes you between your legs.  You bite your lip again, swallow down the moan that wants to tear out of your throat.
“I think you wanted to get caught.”  He parts your folds, pushes his finger into you again.  He moves slowly so you feel every centimeter of his digit.  Every knuckle.  He pushes himself in, pulls himself out, and then he adds a second finger. You can feel him carefully scissoring his fingers, stretching you out.
“Think you wanted this,” he adds.  “Sweet little thing, tempting all the scary beasts in the forest to come take you.”
“Just trying to tempt one beast.”  Your voice is tight, strained.  You’re trying to be patient but he’s driving you mad with his slow, careful fingering, and you have missed him for months.  “One, specifically.”
“You have him.”
You open your mouth to snark that you don’t really have him, not yet, but he beats you to the punchline.  He pulls his fingers from you and settles that hand along your hip, the wetness on his fingers smearing along your skin.  Then you feel him, the blunt, heavy weight of his cock as he notches it at your entrance.
“Please.” Your hands twist in the comforter as you brace yourself.  “Please, Santi—”
“Be patient. I like seeing you like this.”
“Please.”  You grip the comforter harder, drop your head as you huff out a heavy breath of frustration.
He chuckles behind you, and his hands rest lightly on your hips.  “If you want it, you can take it anytime, querida.  It’s yours.”
You don’t know where this falls in the game of pretend, but you don’t care anymore.  You’ve missed him for so long.  You’ve waited even longer to have what you have with Santi. You searched for it in the wrong place, with Frankie, but it was Frankie who led you to his best friend, so you can’t be mad about it.  But for now, your entire life collapses into this single moment, and Santi is here with you again after so long apart, so you push back against him, you push yourself onto his thick cock, and it toes the delicate line between pleasure and pain to have him inside you again.
“Fuck, sweetheart.”  His words are breathless, and his hands spasm tighter on your hips.  He pulls you back the last inch, seats himself deep inside you until you feel him flush against you.
He sets a slow, deep rhythm to his thrusts.  He doesn’t jar you; he keeps a firm grip on you and fucks you carefully as you reorient yourselves to each other.  You warm up to the feeling of his invading length, and you arch your back when he delivers a particularly deep thrust.  The tip of him brushes over that spot inside you, and your vision wavers each time he does.  Little yellow sparks light up at the edges of your vision.
How could you have ever guessed, all those years ago at the airport when you met him, that this would be the man who made you see stars in the bedroom?
“So fucking gorgeous,” he mutters behind you, low, like he’s talking to himself.  “Taking me like such a good girl.”
His praise makes another hot pulse of desire course through you, and you drop your head against the comforter and push back against him. 
“Missed you,” he adds, and before you can reply—yes, you’ve missed him too, so fucking much—his hands move from your hips up to your shoulders, and he’s suddenly hauling you off of your hands until you’re kneeling in front of him.  He wraps his arms around you, presses your back to his chest, and his thrusting turns sloppy. 
“Kiss me,” he demands.  You turn your head as much as you can, and the kiss is sloppy too because you can’t quite reach completely, but his mouth slides against yours.  His tongue finds yours, and it’s messy—his ravenous mouth seeking yours, his cock thrusting erratically against you as you lean back against him.
“Missed you so fucking much,” he pants between kisses.
“Missed you more.”  You reach an arm back and hook it behind his head.  You tug against his curls and try to direct his mouth back to yours.  “Missed you the most.”
“Wanted to romance this.”  He sounds slightly ashamed.  “Wanted to make it sweet for you, querida.  I’m sorry—”
“Don’t.” You pull his hair harder.  Hard enough to make him groan, and he drops his head to rest in the crook of your neck.  He kisses you there softer, but there’s a faint ache when he brushes his lips against the places he’s marked you.  In the morning, you’ll see the carnage:  the handful of hickies, the visible teeth marks that have bruised you. 
In the morning, the sight of those marks will make you so suddenly and inexplicably turned on that you’ll seek him out in the kitchen and sink to your knees then and there.
“Don’t apologize to me,” you add.  “Don’t you dare.  You’re—”  You gasp at the sudden hard thrust he gives you, cuts you off for a moment.  “You’re here weeks early.  Best surprise ever.”
His arms tighten around you.  He holds you so tight it steals your breath away.  He holds you like he’s terrified you’ll slip away if he doesn’t anchor you to him.  You take your free hand and grip his wrist, and you can feel his fast pulse under your fingers.
“I’m not gonna last much longer.  Sweetheart, I’m not—”
“Don’t hold back.”
“Baby, I can’t—”
“Go ahead and come for me.”  Your own orgasm is too far away.  Your thoughts are too scattered to focus on your pleasure; Santi feels amazing, but you’re still stunned by his unexpected arrival, and the roleplay that came out of nowhere, and you haven’t even really gotten to look at him very closely—
You tug on his hair again, steer his head back to yours.  You turn to kiss him, and you break the kiss to whisper against his lips, “wanna feel you come, Santi.”
“Please.” Another kiss, another tug on his curls. “Come inside me.”
Maybe he forgets the fact of the condom, but your words make him shudder—and then his orgasm breaks around him.  He thrusts hard into you and stills, and his arms tighten around you even more, and he buries his face in your neck and groans out your name.
“Sorry.” It comes out muffled, and his frame slumps over you a bit as he loosens his hold on you.
“Don’t apologize.”  You loosen your grip on him too and run your fingertips through his hair. 
“I’ll make it up to you.”
You laugh. “Now that you’re here, you have plenty of time to make it up to me.”
And he does, a few hours later.  After you clean up and after he showers.  After he drags his luggage out of your entryway, and after you make him a snack in your renovated kitchen because his schedule is all out of sync.  When the two of you finally turn in late at night, he makes it up to you:  he takes you gently, slowly.  He seems to savor every moment, and he touches every part of you like he’s reacquainting himself to you.
Afterwards, as you drowse in his arms, sated and so full of love that your chest feels tight, Santiago traces his fingers along your spine until you squirm a bit.
“Think I finally found a good nickname for you,” he tells you.  “Better than ‘Bean.’”
You tilt your head and try to peer at him in the darkness of the room.  “You already picked one.”
“Yeah. I like that.”  You settle against him again, your cheek pressed against his chest.
“Might start calling you ‘Red.’”
You laugh, and he chuckles underneath you, a pleasant rumble.  “You’re trouble, Santiago Garcia.”
“And you love it.”
“I absolutely do.”  You let a moment pass, then you turn your head again and press a gentle kiss on his bare chest, right where his heart lies.
“Welcome home, Trouble,” you whisper.
“Happy to be here, Red,” he replies.
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kukurykunapatyku · 13 days
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[I.D.: Drawing of Usopp and Vinsmoke Niji from One Piece. They're both seen from the side, circling around each other, Usopp is aiming his slingshot and Niji is brandishing an electrified sword. Usopp wears sniper king mask, red cape, green pants, brown shoes and blue-white arm warmers. Niji wears black cape with blue '2' on it, blue costiume and yellow-blue boots, he's smirking. /End I.D.]
Vinsmoke shipping week day 4: Red string / Hero x Villain
The neferious Germa group is terrorizing the streets, but fear not, because the great Sniper King is here to save you!
Strawhats are semi-superhero team. Luffy doesn't care about crime, it just happens that bad guys usually target his friends for some reason. Nami somehow convinced him to at least cover his face when they beat up guys on live television.
Niji gets a crush on two people at once and tries to deal with it in completly normal matter - by proving they're actually the same person (he's right).
⬇️Fanfic under readmore⬇️ also on Ao3
Niji carefully pinned the photo next to the others. He frowned, adjusted two more to fit the rest better and stepped back to admire his work. Photos, bus schedules, discarded papers, shard broken off the Sniper King mask, piece of fabric - all gathered together. There was just one thing to do and his board would be complete. He grinned, pulled out a ball of red yarn and began connecting the pins until they formed one massive web of evidence. And like a spider ready for dinner, he finally found that one fly that was pulling at its strings, and come to the single possible conclusion.
"And why, pray tell, do you think one of your regular customers is part of the superhero team? The one that always thwarts father's plans no less?"
"Don't you see?" Niji slammed the board. "It's all here!"
"All I see is an, admittingly ambitious, art project made of coincidences and stalking tendencies."
"Listen, it's too much to just be a coincidence, at this point it's proof."
Ichiji sighed and closed the book he was reading.
"Fine, lets indulge you. What proof?"
"First of, they drink the same coffee - both take exactly two sugar cubes, one puff of cream and two pumps of caramel syrup."
"Why do you know how Sniper King takes his coffee?"
Niji looked at him like he was stupid
"Because I asked him? He's my nemesis, I need to know those things."
"Your nemesis?" Ichiji stuttered. "Since when??"
"About two months ago; we were picking them, don't you remember? You took the witch."
Ichiji tapped his fingers on the table. That didn't sound right, he was sure if something like this happened he would have remembered. If they did it there must have been a purpose, but what? Battle strategies? Did father know? Was Ichiji supposed to tell him? And he picked the Weather Witch? What on earth could Niji be talking about-
Suddenly very tired, Ichiji put his hand on his face and slowly pulled it down.
"Niji. We played 'Fuck, Marry, Kill' about the Strawhats. How did this turn into nemesis thing?"
"Ain't that the same thing? Anyway, we're getting off track." He pointed at the blurry photo of a dark alleyway. "See?"
"See what?"
"Argh, do I have to do everything here? Look, here, it's Sniper's cape!"
Ichiji leaned forward and squinted. True, in the left corner, near the bins, there was something that could be a fragment of red fabric. Or an unlucky rat.
"I followed Usopp one evening and I lost him somewhere here," his finger followed one of the red lines until it reached a cutout of city's map, with big circle drawn in the middle of it. "But I'm sure he didn't walk much further, because he was carrying four of those babies." He tapped on the stock picture of an ice-cream package. "There were other shops on his way and he only stopped to buy them here." Next map had a red cross slapped on it. "Which means he was probably coming closer to home. Other stores in the neighborhood are over there, there, there and there. Since he didn't visit those, he must live somewhere before the road could reach any of them, or he would have just buy ice-cream there."
Niji looked at his brother expectantly. "See now?"
Ichiji blinked a few times. That was impressive recon work, and he could probably agree with him... If he knew what point he was even trying to make.
"So... you think the coffee guy lives somewhere between these streets." He pointed at the marked portion of the map. "But what does it have to do with your theory?"
"Everything! I just showed you, I found a piece of Sniper's cape next to the houses there, it's evidence!"
Ichiji massaged his temples and counted to ten. Did he have to do this? He could just leave. Maybe call Yonji so Niji could bother someone else.
But then, a voice in his head said, you have no excuse if father suddenly decides he wants an audience to hear about another freaking death ray.
If he had to listen to his family's ramblings...
"It's just red fabric, it doesn't necessary mean anything. Plus, your guy could be going to his friends house, or a party. Four boxes of ice-cream is a lot for one person."
Niji waved him away.
"Oh no, I know Usopp will eat it. He once told me he can do even five if he puts his mind to it. Calls it his 'depression repression' meal. And!" He pulled a clipped cloth Ichiji failed to notice before. "Sniper doesn't use any shabby materials! His cape is waterproof, fireproof, really hard to rip and can even withstand acid for a while. And guess what? This piece I took from the alley is exactly that!"
Ichiji sincerely hated that he actually started to consider this. "Still, you can't be sure. A lot of people live there. Plus, if I was trying to hide my identity, I wouldn't throw damming evidence with my garbage. It's more likely, if it even is the same material, that it was thrown there by somebody passing by."
Niji sneered, annoyed that the argument actually made sense.
"We all are hiding our identity; why 'if'?"
"Father's hightech company is one letter away from just spelling his evil codename, we lost a member around the same time Sanji, very publicly, left the family and we barely cover our faces when we go out. Are we hiding our identities?"
"It's different, we're rich. We can do whatever we want and so one will accuse us."
"That just proves my point. I doubt Sniper can afford being find out, so he's probably more cautious handling his leftovers."
"Maybe he's rich too, you don't know that. I mean, he's not since I know it's Usopp, but. Well. Doesn't matter, because I have even more evidence!"
He gestured at another portion of the board, with two papers on it. One seemed to be a photo of Sniper taken in the middle of battle, even more unfocused than the others. The other was a printed selfie of darkskinned guy around 20 years old, with long curly hair and wide smile. But the first thing that caught attention was his- Oh no.
"As you can see," Niji gloated, "they have the same nose!"
Ichiji slammed his forehead on the table.
The twin bang could be heard across the city, in an unkempt apartment (that on paper was shared by five people, which really downplayed how many actually passed by it).
"For the last time Usopp, your favourite barista is not Dengeki Blue just because the hair match!
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kuuverse · 7 months
success story + picture proof(improved art skills in a day, cancelled exams, + more).
Okay, so I'm working on a webtoon project and so I started drawing a thumbnail image for it. I was really unhappy with how it turned out, and I felt that my art looked tacky and unpolished. So basically, I just decided; no, I can draw very well and in my desired way(which is inspired by a twitter artist I admire), and I felt it as fact and left it. Then I picked up my pen and started drawing again.
The change was instant, but the dates below are within the time difference of a day because of course, art takes time, and I had to sleep in between. What I did was very simple, and I did not robotically affirm or listen to any subliminals or anything, I only simply assumed it as fact and it reflected back instantly.
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You can see how the lines and colouring is more unpolished.
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The lines are cleaner and more detailed, and the composition of the piece itself improved.
DATE PROOF(via Discord)
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I had a math test coming up when I first heard of the novel Undine, and I discovered a Piano & Flute sonata that accompanied it. I am both a Pianist and a Flautist, and I had grown so fascinated with the novel itself that when I heard the piece(sneakily during a Mandarin class), I was like, I need to play this right now. But I remembered my Math test scheduled for that week's Thursday, and I was like, I don't have the time. But then as I bitched about it to my friends, I instantly remembered about the law and was like, you know what? I have time. I didn't care how I had time, I just assumed I had the time to learn the piece I wanted to. Then instantly, my math teacher posted a google classroom announcement, the test had been pushed back to next week's Monday!
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Teleported my Mother out of the house?
This one... I can't provide picture proof other than my shock when it happened because huh? Anyways, in my apartment the shower is connected to my parent's bedroom, where my mom's always in on her computer doing who knows what. I love to sing, and I love to sing in the shower because it always clears up my throat and even though my Mother praises me for it, it gets really awkward and embarrassing when I'm practicing or attempting a hard song and my voice falters? Well so I got home, okay. I knew my mom was inside her room because the bedroom door was closed and I heard her loudly talk on the phone to a coworker. I sat down to have a quick snack in the living room which is where the only exit of this apartment is and I saw her come out of her room to say hello to me and went back in. This is only in the span of 10 minutes from when I came home from school and when I went to take a shower. I came across a song I liked and I was like, wouldn't it be nice if I had privacy in the bathroom so I could sing? Okay, then I went to take a shower. My mom... was not in her room and the door was wide open. I ran to my dad and was like, where's mom? He was like, didn't you know she left?
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Okay, I've been BEGGING my dad to buy me cosplay for this one enstars character for a year. He always said no, and then this year it was sometime September and my friends were talking about dressing up for Halloween. I was like, I want to dress up as Ritsu. I didn't think anything of, "My dad always said no to my cosplay though," I just went, well, "I want to dress up as Ritsu so I shall."
That was it! I asked him in a text, can I have this? He didn't respond btw he ghosted me... then a few days later he asked for my measurements. I'm wearing the cosplay right now at school!
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Photo of when I first got it!
This one is unintentional. I don't even know how it manifested but you know, I went to the music store to check out some guitars because I wanted to start learning, and then I got sidetracked by the Pianos. Previously a while ago, I wanted to learn some of her songs on the Piano, and most of the sheet music got copyrighted. I guess somewhere there I was like, you know what? Fuck it. I have it. I forgot about it, that's for sure. But then as I was messing around on some of the cheaper Pianos, my dad spotted they were selling her sheet music, and without really asking he just bought it for me.
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sc from my instagram archive
This one happened today!!! I was just feeling a bit tired and I wanted a lesson off where I didn't have to worry about a teacher and when I went to the next period, I realised the teacher wasn't in school and the lesson was self study time!
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I'm 17 now, and I had been barely 150cm for a while. I've tried growing taller for years with subliminals, nothing happened, the doctors said I couldn't but... I grew! A few centimeters, my ideal height is 156cm and I'm around 154 right now? I also lost a lot of weight starting from May of this year, and I started growing taller around the start of October! Also the other day, I was in a sort of 'tutoring' session(it wasn't really tuition? but I don't know what else to call it) and I was so tired and I wanted to draw, and instead of waiting for a break I was like fuck it, I'm going to draw anyways and reached for my iPad. Then suddenly as I touched it, the teacher announced a break! Also, in my 4D I'm well respected and lowkey worshipped and I noticed when I went out last week, strangers were so oddly nice to me and people turned their heads to look at me? They'd do nice gestures for me when before everyone would just ignore me the way I used to want.
Anyways, that's it for my post! I sat down a lot and pondered and listened to Edward Art's lectures every night. Manifesting is really easy, and so long as you realise the 3D doesn't matter... it doesn't exist and to just focus on your 4D, then you already have your dream life. There's no point throwing rocks at the 3D hoping it'll change, like with how you can't kill the snake because it doesn't exist, you just have to become indifferent to it and persistent in your 4D.
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marshmallowprotection · 8 months
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"You've taken a liking to photography, huh?"
Saeran looked up from the camera in his hands. His brother wasn't wrong. Though, it wasn't that he'd taken a liking to it. He'd enjoyed taking pictures as soon as he learned what they were, and even as memories twisted and shifted around him in Mint Eye, that was the part of him that didn't waver in its desire to do something.
A photo was a snapshot of a special moment in someone's day and that was something nobody could erase.
People tried to erase his memory time and time again but as long as he had something to substantiate his memories, he knew nothing could be taken away.
When he was trapped in the darkness of the security room, the only thing he could think about was the next time he would be able to go outside to look at the flowers.
It was a benchmark he had to run towards to achieve, and he often came up short. So, whenever he could take a picture of flowers, he would. It was the thing that would keep him going when things got rough before he knew about you. Proof, he thought. Proof that he'd been outside. He needed that thought to help him remember what his goal was.
He would look at his phone to trace the memory in his head. He would stare until he could remember the sensation of being under the sun. He would think about the warmth kissing his cheeks. He would think about the gentle touch of petals against his fingertips. He would think about that moment of peace and it would help him get to where he needed to be. 
Saeran fiddled with the device and nodded. "Yeah, [Y/N] convinced me to purchase a camera since I keep running out of space on my cell phone... I take a lot of pictures of whatever we're doing so there's always a reminder of what we did just in case I..."
Just in case he forgot again.
It was a genuine fear of his after struggling with his memory. There were some things he could remember and other things he couldn't. He couldn't put his finger on why that was but he had a feeling it had to do with everything he suffered in his life, as a child and as an adult.
Whenever he became stressed out over the smallest thing, it would be hard to place his finger on a certain memory.
Sometimes he couldn't remember something from months ago, but other times he couldn't remember what happened that day. He knew there wasn't anything wrong with him physically in that regard, but his mind had suffered through so much, and this was a remnant of that suffering he went through.
Saeyoung pressed his hand against his shoulder. "You won't forget. A picture really is worth a thousand words but as long as you've got us in your life, you'll always have someone to remind you of anything we've done together... even if something fades, it's never forgotten. It's just like our promise. We never forgot because we both remembered that together."
That makes sense, he thought.
"I also... just want our house to feel like a home... like the ones we used to see whenever we walked past those little shops in town and saw all those portraits of families," he muttered. "It's not that I just don't want to forget, it's that I want to be reminded that we're free from everything that used to terrify us. We can smile now... and it's real Saeyoung."
"It'll stay that way. I promise."
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theconsciouscrow · 6 months
A Rant Consideration about Mr. Scratch and his origins (Alan Wake 2 spoilers):
I've been seeing a lot of posts on various social media about who/what Mr. Scratch is. Before AW2 i've visited the youtube channel "Gaming University", which i think it's the most complete source of information about all things Remedy related (i'll put the url to his channel in the comments), and it's been eye opening.
SO first things first, let's make something clear: Alan Wake is about psychology. Ok? Ok.
Remedy uses psychology themes through all the remedyverse. Collective Unconscious? Psychology. Archetypes? Psychology. The Hiss? Polaris? Well, not exactly psychology, but it comes from it.
Sam Lake has been using tropes and themes inspired from a especific psychoanalyst named Carl Jung (the man below). The Jungian philosophy perceives the human mind as the modeler of the world, and not just it's spectator. To Jung, inside the mind we all have a set of actors, who regulate our behavior and at the same time makes us remember (on a conscious or unconscious state) of who we really are.
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One of these actors is called the "Shadow". The shadow represents our repressed desires, the corruption, the will to violence, etc. The shadow is a key factor to the process of self knowledge: the ascension in the spiral (weee) of consciousness, and is natural to all humans.
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When Alan comes back to talk to Agent Estevez after the Scratch boss fight, she asks "Isn't the shadow possessing you anymore?".
The FBC files mentions the shadow multiple times. Ilmo Koskela states through the game that everyone who leaves the Dark Place "gets out unwell". The Dark Place is a place of creation indeed, but its also a realm of the mind: it feed of memories, messes with emotions, causes despersonalization, psychosis, etc.
Reuniting all that information, we can safely assume that:
Mr. Scratch is the Shadow of Alan Wake given boost and agency by the Dark Place: they ARE NOT separate entities.
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It is Alan, his corrupted desire to be the best writer, to feel wanted and loved, through all means necessary. Scratch is not exactly obsessed WITH Alan, he's obsessed in giving Alan what he wants in the most fucked up part of his mind.
And let's be honest: having an eldritch variant of you throwing at your face what you really are - beyond all morality and social rules - through its actions is pretty disturbing, traumatizing even. It's natural that Alan understands Scratch as his worst enemy, he still doesn't recognizes it as a part of himself.
Saga has her shadow messed up as well, when she gets to the DP, which was also boosted by the darkness. Her shadow humiliates her as a mother, Casey's partner, and a detective, representing her worst fears. "Seems like i'm my own worst enemy.", she states.
The shadow traps her inside her mind place, since the process of giving conscious to a unconscious part of your mind is so unnatural, that they both cannot be separated. A human mind cannot survive without it's shadow.
Also, the way she'd dealt with her situation is really admiring - Saga proved to be a much more self-conscious and stable person than Alan, who stayed 13 years suffering by the hands of Scratch.
Want more proof that Scratch is a shadow? Look at his photo alongside Saga's shadow in the "Profiling" desk:
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Everyone deals with their shadow on their own way
When Casey get's "possessed by Scratch", i don't think that's exactly what's happening: the Dark Presence enters Casey's mind, messing up with his Shadow, boosting his most agressive and corrupt parts of it, and since everyone is in Scratch's Story, Casey's Shadow will do what the Story mandates (world domination).
So TL;DR, Mr Scratch and Alan are the same person. The DP boosts Mr Scratch to a point where he/it becomes another personality, who takes hold of Alan's body to do it's biding. Same thing happens to everyone who gets "touched" by the darkness. Alan kinda understands this at the end of the game, when he shouts "Come on MF, COME HOME!!"
Now, like Jung said, the Shadow has the objective of reminding us who we really are deep down, and as much traumatizing that can be, is by embracing our flaws and accepting our Jungian Shadow, that we reach a state of mind the psychoanalyst calls the "Self": a perfect state of auto consciousness and knowledge, the top of the mountain in the ascension of the spiral.
Let's just hope that Alan is getting close to it.
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sidemenxyn · 7 months
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Music Festival Version 1
Summary: Y/n is a famous singer and is headlining at Reading Festival and the boys decided to come join along!
Ok ik I said platonic!sidemen x Y/n are no face claims but for this I wanna do Billie Eilish since she has so many concert photos from her ‘Happier Than Ever’ tour and I love her sm so yeah… Also wanna mention that instead of doing red roots it’s the other way around. Y/n (Billie) used to have red roots and now has green. Also imagine the photos of her are in all the same fit that you’d wear or something. But anyways enjoy!
Tw: none! But it’s not proof read (like most posts😭)
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@Y/n.Y/l/n: Can’t wait to see you all tonight at Reading Festival, I have a little surprise for you all!! Can’t wait for you guys to see!! Two surprises to be revealed later tonight! Enjoy 🤍
@TaliaMar: Can’t wait to see my girl! 🩷
– @Y/n.Y/l/n: see you there ml 🩷
@Y/n.Fan: wonder what the surprise is??? Can’t wait to watch her live!!
@ksi: 👀👀
– @Y/n.Y/l/n: 🤔🤔
@Y/n.Fan2: omg is ksi preforming with Y/n???
– @Y/n.Y/l/n: maybe, maybe not🤔
– @Y/n.Fan2: omg!!!??
And more…
You were currently back stage, people were arriving and queueing up to watch others before your headlining performance. You were sat with all the boys around and you had ordered some food before hand.
You were sat in between Talia, your life long friend and Harry. Everyone was so excited about today. Once you and Talia were down eating you both went over to your makeshift wardrobe and made an outfit for tonight. You were so excited, seeing all your fans who have been by your side for years and helping you get to where you are today, it’s a miracle.
You all were walking around the back stage area getting ready. Taking photos and having fun, you decided to give the fans and extra surprise.
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@Y/n.Y/l/n: You feel the nostalgic yet?
@Y/nFan2: omg her hair looks so good!!🖤💚
@behzingagram: Yes!! Y/n in her new era!! 💚🖤
–@Y/n.Y/l/n: 🫶🫶
@Y/nFan3: maybe we’ll get more of her older songs tonight!!??
And more…
After most performers had done their shows, the sun was setting and the mood was perfect. It was now your time to shine. So you went over towards the stage with the boys. You were hugging them all, Josh said “put on the best show for all of us, yeah?” You smiled and nodded “of course I will!” Harry said “I’d say break a leg but we know what happened last time!” You laughed as you hugged him and replied “yep! Definitely remember!” As you were done. You heard your intro song come on. Then it was time!
You ran out on stage as everyone cheered loudly. You waved and pointed to your hair as you knew people at the festival most likely didn’t have service. Then the crowd screamed even louder as if that was possible. You smiled and spoke into the microphone “hi guys! Do you like my new hair?” You pointed the mic to the crowd and heard everyone cheer. You said “is everyone ready!!” You heard the beginning of your song start to begin and you started to sing.
After some time, you were given a little break so the crew behind the scenes could prepare your guitar and such. You said into the microphone “ok, you guys an have a breather! We definitely went all out, huh?!” You laughed and said “make sure you drink and check up on yourself or the people around!. While everything is getting set up! I have two announcements. I don’t know if you guys have seen my post but I mentioned that I have two announcements. So imma tell you guys first!” You took a breather and said “first things first I’m glad to announce that you guys will be hearing a new album soon!!” The crowed cheered loudly. You said “also I have some special guests, they have been with me since day one, through thick and thin! Believed in me no matter what! Please welcome my friends, the sidemen!!” Everyone was cheering as they watched the boys appear from behind back stage. Walking over to you they all either dapped you up or hugged you. You spoke into the microphone “you guys should’ve seen their reactions to my new hairstyle, should I post their reactions?” And by guessing by the cheering they said yes.
The boys were on stage for a few minutes before waving their goodbyes and letting you finish up the show.
After a few more minutes the show was over. You spoke “Hope you all enjoyed tonight’s show! I love you all, hope you enjoyed not just my concert but everyone’s else’s you may have seen today. Make sure you go check out the sidemen channel and I’ll see you all soon! Bye I love you!!” You waved and bowed. Blowing a few kisses you ran off stage towards the boys.
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@TaliaMar: Can’t believe this munchkin and I grew up together and now she’s preforming for headline! I might cry again… 🥹🥹🩷🩷
@Y/n.Y/l/n: please don’t cry again, I have no more tissues and your gonna make me cry too 🥹🥹😂
–@TaliaMar: we need more tissues!!
@y/nfan: can’t believe these two have come so far!
And more…
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@Tobjizle: I am so proud of my best friend, love you Y/n/n!!
@Y/n.Y/l/n: 🩵🩵
–@Tobjizle: 🩵🩵
And more…
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@ksi: Feel like a proud older brother 🖤
Load more…
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@zerkaa: Favourite performer hands down! Love ya! 💚🖤
@Y/n.Y/l/n: love you too🩵
And more…
AN: hi! Sorry it’s so rushed and such. I’ve been so busy which is no excuse. I’ve been given more exams in school, my parents are away so I’m over a family members and I’ve been busy helping them and that. Idk if you care but I’m doing ok. And I promise when I get the chance I will write out a full and proper imagine/story for you guys. Sorry about this as it probably is a bad story but I felt I needed to give you guys at least something. I may do a bit more snap story stuff to try and make up for it. Enough of the rambling, hope you guys are doing all ok! Make sure to eat and drink! Take care of yourselves and for the time being feel free to read my older posts 😂😂. Have a good day/night!! 🫶
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