#they came out two years ago but i live under a rock
cyndaquillt · 5 months
Konkona Sen Sharma came out as enby us boddis are winning
0 notes
planetaryupscaled · 25 days
She Was Never Yours
Male OC x Sana
Tags: 16k, smut, cheating, gb, oral, creampie
The story is not ours, we alternate the original story to match our desired settings.
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The densely packed car was brimming with excitement as Sana and her boyfriend, Minkyu, sped along the final stretch of highway to their destination. The couple had been looking forward to this camping trip for months, and they could barely contain themselves when the week-long break arrived. This was their third year together, and it had become somewhat of an annual tradition to drive out to their favorite secluded spot to celebrate.
“I can’t wait to just be there!” Minkyu exclaimed with enthusiasm.
“Yeah!” Sana agreed, adjusting the straps of her white crop top she had just purchased a few days ago and was eager to show her boyfriend. She knew how attractive she was—petite and toned, with perky, full breasts and a round ass that always had men stealing glances.
Sana rubbed her smooth thighs together in anticipation. She was looking forward to lots of hot sex this week, as the stresses of their busy lives had left little time for the deed lately.
The car's cabin began to vibrate violently as Minkyu drove off the paved road and into the rocky, open desert. After about a half-hour of off-roading, they'd arrive at the familiar rock formation known as “camp”.
“Woo! Finally!” Sana cheered as the long drive came to an end. She giggled as her small body bounced around in the seat, the rough terrain testing the limits of the vehicle's suspension. Her swelling breasts were barely supported by the small fabric, threatening to spill out from under her low-cut top.
The towering series of rocks finally came into view, and Minkyu’s heart sank. “Shit... I think someone’s in our spot,” he muttered, squinting to make out the distant objects at the base of the formation. As they got closer, it became clear that their ostensibly hidden, makeshift campsite was occupied. “Dammit,” Minkyu cursed under his breath.
“It’s okay, babe. We can find another spot nearby,” Sana tried to mask her disappointment to keep the situation positive.
“I mean... Look around. This is the only decent rock for miles, and having zero shade all day is not gonna be a good time...” He answered with frustration.
Sana peered at the barren desert surrounding them. Her boyfriend was right. Without the dependable stone shelter above them, the blaring sun would get old pretty fast.
“Let’s at least see what their plans are. Maybe they’re packing up to leave right now,” Minkyu suggested with newfound optimism.
As their car approached the site, the couple got a better look at the unwanted campers. A large trailer sat parked amongst four cars, and some tents, forming a semi-circle around a smoldering fire. Sana counted about half a dozen men scattered around the camp. The sound of obnoxiously loud music soon became apparent, indicating that the group of strangers was partying hard. The ground was littered with empty beer bottles, and two men were chanting at the top of their lungs as their friend chugged one and threw it into the pile.
A tall, shirtless guy was the first to notice the advancing vehicle, and he stood up from his chair to meet the outsiders at the edge of the site. Minkyu came to a stop, and rolled the passenger window down as the stranger approached Sana’s side of the car. She couldn't help but notice the man's lean, chiseled torso, which appeared to be in excellent shape. “Hey,” the hopeful boyfriend greeted.
“What’s up,” answered the man. He was clearly intoxicated, and leaned an elbow on the window, getting a little too close for comfort. His eyes widened at noticing Sana and fell to her swelling cleavage before he added, “What can I do for you, gorgeous?”
Sana, suddenly feeling quite exposed, blushed and quickly pulled her top up to conceal herself.
“We were hoping to camp here... How long you guys planning on staying?” Minkyu asked shortly, clearly annoyed that the stranger was openly ogling his girl.
“Oh... We just got here this morning. Probably sticking around for at least a few days,” the stranger answered, not taking his eyes off of Sana. He extended his hand to her and smiled, “I’m Yejun by the way. You?”
Sana hesitantly raised her hand to shake his, not wanting to be rude. “I’m Sana...” Yejun’s hand was warm and coarse, dwarfing her own. An awkward moment passed when she met his piercing eyes. “Oh! And this is my boyfriend, Minkyu.” Sana’s heart was racing. Something about the way this guy was staring at her made her feel like prey. An anxious tingle ran down her spine as she tried unsuccessfully to pull her hand away. There was an undeniable hint of excitement though, to feel so intensely desired.
“Good to meet you,” Yejun responded, finally releasing his grip. “Anyway, you guys are welcome to join us, I know the boys wouldn’t mind having a beauty like yourself hanging around the camp,” he chuckled.
“No! I mean... No, we were hoping to have some privacy,” Minkyu stammered.
Yejun laughed. “Hey, I get it,” he said, eyes running down Sana’s body suggestively. “You know... there's plenty of room. You could just camp on the other side, and you'd barely notice we were here.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Minkyu said hurriedly, abruptly rolling the window up and pressing the gas pedal. Yejun stumbled from his position and disappeared in a cloud of dust behind.
“What an asshole...” Minkyu muttered, fuming.
“Yeah...” Sana agreed.
“I can’t believe how openly he was checking you out right in front of me! Did you really need to have your tits halfway out?” Minkyu accused her.
“I didn’t do it on purpose!” She argued. “Don’t blame me!”
“I’m just saying guys are gonna get the wrong idea if you don’t stand up for yourself,” he added.
“Ugh... Whatever. Can we just figure out what we’re doing? It’s getting late,” Sana stated angrily, crossing her arms and looking out her window at the darkening landscape.
“I guess we better scope out the other side of the rocks... At least for tonight. We don’t really have any other options,” Minkyu suggested. A quiet tension was in the air between them. He knew he had fucked up. “Sana... I’m really sorry. I was just mad about the whole situation. Can we please pretend that didn’t happen and make the best of our time here?”
“I’ll think about it...” Sana muttered. Her boyfriend’s apology was genuine enough, but she needed a minute to cool down.
The couple had reached the far side of the rock formation and were delighted to find that it was an adequate spot to camp. The rowdy campers on the other side could not be seen at all, and there were plenty of spots that offered shade from the sun.
“I think this is gonna work out after all!” Minkyu announced with renewed cheer. He swung his door open and jogged to the bed of the car, rummaging for the cooler. After producing two ice-cold beers, he trotted over to Sana’s door and offered her one. “Please forgive me?”
Sana rolled her eyes and gave in. “Fine...” She took the drink and cracked it open, enjoying the bubbly beverage that felt so hard-earned. By the time they had both finished their first drink, the couple was back to smiling and hurried to unpack.
The sun was setting as they finished the job, and they enjoyed a second beer while admiring their cozy campsite. Minkyu started a fire while Sana opened the food they had prepared for a simple first-night meal. The pair sat near the flames and munched their dinner, drinking in the vast landscape around them. Sana was about to comment on how soothing the silence was, when they both heard it. The distant booming of the noisy neighbours’ music was even louder than before.
“Seriously?” She cringed at the disturbance.
“I know... But hey... Let’s just try to ignore it. I’m not gonna let them ruin this for us,” Minkyu encouraged.
“You’re right. By the look of it, they had been drinking all day and will probably pass out soon,”
“I hope so... Hey babe?” Minkyu, starting to feel the effects of the alcohol, looked at his girlfriend with remorse.
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry again for getting jealous earlier. The way that guy was looking at you just really triggered me... and it probably didn’t help that he looked like a damn model...”
“Aw, I forgive you,” Sana comforted, stroking her boyfriend’s back. “I guess I’m more used to that sort of thing. Guys are always behaving like that around me, especially drunk ones. But I’m a big girl; I can handle it. And I’m not going to lose control just cause some dumb hot guy flashes his abs at me. I love you.”
“I love you too. Thanks. Yeah... I mean it’s hard to fault him... You are sexy as fuck...”
“Thanks! Oh, that reminds me,” Sana said, rising to her feet. “I got a little surprise for you under these... Wanna see?” Minkyu nodded, and she began swaying her hips and slowly pulling her top over her head. The young girlfriend’s full, fleshy tits bounced into view, the tiny, triangular fabric of her bikini top barely covering her nipples. Her boyfriend gawked at her admiringly as she turned her back towards him and peeled off her shorts, revealing her perfectly round ass, fully exposed in her g-string.
“Damn... How did I get so lucky?” Minkyu murmured, staring longingly at the striking beauty in front of him, illuminated by the flickering light of the fire.
“You’re about to get even luckier. Put on a condom and get in that tent, Mister,” Sana ordered playfully. Her boyfriend wasted no time climbing into the small shelter and removing his clothes. Seconds after securing the protection on his modestly sized erection, she climbed on top of him.
The couple kissed each other deeply as Sana ground her hips along his shaft. She was wet, and couldn’t wait to feel his cock inside of her. She reached back and took hold of it, positioning his throbbing tip against her slick entrance. With one smooth push, her pussy enveloped the entire length of his cock, causing them both to moan.
Sana rode her boyfriend slowly at first, relishing the feel of his hardness while he gently held her hips and groaned in pleasure. “Oh fuck baby, that feels so… good,” Minkyu cooed.
“Mmm... Yesss...” She moaned back in encouragement, slowly picking up the pace. Her tits swayed as she pressed harder against his pelvis. She was already feeling an orgasm building, and closed her eyes in anticipation. Suddenly, Minkyu moaned loudly and frantically pushed her off of him. Feeling abruptly empty, Sana watched her boyfriend’s covered dick twitch wildly as he came into the condom. She wasn’t on the pill, so they were always very safe.
“Unnngh... Fuck... Sorry babe. Shit...” Minkyu cursed under his breath.
“It’s okay,” she tried to reassure him.
“It’s just... been a while, and you look so fucking hot. I couldn’t help it...”
“Don’t worry about it. We’ve got plenty of time,” said Sana, masking her disappointment. She was still incredibly horny, but wanted to save her release for the next round with him.
Minkyu yawned and rolled onto his side. “I think I’m gonna pass out. Good night.”
“Oh... Okay. Good night babe.” Sana snuggled up against him, her pussy aching with need. Before long, they had both drifted to sleep.
Sana was jolted awake by loud, popping, explosive sounds. After a moment of confusion, she gathered that the neighbouring campers were probably setting off fireworks or something. “Those fucking dicks,” she muttered. Sana looked over at her boyfriend, who was still fast asleep. “Minkyu?” She jostled him a bit, but decided to just let him be. He had always been a deep sleeper, even without alcohol, and nothing short of dumping a bucket of water on him would stir him at this point.
Sana tossed and turned in frustration for what felt like an hour. The day had not gone as planned, and now she couldn’t even rest up for tomorrow. She checked the time to find it was three in the morning. She decided to have a few more drinks, hoping it would be what she needed to get back to sleep, but it wasn’t enough to overcome the disturbing noises. Emboldened by her intoxicated state, Sana decided she was going to give them a piece of her mind.
Slipping back into her shorts and top, and grabbing a flashlight, she started an angry march towards the jerks’ camp. As she rounded the giant rock formation separating the two groups, she realized she didn’t really have a plan for what to do or say to them. She mainly needed to vent and let them know what inconsiderate assholes they were.
Eventually, the rowdy campers came into view. Sana’s eyebrows furrowed as she approached the crowd, stiff-armed. The men were yelling, laughing, and throwing some form of small explosives into their fire pit.
“HEY!” Sana shouted at the top of her lungs. No one heard her. She stepped closer and was about to scream at them again, when one of the guys caught sight of her and alerted his friends. The group finally quieted down, but the sudden silence was eerie. The young woman felt several pairs of eyes on her, accompanied by a lump in her throat, but she couldn’t back down now.
“What the FUCK, you guys!? It’s three in the FUCKING morning, and we’re trying to sleep over there!”
“So what, bitch?” One of the men yelled back. A few of them chuckled.
“How about a little fucking common courtesy!?” She added, red in the face.
“You wanna be courteous? Come suck my dick then!” Another guy taunted.
“Woah, woah. Hold up guys.” Sana recognized Yejun from earlier, who stepped to the front of the crowd to address her. “Sana, right? I’m sorry about all the noise, but give us a break. It’s the middle of nowhere, and we didn’t even know you guys decided to post up back there. Where’s your boyfriend anyway?” He stepped closer to her.
Sana felt deflated after being confronted with Yejun’s logic. “He’s um... back at camp.”
Yejun laughed. “So, he sends his hot girlfriend to fight his battles?”
“No! I couldn’t sleep and decided to come here myself,” she replied defensively.
“Well, you’re as tough as you are beautiful then,” he said through a smile. “We’ll quiet down for you. Our bad.” Sana silently cursed the bare-chested smooth talker for de-escalating the situation so quickly. She wanted to remain angry with them, but he turned out to be so much more reasonable than expected.
“Tell you what. Have a quick shot of this drink, and you'll be sleeping like a rock with your boyfriend in no time,” suggested Yejun, who produced two cups and handed one to her.
Sana didn’t make a habit of drink heavily, but she did indulge on occasion. Much to her own surprise, she impulsively reached for the cup and took a shot.
Yejun chuckled and playfully said, “Alright! Now we’re partying! Guess you’re not such a stuck-up bitch after all...”
“Just had kind of a rough day I guess,” Sana replied, cringing a bit at her corny defense, and unsure of why she cared what he thought of her in the first place.
“Troubles with your boy?” He inquired.
“No... I mean... Not really. Maybe a little...” She responded hesitantly. She could feel the effects of the drink swiftly creeping up on her.
“Let me guess. He got all jealous on account of the obvious sparks between us earlier,” he said confidently.
“Sparks!?” Sana laughed nervously. “What sparks? There weren’t any sparks...”
“Mmm, Hmm... Whatever you say pretty lady,” Yejun teased smugly.
She scoffed. “I don’t even know why we’re talking about any of this. And you should really stop calling me stuff like that.” She stated more sternly.
“Why? So your protective boyfriend doesn’t get his panties in a bunch?” He challenged, grinning.
“No! It’s just... rude.” Sana’s mind was getting cloudier by the second.
“Well, I think you like it.” His bright eyes narrowed and slowly ran down her body, as if he was looking for physical evidence to prove his claim.
“Pshh, whatever... Don’t look at me like that.” She hated how openly he sized her up as if she were a snack, and it made her blush.
“Like what? What’s wrong with admiring a flawless woman like yourself?” Yejun took another small step towards her.
“It’s just... kinda creepy.” Sana felt uncomfortable with his increased proximity, but something about his presence had her temporarily frozen in place.
“Creepy? You expect me to believe being showered in compliments by a guy like me doesn’t excite you a little?”
She hesitated, and then deflected, “And what sort of a guy are you?”
“The kind that women throw themselves at. Especially when they have a secret desire to be dominated,” he said, looking straight through her.
Sana’s spine tingled at his cocky explanation. “Well, you must be very proud of yourself.”
“I could say the same about you, marching over here in the middle of the night in that tight, little outfit. I think you know perfectly well what sort of effect that has on men.”
“Oh please. I didn’t wear this for your enjoyment.”
“Well, I’m enjoying it anyway...” Yejun openly gawked at her curves again, this time moving a hand to his crotch and adjusting his shorts. She couldn’t help but follow his movements with her eyes, spotting the outline of a massive bulge running down his inner thigh. It looked far too big to be a penis, and her curiosity held her gaze for a moment too long.
“I-I should really get back,” Sana said, snapping her eyes away and feeling her warm face grow flusher.
He smirked at her knowingly. “Why? Afraid you might not be able to resist me much longer?” Yejun reached out and lightly stroked her hair.
“You wish...” She murmured, grabbing his wrist and tossing it away from her.
“At least have a stay with me for a while?” Yejun asked.
“Um... No thanks. I gotta... go,” she stammered. She could tell she had mere minutes before she was fully cross faded.
“Well, if you ever feel like having your mind blown, you know where to find me.”
Sana turned and started walking back to her tent when Yejun called out, “Come back anytime, gorgeous! Nice ass by the way!”
“Perv!” She jabbed back as she stepped into the darkness and out of his view.
“What an arrogant asshole...” Sana murmured to herself as she carefully strolled through the still night of the desert alone. She’d become quite intoxicated, and a flood of thoughts were swirling around in her brain. On one hand, she felt proud of herself for successfully confronting the disorderly campers, but it didn’t exactly go as planned. Had she flirted with Yejun? She reassured herself that she was simply trying to smooth things over after basically erupting on them. Sana knew deep down that something about that interaction excited her. There was an unmistakable moistness in her pussy, but she chalked it up to the drugs and alcohol, on top of not being satisfied earlier.
Sana quietly climbed back into her tent and was relieved to find that her boyfriend had not moved an inch. She decided it was probably better not to mention her night-time venture to him, especially given his reaction earlier. “It’s not like I did anything wrong,” she convinced herself. After undressing and getting into her sleeping bag, the tingle of desire in her groin had not subsided. She might have given into it if not for the overwhelming urge to sleep that soon washed over her.
Sana woke a few hours later to the warm sun in her face, and her hips being lifted off of the ground. She was beyond groggy, and had a slight headache.
“Morning, babe,” Minkyu said softly as he positioned his girlfriend’s bare ass. “I woke up so horny. Care for some hot morning sex?”
“Mmm... Yes please,” she cooed lazily as he pressed his swollen cock head against her folds to prepare for entry.
“Damn, you’re already soaking wet!” Her boyfriend exclaimed as he thrust into her from behind.
“Ooh! Yess... Fuck me baby,” Sana encouraged.
“Mmpf! You feel so slippery and warm. God yes... Did you have a sexy dream about me or something?”
Sana’s eyes widened as his question connected the dots in her memory. She had in fact had a sexy dream, only it didn’t involve her boyfriend. She shuddered at the memory, and her nipples stiffened as her lust kicked into overdrive. “Ungh... Yes... Yes I did. Fuck me! Fuck me hard, please!”
Minkyu answered her pleas by thrusting more forcefully into her. “Like that?”
“Harder! Deeper! Fuuuuck!” She met his thrusts, slamming her round ass into him in an effort to get more. Her boyfriend was already fully bottoming out in her pussy, but he did his best to comply and fucked her as hard as he could manage.
Minkyu moaned as he watched his sweet girlfriend’s round ass knock into his hips; he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Her tight cunt squeezed his dick so wonderfully, and her wild enthusiasm was driving him crazy. “Mmmpf! I’m gonna cum baby!”
“NO! DON’T STOP!” She demanded, desperate to get off.
He closed his eyes and tightened his muscles in an effort to prevent the inevitable, but couldn’t hold back and pulled out of her gripping tunnel just in time to jerk his cock with his fist, filling the condom with semen. Sana practically cried in frustration as her pleasure came to a halt.
“Oh my god babe, I don’t know what got into you, but that was so fucking hot. I couldn’t help it,” Minkyu explained.
In her sudden guilt from her inner thoughts, Sana tried not to make a big deal about it. “It’s... fine, Minkyu. You were fucking me so good too... We’ll get plenty of other opportunities.”
“Thanks babe. Yeah, we’re gonna be doing it all week long,” he said, leaning in and kissing her. “Anyway, I'm going for a jog. You in?”
Sana hardly gotten any sleep, and desperately needed to hydrate. “Uhhh... I’m pretty hungover. I think I’ll chill here for a while.”
“You sure?” Minkyu asked, pulling on his clothes eagerly.
“Yeah, yeah. Have fun babe. I’ll join you next time.”
“Okay then. Hope you feel better,” he said while exiting the tent.
The mostly naked Sana adjusted her tiny bikini, sliding the minuscule piece of fabric over her creamy pussy and concealing her hard nipples with the equally small triangles on her top. She sat up, gulped down a nearby water bottle, and stepped outside into the bright sun. After applying protective lotion to her body, she stacked a few towels on the ground and lay on her stomach.
As Sana dozed off, the images of her naughty dream played through her mind again.
When she woke, Sana was covered in a layer of sweat. Unsure of how much time had passed, she rolled onto her back and sat up to reapply the lotion. She looked curiously at a large wet spot where her groin had been and realized her pussy was absolutely drenched.
“What the hell is wrong with me?” She wondered. The horny young woman scanned her surroundings. Her boyfriend hadn’t come back yet, and there was no one in sight. She figured her body was desperately trying to tell her its needs, so she decided to take the edge off.
Sana slipped her fingers under the soaked fabric and started rubbing her clit. She started slowly and gently, but was soon squirming around on her towel and frantically pleasuring herself. She couldn't control her moaning or the dirty thoughts of being dominated, just like in her dream, that kept invading her mind. Sana allowed herself the fantasy, and imagined the manly stranger tossing her into her tent and having his way with her.
“Fuck, fuck, FUCK! YES! FUCK ME! FUCKING USE MY BODY YOU- OHHHHH MYYYY GODDDD!” Sana’s eyes clamped shut and her back arched as her long awaited orgasm finally exploded within her. Her body writhed and her legs twitched uncontrollably as she rode through the all-consuming waves of pleasure that were thrashing her. Her mouth hung wide open, but no sounds came out until her climax finally started subsiding, at which point she let out several long moans of relief.
Sana lay there panting for several minutes, dumbstruck by the immense satisfaction of her release. There was some guilt too, but she minimized it by reminding herself that it was only a fantasy, and that fantasies were perfectly normal things to have.
The sound of a distant vehicle approaching startled her out of her reverie, and she quickly adjusted herself. She flipped the towel over just in time to lay back down when Minkyu pulled up.
The couple had a relatively peaceful rest of the day, playing cards and drinking. The boyfriend had been boozing particularly hard and Sana insisted they do their best to wash themselves with the large tank of water they'd brought. She took the opportunity to clean her 'dirty' bikini before putting it back on.
Just before they called it a night, the familiar annoyances of the neighbouring camp began picking up in volume. “Ugh, not again,” sighed Sana. The thought that she would have to go confront Yejun again briefly occurred to her, causing her pussy to moisten, but she shook the idea out of her mind.
“Those ash holesh must be nocturnal or shomething,” said Minkyu, slurring his words.
“Let’s go to bed, babe.” Sana suggest, standing, and offering a hand to help her boyfriend steady himself as he rose from his chair. She managed to guide him into the tent, at which point he collapsed, muttering something unintelligible.
“Minkyu?” She shook him, but to no avail. He was out.
The frustrated girlfriend once again found herself horny and unsatisfied while her boyfriend snored in a drunken bliss. She was pretty tipsy herself, and decided she would just try to get a good night’s sleep. There was plenty of time for the sex she needed.
However, Sana's plan wasn’t working out though, as the disturbances from the neighboring camp grew worse throughout the night. “Fucking hell,” she cursed under her breath, deciding it would be simpler to tell them to shut up again. This time, however, she promised herself she would not stay there any longer than necessary. The task was simply to silence them so she could get some rest.
Sana once again made her way around the rock formation to the camp on the opposite side. She was more nervous this time, even though her last trip was productive. After getting close enough to be in earshot of the group of partiers, she cleared her throat and yelled, “Seriously, guys? I thought we addressed this shit last night!”
“She’s here!” Announced a stranger who was the first to notice her arrival. Cheers and applause suddenly echoed throughout the camp, leaving Sana frozen in confusion.
“Oh! Fuck me! Yesss,” taunted another guy, causing the group to erupt in laughter.
Sana’s heart sank to the floor. “Are they... quoting me?” She realized in horror what they were referring to. Her face bright crimson, she challenged them, “What the hell are you guys talking about!?”
One guy answered immediately, “You know, how you want to “Use your tiny body,” I think it was.”
“To use her LITTLE body!” Another man corrected him. This got another big laugh from everyone.
The absolute embarrassment was beyond anything she had ever felt. “You fucking pervs were spying on me!?”
“Don’t flatter yourself, bitch. I just happened to be rock climbing earlier and there you were going to town on your cunt out in the open!” A third man, the apparent witness, chimed in.
“So you run back to camp and tell EVERYONE!?” Sana screamed defensively.
“Well, actually-” He was interrupted by the trailer door suddenly swinging open. Yejun walked down the steps and approached Sana, looking beyond smug. The crowd fell silent, not wanting to miss a single moment of the drama.
Sana let him have it, “This is so fucked up, Yejun! I can’t believe how disgusting you guys are. Aren’t I entitled to a little privacy!? I mean... UGH!” She turned to the group and added, “Fuck you! I don’t want to see any of you ever again. And don’t come near my camp!” With that, she spun around and began strolling away from them.
“Sana,” Yejun called out behind her. “Sana!”
“I don’t wanna hear it. I’m done trying to be cordial with you assholes!” She snapped back, not breaking her stride.
“We have video,” Yejun added calmly, just loud enough for her to hear.
Sana froze in her tracks. “You’re lying...” She muttered, her voice trembling.
“Come and see,” he said, gesturing for the rock climber to hand over his phone.
She didn’t know what to do. She had to know if there was actually video evidence of her doing and saying such things. “You better be fucking kidding!” She stormed back over to Yejun, who had the phone extended in his hand, on display.
Sure enough, a video was playing that depicted her, sprawled out in the sun, dropping her hand to her mound. She could hear the man behind the camera whisper, “Oh shit,” and duck behind a nearby boulder. Sana watched, mortified, as the scene from that morning unfolded before her eyes. The video zoomed in and it was unmistakable that it was her, skin glistening, bucking her hips as she pleasured herself. Then came the finale. Her depraved cries could be heard clear as day as she flopped around in ecstasy on her towel.
She was in shock. A sense of dread washed over her from head to toe, and yet a fiery heat had been building in her pussy. “DELETE IT!” Sana demanded suddenly. She tried to swipe the phone from Yejun, but he quickly raised it above his head and out of her reach.
“Nah ah,” he said, chuckling. “Why would we do that? The boys get horny out here, and with no Internet, this is the best we got to work with. This video is gold.” He leaned in closer, “And if you ask me, this is far superior to porn. It has a certain... personal touch, you know what I mean?”
She took the chance and slapped him across the face. He simply laughed and rubbed his cheek. His arrogance was disgusting, but Sana knew she was powerless. She had to convince them somehow. “Just please delete it, for fuck’s sake.”
“Maybe we could come to some sort of arrangement,” he suggested.
“I know where this is going. I’m not gonna let you fuck me,” Sana answered quickly.
“I figured you’d say that, even though we both know you don’t really mean it. That’s fine though. I was thinking something a little more harmless... and group-oriented,” Yejun stated with a devilish grin.
“Group? Not a single one of you pervs is laying a finger on me!”
“That’s fair. How ‘bout this. Since you’d be depriving us of our prized jerk off material, I think the only logical trade would be a live demonstration, so to speak.”
“I’m not doing that either! You know what, enjoy your dirty video. See if I care!” Sana tried to get the upper hand, motioning that she was leaving.
“Okay, then I’ll just share this with Minkyu. I’m sure he’d be very interested to see what his little girlfriend was up to while he was away,” argued Yejun confidently. He knew he had her backed into a corner.
“God dammit!” Sana shouted in frustration. There was absolutely no way she could allow Minkyu to see this video. It would crush him. It would undoubtedly ruin their relationship beyond repair. Her eyes dropped to the ground in defeat. She knew she had no choice. “Fine...”
“So you’ll do it? You have to strip for us and then pleasure yourself to completion.” Yejun asked eagerly.
“Pleasure myself... right here? In front of everyone?” The task seemed beyond daunting to her.
“That’s right. You just give us a quick little performance, we delete the video, and everyone rests easy tonight. So, do we have a deal?”
“Ugh... I guess so... But NO touching, NO cameras, and you delete ALL records of that video right in front of me.”
“Agreed. You have my word. Hear that boys? We get a show tonight!” Yejun announced, drawing cheers from the men. “Alright... Let’s get you set up over here by the fire,” He said to her, gesturing towards an open space. A couple of guys threw some towels down, while the others moved the chairs so that they were all facing the spot that she was to occupy.
“Got any shots?” Sana asked. She figured if her fate was sealed, she might as well make it easier on herself and get a nice buzz going. The men fetched a plastic shot cup and a bottle of tequila. She took three shots back-to-back in an effort to numb her anxiety.
Sana hesitantly stepped towards her “stage”. She couldn’t believe this was happening. She had never done anything like this before, and the whole situation felt surreal. She reached the towels and turned to face her audience. Her heart raced in her chest as she counted six men; six pairs of eyes eagerly waiting to watch her fully expose herself.
“Show us the goods!” Yelled one of the guys.
“Take your time! Get into it!” Added another.
Sana glared at Yejun, who simply nodded. She felt so incredibly vulnerable, but knew it would be best to just get it over with as soon as possible. “Fuck it...” she pushed herself over the mental hurdle, and pulled her top off in one smooth motion. Her bikini clad tits bounced into the open and the crowd went wild. The alcohol was beginning to kick in, and she felt the pleasant warmth from the drinks spreading throughout her body. She reluctantly peeled her shorts off, earning herself another thunderous applause.
She couldn’t help but grin the slightest bit, if only for a second. She was determined not to enjoy this forced exhibition, but something about how thrilled all these guys were to simply see her body was exciting her. She felt powerful, witnessing them lean in with wide eyes as her hands traveled to the thin straps of her bikini top. The feeling was a welcome one, giving her a sense of control in this otherwise helpless position.
“Don’t be shy! You’re so fucking hot!” Someone shouted.
“I’d give my left nut just to take the rest off myself,” another said.
Sana untied the strap around the back of her neck and the fabric covering her nipples flopped over, much to the delight of her audience. She had never felt so desirable and appreciated. She grabbed her sizable tits and squeezed them together, playing with them seductively for a moment while swaying her hips. The men were out of control, and she could barely make out what they were saying to her and one another over the music.
She had finally gained the courage to look at them more directly, and saw that some were sporting bulges that they couldn’t keep their hands off of. Not wanting to lose the momentum she had built, Sana spun around and made a show of her shapely ass. She slowly pulled her thong down and it dropped to the floor. She was completely naked now, all of her most vulnerable parts on display for this group of strangers she knew almost nothing about.
“Slap your ass!” A voice suggested. She did so without a second thought. The whole ordeal was beginning to feel natural. Everyone cheered. “Bend over and do it again!” She complied. Her inhibitions melted further with each passing moment. She wouldn’t admit it to herself yet, but she was starting to enjoy the attention.
“Get on your knees and pinch your nipples!” Sana obeyed, lowering herself and rolling her stiff nipples in her fingers. She could feel her bare pussy getting wet as she followed the lewd instructions. “Touch your pussy!” Her hand fell between her legs, and she glided her fingers over her slippery lips, sending a bolt of pleasure through her.
“Spread your legs so we can see!”
“Are you wet?”
Sana nodded, and rested her ass on the towel, parting her legs and fully revealing her glistening pussy. She started lightly rubbing her clit, her drooling sex begging for more attention. One by one, she witnessed the men freeing their erections and stroking themselves to her performance. She had never seen more than one cock at a time, let alone six. At least four of them were noticeably bigger than her boyfriend’s, and she felt herself captivated, curiously examining the various shapes and sizes.
“Damn, that pussy looks tight!”
“Oh my, it’s perfect!”
Her eyes found Yejun, who had been surprisingly quiet throughout the ordeal. His cock was shockingly thick and lengthy, just as she had imagined. He gently massaged the spot where the shaft met his swollen mushroom tip, causing it to visibly throb. She briefly wondered if it would even fit inside her.
Sana openly moaned in pleasure as she publicly stimulated herself. When Yejun laid out the details, that she would touch herself to completion, she’d thought the degrading act would end with her faking an orgasm and getting out of there as soon as she could. It was now clear though that her body was responding well beyond her expectations.
“Why is this turning me on so much?” Sana thought to herself. She felt like such a slut, getting herself off while six horny strangers rubbed their hard dicks right in front of her. Sana’s mind was overcome with lust, and increasingly dirty thoughts infiltrated her innocence. She imagined the men losing control and taking her right then and there, using her body to satiate their big cocks. The vision made her shiver with wicked delight.
One guy moaned suddenly, grabbing her attention, and she watched as he began shooting ropes of cum onto the ground between them. The sight of it fueled Sana’s desire even further, and she whimpered with need as the nameless camper drained his balls for her.
“Fuuck... You made me cum so hard, you slut,” he said to her.
The naked Sana nodded slowly at him; her face scrunched in apparent pleasure as she worked her clit with fervor. She was getting close, desperate to achieve the massive release that this unbelievably dirty scene was building in her.
Two more of her audience members soon hit their limits, grunting as they pumped their hardness, and spewing their creamy loads all over the desert sand.
“Ungh, Yes!” Sana squealed. Watching the big cocks explode for her was driving her mad. She had no idea that being the center of attention for a group of horny men would turn her on so much, but she couldn’t get enough. She finally hit her peak, and screamed in pleasure as a powerful orgasm shook to her core. The men cheered for her, but their voices were drowned out as her senses focused on nothing but her overwhelming climax.
Sana lay there twitching wildly for a solid minute before finally opening her eyes. Yejun was standing over her, pumping his fat cock in his fist. “Oh fuck...” She cooed, biting her lip, as he seized up and pointed his pulsing meat at her. A long, sticky rope of semen shot out landed across her torso. Another splattered all over her tits. The next reached as far as her chin, pooling in the crevice below her neck.
Sana, still in the aftermath of her orgasm, watched in amazement as Yejun painted her smooth skin with his warm cum. He had pushed the arrangement further than they had agreed upon, but at that moment, she didn’t mind it. In fact, she was glad he did. Being covered in the copious seed of the dominant stud jabbed at something primal in her. She felt like she might cum again right then from the mere sight of him.
Yejun’s last few dribbles landed directly on her mound, trickling down her tender pussy and mixing with her own juices. “That was quite the show, wouldn’t you say, gorgeous?”
Sana simply nodded, still catching her breath.
“God, you look so fucking beautiful all covered with my cum.”
She moaned lightly. If he had wanted to fuck her right there and then, she would have let him. Her soaking pussy felt insatiable.
“Well, my cum slut, I’d say you definitely earned your right to delete the video,” Yejun said.
“Okay...” She murmured, still panting. She hardly even cared about the video anymore. Things felt different now.
“I’d ask if you enjoyed yourself, but I think we all already know the answer,” he teased. The other men agreed.
“This slut is fucking wild. Are you gonna stay the night with us, sweetie?” One asked.
“Shit,” Sana muttered, a bit of reality coming back to her. “How long has it been? I need to go.”
“Up to you. You have my permission,” Yejun said with authority.
“Oh, thaaanks,” she responded with sarcasm. She was learning to enjoy the way he talked down to her. He offered her his hand, and she took it, rising to her feet. She could feel his cum drizzling down her skin.
“You should wear my cum all the way back to your boyfriend,” he suggested, groping her ass with one of his hands.
“I... can’t do that...” Sana picked up the towel and wiped herself off. As much as the thought of going right to sleep with Yejun’s cream all over her turned her on, she could never be that cruel. Yejun smacked her ass with a loud crack, causing her to yelp. “Hey! No touching!”
“Oh please. You love it. Want another?” He asked, grinning.
“Screw y-AH!” She was interrupted by another firm slap. Sana tried her best to maintain a disapproving look, but she knew he wasn’t buying it.
Much to everyone’s disappointment, the sexy young woman got dressed and said her goodbyes, trotting out of the camp. Her mind was racing. The gravity of what had happened hadn’t fully settled in yet, and the dull pangs of guilt were overshadowed by her incredible lust.
She climbed into her tent to a snoring boyfriend, and immediately got to work on her ravenous pussy. Sana pleasured herself relentlessly, soaking the fabric of her sleeping bag and losing track of how many times she came. She could still smell the faint scent of Yejun’s cum on her, and wished she hadn’t wiped it off. Her hand did not leave her cunt until she eventually passed out.
The next morning proved to be troublesome right off the bat. Sana was woken up by Minkyu climbing on top of her. He had opened her sleeping bag and was presumably attempting to stir her in the hopes of having sex.
“Good morning,” he said, kissing her. “Ah, last night was a blur. Apparently I came all over you?”
Sana looked down at her skin and found she was covered in several white streaks of dried semen. Her hasty wipe down had not even come close to actually removing all of Yejun’s enormous load. “Oh... Yeah. I was drunk too, but I do remember us fucking and you wanting to cum on me,” she lied.
Minkyu laughed. “That’s so weird, I never do that. It must’ve been some crazy good sex. That seems like a lot of cum!”
“Oh my god, yeah... It was so much.” She could feel her pussy getting drenched as she recalled the previous night.
“I didn’t accidentally cum inside of you too, did I?” He asked worriedly. Sana’s heart skipped a beat, unsure of why he would think that. He motioned to the large stain in her sleeping bag where her crotch had been. It was surprisingly big, and she could see how it could be mistaken for dried semen. It was cum, for sure, but hers.
“Uh... No. It wasn’t inside me, don’t worry. I just wiped it off my body and onto that spot.” It was a lame explanation, but she hoped it made enough sense. Sana crawled over to the pack of water bottles on one side of the tent and Minkyu gasped.
“Holy shit. Did I spank you too?”
“Huh? Oh! Y-yeah. You did...” She tried to get a look at her ass cheek and could see part of the large, deep red prints. “Damn, Yejun marked me good,” she thought.
“What the hell got into me last night? I’m never rough with you. I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry babe. I had an amazing time last night,” Sana reassured him. “Anyway, you really wore me out, so I’m gonna drink this and try to get some more sleep.”
“Aw, I was hoping we could do it, but yeah if I did all that to you then I understand.”
“There’s always later.” Sana kissed him.
“Well, I guess I’ll go for a drive,” Minkyu stated.
“Okay, have fun,” she said, between big gulps of water. Sana waited for the sound of her boyfriend’s car departing to let out a big sigh of relief. That had been way too close for comfort, and she was angry with herself for jeopardizing their relationship. Now that she was sober, the guilt was really starting to weigh on her. As much as she was enjoying her new-found naughtiness, she needed to put a stop to it before things got even more out of hand.
As Sana tried to sleep, her mind was constantly bombarded with visions of her dirty exhibition. She gave in and rubbed her pussy to the thought of Yejun and his huge, juicy cock showering her; claiming her. She wished he had not let her leave and fucked her cum-covered body all night. Maybe if she had just gotten to experience him inside of her, she could finally be released from this spell of perpetual lust she was trapped in.
After a series of quality orgasms, Sana’s arm was tired and needed a break. It hadn’t been enough though; she needed more. “What the fuck is going on with me?” She decided to give her swollen clit a break. She slipped on her tight bikini and lay on her stomach just outside of the tent.
She didn’t realize she had dozed off, and woke groggily to strong hands rubbing her lower back. “Oh, hey babe. How was your drive? Mmm... That feels nice.”
“I couldn’t just stand by and let you burn your perfect skin.”
“Yejun!? Wh- Y-You can’t be here!”
“Shhh... Just relax and let me make you feel good,” Yejun said calmly, pressing his strong thumbs into her and expertly rolling them along her spine.
It did feel great, but she couldn’t risk Minkyu showing up and seeing Yejun with his hands all over her. “Yejun. Seriously. This is wayyy too far.” Sana tried to push up from the towel, but he pressed a palm between her shoulders, firmly holding her in place. “What the fuck! Let me go!”
“Just go with it, slut. I know what your body needs,” He insisted. His oily, free hand roamed down her backside and reached her bare ass.
“Don’t call me that! Last night was a one-time deal, and it never should’ve happened in the first place,” Sana argued.
“Psh. You fucking loved every second of it. Don’t lie.” He squeezed her shiny ass cheek and jiggled it around.
“I didn’t! You took advantage of me!” She held firm, and wasn’t going to let him manipulate her. Yejun swiftly brought his open palm down on her, spanking her exposed flesh. “AH! Stop!” He struck her again. She whimpered and tried to wiggle out from under him. He countered her attempt by sitting on her back and pinning her arms to her sides with his legs. Yejun now had full access and groped her slick cheeks with both hands.
“I’ll make you a deal. If your slutty little pussy isn’t soaking wet, I’ll leave you alone,” he said. Sana squirmed and kicked her legs as he forced her thighs apart. She knew she had no chance with those terms. He slid her tiny thong to the side and ran a finger over her exposed pink lips. “Ha. Beyond soaked. Let’s check inside though, just to make sure.” He pushed two of his thick fingers deep into her cunt. She couldn’t help but moan. “Wow, you couldn’t be more drenched, you horny little thing. Guess that means you DO want this,” he stated.
“No! Ungh... Stop!” Sana continued to protest, but his fingers were feeding the growing fire in her. He worked them carefully, thrusting in and out of her, and curving them in different directions to test her reactions. She tried her hardest to block out the pleasure, but her involuntary moans were increasingly frequent. Her pussy was clenching around him, desperate to be more fully stuffed. The helpless girlfriend’s secret fantasy was becoming a reality, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Despite her best efforts, Sana was about to cum hard.
Yejun sensed a change in her breathing, and tensing of her muscles. He quickly withdrew his fingers, and she groaned in obvious disappointment. “Nooooo,” she whimpered. He plunged back in, thrusted a few times, and pulled out, grazing her clit as he passed it. “Yes-Oh my god-fuck-NOOOOO!” She cried out the words in quick succession as he gave her more, and complained with further desperation when he denied her again.
“I’m getting mixed signals here. What do you want?” He asked, smiling smugly. He continued the torturous pattern, keeping her right on the edge.
“Fuck! Just-Ungh-Do it!”
“Do what?”
“Make me cum!”
“Are you sure?” He rubbed her clit frantically, only to stop after a second.
“With my cock?”
“PLEASE!” It didn’t even register to Sana what she had agreed to, but it was too late. Yejun immediately jumped behind her, pulled his shorts down, lifted her hips, and pushed his hard cock straight into her dripping pussy. She shrieked as his giant cock invaded further and further into her depths, stretching her to her limits. Sana screamed and moaned wildly as each inch of his thick, veiny cock entered her. Before he was even half-way in, she exploded in orgasm. Her entire body quivered uncontrollably, and her pussy pulsed around his meat as the incredible pleasure rocked her.
Yejun grunted blissfully as he bottomed out in the sexy, young girlfriend. He paused for a moment to savor her tight, gripping hole, and the way her full ass rippled as she shook beneath him. He had finally claimed her; speared her precious cunt at the camp she shared with her boyfriend. He began slowly easing in and out of her as Sana’s screams turned into drawn out moans.
“You loving my big dick, slut?” He asked confidently, smacking her on the ass.
“AHGH! Yes! Ohhmm my fucking God! It’s soooo - Ungh! - huge!” Sana couldn’t believe how fully stuffed she felt, nor how amazing the feeling.
“You’ve been secretly hoping I would force myself on you, haven’t you?”
“Fuck! Yessss... Oh... You made me cum so fucking hard...”
“Do you cum that hard for your boyfriend?”
“Ungh... No... Never,” she felt bad for a brief moment at admitting it, but she was far too caught up in the heat of the moment to care.
“If you ask nicely, I’ll give you another one.”
“Mmmpf... Please... Please make me cum again...”
Yejun, pleased with her submission, grabbed a fistful of her hair and began ramping up his pace.
“Oh, fuck! Fuck me, Yejun! Yes!” Just like in her fantasies, he was being rough and dominant with her. It was something she didn’t know for sure she would like until this moment. He pulled her hair back tightly and started ramming into her. The repeated cracks of his skin hitting hers echoed against the rocks looming over them.
Sana clutched the towel in her fists as Yejun forcefully pounded her from behind. He was not holding back, slamming his entire length into her while she moaned loudly in encouragement.
“You love being fucked hard by a real man, don’t you, bitch?” He asked with authority.
“Anngh! YES! It’s so fucking gooood! Ohhhh! I’m gonna! Fucking! CUM!” Sana’s pussy clamped down hard on Yejun’s throbbing cock as he slammed into her one last time and flexed his meat, causing it to swell and stretch her even further. He released her hair and caught her chest, firmly squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples. She flailed in ecstasy in his arms as her senses were overwhelmed with pure pleasure.
Before her mind-shattering orgasm had run its course, he aggressively flipped her onto her back and crawled on top of her. Yejun rubbed her clit with his mushroom tip, making her squirm around beneath him. He then pressed into her sopping wet folds and filled her spasming pussy again. He pressed his mouth against hers, and drove his tongue into her welcoming mouth. The two kissed deeply and passionately while he slowly eased in and out of her, moaning into each other’s mouths.
“Oh my fucking God, Yejun...” Sana was at a loss for words. She couldn’t believe how incredible she felt. She hadn’t the slightest idea sex could be this good.
“Mmm...” Yejun was relishing the moment, drinking in the sight of the beautiful woman who was finally under his control. She was clearly captivated by him, her eyes telling the story of a girl who just had a sexual awakening. He pressed his hard body into her soft chest and kissed her again. “You know you’re mine now, right?”
“Ugh... Yes... I’m all yours...” She whispered back, kissing his neck. She didn’t overthink it. Sana just gave into the moment, and at that moment, he owned her.
Still gently working his full length in her, he said, “You’re staying with me tonight.”
“Okay...” She agreed automatically.
“You like sneaking around and being my little cheating slut, don’t you?”
“Isn’t it so fucking hot to be used behind your boyfriend’s back?” Yejun started thrusting more forcefully again.
“Mmm... Yes... It is...”
“You want me to use your little body a lot more, don’t you?”
“Ugh... Fuck yes. So much,” Sana admitted.
“Good. Now beg me for my cum like the little cheating whore you are.”
“Mmmpf... Yes. Please cover me with all your hot cum again,” she pleaded.
“Hmm... I was thinking of unloading inside of you this time,” he stated, as if her opinion didn’t really matter.
“But, I’m not on the pill,” she explained quickly, just then realizing that she had been enjoying this raw, uncovered cock that whole time.
“Even better,” he said devilishly. “But ok, we’ll save that for next time.” He shifted gears, and started driving into her more harshly. He brutally fucked her into the ground while grunting more dirty things to her.
“Take that dick, you cheating slut!”
“Yes! Fuck me hard!”
“Who fucks you the best?”
“You! Ungh! You do!”
“Better than your boyfriend?”
“Oh my god! So much - Fuck! - Better!”
“Don’t forget it, bitch!”
“Ahh! I won’t! Hngh! I’m gonna cum again!”
“Do it! Cum on my cock slut!”
On command, Sana’s eyes rolled back as her third explosive climax with Yejun rippled through her. He pulled out of her and jerked his slimy cock over her writhing frame. His first several creamy ropes shot out across the entire length of her body, streaking her from her belly to her hair. The next thick strands flung in different directions, splattering her skin as he aimed his twitching dick in an effort to cover as much of her as possible.
Sana watched in awe as the chiseled stud towering over her coated her in his warm seed. She couldn’t believe how much sticky semen was spurting out of him as he claimed her. It was the most erotic thing she had ever witnessed.
Yejun breathed heavily as he admired the freshly glazed woman beneath him. He lazily wiped his oozing cock along her swollen pussy. “Damn... I could get used to seeing you like this.”
Snapping them both out of their orgasmic bliss, the distant sound of a vehicle was suddenly apparent. “Oh shit! Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Sana cursed frantically. In her panic, she started rubbing the cum into her skin and wiping the excess onto the towel. Yejun grabbed his shorts and scrambled to the nearest boulder, ducking out of sight.
Minkyu’s car came into view and halted in its usual spot just as she adjusted her bikini back into place. Sana’s heart was racing as she inspected her skin, hastily smearing the patches she had missed. “Hey babe!” Her boyfriend said, stepping out of the car and approaching her.
“H-Hi! I um, was just reapplying,” she stammered, trying desperately to sound calm.
“Cool. You feeling better?” He said, drawing closer.
“Sooo much better...” She said truthfully. Minkyu was getting too close, and she feared he would notice something was off. “Wait!” She jumped to her feet. “Let me wash up really quick, I smell terrible,” she said, scurrying to the water tank.
“Uh, okay. I thought you just put more lotion on though,” Minkyu said suspiciously.
“Oh... yeah. Well, I didn’t know when you’d be back, but I’ve had enough sun for now,” Sana stated through her nervously clenched jaw. She doused herself with a generous amount of body wash and splashed herself with water, trying to erase all the evidence of her steamy sex.
“Hey, neighbors!” Sana’s eyes widened in horror as Yejun emerged, smiling and waving at the couple. “Oops. Am I interrupting shower time?”
Minkyu stepped in front of Sana, who had just been scrubbing the small patches of skin under her bikini. “Uh, yeah. What are you doing here?” He asked, furrowing his brow and trying to conceal his nearly naked girlfriend.
“My bad. I just thought I’d stop by and invite you guys to party with us tonight. I know we haven’t been on the best terms, but it’s our last night here, and I thought it could be like a peace offering or something,” Yejun proposed.
His invite caught them both off guard. To Minkyu, it seemed to come out of nowhere, and Sana was shocked by his boldness. Minkyu replied first, “I dunno, You guys have been kind of a headache since we got here, to be honest.”
“I know, and I am sorry about that. That’s why I wanna bury the hatchet. Free food and drinks on us, and then you guys can have our spot when we head out,” Yejun reasoned.
Sana stepped out from behind her boyfriend and looped her arm into his. “That could be fun, babe. Maybe we should give them a chance to make it up to us.” She shot Yejun a quick grin.
Minkyu recoiled the slightest bit, partly in surprise that his girlfriend was considering the invitation, and also in annoyance that she was now fully visible to the unwanted visitor in her skimpy bikini. The fact that she was hanging on his arm though, put him at ease. “Hmm... We’ll think about it.”
“Alright, well. Come on over as early as you’d like! See you guys,” Yejun said warmly as he turned to walk back towards his camp.
Sana’s pussy tingled, wondering what he was up to. “Aw, I think he actually feels bad. We should go. Get drunk for free, and then enjoy the rest of our week how we intended.”
“I guess you’re right. Something about that dude rubs me the wrong way though. Plus I thought you hated them even more than I did,” Minkyu argued, conflicted.
“C’mon, he doesn’t seem that bad. We can always leave if the party’s lame.” Sana insisted.
Minkyu sighed, but finally agreed, not wanting to disappoint his beautiful girlfriend.
As the sun dipped below the distant desert hills, the young couple set off towards the rowdy camp, which unsurprisingly could already be heard loud and clear. Yejun was the first to notice them approach, and jogged over, two beers in hand. “You made it!” He nestled between them and draped his arms over their shoulders, filling their empty hands with the ice-cold bottles. “You guys have some catching up to do,” he said, squeezing Sana’s ass and winking at her.
“This is Sana and Minkyu, boys! Let’s show ‘em a good time,” he announced to his friends. The men shouted their greetings towards the couple. Sana noticed them stealing knowing glances at her, which she had fully anticipated. She wore a tight, white tank top and a short, black skirt. The thought of the big group of hot guys lusting after her again was exciting, but she hoped they understood not to make it obvious that they had met her before.
The gathering quickly proved to be a good time for both Minkyu and Sana, who played a few rounds of board games, and enjoyed tasty burgers one of the men had cooked up. Everyone was becoming quite intoxicated, and a little less sneaky when checking out Sana. Minkyu hadn’t seemed to notice, though, as he was constantly being offered drinks and distracted by various conversations. Every so often, Yejun would grope Sana when her boyfriend wasn’t looking, and she’d smile slyly at him.
At one point, she announced she had to use the bathroom, and Yejun was quick to offer the facilities in his trailer. He gave his friend, who was engaging Minkyu in a detailed discussion about their cars, a nod, and quietly slipped into the large enclosure behind Sana.
As soon as the door swung shut, they were all over each other. They made out hungrily, and had their hands in the other’s clothes within seconds. “Couldn’t wait to sneak off for some of this, eh?” He asked, as she wrapped her fingers around his hard cock.
“I need your fucking cock,” Sana cooed.
Yejun laughed, “You’re such a slut. Get on your knees.”
Sana complied immediately, kneeling at his feet, and pulling his waistband down until his erection sprang out in front of her face. She realized she hadn’t seen it this close before, nor had she felt it in her hand. It was so girthy and warm. Admiring his impressive erection was making her salivate.
Once again, Sana found herself wondering how she had changed so much in a matter of days. She had enjoyed the pleasures of sex for years, but never to this extent. She was becoming obsessed with being dominated by a huge cock like Yejun’s. She felt compelled to worship it.
She rested the massive appendage on her face, savoring the musky aroma and weight of it. She snaked out her tongue, and savored her first taste of it, teasing him with little licks up the length of his shaft. Upon reaching the bulbous, velvety head, she flattened her tongue and massaged the bottom ridge.
Yejun let out a small moan, fixated on her mesmerized face. She swirled her tongue around the circumference before pulling the head into her mouth and sucking on it. He pushed forward slowly, and she accepted more of the thick meat until it hit the back of her throat. Sana tried to pop it out of her mouth, but he placed a hand on the back of her head and held her there. After several seconds, he finally pulled her face off of him by her hair, causing her to cough. A large string of saliva hung between her tongue and the tip of his cock.
“Mmm... I love how your big cock feels in my mouth,” she murmured, stroking his sticky shaft with her slender hand. A clear bead of precum formed at the tip, and she lapped it up with the end of her tongue. “Mmmpf...” Sana slurped him down to the back of her throat again, gagging slightly, and began sliding him in and out of her mouth.
“Ughhh... what a hot cum slut...” Yejun moaned under his breath. “God damn you’re a natural. Better milk that cock like your life depends on it. Minkyu’s gonna be wondering where you are soon,” he warned teasingly, resting his hands on the back of his own head and letting her do the work.
Sana sucked him off with her warm, wet mouth with as much effort as she could muster. Her gargled moans synced up with the squelching of her pumping fist. “Don’t forget to look up at me,” Yejun instructed. “A good cocksucker always shows her eyes.”
She obeyed, and stared up at him with an expression that conveyed, “Please give me your cum.”
He started tensing up and sucking in his breath sharply. “Ungh... Here it comes...”
Sana felt him twitch against her tongue, and soon felt strong blasts of creamy fluid hitting her throat. She tried her best to swallow it fast enough, but the enormous load was overflowing her tiny mouth. Some of his semen spilled out past her lips, and Yejun grabbed her head and rammed his spurting cock straight down her throat.
“Breathe through your nose. Good girl. We don’t want to be making a mess just yet.”
She felt Yejun’s warm cum sliding straight down her throat, and choked through the forceful hold he had on her. Sana was finally able to relax her muscles, and allowed him to drain his balls directly down to her stomach. Her pussy was absolutely drenched, responding to the way he continued to roughly manhandle her. She didn’t understand why she craved the abuse, but was becoming addicted to being used like a toy.
When the last of Yejun’s unbelievably copious load had been swallowed, Sana licked him from balls to tip one last time and pleaded, “Please fuck me Yejun. I’m so wet for you.”
“Later. For now, you need to get back to your little boyfriend,” he answered dismissively.
She pouted, but knew he was right. She had been away for long enough. Sana straightened herself up, fixed her hair, and quietly exited the trailer. She was relieved to find Minkyu hadn’t moved from his chair, and approached him from behind, putting her hands on his shoulders. He reeled around to look at her, and she could tell from his eyes that he had continued getting drunker.
“OH HEYYY! Where did you go?” He inquired through a crooked smile.
“I just had to use the bathroom,” she answered simply.
“Well we just took shots. You want one?” Minkyu asked her, motioning to the bottle of tequila on the table nearby. She agreed, quickly pouring and gulping down her shot. It instantly warmed her belly and was the perfect thing to mask the strong taste of Yejun in her mouth.
She noticed the guy her boyfriend had been talking to was staring at her, grinning. “He probably knows I was in there messing around with his friend,” she thought. To her surprise, it didn’t embarrass her in the slightest. She found it hot that all these random guys knew what a slut she had been recently. Sana noted the alcohol setting in, and it made her even more horny.
“What’s your name?” She asked the attractive man sitting across from Minkyu.
“Brad,” he replied, flashing his exceptionally white teeth.
“Brad’s pretty cool, babe. He has almost the exact same try-”
“Can you toss me that beer Brad?” Sana asked sweetly, interrupting her boyfriend. He threw her the nearby can, which she caught, opened, and tipped into her mouth. She then proceeded to spill a generous amount of the cold liquid all over her top, completely soaking the white fabric through. “Oooops!” She feigned the accident and smiled gleefully at Brad’s open mouth stare. Her large chest and black bikini top were clearly visible under the now transparent garment.
“Babe, how drunk are you?” Minkyu asked, laughing heartily at her clumsiness.
“I guess a little more than I thought,” she lied. “I’ll just have to take this off. At least everything underneath is waterproof.” She had raised her voice for that last comment, peering around from her peripheral to see how many heads she turned.
“Sana, wait!” Minkyu shouted to stop her, but it was too late. His girlfriend pulled her top off and stood near the center of the camp almost completely naked from the waist up. “Avaaaa...”
“Babe, relax. It’s just a bikini. I would wear this at the beach,” she tried to reason with him.
“You’ve never worn anything even close to that small! Your tits are like completely out!” Minkyu’s argument backfired, as his loud comments had drawn everyone’s attention to her. A few of the men exclaimed their approval as Minkyu’s face grew red with anger.
“It’s okay love,” she said as she approached her jealous boyfriend. “Guys are going to look at me sometimes, but I’m all yours. I promise.” She kissed him deeply, feeling his tension melt away as she pressed into him and reassured him of their status. “Now take another shot with me.”
“Okay...” Minkyu finally agreed, sheepishly. The couple downed another dose of the brown poison and everyone cheered at realizing Sana would be nearly topless for the rest of the night.
Yejun reappeared at some point during the commotion and grinned slyly at Sana. “I’ve got a fun idea!” He announced. “Minkyu should do a body shot off his hot little girlfriend!”
“Oooh that would be sexy. Let’s do it babe!” Sana liked where the plan was going.
“I dunno... I think I might’ve hit my limit,” slurred Minkyu, stumbling a bit.
“Okay, someone else’s turn then,” Yejun suggested, still smiling at Sana.
“No, wait, wait, wait... I’ll do it,” Minkyu said.
“Alright, let’s do a titty shot.” Yejun boldly squeezed a lime wedge over her chest, getting it all sticky with the sour juice, and sprinkled some salt on top. He then carefully pressed a full shot cup into her cleavage. Sana helped by squeezing her tits together to secure the drink. “Okay, lover boy. Got her all set up for ya.” He said to Minkyu, staying next to Sana and placing a hand on her lower back.
The drunken boyfriend stepped over to her and straightened himself up. “Lick one, take the shot, and lick the other. No hands,” Yejun instructed. Sana giggled as Minkyu gently tongued her left breast and then struggled to get the shot securely in his mouth. He threw his head back clumsily, spilling most of the alcohol on himself. The onlookers laughed.
“No prob, let’s try it again. Just open your mouth and put it right here between these delicious tits,” Yejun suggested. His hand had slowly wandered down her backside and was now under her skirt. As Minkyu got into position at the base of Sana’s chest, Yejun held the tequila bottle over her and slowly tipped it downwards. A stream of alcohol poured down through her fleshy crevice and straight into Minkyu’s waiting mouth, which quickly filled to maximum capacity.
Minkyu reflexively swallowed the mouthful, choking a little, and stumbling backwards. “Oh fuck, I’m gonna be sick,” he winced, clutching his stomach.
“Go throw up behind the trailer. That’s kinda our spot.” Yejun motioned towards the
large vessel at the edge of camp.
“You alright, babe?” Asked Sana, sweetly. She felt guilty for letting her boyfriend drink so excessively, but he was going to do that anyway, she reasoned.
“Y-Yeah, I’ll be - hich - fine... Jusht gotta...” He staggered into the shadows, mumbling.
“Who’s next?” Asked Yejun, firmly squeezing Sana’s plump ass beneath her skirt.
Brad was first to fill the space in front of her. A tight circle of men had formed around the much smaller girlfriend, her breasts glistened as they rose and fell with her breathing. She was beyond excited, and was flooding her tiny thong in her juices; right next to Yejun’s exploring fingers.
Brad placed his hands on Sana’s bare waist, just above the hem of her skirt. “You’re so fucking hot,” he said admiringly.
“Thanks! Not so bad yourself,” she replied, smiling widely.
Yejun abruptly pulled at the strings around her neck and the small patches of fabric slid up to her collar bone. Sana squealed and bounced a little as the concealed parts of her breasts came into view. Her hard nipples pointed straight at Brad, who was looking at her like she was a meal. Yejun lightly drizzled some tequila over her naked tits and Brad pounced. He noisily slurped at her smooth skin, licking and sucking her chest dry.
Sana softly moaned as the burly man took her stiff nipple into his mouth and rolled his tongue around it. Yejun had begun tracing his finger back and forth along her covered, wet slit. She was beyond horny, sandwiched between the two strong males. One attacked her tits ravenously while the other teased her pussy. She arched her back, sticking her chest out and placing her hands on Yejun’s thighs behind her to steady herself.
Yejun called for the next round, and Brad stepped away disappointed. One by one, the other four men took their turns ridding Sana’s tits of alcohol. They grew bolder over time, roughly squeezing and pinching her fleshy orbs as they sucked at them. A couple guys even licked up her neck and ended up forcing their tongues into her mouth. Her moans intensified as they took more liberties with her. Yejun had slid her thong to the side and was firmly rubbing her slippery clit.
As the last stranger was biting her sensitive nipples and groping her chest in his rough hands, Sana murmured, “Oh my God... I’m gonna cum, you guys...”
Just then, Minkyu could be heard dragging his feet through the dirt. “Sana?”
“Minkyu!” She shouted, her volume influenced by a mix of surprise and her rapidly approaching climax. Luckily, her half-naked form was concealed behind the wall of taller men. “You feel okay, babe?”
“Ugh, I dunno...” He collapsed into a nearby chair. “What are you doing?”
“We’re just tnghh - talking. Be right THERRRE...” Sana lost control of her voice as she orgasmed. Yejun clamped his free hand over her mouth as he massaged her throbbing clit. If not for the men holding onto her, she would have fallen over. The pleasure bolted through her and made her legs quiver. The audience was overwhelmed with lust from the display, and several hands were extended to cop a feel of her curves. Her hips bucked against Yejun’s firm touch as she silently came. She was on cloud nine, countless hands exploring her body while she ground her needy pussy through the pleasure. Someone eventually undid her skirt, which fell to the floor. She rode out the final waves of her orgasm in nothing but her g string thong.
When Sana had control of her body again, she peered through the large frames in front of her and saw that Minkyu was slumped over in the chair, seemingly passed out. She made a move to squeeze through the men and check on him, but they didn’t budge, and Yejun didn’t let go of her hips. “He’ll be fine, gorgeous. Just let him sleep it off while we take care of you.”
“But... I should at least-”
“Nope.” Yejun interrupted Sana by lifting her and draping her over his broad shoulder. “Save your breath, slut. You’re gonna need it.” He carried her towards the trailer, the rest of the group following closely behind. The parade of horny men passed the unconscious boyfriend, and piled into the shelter.
A few of the guys hurriedly rearranged the furniture, collapsing tables, and extending the sofa. Soon there was a large makeshift bed in the middle of the enclosure, surrounded by padded cushions. Yejun threw Sana down in the center of it, and the six red-blooded males closed in on their prey.
The young girlfriend felt completely helpless as strong hands grabbed at her from every angle. Yejun forcefully ripped her stringy thong from her and dove mouth-first into her juicy, swollen cunt. Sana squealed in delight as he tongued her pussy with fervor. She gazed up and witnessed a variety of stiff cocks springing free all around her. She had seen each of them the previous night, but they were distant and non-threatening. This time, however, she was closely surrounded by them, and they all pointed at her aggressively. Sana knew that every single one of their hard dicks was going to have a turn with her, whether she consented or not. It was definitely more than she bargained for, but the feeling of being utterly powerless to do anything to stop them drove her mad with lust.
“Oh fuck... Unghh... You guys are all so big...” The overwhelmed Sana cooed.
“You ever taken multiple cocks before, bitch?” One deep-voiced man asked, shoving his way to her face and stroking her soft cheek.
“N-no... hohhh... it’s so fucking hot...” She admitted shakily as Yejun assaulted her sensitive clit with his tongue. Sana could hardly believe what was happening. She’d been a sweet, faithful girlfriend for years, and within a matter of days had transformed into a cock-loving slut. A cheating whore who was about to let a group of strangers use her body for their pleasure. The depraved thought triggered an orgasm, and she squirmed around on the bed, moaning in ecstasy and squeezing Yejun’s head between her thighs.
The deep voice boomed at her, “Suck my dick, you slut.” He tapped his meaty erection against her lips, and she parted them, allowing him to drive it into her warm mouth. As Sana bathed the thick cock with her tongue, two other throbbing hardons were pressed against her cheeks. The horny men jabbed at her face, trying to get a turn in her wet mouth. She wrapped her fingers around each of them, and started pumping her fists as she focused on pleasuring the velvety skin poking the back of her throat.
Yejun rose to his knees on the bed and started rubbing his purple head along her dripping entrance. “Mmmmpff! Ohmm yes... Give me that big cock Yejun... Glrrmp...” Sana begged, pulling her mouth off of one dick and swallowing another. He grunted as he slipped into her folds and pushed forward as her clenching pussy swallowed him whole.
Sana moaned intensely through the rod in her mouth as Yejun began rhythmically fucking her. She could barely focus on attending to the three slick cocks looming over her as Yejun stretched her tight cunt. Her tits bounced in circles on her chest as he pounded into her again and again.
One man grabbed her jaw and turned her towards him, promptly filling her abused mouth again. He fucked her face harshly, pulling globs of saliva from her as he jerked in and out of her. The men waiting their turn anxiously groped the parts of her within their reach. One guy was rubbing his dick against her bare foot.
Sana closed her eyes and tried to relax, completely submitting and allowing the brutes to do whatever they wanted to her. She felt another strong orgasm building as the fat cocks pumped her mercilessly from both ends. The cheating girlfriend was completely smothered in hot men, their combined musky smells and animalistic grunts overwhelming her senses.
Without warning, the cock sliding in and out of her mouth jerked, and started slathering her taste buds with warm cum. She darted her tongue around, savoring the salty flavor and sensation of the pulsing meat. She gulped the man’s semen down noisily and her face was immediately stuffed with another needy dick.
“Fuuuuuck,” groaned the guy whose cum was still sliding down Sana’s throat. “That tight little mouth is perfect. I couldn’t hold back. Thanks for sharing, Yejun. How’s that little snatch feel?”
“You said it, Dave - perfection. I’m about to bust in her. Start flooding that little unprotected womb,” Yejun answered through heavy breaths. He was slamming into Sana with all his might now, lightly rocking the trailer back and forth.
“Unprotected? Dayum, that’s fucking hot. You ever been creampied, slut?” Dave asked her.
“No!” Sana barely managed to answer between moans. She had never had someone cum inside of her, but the thought of it seemed irresistible now.
“Hohoo... You our breeding bitch now... We’re gonna fill that little pussy up to the brim.”
“Ungh! Fuck yes! Cum wherever you want!” She shouted in encouragement right as Yejun tightly gripped her waist, holding her in place, and pressed himself fully against her, jabbing her cervix as his cock exploded deep within her. Sana could feel his warm semen splashing against her inner walls, and her cunt spasmed wildly. The cock in her mouth popped out as she thrashed around wildly, her pussy tightly milking the seed from Yejun’s dick.
“OHHH MYYYY FUUUUCKKKKK! I CAN FEEL ALL YOUR HOT CUM FILLING ME UP! UNNNGHH YESSSSS!” Sana screamed in pleasure as he released his massive load into her.
“Jesus, this whore is too damn sexy,” muttered one of the guys she had been sucking off. He jerked his dick over her and started shooting ropes onto her face and tits.
“UGH! GOD I FUCKING LOVE CUM!” Sana was beside herself, becoming the crazed slut they were all treating her like. If Minkyu had not been completely unconscious outside, he would have easily heard her depraved confession.
By the time the most recent finisher had coated her in his semen, Yejun was still soaking his softening cock in her completely filled pussy. He finally pulled out of her, and watched with great interest as his cum began dribbling out of her freshly fucked hole.
“I’ve waited long enough. Get on your hands and knees, bitch,” ordered Brad, who impatiently grabbed her thighs and roughly twisted her around. He positioned himself behind her and plunged right into her dripping cunt. Sana screamed in delight as he fucked her relentlessly, his balls loudly slapping against her clit.
Hours passed while the assault on Sana continued. Between the six, horny opportunists, there were no breaks for her, and at any given time she had a hard cock slamming into her pussy, mouth, or both. She was treated like a common whore, tossed around the room, and bent and folded every which way as they pummeled her. Her mind had gone numb, and she’d been reduced to a fuck doll to be used however they saw fit.
The heavy scent of sweat and cum was unmistakable in the cramped trailer, and Sana was covered in both. She lost count of how many creamy loads were shot into and on her, as well as how many times she had orgasmed.
After most of the men had finally passed out or hit their limits, Sana found herself on top of Yejun, lazily grinding his fat cock while they kissed each other.
“I can’t believe you’re still so hard...” she whispered to him.
“I’m honestly shocked you’re still going, too. I think I finally met my match,” he replied.
“Ugh... I just... can’t get enough... tonight has been fucking amaz-” She was interrupted by a series of quick knocks at the door.
“Sana!? Are you in there?” Minkyu had finally woken up.
“Minkyu! I - Yeah. I got really sick and have been in the bathroom,” she explained.
He pulled at the locked door a couple times. “Let me in!”
“Uh, no babe. I’m a disgusting mess right now. I don’t want you to see me like this - Unngh...” She had stopped moving her hips in her panic, so Yejun clutched her ass in his hands and did the work for her.
“Who cares, I’m a mess too. Just let me take care of you.” Her boyfriend was determined to get to her. It was obvious that he was still quite out of it himself.
“I’m gonna - fuuuck - throw up again. Please just go back to camp. Ohh... I’ll meet you there as soon as I’m done.” The cheating girlfriend was having trouble stifling her moans as Yejun steadily increased the intensity.
“Sana, that’s stupid! C’mon...”
Yejun put his hand over her mouth, and called out to the doorway, “Don’t worry dude, she’s better off finishing up in here with a proper bathroom and stuff. I’m taking good care of her.” He punctuated his last sentence with a stern thrust upwards into her pussy. “I’m making sure she gets plenty of fluids. Get some rest man. You don’t sound so great yourself.”
“Just let me in, Yejun.” Minkyu pleaded.
Yejun replied sternly, “Minkyu. People are trying to sleep and you’re becoming a nuisance. Listen to your girlfriend and go back to your tent.”
“Yeah, b-babe. Let me finish up - Ohhh fuck - I’ll be right there. I promise,” Sana insisted, losing control of her moaning, and hoping they would be mistaken for sickly sounds.
“Fucking bull shit...” Minkyu muttered, the sounds of his uneven steps trailing off away from the door.
“Maybe I should go...” Sana whispered, feeling guilty.
Yejun ceased his movements, abruptly pausing the stimulation they had both been enjoying. Instead of answering, he took a moment to look into her eyes, studying her silently. The conflicted Sana pondered, but her instincts took over, and she started grinding into him again.
“I knew you wouldn’t be able to stop,” Yejun said proudly.
“Just shut up and fuck me,” she demanded.
“Slut...” He teased.
“Asshole,” she fired back.
“You got all riled up again. You like almost getting caught, don’t you?”
“Ngh... Maybe...”
“You know, all he’d have to do is take a quick peek around to find the rest of your clothes on the ground out there.” Yejun grinned smugly, still sitting back and watching Sana squirm around on his lap.
“Oh fuck...”
“Even then he’d probably be clueless to the fact that his sweet girlfriend is secretly a big cock slut.”
“Spending the whole night getting passed around like a rag doll and bred by a bunch Just mere feet away from him.”
“Fuck... Yejun...” His words were driving her crazy. She was grinding him as hard as she could, but she needed more.
“God, you’re a needy little bitch,” he laughed, smacking her ass.
“AH! I need you to fuck me so hard! Right now!”
“Like Minkyu never could?”
“Ngh... Please!”
“Say it!”
“YES! You already know you fuck me way better! Now just fucking do it!”
“Admit you’re a cheating slut.”
“I’m a cheating slut! Ughhh!”
“And who do you belon-”
“I belong to you, Yejun! I’m yours! You’re better in every way! Now just please, for the love of God, fuck my slutty, little pussy!” Sana spouted everything she thought he wanted to hear, and it finally satisfied him. Yejun lifted the already impaled woman into the air, and slammed her back into the nearest wall with a crash. She could only hang onto him for dear life as he thrust into her like a caged beast.
The trailer shook back and forth wildly as Yejun gave her everything he had. Sana’s legs flailed helplessly in the air as she was smashed repeatedly against the enclosure. “YES! YES! OHHH FUUUUCK!” She screamed for him over and over, the thoughtless words being pumped out of her with each harsh jab at her cervix. Her body was electrified with immense pleasure, and her cunt was drenching Yejun’s cock with thick cream.
“I’M... GONNA... FUCKING... CUM... SO... HARD!” She squealed as her climax crashed down on her. Yejun didn’t miss a beat, and continued to pound away at her through her mind-numbing orgasm. Her pussy sprayed clear liquid violently, coating his thrusting lower half in her juices. Still, he did not let up, and she continued to cum for longer than she thought was possible. Sana felt as if she might black out, her vision blurring as he overwhelmed her.
With one last mighty thrust, Yejun bottomed out and his cock exploded. He groaned as he flooded her deepest depths with his virile seed. As he emptied the last of his balls into her, his legs began to tremble from his exertion. They both fell backwards onto the bed together, a sweaty, twisted heap of flesh. Beyond exhausted, the pair lay there in a daze, breathing heavily. His semi-hard dick still planted deep within her, they eventually dozed off.
Sana’s eyes opened abruptly a few hours later to the sound of aggressive knocking at the trailer door. She cursed under her breath as she regained consciousness in the midst of the depraved aftermath around her. Her naked body was draped over Yejun’s, who was still asleep. She peeled her sticky skin from his, and rose to her feet. The room was an absolute mess, evidence of the brutal gangbang wherever she looked.
“Sana? I know you’re in there. Just come out and talk to me... please,” Minkyu said from outside.
“Give me a minute, babe. I must’ve passed out on the toilet...” She looked around frantically for an idea of how to make herself half-way decent. She heard him sigh heavily as she scrambled to the bathroom, careful to not step on one of the several naked men sprawled out on the floor. Sana felt a surge of relief to find that her clothes were in a neat pile near the sink. She hastily splashed her face with water and pulled her clothes on over her soiled skin. She grabbed a towel and draped it over her shoulders in an attempt to conceal more of her body, before heading towards the door.
Sana slowly opened the door and slipped outside into the bright desert, careful not to reveal a single square-inch of the interior. Minkyu stood at the foot of the steps, looking beyond disappointed.
“I’m so sorry, Minkyu...” She said, throwing her arms around him in a tight embrace.
“Are you okay? You look horrific,” he asked, clutching her shoulders with extended arms and inspecting her.
“I’m alright now... I don’t remember much, aside from hugging the damn toilet all night,” she lied.
“Aw, me neither... I can’t believe how drunk we both got. I was so out of it.”
“Yeah...” Sana was eager to hear how much detail her boyfriend could recall, before needlessly trying to cover things up.
“I do remember being super pissed that you were locked in there. And that you guys wouldn’t let me in. They could’ve done really bad things to you, you know?”
“You’re right, babe...” Images of the wild orgy flashed through her mind. “That was not safe. I couldn’t think straight, and just wanted to be left alone. Luckily, no one laid a finger one me. I know they can be jerks, but those guys treated me very well and took care of all my needs.”
“Well that’s a relief. I just wish I could’ve been the one to take care of you...” Minkyu seemed convinced already that nothing unsavory had happened.
“I know. I wish you had been there too. I guess we both let a night of free drinks get a little out of control.” Sana felt she was finally in the clear, and could relax a bit.
“Seriously... crazy night. Did I do a body shot from your tits?” He asked, smiling.
She laughed. “I think so, yeah. That was... interesting.”
“I guess we both got to show off a little, then. The guys were probably so jealous that I got to lick your boobs and stuff,” he said proudly.
Sana couldn’t help but laugh again at the irony. “Oh, I’m sure they were. I gotta admit, it was pretty fun being basically topless for everyone. Thanks for being okay with that.” She decided to reveal a small shred of truth about her feelings, as it felt natural in that moment.
“No problem. I suppose I’m learning to be less controlling. Trying anyway. I trust you, and you deserve to cut loose and flaunt your sexy side a bit under the right circumstances.”
“Thanks babe. That’s very mature of you.” Sana could hardly believe how well the exchange was progressing.
The reunited couple turned towards the trailer in unison as the door creaked open. Yejun, shirtless as usual, stepped towards them with a wide smile.
“Hey, big guy! Sorry about last night. I think we all got more toasted than we meant to. Glad Sana’s okay. I stayed up as late as I could to make sure she was still breathing. No hard feelings?” He extended a hand towards Minkyu, who shook it without hesitation.
“No worries, man. My bad for getting all... shitty... towards you. I was just concerned about her. Anyway, thanks for looking out for her.”
“Happy to do it. It was a damn fun night overall. You guys are welcome to party with us any time. We’ll be heading out soon, so feel free to move your stuff and claim the spot for yourselves.”
“Thanks, Yejun,” Minkyu said.
Yejun started back up the steps, and then added, “Oh! Sana, I think you left something of yours in the bathroom.”
“Oh woops. Be right back, babe.” Sana climbed up the steps and hurried inside behind him.
The second they were out of Minkyu’s line of sight, Yejun grabbed her wrist and pulled her into him. He held her tightly in his strong arms as they kissed ferociously. Their hands clawed at each other’s bodies as their tongues swirled together. Sana wrapped a leg around him, and broke the kiss, staring into his blue eyes.
“Will I ever see you again?” She whispered.
“Of course, you will.” He stuffed a small strip of paper into her cleavage, and pecked her with his lips on her soft chest and up the length of her neck. He let go of her finally and patted her ass. “Till next time. Don’t forget what you are.”
“Your slut.” Sana smiled at Yejun one last time, before exiting the trailer and joining her boyfriend.
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driverlando · 1 month
synopsis- Carlos and Lando are caught in a partner swap scandal
before you continue: It’s been a while since I’ve done an smau so I’m glad to be back lol. reblogs and feedback are appreciated also thanks to the anon who requested the article! enjoyyyy :)
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f1wagsgossip who do we think this is about? 👀
via Deuxmoi
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user1 Charles and Max 💯
↳ user2 nah, they’re more likely to cheat on their partners FOR eachother 😂
user3 I’m sensing Pierre and Lance vibes over here 🤮
user4 hear me out…Lando and Carlos?
↳ user2 yeah, this might be it. did you see how lando was looking at Carlos’ gf in the paddock? plus Carlos likes every single one of Landos gfs posts…
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Scandal Rocks F1: Carlos Sainz and Lando Norris Caught in Shocking Partner-Swap Drama!
By: Sasha, Rumour Radar
The glamorous world of Formula 1 has been rocked by an explosive scandal involving two of its brightest stars, Carlos Sainz and Lando Norris. In a stunning twist worthy of a soap opera, the drivers have been caught in a jaw-dropping partner-swap scandal. Sources reveal that Carlos has been involved in an affair with Lando’s partner, while simultaneously, Lando has been cheating on his partner with Carlos’ significant other. The shocking revelations have left fans and insiders reeling.
The Double Betrayal Uncovered
The tangled web of deceit came to light after a series of discreet encounters and secretive rendezvous. It appears that both Sainz and Norris have been seeing each other’s partners behind closed doors, all while maintaining the façade of happy relationships in their public lives.
According to insiders, the affair between Carlos and Lando’s partner began several months ago. The two reportedly grew close during a series of social events and shared interests, sparking a connection that eventually led to clandestine meetings. Meanwhile, in a parallel storyline, Lando and Carlos’ partner were seen enjoying intimate dinners and private get-togethers, raising eyebrows among close friends and associates.
The Timeline of Events
The dual affairs seemed to have been orchestrated with meticulous care, with both drivers and their partners going to great lengths to keep their indiscretions under wraps. However, in the tight-knit world of Formula 1, secrets rarely stay hidden for long. A few chance sightings and whispered rumours eventually led to a full-blown scandal, as details of the affairs began to leak out.
Friends of both couples were reportedly shocked by the revelations. “It’s like something out of a movie,” one source close to the situation commented. “Nobody saw this coming, and now everyone is scrambling to make sense of it all.”
Reactions from the F1 Community
The scandal has sent shockwaves through the F1 community, with fellow drivers, team members, and fans struggling to process the news. While both Sainz and Norris have maintained a professional rivalry on the track, their personal entanglements have now added a new layer of tension to their dynamic.
Social media has been ablaze with reactions, with fans expressing a mix of shock, disappointment, and curiosity. “Carlos and Lando’s partner-swap? This is the biggest scandal F1 has seen in years!” one fan tweeted. Another wrote, “I can’t believe it. They always seemed so happy with their partners. What a mess.”
The Fallout
As the dust begins to settle, the fallout from this scandal is expected to be significant. Both drivers and their partners are facing intense scrutiny and public interest, with questions swirling about the future of their relationships. Will they try to salvage their original partnerships, or has the betrayal cut too deep?
There is also speculation about how this drama will affect the drivers’ performance on the track. The intense emotions and public attention could potentially impact their focus and team dynamics, adding another layer of intrigue to the upcoming races.
What’s Next?
While neither Carlos Sainz nor Lando Norris has publicly commented on the situation, the F1 world is holding its breath, waiting for an official statement or response. Both drivers have always been known for their professionalism, but this personal scandal presents a challenge unlike any they’ve faced before.
As fans and insiders continue to dissect the unfolding drama, one thing is clear: this scandal has already become one of the most talked-about stories in recent F1 history. Whether it leads to lasting consequences or fades into the background as a passing storm remains to be seen.
For now, the world watches as these drivers navigate the tricky terrain of public scandal and personal betrayal.
Stay tuned for more updates on this unfolding story, as we bring you the latest from the world of Formula 1, both on and off the track.
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landoexgf date nights with bae ✨
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carlosexgf summer break so far 💘
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✧.* the interview
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coff33andb00ks · 3 months
Until You - Part Three
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four charles leclerc x female pop singer!reader x oscar piastri f1 smau with intermittent scenes
Summary: they drive vroom vrooms, she sings soulful tunes. there's no way in hell this is gonna work, right?
Warnings: language, smut (18+ only)
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ynyln has added to their story
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[caption: local guide gets lost / best guide ever / fun fact: Oscar sings when he's taking pictures of someone]
"This is so beautiful," y/n said once she'd made her way back to Oscar. She couldn't stop looking out at the view. "If I lived here I'd want to come up here every day."
Oscar chuckled, nodding as he handed her phone back to her. "I moved here recently and the other day was my first time coming up here. I think it's gonna become a regular thing, though."
"I bet it's gorgeous at sunset."
He nodded, sipping his water. "Have you seen the sunset over the water yet?"
"Not yet. Is it nice?" Spreading her jacket on the rock, she sat down, wanting to enjoy the peace and quiet for as long as possible.
Oscar hummed, sitting near her. "It's quite lovely."
"I'll make sure to see it before I go." She wondered if he would want to see it with her. If she was stupid for thinking there was some sort of connection between them.
"Maybe we can see it together." He looked surprised that the words had come from him, and she was further charmed by the faint blush staining his cheeks.
"It's a date," she said softly.
He sighed, and she felt the weight of it roll away from him. Propping his arms on his knees, he cleared his throat. "I'd like that."
"You like being away from it all, don't you?" she asked suddenly, unintentionally mirroring his posture. Resting her cheek on her arm, she watched his face as he considered the question.
"I like peace and quiet occasionally. To remind me of who I am." He shrugged.
"Me, too." She looked out at the sea.
"Do you get to get away from it all? Ever?"
"Not as much as I'd like," she admitted. "I love my life, Oscar, I do. I love that I'm blessed and privileged enough to be able to do something I love and see the world while doing it. And I get a high that can't be matched when I'm able to stop singing and hear words I wrote sung back to me by thousands of people. But I sometimes feel like I always have to be 'on' you know? Like—"
"Like you can't be yourself, or worse, losing who you truly are," he finished.
"Exactly," she whispered. "And for two years I was under even more scrutiny."
"Were you miserable the whole time?"
"Not at first. I think it was a year ago that I realized we were just pretending. In my heart and head I broke up with him then, and that's where a lot of my angsty songs came from for this tour." She sighed. "But you don't want to hear—"
"I do," he promised gently. "Rolling in the Deep?"
She wrinkled her nose. "Wrote it after we had a fight where he threatened to leak my nudes."
"Christ," Oscar groaned. "Anti-Hero?"
"All things he said were wrong with me."
He shook his head, looking out to the sea. "What a fucking cunt."
"It doesn't hurt as much as it did," she admitted.
"It made for some great music, but I'm truly sorry you had to go through that," he said. "No one deserves that."
"Thank you." She watched him watch the city beneath them. "Why do you have to be reminded of who you are?"
"Same as you I reckon. I'm able to do something I love and see the world and I'm so grateful for that, but… Sometimes I feel like it's a dream and it's all gonna be snatched away." He looked at her. "Youngest driver on the grid and all, you know? And I started later than everyone else, so sometimes I worry that I don't have enough experience."
"Like you're faking it," she guessed.
"Exactly. And I'm under scrutiny because of my age, because I did so much before getting here, and…" He sighed, shrugging slightly. "What if I don't meet expectations?"
"So you still think you have to prove yourself?"
"I don't think, I know I do. I haven't had a win yet. The sprint, but that doesn't count. I'm only ever right behind."
"You'll get there."
"You think?" he asked.
"No, I know you will."
They sat in silence for several moments, and she was aware of the time quickly slipping away. Far below she could see Monaco coming to life for the day and clung to the peace on this little mountaintop.
"Who did you write Enchanted for?" he asked.
Her heart thrummed violently in her chest and she followed a boat with her eyes as it pulled into the harbor. "Someone special."
"Has there ever been anyone you admired? That you didn't know but you knew of and you built them up in your mind?"
She could feel his eyes on her but she kept her gaze on the harbor. "He's that for me. And I was worried that it would be like it sometimes is, where I'd meet him and it would be a letdown. But… It wasn't. I was… Enchanted. And I'm only more so every time I see him."
"Does he know?"
"I hope he does," she whispered.
"He sounds like a lucky guy."
"I don't think he thinks he's lucky. Pretty sure he thinks he's worried he won't meet expectations," she murmured.
He was silent for eleven seconds. Y/n knew because she counted them, each one feeling like an hour. And then… "What about Charles?"
"He's enchanting too, but in a different way."
She swallowed hard and slowly turned her head to look at him.
"I built you up in my mind, too."
"Was it a letdown?" she asked, too scared of his answer to exhale.
"I wouldn't be here if it was," he said in a rush.
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She awoke as soon as his alarm started. Behind her he sighed, pressing his face tighter against her neck. When she reached for his phone he groaned, catching her hand and holding it to her chest. "Charles… Time to get up."
"No," he sighed.
"It's quali day," she enticed, slipping her hand free and stretching to silence the alarm. He didn't budge and she laughed softly.
"I like it right here."
She was still a little surprised that he hadn't even attempted to have sex the night before. After their talk he'd kissed her sweetly then given her one of his shirts to change into. Then, he'd held her. He was still holding her, as he had all night.
"Ten more minutes?" he whispered.
Y/n nodded, because she did love the comfort of being in his arms. She contemplated setting a timer just in case they went back to sleep, but felt his lips against her skin and understood he didn't want ten minutes more of sleep. His hand slid down and he huffed softly when he felt Leo curled up in front of him.
"Five seconds," he murmured against her shoulder, and she could only giggle softly as he sat up, smoothly pulling Leo from her and sliding out of bed.
She rolled onto her back to stretch, squealing when he was almost immediately returning, lying over her and catching her in a gentle kiss. Stretching her arms above her head, she arched then reached to help him shove the covers away. "Charles," she gasped, legs falling open for him.
He nuzzled her neck with a soft groan, pulling back and leaning away to yank open the nightstand drawer. He was back in seconds, drawing her into a series of kisses that had her growing warm. His fingers trailed down her sides then back up, sliding his shirt up, pulling away long enough to slip it over her head. "Si belle, mon amour."
His hands were everywhere, making it impossible for her to focus on them as they stirred and spread heat, lips meeting hers again when a hand slipped between them. She tried to mirror his touches, felt his cock pressing against her thigh while his fingers traced her slit.
Deepening the kiss, he shifted, slipping the condom into her hand then bracing his hand beside them. His fingers teased briefly and he chuckled breathlessly, lips moving to her ear as he rubbed along her slit, working up to her clit. "So sensible," he whispered after she cried out softly.
"Sensible… Sensitive?" she whispered, her meager French falling apart as his fingers worked her clit so expertly.
"Oui… Une si bonne fille." He nipped at her earlobe and she felt him smile while her hips lifted, pushing tighter against his fingers. Her body flooded with heat and he moved his fingers harder, moaning the words over and over as the wet sounds grew louder.
"Don't stop," she panicked when she felt him leaning back. He gently shushed her, fingers hard and fast on her clit, licking his lips as he looked down. "Fuck, Charles—"
"Yes, ma bonne fille," he encouraged. "Cum for me, hm? Let me hear you."
She was almost ashamed of how quickly she came once he said the words, her hips lifting off the bed as she screamed for him. His fingers eased while she trembled, then slid away, his hand gently gripping her hip. One breathless kiss later his hand slid over hers and she hummed, reaching to help him put on the condom.
There was a brief fumbling as he settled between her legs, his hands running up and down her legs. He breathed in to speak, but she only heard Leo's soft whine from outside the bedroom door. Charles exhaled harshly, head dropping to her shoulder when she giggled. "Fuck, Leo."
"Sorry," she kept giggling, tangling her fingers in his hair.
"Will your Oscar be jealous too?" he murmured, and her laughter stopped at once.
"He's not my—" She gasped, head falling back, as he entered her.
"I don't mind sharing." He spoke directly against her ear, hands gentle on her thighs, fucking her slow.
"Really?" She was surprised but wasn't, and she wished he'd told her this when he wasn't buried inside her, because that made it a little hard to think properly.
"Yes, mon couer," he moaned, lips pressed to her ear. His hands gripped her thighs tightly as she arched and whined, his lips dragging down her neck when she threw her head back.
"Charles," she gasped, tightening her hold on his hair. He lifted his head, chuckling softly as he leaned to meet her lips with his.
"Again, amour." One hand shot up, gently cupping her throat as he thrust harder.
"Oh my god," she squealed, digging her nails in his back.
"Is good?' he whispered and when she gasped out a yes he kissed her deeply, swallowing her cries. The world seemed to stand still while his lips and tongue worked hers with perfection, thick moans rising up his throat. Her hands moved up and she mirrored the tenderness he was showing her, lightly running her fingers up the back of his head, other hand gently cradling his cheek. Squeezing her eyes shut, she let out a sharp cry as she came. And could only gasp into his mouth, hands trembling, as he came a few moments later.
Finally she recognized the ringing in her ears as her phone going off with texts. Groaning, she tried to focus Charles and his sweet kisses, pouting a little when he pulled out.
"You are too popular to have your ringer on," he teased, grabbing her phone off the nightstand and setting it next to her. "Tell her we're getting ready."
She nodded, stretching and humming before picking up her phone. Like him, she assumed the texts were from her assistant. Unlocking the phone, she sighed as Charles stayed over her after throwing away his condom. He must have felt her tense when she read the texts, because he made a questioning hum, sitting upright.
"Not y/bff/n?" he asked.
She sighed, turning the phone so he could read the texts. He scoffed, muttering rapidly under his breath in French and Italian and though she wasn't sure what the Italian was she knew the French and agreed with him calling her ex a crybaby bitch.
"Send him a photo."
About to block the asshole, she stopped, staring up at him. "What?"
"Send him a photo, mon couer."
Without thinking, she snapped a picture of Charles, enjoying his warm laugh while she cropped it and sent it to Justin. She showed it to him and he only laughed harder.
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Liked by charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri, landonorris, and others
ynyln: I'm at the age I can date you or your dad 💋 📷: charles_leclerc
↳landonorris: is this some secret lyric I don't know?            ↳ ynyln: not everything is a lyric, lando            ↳landonorris: it usually is with you            ↳ ynyln: I'm not that bad ↳landonorris: great photo by the way ↳ynyln: thank you sweetie ↳oscarpiastri: amazing shot. Glad you got to see the sunset. Did dad scare you on the yacht?            ↳ynyln: no he was very careful. You were right, it was quite lovely. You'll have to come with us next time            ↳charles_leclerc: you're always welcome            ↳oscarpiastri: it's a date            ↳user3: wtf is going on am I the only one who's confused ↳charles_leclerc: can you?            ↳ynyln: depends on the dad            ↳landonorris: now I'm confused            ↳ynyln: go back to your own comment thread
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Liked by charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri, scuderiaferrari, and others ynyln: Winning one's home race is special. It's more symbolic and emotional than all the other podiums throughout the season. Over the years I have watched grown men cry over the "hometown boy" – and shed more than a few tears myself. But this time, it was extraordinary. Congratulations, Charles. The so-called curse is broken. It was a privilege to meet you, but an honor to get to know the man behind the visor. C'est incroyable, mon amie. ❤️🤍 ↳charles_leclerc: Merci, mon beau porte-bonheur. Tu es incroyable. (liked by author)          ↳ ynyln: I'm not a lucky charm          ↳ charles_leclerc: for me you are ↳ user3: our girl's fallen again �� ↳ oscarpiastri: so incredibly proud of dad           ↳ ynyln: he's proud of you too           ↳ user6: wait what if her post about "you and your dad" was about oscar and charles?            ↳ user7: ok grandma let's get you back in bed
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, mclaren, charles_leclerc, and others ynyln: My favorite driver has become one of my favorite people. Your drive and passion are inspiring. You are amazing and I hope you know how proud Team Piastri is of you today. My tears were just as much for you as that other guy. Thank you for letting me tag along and annoy you with my singing and bad jokes. Pain au chocolates on me tomorrow. (Maybe no hike though?) 🧡🧡
↳ oscarpiastri: You're one of my favorite people, too. And I'll always say yes to pain au chocolate with you. 🧡      ↳ynyln: Ergo I'm blushing ↳landonorris: Team Piastri?? 😒      ↳ynyln: Don't be jealous ↳mclaren: Your paddock passes for Canada are being delivered tomorrow     ↳ ynyln: 🙏🏻 ↳charles_leclerc: that other guy is proud of him too     ↳ ynyln: ur boy did good 🥹
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liked by georgerussel63, oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc and others ynyln: Some favorite photos from Monaco week. Amazing doesn't cover it. Thank you, scuderiaferrari, for welcoming me into your fold this week. This week healed me in ways I will never be able to describe. Tagged: charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri, landonorris, georgerussel63, lewishamilton
↳scuderiaferrari: You are always welcome to our garage, YN. Truly an honor making your wish come true! ↳landonorris: I'm tagged but there's no photo of me?      ↳ynyln: um you're in the pic with Oscar?      ↳landonorris: you mean my hand??      ↳ynyln: Fine, I'll post the pics I got of you sleeping.      ↳landonorris: No!      ↳mclaren: YES ↳oscarpiastri: It was enchanting to meet you      ↳ynyln: I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home      ↳user3: WHAT      ↳oscarpiastri: This was the very first page, not where our storyline ends      ↳ynyln: My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again      ↳user4: WHAT IS GOING ON ↳georgerussel63: Blimey slide 3 is a good photo      ↳ynyln: I spent the week playing my favorite game: Formula One driver or European model? ↳lewishamilton: Lunch this week?      ↳ynyln: Only if you bring Roscoe ↳user5: the drivers really said "YN belongs to us now"|↳charles_leclerc: Monaco is lonely without you. Revient bientôt, chérie.      ↳ynyln: compter les jours      ↳user4: oh he's down BAD
oscarpiastri has added to their story
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[caption: miss you already] replies: ↳landonorris: um mate? ↳ynyln: i'm literally right beside you ↳mclaren: delete immediately [story no longer available]
charles_leclerc has added to their story
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[caption: ❤️❤️❤️] replies: ↳ynyln: stop i'm gonna cry - when did you take this?? ↳scuderiaferrari: you have to delete this      ↳charles_leclerc: No ↳maxverstappen1: why does everyone have sexual pictures of her?      ↳charles_leclerc: because we are lucky
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@lichterfee | @formulaal | @a-beaverhausen | @dullypully | @wobblymug | @apollosfavkiddo | @callsignwidow | @saachiep81 | @midnights-lily | @waterlilypat | @kiwi43-81 | @fastfactory |
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buddie-buddie · 4 months
hi <3 how about bucktommy and "i can't belive this"
“I can’t believe this,” Buck groans, dropping his head to Tommy’s lap and stretching out, his feet hanging over the arm of the couch. 
It’s late morning by now, maybe even early afternoon. Buck had stumbled into bed last night with his head spinning, steadied by Tommy’s arm across his waist and his warm, familiar weight behind him. He’d slept like a rock until the pounding in his head woke him up a few minutes ago, his throat dry and his eyes hot as his hangover roared to life. His heart fluttered when he mustered up the courage to open his eyes all the way and saw the glass of water and two ibuprofen on the nightstand, both of which he downed before he let his feet hit the floor. 
He made his way into the bathroom, where his heart fluttered again as he realized he was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants he had no recollection of putting on last night, both of which are just a little bit too big to be his own. He brushed his teeth with the toothbrush that showed up in the bathroom the same day Tommy gave him a spare key to his house. It still makes him smile every time he sees it in the cup beside the sink, right next to Tommy’s own. 
Buck found Tommy in the kitchen, dropping a bagel into the toaster and humming to himself under his breath. Buck slid up behind him, snaking his arms around Tommy’s waist and resting his chin on Tommy’s shoulder. Tommy had turned his head to press a kiss to the top of Buck’s head, murmuring “G’morning,” into his curls as his hands came to cover Buck’s own. They stayed like that for a minute, content to just hold each other in the silence of the morning, until the bagel popped up and Tommy ushered Buck into one of the stools at the small island so he could coax half the bagel and a few sips of coffee into him. 
They wound up in the living room after that, Buck’s need to be horizontal far greater than his need for the rest of the breakfast Tommy so sweetly prepared for him. Tommy shut the overhead lights off on the way in, just before he stopped to pull the curtains shut on his way to the couch. Buck’s chest ached beneath the pleasant weight of being loved like this. It still does now, as his head rests in Tommy’s lap and he announces that he can’t believe how hungover he is. 
“And yet I have no trouble believing it,” Tommy says dryly. 
Buck pouts. “I didn’t even drink that much.”
Tommy scoffs. Even when he does, it’s warm and fond and it doesn’t make Buck feel bad at all. In fact, it only makes him smile. “Sure you didn’t.”
Tommy strokes Buck’s cheek gently, his fingers trailing up until they reach the soft curls atop his head, loose and messy from a night of deep sleep. He runs a hand through Buck’s hair, soft and gentle in the same way Maddie always did when Buck was a kid and he didn’t feel well. 
He’s not six years old with the flu this time, and the hand in his hair isn’t that of his sister, but Buck still feels every bit as adored as he did back then. He could cry if he thinks about it too hard. 
“C’mon, I didn’t!”
“I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong.” 
In Buck’s defense, the do-over bachelor party had been Chimney’s idea. Chimney’s idea that Buck took to immediately– he practically had the karaoke room booked before his next breath– but Chimney’s idea all the same. It was born out of Chim feeling so badly about missing the first one, despite everyone’s repeated insistence he wasn’t allowed to apologize for contracting a debilitating brain infection that nearly took his life. Though Buck likes to think that maybe, deep down, Chim wasn’t so opposed to the initial one as much as he led them to believe. 
And also in Buck’s defense, it was much more tame this time around. No hotel rooms were trashed, no doors were kicked in, and Eddie managed to keep his shirt on and intact the entire time. There was tequila, though. A lot of tequila. So much tequila that Buck can still taste it when he hiccups. Chim and Maddie were both there and Tommy wasn’t on call this time around, all of which instantly made it infinitely better than their first attempt. It was so much fun, the hangover’s worth it. 
Buck sighs, closing his eyes as Tommy’s fingers card through his hair. “I feel like I got hit by a truck.”
“Well, you would know,” Tommy deadpans. 
Buck grins, shoving Tommy playfully. “Not hit. Crushed.”
Tommy hums. “Semantics.”
Buck’s grin is so wide he thinks it might split his face in two. He can’t help it, though. He just… he loves this. Loves Tommy. Loves that he has someone who doesn’t shy away from laughing with him about things like this, someone who doesn’t treat him with kid gloves. Someone who takes him home after a night out and puts his pajamas on when he’s too drunk to do it himself. Someone who holds him when he has the spins and kisses the spot behind his ear and murmurs “Love you,” just before sleep pulls him under. Someone who leaves water and ibuprofen on the nightstand and who runs his fingers through his hair and turns off the big light and closes the curtains for him.
He doesn’t remember falling asleep, but when he wakes up again, his head is still in Tommy’s lap, only now there’s a pillow beneath it. “Feel any better?” Tommy asks, his voice raspy and thick with sleep. Buck smiles at the thought of Tommy falling asleep beneath him. 
“No,” he says honestly. The pounding in his head is unrelenting, and he swears he can smell tequila in the layer of sweat that’s cooling beneath his now-damp t-shirt. “I think I’m dying. This is what death feels like.” 
He can feel Tommy’s laugh rumbling in his chest, warm and familiar. “This is a hangover in your thirties, baby.” 
“Same thing,” Buck mumbles, his eyes fluttering shut as Tommy dips his head down to press a kiss to the top of his head. As he drifts back to sleep, Tommy’s quiet laugh is the last thing he hears before sleep takes him.
prompt game
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hannieween · 9 months
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lunacy | city lights series | h.js
You could no longer hide your infatuation over Joshua Hong. It was becoming painfully obvious, though you weren't sure to what extent he was aware of this. Or if he even cared, for that matter.
✮ pairings: joshua hong x female reader ✮ genre: angst, smut (18+) ✮ aus: rock singer joshua, neighbors with benefits ✮ word count: 18.8k
↣ part i – part ii – part iii – navi post – other fics
₊🎧: underwater - baekhyun ♡︎ | shutdown - moon byul and seori ♡︎ | beautiful liar - monsta x ♡︎ | more - i.m ♡︎ ₊ nsfw warnings under the cut!!
✮ warnings: mentions of menstruation, smut with plot, dom Joshua, sub reader, big dick Joshua, phone sex, dirty talks, foul language, corruption kink, praise kink, exhibitionism: bj in a public space, cum swallowing, multiple sex scenes, masturbation, oral sex (f, m), brat taming: orgasm denial and pussy slaps, unprotected sex, creampie, pet names: pretty girl, baby, princess, sweetheart, bunny (hers) baby boy (his)
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part iv
In your few years being a full time writer, you've made little traditions to keep for yourself.
For example, each time you started outlining your drafts, you'd go to a special spot in your favorite library, near the windows to watch people walk by on the streets. It helps your brain flow with ideas and brainstorm for hours.
Whenever you need to come up with stronger ideas for a plot, or find yourself in a bit of a writer's block, you go to the rooftop of your building. A tradition which has started to taint under the memories of you and Joshua, because quite inevitably, you start thinking of him.
And whenever you submit a finished draft, you tend to go elsewhere. Literally, you buy a ticket and go somewhere else, distract yourself for a little while, even sometimes, you give yourself the luxury to stay in a hotel for a night or two and come back feeling like a new person.
This time, you only bought a ticket for same day travel. But the method of transportation was by train. Which suited your needs a little bit more: you could see the landscape roll by your eyes, the openness of the outskirts of your city was beautiful—so different from looking out the window and seeing big tall buildings and billboards.
You've only visited this city once, when you published your first book years ago. As a young writer, you didn't have much money to go anywhere but there.
But you came across a gem: the town was colorful, it had its own quiet magic of a place loved and celebrated by the people who lived there.
When you first visited, you felt alien to the silent movement of the day. It was so strange to you that at first you got an eerie chill that maybe you got to a ghost town by accident, being so used to the buzz of the city throughout the day.
That's why you chose to come here as soon as you submitted your finished draft. It felt like sending a love letter and then hiding under your bed covers.
There was a small creek in the middle of the beautiful town, and a wooden bridge stood above it. You sat on a bench near the creek, the only noise filling your brain was the current of the stream.
Until the buzz of your phone interrupted that peace.
[9: 14 AM] Yen ✿: good news! [9: 14 AM] Yen ✿: you've been green lighted the second installment to your trilogy   [9: 14 AM] Yen ✿: yay! 🥰 [9: 15 AM] you: What? they already finished reading it? I sent it at midnight ???  [9: 15 AM] Yen ✿: of course you're up already  [9: 15 AM] Yen ✿: they haven't read it yet, that much i can tell you but  [9: 15 AM] Yen ✿: idk what to say girl [9: 15 AM] Yen ✿: they already want to know you're working on book 2
That doesn't make sense, you said to yourself.
[9: 16 AM] Yen ✿: why do i feel like this is bad news  [9: 16 AM] Yen ✿: are u not excited or  [9: 16 AM] you: I am! this is great!  [9: 16 AM] you: I'm already working on book 2 :) [9: 16 AM] Yen ✿: great i'll tell them  [9: 16 AM] Yen ✿: btw what happened to mr hot neighbor  [9: 17 AM] Yen ✿: 👀👀  [9: 17 AM] you: Can we have that conversation on another day? I don't want to think about him right now [9: 17 AM] Yen ✿: fine
But it was entirely too late.
Memories of the last night you spent with Joshua started to flood your mind. You saw him last that Saturday night when you asked him to continue with your little agreement of being fuckbuddies.
He agreed. So you agreed to not see each other on Sunday, but what did happen was that he finally asked for your number. Though as expected, he hadn't texted yet.
That was another reason for your departure today. As soon as the clock hit midnight and it was Monday, you sent your file with the finished draft of your book and booked a ticket for the magical town you remember having visited in your first publishing experience.
Will he text? He hadn't all Sunday, so you didn't see it foreseeable that he would on Monday. Well, what do you actually know about him? You knew a few things. You seemed to have measured his behavior really well but what else did you know?
Not his birthday, his favorite color, his favorite song or movie. Does it matter? He's your fuckbuddy. There are no rules as to what you should know about the person you're fucking.
There may be a few details that are pertinent to doing what fuckbuddies do, yes. Like protection and being tested and such, a thing that you already had covered with Joshua, obviously.
But, should you know your fuckbuddy's favorite color? You knew that he didn't like to kiss you while fucking you, for example. And he conveniently fucks you in positions that distance your hands from his face so you can't touch him either.
Why does that feel like a bitter pill to swallow? Ah, yes. You have a terrible infatuation over him. Like a thorn that you do not dare to remove. In fact, you like the pain you get from it because it's the only thing you'll get.
You let out a broken sigh, swallowing your tears. You felt particularly emotional that day—a sign of your upcoming cycle, so your hormones were working twice as hard.
Another reason to stay away from Mr. Hot Neighbour, if you will.
Despite the sunny day, the temperature was growing colder, so that the season was changing to winter. You liked the mixed taste of it, the sunny sky and chill in the air, sitting by the peaceful creak of the ghost town.
You had a pending decision looming in your mind from the moment you took the train in the break of daylight. Should you tell Joshua how you feel? Is it something you thought helped your situation?
There was nothing you could compare your situation to your past experiences. Your past lovers never got to be as relevant as Joshua. No lover ever shook your heart so hard to the point of hurting. It wasn't just the sex, or his crushing beauty—you were well aware of that. 
You just fell in love of the way your bodies synced together. The way that he seemed to hear your thoughts and read the way your body moved so well. He made you feel seen.
Maybe it's not a great idea to confess to him. But you could try another way, maybe taunt him with silly questions about love, like you did before. 
After what seemed like an hour had passed, you opened the small portable cooler you brought with your person. You came prepared with a meal to have in the quietness of the creak, hearing the sounds of nature and the quiet life of the little town around you.
It was a peaceful day, the only thing that disrupted it was your pending talk with Joshua, which still resided in your head, wasn't even a fact yet.
You planned to stay until sunset, which due to the fact that winter was onset, happened early. You chose to read a book on the two hour trip back home, which was a good choice since it had been a while since you read something other than your own work.
In the elevator of your building, you found yourself wishing for a night of peaceful uninterrupted sleep. You didn't want to suffer from insomnia for a good while, although you knew that with your second book green lit, that might be happening soon.
You stifled a yawn as you got to your apartment. It was 7 PM and you decided that it might be a good idea to prepare yourself for bed. You drew yourself a bath, had a small meal and went overboard and induced yourself to sleep with melatonin—for good measure.
The good thing was that it was a dreamless, heavy sleep.
You woke up the next day feeling incredibly groggy and much to your demise, felt the silent announcement of the beginning of your cycle. With a groan, you dragged yourself out of bed and kick started your day.
[11:55 AM] joshua: bunny, are you busy today?
You stared at your screen for a good while. You were in the middle of your daily chores, cleaning your mail and responding to some others when your phone buzzed on your desk.
You turned the silent mode on and decided to respond to it later.
Why does he have to call you that? Does it hurt him to call you by your name?
Easy, you told yourself.
[18:31 PM] joshua: i'll take that as a yes ? [18:34 PM] you: I'm free tonight
You bit your lip. God, why do you feel like a teenager that time you first talked to the person you had a crush on?
[18:34 PM] you: But we can't do anything [18:34 PM] joshua: what do you mean ? [18:37 PM] joshua: are you in?
Your stomach dropped.
[18:37 PM] you: Are you outside my door right now?  [18:37 PM] joshua: where else? [18:37 PM] joshua: open up [18:37 PM] you: Let yourself in
You removed your cancellation headphones from your head and attempted to smooth your hair to appear at least decent and not like the little study mouse you were the whole day.
"Bunny? Where are you?" you heard his sweet voice call from the living room.
"In the study," you replied just as Joshua pushed the door open, sneaking his head in first.
"Hi there," he smiled at you sweetly, looking around like a child in a toy shop. "Wow, this room is so... you."
You laughed. "Is that so?"
"I like it," he nodded, looking at the shelves upon shelves stacked with books and clutter, collection toys and figures from your favorite media. Fairy lights on the walls, a couch on the side that hosted your small army of squishmallows that moved the first night that Joshua slept in.
"Thank you," you replied with an excited smile.
"So? What do you mean we can't do 'anything'?," he did bunny ears over the word.
"I'm... going through stuff," you said, making a circle motion with your palm toward your lower belly.
"Oh," he blinked, then cocked his head to one side. "And?"
It was your turn to blink in bewilderment. "What do you mean 'and'? Is it not super gross for men to even hear the word menstruation?"
"Maybe, for some. I don't know. I don't care," he shrugged with ease. "You've never had period sex, I take it?"
"Joshua! No!" you chastised, your stomach fluttering uneasily when he laughed.
His nose wrinkled as he giggled. "Sorry, but you can't expect me to be grossed out by a little blood. I've done it before, if it makes you feel better."
"It does not," you replied with sincerity, crossing your arms and standing from your armchair.
He was wearing what he usually wore when he was home. Sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. His hair was unlike the last time you saw him, it hung loose and you just loved it, it made you want to run your fingers through his dark locks.
"Well, if you don't want to have sex tonight, maybe we can chill instead, if you want," he shrugged as he took some aimless steps in your office room.
Your stomach tightened. "What do you mean?"
"We could watch a movie," his hand brushed his hair distractedly.
"I-I was actually about to go out," you blurted.
"Oh, you were?" his eyes scanned you briefly.
"To the drugstore. I'm... running out of supplies," you muttered, feeling your blood run to your cheeks.
He smirked. "Bunny, you don't have to be shy with me. Come on, I'll come with."
"O-okay," you muttered. "Let me get a bag."
It felt weird to walk down to the drugstore with Joshua strolling by your side. Doing simple ordinary things with him was something new to you, since you only saw him in your bedroom, and occasionally on the rooftop of the building you both live in.
When you found yourself wishing he would take your hand, you dug both your hands on the large pocket of your hoodie.
"How did it go? Your book thing," he asked, breaking the ice.
You smiled at his choice of words. "It went well. They want me working on the second book already."
"Oh, that sounds good," he gave you a gentle smile. "But they don't give you like, time to rest or something like that?"
"Well, I screwed up a bit because I was a little ahead of deadline and told them the second book was in the works, so there's no time to rest," you shrugged.
"I get it," he nodded. "I don't get days off either. It's either recording vocals, writing music, networking or something else."
"Did you have to work yesterday too?" you asked with genuine curiosity.
"I went back to the studio because Jihoon wanted me to re-record some lines. We went on a rabbit hole after that 'cause he's nervous about possibly working with major producers. We're self-produced for now," he smiled and rolled his eyes at the memory.
"Was it good though, at the end?"
"Oh, yeah. The perfectionist he is, he didn't stop until he okayed it," he nodded and opened the door of the drugstore for you and you muttered a word of thanks. "And the day before... Sunday. Yeah, I normally go out with my mom—or try to."
"Oh?" you pushed your eyebrows up. "What did you do this time?"
"We had lunch and then visited a botanical garden. Drove her home after that," he told you with an absent smile, probably remembering his day with his mom.
Your heart swelled with fondness. "That sounds really nice, Joshua," you replied, trying not to show the emotion you felt.
"Yeah," he seemed to snap himself from his train of thought, looking up to the aisles. "I don't know where I'm going, I'm following you."
You laughed. "Don't worry, you won't get lost baby boy," you said with an air of confidence as you turned to the aisle where you'd find what you needed.
"Did you just call me baby boy?" he giggled goofily.
You ignored him, throwing in the basket your supplies.
"You told me you needed supplies, bunny. What's this?" he said, looking up to the shelves. "Snacks?"
"These are my supplies," you said with a whine. "Don't judge me."
"I'm not judging," he lifted his palms to your view. "Whatever you need."
"I actually do need to collect something from the counter," you said, fishing your prescription from your pocket but not showing it to him.
"Oh, are you sick?" he inquired as he followed you out of the snacks section and toward the counter.
You kindly handed your prescription to the lady and she handed back birth control pills. Then when it was time to pay, you tried to hide your blushing face to Joshua, who could probably notice your natural shyness kicking in, no matter if he stood behind your back.
"Are you on the pill? Why did you never tell me?" he muttered beside you as you both walked out of the drugstore with your bag full of supplies.
"Not yet," you frowned, though your face felt hot. "In theory and according to this, I begin today," you told him, keeping your eyes glued to the sidewalk.
"I see," he replied, seemingly thoughtful. But then, he asked: "So we're watching movies tonight?"
"Yeah, that'd be nice," you admitted. "It's been ages since I watched a movie at home—or at the cinema, for that matter."
"Cinema," he smiled. "Sometimes I forget that you're an old lady."
"Shut up, Joshua," you scoffed but couldn't help the growing smile on your face.
The only way you could describe your apartment was something akin to a fortress: never short of food or supplies, you had everything you ever needed for entertainment, you worked there most of the time. You were lucky to have made it your little fortress—and well, also you worked hard to keep it that way.
When you got back home with Joshua, you freshened up in the bathroom and changed into comfier clothes and brought a blanket to the living room, where you had a decent tv screen.
"What do you prefer for tonight, princess?" Joshua asked as you returned to the living room wearing your comfiest attire.
"Aren't you choosing tonight?" you asked as you sat beside him on your couch and threw the blanket over your legs.
"What, you're not sharing?" he asked, looking at your fluffy blanket.
"I can bring another blanket for you," you blurted, feeling deeply embarrassed.
"What if I only want to share yours?" he pouted cutely, he even made puppy eyes.
Don't torture me like that, your inner voice pleaded to him. 
"I- we can share," you smiled abashedly. "Sorry, I just didn't think-"
"I'm just playing with you, bunny," he laughed merrily.
You stopped cold. "I- what do I do?" you blurted. "Do you want to share or not?"
"Oh, you sweet thing. Alright, let's share," he exhaled. "We're watching horror, then."
"O-okay," you muttered, feeling deeply flustered at the whole exchange.
The blanket covered you and Joshua perfectly. It was large enough to cover your whole bed. So you confidently propped your feet bundled up in fluffy socks on your coffee table without the blanket falling off or uncovering Joshua.
"You can do the same," you suggested to him after he saw you put your feet up on the surface of your otherwise neat coffee table.
"You're weird," he muttered, but followed you nonetheless, extending his large legs on the coffee table with yours.
"Why?" you frowned.
"You don't seem like the person who would tolerate feet on a table," he laughed. "But you always prove me wrong in something."
You felt your cheeks grow hotter. "What- why? Why does that make me weird? I just wanted to stretch my legs."
"I'm not saying it's a bad thing," he shrugged. "I mean, your apartment is always super clean and you're a bit haughty about certain things so I just thought-"
"I am not haughty!" you gasped.
"Ah, there we go again," he let out his high pitch giggle.
"Shut up, Joshua. You're not perfect either," you muttered with a pout.
"I know, sweetheart," he laughed harder.
"You-you're cocky," you blurted. "You're... you're..."
Joshua arched his eyebrows, waiting for your best worst descriptor.
But you just sighed: "God, you might be perfect."
He laughed harder. "Are you sure you're not ill? Let's take you to the doctor," he joked.
You scoffed. "Ugh, I'll take it back. You're the worst."
"I'm anything but perfect, baby. Far from it, actually. But I appreciate your lukewarm compliment," he said, sliding a hand under the blanket and finding your thigh, to which he gave a gentle squeeze.
With a jolt, you rose from the couch, visibly startling him. "I almost forgot my snacks! D-do you want something to drink?"
You hid yourself in your kitchen and heard his distant reply. "I'll have whatever you're having."
A silent sigh escaped you. You needed to find some kind of rein to your emotions when Joshua was around you.
"Does hot tea and milk sound okay?" you asked.
"Sounds great. Thanks," you heard.
You returned with a tray with two mugs and a plate full of your favorite sweet snacks. Joshua frowned slightly then you set the tray between you and him, setting a clear barrier between you two.
If he noticed you were creating some distance, he didn't say anything. And you silently thanked him for it.
Joshua chose a horror movie. If he did it because he enjoyed horror, he didn't look the part, not one bit. His face wore a frown in disgust throughout the whole thing—and it wasn't only because of gory depictions.
The film was deeply disturbing, to anyone in their right mind, it would seem. But you occasionally giggled at certain moments when Joshua flinched or even jumped on the couch. You never bat an eye, you even found the story a bit flimsy, reliant in shock value and with very evident plot holes.
"That was... something," you muttered as the credits rolled on the screen.
"You are scary," he told you, still looking deeply startled.
You let out a laugh. "Why?"
"You laughed when the lady found out that her daughter was dead!" he pointed with an obvious tone.
"What, it was funny," you shrugged. "I dunno, the face she made was funny. Thought it was a weird cry face."
His mouth parted, frown deepening. "That's psycho talk," he shook his head.
"Chill, it's just a movie," you huffed.
"You pick next time," he rolled his eyes. "But let's not watch horror in a while. I've had my fill."
You laughed. "You want me to hold you?" you teased.
"Yeah, that would be nice. Please and thank you," he mumbled in a low tone.
You realized he seemed serious for a moment. "Wait, you're not joking?"
"Yeah, I am," he laughed. "Unless you want to, though," he nodded at you with a cheeky smile that could only mean that he was now teasing you.
"I'm fine, thanks," you shook your head. "I don't find cultish things scary."
"What do you find scary, then?" he inquired, he leaned his head back on the sofa and turned to see you.
You were eating on your snacks. You were not hungry, just felt the need to keep your hands and mouth busy.
"I... don't know," you replied after a long minute.
"Interesting," he muttered.
"What is?"
"You are," he frowned slightly.
"Were you expecting me to curl up in a ball and ask you to hold me?" you taunted.
"Kind of? Yeah," he said, his eyebrows arched a bit.
"Well, maybe we can keep searching for the one horror movie that makes me want to do that," you suggested with a playful smile on your face.
He narrowed his eyes. "Oh, you might be a bit crazy," he joked. "Lucky for you, I'm a bit crazy too."
"Oh, yeah? And why does that make me the lucky one?"
"Because I might say yes," he muttered with a smirk.
"Deal it is, then," you lifted your chin almost proudly and tended your hand to him.
He shook it contentedly. "Deal. But not tonight, though. Maybe in a month—or two."
Your chest tightened at the sound of that. Time with him, making plans, made your heart flutter in your chest.
"Sure, whenever you're ready, baby boy," you replied with a grin.
He closed his eyes slowly. "God, why did I do to deserve this," he muttered with a downturned smile.
You rolled your eyes, then threw the blanket off your legs. "Bathroom break," you announced for the nth time, since during the movie you had a few. "I'll be back."
When you finally returned, Joshua was fast asleep on your couch, breathing deeply with his arms crossed on his chest.
The sight of it was warm, almost too cute to even process. You felt the urge to grab his cheeks and pinch them or squeeze the air out of his lungs.
Maybe you are crazy.
You picked up the tray from the couch, the barrier that kept his hands away from you and placed it on the kitchen counter, deciding to clean up the following morning.
Deciding on what to do with the large man asleep on your couch, you sat quietly beside him. Twiddling with your fingers. Should you wake him and tell him to go home? Should you suggest that he stay the night? He lived right next door, he could just walk to his bed in less than a minute.
But you wanted him to stay with you.
Then suddenly, he jerked awake with a loud grunt, throwing his hands at you like big claws. "Bwaaah!"
You let out a screech in sheer terror at having him give you the scare of your life. "Goddamnit, Joshua!" you slapped him on his shoulder repeatedly.
He laughed himself silly. "Got you," he muttered with teary eyes, not even trying to dodge or cover himself from your attacks.
"Yeah, yeah," you stuck out your tongue at him, making him laugh harder again.
"You're too cute," he said, wiping a tear from his eye.
"Screw you," you pouted.
He rolled his eyes. "Oof, don't go around saying that. You potty mouth," he teased with a grin still plastered on his stupidly beautiful face.
You scoffed, but fell short of witty replies to give him.
"How are you feeling?" he asked softly.
It took you two seconds to understand what he was referring to.
"Oh, I'm okay. Well, not okay but I just don't feel like dying yet," you muttered with an offhanded air.
He pouted cutely. "I'm going to pretend I know what that means."
Joshua was a few inches away from you, just at hand's reach, but you didn't dare touch him. Even if you were dying to.
You laughed. "I'm fine, Joshua. I can deal with the pain just fine."
"Oh, okay," he shrugged slightly. "I was about to offer a back rub, but given that you're okay..."
"I'd like that," you nodded, feeling your cheeks grow hotter. "I'd like that very much, please."
Joshua grinned. "Lie down, princess," he instructed, patting on his thigh once to indicate the place where he wanted you to lie your head.
You did so, lying on your tummy, head resting on his thigh and stretching your legs on the sofa. His large hands started massaging softly on your lower back, over your comfy clothes.
"Oh, oh? That feels good," you exclaimed, feeling bewildered. "You're really good at this."
"Why do you sound surprised?" he asked and you darted a look at his face, he flashed you a grin as he caught your eye.
"I-I'm not—well a little," you muttered as his hand pressed softly on your lower back alleviating the stress from the cramping you've had all day.
You scrunched up your face when he got to a region that activated your nerves, it didn't exactly hurt, but it made you clench your muscles in response.
"Does that hurt, bunny?" he muttered.
"It feels weird," you replied. "Keep going."
You heard a soft chuckle. "Do you like this?"
He used both hands to rub your lower back, fingers digging at the sides of your hips, applying just the right amount of pressure to your skin to make you groan in satisfaction.
"Yeah. Feels so good," you muttered, closing your eyes.
You could feel yourself letting loose, so much that you weren't aware when you fell asleep on his lap. What woke you up with a start was feeling your drool dripping from your parted lips and onto his lap.
The back rubs had stopped, in fact everything had stilled and when you darted a look up, you found Joshua asleep, still in the same sitting position he was when he was giving you back rubs.
It was 2 AM, you suspected that you had fallen asleep around 11 PM. So Joshua didn't dare move under the risk of waking you up.
He slowly stirred after noticing that you had moved from his lap.
"Hi there," he whispered groggily with the ghost of a smile.
"Let's go to bed," you muttered, not caring that you could simply tell him to go home.
You got up from your couch and dragged him along, silently thanking him for not protesting against your wishes.
He took off his large t-shirt as you threw the bed covers and climbed your bed before he did.
"What?" you asked when you saw him standing by the foot of the bed, his bare torso exposed to your view.
"Do you have an issue if I sleep in my briefs only?" he asked, genuinely curious.
You laughed. "Please. We've slept naked before," you muttered, but he didn't budge. "Yeah, 'm okay with it."
He took his sweatpants off and climbed to your bed, lying next to you.
You instinctively scooted closer to him and he smiled, sliding an arm under your body to drag your body so that now his chest was pressed to your back, his arms circling you so he was practically hugging you from behind.
"Are you feeling better?" he muttered, his nose slightly bumping the back of your ear.
"Yeah. Thank you Shua," you replied, snuggling in his embrace.
"Here to help," he whispered before pressing his lips on your hair.
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The rest of the week went smoothly.
Joshua had taken a liking to texting you when you least expected him to. Sometimes, he'd ask random questions, just to taunt you and make you blush. As if he knew the effect he had on you even without interacting with him in person.
[18:23 PM] joshua: are you free tonight princess? [18:23 PM] joshua: wait don't tell me [18:23 PM] joshua: you're working
You had been keeping him at bay all week by telling him you have to outline book two of your trilogy. Which was true, you unburied some old drafts, but decided that given the fact that book one underwent a lot of changes, book two would have to adopt those changes too.
But the reason why you made yourself busy was to keep yourself away from him. You were too nervous to face him again after that Tuesday night—in which you purely hung out together, no sex.
You let out a sigh.
[18:24 PM] you: I'm free tonight  [18:24 PM] you: Why?
It was now Saturday. You hadn't expected to see Joshua that night, since he usually had something planned during the weekend.
That being said, you totally weren't expecting a call from him.
"God, you might be an old lady. Who answers the phone by saying 'yes'?" you heard him laugh.
"I'm hanging up," you cooed, trying to hide your smile.
God, how can he get you this flustered already?
"Wait, wait," you heard a giggle. "What are you wearing right now?"
"Really? Really, Joshua?" you gasped.
"No, wait I mean—don't hang up. I'm picking you up in an hour. We're going out," he told you, and you could tell that he was walking hurriedly, his breath hitching up as the buzz from the street filtered through the phone.
Your stomach dropped. "What, where? Jesus, give me some warning next time," you stood up from your desk and went to your bedroom.
"I am giving you a warning, right now. We have a gig tonight and it's a big thing for me. I want you to be there," he spoke in a lower tone, as if not wanting anyone else to hear.
"Well, I'm in my pyjamas. Hope that's fine with you," you joked. You were in fact not wearing pyjamas, but comfy clothes.
"The bunny pjs?" he inquired in a lower tone, but you could tell that he was smiling. "Oh no, sweetheart. I love to see you in that but I'm afraid that's not going to do."
"Well that's what you're getting," you smiled despite the blood rushing to your cheeks.
"Come on, baby. Wear something nice for me?" he purred into your ear. 
You sighed in pure delight and felt lucky that he wasn't there to see that you were aroused already.
"What do you want me to wear?" you almost mewled, not caring about how lewd you sounded.
"Whatever you want, princess. You look good in anything," he muttered.
"I'll wear something cute," you responded, your voice high and almost sweet for him. "And I'll wear something underneath for you only, if you want."
"Fuck, I'm getting hard already," you heard him sigh.
Your eyes widened. "Really?" your voice rose an octave higher. "Why?" you asked innocently.
"Just thinking about you gets me hard," he groaned, but you could tell he was smiling by the sound of his voice.
"Joshua! You're in public! Don't say those things aloud," you chastised him, but couldn't ignore that hearing that made you instantly wet and your core flutter in excitement at his words.
"I just got to my car, princess. Calm down," he laughed faintly. "No one can hear me here. Or see."
"Well, in that case, I'm really, really wet for you right now," you muttered with a sigh as you sat on your bed and slowly lied down.
"Fuck, baby. I love hearing you say that," he purred in a raw tone.
"Yeah? What else do you love hearing me say?" you dared ask.
Maybe your newfound confidence was due to the fact that he wasn't present in your bedroom right now. Your heart was thumping hard against your chest, and your face felt hot at the daring words that were escaping your mouth.
But you didn't care, all your focus was on the voice in your ear.
"I love the way you say my name," he confessed almost sheepishly, as if he was almost admitting that to himself.
"Shua?" you asked, playing dumb. 
"No, no. That's not my name, baby," he muttered in a tone of false reprimand.
"Joshua," you smiled.
"Mmm yeah. I love hearing you say my name. Love it when that's all you can say while I fuck you silly," he admitted, his voice dangerously low.
"Mmm, yeah?" you echoed as your free hand sneaked beneath the band of your sweatpants, burying itself beneath your soaked panties.
You let out a mewling sound when your fingers found your already pooling core.
"Are you touching yourself, princess?" he asked after he heard you sigh in pleasure.
"Yeah," you admitted. Your wet fingertips had already started rubbing circles around your swelling clit. "Wanna come and see for yourself?"
"Fuuuck," you heard him sigh heavily. "I'm a bit far away right now. But I'd love to be there, princess."
"Can y-you talk to me?" you asked with a tiny voice then bit your lip to avoid moaning louder, feeling your legs starting to tense up.
"Are you touching yourself with your fingers?" he asked and you said yes. "God. I'd love to see that one day."
"Yeah? Why?" you asked with a frown.
"I think it's really fucking hot. I want to see you play with your toys until you're spent," he sighed and you imagined him smiling. "I want to hear you say my name while you do it, too."
"You think that I think of you when I touch myself?" you dared ask again as your fingers gently swirled around your sensitive bud.
"You don't?" he bit back.
"Yeah, I do," you admitted despite yourself. "How did you know?"
"Just a small hunch," he sighed, is he smiling?
"I always think of you when I come. I imagine it's you that's making me come," you blurted.
"I'm right next door," he groaned. "You know you can just tell me and I'll be there."
"But what if it's super late?" you pried.
"I don't care,"  he confessed with a low groan.
"Are you touching yourself too?" you asked with a high pitch whine.
"I can't. Not unless I want to be charged for public indecency," he muttered and you could tell he was smiling.
"Are y-you hard?" you asked as your fingers pinched your swollen and slick covered clit.
"Yeah, baby. I am," he sighed. "You've been ignoring me a little this week," he laughed.
Your heart clenched and a moan escaped your lips as your fingers toyed with your clit. "Y-you're not seeing other people, then?"
"You're asking me right now if I'm fucking other girls?" he muttered with a groan that didn't denote his arousal anymore. "Why would I want to do that?"
"I dunno, I figured-"
"You're the only one I'm fucking. I haven't been with anyone else since you," he muttered reproachfully. "We've talked about this before—does this get you off, baby? Do you like to hear that you're the only girl I want?"
"Yeah," you admitted, shutting your eyes close as your body responded with a wave of heat at the sound of his words, you groaned and twitched in your bed a little.
"Is my pretty girl possessive? Is that it?" he muttered again, and in your inner eye you saw him grinning like an idiot.
"Yes, I am," you gasped as your fingers pressed on your clit and massaged it in the only way you knew would get you closer to your sweet release.
"Oh, you greedy, greedy little thing," he tutted. "Are you close, baby? By the way you're breathing I can only assume that-"
"Yes, 'm close, Joshua," you whimpered, your fingers working faster on your clit.
"I wish I could see that right now," he replied. "You don't know how much I've needed you this week."
"Fuck," your legs twitched and a moan coiled in your throat.
"I'd have you every day of the week if you let me, baby," he let out a stressed sigh. "Don't think I would rather have someone else before you."
"Joshua-," you muttered in a broken moan, trying to bite your lip as you came on your fingers, gasping and whining as the wave of pure bliss washed over you, making your jaw go slack and let out his name in low whimpers.
"I know, baby," he muttered as he heard your moans: "I know."
Your body went limp after a long minute and you slowly came back to your senses.
"God, that was embarrassing," you sighed to yourself, moving your hand out of your pants.
He giggled. "Why?"
"I—never mind," you rolled your eyes. "See you in a bit?"
"See you in a bit, bunny," was the last thing he said before you hung up.
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The cold shower you had afterwards served two purposes: a cold slap back to reality and a reflection on your crazy toxic behavior.
Joshua was not your boyfriend. So what if he were fucking other people? Even if he were, you didn't have a say in it. You were just fuckbuddies.
You decided to wear something you thought never would, something you bought on a whim. A little black dress that hugged your body in a flattering way and accentuated your beautiful body, it showed some cleavage, but you felt confident enough to wear it now.
You waited in your living room for Joshua, tapping your fingers impatiently and checking your phone every now and then until you heard him knock, and you ran to get your door.
Joshua pushed through the door, grabbing you instantly by the waist and pushing you to the nearest surface where he could sit you down. The table felt cold against your ass when he set you down harshly, making the skirt of your dress fly up as he slotted himself between your legs.
"I'd take you right here on this table if we didn't have to be somewhere else right now," he said in a low tone, grabbing your chin with his fingers.
"Please do," you urged as his lips locked on yours chastely. "Fuck me, please Joshua, please."
"I think it's your turn to wait now," he muttered with a grin.
"But I need it, please," you whined, wrapping your legs around him.
"Touching yourself an hour ago wasn't enough, baby?" he lifted your chin to angle your head for him to press his lips to your own.
"No. You know it wasn't," you mewled. "I want you to fuck me. Right now," you moaned with a sigh.
Your fingers hooked on the hem of his black jeans and pulled him toward you, sliding his zipper down and undoing the button in one move.
"Fuck baby," he muttered in awe at your wild behaviour as your hand slid beneath his jeans to find him already hard beneath his underwear.
"I need you," you whined, ignoring the awe-struck look on his face.
He grabbed both your wrists and pulled them out of his pants, firmly clasping them together, his hand was large enough to secure them together in his fist as the other hand grabbed you by the jaw gently.
"You have some nerve after ignoring me all week," he muttered darkly. "Now you'll have to wait baby until I say so. Can you do that, sweetheart?"
You looked at his lust-lidded eyes bore into you and his smile slowly appeared on his face as you nodded.
"I can wait," you replied with an innocent tone.
"That's my girl," he cooed and sighed into your lips as he captured them with his own, giving you a heated kiss.
You broke the kiss abruptly and brought up a finger to caress his lower lip that was covered now with your saliva.
"You can fuck me raw now, Joshua," you whispered with a soft smile, almost kicking your feet in the air as you still sat on your table.
The audacity that possessed you to say that was totally new to you, it showed up in your crazy outbursts of assertiveness every time you were near him. Maybe you felt confident enough to be like that with him.
He shuddered slightly, but it was enough for you to see. "We're never getting there if you keep going, princess," he pressed his forehead against yours.
"So you're going to?" you asked, your voice dropped to a whisper.
"If that's what you want, baby," he muttered.
He was already breathing hard, his hands had dropped on your bare thighs, where he had started to knead on your skin anxiously.
"I want to," you replied instantly. "I need you to."
"You're killing me right now," he laughed softly before fixing his pants. "We need to go now, or we'll be regrettably late."
"Fine," you sighed. "Let's go."
He grabbed your head with his hands before crashing his lips with yours briefly but heatedly.
"Let's go," he muttered.
The ride there was longer than you expected. Joshua told you beforehand that his bandmates were already at the location where the event was going to be held.
And as he drove there, he started to get more and more jittery: anxiously licking his lips and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.
"Are you okay, Shua?" you asked. "You're quiet."
He sent a look your way, but focused on the road ahead. "I'm okay. Just a bit nervous."
You gave him a reassuring smile, although he didn't get the chance to see it. "It's going to be fine. You'll see," you tried to comfort him by placing a hand flatly on his thigh.
He gently grabbed your hand and took it to his lips, pressing them on your knuckles. "Thank you, bunny. That's why I'm bringing you with me tonight."
Your heart fluttered a little. "Yeah? Why is that?"
"You give me good luck," he smirked.
You snorted, trying to play it cool. "You're so corny," you muttered.
He flashed you a downturned smile, briefly looking your way. "Shut up, I'm trying to flirt with you."
"Why? You're driving, there's not much we can do," you laughed, but then your laugh fainted. "Unless you want me to do something for you."
He blinked slowly as he let out a soft laugh. "Are you suggesting to blow me, baby?" he asked incredulously, glancing your way.
You shrugged. "Mmm, yeah. I thought that's where this conversation was headed."
"God, you are terrible at flirting," he said with a low chuckle, but you couldn't ignore how he leaned his head back and shifted on the seat a bit.
"Yeah, shocking," you smiled.
Joshua frowned, but didn't press any further. "I'd accept your proposition," he smiled slightly. "But we're arriving in about two minutes."
"I feel like there's a joke to be made here," you muttered with a smile.
His jaw dropped slightly. "Oh, no. Don't," he laughed.
"I just need one minute," you burst out laughing by the end of the joke.
He rolled his eyes briefly, but his smile was the biggest you've seen. "You have the humor of a child," he said while shaking his head.
You collected yourself, feigning to brush a tear from the corner of your eye.
"Are you done?" he asked, looking torn between amused and disappointed by your bad joke.
"Come on, laugh a little," you pushed his shoulder slightly.
Your joke wasn't even remotely funny, you knew that, but Joshua was still smiling when he parked in a large parking lot There were a lot of cars around and people gathering and walking in groups towards the entrance of a park.
"Where are we?" you asked as you unclasped your seatbelt.
Joshua appeared to be in a hurry, probably reverting back to his state of anxiousness after being distracted successfully by you. "Come on, bunny."
He jumped out of his large jeep and went around it to get your door.
"Oh, what a gentleman. Thanks," you smiled as he offered you a hand to climb down.
"Here," he muttered as his hands clasped on what appeared to be an access pass, which he put around your neck.
"Oh? Thank you, Joshua," you grabbed the tag to read that it was an all access pass.
"Don't mention it," you looked up to see a light smile on his face. "Follow me."
He led you to the side entrance which was fenced off, a sign at the entrance reading "AUTHORIZED ONLY" and you practically followed him through the maze of sound and lighting equipment carefully arranged on the floor.
There was a lot to be on the lookout for as you tried to keep up with him. There were rows of cables taped or secured to the ground that you almost tripped over.
Joshua seemed to notice your struggle and reached out to grab your hand firmly. "Careful, princess," he showed you a downturned smile, jittery eyes glancing down to his large hand grabbing yours. "Is this okay?"
You felt your heartbeat on your throat as you could only muster up a nod. "Yeah," you breathed, holding onto his hand.
The place he was walking through and to which he was practically dragging you with him was a large tent with long tables, people gathered around, chatting and drinking.
The smell of weed and tobacco permeated the air, laughter and the hum of the crowd with that of the music in the distance filled your ears.
"There you are, Shuji—oh, I see why you're late," Jihoon politely nodded your way and waved.
"Hi," you waved back shyly.
Joshua released your hand gently, smoothly using it to fix his dark hair with a labored sigh. "I thought I was on time," he frowned. "Isn't our go in an hour?"
"Yes, but we were asked for our instruments for soundcheck half an hour ago," the drummer shook his head nervously.
"And?" Joshua smiled playfully. "Did you need me to do that?"
"No, I don't need you, I'm just—forget it. In thirty minutes we go backstage for them to mic us up," he informed, just as jittery as you saw Joshua some minutes ago.
"Got it. Thanks Jihoon," he nodded and then turned to you. "You get drinks and food with your pass. I have to stay here, but you're free if you want to explore the festival," he tugged at the access pass hanging on your neck.
"Right, okay," you pressed your lips into a smile.
"We can meet back here once our gig is over," he offered. "Or I can join you where you are."
You looked up at his doe eyes. "You're going to do great, Joshua," you smiled reassuringly.
God, you wanted to kiss him so bad. In front of everyone, you didn't care who saw. But you also felt pathetic, anxiously eyeing his plump lips then back at his curious eyes.
He read you well. With a soft smile, his hand slid in the nape of your neck to hold you in place as he dipped his head to kiss you sweetly, one peck, then another. A sigh falling on your parted lips as he tenderly slid his lips in between your own.
"I'll be in the crowd," you promised with the faintest voice.
"I'll look for you," he smiled slightly at you, meeting your gaze with such fondness that you almost forgot where you were.
"I better be there then," you smirked at him, trying to contain your eagerness.
"Look at you being flirty with me," his smile grew and you almost died inside when his eyes turned into two crescent moons from how happy he looked.
"I–that wasn't flirting," you stuttered. "I'd better get going so you can get ready," you pulled away awkwardly.
Your heart sank as the smile on his face slowly faded.
Joshua looked at you the way he always did when he figured you out, but just nodded with his head, if he had anything else to say, he kept it to himself.
"See you in a bit?" he asked with a playful smile.
"See you in a bit, Shua," you smiled back and turned around and followed your way back through the crowds of artists and crew men and women and into the actual music festival.
The sun had already dipped, the chill of the air in the beautiful park surrounded by tall trees seemed to be setting in despite the huge crowds of people amassing around the stages, those which were three in total.
In your little exploration around the merch and food stalls, you found out that Midnight Haze were presenting on the main stage, two bands before the headliners. So that's why Joshua looked reasonably anxious: this was hugely important for a local band such as his.
You thought that this could prove an opportunity for them to be scouted for plenty more gigs. And you hoped that would be the case. You honestly wished for his band to have more recognition, they deserved it.
You explored all the food stalls, not feeling really hungry but yet indulging in what appealed to you the most. Everything was free for you, having an all access pass circling your neck, but you didn't feel the need to overuse it.
Except for strawberry mojitos, you were sipping on the third one by the time you circled back toward the big stage, showing your pass to security and they pointed you to the VIP section, directly in front of the stage where Joshua's mic stand stood.
Behind the mic stand the stage crew rolled a platform with Jihoon's bright red drum set, surrounded by a number of large cymbals. The crew expertly made a brief soundcheck and left. Your stomach tightened in excitement for the members of Midnight Haze, not just Joshua.
It seemed they had a plan, Jihoon stepped on the stage first, walking to the platform the crew had set with his large drum set. He sat on the stool and shifted a bit, finding his preferred way of sitting.
You spotted Vernon's bass guitar carefully placed on a guitar stand. It was white and had stickers all over it, some of them had washed over around the pickup area. When he picked it up and threw the red strap around his shoulder he also seemed to shift and get ready.
The crowd pushed you softly around as the people around you moved to get closer to the fences. Even if you stood in the VIP section, it was completely packed, the murmur of the crowd rose, some people whistled loudly impatiently.
When Joshua stepped under the stage lights, the crowd went completely insane. The large screens framing the stage showed the full stage, now complete with the lead singer as he grabbed a white guitar, lifting the strap to place it on one of his shoulders.
Joshua turned around and you saw him nodding his head at Jihoon, who returned the gesture at him to then raise his arms in the air to clash his drumsticks three times before starting off with a loud bang.
The booming sound of the towers of speakers filled your body, vibrating in your insides and making your bones feel the energy that instantly ignited the crowd, including you.
Midnight Haze started their set with one of their songs you liked the most. And you were pleased to see that Joshua smiled as he sang to the lyrics of the song.
The electrifying presence of the lead singer was so mind boggling to you, for a second it didn't seem like you were seeing your next door neighbor singing and playing his guitar as he danced side to side, banging his head slightly to the beat.
People screamed and applauded as the first song came to its end and Joshua bowed his head politely. Then he paused to remove one of his in-ear pieces to listen to the cheering of the crowd properly. He approached the stand, wrapping one hand around the mic.
"How's it going Rock Fest?" his voice boomed with excitement, a small chuckle came out of his plump lips when the crowd responded with wordless screams.
"We're Midnight Haze and we're really excited to be here," Joshua spoke into the mic, his starry eyes lost in the sea of faces, marveling at the sight of how extensive the crowd was.
"I want to see you all singing and dancing. Come on!" he screamed energetically just as the music swept in again.  
You cheerily sung along all of the songs in their set list, swaying your body mindlessly from side to side, looking over at the stage where Joshua also sang and played his guitar.
He looked devastatingly beautiful. His big eyes closed briefly, his brow furrowing slightly in focus, the vein in his neck popping up as he sang his lungs out.
The stage lights bathed his face with red and pink lights as the music wrapped him in a moment for his guitar solo, he looked hypnotic to you, almost heavenly.
You were so attracted to him you felt like a moth flying straight into the flame. You simply couldn't contain your urge to grab your phone and snap a photo of the moment.
God, you're screwed for life, you realized as you watched him.
Their setlist was about to come to a wrap after another one of your favorite songs ended on a strenuous note and Joshua's eyes went through the sea of faces. The stage lights danced around and pointed at the crowd at the same time his eyes zeroed on you, his brow relaxed and he smiled slightly.
"We've come to our last song," he spoke into the mic, his smile broadening when the crowd responded in wordless discontent. "We thank you for being here and for being such an amazing crowd," he paused, seemingly enjoying the roar of the sea of people in front of him. "We were Midnight Haze. Thank you, Rock Fest!!"
They started playing what their last song was, which was a song that you didn't know yet and apparently was a new song, since no one around you seemed to sing along with Joshua, who kept his big smile throughout as he sang and danced around the stage with his guitar.
He looked at you once as he strolled with his guitar directly in front of you. The people standing behind you screamed in your ears and you smiled at the sheer commotion he caused just by stopping by.
You twiddled your fingers at him, which he caught immediately and nodded his head at you, smiling tiredly with his tongue dangling between his chapped lips.
"He's so fucking hot oh my god," someone said with a raw voice from screaming, you turned and you saw two girls holding each other in excitement from the brief exchange.
It was amusing to think that you weren't the only one subdued by the beauty of the lead singer. It was also somewhat amusing that you were exhilarated at the fact that he singled you out from the crowd, but obviously no one around you knew that.
Joshua returned to the mic to sing the last verse, to then thank the other two members of Midnight Haze and say goodbye, promptly leaving the stage as the crowd screamed and applauded for them.
You quickly made your way out of the VIP section and found the nearest entrance back to the tent where you last saw Joshua. There were still some people hanging out in the tent, though admittedly not as many stuck around, possibly enjoying the festival and the food.
When Joshua came back, he looked a mixture of euphoric, tired and happy. As he spotted you, he opened his arms in excitement and you threw yourself in his embrace, lifting you in the air as your lips met briefly in an affectionate kiss.
"You were amazing," you told him, looking at his face briefly before he returned you to the ground.
Then you slowly came to your senses and stepped back from him slightly.
"You think so?" he asked, unaware of your sudden change in behavior. "Cause that felt amazing! That was the largest crowd we've ever performed for."
Your heart swelled at seeing him so excited, he grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you and you laughed at the crazed energy he still had from the stage.
"Come with me," he grabbed you by your hand as he led you out of the tent and to an even larger tent that was more crowded than the one you just left and right behind the stage.
It looked somewhat like a private party, the people in there, the majority of them, looked already intoxicated. The atmosphere was one of fun and a bit of mischief, however, you couldn't help but think that the energy of the packed room wasn't exactly inviting. Despite being hand in hand with the lead singer of one of the bands that had just come off the stage.
Your innate shy behavior kicked in, and you partially hid yourself behind Joshua, lowering your gaze as people not only looked at him, but also noticed you.
Joshua finally found the rest of his bandmates, who were already drinking a beer and talking about the very fresh experience. Jihoon, naturally, was retelling everything that just happened to a couple of faces you've never met before.
"Ah, there you are, Josh," one of them said, which was a woman. "We were wondering about you."
"Sorry, I had to go collect her," he nodded towards you. He then introduced you to the couple of strangers by name. "They're Chaewon and Taewon, from Wilted Willows."
"Hi," you waved at them, pressing your lips into a shy smile. You briefly saw the last bits of their performance, which was very unlike Midnight Haze's.
Chaewon's dark eyes scanned you up and down, making the hairs on the back of your neck prickle.
"Is she your new girlfriend?" she asked bluntly, her eyes moving from your face to Joshua's face.
"Oof, this is going to get weird," Jihoon muttered beside you and sipped from his can of coke zero.
Joshua released your hand. "No," he responded flatly, clearly setting a boundary between him and Chaewon. Then you felt his arm sliding on your shoulders, pulling your body into a tight side hug. "Not yet, at least."
Your stomach dropped, your gaze met his and he immediately winked an eye at you, a thing for your eyes to see only.
"Mmph," the girl flipped her luscious blue hair aside. "When you get bored of that, you know where to find me."
It happened fast: Chaewon took a step forward, her lithe fingers reached out to Joshua's chin, and he instantly pulled back with a flinch, his arm pulling you closer to him as an act of instinctive protectiveness.
Looking deeply startled and just about when he seemed like he was going to tell her off, she left and her bandmate had no choice but to leave with her after the deeply alarming exchange.
Joshua released a labored sigh. "Seriously, Jihoon?" he dropped the arm from your shoulders.
"What, they came to me," he shrugged. "I didn't know she was going to pull all that."
"Who is she... is she your ex?" you asked, trying to appear fine and controlled.
"No. God, no," Joshua shook his head furiously. "She's just really self-absorbed."
"She is also obsessed with Shua. Crazy stalker level of obsession," Jihoon explained briefly.
"Ah," you frowned.
The only reason why you thought she might've been Joshua's ex was because of how comfortable she was to attempt to put her hands on him.
Even if she were his ex, she overstepped by trying to touch him like that.
"Fucking hell," Jihoon muttered to himself, spotting something in between the groups of people. "Vernon's getting fucked up again."
Jihoon left abruptly, towards the direction of the bassist. Leaving you and Joshua alone. 
"I'm so sorry about that," Joshua's face had contorted into a frown. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," you smiled calmly despite yourself, trying to not let your anger show. "That was unsettling."
"Yeah, I agree. Really disturbing," he sighed again, running a hand through his dark hair.
"I'm sorry you have to deal with that, Joshua," you offered with a downturned smile.
"Don't be," he shook his head. "I'm more worried about you, she undermined you and I couldn't say anything about it."
"But I'm unaffected," you countered. "Her problem is not with me, that much is evident."
He flashed you a relaxed smile. "Sorry about the girlfriend stuff, I panicked."
A sudden painful feeling made you almost flinch. "Don't worry, Shua. I would've panicked a little too."
But you were thankful that he was being honest. He still looked agitated from the unfortunate exchange, but his shoulders went slack when you reached out to grab his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"Hey, don't let that ruin your night," you told him encouragingly.
"Yeah, no, I'm fine," he frowned.
"You want me to fuck her up?" you asked bluntly.
His doe eyes widened. "What?!" then he understood you were joking and laughed hard, almost bending over with laughter. "Where did that come from?"
You broke your act and smiled at him. "I wanted to make you laugh. It worked," you shrugged.
"You fighting... now that would be fun to see," he admitted with a smile. "Fun and weird. Can't imagine you doing that."
"Well, don't try me," you quipped.
He chuckled again, brushing a tear from his eye.
A bunch of people stopped by to say hi to him and you stood idly by, watching Joshua expertly navigate through small talks, compliments and questions. And though you mostly didn't get attention within these exchanges, you were happy to be there, experiencing him.
"You are famous," you pointed, impressed by the amount of people that came to say hello and even take pictures with him.
"I'm not famous, bunny. This is kind of a network, everyone here knows everyone," he explained, but the tip of his ears were red.
"Right," you scoffed. "I don't see a lot of people asking others for their photo."
He rolled his eyes. "Shut up, it makes me feel weird."
"Are you blushing?" you gasped dramatically. "The Joshua Hong is blushing?!"
He arched his pierced eyebrow at you. "Don't make fun of me," he muttered shyly but you just couldn't help but laugh at how cute he looked when flustered. 
"Aw, baby boy is shy?" you pouted at him.
He blinked slowly, biting his lower lip to attempt and stop his smile. "This is the last time I bring you to something like this."
You simply continued. "Can I get your photo, Shua? Joshie, can I get your autograph?" you laughed as his smile grew, rolling his eyes at you again.
Joshua nodded at you once, letting out a breath through a smirk. "Having fun?"
A shiver ran down your spine. "A bit, if I'm honest," you admitted, but were actually more excited about his sudden change in attitude.
"Alright, princess. Let's have fun," he muttered, clasping his hand around yours to drag you once again through the crowd of people and outside the tent.
"Joshua!" you squealed, your smile had since vanished from your face as you looked around to see that he was dragging you towards a line of parked bus trailers.
You assumed that there was no one around since Joshua confidently shoved your back against the side of a bus trailer, making you gasp at the sheer force he used with you.
His eyes widened in disbelief when you smiled at him deviously. "You wanted this," he realized. "Do you enjoy this, baby?"
"I do," you nodded, breathing hard in anticipation already as Joshua closed in on you.
His fingers grazed your chin. "You want me to toss you around, pretty?" he asked, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly.
A shudder ran through your body. "Yeah," you sighed. "I want you to do whatever you want to me, Joshua."
Joshua looked at you in pure fascination, he even let out a soft sigh that brushed your face slightly.
"You..." he breathed but stopped, seemingly at a loss of words.
His head dipped and you closed your eyes, blindly grabbing his head with your hands as he kissed you hard on your lips. 
"I want you, Joshua," you whimpered into his hot mouth, the words felt urgent as you uttered them. "Now."
"What if someone sees?" he incited, his voice low and raspy.
"I don't care," you confessed, the statement shaking deep in your bones.
The fleeting confidence in you stirred something in your brain, telling you to act quick.
It was your turn to push him against the bus trailer behind him. He gasped in surprise as his back hit the metal wall, his eyebrow raising a bit.
You clasped your lips with his, earning a low groan from him that reverberated in his chest and against your hands that were sliding down to the belt of his pants.
"What are you doing?" he asked, his hands stopping you.
You faltered instantly. "I-I want to suck you off," your eyes read his face. "Can I?"
His hand released one of yours to cup your chin. "Why?"
You frowned. "Why, what do you mean, why?"
He nodded briefly. "Tell me you're not doing this because you feel bad for what happened earlier in the tent."
"I want to pleasure you," you explained, then you quickly relaxed, understanding the situation. "Don't think I'm doing this for any other reason than just for you."
His eyes scanned your face, his other hand released you to graze your cheek with his knuckles, the features of his face relaxing. "What's our safeword, bunny?"
You blinked slowly, showing him a smile before giving him your safeword.
"Fuck," he let out a puffy breath as your fingers resumed undoing his belt, to then get the button of his black jeans.
"You're so hard already," you cooed softly, and eyed him as your hand felt him over his underwear.
Joshua was biting his lower lip, looking strained already. "All for you, sweetheart."
You smiled at him sweetly. "Such a sweet talker," you tilted your head as you rubbed his hard cock through his underwear.
You stuck your hand through the slit of his boxers, grabbing his hard cock firmly and effectively pulling it free from the stretchy and wet fabric of his underwear. 
"You're being so naughty, princess," he chuckled at you faintly but he faltered completely as you lowered yourself to your knees before him.
The ground was hard against the soft skin of your knees, the thin layer of your stockings was not enough to protect them. But you knew you wanted to see the bruises by the following morning.
"Fuck," he muttered again, shuddering visibly when you kissed the tip of his cock, to then press your tongue on the slit to lick his precum as you locked eyes with him.
One large hand cupped your cheek, his eyes trained on you as your tongue gave a few strokes to his shaft, feeling the vein that marked in the underside, tracing a long line with your tongue until you wrapped your mouth around his cockhead.
You heard a low guttural groan leave him when you took him deeper in your mouth than you could before, your tongue lapping on the length of him as you moved your head back and forth. 
Darting a look at him, Joshua leaned his head back on the wall behind him, eyes closed and swallowing hard as you bobbed your head back and forth on his throbbing cock, swirling your tongue around his cockhead.
"God. Your mouth feels so, so fucking good, baby," he moaned faintly, his hands grabbing a handful of your hair.
The back of your mouth had started to hurt already from the intrusion each time you tried to take his cock deeper in your mouth. But you didn't care, all focus was in getting more sounds of approval from him. Sounds that were also making you aroused. 
Drool had started to drip down from the corners of your lips and onto your chin, wet sounds coming every time you pulled your head back, hollowing your cheeks to suck hard on his cock just as if it were a lolly.
"Fuck," he exhaled. "You don't know how much I needed you, baby."
A moan coiled in your throat, your walls throbbing desperately at the sound of his words. Your chest swelled proud when you felt his fingers tense up on your hair and you heard him moan faintly, cussing and muttering incoherently about your mouth and how good it felt.
"Fuck, fuck—I think someone's coming," he whispered but didn't make an attempt of stopping you, so you didn't.
Voices echoed in the distance, but you couldn't make out if someone actually saw you and Joshua. There was no actual acknowledgement towards what you were doing, but you felt euphoric all the same.
Being on your knees for him, sucking him off for anyone to see made you moan on his cock. You sneaked a look at Joshua's eyes, that were trained on you while your head bobbed back and forth, committed to the act of pleasuring him.
"Someone just saw you giving me head," his voice sounded raw. "You like this, don't you? Like taking my cock in your mouth for anyone to see."
You moaned a sound of confirmation, making the smile on his face grow just a little. He let out a weak sigh, the tension in his beautiful features showing that he was close.
"I'm close," he sighed and threw his head back a bit. His hand tightened on your hair slightly when you sucked him harder. "Fuck, baby. D'you want me to cum in your pretty mouth?" his thumb brushed your cheekbone gently, as if calling for your attention back to him.
You blinked at him, moaning the same sound again.
"Can I move, princess? You think you're ready for that?" he asked, his face and voice both strained.
You nodded with your head as you pulled your mouth back to suck on his cockhead, blinking an adoring look up at him.
"Tap my thigh if you need me to stop," he grabbed your head firmly and started thrusting his cock on your mouth.
Sloppily at first, almost as if he wanted you to adjust your mouth to his pace as he started to push his cock down your throat faster. You lifted your eyes to see his face deep in focus, probably containing himself to avoid hurting you by accident.
The feeling was so deeply arousing that you were tempted to sneak a hand between your legs and start touching yourself. But you were rendered immobile, not by his hands precisely, but by the sight of him fucking your mouth.
"Fuck, baby—I'm cumming. You're gonna take it all, right baby? Gonna swallow it all?" he groaned, revelling at the sight of you taking his cock, your eyes brimming with tears, your chin dripping with your own drool.
You were gagging loudly on his cock, but managed to get the slightest of nods.
"Yeah, you are," he cooed faintly when he saw the way you responded to his words.
Then he threw his head back, his face contorted in pure pleasure and you almost swore you could come from the sight alone. 
"God, fuck," his voice was a mere whisper as his cockhead bumped on the back of your mouth, his cum spurting down your throat and you instantly swallowed it.
Joshua groaned through clenched teeth as you swallowed the last drops of his cum, he screwed his eyes shut, exhaling elatedly at the same time that his hands gently released your hair.
"That was insane," he muttered slowly, appearing to come to his senses.
Gently, he pulled out of your mouth, a string of saliva falling out of your mouth and landed on your chin. He fixed his pants quickly before grabbing your hands that were previously resting on his thighs.
Joshua helped you stand up and immediately wrapped you in a tight embrace. Bringing a hand up to clean your face from your drool and tears.
"You did so good, bunny," he muttered in your lips after kissing you chastely. "So fucking good."
"'m glad you liked it," you smiled in his lips.
"Let's take you home, princess. I want to make you feel good too," he gave you small pecks on your lips. "Is that okay?"
"Can't you take me here? Right now?" you whined jokingly.
"No, baby," he whispered into your lips. "As much as I'm dying to do that right now, I don't want to risk anyone seeing you."
"But you didn't have an issue with it five minutes ago," you quipped.
"Yeah, but that was different. You were fully clothed and the person who saw us didn't see our faces," he pointed. 
"So the problem is that you don't want anyone to see me naked?" you pulled back to meet his gaze. "In that case I can keep my dress on." 
The conversation had shifted between you, and you could tell that he was no longer trying to keep you aroused—he didn't even look like he just got blown. You didn't know what it was, but it troubled him.
Joshua looked up at the night sky, seemingly looking frustrated for a second as he looked for words to say.
"What if I'm a little possessive too?" he asked, meeting your eyes.
You physically recoiled in his arms in a mixture of excitement and uneasiness. "W-what?" you blurted in disbelief.
"What if I don't want anyone seeing what I have with you?" his eyes searched your face. "Even if you kept your dress on, I don't want anyone seeing how good you are for me."
Your heart dropped, pain sinking into your chest. This was totally not what you expected to hear from him. Even if his possessiveness was entirely revolving around a sexual aspect, you weren't ready to hear it.
"Joshua-," you started.
"I know I said that I'd fuck you anywhere but I just can't give you that right now," he smiled, seemingly ashamed of his words.
"No, it's alright," you frowned. "It's just really confusing hearing you say this."
"What, you don't think I'm capable of feeling a little jealous too?" he asked. "You don't like the idea of me seeing other girls, I don't like the idea of someone seeing you."
Was this something you needed to talk in more depth with him? Totally, yes. Were you going to ask him to do so? No, probably not ever.
"Fair," you muttered, mustering a smile to him before capturing his lips with your own. "Take me home, then."
Joshua took your hand again, making your tummy flutter with nervousness that only intensified when he led you back to the tent.
As you both pushed through Joshua's friends and unknown faces, you swore that everyone looked at you differently; not in a bad or good way precisely, just different. As though everyone knew why you and Joshua disappeared, and judging by the fact that someone saw you, they probably did already.
Joshua kept you close, almost as though wanting to make his point across—he felt possessive of you. And you didn't want to know to which extent he felt like this over you. 
But you knew one thing, whatever it was that made him look this deeply troubled, paired with your unspoken feelings for him was starting to taint your already messy relationship of fuckbuddies.
Joshua drove faster this time around, keeping a hand on the wheel and the other placed flatly on your thigh.
"Did you enjoy the festival?" he asked, his thumb had started to draw invisible circles on your thigh.
"I did," you smiled. "Drank mojitos and ate corn dogs," you told him, looking at his large hand. You resisted the urge to grab it and lace your fingers with his.
"Strawberry mojitos," you added. "I took some photos too, of you, on stage."
"You did? Will you show me?" he eyed you excitedly.
"Of course," you smiled at him.
"So you got a good spot to see me?"
"Yeah I got to see you throughout the whole set," you saw him smile faintly.
"I saw you singing along," he seemed to remember suddenly. "You've been listening to our music."
"Yeah," you admitted. "Almost everyday. Does that make me your groupie?"
He chuckled. "I'm convinced that you don't know what a groupie is, bunny."
"Shuddup," you smiled.
"Hey, but it's not fair—you can listen to my music but I haven't read your book," he frowned.
"I'll lend you the hardcopy of my manuscript," you promised.
"I actually looked for you, do you use a pen name?"
Your heart sank. He took the time to search your books using your real name?
You told him your pseudonym and he repeated each name silently and nodded. 
"Yeah, I might've confused the lady at the local library," he laughed.
"You went to the library looking for my books using my real name," he nodded and you laughed. "You should've asked me first."
"You never answer my texts on time," he reproached. "Well but I wanted it to be a secret, actually."
"Why?" you frowned.
"I wanted to impress you," he shrugged.
"You don't have to, Joshua," you told him sincerely.
"But I want to," he pouted cutely. "And now that I know you've been listening to my music, I feel like I have to catch up with you."
"I like your music. I'm not sure if you're going to like my books," you warned him.
"Let me decide that," he smiled at you.
Joshua parked his car expertly with one hand, his other hand still resting on your thigh. He had stopped rubbing circles through the thin fabric of your stockings, but your skin felt hot at his touch nonetheless.
Your fingers fidgeted nervously with the hem of the skirt of your little black dress as you stepped on the elevator, Joshua stood closely behind you.
"Are you nervous?" he asked in your ear, leaning closer to you.
"A bit," you breathed, turning on your feet to see his face.
"Why?" he slowly smirked. "We've done this before."
You were lucky that no one else was in that elevator, but you still waited until you got to your apartment to continue that conversation.
Joshua gently pushed you against the wall as soon as he closed your apartment door.
"Mm? Why are you nervous, bunny?" he asked in a soft tone.
"I've never been fucked raw," you confessed, fighting the blush that crept immediately on your face.
His eyes searched your face briefly. "We don't have to do that tonight, we can use protection."
"No, don't get me wrong—I want to... do it raw," you breathed, your hands fidgeting with the collar of his meshy black shirt. "I'm just..."
You bit your tongue. You felt excited to try new things with Joshua, and what really got you feeling that way was that you were trying these things with someone you were actually falling in love with.
"What?" he egged you on, his curious eyes still trying to read your face.
You licked your lips anxiously and shook your head, reluctant to continue.
"We can take it slow, if that's what you want," he offered.
"No, do-don't hold back," you stuttered. "I want everything."
"I got you. Don't worry," he muttered before placing two fingers to grab your chin and leaned to kiss you.
You melted into his lips, feeling every nerve in your body respond at his touch when he slid his other hand on your waist, giving it a soft squeeze.
"I almost forgot to tell you," he breathed after pulling back from your lips. "You looked beautiful tonight, baby."
"Did you like my dress?" you darted a look down to your little black dress.
"Thank you for wearing it tonight," he grazed your cheek. "I liked it very much." 
"It's a good thing I didn't wear the bunny pjs then," you smirked though your blushing face.
He laughed faintly. "Yeah, good thing," he echoed dazedly, leaning to kiss you again.
God, if you could only just ask him. Does he feel the same way too? When your mouths join, when you breathe against each other, moaning and gasping at the slightest of touches against each other's skin.
Your fingers started undoing the buttons of his shirt, your hands sneaking between the split of his shirt to feel his hard chest, the defined muscles of his pecs.
Joshua moaned into your lips, his hands sliding from your waist to find your hips. His hot mouth placed open mouthed kisses on your chin, groaning in approval when you tilted your head back for him to kiss on the underside of your jaw.
Your back was pressed against the wall as his hands searched for your thighs and expertly lifted you up from the floor. You let out a squeal in surprise, your arms instantly locking around his shoulders.
A laugh in sheer joy left your lips when he carried you to your room. "We could've walked here."
"Shh, let me do nice things for you," he muttered as he let you back to the floor of your room and you got to the lamp on your nightstand.
He grabbed you by your waist, pulling you to his body as he sat down on your bed, leveling down to see eye to eye with you. His large hand slid on the nape of your neck as his lips found yours, tenderly locking you into a kiss.
Joshua was still wearing his shirt on his shoulders, the split parting as your fingers caressed the defined lines of the muscles on his abdomen, and then he moaned on your mouth when you reached his lats, that being a sensitive area for him.
"How do I get you out of this?" he smiled sheepishly when his fingers searched on your back and then on your sides.
"It's a slip dress," you explained, smiling too.
Your fingers grabbed the shoulder straps, sliding them from your arms and the dress simply fell from your frame, leaving your body with the light pink lingerie set you chose for tonight.
"Do you like it?" you asked sheepishly when he seemed unable to look back at your eyes.
Joshua swallowed hard, tearing his doe eyes from the lacey fabric barely covering your body and found your expectant eyes. "Yeah, baby," he released a breath through a weak smile. "I love it."
Your hands went to grab the clasp of your pretty bra, but he raised a hand from your waist.
"No, not yet," he muttered. "I want to take it off myself. Is that okay?"
"Yeah. More than okay," you sighed, repurposing your hands to remove his meshy black shirt from his shoulders, caressing his beautiful skin in the process.
His large hands busied themselves exploring your bare skin too, what your thigh high stockings didn't cover, caressing your bare waist as he leaned to press wet kisses down your chest, to the swell of your breasts.
"So beautiful," he muttered, as if to himself.
"Joshua," you moaned with a sigh as his hands circled on your back and slid down to cup your ass with a low guttural groan from his part.
"Don't rush this," he muttered against your skin, then glanced up to meet your eyes.
"Okay," you breathed, your skin already prickled and covered in goosebumps.
He smiled, his fingers reaching up to graze your chin. "We have all night, you don't have to rush anything."
"Oh, so you're going to fuck me all night?" you quipped with a grin.
"If that's what you want," he replied with a small shrug.
"I do. But what do you want, Joshua?" you retorted.
His gaze darkened as it met yours, he seemed to struggle with his words for the second time in the night, something that did not go unnoticed by you, but you decided not to make a big deal of it at the time.
Joshua didn't reply to your question verbally, instead he stood from your bed, your eyes following him now that he regained his natural height, now his frame towered over you.
He pushed you to sit on the bed, wordlessly making you understand that the roles were reversed for now and you resumed to undress him. Undoing his belt and button from his black jeans, hooking your fingers to push his jeans down on his legs for him to step out of them, socks included.
It was your turn to swallow hard at the sight of him nearly naked. He was hard already, as you could see the bulge in his underwear, your hand instantly rubbing his hard cock through the stretchy fabric.
"Lie down, princess," he muttered, nodding to the bed.
You scooted back on your bed covers and lied down as Joshua climbed on top of your body.
"Are you okay?" you asked, your voice laced with a bit of concern.
"Yeah," he breathed, pressing a kiss on your lower lip. "Never better."
He grabbed your legs and you wrapped them around his body, pressing down on his hips to join them with yours, earning a soft moan from him.
"Joshua?" you breathed when his lips trailed from your mouth, pressing wet kisses down the crook of your neck.
"Ca-can I be on top?" you asked.
"Do you want to ride me, baby? Is that what you're asking?" he asked with his sweet voice.
"Let me be on top," you muttered, lowering your legs from his body.
He laughed against your skin. "Okay," he sighed, rolling over so his back was fully against the bed and you followed his body promptly, straddling him.
You wasted no time, leaning your body to press your chest against his, burying your fingers in his black hair before capturing his lips with yours.
His hands caressed your back, the pads of his fingers tracing the line of your column and stopping only to unclasp your pretty bra, his hands removed it completely, you heard when it landed on the floor.
His breath hitched when you pressed your tits against his hard chest, moving your lips to kiss his chin, then under his jaw and  down the crook of his neck, essentially mimicking what he does when he's on top of you.
"Can I mark you?" you asked shyly, darting a look to his face.
A small groan fell from his lips as he nodded with his head. "Yeah," he whispered with a light smile.
You returned the smile as your head dipped on the crook of his neck, his hands kneading on your hips as you landed love bites on the crook of his neck, his throat and finally reaching his toned chest.
Joshua was sensitive. It made you feel so stupid to realize it this far into your countless sexual encounters. He so rarely let you touch him during sex or kiss him that you never knew just how sensitive he actually was.
His hands were going to leave marks on your skin, you were sure of it. Kneading on your ass and hips, fingers digging harshly on your skin as you took your time marking his chest, marveling at the sight of his toned pecs.
"Fuck," he breathed softly, his eyes were closed tightly, so he never saw you smile at his downright restless behaviour. You and him had that in common, at least.
You couldn't ignore how big and hard he felt under you, so you started grinding on him to maybe help him release the growing tension on his cock.
Then you wanted to try something—you ran your tongue on one of his sides, feeling his toned lats, tasting cologne in his skin.
"Mmn—fuck!" his body hardened, his fingers threatening to pierce your skin.
The tip of your tongue traced a circle around one of his nipples to then press your wet lips and repeated the same actions on his other side, earning similar reactions.
A groan bubbled in his chest and suddenly you were being flipped to your back, startled you looked at his dark eyes. Unable to say a word, his mouth was already clashing with yours, kissing you fervently.
"Are you going to tie me up tonight?" you asked shyly.
His pierced eyebrow arched slightly. "Do you think you deserve it, pretty? Have you been bad?"
"Mmm, maybe a little," you admitted.
"Mmm yeah, I remember that you were, baby. Do you like being bratty? Do you like being tied up?" his fingers hooked on the thin fabric of your thong, pulling his body back to slide the thong down your legs, leaving your stockings on.
"Yeah, I do," you breathed, your eyes trained on him as he pressed soft kisses on the softer side of your thighs.
"Then I won't tie you tonight, princess," he smiled deviously to then run the tip of his tongue on the sensitive side of your thigh, dangerously close to your core.
You let out a soft whimper, your body tensed up and your legs instinctively closed a bit, one of your legs bumped with the side of his head.
"Maybe I'll get restraints for your legs too," he quipped, laughing softly. "Would you like that, baby?"
You swallowed hard, closing your eyes when he continued placing loving and soft kisses on your mound. "Mm, I think so," you muttered clumsily.
He used his hands to splay your thighs open for him, dipping his head on your mound to place wet kisses on your soft skin, sighing in the process of kissing your pussy lips, groaning softly with you when he heard you moan and whine.
"Joshua," you called softly when his tongue swiped a line between your folds, humming in response at the taste of your arousal.
One of his hands slotted in your lower tummy, while the other one remained holding your thigh. His face was practically buried in your cunt, slowly licking every inch of it, dipping the tip of his tongue on your entrance to make you cry out and moan his name.
You held onto his hand that was on your tummy when his tongue swirled around your clit a few times. "Oh god," you whimpered
The bed underneath you groaned when you sank your body, completely subdued in pleasure. Your fingers clenching on his fingers, the other had found the soft strands of his black hair, pulling softly when he started flicking your swollen clit with the tip of his tongue.
"F-fuck—Joshua," you breathed, screwing your eyes shut, trying to remain still on your bed but couldn't help but writhe slightly when he switched from flicking your clit to sucking at it lightly.
You propped yourself with your elbows on your bed to see him practically making out with your cunt. The sight of it alone made you almost climax—his dark hair between your fingers, his hands holding you still for him as he lifted his eyes to find yours.
A moan coiled in your throat, your fingers tugged his hair as you felt your orgasm drawing near, and he seemed to know it from the sounds you were making, so he started sucking your swollen bud harder, moving his head up and down slightly.
"Joshua, 'm close," you breathed, your body trembling slightly. "Fuck! Don't stop, please. Joshua!"
You threw your head back, your jaw going slack too as raggedy breaths broke in your chest, twitching and groaning lewdly on your bed. You moaned loudly, your hand pressing on his head as your orgasm continued to wash over you, the waves of pure bliss left tingles on your limbs and face.
You eased your body back on your bed, your chest heaving embarrassingly hard, soft moans spilled from your lips when Joshua's mouth left your throbbing cunt after showering it with tender kisses.
"Feel good?" you heard him ask.
You opened your eyes to find him still between your thighs, smiling fondly at you.
"Amazing," you sighed weakly. "I love how you eat me out so much."
He laughed. "I love eating you out, princess."
"Oh, yeah?" you breathed.
Joshua climbed back on top of you. The dim light from your lamp let you see the pretty features of his face, you reached to wipe your arousal from his chin and he smiled as he pressed his chapped lips with your own.
"Yeah," he answered and you were reminded of how much you liked it when he said that.
He got on his knees to take his sweet time taking your stockings off, his hands caressing your legs in the process, his lust-lidded eyes locking with yours as he did so. 
Then he lied on his side, using his elbow on the bed to support him as his other hand slid between your legs, his pointer finger slid between your pussy lips, playing with your wetness as his eyes searched your face.
Your eyes shifted to the finger disappearing inside your cunt, pumping in and out a few times until you were ready for another finger.
"Joshua," you whimpered pathetically when his two fingers massaged your walls, but really what had you on the verge of insanity was his doe eyes trained on your face.
"Mm?" his eyebrows arched slightly. "What's wrong?"
"I want you so bad," you breathed, your hand cupping his cheek to pull him into a needy kiss, nibbling his lower lip with your teeth when his fingers scissored inside you.
"You think you're ready for me, sweetheart?" he muttered, his voice strained with tension.
You nodded a bit too eagerly.
"No, I don't think you're ready, baby," he replied, introducing a third finger inside you.
"Joshua," you whined, knowing that he liked hearing you beg. "Please. I waited all day. Please take me,"
He smiled, immediately telling on your little game. "Yeah, you waited all day for me princess, after ignoring me all week. Why should I give you what you want?"
"Because you want it too," you replied boldly. "I know you want me as much as I want you."
"Mmm, yeah baby, you're right. I want you but I wait for you," his doe eyes locked with yours. "Can you say you do the same for me, baby? You like having fun by pushing me away, so why shouldn't I have fun too?"
"You're being mean, Shua," you frowned. "I didn't push you away, just–"
"Careful, princess," he warned, the corner of his lips twitching. "I don't like when you lie to me. You know that."
You moaned then he pressed the palm of his hand on your sensitive clit while still pumping three fingers in and out of your wet walls.
When you gave him no response nor explanation, he smiled. "So you were pushing me away. Again, baby?"
You remained quiet and looked away from his darkened gaze.
"Why do you do that?" he pressed, his voice sounding soft, alluring.
You groaned and bit your lip as he continued to massage your walls with his fingers, his palm stimulating your clit slowly toward another orgasm.
"Joshua," you sighed, closing your eyes. "Joshua, I'm cumming."
"No, you're not," he muttered softly, pulling his fingers out of your cunt when your walls had started clenching harder.
You gasped in frustration. "Joshua!" you whined. "I was close."
He let out a breathy chuckle and pressed his lips against your cheek. "I know, baby."
"Then why..? Why did you stop?" you asked.
"You're cumming when I want you to," he replied shortly.
You sighed your frustration, not caring how childish you were being. "You're mean," you pouted.
He laughed softly when your fingers hooked on the band of his underwear and yanked it down, his hard cock slapping his lower abdomen as he lifted his hips for you to tear off the last piece of clothing he wore.  
"And you lied to me, again," he countered as he climbed back on top of your body, pressing loving kisses to your cheeks and chin, each kiss seemed to leave a trail of tingles on your skin.
"I'm s–"
"Sorry?" he muttered, kissing your jaw.
"Joshua, please," you moaned weakly. "I'll be good, just—fuck me. Do whatever you want. Punish me but please, fuck me."
His eyes glinted with awe, and you remembered that he liked it when you begged. "You'll let me do anything I want, sweetheart?"
"Yes," you breathed. "I'm yours."
Joshua cocked his head to the side ever so slightly. "Say that again," he whispered, giving you another soft kiss now on your lips. And another.
"I'm yours, Joshua."
He hummed in satisfaction. "You're mine," he repeated, savoring the statement with his sweet lips.
"Only yours," you echoed dazedly.
"Oh, you cruel thing," he said darkly. "You know what you're doing, don't you?"
No response came from you. If he wanted answers, that was the best you could give him right now. And for a moment, he appeared to know that too.
A shudder invaded your body when Joshua grabbed his cock on one hand, dragging his cockhead on your wet folds. A soft breath spilled from his lips when he felt you, skin on skin.
"Ready?" Joshua searched your eyes again.
You nodded. "Ready," you breathed.
A low whimper coiled in your throat when he slowly eased himself in. Your hand held onto his shoulder, your eyes brimmed with tears from the pain of how big he actually felt without the extra lubrication that the condoms provided.
But you also moaned at how insanely good he felt raw. It was so good to finally feel him, every naked inch of him inside your walls, that you swore you would climax from just having him like this. 
"Breathe, baby," he whispered, kissing your moans with such tenderness that you almost broke.
"Joshua," you whimpered, your fingers digging on his shoulder.
"It's okay. I know, baby," he frowned slightly. "Do you want to stop?"
"No, no. I'm fine. Please," you begged, although you didn't know what you were begging for.
He released another breath when he finally bottomed out, your walls throbbed desperately around his length and he pressed his forehead against yours.
His eyelids fluttered closed before pulling his hips back, the feeling of his cock sliding out your wet walls felt good—so good that you were already whimpering and trembling.
"Okay?" he gasped, starting to push in and out of you.
"Yes, more than okay, Joshua," you stuttered, closing your eyes with a sigh.
"You're crying, baby," he pointed, he was still moving achingly slow.
"It-it's big—you're so big," you stammered pathetically.
He paused. "Am I hurting you?" his voice was laced with concern.
"No, it's not bad, Joshua. I can take it," you breathed.
It actually wasn't that bad—as he pushed his cock in and out you could feel your walls easing and stretching around it, adjusting to his size.
Joshua looked tense, he let out a groan when his hips started moving faster on you, then he pulled his body back, making you cry out in pleasure when the position of his cock inside you shifted, pressing on your front walls.
He brought a hand on your lower abdomen, his thumb finding your clit to start rubbing on it.
"Better?" he asked. He was still weary, his big eyes searching your face as he pushed his cock in and out on you, rubbing your clit to ease you from the lingering threads of pain.
"Yeah. Feels so good, Joshua," you sighed, swallowing thickly at the drag of his cock inside your walls. "So, so good."
"Yeah, I know," he replied with a low groan. "You feel good too, sweetheart. Fuck, so good."
You whimpered at the sound of his words, the way he pronounced each one with a tight jaw, his brow furrowing as he pushed his cock inside your walls at a delicious pace.
"So warm and wet, so fucking good, baby," he sighed.
His thumb pressed on your clit, rubbing it and teasing it senselessly, making you moan and squirm. It was too much, your hands clenched on your bed covers when you sensed your orgasm drawing near again.
"Oh, god. Fuck," you whimpered, writhing against your bed as Joshua dragged his cock in and out your clenching walls.
"Fuck," he groaned, his hips buckled for a second. "You're close. Right, bunny?"
You shook your head on your pillows.
Then, his fingers landed a slap right on your clit, making you yelp loudly. Clearly telling on your weak lie.
"Yes! Yes, I'm close, Joshua," you cried out.
He smirked in response, his hands holding your hips a second before he started ramming his cock faster inside your cunt. Your eyes widened at him and bit your lip hard enough to draw blood.
"Fuck," he muttered again before pulling out of you, right as your walls started clenching deliciously near your release.
"Joshua!" you whined, breathing furiously at him.
"Remember what I said," he was breathing hard too, probably because he was resisting his own pleasure only to edge you.
He carefully lowered his hard and wet cock on top of your tummy, you stifled a moan at the sheer size of it and the weight of it too. The reddened tip, the soft marks of a vein along the wet shaft, you bit your lip.
"Shua, please," you pleaded with a desperate sigh.
"That's not my name, baby," he snapped with a dark look.
"Joshua, I'll be good, just-"
"Tell me why I should believe you," he muttered as he moved to slide within your walls again, your heart swelled with a little satisfaction when he groaned in pleasure too. 
"I'll show you," you said weakly.
"Not good enough, princess," he shook his head as he slapped your pussy again, right in your sensitive clit.
"God, fuck!" you yelped loudly. "I'm sorry, Joshua. I'm sorry for pushing you away."
You moaned helplessly when leaned down a bit and spit on your cunt, covering your clit with his saliva to start rubbing circles on your swollen and oversensitive bud.
"Why, do you like to have me at your beck and call? You enjoy to fuck me and toss me away like one of your toys?" he muttered darkly.
Suddenly you regretted telling him to punish you, because he only wanted the truth from you, unlike last time he punished you and you had to try not utter a word while he fucked you into the bed.
But you could see that he was struggling to hold back, swallowing hard, his brow furrowed.
"No! You're not my toy—you're... you're," you stammered. Were you about to confess? Like this?
Your orgasm was threatening close, so you squirmed on your bed, trying to create some distance from his fingers teasing your clit. Joshua understood what you were attempting to do and started caressing it lightly, thinking that he was over stimming you.
"You're close?" he asked, realizing when he heard you sigh a moan.
But he didn't wait for your answer. Joshua pulled out again, his cock landing with a soft slap on your lower tummy. A single drop of cum dripped from his tip, but he wasn't cumming yet, you knew that by the way he was breathing in deeply, trying to contain himself.
If he only wanted the truth, you were deep in trouble. Because you push him away to avoid your growing infatuation over him.
"Joshua?" you called abruptly.
"Mm?" he lifted his gaze to find yours.
"What's your favorite color?" you asked breathlessly.
"What, why?" he frowned.
"Tell me," you pressed.
"Pink," he responded, his brow not relaxing.
"Really? That's cute," you sighed, Joshua's hips retracted from your body and he positioned himself again on his knees, his cock aligned with your core.
"Yours?" he asked with an air of reluctance.
You told him your favorite color.
"Why did I know you'd say that," he replied with a small smile.
"Your birthday?" you asked, feeling utterly pathetic.
He chuckled breathily. "What, why're you asking me this right now?"
"Tell me," you insisted. "Please."
"December 30th," he responded, looking confused.
A loud moan reverberated across your room, so loud that you almost wanted to cover your mouth when his cock sank into your walls again. He thrusted slowly, but then he continued rubbing your clit with his two middle fingers.
"What's yours, princess?" he asked, appearing to be following whatever you were trying to do. 
You told him your birthday through broken gasps.
"Still, I don't get why you ask," he breathed tiredly.
"I want to get to know you better," you told him with a whine.
Joshua smiled sweetly at you and that might've done it for you.
Your walls clenched around him and he groaned loudly, slamming his hips against you, the sound of his skin slapping against you filled the silence that followed between you.
Something you weren't expecting happened:  Joshua seemed to have forgotten about edging you, closing his eyelids tightly, his mouth parting a little. You loved to see when his face scrunched up like that, when he was so close that the muscles around his mouth relaxed, but his frown would deepen sweetly. 
Joshua threw his head back a little, a moan muffled in his mouth, his throat bobbing a little as he seemed to be immersed in pure pleasure. He didn't relent his hard thrusts on you, pushing his cock in and out your sopping walls while rubbing your clit expertly.
"Fuck, I can't—Joshua," you gasped. "I'm close. Please, please. Let me cum?"
Joshua groaned before lowering his gaze back at you. "Where do you want me, baby?"
It took you two seconds to understand what he was implying.
"Inside," you breathed. "Please. Cum inside me."
He nodded before he started ramming his cock in your walls faster, moaning loudly through clenched teeth. You moaned with him and sank your head into your pillows, back arching as the tension in your body only grew more intense.
"Joshua, oh god—Joshua," you called, not knowing what else to say, feeling all sanity slipping out of your mind, coming undone under waves of pure bliss washing over you.
"Baby," he called to you. "Say it again."
You blinked weakly, his words bringing you back to reality.  
"I'm yours, Joshua," you breathed.
"You're mine," he replied with a raw tone. "I'm gonna make you mine, right baby? You want that? Want me to stuff your pretty pussy full of my cum?"
You moaned and nodded desperately, your walls squeezing him hard the moment you heard his words.
"Yes, oh god, yes please," you whimpered.
He cussed and moaned as he came inside you, pushing his hips against you sloppily.
"You're mine," he whispered, his eyes glazing over the sight of you cumming hard with him.
"Only yours, Joshua," you responded wildly.
He groaned, your name spilling from his plump lips, pushing his cum deep inside you with lazy thrusts and came to a stop with heavy breaths.
His head thrown back slightly, his eyelids fluttering shut, his mouth parted. He looked so unreal, ethereal even.
Oh god. What have you done?  
Joshua seemed to come down from his high when you shifted on your bed ever so slightly.
"What was all that?" he demanded in a tone that still denoted his confusion still. "The questions."
"I know nothing about you, Joshua," you explained shyly.
And yet, you told him you were his.
But he blinked slowly and started laughing, his cock was still buried inside your walls.
"Don't laugh at me," you pouted through your hurt ego, though he had no idea why you started quizzing him mid-coitus.
"You couldn't wait till we were done?" he asked and giggled again when you shook your head.
He leaned forward, placing his arms above your head on your pillows and pressed his chest against yours, his eyes looking at you fondly.
"What other questions do you have for me?" he asked.
"I-I have plenty," you admitted meekly.
"Is there a reason why you want to know now? Or can it wait?" he kept his eyes trained on you, you noticed, he was gathering every reaction you showed.
"It can wait," you nodded. "Why?"
"Because you asked me to fuck you all night and I'm in the middle of that," he booped your nose with one finger. "Can you keep your questions until I'm done?"
A sweet smile crept on his face when your core fluttered around him and you groaned in utter embarrassment.
"Is that a yes?" he laughed.
You groaned again and slapped his shoulder slightly.
"I'll get something to clean you up," he muttered with a smile still, pulling his hips from you.
He returned some minutes later with a hand towel, which he had soaked with warm water and he gently cleaned the cum that had already spilled from your entrance.
"I found it in the cupboard. I hope you don't mind," he darted a look at you briefly.
"It's fine," you assured him. "I need to go to the bathroom to take care of everything else."
"Do you want me to carry you there?" he asked, getting up from the bed.
"I'm fine," you sat up on your bed. "Can we shower later?" you asked meekly.
"Sure, baby," he sighed softly.
When you came back to your bedroom, you had half-expected to see him asleep from how tired he actually looked. But he was lying on your bed, one leg crossed over and absentmindedly looking at his phone screen, one arm tucked under his head.
God, he was a sight to see. Chest and throat covered in hickeys, his black hair ruffled slightly, the bedroom eyes when he noticed you walking in.
You climbed your bed and lied on your side next to him.
"You're okay?" he asked after he left his phone on the nightstand and turned on his side to look at you.
"Yeah," you sighed. "Never better."
His fingers cupped your chin softly and you leaned to lock his lips with your own in a tender, hot kiss. Joshua moaned softly in your mouth when you felt his tongue slid in your mouth to mingle with yours.
You gathered in your mind what little and fruitless information you got from your long day with Joshua. Maybe you got it wrong this whole time, and you don't need to know what his favorite color is, although you did want to learn his birthday.
You could no longer hide your infatuation over Joshua Hong. It was becoming painfully obvious, though you weren't sure to what extent he was aware of this. Or if he even cared, for that matter.
There was one more painful realization to all of this, one that you didn't expect and probably overlooked because you were worried so much about your infatuation with him that you didn't care to see him with clarity.
Joshua was lonely.
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✮ a/n: i'm sorry
i have nothing else to say.
not really, haha
i love joshua, i loved writing this
if you liked this chapter please show it some love? 🥺
and happy holidays!! ヾ(•w•`)o
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watermelonlovershigh · 10 months
6 Times You Get Baby Fever From Seeing Harry Interact With Your New Baby
AN: i've had this concept for while but just now decided to put it into words. if you have any more ideas for this concept you can send them in and i'll gladly write a part 2 of this list. hope you enjoy and thanks for reading.
This contains: pure dadrry fluff
{ dadrry - husbandrry - any harry era - baby boy ranges in age to newborn to a few months old }
word count- 834
Seeing Harry do domestic things with your baby boy gives you baby fever, even if the baby you already have isn't even six months old yet.
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1. You got baby fever just the other day when you got home from the shops where you had to go out and buy some pads and tampons because your first period after having your baby came to surprise you. When you left, Harry was sound asleep in your shared bed and your baby boy was asleep in his bed just down the hall. But when you returned home from your quick run out, you're met with Harry laying in bed with the addition of your five month old baby boy spread out on his daddy's chest. Both back to sleep. You conclude your son probably awoke and either needed a nappy change or a feeding which Harry did before allowing him to have some morning cuddles on his chest.
2. You had went out to have a dinner with some of your friends. When you returned home you expected to see your baby boy already in bed. But what you really see when you walked into your master bathroom where you'd planned to take a shower was Harry naked in the bathtub with your equally as naked son leaned up against his bent legs. Harry was making silly faces at your son which in turn was making the five month old giggle up a storm. The sight before you was giving you baby fever, even if you'd only giving birth not even a half a year ago.
3. You've been feeling under the weather which meant you've been laying in bed and sleeping for the better part of the day. Well when evening rolls around you use the little bit of energy you have to walk down the stairs and see what your two favorite boys are up to. What you see gives you immense amounts of baby fever. (Although you have an actual fever as well.) Harry was stirring the pot of soup he's been cooking for you while your baby boy was strapped to Harry's chest. Facing towards his daddy so that his active little legs couldn't kick the hot pot on the stove. And without them knowing you'd entered the kitchen, you hear Harry say to your son, "I hope mummy likes the soup we made for her. You think she will? I put somethin' special in it so hopefully she can get well soon."
4. After your shower, you walked down the stairs to a sight that makes you smile and gives you baby fever. The sight of your baby boy laying tummy down on the living room rug with a much taller and larger Harry also laying tummy down beside him. Your son was having his evening tummy time and Harry wanted to get down on his level and also have tummy time. You make your appearance with your damp hair and fresh pajamas and when your baby sees you, he starts to kick his little legs and makes cooing sounds. So you couldn't resist to also get down on the floor and have tummy time right alongside them. Only difference is they can lay flat, you on the other hand have two large milk balloons on your chest that make it more difficult to lay completely on your tummy.
5. You wake up to an empty bed. At first your chest pounds with worry but then you think logically and conclude Harry has probably went to the nursery to tend to a fussy baby. You get out of bed and grab your robe before making your way to your son's room. With his door slightly open, you peek inside to see your husband sitting in the rocking chair that's in the corner of his room, baby boy clutched to his chest, sleeping away. You'd think Harry was asleep too if it weren't for the fact his fingers were moving up and down his little back in soothing patterns. The vision you're seeing is giving you so much baby fever. You want to give Harry so many babies just to have the imagine of him rocking the baby in their nursery in the middle of the night forever.
6. The three of you decided to do a little grocery shopping for a dinner Harry had planned to cook for you later in the evening. Before leaving the house you told him you could bring the baby's stroller so one of you didn't have to carry him the whole time but Harry insisted on bringing his sling that goes over one of your chests. So as you're walking down the isles of the grocery store, Harry has your son in the sling attached to his chest, facing forward because he said he needs to be able to see the world around him. His little feet just kicked with excitement and his lips smacked happily as he took in the seneroy of the store. The view of Harry walking around with an infant on his chest is giving you crazy baby fever. You almost want to jump his bones right here on isle nine.
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My Masterlist Masterpost
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tigertale · 11 months
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A/N: Fantasy AU ahead, like, those fantastic middle aged themed worlds with magic, bards n' all? Anyway, I'm such a messy writer I'm sorry
A/N2: I wrote this before chapter 7 and finished the smut recently, although the end is messy :(
• F!Reader; Malleus
•〔 ! 〕 Smut; Virgin Malleus/Reader; Creampie; Grammatical errors; Not proofread
•6.8k words
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"It's beautiful isn't it?" Lilia's words only made the man by his side groan. They were both beings of the night. Period. No need to explain just how uncomfortable he was. No matter how mesmerizing the colorful flowers aligned by each windowsill looked, nor how the sun brightened the streets and further empathized each of the bystanders' smiles, he couldn't stand them. They were everything that he wasn't, the exact opposite of what he had known and experienced his entire life, of what he needed the most; a new beginning, joyful laughters and an undying happiness paired with the feeling of fullness.
"The longer I stay here, the more repulsive they become." The soldier sighed at his words and disapprovingly shook his head from side to side, although it looked more like he was annoyed by the prince than anything else. But the dragon couldn't see it as he tried to avoid the petals flying around while spitting the one that had already gotten into his mouth. He wasn't one to curse, but the heavy sweet smell of the pollen filled street tickling his nose threatened him to do so.
"Malleus, we came here to observe the tradition of humans. Having a new outlook on life can only benefit you." The fae said as he stopped next to a merchant who handed two ice-cream cones after he had given them 2 silver coins. The dragon was soon to become the next king of Briar Valley and all Faes as whole. But with the secluded life he had had to live through, Lilia could only wonder if so few experiences in life could properly let him have a peaceful reign. "You need to see more whilst you're still young." He then handed one of the ice-cream cones to the prince who reluctantly took it.
"I do not see how prying into the mortals' life and customs will help my impending rule." This once again made his caretaker sigh as he shook his head from side to side. This would prove to be more difficult than what he expected if he didn't soon find anything that could possibly catch the attention of the boy. A surprised huff was taken out of him as he was suddenly stopped by a kid who collided with him.
The man merely smiled as he pushed all of his hair, some locks dyed in a blood red, onto one of his shoulders and knelt down. He reminded him of the young child he had taken under his care not long ago — he had actually taken him when he was a newborn, and he was already around six, which wasn't exactly a "long time ago", and with a deep chuckle, he took the child from under his armpits and set him on his feet before dusting him off. While the kid was still confused, he continued to make sure that he wasn't hurt by the fall, his father like instincts pushing him to do so —although he didn't mind as he still kept a smile up as to not scare the child. "Where were you running at so fast? It's dangerous to run around in a crowd." The kid nodded but was clearly excited and impatient as he was fidgeting more than one his age was supposed to.
"It'll start soon!" He rocked on the back of his feet as he was trying not to peek above the man's shoulders to see if the oh so expected event of the year had started. "The Battle of the Spring Queen!"
Lilia perked up at that. He let the kid go without further questions, only giving a playful "be careful" and his ice cream in exchange of the promise that he shouldn't run in the streets anymore or at least be more attentive, before getting up and dusting his clothes off.
"I thought humans were pacifists as of today. Why would Queens fight?" The fae laughed at that under the annoyed gaze of his younger fellow. Oh, he sure had missed a lot, hidden in this castle of his! Maybe that he should ask Maleficia for permission to take Malleus out more often. He eventually calmed down as he removed the tears threatening to fall from the sudden laughter that took over him.
"Of course it's no battle per say." He hummed as Malleus was patiently waiting for the rest of the answer while passing his tongue over the cool dessert. It wasn't often that he received ice cream, and one from Lilia was cherished even more, so he tried not to eat it in one go out of excitement. "Each year for spring, they hold a dance contest of sorts, where the winner becomes the Spring Queen for a year."
"Just dancing?" Humans were fighting by dancing now? They were more peculiar than he had given them credit for.
"Of course I said dancing, but it's not something that simple." When they arrived at the town center, Lilia easily pushed through the crowd with his small size to reach the front as the prince struggled to follow him. At Lilia's request, he had hidden his horns to avoid a mayhem among these mortals, but right now he wished he hadn't because the annoyed looks he received were slowly boiling his blood with how much they annoyed him. "I've heard that it can take years to perfect it. And— Ah! Just on time!"
The dragon fae eventually arrived beside his caretaker and looked unimpressed at the rows of women standing in the middle of the town center. They had all formed many circles, the smallest inside and the others extending to be bigger the farther it was from the center, around a maypole and all had a ribbon in their hand. The white dresses they all wore nearly made him cringe, it was all too bright and the sun rays bouncing back on them and into his eyes tenfold this sentiment. Even the crown of flower resting on their head and the embroidered fabric attached to it and hiding their face from the onlookers was almost too much. Should he just go back? But then Lilia would be disappointed in him and he feared the distress it would bring him more than anything.
A voice loudly announced from within the public the start of the competition and the musicians started playing a folk tune right after, hurdy-gurdy, tabors and flutes becoming one. Lilia pushed the tip of his elbow against Malleus' arm to catch his attention at the same time. "That's what we came to see." The women all lifted their hands up, wrists decorated with a mix of flowers that the dragon had a hard time trying to recognise, before slowly turning on themselves with the soft and sluggish tempo of the melody. "This is one of the few traditions humans inherited from us."
Slowly picking up speed, they followed suit. They each took a step to the side as they continued to turn on themselves. Each row was rotating to different sides which created an eye-catching show as the fabrics all flew around the more the rhythm grew to be frenetic.
The pace of the song eventually arrived to the point where it was hard catching up to it, and soon enough someone fell. She looked rather frail as her face was finally unveiled from when her flower crown had flown away. Stumbling, falling on one another they all smiled, their no longer hidden bright eyes only making the public even more excited. The orchestra suddenly stopped, and so did the women. But it picked up just as fast and they all spinned to the other side with linked arms. "Oh this is the moment. I forgot to ask, Malleus, do you want to join them?"
He looked at him incredulously as more women fell to the point that the remaining upright had to jump over the bodies to continue. But he didn't get to answer as he was pushed forward, more men following behind him. Lilia was surprised by the sudden rush and merely managed to take Malleus' ice cream as he was soon too far for him to hear him. He didn't expect something like this to happen, hopefully he'll manage his way out of this predicament he had accidentally found his way in. Or he could partake in it which would please him more than the other option.
The dragon looked back to his caretaker, but before he could react, someone had taken him by the crook of his arm and twirled with him closer to the center of the dance which only further widened the distance between them. He couldn't back out now, he was surrounded by the town folks, dizzy and the dance had also become more complex and he knew he would bump into someone if he decided to walk out of the dance.
One moment they were linked to one another, the next his partner had left him as a new one jumped into his arm now hopping and spinning with him. And just as fast, she left him and he was once again handed over to someone else.
He didn't like it, being passed around like, what he could compare as, a mere toy. Swirling on the same spot with little to no rest as he felt the ice cream he had eaten slowly climbing its way up his throat. He couldn't see it from how blurry and loud everything was, but there were only a few people left standing, enough duo that he could count them with only a hand. He was strong on his feet, due to his fae nature, unlike all the others who would fall from the sheer speed their new partners came at them with. He was the center of the attention, everyone watching carefully how this stranger had imposed himself as the one anchor needed for the winner.
He broke out of his haze for a mere second as he had finally locked eyes with Lilia who still had his dessert in hand. But he could only make out a few words from his stretched lips "It feels like we'll have a surprise this year. Aren't you lucky fufufu~" before his new partner brought him back to the current situation at hand. Much to his surprise, unlike all the others that had a deathly and uncaring grip on his shoulder and arm, she turned out to be more conscious about his uneasiness.
It didn't stop her from forcing him into the dance, continuing to twirl with him, but when her veil lifted with the wind sweeping it away from her face, he could make out an apologetic smile. "Sorry for forcing you into this." She said more to herself than for him, knowing that he wouldn't have heard it as her voice was drowned out by the music, but he did, thanks to his keen ears. The music came to a sudden stop right after. And she used this chance to come closer to him, pushing her chest against his as she tiptoed so her lips could reach him right under the shell of his ear. The closeness didn't faze him enough not to notice that there were only two pairs left. His and another couple staring daggers at him. "This one will be the last part, please keep up with me a little longer."
And seemingly entranced by whatever power she had bewitched him with, he listened, immediately following her when the music started again. As if his body had learnt the dance, more than likely against his will, he easily matched her movements. Unlike before when he was just being pushed around, he was now the one gripping her hand hard enough not to hurt her but to make sure she didn't fall or lose balance, and he made sure to turn at the same time with her.
She was concentrated, not noticing the sudden change of demeanor of her partner, as she looked at her feet to make sure that she got it right. If she was to fall now, it would be all over. She had worked hard to come this far and she wouldn't let victory slip through her fingers so easily. And at long last, the same booming voice that announced the beginning of the contest ringed far above the music. This time, marking the end of it.
The two standing slowly came to a stop, regaining both of their senses as they mindlessly looked at their feet. It was… the end. It came faster than what they had expected. Or was it because they had lost themselves in the heat of the competition? When they remembered the situation they were in they looked around for the duo they were competing against. And here they were, bickering on the ground, too caught up in their anger and accusations to get back on their feet.
Malleus turned back to his own partner when he heard her laughing. She took the flower crown and removed it from her head, shaking her head to put her hair back in place, before looking up at him. Oh. She was…
He couldn't even finish his thoughts that someone came and took her hand, throwing it up as they announced her as the new queen. Clapping and shouting became louder the closer the public approached him and the woman was still gripping his hand, but it only brought back the previous headache racking the back of his head.
Thankfully for him, he was whisked away by the very person who put him in this predicament in the first place. He didn't even bother to hide his pout as Lilia wore a bright smile, taking him farther away from the public's eyes. "Did you enjoy it?" And Malleus could barely believe his words. If he had enjoyed it? Did he look like he had enjoyed it at all?
Once they were far enough, he had begrudgingly walked to a driveway where he could hide as he was vexed by Lilia's question. "I want to go back." And Lilia sighed at the tone his prince had taken. He had hoped for him to become a little more aware about his duties as a prince, but it seemed like it didn't work his way this time. Thus, while a hand was pushed against his hips, he snapped his fingers, bringing them both to the inn they were staying at.
"Malleus." The soldier started as he circled the bed to sit on the cushions decorating the windowsill. Although he wanted to sit on it, he ended up slumping onto them with yet another aggravated sigh. "You didn't learn anything from it, did you?"
As an answer, and seemingly vexed, said Malleus crossed his arms, still standing before the door as his own way to protest his displeasure with the entire situation. "I don't believe that there was something to understand from such an unpleasant event." The entire thing was reckless, ungrateful, and overall displeasing to him. The noise, the heat, the light, he would have never imagined someone liking such things if he hadn't witnessed it first hand.
"These people are under the care of faes. All of the previous rulers cared way beyond Briar Valley's borders." He moved his fingers, summoning a kettle brimming with hot water and the teacup by the bedside. With another fickle, the hot water was poured inside the cup where a dry teabag was patiently waiting to be of use again. "And as the heir, it is your duty to understand what will fall under your charges. Their customs are different yet similar to ours, neglecting that can quite easily create a rift that will bring to a new war." He took a sip of his cup once it was ready, a small grimace appearing on his face at the bitter taste. He immediately brought a few more suspicious ingredients that he put into his cup.
"You have much more to learn about this world, and I hope that you will learn something before we leave."
At that, he disappeared, the slowly dying greenish sparks the only proof that he was here just a moment ago. And Malleus was confused to say the least. He understood his words, yet, he found them hard to decipher. He surely had learnt everything at the castle with the most proficient teachers of this age, he couldn't think of anything left to explore. What a mystery, he would have to work on it fast if he wanted to talk to Lilia again. His caretaker had always been one to teach through actions rather than words, and when Malleus was at fault and too stubborn to open himself, he had found out that leaving him to think about what he did wrong would work the best. Although what truly scared Malleus wasn't the scolding but the fact that Lilia just refused to talk to him as he was one of the very rare people he could feel at ease with.
And the only person he could turn to as of now was the mysterious Queen of the Spring.
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦
She was still by the town center thankfully. Although this time she was draped in a modest but fitting white dress, the only decoration were flowers that seemed to have been haphazardly thrown on her by who he could only suppose were the many men praising her beauty by her sides. Surely when he thought about meeting her again, he expected her to be praised as a Queen, but the crowd of men surrounding her, craving for her attention as marriage proposals were thrown here and there for her to take, was definitely not what he had in mind. And by the look on her face, a tight smile as she uneasily looked around for an escape, she wasn't enjoying the situation as much as him.
But by some miracle, as he was thinking that he should maybe go back to the inn as she was not in the position to help him, she locked eyes with him. Her pupils dilated and stars dancing in her eyes as she recognised him in an instant. She stood up, walking down and forcing her way through the people still waiting to have a good look at her, a few apologies thrown at those who she feared she could have hurt, and excitedly marched towards him.
"I– I've been looking everywhere for you!" She started right off the bat, her cheeks definitely hotter than they should be as she tried not to stare at him too much. Even if it wasn't her fault, he was pretty handsome to look at after all, especially compared to the folks here.
He hummed, not fazed one bit by the shy look she wore. "Is that so?" He merely said, not knowing how to react to the information she gave him. It was unexpected indeed, for her to look for him despite how irrelevant their meeting had been. (But could he really think that when he was the one that came to see her, thinking of her as his only anchor in this unfamiliar place?)
She buried her head in between her shoulders, fingers playing with each other as an attempt to calm the awkwardness she felt from his answer. "Of course, you're the reason I've won after all." And when he repeated her sentence with a curious but surprised tone, she could only try and add more context to what she had said. "You saw the one we were against at the end right? They're two nobles and like, their families have always worked with one another so they could win the title of the Spring Queen each year. And I kind of found it unfair so I tried to go up against them, and like, if it wasn't for you, and you're really strong by the way, I would have never won because most people here are too scared to go against them you know? And I am too, it's even surprising that I'm still standing here right now because I expected them to just come and snatch my head off for my impertinence or whatever excuse they'd created but no! So like…"
If she was hot before, well her embarrassment had now reached a whole other level where she had became a furnace. Of all times she could have let her stupid habit of ranting take over, it had to be with the pretty man whom she had danced with. "I'm uuh… I'm sorry for rambling…" She had always been scolded by her family for it, even the kids that would hang around her had innocently commented negatively about it. And she was trying really hard to get rid of this habit, she could even swear on her pride if needed!
"It's okay, although I don't think that talking about such things out in the open is good for you." Ah he was right! What if those nobles were actually looking to take their revenge on her? But there was no place where she would be free of danger. These guys were everywhere and—
"Then you wouldn't mind coming to my house, right?" A humm left his mouth as an approval, more fascinated by the fact that she was continuously embarrassing herself yet was self-conscious about her own attitude.
She moved to the side, a meek "this way" leaving her lips as she led the way to her small abode. And her house, farther away from the town where everyone had gathered, was… Would comparing it to a pet home be offensive? Because compared to the castle back home, this was akin to comparing an ant to a dog. And when she opened the door, he was somehow even more surprised. The house seemed to have only two rooms. The kitchen, dining room and bedroom all welcomed him at once which made him assume that the door at the back led to what must be the smallest bathroom he could ever imagine.
Still, what truly was unexpected was how cozy it seemed. Unlike the walls made out of cobblestones back in the Fort he lived at, which only made the atmosphere colder than it was already, the various plants and colors around was a sheer contrast to what he was used to. And it bothered him.
As he sat down on the drawn out and only chair in the house, he mused at the different shades coloring the walls. "What are those?" She came next to him as he pointed at the paintings above her bed. She smiled softly at the question.
"Before I left, my family gifted me those." The colors were clashing and unsightly. And despite the fact that it was made by someone close to her, he couldn't find it in himself to somehow change his views. They were still childlike and clumsy at best. So he merely hummed, not caring about voicing his… not distaste, but he definitely didn't have the best opinion on those. "Anyways, do you want some tea?"
She moved to the counter by the sink, pulling out a small wooden box from the mess decorating what would be considered the kitchen. "Actually I would much rather go for coffee." She stopped dead in her tracks. Coffee? People like her couldn't afford such things. She truly wondered who that man was.
Still, she slowly turned to him, an apologetic look on her face as an awkward smile hung on her lips. "I'm sorry I don't have coffee." She watched as he pondered a bit, fingers resting against his chin with closed eyes, before he looked back at her and told her tea was fine. She let out a quiet relieved sigh as she went back to the herbs sitting in the box before her, taking the most expensive flavour to give him before moving to heat some water on the stove.
His eyes were fixated on the intricate design decorating her back, the shape of a flower drawn with all the threads interwoven through one another and letting him see a star that seemed to be a birthmark in the middle of her spine. And his gaze slowly moved lower and lower, the need to be satiated growing the more he looked at the small parcel of skin showing between the bottom of her rather short dress and her white thigh high stockings. Why did he suddenly feel his body yearning for her? He didn't know and didn't want to. He was tempted, entranced, to move closer and pass a hand under the skirt of her dress. He wasn't used to seeing such loose and short clothing, having been mostly in company of nobles, they were posh and well-dressed with layer and layers of fabric hiding their skin. Even the soldier or the few villagers he had seen across Briar Valley were covered from head to toe with little to no skin showing. Maybe that was why he was hypnotized by her, wondering for the very first time what was hiding under someone's clothes as his draconic instincts were teasing him into taking actions.
Malleus somehow managed to keep calm as she approached after a while, a cup of tea and some low-cost biscuits to eat with the soft drink. "Here, I don't know what you like so I made some Earl Grey tea." He smiled kindly, or at least tried to as only a small almost unseen smile appeared, before switching his attention back to the drink sitting before him to take his mind off the impulsions of his dragon side. Partaking into the carnal desire and losing the purity that was only meant to be given to his future wife? He knew better than that. And while he was debating with himself, she quickly ran to the counter in the kitchen and back to him. "Ah wait!" She bent forward, her short dress hiking up and flashing him a good amount of the small panties she wore, a cube of sugar hanging in between her fingers as she plopped it in the drink so soften it up.
Fuck, he actually didn't know better than that, because right before he could properly think, his hand had moved to cup one of her buttcheeks. She froze, and so did he, as an awkward silence stretched between them, one that seemingly wasn't registered by him as his fingers flexed around her flesh, earning a small and surprised squeak out of her. She turned back to look at him, the top of her body allowing her to turn enough for him to see her flushed cheeks as she peeked over her shoulder. "I-Is there a problem?" And she cringed at the question she asked. But he didn't care, nor did he answer back as he got up, towering her while his hands slid along her body, assessing each curve and bumps under his long fingers, before stopping under her breast.
She was pinned on the table, unable to get back up as the man was pressing his chest to her back, his hot breath tickling her neck as she felt the tip of his fingers tentatively pressing the fat of her chest. She didn't know how to react, should she push him back? She should, as she had yet to marry and had to keep herself away from any sexual activities that could "taint" her according to the religious man who had blessed her and the many other women of the village. She hadn't respected that rule as she had… already explored her own body a few times already. But partaking into something greater than merely playing with herself? While the fear of being accused of hysteria taunted her, she was still heavily tempted by this stranger's, more than vulgar, invitation.
And against her better judgment, she softly placed her hand atop his, slowly guiding it as her breath hitched when she felt his cold skin touching hers above the low-cut of her dress to the top of her larynx. His eyes dilated, pressing his hand around her throat at the same time, trying to assess all the small reactions she would have which further drove this unknown feeling devouring him to a new point. He wasn't one to fight back his urge, far from it, he was more often than not indulging it which would always make Lilia shake his head out of disappointment. So without much thinking, he wrapped an arm around her waist, the other hand moving her head to the side for him to graze her skin with his pointy teeth, as he quickly brought her to the bed by the corner of the room. He fell on it ungraciously, her body now trapped in-between the bed and the erection he was rutting against her backside in near oblivion, each of his grunts feeling like honey soothing her mind.
His fingers started exploring her, tormenting and harassing every bit of skin showing, even tearing new holes in the pristine white dress she wore to access more of her. She felt herself drifting away when two of his sharp nails eventually found themselves back to one of her breasts, pinching it as he continued to press the hard-on still confined in his pants along her clothed slit. And as if to make things worse, he had finally started to nibble on the junction between her neck and shoulder, the lewd sound of his lips and tongue playing with her skin driving her further down this hole he had opened. What if she was fucked silly after all? She wouldn't mind if it was this handsome stranger whose lust was oozing and overwhelming her senses. But it seemed that after a short while he grew bored, instead moving away from her, just enough for him to turn her around so she could face him, settling by leaning above her as his hands rested above her ass.
She was now laying on her back, his body still towering her as he decided to press a delicate kiss on her lips, quite unexpected especially when one would consider how rough and impatient he had been until now, as if he had finally taken over the instincts that were pleading for him to drill into her hole and make her his for the night. And she reciprocated, moving her hands behind his head to grasp a handful of his hair and bring him closer. She wanted to feel him more closely, to have him imprint his lips on hers so that she could never forget him, who would surely defile her in a few moments. And hopefully, what a childish wish it was, he would understand her feelings and return the affection back. She didn't know who he was, not even his name which she had forgotten to ask, but she knew that this wise man eating her lips would be better than any of the men who were crying out to tie the knot with her. Because unlike them, he had proven how capable he could take care of her, how he was an immovable pillar when needed. And she only needed this. No fancy gifts from someone who she knew would cheat behind her back.
Whoever this man was, she craved him. He could do anything to her, she knew not why and didn't want to, and she would be on cloud nine as long as he would give her the slightest bit of attention.
But he didn't understand those hidden messages she tried to pass over to him through their languid kiss. Because when he felt her gripping the dark locks sitting around the base of his horns, he quickly lost himself back into those dangerous impulses of his. The dragon in him needed to put an heir or two inside her warm and welcoming womb before the feeling disappeared.
He broke the kiss, listening to the delightful panting leaving her mouth as his mouth traveled farther down along her collarbone. At the same time, his hands had moved from the small of her back to her legs parted on each of his sides, passing them under her bunched up dress and stopping once a finger had passed under the band of her underwear. And his hard-on, more prominent than ever, was once again grinding against her clothed slit, snatching loud whines out of her. Her breath momentarily hitched when she felt a hand leave her thigh, only to feel it scrambling with the belt stopping him from clearing his most urgent need. The occasional and unexpected knocking of a finger or two against her clit made her mewl, and urged him to move even more messily as it only annoyed him how much he was struggling with the leather tied around his waist.
At long last, he freed himself from the clothing confining him away from her. He hissed at the cold air that contrasted with the heat of his length which prompted her to look downward. But he immediately pressed his lips against hers, once again, which stopped her from seeing it, tongue entering her mouth and creating a mess of drool pooling on both of their chins, a strong hand moving to the back of her neck as he removed her undergarments. He did ponder a few seconds, should he let the stockings hugging her tights on? But he quickly shook this thought away, a deep groan rumbling all the way down from his throat as he ripped the fragile layer of clothing off her legs, leaving only a few stray of white fabric to cover her skin.
Her breath hitched when she felt him, surprised by the sheer size of his warm hard-on resting right in-between her legs. She was supposed to…? Not that she was a prude or anything, but she truly stopped a second to think if she was really ready to take something like this inside her. It was only normal for him to have a size proportional to his height but it definitely looked bigger than what she had heard from the women gossiping early in the morning at the corner of the marketplace. He didn't wait and immediately went to slowly rub his length along her still clothed cunt, earning small gasps and whines from her as she pitifully tried to hide them behind her hand. But he didn't care about them, not when he could feel the warmth she was producing, so heavy and impossibly addicting, which shrouded his mind more than it actually was.
He went back to what he was doing a moment ago, this time passing a finger on the underside of her panties as he pulled it to the side to allow the tip of his cock to press against between her walls, grinding and spreading out her cum along his length. Right when he stopped at her entrance, ready to plunge in, she weakly grasped each side of his face with moist hands which caught his attention. Breath heavy, eyes teary, and cheeks burning, she still took the time to ask one simple question that she had been dying to ask since she met him… "Y-Your name… What's your name?"
And he slid inside her before she could say anything, pace hard and fast from the get go as he couldn't get a grasp of the insatiable need to fuck her. A loud gasp resonated in the room at the first thrust before a string of whines followed, she could hardly keep up with him, hanging on for dear life by wrapping her arms around his shoulders as her fingers drew deep lacerations on his back. She didn't know what motivated him to be so harsh against her poor body, handling it so carelessly that she feared that she'd break, and they were only beginning.
But these actions didn't spurt out of nowhere. He had been hungry, unknowingly keeping it in the needs to mate as he had never been confronted to it directly, his caretaker having deemed that he had no need to indulge them so young —the Draconia family surprisingly didn't indulge much into sexual activities unless when they were with their significant other, which lead them to believe he didn't have to learn about his impulses. Yet this woman he had found himself dancing with, acting so gently with him, unlike those who would do so out of fear or excessive admiration, had managed to grab his attention. And the dress they had given her to go with her new title as the Spring Queen, how small it was, hugging her body in a way that made him imagine just how she would look without it, how could it not fill him with inappropriate thoughts? How could it not tease the dragon inside him?
His fangs, elongated the more the seconds passed, the more his cock thrusted back inside her as he felt her walls closing around him, the more he heard her small pleas, pressed against the skin of her neck tentatively as his mind was clear enough that he knew that he at least shouldn't mark her. It didn't stop him from teasing her, loving the way she would tense up whenever she felt his teeth pressing a little too hard on her skin.
With each thrusts, she felt herself breaking, her body reacting not only to the length racking her insides up, she could feel the telltale signs how her orgasm building up although she knew that it had yet to properly overcome her mind, but also the strangely long teeth against her neck and the sharp end of his nails playing with the tips of her breasts, the pain only further inviting her down the sin she was partaking in. Her voice rung inside the small house through the form of short and high pitched whines that aroused him the more he heard them.
With one unexpected motion, he turned her body over pressing her upper body down with one hand, fingers tightly clasped around her neck and playing with her breath. Her breath staggered, definitely taken aback by the sudden change of position, and she almost gagged when he went back inside her, fucking seemingly harder than before. Her senses tingled, blurring out any clear perception of what was happening and emphasizing the heat pooling between her leg with each of his thrusts.
She was on cloud nine, feeling her legs trembling as she neared her end, and his pace stuttered when he felt her walls clenching around his cock almost viciously, prompting him closer to his own release despite the frustration within his body having yet to disappear. He went to a sudden stop, her confusion only lasting a mere second as his cum filled her up right after with his groans resonating around her. She whined back, his lips instinctively pressing against her neck to sooth her, having a hard time keeping up with the amount of cum overflowing inside her and dripping out on her thighs in the appearances of pearly white drops.
Eventually, she huffed tiredly, her mind finally starting to clear, and soon she would realise that he had came inside her. Possibly impregnating her with the sheer amount he had pounded inside her. But before she could think about it, he carefully took her hips with his hands, moving her to a new angle as he draw his cock back, leaving the rest of his semence to finally flow out. He pressed the tip of his dick between her folds once again, this time a small smirk on his face as he looked at her fucked out face.
"Darling. I'm not finished."
Her eyes widened, but she couldn't say anything that he was already back inside her. She didn't know how someone could have such stamina, and she wondered for a moment if he was human —which he wasn't but any hints he had given that he was fae had been drowned out by her pleasure. Yet, her mind quickly felt like mud, preparing herself for a long night.
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦
Lilia stared incredulously at the way Malleus was fiddling with his breakfast the next morning, his mood visibly brighter than before. It was… troubling to say the least. The boy was easy to read, hiding his emotions has seemingly always been a problem for him who was easily swayed, and after he had so coldly scolded him, he didn't expect to see him in a good mood. So when the boy turned towards him with a contemplative look; "Those children of man sure hold many qualities." he was surprised to say the least.
What happened for him to change his mind so fast? He could only wonder.
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eddiesxangel · 8 months
Me and You? Together? | Eddie Munson x Best friend Reader
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Eddie Munson + You = BFFLS that’s all you’ll ever be… unless?
Cw: Angst? Small fluff, Queer!Eddie, reader uses she/her pronouns, open ending? One mention of the upside down (ikr who am I?)
I think the story needs more pages, yes I've been in love with her for ages 🎶
"Oh, you two are just the cutest couple in here." the older waitress with the retro yellow diner dress and apron with a name tag that read Judy, fawned over you and Eddie. However, you were quick to correct her.
"Oh no, no, just best friends," you lightheartedly giggle.
This stung Eddie. Friends. Best Friends. Two decades worth of friendship, and it haunts Eddie. That is all you'll ever be... Best Friends.
Not once had you shown an ounce of interest in being anything more, but Eddie, on the other hand, fell in love with you in stages throughout his life.
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When you were three years old, you moved to the trailer park where Eddie and his family lived. Being the only two kids, you were immediately drawn to one another. Eddie remembers that summer, the scorching summer sun beat down mercilessly on the trailer park as you both ran around in your underwear, laughing and shrieking, under the cool spray of the garden hose.
When you were both five, you had a "wedding" and promised one another vows. Eddie always remembered his promise to be your best friend and to always be your best friend. He told you he loved you, and you told him you loved him and sealed it with a small kiss and a slew of giggles. Your parents gushed about how adorable it was and how they couldn't wait for the real thing. Too bad Eddie's parents never would make it to the real thing.
As you both got a little older, around ten years old, you huddled together in your sleeping bags, whispering secrets and sharing stories that only best friends could tell. The sound of your laughter would fill the air, mingling with the chirping of the crickets and the rustling of the leaves. Your makeshift tent made out of bed sheets and sticks would only last so long as a barrier before you got scared of bats and earwigs, but Eddie promised to never let anything hurt you. He held your hand until you fell asleep.
When you and Eddie were twelve, and he struggled with his parents, you lent him your unwavering support and helped him weather the storm. You were his rock, his confidant, his best friend.
Eddie's world had begun to feel unfamiliar and uncertain during that period. Puberty had started to alter his body and yours, for that matter. Eddie saw the changes happening within you and within himself... He noticed how you got more attention from boys as your chest started blossoming and how he also longed for that attention. An ugly feeling would bloom in Eddie's gut and he hated it when the boys would stare at you or talk to you.
But you would never stray too far. Even with your first boyfriend, Eddie didn't understand why he hated the guy so much. He was a nice boy and never picked on Eddie like the others, but for the life of him, Eddie hated his guts. Especially when he would watch him hold your hand or kiss you on the cheek. He wanted that with you, but he also wanted to be you? He was so confused. He, too, wanted to hold your boyfriend’s hand and have him kiss him on the cheek, and that scared him.
Both your emotions lead to changes in the dynamics of your friendship, such as sleepovers. Previously, a fun and carefree activity had become different since it was now mandatory to sleep in separate rooms, a rule both your parents and Eddie's Uncle Wayne agreed upon. Yet, through the difficult times of teenage angst, you both powered through and came out stronger than ever.
When all the shit happened with the upsidedown a little over two years ago, you were at his bedside every day until the visiting hours were over, and the hospital had to physically kick you out; you would be back the second they started up again the next day. That was the last straw for Eddie. He could no longer deny his feelings for you anymore. He was in love with his best friend.
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"Oh well, that's too bad; if you ever change your mind, invite me to the wedding, okay?" She smiles and takes your orders to the kitchen.
When the waitress left, Eddie saw his window of opportunity.
"Hey, uh, what if I took you out?" Eddie fiddles with the paper straw wrapper.
"We are out, Stupid." You laugh.
"No, no, I mean, can I take you for a drink?" Eddie was never this anxious around you, and you noticed. Like something in the air had shifted.
"Like a drink?" you raise your brows.
"Uh... yeah." You had never seen Eddie so nervous with you before. Where was this coming from?
"Oh God, I'll have to think... We're friends, Eddie, I don't know? It-it doesn't feel right." This had caught you so off guard.
"It's cool... no, yeah,- I-I was just messin'," he waves off, and your heart alleviates.
"God Eddie! You really had me there." you laugh and Eddie's heart sinks, and you can see him slouch back into the booth. His body language completely shifted.
Fuck, how he hated this; you were the only one who ever made him feel right. You were it for him.
No matter how hard he tried, his mind would always wander back to the same vision of a future with you. He saw the two of you building a beautiful life together in his dreams. He imagined the joy of raising children with you, cooking together in the kitchen, and sharing parenting responsibilities. He could picture himself changing their diapers while you watched with a warm smile.
Visions of you going to the Winter Fair, which was not the most exciting event; he envisioned you, him and your hypothetical child going there every year, enjoying the festivities and watching the colourful lights glow in your eyes. These thoughts filled him with happiness, and he couldn't wait for them to become a reality.
Unfortunately, you have shot down any possibility of being more than friends with Eddie, not to hurt him but because you only see him as a friend. Never once had it ever crossed your mind to see Eddie as anything more. Honestly, you questioned his sexuality over the years.
One memory, in particular, flashed in your brain as you pondered on the possibility of Eddie being serious or just taking the piss?
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"Eddie, what are you doing?" You walked into your bedroom to see Eddie standing in the middle of your room, facing your full-length mirror.
"Oh, me? I liked your dress and wanted to see what it would look like on me? Kinda badass, no? Some may even say... metal?"
You can't help but laugh.
“Ed’s, you can’t even do it up; you’re going to rip it!”
“You’re being a hater… Imagine! Me on stage shredding to Ozzy in this?" He gestures to your floral church dress, which he’s paired with his black Converse all-stars. He’s always been flamboyant.
You can't help but roll your eyes. Your mom just bought you this dress.
“What, Sunshine?” He smirks.
“Ed’s, are you?-Is there something you want to tell me?” You bite your lip, not wanting him to freak out.
“You know me, sunshine! I’m just me,” he twirled and showed off his boxers.
“Okay, but if you ever wanna tell me anything, I’ll be here for you.”
“I know.” He smiled.
Sometimes, you wondered about Eddie... He never fully came out to you, and you never pressured him to do so because you loved him regardless. You wouldn’t ever have a chance with him; he’s your platonic soul mate. Sure, he’s handsome if you like that bad boy-leather-metalhead thing, but who’s to say you were even his type? You were a girl.
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When Eddie asked you out just now, you had no idea how to take it? He’s him, and you are you… you’ve been attached at the hip forever, but never did you think you’d cross the threshold? Did he want to cross it? Did you want to cross it?
He was so nervous as he asked you. His hands wouldn’t stop fiddling, and he fumbled his words. His breath got all gaspy, like when he was trying to brush off something that bothered him. Maybe he was being serious?
“Yea?” You saw a glimmer of hope behind his eyes.
“Don’t you like… boys? I’ve never seen you-“
“It’s okay- lots of people think I’m gay, but it’s cool, right? We’re friends! Why would it not be?”
“No, no, of course, but you’ve-you’ve never been with a girl or at least that I know of? So I never thought… Really? Me and you? Together?”
“No, you wouldn’t have thought.” He bit back bitterly. “I know, I’m queer; you know I’ve always been different.”
“Ed’s, I’m sorry I just- I never thought of you like that because I’m a girl…”
“Ask me, Sunshine.”
“Ask you what?”
“You know.”
“Do you like girls?” You spit out.
“No, sunshine, I like you.”
“But you-"
“I know how I am!” He raised his voice. He never raised his voice. Not at you. “I don’t like conformity and social norms, and sure, I like men, and sure, I like to dress up in your clothes and like to put on your makeup, but fuck, I especially like it because that stuff belongs to you, I do it because I love you.” There he said it, finally he felt like the 100lb weight had been lifted off of his chest.
“No! I love you, and I do it because I like it and to be close to you because you’re my whole world, sunshine, and if I can’t have you, I don’t know what I will do.” He reached out for your hand across the table, and you let him take it. Your fingers intertwine.
It was quiet for a moment. You needed to process. Things between you won’t be the same after this.
“Talk to me, Sunshine?”
“I just never thought this was an option between us, Eddie. I need time.
“I’ll wait for you; I’ve waited this long.”
You only stay in silence for a moment before Judy comes back around.
“Okay, kiddos, 2 burgers and fries, enjoy.” The waitress smiles and places your meal in front of you.
“Excuse me, Judy?” you call out.
“Yes, darling?” She turns back with a smile
“Can we see the drink menu?” You chide
“Coming right up”
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coolprettyleo · 5 months
my soul has changed? - will smith au
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wc: 1.4k
tw: depression, suggestion of an ED, awkwardness? mean girl.
will smith x oc celebrini sister!
lola celebrini was in a point of her life where everything felt still. she was pretty sure she was suffering from depression and it was a cycle she didn't know how to get out of.
she would wake up, go to school, go to work, and then sleep. she was lucky if she fitted a meal in between that meant she had lost tons of weight.
she had been a pretty healthy teen, she played hockey up until high school alongside her brothers; but when the time came to play college hockey, she got no offers. contributing to her depression.
it was a sport she held so much love and dedication, she couldn't understand why she hadn't been good enough? I mean her brothers were good enough, they got college offers. macklin was even projected to go first overall, so why couldn't she?
those were thoughts that were constantly haunting her mind. if she found something to forget them they would flood back in, like if they wanted her to be a lifeless doll she had been feeling like.
her family had been really worried for her. she had finally seen her brothers after a year, at the NCCAA playoffs and it only caused them to worry more.
lola knew that macklin and aiden were gonna bombard her with questions as soon as they were alone. they could hardly recognize her. growing up she was always a smiling person with a big personality and now she was about forty pounds lighter and was a ghost of the person she used to be.
"april what's going on" macklin said shutting the door behind him.
"what do you mean"
"cut the bullshit. I know your not okay, you barley answer my text anymore, what's wrong"
"it's nothing mack-"
"no it's not nothing, maybe I can fix it-
"you cant 'fix' it"
"and why not-"
"because I don't know what wrong with me!"
that had been about two weeks ago. she just didn't know what to tell her family. she really didn't understand why she had been feeling that way.
she was currently at work where she was a barista in a cute coffee shop. she honestly loved working there, she had got the job when she was in high school and had kept it till college. seeing as she didn’t move far away for college, choosing to stay close to her parents.
she often wondered if she might be happier if she moved away just like everyone else did, just like her brothers did. but it would always end in her telling herself; that it's not worth dwelling on.
it was currently six am and at this time of day there weren’t many customers. the cafe was always busy mid day when people were looking to find somewhere to study.
so she was surprised when she turned the open side around, to find a boy waiting outside to come in. a boy who looked a lot like will smith.
lola wasn’t an idiot to hockey, she kept up with it a fairly good amount, so she would have to be living under a rock to not know the guy who dominated the ice at her brothers rivalry school.
that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to act like she didn’t know him.
he reached for the handle and took a look at her before turning as red as a tomato and blushing,
“hey, are you guys open?” he asked nervously, mentally slapping himself because he just saw her turn the sign around, to ‘open’
“uhm yeah I’ll be with you in a sec” she told him.
will couldn’t help but think her voice was cute. she had a rasp to it that made him want to give her everything she’s ever wanted.
lola finished up, putting the coffee too brew and turned to the counter.
“okay! order when your ready”
“uhm. i actually never been here before… any recs?” he asked after a moment nervously scratching his neck.
“well I get a dirty chai, but considering my brothers hate it, you might hate it too… I guess you might like a frap?” she told him, a little too monotone.
“yeah okay” he told her again nervously. he found her to be breathtakingly beautiful.
he paid and stood back as she got to making the drink.
“you from here?” will asked hoping to make small talk.
“uhm kinda. I was born in Vancouver but moved here when my dad got a job”
will panicked. oh god was she still in highschool
lola must of saw the worry on his face because she added,
“that was a couple years ago, im eighteen now” she said smiling at his face. something she didn’t do often anymore.
“oh, i’m eighteen too”
“oh yeah, what brings you to san jose, school?” she said innocently knowing very well he was drafted here and was most likely here to work on development.
“no. I”m came to meet with some people here. I go to boston college” he answered. lola starting to not feel so bad because she saw he didn’t want to right away say he was a hockey player.
“far from home huh”
“yeah, i’m literally across the country from everything and everybody i’ve ever known” he told her wanting to slap himself. did she need to know that!?!
“i’m sorry. it’ll get easier” she said remembering her brother had been homesick too but utimatly started feeling better after some time-- as she handing him his drinks and gave him a sympathetic face.
“yeah i hope so, i should be moving here soon, if everything goes right” he said as he took a sip.
“hey this is good!” he said taking another sip as lola smiled. something that will thought looked amazing on her.
lola smiled at him remembering the fact her brothers liked that drink. boys were so typical
“i’m glad… and hey— if you ever need a friend in town my names lola” she told him as she held her hand out to him to shake.
will starred at it for a moment before he quickly met her hand.
“will” he told the girl with a smile.
they were cut out of there moment when two customers walked in.
“I should get back to work. i’ll see you around will” she told him as he smiled a nodded and walked right out.
say something! ask for my number! do anything!
lola felt really dumb after she basically just presented herself in a silver platter to the boy and he didn’t finish his part in asking for her number. he had definitely rejected her in the nicest way someone possibly could.
meanwhile will got into the Uber with a gitty feeling. she seemed really cool and having someone to hang out with other than his teammates was going to be so nice.
he was midway into the meeting with some general managers when he realized he didn’t even ask for her number.
“oh my god” he mumbled as he came to the realization
"i'm sorry?" one of the GM's said confused.
“uhh— I said I was excited to join the franchise!” he covered up, feeling like an idiot.
hopefully she was still there after the meeting.
the meeting had gone a little to long for his liking and as he raced down to the coffee shop he hoped she was working a long shift.
he opened the door to see a blonde girl who looked old but yet looked young, and a taller boy with curly hair working behind the counter.
“hi. is lola working today?” he said breathlessly
the blonde eyed him for a moment before smirking,
“I don't recall a lola ever working here...my name samantha though” she said with a face that will knew was a face of someone who was lying.
“yes there is, she helped me earlier-"
“if your here to file a complaint against her, I can totally help you then,” she said
“no she was great— wait, you said you didn’t know an lola-“
“your looking for lola?” the other barista cut in
“yeah she was here earlier, i was hoping she was still here”
“she got off like two hours ago but i can give you her number!” the curly haired boy told will. he was one of lola's friends and he wasn’t going to ruin this opportunity for her.
“you totally can’t do that!” the blonde girl said in a nasally voice.
“shutup samantha. go take candy from a baby or something” he sassily told her.
she rolled her eyes before walking away to wipe a table down.
“sorry about her, here’s her number— good luck!”
“thankyou so much” he told him as he thought about what exactly to text the pretty girl.
both lola and will not knowing the epic love story they were about embark on.
hi guys! i hope this is kinda good, dont feel shy to send in ask and au thoughts… i like never get any but im so open to it!!
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sassenach77yle · 24 days
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"Oh, aye " Jamie sat forward a bit in anticipation, then realizing that he blocked my view, insisted that I sit on the other side of him, displacing Laoghaire down the bench. I could see the girl was not best pleased at this arrangement, and I tried to protest that I was all right as I was, but he was firm about it."No, you'll see and hear better there. And then, if he speaks in the Gaelic, I can whisper in your ear what he says."Each part of the bard's performance had been greeted with warm applause, though people chatted quietly while he played, making a deep hum below the high, sweet strains of the harp. But now a sort of expectant hush descended on the hall. Gwyllyn's speaking voice was as clear as his singing, each word pitched to reach the end of the high, drafty hall without strain.
"It was a time, two hundred years ago… "
He spoke in English, and I felt a sudden sense of déjà vu. It was exactly the way our guide on Loch Ness had spoken, telling legends of the Great Glen.It was not a story of ghosts or heroes, though, but a tale of the Wee Folk he told."There was a clan of the Wee Folk as lived near Dundreggan," he began. "And the hill there is named for the dragon that dwelt there, that Fionn slew and buried where he fell, so the dun is named as it is. And after the passing of Fionn and the Feinn, the Wee Folk that came to dwell in the dun came to want mothers of men to be wet nurses to their own fairy bairns, for a man has something that a fairy has not, and the Wee Folk thought that it might pass through the mothers' milk to their own small ones."Now, Ewan MacDonald of Dundreggan was out in the dark, tending his beasts, on the night when his wife bore her firstborn son. A gust of the night wind passed by him, and in the breath of the wind he heard his wife's sighing. She sighed as she sighed before the child was born, and hearing her there, Ewan MacDonald turned and flung his knife into the wind in the name of the Trinity. And his wife dropped safe to the ground beside him.
"The story was received with a sort of collective "ah" at the conclusion, and was quickly followed by tales of the cleverness and ingenuity of the Wee Folk, and others about their interactions with the world of men. Some were in Gaelic and some in English, used apparently according to which language best fitted the rhythm of the words, for all of them had a beauty to the speaking, beyond the content of the tale itself. True to his promise, Jamie translated the Gaelic for me in an undertone, so quickly and easily that I thought he must have heard these stories many times before.There was one I noticed particularly, about the man out late at night upon a fairy hill, who heard the sound of a woman singing "sad and plaintive" from the very rocks of the hill. He listened more closely and heard the words:"I am the wife of the Laird of BalnainThe Folk have stolen me over again."So the listener hurried to the house of Balnain and found there the owner gone and his wife and baby son missing. The man hastily sought out a priest and brought him back to the fairy knoll. The priest blessed the rocks of the dun and sprinkled them with holy water. Suddenly the night grew darker and there was a loud noise as of thunder. Then the moon came out from behind a cloud and shone upon the woman, the wife of Balnain, who lay exhausted on the grass with her child in her arms. The woman was tired, as though she had traveled far, but could not tell where she had been, nor how she had come there.Others in the hall had stories to tell, and Gwyllyn rested on his stool to sip wine as one gave place to another by the fireside, telling stories that held the hall rapt.Some of these I hardly heard. I was rapt myself, but by my own thoughts, which were tumbling about, forming patterns under the influence of wine, music, and fairy legends."It was a time, two hundred years ago… "It's always two hundred years in Highland stories, said the Reverend Wakefield's voice in memory.
The same thing as "Once upon a time," you know.
And women trapped in the rocks of fairy duns, traveling far and arriving exhausted, who knew not where they had been, nor how they had come there.I could feel the hair rising on my forearms, as though with cold, and rubbed them uneasily.
Two hundred years. From 1945 to 1743; yes, near enough. And women who traveled through the rocks. Was it always women? I wondered suddenly.Something else occurred to me.
The women came back. Holy water, spell, or knife, they came back. So perhaps, just perhaps, it was possible. I must get back to the standing stones on Craigh na Dun.
I felt a rising excitement that made me feel a trifle sick, and I reached for the wine goblet to calm myself.
Cap 8 An Evening's Entertainment ~Outlander
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privatehousesanatomy · 2 months
Can you please write being houses wife and coming home to him trying to do bath and bed time with your toddler and baby?
omg okay i actually have an oc that has two kids with house so all of my world-building is finally being put to good use!!
content includes : house being a girl dad asf
Kids were never the plan for you or House. You were content living a child-free life, and House never pictured himself being a father due to his relationship with his own father. And then came Amelia two years ago, followed by her little sister, Evelyn, only three weeks ago.
While you were incredibly apprehensive to leave Evelyn alone, even for a few hours, you knew you could trust House to take care of the girls. The way he had taken to being a father so easily after Amelia was born had suprised you a lot, but you had no doubts that he was a good father, and he insisted that he had everything under control.
So, you agreed to grab dinner with Cuddy, who was eager to get you out of the house for an evening so you didn't completely lose yourself in being a mom. Since adopting Rachel, Lisa had realized the importance in not allowing her entire personality to be overcome with being a mother.
By 8pm, you arrived home, and the second you opened the door, you could hear the sounds of water splashing and giggling coming from down the hall.
"Amelia Violette, you've got my shirt all soaked," House groaned, followed by Amelia's little giggles. "I told you no splashing, anyway. Your sister is in the tub, too."
"Sorry dada," Amelia giggled, and she pushed her little duck around in the water. Evelyn was in her bath chair with a wash cloth over her stomach, just staring at House.
As you appeared in the bathroom doorway, you had a smile on your face. "Looks like you've got bath time all under control," you say.
"Mama! Look, bubbles!" Amelia cheered, pointing at the pile of bubbles in the tub.
"I see that," you smile, and House shifted uncomfortably on the floor. "Do you want me to help?" you ask, and he shook his head.
"No, I've got it. You go relax, and I'll have the little goblins come say goodnight when we're done," he said. You nodded your head and went into the master bedroom to get changed into your comfier clothes.
When the girls were out of the tub, you heard Amelia's little feet run down the hallway into her bedroom, and you couldn't help but smile to yourself. Those little girls were your entire world - the greatest surprise you could have ever asked for.
"Amelia, put your pajamas on," House sighed.
"I need help dada," she said, holding up her shirt. It had buttons on it, and her little fingers couldn't figure out how to button it up properly.
"Bring it here then," he said, laying Evelyn on the floor for a moment in her towel before he buttoned up Amelia's shirt. She'd insisted on wearing her Strawberry Shortcake pajamas that night, as she did every other night of the week.
House then got Evelyn dressed in a onesie with strawberries on it to somewhat match Amelia before taking her into the master bedroom so that you could feed her.
"Well hi there, baby girl," you smiled as you took your newborn into your arms, and Evie let out a soft coo. "You're hungry, aren't you?"
House had a tired smile on his face. "I'm almost done with Amelia," he said, and you nodded your head.
"Take your time. I'm getting my baby snuggles," you smiled, watching as House went back to tend to your toddler.
"Alright, pumpkin. Bring me your hairbrush," he said, sitting down in the rocking chair. Amelia grabbed her hairbrush and ran over, handing it to him. House picked her up and placed her on his lap before he combed through her hair.
So much for never wanting to be a father. He'd even learned how to braid her hair a few months earlier, so he styled her wet hair into a braid to keep it from getting all tangled in her sleep.
"Pretty!" Amelia grinned as she looked at herself in the mirror, and House smiled a little.
"Very pretty. Now, go pick out a book and we'll read it before we go and say goodnight to mama, alright?"
"Yay story!" Amelia said as she ran over to her bookshelf, grabbing one of her many princess books and bringing it over.
By the time stories (yes, Amelia had conned three more stories out of House) were read and Amelia was beginning to get sleepy, he brought her into the master bedroom to say goodnight to you.
"Hi, princess," you say as Amelia ran over to the bed, climbing up and into your lap. "Did you have fun with daddy tonight?"
"Yes!" Amelia grinned, clapping her little hands. You smiled and pressed a kiss to her head.
"Oh, you smell so good. I could eat you right up," you teased, making Amelia giggle.
"No eat me, mama," she said, hiding her face. House had picked up Evelyn at this point, lifting her up to kiss her head.
"What about Evie? Should we eat baby sissy?" he teased, and Amelia shook her head.
"No!" she giggled. It was at that moment that Evie spit up all over House, and you burst out laughing.
"Well, that's what she thinks about that idea," you teased. "Evelyn Charlotte, did you puke on daddy?"
House stood there with a look of disgust on his face, holding the infant a safe distance from his body.
"I think you might have to finish bedtime...I need to shower," he groaned, looking down at his spit up covered shirt.
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rebelwrites · 9 months
being friends with pierre/any driver and meeting charles through them (whether it be at a race or at a dinner or whatever) and you immediately hit it off and exchange numbers AAAAA
Christmas Party
Charles Leclerc x Reader
I have changed the request slightly hope you don’t mind. As this is a flash fic this hasn’t been edited.
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As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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Taking one final drag of your smoke, you felt your face scrunch up in disgust. You had no idea why you had brought a fresh packet when you had quit the habit around 6 months ago. Shaking your head at yourself you tossed the cigarette butt into the small ashtray on the glass table behind you, looking over your shoulder you found yourself taking a deep breath, gaining the courage to head back inside Pierre’s apartment.
Tonight was the night of his famous Christmas party, every year you had heard all the stories that came from this one event but this was the first time in five years you were able to attend, due to your dick of an ex boyfriend trying to control your life, stopping you from spending Christmas with your best friend in Monaco. From the moment you arrived at Pierre’s you locked eyes with Charles, you were slightly confused as to how one look could get you feeling hot under the collar so to speak. You knew Charles had a bit of a reputation with the women, so any time you came to visit Pierre you made sure to avoid Leclerc.
Taking a deep breath you slipped back into the living room of the large apartment, once again locking eyes with the Monegasque, you found yourself quickly breaking eye contact, pushing your way through the bodies you made your way over to the makeshift bar for the evening.
“There you are,” Pierre hummed, wrapping his arms around your waist, pressing a kiss to the back of your head. “Where have you been hiding all night, kiddo?”
“Ain’t been hiding, P,” you shrugged, knocking back the shot of vodka, scrunching your face up at the familiar burning sensation that quickly followed. “This dress and body is too good to be hidden away!” you smirked, gesturing down to the red low cut sparkly dress that fit your body like a second skin, causing your confidence to sky rocket.
“Have you spoken to Charles yet?” he asked, keeping his hand planted on your waist.
Pierre had been your best friend for the best part of 15 years, the two of you had a close relationship to the point people were always questioning if you two were dating or not. You and Kika always got a laugh out of the news articles trying to make out Pierre was cheating on her with you.
“Nope,” you mumbled, pulling the bottle of beer to your lips. You hadn’t told Pierre that you had a small crush on Charles, mainly for the fact you knew he would try and play cupid and get the two of you together.
“Come with me, you dork,” he smirked, grabbing your hand dragging you through the apartment over to Kika and Charles.
Charles couldn’t help himself as he watched you from across the room, from the moment you arrived at the party he couldn’t stop staring. The first time you locked eyes with each other he felt like someone had just punched him in the gut, he was struggling to catch his breath. The dress you had chosen hugged your body perfectly, showing just the perfect amount of cleavage. The fact the sparkly dress was red was an added bonus for him. It was safe to say red was your color and he wanted nothing more than to see you rocking his shirt early in the morning.
Pushing the thoughts from his mind, he brought the glass to his lips, still refusing to take his eyes off you. For some reason he lost any courage he had when it came to you so he could count on one hand the amount of conversations the pair of you had.
“You know you can’t avoid him forever,” Pierre whispered in your ear as you got closer to the man in question. “I can tell you are crushing hard on him.” You were just about to protest when he shook his head at you. “Girl I saw it the moment you two first met, there is a connection there and you refuse to acknowledge it.”
“P, you know what I don’t act on any feelings,” you sighed, taking another large swig of beer trying to drown the butterflies that were invading your stomach the closer you got to Charles and Kika.
Any confidence you felt had now disappeared, your stomach was churning as you stood next to Pierre refusing to make eye contact with Charles, you kept your gaze trained on your stiletto. You had no idea why he had this effect on you, but he made you feel like a teenager drunk on love.
“How’s work going?” Charles asked, stepping close to you as Pierre moved out of the way. His body was so close to yours and it was sending your heart rate through the roof.
“Urm, it’s okay I guess,” you nodded, pulling the beer bottle to your lips. You wanted nothing more than to be able to speak to him but it was like the words kept getting stuck in your throat. “I’m going for a smoke,” you mumbled, pushing your way past Charles.
The moment you stepped outside the chill of the winter air hit your skin, you felt like such an idiot, the boy was only making conversation and you couldn’t cope, running outside to escape. Pulling a cigarette to your lips you let your eyes flutter closed as you lit the smoke.
“You got a spare?”
The voice alone sent chills down your spine, you didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. Taking a long drag on the smoke you spun around on the balls of your feet, holding the open packet out in front of you. Charles smiled softly at you before taking one from the slightly crumpled box.
“Didn’t know you smoked?” you asked, rubbing your hand up your arm trying to get some warmth back into your skin, without warning suddenly you were wrapped in warmth as Charles draped his jacket over your shoulders. Neither of you said anything about the small gesture.
“I don’t smoke regularly, just every so often,” he nodded, letting the smoke hang from between his lips.
Silence fell over the two of you both, this was the first time the two of you had been alone in the same space. Turning your gaze you took in how content Charles looked, for the first time in months he actually looked relaxed. This year hadn’t been the best for him, you hated that over the course of this season you watched the sparkle in his eyes get duller each race.
“You look gorgeous in that dress by the way,” Charles said softly, gently nudging you with his elbow.
“You don’t look too bad yourself,” you said with a slight giggle.
“I have a question and you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to,” he said, leaning against the brick wall, taking a quick drag of the smoke. “Everytime we are in the same room as each other, you always make some sort of excuse to leave, why? Have I done something to upset you?”
You knew you would have to confess at some point but you didn’t think it would be on the night before Christmas eve. Taking a deep breath you quickly lit up another cigarette taking a long drag on it before answering. “It’s stupid really,” you mumbled, trying not to let the nervousness take over. “You make me nervous, Charles.”
He stood there for a moment processing the words that had just fallen out of your mouth, a few seconds later the corners of his lips started tugging into a smirk as he pushed himself off the wall, closing the gap between the two of you.
“So that is why you have been avoiding me,” he whispered, brushing his fingers down your cheeks, you instantly felt your skin heat up from his touch. The feeling of his body pressed against yours just felt right and like it was meant to be. “Do you like me Y/N?”
The words got caught in your throat so all you could do was slowly nod your head whilst breaking eye contact with him. Charles was making you feel things you had never felt with anyone before,not even with your ex.
“Babygirl,” he breathed, placing his thumb under your chin, lifting your head up so he could see into your eyes. “For the last year I have done everything I could to gain your attention and nothing seemed to work, Y/N from the moment Pierre introduced us I felt a connection with you, but you were with that prick and I couldn’t do anything about it.”
You could hear the sadness in his voice and that caused a sharp pain in your chest. This boy had been watching from the sidelines, watching how you were treated like a piece of dirt and there was nothing he could do about it.
“Let me treat you how you should be treated,” he breathed, brushing his noses against yours, the feeling of his breath on your skin sent you into a frenzy. “I can tell you feel the connection as well.”
You couldn’t help yourself as you got lost in his green eyes, the way the moonlight was causing them to sparkle had to be one of the most beautiful sights you had ever seen.
Could you get involved with someone again? Your heart was fragile and you didn’t know if you had the strength to piece it back together when it got broken again.
“I swear, I’m not going to do anything to break your heart,” Charles whispered as if he was reading your mind. “So what do you say Y/N, wanna see where this goes?”
Taking a deep breath you finally listened to your heart, one that had been bandaged back together but in this moment it was only beating to the Monegasque that was standing in front of you.
“Only if we take things slow,” you whispered, hiding your hands in his jacket, quickly finding his phone. A small smile appeared on your face as you pulled the device from the pocket. Quickly you turned it around so the screen was facing Charles, meaning the phone unlocked, once you had access to it you punched your phone number into the keypad before hitting call. “Now you have my number,” you giggled, handing him his phone back.
“Best Christmas gift ever,” he winked, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your head before quickly taking a picture of the two of you.
You never would have thought that the one year you were finally able to attend your best friend’s Christmas party you would be getting up close and personal with the guy you had been crushing hard on.
There was magic in the air and it felt like for once Santa had finally granted your Christmas wish.
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@chibsytelford @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @stillbreathin @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @livo676 @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @hungryhungariann @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo
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driverlando · 2 months
🗞️ i have no idea how this came to my mind but i’m thinking carlando but carlos cheats on his partner with lando’s partner and lando cheats on his parented with carlos’ partner and this is all happening at the same time
Scandal Rocks F1: Carlos Sainz and Lando Norris Caught in Shocking Partner-Swap Drama!
The glamorous world of Formula 1 has been rocked by an explosive scandal involving two of its brightest stars, Carlos Sainz and Lando Norris. In a stunning twist worthy of a soap opera, the drivers have been caught in a jaw-dropping partner-swap scandal. Sources reveal that Carlos has been involved in an affair with Lando’s partner, while simultaneously, Lando has been cheating on his partner with Carlos’ significant other. The shocking revelations have left fans and insiders reeling.
The Double Betrayal Uncovered
The tangled web of deceit came to light after a series of discreet encounters and secretive rendezvous. It appears that both Sainz and Norris have been seeing each other’s partners behind closed doors, all while maintaining the façade of happy relationships in their public lives.
According to insiders, the affair between Carlos and Lando’s partner began several months ago. The two reportedly grew close during a series of social events and shared interests, sparking a connection that eventually led to clandestine meetings. Meanwhile, in a parallel storyline, Lando and Carlos’ partner were seen enjoying intimate dinners and private get-togethers, raising eyebrows among close friends and associates.
The Timeline of Events
The dual affairs seemed to have been orchestrated with meticulous care, with both drivers and their partners going to great lengths to keep their indiscretions under wraps. However, in the tight-knit world of Formula 1, secrets rarely stay hidden for long. A few chance sightings and whispered rumours eventually led to a full-blown scandal, as details of the affairs began to leak out.
Friends of both couples were reportedly shocked by the revelations. “It’s like something out of a movie,” one source close to the situation commented. “Nobody saw this coming, and now everyone is scrambling to make sense of it all.”
Reactions from the F1 Community
The scandal has sent shockwaves through the F1 community, with fellow drivers, team members, and fans struggling to process the news. While both Sainz and Norris have maintained a professional rivalry on the track, their personal entanglements have now added a new layer of tension to their dynamic.
Social media has been ablaze with reactions, with fans expressing a mix of shock, disappointment, and curiosity. “Carlos and Lando’s partner-swap? This is the biggest scandal F1 has seen in years!” one fan tweeted. Another wrote, “I can’t believe it. They always seemed so happy with their partners. What a mess.”
The Fallout
As the dust begins to settle, the fallout from this scandal is expected to be significant. Both drivers and their partners are facing intense scrutiny and public interest, with questions swirling about the future of their relationships. Will they try to salvage their original partnerships, or has the betrayal cut too deep?
There is also speculation about how this drama will affect the drivers’ performance on the track. The intense emotions and public attention could potentially impact their focus and team dynamics, adding another layer of intrigue to the upcoming races.
What’s Next?
While neither Carlos Sainz nor Lando Norris has publicly commented on the situation, the F1 world is holding its breath, waiting for an official statement or response. Both drivers have always been known for their professionalism, but this personal scandal presents a challenge unlike any they’ve faced before.
As fans and insiders continue to dissect the unfolding drama, one thing is clear: this scandal has already become one of the most talked-about stories in recent F1 history. Whether it leads to lasting consequences or fades into the background as a passing storm remains to be seen.
For now, the world watches as these drivers navigate the tricky terrain of public scandal and personal betrayal.
Stay tuned for more updates on this unfolding story, as we bring you the latest from the world of Formula 1, both on and off the track.
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ninjasmudge · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the two other monkeys? Idk if you ever heard of them, but it's the Red Bottom Ape and Long Armed Gibbon.
i actaually had some pretty lore heavy origin story hcs for those guys a couple of years ago, but i dont think i ever posted them. ill put some of the old art here and paste the lore under a cut cause its LONG (replaced the old swk and maq in the last pic with some more recent ones bc my hcs for them changed so much lmao)
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their lore was well researched i spent days on it but it was a couple years ago lmao, its based on the principals they represent plus which of yin/yang they represent
long armed gibbon- can seize the sun and the moon, distinguish the auspicious from the inauspicious, and manipulate planets and stars
gibbon was born when a seed from a fir tree fell from heaven to earth. it landed on top of an eroded mountian and a tree started growing. after several hundred years, when the tree stretched high enough and was wise enough and the pine cones had gone from dark purple to blue, the trunk split one day at sunrise on a blue misty morning and gibbon walked into the world
red-buttocked horse monkey- who has knowledge of yin and yang, understands human affairs, is adept in its daily life and able to avoid death and lengthen its life
horse was born from a drop of water flung from a trough in heavens stables (part of the reason swk was so pleased to guard the horses when he went)
when she fell to earth she became a river that people often visited and talked around and played in. from this she came to understand human affairs. she also found she could help creatures avoid death or prolong their life by feeding their crops. when she knew enough, she climbed out of the river at sundown and walked into the world
sun wukong, the wise stone monkey- who knows transformations, recognizes the seasons, discerns the advantages of earth, and is able to alter the course of planets and stars
stealing from nezha reborn where the myth goes that when nüwe patched the sky, the leftover stone was where swk came from, but im changing it to one of the tiles that was used to create the furnace was dropped, leaving a monkey sized gap where he could later on slot into to keep himself alive in there. the tile was knocked out of the basket by the wind and fell to earth and this was the only one that landed on ffm. you know the story here, he absorbed chi from heaven AND earth which is why hes so powerful
six eared macaque- who has a sensitive ear, discernment of fundamental principles, knowledge of past and future, and comprehension of all things
macaque was born very suddenly when a piece of moon rock broke off and fell to earth on a new moon. the resulting meteor created a huge and sudden flash of light in a forest which created hundreds of stark shadows at once. the shadows condensed and the resulting being wouldnt have lived if it hadnt been a new moon because he needed the next hours of darkness to collect himself into a full being. but before the night was done, a new monkey was born who was able to hear everything in the radius he had collected shadows from, which if youve ever seen a meteor flash, is a long way
somethin interesting abt the things that created them- swks tile was actually heavenly, which is why he represents primarily yang (heaven). his was the only one that was CRAFTED BY heaven. gibbon and horse are both from something that fell from heaven and then the earth changed its form (the tree grew on earth from a heavenly seed, and the drop of water became a river) whereas macaque, representing the yin is fully of earth, the meteor that created him was from heaven but he didnt directly come from the meteor, he came from the shadows it created on earth. his only connection is to the earth
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itsnotgray · 8 months
We're living different lives
Heaven only knows
If we'll make it back with all our fingers and our toes
Five years, twenty years, come back
It will always be the same
For the first time since the end of August, all of the Fantilli siblings would be under one roof. Albeit, only for three days, but it was three days that they were determined to make count.
Luca was the first to fly home, following the conclusion of the first semester. About a week later, came the twins. First was Gianna, who left straight from the rink in Nashville (as Luca could tell by the wet hair she was sporting), nearly forgetting to even tell her teammates she was leaving, eager for whatever scraps of time she could get with her family.
The minute his baby sister stepped off that plane, it was as if someone had lifted the weight of the world off his shoulders. He threw his arms around her, smothering his face in her hair as he inhaled the scent of the shampoo she’d been using since she was 14. Gianna returned the sentiment, clinging onto her older brother as if he was the only thing keeping her afloat. “Lu,” she cried into his shoulder, the relief of being reunited with one of her brothers, one of the people whose presence had been so distinctly woven into her life force, that the past few months of separation has been akin to torture, making it’s way to the surface. “Gi,” he said soothingly, tilting her head back so he could wipe her tears, the same way he used to when she was learning to skate all those years ago. A watery smile made its way onto his face as he uttered the words he’d been rehearsing for the past week, “Welcome back sorella.”
At the familiar term of endearment only her family was privy to, she launched herself at Luca, her arms encircling his neck as she began crying again. At last, her tears dried up, and she unpried herself from her Luca, mostly at the insistence of her stomach. “Now, can I go grab a snack before Mo gets here? I’d wait, but I haven’t eaten since before the game yesterday,” Gianna questioned while quickly taking out her phone to make sure her face wasn’t too terribly swollen from the tears she’d just shed. “Sure Gi, go ahead,” he responded while glancing down at his phone to check for any updates from Adam. A few beats of silence passed, before Luca glanced up, confused as to why she hadn’t walked away. He locked eyes with Gianna, who stood there awkwardly, rocking back and forth on her heels. “Do you want anything?” She questioned, voice as earnest as it always had been. He shook his head softly, and she quickly pivoted on her feet and made her way to the nearest coffee shop. Luca stared after her, a small smile on his face- it was like the old days. As long as he ignored the looming feeling of dread, dread at the fact that their time was limited, that she and Adam (who wasn’t even here yet) both left in two (technically three) days, he could pretend it was just like the old days.
Around an hour later, the third piece of their puzzle was getting off of his flight. Luca shook Gianna awake, who had fallen asleep on his shoulder shortly after returning with her snack, and barely got out the words, “Mo’s flight just landed,” before she shot up out of her seat, as if pure caffeine had just been injected into her veins. Without haste, Gianna threw herself to her feet, before quickly turning around and yanking Luca to his. “C’mon Lu, be ready- wait, which direction will he be coming from?” She spoke, the words rolling off of her tongue, too fast for her brain to comprehend, excitement taking over her body at the prospect of finally being in the same place as both of her brothers. “Should come from the left, if I scoped out the place correctly,” he said while wrapping an arm around her shoulders, as if to hold the girl back from sprinting to Adam the second she saw him.
About twenty minutes pass, before finally, Gianna catches a glimpse of the “stupid and entirely unnecessary” beanie she forced Adam to wear, so they’d be able to spot the boy from a distance. “Lu I think see him,” Gianna expressed excitedly, the girl beginning to bounce up and down on her heels, Once Adam got within a few feet of the pair, both siblings took off towards Adam, wrapping him in what their parents (who had elected to stay home, both to give the siblings time to reunite, but also to get some sleep- which they knew would be hard to do having all of their babies under one roof again) would call a “Fantilli take-down,” mostly because, had Adam not planted his feet on the ground in preparation, he easily would've fallen straight to the airport ground, which he was not about to do. The moment he felt the arms of his siblings encase him, he dropped his bags to the floor and wove his arms around someone, though he wasn't sure who, because their three bodies were so intricately woven together in this moment, it was impossible to tell where Luca ended and Gianna began. He tried to force a few words out of his mouth, but the emotional shell shock at finally reuniting with his best friends had seemingly made his brain short circuit. Yet, there was no doubt that the silent sobs that wracked his shoulders, and the tears on his cheeks said all of the words he couldn’t.
For this one brief moment, it was like the world stopped. For the first time in about four months, the pieces of the tattered, kindred spirits that resided in the each of three siblings, were at peace. At that moment, they were one soul, split into three hearts.
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