#they can pass for all i care because they're complete idiots when it comes to interacting (as in they don't respect (my) personal space)
talietikasero · 1 year
positive relations with your parents? never heard of it. can't relate.
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himbosandhardwear · 2 months
Steddie I Different First Meeting I NSFW I Public Indecency I 2.8k words
He's planted. Call him The White Tree of Gondor, he's so planted. Nothing and no one could move him from this spot.
He's going to have perfect line of sight to center stage, as long as no one over 6’3” stands in front of him. He's got his good boots on, giving him a solid three inch lift.
Some people come and go, not as dedicated to keeping their spot. Not Eddie. He's planted.
“You think he moved back?” Some chick yells behind him.
“Doubt it,” her companion yells back, “the point was to get closer.”
“Well I don't know if I can deal with closer. It's only going to get worse when the band goes on, and I'm at my limit for men touching me today.”
“I'm pretty sure there's beer in my hair.”
“A fate worse than death,” she mocks him, making Eddie chuckle. “You wanna bail? He can come find us after.”
“I don't know, Rob, he's just a kid. What if he gets scared?”
“Oh my god, he's sixteen.”
“He's short!” The guy yells shrilly, practically in Eddie's ear. “No way he can see over top everyone's head.”
“Okay, then you stay, dingus. I'm going to go pay $12 for a bottle of water. Come find me after.”
“Rob! C'mon, don't- Rob! Ah shit.”
Eddie almost turns to give the guy some reassurance but he can't, making friends in the crowd is how you end up getting pulled into another direction. He can't chance it. He's planted.
Not to mention his friend was right, the more time that passes, the more packed in they become. Once or twice the guy behind him gets jostled into Eddie's back, mumbling apologies each time. Eddie doesn't bother to reply.
He's determined to ignore the guy until suddenly they're pressed front to back, shoulder to calf, the guys massive hands wrapping solidly around Eddie's waist so they don't fall down, and he's fucked. Suddenly the guy behind him is all he's thinking about.
Of course this turn of events sends the poor guy into apology overdrive, hands ripped back immediately as he stutters his excuses.
Eddie waves it off, still not turning away from the front, but the urge is strong. He kind of needs to see if the guy is as hot as that ten second press against him would suggest. Christ on a bike, he even smells good. At least Eddie is pretty sure that's him, the pine/sugar/sweat combo.
A glance at his watch tells him they've got maybe another ten minutes until the show starts. Five minutes ago that would've been all he would've cared about but now he's got Hot Boy Brain Rot and can't focus.
Which is why the next time they get pushed together, Eddie does absolutely nothing to help correct, he lets the guy pull him back and very nearly fall flat on their asses. The only reason they don't is because they fall into the people pressing forward.
“I swear to god, I'm not doing this on purpose,” the guy says with a chuckle that warms Eddie’s already sweaty skin. He hasn't let go yet, his enormous hands hold Eddie upright, skin on skin where his shirt has been cropped.
He's lost his mind completely, because he puts his own hands on the ones circling his waist and squeeze, a soft acceptance of their predicament. It could mean nothing if the guy is straight - maybe, probably, he's not good at judging that sort of thing - but if the hot guy standing behind him is in any way interested, he'll understand.
And praise Dale, raise hell, he does! Long fingers tighten, slide, tighten, before letting go again. He's pretty sure the guy just stuck his thumbs into the indents at the top of his ass too.
Which is when he realizes there's a not zero percent chance the guy thinks Eddie is a girl.
He forgot he's wearing a kilt, which idiots seem to think is a skirt 70% of the time he has it on. Combining that with his hair being down and the fact that he hasn't turned around at all… Fuck.
You're 6’2” right now. Maybe that's enough of a hint. Or your hairy legs? No, it's way too dark to see that far down, no way he-
Eddie squeaks as the guy runs a finger tip along the edge of the kilt. Luckily, it's too loud for the sound to travel, that would've been devastating.
The guy leans forward and whisper/yells, “Is this okay?” into his ear.
Eddie nods, takes a miniscule step back, bringing himself closer. He's gonna take this as far as he can before they either get kicked out for indecent acts or the guy realizes what he's doing and bashes Eddie for ‘tricking him.’ The smart thing to do would be to fucking turn around and confirm his stupid gender but… it's nice feeling wanted for a moment. Nice enough for whatever the consequences are.
An arm snakes around his middle, a fucking nice arm, all sinewy and freckled and brown, causing a surge of giddiness. They're pressed together again, this time on purpose. The guy seems to instinctively know Eddie has this spot picked out because he doesn't let anyone push them or get between. He does, however, laugh every time they get jostled closer together. It's infectious too, makes him smile along every time he hears that giggle. If the guy doesn't stop being adorable soon, Eddie is gonna fall in love.
Whoops. Too late. There's an enormous cock pressed up against his ass; any semblance of control or ability to play it cool goes right out the window.
He's never been more proud of himself for taking up street hockey with Jeff and his cousins than this moment. Some asshole had said to him, years ago now, ‘No one wants a bottom with a flat ass,’ and Eddie let that settle into a deep seated neurosis that pushed him into sports. Casual sports, that actually turned out to be pretty fun, but still…
Anyway, he's got an ass worth pushing against now, which is doing fantastic things for the whole ‘accidently luring a stranger into simulating sex acts at a concert' thing he's got going on.
Good god are they playing with fire right now. Yeah everyone is distracted by the drum tech setting up but it's not like they're invisible here. The guy to Eddie's left is just as close as the one rubbing off against his ass, if he glances down he's gonna see what they're doing. That thought only brings Eddie closer to finishing, untouched, in his underwear. His own erection is being held down by his boxer briefs, which are always a good choice when wearing a kilt. Shit happens in the pit, he's never been keen on flashing his bare ass to everyone if he takes a header.
He's snaking a hand down, trying to be subtle, but he needs to squeeze his dick or he's going to start crying.
His new friend must catch the movement because his right hand follows the trajectory, sliding right along with Eddie’s, until they're both stalled out, cuping his hip instead of his erection. Eddie thinks about passing out, he's so turned on and terrified. Either the guy knows he's about to touch a human penis or he's about to get an unwelcome surprise.
Before Eddie's heart can explode and kill him, three things happen rapid fire:
The lights go completely dark, signifying the start of the show, which makes the already packed stadium lose its collective shit.
Then there's a call from behind, the dreaded, “Heads up!” Eddie only just manages not to burst into tears as his one true love has to let go to support the weight of the asshole crowd surfing above them. He makes sure to pinch the fucker as he takes the weight of his stupid leg as it goes by.
Then, immediately after, there's another crowd surge as the first lick of Blackened rings out around them. Adrenaline pumps through Eddie like a lava flow, two desires waring within him making it impossible to choose. Does he turn to find the man of his dreams or does he stay the course and watch the greatest metal show of all time?
Considering this is the third time he's seen Metallica live, he turns around.
He's gone. The only people behind him now are two chicks with their tits painted white and gold and a middle aged biker.
He keeps looking but no one near fits the right description, not even close. Why the fuck didn't he turn around and just look at the guy? At least then he'd know who to look for after the show.
It's not like his night is completely ruined or anything. He jumps in the closest pit and takes his disappointment on the poor bastards unlucky enough to crash into him, and he has a splendid time with that. It wasn't his original plan, he wanted to stay center stage and actually watch the show this time, but he's too keyed up to stand still now, better to shove his fellow man and get elbowed for his troubles.
By the time James is wailing out the final insane notes of Battery, Eddie is thoroughly beat. It's a slog getting to the back of the stadium but he's determined to beat the crowd to the pissers. The night was fun and all but he's ready to go. Ready to stick his hand down his pants(kilt), relive the oddest and hottest encounter he's ever experienced, and then forget it ever happened.
He's made it as far as the merch line when a familiar voice yells his name. He looks back and sure enough, Dustin Henderson is waving at him like a semaphore code operator. Goofy ass kid, Eddie loves him to death.
“What the hell are you doing here?” He asks after giving him a back slapping hug.
“Surprise early birthday gift, I didn't know until yesterday or I would've told you.” His whole body is thrumming with excitement. It must be his first metal show. You wouldn't know it to look at him, he's got a whole mini-Eddie thing happening, which is adorable.
“That's awesome, dude. You didn't want to stay till the end?”
“I already saw their setlist and calculated the timing just right to get in line before the crowd let out.” Of course he did. “What about you? Taking off?”
“Yeah, I've had…a weird night. Good but weird.”
“You wanna ditch in line? Looks like they still have plenty of T-shirts available.”
He laughs. “Nah, thanks though. I'm just gonna head home. I'll see you Saturday?”
“Totally, wouldn't miss it-”
“There you are! Jesus, Henderson, I thought I lost you. Your mom would kill me if something-”
The guy finally stops bitching but only because he's staring at Eddie like he's seen a ghost.
“Uhh,” Eddie drawls, confused.
“Steve! This is Eddie! You know, from Hellfire, at Tech.”
It would be appropriate for them to shake hands, he thinks, but the guy is just staring at him, going more and more red as the seconds pass. It's a good thing he's pretty because his social skills could use some work.
“Hey dingus, did the beer in your hair finally soak into your brain.” The woman standing to Steve's left knocks on his forehead with a knuckle, making him flinch.
“You guys okay?”
Eddie is too busy being strapped into a roller coaster of emotion to respond to Henderson’s quiry. It can't be this easy, fate has never been this kind or cruel to Eddie, not at the same time. His dream man can't be Dustin's babysitter/big brother Steve. That guy drives a BMW and listens to Supertramp, which he only knows because he followed Dustin out to the parking lot one night. Except, Steve is gorgeous and fun and a good dude who worries about his kids, and is smoking hot.
He knows Steve knows he knows now, his own face has gone beet red, and they're just staring at each other, like some kind of gorgon in a bathroom mirror situation.
“What is this? Why are you being weird?” Steve's girlfriend - Rob? - asks. “Wait, oh my god, is Dustin’s other dad, your imagined arch nemesis, the Guy in the Crowd? Holy shit, he totally is, what are the fucking odds!” She cackles.
Wait. He told her about that? And he knew I'm a guy? And he thought we were nemesis? That's so hot.
Dustin is going on about Steve's apparent low self esteem and how Steve needn't worry about his loyalty and how he loves them both equally, which is sweet, but he and Steve are still just staring at each other.
“I know a good diner around here,” he blurts out when Dustin finally shuts up. “They have all you can eat pancakes.”
Steve's eyes do something devastating, adjacent to cows touching grass for the first time. “I like pancakes.”
“Let's get pancakes.”
They start walking away, dazed, until Dustin reminds them of his presence, loudly and with much insult. “Steve! You drove us here!”
“Shit.” He turns back. “Right. Sorry. C'mon, we're getting pancakes.”
Dustin looks to Rob, as if to say, ‘What the fuck is going on?’ She replies back with a sort of ‘I don't get paid enough to explain this to children’ and ‘I know, he's hopeless but we love him’ both kinda look.
“What?” Steve asks.
“I'm still in line, dude. I want a T-shirt.”
“No buts!” Dustin screeches. “Pancakes can wait!”
Eddie wishes they would figure it out soon, he still has to piss.
Rob, bless her, she's Eddie's new best friend, takes Dustin under her arm and asks Eddie, “Where's the diner?”
“25th and Dudley Ave. Called Roxy's.”
“Got it. Go on, I'll bring your son after he's got his stupid shirt.”
Dustin is the epitome of disbelief. “What! No! Guys, don't leave me with Robin!” He yells, to which Robin responds by putting him in a headlock.
“Go! Run before he figures out what's going on.”
Steve doesn't need to be told twice, apparently, he grabs Eddie's wrist and yanks him toward the exit doors. It’s exciting, running away with Steve, even though they’re only running from Dustin. Still, it leaves them both breathless by the time they get to the end of the block, both laughing about how ridiculous it all is.
“God. Haven't run like that since…well the last time the cops were after me.”
Steve just grins, hands on his knees, looking like a former athlete, all deep breaths and physical therapy style stretching. Fucking hot jocks, ugh.
Eddie wants to mount him.
Which brings them up to the awkward part: acknowledging what happened.
Steve braves it first. “Hey, I, uh, I don't want you to think I go around doing shit like that.”
Eddie, ever the opportunistic asshole, says, “Shit like what?” When Steve's face falls to horror, perfectly timed, and Eddie loses it. “I'm kidding, sorry, I'm just fucking with you. It was definitely me.”
“Dick,” Steve says but he's laughing.
“Yeah, that's me.” They sort of instinctively move away from the street, closer to the less busy side storefronts. “In the interest of honesty, I should tell you, I wasn't entirely sure you knew I wasn't a girl, that's why I sort of hesitated right there at the end, before we got separated.”
Steve looks baffled. “Huh?”
“You know.” He waves at himself. “From the back I could be a tall chick. Cause of the kilt and the hair and everything.”
He shakes his head. “Dude, I saw you from like four rows back. Why do you think I stopped where I did?”
Fuck. Okay. That's…awesome. He jams a whole fistful of hair against his face.
“Also, even if you had turned out to be a tall chick, not a deal breaker. You're fucking hot either way.”
“Okay, Romeo, cool it with the compliments before I make you finish what you started right here.”
Jesus tap-dancing Christ, that smirk should be illegal.
“Right here against the jewelry shop window? I'm not opposed.” Eddie very seriously considers the pros and cons of that but before he finishes, Steve laughs. “Better not. I was promised pancakes. And Lord have mercy if Rob and Henderson get there before we do.”
He's right. God dammit.
“Fine but for the record, which I feel goes without saying, I do put out on the first date.”
Steve laughs. “Never would've guessed.”
By the time they get to Roxy's, Steve has his arm around Eddie's waist, pinkie tucked deep into his kilt.
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yandere-romanticaa · 10 months
I need some Yandere Bokuto and Yandere Akaashi! Maybe together because of the friendship bokuto and akaashi have if thats alright (If not then do it seperate)
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This would be one of the most functional pairs to have, even despite their stark and clashing personalities.
You most likely met them in highschool and it was a blast to be around them. Albeit, a bit intense at times. Bokuto was incredibly difficult to keep up with, especially if you're on the more introverted side. He wants you to attend absolutely every single game he and Akaashi are in, he's not even against you coming to practice either! Please do just that, it boosts him so much!
Even if he does get distracted by your smile sometimes but who cares! He certainly does not!
Bokuto is like a whirlwind storm - you never know when to expect him but you know that once he steps close there will be nothing but chaos. He's fun, kind. Gentle even. He tries to be, for you. He can be oblivious towards your feelings sometimes but he always has your best interests at heart.
He would never forgive himself if something happened to you.
Bokuto is needy, incredibly so. If he's not holding or kissing you 24/7 then what's even the point? You give him energy, your mere presence gives him drive and confidence like nothing else. Soon enough his presence starts to become suffocating. He is so deeply intertwined in your life, like sticky glue which you can't shake off no matter how hard you try. He managed to force his way into every possible crevice inside your life and he is always aware of what he's doing. His perfectionist nature commands him to do so.
However, if Bokuto is the powerful storm itself, Akaashi is the calm before the storm.
He lurks. Constantly.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depends who you're asking) there are times when Bokuto can't be with you no matter how badly he wants to be. Akaashi becomes something of a second shadow of yours, constantly tailing after you, taking care of you in the most subtle yet gentle ways. He offers you water regularly, he has you wear his warm jacket on warm days and he regularly chastises you if you think of doing something stupid. He's not completely sweet to you though, his dry personality does not allow for that.
Akaashi throws all sorts of remarks your way but they're never hurtful. Bokuto is usually the victim for his quick witted jabs, but, when he says them to you they're just. Different. They're laced with affection and playfulness but his stoic face masks the true meaning behind his words. He keeps tabs on you in any way he can and Bokuto quickly catches on to this.
They don't have a proper discussion about the situation they're in. The two just come to a silent agreement that they will share you. They already know each other well and their trust cannot be shaken. Neither one is against sharing you with the other.
There are times when you are a fun trio of idiots, simply living life. You have dinner and goof off. Bokuto makes you laugh and Akaashi feeds you fresh food from the table. Bokuto has an iron clad grip on your waist while Akaashi blocks your exit. Despite the lighthearted atmosphere, there's a thick layer of tension in the air. They smile, but it's not reaching their eyes.
Could they be hiding something?
You are paranoid, you rationalize. What could these two clowns have something to hide?
Time passes, you're all still as thick as thieves. Bokuto has become a professional volleyball player and Akaashi became a manga editor. Due to his strict schedule, Bokuto can't see you as often as he'd like... Which is all day, every day. At least in highschool he had the excuse of classes but now?
He's got nothing!
That's where his good old pal Akaashi comes in.
He sends Bokuto photos daily. The duo have countless folders dedicated to you, all of which have different themes and aesthetics. Akasshi sneaks in as many as he can and you won't ever catch him in the act.
He has years of experience snapping photos of you in every way imaginable. If you ever had the misfortune of looking into his computer files, he'd go to jail for life.
Despite their hectic schedules, both of them manage to keep a tight leash on you. Bokuto is quick to make work of anyone who has any sort of romantic inkling towards you, unless Akaashi tears into them first with his sharp tongue.
Neither option is safe. If you're on the receiving end of either, you will be left in a puddle of your own tears. Perhaps even blood.
You cry and complain to them - why have all your friends left you? Was there something wrong with you? Why was no one looking at you, what sort of defect did you have?
Akaashi's shirt is soaked in your bitter tears as he has his hands on your shoulders while Bokuto sits behind you, his chest pressed straight against your back. He is doing everything he can to not pounce on you right there and then but he knows better - patience is key. Pity he lacks that quality.
Luckily for him though, Akaashi has it in spades.
And they sit there with you on the sofa, the soft pitter patter of the rain hitting the window as you sob your heart out towards your two closest friends, oblivious to all of the things that they have done. You don't know how many people Bokuto had to beat up in order to get you where you are. You don't know how many people Akaashi had to scare the living crap out of in order to have you in his arms.
Bokuto gently blows in your ear, most likely in a teasing manner. You look up and in your shaky gaze are met with Akaashi's hungry stare, his dark eyes boring so deep into your own that you feel as though he could swallow you whole. A pair of powerful arms wrap themselves around your waist, securing you in place as Bokuto places his lips on your neck. He nibbles on the soft flesh as Akaashi leans in and steals the kiss he had dreamed about all those years ago.
Finally, they have you. No one is coming for you, they made sure of it. You don't need anyone anymore. They are your world from this point onwards.
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sstardustt3 · 4 months
Johnny cade headcannonsss
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Authors notes- um so my writers block is gone (yipeee) and I decided that from now on this is just going to be a general writing account instead of something focused exclusively on one fandom (I'm still gonna do creepypasta stuff dw) but I didn't realize how much writing for one singular thing burns the fuck out of you so I'm doing this because it's much more easier and I'm gonna upload more because I'm on summer break. Anyways I'm on an outsiders kick rn so this is the result of it
tags/ warnings- mentions of abuse, johnny being a gossip whore, angst, fluff, johnny thinking negatively about himself, brief mention of romance, someone please give him a hug-
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-Johnny is really fucking strong despite looking kinda scrawny but he believes no one when they tell him this (he thinks they're just trying to make him more confidant)
-If he did have a s/o then nine times out of then they've asked him to carry them everywhere
-he hates physical contact he can't stand it especially if he's not ready for it like if you hug him from behind. mostly because everytime someone touches him it's to hurt him but also another is because he just hates being surprised
-his body is so unbelievably cold all the time that even if there was a heat wave in the area at like 120*f he would still feel like he's on the brink of dying from hypothermia
-something he picked up from Dally is being rude to people for like no reason he doesn't even do it intentionally he just kinda says the most outlandish rude shit about people and does not even realize it
-adding onto things he's picked up from hanging with dally is how to talk to girls, contrary to popular belief he's actually not (completely) clueless with girls and he can sweet talk if he really wants to (he starts off stumbling like an idiot though)
-he's failling a good percentage of his classes for half the year because he figured that he wasn't gonna go far in life even if he didn't end up dead by 18 and his parents don't care about him enough to check his report cards
-at the end of the year the week before you can't do any more retakes and turn in late work he'll just do everything in one go because he doesn't really wanna be held back (he ends up passing with b's and c's)
-he's actually really good at making shit he has a drawer full of small little trinkets he's made in his spare time
-he learned how to make things to pass the time because before the gang he really didn't have friends and he didn't have a good excuse to go out anyway so he just locked himself in his room and began making things out of paper and rearranging action figures he stole from the junkyard or from second-hand stores
-more than half of his creations look like the shit Sid from toy story made
-he's so oblivous when people like him it's ridiculous and when he does realize they like him he just kinda is like "oh...oh...OH?!!!"
-even when he does like them back his first instance is to distance himself from them he thinks it's something that'll like pass
-he's dyslexic which is why he always makes Ponyboy do his English homework and read his homework to him in general
-adding onto the headcanon about him being cold all the time, for that very reason you'll never catch him out of him dead out of his jacket (well I guess that's not true bc he died without it but wtv)
-another reason is that he has a lot of scarring and bruises from his parents that he hates seeing
-dally was the first person to meet Johnny and he was kinda like "damn look at that little possum...it's coming home with me" and when he asked Johnny his name he had mumbled it so when he said it it sounded like Johnny cakes so for like half a year dally called him that before randomly correcting him
"yeah, so johnny cakes here-"
"Johnny Cade."
"huh? What you say, little man?"
"My name's Johnny Cade, not Johnny Cakes."
"are you serious-"
-Johnny's a gossip whore whether he admits it or not. the perks of being quiet and going unnoticed is that people will say there business loud and proud in front of you because they have forgotten you were even there.
-he will without a doubt tell Ponyboy after.
-and since Ponyboy has little to no understanding of the meaning of keeping things to himself he will in fact tell the rest of the gang
*requests for hcs/ or fics are always welcome*
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scenetocause · 4 months
hello! here to ask for max f & lando -💜 impulsive kiss, please (if that takes your fancy) :)
sorry this took me ages! i was laid low with perversions.
It's not like it used to be, when they did bits all the time. It was easy, when they were karting and then a bit more complicated when they were in completely fucking different series, a bit easier again when Max got to F3. Much easier when he dropped out and moved in.
But now they both have other people they're supposed to be copping off with and when they get time together there's so much hanging out they have to get done, on a tight schedule now, that it doesn't really come up. When you've only got 36 hours to fit in three months of best friend time then dick touching can get shoved down the agenda a bit in favour of worrying about their proper relationships and gossiping about what Tom's been up to now and did you know Ria's got a boyfriend now, mate? Bloke's fucking massive, thought a mountain had walked into the office.
He knows how Max crumples his face up in concentration when he's about to come, like he has to focus on the goal. That he really likes having his arse played with but he's touchy about it sometimes, still, gets all tense and bent up about it if Lando tries anything stupid, won't let him at all if he makes any jokes. Doesn't mind putting Lando's cock in his mouth, usually but Max'd rather lie back a lot of the time, make Lando do all the work. Likes to be held, after, fall asleep together for a bit even if it's 11am and Jon's due in half an hour.
So, yeah, it's not like they're not doing it. They could do it. It's just that they mostly haven't been, for a bit. Which makes it weird, when he wins and Max isn't there because there's fucking nothing more Lando wants to do, suddenly, than wank each other off in his hotel room so they're both all glazed before they even get to the club.
Snogging Oscar, later, is interesting - he's a bit of a perv, that Piastri. Sticks his hand down the back of Lando's suit trousers and presses a sweaty fingertip to his arsehole, like Oscar's just checking it's there or something. Reminding himself Lando's fuckable, who knows. It's not the same, though, so Lando ends up trying to jack it in bed with one foot on the floor to stop the room spinning and passing out before he makes himself come.
Then it's ages, isn't it because Max doesn't come to Monaco, either. Because he's making a home with his girlfriend and that's fine, good even, they'll probably be having kids sooner or later won't they and doesn't that make Lando feel something like vertigo. F1 race winner, dad - they're not supposed to be doing them as separate routes. They could've been both, together.
But then there's the football, yeah. And Max texts him some shit like looking pretty decent there Bob almost had me convinced you know ball and Lando's trying not to blush at his phone like an idiot or anything because sometimes, you know. It's nice, still. That Max likes him.
Obviously they have to run into fucking Oleksandr Usyk and it's a bit weird, innit, that he recognises Lando first and then Max is all in awe and trying to tell Lando who the bloke is which, right, he doesn't really care all that much.
"You'd think his face'd get more fucked up, doing all that stuff. You're looking like you've gone more rounds than him, mate-"
"Shut up." It's alright, Max taking the piss out of him. Makes him feel less self-conscious about it, really.
"Make me, then." And Max throws his fists up into some poor imitation of a boxing stance, so Lando's pretty sure he meant something else but also he's laughing and knocking his shoulder into Lando's and his mouth is pink and warm and the most familiar of any Lando's ever touched his own to.
It's not a long kiss, they're standing on a London street, in broad daylight, it'd be stupid to get all hot and heavy with it. Jesus, what if P catches them? Just their fucking luck she'd be popping out for milk or something.
But it's enough. Lando's hands closing around Max's fists to draw him close, quickly. Just a taste of each other's tongues, musky with coffee and matcha. A reminder of how they are when they're like this.
(Perfect. Lando's confident they'll sort it all out one day, just need to get the other stuff out of their systems first but they'll never stop coming back to this.)
"Didn't know boxing got you all hot and bothered, Bob." Max shoves him away a bit, only to pull them back together. It's the same way they always are.
"Nah," he feels honest, free with it, like the relief across the finish line. "Only you."
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anton-luvr · 1 year
can you do anton x gender neutral reader where he picks you up from a blind date your friend set up for you and you got stood up and he comforts you and they kiss or whatever 😭 sorry if this it too much
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𖦹 bestfriend!anton x gn!reader | fluff & slight angst | friends to lovers au 𖦹 note; tysm for requesting!! hope u like it hehe ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ + join my 100 followers req event here!
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"It's okay, I'm here."
For the first time that night, relief surges through you.
When your friend set you up for your third blind date of the week, you had a feeling it wasn't going to turn out the way you hoped it would.
And sure enough, it didn't.
Thankfully, you had Anton to come to your rescue; he was at the restaurant your date stood you up at in ten minutes.
"I swear to God, that dude's a jackass for not even showing up." Anton huffs as he leads you to his car, opening the door for you. "Get in, I'll take you home."
Sniffling, you merely nod and get into his car.
The curly haired boy sighs as he gets into the driver's seat.
"You know, maybe you should stop going on these blind dates," he scolds lightly, putting his car into drive. "They're starting to take a toll on you."
You didn't want to agree, but he was right.
For the past few months, you had been going on blind date after blind date, just to meet weirdos or get rudely rejected, which left your self-esteem wounded.
But for some reason, today hurt even more than usual.
Maybe it was because of the endless months of loneliness stacking up against you, nights spent alone in your bed.
Maybe it was seeing all of your friends happy with their partners, a bittersweet pain piercing at your heart in wonders when it was going to be your turn.
Maybe it was the stupid delusion that things would work out this time with a complete stranger that your friend said was "nice".
"God, I hate this." you groan, right before bursting into tears.
Anton feels terrible to see you crying, and he quickly pulls over by the side of the road.
"Hey, hey," he says softly, rubbing your shoulders. "It's okay."
"It's not okay!" you sputter, tears falling down your cheeks freely now. "I try and try and try, but I never find someone! Am I that hard to love?"
A sob escapes from your throat and you bury your face in your hands.
Anger boils in Anton's chest, upset to see you hurt thanks to irrelevant strangers who didn't know your worth.
But he lets you cry it out, his hand never leaving your shoulder as he rubbed comforting circles.
"Feel better?" he asks gently, passing you a tissue when your sobs finally quiet down to sniffles.
You shake your head, eyes puffy.
"I feel like shit, Anton." you admit, leaning back against the headrest.
He sighs, softly wiping away a stray tear.
"Listen to me." he says firmly.
"You're one of the most hardworking, gorgeous, talented, funniest, and most caring person I've ever met. Don't let these stupid idiots define your worth. You'll find the right one for you eventually, I'm sure."
You smile sadly at his words, chuckling.
"Yeah, maybe after ten years." you murmur.
Anton scoffs, folding his arms.
"Go on a date with me then."
Your turn to face him so fast, you hear a small crack in your neck.
"M-Me? You?" you stammer, pointing at him and yourself.
Anton doesn't know where his sudden streak of confidence came from, but he nods and leans in closer.
"Give me a chance," he whispers against your lips, cupping your cheek. "I promise I'll treat you right."
It sounds like a line right out of a cringy rom-com, but the genuine sincerity and adoration shining in his eyes says otherwise.
Your heartbeat rings in your ears, thoughts flying through your mind at the speed of light.
Never in a million years would you expect to be face to face with your best friend, his lips just millimeters away from yours right after he asked you out.
Yet it all made sense.
He was always there for you, be it at your lowest or your highest. He knew you like the back of his hand, remembering your favorite coffee order and your favorite songs.
So without hesitation, you close the distance.
Now, you've always wondered what your first kiss would be like, building up all sorts of different scenarios in your head before you slept.
But kissing Anton right now was better than anything else you could imagine.
His lips were so soft against yours, his sweet cologne tickling your nose as he pulled you closer to him. The kiss deepens, and all the noise in your head silences.
It's still silent when he slowly pulls away, his lips swollen and slightly breathless.
"I promise." Anton repeats, sealing it with a soft kiss to your cheek.
It was such a romantic moment, until your stomach grumbling loudly interrupted it.
Your eyes widen, and the both of you burst out laughing. "I think my stomach likes your promise," you joke, slightly embarrassed.
Anton giggles at this, kissing you on the cheek again. "Let's get you some food then, hm?"
You nod as Anton puts the car into drive again.
As he speeds down the roads, he keeps one hand interlaced with yours while the other steers effortlessly.
"Do you want McDonald's? Or something like Waffle House?" he asks, eyes flickering between the GPS and the road.
"Anything is fine," you assure him, squeezing his hand. "I love free food."
Anton laughs, jokingly rolling his eyes at you.
"Anything for my favorite person in the world." he whispers, smiling at you.
"It's giving simp behavior." you tease, cheeks flushing red nevertheless.
He gasps dramatically, clutching his heart as if it was wounded.
"Okay, no more free food then," he declares, shrugging.
"Hey, I was just joking!" you protest.
He laughs again, slowing down the car as he starts parking.
"Alright, time to be a simp and get you your free food!" he announces cheerfully, turning off the engine.
You've barely taken your seatbelt off when he's already out of the car, running to open your door for you.
"I see that chivalry's not dead," you say, taking his stretched out hand as you step out of his car.
"Simp behavior, remember?" he boasts.
You laugh, holding on to his warm hand.
"My best simp."
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
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summermimosas · 7 months
The Itoshi Brothers: And My Very Late Take On Them. (Part 1)
look, I've had very strong blue lock brainrot for a long time now. Rambled plenty to my dear partner-in-crime about it.
The reason this post exists is because I read almost all of the analysis posts by @/riririnnnn regarding the Itoshi brothers, and now I need to add my own two cents.
In particular, this was inspired by two posts: Rin and Sae by @/riririnnnn Rin's Ego and Aura by @/boinin
The core of this theory/analysis is: What exactly is the core of Rin's character, why it made Sae react the way he did, and why this entire mess exists in the first place.
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If you think about it, from the very beginning Rin has had no basis of ambition or foundation for himself at all. His beginnings were really humble, wherein he just watched Sae play and thought his brother looked amazing as he did it. It was admiration, and the kind of younger sibling energy that makes you want to emulate your older sibling. It isn't just about playing alongside Sae, but it's about being like Sae.
It spurs him to read Sae better because he wants to learn. And eventually, it happens. He's reading a talented player, and he has the same(?) talent within him, so it's no surprise that he shocks just about everyone when he can keep up with Sae.
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This? This is why Rin started playing football. To be like Sae, to play with Sae. Sae, sae, sae, sae- It was never of Rin's own volition. And it won't be, for a very long time.
He learns to emulate Sae, be the player Sae wanted on his team. That requires him to be precise, elegant and efficient. Sae hasn't changed fundamentally as a person even after Spain, the core remains the same. He passes to people worth passing to. And in their old team, nobody was worth passing to except Rin. So it worked out, that Rin kept associating his plays, his dreams, his ambitions, with Sae.
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I think this is why he never had an "aura" of his own- or any sort of foundation of his own, at all.
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And Sae knows this. That is exactly why this is one of the few times we see him genuinely curious (concerned?) about what Rin will do when Sae is gone. When it does have to require him thinking for himself, being his own person.
He's right to be worried.
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Because, as expected, instead of Rin becoming his own person, he takes Sae's playstyle and makes it his own. He's very good at it, mind you. Nobody understood Sae quite like he did, all this time. But it's not Itoshi Rin anymore- it really is, just, Itoshi Sae's little brother.
And he doesn't realise it just yet- but that becomes a trend. From here on out, that is what people will see him as. After all, he's made his playstyle to be viewed as such. Those elegant kicks and precise analytics that Isagi observes the first few times he plays with Rin- they're not completely Rins' at all. They're adapted, taken from Sae. It's why the beginning of the U20 Arc feels like looking at a better, more midfielder focused Rin.
It's always been the other way round.
And so, when Sae comes back four years later, he is understandably disappointed. Nor has he ever been once to mince his words. Rin could never understand- of course he couldn't, he doesn't know what's wrong. He's not letting Sae explain. Sae isn't about to explain, either. They SUCK AT COMMUNICATING, THE PAIR OF IDIOTS.
Rin, if there's one thing you shouldn't have taken from Sae, it was his pathetic style of communication.
(Rin notices how tired and unwell Sae looks- that one's more explored in the post I linked as my inspo. Not getting into that- maybe some other day? If people care enough to listen.) Rin, above all, feels betrayal and shock at the change of Sae's ambition. If Sae changed his dream, and Rin has been emulating his older brother all this time, what happens now?! What is he supposed to do!? There's really no point, then, if he can't play with Sae. The way he's been envisioning for years now. It's brutal, and it's also pathetic because neither of them care to listen to the other speak.
Sae will never understand how Rin's ambitions and connections to other people for his own sense of self work. Rin will never understand what Sae went through and why he changed. He will never know why Sae was so upset with Rin constantly, constantly viewing himself from someone else's lens.
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And Sae knows.
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Oh, he knows.
But even after that- after ALL THAT, Rin will not think of himself as a separate entity. Nonono, now it's just- defeat Sae, instead of be with Sae. Sae, sae, sae, sae-
After Blue Lock, there's more labels that come in. He's Itoshi Sae's little brother, he's the Number 1 Striker in Blue Lock, he's Isagi's shadow, rival, partner, he's Shidou's foil, counter, the center piece for the Blue Lock 11 Team- (I remind you, again, of how his playstyle and moves are described. Beautiful. Elegant. Perfectly thought out. Now take those adjectives and use them for Sae. Don't they fit better?)
But he's never Rin. Heck, he's never ever ITOSHI Rin. Why would anyone see him as Rin alone? Part 2- Explores U20 and further.
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fallloverfic · 9 months
TGCF donghua Season 2, Episode 11 thoughts
This episode was amazing alkdjlada. Spoilers for the book and donghua below.
Ah Fangxin in the coffin T-T Xie Liannnn... It's interesting they're... setting up for Hua Cheng's birthday? O.o Are they that confident they'll get to that (please be that confident, please!!)? Or just thinking "we get this in while we can in case there isn't enough"? Or just explaining why Xie Lian isn't getting out? It's a pretty (and sad) scene. And another Xiao Mengyou scene!! I'm so grateful for all the time we get alkdjaldj But also sad to think of how Lang Qianqiu thinks of him after saying all friends are false T-T
Xie Lian is so sad T-T Hua Cheng trying to comfort him. They're so cute together T-T Hua Cheng holding back so hard from hugging him.
Xie Lian destroying his statue T-T And then worrying about saving people. Hua Cheng wanting to say Something and being like... no we do what gege wants. Always.
Distracted by Xie Lian's poofy sleeves. I'm a poofy sleeves girl 4ever.
I'm a simple woman. I just like Hualian walking around together. Bein cute. Chattin. Saving people but not being in danger.
Xie Lian giving the "don't put me on a pedestal" speech T-T Love it so much. Hua Cheng being like, "yeah but idc, I'm right, you deserve to be there, no matter what others say". This man put a ring on it long ago, he ain't goin back. He Knows Things, Gege. He Knows. Things. Even more things you'd rather he didn't :/
Xie Lian's heart going doki doki
Sorry the eye swoosh made me laugh aldkjaldaj WHO ARE YOU SAN LANG TELL HIM alkjdaldkjal
Shi Qingxuan T-T And Xie Lian is so happy to see Wind Master :3 His bestie :333
Feng Xin lookin sexy with his spirit bow. I've loved spirit bows since I was like 6, okay???? I know, Fall coming out with the Hot Takes TM of "spirit bows are cool" aldkjaldaj For more Hot Takes TM, like "I just love Hualian", read more alkdjalj
Hua Cheng yoinking Xie Lian behind him made me laugh so hard alkdjalkdjaldja YOINK A GEGE
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Xie Lian's FACE alkdjaldaj "omg" aldkjaldja There's a line from tagteamme's wonderful Mobei-Jun/Shang Qinghua fanfic AN IDIOT'S GUIDE TO A HAPPY MARRIAGE that describes a flabbergasted/upset Shang Qinghua as a "wronged chicken" and that's all I can think of here alkdjaldaj
Shi Qingxuan and Feng Xin confused at The Gay: ???
Hua Cheng: -satisfied smile- Yes he is Mine
Shi Qingxuan subtitling this book: "Good intentions can easily be misinterpreted when passed around. Better to start with bad intentions, and they'll believe it!"
Feng Xin not compelled by the Gay Married Couple. He protecc Dianxia. He left and failed so many times to do just that, after all. Not like Xie Lian told him to get lost out of fear or anything &lt;;.< Oh no I be havin Feng Xin and Xie Lian feelings, as I do every day T-T
alkdjalj Poor Feng Xin. He's so terrified of women. He's just completely gone. Just nope. Cannot do anything. No function. Goodness I feel bad for every female heavenly official having to interact with him.
Hua Cheng is so handsome this episode, honestly. Every frame of him is gorgeous. And male Wind Master is back!
asldakjdladj the little ding that plays when Feng Xin notes that Qi Rong's tactics are ridiculous. Translating the ding: duhhhhhh
Nothing about Xie Lian phases Shi Qingxuan. A true friend.
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I love them so much T-T
adlkajdlkajda Hua Cheng is Xie Lian's "sworn brother" I can't with Shi Qingxuan I can't alkdjaldjaljk (yes I know this is the line in at least the English translation but I just alkjdlajda it kills me alkdjaljda). Hua Cheng is so unimpressed alkdalj "You disrespect my relationship with gege???" (I don't think he cares, but I do love that he's slightly more chill with Shi Qingxuan because Shi Qingxuan is one of the the only other people who supports Xie Lian)
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I love Shi Qingxuan so much alkdjlaj He's your friend Xie Lian T-T You have a frienddddd
Hua Cheng like, "I'm better besties with gege than you are, Feng Xin >:3 Oh right you're not friendssss anymore are you >:3 Cause you abandoned himmmmm >:3" He's not mad about it. Nope.
Feng Xin covered in blood is pretty >.>
The soft Xie Lian thank you. The happy Hua Cheng acceptance. I love them so much T-T
Hua Cheng: "Overthinking. Just focus on doing what you need to do." He always reassures his gege. He wants his gege to do whatever makes him happy.
Ahhh what a good episode T-T So much Hualian. Feng Xin angst. So pretty. So good. And hey, the subs were decent! There's already been a preview for episode 12, so we know there's at least one episode left! I feel like they'll probably end the season either right before the switch to the past or right at the beginning, which is sad, but it makes sense. I just want more T-T
Other episode thoughts for season 2 (didn’t start till episode 3):
S02E11 (you are here)
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Got another question that might result in another novel-long response:
I learned "the truth" about Torts from RSV recently. How would the RSV townies react to walking in on the Farmer casually having a full-on conversation with Torts? Like they're talking about some deep, profound shit and playing with the water in his pond all the while treating him as if he actually understands what they're saying. He does, of course, but they don't know that, lol.
(maybe include vanilla SDV, and SVE characters, if you so choose :3)
I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised by this turn of events with Torts :D
Got a lot of residents, so hopefully you won't mind if it's exclusively Ridgeside Village characters here. I also decided not to add Ray and Belinda because (⚠️ spoilers!), they have a special event where they learn the truth about Torts, hee hee... Anyway, thanks again for the question! Enjoy 🫰💕
The people of Ridgeside Village react to the Farmer talking to Torts:
This is no surprise to Keahi, Trinnie and Yuuma - the children themselves often talk to Torts when they are caring for or playing with him. And even if it's just ordinary chatting like "do you like these leaves, Torts?" or "how are you doing, Torts?" rather than philosophical conversations, most of the words of which the trio doesn't know yet, it's not strange for them. Even the opposite, the same Yuuma will thank Farmer for keeping the turtle company while he and the others were busy. Keahi and Trinnie will jump on the spot with joy, because yay, Torts has another friend!
"Yo, are you talking to a turtle? If you want, I can keep you company, hee hee!" Oh, here comes Blair. The curious girl couldn't pass up the opportunity to find out why Farmer was talking to Torts like that. Huh, that's a little silly. Especially since Farmer might enjoy talking philosophy with her, their future wife.... Okay, she's just kidding! Doesn't really pay much attention to Farmer's weirdness, except as an opportunity to tease them a bit.
The Amethyne family, accompanied by servants, happen to catch Farmer with Torts discussing about philosophical matters, and everyone's reaction is... different. Maive, for example, will be annoyed that the current youngsters are wasting their time, Louie will start muttering about how strange and idiot Farmer is, Irene and Zayne will be slightly concerned about Farmer's mental state. Sonny will remain unemotional, but deep down will be glad that the young farmer respects fauna (albeit a bit strange), and Ariah will find Farmer's conversation interesting and would like to discuss the complex topics of sociology, epistemology and ontology (it's a pity she is completely immersed in her studies tho).
The situation was so unusual that even Daia didn't tease Farmer, and only listened interestedly to what Farmer was telling the ordinary turtle. Questions about life and death, the flow of time.... Hmm, strange. The girl's gut tells her that something is not right. She's dying to find out what's going on... But after she does tease the Farmer a bit! *giggle*
The weird and annoying Farmer does weird and annoying things, and as long as it doesn't involve Dr. Aguar - he doesn't care at all. However, if he knows that the Farmer has an innate magical gift, he might be a little interested in it. Maybe they have the gift of talking to all animals? Aguar wouldn't mind using such an ability in his next experiments...
Aguar's assistant, Maddie, would just roll her eyes and snort at the stupidity of the situation. Talking to a turtle - they must have a lot of free time to spend on such absurdity... Don't you dare, Farmer, to even think about distracting her from work!
Hah, Jeric had never thought of talking to animals as something out of the ordinary, because the young man often cooed with his hens on the farm, but discussing questions about immortality and universal power was something new even for him. And it's as if the Farmer is waiting for the turtle to answer. A little confused, but leaves Farmer and Torts alone without giving it much attention.
"Um... Everything okay, Farmer?" Walking together, Paula and Anton worriedly glanced at each other, not knowing how to react to this. It just looked to them as if Farmer, unable to bear being alone, had started talking to the turtle. Taking a seat next to Farmer, Anton will awkwardly start a conversation, trying to see if Farmer is okay while Paula, sitting on the other side, observes Farmer's behaviour and reactions. Both convinced that Farmer is okay, they reminded lastly that they can always talk to them.
"Oh, it's a... little weird, but we won't bother you..." Shanice, Richard, Pika, Malaya, and Rorenzo were trying to be as polite as possible to Farmer, who is talking directly to the turtle. At the same time, Ezekiel, Burt, Olga, and Bryle will sincerely make a WTF face and ask what's wrong with Farmer. A group of residents that were trying to be polite, slightly shush the other group so they don't hurt Farmer's feelings. Well, they talk to the turtle, so what? That's no reason to be mean to them.
To be honest, the first thing Philip wanted to do when he saw such an unusual situation was to check on Farmer's condition. Because it's very hot today, and wonder if Farmer might be a little sick..... No offense to him, the doctor's instincts in him kicked it harder, so he decided to check on Farmer's health just in case. Well, as long as all is well, then Phillip won't keep Farmer from socializing with the, uh, turtle.
Lenny is sure to get a laugh out of this situation. "I see you've decided to befriend absolutely everyone here, ha ha!" Even though she is teasing the youth, deep down she is happy to see that the newly arrived farmer, whom Lewis had earlier praised, treats not only people but animals as well with kindness and respect.
Interesting, but Flor, Kiarra and June will ask permission to join Farmer to talk about different topics. Their dialogue with the turtle seemed quite interesting, and they would like to answer Farmer's questions directed towards Torts (which the turtle won't answer, naturally). Who would have thought such an interesting discussion could happen near a small turtle pond. Weird? Oh no, they don't think Farmer is weird.
"Don't even try to offer fish. He's quite fussy about food I gave him... Aye, did give this turtle some nice pollock - I could eat that fish myself!" Carmen will only smile radiantly at the Farmer, who will sit next to the turtle pond and play with the water. In the eyes of the industrious fisherman, the Farmer is exactly like her hija, not averse to playing, and therefore not at all surprised at the Farmer playing with Torts.
Man, Sean would have loved to stay with Farmer and ask why they were chatting and hanging out with a turtle.... Except Ian grabbed his coworker by the collar of the shirt, urging Sean back to their office. So much work and packages to do - and Sean's picking on the Farmer and the turtle! Ian doesn't have time to find out what Farmer is doing, and no, Sean, you don't have time either.
"Maybe he's... hungry? We've already had some fruit ripening." Kimpoi is still making attempts to learn how to communicate with people again without worry, but the situation where Farmer is discussing the meaning of life with the turtle caught him off guard. Well, he's trying at least...
"Good day to you, young adventurer." Given that Lola and Freddie had seen a lot of strange things in their line of work, a farmer talking to a turtle was not unusual for them. Though they themselves were assassins in their youth, the couple has seen all sorts of adventurers wielding magic: the elements of nature, the invisible, talking to animals and trees.... So Freddie and Lola just smile at the farmer politely.
"Farmer, I think your friend has left you." Shiro thought that Farmer was talking to one of the residents, and didn't even notice the person they were talking to was no longer with Farmer. Recognizing that it was the turtle they were talking to, Shiro let out a quiet "ok" and walked away.
"What are you doing, Farmer?" Faye, Ysabelle, Corine, and Alissa were discussing what dresses they would wear to the next party as Corine noticed Farmer sitting near a small pond. The girls literally take an interest in Farmer and Torts for a couple minutes, and then immediately leave Farmer alone and move on to more important matters. Except that Alissa will offer some fresh fruit or berries from the farm for the cute turtle, and Corine will offer some lettuce leaves that were definitely left at Pika's restaurant.
"Kiwi tried to climb on the turtle's back. Kiwi wanted to go for a ride! The turtle got angry and threw Kiwi off..... Kiwi will get revenge! Got knives!" Kiwi keeps her distance, watching Farmer and the Torts, but doesn't dare come any closer. After the 'Torts Rodeo' ended in failure, Kiwi still holds a grudge against the turtle. And will now keep an eye on Farmer: what if they and turtle are evil duo?
Depending on how well Jio knows Farmer, his reaction will be different : if they barely know each other and Spirit's Realm is still under Gabriella's control, Jio will just think Farmer is an idiot. But, after all the events... Hmm, there's a reason Farmer would be talking to a random turtle.... He need to follow up on that.
Kenneth remembers how he too used to mumble about his inventions to his dog, Buddy. Buddy always barked happily at all the stories his master told him. Kenneth misses him so much..... Farmer's philosophical discussion with the turtle reminded the electrician for these times. He felt a little sad at the memory. And no, it wasn't strange to him that the new Farmer was chatting with the turtle.
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buttercupfiction · 13 days
first impressions - the Renegade
as promised, the first of the ro povs is here! as the poll winner, the Renegade's is up first, while the next in line will be the Companion's :)
Well, peaceful is a more apt word, because the Matchstick certainly can't be described as 'quiet'.
It's been a quiet night so far.
As far as he's concerned, any night where he isn't bothered by some idiot is a peaceful one. And tonight has been as such. Dog made sure of it.
The scruffy mutt has been lying at his feet the whole evening, growling at anyone stupid enough to try to approach him and scaring them away.
He makes a mental note to try to find some kind of a treat for it later on; it's well deserved. Though he'll have to be careful Ness doesn't see him being all sentimental like that, or she'd tease him till kingdom come.
Contrary to his relaxed appearance, he's been keeping an eye on the room, watching out for trouble, so when he sees Jeremy making a beeline in his direction, he knows his time of respite has come to an end.
Ugh, what's the problem now?
He didn't spot anything warranting his interference last he checked, and he sure as hell isn't in the mood for another one of Vanessa's plans to get him to socialize.
"Hey. Your time to shine," Jeremy tells him, giving Dog a scritch on the head, which he eagerly accepts, tongue lolling out and tail thumping left and right on the floor.
'Hmph, no loyalty here,' he narrows his eyes at the dog. 'You're lucky I already decided I’m getting you that treat...'
Casting his eyes around the room once again, he sighs, "So, what is it?"
Jeremy's kind enough to point out the issue, motioning with his hand to a table near the entrance. Though, it's just... two people rough-housing.
"That little scuffle?"
"Ma thinks it's gonna escalate."
As if to prove his point, one of the two lashes out as they continue tussling, and some poor schmuck a bit too close to them lands on the floor.
Ha. Well, fair enough.
He gets up from his seat, crossing the room in a few quick strides before finding himself right behind the two idiots who haven't even noticed him approach.
He makes quick work of grabbing each of them by the back of the neck and slamming them against the table they're in front of, hearing the satisfying thunk their heads make against the wooden surface. Maybe they'll get sober quicker if he shakes 'em up enough?
Getting them up and marching them out the door is an easy task, and throwing them out in the street on their asses is even easier.
"Go home." He doesn't bother telling them anything else and leaves them to pick themselves up from the floor, turning on his heel to go back inside, where the revelry has recommenced.
He's about to go take a seat at the bar and get a drink, when, completely unprovoked, Ness smacks him on the shoulder as he passes her by.
"Ow. What was that for?"
"Manners. Be nice, they're new here," she nods her head to somewhere behind him, and he turns around dutifully, rolling his eyes all the while.
He spots the person she pointed him to, standing at the table those two idiots were brawling at. Hmm, they look vaguely familiar...
Oh, that's right. That's the one that was on the floor.
What's that got to do with him, though? It's not like he's the one who threw them there.
...Ugh, fine.
He narrows his eyes a bit as he looks them over, noticing the way they're holding their wrist. Did they get injured during that little tussle?
'...Well, again, not my fault,' he tells himself, steadfastly ignoring the little nagging voice in the back of his mind that's telling him that it kind of is, because if he had intervened sooner, that wouldn't've happened.
He sighs. This little staring contest has been going on for too long now.
"You good?" he half-asses the question, eager to get this over with and return to his peaceful solitude.
you can read the second half on patreon!
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
So for all the TTB couples: who said I love you first?
.... Shit this about to get lengthy.
HoundxMirage: Mirage, mid-war while he’s tending to a Hound who’s becoming delirious from a badly-infected wound and a fever on the field and they have to wait for backup to come get them. Hound tells him to go after they somehow narrowly manage to escape a Decepticon patrol, he’s deadweight at this point, just leave him. Mirage tells him to stop being an idiot, and tries to keep Hound awake (Don't sleep, please don't sleep, you might not wake up, they're almost here) by talking about the first time they met and how this situation mirrors the time Hound braved Decepticon prison camps to find him after the Autobots faced of against the Cons for the first time to free their incarcerate comrades. And how shocked Mirage was to see him there, because Mirage wasn't expecting anyone to come. And Hound asks what he said then, and Mirage repeats his memory of the moment to Hound; That Mirage himself had told Hound to leave before they catch them both, he's just deadweight at this point, and Hound told him to stop being silly, he knows the Bots have their misgivings, but he trusts you, and he's not leaving a friend behind. And Mirage admits how trite that was, but how earnest and sincere Hound made it sound. How profound it was to have someone understand for once that his work requires him to wear masks, to put on airs, and Hound trusted him all the same for it. And how silly it felt in the moment to love Hound for something as mundane and simple as that. By that time, help finally gets to them and Mirage can breathe again, and he figures that Hound (who sleeps for several days recovering) might have forgotten about it, it's a silly notion, he must think the same. But when Hound properly wakes up, the first thing he asks Mirage, who's reading by his bedside, is if it was true. What Mirage had said about loving him. And Mirage is silent for a while, before deciding to throw away the mask of propriety, because Hound is one of the few who have seen him without it, and Hound has ALWAYS been open with him, and he won't give Hound any less than that deserved honesty. Yes, he loves you, he loved you in that fleeting moment, and he's loved you ever since, and he's tired of pretending what he feels is anything less than that... but he understands completely if you don't feel the same way. And Hound laughs weakly because he could never have imagined someone like Mirage--a gentleman, talented, and beautiful, but also braver than anyone gives him credit for and with a conviction to do good that so few have despite his privilege--could fall in love with him, some ex-military farm boy Wulver from Shetland, and he'd been content for the longest time to love Mirage in silence (Plants Mirage's favorite flowers/produce, always volunteers to model Mirage's new works, cares for Mirage's pets personally when Mirage is away on a mission, makes sure no one in his presence badmouths Mirage for literally doing what it is the Bot leadership enlisted him for in the first place). Hound's still a little loopy at this point, but asserts that since they're puttin' all cards on the table now, he loves you too, Merry, and god ain't they gonna be a sight at those fancy parties you're going to have to attend with a Plus One. Mirage laughs and kisses his forehead, and says that if they get kicked out, he'd see that as a plus point. He doesn't let go of Hound's hand as Hound drifts off again, and falls asleep next to him (Ratchet allows it for one night).
SideswipexStongarm: Sideswipe, during a sparring session of all things because OF COURSE THESE TWO WOULD. It would be while Sunny is still absent but after he and Strongarm have established that they Have Feelings for each other, but haven't said the words yet. Strongarm's recovering from an injury and needs the practice because she feels useless and is about get cabin fever and claw at the drywall if she's passed over for field work again. Sideswipe calls her stubborn, she's be like "hell yeah where'd you think THAT rubbed off from, Red?" and he's like "lol touche" and goes with it. He trounces her at every turn though, cause he's got his mojo back and has, with his house arrest, had time to learn a couple of new things, but she's unfocused and frustrated and it's actually clear that he's not giving it is 100% and is careful to avoid aggravating her still-healing injuries. When the slip-up seemingly happens and he immediately drops everything to check on her, she takes the chance to take him down and calls him out for falling for the oldest trick in the book as they're both lying on the floor, and he, without missing a beat says "yeah well, you know what they say about people doing stupid shit when they're in love." Record-screech, and a flat "what" from Strongarm as he repeats it again and she punches him in the arm because DUDE WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM and he just cackles because really, REALLY ?? HEY REMEMBER LIKE, THAT ONE TIME WE WERE ON THE BEACH AND YOU WERE LIKE "HEY YOU THINK I'D PUT ALL THIS GODDAMN EFFORT INTO THIS ZUPPA INGLESE FOR SOME CHUMP I DIDN'T CARE ABOUT", babe it's 3am and he could be in bed but no, he's here bruised and sweaty and prepping for a flying kidney dish from Ratchet when the doc finds out, and you really think he'd risk Ratchet's wrath for someone he didn't love? You really think you get to give him a reason to keep looking forward to another day and be the reason he doesn't feel like half a person anymore without him being stupidly twitterpatted over all 5'6 of you?
Strongarm's got her face in her hands --she'd self-immolate if she went any redder---and bemoans with a small laugh that he's got AWFUL timing---"I love you" in the middle of a sparring session ffs, where's the ROMANCE? THE ROSE PETALS AND CANDLE LIGHT? HARLEQUIN LIED TO HER. Sideswipe's howling at the revelation that YOU USED TO READ THAT STUFF??? but he's got a gleam in his eyes as he turns over so he's half on top of her and offers to say it again, under the right circumstances this time. She turns the tables on him again, gives him the kind of kiss that has him as flushed and gasping for air as she is, and tells him she still can't believe he's got her this messed up over him, but they've also still got three hours before dawn, so they should definitely take his little redo somewhere more y'know, comfortable (Let's just say they find a more pleasurable way to burn off her excess energy).
WindbladexStarscream: The question isn’t who said “I love you” first, it’s how many times these morons decided to say it post-war in their native languages thinking they were being slick before one of them (Windblade) eventually decides to let the game end and explain that hey, listen, you know she’s picked up plenty of Italian since you moved in with her right? And you’re at 499 “Ti Amos” right now so how about you make number 500 special and tell her to her face right now how you really feel? And he’s cackling because he’s Still Starscream and HAH 499! HE PEGGED YOU AT 495 AISHITERUS HE WINS THIS ROUND until Windblade nearly pisses herself laughing (“YOU WERE KEEPING TRACK?!” “YOU WERE KEEPING TRACK?!!”) and shuts him up with a kiss and is all OH MY GOD YOU’RE IMPOSSIBLE NEVER CHANGE BUT JUST SAY THE WORDS ALREADY and he does! In English that is! And repeats it three more times interspaced with kisses, because he doesn’t want her to forget this moment. And he thinks he's got her, being suave and heartfelt about it and all, until she asks him, apropos of nothing, if he wants to see the prize he won for those 500 "I love yous" and he's a blustery, squawking mess when she pulls out an engagement ring. By now they've become domestically comfortable friends with benefits, but a part of him still thinks she sees him just as that---a fun fling of a best friend. This is wonderful and all, but she couldn't POSSIBLY want like, an actual married life with him right? The FIRST DELEGATE HERSELF officially, PUBLICLY attached to a feral ex-con gremlin with a rep sheet? And Windblade is all are you kidding? Yes, she ABSOLUTELY wants the world to know that you're hers and there's nothing any of them can do about it, not any more. So how about you stay, and find out if we can reach the 1 million ILY mark together? Starscream can't say no---he has stake in the game now oh man, he wants to see which one of them can get there first, he wants to be there for every milestone, and he concedes that she's won this one. She's won this one, and he's genuinely never been happier that she got him good.
RavagexLaserbeak: Ravage, near end-war when they were caught in Shockwave’s Positive Reinforcement prison and were fed visions of an alternate universe type situation where they’re Completely Normal (Full Human), and Laserbeak is far more entranced with the elaborate illusion of freedom and acceptance than he is (as she looks more ‘monstrous’ /non-human than he does—and cannot pass in society). She finds it very hard to leave this simulation and he hears her insecurities front and centre now, the ones she always hides behind a cheerfully nihilistic grin of “I’m cool! It doesn’t bother me at all!” (Narrator voice: It bothered her deeply), while she’s kind of a snotty mess after she interacts with some of simulated humans/children who don’t sneer at her, don’t pull away from her touch, don’t look at her like she’s a freak because she KNOWS it’s not real she knows it’s too good to be real she knows but is it really so bad to want this for herself? For them? And Ravage tells her that some days when things get really hard out there, it’s that he wants this for her that he continues to fight on. Because he loves her, in a fleeting and dehumanising world where every mission could be theirs last and they were all they had for years; he’s always loved her, and she deserves a world like this, a real world like this, and it’s going to be hard but they’ll get there together. And it snaps her out of it. Because it’s so hard and it’s UNFAIR and CRUEL that they should HAVE to fight so hard to just be seen as worthy of personhood… but Soundwave fights for them, and Ravage fights for her, and to give that real love up for something fake and easy is something she won’t do. Ravage loves her, and she will fight to love him AND herself in an imperfect, but real world, through heartache and joy both.
Dratchet: Drift. Drift already knows he definitely sees Ratchet more than a friend, and Ratchet himself is struggling with that revelation for himself, but they try to keep it professional up until near to the end of the war, when Unicron becomes a massive threat and Drift is picked by by Onyx Prime to become their champion/conduit. Now, Drift can see spirits, and lives with a one-foot-in-the-living one-foot-in-the-grave mentality ever since he survived a neath-death experience which gave him that ability, and Onyx choosing to momentarily fuse with him gives him Psychopomp abilities that allow him to 'dance between the curtain' of life and death. However, this is all very unsettling for Ratchet, who's always 'fought death' as a doctor, and he's gets upset when he tries to touch Drift before Drift goes off for a mission to rally the souls of Sentinel Prime's dead men, and his hands go right through Drift. And he hates this. He hates that Drift is like a ghost now, that they're not on the same plane. He hates that he can't help Drift if something happens there, that Drift is going where he can't follow. And he doesn't want to lose Drift for a third time. But Drift tells Ratchet that there won't be a third time, because he's been dancing with Death his entire life so much so that he might as well be the embodiment of it---all the close calls, all the lives he took, all the souls he's attempted to help find peace in atonement---but every time he steps too close to the edge of the abyss, it's always been Ratchet who'd given him back his will to live and who'd shown him the value of a life when he'd become almost desensitized to it. And he'll do just that. Live. Death's call for him to take that final step and wear its mantle may be strong, but he'll fight to live and fight to come back to you because he loves you, Ronan Chase--the literal embodiment of Life and what it means to fight for it, in his eyes--and Death can wait a little longer, because his last dance will be with you. He manages to focus and phase himself back whole so he can kiss the knuckles of Ratchet's hands--these hands which saved him more times than he can count--before Ratchet pulls him in for a proper kiss and holds him to his word, because we have a lot to talk about, so come home to him when you're done.
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pure-garbage · 2 months
Goddess Of Death? The Blood Of A Heretic
Chapter Warnings: Angst, Gore, Sexual Themes. Minors DNI
Zoro was alarmed that he made it back to the Merry before the girls, but he held his anxiety in check.
"Zoro! What happened?!" Usoppp demanded when he came aboard.
"He's hurt!" Chopper cried. "Oh god, someone! Please call the doctor! He's bleeding, hurry! Doctor! Doc- Oh wait, that's me!"
"Just a few scratches," Zoro grumbled. He reached back in annoyance, gauging the depth of the lash marks. "If you really wanna help, you could draw up water for a bath or three. Nami and Lana will need you to look them over when they get back too."
"On it! Can you tell me how bad they're hurt?" Chopper asked.
"Not too bad, I don't think so anyway."
"Hang on a minute!" Sanji cut in, drawn out from the cabin by the commotion. "Lana and Nami are injured? Tell me what happened!"
"Lovesick idiot cook," Zoro growled. "Ask them yourself when they get back."
"Hey! You're not off the hook yet, shitty swordsman!" Sanji called as Zoro walked away. "How could you leave them behind all by themselves? Answer me!"
"Ask them for yourself!"
Zoro settled down in the crows nest, keeping a weather eye out for the girls' return.
'Lana can take care of herself and Nami. That bastard only got the drop on her once because of his trick darts. I slaughtered the rest of his shitty crew before I left. There's nothing keeping them. They're just taking their time... but with what?'
The memory of Lana's stricken expression rose from the recesses of Zoro's mind. That mortification, her horror, the revulsion and panic he'd seen on her face...
'I messed up! If I wouldn't have been so sloppy, I wouldn't have been captured,' Zoro berated himself. 'I could have found them and freed them before that bastard had the chance to touch Lana!'
His turbulent thoughts settled as he spotted Lana and Nami approaching.
"Zoro! The water's ready!" Chopper called.
Zoro made his was down while Sanji dashed off the ship to meet the girls.
"Nami-swan! Lana swee- uhhh..." he trailed off as she came closer. Zoro soon saw what had rendered the cook speechless. This wasn't what he'd been expecting, but somehow, he wasn't surprised.
"Lana! That- that's so much BLOOD!" Usopp shrieked.
"I'm gonna pass out," Chopper moaned.
"It's not hers," Zoro assured them grimly.
"Whoa... Lana, you look like you mauled someone!" Luffy gawked as the girls boarded.
"Mauled is a great word for what happened," Nami said, looking a bit shell-shocked. "Eviscerated isn't bad either."
"Come on," Zoro sighed, reaching for Lana's dripping, scarlet hand. "There's clean water waiting."
Lana's eyes locked to his past the gore covering her. She let him pull her into the washroom while Chopper guided Nami into the cabin.
"Go ahead. Say it."
Lana's tone was completely flat, entirely dead.
"What's that?" Zoro prompted, closing the door behind them.
"I'm disgusting. I know you're thinking it. Sanji was too, I could see it in his face. Just say-"
Zoro silenced her with a sloppy, rushed kiss that he regretted almost immediately. He forced himself to stop, breath coming hard as he pulled back.
"Sorry, Lana, sorry. I should have asked first," he mumbled quickly as she shook in his arms. "After what just happened, I shouldn't-"
"Shut up!" she growled, surging up onto her toes to return the kiss, just as messy and desperate as he'd been seconds earlier. He shivered deeply when she sucked his tongue into her mouth, demanding his presence inside her like he was the cure to everything wrong she was feeling. He followed her silent command, gripping her tight as she broke in his arms a little, losing herself gratefully to the possessive fervor he devoured her with.
They only stopped to breathe when they started to feel dizzy. Zoro pressed his forehead to hers while she sank all ten of her fingers into his hair, holding onto him like a lifeline. As blood squelched loudly between them, Lana muttered, quick and quiet.
"You never need permission to kiss me. These lips belong to you, Zoro. Say you understand."
He nodded his assent with solemn enthusiasm.
"I do."
"You don't think I look gross right now?" she demanded.
"I think you look like the goddess of death herself," Zoro purred, wiping blood spatter from her cheeks to catch her blushing.
"Sweet talker," she teased. She let him peel her clothes off, sinking into the chilly water before either of them could get too excited.
"Let me see your back," he requested. She obliged, splashing her front while he wiped carefully around the whip marks on her back.
"Weakling barely broke the skin," Zoro growled. He bent to press kisses to the welts, running his tongue soothingly over any that weren't open wounds. Lana loosed a hiss that faded into a sated sigh. She took the rag from his hands, allowing him to continue his worship of her battered flesh while she went to work scrubbing blood off herself.
"Clean my hair for me?"
He did as she asked, gentle fingers separating long violet strands and sinking down to rub her scalp indulgently.
"Did I ever tell you how beautiful your hair is?" he murmured at her ear.
"Even when it's not full of blood?" Lana chuckled wryly.
"Even then."
"Thank you."
"Tip your head up."
He cupped his hands, bringing water up three, four times to clear the soap from her silky lengths. He took advantage of the angle she was at, placing a tender kiss on her forehead. The bath was solid red by now, Lana's skin shining in the dim light of the oil lamp. She rose, leaving Zoro breathless as he watched water sliding off her figure in rivulets.
'She's glorious.'
"Your turn," she informed him, tugging his shirt off while he protested.
"No, that's- I just took a bath!"
"Get in so I can clean your back," she insisted softly.
"I don't like the cold water!"
"I warmed it up for you. Go ahead."
"Just wipe me down and- Lana!"
He rose abruptly, but she kept going, tugging his pants persistently.
"C'mere Zoro."
She stepped up, balancing on the edge of the tub to tower over him. The shift in perspective was jarring. She nudged his chin up, claiming his lips from her new vantage while he held her hips to make sure she was steady.
"Your goddess commands it," she joked against his lips, running a hand through his hair.
"Don't wanna," he grumbled.
"Look down."
His eyes followed the path of her finger, eyes settling on the dark water that rocked slowly with the motion of the ship.
"The blood of a heretic," she rasped vengefully at his ear. "You're telling me you'd pass up the chance to bathe in it? Isn't that just a touch sacrilegious, Zoro?"
Zoro moaned at her words, struck through with blinding, visceral desire at the horrific, savage suggestion. He buried his face in her breasts as she pushed his pants down and he stepped out of them compliantly.
"I won't come out very clean," he managed, his will to resist her completely broken.
"Shut up and get in the tub."
<== Previous Chapter
Next Chapter ==>
== First Chapter ==
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oceangirl24 · 1 year
Sick Day
Tumblr media
Shawn is really sick. Audrey is really out of town. And Jon really doesn't know what to do.
Shawn's fear of hospitals and doctors was much stronger than Jon realized. Shawn managed to get himself out of the truck before Jon got out and started toward the Urgent care center on his own. He didn't get far when he realized where Jon had brought him.
"Uh-uh!" As adrenaline surged through his body, Shawn suddenly felt well enough to high tail it back to the truck.
Jon was flabbergasted. "What is your problem?"
"You're not taking me in there! I wasn't serious about wantin' to die!"
"Shawn, we're gonna get you antibiotics. You can't go through another night like last night. I know I can't go through another night like that."
"I am not goin' in there."
In his fevered state and panic, Shawn grabbed hold of the truck's door handle awkwardly and gave it a arduous tug. The door responded by slamming the side of his head. Hard.
Jon turned him around and inspected his face. "Nice job. That's gonna leave a mark."
"It's my face," Shawn winced and tried to push Jon away. "What do you care?"
"Because I'm about to take you into a doctor's office with a red mark on your face. You know what they're gonna think in there?"
Shawn looked at him with a hand over one eye. "That truck doors hate me?"
"That I hit you!"
Shawn grimaced from pain and the absurdity of anyone thinking Jon was capable of that. Shawn had experience with those who did hit kids, but only an idiot would think his teacher was one of them.
"I'll just tell them I ran into the truck door."
"You tell 'em that and they will think I hit you!" Jon stuck his hands in his hair and reconsidered taking Shawn inside. Then he reminded himself that neither of them could handle another sleepless night.
"Let's go."
"No, thanks."
Jon made a grab for the teen. Shawn unsteadily dodged him, almost falling onto the hood of the truck. The English Lit teacher swore under his breath as he got hold of the back of Shawn's leather jacket.
"So help me, Hunter, if I have to carry you in there..."
Shawn would have put up a harder fight but between the look Jon was giving him and the way his head suddenly felt like it was no longer attached to his body, he gave up and let himself be pulled along.
Inside the Urgent Care Center, Shawn altered between ready to run and ready to pass out. When he wasn't in pass out mode, he harassed his teacher about anything that came to mind to distract himself from where they were.
As irritating as the kid was, the paperwork was worse. Jon couldn't get pass the first page of the form he was given to fill out.
Relationship to minor:  __________
He was Shawn's unofficial guardian. That was all. The only paperwork he had to prove this was sitting in his desk drawer at home. He didn't know what to do.
A nurse came over to them just as Jon snapped at Shawn to stop asking for Mom. The teen responded by growling into Jon's shoulder then whimpering that he going to throw up. The nurse smiled in amusement at their back and forth. She reached for the paperwork in Jon's hand and took it before he could protest that it wasn't complete. Glancing over the paperwork, she saw the line that wasn't filled in.
"Hey," Shawn said to her. "Can you call my mom?"
"Why do you want your mom, hun?" She could almost diagnose what was wrong just by looking at him. A lot of teens had been coming through lately.
He glared at Jon. "Because he doesn't know what he's doin'. I shouldn't be here. I should be home sleepin'."
"Where is your mom?"
"In New York with her dad. She'd come back if she knew how sick I am and where he brought me."
"She's the one who told me to bring you here by the way," Jon snapped back. "Be mad at her."
They glared at each other, and the nurse chuckled. She clicked her pen open and filled in the missing information.
Relationship to minor: Father
Read the Rest:
AO3 FFN WattPad
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medicdoodles · 8 months
For Day 1 of Dritchet Week 2022: Hungry and Pain
||(Day 2)||(Day 3)||(Last Day)
Siege Ratchlock. After two bots beat the hell out of Drift he meets a kind mech with a kond touch. A touch that will leave him with a hunger he can't fill.
The Dead End, damp, cold, unyielding and cruel to all of it's citizens. Old bots or new, here not even the light of the sun would give it's people hope.
Drift was a straggler, whatever whites he had were long soild. The aches, damage, pain on his frame have long pass the point of background static. Walking with no direction, walking because it made time move forward faster. Because it was harder than to let his thoughts take over.
"Like that one." An enforcer voice clip rang in Drift's microphone. "You there, we're investigating this rumor and would like your cooperation." They speed up to catch up to him.
Drift keeps walking, he stop caring a long time ago about bots trying to talk to him. "There's talk of a medic running an unauthorized medical center here in Dead End. Have you any information?"
"No." Primus, what kind of idiot would build a hospital here. They're just going to get their supplies stolen. That's not including whatever gang leader plan for them.
"Maybe we ought to smoke him out." The other bot following him to his left said. "Obviously these low lifes ain't gonna to tells us where their biggest hit will come from."
They push Drift to the ground, one of the microphones in his finals blew out. The metal crack in half, and one of the enforcers bent in his armor inwards. The exhaust goes up his throat, the fine grounded energon leave his mouth full of grit. The bands on in his engine snap, and it starts to click as the first warning of his system about to dying.
There was a touch...
It was gentle, kind, coaxing him to wake up. Then a soft light enters his vision, too blurry to figure out where he is. Nothing really but a nice cyan blue against a faint gold aura. Drift didn't want to get up. You think being dead wouldn't hurt this much. Or even that you get to sleep in more but no, guess the universe doesn't work like that.
"Come on...", a voice came from the left side of his frame spoke. It too was soft, even though the it was on the lower register. "I know it hurts but please wake up." Melodic, cooing at his mic, making the fins flutter. However, it also carried a sorrow to it. As if it already knows that Drift has past away.
That soft touch turns into a gentle caress. It first pinches his dulled claws, then it moves to hold his hand. It feels so good that when it tries to move away Drift tightens around the retreating hand and pulls them closer. "Not yet..." Drift couldn't recognize his own voice. There was too much static, flipping through to many different stations to try to sound coherent. "Just a few more seconds..." he tries to plead with the kind touch.
Drift is not too sure about how he wakes up. All he sees is that bright cyan turn into a handsome face with the most divine smile. He can feel his intake start to go dry, and a hunger he's never known form. The way the other mech's field intermingled with his, relief joy and pride. It was all so beautiful and that's when he knows that he could never be full again, not without that wonderful field around him.
He finally opens his eyes and really looks back at the mech. "Oh thank Goodness." The mostly white bot squeezes their hands. "Your alright." His grey faceplate stopped worrying showing his true beauty.
"Yeah... I guess I am." How could either of them know that Ratchet would doom him completely.
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purrincess-chat · 2 years
I feel like I've been hit by a sledgehammer bc of this ep. Understandably so that people who didn't want pre reveal Adrienette dating are upset and I can get behind that. But I feel like I'm bummed out bc now I think that pre reveal Adrienette dating is not well and terrible. I do enjoy it, but seeing other people's opinions just made me disheartened. Makes me feel like I'm the best who's dumb or stupid for enjoying it.
So, a couple bits of advice that I find work quite well for me:
Stop reading people's salt posts because they're almost always written in bad faith from places of anger, meant to antagonize, and they pass their opinions off as fact, so of course anyone who dares disagree is a fucking idiot because they deem their opinion as the only valid one. (which people like that in general are just yikes)
Filters are your friends. Tumblr has a quite effective filtering system. You can filter words, phrases, usernames, tags, literally anything you don't want to see. If it's someone that you generally like and don't want to unfollow them because of their opinions, ask them nicely to use a specific tag for those kinds of posts so you can filter them. Now you don't have to look at them.
If fandom is stressing you out, take a break. It's the holiday season. Go visit friends and family, decorate some cookies, eat something delicious, go outside and go for a walk and get some fresh air. I am a strong advocate for taking breaks from fandom to clear your head and realign your priorities. Fandom is supposed to be fun. Sometimes people just forget that and take things way too seriously. Take a week off. If that's too much, take a day. Do something else for a bit, and I promise when you come back you'll realize how silly it is to let other people dictate your feelings.
And if anyone is angry at you for having the audacity to *checks notes* enjoy something and is telling you that you're stupid for enjoying something, then that says a lot more about them than it does about you, babe. People can vague post about me until their fingers fall off, but I have neither the energy nor desire to care because I'm not sorry for enjoying what I enjoy. Art and media are subjective, and plenty of people enjoy different aspects of the same source material based on their personal experiences, beliefs, and preferences. One idea isn't better than the other, no matter what anyone says. If you like something, that is totally and completely valid. You don't need to justify it to anyone. (not to mention arguing over the same two ass people has always been and always will be silly to me like the reveal is gonna happen and everything is going to be one dynamic anyway so why are yall pressed)
Additionally, if it helps, I can tell you the reasons why I love their development this season.
As someone who has always related to their dynamic in particular, and whose favorite part of their side is watching Adrien fall for her, the whole shift this season has had me really giddy. From the very first episode of this show, Marinette has been scheming and planning ways to get Adrien to notice her/tell him she loves him. We've seen her grow and overcome her jealousy, we've seen her put him first, we've seen her care about him when no one else did, we've seen her fight for him, which most of those he never even knew because she didn't do those things to make him love her, she did them because she loves him. I've loved the direction they took their dynamic this season with Adrien finally realizing that Marinette means so much to him and coming to understand those special feelings for her are love at the same time that Marinette is dealing with heavy trauma surrounding him. And just the absolute tender way Adrien approaches her and tries to help her through all of that is just *chefs kisses*
It shows huge development on their part for Marinette to even be able to admit that she loves him and wants to be with him (even just by raising her hand). And Adrien meeting her where she is and not putting her down for not being able to speak her mind, but instead being so incredibly patient and gentle and understanding. Adrien loves her in spite of all of her antics. He finds her quirks charming, and he sees through all of it to the girl underneath. She didn't need to go through with some crazy scheme or grand gesture to confess her feelings to him. They just needed to get down on each other's level and talk and communicate with each other and learn to understand each other. It's high time that the show brought the two of them closer and let the two of them work through her anxiety around him together. I completely love the two of them ditching their friends' ideas of what their relationship needs to look like and instead opting to figure out what works best for them together. Having the two of them date pre reveal and sort through that trauma together and learn the ways that they need to be loved is going to help them tremendously when the reveal eventually happens, and I can't wait for that!
And that's just a portion of my feelings for them this season because I don't want to spoil later episodes that people haven't watched yet, but yeah, I think their development is so sweet and satisfying to watch. And if anyone is mad at me (or anyone) for just enjoying the show, then that's their problem. I have better things to do than worry about people being mad at me for liking something because imo, that's a really dumb reason to be mad at someone. Like can you imagine someone being like:
"Hey, I really like chocolate milk."
Then someone else being like:
"Um, how fucking dare you? Strawberry milk is the only good milk, and anyone who likes chocolate milk is fucking stupid and should feel bad for liking it."
You see how silly that sounds? Don't let other people convince you that chocolate milk is gross if you like it. They can get over it or die mad, either way you have a tasty beverage. Let them ruin their own day, not yours. But that's just my approach. I am a very laid back person who's never really given a fuck about what other people think of me tho. That portion of my personality has only strengthened with age because I find that it rarely truly matters, especially when it comes to fandom. If they're not paying my bills or putting food on my table, then I don't particularly care if they don't like the way I feel about fictional teenagers. But I get not everyone is like that, so go with my 3 tips above. Subjecting yourself to salt posts is only going to warp the way you view the show and ruin your overall enjoyment of it. (trust me, I've been there) Leave the salters to their bitterness, and just enjoy the show. You'll be better off for it.
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thoughtsonyaoi · 2 years
baby's first miyacest snippet. their most enduring quality to me still is that they're idols. oikawa wishes
Someone on Instagram has an account dedicated to Atsumu’s tongue. There’s obviously somebody who’s been going to all their games, holding up their phone the entire time, and then, being a massive creep par excellence, taking picture after picture whenever Atsumu is wont to stick his tongue out of his stupid mouth while doing literally anything, which is often – going into a run-up for a spiking drill, tying his shoelaces, squirting water into his mouth with a squeeze bottle. The thumbnails, arranged in neat squares, are mostly blurry, but some are shockingly crisp and clearly taken from up close. All of the photographs depict Atsumu in his volleyball kit and on court, so it can be assumed that Atsumu’s lingual stalker doesn’t go to their school, or at least, isn’t in the same class as he is.
The account has nearly seven hundred followers, which Osamu thinks is seven hundred too many.
“Is this reportable,” Ginjima squints. The team is scrutinising the pictures together, after someone in the second string discovers the account from a friend of a friend and passes the link around the volleyball club. “This is weird. Definitely weird.”
“Don’t let Kita-san see this,” says Suna. “He’ll come right back in here to deliver a lecture about it, even if he’s deep in the middle of exam prep.”
Atsumu doesn’t seem like he could care less, considering that those are pictures of him, and that is his tongue, and someone out there clearly has an unhealthy fixation.
“I dunno, seems like somebody’s idea of a joke,” he says, lying back on a spare bench and toying with a volleyball. “What’s the big deal? I look cute doin’ it. Wait - people think this is my signature gesture? I should get it trademarked before I become famous.”
“You don’t see someone postin’ tons of evidence of me lookin’ like a right idiot, and we look the same.”
“That’s ‘cause nobody likes you,” Atsumu snaps. He throws the volleyball at Osamu with surprising force. Osamu dodges. It bounces off the hardwood floor just right behind his shoulder and barely misses a terrified first-year ball boy who’s innocuously going about his duties.
“Sorry,” waves Atsumu, not meaning it.
“You do look like an idiot in most of these. You look vacant,” Suna nods. Atsumu only huffs at him; he doesn’t have the licence to get touchy with Suna.
To celebrate somebody noticing numerous examples of this nonsense and paying an obsessive virtual tribute to it, which apparently is the highest form of public honour, Atsumu goes hard with the tongue for the next few days. It is so fucking obnoxious. Whatever he does he curates the perfect doe-eyed - wild-eyed - wide-eyed - whichever - expression that would look completely wrong without a stray tongue to embellish it. Everyone’s on the receiving end of it - Suna mostly just rolls his eyes, and Ginjima, bless him, does his best to carry on Aran’s tradition of discouraging the madness, which only has the ironic effect of making Atsumu double down on being annoying - but Osamu gets the worst of it, both at school and at home. He can barely turn a corner without seeing Atsumu doing something inane with his mouth, his tongue sticking out of the corner of it like the flesh of a bivalve curling out of its shell.
“It’s easier to concentrate when you do this, no?” he says when Osamu gives him a tired stare. They’re playing Mario Kart, and Atsumu has been kicking his ass for the last three rounds - which he claims is thanks to his new technique - but it doesn’t prove anything, and it doesn’t mean anything.
Osamu finally snaps the next day in the locker room as they’re getting ready to go to class. Everyone else has cleaned up and left, and they stayed late because Kurosu needed to speak with them; Atsumu does it again, leaning in close to Osamu with his dumb tongue hanging out of his dumb mouth as he fiddles with the rotating lock on his locker.
“Could you stop,” asks Osamu.
“Make me,” comes the defiant reply.
So Osamu kisses him. It’s only the third or fourth time, and Atsumu isn’t expecting it especially since they’re still on the school grounds, though Osamu really has to wonder if Atsumu’s been trying to goad him into it. He keeps it brief, and Atsumu barely has time to return it before he pulls away, making a small sound of discontent as Osamu lets go of him.
“I thought you said nobody liked me,” Osamu mumbles. “Just last week. You seem to like me plenty.”
“You’re so fuckin’ petty,” Atsumu says, colour in his cheeks, and turns away.
The account is deleted the following week after picking up another few hundred followers, like a dying star that has reached critical mass and finally collapsed upon itself. Whoever ran it probably realised how invasive it was, or felt like the joke had lost its punchline, or decided that what they were doing was a complete waste of time. Atsumu’s just a flashy high schooler who’s above average at one sport, not a celebrity. Maybe a quasi-celebrity. Maybe a quarter of a quarter of that. Any of the above would be an overwhelming reason to quit while they were ahead, but good riddance anyway, and Osamu privately prays for whoever it is to move on. It’s easy to be captivated by Atsumu if you’ve seen him play, but he’s hard to love, and frankly not really worth the effort.
In the meantime, Atsumu has mostly forgotten about the stunt, regardless of his motivations. There are more important things to care about, like the quality of his setting, or what’s for dinner, or the assignments that he hasn’t finished and that Osamu can’t and won’t help with. Kurosu keeps nagging at him to play more seriously because he’s been going over the coaching staffs’ heads, and the following week he marches into a practice match with a school in Amagasaki City like a recalcitrant pet dog with a leash around its neck. He radiates competence from beneath the restraint nevertheless, and Osamu can see the faces in the crowd looking his way - looking their way - as the team gets into starting position. Someone’s holding up a fan with Osamu’s own name on it, and next to her, another girl’s holding up her phone, aiming it at the court. There’s no way to tell if she’s filming anything as a keepsake or just texting and browsing, but for every person like her, there’s tens of others watching them too, for a variety of reasons. Osamu should feel restless, but somehow he doesn’t.
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