#they can see their papa on their birthdays and accompanying him
camelliagwerm · 1 year
Magni/Anora has been making me go lowkey insane for the past 24hrs ngl lads.
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justalittletomato · 1 year
On continuation of the discovery deep within the Fortress the next day an announcement was made to the litter of young Zabraks.
The 5 year olds and the one 3 year old looked up curious as a picnic basket was set on the counter.
It is the eldest boy, Cress, “ Are we to have a special lunch?” When it came to food Cressie wanted to know all.
“Are we picking vegetables from your garden, buir?” It is young Eris who asked, her twin Ares pondered the thought, “I’d love some carrot juice.”
“Oh maybe it is a birthday? Buir? Papa?” Their younger brother little Feral looks to Angel and Savage. “It is much too hot to bake a cake! Maybe a fruit tart?”
Little Aster still a tad sleepy over her plate of egg and bacon yawns, “ Can we take a hammock? I’m still sleepy.” Maul and Starlights girl enjoyed her sleep, her lovely black hair still up in the buns she slept in.
“It will be a surprise.” Maul commented to the group.
“And will remain so until we get there.” Savage added.
The little zabraks chatter excitedly, minus Aster who once more snoozed. Her chubby cheek pressed to the table.
Cressie watched with eagerness as his Buir, Starlight wrapped up sandwich after sandwich. A generous slice of Bantha steak nestled between the slices.
“Whatever we are doing it will have a delightful lunch!”
Maul and Savage have packed up a small knapsack for each child, once again each told not to peek else it ruin the surprise.
“Must I walk, Daddy?” Aster yawns.
Starlight glances back as Savage leads the way, Maul already has picked up his dear little princess up and continues on.
“It’s safer, we do not want her tripping if she is fatigued.” Besides Maul quite enjoyed dotting on his children. Little Cressie just in front with a biscuit that Maul handed him. He offered his free hand to his Buir, “ Buir can I walk with you?”
“Of course my little Star…”
The excited squeals and shouts was vastly different from the calm of yesterday.
The adults brought more lights to ensure the children could see better. Little Aster jolted awake and asked to be put down to go see the pool.
The 5 little ones changed into the swim clothes from the knapsacks and bounded for the water. It was little Feral who was a tad hesitant until Savage went in with him.
Aster splashed and Eris sprayed water at her.
Ares and Cress raced another.
Starlight and Angel cheered their little ones on. Maul settled for sitting at the edge of the pool and playful splashed at the little ones who tried to surprise him.
Swimming worked up a appetite. Each little one happily gobbling up their sandwiches and a bit of fruit tart.
Cress looking to his buir who already had another half sandwich out for him.
The little ones huddled close after being bundled into fluffy towels and napped for a time.
Their parents clearing away the picnic and enjoying the quite, accompanied by the purrs and snores.
It was a delightful start of summer…
@gran-maul-seizure @patchiefrog @eyecandyeoz @by-the-primes @apocalypticwafflekitten @storm89 @pixiestookourstardust
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emeritus-fuckers · 7 months
I would like to think I'd be a ghoul, but I'd be a rather gentle souled ghoul. My reasoning is mainly because I've been called the Raccoon Demon for fun and the title just feels right. There isn't much behind it, but that's my reason I can think of.
Out of the Papa's my favorites (if I had to choose) are Copia and Secondo, but realistically I see myself as a handful at times so I don't know it Secondo would like me very much. Personally, Primo and Copia would seem like the easier ones to work with, so either of them. I'd say primo because the thought of helping him with the garden or at least accompanying him would be nice. I'd definitely try to take pictures of the flowers, butterflies, and maybe even spiders the plants have by them. Or even Primo if he would like. The photography part also stands for Copia, who I feel like we'd both be close due to my love of rodents and his albums being one of my top ones. I definitely give off raccoon energy. Either way, I'd try to make lots of memories.
I'd definitely say that I'm ambiverted. It depends on my mood and how I wake that day. If things are going well, and I'm feeling very positive energy/I'm energetic, I definitely fall into extroverted mode. If I am tired or have had a physical, emotional, ect strain then I usually feel more introverted and less social/quiet. Being around people I love/trust is helpful, though. Additionally, I am either the type to fake it and force myself to interact to make a better impression/avoid conflict. I force it, but then I get more tired.
When it comes to chores I'd enjoy, I know that anything is more enjoyable if I have music to the point I need it to function a lot. I'd be best at acts of service as simple as running errands to making a meal for the ones I love. Besides that, I am neutral.
As for some information about me? Well, I really enjoy the outdoors and I took a hike yesterday and I really enjoyed it for the most part so there is that. Adventures in the woods! I well, I like Halloween, Fall, and Haunted Attractions. I'm short (5'1). I can end up figuratively bouncing off the walls if something related to my hyperfixations excites me. I'm rather emotionally sensitive/need positive reassurance plenty of times, though by being helpful and fed positive words, I could probably do anything. Or at least try.
- 🦝
This post is part of the 1000 followers role in ministry event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your role in the ministry is...Wildlife and landscape Photographer for the Clergy
Your boss is Primo but you often work for Copia.
You take photos of Copia’s rats, for their birthdays or for special celebrations/holidays. Also just day to day photos. Copia puts all of them in an album and hangs some up. He'll also give you a copy of the group photo at the end of the year.
You also photograph Primo's garden throughout the year.
Primo will also invite you to help in the garden if you have time. It's more something you do for pleasure. As you work you both share some stories and gossip. Primo will always make you a cup of tea in thanks. In summer and autumn sometimes spring if it's warm enough you sit outside his shed in the evening round the fire pit.
Copia will often join you both and bring some of his rats, one of his rats particulary likes you and sits on your lap. Copia also brings marshmallows to toast in the crackling fire.
You get to be outdoors a lot with your job and on your time off. Copia also will sometimes join you for a hike. It's mainly when he is stressed, you kinda have to drag him out at first as he makes protesting rat noises. But he really apprecaites it nand cheers up as soon as you are away from the Ministry and all the stress of his work. You also take Primo tea on days he is more tired and can't do as much as he wants to. You'll tend to the garden and make sure he has a good meal.
Copia and Primo both love your work. They also think you are awesome and amazing so you get plenty of postiive feedback and assurances from them (they are more than hapy to).
Written by Nyx
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angellayercake · 1 year
Sam and the Series of Disastrous Dates
Sam has watched her new best friend fall in love with the man of her dreams but when will it be her turn? For OC kiss week 2023 we will follow Sam from the Pastimes for a Retired Papa series on some of her dating adventures and see if she will ever meet her dream man.
Original Female Character x Original Male Character
Day 5 - Yearning
‘I’m so sorry I'm late,’ she called into the apartment as she rushed in through the door. She dropped her keys on the sideboard but didn’t even pause to hang up her coat and bag. Work had been especially frustrating today and she had been hoping to get away earlier but she wasn’t going to let that ruin what was set to be a fantastic weekend. 
It was her birthday the next day, the big 3 0 and she was actually excited for it. Her life wasn’t perfect but she had achieved so much already and had a lot to be thankful for and she was ready to celebrate that surrounded by all her most favourite people. And thinking of her favourite people, that was exactly why she had been so eager to return home. After a long and lonely month Tom had arrived back today. She had received the notification that his plane had landed and he had sent his usual brief message upon arriving at their apartment but nothing since. As she entered the living area she hoped he wouldn’t be too annoyed with her for being late, but her thought was cut short when she noticed the pile of boxes and suitcases just inside the room. 
‘Tom?’ She called hoping to get some answers and quickly. He didn’t respond straight away but as she rounded the counter she saw him slumped on the sofa, head in his hands. She dropped her bag and coat rushing towards him. ‘What is it? What’s wrong?’ She sat beside him and attempted to put her arm around him but he shrugged her off.
‘Sam, I can’t do this any more.’ He sounded weary and she tried in vain to figure out what he was talking about. 
‘Is this about me being late? I’m so sorry Tom, I tried really hard to be on time but they scheduled a late meeting and Debra just wouldn’t shut up…’ He raised a hand stopping her mid explanation.
‘No it’s not that.’ But he didn’t elaborate any further.
‘Is it the travel then? You know if you aren’t happy you can stop any time. Even if you need to take a pay cut. I’ll support us, you know that!’ He finally let her touch him as she rubbed across his shoulders reassuringly.
‘It’s not that either.’ He still hadn’t looked at her and she felt a bubble of panic starting to grow in her chest. Was he ill? Was it his parent’s? Her parent’s? She waited and waited for him to say something, anything. 
‘Tom? Tom, please tell me what’s wrong.’ She couldn’t wait any longer. He looked up at her slowly. His eyes were rimmed with red which stood out all the more due to the dark circles that accompanied them. He looked exhausted. ‘We can cancel tonight if you want. If you are too tired. We’ll stay in, just the two of us. Have an early night so we can both enjoy tomorrow.’ He still didn’t say anything but just shook his head. 
She cupped his cheek with her spare hand, rubbing under his eye gently with her thumb. He closed his eyes for a moment leaning into the contact before shaking her off again and standing up starting to pace up and down the living room. As she watches him pace she starts to notice the room around them. The bookcase is half empty, there’s gaps along the shelves and art removed from the walls. Her traitorous brain starts jumping to conclusions but she won’t believe anything until he finally explains his odd behaviour. 
‘Sam.’ He stops in front of her. She had never known him to sound so serious before. ‘It’s us, this. It isn’t working for me. Not anymore.’ The bottom falls out of her stomach at his stumbling explanation. This can’t be happening. Not now, not the day before her birthday. The day before all her family arrived to stay with them. The same family that kept asking when they would be getting married and having babies. The family that he had become a part of. 
‘No, you don’t mean that.’ She stood up and reached for him, needing something to ground her. But he rejected her touch once more and she started to feel the reality of the situation crashing down on her. 
‘Sam,’ he sighs. ‘There’s someone else. There has been for a long time.’ She just blinked at him slowly. 
‘What?’ She felt numb, white noise buzzing in her ears and in her head. Someone else. ‘What does that even mean?’
‘It means I’m in love with someone else. Someone who isn’t you.’ He shouts and she feels tears start to stream down her cheeks. ‘I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said it like that. It’s someone from work. We have been spending so much time together and one thing led to another and now,’ he starts pacing again. ‘It shouldn’t have happened like this but it has. So this is it. I’ve packed my things. She is coming to get me,’ he pauses to look at his watch. ‘Any minute now.’ He looks at her then, staring into her eyes expecting her to say something. What could she say? That it’s ok? That she is happy for him?
She opens her mouth to say something but nothing comes out. All she can feel is the pain that has started radiating out from her chest. Everything else feels numb, she can’t move, can’t think, can’t speak. He runs his fingers through his hair before scrubbing them down his face. 
‘I .. look, I know the timing is bad but I couldn’t live this lie any longer. It wasn’t fair on you and it wasn’t fair on me either.’ She thinks she laughs at that. Well she made a sound anyway. 
‘How long?’ She needs to know that at least. How long had she been living this lie? He looks even more uneasy and somehow her heart sinks even further. A while then.
‘Sam that doesn’t matter, what matters is …’ She doesn’t want to hear excuses, she just wants the truth.
‘Tell me,’ she can’t even raise her voice, she barely even recognizes the monotone drone coming out of her.
‘Six months, ok? Six months.’ He closes the distance between them, taking her face between his hands and staring into her blank eyes. ‘For what it is worth, I am sorry.’ He presses a sweet kiss to her unmoving lips. She hates the way her body reacts to his proximity, muscle memory kicking in even as her heart slowly cracks and breaks. She grips the lapels of his jacket trying to keep him close, pretending that none of this has happened but the buzzer shrieks out into the otherwise quiet apartment and he moves away from her, unlatching her fingers and pressing her hands to her sides. ‘I’m sorry.’ 
And then he is gone and she takes his place on the sofa, staring blankly ahead. In the back of her mind she hears him answering the door, the sound of boxes moving of hushed whispers, is she alright’s and hurry up let’s go’s. She should probably be annoyed that he brought her into what was their home but she has nothing left. Eventually all goes quiet apart from his tentative footsteps. He dropped his keys on the coffee table and rested one hand on her shoulder. 
‘Good bye Sam,’ and then he is gone. She hears the front door close and the dam breaks what was just a trickle of tears becomes a flood. Tomorrow she turns thirty and she thinks it is about to be the worst day of her life. 
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Sorry for your loss - Final Chapter
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Summary: When your wife Natasha passes away in a car accident, a part of you dies with her. It takes a few months of mourning for your psychiatrist thinks the best alternative is for you to join a grief group. And there you meet Wanda Maximoff, and learn to live again.
Warnings: (+16) mentions of death, panic attacks and anxiety, grief, self sabotage, mentions of abusive family background, mutual attraction pining, explicit consent, therapeutic conversations about death, self-deprecation, healthy methods of coping with grief, possible triggers about anxiety, domestic Wanda, hurtful behaviors. 
Chapter Warnings: Mention of Smut, Brief Smut.
Tag list: @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5 // @myperfectlovepoem // @imapotatao // @aimezvousbrahms / @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia // @myperfectlovepoem
Author’s note: I don't know what to say exactly, just good reading, and sorry for any spelling/translation errors. I hope you enjoy the ending, and who knows, maybe a second season?
Read on AO3 || Serie Masterlist here
Chapter Five - I will love again
You were up early on the weekend.
Since you were going to travel to New Jersey for Wanda's father's wedding anniversary, you didn't want to keep her waiting.
When you arrived at Wanda's house, she was already on her feet, running back and forth through the house, trying to find Tommy's lost toy, who kept crying that he wouldn't travel without it.
"Make yourself at home, I just need to find that bear." She said to you as she opened the door. You placed your only luggage on the floor as you looked around. Billy was watching television, and Tommy was sitting on the kitchen counter, crying.
You walked over to him.
"Hey, Tommy, why are you crying?" You asked stopping beside him, keeping your voice calm so as not to make him more nervous.
"I want my teddy bear!" He cried out between tears.
"Mommy will find it for you." You reply. "What is the name of your teddy bear?"
"Star Lord." Sniffles the boy. Your distraction is working, because he stops crying to talk.
"Wow, that's an incredible name!" You say. "How did you get the Star Lord?"
Tommy sniffles again, wiping his tears with his forearm.
"I got it for my birthday." He counters. "Billy got a skateboard, but Star Lord is cooler."
"Is that so?" You retort with interest in your voice, realizing that Tommy was barefoot and his socks were on the countertop, you show him that you are interested in hearing him talk as you help him finish getting dressed for the trip.
"Yes, it came in a huge, red box." Tommy counted with a smile as he gestured at the size of the object. "And he sleeps with me every night, so I need him to go to Grandpa's house."
"Oh, yes, of course you do." You agree with a smile as you tie the boy's shoelaces. "Do you remember the last place you played with Star Lord?"
Tommy sniffles thoughtfully.
"I don't know." He replies tearfully, you rush to ask about his favorite memory with the bear to avoid him to cry again, and it works.
When you finish tying the child's shoes, you pick him up on your lap as he tells you about the day he took Star Lord swimming, and then you sit him down in the living room next to his brother, and he is distracted enough by the cartoon on the TV to forget about the teddy bear.
Wanda joins you in the living room a minute later, looking nervous and with her hands empty.
"Hey, I think I have an idea." You tell her as you mentally review the things Tommy said. "Finish getting them to the car, I'll go find the bear."
You found it.
Ten minutes after you left the room, inside the pool.
Wanda couldn't hold back her laughter when you arrived in front of the car with your wet clothes up to pool height.
"Your idea was to get into the pool instead of using the cleaner to reach the bear?" She teased as soon as you handed her the toy. You laughed awkwardly, watching her give the bear to Tommy and seeing the boy celebrate excitedly. "You're not getting in my car wet like that."
You laugh, and then you have an idea. Approaching Wanda with open arms, you see her raise her finger in warning, but you are already hugging her with wet clothes, making her laugh.
The joke only ends because Pietro is parking the car in front of the house next, looking at you both curiously.
"Should I let dad know we're going to be late?" He teases putting his sunglasses up. You let go of Wanda as both of your giggles slowly stop, the two of you looking like children who have been caught up to mischief. "Come on girls, we have a road ahead of us."
"Shut up Pietro." Wanda grumbled humorously, starting to push you into the house by the shoulders. "Watch the boys while we get changed."
"Yes, ma'am." He retorted wryly as he took off his seat belt and got out of the car. You let Wanda push you inside.
Upstairs, you had smiles on your faces as she searched for clothes that would fit you.
"Are you sure it isn't better if I grab something I brought in my suitcase?" You ask distractedly as Wanda rummages through the closets.
"I don't want you to be one change of clothes short, I don't know what we'll end up doing over there." Wanda retorted. "And don't worry about it."
Wanda eventually handed you a set of very soft sweatshirts and underwear. You smiled in appreciation, looking away from the clothes in your hand to the woman in front of you.
As you turned toward the bathroom, Wanda spoke.
"You can stay."
Swallowing dryly, and ignoring the unregulated beating of your heart you turned to her again, one eyebrow raised not sure you had understood correctly.
Wanda sighed heavily, as if she was gathering the courage to say it again. But her gaze said it all. She was inviting you to change in front of her.
You felt your face heat up, but you gulped dryly, forcing yourself to reason correctly.
"I... I don't think that's a good idea."
"Why not?" Wanda retorted in defiance, and you let out a breathless laugh. She seemed to misunderstand your reaction, because her expression immediately fell. "Oh, you don't want to. Damn it, I..."
"What?" you interrupted quickly. "No, Wanda. I want to." You confess half breathlessly. "I really do."
You shift your weight between your feet, feeling your stomach turn with the way Wanda looks at you. 
"But not like this." You say, swallowing dryly to confess correctly. You approach Wanda slowly as you speak. "Not in a hurry." Wanda breathes heavily, leaning back against the cabinet. You stop walking just inches from her body. "I want to be with you, with enough time to kiss every inch of your skin.” You confess again her lips. “Touch every spot that will make you lose control and scream my name."
"Fuck." Wanda gasped against your mouth, almost near enough to touch while closing her eyes. 
Ignoring the tightening sensation at the tip of your stomach, you fought your baser instincts and pulled away, sighing.
"Let's hurry before your brother comes to get us."
You smiled at Wanda, ignoring the urge to kiss her. She just nodded, trying to normalize her breathing. You took advantage of her lack of reaction to turn around and walk towards the bathroom. You had better get out of there soon, because you feel that you couldn't resist that woman again.
Tommy and Billy were singing in the back seat as you drove to New Jersey. You laughed at the scene, thinking they were adorable.
Your gaze was watchful on the road, following Pietro's car to his father's house.
When Wanda began to murmur the song, you looked at her for a moment. Absolutely stunning, with her red hair flying in the wind, the smile in the corner on her lips. The sunlight making her eyes sparkle.
Turning your attention forward because Wanda caught you looking, you bit back a smile, feeling your heart race a little. But neither of you commented, and you didn't care that Wanda was looking at you now.
When you arrived, you whistled impressed at Erik's residence. It was practically a mansion, but really it was just a very well built summer house. The neighborhood was very nice too. Wanda smiled playfully at you when she noticed your reaction.
The boys ran out of the car, excited to hug their grandfather who was already waiting for them at the door. They also hugged Charles, who was a short, balding man, very friendly.
"Grandpa, can we go ride the horses?" Tommy asked excitedly, and the man laughed lightly. 
"Go wash your hands and get something to eat first okay, boy?" Erik said to the boy, ruffling his hair.
The child agreed, entering the house along with his brother and his cousin, who had gotten out of the cars shortly after.
You were unpacking the bags from the car after parking and felt your breath catch when Wanda picked up one of the bags and caressed your hand with her fingers as you handed it to her. She smiled innocently, passing you to walk toward the door, and you cleared your throat before closing the trunk and following her.
"You must be Y/N." Erik greeted you as soon as you came to the door. "It's very nice to finally meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too, Erik." You replied with a smile. "And you too, Charles."
The man smiled, giving you room to pass him and enter the house. Wanda was standing in the living room next to Pietro and Monica, who had their suitcases on the floor.
"Papa, which rooms are empty?" She asked the man who had entered behind you.
"You can occupy any one upstairs." Erik warned closing the door as he and Charles entered.
You accompanied the group upstairs. Wanda placed the boys' backpacks in one of the bunk rooms, since the children always slept together. 
"You can have the room down the hall." She said, showing you the direction. "Next to mine."
She whispered the last part like a secret. You wanted to ignore how your stomach churned at the suggestion. Pietro and Monica passed you both, the man gave you a playful look, but made no comment. They would be in the room across from yours and next to the children's.
You guessed that the other door at the other end of the hall belonged to Erik and Charles
After putting your suitcase on the bed, you left the room. Pietro opened the door at the same moment.
"Come on, Y/N, I'm going to give you a full tour of the Maximoff residence." He announced excitedly and you giggled, following him around the house.
The Maximoff residence was much larger than you thought it was. There were even stables and a large wooded area that was part of the place, but Pietro didn't take you there, he just pointed you in the direction. You eventually discovered that the place used to be a simple farm, inherited from Pietro and Wanda's paternal grandparents, and when Erik married Charles, they renovated the place with money from the Xavier family, who were British and had a fortune built up in the vineyard area.
Pietro led you back to the kitchen when he finished showing you the property, patting you on the shoulder as he sat down on the kitchen counter, grabbing the jar of candy on the counter.
"The guests will be here soon, Pietro, get down from there." Warned Erik noticing his son's position. He was in the kitchen too, finishing sorting out some of the appetizers. During the tour, you noticed the decorations set up in the gardens, some tables and chairs and party decorations.
"Yes, papa." Grumbled Pietro as he obeyed. He reached over to accept the tray of food his father handed him.
"Take that outside please." Erik asked and you moved to get out of the way of Pietro, who gave you a wry smile as he passed, making you laugh slightly.
"Can I help too?" You asked noticing that there were still things to be carried.
"Thank you, dear, you are very kind." Erik said as he handed you one of the trays. You nodded and then turned around.
The garden was really nicely decorated, you noticed now that you were up close, placing your tray on one of the tables. There was also a small stage, which you imagined was meant for Erik and Charles to repeat their wedding vows. You smiled, remembering how your marriage to Natasha had gone. It was just nostalgic to think of her now, and it didn't make you unhappy anymore.
"I think you're all set now." Erik said behind you, arriving with a tray and placing it on the table next to yours. Pietro who had left earlier, was stealing one of the candies and received a disapproving look from his father. "Really, boy?"
Pietro laughed, raising his hands in surrender.
"I'm hungry, papa." He playfully retorted and you laughed at the interaction.
"Go help the ladies with the kids." Erik commands with a grimace, and Pietro laughs as he walks away. When he leaves, you feel slightly anxious about being alone with Wanda's father, but his posture is friendly. "I haven't had a chance to talk to you properly, Y/N. Would you like to take a walk with me before the party?"
You ignore the nervous feeling in your stomach when you agree. And Erik takes one last look at the decorations before leading the way.
A few minutes of walking later, where Erik asked you several questions about your life, your job, your age, who you lived with, that sort of thing, you reached a plantation area. You imagined it to be the vineyards of the property.
You could see the manor house in the distance, and the backyards, and a lake many meters away. The landscape was breathtaking.
"It's beautiful here." You comment beside him.
"Yes." Erik agrees with a smile, also looking at the scenery as you do. "I enjoyed your conversation, you are as lovely as Wanda usually tells us."
The comment makes your cheeks warm, the image of Wanda talking about you makes your heart soar. Erik seems to appreciate the way you react to it, smiling gently as he adds, "It's nice to know she's found someone nice to love."
You swallow dryly, glancing quickly at the man next to you, but he has his gaze on the landscape. You feel a warmth in your chest, mixed with embarrassment and happiness.
"Thank you, Erik." You say clumsily. 
"For what?"
"For accepting me here I guess." You retort with a smile. "For having me into your home. And well, for saying those things about me and Wanda." You say and he makes an understanding noise through his mouth. You are silent for a moment, until he speaks again.
"You know, when Magda, their mother, passed away, I thought I would never love anyone again.." Erik tells nostalgically. He keeps looking at the field in front of you, but you stare at him, attentive to his words. "But then I met Charles. And well, it did. It's different from what it was before. And I wouldn't change it for anything."
You nodded in understanding, letting the words echo in your head. You also think about how Agatha said you could move on. There was no problem in loving again, as intensely as before.
"I figured I'd be uncomfortable talking about someone marrying my daughter, but here we are." Erik comments humorously a moment later, making you chuckle awkwardly. "I guess it must be the way you look at her. You look like a lovesick puppy. "
You scratch your neck awkwardly, looking at the scenery, making Erik laugh at your blurriness.
"Don't get upset, I'm just teasing you." He comments with a smile, patting you on the back. You laugh clumsily.
"Do you guys have a garden around here?" You ask trying to change the subject, just as you notice the glass structures in the distance, capped by the vineyard. You figured if you turned around you would find your way to them.
"Oh, yes." Erik confirms. "Charles loves gardening. We have two greenhouses over that way. Would you like to see them?"
"Yes." You confirm with a smile. "But it can be after the party."
"Oh yes, I should get back and welcome the guests." Erik agrees as he checks his watch. You start walking back to the area of the house next.
You meet a lot of people at the party. It's a little overwhelming, because you really didn't expect Erik to invite so many people, and although you're glad that they had so many friends, your anxiety has increased a little. You were smiling politely at two ladies who said they were Charles' college friends while trying to pay attention to the story they were telling when Pietro rescued you.
"I need to steal my sister-in-law for a second ladies." He said and you widened your eyes. He only realized the mistake of his words when he noticed the looks on the women's faces in front of him. " Shit, I don’t mean like she got married to Wanda... I..."
You snuck out from behind Pietro when the ladies started attacking him with questions about the wedding, and when the ceremony had taken place and why the family wasn't called. You took the opportunity to escape when Pietro was convincing the ladies that you were not Wanda's wife, and that there was no secret wedding.
Walking over to one of the far tables, you frown in disbelief as you watch Luna run under the food table, clearly looking for a place to hide from her cousin, who is looking around a few feet away.
You crouch down, pulling the towel up to speak to the child.
"Luna, honey, maybe that's not the best place to play." You tell her with a smile. She looks around.
"Sorry, Aunt Y/N." She asks. "I'm hiding from Billy."
"Oh, is that so?" You ask extending your hand to her. She accepts, and you help her stand, taking care that she doesn't hit her head on the table. "Do you remember the path we took when we first got here? Try to hide behind that tall statue, I'm sure Billy won't find you."
"Wow, that's right, Auntie. Thank you." She mumbles, leaving with her head down next, watching for any sign of her cousin. You smiled, knowing that everyone at the party would get a glimpse of the children playing if she stood where you spoke.
You noticed that the two women who were talking to Pietro looked at you, and not wanting to be dragged back into that conversation, you made your way back to the house.
Bumping into Wanda on the way, you giggled.
"There you are." You remark.
"Where were you?" Wanda retorts with a mixture of curiosity and humor, noticing your "escape mode" posture.
"Well, apparently all of your father's friends like to meet everyone, so I've spent the last thirty minutes being introduced to everyone at the party."
Wanda gave a pout of pity.
"Sorry, dear." She says and you smile awkwardly, feeling your cheeks flush. "I'm looking for the boys, they need to change for the suits." 
"I saw Billy in the gardens." You tell her as you gesture briefly in the direction. "I'll go find Tommy for you."
Wanda smiles, biting her lips. You nod but when you make mention of moving away, she holds your forearm and moves forward, depositing a kiss on your cheek. 
"Thank you, sweetheart." She whispered, smiling mischievously at you before she turned away and left the kitchen. You bit your lip, feeling your heart racing. You didn't understand why Wanda was teasing you, but you weren't complaining.
Non Readers Pov
Wanda laughed affectionately when Billy launched himself onto her lap as soon as she found him in the backyard.
"Luna, dear, your mother is calling you too." Warned the red-haired woman to her niece who nodded turning toward the direction her aunt pointed. 
"Mommy can I play after I change my clothes?" Asked the boy as the woman carried him back to the house.
"Of course honey, but you have to be careful, okay? You can't get your suit dirty."
Just before she reached the entrance, someone called her name, causing Wanda to turn her head curiously.
"Sweetie, I need to ask you something." It was Ruth Eisenhardt, a nasty distant cousin of Wanda's known for gossiping, and lots of it, about all her relatives. "I just heard from Aunt Susan that you are dating that pretty girl you brought over." 
Wanda felt her face heat up, but kept her expression impassive. Before she could add anything else, the woman was speaking again.
"Of course we are all happy for you, but when I went to share the good news with Uncle Jeff, he said that Pietro had already denied this affair. Now I'm left not knowing if you're really going out with that beefcake."
Wanda let out an awkward giggle, frowning slightly at the way her cousin spoke.
"We're not exactly together, cousin." The redhead replied. "But that's not really your business."
Ruth grimaced in surprise, but then her expression changed to one of malice.
"You know, I'm just confirming it. Because after all, we don't have pretty things like that lying around in New Jersey."
Wanda clenched her jaw. Ruth was exactly the kind of girl who had a mania for taking what didn't belong to her.
"Cousin, don't flirt with her." Wanda said. "I'll only warn you this once."
Ruth giggled, surprised at the reaction. But Wanda didn't continue the subject, turning and continuing toward the entrance of the house.
"Mom what's flirt?" Billy asked next, drawing Wanda's attention away from her own not-so-pleasant thoughts about someone taking what was hers.
"It's a way adults talk, honey." Wanda explained, biting her lips thoughtfully briefly. "When they want to be more than friends."
"Like best friends?"
Wanda laughs briefly, denying it.
"No, Billy. Like lovers."
Billy makes a noise of agreement. "Why can't Aunt Ruth flirt with Aunt Y/N?"
Wanda sighs lightly, forcing a friendly expression so as not to confuse her son.
"She can."
"But you told her..."
"I know." Wanda interrupts with red cheeks. She takes a deep breath, smiling at her son. "Can I ask you something sweetie?" Billy nods in agreement. "If mommy started dating someone, would you be upset?"
Billy frowns, denying it.
"Mommy, you want to date Aunt Y/N don't you?"
Wanda's eyes widen in surprise.
"Where did that one come from?" she asked.
"You didn't like it when Aunt Ruth flirted with Daddy either, I remember Aunt Monica's birthday." He tells, and Wanda sighs slightly, remembering when she caught Ruth complimenting her husband as she ran her hands through her hair, and Wanda might have gotten a little carried away by accidentally flipping a wine glass in her cousin's lap. On the way home, when the twins asked, she said that she was upset with the way Ruth spoke to their father, and now Billy was able to understand everything. "And now you don't want Aunt Ruth to talk to Aunt Y/N like that." He concluded as if it was obvious. Wanda smiled as she went upstairs, careful not to trip on the steps with Billy on her lap. "Mommy, if you date Aunt Y/N will she move in with us?"
"I don't know dear." Wanda replied with a shy smile. 
"If she lives with us, will you let her sleep in my room?"
Wanda laughed, looking at Billy curiously.
"And why is that?"
"Because she knows how to play dragon. And also tell fairy tales." He says counting on his fingers. "And she also helps Tommy with his headache, so she can sleep on our rug and when he wakes up at night, she helps him."
Wanda smiles fondly, shaking her head slightly.
"Those are very good reasons indeed." She says. "But I think Y/N would like to sleep in a bed, no? The floor is uncomfortable."
Billy looks thoughtful and Wanda laughs briefly as she sets him down on the floor, already inside his room. She helps him out of his clothes to put on his party suit that is already on the bed.
"I can sleep in your bed mommy, and then Aunt Y/N sleeps in mine next to Tommy so he won't be alone."
Wanda laughs again, denying with her head. She bends down to button her son's shirt.
"Tell you what. Y/N sleeps in my bed, and if Tommy feels bad, she goes up to his room, how's that sound?"
Reader pov
"I think it sounds amazing." You spoke as you entered the room, a mischievous smile on your lips. Wanda startled slightly, surprised that you arrived at that moment, but she smiled shyly as she looked at you before turning her attention back to her son. 
"Yay, mommy!" Billy spoke excitedly. Wanda sat him down on the bed again, helping him put on his shoes. You guided Tommy gently by the shoulders to the bed, and as soon as he had a look at the suit he began to undress.
"I didn't know you were going to live with us, Aunt Y/N." Tommy comments as he removes his sneakers.
"I didn't know either." You retort, biting back a smile at the sight of Wanda's reddening cheeks. "I guess your mother forgot to invite me."
Wanda mumbles at you to shut up, making you smile.
"Mommy, you have to let Aunt Y/N know that she is going to live with us now." Billy said making you cross your arms, and turn to Wanda, joining in on the joke.
"Yes, Wanda! You need to let me know about these things." You say with false seriousness, and Wanda rolls her eyes in amusement, finishing putting on Billy's shoes and getting up to face you.
"Y/n, honey, you're going to move in with me when we get back home, okay?" Wanda asks in the same tone. You bite back a smile, ignoring how your heartbeat has quickened. You can't help but look at Wanda adoringly however, and her expression goes from playful to shy in microseconds.
"Okay, Wands. I'll love living with you." You say to her next, sounding slightly affected. The twins let out an exclamation of excitement, and break the bubble you are in. You clear your throat slightly as you turn your attention back to them, looking away from Wanda.
"Wow, you guys look great." You comment as you see the boys properly dressed next. The suits are very nice indeed.
"You can go back to the party, but be careful not to get your suits dirty. No playing in the dirt!" Wanda warns the boys, who are already running excitedly outside. 
"Okay, I'll go get ready too." You say next, thinking to check your cell phone as well, since you haven't turned it on since you left New York. "See you at the party?"
Wanda nods in agreement and you turn to leave.
At the door she stops you, pulling you by the forearm lightly and raising her hand to your neck, then bringing your lips together.
You both sigh and you feel your whole body tense up and heat up all at once. Wanda pulls away in the next moment, breathing as out of rhythm as you do.
You want to ask her why she did this now, but you think the question can wait until later, because she brings your lips together again, in a kiss far less innocent than before. Wanda closes the door with one hand, and with the other she pushes you against the wood. 
You gasp, letting your tongue run across her lip, and she gives you passage.
Her taste intoxicates your senses quickly, your hands moving up to her waist as hers move to your hair, deepening the kiss. You both gasp for air against each other's mouths, unable to separate. 
Panting, you feel your head spin as Wanda moves her tongue against yours, slow and sensual, and you can't help but squeeze her waist tightly, enjoying the feeling of her sighing against your lips.
You switch positions next moment, pressing Wanda against the wood of the door, your knee coming up between her legs. 
"Oh." Wanda moans breathlessly breaking the kiss. You move your kisses down her jaw to her neck, sucking on the skin and releasing just before marking. Your fingers play with the hem of her blouse, and Wanda brings your head up, kissing you again.
You press your body against her, wanting her to be touching you everywhere. The sensation makes you breathless, and hot in all the right places, causing you to moan.
You think you could kiss Wanda forever if she'd let you. The feeling of having her in your mouth is the best you have ever felt.
There are noises of footsteps coming from the stairs, and you both sigh when you hear them. It's Monica coming up with Luna, who is chatting animatedly. It's just what you need to snap back to reality, and slow down the kiss. 
You keep your foreheads together, and your hands around Wanda until the sound becomes distant, signaling that Monica has entered their bedroom with Luna.
You let out a giggle, and Wanda follows you. You look just like two teenage girls making out in secret. When you stop laughing, you kiss her again. Calmer this time. Before you let go, she bites your lip, tugging lightly, and making you gasp before letting go.
"Come on, go change." She commands, pushing you lightly. You smile because she keeps her grip against your blouse as she tells you to leave.
"It is you who are keeping me here, Maximoff." You tease with a smile. Wanda smiles too, and steals a kiss from you before letting go. You stumble backwards out of the room, grinning like an idiot, but you don't care, because Wanda looks at you just the same.
Wanda looked stunning in her party dress. You wanted to kiss her again, but you knew that if you did you would smear her lipstick, and she would have a lot of inconvenient questions ahead of her. So you just smiled, and breathlessly confessed how beautiful she looked, enjoying her flushed cheeks.
By the time you joined the party, the guests were arranging themselves at the correct places, and you joined a conversation circle with Wanda at your side, greeting a few more people. 
As the sun set, Erik and Charles signaled that the ceremony was about to begin.
It was all very beautiful. 
Maybe you cried between one confession and another, but everyone was emotional, so no one really cared.
Your cell phone had lots of pictures on it when you came back to the house, after saying goodbye to the guests who left when the party was over. You were holding Tommy by the hand, while Billy went with his mother, and the boys looked very tired.
"Let's go to bed, okay?" Wanda warned the kids as they followed her upstairs.
Erik wanted to open a bottle of wine, so after the kids were in bed, all the adults were outside on the balcony. Wanda sat very close to you, and you resisted the urge to put your arm around her.
"I guess I'll never get used to parties." Erik then comments, smiling nostalgically, making the group smile.
"I hope you're looking forward to the twenty-year anniversary one, papa." Pietro humorously retorts, and Erik laughs, looking at his husband tenderly.
"I look forward to it."
You smiled at the passionate way the couple looked at each other. You wondered what it must be like to stay married for so long. 
"I know we are all tired, but I had something to tell you." Erik then says, exchanging a look with Charles before continuing. "It's about the farm."
"What about the farm?" Pietro asked curiously.
"It 's yours."
Pietro frowns in confusion, looking at Wanda, who has the same look on her face.
"Papa, what?" Wanda asks, and Erik lets out a short laugh.
"You know I've always wanted to remodel this place, ever since you were kids." He recounts. "And Charles and I finally did it. But now we're old. And you two have your whole lives ahead of you, and well, you are our family. So Charles and I agreed that the house should belong to you both."
Wanda and Pietro exchange incredulous laughter.
"Papa, what? Are you sure?" Wanda asks looking from her brother to her father and stepfather. The older men just smile and the next moment they are hugging their children. You and Monica exchange looks of amusement. 
"So, does this mean we're moving?" Monica comments once everyone is seated, and elicits a giggle from the group.
"Let's save all this serious talk for tomorrow, shall we?" Erik asks with a smile. "Today, let's just enjoy the stars."
"Someone is feeling romantic." Charles jokes making the group laugh. 
"Papa, tell us some of your stories." Pietro asked with a smile, and Erik sighed, taking on a thoughtful expression.
"Um, let's see." He begins. "Have I ever told you about what happened in Budapest...?"
It was quite late when you and Wanda were finally alone, after Charles and Erik came in, you stayed talking to Pietro and Monica for a few more minutes, until they walked in as well.
You smiled at Wanda as she leaned back in her armchair to face you cross-legged, and you mimicked her position.
"Hey." She called out to you with a smile. 
"Did you enjoy the party?"
"Yes." You assured her tenderly. "It was pretty good actually."
Wanda nodded slightly, her gaze falling momentarily to your lips.
"Can I ask you something?"
"You can ask me anything you want, Wanda." You retort, making her smile.
The redhead looks intently at you.
"Did you mean it?" She asks and you blink in confusion. "About moving in with me."
You feel your cheeks heat up, but you smile.
"You're not even going to ask me out first, eh?"
Wanda laughed, looking away with flushed cheeks. You swallowed dryly, lifting your hand to turn her face toward you again, stroking her cheek lightly. God, Wanda was beautiful. Her bright green eyes looking back at you, the way her hair fell around her face, every part of her. 
"Don't you think we're happening too fast?" Wanda asks insecurely, you don't put your hand down, enjoying the feeling of her skin. 
"It depends." You answer letting your gaze wander to her, your free hand searching for hers in your lap, twining your fingers together.
"On what?"
"If you care about me..." You whisper as you bring your faces closer together, stopping when your lips are almost touching, and you and Wanda both close your eyes in anticipation. " As much as I care about you."
You kiss Wanda before she responds. Sweetly and softly. The sensation makes you smile against her lips, and you ignore the urge to deepen the kiss to pull away.
"Is that your way of saying you're in love with me?" Wanda teases half breathlessly a minute later, her tone playful and confident, but her rosy cheeks give away how affected she is. You think she's irresistible.
You laugh lightly, brushing a strand of hair from her face before looking into her eyes.
"I'm in love with you." You confess simply, watching her blink in surprise and amazement. "So, you still think it's too fast?"
Wanda smiles, denying it, and then approaches you.
"I'm in love with you too" She confesses as a secret against your lips. You feel your stomach rumble with nervousness and excitement, but you don't say anything else, because Wanda kisses you again. She asks for passage with her tongue a second later, making you sigh.
You hold your mouths together in a passionate kiss for long minutes, panting against each other' lips as Wanda moves to sit on your lap with her hands on your neck while your hands move up to her waist. You feel hot and bothered, squeezing her skin as if you want to merge with it. It is only when your kisses begin to move down to her collarbone that Wanda gasps saying that you two should go upstairs.
She moves off your lap, breaking the kiss, and you bite your lips, chasing her mouth again. Standing up, Wanda slides her tongue against yours one last time, making your head spin, before she pulls away, smiling at you as she pulls you by the hand into the house.
She signals with her finger for you to be quiet as you enter, and you swallow dryly as you observe the way her eyes are dark.
Getting to your room seems to take forever, especially since you can barely breathe, but finally you arrive.
Wanda locks the door after you enter. And then the atmosphere changes, because you both know what is about to happen.
She smiles shyly at you and you hold out your hand to her, leading her to sit on the bed beside you.
You exchange a glance before you sigh softly, slowly moving closer to her face. When you kiss her, much more tenderly and gently than any other time, Wanda melts.
She raises her hands to your neck, deepening the kiss as she falls onto the bed and takes you with her. You kiss her firmly, swirling your tongue around hers slowly, making her shiver. 
There is no rush in what you are about to do, and you certainly want to enjoy every second of it.
You rest your weight against Wanda, enjoying the feeling of having her beneath you, and the sound that escapes her throat. Your mouth separates from hers only for you to move your kisses down her collarbone, causing Wanda to close her eyes and sigh.
Your hands reach behind her back to pull down the zipper of her dress. When your fingers make contact with her exposed skin, Wanda bites her lips, entwining her legs together in search of more friction.
Your kisses move down as you pull the dress off her body, Wanda shifting on the bed to help you undress her. You move away from her neck to remove the piece completely, your gaze falling to her exposed skin the next moment. The redhead blushes at your stare, but all you can do is admire. The sight of her bare breasts makes your core throb, and you feel the urge to touch and kiss every inch.
You kiss her again in the next second, but part your mouths again quickly to move your lips down her body.
At the first touch on her breasts, Wanda gasps loudly. You smile, controlling the urge to tell her not to be so loud, but you are distracted by the growing heat in your core when you suck on her nipple and she whimpers, bringing her hand to your hair to keep you there.
Dividing your attention between the nipples, you kiss, bite, and suck the sensitive skin, keeping enough of it in your mouth for the skin to be marked red, which elicits a hearty moan from Wanda.
As your kisses begin to descend again, Wanda's body tenses. You kiss at the height of her navel before looking up, and already find her looking up at you with darkened eyes, biting her lip.
"Everything okay?" You ask in a sigh, trying to reason properly out of the bubble of lust. 
Wanda's hesitation causes you to raise your face back toward her again, keeping your hands by her side so as not to fall against her body.
"What's wrong?" You ask gently, trying to find any sign of discomfort. 
"Nothing." She says with a shy smile. "It's just... it's the first time I... since..."
"Yeah, I know." You interrupt half breathlessly, knowing exactly what she is referring to. "Mine too." You confess, but at this point, you knew she should have guessed it too. You have been grieving partners for quite some time, after all. "Do you want to stop?"
"No." Wanda quickly denies, biting back a smile. "I feel good."
You smile, nodding in agreement.
"Me too." 
You kiss Wanda gently again, but before the kiss gets more heated, you pull away to whisper against her lips. "Let me know if you feel uncomfortable at any time."
Wanda nods, bringing your lips together next.
When you awake, it is probably the best sleep you have had in months. Wanda is curled up on you, her clothes spread across the room lit by the sunbeams from the window.
You mumble that you have to get up because the children will be up soon, but Wanda says that her father will take care of them, and kisses you until you completely forget where you are.
When you finally get up, and go downstairs for coffee, neither adult comments at all on the way Wanda's hand remains in yours throughout the meal.
While Wanda is talking to Pietro and Erik about how they are going to organize the inheritance of the farm, and the children are playing in the backyard in front of the veranda, you decide to call your mother.
You end up learning that she got a buyer for your apartment, but you tell her that you would deal with these matters when you get back. After checking email and that sort of thing, you turn off your cell phone again.
Taking one last look at the children, you walked back into the house, catching a small piece of the conversation of the others in the living room about what would be done about Wanda's flower shop, but you didn't intrude. 
"We know a lot of people around here, Wanda." Charles was counting. "I'm sure we'll be able to find a new location for the flower shop."
Wanda looked slightly apprehensive, probably considering all the consequences of the relocation, but she relaxed her posture completely when you entwined your hand with hers.
When the conversation was over, it was decided that the families would move to the farm. Selling the properties in New York would take some time, but they would still move to the city during the vacations. It was going to be a rush, but Erik and Charles were willing to help too.
Since you guys were leaving that afternoon, you went back to your room to pack. And Wanda joined you a moment later, kissing you on the cheek before sitting down on your bed.
" All good?" You asked as you folded your socks.
"Yeah." She confirmed with a smile. "I'm just trying to believe that all this is really happening."
"It's not every day we get a farm, is it?" You joke making her laugh. Wanda bites her lips next, looking at you fondly, and you look away to your bag, feeling your face heat up.
"I forgot to ask you something yesterday." She begins somewhat shyly. You frown slightly, muttering for her to ask. "Are we dating?"
You laugh in surprise, throwing your folded party clothes into your suitcase, before approaching Wanda, raising your hand to her chin.
"What do you think, love?" You ask against her lips, dragging your mouth down her jaw to the height of her ear. "After what you did with your tongue yesterday, you're not going anywhere."
Wanda gasps, clenching her hands in the bed. You smile because you know the memories have hit her all over again. But you turn away next, smiling innocently at the woman in front of you before turning your attention back to the suitcase.
"I don't get a ring?" She teased next, making you laugh briefly. You looked back at the door before advancing against her, kissing her firmly, completely overturning her confident posture. When Wanda sighed against your mouth, you pulled away, and she grumbled, her hand reaching up to grab your belt and pull you back to her, but noises of footsteps made her give up.
Soon the boys came running into the room, talking excitedly about living on the farm and riding every day, and you wanted to laugh at the way Wanda had to disguise how affected she felt by your small make out session to answer her sons' questions.
After saying goodbye to your hosts with hugs, you sat in the back seat with the boys, because Tommy insisted that he wanted to show you a video game. Wanda drove you to your apartment, and after getting your suitcase from the trunk, you waved goodbye to the boys, and approached the driver's window.
"I'll call you, okay?" You tell her with a smile, Wanda nods, and you kiss her. Tommy and Billy make disgusted noises in the back of the car, and you and Wanda laugh as you part.
Waving to everyone in farewell one last time, you wait for Wanda to leave with the car before you go into the house.
"Kissing girls on the doorstep, heh? Looks like high school all over again." Your mother teases from the kitchen just as you enter. You laugh as you close the door.
"Spying through the kitchen window, Mom? And I thought I was a grown-up." You retort in the same tone as you walk to the kitchen to greet her with a kiss on the forehead, tossing your suitcase on the counter afterwards.
"Are you really dating then?" Your mother asks and you murmur in agreement. She smiles. "I'm so happy, honey. I can't wait to prepare for the wedding."
You roll your eyes humorously, picking up an apple from the countertop.
"We need to talk about your apartment, by the way." She starts again, looking through her briefcase for something. "I've found buyers, and well, I'm already looking at some houses for you, too." She says as you take a seat next to her at the table. "Of course I love having you here, but we both know you can't wait to have a place of your own again."
You sigh lightly.
"Yeah, Mom." You confirm. "About that..."
"You're late." Agatha remarked as soon as you stumbled into her office. You gave her a lopsided smile, closing the door as you entered.
"Sorry, I had a date and lost track of time."
Agatha raises her eyebrows at you.
"A date, hm? Let's talk about it then."
You had just deposited Melina's share of the apartment in the bank when your cell phone vibrated.
A message from Bucky, asking if you were coming to therapy with him today, as he was already at the station. You reply with an emoji, and a text saying coming.
"I am immensely happy for your progress, even though I am upset that you will not be continuing with us." Stephen says to you and Wanda, in your last group session.
"Well, New Jersey has its support groups. But this one is always going to be special." You tell him as you lightly tap his arm. Stephen smiles as he hands you the progress brooches. Wanda has her hand intertwined in yours, and the man in front of you looks at that before commenting.
"You know, I always find it curious the way pairs develop in the group." He comments. "We never ask that the activities be romantic, but still, many of them end up falling in love."
You and Wanda exchange a mixed look of embarrassment and happiness.
"I guess we have you to thank for that." Wanda says next, but Stephen smiles, denying it.
"Not at all. I'm happy for both of you. After all, I always thought you would get along together." He hints last, making you and Wanda laugh softly.
"I just need to lock up and grab a few last things in the office, and then we can go." Wanda told you when you arrived at the flower shop. The establishment was now empty, as the moving crew had already passed by.
You waited for her in the reception area.
With the key to the flower shop in hand and the last files that were there, Wanda hesitated. You looked at her, standing in the center of the place, eyes watering, and smiled as you approached.
"Everything okay?" You asked as you touched her arms, stroking her to calm her down.
"Yeah." She sighs, looking around one last time before looking back at you. "It just feels like I'm ending something. Like a chapter in my life."
You swallow dryly briefly, nodding.
"Are you scared?"
Wanda smiles.
"Terrified." She confesses. "But I have you, so I know I'll be all right."
You smile, lifting your hands to your neck to kiss her. It's brief and sweet, and it's exactly what you both need to be sure you're doing the right thing.
 "You're a flirt, aren't you Maximoff?" You tease with a smile, and Wanda giggles lightly against your lips.
"And you are breathtaking, love."
You felt your face heat up, kissing Wanda again.
"Are you sure about what we're doing, Wanda?" You let the words escape your anxious brain next. Wanda raised her free hand to your face, caressing your cheek.
" Absolute." She assures. "You are my future."
You swallow dryly, affected by the intensity of the confession. A shy smile escapes your lips in the next moment.
"And you are mine."
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bluesora · 3 years
celebrating mother’s day with you
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tsukishima kei ; sugawara kōshi ; oikawa torū ; kita shinsuke
headcanon ; fluff ; age up ; snippets of cuteness ; parenthood ; special edition — mother’s day
note: i’m not sure if i portrayed each characterization well but i just thought it’ll be fun to write one. after all, i was blessed to be born with loving parents and i just wanted to share the love i’m grateful for.
tagging: @forgetou @amjustagirl @yacoka @haikyuutothetop @luvnami ;; thank you for dropping these characters as i couldn’t decide who to write for. (of course it was more exciting without context)
ps. it’s longer than expected i’m sorry :’)
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tsukishima kei
tsukishima isn’t one who would remember special occasions unless someone had schedule a plan in advance with him. when he wondered if he should do anything for you after hearing his colleagues whispering during break, his work got busier than usual so he had forgotten about it.
that was, until he realized he had ten missed calls from his son; which was odd because he weren’t one to call him so often.
“i was in a meeting, what hap—” before tsukishima could finish his sentence, his son interrupted him, “i bought mom’s favorite cake since you’re slow. hurry home or there’s none left for you,” the line was cut right after; which of course left poor tsukishima’s partner to deal with the aftermath. “tsukishima-san, about the report—”
“it must be so urgent that it needs my immediate attention even when i’m packing up right?” his words dripped of pure sarcasm despite the polite smile hanging from his lips. everyone could literally see the panic swirling in his partner’s pupil.
“i’m sorry!! good work today and see you tomorrow!!” it’s the weekend tomorrow, but tsukishima was too hung up on his son’s attitude to shoot another of his sarcastic reply.
you, on the other hand, were neither someone who would celebrate such occasion unless it was for birthdays or holidays. therefore, you didn’t really had anything in mind nor were you expecting anything as well.
when you finally reached home from a tiring day at work, you were definitely not expecting to see your favorite cake on the table while your son popped a party popper with a party horn in his mouth right beside you.
“happy mother’s day!” he tried to mumble out with the horn still in his mouth. you couldn’t help but chuckle at the unexpected surprise, dropping your bag on the counter just so you could hug him—one that he wholeheartedly hugged you back because tsukishima wasn’t around.
it took an hour for tsukishima to be home, a small bouquet of flowers in his hand when he walked over to where you and the cheeky lad was sitting. “oh! you didn’t have to though,” you smiled in surprise.
“dad’s just guilty he forgot about our promise and didn’t want to come home empty handed.” you chuckled at that, perhaps it wasn’t entirely wrong either but you still appreciate the sentiment. it was rare for him after all.
“those who break promises don’t get desserts.” he continued to press his dad’s buttons, only to see tsukishima loosened his tie with an expression he could not understand.
“oh, but that’s on your mom to decide if i’ll get one tonight or not.” you could feel your face heating up at your husband’s words, the tone and smile that dawned on his face was a look you knew oh so well.
“tch...i thought i hid it well.” of course, your clueless son didn’t know the true meaning of those words and thought the strawberry shortcake he bought for his dad was found out.
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sugawara kōshi
sugawara would definitely plan in advance with the children. especially when they were the ones who excitedly wanted to do something for you.
“mama like animals! lets go to the zoo!” the middle child exclaimed with so much enthusiasm, sugawara could only chuckle at her adorable smile.
“you only said that because you wanted to go to the zoo, dummy.” the eldest one huffed, feeling proud that he saw through her obvious tactic.
it didn’t take long for the two to start crawling over each other in a fight while the youngest one giggled amusingly as if she was watching a performance. that was, until an insult was thrown at her so she joined in the fight to prove her worth.
“if you don’t stop now, we’ll be celebrating at home like how we did the past two years.” that immediately ceased all action, since they haven’t had the chance to go out together as a whole family thanks to your busy schedule.
“how about the park? the cherry blossoms have bloomed and mama likes going to the park!” of course, sugawara was fond of this idea. it’s been a while since there was a family picnic session.
and so on that very day in which you finally managed to take a day off, you weren’t expecting to be blind folded while having your children guide you to wherever you were supposed to be.
knowing how clumsy the trio could be, he wanted to accompany them as well but was outright rejected when they said they could do it themselves with so much confidence, he wasn’t sure who they got it from.
with their tiny hands, it took a while for them to tie the piece of cloth around your eyes, and even when they did, it wasn’t tied well enough so you could actually still see your footing (which saved you immensely from all the accidental knocks along the way)
after what felt like forever, you finally reached the park where they shouted ‘happy mother’s day’ in unison. you kind of already knew it’ll be a picnic from the soft grass beneath your feet and those fallen pink petals, but you were still moved to tears when you saw your children squeezed together into your husband’s arms while cute decoration and plates of food were spread between you and them.
“mama, try the cookie first! i made them myself!” the middle one was the first to break the silence.
“no! try my sandwich first, i’m the eldest!”
“so what if you’re the eldest? mama must be thirsty from walking so have my ultimate happy berry juice!” the youngest chirped with pride, as if her logic was a straight pass to winning.
you laughed at their competitive nature, which was oh so endearing at the same time. and it was obvious if you don’t decide soon, an all out food war was going to happen.
“before that, shouldn’t mama receive papa’s present first?” sugawara’s cheerful voice interrupted their little argument, and just before the youngest could ask what it was, her eyes was covered by the eldest son along with the middle one.
you couldn’t help but hit his arm in embarrassment when his lips met yours longer than it should’ve been.
“hey! that’s not fair, i didn’t get to see papa’s present,” your middle one sulked, only to be carried into sugawara’s arms as he peck her little cheek with a wink. “why don’t you ask mama what it was, baby?”
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oikawa torū
it was supposed to be a big surprise where he came home earlier than the date he had told you. he even told the kids about it and they promised to make it a success (money was definitely involved to be honest)
“make sure you delay mummy at the grocery store long enough for me to set everything up in time.” he reminded his daughter time and time again, only to have her sigh at his impatience.
“i think i’m old enough to not forget something so simple dad. and please stop addressing mom like that, it’s creepy.” she cringed, wondering how you even deal with oikawa every day.
“dad, have you even baked a cake before? do you think you can get it done within an hour or maybe two?” his son asked the third time that day, which did irk oikawa with that tone of his.
“of course i can! are you looking down on me? it’s just a simple vanilla cake and some fruits on top. how hard can it be?”
of course, with every rhetorical question that pose a challenge, there would always be an answer exactly of what’s to be expected.
you, with no idea that your husband was making a mess of your kitchen, took your own sweet time at the grocery store since your daughter was there to help and it’s been a while since you had a mother and daughter bonding time.
“do you think your dad would like to have curry tomorrow? or should we just have hamburger steak?” you asked, still unsure of the menu for a celebratory dinner.
“i think he would like anything you cook, so don’t worry about it. dad’s always so happy to eat your homemade meals.” she answered with shrug, but you could tell she was happy to rely the same sentiment.
everything went smoothly and she did managed to stall your time with her longer than the agreed duration. that was, until she received a text from her brother saying dad’s cake was a failure and they should just get one outside; you two were already at the apartment lift when she read it.
“dad, i think you should just give up. they are already walking over from the—” oikawa having enough of his son’s constant nagging about how he should’ve just bought a cake instead, threw a whiff of flour to his son’s face without thinking.
and of course, which kid would not retaliate from that. the kitchen, which originally wasn’t as messy, turned into chaos of white fluff and sticky childish banter between the two.
you, not expecting to see your husband, was clearly surprise when you heard his voice by the door. the only excitement that came from that vanished the moment your eyes fell onto the state of your kitchen.
“happy mother’s day?” oikawa managed to choke out when he felt your growing presence with each step towards him.
“i’m sorry mom, it was my fault please don’t kill dad—” your son pleaded softly by the side, only to fell speechless when you threw yourself into oikawa’s arms instead.
“welcome home,” you greeted with so much warmth, oikawa couldn’t help but embraced you tightly as he replied, “i’m home.”
“mom? you’re not mad?” your daughter asked in disbelief when she brought the groceries – including the ones you dropped – over to the kitchen.
“mad? why would i be when you dad’s sleeping in the kitchen tonight.” you were so serious and certain, the two broke into fits of laughter as they ran from their father (which was fertile because they got caught immediately and was tickled to tears)
“why are you laughing when you two are having a sleepover with daddy tonight.”
“please dad, just stop.”
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kita shinsuke
there was no surprises because kita’s way of celebrating was just regular activities but doing it together. which was honestly, what you love to do most since you don’t always get the chance of spending weekdays with your family often.
from preparing meals to visiting town, usually it would be done by kita himself. however, this time because of the special occasion, you took time off to accompany your husband while bringing your little ones along with you.
“mama here’s the carrot,” your little girl placed the orange vegetable on the chopping board before humming a tune while the other twin helped kita with picking the ends of the beansprouts.
“papa are we going to town later?” she beamed excitedly, hands still working on the tiny vegetable while her legs swung to the rhythm of her twin sister’s melody.
“yes, we are. do you have a place you want to visit?” he was done with his side so he continued onto the pile his daughter was removing.
“yes! we want to go to onigiri miya!” they both said at the same time, giggling right after when their father looked surprise.
“all right, let’s go after our lunch.” and everything went along smoothly with the little twins setting the table together while you and kita took turns to cook up the dishes. lunch was pleasant despite minimal words being exchanged since the twins were taught to not talk with their mouth full (and their mouth are always stuffed full)
while you and kita held hands with the twins walking hand in hand by themselves in front, the feeling of nostalgia seemed to tickle your bones at the memory of how you used to take long strolls with kita during your younger days.
“what’s wrong?” kita tugged your hand gently which snapped you back to reality when you realized you all have reached the store.
“nothing...i’m just grateful to be your wife and mother of two beautiful angels.” your smile had him press a fluttering kiss to your temple as he softly replied, “me too.”
“i see yer two are still as lovey-dovey as ever captain.” atsumu popped his head out from the entrance, both twins sitting comfortably on his arms as he carried them as if they were feathers.
“i’m not your captain anymore atsumu, but i see they both seemed to like you.” kita smiled at his two lovely dolls, one that atsumu have never seen much of because of his busy schedule.
“of course, who do you think i am? the better—” but before atsumu could even finish his flex, the two snapped their head over at the appearance of osamu in his apron. their hands immediately reaching out for the man to hug.
“uncle osamu!!” they squealed happily, trying their best to squirm out of atsumu’s grip.
“i guess not huh ‘tsumu,” osamu smirked at the annoyed twin, patting his hands dry before prying the little twins from his brother’s vice grip. of course, they both would fight over the kid’s affection. who wouldn’t right?
you watched the pair of twins in amusement with your head against kita’s shoulder as he wrapped an arm around your delicate frame. this too will be yet another moment kita would not forget, for he felt blissful to be their father and your husband.
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gasolineghuleh · 3 years
His Party, After All.
Commission for a very wonderful friend of mine. This one’s for you, Em!
BDSM with Rain.
cw: pretty rough one, i got in the zone. contains collar, leash, choking, derogatory dirty talk, pet ownership, and hints at mind control.
Adults only below.
“Rain! We’re going to be late if you play with yourself any longer!” you call, your fist firmly planted on your hip as your toe taps away on the hard floor of his dorm room. The steam from the shower has finally cleared and you can see the vague outline of your Ghoul, nude from the waist up with a towel concealing the pale grey skin beneath. He was still tired from the tour, something that showed in the sluggishness of his movements after a hot shower or upon waking up. But now, as you stand waiting by the door, your annoyance peaking by the moment, you can see the genuine happiness in his face as he smiles at you, tousling his hair with the once-white towel in his slim hands. Even the black holes of his un-masked eyes seem to glimmer with a sort of light that you haven’t seen in a while.
“Babe, chill. We won’t be late. I just gotta find my mask. I think you knocked it off of the night stand last night.” You roll your eyes good naturedly as he walks around the large bed that dominates most of his room, pressing a loud and wet kiss to your forehead as he passes. His slightly damp hair falls forward and catches briefly on your eyelashes before he steps away, leaving you smiling and wiping your face gently with the side of your hand, trying not to wipe off any of your makeup. “Ahah! Right where I thought it was.” 
“Well if you just stopped taking the damned thing off-” you start, only to be quickly interrupted by Rain, a stern tone creeping into his voice— his “dom” tone, you’ve taken to calling it, ever since that aspect of your relationship solidified. It’s something the two of you slipped into with ease, a silent understanding that this is what makes the two of you the most comfortable together. Natural.
“You’re right with the adjective at least, but what did I say about getting testy with me on whether or not I wear my mask?” Rain turns back towards you, his metal mask finally snapping back into place and covering the void that sparkles where his eyes should be— instead, they’ve reverted to the soothing cool blue glow that you’re used to, and you can feel your heart squeeze in your chest.
“I know we’ve talked about it… I just worry,” you explain, stepping forward and cupping the cold metal on his cheeks in the palms of your hands— an odd sensation for something that you consider so comforting now. Rain smiles softly down at you and slips an arm around your waist, tucking you tightly against him before pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. 
“Come on, you’re the one who doesn’t want to be late.” You sigh and step back from him, waiting for him to move to the door before you follow obediently— Rain sets the rules, you just follow them. He smiles at you in approval, sweeping the door open and holding his arm towards you, bowing you through the threshold. “Such a gentleman.”
“Ah, it’s gentle Ghoul, thank you,” he corrects, but his tone is light as he laughs at his own joke. Rain falls into step with you quickly as you make your way down the hall, making last minute adjustments to the dress you’ve decided to wear. It’s a strappy thing, and not something that you’re usually comfortable in, but you love the way that Rain’s eyes follow the strings that tie haphazardly up your waist. The heels you’ve chosen are a gorgeous accompaniment, gifted by Papa himself as a birthday present— dark blue and towering, it’s a perfect compliment to Rain’s height and the blue of his eyes… Something you’re sure that the new Papa considered.
“It’s in the Grand Hall, right? Do you hear anything?” you ask, perking your ears up for the sounds of a party that you’re sure has already started. Rain hums to himself in confusion before nodding. As usual, you can help but smile at his cocky display of how much more powerful Ghouls are than “regular humans”-- it’s something he shows often, usually in more scintillating ways. 
“I can hear it. You can’t. But yes, they’ve started.” You nod and roll your eyes, tardiness now confirmed. It’s one of your most hated things, and Rain knows this, of course. A subtle punishment he’s decided to enforce for your confidence in bed last night. Swallowing hard, you pull open the door to the Great Hall and brace yourself for the cacophony of voices that follow.
“There they are!”
“The Ghoul of the hour! And his bride!” 
“Alright, alright, that’s enough, you know how long it takes our girls to get dressed sometimes,” Rain manages to get out through a laugh. His hand falls away from your side as he moves forward to embrace Swiss and Aether, already bringing him a drink and a small plate of food. “You guys didn’t need to go through all of this for me.” 
“Hey, you’re the youngest. You get all the love still. Enjoy it,” Swiss quips, tossing you a wink as soon as Rain turns away from him. The joke of ages among the Ghouls is brought up often, and usually comes up around their human partners— a casual “one century, huh?” is their favourite way to remind everyone just how long they’ve been around. 
As the boys talk and joke with each other you let your eyes scan the room, eyeing the various decorations that have been thrown up around the Grand Hall for the occasion. Streamers in blue and silver line the walls as well as a large banner that says “Happy Spawnday!” that looks like it was scribbled rather quickly. A burn mark in the corner lets you know just who penned the message, a detail that you can’t help but laugh at. There’s a table along one side with snacks and drinks for Ghouls, and another separate table for human drinks and food. Someone by the human table catches your eye and waves you over. 
“Babe, I’m going to grab a drink, okay? I’ll be right back.” Rain looks over to you, his eyes flicking quickly to the group of girls who have waved you over— the other Ghoul’s partners; a shared clique of the only people who will understand what it’s like. He nods with a smile and it seems genuine enough, so you squeeze his hand in affection and move over to them, careful not to trip over the balloons bopping along the floor from people kicking them as they walk. 
“You two were fashionably late, as usual,” one of the girls comments, eyeing you suspiciously over her glass of wine. 
“Oh, yeah, Rain couldn’t find his mask again.” You fight to control your blushing cheeks, knowing that it’s the truth but not quite willing to divulge why he couldn’t find it. The other girl seems to know anyway, raising an eyebrow and smirking as she finishes her drink. She stands to get another and hands you one as well without asking before sinking back into her chair. “Thanks.”
“No problem, I figured you could use it, especially if you had to deal with one of them maskless.” She raises her glass to you and you do the same, taking a sip of the rich wine and sitting down in the chair across from her. You cross your leg over the other and notice how the dress falls to show your calves, accentuated by the sharp point of the heel. 
“Did he buy you that dress?” You turn to answer her, not able to miss the way her eyes are roaming along your exposed side and leg. Eyeing others in the Abbey was an accepted practice, enforced by the previous Papa— something along the lines of “we are all His children, so we should all look, si?”. 
“No, actually! I got it for myself for that Yule party that Papa had to reschedule. I figured it would be decent for this party, at least. Rain seems to like it.” When you look back to your partner he does, indeed, seem to be stealing looks at you across the Hall, eyes flashing in warning when you move enough to show him the hem of your panties through the side slit. 
“So does someone else,” she remarks, tilting her glass surreptitiously towards the other side of the room. Dew is leaning against a wall, an empty glass dangling in his claws as he watches you lasciviously. His other hand is curled by his side, gripping his thigh tightly. You look back to Rain, hoping he hasn’t noticed— but of course he has. He looks to you and shrugs, seemingly laughing it off as he finishes his conversation with the other two Ghouls in his band. 
“That could have been awful,” you say, laughing in relief as you toss back the rest of your wine. The other girls around you chitter with laughter before the conversation turns back to the finished tour- presumably what they were discussing when you came over to join them. You tune them out as you pick at the plate of food in front of you half-heartedly, your eyes moving back to Dew every so often. He’s managed to move slowly across the Hall towards you, appearing as nonchalant as possible. 
“Babe, you okay over here?” You startle slightly and look up, finally noticing Rain standing just to the side of you. He’s chewing happily on something, still flanked by Aether and Swiss. When you nod and grin at him he seems satisfied enough, dropping a light hand onto the crown of your head. ”Aeth and Swiss want to go for a quick hunt. I’ll be back. Don’t get into trouble, okay?” 
“Yes, dear,” you respond, only semi-sarcastically. You know the warning to stay out of trouble is probably a legitimate one, but you ignore it anyway. What kind of trouble could you even get into at a party thrown by the Clergy, after all? It’s not like you can get yourself hurt, or manage to get yourself lost sitting in a chair against a wall. Once Rain and his fellow bandmates move away you turn your attention back to the girl who handed you the wine. “Which one is yours?”
“Ah, we’re playing soccer moms at a tournament, I see.” She laughs and tosses her hair over her shoulder, leaning forward conspiratorially— you mimic her. “I’m with Mountain.” One of her eyebrows lifts meaningfully as she flicks her eyes towards the side of the room. When you follow her gaze you see Mountain leaning against the wall with his ankles crossed comfortably as he nurses his own drink. Your eyebrows lift in surprise as you lift your own drink to her and take another sip from your glass.
“That can't be a fun ride. At least not all the time.” She surprises you with a high-pitched giggle, nodding as she finishes off her drink and reaches for a bread roll from the center of the table.
“It's certainly not the easiest, but I would say we manage.”
“Manage what?” The two of you look up in surprise to see Dew standing over you, his arms folded in front of his chest as his eyes move between you. The look in his eye is hungry, and it's clear that he's considering the two of you as a meal almost as much as a potential dance partner. Mountain’s partner drops her eyes and mutters something into her class; she manages to get up and excuse herself lithely, practically scurrying back towards Mountain and leaving you alone with the Fire Ghoul. 
“Just girl talk, Dew. How have you been?” Your voice is stable but your heart pounds under your dress, and you’re sure that he can smell your nervousness. As a reflex you flash a grin at him, attempting to show your teeth enough to where he backs off— little tricks that you’ve learned from dating Rain… a Ghoul of a temperamental nature, himself.
“I’ve been just great, girlie. Where’s the Ghoul we’re meant to be celebrating?” Dew leans farther over you, moving his hands to his hips as he smiles. “It’s his birthday, after all. Surely he didn’t leave his beautiful girl here, all alone?”
“Ah-hah, he sure did,” you manage to laugh weakly, jumping slightly in surprise when Dew quickly stands upright and offers his hand to you. 
“Dance with me, while he’s gone. It’s been ages since I’ve had someone dance with me at one of these things. It’s fun.” Dew smiles at you, all lips this time, and it’s oddly comforting. The tug in your stomach deepens and you find yourself standing and accepting his hand lightly, suppressing an alcohol provoked giggle when the two of you stumble on to the floor. 
The band is playing one of the instrumentals that the previous Papa’s had composed— easy enough to dance to, but it still leaves some room for conversation between you. Dew’s hand grips yours lightly as he moves you with ease, gliding around the dance space in time to the music. When he dips you low, you scan the edges of the room for Rain. You know you aren’t doing anything wrong, but there’s a feeling in your gut that he wouldn’t exactly be pleased to see a Ghoul of the opposite element dancing with his partner— especially not at his party. 
“You and Rain seem comfortable together. Everything going well?” Dew asks, his tone nonchalant. You nod and open your mouth to speak just as he twirls you away from him in tempo to the song. When he twirls you back you laugh breathlessly, your head spinning from the alcohol on an empty stomach and the sensation of floating as he moves you about with ease. 
“Yes! We’re perfect. I missed him while he was on tour. It’s wonderful having you all back in the building again after so long. The halls felt empty,” you manage to get out before the song ends. Dew nods understandingly, holding your hips with both hands in a loose grasp as he waits for another song to begin. 
“It’s hard being away from our partners. Rain manages the best out of all of us. The rest… Well, we like fresh meat from time to time.” Dew flashes his teeth at you and laughs, watching your face for a brief reaction of fear before you join him in laughing. A new song starts at a faster tempo and it only takes a brief second for him to launch into another fast paced dance, making your head swirl even more than it was previously. Only when he spins you away at arms length, allowing you to pause for a moment, do you see Rain leering from the sidelines.
“Fuck,” you hiss out as Dew pulls you back in. He seems to have noticed as well, as he suddenly leans in and kisses you on the lips. Hard. You gasp and break away from him just as the song ends and turn to where you had just seen Rain, but the wall is empty. 
Your stomach drops. 
Later on that evening, after the gifts have been opened and the rest of the wine drank, Rain seeks you out. You try to keep your distance during the rest of the party, but of course he’s able to hunt you down— he’s always been able to. His hand lands firmly on the back of your arm and tightens just enough to make sure you know that he’s there. His grip doesn’t waver as he sees the rest of the partygoers out the door, claws digging just slightly into the too-soft skin there. The Hall is finally empty, and Rain starts to steer you towards the door.
“Did he think that was funny? Dancing with my human at my own party when I stepped out to hunt? Did you think it was funny too?” You manage an answer in the negative before he barks out a laugh, his other hand curled tightly by his side as he practically marches the two of you back to his room in the Ghoul dens. 
“He asked me to dance and I just said yes, I don’t know what you’re expecting of me when you leave me alone in a hall full of your friends. You could have stayed, you know. Or come back sooner than you did.” Your tone is harsher than you mean it to be, and you can’t suppress the yelp that falls out of your mouth when Rain slams the door shut behind you and locks it. 
“I came back precisely when I meant to come back, and you know it’s not your place to question that. Are you going to behave or do I need to teach you to do so?” You frown, catching yourself from his quick shove across your shoulders and crossing your arms, fixing him with a frown. Sometimes being a bit of a brat got you exactly what you wanted for the evening— more attention.
“You came back hours after you said you would! I got through an entire glass of wine and half of another full bottle by the time you came back from that hunt. Did you expect me not to have fun while I was at /your/ party?” His face, previously smiling with a type of controlled fury you rarely see, falls slack. 
“Kneel.” Rain snaps and points at the floor in front of him and you briefly consider disobeying, but the moment his hands move to the back of his head, unbuckling the straps of his mask, the idea falls from your mind. The black voids of his eyes entrance you, as they always do, and you fall to your knees in front of him, only barely having time to kick off your new heels behind you. 
“Rain, all I did was dance with Dew. I didn’t kiss him back.” It’s a weak protest but it’s one that you try before he shrugs, allowing his mask to fall to the floor from slack fingers. 
“He marked my territory. I’m marking it back. You’re my pet, not his— you know that as well as I do. You’re my little brat, aren’t you? Apparently you need taming again.” His hand goes to the buckle of his belt and you shuffle forward on your knees before you can comprehend what you're doing, your mouth already salivating at the thought of his cock slipping past your waiting lips. 
“Apparently I do,” you acquiesce, settling in on your haunches as he finally draws his cock free of his tightening suit pants. There’s already a droplet of pre-cum beading at the tip and you lick your lips out of habit, moistening them as you open wide to accept him. As soon as your mouth closes around the head of his cock his hand comes to the back of your head, gripping you gently and pulling you forward along his length.
He doesn’t stop half-way, as you expect; instead he keeps going until the head of his cock bumps the back of your throat and you gag lightly. Your nose brushes against the well groomed thatch of pubic hair and you manage to turn your eyes up towards him. Rain smiles down at you, watching as your eyes water as he keeps his cock firmly in your throat. You swallow around him reflexively, feeling your carefully applied makeup slip down your cheeks with your tears. When you swallow a second time he finally groans, his head tilting back slightly as his eyes close, shuttering the pulsing black voids that linger there. 
“Baby girl you feel so fucking good when you do that. Show me who owns you, huh?” he chides you, his fingers twining in your hair and gripping tighter as he pulls back from you. You hum an affirmative as best as you can, keeping your eyes pointed up towards his face— it’s something that loves and often asks for you to do for him. When he opens his eyes again and sees your face, his mouth splits in a wide grin. “I love a bitch who does what she’s told, even when she was told weeks ago. Practice is finally settling in, isn’t it?” 
You nod slightly, starting to bob your head along the length of his cock as his hand loosens its grip in your hair to give you the room to move. It isn’t long before you dedicate yourself completely to the task of pleasuring him, humming along his length and pressing your tongue to the spot that he loves the most. Rain grunts when you rub your teeth along his head, his hips jerking forward and shoving his cock into your throat once more. 
“Fuck… Get up, already. I’m ready for something more. And take off that dress— people have seen enough of you tonight already. I don’t need to be reminded of what Dew fucking saw.” Rain grips you by your bicep and hauls you off of the floor before pulling you close, swiping his thumb along the edge of your mouth and wiping away the spittle and precum. He looks at his thumb and grimaces, smearing it off on your dress before turning away and moving towards the bed. 
“In the hamper?” you ask, hastening to move your numbed fingers through the ties on the side of the dress and down to the zipper in the back. Rain just nods as you shuck the dress completely, taking your bra with it and tossing it into the hamper in the corner of the den. You move towards the bed to join him, leaving your panties in place— he hasn’t told you to remove them, so he must want them to stay, right?
“C’mon, do it how I taught you.” Rain stands to the side of the bed, fully nude now and waiting for you, stroking his cock idly as he looks at your body. You move with a practiced grace as you hop onto the bed and lay your chest down onto the plush bedding, raising your ass into the air for him. “And?”
“Please?” you supply, shaking your ass just slightly, knowing that his eyes are hopelessly trapped at the swaying and hypnotic movements of your hips. As you expected his hand cracks down on your ass hard and you jolt on the bed, your moan of pain and surprise morphing into pleasure. Rain chuckles behind you, his hands already coming to the sides of your panties as he pulls them down and off. 
“Such a good little pet for me, aren’t you? Who trained you this good? Was it me?” His hand rubs your ass, soothing small circles into the side he spanked. You just coo an answer and nod into the blankets, making sure that he can see how tightly you’re holding onto them in your fists. “Tell me who owns you, baby. Who owns this fuckin’ ass?” 
“You do, Rain. You’ve owned me since you met me, haven’t you?” You bite your lip for a moment, thinking, before you finally go for broke— in for a penny, right? “Show me who owns me… I think I’m starting to forget. What if I try to go to Dew’s bed?” You can hear the sharp intake of breath behind you right before both of his hands come down onto your ass, hard. 
“You think that fuckin’ Fire Ghoul is gonna be able to take you away from me? You want him to try, or do you just want me to convince you who you belong to?” The question is rhetorical and you know it, so you satisfy your need to answer by shaking your hips again. Your ears perk up when you hear the drawer to the nightstand open and shut, and the jangling of your collar and leash from his fist. “Sit up, c’mon. Let me fuckin’ remind you.” 
You raise yourself up onto your knees and hold your hair up for Rain, allowing him to strap the collar onto your neck and buckle it. His hand comes to the middle of your back as he shoves you down hard, pressing your face into the bed with a full palm. His other hand tightens the leash, jerking it taut as he moves to press himself fully against you. His cock throbs against your ass, a hot and heavy length that you’re already craving to have inside of you. Your cunt squeezes in lust as you breathe out shakily— it’s been ages since he was this forceful with you. 
“Say it.” 
“Breed me.” 
That’s all he needs to hear— his hand lets go of your head as the other fist tightens the leash further, pulling you up slightly until your face is unburied. His free hand goes to his cock and you can hear him stroke himself lightly before he brings the head to your entrance. You take a deep breath in, moaning loudly as he slowly thrusts himself inside of you, sliding in until he reaches the hilt and folds himself back over you again. Rain’s breath sounds in your ear, hot and gravelly as he speaks again. 
“Is this what you wanted when you kissed Dew?” With that, he pushes himself off of you once more only to slam his cock back into you with a brutal enough thrust to punch the air out of your lungs. Rain sets a fast and hard pace, his hips slapping against the slowly bruising part of your ass that he paid attention to earlier. It isn’t long before his teeth clamp onto your shoulder and you hiss, biting down on the blankets in front of you in an attempt to cover your increasingly loud moans and gasps of pleasure.
Rain jerks the leash when you move away slightly, one of your legs falling from its position on your knee. He only follows, pressing you down harder into the bed and continuing his quickening pace. He hasn’t taken you like this in what feels like years, the collar tight around your throat and his cock hitting places that you forgot existed. It takes you by surprise when you shudder through your first orgasm, keening and moving farther up the bed, the relentless assault of his cock only tipping you into a second climax. When the stars clear from your vision, you can hear Rain talking as he thrusts with short, fast movements. 
“Just like that baby, cry my name, tell me who owns you, huh? Who’s my fuckin’ brat?” his breath in your ear is coming harder and faster now and you can hear him grunting with every other movement. Finally he stills, his cock pulsing inside of you as he cums, teeth clamping on your shoulder hard enough to draw small pin pricks of blood. The two of you lay there for a moment, his cock still throbbing inside of you before you speak. 
“Are you convinced?” you say, your breath still coming fast and hard. Your legs are trapped under Rain’s heavy body, and his forearm is still holding you down by your shoulders, so most of your words come out muffled into the blankets. 
“Of what?” he replies, and you feel his forehead thunk down onto the back of your neck as he lets go of the leash. 
“My devotion.” 
“That was never in question. You’re mine.”
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aetheternity · 3 years
Sight, smell, touch, taste, sound and which one I believe would draw the Aot boys to you. Kinda Modern Au 🤷‍♀️ idk you be the judge.
(If you guys want girls too I'd be happy to do them just let me know) (MILD NSFW WARNING kiddos be vanquished.)
•Baby boy is so in love with every bit of your face, eyes, hair, curves, to the edges of your fingertips he's just got to look at you.
•Don't take this as shallow. No he definitely finds so many more reasons to cherish you.
•But that body tho~~ 😜
•He loves to watch your hips sway as you dance to music.
•Loves watching your hair flow on windy days.
•Craves the gorgeous red coloring from late night (horny) sessions.
•Enjoys slowly spinning you around when you're wearing something skin tight.
•Don't even get me started on when your skin is wet for any reason.
•Fuck~ but growled gently into your nape or collarbone.
~Touch and sound
•Damn papa he's a mixed breed. (No I didn't just say that shut up) .
•He wants to hear any noises that come out of your mouth and touch every delicate inch of your skin.
•Starts off with listening to you talk about your day. (Like everything! Don't skimp on the details.) Your little hums as you listen to music. Whispers of good night, I love you etc etc. Accompanied pleasantly with your warm lips, his fingers sliding over your back late at night or the feeling of your hair under his finger tips.
•It's all so beautiful. So absolutely perfect for him.
•And a little further along in your relationship when he's squeezing your thighs or cupping your ass. Listening to your breath hitch as he hits all the right spots.
•The breathless murmurs of his name on your lips has his heart soaring.
•He'll always reach up to your face after sex to press his thumbs into your cheek and devour every noise cresting off your lips.
•He'll always reach out for you after a long day. He just needs to squeeze your waist. Needs to hear your little giggles if he tickles you when he touches certain spots.
•In short you're a lucky bitch if he's yours so better keep him satisfied 😩😤
•He's touch starved so let the first thing you ever do with him relationship wise be giving him the tightest fucking hug!
•He wants you in his lap, pressed against his chest, within kissing distance and you better be ready to constantly interlock your fingers.
•Small price to pay for one of the best boyfriends in Aot.
•He's gonna need your skin pressed gently against his body period.
•Definitely plans as many instances as he can to get you in the bath tub with him. Bubbles soaking the gorgeous terrain of what is his as he rubs, wipes and scrubs every inch of your body with a gentle hand.
•You'll fall asleep. (He wants you to fall asleep). So he can carry you to bed bridal style.
•Absolutely loves sneaking a hand into your pants when you whisper you need him late at night and adores the lengthy marks you leave over the expanse of his back.
•But more than anything he just wants to hold you. Rub his hairy chin against your neck and face. (LET HIM DAMMIT )
•Believe it or not I see Levi as the type to be extremely attracted to certain smells.
•And god he loves your's
•He wants to stick his face in your neck and just take a long sniff and once he has the opportunity lord knows that's one of the first things he does whenever he has the chance.
•Loves how you smell when you're covered in cleaning products from a lengthy spring cleaning, after you've washed your hair, in his shirt, after you've showered etc etc.
•Please he needs you to be as close as possible so that your scent can relax him!
•Sometimes wears your t-shirts or falls asleep holding any article of clothing that smells the most like you.
•And fuck yes your smell can also get him sufficiently hard for really long fuck sessions. (Most likely if you smell like his cologne.) The scent of your arousal is probably his second favorite smell.
•Always sleeps a full eight hours or more if he's got his nose tucked into your nape, slightly in your hair. (Hopefully you washed it..)
•That's it Levi enjoys your smell thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. 😃👍
~Touch and Taste
•Not lowkey about his freaky side at all.
•He'll come straight out after a confession on either side and be like I've been wanting to touch you for I don't know how long 😳.
•He craves his hand molded to any part of your body he can reach. Smacking that ass like it cursed at his mother. (Mfer is handsy as hell.) Wants no needs the taste of your sweat, thighs, neck, lips etc etc.
•Though he enjoys sweet touches too. Loves when you slip a hand under his shirt to scratch his back.
•Don't be surprised if that sweet touch or any sweet touch escalates into something else. (You so horny for what like: 😤)
•He's always got a hand up your shirt when you two are alone. Actually feels calmer after a long day if he's kissing your neck and fondling your nipples.
•Even if you guys are out he's touching you in other ways.
•Got his arm affectionately wrapped around your waist at all times, comes close to give you little kisses on your ear and lips.
•Just make sure you give him as many hugs as possible or he might riot. 😏
~Smell and Touch
•Like Levi I'd like to believe he enjoys certain smells over others
•But like Jean I believe he's touch starved and has an unquenchable desire to touch you.
•Granted he won't be as horny when he actually has your touch no I feel your smell will get him going too. Specifically when you're wearing something he gave you or when you're only wearing one of his shirts.
•He loves touching your thighs, grazes his fingers over them with slow soft desire. Layers kisses near your armpits and shoulder blade where your scent is the strongest.
•If that leads to sex 🤷‍♀️ depends on his mood.
•Makes sure that if he's working late hours you're in his lap to provide your heartbeat and the soft scent of your breath as you lay open mouthed on his shoulder.
•Please be wearing no pants he'd love that so he can tap your butt to tell you he's done and then squeeze it when he's lifting you to bed.
•(Personal belief that he can undo buttons with his teeth and tongue.)
•Uses that to bury his face in your stomach and chest. (Overall wear Erwin's shirts challenge 21k)
Colt (My favorite guy from Marley besides Falco 😜)
•He's so entranced by you the second he sees you 🥺
•Knows that he wants you all to himself but has a hard time saying it but when he does know that he's always watching.
•He's such a cutie tho!! Feels embarrassed if you catch him sneaking a peak if you're stretching and your shirt rides up or if you're only wearing a towel and you're parading around his room.
•Please tell him it's ok to look 🥺
•Wear his shirt. WEAR HIS SHIRT. Don't make me repeat it a third time. If you do he'll have his eyes on you all day.
•When he's comfortable with you he'll stare at your long legs peaking out his untucked shirt and.. now he's hard.
•He loves watching you do cute precious shit like cook or dance. Loves the way you jump around when you're just humming a tune.
•Let's you wear his boxers (Please be in them when he comes home. He'll give you that good cock.)
•Let's be honest here his eyes are always looming over your figure and he wants to touch but fuck he loves to look. 😜🥺
~Sight and taste (I have a strong belief that almost all the Marley guys love to stare.)
•Guys.. show off that ass for Porco.
•Give him something to watch. You go walking away from him with your ass perfectly cupped in something tight fitting there's gonna be another tight fit waiting for you at home.)
•He fucking loves the taste of your sweat. Quite possibly your blood too when he bites down a certain way. (Porco screams blood kink to me 🤷‍♀️)
•Shit quite literally gets him going.
•He's got your waist and hand in the streets and your thighs between his teeth in the sheets.
•He's a biter (Ladies, Gents and the rest.)
•Loves gripping your ankles and yanking you towards him. Sometimes during sex sometimes just because you keep inching away from him on the couch.
•I also see Porco as the kind of guy to stick his tongue in your ear. Like if he does he's staying there for about twenty minutes.
•Porco has the god tongue and rough fingers (Do with that what you will.)
Renear (Reiner) 🤭
~Obviously Sight but also touch.
•If please touch me were a person.
•I see him as the type where if he were friends with someone he had a crush on and was playful with them he'd do things like pull them into his chest on occasion and put his hands on the small of their back.
•Unlike Porco and Connie his touch is probably more aimed at loving than sexual.
•He's always marveling your gorgeous eyes, he loves running a finger over your chin before he kisses you, adores pressing his thumb to your bottom lip and when you open for him to press his thumb against the pad of your tongue-
•Holy shit.
•Watches you do literally everything as if he's so awed but he's in love.
•Holds you around the waist whenever you two dance. So close you can feel his heart skip for you.
•Once again (Wear his shirts. Wear his shirt. wear his shirt!)
•Also craves pecks on the lips and tight holds around his body so give him those.
Berthot (Berthold whatever the fuck his name is)
•He's definitely one of those personality driven mfers.
•But he's also seen you and what he's seen is amazing.
•Why tf is he always blushing just to look away cause he adores you from your head to your toes.
•But unlike some of the other guys I see him as the kind of guy obsessed with your pretty face over your curves and what not.
•He loves the way your eyes twinkle when you see a shooting star or the way you smile at him when you see him.
•He's like the easiest guy to please out of all the others here.
•He bores every pretty expression you make into his memory.
•Specially when you guys are 😤🥰😩
•Good luck to Armin when he sees you as 99.9% of his memory like damn.. 😤
Farlen (As a bonus!)
•Your voice has been a lingering sound in the depths of his memory.
•From the second he first heard you he had to hear more.
•If you sing he wants to hear more. If you cry he wants to slit the throat of whoever did it and if you laugh. God please laugh..
•He's gonna do everything in his power to hear literally everything you have to say even if it's stupid to you. (There is no never mind in this relationship 😤).
•And dear god if you moan in his ear it'll send him to a galaxy far far away. You might even make him cum on the spot.
•If you whistle he's gonna ask you to whistle for him and will probably fall asleep to the sound.
•He wants the details of your day (like Armin) but he'll probably stop literally everything he's doing just to listen to you vent.)
•Please whisper in his ear he'll get so so very hard.
•And politely mumble how much you love everything about him the universe isn't big enough for how big his heart gets.
(This was posted on April 7th right before 12am so again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEAN!!) 🥺
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themonotonysyndrome · 2 years
So let’s say Angel was always alone, family was never home and it was just the same boring routine for them. Until they came across Quinn, they eventually get closer and Angel starts seeing him as a brother figure. Something that they always wanted, a family. Everything was going okay, nothing could happen between these siblings, right?
Wrong (lol) they find out that their brother is a crazy vampire who likes to hurt people. This obviously hurt them, how could he go from a lovely older brother to crazy? It’s like if he’s a stranger. Eventually, they distance themselves from him for safety. They hate that they had to leave their only family, but it was for their own good.
Quinn would feel betrayed when he finds out that his little sibling is dating a SHIFTER and an ALPHA TOO not only that but they’re also friends with someone who he used to have a thing with, Darlin.
Imagine how it would turn out if they ever meet again.
(Also angel has never mentioned anything about having a brother to David. Also David and Darlin’s reaction to this. oh my god.)
Ooooh, yeah, that is possible, Anon! Personally, I just love the idea that Angel becomes Quinn's 'Morality Chain' while Darling is his love interest. I would say that Quinn has a good taste in finding amazing people but the fact that he's a danger to both of them, well, makes it all a moot point lol.
Can I tweak your AU a little bit, Anon? You have a great foundation here but I'd just like to add more structure to it!
OK, so, ever since they can remember, Angel grew up with parents that they only see once a week. Most of the time, they live with a Nanny but Little Angel is good at making the most of their situation. They have their friends at school and a loving Nanny to greet them at home.
But it can get a little lonely during birthday parties and school events. It's worse when their parents broke their promises to spend the weekend together because of an emergency at work.
Quinn first stumbles upon Little Angel when the 10-year-old is walking home at night from a friend's house. He was out looking for a victim to feed on and is bewildered that someone left a child at night on the side of a street.
He was so bewildered in fact, that when Little Angel tugs on his pants and sweetly ask him to accompany them back home because it was getting scary, Quinn blurted out:
"Didn't your parents tell you not to speak to a stranger?"
"Uh... no?"
The whole thing was amusing. So Quinn decided to play bodyguard for Little Angel and walk them back home. Ever since then, he unofficially became their aloof, third parent!
Quinn would make sure that he's properly fed before visiting Little Angel. They squeal every time Quinn broke into their house and drop some toys. At Little Angel's insistence, Quinn would have no choice but to entertain the kid and then leave when their Nanny tucked them in.
As Little Angel grew up, Quinn continued to check up on them from time to time. Quinn would never admit it, but... it's nice to have some sort of family to visit and Little Angel loves having a Papa that will always come whenever they ask.
However, when Little Angel becomes a teenager, they begin to understand just how dangerous Quinn is (headcanon that he kept his existence as a Vampire a secret from Angel).
Quinn's strange yet threatening remarks to the bullies that like to hide their belongings at school, his callousness when Angel worries if their parents might have an accident driving during a heavy, late-night storm and so forth starts to make them uncomfortable.
When the school announced that one of Angel's bullies is missing and that night, Quinn has the gentlest smile that Angel has ever since when he said that they can enjoy school like any other teenager should that Angel starts distancing themselves from him.
This hurts Quinn. If Angel wants to ignore him then fine, then two can play at that game.
The last time that Angel saw Quinn was when they were in school.
So many things have happened since then. They graduated. Got into the university of their choice. Landed a job that pays well and found love from David Shaw - everything has been going on amazing for Angel.
Until one day at a Pack meeting, David and Darling are briefing everyone about how dangerous Quinn are and his bloodied history with Darling, someone Angel considered as a friend.
It broke Angel's heart that the man they considered as their second Papa is a monster.
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mxchellesworld · 3 years
Spencer Reid x Latina!Reader
request; Spencer and a reader who is bilingual
synopsis; Spencer turns 30 and spends the day with his favorite people
warnings; just fluff
*I added translations for a few things at the end
a/n; fuck accent marks, all my homies hate accent marks>:( lol but really, i did this in spanish since i speak it and thought it would be cute - i am very happy i got this request! as always enjoy
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Spencer was proud of his multi linguistic skills, he had worked hard to be able to communicate with others in different languages. However when he wasn’t using his skills in a case or for research, his language skills were put to great use in watching his Russian films and trying to impress you.
While yes you had been together and married for nearing 6 years, it was always his main goal. Even when you first started to get to know one another and he met your parents he whipped out formal spanish greeting, with Elle’s help of course, which immediately had your mother swooning. Papa took some getting used to but now Spencer was his son at heart.
When you found out you were pregnant with your little girl he made sure to get books in spanish as well. According to him the novelas you watched weren’t gonna do much to help but give her more of your sass.
But when she came into the world he was more than overjoyed hearing your cooing over her. The way her big brown eyes lit up hearing your voice in the mornings.
“Donde esta mi princessa hermosa,” you said switching off the sound machine in the nursery. Instantly you were met with the sound of tiny giggles immersing from the swaddle of yellow fluffy blankets in her crib.
Another thing Spencer told you was that talking to babies was key in helping develop their speaking and understanding skills. Of course there was a percentage to accompany the fact but you got the just of it.
“Vamos a despertar a papa,” you said lifting her up and running your fingers through the steady growing curls on the top of her head.
She instantly perked up at the mention of her dad. Gummy smile spread across her chubby cheeks.
“Es su cumpleaños hoy. Creo que tu eres el mejor regalo que le pudia ver dado,” you finished by rubbing your nose onto hers. She shrieked in laughter, her tiny hands grabbing onto your hair.
After giving her diaper a quick change and dressing her up in her favorite onesie which read ‘daddy’s genius’, of course gifted by the best god mother Penelope Garcia, you walked over to your bedroom.
She clung onto your earrings as you patted down the hall trying to make minimal noise and wake up Spencer. You opened the door to see him still sound asleep having come back from a case late at night.
He was laying on his back, head tilted to the side with one hand under the pillow and the other on his stomach. You watched the rise and fall of his steady breathe in the Halloween t-shirt he slept in.
You smiled at the hitch in Gloria’s breath seeing her daddy first thing in the morning. The way she wiggled her body in your arms just dying to see her favorite person.
You straddled his waist trying to keep your weight on your knees to not wake him up. You then placed Gloria on his chest and let her go to town. Her sloppy kisses on his cheeks woke him from his slumber.
He slowly opened his eyes and let the smile spread across his face, “Oh wow what a way to wake up,” he let out a giggle.
Spencer sat up and held her close to his face, peppering kisses all over her rosy cheeks.
“We wanted to give the best father in the world an early birthday gift. Huh G,” you said calling for the little girl.
She babbled away in agreement making both you and Spencer share a laugh. You got off from his lap and snuggled into his arms.
“Well gracias Gloria,” he said bopping her nose, “I appreciate the wake up.”
You pressed a kiss to his cheek and watched as the two interacted before getting up to make breakfast.
You left them in bed and went to the kitchen whipping up some pancakes and a bottle for Gloria. When things were finishing up you heard Spencer’s steps coming down the hall.
He sat her in the high chair next to the table and wrapped his arms around your waist as you plated the food.
“Thank you for the best birthday gift I could ever ask for. I love you so much Y/n, you guys make me the happiest man on earth.”
You turned and met him with a sweet kiss, “Love you so much more mi amore. You deserve every bit of happiness Spence.”
Your moment was brought to an end by tiny hands banging on the plastic tray of her high chair. You both shared a look of understanding before you sat in the chair next to Gloria’s.
Spencer sat across from you while the three of you shared breakfast together. Gloria’s attitude was quickly changed by the cut up pieces of pancake you let her munch on.
By the time you had finished breakfast she was ready to be bathed and have some playtime before her midday nap if she was to endure the fabulous party hosted by none other than Papa Rossi.
“I’ll clean up here, you give her a bath and get her ready,” you said taking Spencer’s plate.
“You cooked I can clean this up no problem,” he tried to argue.
“No no you guys have your daddy daughter time. Then you can read her a story before her nap,” you said nodding.
He smiled at you then picked her out of the high chair and leaned down to press a kiss to your cheek. You could hear him cooing and talking to her as they made their way down the hall.
By 2pm you were getting ready to head to Dave’s house or Uncle Dave as he’s been more recently known. He agreed to host Spencer a little birthday party which consisted of the team and their kids.
After getting gloria dressed she was still fast asleep in her car seat and the ride to Dave’s was smooth with small talk and quiet music on the radio.
Spencer drove with his hand interlocked with yours in the middle, randomly pressing kisses to it during red lights.
“Mama y Papa called to wish you a happy birthday. It was when you were bathing G but they told me to relay the message,” you said playing with the scarf around his neck.
You could see the small blush creep on his face. Any mention of your parents thinking and caring for him hit really hard within him. They knew of his past and did their best to have him know he was truly a part of your family.
“I’ll make sure to call them tomorrow and say thank you. Maybe we can visit them soon, I know they miss Gloria and I really miss your mom’s cooking,” he said with a smile.
Arriving at David’s you were met with the door being ripped open by all the kids of the BAU. The boys were more than happy to wish their Uncle Spence a happy birthday and greet their little girl.
Since she was the only girl of the bunch they had sworn to protect her the best they could. Even if it wasn’t much now, when she got older they would definitely be her playground body guards.
Penelope and Derek then let you guys in and attacked you both in the biggest hugs imaginable.
“Oh hot mama I’ve missed you so much,” Garcia said swaying you back and forth.
“I’ve missed you more Garcia. We should round the girls up and get brunch sometime,” you said with a quirk in your lip.
She instantly lit up and grabbed your hand to take you to the rest of the BAU ladies. You looked back to see Spencer and Morgan laughing as they cooed over Gloria who was now waking up for her godfather.
The rest of the night went down smoothly with Gloria being passed around like a hot potato. Though she never minded, loving the attention from all her aunts and uncles.She was quite the stunner. Even getting Hotch to break character and indulge her in a wholesome game of pickaboo. 
A few games were played and stories were told but it was time to cut the cake before it reached anyone’s bedtime. 
You sat around Rossi’s yard, the candles reading 30 glowed under the October sky. You all sang and held smiles on your face as Spencer blew out his candles. Gloria bouncing on his lap happily around all the commotion. 
While he’d never admit it, you knew he actually didn’t wish for anything. Everything he could ask for was surrounding him at that very moment and he was more than content with the love of his favorite people.
“Donde esta mi princessa hermosa,” - “Where is my pretty princess”
“Vamos a despertar a papa,” - “Lets go wake up dad”
“Es su cumpleaños hoy. Creo que tu eres el mejor regalo que le pudia ver dado,” - “It’s his birthday today. I think you are the best gift I could have ever given him”
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stiltonbasket · 3 years
The babies. Anything about the babies. The babies getting lost in the rabbit field, the babies trying (and failing) to make breakfast for their parents, The babies and LQR. ANYTHING. as long as it involves the wangxian babies being cute and good babies
Lan Xiaohui's First Errand
by stiltonbasket
“Do you have your hat, A-Yu?”
“And your basket?”
Lan Yu holds up the meal basket dangling from his arm, full of delicious home-made snacks from his A-Niang’s kitchen. “Xiao-Yu has the basket!”
A week after his fourth birthday, Xiao-Yu sets off on his very first errand.
It goes (mostly) as expected.
魂兮歸来!何遠為些 室家遂宗,食多方些 稻粢穱麥,挐黄梁些 大苦醎酸,辛甘行些 粔籹蜜餌,有餦餭些 瑶漿蜜勺,實羽觴些 挫糟凍飲,酎清凉些 華酌既陳,有琼漿些
O soul, come back! Why should you go so far away? All your household have come to do you honor; all kinds of good food are ready: Rice, broom-corn, early wheat, mixed all with yellow millet; Bitter, salty, sour, hot and sweet: there are dishes of all flavors. Fried honey-cakes of rice flour and malt-sugar sweetmeats; Jade-like wine, honey-flavored, fills the winged cups Ice-cooled liquor, strained of impurities, clear wine, cool and refreshing; Here are laid out the patterned ladles, and here is sparkling wine.
—from Zhao hun (招魂), The Songs of the South
“Do you have your hat, A-Yu?”
“And your basket?”
Lan Yu holds up the meal basket dangling from his arm, full of delicious home-made snacks from his A-Niang’s kitchen. “Xiao-Yu has the basket!”
Xiao-Yu kicks up the hem of his short white gown, showing the toes of two tiny cloth boots as his A-Die secures his hat strings. “I have my shoes, too!”
He stands still while Papa inspects the rest of his outfit, making sure that his hair is brushed smooth and that his mo’e is straight, and then he smiles from ear to ear when his parents swoop down to kiss his chubby cheeks.
“Xiao-Yu will be careful,” Lan Yu declares, peering into the precious basket and wriggling with delight at the sight of the wrapped-up snacks tucked neatly inside. “I’ll be good all the way, and bring Shugong his lunch.”
Today is the day of Xiao-Yu’s first errand: now that his fourth birthday has come and gone, he’s finally old enough to begin helping his A-Die and Papa with their duties around the Cloud Recesses, and the first important duty that A-Die decided to delegate to him was the task of delivering a lunch basket to the meishi where his Lan-shugong lives.
“Shufu has been tired lately, so he would rather not go to the senior refectory to dine with the rest of the elders,” Papa explained at breakfast. “He could have his lunch delivered out, but the food from the sect kitchens does not help to build strength. Wei Ying will cook luncheon for all of us and set aside a portion for your Shugong, and you must climb up the stairs to the meishi and deliver it to him.”
A-Yu has never even been allowed up the stone staircase to the meishi without Yuan-gege or his father holding his hands, so he spent the morning of his fateful adventure in the kitchen, almost quivering with excitement as he watched A-Niang prepare their lunch. Today’s lunch is sure to be delicious, since A-Niang made sanxian doupi filled with green onions and sweet succulent shrimp, and fried mustard greens cooked with a sprinkle of sesame seeds—and there is even a pot of hearty vegetable soup, which Xiao-Yu was permitted to stir with an enormous wooden spoon almost longer than he is. Papa packed up the doupi in a clean waxed cloth, and wrapped Shugong’s serving of mustard greens with hot rice and lotus leaves, and A-Niang put the soup in a covered dish and bundled everything into Xiao-Yu’s little reed basket with three steaming honeycakes for Great-uncle’s dessert.
“Maybe I should take it,” Yuan-gege frets now, as Xiao-Yu hefts the basket and trots past the scrubbed wooden table where he, Jingyi-ge, and Qing-jiejie were doing their homework. “Isn’t that too heavy for you, A-Bao?”
“I’m not a baby anymore,” Lan Yu declares. “I can pull A-Die’s vegetable wagon all by myself, and now I’m going to climb up the big stair to Shugong!”
Yuan-gege whips around towards Papa, probably to ask whether someone so small should be climbing up that long, winding staircase all alone, but Xiao-Yu hums his favorite lullaby and continues on his way unperturbed. When he looks back on the threshold, Yuan-gege, Jingyi-ge, and A-Qing-jie have all gone away to study somewhere else; but Papa and A-Die are still there, and A-Yu blows them a kiss before jumping down the porch steps and setting off up the path that leads away from the jingshi.
“I’m a great adventurer, climbing a mountain,” he giggles to himself, as he trundles along the grassy track and passes the smaller, straighter footpath that goes to Uncle Xichen’s hanshi. The main Lan family lives along the slope of a hill, with Shugong’s house at the very top and the jingshi close to the bottom, and Uncle’s house is right in the middle; but the hill only gets steep past the hanshi, which is why Xiao-Yu is never allowed to climb above it alone. Or at least he never was until today, because now Xiao-Yu is big enough to help Papa and A-Die with all the important things they have to do as Excellency and Xinhua-jun, so he’ll get to the top of the hill in no time at all.
During most of his walks through the Cloud Recesses, Xiao-Yu stops to look at wildflowers and peer into fish ponds along the way; but Shugong is counting on him, so he turns away from all the tempting zhuge cai blossoms and plants his chubby little foot on the bottom-most stair, staring dizzily at the steep steps as they climb up, up, up before vanishing from view. He doesn’t have A-Niang’s hand to hang on to, to keep his balance, and it wouldn’t do him any good if he did—because A-Yu has to carry the lunch basket and take care not to spill the hot soup inside, and it takes both of his dimpled hands to keep the basket steady.
“Don’t worry, Shugong! I can do it!” Lan Yu exclaims, climbing up a few more steps before squeaking in alarm as the basket lurches to the side. Xiao-Yu stops and takes off the lid right away, dreading the sight of A-Die’s delicious soup splashed all over the honey cakes—but the tiny soup pot is still tightly closed and shows no signs of leaking, so he marches up the stairs as calmly as he can before coming to a halt again when he hears quiet footsteps behind him.
The hill is completely empty aside from shrubs, a few trees, and Xiao-Yu himself, so he frowns and walks for another minute or two before he spots a pair of footprints in the grass right beside the staircase. A-Yu keeps going this time, blinking curiously when the footprints keep pace with him all the way up the mountain: one set on his left, one on his right, and one on the stairs just six or seven steps below him. They must be friendly ghosts, who saw him by himself and decided to keep him company, but they would have made their presence known if they wanted Lan Yu to see that they were there—so he pretends not to notice them while he climbs the last several chi, putting one foot in front of the other until he struggles up to the top.
“I did it!” he cries, clutching the precious basket to his chest as the meishi comes into view. “Shugong, shugong, Xiao-Yu is here!”
The doors to the meishi slide open as if by magic, and then Great-uncle is there, and Xiao-Yu toddles towards him as fast as he can before offering up the lunch basket.
“A-Yu,” Great-uncle smiles, lifting Xiao-Yu into his arms. “How did you come up all this way alone, ah? You’re too small to walk so far alone.”
“Xiao-Yu was too small,” Lan Yu announces, bubbling like an overexcited teapot when his Shugong peers into the lunchbox and makes appreciative noises at the tasty meal inside. “But now I’m big, so I can bring you food from A-Niang and Papa when you’re not feeling well! Shugong, do you like it?”
Shugong hums low in his throat. “I can see...hm, is that doupi? And Wangji’s favorite honey cakes?”
“It’s A-Niang’s best doupi!” Xiao-Yu nearly glows with joy as Shugong carries him into the house and brings out the food, transferring it to a set of serving dishes with plum blossoms painted on them. He tastes one of the doupi squares first, closing his eyes as the flavor of shrimp and scallions hits his tongue, and Xiao-Yu grabs a stray chopstick and pokes the lid off the soup pot so that Shugong can smell how wonderful it is: light and rich and savory-sweet, with pieces of soft eggplant and red tomatoes floating on top.
“It tastes divine,” Great-uncle praises, unwrapping the lotus-leaf package that holds the rice and mustard greens. “If I eat another meal like this tomorrow, I might be able to run all the way from Gusu to Lanling without even stopping for breath.”
Xiao-Yu dances back down the mountain after that, so quickly that the friendly ghosts who accompanied him on the way up keep falling behind, and collapses into Papa’s arms in the jingshi with all the satisfaction of a job well done.
“Shugong will get all better now,” he sighs, snuggling into his father’s sandalwood-scented robes. “A-Niang’s food is magic.”
“Aiyah, Xiao-Yu,” A-Die teases, as Papa chuckles under his breath and hugs A-Yu a little tighter. “It’s not magic, sweetheart. But Uncle will eat well if he likes his food, and eggplant soup and honey cakes and greens are some of his favorite dishes.”
“Honey cakes are Xiao-Yu’s favorite, too!”
A-Die throws his head back and laughs, and Papa reaches for a honey cake and feeds it to Xiao-Yu piece by piece while he regales them with the story of his perilous trip up the mountain.
“It was so high up, and I got tired,” A-Yu says importantly, licking honey off his fingers. “And there were three nice ghosts with me, but I couldn’t give them a taste of the doupi because it was for Shugong.”
“Such well-mannered ghosts! Did they ask you for some of Shufu’s food?”
“There were ghosts on the hill when Xiao-Yu was on his way to the meishi?” Lan Jingyi squawks, peering around the jingshi’s kitchen door. “Where?”
A-Qing reaches up and deactivates her invisibility talisman before pinching Jingyi’s ear.
“Silly melon!” she hisses. “He must have seen our footprints in the grass. We were the ghosts, remember?”
“...Oh. Right.”
“Hush, both of you,” Lan Sizhui whispers, his heart swelling to nearly twice its size as A-Yu yawns and falls asleep right in Xian-ge’s lap. “We can’t let Yu’er know we were there, so hush and go along with him when he asks you to help him look for his ghosts, all right?”
(And with that, the three of them tiptoe away, leaving little Xiao-Yu to his dreams in the warmth of his parents’ arms.)
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Meet Altynay: Chapter One
(I’d put it under a cut, but I’m on mobile)
Altynay propped her head up on a mountainous stack of pillows, aching to be outside, or anywhere else really, instead of having to hold her baby sister in a stuffy hospital that smelled like alcohol and pee.
The moonlight sparkled on her sister’s red face, permanently fixed in a squabble, even though she was asleep. The clock ticked on the wall.
three am…
When will they be back?
Altynay didn’t let her mind wander for too long, and took out her homework, juggling her workbooks and pencil among the cords that were helping to keep her sister alive.
Your parents need sleep too!! She chided herself. Stop being ungrateful!!
Ungrateful. Ungrateful. Ungrateful. Ever since her sister had been born a month prior, that seemed to be the only word adults used to describe Altynay. If they even noticed her. Usually they went straight for the baby.
Altynay was ungrateful for crying when her mom left in the middle of the night to take her sister back to the emergency room, and she was ungrateful for being upset when the only food in the house happened to be Mayo and a single slice of cheese. She was ungrateful on her birthday when she stormed into her room because everyone brought presents for her sister, but didn’t bring any for her. She was ungrateful. Ungrateful. Ungrateful.
Tears dotted the rough paper of her math notebook as she realized she couldn’t do any of it. She hadn’t gotten much sleep in the past week, and must have zoned out during math class.
“If you don’t do this, you’re going to get another demerit and have to move your behavior clip down to red!!” She gritted her teeth. Her teacher didn’t make exceptions.
Truthfully, the math homework would have been easy on any other day, at home, with a clear mind and some sleep, even without the instruction. Before her sister was born, math was Altynay’s favorite subject, and she could do equations up to Algebra 2.
Altynay took a couple deep breaths and focused back on her worksheet.
“See? It’s just times tables.” She told herself, “You like times tables.”
She finished her homework just as a nurse Altynay didn’t recognize walked into the room.
Altynay gave a small wave. “She’s not had any major changes. She got air in her line a couple minutes ago and I fixed it because the beeping was upsetting me, I hope that’s alright?”
The nurse looked around and gave a dramatic sigh. “Where are your parents??”
Altynay anxiously bit her lip. “They’re in the family room. Mama hasn’t slept in three days, and papa is taking care of her. We have to hold my sister up at an angle or else she aspirates.”
“It’s against policy for children to be left unattended.” The nurse gave Altynay a look as if she should know that.
Altynay did know that as an avid worrier and sign reader, but she had done this before. “The nice charge nurse with the maple leaf scrubs lets me hold her while my parents rest. She says I’m very smart and careful.”
Altynay contemplated asking the nurse if she needed an Advil and some coffee, as that always seemed to soften her parents’ frustration, especially these days, but the nurse was already out the door, no doubt on her way to the family room.
The pit in Altynay’s stomach grew when Mama and Papa appeared in the doorway, the harsh yellow lights in the hallway illuminating just how tired they were.
“I’m sorry.” Altynay whispered, handing her sister over to her dad, as her mom pushed the suitcases together and created a makeshift bed.
Her dad gave her a wretched look before mustering a curt “go play” followed by a “somewhere that’s not in this room” and a “I’ll find you around six am to take you to school.”
Altynay hurriedly shoved an outfit from her suitcase into her school bag before leaving the room. She would change in the school bathroom.
The lights buzzed over Altynay’s head, and her eyes stung from the sudden change from dark to light. Gurneys and wheelchairs pushed past her, all accompanied by herds of people.
But Altynay was alone.
She felt small as she shrunk into a corner of the larger than life elevator. Was she invisible?
“What floor?” A tired looking doctor asked.
At least that was confirmation that she wasn’t completely invisible.
“Five.” She let him punch the number for her. She didn’t actually have a floor in mind. She knew her father would expect to find her on the ground level, or the family services level, but Altynay didn’t want to be findable right then.
Altynay learned quickly that as long as you didn’t look lost, scared or suspicious, that most doctors would brush past you. She wandered the fifth floor, filing the diagrams posted on the wall into her photographic memory, and listening in on conversations. The hospital wasn’t all bad. Altynay wanted to be a surgeon, and she often told herself that this was just a head start.
Sometime later, Altynay found herself being shaken awake by a concerned face. She must have crashed on one of the uncomfortable waiting room chairs, most certainly not by choice.
“Do you know where your parents are?” The face most certainly didn’t mean to be imposing, and the gentle smile that accompanied the question squashed any off handed remark a rudely awakened Altynay may have otherwise come up with. “Don’t make me go back up there.” Altynay groaned. “I’m not lost, just tired. And I’m not a runaway patient, before you go accusing me of that. My sister is the one who keeps trying to die.”
“I see. Well, why don’t you walk with me?” The doctor held out his hand.
Altynay suspiciously took it. “I’m not going back to my parents. Or my sister. Or that nurse. They’re all mean and I hate them.”
“Are you hungry?” The doctor asked.
Altynay looked up at him, trying to remember the last time she ate. “Maybe. Please no more popsicles, I haven’t had any fruit except that time when my friend’s dad packed her a bushel of bananas for lunch. I want fruit.”
The doctor chuckled. “I can do that.”
Altynay didn’t know why she found herself babbling to someone she barely knew. Normally she was shy and skeptical, but the nice doctor actually seemed to care about her. He didn’t call her ungrateful, or yell at her for trying to help. He found her a fruit salad and tucked her into an unoccupied bed. Altynay didn’t realize how much she missed being treated like a kid. It felt wrong to wish for life before her sister was born, but it was hard for nine-year-old Altynay not to, when days and nights were spent in the hospital, and she could barely remember what her own bedroom looked like. Altynay fell asleep almost immediately, surrounded in swirling images of her baby sister’s unused crib, and all the “can nots” that came shortly after her sister’s birth.
9:00 AM.
Altynay begrudgingly peeled herself out of bed. Late again. At least her homework was done.
Altynay texted Papa on the flip phone her parents gifted her, which was already on its last legs, despite it being “For Emergencies Only.”
Sorry for being late, can you take me to school please? xoxo
She put on her change of clothes as she waited for his reply, thankful that her tardiness meant she wouldn’t have to change in the school bathrooms.
Sorry pumpkin, your sister had a bad night. I should stay here with your mom. Take the bus again? I’ll make it up to you.
Altynay felt a pang of guilt. While she was sleeping, her sister was struggling to stay alive. Mama probably didn’t get the sleep she needed, she thought.
Her eyes stung with tears as she boarded the bus. Papa always said it wasn’t her job to worry about them, but she couldn’t help but feel responsible. She pushed her ball of upset back down, imagining it rolling out of the bus, never to be seen again. It seemed to have grown trifold in the past months.
What mattered now was school. Altynay couldn’t slip, no matter what happened. Afterall, like her teacher said, there were no exceptions.
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Day 3 of Jeankasa Smut Week 2021: Interruptions
"A Crowded Home"
With peace celebrations taking place, Mikasa and Jean's apartment is a bit more crowded than usual.
Disclaimer: This contains explicit smut. Please make sure to practice safe sex.
Mikasa fanned herself by the side of the crib, her eyes half-shut. Summers had become warmer with the passing of the years, and this one was a particularly hot one. She’d put the crib by the window and turned the fan on, but still, hot beads of sweat ran down her forehead. Their baby girl didn’t seem too warm, thankfully. She was sleeping in her yellow onesie, looking like the cutest kid in the entire world, but that was nothing new.
“Is she asleep?” Jean asked from the door, walking in with a bundle in his arms. Mikasa turned to look at him and nodded. “Our little guy is hungry, by the way, and he’s not latching onto the bottle.”
“Here, let me have him,” Mikasa said, and Jean placed their baby into her arms with a dexterity proper of a good father. He was only five months old, but he was just as clever as his dad. Their little boy found her breast quick, and latched.
Jean sat at her side, taking the fan from her and using it to air both her and the baby. “He’s such a mama’s boy,”
“Just like a man I know,” Mikasa pointed out, arching an eyebrow before planting a kiss on his cheek. “He loves you, a lot.”
“I know,” Jean said, rubbing their chubby little baby’s head. He casted a glance at the crib, smiling. “She went to sleep fast.”
“Can you blame her?” Mikasa sighed and looked at the pile of dirty clothes on the corner. “Connie’s gonna wash all of that. He had the idea to do the mud wars.”
Jean snorted, this time giving her a kiss. “I already told him.”
Their little apartment had been more cramped than usual. With Annie and Armin sharing the living room with Connie, Levi and Falco taking over the baby’s room and Gabi in their spare room, they’d had to move the baby’s crib to their little girl’s room. “Is everyone asleep?”
“Yes,” Jean said, running a hand across their baby’s head. He kissed his head, then went to kiss the curve of her neck. “We should put him in bed, don’t you think? The bathtub is finally empty.”
“What are you suggesting?” Mikasa said, aware already of what he was suggesting.
“I could wash your back. I could give you a massage,” he said with a wink. He put his hand on her shoulder and gave her a little squeeze, which she gladly welcomed. His hands were nice and large, perfect for rubbing her all over. “Just put the little guy in his crib. You need rest, don’t you?”
“You need rest too,” she said in a low voice, closing her eyes. “You’ve been doing all the work with the council, have you not? You need the sleep more than I do.”
“What I need is you,” Jean said. She handed him their baby, now soundly asleep, and Jean put him in his crib. Mikasa peeked in and confirmed he had his eyes shut. People often said he looked like her, but all Mikasa could see in him was his father’s face.
“He’s beautiful,” she said, closing her eyes when Jean put his hands on her shoulders and rubbed again. “He looks just like his dad.”
“We make pretty babies, don’t we?” he whispered in her ear, making the hairs of her nape stick out in pleasure.
“The prettiest,” she agreed, smiling. She tilted her head back, closing her eyes and inviting him to kiss her. Jean leaned forward, pressing his lips to her. “Are you sure the bathtub is empty?”
“And no one will hear?”
Jean smiled, brushing the hair away from her neck. “It’ll be our secret…if you stay quiet enough.”
“I’m always quiet,”
“You never are.”
Their mouths met again in a tired dance of longing. She knew what he wanted to do in the bathtub, and she wanted it as well, but something told her their lovemaking tonight would be short. A short dance to remove the longing those weeks of a full house had caused. “I love you, Mikasa.”
Their baby stirred in his sleep, and she and Jean exchanged a panicked look before stepping out of the room. Short and sweet it would be, but she needed Jean raw inside her, and all the people in their house plus the babies had barely given them time with each other the past weeks.
They had visited the island for peace celebrations, and their little girl’s birthday, and although she adored Armin like her own brother, she sometimes wished he and Levi had taken Reiner and Pieck’s example and taken up Historia’s invitation to house them in one of her country manors.
Grabbing him by the hand, Mikasa pulled him into their bathroom. The scent of oils and herbs hit her the moment she opened the door, and one look at the bubbles and the two glasses of wine told her he’d prepared this beforehand.
Jean closed the door behind her and Mikasa turned to face him, eyes closed, lips slightly pouted in anticipation. He held her by the shoulders and placed another lazy, long kiss on her lips. “You really meant the relaxing part, did you not?”
“Yes, I did,” Jean said, smiling as he pressed his forehead against hers. “We’ve been having a rough couple of weeks, with all the celebrations and the crazy folk running around town. It’s time you get a rest, Mrs. Kirstein.”
A little moan escaped her throat at that. “I like it when you get possessive.”
Despite their tiredness, Jean’s smile was wickedly flirty. “Here, let me.”
He undressed her slowly and deliberate, taking her in as if he were enjoying some sort of heavenly feast with his eyes. First, her shirt and skirt and boots. When she stood in her underwear, he went slower still, taking his time to rub every bit of her, to kiss every inch.
Mikasa threw her head back when he lowered her panties and heard him moan from the very bottom of his throat. “Onto the rim, please,” Jean requested, his voice polite, as if he were requesting something from a queen. “I want to eat all of you, Mikasa.”
The yelp that escaped her was pleading, anxious to have his tongue on her folds, licking all of her wetness. Mikasa sat on the edge of the bathtub, spreading her legs apart for him, using her legs to spread the folds of her pussy for him.
Jean kneeled in front of her, his eyes fiery, and Mikasa couldn’t help but to feel an animal sort of possessiveness. Those eyes were hers, that desire, that delicious tongue that knew how to move perfectly to give her as much pleasure as possible…it all belonged to her.
“Make me feel good, Jean,” she asked, stroking his chin sweetly. “Please, make me come.”
Jean smiled and gave her hand a fleeting kiss. “I adore you, Ackerman. I’ll make you feel good as many times as I can.”
His tongue gave her a tentative little lick, which was enough for Mikasa to bring her hands up to her mouth and bite down on her skin. Their apartment was crowded; she didn’t want anyone to hear her…and she was loud enough to begin with.
“I love you,” she whispered as Jean buried his tongue inside her slit, his nose doing funny, fantastic little movements against her pulsing clitoris. His tongue came out of her and was replaced by two fingers, which hooked inside her to that rugged spot that made pleasure ten times more enjoyable. And his tongue…oh, his marvelous tongue stroked at her clitoris, his saliva and her juices mixing in the naughtiest rhythmless song.
“Hello?” the childish little voice that accompanied the knocking made both her and Jean perk up. “Mommy? Are you in?”
“My robe,” Mikasa urged, thanking heavens that they’d locked the door. Moving as quick as if he had his gear on, Jean threw the robe in her direction and went to rinse his mouth at the sink. She caught the robe in the air and, with the agility she’d had from her teenage years as a soldier, Mikasa wrapped it around herself. She went to the door, then opened it slightly, encountering her cute little toddler. “Hey, sweetie. How did you get out of the crib?”
“Mama,” their little girl said. “Are you taking a bath?”
“Yes, I am,” Mikasa said. Her daughter outstretched her hands in her direction, and Mikasa’s chest filled with warmth at the sight of her chubby hands opening and closing, asking her to lift her without words. She took her in her arms and pressed her against her chest, where Sasha rested her tiny little head. “You should be sleeping, you know.”
“Bath,” she said, pointing inside, smiling when she saw the water. “Bubbles, mama,”
“Yes, bubbles,” Mikasa said, giving her a kiss on her chubby cheek.
“Papa,” Sasha said, pointing at her dad with another huge smile. “Papa made bubbles.”
“He did,” Jean replied, taking a handful of the bubbles and putting them around his mouth. “Papa made a bubble beard.”
Sasha laughed, delighted, her childish little voice echoing in the apartment. “Silly.”
“Hey,” Jean said, grabbing more bubbles and stepping close to put some on her face. “Now you’re silly too, little girl.”
Sasha laughed again as her tiny hands went to the foam on her face, anxious to explore more textures. She was a curious little thing, with smart eyes and keen ears to everything around her, and an almost supernatural instinct to know where she and Jean were at all times. Mikasa still wasn’t sure if it was some sort of remnant from the Ackerman genes.
“Mama, bath,” she said, pointing at the water with a chubby finger.
“You want another bath?” Mikasa asked, brushing some of her light brown hair away from her face. Sasha looked exactly like her, when it came to bone structure and the shape of their faces. But as for the hair and eyes, she carried her father’s hazel and light brown tone of hair. “Baby, you already had one earlier.”
Sasha leaned her little face against her chest again. “I’m warm, mama,”
Mikasa closed her eyes, almost overwhelmed by the sweetness of her little girl. How she had managed to create someone so perfect, so sweet and happy, Mikasa still didn’t understand. She pressed her cheek against Sasha’s head, noticing she was warmer than usual.
“Jean,” Mikasa said seriously. “She does feel warm. Fever warm.”
Jean frowned and stepped closer, putting the back of his hand against their daughter’s forehead. “She is,” he said, suddenly concerned. “Do you think she’s coming down with anything? She might’ve caught a cold.”
“I don’t know,” Mikasa said, switching Sasha’s weight from one arm to the other. “Sweetie, are you feeling good?”
“My head hurts, mommy,” Sasha said, and Mikasa and Jean exchanged another look of concern.
“I’ll get your kit,” he said, switching from the passionate lover to the concerned father in the fraction of a second. Mikasa still didn’t know which side of him she liked the most, and perhaps she would never figure that out. “Also, apple juice?”
“Yes,” Mikasa said, unbuttoning their daughter’s onesie. “I’ll bathe her quick.”
“Sure thing,” Jean said, springing into action.
Jean could barely keep his eyes open. Sasha’s fever had finally dwindled, but it had taken them a whole night of watching over her to manage it. He hated seeing his children sick, and he feared that cold, awful terror that enveloped his heart every time he imagined them sick or injured would never fully go away when it came to them.
“Hey,” Connie said, sitting by his side while carrying the baby in his hands. “I got him to latch onto the bottle.”
“Connie you bastard,” Jean replied, giving his little boy a kiss on the forehead. “How is it that you can mange him to drink from the bottle and not me?”
“Maybe he wants me to be his papa,” Connie joked, winking in Jean’s direction before turning to do a funny face at the baby. “Yes, you do, don’t you? You want your mama to marry uncle Connie. Let Jean pay all the alimony, yes?”
“Shut up, Springer, you’ve got a girlfriend,” Jean snorted, unable to keep his gaze from his son. He was such a beautiful, strong boy, the perfect image of his mother. Both of their children looked exactly like Mikasa, only Sasha had inherited his hazel eyes and the color of his hair. “Thanks for helping me feed him, by the way.”
“Not a problem,” Connie said, giving their room a look. “It’s the least I could do, considering it’s my fault little Sasha’s ill.”
“It’s not at all,” Jean said, shaking his head, giving his son another kiss. He was so soft and cute, and if Jean could, he would stay home every day just to carry him and Sasha in his arms. “It was the heat, and the games. She’s still a kid, she’ll get better in no time.”
“I hope so,” Connie said, stroking his finger against the baby’s cheek. “Ah, you two make the most adorable kids. I’m coming more often to babysit,”
“Thanks, Connie,”
“When are you having a third one?” he blurted out. “Uncle Connie wants a football team.”
“Uncle Connie can start having his own children,” Jean laughed, taking his son into his arms, moving him the way he’d learned long ago. Jean gave him another kiss and he smiled at him, moving his tiny little arm, as if trying to find something. Jean offered him his finger, and his son took it without problems, giving a soft baby laughter that almost brought tears to his eyes.
“I love these two so much,” Jean said. “I’d make ten babies with her, if I could.”
“What’s stopping you?” Connie snorted.
“I’m strong, but ten is a bit too much,” Mikasa said, coming from the room and sitting next to Jean. She gave their son a kiss on the cheek, and he let go of Jean’s fingers and began to flail his little arms in Mikasa’s direction.
“I just love how he’s a mama’s boy,” Jean laughed, kissing their child again before handing him to Mikasa. “I don’t blame you, little guy, I want to be with her all the time, too.”
“Do you guys want me to hold him?” Connie asked. “Give you guys time to sleep.”
“Would you really not mind?” Mikasa said, moving their baby against her breast, lulling him back to sleep.
“It’ll give me practice,” he said, offering his arms to Mikasa. “I’ve got eight months to practice,”
Jean exchanged a look with Mikasa, then both stared at Connie with wide eyes. “No way, Connie.”
He nodded excitedly, looking as proud as Jean had felt the moment when Mikasa had told him about her first pregnancy. Men were dumb, Jean thought idly, as if he or Connie were the ones to carry a child for a whole nine months.
“Congratulations, Connie,” Mikasa said. “I didn’t think you—”
“It was a surprise baby, like yours,” Connie laughed as he took their son in his arms, who barely stirred from his sleep. Jean frowned; why was it that his son was only ever restless with him? He felt asleep so easily with Connie and Armin, and even Levi. What was wrong with him? “I’ll take him to his crib and read a book there. Is Sasha asleep?”
“She is, finally,” Mikasa said.
“Then the living room is all yours, lovers,” Connie said, with an outrageously exaggerated whisper. “Have fun but don’t be loud.”
“you think he’ll do alright? We need to visit Monica, make some sort of guidebook for him. Connie’s mom is older, she’ll need some help…” Mikasa said as Connie entered their baby room, turning to face Jean. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, perfect,” Jean said, although not too convincingly.
“Your son gets excited when he knows you’re around, haven’t you noticed?” she said, scooting closer to him on the couch. “Jean, he adores you. Even when he was inside me, he would always kick so hard whenever you touched him.”
“Why can’t he fall asleep with me?”
“Haven’t you seen how he stares at you?” Mikasa replied, kissing his neck, then his chin, as her other hand undid the first three buttons of his shirt. “He can’t stop looking at you. Didn’t you see how tight he was gripping your finger? He’s more a papa’s boy than he’s a mama’s boy.”
“I just want to be a good dad,” Jean said. “What kind of dad am I if he can’t even latch onto a bottle when I hold him?”
“Jean, we’re tired and you’re overthinking,” she said, pressing her body against his arm, bringing all his attention to her. She leaned forward, kissing the back of his ear with a sweet, sexy smile on her face. “Please, don’t overthink. Our children adore you and you are a great father. I adore you.”
He turned so he could cup her face with his hand. “You do?”
“I do,” she said, closing her eyes. Jean took that invitation and joined his mouth with hers. She opened her lips, allowing his tongue to enter her, to rub up against her own. “I adore you, Jean Kirstein.”
“I adore you even more,” he said, enveloping her whole with his arms. Mikasa was a tall woman, but he still took a sort of stupid, manly pride in knowing that he was tall enough to envelop her tightly in his limbs. “I adore you so much, my love.”
“You’re making it a competition,” she laughed as her kisses strayed to his chin, then his neck, her hands agile and quick, unbuttoning his shirt until his chest was exposed in the early morning light. “Everyone is out in the city, and Connie isn’t coming out of the bedroom in a while,”
“He’ll give us at least forty minutes,” Jean replied with a soft chuckle. “Sasha’s asleep?”
“And I closed the door, we’ll hear her opening it if she wakes up,” she assured him.
“You got anything in mind to pass time?”
“I have something,” she said, pressing her open palm against his chest, pushing him against the couch. “Sit back, please.”
Jean did as she requested, watching her in anticipation, already guessing what she was going to do. Mikasa’s hands unfastened his belt as she kissed him, and her nimble fingers found the buttons on his pants quick as always. When her hand dipped inside his underpants, Jean was already hard as a rock.
She pulled out his cock, giving it long, slow strokes that urged growls from deep inside his chest. “You’ve barely slept,” Jean said in a poor attempt at convincing her he didn’t desperately need her. “Don’t you want to—”
“No,” Mikasa said seriously, her strokes hard and steady. “I want this.”
“You’re just a filthy girl, aren’t you?” Jean joked, which was met with a soft snort from her part, since she was still so focused on the constant rubbing on his dick. “You’ve no idea how much I want you now, Mikasa.”
His wife smiled at him, leaning forward to give him a quick kiss on the chin before her mouth trailed downwards. Jean’s body shivered hole when she gave a little suck to both of his nipples before placing a kiss on the head of his dick, and it trembled even more when he watched her lap at the liquid accumulating on the tip.
“Open up,” he asked, stroking the back of her head. Mikasa did as he requested without a response, and she lowered herself down onto the whole length of him, sucking as she came back up. Jean breathed heavily, feeling her throat expand to welcome him, then feeling her mouth tighten as she sucked him gently when he pulled out.  “You’re brilliant at that,”
“I know,” Mikasa replied, coming back down onto him.
“Are you going to let me fuck your face?” Jean asked. His words were met with an outrageously flirty gaze from her part.
“And you’re going to cum on my mouth,” she said, putting his cock back in her mouth.
Jean moaned and held her by the head, and she allowed him to guide her in speed, only choking a little bit on his length. She pulled him out and spat on his cock, stroked at it hard while it was still wet, then gave him more steady sucking as she stroked, while her free hand was busy massaging his balls.
Jean held her by the head as she moved steadily, pushing him further and further into the pool of pleasure that was her body. At a point, he lifted her skirt and introduced two fingers into her wet, expectant hole.
He tilted his head back and moved his fingers the way she loved, adoring those moans that were stifled by his cock. He would give her pleasure back in full as soon as she was finished with him, but he had to wonder if she would let him or she would just get him hard again to make love…
“We’re home,” Armin announced, opening the door to the living room just as Mikasa came back up to show him her mouth filled with his cum. Armin gave a little squeal and covered his eyes, while Mikasa covered her mouth with both hands and Jean used his loose sleeve to wipe off the droplets of semen that had spilled down her neck.
Luckily for them, Annie and Armin’s line of view was blocked by the backrest of the couch, but they were not stupid, and the two of them had been married for a long time. Surely, both blonds and captain Levi behind them had figured out precisely what he and Mikasa had been doing.
“Don’t you have children in the house?” Levi said angrily, limping his way in with the help of Gabi and Falco.
“They’re asleep!” Jean snapped, buttoning back his pants. “Why don’t you guys ring the bell?”
“You gave us a key, dimwit,” Levi said.
“Why are you doing it in the middle of your living room?!” Annie demanded.
“Who was doing it?” Pieck asked from the hallways.
“Who do you think?” Levi grumbled, settling on the armchair nearest to him. “Which are the two people who can’t keep their hands off each other ever since they became a couple?”
Gabi smiled as she settled Levi onto the armchair. “You and Onya—”
“Shh, Gabi,” Falco said, grabbing her and Reiner and taking them to the balcony.
“What are you all doing here?” Mikasa asked, badly contained sexual frustration in her voice.
“We’re sorry,” Pieck said, coming in the door while carrying a box full of food. “Gabi suggested we had dinner tonight here. We’ll cook, so you two don’t have to move an inch.”
“Are you planning on a buffet?” Jean asked, still too aroused between the legs to do anything other than sit and wait for the effect of Mikasa’s lips on his to wear off. “Why did you guys bring in so much food?”
“We’d thought it would be a way to say thanks to you guys,” Falco replied, his cheeks colored red.
“Your mom is coming too, tonight,” Levi said, giving Gabi a thank you nod as she propped his leg up on another chair.
“Let me guess, I’m supposed to go pick everyone and bring them back here?” Jean asked.
“You’re the one with a car,” Pieck said, shrugging.
“We’re filling up your pantry, Kirstein, don’t be such a grump,” Reiner shouted in from the balcony.
Jean leaned onto his knees, giving Mikasa a sideways glance and noticing her discreetly rearranging her clothes. Even with her shirt on, he could tell her nipples were still hardened. “All those hotels, all those hotels for nothing.”
“What was that, Jeanbo?” Reiner asked.
“Fuck off,” Jean said, then noticed the distinct creaking of the room to their door opening.
“Auntie Pieck!” Sasha shouted, running in from their room, looking blessedly fresher than the night before, imbued with energy again. Pieck put the box of food on the nearest table and lifted Sasha into her arms. It might’ve been something that laid hidden in her Ackerman genes, but colds didn’t last long at all. He only hoped their baby boy would grow the same way.
“Hey,” Mikasa said, leaning closer to kiss him on the temple. “Just a few more days.”
“I could have them all year in the island,” Jean replied, turning his face so he could peck her lips quickly, taking an advantage from the buzz that had taken over the apartment. “I could be a gracious host if they’d gotten a hotel.”
“I know,” Mikasa said with a smile, brushing the hair away from his face, and the love in her eyes was all Jean needed for his mood to dissipate. “We should stop trying to sneak around while our home is so crowded.”
“We should,” Jean agreed, smiling in defeat. “We’re acting like silly teenagers.”
Now it was Mikasa’s turn to agree. “We are.”
“I can’t help it when you’re this pretty,” Jean said, cupping her face again.
“I promise I’ll be all yours when we’re less crowded,” Mikasa assured him, planting a kiss on his forehead, then one on each of his cheeks.
“Are you two gonna fuck right in front of us now?” Levi asked from his chair.
Little Sasha giggled in Pieck’s arms “What is fu—”
“It’s nothing!” Pieck squealed happily, glaring in Levi’s direction for a second before turning her attention back to Sasha. “You want to make an apple pie, baby?”
Sasha clapped her hands and beamed. “Yes!”
“There are children here, captain.” Mikasa said, glaring in Levi’s direction.
“I know, sorry,” he said, admitting reluctantly, for once, that he’d screwed up. “You two remember that as well.”
Mikasa came to her feet, looking serious but not angered. She was much more patient with their guests than he was, something for which Jean was thankful. He watched her scold Levi for a little while before going over to where Pieck, Gabi and their daughter had began setting things to bake the pie, feeling a stupid little grin spread over his face.
On the balcony, Reiner, Armin and Falco were setting up a grill he guessed they’d brought over from the continent. Yes, the apartment was crowded, but at least everyone was there, and, for the time being, everything was at peace.
Mikasa looked at herself in the mirror once again. It had been a while since the last time she’d worn something so fancy, and Pieck had insisted that a low-cut cleavage was very stylish nowadays in the continent, while Gabi had insisted that pink was Mikasa’s color.
She’d never been knowledgeable when it came to style and colors, but Mikasa had to admit she liked the way she looked. The pink fabric shone a little under the mansion’s lights, and she’d brushed her hair until it was black as night itself. And despite that she’d never been vain, pretty was the only adjective that came to her mind when she caught her reflection in the mirror.
Of course, her pretty was different now than as ten years ago. Now, the muscles in her arms had given way to soft flesh, still strong, but not as razor-sharp as before. Her breasts were fuller due to the new baby, and she could no longer see the marks of her abs through the clothes. It was all product of change, of the spring that had come to her life after everything had burned down.
The ballroom was beautiful, much like every other celebration they’d attended hosted by Historia. Despite the hanging chandeliers, the servants dressed in a hundred different colors, and the ambassadors gathered in their fancy traditional garments, Mikasa’s eyes went to the stage.
She’d decided to not partake in the ceremony; she’d had enough politics for a lifetime, but she’d insisted that Jean participated. After all, there had to be at least one representative from their family up there.
“They look good,” Falco said as Historia went and presented the medals to each of the people who had been involved with the peace accords years ago.
“You two look good, too,” Mikasa said, looking at him and Gabi, who wore clothes of matching blue. Falco blushed, uttering a thank you that was mostly mumbling, and she turned her attention back to the stage.
Despite that she’d stayed at the back, Jean caught sight of her immediately. He looked so handsome in his formal suit, with his hair slicked back and his face shaved. Her husband smiled from where he stood, in an expression so flirty that Mikasa had to wring her hands together. There was something in his eyes, an idea, an idea Mikasa had the suspicion that she would enjoy it to no end.
Jean found her by one of the fountains out in the gardens, taking to Gabi while holding a glass of water in her hands. She looked gorgeous, simply gorgeous, with that pink dress and her hair loose. There was a pink collar to match her clothes resting against her neck, but that didn’t draw his attention away from the cleavage, which could’ve been scandalous if it had been a couple of centimeters lower.
“Hey,” he said, intertwining his fingers with hers. “How are you liking the party, Gabi?”
“It’s fun,” Gabi said, stuffing another shrimp inside her mouth. “I can’t keep count of how many of these I’ve had.”
“And how are you, you gorgeous little thing?” he said against her ear.
“You looked nice on stage,” she said, resting her head against his shoulder.
“You looked better, though,” with all the organizing he and Armin had done, he hadn’t seen her before the ceremony. So, the vision of her in her fancy clothes had stirred that badly hidden desire he’d pent up all these days.
Everyone would be gone in a couple of days, back to their lives on the continent or their lives as diplomats, and they would have the apartment to themselves again. But he wanted her now.
“We got a call, you know.”
Mikasa looked at him. “Your mom?” she asked, concerned. “Did something happen to the kids?”
“I don’t think so,” he said, frowning and feigning innocence. “But we need to go inside to call them back. It sounded urgent.”
Mikasa moaned, clutching the face that was kneeled in front of her, buried under her skirt. “You’re a liar,” she said, but her complaints were muffled by the constant movement of his tongue against her pussy. “You’re a cheeky man,”
“I know,” he replied, closing his eyes as he parted her folds, sinking his finger inside her as his mouth kept working the pleasure spots in between her legs. “I’m a bad, naughty man.”
“Yes,” Mikasa said, bringing both hands up to her mouth to muffle her voice. He hadn’t dragged her to the reception, but to one of the many fancy bathrooms in the mansion, one that had cushioned chairs and large mirrors as an antechamber for the actual bathrooms.
As soon as they’d gone in, he’d pushed her gently onto one of the armchairs, and he’d spread her open to eat her whole. He dipped another finger in, then a third one before twitching them quickly inside her as his tongue moved against her clit, making her squeal. She covered her mouth again,
“We’re far from everyone,” he said, kissing her inner thighs while his fingers moved inside her. “You can be loud, Mikasa,”
She didn’t remove her hands from her mouth. Jean smiled at that. “Do you think you’re going to be that loud?”
She nodded, looking away from him. What did he expect, after almost a full month without anything but quick and passionate kisses and unsuccessful attempts at making love? She was a cluster of nerves and hormones, heightened by the perfume of his hair and the suit that looked beautiful on him.
“I’m close,” she announced, closing her eyes, and Jean’s tongue applied a little more pressure onto her clitoris. “Jean, I’m going to get really wet, stop,”
“I don’t care if you flood the place,” Jean said, eating her with a hunger proper of a man that hadn’t had his wife in almost a month. “I want you to flood the place, actually. Flood all of us. Come for me, baby,”
“Your suit!” Mikasa reminded him. “Y-you don’t have a spare—”
“Doesn’t matter,” Jean said teasing her clit with his free thumb as his tongue dipped in her slit for a quick second. “You’re so wet and delicious, Mikasa. I don’t care if my suit gets dirty. Come for me, baby. I know you want to. Let me drink you whole.”
“But, the party…”
“We’re leaving right after this,” Jean announced. “I’m gonna fuck you in the car too.”
“Fuck,” Mikasa moaned, all her breath leaving her body as Jean resumed his licks. “Fuck, Jean!”
“Ah, foul mouthed,” he teased, making her smile. “Come on, Mikasa, come for me. Come for your husband, come all over my face,”
“You’re so naughty,” Mikasa said, throwing her head back as she reached her first orgasm in almost a month. She opened her mouth, mouthing Jean’s name as pleasure took over her body and spilled itself onto his mouth. Her whole body trembled, almost in rhythm to Jean’s moans and growls of pleasure. She moved her hips in circular movements, taking a hold of his face by the hair to keep him in place, as tiny bouts of pleasure took over her body in erratic patterns.
Once she was done twitching from pleasure, she was able to speak. “Your suit, the seat, Jean…Jean?”
“It’s all good,” he replied, lapping at her pussy with his long, wet mouth, sending shivers across her back. She looked at him and saw that his face and chin were shiny with her juices, but his suit was immaculate. Jean arched an eyebrow and smirked. “Do you think I’d let any of that go to waste?”
“Any of that?”
“Your juices,” he said, crawling on top of her. “I’d never let a drop go to waste.”
Mikasa closed her eyes as she felt his hot breath on her skin. “We’re gonna do it here?”
“Yes,” Jean said, kissing the curve of her neck. “Do you want to?”
She looked back at the door, which had remained tightly shut since their arrival. “Yes,” she admitted, wrapping her leg around his waist as Jean parted her dress.
“A dress that parts at the front,” he moaned, his cheeks impossibly red. His hands went to the zipper in his pants, and she felt his throbbing dick against her entrance a moment later. “You’re so sexy, you know that, don’t you?”
“I like to hear it from you,”
“You’re so fucking sexy,” he whispered against her ear, and Mikasa clutched his back as his manhood entered her, spreading her apart. Part of her thought Jean would finish the moment his whole length settled inside her, but he had a surprising restraint for someone who had just gone for so long without the physical touch they were accustomed to.
“You’re okay?” she asked, brushing a hand on his hair.
Jean chuckled breathlessly. “I’m only gonna last five minutes…I’m such a pathetic husband.”
Mikasa closed her eyes, bracing herself to utter the words in the back of her throat. Dirty talk had never been her stronghold. “You can fuck me all night. We’re not stopping after just one time.”
That was enough to get his spirits lifted. Jean moved back and then he pushed inside her, making her squeal. He gritted his teeth as he came out and pushed again, this time with his hand worked the cleavage and her breasts out spilled out.
He leaned forward, taking a nipple between his teeth and giving it a little suck. “I love these,” he said with a cheeky smile. “You’ve always had such great tits. I fucking love these tits,”
“You’re a pervert,” Mikasa replied, one of her eyes closed. Having him moving inside did wonders to make her feel hornier. “Fuck me harder,”
“Yes, my love,” he said, then he started to move his hips in quick motions, stirring her insides and shaping her to the outline of his cock. He was pounding her, and pounding her hard. Mikasa closed her eyes and used both hands to squeeze her own nipples, driven mad by the constant hit of his cock against her very bottom.
Someone rattled the door, forcing them out of their trance, of that spell that caused them to be separate from the world outside. “Get dressed,” he said, starting to pull out of her, but Mikasa tightened the grip she had on him.
“No,” she said, her insides throbbing with the size of her husband. “Against the door, Jean.”
That smile again, that flirty smirk that melted her into a puddle, that smirk she hadn’t noticed was so attractive until the dust from the war had settled. He carried her in his arms and pushed her against the wall, using both of their bodies as a blockage to keep whoever was outside from coming in.
“You’re naughtier than me,” Jean whispered, pounding into her faster.
“Harder, Jean,” Mikasa begged. Her mouth went to his neck and gave him a soft suck, which elicited another low groan from him. She’d already left a thousand little marks on his body with her teeth, which they had worn out this month they’d restrained themselves. It was time to bring those love marks back.
“Is anyone in here?!” a couple of female voices shouted from outside. Jean didn’t stop pounding on her, and Mikasa had to bite down on his skin. She lifted her head and pressed her forehead against his, loving the way his face contorted in pleasure with every thrust.
“Hello?!” another said. “We want to go inside!”
“It’s busy!” Mikasa replied angrily, not looking away from his eyes.
“It’s a big bathroom!”
“There are others!” Mikasa said, holding onto her husband as he got closer and closer to his orgasm. Heavens, he was so beautiful, and his body was just the best playground. She leaned closer to him, smiling. “I love you,”
“I love you too,”
“Can’t you come—”
“Go…away!” Mikasa shouted, although her shout turned into a high-pitched moan of pleasure as Jean resumed sucking on her nipples. She held onto him like her life depended on it, and she closed her eyes and clenched the muscles inside her to drive him over the edge. The women outside had left, and it was just the two of them again, lost in their little bubble of pleasure.
“I love you, baby,” Jean said, uttering her name in quick succession right after, his mind full of nothing other than her name, her presence, which only made her own pleasure increase. It was such a beautiful thing, to know this man had eyes for no other than her.
His orgasm was strong, and soon, her thighs and belly were coated with his semen. Jean was red faced, perhaps more than herself since he had done all the moving. He kissed her neck as she came down from the position they were in, then her cheeks, then her mouth. Her mouth moved against his slowly, their need for each other finally quenched after so many months of living in an overcrowded apartment.
“We’re not done yet,” she said, pushing him towards the armchair. “Now I’m going to ride you,”
“Yes, please,” he said, pressing his mouth against hers.
“I’ll suck you first,” Mikasa said, grabbing his wet cock in her hand.
“Fuck, yes,” Jean moaned, now his voice high pitched.
Another knock caught their attention, and Mikasa turned angrily towards the door. “I told you to go away!”
“Mikasa?” Historia said from the other side. “Mikasa, honey, you guys can’t hoard the bathrooms…besides, you guys…some people heard you.”
Her cheeks became of a deep red at the sound of the queen’s voice, and she felt Jean going limp in her hand. She turned to look at him, noticing he had the same mortified expression as herself, but the sight of him only brought out a little chuckle from deep within her chest. “We’re still acting like teenagers,”
Jean smiled at her widely. “We are,”
“Are you guys coming out?”
“In a second!” Jean shouted back.
“For real?”
“Yes, your highness!” Mikasa said, taking a minute to kiss her handsome husband’s face. "We will never hear the end of this from Connie and Reiner."
"Good thing they're leaving tomorrow," Jean replied, stroking her chin and kissing her lips, holding her face with both of his big hands. "Do you want to get out of her? Everyone can take a taxi back home for all I care."
Mikasa recalled that stretch of lonely woods that remained in the outskirts of the city, the few times they’d snuck out of their responsibilities to make love in the quiet of the forest. The car would be a bit tight, considering how much he enjoyed moving and how tall he was. One look into his hazel eyes told her he was thinking the same thing. "Take me out of here, Kirstein."
"Are you guys coming out?!" Historia asked from outside.
"Coming!" Jean and Mikasa shouted at the same time.
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🦂SasoDei💥 Family part 1
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Katsumi (勝 美) means "victorious beauty."
Nickname / Alias: "Katsu-Chan" (For her friends), "Hatsu-chan" (for Haruka) or "nee-chan" (For her brothers).
Hobby: Experimenting with her clay figures to explode them and different types of poisons.
Food: He likes to eat Ramen (ラ ー メ ン) and Yakisoba (焼 き そ ば) and what he doesn't like to eat is Soba (蕎麦).
Sweets: Anmitsu is his favorite.
Likes: Raising poisonous insects (spiders, scorpions, and bees).
Hates: being told that she is a conceited or false girl.
Favorite Words: "Eternal Blast" - (永遠 の 爆 発) / Eien no bakuhatsu.
Phrase: "I don't believe in art. I believe in artists." - (私 は 芸 術 を 信 じ て い ま せ ん。 私 は ア ー テ ィ ス ト を 信 じ て い ま す。) / Watashi wa geijutsu or shinjite imasen. Watashi wa ātisuto or shinjite imasu.
"" Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once I grow up. " , watashi ga seichōshita-go, dono yō ni ātisutodeari tsudzukeru kadesu
Age 13 years
August 22 Birthday / Leo Sign ♌
Blood Type AB
Sasori Akasuna (Father)
Deidara Kamiruzu (Pope)
Raiko & Renzo (Younger Twins)
Fumiko (Younger Sister)
Chiyo (Great-grandmother)
Ebizo (Great-grandfather uncle)
Sasori's Parents (Grandparents)
Ishikawa (great-great-grandfather)
Ōnoki (Great-grandfather)
Kurotsuchi (Aunt)
Kozuchi (Uncle) †
Appearance: Katsumi is a young woman with ash brown eyes and long blonde hair, combed with two ponytails and loose locks which cover the left side of her face and piercings in her ears (In a few words, she is the spitting image of Deidara) . The main peculiarity of her is that in each palm of her hands she has, with sharp teeth, a long tongue and salivary glands; the function of these mouths is to chew and mold special clay.
Her clothing: it consists of a red suit, consisting of a short blouse, with a raised collar and a fishnet blouse underneath, it also has separate sleeves from the red vest, she wears a skirt with openings on both sides with fishnet stockings and shorts over them and used the typical sandals of the ninjas (His clothing was very similar to those of iwagakure). At the back of her waist she wears two fanny packs where she molds the clay. With this clay, she carries out her main technique: the creation of chakra-charged clay animals that move as if they were real at his will, and that at her command can explode with great power or even become bigger.
Personality: Katsumi is a charismatic girl. They have great self-confidence, and they love being the center of attention. She is very perfectionist when it comes to working on her creations (weapons) of hers. She is an energetic and action-packed young woman. She can be very generous with her loved ones and she likes to spoil them (As she is the first of 3 younger siblings, she is usually very understanding with them and pampering them, especially her younger sister Fumiko). She even she can be fully involved in helping people in need.
Tools: Fanny packs with clay, shurikens holder, goggles, gas mask and nitrile gloves.
Abilities: He possesses the Explosive Kekkei Genkai just like his dad Deidara. He is a long-range specialist, but despite his predilection for distance fighting, he possesses a good level in Taijutsu and has enough skill to contain a melee battle. Katsumi having the Explosive Kekkei Genkai from her allowed her to simultaneously use the Earth Element with the Fire Element to give her explosive qualities of Chakra. Katsumi has special mouths on the palm of each hand to create Explosive Clay that detonates them with the Katsu command (喝) and a seal. The clay she uses can be molded into a wide variety of shapes, and can be controlled at will. This allows you to attack opponents from long range. Katsumi's clay creations ranged from microscopic to gigantic in size allowing him to adapt to any situation. She even frequently performs the creation of birds for transport. She usually uses different types of poison in her explosive bombs, either from animals or insects. She prefers scorpions since it is her favorite insect. When she uses strong explosive gases she uses a gas mask and when she is making them with her siblings she uses Nitrile gloves with a full body suit.
Intelligence: Despite her charismatic personality. Katsumi is a kunoichi who plans her battles systematically, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of her adversaries, as well as how to counter them. Like her grandmother Chiyo and her father Sasori, she has a great knowledge of the human body based on medical anatomy and herbal medicine for the elaboration of different types of poisons and her antidotes. Her bombs are filled with poison, which can completely paralyze the body and kill after three days of suffering from cardiogenic shock, tissue necrosis, and blast burns.
-Being the spitting image of Deidara, it does not go unnoticed by Hidan that every time he sees her he says Mini dyed blonde. Something that makes Haruka and Haruki funny.
-She likes scorpions.
-Being very familiar with insects, she sometimes falls asleep in the open, inside a hole. To this day, her strange peculiarity draws a lot of attention from her family.
-Being from the Kamiruzu Clan who specialize in the use of bees. She usually raises Bees but she does not usually use them in her weapons. Compared to the twins that she does use in her puppets and traps.
-Her clothes are similar to iwagakure's, but she doesn't like visiting the village. This is because every time she was accompanied by her father Deidara hers, he always left a lawsuit with Kurotsuchi.
-Her fanny packs are orange and with a Halloween pumpkin print since she likes this holiday.
-She uses poisons in her explosive bombs but also different types of tear gas, toxic, acoustic and blinding.
-she is an admirer of luxury, clothes, perfumes and in general, she likes to go shopping with Shiawase and their sisters.
Katsumi (勝美) significa «belleza victoriosa».
Apodo/Alias:  "Katsu-Chan" (Por sus amigas), "Hatsu-chan" (por Haruka)  o "nee-chan" (Por sus hermanos).
Hobby: Experimentar con sus figuras de arcillas para explotarlas y distintos tipos de venenos.
Comida: Le gusta comer El Ramen (ラーメン) y Yakisoba (焼きそば) y lo que no le gusta comer es Soba (蕎麦).
Dulces: El anmitsu es su favorito.
Le gusta: Criar insectos venenosos (arañas, escorpiones  y abejas).
Odia: que le digan que es una chica presumida o falsa.
Palabras Favoritas: "Explosión Eterna"- (永遠の爆発) / Eien no bakuhatsu.
Frase: "No creo en el arte. Creo en los artistas". - (私は芸術を信じていません。私はアーティストを信じています。) / Watashi wa geijutsu o shinjite imasen. Watashi wa ātisuto o shinjite imasu.
""Cada niño es un artista. El problema es cómo seguir siendo artista una vez que crezca" - (すべての子供は芸術家です。 問題は、私が成長した後、どのようにアーティストであり続けるかです) / Subete no kodomo wa geijutsukadesu. Mondai wa, watashi ga seichōshita-go, dono yō ni ātisutodeari tsudzukeru kadesu
Edad 13 años
Cumpleaños 22 de Agosto / Signo Leo ♌
Tipo de Sangre AB
Sasori Akasuna (Padre)
Deidara Kamiruzu (Papa)
Raiko & Renzo (Hermanos Menores Mellizos)
Fumiko (Hermana menor)
Chiyo (Bisabuela)
Ebizo (Tio Bisabuelo)
Padres de Sasori (Abuelos)
Ishikawa (Tatarabuelo)
Ōnoki (Bisabuelo)
Kurotsuchi (Tia)
Kozuchi (Tio)†
Apariencia: Katsumi es una joven de ojos café ceniza y cabello largo rubio, peinado con dos colas de caballo y mechones sueltos los cuales le tapan el lado izquierdo de su rostro y perforaciones en las orejas (En pocas palabras es la viva imagen de Deidara). Su principal peculiaridad es que en cada palma de sus manos tiene , con dientes afilados, lengua larga y glándulas salivales; la función de estas bocas es mascar y moldear arcilla especial.
Su vestimenta: consiste en un traje rojo, compuesto por una blusa corta, con cuello levantado y una blusa de red debajo de ella, también posee mangas separadas del chaleco de color rojas, lleva  una falda con aberturas en ambos lados con medias de red  y pantalones cortos sobre ellos y utilizaba las sandalias típicas de los ninjas (Su vestimenta era muy parecida a los de  iwagakure). En la parte de atrás de su cintura  lleva dos riñoneras en donde moldea la arcilla. Con esta arcilla, ella lleva a cabo su principal técnica: la creación de animales de arcilla cargados de chakra que se mueven como si fueran reales a voluntad de él, y que a su orden pueden explotar con gran potencia o incluso hacerse más grandes.
Personalidad: Katsumi es una chica carismática. Tienen una gran confianza en sí mismas, y les encanta ser el centro de atención. Es muy perfeccionista a la hora de trabajar en sus creaciones (armas). Es una joven enérgica y de acción. Puede ser muy generosa con sus seres queridos y le gusta malcriarlos (Al ser la primera de 3 hermanos menores suele ser muy  comprencible con ellos y mimarlos por ello en especial a su hermana más pequeña Fumiko). Incluso puede estar completamente involucrada en ayudar a las personas necesitadas.
Herramientas: Riñoneras con arcilla, porta shurikens, googlees, mascara de gas y guantes de nitrilo.
Habilidades:  Posee el Kekkei Genkai Explosivo al igual a su papá Deidara. Es especialista a largo alcance, pero a pesar de su predilección por la lucha a distancia, posee un buen nivel en Taijutsu  tiene la habilidad suficiente para contener una batalla cuerpo a cuerpo. Katsumi al tener su Kekkei Genkai Explosivo le permitía utilizar simultáneamente el Elemento Tierra con el Elemento Fuego  para dar a sus cualidades explosivas de Chakra. Katsumi posee bocas especiales en la palma de cada mano para crear Arcilla Explosiva que las detona  con el comando Katsu (喝) y un sello. La arcilla que utiliza puede ser moldeada en una gran variedad de formas, y puede ser controlada a voluntad. Esto le permite atacar a los oponentes a larga distancia.  Las creaciones de arcilla de Katsumi iban desde microscópicas a tamaño gigantesco lo que le permite adaptarse a cualquier situación. Incluso con frecuencia realiza la creación de aves para el transporte. Ella en sus bombas explosivas suele usar distintos tipos de veneno ya sea de animales o insectos. De preferencia escorpiones ya que es su insecto favorito. Cuando utiliza gases explosivos fuertes utiliza una mascara de gas y cuando los esta elaborando junto a sus hermanos utiliza guantes de Nitrilo con un traje de cuerpo completo.
Inteligencia: A pesar de su personalidad carismática. Katsumi es una kunoichi que planea sus batallas sistemáticamente, tomando en cuenta los puntos fuertes y débiles de sus adversarios, así como la manera de contrarrestarlos.  Al igual que su abuela Chiyo y su padre Sasori tiene un gran conocimiento del cuerpo humano por bases de anatomía médica y medicina herbaria para la elaboración de diferentes tipos de venenos y sus antídotos. Sus bombas están llenas de veneno, el cual pueden paralizar completamente el cuerpo y matar después de tres días de sufrimiento por shock cardiogénico, necrosis de tejidos y quemaduras por explosión.
-Al ser la viva imagen de Deidara no pasa desapercibida por Hidan que cada vez que la ve le diga Mini rubia teñida. Algo que les da gracia a  Haruka y Haruki.
-Le gusta los escorpiones.
-Al estar muy familiarizada con los insectos suele dormirse a veces en la intemperie, dentro de un hoyo. A día de hoy su extraña peculiaridad llama mucha la atención de su familia.
-Por ser del Clan Kamiruzu que se especializan en el uso de abejas. Ella suele criar Abejas pero no suele usarlas en sus armas. A comparación de los mellizos que si los usan en sus marionetas y trampas.
-Su ropa es similar al de iwagakure, pero no le gusta visitar la aldea. Esto porque cada que iba acompañada por su padre Deidara, este siempre salía de pleito con Kurotsuchi.
-Sus riñoneras son de color naranja y con estampado de calabazas de Halloween ya que le gusta esta festividad.
-Ella en sus bombas explosivas suele utilizar venenos pero también diferentes tipos de gases lacrimógenos, tóxicos, acústicos y cegadoras.
-Es admiradora del lujo, la ropa, los perfumes y en general, le gusta ir de compras con Shiawase y las  hermanas de ambas.
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Hi can i have a hcs of being the older sister of vivi killer drake and katakuri who is nice and compasionate please-Sarah
I'm sorry this took... embarrassingly long to complete. And I'm not gonna lie, it was rather difficult for me to come up with good headcanons for this request. I'm really not proud of this one, but... hopefully you'll like it at least a bit, dear ^^'
Having a kind older sister headcanon
Nefeltari Vivi
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Vivi absolutely adores and looks up to you!
secretly, she wants to grow up to be just as much of an amazing and kind person as you are
however she can also be a bit of a brat and a little rebel from time to time; especially in her younger years she would often switch between wanting to be with you and wanting to be left alone in a matter of seconds
sometimes, when she's in an especially mischievious mood, she even goes as far as to hide from you on the palace grounds all day long
seeing how your mother died when you and your little sister were still pretty young, your dad Cobra was initially the one who tried to take on both parental roles and raise you to the best of his abilities; but since he's also the King of Alabasta and has a lot of responsibilities to take care of, it didn't quite work out in the long run. Thus you jumped in for him, taking on both a sisterly as well as a motherly role for Vivi as she was growing up
still, Cobra is extremely protective of his two girls and therefore you're rarely allowed to leave his sight or the palace. But that ain't stopping you from occasionally sneaking out in secret, and once Vivi is old enough to accompany you, you bring her along. Those little 'trips' later on fueled her desire to sneak out on her own and make friends with the other children in Alabasta
every evening, when it's time for bed, she sits down with you and proudly tells you about the things she did that day while you brush through her hair
although she's eager to share most of her hobbies and adventures with you, the one thing that Vivi is extremely cautious about is letting you meet her friends. Grown people aren't allowed in their club, so when she finally decides to introduce you to Koza and the rest, you have to promise not to tell anyone
you're the one person Vivi can confide in 100% and she knows that her secrets are always safe with you- even from Papa Cobra
so it's only natural that you were also the first person she told about her plans to infiltrate Baroque Works
and while Vivi is away on her secret mission, you make sure to help your little sis from the inside by delivering informations about the current situation in Alabasta. All while keeping up the facade of the good older princess who believes that Sir Crocodile is a hero, of course
when she finally comes back home with Luffy and the Strawhats, you do everything in your power to assist them in their plan to get the country back from the Warlord. With an all-out civil war right around the corner Vivi especially needs you as emotional support and counts on your wisdom to help with her decisions. You're her big sister after all, and if there's anyone she needs to have by her side while she's facing all of the coming chaos, it's you.
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you know those rebellious teenagers that are always like "Moooom, don't tell me what to do!!!!"? That's Killer, but in little brother form
he definitely doesn't like being coddled or looked after. Yes, he gets into fights and danger regularly, but it's normal. He doesn't need you to chew him out for it every time
despite that, he really really does love you though. Hence why he's occasionaly pushing you away- as pirate he's living a dangerous life, and he doesn't want his nice and sweet big sister to get caught up in it
his way of showing apprecation for you has always been a bit unusual, even back when he was young. One time, when you were still living together, Killer tried to surprise you by cooking your favorite food for your birthday; but he ended up setting your house on fire instead, forcing you to move again
when you were still children you would occasionally babysit your little brother as well as his best bud Kid, and things often got out of control when you three were together
especially the little redhead seemed to be in a rather provocative mood whenever you were around. Sometimes Kid would declare that you'll be his woman one day, which always ticked off Killer and caused him to start fights with his friend
even to this day, Killer still tries to keep you away from Kid. He adores his friend and captain, but also really doesn't want him to try and get flirty with you... again. That's just all kinds of wrong
it's not just Kid though, no one else in the crew is allowed to comment on your looks/attricteveness/whatever either, or they'll have to deal with a pretty mad Killer
nowadays he's a lot more relaxed when it comes to you and your presence around the crew though. From time to time he still berates or tells you that you are too friendly for your own good, but deep down he's appreciative of your caring nature and how you always treated him with kindness
one thing that never really changed is Killer's desire to cook by your side and show off all the things he learned within the past few years
you're the only person he feels the need to impress and who's criticism actually matters to him even if he accepts it with a scoff
X Drake
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although he's the younger sibling, Drake is actually the protective one. Because of your kind nature he's always afraid that someone might try to use you
he's pretty clingy as a kid, and it honestly doesn't change much as he's getting older
you were the one that took care of him after your father died, so naturally he's always been looking at you for guidance and comfort from a young age on
as a result you're the only person that can claim to know Drake 100%. He can't keep secrets from you either, sometimes it's even as if you know him better than he does
although he knows he can always come to you with his problems and secrets, Drake is pretty hesitant to do so. Scared that you might get dragged into his dangerous affairs, he heavy-hearted decides that it's for the best to keep you in the dark about his life as double-agent
although he feels a bit guilty to keep you in the dark about his affiliations, it does have some perks as well. Thanks to his job he was able to secure you a nice house in a calm (and most importantly, protected) living area that's close to his marine base
you could say it's his way of 'repaying' you for taking care of him for so long. Drake loves you and can't help but feel as if he's in your debt
as long as his job allows it he makes sure to visits you at least once or twice a month to make sure that you're doing good
during those visits he often thinks back to what your life used to be like when you were kids, and the mood quickly turns sober as he remembers his abusive father. That's usually when it's time for you to step in and change the topic
just ask Drake about his crushes or if there is a woman he's got his eyes on and he'll turn all sorts of red again lol
huh, maybe there is someone he's interested in. But he can't tell you because you'd probably just offer to help him win her over, which is bound to end in disaster...
instead of talking about his preferences when it comes to women he'd rather tell you about the new limited edition Germa action figure he managed to get his hands on! And boom- just like that, your little bro is in a better mood again
can you imagine how excited Drake would be to tell you about his encounter with Stealth Black tho...? You'd probably have to calm him down during the call so he won't hyperventilate lmao
Charlotte Katakuri
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much like Killer, Katakuri also doesn't like being coddled
back when you were young and still sailing around with the family, it was usually your and Perospero's unofficial job to look after the younger siblings while Big Mom was doing... y'know, pirate stuff
most of the kids were doing fine under your watch, but Katakuri always had a strong tendency to get in trouble. You would often scold him for starting fights with others and tell him that he shouldn't pay any mind to whatever insults they throw at him; unfortunately though he hardly ever listened
and after the incident with Brûlée, he completely isolated himself from everyone- including you. He also felt a tinge of guilt for not listening to your advice, since it might have kept his sister from getting hurt
it takes years, almost decades until Katakuri feels ready to open up again- and if it wasn't for how compassionate you were and that you never judged or pressured him, it might have taken even longer
eventually he tries to mend your relationship by inviting you to one of his meriendas, where you finally get the chance to talk about everything
from there on out you two slowly get reacquainted with one another and become friends again
and this time, he actually listens to your advice and takes it to heart
Katakuri still keeps up the appearance of the strong and cold older brother around the other siblings, but when he's with you he's more relaxed and sometimes even okay with talking about his pent-up frustration
whenever he returns from a mission he checks in with Mama first (that's obligatory) and then gets some donuts, pays you a visit to see how you've been holding up during the days he was gone, and explains what he's been up to
he's always looking out for you and whenever Mama suggests that it's time for you to marry some crazy psycho for the sake of an alliance, Katakuri would do everything in his powers to help you convince her that it was a bad idea
frankly Katakuri respects you more than his own mother and is very glad to have someone who doesn't put him on a pedestral or holds him to some insanely high standards. It makes him feel a bit more... human.
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elucienschild · 3 years
Nyx’s first birthday
review: It is Nyx first birthday, and for the occasion the High Lords of each court are invited, and Feyre is stresses that something happens.
Tonight was Nyx’s first birthday, Feyre and Rhysand were determined to do the right thing for their baby, and, even if Feyre was stressed as she has never been, she agreed to follow the tradition. The first birthday of the child of the high lord, and in that case high lady too, was supposed to be celebrated with his family, of course, but also with the high lords of the other courts. It was their first time meeting the child, except for Helion, who already came to meet him, it was a real surprise for the others. Feyre wasn’t scared of Kallias, Thesan, or even Tarquin, but she was of Beron and Tamlin, she had no idea how the high lord of the Spring court would react when he will meet Rhys’ and her baby. This is why Lucien is in the Spring court for a week now, trying to calm the Beast, and convince him to come, not to make any more scandal like in the past, but to enjoy some company.
Feyre is freaking out, trying to dress up her baby. “Nyx, please baby, stay still”
“Sorry mama”
Feyre was shaking while closing the last buttons of Nyx’s shirt. Rhys arrived in the room. “How are my two favorite people?”
“Papa !” Nyx was running to his father in a second, and Rhys took him in his arms. “Hello, my baby, you are good looking”
“Mama dressed me”
“I guessed that babe. Why don’t you go look for auntie Elain? We will leave for the House of Wind soon.” He let go of his son, who runs to his aunt’s bedroom. “Fey... You need to calm down... Everything will be alright”
“How can you be so sure? What makes you think that Beron won’t try to kill him? Or kidnap him?”
“We won’t let him. Cassian and Azriel are warned, they have to watch Beron and his sons. We both will be with Nyx the entire evening, and if he isn’t with us, he knows he has to stay with someone. And, Fey, if anyone tries to hurt our son, I will kill them myself.”
“I wish I could be so confident” She sighed and looked at him. “If Beron is acting suspicious-”
“If he is, he or Tamlin or anyone, you take Nyx and fly away. As we said, if anything happens, you go hide Nyx to the cabin. Alright ?”
“Okay. Yes, I’ll take him to the cabin.”
Rhys approached slowly his mate by behind and hugged her. “I love you, and you are beautiful in this dress”
“I love you too, and thank you, you know I prefer wearing your shirt”
He laughs “Yes I do” then he gives her little kisses on her neck, slowly. “Come on, everyone is already waiting for us at the House.”
“Let’s go then.”
When they arrived, and after saying hello, they went to their place. Rhysand, Feyre, and Nyx we're near the door, to welcome the High Lords and the other guests. Morrigan and Amren were near the banquet. Cassian was with Nesta on one of the couches. Azriel already disappears, and Elain, alongside Gwyn and Emerie were talking on another couch.
Only a few minutes later, the guests started to arrive. Helion was the first to arrive with some people of his court, Nyx was pleased to see him, as always, because he always brings a lot of gifts, and Nyx loves gifts. Soon after him Thesan and his people entered, then Kallias and Tarquin. Feyre was relaxed for now, and Rhysand was looking after her every minute to be sure everything was fine. She was holding her baby in her arms as he was tired to stand. After an hour, Beron accompanied by his wife, the poor lady, and his sons appeared.
“High Lord. Lady” he looked at them in triumph, Feyre could have slapped him in the face just for the lack of respect he gave her.
“It is High Lady,” Rhys answered in his cold voice, the one he usually takes in the court of Nightmares. “I will ask you to show my mate respect before she makes you give her.”
He rolled his eyes. Arrogant. “Sure, High Lady. So I guess this is your son.”
“It is.” Feyre holds Nyx closer to her, mistrustful of the High Lord of the Autumn court. Nyx as a well-behaved kid, politely say hello to Beron.
Then they left to say hello to the other High Lords and to eat.
“See, it’s alright. He knows he cannot reach the limits.”
“He is potentially working with Korschei, Rhys, he is dangerous.”
“I know. But right now Korschei cannot reach us, and Beron isn’t strong enough to try anything against us. So try to relax darling, it is alright.”
“I hate when you are too calm”
“I know, but someone has to, your mother instinct is crazy,”
Arrogant Bastard. Fuck you, she said through the bond. And then hear him laugh. I love you too. She smiled. She stepped closer to Rhys as he holds her against him.
“Everything’s alright kiddo?”
“Can I go play papa?”
“Only one person left, and then yes, you will be able to go play.”
The little kid nodded. A minute later he gave a little scream of happiness and jump from his mother's arms, and runs towards the door.
“Nyx come back here !” Feyre was in a panic when she noticed that Nyx was running to Lucien. The redhead holds him in his arms, a large smile on his face.
“Hello little one, I missed you”
“Hi uncle Lucien, I missed you too” Nyx was shining, he always loved his uncle Lucien, and he hated when he had to go away for business. Lucien was walking to Feyre and Rhys, still holding Nyx, with Tamlin by his side. Feyre froze at the sight of him, Rhys sends a wave of comfort through the bond, and Lucien, as he noticed too, hold Nyx closer to him.
“It is good to see you, Lucien. Tamlin” Rhys salute him, Feyre and Nyx did the same.
“Mama, Papa, can I go play now?”
“Yes, babe, you can”
He jumps from Lucien’s arms, and then looks at him “Can you come to play with me please?”
“Sure” He smiled and follow the little one to play with him.
“He seems... Adorable” Feyre could have told that Tamlin was being a hypocrite, he hated this child before he even met him. Which was unfair, but she didn’t care, as long as he stayed away from her baby. Feyre’s mother instinct grows more every day, she didn’t even know she could have an instinct like that, her own mother never take care of her, how could she know how to take care of a child? But it was natural, the way she holds him, helps him, teaches him. Everything was natural. She has to admit that Nesta helps her a lot, since her sister was feeling better thanks to herself, her friends, and her mate, she had shown a real overprotective form that Feyre never knew she had. Nesta was visiting Feyre every day since her labor, and she loved it. They realized that they didn’t know much about each other, and they were trying to get closer. Nesta herself was happier. You could tell she was smiling more, and she was even trying to be more social. Recently she started talking with Lucien, and they find out that they kind of liked similar things, the first one being Elain. Nesta would never admit it, but Feyre knew she liked Lucien and she found him funny. Even though she told him that she hated his new friends. Nesta still disliked the mortal queen, Lucien was telling her it was because she didn’t know her and that Vassa was kind, but Nesta ignore it and forbid him to have a relation with her, I think I never saw Lucien laugh that much than this day. Indeed, he was already fond of Elain, and would never cheat. Even if they are not a couple. Yet. She started to acknowledge him when she was babysitting Nyx, she had some issues and Lucien was the only one here to help, since then they often babysit together, last time she even agreed to go to the restaurant with him, and when she came back and tell them everything she was shining of happiness. Feyre concentrated again on the discussion.
“He is.” Rhys ends up saying. Tamlin didn’t dare to say anything more and lead to the other High Lords.
The rest of the evening was calm, Nyx opened his gifts, all happy, and eat the chocolate cake Elain made for the occasion. Feyre ended up talking gossip with Mor, she learned that Lucien and Elain spend the evening together, playing with the kid, or just some time alone. Amren and Varian left early, apparently, she had forgotten to lock the door of her apartment, of course, the others knows what it means. Cassian and Nesta, to Feyre’s surprise, didn’t leave the party to spend time together, their mating bond was still so fresh that sometimes they needed to leave in an urge. Rhys spent the evening with all the other High Lords, talking about annoying things that Feyre didn’t want to know. Emerie joined Feyre and Mor in the middle of the evening, Gwyn and Azriel had started a competition and she didn’t want to be in between. Feyre could have sworn that something was happening between the two of them, but they were keeping it a secret.
When the party was over, Feyre, Rhys, and Nyx went back home. Elain decided to sleep at the House of Wind, of course, it was to spend more time with Lucien but she would never admit it. Feyre put Nyx to bed and join Rhys in their room.
“See? Everything was alright” He said when she entered the room
“Yes, sorry I panicked.”
“Don’t be sorry darling, it is normal, I wasn’t so confident either. But they stayed away from our baby”
She climbs into the bed after undressing and Rhys holds her close to him. “As they should”
He laughs “Good night darling”
She smiles and closes her eyes. “Good night”
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