#they deserve dance video bonding time
snackugaki · 2 years
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the best thing about making AUs is that you truly can do anything with your AU doodles
like making them do the Cuff It Challenge
you can do it too, just doodle whatever you want and truly no one on this earth has any real power to stop you 🙏
snacku tmnt au brainrot pt.1 | pt.2
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seunmong-in · 2 months
🌅Sunsets in Sydney🌅
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Genre: Fluff, childhood best friend to lovers, Idol! Felix x Reader, Humor, slight cursing, she fell first but he fell harder. 
Words: 2.1k 
Summary: After being on tour for a whole year, Felix is finally back in Sydney for a well-deserved break. While he is ecstatic to be with his family again, there’s one person who he wants to see most. His childhood best friend and crush, Y/N. 
A/n: Okay, can I start this off by saying, Holy crap… Thank you to all who like or reblogged my first fanfic with Han!! ( click his name if you wanna read it ! ) I honestly thought it wasn’t that good since I wrote it in a very sleep-deprived state, lol. But y’all proved me wrong🥹❤️‍🩹 That said, I hope you guys also like this story with Felix! Like always, if you have any feedback or want to make a special request just DM me!! Here’s also my latest one with Seungmin as well 🫶🏼
P.S Does anyone else have “that’s not very nice” stuck in their head too?
365 days. 
That's how long Felix has been away from the place he calls home. And no, he doesn't mean his actual home back in Sydney. He means being away from his childhood best friend, Y/n. 
Felix and Y/n have been best friends since grade school. They have always been there for each other, from performing in talent shows to caring for each other when one falls ill. They are like two peas in a pod; wherever one goes, the other is sure to follow.
On the day Felix had to tell Y/n that he was leaving Sydney to become an idol in Korea, he broke down crying. He was worried that being thousands of miles away from his closest friend would strain their relationship. As he was about to board the plane, he turned around to see Y/n waving goodbye to him with tears streaming down her face, and he couldn't help but cry, too.
Surprisingly, Felix and Y/n's friendship didn't end after that day. Instead, their bond grew even stronger. Y/N would constantly update Felix through text or calls, sharing the details of her day and making sure he didn't miss out on anything important. While Felix enjoyed receiving these updates, what he loved most was the pictures his mom would send him of Y/n with his family on small family trips. Seeing her smile and taking selfies with his sisters always warmed his heart.
He had already surpassed the stage of simply developing feelings for Y/n. Felix adored her. He loved her. Whenever he watched a video of a couple on TikTok or Instagram, he imagined how to recreate the same videos with Y/n by his side. His heart skipped when Y/n surprised him at one of his earlier concerts with Olivia and Hannah, Chan's sister. The memory of her dancing his part of God's Menu while Hannah danced Chan's part on the big screen was something he would never forget. Since that night, Felix had been planning to confess his love to Y/n, and he decided to do it under the sunset in Sydney.
Under the hot summer sun, Felix's freckled face is lit up with a big smile as his family rushes to greet him. Olivia is the first to embrace him, screaming, "Oh my God, do you even know how I miss you, Lix?!"
Felix laughed, embracing his youngest sister and repeating, "I miss you more." He noticed that Olivia had grown a bit since the last time he saw her and that her hair was now dyed at the ends. Noticing her brother staring at her hair, Olivia mentioned that Y/N did it a few days ago at one of their usual girls' nights. His mom and dad were the next two to hug him tightly, with his mom shedding a few happy tears.
"I say this every time, but I am so happy to have my baby back home."
Felix wraps his arms around his mom, hugging her as he says, "I am happy to be back home to Mom."
Felix was sitting in the back of a car, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of Y/n. He was waiting for her message, asking if he had reached home safely, but he had yet to receive any message from her. Although this was unusual, he assumed she might be busy.
Suddenly, Olivia abruptly interrupts Felix's train of thought, "So, are you finally going to ask Y/n to be your girlfriend while you're here, or are we still sticking to the whole 'she's just my best friend' excuse?" The unexpected question catches Felix off guard. His face turns red with embarrassment as his mother turns her head around from the passenger seat, waiting for a response.
Avoiding eye contact with his mother and sister, Felix clears his throat, allowing himself to find the right words.
"Um.. what makes you think I even have feelings for her?"
Olivia stares at her older brother, scolding him with his earlier response, "Felix be so fucking for real right now. It's obvious you have feelings for Y/n. You look at her as if she is your whole world, your face lights up with a smile whenever she texts you, and you always seem to find a way to talk about her when we talk on the phone. If that doesn't scream, "I am in love with my best friend," then I don't know what does. Oh, and before you go and argue with me about this, even the boys agree that you are completely strung up on her. So do us all a favor and tell her how you feel, will you?"
Felix sighs as he looks up to see his sister's gaze. He knew he had to come clean now before his plans got ruined. 
"Have I mentioned how much I dislike you sometimes, Liv?"
"Yeah, but I'm your favorite sister, so start spilling before I call Hyunjin and have him tell Y/n to you." 
During the last five minutes of their car ride, Felix confided in his family about his plan to ask Y/n out when they reached the house. He made them promise not to say anything to Y/n about his plan since he wanted to create a memorable and private moment between them.
As Felix's father pulled into the driveway, Felix noticed Y/n's car parked across the street. His heart raced as he jumped out of the car, ignoring his mother's yelling about not going inside yet. 
Felix barges through the main door and stops when he sees the handmade "Welcome Home Lixie" banner that Y/n was struggling to put up. He chuckles softly and leans by the living room doorway, watching as she gets on her tiptoes to hook the string onto the nail.
"You know, I could've helped you put up the banner, sunshine if you would've waited a little longer."
Y/n turns around to find Felix smirking. Blushing, she runs to him and hugs him. He hugs her back, lifting her up and spinning her around.
Trying not to cry on his shoulders, Y/n ever so softly whispers, "You have no idea how much I missed your hugs, Lix."
"Me too, sunshine, it's been way too long."
After returning home and having dinner early, Felix went upstairs to his room. There, he discovered a welcome-home basket in the center of his bed. The basket contained his favorite candies, face masks, a small chicken plushie, and gift cards to his preferred places. Felix smiled, realizing that it was a gift from Y/n. She was always the type to spoil others with gifts, even if it was a small occasion. Looking through the gifts in the basket, he heard a soft knock on the door, and Y/n walked in. When Felix looked up at her, they locked eyes for the second time that day. Time seemed to come to a standstill, and after a while, Y/n was the first to break the silence.
"I hope you like it; I saw it on Tiktok late last night and thought I should make you one."
"I love it a lot; thank you, sunshine." 
He gives her a soft smile and motions for her to sit with him on the bed. She walks over and sits beside him, watching him unwrap more gifts. Y/n can't help but laugh as Felix brings the chicken plushie up to his face, jokingly asking, "Do you think it looks like me?"
"As much as I want to say yes, I feel like I am going betray BbokAri, so I must lie and say no."
Felix and Y/n laugh as Felix places the plushie back on the shelf behind him. The room lights up in a golden hue, indicating the sun is about to set. Without wasting more time, Felix takes Y/n's hand and leads her out of his room and towards his car.
"Lix, what are you doing? Where are we going?"
"I was hoping we could watch the sunset together again, just like we did as kids. It's been quite some time since the last time we did, and let's face it, we're not getting any younger. Before we know it, we'll be as old as old man Chan."
""I'm going to tell him you said that," she says, laughing as she follows him to his car. They both jump in and drive to the nearby beach.
As the car pulled onto the sandy shore, Felix practically flew out of his side to open the door for Y/n. She beamed with delight as she stepped out, feeling the warm sand under her toes. Felix swiftly closed the car door and took her hand, leading her towards the beach. The sky was ablaze with a breathtaking display of pink and orange hues as the sun descended below the horizon.
"I forgot how pretty the sunset could be when you can see the reflection on the water."
"I know, but it's even prettier with you beside me," Felix responds. 
Y/n stands before Felix, unsure if he is joking or serious. He chuckles as she becomes flustered.
"You know that's not very nice."
"What isn't sunshine?"
"You saying that to me and not explaining what you mean," Y/n states as she turns away from him. 
Felix grabs Y/n by her waist and spins her, holding her close. Y/n's face flushes a deep shade of pink as she catches her breath. They've been close for years, but something feels different about this moment. There's a palpable tension in the air, a feeling of unspoken love that's hard to ignore. Felix looks deep into Y/n's eyes, examining how the sun's warm glow illuminates them. The sound of waves crashing against the shore adds to the moment's magic. Fighting the urge to kiss her immediately, Felix takes a deep breath as he stares into her eyes. 
"Do you remember why I decided to return home for a break instead of staying in the dorms with the boys?" Puzzled by his random question, Y/n nods her head, looking back into his dark brown eyes. 
"Of course I do. It was because you wanted to be with your family since you were homesick, Lix."
"You're right. But there's something important that I need to tell you, something that should've been said from the very beginning. Y/n, I like you. I'm in love with you. I love you so much that it hurts not to have you by my side most days or even to call you mine. The night before I left Sydney, I intended to confess my feelings to you, but I knew it was bad timing since I was leaving, and I didn't want to end our friendship. So, I kept it to myself for years. However, seeing you with Liv and Hannah at our concert earlier this year, dancing and singing to our songs, made me realize that what I felt for you was more than just a simple grade school crush. Y/n, I'd be lying if I said you weren't the person I want to spend the rest of my life with because I do. I want you to be mine, my only sunshine. And if you don't feel the same way, I understand..."
Felix was toward the end of his sentence when Y/n suddenly cut him off by pressing her lips against his. It was a bold move, but she had been crushing on Felix for what felt like an eternity and couldn't hold back any longer. When they finally pulled away, Felix looked at Y/n with a knowing smile, pressing his forehead on hers. In a very soft voice, Felix finally finishes his sentence. 
"I cannot imagine spending a single day without you by my side anymore. Will you do me the greatest honor of all and be mine forever?
""Until forever stops existing, my love."
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yuusishi · 1 year
Okay okay hear me out: Vil, Malleus, Kalim, and Idia with an s/o who was basically a kpop idol back in their world- like, they were part of a group and all that
bonus points: they actually show a recording of one of their performances(I'm imagining BOCA by Dreamcatcher for some reason)
pairings : Kalim Al-Asim , Idia Shroud x gn!reader
genre : fluff , reader still has their phone , established relationship , pre-VDC
cws/tws : none
a/n : erm I actually have no idea if this is supposed to be a request or not so I'm gonna assume it is. Also I'm sorry I could only write Idia and Kalim, I've been heavily demotivated to write due to some mental health issues.
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Idia Shroud !!
y...you're a what...
dude stares at you with wide eyes because...what? You're an idol? Like seriously, fr fr, not pulling his leg?
he was about to hunt down your performance videos but then he remembers that you're not from here.
but once you personally show him some recordings of you on stage he's literally glued to the screen. He knows he should also pay attention to your other group members, but he just can't take his eyes off you and how you shine so independently on stage.
bro would sell out all your merch the second it dropped if you were also famous in Twisted Wonderland.
(Suddenly a quarter of the S.T.Y.X funds are spent on idol merchandise).
apart from initial shock, he won't really treat you much different from before he found out you were a famous idol in your home world.
he thinks you're 10000x cooler, yeah, but you're still his gaming buddy that he can peacefully ragequit games with.
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Kalim Al-Asim !!
as expected he's really excited when he found out!!
also like Idia, he'd buy out your merch line if you were famous in Twisted Wonderland.
he's also recommending that you join the VDC with him when you showed him your performance videos, he knows you'll just add to the shine everyone's gonna bring on stage against RSA!!
if you want to start being an idol in Twisted Wonderland, he'd try his best to help you find a good agency because you only deserve the best.
He also loves dancing so sometimes he’d ask you to teach him some of your choreography.
Since he already has dance experience he gets the hang of it pretty quickly.
This makes dancing your sort of bonding time with each other, sometimes you’d even sing your group’s songs while doing the choreography just so you won’t forget it.
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writingjjfics · 5 months
Pogues to the rescue!
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Pairing: JJ Maybank x kook!reader, Platonic!Pogues x kook!reader
Summary: JJ and the Pogues come to rescue Y/n from her Kook family party.
Warnings: Kooks
Requested?: Yes! See request here!
Word count: 1.4k
A/N: Guess who's back? back again? It's moi! I apologize for how extremely long this took, life got in the way 🙂 also I did change the request a bit, and got some inspiration from the midsummers episode, hope that's okay! Oh and Sarah is not part of the Pogues for the sake of the story (not my gif)
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The last few hours of your life have been a bore. You were stuck at this table with egocentric old kook people who could only talk about their 'perfect' lives and their well-succeeded grandchildren. You tried your best to show interest, but your mind kept drifting off. You nodded politely at them, and every so often, you mustered up a fake smile to make them think that you were listening to their boring stories.
When you noticed that their attention was no longer on you, which was hardly surprising considering how egocentric they all are, you quietly got up from the table and left. After quickly scanning the backyard in search of your mother, you, fortunately, spotted her in a conversation with her best friends. Taking advantage of the opportunity, you made your way inside the house to use the bathroom.
As you sat down on the toilet, you felt relieved. Not only because you could finally pee, but also after hours of miserably pretending to be anything close to a Kook, you could let your guard down here, even if it was just for a few minutes.
Taking your phone from your clutch, you check for any notifications that you might have missed in the last few hours. While scrolling through Instagram, you noticed your boyfriend had posted a video on his story. In the video, JJ was smoking his Juul, surrounded by the rest of the Pogues who were dancing and singing to some song in the background.
JJ's happy smile, as he hung out with the Pogues, made you feel a sense of joy for him. The Pogues are his true family and he deserves to be this happy and comfortable all the time. Sometimes you were jealous of their relationship. Even though your family has money and shows their love and care for you in their own, unique way, you've always felt like you don't quite fit in with them. It's as if you're the odd one out. At least the Pogues always have each other and their bond is unbreakable.
You snapped a quick selfie and sent it to JJ, showing him how extremely bored you were. After putting your phone back in your clutch bag, you let out a deep sigh, realizing you had to get back to the party before your mom would put up 'missing child' posters. However, as you reached for the door handle, you heard your ringtone go off. A picture you had taken of JJ at the beach during sunset a few weeks ago, filled your phone screen. A warm feeling spread through your chest as you answered the phone, grateful that he had taken the time to call you back.
"Party that bad, huh?", JJ chuckled as he spoke.
"If I have to listen to these fake people for a minute longer, I'll pull a van Gogh myself"
You could hear JJ snickering. "That's one way to answer that question"
"Can't you just hack into a system and send some emergency alert or something?", you whined.
"Honey, I'm definitely not as smart as Pope, but what I can do is try to sneak you away?"
"Tempting as that sounds, my mom would kill me"
"C'mon baby, we both know your mom loves her reputation too much to kill her daughter", JJ joked.
You rolled your eyes. "Very funny JJ, besides I don't want to be a burden to the rest of the Pogues."
You heard JJ scoff. Since knowing JJ, you've met the Pogues a few times, yet each meeting seemed to grow more awkward than the previous one. JJ always reassures you that the rest of the Pogues just have a hard time getting comfortable around the idea that he is dating a kook, or well just kooks in general, and that it's never because of your personality. "Before you know it, they will love you as much as I do", was what he told you occasionally. But you just can't help taking it personal.
"Y/n, stop being so stubborn, and let us help you. I want you here as much as you want to leave that party. Be ready in ten. I won't take no for an answer."
You were about to protest, but before you could, the distant chatter of the other Pogues in the background went silent, indicating that JJ had already ended the call.
After giving yourself a final look in the mirror and letting out another heavy breath, you opened the door and made your way back to the party outside.
Everyone was still engrossed in conversation, and it appeared that no one noticed you had been gone. It gives you a glimmer of hope that you might be able to slip away from the party without your parents noticing. However, at the same time, you can't help but recall a few years ago when you did the same thing, only to receive a month-long grounding from them.
After nervously looking ahead for a while, and making up different scenarios in your head, you suddenly feel a tap on your shoulder. Irritated, thinking it's one of your parents wanting to remind you to be more social, you turn around.
"You look like you could use another drink. Can I maybe offer you this one?"
In front of you stood JJ, dressed up as a waiter, holding a champagne glass. He gave you that annoying but charming smirk of his.
You took the champagne from him and chugged the entire drink, making JJ chuckle.
"Thanks, you always know exactly what I need babe"
You and JJ both laughed and you turned around looking for your parents. Your mother was still talking to her friends, while your father discussed work matters as usual.
"C'mon, let's go before my parents see us leaving". You were still nervous about the consequences, but decided that, that would be a problem for later. There's nothing you want more than to be with JJ right now.
JJ took your hand and quickly led you to the front of the house. Before reaching the gate, he suddenly stopped and gave you a kiss.
"Hi baby", he spoke softly.
You smiled. "Hi, Jay".
JJ gestured with his head towards the gate. "The others are right outside waiting for us." He squeezed your hand to reassure you that it was going to be okay. You nodded and followed him.
As you turned the corner, you saw the rest of the Pogues waiting next to the Twinkie. They were talking, but stopped abruptly when they saw the two of you approaching. Pope waved shyly towards you, while John B approached you enthusiastically. "That was quick"
"Yeah, I thought those kooks would give you more trouble", Kie said, rolling her eyes and emphasizing the words 'those kooks'. You saw Pope nudge Kiara. “Sorry, no offense to you of course”, she quickly realized her mistake. You smiled weakly and shrugged your shoulder. 'Well, luckily I don't see myself as a Kook'.
There was an awkward silence until JJ cleared his throat and walked over to the Twinkie to open the door. "Let's go back to the Chateau shall we?"
You got into the back of the Twinkie first, expecting JJ to follow you, but instead, it was Kie and Pope as John B and JJ got into the front seats having their own conversation. Kie sat beside you and turned toward you.
"Hey, I want to apologize if we ever made you feel unwelcome. We just had to get used to a new person in the group, but we see how happy you make JJ and that is the most important thing for us."
"Yeah, and you're real nice and fun to hang out with Y/n", Pope added.
You smiled, "Thanks, that means a lot to me."
"And I'm actually happy there is finally a girl in this group, I love these boys but I also really need some girl time", Kiara said making everyone laugh.
You locked eyes with JJ who was already smiling and gave you a wink. A few seconds later you heard your phone go off and saw that you received a text from JJ that said "I told you they were going to love you." You rolled your eyes at him, but chuckled nonetheless. You finally felt like you belonged there.
The rest of the night was spent hanging out at the Chateau, laughing, dancing, and getting to know the Pogues better.
As for your parents, you later found out that they had tried to call you many times that night, so you ended up being grounded again, but you really couldn't care less because JJ and the Pogues were helping you through it. They would always be there for you.
aaaah the end!! so so happy I finally finished a fic again. I was busy with my graduation project and had massive writers block, but I'm back! So if you have any requests or you just want to talk to me? LMK ❤️ Okay, love you byee x
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So I Spied Another Day...
You know it was a good show when you can’t decide whether your heart is so full from all the love and joy, or so empty because it's over.
Really do buckle up, because this is a long one.
So the show went a little like this. They played the Spies pro-shoot on a giant movie screen, but any time a song started, the audio changed to the instrumental track, the video typically faded to simple background graphics, and the cast came out to perform the number live in concert style. There were also a series of audience participation prompts up on the movie screen, such as standing to deliver a line in unison, giving Lauren a standing ovation for the Pay Attention! Reprise, enthusiastically booing Dr. Baron von Nazi and the still infuriatingly catchy Not So Bad (for anyone who’s curious, in addition to encouraging boos and yelled disagreements with von Nazi, they also cut the audience participation bit from the song).
The energy in the room was so electric and full of joy and warmth. People shouted out iconic lines, went wild for everyone’s entrances, and absolutely lost their damn minds over Curtwen at pretty much every opportunity. And the cast were clearly having just as much fun. Doing This has always been my favorite, and there was something so sweet about them singing it again all these years later. We finally got Joey performing Spies Are Forever (Evil Reprise) again and it was just as chilling and beautiful as you’d expect. And One Step Ahead was just on a whole new level. I don’t want to give anything away, but the details in that performance were INCREDIBLE.
It was simply so special seeing most of the original gang come back while also bringing some new friends along. Shout out to Mariah for coming out at the top of the show so ready to play, setting the tone for the whole evening. Shout out to James for putting his comedy chops on full display (LET JAMES BE FUNNY MORE) and dancing the hell out of One More Shot (another favorite number). And shoutout to Carlos Alazraqui (taking over the roles of Sergio and Vladimir Poopin) and Tommy Link for coming into this crazy part of our world with such enthusiasm and silliness. Brian deserves a medal for agreeing to once again play the most cringe-worthy character in all of Pulp-StarCanWrecked history, and for sounding so fucking good while doing it. Tessa was having a blast in full unhinged glory and I gladly worship at her altar. Lauren is maybe the funniest person alive and deserved her standing ovation, prompted or not. Seeing Joe Walker perform live has been Item Number One on my fandom bucket list since I moved to LA a couple of years ago, and I still can’t quite believe I managed it. I’d wondered if he’d be rusty, but honestly he sounded great; it was like no time had passed. Mary Kate still has one of my all-time favorite voices and her Tatiana remains forever engaging. Joey showed up dressed to slay as a gay evil genius Bond-movie supervillain and proceeded to thoroughly deliver on that promise. And Curt… every time I watch Spies I am increasingly blown away by what he does with this arrogant, broken mess of a character. He clearly loves Agent Mega as much as any of us, and to see a performance refined and powered by such clear and thoughtful passion is just a huge treat.
(And while he wasn’t in the cast, I can’t not mention Corey. Between his roles as director and co-writer, so much of what Spies is comes directly from him and we don’t appreciate that nearly enough. And shout out to Esther Fallick for her wonderful work as Susan and the Informant. She might not have been there in person, but her incredible performance was with us the whole time.)
I know this is preaching to the choir, but Spies Are Forever really is such a special show. It’s a story about recovery, and devastating as it can be, I think there’s also something deeply healing about it at its core. For one thing, I know it played a huge role in mending my relationship with my asexuality. I will forever be grateful to it for existing, to TCB, Talkfine, and the original cast for creating it, and to those same people for maintaining its legacy with the amount of love and care it deserves. It was a privilege to be in the room as so many people came to celebrate this miraculous little musical. There were a couple of minor tech glitches (I wonder if they’ll even include the “big one”—the projector jumping over most of the staircase scene before getting fixed—in the digital ticket version), but nothing that could even begin to damper the magic of the night.
We all know that spies never die (except for Owen and the Informant, oops). And at times like this concert, I think this special little show with its short run in 2016 will prove to be just as immortal.
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moonshynecybin · 2 months
this isnt in the subs but im p sure alex also says "shut up" to marc in that video nfjdkf
video here.... DESERVED ! marc is. listen he is very goofy and charming and often really very sweet. he is ALSO! maybe the most annoying person on planet earth. loud yapper slut dances in every situation does NOT apologize for his behavior and is never self conscious. and alex shares a lot of those goofy traits but unlike marc (the most SHAMELESS man of all time.) he has an example to WATCH and LEARN FROM. lmao. like marc-as-prodigy was probably weird for both of them in terms of like. shaping identity. like literally WHY would marc feel shame he's one on the best EVER at a sport that literally requires you to have confidence falling out of your ass. yes its crazy he then extended that from sports to LIFE (like i think vale has much more capacity to be embarrassed for example. like he's INVESTED in looking cool) but i think its follows a very marc marquez deranged sort of logic.
ALEX on the other hand has been somewhat forcibly humbled from a very young age merely by being born marc marquez's younger brother. like hes really fucking talented and handsome and funny but. as other scholars have recently talked about (@babynflames, @baking-soda recently) he's been kind of overshadowed his entire life by the shear caliber of marc's star. forced to play the proverbial straight man. jim from the office making faces at the camera LITERALLY several times in marc's documentary while marc is clowning SO hard for the cameras. so i think he DOES have the capacity for shame (A GOOD THING SOMETIMES) and is just in general a lot more measured than a guy like marc who went hard at literally everything his entire life and was kind of only rewarded for it (until he really wasnt.)
and THENN theres their codependent soul bond ass relationship where. i get the sense alex is a lot more independent than marc but he loves marc more than anything so he will indulge his crazy girl cheetah and emotional support labrador tendencies. so you get a. the comfort only close siblings have with each other/only living boy in the world who gets marc on a rider level and wont blame him for shit, and b. alex being the only one of them who has the capacity to feel any sort of shame, and you GET alex calling out marc for being a little hypocrite and then telling him to shut up DIRECTLY in front of a camera. and marc not even blinking an eye
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staygaybaby · 1 month
since people “don’t understand why skz are so popular” aka the one person who said that to me today… I have prepared an essay that no one asked for
Now, let's dive into the reasons why Stray Kids deserve all the recognition they've received.
1. Musical Talent: Stray Kids is a group of incredibly talented individuals who excel in various aspects of music production. They write, compose, and produce their own music, showcasing their versatility and creativity. Their unique sound, which blends various genres, has resonated with fans worldwide, earning them numerous (numerous babes😚😚😚) awards.
2. Performance Skills: Stray Kids is known for their high-energy performances that captivate audiences. Their synchronized dance routines, powerful vocals, and charismatic stage presence have earned them a reputation as one of the BEST FUCKING live performers in the K-pop industry.
3. Diverse Content: Stray Kids has consistently delivered diverse content to their fans, including music videos, reality shows, and variety programs. Their ability to connect with fans through various platforms has helped them build a strong and loyal fanbase.
4. Positive Impact: Stray Kids has been actively involved in various philanthropic activities, such as donating to charity and participating in environmental campaigns. Their positive influence on society has not gone unnoticed, and it's one of the reasons why they continue to receive support and recognition.
5. Fan Engagement: Stray Kids has a strong bond with their fans 'STAYs.' They frequently interact with their fans through social media, fan meetings, and live events, creating a sense of community and belonging. This strong connection with their fans has played a significant role in their success.
Imagine if Stray Kids hadn't received all the recognition they've earned. The world would be a less colorful place, with fewer catchy tunes to dance to and fewer heartwarming stories to share. We'd be deprived of their infectious energy and their ability to bring people together through music. So, the next time you hear a Stray Kids song or see one of their performances, remember that they deserve EVERY BIT of the success they've achieved.
Stay mad❤️
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hungrywriter · 1 year
Beyond The Pitch (Pt. 3)
Jobe Bellingham x female!reader
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Y/n found herself back in the comfort of her homeland, seeking solace in the familiar surroundings of her living room. With a week to spare before her upcoming match, she had taken the opportunity to visit her family. Yet, her thoughts kept drifting back to one person—Jobe.
She couldn't help but check her phone repeatedly, hoping for a message from him. She had reached out to him the night before and again this morning, pouring her heart into each text. But so far, there has been no response.
It had been seven months since they had first met, and their connection had blossomed into something beautiful. Although they hadn't officially labelled themselves as a couple, the way Jobe acted around her, his shy demeanour, and the thoughtful gifts he bestowed upon her made her feel as though they were more than just friends. She had heard whispers of Jobe's reputation as a person who plays with girls’ hearts, following in the footsteps of his brother, but he had assured her that she was different, that he would never betray her trust. And she had believed every word.
As Y/n reminisced about her childhood, a vivid flashback took her back to the days when she and Marie were inseparable. They had shared a deep love for soccer, spending countless hours playing the sport and watching matches together. The bond they shared was built upon their shared passion, and their dreams of becoming footballers fueled their friendship.
Wherever they went, soccer was the topic of conversation. They would talk endlessly about their favourite players and teams, often indulging in vivid fantasies of playing alongside the legends they idolised. Their dreams were intertwined, and they made a pact to support each other as they pursued their footballing ambitions.
But as time went on, Y/n's skills and talent began to shine brighter than Marie's. Y/n's dedication and natural ability drew attention from the team, and whispers of her becoming the new captain started to circulate. The recognition Y/n received, though well-deserved, began to stir jealousy within Marie.
Rather than celebrating her friend's success, Marie's jealousy consumed her. She couldn't bear the thought of being overshadowed by Y/n's talent and the prospect of Y/n's rising fame. In her desperation, Marie resorted to dark tactics, attempting to bring Y/n down. She engaged in cheating and sabotaged the votes, hoping to tarnish Y/n's reputation and secure her own position.
However, Marie's devious actions were eventually exposed, leading to her expulsion from the team. Y/n watched as their once unbreakable bond shattered, replaced by a bitter rivalry. To Y/n's surprise, Marie ended up joining a rival team, equally powerful and skilled. Their paths had diverged, turning former friends into fierce competitors.
Y/n couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness and disappointment. The dreams they once shared had been tainted by envy and betrayal. As Y/n faced the upcoming challenges, her heart carried the weight of their broken friendship. She longed for the days when they were united by their love for the sport, dreaming together without a hint of rivalry or animosity.
Y/n's thoughts were abruptly shattered by the buzzing of her phone. She hesitantly picked it up, hoping for a message from Jobe to clear up the chaos inside her. But instead, it was a message from an unknown number. With trembling hands, she clicked on it, and her world came crashing down.
The screen displayed a video, and her heart sank as she realised it was from Marie's phone. Y/n watched in disbelief as the scene unfolded before her eyes. It showed Jobe and Marie dancing intimately in a crowded club. Her grip tightened on the phone as Marie pulled Jobe closer, their lips locking in a passionate embrace. Y/n's mind raced, trying to process the shock and confusion.
Before she could gather her thoughts, another message appeared from the same number. It was from Marie, the source of her deepest betrayal.
“Your boyfriend’s an awesome kisser,” the message taunted. The words cut through Y/n like a knife, igniting a surge of anger, sadness, and disgust all at once. She was left grappling with a whirlwind of emotions, unsure of how to navigate the devastation that had consumed her world.
Her coach's text interrupted her torment, urging her to check the news. With trembling hands, she opened the news app, and the headline pierced her heart. There, plastered on the screen, was a picture of Jobe and Marie in the club, with the damning headline: "Jobe Bellingham spotted dancing with Marie Williams. Where is Y/n L/n?"
Y/n couldn't bear the weight of it all. Tears cascaded down her face as she felt the overwhelming weight of betrayal and heartbreak crashing down on her. Why was she constantly tested by fate's cruel hand? The pain of losing her friendship with Marie was unbearable enough, but now Jobe too? It was too much to bear.
As she sat lost in her sadness, her phone rang persistently, signaling Jobe's desperate attempts to reach out. She ignored the first call, and the next four that followed. She wished he would just give up, leave her alone. But his persistence weighed heavily on her already shattered heart.
Finally, she gathered the courage to open his messages, hoping for some explanation, some semblance of remorse. But it was a series of apologies and desperate pleas, each one piercing her wounded soul. Her mind was clouded with embarrassment, sadness, and a need to protect herself.
Unable to find the right words to express her pain, she typed a short but cutting response: 'Never talk to me again. Lose this number.' With a trembling finger, she blocked him on every social media platform, cutting off any remaining connection between them. The weight of her anguish seemed unbearable, engulfing her entirely.
In an attempt to find solace, she sought refuge in a long, calming bath, hoping to wash away the stress and turmoil that had consumed her. Yet, even as the water washed over her, she couldn't escape the lingering ache in her heart, wondering what she had done to deserve such pain and betrayal.
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jazeejae · 6 months
I have viewed numerous BTSRuns, Bangtan Bombs, concerts, and videos by various YouTubers. Witnessing Jungkook's journey from a bright child to an adult genius has been truly remarkable. Unfortunately, within this fandom, it has become all too common for individuals to show disrespect towards Jungkook and undermine his accomplishments. They manage to escape accountability through impactful tweets that distort his words to align with their own fandom agenda. Regrettably, this has escalated to the point where they now trespass every boundary by disrespecting his family.
Jungkook has not committed any wrongdoing, and every action he has taken aligns with his own path. The profound connection he shares with Jimin should not be a cause for resentment. Jungkook possesses a multitude of talents—he excels in drumming, dancing, and his singing prowess is truly exceptional. His vocal cords produce a unique and captivating sound that resonates in a way like no other. It's astonishing how he effortlessly spans several octave ranges, even showcasing his angelic voice in acapella performances. When he engages in a duet with Jimin, the warmth and excitement radiating through my skin are truly indescribable. Auditory senses vary among individuals, and some may never experience goosebumps. If one's auditory senses are not intricately connected to the cortex of the brain, appreciating what we hear becomes challenging, often leading to a dislike for the vocalists or expressing negativity towards their craft.
Jungkook has invested immense effort into all his endeavors, particularly as the main singer of BTS. Neither Jungkook nor his family deserves the unwarranted negativity directed their way. Individuals who incessantly concentrate on him across various social media platforms seem to lack the time for self-love. It's astounding how the cycle of hate adversely affects those who engage in criticizing Jungkook. Anyone who has experienced being ensnared by the clutches of hatred understands the detrimental and consuming impact it can have on one's soul. Unchecked hatred drains the spirit, stains the soul, and casts a shadow over one's days. At the core of all this animosity lies blame—blaming Jungkook for the close bond he shares with Jimin, or for not treating Taehyung in the same manner as Jimin. Life, however, does not operate on such simplistic terms. We witness variations in treatment even within our own families, where parents may treat their children differently, sometimes accusing them of having favorites. Parents acknowledge each child uniquely, tending to their individual personalities with love. Similarly, fans should approach BTS7 with a perspective of unique love for each member.
Regardless of our individual biases, we can appreciate the diverse talents each BTS member brings to the group. Together, as the BTSARMY, let's spread love and positivity. Our shared admiration for BTS can be a source of unity that transcends differences. Remember, we are stronger together, and our collective support can make a positive impact. 💜🌟"
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What are your top 5 Chenford scenes ever?
I assume this is retribution for my angst spiral posts after 6x06 that had Sarah threatening me with a lawsuit for emotional damages …
This was HARD, people. I could write twenty different versions of this list, and I would stand by each of them. I decided to aim for scenes that I consider to be unique to Chenford or scenes that just make me want to melt.
In no particular order:
Dance at Nyla's wedding (4x18). This entire scene makes me scream. The fake casual way Tim asks Lucy to dance? The way she sassily accepts? The adorkable little hand raise????? And that's all before they have the most romantic work conversation I have ever WITNESSED. "You deserve to be recognized" WHAT STOP IT!!!! His soft, half-hooded eyes as he says this line just about sends me, every time. And the way that Lucy's eyes flicker to Tim's lips a couple times … Srsly just shoot me out of a cannon: I'm done. The sheer joy on both their faces as they dance and have fun together makes me so happy.
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Audiobook scene (2x02). I adore the way that Lucy makes Tim feel seen and appreciated just the way he is in this scene. I love Lucy's luminous eyes and hair as she reassures Tim that his difference is what makes him great at his job. And I am more than a little obsessed with Tim's face journey as he realizes that Lucy understands him and has painstakingly made something so thoughtful to help him. Every now and then, I am walking around, minding my own business, and then I am once again hit with the force of Lucy's amazingly sweet gesture and am rendered immobile. This is what love is, folks.
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Kojo birthday card (6x08). Come to think of it, this one is sort of in a similar vein to the scene with the audiobook, in that it's a gift that demonstrates that Tim understands and loves Lucy and wants to do something to show her that. This adorable card — signed, sealed, and delivered by Kojo — is exactly what Lucy needs to remind her that Tim cares. It's an affectionate gesture that respects Lucy's need for space from Tim and lets her see her favourite King of Canines. I was so not prepared for this to be the birthday gift Tim settled on for her, and it truly just about bowled me over with the thoughtfulness of it. And then Tim's devastated face that screams regret over not being able to celebrate with her in person UGH. This scene is one for the books.
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Second first date (5x10). I love that their second attempt at a date is so dressed down and probably reminiscent of the hundreds of meals they've shared while on shift, getting to know each other and falling in love. I love the dreamy fairy lights strung up overhead. I love the casual way that Lucy mentions their grandkids, and the half-laugh at her own audacity, and her bold refusal to walk back her words. I love the way Tim's eyes sparkle as he smiles at how his whole future is wide open now, and it's with Lucy. I love all that. But I would choose this scene for their first real kiss alone! Every time I watch this kiss, I am in danger of melting. This kiss is slow but sure. Firm but soft. It's so devastatingly romantic. I LOVE IT.
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"You're nothing like him" hug (4x09). I love this scene because it shows how deep Tim and Lucy's bond is. She accompanies him to confront his abusive father for the last time. He trusts that she will support him as he completely crumbles in her arms. He seeks her absolution as he asserts that he is nothing like the wretched man he just left behind. She embraces him wholeheartedly and tells him exactly what he needs to hear, comforting him as he comforted her not that long ago when her dear friend died. Like. What a bond. What a moment. Take me out of the oven: I'm done.
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Bonus: double date (4x12). This is the first episode of The Rookie I ever watched in full. After having my curiosity piqued by someone I follow on Tumblr, I watched a compilation of Chenford moments on YouTube (as one does). And then I watched more videos. And I just could not get past the idea that these two went on a double date that felt like more of a private date with a third and fourth wheel: I had to see it for myself in full. So I went and watched this episode, and the rest is history. This episode has a very special place in my heart, and I felt my list would be remiss without it. Throughout the whole dinner, I am obsessed with their married energy (Lucy taking food off Tim's plate? Tim jumping to tell an embarrassing story about Lucy that she immediately joins him in telling? Please stop). Just such a great example of their unstoppable chemistry.
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Thanks so much for the ask!
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larkawolfgirl · 2 months
Distant Scent of Flowers (Clerifa)
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi Fandoms: Compilation of Final Fantasy VIIFinal Fantasy VII (Video Game 1997) Relationships: Tifa Lockhart/Cloud Strife, Aerith Gainsborough/Tifa Lockhart/Cloud Strife Characters: Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Developing Relationship, Feelings Realization, Canonical Character Death
Summary: Cloud and Tifa bond through grief, confessions, and a promise.
Read on ao3
The river continued playing its happy murmuring song despite the sorrow flowing from its banks. A silent Cloud and Tifa sat on the bank with their shoulders almost touching gazing out at the wildflowers dancing in the breeze across the water. The blossoms, vibrant against the green landscape, seemed a world away—just as Aerith was.
Cloud watched Tifa’s fingers trace a pattern in the dirt. Without a word, he reached out, covering her hand with his own, attempting to offer her any semblance of comfort he could. Their fingers laced together, a silent pact of support through their shared grief.
As the light began to fade, turning the open sky purple, the pair remained still, anchored in place by the weight of their loss. Cloud could feel the tension in Tifa’s grip, her strength mingling with his own, and in that touch, an unspoken understanding passed between them. They were fighters, but in this quiet moment, they allowed themselves to be vulnerable.
His eyes met Tifa’s, seeing his torment reflected.
Cloud wouldn’t have dared allow himself to falter if it was anyone else—save Aerith herself—but this was Tifa. Cloud rarely felt secure enough to let down his hardened persona, but ever since their reunion, Tifa had assured him in not so many words that she was a safe space. Besides, she had already seen him cry—they all had—his feelings having ripped him open from the inside out.
But Tifa also cried. As did the others, but that wasn’t important.
The cool breeze carried the scent of flowers and it recalled an image of Aerith tending to her flower garden back in Midgar. She had been so happy, so carefree, so beautiful. He could clearly see her smile which would never again light up the dark places in his heart. His heart ached knowing that one day he might forget how she looked, let alone how she smiled.
“Remember how she would always talk to flowers as if they might talk back?” he asked, hoping Tifa’s voice would soothe the tightness in his chest.
The fighter nodded, her lips curving in response as the memory surfaced. “I asked her once and she said they were alive, so they deserved the same common courtesy as anyone else.” Tifa let out the ghost of a laugh. “Not sure if courtesy and asking how their day’s been are the same thing, though.”
Cloud’s gaze returned to the flowers dancing in the breeze. The way they moved; it almost did look like they had sentience. “Maybe she had a point. She would know better than any of us.”
Tifa hummed, and when Cloud looked at her again, her expression had softened. “Yes, she was... extraordinary. Sure, she was an Ancient, but she was special just because of who she was.”
“Yeah. She never cared what anyone else thought.” A far cry from himself. She had shown him what freedom looked like.
“She was brave.”
Cloud squeezed her hand. “So are you.”
Tifa shook her head. “I’m strong, but she was never afraid to do what needed to be done. Not when she infiltrated the Don’s mansion or sacrificed herself for Marlene or even now.” She paused, swallowing a fresh wave of grief. “Remember the first time it rained after we left Midgar?”
Of course, he remembered. How could he forget? The way Aerith had shrieked in surprise at the first raindrop. Even though she claimed to hate the sky, she grinned when she saw it covered in misty clouds. Rain had soaked through her dress, leaving her cold and drenched, even so, she grinned and spread her arms wide to catch as many droplets as she could. She had twirled around, creating her own version of a rain dance, laughter spilling from her throat.
“I’ve never seen her look so alive.”
“Me neither.,” Tifa said. “I wish I could be like her. She lived life to the fullest, always knowing that it might be her last day of freedom, and she was willing to give it up for the sake of others, even people she never met.” The martial artist paused, rubbing her fingers over a strand of grass. “She was…a hero.”
There was a moment of silence as if the air itself held its breath for her next words. “She was more than that for me, though.”
Cloud studied her, sensing a shift in her tone.
Her hands fell into her lap, and she drew a deep breath, steadying herself. Her voice could barely be heard over the murmur of the river. “I didn’t just admire her,” she confessed. “She was more than a friend. I didn’t understand, but now...”
Cloud’s body froze, unsure how to respond. His brow furrowed as a battlefield of emotions played out—empathy, remorse, loyalty, loss, affection—all clamoring for recognition. He had always been the sword, the protector. That role was straightforward. Figuring out what role to play now was obscure.
The stillness of the riverbank seemed to absorb her words, leaving a silence so profound that even the rustling wildflowers hushed their whispers. The unfinished revelation hung between them, a delicate truth that needed to be handled with care.
“Cloud?” The sound of Tifa’s fragile voice sliced through his introspection.
Slowly, he took her hand again, this time with a soft, loose grip. “I understand,” he said. “I think, maybe, she was the same for me.”
Tifa leaned closer and tilted her head. “Maybe?”
Cloud turned back to the wildflowers, suddenly feeling too shy to see her immediate reaction. “I wasn’t sure either. Because…of you.”
Then she was there in front of him. She was close, so close he could feel the warmth of her breath. “And now? Have you figured out your feelings?” Her hand trembled slightly within his grasp, but she did not pull away. The question hung in the air, as delicate as flower petals.
Cloud felt the weight of her gaze, heavy with hope and fear. He could see the subtle tremble of her lips, the vulnerability she rarely showed. It was more than a question; it was a plea for understanding, for solidarity.
He knew what he felt for Tifa was real, just as real as the pain and affection they both harbored for Aerith. But putting that mixture of sentiment into words was the greatest foe he had faced. Time seemed to slow as Cloud’s pause stretched into eternity. His eyes, clouded by the emotions warring in his chest, searched Tifa’s face for guidance. His chest twisted tighter with each passing second, and in the silence that followed her question, his gaze lingered on the soft worry lines that framed her eyes—eyes that had seen too much pain yet still held a glimmer of hope.
“Before,” Cloud started, his voice barely audible, “everything was... unclear.” He shook his head as though to clear away the fog of uncertainties hanging over him. His eyes anchored themselves to Tifa’s, finding a steadfast trust in their depths. Almost involuntarily, he lifted their entwined hands, almost touching her cheek before catching himself.  “I still don’t have everything figured out, but I know what I feel for you, Tifa. Losing Aerith... it’s sharpened everything, made me see what’s been in front of me all along.” Although soft, Cloud’s voice carried the weight of newfound clarity.
Tifa’s breath caught, her eyes, wide and shimmering with a hopeful sheen, never left his face, seeking out the words yet unspoken.
Turning toward her fully, Cloud allowed a rare, gentle smile. It softened the hard lines battle had etched into his youthful face. “Losing Aerith without ever fully expressing my feelings... it tore something inside of me.” His blue eyes darkened with regret. “Losing her made me realize life is too short to question yourself. I don’t want to lose you the way I did her, especially without having told you the truth.”
A slow exhale escaped her lips. “Which is?”
He chose his words carefully. “That you mean more to me than a friend.”
She returned his gentle smile. “So do you. You both did.”
His voice lowered again, this time with sincerity rather than doubt. “Having feelings for Aerith doesn’t change the feelings we have for each other. I understand that now.”
“I always knew how I felt about you,” she began hesitantly. “But with Aerith... it was different. I only realized what she meant to me now that she’s gone.” Her voice trailed off. “But you seemed to understand you had feelings for both of us for some time now.”
Cloud’s free hand clenched at his side. “I suppose I did. But no matter how much I tried to I couldn’t choose between you two.”
Tifa’s brow furrowed with the unspoken truth that he couldn’t choose now. Her voice was comforting when she replied, “What matters is that we’ve shared something special with Aerith and we still have each other. We don’t have to measure our feelings. Aerith brought out the best in us. We’ll carry her with us, together.”
Cloud felt his barriers melt beneath her profound words.
Tifa moved closer, resting her head against his shoulder. The weight of her grounded him in the present moment. It hurt, but their love would move them forward.
A breeze swept through with the scent of Aerith’s favorite flowers—ones absent from the riverbank. It was as if the lifestream, or Aerith herself, was assuring them of her eternal presence. She would never truly be gone. She would live on within the lifestream, within the beauty of the world she had loved, and within the hearts of those who cherished her memory.
Cloud’s arms wrapped around Tifa, drawing her into an embrace. She held him back with a firm grasp. The warmth of their bodies served as a reminder of the life they still held.
“Let’s promise,” Tifa’s voice was a whisper, yet it carried conviction, “to honor her memory in everything we do. To strive to live our lives with the same courage she did.”
Cloud felt the vibration of her words through his chest, sparking a flame within the void left by grief. “And we’ll protect each other with all of our strength,” he agreed.
As their promise was made, the river flowed ceaselessly beside them, a symbol of time’s relentless march. Yet as Cloud and Tifa sat there, locked in their embrace, they found a sense of permanence. As long as they had each other, they would love, they would endure, and they would remember.
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und8e2ff · 10 months
Bronze Bro Bonding - Ban's Birthday
the alliteration is alliterating, okay~ ✨💅🏼
I like to think when the Bronze can't gather together in one place, they celebrate each other's birthdays over video chat.
They'll agree on a time to call, they'll come with their own cakes/foods to eat together, and anywhere from a few days to a couple weeks in advance they'll send gifts from where ever they are in hopes they'll be delivered by the time they gather together.
One time the Bronze gathered to celebrate Ban's birthday over video call. They sang Happy Birthday, Ban just blew out the candles, but before everyone dug into their food, Seiya had something he wanted to say.
all manner of fuck shit below the cut
"But before we dig in, HERE'S WONDERWALL."
Seiya then proceeds to pull out his guitar and sing the single most cursed, bastardized, purposefully horrendous rendition of the song that he could muster.
Ban is staring DEAD down the center of his camera with this blank, unreadable expression. He's zoning out going through everything he said and did in the last 365 days to deserve this shit. mans is SHOCK rn, C A T A T O N I C even-
Seiya is on one. liek... Dude is playing his HEART out. He truly is giving the performance of his life for his brother's special day.
Hyoga is being supportive. To hype up Seiya's performance he does this interpretive, hip-hop/ballet fusion dance??? he hittin the c-walk and then transitions with a couple sautes into the shoot
ALL with a straight face
Jabu deafened, muted, and got on his phone. he'll be back in 5...
Geki stared in disbelief for a good 20-30 seconds. Once he came to his senses, he found something to watch and started eating. HE DID NOT MUTE and it just... It adds to the chaos. whatever he's playin sounds like deep-fried Cocomelon
Nachi decided to join in by doing ad-libs. Except... His ad-libs are more appropriate to be in the background of NY drill and not... whatever tf is goin on rn... i said maybeee *BO BO BO BO* you're gonna be the one that saves meeee *GRRRRRRRAH*
with his whole chest too...
Ikki peaced the moment Seiya pulled out his guitar. liek, he dead just left the call. no words.
Ichi deafened and then started brushing out his hair so he could put it in a bun for the night. tired
Shun is just sitting back, hands clasped, looking up at the ceiling. He too is wondering what he did to deserve such a fate. A single tear runs down his cheek.
Shiryu is the only person who genuinely seems to be enjoying the performance. he even claps at the end
It was a good birthday.
No, seriously. After this, Ban had an awesome birthday and everyone had fun.
Except for Ikki. Ikki never came back.
His present made it to Ban, though.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
Hey!, can I get a fluffy story where buck and his little sister (the reader) are just having a brother and sister bonding time. If that makes sense:)
here with me - e.b
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summary: y/n finds out her boyfriend cheated on her, so buck helps her get through it
evan buckley x sister!reader
i’ve never written a sibling story so hopefully this will be good!
scrolling through her latest instagram feed, y/n was relaxed in one of bucks living room chairs. she always makes herself home in her brothers apartment. buck was busy getting himself something to eat in the kitchen, so it was just y/n in the room.
y/n had graduated high school and saved up a ton of money from working and different freelance gigs to move out of the small pennsylvania town. she was accepted to one of the best LA colleges.
growing up, her parents barely paid any attention to her as their focus was all on maddie and doug, or buck and whatever he had gotten into. it took her a while to be able to come to her siblings as she had always felt isolated from them. however, after moving across the country to change her life and relationships, she found buck and maddie again. they worked on rebuilding their relationship. because for a long time, she felt so abandoned by buck and maddie as they had plans of leaving together, but never once mentioned it to her. she knew she was too young, but being trapped in a house lacking of love was almost impossible to deal with.
when checking out everyone’s stories, she saw the parties and dinners everyone was having whether it be friends from pennsylvania or from home. she clicked on someone she met in LA, who had attended a massive party off campus. everyone was clearly heavily intoxicated with god knows what, jumping and dancing around.
one particular person stood out though, someone who looked very familiar to y/n’s eye. he was dancing up against someone with his eyes shut, and his lips pressed against the random girls. y/n watched the video as her boyfriend made out with someone she doesn’t even know. she knew it was him. he wanted her to go, but her time with buck was more important than some stupid rager.
“alright! i have everything you could imagine, chips, beer, ic-“ buck cheerfully walks over to his little sister, placing the plates on the table before he notices the broken look on her face. “hey, are you alright?”
y/n doesn’t respond, not knowing what to say. she didn’t know if she should tell him or just keep it to herself for now. she thought about how she was supposed to be seeing her boyfriend tonight, but that was absolutely not going to happen. “y-yeah, i’m fine.” she lies through her teeth, not peeling her eyes away from the phone screen.
“c’mon, y/n, what’s going on?”
“it’s nothing, buck!” she shouts, a little louder than he had. “sorry, i just- can i stay here tonight?”
buck looks at her with a surprised look, she never really asks to sleepover, but he’s excited to have her anyway. “yeah, of course,” he says. “but if somethings going on, i have to know.”
y/n contemplates for a few moments, deciding to tell him before matters get worse. “i think, um, he’s cheating on me.” she starts, tears forming in her eyes. “look,” she points the phone to him and shows her older brother the heart-breaking video.
“what the fuck, man?” buck has a furious look on his face, his eyebrows are crinkled and his eyes shine with anger. “yeah, you’re not going back to him tonight, you’re staying.”
the two stay silent for a moment. buck doesn’t really know how to comfort her, wanting to make her feel better but there really isn’t anything to say in such a shitty situation. buck never really liked y/n’s boyfriend, but he didn’t want to say anything about that know. he didn’t want to rub salt on the wound. “are you… will you be ok?”
“i thought he loved me,” she whispers. “he said so, but it was all a lie. i’ve done so much for him and he does this?”
“i know, but he does not deserve you,” buck comforts her and moves in closer. “he clearly cannot see the resilient, kind girl that you really are and he is not worth the trouble and definitely not these tears. it sucks, and it’ll suck for a while, but you’ll realize that he is nothing but shit, and you will be happier without him. someone who loves you would not do that, y/n.”
y/n looks at buck with sad eyes before jumping into his arms. he’s taken aback by the abruptness of her embrace, but he wraps his arms around her anyway. “thank you, buck.”
“that’s what i’m here for. love you, kid.” he says.
“love you too,” y/n smiles and wipes a few of her tears. “i don’t know where to really go from here, we live together.”
“well, the apartment is under your name, and he has lots and lots of people. he doesn’t deserve you anymore.”
“i guess, but he’s going to put up a fight.”
“then me and maddie will deal with it, don’t worry about him,” buck grins and continues. “he’s dead to us.”
“he’s dead to me,” y/n repeats and nods in response, laughing as the hook their pinkies. as they do this, maddie walks into the apartment, seeing the interaction.
“without me? you’re doing the pinky promise without me?” she says, running over and putting hers in without even knowing what it is. she doesn’t have to, though, knowing that whatever it is, she will always be there for them.
y/n knows her brother and sister will be there for her whenever she needs them. she knows exactly who to call and who’s house to show up to at midnight. buck has been a happier person since maddie and she came to LA. as all the buckley’s are together, they sit in the comfort of each others presence.
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signedkoko · 4 months
AAAA HI MOOTIE❤️❤️ could I request a romantic Hazbin hotel match up?? (Help me I'm shy) ANYWAY
I'm bi with no real pref, I'm a Taurus and an INFJ!!
Appearance!! : 5,5 with shoulder length black hair, Blue-Green'ish eyes and Glasses! People tell me I look very Intimidating and unapproachable, I have a very vintage 1950s women's way of dressing with a hint of cottagecore into it! I'm also always wearing heels <3
A lil about me! : chronically ill ex dancer and writer, I also sing and I love to act aswell!! I love walks alot even though I can't much anymore, I have a cat his name is Morty!! I can be kinda loud and hyper, I'm usually very in your space if I know you well (and ur comfortable obviously) I also love doing things for others! Id like to say I'm a pretty skilled cook and baker, I also love card games and board games (oh and video games y'know) I always have music running in my headphones, I'm super clingy to the people I hold dear and I absolutely love showering my friends in love and appreciation; I can also be quite the hassle, I'm not all smiles and kisses which I'm trying to work on; I struggle with empathy and love, I can be very brutal and rude and sometimes borderline cruel but I try and reserve that for people that do me wrong!!
I love birds and Foxes! Oh and deer and moose those are my favorite animals I love them sm ( I'm Scandinavian don't look at me weird) I'm the kinda friend you can come to with anything, to listen or for advice or a solution I'll always be here for everyone :3
Some hobbies : dancing (on some days) playing the violin, Writing, baking and cooking
Bleh things: Alcohol (get away from me) smoking or any substances for that matter, dark coffee, bright lights, unprompted loud noises,sudden physical contact
You got…Rosie!
Already, you've got the cutest height difference and aesthetic match in the world. You come to just about her shoulders and that's not counting her hat! Fortunately, since you wear heels you can inch a little closer to her—unless she's also wearing them. 
Rosie loves fashion, so you two go shopping together a lot. She's always offering her clothes to you, but when they wind up too big (as always), she will tailor them herself to suit you or bring them to a proper tailor to fix them up. You don't wear exactly the same style, but Rosie will incorporate more of your elements into her wardrobe so people know you're together. 
Oh my, and you can dance? No matter the kind, the moment you tell Rosie that she is already talking about the pep she used to carry in her step, and she wants to go out dancing with you a lot more. Rosie is an amazing dance partner because she is very good at following your lead or showing you how to do what she has going on. 
She also LOVES your kitty Morty. Oh yeah, shes going to spoil that cat to death because, isn't it just the cutest furball ever? Rosie is the type to get bit by a cat and coo about how strong a bite it has. 
Now, she isn't one for video games, but she is more than happy to learn all about the various types you play! Be it board, video, or card! Rosie is actually really bad at these games and often reveals her hand or her plan, but she still loves trying it out with you. The one game she could beat you in 99.9% of the time is chess.
One thing that really surprises her is your ability to get along with Susan. Knowing you have a habit of being cruel to those who deserve it, she expected you to hate the woman! Instead, you bonded over your hatred for a lot of things, and Susan insists on you always being the one to help her in the emporium. 
Expect a lot of listening to oldies music while she shows you her old dance moves, working in the emporium with her, and the cannibals being extremely protective of you when it comes to other demons.
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Author’s Note - I'm sorry I know its OBVIOUS but when I was going it Rosie got 7/8 and Alastor was the closest with 3/8!!! I just think she really is your match made in heaven 🖤
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magicbratt · 1 year
ask: Heyyyy! I was wondering if you could do sm where it’s Jesse x fem reader and basically the boys hold auditions for a new member and most of them r men and then there’s you….and ofc they pick u and it can be like their whole life from there if u know what I mean like their friendship to relationship (Jesse and reader) and preforming and all that jazz just cute fluffy and mayyybee smut? Dare i say it!You can honestly do whatever u want with it and I understand if this sounds confusing and if it doesn’t bring much interest to u therefore not wanting to write it.Thanks sm 🫶🏼🫶🏼
so like of course they didn’t choose her because she was just a girl and it was “different” or whatever.
she was GREAT at dancing,singing,rapping, lyrics, you name it.
and of course she got along with all the other members.
her and t got along pretty fast with his naturally outgoing and humorous nature. they would go on deli runs together to get an unhealthy amount of snacks. most of the times tae tagging along. they would make the dumbest jokes and get scolded for just doing silly things.
ro and her were practically like cousins. always looking out for one another. helping when one gets sick. or writing lyrics together and just bonding over shared hobbies
she enjoyed playing video games with z laughing that she was better than him when she obviously cheated by hitting the controller out his hand.
she loved learning about animals with tae and baking those cute little cinnamon rolls together.
and she spent..oddly a lot of time with jesse.
like to the point where even the media noticed it.
she basically lives in his room at this point, like really. under the guise that his bed is just “comfier”.
she’s always right by him in his insta lives (this set in modern times hope u don’t mind) and when the fans ask about it jesses all like “oh we were just working on some new content together”
whenever they have an interview, the interviewer asks about it and both of them just go on about “how fun and cool the other is” “they’re like basically best friends”
but she can’t deny the butterflies in her stomach when he surprises her with a back hug when she’s not looking
and he can’t deny that he spends at least an hour staring at her gorgeous face when he wakes up before her after their little “sleepovers”. he can’t deny that he’s been looking at her that look in his eyes since the day he saw her at auditions.
and he DEFINITELY can’t deny what he just blurted out while he looked at her giggling face as he tried to teach her how to do ceramics and accidentally flung a glob of clay at her own face.
“i think i love you”
he can’t deny that. there’s no way he could. she heard it, he heard it, and now they were just staring at each other in silence.
he was about to apologize. apologize for making things awkward and how he should’ve known they were just friends and (if she did share the same feelings) for asking her out so lazily, surely she deserved much more than just an accidental confession in his art room.
but before he could even get out a word he heard, just barley, a hushed “me too..”
RELATIONSHIP (suggestive included)
so like after the whole confession, the obviously started dating. secretly :readmore:
maybe it was because they didn’t want the band to find out because of ‘some reason’…or maybe it was the thrill of it.
it was definitely the thrill.
makeout sessions usually happened in dressing rooms or in the bathroom right before practice:
“heheh stopp~” (name) giggled, playfully trying to push her boyfriends head away from her neck, “we’re gonna be late..”
and jesse, who seemed much more interested in kissing his girlfriends jaw than their upcoming rigorous dance practice, brushed off her warning and playfully nipped at her skin and suckled, smirking when she let out a startled moan.
“don’t worry about it hon', we're fine.." he said, creeping his hand up under her shirt, "Let's just have a little fu-" *BAM*
The door surprisingly busted open revealing T, "yoo! (name)! we've gotta go Z's already going on about-”
“…” “…” “…WHATT-“
T was the first to find out due to his “forgetting to knock” habit.
(name) and jesse obviously coaxed him to keep their secret
but it “accidentally” slipped out when he was out with Tae and Z
So basically everyone knew except Robaire
And that didn’t last long anyways when T accidentally commented on their relationship in a car ride, and surprisingly..Ro knew from the start?
Anyways, jesses favorite thing became practicing late nights in the studio with you
and secretly righting love song lyrics about you that he one day wanted to sing just to you
After performances he would give (name) a big fat kiss on her cheek and tell her how great she did
(Name’s) makeup artist always having to deal with covering up hickeys on her neck that were from..events from previous nights with jesse
He’s rather not make it public to fans but, 4townies started to ship them anyways, i mean..?? the way they look at each other on stage??
it wasn’t hard to tell they were in love
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thediktatortot · 1 year
You know what, fuck it I literally do not care anymore.
Anyone live near Frederick MD? or within like a 45min or less distance from there? I'm so desperate for more people to hang out with face to face. I can't hang out with people I already know all the time due to the fact that almost everyone lives 1hr+ away from me but I am seriously going fucking bonkers existing in my own bubble by myself.
I'll even copy the "get to know me" from my profile on fetlife xD (this is not a dating post, it just works for seeking out friends too) (under the cut)
Thou Shall Not Pass (If you don't agree with any of the following.)
LGBTQ+ people are people who deserve respect & rights to live & love just like everyone else in the world.
Trans people of all genders deserve respect & rights to live in their own bodies how they feel most comfortable.
People of color are 100% still affected by systemic racism.
Vaccines are integral to our community & getting them helps protect everyone but most importantly our children, our elderly & our immunocompromised.
Disabled & Mentally Handicapped people are still integral & valuable parts of our community & do not need to be fixed.
Woman & People with uterus deserve to make the soul decisions on their bodies, reproductive health & their choice to keep a pregnancy regardless of your own beliefs.
Facists deserve to get punted into the sun.
Things I Would Do With You To Get To Know You
Music Festivals! (Metal & Rock. I love all music genres but I primarily like those environments for festivals)
Museums & Zoos
Car Rides with music
Outdoor Activities: Hiking, Swimming (Freshwater), Group Camping, Bonfires.
Dancing. I love dancing. I wanna go dancing. Dance with me. It's how I bond lol
Movies. (Horror, Action, Fantasy)
Coffee shop hangouts / store hangouts ( I love window shopping)
About Me
Illustrator of original and fan art.
Disabled Navy Vet
Lover of nature & adventure; Camping, swimming (fresh water lol), hiking, road trips.
Big nerd. I love video games, movies, old anime etc.
Go by any pronouns (They/he/She) in no particular importance.
Have hairy pits & legs. Please understand this is a personal preference and I will not shave my legs or pits.
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