#they fought together they defended each other :) i think he still would see her as part of the happy family at the end of his plan
ashwhowrites · 17 days
Hiiii, Can you do a Steve Harrington x reader? About how they used to be best friends since they were kids then high school came around so did king Steve. Anyways, the reader confesses her feelings for him but before he can reply, his friends laugh and make fun of her. The reader stops being friends with him because he never defended her. But now, Steve has changed and wants to make things right and finally be with the girls he has always loved.
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
High school mistake
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Y/N never thought she would see the day her best friend Steve outgrew her. He was always shy and quiet, and they never left each other's side. They grew up together and now they were in high school and Y/N was struggling with the change.
Steve became popular once he joined the basketball team. Y/N remembered how excited she was when he made it, but now she wished he never tried out. It was selfish of her, but she missed her best friend.
The other issue was she was in love with Steve, pathetically and helplessly in love. She was always too scared to say anything but she didn't have to worry about much since no one looked their way. But now that he was popular, girls began looking his way.
Y/N was jealous and didn't know how to handle it. She figured she might as well try to go for it because it wouldn't be long until a girl beat her to it. So on a random day at school, she walked up to Steve.
She was terrified but losing him scared her even more.
She wished she could say it went well and they have been together since, but that would be a lie. She could never forget the look on his face as the words left her lips. He looked shocked, his eyes wide and mouth open. She confessed she was in love with him and he stood frozen. Before he could reject or confess, his friends around the halls laughed. They laughed as hard as they could as they ran up to them.
Steve never stood up for her, in the moment and after the moment.
It's been two years and she hasn't talked to him since. She was hurt and felt betrayed. The least he could have done was apologize after the fact and tell his friends to quit being assholes. But he never did.
Now, of course, people say he has changed. He now wasn't friends with anyone from high school. Apparently, he hung out with one girl, and the rest were younger children. It was a bit odd but it wasn't her place to care anymore. She hadn't seen him in months but figured she'd have to face him one day.
That day arrived faster than she wished. She was out at the mall when she saw his hair over the racks. She felt herself stop breathing and ducked down. She looked around the store, wondering if she could sneak by before he sa-
She squeezed her eyes shut as she heard his voice. She slowly stood up and opened her eyes.
"Steve," she greeted him with a small smile.
"I haven't seen you in forever, how are you?" He asked, a big smile on his face like everything was cool. She froze when he wrapped his arms around her. He pulled back when she didn't move.
"I'm good. How are you?" She asked, trying her best to be polite.
"Good! Not much to complain about. I'm taking Dustin suit shopping so I better get back. But maybe we could get coffee or something? Catch up?" He asked, his hands in his pockets as he turned his head.
She forgot how pretty his brown eyes were. Years later he still made her heart race.
"We really don't have to do that, Steve." She sighed and he frowned at her response
"I want to" he fought
"I don't," she snapped, she took a deep breath to calm herself. "See you, Harrington."
Steve watched hurt as she turned around and left. Dustin was yelling his name but he couldn't move until her body vanished from his vision.
The run-in happened a week ago and Steve was still thinking about it. He hoped there wouldn't be hard feelings after all these years, but he was clearly wrong. He did want to talk to her, get the chance to apologize, and maybe fix things again.
He never forgot about her and missed her. He missed having his best friend and he knew it was his fault she left. He could have fixed it many times and he never did. But this time he was going to.
He showed up at her house or hoped she still lived there. He was right when she opened the door.
It took a lot of convincing but he made it inside, sitting on the familiar couch he slept on during sleepovers. He remembered how he wanted to sneak into her room and wrap his arms around her body. The countless times he fell asleep thinking about kissing her.
"What do you want?" She asked, already tired from the mess. Ever since she saw him it was like she started all over.
"I want to apologize for the shit I did in high school," he said but she just scoffed.
"Many years late for it to matter, or fix anything. Is that all?"
"Can you give me some mercy please?" He pleaded, his stupid eyes begging
"Why? You never gave me any" she shrugged, looking down at her hands as she played with the pillow on her lap.
"I know and I do mean it when I say I'm sorry," Steve said, softly touching her hand to make her look up. She froze but looked into his eyes.
"You gave me many chances to fix it and fix us. I was stupid and never did. I know I don't deserve to be here right now, and it's fair for you to hate my guts. But I miss you."
"I miss you too but I don't know. I lost my only friend and I suffered. You have to be popular and live life. Now you come back because it's all done? That makes me feel like shit." She explained
Steve listened to every word, moving closer as he moved the pillow off her lap. Now he held both her hands as his body leaned closer.
"Hit me, scream at me. Do whatever you need to do, I don't care. But after can we please start over? I never forgot what you said."
"Please don't bring that up," she mumbled embarrassed as she yanked her hands away. She stood up to give herself space from him.
"No, I will because we never talked about it," he fought as he stood up
"And who's fault was that?" She scoffed as she crossed her arms. "I get over it, so let's move on."
"I didn't though," he whispered
"What are you saying? It's been years, Steve. Do you think I still am completely in love with you after you rejected me?" She rolled her eyes, praying the front she put up was enough to fool him.
"Kiss me," he said, now standing right in front of her
"Kiss me and if you don't feel anything, and you know there's no love in your heart anymore. Tell me that while you look in my eyes and I'll leave you alone." He explained, his voice getting lower and deeper as he moved closer. His face was inches away from hers as she tried to control her breathing.
She wasn't sure if she could lie to his face but what did she have to lose?
"Fine," she said, leaning in and pressing her lips against his. She planned to do a soft peck but then his hand landed on the back of her head. He made the kiss way more passionate and she fell into the trap. She clung to his shoulders as she kissed him harder.
It was as perfect as she always thought it would be. His lips were soft, warm, and in control. It took her breath away and made her head fuzzy. It was like everything melted and she was a puddle in his hands.
She gasped as his tongue slipped inside her mouth. And then he pulled away. She fought with everything in her not to chase his lips.
She blinked a few times as she looked into his eyes, trying to regain her thoughts.
She had the words on her tongue, ready to tell him he lost his chance and she could live with that. But he was finally doing what she dreamed about. He was fighting for her, and he planned to leave if she said the word. If she said it, he'd move on and fall in love with another girl. What would she win? Pride? But at the cost of a broken heart and never loving him for the sake of herself.
Maybe it wasn't what he deserved but what she deserved. And fuck it, she deserved to have her heart fixed.
"I love you," she whispered
She could see his eyes light up and the shy smile on his face.
"God, I love you too," he whispered, closing the space between them.
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petew21-blog · 24 days
The singing Witcher
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Geralt laid in his bath after having sex with a local whore. He fought a witch today thanks to Jaskier pissing her off with some comments of his.
A scream through the building:"Geraaaaaaalt!!!"
Geralt:"Fuck..." Jaskier. What now?
Jaskier stormed into the room. Closing the door behind him. "Geralt! Geralt she's back and now she's more pissed than before"
Geralt:"Jaskier what did you do now?"
Jaskier:"I had to celebrate that victory of yours today. So I sang a song about it. It was slightly mocking her"
A bang on the door. Geralt stood up, still wet, naked. And took out his sword.
Jaskier already saw Geralt naked, but even in a moment like this he had to take a look. Geralt now ready for the witch with two swords. He chuckled.
Bang! The door were now wide opened. The witch stormed in ready for Geralt. She binded him with some spell. Geralt was now fighting invisible ropes
"Why are you defending this worthless shit screaming and not able to sing human, Geralt? He makes fun of all of us. Everyone who's not a human like him"
Jaskier:"That's not true, I actually mock only those that Geralt meets on the journey"
Geralt in pain, struggling:"Jaskier. Now is the time to shut your mouth"
The witch:"Yeah, as he said"
She observed the two men. "Oh I have an idea. Haha. This is gonna be good. Well Geralt since you already tried to kill me while defending him, I'll give you a gift. You will be able to have your friend so much close to defend him. And you, you little rat, you will be able to sing about more adventures and see everything Geralt sees so nothing escapes your songs. Maybe singining them now will be more fun"
Their appearances started to change. Geralt noticed Jaskier's hair getting longer and white, while his were receding. Jaskier was getting bigger, while he was shrinking. They were becoming each other.
Geralt:"Stop this"
The witch:"Only you can stop it. The reversal is hidden in love" and then she disappeared in a black fog
Geralt's binds were now set free. He looked down to see Jaskier's now naked body. He looked to the right to see his shocked body with ripped clothes that couldn't withstand the transformation.
Jaskier looked down in shock. Now in his much lower voice:"Geralt? Fuck." his voice surprised him, but also amused him. Hearing Geralt's voice coming out of him gave him an idea:"Toss a coin to your witcher!!!" his low not singing voice echoed the room as Jaskier laughed after trying to sing it
Geralt:"Jaskier stop this now!"
Jaskier:"Oh Geralt this is amazing. We could make so much money with this. The singing Witcher! Can you imagine?"
Geralt:"No and that will not happen. We will swap back"
Jaskier:"Not to disappoint you, Geralt. But you heard her. 'The reversal is hidden in love' and as you are in my poet's body you already know what that means"
Geralt:"No, it must be something else"
Jaskier:"What else? Falling in love with each other. I don't think so. We have to have sex together, Geralt"
Geralt did his grumpy sound, but it sounded as if Jaskier had a sore throat
They laid next to each other for hours. No one wanted to move
Geralt:"Let's just get this over with" he said as he got to his old dick. Now looking way bigger from someone else's perspective. It was hairy with big balls. Not hard, bit Geralt would take care of that. He knew what his dick liked. He started making small circles with his tongue around the head of his dick while jerking it at the same time. He felt the dick hardening in his mouth
Jaskier was enjoying this way too much. He was smiling the whole time, but stopped before Getalt looked at him. He had everything good now. Great body. Great view of Geralt's dick. And his old body sucking on his big cock.
He felt like he needed to be more dominant now. With all the muscles there was no way he would let Geralt dominate him
He pulled his old hair to lift his head
Jaskier:"On your back!"
Geralt noticed the change of expression in his old face from Jaskier's amused look to a much serious one so he obeyed. A wave pf fear and submission swept over his mind
He was now on his back, his old body on top of him, pushing his legs apart. Making his way inside of him.
Geralt could feel the hair pulling in his ass along the sliding shaft inside of him. Jaskier's body must be so much weaker than his. The pain he felt was overwhelming.
Geralt felt pleasure like he never has before. He liked pain and this was painful enough
Jaskier:"I'm so tight"
Geralt:"Would you just shut up and fuck me?"
Jaskier:"Show me how much you love it that you're getting fucked by yourself!"
Jaskier:"Show me" and pushed harder
Geralt:"Ahhhhhhh.... fuck me!!! I need my dick. It feels so good" screamed and didn't even notice how much more talkative he was getting the more the two of them fucked
Jaskier didn't warn him. He just pulled out and between the moans of pleasure shot cum on Jaskiers chest
Jaskier collapsed, sweaty next to Geralt
Jaskier:"Well that happened"
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Geralt was quiet after what just happened. He couldn't believe it. But he knew he liked it. Jaskier's body did. He was now becoming more and more like him. Having some of his memories. He knew that if he would start singing now it would sound good and he would probably even enjoy it
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Geralt:"You seem different, Jaskier. I feel different. But I thought we would swap"
Jaskier:"Hmmmrrr. Yeah"
Geralt:"You're a bit more like me. You don't talk as much as before. My personality is taking over and so is yours. I feel like I can't stop talking "
Jaskier:"I do"
Geralt:"We have to find the witch"
Jaskier:"No need to rush" he said as he grabbed him from behind and pulled him back to himself
They were in mountains on track to find the witch. They knew they were close. Her hiding place was in front of them. A small fire burning in the distance
Her voice echoed from the rock a over:"Coming for help, my dearest witcher?"
Jaskier's deep voice echoed back at her:"Reverse this!"
Geralt tried to show that he was still the one who was previously leading them in his old body:"Yeah do that. We don't want to stay like this and I don't want to perform another one of his songs. So now do your thing and we'll be on our way"
The witch:"Oh, Geralt. It's so funny to see you being so talkative for a change. And you, singer, finally shut your mouth. I hope it was a great lesson for the two of you. Now....."
Geralt:'Now what."
The witch looked genuinely surprised and laughed hysterically:"Hahaha. You two. You didn't. Hahaha"
The witch:"You fools. I told you that love was a way to reverse this. All you had to do was live the life of the other person to understand them better"
Geralt looked at Jaskier. "So it wasn't about making love, but loving the other one as he is?"
The witch:"Yes. How could you think any different. You chose your fate now"
Jaskier:"What do you mean by that?"
The witch. The sex sealed your swap. You are in these bodies forever
They sat on the edge for hours. Observing the view. Contemplating what to do
Jaskier:"We could ask Yennefer"
Geralt:"She won't help. Not now."
Jaskier:"So you just wanna stay like this?"
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Geralt:"We can go to the coast. Fish, swim, drink, live."
Jaskier:"You would really abandon your adventures?"
Geralt:"There isn't much I can do now with your body. Neither can you until you learn how to properly fight."
Jaskier:"You're right. Before we learn how to be each other completely, we'll be dangerous to ourselves."
Jaskier stayed silent for a while and then responded. "Fine. Let's have a life together on the beach. But If you will piss me off, I'll start singing and I can guarantee you that my ears hate it"
Geralt smiled and grinned at his old self knowing how much he hated his voice, but was grateful for the friend he found in his life
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A story request from inbox
That henry and joey swap story, amazing. What about inside world body swap. Where Jaskier and Geralt swap bodies thanks to some random witch and she tells them the only way to swap back is to fuck each other. But it actually makes the spell permanent. (They got each other memories n skills or smth)
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moonlit-imagines · 9 months
Headcanons for being another displaced Padawan with Cal Kestis
Cal Kestis x jedi!reader
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you and cal went way back
like, jedi padawan back
so after the purge, about five years later, you guys reunited by chance. thanks to cere junda, no less
and, god, seeing someone so familiar after trying to get by on your own, someone who knew the feeling of the trajectory of your life being thrown off before you were ready, that wasn’t easy to come by
“you’re here” -cal
“i’m here” -you
“we survived” -cal
“just barely” -you
cere was delighted that the two of you could have lifted each other’s spirits so much, which was very much needed in desperate times, as you two were just given a very important mission by a former jedi master in your order
you and cal kicked some serious ass together, helping one another relearn old lessons your masters had taught during your youth
“i think running across walls was the hardest thing i was ever taught” -you
“it took me forever to get that right! i could only get two steps in before i plummeted to the floor!” -cal
you shared a lot of stories and emotions during travels, in private
and not all of them were positive, but this was the first chance you’d had in five years to face these emotions, to air out your feelings
“do you miss the clones? i was so fond of our battalion, they were always so kind to me” -you
“i think…i think that was the worst part. the people who defended us in battle, gave me pep talks before training, always there, that same face at every turn suddenly behind the blaster that was meant to put me down” -cal
“i miss them” -you
cal and you had your missions together…and separately. you’d be on one planet and he on the other, trying to race the empire and inquisitors to the holocron
“it could happen all over again” -you
“it could be the key to saving the galaxy” -cal
“or we’d be creating a generational tragedy” -you
“so would the empire” -cal
“you’ve got me there” -you
cal gifting you ponchos from his travels (lol)
“any chance you like pink?” -cal
“well…” -you
braving zeffo alone while you knew cal was somewhere far more dangerous, you had a bad feeling about it
but your teachings from the order were always the same, no attachment. mission first, feelings second…no, last
but on cal’s adventure, he found merrin, a nightsister from dathomir
you hadn’t seen any nightsisters since ventress, which did happen to make you feel a bit off
“cal…you sure?” -you
“trust me, y/n. things have changed. merrin is just like us” -cal
“cal told me much about you. another survivor. a pleasure” -merrin
you and merrin grew quite close actually
she was truly spectacular, and swapping stories with her was sort of educational
“wait…the jedi responsible for the nightsister genocide? you said lightsabers, plural? how many?” -you
“four” -merrin
“two green, two blue?” -you
“precisely. how did you know?” -merrin
“hang on, no way—” -cal
“my master killed him shortly before we were split up…when the clones turned” -you
“grevious? really? master kenobi finally got him?” -cal
“who is this ‘grevious?’” -merrin
“general grevious, he was a separatist general—a cyborg. he wasn’t a jedi, he stole lightsabers from his kills. he ordered the attack on your home” -cal
“i’m so sorry, merrin” -you
you three were still healing from many scars, but doing it together was much more achievable than trying alone
it was a wonder you even made it to fortress inquisitorius
you, cal, cere. all three of you fought like hell to save those kids.
now, cal and you, you two had much different perspectives than say, cere or trilla
displaced padawans. little guidance. cal was barely old enough to even be a padawan learner, but times were desperate and the order called upon the youngling to start quite early. you were in a similar boat. it made you two see eye to eye better than most
trilla, a padawan with much more training and insight, one who was failed by the order that she was most loyal to. failed by her own master.
cere, a devout jedi master who failed many people who were counting on her. who lost herself to a side of herself that every jedi is supposed to fight.
and just before any resolution could come of all of you together, the famed and feared darth vader showed himself
and the sinking feeling you felt before he arrived froze you
“what is it, y/n? y/n?” -cere
*ominous breathing sounds*
you shook off the feeling, fleeing instead
cal and you were split up when you swore vader made a point to hold you back
“run cal! get out of here!” -you
“y/n l/n, i was hoping i would see you” -vader “where is obi-wan?!”
“i thought you were dead” -you
“is that what he told you?” -vader
“you’re going to kill me to get back at him? i haven’t seen him since the purge, anakin! i left!” -you
“there is no anakin!” -vader “did you leave, or did he leave you?”
“are you just going to let cal get away?” -you
“he can’t get far” -vader
“my journey is not important to you” -you
“you are like me, y/n. obi-wan failed us. these inquisitors are weak, impressionable, disposable. but i know how you think. i know how he thinks. i give you the opportunity to join me. fight with me.” -vader
“i saw the holotapes, anakin. i saw what you did to the younglings and i will not let you do it again. we are not alike, obi-wan did not fail me. i took a page out of ahsoka’s book, i found my own path. and it is not beside you.” -you
“this is not over, y/n. i trust you’ll find your way out” -vader, force pushing you off a ledge
you did find you way back out and merrin was quick to save you before going back for cal
you were left completely unharmed, as well, which was quite the surprise to everyone else
“what happened back there, y/n?” -cal
“nothing i’d like to relive” -you
cal nodded and let it go, focusing on the holocron floating before you all
your mind kept replaying memories as they discussed what to do with it
memories of anakin’s massacre. vader’s speech. younglings you couldn’t save. luke and leia somewhere across the galaxy. the inquisitors.
“destroy it.” -you
in one quick swipe, cal took his lightsaber to the glowing blue cube. no questions asked
and from there on, it was no longer about the order. you remembered why you left in the first place. the purge, the politics, your master couldn’t contain himself. your troops turned their blasters on you. everything you were taught was bantha fodder. and you were just a padawan
it was now about disassembling. scaring the people in power while giving the little guy some hope.
“this is a much better gig than obi-wan playing by the rules” -you
“from what you told me, him and anakin never played by the rules” -cal
the name made you shudder, but you pushed past it
“well, anakin was known as the rulebreaker. obi-wan always tried to reel him in. but, i’ve noticed a rule or two that master kenobi had bent” -you
“anakin has a padawan too, right?” -cal
“he did. she was also a rule breaker. when she left the order, i almost followed her. last i heard, she went to mandalore with half of the 501st. i, uh—” -you
“right…” -cal
you were still haunted from the encounter on nurr. still hadn’t told cal and it was eating you up inside.
but the fighting made it feel better
dismantling, stealing, helping
and then merrin left. and cere. and greez settled down. and you and cal were just two makeshift jedi knights with your tragic pasts and your need to keep your place in the galaxy
and keep each other close
but not too close
those rules you followed, the one’s obi-wan followed, you threw them out a long time ago. the jedi order was corrupt. you examined each council master postmortem and decided that they were all flawed despite their rank. you hated them for it.
but decided the one teaching you would follow would be to lose hate, a step to the dark side.
you didn’t really even know at this point, what was the difference between right and wrong anymore
cal and you continued fighting. joined up with saw gerrera. never left each other’s sides
which…sparked feelings you’d never really been taught or told how to deal with
only aversion, really. but it wasn’t like you didn’t really talk about it
“i don’t really see the problem with it. look at everything else we do, that’s not exactly the jedi way” -you
“it’s dangerous” -cal
“love is dangerous?” -you
“attachment is” -cal
“i figured you already had attachments. we were all a crew before this” -you
“i let them all go” -cal
“and you’d let me go?” -you
you began constantly questioning these ways and trying to fight for a new future with cal, without pressing too hard
but it was hard to ignore those feelings and harder to constantly be denied by your old life
and it was harder when the new crew always teased you two
“come on, kestis. if you don’t, i will” -gabs
“yeah, just go for it. who’s it hurting?” -bravo
“i’m just not ready to go there” -cal
you were more bothered than you let on
but you always put the mission first
up until your trip back to coruscant
“this is just a reminder of how little it all matters now. there’s no one left.” -you
“that’s why it matters” -cal
the intensity of this mission made it so it was just the two of you again
and maybe that would spark something…but you doubted it
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @gabile18 // @sweetjedi // @retvenkos // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @dontyousassmeok // @dindjarinsspouse // @zoeyserpentluck // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @sheridans-dynamos // @lady-violet // @simsrecs // @xoxobabydolls // @ruvaakke // @simp-legend // @evilcr0ne // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @your-local-simp0 // @elenavampire21 // @pheonixfire777 //
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cambion-companion · 2 years
matey. I have this cute soft idea if you're interested in writing it ofc. basically fem reader where she's a lady of noble blood and knows aemond since they were kids. but there was always this awkwardness around them which slowly turned into disgust (lol bish why you lying, why you always lying) one day she's with helaena or lady friends and they ask her who she would marry from court if she had to choose which she replies with "I would marry aemond in a heartbeat" forgetting that she said that out loud with aemond overhearing it somewhere hiding behind a pillar or something lol. and the next day she keeps questioning herself why aemond is suddenly wearing his nice clothes, helping her with something? and then when she wants to bid him goodnight he replies with a sneaky "I would marry you too in a heartbeat" which ends with her all flustered or something lol. idk what this is honestly, It just popped into my head.
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Hi dearest! I'd love to write a lil something based on this lovely prompt!
Aemond x reader | fluff | Aemond being as discreet as a car backfiring
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Laughter surrounded you, the ladies you sat with in the fragrant gardens tittering to each other, blushes upon their dimpled cheeks. You set aside your book of Old Valyrian poems and leaned in conspiratorially. "Okay Rosaline, your turn. Who would you marry?"
Rosaline, a lovely curvy girl around your age with russet curls and a freckled face, laughed harder. "I cannot say, lady Y/N. Though lord Jason Lannister is rather easy on the eyes is he not?"
You shrugged. "If you go for that sort of pomposity, I suppose."
"Well, who do you fancy, Y/N?" Rosaline asked, huffing at you with slightly narrowed brown eyes.
You hesitated, all eyes now upon you, growing more curious with each second of silence.
"Well? Now you have to tell us!" A girl with straight brown hair piped up, her doe eyes mischievous. "You were so eager to hear our own secrets!"
"I...I've always. Well. Prince Aemond if you must know." Your fingers clasped together upon your lap, so tight your knuckles went white.
There was a beat of stunned silence, then the girls lapsed into another fit of giggles.
"Prince Aemond?" Rosaline choked.
"Haven't you been friends since you were children?"
"I thought they went for their siblings?"
"He doesn't have an eye, Y/N! How could you possibly think he's a suitable match?"
"Excuse me." You said rather flatly. "When any of you ride the largest dragon in Westeros, then you can talk."
"He is rather easy on the eyes." A Tyrell girl spoke in a thin voice. "Though I've heard rumors circulating he is rather callous and keeps to himself."
"He's not callous." You defended. "Though we do have our disagreements."
"Oh yes!" Rosaline tittered again. You fought the urge to smack her. "I've heard you two have been at odds the past few weeks. Lover's quarrel?"
"I-we are not-where did you hear...you know what it doesn't matter." You rose abruptly, forgetting the book beside you on the bench. "Aemond alone is worth a hundred times more than all of you put together. I would marry him in a heartbeat."
"What's under that horrid eyepatch he wears?" A sneering Lannister lady sniggered.
"Something far more interesting than what's under your garish skirts!" You shot back, a shocked silence following your impetuous outburst.
You cast one last scorching look over the gathered women, before gathering your dress and taking your leave of them, face burning.
You retired to your chambers, skipping the dinner feast, not wishing to see those girls again that day. You were still fuming. It was true, you and Aemond had not spoken since a heated argument a few weeks prior. However, this was not the first time you two had been at odds. Nor would it be the last, you reckoned.
A soft knock at your door roused you from your contemplation beside the fire. You rose from the sofa, crossing the carpeted floor and swinging the heavy oak door open to reveal Aemond standing in the doorway.
"Oh!" You said, too surprised to come up with anything witty.
"Walk with me?" Aemond held out his arm for you to take. His hair looked like it was freshly brushed, shining silver in the torchlight as he guided you down the hall into a deserted courtyard.
The evening air was alive with birdsong, the sky above a shock of orange and red as the sun made its western descent.
"I came to apologize." Aemond said as the two of you meandered out into the gardens you had spent your afternoon in.
"Apologize? You? Be still my heart!"
"Don't make me regret it, Y/N." The prince groaned, releasing your arm and turning to you, the vista of the city's red roofs and the sparkling sea framed behind him. "I behaved...rather appallingly and I regret not coming to you sooner."
"You were a bit of an ass, tis true." You smiled impishly at the way he fought down a grimace at your words.
"As if you were any better."
"I was right." You folded your arms across your chest.
Aemond clasped his hands tightly behind his straight back. "It is a matter of opinion whether Dorne is more progressive than us."
"No, Aemond. I'm afraid that's a fact."
Aemond breathed hard through his nostrils; you watched with interest as he collected himself. "I came to apologize not to argue further."
He opened his jacket and pulled out a small box from a pocket within. "And to give you this as a sign of my...remorse."
You squinted at him. "Did your mother tell you to say that?"
Aemond didn't answer, his brow raising at you as he gestured for you to take his gift. You lifted the box from his palm, undoing the string and opening it. A silver brooch lay within, bearing the insignia of your house. Small finely crafted letters spelled out your house words below the image.
"It's quite lovely, my prince." Your face softened as you took it out and fasted the piece to your bodice. "I will wear it with pride. Thank you."
Aemond graced you with a genuine smile, his eye lingering upon the pin now secured above your heart. You tracked his gaze with interest as it roved across your curves before snapping guiltily back up to your face.
"See something you like?" You teased, flashing a grin at him.
Aemond didn't answer, though he held your gaze as you stepped closer, noting how the breath caught in his throat at your sudden proximity. Your brow furrowed as you looked at the odd expression on his face, nothing you had seen there before.
"Are you well, Aemond?"
"No." Aemond shook his head. "Let us continue our walk."
The two of you walked side by side around the gardens, the deepening twilight enveloping you, stars unveiling one by one in the dusky sky. Your knuckles brushed against Aemond's, you extended your pinky, hooking it around his. Heat rose to your face as Aemond's fingers slid to tangle with your own, your hands intertwined as you strode along the path back to the Keep.
He did not break his grip on you, even as you stood again before your chamber door.
"This is where I bid you a good night, Y/N." He spoke softly.
"Yes, it is." You sounded breathless, not pulling away as he turned to face you directly, leaning down as he brushed his lips to the back of your hand.
"Yes, Aemond?"
"I would also marry you in a heartbeat."
You stopped breathing. He had overheard the whole exchange in the gardens. Blood rushed in your ears as, wide eyed, you watched as Aemond lingered long enough to take in your expression before he turned on a booted heel and strode down the hallway.
Gathering your wits once more, you shouted after him just as he reached the corner. "Aemond!" He halted, looking back at you with ill-concealed amusement. "Get back here or so help me..." You pointed to the ground in front of your door.
"We can continue this discussion tomorr-"
"No. No, you don't get to say something like that and just walk away." You hissed, leaving your chamber open as you stomped down the hallway to where he stood waiting, his lilac eye sparkling with delight.
Aemond took your forearms in his hands when you reached for him, pulling you in so quickly you stumbled, falling against his chest. "You overheard me today?" You asked, looking up at his angular face as his fingers traced your jaw.
"Mmm. I did indeed. You're quite the sight in your anger." His eye glittered. "Even more enchanting when it's on my behalf."
"They were wrong to say such things." You breathed, your voice only a whisper as the distance between your faces slowly closed.
"I rest easy knowing I have a champion in you, to defend my honor." Aemond chuckled, his breath tickling your lips.
You weren't sure who moved first, or if it was simultaneous, but you felt the press of his mouth against yours, your eyes fluttering closed as your hands buried themselves in his silken hair.
He moved against you, backing you up until you hit the wall, a gasp at the impact opening your mouth to him as he began exploring you with his slick tongue. The scent of him surrounding you, the feel of him caging you in, pressing his knee between your thighs, drew a soft whimper from your lips that he drank down with relish.
"Do that again." He murmured, tugging your hair until you exposed your throat to his touches.
"Make me." You smirked at the arched ceiling, quickly losing what little composure you had won back as he took your challenge to heart.
Aemond made you emit many more sounds of pleasure throughout the course of that night. Stifling your cries with his large hand at one point so as to not alert any nearby guard patrols. With the promises of a lifetime together to come he claimed you as his own, swearing in return to be yours until his dying day.
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girls-alias · 9 months
Break - Sam Winchester
Title: Break - Sam Winchester
Words: 1,673
Relations: Sam Winchester X Reader.
TW: Strong language, slight violence.
Telling Sam you're taking a break from hunting. (BASED NEAR END OF SEASON 1)
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"I just don't see why you keep her around," John sighed as he pushed his way into the motel room. I scoffed but groaned when I put the tiniest amount of pressure on my leg, Sam and Dean had put my arms over their shoulders guiding me inside. I was bleeding from my thigh from the hunt, I was shot by a Djinn after John fought it. The thing grabbed his gun and tried to shoot him with it, I stupidly jumped in front of him, I wasn't saving him because I like him, I was saving him because I knew Sam and Dean would struggle to cope without their dad no matter how much of a prick he is. The boys exchanged an annoyed look as they carefully placed me on one of the beds.
"She took a bullet for you and you're saying she's a waste of space?!" Dean almost shouted in an annoyed tone. Sam was too focused on trying to stop my bleeding to even think about arguing. I was fascinated by Dean and John's argument that was sure to take place. I was always nice to John, trying way too hard to get him to like me. He'd been with us for about two months but it felt like years, it was exhausting. Always watching what I say and trying to breathe a certain way so that he might accept me. This is the last straw. I put up with his comments, disapproving looks, the sexism and never being alone with Sam. Sam and I were in a weird place. We were practically dating, always going on dates and always at each other's side but then John returned, the only thing stopping us from being happy. Since John turned up we've barely been alone together, kissed maybe once. 
When Sam said that John was toxic I didn't realise it was this intense. The kind of intense that catches in your throat. 
"She didn't take a bullet for me, she just got in the way," John argued dumping his bag on the floor. Dean scoffed in disbelief. I opened my mouth to argue and shout, anything to make him as miserable as he has made me in the past two months. I groaned, instantly tensing my whole body as Sam applied pressure in the wrong place. I swear the bullet just went deeper. John looked at me with a tut and rolled his eyes, I clenched my jaw. 
"Why did I look up to you? Why did I ever look up to you?!" Dean practically screamed. Never meet your heroes I guess. I was surprised Dean was defending me, I mean we're close but he is the last person I thought would fight John. Dean stood there red in the face, fist clenched at his side as he saw John in a new light. 
"You should stop with that tone, boy," John added showing he was getting angrier. Dean didn't even hesitate as he looked him dead in the eyes. 
"You should leave," Dean said in a straight tone. John seemed, well I don't know. It was a mix of hurt, shock and anger. He stared Dean down expecting him to shy away from him but if anything this was the tallest Dean had ever looked. John scoffed as he nodded. He walked out slamming the door behind him. Not long after I passed out from the pain of Sam and Dean trying to take the bullet out of my thigh.
I woke up to see I was in bed alone. Something I was getting used to with John around. Normally Sam and I would cuddle but now we barely even hug. I sighed as I looked over to the clock seeing it was 4 am. I looked over at the bed beside me where Dean was asleep, I sat up looked at the couch and smiled sadly when I saw Sam's feet hanging over the edge. I sighed knowing for a fact I couldn't sleep anymore. 
Hours pass and I am still alone with my thoughts. The only difference between then and now is I know what I'm doing. I'm leaving. I need a break not only from hunting but in all honesty the Winchesters too. I love Sam and Dean I do but John being around really showed me how much of a family we weren't. I called Bobby in a hushed tone to come and get me when most convenient for him and of course, he instantly started driving. I knew I would be safe with Bobby to heal and have a break. He texted when he was close by so I carefully got my stuff and woke Sam. He groaned but smiled as soon as he saw me. My leg was killing me from standing over the back of the couch.
"I thought I would best let you know that I'm leaving," I informed with a sad smile. He looked at me confused. He began sitting up. 
"Where are we going?" He asked wiping his eyes. Dean groaned in the bed behind me.
"Not, we. Sam, I'm heading out. I need a break from hunting," He went to argue but a tear escaping my eyes stopped him. He had never seen me cry before. Not many people had. "I'm sorry, Sam. I'll let you know if I get back into hunting but please don't try and change my mind or argue... I have to go," I informed giving him a longing kiss on the cheek before limping off towards Dean who was now sitting up in bed listening to the conversation. He had tears in his eyes but smiled at me. We were always best friends and it honestly hurt to leave him too. He stood up and started walking towards me. I struggled with a smile. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. 
"We'll miss you," He said sadly. 
"I know," I said cockily but joking. "I'll miss you too." I looked over to Sam to see a broken-hearted man. He seemed stunned and silent. Like he had no idea what to say. "I'll see you around," I added before continuing to limp off. It hurt to put pressure on my leg but I was never the type to stray away from pain. Once the door closed behind me my breath hitched in my throat. I hope they stay safe. I looked around to see if Bobby's truck was around but instead, I found John Winchester approaching the room. 
"Leg isn't broken I see," He commented spitefully as he approached. As soon as he was close enough I punched him square in the nose. He took a few steps back almost falling to the floor. He looked ready to hit me back but I'm not afraid of him. 
"You treat those boys like shit but since they can't choose their family they're stuck with you, do better for them or so help me I will limp, crawl, I'll even fucking drag myself out of hell to whatever shit hole you're hiding in and kill you myself," I bore gritted teeth showing my anger, disappointment and sheer rath. "Your boys are amazing and know more than you think they do. You don't have to do things alone, you need them just as much as they need you." I explained readying to beat the shit out of John if it meant he'd listen to me.
"They were kids when I lost Mary, you wouldn't know how that feels," He retaliated about to walk around me. 
"They're not kids anymore!" I shouted shocking him instantly. He stopped dead in his tracks. I wasn't sure if he was more surprised by me shouting or realising that the boys hadn't been kids for years. I might hate John but this was the first time I raised my voice at him... Surprisingly. "You might have lost Mary but they did too, they lost their mother, their childhood. And they lost their father to his obsession with revenge." I screamed and he finally looked like he was thinking about what I was saying. I knew my face was probably red from the shouting and Sam and Dean were listening to me but I don't give a shit right now. "I don't care if you're hurting, you have two sons who looked up to you and all you do is let them down every single time. You have a chance to raise those boys now, take them fishing, throw a ball around, I don't give a shit just raise them like you didn't before." I puffed the hot air from my chest and finally looked at John calmly. He had tears in his eyes, lips tight like he was trying to stop them from trembling. At least he listened to me. 
"Is everything alright here?" Bobby asked I looked over John's shoulder to see Bobby getting out of his truck with a shotgun in hand, cocked and all. 
"We're fine just having a heart-to-heart. See you around, John." I added as I began approaching Bobby. 
"Y/N," John called after me. I turned around to see him slightly smiling. "Thank you for looking after my boys while I was away," He added making me smile slightly. He quickly wiped his eye as a tear escaped and turned to go inside the motel room. I smiled looking at the closed door. I nodded slightly before making it to Bobby. He helped me in the truck and wanted to know exactly what I said to John. He loves to gossip. I laughed with Bobby but the further away I got from my boys the more it hurt. I smiled sadly when Bobby stopped the truck at his house and looked at me. His arms were around me faster than my first sob made a noise. We were in the car until I calmed down enough to get out. 
I have no idea how life works without living it for Sam and Dean.
Part 2
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Enough For You
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Based on this ask :)
Summary: Harry kisses EmRata in Tokyo and Y/N his girlfriend finds out on Twitter
Warnings: angst, sadness, insecurities
Word Count: ~ 2k
“Hi my love. Just calling to say I miss you and I love you more than anything. I know it’s super early for you so listen to this when you wake up and know that I’m thinking of you! Call me when you’re up.” 
Y/N smiles tiredly as the sound of Harry’s low tone rumbles through the speakers. She loved the little messages he left for her to listen to when she wakes, since she’d been missing him so much on tour. They’d been together for almost two years but Y/N still wasn’t quite used to all the time they spent away from each other. Harry was constantly touring and while she tried to join him as often as she could, she had a full time job that she loved and she couldn’t just up and leave. Harry wasn’t due to come back for another 3 weeks but Glenne had let it slip that he had a few days off in Tokyo and Y/N decided to surprise him. She was flying out on a red-eye tomorrow evening and meeting him in the city. 
She wasn’t really sure how she had gotten so lucky with Harry. They hardly ever fought, he’s kind and attentive and he really loved her. She knew he did and he made sure she knew it. They had been nervous being seen together in public because Y/N enjoyed her privacy and she had seen the internet tear apart Harry’s previous girlfriends. But, Harry’s fans had surprised her and been nothing but supportive of their relationship. Y/N even followed a few update accounts on instagram, thinking how sweet it was that they cared so much. Harry liked to joke that they were bigger fans of her than they were of him. 
Jeff however, was not Y/N’s biggest fan. He had severely advised Harry against making things public with Y/N saying that “his image needed someone well known.” That comment had caused a rift between the two men as Harry fiercely and loudly defended his love for Y/N. Jeff had since apologised but things had been slightly tense ever since. Y/N tried not to let it get to her. She knew that it wasn’t strictly personal and he just wanted the best for his client. 
“Hi my love. Daily update for you. I’m about to go on for the last show in Tokyo. I adore it here, wish you could be here with me. We’re heading out for some drinks with the crew after the show tonight. I think Jeff is bringing some people for press and all that. No shows for a few days so at least I can let loose tonight. Mostly a boring update today but I miss you! Talk soon sunshine.”
Y/N blinks the sleep from her eyes as she listens to Harry’s message, before properly looking at her phone. He would have sent that around 7 hours ago and her brow furrows slightly at the plethora of notifications on her phone. A quick glance at her notification screen shows a lot of missed calls, texts and twitter mentions. Y/N’s been with Harry long enough to know that the fastest way for her to get information is on Twitter. 
So she clicks on the notification. Then she clicks on the link. And she immediately regrets it as her heart sinks to the bottom of her stomach. Because it’s a video of Harry and a woman she doesn’t immediately recognise because all she can really focus on is the way his body is moulded against hers and the way their lips are attached and the way the video is over a minute long. 
Harry and EmRata in Tokyo last night?!? Did he break up with Y/N??? You guys WHAT IS GOING ON?
Did you guys see the video?
Guys what the fuck?! I didn’t even know they broke up…
Y/N and Harry were together a few weeks ago? Did Harry cheat on her? He looks pretty drunk in the clip
It’s tweet after tweet after tweet and Y/N sits upright on their bed, silent and numb for a moment. Then she promptly rushes to the bathroom and throws up. 
She calls in sick from work and takes her time in the shower, turning up the heat and letting the water soothe her. It isn’t until after she’s changed and catches sight of her screen lighting up again and again that she cries. Sinks to the floor with a gut wrenching sob, clutching her chest as though her heart is actually going to break. Because she knows it’s him. And he’ll tell her he’s sorry. He’ll tell her he loves her and he was drunk and it meant nothing. But all Y/N can think to herself is “Why wasn’t I enough?”
Y/N isn’t prepared for it her to physically be in pain but she is. The tears flow down her cheeks and it’s almost never-ending as she finally has the courage to pick up her phone and read through her notifications. Some texts are from friends checking she’s alright, wondering if they broke up, one is from Gemma and about 40 are from Harry. He’s called her about 30 times, sent multiple text messages and left voicemails. 
She opens Gemma’s text first, because it’s all she can really bare at the moment. The two women were close and Gemma knew just how much Y/N loved her brother. 
(8:19am) Gem: I’m going to fucking kill him. Y/N I am so sorry for my idiot brother. Are you ok? Shall I come over?
(9:07am) Y/N: No don’t come over. I’ll be ok. 
(9:08am) Gem: Did you talk to him? Please tell me you’re going to work it out. 
Y/N bites her lip as she stares at Gemma’s message. She types and erases before finally sending something in response.
(9:12am) Y/N: We haven’t spoken. He’s called though. And, I don’t know if we can Gemma.
Y/N decides she can’t bring herself to listen to Harry’s voicemails so she opens his texts first.
(5:06am) H: Y/N I need to talk to you about what happened when I went out last night. You’re probably asleep but I’ve tried calling. Just… please call me when you get this.
(5:49am) H: Well there are videos on the fucking internet. Please don’t watch them before talking to me. You have to let me explain my love. Please hear me out. 
(6:16am) H: Y/N I can’t tell if you’re asleep or whether you’re ignoring me. Baby I am so sorry. I had way too much to drink and Jeff arranged for her to be there and I… please call me back. 
There were 6 other texts, which were all similar variations of the same thing before a final one about an hour ago.
(8:19am) H: I’m flying back home to talk to you. Stay in the apartment please. 
Y/N knows that it’s almost 15 hours from Tokyo to London. She also knows that Harry is crazy enough to fly out of the country in the middle of tour. So she waits, wraps herself in blankets and lets the tears dry on her cheeks. 
It’s close to midnight when Y/N hears the key turn in the lock and her heart stops. Because he’s here and she’s here and she isn’t sure she’s going to be able to get a word out without crying. Y/N keeps her eyes down as she hears him walk into the bedroom and drop his bags on the floor. She looks up at him slowly, taking in his red rimmed eyes and dishevelled appearance. He stays close to the doorway, his movement slow and calculated as though he’s scared she’ll run if he gets too close. 
“Love, I am SO sorry.” Harry starts speaking, walking towards her slowly and Y/N’s eyes fill with tears. 
“What did I do wrong? Why wasn’t I enough for you?” 
Y/N’s voice breaks off into a sob and Harry feels it like a knife to the chest. She hadn’t meant for that to be the first words out of her mouth but it’s what she’s feeling. Every insecurity she’d ever had, had just multiplied itself by 10 and come pouring out. Harry reaches out to tuck her hair behind her ear and Y/N flinches at the contact. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong. I fucked up Y/N. Jeff invited her over as a good press opportunity and I had too much to drink and she kissed me.” He moves to sit beside her on the bed and Y/N brings her knees in to her chest. 
“Harry. You kissed her back. I saw the video, you don’t need to lie to me. I… I can smell her perfume.” Y/N feels nauseous again and Harry looks at her with the most broken look on his face. 
“Y/N it didn’t mean anything I swear. I was trashed and I got carried away.”
“Carried away? Harry, I saw the way you were holding her. You were kissing her like you were in love with her.”
“You kissed her like you kiss me.” It comes out almost as a whisper. Like a secret observation Y/N had been holding in. 
“That’s not true. All I do is think about you Y/N. I’ve just missed you so much and I-”
“Sorry sorry hold on.” Y/N cuts him off with a watery, bitter laugh. “You missed me so much that your solution was to make out with another woman? Right. Got it.”
“That’s not what I’m saying. I don’t love her. I love you. I flew here to tell you that. You’re my whole life. And I will spend the rest of mine trying to make this up to you. Because I can’t lose you Y/N.” He grabs onto her hand and squeezes and Y/N’s heart tells her to forgive him because she loves him. But her mind speaks before her heart catches up. 
“I think you already have.”
A/N: Sorry guys :) Thinking of leaving this as a one shot...
Tags: @lukesaprince @harryspirate @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @lilyrmason12 @styleslover-1994 @stylesfever @kathb59 @indierockgirrl @bxbyysstuff @gills-lounge @lomlhstyles @opheliaofficial07 @behindmygreyeyes @gem1712 @stylesmoonlight12 @babyiamperfectforyou
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puckandgossip · 20 days
hey guys, sorry i took so long i had errands to run and i had to call my friends and get all this information, This may be a little lengthy so bare with me, There are some things i saw when i scrolled through on here looking for questions you guys had for me about the situation. I saw some people calling me a bad friend/ calling it trashy for what i’m doing but it’s not for the reasons you think at all. I’m not here to start drama or blow this thing up, It’s because liv deserves for people to know the truth as she’s not allowed to speak up for it herself and defend herself as her name has been spoken poorly and unrealistically online for a while, accusations and slander saying she was the one at fault for the end of their relationship and even that she was the one that cheated when that is about the furthest thing from the truth. Liv has stated herself she wishes there was something she can do or say so i took it into my own hands, I wasn’t really sure where I could share information on here and what apps/pages were dedicated for hockey and hockey players. Originally I was on reddit but I had no luck finding any active ones for this type of situation so i found your account and found this specific account as I could tell quinn was a name that was brought up often on here. As I said in the beginning is out of my control and out of my worry as to who believes me and who doesn’t but that doesn’t matter to me and that’s not the reason I’m talking about this. In the beginning of Liv and Quinns relationship, Things were great, They were seeing each other whenever they had an opening in their schedules, She would rave about him constantly, Be on the phone with him whether it would be text or call and it just seemed like a super healthy relationship and that lasted honestly pretty long until this past winter around January/February when liv mentioned that he would act a little off sometimes, They would visibly talk less, argue often and she would overall talk less about him but they were still together. My friend mentioned to me over the phone that she recalls liv even saying she is afraid of him cheating and how he would sometimes not text her for entire nights at a time but she decided to ignore it and not overthink it, We also often comforted her thoughts and told her that he was just busy or not on his phone, anything to get her mind off the fact that he may be doing something. He began to distance himself so she followed but they still stayed together, She got the dm from the girl he asked for nudes in june. She confronted him but not in person, He defended himself till the end claiming “He never messaged that girl in his life” and claimed they were fake the entire time. Liv broke up with quinn and forgave him even though he never admitted he cheated and they stayed civil until he noticed liv was moving on. He thought she was going to eventually get over it and she didn’t so when he saw her following new people, traveling more often and around other guys he didn’t take it well, texted her, they fought and they ultimately ended very poorly and olivia blocked him on every social media and deleted his phone number. I asked my friends if she was ever on a date with a football player and they said no so i’m not sure about that rumor i saw on here.. Liv is one of the sweetest and forgiving people i’ve ever met and she still wanted to be on good terms even after finding out he was cheating but he flipped when she decided to move on. She said she was convinced he would cheat on her when they were apart and maybe even had a different girl in Vancouver for the better half of the relationship. I hope i covered everything, Just let me know if i didn’t answer something but this just needed to be said for her somewhere and i decided to take it in my own hands and be her voice. Thanks. 
Wow. Thank you. i’m in complete shock.
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poisonedonyx · 8 months
Lucien x F!Reader | “Our Story”
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just wanna let yall know that requests are open!! <3 tw: unedited, (poorly written) smut, oral (m! receiving), angst at the beginning & end, pregnancy mentioned (not much) wc: 2.5k
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[YourName]’s mouth and throat felt dry, she didn’t understand what was happening when Lucien had laid out to her he had a mate, and that mate happened to be Feyre’s sister, and how he no longer wished to have contact with her. “I just don’t see us going far, I want to try with Elain..” Lucien said simply, “She doesn’t wish to even look you in the eyes.” [YourName] barked back, trying to fight the tears that stung her waterline. “I still think if we dropped our physical relationship and showed I wanted to try, it would work.” Lucien pointed out and then there it was, a loud slap echoing the room. “You’re a pig.” Was all [YourName] managed to scoff out before leaving the room. 
[YourName] was not from the Spring Court, she had run away from her original court in order to seek refuge and had found herself under Tamlin’s wing- which is exactly how she met Lucien. Of course, the two never clashed well together because of Lucien’s defensive humor coming up and blocking out everyone who wasn’t Tamlin. But after the masquerade and the curse was implanted into the court, things seemed to settle between the (HairColor) haired girl and the fire-like faerie. Supposedly it dawned upon them that they were truly stuck together with each other and had to be civil at least with each other.
Lucien would have his walls up still, not wanting to be entirely open about his past to some faerie that his best friend decided to take in. [YourName] understood that, deciding she’d be open for the both of them. She decided this because if they weren’t both open, then their friendship would get absolutely nowhere. Unlike Lucien, [YourName] wanted their relationship to at least extend the typical small talk- she didn’t expect her desire to exceed that. 
When Lucien finally opened up to [YourName] about his life before the Spring Court, the female made sure he understood that she was listening. She took in every detail and made sure to lock it away in her brain, safe keeping. After that, things had become physical between them. Tamlin had to act as if he has zero idea that the two share a bed some nights. But the stares at dinner and the giggles and soft laughter that the two share says so much more than what the two seemingly wanted to expose to the world. 
Never once did Lucien and [YourName] confirm their relationship as something real. To each other, they were still friends, friends with benefits. Lucien and [YourName] never thought in a million years of their immortal years that they’d confirm anything, even when Feyre came around. Feyre, who had gained a friendship with Lucien faster than [YourName] had, often asked about the two’s relationship and teased Lucien for never confirming the relationship to be romantic. 
[YourName] had her own friendship with Feyre, but it wasn’t as deep as Feyre had with Lucien- it still stood strong throughout under the mountain and in her return though. As [YourName] was also a woman, she managed to see the red flags that had popped up with her savior when it came to his bride-to-be. So when Feyre wasn’t around to hear him yell or get upset, [YourName] would defend the only other female she knew that was strong enough to take down Amarantha. 
But of course, Tamlin fought back with his words just as [YourName] did and it drew a rift between the two. [YourName] no longer sat close to Tamlin at meals, prompting to sit farther away and when Ianthe came into play- she replaced where [YourName] sat. When asked about it by Feyre, Tamlin brushed it off as a simple argument that [YourName] couldn’t drop. But the only reason [YourName] couldn’t drop such an argument is because she was defending Feyre’s freedom. She knew if she was slowly being shut away from freedom, Feyre wouldn’t ignore [YourName]’s attempts to talk. 
It wasn’t until after Rhysand butted into the wedding and took Feyre did the new faerie realize these red flags that Tamlin were dropping left and right. Lucien eventually stepped in when the tension was getting too high with [YourName] and Tamlin. “You can’t argue with him, that’s something Feyre and him need to speak about.” Lucien explained gently one night as he brushed his hands against his bed partner’s arm. [YourName] remained silent, “I just can’t watch her slowly get trapped, I bet whatever Rhysand is doing with Feyre is better than what Tamlin has planned for that poor girl.” [YourName] mumbled, turning her bare back to Lucien. The male sighed, not knowing what to say- because he had seen the signs but unlike [YourName] he didn’t see the point in arguing with Tamlin and ruining their friendship. 
Lucien didn’t say a thing to counter argue against his friend, because deep down she was right. [YourName] waited until Lucien to fall asleep before she dressed and returned to her own room that night, too disgusted with Lucien to fully share a bed that night. She simply returned to her bed and fell asleep in her cold bed with a sad face on that night. She felt grossed out with Lucien because he wouldn’t speak up about the things Tamlin was doing to entrap the only other female friend she connected with. 
When things went down with Feyre, [YourName] was there to witness it, and alongside Alis begged Morrigan to take Feyre and let her properly taste freedom, get her away from the Spring Court, away from Tamlin. When Tamlin returned, Lucien had pulled [YourName] away and asked what happened and that’s when [YourName] put on a show and acted as if she was in the gardens when it happened. She played dumb puppy dog. She was going to keep Feyre safe from Tamlin. 
Within the time period that Feyre was gone, sure things were looking down for Tamlin- but things blossomed between Lucien and [YourName]. [YourName] was good at advocating for herself and setting boundaries, and Lucien learned well from her. Nights together became more frequent, even despite Ianthe’s attempts at getting at Lucien. [YourName] was starting to believe it was to piss her off because she had caught the two mid-makeout within the library more than once. Ianthe just loved causing drama within the house and when Feyre wasn’t there to be her victim- it would be Lucien and [YourName].
That’s why when Lucien had chosen Ianthe the night of Calanmai, it absolutely broke [YourName]. She didn’t know what exactly she had expected- but she hadn’t expected Ianthe. For nearly three weeks, [YourName] gave Lucien the silent treatment and a blank stare- perhaps it was because Lucien never went over that he was planning to take Ianthe, or was it something on a whim? [YourName] could not tell what was worse, planned or whim. 
When [YourName] finally let Lucien back into her, she went on an hour tangent about how Lucien went along with Calanmai was absolute bull shit. Not because she wasn’t chosen, but because he didn’t run it by her first. “So I need to run my next partner over with you?” Lucien asked, crossing his arms and leaning back into the chair he was sitting on. [YourName] paused “Wha-What?! No! I am just saying you should have run it by me because it was Ianthe.” she scoffed, “If this is going to tumble into an argument, I rather not have this conversation. You wanted me to talk to you again and I’m simply explaining why I punished you.” [YourName] states before exiting the room.
Lucien sighed, going after the female. “So because it was Ianthe.. You’re jealous.” he explained. [YourName] huffed “I’m not jealous, I just… I don't like Ianthe that much with you, you could do better.” she says going into the library to find yet another book to read and eventually put back. Lucien chuckled “So, you are jealous.” he said trying to pinpoint [YourName], she simply rolled her eyes. Lucien pressed [YourName] against the shelf of books that was luckily connected to the wall so there was no worry of it falling over. “Lucien..” [YourName] tried to warn, but Lucien didn’t listen. “Just admit you were jealous..” He whispered as he moved a finger down the middle of [YourName]’s neck after moving some hair out the way.
[YourName] shuttered, missing her friend’s touch. [YourName] gasped when she felt Lucien lean down and pressed a kiss to the crook of her exposed neck. “I was not..” [YourName] whispered and that’s when Lucien bit down on the sensitive spot, causing [YourName] to softly moan and cling to the shelf. “I don’t see this going anywhere,” Lucien mumbled, licking where his teeth had made a slight dint in his partner’s skin. [YourName] spun around to Lucien, placing her hands on his chest and smirking. 
“I think you want me to be jealous,” [YourName] points out, “And if I do?” he asked making the female giggle. She brought him in for a proper, more passionate kiss. “I just want to see if you fuck better when you’re jealous,” Lucien whispered against her lips, [YourName] let out a breathy chuckle and shook her head before rolling her eyes and her hips against his own. “So I’m down on my game?” [YourName] questioned, Lucien paused- placing his hands on her hips and picking her up. He spun them around and sat [YourName] down on a nearby table, [YourName] already working her magic with unbuttoning his shirt. 
He groaned softly into the kiss they shared when [YourName] brought a leg up to gently tease his hardened length through his pants. Similarly to how [YourName] had worked to unbutton his shirt, Lucien had worked to undo the corset that pushed her breasts up and together, a view that Lucien had been excited to stare and given affection to after a long three weeks of whatever punishment [YourName] had thought he needed. [YourName] breath hitched when he felt Lucien bend down and press kisses to her exposed chest. 
Eventually, the two stripped of what was most unnecessary, [YourName] had hopped off the table and gotten on her knees to give Lucien the best attention he had received ever. Never in a million years did he think [YourName] had it in her to even think of sucking him off, but here she was bobbing her head, and stroking whatever her mouth couldn’t touch at the time. [YourName] squirmed in her spot. She was becoming needier and needier, the sound of her bed partner groaning and moaning because of her made her feel some type of way. 
She did her best to please herself using the heel of one of her feet, but when Lucien had taken note of this he yanked her up and bent her over the table. “I see someone’s needy..” Lucien whispered, the pant in [YourName]’s breath was noticeable and she whined, “Please..” she begged quietly, “Please, I need something, anything..” [YourName] went on. Lucien took that and ran with it, snaking a hand between [YourName] and the table and began to stimulate her clit. 
[YourName] let out a sting of moans, trying to ground herself by clinging to the table, a hand eventually dropping to the wrist of Lucien’s hand. She cried out when she felt the knot in her stomach begin to tighten, “I-I’m going to cum-” she whimpered out “I know.” Lucien replied almost immediately with zero pause between. When [YourName] finally felt the knot in her stomach break, she felt the liquid go down her leg. Lucien brought the fingers he used to stimulate her clit to [YourName]’s mouth and without being told what she needed to do, she opened her mouth with a soft gasp and sucked on his fingers. 
It wouldn’t be long when Lucien shoved his sex into [YourName]’s dripping cunt, the muffled moan she let out was just loud enough to please Lucien. [YourName] bit her lip in an attempt to shut herself up, but she knew with Lucien that wasn’t a possibility. The session between the two went on until [YourName] felt the knot in her stomach tighten, only to feel it snap once more when she felt Lucien release within her. The juices mixed to create a mess that dripped onto the floor. 
[YourName] was red in the face, or at least felt like it, when she finally managed to get a breath in. She turned her face to Lucien and both had a matching smile, “Maybe, just maybe, was I jealous.” [YourName] finally announced, making Lucien laugh as the two cleaned each other up as best as they could before redressing themselves and going to the bathroom to make sure cheeks weren’t reddened and sweat didn’t run down their faces. When Feyre did return, [YourName] didn’t join Tamlin and Lucien in getting her back. And when she heard the story of how suddenly with some magical light and snap, Feyre had returned to Tamlin– she knew there was more to the story.
She and Alis would get to the bottom of it together, and that’s how Feyre realized that [YourName] was always on her side and often fought for her freedom. So she tended to open up to the girl, and in return [YourName] opened up in return. That’s when Feyre had told her that the mating bond snapped into place for Lucien for her sister, Elain. Weird, Lucien hadn’t mentioned anything of a bond snapping into place, and he hadn’t touched her much since Feyre’s return either.
But before [YourName] could dread it any longer, things started to spiral into place. After going to the wall and looking for holes, Feyre dropped hints to [YourName] of her leave and [YourName] was to join. If Lucien no longer wanted her then there was no reason for her being here, but then plans didn’t go exactly how they needed to and Lucien was now a part of the pack. 
Once in the Night Court, it was revealed that [YourName] and Lucien had held a physical relationship for years before his bond snapped into place, which led to the exact conversation that led up to this flashback.
“I want to go home.” [YourName] announced to Feyre, “You are home, just because Lucien doesn’t want a physical relationship with you doesn’t erase the relationship you have with me.” the High Lady explained. [YourName] shook, trying to bite back the tightness in her throat as tears formed in her eyes “Don’t remind me. I loved him, and I was foolish to believe he loved me too.” she whispered, taking a seat near Feyre.
Feyre sighed, taking her friend’s arm and holding her close. “What’s truly going on, [YourName]?” Feyre asked, noticing the scent difference, the hormonal peaks, it led to one thing but Feyre wanted her to admit it. The glamour only went so far, and it was starting to break. [YourName] finally broke down, “I believe I’m with child, I can’t stay here.” [YourName] finally said.
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totaldrama-showdowns · 6 months
Unused Submissions for the Favorite Rivalry Showdown!
justin and trent
please im so tired of seeing fluffy ship art of them THEY DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER
justin literally got him eliminated i cant imagine they had a good relationship after action
"one time justin threw a tambourine at me and that kinda hurt >:|"
you know they had the nastiest most jawdropping arguments in the recording room during drama brothers recording sessions
uhh yeah they hate each other they should get to fight to the death as a treat
Alejandro and duncan
they're perfect
is this a rivalry? idk
Dave vs Leonard
Lindsay vs Courtney
it was brief but it was enjoyable
Izzy and Justin
They're sooo funny, especially cause they're exes
Julia vs Priya
I don’t actually think this is the best one I’m just putting it here because we need more reboot characters in this bracket
Whatever Lindsay and Beth had with Heather after Island
you go girls
Geoff and Trent
hockey bros vs birds
why do they get beat up by birds so frequently
Dawn and Scott
Ok sure they lasted for two scenes but THEY COULD'VE BEEN SUCH GOOD RIVALS MAN
Julia vs Every Other TD '23 Blonde
Nominating this because I think it's funny
Julia and Caleb
I don’t actually gaf about them but i like when julia hit him with a frying pan or something
the roti writers and gen 2 female characters
they did them so dirty :(
bowie vs straight people
he's seen enough
chris vs blaineley
divorced enemies sweep
lightning vs cameron
it was ooc but it kinda slayed
Chris and Sierra
The New York episode. Please Chris should've been a hater the whole season and Sierra wouldn't notice it would be funny. See my vision
Ezekiel Vs Death
I just know Death keeps snapping those bony fingers any time Ezekiel escapes death
Emma and Julia
white on white violence
Terry and Chref
We saw that tweet
Mal and Julia
Mal plays the game really well and Julia's getting insecure. But I have faith Julia will triumph
Marmaduke and Garfield
I love tti
Me vs Blaineley
We are currently fighting over who gets 2 date Kelly (I'm winning)
larry v chef
chef’s gotta defend his man what can I say
Everyone (- Priya) Vs Caleb
He literally has no friends.
priya's personality versus the writers
season 2. need I say more?
Heather Vs Blaineley
I cannot tell you how funny it is that Blaineley turned up to the TD jumbo jet and chose violence against a girl half her age
Ezekiel and Chris
demolish that monster zeke
Sky vs Dave
He tried to kill her I think this counts as a rivalry at least a little bit
Damien vs Millie
Yeah! The finish line!
toxic yaoi
Noah anf Harold
autism on autism violence and we love that
do alejandro and noah count,,, if not im voting leshawna and heather
brainrot says so
jasmine and shawn
just being a hater here, they were much more tolerable (but still crappy) when she hated him over them being a couple
dramarama ella and dramarama max
why couldnt this be their dynamic in the canon show
Damien & Julia
MK vs the bear
They literally fought in a duel together
Geoff/Bridgette and blaineley
Ma'am that's a child. Leave him by
Mal Vs Duncan
They suck I hope they get in so they're elimination fodder so someone else can go forward easily.
alejandro puppet and heather
Wayne and me
I hate you little white boy! Get a job
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
Don't Let Go
Author's Notes
So I started writing this way before the Mario Movie had even come out. After making these two posts I got to thinking:
What if Mario and Luigi struggled to work together as a team the very first time?
So I wanted to explore that in this fic. Hope you all enjoy :)
(This takes place sometime after the events of the Mario Movie)
"It takes a strong bond together to be successful."
"Since the Star Spirits are said to grant the desires of the heart...If you go to Star Hill with your brother, you may find the answers!"
That is what Peach had said; yet secretly, Mario didn't see the point.
He and his brother already had a strong bond.
Didn't they?
- - -
Mario walked in silence behind his brother, lost in his own thoughts. Ever since they had made the decision to move to the Mushroom Kingdom, plenty of new challenges had arisen. Not that there was anything wrong with that! Mario was always up for a new challenge, Luigi was happy to be the backbone for his brother, and as new heroes of the Mushroom Kingdom, it was to be expected that they would put everything they could into defending it from harm (which was a far cry from the simple days of working on a drain together!).
However, they soon found out...that working to defend a kingdom, had its own personal challenges.
The first time they had fought an enemy together, in a true battle of life and death, was against Bowser. And it had felt...incredible.
They had been too full of adrenaline from the Power Star's energy at the time, but afterwards, after the day was saved and everyone (including the brothers) could finally settle down and rest, Mario had time to dwell on the feelings from that battle. The way the Star's power had absorbed into them. The way it had filled them with incredible strength he had never felt before...
The way they had been able to fight together in sync, like it was second nature to them.
Later, after they talked about it, the brothers concluded that Luigi had felt the same.
"I don't think", Luigi had said that night, "that it was all the Star's power. I think I was able to be strong, because I knew you were there beside me"
And Mario had felt the same way.
However, ever since then, they just couldn't seem to duplicate that feeling again.
Things hadn't been so bad when they first moved to the Mushroom Kingdom. After showing Luigi the course, the power ups, and had taken him to the places Mario had been so keen to experience with him, they'd felt confident enough to be able to balance a life as Brooklyn plumbers, and as heroes of the Mushroom Kingdom.
Even after the battle, some minions from Bowser's Castle had been seen scurrying around, attempting to get into Toad Town and finish the job. Peach had been reluctant to ask them to help so soon, especially as they were still getting settled in; but the brothers had assured her that things were fine, and they could handle it.
That hadn't gone to plan at all.
It was hard to explain, but as soon as they had stepped into a battle with these minions, something broke.
Mario had felt a sense of fear. A sense of urgency, when he looked at his brother beside him. The harrowing dread he felt when Luigi was separated from him, the way he had felt when he saw Luigi fall towards the lava. The way his heart pounded after he managed to rescue his brother mid fall, but couldn't shake off the feelings of "what if".
He looked at his brother in that battle, determined, but unsure and shaking like a leaf.
He couldn't let that happen again.
Without thinking, he jumped in front of Luigi and started taking the hits; pushing his brother out of the way when an enemy came towards him. Luigi had tried to defend him in turn, but they just ended up falling over each other. Somehow, they managed to win, but the whole thing had been an embarrassment. Even trying to explain to the princess afterwards had been more of a brush off.
"We're just rusty, Princess. We'll get it"
Luigi hadn't been that happy.
Time after time, battle after battle, they struggled to get in sync like before.
The way that the two had glared at each other, you wouldn't believe they were so tight knit.
- - -
"What's wrong?", Mario asked after yet another terrible day.
Deep down, he knew that this wasn't the right way to confront the issue. But if Luigi would just work with him, with their own strategy, then he wouldn't have to bring it up.
"Nothing's wrong", Luigi spat, peering over from his magazine that he'd quickly grabbed off the table. It was a flower gardening weekly that Peach had given to him.
Mario exhaled heavily through his nose.
"Look, I know things have been...pretty shaky lately..."
"Oh have they?", Luigi snapped. He tossed the magazine back onto the table, and crossed his arms.
"Luigi. Don't be like that."
"No, I'm serious Mario. What is your problem?!"
"My problem?!", Mario exclaimed. "I'm just doing what I can to help. I'm doing what I can to protect-"
"Why can't you just let me fight?!"
"Why can't you let me keep you safe?!"
Both of these questions had come out in a rush one after the other. The two brothers stared at each other, seemingly bewildered by their outbursts.
It was Luigi that was the first to speak.
"You know...If you don't need me...You could just say..."
It was like a shard of ice had entered Mario's heart.
"Lu..." Mario reached out and grabbed his brother's hand. He clutched it in both his own like it was a lifeline.
"Don't ever say that. I need you. I always need you!"
"I need you too", said Luigi in a quiet voice. "But I can't help you if I'm just in the way."
"You're not in the way!", Mario's voice had risen again. "I just...I can't stand by and watch you get hurt."
"Then just trust me", said Luigi. "Let us prove to Peach and this kingdom that we're super. That we're a team."
"I see the way you look at me in those battles, Mario."
Luigi's eyes were full of an emotion so deep Mario had to blink twice to read it.
"You're scared", said Luigi, placing his other hand on top of Mario's.
Mario blinked passed the emotion threatening to spill over.
"Yes...I am."
Luigi took a deep breath. His hand started to slip out of Mario's grasp.
"Then maybe...we just need some time to figure this out..."
Mario felt like some force was constricting his throat. He couldn't speak. The shard of ice was getting bigger and bigger, threatening to numb him to the core.
He let Luigi's hand fall completely out of his hold, and could only watch as his brother gave him a misty-eyed look, before turning and heading to bed.
- - -
The next day (after one of the worst nights of sleep), Mario had plucked up the courage to speak to Peach about this. If anyone could work out a solution, she could.
"Peach", Mario had greeted her in the castle hallway, "may I speak with you?"
Peach had been quite surprised at first, but after Mario had explained the situation, Peach was more than content with providing all the help she could.
"I have noticed", she began, her eyes drifting over Mario's tired form, "that you and your brother seem to be...a bit distant lately."
Distant was putting it lightly. It was like a barrier had shoved its way in between them. That no matter how hard they banged and screamed against it, it refused to break.
"Yeah...", said Mario.
Peach took a deep breath.
"I feel like...I am responsible for this."
"What?", Mario exclaimed softly, his head raising up suddenly.
"I love having you both here", Peach continued. "It means so much to me. Yet I can't help but feel that, no, know that, I have put too much pressure on you both so soon. Having you act as heroes, right after you both defeated one of the most diabolical beasts in the universe? It was never right."
"That's crazy talk, Princess!", Mario exclaimed. He placed a fist over his heart.
"Luigi and I are more than happy to assist you and this kingdom, you know that!"
"I do", replied Peach. "But the main thing I care about, aside from my toads of course, is the wellbeing of you and your brother."
She sighed.
"Even though you have tried to tell me otherwise, I haven't been blind to the way you and your brother are struggling in battles together. I know from experience, that it takes a strong will to fight. But it takes a strong bond together to be successful."
Mario didn't speak. She'd hit the nail on the head.
"So", Peach continued, seemingly getting a spark of energy out of nowhere. "I advise that you go to Star Hill!"
"Star...Hill?", Mario asked.
Peach nodded.
"It's a place just north of here, where all the wishes of this world are said to be granted. And a pretty nice spot in general", she grinned.
"But more importantly", Peach leaned in a little closer. "It is said to be where the Star Spirits watch over. That's how the wishes get granted you see."
"And...how is that gonna help?", asked Mario. He didn't mean to sound so sceptical, but he wasn't sure where Peach was going with this.
"Well...wishes are said to be desires of the heart.", continued Peach. "And since the Star Spirits are said to grant the desires of the heart well...All I'm saying is, that if you go there with your brother, you may find the answers!"
Mario blinked at her. He was certainly not one to question or judge anyone's beliefs, but how could these Star Spirits even help him and Luigi? What could they possibly do that could mend...this...?
"I...", he stumbled.
"Oh Luigi!", Peach suddenly exclaimed. She waved an arm as Mario turned.
By some coincidence, his younger brother was just exiting out of the castle library. That was one of the benefits of living here. Peach had been more than happy to lend out her personal library to the brothers, even allowing them to check out any books they were interested in. So far since becoming official citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom, Luigi had spent almost every day in there, pouring over old literature only from this world, and reading up about the various plants native here.
Currently Luigi was nose deep in a large book on garden plants. It had a picture of a Piranha Plant on the cover.
"Huh? Oh hi, Princess!", he called.
Then he spotted Mario.
"Oh, hey Bro", he said. His tone was distinctly different to how he greeted Peach. Almost...unsure.
It wasn't a tone Mario ever thought his own brother would be directing at him.
"Peach was just telling me about a place we can go to", said Mario.
"Oh yeah?", said Luigi, eyebrows raised a little. "You mean like, the three of us?"
"No...", Mario said in chagrin. "Just the two of us."
- - -
And that was where they were currently now, on their way up to Star Hill.
"Good luck", the Princess had told Mario before the brothers had set off. "And don't worry, I'm sure that once you're there, you'll find the answers to be in sync again!"
Be in sync again? Mario sighed. Peach meant well, but her words had stung a little.
He suddenly kicked a stone on the dirt path in frustration. Who was anyone to judge them like this?!
Luigi was looking back at his brother with concern.
"I'm fine", said Mario, not really wanting to go into it.
Luigi frowned, but didn't press.
"Well Star Hill isn't that far now. Come on!"
It was strange seeing Luigi so optimistic. Usually Mario was the one taking charge and trying to lift the other's spirits.
Mario could only nod as he resumed the trek with his brother.
Star Hill was gorgeous. It was now deep into dusk, and true to Peach's words, the place was glowing from a calming ambient light of pale blue, cast by the multiple wishing stars scattered all around. Little floating Star Sprites danced around them. Beyond that, a path winded up the hill to the very top, where the sky and the ground seemed to merge into one; and above all this, the stars twinkled and pulsed like millions of beating hearts.
Suddenly overcome with a rush of warm calm, Mario smiled and bounded ahead of his brother.
"Come on!", he said playfully.
He reached over and grabbed Luigi's hand, pulling him along with a jovial leap.
They walked together for a bit, Mario leading in front with Luigi behind. The two took moments to admire the scenery. So many wishes had been made, and they were all lying here, waiting for the Star Spirits to heed their calls.
Mario let go of Luigi's hand so they could both inspect them. The glow from them was so bright, yet strangely it wasn't painful. As they got closer to the wishing stars, whispers could be heard from them.
The voices that were the wishes of the many lives of the kingdom they had sworn to protect.
Mario sighed again, his brief contentment suddenly gone. He looked over to Luigi, who was inspecting a Star Sprite that had floated down to join him.
"Peach was right, this place is real something huh?", said Luigi, obviously sensing that Mario was looking at him.
"Yeah...", replied Mario. He wasn't sure how to answer that.
"What would you wish for, bro?", Luigi suddenly asked. The Star Sprite twirled around in the air, a little way from his finger.
Before Mario could answer that, Luigi spoke up again.
"My wish", Luigi continued, pausing a moment as he cupped his hands to 'catch' the Star Sprite, as it gently floated down into his outstretched hands, "is to be strong like you."
Mario felt his breath hitch. But before he could think of anything to say, Luigi continued.
"...I don't mean exactly like you. I know that it's to be expected, but I need to find my own strength. I know I have some ways to go. But...I know I'll get there. Not just because I really want to help this kingdom, and the Princess...but...I want to be able to help myself. And you being with me helps that a lot."
"Lu...", Mario began, but his throat felt dry.
Why was it so hard to talk to his own brother?
"Things haven't been going well, we both know that."
He put his head down.
"I thought...after we got here things would just click, like they did before...but...."
Mario took another deep breath. It felt like despite all he wanted to say, it was still a struggle trying to get it out.
"I don't want to give up on this. On us. I…want to work on this. But…I need to do it with my brother."
Luigi turned around, head bent slightly. His hands cupped tighter around the Star Sprite.
In the quiet ambient light, the brothers stared at each other. They both knew that look. One that they had always directed at each other whenever the world, or just their own problems in general, got too much for either to handle on their own. A look that they had shared so many times in their lives.
Right now, they needed to take comfort in each other's presence.
Mario stepped forward and offered Luigi his hand. Luigi let the Star Sprite go so it floated away, and then took Mario's hand in his.
Mario gave a small smile, and then began to lead the way again, this time going deeper along the path.
Eventually they reached a higher point of Star Hill, where Toad Town and the castle could be plainly seen in the distance. The ambient light was more dimmer up here, over powered by the brightness of the stars above in the vast, endless dark sky.
Mario gestured to a spot that was perfect to occupy, and flopped down on the grass. Luigi following suite.
The brothers sighed. Neither knew anymore what to say to each other now.
"Hey", said Mario eventually. "You remember those breathing exercises Mama taught us to do together when we were little, to focus our minds whenever we were feeling overwhelmed?"
"Of course!, said Luigi. "Mama originally wanted us to do it separately, as she thought we were just going to distract each other. But she soon learnt that we only managed to do it when it was the two of us."
Mario chucked.
"Always gotta do things together."
Luigi smiled again.
Feeling a little foolish, they sat on their knees and held hands. Slowly and carefully, they breathed in and out, syncing each other's breaths as they went.
As they breathed, Mario felt lighter. Not just in mind, but in body. The quiet ambience of the night, plus Luigi being right there with him, made him feel so much more safe and relaxed. And he could tell Luigi felt the same way.
Then all at once, he felt something. A tug that resonated somewhere within him, pulling away towards the direction of his brother. At the same time, he felt something reaching out towards him.
Luigi started breathing heavily, and Mario almost snapped his eyes open, when he heard a voice.
"Do not be afraid", it said. "Let it happen."
Mario couldn't even tell whether it was one voice, or dozens. Or even if it was a voice at all. It sounded almost whispery, like the wind blowing, even though Mario was very much certain there had been no wind on Star Hill just moments ago.
A sudden hitch in Luigi's breath told Mario he was hearing it too.
"Open your hearts. Trust each other. Let the bond you share connect you."
Mario felt Luigi's hands squeeze his own.
Trust each other.
Mario squeezed back with a determined nod, and allowed what the voice had said to do.
It was like something was reaching out to him. Like a touch, a feeling. Warmth engulfed him, as this feeling gently wrapped itself around something deep inside him. It was not painful, but caressing, like a warm hug.
And this feeling gave way to emotions Mario was able to read so clearly.
Love. Devotion. Protect. Bravery. Loyalty.
They were Luigi's own feelings reaching out to him.
Luigi shuddered as Mario's soul also connected with his. The intense feelings of love and protection that he had known since birth.
Mario finally cracked his own eyes open. His own sight was hazy. The only thing clearer than anything else, was Luigi. He squeezed his brother's hands again, and Luigi cracked open his eyes too.
Mario's breath hitched. His brother's eyes, suddenly looked like they held the universe in them. They shone brighter, more alive than ever before.
And the way Luigi's eyes widened a little, Mario knew his looked the same.
The emotions being shared between them were swirling around each other, and with them came memories. Memories dancing in front of Mario's eyes; setting up their plumbing business, working under Spike, confronting bullies in the school playground, playing together. One such memory came to the forefront. A memory that was impossibly old. A memory of seeing the other's face for the first time.
The universe seemed so open to them now. They only existed together in this one spot, fixated on the connection that had been bridged between them.
Mario suddenly felt a wetness in his eyes. He uncurled one of his hands from Luigi's, and gently touched his own face.
He was astonished to find his hand come away soaked with tears.
He looked back at his brother.
"I'm so sorry, Luigi!"
And all at once, everything crumpled. He clutched his face with one hand as the torrents fell. Everything inside him twisted in pain.
Luigi reached out and gathered Mario into his arms, squishing his big brother's face into the crook of his neck.
"It's ok Bro.", he said quietly. "Just let it all out."
And Mario finally did. He clung to Luigi tight as he wept. Every tear that fell only made his heart ache with longing. He felt Luigi shift a little, as his younger brother pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, before settling himself back.
He didn't need to be told that Luigi was sobbing as well. The wetness mixing on his own face confirmed this.
"I know you want to protect me", Luigi croaked out. "But sometimes, even you need looking out for."
Mario felt Luigi's smile. He tried to smile too, but right now it felt like a dagger was twisting his heart.
"It's all my fault.", Mario choked out. "I did this. I failed you. I nearly drove my own brother away."
"Hey!", Luigi hushed as he pulled back so Mario was sitting across from him again, his hands firmly gripping the latter's shoulders.
"You would never drive me away. We've been through too much for me to walk out on you now."
"But I never thought to even ask you how you felt! You've been through so much, and every time I even think about what you had to go through, what you had to endure...I can't lose you."
He fell back into Luigi's arms again, clinging on tight.
"You've always been with me from the very start. Making me so happy. I can't lose that. I can't lose my brother."
He clutched Luigi even tighter.
"I can't lose my Lu."
Luigi stiffened at that. And then he rubbed Mario's back, sniffing a little.
"And I can't lose my Mario. I want to protect you too. Besides, who else is going to charge in and save you with a manhole cover?"
Mario laughed at that. He pulled back out of the hug, their foreheads pressed together.
"We're gonna figure this out, aren't we?"
"Course we are!", Luigi laughed as well. "Only if...you're happy with me there."
"You know I am", Mario said firmly. "But remember", he sat back and took Luigi's face in his hands. "I will never stop protecting you. Not ever."
"I know", Luigi smirked. "That's just who you are. Who you've always been. I never want to change that about you."
"Well good", said Mario and they touched foreheads again. "And I'm more than happy to have my little brother fight beside me. That is, if he's more than alright to keep teaming up with this idiot."
The connection was still strong between them. Mario felt Luigi's happiness before the smile had even appeared on his brother's face.
Both let out a sigh of content as the ethereal connection petered out. They sat and held each other for a while, just happy to bask in the closeness and quiet.
Minutes (or maybe hours it was hard to tell) later, the sounds of birds chirping drew Mario out of his thoughts. He opened his eyes. Dawn was breaking, the sunlight already creeping its way across the Mushroom Kingdom. The glow of the wishing stars were not as bright, but they still hailed a strong presence.
"Hey, bro", said Luigi, nudging his face in the direction of the castle.
Mario turned his head slightly. There seemed to be some noise coming from that direction.
"Looks like there's something going on at the castle", Mario stated.
"Should we go check it out?", Luigi replied.
Mario looked up, catching the humour in his brother's voice. Luigi was grinning down at him.
He smiled back.
Luigi leaned back a little, still beaming.
"Nothing we can't figure out together, right?"
Mario patted his arm, and grinned back.
And with that, the two brothers took off racing each other across the fields of Star Hill, ready to confront the challenges they knew they could overcome together.
- - -
*insert movie sequel plot here* 😜
More author's notes under the cut
So like I said, I started writing this even before the Mario Movie had come out; at the time, I considered making it a (sort of) prequel to Superstar Saga.
However, as I had the movie versions of the bros more in my head at the time, I pictured them in this scenario - however I wasn't confident enough to continue, under the pretence that I wasn't sure how they were going to handle their relationship, let alone how the movie would handle the ending.
Needless to say, that after finally seeing the movie, I was finally able to buckle down and finish this!
Some bits had to be heavily edited from what I originally wrote - and I am aware some descriptions may be clunky. I admit, I'm more better at writing conversations than descriptions.
I still hope you all enjoyed what this piece has to offer :) If you liked it, I'll consider looking at some other drafts I have in the works!
Many thanks!
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devilsrecreation · 29 days
Croc siblings headcanons
(inspired by this post @pizacat72 made)
Kiburi and Ucheshi have never fought outside of sparring. Granted, they do bicker as I’ve mentioned before, but nothing physical
Much like the Royal Siblings hc, Ucheshi’s a morning croc. She’s the first one to wake up and always used to wake up Kiburi in the process. She’ll be in the middle of a musical number while Kiburi’s like “Ucheshi, it’s sunrise. Go back to sleep…”
When they were kids, Ucheshi was usually ALWAYS next to Kiburi, whether swimming in the lake or going on their little “adventures” (which she often tag along for despite Kiburi’s concern, he’s always been concerned for her safety)
As teenagers, one of them would hide under the water and splash the other with their tail when they’re not looking. You know how Kiburi attacked a young impala in “Let Sleeping Crocs Lie”? Yeah, that’s what they do. To other animals, it’s a warning. Between those two, it’s just for shits and giggles
Ucheshi’s one of the only animals Kiburi would let ride on his back. They used to do it all the time as kids. Kiburi would tease Ucheshi about her weight as they grew up, much to his sister’s unamusement
Kiburi tries his best to stay strong in front of his sister, as he promised his dad not to show any vulnerability since he’s the eldest. She isn’t stupid though and always knows when something is up. She just wishes he would talk to her
Kiburi and Ucheshi originally had more siblings, but such as the circle of life goes for young crocodiles (aka nature being a bitch), they didn’t live long for various reasons. The two were the only survivors. This is a big reason why Kiburi is so protective of Ucheshi. He’s lost his both his parents and his many siblings, he’s not losing another family member
Don’t think the feeling isn’t mutual, Ucheshi would jump in to defend her brother in a heartbeat (not counting the events during the Dry Season). Kiburi once told her how Scar insulted him (the “and here I thought crocs were the best fighters” line) and she swore she would have stood up for him if she were there. She absolutely tried protecting Kiburi from Hatari at some point
Kiburi’s promised Ucheshi she’d get “special privileges” when he rules the Pridelands. That’s what big brothers are for, after all. Ucheshi just thinks the Dry Season drove him crazy and calls him out on it
For as much as she annoys him, Ucheshi can always make Kiburi laugh. This especially happens when they rekindle their relationship. Makuu, Hodari, and Pua witnessed them talking and laughing together, to which Makuu said something along the lines of “Is Kiburi laughing or am I crazy?”
After Ucheshi declines Scar’s offer to join him and walks away, Scar orders the army to get rid of her: Trap her in a geyser, make her get lost in the Outlands, kill her, he doesn’t care. Kiburi insists on leading and being the one to do it….HOWEVER the minute he has her cornered, he turns to see if the other Outlanders are nearby before he leans close and lets her run away. He can’t do it. As mad as he is at her right now, he doesn’t have the heart to actually hurt his own flesh and blood. So he shows mercy and gives her the chance to leave the Outlands and never come back. They’ll kill her if she does and all he wants is for her to be safe. When Ucheshi asks why he’s doing this, he says “Scar told me to get rid of you, but he never said how”. She does so, but not before they smile at each other as a thank you
She decided to join the final battle against the Outlanders after a heart to heart with Pua. Kiburi was the last to back down and was about to go after Makuu again until Ucheshi jumped in between them. While she still didn’t want to hurt him, she was ready to if Kiburi didn’t back down. Kiburi then had to make a decision: surrender to Makuu for good or refuse to back down and fight his sister. Kiburi chose the former.
Dunno if I mentioned this in a previous post or not, but they do eventually reconcile in my “Trail to Udugu” idea. Kiburi apologized for everything, especially for all the things he did to hurt her. Ucheshi gladly (yet tearfully) accepted, saying “I forgive you, you big fish-for-brain!” and they hugged it out :)
Kiburi showed Ucheshi how to contact their father. She didn’t believe him at first but once she saw his spirit, she almost began crying. It was a very sweet moment
Kiburi enjoys seeing Ucheshi outsmart anybody who isn’t him hdhdhdh
Kiburi will never approve of Ucheshi and Makuu being together, but he’s learned to accept it cuz he wants her to be happy (although personally he’d prefer literally anyone else). Ucheshi, however, loves Hukumu and thinks she’s perfect for her brother
The two are unstoppable when they work together. Give them any task, they’ll always manage to get it done efficiently (despite their bickering lol)
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galaxythreads · 2 years
Loki in the avengers wanted thor to hate him. So why is he shock in the dark world when thor hates him like he wanted
okay, I'm really glad you asked this because I have wanted to talk about this for a while, and I think it's a massive misconception inside of the Thor fandom and the Loki fandom.
Loki wanting Thor to acknowledge they're not bio family ≠ loki wants thor to hate him.
I can't think of any lines in canon where Loki specifically tells Thor "I hate you" or says to anyone that Thor should hate him. Or tells anyone in canon that he does hate Thor.
The most Loki seems to believe is that Thor should acknowledge that they're not related by blood.
Canon lines Loki says regarding this:
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Loki does not want his family to hate him. That's not his goal. If it was his goal, he'd go about it in a much, much different way.
Loki does want them to acknowledge that he was lied to for his entire life and that not only is he not even their son/brother, he's not even the same species. It's very different things.
But because Thor and Odin will not address this with him, and Frigga is making him choose accepting Odin as his father or not accepting their family, Loki feels like they aren't seeing him. Again. This lack of acknowledgement about his person, about something that is in the very essence of his being, is something he finds deeply hurtful. It's why his argument with Frigga happens in the first place.
It's not that he doesn't consider her his mother. It's that Frigga makes him choose. There is no gray area for them. No "yes, i'm not your mother by birth, but you are my son by choice" or any sort of reassurance. Just "either you accept that he's your dad or you don't"
Thor, at least, doesn't make Loki choose. He and Loki just...don't talk about it, when they clearly should. I think it would have vastly improved their relationship if they HAD discussed it.
Loki and Thor skirt AROUND the topic in Ragnarok, but they never actually discuss it in any of their time together:
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i feel like a lot of Loki's problems with Thor don't stem out of a lack of love. they stem from a lack of communication. this line in ragnarok, i actually found to be a really good summary of their relationship from loki's pov post-avengers:
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Thor, on the other hand, seems to view Loki's desire to make them acknowledge his adoption post Thor 1 as Loki's desire to separate himself from the family and that he hates them now, because, well...why wouldn't he in Thor's mind?
Thor participated in the lie, even if unwillingly. His mother and father lied to Loki their entire lives, so of COURSE it makes sense Loki would hate him, so Thor tries to numb down to avoid thinking about it, hence the massive depression arc in TDW.
Loki has also, you know, tried to commit genocide and conquer a planet, which is VASTLY out of character for him pre thor 1, so Thor must wonder if he actually knew Loki at all or if their relationship was a facade the entire time. He feels like he never Knew Loki. Jotunheim Thor can understand, maybe. Maybe he can get where Loki was coming from, the understanding of how badly he was spiraling, the political moves Loki was trying to make, he can make sense of that.
But Earth?
Earth has done nothing to Loki.
Thor doesn't understand why Loki wants to hurt innocents. The brother that he knew defended them. Loki is the only reason the Warriors made it off of Jotunheim. Thor trusts Loki to keep people safe, and for the first time in their lives, Loki wasn't.
Hence this line in TDW:
"I don't. Mother did. You should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me and I will kill you"
That glimmer of hope was destroyed when Loki turned down Thor's offer in Avengers 1 to stop the attack. Thor tried to reach out to Loki in the Avengers, but after Loki stabbed him, something in Thor broke.
You can see it in his expression.
It's part of the reason that the "oh, Loki stabs Thor all the time lol!" joke doesn't land with me and I kind of ignore it as canon.
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LIke just LOOK at them okay? Thor drops Mjolnir in shock. He grabs Loki's arm for support. Loki has to shove him away before Thor lets go. You can SEE the shock in his face as he looks down.
Loki hurt him.
And he meant it.
So yeah, I do 100% get why Thor would threaten to kill Loki in TDW, because he feels he has to do it in self defense. Not that I think Thor could go through with it. They're empty words and Thor and Loki know that. The idea probably sounded a lot better in Thor's head before he saw Loki again and realized oh crap I have missed you and I love you and I'm sorry too.
Loki's adoption being withheld hurt Thor too. Their parents lied to Thor too. Thor tries desperately to separate the idea that his Loki (pre-thor 1) and THIS Loki in the TDW are the same person, but by the end of the movie, he knows.
TDW Loki is more battered, grown-up, hurt, darker, a mess. But it's still his Loki. That is why Thor doesn't feel the need to bring anything up in Ragnarok. He has made his peace with Loki's choices.
Loki...hasn't yet.
In the TDW world though, Thor has clearly been putting distance between himself and Loki, he didn't visit Loki at all in TDW, but he knew where Loki's cell was immediately, which makes me think that Thor has visited Loki, just not when Loki was awake. And you know what, unlike a majority of the Loki fandom, I'm not mad at him for that. I get it. Loki stabbed Thor with the intent to hurt in Avengers. It drew blood. Thor does have a right to be frustrated with Loki, just like Loki does with Thor. Their frustrations are not equal or the same, but they are valid.
But I do want to point this out:
Loki doesn't want Thor to hate him. And Thor doesn't hate him. Thor is severely depressed in the Dark World. Apathy is practically bleeding from his every movement in the movie. Having to face Loki would have meant having to face the family issues he didnt' want to face, but he never didn't love Loki, he just couldn't trust him.
Not being able to trust someone ≠ not loving them.
(which I also find ironic that Thor says that, and then immediately trusts Loki with the most important thing to him at that moment: Jane's life. Thor trusts Loki. Loki trusts Thor. They just won't admit that because they're both stubborn.)
Thor and Loki do love each other.
And I think that Loki is aware that Thor didn't lie to him, because the person he most consistently calls family is Thor from that point out. He doesn't reclaim Odin as family until IW, and he doesn't reclaim Frigga until IW either by association (not that i think he ever really unclaimed her, he was just trying to make a point), but Thor:
Thor, Loki never unclaims, and neither does Thor
For all their frustrations with each other, they still view each other as family. the hurt wasn't deep enough to undo that:
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does not deny this
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the FIRST thing Loki says to him after ALL that happened with Thanos and the invasion and the Void is thAT
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^ you do not mourn someone you don't love.
Thor calls Loki brother twice in that conversation and Loki doesn't say "i'm not your brother" the only person he corrects Thor on is Odin.
Because the ONLY person in canon Loki has EVER corrected about Thor not being his sibling was in Thor 1 to Thor and there were extenuating circumstances.
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^ defending his sibling even though LOKI IS NOT IN THE ROOM. Loki will not SEE or HEAR this.
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loki still does not deny this
Loki: now you see me, brother
loki is calling Thor is brother again. He didn't deny it in the Avengers, but in the TDW he is actively acknowledging that they are family
Loki: This is so unlike you, brother. So clandestine. Are you sure you wouldn't rather just punch your way out?
Loki: Still, we could be less conspicuous. [Loki turns back into himself but turns Thor into Sif] Hm, brother. You look ravishing
Loki: They're on the ship! [as they approach the ship Volstagg starts attacking them; back in the ship] Well, whatever you're doing, brother, I suggest you do it faster.
Loki: You still don't trust me, brother?
Loki is practically falling over himself to claim Thor as his sibling. Part of this, I imagine, is due to the fact that he never got to call Frigga mother again, but I also do, sincerely, believe that Loki never cast Thor out of his heart.
By Ragnarok, both of them are referring to the other as their sibling, an indication that they have moved past their frustrations:
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Strange: ... Your adopted brother Loki is one of these beings.
THOR: He's a worthy inclusion.
^ does not deny they are siblings
THOR: I suppose I'll need my brother back.
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Grandmaster: YOUR brother. Whatever the story is. Adopted, or complicated. I'm sure there's a big history.
^ loki does not deny they are siblings
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even Hela gets thrown into the "getting claimed as family" thing and they barely know her for the span of a few hours:
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anyway, tl;dr
loki and thor love each other and want each other as family, they're just too emotionally constipated to actually talk about that. They have never, and will never, actually hate each other because that was never actually in canon and it won't be. And for all my problems with ragnarok, I do like that they made Loki and Thor acknowledge that they care about each other in the subtext.
Thor and Loki only use each other's names when they're being serious. Brother is a term of endearment and they are both aware of that. Loki knows that in the TDW. That's why he's using it. That's why Thor doesn't. Because Thor is still processing and trying to figure out who Loki is to him. I could talk for hours about Thor's arc with his relationship with Loki.
Loki and Thor's love for each other is what made their estrangement so painful. but they were able to repair things in Ragnarok (to some extent). Loki sacrificed himself for Thor. Thor killed Thanos for Loki.
If Loki never loved Thor, Thanos never would have purposefully picked Thor out of the crowd of Asgardians to torture him for the Tesseract. Even Thanos knew how much these two idiots love each other.
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For the ask game: 1, 3 and 4!
Thanks for the ask!
The character everyone gets wrong:
This is tough, because I feel like plenty of people get plenty of characters wrong, but the one EVERYONE gets wrong? I don’t know. I’ll just have to pick a character that a lot of people get wrong instead…
I think the LOTR movies did lasting harm to Gimli’s character and people’s interpretations of him. They made him into comic relief and undermined the depth of his personality. This is not a criticism of John Rhys-Davies, who did a great job with what he was given! (And I fucking love that armor.) But the movies did not do Gimli justice.
Gone is his wisdom (“Faithless is he who says farewell when the road darkens”). Gone is his love for poetry and music, and the song of Khazad-dûm (which is one of my favorite scenes). Gone is his relationship with Frodo (which is a nice connection between the Hobbit and LOTR because of Glóin’s friendship with Bilbo).
Gone, too, is his open affection for Legolas, replaced by emotionally distant banter. And I like banter sometimes, but Gimli and Legolas had a very sweet friendship in the books (once they opened up to each other). After the battle of Helm’s Deep, after the competition, they were just glad to see each other alive. There was no stupid back-and-forth about the last kill—and I don’t think Tolkien’s Gimli would sit on a carcass.
Potentially even worse, Gimli in the movie (for some reason?) tries to persuade Aragorn NOT to release the army of the dead even after they’ve fulfilled their oath. There’s nothing like that in Tolkien’s books, and it just makes Gimli look dishonorable. After all, in the book, he’s the one who spoke in favor of keeping oaths when the Fellowship set out. His actual characterization in Tolkien’s books was mostly thrown aside for cheap “funny” moments.
There are still Gimli scenes in the movies I enjoy, of course, like the scene when he tells Legolas about Galadriel’s gift to him—“I asked her for one hair from her golden head...she gave me three”—and Legolas smiles. It’s one of the few sincere scenes they have together, and one of the few moments when we see more of Gimli’s inner feelings. I just wish the movies had been more faithful to his characterization across the board.
And because the movies have so much influence, I think the movie version of Gimli has replaced many people’s conception of him, which makes me sad. I don’t think everyone does this—I know there are other book Gimli lovers out there!—but too often I see fanfiction and fanart replicating the movie version of the character.
Screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr:
This is another tough question, because so many bad takes compete for the top spot! I think a prime (pun intended) competitor for the worst take is the idea that Rings of Power added to Galadriel’s characterization rather than horribly detracting from it.
When the final episode of season one came out, some people were excited that it referenced Galadriel’s line in FOTR (here the quote from the book), “In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen…stronger than the foundations of the earth.” But the way Rings of Power chose to reference that line didn’t add to Galadriel’s characterization at all. It made her entire character arc dependent on a man asking her to be his queen. Galadriel’s ambition comes from HER—not from Sauron. I was very disappointed to see ANYONE defending that.
One person actually came onto one of my posts to tell me that Rings of Power Galadriel is “exactly” like she is in canon, and I was like…where??????? Tolkien’s Galadriel fought, but the idea that she would enjoy killing, like the show portrays, is just bizarre (why do I have to fucking explain this?). Tolkien’s Galadriel had the ambition of ruling a realm of her own—she didn’t go on a wild goose chase for “revenge” of all things. Tolkien’s Galadriel was extraordinarily wise and perceptive from young age, not a petty, temperamental, undiplomatic brat. Tolkien’s Galadriel was tall and strong, not short and scrawny. And Tolkien’s Galadriel never trusted Annatar—she certainly wasn’t manipulated by him, let alone nearly seduced. I cannot believe someone would have the audacity to defend this abysmal portrayal of Galadriel by arguing that it’s CANON.
What was the last straw that made you finally block an annoying person?
If people post annoying things, I’ll usually just unfollow them. I unfollow people who post too many gifs from the Hobbit movies, for instance. No offense to them, I just hate the Hobbit movies and don’t want to see gifs/pictures of them. But even a single Rings of Power gif will get you blocked. It’s not even a last straw.
Turning back to Gimli, I think the worst aspects of the movies’ portrayal of him (like the drunken scene in the extended edition) were replicated by the Hobbit movies (the unmentionable food fight, for instance) and then by Rings of Power (what exactly was the value added by having Durin burp loudly during dinner?). Tolkien’s Dwarves can be funny sometimes, of course—like when they sing about breaking Bilbo’s plates!—but they don’t have disgusting table manners. They’re actually very polite, often bowing and saying “At your service!”
In conclusion: respect Gimli, respect the Dwarves, and respect Galadriel, or perish by my axe.
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lightdragon789 · 4 months
Other inserts backstory/facts Pt 2.
Matthew Grey
Part two and talking about my insert for Lost Prince, Matthew. He’s big tough knight with an unwavering heart, so let’s get into his backstory then facts about him.
Matthew grew up in the outskirts of the kingdom, helping his father in collecting fish for local markets. He never knew his mother as she died giving birth to him and his father treasured Matthew as his last gift from his beloved. He never remarried as she was the only one for him and put his focus on Matthew. Telling him stories of them together and how much she would adore him.
Even still, Matthew’s father didn’t want Matthew to grow up poor fisherman like him. He prayed everyday for a sign that something great would come for his son. His prayers were heard as when Matthew was 12 he was helping bringing in fish and found the urn. To which Matthew learned the story of the lost “princess” and he was excited thinking they would get recognition from the kingdom.
However, his father had another idea. He wrote a letter to the kingdom that his son found the urn and how he wants him to be trained as a knight to save her. After he delivered the letter, he told Matthew about what was going to happen and it made Matthew upset. He didn’t want to leave his dad as he was his only family. But his dad told him he couldn’t change this as this was his wish for him to live a great life and not be a poor fisherman.
He made Matthew make a promise that in times of despair that they’ll listen for each other’s voice to comfort them and keep moving forward. Matthew begrudgingly agreed to the promise and the rest of the time was spent with him packing and spending a lot of time with his dad. When knights came and a member of the council came and confirmed it was the right urn. They requested Matthew and they hug one last time before Matthew is taken to start his training to save the princess.
His training was tough as they trained him in many fields in order to be prepared for anything. To cook, patch wounds, fight and defend. Even using spells to help in strengthening himself. When he turned 18 he fought in many battles, gained many burns and scars. The sounds of battles and screams soon drowned out his dad’s voice and after so many he forgot how his father sounded.
However, he found a new way to combat all his struggles and motivate him forward. That was saving people/comrades. Seeing them thrive and smile to see the next day always have Matthew the encouragement to continue his work. He still wishes to see his father again one day but knows that will happen once he saves the princess.
Matthew also had a bit of struggle with his sexuality. As he always saw knights trying to woo maidens and Matthew never had the urge to do the same. Plus with his muscular stature, most women were fearful of Matthew. Even more so when his comrade were doing a drunken dare and Matthew wanting to stay sober. Did a dare where he kissed a maiden which led to him being slapped and called a beast. Which made him a bit more recluse when it came to a love life. Knowing when he saves the princess he’ll be betrothed to her. Which made him still confused.
He questioned if he was more attracted to men then women but once again. Knowing he’ll be betrothed, he never let love be his top priority and seeing it as a fairy tale he needed to earn.
Once he became 27, he completed his final trials in order to be ready to rescue the lost heir. He was still a bit withdrawn but hid it behind his helmet as he raised his sword and took back the urn that started him on his journey. Then rode on his mare to the portal.
Now for some facts and some cute things to add in for his interactions with Orin ^^
Matthew design is insirpied by the small glimpse of the knight in the second episode. I added in freckles, black medium length hair and the fact that Matthew has a somewhat baby face.
He is 27 years old, 6’3 and goes by (He/Him) pronouns.
Matthew was given a nickname amongst other knights, who saw Matthew getting special treatment due to finding the urn. That nickname being “The Golden Knight.” Which he didn’t like being called but it became a common nickname to Matthew.
He is homosexual and Demiromantic.
Matthew raised a mare that he named Ebony. Who he’s rode into battle many times and even taught her special tricks. Such as whistle commands as anyone would think he’s signaling other knights.
Due to his large stature, he does all he can to not appear so scary. Which doesn’t work all the time and he wishes others wouldn’t be afraid of him.
Hence he was afraid to do the same to Orin, fearful he would hurt him again after their duel.
However, Orin has given Matthew some courage in showing he wasn’t the brute many perceived him to be. Also making him forget about it and just being himself.
And yes, Orin was Matthew’s gay awakening XD
He also brought Ebony into the dimension so that she wouldn’t be hurt by creatures outside. She got along well with Orin after offering her an apple.
Vice versa, Matthew gets along well with Orin’s goats. Being very gentle, even to one’s that headbutt him.
Matthew already had a disconnect with the kingdom as they seemed more invested in his training than his well being. The knowledge of Orin’s imprisonment and how to free him made him distrust them more. As he didn’t know about the fire until the mage told him. Hence his resolve to want to stay with Orin in case the Mage or himself couldn’t find the incantation to free him.
Knowing the feeling of isolation from his early years in the kingdom and not wishing Orin to be alone again.
Also despite his large height, he loves being little spoon. Though he does t mind being big spoon either.
If he could, he would have a pet owl. He loves them a lot.
That’s all I have for Matthew atm. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for Lost Prince and the journey these two go on.
Next time, I’ll be doing Avery story.
So I hope you guys like this one and any question ask in the ask box! ^^
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questintheskies · 1 year
KAIRI Press Conference
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The press conference occurred hours before the eventual YouTube upload as it was never meant to be streamed live.
KAIRI began by her press conference by expressing gratitude for the acceptance of Stardom.
“I wanted to meet everyone. The number of wrestlers that I could face was limited, but I was able to talk to many of them, and I was struck by the fact that each wrestler was really facing pro wrestling.
I think that I'm the biggest fan of all the fighters. The best highlights for me are 2022, the end of the year, the white belt, the wonder. The next day, I was able to fight Mayu Iwatani for the IWGP Women's championship, and become the 1st champion. That moment was really dreamy, and it's been dreamy since I was struggling with Stardom back in the day.
Thinking that this belt might would be my last mission, I raised the value of this belt, and if I lost, I was prepared to announce my retirement on the spot. Unfortunately, contrary to my expectations, I was only able to defend once, but even so, I played the main role with Mayu, defended at the Tokyo Dome, and fought Mercedes Mone in the United States. It was a rich time, an irreplaceable moment.
Because I challenged myself with determination, I felt a sense of loss, and I couldn't quite organize my mind. At that time, I received offers from various domestic organizations, offers from overseas, and many countries. At one point, I had decided that I wanted to retire, but it made me happy to know that there are people like me somewhere in the world who want to see my matches.
I made a decision. I can't say it clearly, but in preparation for a new voyage, a voyage of determination, I would like to suspend my activities for wrestling matches indefinitely at the end of September 2023. Please be assured that this is a positive decision. 
Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to President Ogawa, who never abandoned me and raised me, even though I was told that I had no talent. I would like to express my gratitude to all the fans who have supported me.”
The remaining schedule for the time being…
9/2 Sendai Girls 9/8 All Japan Pro-Wrestling Osaka event Tokyo event
Q: What made you make this decision?
When I received several offers from overseas, I felt like the gods of professional wrestling told me to keep going. After that, I was talking to my husband because it's important, and retirement is important, but he said, "You can't do it yet, don't regret it."
I have received offers from people who have taken care of me. I have received offers from others than the ones that I have mentioned earlier. There are still matches to fight, and I would be happy if you could come and see them.
Q: When is the last match?
I think it's really going to be at the last minute towards the end of September. In the end, I'd be happy if I could get into the Stardom ring, but I'm not in the 5-Star GP, so I want to fight someone who grew up in Stardom.
Q: What about the overseas reports?
I can't say specifically, but if I'm going to do it, I want to have a career that no one has ever done before. I'm already 34 years old, so I don't think I can do it for many more years. I want to walk a path that no one thought of before.
Q: What do you have to say about Io Shirai's big win?
We have overcome difficult times together in both Japan and the United States, so it is truly amazing that Io-san has been crowned with the highest peak belt. When I was in the United States, I was unable to practice due to the coronavirus pandemic. I respect Io-san from the bottom of my heart.
Q: Did you consult with anyone other than your family?
Stardom was often a listening ear. Mr. Ogawa pushed for me to do what was best. I want to do my best in the end.
Q: With the remaining two months, losing the IWGP Girls was the big trigger, but how do you feel about trying for it again?
At the time of the tournament, I was enthusiastic about another chance, so when I couldn't achieve it, I felt conscious and that I was immature.
Q: I think there are a lot of lonely fans and wrestlers. Is there a dream card match?
I think there is.
Q: When do you have a chance to meet your fans?
I will be suspend at the end of September, but I will continue to update SNS and blogs.
Q: Can we meet you if we go to the gym?
Thanks to you, we had many local people visit us over the last year, and we were able to hire employees. There are parts where I leave it to them, but when I put the time in, there are quite a few times that we can meet.
Q: When can we see the next brave version of you?
I wish I could show you as soon as possible. I hope to train even more, and show my strong side.
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eddie-brii · 1 year
So guess who's back!! Sorry it's been a hot minute. I've been losing my mind with school. 😅. Thank you to @myshiptrashcan for the inspiration behind this one!
Stars and Colors.
Jason was twelve when his soulmate mark finally formed. He’d daydreamed about it. About how pretty she’d be, how they’d run away together... as far as he could from the hell he was growing up in.
He'd hoped it would have been Pearl. She was so sweet to him on the playground. Her bright red hair and freckles made her a prime target for bullies. When they were ten, she used to always cry at recess when Paul and his friends would take her stuff from her before scattering it. Jason finally worked up the courage to tell them to stop hurting her. He’d come home with bruises that day. He’d fought them off from her and gotten a talking to from the teacher. He couldn’t care less, not when Pearl gave him a kiss on the cheek for saving her. Ever since then they had spent every school day together, convinced that they’d be each other's soulmates with their storybook start.
But fate wasn’t so kind.
He’d been so excited until he saw where and what it was. The black mark on his left cheek in the shape of a fist gave little doubt to how his soulmate would first touch him. He’d looked for her, holding out hope that maybe he’d just ticked her off today, but Jason’s heart broke the moment he saw hers. It was on her hand, but looked as if someone was grasping it instead of matching his. The rest of the day he’d felt numb, he’d gone off by himself for the first time in two years at school. He wasn’t able to take the sad looks she kept giving him.
When he got home that day he remembered his pa yelling at him, drunk and angry, while his ma hid in the kitchen.
“Look! Your own Goddamn soulmate is going to beat the shit of ya! Fuckin’ worthless ass! Another reason you shouldn’t fuckin’ exist!”
He’d sat there and taken it. Glad there had been nothing thrown this time. After three hours his pa went upstairs to pass out, his ma finally coming to him. He looked up to her with glassy eyes, trying to fight back a sob. She sat down next to him, placing her hand on his back to rub small circles along his shoulders. She tried to think of what to say, her own soul mark was still dull and gray.
“Ma, what if my soulmate don’t want me? What if I hurt her? We ain’t goin’ be meetin’ good.” He’d been staring off at the wall. The hole in it felt like it was mocking him. Everything felt like it was mocking him. He didn’t want anything like what his parents had, didn’t want to fight like they had. He wanted to be a good husband, a good soulmate Goddamnit. The mark on his cheek made him feel trapped, like there was nothing he could do to keep from hurting. Would he be hurting her, like pa did ma? Would she have to defend herself? Would she be hurting him? Ma did say some women had tempers and weren’t afraid to beat men to bits. He kept playing possible scenarios in his head. His ma tried to knock the bad thoughts away. Seeing her son so lost made her heart break.
“Maybe they’ll just be restin’ their hand on your cheek funny?” It wasn’t working. He’d seen her sport a bruise in the same spot that was now on his face. “Jay, baby, it will be alright. You’ll see.”
He leaned into her for comfort as he felt tears beginning to spill from his eyes. He didn’t want to be hurt like this anymore, didn’t want to hurt his soulmate the way he’d been hurt. If that’s what they were destined for, he didn’t want it.
“I hope I never meet my soulmate.”
In Iraq
Salim breathed in as he took in his wedding garb. He would have looked dashing if it were not for the forlorn expression he wore. His hopes of finding his soulmate before twenty, before his parents began looking to arrange a wife for him were for naught.
He remembered when they first told him on his birthday. He’d sat in his bedroom, reading a favorite book when his parents came in. He’d hoped since they hadn’t brought it up during dinner that the conversation would be avoided for a while more.
Alas, he wasn’t so lucky.
It turned out they had already found him a wife, the courtship set to start in less than a week. He’d been quiet as they explained all of her good qualities, feeling his heart ache. It was already telling him she would not be his one. When they had met neither of their marks had become vibrant at each other’s touch. He knew it would be unlikely, but he had held out some hope. They had known from the first meeting, her wrist decorated with the palm of a hand where his was along his knuckles.
His bride to be was beautiful. Leila was everything that should make a man happy. She knew how to take care of a home and would make a good mother for their children.
He stared at his mark, tracing it with his fingers. The black spot was almost painful to look at now that he stood in his wedding garb.
He sighed again; he was concerned when it had first made its appearance. That concern turning to imagining what ways he’d be touching his soulmate to cause his mark to develop in such a way. Gently brushing her cheek, her hand or her side. He wanted to be sweet to her, warm and loving.
Now though, as he stared at his reflection, he finally admitted he needed to let go. He needed to be there for his new wife, even if they didn’t share that connection. A knock at the door broke him from his thoughts.
“Salim, are you ready? It’s almost time,” his father called. Salim did his best to smile and turned to the door.
“Time to stop daydreaming.”
They had spent many fond years together after that day. They may not have loved each other, but they had grown to at least care for one another. After Zain was born, they both turned their focus and love to him. That all changed when she went out to the market one day, not long after Zain’s fifteenth birthday. She never told him what happened, only came home with her mark now vibrant with colors swirling in beautiful patterns. She had tried to hide it, tried not to bring him pain, but he knew.
By evening, she and her belongings were gone. Salim held a confused and hurt Zain as they both fought back tears.
“They were alone now. He was alone now.”
In the US
Jason was tired, tired of the damn looks everyone gave him as soon as they saw his mark. Turns out people assumed the worst of him the moment he stepped into the room. People gave him a wide berth, few giving him a chance to prove them wrong. He’d turned to weed to numb himself from the rejection he felt. Slipping into a high made everything feel a little easier.
But then the war came. Jason saw an opportunity and jumped. If people already thought the worst as soon as they looked at him then maybe he could use that to his advantage. The recruiters were skeptical at first, but he out did all the other recruits and made sure his name was on the list for basic training.
A quiet voice in his head said he wasn’t doing this for the right reasons. That he wasn’t this person he was putting out into the world. Another chiming in that he was going to get himself killed. That this was not what he wanted out of life.
“Maybe not, but I haven’t got anything left to lose.”
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