#they ignored the danger postings? well hell man not my fault they fell down a gorge
bigautomaton · 2 months
Seeing as I kinda sort of hate writing, I made a playlist for Rainer's "backstory". I might elaborate on the selections at some point, but really all I got to say on it is everything would be from their point of view EXCEPT Oblivions. Oh and the playlist is chronological.
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wtnrscap · 3 years
It never stops
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: A lead in the ruins of Sokovia brings a face from the past back.
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Warnings: Set post-Endgame, swearing, a lil angst.
A/N: I have a bad feeling I’ve butchered your ask @badasseddy​ but I hope you still like it. Feel free to complain if you hate it. Currently writing a request a day, so I will get to everyone’s.
I cannot for the life of me remember who made this divider, so if it’s yours or you know who’s it is, please tell me so I can credit them.
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81 years had passed since Bucky had last gone dancing, and he felt as though his eardrums were going to burst. Adrenaline shot through his veins, the alcohol having no affects. Sam nodded his head with the beat and Bucky groaned. Is this really what music passed for nowadays?
It took several punches to the arm for Bucky to realize that Sam was trying to get his attention, and he whipped his head around so fast they almost knocked each other out. Sam yelled and smacked Bucky’s metal arm, before screaming in pain.
 ‘Serves his right for dragging me to this hell’, thought Bucky. He watched as Sam pulled out a photograph and waved it in front of his face, “We’re looking for this girl. She’s undercover. Locate her and contact me on coms.”
 Bucky yanked the photo out of the air and stared at, memorizing the girl’s face. He vaguely remembered her, but he didn’t know why. Her Y/H/C hair was tied in a lose ponytail, with striking Y/E/C eyes and a distinctive smile. Her arms were wrapped out Sam’s shoulder, while Steve’s arm rest on her shoulder. Bucky tried to ignore the youth of his friend and chose to focus on the fact that the girl was pretty. The natural kind of pretty that all the girls wanted but compensated with layers of makeup. Bucky tucked the photo into his jacket with slight reluctance. It was the type of photo where he would have cut the girl out and tucked it into his army uniform, reminding himself what he was fighting for.
 The pair separated, Sam heading towards the dancefloor and Bucky the bar. A beacon of escape, Bucky decided. Sam had said no drinking on the job, but fuck Sam, if he wanted to drink, then he would. Bucky was immune to the addictive buzz anyway.
 The bar was empty aside from a man in a suit at the end, but he seemed a little distracted, a girl on his lap, giggling at something that probably wasn’t very funny. The girls in this club knew how to make their living. Bottles were stacked almost floor high, dirty looking glasses and a few dripping taps. A girl stood at the end, scrubbing a smeared flute with a grubby cloth. Bucky tapped his fingers and she sauntered over, “What can I get ya, pal? Looking a bit lost there…”
 “Well, I don’t really fit in. You see a lot of faces here?”
 “As a bartender? More than I care to count. Need help with something?”
 Bucky pulled the photo out, folded out Sam and Steve, and slid it across the wet bar, “I’m looking for this girl. Have you seen her?”
 The girl lifted it up gingerly, letting it drip. As she analyzed it, Bucky gave himself a chance to look at her, weighing her up. Her hair was black with green highlights, ending on her shoulders. Her eyes were the same as the girl’s in the photo but the smile, it wasn’t the same. This wasn’t who they were looking for.
 The girl slid the photo back, “She’s pretty, but I’ve never seen her. I think I’d remember her if I did.”
Bucky tucked the photo back into his jacket. The girl straightened up, a crease forming across her brow, “Are you sure you don’t want anything? A dry martini?” the girl looked up at him almost expectantly, but Bucky shook his head, “I’m good. I’ll probably be here till closing time, so if you see her, pull me over.”
 “We can sink no lower…” mumbled Bucky, the toilet creaking dangerously below him. Sam hushed him quickly, “The girl is here. We have to stay ’till we find her.”
 “And that means hiding in the toilets?” snapped Bucky, meriting another hush from Sam. Bucky frowned, “Hey, this is your fault! This was your idea! She never turned up, we could have come back another day, but no, we’re here, hiding in this hell hole.”
 A thump from outside silenced him. Carefully, Sam left his cubicle, closely followed by Bucky, and propped open the door, enough for them to see and hear what was happening.
 “Club’s closed boys. You need to leave…” the voice of the bartender echoed around the room. Several guffaws responded, “We weren’t satisfied with our service.”
 “Not my problem. I run the bar, not the brothel.”
 “I don’t think Batroc will be very happy with that. He employs you, does he not?”
 “Yes…” the bartender’s voice trailed off nervously, “What are you going to do to me?”
 “Show you what we do to unwilling workers. Grab her and strap to the table… That one, in the corner…”
 Without hesitation, Bucky grabbed onto Sam’s arm, mouthing, “I can’t listen to this. We have to help her!”
 Sam’s hand flew over Bucky’s mouth, “We’re not here for her… Stay put!”
 Bucky pushed against Sam, trying to free himself from the Falcon’s grip, but Sam held him fast. A brief squabble broke out, Bucky and Sam fighting against each other, until Bucky used his metal hand to break free, rushing through the door to shocking sight.
 The bartender wiped her lip, staring down at three men, “Touch me again, and I will fucking kill you.”
 “Fuck…” thought Bucky, ��I should not be this turned on…’
 “Hey, pretty boy? Pretty boy? Pay attention to me!” the bartender’s voice snapped Bucky out of his daydream, “Meet me in the alley in 5 minutes. Bring Sam.”
 The dingy alley smelt of piss and sick, but the bartender seemed unperturbed, flinging her arms around Sam’s neck, “Oh, I’ve missed you Birdie!”
 “I’ve missed you too! We’ve been looking for you all night! Where have you been?”
 “At the bar! Your friend approached me, I thought he would recognize me, but no, and when I said the words, he didn’t reply with the code!” the bartender shot Bucky an angry glance. Bucky snapped, “What words? I wasn’t told of any words. And why would I recognize you? I’ve never met you in my life! This is so stupid!”
 The bartender huffed and pulled on her hair until it come off in her hand, revealing Y/H/C underneath. The black hair was a wig. Next, she pulled out the photo from Sam’s pocket and pulled up to her face and copied the smile. Bucky saw the resemble immediately, “It’s you…”
 “My name’s Agent Y/N L/N, I’m undercover here. You probably don’t remember me, we didn’t really meet, but I helped Steve and Sam disappear in 2016. I saw you from a distance, but you were kinda wiped out, no metal arm and longer hair. As for the words, I was told to offer you a dry martini, and you should’ve responded with ‘I don’t like my martini’s dry’.”
 “I hate martini’s altogether! And I gave you a photo of yourself!”
 “I’ve had 4 people give me a photo of myself today alone! The people after you are on your case!” Y/N’s chest heaved with anger and frustration, “Baltroc will be in the old Sokovian church tomorrow at midday. He’s made several attempts to take over the Sokovian people after the country fell with Ultron. We’ve tried to enlist the help of Wanda Maximoff, but we’ve had no response.”
 “She’s gone MIA… No one knows where she is…” responded Sam slowly, “If what you say is true, not that I am doubting you, then we need to get moving now. You are relieved of your duty. Where will you head?”
 “To New York. I’ll go to the compound.”
 “Well, I’m looking forward to seeing you there…” Sam pulled Y/N into a tight hug before turning to Bucky, “We leave in 10.”
 Bucky nodded his head and looked down at Y/N, “I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you.”
 “Not your fault. I’m sorry I lost my temper.”
 “Not your fault…” Bucky shifted awkwardly. Y/N smiled slightly, “Do you miss him?”
 Bucky’s eyes widened almost comically. He hadn’t expected that from her, the mention of Steve. He noticed the way her shoulders slumped at the question, her eyes losing their sparkle slightly. He wondered how the snap had affected her, and, for the first time, wondered what an Agent like her was doing here, in the burned ruins of Sokoiva. He tried to match her smile, “Everyday… It’s hard… I know that he is still alive, but the whole world believes him dead, and I don’t actually see him very often now, so sometimes, it’s like he’s dead to me too. It just never stops, this life. It’s fast and hard.”
 “I understand…” Y/N nodded her head, and Bucky spied a tear, and felt a pang in his heart, “Did… Did you love him?”
 “Oh God no!” gasped Y/N with a chuckle, “Me and Steve were more like siblings or best friends. He helped me and I helped him… I wasn’t snapped away, so spent the last 5 years with him. I trained with Natasha, and when Scott came back, Steve sent me away. To protect me, he said. I don’t doubt him, but I wonder, if I stayed, would’ve I been able to stop him from leaving?”
 “No. He had his mind set on it…”
 “Why’d you ask if I love him?”
 Bucky cheeks reddened, “Well, after I messed this up so bad, I wondered if once I got back to New York, you’d like to go for drinks… or not?”
 “Sargent Barnes, are you asking me on a date?”
 Bucky shivered at the use of the title, but tried to cover it, “Would you be opposed to the idea?”
 Bucky smiled at her as Sam yelled at him to hurry up. There was another moment of awkwardness before Bucky turned on his heel. Y/N stood still for few seconds before gasping, “Bucky! Wait!”
 It was Y/N’s turn to blush as she pecked a kiss on his cheek, “Be safe. Baltroc has a rep for maximum of casualties.”
 “I promise, doll…” Bucky smiled at took her hand in his, “Never thought the night would end like this. And now, I must really go.”
 Sam frowned as they stepped onto the Quinjet, “How do you do it, man? 5 minutes ago, you barely knew the girl, and now you’re going on a date with her?”
 “It’s called charm, Birdbrain, you should try it some time.”
 “I have charm! And a wingman.”
 “Redwing does not count.”
 Sam huffed and sat down in a seat, “He so does. Besides, when she realizes you have a cyber-brain, she’ll be gone.”
 “Nah, I’ll just charm her again.”
 “Not with that grouchy face. If the wind changes, your face will be stuck like that.”
“I hate you…” muttered Bucky. Sam burst out laughing, nudging Bucky’s shoulder, and the man let out a small snort, smiling gently. 
It might never stop, but Bucky couldn’t deny, when it did, it was nice. Steve was gone, but he had Sam and now, Y/N too. Yeah... All was good.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Peter Parker’s Younger Sibling
Peter Parker x sibling!reader
warnings: bullying mention, blood mention
a/n: a fuckin reach, its been a WHILE since ive seen tasm
prompt: y/n is peter’s sibling
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peter and you were playful kids
you were just a year and some months younger than him, so you had a harder time remembering your parents than him
but he always told you stories about them that made you miss them a little more
peter was a genius, we all know it
he was the one helping you with your homework most nights
“peter i cant do it!”
“that’s okay, y/n. look, start with two times four, that’s eight, then four times six, twenty-four, right?”
“can i say a cuss word?”
“math is shit”
you would cry during homework a lot
you’d also pass out on his floor after talking for hours
and you’d either wake up facedown on the floor or in your room since uncle ben would pick you up and put you to bed
peter took it upon himself to take you back to your room, but he usually dragged you by the arm, sooooo
you’d play action figures together
he was batman, you were robin always
“can i be batman?”
“oldest gets to be batman so im batman”
“but i wanna be batman!”
peter walked you to your school before taking off on his skateboard
and he’d pick you up on his way home
on half-days your brother taught you how to skate
you fell a lot
aunt may had to patch you up
“how many times do i have to tell you those skateboards are dangerous?!”
peter got you your own skateboard so that you could practice without him
you would text him after you did a trick and he’d always say hell yes! show me when i get home!
being his photography assistant
really you were his assistant constantly
science fair was the most boring day of the year
“y/n, stand right here, i need to get something from my locker”
*judges walk up while youre left unattended and in a state of PANIC*
you were bullied in middle school, same as peter, he’d always stick up for you and get beat up instead
it made you very mad but it was scary, too
“how’d you get into this fight, peter?”
“oh, you know, just happened”
“peter was sticking up for me, uncle ben”
“was he now? you’re a good brother, peter”
lonely when he moved onto high school :/
but you got there soon enough
you guys were kind of loners, just ate lunch together, lugged around your skateboards, you were an artist, he was a photographer
just spectating the chaos of high school, rolling your eyes at the drama
“i have two bucks, do you want anything from the vending machine?”
“uhh, a coke?”
you saw peter get bullied by flash and lost your shitttt
you actually started a food fight after throwing mashed potatoes in his eyes
“what the hell, parker?!”
“sit down and eat your goddamn food, flash, or next time it wont be potatoes”
peter was half-proud, half-embarrassed
trying to see how long you could skate through the halls before any authority figures stopped you
sometimes......you guys got sent to the office together :)
*phone ringing* “hello, is this ben parker?”
“which one of them is it this time?”
the principal’s office was a trip sometimes
you and peter exchange your glances and wait to get scolded
“ah, the parkers, come in, lets have a chat...why do you two always feel the need to get in trouble together?”
“we just happen to get along really well for siblings”
no you fuckin dont lmaoooo
it was always something with you two
like always
*banging on peter’s door* “I KNOW YOU HAVE MY BROWNIES, PETER, GIVE THEM BACK”
*peter through a mouthful of brownies* “I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT, YOURE CRAZY”
“is that my jacket?” -peter
“you mean my jacket?”
“y/n, i swear to god if you steal any more of my clothes it’s over for you”
“well, aunt may keeps giving me your clothes, so take it up with her”
and then there was just the little annoying things
“peter, can you stop clicking your pen?”
*clicks pen faster*
“you’re the worst”
and my personal favorite
“peter, open the door”
*opens bedroom door* “what?”
“aunt may is making meatloaf”
“shit, uh...get your board, we’ll skate to mcdonalds and tell her we already ate”
peter and you RARELY ever brought your parents up until he found your dad’s briefcase, you didn’t have much to say
soon he was flooding his room with conspiracies and pulling you in to explain them
he began acting REALLY weird, but he was pretty open with you, he told you he went to oscorp
“your standards for me are way too high, y/n”
soon you started to feel not-so-good and weird things started to happen
“yeah? whats up?”
“this is gonna sound really weird...my hand is stuck to the door”
“it happened to you, too??”
“happening, pete. wait—this happened to you?? what is this???????”
yall done fucked up and got bit by spiders peter had so carelessly brought back into the house
it was an adjustment to say the least
and this adjustment got a whole lot harder that one night...you can remember peter just...so upset
you tried to chase him out to make sure he was okay, but uncle ben told you to stay with your aunt
maybe if you’d have been there...it would’ve been different, but when the cops got to your house you were at a loss for words
peter was covered in his blood still
“hey, hey, just breathe, okay? it’s not your fault, peter. just hop in the shower, yeah? i’ll take care of your clothes”
when peter took your advice and you were left alone, you just cried, you cried until he finally found you curled up in a ball in your room
then he cried, you just hugged each other sobbing your eyes out
peter got distant for a while, which was rough since the two of your were mourning for your uncle and dealing with these newfound powers
sooner or later he came around and helped you out, designing webshooters and a suit for you
“we match?”
*sigh* “yeah...yeah, we match”
ah yes, spider-team
you really tripped out new york at first, they thought spider-man was a teleporter
peter was still talking about your dad, but you really didn’t care, uncle ben was always going to be who raised you
you and peter would be covered in bruises after going out
“uh—peter punched me”
just being dumb scared teens that cant function to save their lives until they get a little bit lucky
seriously like, every big villain you guys fought was just the worst
peter didn’t help all the time, he was good at provoking them sometimes
“hey, spider-man, you mind shutting up for a minute? for my sake?”
“sorry, sorry, just couldn’t help myself!”
he gushed to you about gwen stacy, he actually dragged you to her apartment to be patched up by her SEVERAL TIMES
yadda yadda yadda peter graduated high school! how cool is that? but he was late (what a surprise) even though you put off spidering today just for this
but he made it and you clapped the loudest for him
“thats my brotherrrr!!!”
cute family picture! (aunt may printed a bunch of them and gave them to you two and peter pinned them to his wall)
you and peter actually have a lot of pictures of the two of you just goofing off
he has one of you stuck in a trash can that cracks him up every time
seeing harry osborn again after YEARS
“wow, y/n, last time i saw you i just thought you were peter’s annoying little sibling”
“aww, it’s good to see you, too”
this guy really worried you bc like, bzzzz shock
you and peter weren’t equipped for that
it took a while, but you were finally able to deal with that
and several other problems
including peter’s breakup, which was a whole ordeal of its own
*peter laying upside down on your bed* “i dont know, y/n, you know? i wanna be with her so bad, i love her...but her dad is haunting me”
*you, drawing on your notepad with your legs propped up on his* “yeah, makes sense”
you actually had to tap out during the end of electro, you were hurt pretty bad
“y/n, hey? yeah, you’re okay. stay here, just stay right there, i’m gonna be back for you”
*thumbs up to show youre still alive*
but when peter came back for you there was bad news, he’d lost gwen
he ripped his mask off and fell to his knees, you could barely move but you powered through it, giving him a hug while he cried
“we...we better get home before aunt may starts to worry”
she was at work, so you two had the place to yourselves to clean up and mourn before the official news was revealed
“i should have listened to her dad, y/n, this is all my fault”
he was a mess, you couldn’t bare seeing him like this. it’s been so long since you’d seen him like this
the funeral was rough, peter was grasping onto your shoulder the whole time
he insisted that he was going to stick behind and stay with gwen for a while
“okay, i’ll see you at home...love you”
“love you too”
you gave him a hug and left him to his business, the next few months you were the only spider-person operating in new york...until rhino popped up
“im coming with you”
“you’re sure?”
“yeah, im sure”
(these are kinda ass but anyways im tagging my marvel ppl even tho ik this isnt mcu so just ignore this post if you dont care, sorry!!)
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @allthecreativeonesaretaken // @frostedgiant // @praellee // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs //
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Not Alone
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Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Post-Infinity War Warnings: Mentions of Deaths, Language, Age-Gap Summary: After the snap, you lost everyone you’ve ever known. Even when half the universe was gone, people still did their normal things. Just not the same way they feel before it happened. And you seemed to meet someone at the bar who was coping with them self.
A/N: I won’t make this a sad one. You know, it’ll be sweet and nice. Be there for others even though they are left alone. They know they don’t want to be.
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It was late to your surprise. Being in a 24-hour bar was a job you could be at for three years. It was this or painting things that appear in your head for your imaginations to come to life. Your mother was an artist, she painted for over 50 years of her time and she never failed a single thing in life. She never failed to take care of you.
Everything now seemed... quiet.
The bar was much quieter than it was before. But it did crowd. No one in the building spoke to each other due to the lack of words and overwhelming-nous. Everyone lost a lot of people. You weren’t sure what had happened. Almost everyone you spoke to said about people vanishing into thin air.
Or fell down in ashes.
Your roommate was the only person who you had when you started working at a bar. A while ago, you just graduated college. A day after the disaster. The ceremony was canceled because of it. A friend said only 15 students arrived. Some still had their parents, or missing one. Or both.
Before this, you already lost your mom. 
You tried not to think too much about what would happened to the rest of the people. No one had done anything about it. No one hasn’t even heard from the Avengers. Tony Stark had returned from outer space. No one was sure who was gone in the team. 
You currently weren’t thinking about the Avengers next decisions into saving the world. You feel like they done that.
Or tried to.
Cleaning the table, you found the tip on the edge of the table. You took it and slipped it into your front pocket. Taking your tray back to the counter, a guy eyes you up and down as you walked by. “Isn’t it late for you to take a shift like this?” He asked, trying to sound seductive. It wasn’t getting to you. 
You couldn’t ignore the man and turned, “Actually, no. I don’t have a bedtime set. And with half our workers are gone so you just drink the last bit of your drink and go back to talking yourself.” You turn around to almost run into a hard chest.
The alcohol smell filled your nostrils and you almost coughed, the man smirked, “When do you get off shift?” His friend asks, you turn around to go down another path before the man takes your arm. Not a grip to warn you, you dealt with worse. You could practically read his thoughts.
“Have fun a little.”
“If you wanna have fun,” Someone spoke, the two men look over to the corner, the dark corner where a man sat, his hand on the table was noticeable. He lifts it up an inch, “You can join me outside. Or you can leave the young woman alone.” The man nods at the other and turns away. He lets go of your arm and you finally walked around the drunk and headed into the back to put the glass away. 
You leaned over the counter and let out a sigh. Turning to look out the pass-through to see the man who spoke up to those guys sit in the corner with his half-filled glass of whiskey. You hadn’t seen him come in. You could barely make out his features but you knew he had large hands.
By the looks of him, you knew this man was deadly in some way. No wonder he threaten to take the problem outside. You knew he didn’t have any ideas to do anything with you. Not many men stood up to you. It was either one of your co-workers or your friend. 
It was much harder to not have any of them around. 
You saw his head turn toward your way, causing you to immediately leave his view. You held in a breath as you did and released it when you went further into the back. The thought of you not thanking him when you left made you feel horrible.
Your mother always told you to say, ‘thank you’ or greet everyone you see. Your shift was ending pretty soon so you couldn’t just have him think of you like this for the rest of your life. You look over without him noticing, knowing what he had in his glass, you saw people leave the bar and only a couple people were left in the bar.
Everyone was preoccupied with their own drinks and you made your way with another glass. You deliberately made your way over to the man and his head lifts up. “Hi.”
“Hi,” The man replies. You felt your throat tighten and you cleared your throat, “I wanted to thank you for... standing up to those guys. I... I appreciate it.” The man lifts up his hand to you and shook his head. “It’s nothing. There’s not a lot of people who stand up to those,” He says.
You shyly, hold out the glass bottle of what he had in his cup. “To thank you, can I offer you another glass?” You asked, the man lets out a soft chuckle and gestures towards you. “Well, I’d drink that without a problem. But I’d like it better if you sat down and have one yourself.” You tensed on the spot and softly grinned. 
“If you stay for a couple more minutes, I get off pretty soon.”
The man nods, “I’ll be here.” You couldn’t help but leave the whiskey in front of him and made your way back to the counter and finish up your shift. Your co-worker cleaned the tables and ripped their apron off, giving you a goodbye and left without another word. 
You were wiping down the counter with the stools, seeing the man across the room staring at you. You lowered your eyes and continued to clean, hearing the grinding sound of a chair. You never turned to the sound if the man was gonna leave.
Then you heard a stool get pulled out behind you. With a swift turn, you stop to see someone you’d never see during this time. America’s First Avenger. The man gentle grins, “You were expecting a better-looking guy?” He asked, you nervously chuckled and pulled out a glass. “You’re quite a good-looking guy. I mean... You’re handsome.” Steve lowers his head with a small smile.
Pulling his whiskey up to his lips, “Heard that before. Try something new,” He says, slightly testing you with a grin. You swallowed heavily, “Well, I don’t know you well enough to say more.” He grins once again and holds out his hand towards you.
“I’m sure you already know who I am. But I sure as hell don’t know you.” You shyly reach over and shook his large hand, you can feel how rough they are from all the fighting and who knows what other dangerous things he’s done. “I’m Y/N. Your waitress at Brooklyn’s Bar.”
Steve grins at you with adoration before he pulls his hand out and takes his glass in hand. “You’re closing in soon?” He asked. You peer up at him as you poured yourself a glass of alcohol yourself. You sighed, “Yeah. Nothing new to me. Everything has been more quieter than usual.”
Steve nods slowly and pours himself more after you placed the liquor on the counter. You couldn’t help but see the cold look on his face. It was easy for you to read someone who had a past. Someone you read from comic books and your own history class a few years back. But he was hard to understand. 
“Did you have anyone? Before?” He asks. The question made you slowly pull your drink away from your lips. His seem to pierce into each other into a small frown. You cleared your throat, “I had a couple friends, yes.”
You let out a soft sigh, “My dad died in an accident. My mom? Illness. After that I’ve never spoken to any other of my families. So I’m unsure about them.” Steve lowered his head and shook his head softly, “I’m sorry.” 
You shook your head, “It’s not your fault.”
Later on that night, you got to hear about what happened during the Battle of Wakanda. The Titan got to all six stones and removed half the universe. To you as a non-hero, you couldn’t fully understand the situation. Steve told you how they found the Titan off Earth and there was nothing they could do.
So there was no way to bring back your friends or anyone else. 
The Avengers were doing their best to find a way to keep the world together and bring it back together. You could tell Steve was so unsure what the next plan was. He looked way different, his hair was combed back and his jawline was more masculine than before. You could see his jaw tense every time as he watched you.
The next hour, you began to clean up the back and turn off the lights. You never saw Steve when you did so you headed out the doors and saw the streetlights. “All locked up?” You hear someone say, Steve stood out on the sidewalk with his jacket resting on his forearm as he grins at you. You softly chuckled, “I thought you were heading out?”
Steve looks out to the streets and nods, “I was.” His eyes look back down at you, “But I figured I didn’t want you to be alone.” With a small smile, you accepted his offer and he walked you back to your complex. You two spoke on the way there, talking about what you did in college.
He was interested in your art and the amount of story writing. He was amazed to hear you think about making a comic. After half an hour, he led you up to your room and you stopped just at your door.
You found your keys and turned to face him, “I... Thank you for walking me back,” You say. Steve nods once and gestures his hand up, “Like I said it’s nothing.”
You lowered your head and fiddled with your keys, Steve couldn’t help but speak once again. “I do this support group for those who are struggling this event. And if you’re free, you’re welcome to stop by and talk about things. We’re all confidential there.” With a nod, you peer up at him. “I will look into that.”
Steve nods and holds out his hand to you, “It was nice talking to you. I hope we’ll find each other again.” You take his hand once again and nodded back. “Same here. I’ll see you around.”
And with that, you let Steve go and you stepped into your apartment without another word. 
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trassellynn · 4 years
hi i didn’t want to overwhelm you or anything, but i’m kind of late to the soc prompts so i have no idea if ur still doing this. ur kanej is so good so i just wanted to ask if you could do a sick kaz or inej and the other taking care of them without trying to touch the other. thanks!
Here I am, sorry I made you wait! I am so happy you like my Kanej fics, I realized they're the couple I feel more confident to write about, maybe because I am part of the Ace Spectrum, I am not a very "physical" person and I am a clown like Kaz when I have a crush. Thank you for the prompt and the nice words! I am so inspired I decided to write this fic in two parts, because I have other scenes in my mind.  Tomorrow I'll post part 2! Hope you'll like it! 
THE FEVERISH CROW  Inej felt her heart jumping into her throat, when she saw Matthias carrying a unconscious Kaz into the small apartment the leader of the Dregs lived in, near to the Slat. She was cleaning the blades of her knives, in that moment, sitting on a small armchair. She immediately let the knife fall to the floor, standing up and running to them. “What has happened?” she cried, looking for bloodstains on the perfectly ironed white shirt. “He isn't hurt,” the Fjerdan reassured, as Jesper entered the flat, following him. “But he has a fever.” “He didn't feel well this morning,” Jesper added. “I told him to rest, but he didn't listen and spent the whole day working.” “Let's take him to his room” the girl said, trying to ignore the burning grip that tormented her stomach. Saints, who could imagine she would have seen Kaz Brekker, Dirtyhands, the Bastard of the Barrel, the King of Ketterdam Criminality, in those conditions, with his skin burning, his face wet with sweat, his body shivering. He looked so small and harmless, in Matthias' huge arms. Once they reached the bedroom, Jesper immediately prepared the bed, so the Fjerdan could lay the sick boy on the mattress. He removed his shoes and replaced the grey, elegant socks with a pair Inej handed him. She felt quite uncomfortable, when they had to remove his shirt and pants, knowing they would have inevitably risked to touch him and he wouldn't have liked it, even though he was unconscious. But it would have been worse letting him in sweaty clothes. Carefully, they managed this last task and they covered him with soft, warm blankets. “I'll take you a basin and some handkerchiefs” Matthias said then, rapidly walking out of the room. Inej sat on the bed, sighing, looking at her mate with sad eyes. She couldn't bear to see him like that. Jesper sat next to her and let her resting her head against his chest, holding her close. “Everything will be alright” he murmured. The situation looked bad. It was almost three in the morning and not only Kaz was still shivering and panting, he had also started to wail and talk. Inej tried to hold her tears, staunching his forehead and face with a fresh, wet handkerchief. She was alone with him, in the room. All the squad had come to the flat to help her taking care of the sick boy, but, one by one, she persuaded them to go to sleep, since they all looked terribly tired. Jesper was the last one to leave, about an hour before. Yes, she had a long day too, but she knew she wouldn't have been able to close her eyes. She didn't even feel the necessity to rest. “Kaz,” she whispered. “I'm here. Don't worry, I'm here.” The boy whined, clenching his teeth and shaking his head against the pillow. “No... no, Jordie... don't leave me... please... I am alone... I am alone...” Inej let a painful sigh out. His body was burning from the inside, trapping him into Hell. A Hell where he was forced to live the worst moments of his life again and again. She looked at the little box Kuwei left on the bedside table, next to a glass and a bottle of water. There were some pills, inside, pills that would have made the fever vanish, but they were quite large and he needed to be awake to take them. Meanwhile, she had to keep on sponging his skin with the handkerchiefs and, at the same time, make sure the blankets were keeping him warm. That meant... she constantly risked to touch him on his bare skin. She gently placed a handkerchief on his forehead and, cautiously, she bared one of his arms, rolling up the sleeve. “No... no, please...” he murmured again. “Jes...” “Ssshhh... Kaz, it's okay,” she said, sponging his wrist. “Jes, I'm sorry...” Inej stopped for a while, looking at the young man with a surprised expression. “I'm sorry, Jes...” he continued. “I know... it's not your fault, I know...” She bit her own lower lip, proceeding to sponging his other wrist. Suddenly, Kaz winced and started to fidget. The handkerchief on his head fell on the pillow. “I shouldn't have taken you there!” he screamed, his eyes open but fixed. “They saw you, they found you! I exposed you! There's blood on the streets!” “Kaz!” she exclaimed, grabbing him by his shoulders, protected by the fabric of the shirt. “Kaz, please...” “Matthias, you shouldn't have come with me!” He was strong. Too strong. Inej struggled to put him down, but it was like pushing a huge wall, made of ice and stone. “Kaz... Matthias is fine now... please, calm down!” In the exact moment she felt her grip weakening, Kaz fell backwards, trembling, his chest raising and falling with an irregular rythm. Inej stretched her hand forward, but she realized she was trembling too. She covered him with the blankets again, then, she took a few moments to chill. His personal Hell had shown him the horrible discussion with Jesper and then Matthias, a step from his death, bleeding from the bullet wound on his stomach. She couldn't imagine what other tortures it was preparing for him. The pills into the little box suddenly became a huge temptation to her. They would have free him from the fever and the delirious torments in a few minutes... She shook her head. No, she couldn't risk, the easiest way was also the most dangerous. She took a deep breath, bringing the handkerchief that laid on his pillow, she soaked it again into the basin and, after wringing it out, she started sponging his forehead again. Suddenly, his hand caught her forearm, making her wince. Luckily, she was wearing long sleeves. “Kaz?” she murmured. His grip was quite soft, she could get free easily. He had scared her, at first, but she soon realized he wasn't trying to hold her, out of panic... he just seemed to look for a safe anchor. And then... he whispered her name. “Inej...” His voice was calm, almost warm. “Inej... I want... I want to...” “What?” she sweetly murmured. “Tell me, Kaz.” The boy frowned a bit, his eyes closed. There was still a shadow of sufferings on his face, but it seemed his personal Hell was giving him some rest. “I want... to ask you... to stay... but... no... not forever... I know you need to sail again... please, stay... just for tonight...” Inej sighed, a tender smile on her face. She approached his cheek with her free hand, she went close, but she didn't let their skins touch. She moved her hand back and forth, leaving an imaginary caress on the right side of his face. “I'm here, Kaz” she whispered then. “I will stay with you, tonight.” She thought he couldn't  hear her... and yet, she felt warmed from the little smile that appeared on his lips. “Thank you.” - END OF PART 1 - (For Part 2 look at my Reblog)
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
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Summary:  “Am I in Hell?” Agatha’s voice was hoarse, a hint of fear in her tone. “That depends on your definition,” Dracula answered. “Perhaps.” His fingers felt cool against her burning skin, the fever raging through her body. “If you’re going to kill me, then do it,” she mumbled. The count chuckled, gazing into her eyes. “On the contrary,” he smirked. “I’m going to save you.”
((In which Dracula cares for a gravely ill Agatha))
Characters: Agatha Van Helsing/Dracula
Rating: M
Read on FFN and AO3
A/N: Thank you all so much for your support! It means the world! Quick shout out to @rheabalaur! She is incredibly knowledgeable about the history of Dracula and Vlad Tepes and though I ended up not exploring human!Drac in this chapter, I wanted to thank her! She’s got some neat posts on the history and I learned a lot! Anywho, feedback is greatly loved and appreciated! Here is the next chapter! 
                                    Chapter Ten (Part Two)
Psychosomatic heart palpitations. The only diagnoses one can give to someone whose heart has stopped so long ago. Settled deep behind his rib cage, Count Dracula could almost swear he felt the dead organ pound against his ancient bones. Its rapid beating battering against his ear drums. Agatha Van Helsing was gone. Vanished without a trace except for a final message scribbled hastily on a scrap of paper. And it was all his fault.
"Fuck, Agatha!" He cursed, feeling the draft from the air outside. She'd neglected to close the doors properly, though that was beside the point. The cold temperature didn't bother him. No, he was immune. But she wasn't. "Dammit!"
Transformation. On foot. But there was the issue of his missing boots. The vampire's mind reeled a million miles a second. Usually he was so good thinking on his feet. Decisions coming easily to his mind. Yet there he was, standing hopelessly like a fool, trying to devise a plan. A way to find her. Agatha. His Agatha. In all of his centuries of life, never had he made such a fatal mistake.
He stared down at the corpse of the young man whose lifeless brown eyes gazed back at him. His skin was so pale, almost lily white after being completely drained of blood. Dracula let out a grunt, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Sloppy. Careless. His new existence as a vampire had yet to come easy to him. Despite being a learned man, he was well on his way of opening Pandora's box if he wasn't careful.
"Oh don't look so stoic." The vampire exhaled, glancing up to the dark sky. "You were far from valuable to begin with. Now what to do with you…"
Thunder rumbled overhead and small raindrops began to fall from above. Dracula frowned and glanced towards the direction of his castle. Experimentation. Understanding what he was didn't just fall on his shoulders. No. There was something interesting he witnessed with each new kill. From cradle to grave and from grave to coffin. Dying from one life into the next. A small smirk crossed his features as lightning crackled from above.
"Perhaps you will prove more use to me after all." He stated, lifting the body with ease. "So we shall see…"
By some stroke of sheer luck, Dracula managed to come across a pair of old boots tucked away in an old closet. Dusty, they gave off an unpleasant smell that even he found rather foul. But his own comfort was far from his concern. Slipping them forcefully on, he hurried out through the front doors and into the winter elements. Going bravely forth into the bitter snowstorm that had begun to stir from its sleep again.
His pace was brisk, each long stride with purpose as he walked away from the castle. Much to his misfortune, the fresh snow had completely covered the ground, burying with it any sign of Agatha's tracks. Not even transforming into a wolf would help at this stage. No. He couldn't sense her and that alone terrified him. If she was...no, no he couldn't think like that. So he pressed on, faster now.
Lovech Province, Bulgaria. At least, that's what he had learned from her blood. A pretty little thing, traveling alone to meet relatives in a nearby village. She'd been an easy target and quite an interesting one at that. Someone he had deemed worthy enough to keep.
"Please!" Dracula heard her wail from her box. "Please let me go! I'm so thirsty!"
"No." The vampire replied simply, so casually as if he was merely telling her the time of day. "No, I think it's best you stay put for now. Don't worry, I'll take good care of you. I always do with my brides."
Brides. He scoffed at his own term. It had been something he had come up with after holding captive several of his victims. Dracula needed to, after all, have some sort of name for them. In a sense, it seemed fitting. They were his after all. Property. Like cattle. Valuable, unusual stock that any bidder would desire and yet not know the horrors they were getting into.
"Let me go!" The woman pleaded. "Please, I promise I won't tell anyone! Just free me!"
"I shall return later." Dracula sighed as he ignored her screams of protest. "Perhaps with something to eat if I feel willing." He paused before looking over his shoulder. "And do try to keep the wailing to a minimum. I hate how it echoes throughout the halls."
Brides. Cattle. He grinned to himself as he exited the cellar. Disposable indeed.
He mentally cursed the howling wind that drowned out his voice each time he called out for her. Of all the times for her to disappear, of course it had to be in the middle of a blizzard. On many occasions she had threatened to leave, but the vampire had never thought she'd go through with it. If he had, if he had half the mind to, maybe he could've prevented this. All of this. If he had just been honest. Maybe she'd still be safe. Warm. Tucked away with him in the castle. But she wasn't and he was to blame.
He hadn't quite expected his time with Jonathan Harker to turn the way that it had. It wasn't often that Dracula was left to deal with a slip up-if one would even call it that-but he found himself in a quite peculiar situation. An instance that led him to the steps of St. Mary's Convent in Budapest, Hungary. To her.
Agatha Van Helsing was a creature he'd never seen before. Such wit. Such spirit. She did not fear him like the others. She tested him like a fishman precariously dangling bait off the side of a boat where a shark was spotted. And that very moment when those few drops of her blood met his tongue it was a euphoria he couldn't explain. Seeing glimpses of her past. Of her history. Of who she was and of him. Of the infamous Abraham Van Helsing who had proven for a while to be a thorn in his side. Her grandfather. The product of a vampire slayer. And Dracula wanted...no, needed more.
The next course of action ended grizzly, not that he was quite surprised. But it wasn't until he came upon Agatha and that innocent, weakling Mina that his desire for the nun became curious. In any given dangerous situation, one must choose fight or flight. To defend yourself against your enemy and possibly die, or to out run them in the hopes of living. Agatha did neither. Instead, she offered herself in place of Mina. Seemingly cared nothing for her own life but only that of the woman's.
And so against what he thought at the time was his better judgement, he freed them both. Unknowing that soon enough fate would have them meet again under even stranger circumstances. How delectable and useful just a small amount of blood could be.
He couldn't smell her. No matter how far he walked, he still had yet to pick up any of her scent. That gave him some hope that maybe she hadn't injured herself. That perhaps she had found someone by some chance who had given her a ride somewhere. Unlikely as it was, it gave him a false sense of peace.
But due to the hindrance of his tracking abilities, a part of the Count began to wonder if Agatha's former Convent's beloved God was punishing him. That perhaps his version of Hell was not having her. Losing her. And who was he to deny that truth? Hell had frozen over and with it the former nun's mysterious disappearance. Dammit, Agatha, where could she have gone?
Dracula found himself staring at her for hours when he had first brought her to his castle. Watched as her chest rose and fell with each unstable breath. How her creamy skin was blotched by the red of the fever. At any point he could've killed her. Any second. With how ill she was, she wouldn't even see it coming. But she didn't. Instead, he observed. Quiet as his unaware guest rested.
When she did wake, truly became aware of her surroundings, it was a fond memory. How furious she was. How spiteful. After everything he'd done, Agatha showed no sign of gratitude and quite frankly, the vampire took no offense to that. She was merely an experiment after all. Someone he desired to learn more about. Except, he never expected it to go as far as it did.
Dracula's arms shielded him out of pure reflex as a tree fell just a yard away, spraying him with the wet snow that had clung to its branches. He wiped the substance away, his skin cool enough that it didn't immediately melt on impact. The way it clung to his clothes like some form of unwanted camouflage. For the first time in a long, long while, he was starting to despise the stuff.
"Agatha!" He tried again, this time louder. "Agatha, answer me! Where are you?!"
But only the storm returned his calling.
Emotions. Perhaps that's why he found it confusing at first. These feelings that no cold blooded person should experience. But the first real flicker struck him the moment he saw her wearing the dress he'd gotten her to replace that dreadful habit of hers.
Dracula thought of them. The hundreds-thousands of women he'd seen throughout his lifetime. Many whose beauty was beyond compare. But Agatha was different. Something about her, the way she stood there before him. There was so much he wanted to say. And at the same time, he wasn't sure what.
"Well," she said testily. "If it looks bad on me, you might as well-"
"No," he interjected. "No. You look...lovely."
Lovely. Out of everything he could've said, those were the words to spill past his lips. She blushed, but it wasn't the same color as her fever. No, this was different. So it truly began. The start of something he had very much yet to comprehend.
It was growing darker outside and Dracula knew it wasn't just because of the storm. He began to pick up his pace, fear beginning to rise even further than before. How long had he been asleep? A few hours at most? Could she really have gotten this far?
That's when he smelled it. The very faint, but familiar scent of blood. An aroma he was so familiar with that his stomach dropped at the realization. Agatha. It was Agatha. And the sweetness he associated with it only made him want to gag. His worries had been confirmed. Something had happened to his nun.
Maybe it was when they lost control over dinner and ended up having sex so rough, the aftermath of their heated lovemaking shouted to the heavens the next day. Or when she got so furious with him once, she broke her hand against his face. But perhaps the moment it really dawned on him that his feelings for Agatha Van Helsing were far from just a whim of passion was that night he truly tasted her.
The way she trembled against his touch. How he had to hold her as he ran his tongue across the inner thigh and to her very center. Sweet, like her blood, and he savored her like a fine wine. It hadn't been rough. Fueled by aggression. No, the way she melted into him was something far different. And when he was finally inside of her, that same sense of euphoria that he'd experienced those several, several months ago struck him. And he lost it. Completely gave way and pierced his teeth into Agatha's sensitive flesh. Blessed with her indulgence once more. That was his first mistake.
The smell of fresh blood was stronger now and Dracula followed it like a bloodhound. Though he knew he had to be drawing closer, how potent it was becoming only left his stomach twisting into knots. This wasn't a mere scratch. Not with how intense the smell was. There was a significant amount and the vampire dreaded what that could mean. What the outcome he was about to face was. How he wished Agatha had just gone ahead and staked him.
Cruel. That was the proper description for his next actions. Never mind triggering Agatha with old memories of Abraham-a man he knew well enough while, not evil, lacked any sort of endearment towards his granddaughter. He only furthered his stupidity when he abandoned her afterwards, leaving what should've been a good moment with a negative, abrupt ending.
In an almost sadistic, poetic way, the stake to his heart had been the final straw that broke the camel's back. The moment where Agatha's walls completely crumbled to the ground. Where she had, in her actions, admitted her true feelings when he had not. Metaphorically piercing her own heart when she should've done his. And he smiled. Grinned and waved away her affections. If only he realized the cost. The consequences. Those few words scrawled upon a strip of parchment.
Something caused him to stop in his tracks. Not the giant branch that blocked his path, but the feeling that there was something else. And so he hesitantly gazed over the edge, over a set of ragged rocks that dropped down several yards to the bottom. That's when he saw her. A figure lying motionless below wet by something other than snow. Dark. Even from where he stood, his excellent vision could make it out. Blood. Agatha.
Dracula leaped with such grace it made the long drop seem like a mere step. He hurried over to her side. Blood. There was so much blood. It stained the rock around her, caked locks of her hair together. And for a brief moment, for a fraction of a second, the vampire thought he was too late. It was only when he heard her pulse, the weak thrumming of her heart, that he knew she was alive. Barely. But still with him. As he exhaled in relief, her eyes opened.
Quickly he knelt beside her, the smell of her blood burning his nostrils. Thirst. Hunger. But he fought it. Battle the feral urge to feast within him. Dracula's hands were warm, sticky and red as he cradled her head ever so gently. She stared back at him unfocused.
The Count wanted to berate her. Scream at her for being so boneheaded. But not because he was furious with her. No, she had terrified him. So many questions. So much to say. Yet he couldn't. There wasn't any time to do so. He was losing her. Right there in his arms, the only person he'd truly ever cared about was withering away. He couldn't let that happen.
"You're dying." And the words held far more emotion than he'd ever had anticipated. "Agatha..."
"I know," she croaked.
The way she said it. Her tone. She wasn't afraid. Far worse. It was as if she was more than willing to accept this horrid fate. This end where one no longer exists. And he had planted the seed that made her okay with that.
"I can save you." There was a tremor in his voice. "This doesn't have to be the end. Let me..." He swallowed, damn how he hated to sound vulnerable. "Let me..."
There was a moment of pause as Agatha struggled to catch a breath. It ached deep within him to hear the pain as she did so. She was so strong. Even in death, she fought with bravery. What a soldier she would've made. What a companion in his human lifetime she would've been.
"Tell me..." Blood bubbled up in the corner of her mouth as she struggled to remain conscious. "Tell me..."
"Agatha!" He spoke to her loudly, trying desperately to keep her awake. "Tell you what?" But the Count already knew what she meant. "Tell you what?!"
"Just..." She was fading now. Fading so fast. "Tell me..."
Tell her. He looked deep within her blue eyes as the light began to fade in them. Tried to hold her stare so she knew he really meant it. Weeks. Months. It was so long overdue and this was far from how he wanted to ever admit it. Open up to her like she had him. But now he needed to. So he swallowed, swallowed so thick as if his very life was caught in his throat.
"I love you." A statement so foreign, and yet, felt so right. Something wet brushed against his cheek. A tear. Was he crying? "I love you, Agatha Van Helsing."
A weight lifted off his shoulders. The entire universe relieving him of the pressure he'd felt for so long. He gazed down at her so longingly it was as if everything had stopped around them. Waited for her final words. Praying she'd give into his demands.
Agatha smiled weakly and closed her eyes at his confession. "Okay," his lover murmured. "Okay…"
And Dracula's fangs plunged into her throat.
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ratmonky · 5 years
Smooth Criminal
Hee hee~
One special fic for one very special person! <3
@a-nonnie-mousse​ wrote this at 3 AM and the horny bitch I am, I wanted to write something out of it!!
Here’s a link to her artwork of the same post!
2.5K Words
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It’s been an entire week since Illuso had left Naples for a mission. The mission itself wasn’t difficult but he’d been looking forward to having a day off before Risotto handed him another file of a man he had to take care of. The target was in Bari, he’d stolen from Passione. To his surprise, the man wasn’t even a Stand user. It was an easy mission but it took him a literal week because of how well the man hid.
Simply, he was in a bad mood because of how much time he lost to find the man. He was both tired and very upset over why Risotto gave him a mission in Bari where he’d have to track the man with little to no trace at all. Melone would’ve been perfect for this mission.
He could’ve complained but he didn’t have the heart courage to disrespect his leader. That’s why he was going to the base at midnight, just like Risotto asked. The leader wanted Illuso to write a report on how the mission went.
It wouldn’t take long. Maximum an hour or two.
He could go home and finally open that bottle of wine he got from Gelato as a present. Getting drunk on red wine before dozing off would bring him in a good mood, definitely.
Illuso pushes the door open and the foul smell of mold and dust overwhelms him even before he steps inside. Covering his mouth he looks around to find the source of the horrible smell but he’s not sure if it’s the old food that’s literally decomposing on the coffee table or the horrid stains on the carpet and the walls.
“What the hell happened here?” he yells to the only person who seems to be unaffected by the smell and the mess around her and of course the only person in the base.
Shrugging you continue reading your magazine.
“How can you sit there and continue reading your shitty fashion magazine?” he yells turning around to indicate the mess around the base, “You were told to stay back to clean the base and take care of it. Not to trash the fucking place.”
You stare at him over the magazine but nonetheless flip a page in disinterest.
“You fucking-” Illuso snatches the magazine away from your hands, “Are you fucking listening to me?”
You click your tongue and give him a death glare, how dare he interrupt your ‘me time’!
“It wasn’t me, this happened because of Ghiaccio and Formaggio. They had a fight and-”
“I don’t care what happened, you were ordered to take care of the damn place!” Illuso interrupts you again and makes it clear that he doesn’t need to hear any unnecessary explanations from you, “You’re useless.”
“Oh am I?” you jump up from the dirty couch and point at him, “Who’s the idiot who lost track of his target and wandered in Bari for a week?”
Illuso’s shoulders tense, “What did you say?” his eye starts to twitch.
You smirk at him, “I said that you aren’t shit, Illuso.” your mocking tone makes his blood boil, “You’re the weakest member in our team. Even Pesci could easily kill off that target.”
“You don’t belong here, you can’t kill on command, you can’t work in pairs and you’re doing nothing to be useful to Passione. Why are you even here?” Illuso asks flatly, trying to maintain a calm tone to not start another fight between you two, “I’m not asking this to start a fight,” he assures but a sharp blow to his jaw from you gives him the answer.
Illuso halts for a moment as he brings his hand up to his face to rub his aching chin but it’s enough to make you regret your actions... just a little too late.
“Man in the Mirror,” he brings out his Stand even if it’s in the rules that nobody in the team were allowed to use their stands during an argument.
Before you can manage to call out your own Stand Illuso drags you into the mirror world, leaving both of your Stands back at the base.
“This is going to be a fair fight,” he starts, rolling up his sleeves, “No Stands-”
“It isn’t fair, you deserved that punch!” you ineffectively tried to end the fight before it even began but Illuso wasn’t having it. You swung at him with every intention of starting a fight, it always has been in your nature to start meaningless fights.
“We’ll fight equally. I won’t hold back and you shouldn’t either,” Illuso sneers at you, you both know he’s more of a fighter than you are.
“Take me back,” you warn, tone low and dangerous.
Without warning, Illuso lurches forward, grabbing you by your hair and twisting it around his hand to get a better grip on it. He pulls your back flush against his chest and yanks your hair, “Just admit that you’re useless to the team.”
A startled sound escapes your lips when he pulls your hair harder, “Son of a whore!”
This wasn’t a fight, this wasn’t even equal as he said it would be. He was just taunting you and not giving you a chance to fight back. You knew he’d be unfair and wouldn’t let you fight him but he wasn’t even giving you the chance to argue with him either.
“Repeat after me; I’m no use to Passione and to my team.” he scoffs.
You’re the best assassin they could find, he knows he’s wrong. You’re superior to even Risotto with your Stand for fuck's sake.
“Die you dumbass!”
When you start struggling, he pulls your hair harder and reminds you once again as he’s done countless times, “You’re here just because of your Stand, without it, you’re nothing.”
You grit your teeth and try to twist your body to hit him. It hurts to admit that he’s right. Everyone in your team knows that you’re accepted in the hitman team thanks to your Stand; Back to Black.
With the power to wear your Stand like a suit, similar to Ghiaccio’s White Album, you could move within shadows. Your power gave you the ultimate advantage to kill your target without being followed or having to risk your life. Because once you drag someone in the shadows with you, their Stand separated from them.
This was the main reason why Illuso hated you the most, with Stands similar to each other’s, your fights mostly ended in a deuce.
“Same goes to you,” your mocking tone must’ve caught him off guard because you felt his hold on you loosen for a second, enough for you to use the floor as a springboard and slam into your teammate as hard as you possibly can.
Illuso lost his balance and fell backward. You fell right onto him with your entire weight, earning a pain filled grunt from him.
Not even waiting for another second, you make a move to get back on your feet to declare your victory over him but Illuso pulls you right back on the floor with him. He captures you under his weight, pressing you flat on your stomach while muttering, “I hope you eat shit and die.”
With all of your might, you try to use your hands to leverage yourself up but Illuso forces your hands down with his own.
“I’m stronger than you don’t ever forget that,” he whispers in your ear huskily. He’s out of breath and still isn’t aware of how close you two are to each other but you’re painfully aware of everything. Like how warm his chest feels against your back and how attractive he sounds when he’s on the verge of snapping.
The position he’s holding you down is even worse. He’s using his hips to hold you down while your hands are strongly being held down by his own and Illuso’s hot breath is tickling your skin.
It’s all too much to handle. You can feel your cheeks blushing and a wave of arousal hitting you like a brick.
“Illuso,” you call out his name desperately, “please get off of me.”
Your pleads falls to deaf ears, your teammate chuckles at what he thinks is your shame of losing to him.
“I win,” he declares and you nod rapidly to confirm his victory over you, hoping that he’ll get off of you as soon as possible.
But again, this is Illuso. He loves to brag about his win.
“Say that you’re a useless pawn without your Stand.”
You repeat after him without hesitation.
Illuso raises a brow at your submission. It was hard to even get an apology or a couple words of gratitude from you but now you were bowing your head to your literal arch nemesis?
He had to take it as far as he can, he wanted to see how much he could milk this.
“Who’s the worst and weakest Stand user in the team?”
“It’s your fault that we’re not getting paid enough, you’re nothing but a nuisance to our team.”
After you admit another dozen ‘facts’ he finally got bored. It wasn’t fun at all when you weren’t resisting or calling him names while cursing.
“Alright, that’s enough,” he mutters to himself.
He pushes his torso up with his hands and turns you to face him so he can lecture you about how you should do as you’re told by your higher ups but the words don't come out.
Illuso stares down at your flushed face in awe.
(Had he taken this way too far? To the point to make you cry?
No, you weren’t crying… you wouldn’t cry because of his words.
Nobody ever managed to get to you, this had to be a prank.)
“Don’t look at me,” you cover your face with your hands.
The atmosphere of the situation suddenly shifts to something much more sultrier. Illuso would’ve looked away, got up and return both of you back to the real world to never talk about this again… But! He couldn’t. Not when you looked so cute, hiding your pretty face behind your hands, begging him to look away.
Sorbet and Gelato had told Illuso many times that the new member of the hitman team was head over heels for him but he thought they were baiting him on it. It had to be a lie. You wouldn’t even look at his way without insulting him or starting a fight.
ALl out of a sudden the realization hits him harder than any of your punches.
Illuso leans forward with a smile, “You know, nobody can see you inside the mirror but me.”
“So you can be as vulnerable as you want to be,” he adds by whispering in your ear, slowly pulling your hands away from your face.
Illuso finds himself studying your pretty face, “Melone keeps talking about how cute you are,” he purrs, ignoring completely what they were fighting about. He lets out a raspy sigh, “I never thought I’d agree with him on something.”
Blushing red, you cover your face with your hands once again. He enjoys the view for another second. “You’re gorgeous,” he breathes out.
You groan, taking a peek at him through the gaps of your fingers, “Stop it.”
“Stop what?” he smirks and raises a brow, leaning even closer to your face.
Your hands go to his chest to push him away, “This.”
Pouting, Illuso gives you the best puppy eyes he can pull off, “I thought you liked me.”
You decide to look up to his face and tell him to fuck off but you simply get lost looking in his eyes.
“I do,” you confess. Catching him by surprise.
Illuso loses no time on pressing his lips on yours as he hovers over you between your legs and you kiss him back hungrily. You wrap your legs around his waist to bring him closer to where you need him the most, Illuso is quick to roll his hips into yours to let you aware of his growing erection under his pants.
“I need you, Illuso.”
Your needy voice sends shivers down his spine, he pulls back from you to pull down his zipper and kick off his pants. You waste no time slipping out of your leggings.
Illuso looks down at you as he’s pumping his cock, “I never thought I’d see you like this.” he chuckles.
“Me neither.”
His cock slides inside your needy hole with a little too much force. A shaky moan escapes your lips before arching your back and holding onto his strong shoulders.
Smirking, Illuso slams into your slick heat harder to tear a louder moan out of you and it works.
It’s been a while for him, so he can’t stop himself from thrusting in your needy pussy without warning. As wet you are, with every thrust a squelching sound echoes in the mirror world’s base. The sounds of skin slapping on skin fill the dead silence of this world. Your lips part and call out his name in need, “Illuso!”
His cock fills you so well. You can’t help but lift your hips to meet his thrusts, shamelessly begging for him to fill you even more. Noticing what you want from him, he starts to fuck you frantically.
Your moans fill the void world of the mirror once again before his cock twitches inside of you and giving you what you actually need from him, filling your pussy full with his seed. You feel his warm cum gush out of your spasming cunt when he finally pulls out.
Taking a minute to catch his breath, he can hardly believe what you two just did. You seem to agree, it’s easy to tell from the way how silent you are.
“Uh,” he doesn’t know what to say.
That felt good?
We should do this often!
“We should return back to the real world,” he looks at you and you agree with a silent nod as you’re dressing.
He uses the same mirror he used as before to return to the base with ease and in the middle of a meeting your teammates are having.
Although your teammates were used to seeing you two fight in the mirror world and come back with messed up looks, there was no way for either of you to be able to explain why you’re both trying to put your clothes back on.
You sink into the shadows with the advantage of having your Stand with you now to avoid looking at your teammates.
“We can explain-” Illuso started but got cut off by the people around the now clean coffee table to collectively groan and throw stacks of money on the table.
“We told you they’d do it in the mirror world,” Gelato says as Sorbet is collecting their teammates’ money off the table with a smile.
Gelato throws a stack he got from his boyfriend to Illuso, “Take her out on a date next time.”
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inktrailing · 3 years
SPN: purgatorio (snippet)
Still haven’t settled on a replacement title lol.
This is... currently in the teens for chapters. Still too early for a chapter count and I won’t know my timeline until I actually rewatch s8 and decide when they’re getting thrown back in.
Last time I posted a snippet I wasn’t sure where pairings where fully landing. It’s definitely slowburn poly Dean/Lucifer and Dean/Cas, with Benny continuing to be a wildcard lmfao.
There’s some rando probably inaccurate field medicine in this chunk that will be replaced at some point after I finish researching for it.
(As a refresh this is my s7/8 AU wherein Lucifer was trying to use the hallucinations as a way to manifest through someone and ended up helping Cas out a bit but popped out in Purgatory when Cas got there).
Previous Snippet.
Warning for explicit language, canon-typical violence.
“You act like you have any idea where you're going,” Lucifer tells Dean.
“I do,” Dean says. “It's called moving. Getting a lay of the land.” He spins in a circle, arms spread wide, then points at a particular rock that had an odd blue-tinted moss covering one of its sides. “I know that rock,” he says with a grin. “I know this area. Do you?”
“It's all the same,” Lucifer drawls.
“Uh huh. That's what I thought. Cas?”
“Um.” Cas glances between them. “There's a vampire nest that roams here.”
“Exactly. We hopped territories. I thought it was all a free-for-all chaos. But nah, it's organized chaos. That's your jam, ain't it, Lucifer?”
“Don't dare to presume anything about me, Winchester.”
“So that's a yes, then.”
Lucifer moves for him and Cas steps between the two of them, hands out.
Dean smirks. Lucifer scowls.
“You don't start learning the ways of the land, Lucifer, you're gonna be our weak link.”
“Monster 101,” Dean pants, “please have an answer, right the fuck now.” He presses into the packed dirt wall. He turns his attention to Lucifer. “What the hell is that?”
“Well,” Lucifer says casually. Way too casually. “If someone tells you God made the 'first' beasts don't you think there might be a... oh, second, third. You know. More than one?”
“So which one is that?!” Dean hisses, swiveling his head in the direction of the open-air marshlands.
“Behemoth, if I remember correctly,” Lucifer answers. He reaches out and pulls Cas closer into their hiding spot.
“They don't look as though they have a lot for their maneuverability,” Cas says. “We might be able to lose them in the woods?”
“Can't either of you just fly us out of here?”
Cas shakes his head. “Like the Leviathans... they're grounding me. Unless...” He glances at Lucifer.
“No dice,” Lucifer answers.
“Seriously? What's the point of being an archangel anyway, then?”
Lucifer huffs. “Dear old Dad liked his toys. Also,” Lucifer risks a glance around the wall. The beasts were scouting. “I think they might be after me. So, really, sure lacking on those Archangel Benefits right now...”
“Then they can fucking have you,” Dean snarls.
“Dean,” Cas warns.
“What? How much else is gonna want to snack on him? He's a liability.”
“So am I,” Cas argues.
“No, it's not the same—”
“Yes, yes,” Lucifer interrupts, “we all have something nasty on our heels. You have the sheer numbers after you, Winchester, I think that makes things minutely more difficult, thank you. Castiel is right: if we make it into the woods, we should be able to lose them. I'll draw them off if I must.”
“Lucifer,” Cas starts, stricken.
“Please, I'll be fine.”
“I don't think—”
“See, he wants to play bait, Cas. So we should let him.” He pats the back of his hand against Cas's arm. “Let's go.”
When he moves, keeping low, Cas follows. Good. He wasn't sure what else he could say to convince Cas to come with him. Lucifer darts out in the other direction, making himself blatant, juicy archangel bait. Dean knows the moment the beasts catch onto the scent and it's the first direct look Dean gets of them as the three whirl around to stare at Lucifer.
One of the giants, already free from the marsh, charges. The two behind are slower, rising up from the water, dragging muck and grasses over smooth, short-haired skins. Dean sees the jaws open, rows of flat teeth big enough to crush his head if they get close enough.
Their bellows shake the lands, one call after the other, a chorus of unearthly groans all vibrating the air and when they move it's as though that same land moves for them, quickening their gait.
Dean tries to ignore the fact that Lucifer flinches. He pulls Cas after him and doesn't look back after he sees Lucifer peel around the other bank, leading them away.
“Dean,” Cas pleads.
“We can't do anything for him!” Dean hurriedly says. It's not a lie. “We'll only distract him. We'll find him again, okay?” Dammit. “I promise. We'll look for him.” Cas stares at him earnestly and he must be able to tell that Dean's being honest with him because he stops protesting and follows.
Dean's suddenly going to be real pissed if Lucifer gets himself eaten because he's not sure he'll be able to pick up the pieces of Cas if he finds his brother torn to shreds.
How's this become his life?
“Everyone else under the sun can find the bastard and yet it's been over a day and here we are still trudging around, like damn, did the dude finally fly or is he just doing this to screw with us...”
Dean's been muttering to himself for the last twenty minutes. He knows it's not safe but he's tired and he needs sleep and he's going on being awake for twenty-five hours which outside of Purgatory he could do, but inside... Fuck. He needs sleep. This constantly-being-hunted thing weighs on a guy. Exhausts him faster than he can cope with. Cas needs sleep, too. Dean's held up by the Hunt. Cas is held up by Stress.
It's not a good combination!
Fucking Lucifer. This is all his fault.
He rubs sweat and grime off his face. They need to go back to a river. He'd like to get this film off of him.
He stops walking and turns to Cas.
“Just power nap, Cas. An hour.”
“I'm fine, Dean. I can keep moving.”
Dean rolls his eyes skyward. “Cas, if he needs healing when we find him you're gonna need to be more on your game. Sleep. I'll stay on guard.”
Cas sets his jaw but sinks down to the forest floor and coils himself against a tree, tucking into his trench coat, nearly black from their travels. It makes a good camouflage, but Dean still kind of wants to wash that, too. Seeing Cas like this throws him back into an unkind future Zachariah zapped him to.
Dean shakes his head and walks away. He makes sure Cas is in sight, raising a hand to block out the sunlight streaking through the canopy. They have several hours til nightfall. Dean's not sure he wants to go another night of being on the move. He'd prefer taking shelter somewhere and wait til dawn, but if night's bad for them, it's just as dangerous for Lucifer.
Dammit, Cas. Why'd you have to get attached to the devil?
“You fucker,” he mumbles when he knows he's out of earshot, “if you're doing this on purpose then you can go right back to Hell. Cas needs you and every hour we can't find you is gnawing at him.”
He drops his head. “I can't believe I have to do this,” he says more to himself. “You'd better be hurt. You'd better...” He glances back towards the small shape that is Cas, trembling in his fitful sleep. Dean sucks in a harsh breath, curses, and spits out the last words of his prayer, “I can't track angels. I need a fucking sign, man.”
He sighs and heads back for Cas, walking a perimeter around his tree.
Dean pauses and turns to look at Cas, awareness flagging. The sun's going down. All he has for dinner is some leftover scraps of meat from days ago and some weird leafy green tufts that Cas said were full of nutrients and good for him and when Dean asked how Cas knew that, Cas said the plants told him with a weird little smile.
Dean hates salad but he'd eat them if it meant Cas would feel comfortable smiling again.
“Yeah, Cas?” Dean asks. Cas is staring off to their west, head tilted, eyes concentrating. “What is it?”
“It's...” Cas opens his mouth, closes it. Frowns. Tilts his head the other way. “Holy.”
Cas looks to Dean. “It's... familiar. But off. Home, but not.”
“Home like Heaven?”
Cas nods.
Dean wonders if it's coincidental.
“How far?”
“I think we could get there before sundown on foot. Flying may be... dangerous.”
“Yeah, no, and I'd rather not wear you out. Of the two of us, you're the one lighter on his feet right now. Let's go. Lemme know when we get close so I can prepare in case it's an ambush or something.”
Cas nods again, and then he takes the lead.
In the end it's not a trap. They find a deep tear in the ground like a meteor plowed into Purgatory. There's a ring of felled trees at the top of the pit and at the very bottom is a strange white-flamed flickering fire and a hunched-over devil.
Cas's relief latches onto Dean.
“Cas, blink us down there,” Dean asks, and then fumbles for his footing an instant later after they're relocated. Cas is already kneeling by his brother, hand on his shoulder to push him up. Lucifer twitches to the touch and Dean can see lacerations down his side that must be taking too long to heal.
“Lucifer,” Cas says, trying to rouse him.
Dean flops down across them with the makeshift fire in the middle, looking more closely at it. It has the makings of a normal fire, wood and kindling, but Dean thinks he understands why Cas picked up on holy. It's grace-fueled. Actual, honest-to-God, holy fire.
“Lucifer,” Cas says again.
“Castiel,” Lucifer finally responds.
“Cas, can you fix him so we can go?”
Cas slowly looks over to Dean and Dean has a real bad feeling real fast.
“I can't,” Cas says.
“Why not?”
“I-I don't...”
“Beast trumps angel,” Lucifer groans. He reaches up a hand and closes his fist. The holy fire vanishes. Well, Dean had been concerned about it drawing any other attention.
“Fine,” Dean says. “You gonna stay alive til morning?”
“Mmm,” Lucifer responds. Barely.
“Okay. Morning, then. We'll do this the human bullshit way. Cas, you talk to your plants or whatever and try to find something we can use as a salve and bandages and shit.”
Dean's really not sure if Cas can actually talk to plants or if it's just something getting him through his daily life to think he can, but either way he thinks Cas can suss out something to use. Trial and error, anyway. If Lucifer's gonna die it's because his Dad made something bigger and badder, not because of some plant goo Cas will slap on him.
“I think we're sitting ducks down here but the fire's out,” Dean continues, “Cas, you good enough to take watch?”
Cas looks from Lucifer to him and nods, a little off balance, but determined.
“Good, because I'm exhausted. Can I borrow your coat?”
Cas strips out of it and hands it over to Dean. Dean balls it up, caked Purgatory and all, and uses it as a pillow and lays besides the dead fire wishing that grace left any coals and heat. He meets Lucifer's glassy expression, glares at the devil, and then rolls over, putting his back to both the angels.
In some world-turned-upside-down bullshit, Dean is keeping watch while Lucifer rests. Not that Lucifer's moved much since they found him the night before. Cas is gone. Has been gone all morning to do his plant thing that hopefully also involves bringing Dean back something to eat.
He should be the one out there but Dean can't tell one plant from another and keeping an eye around the top of their pit is the best use for him.
The company's shit though.
“You prayed to me,” Lucifer says two hours into the boring morning.
Boring is good. Boring means no monster attacks. Boring means no getting separated and having to try and find another angel.
“Desperate times,” Dean mutters. “You saw Cas. He barely holds it together on days he doesn't think you're dead. You must've done a real good job convincing him you're not an asshole.”
“I'm the only reason my brother is a functional person.”
“Sure, whatever.”
Lucifer scoffs. “Believe what you want.”
“I'll do just that.”
The sun's beating down on them from above when Cas returns with arms full like he just came from a Farmer's Market. There's some dried blood that trickled a path down his forehead. He found a canvas bag somewhere, or maybe he made it. Dean's not entirely going to judge him right now, even if he left Dean alone with Lucifer for hours on end.
“You find what you need?” Dean asks.
“I think so,” Cas answers. He sits down between the two of them and sets his bag in front of him, slowly pulling out small bundles wrapped in twine. He tosses one to Dean and Dean curiously loosens the twine and unfolds the large fronds. “Don't eat the outside,” Cas tells him, “that's just the vessel.”
Dean thanks a God he doesn't believe in that the fronds contain a plethora of small berries.
“You're the best, Cas,” Dean tells him.
Cas's smile is brief, but worth it.
Dean eats and watches curiously as Cas continues to pull things out, including a few rocks of varying sizes that make sense to Dean as he takes a cylindrical one and starts grinding various plants and other matter on a flat one.
“Purgatory's first doctor,” Dean jokes.
“I imagine there had been others in the past.”
“Yeah, slapped-together medicine before they get their heads chopped off. Not a lot of long-term teamwork going on here that I've seen.”
“Or there is,” Lucifer says, “but they only pick off stragglers.”
“Outnumber people. Cowards.”
Lucifer shakes his head.
Dean's finished his berries and the rest of his meats that he didn't eat last night by the time Cas has some concoction of paste gathered on one of the fronds and is looking at Lucifer with some hesitance.
“Get it over with, Castiel,” Lucifer says in way of permission.
Cas nods and lifts Lucifer's shirt and Dean looks away when Lucifer winces, but it isn't quick enough to miss the mottled blacks and purples marring Lucifer's side around the slashed skin, and he looks back just as fast.
“Shit,” Dean says, ignoring Lucifer's glare. “Cas, you got any water or anything we can clean that out with first?”
“I don't, unfortunately,” Cas says.
“It'll be fine,” Lucifer mutters.
“It looks infected,” Dean growls.
“I just need enough healing so that my body's natural response can kick in.”
“Oh, and it can naturally heal beast infections, right? Because it's doing so well with whatever that was.”
“Dean,” Cas says.
Dean gestures at the injury like it makes his entire argument.
Cas frowns.
“Put it on, Castiel,” Lucifer instructs. “If it gets me mobile, we can... worry about the rest when we've moved away from here.”
Dean makes a face in mockery but stays quiet as Cas seals the frond over Lucifer's side.
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On Her Father’s Wings (The Umbrella Academy S2 Fic)
CHAPTER ONE: NEW SIDEKICK What if there was one more thing left in Five’s care at Hazel’s untimely passing? Something more precious than a briefcase, more useful than a tape, and infinitely more infuriating. A smart-mouthed girl determined to pick up where her father left off and help save the world, whether the Hargreeves like it or not.
Word Count: 2300 Rating: T for canon typical language, violence
Cross-posted to AO3: here
Piper Rofa tapped her hands on the steering wheel in time with the radio, waiting impatiently at the mouth of a Dallas alleyway. She had seen the figure matching her target’s description rather unconventionally enter the building at the end of the alley and was just hoping that he’d come back out the same way. She had maneuvered her vehicle so that he would be blocked trying to exit and would have to stop and talk to her, but she also knew from intel that he had ways around conventional means of movement that might make things more complicated.
Still, she jolted up in her seat from where she had slumped while she waited when she saw him appear in the alleyway once more, shoulders hunched and face scowling, as he moved closer to her car, she rolled her head from one side to the other, psyching herself up.
“You must be Five Hargreeves? Please collect your belongings and come with me,” she called in an obviously overdramatic attempt to be sinister, before popping open the door of her ‘Daytona Blue’ Stingray invitingly.
He stopped short, glaring at her.
“I don’t have any belongings. And I’m not going anywhere with you until you tell me who you are and what you want,” the apparently pubescent boy replied with all the authority of an aged general.
“What about the briefcase?” she pointed out as if it was obvious. And then a sudden horror dawned on her, face falling. “Shit! Am I early? He’s going to be so mad if I’m early.”
“Wait…briefcase? You’re with Hazel?”
“Duh? Didn’t he mention that?”
“No. In fact, he said he was alone. He said he was done with the Commission and their crap, just keeping a promise to his dead wife.”
A shadow passed over her face. “Yeah, well I’m not Commission, so that part was true. He likes to pretend I’m not working with him, as if that will maaaagically make me stop being involved. Total denial of reality.”
She bit her lip before plastering a slightly fake grin back on her face. “Anyway, if you know he’s here, he must have given you the briefcase, yeah? Where is it?”
“Some very unhappy Scandinavians with very large guns destroyed it.”
She rolled her eyes. “If those things are so important to the Commission, I don’t get why they’re not made smaller and less conspicuous. Or at least bulletproof.”
“I’ve been saying that for years.” He shrugged, the expression on his face almost pulling into the tiniest of smiles before growing serious. “I’m sorry, but Hazel…they killed him.”
“What?” she scoffed incredulously, only to sober when she realized he wasn’t joking. “No. That’s not possible.” She shook her head vehemently. “Da was among the best the Commission ever had. He wouldn’t have gotten caught with his metaphorical pants down by some mercs in the 60s.”
Five stared at her in unrepentant shock and disbelief. “Hazel was your father?”
“Yep. Piper Rofa, at your service,” she said, offering a mocking salute, trying to hide her trembling.
He sighed. “Shit.”
She watched a hundred minute emotions dance across his eyes as she fixed him with a narrowed gaze, even as her eyes welled with tears that threatened to spill.
“Awfully convenient that you survived and he didn’t. What did you do to him?”
“Nothing! I…we had no warning, there was no time…he…I couldn’t save him.”
She growled in frustration, torn between blaming him simply for surviving and trusting him as her father had assured her she could.
“Look, we look like idiots and are drawing attention arguing through an open car door. And time’s a wasting. Get in the car, and I’ll drive you to the sanitarium. We can have a more detailed conversation about what the fuck happened later.”
“I could just teleport there.”
“You could, but the fact that you haven’t yet tells me I’ve sparked your curiosity enough that you’re not going to just disappear and potentially lose track of me.” She smirked and raised an eyebrow, challenging him to prove her wrong.
He flopped into her passenger seat, slamming the door behind him.
“Hey, hey. Take it easy on my baby, she didn’t do anything wrong,” the girl scolded, turning the key and swinging cleanly out into the street, laughing as Five rolled his eyes.
“How did you know I was going to Holbrook Sanitarium?” he asked.
“Well you’re looking for your siblings right? The one in the sanitarium is the easiest to track down since he’s not going anywhere.”
He nodded, seeming surprised at her deductive skills.
“Also you’re still holding a newspaper article about him.”
He looked down at his hands, as if surprised to find the paper clutched there. “Hm.”
The pair were silent for a while as she guided the car smoothly and swiftly through the downtown Dallas traffic.
“You’re worried about them,” she observed, not looking over at her passenger.
“What?” Five asked, startled out of his thoughts.
“Your siblings. You’re worried about them, and about whether you’re going to be able to find them and save them all in time.”
“Of course I am,” he snapped. “They’re my family and the world is going to end in ten days. And it’s my fault they ended up stuck here in the 60s in the first place, scattered and alone. I have no idea how I’m going to find any of the others besides Diego, or if they’re even okay, or how we’re going to stop the apocalypse. It’s all down to me, again.” He waved his hands agitatedly while he spoke, and she let him.
“Well, it’s a good thing you’re not on your own, then.”
He scoffed. “Diego’s not exactly my first choice of sidekick.”
“I wasn’t talking about him,” she rolled her eyes. “Did you think I was just here to be a quick substitute to a taxi?”
“Why would you help me?”
“Because you’re trying to save the world, which you know, is a place I live.” She shrugged. He watched her knuckles whiten as her grip tightened on the wheel almost imperceptibly. “And because you’re trying to save your family.”
He fell silent, catching the obvious implication of her tone. The air in the car seemed to grow heavy as once again neither of them knew what to say. Finally she pulled into the lot and turned the engine off.
“So I’ll just wait here for you to go get your brother and we’ll…figure out a plan from there, yeah?” she asked, an almost hopeful lilt to her voice.
He found himself surprising them both by nodding.
“Sure,” he said almost dismissively, exiting the car, being careful to shut the door gently, which brought a small smile to her lips.
“Shouldn’t there be two of you?” Piper asked as Five returned to the car.
“That was a total waste of time,” he grumbled, largely ignoring the question. “He’s right where he belongs. And I’m right back where I started from with no useful leads.”
She raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Well that weird guy with the satellites told you how to find one of them. Do you think he might know more?”
“How did you know where to wait for me?” He turned sideways to study her more carefully. “Why did you wait at that alleyway?”
“Commerce and Knox? Well that’s your protocol when tracking a target isn’t it? Start at a fixed point and work your way outward. The only fixed point you have is where you dropped out of the sky. So I waited there.”
“But how did you know that I arrived at Commerce and Knox?”
She shrugged. “It’s what Dad said. That you…” her eyes widened as something dawned on her. “That you all landed there.”
“So he knew that would be a convergence point…” Five muttered, clearly thinking rather than talking to her. “Did he say anything else?”
“Yeah, that I should stay out of it and stay away from you because apparently you’re ‘dangerous’ and ‘get people killed’,” she threw air quotes around the words in more a violent manner than Five was used to but she didn’t give him a chance to interrupt, shouting now, as tears welled in her eyes again. “Well look who’s talking now Da?”
She paused for breath before finally looking back at him. “What was my point again? Oh yeah, your siblings. I don’t really have anything to go on, other than knowing where they first arrived but if you have any more information like dates or hell, telling me what they look like, I can help you track them down.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Are you done?”
“What? Oh, yeah, sorry. I just…needed to get that out?” She smiled sheepishly and he shrugged.
“Whatever. Elliot had photographs, we might be able to make something out from them.”
She nodded, starting the engine. “So you’re really leaving your brother in there?”
“You can just drop me off,” Five said as Piper guided her car back into the spot it had previously been parked. “I’ll handle things alone from here.”
“Uh, no?” she said incredulously as she tucked the keys in the pocket of her dress.
“What do you mean, ‘no’?”
She circled the car to stand in front of the man, poking her finger into his chest. “My Dad thought you were worth dying for. His last act was to save your life so you could save the world. I’m not letting you out of my sight until you make his sacrifice worth it.”
Her lower lip trembled and she brushed angrily at the tears forming the corners of her eyes. “So sorry, Old Timer, you’re stuck with me.”
Five felt his heart clench. She was right, he knew she was. But he didn’t know how to work with a partner after so long. And more than that, he felt like he owed it to Hazel – did she have to use the same nickname as her father did? Did she do it on purpose to make him feel more guilty? – to keep his child safe. He stared at the fire in her eyes, melding with the tears she seemed to now be pretending to weren’t falling. He sighed, and turned, headed for Elliot’s loft and assuming she was following close behind.
“Elliot,” she said, smiling sweetly and hoping to charm (rather than threaten as Five seemed to have picked as his go-to method) more answers out of the odd man. “You said that the big guy came and went most often. Elaborate.”
“Well…uh…he…” Elliot swallowed nervously, fiddling with his hands. “He came back every couple weeks for a-about three months? He’s stand around calling for Allison, or asking people…for an hour or-or-or so. Then he leaves again.”
“Is there ever anyone with him? Does he walk or drive?”
“I-I-I…I don’t know.”
“Bullshit,” Five growled, leaning menacingly closer and making Elliot shrink with a muffled whimper. “Answer the question or I’ll kill you.”
Piper rolled her eyes with a sigh. “Are the threats helping?” she asked sweetly. “Here’s a hint: the answer is no.”
Five glared at her which only made her smile all the brighter, obviously trying to get a rise out of him.
“The last few times, he came in a big black car…”
“License plate number?” she asked, fairly certain that a paranoid conspiracy nut like him would have that sort of information.
The man scrambled up to rifle through a pile of papers on the table. Eventually, he found what he was looking for and rattled off a string of letters and numbers. It was all she could do not to smile smugly over at Five or make some quip about honey versus vinegar.
“Great. Well Elliot, you’ve been such a doll. I just need one more favor. Can I use your phone?”
He gestured to it as if to say ‘be my guest.’ She smiled, and plucking the paper out of his hand and sauntered over to it, dialing a number.
“Hi, I am so sorry to be a bother, but I just wanted to report…well I think I saw someone breaking into a car. It’s a big black one…” she paused, listening to the voice on the other end of the line. “Mhm. Well I know the license plate number is…” she hesitated, faking uncertainty before she read off the sequence.
“Oh honey, you must be mistaken,” the woman on the other end said. “That’s Jack Ruby’s car. No one in this town is dumb enough to mess with that. Especially not parked outside his place.”
“Oh, of course. My mistake. So sorry again to bother you. You have a lovely day.” She hung up before turning back to the two men.
“I know where to find your brother,” she smiled. “But it’s going to be a challenge getting to see him. This time of day, he’ll be at the Carousel Club.”
“That’s a…burlesque club. No kids or women allowed, except, you know, the dancers,” Elliot proffered hesitantly.
“Well, we’ll just have to break a few rules,” Five said with a smirk.
“We?” Piper asked, a little startled that he wanted her to tag along.
Five paused. “I meant I. It’ll be easier if just one of us goes.” He explained, his gut twisting when she stuck her lip out in a pout.
“Oh yeah, of course. I’ll just…see what I can figure out about the rest of your siblings here I guess…?”
He nodded before disappearing in a flash.
“Do you want some coffee? Or I could make food?” Elliot suggested with a nervous smile.
Piper laughed. “That’s sweet, Elliot, but I’m not actually getting left behind.” She kissed his cheek flirtatiously before bouncing cheerfully out the door. “See you later.”
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Dreamer File 06
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Thirteenth Doctor x Reader
 Trigger Warning: sudden death of a loved one, drug overdose, suicidal, depression, homophobic mentioned.
 Warning: ooc, angst, bad grammar, plot holes (serious case of plot holes, guys, please don't chew me), etc.
 A/N: This one is very cringe-worthy but I thought I would post it anyway. I might edit it again if ever I would be hit with a better version of it. The villain here is based on Jasmine from Angel.
   You know how we always think we have more time in life with the people you love? Well, you're wrong. You have to make sure that you tell them every day that you love them and make happy memories with them. Because you've no idea when and where they would be ripped away from you.
 My name is (name) and I'm a traveller in time and space with the Doctor. I have been traveling with the Doctor on his twelfth incarnation and I was best friend with Clara. After Clara died, the Doctor never come back for me until after he has regenerated. And now he is a she. And she is so beautiful and amazing. I can't help but start to catch feeling for her.
 She invited me to travel again with her and her other companion, Yaz, Ryan and Graham. I love being with them. The Doctor called us her fam and our dynamic did feel like a close family.
 The only other family I have is my Dad and I love him very much. He raised me alone. My mom died after giving birth of me. It has always been the two of us. We have no one else. Mom and Dad were married without consent from their respective parents. They never went back to reconnect and their parents didn't bother to look for us either so...
 I wanted Dad to know who the Doctor is and I would really like to share my adventure with him. I hated keeping secret from him the first time around and now that I was traveling again with the Doctor again, I would like it for them to meet already. 
 My dad is a fan of Elvis so I begged the Doctor to let me tell my dad about what it is we have been doing and to request a favour from the Doctor to allow my dad one trip to travel the past and meet Elvis. The Doctor eventually agreed. 
 I told my dad about the Doctor and of course, he didn't believe me up until he saw the Tardis. My dad is concerned that the trips I have been taking will be dangerous. I have to lie that we are always safe with the Doctor. Of course, I know the Doctor can't always save everyone. Clara is the proof of that. But that doesn't deter me for wanting to see more of the universe that the Doctor offered. So I distract my dad with the trip to meet Elvis and I was glad to see him so happy.
 My dad has always known that I like girls so he could spot that I have feeling for the Doctor. 
 "Shut it, Dad, it wasn't like that. The Doctor is so out of my league. There is no way she would go for someone like me."
 "Now don't say that. You are a wonderful person. Any women would be lucky to have you."
 "Oh, dad, you're the only one who said that and that is only because you are my dad."
 "But it's true though, you are a wonderful person and you have to believe that yourself, dear."
 We hugged each other.
 "So what do you think?" My dad asked me as he showed his outfit to resemble Elvis.
 "You are very handsome, dad." I answered with a grin. "So, let's go meet Elvis."
 Now that my dad know what I have been doing, I felt less guilty for keep ditching him for the Doctor. Though now I get to brag about my adventures to him. We went to watch movie together the day after the Doctor dropped us all back on earth for a break from our routine adventure.
 And that is when thing turned ugly in a blink of an eye.
We are going home after the movie when someone threaten us with a gun, demanding we gave him our bag and wallet. Dad is trying to calm the agitated man down. I gave him my bag and prayed that he would go away. I didn't know what happen next, it was all a blur. Next thing I know my dad was shot.
 "Dad!! NO!!" I screamed as my dad fell into the ground. "Help!! Please someone help!" I yelled.
 The man who robbed us has left with my bag and my dad's wallet. He got what he wanted so why did he have to shot him?
 Such a senseless violence. One bullet and my dad is just gone. I didn't even get to say goodbye.
 I sat staring blankly at nothing. My hands was covered in blood, my dad's blood. I ignored the officers who are trying to get me to respond.
 Yaz, Ryan and Graham ran through the corridor until they spotted me sitting in a bench, still in a state of shock.
 "(name)!" Yaz called out and bend her knees in front of me. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"
 I glanced at her and tears started falling down my cheeks. "My dad is gone..." I whispered brokenly.
 Yaz hugged me close and rubbed my back soothingly. Ryan and Graham exchanged a sad look with each other.
 The Doctor finally come to see me. I know she was bad at social interaction. She didn't know what to do to console me.
 I suppose it was unfair of me to corner her like that but I wasn't exactly in my right mind.
 "Save him." I begged, no, I demanded. "Save my dad."
 "(name), you know I can't do that."
 "Why not? You did it for Clara. You got Danny Pink back for her."
 The fam is confused because they didn't know Clara or Danny but I do. I remembered what Clara did to ensure that the Doctor will save her boyfriend. I knew it didn't work in the end but the Doctor was willing to help her, even going to 'hell' with her to get Danny back. Why can't she do the same for me? I have been her companion a whole lot longer now. Don't I get special treatment too like Clara?
 "I'm sorry, (name), but I can't do that. Your dad's death is fixed."
 "Doctor, please save him. He is my dad. He's the only family I got. Please?" I begged.
 "I'm so sorry..."
 "Then what's the point of you?!" I yelled angrily. 
 The Doctor didn't say anything, only looking at me with a sad expression.
 I left them. The fam called out my name but I ignored all of them. I was in too much pain. Tears started to fall on my face again.
 I was depressed.
 After the funeral, I locked myself in my room. The fam contacted me by phone, left messages and even come into my house but I ignored all of them. The Doctor didn't come for me. I suppose she knew I needed the space away from her. 
 Honestly, I don't have any energy to do anything. I was a mess. And after the Doctor's refusal to help me get my dad back, I didn't want to see her either. I resented her. 
 It has been two months and I still have not sorting my life in order. I never go back to the Tardis. I think the Doctor and the fam went adventuring without me. But they still attempted to contact me from time to time.
 I just want to be left alone. I wish the world would just go away.
 There is insistent knocking on the door much to my annoyance.
 "Go away!" I yelled.
 More knocking.
 I had enough. I walked and opened the door, intending to give hell to whoever it is on the other side of the door. It was Yaz.
 My anger is gone as I saw her hesitant smile. 
 It was awkward.
 "We miss you. The Doctor, too. Come back to the Tardis, (name)."
 "I can't."
 "You shouldn't be alone."
 "I don't have anyone now."
 "You still have us." Yaz said.
 I shook my head. "Just leave me alone. I'm done with the Doctor and everything." I said and closed the door despite Yaz's protest. I know what I said probably going to make her worry more about me but frankly I didn't care. Sooner or later they will just give up and leave me anyway.
 I overdose on my sleeping medicine. But the Doctor and Yaz rescued me just before I succumb to the darkness forever. Apparently Yaz has been persuading the Doctor to try to talk to me and she finally relents. Of course, they came on the day where I was at my lowest point in life and they saved me. But I didn't want to be saved.
 I distinctly remembered seeing the Doctor's face as she attempted to give me CPR while Yaz is calling ambulance.
 "Come on, (name), breath! Don't do this to me! (name), breath!!"
 I woke up in the hospital to the concerned face of the fam.  I was confused at first and then everything that is painful started to sink it again. I cried, wishing to die just to make the pain stop.
 The fam insisted I got help and I was too weak to argue so I agreed. I went to seek help from a therapist. But I still couldn't come back into the Tardis. I couldn't face the Doctor. The Doctor probably is relieved that I didn't come back. I would just be a burden to her. Part of me is still angry at her and I think giving her cold shoulder is my way to hurt her back. But I wonder if she even care. 
 She is not here so she probably doesn't care, I thought, and that thought made me want to cry again.
 I went to see a therapist and being prescribed medicine to help me with my anxiety and managing my mood. I started on a normal speaking term with the fam via phone call and messages but we have unspoken mutual agreement not to mention the Doctor or Tardis.
 We seemed to agree what I need right now is normal life, away from the idea of time travel and changing the past. I started working again in a coffee & breakfast shop as a waitress. I was just going through the motion every day.
 The fam always asked me to hang out with them from time to time but I have no energy to do anything but work. They will always remind me of what I've lost. I know it was my own fault that I lost my friendship with the Doctor.
 It was hard to pretend to try to live every single day. Why does everything have to be so hard? Why is life so hard? I can't do it. Sometimes I felt like I couldn't breathe. But I have to fake it so I didn't make everyone worry over me anymore. The sooner they deemed me safe to be left alone the better. So, they can happily travel with the Doctor again without worrying over me.
 Eventually, they did convince that I'm getting somewhat better than before. We grew apart slowly with time. It wasn't their fault. I didn't make effort to be a good company anyway.
 Of course, the universe decided to play a joke on me. One day, after finishing my night shift and as I walked home alone, I got mugged. The guy even waved a knife around me to frighten me. 
 I snapped. Everything was a blur. I remembered the guy cursed me, calling me crazy bitch. I think I even got hurt at some point. But all I feel is anger.
 I was enraged at the violence people are capable of. I lost my dad to some jerk face and now another one dare to show up and threaten me again??
 Just NO!
 Why? Why do people just keep hurting each other? Why do people just actively trying to be cruel? Why does everyone have to be mean to one another?
 I can't live in a world like this. I hate that I even still breathing in this world. I don't want to live in a world like this anymore.
 I sobbed and started wailing in tears. I think I really lost my mind that night.
 I wished so hard for someone to make the pain stop. My mind flashed into the beautiful smile of the Doctor and I cried. I pushed her away. She is gone from my life now. I was alone.
 I didn't know it at the time but I wasn't alone. I could feel this warm presence envelop my mind and all the sorrow and pain inside of me seemed to fade away.
 I welcomed the presence gratefully. I let it in.
 The Doctor could feel the shift in reality. As she regained her bearing, the feeling that something is off gone from her mind. She glanced around in confusion.
 “Doctor, what’s wrong?” Yaz asked.
 “Hmm, nothing maybe...” The Doctor shrugged it off. “So, fam, where to next?” she asked them with a grin.
 I woke up in my bed that morning. My mind feels refreshed today. I dare say that I feel better?
 As I got out of my house, a neighbour greeted me happily. I smiled back at her. 
 Everyone seemed to be in a good mood today. The usual grumpy mailman is humming loudly and smiling. People are extra friendly today. When someone dropped something, most people nearby will eagerly help pick it up. 
 I also smiled as I walked inside the coffee & breakfast shop where I worked. Even when today is my turn with cleaning duty, I was very happy to do it. 
 Today is a very special day because it is the day she spoke to me. Ivy.
 I accidentally broke my nails during cleaning and I asked my fellow workers for a nail clipper when suddenly this young cute woman offered her nail clippers. She gave me a friendly smile at my stupidly confused look.
 I have seen her around a few times. She loves to hang out on her own in the shop, ordering coffee while work on her laptop. But I never paid extra attention to anyone before because I was being a robot going through the motion. Now, though...
 I muttered a shy thanks to her. She nodded and grabbed her second drink of the day and went back to her table. After cleaning her nail clippers, I walked toward her and returned it. Also I gave her a plate of cake as my gratitude. That would come from my own pocket money but it will be worth it I think.
 She smiled at me, making my heart skipped a beat. She looked happy as she took a fork and eat the cake.
 I smiled. She is adorable, reminded me of... I stopped myself from thinking about that person. Strangely enough, the pain associates with thinking about her is no longer bother me.
 Ivy is very nice. She rambles when she is nervous and she revealed information about herself. She said she is a romance novel writer. I was very excited to learn that I am in the presence of a writer. I would have like to stay with her some more but duty calls.
 After that days though, whenever she come by, she would spare some time to talk to me. We started to exchange numbers and send silly messages to each other when we can’t talk in person.
 I couldn’t help grinning stupidly whenever I saw her. I walked home after my last shift as I thought about Ivy. She made me really, really happy. Not even, a rude guy who bumped into me just now and called me stupid, will ruin the day for me.
 Suddenly I heard a scream. I turned around to locate the source of scream but couldn’t find anything in sight. I frowned for a second, glancing around and saw nobody else seemed to react to the scream earlier so I thought I imagine the whole thing. I resumed walking.
 The Doctor took her fam to attend a party and they are having fun with the friendly local until one person won’t take no for an answer from Yaz. Yaz, of course, can handle herself and tell the rude guy off. 
 Ryan looked livid when the guy called Yaz a bitch. The Doctor herself is about to intervene when right before their eyes, the guy disintegrated into nothing.
 She ran toward the fam and asked them what happened when they just gave her a blank look. They said they have no idea what the Doctor talking about when she asked them about the rude guy and they went back to partying.
 The Doctor pulled her sonic screwdriver and scanned the spot where the man disintegrated but found nothing out of ordinary. It was like that man just never there. 
 She also scanned her companions but the result is normal too. She is confused. As she want to think further about it, she could feel something pushing in her mind and all her worry is gone again.
 Today is my day off, and Ivy decided to spend the day with me.
 “It’s a date.” She said with a wink.
 I blushed.
  We have a good time walking in the park to smell the roses, reading books and exchanged stories about it, cuddle up in a sofa at home to watch movie together, ordering food for binge eating and share a hot chocolate drink together.
 "You are amazing, Ivy. That book of yours, I love it. I can't believe I never pick up on it before. It should be a best seller." I said, my head is on her laps.
 "Aww, thanks, it meant a lot that you love it." She grinned and kissed my forehead.
 "I'm going to recommend this book to Yaz."
 "My friend. Old friend, I suppose. We sorta lost contact recently." I sighed sadly. "All my fault..."
 "Well if you think this Yaz will be liking my novels, go ahead rec away. Also it would work as an excuse for you two to reconnect."
 I hummed. "If she have time to read it, she probably going to like it but she probably busy saving the world with the Do..." I stopped myself when I realized Ivy didn't know about the Doctor and I probably should keep it a secret. Besides I'm no longer one of them so I have no right broadcasting the Doctor's identity.
 "Saving the world? Sound exciting. Who is this Yaz?"
 "She is a very busy, very smart police officer."
 "I bet she is." Ivy teased. "Is she and you...?"
 "She is just my friend. She doesn't like me like that. Not like you." I moved away from her and gazed at her in adoration. I took one of her hands. "You make me happy."
 Ivy gave me a soft smile. "Mutual." She pulled me closer to her and we kissed.
 As time goes by, the Doctor realized something is wrong with the world but everytime she tried to think further, all her worry just washed away out of reach. It seemed nobody but her realized but she can't even hold on the thought for too long before she forgot again.
 Until she met the Master again. He showed up out of nowhere and grabbed her, more like knock her out.
 The Doctor woke up in an empty bar, save for the Master.
 "Welcome back..." The Master said with a grin. "Sorry for the harsh greeting earlier. I have to make sure we will not be interrupted."
 "So, Doctor, what exactly have you been doing to the world?"
 "What do you mean? And why do you assume it was me? If something has gone wrong, I would suspect you instead of me."
 The Master rolled his eyes. "The world has gone bonker, Doctor. The people are all happy, giggly and way too friendly. Not my kind of world." He said with disgust. "Also I just got out from the Kasavin dimension so this can't be my doing."
 The Doctor frowned. "It wasn't my doing either."
 "Then how do we fix it?"
 "And why should we? Like you said, the people has become peaceful. Why would I ruin that?"
 "You can't fool me, Doctor, you wanted the chaos too if only for you to solve it and be the hero you always make yourself to be. Peaceful world would be too boring even for you." The Master said. "Also, a world with pink cybermen and happy daleks form a singing band together? I'm gonna barf."
 The Doctor scrunched her nose at the mention of two of her enemy race. "Seriously?"
 "Deadly." The Master said flatly. "Also you must feel the timeline is shifting and unstable. Seemed like lot of humans and aliens alike has gone missing."
 The Doctor nodded with a frown.
 The Master stared at her. "It is hard for you to hold on the thought that something is off, isn't it?"
 "Yes, that's exactly how I have been feeling these days but I keep...forgetting... Wait, why aren't you infected with whatever this is?"
 The Master shrugged. "Time lord."
 "I am Time Lord too but I was affected..."
 "You are stupid Time Lord."
 The Doctor gasped, looking offended.
 The Master grinned. "My guess because I was still at Kasavin when this, whatever this is, cause the world to go bonker." Then he frowned. "But I could feel it...something trying to convert me...making me...peaceful..." He look absolutely disgusted by the idea. "So, I made a few of this." He showed the Doctor some kind of earpieces. "It helps me to shake off whatever influence trying to get to me."
 The Doctor observed the earpierce with interest and she is a bit impressed.
 "Take one, Doctor, use it and concentrate." The Master urged.
 She glanced at the Master, contemplating whether to trust him just this once or not. Whatever she saw with him seemed agreeable to her so she pick up the earpiece and wear it on one of ears.
 Immediately she shook her head as the smokescreen within her mind cleared. But gone all the peaceful feeling that made her happy before and were replaced by this profound sadness. The Doctor is good at hiding her emotion and so she did what she usually do and started to focus at the real problem.
 "Oooh. Something is wrong. The people become peaceful but not everyone? Some stilll...a bit rude? And they just vanished as soon as they were rude to others. But whoever did this? How can they know when someone is rude? And how did they do all of this? Mind-controlling everyone, not just humans, but aliens..." The Doctor started to rambles and started walking back and forth.
 The Master just rolled his eyes and poured himself a drink.
 "And...pink cybermen and happy daleks? Really?" The Doctor whirled around to face the Master.
 "Really. It was very wrong."
 "We need to get to the bottom of this. I will need more of that earpieces and I need my fam with me."
 "Ugh, do we have to involved your humans?"
 "Of course we have to. We will need their help. This is going to be a tricky one."
 Yaz, Ryan and Graham are depressed after wearing the earpieces. All their happy emotion were replaced with a sorrow they can't comprehend. They knew the world is not all unicorn and rainbow and that most of the time, the world is a cruel place but the second revelation of it are giving them despair. It was like they were high on drug and now they suddenly come down from it cold turkey.
 The Doctor are worried for the fam but she knew that they can overcome it eventually.
 "That guy who called me a bitch, did he die?" Yaz asked.
 "I don't know, could be... We didn't know enough to make assumption." The Doctor said.
 "If whoever did this to the world intend to wipe evil rude people, why is he still here?" Ryan pointed at the Master.
 The Master rolled his eyes at him. "Because I'm clever, I beat their games."
 In the end, the Doctor put the Master as a bait. He disintegrated right before their eyes and through the tracking device on his person, the Doctor found out he was actually teleported by whoever in charge, taken to a dungeon cave somewhere.
 The Doctor and the fam rushed on the location via Tardis. There, they found a bunch of people, humans and aliens alike, in cages in unknown deserted planet.
 Tension are running high, everyone was scared that 'he/she/it' (everyone seemed to see different captor) would return soon and eat them.
 The Master has got out of his cages and take a look around and found a sealed cave with ancient writing and drawing on the wall about something called the blessed devourer.
 The Doctor observed the wall in excitement. She can never resist a mystery. She helped translate the writings for the fam.
 The blessed devourer can take many forms and be in many places at once. It consumed emotions as a source of energy and consumed flesh to stay corporeal. It won't have full powers unless it was invited. The more it get invitations from the people the strongest its hold is upon the world it descends to. Usually it kept the ones who invite it happy and safe, creating a perfect world for them. 
 Some people form resistance knowing the world has gone wrong but no one able to stand in its ways for its power is strong. The only way to reset the world is to make everyone who invite it in to reject it. Every last one of them would have otherwise it will still have powers to overwhelm you.
 One person refuses to reject it and as a result, the world didn't get a reset but it was beaten down and weakened to the point of hiding. The world returned to normal somewhat but the casualties of the people it consumed remained true.
 The Doctor and the Master exchanged a look at each other, confused. If this had happened before, how come the Time Lords were not aware of it? Back at Gallifrey, all of histories and aborted histories on the tips of their fingers and they never learn about this so called blessed devourer. Why?
 The Doctor is angry at the Master for destroying Gallifrey and now they will never know the truth.
 I was with Ivy, holding hands, kissing and having a laugh while walking together when a man looked us over with disgust. I could hear him muttering 'freaks' as he walked away. I felt saddened that there is still people who are homophobic but I let it go. Ivy didn't look happy and despite my protest, she went to the cafe where the man entered. I didn't follow her as requested by Ivy but I was getting worry that he would hurt her so I was about to get inside when Ivy got out.
 "I chew him up." Ivy said with a sweet smile. "He won't be a bother to anyone again."
 "Ivy, you really don't need to do that."
 "Oh, (name), trust me, it was for my own pleasure..." she said a little viciously.
 The Doctor and company hid themselves when they felt unsettling presence washed over the area. There is this blurring creature who keep flashing its appearance between men/women/children as if it can't make up its mind and settle into one appearance. But those who are in cages are panicking, screaming, cursing, begging for mercy. 
 The Doctor had to look away when the creatures' mouth opened wide, showing white sharp teeth and sink into the flesh of its chosen snack of the day. Her companion felt sickened by the whole thing to the point of puking. The Master regarded the creature curiously.
 The creature finally settled its appearance into those of a child, a ginger-haired little girl. She smiled happily and walked forward to her secret chamber.
 The Doctor and company followed discreetly. They took a peek of the chamber that resembles a console. Seven holograms appeared in circle around the little girl. She saw the little girl murmuring soothingly to one of the holograms
 As the little girl moved to the next hologram, so does her appearance, sometimes a human, sometimes an alien race. And he/she/it will talk to the hologram soothingly. Afterward, the creature vanished from the chamber.
 The Doctor and company got out of hiding and into the chambers to observe the holograms.
 The Doctor felt her hearts sinking when she saw one of the holograms displayed is in fact her former companion, (name).
 "Oh my God..." Yaz, who also finally noticed, put a hand over her mouth. "(name)?"
 "What? How can she be here?" Graham asked.
 "Is that really her?" Ryan asked.
 The Master rolled his eyes. "Of course, your companion will be one of the stupid ape who invites the creature in."
 The Doctor ignored them as she walked toward (name)'s hologram and touched it. She closed her eyes, feeling for something and she found, no, heard it.
 "Why? Why do people just keep hurting each other? Why do people just actively trying to be cruel? Why does everyone have to be mean to one another? I can't live in a world like this. I hate that I even still breathing in this world. I don't want to live in a world like this anymore. Please, someone, please make it stop. It's hurt so much." The Doctor could felt (name)'s inner pain. "Doctor... I push her away. She is gone now. I am all alone. Please, God, please help me, just make it all stop, please, I can't...I can't..."
 The Doctor's eyes turned glassy with unshed tears. "Oh, (name), I'm so sorry..."
 "Doctor?" Yaz called out.
 The Doctor moved to the other holograms and every last one is the same, one way of another, they are all a victim of violence whether by another human or alien. A young mother who lost her little girl to a bad person, a young teenage alien who lost his family during the war with another alien, a female alien who is a victim of sexual slavery and so on.
 One of the alien race in the hologram, whom the Doctor recognized as a pacifist, her inner pain is actually about the Daleks and Cybermen and her wish is for every races to get along and stop making war in the world which might explain the sight the Master saw of those two race being eerily friendly with each other. 
 Had the situation not dire, the Doctor would probably find it funny that her enemies has turned into peaceful being. The Doctor is worried that the creature is so strong to even convert Daleks and Cybermen. To think that herself, a Time Lord, also almost fell under its thrall is frightening. She has to put a stop on the creature and reset the world.
 The Doctor turned toward the fam and the Master and started telling them what to do. 
 "We have to make them reject the creature. It won't be easy since the creature is basically giving them everything they wanted, a revenge and a peaceful world. But, our future is at stake, at all cost, we have to make them reject the creature." she said to the fam before turning to the Master firmly. "No killing them."
 The Master scoffed. "Wouldn't it be easier to just kill them?"
 "This isn't like the Monk. Killing the host still won't sever the connection."
 "What monk?" Graham asked.
 "Story for another time. Let's go." The Doctor gave them each one person to deal with. Since they are only five people, the Doctor decided to take two. 
 Yaz wanted to help (name) but the Doctor said she will do it.
 "You were right, Yaz, I shouldn't have ignore her. I have to fix this." The Doctor said sadly. 
 "Remember, look for the new person in their life and be careful not to upset them more than you need to. Take this earpieces and make them wear it and help them see the truth, appeal to them..." The Doctor declared. She gave each one a communication and teleportation device for when they are in trouble or when they have done the job.
 The Master groaned in annoyance. "Helping an ape..." 
 "Well, you didn't have a choice. You want the world return to normal, don't you?" The Doctor said with a glare. "Behave, Master. You love playing a game? So play this, be the good guy, convince your person to reject the creature and you win."
 "Ugh, fine!"
 I was reading Ivy's draft novel excitedly while drinking my favorite beverage when the bell rang. I thought it would be Ivy. I can't wait to tell her how awesome her new novel is. 
 I was speechless when I saw the Doctor instead. 
 She smiled at me hesitantly. "Hey, (name)..."
 "Doctor...?" I still can't believe my eyes. The Doctor is here? "What is it? Are the fam...?"
 The Doctor hastily said, "Oh, no, they are fine. I actually am here for you, you know, to hang out. It has been a while since we talked after all..."
 I narrowed my eyes at her, not believing that she actually wanted to hang out with me. 
 She smiled at me with a hopeful puppy look that she probably knew I couldn't resist.
 I sighed and let her come inside.
 She grinned and entered the room and made her way to the cushion. "What are you reading?"
 "Just some book." I refused to talk about Ivy's book with her.
 "I love book. What is it about?"
 "Doctor, why are you really here?" I asked. "I get the feeling this is not a social visit." I said. "Or is it? If you are worry of me being suicidal, don't, I'm fine now."
 "It's not about that. Well, It is about that and more. It's also about your new friend."
 I frowned. "Ivy? How do you know about her? Have you been watching?"
 The Doctor glanced at me with a look of sad and guilt. "(name), I'm so sorry but Ivy is not what she said she is. She is not human."
 I was surprised at the mention that Ivy is not human but... "So what? So she may or may not be human, so what? You are not human either, Doctor." I felt the need to defend Ivy, she is my girlfriend after all.
 "This is different."
 "She changed the world, (name)."
 "I noticed."
 "yeah, she... Wait, what? You know?"
 "I mean I didn't know she is the one who did it but I do notice the world is changing and for the better." I said. "And she did make my life better. I was at my lowest point in life after I lost my dad, Doctor, and she make it better, make it more bearable."
 "But it's more than that though, (name), she is eating people."
 "Yeah, she took people who are evil or has bad manner and she ate them...chew them up inside her stomach, I saw it."
 My mind flashed at what Ivy said before regarding the rude man who called us freaks, about how she chew him up and that he won't be a bother anymore. My face turned pale in realization. My girlfriend is actually an alien, I thought in confusion but for some reason I'm not afraid.
 "(name), you need to wear this." The Doctor said as she handed me an earpiece.
 "What is this for?"
 "She put the world under her thrall. This will help you combat it. I worked it with the Master to make more for the rest of you."
 "You worked with the Master?" I asked in disbelief. I took a step back. I didn't want to hear about this. I suddenly feel the urge to run.
 The Doctor suddenly moved in front of me which make me jump in surprise since I didn't notice her. She put the earpiece inside one of my ears despite my protest.
 I closed my eyes as I felt like the world is sinking before me. The happiness is gone. The sorrow is back full course. I opened my eyes as tears started to fell from my cheek. "Why? Why would you do this to me, Doctor?"
 "I'm sorry, (name), but I have to make you see." The Doctor said as she grabbed both of my arms. "Ivy is dangerous. She will eventually turn against you too after she has her fills with the world."
 "So let her..." I whispered.
 "What?" The Doctor stared at me in disbelief.
 "Why would you want to change this world? Why would you want it to return to the chaos? Ivy made everyone happy and safe. There are no crime, no wars."
 "Yeah, but at what price? She has been consuming people and not just the rude. She is snacking on the happy people too. Her true self consumed emotion and flesh and the whole world is her all-she-can-eat buffet."
 The Doctor look confused. She didn't understand why I didn't jump on board the Doctor's train anymore.
 "If it's the price of peace..."
 "What? The price of peace is her stomach?! Are you listening to yourself, (name)?"
 I didn't reply as I stared at Ivy who has suddenly appeared behind the Doctor.
 "Step away from her, Doctor." Ivy said with venom.
 The Doctor turned toward Ivy and smiled grimly. "So you know who I am..."
 "And I also know your friends...the one you sent to disturb my peace. I am with them too right at this moment."
 The Doctor look nervous. "If you hurt them..."
 "You hurt me first! And if you and them don't stop soon, I can't be held responsible for breaking my promise." Ivy said as she glanced at me.
 "Promise? Your deal with (name) when she let you in?" The Doctor asked. She turned to me. "What is the promise?"
 "To keep you and everyone I have left safe. To not be alone and in pain anymore. To live in a world where everyone is happy." I whispered.
 "Except you don't have them, (name), they never come back for you. Even now, they show up here just to tear us apart." Ivy said with a touch of anger and sadness.
 I glanced at the Doctor and Ivy in sorrow, not hearing what they are talking about. I didn't know what to do.
 The Doctor is begging me to reject Ivy and save the world once more. Ivy begged me to stay with her and promised to make me happy until the day I die. 
 Ivy is in pain. It seemed the Master and the companion has managed to convince the others to reject her. She is having a hard time to maintain her appearance. She keep flickering in and out of existence. She glanced at me sadly. 
 "(name), please help me."
 "You are the last, (name), please, I know you are still in pain right now, but you need to reset the world to the original state." The Doctor begged me, appeal to my humanity. "I promise this time around I will be there for you. I won't abandon you. I'm sorry I couldn't get your dad back for you. But I will be there with you."
 I gazed at the Doctor and saw her sincerity. But I also know the Doctor is good at lies. And yet, what is it about her that make me still want her approval? 
 I turned to look at Ivy and I walked forward to her ignoring the Doctor's protest. I put a hand over her cheeks. "Ivy, thank you, for everything, for making me happy and at peace with myself. I love you for it. But I guess...it's time for me to grow up and face the consequence..."
 Ivy gazed at me sadly. "Are you sure about this? You know how this will end..."
 "I know. And I'm okay with it." I said and it will be the truth because I would revert back to that moment where I already give up.
 Ivy nodded and turned to the Doctor. "It seemed like you have won, Doctor. But know this, now that (name) has rejected me, time will reset back to the moment she let me in and she will die."
 The Doctor froze. "What? What are you talking about?" she asked in panic as she glanced between Ivy and me.
 "The night I found her, she was dying, if time is reset, that's meant she never let me in, which mean I never save her. She will die on that road, all alone."
 The Doctor turned toward me. "What is she talking about, (name)? You are dying?"
 I chuckled sadly. "The irony, Doctor, I died more or less the same way as my dad..."
 The Doctor shook her head. "No. That's not going to happen. I will save you."
 Ivy sighed in amusement. "oh, Doctor, haven't you realized yet? No one will remember this moment in time. It is erased, no longer exist, which mean you will never know either."
 "I am a Time Lord! I will remember! Aborted timelines or not!"
 "And yet Gallifrey didn't know of my existence, didn't they?" Ivy asked. She sighed. "You save everyone but her, Doctor."
 "No." The Doctor turned to me pleadingly as the timeline shattered before us.
 I snapped angrily at the man who dared to threaten me with a knife. It reminded me too much of the day my Dad got shot. I didn't remember exactly what happen next, only that I lost my sanity and fought back stupidly.
 And then there was pain.
 I realized I have been stabbed or more like I tripped and fell straight to the path of the knife in my fit of rage.
 "You crazy bitch!!" the man shouted at me. He left in a hurry.
 I was alone and in pain. 
 I stared at the night sky. Strange enough, I felt calm and at peace. 
 Yaz got a phone call. Her face turned pale as she turned to face the Doctor, Ryan and Graham. They were still laughing at something before they stopped upon seeing her state.
 "It's (name)..."
 The Tardis landed on alley nearby and the Doctor and her companion ran outside immediately toward the road.
 They saw the road is full of spectator. There are police cars.
 The Doctor gulped as she walked slowly toward the crime scene.
 There, on the road, a body covered in white sheet. A stabbing victim. They said it was mugging gone wrong.
 Yaz talked to a fellow police officer to get more details.
 Ryan and Graham stood with the Doctor each by her side.
 The Doctor stared at the body with one forlorn glance, unable to comprehend what is happening. Yet another one she lost, another one she let down...
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Banished (Part 9)
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*Not my Gif*
Summary: When the 100 was sent to the ground, Y/N Y/L/N was one of them. Having been in lock up for almost 8 years, how will she react to surviving on Earth? Especially when se gets banished...
Paring: Bellamy Blake x Reader, The 100 x Reader
Post Date: 7-15-19
Word Count: 3K
~Prompt List~
~Master List
Requests are Closed
Banished Master List
Based off episode 1x09 "Unity Day" of the 100
WARNING: Death, Blood, Fights
How the hell did you end up here, running through the forest in the light of the morning avoiding any indication of Grounders nearby. Your back pressed up against a tree as you took a moment to take in your surrounds, catching your breathing as you collapse to the ground.
"We banish her."
Your jaw snapped open as the room stayed silent. Clarke's eyes never left yours as Bellamy turned to face her.
"You want to banish her?" He asks as Clarke finally looks at him. Octavia was quick to grab your hand before you shook it out of her hand, stepping closer to Clarke.
"You can't. Clarke. You can't banish me."
"Y/N, you said it yourself, you kill someone and you get banished. We don't have any other choice." you scoff at her, quickly noticing no one arguing with her.
"Any other choice? You have about a million other choices. Pick one of them." you snapped at her as Bellamy held your arm, eyes softening as he looked down at you. "Bellamy. You can't seriously-"
"You killed him Y/N. You killed him and it wasn't the first time. You can't promise this won't be the last." He regretted his words the second your eyes widened, confused glances being given by everyone around you both as you rip your arm from Bellamy.
He tried to pull you back as you left the dropship. Heading straight to your tent as you grabbed all the things you needed. A bag, jacket, and a few knives. Not much but you were screwed out there anyways. You tent opened as Bellamy stepped through, ignoring the anger in your eyes as he put his hands on his hips. "I didn't mean to say-"
"Screw you Bellamy. You're right. I can't promise that it won't be the last so its probably best that I did leave. oh I'm sorry, I mean, it's probably best that you banish me. Maybe I'll find Murphy, tell him he was right. I am crazy." And with that, you pushed him aside, heading straight for the gate where Clarke, Octavia, Jasper, and Monty were waiting.
Jasper was quick to throw his arms around you, you returning the gesture before he pulls back. "I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault. Don't be sorry." he nodded his head before hugging you once again. Monty was next, even though you hadn't gotten as close with him as you hoped you would still miss the hell out of him. He gave you a quick hug before separating, nodding for you to go taalk to the the raven haired girl next to him who was trying to hold back tears.
You bit your lip as Octavia pulled you into her, hugging her tighter than you've ever hugged her. "I'll be fine. I promise." She nodded her head before whispering in your ear.
"I know. You're strong. Try to find Lincoln, he might be able to help you." you pulled apart as you smiled, nodding your head before facing Bellamy. You could tell he hated this, seeing you leaving, but he didn't have a choice. He kept telling himself you were a danger to the camp, but he didn't know what happened, no one did and no one will. You made no move to say goodbye to him, letting his eyes met yours as they linger for a second to long before you squeeze Octavia's hand, heading straight out of the camp. Straight out of all the friendships you've spent the last few days of your life making. Leaving you alone, again.
You pushed yourself up as the ground around you rustled, your stomach dropping as you scan your surroundings seeing a man running as you you turn to run the other way, only to smack into someone. You fell to the ground, grabbing your knife for protection as you met the grounders eyes. He tilted his eyes as he stared down at you. Neither of you made any movement until another grounder appeared in your sight. Within a second you were on your feet, a knife in each hand as the grounders look at each other then back to you.
"I won't hurt you, if you let me go now." You said, beginning to bargin for your life as they both lifted their spears, each taking a swing at you as you jumped out of the way, rolling past them both as you tightened the grip on your knives. "Wrong choice." the next few second went by fast, the grounder that was closer to you swung his spear towards your legs as you jumped out of the way, right towards the other who pulled out a knife. the knife hit the skin on your arm, slightly slicing through it as you hissed. Smirking at him, you let out a dry chuckle as they glanced between each other, not noticing you picking up your fallen blade and turning to the one who nicked you. You sliced his face as he stubbled back, one hand moving up to the slice from to the top of his chin to the bottom of his right eye. You kicked out his knee as he fell to the ground, groaning from the pain. You turned your attention towards the other as stuck his spear out, almost hitting you before you reached out a grabbed it midswing. He looked surprised before you spun around, kicking him in the stomach as he dropped his weapon, hitting his back into the tree. You had forgot about one on the ground as you landed on your ass, groaning as he got to his feet you soon following after.
"Ok, boys. I'm tired of this." Your hands started to shake as blood dripped down your arm and your breathing increased. You didn't know what happened inside of you as slashed towards the first grounder who knocked you down. He jumped back, flipping towards the spear on the ground as he landed on his knees. You took the opportunity to come up behind him, knife to his throat as you pulled it against his skin, his body falling to the ground as the remaining grounder pulled you back, you knife hitting against his stomach as blood seeped out of the wound. You fell to the ground as he got on top of you, your body freezing at the familiarity of the postion. You tried to push him off, kicking him any way you could as his blood coated your shirt, not making you feel any better about the situation. His spear was a foot away from you as you stretch your arm out, fingers gracing the wood before you grabbed it smacking it over his head, pushing him off you. He sat up, much like the other grounder as you came up behind him, this time without a knife. You gripped his head, one hand on either side as he shot his hand up towards your face, knocking you back as you held your nose, blood coating it before you resume your position, hands on his neck as you snapped it, his hands falling from when he tried to remove yours as his limp body hit the ground.
Your breathing slowed as you looked at the scene, two bodies on the ground in front of you bent down to pick your knifes, wiping the blood on your clothes as you realized how ruined they were. Closing your eyes, you fell against the tree again, pulling your knees up to your chest as you buried your head in them. You knew you couldn't just stay here, if any more grounders found you sitting next to them they wouldn't be happy. So instead you ran, grabbing their spears as you dashed into the forest.
The next few days were extruciating. You slept in any caves you found, careful not to let yourself be seen by many grounders. Unfortuntely, some had found you, each one thinking they could kill you yet here you are covered in their blood as well as some of yours, body and face littered with scars and cuts as you treked across the woods. You were tired, you needed more than anything to sleep and right now you had on idea how much longer you could go. The sounds of clopping cauhgt your attention as you followed it, hiding in between the trees as you saw some of the most amazing creatures you'd seen yet.
"Horses." you breathed out, voice stressed from lack of use. You didn't talk to all the grounders you killed. Only the first 2, not the other 6. You became someone you'd never wanted to be, a killer. You shook out all the thoughts in your head as you followed the horses and grounders, not being seen as they approached a bridge. Your eyes widened at the sight, there on the bridge were horses, grounders, Lincoln, who you were happy was safe, Octavia, Finn, and Clarke. You couldn't help the anger in you when you saw Clarke, you shouldn't have been angry at her, she banished you because it was right for the camp, you killed people and Clarke had every right to protect them. Your were interrupted from your thoughts as a fight broke out, the noises causing you to stumble back as you fell, rolling down a ravine as your head hit the ground, multiple times. When you finally stopped rolling you stayed still, not being able to move as blackness crept up your vision followed by a figure, picking you up and tossing you over his shoulder as you blacked out.
You weren't sure how long you were out, your head bouncing against the grounders back finally woke you up as your eyes fluttered open. Catching sight of bright object soaring the sky and hit the ground, a cloud explosion lighting up the sky.
The exodous ship.
You felt your heart sink, knowing that you never got to say goodbye. Just like your parents. You should’ve tried to talk to him on the radio. You held back tears as you finally paid attention to where the grounder was taking you. The place contained a few cages, all open and empty but one. He threw you off his shoulder into the non-empty cage, closing the door as you pick your head up, looking through the bars at a woman you recognized from the bridge, the one who was talking to Clarke. She met your eyes before turning around leaving you in the cage as you sit up, coughing at the movement. A loud snicker sounded as your eyes snapped to the source.
"Oh you got to be kidding me..." you mumbled as you closed your eyes, resting onto the wall next to you as you try to ignore the person next to you. Murphy. He stood up, limping closer to you before falling to the ground across from you.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't little miss crazy. The king and princess finally banish you too." You could hear his smirk, the one that caused your insides to boil as you move to look at him. The same boy who cause Charlotte to jump to heer death. You rolled your eyes as you frowned at the mention of Bellamy.
"Yup." you deadpanned as his jaw dropped. Holding back a snicker of your own you let he watch you eyes travelling across your body as his brows furrowed. "Don't look so surprised, you call me little miss crazy. I'm to crazy to be allowed in camp."
"You're covered in blood."
"Yeah. It ain't all mine." Your voice was harsh as you began coughing again, trying to make your breathing normal again.
"How many people have you killed?" he asked as you grew silent. a few moments passed before you figured out how to answer.
"In total, on the ground, or since I've been banished?" The cage was dark but the light passing through a small window told you he was frowning, not at all expecting that answer. He said nothing more as you shrugged, telling him you didn't know at this point. But you knew.
12 people.
Atom, James, 2 guards, and 8 grounders.
12 people.
You were silent, Murphy was silent and noises of the grounders outside the cage was teh only thing letting you knew you were dying yet. That is until the cage door swung open and a burly man came thorugh, eyes set on you as you laughed. Murphy just stared at you astounded at your reaction as the man threw you over his shoulder. He was bigger than any of the grounders you'd killed, but if you needed to you told yourself you'd find a way to save yourself, that is if you wanted to be saved.
Your body hit the ground as he dropped you, having brought you to another room away from Murphy. You hadn't stopped laughing as looked down at you a knife in his hand as you were left weaponless. You didn't know if you were going to get out of it this time.
His eyes pierced through his armor as they narrowed, causing your laughs to die down leaving a smirk on your face. “I could kill you, Sky girl.”
You found your solution. He could kill you. "But you won't."
“And what makes you think that.”
“Well, for starters, if you were going to kill me, you would’ve just done it, instead of saying you were. And second of all, you need me to learn about our camp. So no I don’t think you’ll kill me, Grounder.” You had gotten to your feet during your speech, knowing you were completely on point. One second you stood tall and proud at your revelation before a smack resounded in the air and you were on the ground, clutching your cheek as you started to laugh again.
"You laugh now, but soon you won't be able to." His voice chilled you as you pushed yourself up, stopping his hand as went for another slap, pushing your fist into his face.
"We'll see about that." You were cut off as another man came up behind you, hitting you in the head as you fell, groaning. You tried to push yourself up again, only to fall back in exuastion. Your head was bleeding as they picked you up, tossing you back into the cage as you rolled onto your side. Murphy was quick to help you, leaning you against the wall as you pushed him away.
"Don't touch me." you seethed as his hands flew off you. You wiped off some blood on your face as you eyed him, watching him check you over as if he actually cared.
"I was just trying to help."
You shook your head as you laid down, telling him that you were going to try and get some sleep as he agreed.
"Y/N! Y/N! You need to wake up." Murphy whispered, shaking you from your slumber. You mumbled a response, slapping him as you opened your eyes. It's been 3 days of you locked up with Murphy and at this point it's actually been better than it was when you were alone. They tortured you, sure, but you didn't have to fight for your life, they werent going to kill you. You didn't have to worry about acid fog or someone trying to kill you in your sleep. But now here you were Murphy waking you up in the middle of the night as you stared at the open cage door. You met Murphy's eyes as you both decided what you were going to do.
"Run." you said as you both surried out the both, checking for grounders around you before dashing out the forest. You were a few miles away when you finally stopped to catch your breath. You finally got a good look at Murphy, dark bags surrounding his eyes as blood coated his face, traveling up into his hair. You didn't look much better, at least he was covered in only his own blood. At this point you didn't know how much of the blood on you was actually yours.
"So what now?" You shook your head, huffing from your recent marathon as he thinks out loud. "We have to keep moving. I don't know how many grounders there are around us. We- we could go back to camp." You didn't say anything, still shaking your head as you both start moving again, heading in any way you could. "We could go back to camp." he said one more time, determined to get you to put your input in. "Y/N."
"No. I'm not going back there." He stopped as you kept moving, not caring if he was with you or not.
"Y/N. You'll die out here if you don’t."
You scoffed as you turned your head to him. "Made it this long haven't I?" You heard him mumble something as you slowed down. "Look, Murphy. Camp's about a day that way." You pointed to your left, knowing exactly where you were, you've been by here to many times to not know this area. "If you want to go back. Go. But I'm not going with you. and I would appreicate it if you didn't let them know I'm alive."
He licked his lips, placing his hands onto his hips showing he wasn't going to argue with you. "Just stay safe ok." You couldn't help but chuckle at him.
"Why do care if I'm safe." You sassed before you saw his face soften at you. You didn't know what to say. Murphy being... well like this was something you'd never thought you'd see. "I'll be fine Murphy. Try not die, too. And please don't tell them I was with you." He nodded before walking the way you pointed, leaving you standing there trying to figure out where to go. You didn't have any weapons. No protection, no new clothes, nothing. Your feet hurt from running but you needed to move. The light of morning caused your head to pound from not being used to brightness. You watched your back for grounders, making sure no one was sneaking up on you. You were about to rest before movement caught your eye, ducking behind a tree waiting for him to pass before he decided to speak.
"Y/N?" He whispered as you froze, slowly glancing around the tree as your jaw dropped.
Part 10
Permanent: @literal-fand0m-trash @just4muggles @saturn-aka-six @nathaliabakes @whyamihere-bro @colored-confetti
Banished: @jodiereedus22 @kawennote09 @iamaunicorn4704 @im-a-stranger-thing @elsie2018 @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @strangerliaa @frederikkeborup @a-sweet-little-fangirl @divadinag @youshouldbescared @peter-parker-tony-stank-trash @travelnottogoanywherebuttogo @poisoned-girl @cxddlyash @captainam-erika-trash @south-side-soul @annoylinglyaries @purple-alien-monkey @peqchynero @buckysjuicyplums @somethingdawn @nerdbookish
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jojinx · 4 years
Heaven is Hell with Baby Blues Ch. 5
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Chris Evans x OC Olivia Ransom
Words: 3k
Warnings: 18+, aggressive Chris, light DD/lg, mature content, daddy kink, alcohol consumption
**Warnings of insinuation of mature content**
Want to see more of Chris and Olivia? 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
A/N: I know I didn’t post for a few days, but I was feeling a bit anxious about my writing if I’m being honest. I have so much fun doing it but sometimes it just feels like I get lost in my own head and forget to be okay with it not being perfect, which I’m sure is very common with anything you feel love towards. Regardless, here is chapter 5 and I’m excited for you all to read it :)  I hope you enjoy it and as always suggestions welcome!
Series Summary: Olivia is a career driven woman who works for a big shot movie studio as a writer, she indulges in life’s pleasures and takes great pride in doing whatever and whoever she likes. Living with her best friend Poppy, Olivia is ambitious and has an appetite for the unconventional. She is living the high life until there is a shift in the dynamic of her friend trio. This pushes Olivia to find comfort in the only way that she knows how; in the arms of a tall bearded stranger with some killer baby blues. The only thing wrong is that she can't seem to shake the feeling that she knows him from somewhere...
                                                Chapter 5
I slowly woke up out of what could be considered the absolute best nap I had ever had. I languidly stretched, pointing my toes; hands reaching for the sky trying to get my body to wake up. It wasn’t until I went to scrub my eyes with my hand that I realized I was still wearing what was left of my black eye makeup…and that it was still dark in the room where I was currently laying completely naked. The events of the night hit me like a train careening off the tracks. I fell asleep. Fuck. I passed out. How could this have happened?
I slowly reached my left hand over to the other side of the monstrous bed, half expecting it to be empty. No such luck. My hand hit a huge, hard, and warm bicep, and my brain immediately started firing on all cylinders. I had to get out of here. I had to go before he woke up. Something that would’ve been a hell of a lot easier had I not passed out. Fuck.
I slowly turned my head to the gorgeous, bearded, brunette man beside me who took up the majority of what could only be a California king sized bed. He lay there sprawled out, sleeping peacefully, long eyelashes resting on his cheeks, pouty pink lips slightly parted, huge arm stretched off the side of the bed, letting out a soft snore. I had to go. Now. This man lying next to me was dangerous to say the least. Tall, dark, handsome and nothing but raw power. Men like this were the men I avoided, not for lack of fun – believe me, there was plenty of fun to be had- but because of the chaotic nature of these types of dynamics.
I sat up, realizing that my leg was laying on top of his, and pulled it off him as slowly as I could. I brought my legs up to my chest to swing them over the bed, when I felt a sweet ache and tenderness in my lady bits. Flashbacks immediately hit me, being tied up, him spanking me until I was putty in his hands, being made to… oh god, I had to go.
I slowly lowered my feet one at a time to the soft rug that stretched out from under the bed, trying to make as little noise as possible. Looking back at him, I tiptoed to the front of the bed crouching down to grab my heels and jeans, when my legs spasmed not being able to hold my weight. I went down with a soft thud and a squeak onto a pile of black which I could only assume was his dress shirt from the night before. I glanced up at my mystery stranger, making sure he hadn’t moved and got up onto my knees to make my way to the door.
“Hmmm, and where might you be off to in such a rush?” said a husky voice, gravelly with sleep.
I froze. Completely naked, heels and jeans in my hands, looking like a crazy person I was sure. I stood up straight on shaky legs, something he found quite funny.
“Now, what I don’t understand is why you’re leaving without giving me a proper goodbye.” He chuckled. “Those legs of yours don’t look to be up to the challenge of walking you all the way to the door.”
I turned slowly on my wobbly legs, hoping he didn’t see just how unsteady I truly was. I straightened my back and stood up as straight as the ach in between my legs would allow.
“I just figured I’d make it easier for the both of us. I mean we had a great time, don’t get me wrong, but the alcohols’ gone, my nap rejuvenated me and inspired me to take my ass home.” I said, trying to sound matter of fact, and direct, ignoring the tremor in my voice.
“And all without saying goodbye to me.” He tsked, sitting up in bed. He slowly moved his legs off the side to stand letting the white sheet fall off him, revealing first his strong thighs and then his firm ass. God, I could bounce a quarter off that behind. Once he was at his full height, the sheet dropped completely from his hips, showcasing his breathtaking…assets. I was embarrassed to admit that even with the ache prominently reminding me that I should head home, I felt myself clench for him. My body remembering all the wicked things he knew how to do with that mouth, with those hands…. That co- No! Oh my god, I was like a horny teenager.
He walked toward me, body on full display. He stood directly in front of me, and without breaking eye contact slowly grabbed both my heels and jeans from my hands placing them on a chair near the corner of the room. I couldn’t move. Did he want to have sex again? Did I want to have sex again? Jesus.
Once my shoes and jeans were safely on the chair, he leaned down and reached behind me coming up with a pile of black fabric in his hands. He held it out, making sense of the bundle and once organized he held it open up to my back.
“Put this on.” It was a command, not a request. Normally, I am not the type of woman anyone commands, not without some well-established rules first at the very least, but for some reason his tone held a finality to it. Like arguing would only waste time because he was the one in charge in this room. I obediently slipped my arms into the much too large black dress shirt pulling it closed over my naked body, enjoying the scent of cologne that lingered on the fabric. He came around and moved my arms from their crossed position over my chest, taking each button between his large fingers and securing them. Once he was satisfied with the number of buttons that were done up, he looked up at me. Baby blue meeting chocolate brown.
“Come back to bed.” He said softly, not an order this time; a request. Something in his eyes told me to listen, something pushed me to want to stay, all my earlier escape plans forgotten.
“Okay.” I replied softly, looking up at him through my lashes, my nerves coming through my trembling reply. I didn’t know what to make of what he’d asked of me; all I knew was that one look into those liquid blue eyes and I wanted nothing more than to give him anything and everything he wanted. This is where the danger lay in these dynamics. This is where I had to be careful, guarded. If I wasn’t careful, tall, dark, and horny would chew me up and spit me right back out again leaving me to pick up all my broken pieces.
I awoke to sunlight beaming in through a sliver between the dark curtains, slowly getting my bearings; squinting my eyes open. I went to roll over and get the sun out of my eye when I realized that I was caged in my two massive arms. The more I became aware of my body, the more I realized that I was pressed against what could only be the blue-eyed stranger form the night before. His face was pressed against my hair, letting me hear soft snores as he breathed. I know I should leave, take advantage of him being out cold and sneak off, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I found my curiosity peaked, and I wanted to get a feel for the man who was able to fuck me into oblivion and also cuddle me this tightly.
I attempted to turn over in his arms to look at his face, when I felt him stir behind me. With a deep groan he turned over onto his back, pulling me with him. Before I could react, a loud squeal left my lips, effectively causing a low chuckle from under me. I lay there, a little taken aback by his easy reaction.
“Good morning to you too, Bambi.” I said in a deep baritone voice. “I was wondering if you’d be here when I woke up.”
“Well it’s kind of difficult to escape when you’re being held hostage by a giant.” I grumbled, trying to push his arms from around me to get up.
I was rewarded with a deep laugh from the giant himself. I couldn’t help but smile as I pushed against his arms. I managed to get free and hop up onto my feet turning to face him in the process, when I wobbled on my still unsteady legs, only causing him to laugh all the more. I was beginning to get annoyed. It wasn’t my fault that I couldn’t stand properly, something that I was pretty happy about, albeit a little annoyed.
Reaching out to steady myself on the big bed, I finally looked up at him in the morning light. My heart stopped.
“Are you fucking KIDDING me?!” I all but screeched at his face, pulling the white sheet that had been covering us off the bed to hide my bare breasts from him.
“What?” He quickly asked, alarm laced in his tone as he reached for me. “Are you okay, what is it?”
I pulled back, stumbling over the sheet, like he was made of lava. It couldn’t be. This wasn’t happening. The beard, the eyes, the biceps, the pecs… Captain FUCKING America was currently lying naked in bed. Naked. Captain America. Bed. I frantically looked around, anxiety gripping my heart. Was I on some hidden camera show?
“You-you’re-but-Evans-Chris-FUCK!” I finally managed to sputter in between heaving breaths looking into his worried blue eyes.
He closed his eyes and threw his head back as an almost hysterical laugh broke from his chest. It looked like he was struggling to breath when his right hand came up and grabbed his chest. I could see tears streaming down his temples as he fell backwards onto the bed, clearly amused by my reaction to our situation.
“If you don’t stop laughing, I’m going to come over there and smother you!” I fumed. I couldn’t believe this jackass. I couldn’t believe that I was too drunk to realize I dragged Chris fucking Evans out of a club. I was embarrassed, and I have to say a little proud. Drunk me kicked ass.
“Holy shit…” He said, attempting to catch his breath. “I can’t believe it took you this long to notice!” Again, he broke down into a fit of laughter. “We had sex for like 4 hours!”
I stood there with my lips pressed tightly together, wanting to be furious but failing miserably. His laugh was contagious; I felt a bubble of laughter sneak its way up my throat. The more I thought about it, the harder I laughed. The harder I laughed, the more my legs shook. I fell onto the bed in a fit of giggles as the night’s events flashed in my mind. I had to stop drinking with Poppy.
We both managed to calm down enough to catch our breath. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I looked over at him only to find him already staring at me with a grin on his face.
“I just can’t believe I was so out of it that I didn’t realize I took home Captain America.” I said, shaking my head, as a few laughs spilled from me.
“Yeah well, tequila will do that to you.” He laughed with twinkle in his eye. “Can’t say I’ve ever had that happen to me before, though. So, you’re definitely a first for me.”
“I don’t know whether to be embarrassed or to be concerned.” I half groaned into my hands. “I don’t think I’ve ever woken up next to a celebrity before, so you’re definitely a first for me, too.”
I realized that I didn’t even know what time it was, I sat up looking around at the disaster that was at the foot of the bed. His cllothes strewn everywhere, shoes scattered around, and what looked like a dark tie laying at the top the chaos. My cheeks burned with the memories of the night before. Attempting to not look like an obsessive crazy person, I avoided eye contact so he couldn’t see the embarrassment on my face.
“Are you all right?” Chris asked from his side of the bed, leaning up on his elbows to get a view of my face.
“Yeah, I’m fine!” I replied with a nervous chuckle. “I’m just trying to make sense of the chaos on the floor so I can find my clothes.” I popped onto my knees and leaned over the end of the bed, mindlessly pushing my bare ass in the air.
“Hmm, well yes you are.” Came a low reply as I felt a large hand on my ass. I was caught so off guard that I jumped forward, nearly falling off the bed causing him to lean forward and catch me just in time to stop me from toppling headfirst off the edge.
“Might wanna be more careful there, short stuff.” He laughed, pulling me back into a sitting position. “Your jeans and shoes are on the chair over there.” He gestured to the corner of the room.
I quickly slid out of his grasp, managing to find my jeans and heels just where he’d said, and what was left of my panties buried under his clothes. Bummer, I liked those.
“Have you seen my top?” I asked without turning around. I didn’t trust myself to look at him. I ran the risk of either reacting like a crazy person or getting pulled into bed again, and it was time to go. I had never stayed this long with a one-night stand. Not that this was just any one-night stand, but still. I was always out before morning, mainly because this part was always awkward and him being who he was just made it all the more nerve wracking.
“I think we dropped it somewhere by the front door. Here, let me go look.” He got up out of bed and made his very naked way out the bedroom door. All I could do was stare at his perfectly formed ass as he walked away not giving a second thought to being completely naked. Incredible how he didn’t have an ounce of fat on him, and how when he walked the only thing that moved was his… package. I quickly snapped out of it, slipping into my jeans and heels. The night before rearing its head as I managed to stand up straight. All the dancing and after party antics really took a toll on my poor feet and I couldn’t wait to get out of these heels and into some fuzzy socks.
Thinking of fuzzy socks reminded me of home and that reminded me of Poppy, I didn’t even know where to begin looking for my clutch. I walked out of the bedroom and into the massive living room, arms covering my bare breasts. Chris was nowhere to be found when I heard him yell from what I could only be the kitchen.
“Found it!” He triumphantly cried holding my sparkly top in his hand. “Somehow it landed by the entrance of the kitchen.” He said with a smirk when he caught sight of me walking over to him.
I couldn’t help but laugh at the grin on his face. This was by far the weirdest day of my entire life. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. Here I was, topless in the penthouse suite of an undoubtedly expensive hotel, standing in front of Captain America himself, topless while he was completely naked holding my top from the night prior.
“I’d say you were my hero, but you’re the reason I lost it to begin with.” I laughed as I grabbed my top back. I made sense of the fabric and then slid it on, tying the strings behind my neck and back, finally covering my top half. I turned to walk to the couch where somehow my clutch had landed and started to go through it in the hopes that my phone still had charge.
“So, since you’re dressed, I’m assuming you plan on leaving.” Chris said. “I was actually going to ask if you wanted breakfast before you left. I’m starving and I was kind of hoping you wanted to stick around for some after breakfast fun.”
I was in the middle of unlocking my phone when I finally registered what he’d said to me. I looked up with raised eyebrows, wondering if I’d heard him correctly.
“You want me to have breakfast with you?” I asked in a questioning tone.
“I want you to have breakfast with me.” He nodded. “And then maybe be desert.” He finished with a panty dropping smirk. “Only if you want to of course. We had fun yesterday and I figured we should take advantage since we’re both here anyway.” He finished, crossing his large arms across his chest accentuating his muscled upper body, reminding me that he still had no clothes on.
I couldn’t believe my ears. He wanted to have breakfast. And then more sex. I was at a loss, I knew I should be jumping for joy, but I was suspicious to say the least. But I was a woman, and I had needs. Something that I knew Mr. Evans could take care of for me, which clouded my judgement to say the least.
“Fine, I’ll stay for breakfast…” I started, trailing off.
“I sense an ‘if’ coming.” He chuckled, shaking his head and looking down at me.
“IF,” I confirmed, “you agree to that including an Oreo milkshake… and you let me be on top.” I replied with a raised eyebrow. Both his eyebrows shot up at my requests, his right hand coming up to his mouth and tapping as if in consideration.
“The Oreo milkshake I can do… but you’ll have to be an extra good girl if you want to be on top.” He pinned me with his steel blue gaze and I knew today was about to get a little more interesting.
I hope you enjoyed chapter 5! This story is kind of taking on a life of its own, and it's getting exciting to see these two interact.
As always, suggestions and feedback is always welcome! 
See you in chapter 6 :)
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drabblesanddreams · 5 years
Enemy lines- part 2 Chuuya x reader
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Part 2 commissioned for the lovely @moonlittxger!
If you would like a comission ill have my guidelines posted soon :)
“Wait,” you huffed in between breaths, clearly out of energy as you struggled to keep up with your fellow mafia-friends, “Why are we doing this alliance again?” you asked, staggering to a stop as your newly made friend Junichiro stopped as well.
He spared you a glance, clearly annoyed with your repetitive and bothersome questions. Hey, it really wasn’t your fault. You were still trying to adapt to this new lifestyle after six months, there were parts of this world that were still… hard to get used to if you will.
Your special abilities , on the one hand, were the most difficult thing to get used to. Your wings paired with your slight regenerative ability threw you off your moral-balance, one routine that could never be the same ever again.
“Because weirdly enough there’s been another god damn threat in the city again,” he rolled his eyes before shoving his hands in his pockets as he carefully eyed the city square the both of you were in, “That’s gotta be like the third time this month I swear,” he mumbled, eyes twitching.
Your lips twitched upwards in a smile, clearly amused at your fellow friend’s irritation. Even though you hadn’t met any of them personally, you were quite eager and a tad nervous to meet the members of the Armed Detective Agency; so very veered in the eyes of the public of Yokohoma.  
While the Port-Mafia guarded the city in the depths of the nighttime, the Armed detective agency was more tasked with crime in the daylight.
“What the fuck are you two doing standing around like idiots?” at the sudden insult, both you and Junichiro turned around to see Chuuya flanked with members of the Mafia.
Scowling, you tried to ignore the heavy pounding that was occurring in your heart every time you saw Chuuya. Over the last three months, the both of you had become closer, weirdly enough though you did still throw insults at each other.
“What do you mean ‘standing around’? We’ve been waiting for everyone else to show up but you guys are literally so late.” You defended yourself, crossing your arms over your chest in protest to his accusing remarks.
Junichiro agreed, and shouted a few insults to the already hot-tempered ginger which honestly was probably not a good choice on his part.
After all, having two ginger hot-headed fighters go for each other's necks would only end in pure chaos, and most likely war.
But before the two could actually start throwing hands, you saw a group- Port-Mafia, alongside Mori-san who was leading said group. When they arrived, you averted your gaze from Mori’s cold, calculating gaze. He never failed to make you nervous.
The two orange-haired boys finally shut the hell up, much to your relief and the three of you went to go stand alongside other members of the mafia.
Once you made your way to stand beside some unassuming fighter, you sighed and gazed into the distance of the park, hoping for any sign that the armed detective agency was on their way.
You nimbly checked your watch, seeing that they were just a few minutes late so far. When you raised your head, you were surprised to see a small group of interesting-looking characters walk towards you.
When they finally reached a few metres in front of your group, they stopped in their tracks. You were surprised, they only had three people on their side compared to the big group on yours.
Well…they certainly had style. The leader was tall, with a stern expression as his metallic blue eyes were fixed on Mori’s figure. He had long silver hair that ended just above his shoulders and donned a green yukata under what seemed to be a black haori.
The person flanked to his left was another tall man, with golden hair caught into a ponytail and silver-rimmed glasses that he pushed up his nose. He was wearing a beige vest with pants in the same colour. He didn’t look at all impressed with the situation which was a reaction that you couldn’t really argue with.
Then, on what was on the leader’s right was another tall man. He had curly and messy brown hair that fell over his forehead delicately. His hands were shoved in the pockets of his trench coat and it seemed like he to was wearing a vest underneath that jacket? Although you couldn’t really tell. He looked at your group with a smirk, as if they were all beneath him.
So, you thought, this must be the one that Chuuya liked to rant about daily.  He caught your stare almost immediately and sent you a smirk, to which your eyes widened. You felt your cheeks heat up immediately and you dropped your gaze to the ground.
Mori opened his mouth, no doubt to let out a greeting- or in his case, something purely scalding so that he may get on the armed detective agency’s nerves.
But before he could say anything, a loud explosion suddenly went off.
You were startled, for starters, as you felt the hot wind blow across your face as suddenly the park was filled with smoke and debris. You no doubt would’ve been blown away if it wasn’t for the sudden pull of the back of your shirt. You yelped as you were yanked back.
Once the smoke cleared, it seemed like everyone was scattered as you heard an explosion go off some four hundred metres down the street that led into the city.
You gingerly opened your eyes, turning around to catch Chuuya’s eyes as he stared at the mess in front of you.
“The enemy is here,” he simply retorted as he narrowed his eyes, scanning the area for danger.
“What?” you said panicking, eyes wide, “Like here? Like now?”
“Yes, like here like now!” he hissed and you felt your own face pull into a scowl as you shook his grip off of you.
“I wouldn’t yell at the pretty lady, Chuuya, after all, it’s a fair question”
Both of you turned your head to the right only to see the brunet from before.
Chuuya groaned, tilting his head back in frustration, “Shitty Dazai…” he muttered, before looking at the man whose name you now knew as Dazai, “Stay away from her, ya hear?!”
Before Dazai could say something back, something, or better yet, someone interrupted the both of you.
“Hmm, it seems like my plan did not go according to what I had in mind,”
The three of you snapped your head forwards to see a hooded figure, with his hands in his pockets.
Almost at the same time, the three of you armed yourselves. Dazai took his hands out of his pockets while both you and Chuuya activated your abilities.
You felt the familiar rush go up your spine as you felt the extension of your butterfly wings sprout into existence.
“Hm. Butterfly wings?” Dazai remarked, russet eyes taking in the structure of your wings. You felt almost naked under his pointed stare, a gaze that seemed to strip away the layers of your existence almost immediately.
“A rare ability like this would do wonderfully at the ADA, miss,” he said, eyes twinkling with mischief as his eyes as he reached forwards for both of your hands.
“Uhm no thanks,” you half-heartedly said, pulling your hands away as your eyes were already on Chuuya’s figure who was fuming already at Dazai’s comment.
“Hm, I see,” Dazai narrowed his eyes as he followed your gaze before you were interrupted once more.
“You’re right, a rare ability like that would be simply…fantastic to have.” You tensed at the hooded figure’s words. Chuuya moved protectively in front of you, “It’s simply something I ought to have in my possession,” the enemy cocked his head, “You understand, don’t you? The meaning of wanting, (Y/N)”
You couldn’t help the shiver that ran through your body at the use of your name.
“Shut the fuck up already!” Chuuya growled before sprinting forward and activating his gravity so that he could land a gravity-heavy induced kick to the man.
To all of your surprise, the kick seemed to dissipate through the man and you watched as Chuuya go literally through the enemy.
“What the hell?” you exclaimed, exchanging glances with Dazai.
Suddenly, the man appeared between you and Dazai and the both of you jumped away.
“We don’t have to fight, it's simple really,” he stated before turning to you, “You have something I need and I have something you need,”
“I purely doubt it,” you snorted, using your wings to propel you off the ground so that you could land a punch on the man. However, your figure passed through him like smoke and you gasped as you roughly hit the ground.
On instinct, your wings curled around your figure, and through hazy cerulean wings, you could see the enemy leap towards you.
Thankfully, Chuuya managed to use his gravity to get to you in time so that he could pull you away, you yelped as an explosion went off, propelling the both of you backwards.
You winced, opening one eye as you felt the hard, structured body of Chuuya behind you. You rolled off of him and the both of you got up. You could feel the small burns on your body heal ever so slowly and you were thankful for your ability. You really did not like pain.
You flapped your wings, effectively getting rid of the extra smoke that sprung up.
You then rushed towards the man, flapping your wings aggressively in the air so that dirt from the ground could arise, when the debris filled the air, you smirked for it meant that his view was temporarily obstructed. You raised your fist and manage to slam it into his gut, pausing for a moment before he suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled it above so that you flew in the air.
You scowled as you used your wings to propel against the momentum and flipped backwards.
Both of you stared at each other a moment before he opened his mouth, “26.4 by 32.8 by 1.2”
You felt your blood freeze. Your eyes widened and your stance went slack. No one could have known about those coordinates…not unless they were from the same world-
“All you have to do it accept and you can go home, to your other home,”
“Like hell she’s-“Chuuya angrily started to retort but you cut him off easily.
“I accept.”
“What?!” Chuuya spun towards you and you flinched at his stare.
“No fucking way in hell are you going with that man (Y/N),” he hissed, taking a step towards you and you took a step back in response.
“You don’t understand Chuuya!” you spat back, shaking your head, “My home isn’t even here, if this is the only way I can go.. then I hav- I mean I..”
“I just want to go home…” you trailed off bitterly, clenching your fists at your sides hard enough to draw blood. You had gotten used to the sensation of drawing your own blood in order to ground yourself and maintain your calm demeanour.
“No,” he shook his head before reaching for your hand, “You can’t leave me (Y/N) I won’t let you get away from me again.” Your heart ached at his words and if this was a better place in a better time you would’ve pulled him in for a kiss.
“Not to interrupt, but I think we should finish defeating this man before we can take his answers”
Dazai’s cool response snapped the both of you out of your little bubble. You exchanged glances before turning back to the enemy.
You would get your answers one way or another, with Chuuya at your side.
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starker-stories · 4 years
An Accord (WIS), Chapter 1
I’ll be re-creating my individual chapter posts for An Accord over here on the blog that replaces starkerstories. Until I hit the current chapter, I’ll be posting daily. They’ll have links to both tumblr and AO3 chapter links. I’m sorry if that bothers people who’ve seen this all before in the tag. I’m content to leave all my other fic as AO3 only, but this is my current favorite child, so I’m spoiling it rotten.
This fic is on a weekly update schedule. Hopefully every Friday. More chapters may appear sooner if the writing is going well. Because I have 0 self-control.
For those of you awaiting chapter 10... Have a nice little re-read while the author recovers from losing all his blogs and a short hospital stay. I’m fine now. I’m back to writing. Me and thestarkerisobvious are getting the next book of Messages ready to go for Sunday Feb 23rd. Then it’s back to working on Accord Ch10 for me.
Tumblr Chapter Links: ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8, ch9, ch10, ch11, ch12, ch13 AO3 Chapter Links: ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8, ch9, ch10, ch11, ch12, ch13
Because this is for the MCU Kink Bingo, my usual posting format is different for this first chapter.
Title: An Accord Link: AO3 Square Filled: Clothed Sex (begins in ch6) Ship: WinterIronSpider Rating: E Major Tags: Underage Word Count: full fic will be approx. 35k Created for: @mcukinkbingo​​ Fic Summary:  “That’s the thing about forgiveness, Sergeant Barnes,” Peter said, putting a light kiss on Tony’s temple. “It’s given, not earned.”
Additional Tags: Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Post-Spider-Man: Homecoming, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Polyamory Negotiations, Polyamory, Cheating, Past Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Domestic Nightmare Tony Stark, Reconciliation, Nightmares, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, WinterIronSpider, Happy Ending, Clothed Sex, Domesticity, Peter Parker is legal age in the state of New York, College Student Peter Parker, Takes place about 2 years after Civil War. Closeted Character
Summary:  “You got a spare room up there, Stark? There isn’t room for me, Steve, and his self-righteousness in his bed.”  ——————————————————————————————
Chapter 1:  A Pretty Piece of Tail
“Let FRIDAY answer it,” Peter said muzzily, curling up tighter into Tony’s side. But Tony’s side wasn’t there anymore.
Tony was already half out of the bed. “That’s the penthouse buzzer, babe.”
“I know what it is. Come back to bed.”
“Yeah?” Tony said loudly as he pulled on his dressing gown. “Who is it?” FRIDAY relayed his voice down through the intercom.
“You got a spare room up there, Stark? There isn’t room for me, Steve, and his self-righteousness in his bed.”
“Barnes‽” Tony’s eyes went wide. He tried to stifle a giggle and failed.
“Stark?” Bucky sounded unsure, given the sound he just heard.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s me. Let him up, Fri.”
“No,” Peter said, stumbling out of the bedroom, his sleep pants only half pulled on straight, one hip bone jutting prominently out of the waistband. “No late night Avengers, Tony. I am not pretending to sleep in the guest room again.”
Tony caught Peter around the waist and settled him into his lap on the sofa. “I promised you that would never happen again. It’s not an Avenger, it’s Barnes.”
“What‽” Peter nearly jumped off of Tony’s lap, but Tony held him there.
“Let’s hear him out. This sounds good.”
The elevator disgorged Barnes with his standard Army issue (circa 1945, courtesy of the surplus store, circa 2018) duffel slung over his shoulder. He took in the scene on the sofa and shrugged, dropping his pack.
“So?” Tony asked. “It had to be pretty good to think you’d be more welcome here than there.”
Bucky flung himself into a chair that was at an angle to the sofa. “Might as well try here. Can’t get any colder than over there.”
“I thought you and Captain Rogers were…” Peter started.
“What the hell happened? He damn near killed me in your defense,” Tony said, a little more bitterly than he’d intended.
“Yeah, well, sorry. Information was kinda light on the ground back then and I’d only been me for a little while.”
“Wakanda get rid of the other guy?” Tony asked skeptically.
Bucky nodded. “I wouldn’t have left otherwise. I won’t put anyone in danger,” he said quietly.
“But you and Cap…” Peter tried to ask again.
“Found out that the ‘end of the line’ is the dotted line on which I signed the Accords yesterday afternoon.”
“Where is he, are they, were you, whatever,” Tony said with an eyeroll.
“Not here,” Bucky said. “If you taking me in is reliant on me telling you where they are…”
“Sit your ass back down,” Tony said. “I honestly couldn’t give a fuck where they are. I just want to make sure they’re not anywhere around here thinking about starting shit up again.”
“Sorry,” Bucky said again. “That was all my fault.”
“Yeah, no. You’re a pretty piece of tail…”
Peter leaned back and looked at Tony’s face with shock at both the assessment and the term.
Tony ignored him, well, almost ignored him. A little smirk might’ve crept out. “…and I can see why Steve chased you down, but Steve refused to sign before he knew where you were.”
“The ‘tail’ isn’t pretty enough apparently,” Bucky said. “I thought the reason you guys fell out was over me.”
“Nope. You’re the reason I won’t take him back into the fold.” Tony shrugged. “That’s not it, either. You…” Tony breathed in slowly, deeply, and his eyes closed a moment. Peter’s hand slipped around his shoulder and rubbed small circles at the base of his neck. After a moment, Tony opened his eyes. “You weren’t you. Cap? He has no excuse for lying to me.” He ran his hand over Peter’s thigh, soothing himself with the soft fabric and the solidness of the boy he loved underneath it. “You get to walk through that door and be heard. He doesn’t.”
“Thank you,” Bucky said. “I don’t deserve it.”
“That’s the thing about forgiveness, Sergeant Barnes,” Peter said, putting a light kiss on Tony’s temple. “It’s given, not earned.”
“Listen to the teenager who thinks he’s wiser than the old men in the room,” Tony said, smiling, teasing.
“Yes, listen to the teenager in the room who knows he’s wiser than the old men in the room. God!” Peter rolled his eyes.
Bucky chuckled. “He looks like you when he does that.”
“I do not!”
Tony laughed. “Yes you do. I told you you did. Now we have outside confirmation! So there!”
Peter ducked his head. “You don’t disapprove?”
“Of you and Stark?” Bucky asked. Peter nodded. “First, it’s not my life. I don’t get to approve or disapprove. Second, I’d be a fuckin’ hypocrite if I said anything about a kid getting his first experiences with someone older,” he added with a knowing wink.
“Oh my god! It’s not like that!” Peter said.
“It’s not? Oh. Sorry.” Bucky shrugged. “It was for me and Mrs. Goldstein in 23A. Lasted about three months until she said I was getting ‘clingy’.” He grinned. “Long enough for me to learn what I needed to. But she wasn’t quite as old as he is. And she still had her looks.”
Peter looked worried that Tony might take offense. He seemed to be considering it. But then he laughed. “Oh god, I bet Rogers loves your sense of humor.”
“A long, long time ago he did. Lost that fondness even before he went into the ice,” Bucky said, a little sadly.
“More wisdom from the teenager?” Peter offered. “Like I tell Tony. Going back never works. Only forward.”
“You gave me something to go forward to, baby,” Tony said, squeezing his arm around Peter’s waist. “But the kid’s right. Even if he hadn’t been there, it would’ve been nothing but bad news if I’d chased after Pepper yet again.” He sighed. “Letting go is hard, when someone’s become a habit.”
Bucky nodded. “It’s… I didn’t think it would be the same. It wasn’t even the same when it was. But… he’s,” Bucky sighed, “changed.”
“Look, it’s late. I don’t know where you came in from, but it’s late here and if you’re jetlagged, you need to get on East Coast time.” Tony kissed Peter on the cheek. “Let me get Barnes settled and I’ll be in in a few.”
“Okay Tony.” Peter turned to Bucky. “I’m glad you’re not upset about us.”
“No problem kid.”
“Ugh, another one to call me that,” Peter muttered as he padded off to Tony’s bedroom.
“Thanks for the room, Stark,” Bucky said when Tony showed him to the largest of the guest rooms.
“You’re going to be sharing a roof with me, it’s Tony.”
“Bucky,” he said, reaching out to shake Tony’s hand.
Tony took it. “You grandfathers with your odd rituals,” he laughed.
“Go fuck your child bride, Tony. I’m tired.” Bucky said grinning as he shut the door.
“Who would’ve thought?” Peter asked when Tony slid back under the covers with him.
“That Rogers would be unlivable with?” Tony raised his hand.
“Yeah, but Cap tore everything apart for him!”
“That’s a nice love story, babe, but Rogers tore everything apart for himself. Every single thing he did since…” Tony shook his head and gave a half-shrug. “Ever, has been for no one but himself.” He scoffed. “And he calls me a walking ego. Who’s stuck around to hold together Fury’s boy band with string and bailing wire while Rogers fucks off to god only knows where?” He rolled his eyes. “Whatever. It’s too late to fight the aftermath of Cap’s latest disaster. C’mere.” He smiled at Peter and held his arms wide.
“Dear god, pretty, you cook!” Tony said, stumbling out of the bedroom in nothing but boxers, scrubbing at his face. “Don’t touch the coffee!”
Tony ran to close the distance and grabbed the bag of beans out of Bucky’s hand. He ground them and started a pot of drip brewing. That was for Peter. Who no matter how hard Tony tried, was still a philistine when it came to coffee. Then he dug the good stuff out of the cabinet and started making his espresso. “Good coffee’s a little more difficult than boiling grounds with eggshells, pretty.” Peter emerged from the hallway, almost sleepwalking. “Mornin’ beautiful,” Tony said, planting a kiss on the top of Peter’s rumpled curls.
“You didn’t cook,” Peter said to Tony. He sniffed the air, his eyes still mostly unopened, as he sat at the counter.
“That would be me,” Bucky said, putting a plate in front of Peter at the kitchen stool.
“Are you complaining about my culinary expertise?” Tony said, miffed.
“Not at all, Tony. I’m sure you and May will open your own restaurant any day now.
“Shut up and drink your coffee flavored milk syrup.” Tony sat a mug in front of Peter.
Peter opened one eye fully and looked back and forth between the two men. “One to feed me food, one to feed me caffeine… I could grow to like this arrangement,” he said teasingly.
“There isn’t enough coffee in that to count as caffeine,” Tony said as he prepared his second espresso shot of the morning. “Want some?” he asked, taking a second cup of the shelf and putting it under the spout next to his.
“Italian coffee? Yes please.”
Food and drink arranged, the three of them spread out at the counter. Peter on one side of Tony, Bucky on the other.
Peter finished first. He put his plate in the sink. “He cooks, he can stay.”
Tony got up, glared at Peter as he very pointedly put his plate in the dishwasher. “He cooks like that every day, he can’t stay. I have a heart condition. That much bacon will kill me.”
Peter laughed and grabbed another piece. “I have no idea how long spiders live, so I’ll eat all of yours.” He stopped suddenly. “Oh fuck.”
“Spider’s out of the bag now, kid,” Tony said.
“You didn’t hear that, right?” Peter asked, ducking his head.
Bucky got up and added his plate to the sink, earning himself a glare that matched the one Tony gave Peter. “Hear what? That you’re Spider-Man? Been knowing that, kid. All the rogues do.”
“Oh god,” Peter said in a small voice.
“It’s okay, Pete,” Tony said, putting his hand on Peter’s shoulder. “They’re off the reservation, but they’re still Avengers. No one will tell.”
“Tony’s right. Your secret’s safe.”
“I’ve got class until four thirty today. It’s the stupid senior requirement for my early entrant program.”
“I’m sorry, kid. I got you into Columbia early. Got you into 200s in chemistry, but the state of New York requirements, those I couldn’t get you out of.”
“It’s okay, Tony,” Peter said, giving the man a kiss. “I just get bored.”
Tony turned back to the kitchen once the elevator door shut behind Peter. “Does no one know how to wash a dish in this place?”
Bucky plopped on the sofa. “I cooked, someone else cleans.”
Tony flung a dishcloth at his head. Bucky flung it back and Tony loaded the dishwasher. “So, you wanna tell me what happened?” he asked.
Bucky sighed and turned sideways, looking over the back of the sofa into the kitchen. “There’s dissension in the ranks of the rogues. Ever since Vision took up with Wanda. And no, I won’t tell you where they are.”
“Didn’t ask.”
“They’re leaning toward coming in and signing. Natalia too. Barton’s missing and presumed back with his family thanks to Fury. So that left Scott, Sam, Steve, and me. Scott’s taking the government’s deal of house arrest so he can be with his daughter. Steve thought he had me and Sam solidly behind him still. I signed yesterday afternoon with stipulations.”
“What stipulations?” Tony asked, sitting at the other end of the sofa.
“Better than I deserved.”
“What were they?”
“Regular psych evals, check-ins, and clearing by the doctors in Wakanda.”
Bucky winced. “A full debrief by Ross.”
“I said — no.”
“It was part of the agreement I signed,” Bucky explained.
“And, I said, no,” Tony repeated. “If you’re brought in as an Avenger your debrief can be handled by Fury. I can track his secrets. Everett Ross? I can track him, but he’s a fuckin’ weasel. Fury’s an honorable man. Mostly. What’s in that pretty head,” Tony pointed at Bucky, “does not go any farther than Avengers HQ.”
“I signed, Tony.”
“I’m not saying you shouldn’t be debriefed, I’m just proposing an amendment as to who should do the debriefing.” He stood and patted Bucky’s metal arm. “And by ‘proposing’, I mean ‘demanding’.” He took out his phone and headed back to his room.
Bucky followed. “I didn’t try to hide when I came here. They’ll come to get me.”
Tony scoffed. “Let them try.”
Bucky looked about to object again.
Tony stopped him. “Do you know what I used to make for a living?” Bucky nodded. “And what opened up about three hundred feet above us?” Another nod. “Do you really think I would park this ass, of which I am inordinately fond, in just another shiny New York skyscraper?” Bucky’s eyes widened. “Let. Them. Try.” Tony smiled as he went to shut his bedroom door. “Go watch a movie or two. This might take awhile.”
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archosauriansworld · 5 years
Here’s chapter 2 of GiantsVerse!
Again, the chapter can be found on Plotfactory here: 
      Within minutes of getting back Elsa had the man in the castle’s infirmary. A tall, wiry figure entered the room, upon hearing his footsteps Elsa turned to face him, “Dr. Noctus..”
            “Your Majesty,” he said with a small bow before going to the injured man’s side, “What happened here?”             “I-I don’t know,” Elsa lied. “I was taking a stroll and I came across him. He’s hurt badly. It looks like he was attacked by something.”             “Well, luckily these wounds don’t look too deep, but.. they’re deep enough that they’ll scar,” Noctus said turning to Elsa.“I’ll get to work immediately, I brought some supplies which should suffice. I will say you did a marvelous job on sealing his wounds with your powers Your Majesty, otherwise he’d likely be dead by now..”             As she listened, Elsa couldn’t take her eyes off of the shapeshifter. He was alive and had a high chance of surviving, but she also knew she was the reason he was in such a critical condition. She wrapped her arms around herself. Why had he attacked her? What could he have gained? Where was he from? She needed him to survive in order to receive such answers. Finally, she turned to the doctor. ”Thank you,“ she said. Her eyes darted back to the man. "Please, do what you can.”             Noctus nodded in return. “I shall do my best. The good thing is that he’s lost so much blood he likely won’t feel much if anything at all while I’m patching him up,” he said as he turned to pull some supplies out of his case.             Elsa gave a small nod and turned to leave him to his work. However she paused in the doorway. “Please inform me once he has woken, I’d like to speak with him,” she said as she looked over her shoulder.Looking back, he gave a smile.             “Of course Your Majesty. It may be a few hours until he’s conscious again, if not tomorrow.”            Elsa nodded and silently made her way out, shutting the door behind her. She closed her eyes and sighed, resting her back against the wall. A few moments later she retired to her private chambers to rest.                                                     ————
            A few hours later, Elsa was pacing the expanse of her quarters, waiting to hear from Noctus. A small knock caught her attention, looking back she heard the doctor’s voice from the other side of the door.
            “Your Majesty?”
            Elsa halted her steps and turned toward the door, “Come in.”
            Noctus entered the room, “Well, he’ll likely be bed-bound for the next several weeks but I expect him to make a full recovery. I’d recommend keeping him hydrated for the next week or so, he lost a fair amount of blood. There’s also a low chance of his stitches accidentally opening if he moves too much, so there’s that to keep an eye on as well.”
            Elsa listened intently and when he was finished, she gave a small nod. Though she wrung her hands and chewed on her bottom lip. The Queen sighed in relief and nodded again. “Thank you,” she said, a small smile gracing her features. “Is that all?”
            Noctus paused, “Well, I did notice some… intriguing things about your guest. It seems this isn’t the first time he’s been in this type of situation. His entire abdomen is well… for a lack of better words, covered in older scars, most are old and obviously done by the claws of some sort of animal. However he also has some scars that were done by bullets. Again, they’re fairly old, but I’d keep an eye out, if there were attempts on his life out near where you found him, they may follow him here.”
            Elsa frowned at this. She should have expected as much when she brought him back to Arendelle. Obviously he possessed some sort of magic that allowed him to shapeshift, and Elsa knew best how magic always comes with a price. “Very well,” she said with a sigh. Her composure fell with her weariness. “I’ll increase the guards at each post and inform the general to take precautions.”
            Noctus gave a small nod. “Alright then, you look like you’ve had a long day, perhaps you should get some rest,” he said with a small chuckle before turning to leave. “Have a good day Your Majesty, and if anything happens with him, please let me know.”
Elsa nodded. “Thank you doctor,” she said as she showed him out. Watching him leave for a brief moment before deciding to head back to the infirmary to check on the shapeshifter.
Upon entering she could tell he was still unconscious, however his skin had already regained some color and his breathing had become more stable. Noctus had been able to clean the blood from around his wounds, which despite being stitched up gave the area a slight pink tinge to the surrounding skin. However the myriad of scars that adorned his abdomen were almost pale, a stark contrast against his olive skin.
            The queen stood by his bedside and observed him for a few moments. The wounds she had inflicted on him seemed to glare at her, forcing her to shift her gaze to the floor. To her it didn’t matter that it was in self defense, she still hurt him. Her powers were and always will be dangerous. She wondered if she would forgive herself once he awoke.
            A small grumble escaped his lips as he started to stir. Slowly his eyes opened before he attempted to sit up, however as soon as he put pressure against his arm, a sharp snarl of pain escaped his lips. Despite this he still managed to sit up, winded from the ordeal he then looked around the room before setting his gaze on Elsa. His gaze wasn’t cold, it was something much more primal. “Where the hell am I,” he growled.
               Elsa started when he began to stir. She lifted her hands as if to steady him, but didn’t touch him. “In Arendelle,” she answered, her voice surprisingly calm. “You need to relax, you’re hurt. If you move too much you may open your stitches,” she urged.
              He rolled his eyes, “I’ve had worse..” he growled before glaring back at her, “Why do you care”
              Elsa frowned and pursed her lips. “I’m not allowed to care about the well-being of others?”
              His eyes narrowed, pupils turning to slits. “Why would you? I attacked you after all, why not finish me when you had the chance?”
              She lowered her arms. Her eyes meeting his, unwavering. “And what would I gain from killing you?”
              “A sabertooth skin rug perhaps?”
              Elsa crossed her arms and raised a brow, hardly amused. “Hm, I’m starting to think my garden needs a nice sabertooth ice statue. Don’t you think?”
              He rolled his eyes, unamused by her comment.“Be glad your cryomancy caught me off guard.”
              “Cryomancy?” she repeated. Elsa then shook her head and took a step closer to the bed. “And your attack caught me off guard.”
              A small snort escaped him, “That was the idea.. you take prey by surprise and they don’t know what hit them. If you’re lucky you can hide the body before scavengers come prowling around.”
              Elsa wrinkled her nose. “You were going to eat me?”
              “I view humans as a last resort. Too bitter. Besides, never had the chance and never will. I’ve heard the stories of what people do to ‘problem animals’, and it never ends well.”
              “Regardless,” she sighed, massaging her temple to fend of an oncoming headache. “You’re here because I don’t kill, much less want to harm a creature, and seeing as it’s my fault you almost died, you’re staying in Arendelle until you heal enough that the doctor feels comfortable in releasing you.”
              He rolled his eyes and gave a small snort of irritation before looking over to the window. From here, it was easy to tell how small the village was. Had he passed through here before? If he had, it would’ve been because he was just passing through.
              Elsa shifted on her feet uncomfortably at his silence. The snort was the only sound she could go off of that he had heard. Yet, she didn’t trust him to stay bedridden. The queen had to bet the moment she walked out, he would be gone by morning. “Is that understood?” she asked, fixing him with a hard glare; as if daring him to defy her.
              He looked back, obviously pissed, “Whatever you say blondie,” he grumbled before looking back out. He knew in his current state he wouldn’t be able to make an escape, but perhaps within the week he could sneak back out to the wild. After all, he’d been able to escape from Dira, a kingdom at least twice as large as here, how hard could it be?
              Elsa’s eyebrow twitched, her mouth opening and closing as if to retort, but the words were lost on the tip of her tongue. She could have sworn she saw red in that moment. “Blondie?” She sputtered, clearly offended. Her blue eyes flashed, following his gaze. “Don’t call me that,” she growled. “And don’t even think about any escape attempts, I have guards posted all over the castle. Inside and out.”
              He didn’t say anything, but merely looked back at her. If looks could kill, she would’ve been dead. At least he knew something that made her tick, if need be he could use that to his advantage later on.
              Elsa took in a deep breath to compose herself. Breathe in. Out. Again. It was merely a moment before she could look at the situation more objectively. “I have a couple questions to ask you.” She finally said.
              He gave an annoyed sigh. “What,” he responded with a low growl
              The queen ignored his temper and went straight to the point. “Who are you?”
              His eyes narrowed at her, what game was she playing? He looked her up and down, “What’s it to you?”
              Elsa rolled her eyes at his response. He was proving to be stubborn as ever. She didn’t answer until she pulled up a chair and seated herself, crossing her legs. “As Queen it is protocol to know about those in her kingdom,” she responded, unfazed by the hint of impatience in his voice. Elsa sighed. “I don’t want to treat you as a prisoner. You’re my guest and under my care. If you wish, for every answer you provide me, you may ask a question of your own.”
              His green eyes flashed with caution at the mention of the term 'Queen’, but after a quick glance around the room, he was slightly relieved to see there were no weapons in reach of her, then again given she was a cryomancer she could create one with a quick motion of her fingers, or just blast him outright. However she seemed calm enough, at least calm enough to give simple information to. “Fine. My name is Rhett.”
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mooleche · 5 years
A Tale of Ink and Venom
A/N - All I gotta say is I’m so sorry to mobile users for this lmao This is a long chapter so I’m posting it at 4AM to try and save people from it’s length.
If you’d like to be tagged for the upcoming chapters lemme know!
Also another big thank you to @leo-writer for reading beforehand. I super, super appreciate it and appreciate YOU!
Chapter Two: Heart to Heart
“No no no, I’m so late!”
I shot out of my room like a bat out of hell, a jumble of keys in one hand and helmet in the other as I took to the morning bustle of the college sidewalks. Outside the scenery was a mixture of many things; remnants of winter slush that spring was finally beginning squash with a faint warm breeze. Not to mention the familiar scent of Brooklynn streets containing the disappointing waft of piss and alcohol it was so well known for. Or maybe I had just grown used to it in the year I had been here. 
I stopped abruptly at a covered up bundle and ripped the cover off hastily to reveal a shiny black Vespa beneath and beamed. Her name was Queen of the Night, Queenie for short, and what she lacked in speed she made up for in aesthetic. She was the last thing my parents had gifted me before I had started college. A way for them to feel at ease about me being on my own, or so they said. I think they just didn’t want me to use door dash on every little thing I needed at all hours of the night. Regardless, she was my pride, my joy, and I was finally able to ride her again after the harsh winter months had kept us separated for so long. 
My thoughts wandered as I got my belongings situated to head to work. About Bambi’s words, the news article, but also the strange group text Bambi’s sister had sent out as I had left:
‘There’s a big bad out. Stay safe.’ 
I wish I could say that wasn’t a normal occurrence for her, but Benni Banks had a knack of sending things just ominous enough to make you extremely suspicious of whatever she was saying. The only thing more suspicious was when she would walk with a startling pace out of our dorm with laptop in arms saying ‘This is fine, this is absolutely fine ’ on repeat. If you knew Benni like we did that usually meant one of her cockamamie hacking attempts had backfired and things were certainly not fine. Despite this, we loved her, even down to the cryptic warnings she sent us while submitting to her insomnia sleeping habits that left us more curious than cautious.
A villain like that could have meant anything. Hell, we had just seen Lizardman take on the town before he stopped on his own accord. A malfunction with the machine he used to keep himself human, or something to that degree. And not a single hero came to help during that situation. I slumped forward at a red light and sighed. Despite New York being a hot zone for superheroes and villains alike, it was apparent that the villains were just becoming too much for them to handle. But that was something I couldn’t begin to think about, because I had arrived to work and there were more pressing matters at hand.
Like how I was about to be reamed for being 20 minutes late.
I stopped in front of an ordinary-looking business building not far off from the campus itself and removed my helmet. My hair fell in loose lazy curls around my face as the braid I had made was all but destroyed. Flecks of blue and black melded over my face as I tried to hastily tie it back into its original style, but failed miserably. Giving up I shoved my hands into my hoodie pockets, listening to the leather of my gloves squeak with discomfort before fishing out a flashy looking access card for the entrance. On one hand, I didn't know why I or anyone else needed one of these. Most of the sections inside of the building were offices doing god knows what. On the other hand, the lower levels were a different story entirely. I waited 3 seconds for the light to flash green before I stepped in, immediately greeted by a security guard I knew simply as Barry who nodded curtly to me as I took to the steps nearby. 
“A little late today, Miss Knight,” I heard him chuckle, fading away as I entered the basement. This was where all of the action happened, a steady hum of electronics and murmurs of people lost in conversations of studies they were working on. Some made brief pleasantries with me as I zipped through the small groups of lab coats huddling to discuss, while others seemed to eye me with disapproval. 
They didn’t matter though. The only person that mattered currently stood hunched over one of many counters in his lab as I watched from the glass window that separated us. I pressed my face against the glass to try to get his attention but he ignored me, making my nerves rise as I stepped within the sliding doors and opened my mouth to apologize.
“You’re late, Knight,” 
I closed my mouth and puffed my cheeks out. He always had a knack of catching me off guard. 
His name was Professor H. D. Renato, a man who I suspect would not reveal his initials to anyone until he was on his death bed. Even then that was being generous. He was a man of science and cleanliness, and the two coincided together nicely in his lab that he kept in pristine shape. It was ordinary for the most part. No colorful beakers, no boiling concoctions of evil ooze to take over the world with. Just a man with incredible dreads hunched over his desk studying something intensely. 
I don’t know how our strange relationship came to be, especially when our first encounter involved him walking in on me attempting to delete student debts with my powers. I was lucky enough at the time that despite the criminal act I was committing he was intrigued by my mutation and wanted to work with me on the promise that I never try a stunt like that again. I was even luckier that I had somehow gotten a job out of it instead of making a call to my parents from the Deans office explaining how I got kicked out of college for trying to show up Robin Hood.
He now turned as if sensing me studying him and folded his arms, dark eyes studying me back with amusement.
“What’s your excuse this time then?”
“Would you believe traffic?”
“I would not,”
“How about saving kids from a burning building?”
“Try again,”
“Fine,” I rolled my eyes, setting my bag down on one of the empty tables taking up the majority of the room. “I got side-tracked talking to the girls,” I admitted before joining him behind his desk to get a glimpse of what his attention had been so caught up on. “Seems I’m not the only one distracted today though, huh?”
“You know me, I always have to see what fresh hell is destroying Brooklynn,” he muttered before turning the laptop to me. “You’ve seen it already, haven’t you?”
“Oh, no. Benni mentioned it before I got here but...” I whispered as I joined him in looking at the screen. The shots of whoever, or whatever it was were blurry. Though, it wasn’t hard to see the giant black humanoid looking creature completely demolishing a group of police vehicles like they were children's toys before the reporter I had seen so many times appeared on the screen. She had the same tense face on as always. Not that I could blame her, I’d look the same way if I were placed in a somewhat dangerous situation like this. And yet, she spoke in a strangely calm tone to give what little information she had on the matter:
" ...suspect is assumed to be a high-level threat that was one of few said to be lost in the recent events of the Ice Box criminal transfer after destruction hit- "
"Hang on, that was months ago. They still haven't found the convicts that escaped?" I asked in surprise. He shook his head in response.
"Apparently not. The majority were assumed dead at the scene of the crime but…” he motioned to the screen again as we watched another brief blurry clip of the creature climb onto one of the surrounding buildings as heavily armored police got involved.
I whistled in response.
“I really don’t think you should go out on deliveries today, Nina…” he admitted after a short pause as he turned to me, folding his arms like he always did when faced with a tough subject. I could only roll my eyes in response.
“Don’t think I’m capable of holding my own?”
“Really? You’re asking me this in a ‘Hangover Hoodie’?”
“Huh?” I asked with a confused frown but realized all too quickly what he was talking about. In my hurry to leave this morning I had shoved a blind hand into my wardrobe and picked out whatever hoodie I could find. Renato now stared at me with disappointed disapproval and sighed. It was no wonder his peers looked at me how they did now.
“I have always had the utmost faith in you, it’s your health I’m concerned about. You know this,”
“How could I forget when that’s all anyone ever talks about?” I answered shortly, watching his expression quickly fade to guilt. I knew he hadn’t meant anything by it, after all, it wasn’t his fault that my body was the frail shell of what it used to be. Like I said, I tried the vigilante lifestyle once. It hit me harder than what I was ready for and now I paid the price. 
The result left me unable to use my powers without intense strain on my body, and a group of family and friends treating me like I was made of glass as a result.
He hovered his hand over my shoulder before reluctantly pulling back. Renato might have been a genius but his social cues were lacking in the compassion department. Or any social department in general for that matter. Instead, he did what he did every time there was an awkward situation and began furiously cleaning his glasses that had been sitting neatly on top of his head. 
“I just...you know I worry. And with your parent's trusting me-”
“What they don’t know won’t hurt them. But also, I’m almost 24, dude. Avoir une certaine foi,” I added with an innocent smile. He was not so taken with it
“You know I don’t speak French,”
“Have some faith,”
“That’s easy for you to say, you don’t have to be the one to deliver the news if something happens,” he responded shortly, striking my own guilt in response. Renato, despite his eagerness to take me under his wing, was still a cautious man. So cautious in fact that he had contacted my parents before solidifying his offer to work with me. They weren’t bad people, probably the farthest thing from that, they were just so overprotective. I couldn’t blame them after the chaotic introduction into parenthood I had given them, especially after being the first mutant in our family. There was just a point where it was too much.
There was a heavy silence between us as we both struggled to find something to say before he sighed and directed my gaze to the packages resting beside the counter.
“Alright, I’m trusting you with this, Nina. You’re lucky we have such a backlog to get through otherwise-”
“Otherwise you wouldn’t allow this, yes I know,” I called as I carefully scooped the boxes up and inspected them curiously as if the blank outer packaging would reveal their secrets.
They did not.
“Be careful with those. I put fragile on there for a reason,” he added as he tapped the large black font with a stern look. As part of his side job he was always cooking up interesting concoctions for his clients, considered the mutant savant by many because of how serious he was to learn how to help us function in everyday society. I had never seen a regular human so dedicated to helping our cause and I wasn’t about to make him regret hiring me to help with it. 
Especially when it meant one day he could help me be myself again.
I scoffed at his words and tiptoed carefully to the exit to avoid more of his harping while I could. “I got it, I got it. Shoot me the addresses?”
“Already in your phone, make sure you get all of the signatures this time, Knight.”
“Yes, dad,” I mocked before shuffling out of the lab, careful to avoid any collisions with anyone out in the hall. Barry held the door open for me like he did every time I came up packed to the gills with boxes and we shared our usual polite nod to one another. 
Ten frustrating minutes of getting everything bundled up tight on Queenie and I was finally off to do the real work of the day. 
Being a courier was a fairly easy job. Renato excelled in helping mutants with noticeable mutations by creating temporary serums and little do-dads to aid in his search of making us feel more welcomed in society. Since the clients themselves didn’t usually want to be seen by people other than their kind it was often a quick in and out job. The hardest part was getting to them. Renato may have been science savvy but where he excelled in knowledge he lacked in direction, and it made me ever so thankful for GPS as I rounded the same corner I had been through multiple times in the last 15 minutes.
Thank god these weren’t timed deliveries.
Most of the stops weren’t an issue, usually consisting of an out of the ordinary mutant that just needed some basic supplies. My favorite was a man with red skin and facial hair that rivaled Jack Sparrows. He was charming and straight to the point, and yet his tips were always more than accommodating. His name started with an A but the scribbled signature never revealed the rest.
Others however were... strange. Some left specific instructions in order for me to get confirmation signatures; knock two times on the door to wait for someone to knock back, more than a few required me to face the other way so I couldn’t see them but when I looked back the papers were signed, sometimes tip attached, sometimes other odds and ends. I once received a large quill-like spike as a tip for my efforts. It still sat on my desk to this day.
Before I knew it my final client had come and I rode lazily in the familiar streets of Brooklyn to find the location. His was always my favorite to go to, settled in a small suburb area with people that always seemed to be out and enjoying life without a care in the world. I parked in a vacant area up the street and started towards a cozy-looking home that had seen better days. Not that it was in bad shape, it was just old and in need of some serious case of TLC that its owner was unable to give.
I stopped at the sun stained red door and rang the buzzer once.
No response.
“Mr. Lee?” I called, pressing my ear against the door to hear if he was making his way to answer. I was greeted with silence.
I began a hail mary of mashing the buzzer in a last desperate attempt until a soft chuckle interrupted me and I turned. An older man in dark shades sat at a bench nearby and waved to me, beckoning me towards him and I followed.
"Hey! Buongiorno!" he called merrily from his peaceful-looking seat and I laughed softly.
"That's Italian, Mr. Lee. But bonus points for trying,"
"Ah, can't win 'em all I suppose." he chuckled before patting the seat next to him and I obliged, holding his delivery patiently in hand before he smiled warmly and stared forward. 
"Relax a little, something on your mind, kiddo? You seem tense!"
Mr. Lee always had a knack for sensing these types of things. He was one of Renato's oldest clients, and he wasn't even a mutant. Renato just enjoyed this old man's zest for life so much that he helped him with simple tasks and now the occasional french tutoring on the side that I gave him during my trips.
"Ah, no. I mean, kind of..." 
"Go on then, I've got some time," he chuckled as he nudged me playfully.
I sighed sheepishly in response. I couldn’t exactly tell him my life story. He knew bits and pieces of it, but I was still on the fence about revealing my mutation. Instead, I tried to word it rather poorly, tugging at my gloved hands as I struggled to find proper words.
“I just...I want to be something more, y’know? I worked so hard for this...thing when I was younger and now I’m just this...this burnout of a courier wasting away at college!” I started, unable to control the flood of commentary that was spilling out. “I wanted to be like...like Spiderman! Or the Avengers! Something! I have a gift, my friends tell me every day that I have the means to overcome this... this fear of breaking myself again but I know deep down my body can’t take it...that I can’t be this person they think I can be. And now everyone’s just waiting for me to break again like I’m glass! I hate it!”
There was a heavy silence and I snapped out of my stupor, now standing with hands held over my head in what was once frustration. I didn’t even know where all of it had come from. Like I said, Mr. Lee had a strange gift.
I shot them down sheepishly and took to sitting back to a quiet Mr. Lee who’s bushy white mustache seemed to wiggle with thought.
“I’m sorry…” I quietly apologized before he turned to me, brows wrinkling under his shades with a frown plastered on his face.
“Don’t you ever apologize for expressing yourself,” he ordered gently, resting a hand on my shoulder with a small squeeze. “Life is never completely without its challenges. But that’s what keeps it interesting.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah! Listen, kid. I think you should do what your heart is telling you to do, 'cause deep down it knows that you'll do the right thing.”
“You think so?" 
“I know so. I've been in the industry long enough to know a hero when I see one." he chuckled, a warm encouraging smile spreading across his face now. “You can't force these feelings out, kid. It’s got to come from inside of you,” he said while poking his chest proudly. 
"Inside me..." I whispered, looking down at my hands in wonder. I knew what he meant, but what could someone like me feel when I wanted to do these things but couldn't? I knew in my heart of hearts what I wanted.
But would that be enough?
Before I could ponder more he stood and stretched his back, resting his weight on his cane. “Give it some thought, you’ve got time,”
“You’re leaving?”
“You’re not?” he teased before he pointed up to the sky and beamed. “I got a date with the universe soon, kiddo. Can’t keep her waiting.”
“Uh-huh…” was all I could muster as I stood and extended my hand out to him. I didn’t know if he was trying to be funny about his days being numbered or if he genuinely was expecting to travel the universe. Events in Brooklynn made it hard to shoot down either idea and Mr. Lee had a look so believable that for a second I actually believed him. “Well, if I don’t see you for a while...J'espère que tu trouveras ton aventure parmi les étoiles.” 
“It means ‘I hope you find your adventure among the stars,’”
“Ah! Mer...mer...merci!” he stammered before taking my hand in his and beaming at me, a feeling of pride radiating off of him at his accomplishment. 
“You hang in there, kid. Your own adventure is going to find you soon enough! Remember,” he added, pointing to his chest once more before pointing to me. I nodded and smiled like some solemn promise had just been made between us and in some strange way, it had.
We said our goodbyes shortly after, a broken ‘au revoir’ from Mr. Lee as he sauntered into his home with delivery in hand while I took to Queenie with a little less weight on my shoulders. I was well over the time allotted for the drop-off, but I knew Renato would understand. It was why I always kept his deliveries for last after all, to have deep conversations that always kicked me back on track to the path I truly wanted to be on.
The path that would set things in motion not even an hour later.
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