eunimaybe · 2 days
✧ ─── enhypen when you break a glass
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enhypen hyungline x fem. reader | what they do when you accidentally break a glass
genre: fluff, est. relationship | warnings: mentions of blood and small injuries from glass | wc. 0.9k ♡ a/n: i got this idea after i accidentally dropped a plate on the floor LMAO
lee heeseung
the glass cup you were holding in your hands slipped and fell to the wooden floor of the apartment, shattering into a million pieces with a clatter. heeseung ran into the kitchen soon after.
“i’m so sorry,” you said, crouching down to pick up the larger shards of glass from the floor. “i-i don’t know what happened. my hand slipped. i’ll clean it up.” — more under cut!!
heeseung quickly pulled you up from the floor where you were crouched, eyebrows pulled together in worry. “y/n, you think i’m worried about the glass or cleaning up? did you hurt yourself? the glass didn’t hurt you, right?”
you shook your head, but heeseung still checked your hands and legs for any cuts and scratches. his touch on your skin was gentle, scouring every inch of your body before finally letting out a relieved breath and letting you go.
“i’m so sorry hee.” you whispered, eyeing the glass on the floor in remorse, tears in your eyes.
heeseung pulled you away from the sharp mess and into his arms.
“there’s nothing to apologise for,” he said, giving you a peck on the forehead. “it was just a small accident.”
park jongseong
you watched the vase on the shelf topple over and fall to the marble floor, bracing yourself for the loud crash to come. the vase broke into small pieces, straying the floor with sharp shards of china.
that was a very expensive china vase. and now it was on the floor, broken.
it wasn’t long before jay rushed into the living room to find you trying your best to pick up the pieces from the floor with tears in your eyes.
“jay, i’m so sorry,” you murmured, placing yet another piece of what used to be a beautiful china vase into a bag. “i was dusting the shelves and i knocked it over because i was being so careless.”
jay immediately helped you pick up the shards as you said apologies over and over.
“baby, you’re okay right?” he asked, grabbing hold of your hands and checking for any stuck shards.
you nodded, pulling your hand away to continue cleaning. “yeah, i’m okay, but your vase jay… i know it was one you really liked. i’m so sorry.”
when you two finished with the cleaning, he gave you a big hug, peppering your face with soft kisses.
“it’s fine, y/n. you’re not hurt and that’s all that matters. what if you knocked over a vase? we can always just buy another one.
sim jaeyun
you had been picking up the tiny broken pieces of a coffee mug for a while now. whilst preparing to drink some tea, you had accidentally dropped the mug and it had smashed into micro pieces, covering the floor with its shards.
you heard the door of the house open- jake was back from work- and you shouted a quick “hello” before continuing cleaning.
“baby, i’ve missed you so-“
jake halted in his track, standing in front of the dining room, watching you pick up bits of porcelain from the ground.
“i broke the mug,” you said sheepishly, stating the obvious. “sorry jake. i’m such a klutz.”
jake quickly put down his bag on the floor and knelt down next to you, an amused smile on his lips.
“it’s fine y/n. let me help you.” he said, helping you clean.
when you two were both done, jake gave you a kiss on the cheek.
“you’re so clumsy, just like me.” he giggled.
you pulled back from him, grinning. “am i now?”
“yeah you are,” he said, giving you another kiss, this time on your nose. “i think this is the world telling us we’re meant for each other.”
you rolled your eyes, batting his hands away. “you think everything is the world telling us we’re meant together, jake.”
park sunghoon
before you could even comprehend what was happening, your grip on the glass had slipped, and the cup went hurtling to the kitchen floor. it broke into a big shattered mess of glass, some of the shards finding its way to your legs and leaving small cuts on your shins.
“shit,” you muttered, not even noticing the cuts on your legs and bending down to start picking up the larger pieces from the cold floor.
“you okay, princess?” sunghoon asked, walking into the kitchen to see what was going on. when he saw you kneeling on the floor as you cleaned up the endless array of glass that glittered in the light, he rushed forward.
“y/n, are you okay? did you hurt yourself anywhere?” he asked, his eyes scanning your body. when he noticed the bleeding cuts on your leg, he immediately pulled you up to your feet.
“shit, you’re hurt.” he said, crouching down to examine the scratches.
you hadn’t even noticed the pain until now. “it’s fine hoon. i’m sorry i broke the glass. i don’t know what got into me.”
sunghoon didn’t reply for a moment as he cleaned up your injuries.
“hoon? are you mad?”
he looked startled by the question, his face frowning. “no y/n. why would i be mad? i’m just worried for you. the cup can be replaced.”
he stood up to give you a soft kiss on your lips.
“go rest. i’ll clean this up.”
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in1-nutshell · 2 days
TRANSFORMERS ONE IS OUT! Unfortunately, I couldn't watch it in theaters because work and money is a bit tight right now. I can't wait for this movie to come out in YouTube Movies to watch it. Since we both know it's obviously gonna have a sad ending, do you mind if I added a bit more sadness in this request? Orion Pax has a younger sibling that he raised named Buddy. Buddy loves both Orion Pax and D-16 as a family. Buddy is willing to bite some ankles if anybody was mean to someone Buddy cares about. Buddy is also tagging along with them in the adventures, much to Orion's dismay and dread. I heard there is gonna be a fight between them at the near ending. Buddy is horrified and scared that those two bots that Buddy considered their family is now fighting each other as enemies. Buddy begs and screams at them to stop, but Optimus and Megatron obviously won't. When Optimus and Megatron shoot each other at the same time, in a moment of panic and terror for their loved ones - Buddy jumps in between them and get hit by both of their shots accidentally that immediately offlined Buddy. They both stopped fighting in shock and grief. Buddy's death was the final straw between Optimus and Megatron's relationship. When Megatron and Optimus went in their separate ways, they both knew the war had begun. Characters: Orion Pax, D-16, Bumblebee, and Elita-one. Please and thank you!
Trying to get the TF1 fics out a bit early so we have something to read.
Hope you enjoy!
Slight mention of spoiler in the movie
Bot Buddy being Orion Pax's younger sibling
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Angst, Character death (you have been warned!), Cybertronian reader
Buddy was one of the youngest miners in the group.
They did get some special treatment from certain bots but was otherwise expected to act just like everyone else.
One bot in particular took interest in the younger bot.
Orion Pax was his name.
He saw a lot of himself in the younger bot and offered his companionship.
The younger bot quickly latched onto him faster than rust.
It didn’t take long for them to fall into a sibling dynamic.
Soon D-16 was introduced.
D-16: “So let me get this straight. You saw them and decided to be their friend and the next thing you know your siblings?” Orion: “That’s pretty much it.” D-16 shakes his helm in good humor. D-16: “Sometimes I can’t with you.” Buddy swings their arms around him and Orion. Buddy: “Get used to it D! You’re one of us now!” D-16: “As long as you’re not like this rusty bucket its fine.” Orion: “Hey!” Buddy chuckles: “Don’t worry about that D.” 2 weeks later… D-16 watching Buddy trying to drop kick Darkwing after he ‘accidentally’ knocked their energon cart. D-16: “Primus… they’re worse…” Orion pats D-16 on the back. Orion: “Yep… want to help them out?” Both mech’s wince seeing Buddy get punched in the chassis. D-16: “…Fine.”
Buddy always kept their brothers on their pedes with their antics.
Always kept them both on alert.
Buddy loved to randomly jump on their shoulders or try and pick them up.
Despite their antics, Buddy was a good miner and even managed to do something most miners couldn’t do.
Get on Elita-One’s good side.
No one knows what exactly happened between them both for Buddy to get a bit of favoritism.
Elita refuses to elaborate and Buddy likes to see bots squirm for the answer.
Buddy hands Elita a spare jetpack. Elita: “Buddy I already have a jetpack.” Buddy: “We’re going to need it.” Elita raises an optic but ignores it. Later… Elita: “… How did you know—” Buddy: “The jetpacks are old Elita. Its only a matter of time before someone falls from a faulty one.” Elita pats their helm. Elita: “When I get promoted, I might just ask to move you to be my assistant.” Buddy: “No! I don’t want any more work!” Elita: “Too late, already considering it.” Buddy: “Orion tell her to stop being mean!”
Buddy was helping Elita get used to her new role in waste management when they saw who was on the Iacon 500.
They cheered for their brothers with everyone else.
The bot let out a yelp when they saw D-16 get hurt, but quickly smiled seeing Orion try and help him to the finish line.
…Too bad Chromia won the race.
Good news, Buddy was now a couple shanix richer from the betting pool.
 While they were heading to the med bay to go see Orion and D-16, they quickly hid seeing Darkwing picking them up and leading them somewhere.
Orion and D-16 talking to B-127 when something big falls on to the conveyer belt and jumps off it. Buddy dusts themselves from the junk. Buddy turns and waves at the bots. B-127: “New friend!” Orion and D-16: “Buddy!?” They both go over to Buddy looking for any injuries. Buddy: “Hey quit it! I’m not dying!” Orion: “What are you doing here?” Buddy: “Well I was going to the med bay to congratulate you two, but Darkwing got to you first. Then I had to wait a while until the coast was clear and find out where you were sent. It’s kinda fun going through the shoot though.” D-16: “What you did was—” B-127 pushes D-16 out of the way and shakes Buddy’s servo. B-127: “Hi there! I’m B-127, or you can call me B or—” Buddy: “Wait! I can be B and you can be BB!” B-127: “Or maybe we can go by the Double B’s!” B-127 and Buddy start chatting up a storm. Orion: “What just happened?” D-16: “I don’t know but I don’t like it…”
Orion catches Buddy up on the new information on Alpha Trion.
Buddy is ready to go.
Orion and D-16 try to get them to stay, but Buddy ends up joining.
They are having a blast climbing the crates inside the train as Orion tries to get Elita.
Buddy stared long and hard at the landscape when the group reached to the surface.
Is sprinting with B-127 the moment the giant rock formations start getting closer.
Grips Orion and D-16’s servo when they all get tossed out of the train.
Their chatting and B-127’s chatting makes the other older bots consider gagging them for the remainder of the trip.
When reaching the cave of the fallen Prime’s, they gently hold D-16’s servo as they silently mourn for Megatronus Prime.
Hides behind Elita when Alpha Trion comes back online and nearly decks Orion in the face.
Cries a little bit seeing what Sentinel had done to the other Prime’s.
They deserved so much better than that fate.
Absolutely seething with D-16 when the group sees Sentinel giving the Quintesson’s THEIR hard earned energon.
Once everyone gets their T-cog’s, Buddy is the first to try and transform… unfortunately they did not get it the first time.
The group was running down the hill. Buddy’s helm gets tucked into their frame. Buddy: “I CAN’T SEE! I CAN’T SEE!” Orion starts laughing Orion: “HAHAHAHA—AAH WHERE’S MY HEAD?!”
Buddy gets a bad feeling about D-16 when he starts talking to Orion but brushes it off as stress.
They hoped they were right, especially after he admitted to wanting to terminate Sentinel.
Don’t get them wrong, they absolutely hate the bot now, but to go so far as terminate him?
It didn’t seem right.
Was the first one to get tased and wake up.
They get excited the second they see Starscream, Shockwave and Soundwave.
B-127 and Buddy both tell the other’s who the High guard were.
An excitement that quickly turns into frightened when they see D-16 beating up Starscream.
They tried to get to him, but the crowd wouldn’t let them.
Buddy looked over at Orion, both sharing the same look of worry and fear for their brother.
They end up getting captured by Arachnid with B-127 and D-16 after the explosion.
Orion is riddled with guilt the second Elita tells him that Buddy, D-16 and B-127 were captured with some of the high guard.
Thankfully, he and Elita made a plan with the remainder of the guard to help get the others and bring Sentinel to justice.
Back at Iacon…
Buddy was in between D-16 and B-127 on the ground, restrained as Sentinel prattled about having them executed.
They felt their spark stop for a second when D-16 stood up.
Arachnid had to restrain them when Sentinel started branding Megatronus’s face on D-16’s chassis.
Buddy kicks the spider in the back of one of her legs. She lets go. The younger bot then kicks Sentinel in the back of his knee joints before helm butting him. Snetinel staggers back a bit. They stood in front of D-16 with fury in their optics. Buddy: “Touch my brother again and I swear I will send you to Primus myself!” Many of the captured bots looked in surprise at the young bot protecting the fallen miner. B-127: “Buddy just stay down!” D-16 tries to stand up the second he sees Sentinel start to move to them. D-16: “Buddy get out of the way!” Buddy: “Fat chance!” Buddy tries to kick Sentinel again, but this time the Prime grabbed their pede and with a swift movement twisted it. SNAP! Buddy: “AAAAHHH—” WHAM! Sentinel punched Buddy across the face sending them skidding across the floor. D-16: “BUDDY!” He glares at Sentinel. D-16: “Stop! Your fight is with me!” Sentinel: “No, they made it personal when they helm butted me. Its time to make an example.”
Thankfully the train had just crashed into the building.
Orion hops out and helps D-16 and Buddy up.
Orion briefly thinks on punching Sentinel in the face but is quickly drowned by D-16 yelling that he was going to terminate Sentinel.
Buddy tried to tell Orion that something was wrong, but their older brother was gone, off to tell everyone the truth about what Sentinel did.
They did their best in battling the other guards with their bad pede.
The bot screamed in horror when they saw D-16 and Sentinel going off the edge.
It took them a while to get to where the fight was.
They remembered seeing D-16 holding an extremely injured Orion over the edge of a dark hole.
They didn’t remember screaming, but their voice box started glitching when they saw D-16 let go of Orion’s servo.
Elita and B-127 were by their side holding them tightly, afraid they would try and jump off the ledge to get to him.
Buddy remembered looking at D-16 giving his speech.
Their audial winced when he called himself ‘Megatron’.
They had to close their optics for a second, not believing they had seen a newer version of Orion, now calling himself Optimus Prime.
The two former brothers fought.
Megatron and Optimus were on the ground wrestling the former’s fusion cannon. They barely registered the sounds of pedes coming closer. Megatron: “Let go!” Optimus: “Never!” Suddenly the cannon went off. A scream. THUD! Both mech’s look over and see Buddy’s frame laying on the ground…so still. Optimus quickly gets off Megatron and runs to Buddy. Optimus: “Buddy!” Optimus gets to the frame. Buddy’s optics were offline and there was a smoldering hole in the middle of their chassis where their spark was supposed to be. Optimus gently cradles them. Optimus: “Buddy! Buddy please! Buddy… please… don’t…” He gently hugs the limp frame, not caring in that moment if Megatron blasted him. Megatron just stood up and stared. He wanted to scream. To yell. Megatron wanted to hug his little sibling frame and pray to Primus that this was not happening. Optimus gently places the frame down, stands up and looks at Megatron dead in the optics. Optimus: “Take the High Guard and go. You are banished from Iacon.” Megatron starts walking away but stops for a moment to take one last look at Buddy’s still frame before yelling for his troops to follow him.
There was a small funeral held for Buddy.
 Optimus made sure to hold it together in front of the others.
But Elita and B-127 caught him alone, sobbing with a picture of Buddy, Orion, and D-16, smiling, without a care in the world.
The two bots held their leader tightly as he continued to sob.
Megatron mourned for Buddy in private.
It was only right.
He cried in silence holding a picture of him, Buddy, and Orion Pax on their first day of mining.
In the safety of his habsuite, he could cry all he wanted before his Decepticon’s expected him to come out with a rally cry.
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yan-randomfandom · 2 days
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Old!Fiddleford x GN!Reader
FLUFF!! btw referring to the old man that F has become. we're gonna cuddle Old Man McGucket here cuz i said so.
Your eyebrows start furrowing as you sleep, something fluffy nudging you awake. It's relentless, constantly shifting around. You snap out of it and finally wake up.
When you open your eyes, you find yourself facing wide-eyed Fiddleford himself. The crazy old man everyone thought was a lost cause. The problem is, you don't live with him.
So, naturally, you screamed.
He also screamed.
You both scream.
"McGucket! What do you think you're doing?!" you cry, accidentally kicking him out of your bed out of reflex. He falls off with a yelp. "Oh, goodness, I'm sorry!"
Scrambling on all fours, he retreats to the corner of your bedroom, right next to the open window. That explains how he got in, at least.
You sit up and turn on the night lamp beside you. Now you can see him more clearly, other than just the moonlight.
McGucket hunches over, trying to make himself look smaller. "I'm sorry, I just— there were all sorts of ruckus back at my place, and I didn't wanna be alone—!"
"Calm down, calm down," you hush. He's speaking way too fast. "So, in short, you want to have a sleepover here?"
He takes a moment, fidgeting with his fingers, then nods. "That'd be real nice."
You chuckle, opening your arms. "Come on."
With a newfound smile, he crawls over to you and snuggles up to your side. His beard tickles you a little, but it's pleasant nonetheless.
This surely isn't the first time he decided to come to you after a fright, but you always get surprised with each visit. He just really needs to stop breaking into your house.
"You smell like death, but that's okay," you grin as you wrap your arms around his waist. He's already sleeping, his face buried into your neck.
i have a soft spot for him :[
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zephyrchama · 5 months
“Don’t,” you warned Lucifer. You saw that self-assured grin on his face. You knew what he was planning.
“What? I just came to see what you were doing.” He leaned on your shoulder with enough weight to tilt you several inches sideways, no matter how much you pushed back. “Don’t mind me, carry on.”
“Don’t you have more important things to do?” you retorted, but it was too late. The others were catching on.
“Hey, hey! What’s going on?” Mammon came over and pushed against your other shoulder, tilting you back upright. “What are two of my favorite people doin’?”
You tried to shrug them both off, to no avail. “We’re not doing anything. We can stop this.”
You couldn’t stop it. Asmodeus was on his way and wasted no time crossing his arms over your back, happily leaning into you from behind. You tilted forward. “Hey! What’s happening here?”
You sighed, “we’re not doing this again.”
Asmodeus teased you with honeyed innocence, “doing what, hon? Something on your mind?”
These three demons thought they were so funny.
A passing Satan made eye contact with you. In that exact moment, you used every bit of imaginary telepathy you could muster. Surely Satan would understand. He could save you. He could free you before it really was too late.
He observed what his brothers were doing, nodded, and approached with a congenial grin. Mission failed.
“Traitor!” You regretted ever agreeing to join this exchange program as Satan slowly fell back into you. You didn’t even try to catch him, you were too busy trying to remain upright under the combined weight of four demons. They were hardly even holding back.
You couldn’t see who was running up, being too busy blowing Satan’s blonde hair out of your face, but at this point it didn’t matter. They were all coming for you.
“Let me in on this!” Leviathan said cheerily.
“Yeah!” “Come on!” Asmodeus and Mammon gladly made some room for Leviathan, which was difficult because you were sinking lower and lower, and you felt another weight pile onto your back as Levi cozied up to your torso. This scenario had played out enough times now that the brothers could somehow keep you from falling over like a Jenga tower, but it was still only a matter of time.
Belphegor squeezed his way in between Satan and Lucifer and wordlessly collapsed onto you as if overcome with narcolepsy. He sure looked cozy. He smirked while you lamented, “I’m never forgiving any of you, ever.”
“Beel? Are you coming?” Lucifer summoned the cherry on top of this ridiculous parfait. You braced as Beelzebub licked the crumbs off his fingers in preparation. He knew what had to be done.
“Are you ready?” At least he had the decency to ask, unlike six other degenerates. The six lumps of dead weight each grabbed a part of your body, shifting from leans to awkward hugs. There was no way to run.
With an exaggerated “hah!”, Beelzebub’s weight and outstretched arms were enough to send everyone crashing down. You were protected from any real damage by the shell of demon brothers, but they soon had you pinned down against someone’s chest in the world’s most embarrassing cuddle pile.
“Aren’t you guys too old for this?” you asked. “By like, ten thousand years?”
“We were just checking up on you,” Lucifer said.
“Yeah, how did this happen? Hmm..!” Asmodeus’s voice dripped with sarcasm.
Satan draped his leg over yours and not-so-accidentally kicked Lucifer. “You should have told us what you were doing.”
“I think it’s fun.” Belphegor was the only one to admit the truth.
Hands were running through your hair and over your stomach. Somebody was pushing the edge of your mouth up into a smile with their finger. If these guy were so touch-starved, they could have just said so, like sane people.
“My! What do we have here?”
You groaned, partially because everybody was really heavy and partially because you really didn’t need Diavolo to arrive just then.
“My lord, it appears we have walked in on something quite interesting.” Et tu, Barbatos?
”Indeed! Is there room for two more?”
Your “no!” was drowned out by seven resounding yeses.
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monstersflashlight · 5 months
Train trip
gn!Ghost x fem!reader || groping, heavy dub-con, edging, accidental exhibitionism (very light)
You were almost asleep, the train home took too long and you worked a double shift. You could barely keep your eyes open as you (finally) sat down. There were only two other people in the train, and you didn't mind them as you pushed your legs up on the seat in front of you and made yourself comfortable. You were thinking about taking a nap when you felt it.
At first, you thought it was just a weird contraction of your muscles, tired after all day working. You moved a bit and tried to fall asleep again. But then you felt it again.
A soft caress against the inside of your leg, it felt like a hand. You looked down, but there was nothing there. Your skirt rode up at the bottom, like something was pushing it up. You slapped it down again. The hair at the back of your neck standing up as a shiver ran down your back. You couldn't pinpoint what was wrong. Something was there. You looked at the other two passengers, but they were looking at their phones, nobody paying you attention. An awful feeling ran through you.
The profound dread that filled you made you anxious as you tried, and failed, to get up. There was some kind of force holding you down, your legs felt too heavy, extended on the seat in front of you. Your arms too tired to get them up. You started to panic, something primal inside of you wanting you to run, to scream. You couldn’t, as you opened your mouth to do just that, something fell over it. You couldn’t see anything, but you couldn’t move, couldn’t scream.
What the fuck.
Something, someone, was constricting your movements and covering your mouth. You always said you didn’t believe in ghosts, but in that second, all the times you said something about it passes through your mind. Your mind frantically trying to make you run, filled with panic. You tried to scream again, but the thing over your mouth just pushed harder, pressing lightly against your nose and making it hard for you to breathe. You tried to calm down, to take deep breaths. You almost succeeded calming your racing heart.
But you felt it again. A presence at your side, a hand running up and down inside your thigh, pushing your legs apart. You tried to push your knees together as hard as you could. It was no use, whatever force was there kept them open.
You tried to scream, to bite down, but they didn’t move. The hand kept going up and up, your skirt moving up as they got too close. You felt exposed, scared that somebody was going to look at you and see you there, quiet and with your skirt up your hips, your panties showing completely. You tried to move away again as ghostly fingers ran up and down the seam of your panties, you moaned involuntarily. Fuck. It was not the time to get aroused by ghostly hands. It was unnatural, it was wrong. You couldn’t be feeling aroused about it. You didn’t want to be touched. Did you?
You tried to get away again, but failed once more. Sitting still on the train, legs up, open and exposing your most vulnerable parts, panting. You didn't want to, you knew it wasn’t normal to feel like that, but your panties were getting damp, your pussy wet. The presence moved again, something else groping your tits, massaging them like they didn’t care about you, just wanted to feel you pant again. They succeeded. You moaned softly as whatever was there kept groping your boobs. You felt how they pinched your nipples through the fabric of your bra, the moan you let out swallowed by the hand covering your mouth. How many hand did they have? Were they even hands? You couldn’t see anything at all, but you could feel so much. Too much. Your pussy clenched over nothing.
The fingers kept playing with your pussy over your panties, not pressing, not doing more than a light caress. You wanted to scream for them to stop, maybe to keep going. You weren't sure anymore. You wanted them to move. Each second, growing a bit more nervous, a bit desperate. The mixed feeling inside of your brain weren’t nothing compared to the heat soaking your panties.
When the first finger moved your panties and pushed inside, your scream was muffled by a hand. Followed right after with what felt like two fingers getting shoved down your mouth. You gagged over them, but not a heartbeat later you were sucking on them, soaking them and trying to get them as far as you could. You thought you heard a laugh, but there was nothing there. With two fingers down your throat and two fingers up your pussy, you felt like a toy for their pleasure. That shouldn’t make you hot, shouldn’t make more juices run down your thighs. But it did. You felt so hot, so aroused.
They fucked your pussy like a piston as you stood there, unable to move and swallowing against their fingers, trying to muffle the dirty sounds you were making. You looked up at the other two passengers, they were still looking at their phone. Good. You didn’t want them to look. Did you? No, you didn’t. That thought didn’t make your pussy contract against the fingers inside you.
You felt on edge, you were so close but so far. They were hitting all the right places at once, just to move away the next second. They were flicking your clit and rolling it in the most perfect way to have to touch the edge, but never going over it. You wanted to scream. But instead of that, you doubled your efforts sucking the fingers inside your mouth. You were good, you were a good girl who deserved to cum. Weren’t you? You could deep-throat those fingers until the ghost (ghosts?) made you come.
But they kept the torture up. Getting you close and taking it away over and over. A tear fell from your right eye, traveling down your cheek. You tasted the salt of your tears next, flowing freely as you were exposed and played with, unable to fight back, unable to move, unable to come.
The whole trip kept going like that, they got you close just to take it away. Over and over until you were a crying mess, your tears mixing with the saliva running down your mouth as you sucked on their fingers. You were scared that somebody could see you like that, but too desperate to stop. It was fruitless. You were at the mercy of an unknown entity in the middle of a train. You felt dirty. You felt like a filthy girl. And that turned you on beyond belief.
They played with your pussy for what felt like hours, but you know it was only 30 min, the exact time between one stop and the next one. When the next stop was rolling close, they hit that damn place that made you see stars, the fingers inside of you milking the pleasure out of you as the train slowly reduced the speed. You came and came and came, a scream involuntarily leaving your mouth as the presence vanished completely. The fingers inside your pussy gone, the fingers inside your mouth, too. The scream alerted the two other passengers who looked up and rapidly looked down.
You didn’t want to know how you looked, probably a mess. They didn’t look up, but you could see how one of them tried to hide his erection. You tried to pull yourself together, your panties were completely ruined, your face was probably a messy mix of tears and saliva, your shirt as wet as the inside of your thighs. You left the wagon and the dude lifted his eyes, making eye content with you and smirking. The knowing grin on his face made your face flush, embarrassed beyond belief.
A ghost ravished you in a train… and you enjoyed it.
What a filthy, filthy girl.
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nanaslutt · 6 months
you wanna watch?
ʚ synopsis: things get hot and heavy between you and toji after a job and shiu is forced to witness, only when Shiu accidentally crosses a line, Toji isn’t opposed
ʚ pairing: Toji x reader x Shiu
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ʚ cont: fem reader, threesome, manhandling, choking, public, car sex, voyeurism, fingering, dirty talk, spit roast, deepthroating, throatfucking, squirting, unprotected sex, teasing
You feel the cold brick wall shock your skin as Toji presses his body firmly against yours, his hands massaging your ass as he hurriedly presses his knee between your thighs. You gasp into his mouth, your eyebrows furrowing together at his rough treatment of your body. The two of you had just finished up a particularly rough and strenuous mission, and the end of the fight had been quite the adrenaline rush.
The two of you were left breathing heavily together in the dark warehouse room, your opponents out cold on the floor around you. Toji had shocked you out of your stupor when he grabbed you from behind and wrapped his hand around the bottom half of your face, forcing you to turn your head to the side and kiss him hungrily. You felt dizzy as he gave you no chance to breathe between kisses while he stole the limited air you had just started gathering back into your lungs.
Toji's neediness quickly affected you, making you feel dizzy and lightheaded with lust as you spun your body around in his grasp and allowed him to wrap you in his arms. At some point, one of you had contacted Shiu and let him know the mission was over, followed by your current location. You had no idea how the two of you made it outside of the stuffy warehouse though, but somehow you did.
Your lips had not separated from each other's skin once, even as you messaged Shiu. The adrenaline running through your veins made you feel like you were high, combined with Toji's haste and blatant show of need for you, you were quickly going dumb. You almost felt possessed by how instinctual your actions were. You gasped and whined into Toji's mouth as he used the grip he had on your ass to drag your sopping cunt back and forth along his thigh, stimulating your clit just right.
Toji abruptly pulled his lips off of yours and hunched his back a bit so he could dip his head into the crook of your neck. You tipped your head back agaisnt the wall on instinct as Toji got to work, his sharp teeth scraping and pulling against your skin as he sucked and licked on your soft neck, his hot breath tickling you sending goosebumps down your spine.
You gasped into the air when Toji grabbed your ass more firmly and made you drag your cunt harder down on his leg, stimulating your cunt more. "Tojii," You whined breathlessly, your eyes falling shut from arousal as he continued the same motion over and over again, making sure you really felt the hard muscle of his thigh against your pussy through the layer of clothes the both of you wore.
Toji's cock throbbed in the confines of his pants as you cried out for him. The large man thrust his hips against yours at the same time he pulled your ass against him, forcing his knee further between your legs which allowed his cock to rub against your lower tummy each time you humped his leg. "Yeah, keep sayin' my name," Toji growled agaisnt your neck, emphasizing his words with a teasing bite right under your ear, making you gasp and repeat his name again.
Toji didn't bother trying to hide his arousal from you, it was obvious how worked up he already was. "Gonna fuck you the second we get in Shiu's car." He whispered, lifting his head from the crook of your neck to speak into your ear. You shivered at his words, not knowing if he was bluffing or not. "You want that? You want me inside you?" He teased, biting the shell of your ear as he took in all of your delicious sounds.
You nodded drunkenly, barely being able to pay attention to the words he was saying as he got you off on his thigh. You felt the knot in your stomach tie itself tighter and tighter the longer he dragged you against his thigh. "Feels good gettin' off like this huh?" Toji asked, reaching one of his hands in front of you to grab your chin, keeping the distance between your lips a hair length away as he forced you to look at him as you nodded, eyes lidded and furrowed in pleasure.
"You look so horny and I've barely touched you." Toji smiled, the scar on his lip stretching as his lips parted to show his teeth. "Barely touched you" Yeah right, he was overwhelming your senses and making you unable to feel anything but him and him alone. "Touch me more than." You retorted, making his smile grow wider as he shook his head at you. "So dirty." He whispered against your lips before they were back on you again, rougher this time.
Toji quickly overpowered you by crushing his jaw into yours, his fingers sliding down your face and making their way to your neck teasingly. "Choke m-," you were able to mumble out between his aggressive kisses. Toji felt his cock twitch at your request as he settled his hand on the bottom of your neck. He let his thick fingers slide up your skin and wrap around your neck before squeezing tightly. The moment you felt his hand constrict around your neck, you felt your muscles relax, your whole body going lax to his domineering touch.
"Oh, you like that huh?" Toji groaned, feeling your hips stutter against his thigh the moment he tightened his hand around your neck. Drool spilled out from the corner of your mouth as Toji forced his tongue against yours, crushing you. All you could do was let him manhandle your body as he forced pleasure onto you, making you go dumb.
The sudden honk of a loud, blaring car horn made you jump in his hold, your hands instinctively pushing Toji's chest back, putting the smallest of distance between the two of you as your lips disconnected. Instead of reacting surprised at how you had, the corner of Toji's lip curled in annoyance. "How long are you gonna make me watch this shit?" Shiu yelled from the car parked on the side of the road you and Toji were on.
The smell of cigarettes hit your nose only a second later, the telltale sign that Shiu was here. Toji pulled his thigh back from between your legs, which you silently mourned as he turned around and shoved one of his hands in his pockets, a smug look on his face. "Why would I bother worrying about a man when I'm hooking up with my girlfriend," Toji said snarkily. Shiu shook his head and blew the smoke from his cig out of the car before bringing the bud back inside and crushing it against the ashtray. "Get in the car," Shiu said in faux annoyance as he tipped his head at the two of you.
You felt your face heat up after getting caught by your boyfriend's friend, and the man responsible for giving you assignments, the man you saw almost every single day. You walked behind Toji on shaky legs, gripping his hand tightly as he led you to the car closely behind him. Shui was facing forward now, presumably staring at the road as Toji opened the door for you and watched you crawl inside. You yelped in surprise when Toji smacked your ass as you stood to get in the car, the man giggling at his own actions.
You briefly glanced at the mirror attached to the outside of the car, and you could swear you caught Shiu staring at you as you got in. Though you must've been mistaken, because the second you blinked, his eyes were forward again, staring at the road as he waited for the two of you to get situated in the back.
You were just about to buckle yourself into the car when the door slammed shut behind Toji and his large frame grew closer and closer. "Cmere." He said as he leaned forward and placed his arms on either side of your body, forcing you to lean back against the window of the car, your legs outstretched in front of you as Toji pressed his body against yours. "Toji-" You placed your hands on his chest in front of you and pushed weakly against him as he crashed his lips onto yours, drowning out your whines.
You made a muffled sound of surprise as he moved his lips hungrily on yours, seemingly paying no mind to the fact that Shiu was in the front seat, barely three feet away from the two of you. "The two of you are like goddamn bunnies." Shiu cursed, his eyes watching the scene unfold in the back of his car. Toji slid his hand up your thigh, settling it on your lower back before he pulled you towards him so your body was now lying fully across all three seats of Shiu's car.
Toji pressed himself between your legs firmly, your thighs squeezing around his body instinctually as he smothered you with his massive frame. You wanted to protest, tell him to hold off until the two of you got home, but his persistent lips showed no signs of letting up. Your hands slid from his chest to wrap around his neck as you tried your best to keep up with his mouth against yours.
Shiu tried his hardest to ignore the grunting and heavy breathing in the backseat for his own sake, but it was hard when the girl he had been finding himself attracted to recently was in the backseat getting overwhelmed with a man twice her size as she whimpered and whined into his lips. "Are you really going to do this here?" Shiu asked, gripping the steering wheel in front of him with too much strength as he shut his eyes tightly, praying for his cock to stay down.
"What does it look like?" Toji said cockily, his lips leaving yours with a vulgar smacking noise. Shiu sighed under his breath, giving the mirror one last glance at the two of you before he rolled up his window and turned on the car. "Toji- maybe we should wait," You tried to reason when he let up the attack on your lips to focus on your neck. "Yeah? You sayin' that when you're humping me right now?" Toji said, bringing his face in front of yours as he looked at you with a smirk.
"Shiu is right there…" You said, looking his way out of the corner of your eye in embarrassment before you looked back at him. Your bashfulness only spurred Toji on more. His hand came up from your thigh to grip your neck tightly, knowing how much of a rise that action got out of you. Sure enough, your lips parted in a wide O, your eyebrows furrowed in pleasure, and your thighs squeezed around him. You pulled your arms back from around his neck to grab his wrist of the hand that grabbed your throat.
"You worried about him being here?" Toji asked in a seemingly sincere voice, tilting his head at you. You squeezed your thighs around his body again and shook your head, choking high-pitched breaths leaving your lips as you tried to fight your arousal for the sake of how embarrassed you felt. "Yeah? I think you like it." Toji said, his lips spreading in a grin.
You had to admit, that Shiu watching you did fill your body with a sense of warmth you had never felt before. You couldn't deny that Shiu was attractive either. His large hands, the way he smoked, his deep, brooding voice, the way he bantered with Toji--all of it. But still, the thought of him watching you made you want to shy away.
Shiu felt his body go rigid at Toji's words. He was thankful for the red light he was currently stopped at or he might've accidentally slammed on the brakes in the middle of the road. There was no way you were enjoying his presence right now right? Why would Toji say that? Surely he was just teasing to get you riled up, nothing more.
Although Shiu tried to reason with himself in his head all the ways in which Toji was just being an asshole and you were in fact not liking Shiu being present for this, he was just a man after all, and his cock was having a hard time thinking of anything other than you enjoying him being present while Toji gets you off.
Toji smirked as you stayed silent, unable to refute his words. The pressure around your neck got tighter when Toji slid his other hand from your waist down between your thighs. He slid himself back only a couple of inches, giving him room to press his thick fingers agaisnt your cunt. He tipped his chin up and opened his mouth in a smile when you gasped, your hands around his wrist tightening.
Shiu swallowed hard at the pornographic moan that spilled from your lips, his hand not on the wheel digging into his thigh as he tried to will his boner to go down. The driver was unable to stop his eyes from dragging up to the rearview mirror to get a peak of the two of you every so often as he was driving. He knew he should pay more attention to the road, but he was finding it harder than usual to focus for obvious reasons.
As he pulled up to a stop sign, he paused for longer than necessary--way longer than necessary. Shiu's breath picked up as he tried to watch Toji rub your clothed cunt as he choked you out, unfortunately, your leg was blocking him from seeing the full scene, but his imagination could fill in the rest of it.
You tried to snap your legs together to slow down his fast and aggressive touch between your thighs, but his large body your legs wrapped around stopped you in your tracks. Toji found your clit with expert precision and bit hit bottom lip between his teeth when he watched your chest swell as you gasped deeply. "Right here?" Toji whispered, an almost inaudible sound against your lips. His voice sounded soft, and tender, like he was genuinely curious if he was touching you where you needed him the most.
Shiu had been stuck in a trance at the stopsign for almost a minute, just watching the two of you hook up in his backseat. He felt his hand ache to touch himself through his pants, anything, just a little relief so he didnt explode in his pants untouched. A shock ran through Shiu's entire body when he adjusted his eyes up a mere millimeter and made contact with Toji's. Shiu felt his heart race in his chest, he had been caught, he just gotten caught ogling Toji's girlfriend.
The honking of an irritated driver behind him fully shocked him out of his stupor. His eyes fell forward back on the road as he pulled out from the four-way, taking a left turn. "Seems like you and my girlfriend are on the same track, huh Shiu?" Toji teased, referring to your arousal at Shiu being present. Shiu usually knew when Toji was irritated or not, but right now, he couldn't get a clear read on him at all.
Was he mad at him for watching? "Sorry man, kinda hard not to get distracted." Shiu settled on responding, his heart still beating out of his chest. He managed to keep his expression relatively calm, giving no sign of anxiety away. Toji smirked at his response, his eyes finding Yorus once more, his hand squeezing tighter around your neck. "I don't blame you," Toji responded, thrusting his cock against your inner thigh as he rubbed your clothed cunt, feeling how you throbbed through your shorts and panties. "She's fucking hot."
Toji's words made you blush. Part of you wanted Shiu to respond, to agree with Toji, but another part knew that couldn't happen, he was just teasing. "I said she's hot, huh? That why you were looking at her?" Toji pressed. You swallowed hard, your hands tightening on Toji's wrist, you had no idea where he was going with this. Toji cocked his head to the side and gave you a grin when you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
"That's your girlfriend, man," Shiu responded, his answer leaving you a bit dejected, which Toji instantly picked up on. "Aww, you made her sad," Toji replied, sliding his fingers up from your cunt to work on your short buttons with one hand, all the while keeping his eyes on yours. You felt your body run hot, almost like lava was running through your veins.
Toji felt himself throb as he watched your mouth open and close like a fish out of the water as he quickly unbuttoned and unzipped your shorts. "Spread your legs for me," Toji instructed quietly, praising you when you listened almost instantly. Toji pulled your shorts down a couple of inches before he slid his massive hand into your pants and started rubbing your sopping clit with a few fingers, making you tip your head back against the car seat, your eyes rolling back in your head.
"She looks so fucking good right now." Toji bated, trying to get Shiu to look at you through the mirror. And sure enough, it worked. Shiu found Toji's eyes first, as they locked on each other for a moment before they were back on the road. "I'm not gonna kill you for looking at her." Toji laughed while rubbing his fingers quickly against your clit, making you gasp and whine loudly into the small space of the car.
"It's not that. I'm kinda driving." Shiu responded cockily, licking his lips as your moans melted his brain, his cock throbbing against the confines of his too-tight slacks. "Pull over," Toji responded quickly, making both you and Shiu look at him in surprise. "You don't mind if I show Shiu how you cum on my fingers, right?" Toji whispered against your mouth, shaking his head.
You felt your cunt throb at his words, was this seriously going to happen? Shiu on the other hand, did not need to be told twice. He wasn't even thinking that his actions could be seen as being too eager, he was only a man, and he wasn't about to take a chance on not seeing you get fucked on Toji's fingers. Shiu's left leg bounced up and down on the floor of the car as he drove through the dark city, trying to find a secluded enough spot for him to pull over and hide the car, but your moans were proving to be quite distracting. He was surprised he hadn't run a red light by now.
You felt that telltale ache between your thighs, begging to be filled by something. "Toji.." You whined, your voice strained due to his grip on your throat. Toji leaned down to your face and kissed the corner of your lips teasingly, pulling away only a hair's length to look you in the eyes. Your brows were furrowed and your eyes were glassy with lust as you looked at him, thrusting your hips agaisnt his hand.
"Put them in." You begged, your breath ticking his lips. Toji felt his cock throb, a bead of precum dripping on the inside of his boxers. "Gotta wait for Shiu to pull over baby, promised him a show." You wanted to groan at his request. Maybe it was the adrenaline from the fight or the fact that you were about to be watched, but you were feeling more impatient than usual. "Please." You whined back, thrusting your hips harder up against him, trying to get his fingers to slide lower down your cunt.
Your mouth fell open in a wider O when Toji squeezed his hand around your neck, cutting your airflow off completely. "Be patient." He whispered before relaxing his hand again, allowing you to take air into your lungs once again. Yours and Toji's bodies rocked with the car as it was finally put into park. Toji glanced up from your face and was met with thick trees, covering the car. "Nice spot." He praised Shiu as he heard the clicking of a seatbelt buckle.
Toji let go of your throat completely as he sat back on the seat behind him, his fingers pulling out from your panties completely, leaving you an aching mess. Toji spread his legs and tipped his head at you as you lay legs spread with disheveled clothes against the back of the car. You felt a pair of eyes on you, ones other than Toji's that sent a chill down your spine. Looking up, your eyes met with Shiu's through the mirror in the center of the car.
His gaze was unwavering, much different to how he reacted to when Toji had caught him. "Come up here, thought you wanted my fingers inside you." Toji teased, patting his thigh. Your eyes found his face, breaking the contact with Shiu as you pushed yourself up on shaky arms and crawled toward Toji. You were about to swing your leg over Toji's lap when he stopped you with a heavy hand on your thigh, his dark eyes boring into yours.
"Other way baby, face Shiu." He instructed. You swallowed hard as you nodded, turning yourself around so your back was to Toji's as you sat on his lap. Toji scooted the two of you over once you were situated so you were more in the middle of the car than the side, giving Shiu a better view. Shiu had not made any effort to turn his body, or even move a muscle since he stopped the car.
He sad ridged as ever against the driver's seat, only peeking in the rearview mirror every so often to see what was happening amongst the shuffling of clothes. "What the fuck is going on, seriously." Shiu sighed, his head falling forward onto the steering wheel when he watched Toji spread your legs over his forearms in the rearview mirror, the sight making his heart beat out of his chest.
You shut your eyes when Toji pressed a kiss to the side of your cheek before you nuzzled your head in the crook of his neck in embarrassment, your inner thoughts voicing the same question as Shiu's outer ones. You gasped when Toji spread his legs and adjusted himself under you, his hips thrusting agaisnt your ass as he slouched down a bit, getting himself comfortable. "What you tellin' me you don't wanna see this?" Toji voices, rubbing his thick fingers over your warm cunt through your clothes.
You gasped into Toji's neck, your hips rutting against his fingers of their on volition. "Why do you want me to watch this shit?" Shiu clarified, his deep voice making your pussy clench around nothing. Toji licked his lips and pressed his fingers harder against your clothed mound, feeling how you were already soaking your clothes from how aroused you were. He grinned, taking a moment to find Shiu's eyes in the mirror before he responded, "Because you wanna fuck my girl, don't you?" Toji asked, more of a statement than a question.
You could feel a new tenseness run through the car at Toji's declaration, especially when Shiu made no move to refute his words. "I see the way you look at her, I'm not an idiot." Toji continued. You rubbed your head deeper into your boyfriend's neck, wishing his skin would absorb you and take you away from his horribly tense conversation right now. Only the air wasn't tense in the way it should've been. TOji hated when anyone who wasn't him checked you out, or even glanced in your general direction. But for some reason, the air felt hot, aroused, and you could feel Toji's cock twitching under your ass as he spoke.
"So you're gonna make me watch you fuck her? Kinda mean don't you think?" Shiu finally responded, his answer sending a shiver down your spine. Toji breathed a laugh through his nose at Shiu's answer, before he dropped your legs and pulled your shorts and panties off your legs in one fell swoop, exposing your cunt to the humid air of the car. Toji watched Shiu's eyes drop from his to your bare cunt as Toji held your legs open again, spreading you wide for Shiu to see.
"Is that a problem?" Toji asked, watching how Shiu licked his lips and gripped his thigh in support. You were so wet already, your slick had started dripping down your cunt from how worked up you are. Shiu couldn't help but wonder if any of that arousal was from him. Shiu swallowed whatever saliva was left in his dry mouth as he watched with hawk eyes as Toji brought his massive hand back down between your thighs to rub a few fingers over your twitching clit.
"You want Shiu to watch you cum on my fingers, baby?" Toji whispered against the side of your face, his cock throbbing against your ass. Your back arched involuntarily against him as he rubbed you just right. Shiu watched with bated breath as your face contorted in pleasure and you whined from Tojis fingers. You nodded at your boyfriend's words, not finding it in you to speak, finding it too humiliating to admit you liked this.
"See? Even she wants you to watch." Toji laughed, rubbing his fingers in fat circles over your whole cunt, stopping at your hole every once in a while to tease a few thick fingers against your entrance, but never pushing them in. "Come back here, can barely see shit from that dirty ass mirror," Toji said to Shiu, speaking almost too calmly for someone who was currently getting his girlfriend off with a massive hardon in front of his friend.
Shiu shook his head and cursed under his breath as he opened the driver's door to his car and stepped out, slamming it a little too hard behind him. The cool air did wonders on chilling his ridiculously warm skin, unfortunately, though it was doing little to calm his raging boner. Shiu ran his hand through his hair and wiped his hand over his mouth, contemplating the small decisions he made that got him into this situation.
After taking his sweet time to walk around the car to the opposite side of the car, he opened the door and felt his heart jump when he was immediately met with the sound of you whining and crying as Toji squeezed his hand around your throat while he fingerfucked you on his lap. Shiu's eyes went wide as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.
Adrenaline rushed through his body at the thought of someone hearing how loud you were being. In a split-second decision, Shiu jumped inside the car and slammed the door shut behind him faster than he opened it. The man leaned over to you and pressed his hand against your mouth, his heart racing when the car became quieter, your moans muffled, and he realized what he had just done.
Toji slowed his fingers inside you and raised his eyebrows at Shiu. "Didn't know I invited you to join." HE said cockily, raising his eyebrows at the other man. Your whins into Shiu's hand wet his skin from how hot your breath was against it. Shiu's eyes darkened as he made contact with your wet ones, who looked at him pleadingly, almost like you were asking for help. The wetness on your thighs and Toji's told him exactly how hard Toji had fingerfucked you in only a few seconds he had been gone for.
"She was being fucking loud. You might not care, but we're still in public." Shiu said before retracting his hand away from your mouth. You whined at the loss, the feeling of his large, heavy hand pressing tightly over your mouth had made you squeeze down like a vice on Toji's cock at how unexpected and domineering his touch had been. Toji looked down at you from behind his lashes and saw how intently you were looking at Shiu.
He really wasn't planning on taking it this far, but if you wanted him so bad, who was he to deny you? "Yeah you're right, she is loud huh?" Toji agreed, emphasizing his words by squeezing his large hand tighter around your throat, making you tip your head back onto his shoulder. "Why don't you shut her up again?" Toji suggested. His fingers picked up their speed after he spoke, seemingly giving Shiu a reason to shut you up as your moans instantly increased in volume.
Shiu's hand twitched with restraint in front of him as his lips parted slightly, aroused breaths leaving his lips as he watched you go dumb on Toji's fingers. Slur after slur of Toji's name and curses fell from your lips as he pistoned his fingers in and out of you, curling them perfectly against your gummy walls, rubbing the tips right on your sweet spot. "Oh my god- f-fuck oh my-" Your curses were cut short when Shiu scooted his body closer to the two of you and pressed his hand against your mouth, his fingers and thumb wrapped around your jaw as he gripped the bottom half of your face harshly.
Your eyes rolled back in your head at the feeling of Shiu's large hand, just as big as Toji's suffocating you. "She just got so fucking tight," Toji growled, thrusting his hips up against your ass impatiently. "Yeah?" Shiu responded, gaining more confidence as his arousal flooded his mind. "Yeah, the little wore loves bein' manhandled, huh?" Toji cooed at you, pursing his lips around his teeth as he stilled his fingers to the base against your cunt and curled them repeatedly.
You tried to thrash your head side to side at the feeling of the intense heat building up in your stomach, but Toji and Shiu's grips on your face kept you steady, just fighting them as you tried not to make a mess in Shiu's car. "She gonna cum?" Shiu asked, noticing how antsy and twitchy you got, combined with your eyes that fought to stay forward in their sockets.
"Yeah, think she's gonna make a mess," Toji said. The way the two men were talking about you like you weren't there somehow made the feeling of arousal grow tenfold. "'S fine, make a mess. The car can be cleaned, just let it out." Shiu said, nodding strongly as he looked deep into your eyes. Your eyebrows knit tightly together and you whined against Shiu's hand as Toji's fingers fucked you right up to the edge of your orgasm.
"C'mon baby, cum all over my fingers, show Shiu how good you are for me." Toji praised, talking you through it as he mumbled his words against your ear, his deep voice being the last thread you needed to push you over the edge. Your legs strained against Toji's arms that held them open as your body curled in on yourself and you came on his fingers, a gush of wetness squirting from your cunt and making a mess on Toji's and the car seat beneath you.
"Oh shit." Shiu groaned, his fingers curling tighter around your mouth as he watched you cum, unable to stop himself from gripping his hard-on through his pants and squeezing, trying to alleviate some of the arousal he was feeling. "Dirty girl," Toji groaned, whistling at the mess you made all over him. "That was a big one huh?" You fought to catch your breath by simply breathing through your nose, it was only until Toji gently pushed Shiu's wrist to remind him to let go that you were able to breathe properly.
Toji let your shaky legs rest on his thighs as you gulped oxygen into your lungs. "Looks like you're not the only one worked up, pretty girl." Toji cooed, kissing the side of your face as he tipped your chin to look at Shiu, who had his hand over his crotch and was slowly massaging his cock as he stared at the mess between your thighs you made just moments prior.
You swallowed hard at the sight in front of you. The bulge in his pants looked massive as it strained against his hand. "Wanna help him out?" Toji whispered against your ear, keeping his voice only audible to you as he asked his question, wanting to surprise Shiu with your throat if you agreed to it. "Look how horny he is, how hard his cock is." Toji pushed, his hot breath against your ear making your eyes flutter in their sockets.
"If that was me would you let me just ache like that? Huh?" Shiu could hear Toji saying something to you, but he couldn't hear a thing. His own heartbeat in his ears was preventing him from hearing anything under a whisper, which happened to be perfect for Toji's little plan. You licked your lips as you let Toji's words lull you away, your eyes lidded lower as you watched Shiu's cock twitch against his hand. You pressed your thighs together imagining your throat wrapped around his thick cock as Toji worked you up, painting the picture for you.
"Keepin' secrets?" Shiu spoke up, his eyebrows raised and a small smile on his face as he caught your eyes ogling his cock. You felt your face heat up in embarrassment but quickly got over it as Toji's vulgar words brought the focus back on him. You turned your body in his hold and pressed both of your smaller hands against his lips, shutting Toji up. You felt his lips curl from behind your hand as you spoke, "Okay, okay yes." You shook your head before you dropped your hands from his mouth, turning your body back forward. "Nasty ass mouth." You mumbled, making Toji grin.
Toji slid out from behind you and grabbed your hips, forcing you to assume the doggy position as he got behind you and started working on removing his belt. Shiu cocked his head to the side when you placed your hands on his thighs, forcing him to spread his legs and lean back against the door of the car, one of his feet firmly on the bottom of the car. Shiu kept his hands on the seat, unsure if he was allowed to touch you.
"Fucking relax." Toji laughed, pulling his pants and boxers down his thighs in tandem as he watched you caress Shiu's thighs, dangerously close to his cock. "She wants to suck you off, you gonna say no?" Toji said, tapping his cock against the curve of your ass, making you whine and rub your hips back against him.
Shiu looked down at you and noticed how you were keeping your hands away from his cock until he gave you his verbal consent, such a sweetheart. "Wanna hear you say it," Shiu said, his focus landing on you as you looked up at him from under your lashes between his thighs. "Is it true? You wanna suck my cock?" Shiu asked, cradling your face with one of his hands. You leaned into his touch, your eyes shutting as you rubbed your cheek into his rough, warm palm.
"Can I? Can I suck your dick?" You asked, making Toji whistle at your bluntness. Toji rubbed his cock between your thighs, pressing his shaft agaisnt your warm folds, getting his cock all wet with your juices while he waited for you and Shiu to catch up to speed. Shiu swallowed hard and smiled as his freehand came down to undo his belt for you, all the while his approving, gentle eyes stayed on yours.
The air was thick with arousal, making it feel incredibly stuffy and intimate as you patiently waited for Shiu to pull out his cock. Toji not so much, the man kept teasing you with his tip, pressing it against you before pulling away and rubbing it between your folds, all while rushing Shiu to hurry up, whining that he wanted to get his cock wet before he exploded.
When Shiu pulled his hard dick out from the confines of his boxers, you felt your mouth pool with saliva. He was thick, not as long as Toji, but almost. You wondered if you would be able to take him fully or if the stretch would be too much. Shiu must've seen the hesitation written on your face, because he released his hand from the base of his cock and cupped your face with both hands, leaning down a bit so his face was in front of yours.
"You can take it." He assured, nodding at you, making you nod back as his words sent confidence rushing through his veins. Your arms almost gave out on you when Toji pressed his cock into your entrance with no warning, only a low groan from behind you as he slid inside your pussy inch by inch. A shaky breath left Toji's lips as he felt your cunt pulse and clench around him from the unexpected intrusion. "Toji-" You cried, gripping Shiu's thighs tightly for support. Toji's aroused O-shaped mouth formed into a cheeky smile, as he looked up from staring at where the two of you were connected to find Shiu and nodded at him, "You gonna comfort her or what?"
Shiu licked his lips before finding your face with his eyes once more. Your mouth was open and your body was already shaking and trembling from such little stimulation. "Open your mouth doll." Shiu whispered, praising you for listening so quickly by whispering "Good girl." Against your lips as he pressed his mouth against yours, instantly massaging his lips with your own, his tongue crushing yours.
Toji felt himself throb inside your walls at the smacking sound of your lips entangling together. You squeezed like a vice around his cock, letting Toji know you were feeling good. "So fucking hot." Toji groaned before he pulled his hips back, letting his cock slip almost completely out of your pussy before he slammed his length inside of you all at once.
You yelped against Shiu's lips, almost biting him from how hard Toji fucked into you. "Shhh, it's okay, I got you," Shiu reassured, continuing to kiss you as Toji immediately started up a brutal pace behind you. You yelped into Shiu's mouth after every thrust, barely able to keep up with the pace of his lips as Shiu basically licked into your mouth. "Oh my fffucking god." You whined, separating your lips from Shiu's by letting your head dangle forward limply, your eyes rolling back in your head as Toji fucked his fat cock right into your sweet spot.
"My cock feel good baby? Huh?" Toji babbled behind you, his fat balls slapping against your abused clit with every thrust. You nodded dumbly in response, pulsing around his dick. Shiu's cock leaked precum from the tip, a long stream of the white liquid running down his cock as it twitched freely in the air. You caught sight of it when your head was dangling freely, your eyes barely cracking open for a moment when you saw it.
"Hey," Shiu said, gaining your attention once more. His large hand wrapped around your neck as he pulled you back up to face him once more. Shiu looked just as aroused as you, his expression serious, his cheeks red, his cock twitching, he looked desperate. "I'm not done kissin' you." He said, using your neck for leverage to pull you back against him, your lips crashing together.
Shiu greedily swallowed up all your moans as your eyes squeezed tightly together, your eyebrows knit in pleasure. "Yeeahhh, choke her Shiu, she fucking loves that shit." Toji groaned, his eyes flitting between your cunt sucking in his fat cock, and Shiu's fingers that dug into your neck when he squeezed your throat, barely giving you any room to breathe.
You released a long whine against Shiu's lips as he crushed your tongue with his own, his fingers squeezing and releasing your neck, choking you expertly, somehow knowing exactly when you needed to breathe. Amidst all the pleasure, the image of Shiu's neglected cock flashed in your mind, giving you the perfect idea. Blindly, you felt around on Shiu's thigh, creeping your hand closer and closer upwards until you reached his cock.
Shiu groaned against you when your small fingers wrapped around his cock, his eyebrows furrowing together in pleasure. His lips popped off yours and he leaned back a bit to look down at his crotch to watch you jerk him off. The older man bit his lip between his teeth and groaned, nodding and hissing air in through his teeth as you rubbed his pre cum all over his cock--the perfect lube.
"Does that feel good Shiu?" You asked, biting your lip as you looked up at him. Shiu squeezed your throat as he nodded, making you release a wonton moan from between your lips, "So good doll, so fucking good." Toji groaned from behind you, his hand snaking into your hair making your scalp tingle.
Suddenly, the weight of his large body was over yours, one hand on the seat by Shiu's thigh, the other firmly gripping your hair. Shiu released your neck and tucked some of the stray hairs behind your face as he watched Toji hump into you. "Bet he would feel even better if you sucked his cock, huh?" Toji whispered, emphasizing his words by shoving your head down into Shiu's crotch.
Your cheek rested on Shiu's thigh, his cock twitching needily by your face as you continue stroking him off, rubbing his cock like a corkscrew. With Toji's help, you lifted your head off his thigh and found Shiu's cock with your lips. Shiu groaned when he felt your soft mouth wrap around his cock, your hand directing his length into your throat. "No hands," Toji instructed, giving you a particularly hard thrust that had you choking on Shiu's cock already.
The other man groaned, sliding his hand around to settle on the base of your neck as you sloppily sucked his cock with Toji's help. "Oh my god what a fucking mouth." Shiu groaned, covering his mouth with his free hand while his jaw opened in a wide O at how warm and wet your mouth felt around him. Toji matched the pace of his hand shoving you down with his thrusts. Each time Toji fucked into you, he buried Shiu's cock in your throat meanly by shoving your head down onto him.
Shiu relished in the feeling of you choking and gagging around him when you couldn't take it. The visual of your spit bubbling and gathering at the base of his cock made his balls throb. Your mouth ached from the stretch of stuffing his entire cock in your mouth, but the pleasure you were feeling from both the men's sounds and Toji's expert cock made up for the pain in your throat.
You felt a sudden rush of arousal rush over you, the telltale sign of your orgasm getting close tying a knot deep in your belly when Toji angled his hips up a bit to slam directly into your gspot. "Good girl, taking me so well, almost there pretty girl." Shiu praised, pulling your neck down on his cock with each thrust along with Toji shoving your head down. Part of you wondered if Shiu was really this rough in bed too, or if he was taking advantage of it because of Toji's influence.
Toji felt his balls ache as he himself grew closer to his own orgasm, his thrusts getting a little sloppy as he fucked his cock into you. "How's her throat? Gonna make you cum?" Toji asked, finding Shiu's fucked out and blushing face. Shiu nodded, looking into Toji's dark eyes with his own. "It's so fucking good man, her throat is so small." Shiu groaned, biting his lip.
The two men held eye contact for a few seconds longer, their eyes fluttering and expressions growing tense as they got closer to their orgasms. For a brief moment when Toji licked his lips, Shiu dropped his eyes to watch the man do so, his eyes watching his pink tongue wet his mouth. When he looked back up to find Toji's eyes again, the man was smirking, a cocky expression on his face.
"Don't even think about it." Toji laughed. It was only then that Shiu realized how close their faces were, and what he had just done. Shiu shivered and averted his eyes, finding your face full of his cock instead. "Like hell, fuck you." he shot back, making Toji briefly laugh. The three of you quickly settled into a rhythm as you neared the end.
"Gonna fill up this fucking pussy." Toji groaned, releasing the hold he had on your hair to sit up and fuck you properly, grabbing your hips in both hands so he could slam you back into his pelvis, making you feel his cock as deep as possible inside you. "I'm gonna cum too, you're gonna make me cum baby." Shiu groaned, nodding down at you. You were only able to screw your eyes shut and allow him to hold either side of your head as he fucked his hips into your mouth, lewd gagging sounds being fucked from your throat.
Shiu was the first to release his load, his body hunched over your head as he held you in place, forcing you to take his thick cum down your throat even as you choked on it. "Good girl, I know, I- know just take it-" His eyes rolled back in his head as he relished in the feeling of your throat squeezing around his cock each time you swallowed to avoid choking for real. You quickly popped off his cock and rested your head on his thigh next to his softening dick as you choked on air, trying to breathe through your moans as Toji's cock pushed you over the edge.
"O-oh fuck- oh god-" Toji bit down on his teeth as you came around him, your pussy trying to milk his cock of all the cum inside his balls, and that you did. Your orgasm was the last pull Toji needed to cum. His jaw fell open in a silent O as he came, his hips still fucking into yours with each rope of cum he shot deep inside you. Your body jolted along Shiu's thighs as Toji came, the roughness of his thrusts helping you ride out your own high.
Shiu ran his hand over your hair, his fingers scraping across your scalp as you gasped and cried against his thigh, hugging his torso as you fought to come down from such an intense orgasm. Your legs felt like Jello when Toji finally pulled out and leaned over you to give you a kiss. His cum flooding out of your pussy and making a mess on the seats under you made you wince in discomfort, but his soft, tender lips peppering kisses along your face while Shiu ran his hands through your hair distracted you from that feeling.
"Such a good fucking girl baby. I'm so fucking proud of you, that was so hot." Toji cooed, his hands between your bodies massaging your thighs as he spoke. Toji craned his neck to press a kiss directly agaisnt your lips, his sweaty hair tickling Shiu's thigh a bit from the angle, before the man lifted his head to look at Shiu, who watched you two act like lovebirds on his lap.
"You want one too?" He teased, pursing his lips in a kissy face jokingly at Shiu. The older man groaned and shoved his sweaty shoulders away, "Fucking gross." He spat as your boyfriend howled with laughter, reaching in the front of the seat for some towels to clean you up with.
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jayswhorex · 3 months
missing you
kenji sato x fem!reader
warnings: shower sex, multiple positions, angst & smut
you had an irresistible grip on kenji sato. there was something about the way he always came back to you. sure there had been other girls at some point but he always knew you were the best. and not just when it came to sec but also when it came to everything else. nobody knew kenji sato better than you and maybe he was a tiny bit scared of that. yes, he had a hard time committing to you but he knew if he had to settle down, he couldn't imagine it being with anyone else. so when you showed up at his place and needed a place to stay for a couple of months how could he say no to you?
your schedules had always conflicted so when the two of you rarely saw each other it wasn't such a big surprise to kenji. and times you did see each other were awkward, kenji had been tired of putting up a facade & you knew he just needed his private time. even though during those times all he wanted was to talk to you.
but this morning things had been different, you had decided that you'd take a shower much later than planned to avoid kenji. he snuck out last night to do well…you knew what and had yet to come back. you found yourself just standing under the showerhead, letting water spill all over your skin. you were stuck in your head, trying to grasp why out of nowhere you asked to stay here with kenji. yes, he cared for you but you could never believe that there was a chance in hell he loved you.
you were so distracted by your own thoughts that you hadn't even heard kenji walk in, "mind if i join angel?" his hypnotic voice snaps you from your thoughts. you open your mouth to answer but quickly close it. you open it again and answer with a soft, "mhm".
the cold breeze when kenji opens the shower curtain causes you to shudder, wrapping your arms around your body. "relax" he says gently placing his hands on your waist from behind. his touch was soft and warm, a feeling you used to be used to until you had decided to avoid kenji. you were still trying to make sense of why you were doing this. why are you so scared of letting kenji see those other parts of you?
his mouth pampered your neck with kisses from behind, his hands making their way up to your chest. a delicate whimper escaped your lips, causing you to relax into kenji's touch. kenji squeezed your breasts before giving his attention to your nipples that had softened under the water. he groped on tit while he teased the nipple of the other. "
ken…" you managed to call out, feeling his cock twitch against your ass. the pulsating of his veiny cock against your aunt could only make you more aroused than you had been before. he knew what it meant when you called his name like that and he saw no reason to deprive you of what you craved for. his breaths were deep and heavy, almost as if he had been waiting for this moment. waiting to be able to touch you again even if this was the last life. he keenly guided his cock your drenched cunt, craving to fill you up almost like a dog in heat. a string of sloppy curses falls from your mouth as he slipped his cock in with such ease. there was a brief silence that kenji broke with no hesitation for you, "i missed this baby…i missed us"
kenji gently moved his hips, testing the waters. "kenji you don't have to say that-" a hushed groan accidentally left your mouth, your knees nearly buckling. "just to get in my pants" kenji let a chuckle, you could sense a bit of cockiness hidden beneath that little laugh of his. and god you missed it. "sweetheart i don't know if you can tell but we're way past me getting in your pants," he says a bit frustrated because he wasn't joking.
he was serious about missing you, not the sex nor the fling, he just missing you. he missed your little smiles and the way you'd let him talk to you, he missed you. his thrusts were deep yet rough, and you heard the loud splashes of water getting caught between your bodies. "i know ken but…" kenji's hands found their way to your waist once again, bringing your lower half closer to his. with how wet the walls were and how hard ken was pounding you & your lack of focus you could barely get your sentences out. "…i don't want you to say something you don't mean"
"but i do mean it angel" and that's when it hit him, kenji had to show you. he had to make you understand that needed you and he couldn't do this back and forth anymore. he knew now he was sick of it. you whined when you felt his thrusts slowing, he swiftly pulled out of you and turned your body so that you were facing him. "ken-"you were slightly confused but when he picked you up and gently slid himself into you, you got the memo. "just listen angel please" kenji held you bu the thighs while you had your arms wrapped around his neck, a mixture of moans and groans spilling out of your mouth with each thrust kenji gave you.
"i miss you when you've left early for work in the mornings," he said followed by a hollow grunt that threatened to escape his mouth. your insides clenched around him, encouraging him to be a little less gentle with you. kenji nearly slammed you up against the wall, earning some very noisy moans from you while toenails dug into his back. he knew they would definitely affect his performance at his next game but that was very far from his mind. the only thing he was focusing on right now was you because he had so much more to say and he needed you to listen.
"i miss you when you work late"
"i miss you when you can't come to my games"
"i miss being around you baby"
"i fucking miss hearing your voice" kenji was so stuck in his own head, chasing this high with you while also mumbling out how much he missed you, and need you and wanted you. his words had to mean something to you because, in the end, he was the one you came to when you needed a place to stay. though still dazed, kenji finds himself gripped on the flesh of your thigh firmly as he really himself inside of you. your legs wrapped around his lower waist bringing his body even closer to yours. his grip on your thighs loosened a bit and he leaned his forehead against yours, trying to calm himself down. he feared the silence that had fallen between the two of you but at least he had told you how he was feeling even if that meant nothing to you.
but you could only smile at him and say, "i missed you too ken"
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anxiousbabybird · 8 months
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Love and Deepspace men x fem!reader slightly unhinged and NSFW HCs, PART 2!
Once again, minors do not interact! I made you guys a part 2 of my current thoughts. No plot or card spoilers in my comments or reblogs, please and thank you 💙
Part 1
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Have you met this man? He wants to know where you’re at and who you’re with at all times. So jealous. It’s probably in your best interest to forget other men exist once you’re dating him
Convinced you to suck his dick while he’s painting to see if it helps convey emotion into his painting—he accidentally pushed the paintbrush through the canvas when he came
Loves when you ride him—it’s so cute watching you bounce on him and use his body for your own pleasure. This also allows him to sit back a little and enjoy every sound you make, every facial expression, every feeling. Of course he does eventually get bored and flips you onto your back for his turn
Before you’re dating, he persuades you into being a nude model for him. He takes his time caressing your skin and telling you he has to “feel” the art, lets his hands wander and linger as he moves your body little by little until you’re in the exact position he wanted. Spends hours staring at your naked body, pretending to draw it (he finished his sketch hours ago but he doesn’t want you getting dressed yet)
Kinks/fetishes: biting, marking, breeding, spit, primal, spanking, mirror sex, praise, wax, shibari, choking, exhibitionism
Loves a pussy job—just sliding his cock between your folds and tapping at your clit like he’s knocking on a door until he cums all over you. Loves this for two reasons: 1) you look exquisite with your clit swollen and body spattered in cum, and 2) the banter between the two of you during a pussy job is top tier. It’s not quite degradation, but you’re both going back and forth in the most teasing way, riling each other up.
Has the biggest praise kink. He thinks he might actually die if you don’t tell him how amazing he is at least 12 times a day
Part of the pretty dick club. It’s actually perfect—thick but not too thick, long but not too long, nice veins wrapping around and well groomed at the base. Some would say it’s perfect.
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Sometimes when he’s flustered by you, his body emits a soft glow because of his evol. You notice it for the first time when you surprise him with a kiss to his cheek. He glows a little brighter the first time he kisses your lips too.
He’s fallen asleep during sex before. Usually after several rounds, he’s cum twice already, and you’re laying on your sides on the bed and he’s lazily thrusting into you from behind and all of a sudden he stops. Sheathed inside you and an arm around your waist. When you look over your shoulder, he’s sounds asleep and already softly snoring. You have no choice but to do the same, falling asleep in his arms and keeping his cock nice and warm all night
His favorite position is missionary where your legs are wrapped around his waist and he’s slowly, deeply thrusting into you. He likes seeing every expression on your face, really feeling you sucking him in, hearing every breathy moan you try to hide from him. And he likes that he can kiss you whenever he wants
Likes to read at night, even though he falls asleep doing it. When you start staying nights at his place, he convinces you to read out loud to him and you do that every night until he falls asleep with his head on your chest.
Kinks/fetishes: hair pulling (he likes when you give a little tug), overstimulation, marking, cum play, face sitting, cockwarming
Loves fresh flowers and brings you new ones every week. He thinks they’re pretty and hopes you appreciate them the way he does. Sometimes he buys them or sometimes he picks them from some lush patch in the forest. Always takes some for himself so he knows when they start dying and he needs to get you new ones.
Loves to lay his head in your lap so you can play with his hair
The kind of guy who will keep his hand holding yours no matter what because he wants to make sure you’re staying beside him. Sometimes takes one of your hands and puts it in the pocket of his sweatshirt with his just so it stays warm.
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He was very opposed to fucking in the hospital at first but then on a day he was super stressed, you stopped by and sucked him off under his desk while he reviewed charts and he was able to successfully perform a surgery other doctors thought was inoperable—he was more lenient on sex in the hospital after that
Kinks/fetishes: size kink, spanking, brat taming, choking, degradative praise, impact (spanking/flogging/paddle), breeding, edging/denial, thigh riding, dirty talk
Has absolutely bent you over his knee to spank you when you’re being a brat and talking back to him all the time with no regard for your own well being. All he wants is to take care of you because you never take care of yourself. And he would take the best care of you.
Cunt smacks. No further explanation needed.
Favorite sex position is prone bone. He likes hitting it from the back because sometimes the prolonged eye contact that can come with facing each other makes him uncomfortable. But doggy style isn’t what he wants because he wants to feel your body against his, holds you as close as possible. This position works best because every inch of him is atop you and he can feel your body there beneath him, he gets to tuck his head into your neck to bite or kiss or moan into, he’s close to your ear and can whisper filthy things or tell you how close he is or how good you feel around him, and most of all, this position has him so fucking deep inside you that he swore nothing in this life felt better the first time he entered you in this way
Allergic to saying nice things to you 98% of the time.
He runs cold because of his evol and sometimes when he cums, it feels like ice inside of you. Made you scream in surprise the first time but leads to some fun temperature play where he uses his tongue to warm you up after. He’s also often cold and loves to curl up against you and tell you that you’re his heater.
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@luffysprincess @seraphofthesimps @adaurielle
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lovebugism · 8 months
how abt eddie x shy reader , she meet’s wayne accidentally & she brings like sm food for the week he LOVES HER but shes so shy
a request deep from the archives that i haven't stopped thinking about since i got it hahah please enjoy xoxo — you spend a fluffy morning in with the munsons (established relationship, fluff, 1.2k)
bug's one year celebration ♡
Eddie rouses from his sleep like a king on a sunken-in couch. 
Saturday morning cartoons play on the TV just ahead of him, mostly on mute ‘cause you’ve got the radio going in the kitchen. Something soft and soulful and too low for him to hear. The trailer swells with the scent of something sweet, of syrup and cooked sugar. 
Speaking of sweet…
His flushed cheek rubs against the arm of the couch when he looks up to find you. He can see you just over the top of the counter, like a scene from a movie. You’ve got a bowl of something wedged in your elbow, and you stir at it with your free hand — half-distracted because your nose is stuck in an open recipe book on the counter. Your glasses fall slowly down your nose. You try to push them up again with your shoulder, but they slip back down a second later.
Your gentle humming fills his ears, and Eddie figures this is what heaven must be like. There’s no greater nirvana than this.
He rises and stretches and walks the very short distance to the kitchen. Still warm with sleep, he wraps himself around you, chest flush to the expanse of your back. “Whatcha doin’?” he lilts, muffled into your sweater.
“Cookin’,” you answer in the same tone, only softer and a little more sheepish.
Eddie breathes hard once. You think you feel him smiling. “Dumb question, huh?”
“Did you sleep good?” 
“Too good to be passed out on the couch for an hour.” He lifts his head to prop his chin on your shoulder. It bobs against you with every word. “You were supposed to be sleeping with me, by the way.”
“I tried. But then I wanted to make you breakfast.”
“Correction. You wanted to make Wayne breakfast.”
Your giggling is as soft and sweet as the cinnamon concoction you’re stirring at. “Well, I don’t want either of you to starve, actually. So sorry for making sure the Munson’s are taken care of.”
Eddie’s chest swells. His heart starts to warm so much he’s scared it might burst. He tucks his face back into your neck and holds you tighter. “Don’t apologize, sweet thing. ‘M just being stupid.”
“That nickname’s not gonna stick, Eds,” you tease, tilting your head until your cheek meets his wild hair. “You can stop trying now.”
He scoffs and pulls back from you. His eyes, still softly swollen with sleep, are wide and glittering. “Why not?” he shouts, a bit too loudly to be so close to your ear. “You’re sweet and you’re my thing— it’s literally the perfect nickname.”
“You’re thing?” you echo with a distant laugh. “I’m not a toy, Eds.”
“Not all the time—” His boyish giggling is followed by a scoffed breath when you elbow him with your free arm. You shove him away halfheartedly, pushing him out of the tiny kitchen. “What?!” he exclaims, laughing loudly.
“Get out of the kitchen!”
“What’d I do?”
“My french toast tastes good ‘cause it’s made with love, and you’re tainting it.”
“How? I love you more than anything in the whole wide world.” He gravitates back to you despite your efforts to keep him away. He plants a smacking kiss to your lips and grins wide when he pulls away. “See? Now it’ll taste extra sweet.”
You’re glaring at him one moment, then happily accepting another one of his kisses the next.
The front door opens, squealing in protest and rushing in the cool morning air. It’s unsurprisingly Wayne. His work boots stomp heavy on the carpet. He holds a greased hand over his forehead. “My eyes are still closed,” he jokes, voice deep and gravelly. “You two have about three seconds to stop touchin’ each other.”
Eddie scoffs but steps back from you anyway. “That was one time!” he argues boyishly. “And we weren’t even doing anything!”
Wayne laughs a sharp breath, just like Eddie had, but a little bit gruffer. He forgoes the petty banter and shoots you a smile — tightlipped, barely-there, and weighed down by the exhaustion of the graveyard shift. “How ya doin’, sweetpea?”
“Good,” you answer, shrinking into your shyness. “I’m makin’ french toast.”
“That’s my favorite,” the older man grins. “How’d you know?”
“‘Cause it’s my favorite,” Eddie insists.
“It’ll be done soon,” you tell him, all quiet in your sheepishness. “If you wanna get changed or whatever.”
Wayne heads to the hallway, stopping short in the kitchen to muss at Eddie’s curls and pat you gently on the shoulder. “Thank ya, sweetpea,” he murmurs, voice dripping with fatigue. His accent always gets real heavy when he’s tired.
“You’re welcome…”
Eddie doesn’t say anything until he hears the bathroom door shut. “So Wayne can call you sweetpea, but I can call you sweet thing?” he asks, features swirled with offense.
“It’s different!”
The boy follows you to the cabinets like a lost puppy. Then, when you have trouble reaching the vanilla extract on the top shelf, he leans over you to grab it. “No, you just have favorites,” he argues, passing you the small container.
“That’s not true!”
“Whatever,” he grumbles, still pouting as he leans against the counter beside you. He mourns the lack of your attention when you give it all to the french toast mixture on the counter. You spoon in the vanilla with a practiced touch. “…Are you staying over again tonight?” he mutters, shier than you are now.
“I don’t know,” you shrug. “If it’s okay with Wayne, then—”
“Wayne! Sweet thing’s staying the night— is that okay?” Eddie shouts before you can blink. The trailer rings with the volume of his voice.
“Eddie,” you scold quietly.
The bathroom door squeaks open. A grunt sounds from the hallway, a nonverbal answer you’re not totally sure what to make of. The man returns in the pajamas he pulled from the hall closet — a thin t-shirt older than Eddie is and a pair of plaid pants.
“I’ll make dinner before your shift tonight,” you tell him with a soft grin that neither of the Munsons can say no to. “I promise.”
Wayne makes another scoffing sound. A laugh, maybe. A smile hints at the corner of his bearded mouth as he pours himself a coffee across the counter — in the painted mug Eddie made him for Father’s Day, several years ago now. 
“Well— In that case, I’m afraid I have to insist on you stayin’, sweet pea.”
“Thanks, Mr. Munson.”
“Call me Wayne,” he tells you, playfully chiding in a parental sort of way. He gives you a pointed look over the cup he sips from and heads back towards the living room. “You’re feedin’ us too good to be so polite all the time.”
You smile to yourself and laugh a quiet, slightly forced laugh.
The sofa squeaks when Wayne settles onto it, sprawling out the same way Eddie had before. Too tired to reach for the remote on the coffee table, he watches He-Man re-runs with heavy eyelids.
“Alright, sweet thing— what do you need me to do?” Eddie asks with a clap of his hands, making a very pointed effort not to drop the nickname. You get all flustered when he calls you that — smiling softly to yourself and then ducking your gaze to hide it from him. You’ll have to pry the name from his cold, dead hands.
You turn to peer at him from beneath your lashes. “You dip the bread, and I’ll fry ‘em?”
“Sounds like a plan, sweet thing.”
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redcherrykook · 2 months
── .˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ TENSION DEGREE 01
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College roomate!Jungkook x college roomate!reader- fwb 2 Lovers
You find yourself having to share your room with a very sexually active medical science major who so happens to fancy you. Good thing he´s as charming and spontaneous as you, leading to many crazy parties and places you probably should not be hooking up at. When Jungkook started ignoring all his booty calls after accidentally calling someone by your name, unable to fuck away the thought of you, he knew he was cooked. Would he really leave his playboy antics for that sweet company of yours?
series- one!
content: mild slow burn- fwb2l, roomates, mutual pining, player jungkook that falls devoted to reader, cocky!JK, Confident!reader, psychology major reader, banter, parties, lots of smut (duh)
episode- warnings: mention of weed, drugs, alcohol, the word slut
Taglist: @khadeeeeej @ot7stansthings @whoa-jo @smoljjks @stvrlighytt @nono13bnd @jungshaking @junniesoleilkth @deepikhaprakash @rockstryoon @tatamicc @jjeonjjk7 @kookieandjoonberries @jcrl99 @httpjeonlicious @wnteraezz @aphrodyteeth @miniesjams32 @emojkoo @katie-tibo @user-190811 @massivebearharmony @hoseokteardrop @hoseoksluv89 @hoseoksluv90
"I dont know Jungkook isn't this a little too much?" The mirror in front if you reflects back a clear imagine of you in a very short- barely ass covering- black mini dress.
The occasion for a beautiful, tight black mini dress that ties up in the back with pink silk ribbon, that also has your chest practically spilling out?
Another party your roomate drags you too.
Okay, maybe not drag.
Over the proximity of five months, your charming roomie had become a good friend.
You aren't even sure how it started, maybe the bickering, countless sexual jokes, his ego clashing with yours on the daily or purely that you've spend so much time in the shared dorm,
But Jungkook definitely knew how to match your energy.
From door-dashing food when both of you got high out of your minds, studying for hours together and increasingly stressing each other out to more crazy things, like running from the cops after doing fire crackers in an abandoned building.
You just matched each others freak perfectly.
"If too much means looking sexy then yes, way too much. But you know, nothing to be ashamed of" he answers your previous question, leaning against the doorframe with his muscular arms crossed over his chest.
You shake your head, deciding to just go with the dress.
"Alright, lets go. Who's driving?" He gazes down into your eyes as you walk to the doorframe, heels clicking on the floor with each step.
A small smirk forms on his face, "No one, its a dorm party. Let's both get wasted"
Usually, Jungkook and you agreed that one person always stays sober, to drive back and take care of the other person if something happens.
"I don't wanna drink much Kook, but you let loose eh?" smacking his firm chest, a small giggle leaves your lips.
In return, his eyes go to your chest, pressed together tightly and in perfect view for the taller male to look down into.
His eyes wander back up to your face, every time you giggled it made him want to tease you more
"Sure bunny, but I gotta keep an eye on you if you look this good" the smug look on his face makes you want to scream,
So does the nickname,
It started randomly, kind of
You mentioned that bunnies are your favorite animals, hugging the pink, soft bunny plushie to your chest back when Jungkook and you went to get some stuff for the apartment,
You couldn't help but stop at the sight, plushies always make your heart melt.
He still remembers how soft you looked, adimiring the small plushed animal.
He decided that day to call you bunny, saying that it just suited you,
He also bought you that plushie
You roll your eyes at his teasing comment, looking up into his eyes with a innocent look,
Not failing to notice how good his lip ring looks as he plays with it slightly.
"Oh will you? I think you're just gonna go fuck some random girl again, leave me all alone"
Instinctively, he leans down with the same smug smile still placed over his face.
"Awh.. is bunny jealous? Don't worry, i'll make it quick this time" he winks, patting your head in an effort to mock you
Without getting the chance to say something back, he turns around, walking to the front door with a small laugh leaving his lips.
You decide it's for the better to just walk out with him.
Over the course of these last months, you aren't the only one that got to know Jungkook,
Many, many girls around campus have learned about him in possibly the only way you haven't,
Which is during sex.
It's to no surprise that a very physically attractive, smart and charming guy like Jungkook has girls swooning over him left and right.
Arguably, the fact that he sleeps around quite a lot also shouldn´t come as a surprise.
It did however, take some time to get used to hearing his moans through your paper thin walls,
Sure you were fine with sleeping on the couch like once a week,
Given the fact that you would have to be in the same room, a couple meters apart otherwise.
Sleeping on the very comfy living room couch isn't what bothered you at all,
More so, hearing him tell these girls all sorts of things, hearing his groans and the sound of skin slapping in every lewd way possible.
"You're such a slut"
"Just like that yeah?"
To hear the bed ramming against the wall which each grunt,
Just to go to sleep there the next day, like nothing happend.
It took some time to get used to it.
Get used to the slick running down your inner thighs when you could hear his sounds of pleasure,
Opting for soundproof headphones instead to avoid the need to do something about the way you felt.
Get used to him sending each and every one away after, sometimes crying, explaining that he was honest from the start.
He always told the girls, or so he said he would, that he's just sleeping with them for fun, just once.
One single time only.
Jungkooks has never been the relationship type so he claims,
"I just haven´t really felt more than physical attraction before, and I´m not dying for it either" he revealed in another cross faded open heart conversation, one of many nights.
What's worse is, getting used to him shamelessly flirting and smiling to you after,
As if you wouldn't be just another fuck to him, another girl on his long list, if you were to engage in it with him.
That thought right there, being just another one of his hookups , is precisely why you swore to never sleep with Jungkook, it would change your friendship, the one so perfectly matched.
No matter of ridiculously tempting it is.
The sexual banter would probably stop, given that he "got what he wanted" so to speak,
Even if Jungkook isn't that type of guy, it wouldn't be the same.
"This dorm is huge man what the fuck"
Between the blaring music and some familiar faces, Jungkook's big doe eyes look over the student apartment.
Significantly more spacious than the one on your own, presumably housing 3 people.
"Oh look! Chaewon's here too" you smile, immediately squeezing your way through the crowd to get to her.
"YOU CAMEEE" her bubbly voice rings as she engulfs you in a warm hug,
You laugh, embracing her in the same way she does,
"Wow you look so hot tonight" her mouth lets out a overly dramatic whistle, hands finding their way to your arms.
You smile when her lips form into a flirty smirk, eyes ranking over your figure
"You're one to talk Chae, that skirt is so cute"
It's true, Chaewon's silver mini skirt topped with her black waterfall- neckline top and gorgeous black heels makes for a perfect outfit, only adding to her already present beauty.
If there is one girl in the entire world you would wanna steal the looks from, it would have to be your best friend.
"Oh hi Jungkook" her eyes suddenly dart next to you, where Jungkook is now standing, having his decorated hand clasped around your waist.
You try to ignore how good it feels to have him close,
Chaewon shoots you a look, letting you know she immediately noticed it.
"Hey Chae. Didn't know you were coming" he smiles faintly,
You can't help but watch his eyes, hoping to see if they wander down her body like they normally would if another pretty girl stood in his vicinity.
It never made sense to you, how he hasn't slept with Chaewon yet.
She's stunning, into his looks like most girls on campus and she definitely isn't looking for something serious,
Not even at risk for begging for Jungkook to come back,
Nonetheless, he never once made a move on her.
She points to the kitchen, "I wasn't planning but, Minnie invited me. Want a drink?"
Jungkook and you nod almost perfect in sync, making her laugh and squeeze her way past more people,
You follow behind tightly, now feeling both of Jungkook's hand around your waist as you keep walking,
His breath is suddenly tingling on your neck, softly moving to your ear,
"Gotta make sure i don't lose ya' "
The sound of his voice to closely on to your skin is a sensation that makes you shiver
Every idiot would notice the heavy sexual tension between you two,
You would love to know what it feels like to feel vulnerable below him,
Having him burried inside your own sex and feeling his lips tracing your skin,
But it's of no use, you wouldn't ever give up a friend like him for one time pleasure.
"What do you want?" Chaewon snaps you out of your thoughts, the music is slightly quieter in the kitchen.
Assembled in front of you are lots of bottles, empty solo cups, crates of beer, some strange looking fruity cocktail mixes but most importantly,
A big, full bottle of vodka.
"Four shots, vodka pure please"
Jungkook laughs, leaning against the counter,
"Didn't you say you'd take it easy?" His eyebrow cocks up as he speaks,
"It´s four shots" you reply, rolling your eyes
"You're a lightweight bunny" he winks, turning back to Chaewon
"Give me a moscow mule and i'll be good"
Chaewon smiles, shaking her head as she hands you your first shot
"My pleasure guys"
Four shots quickly turn into four more, the sway of your hips in the music playing, unsure of even the current song, just feeling to good to stop
Feeling the people around you, you keep dancing, maybe stumbling at this point,
Even though you feel your head getting lighter and you're ignoring the burning hurt on your feet from constantly moving on heels,
Nothing mattered with enough shots.
Nothing until you notice that Chaewon,
Who you could feel was just beside you, right there dancing and laughing with you,
Is no where to be found.
Your feet stop momentarily, almost faling over from the sudden halt
Trying to look everywhere between the people, whipping your dizzy head around to find her sitting somewhere, maybe dancing with a guy, maybe mixing another drink
But you can't see her, instead you find the man you came with,
Sitting on a couch with a girl you know you recognize from somewhere, leaning over and whispering something into her ear
Instead of trying to think in your hazy state of mind, you legs are developing a mind on their own, walking over to said couch for who knows what reason,
He smiles at her, rubbing his larger hand over her exposed knee softly,
That's right, you recall now,
She's definitely in your social studies class.
"Kook? Have you seen Chae?" Grabbing a hold of the couch in order not to tumble forward, your words come out slightly slurred.
He removes his hand from her skin, diverting his attention to you,
He seems sober, relatively sober in comparison to your state.
"I think she went upstairs with someone, come sit down you're about to collapse" he pats the other side of where he's sitting, giving you a warm look.
"Actually, we were kind of talking? Is it okay if you sit somewhere else for now?"
Jungkook doesn't take his eyes off you, scoffing as he's standing up from the couch,
She fake smiles briefly, although her eyes look confused,
You think so at least, unable to really make out anything clearly at this point.
"Let's go bunny, we're done here tonight anyways"
With that, you giggle, consumed by the liquor in your system as he escorts you out of the dorm.
Once the cold, july midnight air hits you, you can feel the hairs on your skin stand up,
Legs wabbling, weaker than they were minutes ago distracted by dancing the night away.
You can make out the sound of his laughter, scooting closer to you
"Take your heels off please i don't want you to break any bones"
There is not enough alcohol in the world to make you back down on your pride, sometimes you don't quite trust even your own words,
Like right now,
"No kook i- 'lll be finee" your eyes roll as you begin walking,
"Other direction bunny"
"Right, i knew that"
He shakes his head, wrapping his beautifully painted arm around your naked shoulders, making sure that you really don't go breaking any bones.
"Remind me why i drank again" your groans catch the attention of Jungkook standing in the kitchen.
Being awake from the sensation of a pounding headache isn't exactly pleasant, even worse when you feel dirty from not having showered the night before.
Automatically, your aching feet take you to the kitchen for a glass of water,
"I thought you died, its literally 2pm" he says while stirring the big pot placed on the counter,
You lean over curiously,
"What'cha making?"
Jungkook grabs two bowls, filling the first one up and sliding it over to you.
"Hangover soup of course, look at your state miss" he puts a spoon in the bowl before pinching your nose,
You punch his arm lightly, inhaling the delicious scent of the boiling hot soup bowl in front of you,
"Thank you kook. What about you? No hangover?"
"Nah. After i saw you taking your sixth shot i figured it's better if someone is stable enough to find the way home" he laughs softly while filling his own bowl.
"Awhhh you're such a sweetheart" you tease, making a pouty face at him, just to piss him off.
He shakes his head, sitting down at the living room table to begin eating a very late breakfast.
With a birdsnest in your hair and the smell of a party, maybe eating is allowed to come second.
"Gonna shower first i feel gross" your arms stretch over your head while you yawn,
There is no state of embarrassment Jungkook hasn't seen over five months, looking like a hot mess doesn't phase you anymore.
He eyes you up and down, a fake judging look in his eyes.
"You smell gross too"
You roll your eyes, "That's why im showering now idiot" you shout from inside the bathroom, already having walked your way over there as he talked.
Ah, it felt so nice to stand under the warm water,
To rinse yourself from the smell of sweat and alcohol and replace it with vanilla,
Feeling the headache slowly fade into the background.
To comb through your wet hair, making it soft with a hair mask.
To step out, dry yourself off and slip into fresh clothes.
You look around the bathroom, wrapped in a tiny towel over your half wet and naked figure,
Noticing that you failed to bring new clothes inside the bathroom, having been too occupied with showering fast to go and eat Jungkook's brunch.
"Jungkook!" You shout, hoping he can hear,
"Yeah?" He shouts back, still sitting at your dining table, kind of expecting the worst.
Usually when you shout his name like that it´s never good.
"I forgot my clothes! Can you bring me some?"
He gets up immediately, sighing in relief "What do you need?"
You think for a second, of course he's seen your laundry before, you gave up on separating the clothes long time ago.
However, you made sure to always keep the more.. sexy underwear in your care.
"Nevermind i"ll get it myself" you shout again, at which he groans
"I'm literally on my way, give me three minutes"
And so he does, walking into your guy's room, to open your side of the closet.
Grabbing a random shirt and a pair of joggers, then reaching down to the underwear drawer like it's second nature to him.
He rummages through the unorganized pile of socks and bra's, to find a pair of boyshorts he's seen about two billion times before.
Until he stops in his tracks, stumbling across something that made him bite his lip softly.
He grabs the pair of white, lacy panties that he's just discovered. A little silver heart pendant in the front, barely any material that isn't see through.
His mind runs quickly, thinking about you with nothing but these panties on.
His physical atrraction to you isn't a secret to him either,
Then again, he is attracted to practically any girl.
"What's taking so long i'm fucking freezing" you shout, still inside the bathroom,
Praying that he isn´t inspecting your lingerie.
He shakes his head, deciding to tease you just a little, hiding the panties inside the shirt he chose.
When you hear the footsteps approaching outside the bathroom, you open the door just enough to stick your arm outside.
"Thanks koo" you say while he hands you the clothes, a small smirk already creeping it's way up his face at the thought of your face when you see them,
And the fact that that's what's gonna be underneath your sweats once you walk out.
Finally, you take the clothes in hand, already annoyed when you can't find any underwear,
"Don't tell me he didn´t get me any" you sigh to yourself,
"This annoying little-",
The pair of your precious white panties falls to the floor.
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roosterr · 9 months
if ur requests are open, could we have like 141 falling asleep on the reader??? like different scenarios for each of them like price falls asleep accidentally and so does ghost while gaz and soap are like cuddling or laying on the reader :) i love ur writing so much <333
the 141 falls asleep on you
wc: 2.1k
hello!!! been struggling to love my writing for like the last month so i really hope you enjoy, and i'm sorry in advance lol its mostly fluffy but i just couldn't help myself with a lil bit of angst :)
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✹ when you hear the front door open in the middle of the night – or, technically, early morning – the first thought your sleep-addled mind comes up with is that you're being robbed.
✹ with your heart in your throat, you sit up in bed and stare wide-eyed at the bedroom door, but your fear is short lived when a dull thud meets your ears, followed by a familiar curse that has you breathing a sigh of relief.
✹ your husband, coming home at last from a night of drinking with the other members of the taskforce, presumably stubbing his toe on the sofa that hasn't moved an inch since you put it there all those years ago.
✹ with a deep yawn, you get back under the covers and let your eyes fall shut again, the knowledge that it was john downstairs and not a burglar putting your racing heart to rest.
✹ you don't react when he clumsily slips through the door, fighting the laugh that threatens to give you away when you hear him swear under his breath after bumping into yet another piece of furniture.
✹ the cold air sends goosebumps rippling across your skin when he lifts the covers to clamber in beside you, but the chill is quickly chased away by his hands bringing you into his chest and his enveloping warmth.
✹ "and what time do you call this?" you tease in a whisper, opening your eyes to see his guilty ones looking back at you. the slight flush in his cheeks and his half-lidded gaze gives him a boyish charm that you can't even pretend to be mad at.
✹ "sorry darlin', didn't mean to wake you..." he murmurs in return, a sheepish smile pulling at one side of his lips.
✹ "well, i'm glad you had a good time," you punctuate your reply by placing a light kiss on the bridge of his nose, which prompts his smile to grow wider as he hugs your body to his own.
✹ "i'm havin' a better time now, love." he ghosts his lips over yours as he whispers, earning another tiny chuckle from you, his fingers tracing patterns into the skin of your back under your shirt.
✹ you can smell the whisky on his breath as he leans even further into you, and taste it when he closes the distance to devour your lips in a passionate, if slightly messy, kiss.
✹ he sighs into your mouth, his lips falling from yours when he rolls you onto your back to lay his head on your chest, and like a switch, he's dead asleep.
✹ "john?" you whisper, in a sort of disbelief that he was actually asleep just like that, but he doesn't even flinch when you gently poke his cheek. "oh my god…"
✹ once the morning rolls around, you both share a laugh about his drunken state from the night before, and he makes you promise not to tell the boys he passed out in the middle of kissing you.
✹ you just laugh and file it away for future blackmail.
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✹ the two of you were watching a movie late one night, the first time you've had time to yourselves in months thanks to the never-ending workload you both seem to be under.
✹ the dim mood lighting of your flat combined with the comforting feeling of finally being alone with kyle is nearly enough to send you to sleep already, but your want to spent time with him keeps you awake.
✹ kyle watches you stifle a yawn as he presses play on the movie, and tugs you to lean against him with an arm around your shoulders and a teasing grin. "promise you won't fall asleep this time?"
✹ you look up to him from where your head rests against his collar and huff, a smile of your own playing on your lips as you nudge him lightly with your elbow. "maybe i should be the one asking that."
✹ the bags under his eyes leave no question about how tired he really is, but he was the one that insisted the two of you spend time together tonight, despite the exhaustion you knew he was hiding.
✹ "and leave you all by yourself?" he chuckles, "never, love."
✹ a comfortable quiet settles over you while you watch the movie together; kyle's choice, something action-y you've never seen before, but you know he's seen it a million times. he occasionally adds commentary to make you laugh which he, naturally, manages to do every time.
✹ as the movie plays, you gradually migrate to laying on the sofa on your back with kyle between your legs and his head on your sternum. you absentmindedly run your nails over his scalp, gently massaging his head while he hugs your waist.
✹ it's about two-thirds of the way through the movie that you realise kyle hasn't said anything in a while. you pause your ministrations, smoothing over his curls as you turn your gaze from the screen to where he lays on top of you.
✹ a soft smile lights up your face when your eyes land on his blissfully relaxed features, sound asleep and breathing in time with the steady rise and fall of your chest.
✹ you continue to watch the movie in silence, occasionally petting kyle's hair when he grumbles in his sleep. he deserves the rest, you muse, and something about how peaceful he looks means you can't even entertain the idea of disturbing him. and you would definitely tease him that he fell asleep like he said he wouldn't.
✹ even once the movie has finished, and your back has started to ache from the position against the armrest, you still don't dare wake him. tomorrow was an off day for both of you, so there was no need to go anywhere – as if you would ever want to, intertwined with your boyfriend and surrounded by his warmth.
✹ you close your eyes, give him one last squeeze, and whisper into the silence, "sweet dreams, kyle."
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✹ it wasn't supposed to happen like this.
✹ everything was supposed to go smoothly, you'd get what you came for, and you'd be home in time for dinner.
✹ but it hadn't happened like that  of course it didn't. you were on your way out, with johnny by your side, when a sudden noise from behind you caught your attention.
✹ you spin around to see a dishevelled soldier aiming their gun at you, but you noticed just a second too late. you can do little more than watch as they pull the trigger, a sick sense of horror travelling up your spine as time seems to slow down.
✹ there's a split second where you brace to feel the bullet lodge somewhere in your body, but that impact never comes.
✹ with a speed you didn't know he possessed, johnny tackles you to the ground and out of the path of the bullet, landing on top of you and pushing the air from your lungs.
✹ you lay winded underneath him, the sound of him returning fire vaguely reaching your ears but it takes a second for your mind to catch up.
✹ it’s quiet by the time you come back to your senses, johnny already pulling you to stand with a strained grunt.
✹ "johnny?" you frown, taking note of how he favours one side when he urges you to start walking again, "you okay?"
✹ "fine, darlin’, let’s just–" he winces, stumbling ever so slightly and trying to play it off by pushing you in front of him, "let’s just get home, aye?"
✹ your frown deepens. you turn around and stop him with your hands on his shoulders, and it's then that you notice how laboured his breathing has become.
✹ "you're not fine, soap!" your heart sinks as you watch the patches of blood on his leg grow steadily darker, "why didn't you tell me you were hit?"
✹ he doesn't flinch at the anger in your voice, or when you haul his arm over your shoulder and resume dragging him the rest of the way to the helo. he mumbles incoherent that sounds like an apology, but your only focus is getting him to safety and stopping the bleeding.
✹ the others are already waiting for you as the exfil site comes into view, and the moment they spot you shouldering johnny's weight they spring into action to help you.
✹ johnny is dragged up the ramp and made to lay on the floor as gaz and ghost make short work of packing the bullet wound in his thigh with gauze.
✹ you lift his shoulders and head to rest in your lap, grimacing at the pained groans he lets out when ghost puts his weight on the wound.
✹ "why didn't you tell me?" you utter, tilting his head back with your hands on his cheeks and meeting his distant gaze with your brows knitted together in concern.
✹ he musters a weak smile and lets his eyes flutter shut, the muscles in his face visibly relax. "i’m fine… ‘slong as yer okay, bonnie…"
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✹ sometimes you wondered if ghost ever slept.
✹ he would always volunteer himself for the first watch, and he was up before you without fail every morning. on base he always seemed to be in the gym before everyone, and in his office after everyone else has left. he was frustratingly elusive.
✹ it worried you, that perhaps he had trouble sleeping. it made sense, however saddening, that someone like him wouldn't sleep well, but it was even worse that he brushed off your concern for him with practised ease.
✹ he made sure to take care of others, but wouldn't let you try and do the same for him. perhaps he thought you were joking, or that you were only being courteous, but your mind always goes back to one thing; the theory that, for some people, it's only possible for them to fall asleep when they feel safe.
✹ you wanted to be that for him, like he was for you.
✹ you do your best to forget about your rejected concerns for him, and the thought all but slips your mind until a mission two months later.
✹ it was long, drawn-out, and gruelling, and all you wanted to do was get home and have a shower hot enough to melt your skin. it had been almost a week since you've had a moment to catch your breath, and you were more than thankful to be on the way home.
✹ even if that meant being squashed into the back of an suv with soap passed out on your left and ghost on your right. gaz called shotgun and wouldn't give it up for anything, so here you were, shoulder to shoulder with the lieutenant you may or may not harbour feelings for.
✹ the five of you have been on the road for a couple of hours now. the conversation has died down by now and and the quiet hum of the radio was the only sound, besides soap's intermittent snores.
✹ you're on the verge of passing out yourself when a weight drops onto your shoulder, and you have to fight yourself not to jump with the start it gives you.
✹ your tired eyes look to the source and to your utter surprise, they find the dark fabric of ghost's balaclava resting against you, and when you tilt your head you can see the blond of his eyelashes against his cheeks.
✹ the sight brings a smile to your face. as subtle as possible, you shift as much as the limited space of the backseat will allow so his neck isn't bent at such an awkward angle.
✹ he fell asleep on you. perhaps it was just because of the exhaustion this mission left him with, but you like to think back on your theory from weeks ago as you admire the restful expression he wears.
✹ your stop fighting your own exhaustion and let your eyes fall shut, and with your last thread of consciousness you file this memory away for later, and hope that it really does mean that he feels safe with you.
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stunie · 2 months
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HAIKYUU + ACCIDENTALLY HURTING YOU. ft. hinata shoyo, kuroo tetsurou, & tsukishima kei x f!reader
filled request : “Since you said you write for haikyuu, can you imagine how sweet those tall (Hinata is tall in spirit) and strong green flag boys would be all very sorry and remourseful for harming their baby in accident? I think even Tsukishima (my fave asshole) would try to make it up even if it wasnt that serious.”
note : added kuroo ^ ^ <33 thank u for sending this in nonnie !!!
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You don’t know when the brilliant idea of jump-scaring Tsukishima Kei first popped into your mind. Maybe it was because he’s been egging you on lately, resting a heavy arm on your head, then on your shoulders— snickering when you start huffing and puffing about how “You’re not a damn armrest.”
Cute- to him, probably. But today would be your turn to mess with him, show him a little taste of his own medicine, or something like that. You just think it’d be funny to hear him scream for once.
You’re as quiet as can be when you tiptoe behind him from where he’s pouring himself a bowl of cereal, your fluffiest socks already on to ensure maximum silence with the extra cushioning. All it would take was one singular hug around his middle— and then you’d squeeze, force the scream right out of his body.
You’re so close to him that you can hear his breathing now, each soft breath making your heart race a little faster, and you’re suddenly reminded of just how big your boyfriend is. You have to glance upwards to check how he’s doing, and you confirm the fact that he’s indeed.. still focused on perfecting his cereal to milk ratio.
Too much to notice you right behind him, at least.
It all happened too quickly for either of you to have reacted differently. You’re pouncing forward, arms reaching to circle around his waist, and you just barely register the sound of a loud gasp before there’s an impact directly to your nose, your body recoiling back as your vision flashes white.
“F-fuck!” You wince, staggering a couple steps back before you crouch down, hands flying to your nose to clutch it tightly as soon as the throbbing pain sets in.
“What the hell?” He sputters, eyes flickering from his elbow to your face a couple times before he’s rushing to crouch beside you. His hands are awkwardly hovering over your body as he tries to get a better look at you. “What were you doing there? Let me see.”
“Kei,” you sniffle, letting him pry your hands away from your face with a pained hiccup, “Was just gonna scare you….ouch…”
“You’re an idiot,” he snaps, but his eyes are full of worry when he leans in to examine your face. His finger comes to gently trace over your nose, other hand tilting your head up. “..At least it’s not bleeding.”
“Mhm,” you give him a nod, “..So did i get you?”
His eyes narrow at you, but he shifts, leaning forward and nodding for you to climb onto his back. “Idiot,” he’s grumbling to himself, “Do you even have to ask?”
The way you pout at the nickname has his eyes softening ever so slightly before he’s tearing his gaze away from you. “Get on already. There’s enough cereal for both of us.”
“Hm? But you only got one spoon,” you wrap your arms around him, letting him lift you up onto his back.
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“Look at this one,” Kuroo laughs, tightening the arm around your frame to pull you closer against his side. “He looks like Garfield, doesn’t he? What a neat cat.”
“Mhm,” you hum, nuzzling your nose into his chest as you scroll through your own socials. It was a routine the two of you had, to scroll absentmindedly while tangled in each other’s limbs until someone falls asleep first— except Kuroo’s been laughing uncontrollably for the last ten minutes.
You shoot him a nervous glare each time his phone threatens to slip from his grasp, the scare he gives you always accompanied with an “Oops! That was close.”
“Tetsu…” you warn when he suddenly jolts again, frantically adjusting his grip with a shaky chuckle. Your head was right below his phone, after all. “Don’t worry, don’t worry,” he smiles, free hand rubbing your head. “I’d never let it fall on you.”
“You’d better not..” your voice trails off into a sleepy mumble, and you switch your phone off, letting it plop onto the mattress as you wrap your arms tightly around his middle. “I’m starting to feel a lil tired..”
“Hmm? I’ll be joining you soon, sleepy girl,” he soothes, hand moving to rub your upper back as you melt into his touch. “Ah! That Garfield-looking cat is back,” he gasps, followed by a hushed whisper when you stir, “Oops. Inside voice, inside voice… hm? What’s this?”
You start to fidget, awkwardly adjusting your position against his side when he suddenly falls eerily silent. maybe too silent. You count the seconds of silence— ten seconds, then fifteen. You perk up a bit, one eye opening to check on your boyfriend, but he’s suddenly jerking back and yelping the moment after, phone slipping from his hands and landing right on your head with a loud thud. “Ah-!”
“Oh— sorry, sorry!” His large hand is covering your head instantly, the other tilting your chin up to meet his gaze. “Didn’t mean to drop that on you. Just scared the living daylights out of me. That garfield, damned jumpscare… you okay?”
You glare at him, but it doesn’t come off threatening with the tears filling your eyes. “Tetsu…” you growl, and he flinches. “I know, I know! I’m so sorry,” he says, pulling you closer to pepper kisses over the top of your head. “I told you…” you pout, “I’m gonna get a bump on my head now.”
His lips tug into a sheepish smile at the thought of a lump forming on your head. “That’s my bad…”
“You’re laughing!”
“I’m not!” He protests, his hands rising up in defensive as you angrily puff your cheeks out. “Nope. No way. This is no time for laughing.”
He pulls you into a hug, chuckling as you weakly push at his chest with a whine. “There, there. You can be mad at me all you want. I deserve it.”
“Although, I think you’d be cute with a bump on your head too.”
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If you ask him, Hinata would still swear on everything that his intention back then was nothing more than to squish you in a suffocating bear hug. He definitely did not mean to knock you onto the floor your very first day back from vacation or anything like that.
You just looked so pretty waiting for him at the airport, soft smile tugging at your lips as you checked on his location through your phone one last time before tucking it away into your pocket. The way you shifted between your toes and the balls of your feet was just so cute, too cute that he couldn’t help but start running towards you, arms stretching out to give you the biggest hug of your life.
His eyes were slammed shut the moment he leapt towards you, so he didn’t catch the way your mouth fell open in a gasp or the way your eyes widened as your weight suddenly shifted backwards. “S-Shoyo?!”
The sound of your voice has his eyes shooting open, a surprised “E-eh?” coming out when he realizes the two of you are falling— and fast. He’s barely able to snake a hand underneath your head before the two of you crash onto the floor with a loud thud.
“Ouch— oops,” he grumbles, eyes slowly blinking open as he shifts onto his elbow. There’s a sigh of relief from him when he sees that your fall was at least partially cushioned by his hand, and you seem unhurt with the way you’re blinking up at the passerby before shying away from their gaze when you realize they’d stopped to stare at the two of you sprawled out on the floor.
“Sorry— are you okay?” Hinata’s looming over you now, carefully setting your head on his lap. “You didn’t hit your head, did you?”
“N-no…” you mumble, eyes narrowing into a glare as he freezes in place. “Shoyo,” your voice falls to a whisper, “They’re all looking at us now. really closely too…”
“What?” Hinata laughs, “Shy again?”
You tear your gaze to the side, cheek puffing out a bit. “A little…”
“Want me to carry you?”
your eyes widen. “H-huh?”
“Mhm,” he’s smiling brightly, arms snaking around your body to lift you up in bridal style as you yelp, scrambling to hold onto your bag, “I gotcha. Let’s go home now!”
“..Shoyo!” Your cheeks burn when you notice the onlookers now giving you a soft smile— and the elderly couple behind them are exchanging looks before they’re whispering something to each other- you recognize it as an ‘aww’ by the way their lips move.
“This is more embarrassing!”
“Hm, is it?” He looks confused by your shyness, but his hands are tightening around you anyways, giving you a reassuring squeeze. “Don’t worry! I’ll get us back fast.”
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crystallinestars · 10 months
How They React to Your Death
My HCs about how I think the Genshin boys would react to your death. I wanted to write Kaeya too, but ran out of steam.
This month has been terrible to me, so I was in the mood for angst. I don't know how well these turned out, but they were fun to think about.
Part 2 here.
Characters: Alhaitham, Childe, Heizou, Kaveh, Lyney, Neuvillette, Venti, Wanderer/Scaramouche, and Wriothesley
Reader has death descriptions. Some are more graphic than others, but I don't get into the nitty gritty details.
Spoilers for the backstories of all the mentioned boys.
MAJOR SPOILERS for Act V of the Fontaine Archon quest in Neuvillette's part.
Childe's part contains mention of suicidal thoughts.
Kaveh's and Venti's parts contain alcoholism
🎧 Alhaitham
Despite Alhaitham’s considerable wealth, no amount of money could cure your Eleazar sickness. His money could only buy treatment that prolonged your life a little bit, but ultimately your many years of battling the illness ended when he got news from the doctors that you had passed away in your sleep.
Alhaitham had accepted the news fairly quickly. He knew your death was inevitable, could see you slowly wasting away each time he visited you in the hospital over the past few months. So it was no surprise to him when the day finally came. The other patients and staff thought it strange how Alhaitham had no visible reaction to the news, but some chalked it up to shock when in truth the Scribe was simply accepting of that fact. There was no use denying something that already happened.
When Alhaitham came home that day, the house felt silent and empty. It reminded him of how the house felt when his grandmother passed away when he was younger. The sensations were similar. However, he did not cry over your death. Instead, he carried on his life as normal, or as close to it as he could now that you were no longer a part of what he considered ‘normal’.
At first glance, people thought that Haitham was unaffected by your death. Nothing about him changed. Not his mannerisms, his quality of work, or his expression. He remained the same reserved, stoic Scribe who had no time for trivial nonsense or extra work. He also never talked about you to others aside from confirming their question if you were truly gone. Alhaitham was like a well-oiled machine that worked efficiently like clockwork, keeping up the same even rhythm.
What they don’t see is how he comes home with the expectation of hearing your voice greet him upon entering, only to be faced with a defeating silence that makes his heart sink. They don’t know that Alhaitham wakes up throughout the night, expecting to find you snuggled up next to him in bed the way you used to before your sickness got worse, and you had to be hospitalized. However, you weren’t there no matter how many times he looked towards your side of the bed, and the Scribe could only sigh and try to fall back asleep while ignoring his aching heart.
No one sees how Alhaitham gets too lost in his books in the mornings and accidentally makes two cups of coffee instead of one due to force of habit. Or how, for once, he finds the silence of his house bothersome without your voice and the sounds of your activities resounding within the walls, and it’s enough to distract him from reading. He could be found reading at the House of Daena and Puspa Café more often from then on.
During his afternoon naps, Alhaitham sneaks back home and cradles your favorite blanket to mimic the sensation of holding your soft body in his arms the way he used to when you joined him for naps. He listens to recordings of you talking with him just so he can hear your voice again. He was glad he made the decision to record your voice at the hospital before you became too weak to speak. It gave him the chance to hear you one more time even if the sound of your voice made his chest hurt so much that he occasionally had to stop the recording to collect himself.
Nobody sees how Alhaitham finally picks up the fiction books you recommended him because they were your favorite. He prefers non-fiction, but these books are the last things he has left through which he could connect to your mind and way of thinking. He reads them all cover-to-cover even if he finds the story lacking or the writing not to his taste. He will learn to treasure each and every word because you once did.
What someone might see, as Kaveh did when he moved in with the Scribe, is a bookshelf filled with a few journals, a thick book with an emerald cover, and an assortment of fiction books that exist nowhere else in the house. Alhaitham never talks about these books unless asked, but their well-worn covers are a sign of frequent use, and sure enough, one can catch him reading a rare fiction book during one specific month each year.
🐋 Childe
You went missing after going out to collect some firewood in the woods near Childe’s home. A search party was arranged to find you with Childe in the lead, and he was also the first one to find your remains. Your body had been torn apart, blood and innards splattered across the snow, no doubt the work of some rifthounds. Usually, Childe would relish in such a gory sight, but not this time. Not when it’s your blood and flesh painted in the snow.
The sight leaves him numb. He’s numb when the search party comes to retrieve you, numb when he sees your parents weeping over your gruesome death, and numb when he takes on the duty of exterminating every rifthound he finds around Morepesok.
He wants to cry too, to grieve for you the way he needs, but refrains. He doesn’t want to appear weak and unreliable when his younger siblings mourn and cry over your death. You were like family to them, and your death broke their little hearts to pieces. Childe didn’t want to burden his siblings further by breaking down in front of them. He needed to remain a reliable older brother who could support them through this tough time, even when his own heart bled and he cried in his sleep when he dreamed about you.
Childe’s underlings noted that the Eleventh Harbinger became colder and more irritable after your passing. Any mention of your name would garner the speaker a harsh glare, and if Childe assumed what said person said about you was disrespectful, he didn’t hesitate to start a fight and beat the other person within an inch of their life. He became violent and unhinged, much like how he used to be when he returned from the Abyss as a fourteen-year-old boy.
Childe knew his behavior was irrational, and it pained him to see even his own family fear him due to his violent actions. He felt restless. Spending time at home among your belongings summoned feelings of longing and sadness, but even so, he couldn’t bear to throw anything away. He lived among the ghosts of your existence, however, it drove him mad with grief.
Childe needed an outlet for his emotions, so he took to fighting monsters and other strong opponents. He became even more reckless in battle. If before, the Harbinger sought out strong enemies to test his mettle against them and grow stronger as a result, now he sought out an opponent that would be worthy of taking his life.
Childe didn’t want to abandon his family. He loved them dearly and wanted to see his siblings grow up to be happy and successful people, but life without you felt so hollow. A part of him wanted to return to his family, but the sense of his family feeling incomplete never left him. You were just as much of a family to him as his siblings and parents were. He had plans to start his own family with you. But now… now, a part of him yearns to reunite with you in the afterlife. He promised he would stay by your side no matter what, and Ajax is not one to break his promises.
🔍 Heizou
Heizou was one of the first to hear about your stabbing that occurred in an Inazuman alleyway late that evening. You were rushed to a doctor to have your wound treated, but the robber who attacked you hit a vital area. Your blood loss was colossal, and it wasn’t long after arriving at the doctor’s that you succumbed to your injury.
To Heizou, the news brought on a sense of deja vu. He’s already lost a friend to crime in the past, and now he lost you to crime, too. The knowledge made him furious and heartbroken. He was angry at the robber for stabbing you just so he could steal some money that you didn’t want to part with, and he was angry at himself for failing to prevent this. After his friend passed away, Heizou swore to nip crime in the bud by discouraging criminals from committing crimes with the threat that he would find and capture them no matter what without fail. But what good did his resolve do if you still died because of an armed robber?
The heartache and guilt he felt ate away at him as the memory of your ashen face during your last few moments haunted him. He lost you. Never again would he get to spend time with you and make you laugh, kiss and hug you, or tell you he loved you.
His anger drove him to capture the murderer in record time, but hearing the criminal’s subsequent sentence for theft and murder didn’t comfort the detective. No amount of jail time would ever atone for the loss of your life.
After that day, Heizou lost his playful demeanor, becoming somber and reserved. He threw himself into his work, feeling pressured to capture as many criminals as he could in as little time as possible. However, his grief and exhaustion caused his mind to dull and make mistakes while investigating clues. It got to the point where Kujou Sara had to forcibly send him on vacation so he could take a break and properly process your death.
Despite his protests, Heizou knew he wasn’t much use in his current state, so he took this free time to visit your family and mourn together with them. He apologized for not doing a better job of protecting you, fully expecting your parents to lay blame on him for not protecting their child. To his surprise, your parents didn’t blame him at all. They even thanked him for catching the murderer and helping them to feel a little more at peace. Heizou’s interaction with your family helped him feel a tiny bit less guilty about your death.
The experience left him feeling a little less broken, so in the following days he sorted through your belongings in your shared home. He packed away some items to return to your parents, some things he put in storage, and others he gave away that he remembered you wanting to get rid of. A few of your items he kept for himself, one of which was a scarf you mentioned you bought because it was the same shade of green as his eyes which reminded you of him.
Heizou wore your scarf as a keepsake and good luck charm and would hardly be seen without it when he finally came back to work. What once served as your reminder of him, now served as his reminder of you, the person he loved with his whole being. But with the memories of you came the reminder of how you died. Though the memory was painful, it helped Heizou work up the will to keep pursuing his goal of eradicating crime. Even when the case was extremely tough with conflicting clues, your scarf would remind him to not give up, to not let another incident like yours happen again, and Heizou would persevere. He would continue to persevere no matter how long it took because he didn’t want innocent lives like yours to be snatched away so cruelly. Maybe one day, he will see you in the afterlife and proudly tell you all about how he achieved his dream. Until then, he will work hard to be worthy of the title of Inazuma’s best detective.
🍷 Kaveh
Kaveh had a lot of work to do. He was saddled with creating drafts for another large project while also trying to work on the commission for constructing a library in Aaru village for the children. Wanting to help alleviate his burden, you offered to take the finished drafts over to Aaru village yourself so he could focus on finishing up work for his other project. Kaveh tried to object, saying you really didn’t need to trouble yourself on his behalf, but you insisted, expressing your desire to help him finish his work sooner so the two of you could spend more time together again. After some deliberation, he let you go to the village by yourself, confident that you could make the trip since you accompanied him there several times before.
A few days later, Kaveh received news that you had died on your return trip from the desert. When he heard the cause of your death, his stomach roiled. You perished in quicksand just like his father. You died doing something for his sake, just like his father did.
Whatever future plans he was building together with you, whatever progress you made in helping him slowly heal from his trauma, it all came crashing down around him. Your death reopened old wounds Kaveh was only starting to heal from, as well as left new scars that tormented him every waking moment.
The first few weeks, Kaveh couldn’t stand to be in your shared home. It was full of memories of you, and each and every one of your belongings would stab at his heart like a blade. Moreover, the house felt so silent without you around. It reminded him of when his mother left for Fontaine, leaving him alone in a house too big for only him to live in. Now, he was reliving that moment all over again, but it was worse this time because, unlike his mother, he would never see you again.
Kaveh also couldn’t stand to look inside his sketchbooks. The pages were covered in various sketches of you, and looking at them only made the anguish and guilt grow in him tenfold. He blamed himself for your death, attributing it to being his fault just like he attributes his father’s death as his fault too. No matter what anyone says to console him, he will never stop believing it’s all his fault.
Fueled by guilt and self-loathing, Kaveh spent several weeks visiting Lambad’s tavern practically every day. One could even say he lived there since the architect seldom went home. He used what little money he had to buy alcohol, especially of the stronger kind. He wanted to numb the pain in his heart and to pretend that you weren’t really gone from this world. The alcohol helped to muddle his mind until his intoxicated brain conjured happy memories of you together, and Kaveh would mumble your name in a drunken haze. Other times it didn’t help, and Alhaitham, Cyno, or Tighnari could often find a drunk Kaveh quietly crying while slumped over a table and trying their best to drag him home while listening to his drunken babble of self-loathing and regret.
It will take a long time for Kaveh to feel okay again, and even then, he will never be the same optimistic and cheerful person he used to be. You were his muse, the one who made him feel like maybe he was deserving of love after all. But with you gone, he lost his creative spark. His designs no longer held the same extravagant and artistic flair they used to. Now, they’re more tame by comparison. With your passing, you took with you the little bit of joy he felt towards the world, and it seemed more bleak than it used to be when he was with you.
Kaveh refused to seek out love after your death. He’s lost too many people he held dear and has been left alone over and over again. The pain of being left behind and of feeling like he will only bring misfortune to those he cares about, made him seal off his heart. He doesn’t want to let people close to him like that again, and neither does he want to replace you. You were, and still are, very special to him.
Despite numerous years going by after your passing, Kaveh never forgot you, and he didn’t want your memory to be forgotten either. He built an art school and dedicated it to you in honor of being the one who inspired him so much in his creative endeavors. He hopes that your name will live on and continue to inspire future generations of artists long after he is gone from the world.
🎩 Lyney Having grown up in the House of the Hearth with Lyney and Lynette, the twins were practically like family to you. Though admittedly, Lyney and you developed romantic ties rather than familial ones the more you got to know each other. It was no surprise to anyone when the two of you became a couple, and Lynette even encouraged it.
Being a member of the Fatui, you were often sent out on dangerous missions to infiltrate enemy territory and report your findings back to Arlecchino. You were good at your job and had major successfully completed missions under your belt, but even the best slip up sometimes. After infiltrating enemy headquarters, you regularly reported your findings back to the House, however, one day the correspondence stopped. You went completely silent. The thought of you being caught immediately crossed Lyney’s mind, but he was hopeful that as an experienced agent, you would manage to find a way out somehow. You always have in the past, and after having worked together with you during joint missions, he saw first-hand how capable you were. To pass the time, he focused on polishing a magic trick he wanted to show you upon your return.
Days go by, and just as the magician is about to lose his patience and run off to try and find you, news about your body washing up on a riverbank reaches his ears. The heartbreak Lyney experiences upon hearing the news is indescribable. He felt lost, disoriented, and anguished. A part of him refused to believe the facts, but after witnessing the gruesome sight of your corpse, he had no choice but to face reality.
You were dead.
Lyney wondered at length about the cause of your death, and while his own guesses made his stomach knot, the autopsy report he read a few days later made him livid. Numerous torture and abuse marks were found on your body. It seemed that the enemy had captured and tortured you, hoping to force you to spill some of the Fatui’s secrets. Judging by the severity of the most recent wounds, you must have kept quiet because more brutal torture methods were used on you until the enemy figured out they wouldn’t get anything out of you, and disposed of you. Lyney knew how loyal you were to your family. You would never betray them even at the cost of your own life, but in that moment, he really wished you would have treasured your life more. Maybe then you could have survived. Maybe then he would have had the chance to hold you in his arms and tell you he missed you while you were gone. Maybe he would have had an opportunity to show off the magic trick he created specifically for your eyes only. But now, he’ll continue to miss you until the day death comes for him too. Lyney’s initial reaction upon hearing of your torture is overwhelming fury. Lynette had to hold him back from recklessly running off to take revenge against the enemy. It took a lot of reasoning on her part, but eventually, her brother calmed down.
Once his bout of anger passed, Lyney broke down. Lynette didn’t hide her own tears as she held her brother in her arms while he cried. The siblings both missed you dearly and mourned your loss, but Lyney took your death especially hard. He felt broken. One of his most precious people was taken from him in such a cruel manner, and the mere thought of how you must have spent your last few waking hours made him feel horrible.
He was anguished and angry, and the potent concoction of negative emotions weighed down on his heart and mind. Gone was his cheerful smile and outgoing attitude, replaced with a cold and somber frown. His calculative side took center stage. Though his initial burst of outrage passed, he wouldn’t give up on his desire for revenge until the act had been carried out. Aside from the twins, Arlecchino also refused to take your death lying down. You were her precious child, someone she put in a lot of love and effort to raise, and this transgression angered her as much as it angered Lyney. Together with Arlecchino, Lyney and Lynette infiltrate enemy headquarters and make every person a part of that organization pay. The magician ensures that the perpetrators experience the same pain you went through during your torture, and by the time they’re done, not a soul is left alive.
Even after exacting revenge, Lyney barely feels a smidge better. Though your captors have been neutralized and won’t hurt anyone the way they hurt you ever again, it doesn’t satisfy Lyney. At the end of the day, all he wants is to have you back in his life. He consoles himself with pieces of your clothing. Your clothes smelled like you, and Lyney hugged one of your items every night, breathing in your scent and soaking the material with his tears as he quietly cried. It takes a long time for Lyney to get himself together and act like himself again. Though he could easily put on a fake smile for his audience, his heart still aches inside. He misses you no matter how many months go by, and Lynette has her hands full comforting him when he breaks down at night and cries about how much he wants to see you. Lyney would have had an easier time accepting your death if you had passed away more peacefully, but knowing you were tortured to death will forever haunt him.
Once he feels more like himself, Lyney incorporates the magic trick he originally wanted to show you upon your return into his magic shows. He only performs it during special occasions so it would leave a great spectacle upon his audience. It was once made to awe you, but now it awes his audience, and a part of him feels some semblance of catharsis in knowing he could inspire others to feel the same joy you made him feel using just this trick. At times like these, Lyney feels as if a part of you was still there with him, enjoying the show he secretly dedicates in your honor.
⚖️ Neuvillette
You were visiting your friend Navia in Poisson, when the Primordial Sea flooded the area and caused a great catastrophe that took the lives of many of its residents. Neuvillette was aware you were in Poisson when the disaster struck, and he tried to get there as quickly as he could to check on you. He would have arrived there immediately were it not for the pressing matters he had to settle prior. He hoped the Traveler and Paimon would find you and keep you safe since they knew you were the Iudex’s beloved.
When he finally made it to Poisson, to his morbid surprise, he found neither you nor Navia, but some Fatui members helping to mitigate the damage. When he asked about your whereabouts, he was told that nobody had seen you. Immediately, his thoughts ventured to the worst scenario, but he refused to believe in his fears until he could get confirmation. He held out hope that you were alright, and went in pursuit of Navia and the Traveler, hoping that maybe you were with them, or they knew what happened to you.
It wasn’t until he was saving Navia from getting dissolved in the Primordial Sea water, did he catch a glimpse of your face. You were trying to protect Navia from certain death, along with Silver and Meluse. At the time he was too anxious about saving Navia to fully register the implication, but an unsettling thought sprang in his mind that maybe you really were— No, he didn’t want to accept it.
When Navia regained consciousness, Neuvillette asked her about your whereabouts. Her answer pierced through him like an ice-cold lance. With tears in her eyes, Navia recounted how you were helping Silver and Meluse rescue the residents of Poisson when the Primordial Sea flooded in, and how she saw your body dissolve in the water along with her loyal subordinates with her own eyes. The news settled in Neuvillette’s stomach like a boulder, causing it to sink and make him feel nauseous. Dread filled him, but he could only muster a quiet “I see…” and stare off into the distance. He felt crushing sadness, but he wasn’t given time to properly process his emotions and your death until he managed to make it out of the ruins.
That evening, Fontaine was hit by a torrential downpour that lasted several days. The rain fell in heavy sheets, flooding the streets and urging most of the citizens to seek shelter in their homes. Only the Chief Justice had the gall to stand outside and let the rain seep and soak through his clothes.
Neuvillette let the water droplets cascade down his face, imitating the tears he wished to shed as the realization that he would never see you again settled in. It was strange. Though he was on land, each waking moment he was pursued by a constant feeling of drowning. His chest felt heavy as if burdened by a great weight that made each breath he took feel like a herculean task.
Neuvillette felt a lot of emotions he couldn’t find the words for. He was frustrated and angry that innocent civilians had died in the flood because nothing was done to prevent it. So many people died. You died. If nothing else, he wanted to get justice for your and the others’ deaths.
However, Furina refused to provide answers to his questions despite his probing and insistence that now was not the time to keep secrets that could potentially help prevent an even greater catastrophe. That was when he turned to seeking aid from his companions, in the hopes that Fontaine could still be saved. Neuvillette lost and gained many things in those few days. The citizens of Fontaine were freed of their curse, and Neuvillette had obtained a position of complete authority, however, it all came at the cost of the lives of innocent civilians, Focalors’s life, Furina’s mental state, and… your life. Those were great prices to pay, and Neuvillette mourned each and every sacrifice.
Now that he had some time to himself to process his feelings, Neuvillette recognized that what he felt was grief and longing. He wanted to see you at least one more time, to feel you in his arms again. To have you taken from him so suddenly was too painful. He never got to tell you one last ‘I love you’, and he could only hope that his words reach you wherever your consciousness might be now. Fontaine will see frequent rainfall in the coming months. It won’t be easy for Neuvillette to get over your death, and some part of him will always ache and yearn to see you again. But one thing he can do is strengthen his resolve to make Fontaine into a nation that both you and Focalors would be proud of. A nation where tragedies like these will never happen again.
🍃 Venti
Venti liked to climb up on high places like his statue in front of the Favonius church, the rooftop of the Cat’s Tail, or the great tree at Windrise. Today, you found him high up in the tree, absentmindedly strumming a new tune on his lyre. Wanting to surprise the bard, you tried your best to climb the tree as quietly as you could, but right as you were about to pop up and surprise him, the branch you were on snapped, and with a heart-stopping shriek, you plummeted down to the ground.
Your scream alerted Venti. He felt your presence before you even started climbing the tree, but he failed to foresee the danger until it was too late. He didn’t react fast enough to summon a gust of wind to safely lower you down. The sickening crunch of your skull hitting the ground made his stomach roil, and for a brief moment he felt as if the blood in his veins turned to ice. He felt frozen in place.
Snapping out of his momentary stupor, Venti rushed to your side to check on you, but the enormous pool of blood blooming around your lifeless body made him throw up.
Not again. He lost someone he loved once more. The painful emotions of losing you triggered a cascade of memories of seeing the broken body of that one boy he called a friend thousands of years ago. The same boy whose face he now wore as a way of honoring his memory and giving him an opportunity to live out his dreams of freedom through Venti.
Venti felt that same feeling of heavy emptiness once again as he cradled your lifeless body in his arms, your blood smearing the white sleeves of his shirt. One of the bard’s hands cradled your still-warm cheek, and he wept. To have you taken away so easily through such a small accident… it was too much.
Venti didn’t attend your funeral. He couldn’t bear to. However, he forced himself to watch from a distance as your loved ones gathered around your grave. He fully empathized with their grief.
In the following days, one could often find Venti at a tavern. He started with Angel’s Share, but after consecutive days of heavy drinking and drunken ramblings about how remorseful he felt and how you deserved better, Diluc put a stop to Venti’s visits. The Anemo Archon wasn’t getting any better from drinking himself into a stupor until he could barely hold himself upright. It was heartbreaking to see.
Even after being banned from the Angel’s Share, Venti would visit other taverns in the city and rinse and repeat. He so badly wanted to numb the pain in his heart and forget the awful memory of your lifeless body. Only after several bans did Venti finally stop coming to the city altogether. He disappeared for a while, and nobody was able to find him. Only after many weeks did the bard suddenly pop up in the town square with his lyre in hand.
During his absence, Venti wrote a few songs as a way to cope with his grief, and after a while, finally felt well enough to play them. As a bard, he was well-known in Mondstadt for playing cheerful and beautiful tunes, but this time his melodies were melancholic, even sad. They listened to him sing about a love he can no longer say ‘I love you’ to anymore, someone he can no longer forge new memories with and can only carry on in his heart as a memory. The music he played captured the attention of every member of the audience and touched their hearts so deeply that they, too, could feel the sorrow the bard was trying to convey through his melodies. His pain became their pain, too. The heartache was so profound, so raw and crippling, that many people couldn’t hold back from crying.
Venti wasn’t playing the songs to earn money or share his sadness with others. He was playing them for you. He hoped that his feelings would reach you wherever you were and that your memory wouldn’t fade away even if he remained the last person alive who knew of your existence. His songs will keep your memory alive in the hearts of the Mondstadt citizens, never to be forgotten.
☂️ Wanderer
You have been fighting chronic sickness for months, but despite the treatments, each week you seemed to get worse and worse. Neither the doctors of Sumeru nor even Nahida herself could figure out a cure for your condition. You were bedridden with barely any strength to move. Wanderer took responsibility for nursing you back to health by helping you get to places you needed, cooking all your meals and feeding you, as well as getting your medicine and administering it.
Despite his efforts, you could tell you wouldn’t last long. While you still had the strength to talk, you apologized to him for being forced to part from him.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he scoffed, with a frown pulling at his lips. “Rather than talk about such nonsense, use that energy to get better instead.”
He didn’t want to face the facts, to accept the reality that you could disappear from his life. But then came a day where you no longer opened your eyes when he called your name, nor stirred when he tried to shake you awake. Your body was cold and stiff and so unlike what he was used to seeing you as. The life you possessed was gone in all senses of the word.
Something in Wanderer snapped that day. Falling to his knees, he let out a guttural scream that tore at his vocal cords. He unleashed a wail that carried all the anguish and misery he’d been keeping bottled up inside for hundreds of years. He’s lost so many people he cared for in the past. Each time he met someone he grew attached to, fate would always tear them away from him, and you were no exception.
He cried bitter tears in the privacy of your shared home, cursing Fate for doing this to him over and over again. He was angry and heartbroken. Though he lacked a real heart, the sensation in his chest felt like something inside him broke into a million tiny fragments. As if sharp needles pierced through his non-existent heart and caused him to scream until he lost his voice.
He wanted revenge, but how can one get vengeance against Fate itself?
You were gone, so cruelly torn away from his side despite his best efforts to keep you alive. You were the little ray of light that never gave up on him no matter how cold he was towards you or how much he pushed you away, and helped him heal little by little. You accepted him in his entirety and wormed your way into his non-existent heart, so how dare Fate mock him like this? Wanderer truly felt as if Fate was purposely torturing him by taking away all those whom he held dear.
Helpless and anguished, Wanderer reverted to the days when he used to be Scaramouche, the sixth of the Fatui Harbingers who was infamous for his callousness and mercilessness. His roiling emotions spurred him to repeat these spiteful acts against anyone who got in his way. It was the only way he knew of how to vent these overwhelming emotions that made him feel like he was choking on his grief.
It took Nahida’s interference to calm him down and get through to him that you wouldn’t want him to be like this. The Wanderer you fell in love with wasn’t such a hateful person driven by negative emotions, and though he was loathe to admit it, the God of Wisdom was right.
Having quelled the initial burst of wounded anger, Wanderer would think more clearly about what he should do from now on. He could keep all your items, photographs, and letters, but they would never replace you, only help preserve some of the memories attached to them, which a puppet like him had no need for. He won’t forget even the smallest thing about you, not as long as he’s alive.
Wanderer becomes a regular visitor of your grave, taking care of it so your name won’t be erased from the gravestone by time too quickly. He would frequently bring your favorite foods and flowers and place them in front of your grave, before taking a seat next to it and staring off into the distance without saying a word. He did this mostly at night so he could stargaze, just like how you both used to when you were alive.
Even centuries later, when everyone who knew you took their memories of you to their graves, Wanderer will remain to watch over your final resting place, unwavering in his devotion.
🐺 Wriothesley
You accompanied Wriothesley on another one of his swims out in the open waters surrounding the Fortress. Since you weren’t a vision holder, you had to wear a diving suit to breathe, unlike your beloved Duke. You’ve had these private little swim dates a few times before, so your guard was down when you swam through some jagged areas of the Fortress’s scaffolding. The shoulder of your diving suit caught on a sharp edge of metal and tore a hole in it. The tear was fairly large, and you panicked when you felt water rush inside your suit. Wriothesley was quick to freeze the hole and pull you up to the surface to get the suit off of you, but by the time he did, it was too late. You had inhaled too much water and were unresponsive. Wriothesley tried to keep his anxiety at bay and utilized all the CPR knowledge he learned from Sigewinne to try and save your life. He breathed air into your lungs and did chest compressions with enough force to hear your ribs crack, but even after 30 agonizing minutes of trying, you wouldn’t wake up.
Wriothesley had no choice but to accept the fact you died. Wriothesley doesn’t cry for you. He’s no stranger to death. His exposure to it in his younger years made him all too aware of how easy it is to die, and that death came for all without exception. As a result, he was able to accept your death a little easier than most, but it doesn’t mean he made peace with it. The staff and inmates at the Fortress all said Wriothesley looked the same as usual even after your death. He kept up his laidback yet intimidating demeanor and busied himself with the variety of work someone in his position was required to take care of. Only Sigewinne could tell that Wriothesley was not alright despite all the strained smiles he gave everyone. The bags under his eyes grew more prominent by the day, a clear indicator he wasn’t sleeping well. She saw how he threw himself into his work, barely taking any time to rest properly, as if wanting to keep his mind busy from the horrible memory of seeing your corpse. Though he tried to mask it, in truth, your death affected Wriothesley deeply. He had frequent nightmares about watching you drown and being unable to save you, and they would keep him up at night. He usually awoke in a cold sweat, his heart pounding from intense panic and dread until his mind cleared, only to be replaced with a stone-cold reality that made the feelings of guilt come rushing back. Out of habit, he turns to your side of the bed to seek comfort in your presence but seeing it cold and empty served as yet another harsh reminder that you were gone. Wriothesley can’t sleep after his nightmares, so he opts to work out or fuss over his gauntlets to distract himself from his feelings. It takes all his self-control to keep a lid on his emotions and not become the angry, irritable mess he knows he will be if he’s not careful.
When he makes tea, Wriothesley accidentally makes two cups out of habit. One for you and one for him. Even weeks after your passing, it was still a difficult habit to break. For the first while, Wriothesley would even stop drinking your favorite tea blend because it reminded him of you. Rather than enjoy the flavor, all he tastes is bile in his throat. The flavor of your favorite tea makes him nauseous because it makes him think about how you will never taste this again or have another tea date in his office.
There was one occasion when he tried to drink your tea shortly after your death. He thought maybe the flavor would remind him of the happy times he shared with you, but all it resulted in was a broken teacup from the force of his grip, and Sigewinne fussing over his cuts and burns. He didn’t drink your favorite blend for a long time after that, only being able to find enjoyment in it again many years later when the startlingly clear memory of your death didn’t hurt him as much. Wriothesley felt lonely without you. You were the friend and confidant he told his deepest and darkest secrets about his past, the comfort he sought after a difficult day, and the soothing presence that made him feel accepted for who he was without all the embellished titles. But after your passing, the Fortress of Meropide seemed cold and gloomy, as if devoid of the warmth it once had that made him call it home. It was as if your death snuffed out the little ray of warm sunshine he felt when spending time with you.
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pumpkin-bats · 3 months
One Piece Boys As Lovers - Headcanons
The poll has spoken! I kinda figured this was gonna be the result but I was curious anyway. So without further ado-
Works with you asleep in his lap.
Doesn't get jealous often, but it's obvious when he is.
Not big on PDA but loves subtly showing people that you two are together, and looks real smug about it the entire time.
Massages your hands when he's distracted or thinking about something and accidentally made it into a habit, so now he does it to bring him comfort.
Lots of late night cuddles. He's a big koala. The stickiest parasite, does not let go even when bribed.
Huffs at a lot of your most energy draining ideas, but always goes along with what you want or say regardless. Often has a fond smile as soon as you aren't looking.
A lot of nap time sessions where he's your pillow and blanket. But he'll wake up the second you ask him to.
Spars with you and tries to teach you to swordfight because he likes sharing his interests with you.
Does not make it obvious, but he worries about you a lot.
Doesn't like it when you're out of his sight for extremely long periods of time, it makes him antsy.
Holding hands almost all the time in public. Not as much in private, because the private time between the two of you is a different kind of safe intimacy.
Has a sixth sense for when you're upset and acts on it instantly.
Favorite foods, all the time, at all times. No food request is off the table, he'll make anything you crave when you crave it without any fuss. Sometimes he'll make it just because.
Really likes to dance with you, whether it's wildly spinning around the room or slow dancing under the moonlight.
The physical embodiment of 'just to be the man who walks a thousand miles to fall down at your door.'
He's very weak to cheek kisses. Melts. Like butter.
Rubs your shoulders when you're tired.
Matching couples outfits. His idea of matching with you is wearing a shirt or tie that matches the general color of your outfit.
He occasionally takes you stargazing where you spend the entire time making up constellations and the stories behind them. Eight times out of ten you end up huddled together and asleep outside.
Cuddling gets rough in the summer because his temperature runs high, but it's non-negotiable during the colder months. Personal heater go brrrrr.
Holding hands while walking down the street, swinging your arms and laughing like love struck fools.
A lot of adventure themed dates. Amusement parks, hiking, canoeing, or even little walks through the park.
Needing to label your food in the fridge so he doesn't eat it all. He eats it anyway, but always apologizes and makes up for it.
Brags about you a lot to his friends.
Candlelit dinner dates that become regular dinner nights because they happen so often.
Makes you breakfast every morning and knows how you take your coffee/tea like the back of his hand.
Pet names. It's always 'my dear' or 'darling' and never just your name.
Not the most physically affectionate but always takes care of you.
Occasionally he'll do something for you and you'll be like 'oh I love this' and then he'll proceed to respond with 'I know, you- [brings up extremely obscure habit/interest/trait/tic of yours]'.
Sleeps significantly better with you in his arms and the morning after a night without you he'll offhandedly mention how he slept well but not that well.
You do each other's nails and makeup. Sometimes when he's too tired, he'll ask you to do his makeup for him.
He adores it when you play with his hair. Whether that be styling it, washing it, or simply just running your fingers through it, he loves it all. Goes literally weak in the knees and has to sit down.
Bad jokes when drunk that are so bad the both of you spend an hour straight just laughing.
He gets very easily embarrassed whenever you do nice things for him or compliment him. His face gets redder than his nose- which you may or may not tell him.
A lot of singing together. All kinds of songs and tunes, at any time of the day. Also very loudly. Sometimes off key.
He'll try to be straight faced around you, but the second you say something or make physical contact he giggles like an idiot. He's very shy about physical affection, and acts nervous about it every time.
The physical embodiment of 'they asked for no pickles.'
He really likes to keep an arm around you whenever he's next to you, and will occasionally tug you a bit closer.
Long, mellow conversations that turn into late night talks.
It's hard to tell when he's jealous because he tends to glare at anyone and everyone that gets a bit too close to you.
Buys things for you. Not to be nice, it's actually a genuine problem. He buys way too many things for you because he tends to get something if it reminds him of you, which happens often.
Does face masks with you on the weekends and you can occasionally convince him into doing a spa night with you
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ange1heavensent · 1 month
━Steamy Shower Sex━
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Pairing: abby anderson x fem!reader
Content Warning: +18 content, minors do not interact, shower sex, making out, fingering (r! receiving), porn with plot
w/c ≈ 1270
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Your body ached. You were cold and tired. You had just come back from a team patrol. It was late at night, therefore the hallways echoed with each step that you took. As much as you wanted to close your eyes and let your body fall into bed, you decided to make your way to the showers. The clothes on your body were stuck onto you, fully drenched from the Seattle downpour and mud had infused into the fabric from accidental falls during combat. The fluorescent light in the locker room was not kind to your eyes as you peeled off the soaked fabric off your body.
You stood in the shower, trying to submerge yourself in the warm water. The shower curtain that surrounds you helps to keep the warm steam close. The rest of the shower room was eerily quiet this time at night, the only thing that could be heard was the water droplets echoing as they hit the floor. That was until you heard the door to the attached locker room open and then slam shut, which startled you out from your tired haze. 
Someone stepped into the shower room, without announcing themselves. So, as you scrubbed your vanilla soap against your body, trying to get rid of the dirt from the patrol, you called out to the mystery person. “Hello?” after a beat the other person answered “it’s Abby,” you released a breath that you didn’t know you were holding. “Anderson, you scared the living shit out of me!” you proclaimed, as she stepped into the other shower beside you. A chuckle and a “sorry, Y/n” could be heard from the woman on the other side of the shower curtain. You wondered why she decided to shower beside you, guessing that maybe she felt conversational. Your guess was right as she asked “How are you holding up?” “I’m alright, a couple of bruises here and there, a quite gnarly one on my hip though.” You answered, before turning the question to her, “I’m good, not even a scratch,” she answered back. “Way to rub salt in the wound, Anderson,” you said out loud with a chuckle. Another apology was uttered by Abby before she asked “How bad is the bruise?” “You can take a look at it if you want,” you answered back. 
You didn’t think she would actually do it, but then the shower curtain moved and Abby’s naked figure took a small step inside. Your arms came up to cover your breasts and Abby tried to keep her wandering eyes at bay. You turned so your hip would face her, neither of you saying anything until Abby broke the silence with “Is it alright if I touch it?” You nodded your head, while humming out a consent. She reached her hand to your hip, carefully grazing it against your purple skin, unconsciously stepping closer to your body. You looked at her movements attentively, you couldn’t keep your eyes away from her, and why would you. 
Her body was drawn towards you, she seemed to inch closer and closer, then her hand started moving towards your lower back, wishing to press your body against hers. “Is this okay?” She whispered out, you whispered back a breathy “yes.” You were now fully pressed against her except for your arms still shielding your breasts. Abby gazed into your eyes, it seemed like she was looking for something, you didn’t know what, but underneath her soft gaze you felt a blush and a smile creep its way onto your face. That reaction might’ve been what Abby was looking for, because she started to slowly lean her head closer to yours. Then you felt her lips on yours, the kiss was soft and careful at first but grew to be more messy. Your arms slung around Abby’s neck, and the two of you were now fully pressed against one another. Abby felt your pebbled nipples pressed onto the skin of her chest, which turned her on even more.
Abby moved her head down to press kisses onto your neck, as her hands simultaneously moved to grab at your ass. You moaned into the steamy air, when Abby was lightly nipping at your neck, then decided to mirror her actions. Your head was buried in her neck, still smelling the scent of rain that lingered in her wet hair. Then you were moved around and your back was pressed into the cold white tiled wall, you shuddered. The two of you were dishevelled, both faces red from the shower steam, hair clinging to every surface and both had a growing need of pleasure. 
Abby’s hands had been roaming your body, until her left hand grabbed onto your right thigh moving it upwards to press it against her hip. Abby looked at you again, with that same look from before, you now knew what it was, she needed confirmation that you wanted the same thing as her. You looked at her face, it was flushed from the heat, expression just as soft. One of your hands came to move some wet hair from her face, as you gasped out “Abby, I want, need, you to-” She cut you off by capturing your lips in a kiss, moaning into your mouth, as her right hand which had been resting against your hip moved in between your legs. 
Her fingers brushed against the length of your pussy, collecting your wetness to rub her fingers against your clit. You moaned into her mouth, she parted her lips to whisper, “you’re so wet, baby.” “All for you, Abby” you said, before pressing your lips against hers yet again and Abby couldn’t help but to moan at your statement. She decided to move it along further by moving her fingers down and inserting two of them. Your fingers tensed, digging blunt fingernails into Abby’s shoulders. You gasped as she started to move her fingers, curling them slightly. The pace that she set was slow, it felt really good, but you got impatient and needed more. 
You started to grind and buck your hips against her hand, trying to signal to her to move faster while simultaneously, with a breathy moan uttering “please go faster, Abby,” and she did just that. Abby moved her fingers faster, while you grinded against the palm of her hand. It did not take long for you to build up to climax with her hand between your legs, her warm skin against yours, her moans and her encouragement for you to cum. Your body arched off the wall and your toes curled as the orgasm washed over you. Abby’s fingers moved as your hips bucked into them, but halted as you relaxed against her body. You were slightly leaning against her for support and soft praises were whispered from her lips.
She let go of your leg and you now had both feet on the floor, however you were still leaning against her body, enjoying the way she felt against you. Abby moved the two of you to the stream of water from the shower head above you, thankfully it was still warm. The two of you were basking in the warmth of the water but also in each other's presence. “You smell good,” Abby remarked as her head laid against your shoulder. You hummed, that giddy feeling spreading through your body, “It’s that vanilla soap” you said. She hummed, reaching for it on the shower shelf, “I like it” she said, as she lathered in her hands, then moving them against your body, washing you for the second time today.
:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:
Thank you for reading! If you liked this fic, check out my masterlist for more :)
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alastorss · 4 months
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Alastor comes home to silence.
It's strange considering how much of a night owl you've become since meeting him. The quietness is almost eerie—the long stretch of hall between the staircase and your shared bedroom seeming daunting despite the fact that he's walked it a million times before.
The rest of the hotel is dark, like it's been devoid of life all this time. Even Husk has retired for the night, the bar closed and wiped down.
He wonders if he accidentally waltzed into an alternate dimension.
Shaking his head, Alastor creeps down the hall as to not disturb the other guests between him and the bedroom. The door creaks at the hinges as he slowly pushes it open, not wanting to spook you in case you were awake.
He can't explain it, but warmth fills him from the tips of his ears all the way down to his toes when he finally lays eyes on you.
You've fallen asleep at the desk, head buried in your arms to hide your face from the light of the lamp. Your shoulders rise and fall gently with each soft snore, the blanket sloppily thrown over your shoulders cascading down to the floor to make you look like royalty.
The demon feels his grin shrink into a small smile as he slips behind you to peer at what you were doing before you passed out. Dozens of polaroid photos are lazily scattered around the desk, each one dated in the corner and signed with your name and a heart.
His eyes scan the sprawling expanse of photos, dating all the way back to just before you'd introduced yourselves to each other.
He carefully plucks the sharpie from your fingers and caps it before slipping an arm under your knees and the other behind your back. Hoisting you up and using his hip to slide the chair back into place under the desk, he watches as you stir in his arms for a moment.
Alastor carries you to bed, laying you down and re-fluffing your blanket so that you can cozy into it. He sweeps your hair from your eyes and leans down to kiss your forehead.
"Sleep well, Cher," he whispers.
He's just about to whisk himself away to get ready to join you in bed when he happens across the photos again. Curiosity washes through him and, nosy as ever, he dares to take a peek at what your little project was all about.
The demon is careful not to nick the photos with his claws as he lightly drags them across the film, tracing each memory you captured.
Your first day at the hotel, dangling between Charlie and Vaggie as they took you in like a lost puppy. He's not in the photo, but he still remembers hearing your laughter from the lobby and thinking it was wonderful.
Your first time doing one of Charlie's ridiculous bonding activities, where you confessed that you had no recollection of your life as a human. It wasn't uncommon for new Sinners to have forgotten their lives, after all.
Your first time letting Angel dress you. He had decided to put you in something tight and revealing... that bastard.
Alastor's fingers stop atop a polaroid dated to when you first became friends.
He's distracted, looking at you with an expression he can't even recognize himself. Brows quirked and smile making his cheeks cherub—you snapped the photo in his moment of vulnerability when he normally would have vanished from it instantly.
He continues tracing your face in chronological order, your smile growing in each. And he's in every single one of them, never looking at the camera but instead distracted by you in some way.
"People told me you never like to take pictures," your voice suddenly startles him. He looks at you over his shoulder in surprise. You blink at him slowly through your bleariness, the same smile he's seen in all the photos gracing your face. "But for some reason, you've always been in mine."
Alastor turns around again to scan across all the polaroids you've taken of him, dating up until just last week when you had surprised him his favourite meal.
For a moment it dawns on him that he, a demon, should never have opened himself up so much to you. That you were his greatest flaw. That he was weak around you. The thought leaves as fast as it came when he realizes how soft his smile had gotten around you.
He can't remember ever being this happy even as a mortal walking the earth.
"Al?" You say quietly, now sitting up in bed alert and awake from his uncharacteristic silence.
He's still for another second. Then, he swipes the camera from the desk and makes his way to your side. You barely have time to register what he's doing before the light flashes and the shutter clicks.
The picture prints slow enough for you to finally realize that you had been the subject of his photo.
"What was that for?" You giggle, rubbing your eyes from the blinding light.
Alastor takes the picture and slips it into his pocket.
"I want to remember this," he tells you with a kiss to the top of your head. "A memory for me to keep, dearest."
taglist: @the-lake-is-calling @dragons-and-dwarves-are-nice @averylonelysea @bri22222 @cxrsedwxrlds @amarokofficial @anae-naea-zacheria @for-hearthand-home @fantasy-is-best @angixyc @th3-st4r-gur1 @nonbinaryanarchist0013 @dilemmaiscool @concentratedconcrete @squiword7 @clarakainda @princekeerys @cedarrthefluffylee @alastorthirsty @queermaxwooo @readergirlstuff (send an ask to be added!)
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