#they need to be the buttercup girl scouts
Grian went from hippies camp to girl scouts camp and that is character development we all should appreciate
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voidsentprinces · 4 months
Azem: Look...I'm JUST saying! Emet-Selch: Yes, I UNDERSTAND you're "JUST SAYING" but we have more PRESSING MATTERS to attend to! Azem: This is far more important. Emet-Selch: It most certainly is fucking NOT! Hythlodaeus: What is going on? Emet-Selch: Azem discovered a bunch of warrior lizard people in the middle of a plainland and now because they broke the Prime Directive. They are worshiping by them as some sort of Creationist God. I, believe the next step is to report to Convocation. Azem: And I believe, we need to settle who the best Powerpuff Girl is. Emet-Selch: I have already told you that it is BLOSSOM! She has the brain! She has the leadership! And she still has the brawn to toss around the baddie of the week while being restrained! As the mind of the operation, the trio would wander aimless without regard. Elidibus: In times of turmoil, it falls once again to the Emissary to mediate such affairs. Emet-Selch: JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ON A BICYCLE! Don't just appear out of nowhere! Elidibus: I know not who this Jesus person is nor why he is committing adultry with a secondary on a bicycle but I make no promises. Now then, if Emet-Selch is so set on Blossom. We shall now open the room for other opinions on the matter. Igeyohrm: Personally, I have been of the mind that Buttercup is the best. But I am sure there are fools who would disagree. Lahabrea: I must agree with my cousin, Buttercup can kick ass and look cool doing it. Without her, the trio would lack decisive action and would be too restrained in the path forward. Hythlodaeus: Personally, I have been a fan Bubbles. She is kind hearted, speaks several languages, as well as speak with all manner of animals and creatures of the land. She is the soul of the group. Without her, Blossom and Buttercup would be at a lost when times are tougher and the world is unfairer towards them. Loghrif: Her speaking with animals also allows her utilize scouting parties and get a lay of the land quicker for when the trio is operating outside their normal jurisdiction. Lahabrea: You are mistaken whom would have time to rely on such an emotional crybaby? Elidibus: Enough, we have two for Buttercup, two for Bubbles, a single vote from Emet-Selch for Blossom. We must now hear upon which Azem has decided to either make or break the decision. Azem: ...personally I thought Mojo Jojo was best gi-- Emet-Selch: OH HERE WE FUCKING GO! Hythlodaeus: LET US LISTEN TO THE SHEPHERDS R-- Lahabrea: TO HELL WITH THEIR REASONINING! Elidibus: Venat, we might require your experti-- Venat: Professor Utonium. Elidibus: ...so about this lizard person religion. Azem: Hades is just mad I now have an entire Steppe named after me. Emet-Selch: I am mad that you almost got me killed by a tribe chieftain. Azem: She just wanted a friendly chat. Emet-Selch: She survived several meteorite spells to the FACE! Azem: Hehehyeah, the Dotharl are great.
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paradoxlemonade · 2 months
Like a Flower in Bloom; chapter 3/3
Fic summary: Doc Monster is a many things: he's a tinkerer, a college graduate, a creeper hybrid, and a husband to his wonderful spouse, Ren. Most importantly, he is a father. And he would do anything to make his trans daughter Scarlet happy. Even if it means becoming a Buttercup Scout troop leader and herding a trio of middle school girls.
Chapter summary: Doc makes contact with the parents and the first troop meeting is held.
This is my @mcytblraufest fic, made in collaboration with my artist @watchmewhirl and beta-read my @raivaughn. You can find the masterpost for the art here.
Warnings: Grian's parents are doing their best but they're not the greatest (brief scene, nothing serious happens)
Ao3: Here!
First ; Previous
Scarlet gets Doc the phone numbers for Mumbo and Grian’s parents the next day and he’s able to reach out to them about the new troop. Mumbo’s dad already knows what he’s talking about and is excited that his daughter wants to try new things.
“She’s always been really shy, you know?” Xisuma Void says. “I’m glad your daughter reached out.” Doc can’t help but agree. The running joke among their family is that she collects introverted people like baseball cards, since she decides she likes someone and then doesn’t quit until they agree the two of them are friends. She takes after Ren in that regard, who hasn’t known an ounce of shame in his life.
Xisuma is personable to talk to and the call goes well.
Grian’s parents are another story. 
When they pick up, they don’t have the slightest clue what he’s talking about when he brings up the new Buttercup Scout troop that his daughter was starting and invited Grian to. He’s put on speaker phone so both of them can listen at the same time.
Mr. Vigil Penumbra makes an unsure sound. “And you say that your daughter—Scarlet, was it?—wants Grian to be a part of her troop?” He’s asked for clarification a few times, as if something about what Doc said is hard to believe.
Nevertheless: “Yes, that’s right. They met at school, and Scarlet put the offer out.”
“And how did you get our number?” he asks. 
Doc pinches the bridge of his nose. Never has he been so glad to be having a conversation over the phone instead of face to face. “I asked Scarlet to ask Grian for it, and then Scarlet passed it along to me. I’m still in the process of getting certified, so it’ll be about two weeks before we can start scheduling meetings. I just wanted to reach out to verify your interest and let you know what supplies you’ll need to get beforehand.”
Vigil chuckles, mostly to himself. “Ah, I’ll need to ask if Grian still has all her things, or if she got rid of them after her last troop.” He holds the phone away from himself and clears his throat. “Grian! Can you come downstairs?”
There’s a response of some kind that’s too far away for Doc to make out, and then the quiet knock of footsteps down wooden stairs. “Yeah, what’s up?” a girl, presumably Grian, asks. Her lilting voice is high in her throat, brassy but soft on the edges, and lightly accented. The question comes out stilted.
Vigil clicks his tongue. “Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you say that again?” There’s a dryness to his tone, one that tightens the nerves on the back of Doc’s neck.
“Uh.” Grian coughs. “Yes, father; what do you need?”
“You still have all that Buttercup Scout stuff?”
“I do, yeah. I said I would only burn it if Mumbo told me she’s no longer interested in scouting, remember? She’s planning to join, too.”
Mrs. Iris Penumbra takes the opportunity to join the conversation. “Thank you, dear, but don’t talk back. Why don’t you go get a glass of water from the kitchen, since hydration is—”
“—healthy, and you can’t talk back if you’re drinking a glass of water,” Grian finishes the sentence alongside Iris with all the enthusiasm of a root canal. “Yes, mother.” There’s some more footsteps as she fully descends the stairs.
“Thank you, baby. Love you.”
“Love you too.” Now she sounds further away.
A lightly muffled Iris, a little quieter than before, makes the offhand comment to her husband, “I’m somewhat surprised anyone asked her; she’s not exactly the friendliest girl around.”
Doc winces at the bluntness. There’s a good chance Grian is still within earshot.
Vigil hums in thought, but doesn’t offer any comment on the topic. “It’ll be good for her to socialize with someone other than just Mumbo.”
With that, Doc is finally able to regain their attention and steer the conversation back towards the new scout troop.
In the end, Xisuma, Iris, and Vigil agree that having their daughters join a brand new Buttercup Scout troop run by someone who’s still in the process of getting certified is a grand idea. Tuesdays are unavailable since Scarlet has physical therapy those days, and earlier he learned that Fridays don’t work for Mumbo since that’s the standing date she and Xisuma go to see her Uncle Exiona. The other days of the week seem open, for all three of them, so they pick Thursday as their day for new troop meetings.
A few weeks later, the date selected for the first meeting rolls around.
It’s hosted at their house, since they’re hardly a big enough troop to warrant asking the community center, library, or local church to sponsor them (Scarlet was mildly peeved that they weren’t going anywhere to make it feel more “official,” but agreed once Doc pointed out that the couches in the family room were much more comfortable than folding chairs). She’s practically vibrating as she flitters between the button maker Doc is setting up on the coffee table and the front door, already tired of waiting for her new troop members to arrive.
The button maker is an old thing from his and Ren’s college days. It’s practically a relic at this point, but it still works just like it used to. (He’d checked.) Making their buttons during a meeting seemed like a good way to break the ice. No way is he going to have a bunch of middle schoolers trying to make cookies like Symmetry’s troop, not without an idea of how messy the other two are.
He tightens the final bolt as Scarlet gears up to take another trip to the door. Before she can even stand, Ren reaches over and scoops her off the couch, making her shriek in surprise. “I’m starting to wonder if your feet are on fire, since you’re having an awfully hard time sitting still, baby,” he teases.
“Nooooo!” she whines, giggling despite herself. “Put me down, they’re going to be here any minute!”
Doc laughs heartily at the two of them, but his gaze does flicker to the clock hanging on the wall. He and the other parents agreed to start the meeting at seven, and 7:01 just ticked by. It’s nothing he needs to be worried about yet, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t worried anyways.
Ren sways back and forth with Scarlet in his arms. “Hm, tell me why I should set my little princess down?”
“Um… Because you love me?”
He bonks his forehead against hers. “I think that makes me want to hold you just a little bit longer, actually.”
Scarlet scrunches up her face and goes to respond, but the doorbell rings before she can speak. Her eyes widen. “That’s why! They’re here!” She resumes her wiggling with full force until Ren frees her and she rushes over to the door. Her shoulder clips the wall on the way and Doc calls out a “Be careful!”, but she’s hardly paying attention to him.
Doc stands with a stretch, popping his knee joints, and follows after her. He turns the corner into the entryway just as she's opening the door. 
Waiting on the porch are the girls from Scarlet’s phone, Mumbo and Grian, as well as a tall, long-limbed man wearing a vintage band shirt with the sleeves cut off and a chain necklace. Grian and Mumbo have matching uniform sashes, though Grian went the extra mile and also has the beret. (They elected to get Scarlet the vest since they were worried about the sash falling off her shoulders and her struggling to adjust it when she's using her crutches.)
Scarlet is quick to usher them inside with happy words and exchanges of fist bumps. Ren gives Doc a thumbs-up, so he turns back to talk to the parent.
The man smiles and shakes his hand. “Hello! I'm glad to see that we’re in the right place.” Ah, Doc recognizes that voice; this is Xisuma, Mumbo’s father.
“As am I. Scarlet has been really looking forward to this troop meeting. You're welcome to stick around, of course, though I am curious—” His gaze flickers between Xisuma and the empty space behind him where there's only the door. “—Did you carpool? I was expecting to meet Grian's parents as well.”
Xisuma makes a face, but he's quick to smooth it back out. “Yes, well, something came up for them at work. And since I would be driving this direction anyways, they asked if I could help. I couldn't just leave Grian without a way to get herself here or back.”
Doc nods in understanding. “I see. Regardless, I'm glad to have you and your daughter here today, and Grian as well.” He walks back towards the rest of the house, Xisuma following so he can see his daughter’s first Buttercup Scout meeting (“and to keep an eye on Grian,” he added in a hushed voice.) The thought is nice, but it’s hardly a necessity.
Ren has corralled the girls into sitting on the couch together in front of the button machine, where the three of them joke together in unsubtle cacophony. His tail is wagging behind him and he gives Doc another thumbs-up. Xisuma nods and takes a seat on the armchair off to the side.
Doc claps his hands together to capture the room’s attention, and the group conversation slowly peters out. “Welcome,” he says, “to the first official meeting of Buttercup Scout troop M77. Today we’re going to be going over our goals for the troop and making your first official scout buttons.”
Grian unpins the large button on the top of her sash, presumably from her old troop, and limply holds it up. “Don’t most troops go to an official scout store for the button ceremony?” She props up her head on her hand. 
“That’s true, yes, but take a look at the design.” He points at it and she lowers it to get a better look at the screening, which was a simple outline of the flower in black with a yellow fill. Mumbo and Scarlet lean in to look as well. “It’s nice, but the picture is just printed on—lots of other girls have a button identical to that one. If you make your own, then no one else will have one like yours.”
Grian thinks on that for a moment before nodding and shoving the button in her pocket, seemingly mollified for the moment.
Mumbo tilts her head in thought. “Can we—are we drawing these, or…?”
Doc smiles and kneels down next to the coffee table. He slides a tub out from the small shelf attached to the underside and brandishes it for the group. It’s full of markers, colored pencils, and other art supplies from when Scarlet was younger. “Take a circle of paper from the pile next to the machine”—Scarlet reaches over to snag a few and hand them to the other girls—“and draw the design you want for your button!”
They go back to chattering amongst themselves as they draw, and Doc breathes a sigh of relief. So far, so good. Having three parents present for as many girls was definitely overkill, but he knew his Scarlet very well, and apparently Grian had a bit of a reputation. What precisely for, Doc couldn’t be certain, but it was bound to be exciting, a headache, or both.
It's not long before Ren takes the opportunity to walk around the backside of the couch and observe their work. He hums in appreciation as he does. “I like the cat face, Scarlet!” he says to her, and she beams at the praise. Doc should’ve guessed that’s what she’d make; it isn’t as if she’s been obsessed with cats since she was five, or anything like that.
Ren steps to the side to look at Mumbo’s pin, but she curls over it the second his shadow falls over her. “Don’t look at it! It’s not ready, and it’s bad, and!” She shakes her head, eyes scrunched shut. “You can look, but only once it's done.”
Ren softly agrees before she can work herself into a tizzy and leaves her to it. His expression once he gets a look at the button Grian is making has quite the strong resemblance to the face he made when he was shown that blood can be used as a substitute for eggs in baking—mostly off-put, a little confused, and just interested enough not to look away. He blinks a few times. “Er… Are you sure that's what you want to put on your Buttercup button, Grian? It's a little bit. Violent.”
Grian glares at him. “Yes.”
Xisuma murmurs under his breath, “Goodness me, not already,” and goes to stand up, but Doc gestures for him to stay seated with a flick of his wrist.
He instead ambles over with a practiced casualness, looking between his husband and all 4’11” of angry tween girl in his family room. “What seems to be the problem?” By this point, both Mumbo and Scarlet have drifted away from their own projects and keep stealing glances while trying not to look overly nosy.
Grian scoffs and holds up the paper she was working on. “I’m just sketching the design for my button. The handbook says that you can put whatever you want on a Buttercup button, and I want to draw this.”
Ah. Hm.
Really, the amount of detail she's managed to work in with just off-brand colored pencils is impressive. The shape language and clear design on the rabbit’s organs are notable, and the knife’s texture stands out well from the fur.
The handbook’s blithe statement of ‘whatever you want’ is almost certainly meant to be followed up by an unspoken ‘within reason and good sense, of course.’  Bunny viscera isn't exactly a part of the family-friendly Buttercup Scout image.
And Grian is staring him down, eyes daring him to tell her no.
Doc reaches forward and takes the drawing, telegraphing his movement enough for her to snatch the paper back if she desires. She doesn't, and he puts on airs of inspecting it closer.
“Do you draw often?” He asks.
She shifts a bit and crosses her arms. “Sometimes.”
Mumbo snorts and leans over. “Sometimes. Gri, you've filled three entire textbooks since the end of winter break.” Grian hisses and swats at her shoulder, though Mumbo just laughs in response.
Doc clears his throat and Grian snaps back into him. “I can tell you've been practicing; you're very good at this.”
“Mhm.” She doesn't sound impressed. “But…? There's always a but when people talk like that.”  She's still awaiting some specific reaction.
Doc just shrugs and hands the drawing back to her. “I’ll definitely help you make this one, but I'd prefer if you made another to be your official Buttercup button. I'm just worried that I'll get in trouble if you wear that while in uniform, since I'm your troop leader.”
Grian's face twists in confusion, though Scarlet’s eyebrows have shot up—she knows this technique well enough from her own upbringing, and she also knows well enough not to interrupt .
“...You're not telling me I have to throw this one out?” She's tense, like her unconscious mind can't decide whether or not to defensively raise her shoulders, or to completely unwind. Her gaze flickers between what she's been working on and Doc’s steady expression. “I can still make this one?”
“Sure, why not?”
For a moment, Grian doesn't have anything to say to that. 
At once, her off-kilter confusion is packed away into an uncertain, projected nonchalance. She leans forward and selects another sheet as if that has been her plan the entire time. “Whatever. I'm gonna draw my Minecraft skin.”
Mumbo perks up. “Wait, we can do that?” She crumples up her first paper and darts forward for another. “That's a much better idea!”
Scarlet bounces in her seat a little bit. “Let’s all do it! So then our buttons will match!”
Grian waves the two of them off. “I don't care; you guys can do whatever you want.” Despite that, there's a ghost of a smile threatening to break her mask of indifference.
Doc smiles at Ren (who easily returns it) in satisfaction and strolls back over to Xisuma. He raises one eyebrow in inquiry.
Xisuma’s wide eyes dart over to the rambunctious trio and back. He nods.
There's still the button ceremony, passing out number patches for their uniforms, selecting future goal events, and the closing ceremony left until the meeting is over, but in that moment, the controlled chaos is the perfect state for the meeting to be in.
As the meeting closes, Scarlet has made two buttons and two new friends. Doc couldn’t be more proud.
A few months later…
Doc claps his hands together and the girls fall silent. Three sets of wide, expectant eyes stare back at him. He smiles at his scouts. “Welcome back to another Buttercup Scout meeting, everyone!” With a finger held up for emphasis, he asks them, “Now scouts, who knows what we will be doing today?”
Grian smirks with self-satisfaction and casually offers, “Violating the Geneva Conventions?”
Mumbo and Scarlet giggle to each other before giving him an innocent look.
“Tax fraud?” Mumbo asks.
“Arson?” Scarlet chimes in.
Doc gasps in mock horror, hand pressed to his chest. “What?! No. No no no no, no!” The fake suggestions are a part of the routine at this point—Grian started it, Scarlet picked it up almost immediately, and Mumbo joined in a little bit later once she felt comfortable. He makes a noise like he’s considering their ideas. “Well, maybe tomorrow, but not now.”
They chorus whines of disappointment (Grian acts like she’s especially offended) and Doc continues, “Today we are going to work hard, earn some badges, and—”
Ren chooses that moment to bound back into the room. He throws his arms around the scouts in a quick hug. “And let’s sell some cookies, dudes!”
The group cheers, even anxious Mumbo, even temperamental Grian, and Scarlet is right in the middle of a group of people that care about her.
She got exactly what she wanted from the Buttercup Scouts.
Doc couldn’t be happier.
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"you're fired!"
You flinched as Mister Selfridge pointed at Norm and yelled.
Poor Norm.
He did a mistake on the computer data. He was smart in his own way being a doctor. But he can be clumsy
Grace wrapped her arms around Norm. "It's okay. I will find a way to make you stay?"
"how?" Trudy asked.
Grace then turned her head to you. You were the most prettiest young lady she ever seen. You didn't look human at all. Being so flawless you might as well be an anime girl or a doll. Too perfect to be real.
A lot of men at the base found you attractive. Maybe if the Colonel saw you ...
You nervously walked to a place of the base you never stepped foot in. So foreign. The place where the toughest soldiers were. The Marine. You avoided the way the jerks would whistle and ogle at you. You wished Grace or Max came for protection.
You gulped clothing the big profile you were carrying about Norm.
"are you lost?"
A man with shaven hair and lots of tattoos on his muscled arms blocked your path.
You nodded. "I am looking for a man named mister Quaritch l."
The guy grinned. "I know him. He is my boss."
He told you to follow him.
You did awkwardly.
The man stopped walking and pointed to the figure in front of him.
You thanked him and he left winking at you. "No problem, buttercup."
The man in front of you was lifting weights. Like perhaps 200 pounds.
You wished the shaved man would call for him. You have to do it yourself.
"um, excuse me. Are you mister Quaritch?"
The man stopped what he was doing and looked at you. He set his weights on the rack and sat up.
A tanned and handsome man with scars in his scalp looked at you.
Despite being old he was attractive.
He was looking at you rather odd. Like you were a weird animal under a microscope. Has he never seen a woman before?
He was running you in from head to toe. You felt insecure in your gothic boots and your green floral blouse.
The lab coat gave you protection from his scrutiny.
Should you leave?
"I am the Colonel and second in command." He started talking. Velvety and masculine. No nonsense.
"um okay " you smiled. "Doctor Augustine wanted me to give you the profile of Doctor Norm Spellman. He got fired by Mister Selfridge and she wants you to talk to him about it."
The Colonel raised a wrinkled brow. He held out his hand and you gave him the profile.
"I know Spellman." He shook his head. "He is an absent minded idiot."
You felt hurt in your chest. The Colonel noticed. Did you like him? Quaritch felt rage and jealousy in his heart.
"sir he is my good friend and a doctor. We need him."
Quaritch frowned and said nothing then nodded. "I will speak to Selfridge but let me show you something..." he got up from his seat and walked ahead of you.
You awkwardly followed him.
There was something what appeared to be a robot the size of a house.
"oh, my."
The Colonel smirked at your expression. *This armor suit can be destroyed if the wrong computer data is inserted. Waste of three million dollars of the bat."
You looked at the Colonel and held your breath.
"I can do it all for Norm if you allow me."
Quaritch looked at you. "Fine. He will stay. But not another mistake or I won't be so lenient."
"thank you, sir. I will tell doctor Augustine."
Quaritch ogled at you and nodded.
You turned around to leave but he placed his palm on your shoulder causing you to turn around.
"what's your name, kid?"
"name last name."
"Shouldn't you be in highschool?"
"I am eighteen., sir?"
The Colonel nodded. "such in a hurry to leave. You didnt bothet to give me anything in return. How rude "
"I am sorry, sir. I got excited and forgot."
Quaritch chuckled. How cute. "I am kidding, doll "
The Colonel said he and his team will go to the jungle to scout the area. He invited you and Grace only to come.
You beamed and smiled. "Thank you, sir "
The Colonel's heart leaped. He dismissed you and watched your graceful form walk away. What a fox.
He cannot believe he never seen you before. As if you were hiding and avoiding him. But it makes sense, you were with the science pukes and he hated them so much he would not go near their labs. You must be there too.
Out of all people, a nerd got his attention. You were scrawny, pathetic, weak. You looked as if you never did a single push up. Yet you managed to get his interest.
The trip to the jungle was fun. Like a field trip. The plants and flowers were too beautiful to be true. Grace collected some plants and you helped.
The Colonel watched you, he followed you wherever you went. Then suddenly your foot got tangled in a tree root which caused you to fall on your face.
The Colonel ran to you gun in hand. He put it down and made you sit up
You were in pain. He lifted your loose black jeggings to see your ankle swollen.
You whimpered when the Colonel touched it. "Clumsy brat."
"I'm sorry."
The Colonel then lifted more of the jegging to see your legs. Your skin was smooth and clear as silk. Damn. He touched it. So soft like jelly. A delicate angel.
No flaw at all.
You blushed when you saw your exposed leg flesh.
The Colonel saw your face turning red.
He hid a smirk.
He strapped his gun on his back. He then picked you up bridal style and began walking you to the chopper.
"Colonel, what are you-"
"shut up, brat."
You obeyed
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sadviko-off · 6 months
List of characters included in my universe, the good ones come first: OC+canon
Below are the villains, they only include one of my OCs.
I wrote a brief description of all the characters; those who are in the plot, but most likely will not be drawn, are highlighted in color.
Let me explain for the canon: the names were changed, as well as the appearance, because after leaving the FH they need to hide somehow, they try to call each other by new name when they are behind the walls of their home base. I also changed the hierarchy of the army in the universe, the commanders became marshals.
I also gave names to some of the villains. CJ name is given for disguise… oh, this is a spoiler ^ ^~
Sad Viko/슬픈 비코: 26 years old, guy (demigender), hedgehog (a mixture of angel and demon), gay, polyamorous.
invisible liquor/보이지 않는 술: 20 years old, guy, hedgehog, asexual.
Eragon/에라곤: 29 years old, guy, hedgehog, asexual.
Magnesia (Juniper)/ 마그네시아 (주니퍼): 30 years old, guy (genderfluid), chipmunk, gay, polyamorous.
Gorgon/고르곤: 31 years old, guy, iguana, pansexual (gay).
Fluffy/솜털 같은: 28 years old, guy (demigirl?), spider-chinchilla hybrid, gay.
Burdock/우엉: 27 years old, guy, chipmunk, gay.
Sinbihan (Mysterious)/신비한: 33 years old, guy, chinchilla, gay, polyamorous.
Ballelian (Valerian)/발레리안: 33 years old, guy, hedgehog, bisexual, polyamorous.
Bulkkoch (Spark)/불꽃: 31 years old, guy, chipmunk, demisexual, polyamorous.
Yangcho (Candle)/양초: 34 years old, guy (genderfluid, femboy), chipmunk, gay.
Oenunbag-i (One-Eyed)/외눈박이: 37 years old, guy, squirrel, demisexual.
Yong (Dragon)/용: 15 years old, girl, chipmunk. (dead)
Posu 0.2 (Gunner 0.2)/포수0.2| Bin/Winh (Bay)/빈: 36 years old, guy, chinchilla, gay.
Usyaseutig (Ushastik)/우샤스틱: 34 years old, guy, hedgehog-eared, demisexual.
Minali (Buttercup)/미나리: 35 years old, girl, chipmunk, lesbian, polyamorous.
Banilla (Vanilla)/바닐라: 37 years old, girl, viscacha, lesbian.
Mokachino/모카치노: 38 years old, girl, chipmunk, pansexual (lesbian)
Amcho (Reef)/암초: 60 years old, guy, chipmunk, bisexual, polyamorous.
Seondo (Freshness)/선도: 57 years old, guy, hedgehog, demisexual, polyamorous.
Ogonyokeu (Twinkle)/오고뇨크: 56 years old, guy (transgender), chipmunk, gay, polyamorous.
Lubi (Ruby)/ 루비: 43 years old, guy, gay, polyamorous.
Yang-gwibi (Poppy)/ 양귀비: 46 years old, guy, pansexual, polyamorous.
Loteoseu (Lotus)/로터스: 47 years old, guy, squirrel, bisexual, polyamorous.
Hyeonjaeui (Current)/현재의: 43 years old, guy (demigender), chipmunk, gay, polyamorous.
Eling-gium (Eryngium)/에링기움 | Milkwid (Euphorbia Mile)/밀크위드: (Suffers from duplicity) 45 years old, guy, viscacha, gay, polyamorous.
Meseu (Scalpel)/메스: 47 years old, guy, chipmunk, bisexual, polyamorous.
Silkeu (Silk)/실크: 46 years old, guy, hybrid of brown and albino chipmunks, demisexual, polyamorous.
Jaleunicha (summer lightning)/자르니차: 44 years old, guy, chipmunk, demisexual, polyamorous.
Koseumea (Cosmea)/코스메아: 46 years old, guy, chipmunk, gay, polyamorous.
Bingsu/빙수: 41 years old, guy (transgender), hedgehog, pansexual, polyamorous.
Beulauni(Brownie)/브라우니: 42 years old, guy (demigender), squirrel, polyamorous.
Seuta (Star)/ 스타: 18 years old, girl (demiboy), squirrel, bisexual.
Mitieo (Meteor)/미티어: 16 years old, guy (demigirl), squirrel, pansexual.
Let me explain the type of animal I chose for the heroes. In Russia they found out long ago that the heroes of the project are all chipmunks, not squirrels. In Korea, squirrel and chipmunk are combined in one word; for Koreans they are the same animal. Because there was no official Wikipedia SaH, then just look at the characters: the stripe on the head, stripes on the tails, round ears - these are direct signs that the heroes are chipmunks. The squirrels were shown as sharp-tailed and pointy-eared gray animals (that is, the same Oegwi and Mul covers from episode 27)
Bang-ulkkoch/Pangulggot (lily of the valley)/방울꽃 or Geumsaegi: 29 years old, guy, chipmunk, pansexual (gay), polyamorous.
Gisteol (Feather)/깃털 or Scout Goseumdochi: 28 years old, guy (a bit of a demi-girl), hedgehog, gay.
Dal (Moon)/달 or Undochi: 22 years old, guy, hedgehog, bisexual (gay).
Hae (Sun)/해 or Bamsaegi: 20 years old, guy, chipmunk, gay.
Cheol (Steel) /철 or Juldarami: 29 years old, guy, chipmunk, bisexual (gay), polyamorous.
Gangseollyang (Snowfall)/강설량 or Unhasu: 28 years old, guy, hedgehog, gay.
Guseubeli (Gooseberry)/구스베리 or Rodia: 28 years old, girl (demiboy), hedgehog, demisexual.
Ttalgi (Strawberry) /딸기 or Caramel - Geumsaegi's younger sister: 20 years old, girl, chipmunk, lesbian.
Samnamu (Cedar)/삼나무 or Commander (Marshall) Goseumdochi: 42 years old, guy, hedgehog, gay.
Somteul (Willow)/솜틀 or Commander (Marshall) Darami: 39 years old, guy, chipmunk, demisexual.
Amondeu (Almond)/아몬드 or Hedgehog Waitress: 26 years old, girl, hedgehog, lesbian.
Meolaeng (Meringue)/머랭 or Mouse Waitress: 25 years old, girl, gray mouse, lesbian.
Gaeam /개암 (Hazelnut) or Kodeu Tokeo Darami: 27 years old, guy, chipmunk, pannsexual.
Amho/암호 (Coding) or Kodeu Tokeo Goseumdochi: 30 years old, guy, hedgehog, demisexual.
Molan (Peony)/모란 or Posu Darami: 29 years old, guy, chipmunk, bisexual.
Malcha (Matcha)/말차 or Boan Chaeg-imja Darami: 27 years old, guy, chipmunk, gay.
Molae Jogjebi|Molae (Sandy)/모래 족제비 or Assistant Jogjebi: 39 years old, male, weasel, demisexual.
Geojis (Liar)/거짓 or Commander (Marshall) Jogjebi: 39 years old, male, weasel, bisexual.
Commander (Marshall) Seungnyangi: 48 years old, male, wolf, bisexual.
Galsaeg Yeou (Fulvous)|Galsaeg/갈색 여우 or Officer's Yeou brother: 40 years old, fox, bisexual (gay).
Officer Yeou/Vixen: 37 years old, girl, fox, bisexual.
Commander Eunbal (Silver paw)/은발 (OC): 42 years old, girl (demiboy), wolf, lesbian.
Mulmangcho: 32 years old, guy, gray mouse, bisexual, polyamorous.
Mulsajo: 28 years old, guy, gray mouse, pansexual, polyamorous.
Oegwipali: 24 years old, guy (demigirl), gray mouse, gay, polyamorous.
Bigeobhada (Cowardly)/비겁하다 or Guard/Chief of Security: 36 years old, guy (demigender), weasel, gay.
Gyohwalhan (Cunning)/교활한 or Chief of Staff: 39 years old, guy, weasel, bisexual (gay).
Mipung (Breeze)/미풍 or Commander diver: 31 years old, guy, gray mouse, pansexual (gay).
Eumpyo (Note)/음표 or Mouse from Episode 6 (Rooftop Security Guard): 28 years old, guy (demigender), gray mouse, gay.
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bolded squads are ones i still need a picture of
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Raphael (Red), Michelangelo (Orange), Leonardo (Blue), and Donatello (Purple)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Holy Quintet: Kyoko Sakura (Red), Mami Tomoe (Yellow), Sayaka Miki (Blue), Homura Akemi (Purple), and Madoka Kaname (Pink)
Lego Ninjago: The Ninja: Kai (Red), Cole (Black), Zane (White), Jay (Blue), Lloyd (Green), Nya (Grey/Cyan)
Homestuck: Beta Kids: John Egbert - Blue, Rose Lalonde - Purple, Dave Strider - Red, Jade Harley - Green
Animator vs. Animation: Color Gang: Red (Red), The Second Coming (Orange), Yellow (Yellow), Green (Green), and Blue (Blue)
Sanders Sides: Sanders Sides: Logan (Indigo), Roman (Red), Patton (Blue), Virgil (Purple), Janus (Yellow), and Remus (Green)
Red vs Blue: The Reds and The Blues: Sarge (Red), Simmons (Maroon), Grif (Orange), Donut (Pink), Lopez (Brown), Kaikaina (Yellow), Tucker (Teal), Caboose (Blue), Church (Light Blue), Doc (Purple), Washington (Grey), and Carolina (Aqua)
Heathers: The Heathers: Heather Chandler (Red), Heather McNamara (Yellow), Heather Duke (Green), and Veronica Sawyer (Blue)
Hatchetfield: The Lords in Black: Wiggly (Green), Pokey (Blue), Tinky (Yellow), Blinky (Purple), and Nibbly (Pink)
Powerpuff Girls: Powerpuff Girls: Blossom (Red/Pink), Bubbles (Blue), and Buttercup (Green)
Tokyo Mew Mew: Tokyo Mew Mew: Ichigo (Pink), Mint (Blue), Lettuce (Green), Pudding (Yellow), and Zakuro (Purple)
Fresh Precure: Fresh Precure: Peach (Pink), Berry (Blue), Pine (Yellow), and Passion (Red)
Smile Precure: Smile Precure: Happy (Pink), Sunny (Orange), Peace (Yellow), March (Green), and Beauty (Blue)
Mahoutsukai Precure: Mahoutsukai Precure: Miracle (Pink), Magical (Purple), and Felice (Green)
Sailor Moon: Sailor Scouts: Moon (Pink), Mercury (Blue), Mars (Red), Jupiter (Green), and Venus (Orange)
Ducktales: The Triplets: Huey (Red), Dewey (Blue), and Louie (Green)
Power Rangers: Power Rangers: Jason (Red), Zack (Black), Trini (Yellow), Billy (Blue), Kimberly (Pink), and Tommy (Green)
Voltron: Team Voltron: Shiro (Black), Keith (Red), Lance (Blue), Hunk (Yellow), Pidge (Green), Allura (Pink), and Coran (Orange)
RWBY: Team RWBY: Ruby Rose (Red), Weiss Schnee (White), Blake Belladonna (Black), and Yang Xiao Long (Yellow)
Amphibia: Calamity Trio: Sasha (Red), Marcy (Green), and Anne (Blue)
Sonic The Hedgehog: Team Sonic: Sonic (Blue), Knuckles (Red), and Tails (Yellow)
Healin’ Good Precure: Healin’ Good Precure: Grace (Pink), Fontaine (Blue), Sparkle (Yellow), and Earth (Purple)
Kuroko No Basuke: Generation of Miracles: Kise (Yellow), Midorima (Green), Aomine (Blue), Murasakibara (Purple), Akashi (Red), and Kuroko (Light Blue)
Kagerou Project: Mekakushi Dan: Kido (Purple), Seto (Green), Kano (Black), Mary (Pink), Momo (Orange), Ene (Blue), Shintaro (Red), Hibiya (Light Blue), Konoha (Yellow), Hiyori (Pink), Ayano (Red)
Ensemble Stars: Ryuseitai: Chiaki Morisawa (Red), Kanata Shinkai (Blue), Tetora Nagumo (Black), Shinobu Sengoku (Yellow), Midori Takamine (Green)
Clue: Suspects: Mrs. White (White), Mr. Green (Green), Mrs Peacock (Blue), Professor Plum (Purple), Miss Scarlet (Red), and Colonel Mustard (Orange)
Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated: Daphne (Purple), Shaggy (Green), Fred (Blue), Velma (Orange), Scooby (Brown)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin (Red), Simon (Blue), and Theodore (Green)
Inside Out: Riley’s Emotions: Joy (Yellow), Sadness (Blue), Disgust (Green), Anger (Red), and Fear (Purple)
Strawberry Shortcake: Strawberry Shortcake & Friends: Strawberry Shortcake (Red), Lemon Meringue (Yellow), Orange Blossom (Orange), Raspberry Torte (Pink), Plum Pudding (Purple), and Blueberry Muffin (Blue)
Disney Fairies: Disney Fairies: Tinkerbell (Green), Silvermist (Blue), Iridessa (Yellow), Rosetta (Pink), Fawn (Orange), and Vidia (Purple)
Teletubbies: Teletubbies: Tinky Winky (Purple), Dipsy (Green), Laa Laa (Yellow), and Po (Red)
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OC Sibling(s) Masterlist
A Cry You Can Hear At Night - soillbeherethen
Summary: If they had crossed paths only a moment later, neither of them would have seen tomorrow.
amaryllis (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: In which Dan has to wed Princess Alice when he would much rather marry her brother, Philip.
(TW) Babyface (ao3) - Phandabbydosey
Summary: Phil’s brother runs one of the most infamous underground pornography rings in London. Convinced they are saving people from suffering on the streets, Phil chooses to ignore the illegality of the operation. But then Daniel Howell, who looks much younger than eighteen, is recruited and Phil starts to question how much good they’re really doing.
Charlotte (ao3) - dannihowell (anotherdaughter)
Summary: When Dan's little sister needs a home, he and Phil offer a place to stay.
Christmas Coming Out (ao3) - FandomFeels17
Summary: He didn't intend to come out to his mum in his future mother in law's kitchen at Christmas... But here he was, doing exactly that.
clumsy (ao3) - ordanary
Summary: Phil’s clumsiness often lands him in sticky situations, like when he spills flour all over his crush, Dan Howell and his little sister one day at the bakery where he works.
Do I Smell Pancakes? (ao3) - ExclusiveGorgeousGeek
Summary: Dan, a small time Youtuber, might just have a crush on, Youtube Star, Phil Lester.
And Dan's sister may or may not know about it.
Drink Up Your Movements (Still I Can't Get Enough) (ao3) - obsessive-fics (xoPrincessKayxo)
Summary: All Dan, an extremely skilled ballet dancer, wants to do is make it through the next dance competition. So extra rehearsals with Izzy, a ballerina he’s known forever, are just another step towards the win. What he doesn’t expect, is the constant, extremely distracting presence of Izzy’s older brother, Phil
Dude, Your Brother is Driving Me Nuts - tolkienrowlingfan
Summary: Dan has gone to help out his twin brother, Dylan who also happened to be bffs with his boyfriend, Phil.  Later Phil mistakes Dan for his brother and starts complaining about Dan and a marriage proposal?
Fallen in Love with Someone you Shouldn't have Fallen in Love With (ao3) - AnotherPhanficWriter
Summary: Phil got himself into something that he cannot get himself out of. Dan wants Phil to get in him instead. Dan has a sister who messes everything up and is like my spirit animal.
Good Vibrations - phandabbydosey
Summary: Phil’s band gets a shot at impressing a talent scout, but their drummer drops out just three days before the big gig. Their only shot at a replacement comes in the form of the lead singer’s younger brother, the lead singer’s deaf brother with a fondness for soft pastel colours.
Keep Making Trouble Till You Find What You Love (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan has a twin sister called Lucy, who comes to stay. What happens when Phil begins to have feelings for her? But is he really crushing on his best friend's sister or is she just his heart's way of pointing out something different, like the many parallels between the two Howells, or a love story left behind in 2009? Does Lucy know more than she's letting on? And why does the girl in the other flat look so familiar?
oh, i'm trying (not to give in to you) (ao3) - Buttercups
Summary: dan is greg's little brother. greg is phil's best friend.
phil discovers what craving someone actually means
One of a kind (ao3) - Gay_internet_mafia
Summary: Dan falls for the new kid but he doesnt understand why the boy keeps having these mood swings, or why he won't let Dan meet his brother.
Pastels and Wedding Plans - copyrightedsnakes/
Summary: Phil Lester is a ball of sunshine wedding planner hired to coordinate Winston Howell’s wedding. It’s a big job, so Winston offers up the help of his younger brother, Dan Howell.
pea pods (ao3) - watergator
Summary: in this universe, dan has a gay sister
Prince Charming - howellsaesthetic
Summary: Phil works a summer job as a “Prince Charming” entertainer for birthday parties, and Dan is the older brother of Athena, the girl that the party is for. They meet and instantly hit it off.
seasons change (ao3) - sadlybunny
Summary: The boy is irresistible. He’s got that “couldn’t be bothered” attitude that has always intrigued Phil, always made him want to know Danny a little bit better. Phil knows falling in love with his best friend’s younger brother is wrong. But he just can’t seem to do the right thing.
Sibling Rivalry (ao3) - dannihowell (anotherdaughter)
Summary: The Howell twins both fancy their new neighbor, Phil.
stars (ao3) - brookwrites
Summary: dan grew up in a normal 1930s london family with his parents and little brother. everything was completely and utterly normal… until the bombs started dropping. when dan was fifteen his father went off to war, and when he was sixteen he and his brother hayden were sent off to a foster family in rural england. he looked up at the stars and couldn’t help but wonder how something that beautiful could exist in such a broken world. just when he thought things would never get better, dan met phil, and he became the shining star of his life. but when phil turned eighteen and went off to war, dan couldn’t help but wonder when, if ever, the stars would twinkle the same way again.
The New Drummer - phanerys
Summary: punk!phil is the new drummer in the pastel!dan’s brother’s band
The Reject (ao3) - blueberryphancakes
Summary: Dan might be a little bit in love with his best friend, but it’s okay. Phil doesn’t get crushes, at least as far as Dan can tell, so Dan has spent the last two years pining in secret while learning to accept the fact that Phil might never see him the same way.
And it’s fine. It is. He feels lucky to have Phil as a friend at all, and he is perfectly happy to keep things the way they are. But things are bound to change when he finds some pretty convincing evidence that Phil does get crushes. And, as it turns out, boys who look like Dan are exactly Phil’s cup of tea.
The only problem? The object of Phil’s affection is Dan’s twin brother.
The Rooftop - jilliancares
Summary: Phil’s been best friends with Dan all his life, and it seems like every night they were up to another adventure. Just when did that platonic, best friend love, turn into something more?
Twin Troubles - dxnhowell
Summary: Phil has a twin, and they don’t get along. His twin tortures him throughout his childhood. Phil finally has enough and cuts Pierce out of his life. Fast forward, and now Phil’s married to Dan. But now Pierce has re-entered Phil’s life again, asking for help.
Worth the Risk (ao3) - passionfruitwriter
Summary: Dan moves with his conservative mother and stubborn little sister to a new neighbourhood. Here, his mother decides to force his sister into dating the classy Phil. When she doesn’t want to, Dan accidentally volunteers to become her understudy, so that he has to do all the awkward dating. After a while though, Dan realises those dates aren’t so bad.
yazi (ao3) - watergator
Summary: dan goes to france with his family, but in this universe he has a gay sister
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rwbyangst12 · 2 years
Growing up is realising that Sofia was just an 8 year old girl who had too many responsibilities and was pressured by adults to save her new family and a kingdom and realm she now has to take care of and protect and people have high expectations of her, and that she was never given any real time to grieve her missing (most likely dead) father who only passed away like a year before her mother's remarriage and she is a child with trauma and doesn't want to bother people with it or tell anyone her secrets because they might put her in danger. She is a prodigy in just about everything she tries and isn't used to the idea of failling or not getting the hang of things quickly.
Sofia is also constantly betting her own life or being forced to negotiate the lives of her family since she was 8. She was betrayed by 4 adults, 3 of which were her teachers and and 3 of them are redeemed. She watched two people be murdered and a man waste his life away. Her brother being distressed and angry because he wasted his childhood preparing for a position he was never going to get because their grandmother and aunt lied. She watched the reason the twins were born and the queen was killed. Has been trapped in the middle of no where multiple times. Her sister stole her amulet. She saved the world multiple times. And her friends were toxic to her for being better than them at a game and trying to help a girl out. Was tricked by Cedric into cursing the entire kingdom to sleep. Is very protective and suspicious to anyone who even looks at the Amulet. Was given a position that constantly puts her life in danger and told to protect an entire realm filled with like 50 kingdoms. Must watch or read peoples lives no matter how gory in order to give them an ending weather it's sad or happy as long as it's an ending. Is blamed if things go wrong because of an adult. Isn't believed even if she's right. And none of the adults listen to her and always underestimate her.
This child needs a hug, therapy, sleep, and should just go play Dazzle all, Flyer Derby, or Ice dancing, go back to the Buttercup scouts, do her homework, practice magic, and play with her animals.
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starryevermore · 3 years
his candy girl ✧ lee bodecker
masterlist | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
pairing: lee bodecker x fem!reader
summary: you’re his candy girl, and you got him wanting you. 
word count: 975
warnings?: reader is sorta manipulating lee but not really? (she kinda Pavlov’s him into liking her, or so she thinks), pet name (buttercup), sexual innuendos, sexual fantasies (nothing that’s very explicitly described), not proofread, i wrote this in about an hour do not judge for its shittiness
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It started with a sucker. A harmless little gift to the sheriff as he stopped by the bank, coming to withdraw some money. He always chose you, calling you his favorite teller, leaving you a giggling mess. No man had ever made you feel the way Lee did, all eager to do whatever it took to keep his attention on you. You weren’t keen on the idea of having to soon marry, to settle down and start a family, but if you had to, you knew that Lee would be a great choice. He would treat you right, you were sure of it. And you wanted to treat him right, too. So, when he came around to the bank on a lazy Friday afternoon to withdraw some money, you decided to give him a little treat. 
It was no secret that the sheriff had a sweet tooth. Everyone knew it. The ladies down at the grocery store would make little bets about which pack of sweets he’d pick up. And you? Well, you listened, internalizing all of his favorite candies and flavors, carefully picking out what you were sure he’d love. So, when you counted out the twenties, laying them out in front of him, you reached into the little dish you kept beside you, placing a little cherry sucker right on top. 
His tongue darted out, licking his lips, as he looked down at the candy. “That for me?” he asked.
“It sure is, sheriff,” you said. 
“You do this for every man who comes to make a withdrawal?” 
“Only for the sweet ones.”
He chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Keep this up, and next time I come, it’ll be to make a deposit.”
The innuendo was not lost on you. For as sweet as Lee was to you, you knew of his escapades with other women around town. You couldn’t fault him for it, though. What was it that your momma always said? That men have needs, that they don’t settle down til they absolutely have to? Well, if that was the case, then you would have to make sure that you gave Lee every reason to settle down with you.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you, buttercup?” he asked, eyes raking down your body as you hid a giggle behind your hand. 
“Oh, sheriff, you know I always love when you come down here,” you said. “Doesn’t matter what it’s for.”
“Then I’ll make sure to come just for you, buttercup,” he said, popping the sucker into his mouth while he put the twenties in his wallet. He moaned at the taste. “Lord, wonder if you’re almost as sweet as this sucker.”
“Keep coming back, and you might just find out.”
Lee knew exactly what you were doing, and he loved every second of it. He’d been sweet on you for as long as he could remember. You were a rare piece of goodness in Knockemstiff, and he’d been determined to make sure no one had ever dulled your light. He chased off any would-be suitors of you, explaining to your momma and daddy that those men would bring nothing but pain for their darling little angel. Swore he’d marry you, with their permission, if they’d just give him time to get you a nice ring. They agreed, and why wouldn’t they? The wife of the sheriff is something any woman would die to be. But only one woman was fit for the role. 
Now he knew that you wanted him just as much as he wanted you. Why else would you get him some of his favorite candy, have it just ready for him to pop by the bank? Yeah, yeah you wanted him. And he’d make sure you got everything you ever wanted. All you’d ever have to do is say the word. 
It was time, he decided, to finally propose. That’s why he’d been at the bank, to withdraw the money to get you the perfect ring. He’d been scouting out the local jeweler’s for months now, trying to decide what diamond would look best on your pretty little finger. And he was sure he found the right one. It glittered and gleamed, sparkled just as brightly as you. 
And, as he looked down at it as he sat his cruiser, he couldn’t help but imagine what it’d look like on your hand as you stroked him while you look him in your mouth. How it’d feel against his scalp as your gripped his hair. How he could look down at it as he traps your wrists in his hands, taking you from whatever angle he wanted. Hm, would it be too soon to go back to the bank now, get down on one knee right in front of everyone?
No. No, he should do this right. First, he’ll go to your daddy, show him the ring and officially ask for your hand. Then, he’d get a reservation at the nicest restaurant in town, woo you with the best meal he could afford (though, he was sure that whatever you could cook would be a thousand times better). And, as the night would wind down to a close, he’d get down on one knee, profess his love for you, and you’d have no choice but to say yes. He wondered if he could get some free dessert if he did it in the restaurant. Yeah, yeah that would be good. He’d probably go for a chocolate cake, be all sweet and feed it to you. Yeah, that was what he was gonna do.
He passed by the bank as he drove to your house, glancing over at it with a smirk on his face. Oh, if only his sweet little buttercup knew the life he had planned out for you. He couldn’t wait for it all to begin. 
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kritzkrieg-kiss · 3 years
❤️🤍💙Happy Fourth everyone!💙🤍❤️
Mercenaries on the 4th of July!
Scout: Scout, in a fit of brilliance, wanted to find out how many lit sparklers he could hold on his person at once. The answer: 76 sparklers. 24 in each hand, 10 between his teeth, 4 behind each ear, 8 between his toes, and 2 in his nose. Heavy covered his eyes as he lit them all off. It was a spectacle to behold, 20 seconds of firey glory until the sparks set his clothes on fire. He immediately dropped and rolled, screaming like a little girl the whole time. He did not, however, bother to drop the sparklers first and merely ended up charring his clothes even more. He was okay in the end, walking away with only a few minor burns and scratches; all of which the team saw as what little scraps of clothing he had left on him flaked off as he stood up. He quickly excused himself to find the nearest pair of Mann Co. emergency pants.
Soldier: Good gracious, it was like watching the entire revolutionary army condensed into one man. He woke up at 4am and single-handedly torched the building for the local communist chapter. Once it was up in flames he then proceeded to paint the sidewalks of Teufort with stars and stripes and wake everyone in town up to the sound of rocket fire. He spent a week's wages and bought an entire stand's worth of fireworks for the boys. He stopped at the grocery store on the way back and bought all the tea they had. He set some aside for Engie and then dumped the rest into the town lake. That night he spent more time in the sky than on the ground. He filled his rocket launcher with mortars, nearly killing the team with his firework rocket jumping. God bless America, maggots! 
Pryo: Designated firefighter, his airblast is the only thing strong enough to keep the whole shindig under control. He did a good job at first when the team was lighting smoke bombs and snakes, but he just couldn't help himself as soon as the first mortar shells were launched. Once he saw what a tiny lighter could do, he needed to see what would happen if he used a whole flamethrower. Needless to say, the entire stash that Soldier had bought went up in smoke real quick. The initial blast lasted 10 minutes. The 2Fort bridge nearly collapsed. The fire department showed up. The team would have been angry about it, but when they turned around and saw him clapping and dancing in a fit of muffled laughter, they decided to just keep quiet and let him have his fun.
Demo: Demo was going to run the fireworks show before Pyro lit the supply up in a blaze of glory. Even still, he refused to let that stop him. He ran back to his room and broke open the emergency chemical stash, and soon came back with a chemistry table on a flatbed cart and a half-ton of highly unstable explosives. The festivities were soon back on, this time with even bigger and brighter explosions. The fireworks were being made as quickly as they were being lit off. Demo improvised an entire show set to Chuck Berry's album Chuck Berry Is On Top, ending with a grenade jump and high five with Soldier 100ft off the ground.
Heavy: Heavy may not have understood American traditions and customs, but that didn't mean he didn't like to have a good time. He brought out his machine guns (all except Sasha) and let the mercenaries take turns trying to fire them off. When their arms got too tired to go on, he walked across the base to the armory and hauled out an old WWII war cannon. They didn't have any cannonballs so they fired off whatever they could find, including all the bread, a plastic christmas tree, Sniper's kukri, the backup intel case, Soldier's helmet, and Medic's übersaw, which just so happened to get stuck in the wall. It stayed there for the next three months.
Engie: Happy as a honeybee bumbling in a buttercup, 4th of July was his favorite holiday! This boy is grillin' up southern barbeque like nobody's business. He spent a month designing and building a custom smoker for grilling, and even spent the whole day before and morning of prepping sweet tea and cornbread. His cherry pie was to die for, most of which Scout stole behind everyone's backs (only for Spy to steal it behind HIS back). He was also the one to get the campfire going and the marshmallows roasting. He brought his guitar out and strummed with the sound of the booming fireworks. The team all took a short intermission from the festivities for s'mores and sparklers and sat around the fire with him, he got all the boys to sing along (much to Sniper and Spy's bashfulness) Sure the fireworks were fun, but he found the most joy in cultivating an environment for the team to take a night off and finally come together.
Medic: Having a ton of fun with the small stuff like smoke bombs and pop-its. They're like mini fireworks that fit in the palm of his hand! He emptied a few boxes of pop-its onto the ground and proceeded to perform an explosive tap dance with his accordion. Once those were all out, he formed a ring of colored smoke bombs and stood in the middle, summoning a storm of vibrant hues like a Monet painting against a midwest funnel cloud. His snow-white coat had turned the color of Pyro's toy mood ring after his last bout of arson at the local library. He actually ran out halfway through the evening and ran into town to get more. This time stocking up extra for future battle shenanigans; because matches would be much more amusing when you had control over what color everyone was wearing.
Sniper: Demoman's fireworks show went off mostly without a hitch, but there were a few duds here and there. Scout made the suggestion of chucking them in the campfire but Engie very quickly put his foot down on that idea, remarking that the base's fire insurance was good but it wasn't THAT good. This gave Sniper an idea, and he went and got his bow. He then asked Soldier to load up his rocket launcher with all the duds and fire them up in the air. He dipped the tip of his arrow in the fire, aimed, aaaaannd...
The arrow made direct contact and the shell exploded in a fit of blazing glory. The others were screaming and wailing like never before, shaking Sniper's shoulders with a 'Doitagain! Doitagain! Doitagaaaiiiin!' He spent the whole night standing by the fire, it got to the point where the others were pulling a few perfectly good shells out of the stash just to watch Sniper shoot them down. He didn't miss a single one.
Spy: Stashed a bunch of cherry bombs in the inside pockets of his coat. He thought it would be funny to sneak up behind the others and light the bombs at their feet to watch them freak out. He managed to scare all eight of them, Soldier screamed like a small girl and Scout cried a little bit. Pyro was the last one to be spooked. But when the bomb went off, he panicked and instinctively sprayed his flamethrower, igniting Spy's coat and subsequently all the cherry bombs he had in his pockets. Spy's scream could be heard for miles. His chest was covered in third degree burns. There was some bone exposed. Medic grabbed the medigun quicker than lightning but let him writhe in pain just for a moment or two before actually putting the beam on him. Spy never touched another handheld explosive again.
Happy birthday America, hope y'all enjoyed it ❤️🤍💙
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aclosetfan · 3 years
Part 2: For some strange reason, I feel a sudden case of Deja vu, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ MsButterFingers has two fics and both made me cry so... for you. :) And lastly, "The notion of Loss" & "Paper Hearts" by Gold Scribbles. Paper hearts is the cutest Blues fic ever.Switching over to questioning you about anything and everything, tell us more about your fake dating au and plans!! And that is it. I hope you do well and hope you haven't read at least one of these fics so I can feel so proud of myself.! :)
Oh no! Idk if there was a part 1 to this ask but I never received it :(
I'll have to look up MsButterFingers. Idk if i've read anything by them yet, and that's pretty wild cause I've read a lot!! I love when fics make me emotional~ can't wait!
AND AHH OMG okay okay okay the Notion of Loss by Gold Scribbles is my fave fic like ever!!!!!! I love it, which is a big deal given how prominent the reds are in that fic because usually I stray from that pairing but ugh the author just fucking NAILS it. If i could ever write anything half as good I'd die happy fr fr
I rec that fic to everyone!! I left a review for it on ffn and the author actually replied, and I about died and went to heaven. It was like meeting a celebrity. I love all their work, but I don't think they update their profile much anymore :( so happy you mentioned them! FEEL PROUD OF YOURSELF YOU'VE READ ONE OF THE BEST AHHH! The greens in that story *killed* me and Boomer's characterization??? So good.
Fake dating au updates under the cut!
i don't have much of an update :( it's still just an outline, but here are some fun facts b/c i really can't wait to write this one
1) I love the idea of Buttercup in her "boyfriends" oversized sweaters, so that's featured heavily
2) I'm actually excited to write Blossom in this one. I'm portraying her as the stoic "doesn't emote often" character--like cool nerd, not the overachiever I usually write her as. I think I'm going for "burnt-out prodigy" lmao. Outside of that, I really don't have any plans for her. Bubbles is featured more prominently then she is.
3) i like making the greens huge dorks who go to great lengths to cover up their dorkiness. This story, as opposed to Buttercrush, shows more of Butch's dorky side. The whole point is the two greens finally get to see each other in a light that rumors/stereotypes/popular media doesn’t portray the other as.
So, Buttercup is the "stone-cold bitch one", but in reality, she's a very passionate and excitable young superheroine (who's overly competitive). She's just a little socially awkward and shy, is all, but she's always determined to help a person in need. She's also the youngest member of Townsville's only superbeing roller derby league (because in canon, the girls aren't the only people with superpowers and I've decided there's probably enough super-people to have super-people sports leagues)
Butch is the "promiscuous bad boy," but in reality he spends his weekends either camping/back-packing or building incredibly nerdy military models. I'm making Butch the Townsville version of an eagle scout BUT because he was "evil" (at one point) HIM had put him in Demon Scouts to meet like-minded children. Demon Scouts is just Boy Scouts, where they learn how to tie knots and match car derbies, but with 10x more blood rituals/sacrifices. (Imagine the delight BC will have finding the fam photos with little butchie in his little demon scout uniform, I'm crying it's so cute).
Butch doesn't mind too much that people think he's a whore, but it bugs Buttercup because she doesn't think it's fair to Butch
In line with Boy Scouts, I just found out in one of the ppg comics the girls were in "Muffin Scouts" and Buttercup only joined so she could eat the cookies, so i'll definitely be using that to my advantage.
4) All of the above is important because a major turning point in the story is Buttercup getting fed up with people assuming things about Butch, her, and their supposed relationship. Everyone thinks they'll break up because she's a "bitch" and he's a "whore," and she's like DAMMIT Butch I know we said we'd fake break-up today!!!! But they can't treat us like this!!!! We'll show them we're the best couple in the whole damn school by becoming Prom Queen and King
and Butch is like lol yeah ok--wait, what are we doing??
5) LOL I can't wait for Buttercup to "meet" Butch's parents. I don't plan on having HIM in this story, just Mojo. But Mojo being like what is she doing on my couch, in my living room, where I live??? Causally?? And Butch is like oh lmao yeah, sorry dad, this is my girlfriend Buttercup. You've met before, right??
And Buttercup--who's funny and a good sport, and love, love, loves fucking with mojo--is like oh lol sup mojo, absolutely love what you've done with the place, haha, anyway I'm boning the fuck out of your boy.
And Brick, Boomer, and Butch (b/c he kind of forgets for a second she's talking about him) are just like 🤣🤣AHHHHHH🤣🤣🤣 YEAH SHE IS
and mojo just straight up dies.
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paradoxlemonade · 2 months
Like a Flower in Bloom; chapter 1/3
Summary: Doc Monster is a many things: he's a tinkerer, a college graduate, a creeper hybrid, and a husband to his wonderful spouse, Ren. Most importantly, he is a father. And he would do anything to make his trans daughter Scarlet happy. Even if it means becoming a Buttercup Scout troop leader and herding a trio of middle school girls.
This is my @mcytblraufest fic, made in collaboration with my artist @watchmewhirl and beta-read my @raivaughn. You can find the masterpost for the art here.
Warnings: minor transphobia
Ao3: Here!
Next ; Last
Violence does not solve very many problems. It usually just creates newer, more complicated problems. As a rational person, Doc understands this. 
As an animal, however, he wants the Buttercup Scout troop leader in front of him to be eaten by hyenas.
The meeting wrapped up a few minutes ago and most of the girls and parents already filtered out the door. Doc told Scarlet, his daughter, to hang behind and talk with the other girls. She's more than happy to do so, chatting away with the Symmetry twins. 
He has a few concerns about how she was repeatedly sidelined during the badge event and wanted to ask about that. She hadn't yet joined the troop and was only there for a preliminary meeting, yes, but the adults could have stood to be a bit more welcoming to new members. 
Which led to him hunting down the troop leader, tapping her on the shoulder, and asking about her meeting policies. Which led to her trying not to sneer and just dismissing him out of hand.
Ms. Reflecta Symmetry doesn't bother to face him as she gathers up tubes of decorating frosting and glitter sprinkles and returns them to their original packaging. “I'm busy. Could you please wait a moment?”
Doc shakes his head. “I just have a question about how meetings tend to go, and then I'll be out of your hair. Nothing big; it’ll be quick.” 
Reflecta drops the decorating supplies back onto the camp table with unnecessary force and finally turns to face him. She gives him a plastic, simpering smile. “I think I can help you! Were you here to check out our troop and think about joining?”
“...Yes, that's correct.” Something about the way she carries herself sets Doc's nerves on edge. “Scarlet wanted to be a part of the group that was piping frosting onto the sugar cookies. But every time she asked you if she could switch groups, she got ignored or told to wait her turn, but she never got to be a part of the piping group. It seemed like she was… forgotten during the group changes.”
How does he phrase this diplomatically? 
“I was wondering if this was how most of your meetings run, or if you were just distracted. There were a lot of girls to keep from making messes, after all.” He's had long days before. It would be nice if that were the case here; this was the only close option for a troop in the area.
“Uh-huh.” Reflecta’s arms cross, fingers tapping away. She switches her expression to an equally-fake one of hyperbolic sympathy. “You see, I'm just not certain that your… child is a good fit for our troop. I’m concerned that they won’t have very much fun; we have a specific culture here. I'm sure you understand?” With that, she spins on her heel and continues packing up the materials from the meeting into an oversized patchwork tote bag.
Doc stands there for a moment, frozen stiff. “Excuse me?” What exactly did she mean by that? He steps to her side, working himself back into her line of sight even as she works and attempts to ignore him. “I think I misunderstand you. Could you explain what you mean?”
 She glances over to give him another apologetic look, but her lip is curled back just enough to show teeth. “It just takes so many resources for a Buttercup Scout troop to make sure all girls involved have an enriching experience. We've just had a few new girls join, so I'll need our treasurer to reassess the budget. Perhaps you should look into some other organizations in the area? I'm sure there's plenty that they would like elsewhere.”
Doc grits his teeth and wills himself to silence. Budget problems and personality are two different issues. That leaves one conclusion: Ms. Symmetry is full of shit. She just doesn't want Scarlet to join the troop. He'd hoped her earlier curt attitude was just her being busy with other kids—even gave her an out to claim that—but that doesn't seem to be the case.
He clears his throat. “Sure, yeah, I understand.” Before she can get another word in to affirm his agreement, Doc barrels on: “It's just a little surprising to hear, considering how well Scarlet seemed to get along with the other girls. The advertisement your troop posted on Facebook the other week also seemed so welcoming; was that scheduled in advance before your means were clear?”
Reflecta's smile remains, though the bottom of her eye twitches ever so slightly. “Something like that.” It's her turn not to give Doc a chance to respond as she jerks to face the remaining girls in the room. “False! True! Get your things. We're leaving.”
The two blonde girls that Scarlet is talking to perk up at the same time, like prairie dogs out of a burrow. Aside from the longer hair and extremely thick glasses that nearly resemble goggles they both wore, they were spitting images of Reflecta. One just nods without emoting much, while the other brightens and responds, “Yes, ma’am!”
The smiley one clambers to her feet, buttercup guide book clutched to her chest. She waves farewell and says something else before bounding over to her mother's side. The stoic one bumps a silent shoulder against Scarlet’s and follows a moment later.
“Ah, Scarlet,” Doc calls out. “You come on as well. We finished speaking, so it's time to go home.”
She nods and scoops up her cat plushie backpack.“Okie-dokie, dad!” Once it’s on her back and she gets her crutches situated, she’s by his side as he guides her out the door.
“Did you have a nice conversation with the twins?” Doc asks, a bit louder than necessary in the hopes that Scarlet won’t hear Reflecta hissing ‘I don’t want to hear about you two talking to that one again’ to her daughters. He directs Scarlet along a little bit faster.
“Yeah, they were really nice to me!” There’s a bounce in her step as she chatters away. “True didn’t talk very much, but that’s okay since False talked enough for both of them. I think she talks when she’s nervous and when she’s comfortable. And then she asked about my Jellie backpack, and—”
Doc ushers her out the doors of the community center, but his eyes can’t help but fall to the trans flag button on the strap of her bag. 
Truth was, a gnawing sense of dread hollowed out his chest when she insisted at age ten that she was a girl.
It’s an ugly thing to think, but it’s not because Doc doesn’t want her to be herself. The world can be mean, and the people in it even meaner; Scarlet suffering unnecessarily because she’s different from her peers became a regular staple of his stress dreams.
He hugged her worried, helped her pick out a name worried, went shopping for new girl clothes worried, met with her school teachers and the principal worried—
Today he drove her to a Buttercup Scout troop meeting worried.
Beyond the obvious of names and clothes and telling family members, the one thing Scarlet wanted was to become a Buttercup Scout.
Doc pulls his keys from his jacket pocket and unlocks the truck while they walk. Scarlet takes that as a cue to rush ahead and climb inside without assistance—door open, crutches against door, Jellie bag tossed into the seat next to hers, hands on the seat for stability, one foot on the running board, push off and lean forward, wiggle into a seated position, pull the crutches in and close the door. She has it down to a science at this point, though Doc will occasionally still offer her help if she’s having a bad pain day. He doesn’t have to worry much about Scarlet hurting herself.
And yet, now he has to drive her home, worried about disappointing and hurting her.
The air inside the truck hits him like a wall of heat when he opens the door, though he pays it little mind as he slides into the driver’s seat and puts the keys into the ignition. Until the air conditioning fully kicks in, he cracks the back windows just a touch.
A glance in the rear view mirror shows Scarlet looking out the window with a slowly slipping happy mask.
He’s pulling out of the parking lot before he can bring himself to say anything. “Did… you have fun at the meeting?” 
“Oh! Yeah, I did! False and True and me were talking, and they—”
“No, not near the end of the meeting, or after it.” His grip on the steering wheel tightens minutely. He makes sure to take the next turn carefully in spite of that. “I meant all of it—the badge work, the other girls, the adults—how do you feel?”
Another stolen look, and this time she’s pulling her knees to her chest.
“I mean… the girls were nice to me.”
He’s always been worried about her peers ostracizing her. Their parents hadn’t even come up on his radar.
Doc presses down on a sigh. “I’m sorry that troop wasn’t what you were expecting.”
“It’s fine!” she blurts out. “They’re fine! I want to be a Buttercup Scout!”
His heart twists. “I know you do, and we’re trying. It’s just… maybe we should keep our options open, sweetie.” The gentle comfort in his voice sounds fake, even to himself.
“What? No, no!” She leans forward in her seat to grip the passenger headrest. “I’ll make it work! It'll be fine!”
“Scarlet.” He's firm, but so tired, tired, tired. There's no way he's letting his daughter put herself in a situation where she regularly has to interact with transphobes. “I know you want to be a Buttercup Scout, but tonight wasn't fun for you, and it wasn't fun for me to watch you be upset. We'll keep looking, okay?”
Despite herself, she sniffles and hiccups. “But, but, there aren't any other troops in the area that work for us. You said that! I heard you and Papa talking about it!”
Fuck. He didn't think she overheard that conversation. She was supposed to be asleep on the couch after a movie, he and Ren sequestered in the kitchen to discuss in hushed voices.
 “All the others are too far, or they meet when I have physical therapy, or they aren't accepting new members, or, or—” The words seem to flood out of her before abruptly stopping with a sharp inhale of breath and another wet hiccup. “I just want to do what all the other girls get to do. I don't understand why I can't.”
With a grimace, Doc changes lanes and turns into the parking lot of a fast food joint. This isn't a driving conversation. 
Once stopped, he gets out of the driver's seat and opens the back. He slides in next to Scarlet and puts an arm around her shoulders. “Oh, mein Schatzi…”
She sniffles and presses her side into the hug. “S’ not even that bad. I dunno why I'm crying.” 
Doc picks up the Jellie plush from where it fell into the floorboards. Sure, it may have a few notebooks in it, but it's still a plushie and Scarlet sure seems to need one. He sets it on her lap and she has it squeezed to her chest in a blink. 
“This is something you really wanted for a long time. It's normal to be upset when stuff doesn't work out.”
“I wanted it to work out.”
“I know, I know.” He runs a hand through her hair. “Your papa and I will see what we can do, okay?”
“But—” She sniffles again. “I thought that—”
“I know what we said,” Doc murmurs. “We’re going to look into other options so you can be a Buttercup Scout. I cannot make any promises, but I can promise to try.”
She looks up at him with wounded eyes, shining with unshed glass tears. It seems that this cry was a long time coming. “O-oh.” Another sniffle.
She twists to the side and he's suddenly engulfed in a hug. “Thanks, Dad.”
He holds her close.
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renaerys · 4 years
21. “Just a boy.” (Boomer & Professor Utonium)
{{Original posting unfortunately deleted. Reposted here.}}
February Fic Prompt #21 originally requested by my indomitable beta, lordmordor. We both have a soft spot for Boomer. <3
Summary: Boomer asks the Professor for help with his science homework.
Professor Utonium could not remember the last time he’d taken a proper vacation entirely for himself. But with Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup away camping for the three-day weekend with their Girl Scout troop, the Professor had rearranged his schedule at the Townsville University Research Lab such that for the next three days, he had no work to do. Nothing due, no papers to edit, not even a single meeting with his Ph.D. students. For the next three days, he was off the grid and living that bachelor lifestyle.
After a morning run and shower, he retrieved the Saturday morning paper from the porch, ready to relax with a cup of black coffee and enjoy the rare peace and quiet of the house devoid of his exuberant, 12-year-old Super daughters. Perhaps he’d make pancakes! Oh, he hadn’t had a proper flapjack in ages…
He was not even halfway through his cup of coffee when the doorbell rang. Frowning, the Professor set aside his paper and stepped into his slippers to answer the door. He wasn’t expecting anyone as far as he could recall. Briefly pausing to check his reflection in the decorative mirror in the foyer—his salt-and-pepper hair was a bit damp from his earlier shower, and his white T-shirt and sweatpants were well-worn but clean—he opened the front door.
Two large, blue eyes stared up at him through unkempt, blond bangs. Like a deer caught in the headlights, the kid didn’t speak.
“Uh, hello? Can I help you?” The Professor peered down at the kid, trying to place him. There was something familiar about him; perhaps he was a friend from the Girls’ school?
“I-I, uh…” The kid shifted his weight awkwardly. He wore an overstuffed backpack and gripped the shoulder straps so tightly his knuckles were white.
“Yes? Are you here to see my girls? You just missed them. They’re away for the weekend.”
That seemed to spook the kid, and he flinched. “No! I mean, um, I knew they were leavin’, so I waited until they were gone to…”
The Professor frowned. Something about this boy was very familiar, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. “Listen, I don’t know what this is about—”
“I need your help!” the kid blurted out.
Those big, blue eyes rose to meet him. Literally, rose off the ground with the kid until he was eye-level with the Professor. Recognition hit him like lightning. “Wait, I know you. You’re one of those Rowdyruff Boys who give my girls so much trouble. Bomber or something—”
“It’s Boomer, and I’m not here to cause trouble, I swear! I just need your help—”
The Professor tried to close the door, but Boomer stopped it with his Super strength easily, and he stumbled back a little, stunned. Oh god, how could he have been so careless? With the Girls gone for the weekend, he was easy pickings for their enemies! How could he have overlooked something so obvious?
Boomer had opened up his backpack, probably reaching for a weapon.
“You stay back,” the Professor warned, scrambling back through the foyer.
Boomer found what he was looking for and held it up. To the Professor’s horror, there were tears in his eyes. “Please, I swear it won’t take long!”
The Professor froze and stared, bewildered by the tears and the copy of Introduction to Physical Science clutched in Boomer’s grubby fingers. It was the same edition Bubbles and Buttercup had for their seventh grade science class. He had no words.
Boomer sniffled. “Please,” he said again, his voice cracking. “I dunno who else to ask.”
The Professor swallowed hard and tried his best to compose himself. “You want me to help you with your science homework?”
Boomer hugged the book to his chest and slowly floated back to the floor.
“I’m sorry, I don’t quite follow,” the Professor said. Why on earth would a delinquent care about science homework? “Isn’t Mojo Jojo your caretaker—”
Blue energy flared around Boomer and rattled the shoe rack in the foyer. “I can’t ask him,” he said, desperate.
“O-Okay, just calm down.” The Professor showed him his empty palms and took a step closer. His lab and the Antidote X he kept in case of emergencies were too far away; he would have to try to reason with Boomer before he did something dangerous. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you—”
“I can’t ask Mojo, okay?” Boomer cried.
“Yes, of course, I understand. I take it back.” The Professor cautiously reached for the textbook Boomer clutched to him like a talisman. “Why don’t you let me take a look, all right?”
Boomer, still teary-eyed and upset, nonetheless calmed down enough that the furniture no longer shook. Slowly, carefully, the Professor managed to gently pry the textbook from his hands.
“You know, I went to graduate school with one of the authors,” the Professor said in the hopes that conversation might mitigate the tension. “Sir Ebrum. Did you know he was knighted by the Queen of England? Pretty neat, huh?”
Boomer frowned in confusion. “Like in those fairytales?”
“Oh, it’s no fairytale. Lots of people are knighted nowadays if they’ve accomplished something important.”
That seemed to interest him. “…I didn’t know that.”
The Professor considered him. Boomer had a history of antagonizing his daughters. A menace to society, some might say. He briefly took in Boomer’s appearance—a laundry-faded, blue T-shirt, cargo pants with the hem on one leg fraying, scuffed sneakers, even his hair looked like it hadn’t been brushed this morning. There was dirt under his fingernails, and despite possessing the strength to literally break the Professor in half, he looked nervous. Like the Professor was the one with all the power, not him.
“You can learn new things every day,” the Professor said, his tone gentle. “All you have to do is study.”
Boomer opened his mouth to respond, thought better of it, and shook his head. “I can’t.”
“You can’t?”
“I mean I’m not—” Boomer cut himself off and crossed his skinny arms. He looked at his feet like they offended him deeply, but there was a deep, jaded melancholy in his eyes that had no business settling there. “I’m no good at it.”
The Professor’s shoulders fell as he listened to the words unspoken. Here was a boy who caused trouble and had the potential to inflict unspeakable harm. A boy who he knew for a fact had hurt his Bubbles and created problems for the city with the wanton use of his powers. A boy who was messing up the only vacation he’d had to himself in so, so long. A boy who had come to a place he knew he would be most unwelcome because it was somehow better than going to the person who was supposed to look out for him.
Just…a boy.
The Professor laid a tentative hand on Boomer’s shoulder and squeezed gently. “Well, whoever told you that could not be more wrong.”
Boomer looked at him wide-eyed, like the very notion went against everything he’d ever been taught to believe. “How do you know?”
“Because those who ask for help when they’re struggling will always do better than those who give up without ever trying.” He smiled reassuringly. “Listen, I was going to make pancakes for breakfast. Why don’t you come in and eat, and then you can tell me about the homework problems you’re having trouble with?”
Boomer gaped at him like a fish. “Pancakes?”
“With bananas and cinnamon. I’m supposed to be on a diet, but with my girls gone for the weekend, I get to cheat just a little.”
Boomer smiled warily. “Yeah, okay. Sounds dope.”
The Professor stepped aside to let him in and closed the front door. He paused, his hand on the knob, and wondered if this was actually a very bad idea. The textbook was heavy in his hand, the cover shabby and frayed around the edges, likely a loaner passed down over the years to kids who couldn’t afford to buy their own copies.
He followed Boomer into the kitchen, watching as he took in the modern, sleek decor but kept his hands tightly jammed in his pockets. “Why don’t you take a seat? The pancakes won’t take long.”
Boomer was quiet as he did the Professor’s bidding and sat down. He was surprisingly well-behaved as he observed the Professor’s every move—gathering ingredients, mixing the batter, timing the flips for each pancake—each action carefully logged, no matter how mundane.
So much like Bubbles.
That was interesting. He knew Mojo had created the Boys as counterparts to the Girls, but he’d never given much thought to it beyond the superficial similarities. Unlike Bubbles, however, Boomer was not comfortable expressing his feelings. Maybe he’d never had someone willing to listen. The Professor sighed softly. This was not how he’d wanted to spend his Saturday.
And yet.
“All done. I hope you’re hungry.”
Boomer ate like he’d never tasted food before. The Professor plied him with seconds and syrup, and for a good few minutes they both chowed down in comfortable silence. Boomer held his fork and knife in his fists as he stabbed his pancakes. The Professor said nothing as he cut his own food the way he’d been taught by his parents growing up: cut in front of the fork, switch hands, always eat with your right hand. Old, unnecessary habits inherited from his British parents who never let go of their roots even when they emigrated. Boomer had paused his own eating to watch the Professor a moment. He did his best to ignore the blue eyes watching his every move, not wanting to upset or embarrass the boy.
When Boomer began mimicking his table manners, the Professor bit his lip hard so as not to smile.
“Boomer, can I ask you something?”
Boomer shrugged. “Yeah, sure.”
“Why do you dislike my girls so much?”
“I don’t.”
That was not the answer the Professor had been expecting. “You don’t?”
Boomer shook his head.
“Then… Then why do you and your brothers, ah…”
Boomer shrugged. “Somethin’ to do, I guess.”
Something to do, you guess.
He must have read something in the Professor’s expression. “They don’t like me, so I, um… I just stay outta their way.” He stared at his empty plate. “I heard they wouldn’t be around this weekend, so…”
The Professor was not sure what to make of him. Here was a boy with more power in his little finger than he had in his entire body, under the tutelage of a diabolical Super villain hell-bent on the destruction of everything good and pure in the world, literally created to sow chaos and destruction, and yet he was so…so…
“I’m not bad,” Boomer said. “I won’t wreck your stuff or whatever.”
So young.
“I didn’t think you would,” the Professor said.
Boomer wrung his hands and kept his eyes down, as though ashamed. And that…
That would not do.
The Professor got up and stacked their empty plates. “Have you ever done the dishes before?”
Boomer looked up, alarmed. He nodded. “Yeah.”
“Great. There’s a dish towel hanging on the oven. I’ll wash, you dry.”
They did the dishes in silence, until Boomer broke it.
“Why’re you bein’ so nice to me?”
The Professor looked down at him, but Boomer was concentrating on drying the spatula the Professor had used to flip the flapjacks.
“I suppose because you’ve been nothing but nice to me.”
“Yeah, but I’m…”
The Professor took the spatula from him and returned it to its proper drawer. “We learn new things every day,” he said gently. “Even at my age.”
Boomer’s smile was as surprising as it was heartwarming, and the Professor couldn’t help but return it.
“Come on, why don’t you show me the problems you’re working on?”
Boomer opened up his textbook, and for the next couple hours, they slowly worked through the homework together.
When Bubbles and her sisters arrived home after their super fun camping weekend, they were so excited to see the Professor.
“I missed you so much!” Bubbles gushed, launching herself at her father.
“I missed you too, sweetheart.”
“Hey Professor, how was your weekend?” Blossom asked politely.
“Yeah, did you go on a hot date?” Buttercup asked.
Bubbles giggled. “Professor!”
“No, girls, nothing like that,” the Professor said.
“I hope you weren’t lonely while we were gone?” Bubbles asked. Her big, blue eyes studied him, observed his every reaction.
“Not at all,” he said, smiling for her. “I had plenty to do to keep me busy, don’t you worry.”
Buttercup rolled her eyes. “Yeah, lotsa science experiments I bet.”
“Oh, something like that.”
“Did you learn anything new?” Blossom asked.
The Professor looked between his three special little girls, each of them watching him eagerly, their smiles full of love and devotion. “Why yes, Blossom. I certainly did.”
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ladala99 · 4 years
More Wolvden Pack Deciding
Another of those posts I’m making more for myself than anything else.
Previously, I decided what I’m going to try to accomplish with my non-canon wolves. But I hadn’t really decided the logistics of how and when. So here’s some time for math and decision-making!
First order of business, because I’m not breeding every girl every time she comes into heat, I need to be somewhat strategic about who breeds when.
Who’s Staying
Most important is that my non-canon pack will have to downsize slightly - currently I have 7 wolves in it: 4 Hunters, 1 Scout, 1 Herbalist, and 1 Pupsitter. What I want is 5 Hunters and that’s it. The Herbalist role’s going to be taken over by Sordia of the canon pack, and the Scout and Pupsitter are ultimately going to be replaced with the male and female options for the next Leader’s mate.
So I need to choose one of the Herbalist, Scout, and Pupsitter to keep on the Hunting team so I’m moving around the fewest number of wolves. And not breed the other two. I’ll probably sell them for their proficiency once I have replacements lined up.
And looking at the three now, it’s actually a pretty easy decision: I really adore my Pupsitter (former temporary Scout - she’s doing a lot of odd jobs while I settle!):
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She also has the highest Fertility of the three at Very Good, which is nice since it means I won’t need to buy Pasque Flowers for her every breeding (I’m going to keep my pack above 50% fertility if I can, much like I do on Lioden).
Breeding Schedule (Aging Wolves)
Now that I’ve decided which 5 non-canon wolves are sticking around, it’s time to figure out a loose breeding schedule.
What’s most urgent is the older wolves. When they get back into heat, they’ll be 5 years 7.5 months(Stark), 5 years 7 months(Buttercup), and 5 years 6 months(Dusty) respectively. Wolves stop going into heat at 7 years old iirc? I can’t seem to find that info anywhere in the Grouse House, Tala tutorials, or looking briefly through Wolvden’s Tumblr, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that info somewhere. Might have been in an Ask on the Wolvden Tumblr, might have been in the beta Discord.
Anyway, Wolves stay in heat 4 days and are out-of-heat 8 days if not bred. Or in other words, from the first day of one heat to the next is 6 in-game months, with 4 of those unable to breed. Once bred, they’ll be pregnant for 4 days and then on cooldown for 20 days, making it 1 in-game year between pregnancies. I’m also enforcing 6-month breaks between litters to ensure the pups get the Pupsitter care they need.
Another factor is that I want to breed my Leader as soon as I can, potentially disrupting the non-canon wolves. If I breed on the day everyone comes into heat (I got all these girls except one on the same day so their heats are in sync), my Leader’s last day of heat will line up on the day I want to breed next, I think. Either that or she’ll be just out of heat.
But the Leader can be delayed if necessary since she is young. (Besides, I’m not going to have any heir possibilities until she’s at least 4 in-game years old to give the next leader a chance to have pups of their own. I mostly just want to fill out the canon pack roles ASAP)
So if I don’t breed the Leader, I’ll just barely be able to breed all three 6 in-game months apart. Assuming they can be bred on 7 years exactly, because otherwise Dusty just isn’t getting bred and I’ll have to replace her. Not the end of the world since her marking really clashes with her base, and would look terrible on the goal wolf.
Because Stark has the best stats, I am going to breed her second. So it’s going to go Buttercup (5 years 7 months) -> Stark (6 years 1 month) -> Dusty (7 years) -> Blue (Leader) -> Some other Non-canon wolf -> Blue -> etc.
Ages To Pay Attention To
If I want to breed the non-canon wolves as old as possible (so they have as many stats as they possibly can have), I’ll want to stagger and breed them right as they turn 7 years old. If that’s not possible, I’ll want it to be within the last 6 months of their life. This means not breeding them between the ages of 6 years and 6 years 6 months.
But it also means taking note of when these wolves are starting to get old and strategically breeding them rather than another wolf. And for this generation only (if I keep this staggered approach) I have to deal with choosing between wolves with similar ages.
At this point I’m just going to have to play it by ear because there’s a lot of factors to deal with. Including:
The Next Generation
Like with my huntresses on Lioden, I plan to have my non-canon wolves on Wolvden have active lineages until one becomes the Leader’s mate.
Unlike on Lioden, I’m going to focus on stats rather than looks for these lineages. They’re going to end up a little weird-looking as I strive towards the Goal Wolf, as the goal will change every generation.
Ideally this would mean I get the next generation on each wolf’s last litter for maximum stats from the mother. But there’s a catch: I don’t like using real-money currency. Which means I want the game to give me a female on the last generation. Which isn’t a guarantee.
So I’m going to have to keep the youngest female of every wolf. And if Buttercup, Stark, or Dusty fail to have a female pup in their 1 litter, they’re not getting a Legacy.
And this also means that wolves without a current Legacy female (or the one with the oldest Legacy female) will have priority as I go along.
It shouldn’t be too much of an issue since litter sizes tend to be pretty big, but it’s definitely something I need to keep in mind. Also more mouths to feed.
The Goal Wolf
Another factor is the Goal Wolf. To start with, I’ll be keeping the male and female wolf that are closest to the goal as the non-canon Scout and Pupsitter, the female being the Scout and the male the Pupsitter. Once I have a female, she’ll be in the breeding rotation as well, at a pretty high priority.
Which does mean, unchecked, the breeding schedule would be Lead -> Goal Wolf -> Lead -> Goal Wolf.
I mean, I could do that once I have a canon Pupsitter. Or even from the start if I make my Herbalist a Pupsitter and just have this rotation be alongside the Hunter rotation.
You know, that’s the thing about brainstorming on one of these - you change your mind partway through. Perhaps I shouldn’t skip breeding my Leader and breed her alongside the elder three.
Well, I guess that’s the current plan. Breed the five huntresses on rotation, keeping watch of who’s getting old and who has the oldest Legacy. Progress towards the Goal Wolf will be somewhat separate and will breed on rotation with the Lead Wolf.
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Bonus Wardrobe pic for anyone who read this far. (Or scrolled down to see how long it is, I guess). My breeding male with some randomized decor+background until it looked good.
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silyabeeodess · 5 years
Fusionfall Headcanons: Belladonna and Buttercup
Normally, I try to keep pretty close to what’s already available story-wise from the game, but there’s so much that doesn’t quiet fit with the Belladonna/Buttercup plotline--memory loss or no--that I’d like to take my own crack at what might’ve happened.  Her nature embodies “spice,” but she chooses to stay in a band rather than fight in the war?  Ace, her boyfriend, and the rest of the Gangreen Gang have supposedly known the whole time, but are letting her remain oblivious just so that the former doesn’t lose a good thing--to the point of keeping her from her family, who could possibly help her get her memories back just by being around them, all while everyone kinda needs her on the battlefield?  And just when does she get her memories back if Ace is telling anyone who recognizes her not to “mess with the program?” There’s just a lot that’s weird, and even if it can be pinned to plot holes, I’d like to try to fill those in. This might work better as a theory for Legacy, since I read they’re potentially splitting the character(s), but, taking a dive with some of my personal thoughts, let's begin:
When Buttercup went missing, most of the city was dumbstruck and upset. They had everyone searching for her without success.  When the war with Fuse started, they really panicked, scared over how the PPGs would help fight off this new threat without their toughest member. It took a lot to keep up morale, the remaining PPGs trying to encourage civilians by staying strong despite their grief and pointing out the aid of the Fusion Fighters’ growing numbers.  And for most people, this worked, since they figured there was nothing they could do.
Not everyone gave up searching though.  While most people were busy fighting in the war, there were others who still wanted to find Buttercup.  Mojo Jojo was one person, because of his guilt, sending Monkey Minions to continue looking for her.  
And then there was the Gangreen Gang.  They didn’t want to join the war effort, as they were already establishing their band and just didn’t see themselves measuring up as soldiers for multiple reasons, but they figured staying on the lookout for Buttercup was the least they could do--sending her off where they couldn’t and maybe even boosting their reputation a bit. They knew every crooked nook and cranny of the city, so it made sense to them.
Finding Belladonna was a stroke of chance, and the first thing they did was try to drag her with them to force her to join the fight and “reunite with her sisters.”  However, they soon noticed that something wasn’t right: Not only did she not recognize them, she also wouldn’t fight back much despite protesting and showed no sign of having Buttercup’s powers.  Because it wasn’t her, just a lookalike.
Belladonna was actually just a regular girl, and one who was kinda in a bad place: Rough around the edges from living a hard life, but not really one to get physical. It took a while for the Gangreen Gang to realize this though, as they honestly thought “Buttercup” had lost her memories and just needed some sense knocked into her.  It wasn’t until Belladonna got scared out of her mind by a few of their attempts to “help” and she proved her own identity with extensive details into her own, personal life that they eventually realized they had the wrong person.
Needless to say, they had a rocky start, but Belladonna did agree to try to help them find Buttercup, as she actually did admire the PPG even if she thought she didn’t have the means of doing anything on her own.  In this timeframe, she eventually joined their band and she and Ace gradually fell in love.  She became bolder and he genuinely tried being a good boyfriend who could do a bit of good for the world as well--even if he and the gang couldn’t completely shake off some of their criminal habits.  All the while, the Gangreen Gang continued to try to use a network of other, small time criminals to find Buttercup.
When the band was in public, some people had already fallen for the same mistake that the Gangreen Gang did by thinking Belladonna was Buttercup.  The group decided to leave people guessing, noticing that it gave others some hope (and helped bring in crowds to their concerts). They even went so far as to steal some of Buttercup’s clothes from the unguarded Utonium household. However, these rumors eventually reached Tech Square, and while no one could prove anything, this is partially what inspired Dexter to use the Power Level tracker to find Buttercup first. 
The Power Level Tracker didn’t work at first because of the similar traces of DNA found between Bubbles’, Blossom’s, and their home’s locations--although it was largely blamed on the two sister’s similar signatures.  Meanwhile though, there was a small sample of DNA on Buttercup’s clothes from a bit of hair stuck to the fabric. This is what leads us to Belladonna in the events of “Ms. Missing.”  (This accident is also why we’re given one of the real Buttercup’s jackets specifically as a sample for her nano.) 
Caught red-handed, but unable to tell to truth, the group came up with a lie quick by pretending “Buttercup” had amnesia, and pushed for her to stay with them for her sake. While this still forced them to become more involved in the war effort than they wanted, it also kept Belladonna from getting into a fight she--in reality--couldn’t face and from having to meet the other PPGs, at which point it’d be obvious that she was a fake.  And the longer the situation went on, the harder it was for them to tell the truth, as more people started to believe that “Buttercup” was ok and would be back in action eventually.  Belladonna didn’t want to let them down or cause trouble for both herself and the gang, so she’d played the part.
As for where the real Buttercup is during this, my theory is that she got captured by one of Fuse’s scouts early on--most likely one of his other, alien allies--when he was figuring out the planet’s strengths and weaknesses before attacking.  She spotted them first and gave pursuit, but lost from being in a weakened state and without her sister’s backup.  She was imprisoned as an initial test subject, to see what Fuse would be dealing with, but kept away from fusion matter itself so she wouldn’t die on him--instead made to watch from afar and hearsay as he tore her homeworld apart.
Oh, she broke out eventually--and she was not at all a happy camper when she got back to Earth, already in a pummeling mood!  If it weren’t for the fact that she had a doppelganger to deal with first, she would’ve made herself known to everyone; however, what few people she did reveal herself to thought that she was the fake--either some kind of shapeshifter working for Fuse or an improved Fusion.  
Around the same time--in the timeline before we’re sent back to the past--both the Gangreen Gang and Belladonna were getting in over their heads, the latter wanting to truly fight for the planet instead of disappointing people by lying and being unable to protect them in the end.  But she simply couldn’t, too weak and untrained to even really use a gun very well.  The group was overrun by fusion monsters by the time Buttercup found them, and Buttercup had to forgive them for lying and taking her identity since she’d left her family grieving and the planet with one less hero--bitterly understanding that they did what they did with mostly good intentions.  After that, Buttercup took her place on the frontlines, taking pieces of information she’d gathered to keep up the lie in honor of Belladonna’s efforts.  
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lolabean1998 · 5 years
This Better Work Part 2
Sweet Pea X OC
Summery; Hey guys, not sure how well this is going to go but I originally put it on Wattpad so its way long, but hopefully its not horrendous. Let me know what you think! So, it follows the story line kind of, it’s not exact but I have tried and it follows my OC Ali as she navigates through the hell that is Riverdale. Whilst struggling with financial, social and romantic difficulties, she has the added pressure of keeping up with school work and bonus of being thrown into the frightening world of the criminal underground.
Side Note; None of the gifs or pictures I use are mine, I’m not talented or smart enough to even begin an attempt at making my own. Thank you to those who have such abilities and if you don’t want me using them then please let me know so I can remove them for you. 
Word Count; 5,235 (Give or Take)
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"Get in, we're picking up Izzy and dearest Mummy Masters before going on a girls afternoon at the spa!" Cheryl called from the driveway. Ali had spent her day filing paperwork, signing forms and reorganizing the stock room for the thousandth time. Alongside fixing the mistakes the apprentices made. It was fair to say she was stress and drained. She needed this spa evening.
"Cheryl Bombshell Blossom I Love you to the moon and back!" Ali cheered leaping from her desk and bolting through the door, waving good bye to the apprentice at the desk behind hers as she dived in besides Cheryl. 
"I know, I love you too." Cheryl replied, with a proud grin as she sped down the road towards Ali's house. 
It was nothing big or fancy, nor was it you typical northside house. Ali lived in an old stone cottage with large vines crawling up the side, the garden was flooded with life. Plants springing from every corner, it was small but cosy. Ali loved living there. Even though it was in desperate need of maintenance, it still felt like home and her uncle came around whenever he got the chance, to fix things and help around the house. Cheryl thought Ali's home was just what it should be, a home. There were photos of family and friends plastering the walls and it always smelt like cookies and home baking. Ali darted inside to jump in the shower ready to scrub wash away as much of the dirt and grime as she could. 
"Cheryl! So lovely to see you! We've just made red velvet cupcakes, want one?" Ali's mum greeted Cheryl embracing her in a big mum hug. Cheryl couldn't help but feel at home here. 
"Yes please, Mrs. Masters that would be lovely." She teased, taking a perfectly baked and decorated cupcake from the tray in front of her. 
"Oh, stop it. I've told you, call me Rosie please! Mrs. Masters makes me sound old." Rosie laughed giving her an amused scowl and placing a comforting hand on Cheryl’s arm before heading into the living room to tell Izzy it was time to go. 
The girls spent the evening relaxing drinking wine (lemonade for Izzy) and gossiping. Ali told them about the rumours she'd heard from different customers throughout the day, whilst Izzy told them all about the latest boy trouble in her year. It was the perfect end to a very stressful day. 
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"Ali wake up. Ali wake up!" Izzy cheered excitedly, bouncing on the bottom of Ali's Bed. She lifted her head marginally from her pillow to glance over at the clock beside the vase filled with her favourite flowers. 8am. Ali flopped her head back onto her soft, blue pillow groaning as she pulled the pale blue duvet covers over her head. 
"Izzy it's 8am on a Sunday. This is my one day off!" Ali groaned sleepily into her pillow.
"Exactly Ali! It's your day off and you promised to help me and Sam with our science project! Please Ali! I made you tea and pancakes. Well mum made them, but I helped." Izzy beamed, her sweet innocence overwhelming Ali forcing her to get up like some twisted Jedi mind trick. She couldn't say no to her little sister. Slowly, she climbed out of bed throwing on a pair of scruffy, black, skinny jeans and a grey tank top over her black sports bra, grabbing a faded grey hoodie and the pair of fluffy neon orange socks Izzy had found for her before hopping down stairs. 
"You look like shit Ali!" Rosie stated handing her a large mug of tea and a plate of pancakes and blueberries.
"Thanks mum, good morning to you too." Ali replied sarcastically, laughing at her mothers no messing, straight to the point comment. Rosie handed Izzy a hair brush so she could start brushing her sisters insanely long and messy hair whilst Ali wolfed down her plateful of pancakes. Throwing her socks on and glugging down her tea in seconds.
"There you go Ali, mum showed me how to plait so I did your hair like Lara Croft! She's a Bad ass too!" Izzy grinned jumping down from her stool and running over to the front door to grab her helmet and Ali's combat boots. 
"Looks like you're off then Ali!" Rosie smiled gesturing to Izzy who was desperately trying to do the laces on her own combat boots. Ali thought it was cute that Izzy looked up to her so much. She even dressed like her. Izzy wore a pair of grey jeans and black t-shirt, paired with a black hoodie with a bright orange zip and tassels. That explains the socks. Ali thought as she wandered over to help Izzy tie her navy-blue combat boots.
"Oh, and I said I'd help Hog Eye balance the books for the Wyrm tonight. You should pop by and say hello." Rosie called as they threw on their helmets and fingerless leather gloves.
"All over it! Love you Mum!" The sisters called back in chorus before disappearing out the door and racing to the old Harley Davidson tucked away in its own little shed. That was the first thing to go up when they moved in. Before unpacking or doing any of the other usual moving house things people do. The Masters family spent the day choosing the perfect spot to build a shed for the Harley. 
"Hold on tight Izzy!" Ali called once Izzy tapped her shoulder giving her the ok. The girls sped off down the road heading towards the Sunday morning market in Greendale so they could grab some water balloons and the ingredients for s’mores. Though it was far too cold for a water fight, the girls agreed it would be a good distraction and make warming up by the fire all the more fun. 
Ali quickly parked the bike next to a bunch of others. Safety in numbers and what have you. Before swinging Izzy onto her back and sprinting off into the crowd to grab the supplies. They were quick and efficient with Ali grabbing the stuff they needed whilst Izzy counted out the cash and paid. The girls were finished and back at the bike in less than an hour. Packing the stuff in the bags either side of the seats laughing about a grouchy raven-haired boy they had bumped into on their way round.
"Maybe he was having a bad day!" Izzy thought as she sat on the back of the bike sipping her hot chocolate and looking over at the various array of bikes.
"You think maybe we should've bought him a hot chocolate to cheer him up?" Ali asked her sister. She loved spending time with her. Listening to the innocent, unfiltered comments that she came out with.
"With extra whipped cream and marshmallows!" Izzy agreed thinking back to the scowl hidden beneath a few strands of raven black hair. "He was crazy tall as well. So its not like he’s grumpy 'cos he couldn't reach the cookie jar!"
"Yeah he's like goliaths angry love child." Ali chuckled before her eyes shot wide open as it suddenly dawned on her. She quickly began scanning through the array of bikes until her gaze settled on the bike she had spent the previous night fixing up. 
"No freaking way! Izzy get over her with your printy camera thingy ma jig." She instructed, ushering towards the Harley she had fixed up.
"You mean my polaroid, but I'll let it slide. Why? What's up buttercup?" Izzy skipped over to the bike, puzzled by what was going on. 
"Jump on and strike a pose we are leaving this kid some crazy selfies to cheer him up." Ali replied, the determination in her voice was overpowering. 
Izzy climbed up on the bike and the girls began taking selfie after selfie, making a little sign with a piece of scrap paper in Ali's pocket and a permanent marker, that read 'Don't worry, you'll find your smile!'. They left the pile of selfies on the seat wrapped in a pretty, floral paper bag with a pack of water balloons on top before setting off towards Sunnyside Trailer park. 
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"Morning Momma Fogarty!" The girls called as they pulled up outside the Fogarty family trailer.
"Ah girls come in, come in. I must pop out for a bit but Sam's inside doing her homework and Fangs is asleep. Feel free to wake him up and get him doing some homework. He was out all-night last night with his boy scouts group doing god knows what!" She rambled, welcoming the girls in and making them a cup of tea each before scurrying out the door, waving a final goodbye. Her orange floral dress hugging her chubby curves.
"Well that was intense. You guys get started on your science project. I'm going to go and wake up sleeping beauty." Ali grinned wickedly, heading down to the small room at the end of the trailer, pausing before she knocked on the door. 
"He doesn't have a person in there with him, does he?" Ali asked giving the girls a concerned glance. The tanned girl shook her head giggling as Ali nodded taking a deep breath before swinging the door to Fangs room open and leaning casually against the door frame.
"MAA its Sunday!" Fangs groaned into his pillow, the light stretching through the doorway was the only source of light in his small, trailer house bedroom. The stench of whiskey and beer hung thickly in the stale air.
"What's up Buttercup, the sunlight hurt?" Ali sympathised sarcastically before sauntering over to the curtains and flinging them open. 
"Come on tequila worm, coffees on and we're making a science project. Oh, and Mama Fogarty wants your homework done. I'll help if you get up before Izzy's finished filling the bucket. You have ice, right?" Ali asked rather seriously before disappearing out the door and moving to hold the door to the bathroom open. 
Turning to her sister and mouthing "Glass of water" to her. Izzy jumped up excited to be helping and grabbed a large pint glass of water for Ali. 
The second Fangs heard the tap running he bolted out of bed in a blind panic. His eyes shooting wide with fear as he realized his big mistake when the sudden urge to vomit took control of his limbs and insides. He bolted out his bedroom to the bathroom. Ali stood by the door until Izzy handed her a glass of water. Laughing when Ali winked at her before moving to crouch beside Fangs rubbing his back and handing him the glass. 
"Ali should we get the Hangover cure ready?" Izzy asked poking her head round the door frame.
"Better had and whilst you're at it, grab Fangs some comfy clothes. He appears to have forgotten he’s in his underwear." Ali spoke quietly trying not to make Fangs feel worse than he already did. 
"You and flower had a drinking contest didn't you. You know the giant is the undefeated champion right." Ali chatted, rubbing his back until he had nothing left to bring up. Fangs sat back, resting his head against the wall behind him as he sipped the water.
"I swear to god I'm never falling for that trick again! That bastard nearly killed me, he better be just as bad as me right now." Fangs mumbled, his eyes closed to shield himself from the killer headache consuming him. 
"He crazy tall, with dark hair and a neck tattoo? Scowls a lot?" Ali asked although she already knew the answer. 
"Yeah, why?" Fangs asked curiously.
"We bumped into him this morning at the market. Besides holding a very angry scowl he seemed perfectly fine. What were your drinking last night anyway?" Ali asked handing him a damp cloth to wipe his face and a pair of sweat pants and white vest.
"Vodka and Silver tequila. Why?" Fangs replied slowly getting to his feet with the help of Ali.
"That’s why he's fine dummy." Ali rolled her eyes at the boys gullible attitude. 
"You were doing vodka and tequila shots. He was doing water shots. They look very similar and he probably paid the bartender off. Honestly Fogarty I thought you gangsters were supposed to be hip to these tricks." Ali tutted helping Fangs stand steady as he threw on the sweat pants. Heading into the kitchen, being greeted by Izzy and Sam who were holding a glass off peculiar, green juice.
"Here you go Fangs, we made it to make you feel better. Painkillers are on the side." Sam chirped happy to be included in the sobering up of her older brother. Scowling a little when he ruffled her short, dark chocolate hair in thanks.
"Down it in one Fangs, tastes like horse piss but it's good stuff trust me." Ali insisted, handing him the glass and painkillers.
"Had much experience with that have you Ali cat?" Fangs teased downing the drink and painkillers in one. Ali was right it tasted awful but after about half an hour Fangs was feel much better. 
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They had just finished the last of Fangs' English homework and half of the paper mache moulds when there was a loud knock at the door. 
"It's open but we demand feeding upon entry!" Ali called, standing up and making her way to the door as it opened. Revealing a girl only a little bit taller than Ali, with incredible pink and brown hair.
"Hey Topaz, no Jug?" Ali asked letting her inside. The girl smiled dumping her bag on the kitchen side next to Fangs and pulling out her homework. 
"Heard there was a study group and since Bughead are studying together I figure I'd come and join you guys, hope that's ok." Toni asked turning to look at Ali who was smiling as always.
"Absolutely, Fangs was just about to start his trig homework." Ali chirped handing over a notebook full of scribbles. 
"These are my notes, they should help explain it. I'm going to help the girls design the motor for their moving solar system ok?" Toni and Fangs rolled their eyes nodding with an amused smirk.
"So, I saw Sweat Pea this morning. Looks like he got you again huh Fangs?" Toni teased reading through the notes Ali had given her.
"Sounds like he got had by the old water, Vodka trick." Ali chuckled.
"Can we mock me later please?" Fangs groaned resting his head on his book and closing his eyes.
"It's ok Fangs. At some point I'll challenge the grouch to a drinking contest. You can mock him then instead." Ali grinned winking at Izzy when her head flew up in excitement. Ali knew every trick in the book, her father had practically written it and taught her everything he knew. 
The group spent the rest of the morning chatting and working hard. Toni and Fangs finished their homework rather quickly and moved to help with the paper mache whilst Ali showed Izzy and Sam how to build the water powered motor. 
"Well guys I'd say its a good job done. Just leave it to dry and we can paint it tomorrow!" Ali declared cheerfully, standing back to admire their hard work. Her hands resting on her hips. 
"Ali, I'm hungry can we go to Pops now?" Izzy whined, her stomach growling as she spoke. 
"Ok Kiddo, grab your helmet. You guys coming? Foods on me." Ali offered looking at everyone's hungry faces as she snatched her helmet and keys.
"I've got my uncles truck for the day so I can give Fangs and Sam a lift. I don't think you should be driving just yet." Toni grinned dragging Fangs through the door with the assistance of Sam, who was pushing and shoving him from behind. 
"Race you there?" Ali called lifting Izzy onto the back ok her bike. Toni snorted at the offer shaking her head.
"Do I look stupid to you? There's no way I'd win against you on that beast!" She called jumping into her truck and waiting for Fangs to climb in after Sam. 
"Fair point. See you there!" Ali called before speeding away. Izzy clinging tightly to her sisters waist laughing as they hit a straight stretch of road perfect for reaching top speed. 
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After enjoying a big lunch at Pops, Toni and Fangs took Sam back to the trailer before heading to the Wyrm to pick up Jughead and Sweet Pea. Whilst Ali and Izzy made their way to the quarry to start setting up. Izzy lit a fire in the large metal drum at the centre of several old sofas and huge log, whilst Ali filled up the water balloons, placing piles of them in strategic places around the fire pit. Her music played cheerfully in the background as the girls danced as they worked. 
They had just finished filling up the last of the balloons and were making sure the towels were safely tucked away by the bike, where they wouldn't get wet. When they heard the familiar grumble of Toni's truck. Ali and Izzy grabbed a water balloon each before standing side by side on one of the logs surrounding the fire. Water balloons safely hidden behind their backs.
Toni and Fangs made their way over to the girls, closely followed by an overly serious Jughead and Scowling Sweet Pea. Ali grinned at Fangs as he stopped on the log opposite her. Toni made her way over to stand by Ali and Izzy. Secretly accepting the water balloon Izzy handed her from behind, being careful not to let Fangs see. They then waited for the other 2 to join Fangs before Ali spoke.
"Hey Jug, Fangs, Flower." She acknowledged with a mischievous grin, putting Jughead on edge.
"I don't like that look. Fangs why is she looking at us like that!" He said nervously sceptical, flinching when Ali's eyebrow twitched daringly.
"In my defence Jones, I tried. I really did." Fangs defended, looking at his friend apologetically.
"Who is this Northsider and why is she here?" Sweet Pea questioned giving Ali a disgusted scowl making Toni chuckle a bit. His scowl was different from his usual northside hatred glare.
"I, my dear flower," Ali replied sweetly, stepping forward and tilting her head to the side innocently. Making Fangs and Jughead gulp. They didn't like where this was going. 
"I’m the girl that’s going to get You wet." She grinned sweetly, before launching a large water balloon at Sweet Pea's face and diving behind the log she had jumped off. His face fell in horror as the ice-cold water collided with his chiselled cheek bones.
"IT'S GIRLS V BOYS! THIS MEANS WAR!" Izzy and Toni screamed launching their water balloons at the guys before running to grab more ammunition and take cover.
"Winner is the team that stays driest. Game finishes when we run out of balloons!" Ali yelled throwing another balloon at Sweet Pea who was pissed and determined to get revenge on the Northsider that had the audacity to attack him like that. 
The game went on for a while, each team using different tactics. Whilst the boys went for the panicked maniac approach. The girls decided to trap them. Tricking the boys into a false sense of security with a few poorly aimed throws. Making the guys think they had the upper hand. Moving in to strike a tree they thought the girls had huddled behind only to find nothing but a large X on the ground.
"X MARKS THE SPOT DUMMIES" Ali called from above them. She had scurried up the tree carrying a bag full of water balloons with Izzy and Toni placed strategically behind the trees surrounding the mark waiting for the signal. The girls immediately opened fire on the guys as they stood defence less, hopelessly trying to fight back. But resistance was futile. Especially after Ali tipped the large bag of balloons over them from above. Soaking them from head to toe. 
"Told you I'd get you wet!" Ali teased, grinning smugly from the branch she was perched on.
"OK Ali. You win!" Jughead called trying to stifle a laugh. Ringing out his hat and shaking out the water from his hair. Ali grinned victoriously as she climbed back down the now very slippery tree trunk, her foot slipping at the last step sending her flying backwards. She had just enough time to throw her legs back, pushing her way through the damp air in a recovery back flip. Her feet landing solidly between Fangs and Jughead. After several seconds of laughing at Ali's near miss with the ground, the group made their way back over to the fire throwing a few more logs on to build up the flames. Laughing and joking about the battle they had just fought.
"It goes without saying, girls are definitely better than boys!" Toni stated handing out towels, making Izzy giggle. 
"Ali pulled a Lara Croft on them!" Izzy squeaked happily, holding her tummy as a giggle fit took a hold of her. Pushing her on her side almost making her fall off the log she was sat on. But just as she was about to roll off, a large hand grabbed her, pulling her back up to safety. Sweet Pea chuckled as he looked down at the little girl still curled up in a raging fit of gut busting laughter. Wrapping a large muscular arm around her to hold her steady.
After a few minutes of everyone laughing at Izzy's uncontrollable giggles, the group managed to calm down, as did Izzy's giggles. Though she still had the occasional chuckle slip through. Ali chuckled at her little sisters innocence as she went to grab the food she had bought earlier. Placing a box of goodies in front of the group.
"Told you she'd help you find your smile!" Izzy murmured looking up at Sweet Pea who had been watching Ali as the group laughed and chatted. A small grin tweaking at the corners of his chapped lips. 
"Shush you and grab me a s’more." He replied warmly. Sending Izzy over to grab them both a s’more and a sandwich each. Ali looked at the handfuls of food in Izzy's arms, moving her gaze to Sweet Pea who was sat beside Fangs. An Izzy sized gap between them.
"You slave driver! Did you just send poor, frozen little Izzy over to grab Your food?" Ali accused playfully, chuckling at Izzy when she nodded her head happily before shuffling back over to her cosy spot between the two gangsters.
"I'm helping, Ali!" Izzy defended with a proud grin as Fangs wrapped her back up in a large purple towel.
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The group sat there until it was too dark and cold to stay any longer. They silently packed everything away before heading to the Whyte Wyrm. Izzy rode in the truck with Toni and Fangs so she wouldn't freeze to death on the back of Ali's bike. Forcing Sweet Pea to ride with Ali on her bike and Jughead, who refused to ride with Ali ever again, managed to squeeze inside Toni's truck after being dragged in by Izzy.
"Not too bad for Northsider's are they?" Jughead teased Sweet Pea as they followed her inside the dimly lit bar.
"They're ok I guess," He shrugged, not letting Jughead know he was right. 
"Izzy's funny, annoying but tolerable." He grumbled waving to the bar tender and ordering a round of beers for the guys.
"You're just upset 'cos the kids more perceptive than you are." Fangs interjected grabbing his beer and leaning against the bar. Smirking at his friend.
"Hey Hog-Eye, can you tell mum we're here and can we get 2 ginger beers please. Its a school night and Izzy's here." Ali greeted cheerfully, her smile brighter than ever as she accepted the drinks handed to her.
"Drinks on the house kid. You and your mum do enough for us and don't think I haven't noticed the discounts you've been giving the Serpents." Hog Eye insisted, waving away the money Ali had pulled out.
"Hey what about me?!" Izzy asked looking a little upset peering over the edge of the bar on her tiptoes.
"Sorry kiddo almost forgot about your handy work with a paint brush." Hog eye apologized leaning over to ruffle her hair a little.
"Come on Izzy, lets see if the guys are brave enough to play us at pool. Thanks Hog-Eye!" Ali smiled guiding her little sister towards the pool table on the other side of the room.
"Hey Fangs, make sure she stays out of trouble. You know what she's like." Hog-Eye ordered nodding his head towards Ali and Izzy who were setting up the pool table.
"Come on Sweet Pea. Lets show these Northsiders how to play properly." He nudged, before making his way over. "Fancy a game? Girls V Boys rematch?" He asked jumping on a nearby stool. 
"That's hardly fair Fangs." Ali answered grabbing a stick from the corner and handing it to Izzy.
"Worried you're going to lose? Don't worry we'll go easy on you Northsiders." Sweet Pea mocked folding his arms, a smug grin plastered on his face. Izzy and Fangs rolled their eyes at his arrogance as Ali stepped forwards, almost squaring up to the 6'3 giant in front of her.
"On the contrary my darling," Ali's voice sickeningly sweet as was the innocent expression that washed over her face. "It's hardly fair because Izzy has more talent in her little finger than you do in your entire body." Ali teased wiggling her little finger at him.
"Bring it Northsider. 50 bucks says me, and Fangs win." Sweet Pea challenged stepping closer and looking down at Ali who was considerably shorter than him.
"This is getting intense. You could cut the sexual tension in here with a knife." Izzy whispered to Fangs, kneeling up on her stool and leaning forwards to rest her elbows on the table as they watched.
"I know." Fangs agreed before whipping round in shock at Izzy's comment, 
"Isabelle Masters watch your language! You shouldn't know about things like that at your age!" He scolded, making Izzy scowl at him.
"Dude I'm 8 not 2!" Izzy scoffed sticking her tongue out at him making him laugh. 
"Oh god they're shaking hands, you two are in for it now she's got that look again." She warned sitting up as her sister approached.
"Boy scout over here put 50 bucks on them winning. Fancy earning 50 bucks Izzy?" Ali questioned sarcastically. Izzy grinned nodding her head, her blonde plait falling over her shoulder as she jumped down from stool dragging it into position to start the game. 
"Said Izzy could break. Give them a fair chance." Sweet Pea told Fangs as the little girl took her position. Fangs looked at his friend in horror.
"You suggested it or were coerced?" Fangs demanded under his breath making his friend look at him dumb founded.
"What’s the difference?" He shrugged just as Izzy took her shot sending the balls flying across the table potting a red ball and a yellow ball. "Actually, don't answer that." 
"Looks like you're stripes. Fitting really considering you're about to get whipped." Ali mocked watching as Izzy took her second shot moving a striped ball away from its original spot, making it difficult for the Boy's to pot anything.
"Games only just begun Ali Cat. Plenty of time to kick your ass." Fangs sneered back before taking his shot, hitting his target but missing the shot. Ali shook her head, pouting sarcastically at him as he hung his head down in annoyance, avoiding the smug twinkle growing in the oppositions eyes. 
"Maybe next time sugar plum." Ali teased moving round the table to stand next to Sweet Pea in the far corner. Bending over the table to line up her shot sticking her ass out a little more than necessary. Grazing the side of his thigh as she raised the end of her stick to take her shot. Making him suck in a sharp breath of air. Ali smirked taking her shot and potting another ball. Standing straight, she turned to look at Sweet Pea who was gripping the stick in his hands so tight, his knuckles were turning white. The muscles in his jaw showing through as he clenched his jaw even more. She fluttered her big blue eyes at him, placing a friendly hand on his biceps and smiling brightly.
"Sorry did I get you then?" She asked winking at him before moving round to take her second shot.
"Looks like the kids are playing nicely together." Jughead observed as he and Toni watched from the bar.
"Which kids are you watching?" Toni snorted giving him a concerned side eye glance. 
"From what I can see, this game is big ball of passive aggression. Looks like Pea's met his match too. If he grips that stick anymore, hes going to be replacing it." Toni commented looking over at Jughead.
"You think there's something there don't you." Jughead proposed looking at the glint in Toni's eyes.
"All I'm saying is that Northsider has managed to get away with a lot more than most." Toni responded taking a swig of her beer. "And they've only just met."
"Yeah because Izzy's here. Sweet Pea may be a hot head but he's not a monster. He wouldn't scare an innocent kid like Izzy." Jughead debated, pointing to Izzy and Sweet Pea who had just shared a high ten when she won the game potting the final ball. "See, I rest my case." 
"Ok Jughead 20 bucks says I'm right. If there isn't some obvious flirting between them, you win. If there is, you owe me 20 bucks and be my slave for a day of my choosing. Deal?" Toni offered turning to Jughead and holding out her hand for him to shake to seal the deal.
"Fine. But if I win, I want my 20 bucks and you're my slave for a day of MY choosing." Jughead bargained shaking Toni's hand in agreement.
"30 bucks says they remain completely oblivious to their feelings." Hog-Eye interjected, leaning beside Jughead cleaning a glass as he watched the group set up another match. This time Fangs and Ali versus Izzy and Sweet Pea.
"That's an obvious bet Hog-Eye. The question is for how long. My money says maximum 2 months. They're bound to notice eventually." Toni judges, looking over at Hog-Eye for his opinion.
"No way. Ali is the most oblivious person ever. I say Sweet Pea notices before she does, but it takes him at least 3 months before he does." Hog Eye predicts looking to Toni and holding his hand out to seal the deal. "What do you say?" 
"Alright Hog-Eye, you're on!" She agrees shaking hands with the older Serpent.
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