#haha look its funny numbers together (sorry)
Grian went from hippies camp to girl scouts camp and that is character development we all should appreciate
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eliza-writes-stuff · 24 days
Can you claudeger for the 100 otp questions thing please?
hey!! thank you for requesting for this! not the first time i received this, but i don't have a lot of time to answer all 100 questions. sorry. i decided to do the first 20. but maybe next time you can ask for another specific number line or the other 20!! :D
i hope you enjoy this under this cut cuz this is kinda long sdfsdkj
Who loves flower crowns more?
 This is such a 2015 tumblr question. dfghjk but yeah Imma just say Albert
Who is the one who likes to cuddle?
 Both are touchstarved bitches. But most likely Albert.
Who has awful taste in music?
 Albert lmao
Who is the meme lover?
Both of them are not hip with the kids if you know what I mean sdghjk well since Taylor likes to send some to albert and confuse him.
Ofc Albert will use them incorrectly dfgjj
How did their second date go?
Their second date was going to a bar that Claude went to. It was pretty chill and both of them were open with each other now. Yes they kiss lol
How many children do they want/have?
One is enough lol
Who hides the weapons? 
Who is the better dancer?
Do/Did they have a theme wedding?
Uhhh god it would be funny if its sea theme. Albert would and Claude would go along with it as long it’’s not big lol
Maybe at the aquarium
What do their parents think of them dating?
Their parents aren't alive anymore lol I guess their closest friends counts as a family. Vanora will deffo find it strange that Claude is dating Albert Krueger. But supports him anyways.
Are they a super sappy couple?
Yes. They don’t look like one when they’re outside. But inside of their own home. They are so sappy, it makes you have a toothache
How did they get together?
Ok so. Imagine you’re Claude, just hanging out with the guy who previously killed people during his work. That should make you scared, but now you’re into him? Man, you’re so fucked.
Both of you are on the docks, talking about feelings. As Claude, you can’t help, but stare at Albert. He’s talking about the environment again. You wonder if you can shut him up with something. Something intimate
And then they talk about what happened and kiss again IM SORRUY
Who asked the other to get married?
Haha Albert
Who stays up too late and makes stupid jokes?
Albert. Save his sleep deprived ass.
Who is the nerd?
Who knows the most obscure facts?
Chat, it’s Albert. He has a PHD in marine biology. He’s the reason for my research in FISH-
Who makes the other a flower crown?
Why is this question here instead of next to the-whatever. Albert ig 
Who likes to read?
Who bothers the other person while the other person reads?
Albert lol
Who tutors the other? 
Chat, it's Albert again. Claude knows how the pollution works.
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hetalvetia · 12 days
What are your favorite ships with Switzerland? -🪽
I have so many ships with him it's not funny anymore 😔 I will try to be brief (page 1/quadrillion)
if I'm real most of my ships are just to see Swi get blushy and embarrassed all the time, and also because I like shared motifs and I think there's a bit of art behind him and another character being together. A.k.a. I can get really superficial sometimes.
Like recently I've been really obsessed with Finland & Switzerland um... its literally just because they look adorable together sorry ← SUPERFICIAL AS HELL!!! Sniper combo for the win though, I love shared motifs 😌
But I've been writing the most self-indulgent engswiss fic recently (every engswiss fic is self-indulgent) and I like how they get underneath each other's skin; put two insufferably stubborn men in one room with their pride a little bit too close to them and they're going to make out. (Ooooo my evil make out beam.....) Ahh but I love the idea of them trying to work together on a project, because I see Arthur have a sort of artistic and traditional sense to him compared to Basch who lacks that sort of umm extravagance as he may call it... but they both can't deny the lovely workings of a clock together haha
Honestly on that note I just love those friction-y (?) head-butting dynamics, so I love Romano x Switz as well huhu Romano x Switz is especially lovely to me because it explores Swi's idea of wealth and modesty (because I see Swi not showing off his wealth so extravagantly in certain scenarios so Romano is stepping on a nerve with his fashion taste)
If you want to ask about my number one favourite, it's easily fraswiss / swissfra . They're so goofy together (especially in cardverse and I have a lot to say for cardverse) . That overbearing personality to balance out Swi's strongly held barriers SO GOOD 🤧❤️ Francis will definitely start trying to get Basch to live life more fully by treating himself to that nice Rolls Royce he was eyeing, until Basch starts using Francis' money and suddenly Francis is like "Not in this economy mon amor please you have more money (per capita) than me." Switzerland occasionally takes a couple of France's stuff and calls it revenge from the Napoleonic times lol.
Anyways my sort-of-related sort-of-unrelated headcanon is that Basch shops in France to not face the atrocious prices in Switzerland (and also because he wants to not bump into Roderich again) but ends up bumping in Francis so really he's never winning.
(I think a lot of the Swi fans I know agree that fraswiss is great and wonderful and superb and amazing and splendid and just crazy good but maybe that's just me gravitating towards like-minded people LOL)
To be honest I really like childhood friends to lovers but edelweiss never stood out that much to me... (like, i really do like some concepts with them, and it's so hilarious to see Swi try his hardest to blank out any relationship with Austria, but I always struggled to envision something beyond that...)
Until my friend said for me to think about nyo!edelweiss instead. My life has changed. I love nyo!edelweiss. Everyone should take a hit.
There's also a lot of ships that my friends have hooked me up on... Two of them being Swissvene (Switzerland x Venezuela) and Portswiss (Portugal x Switzerland) especially. I love swissvene (explosion) (explosion) (explosion) and portswiss (explosion (explosion) (explosion) .
OH BUT I ALSO REALLY LIKE NEDSWISS GRAHHH (EXPLOSION) it's a wonderful look into both their equally fueled motives but their means are so different. They're so silently jealous but respecting of each other... But I honestly love them as just platonic too.
Also I headcanon that Swi gets seasick horribly easily. I will not expand on this.
Pruswiss has so much content on them as well ("so much" is like a couple lines from a CD drama for me okay) but I think it gets easily overshadowed in my mind by the frying pangle (I love frying pangle) BUT I LOVE PRUSWISS ANYWAYS ! Keep shouting at him Swi it's really funny .
Hikiko duo always has a soft spot in my heart because I love their similar mentalities but contrasting personalities and homelives like Kiku will always be like, "why is he (Basch) so bothered." and Basch would be like, "dude how is he (Kiku) always getting stepped on". But they're in the same boat of misery together, where they hate everyone surrounding them. They'd lock themselves in their rooms together and then realise they'd make horrible roommates.
Also I really like swissita but i need to sleep um
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I think it needs some tiny tweaks though
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angelikigai · 2 years
I came across a short piece I wrote when I was seventeen, and it brought back memories of the time I attempted suicide because I was afraid of birthdays.
Sorry for the ungrammatical, and I didn’t think about its title, but here it is!
February 18, 2019
Everybody knows that they were born for a reason. But me? I never thought about that. My parent cared for me since I was an infant until my hair grew. My name is Angel. When I turned on my 5th birthday, I started wondering why my parents brought a bunch of kids into our house and sang and waited ‘til I wished and blew out my candle. Yes, I wouldn’t say I like birthdays. And now I’m Seventeen, as usual, I am facing a chocolate cake with a cherry on top, and my parents are giving me pleasant grins that seem happy about my age and are near death. I never had a close friend because I knew they’d leave me. Until one day, someone is brave enough to talk to me. I was sitting in a library, and there he was, Duncan.
“Hi,” his greetings.
“What do you want?” I responded.
“Nothing, I am just looking for someone willing to join our club. I mean to be a journalist?”
“uh.. so you think about me joining your club?” I asked.
“Absolutely, yes..” He said, “I saw you writing.” He continued.
I just looked at him and rolled my eyes. “What are you doin’?”
He forcedly grabbed my journal, and he didn’t give it back. “Black possesses mystery..” not until he finished reading my poem, “and at the end, it’s just death.”
“Wow, I never thought you were suicidal.” He smiled.
“Of course not; it’s just a poem.” I said.
“But poems were written because of one's inspiration.” He justified.
“Okay, so what?” I mumbled.
“It's nice. But maybe you need a reason why you exist.” he added.
I was thinking about that. I need to know why people have to live.
“Here's my number; call me If you change your mind.” He gave me a card with a number under his name. Duncan. He tapped my shoulder, and then he almost reached the door out, but I stopped him.
“Hey, Duncan! Count me in.” I shouted out.
“Great, see you in five!” He grinned.
Since the first day we met, we’ve been together until now. We became closer and did stuff a lot. Bestfriends, if that’s what it looks like. We joined in journalism; he taught me how to be a wise thinker. Sometimes we’re having a mind-to-mind battle; we argue about something, especially when it talks about life.
“You know I hate birthdays,” I mumbled.
“Hah! Yeah, I hate getting old, though. Hahaha,” he said.
“No. What I mean is, I wouldn’t say I like birthdays. For me, it’s like a sign that you’re just going to die near someday. You know the thoughts that we exist to die.” A deep silence comes abruptly.
“Have I told you I’m a miracle baby?” Duncan said.
“Yah?” I’m surprised.
“Yeaaah.. haha, my Mom told me I was not breathing when I was born. They were already preparing for a funeral until I suddenly cried..” he smiled.
“Funny, right?” He asked.
“Woah.. wow.. you’re..” I paused. I have never said this to someone before, but. “It’s miraculous! You’re an angel!” And we exchanged smiles together.
“So I am here, sharing my talent to inspire everyone even if I don’t know when will be my last breath. At least I made a lot of memories. It’s an opportunity to enjoy and express myself. I love to uplift everyone with this.” he let out.
My heartbeat stops, and I feel my hands sweating. I never believe to someone before that life is meaningful and we live for a purpose. But now, I understand. Duncan is right; I don’t just live to die.
We grab all of our opportunities together, he wants to become an Author, and I want to be the most excellent documentarist in media.
Duncan and I auditioned for the Poetry Writing contest. We took a lot of time to ensure our poem was remarkable and wanted it to be remembered so that we would become famous. When the day arrives, we’re going to show the world our talent and inspire people to keep on going through the ups and downs of life. People will love our work. I can’t wait for that to happen.
Until here it is, the day we waited.
I am still waiting for Duncan, It’s 2:17 in the afternoon, and the program will start at 3:00.
What if he doesn’t come? What if he left me as people do? What should I do? Do I have to trust him?
It was almost 4:00 in the afternoon, and Duncan didn't show up.
A few weeks passed, and I never saw him anymore. He missed my calls, or maybe he just ignored them. But I didn’t stop looking for him.
Until one day, He called.
“Hi, it’s his Mom. Duncan passed away; my baby can’t fight his heart illness. Sorry.. sorry..so..” she cried.
I never knew he had suffered from sickness; he never told me about that! I cried a lot and didn’t know what to do.
He’s the only one who brought me to light and showed me the meaning of life. Yet, he took mine with him.
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oriigirii · 2 years
alright boys its big brain time- im gonna be honest idk what im doing but AHAJHSD IMMA MAKE THIS AS VISUALLY PLEASING FOR MYSELF MOTIVATION
finished-writing-cherry: okay i got carried away IM SORRY ITS LONG SOBS
If I had to classify Turbule as a gamer stereotype, it'd be those players who purposely do things to irritate people. Like- a switch goes off in that unga bunga brain that usually is only touched when in class, maybe. For example, if it were something like Phasmophobia (or whatever it's called I honestly forgot-), they would try and trigger a hunt to slow the process down; never tries to die though don't do that-
In short, making things as complicated and time-consuming as possible.
Prefers single-player games though! Mostly games where you just go against random players left and right. If I had to take an example then probably ROBLOX Arsenal would be a good one.
In terms of Minecraft in general, terrible sense of direction without coordinates, but doesn't know how they work either! Numbers aren't their strong suit.
Spiritually can't build anything pleasing. They see Minecraft builds online and just goes, "I wanna do that but I don't know how-" I mean they can build simple things like a house to put something in- just wouldn't look the best 🤡.. So they probably leave it to someone else.
And thus, introducing the ✨Minecraft Let's Play: Turbule and Charlie Edition✨ Episode One(1), Teaching Charlie How to Handle Himself (while teaching him life lessons by playing antagonist).
So you know how Charlie would fight mobs with his bare hands, well Turbule's watching from the cave's entrance trying to make an effective lesson plan- But honestly would start with teaching him the basics or PvP. I honestly can't think of which one so why not both. Turbule really wants someone to play with other than their fellow dorm members, so they try.
With the basics it's all in their actual survival server. What they should do first before maybe trying to find each other (mostly Turbule trying to find Charlie while my mans walking the opposite direction if I'm honest with you-).
In terms of PvP or fighting, haha.. I feel bad for Charlie. Turbule's a MENACE- I didn't put their talent as "spam clicking" for nothing! 14.5 CPS is no joke. Instead of showing an example for Charlie, they end up over simplifying it while killing Charlie in the process. Poor man- I mean I guess it's funny??
I personally don't recommend Turbule as a teacher for a game as situational as Minecraft, but for other games they're a really irritating but good teammate to have.
They would 100% get lost together. You know what one meme where it's like, "when you were following your friend but they tell you they were just following you🧍" That's basically those two, especially in the nether- Probably ended up making another camp thing in the middle of the woods and Turbule's hoping they don't get bonked by a creeper or something.
Axolotls are their favorite! Likes the idea that you can just keep them in a bucket and take them home. Wonder if you could do that with a real pet store...
Omggg theyre both sharing the unga bunga brain hahahah, also Turbule killing Charlie in pvp's is def sad but Charlie now assigns her in killing mobs while he makes their fort pretty haha, just imagining Turbule coming back from a difficult mineshaft and the first thing Charlie asks is "so you got what I asked?" And Turbule over here is struggling with that 1-2 hearts hahaha
Also Charlie would be the type to either put water in the nether or put a bed 😭 Hes smart I promise just not... gamer smart
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myhockeyworld87 · 3 years
Under My Skin - Matthew Tkachuk
Word Count: 3,644
POV: Reader
Warnings: Language, Smut, NSFW
Summary: Matthew can be a pest but what happens when your ex, Auston Matthews get under his skin.
Notes: So I’m having a sad bitch moment and thought, why not post this. I finally broke down and wrote for this boy. Who knows if it’ll happen again...haha! At any rate hope you guys enjoy. Happy Reading!
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Matthew first met you over a year ago when you’d moved to Calgary for work. You had just finished your degree and a job opportunity had landed you in the same city where he was playing. You’d been out at the bar with some co-workers and had caught his eye immediately. You were everything that Matthew was looking for in a woman, smart, funny, incredibly gorgeous, with a charm that seemed to draw everyone around you in. You were like a magnet and Matthew couldn’t resist your pull.
 That first night he’d barely been able to talk to you. You’d been besotted with people left and right, and it seemed as though every time Matthew worked up the courage to speak with you, you would get pulled away. Matthew finally ran into you on the way to the restroom. Like, literally ran into you. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” Matthew apologized steadying you with a hand on your waist. His hand lingered a little longer than necessary but you weren’t complaining.
 “It’s ok I wasn’t paying attention.” You held up your phone in defense. You’d been so distracted by a text, that you really weren’t watching where you were going. “Did you ever have someone text you that you hoped you’d never hear from again?”
 It was an interesting introduction to a conversation but then Matthew would take any opportunity he could get to speak to you. “Actually, yes.”
 “It’s so annoying, right?”
 “Well, there is a way to solve that problem.”
 Your eyes held his with rapt attention, and Matthew could tell you were clinging to his every word. It was then that it struck him that he never wanted that look to fade from your face. “How?”
 “Come have a drink with me and forgot about whoever it is on that phone.” You smiled. It was a bright, brilliant thing of beauty that Matthew swore could light up the night sky on its darkest days. He was sold right then and there, and with just that simple gesture you had no idea that you’d swooped in and stolen his heart that night.
 You forgot about that text message fairly quickly and just settled into an easy conversation with Matthew. The night flew by and before you knew it, your co-workers were calling it a night and you were all heading home. Matthew asked for your number which you gave in hopes that he would call you soon. Little did you know that after you left, Matthew debated with himself on how long to wait to text you. Every unsaid rule in the code of dating said to wait for at least forty-eight to seventy-two hours before making a move, but Matthew was never one to follow convention. As he lay in bed, he decided to send you a quick message.
 Had a great time tonight.
 It was short and to the point, and Matthew figured if you answered then he would ask you out again. Unfortunately, for Matthew, he wasn’t the only one texting you as you crawled into bed after taking off all your makeup. You were just getting ready to reply to Matthew when another text came in. It was the fourth of the night from the same person that had messaged you before, Auston Matthews.
 You hadn’t spoken to him in months, back when you were in Toronto, and you didn’t plan on speaking to him now, though he seemed to be trying his hardest to get your attention, just as he had been for the last couple of months. Your relationship with Auston had been nothing short of toxic. Oh sure, at first it was all hearts and roses in the beginning. Auston swept you off your feet with that charming smile of his, but then you were young and the flashy NHLer said all the right things, at first.
 You weren’t normally one to tumble into bed right after the first date, though that’s what happened with Auston. He made it seem like you were the only one, but after dating him for only four months you’d found out that wasn’t true. Oh, he tried to brush it off, make it seem like he wasn’t cheating. That the panties you’d found lying tucked between the nightstand and the bed were some old fling and not some random hookup he’d brought home. You wanted to believe him and so you let your heart overpower your head and stayed with him until you’d literally walked in on him in bed with another woman. There was no talking his way out of that one.
 It was an easy decision to break things off with him, though he kept trying to win you back. You were good for his image and he thought that he could keep you happy while he had some fun on the side. The only thing was you didn’t want him back, even though his friends tried to helped his cause. That’s when you decided to take the job in Calgary. It was an easy decision six months ago. Which is part of the reason it surprised you when he texted tonight. He was in Calgary for a game and wanted to talk. You’d honestly were debating seeing him when you’d run into Matthew.
 Matthew, you sighed. His curly hair and shaved sides gave off this bad boy vibe, but as you sat there and talked to him, you’d realized he had to be one of the sweetest men out there. You hadn’t realized at first who he actually was. Auston had turned you off to the NHL scene altogether, so you no longer paid attention to the games, even if hockey was Canada’s major sport. Honestly, you wish you didn’t know he was in the NHL. It was part of the reason you were debating about answering him. Maybe you would just sleep on it and decide in the morning.
 Meanwhile, Matthew was having a mild panic attack. He told himself that maybe you lived close to the bar and had already fallen asleep before you got his text, or that you’d turned off your phone the minute you got home. He constantly kept checking his, looking for those three little dots letting him know that you were sending something back. It was torturous.
 You laid there all of twenty minutes before you decided that you couldn’t resist the curly-haired man that had captured your attention tonight. Grabbing your phone, you shot off a quick, I did too. You typed and erased it three times, wondering if you should add more before finally pressing the send button. There it was done, if he said something back, you’d go from there. Fifteen seconds later, you knew you were in trouble.
 Maybe we could do it again sometime?
 Matthew was sweating as he hit send. He’d never been this nervous before about a woman. They either liked him or didn’t, but you, you were different. He knew that from the moment he saw you. It was even more prevalent now after he’d spent most of the night with you.
 I’d like that.
 Was your simple reply back. One that had Matthew ready to jump up and out of bed with excitement. And so the texting went on for the next ten minutes until he finally ended up calling you. The two of you talked for over an hour, almost as if you’d known each other all your lives, and you completely forgot about the texts from Auston.
 Matthew took you out three days later to an exclusive restaurant in the city. This time you told yourself you’d not make the same mistake you’d made with Auston. So, when the night drew to a close, Matthew drove you to your apartment then very properly walked you to the door and only kissed you on the cheek. It wasn’t what you expected. You’d thought he’d go for more, but Matthew wanted to do things right. He knew you were special and he wasn’t going to mess things up by sleeping with you on night one. He was in this for the long run.
 That was over a year ago. Sure, it had been difficult at first to give him your complete trust, but Matthew had earned it and over time you knew that although he may be a pest on the ice, he was anything but that in your personal life. Now the two of you shared a home and were on your way to making a life together.
 You’d kept your relationship on the down-low, staying off of all forms of social media to keep the wolves at bay. Which meant that no one, including Auston, knew that you and Matthew were dating. That was until he and everyone else saw you in the background of Taryn’s video for Brady’s twenty-first birthday. The picture highlighted Brady but behind him, there was Matthew nibbling on your neck and ear. Fans picked up on it right away, wondering who you were and Matthew decided he was tired of hiding the two of you. A week later he was posting a picture of the two of you holding hands on your way back to Calgary.
 That was dozens of posts and months ago. Your life with Matthew was nothing short of amazing, until the Flames played the Leafs. Matthew was in Toronto while you stayed back in Calgary for work. It was an early game and you joined the other wives and significant others in a small little watch party. Drinks were flowing freely, so you really didn’t catch the exchange between Matthew and Auston in warmups.
 Matthew was minding his own business as he stretched near the centerline. That’s when Auston started with the little jabs. “Nice little piece of ass you picked up Tkachuk.” Matthew was used to guys talking shit about all kinds of things on the ice, though normally it was about him being a dirty player or how Brady was the better Tkachuk on the ice; all that shit he could handle. He wasn’t used to someone taking stabs at you.
 “Shut the fuck up Matthews,” he replied then skated away. If Auston was looking for a fight, he’d get one if he kept up this banter, but not until the game started.
 It wasn’t until the end of the first that Auston got a chance to chirp Matthew again. “Tell me, Tkachuk, does (Y/N) still make the same pretty moans…”
 “Finish that and you’ll regret it,” Matthew told him. It was the only warning Matthew was going to give. Of course, Matthew knew that you’d dated someone in the hockey world and that he’d been a verifiable asshole. He’d never pressed the issue too much as he was trying to turn that stigma about hockey players around. He never liked Auston, he was always cordial to him in non-ice settings but now that he knew he was the cheating bastard who basically used you; he liked him less.
 Play resumed before anything else could happen and Matthew was sure to get in a few good checks in before heading back for the first intermission. When he was back on the ice for the second Auston picked up right where they had left off. “So, you like my sloppy seconds, Tkachuk?” Matthew saw red at the insult, and before he knew what he was doing he dropped his gloves and hit Auston. Inwardly, you cringed at the fight, not wanting to let on to the other girls that you had an idea what the exchange was about. Auston went down easy, with Matthew barely touching him, and so off the penalty box he went, while the Leafs went on the power play. You could see him just sitting there stewing, though you weren’t sure if he was mad at himself for letting Auston get to him or mad at you.
 The game ended up tied in the third, and little did you know that Auston took the opportunity to get a few more digs into Matthew. “Does she get as wet for as she did for me, or do you have to work for it?” Johnny had to hold him back from leveling him after that, but Auston didn’t let up. “She was such a fucking slut for me in bed. You know I fucked every hole…” That’s all he got out before going down hard as Matthew planted a right hook to his jaw. But Matthew wasn’t done and went after Auston as he lay on the ice. Matthew was ejected from the game and the Leafs scored on the power play.
 There was no interview after the game with Matthew, so you had no idea what he was feeling or how pissed he was. As soon as you got home, you tried to call him but it went straight to voicemail. You tried to tell yourself it didn’t mean anything that maybe he never turned his phone back on after the game or maybe they were already on the flight back to Calgary, as the team played at home the following day, but you just weren’t sure. So, you laid in the king-size bed you shared with Matthew, wrapped up in your favorite old t-shirt of his, simply staring up at the ceiling.
 At some point, you must have fallen asleep, for you didn’t hear the door open or Matthew dropping his bag like you usually did. It wasn’t until he crept into bed that you finally knew he was home. He was laying on his back, hands behind his head when you finally rolled over letting him know you were awake. You’d thought about what to say to him before falling asleep but waited for him to say something to you. When he didn’t you simply whispered, “If you want me to go I will.”
 “Go?” Matthew questioned now rolling on to his side so he could see you. “Why would I want you to leave?”
 “I never wanted to be a problem for you, Matthew, especially not with other players.” It was part of the reason you��d never told him that you’d dated Auston, though you should’ve known that Auston couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
 You went to say more, but Matthew stopped you. “You’re not the problem (Y/N). You could never be one.” His fingers ran up and down your arms lightly, just caressing your skin. “I love you, baby.”
 “I love you too.” His lips found yours then, and you melted into the feel of him, savoring how his body started to relax against you.
 “Auston’s an asshole.” Matthew finally said, when the two of you broke apart.
 “Do I even want to know what he said?”
 “Just shit to get me riled up, and it worked.” Your one hand went to the back of his neck, massaging the knotted muscles there. “I’m not stupid. I realize what probably happened between the two of you. I just don’t like hearing it.”
 “We both have pasts, Matthew. We can’t change that, but you’re my future.”
 He gave you a real quick peck to your lips. “And you’re mine. At least I don’t have to deal with him for a couple weeks.”
 You pushed him onto his back before straddling his hips. “Don’t let him get under your skin, babe. When he starts to say something…” you looked him right in the eyes. “And you know he will. Just remind him how you’re the only one I want with me.” You flexed your hips before running your hands up his bare chest. “And in me.” Matthew’s hands went to your waist, where he played with the band of lace on your panties. “You’re more to me than he’ll ever be. Both here,” you taped your heart and then his. “And here.” Lifting your hips, you took your hand and cupped the length of him. His cock instantly hardened under your touch.
 Your words spurred Matthew into action, for the next thing you knew he was ripping your panties, before shimming out of his boxers. His fingers went to your folds, where he found you ready for him. “Fuck you’re so wet.”
 “Only for you Matthew. Only for you.” It was extra reassurance that you knew Matthew needed and tonight you’d give him as many as he needed. He guided your hips down onto his cock and you sighed out with pleasure as he filled you like no one else ever had.
 As you grabbed the hem of your t-shirt Matthew whispered harshly, “Leave it on.” It was one of his Flames shirts; one that had both his name and number on the back. Leaning down you kissed him long and hard, before starting to ride him. It was slow at first, a pace meant to build you both up but not push you over the edge. His hands were everywhere, under your shirt caressing your breasts, wandering down your back to cup your ass, and moving up and down your thighs to quicken your speed.
 Finally, he couldn’t take it any longer and he flipped your bodies so that he loomed over top of you. His thrusts were deep and hard, almost punishing if your body hadn’t wanted him so bad. “You belong to me.” He said as he flexed into you, pushing you up against the headboard.
 “Yes, baby. Only you.”
 “Who?” He asked again and you realized that he was not in the mood to hear any pet names.
 “You, Matthew, you,” you answered knowing that he owned you both body and soul, just as you owned him.
 “That’s right, baby.” Matthew's thrusts were deep and sure, as he knew what would bring you pleasure, and with a few more flexes of his hips, he sent you spiraling out of control, screaming his name.
 That was all he needed to catch his high and follow you down, your name on his lips. He rolled onto his side taking you with him; your breaths mingling together as you both calmed. Your nails skimmed down his spine aimless, something you tended to do after sex. Matthew always said he loved the continued intimacy it brought, and tonight it felt like you both needed that. His lips found yours, the kiss loving and tender. “I love you, (Y/N),” Matthew whispered while brushing a stray lock of hair from your face. “And I promise, I won’t let Auston get to me next time.”
 “Good, because you’re the only man I love Matthew, and the team doesn’t need you getting ejected from games because of me.”
 “It won’t happen again.” You truly hoped that it wouldn’t but with Matthew’s temper you never knew.
 It was a little over two weeks later that the Flames were taking on the Leafs, this time at the Saddledome, where you were in attendance. Admittedly, you were a bit nervous on the inside as to what would happen between the love of your life and the once lowlife that you'd briefly called boyfriend. You tried to shake off your nerves with idle chatter with some of the girls, but your eyes always seemed to drift back to where Matthew and Auston were on the ice.
 Matthew for his part stayed away from center ice for warmups, just like he told you he would. It wasn’t until the second period after a blown whistle that Auston finally decided to poke at him. “How’s that girlfriend Tkachuk? You know if I told her I wanted her back she’d leave you in a second.”
 “I doubt that Matthews. She told me you couldn't satisfy her in the bedroom. Something about cumming too soon.” Anger started to radiate across Auston’s face. “You should see a doctor about that.” Matthew skated away, completely ignoring anything Auston would be able to say back.
 The game was tied late in the third once again when Auston tried to rile Matthew up again. Considering he had two assists you understood why they wanted your boyfriend out of the game. “It wasn’t me who had the problem Tkachuk, (Y/N)’s pussy was wider than the Grand Canyon.”
 “Hmm,” Matthew taunted back. “Must be your small pencil dick, because she’s so tight it’s like a vice-grip around me.” Auston took offense and cross-checked Matthew into the boards right as the play began, earning him two minutes in the penalty box. Matthew laughed at him as the ref took him over. Auston wasn’t there for long, as Matthew scored the game-winning goal forty-some seconds into the penalty. You jumped up out of your seat with the rest of the girls cheering and screaming.
 Even though they pulled the goalie, the Leafs couldn’t seem to find the back of the net before the buzzer sounded ending the game. You made your way down to wait outside the tunnel with the rest of the significant others. Most everyone was gone before Matthew finally came out, scooping you up in his arms. “Did you see that baby?”
 “I saw Matty,” you told him, kissing him on the lips. “That goal was impressive.”
 He finally set you back down on your feet. “No babe, that’s not what I meant. I didn’t let him get to me.”
 “Yeah, I saw that too. I’m so proud of you.”
 “Well, he can’t get under my skin about you, when I get to be all over yours.” His hands slid under your sweater and inside your jeans to cup your ass. “Speaking of your skin…let’s go home so I can get you out of all these clothes and see you.”
 You kissed him, long and languidly, before pulling back. “I like that idea. I like it a lot.” The two of you left the arena hands interlaced just as your bodies would be as soon as you got home.  
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astronomoney · 3 years
IDK if you're still taking requests or not, but the latest fix on D. Wayne was 😍🥰. For part 2 can you add the prompts 11 from fluff, 6 from angst and 20 from neutral pretty please?🥺🥺
Pairing: Damian Wayne x fem!reader (age 16ish)
Prompts: Prompt list ☁︎11- “Hey hey hey, it’s ok i’m here. It’s just me ok, you’re safe.” ᜊ6- “I don’t care about you anymore.” “i’m starting to think you never did.” ⚛︎20-“Please be quite, i can’t even hear myself losing my will to live.”
Summary: After the fight you had with Damian things have been tense but sometimes bottling up your emotions only make things worse (i can’t do summary’s to save my life) enemies-to-lovers because i’m a sucker for that shit
Warnings: Blood, swearing, kinda character death i guess, Damian being a dick as always, angsty teens being angsty teens
A/n: this is a part 2 but you can find part 1 here once again this took waaaay to long to write literally i could not figure out what to do but whatever because i did it and i’m proud of myself for it (Masterlist)
Word count: 3k jeez these are getting longer
Tag list: @battlenix @pleasestophoney wow look at that multiple tags
Part 1
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Love and War pt2
Spending spring break in Wayne manor had its ups and downs. Ups included a huge library in the south wing, delicious homemade meals every day, and the best water pressure you’d ever experienced. The downs included 8 hours of training daily, getting lost while trying to find a bathroom, and having to spend way too much time with your arch enemy.
Technically he's not your enemy. At least he’s not supposed to be. After the fight you had last week you couldn’t be sure. You’d had fights with Damian before but this felt different. Usually after a fight he'd sulk for a few hours but then it would go back to normal, but this time it didn’t go back to normal. Damian had been avoiding you for almost 8 days.
You knew the fight ended too soon and you both had more to say but if he was going to act like a child and ignore you then you weren't going to stop him. You still had to patrol with him but it was considerably quieter. The manor was big enough for the both of you and after a few days you'd figured out his schedule and how to get around him. Tim let you train with him, so as long as you stayed on your side of the gym and Damian stayed on his you didn't have to interact with him at all.
It wasn't until the 4th day of break that you had to talk to him. Bruce had to go meet with the league for the day so training ended early. You had a couple hours before dinner and decided reading would be the best use of that time. You walked down one of the many hallways lazily dragging your hand along the wall until you reached a door. You couldn't remember exactly where you were but you were about 75% sure there was a couch in this room, so you pushed the door open.
Inside you found tall ceilings paired with dark wallpaper, a tall window with the thin white curtains pushed out of the way, and a couch. Actually it was three couches but after 4 days staying here you'd gotten used to the large number of furniture that was there for no reason.
The couches formed a square with the open side facing the window lined wall. The first two couches were empty but when you stepped farther inside the room you saw someone sitting on the third one. Of course the one room you picked to go into also happened to be the one room Damian was sitting in. He looked up from his sketchbook and immediately frowned.
There were two options in front of you. You could back out of the room and leave him be but then you'd be backing down from something that might not even turn into a fight which made you seem weak so really you were left with only one choice. You straighten your back and closed the door behind you, officially leaving you in a room alone with Damian for the first time since the fight. You walked over to the couch facing the windows head on and sat down on the side farthest from him. He watched you the whole time but you paid him no attention, instead you simply opened your book and began reading.
You felt his eyes leave your form and you let out a quiet breath. You heard a page turn and a  pencil being dragged lightly across paper. It had been over a week but nothing seemed to be getting better between you and him. Patrols were a nightmare beforehand but now that he'd switched from constant criticism to almost no comments you found that you preferred the former.
Damian's pencil against the paper was the only sound in the room and yet the silence seemed so loud. You hated it. You hated having to avoid him all the time. You hated not being able to talk to him anymore. You hated how far away he felt even when he was right next to you. Above all you hated that you didn't hate him as much as you used to.
You never realized how much you talked to him until you didn't. It was a weird feeling to miss someone when you hadn't even known you cared about them. You honestly just wanted to apologize and let things get back to normal but as you sat there staring at your book you couldn't bring yourself to say anything.
After three to many nightmares where Damian got hurt, you finally realized how badly you needed him back. So you took a deep breath, swallowed your pride, opened your mouth, and prayed to god that something would come out.
"Damian-" you both spoke at the same time. "Sorry, you go first." You apologized.
"No you can go first." He replied almost nervously. That couldn't be right, he never got nervous.
"Uh I was just going to say, well i've been thinking lately,"
"You?" He asked sarcastically.
"Oh haha really funny. Will you just listen for a goddamn second." He was not making this easy. "I know we haven't been talking much ever since, well you know and uhh." You couldn't find the right way to word it. You were still too stubborn to outright apologize but you knew he would never say sorry unprompted. "You've just seemed... off, lately and if it has something to do with me-"
"It doesn't." He cut you off. "I'm not 'off' and even if I was you definitely wouldn't be the cause." His expression was blank but calculated.
"Well jeez you don't have to be so rude about it." You sneered back at him. "What were you trying to say anyway." So much for your apology.
"I've convinced father to change our partners." His voice was flat and he seemed bored with the conversation.
"You what?" You stood up. You couldn't believe he actually did that without talking to you first.
He stood up as well and was a few inches higher than you. "We don't work well together, you can't tell me you don't agree."
"I don't! We've been a great team! Remember the Penguin pen raid or Mr Freeze's death ray thingy." you exaggerated your point by waving our hands through the air. "We stopped those. Together. You can't just go around changing things without asking me first!" You were fuming.
"Sure I can! We only stopped those villains because of what I did, you just got in the way." he pointed at you.
Here we go again, the blame game. The endless cycle of 'he did this she did that'. You were so sick of it. "That's bullshit and you know it. I can hold my own on the field just as well as you can. And you know what! I don't even want to be your partner anymore."
"Neither do I! You can go play hero with someone else while I do all the real work. I never wanted you on the team in the first place!" He stared you down and if you weren't so fired up you'd probably be intimidated.
"God you're so annoying!” You threw your hands up in frustration. “You think you're so great and no one can even come close to you but in reality you're exactly like the rest of us!"
What were you doing? This wasn't what you wanted. You wanted to apologize and make things right but now here you were screaming at him again. You almost couldn't help it. Fighting him gave you a sort of rush that you craved. It was like a drug and you were addicted to the pain. You didn't want to fight him but it was the closest thing to a conversation you'd had in over a week and at this point it was enough to satisfy your need.
"I'm going to prove that i'm better than you. I'll do it on my own too!" You told him.
"Go ahead and try! You can do whatever you want because I don't care about you anymore."
You stepped back, stood as tall as you could without going on your tiptoes and took a breath. "I'm starting to think you never did." You said calmly, it seemed to catch him off guard and he didn't retaliate. You grabbed your book and turned towards the door. Dick was standing there, completely still and staring at you and Damian.
"Woah." He said awkwardly. He clearly didn't know how to handle the situation he'd just stumbled on.
You pushed past him and into the hallway. Tears were building up in the corners of your eyes so you had to move fast, the last thing you needed right now was for them to see you cry. 
Damian watched you walk out before turning around and groaning. "I can't believe her," he muttered to himself. "I'm starting to think you never did. That doesn't even make sense."
"Because... you do care about her?" Dick asked. It probably wasn't the best choice of words.
Damian looked back at him with an almost offended expression. "That's ridiculous! I don't care about her, that was basically the whole point of our conversation."
"Was that a conversation? The part of that 'conversation' I saw seemed more like her yelling at you and then you... yelling back." He stated the obvious.
"That was completely her fault," Damian defended. He seemed angry but it wasn't his usual kind. Usually it was directed at someone or something and usually that thing would get acquainted with his katana but this time he was mad at himself and he couldn't understand why. "I don't care about her." He repeated quietly almost trying to remind himself more than anything.
You spent the rest of the day hiding in the guest room. You planned on staying there forever and letting yourself fade out of existence but the universe had other plans. 3 hours, 5 episodes of your favorite show, and a nest made of blankets later you got a call from Tim asking you to come to the cave.
He didn't tell you why he needed you, he just said to meet him in the lower level of the cave so when you got there you were very surprised to find him and Damian standing in the hallway. You groaned internally and considered turning around and just walking away but Tim spotted you before you could. Damian's back was to you so he didn't know who it was until he turned around and you saw his face fall.
'Nice to see you too asshole' You thought to yourself, walking over to stand near him but still keeping your distance. "What did you need?" You asked, wanting to get out of there as soon as humanly possible. You kept your eyes ahead trying not to look at Damian and you had the feeling he was doing the same.
The entire mood of the dimly lit hallway had shifted from the moment you locked eyes with him and the tension was noticeable. Tim looked between the two of you before clearing his throat and bringing the attention back to him. "I actually don't need anything."
"So then why did you call telling me to come down here?" Damian asked, clearly annoyed that Tim was wasting his time.
Tim smirked in response and opened the door before Jason, who was behind you apparently, pushed you both into the room before either of you could react. You landed on top of Damian with a grunt. Once you realized you were on top of him you felt your cheeks turn red and you stood up quickly. You could have sworn you saw the slightest bit of a blush on him but you were too preoccupied with the now locked door to think about too much.
"Ok love birds here's the deal, you're petty hormone fueled fighting is driving us crazy and now we're doing something about it." Jason told you from the other side of the small glass window. "We said you were gonna lock you in a room until you figured out how to get along and now we're following through." he smirked.
"I swear to god if you lock me in this room with him,"  you motioned towards Damian, "I will drop kick you into the sun."
"If you let us out now maybe I won't kill you," Damian threatened alongside you.
"Maybe if you’d learned to talk to each other like normal people you wouldn’t be here in the first place," Tim said. "We'll be back after patrol so you've got about," he looked at his watchless wrist "4ish hours. Have fun." And with that they both walked away.
"DON'T YOU DARE WALK AWA- and they're gone. Dammit." You cursed and hit the steel door which hurt a lot more than you thought it would. "Shit," You shook your hand.
"Well that was just stupid," Damian scoffed at you, taking your hand to examine it. He always did that sort of thing on patrol so you didn't pull away or even really register what he was doing.
"Oh i'm sorry, is my frustration not smart enough for you?" you sneered back. "What even is this place anyway," You looked around the small dark room, determined to not look him in the eyes.
"A containment cell for metas, we haven't used it for a while so the power blockers are probably turned off." he told you before releasing your hand. "You definitely bruised it but you'll be fine."
You reluctantly thanked him and turned back to the door to see if you could get it open somehow. "Ok so how do we get out?"
"We don't."
You flipped around, surprised to hear him give up without even trying. "You're kidding right? There's gotta be some way out of here. We're superheros, a few walls can't hold us,” you exclaimed. “Can't you use those ninja skills you're so proud of and like... kick it down, or something?" You watched him walk to the back of the small cell and sit down on the floor.
"No," he replied simply. "This room was built to hold the most dangerous people in Gotham and I don't know if you've noticed but we don't have any of our gear." He glared at you and you rolled your eyes.
"So we're just supposed to wait here until they get back? We can't just sit here all night," You tried to convince him to do... anything really.
"Well if you're so keen on getting out then let's hear your genius plan," He leaned forward with all the smugness of billionaires son, daring you to say something.  "That's what I thought. Now will you please be quiet, I can't even hear myself losing my will to live."
"Fine whatever we'll just stay here in complete silence," You muttered sarcastically under your breath. Damian remained quiet as you started pacing back and forth but you could tell he was watching you.
After pacing for about 30 minutes you realized how tired you were from training so hard the past couple of days and sat down in the corner. You spent so much time over the last week worrying about Damian that you hadn't let yourself relax long enough to get any real rest. The little sleep you did manage to get mostly turned to nightmares.
At first you didn't even realize you were asleep. It all looked real enough except for the fact that you'd somehow been transported to a rooftop. You scanned your surroundings but everything was just slightly out of focus so you couldn't tell exactly where you were. When you turned around you saw him. Damian was there, and behind him was a shadowy sort of silhouette.
The shadow raised a knife and you realized what was happening. You tried to warn him, you tried to scream or yell or move but it was no use. The knife plunged into Damians back and you were helpless to stop it. You felt the pain he felt, you felt the blade slice through you. Finally you could move again but it was too late. The shadow disappeared but you didn't care about it, all you wanted to do was get to Damian. You ran forward but it was like running through water, your body moved in slow motion and you watched the blood start to pool underneath him.
Suddenly you were falling. Damian was gone, the roof was gone, everything was gone, it was just you and a black abyss trying to swallow you up. You screamed again but no noise came out, it was like all the air was being sucked from your lungs. It was silent and dark and empty nothingness until you saw a faint light. Then you heard something, your name being repeated, someone calling you and then you were pulled out of the void.
You shot up and gasped for air and frantically looked around but your eyes hadn't adjusted to the light yet. You heard a familiar soothing voice pulled you farther out of your trance.
"Hey hey hey, it's ok i'm here." The voice was calm and concerned at the same time. "It's just me ok, you're safe," Rough hands gently turned your head and the first thing you saw clearly was a pair of worried green eyes. You're breathing slowed and you're heart nearly skipped a beat.
Wrapping your arms around his chest you pulled him closer. He hesitated for a moment before folding you into his embrace. It was soft and delicate and it seemed like he was scared of holding you too tightly. Neither of you said anything else, you just sat there on the floor of a meta containment cell in each other's arms.
Time stood still and you finally admitted the truth to yourself. The real reason you hated Damian was because you loved him.
A/n: might fuck around and make a part 3 with the classic “because i love you!” confession scene
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mirrorballparkers · 3 years
𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝; 𝐩.𝐩
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summary; you miss peter, peter misses you. some nights are colder, but you help each other make them a little warmer.
   words; 2.1k
  authors note; love u this is PERHAPS the cutest fic i have ever written :)
      peter’s eyes open, sweetly and slowly, the aura of the bright sun hitting the sheer curtains to the lovely sight of Germany in the evening. he stretches his hand out to the middle of the bed, gently grazing over the silk sheets, sighing in defeat as he realizes one thing, and one thing only; you weren’t dreaming next to him. its not that he didn’t want to fall asleep, the hotel bed was quite comfortable and it was a very cozy atmosphere, but you were his person. peter parker was touched starved of you. he was longing, dreaming to be with you, as you were, too. 
   he wanted to hold onto you close, very tender. and wrap his arms around your waist, kiss every petal-like freckle on your button nose and shoulders. tell you how much you means to him, with words and the kisses.
but, what peter really loved, more than you, more than anything -- hearing your angelic, warm, honey-filled voice and talk to you. he loved having conversations with you, you were the easiest person to talk to, conversations flowing like a river on a beautiful spring day; flowers and butterflies filling the enchanting aroma. you were his sweet song, his sweet person who always had something intriguing, sweet, or funny to say. always calmed him down, you were his sweet melody, his fairytale.
peter stretches his arm over to the nightstand, eyes still adjusting to the darkness that endured. he fiddled with the empty wooden stand, finally touching his severely cracked phone screen and grabbing ahold of it. his heart glows, eyes still adjusting to the bright light of his phone, but still he admires his lock screen: a black and white picture of the both of you. it was your favorite picture together, laying in your spot down by a little river area on a quilted blanket. every friday, you and peter would go to this area, you’d make lunch that consisted of peanut butter sandwiches (no crust, and heart shaped. thanks to peter being a hopeless romantic, of course.) strawberries, and peach tea. sometimes, you would bring your ukelele and sing for peter.
that was his favorite thing on fridays, you singing to him. you were shy when it came to singing in front of people, mostly singing alone or not at all, but peter made you feel safe when you did in front of him. you did it because peter was your safe thing; peter was your person, your heart.
he wasn’t sure if you were awake, but he could deal with the simple text saying: ‘really?’ if you were sleeping. he had to hear your voice, more than anything in the world. music would do the trick, unless it was your angelic sounds filling the air.
is it safe to say peter went to heaven the minute he heard your sweet voice on the other end? quite possibly, yes.
“hi, hi,” peter sighs willingly, sitting up, his back leaning against the bed frame, curls framing his heart shaped face ever so perfectly.
germany was 9 hours ahead of queens, so it was only 10ish where you were. lucky for peter, you were waiting ever so patiently for his call, looking out the window up at the stars, wishing peter was with you. these summer nights were cold without him. so cold.
“pete, hey.” you tried to contain your heart from leaping out of your chest, and the excitement in your voice. his voice was so nice to hear after a long day, it always was.
“i-i’m sorry, did i wake you? i can call you later-“
“it’s ten here, silly goose,” you giggle softly, leaning back onto your pillow, fiddling with the necklace peter gave you just before he went onto this mission. it had a ‘p’ on it, a heart in the middle. symbolizing that you, y/n, would always have peters heart. and he would always have yours.
he knew the time, it was peter; he had to keep up with the times so he wouldn’t wake you up ever. little did he know, you couldn’t sleep either.
“just checking.” peter shuts his eyes, flowers surrounding, along with you. he never wanted to open them. because, if he did, you wouldn’t be there.
you proceed to fiddle with your necklace, “how’s germany? forgotten about me yet?” you say, teasing him. you hear his warm giggle on the other end, something you loved more than anything.
“y-you’re all i can think about, actually,” peter stutters, he says it in a very soft tone, but also wanting you to hear it; because it’s true, you’re all he could ever think about, and dream about.
“oh, haha,” you twirl the ends of your hair, looking at that same star in the sky, one that stood out the most. that was peter. he was your star. “are you not able to sleep?”
“i never can without you, haha.” peter runs his hands through his chestnut locks, the only way to ease the pang in his chest from missing your warm skin against his; he wanted you to be the one to run your hands through his curls, telling him how much you love them. poking his little freckles, saying how they reminded you of little flowers, blooming. the infinitesimal amounts of baby flowers on his nose and cheeks, also on his arms.
“me either,” you sigh, head turing to your left, eyes landing on the picture set on your nightstand. it was a silly photo booth picture of the two of you, but it was who you were. you and peter, best friends; soulmates.
“i just...”
peter lays back down on his cloud-like pillow, chin rested in his hand, voice muffled.
“i just want you beside me. i want you.” his voice breaks, his senses made it even harder, because he could almost feel you near him. he could feel you without even having to be right beside you. but it wasn’t enough.
“i know, petey,” you agreed. “but hey, you’re only going to be gone for one more day and we can have another sleepover.”
peter cracks a smile, and you could sense that. and that made you smile. “can’t wait, cutie.”
“me either.”
silence. one of you asking if the other was there, one murmuring that they love you more than anything. that was mostly peter, he had to say it at least 100 times a day. sometimes 101 was the lucky number for him.
then, there was silence for a while. but you both knew you were still awake. peter could hear your heartbeat; that sweet symphony of a heartbeat. yours. his.
“are you holding onto the locket i gave you for our three months?” peter asks, hopefully.
you blush, it’s like he knew, “maybe..”
“aw,” he giggles, “that’s sweet. i’m glad you still wear that.”
"always will."
it kept you safe when peter wasn’t there. so, of course you still wore it. one more inch of silence, peter could very well hear your heartbeat. it was his favorite song.
it was quiet, not too quiet, nor was it uncomfortably quiet — it was the kind that made you feel at peace.
after a moment, peter presses his lips together, soft but hopeful he whispers, "it's friday, will you sing for me?"
"my voice is so raspy, i'll sound horrible." you giggle, rubbing your eyes as you switch to another side. peter scrunches his nose, if he was there he'd simply cup your face and tell you that you were the most perfect person in the world and had the best singing voice.
"i think either way, it'll calm me down." peter admits, closing his eyes, feeling you near. it was close enough.
you smile, eyes feeling heavy and warm as you also close your eyes, imagining peter was holding your hand to ensure you that he was right there to protect you. and he was.
you and peter had multiple songs for each other, there were goofy songs, there were romantic songs, and there were the songs that just made you feel like you were right there with each other despite being far away. the minute you started to softly sing the melody of one of his favorite songs, he felt safer, he felt like everything was going to be okay and that he was right there.
he wasn't sure how you always knew how to make him feel okay, how to talk him down when he needs it the most. nobody else could do it. not even his aunt or his uncle when he was alive. peter figured that's just what someone does when they find the one for them and love them so much, they will go all the way to the moon and back for them, and that's what you both did for each other. it's almost like you were his sun, and he was your moon. you always had each other.
the next morning. it was a little colder than usual, as your eyes flutter open slowly. you cover yourself more in the blanket peter bought your for your 1 month anniversary, a spider man blanket, as you notice there was a sound coming from your phone. peter snoring. you giggle to yourself as you feel yourself loving him more that very moment. shamelessly, you kiss his contact photo on your phone and try to go back to sleep.
"night, prince charming."
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sanhaswife · 3 years
⚝ ᴏᴜʀ ᴇʟᴇᴄᴛʀɪᴄ, ᴅʏɪɴɢ ʟᴏᴠᴇ
⚝ ᴅᴇɴᴋɪ ᴋᴀᴍɪɴᴀʀɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
- ғʟᴜғғ + ᴀɴɢsᴛ
~ It all started when an old classmate comes back to town. In a flash, your world comes crumbling down, when you noticed that something had changed. More specifically, that a certain someone changed. He stopped holding your hand, stopped giving you kisses before heading out...stopped saying those 3 words you were so desperate to hear. All for what? What went so wrong when everything was going so right?
WC: 7.7k
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It was the middle of the first semester when you transferred to UA. Your family had just moved from the next town over, due to work. At first, it was hard to find the courage to speak up and find some friends. Everyone just looked so...intimidating, especially the students in class 1-A. You got the chills whenever they walked by; it was scary to think that there was such a huge gap in abilities despite being the same age. Your quirk couldn’t even compare; the most you could do was emit little orbs of light from your hands. It was helpful in the dark, but you never bothered to really enhance it due to the embarrassment of having such a useless quirk. Honestly, it was a miracle that you were accepted by the school; maybe luck was on your side for once.
One day, class was finally over, and as you prepared to go home, it suddenly started to downpour. You didn’t have an umbrella on hand, so you headed to the lost and found located at the entrance of the school to find a spare. “None...just as I thought.” Grumbling, you sat down at the steps of the school’s doors to watch the rainfall. You couldn’t call your parents because they were busy with work, and you couldn’t ask a friend for an umbrella because, well...you were too much of a coward to even walk up to anyone. Sighing, you decided to wait for the rain to stop at the steps. Other students passed by laughing along with their friends, some sharing an umbrella while they walked home. 
Must be nice...you thought. Moving to a new school was always tricky, especially in the middle of a semester. Everyone already moved passed from the introductions and formed their own little groups amongst themselves. There was no space for an outsider like you. The thought of spending the rest of the semester alone made you hug your knees, and with one last sigh, you laid your forehead against your arms. 
Just as more and more depressing thoughts were burning into your mind, someone tapped on your shoulder. Freezing, you slowly looked up, your eyes meeting soft gold ones. “Hey! Are you okay?” His voice, you swore- was as sweet as honey, and his smile was oh so charming. You recognized him as Denki Kaminari...one of the boys from the class next door. “Lightni-” You suddenly coughed, stopping yourself from blurting out the stupid nickname your classmates had for him. Lightning Bolt...Am I stupid? How could I just say that when-
“Woah, that was some cough. Are you okay?” He asked again. You nodded; you didn’t want to embarrass yourself any further, so you stood up, wiping the back of your skirt free from dirt before facing him. “O-oh yeah! I’m just...waiting.” You didn’t continue since you were now facing one of the cutest boys you had ever seen in your life. He cocked his head to the side with a small laugh. “Waiting...for what?” The hot feeling of embarrassment rose up to your cheeks. Trying again, you stuttered while looking down at your shoes. “For the rain to s-stop. I don’t have an umbrella, and there’s no more in the lost and found box.”
God, if you’re really out there, just kill me now. You were mentally beating yourself over the fact that you couldn’t properly speak to a single boy. Thinking about how dumb you must’ve looked standing there, you suddenly felt gentle fingers pushing away your hair to reveal your face. You were once again faced with Denki’s bright smile. “Is this hide and seek? Why are you hiding from me?” You couldn’t help but giggle; he was too cute. Standing up straight, you pushed back your hair and properly faced him. “I’m Y/N, I’m new.” Finally, with a little bit of courage, you were able to properly face someone and stuck out your hand. With a chuckle, Denki took your hand and shook it gently. “Haha, it’s like we’re businessmen or something. I’m Denki! Denki Kaminari!” His laugh was contagious, and soon you both were laughing, standing like a pair of fools at the school’s entrance. Still holding your hand, he lifted up his other one showing off an umbrella. “Shall I walk you home?”
You blinked in surprise. This was your first meeting with Denki yet...he was there holding your hand and offering to walk you home. It was weird, but it felt good. Really good to have such a cute and goofy guy showing you so much attention. 
The rest of the day consisted of you and Denki getting to know each other still holding hands. Eventually, you both were so comfortable talking with each other it started to feel like you’ve been friends for years. By the time he dropped you off at your door, you both had exchanged numbers and promised to walk to school together in the morning. Surprisingly enough, turns out you were neighbors. The next day, you opened the front door to find Denki waiting for you. 
On the way to school, you shared with him that it was difficult to speak up and make friends, so he decided to help you out by introducing you to some of the girls in his class before the bell rang. For once, you felt like you fit in; finally, you were able to make some friends, and they were actually interested in getting to know you. Even though you may be in a different class, some of the girls like Momo, Mina, and Uraraka offered to show you around town after school. It felt good and seeing Denki eager to introduce you to the rest of his class made you happier. Afterschool was a dream come true too. The girls of 1-A invited you to hang out with them and some of the boys, including Denki. Everyone decided to go watch a comedy movie after showing you around and you ended up sitting next to Denki. 
Throughout the movie, he silently passed you little handfuls of candy and popcorn, even going as far as to offer you sips of his soda. Technically, it had only been a day since you started talking. Still, all of the attention he kept giving you was indescribable, and you weren’t able to get rid of the big smile on your face. It didn’t help that after the movie, when everyone started going their separate ways, Denki once again offered to walk you home. “You know you don’t have to ask, right? We’re neighbors; we have to walk together anyways.” He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck while looking down at his shoes. “I just like asking, that’s all.” His response only made you smile like a kid.
When you reached your front door, you were about to say goodbye when Denki grabbed your hand with an anxious expression on his face. “Y/N?” You squeezed his hand in reassurance and cocked your head to the side. “Yes, Denki?” His cheeks started to glow a soft pink when he looked up at you. “Today was really fun, and yesterday was really amazing. I think...I t-think I like you.” He shook his head fast, “No! No, no, no, I like you! You’re so cool and funny, and like...really pretty. I'm sorry I never really talked to you before any of this, but in a not-so-creepy kind of way, I've seen you around. Or more like, I've been watching you? Call it love at first sight, but-” Denki was rambling, and your heart was pounding in your ears. You stood there with a big smile and looked down at your linked hands. “And?” His free hand reached out, and he gently tilted your chin up with his finger to meet his eyes. “And...do you want to go out with me?”
It’s been six years since then. Of course, you said yes and started dating; he broke the news to everyone the next day, and life had been great. You’ve both graduated and were now engaged, sharing a small apartment together. Your relationship with Denki was like a dream. Every day was fun, and his childish, goofy personality made everything as bright as his smile. Thanks to him, you were able to get out of your shell, surpass your insecurities, and were doing relatively pretty well. While you did work at home, your business career was at its peak and your overall health mentally and physically was great.
At the moment, you were both getting ready to go out. The class of 1-A decided to hold a small reunion at a restaurant downtown. As Denki’s fiance, he insisted you come with him. He was bubbling with excitement to tell everyone about all of your marriage plans, like which dress would be prettier or which venue would be the best for the wedding. It had only been about two months since you’ve officially been engaged, but you had asked Denki to wait before telling anyone, to wait for the right moment to announce it to everyone. After graduation, you still stayed in contact with some of the girls from school like Momo and Mina since they decided to stay in the same town, but you found it hard to contact people who had moved away.
“Are you ready?” Denki’s arms wrapped themselves around your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder. You were standing in front of the full-length mirror in the room, not noticing that you stopped finishing up your makeup. Smiling, you quickly applied some last-minute touches and reached behind you to pat Denki’s head. “Okay, let’s go, or else we’re going to be late.”
Finally, at the restaurant, you were both led to a private section in the back. Opening the doors, you were faced with everyone from class 1-A, everyone but one person. You and Denki sat in the back next to each other with an empty space on his left at the end of the table, plates of food warm and ready to be eaten. Next to you was Mina, and in front of you sat Momo, Uraraka, and Tsuyu. The room was filled with laughter, loud bickering from the boys, and multiple different conversations being held at once. You were having a conversation with Mina when Denki tapped your shoulder. “Hey, isn’t someone missin-”
“Jirou’s here!” Cheering erupted from the table as Jirou stepped in. She looked flawless, she let her hair grow out, and her outfit looked like something of a biker’s which her spikey leather jacket decorated with cute pins, a white crop top, and black ripped jeans with a pair of black boots. Everyone welcomed Jirou and complimented her appearance before ushering her to take a seat next to Denki. At first, you were envious of Jirou; she looked so...grown and pretty. Like incredibly pretty, in a badass biker chick kind of way. And you were about to compliment her when Denki suddenly covered you, hovering over the tale to tangle his fingers between Jirou’s long silky hair. “You grew it out? It’s so pretty J, you look really pretty with your hair like this.” You admit it, Denki was a bit too touchy when it came to his friends, but you never had a problem with it before, so why were you feeling jealous? Jealous of a classmate? 
Sure, you and Denki ended up never being in the same class throughout high school, and while you knew the other girls saw him most of the day, you were never jealous. Even when he was touchy with Mina or Momo or Uraraka, you were never envious. So why were you now? You sat there awkwardly as you watched the two engage in a conversation. Whenever she laughed loudly, you couldn’t help but peek over to see them. It was like a gross bubbly tar was flowing its way up to your spine and washed over you. But as it was going to reach its peak, ready to burst, the feeling died down when you remembered Denki’s plan to announce your engagement. With a smile, you patted your boyfriend’s shoulder to get his attention, but he didn’t turn your way. Being too engaged in his conversation with Jirou, he didn’t notice your touch, so you tapped his shoulder again a couple of times. “Yeah, I know! It’s so cool-” He jerked his head quickly at you, “What’s up? I’m in the middle of a-” He whipped his head back to Jirou to continue their conversation before going back to you with a chuckle. “Yeah?”
With a frown, you looked over his shoulder at Jirou, smiling before looking at Denki; you pointed to the engagement ring on your finger, not saying anything. He blinked a few times before leaning over to kiss your nose. “Just a few more minutes, okay?” He turned his attention back to Jirou, leaving you dumbfounded. The one thing he was so excited to share with everyone is now pointless to him. With a sad sigh, you turned to your side to face Mina, who grabbed your hand with a wide smile. “Aww, why the long face Y/N?” She pinched your cheek, which made you smile a bit, but you cocked your head for her to look behind you. Looking over, she saw Denki and Jirou laughing amongst themselves in their own little world before looking back at you with a sad smile. “You know they were like besties back in high school.” 
“I know, Mina trust me, I know. I just..maybe I’m just a little jealous.” You felt ashamed saying it out loud, but Mina shook her head. “I know, girl, I bet you are. After all, those two were like inseparable; I mean, you already know about all the rumors that were going around about them.” You felt your heart grow heavy when you remembered; when you and Denki started dating, you confided in the girls about your relationship, happy to share the news with them. They were ecstatic for you, and as good friends, told you some things about Denki so you could get to know him better. At some point, one of them accidentally brought up the rumors of Jirou and her relationship with Denki. While it did cause some awkward tension between the two of you, it didn’t last long as she was an incredible person to talk to. She always shared cool stories about her life and gave the best advice when it came down to serious issues. 
Two hours had passed, and Denki was still stuck talking with Jirou. At that point, you had grown quiet and tired of waiting, so you decided to take it upon yourself to break the news to everyone. Standing up, you clapped your hands together to get everyone’s attention. “Everyone! I have important news to share with you all.” With a big smile on your face, you looked around at everyone’s faces but ignored Jirou. You reached down and grabbed Denki’s arm, tugging him to stand. Raising your hand, you pointed to the engagement ring on your finger and linked your arms with Denki while happily shouting, “We’re engaged!” There was a short pause amongst everyone before they all erupted in cheers. Everyone was standing now, and the girls crowding you to admire the ring while the boys congratulated a surprised Denki. Of course, one person in the crowd was just as surprised as Denki. 
After the reunion, everyone was outside hugging each other and saying their goodbyes. You were hugging Momo and Tsuyu goodbye when you pulled away to look around for Denki. “Well, I hope you guys get home safe; I’m going to find Denki and get going too.” With a smile, the girls went off home, leaving you to find your fiance, and you did. He was at the restaurant's entrance with Jirou; she had her back against the wall with Denki next to her, leaning over her shoulder as the two laughed at something on her phone. Walking up to them, you forced a smile on your face and rubbed your arms. “Hey, honey, everyone’s gone off home. It’s time for us to go too. Also, can you pass me your jacket? It’s kinda cold out.” Denki slowly looked up at you and then looked behind you. “Damn, I forgot to say bye to everyone! If I text them, it should be fine, right?” You were about to answer him back when Jirou interrupted you. “Hah! Like Bakugo or Todoroki would answer you back.” 
You sighed, annoyed, and tried again with Denki about the jacket. “Denki? Can I have your jacket?” He pulled away from Jirou and stood there rubbing the back of his neck with an awkward expression on his face. “Oh...sorry, I let Jirou borrow my jacket because hers was too thin and it’s cold.” Blinking, you turned to Jirou and saw the oversized jacket she now wore; she quickly started to take it off when you stopped her. “Keep it. Denki, let’s go home.” The feeling of anger burned throughout your body as you grabbed Denki’s wrist and pulled him away, dragging him straight to the car before hurrying into the passenger seat. He quietly sat down in the driver’s seat and turned the car on before deciding to speak up. “Are you...mad at me for something?” You loved Denki; you honestly did. But sometimes, he really was an airhead when it came to things other than math. “Can we just go home? Please?” The whole ride home was silent, and you spent it looking out the window.
At home, you were still angry, so without a word, you immediately went to the bedroom and gathered your things to take a shower. Denki walked in behind you and quietly sat down on the foot of the bed, watching you. "Y/N." He called, but you ignored him, grabbing your pajamas from the dresser. "Y/N." He called again, this time with a long sigh; you turned your body to face him and cocked a brow. "What?" 
"Geez baby, if looks could kill- what's wrong? Is it because of the jacket?" Denki's words made your blood boil, you were ignored and were forced to make the announcement on your own, and he still couldn't figure out what was wrong? "Are you too much of an airhead to realize what you did to me back there?" Your words made Denki flinch in shock; he stood up with his arms crossed. "What? Honey, are you..." All of a sudden, he starts smirking. "Jealous?"
Your cheeks felt warm, and you looked away, quickly gathering your things up in your arms before making your way to the bathroom, only to get stopped by Denki blocking your way. He was so close you could feel the heat radiating off of his large body. Towering over you, he slowly cupped your cheek and used his other to bring you closer to him, wrapping it around your waist. Bodies now touching, he raised your face up, which only made you frown. "I'm not jealous. Denki, you totally forgot about the announcement, and you ignored me." Your own words made you cringe when you said it out loud, but your boyfriend smiled at them. Leaning down, he pecked your nose and grabbed your wrist. Leading you to the bathroom, he closed the door behind you two and stripped off his shirt. "What are you doing, Denki?"
"Saving water!"
After a long and rather talkative shower with Denki, you both got ready for bed and slipped in. You both cuddled together after the long draining conversation, and for an apology, he did his best to make it up to you passionately by smothering you in kisses and hugs. Resting your head on Denki's clothed chest, he wrapped his arm around you and used his free hand to turn off the lights. Giving him one last hug, you fell asleep in Denki's arm that night. 
Despite making up that day, your relationship with Denki was slowly becoming more and more awkward. Some days, he didn't bother saying goodbye before leaving or bothered to wait for you so you could at least have breakfast together. It was weird; the apartment you shared slowly started to feel empty. So far, while you two were able to talk normally, it seemed like he was avoiding any kind of skinship with you. Always moving away too fast, telling you "not right now," or just completely walking away, he stopped doing a lot of things you now missed dearly. 
Not only was he avoiding your touch, but he was also avoiding the apartment. Along with avoiding you at home, he was barely there Denki started more of his time outside of the apartment because of "plans." A gross, ugly feeling was rooted in your stomach whenever you worried about what he was doing, where he was, or who he was with. 
One night, you finally decided to take the opportunity of Denki being in the shower after a long day to snoop around. You were in the middle of cooking when you heard the shower start; after waiting for a few minutes, you stopped what you were doing and entered the bedroom. Denki was in the bathroom, and he had left his phone on the bed along with his coat. Searching his jacket first, you explored the pockets for anything and found some receipts from restaurants and bakeries that were popular in town. With a frown, you shoved the receipts back into his pockets and moved onto his phone. Luckily, Denki was too lazy to bother with a password. Hence, you were able to easily access his text messages and call log. Checking his call log first, your heart dropped when Jirou's name showed. Scrolling down, you saw that for the past few days since the day of the restaurant incident, they had been calling each other back and forth multiple times every single day. You rushed to the text messages, filled with rage, concern, and jealousy; you searched his messages with Jirou.
You: That was fun! We should go back to try their new cake and maybe try that new coffee special they have?
J: That special is for couples, though, but I like your thinking.
You: Exactly! For couples! 
J: Have you talked to her? Does she suspect anything?
You: Wdym? No, everything is fine over here, and she hasn't said anything. I mean, I'm avoiding her for a reason, you know?
J: Haha, I guess you're right. If she ever finds out, she's going to be so surprised ;)
You: Right! So let's continue the secret, and I'll meet you after she falls asleep.
J: Okay! See you at my place then. 
A million thoughts were racing around in your head as you slowly put the phone back where it was and headed back to the kitchen. You felt numb, sick to your stomach. The text messages were flashing in your head, unable to get away from it. You stood in the middle of the kitchen, looking down at the stove with tears in your eyes. You didn't want to think anything of the text messages, but it clearly suggested something you didn't want to come to terms with. 
Was Denki cheating on you with Jirou?
You knew about their history thanks to the girls. Before you transferred, Denki and Jirou were closer than best friends, he had asked her out only to be rejected. They stopped talking for a while, but when he met you and helped introduce you to everyone, it allowed them to start talking again. He always reassured you around that time that he was entirely over Jirou and that they agreed to stay friends, but what if...Jirou's feelings had changed? What if Denki's feelings have changed?
Jirou moved away after graduation and grew out her hair, and started a cool band. When she got to the reunion, Denki was all over her like a puppy; the thought of it made tears fall down your cheeks. Maybe he fell back in love with her? Perhaps she had grown too mature and pretty that he wanted to be with her instead now? 
Maybe that's why there are so many receipts, you thought while wiping your tears away. Sighing, you continued cooking, and it was not too long after when Denki got out of the bathroom and walked into the kitchen with a loose shirt and random shorts. He leaned over your shoulder with a hum and walked away to the fridge. "At work, they gave me a last-minute assignment to finish up, so I think after this, I'm going to head out."
"Head out? You just finished your shower," You complained as you turned off the stove. He looked at you with a shrug and grabbed a plate from the cabinet, "Work is work honey, I'm just going to eat real quick and head out, okay?" His tone seemed cold as he moved around you and filled his plate with food before going to eat at the table. You lost your appetite just watching him. Everything was fine before Jirou showed up; everything was perfect before she showed up. 
Why? Why? Why? Why?
Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, you walked around the kitchen counter towards Denki, who was finishing up eating, and reached to lay a hand on his arm. "Denki, I think-" but before you could touch him, he snapped his arm back and gave you the weirdest look. "What? What are you doing?"
Your heart shattered seeing your fiance's face; now even your touch was disgusting to him? You opened your mouth to speak, but Denki stood from his seat to place his plate in the sink. He said nothing as he left the kitchen, going into the bedroom; you could hear the rustle of clothes and then watched as he gave you a little wave before heading out. The sound of the front door closing behind him was enough to have you collapse where you once stood. Your chest felt tight like someone was squeezing your heart. Grief was all you felt in that moment, but soon that grief turned into anger. 
You were still engaged to Denki; you both still had a wedding to plan, a wedding that was only a few months away. A wedding that Jirou was trying to ruin. You couldn't help but blame Jirou the most in this situation; everything changed when she came back, so she was clearly the root of the problem. Wiping away the tears that had fallen down your cheeks, you slowly got up and dusted yourself off; heading to the bedroom, you looked around. Denki's clothes were thrown onto the floor and bed. Clearly, he had been in a rush to leave tonight. Quietly, you cleaned everything up and took a long hot shower to clear your mind. Obviously, it was not like you could've just followed Denki in hopes of catching him with Jirou. Still, despite rational thinking, you couldn't help but let the loneliness eat away at you. 
That night, despite the heavy quilt that laid on top of you, everything felt cold. Numb is what you felt as you laid there staring at the ceiling. Old memories of fun and happy dates and moments between you and Denki flashed in your mind, but each one made you even more depressed than you already were. You don't know how much time had passed laying there when you heard the front door unlock. Rolling to your side in a flash, you quickly reached out for your phone, looking at the time it read 3:47. Frowning, you put your phone quietly back where it was on the nightstand and curled up, pretending you were asleep while Denki was on the other side of the bedroom door.
After a while, the door opened, and you could hear Denki quietly walking around the room. You could hear him changing into pajamas before the quilt on top of you was slowly lifted. Denki slipped into bed, but his back faced yours, and he stayed far from you; despite being in the same bed, you couldn't feel the heat of his body at all. It was sad to think that he used to fall asleep every night in your arms or you in his.
The situation with Denki worsened as the months went on. However, at least he was still active in the wedding planning, to your surprise. He was still out and about, most likely with Jirou, and still avoided you at all costs. But despite all the "evidence" you found, you couldn't help but keep quiet, for the most part at least. Nowadays, you and Denki fought over the littlest things. Once, you even brought up whether or not he still had feelings for a certain someone, which only led him to disappear for a few days before you begged him to come back. Still, even then, his attitude and wariness of you didn't change. 
Now the wedding was officially two weeks away. Honestly, you often found yourself wondering why you still bothered to go through with everything. Planning every detail in regards to the wedding, handling everything with your dress, and more. Maybe a tiny part of you was hoping that Denki was just nervous about it all, the wedding, the commitment. Perhaps the wedding is something Denki needs to help him realize that you were still by his side, still waiting for him. While it did sound like a silly little fantasy in your head, you were still there, picking out flower arrangements with Denki and discussing the seating chart.
"I want Bakugo and Kirishima at table #1, oh and Sero too. Who else should we put there?" Denki asked while looking down at the huge seating chart laying in front of you two on the table. Despite his monotone voice, you tried your best to seem happy. Humming, you moved tiny slips of paper with people's names on it to table 1. "I want Mina, Momo, and...Uraraka." Looking down at the table, you saw that there was still one more seat left; lifting the slip of paper with Deku's name on it, you were about to move it when Denki beat you to it. "I want Jirou at table 1." 
You froze on the spot; just seeing and hearing her name was enough to make your skin crawl. "I think we can both agree that Deku should be sitting there instead-"
"I said I want Jirou in that seat Y/N. I think she should be at table 1." You didn't bother looking at Denki's face to know he was mad that you dared to object. Not like he would care about what I had to say anyway, you thought. Gulping, you slowly set down the piece of paper in your hands and turned your head towards Denki, "Honey, please, if you could just listen to me-"
He threw his hands up in annoyance and scoffed. Shaking his head, he crossed his arms and gave you a blank look. "What's with all this hatred towards her? I thought you guys were good friends!" His words were making you feel guilty; maybe you were taking it a little bit too far? Over these past months, you knew every conversation with Jirou's name mentioned resulted in Denki trying to guilt-trip you. Still, you couldn't help but doubt yourself. Were you just simply jealous, and nothing was going on? You still had your suspicions, but you started to feel unsure more and more lately. 
"Nevermind, Denki, let's just finish this up. This is the last time we're changing it, right?" You were too tired to argue with him any further. Just wanting it to be over you let Denki finish up the planning before sending it in for the planners to take charge. After that, the apartment you two shared stayed quiet; the only thing making noise was Denki's laughter from the bedroom and the TV playing in front of you. You stayed in the living room curled up in your favorite blanket, cringing every time you heard Denki laugh on the phone with her.
Your nerves were getting the best of you as you stood at the entrance of the fancy dining hall you planned to use for the wedding. It was time for the rehearsal dinner, and your hands were shaking. Two weeks flew by like nothing, and now it was time for the practice test of the biggest moment of your life. You were standing, waiting for your cue to go up to the main table set up in the front. Looking around at the family and friends that filled the tables around the dining hall, you couldn't help but watch their faces light up in joy. 
It was nerve-wracking, knowing that people were having high expectations of your's and Denki's wedding. Speaking of Denki, Where is he? you thought to yourself. Nervously grabbing your phone from your pocket, you called Denki for the nineteenth time, leading straight to voicemail. Earlier in the afternoon, you both arrived together at the wedding venue and went your own ways to greet friends and family but heard no word from him for the past two hours. Kirishima and Sero helped you look around the venue and call Denki, but with no luck, he had just vanished. Your stomach dropped when Sero came up next to you with a long sigh. "Y/N, I don't know where he is. I don't know what's wrong with him, and Jirou isn't here either." 
His words had tears gathering in your eyes. Noticing, he handed you a napkin and intertwined your arms. "Sorry.." Shaking your head, you calmed yourself down and dabbed at your eyes before following Sero's lead to the main table. In the middle were two empty seats with seats of your parents and Denki's parents on both sides of them. "Where's the groom?" The planner asked with a confused expression. Unable to speak due to your nervousness, you were only able to shake your head before rubbing your shakey hands together. "I don't know. I really don't know."
Sero cut in with a worried tone, "We couldn't find him anywhere. Did you just want me to be a stand-in for the rehearsal?" The planner nodded in a panic, and with Sero as the stand-in for Denki, afterward, the rehearsal dinner continued on time as planned, many friends and family came up to you in worry. Many asked about the missing groom and what had happened, but again you were unable to answer. Depending on your friends to take over the situation, you quietly asked one of them to take you home. 
The second you arrived at your front door, ready to unlock it, you couldn't help but pause. Denki skipped on his own rehearsal dinner, the rehearsal dinner for his own wedding. The fact was burning in your mind that he skipped and that someone else was probably skipping with him. It made your heart sink just by opening the door. Tears already flowing down your cheeks, you entered your home and locked the door behind you; turning back around, you started making your way to the bedroom when you stopped dead in your tracks. 
On the living room, the sofa laid a sleeping Jirou who was covered with your favorite blanket. It was like your world was spinning, and all you could hear was a faint ringing in your ears. You don't know how long you were standing there when a figure suddenly came up in front of you, blocking your view. Denki...
You could say that all the anger, sadness, and loneliness building up inside of you finally burst because, in one second, you were frozen in place. In the next, you were grabbing whatever you could to throw at Denki. "You bastard! You! You! You! It was our rehearsal dinner! And you skipped?" You were blinded by your tears as you grabbed the small vase on your left and tossed it as hard as you could. 
"What are you doing?!" You heard Denki yell at you to stop, but you couldn't; your body wouldn't listen to you. You just kept grabbing whatever you could get your hands on and tossed it as hard as you could. Glass shattered all around you, some in the entrance, in the kitchen, and the living room. At some point, you heard Jirou yelling at you to stop too, but it only fueled your rage. "You! You're the reason he doesn't love me anymore! You couldn't stay away? Tomorrow was supposed to be my day! My special day, and you're ruining it. You've ruined everything!" Finally, your knees gave out, and you collapsed to the floor with your face in your hands. Uncontrollable sobs ripped through your body as muffled voices surround you. "Why? Why Jirou, why? What did I do?"
Your body shook like crazy, and your hands didn't move from your face. Your emotions were just running wild at this point, all the built-up anger and sadness running free. "What did I do when you were the one who rejected him? Why did you steal him?"
The last thing you remember from that moment before passing out was panicked shouting and hands struggling to lift you up. 
"Y/N? Are you awake?" Groggily, you opened your eyes to see your friends surrounding you. Momo, Tsuyu, Mina, Uraraka, Sero, and Deku stood on every side of you, happy that you finally opened your eyes. "Thought you were a goner there! Welcome back, kiddo." Mina had a goofy smile on her face and was about to crack some jokes before Sero nudged her arm with his elbow. "They're not here; if you're wondering, Denki is with the other guys preparing." 
“What are you guys all doing here?” you asked and with the help of Momo and Deku, you sat up in your bed and quietly looked around. Everyone was watching you like you were about to collapse at any second. Memories of what had taken place last night rushed back, causing you to burst out crying. "Preparing for what? He doesn't love me! He loves her, and I know it, I'm not getting married today." The girls rushed to your side, comforting you the best they could while the boys quietly stood back. 
After you were able to calm down, Sero explained that Denki had called them over to take care of you. While Jirou went with Denki to another location, it was as if Denki was scared. Scared of what exactly? Nobody knows, only that Sero heard from Denki himself that he couldn’t be in the same house as you at the moment.  All you knew was that you no longer wanted to put on the dress you dreamed so long about, no longer wanted to say your vows to the one person you once trusted. But, with a lot of convincing and the help of your friends, you found yourself getting your hair and makeup done, your dress hanging in the closet, ready to be worn. 
You felt like a doll sitting in the chair in front of the vanity; who were you getting so pretty for? There was bound to be no groom at that wedding, so what was the point of going through with it? Still, your friends did bring up enough good points to convince a small part of you to show up. To see if he would even show up. 
Finally, it was time for the wedding. Taking place in a beautiful, white church, you found yourself standing in front of closed doors with your father on your left and Sero on your right. Despite being Denki's best friend, Sero was at your beck and call, helping you whenever you needed, and you were extremely grateful. "They're going to open those doors any minute now, Y/N; I just want you to know that you need to do whatever you feel is best for you, okay? Do not force yourself." His stern tone had you nodding, which made him smile. "Good luck out there." With one last hug from Sero, he went on his way to join the rest of the people waiting inside. 
You looked at your dad and then back at the church doors with shaky hands. Would Denki be waiting? Would he even be there? You didn't have enough time to wonder any longer due to the doors slowly opening. Getting in position, you watched as the church doors opened, revealing the aisle and everyone seated in the rows with happy faces. Gulping, your father began to walk you down the aisle. Thank god the veil was over your face; you looked at everyone who was whispering little congratulations and eventually stopped alongside your dad. Looking up, your heart swelled.
Denki was dressed in a classical tuxedo, his hair pushed back, a nervous expression on his face. In awe, you didn't notice your dad quietly handing your hand to Denki, which he nervously took. Taking your place on the stage with your hand in Denki's, you couldn't help but stare at him. Despite all the pain you've endured the past few months, he was still the same boy you fell in love with in high school. 
The pastor began his sayings, and you tried your best to focus on his words and not the heat radiating from Denki's hand. Finally, the moment that you've waited for came. The pastor looked at both you and Denki before looking at the crowd. "Now, before we continue, if anyone has any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace." At that moment, you dropped Denki's hand and held up yours. Audible gasps rang out throughout the crowd, and worried whispers began.  
Denki shared a shocked expression with the pastor, but that didn't stop you from nervously opening your mouth to speak. "For the past f-few months, I've endured so much pain from you, your secrecy, your lies. I want you to confess right here and right now that the reason you don't touch me, love me, or talk to me is because you're still in love with Jirou."
More gasps rose from the crowd; Jirou stood up in a panic making many heads snap her way while Denki's heart dropped. "What?" You felt lightheaded looking up at Denki and seeing his pained expression; for the first time in months, you were able to see something other than hatred in his face. "Y/N...is that what you've been thinking this whole time? That I'm in love with Jirou?"
Jirou struggled out of the row she sat in and rushed up to the end of the stage in a panic, "Y/N, you got it all wrong!" Tears welled up in your eyes, and you shook your head and threw your hands up in frustration at their shouting. "You! Both of you! Playing me like a fool! Explain it then! Why have you been avoiding me? Like some plague in our own home, why don't you talk to me anymore? Why don’t you love me anymore?"
Your body began to shake again as you watched Denki step forward in an attempt to grab you. But you stepped back away from his touch. "You got it all wrong please let me explain!" Your vision was blurry, your heart bleeding, and your head cloudy; you didn't want an explanation. You just wanted him to confess, and he wouldn't. So you didn't bother. You whispered a small sorry and gathered the front of your dress before going down the steps of the stage and heading down the aisle. Many people rose from their seats, and everyone was talking at once. Denki was at your side in a flash; he grabbed your arm and turned you to face him where you struggled against his grasp. 
"Listen to me! I avoided you because ever since high school, I knew you were the one! The one I wanted to be with forever Y/N, Jirou, has been helping me plan our honeymoon, and I've been taking extra jobs to pay off the house I bought for us. The one I bought for our future! Our kids! Y/N!" Denki's voice cracked tears of his own in his eyes. You couldn't believe your ears...you were wrong?
You continued to struggle, not being able to come to terms that he was possibly telling the truth. "No! I saw the messages; I saw her yesterday! You love her!" How embarrassing of a sight it must be for the guests to watch a bride fight against her groom. 
Denki shook his head again and forced your body against his in a tight hug. "No! Y/N, please listen to me. Jirou was helping me plan this whole surprise for you. I've been saving up money since high school and have been working so many jobs just for you baby, please believe me. I didn't want to avoid you and act cold, but I had no choice! This was something I wanted you to never find out until the right moment; I never intended for it to go this way." Through his chest, you could hear Denki struggling to breathe as he held you tight in his arms, but it wasn't enough. 
"I'm a dumbass Y/N. I didn't realize I was hurting you and was too obsessed with the idea of this big surprise and not spoiling it that I neglected you, and I'm sorry!" 
His words were enough to give you strength to push him off of your body. Taking a deep breath in, you looked at Denki through watery eyes and shook your head in agony. "You better be." Gathering the front of your dress again, you turned away from him, your friends, your family, and ran. Running out the church doors to the church entrance with worried shouting behind you, you quickly rushed down the church's steps. You focused your attention on your dad's car parked across the street, luckily with the windows down. Thankful for your dad's forgetfulness. The keys would still be inside, and the window was already down, so you would've been able to just leave and never turn back. With a big smile on your face, you hurried to the car.
Running to the car with your hand out, you were so emotionally exhausted and focused on fleeing that you failed to look at incoming traffic. You were barely anywhere near close to reaching the car when the loud screeching of tires and pungent smell of burnt rubber stopped you.
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
More of Luz is More to Love
Me and my buddy @l-egionaire write a lot of weird stuff together. The following is a fun scenerio that I just had to share with you
But just so you know, it gets LOOOOOOOOONG.
(l-egionaire) Here's an idea: Amity tries to train herself to not be all flustered and jelly legged from Luz showing her affection. It goes.....not great for her.
(Me) I picture her doing this with a Luz-shaped abomination
(l-egionaire) Go on.
Luz-ination: Grumbles and mumbles a compliment. 
 Amity: Oh, Luz. How nice of you to notice. 
Luz-ination: Bubbles 
Amity: You really do have a way with words.
(l-egionaire) Unfortunately, even the abomination Luz ends up fluttering her.
Luz-ination: Mumbles and gurgles. 
Amity: That's, uh, wow. I, uh, didn't know you thought that way...
Luz-ination: Braah!
Amity: I-uh-wow-um.
(Me) It'd get worse if the Luz-ination actually fell in love with Amity.
(l-egionaire) And it doesn't dissipated. So it just follows her everywhere and tries to hug and kiss her
Luz: You're new abomination...Looks friendly...and also familiar. Amity: Yeah! How funny is that?!
(l-egionaire) Eventually Amity's forced to admit the truth.
Amity: So, um, I was sort of using this abomination that looks like you--Luz-ination--to...practice not getting flustered.
Luz: And how did that turn out?
Amity: Not great. Not only does she make me flustered anyway, but she also fell in love with me.
Luz: What?!
Amity: I know. I'm sorry-
Luz: No one makes a move on my girl!
Amity: What?
Luz-ination: *Gurgles a threat*
Luz: Oh, yeah? Bring it!
The two start to Brawl.
Willow: You're enjoying this, aren't you?
Amity: Maybe a little bit. But is that so--
Willow: Yes...it's incredibly wrong.
(l-egionaire) Of course Luz emerges the Victor.
Amity: Sorry about the whole...making a copy of you thing.
Luz: Eh. It's the weirdest magical clone thing I've ever dealt with. But I'm glad she's gone.
Amity: Me too. I only need one Luz.
Luz: Amity, no offense, but I don't think you could handle if there were two of me
Amity: ...Yeah, you're right.
(l-egionaire) Related to that, one day, while playing against each other in a friendly grudgeby game with Willow on one side and Amity on the other, Willow pulls a trick.
Willow: Sorry in advance for this!
She makes a spell circle and creates a bunch of Luz illusion clones around Amity.
Willow: Little trick Gus taught me.
Amity immediately flushes.
Amity: This-this isn't going to work Willow.
Willow: Oh really?
She waves a hand and immediately all the Luz clones come up and start complimenting Amity.
Amity: I-this wont-
Luz #1: I love your eyes!
Luz #2: Your hair is soft to the touch.
Luz #3: I hope to marry you one day.
Luz #4: Can I kiss you?
Luz #5: Can I kiss you?
Luz #6: You're so adorable.
Luz #7: I'm lucky to have a girlfriend like you.
Amity trembles, overwhelmed by the barrage of Luz. 
Willow: Just one more push. 
She makes another spell circle and the Luz's closest to Amity all kiss her on the cheek.
(Me)And Amity faints because of it.
(Me) Afterwards 
Ed and Em: ...Alright.
Em: Wait. Illusions of what? You need to be specific when making them you know.
Amity: ...A person
Em:.....Its Luz isn't it?
Amity: ....Yes.
(l-egionaire)You go on.
Em: And you don't think that making clones of your girlfriend is a little creepy. 
 Amity: She didn't mind the first one. 
Amity: Don't ask.
Em: Why exactly do you need Luz Clones? You can barely handle the real one you have.
Amity: ...more of her makes me feel special...
Amity: You weren't me when Willow sent a barrage of Luz clones upon me! You don't know what it's like!
Amity: Are you going to teach me or not!?
Em:......I'm going to say no. I don't know if you should be using illusion magic for something that...
Amity: I'll tell you three embarrassing secrets from my diary
Em: Ten
Amity: Five
Em: Ten
Amity: SEVEN!
Em: ...Alright, I'll teach you. 
(l-egionaire) So what does Amity do with this newfound knowledge.
(Me)Recreate what happened at the grudgby field, for one
(l-egionaire)A crowd of Luz's all complimenting her? 
Amity: I'm in heaven. 
(Me) I'd imagine that it actually does get her use to Luz's compliments and affection. One Luz is pretty tame to ten
(l-egionaireIt) would be violently embarrassing to her if Luz walked in on this though.
Luz #13: Hi, I'm Luz.
Luz #17: So am I.
Luz #25: And me.
Luz #4: What's your name?
Luz: ....Amity?
Amity: I can explain.
Luz: Okay
Luz: Could you also explain the outfits?
Amity looks around at her Luzs wearing cheerleaders' outfits while she's in her grudgby uniform.
Amity: ...I was trying to recreate something.
Amity: ...I just wanted to stop being flustered around you, so I've surrounded myself with...you.
Luz #17: The wasn't the only reason.
Amity: Shh! Quiet #17.
Luz: A) what was the other reason? B)....You gave them numbers?
Amity: It was easy to keep track of them.
Luz #16: I'm the spunky one!
Luz: What was the other reason?
Amity: ....>Mumbles something<
Luz: What?
Amity: I said I like having more of you!
she blushes.
Luz: You, uh, you really like me, huh.
Luz #23: Obviously she does, dumb-dumb.
Amity: #23! Sorry, she's a straight shooter.
Luz #23: And her favorite.
Amity: That's not true. That is not true!
Luz smiles. She turns to the crowd of Luz's
Luz: Well girls....thanks for helping with her issue I guess. And for....giving her extra me time.
Luz #8: No problem #1!
Luz: ...I'm not a clone.
Luz #28: No, but she always said you were her #1 Luz
Luz smirks
Luz: Oh really?
Amity blushes and rubs the back of her head.
Amity: Thanks a lot #28
Luz: Ok, I have to ask, how can you tell the difference?
(l-egionaire) You go on.
Amity: They've grown their own personalities.
Luz #16: I'm the spunky one!
Amity: Who also only says one sentence.
Luz #16: I'm the spunky one!
Luz: Aww. She's like a big action figure.
Luz #16: I'm the spunky one!
Amity: She said thank you.
Luz: Still....to be your number #1 Luz even with all these other ones... 
Amity: You'll always be number one to me
Luzs: Aw...
Luz #5: Gross!
Amity: Ignore her. She's the grumpy one.
Amity: So...you're not mad?
Luz: Of course not! I get why you did this. Besides, its kind of sweet you'd still love me even if I was a crowd. Though I am surprised you could handle this many of me.
Amity: Eh. It got easier over time...It got easier over time. Haha! I don't get flustered from you anymore!
Luz: Oh really?
Luz calls to the other Luz's and they all huddle and whisper to each other. Then they all form a circle around Amity and each Luz, including the real one, comes forward and kisses Amity.
Amity's face is completely red.
Luz: Still not so flustered?
Luz: ...Amity?
Amity falls face forward.
Luz: Amity!
Luz #16: I'm the spunky one!
(And believe me when I say that this isn’t even the weirdest thing we’ve made.
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teukyo · 3 years
One Warm Spring  — Hamada Asahi
pairing: hamada asahi x reader (gender neutral)
genre: fluff, very cheesy lol
word count: 3.2k
a/n: this had no business being so long i apologize D: i tend to overwrite whoops.. oh this is also my first fic so i hope you enjoy ! i’m still a bit rusty lol
Spring; after long nights of endless slumber, the Sun creeps up to the earth, its rays planting warm yet gentle kisses. The orb’s cheeks fill up in heat, flowers of endearment blooming, butterflies catching in the atmosphere’s stomach.
The Earth smiling back, showing a bright welcoming smile, and with open arms, tells the sun “good morning”. 
The quiet exchange of sweet nothings transferred to the buoyant citizens, as everyone would jump in joy about the newly welcomed season.
And during this time of the year, peoples hopes grew along with the blooming cherry blossoms until, they too, find a loved one
With late march rolling in, comes the blossoms fully bloomed, the arms in everyone’s hearts opening to everyone.
Yet, you often found it a mistake to open up your heart in a time full of tender love like now.
Empty confessions mimicked to be heartfelt at the spur of the moment, fleeing away just as quick as the cherry blossoms came and went. You just never understood it.
“Y/N~~ the cherry blossoms are coming soon,” your friend, Jihoon sang into your ear, “And you’re out dozing off into dreamland, are you perhaps thinking about participating in the blossoming of love this year?”
You lightly shoved him away, giving him a glare. Jihoon was always jumping around during this time of the season because he never failed to have a crowd lining up to confess him; his ego flying as high as the newly born butterflies.
“Haha, very funny.” You deadpanned, leaving him behind to go to the cafeteria. 
“Hey, you get the drinks and i’ll get the food!” Jihoon shouted, you simply responding with an ‘okay’ symbol with your hand.
Because this was a routine everyday, you had your exact footsteps to the vending machine engraved in your head.
‘11:43—by now everyone should have already gotten their drinks’
‘1, 2, 3, 4.. don’t trip over the crack.. 5, 6, 7—’ beep!
That beep.. wasn’t part of your procedure.
You looked up, your eyes landing on an unfamiliar figure in front of your destination.
Focusing your vision on him, he was made out to be a raven haired boy, his posture slightly hunched over focusing on the number combination assigned to each drink.
His dainty fingers lightly pressing the right combo, pressing each digit carefully like his joints were made of glass
Shoving the crumpled up $5 bill into the slot, his eyebrows furrowing when the machine rejected it
5-5-6-2— banana milk?
You hadn’t realized you’ve been staring at him the entire time until he started walking away, a banana milk in his hand, accidentally brushing past you.
“Ah, sorry” he simply muttered under his breath before continuing on his path. His voice, a deep contrast to the season; hearing his hushed voice chilling you like a midwinter night. His entire presence stood out, almost like a wilted flower amongst the blossoming ones. Yet here you are, warm as ever, feeling the sun pressing warm gentle kisses on the place his fingertips brushed yours.
“Y/N? banana milk? you seem to be switching it up today” Jihoon said when you set your drinks down on the table.
“Ah.. i just — maybe i needed a change for the season” you simply responded because, you too, didn’t know why you had a banana milk in front of you instead of your usual chocolate milk.
Throwing your half empty banana milk carton to the trash after lunch, you heard a voice peer behind you.
“Oh! you drink banana milk too! it’s my favorite!” a student you knew the name by Jaehyuk vocalized. You snuck a peek back at the banana milk slowly spilling out of the tiny straw, smiling back at Jaehyuk looking at you with hopeful eyes.
“Ah— this is actually my first time trying it! And it’s.. good!” you returned, attention on Jaehyuk until you see a much smaller figure peer behind him, a chocolate milk in hand.
“Of course it’s good! don’t buy too much of it though— don’t need it going out of stock on me! cmon Asahi”
Asahi. Asahi is his name.
You took one last quick glance at him, watching him throw the empty chocolate milk carton in the bin.
“Yeah.. The banana milk was too sweet for me anyway.”
Squatting down to touch the freshly grown flowers outside the school yard, you had recalled the times of your youth as a child running so eagerly to the same flowers in your hand right now.
Gazing at the pretty pink petals in awe as you wiping the morning dew slightly so it can slide off the petals, dripping to the ground.
Running back into your home, crying for a bandaid because you accidentally poked your hand with one of the thorns on accident.
Such simple yet vivid times you remember that made you cherish life a little more.
“Y/N? what are you doing here— our last class is gonna start soon” you heard your classmate Hyunsuk call. you spotting an ever so familiar figure behind him.
Small yet vivid moments.. how does this remind you of—
“Y/N what are you doing cmon!”
After school, you sneakily slid into the art classroom after realizing you left your phone in there. Checking the clock, you had 15 minutes before art club would commence, assuming you had 5 minutes to find your phone before members of the club would start arriving.
You observed the colorful classroom with the array of paintings laying on the drying rack, the paint brushes laying on the counter to dry, the sink covered in copious amounts of colors with its original silver color peeking through. The room gave off the feel of an elementary school art classroom. You guess the term “art is timeless” applies to the setting art is made in too.
“Ah there it is!” you whispered to yourself, snatching it off of the teacher’s desk. The sound of the door sliding open shocked you, ducking down under the table out of instinct.
‘Crap—how do i get out of here’ you thought before hearing a tiny tap on the desk.
And during this time of the year, peoples hopes grew along with the blooming cherry blossoms until, they too, find a loved one
“Uhm.. are you okay?” you looked up, seeing him.
With late march rolling in, comes the blossoms fully bloomed, the arms in everyone’s hearts opening to everyone.
“Oh sorry! I just- I forgot my phone during class so I just came in here to grab it..” you trailed off, quickly getting out of your ducked position and brushing the dust off of you.
You just never understood it.
“I should get going since art club is starting soon” you mustered. Before you could open the door you heard him speak.
“Are you looking to join the art club by any chance?” he said. You looked back at him, unable to scramble words together.
‘Just say yes, say yes, say yes, say yes say-‘
You handed out the application form to the leader of the art club, Yoshinori was it?
“Thank you thank you! You can join us for today to see the gist of what goes on” he said while giving you a smile that can easily flutter the hearts of others.
You looked at the room around you seeing Asahi and Jaehyuk, and a freshman that went by Haruto.
To be honest, why did you apply? Your experiences in art were little to none and your current piece you were working on in class was a “dog”— at least that’s what you called it.
“There should be one more person arriving and then we can start” Yoshinori said whilst you and him took a seat.
You stared at Asahi across from you who was absent mindedly looking down at the table, fiddling with his fingers.
‘Cute’ you thought before getting interrupted by the sound of the door opening.
“oh! Y/N what brings you here?” you looked behind you to see Jihoon at the entrance, giving Yoshinori a polite smile.
“I think i should be asking what are YOU doing here,” you retorted, knowing very well that both you and him had the same level of art skill, “and I just joined because i’ve been interested in art.”
“Sure—“ Jihoon scoffed, “Asahi told me about this today so i decided to join—“
‘Asahi. How does he know Jihoon?’
“And you’re not even listening to me!” he exclaimed, ruffling your hair roughly, you lightly punching him in the gut in return.
After the commotion died down, everyone went in session, drawing on a piece of paper whatever went into mind. It definitely meditated your mind but it wasn’t appealing— visually.
The room was filled with small chatter, Jihoon’s voice overbearing everyone else’s.
“Your doodles are very cute” you heard him softly speak. You looked up at his paper, your eyes widening at the sheer talent that bestowed upon your eyes.
“You’re a funny jokester” you simply replied, looking at your own paper with a tight lipped smile. You heard him stifle a laugh, warmth flooding throughout your veins.
“It’s amusing to look at— i like the dog” he said, pointing at one of the drawings.
“It’s supposed to be a zebra >:(“ you looked up at him, trying to contain his laughter before calming himself down and continuing to draw on his paper.
“Well it’s fine because art club isn’t necessarily based on skill. i mean, if we have Jaehyuk in here then that says something” he responded pointing at Jaehyuk’s paper. You couldn’t quite comprehend what he was drawing— a person playing baseball??
“It’s a frog by the way”
You hadn’t realized how late art club ended, but when you walked out of school, you saw the once blue sky turned into an orange hue indicating the late time.
“We hope to see you again Y/N” Yoshinori said. You nodded and hummed in response before taking your leave with Jihoon.
You took one last glimpse of Asahi, sticking out amongst the orange sky. The sun was setting yet— looking at him gave you the exact warmth you would feel on a midsummer day. You watched his mouth slowly bloom into a smile when made eye contact. You think in your mind that spring has never felt so warm.
You looked up at the trees in the process of blooming, white buds formulating on the branches.
“The trees are gonna be really pretty in about two weeks or so” you heard a voice from behind you. Him. You clenched the chocolate milk in your hand before turning towards him.
“Yeah— oh sorry i’m blocking the vending machine” you murmured, sliding away.
“Oh no no,, it’s fine,” he said before taking your spot and getting the same drink in your hand, “Are you by any chance— planning to confess to anybody?”
Oh, right. You looked up at the blossoming trees once again. The time of the season you once never understood. The time of the season you once could say you despised. Yet here you are, having the rush of spring flowing down your veins. Is this the adrenaline that everyone feels? The unknown feeling gave you goosebumps throughout your body as he asked you that question.
“I don’t quite know yet,” you simply responded, looking back at him taking the drink out of the machine, “What about you?”
A sheepish smile wiped on his face, his dimple showing ever so slightly. He shrugged before looking at you.
“Only my heart knows the answer to that question.”
Over the so little time you’ve known Asahi, you’ve picked up on his mannerisms and his actions.
For one, he was more on the reserved side, and even when he talked his voice would always be on the softer side. You unknowingly started to associate him with winter because he gave off the cold feeling of a winter night. It was also your favorite season.
Most people knew him because he was friends with Jaehyuk, one who was very popular amongst the school. You had heard a couple times in the hallway about how handsome Asahi was. The feeling you felt when hearing that was unknown to you.
He enjoyed drawing a lot; him and Yoshinori were the best out of the club (though you’d be a bit biased if asked whose art you liked more), and he was always focused on his work, always scrunching in a little corner tending to his painting. But yet he always complimented your drawings no matter how bad they were, never failing to give you a warm feeling right after.
You could say you had developed an endearment towards asahi.
You stepped out your home, looking at the once bare trees flutter into pink hues, you thought the cherry blossoms were beautiful.
Today you decided not to walk out with Jihoon because well— confession season is always different with that boy. You had no intentions to get caught up in his relations.
You took timid and slow steps towards school. Taking your time looking at the petals and happy groups walking and aweing at the blossoms. Your mind was also off somewhere— of course it was, it always was.
Arriving at school, you saw Jihoon getting flooded by countless individuals, a letter in most of their hands. You could say the same to Jaehyuk on the other side who was also getting bomboarded. You took your routined steps to your locker, opening it as per usual except— it wasn’t usual.
You watched the letter flutter out, swaying to the floor imitating a loose flower petal. Picking it up with a shaked up expression, you carefully opened it up.
You saw the scribbled up lines at the top of the letter, indicating that the said person was trying to make a poem.
‘ah— who am i kidding? i’m not one with words. i never was. yet here i am trying to pour my feelings out on this letter. but i cant seem to combine the right words to express it. maybe because my feelings could not be described in the first place. maybe my feelings are best not worded out on this crumpled up piece of notebook paper. because if i’m being honest— this is my 27th time writing this and yet i still cant get it down. just.. meet me at class 104B? 4:15 pm after school today? please? -♡
Your grip on the paper tightened, the heart fluttering confession bringing a small smile to your face. You looked back at your locker seeing chocolate milk in sitting atop. You grasped it in your hand, taking it out before closing the locker and heading to class, your hands gripping tightly onto the objects. Unknown to you a figure watching your every move with focused eyes.
As time went by in school awfully slowly, your mind went off to one person only. You had foolishly deluded yourself into thinking that the letter and milk was from him. well— he did see you buy chocolate milk that one time. And well,, the handwriting did have a print of him.
‘Enough thoughts. just wait until school ends and your mind can finally-‘ ring!
You looked up at the clock in shock, realizing that it was, in fact, 4:00pm.
You purposefully gathered up your belongings slowly, trying to pass as much time as possible. Putting your care into every single step taken, from the 1st floor to the second.
Taking a deep breath, you slid open the empty classroom door. It was very convenient that it was just across the art classroom as the club did have a meeting today.
You traveled across the room to look out the window, seeing someone announce their feelings to another under the cherry blossoms. Just last spring you would stick your tongue out in disgust yet here you are somewhat in the same position, your heart aching as each second ticks by.
You watched them hug each other, their feelings being reciprocated, a petal getting caught in ones hair. You looked at the trees and how it really set the mood, almost getting lost in the alluring sight until you heard someone clear their breath.
You turned around deliberately, looking down at your shoes before looking up.
Yet, you often found it as a mistake to open up your heart in a time full of tender love like now. well— maybe not.
It’s him. The person right in front of your eyes is him.
You felt like the sun had just rose, your heart beating out of your chest almost like it was about to burst and run away. You felt the butterflies prance around in your stomach, feeling like you could cough one up right now. Does he feel the same right now?
“Ah,,, hello” he mustered shyly. You clenched the letter in your hand.
“Did you perhaps—“ though it was quite obvious, the slight nod from him gave you your answer.
You observed him, his hair slightly covering his eyes. Lightly kicking at his feet, you had figured he couldn’t compromise the right words.
“I have something for you” he spoke out after what seemed like a few minutes. He reached his hand out, silently telling you to take the initiative to grab it. You placed your hand in his, feeling like your hand was molded perfectly just to cusp his. His grip so gentle you could barely feel him grasp your hand.
Leading you to the art classroom across, your eyes spotting on the covered canvas on an easel. Using his other hand, he took off the cloth, your eyes widening in awe.
Your mouth laid agape as you looked at the drawing of a portrait of you with cherry blossoms in the background. Your heart stammering in your chest.
“Is this what you’ve been working on the entire time in art club?” you asked, eyes still on the painting. He hummed and nodded his head.
“Do you like it? Or is it a bit too—“
“No no! I like it a lot— Actually I love it. I love it so much” you cut him off, looking at him with excitement evident in your eyes. Words couldn’t describe the feeling flowing through you. Is this real?
“Well, I like you a lot too. I was trying to find a way to tell you, so I used my strong suit which is art” he proceeded to tell you, taking your other hand in his. He smiled tenderly at you, his signature dimple showing once more.
“Asahi— I like you too” you beamed, staring straight into his eyes. His smile widened more, his teeth showing. You took this as the initiative to hug him, arms wrapping around his neck, his wrapping around your waist.
You felt the sun shine on you, the warmth of spring immersing through you, your heart feeling more than alive as ever. The cherry blossoms you once thought as a mistake becoming the blessing in disguise for you. You think in the time of the moment that Spring has never felt so warm for you.
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
On and Off
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Taeyong x ballerina!reader // FLUFF, SMUT, angst? idol!au Summary: The first few months of being in a relationship with Taeyong was normal as it could be. Exchanging text massages, dates, phone call from evening until morning. But as you dive deeper into the relationship and months turned into years, you realised that normal will be something hard to achieve.  Word Count: 5k Warnings: Protected and unprotected sex, cursing, mentions of other idols, loneliness, anxiety, pressure,  Note: few notes again hihi -Inspired by my one and only keshi - onoffonoff please listen to his music its amazing I literally only listen to him these past few days.  -This is another part/story of my life, so I could only hope no one steals my work. Because this is inspire by true events, except the pregnancy part. And the good ending, mine didn’t end well haha
It has been years since you kissed Taeyong for a stupid dare, not knowing who he is and not knowing he’s a famous idol in his country. You were clueless, simple as that. Little did you know that kiss will literally change your life. Was it luck or was it destiny that brought Taeyong in your life? After kissing him that night he stick to you like glue insisting to spend more time together and drink and dance the whole night.
One thing led to another, and Taeyong just keeps coming back to you and you welcome him with open arms. Thanks to Google, you learned a lot about Taeyong. All the basic stuff about who he is, what about him and finally being a fan of NCT. Its funny how dating Taeyong over the years made your life complicated and exciting at the same time. You figured, maybe it’s because you’re crazy with each other that’s why.
Ever since Taeyong came into your life your heart is half and half. The first half is for your first love which is dancing ballet and the other half is for someone extraordinary, Taeyong.
The first few months of being in a relationship with Taeyong was normal as it could be. Exchanging text massages, dates, phone call from evening until morning. But as you dive deeper into the relationship and months turned into years, you realised that normal will be something hard to achieve.
A lot of adjustments happened in order to continue being together. For you it’s understanding that Taeyong is someone important not just to you and his family but to a lot of people around the world. Helping him sort out his thoughts while writing lyrics and  listening to whatever he says to you. Stay with him at the studio even if means burying yourself at the studio couch and binge watch Netflix while waiting for him to finish recording. For Taeyong, his love language is massaging your sore feet from ballet practice and picking you up every night after his work. Watching your performance giving his full support, emotionally and physically.
You’re each other’s number one fan.
During ballet practice today, your toes are already bleeding from hard work which something you don’t regret on doing. But the company was having an earful from the director tonight, never ending “do it again” and “from the top” everyone wanted to cry. Good thing Taeyong will pick you up after ballet practice, finally something to look forward to. Or so you thought.
It’s already 9pm, practice was dismissed half an hour ago and Taeyong still hasn’t come yet. The rain is pouring outside and your feet and toes needs to rest. You’ve left a dozen messages to Taeyong already but still, no answer. Before you decide on waiting a little more, his manager called you to tell you that Taeyong forgot to pick you up tonight and that he can’t leave anytime soon. You don’t have a choice but to take the subway and walk under the rain with your small umbrella. Your wet flats makes your bruises even worse, you feel the pain every step you make but the thing that’s even more painful is Taeyong didn’t picked you up when you needed him the most. You can only let out a string of curses here and there and cheer yourself to keep on walking.
When you finally got home you went straight to the bathroom limping and cleaned your bruises. Too tired to even stand up, you still have to make your shoes and sew a little bit for tomorrow’s practice. Still thinking about how heavy your day was, you sat in front of the mirror while sewing and waiting for Taeyong to come home.
After preparing everything you need for practice tomorrow, you head to the kitchen and made dinner for Taeyong. Maybe he’s hungry when he got home? A few minutes later, you heard the door beep. Taeyong startled you and hugged you from behind, you already sensed something is off. “Sorry about earlier” Of course you wanted to ask him but you didn’t want to pry, he looks exhausted as you are.
He kissed you good night on the forehead not even letting you to kiss him back as he walks towards your shared room and change. That’s it? He’s never like this and you wonder why, you reflect on the past days but all you can only recall are days full of laughter with him.
The morning after, you were at the kitchen making your green smoothy when the same arms from last night encircled to your waist. Familiar kisses landed to your cheeks and neck, “Good morning” Taeyong greeted you with a raspy voice, his chin rests on your neck. “I’m sorry about last night, I forgot to pick you up and… our come back has slow process, everyone doesn’t look good” you wanted to throw a fit and push him away but you know that Taeyong loves his work, and if he said that something is wrong, something is indeed wrong.
You turned around and hugged him back, giving him one big bear hug, “I’m not mad anymore. But, I have to go now I’ll be late-“ to your surprise he kneels in front of you completely pissed off because of your toes. “I think you should skip practice today - I can’t believe I let you go home alone last night with those feet” it’s not nice to see Taeyong so annoyed and pissed early in the morning. But you know you can’t skip practice today, “I’ll go home early if you can make it up to me today” it’s the only reasonable deal you could make, and you can only hope he’s up for it. “Will do” he kissed your lips, “I love you. I’m sorry, this will never happen again” you believe him.
And he did make it up to you. He made lunch and got an early out from working with his music. Not only did he cooked for the both of you but he cleaned the whole apartment which you thought wasn’t necessary. He made kimchi stew and kimchi fried rice, with a table full of laughter brought to you by your boyfriend and a bottle of wine from Johnny.
After eating lunch and cleaning up, you and Taeyong found yourselves in the middle of the bed tipsy and incredibly clingy with each other. “Wow you changed the bed sheets” you noticed and gave him a wink, “very gentleman of you” he giggled as he lay beside you.
The weather is gloomy like yesterday, but what happened yesterday seems to be  erased already. The gloomy weather made the room blue, cold and comfortable. Taeyong’s arms are around you enjoying the warmth you share “I love days like this” he whispers, “You’re my escape from everything that’s happening in my life now. It’s like when you look inside my brain everything seems to be loud and out of order, but there you are calm and just being you” he sniffs your hair, pulled you closer and kissed you deeply as always. “Is this why you changed the sheets?” you playfully asked, he hovers on top of you slowly removing your shirt and tugging down your pyjama “Mhmm”
The cold weather and the low temperature of the air condition made you shiver both. Skin to skin, lips to lips and hands all over each other’s body. Taeyong is never rough with you when it comes to sex, it’s always passionate sex with him. But as gentle as he is during sex, he can’t get enough of you and one round isn’t enough for him. Sometimes you can only cry whenever he ask for you to cum one last time… after having seven already.
“How many rounds can you give me tonight?” Taeyong asks in between open mouth kisses, you noticed he’s hungrier than usual. Then you remembered, you haven’t had sex for the last three weeks for sure he’ll never go easy on you. You clear your throat before answering his question, “Five?” he scoffed. “How about ten? Five in my fingers and mouth and five more with my cock inside you and vibrator on your clit, hmm?” he spreads your legs without waiting for your answer, assuming that you’re fine with his plan already. “Hold my hand, squeeze it so I know I’m making you feel good okay?” you nod with a smile, you’re already turning red because of the building heat up on your body.
Holding both of his hands as he goes down to your sex, he licks your cunt slowly from the bottom to your clit. Making you moan softly and your legs quiver, “Tae-“ you sound like you’re out of breath as you chant his name over and over again. Squeezing his hand from time to time whenever he hits a good spot, spreading your legs even wider to make it feel good even more and grinding your hips to his tongue as he licks your cunt with a steady pace. “Ooh - Mmm, right there Taeyong yeah” you moan louder than earlier and you start breathing heavily. Closing your legs a bit and squeezing Taeyong in between your legs, you cum for the first time tonight.
Taeyong didn’t expect you’d cum so fast already “Still okay?” he asks as he crashes his lips on the valley of your breast all the way up to your lips, tasting a bit of yourself. You encircle your arms around him, keeping him closer to your body still weak from your first orgasm. “What, you want me to fuck you already?” he let out a sweet laugh before looking straight into your eyes. You nod.
As he rolls the condom to his cock, you’re quick to spread your legs for him. “Oh so now you’re spreading your legs for me after squeezing me earlier?” the vibrations of his giggle tickles you as he kiss you before lining his cock to your cunt. He didn’t stopped kissing you even when he’s already balls deep inside you.
“Tae let me breath” you asked of him. As you catch your breath for second, he rolled his hips a little which made you moan and roll your head back, “Sorry, I crave for you baby” he apologise with heavy breaths, hips still rolling slowly, cock stretching your cunt.
You encircle your arms around his neck pulling him closer again, “Come on Tae” you lick his lips, “I owe you nine more rounds” his pace changed a little bit faster, “Can I be rough tonight?” he grabbed you waist a little too harsh it surprised you. He gave you hard thrust that hurts so bad but it it feels good at the same time you arched your body and cum for the second time tonight. Taeyong was the first one to come down from his high and licks your nipples while cradling your arched body, watching you breath heavily and smile as you go down from your high. “Fuck Tae, I didn’t know you had it in you” he’s still licking and biting your boobs while waiting for your body to stop shivering like crazy. “Told you I crave for you tonight” and he slaps your ass and flips you on the mattress.
After that night, the following days were sweeter than ever and the sex became rougher, “no more vanilla sex” Taeyong says. Every night, you both look forward to seeing each other after a long day at work and finally releasing stress in bed together. You like to think that having rough sex every time made Taeyong even sweeter to you. Not that he’s not sweeter before, it’s just that now Taeyong is even more sweeter.
Last night when he’s in the middle of choking you while fucking you on the edge of the bed, he told you “You’re so beautiful, never leave me” and that damn made you blush you almost explode.
This morning, he wanted to skip work just to cuddle with you for the rest of the day. Even though he has multiple schedules today, he has studio work, dance practice and salon appointment. “Taeyong we could cuddle when you we get home” he whines and hovers his legs over yours, locking you in an embrace. “Five more minutes then, kiss me please” and you kissed his pout away.
The following night, he gave you a nice massage not just your feet this time, but your whole sore body. “Ugh baby, that feels good! Where did you learn all this” you mumble while you’re on your stomach, eyes closed and enjoying Taeyong’s massaging skills. “This is how they massage us whenever we have sore bodies during our concert tour” he answers, gliding his hands at your back putting a little bit of pressure.
One night, you came home from ballet practice really exhausted, tired and sore you can’t even move properly. You decided to sleep early and have a long rest but you forgot to tell Taeyong. Deep in your sleep already, you didn’t notice him when he arrived. Although you felt the bed move and you can smell Taeyong’s familiar scent, you didn’t quite catch what hes doing though. A few minutes later you felt a sting on your nipples only to find out that Taeyong is lapping on your boobs, your sleep wear rolled up to your neck.
“Baby - stop please you’re hurting me” Taeyong immediately stopped and rolled down your top, “I’m sorry - what’s wrong?” he came closer to you with a slight panic you.
“Please stop” your tone was a little bit angry but deep inside you’re not, you’re just tired.  He didn’t say a word or do something after that.
Sometimes Taeyong can overthink too much. He’s a soft man on the inside so he can get really hurt with only a few words. He overthinks too much that he already thought you’re getting tired with him, that you don’t love him anymore. He wanted to wake you up and talk to you but he’s scared you’ll get mad like earlier.
Scared to have a fight with you or even a small argument, Taeyong always leaves for work just before you wake up. The come back is getting near and he’s been pouring all his time and energy to his schedules.
You: Taeyong, you left again without saying good bye? That’s not normal, are you okay?
All you can do is send him messages before he buries himself in dance practice and also trying to reach out through phone calls but it never last longer than three minutes. It’s been days since he’s not paying attention to you and you’re starting to think that asking for attention is inappropriate at a time like this.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” you hugged him as he lay in bed beside you, tired and pissed because their manager is being a bitch during practice earlier. He doesn’t say a word to you. But you wanted to reach out and it seems like you both could need a talk.
“Tae-“ he cuts you off, even before you could even start.
“It’s not fair that you can get some rest whenever you demand it, I cant. I have an early schedule tomorrow. I’m tired, good night” and faces away to you.
That was the answer to all of your questions. He’s tired and you’re his greedy girlfriend who want his attention always. You constantly blame yourself why Taeyong is acting this way to you. Of course it’s a misunderstanding, but nonetheless it still hurts.
The both of you gone cold for a whole month, Taeyong needed to stay at the dorms and you’re left at the apartment alone. It’s not that the relationship was over and he left you alone, but that’s exactly what you feel. You’re lucky if you could get a phone call from Taeyong once a week but all you get is good morning and good night messages. It feels like your relationship with Taeyong became an imaginary relationship, like the one you used to have with Zac Efron during High School Musical.
Suddenly the apartment that you shared with him feels so big for you and you feel so lonely every night. He’s not your Taeyong anymore and this went on for almost three months, you couldn’t believe what’s happening. All you know is they’re promoting two albums back to back and that their schedules are jam-packed. You need to understand and adjust.
You have your own life you can’t stop living your life just because Taeyong is not with you at the moment. Theres an up coming audition for the main part of this year’s season, and you want to focus on perfecting your audition piece and give it your hundred percent. Which is much easier if Taeyong is here supporting you.    
Asking for a breakup and moving out from the apartment is something that will not make the situation easier. So you decided to get on with your life for the mean time, and break up with Taeyong after his busy schedules.
After their two come backs which are both successful, Taeyong of coarse came back to your life. Although this time you’re the one preparing for something big now still, he tries to make it up to you. You on the other hand, is tired of being lonely and sad you just miss Taeyong’s touch and presence in your life. The break up plan was long gone the moment Taeyong showed up on the exact date of your auditions. You decided to give it another shot.
He waited for the auditions to finish and brought you a bouquet of flowers, he has dark blue hair now and you almost didn’t recognise him from afar. “Aw, Taeyong you didn’t have to” you hugged him and received the beautiful flowers, “It’s a congratulations and I’m sorry bouquet” he says shyly. You know exactly what he’s talking about. It feels so good to be coming home with him again, the apartment suddenly gain back it’s normal joyous vibe now that Taeyong is home.
Now that everything seems normal again, the bed is not cold anymore. You’re laying in bed between his legs, your back feels comfortable against his chest “I promise to never leave you again like that” you almost teared up because of what he just said but you’re tired of crying already. All you wanted to do now is be close to Taeyong, make up for lost time, and kiss him. So you did, you turned your back and faced him. Gave him a peck, just a peck and went back to your previous comfortable position.
“Really? Just a peck?” he tickled your sides until hes kneeling on the bed and you’re out of breath from laughing so hard, trying to make him stop by catching his hands. “Okay! Fine!” you’re both still giggling, “Few seconds, wait let me catch my breath first” he tickled you again but this time it’s your feet, you scream so loud and laughed so hard your tummy hurts.
The moment Taeyong stopped because he got tired, you came over to him and kissed him passionately. It felt like your first kiss with him, you’re sure fireworks were lit up the sky the moment your lips touched and your tongue swipes on his bottom lip. “Happy?” you whispered. He goes back to kissing you deeply as he answers no, I will never get enough of you. His lips go down to your covered breast from the layers of your shirt and bra, gently kneading them and hesitating to continue what he wants to do.
“What’s wrong?” you noticed somethings bothering him.
“The last time I removed your shirt, you got mad” he smiled awkwardly and stopped what he’s doing. Now you’re on his lap, needy and wet. He can’t do this to you, no, not tonight. You removed your shirt with a swift move and unclasping your bra throwing it somewhere. “Since when are you allowed to be shy around me, Taeyong? I’m yours remember?” you felt him nod and you felt his bright smile in between hungry kisses and removing each other’s clothes.
“Want to ride me tonight?” he slaps your ass while slowly laying you both back in bed and hovers on top of you.
“How many rounds do you want tonight?” you quickly made the switch to answer his question.
“As many you want” that’s new, you thought. He never made you in control before and you don’t know why you’re blushing in front of him right now. He giggles and put your hair away from your face, “What? Why are you blushing?”
You point around at his face and ruffled his hair, “this is not normal. What have you done to my Taeyong?” he tried to tickle your side again but you caught his hand and intertwined it with yours and put them on your lap making him behave.
“I just figured, I never let you do what you want when we have sex. I’m always the one tiring you and shit” he breaths in, and breaths out sharply, “Even in our relationship, I’m always the one making you sad and exhausting you-“ you kiss him before he says something that will make you cry and completely kill the vibe.
“How about we fuck without condoms tonight, hmm? You like that?” you suggest with a devilish grin, confident because you started taking pills.
“Wow-  that would really -“ he can’t form his sentence well, “I am, huh - you sure about this? pull out?” you kissed him again made him grab your boobs, “pill” you grabbed his cock without warning and pumped it a few times, he let out a loud groan when he felt his head slowly pushing in your cunt. His rambling from earlier were replaced with loud moans and sharp gasps whenever you roll your hips a little faster.  
“It feels like were having sex for the first time again, yeah?” you can only nod, busy from making Taeyong feel good beneath you and using his cock to go off.
The night became warmer for the both of you after sharing the experience of your first time having sex without a condom. Taeyong freaked out when he saw his cum drip from your cunt for the first time and it made him horny just minutes after he came inside you for the first time. “Let’s go another round babe” he asks so sweetly every after round you finish. His stamina always amazes you.
And for the first time after for so many months, you felt that his ‘i love yous’ are true and sincere. It feels like he’s saying it for the first time again.  
“I love you and I’m sorry for leaving you”
“I love you, please let me in your life again”
“I love you, you’re the one for me”
“I love you please forgive me”
The next day, a text message woke you up really early. It’s the results of the audition from yesterday and sadly you didn’t get the part you auditioned for. The part you got was decent, but it hurt you knowing that you’re not enough for the part that you’ve wanting do ever since when you’re a little girl.
Your silent cry and muffled sobs woke up Taeyong up with a slight panic. “Fuck - are you hurt? Does anything hurt?” he thought you were crying because of last night. You shook your head and showed him the results.
Taeyong is quick to put you in his arms and comfort you. It’s everything you needed. “I want you to acknowledge your skills, you’ve gone so far and you did it by yourself take credit for that” he runs his delicate fingers through your sex hair from last night. “I’ll be with you all throughout the process. Please stop crying, I hate seeing you cry”
Of course Taeyong took care of you like you’re one of his members. Gave insightful comments every time you show him a video of you from practice. He gave out helpful criticism that made you want to push more and work even harder.
On days that you just need your boyfriend and you’re so tired from dancing, he will always sing for you and make you laugh until you feel better. He even showers with you whenever you’re too sore to even scrub your own body.
“Taeyong,” he hums while massaging your feet from the other side of the bath tub. “Thank you”
“What for?” he asked kissing your feet before taking the other one.
“I just want to thank you. I feel like I haven’t been thanking you enough for everything you’re doing for me” you’ve never felt so shy in front of Taeyong. He crawls in between your legs, giving your lips a quick peck and going back to his comfortable side.
“I’m your boyfriend, it’s my job to take care of your sexy ass” he tickled your feet and you let out a soft, “aw” because your muscles ache whenever you move too much. “I’m sorry, I forgot, I’ll get your towel” you laugh at how he panics.
The most awaited ballet season of the year is during Christmas and you’ve been working your ass off during ballet practice. Two months have passed during the preparation and in two weeks time the performance will take place. All you wanted to do is dance and be perfect. You’ve got thinner because of the company diet but somehow you felt weaker so you overthink and practice more.
Not to mention that you and Taeyong were fighting like crazy these past few days because he can’t get a hold of you. He thinks you’re overworking yourself and soon you’re going to hurt yourself if you don’t rest sooner or later. It’s not that he’s wrong, actually he’s right in so many things. But he can’t understand the pressure you’re in, your constant want to prove your company director that you have something special and that you’ve improved a lot.
“If you get hurt before the big day, that’s a bigger loss. Everyone from your company is taking a rest on weekends, I know because were on the same field. Baby please listen to me, rest and come to bed with me” Taeyong begs.
“You don’t understand what Im going through Taeyong because you’re perfect! You’re your company’s favorite idol how can you understand what I’m going through” you probably hurt him with all those words but you’re just angry, annoyed and frustrated all at the same time you couldn’t stop yourself.
“I just wanted take care of you, that’s all” and he leaves your studio without another word. You only got mad to yourself even more for being so harsh to Taeyong. Admitting that you’re wrong you weakly removed your shoes and contemplate for some time.
Later that night, you found Taeyong sleeping on the couch without any blanket and you can tell that he’s cold. You walked quietly to your shared room and grabbed the blanket that you two always share. Slowly and gently, you snuggle beside Taeyong on the couch laying comfotable beside him. His arms automatically pulled you in closer to him, you can’t believe the patience this man holds.
“You awake?” you whisper softly, trying to stop your tears from falling.
“I already forgive you” he already knew that you’re going to apologise.
“Then what are you here? Why didn’t you wait for me in bed?”
“Hmm. Well, theres a possibility that you will still sulk - Mmaybe you don’t like to sleep beside me tonight. Didn’t expect for you to come here actually” he softly explains, eyes still closed.
“You’re right I dont like to sleep beside you tonight” he opened his eyes, but you laughed the moment you saw how his face turned from soft to stern. “Oh your duality always amazes me” you boops his nose, “I’m just kidding. Come on lets come to bed-“ you were just about to stand up but he pulled you close again and kept you close.
“Lets sleep here for a change” he boops your nose and kissed you good night.
You woke up with a sore body because the couch wasn’t so comfortable for two people to sleep in for the whole night. It’s 8am already and you only got half an hour to get ready and head to practice.
When you came in late, you got additional three hour practice as your punishment today. Taeyong will surely get mad when you get home. Besides being late today, you also forgot to put on bandaids from the bruises you got from last night and now your feet will surely bleed.
At the end of the day, you’re right Taeyong did got mad because of the extra practice hours. You were so tired you didn’t even spare a word for him and head straight to your shared room to sleep. You didn’t even bother changing clothes and just closed your eyes and drifted.
Thankful that the next day is rest day, you woke up with clean clothes and tended bruises. He came in with a breakfast tray careful not to spill the coffee, “Good morning superstar” he kissed your temple and sat on his side of the bed.
“Before you say anything, I’m sorry” he grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles, “You were tired last night and all I did was shout at you when it’s my fault in the first place” he kissed it again and you were speechless the whole time, “We will never fight again, I promise”  
The most awaited performance was great, Taeyong watched with Doyoung and they both cried seeing you dance on stage. Your heart is filled with emotions and you feel so accomplished because all of your hard work payed off well. The director noticed your big improvements and promised to give you more opportunities on the next season.
After this year’s ballet season, everything went back to normal with Taeyong. No more fights, and more room to talk to each other. More love making and less rough sex. Do new things with Taeyong every month including understanding the world of kpop.
It has been years since you kissed Taeyong for a stupid dare, and you’re still crazy in love with him.
Now you’re sitting on the tub, enjoying the warm water while you wait for Taeyong to come join you.  He came into the bathroom with his favorite scented candle already lit making the bathroom smell like apple and vanilla.
He turned off the bathroom lights before joining you, sitting behind you making you in between his long legs. He pulls you to lay on his chest and gently massage your fingers tired from working.
“What do you think about, Jade?” You feel the vibrations from his chest against your back when he answers you, “Not bad. But lets have other options” you hum longer than before, staring at the marble wall of your bathroom while drawing circles on Taeyong’s lap underwater. “Elie Ruby? We could call her Elie instead?” Your new suggestion made him laugh, and you smiled because he sounds so amused.
“Were not naming our baby after my dog. I love her but, my love for our baby is different” this time Taeyong is the one humming, wetting your hair and putting bubbles on top of your head. “How about I ask the boys tomorrow? Besides we don’t know if it’s a girl or a boy” You turned your back to face him with a smile.
“You’re finally going to tell them?” splashing some water out of of excitement.
“Yes. Now go back to your last position, I want you to relax” and so you did, still smiling like a fool you feel Taeyong caressing your tummy underwater humming a song you’re not familiar with. Maybe he wrote a song for the baby. That was fast, you’re only 2 weeks pregnant and Taeyong already has a song.
“Im sorry for not marrying you first” ah marriage, you thought. Since Taeyong is still in his prime for being an idol, you both planned not to get married yet even though you’re dying to say “I do” already.
You felt his hands creep up to your boobs his fingertips feels good against your nipples. “Close your eyes” he whispered and tingles spread across your body in an instant making your lips part and let out an involuntary moan.
Hearing just the sounds of his sweet kisses on your neck slowly travelling on your shoulders. What he’s doing now is indeed relaxing.
Still kissing your body, Taeyong whispers sweet promises that makes your heart at ease. “I will make you happy. Every second of the day” embracing you from behind, admiring how you fit perfectly between his legs. “Just have more patience baby. We will have a happy marriage”
You don’t know how exactly to react with everything he’s doing right now. Taeyong is providing you calm with his presence but making you horny with his hands around your body. When you finally opened your eyes, you turned your back facing him again. Now its your turn to kiss him and show him love.
While kissing him slowly with lust and adoration, you grab his hard cock underwater and stroke it up and down. Closing his eyes shut he pulls away from the kiss to let out a soft airy moan and relaxes his head on the cold marble wall. “Baby” he gulps, “Dont stop” taking this opportunity to kiss his exposed neck, you’re careful not to leave marks. His moans got louder when he said he’s near, and in a matter of seconds you see the tip of his cock underwater let out white fluids. “You’re always making me feel good, do you know that? I was really exhausted from practice today”
After washing up and having a proper bath, Taeyong was the one putting on lotion around your body. Spreading the Shea Butter scented lotion he gave to you and putting some on his body. Not bothering to put on some clothes, Taeyong brings you to your bed and kissed every inch of you. “Do you wanna have sex tonight?” He asked, lips all over your body and his fingers playing with your wet folds.
“Just make me cum then lets sleep. Were both tired from work baby. You need rest. Lots of rest” you heard him say a soft ‘okay’ before you feel his lips against your pussy. And without any warning, he insert a digit while he licks at your pussy from the bottom to your clit slowly. Making you close your legs but his freehand is quick to grab one of your leg and puts it right above his shoulders, giving him a better angle. Licking you in an animalistic pace, you cum on his face your pussy earning a good kiss from him. That made you smile.
When he finally lay beside you, you dried your juices on his face using a tissue from your bedside. “I thought you’re tired. That was good” you said still panting. He hums and you see his eyelids closing already. Yeah he’s tired. You pull up your soft covers making him comfortable hoping he will get a good night sleep.
After closing the lamp light and making yourself comfortable beside Taeyong, he murmurs a sweet “I love you and our angel” before pulling you closer to him and finally sleeping.
“We love you too.”
................................................. Masterlist
So as I’ve mentioned to my notes above, it’s inspire by true events. Yes I’m a dancer, at least I’m used to be. Not ballet though but I have knowledge about it. My ex is a dancer too, and basically we’ve been trying to make it work even though we both have busy schedules everyday. And that’s basically it, we’ve been on and off and off and on just like keshi said in the song,  “when we stop, we never stop” idk for me that phrase spoke to me like how you wanted so bad to leave in a relationship but you can’t because you always find excuses to be with each other until eventually someone stops caring. 
I’ve been thinking about on posting this though, because my recent Mark fic didn’t get any recognition at all... and its the first time thats happened so I wonder why. 
Thank you for reading!
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lillupon · 3 years
Hii I have been reading AEV since the early chapters and just wanted to say its really so well written and carefully considered 😭😭💕 Thank you for writing this fic! And ahh the canon-divergent AU 🙈💕 I'm really bad with words but I'll try to write..
I was just thinking what if.. ww doesnt tell mg that jeongyeon is his.. but mg puts the pieces together himself:
Mg's on his way to ww's apartment to celebrate jy's birthday when he gets a text from ww asking him to pick up some burgers that he ordered from the burger joint along the way. With a bag of burgers in one hand and a box of birthday cake in the other, he arrives at ww's apartment and as soon as the door opens, a wild jy comes barrelling at him, excited that he's here to celebrate her birthday.
Ww sets the table while jy introduces mg to her favourite toys, her plushie friends and her secret hideout behind the curtains (ww feels a gentle warmth in his heart as he watches this scene unfold and wishes that there could be more moments like this in the future... but he keeps this a secret). They start eating their burgers and mg watches fondly as jy munches her burger, making tiny, happy noises beside him. The sunset casts a soft, warm glow on her face and he notes the striking resemblance between her and ww (& ofc he also sneaks glances at ww across the table and ww's so perfect and he's whipped).
"Ha.. I love burgers," she says. "I could eat them everyday".
And mg feels like he has been transported back in time, as he sees ww, happy, satiated and glowing, basking in the spring sun, beside him. He remembers telling ww that he would bring him out for movies and go to a burger joint after for their first date...
He's snapped out of his thoughts as ww lets out a small laugh and says she'll probably be sick of it by the third day.
They do the typical birthday ritual (make a wish, blow out the candles, cut cake, eat cake) and mg offers to clean up, insisting that ww spends time with jy too. Mg watches as jy pulls ww away and he couldn't help but feel slightly thankful that their alpha left them - he wouldn't be here otherwise. But he also couldn't help the hurt tugging at his heart, because he wasn't there for ww during his vulnerable moments, but also how could anyone just leave ww like that :(
The omega that still looked beautiful and perfect, lovely as ever, even after 5 years. He could and would totally have done a better job of providing and taking care of ww and jy. He lets out a huff and unconsciously whimpers like a sad puppy, as he removes the number 5 birthday candle on the cake. Yeah whichever alpha just up and disappeared was missing out, he thinks but also couldn't stop the slight pang of jealousy from rising. The lucky alpha who received ww's love, got a chance to be ww's mate and jy's father... oh how he wished it was him. He unconsciously whimpers again and stares blankly at the candle in his hand. 5 years of yearning for ww, miserably picking up whatever crumbs he could find from his fb profile, wishing ww was single and missing him too, and some alpha just easily leaves his ww alone to fend for himself...
5 years...?
He stares at the candle in this hand. Jy is 5 years old....?
What if...? 😮
And I'm done! I'm sorry its so long (its longer than what i expected too) 😭 and I've only ever been reading, this is my first time writing so I'm sorry if some parts felt weird 😓 I think after the "what if" moment, mg probably squeezes his brain juices, works backwards from jy's current birthday and finds out that jy was probably conceived in march... when he was still with ww... and oh yeah ww helped him with his rut during that time right? Ah yes great times...... Oh? 😳
HAHA I hope you liked it! And have a good day as well 💕
EDIT: THERE IS MORE!!! Please click here for the continuation written by a different author.
ANON WE NEED TO TALK! Holy shit, I've had this on my brain ALL MORNING. This was literally the best part of my day because man, let me tell you, this morning was rough lmao. I almost diededed. This is so lovely 🤧 Where do I even begin?
1. WILD AND EXCITABLE JEONGYEON Jesus cries--my heart. She loves Mingyu so much!
2. Mingyu already being a fixture in Wonwoo and Jeongyeon’s lives? COME ON! Wonwoo asking Mingyu to pick up cake and burgers? That’s too domestic argh
3. Jeongyeon loving burgers as much as Wonwoo loves burgers, and Mingyu connecting it to that day he shared with Wonwoo
4. This little snippet of pining, omg: "5 years of yearning for ww, miserably picking up whatever crumbs he could find from his fb profile, wishing ww was single and missing him too, and some alpha just easily leaves his ww alone to fend for himself..."
5. YOU DID IT BABY! YOU CONNECTED THE DOTS!! That's my mg 🤧 And the emojis you added to his realisation made it 10x more charming and funny
Smoochie 4 anon ♡ ( ̄З ̄) tysm for sharing!
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meruz · 3 years
Aforementioned long ask post please excuse me while i try to figure out tumblr's new text editor. I’ll get into the art meme questions first and then the rest at the end.
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Ok first of all thank you all for sending in questions! Giving me an excuse to talk hehe. I’ll address these in number order. Here’s a link to the ask meme for reference but also I’ll restate the question for ease of reading.
1. When did you get into art?
Super cliche answer but I don’t remember a time where I WASN’T the weird art kid! I started keeping a dedicated sketchbook when I was about 12? But here’s a page from my kindergarten journal about what I want to be when I grow up.
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2. What art-related sites have you ever signed up for? 
LOL this is a weird question. Not sure why so many people want to know. Anyways I definitely had a dA. more than one dA account. I used to browse oekakis when I was a kid but I think I was only signed up to some small ones that internet friends owned. What else...? Mangabullet,Tegakie, Paintberri, iscribble back when that was a thing, instagram if that COUNTs, I used to post art on livejournal and dreamwidth too. Patreon, I guess. Gumroad, inprnt, bigcartel, storenvy all for selling stuff.
In terms of resources.. I have a schoolism account that I’m sharing with friends. Used to take classes on coursera for free. I signed up to textures.com for work recently haha. I can’t remember if I ever had an account on posemaniacs. Did they have accounts...? I definitely used to visit all the time.
3. Show us your oldest piece of art you have on hand.
Alright here’s me actually logging into my old deviantart account. These are from September 2008 So I was 13 years old. I don’t have a deviantart account from before then because 13 was the required age for having an account and I didn’t want to lie about my age because I wanted people to be impressed by how young yet clearly incredible at art I was LOL.
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4. What defines your artistic style?
You guys are probably more equipped to answer this than me but uh... I wanna say... Focus on colors. And... a slightly heavy hand? Like confident... not always well-considered mark making HAH...
Also I think I have a pretty healthy mix of american comics/manga influences. I feel like people who are into american comics always think my art is too manga and people who are into anime/manga always think my art is too american. And I’m taking that as a good sign.
5. Do you practice other styles/have you tried other styles in the past?
I like to think I switch it up a bunch! I mean, these are pretty different, right?
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I think I’ve mentioned this before but one thing I really took away from art school is that, for an illustrator at least, art style shouldn’t be consistent. Your greatest weapon is changing the aspects of your style based on the task, the emotions and message you want to illustrate etc. So depending on the project I’m working on, the fandom I’m drawing for, whether I want something to be funny or serious or dramatic, I’ll change things about my style all the time.
One thing I don’t rly post on here is really tight polished work and that’s because I do that for my day job haha. If you’re not paying me... I’m probably not gonna color in the lines.
6. What levels of artistic education have you had?
I have a whole ass diploma LOL. Bachelor of Fine Arts in Illustration. from the Rhode Island School of Design. And I had a great college experience tbh. Besides the student loans. If any of you guys are thinking about art school feel free to e-mail or message me questions or concerns, I’ll be happy to help. Be as honest as I can be.
7. Show us at least one picture you drew or sketched recently that you did not put on a public site.
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heres the wandavision kids. Uhh what else do I have...I feel like I’m rummaging for loose change here...
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assorted valentines prep doodles
8. What is your favourite piece that you have done?
Well, obviously this is gonna change all the time and generally it’s gonna be my most recent piece LOL. So yeah, why the hell not. I’ll say it’s this one. I have a pretty short memory which I count as a blessing for an artist. I don’t dwell that long on older work and it keeps me moving forward.
10. What do you like most about your art?
I like that it’s something that only I would make! I had this thought fairly recently and I wrote it down in my sketchbook, it’s pretty cheesy and rambling but it felt revolutionary at the time:
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So yeah. I like my art best when it’s the most me and for me. And I like it least when it feels like I’m just making something for social media or for other people’s expectations or whatever.
14. What do you like drawing the most?
Kids in baggy clothing are like my go-to LOL idk if that’s obvious. but also I like being challenged so lately I’ve really loved drawing multi-character compositions, environments, weird angles, etc.
oh i LOVE drawing the underside of shoes lol. And bandages. People that are kinda beat up.. I think it comes from getting a bunch of cuts all the time. I’m always patching myself up and I want to patch characters up too.
15. What do you like drawing the least?
mmm I try to find something to like in every drawing but lets see... I don’t like doing commissions of people’s dogs. Just because it’s normally like... a family friend and my mom volunteered me without my consent and I don’t even really know what they’re expecting me to draw and I don’t even get to meet the dog. Also I’m not that great at dog anatomy. Trying to learn though.
18. What is your purpose for drawing?
This could have a million answers! Uhhh to GIT GOOD??? But also to express myself... and also to make money... I mean it depends on what the drawing IS. I draw fanart mostly to connect to people in the fandom so if you ever see me drawing fanart please take it as like an open invitation to talk to me about the character haha. 
20. How would you rank your art? (poor, mediocre, good, etc.)
Good!!! I have a lot of self-confidence primarily born out of ignorance and a short attention span. If I don’t think too hard about how many other artists are mindblowingly unfathombly good... its easy to think I’m good too! LOL
In all seriousness though, I think the opinion a person has of their art is like a crazy balancing act, right? Like you have to think you suck enough to want to get better but also you have to think you’re good enough to not want to give up. I think we’re all walking that line, I know I am! But also I’m a glass half-full type of person so. Most of the time I feel good about it.
22. List at least one of your “artspirations.”
This is a good question because I’ve been trying and failing to put together one of those “influence map” memes for like a full month now. What’s giving me a hard time is I feel like none of these are actually really obvious “““influences”““ in my art? Like it’s hard to see a lot of them in the work I make...? But idk maybe you guys’ll see what I can’t.
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And these are just a couple! God there’s so many more. I could talk about other artists for ages, from all different genres of art. Daumier, Rockwell like every illustrator out there, Dana Gibson, Alex Toth, Hiroshi Yoshida, a lot of the Brandywine School. Lots of current working artists too, Karl Kerschl, frikkin Masashi Kishimoto lol, Jake Wyatt, Richie Pope, Edouard Caplain, Matt Cook, Sachin Teng, - lots of big internet artists, Sophie Li, Freddy Carrasco, Milliofish, Angela Sung... like all my friends from art school too. I could just keep going but I’ll stop for now lol.
24. Do you have a shameful art past? (recolour sprite comics, tracing art, etc.)
I mean if that’s how we’re defining shameful?? sure LOL. It’s not sprite comics but I used to do pokemon sprite recolors all the time. And I used to trace manga panels and color them... Granted this was all when I was like under 12 yrs old so it’s not even embarrassing. Can you really call it shameful when a 7 year old wets the bed or whatever? Not really. In fact some of these are cool as fuck. Look
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25. Draw a picture!
Man I’m so tired now but here.
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I used to get a lot of compliments for drawing people smiling lol but I don’t think I’ve drawn a lot of smiling lately.. here’s proof I’ve still got it.
OK MEME DONE. onto the rest.
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I read this ask first thing when i opened my computer in the morning and it made me really emotional.. I’m so glad my sketches could help you!!
I think a lot of artists on social media talk about the struggle of making art but imo not enough people talk about the joy! Like I know it’s corny but. I really meant what I said at the beginning of that sketchbook about re-contextualizing art around process and progress > product and perfection. I think its super important..! The strength of messy, unfinished, and energetic art! For the feeling of it, for the love it!
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That's crazy!!! I hope you like 'em. The whole line of x-books is really good rn imo.
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Hi! I totally have the answer for digital stuff on my faq lol. But in terms of drawing on paper.. it varies! I tend to use sketchbooking and any on-paper doodling I do as a way to loosen up/warm-up or experiment. But right now my go-to aresenal is:
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from top > bottom
- kuretake no.55 doublesided brush pen
- tombow fudenosuke
- muji 0.38 ballpoint
- medium size poscas
- grey tombow double brush pens
- good ol bic mechanical pencil
not EXACTly sure which inking you referring to from my sketchbook but if I had to take a guess it'd probably be the kuretake no55. That's been my main inker, lately. Great for sketching with the thin end too.
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You can print out and eat my art if you like. Just please don't mass produce or re-sell. <3
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Thanks! I've come to accept that my art is always gonna be sort of gestural and painty naturally. It's getting it to tighten up enough to be legible that's hard lol...
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uh yeah lol I agree actually. I think yolei is great.
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I assume these asks are related? LOL
1) Yeah totally true. I love David.
2) I don’t take requests, sorry! But if you want to commission me to draw Legion i would be MORE than happy to. Just e-mail me at [email protected].
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cultgambles · 3 years
Blue Levi Ackerman x Reader
this is a fic i wrote in may 2015 (i was 14, im 20 now) but i thofuht it would be funny to post it here since SNK is ending and it’s back to being popular now haha) enjoy the cringe! also i’m so sorry the formatting is weird ...i’ll fix it once i get to my laptop, i’m on my phone atm
Masterlist | Requests? open
Man, remeber when songfics were all the rage? Song is “Blue Lips” by Regina Spektor.
WC: 815
He stumbled into faith and thought,
"God, this is all there is."
He was Levi Ackerman.
Humanity's strongest soldier.
The pictures in his mind arose
And began to breathe
And all the gods and all the worlds
Began colliding on a backdrop of blue
Blue lips, blue veins
You were just plain [Y/N], who had a tendency to make snarky remarks, fight, and procrastinate.
He took a step but then felt tired
He said, "I'll rest a little while"
Luckily for you, Levi wasn't too harsh on you. You had known him underground and followed him when he was taken hostage.
But when he tried to walk again
He wasn't a child
You both had to grow up too soon; too fast. It was dangerous there. He became a successful soldier, ranking number one, and earning him the title of Lance Corporal.
And all the people hurried fast, real fast
And no one ever smiled
You had come in a close second, surprising your fellow cadets.
Just to become enslaved in the assembly lines
Levi was infatuated by you. He loved the way your [color] hair would flow in the wind, or how your [color] eyes sparkled as they drifted up to meet his own steel eyes. He loved they way you would whisper 'I love you' in his ear before you'd fall asleep. Yes, the Corporal did have a heart.
But only for you.
"Ne, Levi-"
"Corporal," he responded, not looking towards the young girl.
"Whatever, Dwarf. But are you excited for our mission?"
"Tch. It's the same as all the other missions. Did you just call me a dwarf?"
"No. Whelp, there's Erwin," you laughed.
Levi watched as the taller commander rode to the front of the formation.
"Ready soldiers? FORWARD!" He commanded and everyone yelled with adrenaline. It had been only a short while when a red flare was spotted.
"Damn, and we were so close to the base in the woods," Levi snorted.
"Don't worry, Shortie, we'll get there," [Y/N] assured him.
"Don't call me shortie. You're not even that taller than me."
"The only inch that actually counts, might I add," you snickered.
Now, everyone was safely in the protection of the trees. There were some casualties, only mourned by close friends.
Thump, thump
"Did you hear that?" you asked.
"Hear what?" Levi questioned.
Thump, thump
"That. It sounds like running."
"Hm, be on the lookout for titans."
"[Y/N]! Look out!" Petra screamed. You looked up as a titan came out of nowhere and stared at you. You froze as it opened is large mouth, dripping with saliva.
"Brat! Move your ass!" You heard Levi scream. You turned to move, but alas, the titan swatted you away like a fly and went to grab your broken body.
Then-suddenly, you were falling, then flying. You opened your eyes to meet your savior's.
"Don't be stupid. Humanity doesn't want its strongest soldier to be dead," you whispered.
"Don't be stupid, I don't want you to be dead!" A tear leaked from Levi's eye as he set you on a tree branch. "You'll be okay. We just have to seal your wound at get you back to the walls."
He stumbled into faith and thought,
"God, this is all there is."
"Levi, I'm already dying," you laughed harshly. "I see Mom...and Dad."
The pictures in his mind arose
"No, you don't. It's me, your boyfriend."
"I'm glad that we were together, Midget."
"We still are together!" Levi said, applying pressure to your gushing wound.
"Levi. Before I die, I...I want you to forget me."
And began to breathe
"Forget me."
Blue lips, blue veins
Blue, the color of our planet
From far, far away
Blue lips, blue veins
Blue, the color of our planet
From far, far away
"Blue is such a pretty color. I want bluebells for my funeral. Can you remember that?"
"Stop talking like you're dying. That's an order." The others gathered around, all saddened with the knowledge that they're loosing a great friend. A great soldier. A great lover.
"I love you, Levi Ac-" your hand dropped, and your eyes lost their bright [color] hue.
"Don't leave me, [Y/N]! [Y/N]?" Levi frowned. How was he going to live?
Blue, the most human color
Blue, the most human color
Blue, the most human color
The color blue was everywhere: the skies, a flare, the Survey Corps symbol, and most of all, the bluebells. How could he forget someone as precious as you?
Blue lips, blue veins
Blue, the color of our planet
Levi placed a chaste kiss to your cold forehead. He removed your jacket and traded your unused blades with his old ones. He folded your jacket up and carried it home, a stoic expression that would remain there for eternity on his face.
From far, far away
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ichigo-daifuku · 3 years
Alone Together
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Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Pairing: Hawks/Todoroki Fuyumi Genre: Time Travel, Romance, Fluff, Angst, Suggestive Themes
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Synopsis: A Quirk accident prompts Fuyumi to travel back in time in various intervals, where she does her best to keep a low profile so as not to alter the future timeline.
Except Keigo catches feelings for her a year earlier than scheduled.
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1 | ☆ Chapter One: A Fine Mess Word Count: 5.2k
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恋の予感 | こいのよかん | koi no yokan
premonition of love; the sense one can have upon first meeting another person that the two of them will inevitably fall in love.
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At five in the morning, Hawks stirred in his sleep and shivered.
The air was frigid. He concluded the heater must have ceased functioning sometime in the middle of the night. If it didn’t, how else could he explain how frosty the temperature in his room was? He took a deep breath and exhaled through his mouth, rubbing a palm over his abdomen. It felt as if he was sleeping beside a block of ice. Groggily, he huddled further under his blanket and tried to fall back into slumber.
Five more minutes, he thought, and then, this early bird will catch the worm… no, the villains.
A shift on his bed followed by a yawn drew his attention. He froze. Eyes shut but conscious and alert, he spread out a number of his feathers and confirmed it: an intruder was on his bed.
Hawks opened his eyes and found a sight that made them go as wide as saucers. A scantily clad woman was curled up next to him, comfortably sleeping as if she was on her own bed. She mumbled something incoherently and embraced his torso, her hold loose but enough for him to feel the outline and curves of her body. A puff of breath from her parted lips tickled his bare chest. Her skin was as cold as ice, and for a second, he wondered if she was feeling unwell—until he came to his senses. He recounted the events of the previous night in search of any factor that could’ve led to this situation.
Hawks had gone through the daily grind of flying around and catching villains. It had been a busier day than usual. Exhausted after his final patrol, he opted to order take-out at a fast-food restaurant on his way home instead of dining in. He ate his dinner, freshened up, put a random pair of sweatpants on, and went to sleep. He failed to recall encountering her last night, and he was certain she wasn’t here when he plopped down on his bed.
Hawks had never met this woman before.
However, from what he was seeing, he slept beside this woman. He didn’t sleep with her, right? There was no way such a thing would slip his mind.
Was he going insane? Was he having his annual spring rut? Was he so sexually frustrated that he was having a realistic hallucination of a very attractive woman sleeping next to him?
“Good morning,” said a feminine voice, still husky from the early hour, near his ear.
Despite the silent questions he raised, the softness of the lips pressing on his cheek was real.
Very much so.
Languidly, the woman sat up, stretched her arms above her head, and let out a contented hum. She stepped out of the bed and left the room while combing her fingers through her snow-white hair, unperturbed.
Hawks, who was still dubious of the situation, left the bed and slipped on the first t-shirt he could lay his feathers on. He went after the woman and found her in the kitchen, browsing through the contents of the refrigerator with a frown.
She cocked her head to the side and scrunched her eyebrows. “Didn’t we go grocery shopping yesterday? Why is everything gone? Don’t tell me you got hungry in the middle of the night and ate it all.”
The two of them went grocery shopping? Yesterday?
Without waiting for his response, the woman grabbed two eggs from the shelf and closed the refrigerator. She set them aside and bent down to get a frying pan from the cabinet.
Hawks wondered how she knew where he kept his cookware, but before he could dwell on the thought, he found out it wasn’t all that she was cognizant of.
The woman knew how to operate the rice cooker and coffee maker easily and prepared breakfast with such familiarity that if he didn’t know better, he’d say it was her kitchen and not his.
All the while, he stood at the entrance, wary and ready to defend himself when she decided to strike—except she did nothing of the sort.
“By the way, have you seen my eyeglasses?” she asked, setting the plate of fried eggs on the table. “It wasn’t on the nightstand. I forgot where I put them.”
“Who are you?” Hawks finally uttered the question he was dying to find the answer to. He took a tentative step forward as a predator would when it stalked its prey. “How did you get in my place?”
She glanced at him but paid his threatening action no mind, filling two mugs with coffee. “Huh?”
“It’s a serious question, Miss,” he stated, his expression grave and stern. “Who are you?”
Silver eyes met his golden ones. For some inexplicable reason, he was taken aback, but before he could mull over the peculiar impression he sensed, the question that left her lips had alarm bells ringing in his head.
“What are you talking about, Keigo?”
She called him Keigo.
He launched one of his longer feathers to his palm and aligned it toward her neck as one would with a sword. The tip of the feather brushed a strand of her hair, from which he spotted distinctive crimson streaks from. It was a unique feature that would help confirm her identity if she refused to speak. “Are you a spy? Who sent you?”
Panicked, she shook her head and waved her hands in front of her in denial. “I’m not a spy! No one sent me!”
“How did you know that name?”
“Which name?”
“Stop pretending you don’t know what’s going on,” he snapped, glaring at her. “My real name. How did you know it?”
“You told me.”
His birth name was classified information. From the day he was instructed to live as Hawks, he had buried his past and told no one his real name. Nobody—save for his estranged parents, the Hero Public Safety Commission, and himself—should have been aware of it. Not even his sidekicks, nor his fans, and definitely not the woman standing in front of him. “You’re lying.”
“Keigo, are you okay? Did you hit your head or something?” The menacing stance he had did nothing to deter her. She stepped forward and touched his head in search of any injuries. When she found none, she retreated and put her hands behind her back. “If I remember correctly, we’ve been on a first-name basis since we met. Well, kind of.”
Why would he reveal his real name to someone he just met? He would never do that. 
Was this woman a delusional fangirl of his? He had encountered a few cases of those, but none of them had gone as far as this woman. She wasn’t from around here, he noticed, as she wasn’t speaking in Hakata-ben. Regardless, this was a penthouse of an exclusive condominium in Kyushu. How was she able to get past the security?
“We’ve never met. I don’t know who you are,” he stated without room for argument. “Now, tell me how you got in, and I’ll turn you in to the police myself.”
She stared at his face quietly, deep in thought. After a long pause, an epiphany struck her, and she spoke in a hesitant tone, expecting the worst, “Sorry, but… could you, perhaps, tell me what year it is?”
“That’s an odd question, Miss. What year do you think it is?”
The response she gave him left him disconcerted. With an uncertain voice, she told him today's month and day correctly, but she added three years to the current year.
When he revealed she was wrong, she backed away and buried her face in her hands.
“Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry!” she cried out with an apologetic bow, on the verge of bursting into tears. “We haven’t met yet, haven’t we? This must be so strange to you.”
“We’ve never met.”
“Yeah, not yet.” She paced back and forth and turned to him. “Do you mind if I look around for a bit? I just want to confirm it.”
He didn’t rule out the possibility she was unhinged, but he wanted to know what her deal was before handing her over to the authorities. Humoring her, he let go and returned his large feather to his wings, relenting. “Fine.” 
In case she had any funny business up her sleeve, he followed her. A few of his feathers hovered around her as a safety precaution, too. Yet as he observed her, he had to ask himself: how come she was able to roam around his place like she owned it? 
Similar to the way she acted in the kitchen, she barged inside his walk-in closet effortlessly. Stumbling upon rows and rows of men’s clothing, she mumbled, “My clothes…”
She peeked inside the bathroom and found a lone toothbrush on the sink and men’s products everywhere. “My toiletries…”
In front of an empty space in the living room, she stared and murmured, “My books…”
“None of my belongings are here.” She shook her head with a sigh, momentarily forgetting she had company as she glanced at the calendar on the wall. “I really am in the past.”
Keigo placed a hand on her shoulder, rousing her from her reverie. “Care to explain?”
The sound of her stomach grumbling interrupted her before she could speak. She covered her midriff in embarrassment, the skimpy nightgown she had on drawing his attention again. “Sorry.”
Keigo sighed. From a logical point of view, the current evidence indicated this woman as a threat. However, his feathers tingled in a different way than they would when they sensed danger was in the midst. He had gathered from her whispers that she believed she was from the future. Something strange was going on, and he would get to the bottom of it.
With a few small feathers, he grabbed a hoodie from his closet and offered it to her. “You can wear this.”
“Oh, thank you.” She slipped the hoodie on and awkwardly continued, “It’s cold, isn’t it? Not that I’m bothered or anything, though. I actually don’t mind the cold much, don’t worry! Haha…”
That’s not it, he thought but didn’t bother saying aloud. She already cooked breakfast, might as well let her eat it.
“You can enlighten me of the situation while you eat,” Keigo decided, leading her to the dining area. He pulled a chair out and instructed, “Sit down.”
She followed him wordlessly and watched as he set the table, brought the cooked rice, and sat in front of her. Upon noticing he wasn’t making any move to grab a serving, she spoke, “Aren’t you going to eat? I didn’t put anything weird in there, I promise.”
Keigo had witnessed her prepare them earlier. He didn’t see or smell anything weird in the food either.
She sensed his reluctance and lifted the chopsticks between her fingers. As proof of her innocence, she took a bite of the fried egg and swallowed. “See? It’s fine.”
Keigo acquiesced, putting a portion of rice and egg in his bowl.
“Thank you for the food,” they said in unison.
He took a much-needed sip of coffee and began with his inquiry, “Think you can tell me what’s up now, Miss?”
“Yesterday afternoon, a young girl’s Quirk went out of control and hit me. Nothing happened, but my companion and I went to the hospital to be sure. The doctors said it was a mutation type of Quirk, but they couldn’t confirm anything since the girl’s exact power was unknown.”
That companion was supposedly him. “And then?”
“Since nothing was wrong with me, they sent us home. We went to this penthouse, ate dinner, and slept. But when I woke up, I’m… here. In the past,” she told him. “One of the doctors did advise us to wait for twenty-four hours, so maybe, that’s my time limit.”
“You’re sure this is the past? Not an alternate universe?”
“I think so.”
“How are you going to come back to your own time?”
“I don’t know.”
“How do I know you’re telling the truth? Why should I believe you?”
“I…” Contemplative, she paused before offering a suggestion. “I’d like to wait for twenty-four hours, at least.”
“And if nothing happens?”
“I’ll turn myself in to the authorities if you’ll insist, but I hope you’ll at least let me call someone for help.”
“Let me guess. A colleague? Perhaps, a fellow villain?”
“No, I’m not a villain. My—” she broke off mid-sentence again, carefully choosing her words, “—a family member would know what to do, I think.”
“How suspicious.”
“Look, I know twenty-four hours is a lot to ask, especially from the Number T...hree Hero, but I’m also confused right now. If I’m being honest, I’d like to go back to where I came from right at this moment,” she confessed. “I hope you can bear with me for a while. It will really help me. Please.”
Keigo felt the accusation he was about to utter stuck in his throat. Sincerity and anxiety radiated from her words. His instincts told him it was an honest appeal for his assistance. While he was still unsure, he was a Hero, and the woman in front of him, a suspected villain or not, was asking him for help. He couldn’t ignore it.
He grabbed his phone with a stray feather and dialed his secretary’s number. “Hello, good morning. It’s Hawks. I won’t be coming in today. It’s an emergency situation, and I’ll be on surveillance duty.”
“Roger, Sir. I’ll let your sidekicks know.”
“By the way, don’t ask why, but can you send a set of women’s clothes to my place? Toiletries, as well. Thanks! Bye-bye!”
“Thank you,” the woman told him as he ended the call. This time, she was unable to hold back her tears, and she wiped them immediately with the sleeve of his hoodie. “Thank you so much. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience, Keigo—I mean, Hawks!”
Silence reigned during the rest of the breakfast. It wasn’t the awkward nor the comfortable type. She was engrossed in her thoughts while he was on high alert. After they finished eating, she volunteered to do the dishes, and he allowed her to, knowing she needed a moment alone to collect herself. He stayed at a considerable distance in the living room instead, aware she finished the task without any issues.
Keigo looked up from the YAP! News article on his phone and observed as the woman plopped down on the other side of the sofa and grabbed the remote control on the coffee table.
As if she felt his sharp gaze on her, she turned her face to his direction, and realization dawned on her.
“Whoops, sorry! I just…” she blurted out, embarrassed at the faux pas she committed. “Nevermind. Do you mind if I watch TV?”
“It’s fine.”
“Thank you,” she mumbled, redirecting her eyes to the television. She flipped the channels to find something appealing to watch and came upon an animated magical girl franchise. “Oh, PreCure!” 
“I see,” he noted, caught off guard she chose that show over the morning news on one channel and a rerun of a documentary about the most recent Hero Billboard Chart JP on another. “You’re into these kinds of shows?”
“I happen to know a lot of kids. They love this show,” she replied, heat creeping up her cheeks. “Besides, there’s no such thing as being too old to watch anime.”
“Yeah.” An amused smile crept upon his lips. “You’re right about that, Miss.”
She would squint her eyes from time to time throughout the episode. In addition, since she had been looking for her eyeglasses earlier, he deduced she had poor eyesight. Keigo thought she might get a headache later on if she continued watching television like that. That would be bad, wouldn’t it?
It turned out, he had no need to fret about such a thing from happening. A couple of hours later, she ended up dozing off. He stood, turned the television’s volume down, and fixed her position in a way she could lay down and sleep properly.
How could she let her guard down like that? he asked himself, covering her with a blanket. She seems fatigued, though.
Unable to figure her out, he took a seat on the solo sofa and let her be, still on surveillance duty.
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While she didn’t mention anything about being unwell, she was exhausted—that much was obvious. It was only at lunchtime when she awoke from her nap, the sound of the doorbell serving as her alarm clock. Behind the door, the pizza delivery man stood with Keigo’s order in his hands. Keigo settled the payment and brought the box to the living room. He set the box on the table and untied the string on top of it. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
“I’m okay.”
“Are you feeling sick or anything?”
“No, just tired.” She shut her eyes and massaged her fingers over her temple. “It must be a side effect of the girl’s Quirk. I’m not usually like this.”
He didn’t know this woman, but he knew how being sick without medicine felt: miserable. “Tell me if you need anything. I’ll get it.”
Her eyes fluttered open drowsily. “Don’t worry about it. It’s not that bad. I’ll be fine.”
“Do you want to freshen up after you eat?” He handed her a sealed paper bag through a feather on its handle. “The clothing and toiletries I asked for earlier arrived while you were sleeping.”
“I will.” She waited for him to release the paper bag with her palms wide open. When he did, she caught it and put it on her lap. “Thanks.”
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Keigo decided to take his turn in using the bathroom after she did.
As soon as he stepped inside and shut the door, he was surrounded by her presence. Droplets of water trickled from the tiled walls to the floor. The delicate scent of floral shampoo and the fragrance of milk and honey body wash clung in the air; soft and sweet. No part of his house had smelled like that before. Another crack made its way through his composure. He was unused to having people over at his place. No, scratch that, he never had people over. Given who he was, he had a lot to protect, and to accomplish that, he must keep his secrets. It was a dangerous line she crossed easily. He found the experience daunting.
As quickly as he could, he finished showering, got dressed, and returned to the living room, where he was able to sense her presence. 
She sat in the same area she occupied earlier, flipping through a random magazine she found on the coffee table. The cream-colored turtleneck shirt and acid wash jeans she was wearing clung to her body in all the right places. Upon seeing him, she looked up from the pages and shut the magazine. “Hawks?”
“Y-Yes?” He cleared his throat. “What is it?”
“You’re twenty-two years old at the moment, right?”
She chuckled good-naturedly. “I’m still older than you.”
“Is that so?” he asked, unsure of how to respond to her statement. “Are you also older than me where you came from?”
“That’s right.” She returned the magazine to the table and stood. “By the way, do you mind if I wash my clothes?”
“Go ahead.”
“Thank you.”
She gave him a smile and left.
Dumbfounded by their bizarre exchange, Keigo stared at her retreating form and frowned.
She didn’t even ask him where the washing machine was.
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The woman stood by the glass walls, the pad of her fingertips touching the surface as she stared at the carmine and amber hues of the setting sun.
Keigo made his way next to her and observed the view closely. The scenery was breathtaking from this altitude. He couldn’t blame her for being enamored by it. It was one of the reasons he picked this penthouse. The sky was fascinating, no matter the weather or the time of the day it was.
“Are you curious?” she asked out of the blue, her gaze still on the horizon.
“About what?”
“The future.”
“Well, I don’t really know if you’re from the future or not,” he admitted, an absurd idea popping inside his mind. “How about you tell me something that will happen a week or so from now?”
“Like a major event?”
“Something like that,” he said, although he speculated a definite answer from her would be unlikely. “Anything will do.”
“Okay, that would be an effective way to check.” The woman nodded. “If what I’m about to tell you happens, will you believe me, then?”
“It depends.” He turned to look at her. Her casual agreement caught him by mild surprise, his curiosity multiplying as the seconds ticked by. “But let’s say you do disappear and come back to wherever you came from after twenty-four hours. At that point, it wouldn’t matter, wouldn’t it?”
“It would. At least, to me, it would,” she stated, meeting his gaze. “I’ve got nothing to lose by telling you, but you have to promise not to meddle. If this is the past, the future timeline shouldn’t be altered.”
“Fair enough,” he agreed with a lighthearted laugh. “Sounds like a plot of a movie.”
“It does, doesn’t it?” She gave him a smile and fiddled with her fingers. The shift in the mood was palpable as she began, “A few days after the term at U.A. High School begins, a class will be attacked by a group of villains.”
“U.A.’s security system is top-notch, though,” he pointed out, not bothering to conceal his doubt. “I don’t see anything like that happening.”
“Everyone thought so, too.” Amused, she added, “Knowing you, by now, you’re already aware that All Might is going to be a teacher at U.A., aren’t you?”
“How did you—”
“I just do, okay?” She clasped her hands behind her back and leaned in. “Remember, you promised not to meddle.”
“Fine,” he agreed. “But if it does happen, who knows? You might have known of it because you’re a member of that ‘group of villains’ yourself.”
“I’m not! I’m not a member of that group of villains.” A chuckle fell past her lips, one tinged with amusement and melancholy. “That’s… not me.”
She returned her gaze to the scenery of Kyushu, and it gave Keigo a good view of her shoulder-length hair. The crimson streaks in it stood out against its dominant white color. When he thought about it, he couldn’t help but compare it to the color of his feathers. They were so alike that a smaller feather of his would blend in with them perfectly. He chided himself for thinking that way.
And so, instead, Keigo debated whether the crimson streaks in her hair were natural or otherwise.
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The late-night news was on in the background as the two of them partook in their share of fast-food chicken meals. It was from the same restaurant Keigo visited last night except, this time, he ordered them online and waited for them to arrive after twenty minutes.
“I wish you didn’t have to have meals delivered all the time,” the woman lamented and took a sip of soda. “Eat healthier when you can, okay?”
“Aww, are you concerned about me?” he asked half-jokingly, setting the empty cardboard packaging aside.
“Of course.”
Keigo was quiet at that, once again blindsided by her candidness. He had only met this woman today, yet she cared enough about him to trouble herself about his diet. 
“Hawks,” she spoke, her voice gentle and hesitant, but of what, he didn’t know. “Are you doing okay right now?”
“Just peachy,” he answered promptly like he always did, pushing those strange thoughts aside. “Why would you ask me that?”
A long pause passed before she opened her mouth to respond. “You told me there were times you thought of the HPSC as a birdcage—sometimes, a shackle. Even if I know better, meeting you in this time of your life worries me.”
By then, the sound coming from the television was nothing but white noise. Everything she uttered was the truth. Those were sentiments he had hidden deep inside him and swore to keep to himself. This woman knew about them, though—she knew him well. He found no rational explanation for the way she was aware of specific matters he dared not to speak about. How else would she know them if he didn’t tell her? Maybe, not now, but in the future.
At that point, he started to truly believe her. One thing, however, kept creeping inside his mind once he came to terms with it. He stared at her intently, trying to unravel the mystery that came in the form of this woman. “Who are you in my life?”
“Uh, I am…” She averted her gaze, a blush forming on her cheeks. “That would be a spoiler, wouldn’t it?”
“I want to know.” Keigo was a sharp man. He already had an inkling of who she would be for him in the future, but he wanted the confirmation to come from her lips. “Tell me.”
She opened her mouth to respond, but the sound of a bell, similar to that of a cat’s, rang three times, diverting their attention.
The next thing he knew, the woman in front of him had vanished into thin air.
Keigo searched the entire penthouse but found her nowhere. He considered the possibility she had been a figment of his imagination, but he ultimately believed she wasn’t.
The cardboard container of her meal remained on the coffee table, in front of the seat she took earlier. The wooden chopsticks laid on top of a folded sheet of tissue paper, their tips dampened and darkened by the savory sauce of the chicken she ate and said was delicious. Inside his bathroom, the toiletries she used were arranged neatly on the corner of the sink.
The white cotton nightdress, as well as the hoodie she borrowed, hung on the metal clothing rack in the washing area, fresh with the detergent he liked best. A matching pair of underwear with a dainty ribbon—lingerie, to be specific—dangled beside them, mocking him for having thoughts he shouldn’t have had. He laughed them off as best as he could but didn’t know what to do with them. In the end, he decided to put them inside the unused drawer in his walk-in closet.
She might have disappeared, but she didn’t do it without a trace.
He checked his wristwatch and saw it was past midnight. If her assumptions and calculations were correct, it meant she had arrived on his bed last night around this time. He wondered if she made it to the future safely. 
He hoped so.
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Hawks kept his feathers vigilant for any clues regarding the supposed surprise attack at U.A. High School. The mysterious woman would appear in his mind frequently because of the information she had given him concerning the near future. It piqued his interest because he found nothing about it. He couldn’t meddle at all even if he knew, which he could imagine, for her, was a good thing.
To his credit, he got the wind of the news before the press did. Class 1-A was attacked by a group called the League of Villains during an on-campus activity in the Unforeseen Simulation Joint training facility. People dubbed it as the U.S.J. Incident. The League of Villains aimed to put an end to All Might but failed in the end. Their leader, however, had gotten away. Hawks couldn’t help but consider what kind of trouble they would stir up in the future. He had to investigate further.
On the flip side, it further proved that the woman he encountered in his home was telling the truth. She was from the future. He opened the door to his penthouse and made his way to his bedroom, remembering her again. In retrospect, they had gotten themselves into quite a mess during the day she appeared. 
Not that he’d see her anytime soon, or so he thought.
It was a faint sound, but nevertheless, a familiar one. An invisible bell rang three times, and a feminine voice spoke beside him, causing him to stop in his tracks in wonder.
“Do you believe me now?” the woman asked, her head tilting to the side. Her doe eyes, framed with eyeglasses this time, twinkled with hopefulness.
“You’re here,” he blurted out, “again.”
“Yeah.” She leaned backward and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “I have twenty-three hours this time.”
“One hour less than last time,” he pointed out. “But how did you know?”
“We had time to visit the doctor again. The young girl has a Quirk that sends people back in time. Time Quirks are rare, so existing studies about them are insufficient to undo the whole thing. I can’t elaborate too much on the details, but there’s nothing I can do but go through the whole time travel duration. After this, there will be twenty-two more instances when I will appear somewhere near you at a random moment, each time lessened by an hour.”
“For how long?”
“A year, more or less.”
“But out of all the places you could appear in, why does it happen where I am?” he asked, meticulously processing the information she had given him. “Not that I’m complaining or anything. I’m just curious.”
“I…” she paused, contemplating whether or not to tell him, “because you were the one closest to me when I was struck by the girl’s Quirk.”
“How close?”
“We were standing next to each other.”
“We were… holding each other’s hand.”
“Ah.” He nodded. “So, we really do have that kind of relationship, huh?”
She rolled her eyes and averted her gaze, folding her arms in front of her chest. “I’m not going to answer that.”
Despite her dismissal, the pink tinge of her cheeks betrayed her composure. It was all the answer he needed to his question.
They were together. Three years in the future, the two of them were in a relationship. How did such a thing happen?
Time would tell. For now, a cordial smile tugged at his lips, knowing exactly where to begin. “What’s your name?”
“If I tell you,” she said hesitantly, “will you promise not to look for me?”
“Why not?”
“I don’t want to change the present—I mean, my present—where I’m from. The future, if you will, in your case.”
“Okay, then.” Keigo nodded. It was a reasonable condition, after all. “I promise.”
“Great.” She grinned, relieved he gave her his word. “It’s nice to meet you. My name is Fuyumi.”
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Notes: The three-year difference in their timelines and the sound of a bell ringing was inspired by Kimi no Na wa, one of my favorite movies.
I was actually working on a fic for another ship, but I thought of Huwumi again and ended up writing this instead.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading! ❄️
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Alone Together
BNHA Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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