#they need to smootch more
hdawg1995 · 1 month
the "do it, you won't" reverse psychology i experience from myself and others is very dangerous at 3:42am when i can't sleep so i'm looking through old writing docs and get The Urge
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scholastic-dragon · 2 years
Bay Turtle Kisses 💋
Thank you for requesting this @akesdraws-blog it was so cute and fun.
Warnings: giving the turtles the smootches they deserve!
Hear me out
Neck kisses
And not just the sexual kind no no.
Leo's a tall dude, even if he's not the tallest, he's still large. And you probably still have to reach up on your tippy toes to hug him. And because of that, the easiest place for you to place kisses was his collarbone and neck.
Knees: gone
It's just such a strange and sensitive place and he loves how intimate it is
He's gotten forehead and cheek kisses from his brothers and April, but your kisses are more personal and he can't get enough of them
He was terrified to kiss your neck for the first time, but he couldn't stop staring and it was eating away at his brain. He needed to know how smooth the skin was, how potent your scent would be.
It was date night at your place, you were watching a movie, wrapped up in a thick blanket, sitting in between his legs.
He had a perfect view of the back of your head and the side of your neck. Even more so when you moved your hair to the side because you thought it was bothering it.
It was but in a different way
He couldn't help himself, he leaned in, taking a moment to appreciate how your perfume, body wash and natural scent mixed before kissing the juncture where your shoulder and neck met.
He pulled away, not wanting to overstep, but stopped when your arm came up, pushing his head back to your neck.
At your small, "more, please," He was sure his heart had stopped
Game on.
Nose kisses
His favorite is when you both make eye contact, doesn't matter where or how far apart you are, and he licks his lips and keeps -purposefully- glancing down at your lips.
So you start to lean in, and he takes your face in your hands, tilting tour head, moving extra slow to build momentum....and then places a sweet kiss to the tip of your nose.
Then he pulls back, going back to whatever he was doing, trying not to laugh at your mad face
You make the cutest face when he does this, you try and make a mad face but your cheeks are red, eyes crinkled from laughed and fighting a smile.
He laughs, and plants kisses all over your face, leaving your lips for last.
One of his favorite pranks is when you're sitting at the dining table for a meal, he makes eye contact, licks his lips, then stands from his chair, leaning across the table with puckered lips.
You lean forward, giggling and mumbling something about how 'he can't even wait five minutes for another kiss'
And then.....he leans down and takes the straw of your drink into his mouth and happily sipps whatever is in the cup.
Then he sits back and resumes his meal, ignoring how you kick his shin under the table.
Any kissing that can involve him rubbing his nose on you <3
He just can't get enough of you and sometimes just a simple kiss isn't enough, so he'll rub your noses together and then kiss you
He likes coming up behind you and bending down (literally almost in half) and wrapping his noddle arms around you and nuzzling your neck until you turn around and he can get a little smooch
He also nuzzles your cheek, he'll start at your jaw, work his way up your cheek and cheekbone, and then stop at your nose.
And YES, he is chirping the whole time
Secret hint: is you want Donnie to fall head over heels for you, come up behind him while he's working and hug his shoulders, rub his chest and arms while nuzzling his neck
Raph doesn't necessarily have a favorite, but he loves kissing you in places where you have something he doesn't
For example, ears -its a bit weird but just listen- he doesn't have them and thinks they're so cute
So when yall are snuggling and kissing, he'll start at your jaw and kiss his way to your ears, kissing just under it, behind it, then a flurry of little kisses on the lobes
If he's feeling a bit playful he might even give a small nip and tug (nothing that would hurt of course, just something to make you gasp or giggle)
Also, eyelids, and yes I know he had eyelids, but not like yours! He doesn't have eyelashes, so he uses the kisses as an excuse to get a closer look at you
He'll get right up in your face and just stare before kissing your eyelids.
Normally he does it as you guys are going to bed, he uses it to make you close your eyes for sleep.
And finally, hands! You have so many fingers and he just feels deep down that he needs to kiss all of them. Along with your palm, knuckles, the back of your hand and your wrists.
Your hands are just so dainty and small to him, and he can't get enough of them.
He can't get enough of you <3
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @mysticboombox @strawberrycakeblog
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pillow-anime-talk · 9 months
:) you already know 😅 could you do prompt 50 with Kaneki or Urie with fem reader? Thank you, love! Your writing is always magnificent and can’t wait to read this one!
# tags: scenario; current marriage relationship; hot romance; also fluff (kaneki deserve it!); kid!fic, family!au; smut; nsfw
warnings: mention of sex and sexual activities, on the sofa, kaneki wants another baby (breeding), unprotected sex, lactation, sloppy kisses, body worship, bites, pet names
includes: female reader ft. ken kaneki {tokyo ghoul}
author’s note: hii! i wrote about urie for you, so i chose kaneki this time :) i hope you find the plot and tags interesting and you enjoy it. i am also sorry you waited so long :(
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50. “S-Stop. Someone is looking at us.”
You breathed a sigh of relief when in the tiny bedroom with two cute beds you could only hear faint snoring and calm breathing. Your (almost) two-year-old daughter had her eyes closed in a white cradle with a pacifier in her mouth, and your five-year-old son was sleeping peacefully in a small bed, cuddled up to his beloved mascot in the shape of a yellow tiger. At the same moment, the very pleasant smell of freshly brewed coffee reached your nostrils, so you just kissed your children on their smol foreheads and then left the room, closing the wooden door behind you. After a while, you returned to the kitchen where your husband was waiting for you.
In his hands there was a black mug with the image of a white cat, and next to his person, on the counter, there was a white mug with the image of the same animal. With a smile, you thanked him for the life-giving caffeine, and a moment later you felt a light kiss on your left cheek. Leaning against the counter, you started a conversation with Ken about light-hearted topics, and somewhere between the first sip of the hot drink and drinking it to the last drop, you moved to the living room, wanting to turn on a movie from the plan to watch list on Netflix app. It was a simple horror movie with a predictable plot and comedy elements. However, the horror faded into the background the moment you started talking again; about your husband’s friend’s birthday party, about household chores, about wanting to go to the mountains, about Ken’s job... There were quite a lot of topics, and the quiet evening and the presence of a few lights hanging on the curtain rod added a pleasant atmosphere between the two of you.
You haven’t had an evening to yourself for a long time; you were busy raising your children and taking care of the house and your husband working hard and earning money for the four of you. Plus, there were many other, unforeseen situations that were often full of emotions, stress, happiness, or great physical and mental effort.
That’s why you needed each other more than usual on this particular night.
The light kiss you received from your partner was full of tenderness and longing. His cool hands touched your waist at one point, and you smiled because of caress, almost melting between the blond man’s fingers.
“... Aren’t you tired, butterfly?” He asked with a slightly raised eyebrow, wanting to respect your possible tiredness and desire to watch the movie to the very end. But you shook your head, giving him a quick smootch on the cheek. Ken took that as an answer and then moved slightly closer to you, while settling your body on the spread out sofa, full of soft pillows and beige blankets. His kisses changed their position in a short moment and now, instead of your lips, his teeth were lightly biting the skin of your neck. A few long seconds later, with his right hand, he pushed aside the nightgown you were wearing and also kissed your breasts, which were still very swollen from feeding the younger child with your own milk. “You’re very beautiful, you know, love?”
Your both cheeks immediately turned red and your eyes sparkled a bit as you felt your panties being slowly pulled down. The long blue fabric stayed in it’s place, as did your husband’s pajama top. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a rather large bulge in Ken’s boxers, but you didn’t comment on it in any way. Too busy touching his body under the material of his clothes, you almost forgot about the condom you kept in several strategic places around the house. So you wanted to reach into the small, mahogany hiding place in the armrest, but your beloved grabbed your hand between his long fingers.
“Maybe you want to have sex without it?” He asked a little uncertainly and a little with hope in his voice; he also couldn’t hide the smile that involuntarily appeared on his lips.
“... Why?”
“Hmm. Wouldn’t you like another child?” He asked, pressing his cock harder against your damp pussy, and you bit your lip, feeling your body heat up even more. “You look very pretty when you’re pregnant, baby.” He added in a light whisper, nibbling on your left ear.
“Oh. Really?” You laughed, and then after a moment of thought, you nodded, retracting your hand and intertwining your fingers with your husband’s.
In a short moment of a few more kisses and sincere compliments about your future pregnancy, you could finally start enjoying your husband’s cock, perfectly fitted to your body, which was entering your wet as fuck pussy with the greatest gentleness. Young man touched specific parts of your body and face every now and then. He adored your breasts, your hips, your neck decorated with several red marks, as well as your deep eyes and lips swollen from pecks.
“Maybe this time we can have twins, huh?” He asked quietly, rolling up your shirt and pinching one of your nipples, and when some of the white fluid came out, he almost ejaculated right inside your hole, thinking about how good you would look with a big tummy and then with another two newborns. “What do you think, Y/N?”
“Mhm… Maybe.” You hummed, your eyes squeezed tightly shut. His fingers wandered through your partner’s soft hair and back, and he held your hips tightly as he bounced against your body. The tip of his cock touching the back of your uterus. You imagined your family growing even bigger and you almost groaned out loud.
However, instead of making any sound between your lips, you heard a slight creaking of the panels in the living room and you opened your eyes at once, looking towards the noise almost inaudible to the human ear.
“S-Stop. Someone is looking at us.” You whispered, your voice hoarse, and then you raised yourself slightly on your elbows, smiling at the five-year-old who was rubbing his eyes with his fists. “W-What happened, Kenji?” You asked your little boy, almost throwing off your husband, who quickly hid under the fabric of the blanket, and you invited the child closer to you.
“...I had a nightmare, mommy.”
“Oh, a bad nightmare? Well then, why don’t you stay here with us and we can talk about something pleasant?” You asked quietly as your son sat down next to you. The boy nodded tiredly and then snuggled closer to you.
You were embarrassed, but with full professionalism, you told a child’s story about dinosaurs and treasure hunting, every now and then sending a glance to your husband who didn’t even know how to react to the situation.
You two will definitely finish what you started, but first you had to take care of your duckling, who – in a short while – will fall asleep.
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noroi1000 · 9 months
Nah i just saw the first episode of jjk season 2, then stumbled upon your cat imagine of gojo and geto as well and omg i LOVE IT <3
It git me thinking and if you have time to write, just imagine this:
Geto x reader, where he likes the reader and low-key flirts with her, but she is kinda ignoring it??? And he's just really trying his best to get her to notice him in a more romantic way, but bc of Gojos constant flirty nature (he knows of getos crush and likes to make him jealous, he finds it hilarious how getos face scrunches up like he has diarrhea) she just assumes that Geto is like that as well and that he is just teasing her (HE IS NOT).
So one day geto and gojo had to go on a mission and for some reason gojo was hit by a curse, causing him so morph into a smug little shitty cat, still very self-aware.
So geto trudges back to school (gojo on his shoulder bc he refused to walk even a centimeter and just obnoxiously clawed himself into getos pants and so geto put him on his shoulder), and the reader sees them and runs up to greet geto and ask about the mission and gojos whereabouts, when she sees this cute ass cat perched on his shoulder and picks him up and smootches all over his dumb little face (i mean omg a cute cat, and we all know gojo would be the cutest cat ever) , leaving pink glossy lipstick marks all over his white fur.
She holds him up like simba before turning him around and holding him to her chest, giving one last kiss between his ears, and that little asshole just looks at geto with the smuggest look a cat could have while snuggling backwards in between her boobs 💀.
Geto just looses it and grabs gojo by the nape and throws him away cuz bro??? That's my girl??? And he explains to reader what happened and then at the end confesses when she asks about his anger at gojo and it's just fluffy and they kiss and everything... <3
PS: Shoko and Gojo are now wheeling along, and they hate it. Like?? Stop cuddle-napping underneath the trees like a cute couple??
PSS: At night, Gojo regrets ever being born. Those..... noises from his best buddy's room just won't stop.. please someone help his poor soul, God knows he needs his beauty sleep.
This is my girl, f*cking cat!!
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Summary: For months, Geto has wanted to tell you that he loves you. To show you that he cares about you. But there was always Gojo trying to piss him off, and he made you believe that they both liked playing flirty jokes on you. If Gojo was smaller, Geto would gladly throw him away to be left alone with you. And suddenly he turned into a cat. He is smaller. So...
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Warnings: Mentions of sex at the end
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"You changed your uniform skirt, right? You look lovely in this."
You turned to look at the dark-haired man in the bun who was sitting in a chair at his table in the classroom. Your eyes met his purple ones. There was a soft and kind smile on his lips that made you smile too.
You don't want to have a winter uniform in the summer. You will sweat more than you will walk or run. Even the amount of exercise you do won't matter if you wear winter clothes in the summer!
"Thanks, Suguru-kun." you gave him a small grateful smile for that little compliment.
"(y/n)." He called out as you moved forward to sit in your seat which was behind Gojo's.
You turned to look at him.
He saw how your eyes looked at him curiously. You waited for him to contact you.
Maybe this is finally the moment when he will be able to ask you out on a date and Satoru won't bother him?
It got boring and very irritating when every time he started being next to you, his friend had to interrupt him. He knew exactly that he liked you. And that's why he kept coming out of nowhere and interrupting his time alone with you.
It wasn't because Satoru was jealous of him having you. He just liked seeing his friend get angry at his innocent jokes. Or when he was jealous.
They all knew it when Gojo Satoru comes up to you and makes very flirty jokes.
Flirting with you to see the big grimace on the dark-haired man's face. Because he knew exactly that the white-haired man was doing it on purpose.
And that made you think that they both have very flirtatious personalities and like such jokes. That's why you never took his compliments very seriously. Which were actually sincere. And it's all the fault of a white man named Gojo Satoru who showed you everything that made you think that they, as best friends, joke about such things..
But that wasn't true! Suguru likes you. All compliments and invitations are sincere.
Whenever he wants to show you this sincerity, Satoru shows up and always ruins everything!
He has terrible timing as always!
It appears out of nowhere and steals your attention! All to piss him off!
Because he loved seeing the jealousy of his usually more serious friend at school!
Of course, Gojo wished him the best. Love in life and happiness.
But the sight of his face when you look at him as he holds his hands on you or makes you smile is just priceless. As if he was about to jump on him and bite his throat out.
You could never choose between them because you like them both. They are both your friends. But you take Satoru's advances less seriously, as I'm sure he likes closeness, but it's playful.
Besides, you see how Suguru reacts. And you also see Satoru looking at him as if victorious as he wins a friendly hug from you.
You don't know if they have a profession in getting your attention or what... But given their nature, you can't take their flirting seriously, right?
"Would you like to go out this evening?" The dark-haired man asked as he got up from his chair and stood in front of you.
You looked up at his nice looking face.
"...Cinema? Shoko wanted to see one movie you can watch today!" you said.
"No, I rather meant something else..." his eyes briefly turned to the door, searching for the white danger.
It's a bit difficult to date a girl you like... He was a little nervous and excited that he could finally ask you out and confess his feelings!
"Something else? "Suguru?"
"I wanted us to go. Together. The two of us. Just us–" as he began to explain slightly nervously, the door opened.
"I heard something about cinema! (y/n)-chan, you like movies, right? We go? Shoko wanted to watch a horror movie, if you get scared, don't worry, you can catch me!” Satoru said loudly and placed his hand on your head, pulling you slightly towards him.
When you looked at his hand on your head, they looked into each other's eyes.
And when their pupils connected, it meant war.
A pleased, playful smile with a twinkle in his eye. And on the other side, an angry, irritated, jealous grimace.
The dark-haired man's hand reached for yours and he pulled you towards him.
"I can be the one to let her hold my hand when I'm scared!" He said firmly.
Your cheeks warmed slightly as his right hand pressed your head against his chest as he spoke to his friend.
"Oh yes? She has two strong and quite handsome friends who can protect her from the monsters on the screen. Maybe she will choose the one she wants?"
"Satoru you little–"
"Suguru..." You said, slightly pushing yourself away from his warm chest.
His eyes widened and his cheeks turned red.
He let go of you quickly, and you didn't expect this reaction.
You were more thinking that he would push you away from him and smile because you were slightly shy.
Because they both liked to flirt with you for fun, right?
You saw the vein on Geto's forehead throb as his hand reached for Gojo's collar as he glared at him with murderous eyes.
You were more or less: what's going on here now?
Your views were shared by the second person who entered here.
Yaga, seeing this farce with an angry Geto and a laughing Gojo, also got angry and had to separate the two by force.
Even though it was Geto who wanted to kill him this time and Gojo just stood there.
If only he were smaller, he would gladly throw him far. So that he can be alone with you for at least an hour!
"Enough of that! I don't know what you're talking about again! It's time to calm down or you'll get extra duties!" Their teacher shouted, pulling the dark-haired boy away from Gojo, who was sticking out his tongue at him.
And then the older man looked at you.
Exactly... He didn't know what it was about. About the same as always...
Why does everyone know that Geto has real feelings for you, but you only think that he has a funny flirty nature just like Gojo?? Everyone knows Geto loves you! Only you think this is for fun!
"For what you're doing here again, I have a mission for you!" He pushed them away.
You placed a hand on Suguru's shoulder, checking if he was okay after the chokehold your teacher gave them.
Suguru was closer to you than Satoru.
"... Why, even if it's him, do I have to get punished like him?!" Gojo screamed even though he knew it was his fault.
"Because for what you do, you deserve something like this..." the teacher muttered.
"Huh?" he groaned when he couldn't hear.
He wasn't supposed to hear it.
"You are in this together! Just as guilty! You're leaving soon! I don't want to see you in the dorms until 5pm!"
If only Gojo were smaller, he would throw him so far that he would be calm for at least an hour...
Their dream came true.
It was supposed to be a short mission. You were waiting for them on a bench near the courtyard between the buildings. The trees allowed you to avoid the sun, and the slight breeze made it pleasant to wait for them.
When you saw a figure walking on the sidewalk between the trees, you smiled.
And when the trees showed you your dark-haired friend, you saw that Gojo was not there. Have they argued again?
You saw a cat standing on his shoulder!
You couldn't help but notice it because it was a white cat sitting on a dark uniform and leaning against Suguru's black hair!
You stood up and walked over to him, smiling when you saw him.
"Suguru! How was the mission? Where did you get this adorable cat?" she asked quickly and you reached out your hands to the white furball on his shoulder.
"You don't want to know what happened there. (y/n) this is–." before he could say, he saw you pet his head, smiling as you felt the very soft fur.
"Where's Satoru?" you asked before you picked up the rather heavy and large cat in your arms, hugging it.
Geto didn't speak and looked with a grimace at the smug, shit-eating smile of the cat that was sitting politely in your arms.
As soon as he heard you asking about Satoru, he remembered that the cat with the stupid smile was his friend. He wasn't sharpened enough and the curse turned him into a cat... The fucking furry didn't even want to walk on his own! Such a cheeky, lazy and self-satisfied cat!
And he smiled because now he will have to be with him all the time because they don't know when he will be human again! And because of this, he can't confess his feelings to you again!
Gojo Satoru, the stupid but sweet cat!
And also, he knew you would be pleased with his soft fur! And he had the plan from the very beginning to be that soft, sweet kitten who likes you very much!
"Suguru?" you called out when he didn't answer.
His eyes turned to you as you lifted the cat like Simba into the air, showing him its pink and extremely clean paws.
"Can we keep him? Does he have an owner?" You looked at him with puppy dog ​​eyes.
You brought the fluffy animal to your chest, placing a kiss on its snow-white fur. The slight pink from your lips lingered there.
Purple eyes turned to your lips which were shiny thanks to the pink lip gloss you were wearing.
He wanted to kiss you...
"What's wrong, Suguru?" you asked, slightly worried that he was so quiet.
Holding the cat with its back to your chest, you moved closer.
The white cat purred in your arms. And when he looked at him, he saw the most contented look Gojo could have as a cat as his head moved, cuddling against your breasts.
A vein on the dark-haired man's forehead popped out and he reached for the cat, grabbing it by its fur.
He glared at him.
And his dream came true. If Gojo were smaller, he would love to throw him far enough that he would have time for both of you.
"This is my girl, fucking cat!" He thought and showed it to him with his eyes before swinging and throwing the cat into the sky and into the forest.
The only thing left of the white cat is the long meowing sound it made while flying in the sky.
"Suguru!" You screamed, terrified and surprised by his behavior. "It's just a cat! Why did you do that?!"
You tightened your grip on his jacket, unable to understand why he threw the cat like that.
"This cat is Satoru! Some fucking curse has hit him and he's going to be a cat for a while!" He said, somehow calming you down.
"But why did you throw him so hard? And why... If it was Satoru, then–." He crossed his arms over your chest, remembering how the cat cuddled against your breasts. Your face is hot.
"I don't want him to bother me again."
"In what?"
"Listen... For so long, I've wanted to show you something... Say something. But that fucking idiot was always in the way! He made you think what I was saying was just flirting jokes!
"So you don't..."
"No! Absolutely not! I would never joke about something like that! I like you! I like you very much!" he said and turned his head slightly with a little embarrassment.
Did you see that Geto Suguru blush a little?
"You'll be my girlfriend...?"
You looked into his hopeful eyes.
Well... He's just a teenager, just like you...
Feeling your cheeks heat up, you hugged him.
"...Yes...Suguru..." you replied, holding onto him tightly.
A smile appeared on his face that he never thought he would have. Very pleased but also gentle.
"(y/n)." he exclaimed and lifted your chin to look at him.
He leaned down to reach your lips. And he placed his lips on yours, pulling you into the kiss you both wanted.
You didn't pay attention to the cat that was sitting next to the tree with a dissatisfied face.
Ps. Karma comes back. Especially to someone who interferes with love.
A few months after he was a cat, he began to regret being alive at all.
He experienced sleepless nights because he couldn't close his eyes all night long.
Instead of silence, he only heard the bed in the next room hitting the wall or creaking. And your cracking voice and all the moans that came out.
For all the torment Suguru had to go through because of him, he didn't even bother to keep a secret. That's why he wanted you to moan as loudly as possible so that Gojo couldn't sleep.
During classes, when Suguru is glowing after a nice night, you are tired but smiling, Gojo is simply worn out by lack of sleep and starts sleeping during classes.
Just to get punishment for it from your teacher.
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storyshark2005 · 4 months
Carraville Rec List !
See below, self-explanatory!! I'm sure I missed some bangers, so feel free to reblog and add more, or comment. I pulled all these straight off my AO3 bookmarks list. They are ALL COMPLETE, so I didn't add any WIPSs! Please note I separated "older/classic" recs from the amazing fountain of NEW works we've been blessed with in the past 3-4 months or so. Note: IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER!
Enjoy you little dancers!!
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Lockjaw by anonymous - Workplace blowjob fic that grows into a much deeper story. Sexy-with-feels MNF era Carraville. Amazing ‘show don’t tell’ characterization, top top dialogue.  Gary hiding past trauma and Jamie finding out. A crime this is anonymous, I want to read more from this author!! 
the ghosts of you and me by @blindbatalex - ahhhmazingly written, MNF-era Carraville. Uses ‘snowed in’ trope to delve greater depths of a break up; old wounds, things unspoken, beautiful writing and a really pulled-back tone that aches. 
the ocean and the coast by @carraville - Valencia!Gary. Jamie POV. Jamie pining. Lovely poetic style. “I have a separate plate for you.” <3 <3 <3 
In Your Boots by @thesecretdetectivecollection- funny, sweet, MNF-era. SO CUTE Gary jumping to conclusions and panicking over Jamie leaving. Lots of Jamie-scenery descriptions of pretty eyes and "absurd cheekbones" and "Jamie's reliable heart" <3 
keep your silver, give me that gold by @blindbatalex - MNF-era Carraville. Jamie decides to box Rio Ferdinand. Gary has SERIOUS RESERVATIONS about his beefy colleague (just colleague, no feelings, cough cough) putting himself in harms way for a stupid charity wager. Thing come to a head in a good way. Lots of verbal eye candy Carra. <3 
Loss / loss / win by milleseptcent guuuuh the SCALE! The FEELS! Soulmates Carraville. Takes place from playing days to MNF-era. Gary and Carra, both without soul marks, fuck around in a casual relationship... for about twenty years. The ending is SO SWEET!
Anything That Isn’t This by @kloppend the sleeping death apocalypse fic, read if you want to ruin yourself for two or three days but ALSO the beauty of the writing is 100% worth the devastation, one of the finest written pieces in the fandom imho. HAUNTING, gorgeous, aching, amazing. 
Play the Whistle by @zevons - Referee!AU Carraville!! What more do you need to know?! Gary and Jamie’s football dreams never came true, so they do the next best thing. Lovely Jamie&Stevie friendship. Enemies to lovers. So much snippy banter before they realize they are actually besties who want to smootch. FEEL GOOD but with tons of depth as well. 
amunt by @carraville short, punchy, poetic = classic redandgold! Valencia!Gary, pining!Jamie. Also incredible that this was written only two weeks into Gary’s appointment, BEFORE the Barcelona loss, before things unravelled, so it’s an amazing time-capsule into the fandom in late 2015 (when they didn’t know if Gary would ever come back!) 
Through fresh eyes by @aramblingjay - Jamie comes to MNF. Gary deals. Truly top-notch writing, amazing language, deft characterization. It never overindulges while remaining poignant throughout. Can be read as pre-Carraville or platonic-soulmates type friendship. It’s tagged as incomplete but it is finished. Essential reading, a classic!
Advantages of Playing Away by @zevons MNF-era testimonial blowjob in Old Trafford dressing room Carraville!! Sooo sweet, soooo hot, dialogue is sharp and funny. Just perfect <3 
Remedial Exercises in Teamwork by @zevons - more saltstreets!!! HOGWARTS AU, both of them are Gryffindor beaters (so in character for them), both obsessed with quidditch. Background!gerlonso. Implied Professor Pep/Mou !!! Detention!flirting!! I mean!!! Sir Alex the owl!!! Checks all the boxes, nostalgic, sweet, enemies to boyfriends. <3 
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Tasting Syrup on My Tongue by @heyyjulien - PLAYERS ERA!!! Jamie and Gary have a casual relationship that gets put to the test after Jamie’s injured in a derby game. Great banter-to-feels ratio, you will want to put Julien’s sweet Jamie in your pocket and give their Gary a big hug. Great romantic closing scene where they negotiate the implications of Jamie’s injury scare. Also SCHOLESY!! <3
It’s just not what’s done by @player1064 truly a Carraville writer that ‘burst onto the scene’ as fast and furious as Micah Richards! My fave of theirs. A truly hysterical premise on the surface that they plumb deep to turn up real emotion. I love the time-jump style. Wonderful David&Gary friendship, as well as all of the Co92 rallying around Gary. Covers all eras up until today, with a January 2024 Carraville in Courcheval scene!! <3 
Package Deal (It’s Valentine’s Day, ye dimwit) by @kloppinthekop My fave of their “Holiday Husbands” series. So cute and sweet and the love scene is sooooo (SOOO) hot and poignant !! Jamie taking care of Gary in every way on Valentine’s Day. Domestic feels. 
Love You More by @effervescentdragon outstanding emotional excavation, Jamie POV Carraville. Uses a slightly disorienting (in a good way) jump around style that isn’t time stamped, but if you know your Carraville, you get your footing in a sentence or two. It’s a bookended journey between ‘fuck you too’ (visceral hatred) to ‘fuck you too’ (affectionate). 
Gary Neville is Still a Red, Just a Different Shade by @fanficburner - your ultimate ABO Carraville! This isn’t for the faint-of-heart, angst abounds, I would not call this a romance! But a great character piece. Gary gets unwillingly bonded with Jamie, while still in love with Beckham. The standout part of this fic is the world-building and social implications of what an ABO society might actually look like; separate Omega changing rooms, registration offices for Omega registration, the harsh realities of an owned class of people.
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enderianend · 4 months
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Satoru and Suguru Headcanons 11➴
Gojo with expensive candy-flavored chapstick because I thought it would be pretty funny/Canon-like !!!
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Satoru ;
Yeah so as I explained before, but didn't actually explain why, I believe Satoru would have Candy-flavored chapstick (that could or may not be expensive I'll leave it up to you.) Because why wouldn't the sweet-tooth boy have something sweet resting upon his lips? Even though I'm sure he'd use like Dior lip gloss or whatever— just maybe when he's being casual he'd wear it.
I'd imagine his favorite flavor is like Fun-dip green apple or Laffy taffy and maybe even Sweettarts because it just seems like a him thing.
I also feel like he'd wear it to troll Suguru whenever they kiss or.. Yeah you get the point.
Suguru ;
I feel like his reaction to the taste from his chapstick (because I don't know about you, but the kind I have has very vivid taste) would be kinda visible but held back. He'd show a bit of confusion the first time, but instantly going back to smootching him with a big ol' smile, maybe more if he likes the flavor.
~ Tiny fanfic time ~
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SATORU and Suguru walked side by side eachother, Both of them holding hands as Satoru caught a glimpse of Suguru staring at something from a store across the street. A grin grew on the infamous Gojo's features as he instantly tugged Suguru along with him to the other side of the road, instantly bolting for that area.
"Satoru— you don't need to buy anything I was just–" He was cut off by Satoru turning and giving him a quick kiss, Making Suguru sigh in defeat as the continued their way.
But, to Suguru's surprise, his lips had a faint taste of candy, although different. Making him tug on Satoru to stop as he had an eyebrow raise.
"Hold on—" He paused, leaning in to place a kiss to Satoru, stealing a quick lick too which made the other male flustered a bit before pulling back, and to his surprise, it did infact have a faint taste of.. Fun Dip? This caused Suguru to chuckle.
"Noticed my new chapstick Suguboo~?" Satoru teased, Suguru nodded in response, placing a hand upon Gojo's cheek. "Quite sweet, not as sweet as you, though." Suguru replied smoothly, causing Gojo to fluster a bit as a chuckle left him.
"Maybe later I'll let you have a better taste, yea?" Satoru teased with a cocky smirk, Suguru only smiled. "I plan on more than that." He teased back, this time leading the flustered Satoru towards the store himself.
END — Hope you enjoyed reading <3
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akutasoda · 3 months
Holding hsr man face and just SMOOTCHING the souls out of their body. (Bonus points if using lipstick, even more bonus points if they dont notice it at first)
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especially if they need to go somewhere afterwards and they fail to notice the faint indent of your lipstick on their face as they walk around and wonder why people are staring at them. and when they notice it can go two ways - one, they hide it and flush in embarrassment or two, they show it off taking pride in your kiss stain.
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I am once again asking for the dorks (affectionate) 💕
from the otp questions: 5, 13, 31, 61 & 84
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I hope you don't mind some Solas & Melly spam this fine Thursday!! ❤️
Otp Questions
5. What do they like the most about each other?
Solas' favorite thing about Mellan is her hunger.
She always wants to learn more, keeps asking questions, and is never satisfied with just know 99% of the answer. Solas loves seeing that determination in her; her curiosity is what drew him to her in the first place, and it keeps reeling him back in. Mellan hungers for wisdom, and Solas is always happy to provide.
Mellan's favorite thing about Solas is his capacity to give.
Not just to her, when it comes to those endless questions and stories, but to others. She isn't sure he realizes it himself, but he's a lot more gracious and helpful to others than he gives himself credit for. She sees how self-sacrificing he is, and though she worries about him, she loves seeing the way he sees to float along a little lighter when he actually gets the chance to help someone.
It was hard to pick just one thing these two consider favorites for each other, to be honest. They're both presidents of each other's fanclubs. 😂
13. Who steals the blankets?
Honestly, neither of them are really blanket thieves, though Solas will claim Mellan is one as an underhanded excuse to snuggle himself closer to her. She took all the blankets, so obvious he has no choice.
31. Who is the big spoon and why?
Solas ends up the big spoon a lot in the beginning of their relationship, because he's a long boy compared to Mellan.
However, as it goes on, Mellan actually ends up as the big spoon (or more, his backpack.) Partially because the first time she does it, she just happily clings to him, and Solas just has a moment where he's very calm, very cool on the outside, but then part of his brain is just like:
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This man needs to be held someone please hold this man
Mellan figures this out, and absolutely loves being the big spoon, so she will make up for thousands of years worth of not getting proper hugs. 💖
Solas still likes to be the big spoon every now and then, though. Mostly because then the top of her head is in prime smootching range. Though, usually he just prefers to drag Melly on top of him.
✨✨✨Fine Dalish blanket, direct from Clan Lavellan.✨✨✨
61. What songs do they sing together in the vehicle?
In the OG verse, Mellan will sing/hum her various bardic tunes, especially her Fen'Harel song, when she's nervous. But, in the BandAU, there's significantly more car singing. Matt Bellamy of Muse is my headcanon (besides Solas' actual VA's band) for Solas' band/singing voice in the AU, and Rain Paris is Mellan's, but they usually don't sing their own songs to each other in the car. Usually its more just randomness that they make their own. But, I could see them having a lot of fun with "Little Lion Man" (the Tonight Alive & Dave Petrovic cover, specifically), and "Little Talks" by Of Monsters and Men. ❤️
84. What is their favourite game to play together?
There's not a specific game, per say, but these two are constantly getting into little battles of one-upping each other. Little battles of wits, teasing, well-meaning rivalries and bets. They were doing it before they were even a couple; its just how they've always been.
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aliaslua · 3 years
How about 30 and 31 with a classic dorky stuttering Donatello and a fem reader who just wants to smootch the terrapin xp
Coming right up! I know the trope of nerdy man is in love and shows trough gifts and acts of service is super old but I am a sucker for it and Donnie is just perfect for the job! Thank you for the suggestion ♡
Happy Birthday! 
Donatello vs Fem!Reader 
It was a pleasant and warm night on that Friday. The streets were full with anonymous smiles and being just one among them gave you an amazing feeling of peace. It was your birthday and you always liked that day, especially after leaving your parent’s house and creating your own traditions: now, every time that day came you left home for a quiet evening stroll to enjoy the rising of the stars. 
Back in your apartment, you sighed as you grabbed your keys and realized that for the first time in all those years celebrating alone you missed someone’s company... Donatello had told you that he and his brothers had an arrangement that shouldn't be postponed… nor explained. You knew what that meant: the city needed protection more than you needed company and that was a bitter truth.You entered your apartment thinking of his promise of making up to you but as you turned the lights on and thought of the possibility of finally confessing…
You gasped and jumped at the sigh of all of those people at your apartment, there they were: all the four terrapins and their human companions wearing party hats and party blowers gathered around a table filled with pizza slices and a huge chocolate cake, the ceiling was covered with balloons of all colors and a banner written “Happy birthday Y/N” on it. You almost had no time to contain the happy tears forming in your eyes as Michelangelo swept you off the ground and held you tight in a big bear hug. 
“Happy Birthday, Angelcakes!” He said kissing your cheek, you returned his affection and once he placed you on the ground again you enjoyed the greeting of all your friends. Once you hugged April and did your best to contain your tears, she secretly whispered on your ears: 
“It was Donnie’s idea. He’s too shy to say it out loud but he did everything to make it perfect.” 
Awkwardly standing in the corner of the room, waiting for his time to greet you, Donatello held something in his hands that you quickly identified as a tiny box wrapped in purple paper. You approached him with a big smile and watery eyes and he held you tight and close, placing his head on top of yours and slightly sniffing your hair, he always did that and you knew he thought you didn’t notice it. The hug latest forever and yet not enough and as he let you go you placed your hands on his cheek and stroke it lightly:
“I know this is your idea. Thank you… This is the best birthday party I could ask for.” 
“O-Ooh! Well, Leo helped! And of course Master Splinter allowed our day off so of course this isn’t exactly all my merit b-but…” He stuttered avoiding your eyes and in a brief moment of silence you placed a small kiss on his cheek, way too close to his mouth. 
A teasing laughter came from behind you as Michelangelo sang a song about trees and kisses and you saw Donatello’s face go sour, stabbing his brother with his eyes. 
“Can we go somewhere else?” He said firmly, gracefully ignoring Mike's teasing. 
“Of course!” You answered and guided him to your balcony, impressed by his new founded attitude. 
“I’ve made you something.” He almost whispered as he handed you the tiny box. Once you opened its content made you gasp: an elegant bracelet made of what looked like stainless steel, embellished by a locket with a sculpted turtle in metal. 
“Donnie! This is beautiful…”
“Oh! Did you like it? Great! I’ve made it myself!” He gave you a childish smile of pride “It has an emergency button underneath! So you can use it to call for me-us! U-uh… When you need help. I also think you should know it has a tracking device but I solemnly swear that I will only use when and if you activate it! I would never… You know! I don’t wanna stalk you, please don’t think of me as one of those creep men! Turtle? Uh, well…” He clears his throat awkwardly and you are still admiring your gift. 
“Would you help me put it on?” You said, offering your wrist and the bracelet. He held your arm so delicately you felt as paper and once the bracelet was on you took this opportunity to hold his hands, gazing deeply in his eyes and couldn’t control as your eyes dropped to his lips, together now in this amazing moment of intimacy, you leaned forward hoping to finally- 
“Y/N!” He said, suddenly waking you up from your transe “I-I… I need to tell you something! I know we have been friend all this time but I can’t no longer hide the fact that I have feelings for you and of course you probably know that because I am terrible at hiding that, well, uh… Well I am sorry If that may come as a surprise I guess maybe you also could have not noticed right?” 
"Can you please just kiss me now?" You whispered, hoping your worlds could end his rambling.
“...And well I know it’s a lot to ask knowing I am so different from you and our lives are so- Wait what did you say?” 
"If you don't shut up and kiss me right now I swear to god..." You teased, holding his face kindly and bringing your lips together. Finally joined in a passionate kiss, you felt his strong arms holding you close to his hard plaston and hypnotized by the silkiness of his lips against yours you remembered of all those years you spent your birthday happily on your own and realized that from now on… You didn’t want to spend another day without him.
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lorei-writes · 3 years
Ikesen - Rating Suitors
Except it’s my cats who do the rating, as my little Rzepka sat on my arm and is preventing me from writing. Excuse all the typos, let’s say my screen visibility fluctuates. 
Without further ado, allow me to introduce our judges! 
Rzodkiewka/Rzepka - the matriarch of the clan, the miniature kitty of confused stares and trust issues, the lady of reoccurring bladder problems, the one and only princess of wet cat food! She has seen some shit in her life. What shit? Idk. But she’s a good cat. infinity/10, would reccom...I am not supposed to be doing that.
Junko - the older sister, the mighty beast of cuddles, the resilient hunter who fears nothing, and will not leave until your plate is empty - either because you hurried to eat your food or because you’re now crouched in front of the couch and trying to GET BACK MY YOUR BREAD. Associate of cat food thieve organisation. Clumsy fluffy ass. Never did anything wrong in her life.
Porzeczka - the void kitty, one who knows all and has experienced all things of the world.... Except for snow. And rain. But who would want that, right? Ew ew ew, my paw is wet, how did that happen, i only put it in my water bowl. How was I supposed to know that water is wet? Hm? HM? Now look at it, your wall is wet, and I want fresh water in the bowl; will murder you with her claws. Sleeps on my stomach at night. Tsundere. Shows affection excussively between midnight and 5 AM. THE NINJA.
Rzodkiew - would most likely piss in his futon from stress, not that he would notice it given how little he sleeps. Wouldn’t rule the world at his side, too much ore in this sama. 0/10
Junko - sold after the first piece of konpeito which she absolutely shouldn’t have been given. Turns into a round cat. She rolls in happiness and food. Perfect sleeping charm, the match made in heaven - her previous owner has been long imprisoned due to complaints about cat dietary habits .-. ; 11/10
Porzeczka - she is an independent kitty. She cares not for his promises. Her murder mittens have murder in them for a reason. Time to set the history straight - and then perhaps go and live peacefully somewhere in the mountains. Whew, this odd man was really too stressful, there was no other way.; -11/10
The council of cats has expressed their regret in having to announce no fucking way. Dude, are you ever home? Do you think Rzodkiew will be waiting? Nu-uh, get yourself and yours schemes somewhere else, void kitty smells nothing but trouble here. Food? What food? There is no joy in depriving you of food if it’s barely edible in the first place. Those leaves you eat aren’t the conventional edible leaves, sir. Don’t you even dare to disrespect the-mighty-hunter Junko like that.
Rzodkiew - yes, please??? Somebody with a common sense??? Who knows that animals need to be fed and who is responsible enough to be trusted with it??? Is home at least frequently?? Cares for his pets?? Rzodkiew would give him smootches, may leave some paw prints on correspondence though. Will absolutely sit in the ink if it means he’ll go to sleep; 110/10
Junko - forget about your pipe, Hideyoshi. Junko knocked it over. It’s probably under the couch. Or the desk. Cabinets. Somewhere. Actually, Junko doesn’t know where it is either. She also left nice print on the tatami mats, but found no bread, sadly. Get her some bread? No? NO?! Well, good, cats shouldn’t eat bread, that’s a plus point. Junko still likes you. Just spoil her with treats. I will come after you the moment she turns into a rolling cat, though. ; 8/10
Porzeczka - void kitty likes. Calm (aside from when he isn’t). Organized. Too stupid to stop her in her plans of world domination. Purrfect conditions for her development.; 9/10, could give her more cat trees.
Because he already has a cat, duh. 
Rzodkiew - is always super grumpy, no matter how many smootches she gives him. Somewhat confusing. But he treats her and is very gentle, and understands the personal space, and actually gives them very good food, and... RZODKIEW WHERE ARE YOU GOING, NO, DON’T MOVE OUT; 14/10
Junko - she is always with him, hugging him and such. Stopped trying to steal his food after she succeeded ONCE (too much spice, man, too much spice). Likes how fluffy his hair is, may try to groom him. 10/10, best friends, their colour schemes sorta match.
Porzeczka - destroyed his scarf because she thought it was a toy. Responsible owner. Not too loud. Will grumble with him, and then will headbutt him to show love. She understands. She would lend him her murder mittens. ; 10/10
Because they don’t want to become the food. Take it as you will, they don’t know who’d they fear more - him or Shogetsu.
Jokes aside, Junko loves the food part. The holy cat mother says annoying. Porzeczka opened claws.
Porzeczka is scared of bunnies. Is there even any place for cats left there? So many bunnies.
Is he multip...?Oh.
Prediction: Kasugayama will become a Bunny-Yama soon enough. Porzeczka must up her plans for world domination.
Rzodkiew - can I call you father? Gentle gigant, gentle gigant, gentle gigant! Emotionally stable. Could build her a fort. Spoils all the ladies - and she IS a lady. A little (literally) tiny (very tiny) cat lady. *hit adopt button*; 16/10
Junko - tall guy tall guy tall guy shoulder rides on the tall guy! SWEETS. THEFT TIME. Her foodie instinct is tingling. Although she knows she will only get food appropriate for cats. Smh. She didn’t travel to the past for that.; 5/10
Porzeczka - he is fine, I guess? She would purr at him to go rest. And then would sit on his chest to make sure he can’t get up. It’s the law of the land, you can’t get up if a cat sits on you. I’m not making this up.
Yukimura & Sasuke
No. They have Shingen and Kenshin to baby. No room for pets in that.
Aaand the winner iiiiiis
Solely because he has all the benefits of the above and no annoying neighbours/INTENSE BOSSES/ore excess. 
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natsukitakama · 4 years
It me. Hello. 😱 ~ 🐥 anon may i have.... 👉👈 Headcanons of Reader that is always really patient and caring with the members of levi squad meeting floch. And at first she’s aggressive towards him because he insulted Armin and she’s just trying to protect her babs. But later on growing to be shockingly just as worried about him as everyone else. confusing him when she pats his back and reminds him to drink water before giving a forehead SMOOTCH. Cuz he though she hated him. I wanna love him.
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Author note : Hello 🐥 Anon, thank you for you request I’m glad you sent me something about Floch. I’m really sorry for taking so long, I kinda overworked myself. In addition it’s been week since I went back to college so I can’t work on my headcanon as much as I expected to. Anyways, done complaining ! I hope you’ll enjoy this I really wanted to write something good for Floch cause despite what he’s done in the manga I kinda like him ! 
I do not own that gif credit to the owner
Warning : some spoiler about the beginning of the next season 4 if you haven’t read manga after the anime don’t read this you might be spoil / fluffy / Floch being Floch but that’s okay / angst ? I don't know
Disclaimer : if you’re not comfortable with Floch that’s okay I've got plenty of headcanon on my masterlist I'm sure you’ll find something enjoyable. But please do not be mad at me for writing for Floch or against Anon because they ask a request about him. I won’t tolerate behavior like this. 
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You first encounter with Floch wasn’t very … calm. 
You didn’t mean to slap him right into the face, but when he went into your group talking shit about How you friends Armin should die so Erwin could survive. How he was useless and how humanity was about to fall down. Well you just saw red. It was his own fault, everyone in the 104th knew how protective you were with your friends. So yeah as soon as he was done talking shit, you just walked right in front of him and slap him. 
Everyone heard the loud « SLAM » coming from both of us, but they especially remembered the way you looked at him : if eyes could kill he would be dead by now. 
« Who do you think you are uh ? You’re nothing but shit on our shoes know your place baby boy » 
Then you walked pass him without letting him time to reply. Not like you cared about what he thought. 
Who am I kidding of course you cared. 
After couple hours, when you weren’t angry anymore you felt guilty. Not because of how you slap him but about the way you talked about him, he was part of your family too so you should treat him properly. That night, you promised yourself to make It up and apologize for your behavior and explain to him that what he said was bad but he didn’t deserve to be slapped especially in public. 
That’s what you did, next morning after dressing up you walked looking for Floch. You couldn’t not notice the way his friends’ face went white as soon as you walked into him. Just when he was about to open his mouth you shut him up 
« Listen, I’m here to apologize. I shouldn’t slap you that day but to me you deserve this. Everyone here went to hell yesterday and I know you more than everyone else could understand that, that day we lost a lot of peoples including Major. But you shouldn’t say to Armin he should die that day, you more than everyone else should  cherish any life. All of them are precious and useful. Still I shouldn’t humiliate you and hurt you so I ask you to forgive me, I can’t justify the way I act. Now be sure to eat enough and drink a lot of water, today is about to be harsh » 
Again before Floch could react, you already moved into your friends direction to be sure everyone was eating enough. Floch looked no stared at you hearing you scolding Eren for not eating his bread, then looking at Armin with a smile and for the very first time he felt something wrong, in fact his heart or maybe his chest or his stomach he couldn’t be sure but he felt something twisted right into him. Was he jealous ? Was he envious because you care about everyone else but not him ? No it was stupid he thought. 
But during the whole day, he couldn’t help but feel a bit sad. In fact he saw you during the whole day taking care of everyone : From Hanji and their lack of sleep to Mikasa who weren’t eating her breads to be sure Eren would eat enough. Because of his staring he wasn’t focus on his training and he ended up falling from a tree hurting his back in the process. 
Before he could even move you were already running into his direction with a worried expression on your face, Floch didn’t know what to say or to do. Why were you worried ? It’s not like you like him or anything. At this point after your scolding he was sure you hated him. But still, he saw you running into him, kneeling down looking for any broken bones, any cut, everything that might be painful for him. Your touch was sweet despite your hands being rough because of all your training, it was as if you were touching him with silk. 
« Are you alright ? Can you move ? 
W-What ? I mean yes, yes I can move 
Good. Now take my hand I’m walking you into the nursery you need to rest
N-No  I, I can walk and train i’m fine 
Who are you kidding ? You’ve been distant during the whole day you obviously need to rest »
Then you carried him into the nursery as you promised. Floch stay silent during the whole walk, he didn’t know again how to react. Why were you so nice to him ? Did you really notice how distant he was ? How could you possibly know ? He stared at you the whole day, he would notice if you were looking at him. Again, you weren’t supposed to be like this, not after what you said to him. You were supposed to despise him, because after everything you said he still believe that Armin couldn’t be in charge he couldn’t be the major. But you were right about something, he shouldn’t say that because he as Armin was lucky to be here they didn’t deserve to be here. He shouldn’t be here. 
He shouldn’t craving for your attention. 
He couldn’t prevent it though. Since the day he joined the 104th, he felt something about you. They way you were so caring and yet so strong and confident. 
Everything he will never be. Not matter how hard he’ll try. 
All he can do was to dedicate his heart. 
Dedicate his heart so you could be safe, so you could finally be free from those monsters. 
That day, while you were taking care of him, checking his back for any sign or bad injury, cleaning his wounds, pouring a glass of water for him, looking into the kitchen and cooking something so he could heal properly. Floch promised himself that he would be someone who deserves your kindness toward him. 
« Still daydreaming ? 
What ? 
I don’t know, tell me you are pretty quiet since I took you into the nursery. Is something wrong ? 
Well I wanted to ask you something but I don’t know if I should 
Go ahed I won’t eat you 
Very funny. Well I wanted to know why you’re like this ? 
Like what ? 
You know caring ?
I don’t know. I guess it’s just a part of my personality besides all of you are my family so yeah it seems normal to me to act like this 
There’s people who don’t deserve your kindness 
Are you perhaps thinking about someone in particular ? 
Me actually 
Why make you think you don’t deserve my attention ? 
Well I actually said to one of your close friends that he should die 
Good point. You recognized your mistake right ? 
Sure but I still believe the Major should survive that day 
You’re not the only one they’re plenty of people who believed he should survive … maybe he should but in the end it’s not up to us to take that decision. We’re soldier, we can’t see the futur we don’t know what would happen. 
The major did or at least that’s what I thought 
I actually believe he knows shit about everything, he just tried, he was cocky but he succeed that’s what we expected from him. Nothing more nothing less. But in the end, he makes bad decision and he lived with it. I don’t believe he was the only one able to save humanity. 
Then who ? 
Us. I mean that’s why we’re here right ? 
And the major was cocky 
*laugh* yeah you’re right I’m probably presumptuous but like I said any on us can’t predict the future all we can do is to work harder so tomorrow would be better 
Dedicate our heart 
Exactly. Now rest I’ll check on you tonight alright ? 
Sure. Thank you Y/N 
You don’t need to thank me Floch, but you’re welcome » 
Smiling at him, you walked into your friends so you could keep your training. 
After your talk with Floch, started to notice that in fact, your kindness had no limit and you were helping anyone ; including him the coward who weren’t able to save the Major or any of his friends. The coward who can’t have a plan on his own and decide to follow someone instead of having his own opinion. The one who decided to follow the very man he despises for being able to follow his dream not matter what. The coward who would have to kill his friends, his camardes in order to protect eldians, in order to protect you. 
Sometimes, he wonders if you still like him ? If you would still take care of him after the war, Would you take care of his wounds like you used to ? Would you cook his meal so he could heal properly ? Would you comfort him again when he’ll have nightmare ? 
Does he even deserves your kindness ? Is it right for him to crave for your attention ? To always walk into your direction whenever he feels down or when he was dreaming about that day in Shiganshima ? The day when he fail as a soldier ? 
For now, he will just enjoy your company as much as he can.
For now you don’t hate him, so he can still talk to you, go to you anytime he feels like he needs to. Enjoying every attention you would give him. 
For now he doesn’t betray you, he doesn’t disappoint you. 
But maybe.
Maybe you won’t hate him ? Maybe his action would make sense to you ? Maybe you would still like him ? Maybe he’ll be able ton confess to you ? Maybe you’ll understand that everything he does was to protect his people and you in particular. 
Because for him, you are his light, his everything that help him to wake up and do his duty. You’re the one whop help him to remember why he is doing this, you’re the one who help him so he won’t go crazy. 
You’re the one for him. 
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subdee · 3 years
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I disappeared (kind of) from tumblr to play this game and now that I’ve reached the end.. it’s an indescribable kind of feeling.  Technically the game takes place over just three years but in those 3 years you play industrialization on a speed run....   It feels more like 30 years, enough time for all the rural Japanese villages to modernize, then empty out, then [spoiler].   Like FF7, or maybe I should say FF7 is like this game, even down to some specific set-pieces (like the fight to the top floor of enemy HQ, or the beach resort town), this is a game where you can watch the destruction of a way of life and its replacement with modern conveniences in real time.  I didn’t think the critique of capitalism/industrialization would be this strong, but thinking about it there’s just tons of anime from the 70s-80s with this kind of strong pro-environment, anti-nuclear war message and a lot of them do end with man destroying the world, or are set in a post-apocalyptic world, etc.  
Also the Gen X vibes are so strong too, this game isn’t interested in your sense of propriety wrt what should be in an E rated game....  We’re gonna put the waitresses, the sex workers, the ancient race of powerful psionic okama, all of them in the game, and make you kiss the damn mermen on their mustachioed lips **in a five second fade-out cut-scene with smootching noises** every time you need oxygen underwater.  Haha.  Recently me and RJ have been watching a lot of weird TV and music documentaries on Night Flight so this aesthetic is right up my alley.   This is the kind of thing you used to be able to see on cable late at night.  Now I just need Night Flight to add all those obscure post-apocalyptic anime that used to play on the Sci Fi Channel and I’ll be all set. 
Anyway, fantastic game, if anyone has fanfic recs please send em my way. 
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scholastic-dragon · 1 year
Hello, love! Hope you're doing okay! 💞
I would like "Learning how to kiss together" with Donnie, please? Female reader, of you will! 💜
I love your writing, so I have faith you will do great!
Oh this is such a Donnie prompt
For you friend, absolutely <3
Bay!Donnie x Fem!reader
Private Lessons
Warnings: i went ham, spelling mistakes, Donnie and reader are over 18 in this, don't be weird there are no minors here, smooth!donnie, smootches, making out, slightly feral donnie,
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The situation shouldn't have been as hot as it was.
Your boyfriend was a literal genius, and he lived for giving random fun facts and bouts of knowledge whenever he could.
But there was one large subject that your beloved boyfriend knew almost nothing about.
So when he asked you, in the sweetest (and slightly dirty) way, if you could teach him how to kiss, it made your knees wobble.
Not that they were doing any better right now. Pressing into the sides of his custom-built computer chair, straddling his lap as he- for lack of better words- ate you alive.
It started with shy looks, flushed faces, and his dorky smile. Soft hands cupping the side of your face and warm pecks. But now, you were both panting heavily, hands scrambling all over each other, teeth, tongue, and all sorts of nasty things melting between your body heat.
His hands gripped and massaged your skin, at some point he pulled away to beg if he could touch you. At your nod, his hands dipped under the fabric of your shirt, soft warm touches that made your skin break out in goosebumps.
His hands traveled up your sides, stopping at your ribs, his fingers teasing the sides of your bra. His thumbs traced the skin beneath your breast, making you whimper and moan into his mouth.
Not wanting to push any boundaries, his hands traveled south to your hips and behind.
Your hands couldn't stay still, his skin felt hot and the texture of it against yours was sending your brain into overdrive. Traveling across his thick shoulders to his muscled arms, then down the smooth plates of his plastron.
You couldn't get enough of him.
Feeling your lungs couldn't take anymore, you yanked back, breathing like you had just run a marathon. He didn't hesitate to lean forward, licking hot strips up the side of your neck, nipping at your ear lobe.
The chair creaked in protest at your movements, Donnie pulled you back, stretching out his body, but not giving you more than five inches of space.
"Christ, Don, are you sure you need lessons?" You breathlessly laugh, hands rubbing circles on your shoulders, touching the sensitive skin where his shell met.
"What can I say?" One hand gipped your hip, grinding your hips onto his, pulling you further toward him. "I'm a fast learner,"
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @happymoonangel @dilucsflame33 @mysticboombox @sketch-and-write-lover @leosgirl82 @m1dnyt3-w0lf @tmnt-tychou @eveandtheturtles @sharpwindow
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clouds-rambles · 3 years
Amnesia Anon. Never ever apologize for having limits. You are human and by that, you're entitled to breaks when you need them. Stay hydrated, eat yummy foods and sleep well. We love you so much >^3^> (Yes, this is supposed to be a hug and cheek-smootch emoji!) And stay off Social Media, people prefer to hate there and it's just sad and toxic to watch.
Of course! I always feel like I have to bc I'm expected to make content. It's a weird feeling to me
I will do! I got my first vaccine today so I'm making sure more than normal to stay hydrated! Ty
>^3^> back to you amnesia anon
LMAO i'm so bad at the self control thing, i'm currently having an argument on tiktok bc people think its weird to like a villian (the shogun) and are so pressed that i'm comparing her to Childe lmao. Maybe once i've had my fun (and maybe called a slur, thats how tiktok likes to work) I'll come off it
I find the hate so unironically funny bc these people have nothing better to do that comment 'he/they lesbian :|' on my comments bc they have nothing better to say to me
Thriving off those things just my toxic train ^^;;
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uwuowotf2waslife · 4 years
Can I ask for how the mercs cuddle/hug/kiss Their S/O?
some F L U F F to cure the sad
E ( Scout)
Hug: will hug and spin you around or at least try to( give him some break hes like the only merc who actually does the leg day)
Cuddle: i really like the idea of him having ADHD, so expect random messy cuddles. He cant stay still so he will try to keep his hands busy by rubbing patterns on your skin or trying ( failing big time ) to braid your hair
Kiss- tries to french kiss ( he basically tries to eat your face) , rapid fire pepper kissing your face is the regular
hugs- bonecrushing bear hugs that secure your inner being. Will lift and swing you around in a impromptu dance
Cuddles- on the rare occasions he is in the mood for some fluff ™ he will hold you on the couch front of the tv while watching old tv sitcoms reruns
Kiss- a strong hard smootch like the american lover he is
Hugs- somewhat awkward with the suit if its hot but they are surprisingly warm, like toasty warm
Cuddles- soft cuddles under the roof of their pillowfort are your bedtime routine
Kiss- at the start of the relationship i doubt they'll give you more than random mask smooches, maybe after some time they will remove their mask and give you a proper smooch
Hug-awkward dad hugs that are surprisingly comforting
Cuddle- i cant really picture him as a big cuddler,but the few times you cuddle he will wrap you up like a burrito and let you just rest on his chest. 10/10 gives very noice backrubs
Kiss- soft smootches at random times and forehead kisses because he wants to feel taller than he is
Hug- teddybear energy hugs, will try to tickle you with his beard
Cuddle- drunk messy cuddles, just hold him and pet his hair and this boy will melt and adore you for life. Big little spoon energy, even if you are wayy shorter than him( my man loves his lil jetpack)
Kiss- surprisingly a good kisser although a bit sloppy at times, maybe neck kisses if you cuddle
Hugs- he is hot as an oven and big enough to swallow you whole in his hug.10/10 bear hug would recommend
Cuddle- again not another big cuddle ( jee) but trick him into believing you are cold and this boy will become your personal heated blanket with a lulling strong heartbeat
Kiss- very rare will kiss you on the mouth, in a fashion simmilar to soldier but gentlier but expect lots of forehead kisses from this guy and i mean LOTS
Meem( medic)
Hug- not big on personal contact,but he gives pretty noice hugs and its pretty comfortable to hug
Cuddle- extremely rare, but he knows how to give the most amazing backrubs you can imagine. Will probably tho pass out from exhaustion so please just let him sleep for once on someone he adores ( not a cheap ikea chair)
Kiss- he knows how to kiss,lemme tell you that. Forehead and cheek kisses when he is busy ( a good 95% of his time)
Hugs- he is a spider of a man and he knows it but he is pretty comforting to be hugged, his shoulders are quite broad and he has a natural musk that will calm you down from whatever plagues you
Cuddle- big koala energy, he craves human touch a notch more than the rest of the team. He will lace his hands with yours while he spoons you. 10/10 soft shoulder and neck kisses and compliments
Kiss- awkward amateur kisses, but he smiles into the kiss so please give him some private lessons and hell become your best student
* snort* ( spy)
Hug- bony and uncomfortable,this boy doesnt know how to hug. He is severely touch starved but he avoids all non sexual human contact like the plague
Cuddle- little spoon energy, he needs someone to hold and rub his back for once in his life. He will die a happy man if he wakes up with the love of his life ( y/n) holding him tight and feeling the vibration of your heart on his back
Kiss- french kissing all the way once you gain his trust, he doesn't kiss, he makes love with his mouth
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straycat-writes · 4 years
Oh I’m sorry! I should have paid more attention! Here! Let me not... be nsfw. Soft fluffy headcanons for ango with a really caring worried s/o. One who nags him about drinking those energy shots and makes him real coffee and brings him meals while he’s working. Also SNUGFLEs! She should pet his hair and give him smootches of affection and adoration because i loveee him and all i want is for him to be happy and force him to get some sleep.
[Yess, Ango deserves lots of love and snuggles, give him all thE LOVE}
Sakaguchi Ango
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A complete gentleman, he never forgets your birthday or anniversary, loves to spoil you as much as he can, and makes sure to surprise you with flowers at least once a week.
Aside from being dangerous, his job is very taxing in general. He has to clock in extra hours most of the days and comes home at all sort of late hours in the night. It completely lifts his mood to see you awake and waiting for him every time without fail.
“I heated some water for you. Why don’t you go take a shower while I heat up some dinner for us?”
Absolutely loves laying his head on your lap and having you gently run your fingers through his hair. It’s his favorite place to fall asleep.
He has a work study at home and spends a lot of time in there, hunched over paperwork and his laptop, typing away as if he isn’t dealing with sensitive information that can put all of Japan in danger.
“Ango, come back to bed ~”
“In a while, my love. Can you fetch me some coffee, though?”
“…So, water.”
“But – “
“Water it is.”
The guy has got energy drinks and coffee running through his veins, he needs to take a break sometimes.
Days off for him are rare, so he likes to go all out and make up for lost time whenever he does get one. Usually, he’d take you out to some place fancy for dinner or just some place the two of you had been wanting to visit. Even if that doesn’t happen for some reason, he makes sure to make the most of his time with you at home.
He’s actually quite a romantic at heart, when he’s not buried in work up to his neck.
Would totally light candles in the living room to set the mood, and set your favorite slow song to play on his precious vintage record player (that you have no idea how he procured.)
“May I have this dance, my lady?”
It never fails to make you blush and make your heart flutter.
Some summer evenings, he’d make time and come home early, and the two of you would break out the wine and sprawl out on the couch, streaming some cheesy romantic movie that you’ve already seen a dozen times.
The movie doesn’t matter anyway because most of the time, this turns into cuddling into each other and from that into wine-drunk make-out sessions.
His hugs are the softest, for some reason, and work wonders for melting away all of your stress and worries. He argues that your hugs do the same for him.
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