#they originally get married for tax benefits
bi-pisces07 · 2 years
Kitty at Puss
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thedarkzyxabyss · 6 days
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Here’s a set of characters I created a few years ago for a small kingdom I made!
It’s a coastal kingdom which is famous for its large colosseum!
King Carrion
Seventh in line for the throne, Carrion was a mistreated, sickly prince (so much so that his family literally named him something that means carcass 💀). Looked down upon constantly, this guy wasn’t really guaranteed any future of any kind.
When a pandemic swept through his kingdom, however, he found himself as the only survivor due to living in a separate place (due to being ostracized) which saved his life. Now finding himself as the ruler of his small nation, he tries his best to keep his kingdom afloat despite being very unqualified for the task…
His face (along with parts of his body) is disfigured from abuse and mistreatment. He hides it behind a mask/prosthetic.
He’s incredibly shy and self-deprecating, but he is trying his best for his people.
Tries to keep up airs of a “competent and mysterious” ruler, but he’s really having a panic attack on the inside lol
Collected his guards with the help of Nexus. Honestly is like one of those dads that gets bullied by his kids
Nexus (guy with large star blast on his face)
A skeleton of unknown origin. He applied to be a knight at an early age and worked his way up to be King Carrion’s personal guard. A extremely skilled and capable knight despite his origins and disability.
His right arm is actually missing! He doesn’t talk about how he lost it often.
A super chill guy, almost like nothing bugs him at all.
He doesn’t tend to have any presence whenever in a room full of people, and kind of doesn’t speak much unless spoken to.
Married his war buddy for tax benefits
Genuinely cares for Carrion despite everything the king has been through. Very loyal to him.
Neutral towards the other guards, but likes to mess with Soup a little lmao
A descendant of a sub species of skeletons that originate in one of the most unloveable, hostile places on the continent. Built to survive and adapt, these people were referred to as “the warrior tribes”, known for their immense strength, keen instincts, and violent behavior.
Works as one of King Carrion’s Guard, has a special role as a “Royal Executioner”
Part-Time works at the colosseum as a gladiator (although he dresses closer to a show pony 💀)
Currently in a situationship /lh
Annoyed with Nexus but he’s his superior sooooooo
Trains Caviar but also just likes fighting them lol
Steals Muffin’s food 60% of the time
A young sea beast that has the capability to shape shift into a massive leviathan, known for causing typhoons and sinking countless of ships.
Works as one of King Carrion’s guard, usually works as a speedy alternative to sea travel.
Was mistaken as a merfolk by an underground business and was taken from her mother. She later bonded with a few other kidnapped children at their facility located in the middle of the ocean. She ended up single-handedly destroying half of the compound, and escaping with most of the other children to the nearest kingdom (which happened to be Carrion’s kingdom).
Loves to swim around and eat lots of fish, as well as caviar (lmao)
Likes to bug Muffin for snacks
Play fights with Soup lots
A living suit of armor. Well, more technically, he’s a spirit that inhabits a suit of armor (kind of similar to/inspired by Mad Dummy in Undertale)
Works as one of King Carrion’s guard, less so actually doing his job and more so being a glorified cook.
A gentle giant, would rather not want to fight and instead resolve things peacefully
Loves baking
Gets bullied by Soup a lot lol
Dotes on Caviar
( also minor liatris jumpscare in the last image grgrgrrrhgghghgrrghgh i love my boy but i wanna gatekeep him but i wanna share him oughhhhh)
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lloydfrontera · 9 months
I am sooo tempted to read the novel just so I can write a fic with Lloyd and Javier in a happy relationship with a mutual benefits agreement with Alicia and Silluria (who are of course also in a happy relationship) with the right characterizations.
honestly. that's such a fun dynamic. putting all of them in a happy polycule resolves so many issues at once and gives us such insane possibilities. i am now obsessed with this concept.
but also i'm bi so like. in my head. this is their arrangement.
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lloyd and alicia get married so he can have the tax benefits of being the royal consort and she can get rid of the annoying people that say she needs to be married and have someone to make an heir with, but he still lives in the frontera estate and they see each other every weekend when alicia gets visitation rights to yongyong because they share custody of him. once charlotte is born, she alternates between spending two weeks in the palace, one with only alicia and the other with both alicia and lloyd, and then one at the frontera estate with only lloyd.
as for why javier and silurian get married it's mostly so she can also get rid of the people who think that if she's her father's heir then she should at least be married so she can have an heir of her own. and well they spend a reasonable amount of time together, when they meet in the capital while accompanying their respective lovers so. yeah why not. they have two babies, the eldest a namaran and the youngest an asrahan, who spent two weeks at the palace, one at the frontera estate and then visit their grandfather at namaran one week every two months.
all four of them are Stressing™ about all those trips and poor yongyong and ggoming get so much work out but they're committed to giving their kids the chance to get to experience everything they have to offer them. but also they run a tight schedule and trying to organize anything is a nightmare, they get the hang of it eventually but the first couple years were An Ordeal.
everyone in court pretends not to know about their arrangement but it's really hard when the royal consort only spends two weeks out of three at the palace, bringing and taking with him lady namaran's husband, while lady namaran lives almost permanently in the capital with the queen.
that and also all three kids call alicia 'mom', silurian 'mama', lloyd 'appa' and javier 'papa'. so like. it's an open secret.
the facts its rumored that more often than not lord frontera and sir asrahan will share a room, while the queen and lady namaran have rooms next to one another, that may or may not have a secret passage between them and that more than once all four of them have been seen going in and out of the royal chamber is really not anyone's business either.
i do want to say this does not solve the fact that lloyd emphatically did not want to marry into a position of power and that silurian had a whole arc about not needing to marry, but. it is much funnier and gayer than the original ending so i'm a lot happier ajksdhjkahfkjds
of course this is just. what came out of my brain once you oppened that possibility ajskdhjkafds
please do try it out your own way, i'm sure you have some truly wonderful ideas!!! please. give us gays everything we want <333
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koreyeet · 4 months
i wanted to give my nextgens an update with designs and slight changes to lore
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Howl (she/her)- Knuckles and Rouge's oldest daughter, acts like an only child and is pretty much Knuckles 2.0 where she refuses to leave the island for most things and is a huge nerd in echidna history and prides herself in her ancestors even though she technically isn't one of them, also she dies at 18 bc of some selfless sacrifice and becomes a ghost like Tikal.
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Meg (any pronouns)- Shadow's adopted son that took him way too long to acknowledge the fact and technically Rouge's adoptive nephew-son, he was found at around age 3 as a trash child on a mission Shadow and Rouge was on, Shadow didn't want him but when Rouge yelled at him to suck it up (mostly bc she had a newborn at the time) so he kept him until he found Meg's parents, 13 years later that never happened. There was also an incident where Shadow was trying to make Meg a citizen or something, tried to name him like Mario or something, Rouge scolded him about how bad his names are, then Shadow scribbled it out in crayon and replaced it with Mega (after Omega), didn't want to be scolded again and scribbled it out again, never submitted the papers and now Meg thinks he's named after the shark but in reality Shadow's not messing with Rouge and he isn't allowed to name anything else and his son isn't a registered citizen.
He's a chill guy who gets along with the strangest people, mostly hangs out with Howl to train or look after the M.E, and thinks of her as a sister, he also hangs out with Rouge and takes after her a lot especially when he presents feminine, she is the one that promotes that confidence, but with his "sister", Seven he is a bit spiteful towards her for the favoritism she gets and has been slowly drifting from Shadow bc of that, but he still has his best friend who he can vent to her about it.
-was born without hands so he now has cool prosthetics
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Seven (she/he)- Shadow and Zero/Infinite's unintentional tube child, the favorite one, she was the last creation done by Eggman before he died and her purpose was to be like a final weapon, but his plans where foiled, she emerged early/ was not fully cooked and the two edge lords where now dads. She was raised sheltered and is considered very well behaved considering her and her dads where created as weapons, she isn't all that strong only having the powers to project holograms and phase through walls, not really being told her origin and is really confused if she is a foster or their actual child, which eventually leads to a crisis about what she is.
-was the tax benefit motivator in the enemies to forced room mates because of house arrest to tolerating each other to allies to team mates to married for tax benefits to lovers arc
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Ruth (she/her)- Second daughter of Knuckles and Rouge, she takes after both her parents with brains and brawn, probably has the closest relationship with them and loves to accompany them in treasure hunts, she takes after Rouge the most in her love of gems, but is more into the non-polished dirty ones, she's decently skilled in stealth and combat from her mom's training and thinks the other two (Seven and Ringer) are just dumb.
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Ringer (he/they)- Sonic and Amy's oldest kid, imagine an adhd ridden child who has barely a filter and gets distracted so easily and that's him. He's a little menace who possesses Sonics speed, although not fully, and has the itch for seeing anything and everything. He's has a group with Seven and Ruth where they do whatever, girls nights, sleep overs, secret missions, sneaking out, etc. They get in trouble so much.
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Drill (he/him) - only son of Knuckles and Rouge, he's basically Bark but a child, he never talks, only glares, he is a dear to babysit though because all he does is sit there drawing in the dirt and wants to be left alone unless your Ghost, then he loves being around her. Eventually when he's like 16-17 he becomes her body gaurd when she gets her time guardian job.
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Ghost (she/her) - daughter of Silver and Blaze, she is mute and very anxious around anyone except her family, Marine, Drill, and Gardon, she was raised mainly by Silver bc he's a good malewife and inherited his psychokinesis, allowing her to float most places and create a wave lifting everything off the ground, her powers are very unstable, triggering every time she as a breakdown and since she was coddled so much she never really knew how to handle is so now she's just struggling.
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Herb (she/they) - daughter of Lanolin and Trois, works very closely with her moms and has a huge intrest in hero work and helping others, generally really happy and makes a bunch of friends unless she fails then se gets sad for a while. Her hair can act like an extra set of punching gloves.
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Hound (he/him) - oldest son of Lanolin and Trois, teenage angst because he got mugged as a 13 year old and is trying to find the perpetrator who took his sword, it turned into an investigation on finding an uncle everyone denies exists and he isn't vibing with this conclusion. Really uptight and snappy, he gets mad easily, especially at his sister, he's working close with Junebug and Cream on his case since everyone else tells him to give up or gaslights him.
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MJ (they/she) - Metal Sonic's creation - was meant to be minion to their scheme but ended up being like a child to him, but they didn't want to be apart of the scheme so they ran away to the restoration, failed to blend in, got taken in by his aunt Belle, had to convince her parent to not kill anyone, and is now just vibing. They tend to keep to themself, only being around the mechanic area and assisting their aunt with whatever she needs, not really going out there in fear of retaliation.
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Bug/ Junebug (any masc pronoun) - oldest twin of Espio, he's upbeat and hyper, kind of a combination of Charmy and Cream when they were younger, which is expected since they work for them as a junior detective and would rather take action now and solve the case rather then waiting for people to come to them, leading them to get into some dangerous situations, one that scarred both him and his brother, ever since then they've been mostly the same but even more stern about his work and goals.
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Zeki (he/him)- the other one, taking after Espio in the ninja shit, recently got reckless trying to save his sibling and lost an arm and partial vision in one eye so now Espio is being really protective of him. He's really serious about everything and compared to the other twin, he hangs out with his dad more and is really serious and prefers to think things through so something doesn't happen again.
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aquafire2008 · 5 months
Hello linkfollower! Putting the answers under the cut because it came out longer than expected.
1) I don’t really like soup, but I would have to go with my mom’s chicken noodle soup. If we’re talking about a Zelda soup, I’m gonna have to say SS pumpkin soup.
6) Tripple Threat. The potential for chaos is something else. It's like Wild and Hyrule would burn down a forest and Legend would pretend he had no idea what was happening when he was really part of the whole plan and was keeping the others distracted so Hyrule and Wild don't get in (too much) trouble. I'm gonna have to write something like this at some point.
12) I can't really think of any of my headcanons off the top of my head, so I'll just share a few of my favorites that I've heard. (I don't remember who came up with the original headcanons, but if I find them, I will make sure to tag them.
a - I love the idea of Four as a system. Personally, I feel like the first time the Four split into the Colors, it was fine and they reformed without a problem, but after the second time, they were so different that they couldn't become just one again.
b - Wind has ADHD and you can't convince me otherwise.
c - Time is secretly a gremlin. He may act like a completely responsible adult, but he'll pull tiny pranks on the others without them noticing.
d - Ravio and Legend are married, though Legend will deny he's in love every time he's asked. It definitely started out as tax benefits though.
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batbigbang · 1 year
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Bat Big Bang: My shattered soul dances around you
Author: @darknesswillfall Artist(s): @eggchayi
Rating: Mature Ao3 Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship(s): Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Lian Harper & Roy Harper & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Original Child Character(s), Jason Todd & Harleen Quinzel Key Characters: Jason Todd, Roy Harper, Lian Harper, Original Child(ren) of Jason Todd and Roy Harper, Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon Summary: Roy was well aware of the fact that he and Jason weren't actually together. Yeah, they were married, but it was all for the tax benefits and to take better care of Lian. When they get pulled on a mission on the Watchtower and Jason is unable to continue the mission, Roy panics. He doesn't want their life together to be ruined. So he runs, without even learning why Jason can't work. Or - Jason finds out he's eight and a half months along, has some realizations about his relationship and decides that he sure will learn from his past mistakes. Word Count: 51,193
Author’s Notes: I cannot believe that we're here and the fic is published. I low-key love it. I had a lot of fun participating this year and I hope I can do it again someday. Thanks for everybody who helped me write it and for the mods for organizing stuff. It was amazing. <3
Artist’s Notes: Drawing masculine figures is definitely not my forte so drawing these two pieces was a big challenge for me. But!!! I ended up enjoying the process a lot! I definitely learned a lot and I’m happy to say now I feel more confident drawing my favorite DC character, Jason <3! Additionally, going into this project one of my biggest goals was to work on giving my pieces a really strong sense of mood and atmosphere through not only the composition but lighting as well! Shoutout to gradient maps my beloved. The chemistry of Roy and Jason and the sprinkles of angst in this fic are so good I really hope that I was able to do the scenes I drew justice!
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Been thinking about allo- and amatonormativity lately and how many examples I can offer up first-hand even from the last couple of years and I’m just… I’m tired.
I’m tired of it only being a matter of time before showrunners turn that close m/f friendship into a romantic subplot. I’m just about as tired of “if they don’t kiss/hold hands/make out/have sex on screen then it’s not queer rep” as I am of “there’s no platonic explanation for this” and “friends don’t do that.” I’m tired of “I just don’t get why you’d headcanon them as aspec,” even about characters who have never expressed any preference at all. I’m tired of the implications that reading a character as aspec or a relationship as platonic is somehow homophobic. I’m tired of aspecs who are canon in the source material being erased in adaptations and fandom. I’m tired of “they can still have a relationship though!” as a justification for shipping without engaging with aspec identities.
And that’s just talking about internet spaces—the spaces I come to as a form of escapism. That’s not even starting on the bog-standard get-to-know-you questions about having a partner, which I can either tactfully deflect or answer honestly and out myself in a first conversation. The “well, but if you had to—?” The “when you’re a parent you’ll understand” and the insinuations that the types of relationships I do form aren’t meaningful. Being told I’d clean up on lesbian dating apps and having to explain to my therapist why that took me aback. The way people say “just friends” like friendship is something lesser. Every time I’ve been taken to be dating a close friend. The way a bartender once asked “what’s funny about that?” when my friend and I laughed at the implication we were in that bar as a couple. The friend from my very queer contra community who said he didn’t really get why people wanted to have words to express that they didn’t do something. The other friend who told me I needed to “reevaluate my prejudices about romance.” The frequency with which in-person queer spaces are sexualized or focused on finding a partner. The podcast I listened to that defined QPRs with barely any reference to the term’s origins in ace and aro communities. The tax benefits for married couples and the restriction of visiting privileges in medical settings. How difficult it is to afford rent on a single income.
It’s all just. so. tedious. And I’m so tired of it.
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AroAce Club: The Origins
Sini: As an ace person ace Miu makes perfect sense. It's one of my fave hcs as well and I also just find it offensive when people say certain characters are "too horny" to be ace. Like....Ace people can be horny???
we need to start a club, aces united for ace Miu
Ves: sneaks into your house and turns all your ships into qprs while you aren't looking
you are my hero for this
idk how to put that in normal words, I feel unhinged things about this
I need explicitly aromantic ship content and nobody is making it
how many times can I reread Litsu's "Besties but Better" before more fics like that spawn, before I go insane?
I mean, "The Simple Truth (And Other Boldfaced Lies)" has been starting to go in that direction but it's crumbs in 1 (one) longfic that I don't know when/if to expect a next update
Hina: Can I ask what you mean by this?
I mean stories that make it clear characters are aromantic that are still relationship focused, that show how they navigate it
Hina: That seems cool, and I'd love to see this more!! I think I've only ever seen one or two aromatic ones and maybe like 5-10 asexual ones? (I know those aren't the same)
I want to read about characters being confused by the other types of attraction they experience trying to figure out their feelings just as much as I do about ones figuring out they're gay
I want those domestic slice of life one-shots that just don't have the romance in them but still make it clear the relationship is as important to the characters in it
I want to read those settling into a relationship 5+1 fics but about QPR
Clown_Chaoticz: This is so true, man, there's just a few certain things I think do best when presented in the form of something aromantic. Really wish there was more surrounding that type of closeness
Checkers: romance is a really difficult concept for me so seeing qpr and intimacy without romance is very lovely
Clown_Chaoticz: One of my favorite headcanons is that shuichi is somewhere on the aromatic spectrum, probably because I see him as the type to have some sort of feelings for everyone he meets. I saw that and went "HEH. HEHEHEHE". Meanwhile I think ouma is demisexual, or something along those lines. I wish there was something about them navigating something like that
crack treated seriously: actually getting married just for the tax benefits, an easygoing aro couple that doesn't attach much meaning to it, surrounded by supportive but not understanding friends who need to get more chill about it, it's just a formality and a party to celebrate being over with it, please we just want to be able to visit each other at the hospital if something happens, stop talking about children
Hina: Can I ask a question? How exactly does the aromatic spectrum work (genuine)
the range is similar to the ace spectrum, you get the gray, demi and all that
some aroace people use one label because the general lack of both feels like one and the same to them, but I use both separately, cause I have different feelings about those and figured them out at different times. I think I don't get romantic feelings at all, while being somehow hyperromantic (ik the term is almost unheard of compared to hypersexual, but it works the same), while having some sexual attraction left as long as it's impossible to pursue, and being mildly repulsed by mentions of irl stuff/realistic depictions while being fascinated with fiction. It was really easy for me to say I'm ace and never want to actually do anything sexual, while admitting I'm aro is still hard, part of me just obsesses over romance. And I still get sensual attraction on the crossroads of aesthetical and platonic, which is really annoying and sets off the hyperromantic spiral
Clown_Chaoticz: Yee!! Pretty much little to no romantic feelings! But still with the ability to love really deeply, just more on the platonic side of things. Personally I like it for shuichi specifically because the struggle to put people into a well defined "I feel this about you" box is very real. Mostly because I think shuichi would be inclined to search for clear answers, without realizing that his and others people's definitions of romantic are just the right amount of awkward to feel off. I'm struggling to describe it ajskhdshd I'm aromantic! And everyone's experience surrounding that is different sure but the way I can describe it for myself is that I am unable to see myself in a romantic relationship. I lowkey find it unnecessary. I like seeing it! I like thinking about it with my silly fictional people! I do not see it for myself. For the longest time I straight up did not know there was another aspect to liking someone. I thought everyone just picked who they had feelings for I thought there was a step by step process where you HAD to be friends first because there was no reason for you to further the relationship otherwise. So getting friendzoned? Did not understand why people were upset about that. Cause I thought, you have everything you need! Your still close to them!! I understand now the difference but MAN it's complicated.
like, some ace fics imply characters to lack sensual attraction too and be grossed out by kissing, but I am not, and it bothers me, because it's hard to explain it as a separate kind of attraction and draw the line
no, bc when I was pursuing dating I was hell-bent on the have to be friends first too, like, surely you have to get to know them first to be able to feel it, right? right?
Sini: Demisexual Kokichi is my fave and I cherish it. I've never thought of arospec Shuichi but that does make sense… I usually think of Tenmiko as having a kind of qpr or aroace romance. I didn't even know there were Saiou fics like that out there I know there are ones focused on asexuality that I've read, but that's it
Clown_Chaoticz: OHH!! I CAN SEE THIS!!! Tenmiko as a qpr kind of goes hard actually akhdkshdkdj This will be the only way I accept it from now on/hj
Sini: Idk, they're so coded to me- Tenko is such an aroace lesbian. She just admires and loves Himiko sm. And Himiko strikes me as not being the dating type. Like she has her crushes and stuff, she can have romantic adjacent feelings, but if she's getting involved she doesn't really want to do was is expected of her. She likes Tenko but not like that and Tenko realizes she feels the same. They simply have a deep connection : ) Literally gal pals Himiko goes off like, "We're not soulmates, we're soulbonded" and everyone but Tenko is confused on what the difference is
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also I made this chart of my hcs, but tbh I could move nearly anyone to a higher tier at any time if I felt like it, any of them could be aspec, and the main reason I didn't put Kaito as aroace is me being a hater, not wanting to share that with him, he has the potential for it, and I could put saiou in any variation, maybe one day I'll write something where one is aro and the other is ace, and they still get into some weird situationship, probably within The Greater Akamatsu Polycule, they're just fascinated by each other, there'd be mind games and Literal Sleeping Together... it'd be great.
[when I shared it in the pit, I said] I need help, how do I hc characters as aro without making them aroace? I need more aro hcs, I am not even sure about Sayaka or Sonia, it was more like I'm okay with placing them there but it wouldn't be my default, why do I not have aro hcs? wtf and I am not much better with ace hcs, I was going to have Kiyo and Gundham be just ace, but the voice in my head was like Why not? Why shouldn't I make them aroace? We can have it all
Hina: I love Aroace Nekomaru
I just think that after having their private platonic interaction peeped on & sexualized by outsiders both Nekomaru and Akane deserve to be ace, she's got more going on but tbh I haven't seen either of their ftes myself so it's mostly vibes and what other people said I am referring to the massage scene
Sini: FR! They’re so chill when it comes to that stuff. In Akane’s case it could be partly due to all the harassment she received, which just makes a lot of her reactions really sad, but she deserves to be ace as a treat. Makes things a little less sad (but also more so sad)
Hina: I've gotten some hate before for headcanoning Nekomaru as Aroace because he's apparently canonically MLM but? I don't know. Based on his FTE's, he's just a really chill person and I think he values the friendships that he builds and forms with people enough where a romantic relationship just isn't something he thinks about for himself often
Sini: Nekomaru can be Aroace and still be MLM…..Idk why people think being aroace means you can’t feel any attraction to any gender ever
Now go and write about aspecs!
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ffsg0jo · 3 months
I remember getting to the last chapter and being extremely cringed up by the behavior of everybody, especially of jean and reiner, because they were two of my favorite characters and I felt like they went through so much growth just to be used as comic relief, as if the original creator wanted to ease up the tragedy of the whole finale with those skits, which I... do get could have happened still but ugh... I think that there should have been a better way.
also ahead after this spoilers of the ending of aot!
I stg the whole skit with reiner I was like 'is this the same traumatized man who's constantly trying to quit it?' because like I get that maybe it's to show that it's an 'happy' ending but it doesn't erase simply everything they have gone through. especially I feel like this way of portraying him just deleted any chance of healing.
also for ever annoyed about jean ending with mikasa, not just because of him but also because it ruined the relationship that they had been having which I felt like was very much based on a lot of respect. like I don't think that the mikasa that we saw through the story would have married jean and kept on being stuck on even, like it made 0 sense for me for them to end up together. like I don't get why they couldn't keep the two of them as single.
AND PLS THE HISTORIA ENDING WITH A MAN? when it's implied the whole pregnancy and being used against her own will? I... was like... ma'am... pls blink two times if you are in danger.
I low key remember getting to the final chapter and being all happy because my faves survived but after a bit I was like 'is... is that all we got?'. there were, indeed, so many fan theories which had a WHOLE lot more potential ugh.
(also I agree, levi was the sole one whose ending I enjoyed because it felt fitting; it was a good way to portray the effects of everything he had gone through with having still an happy tone to it, which I think should have been a treatment all the other characters deserved)
alright sorry for the ted talk, I'll see myself out!
have a lovely day!
yes !! i feel like he wanted to create a lighthearted ending but he ended up sacrificing the character development of certain characters and it was just sad to see. they regressed entirely imo. i reread the the last couple of chapters/arc and ik there's a timeskip but they'd been through war and lost so many of their friends and family. wdym they came out unscathed. i agree with what you said it couldve been done in a better way where you can see the progression and healing more.
reiner will forever hurt my heart though like when i saw him sniffing the letter i wanted to bawl. he completely changed, he was a literal shell of a person and i wanted to see his healing more. he was suicidal and had ptsd and it takes time to recover and heal from that, and even then some people never do!
YESSS THANK YOUUU !!! mikasa and jean were very much good friends and had a lot of trust and mutual respect for each other. the only way i can see them getting married is if it's a marriage of convenience for tax benefits or something. i truly don't think mikasa wouldve done that to jean knowing he was a place holder for eren.
i actually wouldnt have minded pieck and jean if i'm being honest. i feel like they would've vibed together and would've gotten along if it wasnt for the whole titan shenanigans.
I WAS SO DISAPPOINTED WHEN HISTORIA ACTUALLY HAD A CHILD WITH A MANN BECAUSE AS YOU SAID EVERYTHING POINTED TO HER BEING FORCED TO CONCIEVE A CHILD. LIKE WITH EREN VISITING HER, THAT WHOLE DISCUSSION, I TRULY THOUGHT HISTORIA GOT PREGNANT AS A PLOT POINT. her being pregnant was just so inconsequential, a useless detail at the end. and all those panels with her and eren ended up being somewhat useless. i read fan theories with better direction, i remember the whole eren is the father thing and wholeheartedly believed that was going to happen, even though i did NOT want it to.
yesss, levi was the only thing done well about the ending and i firmly stand by that. it's exactly as you said i was so happy they all survived and then i thought about it more and thought ...... that was a bit shit.
he is releasing chapter 140 though soo hopefully that clears some things up??? or helps fixes things?? idekkk
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abobobob · 1 year
Honestly, Partitio’s got one of the best first chapters and it’s because how the flashbacks flow in that chapter. They tackle his motivation and skills as a merchant and how those things still stay with him even in poverty. A lot more thoughts under the read more. (Only Partitio Chapter 1 spoilers)
Starting with when he’s 8, we learn about how he begins as a merchant. We see his first trade, the encouragement he gets from Papp and Roque, and how Partitio wants to help others (“I’ll split this whole plot with all our friends!”). You learn about how much of an investment it was to move to what will become Oresrush, as Papp sold everything to get the plot of land. We learn from Inquiring Papp later that Partitio’s mom died a bit before the story began, but Partitio’s still going as he still has his dad and probably sees Roque as a uncle or second father. Who knows maybe Roque and Papp got married for tax benefits
Then we see the transitions between when he’s 8 to when he’s 16. We see the house grows over the course of the years. After the transition we see the rest of the town and also how well off they are too. Papp and Partitio are not hogging the money for themselves but spreading the wealth to everyone! Partitio has 8 years of experience as a merchant and is shown sell some ore for 1.8 million leaves. There’s so much energy in town, with more things getting built and tons of people coming to town. This also means people like Giff and his goons start appearing to steal off of everyone’s hard work.
After beating up Giff and while Partitio and his posse celebrate, we learn that Roque wants to get a divorce leave town, and warning Papp about the contract. Roque leaves the house and sees Partitio, and tries to take him in the divorce for his next business venture: steam engines. However, Partitio loves his town and wants to help it keep growing, so he stays.
After Roque leaves town, it transitions from when Partitio’s 16 to 24, present day. Partitio’s home slowly becomes dilapidated on this transition and we even see a moment with Giff getting his goons to go to their home for valuables in exchange of what’s probably taxes. After the transition, we see Papp got sick from overworking, the town is nearly crashing down, and Partitio’s posse are starving, even nearly fighting one another just for a small piece of bread.
Partitio’s giving everything he can (his portions of his meal for Papp, paying his apothecary market price for medicine, and giving up his bread for his posse) but it clearly not enough to keep everyone well, and it’s even costing Partitio his own health as well. Seeing all of his friends and his town paying so much on taxes to the original landlord for nearly 8 years of and being unable to help them as they lose their livelihoods, food, homes, and who knows, maybe people died while this town was being squeezed dry, is all a big emotional pain as well. With all of this happening, it’s not too surprising that Partitio’s starts crying. To make matter worse, Giff appears, who’s now living a life of luxury and squeezing everything bit he can from the town for the original landlord.
Papp see his son return with medicine, but he also looks so down. Papp feels that his son is stuck in the town because he’s sick, while Partitio’s down because he’s worried about his town and his dad, but he’s not just going to leave them behind to suffer. Papp decides to encourage him, telling him to follow his heart and do what he thinks he should. That small moment is both really sweet and it gets Partitio’s spirits up again. He decides he will free the town from the original landlord’s unfair control of their lives and their money and will use force if needed for their freedom.
Partitio gets his posse and they go beat up Giff, and all the money from Giff’s safe immediately goes to the whole town to slowly rebuild and hopefully restore to its former glory. Giff even gets his just desserts and is working on repaying a debt to the town by doing hard work. Later Papp let’s Partitio knows that the people in town can handle themselves and that he should go travel the world and follow his dreams to end poverty and also go beat up his ex-husband if he gets the chance
I also really like the twist that Roque was the one who originally owned the land, as it gives the player a glance of what kind of person we will likely be up against as we continue through Partitio’s story. We see that Roque would be willing to alter a contract for his own benefit and ignore the people suffering under his control, a big contrast when Papp and Partitio had the town and made sure that the money would circulate and- Look, I really like Partitio (and his story) a lot!
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all-seeing-ifer · 2 months
cangel, dangel, + cordelia & gunn for relationship bingo!
ah yes. three dynamics i am so normal about don't even worry about it
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my everything my best friends my silly rabbits..... they actually make me require victorian style medicine i need a fainting couch i need to be taken to the fucking sea to get me well. everyone just ignore the part where i initially thought cangel was mid as hell and then after seeing ppl headcanon cordy as ace i decided it was cute actually and then one rewatch of ats later i was legitimately sick in the fucking head about them. it's been a rollercoaster. also i myself forgot about that part of my emotional journey until i was typing this up and had to go edit the bingo card to reflect it. anyway to ME they are dating they are married for tax benefits they're in a qpr they're friends who happen to make out sometimes and are weird and codependent THEY CAN DO IT ALL BAYBEEEE!!! i just wish the back half of the show wasn't.... like that. like a) everything in season 4 👎 b) i recently got up to witw/couplet in my latest rewatch and it does actually make me feel fucking crazy that they took a relationship that was based in mutual loyalty and devotion and made it mostly just about angel being sad cordy doesn't like him back like. come on. that said i am still sickeningly attached to them i just have to pretend the romance aspect of the relationship was executed completely differently LOL. my feelings have layers
anyway DANGEL:
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in hindsight the main issue with this bingo card is there's no option that's just I LOVE DIVORCE in all caps. i love my freak divorcees they make me feel insane. of all the roads not taken in ats by far the worst is that they killed darla off like that and we never got them being insane divorced co parents i needed it desperately. anyway whatever i'm normal if i think about their relationship arc too long i'll fucking. explode
cordy and gunn!!!!
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the besties!!! though tbh i could see it romantically i could get behind it.... i can see the angles. but yeah i love them and all their interactions first impressions is honestly one of my fave episodes to rewatch just for their interactions!! i just wish we'd got more of them being buddies in the show but. well. they sort of gave up on giving gunn things to do you see so that gets in the way of it. BUT IN MY MIND!!!! OH THE PLANS I HAVE FOR THEM IN ORIGIN OF SPECIES!!! (also applies to cordy n angel but i feel like we all knew that) they're so fun!!! wish there was more appreciation for em i feel like people tend to designate wes as cordy's bestie and like. guys. she bonded with gunn over getting fired too :(
anyway this was so fun thank you for asking i greatly enjoyed the opportunity to yammer!!!
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leo-sharks-struggles · 4 months
I've invaded your inbox to ask if you'd like to infodump about your WIPs to me! Seriously, go ahead and write an essay if you'd like to 👀 Your WIPs just sound very cool and I'd like to know more!
Hi! Thank you! Sorry for taking forever to answer!
I actually have a few different wips that I'm going to add eventually. But these are the first two I'm worried about.
Anomalous is actually an older wip that I have. It actually started very different and focused on just strange shenanigans in the town with the vampire twins as the main characters. Although, Vlad hasn't changed much except to have more depth beyond horny vampire dating a faery. The village didn't even have a name until I tore the story apart to start anew. I am a huge sucker for stories that center in a town or village that spooky scary things live in. Unfortunately those stories rarely involve anything adult or the kinds of detail stuff I like. So now I just try to write them myself. Anyways, Anomalous is my hope to have my romance and found family and supernatural drama all in one.
Now, Vlad's family isn't necessarily bad, they're not even very terrible in most regards. Vlad just has his own way of thinking and his family doesn't agree with him. They don't resent him either, there isn't any hard feelings. They both just have their own way of living. They literally just visit because the oldest of their children is finally getting married after centuries of dating. Going into the idea once I decided to focus on Vlad and Aerin I didn't want any serious over the top conflict. Drama yes, death murder slaughter no. This is suppose to be a fun while also have Vlad on the seat of his pants scared he'll be single by the time his old fashioned family leaves, if they ever do. I want to play with old fashioned vampires and supernatural town and also some getting married in there too. I also plan to try make like little bios for the characters and the town down the line when I have more time.
Originally in his back story, Vlad was suppose to have been some punk, former pirate guy obsessed with getting his vitamin D. And Aerin was his newest fling. Now I like the idea of Vlad being a punk former pirate that met the love of his life accidently and they decided to finally take the next step for the tax benefits and also that 'gross shit' called love and commitment, you know, a few centuries in. He also founded the town just so his boyfriend could have neighbors that weren't gonna chase him out of town with pitchforks and torches for being a faery.
But if there is specific things yinz are looking for about Anomalous, you know, just send me another ask. :)
The Dragon's Suitors is a much newer wip. I've been struck with the bachelor(ette) sort of tropes for a hot minute and I also love dragons. A lot of the details of this one are still in the works because it is so new. A lot of the wips outside of Anomalous are rather new for me.
Weylan, our mc here, is a cool headed pro at her job. Her father was in charge before her and made sure to teach her everything she would need to know. Now it's her turn to take the lead and keep the village safe. And as any dragon with a treasure, the only thing they could also need is a spouse. So the king himself has sent his best matchmaker as a favor to her father. She's got 5 different people looking for her hand in marriage. Basically it's a love multiple triangles except not really because she has no interest in that shenanigans.
So yeah, with it being rather new I am still going to work on the details so I can get the ideas I'm actually interested in writing. But if anyone has questions in particular go ahead and send me an ask. It'll probably help me work those details out faster!
Thank you for the ask my dear! I appreciate it greatly!
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amongfeathers · 11 months
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“…and my greatest fear was that if I lost control, or did not have control, things would just, you know, be fatal…”
CANON-DIV QUACKITY BLOG! 🌟 part of ctrlverse -> cl!quackity or ct!quackity. run by pity, he/she, 18.
ctrlverse (stylized as CTRLverse, CTRLverse, or ctrlverse) is a roleplay verse based heavily off DSMP. it focuses on the untold stories of some of the characters as private bloggings about the events they experienced. it is not strict to the DSMP canon, and does not follow that timeline to the letter. anything goes in ctrlverse. almost anything, at least.
this blog is the equivalent of the vice president's private social media. open to manburgian citizens, people he follows, and denizens skilled at hacking.
please send in asks and anons! every interaction is appreciated!
art is by the beloved tham n0phis
mask from here
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notes on CT!Quackity, a.k.a (big) Q: CURRENT ARC: Manberg, well into the first year of Schlatt's rule. TAGS: under the cut.
he is AFAB transmasc, and currently only uses he/they pronouns. he has (undiagnosed and untreated) BPD. he is on the autism spectrum. Q also has GAD, which can cause anything from severe self doubt to a full-on shutdown. as Schlatt's vice, Quackity reserves the sole right to effect the decisions of Manberg's self-declared emperor, but more often than not finds himself doing paperwork instead, ad nauseam. married originally for tax benefits and public appearance, he takes relationships very seriously, and sometimes chases after the wrong ones. when he's not being eaten alive by work he participates in small games with the citizens– he's an avid gamer, and gambler, a bit of a cheat at cards. loves any chance for distraction. Q is a phoenix hybrid, who has only died once before. instead of being reborn when he does, he simply respawns– depending on the esempi territory, his lives are reset. he is currently down one from four (three respawns left). he often binds his wings at the same time that he binds his chest, and as such has mostly forgotten how to fly.
some posts will be partially or entirely in spanish. mun speaks spanish, but not fluently. please excuse and/or correct any faults. translations will be provided!
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“and if it's an illusion, i don't wanna wake up. i'm gonna hang onto it.”
in character tags are below the cut.
OUT OF CHARACTER TAGS 🌱 gen tag - #ctrlverse srs roleplay - #controlverse nsfw content - #tread carefully
other triggering content - #tw (trigger) nsrs roleplay - #featuring: OOC / non-char posts- #ctrlcamping end of roleplay - #20 something
🌱 IN CHARACTER TAGS #promise to be better - my journaling. nothing really important, I just need a place to get it out. #now watching MADtv - for my actually funny posts. #warm enough inside? - gay.. shit. gay stuff. yearning. 😑 #know i'm alive - reposts! silly, um, images I want you to see. yeah. #where are the askers? - this is for asks, suggestions, and submissions, so the joke doesn't really... go. you get the idea. *please* don't ask me to lower the taxes, I can't.
PLAYER TAGS 🌱 #flock together - ( nihachu ) #big tail bigger man - ( tommy ) #fresh as a daisy - ( aimsey ) #black sheep - ( minx ) #goopin & gunkin? - ( slime ) #composer-in-residence - ( wilbur ) #buzzing in your ears - ( tubbo ) #empty - no blog yet. #empty - no blog yet. #empty - no blog yet. #empty - no blog yet.
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merriclo · 1 year
Everything About Lorule
@ikaishere made some beautiful art of Lorule and so i’ve decided to spill everything i can about them. enjoy <3
> from hcau <
general/pre-hcau stuff:
i said earlier that Lorule’s 19 but i changed my mind!! he’s like 22-23 :)
ravio and her have the weirdest fucking relationship. there’s so many rumors about what’s going on. like they’re roommates. theyre best friends. they’re business owners. they’re married. they pine helplessly. they make out sloppy style. they’re afraid of the other rejecting them. they’ve been dating for years. they insult the hell out of each other. they wax poetics about each other. they’re in a qpr. they’re married for tax benefits. they’re in love romantically. they’re somehow both each other’s sugar daddy.
and then the truth is that Ravio’s very nervously working up the courage to ask them out. meanwhile Lorule thinks they’ve been dating for months. also they’re married for tax benefits.
Lo gives Rav a kiss on the cheek and thinks abt how much she loves his partner. meanwhile Rav’s like “haha. just bros being bros right??? 😃 he couldn’t possibly be into me right???? i have no chance??????” they’re sleeping in the same bed and Lorule’s wrapped around Ravio and he’s still convinced that Lo’s just a really friendly person
Lorule’s incredibly sweet and energetic and goes with the flow of things very well but on the inside the alarm bells are screaming 24/7. there’s so much behind those eyes and it’s called unspeakable anxiety.
she’s originally from Hytopia! he lived there for 14 years, but ran away to Hyrule after his mom died. yeah that’s right not only is this bitch a fucking ginger, they’re also french.
Growing up in Hytopia means that they’re good at sewing, knitting, crocheting, embroidery, macrame, etc.
because of this, she’s got eye strain, minor scoliosis + back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and joint pain. they stretch and everything pops.
their accent is thick as hell, too. i have a fic that’s half-way written abt it that should be out sooner or later actually !!
before ALBW, she had a huge fear of heights and getting over it was really difficult. once she ended up sobbing while practically paralyzed on a floating, unstable, moving platform that was hundreds of feet above lava, just trying to get herself to jump off of it and onto the next platform below. understanding that they’re brave despite their fears is something he and Ravio are getting through together lmao
he likes marmalade. and birds
they’re simultaneously very very silly and jarringly blunt
they used to not curse much but Ravio’s rotten mouth wore off on them and it’s incredibly funny. once they tripped over a rock and let out the most vile string of curses known to man, only to get up and make direct eye contact with a horrified priest
their sense of humor is a mix of the worst puns in existence and incredibly clever innuendos or sex jokes
music is a crazy important part of Lorulian culture, so he and Rav sing together all the time :) he’s gotten pretty good at it too
speaking of Ravio, he’s got the worlds’ worst New Jersey accent. it’s the Lorulian accent but he’s undeniably got it the worst. overhearing him and Lo talk causes constant whiplash.
not a fan of ghosts or poes
he sleeps like a fucking rock. Gulley has to get creative to actually wake them up in the morning, because if he doesn’t she’s sleeping well past noon
BESTIES with Irene. they shit talk :)
he’s also very good friends with Zelda and Styla, and is in the process of forming a better personal relationship with Hilda
not necessarily the smartest when it comes to the more scholarly things. most of it flies right over his head lmao. Ravio has tried to explain politics to him several times and it’s never worked. however!! she’s very smart when it comes to hands-on things (and counting and measurements—those are essential to most crafts.)
complicated relationship with the concept of beauty. very very complicated relationship.
idolized the hell out of Oracle when they were younger. yes their mind breaks for a good while when they first meet them and realize he’s a total fucking loser jackass.
she’s always doing something. it’s both out of fear of being seen as lazy and out of a need for an outlet for their energy
fantastic depth perception
their map was their mom’s!! it’s crazy fuckin faded but he refuses to buy a new one
unofficially a part of the blacksmith’s family. it’s sort of like an open secret, everyone knows it but no one talks about it
he’s crazy close with Gulley, they hang out all the time. don’t let their constant teasing and playful bickering fool you, they would die for each other. they’re siblings your honor.
the blacksmith’s wife (i’ve named her Giulia) made her her clothes. Giulia might not be the best seamstress, but Lorule full on sobbed when she first put it on. something something, mommy issues and emotional healing, you get it
she does odd jobs and favors around town all the time. her off-days are spent roaming through Kakariko, sewing up holes in a clothes, fixing fences, delivering packages, babysitting, that sort of stuff. everyone in town is very familiar with and fond of him as a result.
hcau stuff:
out of the chain, they’re closest with Ages, Wild, and Oracle.
Ages because they’re both really creative people and Ages feels super comfortable around them because of his prior experiences with Ravio.
also. ok listen. i’ve been pondering adding a sort of tragic romance element to this au bc i am obsessed with the “maybe if things were different, if we were different, if we were in another life, we could’ve been” trope. i’m rlly interested in exploring the quiet acknowledgement that something is there accompanied by the quiet refusal to do anything because they both know that they’ll never see each other again once the journey is over. and idk man Ages and Lorule are kind of perfect for that 👀
regardless of if i pursue that route or not, their character arcs are very closely linked and they deal with and get through a lot of shit together :)
Wild because they’re both genderfluid and Lorule really admired their relationship with fashion. Wild rocks the most atrocious outfits with a confidence that’s an inch away from becoming hubris. also they talk abt magic jewelry and clothes together.
and Oracle because holy shit this hero i’ve idolized all my life is actually a total fucking loser in desperate need of psychiatric assistance i have got to help them. also Lo can sniff out a closeted trans kid from miles away. also also they talk abt magic jewelry and clothes together.
very good at conflict resolution. they’ve done the whole “working together” thing before and they’re damn good at it
because of how close they are with Gulley, they’re very good with the younger heroes. he doesn’t act condescendingly or keep information from them cause Gulley rants about how people do that to him all the time
heavily disagrees with how much Red and Prism sugarcoat things. she’s civil about it but definitely hates how slow they peel the bandaid off
after a big battle he’ll often volunteer for first watch, and stay up for second as well. he makes the excuse of needing to work on repairing tunics, but really it’s his anxiety going fucking apeshit.
they love listening to the others’ musical talents. they’re shit at instruments themself so they just sit there and enjoy the show whenever someone starts playing. and then of course Ages ratted on them being able to sing (Ravio had told him that she could during the war) and they were then promptly dragged into the shows
if it weren’t for Loft and their chronic fatigue Lorule would be the first to start snoozing almost every night
whenever the chain is in Lorule’s Hyrule and near Kakariko village, they’ll have dinner with the blacksmiths + Ravio
Wind, Wild, and Lorule band together to braid everyone’s hair. braid trains are a common thing to see during rests
there’s so much more but i can’t tell bc it spoils stuff so that’s it for now T.T sorry for typos
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
Yooooooooooooooo Good Morning!
i actually woke up feeling better than I have been so my plan is to try to be just a little bit productive. Maybe wash some clothes. Maybe clean up my room. The possibilities are endless!
Also! Last night was my niece’s birthday and I gave her present to her! I got her and I tickets to go see the offspring, sum 41, and simple plan in september! She was so excited that she dive bombed me and almost broke my glasses!! I think I won the birthday this year lol
Oh wow! Amazing! What a line up!
I met some cool people at the concert last night including a guy and his girlfriend who had been a fan of them since they were Chicago locals (he was next to me so I talked to him more than her but she kind of nodded and listened) and a woman who said she was going to let her wife know she was getting out of line with me. I’m not good at starting conversations at concerts really but it seems people always end up talking to me, or I chime in eventually. I hope you both have fun.
I know this was sent like yesterday I think and then I talked to you today. I said I was reading and then going to bed but right as I put my book down everything hit me again and I started getting freaked out again so I figured I’d answer your ask.
My mom put my table back up in my craft room, so I can start working on physical stuff again. Right now I’m working on a series of hand-drawn pride pins. The first one I did was asexual and the design was recycled from the pin I made my cousin for her bag (which I posted on here and sent to you) and it feels very cottagecorey but I made a bisexual one of just flowers and while I’m really happy with the design I feel like it misses the mark of the vibe I’m going for. As a consumer I’m more drawn to greenery and mushrooms vs flowers, but I spent so much time on it I’d hate to scrap it. I’m hoping I can make other ones that really capture that cottagecore feel more, but it’s very hard since I’m trying to focus on realistic things that include those colors in my pride flags. I’m hoping to do some poison dart frogs with the lesbian flag or the rainbow flag maybe, since frogs are cottagecore. But yeah.
I want to start working on my patch pants in case I end up going to SSC. I know I told you originally I was and then I wasn’t going to which I haven’t like announced anywhere because even then I was still thinking “fuck it maybe I’ll just fucking fly up and go” BUT my best friend is trying to plan her wedding reception that week so we can still go BUT I called it off because our other best friend’s brother’s wedding got moved to that weekend and her family is very over-the-top so it’s going to be a all-weekend thing at LEAST and while I’m fine with having her reception on a weekday because I gotta take time off to go up there anyway I know I’m not the only guest. I’d *like* to think I’m the closest thing to a Bride’s Maid of Honor, you know, which was the dream back when I thought we were all cishet but mildly weird, before we were both like “fuck church weddings” and also before she was like “I’m going to get legally married for the tax benefits and shit” so like you know back when I dreamed of being her brides maid of honor. I am racking my brains trying to come up with a good present for her (my literal best friend since I was 5) and I have a few ideas but they’re going to take research and effort. You know I can’t just buy her a post card or like the keychain I got her when we went to pride for her literal wedding present.
Anyway that’s what’s up here I think I’m going to go eat and take my meds and do the self care you told me to do and hopefully by then I won’t feel so jittery.
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lucysweatslove · 1 year
Husband went out of town to where we used to live today. He is the "minister" marrying his friend and his friend's wife (though, funnily enough, they're already married. They did what we did- got legally married the year before the official wedding because tax benefits). His office* is technically in that town, so he's there at the office today and will be going over wedding stuff with his friend tonight. Originally he was thinking he would just be there today and come home late tonight, but instead he is staying over at his friends' and coming home tomorrow.
I spilled egg yolk on my freshly washed robe this morning.
It's still all rainy and all I want to do is cuddle up with a book and cup of tea with Oreo snuggled in. Instead I am trying to motivate myself to eat lunch then get dressed so I can go to the gym. It's been two weeks since I've trained upper body. Fingers crossed it's not busy.
* I always do this where I put in the asterisk because I have a side thing to say and by the end of the post I forget all about it. Anyway, I say office because it’s the in-person/physical office for the work he does. When we moved here for me to go back to school, he was approved for full time WFH, so now he works from his home office most of the time. The physical office is only 1.5-2hrs away so he goes in occasionally when there is a reason- like today, or when a colleague is leaving the firm, or sometimes just because he misses everybody and wants to say hi.
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