#they technically all have a name and they're all [irl name]
Tell me about your sides!! Literally anything you want to talk about, what are their traits? How do they get along with each other? Etc.
This is going to get. Long
The five sides i currently have are: Anger, Braincell, Creativity, Desire, Emotions
A not so brief explanation of them below, their relationships with each other are probably gonna be in a different post cause this got so LONG
1. Anger
Represents anger (obviously), impulsiveness (+ violent tendencies), spite, hope, determination, optimism, and passion. Emotion's younger sibling.
Color palette is red, orange, yellow, and black. Wears clothes that would make my conservative family members explode and die on sight (punk). Has vulture wings. Permanent resting bitch face.
Prone to fits of violence and making me want to commit violence (braincell stops her though). Gets angry at everyone, but is also protective of them and me, and especially of Emotions. Secretly a sensitive guy
2. Reasoning/"Braincell"
Represents logic, morality, self-preservation, knowledge, control, rationality, analyzation, anything i associate with a 'logical' brain. Has the most functions of them all (which is why they go by "Braincell" instead).
Color palette is green with shades of grey. Looks the most like me and only wears clothes i have worn. Has multiple arms that aren't attached to their body. Permanently stressed.
Constantly stressed from keeping the other sides and the entire mindscape semi functional. Overthinker and a bit of a control freak. Tries their best and they never feel like it's enough
3. Creativity
Represents creativity, inspiration (when i have it lol), interests, curiosity, dreams, weirdness, whimsy, distraction, and wonder
Color palette is mostly shades of purple. Wears a skirt + pants combo with embroidered designs (mostly flowers). Has two forms: Active (when im actively creating) and Passive (when i'm simply getting ideas). Sea looks mostly human with a few inhuman traits when in passive form, with balls of glowing light meant to represent xir ideas floating around her. In active form, fae looks like a mix of different creatures in active form and glows (color depends on what im creating in that moment). All of los eyes (shi has more than 2) glow purple when distracted.
Responsible for those galaxy brained thoughts i get. Very prone to the affects of my (possible) ADHD and burnout. Is not very grounded (both physically cause hy floats, and also is the epitome of 'head in the clouds'). Cringe (affectionate). Acts very motherly towards vis creations. Never still, and never sleeps.
4. Desire
Represents wants, needs, likes, dislikes, gender euphoria and dysphoria, jealousy, loneliness, attraction (romantic, platonic, anything but sexual), selfishness, dreams, desperation, and insecurity.
Color palette is many different shades of blue (sometimes other colors). Looks and outfit change depending on what I want to look like at the moment. Has appendages that are similar to tentacles that come from his heart.
Acts very flirty, funny, and confident, partially to hide the 'uglier' parts of himself (namely loneliness and insecurity). Materialistic and and is an attention seeker. Very clingy. Wants me to finally be free to be myself. Also cringe (affectionate). Very silly and very bi
5. Emotions
Represents (most) of my emotions, sensory issues, pessimism, exhaustion, self-esteem, and irrationality. Anger's older sibling
Color palette is mostly white and a bunch of colors. Wears a tie-dye shirt and flowy skirts. Hair looks windswept and messy. Uses a slinky as a bracelet. Can become transparent and float like a ghost.
Mood changes constantly. Looks like the shyer sibling compared to Anger, but can be just as intense. Not so secretly a sensitive guy. Has a resting sad face. Colors get more saturated the stronger the emotion I'm feeling
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mapofthesea · 1 year
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ceos!rapline x reader, fem!reader, poly!rapline, bi!rapline
genre: smut (pwp), fluff
word count: 6.1k 
summary: having three ceo boyfriends comes with its perks- namely the financial freedom to pursue your artistic talents and always getting the jewelry you ask for- but like everything, your luxuries come at a price. 
a price that just so happens to be arriving in their office to satisfy them at every call.
warnings: this is SMUT! They're all fucking, okay? Everyone is also very in love, rapline are little bi babies. Swearing and tension (related to business things that have the boys pent up), they are all sickeningly in love. Specific smut warnings include: dom!rapline x sub!reader, dirty talk, intentional voyeurism, praise and degradation, oral (m and f receiving), spanking, spitting, hair pulling, grinding (in several varieties), technically public sex but behind closed doors, unprotected sex (hey, don’t do this irl), anal play, double penetration, multiple orgasms, cum eating, overstimulation, aftercare ofc!
an: hi, I’m back to write about the nasty things I dream about sometimes. This one is pretty intense so please read the warnings above carefully, and as always if you're under 18 or uncomfortable with the content pleaseeee do not read it. I do not proofread so if there are typos I apologize! (ps the title is inspired by one of my favorite songs about sex, so do yourself a favor and listen to Natural by The Driver Era if you haven’t!)
“I don’t fucking think I approved that!” Namjoon growls into his phone. You can feel the anger coming off of him in waves as he grips the device in his veiny hand. You admire him for a second; the set line of his jaw, the sexy furrow of his brow. Whoever is on the other side of the conversation speaks rapidly again, likely apologizing, and yours ears strain to catch any context. 
You only get to focus for a few seconds before Namjoon’s stare slides to you. His eyebrow raises and you know immediately what he wants. The carpet is beginning to pinch into your knees anyway so you’re glad for the imminent distraction. 
You were in the middle of a new painting when he called you to his office; hands flecked with dry paint and still in yesterdays’ pajamas but you dropped everything and rushed over. It had been like that as long as you could remember- you more than happy to be at your boyfriends’ beck and call as you got to reap the benefits of their job status. It didn't always end up like this when you visited but there’s no denying the spark of pleasure that rides up your spine as Namjoon silently commands you from above. 
He’s already hard beneath his work pants; the expensive silky material stretching around his impressive length. You clench your naked thighs together and pull on his waistband to undo the button and slide down the metal fly. He offers you nothing but a tick of his jaw as you work and the idea drives you crazy, hips rocking uselessly against the air. 
He sighs, and you can’t tell if it's because of the phone call or because you’ve wrapped your delicate hand around his length, tugging at him gently until you have a firm grasp on the base. 
You’ve done this enough to know that getting right to work will get you what you need faster, and there’s no denying how much you love sucking his cock. 
The head is leaking salty precum and you fight the urge to moan as you lick at it and sample his familiar taste. Wetness pools between your legs and your eyes roll back as you gather more of him in your throat. The stretch is pleasant and grounding; familiar enough that you feel an odd sense of peace wash over you as you swallow around his thickness. 
He drops a hand to your hair to push it away from your eyes, gently tucking the pieces behind your ears. You smile around your mouthful of his cock. Saliva dribbles from your lips into your lap and you flush as if the reality of your situation had just hit. Namjoon ruts his hips, clearly unhappy with your pausing, and you double down. It doesn’t take long for the sounds to become overwhelming, the lewd squelching of your tongue working over his cock that you hope can't be heard over the phone. 
“Is that my job? Or is that not exactly what I fucking hired you to do? I pay you way too much for you to be so god damn stupid.” The venom in Namjoon’s voice makes your head spin. Although the words aren't directed at you, the serious tone of his voice is so familiar that your pussy hums and your hips rock forward desperately; searching for the friction your plush thighs can't provide. 
You whine, hoping to draw his attention enough that he'll end the call, but he just shakes his head and taps his foot. Tears of frustration brim hot behind your eyes and his soften just a bit, pointedly glancing down between your thighs where his foot continues to tap. You pull off of his cock, wiping your mouth as you recollect yourself and try to put together the pieces he’s offering to you. He must read your confusion because he tangles his hand in your hair anew, angling your head down to look below yourself. 
His foot; clad in an expensive, shiny leather boot stares back at you. He taps it again, and your head swims. Is he suggesting what you think he is? Hot anticipation strikes your veins as he speaks again. 
“You’re right. That’s what I want you to do.” You know he's still on the call; as he still only uses one hand to guide you back to his cock, but the double edged meaning of the sentences affirms you. 
Your head spins and speeds up all at the same time as you lower yourself enough that you can keep some of his cock in your mouth at the same time your pussy grazes the material of his shoe. 
It's cold and firm, and your mind goes blank as you rut against it. He flexes his foot to adjust the pressure against your clit and you go wild, heart pounding in your chest as you speed up. Out of all the debauched things you’d done in your life of dating your boyfriends, grinding against shoes worth more than your car payment is near the top of the list. Your stomach tightens with every drag and you’ve all but abandoned sucking his cock; just holding it in the warmth of your mouth as you let out pathetic little moans. 
Your orgasm approaches rapidly, punctuated when you look down to see how your juices leave a shiny, sticky trail over his boot. Your heart stammers and you can feel your oncoming release only seconds away when a loud, reverberating bang ruptures your focus. Namjoon’s cock falls completely out of your mouth as you squeak, but your body is so close to the edge of pleasure that you hips keep moving shamelessly. You have no idea who or what just came into his office; but you can't find it in yourself to give a shit. 
“Oh, fuck! I’m coming,” you grip Namjoon’s pant leg and mouth at the fabric as you bear your weight completely on his shoe and rock yourself to completion. 
White flashes behind your eyes and you shiver, clinging to his strong thigh as tears of relief leak from your eyes. 
“Well this is a pleasant surprise,” Yoongi’s husky voice comes with the gentle touch of his fingers brushing your sweaty hair off of your neck. 
“Yoongi!” You keen, leaning into the touch, still a bit too frazzled to move. Namjoon takes the moment to tease his boot back against your clit and you cry out, hips twitching away from him with a whine. 
“Sensitive, honey?” Hoseok calls, and although you knew he was likely there, the confirmation makes you flush. You turn slowly, unearthing your face from Namjoon’s thigh. 
You can't help but feel worshipped under their gaze. Hoseok is staring openly at your ass, admiring the curve created by your squatted position and you’re sure the sheen of your arousal is shining on the insides of your thighs for him. Yoongi  is closer, kneeling just a few inches away from you on the carpet and you smile, practically falling into his warm embrace. He catches you easily and hums. 
“We didn’t know you were here, love. But you made quite the entrance.” His teasing only reignites the fire inside of you; already ready for whatever other plans the trio might have for you. Yoongi has his hand on your ass in a split second, groping the flesh and spreading you open to the groan of approval from Namjoon. 
The sound of his voice reminds you of his abandoned cock and you glance back at him from Yoongi’s embrace. His cock is slick with your spit and flushed angry red at the tip. 
“Sorry, Joonie.” You pout at his state and his cock twitches in response; prompting him to grab it and give himself a sharp tug. Your mouth waters at the sight and you long to have him in your mouth again, but Yoongi tugs you back to him when you start to move. 
“He can wait.” The dominating current in Yoongi’s voice makes you immediately pliant, lurching forward as his fingers ghost along your sodden pussy. You keen, pressing your breasts into him as your back arches. His chest rumbles with a satisfied hum, and it’s near impossible to miss the feeling of him hardening beneath you. 
You catch sight of Hoseok, who had made quick work of shedding his suit jacket and button down top. His tanned skin glows luminous; the light dusting of hair on his lower stomach tempting you to lick your lips. His belt hangs half undone from the loops; the silver clasp reflecting the light in Namjoon’s office. You reach for him with cute grabby hands and he fights an endeared smile as he strides over to you. Yoongi presses a kiss into the space where your neck and shoulder meet before he surprisingly relinquishes you. 
Hoseok pulls your body upward as if you weigh nothing. He steadies you with a curl of his fingers around your bare hip and you shiver at the delicate touch. Long ago, he made a habit of tracing the delicate silvery threads of your stretch marks- mapping the part of you which used to make you shy away from his affection. Now you lean into the touch readily and he smiles to coax the dimples out from his cheeks. 
“Pretty baby,” his eyes search your own before he kisses the tip of your nose, the cleft of your upper lip, the corner of your mouth...everywhere except your lips. Immediately you pout at him, trying to entice another smooch out of him with the pitiful look. A smirk that makes your stomach roll follows, punctuated by the mischief in his warm brown eyes. 
“You want a kiss?” His voice strikes low and hot through your abdomen. You can feel the ghost of his lips just centimeters from your own and you shiver, nipples standing to attention. 
It’s such an odd feeling to anticipate a kiss from someone you’ve been kissing for so long. You’re no stranger to Hoseok’s tricks; the way he and your other boyfriends relish in watching you squirm as they make you wait for the simple pleasure of your lips meeting their own, but you take solace in knowing that at the end of the day they’re just as affected as you. 
Hoseok is craving this kiss just as much as you are as your heart rate spikes; dreaming of the cosmic feeling that will be born from this quite simple delay. You feel him exhale against your face and only then do you realize your eyes had fluttered shut. You snap them open, eager to watch the moment when he leans in. He smiles, showing off his row of perfect teeth; and then promptly sinks to the ground in front of you.
An affronted gasp falls from your lips before you can stop it. Namjoon laughs heartily behind you, and it only takes a second before he’s blessing your line of sight-finally rid of all the pesky layers of clothes that were hiding him. 
Namjoon is nothing if not disciplined, and his recent forays to the gym have certainly been paying off. His biceps look absolutely delectable, and its impossible to miss the tantalizing trail of muscle that has begun to form at his pelvis, encouraging you to look further to the cock you were forced to abandon earlier. You still itch for him-always itch for him, for all of them- but he seems unbothered by the weight of his stiffened cock for the moment. 
Hoseok’s hair tickles at your upper thigh and you stutter a moan. Seated so perfect and handsome below you, Hoseok has wasted no time in pulling his dress pants down just enough that his cock greets you. It’s hard and weeping, creating a dark stain on the light gray pants he had laid out on the dresser last night. 
“Hobi,” you whine at the sight of him eyeing you from his place on the floor. He raises a playful eyebrow and nods, as to encourage your words. 
“What’s up?” He asks, tracing his fingers along the insides of your slick thighs, never close enough to where you actually need him. “I don’t know what you need if you don’t tell me.” 
Your clit throbs under his words- despite their gentle nature you know he’s not kidding. He really would sit here all night, waiting for you to ask for him to dive into your pussy. Fortunately, he's not the only voice in the room. 
“Fuck,” Yoongi growls, stalking over to the pair of you. His cologne engulfs you as he circles your body like a well trained predator. Now naked, the contrast of his bright red hair strikes even more bold against his milky skin. 
“Little one is clearly too dumb to talk to us today...” his eyes are cool and calculating of your trembling figure. His elegant hands flex as he rounds you again, taking claim at the top of Hoseok’s head. You can feel the man’s breath stutter against your thigh at the touch and it’s oddly comforting to know that all of you are in the same boat of overwhelming attraction to one another. 
Yoongi tuts, throwing a glance over his shoulder to Namjoon, who seems happy to just be watching for the moment, occasionally stroking himself to the show. Your breasts heave with every breath of anticipation. 
“What’s her little pussy telling you, Hobi?” Yoongi’s dangerous gaze slides down between your legs as Hoseok pulls your thighs apart. Happily you spread them just enough that he can get an eyeful of your sodden core. 
Despite having just come a few moments ago you’re more than ready for more- slick with your own arousal and feeling wired to come at the slightest touch. 
“Telling me she’s lonely...” his voice takes on a whining edge and you agree with a moan of your own, nodding rapidly. 
“And what should we do about that?” Yoongi hums. It takes you embarrassingly long to realize he's asking you. There are options here, you know, but the glint in Yoongi’s eye tells you there’s an answer he would be more partial to at the moment. 
“Your tongue,” the word stutters out of you. Yoongi smirks, runs his fingers over his top lip as if in thought. 
Your brain short circuits and you’re immediately shaking your head yes, and then no. His brows furrow as a genuine concern breaks his indifferent mask. You swallow around the lump in your throat. 
“Wan’ you and Hobi. Please?” Hoseok moans, and you’re sure that he’s stroking himself as you play this little game with Yoongi. 
Yoongi’s grin returns tenfold. “My needy little slut, huh? Just one can never be enough for that pussy. Always need more, and more.” You expect him to nudge Hoseok aside for room, but instead he circles you once more before sinking to his knees behind you. 
His hot breath ghosts against your ass and your mind instantly runs wild with realization. Your eyes must grow wide because Namjoon coos at you just before the tongues comes to life. 
Hoseok, who had clearly been waiting long enough, takes no preamble and dives right into your pussy, forcing your legs further apart. His tongue immediately presses against your clit, pulsing the nerves with little teasing flicks. Yoongi quickly follows suit, latching his mouth around your entrance and sucking. The room spins with pleasure and your thighs are already shaking before a minute has passed. Your hips have nowhere to go to escape the sensations, and Hoseok and Yoongi’s insistence on pushing further into you means that you can feel their tongues meeting in the middle; overlapping one another with the same fervor as a heated kiss. 
You can't help but look down your body, trying to catch any glimpse of the men working you over with their tongues. Hoseok’s full head of hair blocks your sight  slightly, but through the gaps of his limbs you see a slender, pale hand wrapped around his cock. It’s only now you realize Yoongi only has one hand anchored to your hip, the other presently preoccupied around Hoseok’s cock. You watch him run his thumb over the slit, collecting Hoseok’s sticky pearlescent precum before giving him several languid strokes in the same rhythm his tongue prods you open.
The sight is so erotic that tears spring forward as your hands flail, unsure of whose head to grasp. Your orgasm is just inches away, and you warn them both as such with a shake in your voice. Hoseok redoubles his efforts, the hinge of his jaw working sinfully to tease your clit with the same rapid circles he employs when he fingers you. 
The world blanks as you come, feeling the rush of wetness that gushes out of you being drunk up by Yoongi’s greedy mouth. Your stomach caves as you ride the feeling, tugging on Hoseok’s hair in a futile effort to get him off of your clit. 
He answers with a nip of his teeth and a hearty moan, the combination rocketing you off of the edge of oblivion again. There’s no way to stop the tears as they spill hot and heavy down your cheeks and collect at your chin. Your entire body trembles and if it weren’t for the strong grip of Namjoon’s hands, you surely would have face planted into the plush carpet. He welcomes the weight of your body falling into his, immediately wrapping you in his warmth as your body recovers from the sensations. 
He manages to get you out from between your lovers and cradles you into his desk chair. From here, you have a perfect view of Yoongi’s insistent hand on Hoseok’s cock and the sloppy kiss they devolved into once you left.
“You’re so fucking sexy, did you know that?” He brushes the sweat-damp hair from your shoulder and nibbles at the flesh in earnest. His cock twitches below you and your pussy trembles. He moans heartily and grabs handfuls of your breasts, flicking his thumbs over your sensitive nipples. He hums at the way your breathing increases. 
“Bet that tastes like you.” Even though you can't see his face, you know he’s referring to the sloppy mess of spit and come smearing between them. The idea makes you shiver with a new wave of arousal; and if you weren’t so used to going so many rounds with them you would be seriously worried about the state of your body. 
Hoseok tips his head back and lets out a rattling groan, the clear warning of his incoming release. You and Namjoon let out twin sighs at the sound, and Yoongi’s face curves into a devilish smile as he leans down to capture the tip of Hoseok’s cock in his mouth. It’s only seconds before Hoseok lets go, face flushing bright red as he comes. The instinctive stutter of his hips leaves several glossy streaks of cum across Yoongi’s mouth and chin. 
You squirm in Namjoon’s lap and he takes another heavy, indulgent grope of your tits; conveniently pressing you right against his hardened cock. The sound of Yoongi praising Hoseok becomes white noise as Namjoon angles his hips against you, brushing the head of his cock against your clit. Despite having come so many times already, your pussy has yet to be stretched to the limits you desire. 
“I-in, Joon...” you lift your hips enough that his cock catches on your entrance and he plunges forward immediately. He exhales in a burst against the back of your neck. 
“Sorry baby. Pretty little pussy just wanted to suck me in before I could ask.” He licks a line up the side of your neck, playing with the tender skin under your ear. “Are you ready? Feelin’ okay?” You have to commend him for stopping to ask: carrying concern for your well being and consent even though you can feel his cock throbbing inside you. 
“Yes!” You can't find it in you to say much more, but the animalistic grunt Namjoon makes as he pulls you down onto him makes you feel like you’re on cloud nine. 
The walls of your pussy stretch and accommodate him as he bucks his hips. His fingernails dig into the flesh of your breasts as your head lulls back onto his toned shoulders; relishing in the way your sweaty skin sticks together in the heat of your moment. You finally feel so full, finally able to indulge in the truly brain numb feeling of allowing one of your favorite men on the planet batter your pussy until he’s satisfied. 
“This greedy pussy can’t get enough attention, huh? Never enough mouths and cocks to keep you satisfied?” The force of his thrusts punch the air out of you but you nod in affirmation, mouth hanging open dumbly. “Fucking hell, baby. I’m gonna cum.”
You wish you could see the pinch in his eyebrows, the clench of his jaw; but for now you’ll relish in the fact you get to feel his cock twitch rapidly inside of you until he’s filling you. His hot cum rushes into you with a force that is testament to how long he waited for his release. He keeps you pressed over him until he’s fully drained, moaning your name at the sensitivity of his softening cock lodged inside your throbbing pussy. 
Your head spins and you have to close your eyes in an attempt to anchor yourself back to the earth. Namjoon shifts his hips and you can feel his hot release start to leak out of you.
“Sorry,” he kisses your ear gently as he slips out completely. You instinctively clasp your thighs together to keep his release inside you as Yoongi materializes before you. His bright red hair is mussed and his cheeks are a pleasant pink, as if he’d been in the sun for a few hours. 
If it wasn’t for the streaks of drying cum on his face, he would look angelic. 
Actually, you still think he does anyway. 
“As much as I love staring at you staring at me...” his hands pull at your waist, tugging you off the warmth of Namjoon’s lap. You go easily, feeling pleasant calm flowing through your veins as you stand before him on wobbly legs. He knots his fingers through your already tangled hair, tugging the strands until your neck is bared to him. It burns at the roots but you love it, darting your tongue out to lick at your lips as he gives another experimental tug. Your pussy throbs along with your scalp, and Yoongi moves close enough to you that you can feel his rigid length brush against your stomach.
The hardness of him against you sends your hips forward, grinding his cock between your bodies and relishing in the special kind of torture you’ve made for yourself- literal inches from allowing the drag of his cock against where you need him most. 
Yoongi voices his protest with a groan that reverberates through your chest, sending shockwaves of pleasure between your slick thighs. 
Your breath stutters as his plush lips work at your neck, teeth nipping into the sensitive skin with the intent of marking you black and blue. Sagging under his attention, you return the favor by winding your own fingers into his locks and tugging hard.
A new set of hands joins you, cresting over the curves of your ass. The citrusy scent of aftershave gives the hands away as belonging to Hoseok; who takes no qualms with spreading you open for his greedy eyes. You shutter as he reveals your ass and pussy to him and you shake your hips back at him playfully. He moans as your flesh jiggles under his touch and the sudden burn of a slap fills the room. Your ass cheek stings from the contact but you feel yourself get wetter, pushing back against his strong hand.
Hoseok answers with two more slaps in quick succession and the burn of the impact makes you keen.
“Look so good with your ass all red for me.” He trails his fingertips over the spot where he had just spanked you. Anticipation breezes through your veins as the simple touch leaves only to be quickly replaced by a renewed slap across the sensitive skin that connects your thigh and ass cheek.
Yoongi sucks up your moan with a swift kiss, shoving his tongue into your throat so you have no choice but to let him devour your sounds. You clutch at his shoulders pathetically as Hoseok skims a finger over your asshole.
Even though your eyes are already shut, they roll back into your head at the gentle push of his fingertip. You’re no stranger to the intrusion, but it makes your knees weak every time.
Yoongi relinquishes your mouth to peek around your body, although you have a suspicion he already knew what was happening. His lips are raw, bitten red from your passionate kiss as he cups your face between his hands.
“Gonna let Hoseok in your little ass? Have his cock fill you up?” You nod emphatically as the wet splatter of Hoseok’s spit slides over you, aiding his finger in the deeper glide you desire. He acts fast to add a second finger and sink down to his first knuckle, stretching them apart to open you further. Your chest heaves against Yoongi’s, and he kicks a sinful trail up the curve of your ear.
“You’re gonna look so pretty with his big cock in your ass, honey. Can’t wait to see you all stretched out for us…” you feel as if he’s lit you on fire.
Hoseok has managed to fit three fingers, and the delectable drag of him inside of you is making your head foggy. Pressure mounts in your lower stomach but feels annoyingly far away from satisfaction.
“Yoongi, H-hobi,” the men both snap to your attention; cooing at the watery tone of your voice. Hoseok’s fingers persist in stretching you as you try to work your way through your thoughts.
“I need you in my pussy, too,” hot tears come along with the plead you make to Yoongi, desperate for him to understand the aching need filling you. He chuckles and nods, reaching down between your bodies to stroke himself.
“No surprise that just one cock wouldn’t be enough for your little holes.” Pleasure burns through you as you nod your agreement; anything to get him into action as you feel Hoseok spit on you again.
“You were just on this cock, too. Real fucking slut needing more already.” Namjoon’s rumbling voice chimes in- apparently recovered from his most recent orgasm.
You catch sight of him rising from his desk chair like he’s been reborn: cock glossy with your arousal and a new stream of precum decorating the tip.
The three of them seem to move in an eerie tandem- something that would make you think they’d talked about this beforehand if you didn’t know any better. Hoseok removes his fingers, ignoring your protest as he pulls your body to the floor with him. His skin burns against your own as he positions your ass over his cock; both tortured by the close contact. Your legs are lifted under the knees and spread, baring your pussy to the room and your other boyfriends.
“Fucking can’t wait to wreck you, baby.” He slides you carefully until his cock is pressed tightly against your asshole, the feeling of him twitching there making you even more impatient.
Yoongi stands above you both for a second before kneeling- and you’re grateful for the plush, expensive carpet as you watch his pale knees land on it. His hand stays steady on his cock, stroking himself in little half motions that give away just how hard he’s trying to remain calm. His eyes wander over your shoulder to where Hoseok sits, and you can see them soften as he admires his boyfriend. A sickeningly sweet feeling of affirmed love sweeps through you, and you’re shocked again by just how lucky you’ve managed to become.
Yoongi’s face quickly morphs back into desire as his eyes catch on the way Hoseok’s cock is lodged against you, red and twitching to be inside. You can feel wetness leaking from your pussy downward, making a sticky mess between the two of you that sets you alight.
Not one to be forgotten, Namjoon hovers above you with his watchfully sexy eye, roaming every exposed inch of your skin. His jaw ticks as you rut against Hoseok.
“Go on, Hobi. Wanna see you fill our girl up.” The goading works, and Hoseok is quick to manipulate your body into the perfect position for slipping his cock into you.
Your eyes water at the push but you do your best to relax, focusing on the twin gazes of Yoongi and Namjoon as Hoseok’s cock pushes past your muscles. The stretch is slow and satisfying; and you take a sick pleasure in feeling the way Hoseok’s own body trembles under your own as he bottoms out.
Your mouth lulls open as he starts to bounce you on his cock. Your hands fall useless at your sides but Yoongi is quick to capture them, kissing each palm once before clasping them wholly. The lewd sound of your hips against Hoseok’s fills your head, and a string of incoherent moans is all you can offer them.
Namjoon’s hands find your face as he crouches to your side, giving Yoongi the room to shuffle closer to your waiting pussy.
Your entire body throbs as Yoongi lines up with your entrance and taps at your clit with the heavy head of his cock.
“Please,” you breathe out and cry at the same time: hot tears collecting in Namjoon’s big palms as they roll down your cheeks. The pressure of Yoongi entering you alongside Hoseok’s thrusts creates spots behind your eyes, and you feel your body floating into the overdrive you’ve come to adore. Namjoon grunts with you as you fall into pleasure, allowing your body to be jostled between Hoseok and Yoongi’s strong bodies. 
Namjoon kisses your nose in a deceptively sweet manner even though you know his hand is wrapped around his cock; mumbling little praises against your face as you barrel toward blinding pleasure. 
The boys work in a perfect rhythm so that you never feel empty. Their cocks occasionally meet, running against one another through the layer of your walls.
“Fucking feel so good when you’re so full.” Beads of sweat roll down Yoongi’s neck, highlighting his godly features.
Your stomach flips with arousal, pussy clenching around the lengths inside of you. Hoseok sinks his teeth into the vulnerable skin on your shoulder before he locks you in an embrace with the corded strength of his arms and holds you steady as you squirm. The string of moans that rips from him at your wiggling hints you toward his oncoming release just seconds before his hips still, filling you to the brim. 
“Hobi, fu-fuck!” Your whine is met with a choked sound from Yoongi, who can feel the warmth of Hoseok’s cum inside of you. He keens and leans forward, baring down his hips and meanly stroking his thumb against your swollen clit. His movements rock you back against Hoseok’s softening cock and he moans at the onslaught of sensation. 
It’s becoming harder to stay aware of all the sensations, your body happy to just float between feelings of pleasure without much thought. Your moans leave you with no coherence as Yoongi’s hips kick up yet another notch; rapidly plowing into your pussy. 
“Let me fill up this pussy for you. Make sure you’re nice and stuffed and used up and d-dripping for us-” his voice crescendos into a loud moan, strumming with insistence across your clit. 
Your vision blurs as the pleasure crescendos into a peak, ripping through your nerves. A loud whine rips from your raw throat as Yoongi empties inside of you, meeting the gush of your come with his own. Between his load and Hoseok’s you feel full and heavy, pussy sore but satisfied with the treatment of the night.
“Such a good girl,” Yoongi’s voice floats back to you as he rubs at your thighs softly as he pulls his softening cock out of you. The loss of him inside you makes you whine but you don’t have enough energy left to cross your legs and stop it. Namjoon replaces Yoongi’s hands, shoving your knees apart.
Your bared pussy throbs, leaking Yoongi’s cum onto Hoseok’s skin beneath you. Yoongi groans deep with satisfaction as he watches his release drip out of you, sliding down to meet the puddle of Hoseok’s cum underneath you.  “Fuck, I would fill you right back up again if I had the energy.” Yoongi’s chest heaves and Namjoon moans in agreement. 
“Joonie-” You gasp as you catch sight of his scrunched brow, the insistent twitch of his cock as his nears his edge again.
“What do you want, baby?” His eyes narrow in on you, likely trying to access the sensitivity you’re feeling. You glow under his attention and squirm against Hoseok’s body.
“Joon, please come on me...” Your bat your lashes and he grunts, tugging at the tip of his cock several times in quick succession before he finally comes. He coats your pussy in a new layer of cum, adding to the glistening white. 
Hoseok loosens his embrace and you crumble, all but falling off of his body onto the carpet below. The fabric is surprisingly cool against your heated skin, so you make no real effort to move as you feel the boys move and the gentle sounds of their hushed voices. Hoseok’s hand traces down your spine, forcing you to look his way. His dimple-ridden smile greets you first and you giggle, pouting your lips until he meets you in a kiss. 
It’s grounding- just left of magical as he nips at your bottom lip with a sense of genuine love that melts your heart from the inside out.  “Love you, Hobi.” The sentiment slips from between your locked lips and he smiles. 
“Hey, I love him too!” Namjoon crowds into your vision as well, placing a hand on Hoseok’s naked waist. They share a dimpled smile and then their own sweet kiss. 
Your eyes track Yoongi stalking back to the three of you, boxers back on, with a damp washcloth in his hand. As he gets closer you can see his chest has lost its flush and you smile. 
He says nothing as he nudges Hoseok and Namjoon aside to run the washcloth over your messy pussy. Even though the fancy washcloth is made of the softest possible material, the drag of the fibers is still sensitive on your pussy. 
“Sorry, baby.” Yoongi soothes you as he takes genuine care to clean you up, making sure that everything is gone. Namjoon pecks Yoongi’s temple as he works, and you can only imagine how messy the washcloth is as Yoongi wipes across your ass. 
“Your carpet-” you reach for Namjoon’s arm and trace the line of his bicep. “Sorry about your carpet, Joonie.” He coos and holds your chin between two fingers as he kisses you softly. 
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll just call a cleaner...” His eyes sparkle with mischief. “Definitely not the worst mess to have on this carpet.” Your face flushes in embarrassment despite how messy the whole night was. 
Hoseok lets out a hearty laugh and claps Namjoon on the shoulder. “He just means that nothing will be worse than the time he spilled his leftover chicken parm on the floor...there was sauce alllll the way over-” 
“Oh, shut up!” Namjoon flushes but his hearty laugh gives away his amusement as you finally find it in yourself to sit up, your muscles stretching out. Two pairs of hands come to steady your form and you smile at the protective feeling that washes over you. Even after a long, strenuous night trapped between them, they make you feel nothing short of worshipped after you’re all spent. 
“We gotta stop fucking on the floor,” you groan at the tightness in your neck and Yoongi nods; offering you two hands to get you to your knees. You know that he's immediately going to lead you to the bathroom, and you can’t complain about the amount of love you feel spiraling in your chest.
“You’re right. My poor knees can’t take anymore of this.” Yoongi agrees. You scoff in fake indignation as you travel to the bathroom with him, his arms looped around your naked stomach as he walks behind you as if he’s worried you would spontaneously fall backwards.
“Oh, Yoongi. You’ll never stop getting on your knees, even if Namjoon gets a couch in his office.” He pinches your thigh but stays quiet, agreeing with a sly grin that stays between the two of you. 
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frownyalfred · 5 months
Hey Res! Please ignore this ask if it's too troublesome or bothersome
I saw you had an guide for non-drikers writers that wanted to write about a character who drink. I was wondering if you could the same about guns?
I read synchronicity and I loved it how you used Jason's knowledge with guns to control the narrative and pacing. I don't know if you have actual technical knowledge on handguns (I think it's a no? But maybe you do?) But any tip is nice
Thank you a lot 🩷
Hi anon! This is such a fascinating question and I hope I can provide a somewhat plausible answer. I am familiar with some guns and have shot a few in my lifetime, but I am far from an expert.
Some things I think writers need to keep in mind while writing their firearm-related scenes. For clarity, I'm just going to call them guns below.
Are you thinking of a specific gun? Make sure you know its full name but ALSO make sure you know its nickname. Your character might think of it as "the Berretta" instead of its full name, etc.
What does your gun fire? Does it take shells, bullets, cartridges, etc? Shotguns, for example, don't fire bullets. That's a common mistake I see.
How do you reload said gun? Is it easy? What parts of the gun do you have to touch? Reloading a shotgun is MUCH different from reloading a handgun, for example.
Most guns get hot and release gunpowder residue when shot. They're LOUD. You can have several cascading things happen to a character who fires a gun or is near a gun when it fires: ringing ears, the smell of gunpowder, the hot feeling of the gun's muzzle, etc.
Even the best sharpshooters miss shots. IRL shooting is HARD, especially when moving. Different guns have different benefits to shooting style, stance, targets. Firing a handgun willy-nilly will rarely result in accurate shots, even if you dual wield (which is silly, this is SO hard).
Stance MATTERS. If you've ever seen Hannibal, there's a scene where Will talks about his choice of shooting stance with Beverly. They bicker over Isosceles and Weaver, which are two standard stances. One uses a triangle between your arms and the gun to brace for the kickback of the shot, while the other moves that brace to one side with a different grip. Will eventually chooses the latter stance because of a past shoulder injury. (GIF of Will struggling with his original isosceles stance)
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If a gun isn't properly braced when fired, it will kick back and hit you. Sometimes in the face. Yes this has happened with me and a rifle. My first day shooting cans, I had a huge bruise on my face AND on my chest where the rifle butt kicked back.
If your gun uses bullets, there are different calibers. If you've ever watched Mythbusters, you can see why caliber matters -- it depends what or who you're shooting. Are you trying to penetrate armor? Are you sacrificing accuracy for power? Different guns use different calibers for numerous reasons, and guns can be altered to use other ammo as well.
With respect to discussing caliber while writing: It's all VERY complicated if you don't know guns, so make sure you're not giving too much detail if you can avoid it. That's a very easy way to spot a lack of experience with guns, in my experience. Your reader doesn't need to know the caliber just because the character is shooting a gun -- but in an autopsy, sure, the caliber is relevant.
You will lose your hearing eventually if you fire guns close to your ears unprotected. It's not sexy, and it also causes something called tinnitus. The real pros wear ear protection.
In terms of realism for writing, here's a couple rapid fire busted myths: You can't dodge bullets unless you're superhuman. Bullet wounds to the legs/arms/shoulders can absolutely still be fatal. Cardiac arrest caused by being shot is usually fatal, and CPR doesn't really help on its own. "Running out of shots" depends on the gun AND the modifications someone has made to it. You can't always tell just by looking at a gun what it will do. Silencers are rarely "silent" and are heavily regulated.
Injuries: Some bullets tear through bodies. Some aren't high enough caliber to do more than go in and lodge in some tissue. Some fragment and bounce around in weird ways. Depending on how gruesome you want to get, there's a lot of different ways to describe gunshot injuries. I've always been the kind of person to google images for better understanding, but I understand that's not for everyone. I think NYT or WaPo did a good piece on traumatic gun injuries a few years back, complete with an interview with an ER doc from Chicago (?). One thing I learned there -- sometimes people lose their legs, or both legs, after being shot in their leg.
In terms of describing how someone uses/fights with guns, I know the John Wick movies are a little cheesy, but they are staged by people who REALLY know their guns. They talk about what he's using usually before the scene starts, and there's very few frills when it comes to stance, firing, etc. John does a cool trick in the first or second movie where he ejects a casing one-handed away from his face, a notoriously hard maneuver that most people usually do with two hands to avoid getting burned. I highly recommend watching the John Wick movies for blocking ideas.
Which reminds me -- holding a gun sideways is a terrible idea. For many reasons. Stance, casing ejection, stability, etc. Someone can use it against you.
Never point a gun at something you're not willing to shoot. Well-trained characters should follow this rule religiously. If they were soldiers, agents, etc, they will know this rule.
Similarly, multiple people with guns will "clear" a room before entering. They will be trained for something called crossfire, which is when someone is downrange of their gun and could potentially be shot. A group of characters bursting into a room without clearing their shot is a nightmare. This is how people shoot their friends or random civilians.
I hope someone more knowledgeable can add onto this! These are just some big things that stick out to me when reading. I highly recommend checking out Mythbusters, John Wick, and even Hannibal for some semi-realistic shooting references. Good luck!
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mynameisnotsoda · 4 months
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Technically Corvid is still a part of an au, i really like everyone's designs so i guess its just like a weird little au that are also kinda ocs?? Idk. Im still tagging it as the animatronicfication au and using the other ccs names but im completely separating wilbur from Corvid.
The one that probably changed the most is simp LMAO i just went back to his old design that was inspired by Luna (@starrixle's transfem simpbur turned oc) and Spencer is such a fitting name in my mind i literally can not imagine him with a different name *bwomp*
Also I'm working on refs for the other characters associated with the respective critters! I wanna finish them all and dump them into one post and I'll link it here when I'm done.
Before we go into individual characters i want to say that this is absolutely Minecraft. Like. The world is built off of Minecraft lore yk !!!! The overworld will still be called the overworld but it's basically just earth, with more magic and humanoid species! Along with supernatural creatures and cryptids n stuff :D also with more advanced tech considering Corvid exists pFF
Spencer for the most part kinda was like he is in canon or whatever. She used to lean more towards incel ideology because she was REALLY insecure and uncomfortable with herself for the longest time. Despite that, Spencer and Adrianne (egirl) started dating when they were 17, his unhealthy obsession with her was only fueled by her unhealthy attachment to him. They needed each other and it wasn't good for either of them. Spencer had developed horrible separation anxiety which only made things worse. Over time Adrianne became suffocated by his constant neediness, overwhelming insecurity, short temper and lack of contribution to household chores. It pained her to leave, but things needed to change. It wasn't until the breakup that Spencer met Shepard, who was his first irl friend in a long time. They met when they were around 22/23, at first Spencer just used Shepard as a distraction from Adrianne, especially since he was surprised that they wanted to even be his friend in the first place. But after a while he genuinely started to enjoy their company, plus they offered him really good advice and helped him through a gender/sexuality crisis. Eventually they became partners! Maybe not romantically, as they're both aromantic, but life partners nonetheless.
OH and i did make Spencer white/Salvadoran. Her mom is the first generation from immigrant parents while her dad is British; And her dad's younger brother is Adam's dad! He's also an ex-christian, he left due to religious trauma and moved to America to escape his family hA
Spencer's also a no sabo kid LMAO (he knows some words/phrases but other than that he cant speak Spanish to save his life)
ALSO ALSO. Oh my god i could talk about Spence all day LMAO but i made him a werewolf !!!! Hes SOO jealous of Adam because she wanted the cat genes but instead got bitten and turned into a werewolf as a teenager. She's done a pretty good job at hiding it from her family so Shepard's the only one who knows.
I already dumped everything about Adam into that other post, so I don't really have much else to add. HOWEVER !! Him and Spence are cousins now :3 Adam doesn't get to meet Spencer in person until he moves to America with Charlie & co, but he does follow her socials with his secret accounts that his parents don't know about. The only reason they know they're cousins is because Spencer's dad told her so and she reached out! Much to the dismay of Adam's parents but they've secretly kept in touch online.
Keith's pretty much stayed the same apart from a slight design revamp. Although I've made him a little older since originally i made him look young. But then I decided hes a dad so i started drawing him older for the asks pFF he also has a hooked nose now! In case it's not obvious. Keith got married to Jean VERY young, they were maybe 17/18 in human years. It was an arranged marriage and their only goal was to have an heir to the throne. Well they did, they had two kids, the eldest being a boy named Lune and the youngest being a girl named Sunny, who's the would be heir. Until Jean took both the kids and left. It was completely unprompted and left everyone in the kingdom confused, especially Keith. Sure, they had a loveless marriage and maybe he was insufferable at times, but he wanted to make it work if not for the kids then for the kingdom! But its been almost a year since she left, he's lost hope in ever finding her. Keith desperately wants his kids back, not because Sunny is the rightful heir— though that is part of it—but he loves them both dearly. He misses them the most.
Wilfred has pretty much stayed the same as well! I did give him a grey tshirt and darker hair to further distance his design from wilbur though. Hes just as unhinged and immoral as he used to be !!!! Nothing has changed aside from appearance actually.
Tobi also pretty much stayed the same except for its now got an orange jumper and lighter brown hair pFF although i do now have a story for him! Tobi was found by Alejandro in a storage auction, he managed to sell a lot of pretty valuable things from there but Tobi stood out, obviously, so he kept it. Alejandro is a travel vlogger and lives in an RV with his friends: Tomas, Philip and Charles. His friends just call him Alex. Anyway, they go from town to town trying local food, visiting tourists traps and vlogging the journey! While doing that they also try to find out how to get Tobi's memories back and possibly turn him human again, if they even can. So far they haven't had much luck but maybe one day...
Corvid was created as the backup singer and lead guitarist of the first all animatronic band! Brought to you by Beloved Entertainment! The other members include lead singer Ranboo Beloved, keytarist Tommy Raccoon, and bassist James Tomcat. Located in Ranboo's Mega Pizzaplex, the only location in the world (so far). Corvid adopts a showman personality while on stage, hes charismatic and such a heartthrob, very popular with the ladies. Off stage he's very calm and soft spoken, he's rather shy but still manages to be a flirt and a tease. Lightly poking fun at his bandmates, coworkers and even guests at times. He's definitely a fan favorite for a reason!
This was so fun to write and i cant wait to share more !!!! Stay tuned !!!!!!
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sunshine-jesse · 7 months
Why I'm Uncomfortable With Trying To Diagnose The Siblings
I would like to preface this by saying that I'm not saying you shouldn't find representation in these people. If you have a personality disorder, and see your own behaviors in the two of them, then by all means, claim them. The point I'm going to try to be making is NOT that it's morally wrong to see yourselves in them. After all, I find autistic rep in people like Futaba Sakura, who isn't explicitly diagnosed, or trans rep in Luka Urushibara, who isn't trans within the context of the story but is so obviously trans in behavior that she'd absolutely be trans IRL. I also find pretty good autistic rep in Maria Ushiromiya from Umineko, and trans rep in [SPOILER CHARACTER] from that very same work, even though her experience doesn't exactly line up with the average trans experience.
None of these characters are diagnosed. None of them really have to be in order to be valid examples.
The point I'm going to be making in this essay is that I don't think that personality disorders have enough explanatory power for their behavior, and while Ashley and Andrew (especially Ashley) might technically qualify for one of them, I think it's a very simplistic way of characterizing their behavior. And frankly, whether or not they do qualify doesn't matter, because I think psychology as a field is grossly insufficient for characterizing and treating their behaviors… and perhaps even your own.
What, exactly, about their actions and thought patterns is disordered? The Nina incident obviously, and the calls to Julia, I guess, but what -else-?
Let's start with Ashley because she's the one people have most commonly accepted as having a PD of some kind. Namely, Borderline Personality Disorder! I'm going to go down the list of symptoms and tell you why I either do not think she has many of them, or that they're perfectly rational reactions to the environment around her.
I probably won't cover Andrew as deeply because Ashley, as loud and annoying as she is, makes everything easy to see.
-Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
…So. Where, exactly, are the -frantic- efforts? In Decay, what she's worried about is literally her dying. Not just being abandoned. And in Burial, when she feels her grip loosening on Andrew, there's nothing frantic about her reaction to it. She's just confused and thoughtful, maybe a bit worried. But that's more because she's trying to parse what's going on, and not because she's trying to avoid abandonment. She only ever speaks about it in regards to the incest vision.
The most severe actions to prevent abandonment are her calls towards Julia- assuming Andrew ever could've heard them and it wasn't just Andrew imagining what the calls could've been- but she takes immediate responsibility for them when confronted. That immediate responsibility is admittedly her just laughing it off, but there wasn't even an attempt made to justify it. All she has is the fear of abandomment, really. With the above in mind, her calls to Julia come off as her being more of an asshole than anything.
-Unstable and chaotic interpersonal relationships, often characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation, also known as "splitting"
I think she idealizes Andrew a lot. But the parts where she tries to """""gaslight"""" Andrew over how responsible he is for his killings aren't… devaluation. As I spoke about in my last essay, it was Ashley trying to get him to take responsibility for the actions he took supposedly for her own sake, so she knew it was for her- to make her happy.
It qualifies more for the first symptom, with that in mind, but she never, ever deviates from viewing him as her favorite person. She doesn't split. She just wants him to take responsibility so she knows that he actually cares.
-Markedly disturbed sense of identity and distorted self-image
Her self image is absolutely distorted. She's been viewed as worthless from the start of her life, and never got along with any friends or family. But her self-image is also remarkably consistent- she has a firm idea in her mind of who she is and never starts to deviate from it until, arguably, the end of the Burial route.
-Impulsive or reckless behaviors Yes.
-Recurrent suicidal ideation or self harm
Nope. She arguably has the strongest self-preservation instincts in the whole story, and despite her viewing herself as worthless, never once actually wants to die.
-Rapidly shifting intense emotional dysregulation -Inappropriate, intense anger that can be difficult to control
These ones are a bit iffy. The scene wherein she yells at Andrew for not taking responsibility for killing Nina and the 302 lady arguably qualifies as this. But this is the only such example of it in the story. Otherwise, she's in remarkable control of her own emotions, and all her worries over Andrew abandoning her are met with confusion more than an immediate, powerful emotional response.
-Chronic feelings of emptiness Yeah.
-Transient, stress-related paranoid or severe dissociative symptoms No. She displays no dissociative symptoms whatsoever and she only ever grows slightly paranoid when she sees the shift in Andrew's personality.
So, let's go over her symptoms that she unambigously has: -Chronic feelings of emptiness -Impulsive or reckless behaviors
And the ones she PARTLY qualifies for: -Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment (key word here is frantic, else she'd fully qualify) -Unstable and chaotic interpersonal relationships, often characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation, also known as "splitting" (she doesn't split Andrew)
The BIG maybes: -Inappropriate, intense anger that can be difficult to control (only two such examples of that in the story) -Rapidly shifting intense emotional dysregulation -Markedly disturbed sense of identity and distorted self-image (her sense of self image is distorted, but her sense of identity is not disturbed; it's remarkably consistent)
You need five of these symptoms to qualify for a diagnosis. Ashley unambiguously meets two, partly qualifies for two, and the rest are either BIG maybes or flat out nos.
In other words, for people who view BPD as The Cause, she does not qualify for having the disorder. Sorry, armchair psych bros; this is your L.
…are they gone yet?
As I'm sure most people reading this who see themselves in these characters have come to realize, diagnosis is mostly full of shit. And for those who have actually studied the field of psychology beyond a few random-ass articles they looked up while trying to find out why their ex or mom was so crazy, or a single college psych course, they might find my above summation to be lacking. Questionable. Even, problematic!
Well, congrats, because now I'm going to level with you about what this essay is actually about. If you understand what personality disorders are, you'd know that they are rarely the cause of anything. They're not like diseases in that they 'cause' anything; they're just words we use to describe a set of symptoms that each have their own individual causes. And while there's a lot of buzz in some circles about the heritability of personality disorders, the fact of the matter is that there is currently very, very little evidence that they're genetic. (https://www.apa.org/topics/personality-disorders/causes)
The patterns emerge early, sure, but there is no gene for a personality disorder*. It's not, and never was, how they were always like. Nobody is doomed to develop one. They are merely born with a series of traits that might predispose them to it. By their very nature, they possess no explanatory power for behavior whatsoever. Ashley is not "like this because she has BPD," she's "she has BPD because she's like this." And this is at the core of why I'm uncomfortable with attaching a personality disorder to her.
*A malfunctioning gene has been linked to OCD, however, but even in that case it's not a gene that defines someone as OCD, because it's linked to other conditions as well such as autism, social phobias, and substance use disorders. It's merely one of the many preconditions someone may have that could lead them to developing it. https://www.nature.com/articles/4001365
There's an old meme about trans people having BPD. I don't know if that's still a popular meme, but it was, in fact, a strong association that us in the trans community had. A way we stereotyped ourselves, as it may. And it's a pretty funny meme! Bonding over mutual trauma is always a fun time. But. I don't like that meme, either, for the same reason I don't like it for Ashley or Andrew.
I don't think medicalizing personality is a good thing.
For trans people, the fact of the matter is, we have every reason to develop BPD. The world really is that hostile towards us. Coming out can make friends drop us on a whim, transitioning makes it hard to develop lasting relationships because there's always that fear of people sexualizing us and never wanting a real, close, romantic relationship to begin with.
It's not disordered. It's not a condition. It's not a "problem".
It's a perfectly rational reaction to the world around us.
We have every reason to be so afraid. It'd make less sense if we weren't. And we have every reason to view every sign someone might leave as a sign that people never cared to begin with, because we have seen so many people who never HAVE really cared about us show their whole ass once we're a little bit different than they expected us to be. The same applies to cis women, too; it's why they're diagnosed with BPD three times as much as cis men are!
And I honestly think Ashley's reactions are much the same. She was denied the benefits of the social contract her whole life, abandoned by her parents and "friends," and only ever had Andrew, who gives every indication that he's trying to distance himself from her for the sake of being normal. He refuses to give her the validation she needs to think otherwise, always making it seem conditional or coming with a caveat, and tries to pass off the responsibility for all the actions that'd prove how much he cares for her.
And, ah, Andrew, goodness gracious. I've seen so many different takes on what's up with him that it boggles the mind. It's hard to pick out just one, but ASPD is a pretty common one. But I honestly think that's even more questionable than Ashley having BPD. Like, yeah, he's mostly afraid of consequences rather than the morality of his actions, but that's because his Prime Directive is to keep Ashley safe. Any consequences necessarily separate them. And the fact that he's so willing to kill, so cold and emotionless while doing it, so emotionless after? Once more, it's his job to keep Ashley safe; to keep her happy. But society won't let him take credit. It pushes back against him taking responsibility and acknowledging just how much he wants to- and has- done for her.
He always has to distance himself from how he truly feels, lest society punish him. He's had to distance himself from his true feelings so much that it's little wonder he has any attachment to them at all anymore. Violence is the only power he's ever had, because it's the only thing society never pushed back on, and it's the only thing many of the viewers never push back on. It's how he distances himself from the things that hurt him, which is either Ashley, or the people who keep him away from Ashley. … But only one of those things ever truly made him happy, and it just happens to be the one that society doesn't accept.
Andrew isn't like this because he has ASPD. Andrew has ASPD because he's like this.
It's the effect, not the cause.
The cause is the world around him; the world around Ashley.
Medicalizing something implies the issue is internal. It implies it's something we can fix from within ourselves. And, at worst, it implies that it's our fault. We should take responsibility for maladaptive behaviors, sure. We absolutely should, if only for our own sakes, lest we push people away through no fault of their own. We should do what we can to not hurt people, every step of the way. That is on us.
But there's only so much we can do when the world around us constantly reaffirms our greatest fears.
And that's exactly what the world does to the marginalized.
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panthera-dei · 6 months
Technomancy 101
Hi, friends! I'm back with another witchy FAQ from the past couple weeks. This time from the world of tech magic!
Here are some quick TL;DR technomancy tips for those who may not want to read the long FAQs post beneath the cut:
1. Chest spells (like a jar spell but with a chest filled with in game items that match the intent)
2. Poppet spells using the game characters by giving them items or altering their names/appearances
3. Similar to a chest spell but not necessarily magic per se - using chests or sheds with in-game items as altars and/or offerings
4. Build a shrine / altar / temple with offerings, or leave an item such as a torch in the game world as an offering
5. Burn/bury/destroy ingredients to activate a spell with the desired effect
6. Write an affirmation or a spell on a sign or other in-game item and destroy it to activate as a sigil
7. Build a golem or animal pen or something as a servitor for protection
8. Use some form of sympathetic magic connecting in-game items to IRL items
9. Light sticks, flashlights, plastic lightsabers, and toy sonic screwdrivers make *awesome* wands, especially if they light up and make noise.
10. The possibilities are limited to your imagination!!
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(I am choosing Wittgenstein from The Brave Little Toaster movies as my mascot for tech magic, simply because I like him and because I can. Image credit - Fandom Wiki.)
What is technomancy?: Technomancy, techno magic, and tech magic are all terms for a form of magic that utilizes common modern technology, such as smartphones and video games. Technically, “technomancy” could refer specifically to divination with technology; however, in my experience, the term usually has a broader meaning in common usage. I personally tend to use these terms interchangeably, with perhaps a slight preference for technomancy, since I learned that name first.
What are some forms of technomancy?: Common forms of technomancy include digital sigils, emoji spells, shufflemancy, video game spells, and video game altars.
How do I create a digital sigil?: The ways are about as unlimited as creating a physical sigil on paper. You can use a drawing app on a smartphone or tablet, find a digital sigil generator online, use a photo editor on a picture, or even add a string of charged letters to an email signature (just make sure they blend in!).
OK, and what's the deal with emoji spells?: Yes, this is an actual thing (though not a thing that I'm particularly experienced with). They're pretty straightforward. They can be done like a sigil - string emojis together and charge them. Or like an actual spell - put them together and send to cast, or like to charge and send/reblog to cast.
What kind of games can you use for technomancy?: Any of them. Minecraft is a very popular one. So is Stardew Valley. Skyrim and other RPGs are other common choices. As with other forms of magic, the only real limit is your imagination.
What kind of spells can you cast in a game?:
Chest spells - like digital jar spells - are very common.
Poppet spells are another common choice. In games that allow you to create a character, or in games where you can give items to an NPC, you can turn the character into a poppet of someone and give them an item to cast the spell. For example, if I wanted emotional strength, I could create a Skyrim character as a poppet for myself, and have the character drink a strength potion to cast a spell of strength for myself in the real world.
Burying or burning items in games like Minecraft can be done to cast spells that are similar to physical spells that require burning a paper, bay leaf, or other ingredient.
Enchanting! Use the enchanting function in a video game like Skyrim or Minecraft to enchant a physical object. For example, you might choose to connect a physical scarf to a shield in Skyrim, and when you enchant the in-game shield with a damage resistance effect, voila! You now have a fancy enchanted scarf to protect yourself from spiritual attacks.
Customize your avatar to your advantage! In games such as Sky: Children Of The Light, where you can accessorize your character, you can equip different items to cast a different spell on yourself. For example, you might use the Saluting Captain's staff as a cosmetic to cast a spell of protection on yourself, or you could use a particular cape as a spiritual veil.
For deity work & spirit work, consider creating a space in your game (e.g. a chest, shed, home, biome, character, etc.) dedicated to the entities you work with. For example, temples and altars in Minecraft are common. Devotional sheds and chests are popular in Stardew Valley. I’ve named some appropriate Pokemon after an entity or dedicated the critter to them. You can even place a torch or candle in the game world as an offering.
There are lots more out there, too! This list is a starting point, not a limitation. Use your imagination and swap ideas with others, too!
How exactly does all of this work?? How is it possible?!: OK, so the principle behind tech magic is that you're harnessing the energy of multiple sources.
First, the device itself (and if you're using something like a Switch, the cartridge or other physical media). Each of these items has its own materials - electricity, glass and metal, etc. And each of those materials has a magical property that you can use... Glass and metal come from the Earth and have their own correspondences, while electricity is pure energy in itself.
Second, you have the energy of symbolism, or as I like to think of it with a butchered sociology term, symbolic interactionism - i.e., the idea that we create our own reality (or our *perception* of reality) via symbols. In other words, the power of correspondences! A candle is still a candle whether it's physical or digital. Lapis lazuli has the same qualities in this world that it does in a pixelated version. And so forth. So when you use the correspondences in digital spell work, provided that you raise the energy, it can and does have real world consequences. Similar to doing magic in the astral as opposed to the physical world... you are making a conscious decision to connect a digital item to an effect either in the astral and/or physical worlds.
Finally, you're also harnessing the power of belief and the energy of attention, which is where the chaos magic concepts start to come in. The digital worlds are real because you believe they are and you pour parts of your energy and personality into them - and so do *millions* of other people, in many cases. All of that energy is sort of like a reservoir in these games and it's just waiting to be harvested for spell work!
So… This is another subset of chaos magic, then.: Pretty much, yes. I haven't seen it categorized as anything else yet, except for in those cases where technomancy is given its own category.
And what did you mean by “energy of symbolism” again?: Correspondences. Both traditional ones and your own. For example, obsidian corresponds with protection IRL. So if you were making a chest spell in Minecraft for protection, you'd want to consider adding an obsidian block to your spell. Some of this is also stuff that you can brainstorm on your own and explore! Like for example, in the Elder Scrolls series, there are several plants and items that don't exist IRL, such as the corkbulb root - but in the game, that item can be used to make a potion of healing, so for me, it has a healing correspondence. Also, if the game you’re playing has spells already, you can consider how to adapt those spells to affect the real world in a logical, realistic way! Many pop culture magicians have done a great job of turning Pokemon moves into real spells, for example. So feel free to play around (pun intended) and see what works best for you!
How come you only mentioned shufflemancy once in this whole entire post??: That, my friend, needs to be a post for a later date. I assure you, I absolutely can (and probably already have, and probably eventually will) write an entire post about shufflemancy.
How come your formatting is crap?: Because I wrote all of this on a smartphone and pieced it into a post with the mobile app. Bear with me. XD
Where do I learn more and fact check you, smarty-pants?: Tumblr. The answer is usually Tumblr for this kind of thing. Or sometimes Discord. Like pop culture magic, techno magic is simply very new. Some tags to search include tech magic, techno magic, technomancy, video game magic, etc.
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sophieinwonderland · 9 months
I do think internet discourse really does tend to overshadow what's important.
For some, the most important issue in syscourse is that some endogenic systems use a word that happens to share an etymology with a word from an open religion, despite most people from that religion outside of syscourse circles not considering the use of this word offensive.
This is a strictly online issue that will never affect people offline in the slightest.
Meanwhile, we live in a pluralphobic society where all of us are forced to mask all the time. Being out as a system IRL often means risking the loss of your friends and family.
It also means risking your job and livelihood.
And while it's technically illegal to fire someone for mental illness, there are no legal protections for non-disordered systems.
On top of that, we have a healthcare system that erases plurals.
If you're a CDD system, you have to jump through tons of hoops to find specialists trained in treating DID and OSDD because most psychiatrists aren't educated in treating these disorders.
If you're a non-CDD system with other disorders you need treatment for, nobody is trained to help you. Nobody is trained to treat multiple people in one body, unless they're a CDD system. This means non-CDD systems will often have to hide their systemhood from their therapists. And those that do reveal it will face being misdiagnosed with disorders they don't have, whether a CDD or Schizophrenia or something else entirely.
Misinformation and a lack of awareness of plurality means young plurals will continue to grow up thinking voice hearing makes them "crazy."
Despite studies showing that most voices in schizophrenia don't come until adulthood, many people growing up with voices in their head will dismiss them and even antagonize them under the belief that they're "just hallucinations" or "not real." Previously friendly relationships with headmates can devolve because "imaginary friends" are supposed to be outgrown, and "hallucinations" are associated with psychosis and need to be ignored. Even after syscovery, scars from this damage may never be able to fully heal.
For CDD systems, this may progressively worsen dissociative barriers for years before the systems discover themselves. For non-CDD systems, this can lead to hosts shutting their headmates away or forcing them into dormancy.
Headmates can't even go by our actual names in public without facing discrimination. (Not to mention our genders, due to the fact that transphobia also extends to GNC-headmates.)
If your opinion on all of this pluralphobia that permeates through every level of society is that it's just meaningless internet drama that will never affect people in real life, you're not just anti-endo, you're anti-system.
You're a useful tool for a singlet-normative society to minimize and dismiss continued discrimination and oppression against systems.
You are not an ally to endogenic systems.
You are not an ally to traumagenic systems.
You are not an ally to mixed origin systems.
You're not an ally to any systems.
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antimony-medusa · 9 months
*new yorker accent* hey what’re yous thoughts on uhhh them queer platonic romances? new york numbah one da big apple babey!!!
Oh I love QPRs, I love relationship anarchy. I love the diverse ways that people can define a relationship that works for them, with whatever they need in it, and it can have sex or no sex, kissing or no kissing, sleeping together or sleeping apart, raising children together, buying a house, marriage, pet names, holidays with family— any sort of thing we put into a relationship, and we can pull that apart and reassemble it in a way that works for us, and it can be romantic or not, or sexual or not, but boy howdy it sure is queer.
Okay I have been assuming that this is in a fandom writing context, but the above all applies to them in real life. In FANDOM—
Okay I may be on the outside with this, but I think a QPR can definitely come up to the line of being ship, depending on the QPR, so I don't necessarily agree with the way this fandom has fallen into QPR = not!shipping that's safe to publically do to cubitos whose creators don't want ship.
Cause like, we have clips from streamers saying they're not comfortable with ship, or not comfortable with things being "weird", but they usually don't specify beyond that. In a lot of cases, they haven't specified if there's a distinction between character shipping or IRL shipping, so like in no cases have they specified if the issue with shipping is sex (cause you can have an ace romantic marriage with no sex— does that count as "ship"?) or romance (cause by definition QPRs would not apply) or strong emotional dwelled on bonds that tie them to another player in a tight way (cause like, this is what a fair number of people writing QPRs fall into, cause from the outside if you're not aro some of the QPRs look pretty close to romantic relationship on the surface! I know it's not romance, and you know it's not romance, but is a streamer just scrolling twitter going to see that at a first glance if they come across a snippet of someone calling each other a life partner and going to bed together?) Cause like, trying to put myself in the shoes of the streamer, I could see the problem being sex (makes sense) OR romance (makes sense) or any really tight emotionally-dwelled on life-bond relationship (some of this I don't know if the streamers might still think it's weird to see done to their characters, even if it's technically by definition platonic). So some of this I still don't know if QPRs are something that every creator is going to feel comfortable seeing?
And I don't tend to love the implications of some of the stuff twitter does where it's like "oh, i can't ship, only QPR", like QPRs are automatically like santitized "safe" shipping, instead of their own category of thing that could mean almost anything. Like in real life if you know someone is in a QPR you know they're in a QPR, you still have no idea if that means they're married, or have sex, or make out on the regular, or call each other lovey dovey things, or sleep together, you just know they have a life bond. This fandom treats QPR like it's only one thing, and like it's a lesser, training wheels type of relationship, and that really grinds my gears.
So for me QPRs fall into a category where I'm like, awesome, pog to do, I know we love to take interactions between cubitos and expand them out and it makes perfect sense to take some of these in a QPR way. Go on with your bad self. But unless a creator has explicitly allowed it/canonized it, honestly I'd treat it the same way as I would some of the more hot-button trigger tagged fics (abuse, cannibalism, whump, mind control, addictions issues, torture) or like "instincts driven" family dynamic stuff or extremely aged down family dynamic stuff, where I'm like yes, technically this is fine, but let's just be safe and keep that where the streamer only finds it if they go looking for it. Please keep it out of TTS. This is something for the fandom, not for the streamers.
Just tag your shit and keep it away from the streamers and you're good.
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tomfrogisblue · 8 months
There's a bunch of valid arguments for Bagi's brother being Cellbit, Wilbur, or Tubbo - you could argue reasonably well for each of them.
But what if it was someone random, someone totally not those three.
Turns out it's Rubius, and the white streak in her hair is from whatever deity produced them (his irl hair does look kinda like the silhouette, I know his cubito doesn't fit the silhouette at all lmao).
Turns out it's Antione, and actually, they're shapeshifters anyway but she doesn't know cos she can't remember. Remembering brings some new abilities to learn to use.
Turns out it's Phil, and he just loved wearing a cool jacket when he was younger because it went with his black wings, and it's from an old picture. She's a bird too. She was frozen, so she's a bunch younger physically even though they were about the same age.
Turns out it's BBH coz no one has actually seen under his hood. So she couldn't recognize him coz his voice has also changed from when they were kids.
Turns out it's Etoiles from before he was turned into a cucumber (lol, idk man). He looks completely different now, obviously.
Turns out it's Roier (maybe q!Ro had a lil emo phase as a teen, spiked up his hair and loved to pop his collar), so by technicalities, she is also Vegetta and Foolish's daughter, Leo's sister, Bobby's tia, Richas' tia and Cellbit's sister in law. She had no family, and now she can't walk two steps without running into them.
Turns out it's Mariana. Reason she can't find them is because he's never here and the only descriptions she gets is "misclicker", "child killer" and "my bitch wife". She had a neice but now something using their name is corrupted and taking over her brother in law.
Turns out it's Luzu. My guy has fallen into a strange fate and she needs to help to get her only family back. But if she does ever get him back, what form will he even take? Will he even know her at all?
Turns out it's Quackity, but that man's mind is broken, and memories leak in and out all the time. He's a shell of a person and nowhere near whatever memories she could possibly salvage of her little brother. His child is dead, and she'll never meet her, just hear stories of what the loss of Tilin and her best friend Juana did to the sanity of the island so long ago.
Turns out she's remembering wrong and it was a sister, not a brother she's missing and one's of the girls used to have short hair because they were born in a lab and the Feds mandated that shorter hair interferes less with their tests and the physical maintenance of their test subjects. Expanding the possbility for it to be Baghera or Jaiden especially.
Turns out it's one of the workers. It's been hinted at for ages that the workers aren't here by their own choice (not even close in Walter Bob's case), and changing people physically is well within the capabilities and ethics (the lack thereof, I mean) of the Federation. Also, they have zero problem removing memories and inserting new ones. He's in plain view somewhere, but his face is gone, what could she even recognize?
And then the fandom favorite rn - it's Fit from before he lost his hair :)
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winterrhayle · 1 month
rank all of the 6 lunar chronicles books! i've asked a few of my friends irl this and ive seen very differing opinions so im curious (and ive seen how much you like ranking so..😂)
LOLLLL yeah ranking is my favourite thing ever ever ever ever ever ever its so fun okay (this is kinda long sorry hahaha) :
winter - this probably isnt a shocker, bc well ^^^ my url😭 literally what does this book NOT have. its 800+ pages, it contains so many perspectives, every single ship, every character dynamic is fully formed, the plot is insane and weaves together so well, the drama, the luna visuals, JACINTER, MISS WINTER HAYLE BLACKBURN.... like......... name a better book.... exactly. winter > everything. this is my go to book to reread and i think that its actually etched into the grooves of my brain. i have 2 copies of this book and they are my prized possessions
fairest - okay this ranking might be controversial, and i hate levana as much as everyone else does(just a disclaimer lol). but I LOVEEEE a character study, specially when said character is a villain. i read fairest after i'd completed all of the main 4 books and it just added so many more layers to the lunar characters (winter, levana, jacin etc), and also introduces us to evret, who is talked about in the main series but as we know he dies before the events of tlc :( but i loved his character and i found this book so interesting, also as a winter girl it was cool to see her parents, and her as a baby / toddler,, and also the og trio winter, jacin and selene / cinder own my WHOLE soul bc they are soooo <33333333333333 this book actually breaks my heart soo bad every time but i still crave rereading it bc its so good
cinder - ahhh when everything was somewhat simple, i like rereading this one to just go back to square one and like. reminisce on how everything begun and look at all of the seeds marissa planted (like that brief mention of winter and the descriptions of jacin aka the blond guard or whatever it was they described him as) . and i just love the kaider of it all of course and idk this one is just so nostalgic to me
scarlet - something about this book just keeps me on edge every time i read it. i literally cannot put it down once i start it and even though i know all of the plot twists and everything now im just constantly hooked. i love the visuals of this book, with the farm in rieux, and futuristic paris, and the fight in the abandoned opera house, soo cool. also i love how well this book in particular ties into little red riding hood because every single time i read the part about michelle actually being ran under glamour, aka the wolf disguised as the grandma like in the og fairytale, i am GAGGED its such a cool way to tie it into the lore of this series. annndddd i feel like i do talk about scarlet on here a lot because of winlet but i do NOT talk about wolf enough so let me just say something: wolf is such an interesting and complex character andi loveeee him and i love how much his personality varies from babygirl to actual killer hahhah
cress - i love this book to death BUTT i feel like some of the desert chapters kinda did drag on a little, especially as ive read this book so many times they're the scenes i tend to skim through (and this was true even BEFORE i became a cresswell hater tbh), but other than that this book is 10/10, i love the farafrah chapters especially, and i loved watching jacin be annoying and also i loved watching the rampion crew start to fill out and become bigger, ALSO this book has that iconic miscommunication scene where thorne and cress reunite with the others but thorne is blind so he didnt know that 'the wolf' cress was talking about was just our wolf (ze'ev) and the chaos of all that and cinder and dr erland and them almost getting arrested and escaping on the rampion / iko was pure chaos ALSOOOO this book had the technical introduction of winter bc you hear her adopting scarlet to save her which is fun so yeah !!! if they took out the cresswell of it all this book would be higher bc theres so much to love (and i mean this literally, this book is SO LONG)
stars above - this feels weird to rank because it isnt one full book, its a set of short stories, and the reason why its down here is because the only ones i consistently go back to are something old something new and the princess and the guard, if those two were full books they would probably be in the number 2 or 3 spot tbh (specially princess and the guard), but the thing is with stars above is that theres just a little too much filler for me,, like thornes chapter is pointless and is not interesting at all, and the little andriod actually is really sweet but i wouldve happily sacrificed that and thornes chapter to get more content with the other short stories, as i feel like they had a lot more to say (i do love cinders cameo in the little andriod tho)
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luciusgerard · 2 years
How to tell if someone is going to have the absolute worst Stranger Things takes:
If any of the things on this list apply to a user on any social media site (particularly Tumblr, Twitter, or TikTok) or a person IRL, chances are they're not worth engaging with because their opinions and theories regarding the show will be hot garbage.
This is just my opinion by the way, if you disagree you may continue on your merry way and continue having crappy opinions. That said, let's begin.
1. They stan this bitch.
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Now, don't get me wrong. When I say this, I don't mean people who like Billy as a character because of what he adds to the show. I'm talking about people who have allowed themselves to become so obsessed that they make excuses for his abusive and racist actions. A place of understanding is not a place of justification. I'm also talking about the people who ship him with Steve (or anyone), believe he and Eddie would be friends, hate Max because she "insulted" their "baby," and the people who shit on Eddie and the Steddie ship as a whole because they view Eddie as some kind of carbon copy of Billy. You know who you are, and you suck.
2. They hate Robin or Lucas.
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Neither of these characters have done anything wrong. I've never seen anyone justify their dislike of Robin for a non-ableist or non-homophobic reason (because they don't exist), and Lucas, one of two Black main characters in the show, gets criticised so harshly and so often compared to White characters who have done inarguably worse things. Y'all don't realise how damn quick you are to antagonise a Black boy in situations where he's behaving in entirely reasonable and rational manners, like when he was "mean to El" in season one when he's doing what the majority of people in his situation would do, meanwhile I hardly ever see people calling Mike out for being so needlessly rude to Max in season two. Case in point: If you hate on Robin or Lucas, your opinion is trash.
3. They're strongly against Byler and its shippers.
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I honestly don't care whether you personally ship Byler or not, you can't deny that people who are 100% against even the idea of Byler are at least a little homophobic (well, technically you could, but you'd be wrong).
"Mike is straight!"
Has that been confirmed? Did Mike tell you that? Did the Duffer Brothers tell you that? No? Exactly. Besides, even if it were outright confirmed that Mike is only into girls, why is it so difficult for you to let people enjoy things that aren't causing you or anyone else any direct or indirect harm? God, please just make some friends.
"But Mike has only ever shown interest in girls!"
Tell me you have little to no media literacy skills without telling me you have little to no media literacy skills. Seriously, babe, that's not even remotely true. I can guarantee that if Will and/or Eddie were women, people like you would be all over the Byler ship and the Mike-having-a-crush-on-Eddie headcanon.
"Mike and El are in love, didn't you hear his monologue?"
See the first sentence of my last point and shut up.
4. They unironically refer to Will as "the gay one" or a variation of it.
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This one is more specifically talking to the allocishets: Why is it that for three seasons Will Byers got to be referred to by his name like every other character, but season four comes out (no pun intended) and all of a sudden he's being reduced to his sexual orientation? Answer quickly.
Anyway, I'm done ranting. If you have anything to add, comment or reblog. Have a good day, people these points don't apply to.
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heathened · 2 months
tagged by the blessed n beautiful @musicandmasochism thanks babe<3 under a cut bc i kinda went off lol
When was the last time you cried? i am going to be real. it was during the first 20 minutes of troy when i watched it last night lmfao
Do you have kids? unless you count the feral child assassin that is actually my cat, no
Do you use sarcasm a lot? noooooooooooo never
What sports do you play? don't rlly play sports so much as do activities, which are cycling, yoga, taking neighborhood walks (i cannot sing the praises of 'take a little walk for your mental health' enough), and dancing in my kitchen
What’s the first thing you notice about people? prob what they're wearing tbh. and i hope thats what they notice about me<3
What’s your eye color? void brown
Scary movies or happy endings? both?? not together probably lol, but obviously Blog With A Saw Icon loves horror movies. and yet i am also a simp for the people's queen austin powers so i am not immune to it all working out
Any special talents? people irl think i am funny (they don't know my humor is just tumblr posts and lil wayne bars but nonetheless), i think i am particularly good at 2 things: making a sauce and cultivating a vibe lmao
Where were you born? northern california
What are your hobbies? above activities, music (you guys ever heard of this? incredible. ya gotta check it out), uhhhh learning hobbies tbh lol...for the funsies of it all, i've taught myself/learned how to knit, wallpaper, javascript, translate latin, garden, leatherwork, macramé, graphic design, clothing repair, and prob many more niche things in the name of a beloved personal project. oh yeah! i guess i'm a Writer™ or w/e so technically. i like writing more than i don't like it
Do you have pets? a tortoiseshell menace named ahsoka/snips/snippy/sniperella/baby
How tall are you? 5'7"/170cm, tho if i'm not wearing like. Statement Shoes™ with a heel, i am almost always wearing my black boots that add another 2 inches or so. no matter what i usually have a tall vibe hehe
Favorite subject in school? did very well in school and i am litr on my second graduate degree lmao so i'll be honest i love school (it is how i managed to evade an adhd diagnosis until my late 20s like catherine zeta-jones and those lasers)
Dream job? shout out to a mantra of all time: i simply do not dream of labor. BUT it has occurred to me a lot lately that i actually would have been a great production designer because it's basically Vibe Setting as a job and requires 2 things i love: research and continuity
tagging hmmmmmmmm @wutheringdyke @unspuncreature @lovthievs @spouseoftherisingsun n @underthewirez <3333
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airenyah · 6 months
15 people, 15 questions
I was tagged by @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas <333
Are you named after anyone?
no. there's a video game character with my name and occasionally people will bring this character up and ask if i was named after her but no, i wasn't. my parents don't play videogames
2. When was the last time you cried?
i honestly don't remember, i don't actually cry all that much. (so if you see me say things like "i'm crying" in the tags then i'm actually only crying in my heart, i'm not shedding any actually tears dfkfkjdf)
last time i cried was either bc i was really angry or really extremely overwhelmed with life during a period where i hadn't slept much or was on my period or so. orrr what is actually even more likely is that the last time i cried was when i cried from laughter while being with friends. i cry from laughter a lot, actually
3. Do you have kids?
nope. i think i could be a good mother if i had to, but ngl, motherhood and parenting doesn't sound very appealing to me. i am planning on becoming an aunt tho. i'll let my brother provide the grandkids and i'll just borrow them occasionally, spoil them, and then i can always give them back when they get too exhausting or annoying 😂
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
i play baseball for fun once a year with old summer camp friends. other than that i'm not very athletic. in elementary school i used to go to schwimmkurse (swimming courses) which was super fun and it's one of the few sports that i'd consider taking up again if i were to do any. i've always liked swimming (but only in places where i can see the ground and where the water isn't too cold. i feel really uneasy when i can't see the ground and i also freeze easily so i'm not a fan of cold water)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
sarcasm? me? neeeeever, not at all 🤭
(^^^this answer is sarcastic, the genuine answer is yes. yes, i do. <- for those struggling to understand sarcasm, esp in written form <3)
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
uhhhhh good question, i don't actually know???? maybe their face, idk
7. What's your eye colour?
blue-gray ish. and i have a yellow/green circle around each pupil. i actually really like my eyes, they're my fave part of my appearance 🥰
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings for sure!! i could never get into scary movies, idk
9. Any talents?
languages, i guess. at least i'm known as the language genius in my family and my friend groups. but to be honest, there's still a lot about language that i don't know and i don't feel like i'm all that great (esp when my language learning progress feels slower than the one of others. which is totally fine by me bc everyone should go at their own pace, but i just don't like it when people call me a language genius bc i feel like in reality i'm not really living up to that. i just happen to know a little bit more about language than those around me, but compared with actual experts? yeah no, i in no way compare...)
but yeah out of all the skills that i have, languages is one my best ones. and i'm also really good at organizing (aka keeping a million lists and making sure all the props are at the right spots and with the right actors and there's enough spares of everything etc lol)
10. Where were you born?
austria 🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹
(NOT the place with kangaroos just so we're clear dkjgkdjf)
11. What are your hobbies?
(internally) crying over fictional characters, then blorbo-posting about it. sometimes i'll also subject irl-people to my blorbo rants (mainly my mother and some of my friends)
i also take violin lessons and thai classes for fun
12. Do you have any pets?
technically no, but really yes. my mom and my brother share a dog and my parents also have two kitties. i go home a lot bc i don't really like staying in my own flat in the city where i study so they do feel like my own pets as well, esp the kitties <333
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^this is nika (the dog) and coco (boy cat). they're besties <3
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^this is minou (girl cat). she's the youngest and the smallest of them all, so we nicknamed her "die kleine" (the small one (f))
13. How tall are you?
155 cm
14. What was your favourite subject in school?
german, it was the easiest for me
fun fact: the only subject in school that i ever got a frühwarnung in was english lmao. ("frühwarnung" = early warning and it's what you get when you're about to get an f in your report card for a subject. i got an f in english in my report card for semester break, so i had the whole summer semester to get my grade up to a d)
15. What is your dream job?
director!!!! in theater or film, idk, but i just really wanna be a director. and maybe take some minor acting roles on the side, idk. for now i still feel too shy to do any professional acting, despite having gotten acting training for 3 years djkkdjfg
i'm really looking forward to next summer, bc i get to be assistant director at this one theater that i've worked at as an intern for the past two summers. the assistant directors that i've worked with so far at this theater have both sucked and both times i ended up more or less taking on the job myself anyway (to the point where they even paid me for my work despite my position usually being an unpaid one) and so this summer i was like "uhhh guys so what if for next summer's production i just work as an assitant director right away instead of an intern?" and they were like "omg you're hired" 😂
tagging following 15 people:
feel free to ignore if you don't want to do it or tag me in/send me yours if you've already done it, i'd like to read it <3
@newyearknwwme @moonkhao @visualtaehyun @lurkingteapot @callipigio @waitmyturtles @sunnenfinster @cornflowershade @celestial-sapphicss @killiru @gaym3bo1 @nongnaos @dimplesandfierceeyes @gillianthecat @ranchthoughts
bonus: @telomeke i know you've already been tagged, so this is just to ask you to tag me when you've thought of all your answers, i wanna read yours too 👀
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raiiinbowsquid · 4 days
✦ somewhere in the Doodlesphere...
art by @/dreagine !
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[🖌💫] - HI! I'm Ink!! Guardian of The Multiverse! Welcome to my very own blog!! Now! You may be wondering: "Ink!!! Why do you have your own blog? Aren't you suppose to be protecting the multiverse?" Well to that I answer with...because I want to interact with creators and encourage them to continue making art and aus!! And to also ramble about every little thought in my head! NOW! I think it's best if I put out some important info before continuing with my rambles so,,,let's do it!!
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[🖌💫] - There's one thing I wanna get out of the way and I will say it now! I am not an Ink irl! I am apart of a system! I am not entirely sure if those are the same or different but it feels important to clarify! I am apart of a traumagenic(?) system called The Color Palette System, BUT DESPITE THAT! Please treat me like a normal person and like I'm Ink. (if that makes any sense...) OKAY! Now onto actual info! Going to basic info first!
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✦ now ofc you know my name! I'm Ink, silly! But I would also like to be called Doodle and Star, or Doodlestar! Just on occasion!! ^^
✦ I use They/Them pronouns, as I am Nonbinary! But I still don't mind He/Him! I also go by neos such as Star/Doodle/Ink/Paint/Squid! Those are optional!
✦ Unlike my canon, I am Pansexual and Poly! And I am taken by a handsome glitch and a devilish octopus! Please respect that! <3
✦ I am french but also part japanese as well!
✦ And last but not the least, my age! I am technically 25 in headspace! ^^
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[🖌💫] - I think that's all for basic info!!! Now it's time for interests and comforts!
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✦ I am, ofc, very interested and hyperfixed on art! digital, traditional, painting, ancient, everything!
✦ I also take a heavy interest in japanese culture! Especially their cooking!
✦ speaking of! I like to cook every now and then! Everyone says I am great at cooking! But not baking, can't seem to wrap my head around it
✦ but most of all, I'm interested in talking to my friends and you guys!!
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✦ I find comfort in seeing art of myself! Not so much as a narcissistic thing, but because I love seeing drawings of it because it reminds me how much I mean to people!
✦ I also really like colorful aesthetics, especially if it involves some kind of tool used in art! Like paint or crayons!
✦ yknow it was coming, Broomie is a comfort object of mine!! So hugging him always makes me feel better!
✦ seeing images of Error and Nightmare help too! They're so pretty...<3 (but any sans can help!)
✦ and lastly! Plushies always help! Mainly Pokemon or Sonic ones! ^^
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[🖌💫] - We're almost done!!! Now it's time for discomforts and my dni list!!
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✦ I'm not comfortable with being compared to my Underverse self or hated because of my Underverse self. I know I'm not a Bad Guy entirely there but most people seem to think that and think of me as a bad guy in general, so I would appreciate it if you guys didn't compare Underverse Me to Me :(( (you CAN talk about it! Just don't compare.)
✦ Speaking of Underverse! I am not entirely okay with XGaster. I know people ship me with him and you can do that! And talk about it too me! Just know that I will be tilting my head like a dog in confusion! ^^;
✦ I'm not okay with people turning ships like Errorink or Inkmare, or any ship into something that's toxic, like "toxic errorink", it just makes me so uncomfortable.
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dni list!
✦ proshippers/comshippers
✦ dreammare, swadmare, marenight, nightdream shippers
✦ frans, papyrus x chara shippers
✦ paperfresh, shipkid x parent/sibling shippers
✦ error x blueberror shippers
✦ m@ps, m@p supporters, m@p defenders/apologists
✦ p@raphiles, p@raphile supporters, p@raphile defenders/apologists
✦ z0ophiles, z0ophile supporters, z0ophile defenders/apologists
✦ homophobes/anti-lgbtqa+
✦ ut au/utmv haters
✦ rouge supporters, rouge defenders/apologists
✦ anti agere
✦ anti petre
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[🖌💫] - Annnnd that's about it!! But before I leave, here are some extra bits of info I couldn't fit in here!!
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My birthday is April 15 (world national art day!), I am an Aries, I like playing the flute, I agere and petre sometimes (to 3-8 for agere and mostly to a cat for petre), I am 100% okay and supportive of self-shippers, I'm very sensitive, I need tonetags, I forget a lot (duh-), I tend to ramble for too long, I'm hypers3xual (please respect that), I often uses caps, I purr even when Out of petre and lastly I am okay with nsfw of me! As long as it isn't...too much, if you catch my drift! ^^
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[🖌💫] - Welp! That's everything! May add more if I forgot anything but who knows! I hope you learned a lot from this and I can't wait to talk to you all soon!! See ya, pal!!! ^^
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✦ <~ click here for your reward!! (safe!/srs)
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(don't ask, I thought it looked neat!!!)
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thebrawlerina · 1 month
Step aside I have a lot of Colette fanfic writer headcannons and you WILL hear about them.
Colette Fanfiction Headcannons
Colette was a fanfiction writer long before she joined the Brawl Stars Fandom. So it was easy for her to transition into writing about brawlers.
Technically writing about Brawl Stars in universe is RPF (real person fiction), but Colette has long overcome the initial hesitation in writing about that.
Her writing style is quite nice, but is often littered with spelling mistakes and formatting issues. She tends to fix them after she's already published the chapter. She could stop and make sure that everything is legible before she publishes, but she just gets too excited and wants to publish things as soon as she's written it out.
She did not stop writing fanfiction when she became a brawler herself. Are you crazy? Now she has ALL the material she needs to make ALL the stories she wants!
She finds its hilarious that all of her self-insert Brawl Stars Fics are technically true, but also that she herself is a character there! Who would've thunk?
Colette likes gifting her friends fanfics! Sometimes it's for special occasions, but she just likes to do it for fun.
While her online friends are always delighted to receive such gifts, her irl brawler friends can have all sorts of mixed emotions about it. Most think it's kind of creepy, but others find it silly or weirdly flattering.
Some brawlers have asked her to write fanfiction for them though. She won't name names but they're usually the ones who have a massive ego that needs satiated or someone who just wants to be with the one.
Some of Colette's online friends and fans have suspected that she and the brawler are the same person, but she's never confirmed it. She WANTS to confirm it but alas contracts prevent her from doing so.
Colette can and will ramble about the Fandom specific tropes and various dramas happening in the fanfic side of the Fandom. Unfortunately, Edgar is often the frequent target of these tirades.
She suspects that some of the people on the forums are also brawlers and is trying to find out who they are. She has dedicated half of the gift shops corkboard to this cause.
Colette can and will read anything. She's been online long enough that nothing really phases her and that she doesn't mind having to dig for scraps of her favorite characters.
There were MANY Reader x Piper first on her account. Something that Rico wasn't too pleased by when he found out.
Colette would title all of her fics after song lyrics
She has a stash of fanfictions that she knows will do 100+ psychic damage to any of the brawlers in it if they read it. Is she planning to use this? It would probably depend on her mood.
One of the rare few breed who actually gets fanfics done. Oneshots and multichapter alike.
She probably carries at least a 1/4th of all the fanfics in the Brawl Stars fandomon her own
Management actually has to be careful around her lest she accidentally spill a surprise before it's officially announced.
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thatcheeseycandle · 1 month
Woah whats this about a big series your working on? I saw ur reblog of that oc ask post and now left curious. Could I hear a bit about it from you?
//Future me here, who just finished writing all that out, warning for a LONG LONG paragraph of everything. As in it's like 6k+ words (I DIDNT USE A WORD COUNTER SO YEAH THATS PRACTICALLY A GUESS-)
Of course! To explain, there are two series-es
One being, An Universal Animatronic Revolution (AUAR), aka where Mixie is from alongside Axel.
The second one being, Lifetales (LT, THE NAME IS BEING WORKED ON SHHHSHSHSHSH), which is where Platinum and the rest of the Triple HHH Court come from.
Now to note, these two are actually apart of the same multiverse. AUAR and LT are basically groups for my OCs, not like "Oh this one is fantasy and this one goes to cyberpunk" no it's more like how they'd work in these two worlds.
LifeTales takes place in a historical-fiction type world where it's it own world, while also bringing in IRL concepts (ex: religions, irl nationalities, etc). But it's mainly explored in the present timeline considering the time before it wasn't, yknow, it didnt have all that yet
Basically the world first started as it's own. Instead of the current continents, it has five continents based on the five "Entities" being the Triple H Court. Note that I am not referring to the current generation of the same court, but rather a different court.
Now it's important to mention that the multiverse of LifeTales only consists of 6 universes.
The first one, being the main universe, aka where Selene and Golian originated before they died and reincarnated as Platinum and Gold, where the five continents are
The rest, well, they take place in other eras in time. Take the universe where Ruby, but otherwise known as Cathmore before he reincarnated into Ruby, had lived in. It was basically the 1930s.
Now I havent expanded on the 4 other universes yet. But it'll most likely not exist in the future considering they're just placeholders for how I'll world build the places the entities lived in before they were entities.
But as for AUAR? Basically it's a multiverse, it's main genre being Science-fiction. A big one, that's publically explored. The universe Mixie comes from, she's basically from the real world, the current timeline of the universe in the story being between 2010-2013. While the universe she stumbles into, Retro Way's timeline is 2019-2022
Retro Way is also the center of this multiverse, being a universe of it's own with the mix of people from all sorts of universes yes but while also being a sort of HQ for all experienced multiversal travellers (Except Doctor Strange, sorry MCU fans the MCU in this multiverse is still known as media)
Now to note, in Mixie's universe, Multiversal Travel isn't much known. In a way where she and the people she's with havent exactly been to the places where the "portals" and all the multiversal travel stuff is at.
And another thing to note, Retro Way still has it's residents aka theres still people from there. And yes nationalities still exist, if your born in Retro Way and had parents with Dutch origins, your nationality would be Dutch.
Now as much as I'd love to like SPILL all the story of AUAR and LifeTales, I wouldn't want to spill it too soon considering, well this:
AUAR is one generation of 10 generations (technically 11 adding in the prequel for it, Everyday Engineering aka EE), specifically theres 12 seasons in AUAR, adding two new seasons each generation. And within each season theres 12 episodes, which to my calculations since the last time I updated the planout doc of that, was enough to supply 2-6 plots.
Now I already have an idea of 3/10 generations but I havent like, written all chapters/episodes down aka I havent translated every single daydream into a chapter yet.
On the otherhand
LifeTales has three "eras" or generations in a way. The first one being, well, the backstories. Mainly the backstories of Platinum and Gold, and other characters that'll appear in Era 3
The second Era is basically, the current timeline. How their life is going, what they're doing, the current timeline of that era, etc. (While also having a similar plot-planout to AUAR, aka their life isn't too casual, they still have their adventures and bits of character growth)
The third era, well, it's basically the current timeline but it actually moves on from the current plot. It expands on new plots and has more character growth than last Era, also expanding more into other characters' backstories than the first Era.
But alas, until these two stories/series are done, I cannot confirm it has solid conclusions YET
I'll of course post randoms bit from random parts of these two stories on my tumblr, and on my other socials whenever I can
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