#they took their symbols of worship and set them out as a warning
revvethasmythh · 5 months
can I just say, I'm still deeply haunted by the fact that the vanguard at the malleus key laid out around their perimeter symbols of worship that were trophies from the fallen. they were put there as "a warning, and a sign of pride." can i just bring that up again because that was so, so haunting
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astray-anomaly · 3 months
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Equivaltale’s story! (Part one)
Trigger warnings: Violence, character death, major character death, descriptions of body horror, cult activity, child abuse/neglect, mentions of grooming; physical abuse and sexual abuse, transpobia, child labour
Be very mindful of the trigger warnings! If you can’t handle some of these topics then don’t read!
This is very long so you better be prepared to go through a big chunk of text
Many Eons ago when the multiverse started to branch out there grew three trees. One of Life, one of Magic, and one of Feelings. The trees secured the balance of the multiverse, and each tree was protected by a guardian. All remained that way for centuries.
Until the downfall of one of the guardians. Nim, the Guardian of Feelings.
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She had fallen by the hand of a mere mortal who wielded a dagger made to kill a guardian. Nobody knows how he got such a weapon as it was never recovered, yet he suffered a terrible fate. Being strangled by vine and bramble, left to bleed after the guardian had fallen.
Nim was losing blood fast, too weak to heal herself, yet there was one thing that she could do. She took all her energy, morphing it into two beings of light. One of positivity and one of negativity, Dream and Nightmare, two entirely new guardians.
Treating them like her children, even if she knew she couldn’t stay with them forever, but she couldn’t leave them without proper vessels either. After many attempts she finally found the perfect vessels for them that allowed their energy to flow perfectly, two skeletal bodies. But afterwards she had to fuse to the tree to heal. Leaving nothing for the twins to remember her by but the notes she left them and the tree she was binded to that they were to protect.
The twins lived peacefully for six years. Running around, playing with each other, catching bugs, and watching the stars, Then sleeping up in the branches of the tree after the sun had long set. It was just them and they were happy with that.
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Until one night, it was different. When they woke up they found people, settlers not far from the tree, just ways down the hill where they were. Dream was excited, rushing to see the settlers; wanting to meet new people. Nightmare was cautious but followed their twin to look after them.
The settlers were overall nice people to the twins when they first met them. Some were skeptical, after all it’s not like the twins were ‘normal’. Nobody knew them. They didn’t understand basic things the villagers were used to. They were considered wild. After all, they didn’t know what “society” was.
But the settlers accepted them nonetheless, though it wasn’t long before they had to be taught how things worked by the standards of the people. Many things were unknowingly forced onto them, It wasn’t long before Dream and Nightmare had referred to each other as brother and sister. It was new, but they had gotten used to it even if they always referred to the other as ‘twin’.
Nightmare didn’t like it though, the title just didn’t fit. She wanted to be the same as her brother, she didn’t understand why the village disapproved of what she wore and how she acted, saying it was not very feminine. Like she cared what those stupid people thought though.
The village still tried to relatively respect them ,as they were related to Nim, the guardian which they had worshiped for a long time. It wasn't uncommon for people who lived around the trees to worship the guardians since they were god-like figures.
They viewed Nim as a symbol of growth, clarity, and spirit. Even having a temple built for her in the center of the village…At least that is how it started out.
It didn’t take long for the village to become more corrupt over time.
The people who ran the temple realized that they could use the twins for their own benefit, mainly Dream. Nobody wished to be unhappy, afterall. All they ever needed was happiness and it wasn’t long until Nightmare had been forgotten, discarded. Not being given the same attention that the temple leaders gave Dream, being looked at with disgust and disappointment.
The leaders would always grab away Dream from his sister and Nightmare would be left alone to suffer at the hands of persecutors who thought she deserved to be punished just for being the Guardian of Negativity.
It started as light insults, yet the words cut like a knife. Then it became actual cutting.. breaking.. Screaming…
One occasion leaving Nightmare’s right femur cracked from being stabbed. But she didn’t dare tell Dream. She didn’t want her brother to worry so she bandaged it up herself even if it left her with a permanent limp and pain, only forcing her to just stay by the tree more. Not explaining it to Dream and always brushing it off.
It wasn't like Dream would say anything to Nightmare either. He wasn't in the best place either . He tried to help Nightmare, going to the villagers to see if they knew anything about his sister getting hurt, but he was always scolded for asking. Dream could never question anything, he just listened to the temple ministers. If he didn’t he would be punished.
He just did what they said, even if it was tiresome to always be praised, looked up to, and running around helping the people, even if some things they did made him uncomfortable too. He didn’t like some of the praises, they felt weird, but he never said anything against it. After all he would always be rewarded for his work, even if the gifts they gave him barely equaled the amount of work he did.
He always listened to what they said, being molded (groomed) into what they wanted him to be like. Soon becoming more and more blind to what they were doing, becoming the perfect little guardian in their image. A being they could have complete control of and exploit.
Both twins were tired… so tired.
Nightmare would barely talk anymore, it worried Dream but he was pushed away again. The darker guardian couldn’t help Dream either, when she tried to convince him they should run away, he refused. Even if he cared for his sister, the lighter guardian was completely blinded by the village now. There was no convincing him to leave.
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Nigwhtmare let herself drown her own negativity. Suffocating in her own body.. The days went by in a blur, always waking up with new injuries she didn’t know came from. And the cycle continued to repeat. It’s not like she even felt the pain anymore. She felt numb.
The only friend she had now was the voice from the black apples.
She didn’t know where it came from but it was comforting in a way, even if it was just a voice, it listened to her. She could pour all her feelings out to the apples, not really caring if it was real or not. It slowly convinced her to do what just felt right and listen to its advice. Promising help to her.
One day she decided enough was enough. She couldn’t stay like this, the voice was right. What was she doing?! She couldn’t let the village hurt her like this, she couldn’t let the village hurt her twin! She needed to get Dream back, they couldn’t take him away like this!
She snapped, finally lashing out, attacking the people who tormented her for so long. Hoping to get away, to injure them enough so she could run. Go to her twin, take the apples and run away with him from everything as fast and as far as they could, even if he would try to fight back.
..Her fighting really didn't do anything, she was outnumbered, and her bones were fragile. She was broken down and badly injured, bleeding out on the ground for just trying to protect herself.
The numbness was broken, she was broken. In pain, left to die like her mother before her. She didn’t want it to end like this, she wanted to see her brother again. Just once to see him again. Feel close to him again for one last time before fading away.
Everything was spiraling and echoing. Her head hurt badly, part of her skull cracked, now with only one eye to see. She forced her legs to carry her, reaching for one of the black apples. She didn’t think, she was just listening to what the voice was telling her to do. What the apples were telling her..
She needed the apples to be stronger.. to survive.
She would die without the apples. So she listened, after all the voice promised her help, it was the only thing that stayed with her. She trusted it. She bit into the first apple.. then the second.. then the third…
She didn’t stop, she couldn’t. No matter the damage, the negativity, the vile taste; she continued to eat and eat.
She was blind in her hunger, she didn't realize how badly the negativity began to grow. . The golden apples started to rot and snap off of their branches, turning into dust. Everything became dark as the moon began sheathing the sun, causing the sky to bleed a red hue.
A crowd gathered around her, horrified by the scene. The temple leaders demanded other people to try to stop her. To get rid of her before it was too late.
Dream watched in terror from the crowd, one of the first arriving in the scene . He yelled out and cried for them to stop. Trying to get to his twin but he was restrained. He clutched the last surviving golden apple in his hands while the villagers tried to drag him away to ‘save’ him.
A horrid scream pierced through the air and everything was frozen. Dream watched through tears of dread as half of his sister’s skull shattered and black twisted tendrils broke through the frail bone.
The last thread finally snapped and Dream broke away from the restraints, running to his sister. He didn’t care about the village anymore, he ran as fast as he could to Nightmare. Pushing those away that tried to stop him.
He held the last golden in his hands for dear life. Surely.. just surely.. There was a chance he could help Nightmare. There had to be a chance. He reached her even if Nightmare yelled at him to run away through her pain and cries.
Dream didn’t listen, pulling his twin close even if it burned. Trying to produce as much positivity as he could to counter the corruption. Using the help of the golden apple’s magic, trying to help Nightmare absorb its energy.
It didn’t go how Dream wanted, he was hoping the positivity would get rid of the corruption but it latched onto it instead.
Blood curdling screams were heard as the two souls fused together. The sound of bones breaking and mending back together filled the air with the disordered cries of the twins. There was nothing the villagers could do but stand there and watch, horrified as they saw the twins melt into this painful mangled mess. None of this would happen if it wasn’t for them.
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Soon the cries went quiet for minutes after.
It was too quiet..
Then the sounds of bones snapping was heard again as the mush of goop and bones that was once the twins took shape into a single disfigured skeleton. Its purple and yellow eyes darted around, looking at its sudden surroundings.
It looked horrified and resentful at the villagers, feeling threatened. All it knew was the villagers were bad.. that they caused them pain. The sudden movement of one of them who tried to run caught its attention and triggered it to attack.
It was a bloodbath, one after another, each villager was ripped apart. There was no fighting back, it only caused the creature’s rage to grow. Blinded by its own fury until every single one was dead. Until every single one who threatened and hurt them was gone.
Once brought back to their senses, they saw the bloodshed that they had done. Not realizing it was their own doing, scared. Retreating back to the one place they remembered was safe, the tree.
Yet the tree was gone.. nothing but a torn stump. How did it get like this, what happened? The creature cried, collapsing by the tree. Their pain and shock finally caught up to them and they passed out at the roots of the rotting tree…
Part two
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nightlyrequiem · 5 days
Hello there requiemmm 💫💫💫
Ive got a new request for u bbg 😈 /p
okay, so, this ones short, but, i hope its descriptive enough?? Idk 😭
(excuse my grammar, english is not my first language)
Valeria X unfairly devoted Reader.
hear me out, -- Reader is a member of Valerias cartel, -- they're in the higher ranks (im talking, one of the very few people that actually know who El Sin Nombre is, type of 'higher rank')
Reader is an absolute devotee. They (platonically, mostly) worship Valeria, cater to her every need, do whatever she'd like, whenever she'd like, no questions asked. Reader doesnt do it out of fear, that much is obvious. They just do it out of both respect and the far lack of both disobedience and a backbone.
Valeria, naturally, appreciates them, -- keeps them close, enjoys their company (mostly, because it feeds her ego, and makes her feel superior, -- in control, and whatnot) so much so, that reader is nearly permanently stuck being, somewhat of a 'personal assistant'.
Reader, being forced to spend all day (and, sometimes night, if Valeria needs some help with something) decides 'eh, why the fuck not' and asks Valeria out on a little hangout, disguised as a small 'meeting' in a coffee shop, that, ultimately, actually goes well, and spirals into a date.
(Date, naturally, ends with beating someone senseless in a dark alley, after they listened in on Readers and Vals conversation, or, .. something. Reader is, most definitely, doing all the damage, being a guard dog of sorts, not wanting Valeria to 'get her hands dirty, from such a small, unimportant man'. Not manner, man.)
Etc etc, girlfriends, lesbianism, boom. Work your magic, im bad at describing genuinly falling inlove.
hope yar doing well!
Took me eight days but I finally got around to this. Sorry for the wait, Jester 😔 I am doing quite well as of wiritng this, thank you. I hope all is well with you!
This is very loosely connected to the headcanons I did for this idea. I said it once, and I'll say it again; I love the unfairly devoted trope. I’m not sure I captured it too well but 🙌
Tags/Warnings: Violence, WLW, Boss/Employee Relationship
Many species of birds mate for life. Penguins, corvids, vultures, and most famously: swans. Symbols of love, loyalty, and grace. They are creatures full of love. They're so sensitive that they can die from heartbreak. You stare at Valeria and understand how the swan feels. How it could hopelessly devote itself to another, even at the cost of it's life.
The quiet scratching of a pen fills in the silence. Valeria's brows are furrowed in concentration as she haunches over her desk. You want to remind her to straighten her back, so it doesn't hurt later. Your eyes greedily drink in her profile. The slope of her nose, the curve of her lips, her curtain of black hair slightly obscuring her cheek and eye.
She sighs.
"Get me a drink." She murmurs. You're to your feet immediately. Heading towards the small cabinet containing her alcohol. You've fixed her enough drinks to know what she wants. Your fingers wrap around the neck of a bottle with golden liquid. Pouring it into a small glass, then putting in exactly two small ice cubes.
You carry it over to her desk and set it down in the corner. You slink around behind her. Watching her take a sip. You can't see her face, but you know she's letting the liquid sit in her mouth to savour the taste. She does that with all of her drinks; savours the first sip.
You have no problem getting her drinks. Or doing her paperwork. Or taking a bullet for her. Valeria has been the one constant in your life. She's the only one who has ever noticed you, and you latched onto her like a leech. She fed you crumbs of kindness and that's all it took. It's obsessive and unhealthy but you're long past the stage of caring.
Valeria takes a second sip then goes back to working. Her shoulders look so tense. You want to rub that tension away, but you don't. It's late and you're feeling a little tired, but you'd never say so. You doubt Valeria cares and you don't want to distract her. Besides, she must be tired too. You'll go home when she does. For now, though, you wander back around the desk and sit down in one of the chairs off to the side.
You gaze at Valeria as she works. At some point without even realising it you fall asleep. Your body startles itself awake as that fact worms it's way into your subconscious. You aren't sure how long you've been dozing off for, but Valeria isn't in the room anymore. You sit up with urgency and look around, a small fleece blanket falls from your shoulders.
You furrow your brows, trying to remember if you put it on yourself. You know you didn't. You feel slightly giddy at the thought of Valeria doing it. As if just thinking her name summoned her, Valeria walks into the small office. Despite how tired she is her stride is still intense and confident.
She sits down with a grunt and glances at you.
"Good sleep?" She asks sarcastically.
"How long was I out for?" You murmur. Tugging the blanket into your lap. Valeria's hair is a little messy and you wish you could run your fingers through it. Or a brush. You just want to touch her hair.
"Fifteen minutes." Valeria replies. "You should go home and get some rest."
Fifteen minutes isn't that bad. You don't want to leave just yet though.
"No, I'm okay to stay for longer." You insist. "I could help you finish up the last of those reports."
Valeria shakes her head and when she speaks her voice sounds softer than usual. "You've been staying late for the past few weeks; I know you aren't getting the sleep you need. Go home."
You frown but concede. "Alright." As you're getting up an idea pops into your head. "Hey, could we meet at Ila's tomorrow? I just think I need some extra reminders about where all the trade routes are." You know every route and the exact location of them.
"Okay." Valeria agrees. "5PM."
The next day arrives and you're very impatient for 5PM. You finished all your tasks and went home early. It's not a date. Not to Valeria, but that doesn't mean you aren't going to treat it like one. You've picked out a nice, attractive outfit and touched up your makeup.
You arrived five minutes early and secured a table. Watching as patrons pass by. The smell of baked goods almost tempts you into buying something, but you don't want to eat before Valeria. Ever the punctual person, Valeria walks in through the glass doors at exactly 5PM. She looks very put together, hair brushed and glossy. She's even wearing different clothes.
Valeria sits down across from you and gives you a small smile that sends fireworks throughout your body. You want to trap that smile in a jar like a firefly. Valeria reaches into her bag and pulls out a folded, yellowed map and sets it up on a table. She begins to quietly and intently explain where each route is and where the shipments go.
You nod and hum, pretending to listen. You're much more focused on Valeria's hands as she points at places on the map. Her neatly trimmed pink nails and fingers. Ine of them is slightly crooked from having been broken one too many times. Her skin looks soft and if you try hard enough you can smell her lotion.
"-and this is when we split it into smaller batches to move it across the border."
You point to Mackey Hill.
"Here?" You ask. Already knowing the answer.
"Yes." She nods. You glance up behind her for a split second and watch some scruffy looking man quickly turn away. Immediately you straighten and stare at him. You don't like the vibes he's giving off.
Valeria furrows her brows at you.
"What's wrong?" She asks quietly. You lean closer and whisper back.
"I think that man is eavesdropping."
Valeria turns her head to look at the man, narrowing her eyes. You feel pleased that she trusts your word so strongly.
"Get rid of him." She commands.
You slip out of your spot and approach him. He startles as you lean down and murmur in his ear.
"Follow me. My boss has a proposition for you." You walk towards the doors and cast a look behind you. He's staring at you nervously but eventually rises.
You wait behind the brick wall and wait. Sure enough the man rounds the corner. Looking at you with a mixture of caution and curiosity.
"What was the-" He's cut off by Valeria hitting him in the back of the head. He grunts and falls to his knees. You strike him this time. Kneeing him in the face. He opens his mouth to scream but you cover it before he can.
You drag him deeper into the alley and fish out the small blade hidden in your boot. You make quick work of slitting his throat. He makes an awful gurgling sound before going still. Valeria helps you lift him into the nearby dumpster. Your fingers brush and you look at each other.
You've been loyal to her for years. Since before she even came into power. Through thick and thin you've stuck by her side. You've thrown yourself in harm's way to protect her without thought. You've spent countless hours staring at her intently but now your gaze is being returned tenfold. There's a new fire in those dark inky eyes. One you've only caught glimpses of. But here it is, in all it's blazing glory and it's directed at you. Scorching and all consuming.
His body thumps dully as he falls among the full trash bags but neither of you are paying attention to him anymore.
"Why don't we go get something to eat?" Valeria murmurs softly. "I'm sure you'll have an easier time getting the routes with a full stomach." Her hand creeps towards yours and your fingers tangle with hers. You've done more than feed her ego, you've carved out a place in her heart for yourself.
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pure-garbage · 1 month
Pent-Up Passions Ignite! Old Vows And New Promises
Chapter Warnings: Smut! MINORS DNI
By the time their kiss ended, both Lana and Zoro were breathing hard, but the monsters were sated for the first time in two years.
Their foreheads rested each against the other while they both steadied, swaying as if dancing slowly to some tune only they could hear. One of Lana's hands rested over Zoro's heart, drinking the rhythm of his life while her other returned home to rediscover the familiar plane of his muscled back. One of his arms wound around her waist, keeping them locked close together while his free hand stroked the soft curve of her jaw. His fingers played with the earring he'd left her with when they parted two years ago.
"Go on,'' Lana sighed. "Take it back. I know you missed it."
"I missed you more."
Zoro drew back, lips brushing the pulse in her wrist before he undid her sash from its home of two years, returning it to its rightful place. Lana repaid the sentiment, unhooking his earring and giving it back to complete his set of three.
"There. Just like I was never even gone," she sighed with a smile.
They both felt complete again, but not because of any returned trinkets. Outward changes were meaningless. They had exchanged hearts long before they traded any symbols of their love and their simple vows still bound them, strong as the day they'd first been uttered.
"Mine, forever," Zoro reminded her, his breath hot on her lips.
"Yours," Lana agreed softly. "And you're mine. Always."
They shared a soft, brief kiss. Zoro's hands found the end of her braid, taking it apart gently while his lips traveled to her neck, tongue darting out to taste her skin. Lana sighed in ecstasy at his practiced touch as he coaxed her hair free until it fell in loose waves over her shoulders, streaming down her back. He ran his fingers through the silky violet strands, head dipping until his lips met the collar of her shirt. Lana raised her arms for him when he pulled it over her head, letting it drop to the floor, quickly followed by her bra.
Zoro worshipped gratefully at the altar of the only deity he would ever bow to, mouth roving greedily across the skin of the goddess standing before him. Divine fingers tugged persistently at the sash around his waist until it was defeated, sending his robe cascading to the floor. He caught her hand, lips seeking the heat pulsing at the inside of her elbow. Lana hooked two fingers into his haramaki and pulled him along toward the bed, not that he needed any encouragement to follow her.
He sucked and nipped his way up her arm, across her shoulders, starting down her other arm as she settled into the sheets and he joined her. Lana reveled silently in his devout affections, accepting them like the sacrificial offering they were intended as. She stroked his lips when he reached the end of his path, coaxing his mouth open so she could push two fingers into the slick heat. They danced with his tongue as a flush crept into his cheeks, eye sliding shut while he moaned and took them deeper. Lana bit her lip, her arousal rising as Zoro bobbed into the palm of her hand, fulfilling her desire while his hands tugged her skirt down.
She let him finish undressing her, released her hold on his jaw so he could place a kiss in the palm of her hand before his tongue drew a long, lapping line down the left side of her body. Her breath hitched when he reached the outside of her thigh, planting an ache between her legs that only his touch could soothe. Anticipation built in her gut as he continued down, rough hands preventing her from parting her legs for him.
His teeth sank into her ankle, wrenching a cry from her that broke the carefully controlled rhythm of her bated breaths. He moved on to her other leg without missing a beat, teasing his way up again and savoring the quick panting that betrayed his woman's growing desire.
Only a demon would have the audacity to make a goddess beg. All Zoro was missing were his horns.
He reached her side, maintaining his methodical pace even as her hips bucked into his chest. Lana usually tore Zoro's composure to shreds when she plead with him, but this time he didn't falter. Part of her didn't mind. Her desire felt urgent, but after so long apart, she wanted to take her time as much as he did.
Her will to rush him crumbled beneath his steady, disciplined ministrations. She settled for returning his adoration, hands roaming his torso, grip tightening on his arms when he sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. She hissed when he rolled it between his teeth, then sighed when he soothed the tender flesh with his tongue. He did the same thing on the other side, then claimed her lips to close to circle.
Lana sat up between his legs, forcing him to rise with her. She left a sloppy trail of frantic kisses down his chest. Unable to match his control, she compensated with fire, steam rising in the space between their opposing mindsets. Zoro's hands tangled in her hair, slowing her descent though he cooperated whole-heartedly when she pulled his remaining clothes off, sending them flying with a brisk kick.
He intercepted her hands before she could touch him, crushing their lips together again so he could swallow the delicious whine she loosed in protest at the constraint.
"Let me touch you," she purred, wrists flexing against his grip as he gathered them behind her back, holding them hostage with his right hand while his left followed the curve of her body up from her thigh, higher until he could palm her breasts, each in turn. He watched, gaze ravenous as she arched helplessly into his touch, head falling back to bare the elegant curve of her neck as he pinched and kneaded her supple flesh. His teeth closed around her throat, wanton moans vibrating into his mouth. His hand dipped to caress the insides of her trembling thighs, fingers coming tantalizingly close to where she needed them most, only to draw away frustratingly.
Zoro reached her ear, breath scorching as he spoke, voice low and brimming with lust.
"Do you have any idea..."
Lana whimpered as he calloused fingertips stroked carefully over her outer lips, still teasing her with how close they were to being inside her.
"... how much I thought about you these past two years?"
Lana spread her legs for him in desperate invitation, but he still didn't give her what she wanted.
"How many nights I imagined touching your body?" Zoro went on, pushing her back down onto the bed and slotting between her legs, hand sliding up to cup her cheek.
"... fantasized about your lips..."
It was his turn to rub his thumb over the lips he spoke of, pressing in when they parted for him.
"... your breasts..."
He bent to lay a wreath of kisses around each of them as Lana moaned past his fingers.
"... your hips..."
She wrapped her legs around his waist, heels pressing into his thighs in an attempt to bring him closer to her dripping sex. He growled, his hips pressing hers into the mattress, holding her still as he forced his fingers deeper into her burning mouth. Lana took them gratefully, mindlessly wishing he would give her more than his fingers to taste even as they crept toward the back of her throat and raised goosebumps all over her body.
"... I promise..."
Zoro rolled his hips against hers mercifully, sending her eyelids fluttering shut with bliss at the much-needed friction. His mouth at her ear tickled and burned while he slid his fingers in and out over her writhing tongue.
"... not a night went by when I didn't think of making love to you."
Zoro pulled his fingers from her lips, replaced them with his tongue as she moaned deeply into his mouth, jerking her hips against his, begging for another thrust, anything to soothe the longing that was almost becoming painful in its intensity.
"I know," she panted when they broke to catch a breath. "You weren't the only one fantasizing all those nights... but the Zoro I dreamed of didn't tease me nearly so much."
"Hm. Sounds like an impatient guy," Zoro grinned. "That's no fun."
"Go on, then," he purred, lapping at her pounding pulse leisurely as she squirmed under his weight. "Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you."
"I want.. I need you inside me," Lana rasped, desperation and desire dripping off her words like the thickest honey. Zoro couldn't resist the sweet lure, nor the promise of the pleasure it beckoned him toward.
He rose to his hands and knees above her, licking his lips as he nudged her guidingly.
"Roll over."
He kept hold of her wrists as she complied readily, shaking with anticipation as he pushed her legs shut with his knees, his free hand fisted in the sheets next to her head. She tensed, feeling his tongue as it drew a wet, hectic line up her spine, his teeth marking her shoulder. He finally released her wrists, gripping her hips with both hands and pulling her flush demandingly.
"Up! Up!" he urged. "There! Now..."
Zoro pulled her hair aside, watching her eager expression as his tip finally brushed her soaked entrance. Lana's fingers clenched in the sheets at her side, moaning in relief while she pushed back against him, bliss radiating through her body in waves as he allowed her to take him in fully. His thumbs settled into the dimples of her back as his moans joined hers. Neither moved for a breathless moment, basking together in the long-lost ecstasy rolling over them at last.
Zoro moved first, settling deeper inside her still as he bent to steal another kiss, grip tightening on Lana's hips to hold her steady under him.
"Fast or slow?" he asked, rocking into her without giving an inch, drawing a whimper from her as she stretched to take him.
"Slow," she begged, folding her arms under her head, dark eyes on his while she made herself comfortable. "Please!"
Zoro rose over her, biting his lip as his restraint finally threatened to break. After so much teasing, he wanted nothing more than to ravage her body, but he bowed to his lover's wishes regardless. The pace he set was firm but unhurried, long, complete strokes drawing grateful sighs and soft moans of pleasure from Lana. She relaxed, surrendering beneath Zoro and letting him do all the work as atonement for taking his sweet time before.
His fingers dug hard into her hips, betraying the effort it took to keep an even rhythm. Lana savored the ragged sound of his panted breaths, further evidence of the death grip he was keeping on his self-control. His dominance was always a facade. Zoro would always give Lana anything she asked for and she knew it.
Zoro groaned deeply, legs shaking as he just barely kept his grip, determined to honor Lana's request even as his body begged him to speed up. Lana felt him trembling, heard the sounds he couldn't hold back. They filled her satisfaction that perfectly complemented the bliss of his smooth, firm strokes into her.
"Oh, Zoro... don't stop," she moaned slyly, biting her lip as she caught his eye past fluttering lashes. "It feels so good!"
She arched her back, fingers reaching for his and pulling his hand back to her breast, doing everything in her power to get back at him for teasing her so hard before. Zoro took the bait, sprawling across her back, hungry lips seeking her pulse as the heat of his body momentarily overwhelmed her.
"Faster?" he breathed hopefully at her ear, twining his fingers through hers as he continued to rock into her slowly.
"No, please just keep going," Lana sighed, twisting to press her lips to his. He felt her smile, realized her game and chuckled at her cheekiness. He knew her well enough to know what it would take for her to beg him to take what he wanted. Lana's resolve may have been impressive, but Zoro knew all her pressure points. He knew exactly how to break her open.
His hands slid under her body, creeping down past her belly, but she stopped him before he could reach the key to the sweet release he sought.
"Hold me," she sighed, pulling his arms back up. She guided his right around her ribs and coaxed his left to cover hers, meshing their fingers as she showed him her pleasure with soft, pretty sounds that sent waves of wolfish desire coursing through him.
As intimately as Zoro knew her machinations, Lana knew all his ways just as well.
He buried his face in the curve where her shoulder met her neck, muffling groans against her skin as his frustration battled half-heartedly with his building bliss. He longed to beg her to let him pound into her, to give in to the climb and take him rough and raw. His body shook on hers with the colossal effort of holding back, his fingers digging into her ribs as their sweat mingled and the velvet, magnetic pull of her body brought him slowly to the very furthest precipice of sanity.
"Lana... Lana..."
Her name was all he could manage, moans deepening at her ear as he dutifully kept the pace she demanded of him.
Lana could feel him unraveling, knew she was drawing him dangerously close to the edge of what he could take. The push and pull of his body against hers was heavenly, his poorly concealed desperation delicious, intoxicating. She bent her right arm so she could stroke his cheek, savoring the way she could steady him with such a soft touch. She pulled his head back, baring his neck so she could place a tender line of soothing kisses over his racing pulse like a salve. She felt it clearly when he swallowed hard, felt the moans rumbling deep in his throat, one pitch from becoming growls.
"Lana, please!"
Lana bit back a moan of her own, forcing her breathing to stay even. Zoro wasn't usually the one begging by this point and his surrender thrilled her. Her mouth claimed his before he could get another word out, fueling his frantic desire as he all but devoured her, stealing the breath she'd been so carefully keeping in check. The tempo of his thrusts didn't break down, but for the first time, Lana felt his hips stutter, missing a single beat and coming back hard and fast with reflexive compensation. The sharp stroke felt good, but Lana didn't let her composure slip even as he felt her own desperation rising to meet Zoro's as his quick, uneven breaths fanned the flames coiling deep in her gut.
"Tell me what you want, Zoro," she purred. It was his line, but it felt right falling from her lips.
Zoro's left hand slid along her arm, fingers finding their way to her throat, closing loosely around her rapidly quickening pulse.
"Wanna fuck you!" he slurred, eloquence and tact lost to the inferno of his lust. "Wanna hear you scream, tell me I can- ugh! Let me, Lana, will you let me?!"
Her fingers gripped his hair, pulled him back roughly so she could sink her teeth into the soft flesh at the corner of his jaw.
"Yes!" she rasped at his ear, voice betraying her need as she pushed back eagerly to meet his thrusts. "Yes, Zoro! Do it!"
That was all he needed to hear. He reared behind her, grip crushing on her hips as he dragged them up, forcing her to her knees as he slammed into her with wild abandon. Lana's sharp, keening cries echoed around them as she took him, pushing up onto her elbows in an attempt to meet the ravishing impact of his hips against her ass.
"No!" Zoro growled, one hand on the back of her neck forcing her face down again. "Stay! Just! Like! That! Don't you dare move!"
He punctuated his words with brutal thrusts that rocked Lana to her core, wrenching helpless, ecstatic shouts from her between gasping, panted breaths. His hands were bruising on her hips, holding her fast, yanking her body back to meet his with every short, quick stroke. Lana reached back, wrapping her fingers around his wrists and hanging on for dear life as she reveled in the rough, unrestrained pace of their passions.
"Zoro! Harder!" she urged, intensifying his frenzy as the heat of their love-making consumed them.
Zoro knew he wouldn't be able to last much longer, not with Lana arching desperately in the sheets and screaming his name like the two of them were the entire world. He only sped up further, his cries joining hers as he grunted his exertion and moaned his rapture. Her grip on his fevered skin matched the strength of his hold on hers, the bite of her nails doing absolutely nothing to temper his fervency.
She knew the wild pitch of that final cry well. She looked over her shoulder in time to see Zoro throw his head back, powerful thrusts faltering as he buried himself in her flesh and spilled the fruits of his pleasure there, loud moans that had heralded his climax dying down. He breathed deeply, slowly, palms smoothing over the red marks blossoming on her skin where his fingers had clamped onto her mere seconds earlier.
That was all the time he wasted on recovery. His hands urged her over, flipping her onto her back and pulling her legs open purposefully. Lana's moans barely had a chance to quiet before his fingers were pushing into her, drawing them bubbling back to her lips as she pressed into his touch. Her fingers gripped his back as he pumped into her, mouth busy at her breasts while his thumb searched for her clit.
"Harder?" he murmured at her ear, crooking his fingers inside her indulgently as she ground into his palm.
Lana shook her head, moans and cries giving way to familiar sighs as he drove her close.
"No! That's perfect! Please... don't stop!"
Zoro had no intention of stopping. He hummed his satisfaction against her slick skin, drunk on the sounds she was making and the sensations of her body as it cleaved to his, intoxicated by the pounding of her heart and the heaving of her chest. He chased her high with single-minded focus, persistence rewarded when she tightened suddenly around his fingers. Lana's entire body tensed, then relaxed finally, melting into release as her lover worked her through the tremors of orgasm. She pulled Zoro's lips to hers, mewling her ecstasy into his mouth as he guided her body back down to earth, his fingers leaving her with exquisite timing as she caught her breath. They lay still together for a few moments, Lana savoring the simmering heat of Zoro's body on hers.
"I'm so happy I don't have to miss you anymore," Lana sighed, nails dragging lazily across his scalp while his lips remained fixed to her body.
He started to wander lower again, but Lana wanted to rest. She caught his chin in her hand, pulling his gaze up to hers as her thumb swiped tender circles on his cheek.
"Zoro.. what if..."
She bit her lip, because she already knew what she wanted wasn't practical.
"What is it?" he prompted, resting his head on her stomach as she traced the strong, sharp line of his jaw.
"Never mind."
"No, tell me."
"What if..."
She smoothed over his angular, sweeping eyebrows, fingers trailing down to feel the groove of the new scar that had forever closed his left eye.
"What would you say if I asked you to promise not to leave me again?"
"I never left you and I never will."
Zoro took her hand in his and pressed his lips to her palm, then turned her hand over to kiss each of her knuckles.
"You know what I mean. I don't want to be separated from you again. Not ever."
He laid a kiss to her wrist, then paused, trouble shading his features as he considered his response carefully.
"And if Luffy needs us to separate again?"
Lana sighed heavily. This was the truth that had almost compelled her to hold her silence.
"I can't disobey an order from our captain," she admitted.
"Me neither. But..."
Zoro rose to press his lips to hers reassuringly.
"... barring separation in service to the future king of the pirates," he went on, "... I can promise you this: Nothing else in the world will ever separate us again."
The vow filled Lana with overwhelming joy. She smiled brilliantly, appeased.
"Good," she sighed, wrapping him tighter in her embrace.
<== Previous Chapter
Next Chapter ==>
== First Chapter ==
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idiotwithanipad · 1 month
Actions and Words
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(A young boy finally learns how to talk from the ghost of the tribe's past)
"Boy not learn to make speak yet. He be silent for longer and he never survive hunt. If he can't tell others when deer get closer, how he let them know? "
"He not start speak soon, Wise Elder will kill boy herself..."
Wila bit her lip tightly as she couldn't help but hear the condescending and grizzly whispers ripple through the tribe. She knew her responsibility and it's tremendous importance; children, the boys especially, had to talk. She knew her small son wouldn't be able to get through his life by using his hands and fingers to sign. He'd have to learn the tribe's tongue one day. But teaching him never seemed to make it any clearer.
It was a huge problem. The Wise Elder would watch from afar, regarding the boy with a stoic and heavy expression, as though the mere existence of the boy was destined to be a lost cause.
He was quite content sitting by the river bank and throwing pebbles to see how far away they'd fly, and if he could grow stronger enough to beat his record each time. Sketching shapes and symbols into the earth with sticks. He was a happy boy. But just being happy and full of life wasn't enough.
Many members of the tribe had lost their limbs, eyes, skin and faces by being too happy. Happiness can lead to distractions, and distractions lead to carnage, especially within a tribe surrounded by potential threats. A member of the tribe, a few generations back, had become a warning, a cautionary tale about letting distractions fill your head. He'd been killed. But not by another man, or an animal or coughing and sneezing.
No trace of blood or injury to be seen on him anywhere, yet he still died. Moonah chose to set reminders to how life worked.
'Don't be like the happy man'
Wila pretended not to notice two men eye her and her son as she walked past them, carrying the tiny boy in a leather sack strapped to her back, his pudgy cheeks nesting against her hair. Ahead, the Wise Elder rose her spear and gave an exhausted yet triumph sigh.
The motherland, at last.
Far back in their past, back when the tribe still walked on all fours and ate meat straight from the bones, the Moonah Stones were placed here. The tribe took shelter here rather than in caves. The stones were enough to protect them, that's what they believed. All they needed was fire, and their precious stones.
The sacred site the tribe visited every full Moonah. A place of worship and serenity, the tribe finding the time to gather and tell stories of their ancestors and about their future. Celebrating the prosperity of their tribe and giving thanks to their almight sky mother, Moonah.
Some gave delighted cheers, others let out relieved sighs and slowed down to take breaths, letting the leather satchels and sacks on their shoulders slip off and bangle limp in their hands now that rest could come after such a strenuous hike. Small children who'd been here before took off running past the Wise Elder to get first dibs on which stone was 'theirs'.
Mothers and soon-to-be mothers took their seats underneath the rotten and fungus laced tree that stood a short distance away from the stones. Two warriors placed grass and branches at the center of the ring of upright, hefty stones and started to light a roaring fire.
Wila woke her son, still nestled against her back and pulled him from within the trusty carrier, and instant relief for her upper spine. She set the half asleep and yawning boy down onto the due speckled grass and walked him, hand in hand, towards the stones.
The fire finally caught and took to blaze as they passed into the circle, triumphant chuckles and shoulder pats all around. Andother successful trip with no accidents or run ins with rival tribes of packs of wolves.
Wila sat in the grass, her back propped up against one of the mighty stones, her tiny son held in her lap underneath a blanket of wolf fur. The tribe eventually got over their excitement and puddle water drinking and gathered around to hear some old tales from each member.
The tiny boy, Velu by name, turned in his sleep and slowly awoke, everyone was gathered around, leaning closer to the fire and speaking softly, holding their hands above the flames and gesticulating whimsically to aid their flowing stories. Somebody kept walking from beyond the circle. Velu could see them. From the waist down, the upper portion of the person's body was obscured by darkness, the light from the fire only lit them partially, hidden also behind the broad shoulders and nodding head's of the tribe.
Yet they still circled. Occasionally stopping behind someone and leaning closer, listening. A walk. A pause. A walk. A pause. A lean. A pause. A walk. A back track. A lean. A pause. A walk. Over and over again. Soon, the figure walked away, out of sight into the blackness beyond the reach of the fire's light. Sleep soon took Velu away yet again.
"Time wait for no one, Wila. When little Velu learn words?" A voice called quietly from past the fire. Velu's father sat, curious and concerned eyes flicking down to the boy. Wila stroked her palm, like a gentle feather, over the boys soft hair.
"He talk soon. I make sure he talk soon" She whispered back, giving a slight nod.
The rest of the circle didn't seem too convinced as they glanced amongst each other and shook their heads.
"He must learn. He not talk, he lose focus. End up like-"
The father was cut off by a less than gentle hand reaching over and pressing harshly against his mouth.
"Don't say name. Speak bad of dead and they get big mad" The man warned, looking about as though making sure he wasn't speaking loud enough to be heard by anyone outside of the circle.
Some faces nodded in realisation and turned to look through the darkness behind them, shuffling closer into the small ring of light. Other's, who had aged and wrinkled faces with greying hair and beards, looked almost sorrowful and bowed their heads.
Wila knew why they hung their heads, and she knew why they were frightened. But that was a long time ago, back when her mother and father were still small. Moonah is merciful, she doesn't cut people down anymore.
One of the older ladies held up hand to her chest and spoke.
"Was not an angry man. Never was an angry man. Always happy, take care of babies and friends. Not get mad by-"
She was rudely cut off by the younger man, who's hand was still pressed against Velu's father mouth.
"He alive then. He dead now. Death change people. Make them sharp like spear and bitter like red berries. Bitter 'bout being dead. Speak bad and they make us dead too"
The older woman let her dead roll down into a heavy shake, unwilling to argue and indulge his paranoid superstitions anymore. She knew the truth about the happy man. She was his friend when he was alive.
In a defeated huff and a paranoid stupor, the man pushed himself from the soil and plucked his spear from the grass before taking a few companions and heading into the woods, leaving Velu's father and the ladies alone.
Wila stared down into the flames, contemplating, before the old woman's boney hand landed on her shoulder. A gentle and encouraging smile spread on her hollow cheeks.
"Not fear. Your boy will talk, me know it" She smiled. Wila gave a smile back and nodded, but her smile quickly fell, turning her eyes back to the woman.
"I not sure. I not sure what to do no more. If son not speak, then-"
"Then ask the happy man to help" The old woman suggested, her grin never faltering. Wila stared at her, watching as the old woman drew her hand from her shoulder and focused her gaze back to the fire to warm her hands.
In a silent moment of self reflection, Wila glanced off to her right, to the empty space between the two stones beside her, yet the space still felt as though it had an occupant. Quietly, without looking away, Wila pressed her hands together discreetly in her lap boyond her sleeping son's back, palms and fingertips pressed softly together and trembling. A single tear forming in her eye, hoping that Moonah, or the happy man would hear her mind beg for help and assist her son.
The fire had dwindled to a bronze glow, the tribe slept soundly in their spots and the owls preened in the trees not too far away. Velu had awoken, his dry throat begging for water. Rubbing at his eyes, Velu looked around and noticed the rest of the tribe slept also, including his mother. He turned in her Lap and went to carefully set his foot down into the grass at his mother's side, but stopped.
One member of the tribe was still away, and was watching him. He sat, cross-legged by himself between two of the mighty stones to the right. He looked no different from the rest of the tribe, but his face was unfamiliar. Rival tribes never wore furs, so the chances of this being an intruder was probably very slim.
Velu stepped up from Wila's lap, without waking her, and gave a careful wave to the silent and watchful stranger. The man's eyes seemed to gleam with curiosity and suspense, as though he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He cautiously waved back.
Velu kept his eyes on the stranger as he stood waiting for him to say something. But the stranger said nothing and kept staring, expecting Velu to try something else. The man leaned forward.
Velu waved again, this time with a smile.
The man's eyes widened and his mouth opened into a grin before pushing himself up off of the grass.
"You see? You see Rogh?"
Velu nodded.
The man's two hands slapped hard against his hairy temples as he broke into a round of laughter, loud laughter. So loud that some nearby babies swaddled in their mother's arms turned in their sleep. Velu found the laughter infectious and began to grin.
"Been long time. Big long time since anyone talk to Rogh" The man admitted, finally calming down from his laughter, yet he still vibrated with an inquisitive excitement that seemed to buzz around his aura like lightning.
Velu could only watch the man do all the talking, his troublesome little lips not yet able to form any words of his own. A dark cloud above rolled away, letting a pale light shine from above, catching both of their attention.
"Moonah!" The man beamed, reaching his hands up as though trying to catch the rays in his fingers. Velu copied him and let out a breathy giggle. The man looked back down to Velu and crouched down.
"You say thank to Moonah yet? Not want her to get big mad"
Velu shook his head.
"You not say thank to Moonah?" The man repeated, perplexed, and tilted his head, his matted and scraggly hair hanging at his shoulders.
Velu shook his head and released a hushed series of tiny grunts and bables. The man seemed to retreat from his excitement and confusion and dealve into a demeanour far more complex and contemplating.
"You slow speaker?" The man questioned, yet he seemed sympathetic. Velu only nodded. The man hummed to himself before he looked back up at the shining moon above. He stood and began walking away from the stones, out into the expanse of damp grass before turning his head and glancing over his shoulder at Velu.
"Come on, follow Rogh. He show you".
The man walked further away into the darkness before Velu glanced as his sleeping mother. She would be so happy if he could talk, at last. It would be a big surprise. She could be happy again. Other boys wouldn't pick on him anymore. Moonah would like him. Tribe would be proud.
Velu followed the man.
"Bakou! Bakou! Our son talk!" Wila beamed, tears brimming in her eyes as she held the small boy in one arm whilst harshly jabbing into the man's shoulder with the other. He awoke with a start and snorted, his eyes darting about as though someone had clapped two rock together right in front of him.
"Wha-? Wha-?" He groan, delirous, and sat up straight. Wila sobbed through her laughter and turned to look at her son in her arms who also smiled.
"Velu say word at last!"
Bakou, and others awoken from Wila's cries, watched in scepticism as the boy flapped his arm in excitement. Yet, soon, all scepticism had burned away once the boy shaped his first word and articulated it perfectly.
The tribe were awestruck and thrilled, especially Wila and her small family. Over by the old, rotten and dead tree, the old woman stood, her calloused fingers stroking gently against the bark, her warm smile drifted from the circle to the empty space beside her.
"Thank be to Moonah. And thank be to you, old friend"
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vagabondfandoms · 3 months
More Than A Moment
Falls On Me Part Two
Day Nine: Rosymorn Pilgrimage Route- Sunset
Rating: Teen
Previous Parts: Falls On Me
Previous Chapters: Chapter One 1/2
Tags/Warning: Gale POV, Astarion and Lae'zel being their usual merciless selves. Mentions of the Githyanki history of being rough conquerors. Approx: 1000 words
Summary: The Tadpole Troupe is looking for a place to set up camp and they encounter two Lathander monks seeking help.
The sky was turning a dusty pink as the sun was starting to lower in the sky. Lae'zel, Wyll, and Astarion were out scouting ahead for an ideal place to set up camp, a hard find considering they were on the side of a mountain with rocky formations and steep drops to the lush ground below. 
The trio wasn't out long when they came back escorting two wary individuals wearing dusty traveling cloaks. Gale thought the two strangers were lucky. If Lae’zel or Astarion went out alone these two travelers would probably be dead and thrown over the side of the mountain. But with Wyll out scouting too, these strangers got to live another day.
“We encountered these fine fellows further up the trail. They know of a campground with room enough for all of us.” Astarion says fake cheerfully, clearly not caring about the discomfort of others. “Wyll said we should bring them here as a courtesy so they could see our group is friendly.”
“It was a show of goodwill, Astarion.” Wyll lightly growls, massaging his temples, apparently tired of continuing an argument that Gale wasn’t privy to from before.
Trying to ease the tension, Gale gives out a hearty laugh. 
“Don’t mind those two,” he directs towards the strangers “They often bicker like an old married couple.” Clamping his hands together, Gale puts on a winning smile. “I heard you know of a nearby campsite? You won’t mind all of us sharing the area? The day is almost over and I think everybody here, yourselves included, would like to rest our weary bones.” 
Noticing the travelers still looked suspicious, Gale hastily added. “I promise my pale elf friend won’t bite.”
Astarion huffs but remains quiet.
“You’re welcome to join us...” The balding traveler says nervously, sending a wary look at not Astarion but Lae’zel, who stood rigidly behind him and his companion. “My name is Burnside and this is Peran. We are…well were monks at Rosymorn Monastery before the Gith took over…”
The two monks look sour at the mention of the Githyanki and Lae’zel must have picked up on the disapproving way the man talked about her people because she started mocking them.
“You should be grateful that my people gave you pathetic worshipers a dignified death.“ The Girthyanki warrior sneers. “It’s an honor your little hovel was deemed worthy of my queen.”
“Lae'zel, cut it out.” Copper warns, giving her a reprimanding glare. 
“K’chakhi, you should be glad we are ra’stil…allies, otherwise I would not stand being spoken to like a child.” Lae’zel threatens.
Copper rolls her eyes at the young warrior’s outburst. “Only a child or a simpleton would take pride in mocking the already downtrodden. Aren't you a proud warrior?” The monk crosses her arms and starts tapping her foot, clearly annoyed, before adding, “Start acting like one.”
To Gale’s surprise, Lae’zel gives out a frustrated snarl and stands down, sensing Copper was pulling her age and former rank to get the young warrior to fall into line.  
The scene must have drawn the Lanthander monks’ attention to Copper because their cautious attitudes suddenly change to one of nervous excitement. 
“I knnooow that symbol,” Burnside says shakily, pointing towards Copper’s head and she instinctually tugs at her earring. “You’re a monk! An Ilmatari Broken One*. Those silver teardrops give you away.”
“A novice.” Copper responds, trying to deflect the attention. “Never sent on a formal mission.”
“Yet you are still a Broken One.” Burnside smiles before rushing to continue. “Lanthander and Ilmater are allies. They must have sent you here to help us!”
“Well…I don’t know about that.” Astarion scoffs but his comment goes unnoticed. 
“What do you need Copper’s help with?” Karlach asks, worry already frowning on her brows. Gale can tell the tiefling is protective of her friend but is also eager to help someone in need.
For the first time, Peran opens his mouth with a nervous stutter. “Wee…we haave been trying to-too retriveee the Dawnmasters' remainsss.”
“But the Githyanki have stopped us from even entering our home!” Burnside cuts in, taking over for Peran. His face getting red with anger. “We were only able to explore the upper levels before they kicked us out of the monastery. We were lucky to get out with our lives!”
 “Why should this matter to us?” Shadowheart sneers. “They are three years dead.”
“The Dawnmasters are our most respected clergy…they deserve to be honored in our Lord’s way,” Burnside explains, frowning at the Sharran’s attitude. “We were able to retrieve the bodies of Dawnmasters Seed, Stockhold, and Welkinglory. Only Dawnmaster Vaseid is left to give a proper funeral rite.”
“He…he’s probably in the lower leveeels.” Peran speaks up. “Tuuucked away from our Looord’s ligh…lightt.”
“We aren't some bloody crypt keepers.” Astarion scoffs. “Why should we go out of our way to find some old bones?”
“Ahhh, come on!” Karlach butts in, trying to drown out the vampire's words. “They just want to bury their friend!!!”
“It's not like we aren't going that way,” Wyll thoughtfully adds as Halsin nods along.
Sensing the attitude was shifting towards generosity, Gale decides to ask an important question before the group shifts back towards self-preservation.
“Lae'zel, will your brethren allow us to retrieve this body and bring it topside?”
“I do not see that as a problem as long as we seek the zaith'isk first.” The young warrior answers Gale. “My people aren't known for displaying the corpses of our fallen conquests. Unless it's decreed by our Queen Vlaakith and I highly doubt this…dawn…master was enough to draw my queen’s eye his way.”
The Lathander monks start to protest at the insult but Copper steps in to stop another argument from happening.
“Well, it sounds like you are not only getting a Broken One monk but also a whole adventuring party coming to your aid.” Copper declares, holding out her hand to Burnside to seal the deal.
Gale watches on, feeling proud that even in their time of peril, his party members are still choosing to do some good in this world. Only Astarion and Shadowheart slightly complain about the side quest.
“At least we should ask for a reward for all our troubles.” The vampire whines out, once again getting outvoted.
Author's Note:
I am taking some liberties with the timeline. In-game Creche Y'llek has been established for a long time. But in this story, they only have been in the area for 3 years. I wanted to add more weight to the monk storyline and I thought this was the best place to showcase this class since Copper is also a monk but one from an Ilmater order.
This is also the first time, I wrote what subclass of monk Copper is. In BG3 we only get Open Hand, Way of the Shadows, or Four Elements. But in DnD, Copper is a Broken One. These monks have no temple to call their own. They are wanderers who help out the weak and defend temples from evil. They train in both the healing arts and in tracking down those who do wrong. Hopefully, this can help you make sense of Copper's past and future actions as a monk and give you clues to her backstory.
I hope you continue liking this story even with the slower updates! Summer has been very hectic here and I haven't had time or energy to write. But I am looking forward to writing more about Gale's state of mind once we meet Elminster.
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maswartz · 2 years
Digimon Unity
My idea for a new Digimon series set in modern day.
Years ago two young men accidentally stumbled into a world parallel to Earth, a world made of data and code. They found that this world was inhabited by beings calling themselves Digimon. One of the men embraced the digimon as friends while the other began to plan on how to exploit them. Over the following decades the men began a cyber-tech research and development company in the hopes of finding a way to make the worlds closer together. Eventually they created devices known as the Unity Digivices they could use to bond and merge with digimon. However when one of the men tested the process it nearly ended in tragedy. As he recovered the other man took the chance to initiate a hostile takeover of the company. Years later a high school class is visiting Cyber Zenith, a cybernetics company, on a field trip to learn about the latest in cutting edge technology. However six of the students, Theodore Crossman, Felicity Harte, Grant Nichols, Melissa Meadows, Riley Collins, and Drake Walden get lost and get on an elevator. Unknown to them the man who left the elevator before them put in a code to take them to a secret area known as Unit-D. It is here that they find six experimental devices, the newest model of Unity Digivice. Picking them up they accidentally activate them opening a portal to the Digital World. When they get their bearings the teens realize they have been separated and soon they each encounter the inhabitants of the world, the Digimon. One teen finds himself aided by a three digimon delivery company, another finds herself in the company of a trio of wannabe magicians, the third finds himself with a group of dark dwellers, the fourth finds herself with a trio of fighters, the fifth finds herself with a group of robotic cartographers and the last finds himself with a trio of dragons. None of the digimon know how to get the teens back to the real world due to the natural gates being unreliable. A traveling Veedramon tells them that they can find the answers in Cyber City, the capital city of the Digital World. And so each of the teens begins their journey to the capital. On their way the teens discover that in times of danger they can Unity Digivolve and merge with one of their digimon companions to become a digimon themselves to fight off the growing threats in the Digiworld. Soon after the teens discover this they are given a warning by a Leomon who informs them that according to Digiworld legend any digimon who consumes a human gains the ability to manifest fully into the real world. As such many digimon will be after the teens to gain this power. Leomon also helps the teens learn to master their merged forms and truly fight like digimon. In addition to this threat the teens each encounter a group known as the Gladiators who claim to have been tasked with eliminating all the weak digimon from the digital world. After a while the teen all find each other and catch up on what each had learned about the world and their enemies. Soon after they reach RyCy Nursery where the digimon are shocked to learn from the Jijimon and Babamon running it that Digieggs have stopped showing up. At this point they meet the Veedramon again who dubs the group the Digidestined after an ancient Digiworld myth. Along the way to Cyber City they meet many interesting digimon such as a cult that worships a floppy disk, a city where digimon dress and act like people and a group seeking out legendary artifacts. Before reaching Cyber City the Digidestined meet up with Leomon again. The warrior brings them to a temple dedicated to the myth of the Digidestined and instructs them to place their Digivices within podiums in front of murals of ancient symbols. After a bright light they see that the case of their digivices have been marked with the symbols, each representing a trait. Mind for Theo, Dreams for Felicity, Heart for Grant, Endurance for Melissa, Joy for Riley and Creativity for Drake. After this Leomon joins with them and they finally reach Cyber City but all is not well. Leomon learns from an Owlmon that the king, Victormon is acting suspicious and the warrior joins her in investigating. Victormon meets with the Digidestined and explains that the royal gate has to be in sync with the gate on Earth in order to send them home. Fortunately this will happen soon so he allows them to stay in the city and enjoy the sights. During this time the Gladiators begin to attack causing the Digidestined to engage them in combat. During these battles the digimon gain access to their natural champion forms before the Digidestined reach their ultimate forms. When the time comes to return home however the king betrays the Digidestined and directs the gate to Cyber Zenith’s lab where they are taken captive by security. At this point the CEO of Cyber Zenith, Travis Wilson tells them the truth of the situation. He explains that he was one of the men who discovered the Digiworld and that when they did he began planning how to use the digimon to his advantage. He was the one who came up with the idea for Unity Digivolution as a way to give humanity the power of digimon while the other man saw it as a way to strengthen the bond between them. However only the kind man was able to get the process to work and even then it nearly killed him due to a health issue. So Travis came up with a new plan. Joining forces with Victormon with the promise of ruling the real world they set up the Gladiators to delete large numbers of digimon and redirect the Digieggs to a special server. After experimenting Travis found a way to rewrite the Core Code of a digimon allowing him to force it to take any possible form. An Agumon for example could be forced to become Greymon, Allomon, Tuskmon or Tyrannomon and any of their variants. The process also removed all personality as well as leaving them devoid of color, nothing but mindless puppets. To make matters worse, due to the alteration of their Core Code if they are deleted they are unable to form a Digiegg meaning they die for real. In a final act of spite he calls these beings Cybermon. When the Digidestined express shock and disgust he explains that digimon are nothing but zeroes and ones, a pale imitation of life. However he learned through Victormon that the teens are able to Unity Digivolve and he wants to know how so he prepares to experiment on them. Unknown to him one of the teens recorded him on their normal phone. Fortunately an Ex-Veemon breaks in and rescues the Digidestined, retrieves their digivices and flies away. He lands at a mansion outside the city and brings them inside where he reverts to his rookie form Veemon and splits from his human partner. The man promptly collapses as the Digidestined help him into a bed for his staff of doctors to help. Veemon then returns to his preferred form of Veedramon, revealing himself to have been helping them all along. Once stabilized the man introduces himself as Ron Jones, the other man who discovered the Digiworld. He fills in the gaps of Travis’s story and confirms the details. Explaining that after he lost the company he did not give up on the Digiworld and continued to monitor it with the help of Veedramon. Learning of Travis’s plans he set to work to thwart him leading to the Digidestined ending up in the Digiworld in the first place for which he begs their forgiveness. At this point he opens a gateway allowing the partner digimon to enter the real world explaining that the legend of “consuming a human” really meant that they had to have DNA added to their data, which happened during the Unity Digivolution process. Now it is up to the Digidestined to stop Travis’s plans. Travis does not take this lightly as he has his minions inject their DNA into Cybermon allowing them to enter the real world and be controlled like puppets. He has them create chaos as a way to show off the power he controls and to draw out the Digidestined. During the following battle the world learns of Digimon as well as the identities of the Digidestined. As the Cybermon fall Travis has Victormon send the Gladiator Bosses to the real world by absorbing Core Code from many digimon. In the following battles the Digidestined reach their mega forms and defeat the Gladiators who oppose them. Finally they battle Travis who by this point has learned how to Unity Digivolve with Victormon becoming Emperormon and now Zenithmon. Backed against the wall Zenithmon absorbs the data of the fallen Gladiator Bosses gaining further power. To combat this the Digidestined combine as one to form Hexamon who keeps Zenithmon on the ropes until they play the video of Travis confessing about the Cybermon causing Zenithmon’s combination to fail as the various Gladiators each try to take control or escape in disgust and outrage. The fused warrior is able to defeat the unstable monster ending the threat as Travis is arrested for his crimes. In the aftermath the Digidestined are named humanity’s ambassadors to the Digital World as Ron begins work to stabilize the gateways and create “digital DNA” allowing digimon to enter the real world. The Digidestined and their partners of course are able to travel between worlds at will enjoying life in both. Unity Digivice- Smart phone like devices with multiple functions such as scanning digimon information, maps, and communications. Unity Digivolution- Unity Digivolution combines the data of a digimon with the DNA of a human being creating a hybrid of both based on the next level of that digimon. Natural versions of the result exist but are more bestial in nature, the rule of thumb is any mask on a Unity Digimon is an animal head on the natural version for example. The Digital World- The Digiworld is comprised of data taken from the internet made physical. Older objects are more pixelated. The Digiworld spins backwards compared to earth with the sun rising in the west and setting in the east. Days last 20 hours with 10 hours in daylight and 10 hours of night. A year in the Digital World lasts 100 days without months or weeks. The environment is a mix of nature and tech with trees having wires as vines. Water and other liquids have a paint like texture. Meat grows in the ground and is surprisingly safe for humans to eat. Digimon “eat” by absorbing data from the environment. When a digimon is deleted the data they’ve absorbed is released back into the world while their Core Code returns to Rycy Nursery in the form of a Digiegg. If a digimon’s Core Code is damaged in any way it could risk their memories of their previous life. When a digimon absorbs enough data they can willingly return to a digiegg to begin again. Multiple gateway arches dot the Digiworld allowing access to Earth. However they only open when the opening on both sides are perfectly aligned.  Even then any digimon who passes through will only be a barely visible ghost like being in the real world. These “Wild Gates” also send the user to a random gate on Earth while the Royal Gate can select their destination manually. There are two methods to allow a digimon to fully manifest on Earth. The first is to “consume a human” which many digimon take literally when it truly means to add DNA to their data. The second is to absorb a large amount of Core Code.
The Digidestined
Theodore “Theo” Crossman- “Digidestined of Mind”
16 years old- Brown scraggly hair, thick glasses and hazel eyes. Faded red t-shirt with blue jean shorts, white socks and blue sneakers. Dark red backpack. A cautious and skeptical boy, Theo was determined to get to Cyber City as fast as possible. However soon he learned he couldn’t ignore the trouble of those around him and began helping out wherever he could even when it delayed his journey. Theo prefers to plan things out before acting but in time learns to think with his gut as well as his mind. Arrives in the digital world by the Modem Mountains Digivice: Red/Blue Symbol: A stylized image of a brain from the side Condormon, Toromon and Sharkmon: The three friends run a delivery business across the entire digital world using a wagon Toromon pulls. Their slogan is “only deletion will prevent us from delivering your package” and they intend to stick to it. Theo sticks a delivery label to his bag and uses it as a loophole to get them to take him to Cyber City without much hassle though before long the three consider the boy to be a friend instead of a package. Condormon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Small Bird Digimon Family: Wind Guardians Appearance: A small bird digimon 4ft tall, black body with red tipped wings, light red legs and dark red beak and talons. Personality: Condormon runs the delivery business and takes his job very seriously. Only deletion will prevent him from completing a delivery. Special Move(s): Feather Blades- Flaps his wings at the enemy sending knife like feathers at them Digivolves From: Chickmon Digivolves To: CycloneCondormon CycloneCondormon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Bird Man Digimon Family: Wind Guardians Appearance: A winged humanoid bird digimon wearing a dark red beaked mask 7ft tall. Armed with twin arm mounted crossbows. Black body and red feathers. Legs are light red with dark red talons. Natural Appearance: Natural CycloneCondormon are large bird digimon with a large crossbow on their back Personality: A mix of Theo’s intelligence and Condormon’s determination Special Move(s): Aero Arrow: Shoots an arrow surrounded by a whirlwind at the enemy. Digivolves From: Condormon Digivolves To: Tribeastmon, Tengumon First digivolved to fight Kabuterimon Digivolution: Theo holds the Digivice screen first towards Condormon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Condormon and one towards Theo. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with red and blue digital code floating around. Condormon flies towards Theo as an image of a natural CycloneCondormon appears behind him. “Condormon unity digivolve to..!” Condormon then turns into streams of code and flows into Theo as the boy glows. Wings grow from his back as his feet become talons. As the glow fades clothes and armor form with the crossbows on each arm with the beaked mask being the last to form. The image of a natural CycloneCondormon appears behind them and spreads its wings. “CYCLONECONDORMON!”  As CycloneCondormon both Theo and Condormon speak as one Toromon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Small Bull Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: A small bull digimon with rocky horns. Brown body with rock like horns. 5ft tall and 5ft long. Personality: Kindhearted and mellow, Toromon is only stirred to anger when its friends are threatened in which case it’ll charge into danger to protect them. May not be “smart” but is “wise” Special Move(s): Rocky Charge- A rushing attack Digivolves From: Pebullmon Digivolves To: MineToromon MineToromon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Bull Man Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: A humanoid bull digimon wearing a mining helmet with rock bull horns poking out and rock like armor wielding a pickax. 10ft tall Natural Appearance: Natural MineToromon are large bull digimon with rocky horns and hooves, tail resembles a pickax. Personality: A mix of Theo’s brains and Toromon’s brawn. Special Move(s): Quaking Crash- MineToromon brings his pickax down with a quaking impact. Digivolves From: Toromon Digivolves To: Tribeastmon, Quakemon First digivolved to fight Gigasmon Digivolution: Theo holds the Digivice screen first towards Toromon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Toromon and one towards Theo. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with red and blue digital code floating around. Toromon charges towards Theo as an image of a natural MineToromon appears behind him. “Toromon unity digivolve to..!” Toromon then turns into streams of code and flows into Theo as the boy glows. Horns grow from his head as he gains muscle mass. As the glow fades clothes and armor form with the mining helmet and goggles being the last to form. He reaches out and grabs his pickax. The image of a natural MineToromon appears behind them and stamps its hoof. “MINETOROMON!”   As MineToromon both Theo and Toromon speak as one Sharkmon Level: Rookie Attribute: Virus Type: Small Shark Digimon Family: Deep Savers Appearance: A small shark digimon, navy blue with purple highlights. 4ft tall. Personality: Sharkmon is proud and boastful, they brag that they’re the strongest fighter in the digital sea. For a while he tries to deny his friendship with Theo saying that he’s only with him to “deliver” him to Cyber City but in time he admits he’s fond of the human. Special Move(s): Surging Strike- Charges at the enemy covered in water Digivolves From: Floatsamon Digivolves To: SawSharkmon SawSharkmon Level: Champion Attribute: Virus Type: Shark Digimon Family: Deep Savers Appearance: A humanoid shark digimon with flippers and a shark themed swim mask. Armed with twin fins on his arm that help boost his agility in the water and can be used as blades on land. 7ft tall. Body is dark navy blue with purple highlights Natural Appearance: Natural SawSharkmon are large shark digimon with sharp blades as fins and tail. Personality: A mix of Theo’s wit and Sharkmon’s arrogance Special Move(s): Ripping Currents- Sends a watery slash at the enemy Digivolves From: Sharkmon Digivolves To: Tribeastmon, SurgeSharkmon First digivolved to fight Coelamon Digivolution: Theo holds the Digivice screen first towards Sharkmon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Sharkmon and one towards Theo. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with red and blue digital code floating around. Sharkmon swims towards Theo as the image of natural SawSharkmon appears behind him. “Sharkmon unity digivolve to..!” Sharkmon then turns into streams of code and flows into Theo as the boy glows. Fins grow from his body as his feet become flippers. As the glow fades clothes and armor form with the fins on each arm and the swim mask being the last to form. The image of a natural SawSharkmon appears behind them and chomps its jaws. “SAWSHARKMON!”   As SawSharkmon both Theo and Sharkmon speak as one Tribeastmon Level: Ultimate Attribute: Data Type: Chimera Digimon Family: Unknown Appearance: A chimera like digimon with the torso of a bull, the wings and talons of an bird and the tail and fins of a shark. Head has horns of bull, beak of bird and jaws of shark. Has a visor covering his eyes. 6ft tall and 11ft long. Personality: Tribeastmon has adapted for battle in the sky, on the land and under the waves. Often has trouble holding back their power. Special Move(s): Triorb Blast- Their horns generates an orb of wind, stone and water before blasting it at the enemy. Digivolves From: CycloneCondormon, MineToromon, SawSharkmon Digivolves To: Trinitymon First digivolved to fight Manticoremon Digivolution: Theo holds the Digivice screen first towards Condormon, Toromon and Sharkmon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Theo. Text on the screen reads out “Ultimate Unity Digivolution”. The four end up in a black void with red and blue digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Theo with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them. “Condormon! Toromon! Sharkmon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Theo as the boy glows. He falls to all fours as his hands become talons and his feet become hooves. His body grows as wings grow from his back and a shark tail emerges. Horns grow from his head as a beak forms with jaws biting. A visor covers his eyes as the glow fades revealing “TRIBEASTMON!”   As Tribeastmon the four speak at once but their voices echo over each other. Trinitymon Level: Mega Attribute: Vaccine Type: United Beast Digimon Family: Virus Buster Appearance: An armored winged humanoid digimon with a helmet resembling Tribeastmon’s face with bull horns, condor beak and open shark mouth with a human mouth visible inside it. A gold condor face clasp sits on his chest. Golden gauntlet gloves with the left having a shark design complete with biting jaw and the right having a bull design complete with horns. Boots have a hoof design in the front with a fin on the back and wings on the outside. Wields the Trinity Blade made of MineToromon’s pickax, SawSharkmon’s fin blades and CycloneCondormon’s arrow. 12ft tall. Personality: Calm and calculating. Able to plan ahead of the enemy. Special Move(s): Slash of Life- A powerful slash with the Trinity Blade Digivolves From: Tribeastmon Digivolves To: Hexamon First digivolved during a fight with Callismon Digivolution: From base: Theo holds the Digivice screen first towards Condormon, Toromon and Sharkmon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Theo. Text on the screen reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution”. The four end up in a black void with red and blue digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Theo with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them. “Condormon! Toromon! Sharkmon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Theo as the boy glows. The image of Tribeastmon forms before breaking apart into code as armor forms along his body with wings growing from his back and the gloves forming next. The helmet is the last to form. “TRINITYMON!”  From Tribeastmon: Text on the digivice reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution” Tribeastmon is in the void when Theo’s form glows within him and stands up before breaking into red and blue DNA strands and flowing into the Digimon causing it to glow. “Tribeastmon Digivolve to...!” He stands up with his back legs becoming legs and his front legs becoming arms as armor and gloves forms on his body. The tail and fins fade as the wings change in size. The last bit formed is the helmet. “TRINITYMON!” As Trinitymon all four speak as one but now in total unison. Hypothetical Digivolutions Slingmon Condormon + Toromon Humanoid bull digimon with a sling attached to horns it uses to shoot balls of air. Feathered cape. Jetstreamon Condormon + Sharkmon Humanoid pelican digimon with a water pack on its back that acts as propulsion and ammo for arm blasters Hammerheadmon Toromon + Sharkmon Humanoid hammerhead shark digimon with a bull horn helmet and a rocky war hammer
Felicity Harte- “Digidestined of Dreams”
16 years old- Long black hair with pink highlights and green eyes. Pink tank top over a short sleeve white shirt. Pink skirt with matching star pattern, black leggings with white socks and pink sneakers. White purse. An optimistic girl obsessed with fantasy and the supernatural, Felicity at first thought she was dreaming until a close call woke her up. She is cheerful and befriends all those she encounters on her way to Cyber City. Much later she learns one of the legendary digidestined wrote her favorite fantasy book series. Her parents are both lawyers with her mother covering criminal cases and her father civil cases. Arrives in the digital world by the Lan Lake Digivice: Pink/White Symbol: A thought balloon PyroFaemon, SparkSpritemon and FrostNymphmon: The trio are studying magic trying to become great mages. However after meeting Felicity the trio must decide why they want to become powerful as they join her on her way to Cyber City vowing to keep the girl safe. PyroFaemon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Fire Fairy Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: A fiery fairy digimon. Small with orange flame instead of hair. Purple smoke follows them. Small fiery fairy wings. 3ft tall. Personality: Headstrong and boastful. She’ll rush into a fight to prove herself. Special Move(s): Fairy Flame- A burst of magical flame Digivolves From: Faemon Digivolves To: WilloWispmon WilloWispmon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Burning Fairy Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: A burning fairy digimon. Wears fire pattern skirt that stops above the knees, crop top with bright red vest over it, calf high boots and fingerless gloves. Short bright red hair made of flame. Large burning fairy wings. Two orbs of flame orbit around her at all times. 6ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural WilloWispmon are orbs of flame with faces and two smaller orbs orbiting them. Personality: A mix of Felicity’s cheer and PyroFaemon’s fieriness. Special Move(s): Scorching Spheres- Shoots flame from the orbs floating around her. Digivolves From: PyroFaemon Digivolves To: Fabledmon, Bansheemon First digivolved to fight Tuskmon Digivolution: Felicity holds the Digivice screen first towards PyroFaemon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards PyroFaemon and one towards Felicity. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with pink and white digital code floating around. PyroFaemon rushes towards Felicity as the image of a natural WilloWispmon appears behind her. “PyroFaemon unity digivolve to..!” PyroFaemon then turns into streams of code and flows into Felicity as the girl glows. She grows as flames forms her clothing and hair as wings grow from her back. As the glow fades the twin flame orbs blaze on. The image of a natural WilloWispmon appears behind them and flares out its flames. “WILLOWISPMON!”   As WilloWispmon both Felicity and PyroFaemon speak as one SparkSpritemon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Electric Fairy Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: An electric fairy digimon. Yellow with black clouds for shoulder pads with lightning spike on each shoulder. Lightning pattern flows from the cloud along arms. 5ft tall. Personality: Mischievous and tricky. Special Move(s): Boomerang Bolt- Throws lightning spike at the enemy. Digivolves From: Spritemon Digivolves To: StormSlyphmon StormSlyphmon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Thunder Fairy Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: An electric fairy digimon. Blonde hair in pigtails flows with electricity. Wears a minidress of clouds that stops at the knees, gloves reach to her elbows and knee high boots. Lighting spikes on the back of each hand and top of each foot. 7ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural StormSlyphmon have bodies of clouds with limbs of lightning. Personality: A mix of Felicity’s impulsiveness and SparkSpritemon’s trickiness Special Move(s): Thunder Strike Spike- Shots lightning from the spikes on her hands or uses them to stab or slash. Digivolves From: SparkSpritemon Digivolves To: Fabledmon First digivolved to fight Coredramon Digivolution: Felicity holds the Digivice screen first towards SparkSpritemon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards SparkSpritemon and one towards Felicity. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with pink and white digital code floating around. SparkSpritemon speeds towards Felicity as the image of a natural StormSlyphmon appears behind her. “SparkSpritemon unity digivolve to..!” SparkSpritemon then turns into streams of code and flows into Felicity as the girl glows. She grows as lightning forms her clothing with clouds forming her minidress. As the glow fades the lightning spikes form and her hair sparks. The image of a natural StormSlyphmon appears behind them and sparks its limbs. “STORMSLYPHMON!”   As StormSlyphmon both Felicity and SparkSpritemon speak as one FrostNymphmon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Snow Fairy Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: A frozen fairy digimon with a body of ice and frost. Wears a parka with a skirt and dark blue leggings. Wears ice skates. 3ft tall Personality: Graceful and elegant Special Move(s): Frozen Wake- Skates past the enemy leaving a wake of ice behind her Digivolves From: Nymphmon Digivolves To: Selkiemon Selkiemon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Ice Fairy Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: A frozen fairy digimon wearing a seal pattern coat as well as arm length gloves. Ice skates are sharper and formed of pure ice. Blue hair is frozen with icicle style bangs over her eyes. Wields a spear. 6ft tall Natural Appearance: Natural Selkiemon are seal digimon with icy flippers. Personality: A mix of Felicity’s self confidence and FrostNymphmon’s grace. Special Move(s): Snow Spear- Stabs with a frozen strike Digivolves From: FrostNymphmon Digivolves To: Fabledmon, BlizzardSelkiemon First digivolved to fight FlareLizamon Digivolution: Felicity holds the Digivice screen first towards FrostNymphmon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards FrostNymphmon and one towards Felicity. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with pink and white digital code floating around. FrostNymphmon skates towards Felicity as the image of a natural Selkiemon appears behind her. “FrostNymphmon unity digivolve to..!” FrostNymphmon then turns into streams of code and flows into Felicity as the girl glows. She grows as ice forms her seal coat and hair. As the glow fades the ice skates form and her spear appears. The image of a natural Selkiemon appears behind them and claps its flippers. “SELKIEMON!”   As Selkiemon both Felicity and FrostNymphmon speak as one Fabledmon Level: Ultimate Attribute: Vaccine Type: Fairy Godmother Digimon Family: Virus Busters Appearance: A fairy guardian who grants wishes to the innocent and punishes the guilty. Wears a pointed pink hat with a star on the end. A pink veil obscures her eyes. Pink and blue dress with wide sleeves. No legs, a pink orb comes out the bottom of the dress with three smaller orbs trailing behind. Glittering pink wings. Wields a star wand. 10ft tall. Personality: Kind and caring with a wrathful side. Special Move(s): Wonderful Wish- A defensive spell that creates barriers and heals wounds. Grim Wish- An offensive spell that harms the wicked. Digivolves From: WilloWispmon, StormSlyphmon, Selkiemon Digivolves To: Titaniamon First digivolved to fight Sephirothmon Digivolution: Felicity holds the Digivice screen first towards PyroFaemon, SparkSpritemon and FrostNymphmon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Felicity. Text on the screen reads out “Ultimate Unity Digivolution”. The four end up in a black void with pink and white digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Felicity with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them. “PyroFaemon! SparkSpritemon! FrostNymphmon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Felicity as the girl glows. She grows as flame, lighting and ice covers her body forming her dress as her legs fade. As the glow fades her hat, wings and orb form and she claps her hands to form the star wand. “FABLEDMON!”   As Fabledmon the four speak at once but their voices echo over each other. Titaniamon Level: Mega Attribute: Vaccine Type: United Fairy Digimon Family: Virus Buster Appearance: A humanoid fairy digimon in an elegant star patterned dress wearing an opera style mask with a starry pattern. A master of fairy magic. Glimmering wings. Wields a star scepter. 12ft tall Personality: Powerful and graceful Special Move(s): Bolt of the Burning Blizzard- Strikes the enemy with a lightning bolt that simultaneously burns and freezes them. Digivolves From: Fabledmon Digivolves To: Hexamon First digivolved during a fight with Ghoulmon Digivolution: From base: Felicity holds the Digivice screen first towards PyroFaemon, SparkSpritemon and FrostNymphmon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Felicity. Text on the screen reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution”. The four end up in a black void with pink and white digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Felicity with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them. “ PyroFaemon! SparkSpritemon! FrostNymphmon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Felicity as the girl glows and grows. The image of Fabledmon forms before breaking apart into code as a star patterned dress forms along her body with an opera style mask. Her wings grow from her back as the glow fades. Her star scepter being the last to form. “TITANIAMON!”   From Fabledmon: Text on the digivice reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution” Fabledmon is in the void when Felicity’s form glows within her before breaking into pink and white DNA strands and flowing into the Digimon causing it to glow. “Fabledmon Digivolve to...!” She twirls around as she grows. Her dress grows longer into a star patterned dress. The orb glows and forms legs. Her hat fades away and the star wand grows into a scepter. As the glow fades the opera mask forms as well as her wings. “TITANIAMON!” As Titaniamon all four speak as one but now in total unison.
Grant Nichols- “Digidestined of Heart”
17 years old- Short brown hair and brown eyes. Athletic build with strong arms and legs. Wears a dark red sports jersey with the number 97 in white. Blue jean shorts. Carries a dark navy duffel bag with some sports equipment in it. Grant is the school’s top athlete, a triple threat at soccer, baseball and football. Ironically his favorite sport is basketball which he’s horrible at. He’s smarter than he gives himself credit for. He has a natural talent for reading the emotions of others and does not enjoy seeing others suffer. As a result he has zero tolerance for bullies and when he learns about the Gladiators he vows to stop them even if he has to do it alone. His heart helps open his partners up to the world. Arrives in the digital world by the Circuit Caverns Digivice: Brown/Maroon Symbol: Two open hands side by side with a stylized heart between them Cobramon, Webmon and Echomon: This trio of virus digimon are used to others looking down on them or fearing them due to their typing. To their surprise however Grant put himself in harms way to defend them from an attacking Gladiator. In gratitude they join the boy to keep him company on his way to Cyber City. Cobramon Level: Rookie Attribute: Virus Type: Small Snake Digimon Family: Nightmare Soldiers Appearance: Small Snake digimon with a wide hood with a brain like pattern on it. 3ft long. Personality: Silent and wise. Tends to overthink things before acting. Special Move(s): Psy Strike- A strike with psychic energy Digivolves From: Rattlemon Digivolves To: Nagamon Nagamon Level: Champion Attribute: Virus Type: Snake Man Digimon Family: Nightmare Soldiers Appearance: Humanoid snake digimon with snake tail instead of legs. Snake head helmet, chest plate armor. A snake is wrapped around each arm and used as weapons or to focus her psychic powers. 7ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural Nagamon have a scaly body with a snake head, arms end in snake heads. Personality: A mix of Grant’s heart and Cobramon’s wisdom. Special Move(s): Psychic Serpent- Shoots a snake of mental energy at the enemy from the snakes on her arms. Digivolves From: Cobramon Digivolves To: Harmanicmon, Gorgonmon First digivolved to fight Harpymon Digivolution: Grant holds the Digivice screen first towards Cobramon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Cobramon and one towards Grant. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with brown and maroon digital code floating around. Cobramon slithers towards Grant as the image of a natural Nagamon appears behind him. “Cobramon unity digivolve to..!” Cobramon then turns into streams of code and flows into Grant as the boy glows. His legs join together forming a tail as a snake wraps around each arm. As the glow fades the armor and helmet forms. The image of a natural Nagamon appears behind them and shakes its tail. “NAGAMON!”   As Nagamon both Grant and Cobramon speak as one Webmon Level: Rookie Attribute: Virus Type: Small Spider Digimon Family: Nightmare Soldiers Appearance: A small spider digimon with eight legs. Four eyes on each side of his head. 4ft tall. Personality: Determined to grow stronger and stronger. Refuses to let anyone push him around again. Special Move(s): Web Punch- A series of punches. Digivolves From: Arachmon Digivolves To: Tarantumon Tarantumon Level: Champion Attribute: Virus Type: Spider Man Digimon Family: Nightmare Soldiers Appearance: A humanoid spider digimon with webbing gloves, walks on four of its legs using the other four as arms. Spider head helmet with four eyes on each eye. 8ft tall Natural Appearance: Natural Tarantumon are spider digimon that walk on six legs using the front two to attack Personality: A mix of Grant’s protective nature and Webmon’s pride. Special Move(s): Tarantula Thrashing- A series of strong punches. Digivolves From: Webmon Digivolves To: Harmanicmon, Anansimon First digivolved to fight NiseDrimogemon Digivolution: Grant holds the Digivice screen first towards Webmon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Webmon and one towards Grant. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with brown and maroon digital code floating around. Webmon crawls towards Grant as the image of a natural Tarantumon appears behind him. “Webmon unity digivolve to..!” Webmon then turns into streams of code and flows into Grant as the boy glows. His legs split into four as his arms split into four as well.  As the glow fades the spider helmet forms. The image of a natural Tarantumon appears behind them and shoots webbing. “TARANTUMON!”   As Tarantumon both Grant and Webmon speak as one Echomon Level: Rookie Attribute: Virus Type: Small Bat Digimon Family: Nightmare Soldiers Appearance: A small bat digimon with a blindfold on. Large ears always moving to ear better. 5ft tall. Personality: Spiritual and silent. Only speaks when he has something to say. Special Move(s): Night Scream- A sonic blast attack Digivolves From: Batmon Digivolves To: Vampmon Vampmon Level: Champion Attribute: Virus Type: Bat Man Digimon Family: Nightmare Soldiers Appearance: Humanoid bat with wings on his arms. Bat head helmet with pitch black lenses. Sees via sensing chi. 8ft tall Natural Appearance: Natural Vampmon are bat digimon with eyeless faces. Personality: A mix of Grant’s empathy and Echomon’s spirituality. Special Move(s): Sonic Scream- A loud sonic blast attack Digivolves From: Echomon Digivolves To: Harmanicmon, Nosfermon First digivolved to fight ShimaUnimon Digivolution: Grant holds the Digivice screen first towards Echomon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Echomon and one towards Grant. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with brown and maroon digital code floating around. Echomon flies towards Grant as the image of a natural Vampmon appears behind him. “Echomon unity digivolve to..!” Echomon then turns into streams of code and flows into Grant as the boy glows. Wings grow from his arms as his posture changes. As the glow fades the bat helmet forms. The image of a natural Vampmon appears behind them and flaps its wings. “VAMPMON!”   As Vampmon both Grant and Echomon speak as one Harmanicmon Level: Ultimate Attribute: Virus Type: Manic Digimon Family: Nightmare Soldiers Appearance: Three jewel eyes, bat head, snake body and tail, spider legs from back with webbing acting as wings. 5ft tall and 10ft long. Personality: Determined and powerful. Special Move(s): Disharmony Mantra- A wave of energy that disrupts the enemies balance of mind body and spirit. Harmonic Mantra- A wave of energy that boosts himself or his allies. Digivolves From: Nagamon, Tarantumon, Vampmon Digivolves To: Chakramon First digivolved to fight Oboromon Digivolution: Grant holds the Digivice screen first towards Cobramon, Webmon and Echomon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Grant. Text on the screen reads out “Ultimate Unity Digivolution”. The four end up in a black void with brown and maroon digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Grant with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them. “Cobramon! Webmon! Echomon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Grant as the boy glows. He falls to the ground as his legs merge into a snake tail and his arms merge with his torso. Eight spider legs grow from his back with webbing between them. His head becomes that of a bat with three shining jewel eyes as the glow fades. “HARMANICMON!”   As Harmanicmon the four speak at once but their voices echo over each other. Chakramon Level: Mega Attribute: Virus Type: United Balance Digimon Family: Virus Buster Appearance: Gem on each chakra point. Lean muscled warrior with staff. Bat wing cape with snake scale shorts with webbing combat wraps on arms and legs Personality: Wise warrior whose mind body and spirit are in perfect balance. Special Move(s): Shining Chakra Gems- The gems begin to shine and the light moves along the gems focusing in the third eye gem before firing a beam of energy. Digivolves From: Harmanicmon Digivolves To: Hexamon First digivolved during a fight with Zanbamon Digivolution: From base: Grant holds the Digivice screen first towards Cobramon, Webmon and Echomon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Grant. Text on the screen reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution”. The four end up in a black void with brown and maroon digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Grant with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them. “Cobramon! Webmon! Echomon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Grant as the boy glows. The image of Harmanicmon forms before breaking apart into code as seven lights shine along his body. Lean muscles form as webbing combat wraps form on their arms and legs. The snake scale shorts form with the bat wing cape following. A staff forms in his hands. As the glow fades the shining lights become a gem on each chakra. “CHAKRAMON!”   From Harmanicmon: Text on the digivice reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution” Harmanicmon is in the void when Grant’s form glows within him and stands up before breaking into brown and maroon DNA strands and flowing into the Digimon causing it to glow. “Harmanicmon Digivolve to...!” He stands up as the spider legs merge into arms and the snake tail becomes legs. The bat head becomes humanoid as seven lights shine along his body. Lean muscles form as webbing combat wraps form on his arms and legs. Snake scale shorts form followed by bat wing cape. A staff forms in his hands. The glow fades with the shining lights becoming gems on each chakra. “CHAKRAMON!” As Chakramon all four speak as one but now in total unison.
Melissa Meadows- “Digidestined of Endurance”
16 years old- Short brown hair and brown eyes. Yellow tank top with orange hoodie tied around her waist. Brown cargo shorts green camouflage pattern with black socks and orange sneakers. Yellow backpack. Melissa is a tomboy who loves the wilderness and treats the Digital World as a challenge to overcome. She loves to spend time outdoors and knows many survival skills and carries vital items with her for emergencies. Arrives in the digital world in the WiFi Woods Digivice: Yellow/Orange Symbol: A flower growing from a seed Kabumon, Ladimon and Kuwamon: This trio of siblings love to debate about which is more important in a fight, offense, speed or defense. When they find Melissa she’s in the middle of defending herself against a digimon impressing the trio with her skill. They dub her their queen, a habit Melissa tries multiple times to stop, and follow her to Cyber City. Kabumon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Beetle Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Blue rhino beetle digimon with red highlights. carries a beetle shaped shield. 4ft tall Personality: Defensive and always on the look out for an attack. Special Move(s): Bug Barrier- Uses his shield to redirect attacks Digivolves From: Mushimon Digivolves To: ArmorBeetlemon ArmorBeetlemon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Armored Beetle Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Humanoid rhino beetle. Blue body with red highlights. Each arm has a kabuto beetle inspired shield. Helmet has kabuto horn. Back has armored wings. 8ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural ArmorBeetlemon are giant beetle digimon with a large horn and shield like wings. Personality: A mix of Melissa’s skill and Kabumon’s protectiveness. Special Move(s): Beetle Barrier- Absorbs enemy attack and redirects it with the horns on her arm shields. Digivolves From: Kabumon Digivolves To: Scarabmon, GuardianBeetlemon First digivolved to fight Gorimon Digivolution: Melissa holds the Digivice screen first towards Kabumon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Kabumon and one towards Melissa. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with yellow and orange digital code floating around. Kabumon flies towards Melissa as the image of a natural ArmorBeetlemon appears behind him. “Kabumon unity digivolve to..!” Kabumon then turns into streams of code and flows into Melissa as the girl glows. She grows more sturdy as armor forms along her body. Armored wings form on her back as her arm shields form. As the glow fades her helmet forms. The image of a natural ArmorBeetlemon appears behind them and clicks its mandibles. “ARMORBEETLEMON!”   As ArmorBeetlemon both Melissa and Kabumon speak as one Ladimon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Beetle Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Red ladybug digimon with black spots along her body. Always flying. 3ft tall. Personality: Impatient and always eager to move fast. Special Move(s): Bug Blitz- A series of quick strikes Digivolves From: Mushimon Digivolves To: RapidBeetlemon RapidBeetlemon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Swift Beetle Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Humanoid ladybug. Ladybug antennae with ladybug eye goggles. Wears a red sleeveless leotard with black spots that ends above her knees. Backpack has ladybug back with wings. Arm guards with three red ribbons with black spots, leg guards with three red ribbons with black spots. Boots and gloves. 6ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural RapidBeetlemon are giant humanoid ladybug digimon with a booster pack on their back. Personality: A mix of Melissa’s endurance and Ladimon’s impatience Special Move(s): Beetle Blitz- A rapid series of blows. Digivolves From: Ladimon Digivolves To: Scarabmon, FlashBeetlemon First digivolved to fight Yaksamon  Digivolution: Melissa holds the Digivice screen first towards Ladimon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Ladimon and one towards Melissa . Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with yellow and orange digital code floating around. Ladimon flies towards Melissa as the image of a natural RapidBeetlemon appears behind her. “Ladimon unity digivolve to..!” Ladimon then turns into streams of code and flows into Melissa as the girl glows. Ladybug wings emerge from her back as the leotard forms. The arm and leg guards form next with the ribbons coming off them. Next the boot and gloves form. As the glow fades the goggles and antennae form. The image of a natural RapidBeetlemon appears behind them speeding towards them. “RAPIDBEETLEMON!”   As RapidBeetlemon both Melissa and Ladimon speak as one Kuwamon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Beetle Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Crimson stag beetle digimon with blue highlights. Bladed mandible horns. 4ft tall. Personality: Cautious and always ready for a fight. Believes the best way to end a threat is strong offense. Special Move(s): Bug Blades- Slashes with bladed mandibles. Digivolves From: Mushimon Digivolves To: SaberBeetlemon SaberBeetlemon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Slashing Beetle Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Humanoid stag beetle digimon with crimson armored chest plate. Arms and legs are lightly armored. Stag beetle helmet, armed with twin curved blades. 8ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural SaberBeetlemon are giant stag beetle digimon with sharp mandibles. Personality: A mix of Melissa’s confidence and Kuwamon’s preparedness Special Move(s): Beetle Blades- A piercing slash with the curved blades. Digivolves From: Kuwamon Digivolves To: Scarabmon, BladeBeetlemon First digivolved to fight Saberdramon Digivolution: Melissa holds the Digivice screen first towards Kuwamon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Kuwamon and one towards Melissa. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with yellow and orange digital code floating around. Kuwamon rushes towards Melissa as the image of a natural SaberBeetlemon appears behind him. “Kuwamon unity digivolve to..!” Kuwamon then turns into streams of code and flows into Melissa as the girl glows. An armored chest plate forms as armor forms on arms and legs. The twin blades form in their hands and as the glow fades the helmet forms. The image of a natural SaberBeetlemon appears behind them slashing with its arm blades. “SABERBEETLEMON!”   As SaberBeetlemon both Melissa and Kuwamon speak as one Scarabmon Level: Ultimate Attribute: Virus Type: Scarab Beetle Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: A large insect digimon with kabuto horn, stag mandibles and ladybug wings. 10ft tall. Personality: Brash and bold, overly confident in their abilities. Special Move(s): Scarab Strike- A rushing strike. Digivolves From: ArmorBeetlemon, RapidBeetlemon, SaberBeetlemon Digivolves To: QueenBeetlemon First digivolved to fight Matadormon Digivolution: Melissa holds the Digivice screen first towards Kabumon, Ladimon and Kuwamon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Melissa. Text on the screen reads out “Ultimate Unity Digivolution”. The four end up in a black void with yellow and orange digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Melissa with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them. “Kabumon! Ladimon! Kuwamon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Melissa as the girl glows. She falls to all fours as an extra pair of limbs grows and all six become insect legs. Wings grow out of her back as a kabuto horn grows from her head joined by stag mandibles. As the glow fades she begins to hover. “SCARABMON!”   As Scarabmon the four speak at once but their voices echo over each other. QueenBeetlemon Level: Mega Attribute: Vaccine Type: United Beetle Digimon Family: Virus Buster Appearance: Humanoid beetle with wings. Armored leotard, helmet is top view of a beetle with bug eye lenses and exposed mouth, from top is a rhino beetle horn with ladybug antennae on the outside with stag beetle mandibles on the outside of those. Gloves, boots, and breastplate have more armor. Legs, arms and back have jet boosters built in to boost speed and increase striking power. Personality: Less brash but still confident in their skill. Special Move(s): Beetle Beatdown- A series of high speed punches. Digivolves From: Scarabmon Digivolves To: Hexamon First digivolved during a fight with GranKuwagamon Digivolution: From base: Melissa holds the Digivice screen first towards Kabumon, Ladimon and Kuwamon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Melissa. Text on the screen reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution”. The four end up in a black void with yellow and orange digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Melissa with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them. “Kabumon! Ladimon! Kuwamon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Melissa as the girl glows and grows. The image of Scarabmon forms before breaking apart into code as beetle wings grow from her back. An armored leotard forms with gloves and boots following. As the glow fades the gloves, boots, and breastplate gain additional armor. The last thing to form is the helmet. “QUEENBEETLEMON!”   From Scarabmon: Text on the digivice reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution” Scarabmon is in the void when Melissa’s form glows within her and stands up before breaking into yellow and orange DNA strands and flowing into the Digimon causing it to glow. “Scarabmon Digivolve to...!” She stands up as her six legs turn into two arms and two legs. Her wings merge into the beetle wings as the armored leotard forms. The additional glove, boot and breastplate armor form as the helmet forms on her head and the glow fades. “QUEENBEETLEMON!” As QueenBeetlemon all four speak as one but now in total unison.
Riley Collins- “Digidestined of Joy”
14 years old- Blonde hair to her shoulders with blue eyes. Lime green t-shirt with a cartoon dog dressed as a detective chasing a cartoon cat dressed as a phantom thief. Text above them reads “The Adventures of Dogtective and LuPurr”. Blue jean shorts with white socks and green sneakers. Riley is the class clown, always ready with a joke to make someone laugh. Her philosophy is that a day she makes a stranger smile is a day not wasted. In time however her jokes become a coping mechanism to keep herself from breaking down from the stress of her situation, a situation the other digidestined are aware of and try to help. Arrives in the digital world by the Ping Plains Digivice: Lime Green/Cyan Symbol: A stylized smiley face Dronemon, Meltalmon and Roborgmon: This trio are dedicated to mapping out the digital world and tend to act more robotic than most digimon, however after meeting Riley they begin to open up and develop emotions. This isn’t always a pleasant experience but the three decide it’s worth the pain and dedicate themselves to protecting her as they escort her to Cyber City. Along the way Riley teaches them to truly experience the locations they map instead of coldly documenting them. Dronemon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Drone Digimon Family: Metal Empire Appearance: A flying bronze robot digimon with two gas canisters for propulsion and wings. No legs and robotic pincer claws for arms. 3ft tall Personality: Inquisitive with an eye for detail. Soon develops an interest in photography. Special Move(s): Drone Dropper- Flies over the enemy and releases small bombs with explosive gas which detonate on impact. Digivolves From: Cammon Digivolves To: Aerobotmon Aerobotmon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Flying Robot Digimon Family: Metal Empire Appearance: Steampunk rocketeer with jetpack with wings for longer flight. Bronze armor along body. 6ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural Aerobotmon resemble unmanned spy planes. Personality: A mix of Riley’s impulsiveness and Dronemon’s curiosity. Special Move(s): Airstrike Assault- Shoots a series of missiles from the jetpack which fly up high and rain down on the enemy Gas Missiles- Shoots missiles filled with explosive gas that detonates on impact. Digivolves From: Dronemon Digivolves To: MagneTalosmon, SkyStrikemon First digivolved to fight Diatrymon Digivolution: Riley holds the Digivice screen first towards Dronemon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Dronemon and one towards Riley. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with lime green and cyan digital code floating around. Dronemon flies towards Riley as the image of a natural Aerobotmon appears behind him. “Dronemon unity digivolve to..!” Dronemon then turns into streams of code and flows into Riley as the girl glows. Bronze armor forms on her body as she grows in height. A jetpack forms on her back as missiles form on her forearms. As the glow fades wings extend from the jetpack and goggles form on her face. The image of a natural Aerobotmon appears behind them shooting missiles. “AEROBOTMON!”   As Aerobotmon both Riley and Dronemon speak as one Meltalmon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Liquid Metal Digimon Family: Metal Empire Appearance: A small liquid metal digimon. Shaped like a water drop with the liquid metal within them flowing through their arms and legs. 2ft tall. Personality: Adventurous and daring. After an incident where Riley is hurt he finds himself overcome by fear and panic until she helps him learn that bravery isn’t the absence of fear but mastering fear. Special Move(s): Metal Spray- A spray of liquid metal from his hands. Digivolves From: Mercumon Digivolves To: Quicksilvmon Quicksilvmon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Quicksilver Digimon Family: Metal Empire Appearance: Liquid metal robot digimon with a tank of liquid metal on its back connected by hoses to its hands. Nozzles in fingers release the liquid metal as it uses the liquid metal to create weapons and barriers. 4ft tall Natural Appearance: Natural Quicksilvmon are amorphous blobs of metallic liquid. Personality: A mix of Riley’s humor and Meltalmon’s daring. Special Move(s): Quicksilver Slasher- Forms a slashing weapon and strikes the enemy. Digivolves From: Meltalmon Digivolves To: MagneTalosmon, Mercualmon First digivolved to fight Reppamon Digivolution: Riley holds the Digivice screen first towards Meltalmon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Meltalmon and one towards Riley. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with lime green and cyan digital code floating around. Meltalmon rushes towards Riley as the image of a natural Quicksilvmon appears behind him. “Meltalmon unity digivolve to..!” Meltalmon then turns into streams of code and flows into Riley as the girl glows. Silver armor forms on her body as she changes in height. A tank forms on her back and fills with liquid metal. Hoses shoot out from the tank and insert into the back of her hands and a visor forms on her head as the glow fades. The image of a natural Quicksilvmon appears behind them flinging metallic goo. “QUICKSILVMON!”   As Quicksilvmon both Riley and Meltalmon speak as one Roborgmon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Robotic Digimon Family: Metal Empire Appearance: Small robotic digimon with gold accents along his body. Gear shoulder pads and knee pads. 5ft tall. Personality: Strong and sturdy. Of the trio he is the least comfortable with emotions, especially after experiencing negative emotions from finding the ruins of a familiar village in the aftermath of a Gladiator attack. Special Move(s): Robo Blast- A shot from their hand Digivolves From: Botmon Digivolves To: Cybotmon Cybotmon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Cyborg Digimon Family: Metal Empire Appearance: Tall metallic robot digimon. Fingers can turn into guns and attacks depend on how many are used. A gold gear is on each wrist as a bracelet. The one on the right spins for gatling attacks. The left hand holds a large hammer. 10ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural Cybotmon are robotic digimon with a hammer replacing the left hand and a gun for the right. Personality: A mix of Riley’s emotion and Roborgmon’s restraint Special Move(s): Steel Shot- Shoots from a single finger, often the index. Metallic Mallet- Slams the hammer down on the enemy Gatling Gear- Gear on right hand spins as all fingers fire for gatling effect. Digivolves From: Roborgmon Digivolves To: MagneTalosmon, Biobotmon First digivolved to fight Kenkimon Digivolution: Riley holds the Digivice screen first towards Roborgmon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Roborgmon and one towards Riley. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with lime green and cyan digital code floating around. Roborgmon rushes towards Riley as the image of a natural Cybotmon appears behind him. “Roborgmon unity digivolve to..!” Roborgmon then turns into streams of code and flows into Riley as the girl glows. Metallic armor forms on her body as she grows in height. Armor plating forms on her chest and limbs. A golden gear forms on each wrist as a steel hammer forms in her left hand. A visor appears over her eyes as the glow fades. The image of a natural Cybotmon appears behind them and smashes its hammer down. “CYBOTMON!”   As Cybotmon both Riley and Roborgmon speak as one MagneTalosmon Level: Ultimate Attribute: Data Type: Ancient Robot Digimon Family: Metal Empire Appearance: A metallic warrior digimon held together by magnetism. Robotic warrior wearing greek styled armor and helmet. Blank face with no emotion. Each shoulder has a half of a horseshoe magnet with the north side on the right and south on the left. Each forearm has a half of a horseshoe magnet coming out of it as well, opposite of the shoulders. Magnets on boots allow for either sticking to objects or magnetic levitation. 11ft tall Personality:  Emotionless and stoic. Special Move(s): Polarity Blast- Shoots a blast of magnetic energy from the magnet on the arm. Magno Railgun- Places both fists together and shoots a spiral blast of magnetic energy at the enemy. Digivolves From: Aerobotmon, Quicksilvmon, Cybotmon Digivolves To: Plasmatonmon First digivolved to fight Assaultmon Digivolution: Riley holds the Digivice screen first towards Dronemon, Meltalmon and Roborgmon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Riley. Text on the screen reads out “Ultimate Unity Digivolution”. The four end up in a black void with lime green and cyan digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Riley with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them. “Dronemon! Meltalmon! Roborgmon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Riley as the girl glows. Her body grows as red and blue greek styled armor forms. Magnets form on her forearms and shoulders as well as her boots. The glow fades as the helmet forms. “MAGNETALOSMON!”   As MagneTalosmon the four speak at once but their voices echo over each other. Plasmatonmon Level: Mega Attribute: Vaccine Type: United Robot Digimon Family: Virus Buster Appearance: Shining Chrome Digizoid robot with streamlined armor. A sparking plasma core is visible where the heart should be. 14ft tall. Personality: Full of life sparking with energy. Special Move(s): Plasma Power- Charges a blast with plasma energy. Digivolves From: MagneTalosmon Digivolves To: Hexamon First digivolved during a fight with Boltmon Digivolution: From base: Riley holds the Digivice screen first towards Dronemon, Meltalmon and Roborgmon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Riley. Text on the screen reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution”. The four end up in a black void with lime green and cyan digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Riley with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them. “Dronemon! Meltalmon! Roborgmon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Riley as the girl glows and grows. The image of MagneTalosmon forms before breaking apart into code as chrome armor forms on her body. The plasma core sparks to life sending energy throughout the body as the armor defines itself. As the glow fades the core flashes before stabilizing. “PLASMATONMON!”   From MagneTalosmon: Text on the digivice reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution” MagneTalosmon is in the void when Riley’s form glows within her and breaks into lime green and cyan DNA strands before flowing into the Digimon causing it to glow. “MagneTalosmon Digivolve to...!” Her armor fades in a shining light as the plasma core sparks to life. Each pulse of energy defines the chrome armor more and more. As the glow fades the core gives a final burst before stabilizing. “PLASMATONMON!” As Plasmatonmon all four speak as one but now in total unison.
Drake Walden- “Digidestined of Creativity”
17 years old- Short red hair and green eyes. Green t-shirt and black cargo pants with removable legs for warm temperature. Dark green sneakers with white socks. Dark purple backpack. A cynical and sarcastic boy, Drake believes in being brutally honest and not holding back judgement towards those who deserve it. He is a talented artist but keeps this to himself out of fear that his veteran father would disapprove, unaware that all his father truly wants for him is to be happy. In time he learns to open up to his partners and the other digidestined. Arrives in the digital world in an outpost by the Dotcom Desert Digivice: Purple/Green Symbol: A paint brush dripping paint Soldramon, Lunadramon and Stellardramon: A kindhearted trio of dragons who want to fight back against the Gladiators but don’t know how to stand against their power. With Drake’s guidence they each find their own power and fight to defend innocent digimon. Soldramon Level: Rookie Attribute: Vaccine Type: Sun Dragon Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Golden Eastern dragon with white highlights. Holds an orb resembling the sun. 4ft long. Personality: Loud and active, optimist. Special Move(s): Solar Sphere- Shoots a solar blast from the sun orb Digivolves From: Sunlizmon Digivolves To: Bushidodramon Bushidodramon Level: Champion Attribute: Vaccine Type: Dragon Samurai Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Eastern Dragon Samurai armed with a katana. Wears a bead necklace with each bead being a sun orb. 8ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural Bushidodramon are eastern dragon holding a sun orb in every hand. Tail ends in a sharp blade. Personality: A mix of Drake’s bluntness and Soldramon’s cheer. Special Move(s): Solar Slash- A slash with his shining katana. Digivolves From: Soldramon Digivolves To: Astrodramon, Samurdramon First digivolved to fight DarkMaildramon Digivolution: Drake holds the Digivice screen first towards Soldramon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Soldramon and one towards Drake. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with purple and green digital code floating around. Soldramon flies towards Drake as the image of a natural Bushidodramon appears behind him. “Soldramon unity digivolve to..!” Soldramon then turns into streams of code and flows into Drake as the boy glows. Cloth robes form on his body as his body turns draconic. A tail grows from behind him as the necklace forms. A samurai helmet forms on his head. As the glow fades he pulls out his katana and slashes at the air in front of him. The image of a natural Bushidodramon appears behind them and roars. “BUSHIDODRAMON!”   As Bushidodramon both Drake and Soldramon speak as one Lunadramon Level: Rookie Attribute: Virus Type: Moon Dragon Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Black eastern dragon with dark purple highlights. Wings resemble crescent moons. 4ft tall. Personality: Quiet and watchful, pessimist. Special Move(s): Lunar Slice- Flaps wings sending moon slices at enemy. Digivolves From: Moonlizmon Digivolves To: Knightdramon Knightdramon Level: Champion Attribute: Virus Type: Dragon Knight Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: European dragon knight armed with a mace and shield. 8ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural Knightdramon are european dragon with wings resembling shields and a mace tail. Personality: A mix of Drake’s sarcasm and Lunadramon’s watchfulness Special Move(s): Shadow Shield- Creates a field of shadows to defend him Midnight Mace- Attacks with his mace. Digivolves From: Lunadramon Digivolves To: Astrodramon, Kingdramon First digivolved to fight Dinohumon Digivolution: Drake holds the Digivice screen first towards Lunadramon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Lunadramon and one towards Drake. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with purple and green digital code floating around. Lunadramon flies towards Drake the image of a natural Knightdramon appears behind her. “Lunadramon unity digivolve to..!” Lunadramon then turns into streams of code and flows into Drake as the boy glows. Knight armor forms on his body as his body turns draconic. A tail grows behind him as a helmet forms on his head. As the glow fades a shield and mace form in his hands. The image of a natural Knightdramon appears behind them and smashes its tail down. “KNIGHTDRAMON!”   As Knightdramon both Drake and Lunadramon speak as one Stellardramon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Star Dragon Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Feathered winged serpent with a star pattern inside the wings. 4ft long. Personality: Friendly and loyal, realist. Special Move(s): Shooting Star Storm- Flaps wings sending stars at enemy. Digivolves From: Starlizmon Digivolves To: Quetzldramon Quetzldramon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Dragon Warrior Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Feathered Dragon Warrior armed with a star designed macuahuitl club. Armor has feathered pattern. 8ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural Quetzldramon are feathered dragon with a star club tail. Personality: A mix of Drake’s honesty and Stellardramon’s loyalty. Special Move(s): Shooting Star Smash- Swings club at the enemy sending a storm of stars. Digivolves From: Stellardramon Digivolves To: Astrodramon, Coataldramon First digivolved to fight Sagittarimon Digivolution: Drake holds the Digivice screen first towards Stellardramon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Stellardramon and one towards Drake. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”. The pair ends up in a black void with purple and green digital code floating around. Stellardramon flies towards Drake as the image of a natural Quetzldramon appears behind him. “Stellardramon unity digivolve to..!” Stellardramon then turns into streams of code and flows into Drake as the boy glows. Feather pattern armor forms as his body turns draconic. A feathered helmet covers his head as a tail grows behind him. As the glow fades his club forms in his hand. The image of a natural Quetzldramon appears behind them and swings with its tail. “QUETZLDRAMON!”   As Quetzldramon both Drake and Stellardramon speak as one Astrodramon Level: Ultimate Attribute: Data Type: Space Dragon Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Three headed dragon with each head wearing a mask, the right head wears a sun mask, the left a moon mask and the center a star mask. All heads speak in unison. Crawls on all fours and flies with wings on its back. 10ft tall. Personality: Often gets overwhelmed by influx of stimulation from all three heads at once. Special Move(s): Cosmic Blast- A blast of power from all three heads. Digivolves From: Bushidodramon, Knightdramon, Quetzldramon Digivolves To: Twilidramon First digivolved to fight Orochimon Digivolution: Drake holds the Digivice screen first towards Soldramon, Lunadramon and Stellardramon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Drake. Text on the screen reads out “Ultimate Unity Digivolution”. The four end up in a black void with purple and green digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Drake with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them. “Soldramon! Lunadramon! Stellardramon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Drake as the boy glows. He falls to his hands and knees as his body turns draconic. Wings grow from his back as three tails grow behind him. His head splits into three as his necks grow long. As the glow fades a mask forms on each face. “ASTRODRAMON!”   As Astrodramon the four speak at once but their voices echo over each other. Twilidramon Level: Mega Attribute: Vaccine Type: United Dragon Digimon Family: Virus Buster Appearance: Humanoid dragon in armor with a dragon head as shoulder armor with a dragon styled helmet. Each arm has a shield on the forearm with one designed after the sun and the other after the moon. Each has a star in the middle with one point extended into a blade. Has a cape with a sun and moon clasp and stars within it. 12ft tall. Personality: Single minded and determined to protect others. Special Move(s): Twin Twilight Slash- Each blade charges with light and shadow for a devastating slash with a star trail. Digivolves From: Astrodramon Digivolves To: Hexamon First digivolved in a fight with Helheimon Digivolution: From base: Drake holds the Digivice screen first towards Soldramon, Lunadramon and Stellardramon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Drake. Text on the screen reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution”. The four end up in a black void with purple and green digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Drake with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them. “Soldramon! Lunadramon! Stellardramon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Drake as the boy glows. The image of Astrodramon forms before breaking apart into code as draconic armor forms. A shield forms on each arm with a star on each. A blade extends from one of the star points. A cape forms on his back. As the glow fades a draconic helmet forms on his head. “TWILIDRAMON!”   From Astrodramon: Text on the digivice reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution” Astrodramon is in the void when Drake’s form glows within him and stands up before breaking into purple and green DNA strands and flowing into the Digimon causing it to glow. “Astrodramon Digivolve to...!” He stands up as his wings become a cape. His tails vanish as his necks retract and his heads become one. Draconic armor forms along his body as his shield blades form on each arm. As the glow fades his dragon helmet forms. “TWILIDRAMON!” As Twilidramon all four speak as one but now in total unison.
Hexamon- “The United Warrior”
Level: Ultra Attribute: Vaccine Type: United Warrior Digimon Family: Virus Buster Appearance: Androgynous six armed humanoid in golden armor with infinity symbol on chest plate. Inside the symbol are the six symbols of the digidestined traits. Top right arm ends with a shining blade emerging from the wrist representing Trinitymon. Middle right arm is coated in chrome digizoid armor and has a blaster on the wrist representing Plasmatonmon. Bottom right arm has a spiral design of flame, thunder and ice ending with a hand sparking with magic representing Titaniamon. Top left arm has a light armor coating and ends with an armored glove with beetle wings on the back representing QueenBeetlemon. Middle left arm is dark with combat wraps around key areas ending with a fist shining with harmonious energy representing Chakramon. Bottom left arm is armored and ends with a dragon themed gauntlet representing Twilidramon. Legs are covered in golden armor with the infinity symbol on each knee. A white cape flows behind them. Personality: A true unison of all the Digidestined and their partners. United in purpose. Special Move(s): Hexa Blast- A combined blast of power from all six arms. Digivolves From: Trinitymon, Titaniamon, Chakramon, QueenBeetlemon, Plasmatonmon, Twilidramon Digivovlved during the final fight with Zenithmon
The Legendary Digidestined
The children who created the legend of humans coming to aid the digital world during crisis. Not much is known about them except that they appeared in the digital world in the 80s to help protect it from a monstrous virus. Their digivices resembled pagers. The leader was a boy who who endured numerous trials by fire whose partner was a Coronamon who became Firamon then Flaremon and finally Apollomon. A girl whose heart was as big as the sea had an Otamamon as a partner who became Dolphmon and then Whamon and finally IsleWhamon (KingWhamon). A boy so joyful his laugh could shake the very earth had a Gotsumon partner who turned into Golemon and then Gogamamon and finally Blastmon. A girl whose creativity kept her mind in the clouds whose partner Hyokomon became Buraimon and then Butenmon and finally Eaglemon. A boy whose mind was always in high gear whose partner Junkmon became Tankmon and then Tankdramon and finally Machinedramon. A girl whose dreams grew like trees around her whose partner Mushmon became Woodmon and then Cherrymon and finally ElDoradimon. And last was a boy who sparked like lightning and kept the team united. His partner Pulsemon became Bulkmon and then Boutmon and finally Kazuchimon During the final battle the seventh child and his partner gave their lives go give the others an opening to defeat the virus. After the battle the fates of the other Digidestined are unknown. Some believe they returned home to bury and mourn their fallen friend. Others believe they remained in the Digital World to protect the world he gave his life for. The partner digimon on the other hand were said to have left after the battle. Apollomon is said to rest within a volcano. IsleWhamon is said to have swam beyond any map. Blastmon is said to hide within a deep cavern. Eaglemon is said to fly the skies higher than any cloud. Machinedramon is said to rest deep within an industrial complex. ElDoradimon is said to have become the foundation of a great city.
Ron Jones- 46- The mind behind the Unity project he hoped it would bring humanity and Digimon together in harmony. However during the first test Unity Digivolution with his partner Veedramon the stress on his body nearly killed him due to an unknown health issue. Afterwards he continued to keep tabs on the Digiworld hoping a day would come when humanity would be ready to learn the truth. Not long ago He discovered Dr Matthew’s plans and set to work to sabotage his schemes including orchestrating the events of the accident that sent the teens to the Digiworld. Through Veedramon he advised the teens and guided them in the right direction when needed. After the Digidestined are betrayed by Victormon and lead into Travis’s trap Ron has no choice but to Unity Digivolve with Veemon into Ex-Veemon to rescue them. As Ex-Veemon he brings them to his mansion where he opens a portal and brings their partners into the real world. At this point he defuses and his condition returns and he nearly collapses before his staff get him medical attention. Once he is stable he explains the truth of the situation and Travis’s true plan. He begs for the teens to forgive him for his role in sending them to the digital world and to his shock they do and agree to help protect both worlds. The Digidestined even dub him their seventh member saying that even though he cannot join in battle he has been helping them this whole time. Not to mention that his goal honors the trait of the fallen Digidestined from the legend. Digivice: Gold/Silver Veedramon A kindly traveler Veedramon holds many secrets and hides them beneath a silly persona. When the Digidestined arrive in the Digital World Veedramon guides them both towards Cyber City and towards any areas he knows need help. He also instructs Leomon to teach them how to fight like digimon in order to get the most out of the unity digivolution. In time his secrets are revealed including his connection to Ron Jones and the fact he has claim to the throne but chose to live among common digimon instead. After the Digidestined return to the real world Victormon makes his move and reveals himself as the villain to the Digital World and in return Veedramon gathers a force of those willing to fight back. After Zenithmon’s defeat Veedramon takes his rightful place on the throne and begins working towards his dream of a world where humanity and digimon coexist in peace. When he merges with Ron he becomes Ex-Veemon. Leomon An honorable warrior who fights with the ferocity of a beast. Leomon was once one of the Gladiator Bosses but grew disgusted by their mission and stepped down. After this he traveled the digital world advocating that the strong should use their might to protect those weaker than themselves not harass them. His words won over many but also earned him many enemies. On Veedramon’s orders he sought out the Digidestined and taught them how to fight like digimon. Upon reaching Cyber City he learns from Owlmon how deep the enemy’s reach truly goes and that the king himself is involved. Upon taking the throne Veedramon names Leomon leader of the Gladiators. Using this chance Leomon renames the group to the Guardians and instructs them to use their strength to protect those weaker to them and help them grow stronger.   SnowAgumon and FlameGabumon A pair of digimon who follow Leomon and train under him to get strong enough to defend themselves and others. In time they begin to digivolve allowing them to fight alongside Leomon and the Digidestined. IcyGreymon: a quadrupedal snow lizard BurningGarurumon: a bipedal flame reptile FrozenGreymon: Standing slightly upright it has armor of frozen ice VolcanGarurumon: Hunched over with a burning horn WinterGreymon: A white and blue Wargreymon with armor and claws of ice MagmaGarurumon: A red and black MetalGarurumon with obsidian as armor Eventually the pair learn to DNA Digivolve and form Omegamon Tempura. A mighty warrior of frost and flame. After the crisis the pair join Leomon’s Guardians. Cranemon, Ushimon , and Marlinmon A rival delivery company on friendly terms with Condormon, Toromon and Sharkmon. They loved to compete for deliveries and raced to see who could deliver their packages the fastest. However things took a tragic turn when the two groups along with Theo found a town under attack by the Gladiators. As Theo unity digivolved with his partners the others digivolved to Hurricranemon, Bulldermon, and Swordfishmon. However even all of them together were no match for the brutes. The three bravely stayed behind to buy Theo and his partners time to get as many civilians to safety. After their deletion the trio’s Core Code was collected and months later when Travis needed an edge against the Digidestined he combined their code to create a Cybermon version of Tribeastmon. After a fierce battle the original Tribeastmon reluctantly deleted the imitation permanently deleting their data. Bardmon A Koemon variant that carries a lute. After Drake saves his life he accompanies him and sticks by his side even after the group reaches Cyber City. He sings songs telling digital world myth and legend and writes songs about the digidestined. He prefers not to fight but if he must he can digivolve into Targetmon and then Etemon to help. After Zenithmon’s defeat Veedramon appoints Bardmon as the royal bard. Wizardmon, Sorcermon, Witchmon and Magemon Teachers of the mystic arts who each specialize in different elements. Wizardmon focuses on flame and earth, Sorcermon focuses on light and ice, Witchmon focuses on wind and water, Magemon focuses on darkness and lightning. They eventually join Veedramon’s group as Mistymon, Wisemon, Bastemon and Doumon. Owlmon A wise and kind digimon who loves to learn. As royal librarian she’s noticed that Victormon isn’t the benevolent ruler they seem and give the Digidestined as well as Leomon clues to lead them in the right path. She even discovers the stolen Digieggs. Upon Victormon’s betrayal Owlmon protects the partner digimon and safeguards them until Veedramon can arrange for them to be reunited with their partners. Upon taking the throne Veedramon names Owlmon his royal advisor in recognition of her wisdom. Plesiomon A kind and gentle giant of the sea who helps the cartographers when they need to map the oceans of the digital world. They assist the Digidestined in reaching a remote island to protect the village there from the Gladiators. Petermon and Kazemon
A mischievous trickster who mistakes Riley for his missing friend Tinkermon under a curse and attempts to “save her” however it turns out Tinkermon had digivolved into Kazemon. As the threat of the Gladiators grows more dire the pair open their forest up to any seeking shelter having digivolved into CaptainHookmon and JetSilphymon. After the crisis the pair join Leomon’s Guardians. Dokugumon/Archnemon A recluse who reluctantly allows the Digidestined to use her tunnel network to evacuate a group of villages in the Gladiator’s warpath. Inspired by the Digidestined the villagers begin to train and digivolve with many reaching champion or even ultimate. Dokugumon herself digivolves to Arachnemon before returning to lead the villagers in saving Veedramon’s group from a Gladiator ambush. After the crisis she joins Leomon’s Guardians. HolyAngemon, Angewomon, Darcmon and MagnaAngemon A group of holy digimon who rescue the Digidestined from a horde of Devidramon. HolyAngemon and Angewomon are peaceful healers while Darcmon and MagnaAngemon are powerful warriors. The two pairs often disagree on methods but all agree that life must be protected. They later join Veedramon’s group having digivoved to Dominimon, LovelyAngemon, Ophanimon and Seraphimon respectively. After the crisis they join Leomon’s Guardians. Beelzebumon and BeelStarmon Twin representatives of the Viral Council, a group of high ranking virus digimon who agree that Veedramon’s rule would be best for all digimon and that the threat of the Gladiators must be stopped. The twins were sent as representatives to aid Veedramon’s group to this end. After the crisis they join Leomon’s Guardians to insure that virus type digimon are protected. The original Digidestined After Travis’s defeat the original Digidestined reach out to the current group and they meet at Ron’s mansion. They reveal their names and what they’ve been up to since their adventures. Taylor, the original Digidestined of Endurance, became a famous celebrity chef with a series of restaurants world wide. Mary, the original Digidestined of Heart, became a marine biologist and pushed for stricter laws against polluting in the ocean. Josh, the original Digidestined of Joy, became a physical therapist and takes great joy in helping people. Sarah, the original Digidestined of Creativity, became a pilot and actually flew the group to Ron’s mansion. Issac, the original Digidestined of Mind, wrote a series of fantasy novels called Mystical Adventures about their adventures altering them with a fantasy angle. So the digital world was a kingdom of magic, the partner digimon were elemental familiars and the digivices were pendants of power. Mindy, the original Digidestined of Dreams, went on to create perfumes and now runs a perfume business nationwide. Luke, the original Digidestined of Unity, did indeed perish in the final battle. In order to avoid looking insane the others made up a story about running away from home to go on a great adventure and that Luke died saving some of them from a flash flood. This way he was still remembered as a hero. The group agrees to help the current Digidestined in their mission to unite the worlds and keep peace on both sides. However they make it clear their days in combat are long behind them and instead will help Ron with the background details.
Travis Wilson- 45- The head of Cyber Zenith and cause of the chaos in the digital world. His plan was to have the Gladiators delete weak digimon and using a special program to redirect the digieggs to Victormon’s palace where they are transferred to another server where he can reprogram and modify their data making them strong and obedient to him. He plans on selling his Cybermon to the highest bidders and as well as forming a small army. He views Digimon as nothing but pale imitations of life, weapons and tools, nothing more. The digidestined confuse and enrage him. In his mind they have the power he deserves. Digivice: Black/Gray Victormon Champion Black and Blue pallet swap of Magnamon Emperormon Ultimate, skipped over during the digivolution to Zenithmon. Zenithmon Mega Warrior in dark armor with glowing circuitry throughout it. Zenithmon Gladiator Mode Dark Mega Imperfect forced Union with the data of the Gladiators able to use their attacks. Armor is rusted, veins replace circuits, any exposed flesh is pale and diseased looking. Has an aura of code that changes to resemble a Gladiator when he uses their move. As they begin arguing amongst themselves they all appear in the aura. The Gladiator Bosses The leaders of the Gladiators who instruct their forces to delete as many “weak” digimon as they can. All but VictoryGreymon believe this is to weed out the weak and use their Core Code to travel to the real world. Unknown to all of them Travis redirects their data to his Digivice upon their deletion to use for Zenithmon Gladiator Mode. VictoryGreymon The cruel and sadistic leader of the Gladiators. Victormon’s right hand mon. The only one other than the king to know the full truth of their mission. Deleted by Zenithmon to steal his power. CresGarurumon Solitary warrior with a frozen heart. Finds out the truth about their mission and turns on VictoryGreymon leading to his deletion. Pharaohmon Obsessed with death and destruction. Deleted by Trinitymon, Chakramon and Twilidramon. Ebemon Cold and calculating, able to scan for weaknesses. Deleted by UlforceVeedramon. Rafflesimon Proud and vain master of plants. Deleted by Titaniamon, QueenBeetlemon and Plasmatonmon. Boltmon Electric berserker. Deleted by Plasmatonmon. Callismon Wild beast untamed. Deleted by Trinitymon Ghoulmon Leads armies of demon digimon. Deleted by Titaniamon. Zanbamon Seeks glory in battle. Deleted by Chakramon. Dinotigermon Master hunter and tracker. Rival of Saberleomon who replaced him after he deserted the Gladiators. Deleted in a final duel between the two. GranKuwagamon Twisted leader of the swarm, can mode change to GrandisKuwagamon. Deleted by QueenBeetlemon Helhiemon Fusion of Duskmon and Velgrmon. Wicked winged warrior and master of the dark skies. Deleted by Twilidramon. Prominent Gladiators Dinobeemon The brains to Paildramon’s brawn Paildramon The brawn to Dinobeemon’s brains Gold Rapidmon Trigger happy shooter who has to go first in battle to avoid catching comrades in their crossfire. Vulturemon Silent sniper who strikes from afar. Ogre Brothers Ogremon Fugamon Hyogamon A trio of brothers who delight in cruelty and brutality.
Behind the Scenes Notes:
* The whole concept of this came from a video I saw about an unused concept for Frontier called Digimon Fusion where people fused with digimon and fought in tournaments * Theo was originally going to be the only digidestined but I kept coming up with ideas for others and added them to. * Theo being “the smart one” came from me wanting to see the smart kid having to step up as a leader * I settled on three partners to cover the Sky, Land, Sea combo. * Condormon was originally Talonmon with his champion being much more tengu like, originally with a whip then a fan weapon. Then at dinner I came up with the pun Hurricrane so I changed it to Cranemon and Hurricranemon. However months later I disliked how it’d look for the crane parts to be on the ultimate and mega so I changed to a condor instead. * Toromon and Sharkmon pretty much stayed the same since the start * Felicity’s partners were originally more witch and magic themed with the ultimate being Charmmon and mega being Hecatemon. The switch to fairy came real late in the process. ** Felicity’s original team ** Scorchmon/BlazeWitchmon ** Sparkmon/SpellStormmon ** Icymon/SnowWandmon ** Charmmon ** Hecatemon * Drake was actually the third I came up with and was originally going to be much older than the others. * Drake was only going to get two partners originally, Yindramon and Yangdramon but much later on I changed from the yin yang theme to the Sun, the moon and the stars theme. * I wanted to model the Star Dragon after a historical warrior like the samurai or knight and I ended up using Wheel Decide to pick between central american warrior or spartan. * I used that site a LOT for this when I had ideas I needed to pick between * Melissa came fourth and for a long time her partners were going to be based on the Beetle trio, Kabuto, Kuwaga, Ladybug. But the bee idea got in my head and stuck so I switched to Beetle, Bee, Mantis. ** Ok and since writing that note I’ve changed it back so here’s what Melissa’s team was for a while *** Beetmon/ExoBeetlemon *** Vespermon/QueenBeemon *** Mantimon/SlayMantismon *** Swarmmon *** Brawlerflymon * Grant and Riley came to me at the same time because I couldn’t stop coming up with ideas for trios. * Grant’s original partners were a trio of dinosaurs whose champion forms would reference the sports he played. Raptor for soccer with bone boots. Pterodactyl for baseball with a bone bat and Styracosaurus with bone chest armor and helmet for football. ** Grant’s original team ** Raptormon/RazorRaptormon ** Ptiteramon/Pteromon ** Styracomon/AncientArmormon ** Saurusmon ** FossilRexmon * Riley’s original partners were a reptile trio of Snake (who went on to become Cobramon), Alligator/Crocodile and Turtle. ** Riley’s original team ** Vipermon/Nagamon ** Alidilemon/Crocogatormon ** Turtmon/Tortugamon ** Reptilemon ** Gorgonmon * However one night as I was trying to sleep I came up with an idea for a trio based on the three stages of water, A sea turtle for liquid (basically the turtle from Riley) a lobster for steam and a polar bear for ice. I gave this trio to Riley at first. * But the idea didn’t really sit right with me and I undid it only to refine it to a trio of robots for Grant because other than being dinosaurs there wasn’t any real trio theming to them. * Then I gave the robots to Riley to have her emotions bounce off their logic * I then got rid of the reptile team and replaced it with Snake, Spider, Bat as a homage to the classic trio of monsters from Kamen Rider. * It took me so long to figure out their ultimate * Speaking of Ultimate. The idea for the Ultimates is that the rush of three digimon’s data overwhelmed the human making the Ultimate more inhuman as a result. * The Megas were the human within reaching a balance with the digimon becoming more humanoid again. * Around the time I came up with Grant and Riley the idea of the Traits came to me * I flip flopped a lot on what trait to give Drake before settling on creativity. * I also flip flopped on Riley’s trait, going between Joy and Melody. If I went with the latter she would have made handmade instruments to pass the time on her journey * In my mind the symbols of the Traits are all based on emojis. * Before I decided to stick to six digidestined I had plans for a seventh and eighth. ** Seventh would have been a goth girl whose partners would have been *** Angel/Spirit/Devil *** Some kind of horror monster mix *** A twist and they’d be cute and fluffy and adorable ** Eighth would have been one of the following, skater/gamer/youtuber/geek/musician. *** I had no definite plans for his partners other than something to do with his interests. * At one point I was toying with the idea of a teacher getting pulled into the digital world with them but not being a digidestined, they would have befriended either a Bokomon or a Professor Agumon. Or ironically have been the only one to end up in Cyber City from the start and befriending Owlmon. * Travis came to me from combining the idea of the Digimon Emperor from 02 and Kurata from Saviors. A man who hates digimon and sees them as lesser beings. Add in a dash of capitalism and BOOM villain. * Ron was originally going to be much older, an elderly man named Archie. Basically Genai. And his partner was originally going to be Leomon. * On that note originally Leomon was going to be the King after the end but when I was coming up with what Victormon (then known as Kingmon) looked like the idea of a dark copy of Magnamon came to mind so I made the main good digimon a Veedramon to balance. * Also to homage V-Tamers * By the most basic definition of owning a digivice and having a digimon partner Travis is technically a digidestined but he would reject the title as meaningless and the others would refuse to acknowledge it due to his actions. ** His trait would have been something like ambition * The original digidestined were originally just going to be a footnote to explain where the title came from in universe. * But when I get an idea I itch it with sandpaper and eventually gave them each a partner. * At first it was just their mega, picking ones based on the elements to keep it simple in my head and as a homage to the Ancient Warriors from Frontier. * Eventually I gave them all names based on the Adventure digidestined because I am lazy. * Unused ideas for Trios ** A monkey trio for See/Hear/Speak no Evil but couldn’t figure out beyond the champions. ** Past/Present/Future, couldn’t figure out how to make it work ** Wooden puppet/doll, plastic mannequin, metal robot, again couldn’t figure out how to make it work but I really liked the wood/metal pairing for a while. ** Wolf/Bear/Deer or some combination of woodland creatures. ** Rock/Paper/Scissors, couldn’t figure out how to make it work ** War/Neutral/Peace, would have been War Hawk, Peace Dove and some other bird for neutral *A huge unused concept was that the Digital World was created back when ENIAC was built in 1945 and that countless people over the years found themselves in the Digital World via the gates but very few made it back home. Either dying due to digimon attacks or exposure to the elements. Those who did make it home were believed to have gone insane. *Sequel- I have no plans to write up a sequel but it’d involve the portals being synced up to the point where digimon can pass without DNA. The digidestined would have to protect digimon from those who would exploit them and humanity from digimon who would harm them. ** The original digidestined team would return to the digital world and find the eggs of their partners who hatch into their old selves. ** Ron would make a series of new digivices and digidestined would be found around the world. ** During these challenges the digimon partners would reach their natural Ultimates and Megas. ** Taylor’s Coronamon wants to get back into the action and partners with his grandson while a Lunamon partners with his granddaughter. The two can unity digivolve into more humanioid looking champions before their normal ultimate and megas who then can DNA digivolve into GraceNovamon
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soopissoopnotsoup · 2 years
Always Running
My feet hit the floor, and I started running. I knew too much. Too much to stay alive. But fuck it, I would not go quietly. They could take me kicking and screaming. If i was lucky and made enough noise, i would be martyred, all I did wouldn’t be for nothing.
How did I even get here? I was never supposed to be a part of this, never supposed to be a hero. The truth is, I’m a coward. I was content sitting by. Of course, I knew it was all terrible, but it wasn’t affecting me. My family was safe. That was what mattered. And honestly? It all felt fake. Those girls, and what happened to them, it was a tragedy, but it was just a horror story to me. A warning tale. They were never real people.
But now I find myself in the same position. Risking my life. Not for a better future, not to help others, but for myself. It was always for myself. That's what they don’t tell you about heroes. We never set out to be. I am a selfish, entitled, coward. I don’t deserve to be put on a pedestal. But hell, part of me enjoys it. Part of me is filled with pride because, well, look at me. I’m doing something with my life. I actually have a purpose, and sure, I’m not doing this ‘for the greater good’, but how will anyone know? They won’t. I’ll go down as a hero. What more can I ask for?
I’m still running. What from? I no longer know. The danger is gone. We defeated them. We took back our life. Made the future ours. I know this is terrible for me to say, to even think, but I miss those days. When I had a purpose. When I was doing something good. I no longer know what I’m doing anymore. Back then, I felt powerful. Despite the constant fighting, the struggle to stay alive, I at least had control of my life. Now? I have nothing. Oh sure, it may look like I do. I may have this lavish house, a constant source of entertainment, and I should definitely be grateful but I can’t. After all, the second I fall out of the public's favor, this is all gone. I’ve seen it happen before, to all of my fellow fighters. 
At first we celebrated, and I liked it. I had achieved what I wanted, but then they put us in charge. I never understood why. Isn’t this what we just freed ourselves from? Was all our sacrifice, all our pain, all the death, was it all just for this? I miss when I was no one, when I could rely blindly on others to take care of the situation. Now I am that other. And that is terrifying. 
I am running again. Now, I run from the past. Hide myself behind a bottle. It was all my fault. Always my  fault. I understand it all now. I wish I had abandoned ship when I had the chance. I wish I joined Zariah. She’s dead now. Hanged as a traitor to the New County. I would be too, if I hadn’t been so blind. She was our leader, the symbol for hope. Bet she knew what I now do. That’s why she turned. I wish I could, but still, I am a coward. And tired. I already toppled one government, and. Well. This new one benefits me. I may hate myself for the lies I tell, but I always did. Sure the reason changed, but the hatred has always been there. Burning fiercely, consuming me in every silent moment. At least now, I am comfortable. I have a nice house, and people who worship me as the New Deity. I may be alone, truly alone, but was there ever anyone who I could trust? Who would let me be me, just for a second? I don’t think so.
I’m so tired of running. But I still do it. I can not face myself, can’t look at all the blood i spilt, and walk away sane. One day, I will stop running, I tell myself. One day. I pray for that day to come. I could stop the system. Share what I know. But that wouldn’t change everything. Loris tried. He and I were the last of them. Now it’s only me. It’s always me. Always meant to be me. I wish I could die. I wish I never accepted the Crown. Maybe the deaths would still happen, maybe everything would still be hateful, and terrible, but at least it wouldn’t be my fault. I could be one of them, bitter and hating the system, instead of controlling it. 
This is the price I pay. For selling every aspect of myself for my fifteen seconds of fame. I doubt anyone still remembers what happens. It’s been so long. I caught my reflection yesterday. Gone is the girl with short hair and a scar filled face. Now I am porcelain, every feature shifting to be beautiful. No one can know the pain I went through. There can not be a single crack. Orai cracked. Drowned by guilt. The porcelain melted.
My body runs.My soul has fallen out. My joy has left. I steal others. I am cold, I am bitter, I am the world. I hear talk of another rebellion. I hope it succeeds. I hope they win where I fail, but hope is a dull thing. The situation will repeat. Again, and Again. This is the only Future. The only Past. I wonder, who is the unlucky soul who will be me? Start out by accident. End up the only Original. Not by moral means, but because they are the most willing to surrender. 
Who will be Zariah? So filled with hope, longing for a better future, and A passion to actually fulfill it, The first to realize the truth, and the first to die. Who will be Morin? The bravest, the coldest, most calculated. I was so sure he would last. He had the most determination, to be better. The second to leave. He ran away. At least he got out.  Who will be Orai? So kind, so compassionate, so likely to have been the first, but lasted till the third, when she realized the truth. I think that’s why she survived so long. She was too naive to realize the truth until it was too late.  And who will be Loris? Who only stayed as he had a hope that we could change, that we could be better. That blind faith could only carry him for so long. When he realized, he really did try, to help, to fix it. He disappeared before he could release it all. It's a shame. History always has to repeat.
I’ve stopped running. Finally, My feet have given out. I’m at the end of the road. And I could not be more glad. Oh, I have no doubt things will continue. Nothing will change. But it’s no longer my fault. I am not the cause, nor a passive bystander. The guilt will pass on to the next, and the next, and the next, but it will no longer be mine. She raises a sword to my  throat. I smile, one full of pity. I am sorry she has to take my burden, but not enough to stop her. “Thank you,”I whisper.”for freeing me.” She looks so bright, like she believes she can bring change. I’m sure she does. But I’ve seen this happen before. And I was in her position. She is confused by my statement, naturally  but does not hesitate to slice my throat. That ruthlessness, no question attitude will serve her well. Or prolong her suffering. Whichever way you view it. My body shakes, and I heave my final breath. “I’m sorry.”
0 notes
purity-in-blood · 2 years
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On Your Knees For Salvation
Minors don’t interact! This is 18+ and I beg of you to heed the warnings
Notes-I got a very, very carried away but this was such a blast to write! There were so many routes I could go with this particular scene. Either way, I really hope you like it! If there’s anything else you’d want me to write based on the shooting don’t hesitate to send it in.
Tate Langdon x female reader
Trigger warnings: Heavy mention of school shooting, mention of religion (derogatory), foul language, forced worship, superiority/God complex, authoritative kink, dacryphilia, degradation, choking, biting, rape/non-con, loss of virginity, voyeurism, blood kink, gun play, slight knife play, throat fucking, boot worship, dumbification
Tate Langdon walked through the halls of Westfield with practically a bounce in his step. He knew all too well the stares he’s currently getting will soon transform into terror once it’s the right time. For the past 6 weeks he’s fantasized about this very moment and played around with every scenario imaginable. In his mind, this will kickstart a revolution that’ll help purify the world plagued with sinners and a controlling government. Today is one Tate wholeheartedly looked forward to—a cool autumn day that’s perfect for hiding a gun under a trenchcoat, worn many times already with this uniform.
He began shooting in one of the hallways closest to the cafeteria so they didn’t have a clear exit from there. With each shot he relished in the way there’s always a different reaction—a scream, cursing, trying to keep running which only prompted a second bullet to enter. Tatedeliberately steps on a wounded student while moving through the carnage, he noticed them crawling and thought to place a boot onto their back, keeping them in place. He took aim at their neck before pulling the trigger even as they tried pleading. The blood splatter wasn’t unwelcome in the slightest, he sucked in a breath and continued walking as the sight and smell of crimson threatened to overwhelm him. Pools of blood, binders and parts of flesh were scattered as well in a way that all seemed like a horror movie set. He violently kicked at a binder in his way and send papers all over, laughing at how everything so easy fell into place. This was only the start of his wrath on those he deemed unclean. Tate had this hunch you’d be hiding studying in the library today so that’s his next destination. There’s no rush after all.
Today I was with my one of best friends, Stephanie, studying for some upcoming English test we forgot about last night. The session together went smoothly until there was this strange popping noise. It made studying far more difficult once tension spread throughout the room an hour later.
I heard what was happening before realizing the dire situation as the entire school ran through the hallway. Screaming was soon accompanied by gunshots which immediately sent me into fight or flight as a student burst through the door. Everyone turned their head as he barricaded it with one of the heavy chairs. I recognize him, Kevin, a childhood friend I’m close with to this day.
“Somebody’s shooting up the school! He’s just shooting people.”
It was like the air had been absorbed from my lungs. My first thought is to run toward him and check if he’s been shot. There’s a noticeable amount of blood on his shirt and skin, black hair plastered to his forehead with sweat. But thankfully there didn’t seem to be any visible flesh wounds.
“Do….do you know who it is?”
I fidgeted with the pendant at my neck, the only symbol of my faith that’s on me at all times. I don’t go to services regularly but that didn’t mean I was banned from praying. I’m pleading to our Lord to protect us from the shooter. Silently begging for this nightmare to end as quickly as it started. I hoped against all odds someone heard.
“I-I don’t know. I couldn’t get a good look at his face. He just…shot Mark Kingston right in front of me, blew his brains out.”
The description alone made my stomach churn but it couldn’t compare to what Kevin must’ve seen. He then grabbed my arm as Stephanie joined us behind the very last row of bookshelves. If need be, we might have a chance at scrambling for the tables closest to our current spot.
The three of us held our breath as each shot rang louder and the barricade rattled violently. Over and over the shooter tried to enter. Every kick was with more vigor than the last, making the hair on my neck stand on end. At last, the chair is sent across the room with such force—smashing into the librarian's desk and scattering everything on it to the ground—that everyone cried out before silence settled once more.
The door slowly opens and we get a full view of the shooter. He’s in all black, holding a shotgun in both hands but the thing that chills me to the bone is the cheerful tune he’s whistling. It’s one I’ve heard multiple times in the hallway enough to where I could whistle it myself from memory. I would’ve found it endearing but now it’s as if death taunts us.
He starts from the opposite side of the library but that doesn’t make things any better. Even if we could run for the exit it wasn’t likely we’d make it out alive. He shot Kyle, the lead jock, who curled himself into a ball under a table while begging for his life. Even though I should be looking away my eyes were glued on the horrors unfolding.
There’s another gunshot but clearly the next victim wasn’t dead. Melissa had started crying which only seemed to amuse Tate. He looks down at her with contempt like she was an insect he wished to crush. My hand went to my necklace and I lowered my head in prayer when he finally spoke.
“Quit your bitching! It’s not like I hit a vital organ or anything.”
He then moved onto his new victims, 2 frightened girls who somehow got the same shotgun blast—they were hugging tightly when he fired. The smallest—Cassidy—flew backwards from the impact as the other gasped in pain. He lifted Aileen’s chin with the barrel and her lips parted as if to speak. His other hand went to her cheek to thumb away a tear before lowering close.
“You must understand I’m taking all of you somewhere safe. This isn’t just about revenge. I prepared for this noble war.”
Tate brushed his lips against hers so gently they could be mistaken for lovers despite the circumstances. Luckily for her, the trigger wasn’t pulled and he backed off. Once he’s out of sight Aileen brought her knees up and curled in on herself. Trying to block out everything going on.
Tate resumed whistling as he casually walked among the shelves but we hurried toward the table when he was distracted. Although I was last to move. Stephanie clung to me while I attempted to comfort her and Kevin tried shielding us the best he could.
Somehow, it appears he’s looking for a specific person from how calm he is.
Another crying girl caught his attention and he didn’t hold back—once near her table, Tate kicked a chair and crouched in order to get a direct angle of her. They’re now face to face. Tate’s balancing his weight on the balls of his feet while holding the shotgun level to her heart. She started begging, mentioning a desire to go home as he leaned even closer. Yet again he showed tenderness toward a victim by brushing tears away, cupping her cheek. He’s staring at the girl almost with pity.
“I’m taking you to salvation. Are you ready to be set free?”
She managed to choke out a “Yes”—likely hoping to appease the shooter—which prompted him to lick his lips before firing. There’s a spray of blood and a ragged hole where her heart had been. He cursed under his breath and stepped over her crumpled body, deliberately placing one foot after the other into her open wound. Such a display almost made me gag.
“Oh God. Why is this happening?”
Stephanie whispered close to my ear and I gave her a gentle squeeze. This close, I felt her heart racing against my own chest. There wasn’t an explanation for any of this besides bullying. Or maybe it was something related to his home situation. I knew their household is dysfunctional but I hadn’t once thought of that being the cause of murderous intent.
Simon, the first to be injured, was attempting to call for help. Tate immediately changed direction, leaving bloody footprints as he did so toward the librarian’s desk—nearest to the exit—where the boy lay with his hand crushed underneath a computer.
“Sure. I’ll help you.”
He said it nonchalantly and with a smile like there’s plenty of time to be had. The shotgun is pointed straight at his jaw before the shells rip through him. Blood paints the wall after Simon goes limp and Tate calmly wipes at his face to remove the splatter.
“His face! What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
Aileen was sobbing hysterically now but is paid no mind. He moved back to the rows of bookshelves and started violently knocking books off in an attempt to scare anyone from their hiding place. The few shots were far closer than expected and we huddled together in the cramped space. Expecting to be shot then and there.
“Pathetic bitch. Get up!”
There's a sound of hurried footsteps and struggling, at first I thought he went over and grabbed Aileen. Until the female spoke. It was one of the injured cheerleaders, Melissa, who I didn’t know all that well but I’m aware of the fact she isn’t afraid of speaking her mind. I both admire that courage and fear for her in this moment.
“That’s enough Tate! You’re not saving anyone by shooting up the school. Honestly, this is the most obvious cry for help I’ve ever seen. I almost feel sorry for you.”
“You think I’ve done enough? I’m just getting started! Well that’s cute, at least I don’t feel the need to vomit after a big meal. I also know you’re the sluttiest cheerleader we have. I’m doing something that should’ve happened a long time ago. You know, I’d make you pleasure me but I have someone…more pure I’ve had my eye on.”
I could hear the smile in his voice when saying that last sentence and it nearly froze my blood. Surely he didn’t mean who I thought. There’s a thud, a gasp from Melissa that almost sounds like choking and then his boots are the only noise heard.
Suddenly, he turned on his heels and it felt like my heart dropped into my stomach when I saw his bloodstained combat boots appear in front of me. Tate Langdon knelt so we’re eye level, it’s disturbing how slowly he did so and the fact his gun is placed over his thighs. Just from body language it was easy to see the enjoyment he got from this.
“I’ve got one question for you, doll. Do you believe in God?”
That voice, oh that voice is dripping with a type of gentleness Tate rarely shows to anyone. It made bile further rise in my throat when he jabs at my religion. The answer is as clear as day since he asked what rested at my throat during prom. It’s likely he just wanted to see me squirm.
“No. I-I don’t kno—yes. Yes, I—“
I couldn’t understand why I tried appeasing this demon in human form. Though it seemed he waited for me to say “yes” before yanking me—by the throat—from my friends’ arms. Someone grabbed at my legs and monetarily played tug of war as I thrashed. Trying to get myself out of his iron grip but it proved useless. I begged, kicked and screamed as he dragged me to some tables. But it didn’t faze him in the slightest.
“Why huh?”
He dropped me so I’m flat on my ass. I looked up while Tate reloaded his weapon, placing the shells between his teeth and flashing me a smile. This sadistic, dominant side is one I never imagined a boy like him to have. But maybe you can’t truly know someone until moments like these. He’s quick to cock his gun with a smirk, waiting for my answer.
“Because my parents raised me that way…”
“Why don’t you show me then? Start cleaning my boots. Show your devotion.”
My heart beat like a hummingbird and I was afraid it might burst through my chest. However, if it’s my time to die then so be it.
I sank to my knees in front of him once he leaned onto the table and lifted a boot toward my face. My stomach is in knots as I carefully sweep my tongue over the sole, into each crevice there may be drying blood. Even the leather on its entirety got a nice touch up. I didn’t stop until I knew there’s not a speck of blood or dirt left and I repeated this until Tate’s other boot was like the first. By then, all I could taste is blood and whatever filth was on the bottom. I mutter one last prayer under the disguise of wiping my lips, attempting to scoot back.
He grabbed for the collar of my shirt and hauled me up so my feet dangle inches off the ground. Those dark eyes of his are so dilated that the brown is almost nonexistent. I can even see my reflection in them and it confirms my assumption of being caught by the Devil.
“He won’t be able to save you. I’m right here, I am your God. Aren’t good girls supposed to be on their knees for their savior when praying?”
“Shut up Tate! You don’t know anything about religion and you certainly don’t know mine!”
That’s when I moved faster than he’s able to comprehend, my feet shot out and struck between his legs, that certainly got a reaction of cursing and dropping me once again.
I immediately went for the shotgun, trying to tear it from his grasp but he whipped it upward right when I had the advantage. It struck my jaw with such force teeth rattled and I feared some would fall out. Tears filled my eyes but I stayed defiant, rushing toward him again but this time he landed a blow to my head. Before I knew what happened, I’m dizzily lifting my head to see Tate executing yet another classmate then heading my way. Boots thudding with each step.
His attitude is on full display by kicking a chair forward, sitting right in front of me. I’m muttering prayers once the overwhelming dizziness goes down enough to where I form coherent thought. I gasp and try prying the hand pulling me on my knees but soon realize metal at my temple.
“Hey Kevin. Did you know your little girlfriend is a filthy cock slut? She’s given me blowjobs in the bathroom more than once. Hopefully she didn’t kiss you on the lips afterwards.”
I glanced at Kevin who’s staring at Tate with such rage that if looks could kill, he would be dead already. Tate however, appears rather smug at the reaction and to further prove his point starts undoing his belt. My face paled at the realization and I settled my eyes on the man currently leaned over me. The grip on my hair tightened once I turned my face away, trying to get as much distance as possible.
“Oh don’t tell me. You’re shy to suck me off in front of your boyfriend but not when it’s just us? And here I thought an audience would only arouse you more.”
Tate forced my head downward but even then I wouldn’t allow him entrance. His anger surges and he’s off the chair in a second to push his pants further down. Fully revealing his hardened cock in all its glory. Tate found this situation quite amusing, especially since the girl below him proved unwilling. It only turns him on even more knowing she didn’t want this too.
“Open your mouth, slut. Or would you prefer to have it blown off like his?”
The barrel traces the line tears had gone and stopped right under my chin, in the exact spot where Simon was blown away. I really couldn’t say no or else he’d end my life. Reluctantly, I licked my lips to moisten them, opened my mouth and he immediately slipped inside.
His gun returned to my forehead as a constant reminder that at any moment he could pull the trigger. He’s enjoying every second of this and there wasn’t anything we could do to stop him.
Tate bobs my head along his dick in such a way that each thrust makes me gag. It wasn’t much different from our time in the bathroom but at this moment he didn’t make sure I’m comfortable. Sometimes, Tate would ask if I needed a break or if he should slow down. But this is relentless. My already aching jaw felt as if it might snap at any moment but otherwise I relaxed as much as possible. Every movement of Tate’s hips forced me to take every inch of his thick cock. My tongue moved across shaft to tip, hoping to seem genuine in my effort to please. I felt the barrel slide roughly against my hair as he let out a sigh.
“You go down just like Holy Mary but this time I’m not on a cross. And you won’t be a virgin for much longer, little miss Mary.”
From that insulting comment I dug my fingernails into his thighs hard enough until Tate yanked my head back, getting a better angle that allowed him even deeper. His tip continues hitting the back of my throat with every thrust and I traced each vein with my tongue, fighting the urge to bite him. The only noise in the room was of me sucking him off. No matter the humiliation I kept my eyes on him even as tears distort his face.
I could feel the oncoming orgasm from the way his pace became uneven and it wasn’t long until he shot a load down my throat. After swallowing each drop, he pulled me off and it was a relief having air back in my lungs. The first few breaths I managed were coughs, my throat felt sore and uncomfortable from what occurred.
The fight in me hadn’t vanished so easily.
When Tate glanced arrogantly—for a few minutes too long—at Kevin I grabbed the nearest book and slammed it into his face. It seems I caught him entirely off guard and that mistake is all I needed. He threw his gun on the table and was about to lunge forward.
I suddenly had a burst of confidence, practically throwing myself over the table to grab it before Tate could. I avoided his grasp and backed away, my hands shaking while I lifted the heavy firearm and aimed at his heart.
“My patience is wearing thin. Doll.”
He quickly advanced on me and didn’t hesitate to press his heaving chest against his own weapon. His hand went for the middle then to mine upon seeing my confidence quickly waver, my finger soon slipped from the trigger. God damn it, I wouldn’t be any better than Tate if I did this.
I took in his appearance, bloody-faced from a possibly broken nose and those eyes burned into mine. He’s completely different from the boy I met on my first day of school. The person before me is tuned for the hunt.
“Tate please—“
We’re toe to toe but it’s clear he’s using our height difference to intimidate. I’m pinned between him and the wooden table without a way of escaping. It was my fault after all but either way I had no choice.
“It’s Sir to you. It’s Yes Sir for you! Didn’t your parents raise you to respect authority? I surely hope you don’t behave this way in church.”
I could feel the anger radiating off Tate in waves. He twisted my wrist hard enough I thought I heard bones snap and the gun is ripped from my grasp. It’s discarded immediately and his hands were around my throat in a warning squeeze.
Yet again I tested my diminishing boundaries even as I courted death. Each time my religion is mocked it’s like a physical slap to the face.
“You haven’t the right to be called as such! You’re just acting out in an attempt to gain control of your life when your childhood had none.”
This had been the wrong thing to say.
His free hand went to his belt to produce a switchblade that sliced through my panties. I certainly regret my choice to wear a skirt today, my thighs clenched together in a feeble effort to cover myself from him. I felt fingers trailing up my shaking legs that stopped at the hip. At that, I pressed myself into the table to avoid his icy touch which seemed colder than normal.
“I’m warning you bitch. After I’m finished with you, you’ll wish I had blown your brains out. Why don’t you beg for it? Beg for me to pop your cherry. I mean…I doubt someone like you has experience when it comes to sex.”
Tate’s voice had dropped to a threatening tone and there’s a sudden pulling sensation at my throat. He managed to yank my necklace off and toss it aside even when I caught hold of it momentarily. I couldn’t help the sob that came upon having my religion physically stripped by the Devil. I looked straight at him and said what’s expected past the lump in my throat.
“Ta—Sir. P-please take my virginity. Fuck me like the slut you say I am. I’ll even worship you as…my..my God.”
He slicked his fingers with spit and his own blood and brought them to my cunt after forcing my legs apart. Trying to provide enough wetness. Tate knew it took great effort for those words to slip past my lips so it’s why he entered without hesitation. I cried out from his first thrust that forced my body further into the table, arching my back when a hand slipped under my shirt to harshly fondle my breasts.
“Mmm…am I exciting you already doll? You know, I’ve heard virgins get wet the fastest. It would be terrible for your boyfriend if you’re a lying whore.”
The twisted smile on his face only widened once I truly started to cry. He showed no mercy in taking something we both knew I wished to keep until marriage. I wrapped my arms around his back, clawing at the fabric while my insides ripped at his invasion. It only provided more lubrication as even more blood coats his dick with each harsh snap of his hips. The pace is bruising as Tate buries himself balls deep and soon enough there’s a fire burning in my core. A sensation I tried denying even as this started feeling really good. The hand still at my throat tightened to where I couldn’t get enough air, my vision wavered but his laughter was distinct.
“Tell me, did you ever finger yourself to the thought of me after our sessions? I thought of fucking you like this for quite some time.”
His voice lowers to almost a whisper that’s a strange contrast from the dominant behavior earlier. I managed a nod, tears continue rolling down my cheeks when a moan gave my arousal away quicker than intended.
The pressure momentarily vanished to allow an opportunity to answer.
“Yes Sir. I’ve also imagined what you’d feel like inside me. I often fantasized about it.”
I ran my fingers through his slicked back hair once our foreheads came together in a show of mock intimacy. The sound of skin against skin is so disgustingly exciting, laughter rings in my ears as does the gunshots while he choked the life out of me. His intense, soulless eyes captured my gaze and I knew then he saw everything. My legs shook despite not fully standing which promoted him to slip an arm under my waist. Making it so there’s no distance between us.
Before this situation happened the few of us alive had stifled any noise that might have attracted the shooter. Now I can hear sobbing and prayers all around us. For Tate, this only made him want to fuck her harder and force her to show everyone she’s actually enjoying it.
Tate groaned when my walls clenched around his cock but he didn’t let up on chasing his own orgasm. Unfortunately my first time is mixed with pain and pleasure as my eyes rolled into my head. It feels as if I’m floating when my body suddenly jerks forward but my only thought is to feel him cum. My legs came around his waist when Tate hits a spot that nearly unraveled me.
“Please Sir…”
“Please what? You’ve got to use your words sweetheart.”
His voice is sickeningly gentle. His breath further heats my skin when he laughs into my neck at my desperate tone. Tate shifts our weight so I’m sitting further in his lap, yet another moan escaped at the change of position. The lack of oxygen clouded my mind and to his delight I’m bouncing on his cock like a whore. He’s stretching me to my limit with each thrust that forced his thickness deeper than I thought imaginable. I sharply pulled at Tate’s hair in an attempt to encourage him to speed up the pace.
“Please, please allow me to cum. I need to, Sir. I’m just a vessel to be used by a God such as you.”
“That’s right. Fuck, you’re so tight. You really are a slut after all and an unfaithful Christian. I’ll show you who’s God.”
Those words muttered into my skin are like poison though my body told a different story entirely. Each spot he touched felt ablaze. I felt awful for subtlety moving my hips against the very person who took the lives of our classmates just a few feet away. Tate is by no means a God though continues to act as such. The only authority he has is due to the uniform and gun.
I couldn’t help but consider how good he feels inside, his dick hitting a sweet spot that makes me fasten my legs tighter around him, coaxing him to go even harder.
“I want you to say it. Say ‘You own me Sir. You are my God.’”
Tate’s fully aware he’s being watched fuck her senseless and the fact she’s submitting is almost too good to be true. Another sadistic grin spread across his lips at the thought of what’s to occur when she’s swept to the hospital. At night, he often fantasized about this very moment, raping a girl such as this one before committing suicide. The crying and praying—hers and their classmates—only made him harder. And that she fought back. Tate’s looking into her eyes while she straddles him, her face is flushed and eyes half-lidded with arousal.
“Ah…you..you own me Sir. You are my God.”
My fate was sealed then and there. A few sharp movements were all it took before Tate fully buried himself, blowing his load.
There was only so much he could handle, their foreheads pressed together as her walls started to constrict as if trying to keep him sheathed. Tate admired her briefly, the tear stained face, parted lips, her breath on his tongue and tickling him. She looked absolutely ruined in the most beautiful way.
His cock throbbed and I’m filled to the brim with hot cum that goes deeper than he’s able. I pressed my face into Tate’s neck, nuzzling into him. Whimpering once I felt his blade kiss my flesh. He leaned down and bit my throat hard enough to leave teeth imprints. Soon enough my head lulled onto his shoulder as my consciousness quickly faded.
Tate groaned while pulling out of her before lowering the girl on the floor. She’s already dripping which prompted him to stuff her pussy with the underwear previously cut. Trying to keep as much in so there’s a higher chance of pregnancy. He carefully placed his trenchcoat—revealing his military coat underneath—over her body, then fixed his pants, grabbed his shotgun and headed for the exit. All the while whistling that very tune he had before starting the massacre.
Tate headed for the cafeteria—and shot the few remaining students under tables who were foolish enough to stay put. He picked up a discarded water bottle, drank what’s left and threw it to the floor when finished. By the time he arrived it was already 12:30 pm and it’s only a matter of time before SWAT ruined his fun. He jogged to the library for one last survey of his work. The girl under his coat remained blissfully ignorant of his looming form above her. He licked his lips slowly, admiring her delicate body he just defiled. She looked so fragile. If he really wanted to, he could strangle her or put a bullet in that pretty head right now. Although that wasn’t the plan.
Tate put 6 feet of distance between them, going onto his knees but facing her. He raised the gun to his left temple and pulled the trigger. Hoping to be confined at Westfield instead of that damn house.
The few in the library watched their shooter kill himself less than 10 feet from them. A few screamed out—from relief or shock it wasn't known—and immediately ran for the exit. Except Kevin, Aileen and Stephanie.
Aileen was the first to move toward y/n while Kevin grabbed the broken pendant he cradled in his palm. A part of him was relieved Tate had killed himself while the other wished he’d been the one to do it.
The two knelt beside y/n, each holding one hand. They didn’t need to look under the trenchcoat to imagine how she appeared since they were forced to watch. But for now she’s peaceful which is why they didn’t wake her. All they could do is wait until SWAT assisted everyone outside.
In the end. Tate knew what he did was for a war he hoped others took note of. Their school needed cleansing as does this filthy world they live in. His act of committing suicide wasn’t one of cowardliness but of self sacrifice. He saved his classmates from the truly harsh realities of life. They’re taken somewhere safe, somewhere clean. Perhaps some would understand his actions and regard him a hero. A soldier even. In times of tragedy people looked to God. Right? Wherever Tate ends up he’ll always find a way to make sure people saw him as such. Especially y/n.
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pspspsp can I just request an immortal reader who's life is just dull/sad as hell since they've seen their loved ones leave or die in front of them so many times
but when they meet SBI or anyone, their life just suddenly brightens up? (Platonic and it can be any type of fic!)
(A/N): I got waaaayy too carried away with this. Star god reader my beloved (also, I’d imagine that your cloak looks like this guy’s but on the inside with the outsides being any color of your choice (credit goes to original artist))
If you want more god!reader content with the dream smp, @wooloo-inc has a really good series about a male!nature god!reader (aka, the god of dilf collection)
In the beginning when DreamXD created you (which if you think about it, that makes him your father, but I digress) from stardust and meteorite shards, you were a ball of fun loving sunshine (well, starshine?)
You loved watching over all of humankind, admiring their determination and bonds with other humans (both romantic and platonic)
Your older brother, the god of the moon, told you about how they viewed you and you were amazed
“Oberon?” You ran up to your older brother and tugged on his cloak making him hum in question, not looking up from his parchment scroll. “What- what do the humans think of me?”
He scoffed and glanced at you with his lily white irises, “why are you on about them again? They are lowly creatures compared to us, filled with greed and misfortune.”
“They worship us and that’s how you speak of them?”
“(Y/n) believe me, you have not seen the brutality they are capable of. War, famine, greed, plague, genocide, it’s all something you have not witnessed before. You have only seen the good in those things.” 
“But Oberon, I wanna-” he lightly smacked the side of your head, “use proper English. We are gods and you will behave as such.”
You huffed, “I want to know about how they view us! I do not care about the bad things they have done! Plleeeaaassseeeeeee Beri?” You willed the stars that constantly gleamed in your eyes to shine brighter as you fluttered your eyelashes at him. He may seem like he hated everyone and everything (especially his siblings), but he had a soft spot for his youngest sibling. He just stared at you for a bit before he sighed and shifted in the massive throne so that you could hop up onto his lap. With a wave of a slender pale hand, he conjured up various images of humans with stardust gazing at the stars and the moon with carefree swipes of his hand. 
“They view us as… poetic of sorts. They compare us to romance,” an image of two human males kissing then gazing into the stars laying down on a cliff came into view, “fortune tellers,” an image of the Aquarius and the Capricorn constellations popped up making you squeal in happiness. He chucked and changed the picture to a mother and son standing over a grave looking up in amazement at a shooting star, “and most importantly, as a sign of hope. 
“They see us as complementary, the moon and the stars cannot be as beautiful without the other. We hold the power of the night and everything it touches, (y/n). This is our kingdom, do not forget that,” the image changed to the moon surrounded by stars and swirling blues and purples of nebulas.
You looked at the images with awe, absorbing every word that fell from his mouth. “Beri?” He once again hummed, his deep baritone voice sending vibrations along your back. “Will we be together forever?”
His lanky arms wrapped around your much smaller frame, “for all of eternity. The moon is nothing without the night sky and all of the stars it holds.”
Centuries passed and your fascination with humans only grew from there
When you eventually asked if you could meet a human Oberon reacted angrily and forbade you from speaking of humans again in your shared palace, worried for your safety
When he caught you attempting to sneak out, he locked you in your room for months on end
Humans wondered why the stars hardly appeared in the night sky anymore, forming the theory that they had somehow angered you
They prayed to you more and more, begging and groveling for forgiveness
They left more offerings at shrines
You heard their every word, feeling your heartbreak with sorrow and guilt for your lovely humans
You snuck out of the palace that night determined to make it up to the humans
You quietly snuck past the main room where you and Oberon used to sit on your thrones together and control the night. The large doors were cracked open showing your older brother watching the night with boredom. As you passed, his voice startled you, “I just cannot stop you can I?”
He appeared in the doorframe looking at you emotionlessly, his eyes glinting with hidden pain. “Do you realize how cruel of a place that world is? How cruel humans are?”
“I do not care, brother! They are in anguish because they think I am angry with them! Because you locked me in here!”
“I have told you time and time again, they are ruthless creatures. Humans are constantly clashing with their own kind for the slightest bit of power, they’re greedy creatures! Have you forgotten what happened to Arachnia?”
A shiver went down your spine at the mention of your fellow deity. She wanted to be with humans but they stripped her of her grace and virtuosity, torturing her when the moon would rise. That is the reason spiders attack humans in the night when the moon and stars show themselves and are dormant in the daytime. However, that did not deter you. 
“I have not forgotten what happened to Arachnia, her tale fills me with grief. But not all humans are like that! They are compassionate, loving, and sweet creatures deep down, each and every single one of them!”
“They were not showing compassion or love when they tore Arachnia limb from limb! When they languish in riches while millions die around them! What part of that is compassionate?”
“Sure they do bad things sometimes, but have you forgotten the love they hold for each other? The determination and hope shining from within them when they pray to us? Have you forgotten that?”
He just stared at you with angry irises and his chest heaving before he ran a hand through his long ivory hair and turned around, the flowing white cape flowing wildly behind him with unseen air. He walked back into the observation room and back to his throne. Without a second glance to you, he worked on the transition of power between the sun and moon. You could imagine your sister Aelia grinning brightly as she rose the sun for the day.
“You are to never return here if you step foot out that door. You will still have control of your duties of the night. However you will never return. Do not come back groveling for forgiveness when I have given you constant warnings of their cruelty. If I see your face show up here, I will make sure father smites you down. Now get out of my sight.”
You huffed and whipped around to the front entrance, the stars that constantly twinkled and the nebulas that constantly swirled in the inside of your cloak illuminating the white floors below you as you ran. You left the palace without a second thought, leaving your old life behind in favor of spending it with the humans.
When you came crashing to the Earth in a shooting star, you were amazed by the beauty of it up close and in person
It was everything you expected and then some
You heard the humans cheering and thanking you in their prayers when the stars returned brighter than usual
You being completely enamoured by all of the humans, even if they recognized you or not you loved them all unconditionally
You set up a little cottage in the tundra where you could see the night sky clearly with the occasional aurora borealis 
From the roof, you controlled the stars
The tales of you defecting from the heavens was a popular one, and you became somewhat of a symbol of the hope that humanity should hold for themselves and compassion
Occasionally sending shooting stars over humans you knew were stargazing
You have met many lovers, friends, and even your own adopted kids over the next millenia, all of them accepting your immortality and everlasting duties
But it’s all the same in the end: they come, they leave, and they die
With each death of your loved ones, you could feel your will to keep going dissipate
The stars grew dimmer gradually in the night sky
The humans gradually stopped worshipping you as you disappeared from the night skies
You became a distant memory for elders to tell children 
Disappearing from the face of the Earth for a few centuries when you could not take the constant deaths any longer
Nobody knew where your cabin laid so you were undisturbed for centuries on end, left to your grief
That was until a knock sounded at your door
The knock startled you out of the comfort of your bed. Reluctantly, you left the warmth of the multitude of blankets and donned your cloak to hide your unkempt appearance. When you passed the mirror hanging in the hallway, you could see that your face was shrouded by darkness with the exception of a single glint where your eyes were caused by the lone star that was a constant reminder of your position. Before you fell into a deep depression, the stars would illuminate your entire face if you put your hood up. 
You opened the front door without a care in the world. If the beings on the other side were humans that would take you away and torture you, you didn’t care. You’re long past the point of caring for your own well being.
On the other side was a man of average height and long shaggy blond hair pulled into a slick ponytail. He was dressed entirely in green with a green and white striped bucket hat placed on his head. Past you would’ve been cooing at the object, but now you dully looked at the man in front of you. You glanced behind him and your eyes widened at the huge black wings sprouting from his back. You know who he was the second your eye caught the black feathers; he was the Angel of Death.
“Hello, Angel of Death.”
He tried to peer into your shrouded features, only seeing two pinpricks of light where your eyes should be. He gave you a friendly smile, brushing off the snow that gathered on his shoulders. “(Y/n), the God of the Stars and the Night Sky. Giver of compassion to the human race, it’s an honor to meet you.”
“Why are you here? Last time I checked, my last lover died centuries ago.”
“Yes, my condolences. They were lovely when I guided their soul to the afterlife.”
“You still have not answered my question, Angel of Death. Why are you here?” You grit out the last sentence through a clenched jaw. He has no right to talk about them when he assisted in taking them away from you. Him and your cousin, the Goddess of Death Kristin. They took everybody you loved away from you. You knew that their deaths were unavoidable since they were human and you were immortal, but you still couldn’t help but resent them.
“The Goddess of Death sent me. The God of the Moon and the Goddess of the Sun sent her a request to send me to check on you.”
You stared at him for a few moments before you saw him shivering slightly and sighed. You always had a soft spot for humans, even if the being in front of you was not a human in the slightest. He reminded you of an old friend. You stepped aside and gestured lazily inside the house, “come in.”
He started to visit more and more over the next century
He eventually befriended you about half a century into the visits
It was extremely difficult to do because of how guarded you were, but he managed to break you out of your shell
You realizing how kind he was and how much he cared for you
You quickly came to the realization that he was immortal as well after reading up on the Angel of Death
After another fifty years, he became your best friend
You both opened up and comforted each other about everybody you both lost over the years
When he adopted Technoblade and then Wilbur not long after Techno, you were extremely hesitant to get close to them
Even going as far as telling Philza that you thought that it was an extremely bad idea
Mortals always end up leaving in the end anyways, it’s best to avoid the endless cycle of hurt that came with having mortals around
You told him about your own adopted children that have died over the years
You refuse to meet them, cutting off all communication with Philza for a year or two
Eventually meeting his three adopted kids when you reluctantly accept a dinner invitation one day
You attempted to appear cold and uncaring, but your love for humans (especially baby humans) shone through when an infant Tommy started to play with your cape
It seemed that the stars and the moving nebulas within the fabric entranced him
From then on whenever you visited Philza, you always held Tommy until he was too old for you to do so
Becoming very attached to the blond with your strong innate parental instincts
You introduce Techno to mythology, sharing stories of your personal interactions with certain gods and entities throughout the years
You teach Techno how to cope with the voices as you constantly hear multiple prayers to you from humans at the same time
You arrange a meeting for Wilbur with the Goddess of Music when he asks you about her
Arranging for her to start giving him lessons in exchange of a favor that will be cashed at a later date
You help raise all three of them, often taking them off Philza’s hands for a night or two 
Their favorite activity with you is watching you raise the stars and turn the sky dark
They always loved to watch you move the stars and summon shooting stars for them
The stars gradually returned to your eyes and a constant ecstatic smile slowly became synonymous with your face again
Humans started to worship you again when the stars in the sky became brighter
You became your old self again after centuries of feeling lost 
To repay them for everything they’ve done for you, you decided to rearrange the stars for one night 
One night of having a different star pattern couldn’t hurt 
Sure, it’d make a few theories pop up among the humans, but those are fun to overhear sometimes
The young boys and Philza behind you watched in awe as your eyes started to glow brightly and you slowly moved your hands gracefully raising the stars with the moon, your cloak starting to flow with nonexistent winds. They’ve seen you raise the stars thousands of times, but it never ceases to amaze them. It was just so… entrancing. 
You broke into a slight sweat and started to move the stars from their original positions in the sky. Shaking slightly, you pushed back against the strain and slight pain that it brought you. You’ve never done this before, so you really didn’t know what you were expecting. You felt someone put a hand on your shoulder.
“What’re you doin, mate?”
“Uh Dad?”
“Not now Techno. Mate, are you alright?”
“Dad, look up. They’re rearranging the stars,” Wilbur breathed out.
You could hear Philza gasp slightly as he watched star after star move until they locked into place. There in the twinkling night sky was each of their names gleaming brightly in small lettering. When you were done, you fell into a kneel onto the ground and rubbed at your aching head panting lightly. 
You could hear the boys around you panic slightly as you regained your breath. As you heard them approach you you looked up at them and smiled, the stars gleaming brightly in your irises. “Do you like it?”
“Y-yes but gods, (y/n) are you alright?”
“I am fine, but stars, I have never done that before. Are you four ready for stargazing?”
“That was so pog, (y/n)! How’d you do that?”
“I hold the power of the stars and the night sky in my hands. My brother once told me that the night is our kingdom.” You laid down onto the grass and took off your cloak to cover up a shivering Tommy and Wilbur next to you. You sighed as you thought about your siblings; you wondered how they were doing. 
“I will gladly move the stars themselves for you four. You are my family.” There was a stretched out moment of comfortable silence as you five watched shooting stars blaze by. Eventually, you saw an aurora borealis materialize above you. Furrowing your brow, you looked at it in question. They don’t appear this time of year, so why-
“Aelia,” you breathed out as you watched the greens flow above you. She must’ve sent a gust of solar wind your way. 
“Isn’t Aelia the Goddess of the Sun?” Wilbur asked you.
“Yes, she is my oldest sister. She must have redirected the solar winds over here.” 
“Damn, what’s with the gods changing everything tonight? You guys need to fuckin chill.”
“Tommy!” Philza scolded and was about to continue before he heard you start to laugh. They’ve only heard you genuinely laugh only a couple of times, so the sound that left your mouth immediately brightened the mood. 
“Yes Tommy, I suppose we do need to ‘fucking chill’.”
“You swore! Fuckin pog,” Tommy cheered to himself as the others looked at you in slight shock at your words. If you’re being completely honest in all of the years you spent alive (which is since basically the beginning of time), you’ve never sworn once. You were raised differently than that. When you realized that the others were staring at you, you smirked at them. The stars twinkling and giving your eyes even more of a mischievous glint, “what? Have you never heard a god swear before?”
General taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@crybabyjabby  @izzybobizzy13  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @bunnyz-pxstel  @averytiredfanfictionwriter  @dcml04  @sparkling-gayyyy  @bbigbbrainn  @thaticecreambish  @kiinokochii  @satansphatass  @bxkubitch  @bxmentchildxx  @roxy3457  @montygator17  @feverish-dove  @the-fictionwriters-hairdo  @jichuuchaeng  @404rynnotfound  @luluwinchester  @laura--444  @the-cult-classic-bitch  @youngstarfishdinosaur
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Will Of The God’s Chapter One
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Masterlist found in ficlets/short fics
Summary: All is not well in Olympus; the king of the gods has grown weary of his cold distant wife who seeks to punish him for his infidelity. But two thousand years have passed and Zeus has finally had enough. If Hera doesn’t want to be his wife or warm his bed then he will seek out a replacement. A mortal who will entertain him. It’s time to test the mettle of these millennials. Time to make this modern mortal feel the will of the gods she’s so interested in.
Warnings: Adult Situations, +18 only no minors, Implied rape, Implied slavery, Implied Sex/sexual violence, Dark Fic, Dark! Geralt Zeus, AU Greek Gods, Swearing, Violence, Anxiety, Angst, Sexist Themes, Obsessive Character, Power Abuse, Stalking, Assault.
A/N: so, I challenged myself here, I wanted to do another Greek god AU but in our time, so its god au but not as you know it? I mean it was difficult but I’m pleased with it. There is once again quite a few references to various mythology and Greek symbolism. This chapter more sets the scene , there is not actually smut in this one but I hope you all like it anyway.
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Zeus let out a long sigh as he sat on the steps of his Olympus palace his bare feet hanging over the sheer drop that led straight down to the mortal realm. He peered over the edge honing his vision watching as the little mortals scuttled about rushing to and fro, their huge flying contraptions interrupting his clear view now and then. Time had become a commodity, in the past two centuries the humans world had become a completely different place. Electricity, transport the internet! Everything about their way of life was convenient, they thought themselves gods! Masters of their own fate. He scoffed, they had forgotten much yet still visited the shrines and paid homage so he couldn't complain, he actually received worship and prayer from outside his own kingdom. Wandering humans, they called themselves tourists. Zeus called them lost.
They arrived in groups took photographs; illustrations, made childish comments about the anatomy on the statues and left giggling and happy. As technology took hold, he avoided visiting fair maidens on earth, he thought it unwise to let the humans of present see his godly form. They wouldn’t be able to stand it, it would ruin them. Just as Ares influence had ruined them.
Or perhaps it was Pandora's doing? He huffed a laugh to himself. Yes, that had been fun. Cursing the poor child with a thirst for knowledge then teaseing her with the box. He knew it was a temptation too far and she'd eventually open it realising all that darkness. He hummed leaning further crouching resting he crossed arms on his knees. Yes, it was probably the darkness of the box that seeped into man, war was inevitable. The god king couldn’t blame his son- Ares may be the god of war but war had been a product of humans. It wasn’t the boys fault the humans tore one another to pieces and made the war god more and more powerful.
Zeus sneered, lip curling up in irritation. The boy best not get too big for his boots though. There was only room for one king of the gods and he'd protect his place on the top no matter what. He had rid himself of his father, the titans hades was less of a threat now that he was happily ruling the underworld with his mortal. Zeus had even devoured his first wife Metis to keep their child from growing and overpowering him. Zeus had nothing against removing Ares should he become a threat, Artemis too.
He sighed again flicking his feet. Since backing away from humanity Olympus had become very boring, he only had his wife to amuse himself. And she was not amused a single bit by the way he pursued her now, settling for her because he had no other options. Hera, he had realised held grudges and was still annoyed about all his dalliances refusing to lie with him, they didn’t even share bed chambers anymore! Not that it stopped him. When he wanted her, he took her, she was his wife and will serve him as he wanted whether willing or otherwise.
Yet even those releases were no longer satisfying him. She no longer snipped or fought, instead laying there motionless letting him possess her as he wished. Apart from that he never saw her, she wallowed in her rooms haunting them like a bound spirit. Zeus was toying with the idea of putting her out of her misery, or atleast banishing her to the underworld for hades to deal with.
If his wife no longer satisfied his need what good was, she? Why should he keep her and put up with all the nonsensical pouting, he made her a queen wasn’t that enough for her?
Alas he had not yet dealt with her, Zeus just didn’t have the energy to smite the bitter goddess. Even though he was bored, he just wanted some spice! Grit! He wanted the thrill of the chase and some resistance; he needed to seduce and corrupt. He needed a new conquest. A new consort. A fiery one at that, and he was beginning to realise he would not find that on Olympus.
He stared longingly into the mortal realm. He wanted one. He wanted a pet to ravish and toy with, to gift his seed and force another demigod into existence. He needed something to occupy himself with. But it had been soo long, none would belive him if he did go and announce himself and it wasn’t like he could bring one home-
Zeus paused every muscle in his body stiffening. That was a thought. Capturing and taming a feisty human? There was no doubt it was possible for him to do it. He was Zeus! King of the gods, all powerful! If mortals could be bound to the underworld, then they could be bound to Olympus, to him. He would have to bestow eternal youth and if they were a good obedient pet and kept him entertained, he'd consider giving them true immortality.
With a devilish grin he rose standing tall amber eyes locking on the temple that was full of these lost humans. His grin grew wider and cock twitched. A fresh little quim to ravage sounded like the perfect distraction. Without even taking a moment to pause he leapt from the stairs into the free fall and transformed into his Eagle diving down plummeting to earth with only one goal in mind.
Find a fiery woman with a deep cunt to steal.
You moved with the group leaving the pantheon and you were thankful for it. As amazing as this trip was you may have underestimated just how hot Greece got in the middle of the summer. A little too hot for a tiny brit like yourself, but despite the brutal heat you were enjoying the trip of a lifetime.
You huffed sitting in the shade dragging your water bottle from you bag. Ugh warm. The reusable ice stick worked at home in the 28°c summer but here didn’t do diddly squat. Still, you sipped the strawberry flavoured water only cringing slightly as the warm fruity taste resembled unsweetened fruit tea rather than a refreshing drink. You cast a glance over the small tour group you'd came with. Most were couples, the odd honeymooning newlyweds the rest younger. You wouldn’t be surprized if this trip was the grandiose engagement trip. They looked like they came from money and could afford to come out here and pop the question. You scoffed, even the oap's were all loved up out here.
You saw the appeal, Greece was beautiful. A paradise and any romantic couple would appreciate the seductive air of the country. Stunning vistas and a history chock full of sexual myths and tales. The art on every street corner reminding you of the ancient provocative tales. You wasn’t bitter per say, or you hadn’t been but the stares from the group had irked you. All eyeing you pitifully as if you were some poor lonely spinster just because you were here alone.
You were here for some inspiration! You should have thought through your latest book idea before suggesting it to your agent. The idea of the ancient gods having mortal vessels whose job was to bring about the age of gods and demigods again. Yes, it'd been a unique idea, brilliant all the while it was rolling off your tongue in a last ditch attempt for some extra income. Then when your publisher decided to go for it you realised you hadn’t known as much as you thought and had to tread carefully. Warning of  'this is people's culture you have to be mindful' finally bringing home the seriousness of your little book idea.
So here you were, out in Greece to experience the ruins firsthand. To immerse yourself in mythology and lore so you don’t offend anyone and get a fucking lawsuit thrown at you. You swallowed a few more mouthfuls of your drink determined to fend off dehydration, then pulled out the small leather note pad.
You quickly began jotting down a few lines, thoughts and observations as you were here in the moment. The pen scratching across the page and scribbling a few doodles from the scenery. Then growled as you heard the tell-tale whispers from some of the others in your group. Pitying words of the lone singleton in Greece. You rolled your eyes quickly casting a look and low behold it the American was stealing glances at you again. Stefany whispering to her new husband about you always having your nose in your 'journal'. You sighed shaking your head before turning back to your work. Morons.
The trip itself was amazing, but the bozo's you were with were all terribly annoying. It probably didn’t help that they were all talking out their asses. Only yesterday did you finally shut the clueless woman up after a week of listening to her try to explain Greek mythology to you- who had been reading up on it before even stepping onto the plane. No Stefany hades is not Satan nor can you simplify him as 'the devil' you uneducated fuck knuckle!
Okay so you didn’t out right call her a fuck knuckle but you could have. She irritated you and you couldn’t wait for her to leave! You were out here for three months so thankfully wouldn’t have to endure her for the whole trip. But until then you had decided to keep as much distance as you could between you and her... and the group as a whole. You wasn’t here for a jolly or to make friends, you were here for work and some vitamin D because apparently your too pale.
There was a ripple of awe suddenly as everyone moved into a crowd as some gimmicky show began. You didn’t bother moving, it was too hot and you really couldn’t be bothered besides you saw it last week when you were here the first time... and the second, you don’t think you could stand a third.
You leant back on your hands looking up to the top of the Parthenon tipping your head back to peak at the top. It was awe inspiring, you knew from previous research that the columns would have been inlaid with gold and jewels even some glass. The Greeks had the right of it, making stunning buildings that shimmered in the glorious sunup here. Shame it was all left to ruin, but then again it was what? 2000 years old? So, it wasn’t doing too bad for its age.
You looked up to the sky still determined to drown out the god-awful tourist show that drew the masses. I mean if they were going to put on a show atleast do it in the Dionysus theatre. You know where shows belonged?
You scoffed and then squinted as something appeared seemingly out of thin air. You followed the spec frowning as the tiny dot moved gracefully. You concentrated on it only to hiss and close your eyes as whatever it was darted in front of the sun, you rubbed your eyes and then quickly shielded them from the sun searching to the spec. Was that an Eagle? You swore to yourself tipping your head, you were no expert bird watcher but that was a pretty big tweedy pie. Your eyes followed the bird watching it glide in circles over the ruin. You eyed it curiously, as it perched ontop of the temple ruin, it turned its head to the side eyeing the media circus ruffling its feathers in what appeared to be displeasure.
"Not impressed huh Zeus?" You asked chuckling to yourself at the little joke. You froze as the bird twisted cocking its head around and looked in your direction instantly, pinning you with a look as if it had heard you. It turned faceing you fully smoothing its feathers down and stared.
It unnerved you the way the bird held your gaze intelligently. Tilting its head again one beady eye appraising you. For a moment you thought it was going to swoop down and try its luck and steal your bag or something, like the monkeys did in other countries... Did Athens have a scavenging eagle problem? There wasn’t anything in the brochure but you doubted those issues would be. Being dive bombed by huge Dino-bird didn’t sound appealing.
You stared at the bird deciding to slowly reach for your phone to snap a picture, the coincidence of 'Zeus' bird eyeing you after your jest wasn't lost on you, it'd be funnier had this happened at the big man’s temple. You lifted your phone focusing on the bird only for into take off and disappear out of sight. 'Fucking thing!' You cursed under your breath again missing the chance of yet another cool photo. You really were shit at this whole tourist gig.
"They rarely stay for a photo" you yelped all but jumping out of your skin at the purr from beside you. You slapped your phone to your thigh as you almost dropped it. And craned your head up to see a huge man. Bigger than any you’d ever seen! He must have been 6'3 6'4 with wide shoulders barrelled chest and slim waist, the epitome of a Dorito physique. You frowned but spoke not wanting to be impolite.
"I noticed" you spoke, voice uncertain you were wary. He was giant and had somehow snuck up on you? You wasn’t a super aware person, but it was rare for someone to get so close without you noticing... especially someone soo large.
"So, did I. You’d rather bird watch then see the little... dance? Is that dancing? I'm unsure" he drawled casting a severe look to the show brows furrowing giving him a fierce unforgiving look. Dark. Too dark. But as quickly as it was there the offended look vanished and he brought his gaze back to you.
"Yeah, well I didn’t trudge all the way up that steep hill for the birds, but a huge ass eagle buzzing about the Parthenon? That’s more Greek culture than whatever the hell that is?" You said tearing your gaze away to nod to the show? dance? Pantomime? You wasn’t sure. But it only took moments to look back at the male before you, you couldn’t help staring at him. You tried not to but? Something about him was off, making your skin prickle. It wasn’t just the terrible silver dye job on the long shoulder length hair or the equally shitty creepy contact lenses but he was wearing black, in this heat? Like it was nothing! And even if he was used to this climate wouldn’t he be tanned? He didn’t look like a tourist yet he was pale overall he was odd. Too odd.
"Then you know of Zeus?" He purred tilting his head to the side fighting a smile, he seemed cocky like he was laughing at you but there was more to it. It got your goat.
"Who doesn't? The dude was the biggest scariest fuck boi of the ancient world" you snipped crossing your arms feeling more irritated by his presence more than anything. You couldn’t help feel smug as he faltered grunting, a twitch of his lip giving you the small victory you needed to feel more in control of the situation.
"Well, I wouldn't word it like that but he's... insatiable" the man purred eyes becoming dazed, a far off look in the amber orbs wide tongue wetting his lip comeing back to his senses eyeing you up and down like meat. Your confidence dropped and you got the feeling you were in danger, but even as the fear doused  every bone in your body with its icy grip you snapped back. Feeling like a wild animal being slowly backed into a corner.
"That’s a pretty strange way to say sexual predator but okay" you said with a dull tone. The strangers face fell his jaw locked for a moment the frightening rage crossed his features again, nostrils flaring only to relax once more into a frankly disturbing smile. He looked cunning; you didn’t like it at all. This man wasn’t normal. There was too much of? Something?!
He gave you the creeps, it was probably just the freaky combination of orange eyes and silver hair but you just needed to get away from him. Now. You rose from the ground pressing your phone in your hand tightly and began gathering your little notebook and drink bottle. You just had the need to merge with the crowd and disappear. A safety in numbers deal.
"Your making notes? Are you a scholar?" He said stepping closer than you would have liked, towering over you making your draw in a deep fearful breath. The dread you felt now a deep terror in your bones willing you to run and hide. But somehow you couldn’t help thinking it would do no good.
"No, far from it, just... documenting the trip myths and legends and all that" you hinted trying to give just enough information to satisfy his curiosity and stop the conversation all together so you could haul ass out of there.
"Would you like help? I’m knowledgeable" he hummed staring through you, the golden eyes were unsettling , your pretty sure he hadn't blinked once since popping up at out god knows where.
"No, your alright-" you stepped back almost slipping over a block you hadn’t known was there. In fact, you were certain it hadn’t been, your ass had just been on the dirt moments ago!
"Carful wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself... there we go little woman" he was quick to grasp you, stopping you from tumbling to the ground by holding you close, your breasts almost brushing his abdomen. Your body shivered as his hands touched you, the absolute horror was like nothing you'd never felt. Your need to run and hide becoming more a terror fuelled escape, you wanted to bolt like a spooked horse. Before you could cuss him out and remind him to keep his mitts to himself, he spoke again.
"Ask me anything, I have all the answers you could dream- stories you couldn’t even begin to understand" his voice held a laugh, like he had some inside joke. Once again pushing your buttons.
"Well, ain’t you full of yourself?" You sneered slapping his hands away and twisted away from him. Only for him to grasp your bicep and yank you back towards him.
"I know everything you could possibly think of asking" he purred into the crown of your hair, the  drew in a deep breath groaning as he did.
"Well good for you, now fuck off" you snarled bringing your foot up for a well-aimed nut shot. But the male chuckled snapping his thighs shut capturing the leg in a warm vice.
Instantly you grunted and tugged, trying to free yourself but the man coiled around you like a snake. His arms holding you to himself tightly, immovable. He was much,  much stronger than he had appeared. Which was saying something considering he was clearly a huge well-built man that worked out.
"It has been such a long time since I face such a mortal~ you are a challenge I like that" he groaned nestling his face into your hair drawing deep breaths in. Growling all the while as you quivered and twisted in his hold trying to free yourself.
"Let go of me or I’ll scream" you huffed out in a panic as the chances of you getting away were slim and it was dawning on you that you will need some help to escape this hulking giant of a man.
"You'll do no such thing" his voice hissed, a deep nerve-wracking malice dripping from the words. You made to scream anyway only for the air in your throat to freeze, lungs tightening heavy and full felling as if they were filling with water.
You fought to suck in air eyes wide and hand trying to clench your neck but the man held your arms at your sides. Whining you stopped moving panting only managing to draw in tiny breaths that were hard to exhale.
"Hush, shh my little firecracker. Your safe, all will be well. Everything will be fine as long as you let me bed you" he soothed moving a hand from you to tuck hair behind your ear and then began to pet your hair gently instantly you clutched at your neck. Huffing and panicking, so much you almost missed his words.
"Wh-at?" You wheezed terrified as you struggled to breath, only catching enough breath as not to pass out. He chuckled and ran his nose over your crown once more, his warmth seeping into your back and he held you to him. It was frightening and completely insane!
"Take me to your room, share yourself with me, let me fuck into you tiny fragile body and show you true rapture, I will grant you anything you desire~" he groaned letting his thighs clench around your ankle and arch into you, his groin brushing over the top curve of your bottom.
"Fffuck no" you hissed still struggling gasping and croaking you blinked repeatedly wanting to clear your vision as it began to blur and darken.
"I warn you wench, do not antagonize me. Do as I have commanded, take me to your bed little mortal~." He growled still moving grinding into you holding you still as you teetered on one foot, his huge thick thighs holding your ankle. One of his hands were spread out over your tummy, holding and caressing slow circles making the warmth seep through your clothes and heat your already flashed skin. He moaned a breathy sound into your hair and rocked enthusiastically into your ass. You whined feeling his cock twitch on you back and began to resign yourself to your fate, all hope dwindling as you felt faint. His other hand was still caressing your hair now his hips jerking faster making your body sway with him in a sickening rhythm.
"I-I n-n" you wheezed tears trickling down your face as you began to truly panic fingers clawing at your throat and chest, trying to fight off the tight feeling of your lungs being crushed.
"Oh, pet don’t be like that come on out with it~" his teasing was light despite the situation, the fact he was slowly suffocating you. The way in which he seemed to have all the time in the world, the calm way his words rolled off his tongue. It was frightening on a whole other level. He had done this before. The confidence in his stance and words made that clear.
"F-fuck" you swore more to yourself then him. Your panic rose as the seconds ticked by and your struggle did nothing to stop this monstrous man.
"I do love makeing you mortals breathless, it always gives me a rush. Teasing your frailty with just enough air so you won’t pass out. A glorious desperation. Seductive, enticing. But I do need my answer now, think carefully about whose holding your very existence in their hand." He cooed finding this all humorous. But he had better things in mind. Like sinking into your body and enjoying his first worthwhile fuck in over a millennium.
"Show me to your bed, and I will show you the stars" he purred once more pressing his lips to your hair gently, breathing you in. the panic, fear and hopeless fight of a humans survival instinct desperate to fight for its life. It aroused him; he had missed this.
This was it? This was how you’d go? Passing out and being kidnapped raped and killed? You could only hope he'd kill you; you knew the alternative heard stories of what befell unsuspecting tourists, ending up in the sex industry, trafficked across continents living as a sex slave to anyone who'd pay for a night of fun. No. NO! you refused! You’d fight- with what little strength you had left you'd fight!
"N-no!" Your shout was louder than the man had anticipated whatever voodoo he cast on you slipped and you managed a few gasps of true air before your lung seized up again. And he was snarling at you once more.
"What?" His voice sounded so offended, like you’d just spat in his face. You could only hope you really had annoyed him. That he was offended by your blatant refusal, he didn’t seem to be prepared for your sheer stubbornness.
"D-id I s-stut-ter?" You huffed out past your once again laboured breaths,  tipping your head around to him smirking. You were greeted with a red angered face, golden eyes full of indignation and rage, his jaw locked and brows creased into a deep frown. He looked like a raging bull.
"No" the word was accompanied by a small smug grin on your part. You may still be struggling but you had won a small victory. His hips were no longer moving across your rear end. In fact, he had seemed to freeze entirely apart from the heaving of his chest behind you. Anger simmering in each and every breath.
"You will obey"
"Li-ke f-fuck!"
"Perhaps you have not realised yet. I. Am. Zeus. King of the gods and you will show some respect, worship me! Give yourself to me freely or face the consequences" his mad words and exclamation was little more than a hushed growl, a violent hiss in your ear followed by a swift tug at your hair pressing your head back to his chest as it rumbled with anger.
"Crazy cunt is wha' you are" you laughed but your eyes were looking into the crowd before you, not aware of the situation unfolding behind them. You flicked your gaze back and forth willing someone- anyone to turn around and see your distress and come help.
"You dare to defy me? Defy the will of the gods!" His hot breath burned your ear. The venom of his words drew another humourless laugh from you. Pushing his buttons was a risk, but the angrier these people got the more likely they were to fuck up. And you needed to take that chance, the only way you were getting away from the behemoth brute was if he fucked up. Luck was on your side as he hissed and released your hair throwing your head forward. You took the chance knowing his head was still tipped down to you and brought your head back as hard as you possibly could cracking him right in the nose.
You grunted when your head made contact striking the male in the face. Hard. It hurt you more then you’d thought it would, your eyes even blurred. But it did the trick, suddenly you were released and you staggered forward out of arms reach, spinning to face him. Even though he pulled back you couldn’t help feeling it was more out of shock then the fact you’d struck him.
"Now rev up and fuck off, you crazy hair bleaching contact wearing hippy" you snarled gasping trembling trying to understand just what the fuck that was about. Before he could reply you backed away bag in hand stepping further back not willing to turn your back on him. You’d expected him to chase you and kidnap you or something. Yet he stood tall ghosting a hand over his nose that you’d hoped was bloodied, lithe fingers curved over his chin. And he grinned, beaming at you scoffing before wagging his finger at you playfully, eyes holding a sick type of mirth that made you go cold.
He huffed shaking his head whilst bringing a hand to the bridge of his nose, rubbing it slightly and curling a finger below his nostrils. Sadly, you hadn’t drew blood, you’re not entirely sure how. You almost blacked out from how hard you’d headbutted him, but his nose was intact. He pulled his hand away and wagged a finger at you grinning.
"I shall see you soon y/n. Do behave, I may not be beside you, but I am watching you now mortal... I will collect you soon~" he ended with a small laugh at your face contorting into one of horror and you inched back a few steps.
"You fucking creep" you said shaking  backing up a few more feet before spinning around and bolted to the crowd bag in hand. He didn’t give chase, just watched you scuttle off.
Once you got to the relative safety of the crowd you darted into the mass of bodies. Twisting and turning between the people, trying to weave a maze though. It was only when you caught up to your tour group you were able to breathe easy. But one thing unsettled you. How did he know your name? You never gave it to him. Did you? God that was soo creepy. You chanced a look back in the direction but didn’t see him, instead of finding the tall man with long silver locks your eyes were drawn to the huge bird in the tree above where you’d sat. The eagles golden eyes staring at you unblinkingly, then it cried out a loud call, it felt like a warning.
The sound drew the crowds attention before it dived making some duck and yelp as the bird glided over the crowd shitting on one of the dancers making them stop and yell out before swooping off to the left disappearing out of sight. You giggle along with the others in your group as they chuckled at the dancers complaining. With a final look for your assailant, you breathed a sigh of relief. He was gone.
Zeus chuckled as he arrived at Olympus turning to peak back down at you before he landed. You were the one, he would have years of fun with you before you got boring, maybe there was something to these new... Millennials. You were certainly feisty.
He grinned and walked through the palace, heading straight to the dining hall with a grin on his face. Scheming already, he had the perfect punishment for such an unruly mortal. He just had to command a few gods to do his bidding. Then he would have you here, his own pet. A mortal cunt in Olympus just for him.
"Eros, I have need of you~" Zeus' voice carried from the door like thunder silencing the room. All those in the hall ceased their conversations as the king strode in past the huge table. All eyes moved to the god of carnal love. Hera snapped her gaze from eros to Zeus and back worry striking her,  was he going to make eros intervenes with her? Make her crave her husband once more?
"My king?" Eros called his curled hair pulled from his face and blue eyes trying to read his kings mood. But it was for naught. None but Zeus would ever know what was truly going on inside the god kings head.
Zeus paraded passed all of other Olympians, a spring in his step not even glancing at them, paying no heed to the looks he garnered as he crossed the room in human attire.  He took his seat at the head of the table and began helping himself to the food as he spoke with a smile non had seen for an age.
"Yes, there is a mortal. I wish to... Punish her" his voice carried over the table igniting a rush of whispered. Hera gasped and dropped her cutlery with a loud crash, silencing the murmurs.
"Punish a mortal?" Eros asked with a smirk, wiping over his beard with a napkin fighting a grin. It had been too long since he had interfered with the mortals. Lust was so rife in the mortal realm now with the sexual liberation in the past few centuries he'd not had to torment them.
"Yes. A female, ornery mare of a woman she refused me in... the most extraordinary way." Zeus explained with a smile as he began to eat. The table came to life once more gossiping, this confirmed the rumours. Zeus was unhappy again, Hera was out of favour and the king will once again wander, go as far as to seek out a human.
"Husband why would you seek out a mortal?" Hera asked quietly leaning forward placing a hand on Zeus' arm. He simply glanced at her hand as he finished his mouthful, then glanced at her face holding her in his unnerving stare. Then he shook off her hand and continued eating letting the hall fall into judgemental silence.  
Hera remained still watching him, pleading with her eyes begging for an answer. Wanting this to just be a trick to humiliate her, a bluff to call her to heel. And she must admit it was working. Suddenly she felt replaceable just as mitis was, like all his lovers were. But still she had hoped she was different; her refusal had granted her more mercy from him when she acted out.
"Because you are so fun Hera? You wander and mope, haunt these halls like a widow! You refuse my advances- my affections try to punish me for my wandering with the belief I will never tire of it?" He finally spoke teasing her cruely, all but laughing at her. She frowned shaking her head trying to find some words to soothe him, change his mind! Save herself this humiliation.  
"No. I cannot stand it. I will not fight you each night and be rewarded with a boring bed mate that lays still and weeps. If you wish to escape my affection then congratulations. You have achieved your goal" he said with a shrug not a care in the world to how he'd just laid out their intimate relations bare. Nameing and shaming her for being a lousy wife that had drove away the most insatiable of beings. Everyone knew Zeus loved sex, any sex forced or not. For him to cast Hera aside because she was that undesirable in the bed chamber was... extremely embarrassing for the goddess.
"Husband I? I did not- I was merely hurt by your affairs I love you-" she tried holding back her panic as she felt her world crumbling around her. First it was a lover, then a child before she knew it, she could be killed and replaced!
Zeus smiled at her sardonically. Eyes harsh boring into her with a deep distaste she had not noticed before. It made the goddess shiver. She suddenly got the feeling her days were numbered.
"Then perhaps driving me away was not your best course of action? You had two thousand years to come around. I will wait no longer. I have found a new female. A feisty young mortal who has ignited my heart once more and will take her place in my bed. She will do what you have failed"
"No! Zeus I cannot- will not allow this!" Hera shouted standing up so fast her chair slid back a food few feet from her. The room was I stunned silence watching as Hera their queen stood frozen but shaking as she out right challenged Zeus.
Zeus stood slowly wiping his mouth with a napkin and walked around the side of the table rounding his wife who began to tremble with fear aswell as anger. Fear taking over as Zeus swerved around her and paused at her chair. Then with a mighty show of force he kicked it into her legs. The wood hit her knees and she yelped crumpling into the seat and hung her head.
The small ,act had been enough to show everyone just where she now stood... or sat. And it was below him. He had belittled her here in front of her own people, her own children. But he wasn’t finished. He moved to stand behind her and rested a hand on her back before leaning over her, crushing her under his weight as he reached out for the pitcher of wine before her and began hissing words out at her head the fury in his voice enough to make even Ares and Artemis tremble. They had not seen their father so angry before, not even they would cross him when in this mood.
"You allow nothing, because you are nothing. Nothing but a bitter, empty used up wench. I shall do as I please when I please and you will keep these tantrums to yourself release your own bitter anger in your own company in your own rooms, lest I unleash mine on you" he threatened and waited for a slight docile nod before he stood tall again taking the innocent pitcher of wine back to his seat and pouring himself a glass.
"W-will you return to the mortal realm for her? As you did before" Hera spoke demurely eyes cast down in her lap as her mind reeled. She'd never been so close to feeling the wrath of her husband before.  It was sobering, tears began trickling down her face as she realised, she had truly lost him this time and only had herself to blame.
"That is none of your business- my new mistress is nothing to concern yourself with. In fact wife, I think it would be in your best interest to forget my new conquest, she will bear the burden your refuse and warm my bed, day and night." Zeus boasted twisting the knife into the already open salted wound. He was revelling in this. Hera had displeased him for far too long, now she would see the error of her ways and endure what he has decided.
The spiteful bitches hate would be doused, he will pull the rug from under her just to watch the bruises mottle her skin. She may belive herself to be spiteful, but she forgets Zeus was out right monstrous when he wanted to be, vicious, cunning and all powerful. And now she was at his mercy. She will beg to lie with him but he will refuse he no longer covoted her as he once did.
"So do smile Hera. For you have what you want. You are now free from your wifely duty. Never again will you be joined in your chambers at night. A you will never have to endure a man’s lust from now until your dying day" he chuckled raising a glass to his disgraced wife in a toast. The mortified goddess looked up to see the vindictive smile upon her husband’s face as he drank to her despair.
"For I may have found a fresh mortal cunt to plunder but you are still my wife. And should anyone think to have you? Well, I shan’t take to kindly to it" his final decree was one of pure spite. He was making it known she would suffer abstinence,  betrayal,  adultery and possibly another bastard. That she will be replaced by a mere mortal. And she will never be free.
"You know I believe I will take my meal out on the balcony..." Zeus decided and stood once more this time lifting his plate and wine before stepping around the table once more. He paused as Hera began rising with her own, clearly hoping he would allow her a private dinner to discuss things. Little did she know there was nothing ,ore to discuss. He had no time for her weeping and mindless panicked pleas.
"Alone Hera, surely you do not think I wish to be alone with you in my chambers? I never wish for you to enter my bedchambers again. You have no place there" he ordered crushing the goddess more so than before, then laughed as she bit her lip trying not to weep at the utter humiliation of being discarded so thoroughly and publicly. Zeus smirked wider and then he turned to Eros.
"Eros. As I said, I need your skills. I will speak with you after your meal. Seek me out when you are finished" he insisted rubbing salt into Hera's the wound. Inviting another to his chamber just after barring her. His wife.
"Of course, I shall be there momentarily my king" Eros replied with a low tip of his head. Zeus smiled like a Cheshire cat and spun exiting to dining hall pleased with how his day had turned out. The sweet sound of his wife’s quiet sobs echoing the halls of his palace. He may have been cruel, but two thousand years of spiteful refusal and frustratingly poor sex had led to this moment. Hera would now spend the rest of her days regretting trying to punish him, him! Zeus the king of the gods?!
She will rue the day she thought she was above him. The day she sought to teach him a lesson. She should have known the day would come when he would turn the tables and punish her. He just never anticipated this victory would taste so sweet.
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gotnofucks · 4 years
Happily Ever After - 2
Paring: dark!Steve x desi!reader
Summary: You are welcomed in your new life, as the bride of Steve Rogers
Words: 4k
Warnings: Non-con/dub-con, smut, loss of virginity, breeding kink (I think), 18+ ONLY
A/N: huge huge huge thanks to @donutloverxo for the inspiration of this chapter. I swear I may have written it, but most ideas belong to the wonderful girl Berry! You’re a sweetheart!
Part 1 (can be read as standalone but maybe read the previous part)
You felt sick as you gazed at the Avengers Compound, the whole building lit up with lights and decorated with flowers. Steve took your hand in his, a grin on his face as he led you past the beautiful rangolis in your welcome. You tried to take your hand away from his and he tutted.
“Now wife,” He seemed to love using that title, “don’t be a brat. Look how warmly everyone has come to welcome and congratulate us.”
You followed his gaze to the main door which were ajar, your new family waiting for you. You couldn’t help the scowl on your face when you noticed everyone was donning desi attire, not in the least bit bothered about how this wedding actually came to be. The tinkling of your anklets echoed as you approached the smiling avengers, a huge cheer booming for your welcome. Bucky stepped away from behind you and joined the crowd at your front, taking the aarti ki thali from Nat and wiggling his brows. He rotated the plate in front of you and Steve, showering you with flower petals. You bared your teeth at him, only making him smile wider.
Steve chuckled at you, leaning down to brush a very soft kiss on your brow and your jerked away.
“Be a good wife and kick the pot” He said pointing at the floor. You looked down and your mouth parted in surprise at the rice filled kalash on the doorstep, waiting for you to gently kick it inside. Steve really had outdone himself, read up on every small detail of your culture. You wondered if he knew the symbolism of this and glanced at his smug face from the corner of your eyes. He winked at you and you breathed sharply, kicking the kalash harder than necessary and sending the rice in it flying inside. The avengers clapped and cheered as you took a step inside, but before you could do more Steve swept you in his arms.
“Steve!” You shouted, arms automatically coming to hold him around the neck as he carried you over the threshold. Your heavy lehenga didn’t deter him, and he walked in with you with barely any effort.
“Some of your traditions darling, some of mine.” He whispered in your ear and you dunked your head in embarrassment as he took you towards the elevator to his floor. You didn’t bother glancing at the laughing people surrounding you, each of them as depraved as your husband.
It hadn’t sunk in yet that you were married to Steve Rogers, but as he carried you inside the elevator and the doors shut behind you both, fear gathered in your heart. You chanced a look up at his face, finding his cobalt blue eyes already locked on your face. The nervousness in your eyes just amused him more and he bit his lip before licking them.
“You’re going to love the room, I had Nat and Wanda decorate it for us.” He said once he finally set you down on your feet on reaching his floor. You wrung your hands uneasily, the truth of what lay ahead making you want to puke. Steve glanced at you, quirking a brow when you didn’t come forward.
“There are more rituals left, wedding games to be played.” You said softly, trying to stall a little more. Steve snickered at your obvious attempt to delay the night and he came forward to pull you in by your arms. He’d undone the top few buttons of his Sherwani, and you blinked as his chest barely peeked from the gap.
“We’ll play all the games that you want, fulfill all your customs and rituals wife. But tomorrow. I’ve waited too long to have you to wait another night.” His mouth met yours suddenly, huge bulky arms holding yours and restricting your movements. You hummed into the kiss, trying to shake your head but Steve held fast, parting your mouth with his tongue and deepening it. When he pulled away you were panting, hands trembling slightly as they rested on his massive chest.
Taking your hand in his, he pulled and your feet reluctantly dragged behind him, slipping slightly on the polished floor. Steve surprised you by not taking you to the bedroom but in the kitchen, leaving you only to pull out a saucer from his cabinet and the carton of milk from his fridge. His smile had turned mischievous and you backed away from until you met the cold marble counter at your back.
“Gotta say darling, your culture is amazing. They look after their men, don’t they? Like making them milk with aphrodisiac spices to maintain stamina at night?”
You shook your head when he looked at you expectantly, pointing at the milk and spices. When you didn’t move, he came forward and clutched your waist, the bare flesh between your blouse and lehenga meeting his warm hands and breaking into gooseflesh.
“Why must you make everything so difficult, huh? Just make me the goddamn milk.” He hissed, standing so close that your chest brushed his. You trembled as his eyes grew annoyed and jumped into action when he pinched your waist, making you squeal. You turned around and out of his hold, gathering almonds and saffron and quickly grinding them together in a pestle. As you worked you could feel Steve’s warmth at your back, his hand sneaking out to hold you from under your chest.
“Steve, I am cooking.” You complained felt his chest rumble in laughter behind you. He rested his head on yours, caging you against the kitchen counter with his massive body. Somehow, his body heat felt warmer than the steam rising from the boiling milk on the stove from your front. As you added your spices to the milk, watching it turn from white to pale yellow, one of Steve’s hand unclasped the heavy jewelry from your neck. Your eyes squeezed shut as his touch roamed over your back and traced the column of your neck, his breath hitting you right behind your ears and making you shiver.
“I don’t need this milk for stamina, you make me hard for days, but I am honoring your culture. You’ll be such a good wife to me, I’ll make sure of it.” He said and pressed a searing kiss on the juncture of your throat, his hands clutching you tight to him. Your breath became labored as his lips trailed over your shoulder and you wiggled. He let you go so you could pour him the saffron milk, smirking as he sipped it.
“You wanna feel magic?” He asked, taking your hand and pressing it to his crotch. A whimper escaped your lips as his hardness swelled beneath your palm, his own hand over yours keeping it in place. You begged him with your eyes to let you go, but he simply pressed harder in your hand and let out a groan.
“Steve, please.” You pleaded when Steve put down his empty glass beside you and trapped you against the counter. His breath washed over your parted lips and you could taste it on your own tongue. His hands wound around you, pulling you flush to his chest until there was nothing in between.
“You look so pretty when you beg me” He breathed. Your head was cradled in his chest, hands fisting his sherwani when a few errant tears dropped past. Steve touched the wetness on your cheeks, spreading it with the pad of him thumbs over your face. “God, what a mess you’ll make with this makeup as I make you choke on me. Look at this tiny mouth, darling.”
A discomforted whine tore free from you when he pushed two fingers inside your mouth, spreading them apart to stretch open your lips. The ends of your mouth arched, his thick digits pressing over your wet tongue, making you gag. He laughed at that, wiping his wet fingers softly over your lips before chastely kissing your forehead.
“Come, lets go christen our house.”
Your heart was thudding painfully in your chest and your bangles clinked together as you fought him. It was ridiculous how insignificant your strength was compared to him, how easily he could pull you along just like a toy. Your cries pierced the air, but your husband simply shoved you inside the bedroom and shut the door. Even with terror flowing in your veins, a begrudging appreciation was apparent as you looked at what would be your bedroom.
The whole room was fragrant with flowers, several chains of flower hanging over the bed and making a beautiful canopy overhead. The bed itself was decorated with rose petals, and soft candles were sputtering in every corner. Your breath hitched in your throat as your stared at the room, the sheer domesticity and beauty of it feeling like a taunt. The ugly nature of your union with Steve was about to sully the piousness of this night, and you resisted the urge to tear away every decoration hanging from the ceiling.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Steve purred in your ear, his hands coming to hold your from behind. His hardness ground in your lower back, and you sniffed as you felt his teeth nip your earlobe.
“Please don’t do this Steve.” Begging him was your last resort, you’d already lost your dignity. But you’d give away the last shred of it to save your innocence. “You promised you love me, please don’t do this. Give me some time.”
Steve turned you around to face him, your chin in his finger and thumb as he peered deep in your eyes. The blue in his had given way to a darker hue, almost black as lust invaded his senses. He pushed you back towards the bed, not looking away from your face for one second.
“Time? Baby, this night should have come months ago. You should have been on your knees for me that night I first I asked you, but you had to be a fucking bitch about it. But no matter, I’ve got you now. You can worship me now.”
The back of your knees met the mattress and you sat on the edge of the bed, looking up fearfully at Steve who was methodically removing his clothes. His eyes seemed glued to your form as he unveiled his body to you, carelessly throwing away his clothes. You gulped in fear, eyes moist when you realized what would happen.
“Don’t look like that honey. Consider them lessons as a wife in training. A good wife should always know how to pleasure her man.”
He finally pushed down his boxers, his cock bouncing out and hard, pointing right at you with its weeping head. You stifled another gasp because it looked so red and angry. And huge. Its head was mushroom shaped, leaking dewy pre-cum from its slit, the roundness of it so huge you wanted to bolt away. Steve chuckled as he took in your reaction to his cock, his fist enveloping his length to stroke up and down, pulling on the soft skin.
“Don’t worry honey, it will fit. That’s my job to make sure it does. You…You just need to suck.”
You closed your eyes, hoping you’ll escape the terror this way. It was just like you were a kid again hiding under your blanket, believing that if you couldn’t see the horrors, they’d stop existing. Those silly notions however remained in your childhood when you felt his heavy tool slap your face lightly, some of its wetness sticking to your cheek. Strong fingers grasped your jaw, forcing it open and Steve pushed into your mouth slowly. A sinful moan emanated from him, your mouth holding his pulsing length in your warmth.
“Open your eyes, let me gaze at your soul as I make your body mine.”
You blinked at him with watery eyes, your hands pushing against his thighs when he thrust in deeper. His hands were in your hair, helping you bob up and down as you slobbered over him, your saliva dribbling down to his balls. Pleasured grunts kept leaving Steve’s open mouth as painful whimpers left yours. He was so huge you could barely take half of him, the corners of your mouth cracking open a little due to his girth.
“Just like that honey, suck a little harder – Yesss! Now press that tongue on my underside…Just like that, yeah.”
You tried to breath through your nose, following his commands that made it a little easier. Your tears had pooled at the point of your chin, dripping down slowly. Steve pulled out of your mouth suddenly, pinching his cock a little with a pained expressed, relaxing after a minute.
“You’ll learn to swallow me later, but tonight my cum is going straight in that cunt of yours.”
Your eyes widened in terror, the mascara and makeup smudged all over your face casting you a pitiful creature. Steve to your surprise gently started removing the numerous jewelries from your body, his hands soft as they reached the hundreds of pins keeping your hair up.
“Steve, I – I don’t want a baby. Not yet.” You said and he shot you a cheeky smile.
“I don’t too, not yet.” He assured you, still detangling your hair with utmost care. “I want you to myself for some time, need you only for my pleasure. I am not ready to share you with a squealing brat anytime soon, even if that brat is mine.”
Your scalp hurt as it was finally free off the accessories, and Steve massaged it with his fingers. Why was he being so sweet all of a sudden? You peeked at him with a confused expression on your face, the pout on your lip making him coo.
“Believe what you will Y/n, I have loved you most ardently. It may not seem like that now, but it is true.”
His words should have soothed you, given you hope about the grim marriage you were forced in, but instead they made you mad. How could a man be so ignorant to think his obsession as love? How could any person in the world treat someone they love as Steve did to you? You drew in an angry breath, a curse hissed from between your teeth before you punched his stomach. Steve staggered back, more from surprise than the force behind your weak punch. His own angry eyes met yours in challenge and you were thrown in the center of the bed before you realized it.
“You dumb bitch!” He seethed, his body hovering over yours and trembling with barely suppressed rage. “I’ve tried to be fucking gentle with you, but if you want to act like a spoiled brat, then that’s how I’ll goddamn treat you!”
Two hands grabbed your blouse and pulled, the ripping noise echoing in the room as your beautiful blouse gave out at the seams and split. You cried out under him, breasts spilling free and bouncing. He didn’t seem to feel your hands pushing on his bare chest, too busy to remove your heavy, multi layered lehenga. When he finally removed the offending garment, he settled over you, his heavy cock hitting your clothed center. You were trembling in a mix of fear, nausea, and anger. The spare few bangles on your wrists merrily jingled as you struggled with the kiss forced on your lips, Steve’s lips travelling down from there to your throat, leaving teeth marks in their wake.
“You are too wild my wife, but I know how to tame a fiery dame. I’ll show you how to worship your man.”
The heat of his mouth enveloped your hardening nipple, his tongue swirling around it. You keened under him, your tears leaving black mascara tracks over your cheeks and spilling on the pristine white bed sheet beneath. Rose petals crushed under your body, their sweet smell the most offending thing to greet you in this moment.
“Stop it! Please!” You begged, not because it was too painful but just the opposite. The captain on the field was also a captain in bed, leading your body in a journey of sweet sweet pleasure that had you mewling as his mouth descended. You didn’t want this feeling, this excitement that coursed through your body and settled like simmering heat deep in your womb. You didn’t want to let out that moan when Steve ripped off your panties and licked your drenched core.
“Oh good lord, you take like heaven. My angel, my beacon of light, so sweet like honey.”
His words affected you as much as his tongue, your lust addled brain taking his sweet praises directly to your heart and warming you up for him. As you writhed under him, felt his supple tongue dip inside you and around your hard nub, you pondered over the irony. By all means, he was your husband. Forced as the marriage may have been, it was conducted with full rites in the holy witness of agni (fire) and with proper rituals. Was this why you felt this way? Because somewhere, in some deep recess of your twisted mind you accepted the role as his wife, as his other half whose sanctified role was to serve and please him?
Your body drew up in an arch, eyes snapping open as you howled your release in the air, your juices spilling directly in Steve’s mouth who slurped them away with relish. The maintained the eye contact as he licked the last of your essence had your walls clenching around nothing and you drank in the erotic sight of his massive body between your thick thighs, his blond hair askew.
“You see how good we can be Y/n? How good I can make you feel?”
He pushed a finger in your still slightly pulsing channel, rubbing along your spongy walls to help you open. He was so thick, so meaty that you’ll pass out from the pain if unprepared. Another finger entered, and you threw your head back, sobbing and confused from the conflicting emotions inside you. You felt him scissor you open, your untouched entrance straining under the pressure and a pained hiss escaping you.
“Just a little more my darling, need to loosen you up.”
He climbed up your body, bringing his face over yours and kissing you deep. You responded without thinking, tasting yourself on his tongue as he moaned. When you felt him line up along your entrance, your hands shot out to take hold of his shoulders, squeezing.
“Condom. Please, you said no kids.” You begged and Steve kissed you again, brushing his nose against yours.
“Our first-time won’t be with a layer between. I want to feel you, and nothing will come in the middle of this union. In fact, nothing will ever come between us. I’ll get you on birth control, but I am not wearing rubber. My seed will always find their end deep inside you.”
You shook your head, fisting his hair to get his attention.
“Steve please, don’t do this. Its too much of a risk…You have a very potent DNA. You’re enhanced.”
Steve ignored your words, reaching down to align himself again and starting to push in. You scrunched your eyes shut as his bulbous head barely started stretching your walls, your pathetic sniffles fanning his neck.
“Listen to me well, you don’t tell me what to do. I will always have you as I want, whenever I want. Your job is to present for me, be ready for me with a wet cunt to slide right in.”
And he did just that. He fed in every inch of this thick cock in your core, tearing through the flimsy barrier that made you cry out loud. You were sobbing in his chest, holding onto the one responsible for the pain in the first place. When you felt his pelvis flush against yours, you buried you head in his neck, begging him to stay still.
“Shh baby, its okay. It had to happen. It won’t hurt in a little while.” He soothed you, distracting you with little kisses all along your face and collarbone. You looked at him with watery eyes, not knowing how to feel about him as he sat balls deep inside you. It was when he reached between your bodies and drew back bloody fingers that your heart contracted in sorrow. Your virtue, all but snatched from you.
“Look at you staining the white bedsheet with the proof of your innocence. You saved yourself for your husband, and here is your reward.” Steve murmured and your walls trembled when he sucked your virgin blood in his mouth. You breathed deeply, gazing into his eyes and your hands traveled to his back, the thick muscles rippling under your touch.
“If I bleed, so will you!” You declared and with that you dug your nails in his flesh and raked them down his back in vengeance, his pained screech followed by just as painful a thrust. He moved inside you like a demon, pushing into your body as if trying to come out of the other end. Both your voices rose in the air along with pants, your nails digging deeper in his back and a small stream of blood poured over the curve of his back and met the white sheets.
“You!” Steve hissed, kissing you, fucking you. His hands travelled the expanse of your curves, dipping into every crevice and his hard cock scratched your walls deliciously. “You make me so fucking mad. I want to kill you, but I want to kill you by giving you so much love, so much pleasure.”
As his words became unintelligible, his thrusts harder and deeper, your voice higher, the coil in your gut tightened and tightened until it finally snapped and your heat clutched him in a velvet grip, milking his cock. Steve groaned, his head falling in the crook of your neck as he breathed heavily, the last of his cum painting your womb.
You lay beneath his heaving body, your blood staining his cock while his stained your hands. You matched the fire in his eyes with the glowing embers in yours, and a smile tugged on his lips as he delicately pulled out. You winced in pain, a chocked noise coming from you that made him wince in return. He reached over the other side of the bed, pulling out a basin from underneath and a wet towel. You watched in awe as he slowly, almost reverently cleaned between your legs, soft hushes cooed to you in a kind voice.
“You don’t see it yet, but you need me just as much as I need you. Fire like yours, it can only be matched by someone like me. You’ll burn every other man to a crisp, but me? I like that burn, I challenge your fire. We are made for each other, for no other woman could have taken me like you just did.”
You turned away from him, him and his words that made shame wash over you. How wantonly you had responded to his touch, how ferociously you had clawed his back like a tigress, subconsciously leaving your mark on him as he did on you. You felt his warm, sweaty body curl against you from behind, holding you close.
“I love you” He confessed again. “I will always love you, despite the glare of your eyes and venom of your words. I will always come back to you, just like you will to me. You’re not leaving me wife, not now, not ever.”
Your husband gathered you in his massive arms, cocooning you in his warmth and love as the last of your tears dried. He let you sniffle, hand running through your damp hair in a loving caress.
“I won’t take your name.” You suddenly blurted and Steve’s form shook behind you with silent laughter. His arms tightened around your middle, his semi hard cock nestling between the plump cheeks of your bottom.
“Take it? My dear, you talk like I ever gave you the option. The future for us Rogers seems to be bright indeed.”
taglist: @what-is-your-wish @stanmysoul @littlegasps @sweeterthanthis @shooting-star-love  @bluemusickid @scentedsongrebel @harrysthiccthighss @muralskins
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
To Fear Or Not To Fear, That Is The Question PT. 1
Lantern!Reader x Lanternfamily
Word Count: 2.3K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst, Mentions of PTSD
Author's Note: I wrote this story a while ago, but this ask made me post it! I'll get part two out sometime later! Enjoy! -Thorne
She gripped the arm rests of her chair until her knuckles started to whiten, her heart pounded in her chest, so harshly against her rib cage that it began to hurt. The flashes spread across her mind, and she squeezed her eyes shut, forcing herself to breathe as the mantra, “You’re home” flowed through her lips, though it didn’t quell the violent shaking in her body.
Their faces darted through her mind, expressions frozen in mixtures of shock, pain, and fear. She could feel herself slipping back there, could feel the heat of the sun beating down on her body, the sliding of her limbs in the burning desert sand, the splattering of hot blood from her teammates wounds, the smell of gunmetal and oil, of sweat—it was all coming back again, so fast, and all she could do was hold on and force herself to ground.
She had no idea what had set off the attack, but she did know that she was able to turn the lights off and sit down before it immobilized her with tremors. Clenching her hands into fists, she forced herself to bend over, pressing her forehead to her knees.
You’re home, (Y/N). You’re not in Afghanistan anymore. You’re alive. You’re here. The memories are there, but you’re not. Relax. Focus. Keep it together. Don’t give in. Hold—
An explosion rocked the side of the house, sending her to the floor and she gasped, automatically covering her head, waiting for the impact of mortar rounds and grenades. Another explosion sounded, followed by a bellow, and (Y/N) lifted her head up, crawling on al fours to the window. Gripping the window ledge, she pulled herself up and peeked over, eyes widening at the sight of two glowing figures throwing punches back and forth.
One of them was covered in a green glow, the other an angry red. She held the ledge and watched as the red one socked the other in the chest and they hit the ground, holding out their arms to protect themselves. The attacker lifted their hands and to her shock, a crimson block appeared above them. In an instant, she knew who the enemy was.
Her eyes darted to the lock box sitting on the shelf and forcing herself to get up, she ran to it, yanking it open and grabbing the contents. She sprinted to the door and shoved the clip into the 357 Magnum, pulling back the slide before flipping the safety off. (Y/N) slung the door open and ran down the front steps, kneeling in the grass as she raised the gun and closed one eye, taking sight of the target before her. With an intake of breath, she unloaded all nine rounds into the back of the glowing red person.
She wasn’t sure if it took them down because they started spurting more of the acid like blood, but it was the opening that the person below them needed, because the next thing (Y/N) knew, a flash of green sent the bellowing red enemy sky-high and out of sight.
Her arms suddenly felt weak, and she let them go slack, the Magnum landing by her hip. A groan sounded from the person in green and she stumbled to her feet, hurrying on weak knees to them.
They were laying in the grass, and when she got there, her jaw went slack when she saw their legs blown off a few feet away. (Y/N) went to her knees, already yanking her sweatshirt off, starting to tie tourniquets around the amputated appendages.
“Hey,” she breathed when they groaned. “You’re gonna be okay. I’m here to help.”
They opened their eyes and she blinked at how bright and green they were. “It is too late.”
(Y/N) shook her head. “No. I’ll help you.” She swallowed the urge to vomit as the blue blood started soaking through her sweatshirt and on her hands. “You’re going to be okay.”
They reached out and grabbed her arm. “You must take my place.”
“I—what?” she asked, tying the knots tighter. “You need to get to a hospital. You’re bleeding out.”
“I have been bleeding out.” They laughed, blood splattering their chin. “Atrocitus’ minion has chased me long through the stars.”
“Atrocitus? Who?” (Y/N) shook her head. “Look, we need to get you help.”
“Your human healers cannot help me. I am at my end.” They squeezed her wrist. “You must take my place amongst the Green Lanterns. If the ring is left alone, someone could corrupt it.”
(Y/N) stared at them. “Rings? What?”
They raised their hand free hand and she saw a black band, a glowing green symbol in the center—she recognized the symbol; the Green Lantern in the Justice League wore it. Slipping it off, they handed it to her.
“Find the Four Corpsmen in this city. They will help you.”
(Y/N) shook her head. “No. Right now, I need to help you.” Her eyes hardened. “I don’t know anything about alien physiology, but I will save you.”
Their eyes narrowed fondly, and they whispered, “I can see the fear you hold in your heart…that you could not save the ones you were supposed to protect from your enemies.” They swallowed, coughing harshly. “You can overcome this fear.” Holding out the ring again, they said, “The ring will guide you to the Four Corpsmen.”
She took the ring, flipping it over in her hand, and she caught sight of a dim green inscription. Squinting, (Y/N) read, “In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power—Green Lantern's light.”
The green ring suddenly moved on its own, sliding onto her finger and an otherworldly voice commanded, (Y/N) (L/N) of Earth. You have the ability to overcome great fear. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps.
A warmth washed over her body, and she watched in shock as her clothes were replaced with a skintight black and green suit, but it didn’t feel restricting. It felt comfortable—it made her feel safe. A mask flashed across her eyes and when she looked down at the alien, their eyes had glazed over, mouth frozen in a smile.
(Y/N) felt her heart tighten and she breathed out, reaching over, gently closing their eyes. She stood from the body and wandered behind the house, returning with a shovel. It didn’t take long to dig out the hole and she was surprised that she wasn’t tired from the exertion as she lowered the body into it, before covering them with dirt and standing over the grave, her hands clasped together.
Wherever you’ve ended up, friend…I hope you’re at peace. She opened her eyes, a firm look in them. I’ll continue your mission.
She looked down at the ring on her finger, then up at the bright city in the distance. Gotta go into the city. (Y/N) turned and walked into the house, climbing the steps to her bedroom. Glancing down at the ring, she said, “Okay, ring. You gotta power down so I can change my clothes.”
Nothing happened and her brows furrowed.
“Power down?” Again nothing, and a bolt of irritation struck a nerve, and she clenched her fist, commanding, “Power down. Now.” The suit on her body faded and she sighed in relief. “Okay, so commands work.” (Y/N) moved into the shower. “Clean up first, then get dressed and leave.”
She kept to the back alleys of the city, which, given that it was nine o’clock, most of them were empty, still, she didn’t want to find trouble before she found the…what had the alien called them? Four Corpsmen?
(Y/N) shook er head and looked down at the ring on her finger. It hadn’t lit up again since she told it to stop. “Ring! Uh…show me where the Four Corpsmen are!”
The symbol in the middle lit up and a started making flashes, and in a panic, she shouted, “Do it inconspicuously!” A small green line slide along the ground and she smiled. “That’s better.”
Following it, she sprinted through the back streets until she came to a bar; she rolled her eyes. “Of course, they’re in a bar. What men.”
(Y/N) followed the line into the bar and when it disappeared, she blinked, looking around for whoever could fit the description of supposed Corpsmen. There were a few guys at the bar, a few playing pool, some at booths and tables…she had no idea who could possibly be who she was looking for.
Someone brushed past her with a small, “Excuse me, sweetheart.” Another dart of green appeared in her vision, and she saw it attached to his back as he flowed through the bar and to the back where a trio of young men were sitting. They cheered when he got back and he smiled, passing out four beers.
“Them?” she murmured to herself and before she could move, someone had her around the waist.
“Hey, babe. Lookin’ for company?”
(Y/N)’s face pinched, and she shrugged away from them. “No thanks. I’m not here for fun.”
“Now don’t be like that.” The guy reached for her and before he knew it, he found himself being slammed face first into a wooden post, collapsing down onto his back, out cold.
She happened to look up just as his friends were coming over from the pool table and she rolled her eyes, already lifting her hands, ready for a fight. Two came at her and she swiped a beer mug from a server, sloshing the beer in one’s face before she sidestepped, slamming the glass into the second’s head. (Y/N) flowed into the next step and threw her elbow out into the first’s throat. They both fell to the ground, and she tossed the handle aside, but before she could do anything, someone had her around the waist, hauling her up then slamming her down to the ground.
(Y/N) grunted as she lost her bearings, and somewhere over the noise and music of the bar, she heard more shouting, but she paid it no mind, scrambling to her feet when one of them shoved her backwards.
Someone caught her, shoving her back up, shouting, “Get your head in the game, lady! We got some assholes to lay flat!” Four men passed her, already throwing punches and spurred on, she threw herself back in the fight.
Within seconds, the bar fight was over, and she panted as the four guys leaned against the bar, all laughing, each picking up a beer mug to drink from. (Y/N) felt a bit worn and someone laid a hand on her shoulder.
“Hey, you good?”
She looked up at the man who had short cropped, ginger hair and nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Glancing at the others, she said, “Thanks for the assist.”
One of them held out a hand. “You fight like a soldier.”
“Former special ops. Navy corpsman.” She replied, eyeing the dog tags around his neck as she shook his hand firmly. “Sergeant.”
“John,” he corrected with a smile, then gestured to his friends. “That’s Guy, Kyle, and Hal.”
(Y/N) shook their hands too. “Name’s (Y/N).”
One of them, Kyle, handed her a beer. “So, what brought you to the bar besides the bar-fight?”
She gazed into the liquid. “Uh…I’m looking for someone…multiple people actually.” Her eyes fell on them again. “But in the haze of the fight, I lost sight of whoever it was.”
Hal sent her a wink. “We’d be glad to help out a beautiful lady like yourself.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, but since she didn’t have a better option, she murmured, “I’m looking for some men who are known as the ‘Four Corpsmen’.”
Immediately the mood shifted as their friendly faces dropped, all solemn as they looked at her. “Where did you hear that name?” John questioned and she met his gaze.
“I’m taking from the seriousness that you’re who I’m looking for then.” (Y/N) held out her hand. “The alien said you could help me with this…I don’t know how to work it.”
They all glanced down at her hand, well, the ring on her hand, eyes widening at the sight; Hal grabbed her wrist. “Where did you get this?”
“The alien. It was being attacked by something in red and I…” she looked away. “I shot it, but the alien, it…I couldn’t save it. Its wounds were too severe.” (Y/N) yanked her hand back, clenching it into a fist. “It told me to take its place amongst the Green Lanterns. To overcome my fear.” Swallowing thickly, she admitted, “I don’t how to do that…but it said you four could help me with it.”
She could tell the were mulling it over, quite possibly communicating with one another by the way they seemed to shoot each other looks, and she cracked a smile at how Guy cocked a brow and then gestured to her whilst looking at Kyle like he was an idiot.
But (Y/N) grew tired of their mental conversation and yanked the beer mug from Guy’s hand, ignoring his shout, and she down it before slamming it on the bar. “Look, I don’t what I’m supposed to do with this, and if I’m left to my own devices, I’ll probably do more damage than I would help people.” She stared them down. “Even if you don’t want to, help me so I don’t get innocent people killed.”
For a moment, they all looked at each other, then Guy reached over and pulled her around the neck, smirking at them. “I think she’s going to do great things with us, boys.”
Kyle winced. “Guy, maybe don’t put your arm around the woman who was former special forces?”
(Y/N) huffed a laugh. “Don’t worry…I can handle whatever you throw at me.”
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blahblahwritings · 4 years
Patience is a Virtue.
A/N: Another request, I think this is the most consistent I’ve been with posts.
Request: Would you be willing to write a smut imagine for Matt Murdock? Maybe where the reader/his gf is a virgin?? And have it really fluffy at the end please??
Words: 2764.
Warnings: Smut. Virgin!Reader.
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A year. You’d been with Matt Murdock for a year. He’d told you about his... alterego, so to speak before you had even entered the relationship, vowing never to let anything come between you. It took a little while to process it, I mean he was Blind, how did that even work? But, in the end you simply accepted it. Whenever he would come in, beaten and bloody, you would quietly fetch the first aid kit and do your best to patch him up. Those nights always ended in the two of you getting upset, not arguing, just full of soft kisses and teary words of affirmation.
You thought it only fair to disclose your own secret to him, but that came a bit further into the relationship, when things started getting a little heavier. Your make-out session had begun to turn to something more heated when you grabbed his hand, putting an end to it’s descent. When he cocked his head in question, listening to your heartbeat and sensing your anxiety, he pushed back asking you if everything was alright. That was when you’d confessed that you had never gone further than this and wanted to take it slow. Being a Catholic, he understood that people had their reasons and never pressed further, taking it only as far as you were happy with. He loved you dearly and would wait as long as it took until you were ready.
The anniversary, you thought, was the perfect opportunity to take that next step. You’d gone all out, buying soft scented candles that you knew wouldn’t agitate his nose, a trail of rose petals from the kitchen to the bedroom that he would hear crunch beneath his feet and even bought some new lingerie for the occasion. He was working a little later at the office tonight and you had decided to cook for the two of you, setting the table with a soft cloth and a bottle of room temperature red wine in the center. The sauce was bubbling away, the smell of tangy tomato and basil filling the apartment. The pasta was ready and you had begun to dish out as you heard the door click shut.
“What's all this?” He greeted, a lopsided grin sitting on his face. A small giggle left your painted lips, you knew he couldn’t see the deep red colour but it made you feel more confident. You wore a little black dress, complementing his suit and tie you saw him change into this morning. Coming up behind you, he wrapped his arms around your middle, pressing a kiss to your cheek as you poured the sauce over each plate.
“Happy anniversary, Mr Murdock.” You hummed, angling your head to capture his lips in a chaste kiss. A groan bubbled from his chest. “It smells incredible, sweetheart.” He praised and you laughed, shooing him to the table. You followed, placing the food at your respective seats and popping open the wine. Hearing him inhale as you poured the liquid, you glanced up to see him remove his glasses, revealing his beautiful brown eyes. Returning the bottle to the center, you picked up the glass and raised it in cheers. He gently clinked your cup with his own and sipped lightly, eyebrows raising at the taste.
“I don’t know much about wines but this is definitely expensive.” He chuckled. “You didn’t have to do all this.” Rolling your eyes you put the drink to the side. “I wanted to, you’ve been working hard at the firm lately and I wanted to do something for you. Besides, it's our first anniversary and I wanted to celebrate.” You finished with a shrug, moving to grab the cutlery. “Wait, I got you something. I want to give it to you before we eat.” He fumbled in his jacket pocket and procured a blue velvet box. He handed it to you across the table.
Opening it revealed a card with the words “My love for you is infinite” in shiny gold letters. Beyond the note lay a silver heart shaped pendant, an infinity symbol engraved into the front of it. An audible gasp passed your lips as you plucked it from its cushion.
“Matthew, wow, it’s gorgeous.” A hand covered your heart as you gently thumbed the metal. “Would you mind..” You asked sheepishly, wanting him to do the honours. Without hesitation, he stood, situating himself behind you as you handed him the jewellery. Brushing your hair to the side, his fingers ghosted the skin of your neck sending shivers down your spine. You could feel his hot breath fan over your shoulders as he clasped the necklace, the pendant lying comfortably between your collarbones.
You pulled him down by the tie for a kiss, thanking him for the gift and you returned to your meal, chatting about anything and everything.
Shortly after finishing, you piled the dishes by the sink, ignoring them for now and instead taking his hand, lightly tugging him in the direction of the bedroom. His brows furrowed for a moment as he felt the petals beneath his feet, trailing from the kitchen and past the living room.
“There's something else I wanted to do tonight, Matt.” You admitted quietly, nerves taking over. Opening the partition between the open space and the bedroom, you were both greeted with the soft scent of vanilla. Padding further in you turned to him, unsure of how to go about this. His eyebrows raised in understanding. Moving his hand to your forearm he rubbed the skin there to reassure you.
“I can hear your heartbeat, y/n, I know you’re anxious. You don’t have to do this for me if you’re not ready.” he spoke softly, cocking his head as his eyes looked through you, concern swirling in the irises. You wouldn’t let it get the better of you, though. “I am ready, I just- I don’t know how to uh- start.” At this he huffed out a small laugh, moving toward you. “Well, usually, it starts kind of like this.” He said, connecting your lips in a gentle yet passionate kiss. Your hands drifted to his jaw, cupping it as you angled your face to deepen the kiss. His strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you into his chest and you sighed. As your lips parted, he traced your bottom lip with his tongue asking for permission, you answered by exploring his own mouth eagerly.
Fingers tangled in his hair making him groan and you smiled as you parted for air. A giddy chuckle escaped you as you saw his lips smudged with your lipstick. “That colour suits you, Mr Murdock.” You jeered, thumbing his bottom lip. An amused smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth as he dipped his head to kiss your palm. Moving in for another kiss, you tugged gently at the bottom of his shirt, tucked away into his pants. He reached to undo the first few buttons before you pulled it over his head, revealing his toned torso.
Breath hitched in the back of your throat as you looked at the hard muscle, scarred from the many fights he’d had. Its not like you hadn’t seen it before, fixing him up after a bad night had at least one perk, but it was different now. There was a desire pooling in your belly and lustful intentions this time.
“Like what you see?” He winked, grinning at the heat rising in your cheeks. You looked away, sheepish but he quickly tilted your chin up to look at him. “You don’t need to be shy around me, y/n.” He reassured, eyes softening as they drifted. His hand moved from your chin, gliding down your neck and shoulders to the zip on the side of your dress. “Are you sure you want this?” He asked again, not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
Your hand met his, guiding it down as the dress loosened and eventually pooled at your feet. The deep red lingerie you’d bought had lace details that he felt as he dragged his hands all over the newly exposed flesh. Featherlight touches roamed your body as he committed every inch of skin to memory. You watched his face as he felt you, the warmth radiating off his body inviting you closer as you waited.
“You’re stunning.” He whispered, you’d have melted right then and there if he hadn’t been holding you. Placing a kiss over his heart, you mapped out every scar you could reach with your lips, hearing him suck in a breath at the intimate gesture. You began to trail lower but he stopped you, frowning. “This is your night, let me take care of you.” Taking off his belt, he slipped his trousers from his legs, revealing a prominent bulge in his boxers. Heat shot to your core, throbbing with need already. There was a slight hesitation as you eyed his size, a little above average and thick.
Hands skimmed your waist sending shivers through you as he walked you backwards towards the bed. You lay down on the mattress, smooth sheets caressing your body. Matt crawled his way up your body, peppering your skin with kisses and licks as he went leaving a blazing trail of electricity in his wake. He stopped to suck marks onto your neck, finding a sweet spot that had you desperately trying to stifle moans.
“I want to hear you, don’t hold back.” He encouraged as he nipped at your jawline. Your hips bucked up, involuntarily grinding against his clothed member and he reacted with a throaty growl. The sound had you soaking through your underwear. The scent of you drove him mad but he kept his composure, leaning down on his elbows to meet your lips once again. His thigh was knelt between your legs providing the lightest of friction as you shifted against him. Moaning into the kiss, you hooked a leg around his hips, trying to bring him closer but he only chuckled, pushing back.
“Someone’s eager. Patience is a virtue, you know.” He teased. His hands found the clasp of your bra and pulled it from your chest. Your hands instinctively twitched to cover yourself but he entwined his fingers with your own and began worshipping your breasts. Licking, sucking and biting the skin, he grazed the hardening nub with his teeth as he palmed the other. Squirming beneath him, you panted at the feeling of his rough calluses against the tender flesh. Your back arched off the bed, frenzied and wanting. Swapping to give each nipple equal attention left you with your head thrown back against the sheets, whining.
Beginning his descent, he licked a stripe along the hem of your panties, fingertips touching you through the material and coming away soaked. Gasping, you looked down at him and saw his smug expression. “You’re so wet for me.” He grinned, rubbing against your clit. A wanton moan ripped through you and had you not been so turned on you’d probably be embarrassed. Your hips moved for more but he removed all contact. Hooking his thumbs through the sides, he pulled them down and discarded them with the rest of the clothes.
Entirely exposed, you felt uniquely vulnerable in front of him even though he couldn’t exactly see you. Those thoughts were forgotten quickly as he tasted you, his tongue lapping up the juices from your entrance and circling your clit. It wasn’t long before you felt that tightness in your abdomen. His expert ministrations caused you to shake and whimper, coming closer to the edge with every flick of his tongue. Your hands dug into the sheets, desperate to hold onto something but he replaced them with one of his own hands, the other teasing your hole. A strangled moan tore from you as he began pumping a single digit in and out of you, tantalisingly slow.
He added a second finger, stretching you ever so slightly but as he curled them inside of you, hitting somewhere you’d never found when by yourself, you spasmed, falling suddenly over the edge. Your breathing was ragged as he continued to eat you out like his last meal, picking up the pace of his fingers as you rode out your orgasm. His name fell like a prayer from your lips as your thighs quaked around him. Your fingernails dug into the back of his hand, the other yanking at his hair making him moan into you, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure cascading through your body.
Pulling his fingers from you, you watched through half-lidded eyes as he licked the slick from the digits, lips glistening with your cum. You grabbed his face, bringing his lips to yours in a fervent kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue. You couldn’t get enough of it. Feeling his bulge on your inner thigh, you tugged at the material covering him, watching him kick it to the side. He pulled a wrapper from the bedside table, tearing it open with his teeth and rolling the rubber down his shaft. Your fear returned and he tensed.
“Are you alright? We can stop if you want, I won’t be angry.” He cooed, brushing some hair from your face. You pushed your face into his palm, the warmth calming you almost instantly. “No, I want this, I want you, Matt.” He nodded, a small smile returning. “If it hurts or you’re uncomfortable just-” You cut him off with another kiss, smirking as you pulled back again. “Alright then.” he laughed.
Lining himself up, he pushed the tip into your entrance and you gasped, the feeling of him stretching you only slightly painful. He waited a few moments, mouthing at your pulse point until you moved your hips, signalling him to move deeper. Inch by inch, you took him until he was fully sheathed inside you. His forehead fell against yours as he found a slow rhythm, senses on high alert for any signs of discomfort. All that greeted him however, were moans of pleasure as you met his thrusts halfway. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he guided your legs to wrap around his hips allowing him to reach a little deeper, the feeling of him sliding against your walls becoming blissful.
The stinging had subsided entirely now and Matt became more vocal, chasing after his own release as he reached between you to rub your bundle of nerves. Nails raked down his back creating a wonderful mix of dulled pain and overwhelming pleasure. His lips found yours in a messy kiss, picking up the pace as your breathy moans told him you were close again. You angled your hips ever so slightly as you moved against him which had him perfectly caressing your g-spot with every delicious thrust.
A few more pumps and you were sent plummeting towards your climax, walls clenching and twitching around his cock. Your back arched off the bed and you groaned, breathing faltering as you came for a second time that night but he showed no signs of stopping. He sat up, pulling you into his lap as he continued to pound into you. You hadn’t even come down from your previous high as another began to build and you were screaming his name, curses spewing from your lips as he never failed to hit that spot over and over, relentlessly pinching and circling your clit with two fingers. The stimulation overwhelmed you and you saw stars, vision blacking out he pulled a third orgasm from you, this time his own followed close behind.
Your entire body shook violently as he lay you back down, head against the pillows and pulled out of you, pulling off the condom and tying it before throwing it in the trash can. With your toes still curling as he came to lie beside you, you both panted, breathless from the night’s activities.
“How are you feeling?” He huffed between breaths. A chuckle was your only response, turning to face him in the candlelight. “That was incredible.” You admitted, rubbing your thighs together. A lopsided grin found its way to his face at your words and he pulled you into his chest, ear against his heartbeat which was still elevated. You intertwined your fingers with his and leant up to kiss him.
“I love you, Matt.” You said, nuzzling into his neck with sleep threatening to encompass you.
“I love you too, y/n.” He whispered, kissing the top of your head as you fell into a deep slumber.
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siegelst · 3 years
Radio Karl heisenberg, female 2 friends stumble upon village. But there's more to the strange village than the voice speaking through their radio, or the numerous spy cameras they found along the way, taking one of them. Not realizing they sealed their fate the longer they stay there. 1 Radio We stumbled upon the village.  Not realizing we be setting us up for some trouble. The snow gravel dirt pathways crunch under our shoes. My radio on my belt turned on low. Static is sounding on it. I lost a signal it seem, not minding it. I left it on. I still have five battery packs on me. My friend went into one hut while I broke a yellow crate out of boredom but to find a gun and ammo. Surprised I still took the gift. Maybe someone is leaving them behind? "Nothing there" she said as I went into one of the rooms. Didn't seem nothing out of the ordinary at first.  So far it seem the town is abandoned for some odd reason. Dating back to 1900s? Why would a town be living without electricity? I noticed the lack of technology. And we're didn't noticed any signs of what this village is called or if it was on the map. 'Then why do I feel like someone is watching me?' I thought. "Seem like these people lived in the 1900s or something.  Odd that there's a symbol on the floor." I gesture at the what paint that has strokes to be feathers in a circle. I couldn't tell what was in the center of it. My friend, Abby hum agreed. I looked at my phone to notice no wifi.  I shut it off saving the battery. We moved on to explore the next hut.  Something glinted catches my eye. At first, I thought I was imagining it. But the way sun lite the room, it happened again. It looks to be an active spy camera.  I move to the shelf it hidden in, touched the metal casement, it was warm.  It’s been on recently or been on for some time,  I pulled it out. Abby walked up after searching other room. "Is that?"  Abby asked, I nodded.   How odd. And just recently I thought we were being watched.  I still felt it even. I decided to strap the mini camera across my chest as we set out again. Might as well take it with us if someone is spying on us. Abby broke create to find money in it. We split it.  Then we heard a noise. We're hid quickly behind the hut, Odd -sounded like a old lady muttering around. We stayed put not ready to meet other people. Who knows what they do? Probably knock us out and experiment on us. The old lady's voice faded off. "Odd that is the only person we heard so far." whisper Abby. I grunt in reply. "Maybe we're should meet up with her?" "Eh I don't know. Something off with that person " I muttered. Don’t get me wrong.  I'm all for helping the elderly. "It wouldn't hurt to meet new people" muttered Abby, being social butterfly. We get cut off by my radio suddenly coming to life. Static still there but we're heard it just the same. "Don't." We froze, wondering if we actually heard the radio talk. Then it happened again this time clear. A guff man's voice is heard clearly.  "Don't. Old hag is a witch." "...maybe he's talking to a pilot?" I whisper to Abby.  I turned the stations but they all are not working, static still present.  Not like we could answer back anyway. But it happens again, the static breaking. "I'm not talking to a pilot. I can hear you, you can hear me." said the guff reply.  How odd I thought.  Fascinating. "So don't go near the hag? Got it." I said.  Should I even asked why? "Don't let her see you at all.  It's game over for the both of you." "...okay" Abby said uncertainty. Wonder why? This village had becoming more weird. We left after making sure that the hag left.  "We found camera around town and thought 'hey might as well filmed while we at it'" A grunt was heard "cameras?" "Yes small spy cameras. Maybe someone left them to keep track on something? Or they just like to watch people. But there's isn't any so we at a loss on what they doing with the cameras." I muttered. I noticed something glinted off high up on one of the architecture poles "Abby you see that?" I pointed at it. She had better vision than me. "Huh
another one?" She asks voice high. "Odd. Why have cameras over an abandoned village?  I would get it if it was buzzing with life but there’s nothing to see." I said.  "Now thinking about it I don't see any tech anywhere. Not even a tv or phone." "Did you see the castle?! We should go there!" She said excitedly. "And let someone know we probably trespassing? I don't know.   If I was a crazy person try to capture people's - the castle the way to do it." I pipped.  Don't get me wrong. I really wanted to see the castle but how odd that an abandoned village would have one just. . .  Didn't sit right. Radio pipped up again. "Castle no good too. Unless you want to clean and get sucked dry within -oh 4? 5 months?." "You mean there’s creature in the castle?"  Ask Abby as I scouted another hut.  Radio gave short yes. I noticed he didn't give an answer about the cameras around the village. I looked around to see that same picture I've seen in every hut. "There's that bloody picture again.  What's so special about her? That ain't Mary." "Let me guess, blond hair lady with a halo holding baby?" Said the radio. Dang he's good.  I replied yes back. "Oh that just the mindless villagers that worships this lady called mirander. Nothing special about it. Might not be good to see other villagers. Their crack on the worship. Best not met them." "No need. You got me at crazy church people. Ain't going near them. Huh okay. Crazy cult going on. Any other warnings?" I asked, sighing. What else could there be? "Reservoir isn’t good.  Don't go into the water there unless you want to be captured and eaten by a huge fish. The villa on the cliff has plants that make you hallucinate, and you never leave that place alive. And there’s lycans running around so watch out" His guff voice replied. okay that . . . was a lot. Abby ask his name.  There's a long pause before he replied “Oskar." "Sweet." We said.  We gave him our names. I see the day coming to an end.  We set up camp by levitate the camp in corner of the barn.  We didn’t change cause it's cold and we huddle faced towards each other.  I turned off radio.  The camera stayed on.
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artsyxloner · 4 years
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Not just a Monster
Warning: drinking
19: Another Infected
Ji-Soo laid on the recovery table fast asleep. She was still kinda pale but that will soon go away once she starts healing. The group managed to find antibiotics if she got an infection.
I would have given her some of my stuff but it burned up in the car explosion. I've been in here for a while, making sure nothing went wrong. Watching to see if her side was turning red, or started to swell.
It could get infected easily and-spread throughout her body if not watched or treated carefully. Soon Jae-Heon came in, I smiled. He was pretty badass for a man that worships God and is also a great swordsman.
( please note that this is not meant to offend anybody, my religion is Christianity )
He took a seat, laying down some white candles he brought with him. checking over Ji-Soo. I could tell something was going on between them but neither announced it yet. I guess in a world like this it was hard to.
" What are the candles for?" I questioned but waited as he lit them with a lighter. Clasping his hands together he bowed his head and began to Pray. Watching him, I haven't prayed in a long time.
I use to think what was the point, thinking it wouldn't do any good since I did a terrible sin. But seeing how Jae-Heon is still keeping his faith even after killing monsters it was the same difference.
Killing is killing.
If I ask for forgiveness will it help? will I finally stop feeling guilty and move on? Will I be able to forgive myself? I wish I knew what to do I was uncertain. But I closed my eyes and bowed my head.
Dear lord
I know I shouldn't be asking for your forgiveness... but please lift me of the sin I committed and if possible I could somehow forgive myself someday and in hopes, they can too. let my family Rest In Peace.
I finished reopening my eyes, I jumped a little realizing Jae-Heon was watching me. " God will forgive you Soo-Nico for whatever you've done." He reassured me, I felt my heart was weighing heavy.
I had to ask since he's was the only one that I could talk about religion. " how are you so sure?" Was he going to forgive me? For something as terrible as that? Jae-Heon had a knowing look on his face. " Because he's a merciful God,"
With that answer, I nodded, " I don't mean to pry but what were you praying about." I wanted to ask, I probably seem nosy. I saw him glance at Ji-Soo," for someone to live a long, healthy, happy life."
Now it was my turn to give some words of encouragement. " They will," it was short and simple but effective. Jae-Heon patted my shoulder. " you're a good kid, I'll watch over her. you should go eat something to build up your strength,"
he informed, me I had to laugh, now that he mentioned it I was pretty hungry. Rubbing my stomach I got up, bowing. Leaving the room, heading to go get something to eat.
His words somehow made me feel better. They were having dinner in the day-care-center walking in I had grabbed my plate sitting down beside Hye-in. I guess it was better to eat with people than being alone.
She was happily eating, away I noticed she had a white face mask on. She looked like a puffy marshmallow, it seems like they have all washed up. I needed a wash. Taking my spoon, I scooped some rice and took a bite.
" Ms. Cha, " Hye-In spoke up getting the woman's Attention, She had looked up. " I thought that you were tan but you're just really dirty." Hye-In laughed, I raised an eyebrow.
" Thanks.." Ms. Cha stared at her I couldn't believe she just said that. " I'm saying you look good now." what she didn't look better before?
" I got these masks in the mail. Want one?" Hye-in offered to pulling up her shirt, revealing a couple of packs of face masks. Well, that's one way to hide them.
" No, thanks. I know That I look pretty without it." This earned all kinds of laughs around the room. " wait, Seung-Wan needs it." Byeong-ll point making  Seung-Wan clap back defensively.
I have I admit it was pretty funny, as we chatted, Sun-Young walked up to our table she seemed nervous. I wondered what about it? " I should go outside." Before I could take another bite I stopped looking up at her. What for?
" I think I'm starting to have symptoms." that's when all the attention turned towards her. It was quiet, " I should've told you sooner." Sun-Young had a long face as if she was disappointed for not telling. " I guess I didn't want to believe it. I'm sorry."
No one can blame you it's scary finding out your showing symptoms it's like your life just has been ripped away. It's hard to accept. " I just don't want to put everyone in danger. So I should go before it's too late—"
Ms. Cha, interrupted Sun-Young, " still you shouldn't go outside." She dismissed. " she right. You're still human, you'll die if you go outside." Hye-In agreed. But Jay-Hwan thought otherwise.
" –We can't let her stay here?" I rolled my eyes, " why don't you shut up!" I fussed that's when Eun-Hyuk Entered the room. " why don't we all hold a vote?" Byeong-ll suggested a worried look was plastered on his face.
Then he all turned to us, " just vote how you feel, because this is like... taking part in a murder." I remembered those words, the day Eun-Hyuk guilt trip, everybody, to so they could vote for Hyun-Su to stay for selfish reasons.
But that was over and done with now, " I vote she gets to stay in the arcade." He raised his hand, I did also Even Seung-wan, " Me, too. Maybe she'll be able to hold out as Hyun-Su did?"
After that everyone raised their hands. I was Surprised when Eun-Hyuk's hand was raised, he has changed, well a lot of them have. It looked like Sun-Young was about to cry.
Soon everyone said their goodbyes, I felt bad she was going to be locked up. But it's what she wanted to keep everyone safe it's better than being outside.
At least they won't discriminate against her as they did to Hyun-Su and now be there for her. Things were changing for better than worse. Hopefully, it stayed that way.
After finishing my food, everybody was in a gloomy mood. They moved around sitting in different seats. " I could definitely use a drink on a day like this," Byeong-ll grumbled moving his pointer fingers around a small candle that was lit.
" There you go again." 
I didn't mine alcohol, but it sounds good right about now. Jay-Hwan told putting in one earbud," well, do you think Sun-Young will hold out like Hyun-Su?" Seung-Wan rethought his words he said earlier.
" I hope so. I thought it was just her husband, but her whole life is awful."  Hue-in announced, yeah I remember Suk-Hyun.
" lady you're face is Awful." Eun-Yoo sneered, I had to smirk, shaking my head. " well I think Byeong-all it right. We could definitely use a drink today."
Ms. Cha agreed I hadn't noticed she left, she was carrying a glass cylinder it was a beautiful dark red juice with raspberry in it.
Setting it down on the table unwrapping the top taking off the plastic wrap. " What is this Korean wine? Please tell me it is." Byeong-ll pleaded.
Everyone began to turn their heads to see. Gil-Seob sat up smelling the wine, " it's at least four years old." He looked up at Ms. cha and she nodded. He smelled it again as Eun-Yoo and I came over sitting beside each other.
" it could be as good as Medicine." I smiled, taking a glance at Eun-Yoo we were both too young but I already had some wine before but it wasn't that great but I was willing to give it another try.
Eun-Yoo Leander forward smelling it, " Yu-ri left early by the way." She informed him, she then moved pushing the Cylinder to me. " go on," she smiled I did to smelling it. God that smelled so sweet, my mouth watered.
" shall we finish this off before Eun-Hyuk comes?" She suggested, talking about her brother. Gil-Seob stuck his pinky in the jar getting a taste. We all began to laugh.
But stopped seeing Eun-Hyuk, he had a straight face, considering he was the leader he made the choices around here shit. " speak of the devil." Gil-Seob mumbled.
I was for sure he wouldn't let us drink, but to my shock he did. " just don't forget your duties." Eun-Hyuk then left, turning back around we quickly Gil-Seob began pouring the wine into small cups.
He handed them out giving me and Eun-Yoo one. I gladly Excepted it before I could take a sip Eun-Yoo nudged me. " hey, I saw you and Hyun-Su almost kiss." She whispered in my ear. My eyes went wide, feeling my whole body go stiff.
I took a sip avoiding her stare, wow this was good and sweet, " don't be embarrassed you guys are cute together might as well hook up before you know what happens." She hinted, smirking at me.
I took another sip, gulping it down. Is this girl talk? From an actual friend? I wanted to be together with him and I confessed in way that was out of my comfort zone.
" Thanks... And yeah, what is better than two Infected's getting together in a world where anything and everything could go wrong." I said lowly enough just for her to hear.
She Seconded that. " his lips were this close!" I wined, showing her pinching my thumb and pointer finger together symbolizing how close were to kissing. I could feel my cheeks heat up, was I getting drunk I only took a few sips I must be lightweight.
I leaned my head on her shoulder kinda upset, she brought her hand up patting my head. " don't worry you'll get your chance, and you'll be the one to do it." She added.
I thought it over, " Me? why me?" My eyes glanced up. She huffed, " because Hyun-Su is too nervous, plus you made the first move he still wouldn't have done it if you didn't say anything." Eun-Yoo finished her cup like me.
I think that is enough Wine for today. I sat my cup down, feeling all fuzzy. Thinking about Hyun-Su's lips they were chapped and dry but it didn't matter I kiss them either way.
I then heard Eun-Yoo laugh loudly. Did I say that out loud? " you did!" She confirmed I was embarrassed hiding my face in my hands. Only me.
"All Alright!" Gil-Seob clubbed his hands together, " who's in for a story?" He recommended, " aren't we too old for stories?" Eun-Yoo stated, he only smiled. " not this one." is all he said
Taking a seat where everyone slept. We followed I laid my head on a pillow. " it was a very dark night with no moon. I lay down between the corpses and pretend to be dead, but u were watching them carefully." so this was a scary, story the Irony huh?
" the remnants of the people's army went inside the building, and the allied forces that were after them fired hundreds of shots at the building." He took the weird stick Jay-Hwan was holding and reenacted the gun fire-making Pow sounds.
He was on his knees saying it loudly but he suddenly stopped. " Hey, I know I saw them go into the building with my own two eyes," he said as if he was so sure. " they all went into the building but nobody came out of the building." I was interested now raising.
" and there were no dead bodies found. How baffling that building." He sucked in a breath looking around as if remembering something. It seems like everyone was on the edge of their seats. " Was here." Everyone gasped, raising hearing this.
" then?" Jay-Hwan gulped, " we have no idea what's buried underneath where we are. That's what I mean."
He Motioned towards the ground, " -what? -jeez." Someone asked not to believe this scared, I mentally laughed the only thing scarier than that is me in this room.
They had no idea, well except Eun-Yoo but then there was a loud bang since everyone was tense they all screamed. An unfamiliar man came running into the room wearing a black soldier suit." He came towards us seeing the jar of raspberry's sticking his hands in it eating them.
We all scooted back, Gil-Seob held up the stick ready to attack if needed. But Yi-kyeong strode in. " who are you, someone yelled. " I think he's a runaway soldier." He continued to eat, as the raspberry juice dripped on the table.
He then looked at his stained red hands, he kept mumbling something I think it was run? But from what? " quickly!" He freaked out then started shaking falling to the floor. What the hell?
Yi-kyeong grabbed onto his collar as the boys got up to help her. They dragged him away. " well that was unexpected." Hye-In blurred out. The girls nodded.
Seeing there was no reason to stay anymore, I got up and left before any more surprises popped up. I said my byes to Eun-Yoo, I figured I should search around for Hyun-Su.
Finally finished with this chapter. And please I'm sorry if an offended anyone talking about god, I don't mean to if you guys worship a different religion. I did it because it fits in with the characters' plot. And I also smell a great friendship coming up.
Thank you guys for the reads, votes, and support!! 🖤
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