#they would probably have to increase my pay for that. that is so funny. can't fire me now lads!!
rubberbandballqueen · 2 years
does the fact that i am having a rogue translation of legal forms made so that the local immigrants can also participate in city programs they otherwise would've been kept out of due to illiteracy make me chaotic good, or do i have to be doing more expressly illegal things for that to count
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mouse-of-dimitrescu · 10 months
𝟷𝟸 𝙳𝙰𝚈𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝚂𝙼𝚄𝚃𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂𝚂 🎄 #11 𝙼𝚒𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊 𝙷𝚒𝚕𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚇 𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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Elf ( fluff )
WARNINGS: speaking of the past, Adrian, mainly fluff and food and a movie and probably extreme unidentifiable spelling errors.
You and Miranda worked in the police force together, initially meeting by the coffee station in the office where you made a fool of yourself — spilling your drink all over the countertop. Miranda — and her dear heart — helped you clean it up. You were practically partners in the police force, always togethe and always working as a team. This urged your new boss to let you complete more work together — seeing that your productivity levels increased. But on Christmas Day, you would be working your shift with Miranda at the police station and you would be alone together.
As expected, when you met Miranda at the front entrance of the building, she had a large bag with her. She smiled warmly at you.
" Hey Andy." You greeted warmly, slinging your own bag over your shoulder.
" Merry Christmas." Miranda gave you a little chocolate and smiled.
" Thanks. But it isn't so merry working on this fine day." You groaned when you walked inside, Miranda smiled and followed you.
Once you entered the building and got to your desks, Miranda unpacked loads of Christmas snacks — some ginger bread biscuits, hot chocolate in a flask, lots of chocolate, blueberry muffins and cinnamon rolls.
Your eyes widened. " Whoa, are we going to eat all that?" You laughed.
Miranda chuckled. " Why not? It's Christmas. And instead of moping around , we can eat away our sorrows. And I downloaded 'Elf' on my computer yesterday so we can watch that." Miranda gestured to her computer. You laughed and sat down in your chair next to her. " And no discussing actual work unless it's urgent." Miranda warned, taking a finger bread man out of the tin.
You followed her actions and looked at her. " Out of all the Christmas movies you chose 'Elf'? You could have chosen a classic like 'Home Alone'." You smiled.
Miranda looked at you with faux offense. " 'Home Alone' has been overwatched, especially by me. We're watching 'Elf'." Miranda clicked on her computer and logged in, her smile began to grow. " Oh dear, I can't keep a straight face when I act." She giggled and went over to the folder that was labelled 'Certified #2' and when the folder opened, you saw that Miranda had a dozen movies on her computer. You laughed out loud and scooted closer to Miranda to get a closer look.
" Are you kidding me? When do you download them?" You asked, grabbing the mouse and scrolling through her collection.
" I get bored. Sometimes in the office, working my shifts and since hardly anyone is here during that time, I just put on a movie." She laughed with you.
Miranda eventually put on 'Elf' and you both sat back, trhing to make yourselves comfortable with a blanket. You had the telephone near you, just in case a call came through but the likelihood of that happening was minimal. Of course, you and Miranda finished eating your gingerbread men and had already started with your blueberry muffins, not even five minutes into the movie. You laughed with Miranda in the funny bits and whenever she wanted you onto pay attention to something important, she would lightly slap your arm a few times with the back of her hand, signalling you to watch closely. You got out a packet of chips and placed them on the table, sharing them with Miranda. While watching, Miranda's hand immediately found the packet. And while she was chewing, she hummed with slight annoyance and increased the volume.
" Why'd you do that?" You asked, reaching for a few more chips.
" Can't hear over my chewing." Miranda said with her mouth half full. You laughed and nodded, continuing to watch the movie.
You were arriving at the conclusion, Miranda and you had finished most of the snacks. As the movie concluded, you rested your head on Miranda's shoulder, making her smile. She reached over and made sure that the blanket was covering you properly, wanting to keep you warm. You smiled at her actions and began to lose focus in the movie entirely.
You became aware of Miranda. You were always aware of her, she was practically your best friend. But you became conscious of how much she actually meant to you. Our of all the people you could have been with in that moment, you would have chosen Miranda a thousand times over. It sucked to work on Christmas, but at least you had someone to spend it with.
The movie ended and you hardly noticed Miranda switch it off. She yawned and stretched. " What do you want to do now? The morning isn't even over yet " miranda looked briefly at her watch before looking back at you.
You snapped out of your trance and shrugged. " I don't mind. Anything entertaining." You smiled, beginning to neaten everything up.
Miranda sighed and helped you tidy up everything too. After cleaning up, you decided to stroll around the office.
" It's better when it's quiet, isn't it?" Miranda looked to you with a small smile. " There are no men to call you names, there is just...policeful peace." Miranda sat on an empty desk.
" Policeful peace?" You laughed.
Miranda laughed too. " Hey! I thought it sounded nice.." she looked to you and you sat down beside her.
" Are...you sad that Adrian left?" You asked hesitantly, looking at Miranda. Her face fell and she shrugged.
" I think he was just lustful towards me. My height strikes curiousity, you know? And anyway, his wife found out about...the affair." Miranda looked at you and smilled slight in reassurance. " I don't really think about it much anymore."
You nodded and smiled at Miranda. " I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up I was—"
" Curious?" Miranda intteruped.
You nodded. " When he left, you didn't really speak about it too much."
" No, I didn't really want to. I can't go harping back to that. It happened so long ago. I've moved on and I'm searching for someone new now. Someone... worthwhile, I guess." Miranda smiled and nodded.
" That's good. You deserve way better, Andy." You squeezed Miranda's hand. You walked over to the vending machine and got to Coca Colas, handing one to Miranda. She thanked you, popping open the can. After a few moments of drinking from your cans, Miranda looked to you.
" What about you?" She asked.
" What about me?" You smiled slightly, taking another sip.
" Are you looking for anyone at the moment?" Miranda asked, raising one of her eyebrows.
" I'm not looking. But...if someone were to enter my life and...I loved them as they loved me, I wouldn't reject it. I don't have that self control."
" Well, it takes more self control to be in love than to be out of it." Miranda sipped from her can again. You smiled at her statement and gave a small nod of approval.
You and Miranda spent the next hour speaking of love and hate. She told you a few things about her life that let you understand her on a whole new level. You listened to her voice, watched how she waved her hands about to emphasise her words as if they didn't have enough power — they surely did. Her eyes sparkled when she spoke of the things she liked.
You loved listening to her. It sounded like the strong patter of rain, soft and comforting enough to dismiss it to an extent — but in secret, it drenched the land and was capable of floods, knocking you out entirely. You were drowning in her stories. When her hands waved and pressed down on invisible surfaces, you watched them and how they cared for every syllable. And those eyes— azureous and glittering, looking into yours. Your heart beat for every emotion hidden inside them — mostly for her soul — golden — warm and rich.
" Anyway, I should stop rambling." Miranda chuckled and waved her hands up in the air one last time.
" No, no. Please continue." You patted Miranda's hand.
She hesitantly began talking again with a smile on her face. " I'm not boring you?"
" Never!" You rested your head on Miranda's shoulder again.
Everything fell silent after that. It was like a deeper connection established. You weren't best friends nor lovers, you were just there...full of love — what do you call that?
Miranda wraoped her arm around you and pulled you close to her, making you smile to yourself and let out a sigh of comfort.
" This is a good Christmas." Miranda admitted softly.
You nodded. " It is." You looked to Miranda and planted a light kiss on her cheek, making her blush and smile slightly. " You're my best friend. I think you are. I'm so confused. I'm not sure anymore."
Miranda's face fell. " You aren't sure?" She frowned in confusion.
" You're my best friend. I'm just not sure what you are to me because I love you too much. And I don't want to scare you away with my intimate affections. But I can't help but admit this because I could listen to you forever. And if I could spent eternity with one person on the planet, I'll choose you." It was your turn to ramble. You couldn't look Miranda in the eye after that so you leaned your head back on her shoulder and shut your eyes.
Miranda began giggling. " Are you serious?"
You tilted your head, confused by her reaction. " Of course I am. But...why are you laughing?"
Miranda put her hand in front of her mouth for a moment before leaning towards you and kissing your head. " I love you too, but I don't know how to define our friendship anymore." Miranda kissed yor cheek and wrapped her arms around your body again.
" We don't have to put a label on it, I guess. We can just be...an 'Us'." You held Miranda's hand, making her smile and squeeze your hand.
Miranda lifted your head up off her shoulder and turned to you, briefly glancing down at your lips. The word seemed to stop from that moment on and you began to feel slightly dizzy.
" Andy—"
" May I kiss you?" She asked, letting your hand go and caressing your cheek.
Your cheeks burned. " Yes please." You smiled slightly and eyed Miranda's pink lips. Those met yours in almost an instant.
You could taste the Christmas sweetness upon them and you placed your hand on the back of her head, pulling her closer. She smiled against you and deepened the kiss. Her tongue entered your mouth and you felt her hand wrap around the back of your neck.
Every movement was deliberate. Every stroke of her tongue ached for exploration — and limits were bound to be exceeded.
When you pulled away from the kiss, you smiled at each other — naturally. Miranda pressed her forehead against your as you both tried to compose your breathing. No words yearned to be spoken — there was a mutuality that spoke for itself.
" Merry Christmas, my love." Miranda whispered, planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
You shut your eyes and smiled. " Merry Christmas, Andy." You kissed her cheek.
@littledollll @winterfireblond @blood-red-ocean @ness029 @aemilia19 @barbarasstar @sirclitoressa @im-a-carnivorous-plant
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depravitymoon · 10 months
Does the Yandere la squadra have room preferences for the darling post kidnapping?
This is the oldest ask sitting in my inbox and today’s the day I answer it. Right now, I’m gonna be honest. Part of the reason this sat in my inbox for so long is because I was trying to figure out the question. Hence, I’m going to try to guess what it’s asking. 
The questions I’m gonna be asking myself:
What are the general house rules post-kidnapping?
Would your yandere even give you a room?
Would your yandere change their own room for you?
And just to make this simple: This is an Everyone Lives AU where Giorno is Don and actually increased La Squadra's pay by 1000%. La Squadra are roommates in a big ass villa, so it feels like live in through own private apartment complex... but richer. lol
(Some of the pictures of rooms come from here.)
(Warning: Other than yandere, kidnapping, and implied forced labor, Melone also wants kids with you.))
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RIsotto Nero
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Risotto’s rules:
Don’t get sassy with him.
Do what he says.
Do not attempt to run away from him.
If he is not there, then have Pesci or Prosciutto guide you.
Would your yandere even give you a room? NO.
Risotto isn’t as fucked up as some of his teammates, but he likes having control of you. Also, it’s easier to intimidate you when he’s always so close to you (and is a giant). Having your own room might make you feel too comfortable disobeying him and he refuses to let you think that’s an option.
Would your yandere change their own room for you? Yes. You behave and he’s willing to even make the room look like Enid and Wednesday’s. 
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Prosciutto’s rules:
Be a good housewife.
Cook the meals.
Clean the ‘house’.
Run errands with Pesci.
Don’t sass him.
Greet him when he gets home.
Would your yandere even give you a room?  HAHAHAHAHA, NO. You’re funny.  You two are married and married couples sleep together.  Also, you’re in charge of cleaning, do you really want your own room to clean in addition of his room and Pesci’s.
Would your yandere change their own room for you? He will negotiate with you. Have you been a good wife? Have you been completing the chores? What are you willing to give in return to drastically change his room for you? 
Sidenote 01: Prosciutto gets the biggest room because Risotto didn't care to get the Master bedroom. 
Sidenote 02: Proscuitto just wants you taking care of his portion of the villa. If you're being annoying, he'll force you to clean of Pesci's portion (but Pesci's nice enough to help you with your cleaning).
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Pesci’s rules:
Be polite to Risotto.
Listen to what big brother says.
If big bro gets handsy on you, look for Pesci.
Avoid the others except Ghiaccio.
Stay away from Ghiaccio when he’s mad. Don’t walk, RUN.
Would your yandere even give you a room? Pesci would never force you to stay in his room unless he actually thought you were in danger. At worse, he'd manipulate you into staying with him. If La Squadra has room (no pun intended) you can have your own room.
Would he change his room for you? Absolutely! He just wants you comfortable! Hell, you can have half of his room AND your own room. 
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Melone’s Rules:
Be a good parent to his future offspring.
Don’t ask for anything unless you’re willing to do some Not Safe For Work activities for it.
At least pretend you're happy to see Melone once in awhile, especially around bambino!
Would your yandere even give you a room? Honestly, yes. He did kidnap you to force you to have his future children. The least he can do is accommodate you.
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He'll only let you roam the villa if he believes you'll behave. The moment you try leaving is the moment you're literally chained to his bedroom and has to have Pesci follow you around when Melone can't.  Yes, he knows you're mad that he plans to baby trap you. At least you'll be a rich mom, not a pauper with 'freedom'.
Would he change his room for you?  No. If anything, he’d probably make your room also your future baby’s room too, which would force you to come to his room for some peace and quiet.
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((Author's Note: Let's pretend that the floor is an all white carpet. Apparently, most people know better than to have white carpet.))
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Ghiaccio’s Rule:
DO NOT stain his room.
DO NOT yell at him.
DO NOT talk to the other members unless it’s an emergency.
DO NOT be alone with Melone.
You may be asking "Why would you have a white room? Why not just let me go if you dont want a stained room-" SHUT UP AND DONT SASS HIM.
Would your yandere even give you a room?  Depending on if you two are own good terms, he might let you stay in the tinier room right next to his. Just behave. Your room has no bed, because he'll be forcing you to sleep in his bed with him. You're the most likely darling to be allowed to roam the villa, but you can't go outside. 
Would he change his room for you?  No, which is why you get your own room if you behave. 
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Illuso's rules:
Do as he says.
Do as he says.
Do as he says.
Do as he says.
Oh, he keeps you in the mirror world with food all day when he's not with you. Rights? lol Silly darling, you have no rights.
Everything you have is solely due to his desires. While Risotto's darling spends 90% of the time in his room, Illuso's darling spends 99.99% of the time in Illuso's room and the mirror world.
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Doesn’t need rules because he can just shrink you down when he wants.
I imagine the only thing that stands out about Formaggio's room is that it's filled with a dollhouse, dolls, pet cages, and a hamster ball. Why all of that? So he can entertain himself messing with you. 
There is more than enough room for you to be in Formaggio's room. And he doesn't want to break you like Illuso would. Formaggio just likes bullying you, but he does want you functioning like a human being. Having a person he can actually converse with is better han some doll that obeys him, gross. 
Obviously, you wont get your own room, but he will customize your dollhouse room if you behave! Oh and he does like you room the mansion. Keep in mind if you ever try to flee, that privilege is revoked forever.
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immajustvibehere · 2 years
Pls give us part 2 of “Captured & Captivated”. That was so good🥵
I really thought I wouldn't write another part. But here I am 😔
Captured & Captivated
Part 2
Arthur Morgan x fem!Reader
warning: filthy, low honor, non consent (unfortunately, I can't write smut or this would have gone differently heh)
summary: After the bounty hunter had granted you your freedom, but left you to fend for yourself half-naked, you rejoin him at the fire. Spending the night at his camp would surely increase your chance of survival, right?
Part 1 here!
1700 words, 12 minutes reading time
“What’s your name, mister?”, you asked, covering your bare breasts with your knees and having your arms resting upon them. The fire warmed you moderately well. It was better than hiding in the bushes, that’s for sure.
"None of your concern, sweetheart", he answered. His voice was low but dripped in honey. You had the feeling he wanted to impress you. He wanted you to stay and not run off, or he wouldn't have offered the possibility to join him at the fire. You eyed him suspiciously.
"Jus' makes conversation more complicated...", you mumbled.
He gave no answer to that, only shook his head slightly.
"Got a blanket for me?", you asked after a while of silence. The fire could only warm one side of your bare torso and while your skin on the front almost burned under the heat, your back cooled down extremely.
"Yer god damn demandin' for someone I just granted freedom", the man answered and lit a cigarette. He didn't give any indication of actually handing you something to warm you up. After a sigh, you remained silent and watched the flames.
"You can stay at my camp. That's as good as it gets, darlin'", he flicked the finished cigarette into the fire, "unless you can pay. Which I highly doubt."
He had a cocky smile on his face. What exactly did he expect? That you would suddenly procure a ten dollars bill and pay him for a blanket? Of course he didn’t. He knew you had nothing.
"Want me to lie down for you?", you asked. But the expression of the man changed immediately into one of disgust.
"I’m afraid I’m not interested. I generally don’t entertain women with dubious morals."
"I ain't no whore", you explained calmly. You would have bet your life that the man in front of you had slept with more people than you had. Not only was he older, but he also was somewhat handsome. So, you despised his assumption.
"Sure", he snickered. You watched his face closely and saw how the disgust dissipated. He could tell you weren’t a prostitute. You had been so insecure even to remove your cloths in front of him. But Arthur admired that you were willing to get laid, only for a blanket to cover yourself up.
For a while, nobody spoke. You listened to the logs being devoured by the flames or the occasional cricket calling for a mate. Arthur started a small carving project before he stuck the knife into the ground next to him and put his hat lower into his face. It was night, probably very late by now. Even though you had survived a rather tricky day, you weren’t as tired. A gut feeling told you to stay awake.
"Don't try no funny business or you might regret it", the man warned before he settled into a half-recumbent position and remained silent. You waited. With open eyes and attentive spirit you endured until his chest was heaving with even breaths. Occasionally, your gaze wandered to the knife next to him. There was no other way out. You couldn't walk away, or you'd freeze or be killed – besides, you couldn’t simply walk into a town without wearing a top. Theoretically, you could steal something from him. His saddlebags must at least contain a spare shirt you could take and run off with. Maybe you should even steal his horse. But you were positive he'd wake up and shoot you dead if you even attempted it. Waiting until the next morning was useless too. Why wouldn't he just tie you up again and drag you to the law to collect your bounty?
This left one option: Kill him and then run off with his things. It was easy. His knife was there, almost begging to be used by you. You would slit his throat and it would be over before he could even wake up. Only one problem: you had never killed someone. But this was about your survival and you figured you would be able to do it in the heat of the moment.
After a deep breath you reached for the knife. Your fingers had barely closed around the handle when the man jumped up, twisted it out of your hand and before you knew it – you were pinned to the ground, the man promptly sitting down on your thighs to prevent you from getting up. For a second, he had loosened the grip around your wrists. You lost not a moment. Your hands shot up to his throat, grasping it firmly. If you can't stab him, you would choke him. But the man didn't stir. Even with both your hands, you couldn't reach around the man's throat entirely, and since he had you pinned from your waist down, you couldn't exert all your strength.
He chuckled lightly. Tears started to prick your eyes. You fucked up. Great. You assaulted a killer, and now what?
Like they were burdocks, he peeled your hands off his throat.
"What did you want with the knife? I'd recommend not lying to me."
You took a shaky breath, your brain working miles an hour, waging if a lie would do less harm. The man saw you considering, took your wrists and pinned above your head to the ground. You felt fully exposed, lying with bare torso under this huge man. He leaned over you, slowly putting more of his weight on your body. You groaned. You had guessed he wasn't putting his full weight on your body before, and you had been right.
"'m listening?"
You sucked in a breath and whispered a shaky: "Wanted to kill you."
A quick smile darted across the man's face: "At least yer honest."
He was lying on top of you entirely now, his beard scratching your cheek. He whispered: "Tell me, huh,… what am I supposed to do with ya?" Even if you wanted to answer, there was no air left in your lungs to form words. Slowly, he grinded his hips against yours and you felt his hard bulge pressing into your heat. He seemed to rather enjoy the hoarse whine he earned for that.
One hand of his was enough to keep both of yours in place. The other one wandered down your arm, touching you almost tenderly until he had reached your boob, which he roughly squeezed. You wriggled underneath him. If you had been able to, you would have begged him to get off.  As if he understood, he let go of your hands and stood up. He looked down on you, tilting his head and taking in your feeble frame underneath him.
"I preferred you tied up anyways", he stated before he walked over to the tree to fetch some of the rope. You didn't dare to move. The knife he had twisted out of your hand wasn't that far off, but you were too scared to even think about attempting an escape. You simply watched the man pick up the rope.
He turned you around, tying your arms behind your back.
"That'll do, don'tcha think?", he asked satisfied.
"What are you gonna do with me?", you asked anxiously
"Haven't decided yet. You really threw your freedom away with that pathetic attempt of yers."
Grabbing you by the shoulder he helped you into a sitting position. He was squatting next to you, his eyes roaming your face. With a gentle movement he wiped away the tears on your face with his calloused fingers. You flinched at first, out of fear he'd hit you.
"No crying, alright? Them tears don't do your pretty face any good", he said, almost in a friendly. You choked down a sob, nodding hesitantly. When he stood up again to walk back to his little spot, he picked up the knife in the process, putting it back into its sheath. He got comfortable, sliding down the trunk and lowering his hat into his face. "Get some rest", were the last words you heard from him.
At first, you didn't think it would be possible to fall asleep. Your heart was beating, and you were still freezing. Only after you crawled closer to the fire and actually lied down with your eyes closed, you felt the exhaustion. You feared you'd wake up behind bars - or worse. But it didn't matter how much of a fight you put up; sleep won in the end.
You woke up with a start. A thin blanket slipped off your body. It was dawn. The stranger was gone. Despite the blanket, which he must have thrown on top of you while you were asleep, you were cold. The fire had gone out and a slight wind blew through your hair. There was no tent, no horse. Nothing but a clean shirt on which your head had rested. You picked it up. It was clearly one of his. You slipped into it. It was too big but provided some desperately needed warmth. Only then you realized that your hands had been cut free. The remains of a burnt rope lay on the charred logs of the fireplace.
Even after years had passed, you never truly forgot the stranger. At first, you despised him for the toying around he had done, for letting you strip and sleep half naked, for the groping and threatening. After a while though, those memories faded. What remained was the essence of this encounter. You had been his bounty which he had freed for a remarkably low price. His blue eyes and how he examined your body with them was something you never quite forgot. At the end, you pitied him. Maybe, you thought, you finally saw him at what he truly was; a conflicted man. On the hunt for money, cruel and desperate and yet not cold-hearted enough to do you real harm. Every time when you thought about the man in this way, you wondered if you blew his character out of proportion and if you had got it all wrong...and yet, there was no way to confirm. At the end, all that was left of him was a shirt in a closet.
I'm sorry that the sequel sucked even more than the first part xd But I wanted to write it anyways! oops
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foodandfolklore · 5 months
Loblaws Boycott. How to get affordable food?
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Today is May 1st; which means it is the start of the Loblaws Boycott across Canada. For those unfamiliar with the situation, food prices in Canada have been climbing to astronomical sums. Our main chain Grocery Stores keep increasing prices beyond what is normal inflation. Because they know as Mortals, we need to eat. And the further north you go, the worse it gets. They have already been caught artificially raising Bread prices a few years back, and blaming the price hike on the War in Ukraine. They set a price, We pay for it, and then they keep the price cause clearly people are willing to pay /s
So a boycott has been organized by people of Canada through social media and has even been talked about by TV News Outlets. The idea being to speak with your wallet and pressure change. The problem for many, however, is...Loblaws is just so massive, they don't see other alternatives. They own No Frills, Great Canadian Superstore, Shoppers Drugmart, and a ton more. For many Canadians, it seems like Loblaws is their only option in their area.
So I want to provide a list of some options for people to still get fed. Or even if you don't want to engage in the boycott, you just wanna find affordable food.
Costco and Walmart If a friend of family member has a Costco Membership and is willing to take you with them, do it. The workers there don't police who has the membership, so long as someone has one. You can bulk buy a bunch of staples like Meat, Cheese, Toilet Paper and Coffee for much cheaper in the long run. However, Buying in bulk is not always feasible for everyone. They either don't have the space or they can't afford to drop a few hundred dollars on a single shop. Walmart is a controversial suggestion because they have some....history. And your values may require you to not shop at Walmart. But if you need some accessible groceries for reasonable prices, Walmart actually has a very good selection.
2) International/Local Stores This is not really an option if you live more rural. But if you can find a nearby Asian Grocer or Halal Store you can get a lot of stuff. And not just rice. Legumes, Beans, Meat, Seafood; you'd be surprised how much you can get. You may also find a gem of a bakery or butcher.
3) Farmers Markets It's getting to growing season in Canada. Be Sure to check your near by Farmers Markets. You'll mostly find Fruits and Veggies, but may also be some local honey and eggs if you're lucky. This is also a great option for people who feel eating Organic food is important.
4) Food Waste Apps There is a surprising amount of apps dedicated to preventing food waste by selling you food that is about to be thrown away. The food is still good, and the reason for Discarding varies, but commonly it's because it's approaching it's best before date or Expiration date. Food can still be consumed after it's best before date, so long as it's not spoilt. Different areas will have different Levels of Activity on Different apps. A store needs to opt in before you can buy anything. So check out a few different ones. Flash Foods, Food Hero, and Too Good to Go are popular.
5) Ugly Food Boxes A lot of food gets chucked cause it doesn't conform to our expectation of how that food should look. It grew in a weird way and despite being totally fine to eat; Stores don't want to sell them. So you can get Subscription Boxes of Ugly Produce. Which I think is kinda fun. I remember being younger and my mom pointing out the funny shaped peppers. This isn't entirely a new concept, and many people would of probably heard of Imperfect Foods. However, this is a USA only service; useless to us Canadians. But we can try Odd Bunch or Eat Impact. The bonus with this is it's delivered directly to you. Great for people like myself who can't Drive but love to cook.
6) Meal Kits You see it all the time on Youtube: Try Hello Fresh and get so many meals free, yada yada. Well....it might be worth a try. You can cancel these kits at any time, and them hop back on them later. Like a streaming service. A friend of mine apparently does this. Ordering a box when the value of what they're offering is worth the price to her. Not a great option if you tend to forget to cancel subscriptions *cough* (Hi) but it can be a really smart way to get exactly what you want for a good price. Plus if you use a sponsor code, or a coupon in the mail.... Hello Fresh and Make Good Food are the two more well known meal kits available in Canada.
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bluecoolr · 2 years
just thought of a question to get those gears in your pretty lil head (with big brain) turning
Todd siblings, boardgame night edition - aka how would they be when playing games? obviously, there's Monopoly (or, the devil in board game form, probably), stuff like Uno (once played it in a group of 6 or 7 and. it was. an experience), and idk what other games you can play with so many people. ummm... we used to have a version of "Mensch ärgere dich nicht" (In English it's called "Sorry!" I think) that was for five or six players (the layout therefore wasn't a square but same principle)
idk i just wanna know what a family game night at the Todd's looks like ;D
Cylas my darling you come up with the most fun questions 💙💙💙 I love board games! God I miss playing with a lot of people 😔😔 Hopefully this blurb offers some good vibes after the events told in Dead Man Walking and Where am I? 😬
Todd Siblings Game Night
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"Family Fun Night" always spirals into chaos. I like to think Susannah's the one who arranges game nights, complete with snacks and drinks.
When playing Monopoly, Nathan and Judah are both aggresively competitive.
Their insults are creative - "You goddamn heretical Gentile!" "Where'd you learn to count? Sodom and Gomorrah?" "You pay me right now, Judas!" "Filthy fuckin' swamp rat..." "Greedy bloated goat."
They tend to kick each other under the table.
Nathan thinks he has the best strategy. In reality, Darrell's ths one that has them all by the balls. He buys out all the train stations and makes the best underhanded deals but nobody realizes.
Salome's not really that good of a player. She doesn't want to pay anyone becaus she likes looking at the colors of the money and won't let them go.
They just sit her aside and have her be the "banker", "realtor", and "card reader".
As much as Darrell and Susannah try to be calm and reasonable with him, they still end up yelling.
Judah... doesn't really understand the rules so well. He insists you can't increase rent without due notice and why is he going to jail - he did nothing wrong!
Salome once read out a card that told the players to grab the cash in the air. Nathan - overeager and most likely too thrilled to one-up his siblings - went ahead and raked the money that fell on the tabletop, much to his siblings' anger.
Nobody ever wins Monopoly. They all just collectively decide that they've had enough screaming and fighting for the night.
Uno's pretty much the same.
Nathan is ruthless. He will do everything he can to win.
Needless to say Salome has cried numerous times during game night.
Nathan has tried to strangle Judah.
Darrell was once so insulted that he tackled Nathan.
Susannah was left in tears because why can't they just be a normal family?
They do however enjoy something so simple as charades.
Nathan's too sure of himself and stubborn.
One time Darrell was acting out "building" and Nathan just kept yelling "BRICKS!" without compromise. Needless to say they lost.
Susannah's the best at acting out.
There's a lot of laughter and teasing nonetheless and they all have fun even though it gets so extreme.
Salome's great at guessing, being the more observant sibling.
Sometimes they play cards or chess or checkers or snakes and ladders.
Nathan hates Scrabble because he doesn't know a lot of "fancy words".
I do however would like to be in the room when they play Crocodile Dentist 🤣
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When they wind down after a game, just drinking sweet tea or lemonade and munching on the last of the food, they recount all the funny things that happened.
And they say goodnight to each other without fail.
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maiverie · 1 year
i have a question -- how did you end up getting so much engagement on your first posts? was it more gradual or sudden, and do you have any tips for new writers that are not getting as much attention on their posts?
hi anon!! UM OK i'm very very very flattered and kinda surprised you think my posts get that much engagement (honestly there are sm accs that are much bigger than mine!), but thank u sm for reaching out!! I'm really happy to help so here are my thoughts ^^
I feel like there are two ways you can categorise tumblr engagement as a writer: notes and feedback. if by "first posts" you mean the first fics I posted on this acc, I wouldn't say they did all that well with the note count, but I was really really satisfied with the amount of feedback I got back! stuff like comments/replies, asks, text rbs etc. etc. if you want your work to get notes, i.e. you want a lot of exposure, I would suggest posting things that most people like to see/read (for example, things like headcanons, drabbles, smaus, popular tropes, popular members, etc.). it's not going to be a surefire way to get a lot of notes (because obviously there's a lot more to it), but posting things that people are familiar with — whether that's a trope, a member, or a format — will increase the likelihood that they'll engage with your content. there are a lot of people that have a subset of things they like to read (and will always go back to it), and there are fewer people who like to venture out into the unknown.
you've probably seen a lot of writers talk about the whole "like to feedback ratio" where many authors are seeing discrepancies between the two. for example, a fic of theirs might get 300 likes and only have 5 people reblog it with text or something. I think authors talk about this a lot because, at least in my personal experience, the number of notes doesn't really mean much if there isn't any other feedback to accompany it. my point is that you could write a bunch of headcanons or smaus or whatever and get a bunch of notes from it and still feel unsatisfied if you don't receive proper feedback.
based on my experience, the amount of feedback I receive from my writing is proportional to how much effort I put into it. there's like a drabble that I spent one night on which didn't do that great in terms of note count or feedback/rbs, but there are series/fics I've spent hours and hours writing for which I received a lot of feedback. purely based on my experience, I would really really recommend that you pour your heart and soul into your fics and let your hard work shine through. this might seem a little blunt, but if your writing is decent, your grammar isn't totally botched, and the plot makes sense — you will do just fine :) also, people naturally give feedback only if there's something they can react to — take a look at your stories and think about whether or not there's something for readers to talk about when they rb. did something really heartwarming or shocking happen? are one of the characters funny as fuck? is the plot so toe-curling that readers can't help but scream about it? if you're struggling to have people talk about your fic, you need to give them more reasons to.
overall, I would say my acc has been pretty steady with growth. I noticed a spike when I posted my first smau (because, like I said, a lot of people like to read smaus) but even then, I didn't really care for it because I wasn't really getting the quality feedback that I had with my other stories. I hope the above answers your first two questions ^^ if you'd like any clarification, let me know!
general tips for writers who aren't getting as much attention on their posts:
make sure your layout/presentation is legible and eye-catching. make sure it looks good in both dark and light mode and that the fic's title + main idol member + general vibe/genre (for example, romcom or horror or whatever else) is obvious at first glance
pay attention to the grammar in your stories! read it again and again and make sure there aren't sentences that run off too long or seem too jarring
cut up your paragraphs and make sure they're not too lengthy — I would say anything more than 25 lines is probably going to make some people lose interest
reply to the people that engage with your posts and show genuine appreciation for them — nobody is ever obligated to give you feedback, so I think responding to everything you get and just being very open in general will make people feel more comfortable interacting with you
think about the structure of your fic: if it's a long fic, then ofc the word count doesn't really matter. but if it's a series, make sure your chapters don't run too long or too short. I don't have a lot of experience writing smaus so I can't really comment on them — but ig my advice is to make sure every update has at least one funny joke (with the obvious exception, like if it's an angsty smau or smth idk).
I feel like the stories that stick with me the most, i.e. the ones that are the most memorable, are ones that have their own little twist. you're more than welcome to write popular tropes, but from a reader's perspective, I would say putting your own little spin on them would probably result in more engagement / interest in ur story ^^
apparently (idk if this is true) only the first five tags are the ones that matter, so make sure they're the most popular tags !!
join some networks!! they’re run by amazing amazing people who literally rb your work for free :) u might even meet new friends !!
@.goldenhypen made a survey that actually shares really really interesting insights! stuff like who the most popular member is and what tropes most people seem to like. have a read through it!! it might help!!
I hope this helps anon! again, I'm very very very positive there are other users you can ask and they'll probably be more qualified to give advice TT nevertheless im wishing u all the best w ur blog!!!! u got this!!!!!
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dam-peace · 1 year
Life Update, Game Updates.
Hey guys,
As I mentioned in my  post yesterday, things have been pretty hard recently. I actually fractured my foot a couple weeks ago on my way to work, and am currently unable to walk. My job refused to give me sick pay, because my 'average weekly earnings were not high enough', which is funny considering I was a full-time worker.
All in all it was just their roundabout way of saying that I wasn't entitled to sick pay, because I haven't worked there long enough. Long story short, I just put in my 2 weeks for the job because I just didn't have the will to fight a losing battle. So, now I'm currently looking for a new job remote from home, so money's been tight, made that much worse by the increase in the cost of living. 
I was also supposed to get a mortgage to move into a better house and area, but looks like that may not be in the works right now. Something that I was extremely excited for, even postponed going back to University for. The career I chose to go into years ago is no longer what I want to peruse.
Worse, its becoming one of the main things that deteriorates my mental health further, not to mention my poor mother is extremely overworked, underpaid and suffering from her own physical ailments. ​And, I'm not exactly helping things either as the eldest, with me being bedbound and now out of a job. Though she doesn't hold it over my head, which only makes the guilt that much worse.
Mentally, physically, emotionally and financially I just feel drained. I'm trying to hold onto things that give me enjoyment, like making my games. As well as maintaining a positive attitude, because the last thing I want is for my depression to take hold of my life like it used to.  Whilst I look for a new job, I actually plan to take a break from doing asks on Tumblr and what not to start my patreon again.
This time better than ever, as I now know what I'll be doing and what to offer, after looking at what other creators are doing for ideas. I'll still try to answer any questions you guys may have and reply to any comments, it's just sometimes I get overstimulated and completely shut down at times. So if I'm taking a bit of time to do something, please just be patient with me, I really am trying. 
So for now I won't be updating the public demos for awhile, as I want to work on the alpha build for patreon, as well as other patreon content. When I do so, I then want to start looking for beta testers to take a bit off of my plate, because looking back through all the coding and story content is something that frustrates me beyond belief, and again is very overstimulating for me.
In addition to a 'Coding Advisor' of sorts with the beta testers or amongst the best testers, someone who can help me properly code in things that I can't seem to find the solution for myself. Because as I've mentioned before, I'm still new to coding and there are many things I'm still unable to do, e.g. coding in a 'dark mode' for readers. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to pay any of these people, but they would be credited in my work. 
So, yeah that's been my life, if you managed to actually read through everything above, good on you. I probably would've looked at all that lengthy text and clicked off, lol. But, despite all the depressing stuff above, I just want to take the time to thank each and every one of you for you love and support.
From the views, downloads and playthroughs to the kind comments, constructive criticism, game ratings, follows, likes, questions/asks, artwork, reposts and payments. As well as, adding my games to your collections, or by simply just showing a genuine interest. I thank you for every contribution you've every made in any way, because no matter how small it may seem to you. It really does mean a lot, and continues to push me forward, through some really hard times ♡
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bitegore · 2 years
Top 5 song to have a break down to plz?
In no particular order, and due to my own particular flavor of brain stuff:
"From Now On We Are Enemies" by Fall Out Boy This is an older breakdown song for me that someone else reintroduced me to recently! Back in the ancient days of yore, when I was a younger and less functional beastie, I wanted to be really good at everything I did not for attention (though that was in there too) but so that I could die at 25 and not be immediately forgotten by the rest of the world. Reasonable ass goal, of course. I was also, like, in the gifted-kid track for academics and winning awards for my art locally and playing instruments and singing music and stuff and I was just old enough that some of my peers also started doing that and doing better than me. Felt kind of bad, as you would imagine; like I was being upstaged. Anyway, this song is about one of Mozart's peers, a fellow composer, wishing bitterly to be better than Mozart despite the fact that Mozart was essentially a child prodigy and this peer was like... less of a prodigy. Something about losing the spotlight and falling behind and never ever catching up just gets to me. I feel like some of us can relate.
So Long Sentiment by Celldweller - Nightcore Remix It's got to be the nightcore; for some reason the OG never hits me. I have no idea why this one gets to me since I'm not allowed to read those particular processes but they sure exist. I bawl my eyes out to this song every time I get a weird desire to put it on. Immediately after this song in the playlist I listen to it on is HHGREG PANASONIC BLU RAY 99 DOLLARS. This is like not a normal amount of tonal whiplash, but it's really funny to be sobbing like a baby while HHGREG PANASONIC BLU RAY 99 DOLLARS plays in the background so I haven't changed it yet.
Black Honey by Thrice "I fucked up and I'm so fucking stupid about this shit that I'm gonna do it again on purpose and be surprised at the consequences staying the same or increasing," the song. excellent at kneecapping me whenever i damage or destroy a thing I own that I need to avoid doing that to, which happens about once a week. Plus it's like a really good Motormaster song. It's so that guy.
Anchor by Thank You Scientist Glad to see that instead of dealing with life being hard, you've decided to lay down and die; can I interest you in some music about that then? This song makes me want to swallow shards of broken glass and I mean that in a good way but, like, damn. > "This punishment doesn't fit the crime > Torture, without change > More of the same > Stop closing open doors > Cancel my tomorrow > Got no chance > Finding comfort in denial > Got used to the mess" > "Sorry, I can't take it anymore, I swear > I swear this time I'm getting back to good > When will I > Wake up > Will I ever learn > It's just the same old story > Same old ball and chain" Like. Augh. Stoppit. Fuck off. Who said you could say this to me.
Nobody Praying For Me by Seether listen it's really hard to take yourself seriously listening to this song but it's also so dramatic and self-efficacing at the same time that it's good for sort of snapping you out of it while not making you feel like you're being forced to remember that it doesnt matter, since that doesn't help. but like > "Cause if I stand up, I break my bones > And everybody loves to see a forward fold > Ain't nobody giving up > Cause nobody gives a fuck" The way this dude sings it, it's like almost a joke. And like frankly having a breakdown is practically like a fucking joke like. Come on. You are crying while probably wearing half of a pair of pants and have ice cream on your tits and something stupid as fuck just happened and now you're sitting like, on the floor or some shit. Get up, dumbass, no one's paying attention and the audience is only gonna laugh. Lmao. Anyway I like it.
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blue-flamed-phoenix · 2 years
Little wolf - Jerome Valeska FanFiction
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<- Previous Chapter <-
Warnings: adult language, mentions of murder
Word count: 1767 words
Phoenix's P.O.V
It's been three months since Jerome's birthday in Kansas city. Me and Jerome have gotten so much closer. I admit apart of me may have developed a little crush. Anyway Now we're in Gotham, we just arrived yesterday. My family found out that the ring master gave me another place to stay and helped me pay for food. They weren't too happy. My father actually decided 'let's increase the amount of beatings Phoenix gets a week' as he said, so yeah, it's been hell well not all of it, there's still Jerome.
I'm just waiting for Jerome outside his trailer. We're gonna go look around Gotham city tonight. The wolves are playing in front of me, and Red is joining in he's gotten much bigger than before which is a good thing, it means he's getting healthier. But what stumped me was there was no yelling anymore, It was strange hearing silence. I mean usually Lila, Jerome's mother is really loud and shouts a lot. But I haven't heard anything all day. Maybe she went on a spree again as Jerome had called it once. Then I hear the door to the trailer open. 
Jerome steps out of the trailer putting his coat on."Hey, Jerome. No Lila today?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yeah, it seems that way." Jerome said and with that We started walking threw the streets of Gotham city. We walk and talk for a bit until we reach The Gotham clock tower. I heard it was big but I didn't think it would be that big. I stared up at in awe and Jerome looked at me slightly amused. I looked at him for a second before I heard a big dinging sound. It scared me slightly as I jumped in my spot and Jerome immediately laughed. "Shit, that scared the crap outta me" I said as I punched him playfully in the arm and smiled. 
"Come on that was pretty funny." Jerome said and I just shook my head. "we should probably start heading back now, it's 1." I said looking up at the clock again. "Yeah, let's go." Jerome said and then we headed back to the circus. By the time we got back It was around 1:30 pm. "I'll see you later Jerome I got some stuff to take care of." I said as we reached the trailer park while waving goodbye. He waved back and smiled "See you soon Phoenix." He said. I smiled and then turned around and began to walk off to find the ringmaster to discuss and plan some stuff about the finances. I look around the trailer park, then make my way towards the big tent and I end up quickly finding the ringmaster. I walk up to him and We discuss some things and before long It's almost time for the show to begin. 
I grab all the documents and stuff and head back to my trailer. I packed away the documents and then step back out of the trailer again. As I shut the door, I look at my watch and see its 3:45 pm. I sighed and I began walking with all the wolves following me. "Hey brat!" Someone said behind me. I turned around to see my mother was standing there behind me. "We're leaving the circus tomorrow, your father bought a house. We're all moving, It'll be finalised tomorrow. Say goodbye to your freaky redheaded boyfriend. chances are you'll never see him again." she said in a bitchy tone. 
After that she walked away without a second glance. It took me a few seconds to understand what she meant and when I did I started crying, then I just ran. I kept running for a good 15 minutes before I ended up in Gotham city again. I sat down at a park bench and just cried. All these thoughts were rushing threw my mind. 'I don't want to be alone. Jerome is my only friend. he's one of very few people that care about me. I can't lose him.' I thought as I sobbed.
Red got up and sat on the bench and licked my hand. I started patting him as my mind continued to go wild. 'I care about Jerome. I care about him more than friends would.' I thought, luckily After a few more minutes I was able to calm down enough, so I got up and started the walk back to the circus, my eyes were blood shot and puffy. I felt miserable. I hated how my parents could just do that, how they could just ruin everything with little to no words.
 By the time I had gotten to the circus it was 5:00 pm. Once I got there, I noticed almost no one was there which put me a little on edge. However there still was Mr Cicero. He's blind and is a fortune teller in the side show. "Hello Mr Cicero, Where is everyone?" I asked him as I walked up to where he sat. "Hello Phoenix, Everyone's at the police station." He spoke. "What! What for?" I asked getting worried. "Someone killed Lila, The police found the body." He spoke. How could this have all happened within 2 hours of me being gone. "I suggest you hurry inside Phoenix; I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a rough day." after a second I simply nodded But was still worried for Jerome. "Thanks Mr Cicero." I said as I began walking back to my trailer. 
Not before checking Jerome's trailer of course. But once I did, I got all the wolves inside my trailer and then went to bed. I know I should probably head to the Police station but If I did my parents would go nuts. They'd think I was telling cops about how they beat me. Not to mention I have a huge bruise on the side of my face so that wouldn't help me much anyway. 
~Next day~
I ended up sleeping in till about midday the next day. Once I fully woke up, I got up and got ready for the day. Straight away I got out of the trailer and went to look for Jerome. I knocked on his trailer door only to get no reply. 'Where are you Jerome?' I thought as I began to search the circus grounds.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'Strange I couldn't find him anywhere.' I thought as It was dark now and I decided to suck it up and go to the police station. I waited outside for some time just looking at the door, over thinking in my head. but I reminded myself that I was doing this for Jerome, so I went inside. As I walked in I saw A guy with dirty blonde hair and dressed in a suit looking at me as though he recognises me. "Hello there, may I ask do you know anyone by the name Jerome?" He asked as he came over to me. "Who's asking?" I countered. "Detective Jim Gordon" he said showing his badge. I nodded after looking at the badge. 
"Yes I know Jerome, we're friends, I live with the circus as well." He nodded. "could you come with me please to a more private area, I have a few  questions to ask if you don't mind." he said after a second of contemplating I decided to just go with it. "sure" I said following The detective into an interrogation room. "What's your name?" He asked as he sat down. "Phoenix Wilson" I said as I sat down.
"What is your relationship With Jerome?" Jim asked. "We're friends, very good friends. I met him at the start of this year when my family joined the circus." I spoke. "Do you know what happened to Lila Valeska by any chance?" he asked. "No, I only know she was killed. Mr Cicero told me last night. I was out on a walk when the body was found and when everyone was called down to the police station." I explained. 
Jim nodded. "Do you have any idea who might have killed her?" He asked. "I don't know she had a lot of Sex partners that came and went a lot. It was hard to keep track." I answered. "Has Jerome ever acted aggressive towards you? or threatened you?" He asked this time more carefully. "No, Jerome would never. Why are you asking?" I asked now a bit suspicious. "We have reason to believe that Jerome murdered his mother and Mr Cicero helped him cover it up." Jim said and immediately I looked at him surprised my eyes widened. "So, what you think I had a part in it or something?" I asked, "Well that's why we're here, I wanted to ask about where you were between 2:30 pm and 4:15 pm?" He asked. "I was out on a walk through Gotham city. I was a bit upset after my mother said we were going to stay in Gotham instead of going with the circus." I answered now as I thought of Jerome killing his mother. No way would he do that. Would he? "Ok. I'll be back in a moment" he said getting up and walking out of the room. A few minutes later he came back. "So, Phoenix we went through some street cameras and your whereabouts at the time of Lila's death checks out." He said. 
"However, I need you to come with me." I did as he said and followed him into a room without question. It had glass on one wall. It was obviously a one-way glass window. I could see into the room but the people in the room couldn't see me. I watched as A woman came into the room. "Just watch in here Phoenix " Jim said while a man came into the room. "Hi their Phoenix, I'm Harvey." He spoke."Hi" I said back in a quiet voice still not fully believing Jerome would kill his mother. Then again Lila always hated him and he hated her. Maybe it was just bound to happen eventually. Harvey smiled a little and stepped into the room while the woman and Jim walked into the interview room. I looked threw the glass to see In the interview room sat Mr Cicero. Oh here we go.
-> Next Chapter ->
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juvenilledrabbles · 2 years
The one where you meet a stranger on the midnight shift and the pair of you realize you're much more similar than one would have ever thought.
He strides to the counter and I brace myself the same way I always do when men come into the cafe in the middle of the night. I've encountered far too many creeps to let my guard down.
"Hi, what can I get for you?" You ask while subtly trying to study him a bit more. The corners of his mouth raised in amusement. "I can tell you want to ask." You shake your head no not wanting him to give the place a bad rating because you were rude. Your mom would be furious.
"I do want to ask-- for your drink order and a name to write down." You answer and a smile finally overtakes his face. You'd call it cute if it didn't have that twinge of malice you can't quite understand.
His fingers tap the counter as his eyes sweep over the menu and he finds something with enough caffeine. "Dabi. And I'll get an iced Americano and a strawberry milkshake with extra syrup and extra whipped cream." You find the combination odd and allow yourself to overstep your boundaries a bit.
"I feel like you just ordered heaven and hell." You comment on the irony with a slight smile. Dabi has little time to humor people with the conversation but decides to indulge in this one.
"And which am I?" He asks while the cash register makes a sound prompting him to pay.
He hands you exact change while you look him up and down in a more obvious way than before while trying to determine where he would probably go.
"Heaven. No doubt." you answer and there's surprise evident in his eyes.
"Are you saying that to be funny?" He asks with a slight edge in his voice. You worry you've indulged in this conversation for too long. You know better than to do that when that cafe is this empty at night, yet you can't stop.
You move to make the coffee but keep talking regardless. "I'm notorious for being unfunny and lacking social cues so sorry if I offended you. But I do mean that. You have really blue eyes and blue reminds me of the generic heaven idea."
"You talking about Heaven it as if it's a faraway idea. Is it even something you believe in?" He asks, sitting at a stool near where you're putting the drinks together.
You frown. "I don't think I do anymore. I used to believe all good people would end up somewhere nice-- but I don't know what makes people nice anymore. Like heroes. I don't think all of them could get into heaven."
Suddenly Dabi is invested in the conversation rather than humoring himself. Two perfect drinks are presented in front of him and a regretful smile comes into view. "I'm sorry I shouldn't talk about heroes like that in front of people." He rolls his eyes. "No, I understand. I met a hero who was the worst human being but it's okay because he has a damn suit and ranking on the hero billboards."
Your nerves increase with wonder. Who could he have a vendetta against? Could it be the same man you do?
"Hey, if I were to tell you something would you take it to the grave?" You ask hesitantly and he shrugs. "Does it matter? If I told someone they probably wouldn't believe me would they?" You let out a sad breath as he reminds you of reality and you begin to tell your story unprompted because it's true, no one would believe him if he had a statement against a hero.
"My mom owns this place and I helped around here since I started high school. My mom told us to board the windows because villains were rumored to target the cafe." Dabi is slowly slipping his drink and getting sucked into the story.
"That night they did strike and we were prepared somewhat but stayed there because we didn't have money for a hotel and couldn't leave for safety. We called a hero agency just in case and they sent Endeavor to protect us." You say the word 'protected' with a twinge of spite and the guy with stapled skin stops sipping his drink.
"They sent the most powerful hero to deal with a D-class robbery and he used so much force that he blew a portion of the ceiling out. That ceiling was the floor of our apartment and the part he blew out was my brother's bed where he was sleeping."
"Shit." Dabi says with contempt. That damn bastard just screws up everyone's life, doesn't he?
"Yeah. He died instantly. And when I marched to the agency to confront him because my mom was too scared, he told me the death couldn't be helped and paid for our renovations and made us sign a nondisclosure contract. That was it." You finish explaining and apologize for the tears you just realized were falling down your face.
"I just, I guess he's saved a lot of people. Hell, maybe even the world. But I think it's possible to do all that and still go to hell. Endeavor is a prime example." You answer with finality in your eyes. Dabi feels anger course through his veins. He hates his father for many reasons but they all pertain to him and his immediate family. Suddenly he curious, how many lives has the oh-so-great Endeavor fucked over?
Finally, as Dabi stands he gives you a smirk so wicked you feel chills, but his next words catch you off guard.
"Wanna send him to hell with me?" Your lips part and you realize maybe you should have picked hell for him. "What, you don't think I belong to heaven anymore?" He chuckled with slight spite. You almost agree but neither devil nor angel can be used to describe him. He's both and none at the same time. "I think you're both. A fallen angel maybe." You answer and Dabi wonders how the hell you can say everything you're thinking with a straight face.
He almost laughs at the irony of his thoughts, doesn't he do the same thing?
"You have a plan?" You ask with interest redirecting the conversation to his proposal. Dabi almost can't believe you're considering this. "Me and a few others. We have bigger plans but I can't tell you anything about them just yet. But if you wanna join just to see Endeavor burn then you can join as my assistant of sorts." Your eyes widen.
This is insane. You shouldn't be considering this right? Doesn't this go against your morals? Then your heart clenches remembering your sweet brother burning to death a few feet from you because a hero decided to blow up your house in retaliation to a near quirkless villain. Where were Endeavor's morals? He never so much as apologized. Your internal turmoil is resolved. Maybe you can show the world his injustice through this, maybe you can get them to listen and realize how corrupt the hero system is.
Your fist tightens.
"I- I want to help." You answer with finality. "Just to seem him burn." You clarify and Dabi laughs. "You're a lot crazier than you look." You make yourself a cherry cola and take a sip of the sweet carbonation to mask your heart racing for the bubbly feeling in your throat.
"You're the one who happens to already have plans to take down the biggest hero."
"I have my reasons." Realizing he's not going to share his reasons you give him his money back. He carries the conversation.
"What's your quirk anyway?" You sigh. "Water manipulation but I accidentally controlled a person before and my city put me on a list of people not allowed to use their quirks, so I'm not the best at controlling it." Dabi feels so giddy his nearly sees stars. He ran into a girl around his age wanting to help him take out his father with a quirk like that? He's never been luckier.
"If I told you to meet me a the park across from here with a bag of your things in two hours, would you come?" He asks. Your throat runs dry. You can't say bye to your mom who's currently visiting family, but should you? She'd try to stop you and you're closer than you've ever been to getting revenge for your brother and bringing that situation to light. She's never even tried.
"I-I'll be there. Make it one hour." He nods and exits the cafe.
You have a duffle bag messily packed with about four outfits, your savings that were supposed to be for college but you're on a gap year and a picture of your brother you always have nearby.
The park is quiet until a black mist appears and a group of people steps out. There's a girl with a scary smile that honestly makes you feel a bit threatened holding the strawberry drink you made earlier, a magician, Dabi, and a guy with blue hair and a hand on his face who has a weird aura to him.
"Little puppeteer, do you know me?" Your eyes widen, remembering him from TV. "You- you're Shigaraki. You broke into the hero school right?" He nods, glad his popularity seems to be doing fine.
"Do you understand what you're getting into?" You nod pretending like you're okay with working with one of the most sought after villains in the world.
"Do you realize the world may hate you?" You haven't thought about it but you instantly decided you don't care. "The only people who will hate me side with the heroes. I don't really care about them." His eyes widen in awe. "Dabi you've done well." Shigaraki has the aura of an evil genius that should scare you, but you're a bit excited.
The scary girl squeals. "She's so cute! I'm so glad I have another girl around! Can I cut her just a little bit?" She begs and you take a step back bumping into Dabi. He sighs frustratedly, "Toga, stop being fucking crazy. You keep scaring potential colleagues away. Besides, she's working for me. Not you psychos." This relaxes you a bit. The others put you on edge but you and Dabi seem to have a clearer goal, bring down the heroes.
In the short conversation with you had Dabi he realized although you hate Endeavor and killing him might bring you satisfaction, you aren't missing that large piece of humanity that he lost by killing several people yet. If he can get you through this with very few kills, he will.
"If you ever want more responsibility, just ask little puppeteer." Shigaraki states. You want to mention you're twenty to the man who's speaking to you as though your a high schooler but drop it. He's probably older anyway.
Dabi holds out his hand to you and you take it without question, stepping through the dark mist.
You just scored yourself a spot near the top of the biggest villain organization in the world. Holy shit.
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cvnicalmnm · 2 years
Louder (Dream x Female! Reader)
Warning: Slight degradation, ooc because plot, suggestive, college au, both are streamers but try to hide it, use of real names
Of course he had to be your partner, because what else would the universe have for entertainment? It obviously needs some drama, as it constantly stirs up the stewing and brewing tension between you and Dream. "Hey, could you pay attention at least a little? I know you don't like me, but I won't let your attitude get in the way of my GPA." ah yes, what's that phrase again? Speak of the devil and he'll appear? It's definitely true, though it seems my thoughts are enough to bring the torturous breaths of the man in front of me. I let out a small sigh before sitting down on the stool in the lab area of our classroom. "Well, let's get on with it then." I paused for a small second and then quickly turned my head towards the male. "Wait, I do not have an attitude. I simply reciprocate the energy I receive. It's not my fault you've got such horrible vibes that it appears as my own." Dream scoffed as he huffed into his seat next to me. Compared to me as well as the desk, he looked like a grown man playing with a child and her toys. This led to me pondering what kind of father he would be to children.
"Hey, I told you to pay attention. God....I can't deal with this right now.." I just shrugged and got my computer out of its bag. The bag was filled with my streaming logo and was very obviously merch. I heard a quiet chuckle from beside me and immediately followed the source. "What's so funny, pretty boy? You act like you don't constantly tote around every single item of Dream merch." This caused the blond to scoff and instantly put a damper on his mood, evident from his lack of a smile. Seeing the decrease in energy, mine was increased, almost like I drained his own. Filled with an odd giddiness, I pull up Microsoft Word to begin typing our project outline. "Alright so I'm gonna get this doc set up for our outline so we can put our info and stuff into it. I'll go ahead and send it to-" A ding from my computer was heard as I saw a notification pop up in the lower right hand corner. 'Clay Johnson has sent you an email. (1 file attachment)' I look at the blond beside me and grunt. "I was in the middle of talking and creating a professional work space. You probably put it together in seconds just so you could have ownership of the doc." I open the email with the subject being, 'Get better sweetheart <;3' and click on the attachment. "Sweetheart? Really? That's the best you've got Clay?" My snarky attitude is cut short and replaced with shock when the document loads, revealing a beautiful presentation on Microsoft Word. "When did you-how-" "You and the professor talk a lot, and I'm excellent with my fingers." He chuckled to himself as my cheeks flushed and progressed along with my annoyed groan. "Come on, your dumbass can code a better response than that." Dream began his stereotypical wheeze and cackle combo, stopping abruptly by my palm over his lips. "Dear God, shut the hell up Clay. We're getting stares from the professor and as you said, you won't let my attitude ruin your GPA. Therefore, shut the fuck up." He continued to chuckle from behind my hand, his breaths hitting and tickling me. 
     I let out a frustrated whine as my friend's laughter could be heard from my headset. "He isn't that bad, I think you're just irritable." As my other friends agreed, I cut them off. "Oh, Karl hangs around rich men and suddenly starts saying big words." This left two of the men in the call cackling as Karl sulked. "You're being mean for no reason, I think James and Robert are rubbing off on you." I sighed and rubbed my temples as I heard my email notification pop up again. 'Clay Johnson has sent you an email.' "Ugh, speak of the devil, and he shall appear I guess. Why does the universe just enjoy torturing me?" After hearing this, the three boys perked up and began talking over one another. "Ooh tell us what your boyfriend said!" "Let us hear come oooon." "Guys stop he's not her boyfriend, he's her soulmate." A soft grunt of annoyance could be heard from me as I opened the email. 
'Hey Ms. Brat, 
we've gotta get that work started and we don't have time to work on it in class until Friday. Here's my number. Call whenever you're done having an orgy with the football team. ;p
                                                                                                                              From Your Favorite Genius,
                                                                                                                                                            Clay Johnson'
"Sounds like he's got either a massive one on him, or he's compensating." The call erupted into hysterics full of cackles, giggles, and hitched breaths trying to breathe. "I'm gonna say it's probably the latter, Rob." The three gave each other a look before all leaving the call. "What the hell? They all just left. Oh well, guess I should go ahead and call this asshole. No reason to let my grades suffer over an egotistical dick."
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ah0rmone · 3 years
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sakata gintoki x gn!reader x hijikata toshiro
warnings: a little bit suggestive
my piece for @chaos-night's Gintama collab~ What I had in mind originally was a whole ass threesome but due to personal reasons I can't write as much as I want to though I decided to make it just a slightly suggestive story~ There's probably gonna be the 2nd part but no promises~ enjoy!
You had always liked Halloween, even more than other celebrations: the thrilling feeling of scaring others prompted you to volunteer at the local horror maze. Thoughout the year the roles you got were different: a psycho clown, a witch, a demon. Today you were a ghost. Nothing too extraordinary: a short white dress and some makeup to make you look like you had been dead for centuries. Unfortunately, one thing was ruining your long-awaited fun - the reputation of the Horror maze was so promising that the owner had to add one funny feature: visitors can go off the path whenever they feel like it. Though if they wanted to go the second time, they'd have to pay the full price once again. A very nice feature for scaredy cats who want to save some nerves, but a very upsetting for you, since this year you were the last actor or, how your colleagues called it, the lonely one. Because no way in hell at least one person would make it to your location.
That was how your Halloween had been going - for almost the whole evening you had been sitting behind the curtains, bored and sleepy. Where did the whole mood go? You let out a depressed sigh, looking at the hallway in front of you. Suddenly you heard people bickering behind the outer wall.
- What, Hijikata-kun, too scared to even set a foot inside?
- You bet, Yorozuya. Look at you shaking, too scared to even come a little bit closer? We're even not at the entrance yet!
Through a small hole in the wall you saw that two arguing people were Sakata Gintoki and Hijikata Toshiro, your close friends. Well, you had been friends for some years, but lately they started to act rather weird: the amount of their fights had increased dramatically compared to before. Sometimes it even seemed they were fighting for... your attention?
You were happy to see them and had already opened the mouth to greet them when remembered that the place you were in was lowkey sound-proof and given the celebration outside there were no chances they'd hear you at all.
- She's in the far back, right?- you caught Gintoki saying in the distance.
- Remember the bet, who gets there first wins, and the person who wins..,- and they were gone before you could hear the end of that sentence.
Curiosity got the best of you, so you started writhing in anticipation. Soon you'd see one of your best friends, of course, if they overcome their fear.
You knew the exact moment they entered the maze - both of their screams combined had been louder than any other you had heard that day. And, surprisingly to you, they were moving very fast in your direction - you could almost see them running together, hand in hand, tears streaming down their cheeks. The uncontrollable laughter shook your body, completely ruining your mood and preventing you to see two men finally making it to your part of the maze in the exact position you envisioned them: scared like hell and completely out of they minds.
Running past you they didn't give you a single glance until they faced an exit. There Hijikata stopped, remembering, why they were there in the first place.
- Wait, Gintoki!- he hissed through teeth, trying to prevent his friend from running away.
- Why?- Sakata cried out, trying to overpower Toshiro but failing due to his shaking legs.
- Did you forget why we're here? We came to see y/n!- Hijikata reminded, his voice shaking just as hard as his friend's legs.
- We'll see them tomorrow, when we're safe and sound!
- No, we have to do it now!
- Then you're turning back first! Why are you just standing there?!
- Yes, why don't you just turn back?- you asked sweetely behind their backs.
A silent pause before the disaster. Taken aback by your voice, the guys suppressed their instinct to run. Completely different but so alike, they didn't exchange a single word but their minds were united: they were men and they had to act brave to impress you. You could see their posture shifting to more confident ones, how they steaded themselves, calming the shake in their bodies. One deep breath and they both started to turn back to you, their mouthes open to greet you.
- Yes, why don't you just turn back?- you asked sweetey behind their backs.ar coming back to their eyes and blood leaving their features. Instead of a friendly greeting you got a bone-chilling shriek and the men were gone before you could even give them a smile.
It took you at least one hour to finally calm down and stop laughing, no way you would let them live with this. You couldn't even laugh anymore, what was leaving your lips were pathetic wheezes. It was too bad that your Halloween mood was completely ruined and you didn't feel the scary atmosphere anymore but your evening still was good.
You were wondering what exactly the prize of their bet was when the lights went out. Shoked you stood in the hallway, frozen in place. You weren't exactly scared, just concerned, not understanding what happened. Unexpectedly you felt a pair of hands on your hips, someone's presence looming behind you. The beating of your heart fastened but, as you were about to scream, another pair of hands cupped your cheeks.
- Scared, kitten? It's just us.
It took you seconds to realise that in front of you was standing no one other than Gintoki himself.
- Sorry, we didn't mean to startle you,- said Toshiro next to your ear.
- Unlike you, though,- you felt Gintoki's breath looming over your lips. He was smirking, that bastard.
- It's not my fault you two are easily-scared babies,- you shot back, placing one hand at Gintoki's hot chest. He was so close it made your head spin.
- Mhm, did you hear this, Hijikata-kun?- Sakata's hand let go of your face, gently tracing lower, fingers caressing your bare collarbones. - We're the babies,- his other hand grabbing you by the waist.- Then why are you shaking?
- Stop it, Yorozuya,- Shinsengumi Commander's voice was ruspy stern, his breath too hot on your neck. - We're here just to say that we had a bet.
- And what was the prize?- you asked, grabbing his wrists, guessing that he was about to pull back. Hijikata had always been a gentlemen and while you respected him for it, that moment you wanted him to act a little bit bolder. Intimate darkness, the closeness of these two men made you feel some things you probably shouldn't be feeling that moment.
- You,- whispered Gintoki, getting closer in opposite with Toshiro who was getting further. - And I won, right, Hijikata-kun? You can go!
- Excuse me?!- Hijikata shouted, getting out of your hold. Instead of you he grabbed Sakata's hand and started to drag him out of the maze. - We both won! And, sorry to bother you, y/n, but I don't think now is the right time. We'll see you later. so you could choose the winner yourself.
- I know you'll make the right choice,- smiled Gintoki, his finger lightly touching your ass.
- Don't worry, I will,- you reassured them sweetily.
And just like that they were gone, leaving you hot, bothered and absolutely sure that you'd, in fact, choose both of them.
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Whacky Gotham, Goofy New York, and Chaotic Paris
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
Chapter 3: Kindred Spirits Always Find A Way To Assemble
Time: 5:30am
location: Louvre
Ladybug, Abeille, Bunnyx, Trickster, and Chat Noir are fighting an akuma, not anything major, just Mr. Pigeon and his pigeons trying to melt the Louvre with deadly acidic bird dropings, so yeah, nothing major. Just another early bird gets the akuma kinda day...
"Looks like the early bird is trying to melt the Louvre, what say you M'lady, shall we make this swift and- *Loud sneeze* Let me now *sneeze* when I'm *sneeze* needed" - Chat Noir
"For to long our kind has been oppressed, they feed us miserable seeds, when we beg for bread, we shall show them no mercy, as our justice shall be swift!" picks up two pigeons, holds them by their legs and aims the rear cannons "Surrender your Miraculous and your justice shall be swift and painless!!" with an evil villain laugh at the end bla bla bla.
" Anyone else getting Pigeon (French) Revolution vibes? No? just me? Cause I swear he said seeds instead of cake."
"Not the time Bunnyx." - Abeille
"Oh it so Is The Time." - Bunnyx
"Off with Mr. Pigeon Antoinette's Akumatized object!" - Chat Noir from a distance.
"Viva La Revolution!!!" - Trickster
"Dear Kwami, how did it come to a frickin Pigeon Revolution?!" - Ladybug
As the last line is said, Mr. Pigeon fires the -ehem- cannons at the heroes, only for them to be an illusion. In the confusion Bunnyx pops out of her burrow and wacks Mr. Pigeon on the head, effectively knocking him out.
"The Pigeon Revolution is over, we have taken back our home, and shall continue to defend it from the creepy Man of MOTH!!!!" - Bunnyx
and with that Bunnyx brakes the Akumatized object, and Ladybug purifies the akuma.
"Ok, I will admit that last speach was funny, now lets hurry back before hells bells go off." - Ladybug
" Bla bla bla, nothing important, bla bla bla bla, yada yada yada bla yada." - Mrs. Bustier
"'Viva La Revolution', that was perfect." - Whispering Alix
"It just came to me, but Chats 'Off with Mr. Pigeon Antoinette's Akumatized object' line and your 'Man of Moth' speech were really well timed !" -whispering Peter
"well of course, I'm always punctual with any time sensitive joke/pun." -whispering Alix
"Will you to zip it! we can't have these simpletons finding anything out!" -whispering Chloé
"Please, they all share a broken defective regect of a brain cell, I doubt they could ever put two and two together." -whispering Alix
"Hey, do you think we should start a protest in our classroom?" -whispering Peter
"... Viva.La.Revolution!" - whispering Chloé with a mischievous grin
"No." - Maria
•~—~—~—~ Later when Mrs. Bustier is out of class ~—~—~—~•
"I just don't know what to do." - Lie-la
" You think she finally realized how horrible that hair style is?" - Alix
"After visiting Gotham a few months ago I met Damian Wayne, you might've heard about him, he's just so amazing, kind-hearted, and brave. We had a wonderful time, but then he asked me out! And I don't want to hurt Parkers feelings, I care for both of them!" - Lie-la
"Man, she must be extremely full of it to keep pulling that sh-t out of her @ss every hour or so." - Alix
"Wow Peter, didn't know your cared for Ms. Rossi like that" - Chloé said in a sarcastic tone.
" I'd rather strap her to a supersonic rocket heading for a black hole, and I'm pretty sure this Damian Wayne would do the same... he probably has the money for it actually." - Peter
" Enough plotting, we still need to get enough money, if we want that summer trip, we've already crossed off: Baking sales, becoming a mime, jobs are out unless they're fine with you leaving right after joining, and we can't just ask for donations." - Maria
" I can use my MDC mon-" - Maria
"Oh hell no you won't! You worked your butt off to get that money, you said it yourself! That money is for when you apply to college! I refuse to let you waste your money on our ignoramus classmates!" - Chloé
Thankfully by now everyone was out of the classroom.
" Oh Kwami she's serious, she never uses her big words!" - Adrien
" Then what do you suggest Chloé?" - Maria
" I'll ask daddy to pay!" - Chloé
" I can also ask my father, he'll probably do it if Mr. Bourgeois puts in a donation." - Adrien
" But- " - Maria
" No! The decision is final all in agreement say aye!" - Chloé
"Aye!" - Everyone
"You've watched to many movies Chloé, fine, but please don't drastically overdo it." - Maria
" When have I ever drastically overdone something? Name one time." - Chloé
"Well, there was the time you over did it, by not sleeping for almost three weeks." - Maria
" and after that you got so fed up with one akuma that you kicked him with the force of a thousand suns down unda, you may have scared him for life after that honestly. " - Adrien
" Oh! or the time you went overboard with Peters B-day, and the cake landed on his face! - Alix
"Well in her defense, the cake was great, but it was kinda a mouthful." -Peter
"... I said name one time. (ー_ー)" - Chloé
Sooo, after all that happened Mr. Bourgeois, Fallowed by Gabriel Agreste, gave a very generous donation, so that solves that problem.And since I'm sure you don't want to see (More Lies) boring stuff, lets skip to two days before the trip begins.
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜time skip " You're welcome, I'm here all eternity." - Bunnyx〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
•—–· At Chloés Hotel ·–—•
"Ok are we sure we have everything?" - Maria
" Yes now can we please watch something already, we've triple, and even quadruple checked everything, we're good." - Alix
" I have to go out and inform Tempête and Vipère, before anything else, be back soon." - Maria then heads out calling upon the other heroes.
" So what do you need?" - Vipère
" Do you have a top secret mission for us?" - Tempête
" For the summer Abeille, Bunnyx, Trickster, and Chat Noir will be unavailable, unless they are truly needed, I however will be able to travel back and forth via portals for fights. Paris will be in your care while we aren't here." - Ladybug
"It is our honor, we shall defend Paris with our lives." - Tempête
" Agreed, enjoy your summer." - Vipère
"Thank you, stay safe."  and with that Maria headed back to the hotel prepared to watch movies, only to be bombarded with questions as soon as she got back.
" HOLD UP! You know MAGIC?!" - Alix
" When were you going to tell us?!" - Chloé
"So cool, how does it work?" - Peter
" Can you teach us?!" - Adrien
" Spots-Off, yes I know magic, I swear I've told you before. Do you want a demonstration?" - Maria
They all shook their heads excitedly.
" Ok well, I'm able to Heal myself if I get hurt, but I don't wish to hurt myself just for that, I can also increase my Luck with magic, as well as Communicate/ Manipulate plants, and see peoples Souls, thanks to Tikki. I learned Protection magic thanks to Wayzz, and Illusion magic thank  to Trixx. I'm also learning Teleportation from Kaalki, which I've almost completed, and Mutitude from Mullo, which still needs work." - Maria
" If you can really talk to plants, what did we do earlier while you where out, hmmmmm?" - Alix
Maria then walks over to the roses near the couch and whispers to them, after a moment she turns back to her friends, and calmly says "Traitors."
" What do you mean?" - Peter
" You continued watching Star Wars: Clone Wars Without me!" - Maria
" Ok we believe you, but does this mean we can also use magic?" - Adrien
"Hmmm, let me see" as she says this her eyes start to glow an almost ethereal icy blue.
" Why are you eyes glowing?" - Chloé
"Looking at you souls... ok" she then claps her hands and her eyes go back to normal "Adrien, you can use slight Destruction magic on objects, if you use it on a person it would just cause them extreme pain, you can also cast Bad Luck on someone, so I guess thats good, and you can also learn slight Jubilation magic. Peter you can learn Illusion, and Protection magic. Chloé you can Learn Subjection, and Multiplication magic. And Alix, you can learn Evolution, Intuition, and Teleportation magic." As Maria finished, she saw the star struck looks in their eyes at the thought of learning magic became obtainable for them.
"Teach us!" they all bowed only to get a laugh from Maria in response.
"You would have to ask the Kwamis that, I only know what I know thanks to them." - Maria
And for most of the night they all started practicing magic. And when they woke up, they continued to practice, they had fun and were really enjoying it.
Then came the day Maria and her friends were to head for Gotham, and it was hectic, but everyone made it in one piece after an 8 hour flight, which at this point Maria was glad she sent all of her important luggage ahead of time, because somehow her luggage with only her toiletries and pyjamas was stolen, so all she had now was her back pack on her and the Miracle box in a Pocket dimension (thanks to the training from Fluff and Kaalki)
Lila was annoyed, when Maria didn't even care that she lost her bag with all her stuff (jokes on you she sent that one to the hotel 2 days ago HA!) they ended up checking into the hotel, everyone was with someone, Peter was with Adrien, Chloé was with Alix, and Maria... just had the Kwamis, yup that's right, apparently Lila has a condition that prevents her from being in any room below a quality vip room, so now she was upgrade and without a roommate, good for Lila, and Lucky for Maira, because now she doesn't have to worry about someone noticing her climbing out the window to go free-running across rooftops as Multimouce.
Around 7:30 pm. everyone heads out for lunch... and they leave Maria behind.
"Of course this happens." and with that she asked the receptionist for the directions to where her class went, afterwards she went out and proceeded to get lost, after trying to retrace her steps, she just got lost quicker, and her phone was at 20% what luck.
After walking for a little bit, she had decided to take a break, and as she leaned up against a wall, she closed her eyes.
'Maybe if I search for the receptionists Soul I can find my way back.' as she was doing this, she saw souls of all colors walking by, she even noticed a dark emerald green soul, and a dark blue soul across the street on a rooftop... and then she felt her hair stand on end, a few feet to her right was a bloody rust looking soul, she could tell it was a male, late 20s, average build, and 5'11, he was targeting her. As she opened her eyes  she did a quick scan of her seroundings, noticing an alley, she started to walk again. Sensing the slight increase in speed from the man now behind her, as he got closer, she made a sharp left into the alley, she made it a few feet in before the man started laughing and walking closer, she saw the disgusting look in his eyes, and the outline of a gun in his front left pocket.
"Come on now girlie,  I just wanna talk."
" I am good thankz." she made sure to add an accent to make him feel like he had an upper hand, which seemed to work, if his sickening smile was anything to go off of.
He stepped closer and Maria (the little genius she was) decided to act nervous, which only lowered the guys gaurd even more, once he reached to grab her in a quick motion she proceeded to do this.
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She held the guy in a lock until he fell unconscious. As she stood up, she noticed a hand reaching for her, she then grabbed the hand and flipped the figure over her shoulder hard, hearing a yelp from the man as she did so.
When she realized who she had flipped over, her face turned bright red
"Mon dieu, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you are you ok Monsieur Nightwing?!"
"Yeah I'm fine and don't apologize, reflexes like that are key to survival here in Gotham, isn't that right Robin.... Robin?"
When Nightwing didn't get any sound from Robin he looked over to see the boy a blushing mess, then Robin snaped out of it, cuffing the mugger, and turning his attention to the girl.
" Ehem. Mam it's dangerous to be out here at this time alone, please allow us to take you wherever you need to go." - Robin
"Oh thank you um, do you know where Wayne Hotel is? I was supposed to go with my class to dinner, but they... “forgot” me, I decided to try and meet up with them, but I failed horribly." - Maria
"Wait they just left you? and in Gothan of all cities?! What kind of teacher does that?!" - Nightwing
" An instegator." - Maria said under her breath in French, she didn't notice the slight shock on both their faces from what she said.
"Anyway lets get you to your hotel before it gets any later." - Nightwing
"Thank you again." - Maria
She arrived safely, thanks to Nightwing and Robin, she thanked them one more time and went inside, when she got to her room she found her friends pacing back and forth in the room, Chloé and Peter looking like they would soon become two people on a mission to find her, but thankfully she was back, she of course had to answer alot of questions, but that was no big deal. After answering all their questions, everyone went to their rooms, and fell asleep, they had a big day tomorrow afterall... ... and then Marias' Akuma alert went off, ok so it took about thirty minutes to defeated the akuma 2 more before she could cure anything and another 5 minutes before she could head back to her room, and it was now 2am, but she could still wake up early right? hehe (・–・;) right?
No, the answer was no she couldn't, well technically she was up on time for when the bus "should" have started getting ready to leave, BUT turns out Lila SOMEHOW, managed to get everyone on board without even thinking of her an hour early! Maria asked for directions once again, and the receptionist had a worried and apologetic look on her face, Maria thanked her again, and headed out, this time however, she made it without getting lost and without getting mugged, Yay! She even had enough time to get a coffe (Tim special was a wierd name but oh well it did the job pretty well) from a shop near by (double yay!) before entering the WE building.
" You have to start the tour! we've been here for an hour and thirty minutes already!" - Ms. Bustier
"Like I said before, I will not start the tour until your student gets back, and if they don't get back, then we better hope nothing happened to them, or else it's your fault for your negligence." - Tour guide
"Sorry I'm late, the bus left earlier than what we scheduled, why didn't you inform me about the change?" - Maira
"Lila said you were the one who made the changes and that you were just trying to get attention, I am VERY disappointed in you Maria, now apologize to your class for delaying the tour!" - Ms Bustier
"I think you mean “I'm sorry we left you behind in a city where murder happens to young kids on a daily basis” now you apologize to Your student that is Your responsibility." - Tour Guide with a glare that could kill a thousand armys
Ms. Bustier proceeded to apologise to half the class's disbelief.
"Alright then, now that thats all taken care of, Hello and welcome to Wayne Enterprise, where we focus on making Gotham and the world a better place. I'm Dick Grayson, and I'll be you tour guide for today."
As the tour went on Maria stood at the front with her friends, she took notes of everything that was said, and she ignored whatever nonsense Lila was spouting, somthing about saving or dating Damian Wayne, she didn't really care.
When the lunch break came, she sat with her friends until she needed a long overdo refill on her coffee, she walked over to the coffee machine and started figuring what combination will keep her brain working for the rest of the day.
"Press button 3 followed by 5, 6, 8, 1, 2, 4, 9, and 7, that is the ultimate coffee mixture, if your mortal self is up for the challenge." - Sleep deprived guy
"I accepte." she presses the buttons in the exact order and then " Wait none of the cups are big enough."
"Here, secrect cup, from beyond the mortal realm." - Sleep deprived guy
" Thanks" she grapped the very large cup, and filled it with coffee till it was almost to the rim, she put the lid on and instantly took a big sip from the scolding hot coffee (she can heal, her tongue's fiiiiiiine)
"... Not bad, taste similar to the Tim Special I had earlier, but maybe a bit stronger." - Maria
" Kindred Spirit, let us be friends, you have drank the sacred coffee and are now immortal, congrats." - Sleep deprived guy
"It was not easy, but I have come this far, and I shall go the distance with nothing but coffee in my veins." Maria said in a serious tone as they shook hands "I am Maria, keeper of all nighters, and who might you be, my kindred spirit."
"I am Tim, the keeper of sacred coffee and all that is unholy."
"It was an honor to meet you Sacred Tim, may the coffee gods guide you in your journey, sadly we must part ways, for the lunch break is over, farewell..." and with that Maria left to rejoin the group.
"Dear god where the hell did you get that much coffee?!" - Chloé
"Kindred Spirits always find a way to assemble." - Maria
"Huh, so there is someone out there who is also a sleep deprived child." - Alix
The tour continued, and Maria noticed their tour guide kept looking at her with growing concern as she slowly made her way through the lovely coffee, she finished the cup within 1 hour and 30 minutes, and most of the staff kept looking at her as she now held the empty unholy cup, that was said to put people (that weren't chosen by the coffee gods) into caffeine induced commas, but she was fine, if anything she was more awake than yesterday and today combined. So yeah Today had a rocky start, but I'd say things are only just beginning.
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Bonus Art 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
This is what it looks like from Marias' normal vision, to her Soul Vision (~‾▿‾)~
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Chapter 3 completed, hope you're all having a wonderful day, and staying positive BUG-OUT 🐞💮🐞
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Tag List 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
1st Place★: @animegirlweeb ☕
2nd Place★: @jumpingjoy82
3rd Place★: @zalladane
4th Place★: @jayjayspixiepop
5th Place★: @arty-shadow-morningstar
6th Place★: @smol-book-nerd
7th Place★: @irontimetravelflower
8th Place★: @fandom-trapped-03
9th Place★: @meme991001
10th Place★: @buginetye
11th Place★: @blackroserelina
12th Place★: @jessigurl-design
13th Place★: @adrestar
14th Place★: @moon5608
15th Place★: @little-bluestar
16th Place★: @batgirljr72
17th Place★: @myazael
18th Place★: @our-preciousss
19th Place★: @wolf2118
20th Place★: @nyx-in-line
21st Place★: @kking13
22nd Place★: @lunerlover2024
23rd Place★: @moonlightstar64
24th Place★: @corporeal-terrestrial
25th Place★: @kashlyn
26th Place★: @tbehartoo
27th Place★: @heart-charming
28th Place★: @solangelo252
29th Place★: @t1dwarrior-of-earth
30th Place★: @lady-phoenix-of-tardis
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a-snow-decahedron · 3 years
Learn to Dodge
Ok but imagine being Frisk and sucking at dodging bullets
it's 3 am im not apologizing for this.
warning for Frisk cursing a lot, because they deserve it and also because it's really funny to think the only reason they don't have dialogue is because it would change the rating of the game
sans: haven't i done a great job protecting you?
sans: i mean, look at yourself, you haven't died a single time
sans: hey, what's that look supposed to mean? am i wrong?
Frisk: That's such bullshit.
sans: language, bucko.
Frisk: No you shut up! I died so many times i can't count and you didn't do shit a single time.
sans: you did what-
Frisk: yeah you fucking heard me. I get to swear all i want after that.
sans: *realization hitting him like a brick* look, kid, there's a lot to unpack here. but first, when did u die?
Frisk: Oh now you care, don't you? Pretty much everyone's killed me at least once. I died like 10 times to Undyne alone and you were fucking napping!
sans: *lowkey feeling regret at his words* wait... everyone? even my bro?
Frisk: nah, Papyrus' cool. Still scared the crap out of me the first time he captured me. He's a little lost about humans but he's got the spirit.
sans: the dogi?
Frisk: 3 times
sans: Greater dog?
Frisk: twice
sans: alright, i guess that's valid. but i can't think of anyone else that could do some serious damage kid. seriously, did ya die to some teens? to jerry? to a woshua?
Frisk: Say that last name again and i'm throwing a chair.
sans: oh boy, how much didja die...
Frisk: Sans, look at me in the eyes. I'm opening them wide for you. Look at me, at my armor.
sans: what about it.
Frisk: you know temmie village?
sans: yeah
Frisk: Tem sells this armor for so much money you could pay your tab at Grillby's
sans: did u pick up a fight to get the money. come on kiddo, of course you got hurt doing that.
Frisk: I'm not done yet. So outside the village there's this dark as fuck maze and it's filled with Woshues and Moldbyggs and all. But every time I died, Sans. Every time you let my soul break into little tiny pieces. Temmie sold the armor for cheaper.
sans: how the he...ck would temmie know how many times you died?
sans, to himself: i could visit the village for research, bet they know something i don't
Frisk: Hey bonehead, wanna know how much it cost?
sans: sure, go ahead
Frisk: it started at like 4500 G. I already died a few times beforehand so it was probably more expensive than that. But that fucking maze is worse than my old neighborhood in the surface, man. I died so much the price got to 1400G I think.
sans: holy crap.
Frisk: it was still too much yknow, every time I died I lost my progress so I had to keep saving every penny I got. Anyways, see what I'm wearing? How much do you think it cost?
sans: uh... 500G
Frisk: close enough, 750, it didn't go lower than that. Before you ask: no, I did not die on purpose to find out.
sans: ...
sans: how many HP do humans have?
Frisk: I learnt what HP was like yesterday, I don't think I can tell you. I have 20.
sans: ok yeah that's low. i figured you'd have like 200 at least
Frisk: I know that if I kill people it somehow increases but that's awful so next time I came back to life after dying I was back to before I murdered someone. I chose to do as much as possible to never kill again on purpose or by accident.
sans: wow, kid. you really are, uh, determined.
sans: hold on, so you can travel back in time
Frisk: *shrugs* I guess? Still hurts a fucking lot when it happens after I die. but I think I can try at will.
sans: buddy, let's do something. you can come back to a few minutes on the past right?
Frisk: Yeah
sans: ok, so hear me out. i made a codeword some time ago, so if someone tells it to me i know they're a time traveler. get closer (whisper, whisper)
Frisk: Sans what the fuck.
sans: i hope you come back and tell it to me.
--one loaded SAVE later--
Frisk: hey you told me to tell you this and if it's a fucking joke i'm going feral.
sans: language, bucko.
Frisk: (whisper, whisper)
sans: who told you this? what a liar. *Frisk's eye twitches* but yeah that's a codeword. come closer, to really gain my trust you need another code (whimsper, whimsper).
Frisk: Oh for fuck's sake.
--Another loaded SAVE file later--
sans: hey, kiddo what's with that look
Frisk: This better be the last fucking codeword or I'm going insane
sans: language, bucko.
Frisk: *says the codeword*
sans: oh, so that's what you meant. It kinda explains a lot.
Frisk: Sans listen, I'm so fucking done of doing this. Let's just go eat, ok? Time traveling doesn't help wtih my hunger, and I reaally need to take my time to just explain what just happened because I know you got questions.
sans: *mentally preparing* here we go
-- some eplanations later --
sans: wow, kid. i'm impressed. for one thing i believe you. you knew what i was about to do before i did it.
sans: and, uh, guess i can't really make the past go away for you even if i don't remember that happening but... i'll do better, ok?
Frisk: Can I really trust you?
sans: you said your stats were low, mine are even worse so it's not like i can defend u without dusting myself in the process... but we can practice dodging, until you get better. and that armor's gonna help a lot too.
Frisk: For real?
sans: yeah, i made a promise after all. i gotta do a better job at keeping it.
sans: hey, buddy... you have not told this to anyone right? you haven't told the door lady.
Frisk: No fucking way. She also killed me once, telling her would destroy her. And I think she was trying not to hurt me too but somehow I managed to walk into her flames.
sans: ... why do you trust her?
Frisk: I don't know... it's complicated. She has good intentions. Better than some people on the Surface, anyways.
sans: you are a special kid, you know that? alright buddy, we can keep talking outside. let's take a breath and then do some training. even folks with low HP like us can find a way to survive. howzabout that?
Frisk: I guess... that's alright. Yeah, that can work.
* * *
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queenmylovely · 4 years
Helloo i was wondering could we get a smutty roger blurb pretty pleasssseee maybe due to the recent pop quiz videos 🙄 like he's on the show and youre watching in the audience as a friend and his team losses + he's hella annoyed so he's determined to get home asap so he can relieve his frustrations but you decide to come home with him to cheer him up but you don't know what you are in for because he can't resist you when he's in this mood 😍
1st Holiday Advent post yay! (send me a request here and check out the explanation here) Anyway, this has been in my inbox forever, so thank you for your patience anon, I reward you with a honkin’ 2.5k words (warnings are smut, 18+) Masterlist
You were attending the taping of one of the episodes of Pop Quiz that Roger was on. He had invited you the week before after you had mentioned that you always caught the episodes when they aired and liked answering the questions yourself. It wasn’t totally clear if this was a date or not, but you were fine with either. Not that you didn’t really fancy Roger, you just were okay with it being a friendly invitation as well. The two of you always flirted and were touchy, but you knew you were just a flirt in general and Roger himself was touchy with all of his friends.
The idea of asking him out had been something you were toying with, but whatever was between you and Roger seemed like something that would develop on its own time and in its own way. You knew it wouldn’t be a conventional sort of relationship, which you were totally okay with, so you figured it’d be best to just let everything happen the way it was going to.  
Sitting in the front row of the studio audience, you had a great view of the stage other than what was obstructed by the cameras. Luckily, Roger wasn’t obstructed so you could watch him all night. At the beginning, he would wave to you during commercial breaks or mouth things when the other team was answering and he was sure he wasn’t onscreen. He made you laugh a lot with all of his faces and you had to stifle yourself to keep from interrupting the taping.
Unfortunately, as time went on, it became clear that Roger’s team was losing and by three quarters of the way through, they were too far to come back and win. You could tell Roger wasn’t happy. You would’ve bet money that no one else could really tell the difference in his behavior, but having been his friend for quite a while and seeing the way he acted in the studio, you could see the slight differences. His hand was tucked into the collar of his shirt and you could see his fingers underneath the fabric moving underneath like they were tapping out a quick rhythm. His answers to the questions became short and gone was the funny banter and quips that he was usually known for. He probably wouldn’t have been so upset, but his team was doing poorly mainly due to a few mess ups on his part, and he felt guilty and stupid for getting the answers wrong.
Roger kept his composure through the rest of the show, but as soon as it was done, he was finding you to leave. The host tried to invite the two of you to the pub with everyone else, but Roger waved him off saying it wasn’t a good night for it.
Once he got to you, Roger grabbed your hand a little roughly and pulled you next to him, saying with a gruff voice, “Let’s get you home.”
He led you out of the studio quickly, to his car that was parked in the garage. Roger let your hand go so you could both get in, turning on the car and then practically speeding out of the garage. As soon as he got to the highway, he pushed the accelerator hard, going well past what you knew the speed limit to be.
“Roger, Roger, slow down!” you cried out, gripping the door next to you and subconsciously pressing your feet into the brake pedal you wished was on your side.
“Don’t worry love, the street’s empty,” Roger assured you, keeping up the speed.
“Well, what if someone else gets on?”
“Then I’ll slow down,” he looked over to you to make sure you accepted his answer and when you nodded, he turned back to the road, increasing his speed further.
A little less worried, you started paying attention to where he was going and realized he was taking you home.
“You’re going to my house?” you asked in confusion.
“Yeah, I said ‘let’s get you home,’” he reminded you shortly.
“Oh,” was all your reply, disappointed because you knew he was planning to just drop you off and be on his way. You had been looking forward to the rest of the night with maybe a drink or two and lots of good conversation with Roger.
It wasn’t long before you arrived at your house, Roger stopping in front of your driveway and putting the car into park.
“Sorry I kind of ruined the night. ‘m just not in the greatest mood after the shit that was that show,” Roger said, looking down at his hands on the steering wheel instead of up at you.
You put your hand on the closest of his and he looked up, “You know, it wasn’t all on you. And besides, it’s just a bit of fun for a show, right?”
Roger moved past just feeling the warmth of your hand on his to answer, “Yeah, I guess.”
Rolling your eyes fondly, you suggested, “Why don’t you come in for a drink or something. I hate to send you home without having cheered you up, even just a little.”
The earnest look in your eyes and how close you were to him made Roger eager to say yes to your suggestion. But he thought again and wondered if he should because he knew that whenever he got in this mood he was prone to doing whatever he could to relieve the frustration. That often included sex with whoever was around and willing, but he wasn’t sure that the possible risk to your friendship was worth the fuck he wanted just to release some steam.
Roger also knew there was something between the two of you and wasn’t sure that now was the time to expand on it, without practically any patience on his part. He was about to decline your offer and just drive home to work his irritation out on his drums when you let go of his hand.
Before he could react, you shut off the engine and pulled the keys from the ignition, unbuckling and throwing open the door of the car. You got out, shut the door, and ran, stopping about ten feet into your lawn.
“If you want them back you’ll have to come in first!” you shouted to him. He watched you in surprise, which quickly turned to shock and then a fire low in his belly when you tucked the keys into your bra with a laugh.
He got out of the car, almost slamming the door shut and you tensed in anticipation. He started like he was going to start running and you bolted a couple steps, but he was just messing with you. So you watched him again, and he walked, slowly this time, until he was five feet away. When you were least expecting it, he lunged for you, but you were just far enough away to stay out of his grasp. You made it to the door and unlocked it before he got there, leaving the keys in the lock to slow him down before continuing into your house.
Roger watched you disappear into your house, shaking his head as he pulled your house key from the lock and walked in, shutting the door and locking it behind him.
“I’m going to get those keys,” Roger announced to you as he sauntered into the kitchen where he already knew you’d be.
You held out a drink for him, whisky, neat, that you had poured from the bar cart in your kitchen.
“Not for awhile you won’t,” you replied as he walked around the counter to you, leaning back against it.  
He took the drink you held out to him, and the two of you cheersed before taking a sip, looking each other in the eye.
“So what do you suggest we do until then?” he asked, swirling his drink and cocking his hip to the side.
“Well, we’ll have to finish our drinks, of course,” you reasoned, moving a step forward and taking another sip.
Roger, on the other hand, downed his drink all at once, then looked at you and said, “What next?”
“We could listen to some music,” you suggested, getting another step closer.
“Not really in the mood to listen to music,” Roger muttered, setting down his empty glass on the counter; you did the same with your still mostly full one.
Rolling your eyes, you took the last step until you were right in front of him and then waited until he looked down at you before speaking, “What are you in the mood for?”
There was a moment of silence and tension before you rushed together, meeting in a fervent kiss. Roger gripped you by your waist and you held yourself steady by wrapping your arms around his neck. That steady was knocked off balance as Roger flipped the two of you around, pressing you against the counter with his hips. You moaned and parted your mouth when Roger’s tongue ran along your lower lip. As he deepened the kiss, his hands slid down to your ass, squeezing it before using his grip to lift you onto the counter.
Laughing, you widened your legs and used your heels to pull him closer until you could feel his growing hardness pressing against you. The kiss made you feel hot all over and you shrugged off your jacket. Roger let his fall to the floor before moving his hands to the buttons of your blouse. He undid it as you nipped at his neck, but when he tried to undo your bra, he couldn’t.
“Oh, it’s-- it’s in the front,” you explained and undid the clasp between your breasts. Then, when you did, Roger’s keys fell to your lap.
The two of you paused for a second before you burst into laughter and Roger dropped his head to your shoulder, his breath tickling your skin.
“I--I told you I would get them,” Roger told you through chuckles.
“Shut up and kiss me,” you replied as you tossed his keys to the side, and he did.
As the kiss got more intense, you raked your fingers through his hair, pulling roughly at the ends. Roger groaned deeply in his throat, pulling back to mouth at your neck, using his hands to feel your breasts. As a spike of heat travelled through you, you pushed him back a little to hike up your skirt (which you were grateful you wore) and pull down your underwear as quick as you could.
Roger did the same, kicking his pants off all the way before pulling you to the edge of the counter. You reached between you and ran your hand along the length of his dick, getting a sense for it and making sure it was ready, the moan that came from Roger’s lips just being an added bonus. He reached between your thighs and swiped his thumb up through your folds, gathering some wetness before rubbing your clit in tight circles.
“Fuck. Mm, just fuck me now, I’m ready,” you said breathlessly.
Nodding, Roger let you guide his cock to your entrance, pushing in slowly until he bottomed out. Giving you a second, he pulled out just as slowly then started fucking you for real. His pace wasn’t too fast, in fact it was just right and hit you in all the right places as you gripped onto his shoulders and used your legs for leverage. His thumb stayed on your clit and that matched with his sharp thrusts made your pleasure grow faster than you expected.
It wasn’t long before you couldn’t keep quiet, telling Roger all the ways he was making you feel and how good he was fucking you. Roger was just as loud, but with moans instead of words and each of his sounds sent another bolt of pleasure through you.
“Roger, fuck, fuck, I’m gonna co-ome, keep going,” you said, your voice breaking.
In return, he snapped his hips into you with each thrust, and as you clenched around him, his shaky moan was all it took for your orgasm to take over. As your muscles tightened and your eyes closed, pleasure waved through you, making it almost hard to breathe with how good you felt.
Roger kept going, and even as you came down, showed no signs of stopping. You could tell that he was working off some frustration, and it honestly made you feel heady that he was using you for it. Luckily you weren’t too sensitive, and despite already coming, each thrust still gave you pleasure.
Wanting to help him along, you clenched around him, at the same time moved to kiss his neck. You kissed until you found the spot that made him groan, deciding to suck and nip your way to leaving a hickey there.
Before you knew it, you began to feel another orgasm building, and you moaned against Roger’s neck as a particularly strong wave of pleasure went through you. You kissed your way up to Roger’s mouth and kissed him again, reveling in the feeling of his tongue against yours.
But then you felt his fingers on your clit again and you broke the kiss to tell him, “Oh Roger, oh my gosh, you’re gonna make me come again. Fuck me.”
“Already am, but I can sure go harder,” Roger joked, voice a little uneven.
“Yes, that, do that,” you agreed, nodding quickly.
Roger complied, and as his thrusts grew harder you keened at the feeling. His free hand went into your hair, pulling your head back enough so that he could lean down and get his mouth on your breasts. He kissed his way to one of your nipples, bringing it between his lips as he sucked.
One of your hands went behind you to keep you up but the other went to the back of Roger’s head keeping him in place. And then Roger tugged at your nipple lightly with his teeth and you were cumming, tightening your grip in his hair and moaning brokenly at the feeling.
Even as the hot pleasure ran through you, you could feel Roger’s hips stuttering and the change made you whine. Just having caught your breath enough to talk, you grabbed Roger’s shoulder, “Come, I need you to come.”
“I’m on birth control, inside me, please, fuck,” you pleaded, a little because your sensitivity was getting stronger, but mostly because you wanted him to reach that high too.
And just a few thrusts more, with the clench of your walls around him, Roger came into you, moaning into your chest as his thrusts slowed down. When he stopped, he stayed inside you, and you ran your fingers through his hair as he came down.
Breath still heavy, Roger started pressing lazy kisses up your chest and neck before finding your mouth and kissing you slowly. After a minute, you pulled back and smiled at him.
“So that happened,” Roger said, his smile matching yours.
“Yeah, finally,” you said with a laugh. “Guess we should thank Pop Quiz for adding the last bit of frustration that made it all boil over.”
“Yeah, guess we should,” Roger muttered, leaning in and kissing you again.
tagging bc its sooo long: @riseetothesun @drowseoftaylor @caborhapch @queenlover05 @johndeaconshands @stardust-galaxies @theblossomknows   @buckyluvrs   
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