#they’re pissing me off bc they’re so lazy and act like I’m the only one in my department
If I can't have a D and C love triangle, it relies upon me to instead romance C and start drama by trying to steal their best friend 😌
MC just knocks on their door, C answers and MC just ducks under their arm to throw themselves on D's bed and chatter at them 😂
Even funnier if you have an MC with the same major as D, MC just makes excuses that they have questions about assignments every time they barge in there, C you can't kick us out 🥺😈
(Also funnier bc I totally see D as an enabler, they'd let MC do it even though they know MC is trying to piss off C just bc it's hilarious. I'll do those dumb TikTok videos with u 😌)
the dorm door swung open with more force than necessary, revealing C’s sharp green gaze, narrowed in suspicion. you offered a dazzling grin, the one that always got you in trouble in the best ways.
“really?” C asked dryly, leaning against the doorframe. “it’s nine in the morning. what is it this time?”
without answering, you ducked under C’s arm in a smooth, practiced motion, like a snake slipping past a gate. your shoes squeaked on the polished floor as you caught sight of D lounging on their bed from the open door to their room, propped up against a pile of haphazardly arranged pillows, a lazy grin already stretching across their face.
“rook!” you called, all energy as you practically threw yourself onto their bed, landing with a soft thud against their pillows. “got questions about the music theory assignment. you know, the one about the baroque fugues? totally can’t get this one part, and C won’t know how to explain music-related stuff to me.”
D raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile tugging at their lips. “sure. because that’s definitely why you’re here.”
C exhaled sharply, the sound exasperated, and turned to glare at you. “you do this every time. you’ve got your own room, you know. you’re basically acting like a freeloader here.”
“you can’t kick me out,” you said lightly, not bothering to look at them as you snatched D’s phone off the nightstand and flipped through their tiktok feed like you owned the entire place. “this isn’t just your suite. and besides, this is academic, C. rook is a sophomore in the same major as me and is way better at explaining these things than you.”
“right,” C said, crossing their arms. “totally academic. like last week when you were ‘asking about the homework’ but spent two hours watching a true crime documentary with D on their bed.”
D snorted, glancing up from their macbook. “i mean, it’s hard to say no when they bring interesting documentaries to watch. and memes. and snacks.”
C looked between the two of you, incredulous. “oh, so that’s how it is? you’re just enabling this now?”
D shrugged, smirking. “what can i say? they’re entertaining. and they did help my band get some really good social media exposure. it’s only fair.”
“see?” you chimed in, wiggling D’s phone at C in triumph. “rook gets it.”
C’s jaw clenched, their eyes flicking from you to D, then back to you. “je jure devant dieu, you’re doing this on purpose.”
you put a hand to your chest in mock offense. “on purpose? who, me? why, i’d never! why would i ever want to bother you, dear C? i’m just here for the assignments.”
D laughed openly now, closing garageband and setting their macbook down. “yeah, C. maybe they really need help. you wouldn’t want them to fail, would you?”
“i think they’ll survive,” C snapped, though the edge in their voice faltered when their best friend winked at them. they could tell that D was enjoying this far too much, feeding off their frustration like it was the funniest thing in the world. and the worst part? they weren’t even trying to hide it.
C pinched the bridge of their nose, muttering something about how they didn’t sign up for this when they agreed to become suitemates with D. but beneath the frustration, there was something that flickered in their eyes—a faint shadow of jealousy that you weren’t supposed to notice.
you stretched your arms above your head, taking up more space on D’s bed, much to C’s obvious displeasure.
“so, rook,” you started, turning to them with a mischievous grin, “when are we filming some more tiktoks? i’ve got a few ideas, and you’ll have to be my partner. C’s welcome to join, of course.”
D grinned indulgently. “oh, i’m in. C, you gonna grace us with your oh-so-broody presence?”
“i’m not broody.” C said, rolling their eyes and finally stepping into the room, shutting the door with a soft click. the tension in their posture hadn’t eased though. “and pass. i’m not making a fool of myself online for either of you idiots.”
“yet,” you teased, leaning back on D’s bed and enjoying the way C’s irritation simmered, their jaw clenched tight as they stood there. “you’ll cave eventually. you haven’t seen how... persuasive i can be sometimes, lacroix.”
later, when you had finally left, having thoroughly disrupted the peace, C cornered D in the kitchen as they were making coffee for both of them.
“you’ve got to knock it off with them,” C said, voice low but edged with exasperation. “they’re just doing this to piss me off.”
D raised an eyebrow, casually leaning against the counter and handing C their cup. “okay, and?”
“and you’re encouraging it,” C snapped.
D’s lips curved into a slow, almost playful smile. “maybe i like having them around. they’re something else, don’t you agree?”
C’s stomach tightened, a knot of jealousy twisting inside them. “that’s not the point. you and i both know their intentions aren’t just to ‘hang out’ with you.”
D shrugged, clearly unbothered. “so what if that’s the case? why do you have your underwear in a bunch about this?”
C looked away, jaw clenched tight, because for a moment—just a moment—they weren’t sure if their feelings for you were all negative. and that scared them.
D’s voice softened, but the teasing lilt remained. “i wasn’t lying when i told you that i find their company nice, C. they’re more interesting than half the student population here combined.” there was a pause, heavy and deliberate. “they’re pretty hot too. i wouldn’t mind asking them out either one of these days.”
C stared at the dark-haired rockstar, struggling to find the words. D was still smirking, knowing exactly how this was affecting them—knowing, and enjoying every second of it.
“are you being serious about this?” C asked, finally.
D’s smile widened, and they leaned in just a little closer. “wouldn’t you like to know?”
and with that, D walked away with a melodic hum, leaving C alone with their thoughts. the ceramic cup cracked under their iron grip and dripped hot coffee on the counter and their skin. somehow, they couldn’t bring themself to care about that.
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4filen0tfound4 · 2 years
hey can you do a character analysis/comparison on zonic and shard to find out what silver likes in his men
Cries. They’re both stupid guys who piss her off idk. Real analysis tho
Ok Ok so Shard and Zonic have completely different origins. One was created purely to cause chaos and the other was created purely for order and stability.
However, they’re both Sonic. Yet how they view that is also entirely different. Ever since Shard was just “Metal Sonic” his entire purpose was not only to live up to him (power wise), but to best him. After he was rebuilt, he wanted nothing more but to live up to Sonic. Sure he could match with him power wise, but he couldn’t just copy and paste his exact personality and friend groups. I think his entire arc was him becoming his own person and realizing he’s more than just Metal or Sonic. With Zonic, he knows he’s just like Sonic, and even believes that he can beat him if he really needed to. Due to his origins, he feels superior to Sonic, while Shard looks down on his origins as it’s the exact cause of his insecurities. I believe, despite these differences, their core values and personalities are very similar. Zonic puts up this serious front for the sake of a mission, but it barely lasts that long. They’re both so. GOOFY. They make terrible puns nobody laughs at besides themselves and can act cheeky if they believe they’re better than whoever they’re being cheeky with. They’re also quick to act. Like a pathetic wet cat. The moment their insecurities are exposed and if there’s a doubt in their mind they fumble. I think it affects Zonic more than Shard, because he’s so used to being so sure of himself that if something goes wrong, it messes him up like crazy. Thissss is what also affects how they interact with Sonic. Despite his superiority complex, Zonic is really dependent on Sonic. This can stem off of his own fears that are now eased when he works along Sonic, or just the fact that Sonic is from the Prime Zone and without Sonic there’s literally no. Purpose for him. No matter what, Sonic is the OG and Zonic is the copy. His entire world is structured after Sonic’s and made to protect and defend Sonic’s. Shard has the exact same dilemma concerning Sonic, but it’s now taken from a more personal level (which I rlly enjoy and makes the comparison more fun) His interactions after he was rebuilt started out tense, but through the development of friendship and his displays of kindness, he was able to become Sonic’s friend. I’m not gonna say Zonic and Sonic didn’t develop a friendship bc they definitely did, but Sonic put trust in Zonic *after* Zonic revealed he was him. It was more like a “I have to trust you bc you are me even tho I can’t always agree with you” then develop a friendship rather than “You have to earn my trust because I never had any for you in the first place” like it was for Shard
BUT WHATEVER WHO CARES AB SONIC LETS TALK AB SILVER !!! Shard and Silver had more of a one sided enemy thing going on. Silver wasn’t there to make friends, but ended up making friends anyway because idk this is sonic the hedgehog. They were very. Brash and rude to each other, but Shard was clearly having fun teasing and messing with Silv while Silv was debating on killing him like half the time (I’m getting lazy just reread the wiki page like the rest of us) Because Zonic fucking DIED and every zone was erased besides the prime zone (which was a fucking LIE bc of the silver age and like several other issues but whatever) Silv and Zonic never interacted howeverrrr it’s easy to predict how they’ll interact. Silv, unless told that he could trust him in the beginning and that they need to work together, would be hostile and probably bite him ngl. Zonic, esp after the Silver Age, would probably arrest Silver. This would cause Silver to be on edge and they would probably fight a lot. Zonic would win but not rlly bc Silver doesn’t stop fighting that’s like his thing. I still think that although their fights would like strain their relationship, they would end up becoming allies due to having a similar goal and a similar way to attain it. Also thank god Silver is finally partnered with someone who wouldn’t blink if told he needs to kill someone in order to maintain order. They both have the same job and morals, so if they ever got over their differences then they would probably make a good team. So um TLDR Silver likes guys that he hates and finds annoying and only get in her way, only to find out it’s a good kind of annoying and they can rlly be her friends. They’re just like me fr
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allofuswantgwinam · 2 years
i think i woke up and chose violence today oops
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seasonofthewicth · 3 years
Rowaelin Month - Day 3
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prompt: a secret relationship
extras: multiple povs
cw: one very brief mention of nsfw topics
word count: 3k
Fenrys knows his friends think of him as the joker of the group, and yeah he is hilarious, but there’s more to him than that. He can read the room, can pick up on the subtleties of whichever of his friends might need one of his jokes more than others on any given day. It’s a skill that makes him observant, watchful of people, and he notices things.
He’s not sure if Rowan and Aelin think they’re being subtle, and he’s not sure which of his other friends have picked up on the same things he has, but he’s pretty sure Aelin and Rowan are sleeping together.
He’s not completely sure, he doesn’t have any concrete evidence and they still act normally in the group, but he knows what he saw on the night of Elide’s birthday. He and Rowan have lived together for years and Aelin has crashed at theirs any number of times before but, until that night, she’d never emerged from Rowan’s bedroom the morning after wearing one of his t-shirts.
The material had completely drowned her. The short sleeves had hung to her elbows and the hem had been well down her thighs. She’d seemed somewhat… sneaky as she’d crept into their kitchen in search of coffee.
He knows not to read too much into things, friends share clothes all the time. He’s lost many hoodies to the collective wardrobe owned by their group of friends and he’s still pissed at Lorcan who he knows still has his The Cadre t-shirt from the gig they had attended a few years ago.
What Fenrys also knows is that friends don’t stand at the kitchen counter, holding the neckline of their friend’s shirt to their nose and grinning like an idiot.
He needs to speak to Aedion.
Elide has been friends with Aelin for years and that is more than long enough to know she’s almost always guaranteed to be late to their coffee dates. She’s not bothered, it gives her a few extra minutes to sip away at her own coffee reading her book with the general hum of the coffee shop lulling her into a comfortable rest.
It’s not long before her friend breezes into the coffee shop, the bell above the door ringing and signalling her entrance. It’s very Aelin, her entrance. The wind sweeps in fluffing her golden waves and her steps are full of purpose as she strides towards Elide.
“Sorry I’m late.” Aelin all but throws herself into the seat opposite Elide, smiling a bright smile for the relatively early morning they’re sharing.
“Don’t worry about it,” Elide says, finishing off her final swig of her first coffee. “Want me to go and get our drinks?”
“No, Ellie,” Aelin says, waving her hand. “First one’s on me. I was late, I’ll make it up to you.”
Aelin squeezes her hand before breezing back out of her seat.
She’s back only a couple of minutes later, finally relaxing into the large armchair she occupies. “So, what’s new with you?”
“Nothing much,” Elide shrugs. “Work is tough but nothing I didn’t expect.”
“I’m sure you’re smashing it,” Aelin says with a grin, then places her hand against her chest. “My little Elide, registered nurse taking the world by storm.”
Elide smiles, it feels good to hear those words, after all the sleepless nights and sweat and tears she’s finally where she wants to be.
Aelin continues, “You’re not pushing yourself too hard are you?”
“No,” she says and it’s the truth. “And even if I was, Lorcan is being wonderful.”
Aelin fake gags and Elide shoots her a mostly joking glare. “I find that hard to believe.”
“He is,” she says, thinking of the bath he had drawn her the night before and the massage he’d given her when she complained of her feet aching.
Aelin shifts in her seat as she nods along and the neck of her t-shirt slips down to reveal the ghost of a hickey on her friend’s collarbone. Elide raises an eyebrow.
Aelin looks down before grinning wickedly.
“Anything new with you?”
Aelin’s answer is interrupted by the arrival of their coffees in the hands of a handsome waiter.
“A large mocha,” he says and Elide raises a hand, “and a large cappuccino with cinnamon.”
Aelin raises her own hand. The waiter sets their drinks down, his eyes lingering on Aelin for a minute before he slowly backs away.
“Enjoy,” he says, his eyes still locked on Aelin. “Let me know if you need anything.”
He turns with a wink and Elide raises her other brow at her friend.
“Are you going to get his number?”
Aelin shakes her head. “Not today.”
Elide hums a response before leaning forward in her seat. “Why? You’d usually be all over someone like him, he’s exactly your type. Tall, muscular without being jacked, his curly brown hair, cheeky smile…”
She trails off when Aelin cracks a smile. “I guess I’m just not feeling it today.”
Elide wants to ask why again, she honestly might go over and get the guy’s number for her friend, when Aelin changes the subject rapidly.
“Are you going to Rowan and Fenrys’ later?”
Elide doesn’t process the change of topic until a little later on, once a couple more pieces have slotted into place. Eventually she’s pretty sure she’s worked out why Aelin didn’t want the cute coffee guy’s number.
She needs to speak to Lorcan.
Lorcan Salvaterre doesn’t like Aelin Galathynius.
He tolerates her at best for the sake of the rest of their friends but that said, he still probably wouldn’t want to see her hurt.
When Lysandra puts the message in the group chat-At the hospital with Aelin, dw they think it’s just a sprain-he reads it, absently thinks how he probably hopes she’s okay, and moves on with his day. He’s on his way to meet Rowan at the bar and if anything, Galathynius would want them to raise a toast in her honour.
What Lorcan doesn’t expect is the restless jittering of his best friend’s leg beneath the table, sloshing precious droplets of beer onto the table that his friend doesn’t even seem to notice.
“What’s the matter with you?” he asks as he slides onto his seat opposite the silver haired man.
“Nothing,” Rowan says quickly but his leg keeps up the restless pace.
Lorcan signals to the bartender for his own beer and turns back to Rowan. “Dude, chill out. There’s clearly something up with you and I’m not having you spill my pint.”
Rowan finally notices the state of their table and stills his leg. “Sorry,” Rowan says, using some of the beer mats scattered across their table to mop up the spill.
Now Lorcan really is confused. Usually Whitethorn would cuss him out over apologising. He doesn’t really know what to say.
His phone buzzes in his pocket and he ignores it as Rowan lurches for his own phone. He reads whatever’s on the screen then scowls and locks it again, placing it face up on the table. His knee begins bouncing again.
“You’re being weird,” Lorcan announces.
“Fuck off,” Rowan says and there’s the Whitethorn he knows and loves.
Lorcan opens his mouth to speak again but his phone buzzes and Rowan again lurches for his own. He chews at his lip as he reads whatever’s on the screen and so Lorcan bothers to dig his own phone out of his pocket.
It’s the group chat. He has a couple of unread messages, just Aedion and Elide expressing their concern for Galathynius as expected, nothing exciting. He locks his phone and places it on the table in front of him, watching Rowan for his next move. He’s definitely being weird and Lorcan has no fucking clue why.
His phone buzzes again and the screen lights up with the latest message. It’s Galathynius, he can tell from the stupid crown profile picture she has.
I’m alive, her message reads, just a sprain but I’m gutted bc I wanted a cast so you all could sign it.
Rowan is on his own phone when Lorcan looks back up, he’s tapping away but Lorcan doesn’t see any messages from him in the group chat. His knee has stilled under the table and Lorcan swears there’s something that looks like relief on his face. Relief? As if there was ever any danger of Galathynius not being fine.
“Why the fuck are you so worried about Galathynius?”
Rowan’s eyes narrow and he carefully tucks his phone back into his pocket.
“I’m not,” he says but it sounds somewhat like a question and Lorcan isn’t convinced.
Until he decides he doesn’t give a shit enough to ask any more questions, Whitethorn seems back to normal and if Galathynius being fine is the reason for it he can think about it later.
And probably speak to Fenrys.
Aedion is drunk.
Like truly and utterly wasted.
So far a good night.
The rest of the group are somewhere dispersed around the bar but he’s happy here, tucked up in their booth, resting his head against the cushioned velvet while the room spins around him. He’s pretty sure Aelin is still in the booth with him and it might be Rowan with her but he’s too lazy to open his eyes to check.
He can hear the pounding base of a song he doesn’t recognise and he could fall asleep right here, somehow lulled to sleep by the beat and the volume of alcohol he’s consumed.
He doesn’t mean to listen to Aelin and Rowan’s conversation, even though he’s pretty sure it’s not intruding if they know he’s sat right there, but pieces of their conversation spike his attention.
“You don’t want me to stay at yours tonight?” he hears Aelin ask and Aedion is intrigued.
Lysandra is out tonight so Aelin has a safe ride home with her roommate and no need to crash at Rowan and Fenrys’ apartment.
“It’s not that I don’t want you to.” Rowan’s voice is low and hard to hear over the music. “But Fenrys is out with us and if I say I want to leave he’ll join me, then you know he’d ask questions.”
Aedion from tomorrow is screaming at him to pay attention to this conversation and so he keeps his eyes closed to try and listen in. He’s almost holding his breath to try and hear their voices over the noise of the bar.
They’re quiet for a moment and he’s so tempted to crack his eyes open.
“I know,” he finally hears Rowan say. “I’m sorry, Fireheart. We will.”
Hearing the term of endearment drop off Rowan’s lips is too much, it’s weird, he didn’t realise the two of them were close enough for Rowan to know about the nickname his cousin has. He risks opening one of his eyes to just a thin slit.
He’s not ready for what he sees.
Aelin is tucked under Rowan’s arm, resting her cheek on his chest. Rowan’s chin rests on the top of his cousin’s head before he softly presses his lips to her hair.
Aedion has many questions. He immediately closes his eye. He’s drunk, he can’t trust his eyes.
He hears rustling and then definitely his name from his cousin but it doesn’t sound like she’s talking to him.
Then, “Aedion.” Rowan’s voice has him blinking his eyes open and lifting his head from the booth.
They’re separated now, sitting with a couple of inches between them on the seat. Maybe he didn’t see them cuddled up a minute ago, he’s not sure.
“Drink this.” Rowan is holding out a glass of water, his tone leaving no room for protests.
“Hey,” he hears how slurred his voice is and catches Aelin’s laughter. “Thanks bro.”
Aelin puts her face in her hands. Rowan doesn’t crack, just waves the glass of water in front of him. He reaches out to grab it but he can see more than one of his hand reaching for the glass.
“Gods,” Aelin says, looking at Rowan. “Maybe you should take him home.”
“I will,” Rowan agrees quickly, looking at her softly and Aedion has about a million more questions. “I’ll get him to drink this first.”
Aelin nods and he finally manages to take a hold of the water and downs it in about a minute. Rowan slides out of the booth and holds a hand out to Aedion. He lets his friend tug him up and begins his stumble to the exit.
He feels Rowan pause behind him and catches the words, “meet you at yours afterwards.”
He manages to spin and see Aelin smiling as she leaves the booth too. He doesn’t bother to think about it, he probably won’t remember tomorrow.
He’ll ask Lysandra.
Aelin’s hand is clammy where she holds Rowan’s.
It’s the only sign of the nerves she feels, this conversation has been brewing for a while, and regardless of their friends’ reactions she’s happy with Rowan. Honestly, it’s only been about a month in total since that one night for Elide’s birthday that changed everything, but she thinks she might be falling for him.
She can’t believe she thought he was a dick when they first met. Well, she supposes he is a dick. One of the first things he ever said to her was that she was a spoiled brat but, in his defense, she’d just called him a stuck up bastard.
Now though she loves the thrill of his quick mind. Loves the way he can tease and taunt her until she’s trembling beneath him and about a second away from begging. She loves the soft kisses he presses to her hair when he knows she’s had a bad day, she loves when he comes back from work with a slice of chocolate hazelnut cake under his arm because he knows it will make her smile.
What she doesn’t love is keeping this a secret from all of their best friends. It started out as embarrassment, after they slept together on Elide’s birthday she didn’t know what it was, didn’t know if they’d just fucked everything up, didn’t know if their friendships were about to implode.
But then it happened again, and again and again, until it’s four am and she’s pressing her lips to his one last time so she can sneak out without Fenrys noticing and be home before Lysandra wakes up.
The sneaking around was hot at first. His hand over her mouth holding in her whimpers as he fucked her on the couch he shares with Fenrys, when he slid the pillow between her bedframe and the wall when Lysandra had texted asking if she could hear that weird banging noise, all the times they had cut it a little too close. But now, it’s exhausting.
She wants to be able to hold Rowan’s hand and kiss him without the wariness pooling in her stomach and she knows he feels the same.
“Guys,” she says loudly to the room filled with their friends. Rowan squeezes her hand where they’re hidden beneath a couch pillow. “We have something to tell you all.”
Five pairs of eves pivot to her and she swallows.
“Rowan and I are… dating,” she says slowly, as though she’s unsure of how the words will go down.
There’s a beat of silence before their friends erupt.
“I knew it!”
“I fucking told you they were.”
“Pay up you bastard.”
Lorcan scowls, pulling out his wallet and Aelin blinks. She did not expect this.
“Wait.” Lorcan holds up a hand. “Before I hand over any cash we need details. Dating or in a relationship? How long have you been dating? Who asked who? Who started this? Most importantly; when?”
She looks to Rowan who’s green eyes reflect her own bewilderment.
“Um,” he starts unsurely, “we’re in a relationship.” He punctuates this with another squeeze of her hand and she grins. The feeling of his fingers linked through her own spreads warmth up her arm before settling in her chest. “It started a few weeks ago.”
Her friends are all leaning forwards, still waiting.
“When exactly?” Lysandra asks. “Like what was the date?”
“Well, the first time was the night of Elide’s birthday.”
Fenrys launches himself out of his seat. “I fucking told all of you.” He holds his right hand out starkly in front of him. “Pay up all of you, I was right.”
There are complaints and grumbled protests but Fenrys ends up with a handful of twenties and Elide a couple of notes herself.
“Wait,” Aelin says, brushing a hand across her forehead as if this will somehow clear it up. “You guys bet on us?”
That seems to still the commotion coming from the other side of the room.
It’s Aedion who speaks. “Yeah,” he says in a way that sounds like duh. “You didn’t think you were subtle did you?”
“Kind of,” Rowan says eventually, leaning forwards to brace his elbows on his knees. “We weren’t obvious. And none of you ever seemed to let on.”
“Bro, are you serious?” Aedion laughs as Elide and Lysandra snicker.
“You seriously thought we never knew?” Lysandra sounds as baffled as Aelin feels. “All those texts I sent when I knew he was over? All the mysterious unnamed hook-ups on nights you and Rowan both disappeared together? All the times you’d think you were subtle but your lipstick would be on his neck? We have been waiting for this.”
She’s laughing and Aelin feels a bubble of laughter in her own throat. She can’t believe it. It had seemed to reach a point of obviousness but none of them had ever commented.
“I can’t believe you all knew,” she cries burying her face in her hands as Rowan slings an arm around her shoulders and pulls her in close. “Why did none of you say anything?”
“It was against the rules of the bet,” Fenrys says seriously and Rowan uses his other arm to dig his bicep, his laughter rumbling in his chest beneath her.
She smiles into the fabric of his shirt as the group erupts again, bickering over who knew first and who knew the most. Aelin doesn’t care, it’s gone better than she could have imagined and she has Rowan and her friends and she loves them.
A secret relationship no longer. It feels good.
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asmolemmeeatyouout · 3 years
Clearing out the drafts so
Random hc’s for the boys
That I don’t wanna even try organise
CW: one non graphic mention of gore
Lucifer has misophonia, he hides it well but does frequently bend/break cutlery because of it.
(Catch Satan chewing as loud as he possibly can)
👾Levia👾chan👾🥺😳😩😖😣🍥😓😥🤢🤢🤮🥉🥉🥉 texts 🐒😈📱 📲 like 👍 🤗💃 this 😊 😊 😊 🥵 🥵😣😣😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭😏😏🤯
(🙌 Yes 🙌 👍 👏 it’s 👋 🙋‍♀️ every 💫 💫 💫 text 🙈 ☺️ 🙈 . 🚫 No 🚫 you 👨 👩 cannot 👅👀👅 make 👉👈👉👈 👁👄👁him 🛑 stop 🛑😈👿😈 ‼️❕‼️🐠 (<Henry)
Will role play as Henry (the fish, specifically) while texting you when he’s too shy to ask you things, the only hint you get is him ending every text like with ALL the fish emojis. If you refer to him as Levi not Henry during this he will SULK.
Calls your texting dry af if you don’t send at LEAST four emojis with every message
The best subtle magic belphie has is his sheets are always crisp and new
Like every night is shaved leg fresh sheets night smooth
His magic only works on his sheets so he sneaks his other washing in with beels the lazy git
Beel knows he just doesn't care
Beel does the most laundry out of the brothers bc he eats in bed CONSTANTLY
(He also eats everything he spills but that's not gonna stop the spaghetti stains- or the punishment from Lucifer when he accidently swallows the sheet too)
Beel once chewed belphies hair in his sleep
This is the main reason the twins have separate beds
If belphies asleep somewhere and wants a cuddle he will just kidnap the nearest person if no ones around, this includes little d’s and lessor demons, his magic will put them to sleep fast enough it can’t be stopped
Asmo’s body changes with trends (its fucked that body types have trends), but the devildom is slower in its trend rotation which is why he’s currently obsessed with the 2000’s esque stature (give 👏 us 👏 fat 👏 asmo 👏! ! !)
Levi has the FATTEST ass around (and cute little love handles and a soft belly, boy sits on his ass all day no way he’s ripped)
(Still has demon strength tho, but his human glamour is much less intimidating than his true demon self (think @waltnut 's form hc’s)
Satan’s whole feather boa getup is literally a cat toy. He wears it to entice cats he knows it’s ugly.
Asmodeus will take and wear your clothing without asking. This includes underwear, I suggest you get a lock for your closet.
In line with this, the first time beel went to the human world he burnt tomato red under the sun. He was not aware sunscreen was a thing due to the whole perma night devildom thing.
Stoner! Mammon supremacy
(he also deals coke bc moneeeeyyyy) (lucifer doesn’t care as long as it’s not in the house, drugs aren’t a. Illegal in the devildom, and b. that harmful to demons, it’s also his most respectable way of getting Grimm considering all his other hijinxs)
Asmo once convinced Satan to wear a sexy cat costume for a Halloween party
Satan had a sexual-identity-furry crisis in the bathroom
Devildom clothing isn’t gendered,
Asmodeus has been banned from wearing skirts in professional settings due to uh *coughcough* “accidental” flashing. (The same with crop tops/bras/see-through shirts)
Mammon and lucifer are scary similar in some respects like:
Lucifers receiving love language is physical touch and BOY is he starved. Touch his head and he will full body shudder black out for a second. Most people assume it’s acts of service bc he’s so overworked but that’s his giving, duh. (Try touch his neck and your wrist will be broken before you get close)
It’s why he wears gloves everywhere (also bc scars from the war, but I don’t remember the @ I heard that from first and I don’t wanna steal :) )
Mammon’s receiving love language is also physical touch, lucifer’s pride stops them from helping each other.
Lucifer will mock you if you get too close to his insecurities as a defence mechanism, it’s why mammon refuses to hug him even though they both need it.
Mammon just flat out denies his needs and emotions (partially due to lucifer’s defence response, partly bc him&co being abs assholes)
Mammon and asmo share the same music taste (which is GAY pop -think rina sawagama comme des garçons, Britney, gaga, montero- (I’m sry I don’t know more pop))
Asmodeus is the ‘tell you things that you think are tmi or too personal but actually mean nothing to me’ kind of honestly dishonest so no one knows his true feelings/can hurt him (me too baby !)
Beel is the only brother open about his emotions because he’ll just eat you if you dare make fun of him
Mammon offers beel food on really bad days because he’s too afraid of being mad fun of to just ask for a hug and beel showers anyone that gives him food in affection
Asmodeus LIKES violence, he thinks blood and gore is sexy, but he keeps that side of him very private as to not taint his perfect image and lower his chances of getting laid
(there are rumours and myths about what the avatar of lust likes to do to people who truly piss him off, but they’re so far removed from the Asmodeus everyone knows and loves that no one really believes them. Which is just how asmo likes it)
ALL the boys are obsessed with touching/stroking your neck/nape because there’s so much fragility there and it’s a huge sign of trust for a demon
Mammon is always warm
Levi is always cold (blooded)
When Satan gets really angry, objects near him just burst into flames
Okay I’m done now, thank u for reading !! :)
*** think I tagged the wrong creator gonna go find the right url soz guys !! (But also do check out @decaffeinated-demons they’ve got super cool ideas)
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oraganji · 3 years
ok here’s the thing. I’m way too lazy and unmotivated to write a whole series, I am in awe of anyone who can actually do that or has done it. But in the spirit of ✨ hypocrisy✨ , of course I love reading them, and thinking about ideas for some series that will never actually come to fruition. So, for all the ACOTAR writers out there, I have a way-too-long idea for an Azriel x reader that I want to read as a series, or even like a couple of snippets of writing. Here it is:
Ok, so our (preferably female bc it’s my request but I’m not trying to disclude people here it’s just my preference) MC (I like the name Kora/Cora, or Arya, whatever, but y’know, since I’m not writing this, it’s not exactly my decision to make, it could just be Y/N, that’s fine too). Anyways, she’s half-seraphim, from Cretea, and is the commander of the seraphim/Cretea army. Now, here’s where the pick your story begins. I was thinking that she could be Drakon’s sister or something, to make her a princess, even though she only acts like a commander (I love nicknames that have a meaning. So like if Azriel calls the reader angel, it’s because of her white seraphim wings, and if he calls her princess, it’s because she actually is one). So she can either be his sister, or just the commander. She was old enough to have fought in that big war that happened with Miryam and stuff about the humans or whatever. IMPORTANT PART OF THIS: MC has water and ice powers, but to a massive scale. Like she can raise ocean tides, create snow/hailstorms, all that good stuff. I was thinking she could be called a Tidemaker, like in the Grishaverse, but you could totally change around the name. That’s the base of her character. Other than what I described, free reign to whoever is crazy enough to read/write this.
So now, I think of this as a slight (major) rewrite. This takes place right after Feyre makes it back home from enemy Tamlin. So, Hybern’s armies attack Createa for some UnKnOwN reason. Maybe MC’s dad/parental figure dies in the battle, and MC is filled with grief and rage. MC fights against them until she’s bloody and battered, using the ocean and sky as her weapons. Cretea is utterly destroyed, and she tries flying to a safe place. She had met Rhysand, Cassian, and our boy Azriel before during that Great War, because she was a commander, and the Night Court was allied with Cretea at the time. She remembers this, and tries to fly all the way to Velaris. She just makes it before collapsing/passing out, and Azriel’s shadows bring him to her.
Now, our boy is shocked because he actually used to have a little crush on MC the war so many decades ago. He sees her about to die and starts to ✨ panic✨ , obviously. So, I’m thinking he tells his shadows to find Madja, and busts into the House of Wind or something, and like alerts everyone by just saying “it’s Kora/Arya/MC”. So blah blah blah, cute Azriel taking care of MC moments, she tells them what she remembers about being attacked, etc. ALSO, i think it would be SO GREAT if Cassian and Rhysand called her Goose, instead of dove, or one of those other cheesy nicknames. Geese still have white wings, so it kinda fits. I just think it would be kinda funny if the first time they were meeting to discuss war strategy, MC showed off all of her powers, and established herself as a powerful, bad b****h, and these idiots call her a goose. AnYwAyS, time skip to the meeting with the high lords cause I don’t think things through. MC comes in later than our night court buddies because she “likes to make an entrance”, and walks in there with like a crown of gold laurels (i like that as a crown idea), and like a sage green dress or something (GREEN AND GOLD IS SO PRETTY), and is all like “hello ladies! and boys. What did I miss?” after not being there for like 200 years. Everyone is shocked, and she has a little spat with Beron, where she’s like “You’re just itching to play, huh Beron? Well, I’ll warn you, fire doesn’t tend to thrive with someone like me *smirk*.” I’M DYING. And meanwhile Azriel’s *mini* crush is slowly developing even more. So after that idc what happens, BUT. I think it would be great if Cassian made MC a general or something to help him out in the war with Hybern. Then, when she goes to leave after the war, to rebuild Cretea, and Rhys and Cass ask her to stay, she give a condition, which is that she wants to train the Illyrian girls. And she would leave after she feels like that initiative is set in place. So once she sees that females are being trained, she leaves. Later, Cass invites her for winter solstice very last minute, so she comes with one gift, for our special somene, AZZY BOY!. And it’s a moonflower in an ice sphere, cause headcannon: Azriel likes moonflowers, and so does MC. One day they were walking together or flying together, and she saw some, and pointed them out. Then Azriel plucked one and TUCKED IT IN HER HAIR OMG GET ME SOMEONE LIKE AZRIEL. And he’s like amazed that she remembered and saved the flower. Crush level rising. But at the same time, Elain seems interested in him, which MC can see, and thinks that Az likes Elain, so she goes back to Cretea cause she a little bit jelly.
I’m not a romance writer, so I was just thinking that once Cretea is close to rebuilt, MC invites everyone to come visit, and is taking a stroll with Azriel. She sees moonflowers again, and this time she plucks one and puts it in his hair, and goes “Damn. I bet I didn’t look this good when that thing was in my hair.” And then Azriel mutters under his breath, “you did. you looked ethereal. like an angel.” but MC kinda hears a little bit of it, so she gives Azriel a little kiss on his jaw, cause she can’t reach his cheek (THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE I’M SCREAMING) and says “I heard that Az. I think you look ethereal too.” He’s one blushy boy after this. omg why am I like this. But, plot twist, Elain saw this whole interaction go down and gets PISSED. Meanwhile, MC drags Azriel around, while he trails behind her like an awestruck puppy. She finds a starfruit tree (which I’m making native to Cretea, like it’s a rare thing elsewhere) and gets some seeds from them from Elain, saying that it would be good for her garden. And Azriel just thinks about how thoughtful she is, even to people she doesn’t necessarily like. They get back, and Elain is complaining about how Azriel chose MC over her to Nesta , who I think would be besties with MC. MC walks into the room and hears. Elain realizes this and tries to insult/yell at MC. But MC just had a sad smile and goes, “I brought you some starfruit seeds, Elain. They’re only native to Cretea, and I thought it might be good for your garden. Good night Elain.” OK so this is why I think it would be good if MC was Drakon’s sister and a princess. She knows she’s a princess, but she really only considers herself to be a commander. She’s debating going back to Cretea, or staying, and she tells Azriel that she’s prob gonna leave soon. And our bat boy is all ✨ panik✨  when he hears this. He says “But I wa - everyone wants you to stay”. MC smirks and goes “what were going to say Az. They’re like really close together now, so Az leans down and gives her a gentle kiss and goes, “I want you stay”. MC is stunned for a moment, and looking dazed, goes “well then I guess I’m staying.”AHHHHHHHHH. She can prob be a general under Cass.
OK SO I DO HAVE AN IDEA FOR MORE WITH OUR ANGEL AND DEVIL. Where they discover the mating bond, there’s a big threat on Cretea, MC is a bad b***h as always, and protective Azriel makes several appearences.
Y’all can make up some situations after this as well, or if you want, which I don’t know why you would, my disorganized mess of a brain can write more about the thing above.
OMG THIS WAS WAY TOO LONG. Plz tell me if u guys liked this, or are actually gonna write this crap. And let me know is you have questions! Have a nice day lovelies!
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omgrachwrites · 4 years
Jealous - Sirius Black
Pairing: Sirius Black x Ravenclaw!Reader
Request: ‘hello! i has an idea for the request - hopefully u like it:) ravenclaw reader x young!sirius, they’re together in some class, she’s one of the top students and they work in pair, but she’s friendly and helps him with the work and etc., but when they develop feelings for each other, she’s not sure what to do, so she’s acting aggressive casual (not awkwardly, but to the point of almost ignoring him, just so he wouldn’t notice her crush), and he continues to sleep around, bc he thinks she hates him’ - @notsolong-pause​
Warnings: fluff!!
Words: 1426
A/N: Thanks for the request @notsolong-pause​ I hope you all enjoy it!! I love you all! xxx
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You noticed all the venomous glares that you were getting from most of the girls – and some of the boys – as you left the dormitories, intent on making your way into the Ravenclaw common room, and you had to smirk to yourself. It was very obvious why you were getting the glares and you thought that it was just so funny.
Your best friend Abby was waiting by the door to see you off and she smiled brightly as you approached but you could see the jealousy that was hidden deep in her eyes. Though, you knew that she was too nice to say anything.
“I don’t see what the big deal is with those goes,” you gestured behind you with your thumb, feeling numerous pairs of eyes burn into the back of your head.
Abby shook her head as she rolled her eyes, “you just don’t get it do you Y/N? I can’t believe that Sirius has no effect on you.
You shrugged in response, normally you didn’t socialise with Sirius but you were out together to work on a Transfiguration project – you were at the top of the class. You thought that he was attractive and you could see why people liked him but he wasn’t really your type. He was nice and you worked well together but that was it.
“Like I always tell you, he’s not my type,” you laughed as Abby shook her head, “I’ll see you later grumpy. Abby only grumbled out a reply and you started to make your way to the library.
Sirius was already sitting at the back of the library, swinging back on his chair, looking pretty bored. When he spotted you he sat properly in his chair and he shot you a lazy grin, shaking a hand through his long hair, “hi Y/N.”
“Good afternoon Sirius,” you smiled warmly as you pulled out the work and you sat next to him, your shoulder brushing up against his.
“How are you?” Sirius asked and you smiled up at him, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I’m good thank you, how are you?”
Sirius smiled but shrugged nonchalantly as he got out his own work and you got right down to it. Very soon, you realised that something was wrong with you today, maybe you were coming down with something, and it did feel like you had a temperature. Every time you said something that made Sirius laugh it made your cheeks grow hot. When he smiled at you, you noticed that his grey eyes sparkled and there crinkles around his eyes. Had he always looked that angelic when he smiled?
You were starting to feel a weird fluttering sensation in your stomach which you didn’t like one bit, it felt like you were going to be sick, in a good way, though you would never admit it out loud. You noticed his pretty eyes roam over you and you were horrified to find that it didn’t annoy you, on the contrary, it made you feel rather warm and floaty inside. It was then you realised just how handsome he was.
After some tense silence, Sirius nudged you with his elbow and grinned as he pulled out a massive bar of chocolate, “I robbed some off Remus, he’s got so many he won’t miss a couple. Would you like some?” he asked.
“Poor Remus,” you giggled, “sure, thank you,” his fingers lingered in yours for longer than necessary as he passed you a slab of it.
Goosebumps erupted along your arms when you felt how surprisingly soft his fingers were and you vaguely wondered if he felt them too, “I need to go,” you jumped up quickly, you felt quite panicky as you shoved a piece of chocolate into your mouth.
“Oh really?” he said, looking disappointed.
“Yeah, bye,” you pretty much ran out of the library and you didn’t stop until you reached the common room.
Abby was reading a book and she looked up in alarm as you burst in, “you’re back early. What’s wrong? It looks like you’ve seen a ghost.
“I think I’ve got a crush on Sirius.”
It had been a good few weeks until you realised that you possibly – definitely – had a crush on Sirius, you had hoped it would just be a fleeting fancy. Unfortunately, it only got worse and you didn’t know quite how to deal with it, he was handsome and nice to be sure, but he liked sleeping around and you didn’t know whether you could trust him with your heart. So, instead of being an adult about it and talking to him, you had settled on just ignoring him, it was mean and you felt horrible but it was what you needed to do.
When he would pass you in the corridor and call your name with a sweet smile you’d only nod your head in slight acknowledgement, your heart stinging when his face fell. You even told Remus to tell him that you should both just work on the project separately. After a while, Sirius stopped calling out to you and he was satisfying himself with sleeping with random girls, as per usual. It pissed you off, though it was your own fault that he was acting like this, you hated seeing the random girls hanging off his arm and giggling all over him. You couldn’t believe that you were jealous; it felt like you were just like everyone else in this damned school. It was all McGonagall’s fault for pairing you together in the project.
One day, Sirius decided that he’d had enough and he’d cornered you in the hallway, his pretty face drawn tight into a frown and his stormy grey eyes were like fire. It gave you a tingly feeling that wasn’t completely unpleasant.
“Right, I’ve had enough Y/N! What the hell have I done to make you ignore me?”
You huffed as you folded your arms as you tried to make your way past him, “I don’t want to talk about this Sirius!”
“Well too bad, because I do!” he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, “just tell me what I did wrong. Whatever I did I’m sorry.”
You glared at him as he gave you his best puppy dog eyes, “ugh, don’t look at me like that!” you could feel the angry writhe inside of your gut and before you could stop yourself you began blurting it out, “I like you okay! I like you!”
Sirius’ eyebrows knitted together in a frown and he hesitated, looking very confused, “you like me? I thought you hated me? I mean, that’s the only reason why I was sleeping around so much.”
You were tapping your foot as you were starting to feel very frustrated and you just wanted to get this conversation over with. You just wanted this beautiful boy to stop staring at you like you had gone mad, “I don’t hate you okay! Okay, well it did piss me off a little when you were sleeping around but that’s all! I like you Sirius and I don’t know how to deal with it. I’m sorry that I’ve been ignoring you, I just didn’t know what else to do.”
Sirius’ confused expression turned into a smirk as he pushed himself off of the wall and he stalked towards you, you walked backwards until your back hit the opposite wall. He rested his hands on either side of you as you gulped and looked up at him through heavy lidded eyes. Sirius chuckled as he bent his head slightly to whisper in your ear.
“I like you too Y/N,” your legs almost turned to jelly as he uttered those words, “but you know instead of ignoring me, let me offer you an alternative,” he cupped your cheek, his thumb rubbing against your bottom lip as his eyes bore into yours and you nodded understanding his unspoken question.
He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours, gently at first and then slightly harder as you began to kiss him back, your fingers curling into his hair as you stood up on your tiptoes, kissing him with vigour. After a while he pulled away slightly breathless.
“Wow, Y/N. You’re a good kisser,” he flushed and you smirked, raising an eyebrow.
“Thanks, you’re not,” you lied, “I think you need more practice,” you giggled, grabbing his collar. He only had time to let out a chuckle as you connected your lips again. You couldn’t believe that you had been so jealous.
Marauders taglist: @notsolong-pause​ @kashishwrites​ @smiithys​ @siriusblackspam​
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kaepopsicle · 4 years
types of girls i can see wayv with
so sorry if I offend anyone, I’m not trying to assume their sexualities this is just my personal opinion.
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— kun
- the mom friend to his dad friend
- a little bit on the softer side
- gives great back massages, just overall an relaxing soul
- i get childhood education or culinary major vibes from her
- babies him and will offer to cook meals for them ( kun would probably say “no no it’s okay you don’t have to” on the phone on their way back to the dorm. when they walk in she’s there with a whole feast prepared and smiles “I was already making it so might as well finish” )
- a noona to the rest of the members
- but a loving // supportive partner for kun
— ten
- dirty minded just like him
- why do i see her being a baddie (she has a very strong free spirit)
- is hard to get at first (but i can see ten liking that)
- is a sweetheart after he gets passed her hard shell but she’s also probably really funny and goofy
- super confident (like ten) she always is complimenting him and making him feel good about himself (on those rare days he feels insecure)
- will dance with him and it will be hot // for some reason I get art vibes from her like she’s an art or photography major
- has this big sister vibe (not like kuns girl, she is more a gives-good-advice sister, about like boys and stuff)
— winwin
- introverted but can be outgoing at times
- doesn’t necessarily bring him out of his shell she just makes him act more like himself
- likes holding onto his arm or back hugging him
- a great listener // a gentle spirit
- i can see her being a writer for some reason
- always watches him dance and helps him make improvements not like he needs it, he’s already so talented
- she is the best at comforting people . for some reason along with her being a writer I see her having a soft sweet singing voice.
- omg imagine her holding on to winwin while he rests his head on her shoulder hugging her close and she is singing to him to relieve his stress MY HEART NO
— lucas
- she reminds me of a puppy
- outgoing and just a lovely person
- on the chiller side so can softly calm lucas down. bc you know how our darling sushi gets.
- i can see her teasing lucas a lot like “hahahaha I wonder if you hit your head on doorways when you walk into a room” or if she hears anything evolving fighting she immediately mocks him and goes “hYEdwAe” and pumps her small fist in the air or starts randomly dancing to chewing gum for god knows why.
- she will go to the gym with Lucas but does yogo or something . why do I imagine lucas finally convincing her to go to the gym with him to try his work out routine and the first 2 mins she already gives up and gets a bag of chips and watches him
- lazy af . Would rather cuddle xuxi and watch netflix
- but when she actually goes out she’s HOT #powercouple kanye & kim who
— xiaojun
- cutie cutie cutie
- I see her being a nurse or med student (but I see her having some sort of musical talent)
- plays the piano or likes writing music like him (plays while xiaojun plays the guitar)
- she’s Bella’s favorite wayv member (lmao jk. kinda) she probably really loves animals
what if they’re singing and playing the ukelele to bella for her birthday and have this cute dog cake and everything omfg
- I can see her being wild but also relaxed, like she’ll probably be like “hm I kind of want to get dressed in a prom dress to get ice cream but this couch also is really comfortable. I’m torn”
- her fashion style is *chefs kiss
- xiaojun . is . always . hugging . her (she is probably very affectionate with him) I can also see her high-fiving the rest of the members and congratulating them while holding him after a win. xiaojun lowkey crying into her shoulder iM soFT
— hendery
- practically a princess
- his best friend (I can see them taking turns embarrassing themselves in public)
- plays games with him . I can see their relationship honestly being like a Disney movie full of romance and fun
- they’re that couple that always looks snatched in their matching outfits
- I can see her being talkative and bubbly (but also empathetic and a good listener)
- they would travel a lot together and meet new people and have spontaneous trips at 2am “hm you know what sounds really good right now?” “getting japchae” - “hendery it’s 3:00am”
- ALWAYS TEASING EACH OTHER (teasing flirts smh) I can also see them saying the dumbest shit to each other like “yo, you ever think that when an actual dog sees a K9 do they go “oh shit the cops?”
— yangyang
- she’s the girl version of him but like in a soft cute girl body
- mischievous devils (plays pranks together on the other members)
- only person yangyang would never prank (he has the biggest soft spot for her)
- she’s probably a gamer, plays video games a lot and can be very competitive. ends up playfighting yangyang a lot bc they both want to win (they would be that couple that always wins things so no one wants to play with them anymore)
- like henderys girl I can see her being very quirky, she has no filter (like yangyang) but I can also see her being shy at some times. especially when you just meet her but once she opens up she’s quite silly
- Why do I see her having a slight temper (like she’s a sweetheart until you piss her off and she will curse you out)
- is a dancer maybe ??? or likes music or is passionate about it (will probably help choreograph their future dances along with Tens girl)
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vanchlo · 4 years
The Firsts / #6, “The First Festivities”
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*not my gifs*
---> NEXT BLURB: Coming soon, I hope! Keep an eye on the series masterlist for updates!
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+ : a break in the story; a time jump.
and i’m too lazy for italics bc tumblr ignores formatting that i do in Docs so sorry i give up 
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WARNINGS: Prepare for some angst and sadness, but don’t worry it’ll be ok c:
SONG: Wonderful Christmastime by Paul McCartney (click to listen)
                          sneAAAAAAAKY PEEK!
“Because loving somebody means loving them when they’re okay and when they’re not okay. I knew that’s what I was signing up for when I started loving you, so long ago. I knew that you could be a good person, Harry, and you are. I knew that just because you’re okay one day doesn’t mean that you will be the next day and every day after that,” I tell him, lacing the fingers of my other hand with his limp ones. His unblinking eyes fill with tears and then drain of them, staring ahead and disagreeing with mine. “Please let me help, and come home with me. I’ll stay with you.”
“All I can say is that you make me... you make me into someone I couldn't even imagine. You make me happy, even when you're awful. I would rather be with you - even the you that you seem to think is diminished - than with anyone else in the world.”
― Jojo Moyes, Me Before You
The tiny tree drowning in miniature lights and ornaments taunts me as I pour the pale creamer into the steaming mug. Clucking my tongue, I drop a spoon into the beige colored abyss. I begin to stir it in never ending circles as my flats carry me down the hallway. 
“You know, the break room looks more like Christmas than your house,” I jest, turning to close the door behind me. 
“If ‘s such a problem t’ you then why dontcha do sumthin’ ‘bout it?” they remark sarcastically, turning to face me with an eyebrow raised in my direction. A corner of his mouth quirks upwards as I shake my head with a bemused smile. 
“What do you call what I’m doing right now, huh?” I reply, handing the mug of coffee to him. 
“I call it bullyin’ me into submission, Ms. Lawyer,” Harry giggles, bringing the hot mug to his lips. 
“All I can say is that I learned from the best,” I shrug and he shakes his head into his mug. “Ugh, I don’t know how you can drink coffee when it’s so hot. You must have no taste buds left, anymore.” 
His laugh tickles the air as he swallows, moving to set it down on a frosted black coaster beside his keyboard. Smiling, he licks his lips before they part, “Reckon I don’t anymo’ then, maybe that’s why I liked yer poppy seed bread befo’ you told me you’d doused it in icing t’ hide tha fact it was burnt,” Harry chuckles, and I press my smiling lips together. Shaking my head, his giggle nudges at my own lips framed by flamed cheeks. 
“Hush,” I say, turning away and walking towards his sofa where my purple knit blanket has found a new home with my Macbook. 
“And what if I don’t?” he teases, taking hold of my waist and stopping behind me where I feel his breath on my ear. 
“Really?” I ask in a titter, moving my body to face him and his ethereal looking smile. A sight I had gone so long without seeing that I wasn’t sure if it could find its home anymore. 
“Really really,” he grins, dipping to leave kisses along my cheeks. My eyes fall shut with a smile accompanying it, and I enjoy the feeling of his lips along my temple, and then my cheek. It still feels so new, all over again, and I won’t let what came before it shadow it. 
“I think you should get a tree, Harry, it’s Christmas next week, babe.” 
“Then come with me t’ tha tree farm t’night,” he murmurs against my skin, followed by my intake of air when his teeth sink into my ear. Our giggles mingle when he releases it and continues his journey down my neck. 
“Wait, really?” I ask excitedly, pulling away to find his lips falling into a frown. “You’re finally agreeing to go all out with me? The real tree, decorating the tree while cookies bake in the oven and-.” 
“Yes,” he answers hurriedly, his lips considerably closer to mine than they were a second ago. 
“Watching Christmas movies together with a fire in the fireplace, exchanging presents on Christmas morning-.” 
“Yes, Becks. Whatever you’d like, love,” he wheezes with that light once again on his face. My favorite kind of sunshine. “Now, would ya stop talkin’ so I can bloody kiss ya already?” and I nod, soon smiling into his lips that press a long kiss to mine. “Think they’ll even have any good ones left?” he asks a moment later, dragging the tip of his finger along my birthmark with a content smile grazing his lips. 
“I dunno, I guess we’ll see but it’s probably picked over rather well,” I shrug, and he does too with an exhale, pulling me against his chest. 
“Hmm, wonder what kinda Christmas traditions we’ll start t’getha this year, bug.”
“Well God, I hope this isn’t going to be a lasting tradition,” I muse, crossing my arms over my chest as I hold back a laugh. Turning my head to look at him, his eyes reluctantly make their way over to me after brushing the stray needles off of his coat that he keeps around for things like this. His “manly man coat” as he calls it, as if this tree really required it. 
“I don’t wanna hear anotha word outta you,” Harry remarks, pointing a finger at me while giving me a dirty look. My lips part and he dips his head at me with raised brows. “You said it was cute when we picked it out, and how many times do you tell me ‘ya get what ya get and ya don’t throw a fit?’ Huh?”
“Okay, but, Harry,” I begin until a laugh overcomes my words and he groans in response. 
“Somebody jus’ had t’ have a bloody tree,” he grunts, walking away and over to the closet under the stairs where he hangs his tattered coat. 
“Hey! I like it, but . . “
“But what?” he sighs, and when I tear my eyes from the tree he’s giving me another annoyed look. 
“But I like big things, you know that,” I tease, meeting him by the kitchen island where I slip my way into his arms. But one of mine wanders down his chest and to the front of his jeans that he slipped on for the outing that greet my fingers with cold fabric. 
“Dontchu try t’ butter me up, woman,” he says with a roll of his eyes until it dissolves into the sound that often coasts from his lips lately. I hate when my mind automatically goes to those few weeks where I yearned to hear it around the firm, but I never did. 
“I’m not, and I’m just kidding. I really do love the tree, I think it’s a perfect size, not too big, not too small,” I tell him in a coo and he nods with slight hesitancy to the action. 
“Yer sure?”
“Yes,” I answer, letting my head fall to his chest after my arms wound around his middle. “I like our first Christmas tree, it’s tiny and cute. I like little things too, they’re just so adorable.” 
“That’s not what you were jus’ sayin,’” he whispers, squeezing my ass and I almost jump. Now, it’s my turn to roll my eyes as I exhale, admiring the four foot Christmas tree. The tallest one we could find at the farm that wasn’t scrawny or sick. 
“Hush, and go and get the lights and ornaments while I start the cookies and dinner.” 
“‘Kay,” Harry hums, leaving a kiss on my forehead. “Missed you . .  missed this.” 
“Missed you,” I smile with melancholy sticking to its edges, leaning into his touch as a long sigh leaves my lips. In the silence, my hand drifts along his back and to the hole that I know mars the red flannel he wears. I’d told him how many times to get rid of it already, but he can’t give it up. “What do you want to do for Christmas day, for a meal?”
“Was actually gonna ask you t’ come t’ me mum’s, she does a Christmas lunch ev’ry year with Gemma and tha kids.” 
“Yeah, that sounds fun. I’ve really missed Harper and Ollie,” I remark, closing my eyes and inhaling his smell dotted with fresh pine. 
“They’ve missed ya too, bug. Harper hasn’t stopped askin’ when ‘m gonna bring Anty Becky over,” he almost wheezes. I don’t stop myself early enough, because it’s too late, and I hear the sadness clinging to his voice. That hellish month wasn’t contained to just us, and I see it in people’s wandering glances at the firm. Maybe even more now that rumor’s gone around that we’ve gotten back together, only fueled by our public friendliness with each other since, and despite the professionalism we both tried to carry. I’d missed his niece and nephew more than I thought I could, his sister, and his mum too, and when those thoughts appeared in my head it all hurt even more. I didn’t know that my heart could squeeze any more pain out after losing him, and in the way that I did. 
Sometimes, the silence feels unsettling still, and I hate that. I hate the hesitance I see in his actions still when he goes to touch me, or the look on his face at dinner with Myles and Jeanie the other night when the waiter berated him to order a drink too. It’d only continued the next day when it was my first time back at his house and the wine cabinet was starkly empty, and so were all of the spots that held my things. Neither of us had brought up me moving back in yet, and sometimes I thought I was ready to . . sometimes. 
“Yer not goin’ t’ Madley Christmas day are you?” he hums, pulling me away from my thoughts, and I welcome it. “Course, if you are that’s okay.”
“No. Um, I’m going the day after, that’s when we always do it. You’re welcome to come, if you’d like.” 
“Hmmm,” he thinks aloud, warmth spreading across my scalp when his closed mouth rests there. “I dunno, Robbie seemed rather pissed tha other day when he stopped by tha firm and saw me, so I can only imagine how yer dad would act.” 
“Harry-,” I start, moving away so I can look at him, but he doesn’t let me. 
“‘s fine, Becks, okay? I don’t blame ‘em. ‘m gonna go and grab tha decorations befo’ it gets too late. I don’t wanna be up all night cookin’ and decoratin’,” he finishes, leaving my arms. I nod silently to myself, arms cold and empty as I watch him walk away, assuring myself it’s okay and I’m okay because he’s coming back. 
Only a few days after getting back together, and I wish things would go back to normal already. I’ve never gotten my wish for normalcy, now have I?
“Stop it, I mean it,” Harry attempts, but the firmness in his voice is lacking as a laugh interrupts it. “We both know that ya know all tha words, but I wanna hear ‘em too, ‘kay?”
“Fine, but for the record, you’re no fun.” 
“Reckon we both know that too,” he answers, feeding buttered popcorn between his bubblegum pink lips. My eyes return to the telly where the other Harry and Marv continue their infiltration into Kevin’s house, but he anticipates their plan, and I giggle at the next booby trap he’s set. 
Looking to my Harry, I find him lost in the bowl of popcorn that sits on his lap where he lies beside me in my bed. Clearing my throat loudly, he looks up and over to me, lifting a brow. “Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask, repeating the question I’ve asked too many times today, and I know it. 
“Yes, ‘m fine.” 
“You sure? Because Home Alone is a cinematic masterpiece and if it doesn’t make you happy then there something’s wrong with you,” I joke, tossing a Red Vine onto his lap, missing the popcorn bowl that he’s peering into again while sifting around for a chocolate drizzled one. “I’m just kidding, it’s only a film, but you haven’t been yourself today, Harry, or well, yesterday either. For a few days now. Will you please tell me what’s bothering you . . so I can help?”
“There’s plenty o’ things,” he whispers, and my face creases into a question. 
“What’d you say?” I ask slowly and seriously. 
“I said there’s plenty o’ plain popcorn in here, far too many ‘cuz somebody ate all o’ tha chocolate ones,” he says with a shake of his head, picking up the licorice that soon appears between his teeth. He rips at it until he begins to chew and meets my eyes with a forced smile. 
“You snooze, you lose,” I tease and he offers a laugh in between the licorice as my eyes stray to my artificial Christmas tree. I watch the twinkling lights dance along the window, wishing it felt like Christmas and all of its cheeriness. 
I can’t remember the last time that I had a happy Christmas.
What wakes me is a creaking sound, and when I look around, the sun isn’t peeking through the windows and the birds aren’t chirping. The multi-colored lights donning the tree are the only light around me, and they shed some on the section of bed next to me. The sheets absent of Harry. Instead, they hold a half folded page which pulls my eyes to my desk where I can just make out my favorite journal from Harry, opened and with a pen sitting in its middle. 
Sitting up, I turn the light on and grab at the paper, immediately opening it. Little did I know that after reading its secrets, that part of me would feel ashamed for wishing that I’d never read it and just gone back to sleep. Ignorant and blissful. The other side of me reads it quick and fast, feeling my heart climb in speed with every word that my eyes can’t believe. 
I’m sorry, love, but I just can’t do this. I can’t do this to you. I’m not enough for you and I don’t know why I ever thought that I could be. You deserve so much better than me, so fucking much. I’ve been going to the meetings and I think that they help, but I had a drink last night and I wanted to keep going and I did. I stopped myself, but I hate myself for not stopping myself earlier than that. I don’t want to do this to you again, and I won’t. Please don’t try to change my mind, because you can’t. I love you, so so much, Rebecca Ann, and that’s why I have to do this. I have to leave, because I don’t want to keep ruining your life. I’ve been doing that for far too long, years now. I love you more than I could ever make you know and I hope that you can forgive me one day. Call that bloke Max that liked you the one time, he seemed like a catch. I dunno. 
Merry Christmas, 
Harry xoxoxo
Tears had already begun their descent down my cheeks, from the very first words, and they only grew stronger as I went further down the page. I didn’t remember that I was holding it as I tore from the bed and into the hallway, searching for him in every corner. In the flat, through the hallways, on the lift, and in the lobby downstairs. I couldn’t find his face, and the fright grew and grew inside of me until I thought I would explode from it. It followed me through the green lights and threatened to topple over at the red ones. It led my feet to his door and to the spare key I know that he hides under the flowerpot on his porch, and guided me blindly through the empty house. The twinkling lights on the tree greeted it and shrunk in its sight, our tree. Our home. The fright sent me out of there with a new sob and it fed another when I got onto the lift and walked through the dark halls. 
It only began to shrink when the door to the firm opened with ease in my hand, and I was met with the emptiness of its walls. My impatient steps echoed loudly in my ears and I couldn’t care if I tried, not even when they stopped in front of the door bearing his name and the words ‘Managing Partner & Attorney’ below it. The fear grew at the lack of light underneath his door, but it was smacked down when the handle twisted in my grip, and I found him before me. If he heard me, he didn’t show it. If he knew I was coming, he didn’t try hard enough to hide. He didn’t lock the doors behind him of his own firm, unoccupied on a Saturday. He didn’t try hard enough, and that’s all that I cared about. 
“You really think that a lousy note is going to make me stay away a-and stop loving you?” I cry, lingering in his doorway, wanting to surround him with myself but not knowing if he’d let me. His head falls where he stands in front of his window, looking nothing like himself in trainers and a hoodie, his makeshift pajamas. “Harry, y-you had a relapse, it’s okay.” 
“But ‘s not, Becks,” he says in a strained voice, his figure soon shaking with a sob. “‘s not gonna be okay when at Christmas yer dad stares at me with disdain in his eyes knowing what I did t’ you- t’ us, and knowin’ deep down that it could happen again ‘cuz I can’t stop,” he insists, vigor in his voice. “‘s not gonna be okay when it creeps up on me down tha road when we have kids, and I pick up tha bottle ‘cuz ‘m stressed out from late nights with a baby.” 
Gulping, my throat feels dry with the absence of words and the onslaught of tears. The wanting to know what to say stirs the verbs and adjectives within me, but they don’t go anywhere. Then again, neither is he right now and that seems to be the only comfort that I can find in this moment. 
“‘s not okay, Becks. ‘m not okay,” Harry says with languid plaguing his voice, refusing to turn around. 
“But I love you even when you’re not okay,” I insist, my clenched fists shaking despite my attempts to calm them, and yet the only thing that could calm me has run away from me. “I do, and I always will, Harry! That’s why I came back, because I love you and I want to help you. Yes, you hurt me, but I forgive you because I love you. I love you because I forgive you,” I sob, wishing that he would say something - that he’s sorry for leaving and that he’ll try again. I just wish for something to come out of his mouth, because his silence is terrifying me. I don’t know how much more I can take. 
I know that I can’t take a world of mine without him in it, and too many years of yearning for him across a room doesn’t count. I can’t do that again, not any of it. That’s what pulls my feet away from the door and towards him. 
“I’m not leaving you, I’m not going anywhere no matter how hard you try to get rid of me. I’m going to stay and help you, please just let me,” I beg, curling my fingers around his forearm, watching a tear collect at the point of his nose. “Can we please just go home and go back to bed? I want to spend Christmas with my best friend this week, even if things aren’t okay.”
“‘m broken, Becks. ‘m a mess, how could you love me still?” he asks quietly, lifting his eyes to peer out onto the sleeping town where only the lights are awake. Lights strewn on trees in the park and alive on the buildings. “I thought ‘d feel okay when we got back t’getha, and I did . . but then I didn’t. I dunno what happened . . what’s happenin’ t’ me. How can you love somebody like that?”
“Because loving somebody means loving them when they’re okay and when they’re not okay. I knew that’s what I was signing up for when I started loving you, so long ago. I knew that you could be a good person, Harry, and you are. I knew that just because you’re okay one day doesn’t mean that you will be the next day and every day after that,” I tell him, lacing the fingers of my other hand with his limp ones. His unblinking eyes fill with tears and then drain of them, staring ahead and disagreeing with mine. “Please let me help, and come home with me. I’ll stay with you, I’ll stay over and make sure-.” 
“Make sure that I don’t have a drink?” he says in a tone that I don’t like. Squeezing his hand doesn’t help, it doesn’t spur life into him or send encouragement to him. “Ya can’t be there ev’ry moment o’ ev’ry day makin’ sure that I don’t drink, Becks, and I don’t want you t’. You deserve such a betta life than what I can give you,” he continues, meeting my eyes for the first time since I stepped into the room. Now, I wish that he hadn’t, because I see it before I stop myself. I see the answer in his eyes, the one that’s probably been there all along and the one that I couldn’t take away. The one that I can’t take away. 
It stays there in front of my eyes, when he walks out of the room and when I fall back into my bed with defeat and my eyes stinging with the arrival of new tears. It stays there as I stare at the tree from under my sheets, and when I unplug it and shove it in the closet. It remains as I toss and turn under the sheets, and when I wake with his smell on the pillowcase, lulling me into a nonexistence that stays until I remember. I wish that I hadn’t.
He didn’t answer. His texts or his calls. His doorbell. His emails. He wasn’t there at work, at the team meeting, or at the pre-trial for our client. I was afraid to ask at first, but then I was texting his mum and his sister before I knew it, asking if they’d heard from him. I asked Myles, Rory, and Rose, and they didn’t know either. Nobody did. 
I absently continued to work on our case, despite the worry that climbed in my gut, not knowing where he was or if he was okay. It all hurt too much and suddenly, I hated him again for hurting me like this. The pain only came harder when I thought about how he thought he was saving me from the pain when he was only inflicting it more. 
Wiping a stubborn tear from my cheek, I exhale shakily and close the folder in front of me filled with his handwriting. I gulp and return to Docs on my Macbook, and stare at the blinking cursor, unsure of what to do. He always knew what to do in these lost moments. The next best step for a case, who to interview, where the best place is to find evidence, who to nudge at the courthouse for information, and how to make me feel better. My shoulders sag and I feel the wall inside of me begin to crumble. 
Knock knock!
Whipping my head towards the door, I see a glimpse of him until I blink a tear away and he runs away. Again. 
“Hey,” Myles says softly, hovering in my doorway, unable to meet my eyes. “Is it a bad time? I can come back later.” 
“No no, it’s okay . . Have you heard from him?” 
“Yeah,” he begins, but his voice doesn’t fill with happiness or drench me with relief. The way that his eyes are strangers to mine don’t wick the tears away. “He’s okay, Becky, but he wants to be left alone. He wanted me to tell you that he loves you and that he’s sorry, but he needs some time to himself. He’ll contact you when . . when he’s ready . . I’m sorry, love,” he finishes, at last meeting my eyes, if only for a moment. “Please, let me know if you need anything, anything at all. And, I’ve asked Rory to take over this case, since he’s the only one free at the mo’. So, go home and take it easy, okay? Take care of yourself, and have a merry Christmas.” 
I see it. The way that he corrects himself too late, knowing what he just said by habit. He can’t take it back now, the habitual ‘Merry Christmas,’ and I can’t withdraw the pain that slaps me in the face and leaves me looking at the floor. That’s all that I wanted, a merry Christmas, and he stole away every chance of that. A small ‘thanks’ greets the air around me before his leaving footfall, and I watch the tears fall onto my desk. Onto the keys of my Macbook that he got for me, a purple case and all, and the desk that he picked just for me. There are small puddles littering its surface by the time I pull myself away from it and start my way home, sure a happy Christmas’ doesn’t exist.
“You’re sure it’s okay if I go?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” 
“You’re not fine, Ree,” Skye insists with a sigh filled with sorrow. Even the tips of her fingertips against my forehead leave trails of it along my skin. 
“Maybe if I say it enough times, I will be.” 
“Oh, Ree,” she exhales with honey coating her words, and I hate it. 
I hate all of this. Lying in bed like a pathetic mope on Christmas Eve, even denying Robbie to meet his new girlfriend, and Dad to come home early. I told the both of them that I was sick, and although it didn’t feel far off, the guilt ate at me. It was surpassed by the fear and anguish at the prospect of telling them the truth, and how it eradicated the balance that had been restored to my life within the last week. Once again, it had been chucked into the bin, and I didn’t know what to do, or how to do anything. I didn’t know how to be okay again, and somehow, this time hurt worse than when he would get plastered and yell at me. Somehow, him leaving willingly and in the right mind was far worse. 
“I won’t be gone all night . . Ring me if ya need me, alright? I love you, Ree. I wish that there was more I could do,” she exhales, leaving with an awkward kiss to my temple, and then she’s gone. 
An emptiness sings throughout the flat and I watch the twinkling of a star long off in the distance. I wish that I could be there, far and away from all of this, like the Grinch separated from the Whos. But, that’s not what I want and I know that. I just want him, a happy Christmas with him.
A creaking awakes me and I sigh, rubbing the back of my hand against my eyes while licking my lips, “I’m fine, Skye, go away. I’m trying to sleep,” I groan with a yawn breaking through my words. Groaning, I shuffle my legs under the covers until I find a good spot again. 
The bed dips underneath me and my annoyed moan follows suit, especially when somebody slips under the covers behind me. Mutterings escape my lips and I yank the covers higher, rejecting their arms that come around me, until I freeze. My eyes fly open and I inhale again, and again. The scratchy feeling against my cheek does it, and I spin around, knocking heads with the person. Him. 
“Ouch!” he exclaims, holding his forehead. A laugh unfolds on his lips as his breath wafts over me, and all of a sudden, he’s real. He’s here and I’m okay. “You okay, love? Ya really hit yer noggin’ hard with mine,” he continues, wheezing between his words. 
“Becks?” he asks and I nod emphatically, and then, I begin to sob suddenly. “Oh, honeybug, c’mere.” 
“Harry,” I sigh shakily into his neck when he surrounds me with his arms, and I find his holey flannel with my hands. 
“‘m so sorry, Becks, ‘m so fookin’ sorry. I thought I could do it without you, but I can’t, baby, I can’t. Please, don’t let me do it without you. Don’t ever lemme leave you again, I was such a bloody idiot. ‘m so sorry, I ruined our first Christmas t’getha, baby,” he rushes from above me, worry sewn into his voice until his tears make their arrival. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s not ruined, just please never leave me again. I can’t- I can’t do any of this without you either, none of it. I can help. I’ll go with to the meetings, if you want Just, tell me what I need to do to help and I will. I just want to help you, Harry, I love you so much,” I confess impatiently, finding warmth in his stubbly neck and his scent that I’ve missed almost as much as him. 
“All I need ‘s t’ be with you, promise. I love you, baby, I love you, I love you, I love you. Ev’rythin’s gonna be okay, we’re gonna be okay, ‘m gonna be okay, and yer gonna be okay,” he coos to me, sponging kisses along my head and forehead until he’s brought my eyes forward and to him. A small smile curves his lips upwards and he touches his finger to my nose. “Can’t tell you enough how sorry I am. I got on a flight, can’t even rememba where. I jus’ had t’ get away from here, but I knew I did tha wrong thing not long afta, and it was a mess tryin’ t’ get back with layovers and all that shit with Christmas.” I nod, watching him lace his hand with mine and give it a squeeze. 
“I’m just glad you’re back and that you’re okay.” 
“Me too, sweetheart,” he echos, dipping to kiss me on the lips. Pulling away, his eyes leave mine, and I turn to follow his to the window behind me. “Looks like I made it in time, 12:05 . . Merry Christmas, Becks,” he hums when I look back to him and the words soon meet the air in my voice, too. 
“Merry Christmas, Harry,” I sigh, laying my head against his chest. He moves to lie on his back and his arms stay surrounding me while his lips find the crown of my head. 
“Sleep, baby, ‘m not goin’ anywhere, not ever again. I know we both need it . . We’ll do presents in tha mornin’ at mine, ‘kay? And finish our Home Alone marathon and cookie decoratin’ too. Promise, promise ‘m never leavin’ you ‘gain, sweet girl.” 
“Okay,” I reply sleepily, feeling myself relax when his fingers start to dance through my hair.
I hear my name and then feel the kiss that follows it, and the next one. A loud raspberry on my cheek eliminates any chance of falling back to sleep. What sounds obnoxious and loud fills a laugh that graces my ears, and yet, I couldn’t want to wake up to something more than that exact sound. 
“Harry,” I say, joining with his laughter that grows as more raspberries cover my face. “Stop it,” I groan, but I don’t mean it and I think he knows it, because he continues. At last, he stops and I’m left staring up at the man of my dreams, unshaven and with the cutest of bedheads. 
“Merry Christmas, bug,” he coos with a contagious happiness to his lips that spreads to mine when I kiss him. 
“Hey, at least these aren’t burnt,” he remarks as I sit down next to him and try to hide a smile. “Dontchu even gimme that look, ‘m doin’ this fer you, and I swear if you bloody tell anybody.” 
“What? I didn’t say anything,” I giggle and he rolls his eyes as he bites off the snowman’s head from his sugar cookie. “By the way, you’re going to ruin your appetite.” 
“Such a mum you are already,” he sighs, holding the rest of the cookie between his teeth as he sits up on his knees to reach under the tree. “Pickin’ out me clothes fer me and tellin’ me I can’t have cookies befo’ our meal. Tsk tsk,” he groans dramatically as he picks up a giftbag with holiday greetings scrawled on its outside. 
I laugh and watch him set it in front of me, and it only makes me wonder how he pulled this all off. I had had my presents for him wrapped and under the tree for a few days now, before everything went to shit, but somehow under the tree has grown fuller since then. I haven’t dared to ask or even make a joke about it, because I just want to enjoy this, even in all of its silliness and sadness. Even when my smile dims at the memory of waking up to that note and how it flipped my world upside down when I thought he had just placed it rightside up. 
“Hey, ‘m kiddin’ ‘round. Tha pj’s are cozy, and tha cookies are delicious. ‘m sure yer breakfast cookin’ in tha oven will be too,” Harry hums with a strong smile, squeezing my arm. I nod and watch as he looks away to answer a text, having told me that he gave his family a fright too and now they won’t stop bugging him. “C’mere, you, time t’ open yer first present,” he says and he surprises me by lifting me up to place on his lap. Giggles erupt into the air when his fingertips caress my sides and his stubbly lips pepper kisses along my neck. 
I wish I could freeze this moment and stay in it forever.
The next few days passed and they were rather normal and that’s all that I could ask for. An unsettling awkwardness passed after a few minutes of being at my dad’s house, and at Harry’s mum’s. Harper and Robbie were to thank for that, whether it was Robbie showing Harry his new guitar or Harper clinging to my leg the second I walked in the door and refusing to ever let me leave. 
Sitting on Harry’s sofa under the glow of the Christmas lights now, I heave a sigh remembering the last few days and how wonderfully ordinary they were. Even with the A.A. meeting over Zoom that we worked in and the way our families went to lengths to leave alcohol out of their glasses and out of the conversation. 
“What took you so long? I want to start the movie before we get too tired,” I moan, falling to lie on my stomach as I peer up at him taking the stairs two at a time. 
“Sorry, I had one mo’ thing t’ wrap,” Harry answers, padding across the wooden floor to me where I wait with rosy cheeks. His own soon dimple with a smile when he falls onto the sofa next to me, once again lifting me onto his lap. He breathes in loudly and then yawns before nuzzling his cheek against mine, brushing his fingers against my side. “Open it,” he says, placing a small box in my hands. 
I oblige and begin to tear the red wrapping paper away from the dainty box until I’m looking at a black matte box with a lid. “Harry,” I say warily, turning to look at him behind me. His smile stays and he nods towards the box. 
“‘s not that, promise. Jus’ open it and you’ll see,” he insists, sponging a peck to my temple. “I know we’re both not ready yet,” he comments and I inhale slowly as I lift the top off to find a shining, silver ring waiting for me. 
“Harry, is this . . ,” I try to say, but my emotions get the best of me as I turn around to face him and his reddening cheeks. 
“‘s a promise ring, a knot ring, they call it . . . It symbolizes a knot that’s not tied quite yet, but I have ev’ry intention of tyin’ it one day, when we’re both ready. This ‘s a promise I swear t’ ya I won’t ever break,” he explains, and his widening smile grows blurry from the happy tears that fill my eyes. “I hope those are happy tears, love . . I love you, Becks, so much and ‘m so sorry for what ‘ve put you thru’ lately. I know that I can’t do life without you in mine, and ‘m done tryin’ to be too strong or noble- or whatever. ‘ve known for awhile that I wanted you in my life fer always . . make you Mrs. Styles one day and have loads o’ babies t’getha . . Will you wear it, bug?”
“Yes, yes, of course,” I answer, swiping at the tears on my cheeks. A nervously happy laugh coats his lips as he lifts the dainty ring from its place and takes my left hand in his. “Wow, you’re really good at this,” I joke and he nods laughing while sliding it onto my ring finger, punctuating it with a kiss. 
“Thanks, hope so.” 
“And what do we tell people when they ask why I have this on my ring finger?” I ask him, watching him close the box and set aside before winding his arms around me. 
“That ‘s a promise ring, ‘course,” he tells me, pressing a kiss below my eye. His smell surrounds me when his forehead comes to rest against mine. I lean against him and glance down to my hand, holding it out in front of me to admire it. “Does it fit alright? I tried t’ rememba what size you are, but we can get it adjusted. I hafta say it looks perfect on you, ‘s just a shame it came in tha mail late.” 
“It’s perfect, Harry,” I answer, not knowing if there are any other words that could do it justice. “God, you have to stop one-upping me on presents all of the time,” I titter and his loud chuckle echoes mine as I relax against him, staring at the ring. 
“Hmm, not sure I could do betta than this next year,” he says, and we both hear it in there. The way he said it with nervousness wicking his words away that maybe next year will follow this tradition with another ring. 
“There’s no need to. This Christmas was so great, Harry.” 
“But it wasn’t perfect, and ‘m sorry fer that,” he comments sadly from above me where he hooks his chin over the top of my head. 
“It was, just getting to spend it with you made it so.” 
“I really dunno what ‘d do without you, bug,” Harry confesses softly as the fireplace crackles away beneath the tv that waits for us. The scratchy feeling of his stubble leaves my head, and when I glance up I find his eyes glassy with tears. “‘ll be makin’ it up t’ you fer tha rest o’ me life that I ever tried t’ test that.” 
“It’s okay, I forgive you . . because I love you,” I tell him, my thumb greeting his warm skin slick from his lingering sadness. 
“I love you mo’.” 
“I love you most,” I say, completing our special saying, something I can’t remember saying since before all of this shit started. 
“I love you mostest,” he follows up, and my jaw soon hangs as I stare at him in disbelief before our lips dissolve into a laugh. 
“Harry!” I shriek when his lips soon cover my face in kisses, and his fingers litter tickles along my body. I lie there in his arms, savoring the sound of our laughs mixing together, hoping that it will always be like this. 
I hope that it will always be this easy to love him. 
My buzzing phone brings me back to the present. I find the strength to pull away from Harry and locate my phone in the folds of blankets. A text lights up my home screen once I locate it, and my lips soon fly higher. 
“Hey,” I say slowly, turning my eyes to Harry to find him tracing the ring on my finger. He looks up with a question quirking his brows and my heart squeezes at the sight of him. How can a grown man be so adorable? “Is it okay if we push the movie off until tomorrow?”
“Sure, why d’ya ask?”
“You wanna go to a Christmas party with me?” 
“A Christmas party? On December 28th?” he almost laughs, his greens twinkling underneath his knitted brows. 
“Yeah, it’s- oh, nevermind actually,” I say, embarrassment whisking my eyes away from him and to my lap. God, how can I be so stupid to even ask? 
“Hey, what’s tha matter, bug? I don’t mind goin’, and I might actually wanna if you tell me who’s throwin’ it.” 
“No, it’s okay. I changed my mind, I don’t want to go anymore. Don’t worry, please,” I insist, a nervous laugh marking my words. His fingers had stilled on mine and I take the chance to adjust the piece of jewelry on my finger. “Wow, it’s so pretty and shiny.” 
“Becks, don’t change tha subject,” Harry almost sighs, taking my hand in is and hiding the ring away from sight. “Then let’s go and show off that ring o’ yers, at this party.” 
I remain quiet, growing chilly at the silence that seeps into our conversation and we both know it. The difficulty of saying it steals the words away from me and the gap between us grows larger with every second. 
“Rebecca Ann,” he says with impatience spilling over in his voice. His palm is a welcomed warmth against my cheek with its cradle. “What aren’t you tellin’ me? Y’know you can tell me anythin’ in tha entire world . . ‘s always been that way b’tween us.” 
“I don’t think it would be a good idea, Harry, it’s a party. They . . “
“Oh,” he says, the realization heavy in his tone. 
“I don’t mean it like-,” I begin, finding the nervous sadness in his green eyes that try to stray, but they don’t go far. 
“I know you didn’t mean it like that, Becks,” he remarks with a curve to his lips, leaving a kiss on my forehead. “Thanks fer lookin’ out fer me, bug, but I feel okay. I think I can be ‘round alcohol without losin’ it right now, so why don’t we give that party a shot, huh?”
“Really?” I ask, perking up in my seat beside him. He nods with a happy sound tumbling off his lips. 
“But, first, you hafta tell me whose party this ‘s. ‘m dyin’ t’ find out.”
“Bloody hell, I dunno ‘bout this, Becks. Reckon ‘m too old fer shit like this.” 
“Hush, believe it or not, there are people here older than you, Harry,” I tease him, chuckling at the way his jaw hangs loose from his face in disbelief. On my tippy toes, I press my lips to his cheek and pull him forward. 
“Wait, so what ‘s this ‘gain? I don’t understand.” 
“It’s a Christmas party . . for my cohort,” I tell him, leading him through the throngs of people filling the large apartment. Many mingle in groups with drinks in hand, and I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the sparkling grape juice and sodas claiming the counter, instead of only beers and Whiteclaws. 
“Oh yeah, reckon ‘s been a year since ya graduated. God, already?”
“I know, right?” I say, squeezing his hand when I see that proud glint in his eye. The twinkling Christmas lights donning the space catch my eye as well as the ugly sweater memo that I’m glad I didn’t miss. “Wait, is that- No way, Becky!” 
A shock of red curls turns around to face me, and their face explodes with happiness. Before I know it, they’re crossing the small space and I’m swallowed by their arms in a hug. 
“Hi to you too, Rube,” I laugh into her hair that smells of cherries, just like the last time. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?!” she exclaims after she finally lets me free. 
“Si and I wanted to surprise you.” 
“Well, you did a good job of that,” she comments, and within seconds, I’m forgotten. “Oooo, who’s this?” she teases to me, bumping her shoulder against mine. “Wait, is this-?” Ruby cuts herself off short as realization dawns on her face as her eyes stay pointed on Harry who glances around the room mindlessly. 
“Ruby, this is my boyfriend, Harry. And, Harry, this is my best friend from uni, Ruby Tucker,” I say, suddenly remembering all of the times I wanted to do this, and most important of all, that day in the lecture hall. 
Looking to my side, I watch as Harry comes back to us and his eyes wander to Ruby whose infectious smile affects his own. The dimples soon fall and his eyes come to life as he holds out his other hand to her that she takes. 
“Pleasure t’ meet you, Ruby, ‘ve heard good things ‘bout you,” he says warmly. A laugh sputters in my throat when I watch Ruby’s cheeks turn the same shade as her hair. 
“I bet I’ve got you beat for that,” she says, flitting her eyes to me before briefly winking. 
“Oh, ‘s that right? Care t’ tune me in on this, Becks?” he poses to me, lifting an eyebrow as a question waits in his teasing eyes. 
“Becks?” Ruby coos and I shake my head at the both of them. 
“Just that day in the lecture hall when you came to talk to our class.” 
“Ah, makes sense. What, were you lot droolin’ over me too?” he jokes and Ruby’s loud laugh fills the air around us, interrupting the Christmas jingles. 
“No,” I insist, but Ruby disagrees. Soon, I find that my cheeks could give hers a run for their money as they flame with embarrassment. “Fine, I may have gotten a little lost in the moment.” 
“‘m sure that’s all you did,” Harry teases and I shove at his arm, savoring the sound of his laugh. It falls to an end when he caresses my head with his hand and kisses the top of my head. 
“Hell, you two couldn’t be any cuter,” Ruby comments from beside us, and I feel my cheeks fill with warmth. “I’m really happy for you two. Really, I am. I can’t remember ever seeing you this happy, Becky.” Tears prick at my eyes when she squeezes my arm and smiles at me like she’s never done before. “Lemme go and find that guy of ours, I bet he’s the one behind this plan.” 
“I like her,” Harry wheezes next to me, and I find the full smile that sits on his lips when I look. It shines down on me as his finger coasts along my forehead, moving a lock of hair out of my eyes. “I must agree with her, it makes me so happy t’ see how well yer doin’ now. Reckon I only saw a glimpse o’ yer life back then in uni, but yer happier now, I can tell.” 
“Hmm, I can only wonder why,” I giggle and he tries not to. A Mariah Carey song comes on next and the room erupts in loud cheers. My eyes fall to our intertwined hands and my spare that covers his, tracing the familiar curves of his rings. 
“Well, lookie who it is!” somebody almost shouts. I know the voice without even having to look. “Becky and her main man!” 
“Hi, Si,” I smile as he approaches us in a red and green Fair Isle sweater, considerably dominant to Ruby’s grandma looking one. Harry lucked out with a festive knit sweater with several shades of red, but he could make a hospital gown look good. Meanwhile, the next best thing I could find in Harry’s closet was a blue and white number with a cheery snowman on the front. 
“Hey, and Harry it ‘s, correct?” Si says, stepping forward with an outstretched hand. They both shake hands as Harry nods, and then I’m pulled into Si’s strong arms. Laughing, I make a break for it moments later, remembering I hadn’t seen them since graduation, or sometime around then. 
“I knew it, you know,” he says to Ruby beside him, shaking his head with a glow to his face. 
“Me too,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest as she smiles at me, knowingly. 
“You knew what?” I ask them, finding Harry’s hand again with my own. Mysterious laughs float between them and they spur one on mine, but mine fills with nervousness as I trace the knot on my ring finger. 
“That you’d go and work for Harry, again. Duh,” Si says, as if it’s the easiest secret in the world. 
“I bet Si fifty pounds you’d go back.” 
“I bet Rube seventy that you’d be back in three months,” he jests, straight white teeth showing behind his wide smile as laughs overcome the four of us. 
“You guys are so bad!” I chuckle, looking to Harry who just shrugs his shoulders. 
“What? We both shoulda seen it coming, it was a given, Becks.” 
“Becks, huh? I haven’t heard that one before,” Si comments, bringing a tall stein to his lips. He pulls it away and wipes at the creamy yellow liquid left behind on his lips. 
“Ya, um . . I called her by her last name fer awhile-.” 
“And some last names that weren’t mine,” I interrupt, making everybody laugh, even Harry who seems to remember for the first time in awhile. 
“As I was sayin’,” he continues, raising his eyebrows at me. “I got tired o’ Holte, tha name and tha girl.” Cue the laughing. “Anyways, I dunno, nothin’ else seemed right. Not tha classic Becky, ‘cuz ev’rybody who was anybody called her that. She was never called Rebecca, or Becca, but Becks jus’ fit her somehow,” Harry concludes, and for a few moments, it’s like there aren’t twenty people around us. It’s just us, and his neverending green eyes. 
“Looks like that ring fits rather well too,” Si comments, and my eyes go searching before I realize what he’s saying. 
“Si, you idiot, they’d tell you if they were ready,” Ruby scolds him, swatting at his arm. 
“Um, ow!” Si exclaims, shaking his head at her. “Sorry,” he tells us after Ruby gives him a good glare.
“It’s okay, it’s not an engagement ring. Harry got me a promise ring,” I tell them, and yet, I can’t keep my eyes off of Harry whose sunshine beats down on me. 
“That’s so great, Becky, congrats to you two!” 
“I haven’t even met a bloke who’s cute enough for me, and look at you two,” Si exhales, draining the rest of his drink with a sad smile. 
“Don’t be a party pooper,” Ruby remarks, shoving him away from her when he gives her a goofy look. “Anyways, I want to hear about all of your cases together! I can’t believe you got into Styles and Lawson, Becky- Well, I can now, but tell me about it! You two got that massive Lawton and Williams case, how was that?”
“Yeah, we’ve just been dying over here, dragging our feet through dry civil cases at Xavier’s,” Simon says with a roll of his eyes, but flashes me a smile. 
“Oh, yer at Xave’s? If yer lookin’ fer somethin’ new, my partner and I are hirin’ fer a new position, maybe we could fit one o’ you newbies in. We always love havin’ new graduates- well, yer a year old now, but if you’d be up fer it,” Harry announces, and my heart swells at the emotion on the both of their faces. 
“It’s a bloody miracle one of us is dating a bigshot lawyer innit? Any cute guys work at your firm, Harry?” Simon says, and us two girls bust out laughing as he looks around confused. Harry stays silent and Simon remains serious until his lips coated in eggnog spew a laugh and then we’re all laughing. “Just jokin’, mate!” 
They followed us into every next conversation and between our cups of eggnog and plates of cookies. I certainly wouldn’t have thought this time last year after graduating uni and missing the hell out of him that I’d be here. Sitting next to Harry on a sofa with my two best lawyer friends sharing stories as we all died laughing, and with a promise ring on my finger. 
I slowly started to let myself believe that things could be good again. 
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1-800-i-ship-it · 4 years
khun modern bf headcanons?
Hmm oof i am probably not the best person to be asking this cause I dont write fics or anything but I’ll do my best
So i realized that i just wrote plot stuff but im posting anyway cause i spent way too long on this ahaha 
apologies in advance for typos that I'm too lazy to go through and correct
Enjoy the headcanons that i wrote later + plots that i originally wrote and went on a long tangent on oops
Khun would be that subtle overprotective boyfriend 
He’d just kinda silently watch from afar but he’d totally kill anybody who hurt bam in any way, shape, or form
But he’d like be SUPER sweet with bam like
Pet names yall PET NAMES like khun and bam would prob both mutually melt when they call each other pet names
Khun would always help bam with hw and whatnot, let’s pretend bam’s a physics genius cause thats just how i imagine him in modern life, always has trouble with law class (he’s  taking it just for khun so he can understand what khun’s talking about) so khun helps him
Khun would be a super smooth talker, can woo a n y b o d y, exceptional at speeches, captain of speech and debate team
Khun would never admit he’s jealous but like the whole gang would know (except for bam who’s clueless as usual) 
Like bam is friendly with everybody so khun’d just be like ugh screw yall 
But then bam always confides in him and spends a crapload amt of time with him so he knows he’s just doubting himself and he’s mad at himself about it cause he knows bam is loyal to a fault and would never betray him
When bam gets older bam uses this against him hehe
Khun would also be that bf that everyones jealous of 
Everyone would want to be with khun but he only has eyes for bam
Ignores everybody else who hits on him
Side note i still stan top!bam and bottom!khun 
Khun would also be super thoughtful and goes out of his way to help make bam’s life easier whether its doing chores or smth etc, and each time bam smiles at him and expresses his gratitude khun’s heart would melt for the 1000th time
But like secretly khun really likes confident and sexy bam
They’d probably roleplay ngl (let ur imagination wonder~)
Khun would enjoy just spending time with bam :’) just cuddling and doing mundane things, they’d be super adorable together, hugs and kisses and ah just too cute-
Khun secretly likes bdsm and bam knows this 😏they switch roles from time to time, i cant decide who’s sub/dom
Khun would plan a super elaborate proposal to bam but then somehow bam would catch him off guard and then khun would just blurt it out when they’re together <3
Khun’d always be up early to cook for bam, they both morning ppl tho khun’s always sleep deprived bc hes also a night owl 
Khun is shy with pda in public but eventually he and bam decide they dont care anymore and just hold hands and act all lovey dovey to the point where shibisu cant decide if he’s a proud dad or if he wants to throw up, rak is always proud of his turtles, endorsi and hatz literally want to throw up all the time and would die before admitting that they secretly approve of khunbam
Khun is all around a model bf that i am sure half the fandom would be willing to date but im sorry guys khun’s taken cause he’s only got eyes for bam~
Plot things/idk what they’re called:
CEO!khun and intern!bam
Assassin!khun and assassin!bam who eventually get together and destroy the corrupt system
Gdi i thought of so many while having dinner but i forgot
Imagine bam as jue viole grace like forced to work in a gang or smth and then khun as the gang boss 
I totally dont have a thing for badass assassin themed things pls dont judge me
Teacher!khun and student!bam (ofc it’d be near graduation if u get my drift...😏)
Idk why i thought of this but imagine idol khun o.o wait YO idol khun + assistant bam
Tutor!khun and student!bam 
I feel like im literally just saying the same ideas
Theres a reason why im not a fic writer :’)
High school sweethearts -> angst bc parents dont approve, sad forced breakup, no contact -> get back together when older after a time-lapse when they’re more mature, heated reunion 
Best friends bam and khun since preschool, since they were in the womb, PINING, both of them scared to admit it cause they dont want to ruin their friendship, meanwhile the entire gang is betting on them getting together (aka mainly rak and shibisu betting, hatz, endorsi, anaak, (insert s2 and s3 gang dont wanna spoil) everybody etc)
Uni students with khun as a law major and bam as a cs major (both geniuses, nerd bam), roommates *insert smirk* lots of pining, blushes from them casually changing in front of each other...the rest is up to ur imagination
Khun and bam as rival sports teams coaches 
Age gap!khunbam (not a lot, somewhere between 5-8 yrs), with bam as the younger one who kept saying that he loves khun but khun just laughs it off bc bams a kid but then khun sees bam after he comes back from college and bam gets a massive glowup from clueless cinnamon roll to clueless cinnamon roll hottie who only has the hots for khun (still) and then khuns all like “fuck” *dies inside*
Single dad khun, bam as a daycare employee who keeps getting flustered by khun, khun takes interest in bam bc he doesn’t ask nosy questions like other ppl, and bam has these mesmerizing golden eyes
Tailor/dry cleaner owner!bam and office worker!khun who constantly needs his clothes to be altered so they fit exactly how he wants them to (this eventually results in awkward moments and blushing), and also dry cleans like his countless number of suits and dress shirts and whatnot
Author!khun and publishing assistant!bam (is it even called publishing assistant honestly i have no idea but u get what i mean right), khun never signs books but bam convinces him to 
Poet!khun and uni student!bam as a literature major who’s a big fan and wanted to meet khun at one of his signings but is too shy even though shibisu drags him there, accidentally bumps into khun in the bathroom, is all flustered, ends up talking to khun for super long, khun loves bam’s enthusiasm for the subject, offers to give feedback on bam’s poems, bam is literally about to combust, they have lots of meetings and khun flirts with bam who’s clueless but blushes a lot anyway, they kiss *ahem* the rest is history
Spy!khun and bam, khun realizing he doesn’t want to hurt bam, sends fake info back to his country (ruled by eduan and jahad), eduan finds out (sent khun out in the first place bc khun was a threat to him cause the ppl liked khun better), sends out an assassin to get khun, who knows this and escapes with bam somewhere, some complicated plot taht idk how to figure out but you get the drift, eventually khun rules the country with bam
Real estate agent khun and contractor bam, eventually start their own business together
Khun as student pres, also known as the ice king bc he’s turned down dating everyone who asked, bam as the transfer student who catches his attention  (bam with more of a jue viole grace complex), the silent physics genius who is also on par with khun when debating in speech and debate club 
Khun and bam as besties, always do their hw together and hang out after class (cause bam always needs help haha), something leads to them fake dating, eventually real dating 😏
Khun and bam as besties, always do their hw together and hang out after class (cause bam always needs help haha), someone (rachel, DO NOT KILL ME I HAVE A REASON) asks bam out and he doesn't know how to say no (the rest of the gang egging him to date cause they know khuns gonna be jelly) khun goes and sulks, eventually bam gets hurt and manipulated by her, khun is pissed off, rachel is reported for abuse, khun and the gang fight for bam, khun is there for bam all the time, after a while bam asks khun out of the blue if khun likes him (shibisu let it slip that khun is gay bc god knows bam is oblivious af), khun is shocked but says yes bc he cant hide it anymore, bam says he always loved khun but thought khun was straight (bc of some dumb rumor someone said) which was why he ignored his feelings and agreed to date rachel bc he just wanted to distract himself, lots of cuddling thereafter, they get together, rak wins the bet for when khunbam will get together, khunbam gets married
oh man that became way longer than i expected...anon i hope u enjoyed that? half of it prob made 0 sense ngl and idek if i answered the q properly?
kudos to you if you actually read like all my rambling :’)
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koiyyo · 4 years
hnng i want to request a lot of things but i’m scared to but!!! how would the classes play animal crossing and/or their favorite villagers if it wouldn’t be too hard! thank u
hi, mod kiwi here! thanks for the ask, anon- don’t be afraid to ask us whatever!! :)
(also me and irusu r really cool and helped) -mod corn
here we go! animal crossing time!
dr1 cast!
- plays daily- his favorite villager is probably poppy- his favorite special villager is shrunk- silly axolotl man- got really confused the first time one of his tools broke- almost started crying- invites every animal he meets into his island no matter what- does EVERY favor villagers ask of him - actually likes bunny day and thinks the eggs are adorable
- only got it because makoto BEGGED her to get it- her favorite villager is judy she’s hella cute- her favorite special villager is sable - just chilling- tons of purple flowers on her island - doesn’t like peppy villagers, feel like they’re too hyper for her- puts a lot of care into her villagers doe- likes going to a mystery island and just investigating,,, unless it has tarantulas
- surprisingly really likes animal crossing- acts like he doesn’t- his favorite villager is raymond… of course- his favorite special villager is tom nook- chased around makoto holding an axe one time- makoto was literally crying- makoto thought that you could actually kill people with axes in animal crossing- byakuya found this amusing
- actually enjoys ac a lot- her favorite villager is chrissy, she just has awesome vibes- her favorite special villager is mabel cause she’s,, blue,, - loves taking videos/pictures of villagers singing- tries to hum along,, fails- her islands are always covered in tons of flowers (mostly blue!!)- enjoys inviting people to her island and showing them around
- takes ac too seriously- her favorite villager is definitely audie cause she’s an embodiment of fashion statement- her favorite special villager is sable cause who doesn’t love clothing- harasses mukuro to come to her island anytime she plays- will dig holes everywhere whenever someone visits- her house should be in a magazine it’s so pretty,,- new outfit for everyday of the month- hosts fashion shows religiously with her friends or anyone she can get her hands on
- doesn’t really play just sits back and watches junko- plays on her save every now and then doe- favorite villager is vivian since she reminds her of junko- favorite special villager is sable- doesn’t like talking to villagers, feels like they're judging her- if a villager pisses her off she makes plans to kill them- she can’t, so she settles for bonking them until they leave
- avid ac fan- favorite villager is sheldon, he can respect the hustle- favorite special villager is isabelle cause she’s precious- cries if he accidentally hurts a villagers feelings- is hella rich- loves decorating around the villagers’ house as best he can- his island is more nature themed,, its just more relaxing- takes tons of scenic pictures, mostly with mondo and taka
- “i would never play a BABY game”- next thing he knows, he’s up at 3 am whispering how cute the villagers are- favorite villager is tex he’s so chonky (and his taste in fashion is top tier)- favorite special villager is k.k cause Damn He Vibes- will constantly run over his flower and almost throw his console- asks chihiro for advice constantly- “h-how do i get.. good fish..”- quality bonding time- doesn’t tell people he plays but gushes about it in private
- claims he doesn’t have time for it- he actually does,, and plays it any chance he gets- favorite villager is kid cat cause he’s so funky- favorite special villager is blathers since he teaches him a lot- can’t handle lazy villagers, they didn’t do anything wrong he just feels like they will slack off in his uptight town smh- doesn’t really care about designing his town, mostly completing tasks he needs to- likes having red flowers everywhere tho- will cry if he doesn’t get all the fish/insects he needs on time- beats up any visitor that leaves something on the ground
- attempted to buy Doom instead- favorite villager is coco, she’s just so cute/creepy- favorite special villager is jack he vibes- hates interacting with her villagers cause she feels like she’ll mess it up- tried to get byakuya to let her on his island, or for him to visit hers- is very thorough about decorating her island- tries to have a story behind it so it feels more unique- always ugly sobs when her flowers end up gone
- attempted to buy AC instead, she won- favorite villager is lucky, feels like he has serial killer vibes- favorite special villager is jack- runs over any flowers that toko tries to plant- tries to make the island scary themed- if any villager “looks at her wrong” she harasses them daily- leaves them gruesome letters even tho they cant understand
- doesn’t even know how he got a copy he just does- favorite villager is sherb- favorite special villager is wisp since he likes getting stuff, he likes harvey too- doesn’t bother putting effort into designing his island- only plays while high so he thinks the villagers are kinda scary- “why are they,, staring at me like that,,,”- has never repaid his debt to tom nook
- her brother was the one who introduced her to the series, loves it- favorite villager is ketchup cause shes cute and can swim!!- favorite special villager is gulliver since he’s goofy- loves fishing anytime she can- always plays when she wakes up early in the morning and before bed- anytime she gets something new she acts like a child on christmas- thinks all villagers are cute and got pouty when she couldn’t have them all on her island- can never outrun tarantulas ):
- loves playing when hina is around- her favorite villager is maddie, reminds her of hina- favorite special villager is daisy mae she’s just really cute- hina helps her decorate her island since she doesn’t care that much- gets sad if she accidentally hits a villager- enjoys playing at night since it’s relaxing- constantly being stung by wasps pls help her
- favorite villager is portia she’s fancy as hell- favorite special villager is celeste duh- likes taking slow strolls through her museum to see her progress- her house is very victorian-esque- lots of tables with tea around her island- likes designing gothic clothes- anything on her island that can be black is - has a crime scene hidden on her island just for the hell of it
- favorite villager is snooty, wants her to step on him- favorite special villager is isabelle- his island is only anime themed- has anime girl “posters” all over his house, and on his clothing- always gets stung by wasps and claims that it’s unfair- no one interacts with him
- didn’t think he’d be into ac- favorite villager is leonardo- favorite special villager is k.k- doesn’t play this game very religiously- his island shows that smh- says he’ll break his console if he gets another sea bass- likes having a relaxing walk while playing to calm him down doe- outfit is just a baseball jersey
- favorite villager is felicity- favorite special villager is isabelle- likes playing with makoto and toko- her island is very cute, whenever someone tells her this she gets vry flustered- the shine in her eyes gets 10x brighter when she catches a big fish- loves staring at her aquarium- all her clothing is pastel and cute- has every type of tree on her island,, for the vibe
- enjoys ac- gets confused every 2 seconds doe- one time chiaki make rosie move out of hajime’s island as a prank. he will never forgive her for this- his favorite villager is rosie cuz she’s just adorable,, also vibes with kabuki- his favorite special character is flick. funky chameleon boy- grumbles about how he misses rosie constantly- loves tangy doe,, calls her orange juice
- loves to play with hajime and chiaki- only villagers that he likes ever move into his island bc of his luck- one time rosie moved into his island. hajime was fucking pissed- his favorite villager is ruby because she was one of his first animals to move into his island- his favorite special character is jack- likes having green flowers everywhere- got every fish he needed too cause of his damn luck
- had her hands on it the second the game was released. plays constantly- always has an absurd number of bells and nook miles- her favorite villager is lolly :”)- her favorite special character is blathers bc funny sleepy owl man- has never seen daytime cause she sleeps during the day- even if she’s lazy her island is gucci as hell- invites hajime to her island just to bonk him and leave him to fight wasps
- camped outside of gamestop till it opened, screamed when she got her hands on a copy- her favorite animal is definitely bella- favorite special villager is k.k., attends all his concerts, and has all his songs- anytime she makes a mistake she’ll just yell “NO!”- is actually pretty calm playing- will give all the villagers wacky voices, ends up in snort laughter- doesn’t like fishing cause she always pulls the rod in to early- loves having colors EVEYRRYWRHERE
- favorite villager is fauna- favorite special villager is lable- anytime she gets stung she’s on top of it, has tons of medicine- cries when she does anything wrong- worries if her villagers judge her- sucks at fishing- all of her clothing has at least one (1) bandaid included cause why not- her actual villager has a bandaid on its face for the aesthetic™- loves when she’s sitting on a bench and a villager joins
- has so many random photos of nature or villagers- favorite villager is tasha she’s vry cute!!- favorite special villager is pavé since HES flamboyant and good for pictures- her island is very aesthetic- tons of pretty flowers everywhere, and everything place is just aligned perfectly somehow- loves touring others islands, especially hiyoko’s- her outfit has a drawn on camera for the vibe
- avid fan of animal crossing- if you cant interact with real life animals then games >>- favorite villager is all of them (but favors marshal more,, reminds her of fuyuhiko)- favorite special villager is isabelle- has never bullied or hit one (1) of her villagers, cherishes them too much- will send them letters saying how much she loves them from time to time- her island is very pretty and all her villagers are decorated outside- forgets to eat dinner or sleep cause she plays it so much
- “how many things in the game can i eat”- favorite villager is katt cause she’s so INDEPENDENT- favorite special villager is jingle, always makes her excited- has a makeshift restaurant on her island- all her outfits have food somewhere on them- every fruit tree she can get she has, she requires food 24/7- constantly threatens to fight tom nook for putting her in debt
- FAV VILLAGER MARSHAL 100%- also pashmina cause she reminds him of natsumi- natsumi was the one who convinced him to get it, showed it to peko- now they play it every night together before bed- yells at villagers anytime they get in his way then apologizes profusely- peko has to help him design his island he just doesn’t get it- takes her on ac dates, they just stargaze or look at their aquariums- likes to talk to the villagers as if they can hear him,, will blush and deny if peko points it out
- favorite villager is tia because she “looks fancy”- favorite special villager is pavé- has tons of outfits related to disney princesses- her island is very modern looking, prefers stone things than wooden- has tons of fashion shows- everything about her island is clean and aligned- lets gundham visit a lot to check in on her cute villagers- hella rich has that bell cash money
- compliments sonia’s island everyday even if he hasn’t been allowed on it- favorite villager is freya, loves her colors- favorite special villager is harvey cause he vibes- screams anytime he gets a big fish- island lowkey looks like trash but sonia gives him advice amen- is pretty smart about wasps, but lacks iq with anything else like tarantulas- unironically celebrates the villagers’ birthdays- even if he’s feral he likes to take a chill pill and play ac
- ew- favorite villager is merengue- favorite special villager is isabelle- tries to flirt with villagers through letters- all the villagers on his island are wamen- tried to buy nude qr codes,, failed- always has an apron on and has a little cafe on his island
- favorite villager is keaton since he’s funky- favorite special villager is blanca- scoffs anytime they miss an insect or fish- dedicated to ac after they said they wouldn’t be- their island is actually pretty well decorated, they enjoy having flowers everywhere- until they run over them and regret living
- favorite villager is soleil, tiny and cute- favorite special villager is jack- mahiru suggested ac to her and then she got obsessed- always bullies her villagers, its a miracle they haven’t moved out- pitfall seeds buried all over her island for poor, unsuspecting visitors- her island is akin to hell no one wants to visit her- its a shame since its so pretty tho- likes visiting places with mahiru and letting her take photos- enjoys spinning to pretend she’s dancing
- his favorite villagers are all the hamsters- his favorite special villager is daisy mae- has played since the first game, religious fan of it- never been rude to one of his villagers- takes designing very seriously and it pays off- despite his very colorful island his outfits are pretty dark- walks around sonia’s island a lot and they stargaze sometimes- played it for 24 hours straight once, almost died- goes on to ac forums and starts flame wars with anyone that bullies their villagers (mainly hiyoko)
- plays every now and then, loves it a lot- favorite villager is kevin since he vibes- favorite special villager is jingle, gets him hyped- anytime a villager starts singing he’ll yell “YOU’RE DOING GREAT”- doesn’t know how to decorate,, at all,,- his house is just another storage room to him- is in tons of debt due to tom, would rather buy expensive stuff with his bells- yells when fishing. doesn’t matter if its a big fish or not, he just does- will hype up someone when he goes to their island
dr v3!
- kaede convinced him to get it and loves it- favorite villagers are punchy and beau, he just thinks theyre funky- favorite special villager is flick cause he’s laid back- waterfalls all over his island, says its a memorial to the waterfalls of tears he loses every night- visits his friends islands a lot- has tons of blue flowers and hasn’t ruined them once amen- kokichi ruined them once though. he cried- island is very aesthetic since it’s mostly nature themed- cries happy tears when villagers do ANYTHING- cherishes anything his friends gift him- except for kokichi, he sent him a threat and a shirt saying “nerd”
- doesn’t tell a lot of people she plays it, very shy about it- favorite villager is cherry- favorite special villager is celeste- everything on her island is red and pink- even if she’s tough on the inside she loves having a cute island- has a place specifically to sit and watch the stars (mainly for when kaede and/or kaito is with her)- gets overly defensive when people ask why she loves her villagers so much- “I JUST-” sobs “DO”- gets bullied by kokichi for anything she does while playing- resulted in a broken arm and trampled flowers. F
- only plays at night until tenko convinces her to wake up earlier- favorite villager is bob- favorite special villager is k.k- just likes vibing doesn’t take anything to seriously- tries her best for her outfits to resemble a magician- preforms “magic” shows ( it’s really just her throwing down items and claiming it appeared magically )- tenko and angie drag her all across their islands daily, acts like she doesn’t love it but its the main reason she still plays- anytime she gets something new she just shrugs- doesn’t like zipper and tenko has to assure her it isn’t a murderer tracking her location
- favorite villager is bianca- favorite special villager is k.k, unironically likes his music- has a piano in every room of her house- pretends to play said pianos for friends that are visiting- rainbow flowers everywhere- except red because she gives those all to maki- convinces people to have fashion shows with her, no actual winners, but they all win in her heart- plays it a lot in her free time, kind of addicted- likes to hum along with singing villagers- everything about her island is just hella cute
- “whats an animal crossing”- and ever since that day he’s been a religious fan, amen- favorite villager is chief, likes making “that ain’t it chief” jokes- favorite special villager is k.k, will listen to his music whenever he’s staring off into space- his island is lazily made but still looks so good??- will just stare at butterflies before remembering he should catch them- “what’s the point of an ocean if i can’t sail it bro..”- loves playing at night cause of shooting stars- always wishes for kokichi to stop sending him hate letters
- favorite villager is whitney and tia since theyre,, cool n chill- favorite special villager is isabelle- her house and island are 100% CLEAN- has a zen garden behind her house- anytime someone visits her island she offers them tea- treats the villagers like her own family- likes sending them letters with perfect grammar, just pleases her soul- has never gotten stung by a wasp her iq is large- her outfit looks like a maid amen- kokichi always ask her to clean his island, never happened
- favorite villager is rasher- favorite special villager is kicks- doesn’t get the appeal of ac- will play it for like 5 minutes tops- enjoys the fishing aspect doe- anytime he visits someones island he will just sit on the shore and stare out into the ocean- thanks god that his villager is the same height as all the animal ones, now he isn’t short (:
- body outlines, blood, and bloody summoning ritual circles everywhere on his island- favorite villager is lucky- favorite special villager is jack and blathers- keeps scary looking fish in his house- said house is dark and probably has an occult book somewhere- curses his villagers in an unknown language whenever they forsake him- every screenshot of a villager he has includes him behind a tree staring menacingly at them- doesn’t invite people to his island, people don’t even wanna come- if he somehow ends up on somebody's island he’ll stalk them- became an urban legend on all the ac forums
- her favorite villager is ankha- favorite special villager is isabelle and jingle- anytime a villager moves in she says “atua has blessed angie with a cute villager!”- likes yellow flowers- her outfit is just a smock with paint on it amen- sends people and villagers letters wishing them good health every. single. day.- likes tagging along with tenko and himiko whenever they do something- loves chasing butterflies
- was very hyped over the game since everybody else hyped it up- favorite villager is nibbles and cookie they’re just VIBING- favorite special villager is isabelle (screams anytime she is on screen)- will wake up himiko or angie at 3 am to flex the big fish she just got- got rich just to buy them gifts- anytime a guy is in her presence she bonks them with a net- this is the reason she has no male villagers, and no males invited. periadt.- has matching outfits with da girls- grows lots of flowers (mainly to give to her friends amen)- cherishes this game cause it gives her an excuse to spend time with da girls
- favorite villager is olivia - favorite special villager is shrunk- constant sex jokes- her outfit looks like a stripper deadass- harasses people about not knowing how to play when she, herself, does not have a damn clue- almost ruined her console cause she’ll spit out her drink when she gets a big fish- everything she does is feral- never stops running so she doesnt have flowers- kokichi steals any flowers she may have anyway- decorating? whats that? just throw random stuff on ur island
- his favorite villager is joey cause he’s funny looking and trying his best- his favorite special villager is blathers- island looks pretty natural, just dirt paths every now and then- will hunt down an insect even if he has it already- was sad he had to give up his insects to blathers, then realized... he can catch them again!!- has a garden and always gets excited when butterflies fly around- golden net to show off how much of a pro he is at collecting insects- gets shy anytime someone visits but his islands so cute,,
- favorite villager is apollo because he’s named after the apollo 11- favorite special villager is harvey, can respect his vibes- likes walking around with maki and shuichi- tries his best to play it but he’s kinda dumb,,- whenever gets something new he loses all his brain cells in excitement- will probably never pay tom nook back. he is clueless about even being in debt.- mostly plays before bed cause he stares at the stars- will send maki pictures of shooting stars even if its 2 am- island is pretty natural since he forgets to decorate it,,
- favorite villager is pietro cause he always compares him to people- loves all the mouse villagers- favorite special villager is jack and blanca- all over his island is just. holes and pitfall seeds.- has fallen into the holes plenty of times himself- sends all of his friends letters, which just consist of him making fun of them- tons of carnival things around his island since “ur invited to the circus clown”- his house looks like jail for no reason- clowns others for having poor taste in fashion when he just cosplays a RAT- also has an outfit that looks like a trash can xoxo
- favorite villager is ribbot, they’re practically the same- favorite special villager is snowboy and blathers- anytime he reads text its so robotic,, hella funny to whoever's playing with him- everything also confuses him- “what is a .. c+??”- is actually very efficient and paid off his tom nook debts in no time- respects his villagers a lot and will give them gifts- his favorite part is chasing butterflies, usually misses tho- accidentally shot a gift balloon over water, searched for it for over 10 minutes- anytime someone does something he just does a happy emote @ them,,
- favorite villager is tasha she’s a bad bithc- favorite special villager is blanca- has so many different outfits as different anime characters- her island is so well decorated- loves taking aesthetic screenshots with her anime outfits- takes commissions for designing clothing amen- runs an ac instagram just to flex how pretty her things are- actually enjoys the game a lot, especially with other people
i fucking hate tumblr formatting - mod irusu who edited this
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furiousgoldfish · 6 years
Actually i’m not done being pissed off at fathers and their entire culture it’s been enough of this bullshit. 
Fathers have built such specific environment for themselves where they call themselves “provider” and make themselves seem fucking invaluable, heads of families and houses, the leaders, the protectors, the most important dna, the one who makes decisions, creates orders and assignments, the one worth impressing and wanting approval from, and the reality of them is so, so pathetic.
Firstly provider? That is the first straight up lie because fathers are the worst most spoiled fucking babies, they’re there to take and not provide. They’re here for the attention, support, and labour of the entire family, they will not clean, cook, tidy, iron, wash floors, do dishes, or even give basic attention and empathy to another family member unless it somehow benefits their image as a good father, and even then it’s only for other people to see! I’ve never seen anyone take attention and fish for constant praise more selfishly than fathers and I’m fucking sick of it, if you need to be paid attention and praised 24/7 call yourself a fucking baby that you are, you’re exhausting your family for your own needs and that is not what we’re here for.
I’m sickened by their fucking hypocrisy of playing the victim because “he has a job” because you know fucking what, if they had no family, they would still have to have a job, and they built the society specifically that so with a wife, and kids, they would have higher social status at their job, they have less chance of being fired because nobody wants to fire a father, they have bigger paychecks and get more tax relief for supporting children and then they turn around and call us “mouths to feed”? They literally have the nerve to take everything they can, use us to fuck up at work and get away with it! Not to mention that if they live in rural areas, they commonly force their family to take care of gardens, animals and their entire fucking property for FUCKING FREE and can you even fucking imagine how much more expensive would it be for them to live at that level if they had to pay people to cook and clean and take care of property? They’re literally gaining so much fucking value by forcing their family to do physical labour for them and then they call it “chores” AND COMPLAIN ABOUT IT NOT BEING DONE WELL ENOUGH! They still have the nerve to complain about food, complain about clothes, complain about every single fucking thing anyone does for them, oh and don’t even get me started on them being like “you’re not doing it for me, you’re doing it for yourself” A FUCKING LIE! I’ve been told this all my life and I never had one(1) benefit of anything I was ordered to do, it was literally all for his lazy, selfish, disgusting ass.
Next thing, why the fuck do they think they can append their fucking last names to us and pretend they’re heads of bloodlines, some of us would rather die than walk around shamed with their disgusting legacies of abuse and entitlement, we don’t fucking want or need their last names they can stick them up their butt. 
How is it fucking possible that a family would allow their most entitles, selfish, self-serving, self-gratifying, self-important, and only-caring-for-his-own-ass member to order others around? They literally force family members to work for his benefit alone! It’s never for the good of entire family, he’s literally only looking after himself! How many times fathers look into what other family members wanna do and achieve? Literally never! They decide for everyone and it’s always in their own personal benefit!  They don’t even fucking act like the rest of the family is allowed to have interests that aren’t benefiting them, they will literally decide that family should be interested in whatever he’s interested, and that whatever’s good for him should as well be good for the rest, this is not how humanity fucking works! Why the fuck should one shitty ass human decide for multiple people! Why the fuck would anyone with a brain allow another to decide what’s in their interest! Yet fathers just fucking go with that without even thinking bc they don’t view the rest of the family as equal people! Some go as fucking far as compare families to corporations and call themselves the boss, that is fucking dehumanizing and none of us are getting paid! We get no rights or benefits we should just fucking be happy with whatever we get and be grateful we’re allowed to sleep, in his fucking house! Like you’re a human being if you can berate people you live with for, you know, living with you, and making your life hella lot easier.
How many times has your father acted like you’re obliged to be interested in his interests, and take part in his hobbies while he never did the same to you? How many times did he act like you’re supposed to be working your ass off to be good enough for him and to impress him, while he never even considered you worthy of impressing? How many times has he raised his voice to make sure that you know what he is saying is a fucking ORDER like you’re a servant or a slave and not equal human being he cares about now hurting? How many times has he berated you for “not knowing what you’re doing” while he launched into his most selfish fantasies and pushed other people into working for it, because he just fucking felt like it and never even considered the labour and pain it was causing them? How many times did he humiliate and make fun of you to put off attention from what a huge fucking abusive asshole he is? How many times do fathers cause the most pain, shame, work, fear and terror for their families, and they still have the nerve to call themselves protectors and leaders? How much leading is directed into his own personal hellhole fantasies which make his life awesome and yours a servitude? How many times has he implied or stated directly that he matters more than you, his child, his family member? How many times were you reminded that he is superior to you in every single way? How many times did he berate you for resting, for not working, for not doing things for him, while he felt immensely entitled to spending as much leisure time as possible doing exactly what he likes, not thinking for one second he should instead be doing something for you?
This is not humane, this is not okay, it’s not normal, he is one, despicable, selfish human being, and calling himself father opened up thousand of possibilities of abuse, exploitation, and on top of it, playing the fucking victim and a hero at the same time. Ditch fathers. Kick them out. They’re not the providers, they’re the most spoiled babies everyone else is providing for. And most of all, they’re liars who take from others and give to themselves, constantly. Please feel free to throw all of their lies, in their face, every single day of their lives until they remember where they fucking stand, and no longer feel the right to tell you fucking anything. They are not worth wanting approval from, you’re the one they should be seeking approval from.
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
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Hi! Thank you so much for being so patient with me, this week has been super crazy but I’m so excited to write this for you. I gave you a bf and a friend, I hope that’s what you wanted? Haha if not feel free to lmk
I ship you (romantically) with Sam Wilson!
Okay first off I LOVE Sam this is secretly a Sam Wilson stan account
I’m so marvel deprived tho I had to make positive that was his name bc it lowkey sounds fake anyways enough w my tangents
This is the time to mention that Sam is 5’10”
If you ever wear heels he WILL put on his wings and fly up so he’s taller than you
It doesn’t actually hurt his ego to be shorter than you, but he sure likes to pretend it does
I’m an ENFJ and my sis is an INTP so I’d like to say I get the vibes you give off 
Hear me out, it usually takes you a bit to warm up around ppl but Sam is different
He’s so charismatic and friendly you click with him immediately
The first time you meet you’re in line at a coffee shop (oops sorry didn’t mean to make this a coffee shop au) and the line was so long he started talking to you
How did you end up telling him about your favorite childhood toy within 20 minutes? Who knows
You guys enjoyed your drinks together and kept talking... he’s just so naturally good at conversation
And you felt comfy around him immediately, so you were your chatty self your friends know and love so much
He HATES poetry
Well he did
He just had bad memories of having to read and write haikus in seventh grade english
But when you introduce him to true poetry, he actually kinda likes it
He wishes he could talk as smooth as the poets
He tries to quote some to you like a pick-up line but forgets it
Sometimes he tries to quote Shakespeare and he’s just like “doth” and “thou” and neither of you can keep a straight face
You’re interested in history and psychology?
Well he certainly knows a certain winter soldier whose head has been to hell and back and happens to be from the past
Bucky is actually super nice to you; he was closed-off at first, but when you talk to him he knows you mean no malice, so he slowly starts to open up more
Steve and Sam are just dumbfounded bc Bucky’s never told these stories to anyone
Sam is always down to go on an adventure
He offered to take you flying once but you heavily refused
He has let you pilot RedWing though which is pretty fun
He also likes to explore the city with you
On vacations, you walk around with no map, just seeing where you end up
This man is SO good at banter. You’ll never be bored around him. He always always has a comeback
Again you’ve become Bucky’s therapist
Tony’s lowkey too
Sam doesn’t get jealous when you hang out with them per say, he just gets needy for your attention because you’re around him but you aren’t focusing on him
He loves having your attention
He really hates fighting, but isn’t afraid to stick up for what he believes in
If you have an argument, he’ll leave you alone for a bit to cool down and then apologize
He always is the one to apologize first
If you’re withdrawn afterwards, he mopes
He starts making cookies and other fattening things and lounges around and watches movies
It entices you to go hang out with him, especially when he’s so pitiful
He’s a cheesy romantic. Loves rooftop picnics and dancing in the rain. No giant public displays of affection, but lots of private dates and romantic gestures so long as it’s just you and him
He’s a daydreamer too. Loves laying in bed on lazy mornings with you and just thinking, enjoying one another’s presence
I think you’d be good friends with Wade Wilson!
Not intentional that their last names are both Wilson oops
If you have not heard before, my sister helps me w these matchups and she loves Deadpool and was confident you two would be great friends
Bear with me as I use my not very thorough knowledge for this one
I hope you don’t mind being teased bc he’ll tease you all the time
But also on the other hand compliment you like crazy
One moment he goes from saying your eyes are absolutely gorgeous to him saying they’re such a boring color (no hate to brown eyes he’s just dumb)
You’re good at getting yourself out of sticky situations? Good. Wade always gets you in them
Not like he’s robbing a bank or anything and needs a lie to get past the cops or anything like that
He just pisses a lot of people off and likes to make bets that he tends to lose
It’s your job to go out with him on drinking nights and watch over him
The first time you talked him out of a fight over the fact that he was flirting with a dude’s girlfriend (which he totally was), he was amazed and begged you to go out with him all the time
He daydreams nonstop
Also writes poetry and fan fiction and asks you to proofread it and give your honest opinion
His imagery is shockingly good in poems, but then he has to rhyme at the end of every line like “Cheeto” and “neato.” Why wade. Why.
Fashion ICON
makes you take him with you when you go shopping
Always in the dressing room with you to zip up your dress if you need it
But never ever inappropriate. He always turns while you’re getting dressed which is kinda shocking
You’re his friend. He’d never be creepy like that
Your fashion game is a whole new level because of him
Lots more statement pieces. Leopard print jackets. Purple jewelery. Big handbags
He doesn’t think fashion should ever be subtle and he’s kinda wearing off on you
You’ve become his therapist too sigh
He talks about less pressing matters tho
Just likes having you to support him
Oop also you’re one of the only ppl he talks to when he’s mad or acting all stubborn
Your favorite pastime is watching bad reality TV when you have free time
The others think you two are so weird but you don’t care. You two are such great friends
Thanks again for your request and your patience! Sorry if they seem a little shorter than usual; I’m tired tonight but wanted to get this out for you :)
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joyxsoul · 5 years
han jisung as ur boyfriend
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-lmao there’s so many of these, but here’s another !! (highschool au rlly lol)
-okay, so u two met at school in ur senior year. he was a class clown type, always making jokes, being loud with his friends annoying every one of his teachers along the way.
-bUt, you made him soft !! like the instant he saw you, a little smile was on his face, making his friends (especially his best friend Felix) tease lil jisung, wondering who, or what could have made him this flustered
-i mean, he stopped talking for a full two hours after he saw you, your power
-anyways !!
-you had a couple of classes together, being history and english, and jisung just loved to watch you whenever there was free time between lectures
-it sounds hella creepy (it kinda was), but the way you scrunched your nose when you were concentrated, or your smirk when you finally figured something out or finished a project made his heart jump in his chest
-you were making THE han jisung shut up
-(like i said, your power :3)
-eventually, he grew the courage to talk to you (which included a pep talk from all of his closest friends, making him stand in front of the mirror and scream, “YOU ARE THE SHIT !!”)
-his tactic was to start with a pick-up line, a very classy, “on a scale of one to america, how free are you tonight ?” 
-hyunjin cringed listening to that one, seungmin was sure jisung had blew it and was gonna beat his ass after
-you were a bit surprised; you two weren’t in the same friend group and you hadn’t been seated together at any point
-but you DEFINITELY knew who he was bc who in this school didn’t know his group (a weird combination of crackheads, intellects, and stoners)
-i’ll let you decide who the stoners are in skz ;)
-being as easygoing as you were, you just laughed, responding with “are you from tennessee ? because you’re the only ten i see”
-jisung thought he was going to piss his pants he was so nervous 
-glad that he hadn’t completely ruined his image in front of you, he pulled out the empty chair beside you and struck up a conversation, most likely something related to the substitute asleep at the teacher’s desk
- you guys began to talk more often, working together on various projects, “studying” in the library (all it was was him pointing out random people in a textbook and saying, ‘that’s you’), and sitting together at lunch
-one night, he was facetiming you about homework for your history class. it was probably around 10 pm, and he spent most of the call complaining about how the pizza place messed up his order and gave him pepperoni instead of cheese 
-he had this gray hoodie on; he looked so tired and you constantly fussed over how he should get some more sleep, but he looked so cute in-
-wait did you just call him cute
-you couldn’t lie, jisung was attractive; his almond shaped eyes, his heart shaped mouth, his fluffy long hair, how his nickname was ‘quokka’ due to his face and his personality, how he texted you every morning and night, the way he said your name-
- “y/n ? is something wrong ? stop staring at my face.”
-oh shit you have a crush on han jisung
- “i told you to stop staring !! what, you have a crush on me or something ?” you shook yourself out of it, staring at him through the screen with wide eyes
-he was playing with the strings of his hoodie, his hair being messy with all the times he ran his hand through it. it was a habit you always rolled your eyes at; he’d obviously spend time in the mornings to make it look nice, only for him to ruin in ten minutes into talking about the cold war
-your other friends (wendy and lucas in particular) always teased you about your relationship with jisung
-”lucas please shut up.”
-but when you did look, jisung was staring at you, his smoothie straw hanging out of his mouth
-you couldn’t help but laugh at how dumb he looked
-and wow, you almost thought you saw his cheeks turn pink when you giggled 
“i know i wasn’t the only one who saw that.” lucas was looking like he was going to cry, wendy just looked fed up
-you didn’t know when your crush on him started. in those seconds of silence where you and jisung were just ogling at each other through the phone camera, you reflected on where it could’ve all gone wrong
-was it the time he held your hand when he was walking you home when an older man got too close for your liking ? or was it the time you were hanging out at his house and he fell asleep on your lap, only to smile in his sleep when you began running your fingers through his hair ? or was it the time when you two went out for boba tea when the waitress said you were a cute couple, only for him to smile and say, “thank you.”
“..y/n ?”
-”jisung, i have a crush on you.”
-pure silence
-oh my god, you messed everything up. the screen had gone black, you didn’t hear anything. building up your courage, you actually saw that he had hung up the phone, the numbers taunting you. 
-call ended  2:29
-you didn’t know what to do. your body felt numb, all sounds muted. you could only focus on a car passing by, a bird flying against the wind, the soft raindrops against the window.
-what are you supposed to do ? you had just lost the one person who you cared about the most. you two had known each other for a little over two months, but you'd already grown extremely close. you told him everything, he trusted you.
-and you fucked up a perfect, amazing friendship.
-the rain was getting heavier now, but you didn’t mind. it was always comforting to listen to, especially when you felt upset. your parents weren’t home until sunday, and as it was a saturday night, you had plenty of time to cry it out.
-”Y/N !!”
-god, you were going crazy, you swore you just heard jisung’s voice
-dumbfounded, you looked out your bedroom window to find jisung, still wearing his gray hoodie, a little drenched, with pebbles in his hand
-oh wow he rlly went full rom com with this one
-rushing downstairs, you pulled open the front door, only to be attacked by a hug from jisung, giggling to himself in glee
- “i got here as fast as i could, i need you.” with that, he pressed his lips against yours, still wet from the rain. he smiled into it, letting out a chuckle when you kissed him back. you pulled away quickly though, the blush on your cheeks turning into a full on tomato. jisung pouted, you poking his face as he flushed pink
- “in case you couldn't tell, i like you too. thought it was obvious.” he elbowed you, leading you up to your room while muttering “this isn’t real, this isn’t real”
-”you sleepy ?” you asked, making room for him on the bed. he just nodded, saying the homework could wait
-it was a little past midnight, and all you wanted to do was sleep. you climbed in, turning off all the lights, feeling jisung’s arms snake around your waist. he put his head into your neck, humming a song that wasn't familiar. just feeling his breath on your neck was making you drift off
- “goodnight sunshine, i’ll see you in the morning.” he placed a lazy kiss on your cheek, and drifted off.
-when it came to you two actually dating, no one was surprised (except mark, but he was oblivious at the best of times). the rest of skz couldn’t care less about what you looked like; they all knew how happy you made jisung and really, that’s all that matters
-jisung was always clingy, but dating him made it worse. he was always nearby, wanting to hold your hand, wanting to play with your fingers; basically any excuse to touch you. if you don’t like pda, he would definitely respect that, it made all those moments you shared with him that much more special
-he always had a nickname for you, but ever since you had first met, ‘sunshine’ had stuck. you never knew why, but jisung just thought you glowed, even at 3 pm on a school day or 7 am on a weekend because wow he loves you
-more than anything, he loved when you played with his hair, whether you were just touching it, or running your hands through it
-he might have liked it a bit too much, but uh you were not ready to venture down that path
-jisung would also spray his cologne on all of the hoodies he gave you because he knows how much you love it
-it’s not funny
-you keep telling him to take them back, but he doesn’t want them ?? “cooties bro. can’t.”
-you aren’t complaining, they’re comfy >:((
-jisung teases the ShiT oUt OF yOU
-like one day you came into class with your friend acting cute in an attempt to steal some of her hot cheetos
-only to have HEADASS just stare at you blankly, exclaiming “you look mentally unstable” while he laughed at you
-this along with doing middle school boy shit
-i’m talking taking your notebook and hiding it in another spot of the classroom, scaring you in the hallway, making you pull worksheets out of his hands while he passed them out
-think of ANYTHING that gives off middle school boy energy, he’s done it
-as annoying as he is
-he loves you. a lot. like, his main goal in your relationship is to make sure you’re happy with him, that you aren’t going to leave him because he isn’t putting the effort in
-you keep assuring him you love him, that you’d never do that to him. but no matter how many times he nods, or smiles
-there’s uncertainty in his eyes. because of that, he always assures you how beautiful you are, stays up all night if he has to when you pull an all nighter to study, gives you all the hoodies he can provide
-not only because he feels like he has to, but he’d do anything to see you happy; no matter how tired he feels 
-it breaks his heart to see you upset
-one day, you had gotten a test back while hanging out at jisung’s house, trying to help him study. you opened your score and your heart dropped. a 59%. that’s the worst you’d ever done. you had stayed up multiple nights to study, putting off your own personal needs in order to success
-it wasn’t enough. and that hurt
-jisung saw you start to cry and he  f r e a k e d
-oh god, his precious sunshine was crying and he didn’t know what to do
-he fumbled for a bit, saying, “it’s going to be okay !! it’s just one grade !!” only for you to cry harder and him to freak out even more
-eventually, he just hugged you from behind, laying you down on the couch. you were shaking so bad and it was making jisung tear up; he really hated seeing you like this 
-he knew talking wouldn't help, so he let you cry, wiping away your tears and rubbing small circles into your back. 
-”you’re okay sunshine, just hold onto me.” you always thought you didn’t deserve someone like him. someone so loving, so supportive. 
-but you love him. you’ve never loved someone like him; how dumb he sounded but always gave the best advice, always teasing you at any time during the day but shows up in front of your door with flowers just because
-and so when he sings “i smile” while caressing your cheek, you know there’s no place you’d rather be. in his arms, the vibration of his voice lulling you to sleep and just how warm he was
-and when you got to see him perform with the rest of his rapping group, your eyes just couldn’t leave him. his charisma, his confidence, how he’d always wink at you when he spotted you in the crowd. he was truly ethereal there, almost angelic in whatever he wore, because look at him
-almost nothing was better than seeing him backstage after a show to see him; him smirking when he’d pull you into his arms still sweaty when he’d whisper “missed you babydoll”
-no matter how much he’d nag you for staying up too late and not putting enough time into yourself, and no matter how much you’d nag him for not eating enough, you wouldn’t trade each other for the moon and all of her stars
-if soulmates existed, you were lucky enough to find yours in a shitty high school at 9:40 a.m. with a cheesy pick-up line
-but you wouldn’t have it any other way
AGHHHHH i really hope everyone liked this ?? ugh, it feels so rushed, but it’s really late here, so i hope i did sungie justice :((
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altruistic-meme · 4 years
just ranting about my sister bc i’m tired of her bs
ok so a list of things i’m So Fucking Sick Of aka a list of things i’m gonna rant about 
1. She’s so contradictory
2. She only cares about being the Most Pitied
3. She complains about EVERYTHING and does NOTHING to fix it
4. Constantly saying I don’t understand... anything
5. Basically she’s just an emotionally abusive bitch and I’m really tired of her shit
cool? cool. that’s basically it but like read on if you want to, i’m just gonna go into detail about everything cause i’m annoyed and she just pushed me over the edge. 
1. She’s so contradictory
she has told me, on multiple occasions, “i hate it when people make everything a competition, everyone has different limits and different experiences”  and then any time i talk about... anything i’m struggling with (i.e. my depression/anxiety, my insomnia, that i’m sore, that i had a bad day, etc.) she IMMEDIATELY starts talking about how worse off she is. 
Followed closely by 2. She only cares about being the Most Pitied
I didn’t sleep well last night. “Well I never sleep well, I woke up 3 times last night, I didn’t fall asleep until 3am.” 
My feet hurt after my shift at work. “Well you know,,, I sprained both my ankles and both my wrists and my side and I hurt my shoulder and my neck and you think YOU’RE sore?? Please.”
I have a headache. “Well I have had a constant headache for MONTHS and I’m just living with it, you can’t understand how I feel, I’m in SO much pain.”
no matter what issue I have, she is 10x worse. even when it is something that I KNOW she doesn’t actually experience!!! i.e saying I’m sore after a full shift on a day she didn’t work, and she then still talks about how she’s sore despite having done nothing all day. also see: I have MDD and she doesn’t, and yet whenever I talk about anything that is a symptom of said MDD, she IMMEDIATELY starts talking about how she experiences that but worse (insomnia, negative thoughts, etc.)
*Side note: This is not me saying she doesn’t have depression because “she doesn’t seem like the type ://” or any bullshit like that. This is me saying I am medically diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, while she is medically diagnosed with Panic Anxiety Disorder. She is NOT diagnosed with depression.
On a similar note,  3. She complains about EVERYTHING and does NOTHING to fix it
a good, prime example of this is her PAD. she is always complaining about it, and about how she feels, etc. but whenever anyone suggests something, she either just ignores it or directly attacks the person about what they’re suggesting. most likely bc she thinks fixing the issues she has will lower her chances of getting the pity points she so desperately craves. 
ex. i say “hey, maybe you should go to therapy for xyz” and she says “yeah, well, my LAST therapist gave me TRUST ISSUES :// so idk i think that’s something i should just live with, and also the trust issues that i definitely have bc of my last therapist, despite the fact i constantly complain about those too :// i don’t like therapists anyway” etc.
also see; well if you’re having issues with your ankle, side, etc. maybe try doing the things you were told would help? “Hmmmmmmm, no, i’m too tired, too lazy, it won’t actually help (despite it being what the multiple doctors she has seen about it have told her to do)” 
Then, of course, there’s  4. Constantly saying I don’t understand... anything
this is the one that really pissed me off today, and triggered this whole gd post. i think i said smth about covid-19 and she said “yeah well I had plans this summer :// “ and i said “... yeah, ok, we all did” half-jokingly
and she said “yeah but i had plans with FRIENDS” like,,,, bitch??? 
it’s hard to convey this through text but the way she said it was like... rubbing in my face that i don’t have many friends. she knows that, and she still said it with that tone, like i have no friends i can hang out with. 
but anyway she also said it like I could never understand the pain of not being able to do something I was looking forward to??? like... just because she was looking forward to doing things with her friends doesn’t mean I wasn’t just as excited about what I had planned for this summer. it just... also adds to her contradictions.
“everyone experiences things different/not everyone feels the same about everything” ->  “you don’t feel as upset as I do bc my thing was more important than yours.”
And you can probably see how all of this kind of ties into  5. Basically she’s just an emotionally abusive bitch and I’m really tired of her shit
this is something I kind of noticed a few months ago, and in 10 minutes I had written 2 full pages of things she does to me that are emotionally abusive. you should not be able to do that. you should be allowed to remove people from your life when you can do that. but of course, i’m not. because she’s my sister, and anyone i tell about any of this is going to whine and tell me to listen to her side, and that she doesn’t mean to be this way, and that she’s my sister so I should try my best to keep our relationship bc on the outside? it looks fine. we actually look really close. and we are, but we’re also this. 
and here’s the thing:
 i do NOTHING but listen to her side of things. she is constantly telling me about every little aspect of her thoughts and feelings. (but she has literally told me she doesn’t care when I tried to tell her mine)
she is FULLY aware of what emotionally abusive behavior looks like. i know she is, because we had a long discussion on it when our other sister’s friend was being emotionally abusive. (if she didn’t mean to act this way, she wouldn’t. she knows what’s she is doing. she is not some innocent baby.)
if i am not living proof that sisters can be emotionally abusive the same way anyone else can, then i am nothing. (abuse can come from anywhere. from parents, from lovers, from friends, from sisters. telling someone that they need to play nice with their abuser, regardless of their relation to their abuser, is fucked up in so many ways i can’t even begin to explain it)
I am really tired of being abused, of dealing with her erratic behavior and her NEED for attention. I’m tired of trying to explain something I’m struggling with only to be told that my feelings don't matter because she "has it worse" even when half of what she says isn't true anyway.
mostly, i’m just tired of being forced to stick it out and deal with this shit when it is killing me inside. 
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mobuom · 5 years
belphie and canon divergence
belphie??? i hc,,,, or rather, i’m making him canon divergent, so he kind of,,,,,, suffers from depression? originally, he only had a tendency towards sloth bcs of his sin? like,,, ,he would sleep a lot, and was generally lazy, but he was,,, p chill, u know ? he would take things as they come, and didn’t make too much of a fuss tbh. 
it’s why he liked humans so much. not that he genuinely cared in the first place? but he,,,, he was,,, curious. detached. he liked watching them like u would watch animals ,, , in nature or the zoo or smth? they were p,,, amusing and he liked watching them change and how they changed as time grew--- and sometimes, he would even “befriend” a few, keep tabs on them and their descendants, u know? ? ?
at the time, he was an angel- so his tabs was general blessings? it was nice, to just,, ,, , sit down and yeah, let the time while away.
then lilith died, and everything went to shit. yes, he blamed the humans, and im gonna have to review this so it might change later? but like,,,,,, he already had a tendency to be disinterested,,, , and he never saw them as,,, important in the first place? like,,, why would he care,,,, about essentially animals? but,,,,, his general amusement of them turned into,,, dislike, and where before he would “bless” them? now he sort of,,, watches them fall into misfortune and laugh, if he has the energy and he’s feeling bored, maybe he’ll curse someone esp lucky or smth, idk. 
but in general ? lilith’s death really kickstarted his decline from,,, sloth to actual DepressionTM. he became more withdrawn and irritable, and distanced himself from his family and friends, with the sole exception of beelzebub-- and that is only bcs of their status as triplets w/ lilith. though not to the extent of satan, he was generally,,,, quick to annoy? not quick to anger though, he,,,, he just. if u annoy him, he’ll leave? he just wont bother caring anymore and go back to sleep and ignore u tbh. he won’t go out of his way to make trouble? or lash out? not unless you truly anger him-- 
like lucifer did when he supported diavolo w/ the exchange program. yes, my belphie doesn’t loathe them to the extent that canon does ? but,,,, that doesn’t mean belphie likes humans. at all. because he feels so little ( apathy, not lack of emotions asfdkj ) what he does feel is,, although its shallow, he expresses it in v extreme ways when pushed? bcs to him, even tho its shallow, its the only thing he feels, so it,,,,, 
how do i explain this. it’s like,,,,  like, for example. belphegor originally is apathetic towards A. they’re fine, w/e. then A pisses him off. because belphie originally had a v neutral baseline for A, there are no good feelings to offset that annoyance? so their next interaction is already biased towards him disliking them, just on principal. so even though its a v small slight, bcs its the only thing he feels about them, even though its so small and so ? shallow of a feeling? general irritability ? bcs its now the baseline for their interactions and theres nothing to make it better? unless they are truly neutral or are? able to change his opinion to that of a more positive one, in which case ur new baseline is gonna be relatively,,, sure ur fine w/e? the slights are going to keep building and building and building until he just straight up dislikes u---
and its so fucking petty bcs its like, why do u dislike me? and its bcs all of these minor things that he just didn’t let go and accumulated? there’s no reason for him to force himself to change his opinion of things, he doesn’t care enough to or to force himself to let things go and be positive ?  that they just. accumulate. like, for his brothers, if they annoy him its like, w/e i’ll let it go bcs we’re brothers-- and any grudge i have will be repaid or returned soon enough so its not a big deal? + we’re brothers, even tho i,,,, dont express it and its dull, i do,,,, love u, ,, ,, so ,,, ,, i dont want really want to hate u. 
with strangers its like. the only thing he knows about them is the slight,, and theres no reason for him to? care otherwise so :/ yeah.
he doesn’t outright? threaten them? when he confronts lucifer? and its less desperate you’re the only one who can do this to,,,,,  more,,, i can’t believe u’d betray her memory like that and all that jazz, v passive aggressive--- and rather than outright? rebellion and threats and shit he just.,, , ,, ,, u can feel the malevolent energy coming off of him bcs he’s :) if the humans come, im going to make them regret they’ve ever been born and he doesnt try to hide it? as much as its only natural? ? ? and maybe lucifer sees and its more,, ,, , rather than instant lock up, its multiple confrontations before he sees what belphie is serious about and how far he’s willing to go and how hostil ehe is and then diavolo is getting a liiiiiil sus and so is everyone else and the deadline is coming and ,, ,,,, yeah, lock up time? probably only intended to? make him calm down, force him to sit down and think and then belphie got mroe aggrieved and hostile and betrayed and JK;LADSJKAJSD YEAH
anyway, after all is resolved and mc is revealed to be lilith’s descendant he,,,,,, he does? feek a bit of guilt, and mc becomes sort of,,, a reminder of lilith and idk if that’s any healthier but he doesnt,,, genuinely like them? as for humans they’re the same, he still finds them dislikable and pathetic bcs of all the years but this one,,, has a connection to lilith so,,,,,,
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