#theyre very similiar
operationjetset · 6 months
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bruciemilf · 1 year
You have officially converted me to miguel/batman
It's a out the bonding over loss, it's about understanding the impossibly complicated, poisonous love between you, your child, and a world that took them from you, it's about understanding the fury and rage and Injustice and deciding you'll have hope, and you'll often fail, and often regret it, and do it anyway. it's about redemption, it's about self loathing, it's about feeling like you'll never ever be good enough for anyone. And it's about letting someone prove you that's wrong.
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ninjago writers: "we're breaking gender norms by having powerful female characters in stem!"
"yeah but they all have the same interests and the same 'snarky mothering character' personality..."
ninjago writers: "THEY ARE STRONG #GIRLBOSSES!!!!!1!!!!"
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liselke · 4 months
huge fan of the twelfth doctor because hes like if 3 wasnt made in the late 60s and also was canonically nonbinary
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toestalucia · 1 year
i want akira to meet more parents, cuz them rmbring oz/rustica(/figaro/lennox(/snow/white)) is a treat to Me
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borzoilover69 · 4 months
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I have this vivid post-game earth c vision of jake roxy dave and ecto-clone meenah going on clubbing hijinks. Because theyre the only people in the friendgroup interested in doing that extrovert shit and 1/2 of the party gets invited by jake.
Meenah gets into a fight w/ jake bcus he thinks shes actually meenah, but in the end they laugh off the misunderstanding and joke insult each other and exchange socials. She also controls what music they listen to as they drive, and has a rotating door of dancestors who chill w/ them. Wears a lot of black.
Roxy is a bit flakey but she makes the cut cus shes generally chill and gets along w/ people. Shes the one buying bottles of soju from bws and texting in the backseat with her painted nails while keeping up w/ the others banter. Shes chill w/ going w/ the flow. She also manages to find more obscure clubs thru her feed or other mad hacker skillz (lulz). Wears a lot of colourful stuff
Dave got invited by Jake once as a “fuck it why not (and a massive fuck you to dirk)” and ended up vibing w/ meenahs music tastes (they have similiar tastes so shes chill w/ him) so they kept inviting him back. Generally doesnt have anything going on for him post-game so is always down for it, plus is totally trying to hit on jake to some regards. This is mutually beneficial, as jake is full aware of this fact. They are both jackasses full aware of the taboo crossover waiting to happen. Gets along REALLY well with jake after a few drinks. Jake and him generally dont talk in normal circumstances but you bet the minute jake asks if daves free hes getting off the fucking couch to text a reply much to the chagrine of his roommate vantas. Dave is the most basic its either a hoodie and shorts or a tshirt with cargos. Solid colour, little to no decor.
Jake is the passenger princess (part two) drinking before they get to the party and laughing or engaging with a bitching session with meenah. They have a sort of thing going for them in the way that meenah will drag jake into a bathroom and give him a peptalk or grill him for being too hard on himself. Respects her for her shit. BPD solidarity because in return for all the times shes grilled him in a bathroom about how strong he is for putting up with bullshit he receives from other people he in return makes sure to check on her when she isnt doing too hot and takes her out to lunch or something. Also they both bitch about their crazy exes, jake bitches about dirk and meenah bitches about ecto-clone aranea (they met in a psychward). Jake and meenah have an on-going “ill end my toxic relationship if you end yours.”
Roxy and Dave are both well aware this shit is taboo af but also they genuinely do not have that much going for them so its like a nod of respect to the fact theyre the two other gods who enjoy clubbing. Just not being the ones who plan and arrange it. They do like being invited tho.
Dave and Meenah both vape, Jake and Roxy dont. Meenah and Dave occasionally beef but he always ends up back in the crew cus hes usually the loser stuck parking and hes the only one trusted with the music other than Meenah. Meenah is VERY particular about the vibe. No sad songs. No indie. No chill beats. Gotta be high energy. I think she would listen to something like heartbeat by childish gambino or lemonade (feat.nav).
I have more thoughts about it ill prolly elaborate if anyone interested. I have such thoughts abt their fashion and habits. Enough about introverts lets get some extrovert rep.
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do you think the student encampments are too celebratory? not radical enough? this is a criticism i saw about them inviting politicians and celebrities, not fighting back enough etc. (compare to student movements in the global south incl palestine) also saw criticism of them handing out plan b for some reason ("harm reduction") which is viewed as disrespectful
first of all, theres going to be a lot of disparity between how different encampments are organizing things so it is hard to talk about it as a cohesive singular thing. groups like students for justice for palestine and jewish voice for peace and other similar orgs differ a lot by campus. its easy to find both very liberal or very radical chapters of sjp at different colleges. as far as i know, columbia sjp didnt invite politicians and celebrities, they just showed up. leadership put a statement out on their instagram about opportunists. columbia sjp in particular is pretty militant and have been doing this for a while, so id hope they know what theyre doing and it seems like they do. my main criticism is that some other organizers seem to be pretty inexperienced and are agreeing to minor concessions that they will never even get. like brown agreed to take down their encampment for a future vote on divestment. im 99.9% sure that vote will not pass. i think this is a lot more important than the emotional affect of the people involved (too celebratory whatever that means) but again, a lot of people might not have ever been involved a divestment campaign before and dont know what tricks administrations like to use. so sure theyre not as radical they need to be. but that comes with experience. i was in sjp and jvp in undergrad when it was just a select group of us focusing on palestine and israeli colonialism, now its being discussed much more broadly and new people are becoming involved in the struggle
i dont really see why giving out plan b is an issue or implies that people are having sex there or something. theyre college students and most encampments ive seen had rules of conduct including no sex lol. people just like to be mad online
also, i dont think most online discoursers really think about these things as part of a larger process of radicalizing people through experience, building consciousness, creating the conditions for something further down the road. student activism is already inherently limited. when i think about how similiar occupations were organized during the george floyd protests, this is already much better. a lot of social revolts dont succeed but give people experience and impact consciousness and what people see as possible. so of course theres plenty to criticize. theres plenty to criticize about the american left in general
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magmythedevil · 7 months
"why couldn't Liam make Nori more different from Uzi, theyre so similiar, its creepy :/"
Yeva and Doll are not that similiar in appearance but you can still tell theyre mother and daughter. If Liam made Nori almost unidentifiable from Uzi Its definitely on purpose, and not because he wan'st creative enough to give Nori a more "unique design".
He Just wanted Uzi to be very similiar to her mother, and If theres a reason for that? We dont know, but probally.
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adrianasunderworld · 1 year
I would love to see the house of mouse meeting RSA students especially their twisted counterparts
We don't really have a lot of RSA characters, we got Neige and the dwarves, Ambrose, and Che'nya...and thats it. Rielle is mentioned in book 3, but we never meet him in game or if he even attends RSA. But we're including him anyway.
I think for the most part, the House of Mouse staff (minus the villains) would like the RSA boys. Theyre all reasonable nice and polite.
Neige and his friends fit right in with Snow and her gang. I think I mentioned in a post looong ago about how older dwarves take the younger ones under their wing. Neige and Snow I think get along really well because they are so similiar. Meanwhile the queen in contemplating poison.
Che'nya I think would just like poping up every which way and being goofy to the other guests, as he does. He may try to pull the occasional on other patrons, and I think he and his counterpart can bond over that.
Admittedly, I don't know much about Sword in the Stone to really comment on Merlin and Ambrose. But maybe Ambrose ends up socializing with some of the other teacher characters like Phil, or someone like the fairy godmother. He's just having a pleasant time.
Rielle, like I said, in my headcanon verse is related to Ariel and her sisters. So he is just catching up with the family, having a nice dinner. Maybe he meets other mermaids, like the ones from Neverland, or is fascinated by Luca and Alberto and they don't need a potion to change like he does.
Neige, Rielle, and Silver, I think get adopted by the princesses, solely because they are technically one of them. (and I also headcanon Silver as a descendent of Aroura and Phillip. So it's also having dinner with your relatives. The princesses are like their honorary aunts, it's very sweet.)
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so i see a lot of stuff, hating on both hinata and sakura (the pink haired girl who's super strong is sakura, i think, and hinata is the one who can see really far and do chakra points and all that, i think). now don't misunderstand, i don't really make a habit of watching naruto, just some stuff here and there, plus some memes, but i still see a lot of people hating them, and i'm confused why.
the argument i see most often, for anti-sakura, is at one point, she says that she's finally caught up to naruto and sasuke, her really powerful companions. everyone is laughing and screaming about how "she's not that powerful! oh, she's awful! she just wants sasuke's attention! what a b****!"
and honestly, that's so stupid.
but i'll get to that later.
now onto hinata.
the main reason that i've seen a lot of people hate on hinata is she apparently gave up on being a shinobi, and became a housewife. "what a wimp! she's so weak! completely worthless!" and i have some thoughts about that.
so let me explain my thoughts on both.
why it's so stupid to hate sakura (for those reasons, at least) is because she might not have "caught up" to natuto and sasuke in sheer mountain-destroying, continetnt-crushing power, but she's very, VERY powerful. you know how tsuandai fought orocimaru (with jirraya, i think)? well, sakura was taught by tsunadai, and she said that sakura became more powerful than her. and i've jeard somewhere that sakura brought someone back from the dead, though that remains unsubstantiated. . .but think about it. if sakura is more powerful than tsunadai. . .hot damn, guys, that's lowkey impressive.
now, onto my reason why she IS actually as powerful as naruto and sasuke. before you all rage quit, i need to explain my thinking.
sakura is her own person. she has her own life, and, most importantly, her own powers. so yeah, she can't destroy mountains (some would argue that she COULD, but that's for later), but she can heal people like nobody's business, and shatter jaws like no one else. she can both kill and heal.
i remember kakashi, at one point, mentioning how sakura was actually her own vital part of team seven, and he has a point, that you all forget. sakura is crucial, because she can do stuff NO ONE else can. so, yeah, she can't take on the three tails and come out on top, but she can sure as hell stop you from dying, but she could just as easily kill you, too.
another thing to remember is that she's a close range (most of the time) so yeah, he attacks won't be as asethetically impressive, but they're still effective.
this is not an agrument of how sakura might be ADEQUATE, or similiar to the level of Naruto and sasuke. Thsi is an argument that says that theure powers are different, theyre talents and skills varried. it's difficult to compare the three, but sakura sure as hell is powerful, and can do stuff that naruto, sasuke, kakashi, jirraya-they can't do any of that.
now, on to hinata.
it seems most people hate her because she "she gave up." now i havent' seen that part, so i'm on shaky ground, but i'll trust the fandom, and make my thoughts.
i don't think giving up is bad.
if it's not for you, and if it hurts you and makes you unhappy. . .like, there's no shame in letting go, and moving onto something else. like, how are you all missing this?
from what i can see, hinata only tried being a shinoni, becaiuse of her father, and her cousin, and she wanted to be important, but she also wanted naruto to notice her.
i get her point, but those are some crappy motives, for staying motivated. most of those are peer pressure, which is hard and sustain, being under, and wanting to impress someone. thos are hard things to do, and she found out that it just wasn't for her. she still got the attention, and she also was able to shrug off the peer pressure of her father and cousin (nejji) and did something that made her happy. she led a happy life.
why the hell are you all so mad?
sakura tried, and you all hate her.
hinata gave up and you all hate her.
what do you want?
i think most of the anti sakura and hinata arguments break down into hatred of various characteristics in their characters. their voice, clothing, speech patter-something else, aside from their life choices.
i'm not pointing fingers, but i am saying that your arguments, the way they are, are invalid.
get some new ones.
now, sakura, she is not my favorite, nor is hinata. that spot is reserved for kakashi. but i understand their choices, and their power. they are useful people, and they serve a purpose.
i don't like naruto because he's loud and annoying. i don't like saskue because he's a dramatic goth baby who's voice is annoying. i don't like sakura because she is a little odd, i think, but she is kinda funny. i don't like tsunadai, because there's not a lot to like.
if there's something about the character you don't like, just say it.
don't, however, say things that aren't true.
anyway, that's my conclusion.
let me know if i got anything wrong!
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libelelle · 5 months
Oughhh that reminds me. An old idea I had that I still like is Silver being taken in by Team Dark during Rivals, how do you think they would get along, and how do you think Silver would be changed by primarily being around them?
Oh thats tough... a question that requires me to think about team dark and their characterization as well as silvers... these arw my thoughts that i managed to gather up 🫡
The biggest and easiest change i can think of would be his views on morality. His black and white thinking would not do him a lot of favors hanging around team dark. Everyone one of them has something about them that would clash with Silvers views. There good and theres bad and then theres Team Dark, the people who welcomed him and took him in but dont act like a how good people should... theyre unnecessarily violent, they steal, they lie and they dont do it because they have to, they do it because its who they are, and they wont compromise that for others comfort. His first change would be readjusting his views on what makes a person good, and whether that matters as much as he thought. As for what that change looks like, Team Dark is big on loyalty, and Silver doesnt do things in halves. I think more likely than him shifting his definition of morality, he like. Shifts the focus of thats sense of justice, from the focus being morality to loyalty. If that makes sense. I think itd be easier for him than rewriting his rules for whats good and bad, or trying to wrap his head around moral grayness.
Either way, loyalty would become a focus for him, hes part of a team now. Not that he isnt loyal as he is normally, he just hasnt had anyone by his side, fight for him and with him all the time. Not since blaze anyways. Obviously because hes such an extreme person, slights against his team would probably get explosive reactions, something omega would encourage. Unhelpfully. Itd take some time for him to understand the dynamics between his new team and the rest of their friends, particularly with Sonic.
As for individual relationships, i might have to think about this in detail more, but im sure he'd find Omegas uncomplicated nature... not relaxing, but easy. Hes predicatable. Once hes gotten used to them theyd make a very destructive duo, i dont really believe Silver cared much about "property damage" and "reckless behaviour" before going to the past.
Silvers relationship with shadow... this one is so hard for me it always has been. I thinkkkkkkkk that Silver would be like. Overly eager to prove himself to shadow. From silvers point of view shadow is cool, powerful, self assured...basically someone to look up to. As a memeber of team dark i think he'd look to Shadow for approval, whereas Shadow might feel a bit. Crowded by him. Especially at first, throwing silver into the mix is strange. This all being said id reallly have to think hard about this, just because their relationship isnt something i fewl confident i understand.
The member of team dark hed have the most troubles with with be Rouge though. Shes a spy a thief, and she keeps secrets. Shes not an easy person to read and that stresses him out. He doesnt dislike her, he just cant figure her out. The whole morality thing would be especially tough with her because of it i think. He still holds those values, i think, so her whole deal would get his mind running laps. Other than that though i think theyd have a good relationship, i think shed like his fire
Generally i think Silvers personality would be similiar, less naive maybe, definitely not getting any less destructive. Hed probably take on a role of the bleeding heart more often than you'd think though, just because no one else would.
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zoeykallus · 2 years
You make angst sooo good!!! Thanks for doing my last ask. I have something similiar I wanted to ask. Lets say the reader feels they need to leave the batch for safety reasons and they dont have time to explain, even to their SO. All they can leave is a "im sorry" note and bam theyre gone. No trace. How would the batch react? Also maybe Maul too since hes such a complicated character 😔
Thank you if you do this one!
Another "ouch" one. Got it.
The Bad Batch + Maul x Reader HC's - Left Behind
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Warnings: Hurt / Angst / Strong Language
Summary: Leaving a "I'm sorry " note without further explanation, you're gone. The guys don't take it too well.
This man will not let you go so easily. When Maul gets attached to someone, it's an obsessive and possessive thing. Probably the reason why you ran away.
He's hurt but also angry. How dare you leave HIM?!
He will search for you tirelessly. Maul is determined to bring you back. Very likely he will find you sooner or later. Get ready for him to pull you back by the hair if he has to.
"Wasn't I always good to you?! Why are you doing this to me?!"
He won't let you out of his sight, chaining you up when he thinks there's no other way to keep you around. He also doesn't shy away from using a slave collar.
He can't believe it. You had a few fights, but he still didn't expect that. Hunter is hurt, deep and serious.
"Why?" The question is in the room and he will look for you. You won't get rid of him without a decent explanation. He loves you, he deserves an explanation. At least that's his point of view.
He has decided to talk to you sensibly as soon as he finds you. But it is quite possible that he will make a scene if he does not like the answer.
"I certainly deserve better than to be told off like that."
Hunter has a point.
You can see the pain in his eyes, you really hurt him. No matter how things turn out, he won't recover for a long time, especially if your decision is final.
He won't open up to anyone anytime soon.
He is miserable. He feels the loss physically. "So this is what heartbreak feels like".
He will first look for the fault in himself and try to understand what may have gone wrong. Echo will look for you and ask his brothers for help. No matter whether your decision is final, he needs a last clarifying conversation, otherwise he will never come to rest.
The matter will occupy him for a long time. He is not good at letting go. Especially if your relationship was intimate and perhaps went on for a long time, he will suffer a lot. He is not unreasonable, he will understand factual arguments, but not that you just leave without telling him why.
Even if you did it for his own good for whatever reason, he needs that final conversation where everything is cleared up.
He is hurt and incredibly worried. Wrecker wonders if you are in trouble, if you need his help. He will ask for the opinion of his brothers.
"Do you think I did something wrong?"
The thought occupies his mind for a long time, until he knows what's really going on. If you made the decision because you want to protect him, he will not accept it so easily.
"I can take care of myself, and I can take care of you!"
In any case, he won't give up on you so easily. He will look for you and when he finds you, he will want an explanation. You don't have to worry about him making a scene if your decision is emotional. He respects you and ultimately your decision, albeit with a very heavy heart.
"I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy".
He is confused. It hurts and Tech doesn't quite understand what he did wrong. His brain is working overtime, looking for an explanation you didn't give him.
He's smart, but he still doesn't understand what made you leave him, especially since you didn't give him a reason. He will look for you and find you sooner or later.
Tech is not very good at dealing with emotional pain, he will be quite upset, probably even begging you not to leave him. It will be hard for you to see him on his knees, with that pleading look.
"Tell me what I did wrong, I'll make it right. I'll make it better"
He won't let you go so easily, he will run after you, begging and pleading. You were his first great love, he doesn't want to lose that.
"Please! I'll do anything you want!"
Should you really go through with this, he will withdraw from everyone for quite a while. Whenever his brothers come looking for him, he's curled up somewhere staring into nothingness.
Tech takes a long time to learn and recover from this.
Of course he is hurt but also angry. Whatever your reason, he feels he deserves an explanation after all the time you've spent together. He will look for you and he for sure as hell will find you. He's determined.
Don't expect him to beg. He just want's to know why. If it's about his safety for some reason, maybe because dangerous people are on your heesls, he waves it off and tries to get you back. After all he is a trained soldier, he knows how to fight. And he is absolutely willing to potect you, no matter the cost.
But every other reason will make him snotty and angry. Crosshair doesn't handle criticism very well, to put it mildy.
"You think you can get something better? Well then, go ahead and search it. Good luck. Don't need you anyway. Much to needy for my taste"
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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sneakyboythingz · 4 months
Hi there! Sorry to ‘sneak’ into your inbox lol. But, I just wanted to ask your thoughts on this.
So, you know how there are funnybunny kid fanarts?
They’re all cute, but my stupid intrusive thoughts kicked in and made me question: “What if Jax and Pomni finally found a way out, but are hesitant to leave because they had a child in the digital world? Will they stay behind or try to see what happens if they take the exit?”
Because, technically they were human in the outside world, while their kid was born as a cartoon character. Will they be too scared to leave then?
Well, It depends If they catch feelings for the kid or not
If they dont:
Well, Pomni will probally get kinda Sad at first, It was a good experience to know how hard to be a mother really is like for a while before It acctually happens ( a litte weirded out about the fact that she had a baby with jax though) But then she remembers Its was Just an npc created by caine so she doesn't get all that traumatized about it for too long
Jax on the other side wouldn't care that much about the npc baby, he Just think It was a fun to have a mini version of him around, and also bc its just so funny to make sex jokes about it to pomni
"omygod pomni!!!! i dint know we got alone on room togheter long time enough to have a baby~" Just to make her angry
But he wouldn't miss It, not even a litte bit,
(on this version. FunnyBunny dont have much feelings for each other, theyre Just friend who flirt sometimes)
If they acctually care about the baby:
Pomni would get very traumatized, a feeling similiar to misscarriage. She never felt so happy in the circus like she was when her baby was around, It was one of the very few things that made everything better. so it going away from her felt horrible, she would not even be able to comeback to work and social life normally.
Jax would pretend he doesn't care about the kid, but he would also felt an terrible pain on his chest too, and he would feel extremely pathetic to feel like this for something that wan'st even real in the first place. He would feel so angry to know that a digital world was capable of messing with his head like that
(on this version FunnyBunny have actual feelings for each other. But dont have the guts to confess It for one another)
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imma-lil-sunshy · 1 year
not even shipping wise I think shadow and Amy make a really interesting duo, and not just the "grumpy with the sunshine" dynamic either, like they're really similiar in a lot of ways actually, where they really understand each other but also can really butt heads in an interesting, fun way too. and Ik for the most part their interactions thru the whole of sonic history is very little but the moments we get are rarely*, not never ofc haha, violent even when they're on opposing sides. obviously, ik that not a lot of energy is going into their interactions, but it does leave me with lots of like implicit information, like that shadow really doesn't see amy as an enemy, and vice versa, and that they have a mostly silent regard and respect for each other. and care too, there's very few other characters besides cream and Maria that I can think of that shadow isn't overtly apathetic or rough to, and considering their interactions are few and far between I count that as pretty consistent.
like I'm thinking abt their interactions mainly from sonic adventure 2 and their limited dialogue from sonic riders, and at most they have playful digs to each other in riders but really it's so friend coded and I just love it, and adventures 2 makes me wanna cry bc it just seems like amy just sees Shadow for who is he or what he's trying to be right off the bat (fuck u sonic x for taking that moment from me ill never forgive uuuuuuu) and now we have this murder of sonic the hedgehog that yes I DO consider Canon thanks for asking lol and again with the subtext, that not only has shadow come to her bday party and tho yeah he didn't bring a gift at first he knew she liked hot honey (aka they clearly converse casually to get info like that, or at the least he's interested in her enough to keep that sort of information on his mind) and got her tickets and after expressing how he didn't care for them AGREED TO GO WITH HER!! Listen, at base level they're besties Idgaf, but I'm on a higher level than most ppl so Ik theyre in love and I'm v happy for them uwu
anyway give them a tv show adventure or comic or whatever idc I just wanna see more of them
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teabiscs · 8 months
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Second Place for October’s Ship Poll.
These two are… fun. I like them.
I need to see other people’s headcanons.
So them in my head is
they hook up one too many times (okay WAY too too many times.)
Hiro catches feelings first, but in his mind there is NO way Kai is interested and this is just physical.
Kai takes longer to come around to his feelings and he hates them. because really? Hiro?
kai's take is VERY similiar to Borka. Hate fucking. whatever but them getting over their hate is much faster. Theyre never like lovey dovey but you can tell they can stand being near one another now.
also the thought of Takao bothering Kai and Kai being like if you don't stop, I am going to fuck your brother, and then doing just that.
and once theyre together they are that judgey couple thats always dressed up. bombastic side eye
also hear me out. Kai making fun of Hiro's stupid bega glasses that he still wears. AND HIRO making fun of Kai wearing colored contacts.
also the thought of Takao finding out about the two of them. is so perfect.
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strawbs-screaming · 6 months
May I ask some Joe x Kaiser HCs, just two middle age men bickering and in love, please 🥺👉👈
ofc!! middle aged man yaoi coming up!!
- Kaiser usually plans the day out while joe just goes along with whatever is going on, causing joe to also follow along with his routine, joe is also the type to not enjoy routines much so theyre out pretty often
- they were friends for a while before starting boxing & eventually dating, they knew each other since their teenage years
- they had their first date at a Cafe, it went great except for Kaiser getting food poisoning from drinking spoiled milk, other than that it went good
- they can share clothes without a issue and sometimes swap outfits
- joe and Kaiser have very similiar taste in music so they listen to records together
- they gossip a LOT. Literally about eveything
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