#thing i would be genuinely interested in reading about
pinkflower2003 · 2 days
Fernando Alonso x ex!reader
Part 1
Series Masterlist
a/n: i’ve never really written a series before so i’m not sure how this is but this is kind of a filler chapter! Let me know what you think and what you want to happen in different chapters!🍓
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The days following their encounter at the Monaco Grand Prix were a whirlwind for Fernando. He couldn't stop thinking about Georgia and AJ. The realisation that he might have two children he never knew existed consumed his thoughts. Determined to follow through on his promise, he reached out to Y/N to arrange meeting them once more.
Y/N agreed, albeit reluctantly, and Fernando invited them for lunch at a quiet café in the outskirts of Monaco before they went home to England. She wanted a place where they could talk without the prying eyes of the media or fans.
Fernando arrived early, nervously glancing at his watch as he waited. He had rehearsed what he wanted to say a hundred times, but now that the moment was almost here, his mind was a jumble of emotions.
When Y/N arrived with Georgia and AJ, he stood up, his heart pounding. The twins greeted him politely, their expressions a mix of curiosity and wariness. Y/N gave him a reassuring smile, though he could see the tension in her eyes.
"Hi, Fernando," she said softly, guiding the twins to sit down. "Thanks for inviting us."
"Of course," he replied, his voice steady despite his nerves. "Thank you coming. I thought it would be nice to catch up again after all these years." He said, wanting it to sound like he and Y/N were just old friends.
They ordered their food, and small talk filled the initial moments, mostly AJ excitedly recounting his favorite parts of the race and Georgia teasing him about his enthusiasm. Fernando listened intently, savoring every detail, every laugh, every smile. These were moments he had missed, moments he wanted to make up for.
As the conversation naturally lulled, Fernando took a deep breath. "So, AJ, Georgia, tell me more about yourselves. What do you like to do?"
AJ grinned. "I play rugby, mostly. It's my passion. Mum says I have too much energy, so I need to channel it somehow so she put me into a rugby club at a young age."
Georgia rolled her eyes, her expression playfully sarcastic. "Yeah, AJ's like a human tornado. I, on the other hand, prefer non sporty things. I love reading, i've always prefered to just watch sport instead of being involved."
Fernando smiled, the warmth in his chest growing.
Y/N watched the interaction carefully, ready to intervene if necessary. But as the conversation flowed, she saw the genuine interest and affection in Fernando's eyes, and her heart softened a little.
"I can't believe mum has known you all these years and not told us," AJ said, looking at Fernando with admiration. "I've watched you race since I was young, you must love it to be doing it for so long"
"Yeah," Fernando replied, smiling, his spanish accent coming through heavy. "I've been racing for a long time. It's not just a job for me; it's a passion, just like rugby is for you."
The lunch continued, and Fernando felt a growing connection with the twins. They were bright, talented, and full of life. He found himself laughing at their stories and feeling a sense of pride he hadn't expected. It was like a piece of his heart he never knew was missing had suddenly been found.
Fernando walked alongside Y/N, a comfortable silence between them as they walked out the cafe, the twin in front, bickering amongst themselves. Finally, he spoke. "Thank you for this, Y/N. It means more to me than I can express."
"I know," she replied softly. "I still have my reservations, Fernando. But I can see you care about them. Just… be patient. They need time to adjust to all of this before even they know anything about their father. I know they're old enough to make their own decision, but I still want to keep them safe."
"I will," he promised, glancing at the twins ahead of them. "I just want to be a part of their lives, in whatever way I can."
Over the next few weeks, Fernando made an effort to spend more time with Georgia and AJ. He wanted to support AJ's rugby passion without drawing too much attention to himself. So, he reached out to a few of his fellow drivers to join him at one of AJ's matches. He figured their presence might help deflect some of the focus from him and make the event more enjoyable for AJ.
On the day of the match, Fernando arrived with a few familiar faces: Lewis Hamilton, Charles Leclerc, and Lando Norris. The drivers were curious and excited, and Fernando briefed them on the situation beforehand.
As they approached the field, the drivers couldn't help but be amazed by AJ's physique. At 6'0" with a muscular build, AJ stood out on the field, showcasing his strength and agility.
"Wow," Lewis said, eyes wide. "Are you sure that's your kid, Fernando? He's a beast!"
Fernando chuckled nervously. "He might be, but let's keep that between us for now. The kids don't know who I really am to them. They think I'm just a family friend."
Charles nodded, glancing at AJ with admiration. "I can't believe how strong he is. Look at him go!"
AJ's performance on the field was impressive, and the drivers, Y/N and Georgia cheered him on from the sidelines. Fernando felt a surge of pride every time AJ made a play, and he couldn't help but compare the boy's determination and competitive spirit to his own.
After the match, Fernando joined Y/N and Georgia to congratulate AJ. The other drivers followed, eager to meet the young athlete.
"You were amazing out there," Fernando said, clapping AJ on the back.
AJ beamed. "Thanks! It was a tough game."
"Anytime, mate" Fernando replied, smiling warmly.
Lewis, Charles, and Lando introduced themselves to AJ and Georgia, who were both starstruck. Georgia's sarcastic wit quickly came into play as she interacted with the drivers.
"So, Fernando, you brought the whole crew?" Georgia teased, her eyes twinkling. "Trying to make a good impression or something?"
Fernando laughed. "Just wanted to show AJ some support. Plus, these guys wanted to see what all the fuss was about."
AJ grinned, looking at the drivers with awe. "I can't believe you all came to my match. This is insane!"
As the drivers chatted with the twins, they couldn't help but notice the resemblance between Fernando and the kids. Georgia's sharp features and AJ's intense gaze mirrored Fernando's own.
"There's definitely a family resemblance," Lando whispered to Lewis, who nodded in agreement.
Fernando overheard and quickly addressed them. "Remember, they think I'm just a family friend. Let's keep it that way for now."
The drivers nodded, respecting Fernando's wishes. As the evening went on, they continued to bond with AJ and Georgia, sharing stories and laughing together. Fernando felt a sense of contentment he hadn't felt in years. He was building connections with his children, even if they didn't know the full truth yet.
After the rugby match, Y/N suggested they all grab a bite to eat at a nearby restaurant. The drivers agreed, eager to continue the fun. The group settled into a cozy booth, ordering a variety of dishes to share.
"So, AJ," Lewis began, "what got you into rugby?"
AJ's eyes lit up. "I've always loved sports, and rugby just clicked for me. It's physical, strategic, and you get to work as a team. Plus, it's a great way to burn off energy."
Charles laughed. "I can see that. You were all over the field today. It's impressive."
Georgia chimed in, her tone playful. "Yeah, AJ needs rugby to tire him out. Otherwise, he'd be bouncing off the walls at home. He's like a dog on zoomies, that's why mum sent him to a rugby club as a kid."
The table erupted in laughter, and AJ rolled his eyes, though he couldn't hide his grin. "Very funny, Georgia."
"So, Georgia," Lando asked, "what about you? Any interests or hobbies?"
Georgia shrugged. "I'm a bit of a bookworm. I love reading, and I'm really into school. I know it sounds boring, but I enjoy it."
"That's not boring at all," Fernando said, his voice warm. "Being smart and loving to learn is amazing."
Georgia smiled, a hint of a blush on her cheeks. "Thanks, 'Nando."
As the evening progressed, the group grew more comfortable with each other. Fernando felt a growing sense of pride as he watched Georgia and AJ interact with the drivers. The twins were confident, intelligent, and had a natural charm that drew people in.
At one point, Y/N excused herself to take a phone call, leaving Fernando alone with the twins and the drivers. He took the opportunity to learn more about them.
"So, do you two have any plans for the summer?" Fernando asked.
"Yeah, we're going on a family trip," AJ replied. "Mum's taking us to Italy. We've never been, so we're really excited."
"That sounds wonderful," Fernando said, smiling. "Italy is beautiful. You'll love it."
Georgia leaned in, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Maybe we'll bump into you at a race, Fernando. You seem to be everywhere."
Fernando chuckled. "You never know. The world of racing is pretty small."
As Y/N returned to the table, she noticed the camaraderie that had developed between Fernando, the twins, and the drivers. Her heart ached with a mixture of happiness and uncertainty. She wanted to protect her children, but she could see how much they enjoyed Fernando's company.
After dinner, the group said their goodbyes, and the drivers promised to keep in touch. As Fernando walked Y/N and the twins to their car, he felt a sense of longing.
"Thank you for tonight," Y/N said softly. "It meant a lot to AJ and Georgia."
"Thank you for letting me be a part of it," Fernando replied. "
I hope we can do this again."
Y/N nodded. "We'll see. Just take it one step at a time."
As they drove away, Fernando stood in the parking lot, watching the taillights fade into the distance. He knew the road ahead would be challenging, but he was determined to build a relationship with Georgia and AJ. He wanted to be there for them, to make up for the lost time.
The next few weeks were a blur of activities and meetings. Fernando continued to spend time with the twins, attending more of AJ's rugby matches and even joining Georgia for a book club meeting. He was careful to respect Y/N's boundaries, always checking in with her before making plans.
One evening, after a particularly exciting rugby match, Fernando invited Y/N and the twins over to his place for dinner. He wanted to cook for them, to show them a different side of himself.
As they arrived, Fernando greeted them at the door with a warm smile. "Welcome. I'm glad you could make it."
"Thanks for having us," Y/N replied, stepping inside. "It smells amazing in here."
Fernando led them to the dining room, where a beautifully set table awaited. "I hope you like Italian food. I made some of my favorites. I thought I would make it to get you ready for your holiday."
Georgia and AJ's eyes lit up as they saw the spread. "This looks incredible!" AJ exclaimed.
As they sat down to eat, Fernando felt a sense of contentment. The evening was filled with laughter and stories, the twins growing more comfortable with each passing moment. Fernando cherished every second, knowing these were the memories he had longed for.
Y/N excused herself, going to the bathroom and whilst the conversation still flowed, the twins took the opportunity to ask Fernando the question they had wanted to most.
"Fernando," Georgia started, her eyes serious, "why have you been spending so much time with us lately? One minute we were coming to our first F1 race and the next mum all of a sudden knows you and you're with us a lot, coming to our weekly rugby matches and doing things with us not even our other family would want to do."
Fernando felt a pang of anxiety but kept his composure. "I just enjoy spending time with you all. It's been a long time since I saw your mama, she has always been very special to me, so it's been nice to catch up."
AJ exchanged a glance with Georgia before adding, "We thought maybe you were dating Mum. She hasn't dated anyone since we were born."
Georgia nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Yeah, she always says she never really got over our dad."
Fernando's heart tightened. He wanted to tell them the truth, but he knew it wasn't the right time, nor would he do it without Y/N's permission. Instead, he decided to gently probe. "Your dad isn't around, I presmue? Do you know about him?"
AJ's face clouded with sadness. "Not much. Mum doesn't talk about him a lot. She always says she still loves him, but he didn't love her back."
"She never says anything bad about him," Georgia added, her voice soft. "But it's like there's this big empty space where he's supposed to be."
Fernando's chest ached with regret. He longed to tell them everything, but he didn't want to disrupt their lives more than necessary. "I'm sure he had his reasons, whatever they were. Would you ever want to meet him if you had the chance?"
The twins shrugged, though their expressions remained somber. Fernando wished he could alleviate their pain, but he knew he needed to take things slowly. "Maybe, I guess it would depend on circumstance. I think it would just be strange, after so long." Fernando just nodded at Georgia's answer.
As Y/N returned, she sensed the somber mood. "Everything okay here?" she asked, her eyes scanning the trio.
Fernando forced a smile. "Just talking."
Y/N seemed to understand. "Why don't we all go for a walk? Fresh air might do us good."
As they finished their meal, Y/N suggested a walk along the beach nearby. The twins eagerly agreed, and soon they were strolling along the shoreline, the sea breeze ruffling their hair.
As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the water, Georgia and AJ ran ahead, laughing and teasing each other. Fernando watched them, a sense of contentment settling over him. For the first time in years, he felt hopeful about the future.
taglist (as requested): @mxdi0 @kravitzwhore
Part 3
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When they misunderstand and kiss your cheek - svt 96z
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💋Who; Seventeen 96z (individually) x reader 💋What; lil fluff reactions 💋Wordcount; 1.7ish altogether 💋Warnings; Nothing, I don't think
Read the other versions here; 95z - 97z - Maknae3
-2024 Masterlist-
A/N- I wrote Jihoon's one maybe 2 weeks ago so that's why his is longer, it's not a favouritism thing or anything lol, just happened that way.
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💋Junhui💋 Your relationship with Junhui has always been very playful. Of course, you can both be serious when you need to be but you like the carefree atmosphere between you, it's brought you closer quicker than you've ever experienced with anyone before.
At any given time you two can be found playing around together. Today is no different. You're both seated on the floor and you can't even remember why anymore, all you know is you have Jun's pretty face in your hands as you playfully squeeze his cheeks and smoosh his skin around while he lets you, giggling along to your teasing babytalk.
"Look at your handsome face Junnie," You coo, pressing his cheeks in a way that pouts out his lips comically. "Kissy kissy," You make a kiss sound with your own mouth then lower your arms. You've been playing with his face for long enough that your arms are genuinely starting to ache.
But Jun thinks you're playfully making a move, he's aware there's something between you and has been thinking about making a move himself but just hasn't figured out how. So he takes a quick breath in to gather his nerve then leans in, fully intending to press his lips to yours yet you've turned your head to the side to locate your phone so his lips land on your cheek.
"Oh, you moved," He realises, instantly leaning back a little. You look at him in shock yet he doesn't notice, already gently cupping your face to make sure you don't move as he leans in this time. The kiss is very soft, very sweet and lasts only a second or two before he leans back to look into your eyes. He doesn't even notice you're shocked.
It's not until much further into your relationship that this situation comes up in conversation and he learns that you hadn't been making a move at all. Though you make certain to point out that you are very glad he had misunderstood and kissed you.
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💋Soonyoung💋 Lately, Soonyoung has been working longer harder hours so when it comes to hanging out you invite him to your place to just relax with some home-cooked food, instead of one of your usual little adventures wandering around and finding new places to shop, eat and explore.
After eating, you move over to the couch and you're not surprised by how close Soonyoung chooses to sit, he's affectionate enough normally so when he's sleepy, it's even more intense. But you don't mind, it's cute. He's cute.
Something in the movie you've been watching reminds you that you need to order some new items for your home so you start to scroll through your usual sites on your phone while Soonyoung fights to stay awake to watch the film.
To try and force himself more alert, Soonyoung lifts his heavy head up from the back of the couch and looks at you. What he sees it you mindlessly tapping and poking your cheek as you scroll and add things to your basket.
Normally, Soonyoung would be very aware that it's pretty common behaviour for you, he's witnessed it so much that he doesn't even really notice it anymore. But today, the poor guy is far too sleepy to recall that information.
A soft little pleased and interested sound leaves his parted lips and then he leans over before you can question the sound and plants the sweetest kiss against the apple of your cheek. And then immediately settles his head on your shoulder to happily curl up and finally give in to his body begging for slumber.
You can't see his face from this angle, but he has a content little smile on his lips and after a moment of registering what had happened, you wear the same one.
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💋Wonwoo💋 It's a given that being close to Wonwoo means that at some point, you will wind up playing video games with him, whether or not you're all that into them.
Although he won't go easy on most people, he does you, or at least he used to because these days after playing together so much, you've improved a hell of a lot. He's still better than you in this particular game you two always play together but you can more than hold your own now and he trusts you as his teammate to back him up without constantly glancing over at your screen to make sure you're playing right. He knows you are.
During a break after winning one level and waiting for the next one to be ready, Wonwoo looks over at you and finds you cutely pouting and poking your cheek. He doesn't realise you're practising a trend that your friend wants to record with you later.
He just thinks you're asking for a kiss so he leans over with his heart racing and presses his lips to your cheek gentle, barely a brush of his lips against your skin really before leaning back.
You look at him with wide eyes. "What was that for?" You whisper dumbstruck.
"You were being cute and pointing to your cheek like you want a kiss." He shyly copies the action you had been doing in explanation.
"It's a trend."
"Oh," He blushes darker and looks away as he adjusts his seating position and tries to pretend the whole thing never happened.
"I guess it's a good thing I was poking my cheek and not my lips." You joke, trying to break the tension that's appeared.
"Why?" He returns, sounding and looking offended as he frowns at you a little. "Is that such a bad thought?"
Your response comes out in a mumble. "You kissing me?"
You stare at him for a few seconds then lower your gaze to his lips shortly before locking your eyes with his own, your cheeks now pinkening to match his own. "No."
Wonwoo is clearly surprised by your answer, he inhales with a soft little almost gasp as his eyes widen slightly. And then he leans over the arm of his gaming chair to gently touch his fingers to your jaw and lead you to meet his lips. "This isn't a prank thing, is it?" He checks when he suddenly pulls back to look into your eyes.
"I wouldn't do that to you."
And he knows that really, but he just wanted to double-check so he doesn't make a fool of himself again. Wonwoo smiles at you softly and then he's kissing you again with the game entirely forgotten.
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💋Jihoon💋 It's one of the rare times you manage to actually get Jihoon to leave his apartment on his day off. You even managed to convince him to go for a walk through the park, though you've now been sat side by side under the shade of a tree people watching for at least an hour as you make up stories about the strangers that stumble into view.
"What?" Jihoon asks confused when you cut off mid-sentence about the elderly couple on the bench by the path being secret supervillains. "Did they kill someone?" He jokes, looking over at the couple yet he just finds them sitting cutely, hands clasped together on their pressed-together thighs and smiling at one another utterly enamoured. Jihoon can't deny it, it's a heartwarming sight. His lips even twitch up a little when the husband kisses his wife's cheek sweetly making her giggle bashfully.
"I don't remember the last time someone kissed my cheek." You admit with a sigh. Seeing the couple had made you feel a little sad and like you're missing out, all because you saw the husband kiss his wife, twice now. It was sweet and made you crave that yourself.
Jihoon stares at you for a moment, he knows you have a habit of not outright saying what you want so he regularly has to put the pieces together himself, not that he minds. And that's what he assumes is happening here, you're indirectly telling him to kiss you. It's not exactly something you two do but he can never turn you down.
So with pink cheeks, he leans over and softly touches his pursed lips to your cheek. He lingers for a second before settling back against the tree behind you both while looking back over to the bench. The couple are now walking off arm in arm and still smiling adoringly at each other.
Jihoon can feel your gaze on him so when his cheeks aren't quite so flushed, he bravely turns his head to look at you. You're staring at him wide-eyed with your fingers delicately touching where his lips had been less than a minute ago.
And this is where he realises he entirely misunderstood. "I thought you were hinting!" He explains quickly as his blush darkens rapidly, even spreading over the back of his neck and ears, though luckily his hair covers those areas from your view. "You're always saying things and I have to read between the lines to understand what you want! I thought this was that!"
For a few long seconds, you say nothing, just stare at his panicked expression, and then you grin slyly. "I don't remember the last time someone bought me dinner."
It has the intended effect and Jihoon immediately relaxes with an incredulous laugh while vaguely throwing up one arm a little. "Yah! You brat! I bought you dinner last week,"
"Did you?" You sigh dramatically and flop over to cutely rest your head on his shoulder while batting your eyelashes at him. "I can't remember, it was so long ago, Jihoonie."
He stares at you for a moment then, like always, he gives in with a sigh. "What do you want?"
"For you to know that I love you endlessly." You coo and poke at where his cheeks are warming all over again at your words. The tone may be joking but he knows you're being sincere, he knows you well enough to at least know that much.
"Shut up and pick somewhere to go." He huffs, gently shoving you off of him so that he can get up. He pulls you up a second later and lets you take hold of his arm as you walk off together.
You may not be smiling adoringly at one another like the elderly couple and the love in both of your eyes may be shyly directed elsewhere, but it's a start.
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@jegulus-microfic, June 1st - Pride, T, Word Count - 344
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"You okay mate?"
Peter’s voice breaks James out of his trance, he quickly turns to face the blond, averting his gaze from where he previously was studying Regulus across the great hall. He clears his throat before answering.
"Yeah. Don't worry, just spaced out,”James lied.
The only downside of knowing Peter practically his whole life, is the fact that they can read each other extremely easily. So it shouldn't come as a surprise to James when Peter raises an eyebrow at his words. He sighs, knowing he's been caught.
James looks around the table, not wanting anyone to overhear. Remus and Sirius have disappeared to Merlin knows where and the majority of other students are sitting far enough away from them that they won't hear James. Either way, he keeps his tone hushed and leans in closer to Peter. Not wanting his secret to get out.
Swallowing his pride, James finally answers Peter. "I think I like someone," he whispers.
A small smile forms on the blond's face. Peter’s known to gossip, so James isn’t surprised that he’s excited to learn about his crush. "That's great," he responds, a similar hushed tone. "Who is it?"
James runs a hand down his face. This is where it gets complicated. "Well, ugh. That's the issue."
"Come on, as long as it's not a Slytherin, you should be fine."
James purses his lips.
Peter’s smile gets wider. “It’s a Slytherin? Merlin James, who?” His voice gets louder as he gets more intrigued.
James shushes him and, with a pained expression, he answers Peter’s question. "It's Regulus."
Peter's eyes widen and an amused look comes across his face. This is probably the most interesting thing he's heard all week. "Baby Black? You're fucked mate, Sirius will kill you if he finds out."
James sighs. “I know, okay?" He's already gone over how bad this situation is in his head about a million times. Sirius would genuinely murder him if he found out. "This stays between us."
“Yeah, for your health." Peter laughs.
James groans and hangs his head.
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olderthannetfic · 13 hours
The most baffling part about this novel's backstory is that the author is only one generation removed from China, spent her entire childhood listening to her grandfather telling her these stories, and yet she still didn't research a single thing about Unit 731 for years.
This is truly incomprehensible behavior. How do you spend a huge chunk of your life listening to your grandfather telling you nightmarish stories that sounds way too close to reality, and not for a second you think that they might be true? And how do you not get curious and at least Google what some words are?
Maybe I'm mean, but you cannot convince me that she knew what Unit 731 was before she wrote the book, and didn't care to look until she received backlash over using it as a way to advertise the story.
This would explain why all her early promotion of the story kept saying "technologically advanced Roman Empire," and why the Antony character looks like he's of European descent.
Also, peep the "slow burn villain love interest" she used to sprinkle everywhere until people started branding her novel as colonizer romance.
This whole book, its marketing, and its author are an honestly awful mess (and before people try to @ me, yes, I did try to read the book, and I dropped after two chapters because it was genuinely not well written.)
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold your horses.
It's extremely common for people to just accept something they hear often and not look into it further. Look at my daily activity page notes of yet another person going "Holy shit! Of course it's from A Room of One's Own. How did I not notice?!"
We don't know exactly what grandpa's stories sounded like. Weren't they described as "ghost stories" somewhere? There's no reason to think they sounded close to reality. Did he use the actual words "Unit 731"? How do you know he included anything obvious she could have researched long ago during her childhood?
Yes, at some point, she did find out, and maybe she could have handled things around the book better, but I think you've got some leaps of logic here.
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saintsenara · 3 days
what are ur thoughts on all the young dudes man i gotta know
i've never read it, and i can't really see any situation in which i will. not only am i wolfstar-ambivalent, i'm also wizards-knowing-loads-about-muggle-pop-culture-ambivalent - so i'm very much not the target audience.
[although i'm not "what's going on in the 1970s"-ambivalent by any means, so there's that.]
but i suspect anyone who reads this blog regularly knew that - and so i also suspect [even though i wouldn't dare to assume this of you and your intentions in asking this, anon] that it might be presumed that i'm going to pop off about several of the phenomena all the young dudes has set into motion...
and sure, the contemporary marauders subfandom is not a space i'm interested in spending any time in - which is why i don't - but i think it's nonetheless worth saying something in defence of it.
all the young dudes deserves more credit than i think it gets in the fandom more widely - especially in those bits of the fandom which are more interested in canon compliance and canon coherence - for being a genuine pop-culture phenomenon. all corners of the fandom have benefitted from this - i guarantee that huge numbers of people who have returned to the harry potter fandom since 2020 have done so because they've read it [or, at the very least, heard of it], and i also guarantee that many of those people have gone on to make a home for themselves in spaces which seem to have very little in common with the marauders subfandom [such as canon-compliant jily or pro-snape spaces]. many of the things it does - especially the integration of muggle pop-culture into its worldbuilding - have clearly influenced how plenty of authors approach their own work, even if that work is otherwise removed from it in vibe. and its aesthetic is all over the non-fic aspects of fandom too - every "canon-compliant" moodboard or edit or playlist i've ever seen would fit well into the atyd universe. i think it doesn't hurt to acknowledge its influence - it doesn't mean that an author can't disagree with its approach.
[or: my view on all the young dudes is very similar to my view on taylor swift. i've never listened to a single one of her albums, i'm not sure i could name more than about five of her songs - and i don't think the five i can name are any good, i sometimes see flashes of the inter-swiftie discourse and it's like reading a text in a language i can only half speak - but i would be a fool to dismiss her broader pop-culture influence, including on musicians i do follow more closely, or the fact that the fandom which surrounds her is both sincerely interesting, not least from an anthropological perspective, and something in which people i like and respect participate.]
i also don't think the divisions between the marauders subfandom and other spaces are as clear-cut as is often made out. and i think that all the young dudes often gets used as a stick with which to beat this point - particularly because people in the marauders subfandom are frequently accused of not having read the books, and elevating atyd's interpretation of characters [especially sirius and remus] and events over the seven-book series.
that the subfandom elevates fanon and headcanon over canon is a legitimate point. but i think we should all get a fucking grip and recognise that this can disinterest us - or even annoy us - and still not be something any of us should think is that deep.
after all, like anyone, i've encountered people in fandom who write unrecognisable versions of characters, are completely resistant to the idea that their interpretation isn't correct, and believe that it's evidence of deep-seated prejudice to pair their faves with different people... and every single one is someone who believes that their approach is meticulously canon-compliant.
or - as the old adage goes - "people who live in glass subfandoms shouldn't throw stones at roadman remus".
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mershellscape · 15 hours
— minerva mcgonagall moodboard + headcanons
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— summary bc minerva ROCKS i love her (also outing myself as a mcgonagall x pomfrey shipper LMFAOOO) — a/n i said i was jus gonna do hcs 🫣 but i couldn't help but do a moodboard — taglist @picklerab23 @lovelorngirl @that-random-poseidon-child @nuncscioquidsitamor-13 (sorry if any of you didn't want to be tagged, i just tagged ppl who seemed interested 😓)
ᥫ᭡. her father fought in ww2, and both she and her mother took care of him when he was back, as he struggled with ptsd
ᥫ᭡. she loved growing up in a muggle village, partly bc she felt special and smart, but also bc it made her have a closer relationship with her father
ᥫ᭡. when she got to hogwarts, the sorting hat took a long time to put her in a house, before she swore at it in her head and it screeched “GRYFFINDOR”
ᥫ᭡. sidenote: minnie def uses muggle swear words ik my girl is not saying "merlin's saggy ballsack" at every inconvenience
ᥫ᭡. she became popular pretty quickly, but she only had one real friend — poppy pomfrey
ᥫ᭡. they went EVERYWHERE together
ᥫ᭡. they were the big sisters of gryffindor house, even of hogwarts in general
ᥫ᭡. minnie got top grades in all her classes, so the only thing that offered a challenge to her was quidditch
ᥫ᭡. she'd read about in some books, but she had never played it before, so she tried out her second year, but failed to get in
ᥫ᭡. but over the summer she practiced, and got in her third year
ᥫ᭡. a lot of people were cruel to her, since she was a girl, which kept getting in her head and worsened her performance
ᥫ᭡. on one match, the bullying got so bad she didn't show her face the whole rest of weekend — even though they ended up winning
ᥫ᭡. poppy found out why and she hexed the bullies, giving them really bad nosebleeds
ᥫ᭡. minnie got back to playing quidditch, and was better than ever
ᥫ᭡. sidenote: everytime minnie got hurt in a match, she'd get taken care of by poppy (who volunteered at the hospital wing) and asjsksja so hurt comfort 😭 i love them
ᥫ᭡. in her fourth year, she dated a fellow chaser for a few months, but she was never really invested
ᥫ᭡. meanwhile, she couldn't help but feel a little jealous when poppy got in a relationship herself
ᥫ᭡. she broke up with her boyfriend on a hogsmeade weekend and he got mad and tried to hit her but she hexed him and left him rolling around in the snow in pain
ᥫ᭡. (because of this, she got called to the headmaster's office, and was put in detention, tho she negotiated it to only be once rather than a whole week)
ᥫ᭡. because of her experience taking care of her father, she was one of the most compassionate students, and eventually teachers, towards the younger ones who struggled with mental health
ᥫ᭡. she and poppy, already popular for their beauty and personalities, became known for their genuine kindness
ᥫ᭡. she and poppy became prefects at the same time, furthering their reputation as the gryffindor mothers
ᥫ᭡. she passed her o.w.l.s with flying colors, etc. etc.
ᥫ᭡. she spent the whole summer before her sixth year with poppy, eating ice cream, taking the train to edinburgh to go to the museums and “experience some culture”
ᥫ᭡. they def “practiced kissing” on each other, even though they'd both already had their first kisses
ᥫ᭡. the next year, minnie worked on becoming an animagus, under the supervision of dumbledore
ᥫ᭡. she became an animagus in a little over seven months, due to a few failed attempts, but!!! she got their in the end bc of course she did she's mcgonagall
ᥫ᭡. from that point forward she was constantly turning into her cat form, bc she loved yowling at her fellow students when they pissed her off
ᥫ᭡. of course she had to keep the fact that she was an animagus a secret, even tho she did it legally
ᥫ᭡. sixth and seventh year she got a lot of awards for transfiguration, but now she was starting to worry about where she would go in her career
ᥫ᭡. most of her teachers insisted she take up a teaching position at hogwarts but she was like “no😭😭 i hate kids”
ᥫ᭡. after graduation, she got a job at a magazine in london, where she had a column about transfiguration. she interviewed famous people, talked about how transfiguration and other forms of magic can be mixed, etc.
ᥫ᭡. but she wasn't happy
ᥫ᭡. at this point, she was penpals w poppy, who was working back at hogwarts
ᥫ᭡. poppy filled her in on the drama, and when minnie found out dumbledore was leaving his position as transfiguration professor to be headmaster, she rushed to apply
ᥫ᭡. obviously, she was given the job
— now for some headcanons from when she was a professor !
ᥫ᭡. one time minnie got in a fight with another animal in her animagus form and she showed up to class the next day with nicks in her ear and a limp
ᥫ᭡. causing a school-wide rumor that she was secretly in a gang (she doesn't deny it)
ᥫ᭡. minnie in animagus form always accompanied remus on the full moon, to make sure he never hurt himself too badly
ᥫ᭡. mcgonagall def picked favorites, but they had to earn it. some of her notable favorites: molly weasley, bill weasley, regulus black, remus lupin, andromeda black, mary macdonald, hermione granger, luna lovegood, neville longbottom, harry potter, fred & george weasley, and lee jordan (the quidditch commentator)
that's all i can think of right now, feel free to add on! <3
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nekropsii · 2 hours
what do you see in equius ?? genuine question i don't mean to sound rude but to me she's just really offputting. she gives me such creep vibes that i can't seem to get over and every time i read a page with her it just gets worse..... like when i first read nep & eq's chats i was sitting there wondering if this was outright abuse or at least bullying of some kind??? it felt like it idk.......
but honestly i do wanna see an equius liker's opinion on him because i can't understand it like at all and i'm probably just missing something that all the equius likers saw and i didnt LMAO
Well, considering I’m an Alpha Trolls Enthusiast and have been for, like, a decade, as well as having Horror as a Special Interest since age… What, 3? I’d say I personally have a pretty strong stomach for Weird and Offputting in fiction, lol. Stronger than most. Equius isn’t a very palatable character at all, I’ll be the first to admit that - a lot of the characters I enjoy the most in Homestuck aren’t very palatable… But I find ‘em real interesting, personally. The fact that they aren’t palatable adds to the intrigue for me, and poor execution tends to be a total weakness of mine. Again, Alpha Trolls Enthusiast for a decade straight.
I have a post here that talks a bit about my reading of Equius, I’d recommend giving it a read. I see Eridan and Equius as being very similar characters - not necessarily due to their shared hemoloyalty, but because they’re both teens falling down online pipelines. They’re very prevalent Kinds Of Guy that no one wants to talk about.
But people talk about Eridan plenty even to this day - he was even a fandom favorite for a while, being the fandom’s first Prettyboy Sad Gay Anime Prince long before Dirk… So he doesn’t reel in as much interest for me as the chronically overlooked Equius.
If there’s anything to know about me, it’s that I love a good underdog.
Equius-Likers, from my experience, are very aware of his issues. It’s part of the draw. Enjoyment of him tends to be an analytical fixation. I haven’t met a single Equius-Liker that hasn’t had some very complex thoughts on him. They’re just kinda quiet about it. Fitting.
Unfortunately, I’m Aranea But Real, so. No quietness here.
Your response to Equius is valid. It’s also intended, I feel. To specifically address the bits about concerns of his relationship with Nepeta not being healthy… I mean, it’s not abusive, but it’s definitely more complicated than fan art would lead you to believe, as always. “Complicated” is to be expected from a Moirallegiance - remember what they exist for?
Nepeta is very much so in control of the things going on, and their relationship is pretty equal, all things considered, so I wouldn’t be worrying too much about that. She very distinctly does not lack agency here - Nepeta is the one who has a leash on Equius, not the other way around. Equius is mean, because that’s the way she is to… Everyone, more or less, but she’s not of any danger to Nepeta. They have a fine Moirallegiance. 1,000% more functional than whatever the fuck Karkat and Gamzee had going on.
Anyway. I think Equius is neat, and has both missed and oft overlooked potential. One of the very few characters I’d be 100% down to have seen more content of in the comic.
Once again, check out this post. I still think it’s decent. Maybe you will, too.
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creacherkeeper · 7 months
i think someone should do a linguistics study of "ass" as synecdoche but specifically "ass" as in something or someone that embodies a concept like "acts of service ass" as someone who embodies the acts of service love language or another example from my recent messages "gargoyle ass" because my friends cat looks like a gargoyle. is this anything. linguists please get on this i need you
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cloudysarts · 4 months
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this show would be good if literally everything about it was different
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benveydraws · 9 months
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i can't love you in this skin
#twittering birds never fly#saezuru tori wa habatakanai#suggestive#<- jic#interpret this as you will#there's A Lot about gender and yashiro's relationship with gender and heteronormativity especially in relation to doumeki#he asks him what type of Women he likes. they only watch m/f stuff together. “i wonder if he's gentle with women”.#the anger and disappointment when he realizes that doumeki is actually attracted to him#unless he's remembering something that happened he only fantasises about doumeki with a woman and not with himself#(same was with kageyama iirc)#except for that kiss in the elevator but that's a whole other conversation. and even then there was a woman present#he even tells kamiya that doumeki is basically straight and he's just a rare exception#yashiro's is so so desperate to push doumeki towards a “normal” life#aka not in yakuza. not with him. in a normal (straight) relationship#just. a lot of self hatred and internalized homophobia#all that being said. i think regardless of the author's intent reading yashiro as a closeted trans person is also valid#the “i could never afford myself to reflect on this and i also don't care enough about living to even bother atp” type of closet#would it contradict some of the things yashiro says? sure. but he contradicts himself all the time#am i projecting as someone who will live and die in the closet? sure#i think it's interesting that the only person who genuinely asks him about gender is ryuzaki#in the same conversation where he asks him about falling in love#and yashiro's response is basically “it wouldn't change much” and “i'm fine with what i have”. are you tho#there's a lot i can say about yashiro and aoi and yashiro and ryuzaki's girlfriend but i can't articulate it well rn so whatever#the way dumeki's lie about dating a woman affects yashiro is also interesting regardless of which interpretation you go with#which is also why i'm using post time-skip for the art. the topic keeps popping up#but yeah uh. take it as you will i just have a lot of feelings about. This#art tag
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wiseatom · 10 months
i tried for a well thought out post. instead you get this mess that i’m begging you not to twist:
the outraged cries of “cliques” are people being actual friends with each other. the people complaining about certain blogs or creators being on pedestals are usually the same people putting them there. i’m not one to belittle feelings - i understand where the upset is coming from. i even understand my place in it! but at the end of the day, we’re working ourselves up over what? notes? followers? hits on a fic? things based on luck and timing??
i can only speak for myself, but i work a full time job and i’m hard scheduled 45 hours a week. all of my free time goes towards fic writing, because that’s For Me and that’s what’s important for my mental health, and even then, i am usually too exhausted to do that. i would love to read fic and interact more! my to-read list is a mile long! it is just genuinely hard for me to find the time. i prioritize my friends because they are my friends — real, actual people i know beyond tumblr mutualship, who i talk to about more than just fic writing — and even then i am late getting around to it. i’m not saying this as a “woe is me, my life is hard” moment, but moreso trying to offer a perspective that is not even being thought of. and i get it, no one wants to hear it, because you’re frustrated, and being vocal about frustration feels nice (i know, bc here i am)!!
someone is going to come for my throat for making this post as a “big author” and “part of the clique we’re all vagueing” and maybe it’s juuuuust me but like. if you’re that unhappy, log off. if seeing a friend group you’re not part of interacting makes you unhappy, log off. if seeing the engagement other people get on their posts or fic or art makes you unhappy, log off. you cannot force people to interact with you or your creative work, and aggressively posting about it when they don’t is not inviting them to. i am begging you to stop having expectations of people you do not know, because at the end of the day, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
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twst-mer · 2 years
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マレレオ union birthday
#leona kingscholar#malleus draconia#malleleo#malleus x leona#twst#twisted wonderland#i didnt openly ship these two until after union birthday leona story dropped#that interview malleus did with leona changed me#what i expected (jokingly): [explosions]#what i got: [mutual respect]#malleus KNOWS what leona is into#their fanon ship dynamic Shifted when everyone found out#leona genuinely loves this gift from malleus and he doesnt make it a secret at all#its an ancient book of spells and leona even recognizes the language is so old it isnt in common usage anymore#leona says mages and linguists alike would love to get their hands on this kind of thing (malleus wasnt aware the language was that old LOL)#malleus recommends leona read it because he has it back home in the castle library at briar valley and found it interesting#old man book club#(leona is 21 now and malleus is like 100+)#the book is so valuable leona actually got concerned that malleus might have went over budget for his birthday gift?#leona couldve just accepted the gift without thinking about it but it matters to him for some reason#they end up having a whole tangential conversation around how malleus got his hands on this for leona#leona teases about whether malleus had attendants go with him to the antique bookstore#malleus is like of course not and leona is like good i like walking around and shopping on my own too#leona) especially because its in my nature to be considerate in many ways. i'd feel guilty making anyone wait up for me#malleus) oh thats the first i've heard of that. i seem to recall seeing savanaclaw students running in circles looking for you quite often.#and then they tease each other about who gives other students the worse hassle in searching for them#somehow malleus ends up like...i see now. you're here for the same reasons that i am. to experience what you cannot back home#and leona agrees) in as far as its more comfortable living here than at home you're not wrong.#they agree they have a lot in common and can empathize with each other#im still not over it
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mari-lair · 10 months
I lost interest in tbhk.
I'll try to finish my interactive au and the fic docs I already started, answer some of my asks too, when I have the time, but unless the new chap spark that excitement again I'll just... become a casual reader.
(I do still have pieces of my insane era on my docs though, so if interested I'll share the drafts and incomplete scenes of some fics)
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volivolition · 1 month
suggestion do you have... any wants? like obviously you do but like? suggestion my guy my ourple boy. both the easiest and hardest to write. you need a skill to say something to move conversation along but it doesn't fit any skill in particular? about 80% of the time you can have suggestion say it and it will make sense. but like actually characterizing him... how do i define you dude... what makes your character tick... urgh. i dont get you yet. im trying to understand but you are difficult.
#chemi chats#there are some skills that i just dont understand yet and that just means i have to work on their character study chapter#im reading his bio and i think suggestion is a good manipulator and it's instinctive and he tries not to feel bad about it?#he's clever!! charming!! friends with savvy and drama. planting seeds in the mind and coaxing them to grow towards him like he's the sun.#a crude oil reservoir lying beneath a carefully laid flower bed. taps into the roots. the plants don't know any better than to drink.#he's great at sensing what makes people tick and uses that to his advantage. he needs goals to look forward to so he knows how to best#pull the strings to get them there. otherwise he's a bit aimless. he likes being useful. and since influencing others is helpful#he just keeps doing it? because it's what he's good at. and he tries to convince himself its fun and cool and just cuz hes charming and#it's his role as a skill and manipulation isnt thaaaat bad because it's helpful to them after all... but he does feel bad sometimes.#oh im listening to his voice lines and i just got to ''brother you should have put me in front of a firing squad'' and im sad about him now#but what do you want for short term little guy?? probably for people to like him. he likes chatting with people. i bet he'd like genuine#conversations with no strings attached but there's always some part of him filing information and tidbits away that he can't turn off#subconsciously figuring out things he can hold over them or how he can nudge them into thinking someth-/wait.../ no. no he's just talking.#he's /supposed/ to just be talking stop analyzing them stop falling back into that just have a normal conversation!! but he can't help it..#hm. this is all really helpful for his chapter. he and empathy are very alike but also different. very interesting...#task: swept up#okay good talk everyone i think i understand him a little better now lmao?? still gotta figure him out some more hes not fully there but ye#also i think he goes by whatever pronoun you think he'd use. just ''oh what do /you/ think i am hm?? what /would/ i use; do you think?? :)'#funny fella. i love you.
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late-night-vocaloid · 5 months
(disclaimer there's no hio news this is old stuff)
I was never a huge hio stan specifically but these runner-up designs in particular are so sick
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he should've been pink
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thepoisonroom · 5 months
one of the funniest things about my worst ex that i didn't even know until this year is that they tried to use romantic lines on me that they'd lifted verbatim from casey mcquiston's red white and royal blue
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