#thinking about acts of service being buck’s love language
tevanbuckley · 1 month
thinking about the fact that chimney was on the way to the bachelor party when he pulled over.
because yeah he didn’t really want one, but buck clearly put a lot of effort in and it’s his way of showing he cares and he really does love his dumbass little brother enough to indulge him, and when the dust settled he probably felt bad that buck spent all night thinking he’d ghosted him.
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suguru-getos · 1 year
Thoughts on Aizawa? The skrunkly eraser man?
Ahahaha oh my god Aizawa huh? I wanna write something about him now
Aizawa hcs (nsfw/sfw):
Quiet, thoughtful, introverted and serene man. He carries all the characteristics of being perfect in his own way. Gives his work and the people close to him an assertive prioritiy and also shows that. For his s/o he would definitely do the same. They come above his work sometimes because that’s who he is. Hardwired to be a genuine caregiver.
He doesn’t put much thought into dressing up, but does take care of himself physically. Regular workouts and trainings, helping his students train with him. Appearance wise I think he couldn’t care less. However that doesn’t mean he does not understand the significance of dressing appropriately at a given situation. He would put a lot of effort when there are planned outings, dates, press conferences. It’s his regular attire that he prefers not to mull over into much.
He loves coffee of course, as an underground hero he doesn’t have much energy to cope up throughout his day except with a stronf espresso. He would be completely hypocritical and chid his s/o about not drinking much coffee and how it overstimulates your already tired brain & makes it even more tired. “It will have high stress hormones, Cortisol. Then you’d be unable to rest. It will give you anxiety.” Yes sure Aizawa sensei, sure -_-
He loves bringing his partner flowers, he is a hardcore gentleman and wants to behave that way. Even when there’s the smallest of occaisions, you’d have huge bouquets for yourself. Your period? You had a good day? Anything and everything.
Is possessive in a caring way, “Oh you’re going out, great! Have fun.” Would text you every two hours about it though ;-;
He can’t cook for shit but is happy to do that when required and would methodically follow the recipie and everything. He just prefers in acts of service as his love language and is very keen to show it.
Uses $$ like a sugar daddy to spoil you. <3
He can use his words to comfort you during bad times and he is pretty good at it, hugging you, craddling you close to his chest and kissing you. Telling you how proud he truly is of you. This man is the standard, mkay?
Nsfw hcs 😏:
Hardcore pleasure dom, he gives a fuck only about your pleasure which inturn, gets him hard. He loves having you by the lap and cockwarming you though, like to see you struggle and try to buck your hips against him.
Funishments is where it’s at. He loves to use his capture weapon to tie you up with your legs spread apart, eat your cunt for hours if needed (of course giving you enough breaks) but it’s his hobby to make you squirm and whine & cry.
Aftercare king and would soothingly rub any areas that are bruised, would draw out a bath for you, order your favorite snacks, tell you how much you are loved. Have you on his lap while he kisses your forehead, plays with your hair. All the cutesy stuff UnU
His favorite position is to bench press you because he just wants to see your face when his cock destroys your cunt with his railing thrusts.
Nipple play king and has once made you cum just from playing/toying with your titties.
Aizawa also loves to edge you, he just loves to be in control and what better than controlling the very desire and need of your body? Your orgasm? He’d stop, or have you asking/begging for permission as he pounds your sweet pussy.
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konigsblog · 1 year
Hiiiii :P I jus wanted to ask for some Konig or Ghost headcanons pls (idc if they're nsfw or sfw i jus want headcanons 😩😩)
i'm dying and i need my boys
ty boo<333
simon ‘ghost’ riley headcannons ;;
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warnings: mentions of simons past, smut, angst, pregnancy ;;
a/n; please request more headcannons if you want to !! my requests should be open usually, if not it's because i have too many requests atm, but they'll be back on later :) ,,,
i think simon doesn't like getting drunk often, due to his past, his childhood, and his father constantly being drunk. i think he's anxious about getting drunk/drinking alcohol in fear of acting out like his dad, or being reminded of traumatic events.
simon is a man of few words, we know that. i think is love language is acts of service; making you tea/coffee in the morning, ironing your clothes for you or helping you out when you're doing housework.
he wants children in the future. earlier in life, before he met you, he swore deep that he'd never have children (again, in fear of becoming like his father), but once he met you his whole world changed. his cold heart warmed up, the idea of settling down, starting a family with you started lingering in his brain, hoping to get you pregnant someday.
he's a dog person, this isn't an uncommon headcannon. he wants a german shepherd, he wants to train it to become a guard dog to protect you whilst on deployment. but, i don't think he wants to name it ‘riley’ in my eyes, i think simon hates his last name since it's associated with his horrible father, if he could, he'd change his name - but legally he's dead, so he has to live with his last name so he wouldn't want to be reminded of it everytime he called on his dog.
definitely a breakfast person. he likes bacon, scones, everything you'd get in a true english breakfast. then afterwards, he'd stand on the balcony of your shared apartment and smoke a cigar, a growing problem that never seemed to slow down.
wants a son. wants to teach it stuff like self defense, football, how to stand up for yourself because he struggled to protect himself as a child. he'd be overprotective of his daughter, shielding her from any boy.
on the topic of football, he supports manchester city/man united (i don't know the difference, i don't watch football oops..)
loves when you put the black face paint on his face before leaving for deployment. your gentle touch has a almost stained smile on his face, which is then replaced by sadness when it's time to say goodbye.
adores your comfort, clings to you when he needs help or reassurance. rests his head on your chest, listening to the thumping sound of your heartbeat, the way it rams against your ribs and sternum.
favourite positions would be anything as long as he can see your reaction. the way your lips part in arousal, his cock kissing your cervix with each thrust.
i don't think he likes seeing you sob, maybe sometimes if he's in a dacryphillic mood. he loves to hear your moans, they sound pleasureful as they bounce off the walls.
loves marking you in any way possible; hickeys, rubbing his scent onto your body, filling you with his cum and walking around with it inside your panties or getting you swollen and pregnant.
god forbid johnny makes any sexual remark to you. the second you look away, simons holding him by the scruff of his neck and threatening him into never saying anything of that nature again. (he does it again)
has a kink for you being vulnerable. his cock hardens watching you squirm beneath him, the sounds that escape your throat have him drooling in his boxers.
loves to eat you out; his tongue flicking at your clit, holding your thighs with a strong grip, his lips sucking while his pink tongue explores your wetness. pressing into your tightness, your whimpers turning his tip desperate and angry.
and if you lean down and suck him off whilst sitting on his face, he'll go crazy. bucking his hips into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag. loves seeing you struggle taking him in your mouth. lips stretching over his girth, chucking into your arousal when you whine around him.
doesn't like being submissive, hates being vulnerable and will refuse to do it. i genuinely don't think any convincing could change his mind, because he associates him being vulnerable and scared with his horrific childhood, he'd rather not relive that.
also wouldn't want to be called daddy, a substitute becoming ‘sir’. loves the way it flows of your tongue. his balls slapping against your tight ass, your legs trembling with euphoria rushing through your body.
that's all, i couldn't think of anymore and i have other requests to answer atm :( might add onto this later, tell me what you think :)
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poughkeepsies · 1 year
Not to make this 1000 times worse for everyone but actually, 614 and 615 were the episodes for both Buck and Eddie mutually rejecting each other and the other's place in their lives by implying that they are lacking in the area that is the other's love language. Lemme see if I can hold my pieces together long enough to explain.
614 with Eddie rejecting Buck was much more subtle and didn't show a reaction from Buck beyond general jealousy because I fully believe that Buck doesn't know he's in love with Eddie, because he never even allowed himself to consider it as an option. He is too petrified of people leaving and too incapable of accepting that he can be loved to ever put himself in a position to hope for something that has the potential to devastate him so thoroughly. But whether he knows he's in love with Eddie or not, over the past 5 seasons he has thrown himself completely and utterly head-first into being there for Eddie and Christopher, being their best friend and their safe place. He exists as a part of their lives that no one but Shannon has ever even come close to occupying. Buck doesn't do grand declarations like Eddie does, but he shows his love through quality time and acts of service and all of that boils down to making sure the Diaz boys are never, ever alone. And yet, just last episode Eddie decided that he wants to start dating because he doesn't want to be "alone" anymore. Eddie is scared of dying alone when Buck has proven time and time again that there is no mess, battlefield, or locked door that could keep him from Eddie if he's ever in danger. So if Eddie is still feeling alone, still scared of dying alone, then maybe the kind of partnership and presence Buck brings to their lives simply isn't what Eddie is looking for, at least in a romantic sense. Even if he isn't aware of his feelings yet, even subconsciously Buck would take that as a door closing in his face before he even had the chance to knock. And so continues the pattern of Eddie jumping back into the dating game and Buck diving in seconds after him.
Now, of course, Eddie isn't saying that because Buck isn't enough. Buck is everything he wants or needs in a partner, but that scares him because Eddie is aware of his feelings and that makes him so acutely aware of the fact that Buck will find someone else to settle down with and start his own family with any day now, and when that happens Eddie really will be well and truly alone. He can't break his own heart, he needs to start being proactive because he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life alone after Buck has moved on.
And in 615, when Buck says that Natalia really sees him, he's discounting the way Eddie has always unspokenly expressed his love for him. Because maybe Eddie hasn't ever used those exact words before, but every one of his major declarations, including "there's no one in this world I trust with my son more than you" (THE TO BE SEEN, TO BE FOUND SCENE?? HELLO???), "I love him enough to never stop trying and I know you do too", "I forgive you", "I know", "It's in my will if I die you become Christopher's legal guardian", and especially "you act like you're expendable, but you're wrong", have been just another way of Eddie telling him I see you for all that you are and I love you for it. The expandability line is a particularly unsubtle standout because it's absolutely paralleled with both Taylor and Margaret telling Buck "you think you're invincible but you're wrong," and there Eddie was again, paired against Buck's mom and his girlfriend, two of the people who should know him and love him the best and yet just don't. And oh shit I'm realizing this just as I'm typing this but Eddie is yet again being paralleled against Buck's mom and his girlfriend (the girlfriend now being Natalia). In 6x10 when Margaret calls him a "miracle baby" and the way Natalia gushes about his death - Buck's death and his birth, two of the most traumatic things that have ever happened to him and Buck is someone who so desperately wants everything to be okay, wants the trauma to have some grand meaning, so he takes the out and takes the win and he lets them let him hide behind the superficial positive bullshit. But Eddie, Eddie sees Buck and Eddie knows him and loves him enough that he can tell just how not okay all of this is, not just for Buck but for all the rest of the people who love him as well, and he doesn't want him to hide away from it because Buck shouldn't have to pretend to be unchanged but he should acknowledge the way he's changed. Eddie is seeing Buck more than Buck can handle being seen right now and Buck is unconsciously rejecting it by placing preference over the way Natalia sees him. Except to an Eddie who is already convinced Buck doesn't feel the same, who is so scared of being alone after Buck has moved on, this feels like just another way he won't be enough for Buck and the time when he'll really well and truly be alone is more and more drawing near. There's even something to be said about the fact that we see Eddie visibly realize just how much Buck has been affected as he's talking - the fact that he's realizing this so late may be making him even more sure of his inadequacy.
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i've had bewitched, bothered and bewildered stuck in my head ever since the episode titles came out... and thinking about this song in relation to buck and buddie is. kind of driving me insane
"men are not a new sensation," in relation to buck's bisexuality?
"i'm wild again, beguiled again/ a simpering, whimpering child again," something something buck retreating to his younger self's habits, naive, reckless, desperate. maybe acknowledging his growth
"lost my heart, but what of it/ he is cold i agree/ he can laugh, but i love it/ although the laugh's on me," tell me this doesn't read like buck being jealous of marisol, feeling his love is unrequited, appreciating eddie and eddie's happiness from afar but not feeling worthy of him
"i'll sing to him, each spring to him/ and long for the day when i'll cling to him," this kind of speaks to me of buck's self-sacrificial nature, how he wants to be needed, wants to be used, how his love language to eddie is acts of service... but then like. also allowing himself to want things
"he's a fool," they're both oblivious soo
"i'm in love and don't i show it," you certainly do, babes. in fact you've done nothing but show it since your second episode together
"i've sinned a lot," this accompanied by the "i can be oversexed again," seems very buck 1.0-specific to me. again maybe he's retreating? or acknowledging his growth? especially since his old player tendencies were literally brought up in 7x01. by himself. which eddie immediately amended by saying that he's not like that anymore. idk, it just feels relevant
"and worship the trousers that cling to him," ok let's be real, not to be a simp on main, but we've all seen ryan guzman's legs. also that man is caked up
"when he talks, he is seeking/ words to get off his chest," now THIS. this means a lot to me. i'm already so crazy insane about eddie slowly opening up and being more vulnerable, especially with buck. and ryan and oliver have both confirmed that buck and eddie going to be a lot more open with each other and lean on each other this season. eddie's not great with words, but he's slowly starting to be able to ask buck for help with chris directly, tells him his problems... and i think buck sees that, and is really proud of him for it
"vexed again, perplexed again," and "burned a lot, but learned a lot," both kind of feel to me like references to buck's (and eddie's honestly) history with dating, how everyone leaves him, dazed and confused, not knowing what he did wrong.. but again! i think we've seen a lot of growth with buck in this respect. like, he's learning not to settle. i got the impression that he broke things off with natalia not the other way around, which is a breakthrough for him honestly.
the song has sort of a bittersweet ending honestly, which i think might mean we'll get some angst. like maybe buck and eddie will. encounter some problems in their relationship, or eddie rejects buck or something. obviously that's wild spec but like let me live??
i want to clarify i'm not delulu i don't think the 100th episode will be super buck-centric despite being called 'buck, bothered and bewildered' considering precedent with 'buck, actually' (even though i personally wouldn't mind that, he's my blorb) i was just listening to the song bc it's on my writing playlist and had many thoughts and feelings. feel free to ignore
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butraura · 10 months
I was thinking about what Buck and Eddie’s love languages are and very quickly was like, “wait, it’s most of them.”
Acts of service: Buck introducing Eddie to Carla, cooking for each other, Eddie being there for Buck when Maddie is missing and when his parents are in town, Buck taking care of Christopher, Buck bringing Eddie to Chris after the earthquake, Buck going against his own trauma to rescue Eddie after he was shot and keeping him alive in the fire truck, Buck rushing to Eddie’s place after his breakdown to check on Chris and see if Eddie was okay, talking him through his issues, Eddie getting Buck ice after he was punched, Eddie trying to get Buck out of his head to “save him” from himself, going the extra mile to save each other during calls and risking their lives, Eddie risking another lightning strike by rushing up the ladder to get Buck down and then forcibly taking over his care after they arrive at the hospital and then shouting at the doctors to “do more”, Eddie letting Buck over just to fall asleep on the couch, respecting his boundaries despite his own need to check on him, getting him water after his nap, talking him through his own issues and trauma, Eddie planning the poker outing to get Buck smiling again, Buck driving Eddie and Chris to the airport, them understand each other implicitly, etc.
Quality time: Buck driving Eddie to get Chris after the earthquake, Buck going with Eddie to the hospital after his abuela broke her hip, hanging out to play video games, hanging out to talk about their struggles and fears and feelings, hanging out to cook for each other + Christopher, building Christopher’s modified skateboard together, Buck and Eddie taking Chris to see Santa together, going to the bar together (+ the rest of the 118), both of them there for each other during recovery, “this is Eddie’s house, I’m not really a guest”, going to the grave of a deceased woman they met on a call, being each other’s partners at work, going to El Paso to visit his family after their work in Austin (+Hen), etc. (bonus: Buck taking Chris on trips together all the time, like the zoo)
Physical touch: please, when are these two NOT touching? That’s a shorter list. Shoulders, hands, knees, hugs, they are the most tactile duo on the show, even more than the established relationships I’d argue. They’re always in each others space. (Bonus: the way they are so gentle with Chris and pick him up and bury their face in his neck and spin him around and kiss his head. So special to me)
Words of affirmation: “there is no one in this world I trust with my son more than you”, “because, Evan, you act like you’re expendable, but you’re wrong”, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there, Eddie”, “he’s a really great dad”, “you’re badass under pressure, brother… hell yeah, you can have my back any day”, “or you can have mine”, “no one will ever fight for my son as hard as you, that’s what I want for him”, “the truth is, you haven’t been the same since the accident. But how could you be?”, etc.
We don’t see a lot of examples of gift-giving (EDIT TO ADD: the Hildy coffee maker and, of course, Eddie giving Buck his SON) (though I’m sure it’s happened lol). But it’s so beautiful to me how these two and their trauma-heavy upbringings shower each other with love and affection so unapologetically. I just love them your honor
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sprout-fics · 10 months
Honestly, I want to spoil Gaz, whether that’s in bed or out and about, I want to spoil that man. He deserves it for being as sweet and amazing as he is (and falling out of two helicopters) so just describe all the ways to pamper this man (that can fit in a post).
Also stop reading papers and rest from your cold or I’m gonna fly out there and restrain you in blankets.
I too, would like to pamper this man
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So, in my opinion, Gaz's love languages are words of affirmation and quality time
He's a little bit of a people pleaser, so the most direct way to express your appreciation to him is to say it outright. You love the way his eyes light up with his smile, the little kisses he gives you in return
The way to Gaz's heart, however, is just by spending time with him. He likes to do things himself, so acts of service are a bit redundant, and don't have the impact you think they do
So arranging a day trip, an outing, a date, time dedicated for the both of you makes him so happy. Even if it's an entire day dedicated to being just at home, he enjoys spending time with you
Curled up on the couch watching his favorite movie, helping him cook a meal, playing video games, cuddling and listening to the rain, spending hours in each others arms just talking about anything and everything, he can't get enough of it
The reward for his work is to come home and know you love him, that you'll spend time with him, that you'll help him through things, that it's you
Still, there's other things can do to show your appreciation
Like pressing kisses to his jaw as he wakes up in bed, letting your lips trail down his chest to his waist, one hand cupping his growing hardness through his pants as you slowly slide down
As much as Gaz loves to please, he's never one to turn down your efforts to please him
You suck him off slowly, relishing every little sigh and buck of his hips, the way one hand reaches for you and the other grips at the pillow. His brow is scrunched, trying to keep his eyes open but it feels so good
Better yet if you throw in a little bit of praise, telling him how proud you are of him, how much he deserves this, how you adore him
It's enough to undo him, and you adore the punched out little sound Kyle makes when he comes, hips stuttering and breath uneven with his orgasm
He likes to have you in his lap, hips rolling into him nice and slow, lips moving together in a sensuous kiss as the movie plays forgotten in the backgrounds. His hands cup your ass, help you gyrate on his lap as he moans openly against you
Slow, gentle sex is always such a treat for him. It's a reminder that there's no rush, that he doesn't have to grab his kit or watch for enemy fire, that he can just be here with you, taking his time
It's that same affection that goes for all things you do for him. Tender, unhurried, letting him bask in your presence and forget the things he's seen, the lives he's taken. Here with you, there's nothing else, just the forgotten tick of your heartbeats synchronizing in an everlasting echo
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peachy-dove · 1 year
Sakazuki Akainu X Chubby!GN!Reader Headcanons sfw/Nsfw
CW: MDNI 18+ Content, Daddy kink, Akainu, tbh this is completely self indulgent I just need more Akainu content.
(Tumblr completely ate half of this post I’ve had to come back and fix stuff so if it seems like I added some stuff I did)
→ Akainu has always been quite the stern and hard man, not much cracks him to show more than just two general emotions but something about you just does it for him
→ For him you’re just the sweetest thing he’s ever laid eyes on and you’re just so enticing to him
→ For him I think you’d have to either be a civilian or part of the WG or part of the Marines for him to fall for you, his sense of justice just wouldn’t allow for anything else.
→ He doesn’t always get a lot of time for himself but he enjoys your presence even when he’s busy, just sitting near him while he sits at his desk getting work done is good enough for him
→ I feel like his love languages are Quality time and acts of service more than anything
→ He enjoys talking walks with you and even decided on a vacation for you both to a cabin in the woods so that he could take a hiking trip with you! Just the two of you in nature enjoying the quiet and being near each other it’s when he’s the most relaxed.
→ He does not relax often, he's always tense as hell, please give this man a break.
→ kiss his forehead and rub his shoulders and he’s putty in your hands, he’ll become the softest man in the world with you. He’ll lean into your touch sighing and gasping at the soft kisses you left along his collar bone.Akainu will pull you into his lap and nuzzle into your hair as he feels the weight of the day come off his shoulders
→ Sakazuki will rub his hands up and down your sides squeezing and pinching where he can, he absolutely loves your body. Anyone says a thing and they will not live to see tomorrow.
→ he’s a sucker for your hips and how he can grab and squeeze
→ Date nights are once a month, he loves to see you dressed up. It makes him slightly blush anytime you put on nice clothes. He just adores you more than usual. Like I said he just can’t get enough of you, you mesmerize him.
→ He loves your kisses he won’t admit it but your kisses make him melt and heat up inside more than his devil fruit (so cheesy ik)
→ he’s the type when he’s home to wake up at 6am no matter the occasion- it will take a lot to get him to sleep in, or he would have to have had a really bad week.
→ teasing him with Kizaru is your usual pass time and as much as he says he hates it.. He doesn’t don’t stop, he gets pouty.
→ Gets jealous very easy
→ He WILL give the silent treatment, he's extremely petty so he needs lots of reassurance, if it’s a lower rank marine guaranteed they are either demoted or gonna be pushed around by him forever.
→ I like to think he’s a gift giver too, especially as an apology because he’s not good with words.
→ Very much a dom/top. I can see him letting you top him every now and again but never too often.
→ very much loves receiving head more than giving, will have you cockwarm him with your mouth under his desk. He loves the little gags you make when he bucks his hips into your throat :3
-when he goes dow on you it’s literal heaven, I would like to think he’s very skilled at giving head, his tongue work is amazing and isn’t afraid to get messy
-adores when he goes down on you and your tummy/fupa is resting on his forehead <3
- Sakazuki is rough, everything about him is rough and hard, but he makes up for it with the foreplay, he starts out soft fingering your hole slowly stretching you out to fit his girthy cock, spitting on your hole and pinching your nipples and leaving marks along your neck
-Loves it when you ride him, he gets to see you in all of your glory, not an inch of you hidden from him as he watches you bounce and his dick disappear in and out of your soaked and stretched hole
-Loves when you’re in missionary and your thick warm thighs wrap around his body and bring him closer to you and pushing his cock deeper
- King of back shots don’t @ me, I know this man can deliver some leg quivering strokes that will have you begging for more. Almost cums immediately when he sees and feels the way your ass claps back on his dick. It makes him try to fuck you deeper and hit that spot to make you go dumb >:3
→ he believes in deep and long strokes that make your legs give and you can feel him in your tummy
→ you can’t convince me he doesn’t have a daddy kink i will die on this hill.
→ isn’t against toys but don’t expect him to bring them in all the time, he’s not against using them on himself as well. I can see him liking vibrators and/or vibrating cock rings.
→ sit on his face sit on his face sit on his face sit on his face sit on his face sit on hi-
Overall this man needs you to sit on his face and he adores tf outta you I have so many more Akainu and other one piece character thoughts plz request stuff in my inbox i will give more!
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mintedwitcher · 19 days
Buck's (receiving) love language being words of affirmation and Tommy being so reassuring to him to calm all his anxieties about acting a certain way vs his (giving) love language being acts of services and him trying so hard to perfect the lasagna recipe for his date with Tommy. Someone hold me...
Sobbing on the floor thinking about this tbh
Tim Minear if you can hear me I am humbly begging for a bucktommy scene talking about their love languages please we know Buck has a book of them please let us see Tommy finding that book in Buck's apartment and ribbing him a little about it but then going all soft and fond when Buck starts talking about his research into love languages please and thank you 🙏🙏🙏
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sleepy--anon · 9 months
Day 4: Weak Spot
You can still reserve unmarked days
Warnings: Intense tickles, restraints, mentioned romantic dreamnotnap, romantic dreamnap, mention of nsfw relations, explicit language
Reserved by @mushiewrites
The three boys were finally beginning to settle into life as a throuple, learning different boundaries and who's into what. It was apparent that Dream and Sapnap were the more openly affectionate ones where as George seemed to be more of an acts of service type of lover. He would cook, clean, do little things for them as a way of expressing his love. Sapnap and Dream were clearly more on the Words of Affirmation and Touch side of things, preferring to cuddle and say 'I love you' and through out compliments like candy on Halloween. Today was no different, George had cooked the two dinner and cleaned up before leaving to see a movie with Hannah, Sylvee, and Skeppy, and Dream and Sapnap laid curled up together on Sapnap’s bed.
"How many people do you think would be surprised by this image?" Sapnap asked, showing Dream his phone, displaying the picture he just took of him pressed against his chest.
"Look, I like being little spoon, nothing wrong with that! You're warm and you hold me nice. Plus I like your smell, you always smell good" He fluttered his eyelashes up at his boyfriend, just barely hearing him mutter something about him being a flatterer over his heartbeat, slow, loud, and rhythmic.
"Stoooopp! You're gonna put me to sleeeep!" Dream whined, softly batting the hand in his hair.
"You're so rude! What happened to your manners" Sap lightheartedly teased back, carefully rolling him onto his back, looking down at him fondly.
"I guess you didn't fuck them into me hard enough~" Sapnap’s jaw dropped, not expecting something like that out of Dream, George sure, but Dream?! Once the shock faded it turned into a dark look, one that got Dream’s heart skipping every time he saw it. He looked up at him with doe eyes, sliding his hands up his arms to his shoulders, pulling him down to kiss him.
"Sounds like I need to take a different approach~" Sapnap purred against his lips, biting the bottom one softly, earning a small tug to the back of his curls.
"Oooo~ You gonna spank me this time~?" What has gotten into him lately?? Whatever it was, it wasn't what Sapnap had in mind. He trailed his kisses down his neck,knowing full well his eyes fell closed. He slid Dream’s hands up, locking them in the leather cuffs that were still on his bed frame, sliding his hands down as he came back up to kiss him again.
"I had something else in mind~" Was the only thing Sapnap said before digging into Dream’s stomach, a well known weak spot for the tall blonde, one that Sapnap loved to abuse as often as he could. He heard the immediate clang of Dream yanking his wrists in surprise, bucking his hips up but not doing much with how Sapnap was laid across his hips.
"I figured this might get through to you a little better~" He crooned, sliding his hoodie and shirt up painfully slow.
"NO! No cohome ohohon! I thought we were being nice today! You were mean yesterday!" Dream whined, squirming as much as he could, which wasn't very much.
"You wanted to test me today, I just so happen to have a lack of patience today~" Sapnap chuckled at the harsh flinch when he leaned down to kiss his blushing tummy. Tracing circles around his bellybutton like a shark.
"All you have to do is apologize and say you'll behave~" Dream could barely comprehend what was said, it took him a bit before shaking his head.
"Nohohohoho, juhuhust dohohon't dohohoho ihihit!"
"That's not an option to pick my darling~" Sapnap slid his hands to his lightly freckled sides and dropped down to press the biggest, deepest raspberry right below his sternum. Dream shrieked at the top of his lungs, head flung back, feet kicking wildly, if they didn't live where they did the neighbors definitely would've called the police. Dream sucked in as much air as he could while Sapnap giggled at his reaction.
"Stohop lahaughing at mehehehe!"
"I'm not laughing at you gorgeous, you're just so damn cute~!"
"FUHUHUCK!" Dream screamed loudly, his laughter almost sounding like only screams as Sapnap pressed tiny raspberries along his sides while he teased his bellybutton, somehow only touching with his nail. It wasn't until he added his teeth when Dream started to break, his laughter going silent for a seconds before coming back. His looked up as he slowly nibbled closer to the middle of his tummy, seeing Dream's face soaked with tears, waving his trapped hand. He paused, only pressing firm kisses to the red belly.
"Fuhuhuhckin hehehehell, I'm sohohohorry. I'll be behahahave I swehehear." Sapnap moved up, kissing his tear soaked face, carefully releasing his wrists, moving them back into their original position. Dream pressed himself impossibly close to Sapnap, rubbing his face against his shoulder like a sleepy baby, before making himself comfortable. He nudged him twice before he understood what he wanted, moving his hand up to play with his hair as he fell asleep, sending George a picture of the aftermath which he quickly made his lockscreen.
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Hiii my love, can I ask for a ship? Sorry if it’s long or formatted wrong, thank you in advance 🫶🏼🫶🏼
I’m a female (she/her) , i have big heart, i’m funny, I like to relax, and I can be a bit of a grandma sometimes when it’s just me around the house, but otherwise i’m quite energetic . I love to chill and listen to music. I can have a bit of a short temper at times (I just think it’s because I don’t put up with peoples bs LMAO), I can also be very stubborn, i’m very loyal, like VERY loyal and I will always stick up for the people i love and go above and beyond to make the people around me happy. (which I think that can also lead me to being hurt or misused by friends)
I can be a little emotional at times, maybe a little dirty minded too lol, i love to cook, i’m a dog lover (really just an animal lover at that), and i’m competitive and passionate. I’m a very driven person and if it’s something I want to do i’ll make SURE it gets done. I Make up my own rules and I don’t give into unfair ideas that are put up around me. I lead with my heart and my emotions and if that gets me into trouble then so be it. i also LOVE scary movies, true crime, all that stuff, i’m also a SUCKER for reality tv 😭 (tlc does have some good drama though)
I would say I’m charming and it’s more of my words and my smile that gets the guys. I’m a bit of a germaphobe and maybe little ocd. Imma southern gal who’s very short, (5.0) I think I have more of an innocent look (despite my wild attitude LMAO) I have big brown eyes, wavy light brown hair, big lips, only like a couple light freckles on my nose ( you can see them better in the summer) , button nose, and an olive skintone that has paled over time, I would say I have more of a petite/hourglass figure but I think my chest is what catches people’s eyes (Im a size DD LOL) I have high standards, I can be very sympathetic, and I also can usually tell when people are in pain or when their vibe is off in general. I usually just joke or “laugh it off” and I can be very deadpan when something bothers me, or if it’s something that really hurt me I usually just shut down and become cold or distant. i’m an INTP, My hogwarts house is Hufflepuff ( even though I honestly thought I was a slytherin for so long 😭) My love language is physical touch for giving and acts of service as receiving (it’s really just the little things and showing that you care about what I’m saying or just being thoughtful). I grew up with brothers so i love watching sports and playing them (We grew up in a very competitive household lol) i’m very very family oriented, I’m a sagittarius, I like to play the piano, and read and write in my free time. and In the summers I love to fish and swim at my boathouse. And springtime is my favorite season.
For a guy, I wouldn’t really care about looks or any of that! I don’t have a type at all 😅 Just someone that can take care of me right. Sorry if this is long! Love you, Em!!!! 🩷🩷🩷
Alright so this one just kinda came to me out of nowhere while I was reading your thing and the more I read the more it just seemed to fit!! I ship you with…
Floyd Talbert!!
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Song from my playlist that reminds me of y’all - Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen
How you met
So you both were in the pub in England where Buck and everyone were playing darts
Tab was just being his usual flirty self until he saw you
You were out just having a blast with your friends and he saw your smile and just
That's it he's Sold
So he sauntered over to you to try and put on his usual charm but your own way with words and just how PRETTY you are completely threw him off
So yeah sweet boy stumbles over his words and when you call him cute he just
Talbert.exe has stopped working
Suddenly your friends call you over so you give him a little wave before walking off but not before he asks you to dinner
Cue Talbert sneaking off in the middle of the night to see you whenever he can so y’all can sneaky make out like a couple of teenagers
How he knew he loves you
Ok so I picture it happening maybe you met up with him in Paris while he had some leave time
You and Tab and your friends were all out drinking and having a good time
Until someone bumps into one of your friends and gives them a glare
Like “watch where you’re going asshole”
And because your hands are rated E for Everyone of course you try and go to town
Until Talbert holds you back because he doesn’t want you to get hurt
Just… seeing your passion and loyalty to your friends, how much you cared, the fire in your eyes…
Something just clicked for him, he knew then and there he was in love with you
He tells you as he walks you back to your hotel room, standing outside the door, arms wrapped around your waist
He’s worried you won’t believe him because of his flirty reputation, but the look in his eyes when he says he loves you makes your heart just MELT
Of course you say it back because who wouldn’t
Before his leave is up y’all make the decision that you’ll go back to Kokomo with him after the war
A conflict and how y’all resolved it
So it’s after the war, both of y’all had long days, already on edge
Tab comes through the door and, instead of the welcome home kiss you always expect, he just goes straight to the kitchen, right passed you
You follow him because you’re worried about Tab, like, this never happens?? Tf??
You knew Tab had a temper but this felt different
You ask if he’s okay and he just stays silent
You ask him again in a quiet tone, “Floyd, talk to me.”
“Why should I? You don’t tell me everything. Why should I tell you anything?”
It just comes out of nowhere and cuts like a knife
Tab kept ranting, and you’re able to gather that apparently, a coworker that loves to get under Tab’s skin mentioned that he saw you at a bar flirting with a bunch of guys (literally never happened, you’ve been at home taking care of Trigger all week cuz he was sick)
Just… 1) the fact that it’s a lie… 2) the fact that Tab believed him??? Did he really have that little faith in you and your relationship????
The fight just blows up out of proportion, tears are shed, voices go raw, feelings DEFINITELY get hurt
Finally y’all just hit a wall so you just take Trigger out for a walk without saying a word
During the walk your brain just goes a million miles a minute
You thought your relationship was deeper than this?? Has it been like this the whole time but you just had rose colored glasses on??
You didn’t want to go home, but you knew Trigger was getting tired, and it was getting dark.
When you walk in the door, you see dinner on the table (your favorite), and Tab waiting for you, his eyes clearly red and puffy
“I… I can’t begin to say how sorry I am…”
He just looks at the floor ashamed
Tab takes a moment before quietly explaining that, when his coworker said what he did, it just hit different…
Tab never told you this, but he really doesn’t feel like he deserves you
Like, in Tab’s brain, you could go and pick someone ten times better than him, so why don’t you?
Tab got so scared, but he didn’t want to show it, so he got angry
By the end his cheeks are stained with tears, still looking at the floor
He’s so shocked when he feels your arms around him
“Floyd, you’re the silliest man I know”
At first he’s super confused, but you explain how much you love him and how you can’t imagine your life with anyone else
He just lets out a sob of relief and kisses you with the most love and passion you ever felt
Honestly it was rough but you’ve never felt closer to Tab than in that moment
Your Happily Ever After
Always taking care of Trigger together
Trigger needs a bath? Floyd “accidentally” aims the hose at you and starts a water fight
Trigger needs a walk? You have his leash on one hand, and Floyd’s butt in the other
SUPER romantic relationship, like, y’all are just constantly flirting with each other and it’s simultaneously disgusting and adorable
A silly headcanon about your relationship!
Ok but hear me out…. Once a week, y’all have a self-care night and it’s SO CUTE
Y’all help each other put on face masks, give each other massages
You just love to help each other relax and feel refreshed and rejuvenated after a long week
Sometimes Trigger gets in on the fun and y’all give him a little paw-ssage and he is in heaven
Honestly just being in that space with the two boys you love most feels like heaven to you
Aaaaaaa thank you for being my first ship Mac!!! Hope you like it ❤️✨
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dallysnecklace · 2 years
The Gang in MLM Relationships
Doing this bc PRIDE and this movie is so fucking queercoded
Dallas is bisexual!
He met you at Bucks one night, he smelt your cologne as you were walking past and was OBSESSED.
Y’all played pool, and you won $50 bucks along with a wild night
When you guys started dating he was very careful about being in public, but also loved to be sneaky
His hand in your back pocket is something that happens at all times
He loves playing with your hair or necklaces
This man will go SO feral if you don’t wear a shirt
Y’all share clothes A LOT
Buck hit on you once and that ended in him getting a black eye
He gives you his skull ring
He introduces you to gang, and if any teasing happens at all, he will yell at them and so will Darry
He thinks your SUPER HOT and is not afraid to show you off by fucking slapping your ass in public 😭😭
He’s VERY forward with how he feels about you, and is very pleased that he is one of the few people who can truly make you blush
All in all this man thinks your the most attractive person ever and NEEDS to be with you at all times
Pony is gay!
He met you at school
You signed up for peer tutoring, and you were tutoring other kids in your grade
Your a soc
You met Pony through tutoring and immediately clicked
You guys share a lot of interests, reading, writing, cooking, watching films
You often will read to him while he lays between your legs with his head on your chest
This guy is so in love with you
Darry and Soda love you, and think of you as another brother
Dallas yells at you after he figured out you were dating
He just wanted to make sure you were treating Pony right
You most definitely are
Soda thought he was straight untill one day he saw you pull into the DX with a black ford, raybans sunglasses, and a clean white wifebeater tucked into some slacks
He literally drooled at the mouth
He ended up sweet talking you and asking you to hang out later that night
Y’all are both cocky attractive mfs, so your constantly fighting over who’s hotter
He always says you
He’s very wary about being seen with you in public. He’s not fully out and feels scared being so.
He loves to do your hair for you
You eventually start working at the DX with him and he is SO happy about this
Whenever girls come and flirt with him or you, y’all will make eye contact and start bursting out laughing
Y’all are very cute together and literally a power couple
Johnny is pan with a preference for guys
Ponyboy set yall up on a blind date at the dingo
Ever since then you guys have been attached at the hip
Johnny’s love language is acts of service so he’s constantly doing things for you
You try to tell him he doesn’t need to do everything but he insists
He’s very loving, and very caring, and is always looking out for you
If you call him pretty he will blush all different kinds of red
You were the first guy he ever was with so you had to kinda help him to become comfortable dating a guy
He felt bad but you were very understanding
He loves cuddles, and needs to be little spoon
The gang loves you
You let Johnny stay over at your place often because of his situation
Your out to your parents, and your parents absolutely LOVE Johnny
He thinks you are so beautiful, and will constantly let you know
You call him John :)
He calls you darling
You are INCREDIBLY cute together
Darry is bi with a preference for women
Darry met you at work, he saw you without your shirt on lifting heavy roofs and was VERY attracted
You guys knew eachother but he didn’t look at you like that untill that day
You guys started to hang out often, and you would come to over to meet the gang a lot
Once you guys started dating, you became the parents for the gang
Which you don’t mind
You love cooking especially
Darry loves when you give him back rubs or shoulder rubs, it’s very relaxing
Darry is very stressed and feels like a burden a lot
He’s actually pretty insecure
He really only opens up to you and you always are there to comfort him no matter what
He cares for you so much, and always wants to make sure your safe
Expect a call every day and notes left in your clothes once he cleans them for you
He’s such a romantic
Loves to cook dinner dates for y’all
He’s literally the perfect bf
Steve is questioning
He’s not the one to really be in a relationship (imo)
But you guys are kinda fiends with benefits
You guys met a drag race and hit it off
There’s a lot of chemistry which Steve hasn’t experienced with a man
He’s really attached to you, and wants to hang out all the time
He thinks your very pretty
Every time you guys hang out he always makes sure your happy and feeling safe
He eventually wants to be in a committed relationship with you
He’s scared to let you know but he does eventually and you’re super happy
Your such a couple and super cute together
Idk this man just gives me the ultimate straight vibes I am so sorry 😭😭
i do hc him as a trans male, FTM and he’s very proud of his chest surgery scars, he loves not wearing a shirt!
The reason why he always wears his sideburns is bc he’s very proud of that facial hair he’s been able to grow :)
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This all started with me explaining how Buck's relationship with physical affection/tactility isn't what some think it is. He's not like Eddie, who actively uses it as a love language.
If we look back at the Buckley household and upbringing, we can actually see which love language is prominent for each member and how it developed.
In case you don't remember, the third Buckley sibling, Daniel, got diagnosed with leukemia around age 5. They tried treatment but it was ineffective, Daniel needing a bone marrow transplant. None of the existing Buckley's were a match, so the parents decided to create one.
By age 7, baby Buck was born and he was a match, but it didn't graft. Daniel ended up passing a year later. With a living reminder of their lost child and the shame having Buck got them from their social groups ("forcing" them to move away), it's easy to imagine the disconnect and (probable) resentment they had for him.
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Maddie said they were different before everything happened and that's true. Maddie is obviously familiar with how to comfort someone physically.
But Buck is another thing that can die on them. And that's scary. As much as they tried to block a deep attachment from forming (successful for the most part), seeing Buck injured triggered that same response they had for Daniel and Maddie. They wanted to shelter and protect him, but their "failure" to protect Daniel poisoned the thought. So, they retreated mentally and emotionally to protect themselves.
That created the rift between parents and children. Buck and Maddie weren't the only ones with an "us against them" mentality.
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They show physical affection and comfort to each other. Mirror each other's protective habits (crossing their arms over their chest). Go to therapy together to discuss their worries. All the things they didn't extend towards their children because it was about them, now. Not Maddie or Buck.
Even examining their outbursts, it always goes back to one of two things. Buck should know life is fragile! Maddie doesn't know how it feels to lose a child! How could Buck ask them to sit and watch while their child was in the hospital? Their childish tantrums (literal children) never made it easy! It always goes back to Daniel or them. Not their living children.
Buck was right. They gave up on them. And he never knew why.
Not knowing led him to do whatever it took to get their attention. And if Buck being injured dragged at least the bare minimum of their love languages out of them, he'd do it.
Phillip was shown to lean towards gift giving, buying Buck a new bike, ice cream, pizza.
Margaret was the physically affectionate one with her children. She moved to embrace Buck before she realized whose bike they were using. When he's bedbound with a broken arm, she taps his leg gently.
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The act grew old after a couple years and you can see Buck's resentment in his speech and demeanor towards them. It's not just teenage rebellion that leads him to say, "they suck." They do. With Maddie and Buck growing up in that environment, it pretty much stunted their emotional connections with physical touch.
Again, Maddie had her parents' and Daniel's physical love while he was alive. She has some experience with it ingrained in her. And what Buck has, he learned from her. However, I believe much of that physicality morphed into another language when she became a primary caregiver to Buck.
Maddie tended to his wounds, bathed him as a baby, defended him, and made pinky promises. (A sincere, yet kidish gesture that was probably taught to her by Daniel.)
Basically, physical touch wasn't just about affection anymore. It became an act of service. She gave everything she could to Buck because she knew exactly why they treated him like they did, even if she had to keep it a secret. And she never resented him for it. She loves Buck, and she showed him that through act of care.
Maddie was still young, though, going through her own issues. Not understanding the possessiveness of Doug because, after years of their parents' neglect, she thought that's what love looked like. Doug broke her away from her family, from Buck, as a way to control her, but she wanted to escape her parents, so she thought it was fine. Whatever red flags she saw were the simple complexities of marriage. (At least that's what she told other people.)
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Doug especially clawed into her relationship with physicality. The way he threatened, dragged, and beat her was beyond cruel. It would be understandable if she never felt comfortable giving or receiving physical affection again.
Still, her love language wasn't completely gone. Buck, her baby brother, always managed to bring it back out of her.
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After roughly a decade and a half with Doug, the last three with zero contact with Buck (except Christmas cards), she was able to jump back into her special blend of physical affection and acts of service. (With some road bumps here and there. She was still suffering some PTSD after she left : the Christmas tree debacle, the broken glass flashback, the stalking incident where she tried to save a DV victim.)
But in LA, with Buck, she was finally able to get away from Doug and actually meet people outside of her workspace. To make friends and extend her family. To find real love in many different shapes and forms. And, she got to love Buck again, just like before.
Buck loves her, too.
Like I said, Buck learned his major love language from watching Maddie. He finds ways to show people he cares about them through (you already know this) acts of service.
This is especially prevalent when faced with the source of their grievance, their parents. They approach them as a "united front" and promise to have each other's backs.
Which they do. Maddie comforts Buck with a gentle hand on his arm after he was visibly stressed just seconds before he greeted his parents with a (fake) smile. Buck consistently defends Maddie from his parents' backhanded commentary. At one point he even blends a little physical affection in there like she does, just to push the point he's making. He slaps Chim's leg to emphasize he is the good man Maddie has found to have a child with. That he is proud and happy for them both.
After moving past the revelations, the betrayal, and the blame, Maddie finally feels fully connected to Buck again and clings to him.
Before I go on about acts of service, there's an important (maybe the most important) thing I need to point out about Buck and physical touch.
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I've said before that Buck absolutely adores physical affection, especially in group settings. Gathering around a laptop to tease Bobby about his dating profile. Winding his arms around his team in a giant group hug.
These people are his family. He loves them. And when they participate in close contact activities like these, he knows he's welcome. Explicit consent isn't exactly needed, it's implied by the gathering itself. (To think what would happen if he was ever rejected from a group hug. The agony. Also don't think about the metaphorical implication of this when Bobby wouldn't let him come back to work and even covered his name plate with "Bosko" instead. Food for thought.)
It's when physical affection turns to physical comfort that things change. He doesn't really respond, almost ever. And that's probably due to his parents. (Shocker.)
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These screenshots are all from Buck Begins and What's Your Grievance, the introduction, background, and conclusion (hopefully) to the Buckley parents within the show. (Can't stand them.)
They actually make direct parallels between Buck's parents and Buck's chosen parental figures, Athena and Bobby.
We see Bobby's very first interaction with Buck where he affectionately welcomes Buck to the 118, putting a hand on his shoulder, and Buck is ecstatic. This is compared to his father's greeting of a quick pat on the shoulder, which Buck returns with a (fake) smile. He already knows there's no love behind this touch, so it is hardly considered affection.
Arguably, all of the physical touches after the fire (panels 4,5,6,9, and 10) evoke about the same response from him : Nothing. Because these are physical comforts centered around Buck, where he is the focus and in some form of mental distress. Basically, he's not the one giving the comfort (where he can also take comfort in the relief of having the person close), he's receiving it. It's just about him.
There wasn't enough comfort in his youth to build an emotional tie to these gestures. (Again, rare from his parents and Maddie's touches were affectionate or perceived as service.) Which is why he doesn't typically seek them out.
Instead, it's the words of affirmation that differentiate these interactions. That actually affect Buck.
Compare his conversation with Athena to the one with his mother while he struggles to understand who he is. Athena moves in, pats his knee, and tells him he is someone who never gives up. Margaret holds his hands and tells him he was born to save people.
These are clearly two very different perspectives of him. One is by a woman who didn't even like him at first, but saw him grow and mature. She grew to respect and love the man he is now. The other woman is essentially a stranger with context. They're barely in each other's lives and hold no positive baggage. It might be unfair, but it sounds like she's asking forgiveness by justifying her actions as some fated reason to his existence.
Finally, it circles back to acts of service. After everything they went through as kids, Buck breaks and finally tells them exactly what he expected from them. What he needed them to do all along. To love him anyways.
When he messed up, when he was stubborn and frustrating, exhausting, he needed them to love him anyways. Could they please do this for him.
Well, he never had to ask that of the 118.
Yes, he's messed up. Yes, he's needed more chances to prove himself. But he doesn't ask for forgiveness or love. They just give it to him anyways.
Even when he goes against orders (again) and gets caught alone in an impossible situation, his family runs in to help him. They don't scream and berate him for being reckless, they take care of him and make sure he's alright. They love him. And he's never had to ask them to.
To summarize the physicality of it, this is Buck:
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If it seems a little complex, that's because Buck went from a low physical environment to a high physical environment, and he's comfortable in the way he navigates it, so it's stayed this way for the most part(<- Christopher post) even after all these years.
What is shifting and actively being challenged is his relationship with acts of service.
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Buck saw himself as lost in life. He knew he had a "purpose", a service he could provide to tell him he's worth something, but he didn't know what yet. When Maddie pushed all of her love onto him and gave him her jeep so he could escape, he extended that service right back to her, telling her to come with him.
Her rejection (that he didn't know Doug violently influenced) hurt him, but he still kept in contact with her through post cards. He went through a number of service jobs from working in construction, on a ranch, in a bar, even trying to join the Navy Seals at one point. None of them gave him the fulfillment he was searching for. Until he joined the 118.
Even after three years of radio silence, Buck convinced Maddie to stay with him in LA, offering his home where he could keep her safe. He helped her move into her own apartment when she decided she needed her own place, to stand on her own feet.
They were the first people to truly have the other's back, and that relationship has withstood everything. It's when they apply those services to other relationships that they struggle.
A prominent example being how Buck approaches helping his family in 3x10 vs 5x05.
In 3x10, the year has been rough and they're all set to work Christmas day. As much as they'd like to be with their families, they have a job that needs to be done. Buck works with Athena to get everyone to the station for a giant surprise celebration. And it works. Christmas is saved.
Now, in 5x05, Buck is putting a lot of unnecessary blame onto himself for several things that were simply out of his control. He sees himself as a key cause in the breaking of the 118 and decides he should transfer. His mind processes this as "let me do this for you," to help his family, even if it costs him one of his greatest joys in life. Thankfully, they talk him out of it.
Maddie does this, too, in 5x03 by leaving Jee in order to protect her. Their services are wonderful and bright until they believe they are the issue. And with the self esteem their parents instilled in them, negative outcomes were bound to happen.
To focus on Buck, he's been shown struggling with his love language throughout the show. There is a consistent battle of him trying to balance the selfless act of serving others and the selfish love he takes from doing it.
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He finds purpose in being a firefighter, but needs to find the line where he knows he matters outside of the uniform. He loves helping people, but in fighting for that right, he hurts the family around him. He's been accused of "making everything about him" multiple times. And yes, he absolutely relates in these situations, but he's also genuinely trying to help and understand the person he's talking about.
And the reason why he's struggling is actually pretty simple. Buck didn't have people he cared about before. Other than Maddie, of course.
He went from his parents' house to running all over the country, not exactly setting down roots and building relationships. By the time he's at the 118, he's having a string of flings, getting fired, then not fired, taking responsibility for his actions, and that's all just in the first episode. (Ah, season 1. Such a strange place.)
Basically, he's growing into it. Learning how to extend his service beyond Maddie and strangers. It works well so often, of course he's not gonna have a ton of practice on how to sense something might go wrong, or know what to do when it does. And every relationship offers a different dynamic, so he has to learn to navigate that as well. It just takes time. And learning from mistakes, which he does.
Same with Maddie, being free from Doug and moving to a city with so many new people to interact with. Things were bound to change along the way.
TLDR : Maddie and Buck's relationship with their major love language, acts of service, has evolved over time, and will likely keep evolving as they're challenged by new situations in the future.
I don't speak about any of these characters in absolutes because new experiences can and have shifted their dynamics already. People are not set in stone. And I would cry happy tears to see all 911 characters experience love in every positive shape and form.
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fatesfvcked · 2 months
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"The fate's already fucked me sideways Swinging by my neck from the family tree."
name: charlotte greene
nickname(s): charlie
face claim: jessica chastain
birthday: jan 29, 1977
place of birth: portland, oregon
sexuality: pansexual
zodiac: aquarius
mbti: entj-t
moral alignment: chaotic neutral
occupations: journalist
place of work: most notably, times magazine
subplot affiliation: the vampire of antioch
+ determined, brave, considerate, passionate
- self-serving, persistent, stubborn, reckless
languages: english
love language: quality time / acts of service
TRIGGER WARNINGS: murder, cultism, violence
in the beginning, its you, daddy and momma against the world. you're the only child - for five short years - and then suddenly the house is so busy with you and your siblings that it's impossible to go long without someone new to play with. because you're the first, the oldest, you're responsible for a lot more than your siblings. your father takes you to hunt early on in your life and you shoot your first buck before you spill your first blood. there's little to be afraid of when your father is around; he teaches you that the world is a harsh and unforgiving place and that the only savior you need is jesus christ. you leave oregon when you're seven because the outside world has lost touch with this knowledge, he says, and he doesn't want to raise his children around heathens.
antioch is different than oregon. it is a small coastal town and the small community doesn't welcome you like your father expected. you turn ten with only your siblings for company still, and your father makes friends with the weaver family after a few years of being in town. it is the beginning of the end to the man you once knew as your father. he starts coming home spouting theories that scare you, warning you of the downfall of civilization and being 'ready' for it to end. he starts taking you out on more and more hunting trips when all you want to do is play catch with him or do something that you once did.
pretty soon, this behavior turns into a new calling for your father and he begins to preach anew to the followers of the organization. you don't know that it's a cult - that will come later when you're far away from here, living your own life. his viewpoints become more and more radical and you're siblings turn into mindless zombies who follow him. your mother and you are the only ones who don't believe; you are the black sheep of the family.
your mother, bless her, she tries. she tries so hard to keep you distant from the beliefs of your father, on her side. your father grows more and more violent, lost to delusions and alcohol with the weaver family. he comes home one night, you hear a scuffle and your mother screams from the next room... you shut your eyes tight and try to ignore it. she doesn't wake up the next morning.
your mothers funeral, the subsequent arrest of your father, the trial... it's all such a fucking blur. you hate this town. you're on the cusp of eighteen when it all happens and you thank your lucky stars that you'll be able to leave it all behind. you should think about your siblings, about their lives and possibly staying to take care of them; you don't. you pack your bags and you leave for college and you don't look back.
you enroll in nyu for the fall semester and college is a fucking breeze. it's socializing that's more difficult. you weren't around a lot of 'normal' people in antioch and it shows. but you eventually meet your own friends and settle in. the next few years you work for a variety of publications and finally get your big break covering high profile murders. it's an unnaturally unhealthy hobby to have, covering murders, but it pays the bills quite well. you hear about the vampire of antioch, of course, and their unusual signature; you decide to come back not just for antioch, though.
you want to see your siblings again.
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suugrbunz · 4 months
Hi Anna can I please have a mota ship? it’s totally fine if you can’t tho! :)
I’m a female (she/her) , i have big heart, i’m funny, I like to relax, and I can be a bit of a grandma sometimes when it’s just me around the house, but otherwise i’m quite energetic . I love to chill and listen to music. I can have a bit of a short temper at times (I just think it’s because I don’t put up with peoples bs LMAO), I can also be very stubborn, i’m very loyal, like VERY loyal and I will always stick up for the people i love and go above and beyond to make the people around me happy. (which I think that can also lead me to being hurt or misused by friends)
I can be a little emotional at times, maybe a little dirty minded too lol, i love to cook, i’m a dog lover (really just an animal lover at that), and i’m competitive and passionate. I’m a very driven person and if it’s something I want to do i’ll make SURE it gets done. I Make up my own rules and I don’t give into unfair ideas that are put up around me. I lead with my heart and my emotions and if that gets me into trouble then so be it. i also LOVE scary movies, true crime, all that stuff, i’m also a SUCKER for reality tv 😭 (tlc does have some good drama though)
I would say I’m charming and it’s more of my words and my smile that gets the guys. I’m a bit of a germaphobe and maybe little ocd. Imma southern gal who’s very short, (5.0) I think I have more of an innocent look (despite my wild attitude LMAO) I have big brown eyes, wavy light brown hair, big lips, only like a couple light freckles on my nose ( you can see them better in the summer) , button nose, and an olive skintone that has paled over time, I would say I have more of a petite/hourglass figure but I think my chest is what catches people’s eyes (Im a size DD LOL) I have high standards, I can be very sympathetic, and I also can usually tell when people are in pain or when their vibe is off in general. I usually just joke or “laugh it off” and I can be very deadpan when something bothers me, or if it’s something that really hurt me I usually just shut down and become cold or distant. i’m an INTP, My hogwarts house is Hufflepuff ( even though I honestly thought I was a slytherin for so long 😭) My love language is physical touch for giving and acts of service as receiving (it’s really just the little things and showing that you care about what I’m saying or just being thoughtful). I grew up with brothers so i love watching sports and playing them (We grew up in a very competitive household lol) i’m very very family oriented, I’m a sagittarius, I like to play the piano, and read and write in my free time. and In the summers I love to fish and swim at my boathouse. And springtime is my favorite season.
For a guy, I wouldn’t really care about looks or any of that! I don’t have a type at all 😅 Sorry if this is long! Thank you in advance babes! 💗
i love how you're an intp and Hufflepuff, it's quite the opposite of what someone would expect. I hope you enjoy your ship, I ship you with...
︵‿୨Gale "Buck" Cleven୧‿︵
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You two both give off the main character vibes i dont even know why you do but for some reason you just do
another couple i imagine is actually really cute together like yes !! good looking couple !! make everyone else feel insecure !! 💀
i feel like because you're introverted and a self-proclaimed grandma (me too girl), it's more likely for you to meet him through a friend... Which i know can sound boring but like ... It's probably realistic for you two.
You two definitely adopt a dog during your relationship
he is so supportive
like if you ever feel tired/lack ambition...
hes going to become a hype man
i feel like he understands dirty jokes but may not partake in them
might laugh at them though
ok in theory you two have a whole 12-inches of height of difference so...cute height difference i guess?
first date hmmm
im picturing a cute picnic that you put together?
he brings his dog (... does anyone know the dogs name from ep3, because I genuinely didn't catch a name?)
after eating, you two play with the pup
fun times for everyone
first kiss !!
i feel like you'd kiss him first
I dont know why i picture that
but i do
like after a date, hes dropping you off
you iust go for it
hes taken by surprise but like...he doesn't mind it.
takes him a second to kiss you back...but afterwards he can't stop kissing you, loves planting soft kisses on your forehead.
he will cook with you, even if he cant, he will. hes eager to learn if he must.
watches tv with you— he seems like a true crime fan...probably has a favourite case but won't disclose which it is...just has a favourite and never tells you
honestly, he'd do anything with you just because it's something to do with you.
obsessed? yeah
but not extremely possessive or something
It'd be adorable
oh perfect song for you two off the top of my head
real love baby by father john misty
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financialinvests · 3 months
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