#this appeals to... checks notes... ah. me.
fumblingmusings · 2 years
Overly long musings about a potential characterisation of Fem!England that doesn't match what would be canon nor should it necessarily be canon but I think would be neat here we go...
Don't get me wrong I do enjoy Fem!England's design - particularly as she's just as scrawny and thin as Arthur but I kind of want an aesthetic that's less skinny child and more emaciated and hollowed out adult.
The kind of woman who smoked excessively and had an opioid addiction throughout the 19th century not entirely of her own making (laudanum and how it could just keep spiralling from there) that she still struggles to shake through to the 21st.
The kind of woman whose hair is a dark wild curly crows nest which never reached Gibson Girl level of dishevelled glam no no it's just a pre-raphaelite mess. That's what I view her as - if Arthur's a punk delinquent then she's that tragic Victorian waif seen in so many operas and plays.
She is certainly someone who would fit right in with 80s punk or 90s grunge no problem (she certainly buys into the lifestyle), but she's someone who used to stand at the end of the hallway in a white gown holding one candle and make Alfred squeak as he snuck upstairs after drinking a midnight milk snack because she truly is as ephemeral and as solid as a ghost (he didn't mean to have her thrown in the river in the 1690s - honest - he knows she's not a witch but when she looms like that...)
And even when she 'cleans up' she's just swallowed up by the sashes and dresses and jewellery. She doesn't hate wearing them but they sure do not enjoy being worn by her.
She stops wearing red after 1918. Green is safe and alive. White are her cliffs that protect her and the pearls that Caesar invaded her for. Red is... everything that is wrong with the world. Everything that she did wrong.
She's still got a stick up her arse, just like Arthur, she's still a menace for the rules until it serves her to break them, just like Arthur. That feeling of helplessness, passivity and apathy that churns and gives way to smug superiority as a front to hold herself together, just like Arthur, is forever present.
Unlike Arthur her anger is more internally directed and set to a permanent broil rather than lashing out at the smallest infraction at the closest recipient. It's a system which rots her from the inside out, but she's nothing but a martyr (still so much like Arthur) and thus she will endure.
Her disappointment and melancholia is more feared than her anger by her kids. She doesn't get angry at them. No no. That's not what mother's do. The kids - only in glimpses - catch their mother's erratic mood swings, unable to predict the pattern of when she'll take them strawberry picking and make jam for them or leave with them with a nanny and lock herself in the attic nursery for five weeks and spend it peeling off the yellow wallpaper - It's not that they doubt she cares for them, loves them even, it's just the fact that their mere presence sometimes makes her question things that it would be much easier to ignore.
So like. Her relationship with the colonies are arguably more fucked up than Arthur's ever could be. A genuine desire for motherhood that got conflated and wrecked by Empire so every moment like these:
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Feels like propaganda to her (because isn't it???) and it's to the point where she can't tell what's genuine anymore. In reality she would want nothing more than be that sort of soft mum but she's not. She can't be. Because it's selective on who she can show it too. Because it's encouraged by the wrong people. So she thinks, and broods, and the anger continues to bubble.
Sometimes she can live in the construct, tell herself she's playing pretend, only for it then to feel very real, too real, and she panics and refuses to play house and lie.
Except she's not sure if she was lying. Like was she just feeding into this motherland mother country white woman's burden bullshit or should she admit the equally scary option that what she feels for the kids is genuine? Only she can't express it without buying into said oppressive system and...
She's conflicted for about three hundred years.
...Hmm. I just think a female England would be quite an interesting vehicle to explore that intersectionality of gender and empire - making it worse in that it is a role she genuinely wants - being a mother - and even so she cannot express it in her own way because it seems to only be used by those who make it harmful. So it eats her from the inside out until you reach... idk. Say 1945? 1956? When her government admits the idea that she's the world's caretaker is a lie. When her eldest best beloved boy has come of age and her regency has ended.
She was shit at it anyway. So she tells herself. And now she'll never be a mother again; she'll never be given the chance or the right as she does not deserve it. The older children don't need or want her anymore (if they ever did to begin with and they did, when those times did feel real and her songs and embraces were sweet memories). But the desire still leaks out. Moments still occur. And despite everything she is still lady mother to a few, even if it's not a term spoken out loud. Sentimentality remains, and she can be incredibly sentimental when in one of her moods.
She's better now, essentially. Still half rotted. Still hollow. Still unsure of what her genuine self is and where that belongs. But at least she's not frightened of that love for her kids. At least her impulsively kissing Mattie on the temple doesn't send her into fits of madness anymore.
Small victories.
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chimielie · 8 months
oh my god, they were roommates
part 2 to and they were roommates. no cws, just silliness.
you're not talking to tooru.
he's not sure how you manage it so effectively. you eat all your meals in your room while he's home, except for when you manage to sneak from there to the door while he's in the bathroom. his only clue that you've gone out is that you leave your bedroom door open when you do, really hammering home how empty his life suddenly is.
"even when we're in the same room," he sighs, resting his cheek on his fist. "it's like trying to grab a fish out of the water. i turn around or blink and poof! gone!"
"your sleeve is dipping into your drink," says his date. "and i really think you need to discuss this with your roommate. at home. alone."
tooru waves goodbye forlornly as they stand up and walks out of the restaurant, leaving behind a half-eaten ball of rice and a broken man.
"you are like a sad, sad," akaashi says, pausing to really linger on the word sad, "wet cat. please stop bringing your dates here to mope about—to them. you are forming bad associations between our business and your terrible romantic etiquette."
akaashi keiji is a mangaka now, or an editor for one, anyway; he works at onigiri miya (tokyo location) on the side because it's the only way he routinely leaves the house; tooru brings his dating drama here to brighten up what must surely be a terribly boring life.
"what would you do without me, akaashi-kun," tooru stretches his arms high with a languid sigh that makes akaashi worry that he has comprehended none of his words. "wouldn't you be so miserable if you didn't have me to bring romance and excitement to your life?"
"i have a boyfriend of several years," akaashi says, which is rude to remind tooru of while he's in such a vulnerable state. "i have plenty of excitement with him in my life."
"inconsiderate!" tooru snorts. "please break up with him to show me solidarity."
"i will not be doing that." akaashi picks up the nameless and now-vanished date's plate and takes a bite out of the leftover food.
"understandable," tooru nods, "that's very reasonable. i just don't know what to do, or how to fix it, or what i did wrong."
"you come in here every other night to whine about what you did wrong."
"do not."
"do too," akaashi sticks out his tongue at him. there's a grain of rice stuck to his lip. "you spent several months going out on dates trying to make your friend-turned roommate jealous—during which, I'll note, you basically exclusively talked about the person you were and continue to be obsessed with—then initiated... romantic physical contact, then ran away. because you have the attachment style of a stray cat."
"ah, akaashi-kun," tooru says. "are you saying i get around?"
"i am saying you are lurking outside the window and begging for attention and then biting the hand that feeds you when you get it.”
“oh.” tooru is quiet for a moment. “can i get the check?”
“it’s on the house if you’ll just go home and talk to your roommate and never come back here with another date.” akaashi says, finishing off the onigiri.
your room is empty, your bedroom door ajar when he comes home. mournfully, tooru sits on the bed, reminiscing over the hours he'd spent gossiping with you here.
he'll just wait for you to get back. when he used to take you dancing—with your other friends, but you'd wind your arms around his neck and he'd run light hands over your waist, your hips, and you would look at him like no one else even existed—you always wanted to leave before midnight. it's ten-forty-nine now, according to his watch, so he's sure you'll be back before long.
you get home at two-oh-four. you had never seen the point in staying out longer when going home and chatting over a bowl of cheesy noodles with tooru was so much more appealing—you didn't want to dance with anyone else anyway. now, though, you don't want to be home, and you have something to prove. to who, you're not sure, but you find yourself staying out later and later.
even though you always return home alone. you'd thought about really upping the ante, about moving on as abruptly as possible, but you couldn't. it felt like going too far in this petty revenge game. after all, you still—
you stop short, dropping your shoes on the floor. the devil is in your bed, lying on his side, knees tucked to his chest to fit his absurdly long frame. his breaths are even and deep, his face peaceful.
"oh, tooru," you sigh, and climb over him to tuck yourself against his warm side.
you blink your eyes open slowly, sleep still gleaming in the corners of your vision. there's a weight on your hip and something that smells really, really good surrounding you, nearly lulling you back to sleep.
"oh, please don't," says a voice you haven't heard in days. "my arm's circulation has been completely cut off. i may never serve again."
you jolt away from the soft source of warmth, which you realize belatedly is oikawa's chest.
"what happened?" you say, swiping at your face with the back of your hand.
he looks frustratingly perfect as always, brown hair rumpled, eyes soft like you aren't in the biggest spat of your friendship.
"i was waiting for you," he admits, leaning on his side and casting his eyes down, his lashes shadowing his high cheekbones. "because i wanted to apologize, to be clear. i must have fallen asleep, and then i woke up, and it was like—"
"yes," you cough. "i see. um."
"i'm sorry," he says. "hey, look at me. i'm really sorry."
"for what, oikawa?" you laugh nervously.
"for being stupid," he rolls one shoulder in a shrugging motion. "for trying to make you jealous and instead just being, like, a complete fucking clown during all of it."
"make me jealous?" you say, blinking at him.
"please don't look at me like that," he says, scrubbing over his face with the hand that's not propping up his head. "it-you make me nervous."
"we've been friends for years," you say, still apparently lost. "how can i make you nervous?"
"you always will," he laughs, but it's strained. "look—i like you. probably more, but i'm trying not to scare you—any more than i already have, i mean. i'm not sorry for kissing you, is what i mean. i should just—i should probably go."
"wait," you say firmly before he can untangle himself from your sheets. putting a hand on his shoulder and pushing yourself up to meet his lips, which are soft and dry and parted slightly with surprise.
the kiss is warm and lingers, even after you pull away. tooru stares at you with dazed eyes that make you shy, dropping your own. his voice is quiet but hopeful, contrasting his words in tone when he speaks.
"what the fuck?"
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queenie-avenue · 7 months
This is a man's world, but she rules it.
—> the devil wears prada.
⤻ reader is female (i really needed some delulu), kidnapping, typical mafia activities, toxic behaviour, posesseive and obsessive behaviour, mentions of misogyny, conversion therapy and homophobia, death, non-consensual kissing
notes: thank you to @ciaheyhimm for allowing me to use this character! isabella was originally a character from a mafia roleplay set in the 1940s to 50s. please go check that blog out, they are a historical blog and i believe that she is writing a book at the moment!
💌 ⤻ archives.
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"Thank you for your help in locating down my dearest [y/n]." The woman in the shadows spoke. That accent, that strong accent and overbearing smell of perfume... you found yourself thinking of one single person that came to your mind. Even her heels, branded with her own fashion brand 'Costanza' confirmed to you who this person was.
"Of course, I am a bit disappointed that you — how do you say? — compromised their location and safety to me, even as their bodyguard." She spoke, your body still laying paralysed against the lush bed that Vittoria had no doubt prepared for you. Ribbons of the finest silk bound your hands together, even as the drug forced you to stay put. It seemed she wanted to be very very sure that you wouldn't escape her, again.
Even the dress you were wearing, it was designed by her. Her brand's ribbons were on your body, a mark of her.
Your Father had disapproved of your relationship, with both of you two being girls and all... but you hadn't expected her to go this far.
"I can't trust someone like that out of the field. Who knows, if someone offers you some money, if you'd spill the beans on this little stunt of mine." You heard something click, and your head snapped over, eyes widened.
Then a gunshot sounded, causing you to scream before a body slumped to the ground, blood bleeding out from the shadows.
"Ay, aye, my Belleza, you should have told me you were awake." Her hips swayed as she emerged from the shadows. Her beautiful crimson red dress showed off the body you loved so much.
"Vitta, what the hell." You muttered as your attempted to raise yourself out of bed, only to be held down by the drugs in your system and the silk ribbons restraining you.
Slowly, she stalked towards you, like you were a prey she was ready to kill and feast on. But then, she simply sits on the edge of 'your' bed and begins to undress herself, slipping her zipper down as it revealed a petticoat underneath, and a corset that held her curved body together like a contorted doll, laced too tightly. You were so happy to get her out of it at one point, but when she stripped this time, it was intimidating.
"Darling." She whispered as she leaned in to caress your cheek. "I had to." She smiled, and that smile was so wicked, like the demoness Lilith had come to life in front of you.
✧ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ✧
When you first met Vittoria, it was at a gala. A gala meant to celebrate Vittoria Costanzo's newest fashion collection, based on something you didn't bother listening to. You dressed in whatever your Father wanted you to dress in, which was most of the time, dresses that appealed to the male gaze in hopes of finding you a catch of a husband he could give you away to.
"Ah... Mister [l/n], what a pleasure to meet you." The woman that approached you was stunning. Her strawberry blonde hair was tossed into victory curls, showing off her gorgeous neckline and strong collarbone. She was dressed head to toe in red, the colour of blood. Even her lips, so delicate and beautifully shaped, were stained in that perfect shade of crimson that seemed to draw in attention to her and only her. You wondered whether she had informed everyone that she was the only one allowed to wear red on that day.
"And who might this cute little lady be?" Little lady? You were about the same age as her.
"Ah, this is my daughter, I don't believe you've met." Grinned your Father as he pat you forward, introducing you to the woman.
"A pleasure to meet you." You curtsied quaintly.
Instead of returning the curtsey, Vittoria snatched your gloved hand and planted a kiss there. Like a gentleman would to a lady. The red lipstick stained your gloves, marking you as her own.
"The pleasure is all mine." Her eyes glinted and you felt your cheeks heat up, as if she could see right through you. "As much as I'd love to stay here and chat with the both of you, I have to go entertain the rest of my sponsors." Vittoria grinned charmingly, "I'm sure you understand, Mister [l/n]." She waved goodbye to the two of you and you swore you saw her wink in your direction.
Before you could compose yourself, you heard your father groan and gag. "I cannot believe a woman like her would dare show her face and intentions like that."
"What do you mean?" You turned to him. Your father was never a pleasant man, but he would never say something so outright.
He narrowed his eyes at you and leaned down. "That woman is rumoured to be queer." He spat out the word like it was the worst thing he could say. "Of course, a working woman would be something like that. She has no man in her life, so she wants to prey on innocent girls." Laughed your Father, which made you cringe.
"I will go get a cup of lemonade." You said to him as you flitted away like a butterfly as he went to talk to some other influential man.
Just as you picked out a drink, one of the waiters came over to you. "Madam Costanza has told me to deliver this message to you." You tilted your head as you looked at the tray he was carrying, a small card placed on it. You hesitantly took it and flipped it over, only reading it when you saw that no one was looking in your direction.
"That dress looks amazing on you. Perhaps if you come to my studio one of these days, I could design an even better dress for you." The card was sealed with a kiss from her red lipstick. Your gloved fingers smeared over the stain as you let out a sharp breath. The card wasn't signed, but you knew who had written it to tempt you.
Thus was the start of your affair with Vittoria Constanza, the most skilled fashion designer in Italy.
So how in the world did it end up this way? Your Father had figured out that you were having an affair with the lady and barred you from leaving your room, trying different forms of 'therapy' on you to convert you back into a normal woman. But nothing worked. He grew angrier day by day because of that. Not to mention, an illusive crime syndicate had decided to ruin his business with backstreet dealings. They exposed his tax fraud and more, which caused your Father to grow bankrupt and yet still, he did not allow you out of his grasp.
Then, that same mafia that ruined your family's business stormed your house. It was too obvious, not at all like the subtle actions the mafia normally acted out. It was chaotic and messy as they slaughtered any and all bodyguards that tried to fight back.
You felt strong arms behind you, force-feeding you some spill that you almost puked out. But the man simply shoved it in.
The last thing you saw was your Father's head being blown open by the a gun that Isabella held. She had pulled the trigger, and you screamed weakly before collapsing in the arms of the man.
✧ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ✧
Vittoria leaned over. "Are you feeling better? You've been out for a bit." She said in such a sweet tone, cooing at you like she had done when she cradled you in her arms inside of her fashion studio.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Vitta, Darling. Your Vittoria." She smiled. "Don't tell me those drugs changed your memory, my dear!" She chuckled. "I would have to kill the scientists that gave it to me."
"That's not what I meant!" You tried to get up, but you were restrained. Thank god the drug was starting to wear off, though, at least you could use your hands now. "You- you're part of the mafia." You said, terrified of the woman seated over you.
"Oh dear, I'm not just part of the mafia. When I join something, I make sure that I'm always at the top of it." Overconfidence dripped from her tongue as she rolled her eyes, "I rule the mafia. And I've taken you in to be a Queen by my side."
"Are you fucking crazy!" You yelled at her.
"Crazy in love, yes." She leaned in to press a chaste kiss to your lips. "I understand that you don't want to forgive me right now, but this is just a spat between lovers. You'll forgive me eventually." She smiled softly, pressing yet another kiss to your restrained form.
You weren't sure of what lay ahead this odd fate God had thrust you into but you were sure you would never forgive Vittoria.
"I love you." She whispered, pressing yet another kiss, this time to your forehead.
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"In this world of shadows, you're the only light in my life. So I won't let you escape."
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dira333 · 4 months
The Soulmate Theory - Todoroki Shouto x Reader
I welcome you to my probably last-ever Soulmate fic. As much as I love reading this trope, it's gotten harder and harder to write. I hope you like it. This is for @shoulmate
Trope: You share your Soulmate's pain.
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Soulmates used to be a thing. 
A long, long time ago, way before the first ever Quirk was documented, Soulmate bonds were just as common as Quirks are nowadays.
Your grandmother used to be fascinated by it, told you stories about her grandmother who was convinced she shared a soulmate bond even though not one case had been documented in the last hundred years before her.
It’s only natural, you’d say, that you didn’t realize you had one. After all, why would you think that?
Pain has always been part of your life.
Your wrists hurt and your legs hurt and your back hurts and your stomach hurts… all the time. The doctors cannot find anything, some even accuse you of pretending for attention. You’d gladly trade all that attention against a pain-free day.
Your Quirk’s Telekinesis and you’re so glad about it, because how else would you be able to move that pen and write that notes when your hands hurt like this?
You’re getting better at it too, threading a needle or picking up the last grain of rice with your thoughts alone. 
A dull ache has settled behind your left eye after what has been the most intense pain flare you’ve ever had. All you want to do is rest. 
But your mind is reeling, craving an outlet for all the thoughts inside your head.
Your restless eyes find some fabric in the corner of the room. Soon enough a few needles are working their magic, a creation coming to life before your eyes.
You might not be able to walk around most days, but at least you can still create outfits you’d love to flaunt in.
Years later
“Can you take over my student?” Kameko asks, “He wants a completely new costume.”
“What year?”
“First year. And his old one wasn’t even destroyed.”
“So? Maybe he found something out about himself.”
She huffs. “Please? I still have to finish Amajiki’s new design and you know how anxious he gets.”
“Yeah, no problem. Can you take another first year off my plate then? His name is Midoriya and he ripped it in half, it seems.”
“Oh yeah, give it to me.”
Someone clears their throat. You look up from your work into a set of heterochromatic eyes, one blue, one grey.
“Yes?” You ask. “How can I help you?”
“I’m here for my new Costume.”
“Are you Midoriya?” You point at the green fabric on your desk, or rather what’s left of the costume.”
“No, I’m Todoroki Shouto.”
“Ah,” Kameko doesn’t even look guilty at being caught. “You’re with her then. Do you need the think tank?” She points at the cubicle where you can go and plan outfits.
Todoroki looks like he isn’t quite sure, so you carefully slide off your chair and shuffle over.
“Come, come,” you wave at him, “It’s never wrong to brainstorm.”
“Are you hurt?” He asks and has the decency not to point at how you clearly favor your left leg. 
“Not more than usual,” you try to joke and though he looks a little confused, he doesn’t ask more questions.
Todoroki is a quiet individual. He’s not shy, that you perceive immediately, but he makes sure to check if he’s allowed to speak before he opens his mouth.
He’s also insanely pretty, the red, rough skin over his left eye giving him even more appeal. But he’s also one year younger than you, so you keep those thoughts locked away in the back of your head.
“If you want to change the design, we can do that, no problem.” You remind him when you’ve finally found something he seems almost happy with.
“I don’t want to cause you more work.”
“If you don’t cause me any work I’d have nothing to do,” you joke and he looks at you quietly for a while. You wonder if he’s ruminating over your joke or waiting for you to talk on and sadly, you’re more than likely to ramble in a confusing silence.
You gesture, somehow now talking about the importance of fresh orange juice for the human body, a topic you didn’t even know you could talk about beforehand when your hand connects harshly with the door behind you. Your wrist catches the doorknob and the pain is immediate, sharp and cool, like you’d imagine being stabbed with an icicle would feel like.
Todoroki hisses behind you and you’d compliment him on the empathy if it wouldn’t hurt like that.
When you turn, hand pressed against your chest, he’s cradling his own hand before dropping it. “Musclespasm,” he explains quietly, offering you a hand that is covered in ice. “Do you want me to cool it? It helps.”
“I’d like to add some more details to my costume,” Todoroki approaches you with a Bento Box in hand.
You nod, unable to speak for a moment as you focus your Quirk on a particularly tough seam.
“No problem, as I said. What’s it about?”
“Could we use the think tank?”
You turn to check but it’s clearly occupied.
“Sadly not. Is it more complicated then?” You nod at the Bento Box. “Do you think it will keep us occupied during lunch break?”
“No, this is…” Todoroki hesitates for a second before holding it out to you. “It’s just something I wanted to give you. My sister made these.”
 You open it with curious fingers to reveal twelve perfectly shaped cookies.
“That’s lovely, but why me?”
His cheeks turn pink and his lips curl into an adorable pout before he eventually talks.
“I mentioned that I was pleased with the changes and she told me to say thank you.”
“Aww,” you coo. “Your older sister then?”
“Yes,” the pout exaggerates, “I would have said thank you without her intervening.”
“Of course you’d have.” - “But my cookies didn’t turn out good.”
You both speak at the same time, or rather you accidentally interrupted him and he still talked on.
You stare at him now, mouth agape as you process his words.
“You made cookies for me?”
“Yes,” Todoroki nods, “I wanted to say thank you.”
“It’s my job.”
“I still want to say thank you.”
“Next time,” you joke, not quite realizing what you’re saying until it has left your lips and your brain has caught on, “just bring me the Cookies you made. It’s the thought that counts.”
He stares at you with wide eyes for what feels like eternity before a soft pink blush blooms on his cheeks.
You hide your own face in the box of Cookies, hope that he won’t hear the thunderous beating of your heart over the noise of you eating one.
They’re delicious. Of course they are.
You don’t know how or when or even why, but clearly, there’s a friendship growing between you and Todoroki Shouto. He’s stopped claiming he’s only dropping in for new additions to his costumes and in turn you’ve tried quite a few of his food creations, each one of them worse than the last.
But he’s cute and honest and real about it and you couldn’t do better if you tried anyway.
Your pain, however, doesn’t stop just because you’ve found work you enjoy or friends to spend your time with.
There are days where you cannot get out of bed. Days where strong painkillers allow you to get to school only for everything to go past you because those painkillers leave you loopy and tired, falling asleep over some costume in the early afternoon hours.
At least you’re not in the Hero Course, you think on the worst days, because you’ve seen the bruises Training leaves on Shouto’s arms and legs.
That’s before you realize that Training is the least of all his problems.
Third Year
“How are you?” You ask, because what else do you ask your Crush Slash Good Friend you haven’t seen in months?
Shouto’s got new scars, he’s grown, and he’s fought in a war while you were bedridden from pain, your mother scared out of her depths that you’d die in an attack, unable to move.
But you survived and so did he and if you can believe what you’ve heard on the news, he’s found out some things about his family too.
“Tired,” he admits, dragging a hand through his hair, “I missed you.”
You wonder how hard it was for him to admit that. 
 “Think tank?” You ask, slipping off your chair when he nods.
The last few days have been painless and even though you’re anxious about what’s to come after that, you can’t help but enjoy it.
When the door closes after him, you realize just how small that cubicle really is. 
Or maybe it’s just that Shouto doesn’t step away like he used to do, staying so close to you that you could count every single one of his long lashes if you wanted to.
“Can I hug you?” He asks and you nod, unable to say anything, even less when he pulls you in.
He’s tall and strong, cool on one side and warm on the other and your face nuzzles into his neck like it was meant to be like that anyway.
You don’t speak for a while, just hold each other in the semi-privacy this room provides.
“I want to take care of you,” Shouto whispers at some point. “Can I?”
Somehow it doesn’t surprise anyone that you two end up dating.
Your third year is almost painless.
Sure, there are frequent days where you’re sore for no reason whatsoever, but that is nothing against the blinding pain that had tied you to a bed for weeks before. 
Sometimes, Shouto pouts about that. He thinks it’s his job as your boyfriend to look after you and what good is he for if you don’t need looking after?
His friends tell you that he’s less reckless now - as if he’d ever been - making sure to keep himself safe because you need him.
You’ve met his sister, one of his older brothers and his mother, all of them nice, though maybe a bit distanced. 
Emotional vulnerability doesn’t seem to come easy to them.
Shouto, however, likes to talk about his feelings in depth. And he wants to know how you’re feeling too, listening with wide eyes as you explain.
Should it be weird that you’re dating someone younger than you? If so, you’re doing it wrong. 
The first(?) hint
“Do we need anything from the store?” You ask, phone crammed between your ear and shoulder as you grab your stuff from the passenger seat.
“I was going to get the groceries,” Shouto huffs on the other side of the call and you can see it, how he pouts at the thought that you’re doing it instead of him.
“I was already on my way. You can do the laundry.”
“I hate doing the laundry,” he groans and you giggle. “I know. I’m going to help you with it, don’t worry.”
“I could cook,” he offers and you giggle again, opening the door to step out. “As much as I love you, Shouto, I don’t love your cooking.”
“Fine,” he says, sounding exactly like a child that didn’t get its way, “But we do face-masks while doing the laundry.”
“Of course. I’ll call you back later, okay? I need both hands for shopping.”
“Sure. I’ll buy you more headphones in the meantime.”
There are a few more teasing remarks, a last “I love you” and then you shove your phone back in your purse and turn to where you think the shopping carts are located.
You don’t see the step in front of you before it’s too late and then you’re tumbling through the air. It happens slowly and then all at once and you’re not really sure what hurt first and what hurts the most. 
For a moment you’re just lying there, face down on the pavement, trying not to puke, collecting your thoughts as if they scattered on your floor just like your open purse.
Your phone starts ringing and that seems the most manageable task so you pick it up from right in front of you and press it against your ear.
“Yes?” You ask.
“Love, are you okay?” Shouto sounds worried.
“No, I just tripped and fell,” you pick your head up from the asphalt and squint at your stuff in front of you, “in the middle of the parking lot.”
“Just after you hung up I felt a lot of pain and I just… I knew it was you.” 
It keeps happening after that.
It doesn’t help that you’re clumsy, but maybe that’s for the best now, as you try and figure out this weird coincidence.
If you hurt yourself, Shouto feels the pain.
If Shouto hurts himself, you feel the pain. 
It’s only after he almost gets buried by a collapsing building that you actually tell a Doctor. Or rather Midoriya unloads all the Data he has collected on the poor, unassuming Recovery Girl.
The most likely answer, as strange as it might sound, is the Soulmate Theory.
“Since you’re the first documented case in hundreds of years we don’t have anything to prove this theory. But I’m quite positive that more cases will follow.”
You blink back at her, not quite understanding. Shouto’s left hand, one of the few places of his that are not covered in bandages, squeezes yours.
“You know what that means, right?” He asks.
“Yeah. We’re most definitely never going to break up.”
His eyes widen in a way you’ve grown familiar with. No matter how long you’ve been dating, you still seem to be able to surprise him.
“No,” he presses out weakly, “I meant… That all the pain you went through as a child and teenager, that was me. It’s my fault.”
You lean down to press a kiss to the little spot above his eyebrows that has come away unscathed.
“I’m not saying it was nice, but if I could take at least a little bit of the pain you went through, I’d say it was worth it.”
You’re pretty sure Shouto would disagree, but in your eyes Soulmates are not quite as fancy as they’re made out to be.
After all, you found him on your own, didn’t you?
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choslut · 17 days
˖ ࣪ ، ◞ せ⌇ THE COLOUR RED. featuring yae miko.
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↻ yae miko loves staining her dearest darling with her favourite colour.
tags : shibari, implied dom/sub dynamics, overstimulation, voice kink, slight hand kink // wc. 0.8k
author’s note : ‘m soooo tired… TT i’ve been trying to cook up a new theme in time for kinktober but my head is empppptttyyyyyy… but never too empty to think about shibari with yae miko!!! this is the only wlw work on here but it’s the one i’m most proud of, so i hope you enjoy it as much as i loved writing it <33 as always, notes and reblogs are much appreciated !! and feel free to check out my masterlist for more of my work if you really liked this.
this work is NSFW. minors and ageless blogs DO NOT INTERACT.
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YAE MIKO’s favourite colour is red. it’s a colour she sees every day during her shifts at the narukami shrine, and although some may grow tired of seeing such a vibrant colour every single day, she is one to never tire of it. it represents what she lives and works for, and although purple may seem more fitting due to her affinity with the electro element and its archon, red appeals to her a little more. 
that’s why she’s decided to tie you up in beautiful, winding red ropes, and decorate the smooth skin of your neck with glaring red marks. 
for her, the colour red is much more than just a colour. it’s the colour of her love for you, and as she pulls the crimson rope a tad bit tighter around your chest, she knows that in that exact spot, the red fluid flowing through your veins will come to a stop. 
“does it hurt?” her playful voice turned sultry echoes through the confines of your blurred mind, rendered helpless by the lack of blood flowing to your brain. “make sure to tell me if it hurts, my dear. i don’t want to kill you.”
the position she has you in is nothing short of a work of art. your arms are folded neatly behind your back as you sit on your knees on the futon, staring up at here with nothing but love and lust swirling in your eyes. you nod slowly, and she bares her sharp teeth in a smile, sliding her perfectly manicured hands under your chin and pulling your face up to look at her. 
“this is something i’ve always wanted to try,” she starts, “shibari. i’ve only ever read about it in those erotica novels at the publishing house, but I could never find anyone willing enough to let me experiment with it. i do hope i’ve done it right.”
you suspect she has, given the way the rope rubs against you in all the right places. It rests just shy of your nipples, pulled tight enough so that it doesn’t hurt, but provides just the right amount of pressure to your areolas. the stream of red runs its course under your arms, wrapping around your arms and trailing down your spine until it rests in between your asscheeks, pulling in between your legs and resting against your agitated clit before making its way back between the valley of your breasts. 
it’s beautiful. it’s torture.
it’s downright torturous the way the rope rubs against your clit every time your chest rises and falls with each breath. miko must’ve been crazy to think something like this wouldn’t hurt, because it definitely is, but in all the right ways. “miko…”
“what is it, my flower?” you half expect her to kneel down to your level, but such actions are beyond her prowess, so you settle for craning your neck to look up at her. “are you feeling alright?”
no, you want to scream, but her voice, smooth like butter, slices through your panic like a knife, and suddenly your muscles relax as you give in to the beautiful pain of the ropes straining against your skin. “feels weird, miss…”
ah, yes. you’ve finally let it slip. it didn’t take much to get you to submit, yet here you are now, words tangled like the rope against your flesh as you beg her for even the slightest stimulation. “does it, now?” miko is acting dumb. of course it feels weird, it would for someone experiencing this for the first time. “but i thought i tied the ropes in the right places that make you feel good, my love.”
it does feel good. oh, god, it feels good, so much so that you can’t even muster up a sentence to express it, instead trying (and failing) to rub your thighs together to grasp more of the feeling. 
“ah, ah, ah, my dear,” she chastises, waving one perfectly manicured finger down at you. “the beauty of this…” her finger hooks under the rope tied across your chest, “… is that you barely have to move. relax your muscles. feel it.”
so you listen to her, and you feel it. miko’s fingers trace the knots of the rope carefully, and she watches curiously as your eyes flutter shut and you succumb. it’s such a pretty sight, watching you finally let go, and when she suddenly tugs harshly at the central rope, you lurch forward, body trembling in waves as your orgasm washes over you. 
it’s so much, it’s almost too much, and she only laughs at your quivering form. “humans display such interesting emotions.”
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PREVIOUS : FWB ft. a. hayakawa NEXT : BABY MOMMA ft. k. nanami
liked that? check out the WE’RE SO BACK main masterlist.
© choslut 2024 — do not copy, repost or translate my works without permission.
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unsolvedjarin · 1 year
omg after reading part two of the mentor!seb x ferrari driver!reader fic i NEED something where he actually tries to play matchmaker for reader and mick😭 Like him giving so many hints but reader is just oblivious and Seb decides to take matter into his own hands yk?
Only if you’re open to it ofc! 🥰🥰
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pairing: (mick schumacher x driver! reader) (mentor! sebastian vettel x reader)
note: HEY. i havent written anything in weeks and its been KILLING me. ive been so burnt out lately its crazy, but seeing seb in suzuka did give me a bit of motivation (although this is more of a mick-centric fic, my boy deserves it.) anyways sorry for letting this stew for so long anon, hopefully i can write more soon ive missed it tbh
summary: suzuka finds itself not only an interesting spot for bee hotels, but for reunions and confrontations as well.
content warning: none, except its a little all over the place and once again i havent grammar checked this im so sorry it’s three in the morning
previous part, but can be read without <3
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When Sebastian invited the grid to his bee hotel opening, he expected maybe five or six people to come, but not this.
Everyone was coming.
And by everyone, I mean everyone. The drivers, the reserves, even the team principals, had all confirmed their appearance for the event. Sebastian knew he was loved by the grid, but the thought of all of them coming together for him still made his heart swell.
It was one in the afternoon, just thirty minutes before they were about to actually start the event. While the participation of the drivers were confirmed, they were still coming in one by one, some later than the others. Sebastian was in a particularly interesting conversation with Fernando about flowers when a poke to his shoulder captured his attention.
He turned around to find you, standing there behind him, waiting for him to finish his conversation with excitement you couldn’t contain. It was the first time you’ve seen each other since Silverstone, and even then you barely had time to talk to each other.
Before he could say anything, you jumped into his arms and hugged him so tight that Sebastian thought he would lose oxygen— but he still hugged you back with equal enthusiasm.
“Sebastian!” you screamed, being spun around once by the man. He missed you so much. Sebastian wasn’t particularly the greatest texter, and calling wasn’t something you were fond of, so besides the occasional visit you barely talked.
“Y/N, I thought you’d never come,” he says with a grin. He knew you were coming, of course. You would never miss out on this. You give him a playful shove, before giving Fernando a quick hug as well. In the year Seb has been gone, you had gotten closer with the Aston Martin driver who replaced him.
Fernando excuses himself quickly after, knowing you and Sebastian had some catching up to do. “Don’t tell me you’ve replaced me with him,” Sebastian jokes the second the Spaniard was out of earshot.
“Why, are you jealous?” you teased. He scoffs in reply, but you could hear the hint of jealousy in his tone. “Don’t worry Seb, while I love his talk about flowers, you talking my ear off about bees still appeals to me more.”
That makes him smile.
“I’m glad you prefer my infodumping, then.”
The fact that you taught him that term makes your grin even wider. “Anytime.”
You wanted to talk with him more, to tell him how you’ve been doing the past few months, but before you could, some PR person swooped in to film some videos with him.
“Ah, sorry liebling,” Sebastian sighs. He leans in and whispers in your ear, “One thing I haven’t missed are these media hungry people.”
You stifle a giggle, before nudging him away from you. “Go on, it’s your event, this is your own doing.”
He rolls his eyes but walks away nonetheless, following the person from the media. Before he moves out of earshot, however, he shouts, “Oh by the way, Mick is here! Don’t be shy, go talk to him.”
Oh the bastard.
Half the grid must have heard that. You look at him with shock and a light blush on your cheeks but are met only with a cheeky grin from the man before he turns around to fully walk away.
Admittedly though, he was right. You hadn’t been talking to Mick much. You had a few lunches with him after Seb retired but without his third wheeling company, it just felt awkward to go out with the reserve driver one on one. You started thinking he just ate with you because he felt bad for you or something of the sort.
“Penny for your thoughts?” A voice snaps you out of your thinking.
“Jesus! Lewis, don’t give me a heart attack like that.”
The Mercedes driver laughs before replying, “Sorry, you just looked tense. Thinking about the race?”
“Not really, just some other stuff.”
“Like what? Like Mick?”
You almost choked on your own saliva right there and then. “Wh- what? What would— haha— make you think that? No that’s crazy, I’m just thinking about the bees! Yeah, because like the bee hotel and stuff I love b—”
“Sebastian wasn’t really quiet talking to you just then, you know.” He comments, cutting you off.
“Oh I’ll kill him.”
“Doubt it, you’ve missed him too much these past months to kill him immediately.”
“Touché, maybe I’ll wait a few more then.”
“Stop avoiding the question, why’re you thinking about Mick?” Lewis asks, not giving the topic up. Oh what the hell, Sebastian trusts him right? So you could trust him.
Thinking of how you could word your thoughts properly, you start, “I kinda— I dunno— I mean he’s a nice guy, he’s pretty sweet, and we’re friends obviously so it’d be—”
“You like him don’t you.” Lewis cuts you off for the second time in a row.
“Damn,” he sighs, letting it linger for a moment. “That’s crazy.”
A beat of silence passes. “You’re not gonna say anything else?”
“Say anything else about what?” Sebastian butts in your conversation, clearly just having finished his short interview. He takes his place beside you, scooching in between you and Lewis instead of taking up the free space on the other side.
“Oh, Y/N was just talking about how she likes Mick.”
“Was not!” You exclaim.
“Was too,” Lewis retorts. His teasing never ceased to amuse and annoy you at the same time.
“I think I’m going to believe Lewis on this one. After all, you did tell me, and I quote, you ‘sorta have a little maybe crush’ on Mick.”
You hang your mouth agape incredulously before slapping Seb on the arm, “I told you that in confidence!”
Seb laughs before defending himself, “Well Lewis knows now! Besides, it’s not like you’ve been that discrete about it.”
You look at Lewis who shrugs in reply, “It’s true. Pretty obvious when a Ferrari driver keeps hanging around the Mercedes garage, mate.”
Oh well, cat’s out of the bag. There’s no point in keeping it secret from Lewis now, you think. Putting your head in your hands, you groan, “That’s the problem! I’m always at the Mercedes garage talking to you or Toto or even George but never him!”
“Well why don’t you…talk to him?”
“Great advice Sherlock, gee, got any more good ones for me?” You ask Sebastian sarcastically. While you and Seb banter though, Lewis recalls a conversation he had with Mick one late night back in Singapore.
“Hey Lew, was Y/N here earlier?”
Lewis, who was packing up to go home, redirects his focus to the only remaining guy in the garage save for a few engineers. “Yeah, she visited right after the race to congratulate me. Why’re you looking for her?”
“Oh nothing, just asking.” Mick replies, fiddling with his hands. Even in his tired state, Lewis could tell that there was more the young driver wasn’t saying.
“C’mon, spit it out.” Lewis says, taking a seat on a random chair and patting the one beside him for Mick to take a seat. The younger driver hesitates for a moment before sighing and sitting down. “Can you keep a secret?”
“Better than anyone. Do you know what happened when Alonso crashed his McLaren back in 2015?”
“No, what?”
“Exactly,” Lewis replies with a grin. “So what is it?”
“I…” Mick sighs, unable to find the right words for what he was trying to say. “I think I like Y/N.”
There, it’s out in the open, he thinks. Mick waits for a reply from Lewis, but gets none. “Hello?”
Another beat of silence.
“Okay, this is starting to scare me.”
Lewis finally snaps out of his trance-like state, before getting up and continuing to pack up his things. “Okay.”
“That’s it? Okay?”
“Well I thought it’d be something more secretive,” he says, putting up bunny ears.
“It is secretive,” Mick replies, mocking Lewis’ bunny ears. “No one knows.”
“Eh, I’m not so sure about that mate. I mean if you exclude Sebastian, Fernando, Toto, and myself, then sure, no one knows.”
Oh shit. Was he that obvious? “How- how did you all figure it out?”
“Well for one, if constantly tailing Sebastian and Y/N last year was your attempt at being discreet, then it was a horrible attempt. Second, you need to stop turning red and running away whenever she’s at the garage giving out food and what not. I can’t keep asking her for extra donuts for you forever, you know?”
Mick blushed slightly at the comment, not realizing how every time you came around to the garage he’d been unwillingly avoiding you out of fear you wouldn’t want to talk to him.
Lewis pats Mick on the back, getting ready to leave. “Listen man, if I were you, I’d make a move. That opportunity won’t last forever, plus, it seems like they like you back. Didn’t you guys go out together just the two of you a couple of times?”
Mick shrugged, “I don’t know, I mean I think she did that just because she felt bad for me being alone in the grid and because she missed Sebastian.”
Lewis internally rolled his eyes. He’s seen the way you look at Mick, there’s no way you didn’t like him too. “You have to stop doubting yourself. I mean the worst she can do is say no, right?”
“The worst she can do is avoid me for the rest of my life because I misread all the signs and she actually hates me.”
“That’s the spirit!” Lewis replied sarcastically, before murmuring a goodbye and leaving the garage.
That was weeks ago now, but the conversation was still stuck in Lewis’ head. He’d been right all along, you did like Mick back.
“Hey Seb, can I talk to you in private really quickly?” He speaks up, making you and the retired driver stop your bantering for a moment.
“You can say it in front of Y/N, it’s fine.” Seb replied. He trusted you completely with anything and everything.
“Well not if it’s about her.”
“Hey!” you complain. “Are you openly gossiping about me?”
“Listen, if you want our help, then let us huddle for a minute.”
Rolling your eyes, you sigh and nod at them. You really really liked Mick, but you were too much of a pussy to do anything about it. So if these two old twats could help you, then so be it.
Lewis pulls Seb to the side for a moment, inhaling deeply before talking softly so you couldn’t hear. “Okay, so here’s the thing. Mick told me he likes Y/N.”
Sebastian whips his head to face Lewis, “Holy shit, I knew it. I knew he wasn’t going out with us all the time last year for no reason.”
“Yeah, he’s not so discreet. Here’s the problem though, he firmly believes Y/N may hate him, and you know that Y/N believes Mick only likes her as a friend.”
“So what you’re saying is they’re both hopeless?”
“Without our help, basically yes.”
“God I can’t believe they haven’t caught a clue,” Sebastian sighs. “I even excused myself from multiple meals so I could leave the two of them alone even for a few minutes.”
“You’re telling me mate, I basically had to shove Mick towards her whenever she was at the garage or in hospitality.”
Meanwhile, while the two men were devising on their own, you were getting antsy. What could they possibly be coming up with? You didn’t really want to think about it too much, so you decided to take a walk around the track. After all, the event was about to start, so you might as well familiarize yourself with your surroundings.
You went through the unpainted bee hotels, admiring their woodwork and the effort it must’ve taken to make them. Sebastian had sent you a text at three in the morning yesterday saying “Finished! :-)” with a picture of the bee hotels attached, so you knew he put hard work into this project. You were happy that he was doing something he loved while retired, but at the same time you missed him terribly on the grid. It was lonely, you will admit, without him by your side. Sure you had your teammate Charles and the support of your fellow drivers, but it never felt like anyone truly knew you on the track besides Seb.
Stuck in your thoughts, you failed to notice the man who was walking up behind you mustering the courage to strike a conversation. You turn around to check out another bee hotel when you bump straight into Mick walking up to you.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?”
“Ow—” you hold your head in pain, which you bumped into the bee hotel roof when you recoiled backwards from the hit. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”
Great, Mick thought. Now what?
You’ve made a fool of yourself, congratulations, you thought.
Sebastian was about to walk over to see what all the commotion was about, when Lewis put a hand out and stopped him. “Look who bumped into her.”
Sebastian squinted a little— his eyesight had gotten worse but he refused to get glasses— and grins when he realizes who it is. “Best leave them to it then, I have an event to organize anyways.”
Meanwhile, Mick had no clue what to do. You were holding your head in pain, with your eyes closed trying to regain stability from the dizziness, and he was just standing there awkwardly trying to figure out what the right move was. Should he ask you again if you were alright? Should he hold you to stabilize you?
Well, why not both. Without thinking, he holds your shoulders, crouching down a little to look you in your eye, and asking a simple “You okay?”
You open your eyes, squinting because of the sun, and are met with a set of beautiful blue ones staring at you. Holy fucking shit. Now you don't know what to do.
“Uh— yeah, just hit my head. No biggie honestly, all good here,” you reply awkwardly. God, was it this hard to talk to him when Sebastian was around?
Mick lets go of your shoulders— you miss his touch already— and straightens up, nodding. “Good. Sorry for hitting you, I thought you heard me walking up.”
“No, it’s my fault honestly. Was stuck in my own thoughts. Nice that you pulled me out,” you joked, praying to whatever higher power was listening that it stuck.
Thankfully it did, and Mick let out a small giggle at your quip. It was enough for your stomach to do flips. And even though you had no clue, you joking around with him made his stomach do the same thing too. The simple interaction was enough to make him think that maybe you weren’t just hanging around with him before because you pitied him.
“You know,” Mick starts, before he loses confidence to breach the topic. He was here anyway, so might as well. “You’re always at the Mercedes garage but I never see you. I am sorry about that.”
You raised an eyebrow at him in confusion. Why was he sorry? You were the one who avoided him out of nervousness whenever you were there.
“You don’t have to be sorry about that, honestly, that’s my fault anyway. Same with our lunches before, I’m sorry we did those less and less. I guess I got too caught up in the races. We should have another one here in Japan!” You add the last part haphazardly, not really thinking about what you’re saying because if you do you’ll lose confidence.
It was too late when you realized what you said, and terrified to see Mick’s reaction to the invitation, you stare at anything but him. Wow, the sky was blue today. How interesting.
Mick, on the other hand, was frozen on the spot. Did he hear that correctly? Were you inviting him to lunch for the first time in months?
Before the reserve driver could get his hopes up, however, he realized what was different this time. Sebastian was around.
Oh. Maybe that was the only reason you invited him this time around. Because, again, like before, you felt sorry for him being alone and you had the confidence to ask him because Sebastian was here.
“Would…Sebastian be coming?” He asked. He wasn’t a religious man by any means, but he begged God at that moment you would say no. He had nothing against the retired driver of course, he was like an uncle to him, but it would determine— for him at least— if you were going out with him out of pity or because you actually wanted to.
You, on the other hand, had a completely different interpretation of that question.
Did Mick not want to have lunch with you without Sebastian because he didn’t want to spend time with you? Did he feel like you were too awkward? Too weird? You stopped yourself before you could spiral even more.
“I mean, do you want him to?”
“Honestly? No.” Mick hears himself say without thinking. His eyes widened a bit at the fact that he said that aloud, making you giggle. It lifts the tension a bit and the air feels freer talking to him.
“Tsk tsk, I’ll make sure to tell him that.”
“Please don’t, I’ll never hear the end of it. I just meant—” Mick pauses for a second, finding it difficult to word his thoughts.
Oh fuck it. Fuck it all. “I want it to be you, just you.”
“Oh.” Before Mick can regret saying anything and repeatedly apologize for the implications of what he said, you tug on his shirt a little to get him to look at you. “Me too.”
He lets out a sigh of relief, laughing a bit at himself. “Thank god, I thought I made the wrong move there.”
“God no,” you laugh out. “I’m glad you said that honestly, I thought you just hung out with me before for Sebastian.”
Mick raised his eyebrows in confusion. Was that what you’d been thinking this whole time? “I thought you were just hanging out with me because you felt bad I was alone without Seb.”
This time you both look at each other, confused. You had both gotten it completely wrong.
The absurdity of it all makes you burst out laughing, and you try to cover it up with your hand but to no avail. “I’m sorry I just— ha!— I can’t believe I’ve been reading it wrong this whole time! I even avoided you in the garages because I thought you felt awkward around me.”
“I hid whenever you were at the garage because I thought you didn’t wanna talk to me,” Mick replied bashfully, scratching the back of his neck. “In hindsight, that was pretty stupid, I suppose I wouldn’t ever know if you liked talking to me or not if I kept avoiding you.”
“Hold on, is that why Lewis always asked for extra food when I came around?”
“Yeah,” he answered, feeling embarrassed. It all felt so foolish now.
“That was stupid,” you tease. “So…what now?”
“I suppose we can just,” Mick gestures aimlessly with his hands. “Restart.”
You smile at him, liking the simplicity of the idea. After dancing around each other for a year, this is exactly what you wanted. “Yeah, that’d be nice.”
“What you were saying earlier, lunch? I know a good place. It’s pretty far from the track, but they have the best ramen and— hello Seb…?”
Unbeknownst to you, Sebastian had slowly inched himself closer to where you two were standing, trying to overhear your conversation. He was now stood a few meters away from you, pretending to be taking care of his bee hotel.
“You sneaky bastard!” you exclaim, slapping him on his shoulder for the second time that day. “How long have you been eavesdropping on our conversation?”
“I just got here!” Sebastian replied, trying to defend himself. He’d actually been standing there for a couple minutes, but if none of you had noticed, then it was better for him to not bring it up. “Anyway, I came to say we’re starting the event. Charles is looking for you at the Ferrari station, Y/N.”
Sebastian moves to leave, but turns back around, standing beside you. “And Mick, if it’s no bother, you could come with me and Y/N to Disneyland on Tuesday. Only if you’d like, of course.”
“We’re going to Disneyland?” You ask, but a quick glance at Sebastian's expression and you realize what he was trying to do. “Oh! Yeah, we totally planned on going to Disneyland. You should come with us.”
“Yeah! Sure, I have nothing to do anyways. And lunch on Monday, Y/N?” Mick replies. You give him a soft smile and nod in response.
Seb looks at you in confusion, “Am I part of these lunch plans?”
“Great to know. Anyways, to the Ferrari station liebe, chop chop,” Seb retorts, putting his arm around you to pull you towards the station. As much as he wanted you and Mick to talk more, he also wanted his event to get going.
“Talk later!” you shout, being practically dragged by Sebastian. Mick laughs at the sight, waving a goodbye to you and the retired driver. He felt like he won the lottery. You might not like him the way he liked you, but this was a start. This meant that you hung around him for him.
“Was the plan you and Lewis came up with simply inviting Mick to go to Disneyland?” You ask, the second you were far away enough from Mick.
Sebastian shrugs, “Yeah, basically.”
“Oh you pricks. Thank God I didn’t rely on you two then.”
“Hey! We tried,” Seb remarked. “But we saw you two getting along without our help so we decided to leave you two to it. What did you even talk about?”
“Our shared hatred for you,” you replied with no hesitation. You look over at Sebastian with a grin, watching him roll his eyes, smiling.
“Well if that’s what it took for you two to talk, then I’d happily be the butt of your conversations.”
God. Why did he have to be so nice about it? “I’m just kidding Seb, we just cleared up some misunderstandings. Honestly we should’ve talked sooner, it was such a relief to find out I’d just been overthinking our interactions.”
“Like you do with half of all things, schatz,” Sebastian says softly, smiling at you. He was right, you did overthink too much.
“I know,” you sigh. “I’m trying to change.”
“That’s great, but you know what you should try first before that?” Seb asks with a playful look on his face. He comes to a stop in front of a bee hotel and grabs a paintbrush from beside it, putting it in your hands. “You should try participating in the event.”
“Cheeky bastard,” you mutter, grinning. You didn’t even notice you had walked all the way to the Ferrari station until then. You greet Charles, who was already there, before facing Sebastian again. “Still can’t believe you and Lewis’ plan was just Disneyland. Remind me to never trust you ever again.”
“Love you too,” Seb retorts sarcastically, grinning as he walks away to assist the other drivers. You shake your head with a smile, before facing the bee hotel again. Cheeky bastard.
Sebastian and Lewis had planned more than just Disneyland of course, they weren’t stupid. But the first phase of their plan was complete. Sebastian smiled to himself as he watched Mick talking to Lewis at the Mercedes station, ready to operate the second part of their ‘genius’ plan.
It was going to be a long, interesting week for all of them.
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multixsposts · 6 months
The Jock
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Context-> Suguru Geto is y/ns sneaky link and he demands you tell no one about the relationship. Because outside of you two fucking, you mean nothing to him.
Warnings-> Geto is basically a bully to the reader, name calling will be mentioned.
a/n-> This is a college au if you aren’t fond of strong language, name calling, or sexual scenes then this is not the story for you. Thank you.
Fandom-> Jujutsu Kaisen
Ship-> Suguru Geto x Fem!Reader
This story will contain Sexual Content. Minors Please Do Not Interact.
therefore if there are any typos i’m sorry !.
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You were running around your dorm room making sure you got everything for you next class that starts in 20 minutes. You’ve never been late to a class. Ever. and you weren’t about to start now.
Gathering your things you rush out of your room and dash to your class. You don’t think you’ve even ran this fast before, the door to your classroom is approaching so you slowed down a bit to a jog not even bothering to check your surroundings which causes you to bump into someone.
You fall onto the floor, the papers that you had in your folder scattered out in front of you.
“watch where the fuck you’re going, freak.” you look up at the familiar voice only to make eye contact with the schools very popular jock.
Suguru Geto.
Someone you know all to well. You two have been sneaking around for a few months, after the first time you’ve hooked up you came up to him the next day at school and that was the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done.
It was humiliating
He acted like he didn’t even know you, he spat at your feet.
he called you a disgusting pig and told you to get lost.
All while his friends laughed.
everyone laughed at you.
so now..
you don’t know how to end this…thing the two of you have.
You can’t say you don’t enjoy the way he makes you feel when he fucks you.
In fact, you enjoy it so much you almost, almost forget how he treats you outside of the sex you have in the janitors closet.
“s-sorry..” you whisper out as you collect your things that covered the dirty tile.
“tch.” he scoffed as he watched you down at his feet trying to get the folder that was underneath his sneaker.
“um..” you look at him hesitantly. “sorry..but do you mind…l-lifting your foot?.” you ask and his eyebrows bunch together in an irritated expression.
“are you telling me what to do?.” he asks as he squats down to your level. His face close to yours.
A feeling you’re to familiar with yet you could never remember what his lips felt like.
Sometimes he wouldn’t even let you face him while he fucked you stupid.
Let’s just say that the back of your head was more appealing to him.
“oh- n-no it was just a question.” you whimper, as your eyes drift to his friends behind him, their smirks letting you know they’re enjoyed this.
“…whatever.” you hear him grumble out as he stands up quickly- his foot moving off of your folder and you don’t hesitate to grab it.
you stack your things together, keeping your eyes on the floor in front of you only to see a folded up piece of paper.
you grab it and look up, watching as geto and his jock friends leave you in the empty hallway.
you open the note.
‘after practice meet me underneath the bleachers.’
this was…new. He never left you a note. Usually he just drags you away when you’re alone.
and this was also a new..location. this was out in the open..anyone could see.
he’s not this stupid is he?..
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You’re underneath the bleachers just like the note said.
You got here a bit earlier, your anxiety eating you away at what he could possibly want..
This is to public of a place for the two of you have sex. You wouldn’t allow it…
So as you sit, a book in hand, waiting for the football player to join you.
“what’re reading?.” a gruff voice asked to which you jump a little.
Your eyes find his and you smile a bit.
“ah..little women.” you tell him and he looks at you confused.
“you’re reading a book about little people?.. are they fairies or somethin’” he respond and you laugh lightly..
you didn’t catch it but your laugh made the corner of his lip quirk up into the tiniest smile.
some days aren’t as bad as others, you two have conversations every now and then, but the majority of this relationship is no talking and just rough sex. These are the days that make you forget what kind of person he truly is.
“no..it’s not.” you tell him as you stand, dusting the grass and dirt from your jeans as you stuff your book back into your bag.
“mm.” he hums out as he grabs your wrist and starts walking.
“S-Suguru?..” you question.
“what is it?.” he asks, not looking back at you as he continues to walk to the parking lot by the football field.
“where are we going?..” you allowed yourself not to panic as you watch his car grow closer and your staring at the passenger side seat as he holds the door open for you.
“you gonna get in?.”
“uh..w-where are we going?.” you ask once more and ‘tchs’
“it’s a surprise.” this is new. this is all to knew to you.. You have never been with him outside of school.
You have never been inside of his car.
yet you get in and so does he.
The drive was quiet and quick but what you weren’t expecting was..woods.
You two were in the middle of the woods.
is this his way of killing you..
Your heart rate was starting to pick up.
he helps you out of the car.
“relax.” you hear him say, in a voice so calm you swore it was a different person.
“i-i am relaxed.” you tell him and he rolls his eyes as he grabs your hand. leading you further into the woods.
As you make your way through you hear running water..
you get closer only to see a waterfall and your eyes widen.
“it’s beautiful..” you say with a hushed tone and he smiles a little as he watches you. Noticing how your nerves relaxed as you watch the water flow from the hill down the pool of water below.
“that it is..” he responds as he sits down. You taking a seat next to him.
“how’d you find this place?.” you ask, your eyes never leaving the water.
“i..was just wondering around one day and stumbled upon this. I come here sometimes to…think.” he reveals and you turn your head and look at him.
“why..did you bring me here, suguru.” You ask and he looks at you.
“just..thought we could use a different scenery when we have sex.” you don’t know why you felt your heart sting at those words.. honestly you shouldn’t have expected anything less.
“and…think of it as an apology.” your ears perk up at those words.
“yknow..for all the times i’ve been a douche.” he says and you smile a bit.
Suguru Geto..just gave you an apology.
you couldn’t believe it.
“thank you suguru..” You tell him as you lean in and place your lips onto his.
Things started to escalate pretty quickly as you ended up underneath, Your clothes thrown to the side as he brushes you hair back.
“you’re beautiful..” he whispers out and your eyes widen at such kind words..
He’s never complemented you in this way..
So you blush and he kissed your forehead.
You gasp as he pushes his dick inside of you.
Your nails immediately leaving marks on his back as you need something to grip onto.
“fuck..” he grunts out.
“i’ll never forget how tight this pussy grips me.” He says lowly as he starts to thrust in and out of your wet cunt.
This is completely different from the other times you’ve had sex. He’s being so gentle..so nice…
what’s going on?.. maybe he’s had a change of heart..
“hey..focus on me.” he slaps your cheek lightly as his thrust grow harsher..
“y-yes...sugu~” you moan out, not realizing what you said. As you focus on the way his dick fits perfectly inside of you.
Filling you up so good that your legs shake as you wrap them around his waist.
“f-fuck..princess. Don’t call me that.” He groans as he feels you squeeze around him. Him on the verge of cumming inside of you at your choice of words.
“sugu~..f-faster…” you say not caring how he told you not to call him that. You feel his speed pick up as you hold onto him tightly.
“s-shit..baby…gonna cum..” he moans out as he feels you getting closer to your release.
your heart fluttering at the nicknames he’s using.
“w-where..” he asks
“…i-inside.” your reply makes him stop. and your eyes shoot open as you look at him, panting.
“w…what?.” he says.
“cum inside me..sugu~” you tell him and you brush his hair back.
His pace starting back up quickly as you both cum together.
You moaning as you feel his hot cum spurt out inside of you.
To you this is the best sex the two of you ever had. You silently thinking how different things will be tomorrow..How you’ll be able to talk with him in public, maybe hold his hand.
you couldn’t wait.
but to Suguru Geto..
The way he felt when he saw you smile and laugh at his jokes, made his heart and his head confused. He doesn’t really know why he brought you to his spot. He refuses to believe that these feelings mean anything..so to him this is just a normal day and nothing is going to change.
He’ll back to ignoring you in public and fucking you in private 
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This is kind of sloppy and i apologize, but nonetheless i i hope you enjoyed. 
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traumxrei-archive · 5 months
【 iv. the taste of flowers 】
summary: yuu was sick. okay, so maybe they overworked themself a little while preparing for the debutante, but that didn’t mean they needed to be on bed arrest ! what’s the worst that could happen if they snuck into the kitchen for a snack anyway ?
word count: 1.4k
author’s note: every time i write ruggie i’m like “wow i love this guy sm” and it was the same this time. i hope you like my rendition of him, ruggie likers ^^
[ the perfect debutante series | or read on ao3 (coming soon) ]
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Being sick was most definitely not on Yuu's list of things to do for the Debutante. But they were. Sick. It seemed that they had over-exhausted themself after shopping all day with Floyd.
They vaguely remembered Floyd's guilty expression as he brought tea to their bedside. They had told him not to worry, but he seemed to be in low spirits for the rest of the day, according to Azul's report.
And now, well...
Yuu was sneaking into the kitchen.
After being cooped up in the room for so long, they needed some alone time. Alone time that didn't entail Riddle watching their every move like a hawk, or Silver insisting on doing everything for them. Their maids were diligent to a fault really, and Yuu was starting to feel a bit suffocated.
What they weren't expecting was that there would be someone in the kitchen. They stood behind the door. There was a soft humming and the smell of something that had their mouth-watering. Yuu cracked the door open a little. Through the gap, they spotted a pair of fluffy ears.
Ah. So it was Ruggie in the kitchen. Yuu calmed down a bit. The chance that they would be severely scolded for escaping the room had decreased. Still, they knew that someone would check their room soon, and they would get caught, so...
Holy crap. Their soul felt like it almost left their body.
They looked up to see Ruggie tilting his head, "I thought I heard someone, but I didn't expect it to be you, Master."
They got up from their crouched position, "Hi, uh... What are you cooking?"
"A little something for myself," Ruggie suddenly smirked, folding his arms. "What are you doing out of your room, Master? Riddle and Azul are going to freak out if they figure out you're gone."
Yuu stared at Ruggie with what they hoped was a pitiful look, "Please, I need 30 minutes of peace before they coddle me to death again."
"It's because they're worried about you. We all are," Ruggie said, going back to stirring the pot. "But I'm no snitch, shishishi~ Have a seat." There was a stool a little away from the stove, and from this close, they could finally see what Ruggie was cooking. It was...soup. A hearty-looking, vegetable soup, that was currently appealing to them with its scent.
"Are you here for some tea? Or are you hungry?" Ruggie sprinkled some more spices into his soup. "I could make you some soup?"
"What about that soup?" They blurted out. Dammit, they were trying to resist, and yet...
"This soup? It isn't worthy of Master's palette," Ruggie said before putting a lid on the small pot. "Plus, are you sure you wanna eat that?"
"What is it then?" The soup had looked normal enough to them, though they couldn't be sure. Ruggie was famed for using unconventional ingredients in his cooking before. They had heard many stories from Jamil, who found his experimentation interesting enough to talk about. (The other maid rarely talked too extensively, so Yuu had noted it in their mind when he did.)
"Erm," Ruggie's ears twitched, and he looked...almost bashful. "I used dandelions. I saw a few in the gardens and they needed to be weeded out anyway."
"Dandelions?" They cracked a smile. "So you can even cook with flowers?"
"You're not...?" Ruggie shook his head, before leaning his head back into his hands. "It's something my Bi— my grandmother taught me. There are many uses for dandelions, and she used to cook it for us in a soup."
Yuu understood it now. It had been a while since Ruggie had taken a break to go home. He tended to bulldoze through leave days that they set up by taking up other jobs. They ended up having him be their designated maid when the others went on leave. Ruggie was pleased with the setup, especially after they doubled his pay.
Money wasn't a worry to them, given that they were the heir of the Dukedom. But it had once been, back before Duke Crowley had adopted them. So they understood Ruggie's determination, especially with how fiercely he loved his family.
"Why don't you eat some?" Yuu leaned their face into their palm. "You spent all that time cooking it after all."
Ruggie's expression turned complicated for a moment. He hesitantly grabbed a bowl, ladling in a spoonful. His ears drooped for a moment before straightening. Yuu couldn't help but find the subconscious action adorable. 
He finally sighed, sliding the bowl in front of them, "Here. Your puppy eyes really are unfair, Master."
"Puppy eyes?" They mumbled, but they couldn't focus on anything other than the soup that was in front of them. Ruggie pushed a spoon into their hands, and they couldn't help but immediately try it.
"Well?" Ruggie asked, ladling his own bowl. It was...amazing. The soup was salty, but rich, and all the vegetables were perfectly cooked— not too soft with a nice crunch.
And that was when Yuu abandoned two things: their etiquette training and their pride. It didn't matter that it was hot, they kept shoveling spoonfuls of soup into their mouth.
Ruggie laughed as he ate his own bowl, "Slow down there, Master. If the chefs see you they'll throw a tantrum because you're guzzling that down so fast."
"But," They sputtered, gesturing at their half finished bowl. "It's so good! I can't even tell which part the dandelion is!"
"The green leafy bits," Ruggie looked proud, if the way his grin kept growing was any indication. "I save the flowers to make tea with." The maid spun around, turning to a cupboard and grabbing what looked like a jar. In it were many dried dandelion buds. "Ah, I also have dandelion syrup," Ruggie gestured to another jar on the shelf. "Jamil taught me how to make them. They don't taste bad if I do say so myself, shishishi~"
Yuu couldn't help but laugh slightly. Ruggie's excitement about dandelion cuisine was very...adorable, if they wanted to put a word to it. "You seem very passionate about this," They said as they took the dandelion tea jar in their own hands. "Would it be okay if you put a few servings of this in my tea cabinet?"
"Huh?” Ruggie's ear flicked in surprise.
"Ah, I don't mean to take it away from you!" Yuu said, suddenly very aware that Ruggie was doing this because he was homesick. How stupid of them to ask for something so selfish. Did they forget everything after spending a few years in luxury? "I know that you're—"
"Forgive me for interrupting you, but it's not that," Grey eyes looked between the tea and their face. "It's... Thank you." There was something more behind the simple word of thanks. Yuu couldn't even begin to digest why Ruggie would say thank you at their selfish request, but seeing the smile on Ruggie's face reassured them that it wasn't anything negative.
That was when the door to the kitchen slid open, "Ruggie, would you happen to know where—"
Yuu looked up just in time to make eye contact with a surprised-looking Jade.
Oh. They were caught. Shit.
Jade smiled, ever the picture of politeness even as his aura turned more menacing, "How serendipitous. I was just looking for you, Master."  
"They were just about to leave, right Master?" Ruggie said with a devilish grin. Gone was the sweet expression that just graced his face seconds before, instead replaced by this mischievous look— because he was clearly ratting them out! Yuu just hung their head. They would be scolded less if they left with Jade right away.
Jade kept an iron grip on them with just his gaze as they gave Ruggie a long hard look, "You're going on vacation after the debutante is over. With everyone else. That is a promise."
"But Master—"
"No buts! I'll give you paid leave!" Yuu said as Jade opened the door. "Just make sure to tell your family how much you miss them!" They relished the surprised look on Ruggie's face for a moment before following Jade out into the hallway. Yuu wasn't about to give Ruggie time to retaliate this time.
"Now that you've had your fun, you should return to the room before Azul and Riddle return," Jade chuckled. "They aren't back yet, but I am not above telling them of your...mm, adventures, if it came to it. Even if it's you, Master."
Their previous excitement waned at the thought of being bound to the bed again, "Let's just go now." And that was how Yuu's adventures to the kitchen ended, with surprises, some new cuisine, and a promise.
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thank you for reading ^^ if you’d like to read more, check out my masterlist ! like the art ? look at more of dumple's works on insta !
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taylor-titmouse · 4 months
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Meatheads, by R/L Monroe
it's another month gone by, which means another cover for another @petitemortality R/L Monroe book! this one goes hard and sweaty and meaty, and the worldbuilding is both really funny and really fascinating in the little glimpse of it we get. and also there's three huge fuckin dudes going to town on each other. check it out, and follow along on the process for designing the cover below!
FYF 3: Meatheads $3
Trapped by a lethal boiling sun, in the neon ruins of a fallen supercity, three tank-grown ultrasoldiers have nothing to kill but time and no enemy but their own overheated flesh. Daily hormone shots gave them hard bodies, but without a seedsucker to offer them relief, they soon have something even harder to contend with. It's not gay if you come out on top...right? Almost 7k words(!), EPUB and PDF format. Content: -M/M/M -straight turned gay -testosterone dosing -cum harvesting/drinking -dominance struggle -sexual hazing -rough sex
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i lost track of the initial notes for these, but the first two were really just me spinning my wheels. my instinct was something with greek wrestling, stylized like pottery. we usually do the covers early in the month, so i hadn't read the finished book yet and didn't have a clear sense of the aesthetic yet. i did know there were three guys, which made composition tough. fighting is not, typically, a three-man's game. lee suggested looking at WWE and rugby
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which led me to looking at turkish oil wrestling, because truly, what is greasier than that. originally there was a reference image of turkish oil wrestling here, but tumblr hated it so much that they flagged the post and denied appeal. those men were wearing pants. this post is free to read on patreon so you can see the greasy boys there.
moving on.
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so while we were talking about the color palette, lee brought up 80s splatterfest VHS cover design. we agreed on violent red and purple, but the topic of horror led me in a horror direction. gritty lines, harsh light and shadow, scary imagery with the single red eye, etc. and we agreed this look is Sick and Rules, but wasn't quite right for neon future climatepunk.
so i went back to the drawing board and totally got rid of the hatching. we're looking for neon, for black velvet, for graphic
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definitely closer to the final product! though of course as soon as i saw it in discord i realized the purple on the middle guy's back and the third guy's leg were competing too much with the top guy's back and making it hard to know where to look. so: more variants
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adding the paint strokes down was just something i wanted to try at the last minute, and it was definitely the right move! there were like five more variations of just That with the gradient map very very slightly adjusted, but honestly it's not worth posting all of those lol. the version we settled with was the best one!
and that's the process for this month's fuck yourself friday cover! this is both my favorite cover so far AND my favorite story. i love high concept worldbuilding that serves the fucking. if you're here and supporting my work, i bet you do too! so go read it! it's only $3 dude!!
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hunieday · 14 days
Oogami Banri 2024 RabbiTV - Episode 3 : From now and forever
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Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3
Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
(Nakamise Street)
Utsugi Shiro: The hand-kneading pottery was so much fun! Though I didn’t think we’d almost be late to our reservation because of the cream puffs...
Anesagi Kaoru: Traveling is bound to have some accidents! I’m glad we managed to make something in the end. This was my first time trying something like that.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Was that really your first time!? You made such a beautiful teacup, I thought you were used to it!
Oogami Banri: You’re really good with your hands! I think I’ll use the platter I made to serve some side dishes for the president.
Okazaki Rinto: W-We did pretty good for our first time right, Takanashi-san?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Y-Yes! Though I tried to make a teacup like Anesagi-san’s and ended up with a bowl…B-but I managed somehow!
Utsugi Shiro: Okazaki-san’s vase was beautifully made as well.
Okazaki Rinto: It’s… a mug.
Utsugi Shiro: What!? Oops, sorry about that...!
Anesagi Kaoru: Now you can’t cover up your blunder?
Oogami Banri: Utsugi-san, you made a beer cup right?
Utsugi Shiro: Oh, yeah, I thought it would be nice for my evening drinks. I’ve been enjoying an ice cold beer after work lately.
Oogami Banri: I know exactly what you mean! I bet it’s gonna taste even better when you drink from a cup you made yourself.
Okazaki Rinto: You three—Oogami-san, Anesagi-san, and Utsugi-san—are so naturally skilled. I’m a little jealous...
Takanashi Tsumugi: But I’m sure we’ll be impressed with our work when we see the finished products! I can’t wait, Okazaki-san!
Okazaki Rinto: Yeah, Takanashi-san...!
Anesagi Kaoru: Hehe. They said they’ll be ready in about two months. Let’s all take pictures together again once they arrive!
Oogami Banri: Sounds good…! Um, talking about beer is making me crave one. Should we head out soon?
Utsugi Shiro: Sounds good! Looks like there are some food stalls too, let’s go check out the fireworks festival venue.
(Cut to the beach, Night time.)
Takanashi Tsumugi: Amazing…! This spot’s a hidden gem!
Anesagi Kaoru: It really is! There are no buildings blocking the view either. Looks like there aren’t that many people around here.
Oogami Banri: I’m looking forward to the fireworks!
Utsugi Shiro: Hey guys! Sorry for leaving you hanging! I bought all sorts of things for you.
Okazaki Rinto: We’ve got candy apples, chocolate bananas, cotton candy, yakisoba, and grilled squid!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Wow…! Thank you so much! Why does food from stalls always look so appealing?
Oogami Banri: The fact that we’re outside definitely makes it taste better.
Anesagi Kaoru: I still don’t know how you two managed to carry all that food by yourselves.
Okazaki Rinto: Utsugi-san kept buying more and more and just kept going, so we ended up with a lot!
Utsugi Shiro: Ahaha! That’s what makes festivals like these so much fun!
Anesagi Kaoru: Color me surprised. You’re the type of guy who looks more accustomed to city life.
Okazaki Rinto: Yeah, you have more of a “Fireworks? I’ll book a hotel room and watch them from a cool room” vibe!
Utsugi Shiro: Whaaat…Where did that image come from? Oogami-san, please say something!
Oogami Banri: Huh? Me!? Ermmm… let’s just have some beer for now.
Okazaki Rinto: Ah, sounds great! I’ll have a little tonight!
Utsugi Shiro: Count me in.
Anesagi Kaoru: Let’s toast with tea!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yes! Cheers!
Oogami Banri: …I’m having so much fun. I’m so grateful to have been able to travel with you guys like this so many times.
Okazaki Rinto: Me too. Connections are important in this industry, not just vertically but also horizontally. We’re not just rivals, we’re also friends who get to bond like this.
Anesagi Kaoru: That’s true. There were so many situations that I wouldn’t have been able to overcome without your support.
Utsugi Shiro: Thank you so much. I’m so grateful to be included in your circle.
Oogami Banri: What are you talking about? We’re happy to have you here, Utsugi-san.
Takanashi Tsumugi: We form the Managers team!
Anesagi Kaoru: Hey, now that sounds fierce.
Takanashi Tsumugi: S-Sorry! I just thought it would be nice if we had a team name or something…
Okazaki Rinto: Managers team sounds cool!
Utsugi Shiro: The Managers’ mission for today is to enjoy the fireworks together!
Anesagi Kaoru: There’s no way you’re getting drunk already…
Oogami Banri: Ahaha! It’s been so long since I just relaxed and watched fireworks. Maybe not since high school...
Okazaki Rinto: Sounds nice. Were you with friends?
Oogami Banri: ...Yeah, with friends. We were heading to the station when the fireworks started, so we stopped to watch for a bit.
Oogami Banri: I remember their beautiful reflection on the sea.
Okazaki Rinto: Today’s fireworks will start near the sea so I’m sure they’ll reflect beautifully, just like that day!
Oogami Banri: Yes! I’m looking forward to it.
Anesagi Kaoru: It’s getting somewhat lively around here. Could it be starting soon?
Takanashi Tsumugi: I feel kinda giddy...!
Oogami Banri: It’s starting!
Takanashi Tsumugi: It’s so beautiful...!
Okazaki Rinto: They’re so powerful!
Okazaki Rinto: Ta-ma-ya! (1)
Utsugi Shiro: Ka-gi-ya! (2)
Anesagi Kaoru: Look, there’s a firework shaped like a heart!
Takanashi Tsumugi: You’re right! It’s so cute...!
Oogami Banri: Amazing, they’re firing off in different shapes now!
Utsugi Shiro: I’m gonna do my best to make ŹOOĻ become the strongest idol group and take over the world!
Okazaki Rinto: Wow! Did you just make a wish?
Utsugi Shiro: I just felt like shouting something.
Anesagi Kaoru: Utsugi-san, that was wonderful! I’ll do the same.
Anesagi Kaoru: I’ll keep learning and growing as a skilled manager just like TRIGGER continues to grow every day!
Okazaki Rinto: Me too...! I hope I can keep growing stronger as Re:vale’s manager!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Um... And I’ll become even more powerful so I can continue supporting IDOLiSH7!
Oogami Banri: I’ll keep supporting MEZZO" so they can stay true to themselves forever!
Utsugi Shiro: The fireworks were so much fun!
Okazaki Rinto: I feel like I enjoyed them differently than usual, but I definitely gained energy from everyone!
Anesagi Kaoru: Well then, it’s about time for that, isn’t it? The crowd is leaving so let’s do it.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yes! The video call is connected now!
Oogami Banri: Could it be...!
(Cut to the i7 Dorms)
Nanase Riku & Izumi Iori: Banri-san!
Rokuya Nagi & Izumi Mitsuki & Nikaido Yamato: Happy-!
Osaka Sougo & Yotsuba Tamaki: Birthday-!
Oogami Banri: Guys...! Thank you! I’m having an amazing time in Atami!
Nanase Riku: Wahh, I’m so glad to hear that! Banri-san, look, everyone from the other groups came here as well!
Anesagi Kaoru: You made it to work on time though, right?
Yaotome Gaku: Of course! We got it all done! Are you enjoying Atami?
Kujo Tenn: Hey, don’t push me. Anesagi-san, thank you for your hard work. I’m glad to see you look refreshed.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Ah, I can see the sea! Anesagi-san, you look like you’re having a lot of fun!
Momo: Okariiiiiin! We’re here too!
Yuki: Yo, how’s the night in Atami?
Okazaki Rinto: It’s amazing! I’m having a great time thanks to you!
Inumaru Touma: Utsugi-san! Are you enjoying yourself?
Mido Torao: You got a great view of the fireworks, right?
Utsugi Shiro: Hey guys! We’re having an amazing time! Let’s come together next time.
Natsume Minami: Gladly. I’ll conquer the food stalls.
Isumi Haruka: I’m definitely gonna have a candy apple!
Izumi Mitsuki: We were talking about how jealous we were of the managers attending a festival, so we’re gonna have one here as well!
Nikaido Yamato: Grilled corn on the cob, fried chicken, grilled chicken skewers, yakisoba, we even got beer! It’s way too good.
Rokuya Nagi: TRIGGER brought a shaved ice machine too. Dessert is perfect now!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I’m glad we brought it! We have plenty of syrup too.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Me and Isumin also made a ring toss mini-game out of cardboard!
Isumi Haruka: This is actually pretty fun! It’s a bit difficult to make the rings though...
Osaka Sougo: I’m working on the BGM with Touma. Of course “Danshi Tarumono! (Matsuri)’ is a must.
Inumaru Touma: I end up humming it unconsciously! Maybe we should just loop it!
Yaotome Gaku: Thanks, you two! “NATSU☆Shiyouze!” and ŹOOĻ’s “BLACK TIGER” also got me pumped up!
Izumi Iori: Natsume-san and Mido-san also helped with the decoration. I must say we have quite the unique drawings over here…
Natsume Minami: Hehe. Here’s a king pudding in a yukata.
Mido Torao: There’s also a pudding wearing a happi coat. (3)
Momo: Leave the drink management to Momo-chan’s team! Yuki the Bartender will make the best drinks!
Yuki: Hello. I’m Yuki the Bartender.
Nanase Riku: We’re having a great time over here as well! Right, Tenn-nii?
Kujo Tenn: Yeah. It’s been a while since the two of us attended a festival together, Riku.
Izumi Iori: Don’t forget the other fourteen people in this room ...Well then, Nanase-san, let’s get to the main topic.
Nanase Riku: Oh! That’s right!
Nanase Riku: Umm, we’d like to express our gratitude to all the managers for constantly having our backs! Let’s start with Momo-san!
Momo: Yeeees! Okarin, you always believe in us and push us to do our best! We are always saved by your reliability. Please continue to be our best manager forever!
Kujo Tenn: Anesagi-san, you’re an indispensable presence as we continue to walk our path. We’d be happy if you continue supporting us as we rise to even greater heights.
Isumi Haruka: You know... Utsugi-san is always there for us no matter what. You’re the reason we are able to do our best. Thank you.
Nanase Riku: Manager, Banri-san, thank you for always being there for us. We will always love you!
Nanase Riku: One, two!
TRIGGER & IDOLiSH7 & Re:vale & ZOOL: Thank you for loving us so much! Please continue to support us in the future!
Oogami Banri: Guys...!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Likewise, thank you so much!! I’ll keep doing my best to support you all!
Anesagi Kaoru: You guys have done so much for us today. I’ll do everything in my power to protect your brilliance.
Okazaki Rinto: I am very proud to be Momo-kun and Yuki-kun’s manager. I will protect you guys with my life!
Utsugi Shiro: I’m truly grateful to have met you. ŹOOĻ is the strongest and dearest existence for me.
Oogami Banri: Thank you so much today. I really love all of you!
Oogami Banri: I’ll continue to support all of you forever and always!
End of Episode 3.
(1) & (2) Traditional words shouted while viewing fireworks.
(3) Happi: Traditional Japanese coat
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U Go Girl
Shin Yuna x Male Reader
Genre: Smut, Shorts, Vanilla
WC: 1460
A/N: Still not over this Yuna so wrote a quick fic while I had a small spare time. Well enjoy.
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Your thumb is busy scrolling through Instagram. You are at it again, it's a guilty pleasure. Going photo after photo, checking how hot and gorgeous the account owner is; lusting over her overflowing sex appeal. You're careful enough not to accidentally like anything, it will be so weird if that happens. For sure it's not new to her, receiving a notification of someone liking her not so recent posts. You're quite confident you are not the only one lurking on her account given her appearance and online presence so it should not matter that much. However, you are a special case.
Shin Yuna. Even her name sounds downright sinful, just like her face and that damn body. You reach out under your pants to adjust your stiffening member as it starts to become uncomfortable, you just can't help it. The act is kind of sick to be honest, getting turned on and imagining lewd things. Still it is the only thing to do to relieve yourself, it's not like you can bed here soon or ever. Fucking her brains out and be done with it, the sexual desire for her; it sounds like a really good idea but an impossible one. Yuna has enough dicks already to choose from when and where she wants it, and besides she's your step-sister.
"I see you're checking my Instagram again."
Fuck! You've been in too deep in your thoughts that you did not notice someone walking in. Not to mention it's your step-sister. She shouldn't be here though, she should be at the university both of you are attending.
"Again? What do you mean again?" You turn around to face her and your jaw drops. Your eye travels from her head to her feet, marveling the perfection. The wavy hair, the dreamy eyes, her tiny waist and broad hips shaped in a perfect hourglass, and her legs for days. She's built to be fucked.
"You're drooling, Oppa." She's a tease and you know it.
"I -ah, what are you wearing anyway? Go and change. And your photos in IG too, you're showing too much skin." You try your best to sound like a concerned big brother. You don't know how you fare though.
"Do you want to fuck me, Oppa?"
"What? Are- you crazy? I'm your step-brother."
"And? I don't see a problem. And besides I always want to have sex with you right from the moment we first met". Yuna starts to take off her checkered pink shirt, then it drops to the floor. Purposefully biting her lip and looking away.
She's done quick work with what she is wearing underneath the shirt to expose her perky tits. You swallow your saliva as it quickly pools in your mouth. She is right, you are drooling. You want more. You need more.
"Still not enough huh?" Shin Yuna reaches out to undo her belt. That's when you lost it and lunged at her before she could unclasp it herself. Pinning Yuna against the wall, you could not restrain yourself from being rough. The contact of both of your lips is sudden, but she returned it with such fervor that you know she's enjoying it too. So much for being a big brother, she's too hot for her own good.
You raise Yuna's hands above her head, fully exposing her godly upper body. The excitement is way out of control. You'll feast on every inch of her, you put a mental note. Then you start with her neck, kissing and biting and licking like a total maniac. Her skin is soft and creamy that you could almost taste it literally.
"Ahhhh- that's it, Oppa. I'm yours to use however you want."
That's the green light. Literally you didn't skip anything as you explored her, making a quick stop to suckle on her nipples sitting perfectly on top of her breasts. Each kiss, each lick, each nibble, you thought it would slowly satisfy your desires but it turns out you keep getting hungrier for more. 
Her pants soon follow her shirt, dropping on the floor after you hastily take it off. "Fuck Yuna, you're so sexy". The words just naturally spill from your mouth as you pin her again against the wall. "This is going to be our little secret. Our parents will kill us".
"Our dirty little secret". Yuna seductively smiles while stroking your hard dick and maintaining eye contact, getting even harder each time. She's again way too fast in taking off your clothes. "Your dick is so big, Oppa. I can't wait to have it inside me."
You turn her around to face the wall and take off her underwear. "You want my dick, you say?" You slap her ass cheek hard enough to mark her glossy skin red.
"Yes Oppa, I need your dick inside me."
Everything happens very fast, and you could not really control yourself. No more foreplay, straight down to business. You align your dick into Yuna's already dripping wet pussy, rubbing your tip to have a bit of lubrication and plunge without even thinking twice. You don't care that you'll hurt her, you just want to destroy and use her as you see fit.
"Ahhhhh f-fuck you're so big Oppa. I don't even know how it all went in." 
Of course she's feeling discomfort, you didn't give her time to adjust to your size after all. You could stop fucking her right from the bat. However she doesn't complain, her body tells you she likes it rough too. Evident in her satisfied moans.
"Hmmm you're so tight baby sister, ahhh- fuck I wish I did this sooner." The strides of your thrusts do not let up, continuing to fill her womanhood with the ever growing need to chase your orgasm.
"Me too- hmmmm, I wish I seduced you before. Ahhhh- please slap me again Oppa. I've been a bad sister, thinking about my fuck- thinking about you while other guys fuck me."
You oblige her request as another slapping sound is heard. Hands on her slender waist, you pull her as you pierce through her insides to reach new depths. Yuna moans even louder. "Good thing Mom and Dad are not here, or else they'll hear how loud you are, little sister." You kiss her lips to temporarily silence her noise. Yuna moaning in your mouth turns you on even more.
You pull Yuna and push her into the bed, you want her in front of you while you fuck her. You want to see her face twitch in pleasure, you want to see her body tremble in the extreme highs of sex. Taking your place as you spread her legs, placing a pillow underneath. Then you watch your dick disappear again inside her. Both of you exhale a satisfied sigh, sometimes good old vanilla is the best way to go.
Shifting the phase into a more rhythmic manner, Yuna's moans start to become more sensual. You stimulate her neck for added pleasure in which she squirms even further. Adding another layer to the stimulating things is hearing her short breath gasps close to your ear. 
"Damn Oppa, is this how you fuck your girlfriends? No wonder they- oh my God- why are you so fucking good at this?" Her hands travel down your butt, pulling you in deeper, shortly prolonging your thrusts.
"You're such a naughty little one, you want more little sister?" You now speed up your movement on the purpose of reaching the zenith of your lusts. Yuna's grunts and moans tell you she's close to her orgasm as well. She didn't have to answer your question.
"Oppa, I'm going to cum soon. Your dick feels so good, I can't, I can't. I-ahhhhhh." You feel her insides clamp and pulsate around you as each wave or her orgasm hits her. But you did not stop, you have your own orgasm that is on the brink of exploding as well.
From what feels like forever, doing your best to extend the session as long as possible, you pull out of her and cum in her mouth. Your world turns to white just like the ropes of semen in Yuna's mouth and face. It is the last scene you remember before you collapse and chase your breath.
"Please tell me we'll be doing this again, Oppa." The next thing you know she's licking your juices off her fingers as she cleans her face. Her smile is from ear to ear, you know she's more than satisfied.
"Not here in the house, we won't."
"We'll see about that. I could be really persuasive."
"God Yuna, you're a slut."
"God Oppa, you've fucked me so good. Of course, I want to do it again wherever I want it."
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Heart of the Forge
Part 1 | Part 2| Part 3
Original concept by @emptycalories-splitlip Something is slipped into Adam’s medication, Tav races to stabilize him. This part features M resus, M rescuer, EKG, seizures, conscious mouth to mouth, conscious defibrillation.
It was evening when Gustav returned for the daily round of meds. A Fetcher he didn’t recognize followed closely on his heels. He didn’t recognize them most of the time, they aged out into more useful jobs or simply no longer found the work of caring for the Forge all that appealing. This boy was a bit older than the usual lot. Most found more permanent positions on the Pennydurren by the time they were fourteen, and this kid was sixteen at least, with the acne and peach fuzz to prove it. Still, Gustav was hardly one to judge a late bloomer. He hadn’t grown his last few inches or facial hair until he was almost nineteen. He pushed aside his questions as they walked past engineering side by side.
“Enjoy being a Fetch,” he sighed, plumes of soft grey smoke spilling from his nose. “You’ll miss it when they place you somewhere permanent.” “Imagine I will, sir,” said the boy, staring down at the tray of colorless paste, the cup of little pills, and the small vial sat beside it. He hadn’t looked up yet. Tav watched his throat work for the tenth time and arched a brow. “You alright?” “Heat’s just getting to me, sir." "Ah. You're from the lower cars, then. This place is a sauna compared to the cold back there.” He rolled his shoulders, dislodging a bit of sweat on his collar to let it roll down between his shoulder blades.
The kid tried very hard not to shake perceptibly.
As they entered the engine room, Gustav once more snubbed out his cigarette on the wall. “Where do sheep spend their vacations?" he called out, voice echoing on the metal walls of the chamber. Adam grinned, setting down his book and rising to greet him. "I don't know, where?" He slid his hands in his pockets and replied, rolling from his heels to the tips of his toes and back as he inflected, "The Baaaahamas." That won a genuine laugh from the Forge and he crossed to the two of them, taking his place at the angular throne in the center of the room. The cables protruding from his back looped into the divots carved into the back of the chair and Tav rolled a tray table in front of him. The Fetcher placed the tray of food and medication down and took a step back like it was poised to bite him.
Tav gave him a glass of water and gave a cursory look over of the various pills, noting the stamps of authenticity on gel caps and tablets. Satisfied, he handed them off, and Adam chucked back the small cup of pills into the back of his throat. Once he'd washed them down, he tilted his head, opening his mouth for the Keeper to inspect his tongue. He took him by the chin, turning his face from side to side to check his cheeks and said simply, "Up." to get him to lift his tongue. Once he was sure he wasn't cheeking any of it, he patted the Forge on the side of his face.
Adam wasted no time, hunkering over his flavorless meal with a spoon. "You're a new face," he pointed out conversationally, gesturing with his silverware. "Always a new Fetch pattering around the halls," sighed Tav, retrieving his stethoscope for a quick listen, which Adam was kind enough to stop wolfing down his dinner and allow him. His heart pounded, strong as ever, the chambers moving in a shadowplay behind his sternum. The kid watched this all, trying to force his breathing and heart to slow. "He looks a little pale," said Adam. "He's from the lower cars. Probably the first time he's had any kind of heat in his bones, I'd be shivering too," Tav replied.
The Fetcher thought he might be sick. He watched the Forge scoop another shovelful of mush and stuck it in his mouth, smiling at him around the spoon. He knew, staring into that kind face and those warm brown eyes, that he had made a terrible, irrevocable mistake. "I'm sorry," he whispered, shaking. The Keeper perked at that and rounded on him. "What was that?" His knees were shaking wads of gelatin as he turned and fled the chamber.
Tav's stomach turned to lead. "What the-" He took a few hesitant steps towards him, unsure what was happening, only knowing that it filled him with an unknowing dread. His eyes went from the boy's retreating back, shoving at the button to open the glass door and stumbling through, back to Adam. His gaze snagged on the empty cup as terrible realization dawned on him. He seemed to understand at the same moment, staring wide eyed at the cup and back up at Tav. Something had been tampered with.
"Do they not vet these fucking Fetches anymore?" he spat as he turned on his heel and bolted back to Adam's side. He was already barking orders over his comm watch, "Anyone nearby sees a kid booking it for the lower cars, grab him. Gimme an engineer, now. A medic too, if we can spare it." He didn't want to say they might have to switch to auxiliary power, mainly because he didn't want to think of it. An idiot separatist, smuggled into the Forge's quarters. Allowed to touch his food and medication. He was running through the list of dead men in his head when he felt Adam's warm hand on his other wrist.
"Tav," he said shakily, looking up at him with watering eyes. His mind ground to a halt. The urgency was stopped dead by the overwhelming need to comfort, and he knelt in front of the larger man to take his face in his hands. "You're alright," Tav murmured, not believing himself. "We just... we uhm-" His throat dried up. His initial response was to get him to throw up whatever he'd ingested the kid might have tampered with, but he knew the dangers of that. If it did damage going down, it would do damage coming up, and it might not even all come up. Not to mention the risk to his airway depending on the poison. It had to be poison. That was not the reaction of a boy innocently handing off food to the heart of the Pennydurren. "We..." he tried again, and again came up with nothing.
Adam's blood swelled in his ears. The light playing against his ribs and heart flickered with the rabbit quick gait of his pulse. Something acrid, a mild bitterness he hadn't noticed while he was eating, was creeping up from his throat to his tongue. Tav's stricken face wasn't doing anything to bely his fears. Something in the Forge's expression made him move and he shifted to stand, tilting his head up. "Just sit tight, alright? I'm right here, I'm not letting anything happen to you." He immediately went to fetch the EKG machine, leads, and a few other pieces of medical equipment they'd rarely had call to use outside the annual checkups. He deposited his load at Adam's feet as the Forge tried to get air into lungs that felt like wood in his chest.
Tav placed the leads in six spots across his collarbone and sternum, and connected them to the bulky monitor at his feet. It warbled as it flickered to life, mirroring his racing heart. Already it had climbed to 100 beats per minute, his chest rising and falling quicker. His Keeper wrapped a blood pressure cuff around his sinewy upper arm and was halfway through inflating it when one of the engineers stepped through the doorway.
Marsh was a man Tav had only had brief interactions with, and he had hardly got the question out when the Keeper hurriedly informed him, "That Fetcher was some kind of plant. I think he was trying to poison Adam." "Christ," the other man said, already rolling up his sleeves as he made for the engine chassis, "Who'd be so blindingly stupid? We’ll be sitting ducks without a Forge." "I have no idea, I need you to keep the pressure valves from blowing. His heartrate is spiking." Again, a large, soft hand fell over Tav's own. Comforting platitudes rose up until he looked up into the face of his Forge.
Blood leaked steadily down one nostril. "Tav," he ground out, the ancient monitor whirring louder as his heart shot up to 150 bpm and kept ticking up and up. "I can't... can't keep my eyes open." Even as he said it his head drifted back and snapped forward again, his dark lashes fluttering. His hair spilled across his face. It was paling quickly, his normally deep olive skin blanching, first around his cheeks, his hands, his feet, then spreading from the outside in. Blood pulled from his extremities, drawing into his torso to try and keep his vital organs fed as his body rang alarm bells that something wasn’t right. In the other cars, lights brightened and flickered, radios crackled from the sudden interference, and systems began to overheat as his taxed organ pumped too hard for his body and the Pennydurren both.
“It’s okay, you’re okay,” Tav hurriedly reassured him, cradling the back of his neck with a slightly shaky hand. He glanced once more at the monitors, his stomach bottoming out as the crackling display read 170 bpm. He was fully in tachycardia. Tav’s breath shook as he tried to control his breathing. Panicking wouldn’t help anyone. Not Adam, himself, or the hundreds of people who would be forfeit to the fog outside the Pennydurren if the Forge went dark. The fog, and the things inside of it.
He pumped the pressure cuff until it finally gave him a reading, but it had no good news to share. Adam’s blood pressure was skyrocketing the same as his heart rate. It wouldn’t be able to sustain itself like this. Already Tav could see the the ventricles snapping out as the heart filled a little and recoiling as it squeezed out only half the amount of blood his body needed. If even half. He scrambled for the emergency hatch nearby which stored all manner of antiarrhythmic medications. It had something for every contingency. If his heart beat too fast, if it beat too slow, if it wasn’t beating at all. Tav shivered at the last thought, nearly dropping the vial of amiodarone as his hands shook especially hard. Beside him, Adam’s breathing had turned into noisy, sucking inhalations.
“Try to breathe deep for me,” he told him as he drew up a dose into a syringe. “In through the nose, out through the mouth, try to hold it for a few seconds.” “It hurts,” Adam ground out through a clenched jaw, “T-Tav, it… hurts to breathe…” “You gotta do it anyway, alright? Even if it hurts.” He held his forearm still as he slid the needle into a vein, steadily depressing the plunger. The amiodarone flooded into his system, and Tav rubbed a gentle circle over the injection site with his thumb as he drew away.
Marsh cursed from across the room, struggling to secure a panel of the engine which had begun to bulge and strain against its riveting. It shuddered in tandem with the ventricles in Adam’s chest, like the machinery was a crude model demonstrating what was going wrong with his heart. “Damn thing’s about to pop,” he growled, and then it did, a sharp metal sound popping like a cork as one of the bolts shot off and ricocheted off the floor. “We gotta switch to auxiliary power, he’ll overheat half the train’s systems at this rate.” “Just do whatever you need to do!”
Tav was busy hauling the defib unit up from the emergency hatch. It had sat unused for decades, and he wasn’t even sure if it had any juice left, but the thing came to life when he hit the power button, ready to shock his heart into working order. He could see the shadow of Adam’s heart starting to skip and quiver every few beats, stumbling to keep up with itself. His head was slumped forward against his chest, his eyelids weighed down. He couldn’t even sit upright. Tav thought absently how he could work better with him on the floor or a bed, but knew the ports and cables hung from his back would prevent that. “Adam,” he began, cracking on his name, “C’mon, stay with me. Stay with me, kid.”
He grabbed a tube of conduction gel from the kit and applied a good amount on the metal plane of the defibrillator paddles, rubbing them against one another to spread it evenly. He clicked the 100j mark and watched the bar climb as it charged. Adam’s body shone with sweat, his breathing deteriorated into swallow sips at air. Tav needed only a glance at his chest to confirm he had gone from a dangerously high heart rate to ventricular fibrillation. The shadow of his heart was quivering uselessly. “I’m sorry about this,” he murmured more to himself than to the Forge, who was likely past understanding him by now. He settled the paddles between the EKG leads on his sternum and to the side of his ribs, the gel making them slick against his sweat soaked chest. He jabbed the discharge buttons.
Adam felt the mule kick him in the chest. His muscles spasmed painfully, head jerking back on his neck, the muscles of his chest jumping and his arms flinching inward. He loosed a pathetic sounding groan as the charge dissipated from his muscles, unable to do much more than sit there and whimper. There was another electric whine and he felt the cold metal squish against the spots the gel had made the first time. No, he thought but couldn’t find his voice, Tav, please, you have no idea how bad that hurt. There came another click and another violent current, rippling across his muscles. He managed to find his voice enough to yelp that time, his chest heaving as he struggled to draw in air and he began to moan on every exhalation.
“I know, I’m sorry,” Tav was saying but Adam couldn’t hear him. This was a deeply necessary pain he was inflicting, but it was still pain, and it hurt his own heart to do this to his friend. A spiteful voice called him a coward for even thinking that. Adam was more than a friend, they both knew it, but Adam had been too shy for confessions and Tav too stubborn. Now he was staring into those heavy lidded eyes as they glistened with tears, and he had the horrible sinking sensation of being too late. His chest ached to hear the crackling wheeze of his breaths, and he set the defibrillator down for the moment. His heart was beating too fast still, but it was beating instead of shaking uselessly, which was something at least. Tachycardia was only a little preferable to v-fib.
He rummaged in the emergency kit and cursed when he could find no oxygen mask. Wiping his sweaty palm off on his pant leg, he stood above the Forge and leaned his head back against his shoulders, mindful not to overextend his airway. “I’m gonna give you some air,” he told him, but words had long stopped making sense to Adam. He swiped at the blood under his nose with a thumb. He pinched the Forge’s nostrils closed with one hand, the other resting on the arch of his throat. He blew hot air into his mouth. Adam’s cheeks bulged, his throat flexing with the intrusion of another person’s breath forcing its way down into his lungs.
Delirious with pain, the mouth to mouth felt like one more agony to add to the list. It forcibly expanded his chest, warring with his own breathing patterns, and he moaned out the intrusive air against Tav’s lips. Just kiss me normally. Let me kiss you without all this awfulness. Another breath breached the sanctum of his airway. He felt the warmth of tears sliding down from the corners of his eyes. When the seal made of their mouths broke, he sobbed, and became aware of the hands holding his face. They were the last thing he was aware of before the lights abruptly switched off.
“I promise I’m helping,” Tav was telling him, running a thumb over his sweaty brow. “I know this… this must all hurt like hell, but I’m helping.” “How’s he doing?” Marsh called out, fighting one of the huge switches to activate the backup generators. Tav glanced at the heart monitor and growled, “God damn it- he’s fibrillating again!” He released his hold on his face and went to scoop up the paddled again, until he caught the movement out of the corner of his eye.
Adam’s chest bucked unexpectedly. Tav paused, taken slightly aback. His shoulder jerked forward off the back of the chair and he went still. Then it jerked again, and Tav had only a moment to react before Adam locked up in a seizure. The Keeper crashed into a seated position in his Forge’s lap, standing his shaking body up so he could press him against his chest. “Christ,” he sobbed, unable to contain himself a moment more. He was cracking in two. He held tightly to his charge as his body shuddered, shaking violently against him. Adam was bigger than he was, better cared for, and a few times Tav was nearly knocked out of his lap by the surging waves of his seizing. He held tight, hooking his feet under a panel of the chair to keep him there as he cradled his thrashing body. He pressed his cheek against the other man’s and heard his teeth click and grind.
“Please,” Tav whispered in a broken husk of a voice, “God, please…” Adam’s head knocked against his Keeper’s temple until a pair of large hands slid between them and kept his head still. He looked only briefly to see Marsh on the other side of the chair, helping to still his tormented body. Tav squeezed him a little harder and nodded his thanks.
He could feel Adam’s muscles tensing at random intervals under his hands. His throat gurgled as the muscles there were caught in the tide of spasms. His heart, dangerously overtaxed, had fallen out of fibrillation and back into tachycardia. It was pounding hard against Tav’s thin ribcage, where his own heart hammered in fear. It felt like Adam’s would punch out from his sternum and crack Tav’s ribs with the intensity at which it was beating. “It’s okay,” he whispered, lips brushing the shell of his ear. “It’s okay, I’ve got you… I’ve got-“
Then the pounding stopped.
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ofstarsandflames · 2 months
Hello all! Thank you for joining me for my first ever RobStar week! And thank you even more so for giving my fic a chance!!!
I plan to participate every day this week, but if I am unable to for some reason I'll be sure to let you know!
Sorry for the rambling! I'll let you go ahead and jump right in!
[Heads up! A little of the dialogue in this story is courtesy of a prompt by @welcometothewoes!]
RobStar Week 2024, Day 1
Friends to Lovers 
“Well, what do you guys think?” 
The others looked ahead to the sign where Robin was pointing, displaying a variety of mixed reactions. 
Cyborg and Beast Boy had lit up at the reveal, no doubt eager to partake in a series of competitions that would supposedly prove who was superior between the two. Raven rolled her eyes, no doubt dreading the thought of being dragged into Cyborg and Beast Boy’s antics
Starfire’s reaction, strangely enough, was the most passive of the group. She looked up, reading the words displayed on the giant glowing sign.
“Jump City Beach Boardwalk?” Star tilted her head, confused more than anything else. “Please, what is the purpose of these “walking boards”? I was under the impression wood was not sentient.” 
“Boardwalk, Star.” Robin gently corrected. “It’s an amusement park near a beach where people can go to have fun.” 
“A park for amusement, you say.” Starfire noted. “Fascinating. Please, what is it you do in these kinds of parks?” 
“Lots of things Star!” Beast Boy chimed in. “There’s a bunch of themed junk food you can eat, games you can win cool prizes in, and a bunch of rides you can go on ‘til you get sick!” 
“How ‘bout a little game of friendly competition, Grass Stain?” Cyborg chimed in, a mischievous glint in his human eye. “Whoever wins the most prizes gets to plan next week’s dinner menu?”
“You're on, Gears for Brains!” Beast Boy exclaimed.
Cyborg ran through the gates first, eager for his 7-day barbecue dream to come true. Beast Boy followed suit, but not before grabbing Raven’s hand.
“C’mon, Rae! You can keep score!” 
Raven’s sarcasm, whether unnoticed or ignored, did little to deter the green teen. Together, they passed through the boardwalk’s gates. 
And with that, only two remained. 
Robin gestured to the boardwalk’s entrance.
“Shall we?” 
Though Starfire was still unsure of the appeal of such a place, she decided to trust Robin’s judgment.
Standing side by side, the duo made their way through the gates. 
“Remember guys, only 5 prizes per person. We don’t want a repeat of last year…” 
Though Robin phrased it as a general statement, they all knew who it was meant for. Cyborg and Beast Boy laughed nervously, no doubt trying to hide their guilty expressions. Raven rolled her eyes and Starfire let out a small giggle. 
“Only 5, got it!” Cyborg reaffirmed. 
Now that he no longer felt guilty about last year’s prize incident, the cybernetic teen led his shapeshifting and dark-clad friends away. He shot a teasing look at their leader. 
“Let’s go leave Robby for his date~” He said this in a sing-songy tone. 
Robin glared, but he knew there was no ill intent. Cyborg laughed, all while Beast Boy grabbed Raven’s hand to excitedly show her how his favorite games and rides changed from last year. 
Soon, all three were out of sight. 
Robin let out a sigh of relief, happy to finally have some much needed alone time with his brand new girlfriend. 
Turning to check on her, Robin could tell by Starfire’s beaming grin that she was in good spirits. In fact, she’d been wearing this expression since they first left the tower. 
“Someone’s happy.” He playfully teased. 
"Oh! Sorry, it's just..." Starfire perked up, the shining, uncontrollable smile still not leaving her features. "It's been awhile since I've been this... giddy."
Robin returned the smile twice fold, though his eyebrows shot up in the air.
"Really? We come to the boardwalk every year."
"Yes, but..." Star shyly held Robin's hand, intertwining their fingers. "Never like this."
Ah, so that’s what it was.
Robin could feel his cheeks warming up. Hoping it wasn’t too noticeable, he gave their intertwined hands a gentle squeeze for reassurance. 
In a more than chivalrous mood, Robin gestured to the entrance with a little extra flair. 
“After you, m’lady.” 
Starfire giggled, returning the chivalry in kind.
“Thank you, kind sir.” 
Together, one’s hand fitting so naturally with the other’s, the couple made their way through the amusement park’s entrance. 
“Ready, you two?” Richard asked, a dramatic flair to his voice. 
“Yeah!” A little boy exclaimed loudly, hands thrown into the air with glee.
“You sure?” Kori questioned, savoring the moment.
“Super duper sure!” A little girl replied, unable to contain her excitement. 
Richard and Kori gave each other a knowing glance. At the same time, they removed the hands covering the eyes of the children they held. 
“Surprise!” They both yelled out. “Happy Birthday!” 
Jake and Mari, now an entire 7 years old, watched with wide eyes and slacked jaws at the birthday gift their parents presented them with. 
“Wow / Awesome!” Jake and Mari remarked at the same time.
Squirming out of their parent’s hold, the twins ran up to the gates of the place their parents had brought them to. Right there, in giant, bold letters, displayed the words: 
Eager to begin exploring the beach and amusement park, the children ran back to their parents. Jake took hold of their father’s hand whilst Mari took hold of their mother’s. Together, all four walked hand-in-hand inside through the boardwalk’s gates.
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82mitsu · 5 months
{18Trip} The 18 Questions Corner - Isotake Akuta
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This is a translation for the 18 questions interview uploaded on the official Youtube channel. I suggest to read this translation alongside it!
Note: P stands for "Player", this series has a voiced male & female character for the player. The interviews are conducted by the male player in this case.
TL note:
Asu-kou (あす高) is a high school, the full name is Hama Asunaro High School, shortened to Asu High. Asunaro is a tree smaller than the Japanese hinoki cypress. The name comes from 「明日は檜のようになろう」 which literally translates to: Tommorrow it will become like a hinoki cypress (asu wa hinoki no youni narou). It bears an essence of the wish for growth.
P: 18 questions for the Tourism Ward Mayors! We look forward to your cooperation!
Akuta: Gimme all ya got!
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What’s your name?
Isotake Akuta!
How old are you?
I’m a 16 year old full of life♪
Tell us about your occupation!
I’m a 2nd year at Asu High, the chief of the Macrocosmic Milky Way Miracle Solid Movie Club!
What’s the first thing you do when waking up in the morning?
Opening the curtains, putting on my bandana, washing my face
Anything you’re particular about with lunch?
Yummy stuff that’s quick to eat & cheap does the job!
What pops up in your mind when it comes to “evening”?
Downtown! I’ve been getting dinner from there since like forever, they even give me stuff like curry buns ‘cuz of it.  
What’s your routine before bed?
Popping some popcorn and being seated for kino!
Where do you start with washing your body?
Hmmn…. um… like, the bottom of my feet?
What’s essential when leaving for a trip?
Camera’s a no-brainer!
What do you check before traveling somewhere?
I search for spots with a superb view, or any place I can use for a shoot. 
What’s your favorite method of transportation for traveling? 
Bike or just walking. Narrow alleys are worth seeing too!
What’s one item you’d bring to a deserted island?
Camera again, duh~
Please give us some fanservice! 
Ahem!  ✧・゚: *A pleasure you have you here, I'll show ya an unforgettable trip.*:・゚✧ …How was that!? 
Who’s someone you’d lean on for support? 
Aaah~ Kiroku and Nanaki often take care of visuals and sound for me.
Who would you swap bodies with for a day?
Hmm~ Oh! Morning Squad’s Renga-san! 
What would you want to do as them?
I’ll stroll out in town without sunglasses… and rizz up the ladies! My rizz level will be so off the charts that the cops gotta intervene! 
Pass on a message to your roommates!
What’s on the menu for today’s movie night? 
Tell us from the heart, what’s a “journey” to you? 
Getting treated with some good grub and feeling like you’re the world’s main character for a moment? 
P: Thank you, those were all 18 questions!
Akuta: Think we gotta shoot for 100 more questions if you really want to get my appeal!
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Akuta: I’m HAMA’s 5th Ward Mayor, Isotake Akuta. I’m the man who’ll become the best movie director in the whole universe! Ah, maybe I’m already there?
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albatrossmuffin · 1 year
Coco’s Touch Panel Voice #4 Transcription Translation
This wonderful soul has been transcribing the messages on the touch panels at Coco's; pardon me for just translating only this one 😅
"Written by a MakoHaru person so please pardon me" (Translated by one too lol)
[ ] = Transcriber's notes
Coco’s 2023 Campaign Voice #4 (9/19~10/2)
Greeting to Everyone
Makoto: Hello, welcome to Coco’s! Today the 5 of us will see you off.
Haru: It was a nice summer this time as well. Please make fun memories until the end.
Rin: It’s finally the last spurt! Is there anything you’ve left undone? Follow us until the end!
Sousuke: Rin’s passionate, as usual. We also feel like we dashed through as best we could.
Ikuya: It was tough but it was fun. Everyone who’s come to Coco’s, please take your time today as well.
Haru: Well then, to those who’ve come to Coco’s from us, it’s the Coco’s campaign message.
Campaign Guide:
Rin: No 1: By buying an applicable order, you can get 1 new artwork random clear file of ours~.
Sousuke: When serving your meal, the staff will bring out the clear file. Please check the menu for details.
Rin: No 2: If you apply using the serial code written on the receipt of applicable orders, you can win Coco’s original prizes.
Sousuke: When you collect points by applying, you can hear the story voice. It’s our ambassador activity record.
Rin: Right, right! They also showed me the Coco’s original memorial book. It was interesting editing this!
Ikuya: Everyone was there at that time. It was full of each person’s memories, and it was very lively.
Rin: I hope that everyone who sees this enjoys it, too!
Sousuke: Please confirm the details for how to apply on the website or menu.
Rin: When you apply a total of 33 times, you definitely get the Coco’s original memorial book, so please participate!
About the Collab Menu & Closing Greeting
Makoto: I wonder if everyone’s enjoyed the collab menu. We’ve prepared a lot, so please eat them.
Haru: Speaking of which, Makoto, you were also asked to help in the kitchen, did that go alright?
Makoto: Eh!? Ah, Hn~~~  Weeeeeellllllllll~......💦
                I did wrap in aluminum foil...for a bit....I guess?💦
               Sousuke said ‘Would you like to give it a try,’ but it was difficult to use the right amount of force...
               Just a bit.....~....not a bit, I ripped the aluminum foil! 💦
               Aah, but, I’m good at carrying the juice cases and such???
Haru: ...I see. Makoto, that’s plenty. [I can see the smile...]
Makoto: ~Really? If there’s something that I can do, please let me know, whatever it is!
Haru: Yeah. I always rely on you.  [I can see the smile...]
Makoto: There are also things I can’t do well, but I’d be happy if we all put our strengths together, and everyone enjoys themselves until the end!
Haru: Thank you for showing me your smiles of enjoying yourselves. I’m also happy. [For a second I thought he was saying this to Makoto]
   Please make the best summer memories at Coco’s. Signing off,
All: This has been the campaign message!
Haru: Please continue to relax and enjoy your meal.
Collab Menu Voice (#3 and #4 are the same)
Haru / Rin / Ikuya: Coco’s x Free Collab Campaign is underway!
Rin: There’s a ton of menu items you can only taste here! Are you ready to enjoy yourself?
Haru: Please enjoy to the fullest today as well.
Reading of Corresponding Menu Item (#4)
Haru: New Birth! Mackerel Acqua Pazza 2023 ~Prepared by Nanase Haruka~
           I think everyone has already realized the appeal of mackerel, but I want you to please try it.
Haru: Sakura in Full Bloom! Mentaiko Pasta ~IWATOBI Special~
           We expressed our precious memories through cooking. We’d be happy if you also enjoyed it.
Haru: Haruka’s Dolphin Blue Wave
           A blue parfait that takes the image of the sea or pool we swam in. It’s a beautiful blue.
Haru: Albert’s Silver Sweet Odin
           Albert also ate it happily when taste testing it. I also want you to try it.
Voice when Ordering (Same #1 - #4)
Haru: Thank you for your order. I want you to continue to enjoy the Cocos x Free! campaign.
Makoto: Thank you for your order. Please continue to enjoy the Cocos x Free! campaign!
Rin: Thank you for your order! (says thank you in English) Please continue to enjoy the Cocos x Free! campaign.
Sousuke: Thank you for your order. Please continue to enjoy the Cocos x Free! campaign.
Sousuke: Thank you for coming today. Please continue taking part in the Cocos x Free! campaign.
Ikuya: Thank you for your order. Please continue to enjoy the Cocos x Free! campaign.
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tricornonthecob · 1 year
These take too long
LK 107: Green M&M Bois
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Wait hold up. Y'all get jumped, bound, gagged, and kidnapped, you demand to speak with the manager, and as soon as you have the opportunity the first thing you ask about is real estate??? Sarah. Honey. You were briefed about this.
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James you ADHD impulse-control-deficient ass, read the room.
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You gotta correct him like a puppy.
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She. Has. A. Point. Y'all.
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"...are we the baddies?"
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That doesn't... that doesn't make it better, bro.
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Dude. Creepy.
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Failed the sleight of hand check.
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Buddy that is a 15/16 year old girl you're taking out all this frustration on. Do you feel like a big man now?
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James quit being an ass, yes your sarcastically written notes will probably be very funny in hindsight but your friend is getting creeped on.
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I... I really don't like LK Ethan Allen. This feels real smarmy, appealing to an impressionable teenager in order to sow division in this friend group of, and I repeat myself, teenagers.
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"How are the Grants homes?"
"Oh them? Yeah. They're fine I guess."
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oh now he protecc?
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Sounds like someone is real into Sovereign Citizen rhetoric.
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Kidnap and arson. The usual.
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God I hate him. Can I punch him?
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Fucking hell bro, this is some Neegan shit.
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lookit the balls of steel on this girl omg. Don't fuck with a Phillips.
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... well, no, you built the house for shelter, but go on, I guess.
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Its unclear to me how that quite works, also are y'all gonna like, spray down the surrounding area to keep the housefire contained and not start a forest fire, or....
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Look at this fanboy. James the hunky designer furniture in the shape of a man with undeniable charisma talking about political philosophy is a shithead please stop ogling him like that.
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Ah now he's starting to see?
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oh no. Impressionable teenage boy with misplaced anger gets swayed by charismatic tough guy. A tragedy as old as time :(
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You are. Arguing with. A Teenager.
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god I keep forgetting teenagers can be such assholes.
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I'm just gonna hop in here and let y'all know that not only did this show introduce me to OTP with Sarah/James, it also introduced me to NOTP with Sarah/Arnold. If its your otp I'm not gonna yuck your yum but it rubs me VERY INCORRECTLY and I will have a visceral reaction every time anything borders on it.
That being said I can also see where themes can be spun from her having a misguided crush on who she would likely see as an older man that occupies a very specific niche of Proper, Organized, Effective Military Leader Of Men. Something something redcoat dad issues incarnate. I'm pretty sure that's the point of why the LK team chose to present it in this fashion and though its my NOTP, I can dig it from this perspective.
That being said James' crush on Ethan Allen mirrors her crush on Benedict Arnold. They both are crushing on terrible older men lol. Huh, I see what you did there, writers. I see you.
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