#this blog is just so messy and disorganized
When you realize your lost in a dark forest and you don’t know if mobs attack you for being part villager
Ask Podzel
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Rules for my ask blog
No nsfw, 16+ is ok
Ocs and RP are oc, along with just being a voice
I wont have a consistent art style, i just wanted to draw more of my mob ocs... '' Having another ask blog where i focused on formatting it to a comic :| ''
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dearesmeray · 4 months
Character Traits & Quirks (For Writers)
Peace and blessings upon everyone!
I hope life's treating you well. I’m Esmeray and I welcome you to this post on my blog Dear Esmeray.
Ever wondered what makes your OC truly unforgettable? I believe it is the character traits. Character traits are what bring a character to life, or else you just have a flat, one-dimensional everyman as your OC. So today I'll be sharing with you a list of character traits that I compiled to help you develop better OCs.
Positive Traits:
Love of learning
Social Intelligence
Neutral Traits & Quirks:
Raises Eyebrows
Blinks rapidly
Avoids eye contact
Maintains eye contact
Blinks rapidly
Stares off into the distance
Shrugs often
Touches their scars or wounds often
Chews lips
Paces around
Smiles a lot
Rarely smiles
Gestures with hands while speaking
Often is distracted
Negative Traits:
Acts superior
Always plays the victim
Avoids their problems
Can't take criticism
Can't take a joke
Distracted easy
Holds grudges
Makes up excuses for everything
Has a reason for why nothing is ever their fault
No accountability
Not a team player
Makes everything about them
Makes everything a joke
Their way or the highway
Offended easily
Talks over others/interrupts
Too loyal
Too forgiving
Remember, there are no one-dimensional characters in real life, and there shouldn't be in your stories either. The possibilities for your characters are endless – so get creative and have fun writing!
With Love, Esmeray ♡
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biblically accurate dca drawing tutorial
i finally fucking made this thing let's GOOOO
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the biggest tips i have for anyone wanting to draw them like this is to 1. practice A LOT and 2. USE REFERENCES!!!!!!! if you need a specific angle to reference you can use this sketchfab page with sun's 3d model (and animations!!) or these images of their head at various angles :3
i've also made a (very messy and disorganized) traced reference for their face that i'll be putting below the cut for anyone interested!
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the specific image i'm referencing is the same one as my blog's banner if anyone's interested in that as well!! ^_^
i probably forgot to mention something somewhere so if anyone has any additional questions just lmk!!!
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yakuzacanons · 3 months
haiiii!!! is it okay to request some dating headcanons of Yutaka Yamai from IW? :D
LAST ONE FOR TODAY I have saved my personal favorite ask of da day for last, I have been obsesssssssed with Yamai. Also if you didn't know, Infinite Wealth asks are officially on da table so smoke em if ya got me. Some mild NSFW below, and welcome Yamai to the blog!
Don't let his dark demeanor fool you. Yamai is actually a big softie inside. Bit of a romantic himself, you can easily find him daydreaming about what was and what could've been.
He can be rough around the edges but he does have a sweet side to him. Type of guy who, despite all apperances, would help an old lady across the street. Carries that energy into romantic endeavors as well.
Given his history, chances are he will not confess to you first. In fact, he may try to bury his feelings. More of a flirt than anything, he hasn't had a serious romance since he left Japan and there's never been a steady partner of any kind.
Has had his fair share of experiences though, let's get that out there. Did his time at the strip clubs and hostess clubs, sometimes with the strippers and hostesses.
One of the most open minded guys out there. Things like age or race or appearance don't mean a darn to him. If he likes you, he likes you. Period. End of story.
Will not fall for someone easily but when he does he falls extremely hard, it's almost debilitating for him. Man won't be sleeping right, he gets disorganized, hell he stops getting cold so often. Everyone thinks he might be like dying or something, it's that drastic.
A shameless flirt and good at it. Blame it on all the lonely years at the clubs in Hawaii. Not a talkative guy and not the most profound conversationalist but boy does he have good voice control. Also has the most wicked fuck-me eyes. Key word being wicked.
Speaking of which, he can be an animal in bed. He's not messy or anything violent but he can be frantic, if that makes sense. Once he hits a certain limit, he's gotta relieve himself, either alone or with someone. He can't just pretend that isn't there. Translate that to a long term relationship, and you get some very hot and steamy sex.
Down to go on dates, it's the relationship part that's scary. A date can just mean getting food or having sex. A relationship means FEELINGS. And the last time he did that he had to leave Japan! Not a gamble to take lightly.
As stated previously, it is highly unlikely he will confess. Having said that, if you do, his face will kind of shift. Suddenly he's not some sullen, dark eyed fiend. He just looks so... soft. Like a cloud, almost. If you weren't serious or making some kind of joke, he would probably just fade away into dust right then and there.
He and Joon-Gi share the trait of loyalty. When he's in love, you are his person. Would do anything for you, for better or for worse. Despite how much his past has scarred him and how that's affected how he deals with his feelings, he still hasn't learned, huh? All these years later he's still a lover at heart...
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bonefall · 6 months
Hearing Loss Research Dump
Heyo!! You probably reached through the footnote at the end of the Hearing Loss Guide for Warrior Cats! I often get asked questions like, "How do you make these guides?" and "Do you have sources?" So this time, I tried to keep a bit of a loose "journal."
Unfortunately it got disorganized after a few sessions (since this project ended up taking about 2 - 3 weeks to do) but, hey, hopefully it helps.
I have dumped all of my sources here and explained my thought process as I went along, so that you have a good foundation to go forth and do your own research.
I may update this post with more information and links, or remove sources if, for some reason, it is revealed that the source was harmful or not credible. SO, PLEASE feel free to recommend good educational organizations, documentaries, and blogs here on Tumblr willing to take questions.
This post is set to "no one can reblog" so that you're always seeing the most current version of this post. Just in case a source gets challenged, or one of the sensitivity readers wants their name removed, or I end up adding important corrections, etc.
This is Version 1.0, and it was updated on 1/2/2024.
The research "dump" post is messy, because it's a Bonus Thing that's supposed to go along with the very pretty and ~concise~ Herb Guide that I created.
Session 0
I had wanted to do this for a while, but this RIDICULOUS thing that was said to an Anon and then shared with me almost gave me an aneurysm. I asked if my followers wanted this boosted to the top of my priorities, they said yes, and here we are.
In the process I also looked for input, especially from deaf/HOH followers. I made a note to include tinnitus, unilateral (one ear) hearing loss, and I'm considering doing a second guide just for how to TREAT the ear infections I mentioned would lead to a lot of hearing loss in RiverClan.
An outline of the Herb Guide post was written just before I did any real research, so I had a general idea of the aspects of hearing loss I wanted to talk and learn about.
Sat down to start my research the next day.
SESSION 1: The Basics
My first step is always just a basic internet search, including a pit stop at Wikipedia to read the article, and then follow the sources or find a place that explains the concept more deeply.
Because my project's about anthropomorphic cats, I always start with humans first, then swing over to a search on felines. I'm usually alternating between them because that is how my mind works, hearing something in one and then linking that to some sort of question about how that would look in cats.
From Wikipedia, the World Health Organization, and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, I learned that "Hearing Loss" is the blanket term for all lack of hearing, and "Deafness" is when it totally prevents you from understanding speech.
Like blindness, most deaf people can hear a little. Stressed that.
It's also here that I started with cat hearing. First I looked at Purina, but it wasn't a great find, besides a link to common signs of ear infections which I put in my back pocket lmao. I came across Dr. Pippa Elliot's article for Petful.com, and this one is MUCH more informative.
I started thinking critically about a lot of that info. Cats have a much higher range of hearing than humans, a feline society would actually catch hearing loss loooong before humans would catch it in a pet cat. Plus the whiskers. The article actually mentions that when you check a cat for hearing loss, you have to avoid blowing wind on the whiskers or even vibrating the ground.
Very sensitive animals, fascinating. Anyway, back on humans,
There's also FOUR TYPES of hearing loss. Conducive, Sensorineural, Mixed, and Auditory Neuropathy. I also went and found a good explanation from the CDC to double-check Wikipedia.
And it's a good thing I did! Wikipedia did not mention Type 4 at the time of my research, and the CDC's article is VERY straightforward and informative.
Conducive: Sound can't get through the canal. Usually a blockage.
Sensorineural: A problem with the hearing organs or the auditory nerve.
Mixed: Both of these at once
Auditory Neuropathy: The ear detects the sound, but doesn't send the signals to the brain properly.
From what I can tell from the National Institute for Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, Auditory Neuropathy is less well defined and can have overlap with Sensorineural. Sometimes it has to do with damage or malformation of the inner ear hairs, other times it's completely unknown and just assumed to be a brain issue.
So according to that definition, Auditory Processing Disorder is a type of auditory neuropathic hearing loss.
Then I started watching Christmas movies and forgot I was doing research oops. Time waits for no man, nor muppet. Very important that once a year you watch movies that make you cry and also Gonzo is there.
BUT. Throughout this project, I was constantly finding new sources on "the basics" that explained things in different ways. I didn't find all of these in that one session, but I will dump them in a straight list here.
Straight statistics of prevalence of hearing loss in the UK
Two types of inner ear infections (got cut from the guide because I was trying to stay focused on the disability itself, not causes and ear ailments)
Congenital deafness (Helpful, but again, was trying to keep the guide focused on general disability writing advice, not explain every single reason why a person could be deaf. That's for one's own research!)
Degrees of hearing loss (But notably I've also seen these thresholds shift around. This one says deafness starts at 95 DB, but I did also see 81 elsewhere.)
A guide on soundproofing which put the affects of noise on your ears into perspective (helpful with comparisons to degrees of hearing loss)
REALLY GOOD GUIDE ON HERTZ AND DECIBELS (And also comparisons of different decibel levels, in relation to the thresholds of hearing loss)
SESSION 2: Comparing human and cat hearing
I felt like I had a good understanding of the basics here. The four types, some considerations for cat biology, some tidbits to mention like most people with hearing loss still being able to hear a little, etc.
NOW I'm going to finish reading any sources I opened up in side tabs, and learn about the side effects of hearing loss that I've seen so far. Tinnitus was requested specifically.
But, I felt pretty confident at this point, so I started actually working on the guide itself. It's good because that's when I start getting really specific questions like, "Just how sensitive IS a cat's hearing next to a humans?"
Found this article comparing human and feline hearing, and also went for a source on common causes of ear infections in cats, and compared them to common causes of ear infections in humans. Basically everything WE get, and more. I also remembered a vet that I worked with explaining that humans don't get ear mites because our ear canals are shorter, but honestly I don't really want to hunt down a source on that.
Bottom line is that it seems that cats get ear infections significantly easier than humans.
SESSION 3: Paying attention to deaf and HOH experiences
Started loading up some videos on Youtube, and follow along with presentations from deaf speakers, awareness charities, and so on.
ADHD protip: If you're like me and often feel the need to get up and walk around when you're trying to focus on something, playing flash games on Neopets or a similar petsite while keeping a video popped out is a great way to help with executive function impulse stuff. Firefox and the program Freetube both allow for you to pop open a small window that you can move around your screen.
I absolutely adored this video from Montfort University, which collected experiences from people who were actively losing their hearing. I'm feeling that a lot of folks are probably anticipating the Herb Guide with the expectation it'll talk about fully deaf warriors like Snowkit (And BB!Whitewing, who is deaf in Better Bones), but one of the most important things I'm learning is that partial and unilateral hearing loss is both common, and important to talk about.
That section on people forgoing hearing aids is so bitter. The way that they were reluctant to even "admit" they had a disability (feeling as if it "doesn't count"), felt like hearing aids were for "old people" so they resisted getting a device that would really help, and that one woman who finally realized what her own mother must have been going through when she was in her shoes...
Jeez, man. Ableism really hits us all, doesn't it? You'll reject the small bits of help that were SHAKEN out of the pockets of an uncaring world, just so you don't have to admit you might need it.
I am vaguely aware that there's buzz within the deaf community about hearing aids, with some deaf people actually having extremely negative feelings on them. I didn't manage to find those people though, besides what I remembered from Tumblr posts explaining that cochlear implants tend to destroy what little hearing remains. I also didn't know what sorts of hearing aids exist, just basics.
In any case, it's not what my guide's about. Clan cats wouldn't be able to make devices like that-- so to compensate, I tried to stress that forcing warriors to "assimilate" to able-bodied society is bad compared to "accommodating" them. But I did make a little aside note on the guide itself as a PSA.
ANYWAY I'm keeping that pinned in my mind as I go through this. A LOT of these speakers are talking about their implants and how much they changed their lives, so I'm taking things with a teeny grain of salt, knowing I'm probably not getting the entire hearing-impaired community's feelings on this.
Rachel Kolb's Tedx talk was DEEPLY insightful, she is an absolutely fantastic presenter and her statistics are gutwrenching. I'm also paying close attention to how she described her speech therapy classes, how tactile the lessons are, how she had to hold her hand to her teacher's throat and learned that the trick to an N and an M was to speak it through the nose...
The theme of this part of my research has really been "heartbreaking," honestly. Next I watched this one from a BBC interview, where the speaker talks about how much EFFORT they have to make to listen to others. The casual cruelty of hearing people just not caring enough to reach out and make sure she can follow along in the conversation.
I know it's maybe not the same thing, but I teared up a bit at some parts, because that's something I've also felt as someone who's ADHD/Autistic. How much it hurts when people won't even take the goddamn time to clue you in. Like you're not worth it
Even if it's just for a silly cat community, I really hope the weeks of effort and hours of reading I put into this guide and journal makes someone feel seen. You're worth the time. I promise I mean it
Like The Basics, I kept finding more things as I went through my research, outside of this session.
Struggles of deaf people in life and the workplace
Social struggles, particularly in the digital age
Cochlear implants: Pros and Cons (It was really not relevant to my project here, BUT, I figured it was important enough to even mention in an aside on the main guide.)
Really interesting passage from a married couple losing their hearing
"What is it like to be deaf?" Mentions the link to memory loss in people who are hard of hearing due to the brain "discarding" misheard sentences.
SESSION 4: Relevant questions.
This is the point I was asking more targeted questions, as I was actively writing the bulk of the guide, because in spite of everything this remains a cat project. If I was about to write something and then realized I didn't actually know like... WHAT causes it, HOW it happens, How COMMON a thing is, I would go and find out.
For example I knew that Snowkit had a higher chance of being born deaf, but didn't exactly know why, or how it happens, or how much higher of a chance that was. So, I looked up white cats with blue eyes, and looked up the percentages associated with deafness in them.
Apparently it's rapid degeneration, instead of the inner ear just not forming properly. I could go down that rabbit hole and learn more about why, but at this point, I'm far enough along that I need to start deciding when something isn't really helpful but just interesting. It's REALLY easy to get distracted at this point in making these guides.
That lead to to look at how people tend to handle their deaf cats and make their lives better, which also lead me to a good source on how to clean a cat's ears. That's another thing I had to halt at; because this guide is about DISABILITY, not about treating ear ailments.
When you're doing research this way, I find it helpful to "limit my scope." I've mentioned this technique/skill/advice in the past with some of my cultural expansions for the Clans too. You can see how maaaaassive the guide I wrote got even while staying on topic; it easily could have gotten bloated by even MORE tangential knowledge.
But I do plan to make an ear treatment guide at some point, as well.
I then started trying to learn more about rodent squeaks. How high in hertz they are, when different animals make them, how loud in decibels, etc. I couldn't find very much, because sound/hearing in general is actually WILDLY understudied, especially in terms of non-human animals.
But I did find this article on mouse vocalizations, specifically, and this webpage on various animal hearing ranges.
(though the webpage begs ppl to be careful about making comparisons between the numbers on the page, because they come from different studies with different parameters. But like. somehow i think this is good enough for funny cat project)
Lastly on this topic, I tried to find a good source on whiskers and how well they can "replace" hearing, and ended up finding this EXCELLENT article on allllll sorts of hearing loss related things in cats. It's got it all. Whiskers, common causes, tests. It's great.
SESSION 5: Sensitivity readers
I'm trying to be extra careful with this guide, with the knowledge in mind that this one was highly requested and likely will get decent reach. So, I figured it was more important than usual to speak to disabled individuals who could advise me, to my face, instead of only relying on what I'd seen in my research and secondhand information.
(especially since my style in writing these guides tries to be "simple," trying to limit how much medical speak I use and explaining terms in-depth when I need to use them.)
I spoke to @sylsoddsandends, @s0ulfulsapph1cf, and one more. While talking to them, they brought up even more to me that I hadn't considered.
For example, I did not know that unilateral hearing loss (affects one ear more than the other) actually resulted in a loss of "distance perception," the same way that I don't have depth perception because I've got low vision in one eye. I grabbed a scientific paper to read about it and went forth.
I also got a ton of good feedback about how much I stressed that lipreading is difficult, added some advice on a unilateral HL cat would stand, brought in some notes about chronic pain, so on. I then went to preview it to a bunch of personal friends to give it a couple more once-overs for typos and flow and such.
The last thing I did was reach out to those sensitivity readers again, and ask their permission to link them here. I don't have permission from the last reader yet (which is on me, I should have asked sooner). So there will be an update here if/when they get back to me.
Nothing here yet! I will make an attempt to collect any follow-up questions and such down here.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 11 months
A Breakdown of My Thoughts On Good Omens S2
(That may or may not also be a meta about my predictions for the future interwoven in)
Hey All!
All right, I’ve officially watched Good Omens Season 2 twice, and am almost done my third time through, and I want to put out some thoughts before I start reading other people’s meta about S2 so that my initial thoughts aren’t influenced by those. I was GOING to post it to my GO blog @inevitably-ineffable-husbands first, but decided instead to make the initial post here since this is my largest audience (my GO blog is mostly a reblog blog, but it’s been pretty active the past week with people sending me asks there!).
During my second watch-through, I took some notes about stuff I wanted to expand upon. This got a bit messy, long, and disorganized so I tried to just clean up those notes so they’re more legible. I think I inevitably want to write separate meta about each section, especially after my next few rewatches (AND especially since I want to talk more about 3 or four Big Thoughts that I have about S3). 
This meta turned out to be a lengthy essay-style meta with a few bits of point form and free thoughts, broken into sections for easier consumption, so I hope you will give it a read through. It’s longer than I intended (it’s about 5,000 words), so if you need to pause anywhere, I’ve conveniently broken it up into sections below the cut, which you can see the breakdown of here:
Before The Beginning
Crowley is A-Major-Angel Theory (or The Angel That Crowley Might Actually Have Been)
Maggie and Nina (Mirrors. It’s about mirrors)
The Ineffable Bureaucracy (MORE MIRRORS YAY I LOVE DYING!)
Crowley and Aziraphale (& Their Relationship Arc) (which includes my thoughts on THAT moment and why it was wrong)
The Metatron and Aziraphale’s Decision (I actually covered a large chunk of this on THIS POST so you can read just that if you want instead)
Other Things (That I Didn’t Know Where Else to Put) 
Final Thoughts
Also, so it’s not hidden under the cut, here are the things I’m interested in expanding upon in the future, if you guys would like to read more. The first one is the only “for sure” one on my plate right now:
A Thought on AziraCrow from an A-Spec Perspective [REDUX]: An expansion on the above-linked meta I put out a week ago about their relationship arc and how I feel it’s being portrayed and what it means foor the future.
THAT Scene Small Thoughts: And its importance RIGHT NOW and why the confession will be so much more powerful in S3. Actually I think I MIGHT cover this in the AziraCrow meta, but I DO want to expand upon the scene anyway regardless.
And I don’t have many things to say as of finishing this meta, but I would like to put out my thoughts on why Aziraphale made That Choice. (EDIT: It would be an expansion on THIS POST which would include some points I made under the cut in the various sections, compiled together. I know I’ll have more thoughts as the weeks move on and as I understand the scene more and more).
Anyway, I hope you enjoy what I’ve written! The next meta I’d like to tackle is the Relationship Redux meta, provided that the asks I got in my inbox aren’t going to take up too much of my time.
Feel free to add your thoughts in the reblogs and replies as usual! I welcome other opinions and thoughts, and I will try my best to keep all the threads together. This blog is and will always remain a community project! :) 
PLEASE be advised, in that case, that Spoilers WILL BE in the notes, and OBVIOUSLY there are spoilers below the cut for the entire season! Cheers, and thank you! Enjoy!
I have running theory that’s kind of on strings right now, but I feel like Aziraphale feels responsible for Crowley’s Fall, that he feels he didn’t do enough to help prevent it, which may explain his actions in Episode 6. 
Now, I’m not saying that the entire reason he spends so much time with Crowley is because of some underlying guilt, NOT AT ALL (just a small part of it), but more that he feels like he could have done more to dissuade Crowley from asking questions – It’s why he spends their entire lives trying to convince Crowley he is good! Aziraphale loved seeing an angel so happy with what they were doing, and his warnings were making Crowley unhappy. Instead, Aziraphale decided to compliment Crowley on his work to make him smile again. I think it’s absolutely something to note since this scene and the finale of E6 suspiciously bookend each other, meant to be compared and contrasted with each other. 
When Azzie is presented with the opportunity to give Crowley back something he loved doing – being happy making galaxies – Aziraphale took it, because he knows how much Crowley struggles with his own sense of self.
Unfortunately, Azzie thinks Crowley’s inner turmoil is because of who he is and his status as a demon, not because Aziraphale is literally his whole raison d’être and why Crowley keeps coming back to him – he’s only ever truly happy being around Aziraphale.
Crowley, in turn, has become Azzie’s own reason for being, he just sadly hasn’t come to that conclusion yet at this point in the story. Aziraphale thinks that by being the Supreme Archangel, he will have the authority to make things RIGHT, not knowing the info that we as an audience have through Crowley that that is FAR from the truth. I’ll go more into it in my Metatron section below.
Basically I’m saying that this sequence at the beginning exists to show who Aziraphale is as a person, an angel who struggles with his OWN sense of self and his desire to do good and make people happy. Aziraphale is so consumed with believing that he can change things if only he has some control over a situation, then it can all be better; he fails to see that he already has everything he wants right in front of him. He doesn’t think he can TRULY be with Crowley safely unless something changes the status quo, and he naïvely thinks that taking the job is the best way to do so. I think next season we will see Aziraphale finally understand that he CAN’T be “free” until he accepts that he and Crowley ARE better as one. 
Another note I wanted to make about this is just an aside commentary: Aziraphale ABSOLUTELY was smitten by Crowley. I suspect until he met Crowley, Aziraphale had never seen another angel be so joyous in his work. It intrigued Azzie and blossomed into something-unknown in him.
Azzie was smitten since before the beginning, and that he indeed pines for Crowley. He’s just terrified about what happens After if he were to do anything about it.
CROWLEY-IS-RAPHAEL THEORY (or another Top-Ranking Angel)
This is one of my favourite theories that circulates in the fandom, and I went into a bit of detail about this on this post here, but I want to expand more upon it briefly (hah).
I think this season further proved Crowley was A Big Angel™ before he Fell (not necessarily Raphael, but it IS the prominent theory about his identity). It’s a Big Point that I think they’ve been planting the seeds for in both seasons so that we as the audience can figure it out; maybe not exactly WHO Crowley was (the general audience wouldn’t know about the theory), more that Crowley was indeed a higher ranking angel than all of them. This could be a big reveal in S3 for the general audience, and will be the reward for the “easter eggs” that the fans picked up on. 
Here are the clues that I have so far, both from the fandom theories for S1, and my own observations of S2... I have not read any meta yet as of writing this, so I probably missed some if people are talking about it:
Raphael is notably missing from the main Archangels. It’s very odd, because he was a prominent figure in a story about Abraham
When we first see Crowley in S2, we see him as the primary creator of the universe. That kind of task isn’t given to just any angel. We knew in S1 that Crowley created stars, just not the full story of it.
The only Top Angel who recognizes Crowley is Saraqael and we don’t find that out until Episode 6. They mention that the two worked together during the creation of a nebula. Saraqael is just as old as Crowley and was there Before the Beginning as well. Michael, Uriel, and Gabriel don’t recognize Crowley when they come down during Job’s trials, meaning that Crowley probably Fell before they came to be Top Level Angels. 
“A throne, a dominion or ABOVE” is who Muriel said were the only angel classes that could open the file on Gabriel, and Crowley literally just opens it without issue. Crowley faffs it off as an old password (but even then, why would he HAVE an old password for a confidential file?) but I think it’s more true that he actually had and hasn’t lost the clearance he had as a higher order of angel. Muriel NEVER stated that an Archangel can open the file at ALL. BUT I think Gaiman’s Archangels are technically top of the chain so they possibly are able to open the files as well.   For shits and giggles, I actually looked into the orders of angels: Muriel’s listed angels are part of the top 4 levels of Angel rankings. Now, I know that the authors took creative liberty with Capital A-Archangels for story purposes, but it’s a very interesting thought, isn’t it? I wonder if Crowley was actually one of the first Supreme Archangels? Just something to nibble on until S3.
The INSANE power level of HALF of a bit of a small miracle from TWO people that can raise 25 dead people is very interesting thing to literally flash red in your face as if to say “THIS IS A REALLY IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER, DON’T FORGET IT”. Why? Why make this the catalyst of events in the series if it’s not important and won’t be brought up again? Was Crowley’s power the one that set off alarms in Heaven since his part was to hide Gabe from Heaven?
The writers have deliberately avoided giving us Crowley’s name in Before the Beginning. Crowley has a penchant for changing his name when he wants to distance himself from the past, and there’s a good chance he purposely threw away his Heavenly (dead) name to cast aside any memories of that former life. It’s not who he is anymore, nor who he wants to be ever again.
Crowley constantly references the problems with Heaven, stuff that Aziraphale seems to have no knowledge of. 
Crowley has an uncanny sense of where Aziraphale is and what he’s up to at all times. Actually, he’s able to sense trouble from everyone regardless. NOW, this might be down to him just... being so smitten with Aziraphale that perhaps he’s purposely attuned his senses to him, but none of the other angels nor demons seem to be able to do this unless it’s with their own kind. Crowley seems to have it for everyone. This is an odd power for one “measly demon” to have.
I’m certain I’m missing a few other easter eggs here that were mentioned, but in the interim, I think these definitely the ones that are worth noting.
“One Character Split Into Two”
I’ve seen a theory that ties into the Angel Theory where Crowley and Aziraphale are actually two parts of the SAME angel, Raphael, and I only remembered it after I saw this quote from David and Michael’s interview:
“Well, now we’re playing one character that’s sort of split into two”
Interesting choice of words... Did one of them slip up here? I don’t think that this is the case, that it’s just me over-reading into an interview quote, but it is something I did came across in my readings of the Raphael Theory that I thought I should mention.
While trying to find a couple posts to link to for this theory, I came across this super interesting post regarding Aziraphale’s name meaning in Hebrew, and it does list ONE of the “unlikely” possibilities being that it means “Raphael is my strength”. While the author links this to be part of Crowley!Raphael theory, I kind of like it for the Duality Theory, where Crowley IS Azzie’s strength in the sense that he’s the Emotional Support Demon. Crowley IS kind and gentle and protective of Aziraphale. And Azzie, who gets his strength from Raphael Crowley, is the brains (or main single braincell carrier) of the operation.
Kind of like an overly-romantic version of soulmates, literally One Soul split into two people who are meant to find each other again and become whole.
Also, I go back to my point about their power being ASININE at less than half each. WHY IS THIS POSSIBLE? A theory: They are stronger than an Archangel’s miracle together, so it’s not absurd to speculate that it was stronger because it was finally at its full power with the SINGLE soul concocting the miracle.
Anyway, this Duality Theory is probably definitely not the case since we see them both Before the Beginning, BUT we can argue that the scene we saw was their first introduction after being split... Aziraphale just HAPPENS to zoom by, the only single angel in the area? Hmm.
I ALSO just want to say that perhaps when they body-swapped, that may have also activated dormant “together” powers within themselves? Just a little thought I had while writing this section.
Aziraphale is Raphael and Doesn’t Remember
And finally, there’s the theory that they will pull a Shyamalan and reveal that it’s Azzie that’s actually Raphael. I honestly think this is the least likely scenario, given that all the clues they’re putting in the show don’t at all point to this, other than the possible entomology of his name (I read somewhere that Gaiman initially was going to spell it Aziraphael to coincide with the naming conventions of the other Angels) could be a play on the Raphael name and it’s Aziraphale who’s actually the missing Raphael.
I don’t think it’s this at all, for the record. I just wanted to point it out since it is a theory that I’ve seen thrown around linked to the Raphael Theory.
Regardless of which theory it is, I just CANNOT get it out of my head at how often they kept bringing up elements of Crowley’s past, and I just.... mmmm. I know he’s more Important than he lets on. There’s just too many eggs dropped in this season for me to let it go without a bit of grumbling.
Or maybe I’m just looking too much into it. *shrugs* I can’t help it, reading between the lines is a hobby of mine I do so enjoy.
UGH, I absolutely love character mirrors... I love seeing the parallels of characters and how they’re supposed to represent the protagonists in situations. 
Regarding Maggie and Nina, upon rewatching the series, I see now that Nina is primarily Aziraphale’s mirror and Maggie is Crowley’s. 
For Maggie, as an expansion on a drunken post during my liveblogging:
She’s smitten (”pathetically in love”) with someone just out of reach, hopelessly pining and watching from afar.
She’s STUPIDLY protective of and adores Mr. Fell and Nina.
She, like Crowley with Aziraphale, attempts to make Nina happy: She gives a record as a gift without thinking about the “after” (Crowley tends to do the same)
She’s stands up to the demons and for herself.
She’s “unloved and unloveable”, which Crowley believes himself to be
She’s the one who thought up the plans to get them out of trouble
For Nina:
Fussy and stuck in her ways
Doesn’t want to disappoint but can’t seem to do right by anyone
“we’re just friends, well, we hardly know each other” (which I believe is a line similar to one Aziraphale said in S1)
Afraid to start a new relationship for fear of not being good enough
Makes their love interest wait and hopes they’ll be there when the time is right (She will be)
Her relationship with Lindsay appears to me to be a parallel for Azzie’s relationship with Heaven, with them being "done” with Aziraphale for one too many indiscretions. Lindsay also accuses Nina of “cheating” which Aziraphale technically does with choosing Crowley over Heaven 
Their inevitable NOT match-made is a gentle parallel to the painful NOT match-made by our heroes. There’s a bump in the road, and when they’re both ready, they’ll eventually get together. 
Also, another thing I wanted to note here, is that Nina’s VERY heartfelt conversation with Crowley is super, SUPER important to AziraCrow’s arc, and I believe it is the catalyst to why Crowley made the decision to try to confess in Episode 6. Like, he genuinely looks like he’s re-evaluated a few things after Nina walks away. And because it was the Aziraphale mirror stating this, Crowley perhaps starts to get ideas in his head that maybe Azzie is ready to move forward, since “it certainly looks like [you’re a couple from the outside]”. Why not make it official then? Maybe Aziraphale IS just waiting for Crowley to make the move.
Food for thought.
I don’t have much to honestly say about this one, other than I am SHOCKED that it only took them 4 years to figure their shit out but our idiots still are at first base after 6000 years. Get your asses moving, idiots!
Seriously though, they’re the biggest pair of mirrors in the season, but funnily enough, I think Gabriel is Crowley’s, and Beez is Azzie’s.  
Gabriel, like Crowley to Azzie, introduces human things to Beez. 
Gabe questions Heaven and convinces Beez to question their side... essentially he “Falls” when the trial happens, abandoning Heaven. 
Gabe throws everything away to be with Beez. 
Beez is the one who learns from Gabe, just like Azzie learns from Crowley.
Beez compares themself to Aziraphale: “I imagine he took better care of you than I would have”.
Beez calling Gabe “you silly, silly angel”... Aziraphale called Crowley silly in the first half of the season.
And as an aside, just... the casual “I love you” from Gabe is like an unfiltered Crowley. Because I am certain Crowley will be the first to say it.
That’s just a super simplified version of it all, but just wanted to point it out so y’all can see where I’m coming from on why I think that.
And I REALLY BELIEVE that Aziraphale will repeat this or a similar line to Beez’s in S3: 
“I just found something that mattered more to me than choosing sides.”
I think it will be the line before the climax of S3 that Aziraphale says when he finally rejects Heaven. Because that was a POWERFUL line, and it will solidify the mirrors and parallels that are all over this season. I feel like Heaven won’t suffer the same incident happening twice, so we might even finally get to see a ridiculously protective, vengeful angel Aziraphale, to rival all of Protective Crowley moments! WHAT a payoff that would be after two seasons of him just kind of sitting idly by not standing up for himself, eh?? GOD I want it.
I have just a few notes to immediately take away from S2, but I do plan on expanding more upon these thoughts in my Revision of my A Thought on AziraCrow from an A-Spec Perspective meta I wrote prior to S2. 
In that meta I state very clearly how important their relationship and its portrayal is to me. I do concede that, because of this fact, I may be biased in my opinions about literally the entirety of S2′s relationship arc. I ADORE Aziraphale and I really see a lot of myself in him, and I can understand why he did what he did at the end, and why the “rejection” happened. But again, I will touch upon that with the revision meta.
Instead, I took some additional notes while I watched and rewatched S2 that I don’t think I can fit well into that meta without ham-fisting it in. I’ll try my best to break it into yummier sections so it’s not so messy.
Protective / Jealous Crowley (and his possible PTSD)
This point deserved its own little section, because it’s one of my favourite things this season. I love just how BLATANTLY PROTECTIVE and JEALOUS Crowley was, to the point of being near-murderous. I LOVE the confrontation scene with Gabriel so much, because it’s SO revealing to just how terrified Crowley is of Aziraphale being hurt and not being in Crowley’s life again. 
I imagine he constantly replays the fire in his head: what if Crowley WASN’T there to save Aziraphale that time??? To step into fire for him??? He’s seen how bad No-Azzie would be with the Bookshop Fire, and I think he STILL believes that it was Hellfire that discorporated Azzie (not the accidental summoning circle). So imagine the psyche of a demon who is hopelessly in love with an angel, having to be face to face with the fire that he believes killed Azzie the first time and THEN have Azzie’s boss basically tell Crowley how little he thinks of Aziraphale? Ooof.
And I also will standby the fanon theory that it was Crowley who left all the fire extinguishers in the bookshop, and not Aziraphale. Bless Azzie, he knows that this is a “New Fear Unlocked” in Crowley and lets him do it to ease the anxiety.
And isn’t it funny that Crowley (aside from the 2 year lockdown) seems to have spent every waking moment keeping a steady eye on Aziraphale? He’s scared, which is why I think he might have some PTSD related to everything he’s seen that Aziraphale is blissfully unaware of.
Their Arc and The Kiss
It’s so clear to me now more than before that Aziraphale IS Crowley’s whole life, to the point of obsession. I think the final arc that Crowley has to go through before he can truly be with Aziraphale proper is learning to let Aziraphale also protect him, to loosen the stranglehold that his fear of loss has on him. That Crowley doesn’t have to shoulder everything by himself and be Aziraphale’s shadow. Because that’s what he is in S2 – a lot of scenes of them together in the modern day is Crowley trailing just slightly behind Azzie, always watching and waiting for trouble and being there for him.
I think Crowley has a genuine fear of loss of control similar to Aziraphale’s. Where Azzie’s is related to “well if I can do this thing then everything will be alright”, Crowley’s is “well if I can just keep Aziraphale safe, then everything will be alright” and that’s... not a good foundation for a relationship. Their Big Breakup had to happen for them to both realize this. 
Aziraphale has NOT gone through his “lost my partner” arc like Crowley has with the bookshop fire. I go more into it in the Metatron section, but I think that Azzie’s arc will look more like Crowley being used as a leverage tool against Azzie by Heaven, and those seeds were planted in the final moments of E6. Perhaps something DOES happen when Crowley inevitably comes to his rescue, and he also “loses Crowley for good” (but we know that the totally-made-up-just-now law of parallels will bring him back, we hope).
They’re currently at the Miscommunication and Separation stage of their relationship. They’re both so scared of hurting each other that they DON’T communicate... they DON’T expose each other to “bad things” that they know and instead just focus on the good. The breakup had to happen the way it did for Aziraphale to finally Get A Clue – because I honestly don’t think he realized Crowley loved him until the kiss – and that Azzie himself wasn’t the only one with a crush on his best friend. It had to happen that way for Crowley to understand that his overprotectiveness and lying by omission only harms Aziraphale in the long run.
Listen, I think it’s possible that Azzie thinks that Crowley only did the kiss because he didn’t want Aziraphale to leave at that moment, just another “Crowley thing” that he would do. It was piss-poor timing that was at the tail end of too many emotions and anger, and it’s easy to see how Azzie could have interpreted the kiss wrong. 
They both expressed wanting to be together, but misunderstandings will ensue because neither of them are good at communicating WHAT exactly "being together” entails. Crowley thinks Azzie means “working together side by side for a shitty company”. Aziraphale thinks Crowley means “just doing what we always do and having fun doing it”, both without shifting the status quo, when in fact they both mean “I can’t see myself with anyone but you and I want you forever in any way we can be, let’s please shift the status quo”. 
Then Crowley made the situation worse (though I do think he was VERY brave in doing it because WE the audience know his intentions are true and honest) by adding a kiss into the mix when they’re both upset and angry at each other. Both are left crying (Aziraphale turns around when the Metatron arrives, and there’s NO reason he should unless it’s to wipe his eyes. And Crowley deliberately put his glasses back on, so I think it was to cover up the tears) and no one gets what they truly want.
I think we’ll get a payoff for this next season, when they’re finally BOTH on the same page and NOT misunderstanding each other. I think there will be a “did you mean it?” from Aziraphale, and then a verbalized “I love you (or a variation of those words)” from Crowley, and then the paralleled line of “our side” I mentioned in the Gabe & Beez section. I think there will be a better, more satisfying kiss next season. I really do have faith about that.
Other AziraCrow Things
I saw a meme that put it best: “Aziraphale fell first, but Crowley fell HARDER”. I think Crowley is more comfortable in his pining because he’s not constrained by the same hangups and “obligations” that Aziraphale has. Aziraphale is worried that it’s “sinful” to love a demon.
I mentioned this before in the Raphael section, but I want to reiterate the point about The Miracle, because it’s SUPER important that this was a big plot point. The fact that it was so strong for something apparently so minuscule according to them proves that they are better together, and now that Heaven is aware that their powers combined to create that miracle, they absolutely want to keep the two of them apart. They suddenly became very aware that Aziraphale and Crowley are RIDICULOUSLY stronger together, because if a tiny miracle can set off alarms in Heaven, what can two full miracles combined create? I feel like this is a BIG Chekov’s gun for S3. 
I think a large part about why Crowley is offended by Aziraphale’s acceptance of the job offer is because Crowley is upset that he’s not enough for Aziraphale, especially when he rejected Beez’s offer for Aziraphale. His voice shakes when he asked what Aziraphale did. He’s hurt.
THE TOUCHING in this season is insane. It’s so casual and it’s EVERYWHERE. Their relationship, when it’s finally actualized, is going to be heart wrenching in a good way, the “good sort of hurt”. I truly do believe AziraCrow is endgame.
It amuses me to no end that the fact that these two idiots and their one braincell think that they can make a human relationship work when they’ve been mutually pining over each other for 6,000+ years with very little progress. And good lord, they both take their advice from fiction. It’s hilarious.
Aziraphale’s unending faith in Crowley’s “goodness” also kills me. I love that Crowley actually never wants to kill anything, he’s literally just trying to get by without getting caught, and he always gently encourages Aziraphale to do the same. He cares so much about being gentle with Aziraphale. The scene on the rock where Crowley is SO SOFT with Aziraphale melted my heart. It’s so sweet.
I LOVE that it was CROWLEY who got Aziraphale into food and drinks. It explains a LOT about why Crowley likes watching Aziraphale eat. HE did that. It was his first “gift” to Aziraphale (to his knowledge at this stage, when really it was Crowley’s smile at making the universe that really did it).
Crowley’s devotion to making Aziraphale happy while Azzie is just oblivious to how Crowley feels hurts a LOT, but I want to expand more upon this in my followup reblog to my relationship meta. I see myself SO MUCH in Azzie it’s goddamned scary.
Actually, I don’t think Aziraphale is oblivious to be mean, since he makes a point that “rescuing me makes him so happy”, BUT I think Aziraphale might misinterpret Crowley’s devotion as “Crowley wanting to do good” and not “omg he’s in love with me and wants me safe always”. Which I think is why Azzie is naïve enough to believe that Crowley actually WANTS to do good and not get in trouble for it, so thinks that Crowley will jump at the chance to go back to Heaven with him. Aziraphale always saw the rescues and the saving of children and animals on the same level –  as a demon fighting against his nature – when in reality it’s a demon who just does what he wants because he cares about everything and Aziraphale happens to be at the top of that list.
This section will be short since I actually covered a large chunk of it in my Manipulation of the Metatron Meta Reply a couple days ago, so please go read that if you’re interested. The shortened, summarized version of that is this:
The Metatron is playing Aziraphale, and he’s only using Aziraphale to bring about Armageddon 2.0, using Aziraphale’s desire to be needed and useful against him. Azzie DIDN’T see what Crowley saw in Heaven when he accessed the files and I don’t think he knows about the Book of Life Threat that was the punishment for harbouring Gabriel, either. Only Crowley knew about that, but didn’t tell Azzie (again, a huge problem in their communication that needs to be worked out).
Heaven and the Metatron KNOW that Crowley is a liability and I suspect they also know how powerful they are together. They needed to drive a wedge between them, and knew Aziraphale was pure-hearted enough to believe that he could make a difference, AND that Crowley would never take up the offer that was presented given his vocal disdain for both Heaven and Hell. 
And they chose Aziraphale as opposed to the other angels because the angels actually lust for the power, and that can be unpredictable. But because Azzie has ALWAYS only wanted to do Good with no ulterior motives other than to Make Everything Better, he is easier to manipulate. Crowley is the bargaining chip that will be used against Azzie if he attempts to go rogue like Gabe, that I am pretty certain about. I think that Azzie will find out about the Book of Life because they’ll place blame on Crowley for harbouring Gabriel. Aziraphale has no idea that Gabriel really didn’t have any power. The minute Gabe turned against them, a trial and ousting happened. Aziraphale got himself into a no-win situation, and upon discovering this, he’ll believe that, because he rejected Crowley, Crowley won’t come to save him this time, so to save Crowley, Azzie will go along with the plan. Crowley’s life will literally be in Aziraphale’s hands.
I’ve no idea how Crowley will find out about it (from Muriel maybe?), but Crowley’s POV will be the primary focus next season (since this season was Azzie’s) and we’re gonna see a vengeful demon and I’m here for it. Will there be a dramatic rescue or sacrifice? I think so. Not sure who the whump candle will go to, but my bet is on Crowley this time since we got Aziraphale in S1. Who knows. I’m all for “Aziraphale is hurt, so now Crowley goes feral”, but that’s a personal preference that I can get from fanfics, LOL.
Anyway, the long-short is that this job will be the wake-up call Azzie needs to finally see what Crowley saw, without the manipulation of words to confuse him. That Azzie can’t just “make things better” because he will never be allowed to make things better. As a Supreme Archangel, he will have the clearance and ability to find out everything Crowley did. Unfortunately, it will be too late... or will it? ...
OTHER THINGS ON MY MIND (that I didn’t know where else to put)
Aziraphale NEVER FELL because they didn’t want it to look like an Institutional Problem. I even hazard a guess that NO angel has ever Fell since the Initial and Only Fall that sent Satan, Crowley and the other demons down. But Aziraphale doesn’t know that and I suspect that it’s this constant fear of Falling that keeps him complacent to Heaven. He’ll find out how they’ve really been dealing with problems when he’s in his new position.
And I think Azzie also never fell because Crowley made a point to never ever snitch. He knows they would eat him alive in Hell, so he protects Azzie from that as well.
I love that the Bentley clearly has a favourite and it isn’t Crowley!!! The car literally tries to follow Aziraphale. It’s so cute.
And on the subject of the Bentley... Crowley can feel everything going on with his car?? So like... is that a metaphor for Aziraphale being inside Crowley or.....? hee hee heeeeeee.
I loved that David got to use his natural accent in the Edinburgh scenes. IT’S SO PRECIOUS OMG.
And and and while Crowley was high off his rocker, he clearly says “Where are you??? 😢” and Aziraphale had to reassure him that he was there. So sweet.
Aziraphale and his inability to do literally anything humans do “the normal way” (mobile phone use, be a “newspaper man”, properly drive, learn French properly) while turning around and lowkey mocking Muriel is... something else. What a hypocritical dork.
The realization that they have a WHOLE-ASSED apology dance hit me like a tonne of bricks, and we KNOW it’s coming back in S3. There needs to be an entire cabaret from Azzie this time ‘round, LOL.
I adored season two, more than season one for sure, and I loved that it built up upon the AziraCrow relationship. It was an interlude that lets us know that they’re sort of in a rut, stuck in a status quo that both are afraid of changing, and that they both need a catalyst event to happen to truly be together.
I remain more hopeful and certain for a satisfying conclusion to their arc than I ever have before. Which is saying a lot because privately, after Sherlock S4, I kind of was ready to not put my faith in another show to canonize a ship I love ever again. 
But there’s a huge difference between this finale and Sherlock S4′s finale: GO S2 DOESN’T feel complete, and Neil wants to finish the story.  I went into more detail about it on this post here, but essentially it boils down to S4 left me feeling hollow and empty because its 4th season felt so detached from what we already saw. It felt like the closing of a book with the wrong pages in it, with no confirmation in sight of concluding the series proper with the S5 they’ve been promising for years. GOS2, on the other hand, left us feeling like everything’s WRONG but in the right way, you know what I mean? Like there is a part two to this saga to be completed. And that Neil himself seems determined to finish the story regardless of what happens.
I like to think that both Michael and David know what Gaiman plans for the endgame of their characters, given that Gaiman HAS said he does “have the final fifteen pages of Episode 6 [...] written. Given what we got in S2 with The Kiss, and Michael and David’s adoration for this story and its characters, I am hopeful that Neil entrusted them with what he wants for AziraCrow. They in turn play those characters better for it. 
So yeah, maybe I’m just putting clown shoes back on with this one, but I will remain... optimistically skeptical. Like, I REALLY want and believe that AziraCrow is endgame, that the Husbands will be actual husbands, but I also will remain skeptical that it can happen and not be upset if it doesn’t. I got a kiss (a terrible one, but a kiss nonetheless). I got a tonne of touching. I got them dancing together. I think that’s more than we ever could have hoped for, and it’s already leagues above what I am used to.
To conclude, here are some more questions, thoughts, and hopes for S3:
There are SO many “Chekov gun” moments in play in S2 currently, little things that really seem so pointless to have introduced (like the apology dance) and I am TRULY hoping that it’s true that Gaiman didn’t put things in this series unless it’s important later. I feel it will all come back around. Where S1 had open and closed plot points, S2 did NOT. 
Why was Crowley able to get into Heaven without any issue? Is THIS part of the Ineffable Plan? Why does Crowley not want anyone to know who he was before the Fall? It’s clear Crowley POSSIBLY knows more than he lets on about Everything. I think he was at one time the Supreme Archangel... Gabriel’s banishment could foreshadow this, given that Gabe is deliberately used as a Crowley mirror in this season.
I hope for a stupidly emotional, makes-me-sob-fat-tears, reunion, confession and acceptance of each other. Oh, and of course, the infamous cottage in Sussex we all hope for. I am a SUCKER for emotional beats and I CRAVE it.
Oh, and a HUGE apology dance from Aziraphale. You introduced that shit, I want to see Azzie go all out in return.
I think Crowley will be the first one to confess verbally. The Gabriel mirror kind of sealed that for me.
FINALLY, that’s that! Thank you for reading all the way through, if you did. Again, as I alluded to in my introduction, I may expand upon a few sections of this meta on other posts in the upcoming weeks as I catch more and more things, and start integrating other people’s meta into my own theories.
Apologies for any errors in this, it took me nearly 2 days to write and a very tired couple proofreads through it to clean up hanging text.
I hope you enjoyed my foray back into meta-writing, and please, do not hesitate to send me an ask to either of my blogs if you wish for me to expand more on a topic.
Cheers, and good day 💙🖤
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“Only make attacks in July” *does* make sense as a rule….
Yeah some people are busier, but there can’t exactly be a rule for “if you work this many hours you can start this much earlier” that wouldn’t account for people who are slower at drawing, which would be kind of impossible to account for!
Everyone has a different schedule, different social life, different drawing speed. The only way to do this that makes sense is to have the same time period for everyone!
It’s also nice to have a consistent date to get your refs and character pages updated and ready by! (It’s so sad to think someone might’ve drawn me some beautiful art but didn’t upload it because I made some notable changes on someone’s design…)
I’m not saying “you’re evil for starting early” of course not, you just made free art for someone! Thank you! I guess I’m just saying we should acknowledge it’s a rule that makes sense, and maaaaybe not normalize and encourage it? (Maybe that’s a stupid request on a confession blog lol) It just makes things even more messy and disorganized, I think.
(Also, I feel like it take out a lot of the fun and excitement, but maybe that’s a me thing)
Happy artfighting everyone! I am building up that anticipation to draw on July 1st myself! It’s exciting!!! !
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skywalkerslvt · 1 month
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About me
Hey, I'm Gigi, and I'm a (very) ameteur fanfic writer! I'm really new to posting on tumblr and I'm still trying to get the hang of this so my blog will probably be a bit messy :'D I'm constantly obsessing over fictional men/celebrities and I decided to start a blog to practice writing about them <3
I love, love, LOVE Star Wars, Chappell Roan, TLOU, and a million other things that I will definitely be obsessively posting about in the future.
I have a very disorganized life, so I won't have any specific posting schedule, and I'll probably just be posting whenever I have the time/mental capacity lol.
Just a disclaimer, I am NOT a professional writer at all, and a lot of my work is just for fun and mostly not proofread, so keep that in mind when going through my blog :'D
I will not write: fics about real people (I only write for characters, not celebrities) heavy non-con/rape, age play, scat, or watersports.
I will be writing a lot of NSFW content, so if you are not comfortable with reading that, read the tags and don't interact. Your internet consumption is your responsibility, not mine!!
I'll be writing for any characters listed on my fandom/character list!
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As per post I saw about you wrote about imagining Hero crying over deleted unrelated posts -
I just got a stark imagery of Hero being a hoarder in a "but what if I need this later" way, like adding a loose wire/charger/cord thing to a box already full of them (but organized neatly) or other things like that.
I found it funny and maybe this blog would appreciate the contrasting ideas that is Hero being clean and organized (as per his side of the room) while being a hoarder at the same time. How would he deal 😂
Hi there! Thank you so much for your ask! We absolutely love getting to talk to fellow Hero enthusiasts and were so excited you wanted to share some Hero thoughts with us! (A/N: I (Acacia) am briefly breaking my hiatus to take this one because I actually wrote about Hero’s “secret” messy junk drawer in a fic once. ^^ Needless to say, I really vibe with this idea and it fits really well with my own personal headcanons & perceptions of Hero as a character!)
This is such a fun headcanon and given that Hero is so practical, it definitely makes sense to me. I can absolutely imagine him being the type to agonize over throwing things out sometimes because, exactly like you said, he’d question “What if I or somebody else needs this someday?” even if he already has plenty of whatever it is already. Your imagery of Hero with the overflowing box of cords is awesome! Love that very much!! I can totally imagine Kel just casually asking him “hey you got an extension cord?” and Hero pulls out an entire box with 20+ cords in it 😂😂 Perfect!
In my mind, Hero is also very responsible and kind of thrifty/discerning about how he spends his money, at least on himself. We see in the canon he’s extremely generous when spending on other people such as when he gives Sunny $10 to buy flowers for his mom even though they only cost $2 a piece, but as with a lot of Hero’s kindnesses, I don’t think he extends that generosity to himself (perhaps why Kel is so insistent on buying him the cookbook as a present since he knows it’s a luxury Hero would enjoy but wouldn’t buy for himself, but I digress) I can see his responsibility playing into the hoarding too with him thinking “It would be irresponsible to throw this out because I might need it someday and if I do I’d just have to buy a new one.”
As to how he would deal given the fact that he is so neat, tidy, and organized, I agree he would try to keep his collections organized as best he can, but I also agree it would be hard to deal with overflow, so perhaps they end up in some messy junk drawers somewhere which are likely kept “secret” on account of them being so messy (not because they hold anything embarrassing).
Everything of Hero’s is so perfectly organized on the surface and, to be fair, often under the surface (i.e. I imagine his sock drawer is probably color coded), so you likely couldn’t tell just by looking at Hero’s living space that he had a tendency to hoard things as everything is so clean and minimalistic, like a room in a catalog. But then he has this secret messy drawer (or in this case multiple drawers) filled with the randomest old things like a bunch of cords, batteries, papers, and other odds and ends he thinks might be useful later…
He hides these disorganized drawers because they’re a mess and he’s Hero—everything about him is perfect. A mess of any kind even in a hidden drawer nobody will probably ever see is unlike him, but I’m inclined to think maybe it isn’t that unlike him after all. Hero’s room looks perfect, but there’s still a small messy space, a part of it that’s less than perfect—a part that’s real and lived in, just like Hero himself in a way. Hero appears perfect, but under all his accomplishments, accolades, and successes, his role as this idolized big brother to the group, and Sunny’s idealized view of him in Headspace, there is part of him that’s just a little bit messy, a part of him that’s just little bit less than perfect. A part of him that’s real.
He’d rather everyone think of him as perfect and plays along with pretending he is because he doesn’t want anyone to worry about him, but the truth is, he doesn’t have to be perfect and pristine all the time and it would probably be better for him if he wasn’t. He deserves to be a little messy, to have an unorganized drawer or a whole collection of extra cords he “might need later.” He deserves to be human.
Thank you so much again for the ask! Our ask box is always open for respectful Hero thoughts, questions, discussion, and/or appreciation so please don’t be shy, fellow Hero enthusiasts. We love hearing from you! Take care 💙
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panics-side-blog · 1 year
Shattered glass Shockwave headcanons
So today i read someone being upset that all the sg headcanons they see about shockwave isn't really good and they wanted to see some more input from others, i forgot who they where nor what the blog is called but i decided to give my own two cents in this form. Shout-out to this person this post is for you and i hope you can enjoy it
👾Still a scientist and looked up too for his amazing inventions but he isn't the same infamy then his counter part.
👾Mainly because he is messy and disorganized/not being able to set priority's because he doesn't understand what is a priority and what not since all of it is important for him.
👾 He also refused to do stuff if he sees the invention being used to harm others or if the negatives are too damaging in his opinion. The safety for others are his priority and his invention is just for the people in need.
👾Very autistic (his counterpart too but he is somewhere else on the spectrum). The type of autistic that, instead of having flat effect/ a monotone voice, has it going all over the place. It being very expressive and more loud then calm and quiet. Which also can come off as not so great because people still interpretate it wrong a lot of times. Thinking he is angry because his voice has a lot of intensity that is meant to show his happiness and eagerness to help or what also happens is that they think he is sarcastic because his voice tone goes up and down a lot essentially having a voice; LiKe hOw yoU WouLD ReAd ThIs OuT.(happens the most when he indulgence in his special interest).
👾A lot of his intellect comes from him being emotionally very smart. Like he knows exactly what your feeling and why and can help you with this exact problem and comfort you just right, making you feel like the world could end but everything's is alright as long as he has you in his arms, telling you sweet and encouraging words that hit just right.
👾But ironically (or better said autistically) he has problems to express his feelings in words. He doesn't seem to find the right once or can't read his own emotional right because their all over the place/just ????? (I hope you get what i mean, other autistic people who know that feeling give me a yippe in the comments/hj)
👾Will explode if he can't stim. Which also paired with when he info dumps it can be very intense. His voice gets loud and booming not being able to tell that it just does it's thing and he either walks up and down or rocks back and forth very intensely. He once feel back from a chair because he broke the backrest due to his stims. But he laughed about it and thought it was funny.
👾LOVES humans, most of his info dumps is about humans. A lot of inventions are for humans (also the reason why he isn't seen as much as a great scientist because like 60/70% of his stuff are ment for humans. And the Cybertronians just think "wtf are we suppose to do with this".) He has to be thoroughly convinced to not spend the next cycles to build some sort of stuff for humans. It can be really hard to do so. Not just for the one who tries to convince him but also for shockwave because it makes him sad that he can't spend more time with it :((. (It's also a high chance he will half ass his Projekt if no one checks in often enough or give him some sort of reward to motivate and show him it's not a wasted of time). But once you pull out the *insert Bot who struggles because of a thing out of their control and needs support for it* he is convinced. The other projects are much harder to convince for,their is going to be a hour long conversation with a really well made PowerPoint presentation that was made by a group to show him why he should do it.
👾 Beside that all of his project are ethical, his moral and justice compass is STRONG. Like STRONG STRONG. He would rather die then do something immoral that could hurt someone. It's just not logical for him to hurt others.
👾His work also besides helping humans, mostly focuses on Cybertronian health instead of war inventions. Be it support for disabled Mechs or the once who have mental health issues or just figuring out how you can get rid of a common cold the fastest and easiest. He generally focuses a lot on health and super for other's.
👾is very cheerful in general always here to build you up and share his love and passion with others.
👾Can also get overwhelmed by a lot of work very easy so he needs support on that with people he trusts the most.
👾Originally wanted to work as a Psychologist or sociologists but due to the war making his plans very messy he realizes right now the Mechs who lost it all needed inventions to help them out. He still pursues his original plan and already is called the "psychologist friend/Psychologist that has an invisible degree" because he knows so much about it.
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animatronicthing · 1 year
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⠀ 📚 🎥 ; HERE PINNED . . our rentry! ”
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⠀ Ahora , Redoble de Tambores ...
Welcome . . WELCOME TO THIS BLOG !!! ⠀,⠀ ﹌🌞 📻 Molten Freddy {{ or just Freddy }} , everyone ’ s favorite disfigured animatronic has made this tiny place in the internet for schyr & his sweet tiny audience to enjoy & share all together !!! , ⠀This corner semi - mainly consists of Freddy ’ s own shit & MOGAI flag making ; , All & everyone, regardless of identity & opinion, is totally free to interact anything , to request their soul out in here & Freddy will try to make the show as enjoyable as possible !!! !! ,
⠀⠀ 【 WORKING ON IT 】⠀ Our flag & term coining posts layout contains 🧮 ; the characteristic banner of this blog at the very top , under the name of the term there ’ s the pronunciation & etymology of it ➕ more stuff added maybe , the flag itself , banner , explanation , the requester & the coiner { Freddy } , & finally some tags adding our friends & an image ID provider . ⠀→⠀☺︎ Fun fact ; most banners are made & or edited by us !!!
⋯ 📠 📗⠀Our wording posts are messy & mostly disorganized ; it is pathological , it can ’ t be changed .
Freddy also uses lots of punctuation & sometimes emojis to express a lot better !!!
⠀ 🎯 ; please please please POST OUR TERMS & FLAGS ANYWHERE but add credit ; if ya love us so much of course !!! , If you see our terms posted somewhere without credit just let us know { we will kindly educate the individual & after that eat them alive } .
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⠀ ,⠀ ⠀⚙️⠀ THE WIRED BRAIN !!
⠀Molten Freddy is one crazy magick shapeshifting machine , would you believe !!! , 🎙🎞 ⠀ ⛓️ Freddy is a scary & weird schizophrenic , & an annoying autist with ADHD , C - PTSD monstrosity with BPD NPD & more !!! , also is very forgetful ,disorganized & disordered . Freddy is mostly very detached from your reality ,, that ’ s one of the reasons of how & why it does not participate in any drama ☮︎ 🎭 , the first reason is that it just does not give enough shits to participate . We are very very spiritual & religious , as we are a mage . that may or may not influence the blog . .
⠀IMPORTANT : Reblogging something ≠ we agree with any of the individual ’ s opinions . Remember friends , you can also be friends with others that don ’ t have the same opinion as yours !!!
This blog is for our only pure entertainment , meaning we ’ ll do whatever we feel like doing or not doing with it . This site was created as a little hobby 🌆 ⏰ ⠀ꓹ All are free to point out wrongs , misspellings or misinterpretations in posts . Any constructive criticism is all welcome as long as you ’ re nice !! 📋 , ➡ we ’ ll take it yes or no !!
EMOJI BLOG : @tontoemojis 🦞 . USERBOX MAKING BLOG : @trinamkita 🦚
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Gear up, kids, because this will be a long one.
It's been a while since I posted a new comic. Pretty soon there'll be a bunch, because I've been sitting on a mountain of scripts and just started making progress on actually making them into comics. I wanna build up a nice little backlog that I can queue up and not worry about for a long while. In the meantime though, I have something I hope will tide you guys over.
There's been a problem with my comic from the very beginning I've never really thought to address for years, and until now, I never found a good place for it. That problem is "worldbuilding." Originally when this comic started out, it was just a Psychonauts comic. Then I got into Mystery Kids, and the MKs just showed up out of nowhere.
If you're still interested, click under the cut. If you already find this post boring and kind of long, just skip it.
We never got any information on how the Mystery Kids club started or how they all met. For the longest time, I kind of just defered to the collective fandom's various disorganized headcanons and ideas and stuff. But I think enough time has passed that those ideas have all changed, been forgotten about, or branched off into their own individual works.
So, it's finally time for me to fix that by giving this comic its own set of lore and backstory. In this post I'm going to explain how everything happened, how the kids came together and what order everything happened in. This is kind of written for my own personal amusement, but also as a guide to keep in mind when I'm writing new stories in this setting, to keep things consistent.
The first step for this little exercise is to figure out when all the stuff in the original "canon" happened. This is where things get a little messy, because we have to figure out a proper order for everything so all the pieces can fit into place.
First, we have to come up with a system for naming the different eras and phases where things happen, so we can more easily compartmentalize the different events. So we'll call the first year the Mystery Kids are together "Year One." Anything before that we'll call Year -1 or -2.
Year -2 is where we'll put the events of Paranorman. They happen in Fall, around Halloween probably. Nearly the end of the year. It's important to set this part the furthest back for reasons we'll get into later.
Year -1 is where we'll put Coraline and Psychonauts. Dipper and Mabel are still in Pidemont. There are a few references in the comic to Raz still having a water problem due to "the curse." But in PN2 he conquers the curse. We'll chock that up to lingering after-effects and him trying to get past the mental block.
Near the end of Year -1, Aggie returns and reunites with Norman in events identical to how they played out in Ask-Norgatha. A lot of things that happen are very similar to that old blog, with the exception being Norman and Aggie don't get together. That comes later.
Year 1 is when Gravity Falls happens. Coraline and Norman are family friends (or cousins? I haven't decided, maybe not. Maybe 'honoary cousins'?) Anyway, so: things play out pretty much how they did in that fan episode people made. Doctor Loboto (during a villainous relapse, or a manic episode) comes to Gravity Falls, Raz and Lili chase after him, Coraline and Wybie come with Norman's family on a vacation to Gravity Falls. Aggie stays behind because Norman doesn't want her to get lost. At this point, her Poltergeist powers haven't kicked in yet and other people can't see her, meaning she'd have no way to get home.
So, during Loboto's shennanigans, the kids all come together to stop him. That's when we move into…
Note: in this period, my comic has a lot of Holiday specials. We're operating on Peanuts rules here, where the time-scaling slides around to keep the characters from aging. But we'll say in the "real" canon, the stuff that happens on Holidays actually happen on regular days, for the most part. If things "have to" happen on a Holiday, they'll all happen on the same one, just at different times. We'll try not to think too hard about this, because it's just a cartoon. We're out to make a consistent world, but not to arbitrarily restrict ourselves. None of this stuff happened in the "real" world anyway.
Anyway, moving right along to the rest of "Year 1." This is for the comics I made while the show was still airing, so things all kind of click together.
This is where the first Mystery Kids Adventure happens. The kids are all united and save the day. All of this happens right in the middle of the events of Gravity Falls. From then on out, the kids have adventures together on and off, but its a little hard because they have to travel a pretty great distance to hang out together. They keep in touch on social media and stuff, occasionally finding ways to fake excuses to go out and travel together. But mostly, the group is pretty disorganized.
Dib is also a mindless fanboy of the group and wants to join, but everybody thinks he's weird and annoying, so they try their best to politely blow him off. Then he builds a teleporter that lets the kids get together easier, but the thing just barely works. Dib is made a "junior member" and just sort of hangs around.
The kids have a "clubhouse", but it's just a shanty shack built by Soos, half a mile away from the Mystery Shack.
At some point during this period, the Bedlam returns and the kids have to team up to stop her. Aggie helps somehow with her newly-emerging poltergiest powers. The Bedlam is defeated, and that's the last "real" adventure they have for a little while. They don't have a reliable way to meet up anymore, so they only get together for parties and stuff. This is where the Season 3 Finale happens, if you've read my archives.
From Season 4 and onwards, everything that happens to the Mystery Kids happens in Year 2. That's where we are now.
It starts with Dib on one of his own little adventures. Somehow, he ends up stumbling on an abandoned treehouse that used to belong to the Kids Next Door. It hasn't been populated in years, but its full of still-functional tech that just got left behind. With it, Dib's able to power-up the teleporter technology and now the Mystery Kids can come together whenever they want. You need to stand perfectly still for like five minutes for the teleporter to work, so it isn't a "get out of danger free" plot device.
Seems like a REALLY important development to happen offscreen and go totally unmentioned, right? Well… I thought of it retroactively, so, whoops! But it's fine. We'll just have to make a flashback comic later where the kids find it.
So, from now on, everything that happens in the comic happens here, in Year 2.
If you've read this far, I'd like to thank you for humoring my nonsensical fanfiction ramblings for my silly mspaint webcomic. I hope you had fun and got as much out of that as I did. I'm really happy I was finally able to put it all together in one coherent place.
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catcze · 8 months
hiya! this is just a general question but i’m a new tumblr blog and i post imagines but even though i’m new, im slowly running out of ideas :( . Do you have any tips for how to create good sfw pieces and any motivation tips? Thank you in advance if you do <3
omg !! hello !! Welcome to the writing scene :D I hope the community has been kind to you so far ♡ Nowadays, I most often rely on ideas that my anons send me, but !! I've still got a few tips that might help you ♡♡
Keep a note for miscellaneous things that could inspire you !!
It doesn't have to be coherent. It could just be words, or phrases, or dialogue that you've read in a fic, seen in a show, or seen somewhere else. It can be messy and disorganized. Lord knows mine looks like an absolute mess lmao. Point is, have somewhere where you can keep things that get your brain thinking of scenarios ! If you get inspired something in your day-to-day life, list it down so you don't forget it later ♡
If you're writing romance, you can base your scenarios on things you'd like to happen to you! Be self indulgent lmao
Pretty self explanatory imo. It's what I do with a lot of my characters— Wrio and Kazu in particular. I project a lot of romantic scenarios that I wish would happen to me with them in my writing. I want Wrio to snatch some of my cute pink accessories so we match? I wrote it. I want him to give me his coat when I'm cold? Wrote it. This makes it so I'm incredibly happy with the things that I write, and writing it comes easier to me!
Listen to some music / playlists about your character !!
Sometimes I put on those youtube playlist-videos, you know? The ones that are like: "Patching up Wrio after a fight, a playlist" or "Taking a walk with Kazu, a playlist" and... I just listen to the music as I try to write something based off that scenario !!
Those are all the tips i can think of off the top of my head, sweetie. Hope they help you somehow! Best of luck in writing :D
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thetopichot · 4 months
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Heeeeeey, everyone! First time I'm actually doing this lol.
I've come to make a public announcement saying that the mailbox (the ask box) will be closed! That means no requests or polls this month. I'm doing some spring cleaning which is just cleaning some stuff up on my blog which that is the following:
Updating the masterlist
Organizing mini-masterlists (ex: fandom masterlists)
Creating more mini-masterlists since there is also ALOT of disorganization.
Finishing up unanswered asks from the past
Just giving myself a nice break from writing for a bit & just enjoy other people's content for a minute.
But yeah, the Topic Hot crew is needing for a break & our shop looks messy as hell. So the crew is doing some spring cleaning & prepping for next month but, we'll still be around!
Thank you for your cooperation!
- The members of the Topic Hot! 🩷🖤🤍
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Any tips on how to deal with learning multiple languages and forgetfulness? Like M’s really wants to learn as many languages as he can, but is afraid of ending up forgetting some of them in the way, he knows that a lot of people have this fear
Forgetting a language is, as you said, a very common fear indeed. I’m actually surprised that, given that, is not more talked about or discussed.  There are many tips, blogs, and YouTube channels dedicated to learning a language, but very little on how to maintain it. 
To be honest with you, this is also one of my fear. Languages in general, and knowing quite a few of them (compared to what is the norm in my country) was always important to me. And so I spend a lot of time trying to find the perfect solution to never forgetting my languages, finding very little help from others.  
Somewhere along the way, I found that the only way *I* could prevent this from happening *to me*, was by using each language every day. The easiest way to forget a language is to never or almost never using it, so one of the best thing you could do is actually use the language as much as you can. 
However, as I soon found out, this is really hard, especially with a lot of languages. You have to keep track of all of them, plus actually manage to get all of them into your daily routine and do it in an organized way. And you have to do all of that without using one more than the other, too. It’s, putting it easily, messy, disorganized, and frustrating. But, hard does not mean impossible. And so i made a few rules for myself:
Include each language in your routine.
 I find it is easier to include them in a routine you already have, and not making a new one around the languages you want to maintain. 
So, the first step to maintaining a language would be to write down your routine. Everything that you do, including getting up, and brushing your teeth. Write down as well all your hobbies and things you do for fun in your free time. Do you read? use tumblr? watch tv or series? Do you do crochet or sew plushies? write it all down. If each day has a different routine, write the different routine for each day. 
Then, identify which activity or hobby requires or uses languages. Most of them do, i bet, even if you don’t think so at first. For example, when i first started doing this, i was still in high school and having physical education/ gym class. We mostly just ran and ran. Not much to do with language, right? Except that after thinking about it a little, i realized i always mentally counted my steps as i ran, or started making a mental list of all the things i needed to do later. That involves language, since you have to resort to choosing a language to do all that thinking on. In my case, it was Spanish, my mother tongue. 
And here is where the 3rd step comes in: Change the language you use in each activity. For example, following my example with my gym class, I identified an activity that -in my case- required a language: counting and planning my routine for that day while running. The next step to follow would be identifying the language you use the most when doing said activity and change it. In my case, as i said, it was my mother tongue, spanish. I changed the counting part to French, because i wanted to memorize better the numbers, and the planning to Portuguese. 
Do this for as many activities as you think you need. And as i said before, it is better -or maybe just easier- to change the language of an activity that you already do, than adding a new activity to your routine. This will help you actually remember that you have to do said activity and to keep consistency with both the activity and the language changing. It will also help you keep organized and not overuse one language over the others
If you need help visualizing this, some activities I have changed the language i do them in are: reading books, watching films and series, researching and reading something for school, talking to friends, thinking, counting, reading and watching tutorials for sewing or crochet, going to conferences, writing in my journal, watching videos in youtube, daydreaming, using the configuration section of several apps, doing quick searches on google, swearing, keeping track of my hearing loss, learning new skills, writing random things down, singing, looking up a definition of a word regardless of its language, talking aloud to myself, adding little notes on my drawings, planning my routine, going to class, labelling things at home, making lists for shopping, talking to my pets etc
 Include new little doable ways to use the language you want to learn/remember. 
Ok, i know i said it was easier to just change the language of an activity that you already do than adding another one to your routine. I still stand for it, especially if you have problems remembering things. But it is not bad considering adding a few small activities or habits. For example, you can start counting the steps you take in a pair of stairs or when walking, or counting the trees you go by when on the bus. You can start singing when making breakfast, and pay attention to the lyrics, or you can start watching/reading the news while you have breakfast. You can start journaling or writing in your drawings, you can join new apps or start playing video games. You can start a new blog or learn to sew, or making lists or whatever. 
My only rule for this is to start little by little and stick to doable activities. If you try to add many things to your routine AND change the language you do them in, it’s very likely you will end up overwhelmed and give up. Start low, changing things little by little. Once a thing has become part of your daily routine, add another one. 
Some things I’ve added to my routine, for example, have been going to conferences and talks related to my university career (linguistics), as well as assisting to classes and workshops that were given by visiting professors from afar. They were given in either English, portuguese or uruguayan sign language. They are not, of course, part of my daily routine, but i keep an eye on when they are making a new one, and make sure to always go. 
I’ve also made sure to make friends and keep in touch with most of my university’s exchange students, and we talk in their native language, which makes up for perfect practice. I also always make a point of going to any Deaf event or activity that is free, as well as making as many Deaf friends as i can. However, there is no need to jump right all in and go join a local language group or start taking university classes in your target language in day one. I've over a decade of experience in this and have already made my way up.
Designate days and times for each language.
Learning each language whenever you feel like it will create more trouble for you, make the forgetting worse, and make you feel overwhelmed and frustrated. A way to counter this is via a good structural learning routine. You can designate specific days to languages even if you don’t take language classes and even if you use all the languages each day.
What designating a day to a language means is just basically that, in that day, you will focus more in that language. Mondays are Sundays are for studying French, and Tuesday and Thursday for learning English grammar, etc, for example. You can even adapt this given your routine: for example, in my case Monday, Wednesday and Saturday are uruguayan sign language days, because my sign language classes are Mondays and Wednesday, and Saturdays are when most Deaf events take place. 
Assigning times will help you even if you struggle at keeping routines, too. It’s like assigning days, but instead of whole days, you make it times of the day. Instead of using or learning a language during the entire day, you can do it only in the morning, and in the afternoon you can switch to another language. All you have to do is keep that order as much as you can without switching them up. This will help keep the languages more separated in your mind and help you not mix their grammars and rules and pronunciation etc
Try avoiding learning languages that are too similar at the same time.
You can, of course, do just that, but it will probably cause much more trouble for you than learning several languages at the same time already does. If you do take up two or more languages that are too similar, try taking the second language when you already know some of the others. For example, i did study portuguese and french together, but i was already an A2 level in portuguese when i took up french. And while i was studying English thought all that time too, English was sufficiently different that i didn't struggle with it
In general, take up another language only when you already know some of the other. A2 or B1 of the cfer level chart are both good levels to start at. 
But also, you don't have to learn all the languages at the same time. You don't have to even be learning two languages at the same time. I feel like nowadays this is a thing many of us need to be remained of, alongside with "take your time learning a language". There is a huge push from society and many polyglots blogs and channels to learn a whole language in months and to learn 3 or 4 at the same time, but believe me: many of those people? don't really know as much as they say they do. Many can barely talk in the languages they claim fluency on. But regardless of that, you will learn more if you take your time learning. You will also enjoy it way more this way, and just have a more less anxious and depressed life if you take your time.
Take my word as someone that has been learning minimum two languages at the same time since they were 10yo, and reached the 4 languages at the same time by the time they were 18yo. I'm 20 now, and only actively learning 1 language, and i could cry from how much better it is this way. Just. take your time. enjoy the journey and don't try to fast speed it.
If you forgot to keep the routine ...well, then now is the best time to do it
If for some reason you forget to go to a class or to sit down and study on your own when you were supposed to do it, PLEASE, don't give yourself shit for it. Do the studying right there when you remembered. Or the next time you are supposed to, if you have/want to keep your routine. And if you end up forgetting so many classes or studying sections that you end up forgetting some (or even all!) of what you had learned... just pick up the language as soon as you can and go on. Even if it has been weeks, months, whole years. Don't think too much about it and keep studying, keep using the language. Start again as slow as you need to, but start again.
Even a little is better than nothing, and late is better than never
Believe me, you are most at risk of dong this than you think when you are managing so many languages at once. Always use your mother tongue. Don’t just use the languages you are learning or have learned. Find little ways to include your mother tongue in your routine and/or chose a designated day of the week for using it. For example, there was a time where during each Saturday i will purposely look up Uruguayans shows and films and songs to watch and listen to to keep close to my own dialect. Try and do something like that for yours too
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heavens-sin · 7 months
if I wasn’t so shy and had such a disorganized blog, I’d totally rp with you. You don’t have to answer this ask - I just wanted to tell you you’re one of the best (if not, the best) doffy’s I’ve seen. You capture him perfectly. 🩷
3 notes · View notes