#this blog is pro trans rights
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The original line art for the first book in the John Newbury Medal winning Gary the Otter series
With such memorable characters as
Donnie Weasel
Hare Minnie
Professor Bumblebore
Professor MeowGonagall
and the asply-named Professor Snake
Lambda Literary Awards has this to say:
“Both timely and timeless. The most inclusive book series to ever be written, not just for children, but for people of all ages.”
Critics rave
“A masterpiece”
“A treasure”
“It’s no Goncharov, but it’s something”
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awakefor48hours · 1 year
Shout out to all my trans followers. You guys are all very cool
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ceruleanine · 1 year
the amount of trans misogyny on my dashboard is alarming.
*Edited 24 May 23* they're all radfems, of course.
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ghostlys-basement · 1 year
Mort es.
er inferno cest.
welcome :) this is my basement, enjoy! Just a little introduction, this is my alt blog. My main one is @a-ghosts-wonderland on tumblr. I occasionally shitpost there, but I made this side one to reblog funny things and my intreasts.
Fav. Colour? Blue,golden yellow, daffodil yellow,butter milk yellow, purple, rose pink and cyan.
Art thing you use? My phone! I use my phone and a free app called sketchbook.
Hobbies? Writing, coding, videogame set design, 3d modeling, drawing, animating and making/repairing small things! (And science)
Current W.I.P's? I have a few! The 3rd (video game that was destroyed, so I have to remake it), Saints, Dreamspire, Spirits, secretum et stultitiam, revelatio vitae, Die karten sind raus, and the follow up, kortti kapinoi
ambitions? For my games and creations to get recognized! (Even if it is only a small group of people!) I also want to become a biomedical engineer, since I want to do something with medicine and engineering!
Fav. Food? Hmm. Enchiladas, soppipias, Dino nuggets, Cashews, twizzlers, hot coco, diet coke and strawberry fanta!
Fandoms? Hollow knight, Fnaf, game theory (yes I know it doesn't really count, but I'm intreasted In the lore of cardboard matpat and live action matpat!) Sims 4, minecraft, Chilla art, Fears to fathom, Percy Jackson, the forbidden library, skulduggery pleasents, mha, mha vigilantes and many more!
Religion? Im not comfortable saying, but I dont support the bad christians. By that I mean I don't support the ones who are hateful towards other religions, races, ethnicities, or physical/sexual orientation. If your one of those, GO AWAY! I'm part of the lgbtqia+ community. My friends and family are too. I don't support (or even like) you, and this blog is a safe place for other people who are lgbtqia+ too. I love to learn about other religions so please tell me about yours on my main blog!
Anything else? I'm a Aro/Ace who uses she/her pronouns, and this blog is lgbtqia+ safe! If you don't support this community, don't follow! Also, this blog is also Muslim, Jewish, and any other religion safe!
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hecateisalesbian · 7 months
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I will not let anyone forget.
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Also a flag I made during these times. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸
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kaeyx · 4 months
Ok let me be serious for a moment. If you have this carrd as your "basic dni criteria" or support it I do not want you on my blog. Also please remember to read it thoroughly because I constantly find that the people who use it are in violation of it.
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kittyslashers · 7 months
the thing that always gets me about terfs is their difference in language when talking about trans women vs trans men. they say trans women are disgusting, predators, and dangerous; while trans men are just poor little confused cis women who don't understand their feelings.
and also how they use "males" and "women/girls". literally just the reverse of how incels talk about (cis) women as "females" but (cis) men as, well, men. it's all the same inflamatory language used to demean an entire half of the population down to just their sex.
i can't stop constantly seeing the hidden misogyny in the shit terfs say. they are constantly infantalizing anyone who was assigned female at birth, including cis women who are in support of trans people. a cis woman says "hey i think these people should be allowed to be comfortable in their bodies and not be pushed to suicide" and suddenly she's no longer a feminist and is just an idiot that doesn't know anything about how the world or oppression works.
this is probably heading into tangent territory, but it also feels worth reminding that feminism is not about "women vs men" it is about equality and bodily autonomy. making it into a gender war is has never been, is not, and never will be the goal.
"terfs" are not feminists. "radfems" are not feminists. they are fearmongerers and assaulters, and they'd rather transgender people be dead than simply happy. at the end of everything, gender affirming care doesn't affect them at all. hormones, surgeries, legal name changes, etcetera are all for people who CHOOSE to go through with them. no one is being forced into these things. they sound no different than the homophobes who were whining about gay marriage getting legalized (in the us) because then "they'd have to get gay married". that's not how anything fucking works. a law that says "hey if someone wants to do this that's fine, whatever, go for it" is not telling people to do it. it is not a demand. no one is being forced into gay marriage or gender affirming care unless they are in an abusive relationship with someone who is forcing them. and that is on the abuser, not on the concept of gender affirming care (and gay marriage i guess, to keep up the analogy). the government isn't making anybody do shit. except for paying taxes.
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exoflash · 9 months
people will really say the most vile nonsense ab ace and aro people and then follow it up with "you're still valid though :)" like please just be normal please
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midnight-scrivener · 5 months
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We have a little kitty that sometimes visits us at our house. He's very obliging and likes to pose for photos 🐈<3
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howlingwolf23 · 4 months
vavandeveresfan is a terf I'm pretty sure, you reblogged something from them </3
1) I have no clue who you are talking about or what post.
Seriously, I don't follow this person and looked at my last 24 hrs of reblogs and saw nothing from this userame but I did see lots of pro trans posts.
I understand you maybe trying to warn me "you reblogged from bad person" but it really feels more like cherry picking and trying to call out
2) if you are going to accuse someone of anything, bring proof. Don't just bring up "I think" and "maybe"
3) nobody, and I mean nobody, has time to research every blog on the damned website before smashing the like and reblog button, so calm down a bit before just sending random anon
4) my blog is and always will be pro trans as I myself is non binary
Now I did my research and you are 100% correct. She self proclaim to be gender critical and call to her "het sisters" to check themselves and get themselves in line in the tags but usually not in direct posts from what I saw on my brief search.
Now I'll be more than happy to delete whatever post I may have reblogged from her as I don't support terfs but again, I am not checking everybody out for a simple reblog. Only if I plan to follow.
And I did try to search for whatever mystery post this is, went through the last 24hr and didn't see it but I'll be honest, I could have missed it knowing me, and I did try searching my blog specifically for her blog but we all know how shit the search function is on this website.
Have a nice day anon. And happy pride month. Trans rights.
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sir-klauz · 2 years
Richard in Requiem of the Rose King is a man.
A huge part of the plot is dedicated to the experiences of not being cis with family, romantic relationships, and having to live through old times where it was literally demonised. It’s a deeply important and raw insight to the experiences and struggles anyone who isn’t cis often goes through.
Don’t ignore it, or if you wanna disrespect his gender why are you even reading this. You’re not a fan if you’re being transphobic to trans characters funnily enough. Seems I got blocked, but apparently they support abuse survivors yet doing what the abusers of him were doing, disrespecting and hurting him if they found out, or not calling him a man anymore despite however many times he shouts out he is, which he is.
It’s just a retelling of history and the point of it being different from history was literally all about this, and the imagination that Richard was going through this during the time period.
Stop trying so hard to erase the like, single intersex character we get loolllll.
“Don’t assume” if you’re gonna be a transphobe ppl gonna assume ur a transphobe sorry hun. Very clear he didn’t identify with some of his body parts at all.
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And some literal statements to back it up on Aya Kanno World just for good measure.
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medjedrpresources · 1 year
Nymphadora Tonks RP Icons
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In this ZIP file, you'll find 394 roleplay icons of Nymphadora Tonks from the Harry Potter series. These icons are all 100x100, and were cropped from the film adaptations of Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows, as well as promo photos, misc official artwork, video game screenshots, and behind the scenes footage of actress Natalia Tena in-costume from a DVD bonus feature.
Feel free to edit, just don't claim them as your own.
Download: Here!
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lettersiarrange · 1 year
hey i'm the one who asked if you were a terf. I apologize for making it seem like an accusation, I've seen you reblog trans friendly stuff so I was confused but I shouldn't have worded it like that. I'm also not an expert with terf dogwhistles and stuff, but I do have shinigami eyes so the blog was highlighted in red. the blog is femmesandhoney and you reblogged their post from radgalacticacrew (this one is not highlighted).
And yeah, I get it, it's not like every single one of their posts are hateful bullshit, so you couldn't have known and no one combs through every blog they reblog from. I made a hasty judgment for something obvious to me and not to you (thanks to shinigami eyes) when I could just have given you a heads-up that you reblogged a terf. Again, sorry about that !
No worries. I appreciate the heads up that I was (unintentionally) engaging with terfs and the blogs in question so I can block them. I definitely don't want to come off as being at all affiliated with terfs so I'm glad to know I may have accidentally been giving that impression so I can fix it. I'm hoping to hunt down whatever secret terf I'm following so tumblr will stop reccomending me their innocuous-on-the-surface-but-with-terfy-undertones likes. In the meantime tho I'll block the blogs you pointed out so I don't make that mistake again.
I *have* heard of shingami eyes and DO think it's a cool idea, but I guess I'm also a little hesitant to do it myself. This kind of like "the computer/algorithm/program tells you who's Problematic" thing just feels a bit too close to, like, McCarthyism for me? I don't know how things get flagged and if they go through human review and what the guidelines are (which, to be fair, I might be able to find out, I haven't looked), but I always just feel like I'd rather personally see someone being shitty and suspicious and react to that than be informed by someone else/a program that someone is a Suspicious Person. But at the same time, clearly it's not like the program auto-blocks anyone flagged, it's just a heads up so you can do your own investigating, so I get it. I'm just not sure it's my vibe. But also my current strategy isn't 100% effective so it may be worth considering additional tools. 🤷‍♀️ something for me to think abt for sure.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
Ngl don’t think I’ve ever felt my blood boil before, but after seeing a fucking pro-shipper make a stimboard on Brianna Ghey with fucking red/blood/knife gifs around her picture, think I have now. 
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ladylingua · 1 year
What is your Hogwarts house?
non affiliated
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“Women were not suspicious and fearful of other women, even those who were not of their own kin, despite their ignorance of natural death. There is no indication that women had any difficulty communicating with stranger-women even in the most remote epoch of social evolution. From the record it appears that women always had the capacity to band together for mutual cooperation and protection. To the present day the characteristic picture of primitive women shows them working together in amiability and enjoying one another's company.
An example of the cooperative, sisterly relations among women in New Guinea is given by Margaret Mead in Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies:
Tchambuli women work in blocks, a dozen of them together, plaiting the great mosquito-bags from the sale of which most of the talibun and kina are obtained. They cook together for a feast, their clay fireplaces (circular pots with terraced tops, which can be moved from place to place) set side by side. Each dwelling-house contains some dozen to two dozen fire-places, so that no woman need cook in a corner alone. The whole emphasis is upon comradeship, efficient, happy work enlivened by continuous brisk banter and chatter. (p. 252)
She contrasts this behavior of the women with that of men, where "there is always strain, watchfulness, a catty remark here, a double entendre there"; in short, where suspicion and hostility lurk under the surface of fraternal relations. She adds:
And whereas the lives of the men are one mass of petty bickering, misunderstanding, reconciliation, avowals, disclaimers, and protestations accompanied by gifts, the lives of the women are singularly unclouded with personalities or with quarrelling. For fifty quarrels among the men, there is hardly one among the women. Solid, preoccupied, powerful, with shaven unadorned heads, they sit in groups and laugh together, or occasionally stage a night dance at which, without a man present, each woman dances vigorously all by herself the dance-step that she has found to be most exciting. Here again the solidarity of women, the inessentialness of men, is demonstrated. (p. 257)
It is the women who do the work and make the things that the men interchange with one another. Mead writes, "The minor war-and-peace that goes on all the time among the men, the feelings that are hurt and must be assuaged, are supported by the labour and contributions of the women." At the festivals which repair the easily-ruptured relations among men, the women do the work while the men play the games.
Mead writes, "These festivals are a break in the vigorous workaday life of the women. Swift-footed, skilful-fingered, efficient, they pass back and forth from their fish-traps to their basket-plaiting, from their cooking to their fish-traps, brisk, good-natured, impersonal. Jolly comradeship, rough, very broad jesting and comment, are the order of the day" (p. 257). About the men's performances and games she writes, "The women's attitude towards the men is one of kindly tolerance and appreciation. They enjoy the games that the men play, they particularly enjoy the theatricals that the men put on for their benefit. A big masked show is the occasion for much pleasure" (p. 255).
Mead's report is significant because it is one of the few to show the maturity and power of primitive women in guiding the affairs of the community. Women played the key role in making men into brothers and teaching them how to make brothers and brothers-in-law out of other men. It was the women who labored to amass the food and boiled it in huge pots for the feasts, and who toiled to accumulate the baskets, blankets, pots, shell ornaments, and other things to be interchanged at the festivals. In short, it was the women's labor that created the gifts that converted enemies into friends.”
-Evelyn Reed, Woman’s Evolution: From Matriarchal Clan to Patriarchal Family
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