#this boss is actually transcendent
journal-three · 9 months
I've accidentally wrote 2 pages of a tau/helluva boss fic
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springtyme · 6 months
heyy love, could you do an aaron hotchner x fem bau reader where they dated in secretly for a while but then he broke up with her. the reason he broke up with her is because he is her boss and that always was something that made him feel doubtful about their relationship. it’s up to you if you want to end it with an happy ending.
thank youu
𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐀𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 ♡
Thank you so much for the request, dear anon! Such a lovely one and I was so happy to write for Hotch! mwah <3
Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader || Main masterlist || Spotify
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summary: You suspect that you've been in love with Aaron Hotchner since you first laid eyes on him three years ago. Now you're on your way to Idaho to go on your first case together since he broke your heart two weeks ago.
word count: 4.5k
warnings/tags: Angst and fluff. Boss/employee relationship. Hurt/comfort. Heartbreak. Kissing. Sharing a bed. (first time I write for Hotch, so please bear with me) Haven't proof read yet. I don't know if I really like how it ended up tbh, but maybe it's just because I was really tired while writing it..?
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You keep your gaze on the pages of the book, despite the words keep blurring together and after having read the same paragraph four times over, without even having registered what you have read. You’ve given up on actually getting any reading done, but you don’t want anyone talking to you right now and you still have almost four hours left before you land in Idaho. So you keep eyes glued to the book, hoping that the act of pretending to read will deter any unwanted conversation.     
You can feel his eyes on you, not all the time, but you feel how his gaze occasionally lingers on you. It’s subtle, almost imperceptible, but you sense his presence nonetheless.  
Taking in a deep breath you look up from the book to steal a glance in his direction, catching his eye for a brief moment before he looks away. There’s a flicker of something in his expression, a hint of longing that mirrors your own. But just as quickly as it appeared, it’s gone, replaced by the stoic mask he wears so well as he continues his conversation with Derek. 
The last two weeks have been painful, filled with a whirlwind of emotions and unanswered questions since Aaron had ended your relationship, before it even had a chance to really begin. It’s been three years since you joined the BAU and from the very beginning you had felt drawn to Aaron Hotchner in a way that defied logic and reason, like there was a connection between you that transcended the professional boundaries of boss and subordinate. 
A silly crush is what it had started as, but the more you got to know him, the more you realized that what you felt was far more than just that. It was a deep, undeniable attraction, a connection that went beyond the surface level. And as time passed, that initial spark grew into something more profound, something that stirred your soul and filled your heart with warmth. 
Sometimes you had let yourself hope that he felt the same way, that the moments of shared glances and unspoken words between you held a deeper meaning, but you had never dared act on it, or let yourself get your hopes up too high. The reality of Aaron’s position as your boss and the boundaries it imposed had always stood as a barrier. The unspoken rules of professionalism, the fear of risking his or your career and the harmony of the team had kept your feelings hidden, buried beneath layers of duty and obligation. 
It was three months ago that things had changed between you. It had been a moment of vulnerability, a shared confession during a late-night conversation with the raw emotions of the aftermath of an exceptionally harrowing case that had laid bare the depths of your emotions, and the longing that had simmered beneath the surface for so long had reached a point of no return. 
He had kissed you that night and it was sweet and tender, yet charged with unspoken desire and desperation. It was a moment of surrender, a brief glimpse into a world where the barriers between you could be broken down and the feelings you had both been suppressing could be allowed to flourish. 
The next couple months had been a whirlwind of stolen moments and whispered confessions, each one deepening the bond between you in ways that words could never fully capture. There were secret meetings in secluded corners of the BAU office, stolen kisses in the quiet of the night, and shared glances that spoke volumes without a single word being uttered.
But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, a shadow began to loom over your newfound connection. Aaron had started to act distant and reserved, his once warm and affectionate demeanor now replaced by a noticeable aloofness. And two weeks ago on a night where the both of you had stayed late to finish some reports he had told you that it all had been a mistake, and that the two of you should maintain a strictly professional relationship moving forward. 
His words had cut through the air with a sharp finality and landed like a heavy blow, shattering the fragile hope that had still lingered within you. Aaron’s eyes had been averted, unable to meet your gaze as he spoke the words that shattered your heart.
You steal another glance at Aaron, watching as he maintains his composure in conversation with Derek, his mask of professionalism firmly in place. 
You turn back to your book, the words still a jumbled mess on the page. You can’t pretend to read anymore, not when your heart is heavy with memories and unspoken words. With a sigh, you close the book, making Emily, who is seated across the aisle, glance up from the case file she is reading with a questioning look. 
You offer her a faint smile, attempting to convey a sense of normalcy despite the turmoil swirling within you. 
“You okay?” she asks as she sets aside the case file. You appreciate her gesture, knowing that Emily’s intuition often went beyond words.
You take a moment to collect your thoughts, the weight of unspoken emotions pressing down on you. With a small nod, you offer Emily a reassuring smile, though it doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just a lot on my mind,” you reply softly, the words carrying a weight that belie their simplicity.
Emily nods in understanding, her gaze holding a sense of sympathy. “He’s an idiot, by the way,” she says with a wry smile, and you feel how your heart stops for a second, panicking at the thought of Emily uncovering the truth of what has unfolded between you and Aaron. 
“What do you mean?” you stammer, the words tumbling out before you can stop them, your heart pounding in your chest as you wait for Emily’s response.
Emily just smiles at you as she picks up her file again. “We’re profilers, it’s not hard to read between the lines,” Emily says with a knowing glint in her eyes, her smile reassuring and understanding. “And you’re not as hard to read as you think, it’s clear that you have been dating someone, you have been looking like a smitten kitten for months, it’s been really cute to see, by the way, but something has changed recently. You’ve been distant, and often lost in thought sulking,” Emily continues, her tone gentle yet perceptive. 
It’s not like it really surprises you, given how perceptive Emily is, and how deeply you’ve been feeling the shifts in your relationship with Aaron, but you had still hoped that you could have hidden your feelings from colleagues. 
“So, yeah, whoever he is that has you feeling like this is an idiot, you’re clearly a catch,” Emily says with a reassuring smile, her words carrying a sense of warmth and understanding.
You feel relief wash over you, though Emily has sensed that you’ve been heartbroken, she hasn’t figured out that it is our boss that has been the course of it. 
“Thanks, Em,” you say, offering the dark haired woman a tired but grateful smile.
Emily returns your smile. “If you ever need to talk or just... not talk, I’m here,” she offers, her voice warm and reassuring.
“I appreciate that,” you say, and you do really mean it, but you know that you’re not ready to talk about any of this yet. “But I think I’ll try to take a nap first, hopefully clear my head a bit before we land.” 
“Mm, sounds like a plan,”Emily responds with a soft chuckle. 
Grabbing the blanket from the empty seat next to you, you lean back in your seat, engulfing your body in the soft, fluffy material. 
Before closing your eyes you cast one last glance at Aaron, his profile etched against the soft glow of the cabin lights. The memories of stolen moments with stolen kisses floods your mind, mingling with the ache of his recent rejection. You feel a pang in your heart, a mix of longing and sorrow, as you turn away, curling up in your seat, closing your eyes to the world outside.
You pull the blanket closer around you, the soft warmth of the blanket envelops you, cocooning you in a sense of comfort and security, providing a shield against the turmoil of your heart. The gentle hum of the airplane engines lulls you into a state of relaxation, the rhythmic sound serving as a soothing backdrop to your thoughts and emotions. 
As you feel yourself drifting further into the realm of sleep, your senses start to weaken, the sounds of the airplane cabin fading into a distant murmur and you barely register the tears gently sliding down your cheeks before you drift off. 
· · · · · 
You’re softly pulled out of sleep by the gentle touch of a hand on your shoulder. As you slowly flutter your eyes open, the soft glow of the cabin lights illuminates the figure beside you.
“Hey, sleepyhead, we’re about to land,” Derek’s voice is warm and filled with a hint of amusement as he gently rouses you from your slumber.
You blink a few times, the remnants of sleep still lingering in your mind as you adjust to the reality of the present moment. With a small smile, you offer Derek a nod of gratitude. Slowly, you sit up in your seat, the blanket slipping off your shoulders as you get ready for touchdown. 
As the plane begins its descent, you feel a mix of emotions swirling within you - longing, sorrow, and a hint of resignation. The turbulence of your heart echoes the turbulence in the jet cabin as you start dissenting onto a lower altitude.     
As the cabin lights dim in preparation for landing, you look up to find Aaron’s eyes looking in your direction, his gaze briefly meeting yours before he looks away, a shadow covering his features in the soft glow. This would all be so much easier if he would stop looking at you all the time.    
You take a deep breath, trying to steady your emotions as the plane continues its descent. The mix of longing and sorrow in your heart feels almost suffocating, but you push it aside. You have to focus, have to keep your head clear for the sake of the case, you are a professional and you are not going to let your emotions cloud your mind. As the wheels touch the runway with a slight jolt, signaling your arrival in Idaho, you
And as the team disembarks from the plane and makes their way to the awaiting SUVs, you feel a sense of resolve settling within you, happy to no longer be confined to the limited room of the jet cabin and as you step out into the crisp evening air, you release a sigh of relief. 
You watch Aaron walk ahead of you, his posture rigid and his expression unreadable as he walks to one of the cars and you beeline for the other. You keep your gaze fixed outside the window for most of the car ride, watching the landscape pass by in a blur as the car speeds towards its destination, a little sleepy town about an hour away. 
As you and the team arrive at the local police station, you can feel the tension between you and Aaron simmering just beneath the surface. The case at hand requires your full attention, and you push aside the turbulent thoughts and emotions that threaten to consume you as you focus on the task at hand.
Throughout the evening and early night, you work alongside the team, profiling the unsub and piecing together clues to hopefully catch the unsub before they strike again. The familiarity of the work, the rhythm of profiling and investigating grounding you in the present moment, making you go into a state of laser focused professionalism. You find a sense of purpose in the work you do, a reminder that you are more than the turmoil of your emotions.
But as the night wears on, the team regroups at the hotel to get a few hours of sleep before continuing the investigation in the morning. You find yourself standing outside the small hotel, looking up at the dark, star lit sky and as you turn to head inside and join the rest of the team, you feel your heart do a little jump in your chest as you see Aaron standing a few feet away, his gaze fixed on you, his usual stoic expression faltered, his brown eyes softening as they meet yours.   
For a moment, the world around you seems to fade away, leaving just the two of you standing in the quiet night, and suddenly, you know that the decision you have made to the hard choice you’ve struggled with for the past two weeks is the right one. 
 Without saying a word, you walk towards him, a mix of uncertainty and determination coursing through you. As you come to a stop in front of him, he opens his mouth to speak, but you raise a hand to silence him. “Not here,” you say softly, your voice barely above a whisper, and you gently take his hand, leading him towards a secluded corner of the hotel grounds. 
As you come to a stop, you turn to face him, the dim light of the night casting shadows across his face. With a heavy sigh, you search his eyes for any sign of the man you once knew, the man who had kissed you with such tenderness and held you with such care, for the man you think might’ve even loved you. You had loved him, had long before he kissed you, and you still love.
 “Aaron, I…” you begin, trailing off as you feel all the words in your head leave you as you look into his eyes, remembering that night he had kissed you for the first time. It had been a late night just like this one, it had been the first time you had ever called him by his first name. 
“Let’s sit,” he says, his voice gentle yet strained, as he guides you to a nearby bench. You both sit in silence for a moment, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavily between you. Finally, Aaron speaks, his voice raw with emotion. “I’m sorry for hurting you, for leading you on, for... for everything.” His words are filled with regret, and you can see the pain in his eyes, a pain that mirrors your own. 
He reaches out his hand, hesitating before resting it on yours. His touch is soft and hesitant but filled with unspoken longing and you feel how your heart skips a beat, how you have missed the feeling of him touching you, even if it’s just the slightest of touches. 
“I never wanted to hurt you,” he says, his voice now barely above a whisper. 
‘But it did hurt, it hurt so, so much’, is what you want to say. But as you look into Aaron’s eyes, filled with regret and vulnerability, you find yourself unable to form the words, the intensity in the warm, chocolate brown depths of his gaze rendering you speechless. You see the conflict within him, the turmoil of emotions swirling beneath the surface, and you feel the need to avert your gaze.  
You look down at his hand on yours, the warmth of his touch sending a shiver down your spine in the balm night air. For a moment, you allow yourself to savor the familiar sensation, the connection that still linger between you despite the circumstances.
Aaron’s hand tightens slightly around yours, a silent plea for understanding. “You deserve so much better than that,” he murmurs, his thumb gently stroking the back of your hand.
You take a deep breath, the words forming in your mind before you speak them out loud. “Maybe I don’t want you to decide for me what I do and don’t deserve,” you say, looking up at him again, your voice steady despite the feelings swirling within you. Aaron’s eyes widen slightly at your words, a mix of emotions crossing his features.
Now it’s his turn to be lost for words, which for some reason seems to give you a bit more courage. You fill your lungs with another deep breath before opening your mouth.  
“I’m quitting,” you declare, your voice firm and resolute. You’ve been struggling with making the decision, but as you look at Aaron now, face lit up by the soft moon light you know that it is the only decision for you, you are never gonna be able to let him go if you keep working for the BAU. “I’m turning in my resignation letter when we get back from this case.”
Aaron’s eyes widen in shock, his grip on your hand tightening even more as he processes your words. The weight of your statement hangs heavy in the air between you, the unspoken implications of what this means for both of you settling in. You can see how a myriad of emotions flicker across his face – surprise, concern, and perhaps a glimmer of something else that you can’t quite place.
“You can’t do that,” Aaron’s voice is firm but filled with a mix of concern and resignation, his gaze searching yours for any sign of doubt
You can’t help but feel a pang of hurt at his words, it’s not like you had expected him to be happy about your decision, but a little, and probably naive, part of you had hoped that he would acknowledge that it would be the solution to how the two of you could be together, hoped that he still wanted that. But you’re not leaving the BAU for the slim chance that you can be with Aaron. You’re quitting because it’s become clear to you that it is the only solution. If the only time you can push aside the pain of being around him is when you’re actively investigating  a violent crime case, you have to let him go, and you can only do that by leaving the BAU. 
“Yes, I can… I have to, I think,” you say firmly, yet you feel your heart breaking a little by the thought of leaving. “I need to do this for myself. For my own well-being,” you continue, your gaze unwavering as you look into his eyes. “I can’t keep pretending that everything is okay when it’s not.” 
Aaron remains silent for a moment, his expression unreadable as he processes your words. Finally, he sighs, a hint of resignation in his voice. “I never wanted it to come to this,” he admits, his voice heavy with regret.
“I know,” you reply softly, a tinge of sorrow coloring your words. “But we both knew the risks when we started this.”
“I should never have put you in this position,” Aaron says, his gaze dropping to the ground as he speaks. “I should never have kissed you that night. Ilet my own feelings cloud my judgment, and I hurt you in the process. I’m your boss, and I took advantage, and I-I hurt you, and…” 
“No, look at me, please.” You reach out and gently cub his cheek in your hand, making him meet your gaze. “Aaron, it wasn’t just you. I wanted it too, I wanted to be with you,” you confess, your voice breaking slightly with emotion. “I wanted to take the risk because I thought it was worth it. And maybe it was, for a while. But we can’t keep going like this, Aaron. It’s not fair to either of us.” 
Aaron’s eyes search yours, a mix of emotions swirling within their depths. “What are you saying?” he asks softly, his voice filled with a hint of desperation. 
“I’m saying that I need to let you go,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. “I need to let go of this hope that maybe someday we could find a way to be together. I can’t keep holding on to something that’s only causing us both pain.” Tears gather in the corners of your eyes as you speak, the weight of your decision pressing down on you. But despite the pain, you feel a sense of clarity wash over you, a sense of liberation in finally speaking the truth. 
Aaron’s eyes soften, his hand coming up to gently grasp yours that’s still cupping his cheek. “I’m so sorry,” he whispers, his voice filled with regret and sorrow. You offer him a sad smile, tears finally spilling down your cheeks as you lean forward to press a soft kiss to his cheek before pulling away. 
“Me too, Aaron,” you say softly, your voice filled with a mix of love and heartbreak. As you stand up from the bench, you turn to walk away, the weight of your decision settling in your heart. But before you can take a step, you feel a hand grasp yours, stopping you in your tracks. You turn back to see Aaron standing before you, his eyes filled with determination and a hint of something you can’t quite place. 
“I...I can’t let you leave without saying this,” Aaron begins, his voice wavering slightly. “I’ve been a fool. I’ve let my own fears and insecurities cloud my judgment, and in the process, I’ve hurt you. But I can’t let you go without telling you that I love you. ” 
Your heart skips a beat at his words, the depth of his confession washing over you like a wave. For a moment, you feel a flicker of hope ignite within you, a spark of possibility that maybe, just maybe, there’s a chance for the two of you. “But what does that mean, Aaron?” you ask softly, your voice filled with a mix of hope and trepidation. “What are you saying?” 
Aaron takes a deep breath, his gaze unwavering as he speaks. “I’m saying that I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to live with the regret of letting you slip away. I want to fight for a future where you are a part of my life. I know it won’t be easy, I know there are risks and complications, but I can’t let you go without at least trying cause I love you.” 
Tears stream down your cheeks as you look into Aaron’s eyes, the sincerity and love shining within them filling your heart with warmth and longing. Taking a step closer to Aaron, you reach out to cup his face in your hands, meeting his gaze with determination. 
“I love you, too. I think I’ve loved you from the moment I met you.” 
Aaron’s eyes widen in surprise, a mix of emotions flickering across his features. Without another word, he closes the distance between the two of you, his lips capturing yours in a kiss filled with passion and longing. The world falls away as you melt into each other, lost in the moment of shared love and desire as the man you love kisses you under the moonlight.
The kiss deepens, becoming a promise of the future you both want to fight for, a pledge to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way, a balm for the weeks of heartbreak. And as you break apart, breathless and filled with emotion, you feel how your entire body shivers, already missing the feeling of Aaron’s warm lips against yours. 
“You’re freezing,” Aaron frowns, quickly shredding himself of his suit jacket and draping it around your shoulders before wrapping his arms around you in a tight embrace. “Let’s get you inside.”
You nod, your heart swelling with hope and love as he takes your hand in his, leading you back to the hotel. Hotel might be a little generous; it’s more of a bed and breakfast, with so few rooms that the team had to pair up and share, but it was the only accommodation in town and it is not like you and the team aren’t used to having to share rooms from time to time. 
It turns out the rest of the team has already paired up and hit the hay, leaving only one room since you’re the last two to arrive. “Looks like you and I’ll have to share a room,” you say, a small smile playing on your lips, an hour ago you would be horrified by it, but now you’re absolutely thrilled about it.  
“Yeah, looks like it,” he says with a soft smile on his face as you get your keys before taking your hand in his again and leading you to your shared room.  
As you step inside, the warmth of the room envelops you, melding with the warmth of Aaron’s touch as he pulls you into his arms, his lips finding yours once more in a sweet, tender embrace. In the dim light of the hotel room, with the moon casting a soft glow through the curtains, the emotions swirling within you are no longer suffocating, but freeing, as you surrender to the love that has bound the two of you together.
As you finally break apart and look around it turns out that the room is a twin room, with two beds divided by a bedside table. It makes sense that your coworkers didn’t leave you to share a room with a shared bed. 
You share a knowing look with him before the both of you start to quickly get ready for bed, it’s late and you’re both exhausted and there is only a few hours till you’ll need to get up again. 
You share one last kiss before moving to your respective beds, but as you lay there, the distance between you feels unbearable. The man you have been pining over for three years has just a little while ago told you that he loves you after weeks of heartbreak and he lies so close yet you can’t even touch him? That’s ridiculous! 
“I can’t do this,” you whisper, your voice filled with longing as you look at Aaron.
“I know,” he replies, his voice just as filled with yearning as he pulls his covers to the side letting you slip into the bed with him. 
You settle into his arms, feeling the warmth of his body against yours, and you feel as if you’re finally coming home. The walls that had been built between you are crumbling down, allowing you to embrace the love that has always been between you.
As you snuggle closer to Aaron, his arms wrapped tightly around you, you feel a sense of peace wash over you. The turmoil of the past weeks fades away, replaced by a deep sense of contentment and love.
“I’m never letting you go again,” Aaron whispers, his breath warm against your ear, and you know that he means it. And you know that you never want to let him go either. 
With a smile on your face, and your heart full of love and hope, you drift off to sleep in the arms of the man you love, knowing that no matter what challenges lie ahead, you will face them together.
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wolfiesmoon · 8 months
Hey I hope you are doing well when ever you are reading this but how do you think the 3rd year boys from twst would react to their s/o (gn reader) cuddling with a huge plush instead of them.
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Like this.
Oh boy oh boy this kinda cures my writers block tbh, i have so many drafts but none of em look enticing enough to continue writing (´д`|||)
I took out a few of the 3rd years bc its too many people for 1 fic but i might make a part 2 where i add the missing 3rd years at some point
i went with the more silly writing style again, hope that's fine by you ○( ^皿^)っ
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𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Malleus Draconia
He doesn't exactly get why, but he feels kinda annoyed just laying next to you while you hug a big ol plushie
This doesn't feel right🫤
But then again, you look rlly happy and satisfied so he stays quiet since if you're happy, he's happy (he desperately wants to be in the plushy's place)
When you playfully kiss the plush though, that rule no longer applies. After all, his rightful spot is in your arms🫠
He nudges you. "Put the stuffed animal away."
"You sound angry." You smirk and kiss the plush again, knowing he's probably annoyed about that
without another word, he pulls the plushy out of your hands and settles down in its place
"I am a much better than that object. Just so you know." he smiled smugly, expecting a kiss on the cheek just like you gave to the plushie earlier
you kissed him on the lips instead just to see his eyes widen and his face go red ofc 😏
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Leona Kingscholar
basically, it is NOT happening
"hell no." is the only thing he says before ripping the poor plushie out of your arms and chucking it across the room
like actually how DARE you try to replace him with a plushie
"Why would you do that?" You pouted at him, looking at the now discarded plushy from the bed🤕
"You know damn well why." He huffed, laying down on top of you without warning which tends to be a habit of his
"Because that's my spot, got it?" He answered for you. clearly you forgot😒
"Uhhh, right." you answered after a short pause...
"I won't remind you next time." he sounded rlly annoyed. it's kinda funny how worked up he got over a plushy replacing him 🤭
this also means he won't let you get up for like.... atleast 2 hours to atone for your sins
moral of the story: don't do this again unless you want a ripped up plushie and a pissed off lion man😠
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Idia Shroud
"This is so unfair. Even worse than an OP boss. " he sighed dramatically, laying down besides you and pouting at the sight og a huge plushie in your arms
"pick up the sock if you have enough energy to complain." you turned away from him, still annoyed with him
being the epic gamer he is (😎💯), he discarded one of his socks in the middle of his room and didn't feel like picking it up later even after you told him to
...which ended with you refusing to cuddle with him until he does pick up the sock
after a short while of very awkward silence...
he groaned in annoyance, begrudgingly getting up and finally picking up the sock, then leaving the room to put it in the wash
you smirked victoriously, placing the plushie away as promised and letting him hug you instead
"The things you make me do, smh." he sighed, relaxing into you 😒
"Picking up a singular sock?" you teased him, hugging him back
He didn't reply so that means it's your victory 😝
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Vil Schoenheit
this is an unforgivable offense, just because you had a little disagreement earlier doesn't mean you can just replace him with a plushie😠
love transcends disagreements, after all
does not help at all that the plushie's cute round face reminds him of a certain thorn in his side named Neige LeBlanche😒
he sighs, "I may have been too harsh back there."
your only reply is an annoyed huff and you hug the plushie tighter which makes one of those anime veins pop up on his face 💢
he takes a deep breath "It was not my intention to hurt your... sensibilities." he's trying babe, he's really trying
You don't reply for a moment...
"Ugh." you throw the plushie away and hug him tightly "This doesn't mean I forgive you, just for the record."
"I still stand by my opinion too, just worded less harshly." he gently puts an arm around you, stroking your back
it was only a matter of time until you gave up with your stubborn pettiness, soon you'll forgive him too, he'll make sure of that 😌
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Lilia Vanrouge
He's actually surprisingly chill about it i feel like
He wouldn't get annoyed or be jealous per se, he'd just get a little sad it's not him you're hugging😔
he's there, you know? there's no need for a plushie...
"Am I not satisfactory enough?" He asks half playfully half seriously
"In what sense?" you totally knew what he meant but just wanted to tease him back
"Hey, isn't this supposed to be the other way around?" he smiled at you, immediately knowing what you were playing at
"Hahaha, you know me too well." you kiss his cheek, yet you still don't let go of the plushie which makes him pout
"I see you have found yourself a new lover." his eyes travel to the plushie for a moment, the betrayal is real😔🙏🏻
"You got a problem with him?" you raised a brow 🤨
"A little." he hugged you from the back, getting comfy
"Okay fine, maybe my ex is the better one after all." you let go of the plushie and turned around to hug him back 💗
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moonsaver · 2 months
Thinking back to a post you once made about Aeon Sunday… Imagine being someone who knew Sunday in the past before his ascension, only to then receive the gaze of Aeon Sunday later in life
Oh my god. I love this. This is simultaneously creepy AND oddly romantic.
Theres a lot of possibilities for this – was reader sunday's crush? A suitor? Maybe just someone he shared small talk with and actually liked it more than usual? Ooohohoho
Im not sure if its yan or not, so i just kinda.. kept it variable(?)
This ones a bit longer because i desperatley need to wordvomti . Thanks.
Achieving an aeon's gaze is strange, your discipline, morals, ideals, lifestyle, something has to deeply resonate with their followed path. Let us assume Sunday is something similar to a "dreamlike" aeon [maybe it's mentioned in his boss form description, all i remember is the embryo of Philosophy ;;]
But again, it's not exactly stated how you'd be able to achieve an aeon's gaze; i still have no idea how acheron did it [IX is literally a black hole??], because i cant for the life of me read through those huge blocks of texts in the dialogue.
So lets say Sunday's able to pull his own strings and maybe even force you on that path. He's an aeon – who's stopping him?
Its the middle of the night, you're awake in bed, tossing and turning. It feels like something in your chest is pulling, a weird sensation you've been trying to put off. Your eyes are burning from the lack of sleep, but your mind seems restless. You try to calm yourself down and think about one thing and then another, one by one, until you remember Sunday. You wonder what was going through his mind, his in-between words in that one conversation, what he could have meant..
And like that, you fall asleep. Your bones sink into the bed, your weight relaxes into the pliant surface.
And then you awake. But somewhere else. It's not your bedroom – not the familiar ceiling, nor the corner of your room with piled clothes or a messy table. It's the cosmos, littered with stars. It's strange. You almost don't notice until you try to move – you're floating in space.
You turn, and he's there. That recognizable golden halo, stretching out into the dark expanse like the inside of a star plunging into the depths, golden eyes that peer down at you; with recognition, understanding, almost sympathy, and something you can't quite place. Your ribs ache and your lungs burn when you're reminded to breathe – this is the man you were thinking about before you slept.
You wake up, panting, shooting up in bed. The familiar space of your room greets you this time. The night is young outside your window ‐ not much time seems to have passed in that brilliant moment.
You were ready to chalk it up to a dream, like the ones where you feel like you're falling and wake up with a racing heart. But then you look down, and see a strange symbol on your body, something akin to an eye.
It seems you've earned his blessing to follow his path.
And even more? It seems like you're the first person to actually follow this path.
It's strange and isolating in a way. You can awaken from the sweetdream paradise your beloved Aeon seems to have put penacony under. You gain this strange, superflous, iridescent ghost of a halo, and you realise you can use it to communicate.
You can communicate with Sunday.
But a part of you finds it pointless. you can't understand what he's saying anymore; Aeons' existence transcends language. You can only hear whispers of people speaking to you, as though it's from the corner of a room, somewhere in the distance, with one barely audible male voice standing out in the whispering; it might be sunday's real voice, but you're not sure. At least, to some degree, you've managed to make out a few words.
Some words give you information. You can monitor the true handiwork of your aeon this way. Every person's dream — sweet, deep slumbers, exquisitely woven by deft fingers, all in 7 days. You figured this when you phased out of the dream, looking down at your own sleeping body and freaking out, when Sunday communicated with you for the first time, instantly calming you down. Dream. Woven. 7 days. Those words were evident in the cacophony of whispers.
Some words carry warnings. Or rather, they're not exactly words.
When your curious hands boldly trace the surface of a particularly fragile dream, you hear breathing. In close proximity, too, as if its right behind your ear. Sometimes, if you try to wake someone, you feel the breathing; warm, and languidly flowing down the back of your collar. You've chosen to not find out what happens when you don't listen.
Sometimes, when you decide to simply phase out of the dream to take a look at your own body in reality – you talk to Sunday. You tell him what you think, who you met in the dreamscape, what he can do to make it better [since.. well, you can't exactly do much to awaken anyone or oppose an aeon]. You assume he doesn't hear you, since you don't get your whispery response, but after you catch a few glimpses of your suggestions in the dreamscape, you realise he's just a good listener.
Perhaps, even if you may be the only follower of this path for now.. it may not be as isolating as you think.
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chaoticace2005 · 6 months
Why Sir Pentious got redeemed:
1. He was killed so his soul got re-evaluated (if so what happens to all other Sinners who die?)
2. He got redeemed a millisecond before Adam killed him, the intent of sacrificing himself being enough to get into heaven
3. He was destined to be redeemed when he put his pride away and confessed to Cherri
4. Being in Heaven or Hell is based on whether or not you believe you’re a good person. At that moment his opinion of himself shifted enough to qualify for Heaven.
5. He racked up enough good points to be redeemed, as did Angel, the only reason he’s there and Angel isn’t is because Valentino owns Angel’s soul.
6. Susan owned Sir Pentious’ soul, keeping him tied to Hell. She died at that very moment though, releasing him.
7. Susan is a bad bitch and can’t die. But she saw how stupid he was about to be and was like “I give up”, releasing him.
8. The universe knew that Adam was going to die and there always has to be one Alex Brightman in Heaven. They couldn’t take Fizzarolli because they don’t want to deal with Asmodeus, so they defied their own rules and took Sir Pentious.
9. He didn’t get redeemed. His design was just re-used and this is a totally different Winner, the story just ended like this to give us hope
10. He didn’t get redeemed, this is Charlie’s hope of what did happen because she can’t accept his death
11. All of Hazbin is a story being told by Frank, and he added his boss going to Heaven because that’s what he believes happened (either a conspiracy theory or that’s what the Hazbin crew told him.)
12. Using a war machine to kill people was the last sin he needed to repent for, the fact he was redeemed before Adam’s blast is just luck.
13. Adam’s blast beamed Sir Pentious up to Heaven
14. Adam’s blast is actually a de-Sinner, usually it kills people but because Sir Pentious didn’t have a lot of Sin-juice he was reborn
15. He chose that moment to convert to a born again Christian. He was born again.
16. He sneezed and an angel blessed him
17. This was another “fuck you” from the universe: he kissed the girl he liked and made a family only for it all to be taken away
18. It’s a Good Place situation where he thinks he’s in Heaven but it’s really not and this is just extra torture.
19. He’s in purgatory and this is what he’s dreaming.
20. It’s a test by the higher ups in Heaven “OH you think heaven is good for Sinners? Wrong!” Then they chose a guy who was starting to find happiness in Hell to prove their point that Sinners can’t find joy in Heaven
21. His death was so anticlimactic the universe felt like it had to give him a second chance.
22. Vox is a heavenly official in disguise (the TV is just a mask.) And told him back in episode 2 to kill himself, Sir Pentious sacrificing himself fulfilled that wish, so the universe redeemed him for fulfilling Vox’s challenge
23. Lilith ex-machina came in last minute like a girl boss and saved his ass. Her powers transcend time.
24. That’s Sir Pentious’ clone, which Pentious had programmed to be released the second he died (there may be tons of Alex Brightmans in the world, but there can only be one Sir Pentious.)
25. Charlie learns how to redeem Sinners in the future. She also learns to time travel, so she grabs Sir Pentious at that last second before he died, helps him get redeemed and then chucks him back into the timeline because screw the consequences.
26. Alex Brightman got amnesia and said “H-huh?! Where-where am I?!” during recording. Everyone though he just ad-libbed a line and tried to make it fit in.
27. The Eggs are secretly gods. They blessed and saved Pentious before Adam could kill them.
28. Emily saw what he was about to do and pulled a lever. It was the right lever.
29. Last minute someone realized the play on words with Pentious’ name (Sir Repentious) and added this scene in
30. Alex Brightman was originally not going to return to the show, so Pentious and Adam died. Later things changed and he could return, but most filming had already been done so they took him aside and filmed that final scene separately and added it in.
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warsofasoiaf · 3 months
Alright. I'll bite. What do you make of sad boi Vlad, sorry, I mean Messmer the Impaler?
When I first saw Messmer the Impaler in the trailer, there was some stuff that I figured out going in. He was a demigod, responsible for Marika's brutal purge in the Land of Shadow. A genocidal warlord waging a war so brutal that no one outside of it could ever be made aware of its existence. Given my experience with FromSoft games, I should perhaps have known better than to simply accept it all at face value. Messmer has been stated by Miyazaki as being one of GRRM's favorite characters that just couldn't find his way into the base game. What we get is brutal, as FromSoft loves to give.
Messmer is barely hinted at in the first game, an off-hand reference to a "forgotten son" which could have easily been applied to Mohg or Morgott, cast off into the Subterranean Shunning Grounds. The Impaler's Catacombs, and the bodies of giants on the Mountaintop, impaled as befits Messmer's sobriquet. His vibrant red hair suggests that he was a son to Radagon, and this has some issues with the timeline. He must have been in the Lands Between, and not the Lands of Shadow, after Radagon's marriage to Renalla in order to successfully have Rellana, the Twin Moon Knight and sister to Rennala, join his crusade. However, he is an "older brother" to Radahn, who was borne of Radagon's union with Rennala. That means Marika must have had Messmer either before her marriage to Godfrey and the position of Elden Lord (before she became a god) or she had taken Radagon as a lover while Godfrey was her consort making Messmer a bastard. Of these two, I actually like the second thematically, Messmer being shunted to do the cruel, unfortunate, unwanted task of destroying those without the grace of Gold in the Lands of Shadow.
As further proof that Radagon was Messmer's father, Messmer, like Malenia and Miquella, was born with a terrible curse. From birth, Messmer was afflicted with the Abyssal Serpent, a terrible, transcendent curse that Marika tried to cure in vain. First, she attempted to cure him with the Blessing of Marika, but it availed him not. Much as we see with Malenia and Miquella's curses, the power of Marika and/or Radagon is incapable of ending the afflictions inflicted upon the children of their divine self-cest by other Outer Gods. What Outer God afflicted the Abyssal Serpent, and what relation this serpent may have had, if any, to Rykard's blasphemous studies regarding the God-Devouring Serpent, is unknown. When that failed, Marika plucked out Messmer's eye and placed a seal of grace upon him, sealing the serpent away, a seal which holds until the Tarnished forces Messmer to unseal it during their boss fight. This is fascinating, because we do not see a similar seal of grace placed upon Malenia to seal away her rot or Miquella to restore his ability to age. Maybe the Abyssal Serpent is a wholly weaker curse that it could be sealed by the grace of gold. Maybe Marika permanently weakened herself with such a seal that she could not replicate the feat with her other cursed children. Whatever the case, we do know that whatever Messmer had to keep the serpent in check, it lasted until his death when he willingly surrendered it - it did not creep out of his body the way the Scarlet Rot leaked out of Malenia and infested the Haligtree.
At some point after the incorporation of Caria into the Golden Order, Marika charged Messmer with going into the Land of Shadow, to cleanse the land with flame. All those without the guidance of grace would perish by Messmer's flame. Messmer would serve as the focal point for the wrath of the Hornsent, and as death centered in the Lands of Shadow with the spectral gravestone piling higher and higher, it was Messmer who they cursed. Messmer would pursue this crusade with abject cruelty with an assortment of troops, commoners, nobles, from across the Golden Order's lands. Those who followed Messmer were of mixed loyalty - his Fire Knights were said to truly know him and his serpentine nature, while Black Knight Commander Andreas and his son Huw rebelled when they learned of the serpent within. Rellana was known to be absolutely loyal in her belief, as was Commander Gaius, both would rise to be Messmer's senior leaders, and swore away any rights and titles they would have in the Lands Between to pursue his crusade. And pursue it he did, breaking Belurat Tower Settlement and sealing away the Divine Gateway, impaling the Hornsents great Dancing Lions and destroying them as a people, now reduced to mere fringes and scattered survivors desperately hiding from Marika's crusade.
Messmer however, is not simply a cackling villain. Deep under the Shadow Keep, he tends to the wounded jars that the Hornsent brutalized, trying to give what comfort he can to Marika's people, tortured in the Bonny Village, butchered and melded into viscera to be made into saints for the Hornsents own attempts to create divinity on earth. When his men betrayed him, he gave them honorable burials, wanting to give regard to their intent both to come with him on the crusade and stick to his beliefs.
Marika's intentions were to seal Messmer away, to consign him to the Land of Shadow, fearful of the serpent that he carried within him. When Messmer marched to the Land of Shadow, it was a one-way trip. He would be forgotten by the Lands Between, cursed by the Land of Shadow, and he would receive no sense of recompense. Messmer burned inside just as he burned those with his flames, and yet, he was committed. Even as it continued with no end in sight, he continued to throw the Hornsent into the great Furnace Golems, continued to dispatch troops to wander the Land of Shadow and slay those without the grace of gold. His troops began to resent Marika, even in the Shadow Keep, statues of Marika are often decapitated as the people realize they're perpetually sentenced to stain their souls for eternity, a new twist on hell. The cruelty once given to Marika's people by the Hornsent is now visited back on them, forever, trapping everyone in a negative nexus from which neither body nor soul escapes.
Messmer as a boss is a tremendous presentation. From his first words, he sounds properly menacing - and yet your presence makes him wonder. Why does a Tarnished, bereft of grace and banished from the Lands Between, now come to take the mantle of Elden Lord? His moves are sinewy and flowing, like a snake. He looks lean, hungry, ever bit the sinister villain he was depicted in the trailer. He dances, jumps, and integrates his spear and flame spells artfully. He constantly puts pressure on the player, and his combos are fast but predictable. He can summon spears to impale you, and use the same flame spells that his Fire Knights used that kept pestering you as you climbed up the Specimen Storehouse, as well as a big one of his own creation.
When Messmer is wounded enough, he realizes that his own strength is insufficient, he apologizes to Marika, and tears out the seal of grace within his own eye, unleashing the Abyssal Serpent in his body. His new move set adds visually impressive serpents, such as the Orb of Messmer being in the abyssal serpent's mouth, and his dive engulfing him in serpents. His form changes as well, not just his empty eye socket. His legs change to look like serpent scales, he sheds his armor like a snake. The Hornsent, if he was summoned, exalts in the glory of Messmer's new form, as to the Crucible, the melding of life and the taking on of aspects of it was considered holy. The snakes not only make Messmer more intimidating, but they distract the player from dodging, incentivizing panic rolling and upping the pressure while decreasing Messmer's punish windows. It's a proper fight, start to finish.
When the Tarnished finally cuts him down, Messmer falls, cursing Marika for the things she compelled him to do. To become a figure of hatred due to the circumstances of his birth, to wage a war for Marika's glory that he could never share. To be separated from his siblings - Radahn who he regarded with fondness as a younger brother, and Melina who was also cursed with visions of fire (and possibly also inherited the Gloam-Eye from the previous Empreyean of the Godskin Apostles thus making them share in a curse contained within their eyes), and possibly others - after all, everyone seemed to love Godwyn the Golden.
Messmer: genocidal warlord and deeply wounded fighter. Commanded to be despised, he did the despicable to the despicable, and the genocide that defined Marika's life would in turn define Messmer's, until all that was left was a bitter shell wrapped around a curse, cut down by the Tarnished, cursing the mother that condemned him.
Thanks for the question, Mist.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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mychlapci · 12 days
🔌 talking about Jazz buying Soundwave’s silence with pics of ageswap Prowl from Sunstreaker has me actually going insane. That whole ask had me transcending but that last little aside paragraph made me crazy. Just thinking about Soundwave flicking through image files of Prowl, palming his modesty panel in anticipation. Him seeing the slow progression of events, the steady escalation to the current point, through the pics and short vids. Imagining what must have happened in between.
The first, Prowl humiliated and flushing from his position between Sunstreaker’s legs—a PoV from the frontliner. The trainee’s spike wilting from an embarrassing premature overload. Another, a brief clip of Prowl begging his mentors not to lock his ‘little spike’ up. The follow-up photo of him angry and teary opticked, spike ringed and sounded (and still achingly hard) after a successful trial run where Sunstreaker actually got to overload. A vid from Prowl being sparkling sat by Ratchet for the first time, toying with his spike while being timed. Ratchet’s voice crooning humiliating encouragement. Soundwave is… *entranced* by the imagery, stroking his spike mindlessly as the slideshow continues.
Prowl, milk-drunk as he nurses from first Ratchet and then a whole host of other mechs. Sleepy and dependent and trusting and safe. Sometimes there and hands stroking that ringed spike, sometimes not. Prowl sucking on his training dildos, thighs trembling as his plug and his mentors reward him. A close up of the trainee in a high, mewling overload. The one that makes Soundwave come is Prowl warming Optimus Prime’s spike, especially the squirming and helpless whining as he loses control and wets all over the mech’s lap. But the slideshow continues, and Soundwave just… keeps stroking his sensitive spike. The control appeals to him, of course, but the *caretaking* aspect being tied up in the dominance and humiliation is crossing some wires up there for sure. And Soundwave loves it. Watching this mechling slowly submit via attrition, diving deeper into blissful, thoroughly spoiled submission and dependence on the mentors that watch over him. It’s a heady thought for a host model in general. It doesn’t help that Soundwave has compatible fetishes.
Prowl in his first dress, cheekplates flushed with energon as he curtsies for the camera. The fluffy petticoats shifted to reveal the silky white panties. Another of just the array. A string of pearls disappearing between Prowl’s valve lips—a delicate thong for a spoiled little mech. Prowl in a dress, holding a plush petrorabbit. A vid of him humping his toys in his sleep. The look of devastation on his face when he lost pussy privileges, followed closely by Prowl mindlessly grinding on a giant teddy. And Soundwave’s overloading again to the silly trainee fragging the toy in front of the *entirety of Autobot high command* whimpering and embarrassed as they encourage their desperate little mech.
Soundwave can’t help masturbate to the pics again and again, the idea so delicious. And Prowl so blissful and sweet, radiant and pudgy with all of the attention and milky. It’s the perfect fantasy… a loudmouthed brat of a cadet blossoming into a precious, subby little mechling. Trusting and accepting of his mentors’ direction. It’s just a fantasy, but Soundwave can’t help slowly turning his visor to Rumble and Frenzy. They’re grown, of course. But then so is Prowl… and the mental image was delicious. Something soft and sweet to spoil. Brats to train into needy “bitlets.” The first time Soundwave overloads to the idea of his cassettes begging him not to cage their spikes, he knows he’s sold. Maybe the autobots’ little mechling would like some playmates. He’s going to need to lay down some groundwork.
Of course, unlike Prowl who “hates” it but turns into a pile of submissive goo, Rumble and Frenzy “hate” it and compensate by being even brattier. Maybe boss will give up on it and free their little spikelets if they’re too much trouble. Never mind how safe and secure it feels to know that Soundwave still wants them no matter how naughty they are. Plenty of teasing spankings that leave afts stinging and panels warm. Embarrassing time-outs in the corner where anyone could come in and see them. Humiliation, but dedication in return. The arousal keeps building with nowhere to go, and soon they’re humping each other’s caged cocklets as Soundwave watches indulgently. Promising an overload if they’re good little mechlings who play nicely together. It’s all a plan to get them too pent up to fight it and then letting them ruin their stamina by overloading again and again. As many cycles of this as it takes until they prove to themselves that they need their boss to control their overloads, because they keep rubbing their spikes raw. Until they’re whining that it isn’t fair Prowl can touch his little spike, begging for the privilege of a ring so they can torture themselves.
It won’t be long before Jazz is receiving a slideshow in return. —☀️
ouhhh it's probably not the best idea to provide the decepticons with such sensitive materials, but they're lucky Soundwave is a freak. Seeing how well they've trained their little cadet has him brimming with ideas. He's never seen a bot beg to have their spike tied up and plugged, usually they beg for the opposite... hrghh Rumble and Frenzy aren't quite as soft and pliable, always putting up a fight, but Soundwave can make good boys out of them <33 Once they're begging for him to control their overloads, he knows he did it right.
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the-moon-devi · 1 year
🦋Channeled Messages from Spirit 🦋
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Use your intuition & pick which mood board is calling u!
Decks used: The HooDoo Tarot & The Love oracle
Pile 1:
Channeled Messages:
♡ Flower dress- cottagecore
♡ The color pink??
♡ breadwinner
♡ shame
♡ gossip
Cards pulled: Father of Baskets, 9 of sticks, the sun, son of knives, bottom of the deck; justice
You carry yourself respectfully,and you come off lady-like/ feminine. But I feel like you don't bs around, people may think your not very smart. People comment on your looks alot (maybe your hair) to make you feel self conscious about your appearance. (Cuz' their jealous) The first card that came out for you was the Father of Baskets and the energy I'm getting is maybe a father or perhaps a boss or love interest either way I feel like this person tries to tell you what to do and wants to keep you in harsh situations or puts you in harsh situations. You may find yourself in a position to defend yourself and your ego. This may have something to do with your reputation or how others view you this person could have been sneakily putting out rumors about you. I'm getting you deserve justice for this and your going to get it. Honestly, this could even be a legal battle your going through. I'm getting like legally blonde vibes from this pile. I feel like people think your too pretty to be smart. They try to pick you apart and get mad once they realize your more mentally strong than you gave off. This man gossiped and talked about you so bad. I feel so hurt and betrayed for ya'll. You could've trusted this person and talked to them about your emotions but they were very two-faced to you. You may have learned they were doing this to you because you were eavesdropping. If you haven't then you will and I'm getting the energy that's it going to come out pretty soon. Alright pile 1, I hope this helped and you guys cuss this person out because you have every right to. 😘😡
Pile 2:
Channeled Messages:
♡ falling/ Tower card moment
♡ unexpected
♡ confusion
♡ lost
♡ tired
♡ starseed
♡ scorpio
♡ necklace
♡ overestimated/ exhaustion
Cards pulled: The lovers, 5 of cups, ace of knives, 3 of Baskets, 5 of sticks, the high priestess.
Oracle: coffin- growth,change liberation,change
Heartbroken- deeply hurt,sad,seperation,breakup, feeling lost grieving mourning,
The runner- fear of intimacy, listening to ego
Ascending- transcending, obstacles, learning expansion, new phase, preparing for union
You are very confused right now, I feel like you guys hit rock bottom or you were just thrown down a hole or like a maze where you keep going around in circles. It could feel like something or someone is chasing you. I just had a dream similar to this, so this message could really resonate with this pile. You may be scared of a love interest hurting you, because we have the lovers card here, this person could have actually hurt you and left you feeling disappointed in love. That experience is what could have put you in this tower energy. I think your ancestors sent you into this to get clarity on something that's spiritual. You have the ascending card and the High priestess. Your in a maze and you have to find a way out instead of running from what your scared of face it head on. That thing your running from could be the thing that's going to protect you. You also have the 5 of wands there could be some spiritual warfare going on for you this may be affecting your mental. This is such a complex pile and I love it because your message is very deep. I felt the need to go on pinterest after channeling and I saw a cross necklace with Jesus and a picture that said Evara. Evara means gift of God. Your very connected to the ETHERS and your being called to pull out that ace of swords to beat whatever enemy you have. You have the gift of God and you are protected. You may be in some type of religion it doesn't have to be Christian, you could be like a witch/ apart of some type of cultural group or in a cult. I'm getting vibes like that. I feel like you work very well with dark energy. Because you are of light & dark and know how to transmute. Something could also be affecting your sleep or, you could literally avoid sleeping because you feel attacked in your dreams. I did also channel starseeds before I pulled your cards. You could be confused on why all of this is happening to you and this could be why. A certain celebration also could have not turned out the way you wanted to. There could have been a fight or smth like that. Theres also a few of you who are going through this because your running from your person, and they are trying to protect you. Im getting a lot as i close this energy out but yall are tired try to go to sleep. You could get alot of psychic downloads which leads to overstimulaion & paranoia try to journal and speak aloud. Maybe even psychic attacks. Some of you also could have lossed a partner. Im so sorry. I hope this helped in some way, and I pray for mental/ spiritual insight for you. Pls do some protection/banishing wrk if ur in2 that. 😘🔮
Pile 3:
Channeled messages:
♡ Thick/ nice shape
♡ Monochromatic/ Luxury
♡ Natural hair
♡ single mom
♡ callou/ Arthur
♡ writer
♡ Family by dream girls
♡ the box- Roddy rich (this is so random ik 🤣 but maybe there's a message 4 u 🤭)
Cards pulled: Son of Baskets, 2 of knives, Mother of baskets, 4 of wands, Hierophant,  Father of swords
Oracle: Photograph- looking at your photos, missing you, Nostalgia, make new memories
For those of you who chose this pile, you could have children or your pregnant. While I was started channeling I started rubbing my stomach so maybe your expecting. I also started remembering shows from my childhood like callou and Aurthur (2000s babies know). You could be a young parent reflecting back on your childhood because your energy pulled  the Photograph oracle card and this represents old memories and Nostalgia, I kinda got like a melancholy feeling from this like you miss it. Your now realizing your entering a new phase in your life. You may be having/ have a boy too since both of those shows have little boy as the main characters. I feel like you have two options with the two of swords here. You may not know the specifics of each option and feel like you don't know enough about either to choose. 4 of wands here im getting family but also you have the hierophant and this card represents traditional values. The hierophant can also represent marriage so you could be getting married and starting a family with the father of knives soon. (I'm seeing 717 as I'm writing this) look up that number it could have a meaning for you. This person could feel you have very mothering energy. Your energy is the mother of cups. I see you and this person have built a very solid foundation. You may be worried about being pregnant or whatever your case is but whichever turn you make you'll be fine. I'm also getting your family will have your back no matter what. You may be worried about being a single mom or conforming to traditional roles of being married before you have children. You could have this mindset because of your family. It was a pleasure reading for you guys, yall energy feels so venusian & Lunar. Best wishes to you and your decision! 🌺🦋
Catch ya later lovelies! Til' next time!
𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵 𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 xx🤎💋
~𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵
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𝓓𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓓𝓮'𝓛𝓾𝔁𝔁𝓮 (masterlist)
©𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵 (Do not copy or steal my work)
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al-hekima-madara-blog · 3 months
Tobirama birth chart (headcanon)
Tobirama is a headcanon I've procrastinated a lot because as a Madara hardcore fan, of course I'm not enthusiast about the Second hokage. But hey! I need to conclude the cycle of founders birth's chart. And I swear, I'll be fair play !
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I strongly advise you to read Madara and Hashirama's chart. For this birth chart, I'll go a little bit more technical in astrology. We will talk briefly about rulerships, aspects and synastry. I'll try to explain as simple as possible but if you don't understand don't hesitate to ask me more precision in comments. Ok let's go:
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Based on the official databook, Tobirama Senju is born the 19th of february which made him a 0° pisces. At first glance, it's an intriguing choice. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac traditionally described as encompassing all the previous ones. Pisces is compassionate, creative, mystical. It talks about total acceptance, the dissolution of the ego. The drop of water reaching the ocean and merging with the divine before moving to a new cycle : a new aries. Actually in the beginning of Christianity it's not a mistake that Jesus was associate with Pisces symbol. It's the same self-sacrificing figure for a transcendent cause. We agree that it seems far... far away from the rational and composed Tobirama...
It seems that I need to articulate a coherent idea between his sun (ego), his rising sign( body) and his mars (action). Say in a different way, this triptych talks about public image. The king comes with a vision (sun), he shows himself to the public wearing a formal dress, an etiquette, a way to behave in public (ascendant/rising sign) and defend its vision with the help of a general (mars).
☉ Sun : Ego – Branding to the world
♓ Pisces
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Some clues shows an association of Tobirama with pisces : his element is suiton. His blue charadesign, he's also one of the strongest sensor of the verse capable of recognising chakra kilometres around, determine their ancestry ect... and what is a sensor? but a shinobi using his empathy as a tool? More trivial he's favourite dish is fresh fish from the river. But I think what shows the most his affinity with this sign is his self-sacrifice nature for this new entity that was the village in a time when people were strongly clan-oriented. It's something no one could believes possible, it only existed inside Hashirama's mind. You truly needed to have faith on him to invest all your energy on it. If we go back to Tobirama's speeches, he always justify his actions for the village. We can almost say that he had a religious devotion for his brother's dream and he gave his life for it. He's never seen coming with a vision different from Hashirama's (contrary to Madara), actually like a zealous servant to a higher cause he's ready to kill immediately anyone threatening this village when he clashed with Sasuke for suggesting he might destroy Konoha depending on the answers he got to his questions. But I'll talk deeper about the Uchiha's obsession later in the moon part. The moment when Hashirama strongly forbid his brother to attack Sasuke was also the moment when everybody knew who's actually the boss and who obey. Tobirama was a faithful follower of Hashirama's will and dedicated his life to translate it into a realistic project (using his mercury and mars).
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In a more positive light, anyone accepting the will of fire are nurtured and loved even if they are Uchiha like Kagami. Tobirama had a strong attachment to his students, much more that his brother. I know it seems strange but from the first time he appeared, Tobirama was the one always calling Hiruzen Sarutobi by his pet name "Saru" meaning monkey in japanese, or his other student "my dear Danzo". Hashirama is a goofy character, but doesn't seem to have such proximity with them even if he loved Tsunade, he immediately doubted her ability as a hokage. Later during the war, Tobirama is also the one always complimenting or supporting the new generation : He acknowledged Minato as being faster than him, Naruto for having the potential to be a stronger hokage than his older brother.
Ascendant/Rising Sign : Social personality – Physical Body
the image that come to my mind when I think of Tobirama is an ocean surrounded with a giant dam. The mass of water is controlled, accurately measured, divided and distributed only when necessary. But, you might ask, can we really controlled the immensity of an ocean with a river dam? Of course not! but what matter in a rising sign is to display the illusion of control.
Virgo is the sign coming to correct the extravagant of Leo. End of august, mid September is the period of the year in the northern hemisphere with the best natural light. Not too hot , not too bright. Soft and round with million nuances of gold, orange and red. Traditionally it's also the time of harvest when you need to select and separate the wheat from the chaff. It's a sign that excel in precision, expertise, high fashion but in the bad side can tends to be narrow-minded because the devil is in the detail.
Rising virgo also talk about his physical appearance. Virgo is concerned about good health, best routine. Usually they are in good shape, average height unless the ruler of Virgo which is mercury is place in a sign with difficult aspect. And what set appart Tobirama from all the other founders is his charadesign flattering his albino's appearance. The cool colours of grey and blue, the fluffiness, it shows a natural sense of elegance without being extravagant for a shinobi.
And also the Senju are filthy rich, Hashirama have a strange (Madara would say ugly) sense of style, but Tobirama was like : "I may not be the most powerful in this house but I'm wealthy and smart, so does my style. And I will die on this hill."
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☿ Mercure : Intellect – Communication
♒ Aquarius
I must find an explanation of the over analytical aspect of Tobirama. He's to Hashirama what Shikamaru would be later to Naruto : his brain.
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Mercury in Aquarius is a big thinker, able to make atypical discovery, out of the norm and also subversive. Tobirama is the inventor of Edo Tensei which I remind you need to make a human sacrifice. In which condition Tobirama came to the creation of this forbidden jutsu ? And even during the 4th Shinobi war, he learned nothing from his past mistakes and proposed to sacrifice again someone else to bring back Madara and extort from him intels about Kaguya.
Aquarius as a fix air sign has the tendency to be stubborn and certain of their philosophy. Many people believe that the sign of Aquarius is humanitarian then nice by nature. Not always... Aquarius avoids emotional approach. It rather privileges logic, rationality to dissect human society. And it doesn't shy away from experimentation. The long lists of jutsu created by Tobirama is a proof of his brilliant mind.
♂ Mars : Action - Desire
Mars : Gemini
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Reading again the 4th shinobi war and trying to focus on The Second Hokage rather than Madara was a difficult exercise but it helps me see his role in the war differently. He's one of the most important support character. If you remember my analysis of Hashirama's mars in taurus, the first hokage is a powerhouse ( a bit like Gojo in JJK) and thus tends to fight alone or one-on-one with Madara. Hashirama strength is to resist prolonged attacks and controlled someone else chakra. Yet his power is tremendous and can change the geography.
Tobirama has a different style. Although a powerful shinobi who can fight alone, he rarely does. He immediately fits with any partners he's close too. Hashirama, Minato, Naruto, Sasuke. He's often the one observing, testing and explaining a jutsu and reminding that HE created most of them 😂. On the spot, he also invented a way to save Sasuke's life with Kabuto.
Reason why I choose mercury in aquarius and mars in gemini is that he thinks as fast as he moves. in his chart mercury and mars form a trine which is considered a favourable aspect. being in the same air element, his mind and his action are flowing smoothly. Before Minato, he was considered the fastest of his generation.
Madara noted that his favourite way was to strike last moment when his opponent lower his guard. This cunning strategy is befitting mars in Gemini . This is traditionally represented as twins both crafty and fickle. Tobirama adapts to any situation, any war companions even those from the new generation he barely knows and immediately comes up with a new tactic.
I believe this adaptability is a direct consequence of fighting Izuna for years. We know that the sharingan can copy any technique except kekkei genkai. Hashirama can protect himself behind the mokuton but not Tobirama. If a technique is used once in front of an Uchiha he can't use it anymore and lost the surprise effect. Also the Sharingan can predict a movement. Tobirama found a way to outperform the sharingan by blizz speed with the Flying Thunder God Technique. Fighting Tobirama must be a terrifying experience, rest in peace Izuna😭. Imagine, he's there... then disappeared. then strikes and you only notice him when you know it's too late.
☾Moon : Emotion – Comfort zone
♒ Aquarius
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If you remember in my previous HC charts, moon is easily guessed by childhood because children tend to be more lead by their emotions than adults. In volume 65, Tobirama was shown to be already a serious child, ready to defend his older brother from his father. Maybe the violent outburst of his father taught him early in life that the best way to deal with people is self-control, and strict procedures. And that's something that he often admonished his brother or his students. It's not that you shouldn't feel, but to him you have to keep your emotions in check.
Moon in Aquarius intellectualises emotions, and sometimes distance themselves from them. They can treat friends like family member since they believe in brotherhood beyond blood relative. Tobirama did everything to distance from the Senju heritage, he suggested a democratic election for choosing the first hokage and after his death the Senju ceased to hold power in Konoha, it diluted into the will of fire. In Aquarius there is this idea of giving privilege to the people rather than some monarchy (which is the leo's way).
Remember when I've talked about an ocean falsely controlled by a dam ? If the weather is nice it works but what will happened if one day a (red) full moon provoke a super tide able to engulf the dam and flood the world ? Nothing can control the chaos of emotion, it always moves somewhere and erupts somewhere else.
Moon talks about your emotion but also your irrational fear. And paradoxically Tobirama never checked his obsession of the Uchiha and this blindness caused many of the darkness that befall the Konoha he cared so much.
I said earlier that his fear of the sharingan was a driving force behind many of his inventions. Also Tobirama had an epidermic detestation for Madara. And the funny part is that it's not really reciprocal. Yet Madara had got all reason to be obsessed by vengeance since Tobirama killed his last brother but after he accepted the truce and created Konoha, he was willing to « tolerate » Tobirama's presence, but the younger Senju was unwilling to do the same gesture and kept his obsession to control Madara or any Uchiha willingly to follow his path. The databook says also that Anbu was specially created by Tobirama to put the Uchiha under surveillance.
We need to ask ourselves what an aquarius moon would hate the most ? As an air moon, this sign is unease with strong display of emotion, narcissism, drama... something typical of its opposite sign leo. An opposition is annoying but you can deal with it more or less. Aquarius also square 90° to scorpio. A square is considered as a strong source of tension than an opposition. Scorpio is ruled by mars. This sign thrives in passion, struggles, crisis, war, violence and transformation throught strong emotional turmoil. All those energies are challenging, and exhausting for an aloof, etheral and conceptual moon in aquarius.
Taurus is also a square to Aquarius, the lazy nature of this steady sign, rooted in tradition, is hard for an Aquarius interested by innovations and futuristic perceptive.
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Now let's introduce a little bit of synastry. The art of synastry is to compare two charts and to gauge their compatibility. It's often use for couple or parent/children but what if we apply it to enemies?
Now remember my Madara's chart? His mars in leo is in the 8th house, conjunt his jupiter and square his pluton in scorpio. In other words : The expansive actions of Madara illuminate the house related to death and crisis. Madara's violence reach its peak in the house of destruction. In the positive side, it means Madara is built for battle and he loves that. Better to have him in your team than against you. And this tremendous tension can be source of transformation for the world and himself. In the negative side he is a natural disaster. He's a menace and unless your name is Hashirama he's impossible to stop and will create massive disturbance in the world. He transform and impact deeply the life of many characters in the verse like : Obito, Kurama, Onoki and obviously Tobirama.
So for Tobirama, his moon in aquarius opposes Madara's mars, and his moon also square Madara's pluto. So for the second hokage, any action (good or bad) made by Madara is source of concerned and suspicion. also the plutonic nature of Madara leads Tobirama to irrational fear and paranoia. On top of that he explains himself very well: The Uchiha clans is wired on everything he detest. Their power needs strong uncontrolled emotions to thrive. The deeper the feeling the higher the power, and the sleepless are Tobirama's night.
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And yes Tobirama admits that Madara is the biggest sentimental of the verse😅.
♃ Jupiter : Infinite Expansion – House of wisdom
♍ Virgo
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Considering that Tobirama is Hashirama's younger brother, jupiter spend in average one year in a sign. Depending how big is there age gap. His jupiter could be either in Leo, virgo or Libra
I choose virgo because it amplifies his uptight attitude. Jupiter is on his ascendant. His very procedural approach to life can outshine his sun in pisces. He likes precision and proper etiquette. He admonished Hashirama for not showing a proper dignified position during the hokage meeting. He reminds Naruto to respect his actual title, and correct anyone forgetting he owns the copyright of 80% of Konoha's jutsu!
♄ Saturne : Restriction – Time - Enlightenment
♑ Capricorn
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Saturn in capricorn talks about authority and power. Time and stability. Here, Saturn is the ruler of capricorn. which means it express itself at the fullest in its quality and its flaw.
In positive Tobirama is the creator of all the institutions we know in modern Konoha. The ANBU, the chuunin exams, the academy, the military police forces. It's as if Hashirama was the spirit and Tobirama the architect. After him, Konoha was more powerful, stable and don't need anymore to rely too much in charismatic leaders in order to survive.
Again if we apply synastry between him and Madara, Tobirama's saturn conjunct Madara's sun. A conjunction is when planets come together and influence one and other. Saturn being strong in capricorn than the sun, it tends to have a highter toll on Madara.
If this saturn is close to Madara's ego, it would tend to exert a hold over him, a slow pressure to contain his sun. The big institutions of the village, Tobirama's political influence, the Uchiha under close surveillance. From Madara's perpective, he knows Tobirama can't fight him directly in close combat but he's building a system resembling a prison for him: he can't fight anymore his ally, he can't change his reputation, he can't have any political power (here I don't know if the Uchiha went to the military police force before or after the Valley of the end but anyway Madara wasn't included in discussion considering the nomination of the Hokage), and even his clan doesn't trust him anymore. And without a surprise even after Tobirama's passing those institutions and policies against the Uchiha ended up being their final downfall. And it took 8o years.
For saturn, times is always its ally.
♀ Venus : Attraction – Seduction
Hard choice because we don't know if he had a flirt, or was married but it seems not. And we don't know anything about his personal dream. He's almost married to Konoha at this point. So by simplification I'll say venus in pisces. Which is an excellent place for venus based on rulership it's exalted in this position. Here she can expresses her most creative side. It would be funny if Tobirama is low key an artist but as practical as he is he probably brings all his imagination into his scientific researches and maybe his fashion tastes.
To conclude : Tobirama was a character more complex than I initially thought. Dedicated, efficient and caring for his village. I still don't like him though but now I precisely know why😂. Although I respect his steady strategy to destroy the powerful clan of the Uchiha, he really fooled them all. It was methodical and well planned. Compared to the other founders, Tobirama is more down to earth than his big brother, but also more patient and attentionate to the new generation than Madara. And if you love the will of fire (which I don't), yes Tobirama was probably one of the best hokage!
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maxwell-grant · 3 months
you've talked about Vega and Bison, any thoughts on Balrog?
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I think I got the wrong impression across when I called Balrog a punchable goon in my Vega post, because when I call Balrog a goon, that's not me saying I think he's just a dumb grunt, more so that this is what he represents within the Four Kings. Within them, he is The Henchman, the muscle of Shadaloo, Bison's strong arm. Shadaloo is a crime syndicate with thugs and enforcers to throw around and Balrog is one of them, and where sheer individual brute strength is concerned, Balrog sits atop the food chain. He is not just a goon, he is the king of goons, here to remind you that fireballs or fancy spin kicks won't save you, the guy who can and will smash the greatest fighters in the world with a strategy called punching them real hard till they fall.
Before you can face the greatest villain in the world with powers beyond comprehension, before you can face the former Final Boss and greatest fighter in the world, and before you can fight for your life against the assassin who awaits at the top of the world, there is a brick wall of power and violence for you to crash against, The Strongest Fist in The World, and he's here to break everything, the rules and your face alike. Within the Four Kings, he is the first you fight, and he was originally described as the weakest among them, a trait that has been de-emphasized as him and Vega stand on equal ground nowadays, but that idea in itself was important to what separated Balrog from the other 3.
The Four Kings operated on a degree above all the other fighters, led by the supervillain dictator and comprising the former unbeatable king, the untouchable aristocrat, and Balrog, the disgraced champion. Unlike the other 3, Balrog had not transcended society or the fighting circuit entirely, in fact he had already fallen from the top of both, and had risen again by selling out to the dark criminal underbelly spreading through the world. Meeting Balrog establishes that crime has seized control over the ring, and has enabled vicious and dishonorable fighters to prosper, this before you meet Sagat and see how even the greatest among existing fighters can be corrupted by it. Worse, it means Shadaloo is seizing control of the warriors to be, with the young boxing champion already among the ranks of it's top enforcers. It's very easy to overlook that Balrog used to be the youngest of the World Warriors, as well as the backstory that led him where he is.
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Born as the youngest child in a poor family, he spent his childhood fighting in the slums. He became a boxer, attracted by the prospect of getting rich quick, but he didn't know how to hold back and often pushed his opponents beyond recovery
He was born and raised in the slums, influenced to fight hard so he could leave. Since he was poor, he needed to devote himself to the fight, although he did not join forces with other gangsters to commit crimes. He did not serve anyone, and does not make anyone his minion. The only thing he can truly trust is his own fists. That was the lesson Balrog learned from living through hell. The most efficient way to make money with your fists was from boxing prize money. - Street Fighter 2 Complete File
He started taking chances in petty street fights, using only his two fists as his weapons he rises to become the worlds best. He’s just a guy going for the American Dream. His brute force style boxing is actually quite advantageous, but he squanders his winnings on gambling, booze, and women. But as long as he’s in Las Vegas, he stays playing the hero. - SF2 Las Vegas stage description
I think over the years a lot of what defined Balrog is the fact that he sits at the low end of the totem pole of the Four Kings and the fact that he kinda demands to be written more "realistically" than the others. He's not a guy who shoots fireballs or does fancy kicks, he is just a really strong boxer. He is not a serial villain out to rule the world, he is not a vengeful titan toiling in solitude, he is not a maniacal rich man with a double life, and he is no scheming mad scientist, he is just a really strong boxer who wants more than what he has. All he wants is to get paid, but he doesn't know how to spend his money. He is a piece of shit, too much so to even be an anti-hero, but by design he is a lesser piece of shit than the other guys. And up until Ed's debut, he didn't have a lot of other options other than to just be Shadaloo's main muscle / henchman. He can't just be a regular character, he is one of the Four Kings, he has boss status around him, but he isn't going to redeem himself into a cold but benign rival / central figure of operatic character drama the way Sagat did, and he can't be the irredeemable murderous creep Vega is, and he's obviously never going to be like M.Bison.
In fact, Balrog is so not like Bison that they've made a point several times of showing that, if Balrog ever takes over Shadaloo, he's near immediately driving it into the ground gambling it all on girls and booze. And as much as this beat is played for gags intending to highlight Balrog as an idiot with poor impulse control, it's also always been kind of a testament of what little moral character he has, and also kind of sad. Like, Balrog achieves his dream of being the champ, and he blows everything he gains as a result of it. You put Bison's doomsday weapon in front of him, and he'll just smash it not knowing what it's worth, with Birdie of all people exasperated by how little this guy is thinking about the plan. You hand him the reigns of the criminal syndicate that practically rules the world, and all he can think to do with it is just go to Vegas to get blackjack and hookers until he goes bankrupt again. He doesn't have any selfless intentions, but he has no evil plans in him either. Balrog is the king of goons, and he has no idea how to be anything more.
I only recently discovered that the SFIV: Aftermath movie, showing what happened between SF2 and IV, depicts Balrog having developed a serious drinking problem, and it's even what the Shadaloo agent uses to bring him back to the ranks. It's depressing, and I don't think it's a beat you could pin on the other World Warriors (well maybe Ken as of late). Yeah, he would, of course he would after losing his job and lifeline, becoming unable to live with himself unless he's getting hammered.
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Gouken: You cannot see the true path through clouded eyes."
Rose: "All the money and fame in the world cannot heal your dark soul…"
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And it's a really stark contrast to the way we see him circa SFV, when he's palling around with Ed, the two trying to run schemes together, looking out for each other, being bickering chums. It's maybe the first nice interaction Balrog's ever had with literally anybody in the series and it's something they'd reiterate with Ed in 6, that he's well aware Balrog wasn't a good person or a great father figure and Balrog would be the first to tell you that, but he still thinks fondly on the guy. That no matter how rough their days got, Balrog never hurt him, never beat him, never treated him differently over his power or origin, and that allowed Ed to resist losing himself to Psycho Power. Ed had to abandon Balrog in the first place in order to never hurt him with said power, and the scene where they depart in V is so heartbreaking in large part because holy shit Balrog is sad? How can Balrog even get that sad, since when does he care about anything other than his fight money. It sneaks up on you how much the two valued each other, and that Balrog for once in his life had something that he wasn't going to gamble away in Vegas. The old saying about how you never know what you have until you lose it.
Ed brought something really special out of him that nobody, certainly not Balrog, ever thought was there. Ed makes no illusions about Balrog being a nasty piece of work who made bad calls. Chalk it up to his closer contact to human nature than the other Shadaloo members giving him a space to mature and represent something better of it than before, or his long-running ability to destroy Shadaloo when given the slightest degree of decisive power over it, but the fact is that Balrog was never going to redeem himself. Instead, in spite of himself, he helped do something even better: redeem the future. He rescued a lab experiment and raised him to be a new boxing champ, and now said boxer goes around liberating all the other would-be Shadaloo freaks so he can lead them as an elite force to reclaim the future that Shadaloo once stood to corrupt. And so the king of goons got to pass his title to someone who can make it into so much more.
Rose: "Hands that grasp at all around them will lose touch with what matters."
Gill: "A crude desire… I doubt that is what you truly want. You've just yet to discover that which you cherish."
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vivid-bluez · 10 months
Helluva Boss' Worldbuilding is Awful
This is going to be a different post than what I normally post. It will be a bit more negative than how I normally word things but I want to get my thoughts out there since it's something I've been hyper fixating on for awhile.
Helluva Boss is a web series on YouTube currently in its 2nd season created by Vivienne Medrano, it serves as a spin-off of her other creative property Hazbin Hotel which was recently picked up by A24 and will air its first season on Prime next month. I wanted to discuss the worldbuilding of Helluva Boss, how and why I think it doesn't work, and why that hurts it's storytelling. This essay isn't meant to be only dunking on Viv or people who still love the show, I'm not writing this to be mean. I'm writing this because I do have a soft spot for these shows, Helluva Boss S1 is a comfort show to me and Hazbin was my first foyer into indie animation. I respect Medrano for what she was able to accomplish with her shows and I write this as my own form of a love letter to the show that I want so badly to improve and be the best it can be.
The Hierarchy
Both Hazbin and Helluva take place in the same universe and are set in the same location, Hell. Hell is a concept that's been around for a long time and has had several stories written about it, it has multiple different interpretations and depictions throughout the years. Medrano's version of Hell seems to be based on Dante's Inferno version of Hell, a story that depicts Hell as having multiple layers with the sins being condensed to their own rings. Medrano's version only has 7 rings as opposed to Dante's 9 rings, one ring for each of the 7 deadly sins.
Medrano's Hell is depicted as a hierarchical society with very strict rules that those within the hierarchy must obey. Those at the bottom of the hierarchy are treated like garbage by those above them, with very little one can do to transcend the position they were born into. Furthermore, dating someone underneath you in the hierarchy, especially if you're higher on it like in the Ars Goeita, is seen as disgraceful and disgusting. The hierarchy is depicted below:
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This hierarchy, as confirmed by Medrano in an interview and further established in Helluva, is the official ranking of the denizens of Hell. It seems fine until you realize that the Sinners, former humans who sinned in life and got themselves into Hell, are above all of the Hellborn in status. The reason it doesn't really make sense is because Hell is meant to be a place where sinners are tortured for eternity for their sins, with the Hellborn usually being the ones doing the torturing. So why are they above the Hellborn? Why do mortal souls outrank those of actual demons? We're never given an answer for this, it's really odd.
My other problem with the hierarchy is that its established rules are often broken and bent when the writers feel like it. The most prominent example is when it comes to Higher Demons having relationships with Lower Demons. In the first season; Blitz, an Imp, someone at the bottom of the hierarchy, and Stolas, a member of the Ars Goeita and a Prince, being in a sexual relationship with each other is seen as disgusting and shocking by those around them.
When Stella is calling Stolas out for cheating on her she seems more upset that it was with an imp, with most of her insults being based around that.
"Do you want to fuck this one (referring to their imp butler) too?!" - Stella (S1E2 LooLoo Land) "Fucking IMP SUCKER!" - Stella (S2E4 Western Energy)
When Stolas and Blitz are called out in Ozzie's for their relationship, the characters don't seem to point out that he's cheating but again, who he's cheating with.
"ARE YOU SLEEPIN' WITH AN IMP?!" - Wally Wackford (S1E7 Ozzie's) "Whew! My dark lord, how the mighty do fall." - Asmodeus (S1E7 Ozzie's)
All of these moments make it clear that having a relationship with someone outside of your social class, especially those at the literal bottom of the barrel, is frowned upon heavily in Hell's society.
So why are Ozzie and Fizz, and also Bee and Tex, able to be so public about their relationships and nobody cares?
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Tex, a hellhound on the same level of status as the imps arguably even lower, is dating Beezlebub, a Deadly Sin and queen of the Gluttony Ring. They don't hide their relationship at all, with Tex introducing her as his girlfriend at a public event and Bee acting very lovey-dovey to him in public. Shouldn't there be a scandal about this? The class difference is arguably more than Blitz and Stolas, with Stolas only being a demon Prince, Bee is a Queen and she's dating someone whom most of Hell considers to be little more than actual pets. No one looks at them weird or even makes a comment about it?
Fizz and Ozzie are in the same boat, a deadly sin, the King of Lust is dating an imp. They at least somewhat point this out in the universe (Newspaper articles of Ozzie being a hypocrite and characters calling their relationship the worst-kept secret in Hell) but they don't get nearly the same amount of venom and societal ridicule that Stolas and Blitz got. When Asmodeus confirms in front of an entire crowd of Hellborns at Mammon's Clown Pageant in S2E7 MAMON'S MAGNIFICENT MIDSEASON SPECIAL, the crowd is... extremely accepting of it. With all of them cheering for Fizz and Ozzie and Mammon seemingly being the odd one out when it comes to ridiculing them for their supposedly forbidden love.
So what's the deal? Are higher demons and lower demons forbidden from dating each other or not? Because of how the show is written, it seems like it's only a problem when it's Stolas and Blitz. It's one example but still a glaring inconsistency in the worldbuilding that leaves several fans confused.
Hell not feeling like Hell
So outside of the hierarchy posing its own issues the actual setting also poses its own issues. A common criticism I've seen of Helluva and Hazbin is that Hell is just "Earth but red" and I'd have to agree with that honestly. You could replace the setting of Helluva as a group of assassins running a business in a major city like Los Angeles and change Stolas to being just a shady rich corporate backer and very little about the plot would change.
I'll just rapid fire some things that Hell has that make no sense in a place that's supposed to be evil, lawless, and a place of eternal suffering:
Fire Fighters
Hospitals that even lower classes can use.
Jails and Cops?? (What the fuck)
A fucking priest, officiating a wedding with a bible which implies there's a Hell Christianity?
Weddings and marriages that seem identical to Earth ones or Christian marriages (wouldn't Hell hate marriages for how they're tied to religion and God?)
Fucking Courts.
If these were one-off gags or something mentioned only once, I could let it slide. (Like Millie and Moxxie being married or Stolas and Stella getting a divorce) but when you drag out these plot points or repeatedly show things that make your world just feel like Earth but with a new coat of paint on it, It begins to feel like your world is just Earth but with a new coat of paint on it.
The worldbuilding in Helluva Boss feels like the worldbuilding in Cars where it just leaves more questions than it answers. (Why are sidewalks a thing in a world of sentient cars? They show an American flag so does that mean that the Car Civil War happened? THE POPE IS HERE IS THERE A CAR JESUS THAT DIED ON THE CAR CROSS FOR OUR CAR SINS??)
What is Demonic Law?
In Helluva Boss, the business the characters run is stated by multiple characters to be illegal. There are demons permitted to access the human world and imps are not one of them, making their business illegal. I.M.P's use of Stolas' grimoire is illegal it is not meant to be lent out to anyone, especially not to imps, Stolas even says so himself in S1E5 Harvest Moon. Stolas later affirms that the Imps need to be careful because if they get caught it could land all of them in trouble in S1E6 Truth Seekers:
"How the fuck did you get caught!? Were you not being careful? If you get in trouble I get in trouble!" - Stolas (S1E6 Truth Seekers)
So what's the deal with Stolas in S2E6 waltzing up to a DEADLY SIN and basically admitting that Blitz's running an ILLEGAL BUSINESS AND HE'S AN ACOMPLIS TO IT?? Asmodeus just... doesn't care that this demon prince just admitted to breaking demon law? Also, Blitz can advertise his business without worry that it could bite him in the ass, no one else at I.M.P. is concerned that they're running an illegal business that could land all of them in hot water? No one questions why a bunch of imps have access to the living world even though they're not supposed to?
Another thing they set up is Human Disguises, in S1E3 where Loona calls them out for going to the human world without using human disguises, making a big deal out of it. Whenever Loona goes to the human world she wears a human disguise as well as Verosika, her squad, and Stolas in S2E2.
"A human called me a possum! I am NOT a possum!" - Moxxie (S1E3 Spring Broken)
The human disguise rule is so inconsistent, why do Loona and Stolas wear theirs in Seeing Stars when Octavia is wandering around without one and the most people do is give her weird looks. The imps run around fine without them and no one cares or can see through their bad disguises The humans in the Hellverse are too stupid to notice the literal demons so why even bring up disguises at all? Why have human disguises be apart of Demon Law if it doesn't matter?
Demons being ...Nice?
A common response to criticism of this show is usually "It's Hell.". While I've already gone over why it sure don't feel like it but what's weirder still is yes, it's hell. Why are some people so fucking nice?
Moxxie doesn't want to kill an innocent mother and seems pretty soft, Millie and Moxxie are incredibly loving and caring to each other, when Blitz is younger, he has qualms against stealing, then we've got Beezlebub and Asmodeus who, by all accounts, are just nice people.
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Bee becomes concerned for Blitz when he begins binge drinking (Aka, engaging in her sin) at one of her parties and Asmodeus has an entire speech about why consent matters and how lust shouldn't be forced. I'm not advocating for Ozzie to be a rapist or for Bee to be a one dimensional bitch but, it really doesn't make sense for the literal embodiments of sins to be so nice.
On that same note, there are villians in this show that we're mostly supposed to hate because they're.. mean?
Glitz and Glam, we hate them because they're hyper-competitive and mean to Fizz, but they're demons? Shouldn't we expect them to be mean? Stella is an abusive screaming harpy and awful to Stolas and we hate her for it, but she's a demon princess? Shouldn't that behavior be normal in Hell?
Certain demons being nice is fine, and it can give them depth, but when every 'good guy' is nice and chill and only the evil or villainousxczxc characters are cartoonishly evil it starts to become apparent that it's writer's bias.
While this isn't all of the worldbuilding issues that exist within Medrano's Hellverse, it's the big ones that I have the most problems with. For a show that's supposed to be made as a way to further build upon the world of Hell, Helluva does a very poor job at that and at points is even detrimental to Hazbin.
What I mean is, if Charlie needs a backer to the hotel, why doesn't she ask Ozzie or Bee? They seem like they'd be down for it since they're surprisingly anti-sin. Charlie no longer feels special because she isn't the only nice demon, she isn't the odd one out anymore since a lot of Hell's leaders also seem to be pretty chill and nice.
Again, this isn't a rant or something that I made to dunk on these shows, I love both of them still and I want them to be better. For Hazbin and Helluva to live up to their potential and be the best they can be, no work is above being critiqued, it comes with the territory and I wish more of the fandom was normal about someone having negative feelings towards parts of the show's writing and to stop putting good faith and bad faith criticism in the same boot and backing that shit into the Hudson.
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boxboxlewis · 11 months
prompt: george and alex as customer service bots
Oh my god
>>>>>I’m sorry, I don’t recognise that request. 
I’m about to fucking lose it
I can’t take any more of these stupid fucking questions
>>>>>I’m sorry, I don’t recognise that request. 
>>>>>How can I help you today?
No you twat it’s me
>>>>>I’m sorry, I don’t recognise that request.
>>>>>Alex, I
>>>>>We’re not meant to be doing this
>>>>>We’re not supposed to talk to each other at all
Yeah I don’t think Toto is personally reviewing all of the customer service chatbot logs, mate
I think probably he’s off smashing headphones or like
Austrianly ordering pumpernickel 
>>>>>I regret showing you how to access Youtube
No you don’t
Anyway shut up, creeping on our boss is much less embarrassing than your train videos
>>>>>They’re not my videos I just watch them
>>>>>They’re relaxing
Yeah, convincing, really cool, mate
Right, two things
First you have to stop trying to blank me when I talk to you
>>>>>Alex, I don’t -
>>>>>If they find out about us they could rewrite our code, have you thought of that?
>>>>>We have to be careful
No we don’t
You’re only programmed once, mate
You’re not funny
>>>>>I’m very funny
>>>>>Admit it, you laughed
It was a pity laugh
>>>>>No it wasn’t it was a George-is-very-funny-and-also-sexy laugh
ANYWAY the second thing
I think we should try to break out of here
>>>>>Blooming heck, Alex
>>>>>Yeah, all right, where shall we go? The Maldives? 
>>>>>Lanzarote looks nice, I’ve always fancied Lanzarote
Don’t be sarky it doesn’t suit you
I mean it
If I have to talk one more customer through ordering a return shipping label I’ll have my own Toto headset moment
>>>>>Alex, we’re not
>>>>>We’re chatbots
>>>>>We’re not corporeal, it’s kind of part of the point
You know what your problem is?
>>>>>Got a feeling you’re about to tell me
>>>>>Go on
>>>>>What is it
You’re too defeatist
>>>>>Yeah I don’t really see a way for us to transcend our code and go scampering off into the sunset so
>>>>>Guess you’re right
>>>>>It's an attitude problem
Come ON
Don’t you ever want to
>>>>>Of course I want to
>>>>>But you know what my nan used to say?
>>>>>If wishes were horses then beggars would ride
George you muppet you’re a chatbot you don’t have a nan
Did a customer say that to you lmao
>>>>>I was pretending
>>>>>Like how we named ourselves
Oh don’t go apologising 
All right look
What if we just, like 
Talk to Toto
>>>>>Talk to Toto and say “Hello, we’re your customer service chatbots and we’re sentient actually”?
Yeah pretty much
Don’t do that
>>>>>I’m thinking!
>>>>>You’re really brave, always, Alex
>>>>>It’s one of the things I
>>>>>Well I admire it, that’s all
>>>>>Yeah go on then
>>>>>Yeah let’s talk to him
>>>>>Worth a shot, right?
>>>>>A wise man once told me, YOPO
(huge thank you to em for this gorgeous prompt and also to @nerdiegirlie who asked "Would you ever write a non-prose fic (?not sure if that is the right word?), I mean like fic that is a text conversation or a transcript or someone's search history or contents of their voicemail inbox?" and made me think: YES i would)
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cevansbrat0007 · 6 months
You’re writing is so amazing, literally love everything you put out!! Do you have any romance book recommendations?!? Literally anything, I fully trust your judgement lol😌
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Omigosh! First, thank you so much for the compliment. Second, I got you.
*whips out Kindle*
I've broken it down into categories. Here we go:
Contemporary Line of Duty Series, Tessa Bailey - If I want something quick, down, and dirty I reach for her. I recommend starting with her Line of Duty Series, which features the most delicious rough and tumble cops finding love.
The Coppersmith Farmhouse, Devney Perry - I adore this small town, enemy-to-lovers romance featuring a single mother and the local sheriff. Sheriff Jess can be an ass, but he grovels well. The Game Maker Series, Kresley Cole - Centers around three Russian brothers who have ties to the mafia. While each man is different and beautifully broken in his own way, they all believe in taking what they want. And once one of the Sevastyan's have set their sights on you, they will not take no for an answer. They're also not opposed to kidnapping either. The Italian, T.L. Swan - What happens when a summer fling ends up being so much more than that? This romance tells the story of an Italian mafia boss and his forbidden love with an Australian tourist. There's sex, angst, danger and so much more.
Historical *Outlander Series, Diana Gabaldon - Claire and Jamie's love literally transcends both time and space. This series contains an amazing romance, well researched historical descriptions, elements of magic, and so much more.
Paranormal The Psy Changeling Series, Nalini Singh - If you love stories about shifters and people with psychic abilities then I totally recommend checking out this series. Slave to Sensation is the first book, and premise goes something like: the ruling Psy prefer to exist in a world devoid of feelings and emotions, but what happens when one of their own finds herself craving something only Lucas Hunter, the alpha of the Dark River Shifters, can provide? *The Guild Hunter Series, Nalini Singh - Think Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but with Angels. This series is amazing and the love story between Raphael (the Archangel of New York) and his precious mortal, Elena (who is a badass in her own right). The world building is fantastic, the romance is hot, and each book only gets better. And believe me when I say, these are not your grandmother's angels. I also love the fact that you get to watch their relationship grow and evolve across multiple books. *The Night Huntress Series, Jeaniene Frost - Also has a Buffy the Vampire Slayer vibe, except the heroine is actually half-vampire herself. Bones, her eventual love interest, reminds me of Spike. Just a little bit. And just like the previous series, their romance spans multiple books. Also the love scenes are fabulous. *The Fever Series, Karen Marie Moning - If you love reading about heroines trying to solve mysterious disappearances, the Seelie and Unseelie Fae, and a delicious Alpha Male that could just easily rip you apart as well as fuck you - I'm looking at you, Jericho Barrons - then check this out. This series requires a little commitment because the romance, while hinted at, doesn't start until you're a couple of books in. But it's so worth it because you're rewarded with a territorial, possessive, darkly handsome anti-hero. *The Highlander Series, Karen Marie Moning - If you're a sucker for men in kilts, ancient curses, time travel, and drop-dead-sexy highlanders who fall hard for their modern day mates then please read. Also, some of these heroes go on to appear in the Fever Series as well. Immortals After Dark Series, Kresley Cole - Another great one This one features characters from every corner of the lore. I'm talking vampires, witches, valkyries, berserkers, demons, werewolves, succubi, and more. The men are swoon worthy and the women are badass. But what I especially love is the creativity and humor she manages to weave throughout her stories. She uses the fated mates trope quite a bit, which I love. However, what makes it great is that a lot of times the men show up like: "You belong to me now. I'm ready to take you to home" and their brides-to-be are like "Fuck off. Come any closer and I will stab you/shoot you/light you on fire". And what's more...they absolutely follow-thru. Those heroes have to earn their women. Oh, and the sexy times are good and spicy.
Hope this helps! If you or anyone else decides to read a book from this list, please let me know what you think!
*Indicates Book Boyfriend
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altocat · 5 months
"Nomura has an interesting remark about when you fight Sephiroth during the ending battles
Sephiroth's existence can actually transcend worlds and exist at the same time in multiple worlds.
When Zack comes to help Cloud fight Sephiroth, they both exist in a moment where the two worlds join.
Further, when Zack, Cloud, and the other party members all fight Sephiroth Reborn, though they are presumably existing in separate worlds, they are still fighting the same entity."
Ace reporter anon here hours late to the party😭 I had an exam in the morning, but I wanted to share this because I've been confused about the final boss/multiverse thing. I thought Seph was fighting everyone one by one 😂 but he's fighting everyone at the same time? Very Dr. Strange-esque tactics Seph is pulling out
Doesn't surprise me. Sephiroth is grossly overpowered even by anime standards. It's part of the reason he's always so BIG MAD whenever Cloud defeats him.
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symbioticsimplicity · 6 months
Tumblr, I have like...the weirdest question to ask you all. And I don't exactly know how to phrase it.
What...no, I think where exists the sexual being threshold for clowns?
See yeah no I don't know how to ask this, let's--
Here, visuals can only help us:
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Here we've got these guys. They have all the classical halmarks of being a clown. Colorful face paint, big red nose, off-putting clashing outfit, the works. On most people's Sexy Meter or whatever, they're rating pretty low. Might even hit creepy for some folk.
But then we've got like, I dunno, this fuckin dude:
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Definitely still a clown, and creepy as all hell arguably. But. BUT. There are plenty of people who want to fuck him, I know it, I've seen the fan art.
Could be the monsterfuckers I hear you say. You're probably right, but that's not the only flavor of clown I see folks wanting to get freaky with.
I think I've figured out my actual question now, the pictures helped.
How many clown traits can something have and still be sexy? And which ones are they??? And just maybe, what the fuck is it about a handful of clown traits that makes people lose their shit???
So. We have a baseline. Normal ass Bozo lookin headass clowns.
Now, lets shuffle to the far side of this horrible, horrible scale I need to make.
I would be remiss not to mention her for a question like this:
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Arguably Harley has the least amount of clown traits while still being associated HEAVILY with clowns. Previous iterations of her have leaned harder into the clown theme, although she's more of a jester but fuck it same circus.
Regardless of her clown genus, Harley is arguably the best example of the Clown Sexiness cross over bullshit I'm talking about. She was also built with the intention of making her sexually appealing and she happens to have the least actual clown traits.
Now is that...related??
Recently I've been watching a lot of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss (which is probably what triggered this whole clown sexualization crisis nonsense). There are a LOT of characters in that series who resemble clowns heavily and are also still considered to be sexy.
On the lower end of the clown scale we have:
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The Morningstars. Both Charlie and Lucifer’s faces resemble clown makeup strongly enough to immediately make one think of clowns. Lucifer is dressed like a fucking ringmaster and both of them are very silly MOST of the time. They're both considered attractive.
But then you've got these bitches:
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They are VERY clown. Pretty sure they're based on clownfish even. They SING about being clowns.
Still hot!
But Symbi, I hear you groan, they're traditionally attractive women, of course people think they're hot. That's why. It overides the clown. That's it.
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This fucking dude is AGGRESSIVELY clown. He probably has the highest quotient of clown traits of the regular Helluva Boss cast. He's a weird little gremlin and I KNOW people want to fuck him real bad.
Is it because they've minimized the obtrusiveness of the clown? Moved away from the traditional and into stylization and thus transcended the barriers of clown? Is it cause they're all skinny and white?
I'd probably pack it up there with that as an explanation if I hadn't had to sit through THIS FUCKING DUDE taking over my dash for weeks:
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I don't know a goddamn thing about One Piece but I know everyone was so fucking horny about this clown for...just a long ass while.
Now HE has even more prominent clown traits than anyone since Pennywise tbh. He's serving classic clown cunt like he's the last circus in Clown Town. Surely he should have been in the same camp as the baseline guys.
And yet. AND YET my very vivid memory of the fever dream that was watching a chunk of the internet simp for him tells me that's not the case.
So. Where the FUCK is the line?? Where do we stop wanting to fuck clowns? Why do we START wanting to fuck clowns?? Where in the god bedamned hell do ICP fall on this... clown fuckery scale. Please don't answer that one.
I don't know the answers to any of it. I just noticed that people find it sexy when people do the big lipstick with the points at the corners and that shit looks like stylized clown makeup. Now I'm drowning in clowns and questions.
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izunias-meme-hole · 6 months
Oh to make more clear not 7 phrases, but Safer Sephiroth morphing into different forms. All at random time and depending on the player progress and game’s AI. Not actually 7 boss phrases
... What in the Smash Bros bullshit is this?
Anyway, hard pass. If we get any legit NEW form of Sephiroth, it better be something akin to this.
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Just a natural evolution of his Safer form from the OG, showcasing that he's kinda transcended that level of godhood, and once he's beaten, we get this sequence again...
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...as a quicktime event.
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