#this chapter is a bit about her & hera & after the war
Yes hello just wanted to step by and say that I love your Wolfwren fic so far thanks have a great day
🥺🥺🥺 oh wow thank you!! that fic is so much fun to write & getting to delve into sabine’s gay little head and explore the absolute tragedy of her life (being used as a child soldier by the empire, falling in love with her best friend who then left her for dead, finding a family and then losing it in pieces, one by one to this war she can never stop fighting) has been such a painful and rewarding experience but so good…
i’m 🫡😭 about giving sabine this slow-dance of blood and tension and longing into something raw and healing and beautiful with shin. it’s what she deserves!!
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helenofsparta2 · 2 months
Rick did Jason Grace so dirty in HoO
Before I explain, I think I should establish that I really like Jason as a character. While he isn’t one of my favourites, he has really grown on me over the last couple of years. But he never really had a shot with the fandom, after his introduction in The Lost Hero, and after Son of Neptune and a lot of that has to do with the way Rick set him up for failure from the very beginning with a variety of writing decisions. The odds were really stacked against him.
Let’s first recap the very base of who Jason Grace is. He had an unstable mother, who gave him up to Juno when he was two years old, so that she could claim him as her champion. He is the only demigod child of Jupiter, and grew up raised by wolves, then later raised in a relatively strict military hierarchy since a very early age without any knowledge of his mortal family. He had to deal with all the pressure and expectations that came with who his father is. Over time he managed to become one of the two leaders of said hierarchy and has been committed to change its society for the better ever since. He led Camp Jupiter in the titan war and managed to defeat the titan Krios with his bare hands,  He is the long-lost brother of Thalia Grace, one of the more popular characters from the PJO book. He is extremely kind, protective, and loyal, and one of the most powerful demigods in the Riordan verse.
This should have easily made him into a fan favourite character. But what happened instead was for him to become the least favorite member of the seven, to be considered boring and skippable by a lot of fans, and to even get a lot of haters. (I know especially here on tumblr a lot of people really love Jason, but I’m talking about the more general part of the fandom, and I don’t think anyone can deny that Jason gets quite a lot of hate there.)
So, what went wrong?
I think there are three main reasons for the dislike he receives.
Telling, and not showing on part of Rick’s writing
A constant forced comparison with Percy
A lacking character arc in the hoo books
Let’s start with the first one.
Telling, and not showing
Piper’s and Leo’s POVs did him a huge disservice in that regard in the lost hero. During the entirety of the book, Piper wore rose-tinted glasses when it came to him. There is barely a chapter without her glazing Jason, or commenting on his looks or generally how perfect he is. Leo deals with a lot of insecurities and, while not as extreme as Piper, puts Jason also on a pedestal in his chapters. This was, for one, quickly becoming repetitive, but also put a lot of expectations on Jason, which are impossible to meet for any character.
It doesn’t help that Jason didn’t achieve all that many impressive feats in The Lost Hero. He didn’t do nothing, but in comparison to Leo and Piper, he gets a bit overshadowed.
Leo pretty early on established himself as a mathematic genius. He repairs Festus, saves Piper and Jason from the cyclops, and fights against Khione at the Wolf’s house.
Piper uses her charm speak to convince Boreas and his sons to let them go, frees Leo and Jason from Medea’s control, breaks Hera’s cage together with Leo, and is able to revive Jason after he accidentally looked at Juno in her divine form.
Jason, meanwhile, defeats a venti at the Grand Canyon and saves Piper’s life, defeats Lityerses and Midas, and defeats Encaladeus with the help of Zeus.
Don’t get me wrong. Those are great accomplishments and put Jason at the very top of the demigod power hierarchy, but with the way everyone talks about him, and with the standards we already have for children of the big three as readers of PJO, he just falls a bit short. Especially when you focus on top of that on other moments in that book where he gets knocked out by the cyclops or looks unprompted at Juno in her divine form, to list a few examples.
Despite this, his actions and abilities would have probably still made him into a fan-favourite character, if there wouldn’t have been this constant comparison with Percy.
A forced Comparison
Jason and Percy are getting compared in the hoo books in a very obvious way. They are set up as equals by Rick with its entire premise in the first two books and the weird rivalry thing he wrote in Mark of Athena, which is, I think, the main reason why Jason is so disliked.
Percy Jackson is probably the most popular character within the Riordan verse. The only characters who even come close are Nico di Angelo, Leo Valdez, and maybe Annabeth Chase. He is the main character for the entire prequel series, and had much more time to develop and for the readers to get attached to than any other character.
This was a lost battle, even before the first chapter of the lost hero was written. By the time, Percy and Jason meet, Percy was the main character, or at least one of the main characters, in 11 adventures, if you include the short stories, while Jason was one of three POV characters in a single book. A book, where he had amnesia for the entirety of it. People are protective of their favourite characters, and if you make a direct comparison between the most popular character in your franchise and some new guy, even (try to) establish them as equals and force them to have a rivalry, people are naturally going to develop a dislike for the new guy.
And Rick certainly didn’t help matters with the way he wrote them.
At the end of the lost hero, Hera tells Jason, that he is going to be the leader of the seven, but we know he isn’t. We, as readers, who have followed Annabeth and Percy since they were 12 years old, know that he doesn’t deserve this role, judging by what we have seen of him.
Even if he were to be portrayed as strong as Percy in the following books, it would feel undeserved. While we have seen Percy fight the many monsters and titan’s he did in the PJO books, and seen his growth in both power and character, we only get told that Jason defeated Krios with his bare hands. There isn’t even a flashback in either his or Reyna’s POV chapters of the incident, which could have at least elevated this accomplishment.
And then, Rick publishes Son of Neptune and every possibility of Jason being on the same level as Percy gets instantly flung out of the window.
Percy is the MVP of that book. Frank and especially Hazel are awesome, absolutely no discussion there, but for me at least, Son of Neptune was really Percy’s time to shine.  (Though I have to admit, I’m pretty biased towards Percy, so that statement is probably really subjective.)
Even before he leaves for the quest, Percy already killed one gorgon, demolished the romans in the war games, sees through Octavius’ performance, figures out what happened with the golden eagle and proves his selflessness by choosing not to take the gorgon blood to recover his memories. Then later he tricks Phineas in what is for me one of the coolest moments in the entirety of hoo, fights an entire army, destroys a glazier, defeats Polybotes basically by himself and, again, makes a fool out of Octavius in front of the senate, and all that after Rick already nerved him by removing the curse of Achilles.
Comparing especially the fights against Polybotes, and Enceladus respectively does Jason absolutely no favors.
Jason fought good, he fought greatl even, he had this very cool moment with his speech explaining who he was and boasting of his accomplishments, but in the end, his weapon got destroyed and he had to pray to his father to kill Enceladeus with a lighting bolt. That was an amazing feat for a demigod, absolutely no discussion, but really pales in comparison to Percy’s fight at the end of Son of Neptune.  
Percy absolutely bodied Polybotes. I don’t even know if he received a single injury in this fight. The “help” he received from a god was him smashing the decapitated head of Terminus into Polybotes. Like, Terminus didn’t do shit in that fight.
You can’t describe two characters as being equals and then portray so huge differences in their accomplishments.
Yes, Hazel and Frank also often say that Percy is powerful, or a good leader, or handsome, or smart, in a similar way to how Piper and Leo describe Jason, but with Percy it feels more like a reward as a reader. Because we have already seen him be all of that in the original books. It’s just acknowledgement and no new information.
Also, the absolute dissonance between Jason’s disappearance and camp Jupiter’s reaction also doesn’t help him. How can we believe that he is a leader of the same calibre as Percy, when most of the people in the camp he has lived in since he was four years old, don’t even care that much about his disappearance and are so quick to replace him? (Even worse, they replaced him with Percy) I know that this is just the way, Camp Jupiter works, but simply as a narrative choice, it’s very questionable.  
A lacking Character Arc & Amnesia
Coming to the last point. Jason’s character arc in the entirety of Hoo fell flat to me (Though, to be fair, most character arcs, if they even existed, fell flat to me in Hoo.)
His predominant character arc is him struggling with his identity, between being a roman or a greek. Now, this would be a very compelling arc, if we’d know who Jason Grace was as a roman. But we don’t. We know close to nothing about Jason’s life in New Rome. The only meaningful relationship he apperantly had was with Reyna, and he barely thinks about her in his povs, and even in Reyna’s chapters in boo we barely find out about their friendship. The entire camp turns against him in Mark of Athena. By the end of Boo, he still has not regained his entire memory, and never really confronted his past as a praetor. This is not a full, or satiscfactory character arc.
There are many other points I could name, like his relationship with Piper, or how him being Thalia's brother came completely out of the blue, or how he didn't built any meaningful relationship with characters who weren't Piper or Leo in the four books he's been in, but, to be honest, this post is already getting too long.
I'm just frustrated because he could have been one of the coolest characters in the Riordan verse, but he was really sat up to fail.  
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flilisskywalker · 11 months
I guess what keeps me up at night is asking what's the point of Sabine's search for Ezra, like... as an emotional arc.
(This text is an adaptation of the thread I wrote on Twitter)
Because when I rewatch the fourth season of Rebels, I get the impression that they are paired together in many episodes as a way to prepare us for a hurtful goodbye between the two at the end of the show, which is to me the same reason why they decided to go heavy on confirming Kanan and Hera's romance because they knew he was going to die.
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I don't really know if the parallels between Sabezra and Kanera are intentional considering how Filoni talks about the former, but Ezra does become Kanan (even has a whole stretch arms sacrifice) and Sabine does become Hera (Deep grief for losing him) and not in a "The kid got this from his/her parent." sense, but in the sense of that the situation is really similar, which is interesting because it wasn't like this originally.
Ahsoka made Sabine's grief towards Ezra not being by her side all the time a thing.
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Instead of simply letting Sabine's mission be about bringing Ezra home like in the original animated epilogue, Filoni complicates things a little bit by implying that Sabine is not doing this for Ezra, but for herself. Beyond that, almost every character notices how devoted she is to him and it even confuses some of them.
Thrawn, for example, has studied Sabine. He is well aware that Ezra is her compatriot and friend and yet... he is confused by her choice. Sabine states "You wouldn't understand." and then accepts to be stranded on Peridea just to see Ezra again. Once she found him and even after hearing he wants to get home, she did not say a word about Thrawn being his only ticket home. Instead, she simply enjoys time with him.
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If you know Sabine Wren, you know that she would never ignore a huge Imperial threat and put in danger people like Hera, who is definitely an older sister type of role model to her, or feel that Ezra is the only family she has, so I do understand why people think she is very distant from the original show.
There might be a reason for all of this. A reason that I'm not sure Filoni wants to dive into, but the way he's been writing Sabine, the vagueness every time Ezra is the conversation's topic, feels like she has fallen in love with him during his absence and honestly? This makes far more sense than any other explanation.
We've seen in Star Wars before, fiction in general, that love is blind. Sabine's focus on finding Ezra is described by Baylan as something that blinds her. Not only this would justify her out of character attitude, but also the parallels with Kanan and Hera.
Star Wars live-action TV shows this year have been interesting to decode. In both The Mandalorian season 3 and Ahsoka season 1, there's a lot of subtle implications that characters want to build a life with somebody.
Mando does this in Chapter 22 - Guns For Hire, an episode surrounded by romantic love, where a droid bartender tells Din and Bo that human life is so short and then they look at each other. They want to be together, but that has not been verbalized yet. It is still very much in the subconscious.
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Ahsoka does it in Part 7 - Dreams and Madness, by showing Sabine's lack of urgency regarding Thrawn and simply enjoying Ezra's company. It really implies that this was what her mission was all about: Be with Ezra. Her real desire is build a life with him, but that desire is still in the subconscious.
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I believe Favreau knows all of that when it comes to Din and Bo.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 11 months
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chapter summary: ezra reunites with hera and chopper and meets jacen. sabine realizes she still has a home on the ghost, and it's just like old times— but with one critical difference. chapter word count: 3.1K a/n: as i wrote this chapter, i started thinking about coffee creamer in the star wars galaxy. would it be blue? like their milk? what color would it make the coffee if you put enough in it? i decided to test this theory— though i didn't have blue food coloring, i did have purple for some reason, so i just used that, and, well, let's just say i know firsthand that sabine's description of ezra's caf in this chapter is 100% accurate. and i have made terrible mistakes. taglist:@laughingphoenixleader@accidental-spice@kanerallels@piraterefrigerator@jedi-nurse@dootchster@lucasbridger@redroverrider@light-umbra@commander-tech {if you’d like to be added to or removed from my Sabezra taglist, let me know!}
also on ao3!
Chapter 3: Sha'kajir
 Sabine tried to keep a straight face as the shuttle ramp lowered. She and Ezra had had plenty of time to discuss how to make an entrance upon Ezra's return to the galaxy, and she wasn't about to flub up their plan.
 She stepped off the ramp as seriously as she could, watching the faces of the confused New Republic soldiers in front of her as they lowered their weapons. She was sure most of them didn't even expect her return at all, especially so soon, or in a recovered Imperial transport.
 But the face she was watching most expectantly was General Syndulla's.
 "Sabine?" Hera asked, motioning for the rest of the troops to stay back as she walked across the hangar to her.
 "General," Sabine nodded, a smile tugging the corner of her cheeks.
 Though anyone else would've seen it as a breach in protocol, the general was the closest thing Sabine had to a mother anymore, and a reunion hug was inevitable.
 Hera quickly pulled away though, most likely equal parts remembering who else was watching and recalling Sabine's usual aversion to physical touch, and also because so many questions had still been left unanswered.
 "Did Ahsoka make it to you okay?" Hera asked, "did she make it back? Did you find Ezra?"
 "Ahsoka found me, yeah," Sabine said, "and she and Huyang made the jump back here with me."
 "And Ezra?" Hera asked.
 Sabine bit her lip, enjoying Hera's suspense too much to risk accidentally spilling it.
 "Did you find Ezra?" Hera asked, "is he…."
 "I'd say he's doing alright," a voice behind Sabine said, and she and Hera both turned to see Ezra standing in front of the shuttle ramp.
 "Ezra?" Hera asked, and Sabine took a step to the side.
 Ezra nodded, and before he could say anything more, he found himself in a long awaited hug from Hera.
 "Welcome home," Hera said, quietly enough that the only people who could hear it were Ezra and Sabine.
 "I've missed you, mom," Ezra said.
 Hera laughed a little, and after another moment, pulled away.
 Chopper rolled up to Ezra, beeping something about how he definitely didn't miss Ezra at all, and jokingly complaining about not giving him back his room.
 "Good work, Sabine," Hera said, "I'm proud of you— both of you."
 Sabine hadn't seen Hera happier since they returned from Krownest all those years ago, when the whole crew was together again for the start of the very last time. Mingled with the joyful disbelief on Hera's face was a sense of pride— though it seemed not just in her kids, but also in herself.
 "It's not all good news," Sabine said, "unfortunately, Ahsoka and Ezra aren't the only ones who came back from Perida."
 "You don't mean…"
 Ezra nodded sadly. "Somehow, Grand Admiral Thrawn returned."
 The light in Hera's eyes faded, years of conflict and turmoil rushing back at her, like everything they'd worked so hard for was beginning to crumble. She shook her head, biting her lip, then nodded, and the confidence returned.
 "It's alright," Hera reaffirmed, "Thrawn's return is nothing the New Republic can't handle, and now he's lost his element of surprise. Chop, let Senator Organa know. Notify the New Republic forces immediately."
 "And what are we gonna do to stop him?" Sabine asked.
 "That's the New Republic Council's call," Hera said, "until then, I think Ezra's gonna have a lot of catching up to do."
 "You have no idea," Ezra said, the same overwhelmed look on his face that he'd had any time Sabine tried to tell him about everything that had changed over the last decade.
 "But first," Hera said, "you need some rest. You two have just traveled across galaxies. There'll be time for a family reunion after you've gotten a good night's sleep."
 "Yes ma'am," Ezra teased, jokingly saluting. Hera put a hand on his shoulder and turned him around.
 "You've still got a bunk on The Ghost," Hera said, leading him to the door, "as long as you don't mind sharing your room with a force-sensitive ten year old."
 "Sabine told me all about the kid," Ezra said, "and it'd be an honor. Besides, if I could put up with the smell of Lasat for as long as I did…."
 Sabine watched as they walked away, Chopper rolling along behind them.
 "You did it," she thought, "he was counting on you to bring him home, and you did it."
 She shook her head, trying to stave off the burning question of "now what?"
 "Hey, Sabine!"
 Ezra had stopped in his tracks and turned back to her.
 "You coming?" he asked.
 Sabine searched her words. Of course she wanted to join them— and Ezra's smile as he turned back to her was welcoming in a way nothing else could've been— but she hadn't stayed on The Ghost for years, and didn't even know if there was still a place for her.
 Hera spoke up before Sabine could voice her hesitations.
 "I've still got your room just like you left it, too," Hera said, with that motherly tone of voice that turned a suggestion into a command.
 "Alright," Sabine said, "who am I to argue with that?"
 Sabine joined them, and they left for The Ghost together.
 — — —
 "Hey, Jacen," Sabine knocked on the door as she entered the room, "you awake?"
 If he hadn't been awake before, he certainly was now, as he jumped out of his bed and into her arms to give her a hug.
 "Aunt Sabine!" he laughed, "you're home!"
 "You're right I am," Sabine ruffled his shaggy green hair, "and I brought back a friend."
 Jacen looked past her to where his mom stood in the doorway, Ezra walking in past her.
 "Jacen?" Ezra asked, taking a few steps into the room, "I know you don't know me, but…."
 "Uncle Ezra?" Jacen asked.
 "Yeah," Ezra said, smiling as he knelt down next to Sabine to get closer to Jacen's level, "I take it you've heard of me."
 "Yeah," Jacen said, "mommy and Aunt Sabine and Chopper tell me stories about you all the time."
 Out in the hallway, Chopper beeped something to the contrary.
 "You do and you know it!" Jacen argued to the droid.
 "Well, I'm glad to finally meet you," Ezra said, placing his hands on Jacen's shoulders and nodding, "Sabine's told me a lot about you, too."
 "Like what?" Jacen asked.
 "For one, she said that you're a lot like your parents."
 "Did you know my dad?" Jacen's eyes lit up, "you knew him, right?" "Yeah," Ezra nodded, solemnly, before lightening the mood again, "how about I tell you about one of our adventures? As a bedtime story?"
 He glanced back at Hera as he asked, and she nodded
 "Just don't go too long," Hera pointed at them, "you boys have a busy day tomorrow."
 "Okay," Jacen said, already climbing into his bed.
 Ezra sat down at the end of Jacen's bed. "It all started when we were on the roof of The Ghost, while your dad was trying to teach me how to become a Jedi.…"
 Sabine watched him over her shoulder as she left the room. Ezra seemed to have clicked with Jacen immediately, probably due to either the way the boys were both so easy to get along with, or because of their strong connections to the force. Either way, it was endearing for her to watch.
 Sabine felt Hera's hand on her shoulder.
 "Let's get you settled back in too," Hera said.
 "Alright," Sabine said.
 She followed Hera down the hall to her old room, and found that, just as Hera had said, not much had changed. The walls were still covered in more graffiti than an abandoned factory in the outer rim, and the old cracked mirror on her dresser still had yet to be repaired.
 "Just like you left it," Hera said.
 "Yeah," Sabine rolled her eyes, sitting on her old bed, "that was quite a day."
 She almost felt ridiculous by now, with how excited and hopeful she'd been at the start of her training with Ahsoka, even though the mere thought of her training carried with it so much tension and stress now.
 She got up to look through the drawers of her dresser, and was confused by a few things she found in it.
 "I don't remember owning this shirt," Sabine said, holding up a gray and tan shirt with long sleeves and a snappy collar.
 "I didn't think your old clothes would fit you anymore," Hera said, "so left a few of my old things for you."
 "You did?" Sabine asked, looking through the drawer "how did you know I'd even be back?"
 "I didn't know," Hera said, "but I had hoped. I know you've moved onto bigger things than our Spectre days— we all have— but I always wanted home to be here for you if you need someplace to crash."
 "You mean a place to have an exciting landing?" Sabine asked.
 "Yeah," Hera laughed.
 Sabine gave Hera a sidehug.
 "Thanks," Sabine said.
 The past few years had been really rough. Every other idea of home she'd ever had was gone for good, but somehow this place remained— probably due to the stubbornness of her Captain.
 And somehow, no matter how much time passed, she always found her crew again.
 "It's good to have you home," Hera said, "now, I'd suggest you change so Chop can get your clothes washed, and I'll have something to eat ready in just a few minutes."
 "You don't have to…" "Sabine," Hera said, "I insist."
 Sabine smiled and rolled her eyes as Hera left the room.
 — — —
 Seven minutes later, Sabine was in the galley, wearing one of Hera's shirts and a pair of her old oversized pants, drinking a cup of caf and talking with Hera like nothing had ever changed.
 "How's your Jedi stuff going?" Hera asked, from where she stood by the stove.
 "It's," Sabine took a sip of caf as she looked for the right word, "interesting." "Interesting good?" Hera asked.
 "Yeah," Sabine said, "while we were on Perida I actually managed to use the Force a little."
 "Well, that's good," Hera said.
 "I don't know," Sabine said, "it only worked there and I haven't tried it since. Probably had something to do with the planet itself."
 "Ah," Hera smiled, "the Force has a funny way of working sometimes."
 "Yeah," Sabine said, unsure why she said it the way she did, like there was something more to this story that Sabine didn't even realize she was getting at, "it wasn't anything major anyways."
 "Don't listen to her," Ezra said, as he walked into the galley, "if it wasn't for her connection to the Force, we never would've made it home."
 Sabine smiled at Ezra, and noticed that instead of the clothes he'd been wearing all week in the closet, he now wore a familiar green shirt that Hera must've lent him. "Sounds like quite the story," Hera smiled, as Ezra sat down next to Sabine at the table, "and speaking of 'stories,'" Hera poured a cup of caf for Ezra just the way he liked it— with enough creamer that it ended up the same color that Zeb turned the time he got food poisoning, "you did make sure to remind Jacen that climbing on top of The Ghost for Jedi practice should only be done with direct adult supervision, right?"
 Ezra took a sip of his caf and sighed with contentment, as if he hadn't heard her question.
 "I've really missed this," he set down the cup, "you know, they don't have creamer like this on Perida. Granted, they also don't have caf."
 "Ezra," Hera asked, arms crossed.
 "Don't worry, Hera," Ezra said, "I'll remind him in the morning that any stories I tell him are on a strict 'do as I say, not as I do' basis."
 "Alright," Hera said, grabbing a couple plates off the counter as she changed the subject, "now, I hope you kids are hungry."
 She set down a plate of purpleish pancakes in front of each of them.
 "We've eaten nothing but decade-old Imperial rations for the last week," Sabine said, "I'd say we're long overdue for a home-cooked meal."
 "Besides," Ezra said, already with his mouth full of food, "I wouldn't even turn down a stack of Jogan Pancakes if I'd just had a full Life Day Feast."
 Sabine smiled as she took a bite of her pancakes, with not nearly as much reckless abandon as Ezra did— just like old times— but still wholeheartedly.
 "These are amazing," Ezra said, "just as good as I remembered them."
 "I do my best," Hera said, and instead of taking pride at his compliment, she looked away almost wistfully, "I know they're not as good as when Kanan would make them…."
 "They're great," Sabine and Ezra both said, then looked at each other with a smile.
 "Glad to hear there's an agreement," Hera said, as she sat down with a stack of pancakes of her own.
 In between mouthfuls— very full, borderline greedy mouthfuls— Ezra kept the conversation going.
 "Does Jacen have any of his dad's cooking skills?"
 Hera smiled, "he's the only one who can come close to making Kanan's specialty."
 "You mean that meatlump stuff that tasted a lot better than it sounds?" Ezra laughed, but only a little, followed by a sigh.
 "That's the one," Hera said, and despite the sour look on Ezra's face as he mentioned it, Hera's expression was one of delight.
 "Kanan would be proud of him," Ezra nodded.
 "I know he would," Hera nodded, "and I am too."
 They each took a few more bites, before Ezra spoke up again.
 "So, Sabine," Ezra said, "Jacen mentioned you've been telling stories about me?"
 Sabine bit her lip. Maybe she'd told one or two or seventy-five stories about him, but that was no reason for Jacen to bring it up.
 "Once or twice," Sabine said.
 "Which ones?"
 "Oh, you know," Sabine took a sip of her caf, "that time Chopper unscrewed the bolts from your bunk…."
 "Seriously?" Ezra asked.
 "What?" Sabine shrugged, "I had to say something when he asked about the funny drawing of Uncle Zeb on the wall of his room."
 "You actually kept that up?" Ezra asked.
 "You could've washed it off anytime when it was your room," Sabine suggested.
 "What can I say?" Ezra asked, "I liked being your inspiration."
 "Then you're gonna love what I've done in the comm tower on Lothal."
 "Nothing," Sabine said, quickly covering her tracks, knowing she probably couldn't find a way to say she'd been living in his old house the past few years without it sounding creepy.
 Ezra shrugged as he finished off his stack of pancakes and got up to grab some more from the counter by the stove, Sabine trying not to let her gaze follow him too intently.
 "You'd think we'd be sick of each other by now," Sabine thought, as she and Ezra sat next to each other at the table in the galley, long after the pancakes and caf were finished and Hera had gone to bed, "and yet? I could probably stay up talking with him all night."
 She tried to ignore the fact that she'd almost done just that, that there were only a few hours left before they'd have to wake up, and that Hera had reminded them not to stay up too late tonight.
 "Hey, Sabine," Ezra said, "you good?"
 She'd spaced out in the middle of one of his stories, so focused on how much she enjoyed talking with Ezra that she'd forgotten to focus on talking with Ezra.
 "Yeah," Sabine said, shaking her head as she came up with an excuse, "sorry. Just zoned out a little."
 "I think you need some sleep," Ezra said.
 "I've been in a closet for a whole week," Sabine said, "I've gotten more than enough rest."
 "Sabine," he titled his head and raised an eyebrow, with knowing disappointment at her self-destructive tendencies.
 "And what about you?" Sabine threw his accusation back at him, "don't you have a big day tomorrow?"
 "I'll be fine," Ezra said, glancing at her with a smile and a glimmer in his eye, "besides, I slept much better this past week than I have in a long time."
 "Why's that?" Sabine asked.
 That's how she knew she needed sleep. She was pretty sure of the answer to that question, and if she'd been more awake, she'd've deflected this kind of conversation.
 But, since she asked, Ezra answered, by sliding closer to her and gently putting a hand on her shoulder. He leaned towards her a little as well, and lowered his tone, somehow to something deep but still soft; gravelly but still smooth.
 "I've missed you."
 Oh no.
 In the good old days, when Ezra tried something like this, it had always bothered her— because she didn't feel the same way— because there was no way she could ever find herself liking Ezra. She'd thought those feelings he had for her had gone away, but the look in his eyes said it all: though it had taken many forms over the last fifteen years, his love for her had never died.
 In the good old days, she would've pushed him away immediately at this realization, not wanting anything more than his friendship. By the time she'd thought she might even be able to start feeling the same way, he was already gone. But as she looked into his eyes, she realized she'd more than just begun to catch feelings: though it had taken her fifteen years, she'd finally fallen in love with Ezra Bridger.
 She wasn't in the good old days anymore, and it was terrifying.
 She liked Ezra.
 Ezra liked her.
 And now instead of being galaxies apart, they were together— alone together— and he was leaning close to her and whispering to her in a tone of voice that could've made a textbook sound romantic, and she liked it.
 It was all too much to take in at once. Her familiar friend had become unfamiliar territory— by no fault of his own— and she didn't know how to respond.
 "I should go to bed," Sabine said, sharply, turning away from him so she didn't have to see how his face fell— though she saw it anyway.
 "Sabine," Ezra said, "wait, I…."
 But she was already out of her seat and on her way out the door. She thought she heard him get up and walk to the doorway after her, but she didn't turn around to check.
 Sabine wasn't running from Ezra. It wasn't his fault he'd finally gotten through to her heart this time.
 No, she was running from her feelings for Ezra. How else could she respond? She'd never been in love before. What else could be done in the face of this, besides what she did with any other new problem that couldn't be solved with a detonator?
 She ran.
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kka1lyns · 2 months
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“Is Our Love Worth the War?”
— Chapter 1
☁︎☾⋆⭒˚。⋆  𓅓
It was midday, the sun shining through the pillars of Annabeth’s chamber. Her scrolls were opened, held in one hand, her quill in the other, ink dripping onto her fingers. She always found peace in studying, until she was interrupted by her brother, Malcom. He whined and groaned for Annabeth to quit studying and spend some time with him, but to no avail.

"Oh c'mon, Annie! You must have something better to do! You've been staring at that thing all day! Just do something fun for once!”

“Can’t you see I’m studying? I just need peace and quiet from all the things happening right now…”

“Suit yourself, Annie, I’m going outside. Its pretty much useless to argue with you.”

“Hey, I didn’t mean it like—“ 

SLAM! He shut the door, making a pretty loud bang. He didn’t look upset, he didn’t sound upset, but judging how hard the door was shut, he was pretty upset. It would go away eventually though, I hope…

After studying for a bit more, reading my scrolls about poems, inventions, history and the likes, I heard a knock on the door.

“Come in!” I shouted. ‘Very un lady-like, Annabeth.’ My mother would have scolded me by now, I can tell.

Piper then walked in the room, she was the Daughter of Aphrodite, my best friend, cousin, duchess of Olympia, and fianceé of Jason Grace, 2nd in line to the throne of  Olympia.

“Hi Piper… I feel like you wanna tell me something…?”

“Well… yeah…! Theres princes coming over from basically all the kingdoms y’know, and since you’re gonna get married, you have to look for a-“

“I’m not marrying, Piper.”

“WHAT!? But what about the rules? You can’t possibly-“

“I know about the rules, but I don’t wanna be pressured into things like… this… I may rule Athens soon, but I wanna rule on my own… I mean— look at mother! She rules alone, dad left her… and well…— That just proves my point!”

“But still… What would your mom feel? I mean… there are some pretty cute princes my mom could set you up with—“

“I don’t think I’ll need your mom’s help for this, Piper… Besides, all the guys I know either look bad, act bad, or both. There’s no point in looking for someone.”

“Suit yourself, she’s the love expert.”

“But enough of that… congrats on being Jason’s fianceé.”

Piper was getting married to Jason in a few months. Pretty overwhelming, concidering the fact he was 2nd in line to the throne of Olympia and she was just a duchess. A pretty high rank amongst royals, but still… pretty overwhelming…

“Thanks… I’m honestly glad both Zeus and Hera like me… if they didn’t… I don’t know what I’d do… theres so many expectations too…”

I pat her shoulder lightly “I’m sure you’ll do fine, Pipes…”

Someone then knocked on my door, it was ome of our servants. She opened the door, calling me. “Princess, your mother wishes to see you.” This could never be good… It never is…
☁︎☾⋆⭒˚。⋆  𓅓

I opened the door to my mother’s study, seeing her on her chair, both her hands resting on the table. “Go on, sit. I need to talk to you.” She says sternly. I was never really close with my mom, over the years, we slowly drifted apart due to my duties as a princess and hers as a queen. 

“What is it that you need to tell me, mother?

“You do know princes are coming here in five days to visit you, right?” I already knew where this was going. “You’re going to have to marry soon, Annabeth. A prince of high status.”

“I don’t want to marry, mother. You know that.”

“But what about the rules, Annabeth? You can’t disobey the law. The own laws you swore to follow.”

“But you didn’t follow them either, you never-“

“Silence, Annabeth. You will marry, and that’s final. You shall choose a prince by the end of this week, and it has to be a prince. If it is some low status boy, you know my answer. I won’t have a princess marry a commoner.”
stopp oh my gods 🥹🥹 i don’t post my works online like this at all so this is basically my first work posted 😓😓 i hope ygs think its good tho 💗💗 mwamwamwa
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roninreverie · 1 year
Why Ahsoka's Thrawn isn't actually the real Thrawn
A theory by me, which I am going to be so annoying about for the foreseeable future, so let me just try to get most of it out of my system right here and now. 😅
So we all know by now that Thrawn is revving up to be the BIG BAD for the live action Star Wars series tying The Mandalorian into Ahsoka and working off of the Rebels finale.
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I also remember hearing old rumors that they were going to be pulling a lot from legends lore for this show, and that Timothy Zahn was not really involved at all with the show itself. (Feel free to update me otherwise though.)
Now, the fact that they're calling him the "Heir to the Empire" in the teaser trailer is already a pretty decent confirmation that the legends lore nods are in full swing. So this raises red flags for Thrawn's character, who, as we know from the newer novels, has a bit more motivation to him than his legends counterpart, and while the two are not wholly dissimilar, there have been a few important updates to his character since the early 90's.
Not to mention, I've heard a lot of people saying "If Zahn isn't involved, it wouldn't really BE Thrawn, right?"
I have a very strong gut feeling that this Thrawn isn't actually going to be the Mitth'raw'nuruodo that we expect him to be, and here's why:
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Evidence #1: The Beskar Spear
In Chapter 13 of Mando, we're introduced to Morgan Elsbeth who was apparently working so closely with Thrawn that Ahsoka Tano shows up to battle her and demand information on his wearabouts.
Do you really believe Grand Admiral Thrawn would think very highly of a woman who had tarnished the artistic craftsmanship and history of Mandalorian armor just to forge it into a spear?
Lest we forget how upset he got at Captain Slavin just for badmouthing Hera's kalikori in Rebels?
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But Thrawn is a big-picture kind of guy, so swallowing his opinions on the dismissal to the value of art isn't necessarily out of character for him, and I'm not sure if they ever specified it was Elsbeth who had done the re-forging in the first place.
Moving on!
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Evidence #2 Legends Lore and Fake Thrawns
There have been many versions of Thrawn since his creation in Zahn’s original trilogy/duology series, but did you know that there have also been multiple Thrawns existing in the Star Wars Legends universe?
I won't go into too much detail, but considering the Empire tried to keep Thrawn at arms reach up until he earned his Admiral status, and then some… they had quite a few backup plans to make sure the Chiss stuck around even after his “supposed” death.
Between Moff Vilim Disra hiring a con-artist actor named Flim, to fake the role and trick the galaxy... or the literal clone(s) who were set on backup timers and programmed with all of Thrawn's memories just in case of the Admiral’s untimely demise... it’s not as wild an assumption as you might think that there could be a few faux Thrawn’s roaming about in new canon. 
And we have been getting a lot of interesting nods to clones lately in the Bad Batch, especially concerning Mount Tantiss and the planet Wayland/Weyland.
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Just some food for thought.
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Evidence #3: Thrawn’s Death and Continuity
Though Legends and Canon Thrawn do have some similarities and ways to tie together their two universes, there have been updates to his story that cannot be ignored in the new canon, such as his inevitable death.
In legends, Thrawn was killed at the hands of his own Noghri bodyguard, Rukh, who was formally loyal to the Chiss until he learned that Thrawn had not been helping with the ecological disasters of his home planet as he'd promised, but instead had been purposefully keeping them present so that the Noghri people would remain indebted to the Empire. Discovering Thrawn's lies, Rukh stabs him through the chest in the ever-popular “it was so artistically done” scene, thus ending the deceitful Grand Admiral’s life in the old trilogy. 
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Unfortunately for the latest iteration of Rukh, Garazeb Orrelios made sure that his new canon self's death was probably not the sort he would be able to get back up and brush off in a surprising twist down the road. 
This left the new-canon Thrawn without an assassin destined to carry out his death, and what many newer fans hoped would mean some sort of redemption arc, given the changes to the character since his reintroduction in Rebels.
I think it can also be stated that the newer version of Thrawn is a bit "kinder" for lack of a better word than his legend's self. Not enough to negate his antagonistic nature in Rebels of course, but maybe just not to the sinister degree as his past counterpart.
So in closing, I am going to be watching and taking notes, excited to see where this new "Thrawn" in the Ahsoka series, Mando, and heck... maybe even Bad Batch-- will play out.
I am going to be constantly thinking he's a fake until absolutely proven otherwise, hoping that the Thrawn I've spent all these years building up in my head is off saving the Chiss-Ascendancy with Ezra Bridger and Eli Vanto... and getting something of a redemption arc now that he's apart from the Empire.
Newer Thrawn never struck me as an irredeemable villain, especially in the novels, but I guess that's up to time to tell for sure?
I'm not going to let this theory ruin my expectations for the show and the character, of course, but I'll be super hype if this is the direction they've chosen to go with him.
Thanks for reading, if you did, and feel free to keep the discussion going in the replies/reblogs if you have anything to add!
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transitranger327 · 3 months
Ehn’yuste: the Three Ways, Chapter 4: Building Ranks
Summary: A flashback to the beginning of Sabine’s journey as a Jedi. In the present, Shin and Sabine contemplate their future. Sabine offers guidance to a struggling Bo-Katan.
Notes: This chapter kept growing longer and longer, until I couldn’t finish a scene. Then I realized I could just move the scene to the next chapter. So I did. Did you know there’s an S in Vizsla? I didn’t!
A Mando’a glossary is in the end notes (below the cut), but you should check it out, I did a bit of linguistics
Eight years before the Ignition
The former Jedi stepped off onto a cold desert moon. The remnants of the Jedi holy site still breathed, but it was a halting, wheezing breath. She couldn’t bear to venture to the crater formerly known as the Holy City. Instead, Ahsoka turned to the outskirts, where the crew of the Ghost were assisting the remnants of Gerrera’s Partisans trying to expel the remnants of the Imperial presence. Not exactly a welcoming place for a meeting, but she supposed it would do. As she approached the rebel camp, she heard familiar voices shouting from tents. “I’ve been playing with explosives since I was a TODDLER! I know EXACTLY how much rhydonium we’ll need for a bomb that size!” She saw a Mandalorian woman storming out in a huff, whose mood improved immediately upon seeing the former Jedi. “Ahsoka! You made it!” she said as she embraced an old friend. Sabine radioed her crewmates to join her in the Ghost, then turned to Ahsoka, “Come on, let me take you to the family.”
The freighter-turned-rebellion symbol was at once familiar and yet distinct. Kanan and Ezra’s absences were palpable, yet a new kind of joy had begun to take their place. The former imperial Kallus (she was looking forward to learning how he became a turncoat) had taken Ezra’s old bunk, and Zeb seemed to be a lot warmer to his presence than the young Jedi. Rex now seemed to be living on the Ghost full time, and he was using Kanan’s old room. And this new member, Omega, well…
“Commander! Ezra told me you survived Malachor, but I couldn’t believe it until I saw you with my own eyes.” “Rex, what did Kenobi always say?” “Yeah yeah, I know, ‘your eyes can deceive you’, but not all of us have force powers. Anyway, this is Omega. Omega, this is Ahsoka, my old commander I always told you about.” “Another sister? Older, I sense?” “Wait how did you know?” Omega was surprised, very rarely had anyone guessed that correctly. “Like I said, looks can be deceiving. Anyway, so glad to meet you.”
Allegedly, Omega was staying with her brother in Kanan’s room, but more of her personal effects seemed to be in Hera’s room. A story for another time, perhaps, when they didn’t have war plans to make. After making their plans to liberate the Kyber mines, the crew began to ask what Ahsoka had been up to. She began to explain her recent travels, “There has been some disturbances in the Force lately. Not significant exactly, but concerning. Sabine, Ezra said you were with him when he visited the World Between Worlds. Can you tell me more?”
Sabine thought back to that day, the last days of Lothal’s occupation. The last days she saw her dad and brother. “Ezra and I were investigating the Empire’s looting of the Lothal Temple. We discovered a mural, one that could be changed to open the gateway Ezra used.”
A mural would line up with what Ahsoka had discovered on Malachor. “Can you show me the mural?” She assumed Sabine had made either a copy or her own art inspired by it. 
As Sabine went to her room to grab a sketchbook, Omega worked up the courage to inform Ahsoka of her own personal history. “For 3 years after the Empire started, there was a secret cloning research program focusing on m-counts. Kids my age and younger subjected to a bunch of medical testing. My brothers and I staged a breakout that destroyed most of the research, but do you think it could have anything to do with what you’re dealing with?” She hoped she wasn’t making a bad impression, and had learned how to be a bit more tactful since meeting Ventress all those years ago.
Ahsoka was intrigued. “It’s certainly possible. The Empire has a habit of kidnapping kids who would’ve been Jedi younglings. Would you be willing to put me in contact with the ones you rescued?”
An offer to be in contact with a Jedi for more than just generic rebellion? Omega leapt at the chance, “Of course, some of them still live with us.” 
Sabine returned to the commons, sketchbook in hand. She projected up a page featuring a charcoal illustration of three figures. “The mural looked mostly like this, but the arms of these three moved depending on if the gateway was opened or closed. The imperial leading the looting was convinced they were gods of some sort.” 
Ahsoka frowned. “He was right. I’ve met those gods. They called themselves The Ones: Father, Son, and Daughter. The Son was the embodiment of the Dark Side. The Daughter was the embodiment of the Light Side. The Father attempted to keep them in balance. I found a mural of just the Son, deep in the Malachor Temple. It helped me start to piece together how these mysteries work.” Sabine asked what happened to them. “They’re dead. But their legacy lives on.”
As the impromptu conference came to a close, and the crew of the Ghost dispersed to prepare for the fight, Sabine lingered with Ahsoka. She was trying to find an angle to ask for Ahsoka’s…help? Guidance? Tips and tricks‽ “ugh why does this ha—”
“Sabine, do you have something you want to ask me?” The Mandalorian’s silent pleading could’ve been noticed by anyone, but the Force made it much easier for Ahsoka to sense the intentions. Curiosity, not sorrow. 
For a moment, Sabine was thrown mentally off balance. She had known Jedi could read minds, but it had been more than a year since a Jedi was close to her (The Skywalker kid was off hanging out with Rogue Squadron), and she had forgotten. So the story started spilling out of her mouth “EzraGaveMeHisLightsaberOkay? AndAnd, ItFeelsLike, LikeHeWantsMeToUseItOkay? iHaveDarksaberExperienceBut, ButItDoesntFeelEnough?”
Chuckling, Ahsoka replied. “All right, okay, slow down. Does the lightsaber call to you?” Sabine’s face changed, as if digging deeper into memory than she was used to, then nodded “Yes.” Smiling, Ahsoka proposed a solution. “I may not be able to train you as a Jedi, but I’m more than willing to train you how to connect and wield a lightsaber. Especially one as connected to you as a parting gift from family.” 
One and a half years after the Ignition
Two Jedi were meditating together. If you had told either of the them two years earlier that they’d be meditating with their wife, neither would’ve believed you. For Sabine, the idea of meditating was far-fetched, much less meditating with someone else. “Been there, tried that” had been her mantra when it came to the Force. Shin had no such misgivings. Steeped in the Jedi traditions of her master, she had a deep connection to the Force. But a wife? She had never fallen so deeply in love as she had with Sabine. The taunting of enemies had become a teasing between lovers so subtly that she had barely noticed the change. The more they competed, the more compelled to each other they had felt. And now their spirits were intertwined, feeling the air and the water and the beskar and the trinitite around them together, a small pocket of a thriving world. 
But Sabine sensed some nagging doubts in her wife’s mind. “Cyar, what’s wrong?” A simple question that could be answered as simply or complexly as Shin needed. 
The question was unexpected. Shin didn’t think that those feelings were notable for even a Jedi to sense. But if anyone was good at reading people, it was her wife; an abnormal Jedi whose strength arose in relationships and attachments. “I love how we’re teaching each other. I really do. But…I think I need to find a Padawan of my own. Like you and Grogu.” 
“Waitwaitwait, Grogu isn’t my padawan. He’s just…” Sabine tried finding the right word, but the implication of being a traditional Jedi had short-circuited her. 
Shin decided to fill the space. “Baby, the Dins practically live at our apartment now.” Sensing her wife’s defensiveness, she pivoted. “We can call your mentor-student relationship something different, if you want. But I would like to also be teaching someone new. I think the Galaxy can use more Jedi.”
The ideas started solidifying for Sabine. “Are you suggesting we start a new Jedi Order?” A small smile and nod came from Shin. Sabine started brainstorming out loud, her preferred method of planning. “I think we can do that. It would still have to be Mandalorian. I don’t think I can disentangle my heritage from my training. Which means family and relationships would be allowed and encouraged.”
A laugh emerged from Shin, “Well I certainly wasn’t planning to be hypocritical. I definitely want to be your riduur.” She kissed her wife, with all the feelings of love and support she could offer. “But we would need a temple. We can’t just have everyone in our apartment.”
Sabine remembered something Ezra had found. “Temples tend to be built around vergences in the Force. What about that small one Ezra and Jacen discovered? Were you able to learn anything about it?” After her brother and nephew found an anomaly, she and her wife occasionally visited, trying to understand what and why it was, but Shin was also researching historical documents to learn more. 
“I think it was Tarre Vizsla’s childhood home. Something about his connection to both the Jedi and Mandalore left a small knot in the force there.” Shin understood the immense irony of starting an order where you didn’t have to choose between Jedi and Mandalore at the place where that choice was first made. “Do you think the Vizslas will give us any trouble for wanting to use one of their family’s homes as a Jedi temple?” 
“Didn’t the old Jedi Temple have a massive library? If we established our own library there dedicated to preserving Jedi and Mandalorian history, and made it open to everyone, maybe they would see the temple as an honor to their family and not a desecration.”
“Stars, I really need more advisors.” Bo-Katan sat on her throne-turned-conference-seat, exhausted from the sheer amount of decisions she had to make. Her beloved Armorer was willing to advise, but even she looked to the Manda’lor for final decisions. A younger her, the one that joined Death Watch, would’ve relished in the power. But now the weight of tradition was starting to crush the Duchess, and most people were unwilling to share the burden if they couldn’t have all the power for themselves. 
Footsteps approached the old throne room. “You’re stressed.” A woman in purple and teal walked thru the doorway. “I would ask if you have time for me, but I know you’re ani’ures’hukaan”
Bo-Katan snorted, “trying to Jetii’layari?” She had been friendly with some Jedi for years, but occasional caf meetups with Ahsoka was very different from multiple self-avowed Jedi running around on Mandalore. Even as she grew more accustomed to them (Sabine was a family friend, after all), most of her people were still unsure. Whether it was traditionalists who opposed Jedi on principal, the remnants of her sister’s faction who hated their hypocrisy, or the select few who were close enough to think the Jedi could’ve helped during the purge and didn’t. 
“No, you accidentally sent me your entire schedule for the next week and it’s booked.” Sabine hoped she could ease some of the stress Bo-Katan was under, so showing off her Jedi skills wasn’t an option. “How did this not happen when you were governor all those years ago?” 
The older woman sighed, “You might be too young to remember, but we used to have an elected assembly. We had a council and a prime minister, the duchess never ruled alone.” She tried to not feel hurt while remembering her sister. “Gar Saxon and the Empire destroyed all that. We never knew peace afterwards. We had to function purely as a military, and look where that got us.” Her souring mood would’ve been evident to anyone, but she knew Sabine could feel the deeper despair. “Even now, everyone looks to me like I’m their general and not their duchess.” She felt two hands on her shoulders and another forehead press against hers.
“Hey, hey, hey, ner vod, you’re fighting too many enemies alone.” Sabine could tell Bo-Katan was surprised by her physicality, but not opposed. She reached out in the Force, not to communicate, but to build a sanctuary where Bo-Katan could feel safe while vulnerable. 
She felt safer the longer Sabine remained. “I want to do the most I can to rebuild Mandalore, but the more I succeed, the more work there is.” For some reason, it was now easier to rummage thru her feelings. “I love Mandalore and I love that we have so much history and I’m scared that if anyone else tries taking over they’ll try ignoring all of that in favor of their personal vendetta.” Tears started silently dripping out of the corners of her eyes as she tried to catch a breath. “Stars, why am I crying over this?”
The younger woman heard that thought loud and clear, but tried to craft a response that wouldn’t come off as knowing-too-much. So she produced a small handkerchief from a belt pouch and offered it to Bo-Katan with, “it’s okay to be overwhelmed with running an entire planet.” She watched as Bo-Katan wiped away her own tears, then continued. “I find it helpful to meditate; to clear my thoughts and refocus my energy, both at the beginning and end of the day. Even the middle sometimes.” When Sabine saw the older woman’s grimace at the thought of doing something Jedi, she added, “this isn’t just sitting, legs crossed, connecting to the Force. It’s also spending time free from distractions, like target practice alone. Ahsoka and her master often meditated by tinkering with machinery. I’m willing to bet the Armorer achieves a similar state of mind while smithing. It’s all about letting go of your conscious self and acting on instinct.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad,” mused Bo-Katan as she relaxed back into her throne. “That’s nice, but I only have a finite amount of time in the day. Do you have any suggestions for my practical needs? Not just my spiritual ones.”
Sabine understood the gravity of Mandalore’s situation, and considered how similar it was to the Rebellion. “Elections for an assembly would take a while to set up. Why not start with a council of the heads of each clan?” She realized, too late, that this would mean more responsibility for her. “Then we build a consensus on how an assembly would run.” She glanced at her chrono, and saw her meeting with the Vizslas was fast approaching. “Anyway, I’ll let you get back to your work.”
“Hang on you can’t just come in here, listen to me pour my heart out, and walk out!” Bo-Katan was now shouting at the unexpected departure.
Sabine retorted from across the room, “Actually Duchess, I can!” 
“Once a rebel, always a rebel I guess,” Bo-Katan sighed, before realizing she had no idea what Sabine was up to. “Wait, why did you come here in the first place?” 
“Shin and I are planning on starting a Jedi temple, just wanted to let you know!” The doors to the throne room closed behind her.
“Stars, she’s gonna be the death of me.”
Deep in the Unknown Regions
A Mirialan man was strapped to a hospital bed. His blood was slowly being drained for Imperial research. He bore stitches where large tissue samples had been taken. His only hope was that his longtime friend would be able to find him before it was too late.
Mando’a Glossary: Cyar: love Riduur: spouse Ani’ures’hukaan: in over your head. This one I spent a lot of time on, because it really wouldn’t make sense for a Mandalorian to say “swamped” because there are no swamps on Mandalore. So I figured “exposed during a fight” would make sense, so this is literally “completely without cover” Jetii’layari: showing off Jedi powers, lit. “Jedi-swagger” Ner vod: “my friend/sibling”
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rainestorm-days · 5 months
May or may not be inspired by Someone New by Hozier
Chloe sighed, tilting her head slightly. “What about over a cup of coffee?”
“I like chai better.” The natural reply startled Shin a little, most people weren’t easy to talk to. She copied Chloe’s confident demeanor, facing her as the elevator door opened and she walked backwards out of it. “Tomorrow maybe?” She felt a little odd doing something so…normal and exciting after what had happened, yet maybe that was a necessary distraction from it all. Some way to heal.
“Chai tomorrow it is then. Could I get your number? So that we actually know where and when to meet.” Bold, upfront. A calm but bubbly energy to her request that made Shin’s cheeks warm.
“Sure, I can put it in your phone, and you can put yours in mine. A fair exchange.” She took her phone out, handing it to Chloe as she took the phone from her hand. The clear case on the phone had a piece of a polaroid under it, a beautiful smile on one of the pictures, then an adorably silly face on the other, Shin smiled as she put in her contact info, “Shin <3” as the name.
When Chloe handed the phone back, the contact name she had put was “New Best Friend (Chloe Jones).” A small laugh bubbled up from both of them as they examined the names. “A bit presumptuous, calling yourself my best friend only minutes after meeting.”
“Well we’re going to be, so might as well have it in there already. To put it to the test, favorite Studio Ghibli movie?”
Shin smirked, a little surprised she’d already guessed one thing about her. “Howl’s Moving Castle. How’d you know I like the films?”
“Because I do. See? Best friends already.” They both stood by the doors of the building. “I hope I’m not being weird or anything,” Chloe spoke after a small silent moment, a quiet anxiety in her eyes. 
“Not at all.” She tried to keep her gaze, a soft smile on her face, but the car she’d been waiting for pulled up. She didn’t want to keep them waiting as well. “It’s nice to have another friend. I have to go, but I’ll text you! Okay?” She paused in the door as she pushed it open, cold already seeping through her clothes.
Chloe nodded, “See you tomorrow.”
Shin couldn’t wipe the smile off her face as she climbed into the passenger seat of Hera’s car, double checking the seat belt as she buckled it. “You seem happier now than when you called me.”
“I made a friend.”
Read it all on Ao3!
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minthe-lover · 2 years
Please let me rant about the 229 chapter here, since Rachel knows how to make angry 😤
METIS sucks as a mother!! Oh god I hate her so much! She is such an hypocrite! How the hell she dares to slap Hera and be little her after she slept with Kronos, only to slept with FUCKING Zeus!!! You know the kid that two of your children are in love with!! (Look I’m a monogamous person but I don’t believe that polyamorous people are okay with sleeping with the kids that my children are in love with)
God! Why she dismisses Persephone so much as a grandchild! Also how she talks about Demeter as if she was a midly hassle to her! Hell, she should be proud for her! That her children are save and sound after that horrible war, and the fact she wasn’t swallowed for nothing!
Considering everything her children are going right now, I feel so bad for the sisters! Hestia has to mask her sexuality in order to have a LITTLE bit of power in the world! Demeter has everyone she has ever loved lost, and constantly has to fight in order to protect them, despite being in a serious disadvantage! Hera was killed, trapped in a complicated relationship with Zeus as she expects to much from him, despite Zeus being a more polyamorous person who really tries for her in comparison to her being monogamous, not even mentioned her relationship with her children!
And what does Metis does about it? Does she asks Persephone to tell her children to stay close as sisters as no matter what comes from the future, you all still have each other and I all you despite being gone? HELL NO! She doesn’t gives to fucks about them!
Rachel really hates writing loving mothers outside of her perfect baby Persephone having a perfect family with Hades!
But anon dontcha know, persephone struggles are the most important then anyone elses!
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shadowdaddyaz · 1 year
Possible Elain Mate Theory
It was about 2am, and my bestie and I were messing around trying to figure out stuff for our acotar fanfics (💀💀💀) when we got on the topic of Elain and her mate. We were trying to figure out what myths we think she could be based off of. A lot of people say Hades and Persephone because of the dark and light contrast, but I think sjm used that for Feyre and Rhysand during ACOMAF.
So here is the theory:
1. Elain’s story will be a love triangle between Azriel and Lucien based on the Greek myth Helen of Troy.
2. Helen (Elain) is married (mates) to Meneclaus (Lucien) when she leaves her husband for Paris (Azriel). Some myths say this is a choice Helen makes because she is in love with another man. I have also found some stories say she works in Troy (The Night Court) to make the people forgive her for her decision to leave Sparta while also being a little regretful of her choice to leave her husband. Paris then keeps Helen in Troy while Meneclaus sets out to save her. Pairs and Meneclaus battle for 10 years before Paris is killed and Meneclaus and Helen go back to Sparta.
3. Meneclaus wins the challenge to become Helen’s husband and makes the remaining suitors sign an oath requiring them to follow Meneclaus into battle.
- This can be seen as Lucien becoming her mate and leading the armada into battle during the final war with Hybren. He was also close with her father which Meneclaus was close to Helen’s father.
4. Helen is considered the most beautiful and fair woman in the entire world and was the most sought after suitor until Meneclaus became her husband. Pairs had been in love with Helen but was unable to act because of Meneclaus.
- Elain is described to be the most beautiful out of the sisters. Azriel continues to pin after her even though she is mated to Lucien.
5. Helen is the symbol of moral failure and placing lust above reason. Cults of Helen regarded her as a symbol of adolescent to bride, the adult married woman, and the figure of a sister. She is also associated with fertility, trees, and vegetation.
- We don’t know if Elain and Azriel love each other or not, but from Azriel’s bonus chapter it is safe to say they have lust for each other. So it is possible Elain could leave Lucien for Azriel to pursue a physical relationship (much like Helen did for Paris).
- Elain was engaged to a human at a young age.
- Elain has two sisters.
- Elain’s constant comparison to flowers as well as her afinity to work with them could be a callback to Helen’s symbolism.
6. Helen was originally captured by Theseus and was saved by her brothers.
- we can look at this in two ways. The first being Elain’s engagement to Greyson and the second being her getting taken by the cauldron during the war and getting saved by her sister and Azriel.
7. The judgment of Paris included him talking to Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite. Each giving him a choice so that he would choose one of them to be the most beautiful goddess. Paris chooses Aphrodite and she gives him Helen as his reward. Paris then goes to meet Helen on a diplomatic visit at the house of Meneclaus.
- This one is a bit of a stretch, but it could be seen as Azriel meeting Elain at the Archean household on a diplomatic visit to try and make a plan for the queens. Though he does not steal her away after this meeting, they both seem a little bit interested in each other and could be looked at through the lens of Azriel stealing her away from Lucien (before they are mates).
- This could also be similar to the way Azriel has been attracted to both Mor and Elain. Both of whom are said to be extraordinarily beautiful. Paris was tasked with choosing the most beautiful goddess like Azriel has chosen the most beautiful sister.
8. Pairs and Meneclaus’ battle. They battle multiple times during the 10 year war. Once Meneclaus has the upper hand and injuries Paris and once Paris has the upper hand and injured Meneclaus. Both are saved by outside powers. But it eventually ends with Achilles killing Paris.
- I hope to god sjm doesn’t kill off azriel because of a petty fight.
- Lucien could enact the blood duel. Though Azriel believes he has the upper hand, I think Lucien would win the first time but show mercy and stop before he killed Azriel to make sure Elain was ok since she and Azriel are friends to some degree. The second time they duel (if they do) Azriel would be more prepared and Lucien would be the one to lose. Though the final battle Lucien would win either by Azriel giving up, Lucien winning through force, or some outside power injuring or killing Azriel.
9. The Trojan war was mostly a siege as Troy had impenetrable walls.
- Velaris is said to have impenetrable wards that make the visitor have to have permission to enter the city.
- Azriel lives in Velaris and Lucien is only a guest as of the events from ACOSF.
- I don’t think there would a full blown war over Elain within Velaris . But possibly the main conflict against either the Queens or Koeshi could take place in the night court with the love triangle added in as sub plot.
So here is my friend’s and I theory on Elain. This theory doesn’t explain her powers or what her part in the next conflict is going to be, we were mostly trying to figure out who she was going to end up with. It was just in good fun and I’m by no means saying this is exactly going to happen. Some of the comparisons are definitely a stretch, mostly because it was like 3:30am when we started compiling all the evidence, but hey it’s fun to be delulu sometimes.
Hope y’all have a great day!!
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iknowwhattosaynow · 2 years
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I posted 1,958 times in 2022
That's 1,553 more posts than 2021!
151 posts created (8%)
1,807 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,107 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#the force will be with queue always - 517 posts
#kanan jarrus - 185 posts
#hera syndulla - 164 posts
#kanera - 159 posts
#kanan x hera - 147 posts
#star wars rebels - 59 posts
#iknowwhattosaynow - 48 posts
#swr - 46 posts
#my babies - 30 posts
#fic inspo - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#hera would absolutely read a datapad and research their next mission while he's happily buried between her thighs like the good boy he is
My Top Posts in 2022:
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A World Once Broken
Rated: NR (T with clearly marked and easily skipped spiciness)
Word Count: 72,041
Sixteen years after leaving Ryloth with only her ship, her astromech, and her hopes of seeing the galaxy freed of Imperial rule, General Hera Syndulla is finally going home.
Home, to the small bit that remains of her broken family after the war raged on.
What do you do when you get home to your Force-sensitive five year old who has started insisting that he can talk to his long-dead father? What do you do when you can no longer bury your grief in another battle? What do you do when you're supposed to trust in the Force when it was the Force that tore your family apart, even if it was for the good of the galaxy?
Most importantly, how do you live a life in peace when war and loss is all that you've ever known?
This is a story of love, loss, faith, hope, and finding healing with your family in the most unexpected of ways.
92 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
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Father & Son
105 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
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How have I watched Rebels the number of times that I have and just now noticed that Kanan Jarrus literally wears his heart on his sleeve? That ain't an 01 on his pauldron, that's an 02.
As in Spectre 02.
115 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
Ezra Bridger was born the day that Depa Billaba died.
I'm not okay.
134 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
THE Step by Step Process for Updating your WIP! Guaranteed to never fail!
Open your editing program of choice.
Crack your knuckles. Stretch your neck. Grab a drink.
Open the document to be updated.
Pick up your phone, check your e-mails, scroll insta for a minute.
Open the outline of the document to be updated.
Type 'Chapter ___' in your heading style of choice.
Open Tumblr.
Type a snarky post about the never fail process for updating your WIP.
619 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
Wiz Khalifa - See You Again ft. Charlie Puth [Official Video] Furious 7 ...
I guess Ben Arnold is playing myself and He's playing opposite Vin Diesel and this is a really good movie series these guys are great a great job this is a huge series. And it has a plot and team and some continuous characters and it is what life is like out here a lot you have A like a normal life and then you have an insane life and even I was in trouble on the highway and I'm more so kind of an active agent a little bit. Really I've had to do all sorts of strange odd things nothing like this but Jen says close and she's trying to make me feel better. I had to ride in her car with her doing the whoopty doos you know what and she's laughing and saying that's right and it was Suzanne Powers her character and a lot of people trying to do that. And I came up with an idea it is a concept.
Zues and my man ok mine Hera
We heard this almost shout come from him he said ohh really loud then he remembered this video and he sees what it means. He sees these guys are gonna see me later when I leave California and it's hard and I tell you what it's impossible. And it might signify a few other things but that's what it says and we get why these are small groups and the crazy big ones have insane ideas and they won't include them and it would just be a Holocaust and it's proven all the time and BG did a great job exposing them with the Pink Floyd band and he had them do it because they're sick and they think they can take the empire and they can't and with the empire is doing is different now and they don't understand that either and they were just going to use them it is going on that there are no scrutiny and they're being investigated but they usually can't figure it out 'cause they're not doing anything there people not screaming at them to do from trump or BJ and what it really says is you're gonna get stuck in Florida and you're gonna have to ride and drive to get by like we do and he's been working on cars and stuff the whole time but really the song vocals are what says it we'll see you again after we try and get through this horrendous chapter and Ben Arnold is one that they're saying it to as well that these guys are going to try and do us in while they're doing their job and we're lucky that they're here and our son did work in World War Two and Mac Daddy too he's in the film and I know he's not beating them up. And yeah a Mac Proper shot Lincoln. And he's a pain and he's bothering our son he's Mr Maserati and pulled the gun on him and aimed at his head in the low desert and he's dead meat. Right now is people are getting killed 'cause they're screwing around with Trump and had him do all this stuff no Trump planned to be an **** like this because he's stupid and he didn't do it right and didn't gage it right and he's young and it makes a big difference.
Thor Freya
0 notes
Chapter Twenty-Seven
*Ahsoka & Kanan*
Ahsoka glances out of the viewscreen, as the Rebellion ship comes into view, the Ghost, with the Phantom secure in the hangar.
Kanan looks down to find his Twi'lek lover standing with her arms crossed, almost glaring at the ship. "I guess Rex told her."
"I'd say some others know as well," the Togruta nods to the Alderaanian viceroy standing near her.
"Right," Kanan grunts, spinning his chair around quickly, "Lets go. We gotta brief 'em, and then head for Jedha."
"We can take the Corundum, it's less known by the Empire."
The Knight nods, as he heads for the ramp. The two Force-sensitives exit the ship, spotting Ezra, Zeb, and Leia talking in hushed tones with Rex. "What do we know?" Hera asks, once she sees Kanan.
"Not a whole lot. Vader has her, somewhere," he mutters, scrubbing a hand down his face, "And we've gotta go to Jedha."
Rex starts to make his way over, as Hera comments, "Because of the Jedi youngling."
Kanan starts, looking at her, "You knew? For how long?"
"Keen contacted me, looking for a safe space for the youngling, she requested I keep it between the two of us."
"Of course she did," Kanan grumbles, rolling his eyes.
"You can complain once we get her back," Rex says. "She told you to go to Jedha for a reason, so let's go."
Bail nods, "Ahsoka, you and Kanan should take the Padawan's, as well as Rex, to Jedha. The rest of us shall remain here, and try to think of a plan to save her."
"Sounds like a good plan," Hera smirks.
The four Force-sensitives, and Rex, pile aboard the Corundum, Ahsoka taking the pilots seat, setting a course for Jedha. The Clone Captain quickly sends a message to his friends, letting them know to meet him on the planet.
"So, what do you think awaits us?" Leia asks the group.
"Imperials," comes Kanan's staunch reply. "But that's to be expected. Hopefully a Jedi youngling, and some answers."
"I have a feeling the General wouldn't send us here, unless it would be helpful in finding her."
Ezra scoffs at Rex's words, "She doesn't want to be found, remember. She sacrificed herself to keep us safe. She doesn't want us to just sprint full speed into danger."
"And we won't," Ahsoka responds, "We'll have a plan, a solid one to save our friend." The Togruta is leaning in the doorway dividing the cockpit and the common area, everyone else sitting around a table.
"Did you manage to find anything out about her whereabouts?" the Jedi Knight inquires of the Clone.
"My sources are looking, I'll know as soon as they do."
*Keen & Vader*
The door to her cell slides open, and the ever-composed elegance of Darth Vader stands, darkening the small doorway. The Jedi Master doesn't bother to lift her head, feeling the exhaustion that has been weighing on her for days finally begin to settle into her bones. Vader, ignoring the lack of attention of his prisoner, glides forward toward her, and her cell.
The Sith Lord would be lying if he said the somehow soothing presence of the Jedi Master didn't unnerve him. No matter what he does, he can't seem to break through her resolve. A memory of his old Master, from back during the Clone Wars pricks at the edge of his mind. Obi-Wan had told him that Quinara was trained in a different era of the Jedi, and not just that, she spent years on her own after becoming a Knight, exploring, learning, and training herself to withstand anything, from the cold, to heat, to pain. His old self, the weak fool known as Skywalker had refused to believe that she couldn't be injured, but it was just beginning to make Vader worry just a bit.
Yet, even knowing all of this, the fear of failing his Master, Darth Sidious, worries him more. So, he perseveres. And, even he has to admit, the screams that the Jedi elicits bring a smile to his face. Keen snarls as Vader stops the droid from going any deeper into her mind, and she can taste iron on her tongue from where she accidently bit it. Vader leans in close, and she can smell the musty durasteel suit that coats his entire visage. "All of this can so very easily stop, all I ask is you tell me one simple, almost miniscule detail. Where is Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi?"
She lets out a shaky breath, finally lifting her head to look into the cold, unfeeling eyes of Darth Vader. "Go. To. H*ll. I've said it so many times I'm surprised you haven't made a holo-recording yet just to play when you're done with your sadistic torture. As far as I know, Kenobi died, along with the other Jedi. So you can take your stupid question and shove them up your mechanized *rse!"
Vader would smile, were that possible. She's becoming testy, as well as irritated, which is exactly what he wants. An idea snakes it's way into his mind, and he turns quickly, leaving the cell, and Master Jedi, behind.
*Jedha Crew*
The crew of five land near the Holy City of Jedha, each ready for the task at hand. "Do we know where this youngling is? Or are we just supposed to guess?" Ezra asks.Ezra asks.
"They're with the Guardians of the Whills, wherever they may be."
"Great," Kanan mutters, rolling his eyes, "What are we supposed to do, wander around the city, asking if anyone has seen some Jedi Guardians?"
"I recommend not doing that," a vaguely familiar voice calls from deep within a cloud of fog, "You'd probably get arrested, maybe just killed on sight?"
"I'm sorry," Leia calls out to the figure in the fog, "But who are you?"
"Me?" he asks, stepping out of the cloud, revealing a man maybe ten years younger than Rex, and yet, the face could be the spitting image of him, with long hair and a red bandana tied around his head, "The names Hunter." The stranger gestures behind him, where five more individuals step into view, all bearing an eerie resemblance to the Rebellions Clone Captain, "And these guys are my crew."
Standing directly behind Hunter is a tall, rather muscular man, whose face looks as if an explosion happened very near to it. Beside him, to his left is a man with glasses, and a very inquisitive demeanour about him. To the muscular man's left is a very pale man, with mechanized legs, as well as a droid probe for an arm, and ports in his head. To the left of the glasses man is another man, whose demeanour seems to warn others away, he's thin, clutching a rifle, with burn scars littering his face, and a toothpick clenched tightly between his teeth. The last member of this motley crew isn't even a man, rather a woman, maybe around the age of thirty, with platinum coloured hair cut in a scraggly bob. 
Each person is wearing armour of Clones, and yet, it's almost hard to distinguish them as such, with how eclectic the batch look, and yet, they seem strikingly familiar to Kanan, and he can almost see himself as the scared, little Caleb Dume who's Master was just shot down right in front of him. He shoves those feelings away, locking them up tightly, instead deflecting his pain with, "And do your crew members have names?"
Each clone, for Ahsoka concludes that they must be clones, introduce themself. Their names seem to be Wrecker, Tech, Echo (who she can barely recognize, and thought dead), Crosshair, and Omega, respectively. "Could you possibly tell us why you're here?"
"That would be on me," Rex states, "I figure we can use all the help we can get, and they like Keen."
"Rex!" Wrecker cheers, barreling over to pull him into a hug, forcefully lifting the captain off the ground.
"It's good to see you too, Wrecker, now can you please put me down."
Begrudgingly, the Clone lowers him to the ground. "The Guardians of the Whills, eh?" Echo asks, trying to get back to the subject at hand.
"Yeah," Kanan grumbles, "It's a Jedi thing, I don't expect you to understand."
"Actually," Tech states, pushing his glasses up farther on his nose, "It appears the Guardians are Baze Malbus, and Chirrut Îmwe, who are both wanted by the Empire."
Ahsoka glances over at Kanan, a small smile on her face. "Okay, we got a name. Now, we just have to find them."
0 notes
lore-olympus-saga · 2 years
Some thoughts on Lore Olympus (#1)
I had those wondering thoughts after I saw the tumblr of @nymphsupremacy and how they talked about Zeus’s characters. To be fair, it was refreshing to see someone who liked Minthe and Zeus because I also found them interesting (and their art is also really great, but that’s another subject)
When you go into the tag of LO you can very easily fall on people who bashed those characters and it tends to put me off looking thought the tag  because I really love those characters, especially Minthe. (even if her actions aren’t good, I admit, but she was a complex character and there was so much more to her than just being Persephone’s rival)
Anyway this is not today’s debate. Back to Zeus. SO, I’m not an anti Lore Olympus but I do like to nitpick details that bugs me in a comic/story/show so here I am. (after all I did a side-blog for LO so why not do some ranting post amongst other things)
 As of right now, I wanted to talk about how Zeus' character in the webtoon is being bashed quite harshly especially concerning his relationship with Hera.
We’re not going to be hypocrites, cheating is bad but Rachel Smythe didn’t paint Hera as guiltess from what I’ve read and I’m slightly sad she didn’t explicitly make their relationship more complex. 
In the earlier chapters, Hades and Hera shared a kiss when Hera was tending Hades’s wounds when he was freed of Kronos. After they won against the Titan, Hera showed again more trust or at least, went to Hades for comfort. 
(Also, Hades says at this point that Zeus wasn’t traumatized like the rest of them and that is something else I thought was of bad taste for his character. Trauma doesn’t have to be physical to have impact, and it would have been interesting to see how Zeus dealt with the war and the responsibility of being one to lead them against Kronos (that, that doesn’t things, bad shit, to a person)
My question is (after going off on a tangent, sorry about that) then as follows. Did Hera ever loved Zeus? It is obvious she had attraction for both brothers, she even cheated on Zeus with Hades so why did she accept to marry Zeus?
Let’s see it this way: What if Zeus was aware that Hera preferred or had an attraction for his brother. What if it never left her, this yearning for another, and Zeus could see that she’ll never truly love him. In a very poor life choice, this makes him turn towards cheating. Worsening his relationship with his wife. As someone who loves complicated characters it never sits well for me when there's these little bits of character development spread around but are then forgotten by the majority (maybe that’s just me! But I see a lot of people bitching on Zeus and I’m like “Meh, he’s a cheater but Hera isn’t that great either when you think about it.”) It would have been a better depiction of a toxic relationship where both are hurting each other, making their own mistakes and not being able to find a middle ground. I mean, imagine an episode in couple-therapy talking about they’re issues, it would have been more interesting for both their characters.
Hera could have chosen to follow Hades. Or could have refused to be the Queen of Olympus as Zeus' wife. In Hades words “Zeus offered her to be the Queen of the Gods. And who could refuse that” (I think that’s what he said, I… There’s a lot of chapters and I didn’t check it word for word, mea culpa) Sure it wouldn’t fit with the whole Greek mythology narrative and I’m not there to tell RS that she should have written it any other way. I’m slightly more put out by the bias there is against some characters.
Oh my gosh this was very long, sorry about that, I tried my best to make it short but I hope you find these thoughts interesting anyway or worth reading, thanks for taking time for reading and have a nice day. :)
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anathtsurugi · 3 years
Who’s Not Dead? Sound off.
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It’s me. I’m not dead.
I know. Shocking right?
Soooo...apparently trying to live up to the reputation of my original Star Wars soulmate AU struck me with about a year’s worth of writer’s block. Yeah, shot to the hubris right there, eheh.
So yes, wince in pain and maybe watch in a little bit of awe as I struggle to get my digital life off the ground again. We’ll start with the story that held me captive and then go from there.
The second chapter of You Can Take My Heart, You Can Take My Breath is up over on AO3 now, so if you wanna get caught up on that, do please be my guest. But if you have caught up on it already and you wanna get a little taste of the ending, here’s a little snippet for you.
Much as the thought pained Hera, she couldn't seem to keep herself from wondering if...if the last time they had been together...Kanan had known.
The last time they had made love, she hadn't been able to make sense of some of the things she'd heard and felt from him...his talk about never being alone. But...in the context of him understanding he would never leave Lothal...that did make a painful kind of sense. And even though he had insisted that he would be with her always, she couldn't help but feel the emptiness of those words on her first night alone.
She hadn't slept that night — the night Sabine and Ezra had brought her back from Capital City with part of her soul ripped away. She hadn't slept because she couldn't bear to face the silence alone. That comforting, warm voice that had sung to her from the time of her earliest memories, that had been with her in her deepest despair and her greatest joy...she didn't know if she could bear to face her life without it.
She remembered how her father had nearly been driven mad when her mother's song had gone silent in his head. She remembered an emptiness in his gaze that she feared appearing in her own. Without her heartsong...without her love...without Kanan...what was she?
But she hadn't been able to fight sleep forever. Ultimately giving in to her own exhaustion, she hadn't been able to fight Zeb putting her down for a nap...and the sheer loneliness of her dreams had been just as staggering as she'd feared.
In her dreams, she had wandered the corridors of the Ghost alone, calling for Kanan, all while carrying something heavy in her arms. Every time she tried to look to see what she was carrying, her burden seemed to turn to dust in her arms, and when she went back to calling for her lost soulmate, that burden would return, just as heavy and just as unknowable as ever. And throughout it all, the only voice to be heard was her own, desperate and heavy with grief.
The rest was Silence.
She had awoken sobbing from the empty, silent nightmare, and Chopper had been there to comfort her as best he could. Stars, she couldn't live like this. She couldn't bear to sleep, to endure the unendurable silence in her head. But if she couldn't sleep, she would die.
But then Chopper had started talking her through it, had convinced her to carve out a place for Kanan on her Kalikori, and as she had shaped his tiny but vital link in her family chain, she had begun to feel him again.
That feeling had grown stronger and stronger as Ezra had led them on their mission to protect the Jedi temple from the Empire, to points where she could almost feel her soulmate standing beside her, and as she watched Ezra make his own goodbyes, she felt that maybe she was beginning to understand something he hadn't quite grasped yet...what Kanan had been trying to express to her...that morning on Yavin IV...
Death could not destroy what they had shared...what they still shared. It didn't matter that he was not physically present, nor did it matter what she herself might possibly suffer. The love they shared was not harmed. Nothing the galaxy could do could change the fact that it had existed, and that it existed still. The only one who could harm that bond was she herself, by letting it whither or giving it up for lost. Even after she was gone, that love would remain in the form of the lives she and Kanan had touched. To whatever end this war, this galaxy, was spinning to, their love was eternal. It could not be taken. Only lost.
And she chose to hold it tightly. To go on living, but to keep as part of her everything in her heart Kanan had touched. And the night before she left Lothal to gather the disparate pieces of the rebellion who would aid in its liberation, she slept, and she dreamed.
And her dreams were not silent.
His voice was still with her, still singing that same comforting melody, not as loud as before but regaining strength. Perhaps it had never truly left her. But it was with that calm, certain warmth in her heart that she greeted Rex and Kallus when they met her with the Ghost on Garel.
Rex was the first down the ramp when her ship touched down, greeting her with knowing sorrow and a warm hug.
"I'm so sorry," he said as he hugged her. "Sorry we couldn't be there when you needed us. Kanan-"
"It's all right," she told him, voice quiet but steady as she stepped back from him. "We were all- where we needed to be that night."
Kallus was next, surprising her with a hug that contained none of his usual reticence. In fact, there was something almost fierce in his embrace...something she didn't doubt he would need to talk out if even half of the rumors she'd been hearing were true.
"And you're all right?" he asked when he looked down at her. "The others...Zeb-"
"All right as can be expected," she said, patting his cheek without thought, almost as if he were one of her charges. "I know Zeb's been anxious to see you. But there'll be time enough for everything later," she continued, nodding to two gravsleds filled with supplies that she had waiting in the shadowy recesses of the hangar. "Right now we've got to move."
"We retrieved the individuals you requested," Kallus said as the two men moved to take the gravsleds aboard ship. "Far be it from me to suggest that the Spectres have a less than sane plan but, well...I suppose you haven't led anyone wrong yet."
"That just leaves Wolffe and Gregor then," Hera said as they boarded the ship.
"Just a quick stop off on Seelos," Rex said with a small smile. "Be good to see the boys again. I was-"
"Oh, captain, my captain," the only mildly grating voice of Hondo Ohnaka suddenly spoke up from the top of the ramp. "So lovely to see you again. I am wondering if there are, maybe, a few points you might clear up for Hondo regarding this-"
"Time enough for that later, Ohnaka," Rex waylaid him in a fondly exasperated tone, giving Hera the impression this was a conversation the pair of them had already had several times since the clone captain had fished him out of whatever port he'd been holed up in. "Just as soon as we pick up the rest of the boys."
"I would be lying if I said I hadn't wondered whether this was some sort of suicide mission," Kallus said to her once Rex had gotten Hondo sufficiently distracted ordering Melch around helping out with the gravsleds. "But now I see you, I'm relieved to report I believe that no longer. You seem...remarkably at peace."
"That's...complicated...and not. It's difficult to explain," she said with a tired laugh. "I realized I- hadn't truly lost anything? That doesn't make any sense, does it," she sighed.
"It's beginning to," the ex-Imperial returned with an equally tired upturn of his lips. "Rex said something similar before. That what he shared with Ahsoka was not truly lost."
Hera nodded in understanding. "He still has his soulmark. Doesn't he."
There was surprise in Kallus' eyes when he glanced between her and Rex. He glanced a few more times before nodding slowly. "You..."
"My song's not as clear as it was...before. But it isn't gone. I think- most people don't figure that out when they 'lose' their bonds...and so they really do lose them. My father lost his. Before this, I'd never heard of a song or a mark coming back after being lost, but...it seems to me that- whether that bond is held or lost...is entirely with the person."
"I...what does that mean?" he pressed her with something like hope in his eyes. He was close to it now, she thought, the understanding he needed. She didn't know what he'd been through on Zeshareem, not really, but she thought she could almost feel how close it had brought him.
"Did you know I was suspicious of your motives?" she answered instead, question with question.
"I'm...sorry?" he asked, now confused.
"Back when Zeb first told us all that the two of you were soulbound. I didn't know you then. All I knew was the ISB agent who had hunted us for years, and I was concerned you might've only been capable of using that bond to hurt Zeb."
"For which no sane person could possibly blame you," Kallus said with a deep sigh, a look of pain moving briefly across his face. "All I had done up to that point was hurt him."
"He didn't see it that way," she interrupted before he could disparage himself further. "He leapt to your defense, even then, and it wasn't even about the bond. It was about the bo-rifle," she said, nodding to the weapon strapped to his back.
"I- what?" he asked, uncomprehending.
"I can't pretend to understand Lasat warrior culture any more than I understand the Jedi and the Force, and I don't know everything that happened on Lasan, but whatever it was, it helped Zeb see you. He saw the truth of you, and it was that he fell in love with. I think it was that, more than anything else, that let him hang onto that one sliver of color. He's sure of you, Alex."
That same look of pain lingered a little longer this time, but it was ultimately replaced with a little smile, warm and tender and so in love. "I know that," he said softly. "It isn't- that I'm not sure of him. It's just...I fear- not being enough."
"Well, let's get you back to him and maybe you can figure out how to be," she reassured him, reaching out a hand to grip firmly at his shoulder. The look he gave her in return was a mix of exhaustion and gratitude.
"Thank you...Hera."
Well, I hope that’s something even remotely worth getting excited over. If you’ve got a few dollars to spare, you can check out the complete chapter on my Patreon right now. And yes, that is properly getting on its feet now, but more on that later. For now, it is very good to be back, y’all. Let’s do this!
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lore-o-hoe · 3 years
Episode 188: Review/Theories!!!
Possible spoilers ahead if you haven’t seen up to Episode 188 so be warned!
So episode 188 is one of the last three episodes before hiatus and god it really feels like it!:
- In the opening scenes we have Demeter and Hera arguing about the relationship between Hades and Persephone. This argument is kinda small potatoes compared to the rest of the chapter but…
Points are being made 🤷🏾‍♀️
On Demeters side she doesn’t have a high opinion of Hades and fears that he’ll treat his daughter more as a pretty object, rather than a person… I could argue that Demeter herself has done this a bit already with Persephone being the face of Barley Mother without wanted her out and about to be seen by others…. But this isn’t a Demeter drag post so I’ll be moving on.
Let’s take what we already know about Demeters thoughts into consideration. She already believes as of Episode (145) that Persephone is an ultra-powerful Fertility Goddess. She fears that like her mother, Rhea, and Gaia before her, that she’ll suffer an awful fate and be bound to a man who uses her for his own means.
But Hera points out that Persephone is getting older and should be able to make her own decisions and live her own life. Part of Persephone’s moving to Olympus and away from her mother in the first place, was to put distance between them and try to forge her own path through life. I feel like Hera is covertly trying to tell Demeter that further hampering her choices and smothering her won’t help anyone least of all Persephone.
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- And of course we have our hint back at the overarching villain once again, while it’s been a while since we’ve seen Kronos, we know the effect he’s been having on at least two of the 6 traitorios dysnasty with Hera’s horrific nightmare, at first I thought that it was maybe stress from the trial and everything that’s been going on but…
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With Demeter and Hera’s horrified expressions that may not be so, as we’ve seen with Hera and hers bleeding after her nightmare about Kronos, does this mean that his return is coming up soon? I have a feeling that how the trial pans out may be the key into how Kronos comes back, but that’s a theory post for a different day…
- Demeter is on the stand and begins to ask for leniency on Persephone’s part, and god the more time goes on the less I dislike Demeter. I still don’t agree with most of her actions/decisions concerning her daughter, but still.
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- Also she hits the nail on the head here, Zeus clearly plays favorites among the gods and its no secret, also not to use an overused term but the gaslighting in this panel really got me: When have I ever been unfair to you?
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So a refresher:
1. Burning her fields when she refused to hide one of his many mistresses (Ep. 96):
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2. Putting out a warrant for her arrest despite her role in helping him win HIS THRONE
There’s probably more, but that’s all I can think of, off the top of my head, suffice it to say, Zeus is full of crap and I’m sure almost every god or goddess there could attest to that.
- But that’s gonna have to wait BECAUSE Y’ALL WHO IS THAT????
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Okay so this is the part that I was super excited to get to!!!
In the last few panels we seen a rather obscure figure, but for casual myth fans I’m sure you already know.
With the black wings, exact words, and everyone’s terrifies expressions, I’d have to say that this god is most likely the goddess of discord herself, Eris.
Now Eris is best known for being one of the many, MANY factors that kicked off the Trojan War, since I’m half sure y’all already know the tale I’ll keep it brief. Due to not receiving an invitation to the wedding of Thetis (Yes, THAT Thetis) and Peleus. So you know she tossed a golden apple to Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena saying ‘To the Fairest’ and well I’m sure you know the rest.
Now the big question is, why? Why is she here? Why now?
With all the crazy stuff that’s been going on in the span of the comic why hasn’t she popped up sooner? I could make the case that with this being the final statements (I think?) were the verdict is supposed to drop, this is the ‘height’ of the drama and discord that’s been happening.
Y’all know me, this seems a little too suspect.
As you can recall a certain dirtbag made a very not innocuous statement at the end of Episode 184:
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Now what’s something that would in his words ‘Take Persephone down a peg’?
A public revelation.
Of what?
I think we all already know. I mean what could cause more discord than such a thing? And if he gets out his version of events during such a trial, it could prove disastrous for all involved. Especially dear Persephone.
Though there’s another possible candidate for who told her…
Yes our sweet yet malevolent war god himself, Ares. In some myths Eris is the daughter of Zeus and Hera, so Ares having a way to contact her wouldn’t be a stretch if that was the case.
There’s also her coloring, if this god that busts in is who I think it is, it could make sense. Colors matter in LO not just personality wise, but also family wise. While yes, there are unrelated beings who share the same coloring, more likely than not, this gods coloring (dark orangish and gold?) seems to point to a possible connection to Zeus and Hera.
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But oh lord y’all things are heating up!
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