#this could have gone on my website blog
battyblus · 7 months
So I finished Fionna and Cake and I've just been trying to unscramble my thoughts about the theme of Love in this 10 ep series because it's very interesting. It could be better, but what can you do with 10 eps. For what was given, it wasn't that bad. Under the cut will be rambles and vague spoilers so like read it at your own risk, it's a lot.
Anyway, Love in some of it's forms (platonic and romantic) - can be a fortune as much as it is a tragedy. Love can be a blessing or a curse. It can spiral you into madness, into sadness, into a cycle of always finding your soul mate in every universe, etc. Of course the main duo is Simon and Betty - where love becomes an obsession. Betty endured all of Simon's obliviousness, all of his decisions, all of his choices because to her, he was the best experience she could have. Love changed her and she let it. Love made her sacrifice everything and she was more than willing, regardless of if it was what Simon wanted. But with Simon, Betty was his everything and her sacrifice meant losing himself too and falling into madness and sadness because even as Ice King he was powerless to get her back. And based on every universe he went through, he was never meant to get her back which sure can drive a man further into depression when he feels like his only purpose is to get the love of his life back. Everything Betty did was for Simon and he realized that despite them both being equally obsessed, they were never on equal footing. What do you do when you love someone so much but in every reality your love ends in tragedy? You learn that you can't make one person your whole world. Loving one person can't be your everything but it can be a wonderful experience that you hold in your heart and your memory. Love is letting go so you can heal.
And then of course there's the smaller plot of Bonnie/Marcy + Gary/Marshall - They're two sides of the same coin where (queer) obsession can lead to destruction and (queer) love being the guiding light away from the abuse they started from. What is love if not taking a loved one away from their abusive home and telling them that you would love them despite it all, no matter what form they took and who they became. What is love if not mutually assured destruction, deciding that if the world will end, they will die together because they refuse to let the other die by anyone else's hand. If you are fated to find each other in every universe, wouldn't you want to make the best of it (whether that's toxic or not)?
But then there's the smaller moments that aren't highlighted as much - Fionna and Cake's relationship and how much they love each other. Multiple times Cake was willing to risk it all to save Fionna or keep them moving forward and every time Fionna would reprimand or stop her - not because the ideas were bad (more or less) but because Fionna didn't want to lose her best friend. Yes Fionna had been depressed for majority of the series (especially after the Winter King ep) but it's not until Cake lashes out does she actually just start bawling. There's so much loss and having the one constant at your side can have one mistaking love for control and not the desperation it really was for Fionna.
ANYWAY there are a lot of interesting moments in this series that I do wish were fleshed out more but again, what can you do about it. I've also typed myself in a circle and don't know if this makes sense but that doesn't matter. I know the vibe I'm getting at.
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i swear, every pride month, i end up unfollowing like close to a dozen people--including mutuals--because everyone just gets completely politically unhinged and horrible. either it is aphobia, misogyny, or antisemitism, but soooo many people just go off the rails with it. i dunno what it is about this month, but where i used to look forward to it, i've begun to absolutely dread it.
i used to love pride online because irl pride is so hostile to jews (it isn't that much better here, tbh) and i could at least participate here, but where it used to be mostly sane, it has quickly spiraled into homophobia/biphobia/aphobia, misogyny, and exploitative regressive politics where the entire point of pride is sidelined to appeal to some fucked up groups that this website loves propping up as mascots. no one on here seems capable of being normal about forgotten marginalized groups, like women, aces, and jews. it even has a lead up sometimes; the lead up this year felt like pms, my dash has been so bad the past couple weeks and today the floodgates opened. i haven't seen this much unmasked misogyny and aphobia in a long time and it is only day one. this year is gonna suck, i can just feel it.
all this to say, if i end up unfollowing you and you're a mutual, it isn't personal. i'm just getting close to my wits end
#lucky.txt#as much as i dislike the community i used to be a part of on here i never realized how much i took for granted not having to see the#brain dead and/or fucked up perverted politics of mainstream tumblr all over my dash on a daily basis. like before if i saw something#stupid i could be confident that the ten comments under the op would be saying exactly what i was thinking: ''this is dumb and wrong.''#now the ten comments under the op make me want to throw my laptop through a wall. my 'j' key doesn't even have a j on it anymore.#that is how many times i have *slammed* my finger on that button to get the atrocious things i see on this dash out of my sight as#quickly as humanly possible. i have never rolled my eyes so much in my entire life than i have in the past year on this blog. the utter#lack of critical thinking skills on mainstream tumblr is ridiculous. this website has somehow convinced people of problems#that literally do not exist irl while simultaneously denying real life oppression as being ''chronically online.'' if you make any kind of#response criticizing mainstream opinions on here you will be slapped as a 'puritan' a 'fascist' or whatever other word of the day#that is used for minorities who don't like having their rights and dignities infringed on by entitled leftists. if it weren't for the simpl#fact that i would instantly be barred from like 2/3rds of tumblr i would just go back to the old community and grit my teeth through#the bad parts. it is deeply concerning just how far gone and detached from reality so many of you are. i've said it before but#i'll say it again: i literally will never understand how this website was dubbed the ''gay feminist'' site when it is so horrifically#misogynistic and homophobic even during pride month and women's month
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datastate · 5 days
hey! if anyone sent me an ask, whether it's here or any of my other blogs, i didn't receive it. let me know thru msg/discord dm if that was you and still want to ask abt it...
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snekdood · 26 days
personally, i dont see the fundamental difference between deleting your account and making a new one and deleting all your old posts, if we're talking about "running from ones past", then what are you tryna hide there, bud?
#mood#vent#the evidence of your past is gone regardless either way sooooooooooo#how is it so different and how do you keep convincing yourself you're morally superior?#i mean- this is me pretending I agree that that's true to play devils advocate a lil here#bc i know the only reason i deleted any account of mine was bc i just like fresh starts sometimes#and tbh i struggle to find a username i like and some website require me to delete & remake in order to change it#what-- is the problem that you struggle to hold on to me and keep track of me?#bc i promise as soon as i start posting my ocs people Will know who I am regardless of if I recreate-#at least yall and your kiwifarms stalking-ass followers will recognize it and immediately report back to their cult leader#so whats your issue here EXACTLY?#you're already documenting everything I do. so whats your issue?#i mean. is it bc other people wont 'know who I am' and what YOU think i'm like? even though other people- strangers-#already dont know who I am?#bc if thats your argument- I could say the same for you! how are people supposed to 'know who you are' when you delete all your posts?#there was only 1 time I actually deleted my acct out of fear of how ppl would treat me- and it was bc I was dating you!#you made me feel like I had to be Perfect. so quite frankly#blame yourself you bum#what can I say- ig i learned how to cover my tracks from you.#bc before you- I probably would have left it up even with all the bs happening at the time#and now I regret deleting it bc the only reason I did was to impress you with how Good I Am. 🤮#be honest- the reason you're upset is bc you cant use what was on that blog against me#even though what was on that blog PALES in comparison to the kind of shit you've done and posted.#ok ignoring you now and focusing on me again- there was so much art on that blog thats just lost forever and it makes me sad.#even any problematic things. I woulda wanted to keep it if only to keep an archive of my growth as an artist#plus there was a gif of hoody dancing to the thrill by wiz khalifa (i think that was the song I made the gif to) that i'll never get back 😔#i honestly have an issue with deleting my art in general- stuff that isnt problematic so dont start w me bitch- but- for some reason#I just used to get these urges to delete shit like out of shame. I think its bc of being trans and trying to stuff that down and feeling#ashamed that I even wanted to be the guy I wanted to be so I would just get rid of it all and .-.#theres a lil chunk of my comic art that's just gone forever and i wish ik everything I drew. at least I remember one of the ocs i deleted
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bogleech · 3 months
Also going to finally make a pinned post for all my stuff:
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BOGLEECH - my tumblr blog is named after this website I created around 2002 and still update. Thousands of pages worth of content focusing on creature design as well as real biology. My review of the original Legend of Zelda monsters might be the most straightforward example of my articles. Links to some of the most popular content:
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POKEMON REVIEW ARCHIVE: - I rate and review each and every single Pokemon, in Pokedex order, on its merits as a creature design. I also do so as someone whose favorite animals are all parasites.
DIGIMON REVIEW ARCHIVE - same, but more chaotic.
CREEPYPASTA COOKOFF ARCHIVE - for several years I hosted a yearly writing contest before it grew too big for me to keep up with. There are over a thousand user submitted horror, fantasy, sci fi and surrealist stories here emphasizing unconventional, original ideas you seldom see from the "creepypasta" community!
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The original "MORTASHEEN" Monster Archive - since the early 2000's I've created and illustrated more than 800 creatures and counting for my own monster-catching world, now set for release as a tabletop RPG setting.
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AWFUL HOSPITAL: SERIOUSLY THE WORST EVER (page one): an interactive comedy-horror-sci-fi webcomic I started in 2014 about a medical facility that could maybe be better.
Some of my other internet stuff:
PATREON - constant work makes my patreon updates inconsistent, but the content backlog goes back years with a huge amount of exclusive art and writing. I try to put up new exclusive stuff whenever I can.
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ETSY - I design all sorts of original enamel pins like these, plus I sell zero-maintenance terrarium plants (just leave them in a jar!), original books and other things!
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COLOR THE ABYSS (available on the above etsy!) - a 30 page educational deep sea coloring book! Includes a few famous favorites like giant isopods and hagfish, but mostly focuses on less popular, often much weirder animals.
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UNBELIEVABLE BUGS - also regularly restocked in the etsy store, 30 of the strangest and most surprising arthropods most people have likely never heard of, illustrated by myself and @revretch, written for even the youngest kids to understand (but will likely teach you something new at any age)
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My Itch.io and Ko-fi - both sell digital versions of my books, including some creepypasta collections and my first novel, "Return of the Living," about a world of entirely ghosts suddenly dealing with the appearance of ghost-hunting monsters.
TWITCH CHANNEL - I now try to stream something at least monthly, sometimes weekly when possible, from horror games to books and art.
YOUTUBE CHANNEL - archives my twitch streams and other little things.
INSTAGRAM - look at pictures of my huge weird collection of toys and Halloween collectibles
BLUESKY - I'm going to put mainly just updates to my stuff on here. SEE ALSO:
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HUMANS-B-GONE - a science fiction animated series by my partner @revretch, about a world of kaiju-size, technologically advanced insects and arachnids to whom vertebrates like us are just pesky little "gubs." Also has a tumblr account @humansbgone FINALLY, HERE'S MY GUIDE AND RESOURCE TO MAKING YOUR OWN INTERNET WEBSITE IN A FEW MINUTES WITH NO KNOWLEDGE OF CODING
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A long overdue update:
Hi everyone. Long time no see. I literally have not opened Tumblr since the last time I posted here. Hope everyone is doing ok. Figured I owed y’all an apology and explanation for kinda just vanishing.
First, I did in fact get a car! It’s a 2015 Nissan Versa Note. I don’t particularly like it but a friend gave me a deal on it that I couldn’t turn down. Once my life stabilizes I’m probably going to sell it and buy an old truck, maybe a 70s Ford. I’d love a little sports car or a land yacht but rear wheel drive is a bit impractical for brutal New England winters, and the Jeep really put me in Old American Truck Mode. But yes I have a car now!
Second, unfortunately this is an official notice of hiatus. When I last posted saying I was taking some time off it was because I had just had an incredibly stressful move and did not have the energy to keep this blog up. I figured I’d take some time to get settled in, relax, and then pick this back up after a week or two, but the last month has been really rough - the short version is one of the people I was living with turned out to be a pretty horrendous human being who managed to get everybody living in the house essentially kicked out via sheer drama. Within a month and a half. It’s a long story but tl:dr if you quite literally slander a property manager with heavy unfounded accusations of horrible crimes, they’ll probably bail from the whole situation. And since they’re gone the landlord has to hand ownership of everything over to a company that’s forcing everyone still here to vacate. I’m now fighting to not have to live in aforementioned Nissan Versa through the aforementioned brutal New England winter. On top of that, I’m a retail manager so we’re going into our busiest most stressful season, so that’s been an extra level of exhaustion.
So what does that mean for this blog? Well, as I said, I’m officially going on indefinite hiatus, as are the projects I was working on in relation, including the reference website. I’m really sorry, I’m just way too stressed and dealing with way too much. If I could, I would just hand off administrative power to someone else, but this is a sideblog so I can’t hand off login credentials without also giving access to my main/personal account. It’s my biggest regret of this account, but when I started it I never expected it to blow up the way it did back in September - I had no reason to expect to need it to be its own entirely separate blog. I love what I was doing here and I thought that it might even be a nice distraction from everything going on, but the upkeep required with this blog is just more than I can deal with right now. I hope that things settle down soon and that I can genuinely come back here and enjoy what I was doing, but I just need literally anything to level out in my real life and to not be in 100% survival mode, because at the moment I literally do not have the energy to pour into this.
Anyway. Sorry for the long post, I’m not good at not being overly verbose. I’m really sorry for kind of abandoning this project, and I hope I can get back to it relatively soon, it just might be a while.
In the mean time, I hope those of y’all who I turned onto cars as a potential hobby find some other good outlets! I highly recommend Donut Media’s series “Up to Speed” on YouTube, as well as the channels Regular Car Reviews, Doug DeMuro, Garbage Time, and Aging Wheels. All great YouTube channels that are both informative and very approachable and fun.
Godspeed and much love. Hope to see y’all soon
- Identifying Cars in Posts admin ❤️
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artsekey · 1 month
I really hate how ads have taken over the internet. On one hand, I know that hosting a website costs money, right? And ad revenue is one of the simplest ways for free-to-use websites to cover their operating costs.
My question is-- and I would genuinely love an answer-- is this ever going to stop? Tumblr ran for a long time without ads. So did Youtube. I know that the cost of hosting so much media has gone up, but there are a lot of users on these websites that make the content that drives people to use the service that don't see any of the money generated by this revenue. On Youtube, there's at least a way for creators to make some money from what they do. For most, it isn't much, but the opportunity is there. On Tumblr, well... the ability to convert the visibility of my blog into any financial gain practically nonexistent, though they did at one point promise that users would be able to make money from ads run on their blogs (whatever happened to that, Staff?).
"You can pay to avoid seeing ads!" Tumblr says, as if the views on my main blog alone over the past few years have not generated more than enough ad revenue to cover the price they're asking me to pay, the person who is actively making content that brings eyes to their ads.
I'm not mad at Tumblr for hosting ads. I get that it has to happen because it's the easiest way to keep the site free, and honestly, I imagine Tumblr's staunch opposition to monetization has been a real obstacle for the team building Tumblr. But at the same time, it feels like yet another small concession in the usability of the site. I'm tired of ads that auto-play with blaring audio while I'm scrolling. I'm tired of adds that, if I touch them while trying to scroll past them, take me to an external site. Outside of tumblr, I'm tired of looking for information online only to get a webpage that's 95% ads and otherwise illegible. Hell, I recently got an ad on Discord. Was it unobtrusive? Maybe. But it was there, for the first time, and I know that won't be the end.
I know the first reply I'm going to get on this is "use adblock", and yes, that's a solution, but think about how much the landscape for media has changed in just ten years.
Popular forums are basically gone outside of reddit.
Youtube, without Red, is ad hell. You can't watch more than 3-4 minutes of video without getting sent to marketing hell.
Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter-- it's terrible. I firmly believe they've manufactured a worse experience through the implementation of ads to convince you to buy into their premium services.
Just Check out this video of Penguinz0 trying to watch a video on a third-party site.
There's discussion of putting ads into video games.
Remember when games didn't include micro-transactions? Blizzard is charging $70 for one mythic skin. You could almost buy Overwatch 1 twice-over at that price-point.
Influencers make a living by making their lives into advertisements.
Youtube has retaliated against users using ad-block on non-chrome browsers by artificially inflating the load times of it's videos.
What can we do about this? I imagine companies see it as an infinite money hack; users can't stop companies from hosting ads, and the action they could take to voice their displeasure-- leaving the site, using other competitive services-- has been all but obliterated thanks to the homogeneity of popular social media outlets. If someone is truly so incensed about ads, well-- it isn't like they have to engage with them, right? They can enroll in a cheap, auto-renewing service to get rid of ads entirely. Well, wait, the price of premium might just have to go up. Don't worry, it's auto-renewing! You won't even notice it. Oh, no, it's got to go up again, you won't even notice it.
There's no incentive for them to cap this behavior, and no way for us as users to pressure them to do so. We create these spaces; we fill them with color, art, activism, community, and the companies that ride on the tailcoat of the spaces we create tell us to give them more. What comes next?
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theladybrownstarot · 2 months
Tarot Community Scam Alert ⚠️ :-
This about an exchange reading I had with a reader who broke my trust , disrespected me and I consider this as a scam .
It's @riyus-things now she deactivated her account. She is a fake reader as she has scammed number of people by being a fake reader .
I started my exchange just two days ago and asked any 3 people who had be Interested to do the reading with Me . She was among them.
I had opted for vedic chart reading for My question's prediction. Later when I got the reading it was totally copied from the website I knew .
The following points had my suspicion come true :-
I got to know from the chart what website she used .
Prediction wasn't according to question's context I asked .
I already had an eye on the blog quite few time in which I observed about her English. The prediction's English and her English were different. I didn't want to look down as I thought that maybe it's for professionalism.
But , I had check on the website 5 times just because I didn't want to accuse for anything wrong but it was what it was .
She copied the whole prediction from website.
Her reading Vs website's reading :-
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2nd :-
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There is whole of this very long in my DM but but I could just upload this .
Later I had sent her the website reading's screenshot , she showed by responding as she is totally unaware what is happening because she got caught.
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I guess it's not hard to see how she was manipulating me and twisting from one excuse to another .
I.e - Herself then her friend then herself and then a mixed excuse of both reasons.
My rules won't apply to her excuses cuz she is a fraudster.
You know this is literally a disrespectful thing. You are just pretending for something you are not and taking valued time and hardwork from other readers .
She did this so quickly like just a copy paste , but I would have taken an hour to predict would this be fine and justified ?
If I wouldn't have told her about post I would have made her gone so easily like that .
She sent me a reading as proof that she is a reader and can save herself which was again fake and copied which is can be seen with her communication skills .
An apology post ! She made it tagging me in and blamed her friend about not being loyal and sending my reading to her whereas with me she told her friend recommended the website only . Like she told me she used the website as tool and now she is saying her friend used it and gave reading . Wow. [ she deactivated her account so post isn't there but one person did like that post as far as I remember, if you see this please send me the SS of it . ] She is a fraudster .
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emmettworld · 3 months
hello, my beloved whump community. this is Emmett. but you probably know me better as this blog:
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or you may remember the blog before that:
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you may have even been here since this blog:
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...i'm not taking you farther than that. xD
my account was terminated without any warning today. March 25, 2024. all of my blogs are gone and i have lost everything i have on them. you won't even be able to see any comments or reblogs for me on any of your posts.
if you have commissioned me over Tumblr DMs and not Discord, please contact me here. i did not have a copy of my commission list saved. i do not know who hasn't paid and who already has. i do not remember who was on the list. i do not want anyone to be cheated out of their money.
i have no idea why this happened. i was not doing anything that could justify my account being terminated with no warning or explanation. i'm so paranoid about it that i won't even type the blog names; that's why they're images instead.
but at this point, most of you know the type of whump creator i am. one who creates whatever he wants, no matter how disturbing or explicit it may be. one who loves creating whump and content in general of the Not Safe For This Website kind.
getting one of my blogs flagged, and now losing everything, is not going to stop me. i'm not going anywhere. but i am going to be changing my approach to posting content.
this is my Language Key. i will be using a system of emojis for tagging instead of words, so please read this before you go on my blog and know which tags you need to block.
if you need to block my blog for any reason, go ahead. i don't want to disturb anyone by showing up in the tags.
all of my artwork that is Not Safe For This Website will be linked to an external storage website, MEGA. it is completely free to view and you do not need an account. there will be no cropped previews unless they are 100% Safe For This Website.
all of my writing that is Not Safe For This Website will be linked directly to where i post it on my AO3. it is completely free to view and you do not need an account. there will be no writing put under a read more unless it is 100% Safe For This Website.
trust me, i'll have a better pinned post up at some point explaining who i am and my multiverse of AUs, series, and OCs, and links to my commission page, and my Ko-Fi...and i'll do my best to finish the masterlists and, once again, build myself up from the ground up...
but i'm exhausted. i never saw this coming, and it's made me realize just how unsafe i am. i lost so much content that was only posted on Tumblr and not saved anywhere else.
believe me when i say that i am fucking devastated.
but i'm not going anywhere. i will die with this site when it eventually goes down, and not because it tried to kill me.
that being said, you can find me here on Cohost, which is where i'll migrate to when this place dies or where i'll communicate if i happen to get IP address banned (probably without warning) or something that prevents me from coming back.
if you don't want to refollow me here, i totally understand. i can't say how grateful i am to everyone who does, but like...i get it. it's tedious having to refollow me all the time, never knowing when a blog (or full ass account) is going to suddenly disappear. if you want to get off this crazy, unpredictable ride now, i don't blame you.
and if you decide to stick around, for however long, thank you. this day has been one of my worst nightmares and i don't think i would be handling this with nearly as much grace if it were not for my friends and everyone on my Discord server (which, by the way, is the only safe place where i share everything uncensored).
they were my first line of communication. they helped me get the word out. they rallied for me and kept me from having one massive breakdown over this, so my heartfelt thanks go out to them.
i'm using the whump community tags in hopes that more people will see this. i had hundreds of followers on my last blog, more than a thousand on the blog before that...i know this isn't going to reach everyone, but i hope it will reach some people.
thank you so much for reblogging this to help spread the word if you do. and thank you for reading. ❤️
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o2studies · 5 months
Calling all science students and enthusiasts!!
I would absolutely love to have a science-revolving passion project and I’ve narrowed it down to a blog/blog-type-website. I love learning about science but so rarely take the time to actually research the things that interest me. With being a high school student, exams and life this is quite a big task to handle for 1 person and I’d love others to contribute to this!
This is by no means a set plan yet, I’m just sharing a rough idea, so if you could please interact with this post or dm me if you would be interested in something of this kind. Even if you see this 5 months after this was posted (and hopefully a working project or at least WIP) still reach out if you’re interested.
You don’t have to be a great writer for this either nor fascinated about each and every science. My favourite is chemistry, but it would be nice if this project could incorporate the 3 main branches of science: biology, chemistry and physics. It depends on if people would be interested in reading something like this or participating in, and their preferred subjects. You could write about astronomy as a whole, or go into chemistry and analysing electronic configuration, talking about your favourite dinosaur bones in palaeontology, a passive behaviour analysis in psychology, or explaining how exactly scabs work in biology. These would probably be short to mid-length entries and 1/2 times a month.
But this is just my idea and how far I’ve gone with it, feedback is appreciated, there will be more updates to come (not too many until afer my exams in May tho), and I appreciate any reblogs to share this idea with others!
Hopefully a couple people would like to help out in this project and please ask questions if you have any (as a dm or ask) ^^
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mbslost · 3 months
Another yapping session with MB yipeee!
nah in all seriousness i would like to talk about some things, now that my temper is gone.
we still remember the post on twt made by @/renhanasgf about Gato not being more inclusive, oorrrr that her poc character are ignored. (i wont talk about the real stuff from discord in this post since proofs are still gathered.)
well here i am! (sadly)
1.How many poc characters?
7 well known (or maybe more). who are those? well we'll start with Raven(tinr) or known as Selin as well, Chet Ichpujani(tinr/tpof), Strade(btd/tpof), Thomas(tpof), Jaqueline(tpof), Machete(tpof) and fucking Derek(tpof)
some of them dont have a full name (besides an alias) either because story wise it didnt mattered or because of their lore (Strade and Machete are criminals, doubt they would want a victim that escaped to expose their identity, no?) Also another detail, even some white characters do not have a last name,such as Sid(tinr), Dragon/Jace(tpof), Komodo/Mike(tpof), Chamomile(tpof), Richard(tpof) and probably some from 'Facility'.
their ethnicities are indeed unknown, either because it wouldnt really affect their story or it was avoided in case it could cause a conflict. dunno. about this i cant really talk a lot since her blogs are gone, thus i cannot dig into this matter anymore. although i believe having a hc on them is fine. ''- It is 100% okay to have ANY headcanons about my character!''-her website)
Raven was one of the well know character from Gato that is poc. her nationality is unknown due to the story (which i would recommend you to read tinr, pretty cool tbh). since her story goes deeper i would suggest you to also read her wiki (fanmade). sadly lots of stuff are now gone about her. still a lover character.
Strade. Strade is Strade. (kind of forgot what she said in the answer about his name but the wiki says ''Strade is not his actual birth name. It's similar to a placeholder name like John Doe. His birth name is unknown." still you can check out more here)
Chet Ichpujani is another character involved in tinr, a manager (i believe) at a semi-restaurant thing? in the end he offers to help Farz with his problem. pretty cool guy since he and Anthony Shore re-appeared in tpof. (picture below)
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Machete, ''Machete is the newest member of the desert group. He had to prove himself worthy by performing various criminal tasks to be allowed in. Despite his recent acceptance, the rest of the group remain wary of him. His quiet demeanor and decisive actions tend to unsettle the other members. He regrets everything he's done to be admitted into the group, but he chose to stop at nothing to get revenge for his sister. He feels as though he's completely lost his identity and humanity to his "purpose"." -wiki (also a small detail, he did everything to revenge his sister)
Tom/Thomas, ''Tom is a college student, taking a media development course centered around sound design. He took a few years off high school, kind of meandering through life without an aim for a while. However, he eventually found a passion for making music. Despite tons of research and hard work, he was never really able to get his brand off the ground, so he decided to head to college to get some formal education on the subject. Late one night, as he was about to head home, he was abducted by Komodo and Dragon.'' -wiki
Jaqueline, "Jaqueline is a young trades worker learning to paint houses. She takes pride in her work and also frequently goes to the gym. Her mother pesters her to get a higher education, but she loves her current career path. Due to the friction with her family over her job, she tends to choose to spend time with friends instead. She was violently abducted by Jack in broad daylight, unlucky to have no witnesses." -wiki
therefore, there's plenty of information, plus that lost from her blogs.
2.Model minority
must agree, her work from 2016 looked alike yet, in the last years she actually showed more bodies (like types)
here are some examples:
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also Strade's new model as well:
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quite diverse, is it not? i am aware i didnt show others as well but if you wish to (and i actually encourage to) you can view the rest here! Lawrence, Ren, Celia (or on pinterest!)
3. Conclusion
i still believe everyone can create whatever they wish, whatever character. the details are on their part. now i could understand Gato for being upset when someone doesnt draw their character as they are (such as changing the body type, skin colour, etc) but also cant blame those who feel like being ignored (trust me, had to survive the genshin fandom).
so the characters exist, thus i dont see the problem of not being inclusive (also, as she often said, you can hc her characters, thus i believe their ethnicities are free to chose for yourself)
that's it. as for the real deal (the discord stuff) i believe it's the best more proofs come. rn i dont see her as a racist artist, but that comment in spanish does sound in fact xenophobic... well, until more context is posted, we'll see
stay safe!
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fatphobiabusters · 4 months
hello!! i love seeing your fatshion and fat art posts on my dash :]) they really brighten my day! how do you find these posts? I've gone back to the original source of them and they aren't often tagged with "plus size" or anything :o
Hi, I'm glad you enjoy the posts. I've created many strategies to find fat positive content on this website since, sadly, fat representation is very difficult to find.
The easiest strategy is to search popular fat positive tags, like "fatshion" or "fat positive." However, most people don't tag fat representation, and many fat-related tags are overrun by thinspo blogs, fat fetishists, and fatphobes.
Sometimes I search "plus size" and another word to try to find specific posts. For example, I queued posts with a Valentine's Day theme for Valentine's Day. One of the strategies I used for that was to search "plus size pink," "plus size red," "plus size lovecore," "plus size valentines day," etc. I have to get creative like this when trying to find content of specific groups of fat people. As another example, when I want to find content for fat Asian people, I may search "plus size hanfu," "plus size jfashion," "Vietnamese fatshion," and any combination of words involving fatness and usually either a specific cultural clothing or country. If I just use normal search terms, I likely won't find anything.
Sometimes I look at popular tags like "artists on tumblr" and scroll through hundreds of posts to find a single drawing of a fat person. Usually said drawing didn't use any tags for the fat representation. This strategy is extremely based on luck and will involve spending way more time before seeing any posts of fat people, but this is one of the few ways to find posts of fat representation that weren't tagged with words related to fatness. What I would give just to get people to tag their posts of fat representation, you have no idea. Even if no one else started drawing fat people, there would be a mountain of more fat positive posts to reblog if those posts were simply tagged in a way to make them possible for fat positive blogs to find.
Some tags are more likely to include fat people, like tags for Mermay. Fat people are barely represented, but some artists are willing to be slightly inclusive when drawing mermaids. The likelihood of size inclusivity also goes up with events like Mermay since some of the artists who participate will draw a different mermaid design for every day of the month. It's hard to not draw a single fat mermaid design when a person is drawing 31 mermaids.
When I find an old fat positive or fatshion blog, I'll usually comb through the entire blog for posts. Not only do I find posts that way, but I also usually find other blogs with posts I can also queue. This ends up with me going through a chain of old blogs and why you'll see us post content that was made anywhere from 5 to a whopping 12 years ago. I usually keep at least one post from each of these blogs in my queue at all times to remind me to continue searching the blogs for fat positive content. I've had some posts in the queue of Fatphobia Busters for two years because I keep them as reminders for what blogs I need to search. For every post we share, I try to thoroughly look through the blog of the op for any other scraps of fat positivity I can queue. This is another reason why some posts stay in the queue for months or years. Since fat representation on this website is abysmal, I usually only put posts at the front of the queue that were either made by blogs I've already combed, blogs that still have posts in the queue so I can search those blogs a different day, or if the post was queued by Mod Squirrel. I don't have a lot of energy to search blogs, which is why those posts stay in the queue for so long. That's also why you may notice certain blogs being posted a lot for a period of time—they're blogs I'm safe to post without missing any content I could have queued.
Tumblr has a pretty terrible search function, and I've basically never been recommended a blog by Tumblr that actually posted fat representation. However, the one helpful function Tumblr has actually been good at is the similar posts section called "More like this," which looks like this on desktop:
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It's to the right of whatever post you look at on a blog. On mobile, it looks like this:
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I looked at the same post for both of these screenshots. In the "More like this" (or "More posts like this") section, Tumblr will usually include other posts by the user, posts by other blogs who interact with the user, posts with similar tags, etc. etc. For whatever reason, I'll sometimes be able to use this Tumblr function to find more fat representation. As an example, Tumblr showed me the same grayscale drawing of a fat person in both of these screenshots. That drawing was posted by an entirely different blog and with no tags related to fatness or fat positivity at all, but the "More like this" Tumblr function is the only time that Tumblr realizes "Oh, for the past five years of running and modding for fat positive blogs, you've actually wanted to see posts of fat people and not all of the posts of thin people I've suggested to you all this time?"
Sometimes I'll try my luck with certain fandoms when I know the media the fandom is for actually has a fat character or if I know that the fandom is somewhat size inclusive. There are times where an artist who draws the media's fat character also has fat OCs or draws other fat people. For instance, I'll probably have more luck finding artists who draw fat people in the Magnus Archives fandom than I will in a fandom for a media that's very fatphobic or pretends thinness is an art style, like Hazbin Hotel.
If I find a fat person who posts selfies or photography of themself, I'll look at their tags to try to decipher what tags they use for posting those photos. They may have a specific tag just for their photos, like "my face," or they may tag all of their photos with a tag like "ootd," "melanin," "cosplay," "black girl magic," "lolita," "jfashion," etc. It's also important to make sure not to share any posts that have tags like "do not reblog." If a post has the tag "personal," I'll usually either skip it or ask the user if they're okay with the post being reblogged. This is especially important for text posts about fatphobia since sometimes a person just wanted to vent and doesn't want their post to be shared. Whenever I'm in doubt, I write a reply on the post and ask the op if they're okay with me reblogging it.
On some occasions, I'll see the url or tags of someone on our posts that makes me think they may have more fat positive content. When that is the case, I'll queue posts that a follower made. Said posts are usually selfies or text posts. Sometimes this means queuing a post they made about a specific product they sell on Etsy that otherwise isn't accessible for fat people, or this could mean queueing a well-written rant that they've okayed for people to reblog.
That's basically the gist of most of my strategies I can think of. You can see that running and modding for fat positive blogs involves a lot of work and strategizing just to find content. But you can help make it easier. If you:
Tag your posts of fat representation with fat positive tags
Send posts you find of fat people to fat positive blogs
Tell artists who draw fat people to tag their art with fat positive tags
Ask artists who only draw thin people to make their art size inclusive
Make posts about fatphobia and tag those posts with tags like "fatphobia" to make them searchable
Or even just reblog posts from fat positive blogs to help spread them and encourage those OPs to keep representing fat people
By doing those things, you help us a lot and also help more fat people see themselves in the media they look at.
If you do tag your posts for this purpose, I strongly suggest using more than just tags like "body positivity." That tag on Tumblr is full of mostly porn, thin people, and celebrations of weight loss, so I've given up on looking at that tag at all and would assume many other fat positive blogs don't use that tag either.
-Mod Worthy
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starriluvs · 1 year
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Demon Ritual at 3AM Gone Wrong.
Prompt: Academically Smart Reader who summons young Demon Sae Itoshi through a 2013 emo blog. Except Reader’s lowk stupid.
You didnt think the demon summoning ritual youd found online was actually going to work.
But it did. As stupid as it was, you were bored out of your mind with the fact you were taking a gap year. Nothing to do, and your social battery was not yet ready for a meetup with your friends.
And so, one (un)faithful night, when you were left alone in the confines of your house, you decided to be daring-if that was the right word. You’d graduated college with high honors, you could afford to be a little stupid for once.
And of course, you’d decided ‘summoning’ a demon would be the thing to cure your boredom.
After picking some lackluster blog site from 2013, you read through the brightly lettered instructions listed out before you. ‘Good god. I forgot how saturated everything was back then..’ You muttered under your breath with squinted eyes.
First step, choose a location.
You chose to do the supposed ‘ritual’ in your living room- for a few reasons. One being that, in the case where anything did go wrong, youd have an easy escape through the windows.
And two- so you could blast Gee by Girls Generation on the TV as you performed the ritual. The rules didnt say anything about music being forbidden after all.
Second step, cover your chosen area in a large ring of salt.
You were tempted to draw multiple rings, just to see what would happen. Alas, you stuck to the rules as you hummed ‘if he liked it then he shoulda put a ring on it,’ on repeat, circling around until a white ring was formed.
Third step, draw a circle and pentagram within the circle with chalk.
Luckily your brother was an art fanatic. You snatched one of his white pieces of chalk, and proceeded to draw.
By the end of it, your back was starting to hurt.
Fourth step, candles.
You placed a candle for each point of the pentagram, lighting them with the match youd found in the kitchen. God, you’d always had a certain.. fear, of fire ever since your granddad accidentally set fire to your hair on your 2nd birthday.
Fifth step, an offering.
You deadpanned when you read it. ‘An offering?’ You repeated to yourself, wondering if your brother would be fine with the proposal.
You decided against it, opting to offer a random necklace you’d found in your bag one day. (You still dont know just where it came from.)
You placed the necklace in the center of the circle, and now, you held your phone in your hands, about to recite the words from the website.
Eyes narrowed, you hesitantly stumbled over your words. ‘Saecula..Saeculorum..’ You said. ‘God what mind of name is this..’
You shook your head, resuming. ‘Be my friend, be my friend..?’
A moment of silence.
You waited for a second longer, before you felt the amusement bubble inside you as you started chuckling. You stood up, stretching as you grinned.
‘Who was i kidding. A demon ritual?’ You laughed. ‘Please, its not like this was ever going to work-‘
And suddenly, you saw flashed of light emitting from the centre of the circle. Ruby red, and emerald green.
What the hell.
You blinked more times than should have been humanely possible. Maybe your vision had gotten worse after all?..
Then, a man appeared, through some kind of warp hole in the ground that dissapeared as soon as it came. A handsome one at that. Long red hair that didnt reach below his neck, sharp emerald eyes. His slitted pupils latching onto your offerred necklace with curiosity.
Except, was he really a man if he had horns and a tail?
The horns that matched the colour of his hair; only being a darker shade. They looked smooth, reaching from the sides of his head up. His tail, slim and somewhat elegant, the tip thrashing back and forth.
You were stunned, a clear look of disbelief on your face.
The boy-demon, whatever he was, who had just appeared in your living room, suddenly turned his gaze towards you. You felt exposed, seeing that sharp gaze directed at you, and not the necklace.
You could only feel pity, and a sense of relation to the piece of jewellery that had suffered his stare for so long.
The ‘creature’ tilted his head, making a dismissive sound. ‘I suppose your offering has been more satisfactory than i would have expected.’ He-it said.
You continued staring, whether from awe, confusion or disbelief, you didnt know. ‘My.. my offering?’ You repeated dumbly.
The boy-demon simply held out the piece of jewellery. ‘The necklace. Or are you simply that forgetful and unaware?’ He said bluntly.
You finally snapped out of it, eyes narrowed in clear as day confusion. ‘Hold on, let’s backtrack here. Who the hell are you?’
A simple, slight tilt of his head back. ‘Dont you mean what am i, human?’
‘To put it simply,’ He started off, voice smooth. ‘I am a demon of the Itoshi bloodline, who has finally, and tragically been summoned.’ He sighed, seeming not too much bothered by the whole situation.
You deadpanned again, looking at him with a blank look as though your head was in the clouds. Eventually, you just said the first thing that came to mind.
The Itoshi sighed, dreadfully. ‘Dont tell me i have to repeat myself again. Are all humans this stupid?’ He muttered, tail lashing.
You shook your head. ‘No, no i mean, i get..? that youre a demon. Or well, kind of. This really just feels like a fever dream.’
You leaned closer curiously, eyes wide with that same look of curiosity and awe. ‘What i mean is.. How are you a demon?’
A quirk of his brow. ‘What do you mean by that?’
You leaned back, crossing your arms as you looked to the side. ‘I guess, i expected demons to be a lot.. uglier.’ You shrugged.
‘You even look human!’ You exclaimed, marvelling inside at his pretty face. ‘Well, besides the horns and tail.’ You pointed out, refusing the urge to touch them out of curiosity.
He shrugged. ‘Demons do look like humans, like you said. In fact, im pretty sure some demons have blended in into human society.’
‘Like Andrew Tate!’ You exclaimed.
The Itoshi deadpanned. ‘I dont know who that is. But yeah, i suppose.’
A moment of silence passed by, with the both of you staring at the other. You were too busy and caught up with admiring him to notice he was doing the same to you.
‘Say, I didnt get your name.’ You muttered.
And you wouldnt. Because just as you said that, you saw the familliar glare of lights pulling into the driveway.
‘Shit!’ You cursed, before grabbing the startled demon’s hand and half running, half dragging him upstairs to your room. Crashing through the door, you pushed him into your closet. He only deadpanned at you through the dark, surprisingly comfortable.
You had to explain to your parents that you were doing an arts/science collaboration experiment.
They didnt believe you. But as long as you werent dealing weed and you cleaned up the mess after, they let you off the hook this once.
Once finished with your horrible at best excuse, you backed off, hands behind your back, and an uneasy smile on your face. As soon as you were out of sight, you swiftly sprinted upstairs.
When you peeked through your closet door, you were surprised when you still saw those same emerald eyes piercing back into you.
‘Youre still here.’ You said quietly, the hints of an amused smile on your face.
Though, the demon only huffed. ‘Yeah, and now i cant go back.’
‘Youve just trapped me on earth, until you reverse the ritual, that is.’
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hi, do you have any resource recommendations for laypeople who want to grasp the most important essentials/fundamentals of material science? any help will be very appreciated!
Great question! Unfortunately, our definitions of 'laypeople' and 'fundamentals' may vary, so if this list doesn't have what you're looking for just let me know and I'll give it another shot.
Let's start with some... let's say 'unpublished/unofficial' resources. First - this blog. Not to toot my own horn, but I've got a good collection of original posts (try the tag MyMSEPost, or this year's newest variety 2024Daily) that I hope are fairly readable to the general public - and come with links and further reading resources for each topic. However, these posts are not comprehensive. I don't think I've ever talked about what is a crystal structure, for example. [Also, I've been doing this for, wow, almost 10 years now, so... that's a fair number of posts...] I also, one upon a time, made some MSE Masterpost posts, though those are probably pretty outdated by now and I can't guarantee the links all work.
Another resource is msestudent.com. They don't have an about page, but it seems to be a more official (i.e., non-Tumblr) blog about the fundamentals. That being said, while they do have a search system, they don't seem to have a table of contents. Both of these resources will help you learn some fundamentals, but they won't tell you what the fundamentals are if you don't already know them.
Other science Tumblr blogs have come and gone over the years, but @materiallugy seems to be currently posting, and @matmake was not too long ago. Both have separate websites with resources, though I'm not sure how comprehensive.
Now for undergraduate level resources that are comprehensive. These are introductory, but I suppose they might presuppose a high-school level education (basic chemistry and physics, probably):
Online classes, such as MIT OpenCourseware, or Coursera (two examples of many). Some of these kinds of resources are free, some aren't. MIT, in particular, isn't so much a class you take online as it is the resources (and sometimes videos) of their classes.
Textbooks. I used Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction (Callister and Rethwisch), which I think is pretty common and a well respected book. Obviously it costs money, but I think it's safe to say you could go back a couple editions and save some money.
Less comprehensive but still official is the University of Cambridge's Teaching and Learning Packages. Again, this won't tell you what are the fundamentals if you don't know already know. For example, there are 78 at the moment - I wouldn't say the additive manufacturing TLP is essential to MSE, but atomic scale structure of materials is.
Additional resources:
Specifically corrosion
Online, virtual, general chemistry textbook
Online, virtual, organic chemistry textbook
Someone else's compiled list of links and resources, which may be outdated
YouTube videos from a professor of MSE (side note: I have not watched these and cannot verify their accuracy or usefulness, but the guy does teach this stuff for a living...)
Hope this helps, and everyone feel free to chime in if you have any resources of your own you use!
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fledermaus-art · 6 months
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Characters depicted: Carptail (left, tom), Ferretbeak (right, she-cat)
Flitterclan, in Ferretbeak's view, could scarcely be described as a clan. It had been an arduous few moons trying to gather up the remnants of cats long descended from the likes of Tumblestar and the family he had founded, but it had been done, settling at the edges of a twoleg's garbage hill.
The process would have been made much simpler if it weren't for the problem of Carptail, one of their strongest warriors, almost immediately breaking his hind leg while on patrol with Grousestar. None could really wrap their head around how he had done it, but the general consensus was a short battle-training session gone awry and a case of missing the proper step.
There weren't many herbs to be found in a wasteland such as this, but Ferretbeak would make do with what little she could find. She was nothing if not resourceful.
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acoraxia · 1 year
Remember to DO YOUR RESEARCH on Chinese names! A lot of the time people tend to go to Google Translate for names and input hecking “garden of fire” and plop that in as a name — YEAH YOU CAN’T DO THAT FOR NAMES!
Sometimes it’s not even accurate!
Your best friend will be behindthenames’ submitted names and actual blogs/websites dedicated towards names!
FOR EXAMPLE! A lot of people try to use Xiao as a name — you can’t really do that! Xiaotian and Xiaojiao have actual meaning behind their names and use actual characters that make sense as a name! Just using Xiao doesn’t really work! And you can’t use Xiao Xiao either that’s not a proper full name and it’s kinda wack! It’s nice to add as a nickname like Xiao Bai or Xiao Hua but there are other characters you could use for “cute” or “little”.
I am not an expert! But please do your research! I cannot count the amount of times I myself have fumbled and gone “oh i can just google translate this” and ended up absolutely butchering my poor oc’s names and titles
All of them have me held at gunpoint
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