#this doesn't mean i'm done for the night... we'll see
glorious-spoon · 3 hours
Easy as That [9-1-1 | Buck & Eddie | 1/1]
in honor of 9-1-1 day, please enjoy this little episode tag for 7x04 that i recently found in my drafts. because i really wanted to see the conversation between buck and eddie after all that
850 words episode tag | apologies | friendship
The first words out of Buck's mouth when Eddie pulls the door open are, "I figured I owed you a proper apology."
"Yeah," Eddie agrees mildly. He's got a crutch tucked under his arm, which makes it difficult to maneuver the door, so he lets Buck deal with it even though he's got a pile of takeout bags in one hand. Apology takeout, no doubt. The bags are stamped with the logo from Anarkali's, and he can smell curry and ginger. As bribes go, he could have done worse. Eddie is weak for their chicken jalfrezi. "You kinda do."
"Not kinda. I was—I was so out of line, Eddie, I'm so sorry."
"Shit happens."
"What, as easy as that?"
Eddie snorts, heading back into the kitchen without bothering to look back and see if Buck is following him. He is, of course. He always is. They already talked on the phone last night, when Eddie was loopy on painkillers and feeling kinda bad about winding Buck up as much as he did. He's less stoned now, and his ankle fucking hurts, so it's a little sharper when he says, "I was always gonna forgive you. You want me to drag it out?"
"Well, when you put it like that, no. But still."
Eddie sighs. It's a character flaw, probably, that he can't resist Buck's face when he looks like this. "We'll get past it. Just like you and Chim did after he decked you that one time. Okay?"
Buck presses his lips together and nods. He sets the bags down on the table and says, "I don't have to stay. If you want some space."
"I don't want space. Maybe an explanation." He nods toward the kitchen drawers. "You can get the forks. I hope you brought enough for both of us, because I'm not sharing."
"Yeah. I—I figured if you didn't want me around, there'd be leftovers."
"I always want you around, you idiot."
"Even after I broke your ankle?"
"It's just a sprain."
"That feels sort of like missing the point, Eddie."
"Listen," Eddie says. He eases himself into a chair, propping the crutch against the table next to him. In the kitchen, Buck pauses with the silverware drawer half-open, takes a visible deep breath, and turns back toward him with a pair of forks clutched in his hand. "You acted like an idiot, and somebody got hurt. It happens. So now you're gonna bring me a fork, sit your ass down, and tell me what's going on with you. Okay?"
"Okay," Buck says, pushing the silverware drawer gently shut. He brings the forks back to the table, sets one in front of Eddie, and reaches into the bag to pull out the takeout containers. 
There's a few minutes of silence while they get everything dished out, and then Eddie takes a bite of his jalfrezi, takes a moment to savor it, then says, "Okay. Talk."
"I mean, I don't know what to say," Buck says evasively. Eddie gives him a look, and he sighs. "Okay, I—I was jealous. Of you, and—and Tommy."
"Tommy," Eddie repeats.
Buck nods, his gaze fixed on his takeout dish, which he's sort of poking at like he expects it to come to life. Eddie reaches across to steal a piece of coconut curry. Buck doesn't even try to knock his fork out of the way. It's kind of amazing how much he looks like a kicked puppy right now. "I—I guess, I thought, you know, I thought he was so cool, and you thought he was so cool, and all of a sudden you guys were hanging out all the time and you kept saying how well you two clicked…"
"I was messing with you. You get that, right?"
"I mean. Now, yeah. Then I just felt like…I don't know. I—I should have talked to you, instead of—but I didn't mean for it to go down like that. I swear."
Eddie nods, chewing the inside corner of his lip briefly. "It was still a dick move."
"Yeah," Buck says. "It was."
"Well, as long as you get that."
"I really do."
"And you and Tommy are cool, now? You kissed and made up?"
Surprisingly, Buck's face goes bright red. Eddie raises his eyebrows, and he says, "Y-yeah, we're—we talked, and—we're good, yeah." He opens his mouth, makes a little stuttering noise, then says, "We're, uh, we're actually hanging out this weekend."
"Without me?" Eddie deadpans, and Buck looks so stricken that he has to laugh. "Kidding, I'm kidding, come on. I'm glad. I knew you two would get along."
"Yeah," Buck says. He lets out a shaky little laugh, then nods a couple of times and says it again. "Yeah."
Eddie raises his eyebrows, but Buck's not looking at him. He's busy spearing a piece of curry, and this time when Eddie tries to steal a bite, Buck smacks at his fork until he retreats, a juvenile little ritual that probably shouldn't make Eddie feel so light. He knows he's not getting the full story of what's going on with Buck, but that's okay. They're okay. He'll find out the rest of it eventually.
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Alright, so obviously we were wrong about Austin and the Canada trip. That's fine. I will hold my hands up and say I was wrong. But I also didn't need to go to someone's random TikTok and ask for the video, but hey shippers are another level of crazy. Cause it was a shipper who asked her to post the video of Austin and Kaia. They just wanted to prove everyone wrong. Whatever.
Either way, Austin and Kaia have not been seen together in over a month. They've both been in NY at the same time, and nothing. One of those times, Kaia was with Marcello. This new video from last month changes nothing. Kaia was still all over another guy that wasn't her boyfriend. Because a break up hasn't been announced. Rumored, yes. But nothing confirmed. So even if they're broken up behind the scenes, to the public they are still an item. Those pics make Kaia look bad. Her team has done nothing to help her either.
I don't know the exact timeline of when Austin did go to Canada. It was either before his birthday or after. But regardless, that was a month ago. Also doesn't mean it was a happy trip with him and Kaia. They've been having problems for a while. It's naive to think they weren't. I believe a break up has been on Austin's mind for some time.
I do have a theory that they might've taken a break after her book event in July. You could cut the tension between them with a knife that night. It was bad. I'm wondering if they decided to take some time apart. Austin said "Go to Paris and we'll talk when you get back" kind of thing. I did notice how down Kaia seemed in Paris. That's also when people started to notice her rapid weight loss. I can imagine the stress of your relationship being on the rocks would cause that. They were spotted together after she got back. So I guess they decided to work things out, so to speak. Then he went to Canada at some point.
I personally believe they did break up after that trip. I could see it as Austin trying one last time to see if things would be different. I don't think they were. So he broke up with her around her birthday. Kaia hasn't cleared up the shady insta post either. It seemed fresh and she was mad. So maybe Kaia thought things were better when he came to Canada. But I could also see it as he didn't want to ruin the trip either. Couple can break up at anytime.
Again, a lot had happened since the Canada trip. He missed her birthday. My theory, he dumped her. She was all over another guy. There have never been break up rumors like this around them before. The media doesn't care enough about them to randomly make up stories like a break up. The L&S articles aren't random.
I agree with everything here !
Something definitely happened after the Canada trip. The shippers are a bunch of annoying , desperate wanna be Kaia weirdos.I have no God given idea on what they thought the Canada trip was going to prove. Kaia was still on her knees in front of Marcello looking sloppy.
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omo-queer · 10 months
i barely made it to the bathroom in time i was so close to losing it but i didn't want to make a mess
i swear though denial has broken my brain. like that should not have felt like as much of a release as it did. i wasn't even touching myself while i let it out but i think my brain has learned that the best it's going to get is letting go when my bladder is full.
the ruins have really been fucking with my brain's sense of "finishing" as well... they make everything worse, but my body still craves them like a moth drawn to the flame. every time i ruin it leaves me a mess, and then an hour later my brain has forgotten how brutal it felt and thinks "maybe it's time for another ruin." i think probably i'll cool it on the ruins in december, maybe have a fixed number so i can't just ruin on a regular basis like i have over the course of november (which has, if anything, made me more desperate and needy, so i don't really view it as something that interrupts denial. a ruin has less in common with an orgasm to my brain than it does with an edge.)
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ashherahh · 2 months
a love letter from your future spouse
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Note: Please take it if it resonates, leave it if it doesn't. Meditate before making your decision. It's completely okay if you don't resonate with this reading. The collective is huge and I'm sure you'll receive the messages you need in due time.
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pile 1
I wish I could comfort you. I hate seeing you this way, like the light has been snuffed out of you. I want to make it all up to you. Lay your head on my lap and let me comfort you.
I can be the shoulder you cry on. I can be with you through the storm.
Everything you are working so hard to achieve will all work out. I know you feel like it won't happen but I will be there, cheering you on. I know you can do anything you set your mind to.
This will pass. No matter what happens we will get through it together.
Things may seem as though they are falling apart, but we will rebuild together. We'll fix anything that needs fixing. You can be vulnerable with me, you don't have to do it alone.
At times, I wish you would trust me with everything but I'm reminded by how you never let anyone else see you this way. Uneasy and unsure of things. Being vulnerable is difficult for you, I know. You've always had to be independent and you couldn't rely on others, but you can rely on me.
Tell me what you need and I will give you all I can.
Additional messages: Summer, Autumn. The number 5. Computer screens, messy hair. Fatigue. Coffee. Red, blue, green. Checkered floors.
About your spouse: They're someone very in tune with you. A very, very intuitive individual. It really affects them whenever you go through something. Despite being so in tune with you, they're solid like a rock. They can be quite paternal.
Song: Don't Cry - Guns & Roses
pile 2
You are the most badass person I know.
You've come a long way and I am so proud of you. Every day I'm with you, I'm in awe of your strength. I know you've pulled yourself out of dark places and you've always done it alone but not anymore and never again.
I love your smile. Your smile makes me smile. You make me laugh. Despite everything you've been through you're one of the most optimistic people I know, if not the most optimistic.
I love you so much. More than I can put into words. Sometimes I do struggle with my words, I know but I want you to know that I mean what I say. When I told you I love you, I meant it and I always will.
We will build our home and it will be our place of solace. We'll eat cake whenever we want and we'll go exploring together. You've turned my life into an adventure.
I love listening to you talk. I can listen to you all day long. Everything in my life feels so vibrant because of you. Thank you, my love. I am so greatful I met you.
Additional messages: Gorillaz. Band t-shirts. Eyes. Hands. The numbers 1 and 8. Baking. Black and brown. Glasses. December.
About your spouse: Their inner world is very expressive. They're shy, but on the inside there's a lot happening. They like to look at you, probably with hearts in their eyes all the time. They might even make music.
Song: Things That Scare Me - Neko Case
pile 3
I will never rush you. You are not a burden to love and you are not a burden to understand either.
I will give you the patience no one else wanted to. I will hold your hand through the dark days. For better or worse. In sickness and health. Sometimes I feel like I made those vows in my heart the first time I spoke to you.
Everything sung in me that you will be the one I wake up to in the morning. When I rest my head at night, I thank everything good that I have you in my life. What is trouble against a lifetime with the one you love?
In a way, you saved me. I think of the day I met you all the time, how suddenly everything changed. I feel it when I hold your hand, when we embrace, when I kiss you and you kiss me. Softly, I am reminded of how safe I felt as a child and how peaceful everything was. You brought that peace back to me.
Over the years anxiety began to build in me, I can't say I know when it began but it ended with you. The kindness, gentlessness, and understanding you've shown me has completely transformed me. I don't think you know you did that. That's just how you are. I love you for who you are.
You might believe that you will never find me but you will. I will find you. We will walk into each others lives and we won't remember a day when things were not as they are right now.
Additional messages: Painting. Driving. Number 11. Writing. March and August. Piercings and tattoos.
About your spouse: They're very logical in all situations but when it comes to you they kind of calm down. They might be in a field where they talk a lot. They're aloof.
Song: Sure Thing - Miguel
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harunayuuka2060 · 7 months
Neige: MC! *sniffles* You got hurt!
MC: I am alright, Neige... Though what are you doing here?
Vil: He insisted on coming with me when he heard about the news.
MC: ...
MC: *glances at Rook*
Rook: *smiles at them*
MC: ...
MC: *turns their attention back to Vil and Neige* Thank you both for your concern, but it was only a minor injury.
Vil: Your bandage on your arm says otherwise. *looking stern now*
MC: It's fine now since it's been treated.
Neige: MC, you should always be careful!
MC: I will. Thanks for reminding me, Neige.
Vil: ...
Vil: I checked the CCTV. You fought with the burglar.
MC: ...
MC: Yes.
Vil: Why didn't you wake me up?
MC: I didn't want to disturb your rest. Besides, I handled it just fine.
Vil: ...
Vil: You still got yourself injured. If it was Rook, he would—
MC: Yes. He's much capable to serve you. He was your vice housewarden when you were still studying in Night Raven College, right?
Vil: ...Yes.
MC: And I guess he has always been exceptional.
MC: He's the best for you, Vil. I'm sure he wouldn't mind working for you.
Vil: ...
MC's co-worker: Is your friend alright? I saw him walked out and dragged Neige LeBlanche with him.
MC: They had a schedule to follow.
Their co-worker: Ya veo. But Vil Schoenheit looked like he was fuming mad.
MC: ...
MC: That sounds like an exaggeration.
Their co-worker: Oh, yeah. Of course. What I mean is his aura, okay? It's burning.
MC: *shakes their head* Let's just get back to work.
Their co-worker: Oh wait! Rook. Rook just quit. I didn't know why, but he said that his job here is done.
MC: ...
MC: Vil must've hired him.
Their co-worker: That fast? Quite a privilege, no?
MC: *chuckles* *proceeds to continue with their task*
Rook: Roi du Poison, there must be a reason why Ami masqué refused your offer.
Vil: They've found out that we are affiliated to each other, Rook.
Rook: Oh! How could that be possible? I was certain I didn't raise any suspicion!
Vil: That doesn't matter now. My plan didn't work.
Rook: You shouldn't lose hope, Roi du Poison. I know deep inside that Ami masqué cherishes you. Maybe they just need more time to realize that.
Vil: ...
Vil: Rook, were you not listening to me when I told you about our story?
Rook: Non. I had listened intently. And my point still stands.
Vil: ...
Customer A: You lack energy today, MC. Did something happen?
MC: Huh? What do you mean?
Customer B: It feels like you're sulking about something. Or we could be wrong.
MC: ...
MC: You two seem to have been drinking a lot.
The customers: We're sober!
MC: It doesn't look like it to me.
The customers: Manager! Your concierge is judging us!
The manager: *chuckles and waves her hand dismissively*
The bartender: I think MC is sulking because Vil Schoenheit isn't here today.
The customers: Oh!
MC: No. That's not the reason at all. *carries the drunk woman*
The drunk woman: We're going home?
MC: Yes, miss. Is there someone waiting for you to be home?
The drunk woman: No...
MC: I see. We'll get going.
The bartender: Don't sulk! *as MC walks out of the nightclub with the customer*
The drunk woman: Looks like they're teasing you...
MC: Please don't mind them.
Vil: *staring at MC's phone number*
Vil: *decides to call them; not really hoping that MC would answer*
MC: Vil?
Vil: MC—
'MC~ You smell good~'
Vil: ...
MC: Please excuse me.
MC: Miss, you're inhaling the fabric conditioner.
'But this has never smelled so good before~'
Vil: Looks like you are in the middle of something.
MC: Ah, yes. Sorry. I will call you back. *hangs up*
Vil: ...
Vil: *smiles in irritation*
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selfloverrrrrr · 2 months
Can I request a non-con fic with a character,.where he is your uncles business partners son . he saw you at a party your uncle held and instantly fell in love with you .so he started stalking you and found out where you live and what you like or dislike your daily routine , everything. Then he sent you a marriage proposal which you rejected. He was angry about it but he had a plan. Your uncles son (your cousin) was getting married. His family was invited . At the wedding after a few hours you went to the bathroom to check your makeup , after you were done you were walking down the hall way, out of nowhere character appeared and started dragging you to his hotel room you thrashing around but he slapped you multiple times while ranting about how he is very mad and sad that you rejected him till you fainted when you wake up you're tied up on the bed in the hotel and he's staring at you. Then he gets up from his chair and slowly approaches you .| you can choose any character you want🧚‍♀️✨💫 .I really love reading the fanfictions you write they always make my day💫 ❤
Awwww thank you so much 😭💗... take my love and keep giving me requests like this... I loved this request 😭💗
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Rejecting Me?!
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Warnings : smut , heavy smut, unprotected sex, Noncon, Kidnapping, physically and emotional abuse, biting, size difference, Yandere Gojo, stalking, protective, jealous, obsessive, manipulative....
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( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
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Gojo's POV
I was at my dad's business partner's party. There I saw her first. Y/n. That's what she said her name is. She said it was her uncle's party. So that means my father's business partner is her uncle. Godddd she's so fucking gorgeous! How could I not fall in love with her.
She was wearing mini red partywear. She's the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen! I'll marry her... she'll be mine...right? The way she talked with me. Introduce herself. Said her name. I love everything about her. I wish I didn't have to leave that party and can see her all I want.
But after that day it didn't stop about liking.... I became obsessed. How couldn't I? She's the first girl who made me fall in love. I slowly started getting information about her by stalking her. Where she leaves, what she does, what she likes, what's her favourite flower, what she likes to do and what not... everything!
One month passed. I got enough information about her. I sent her a marriage proposal today. I know she'll accept it. Of course she will! I'm a rich handsome man...why won't she accept?
My brain was covered with her thoughts. She'll accept my proposal, then we'll get married, she'll be mine, I'll have her... fuck I can have her, I will fuck her until she can't think about anything else! I smirked at myself.
One day passed. My assistant came back from her house. "What did she say?" I asked. "Sir..... she....she said no" he replied. "What!" I exclaimed. "Yes sir...she said no...she doesn't want to get married" he replied. I clenched my jaw and my fist. How dare she? How fucking dare she didn't accept it? What does she think she's doing?! My mind was racing with anger.
Two weeks later I got an invitation for a wedding. When I saw whose wedding it was, a smirk played on my lips. It was the wedding of y/n's cousin. My dad's business partner's son. That's interesting. I can have my way I see.
The wedding ceremony day
Y/n's POV
Today is my cousin's wedding. I was so happy for him. I got ready for the marriage. I wore a long blue dress. They booked a hotel for the marriage and guests wouldn't stay at that hotel for the night. That hotel was so gorgeous. I arrived there.
We were walking and talking with people there. Our relatives called for all relatives to go to the wedding room and the couples were about to get married. I went there. Entering the room I first saw Gojo Satoru.
Fuck! This is so awkward! I looked away. He was staring at me. The marriage ceremony starts and ends as well. We all give congratulations to the newly married couples. Time passed. I asked my cousin where the ladies bathroom is. He said it's on the second floor.
I went to the second floor and went to the bathroom to do my touch ups. After the touch up I fixed my hair and dress. Then I went out of the bathroom. I was walking through the hallway when I bumped into someone. When I looked up it was Gojo. Fuck! Not again!
"what are you doing here?" He asked. "I was in the bathroom...why are you here? It's the ladies bathroom in this direction" I said. He took out a key from his pocket. "Can you see it?" He said and put it in the keyhole of the door right next to us. He unlocked the door. "It's my room" he said.
"ohh... it's okay...do your thing, bye" I said. I started walking but he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. "Bye? We just started talking... We haven't talked about that MARRIAGE PROPOSAL yet" he said tilting his head. Oh no no no... this is getting more awkward.
"Gojo please... can we just not-" he didn't let me finish my sentence and started speaking. "Why not?... come inside" he said. "Gojo I don't think we-" before I could finish "come inside" he said and dragged me inside with him.
I stared at him. I really don't know what to say. "Hmm so?" He said and started walking towards me. "Why did you reject?" He asked. "Actually...I .... I don't think I wanna get married right now" I said. He pulled me towards him and hugged me by my waist.
I gasped. "You think I'm not enough for you huh?" He said. "You think you deserve better than me? Hear me you can't fucking find a single guy better than me!" He said with grinded teeth. "I-It's not like that" I said. "I can throw how much money you want" he said and pushed me. I didn't realise the bed was behind me and I fell on the bed.
"Gojo what are you doing!" I said. "Tell me how much money you want, whore!" He said. "I don't want you or your fucking money! Just leave me alone!" I said and was about to go he grabbed my hair and pulled me on the bed again. I cried out of the pain. "Did I say you can go?" He said with grinded teeth and got on me.
I stared at him with teary eyes. "How fucking dare you, you rejected my proposal?! Who the fuck do you think you are?" He said and slapped me. "Bitch, I've to show you some manners I see" he said and pulled down the straps of my dress. "G-gojo... w-what... stop " I cried.
He looked at me and slapped me again. "I. Said. Shut. Your. Damn. Mouth. Up" he warned. Then he totally took off my dress. Tears came down from my eyes. He smirked at me. "I knew you have a fucking gorgeous body too" he said and pressed his lips on mine.His kiss was so rough. He started undoing my bra. I tried to protest and scream but that didn't work .
He grabbed my boob and squeezed it and I screamed in the kiss. Hearing my Gojo broke the kiss and crashed his mouth on my breast. I moaned out loudly. "Waited enough for you" he spoke "not anymore". He started sucking on my breast roughly. The more I moan the more he sucks and  squeezes on my breasts." please stop... I'm beginning you please stop..." I begged. But he didn't stop.
After a while he let go of my breast. I was breathing heavily. He started undressing himself. He took off his shirt and pants. He was now only wearing his boxers. I can see the outline of his bulge through his boxers and there was a wet spot where the tip of his dick touched his boxer. Fear grabbed me by my neck.
His hand reached for my pantie and he ripped it off. He looked at my pussy with lustful eyes. He parted my pussy lips with his fingers and crashed his mouth on it, sucking on it roughly. I moaned so loudly. I tried to push him away by pulling his hair but nothing nothing nothing. He just continued his work. He pulled back and lined himself with me."please please please no no no" I cried. "Shhh.... don't be scared...... You're mine after all " he whispered and slammed his whole length in one slide without any warning."ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed."oh my fucking god god god god god god......ahhh" he moaned out feeling my warm wet walls around him.
He didn't give me time to adjust his size. "Stoooopppp please stop!!! Please pull out it's hurting too much" I cried and begged. But he didn't listen. His thrust became harder and harder. I was an moaning and crying mess."you are so fucking...ahhh .... tight" he moaned out. I was screaming, begging for help, begging him to stop...but nah.... nothing changed.
The more I scream the more his thrusting becomes harder.With a few more thrust I came. "You can't resist me anymore if I fuck you hard anddd...cum inside you...or else what your family gonna think huh?" He said with a smirk. "No!!! Please no!" I screamed but as if he's gonna listen to me. I grabbed the bedsheet behind me tightly . Feeling my warm wall clenching around him he came within a minute. I already fainted.
"Sleep well princess... I'll tell everyone you're sleeping in my room... and will tell them we're in a relationship... Nobody will suspect... And you won't dare to do anything else... you'll be fucking tied with me,princess" he whispered with a chuckle.
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Give me your requests guys...
I love when you give me your requests 💕
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leclercsluvs · 4 months
CL16/DR3 | Already Over | smau
part 8 | masterlist
an: i'm thinking this is only going to be like 1 more part. i have no clue what else to make happen tbh, dates/timestamps aren't important, pleas ignore them pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader, daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
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liked by pierregasly, maxverstappen1 and 3.189.461 others charles_leclerc wish we could go back in time ❤️ tagged: yourusername
danielricciardo watch it.
maxverstappen1 you're doing everything huh?
charles_leclerc ofc i am. i love her. yourbff fuck off. you had your chance and you fucked up big time. yourfriend not you doing all this AFTER she's moved on. stop fucking with her head dude. pierregasly don't listen to them mate, show her how much you love her! yoursister pierre shut the fuck up, or i will make sure you are not able to drive next weekend <3
tayslover it rubs me the wrong way that he's posting like this while she's in a relationship. also i really need her to be on top of her game when she tours with THE queen.
y/nsfclklore not you putting one above the other 🤨 swiftesversion because taytay is above everyone 💁‍♀️ softy/n/n nahhh they're literally friends??? why put them against each other
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liked by taylorswift, landonorris and 3.156.442 others yourusername had a fantastic time the first night of the eras tour! thank you to everyone who cheered loudly for me, i appreciate all the support 🥹 tagged: taylorswift
danielricciardo looked gorgeous, sad i couldn't be there tonight
yourbff girlll you're shining!! we'll meet you at the next stop!! ❤️
yourusername no way!! who's "we"?? 🤨 yourfriend don't worry it doesn't involve your stupid ex yourbff it does involve someone else tho 👀 maxverstappen1 i wonder who
y/nswrld can't wait to see you soon!
taylorswift you were amazing! glad i decided to bring you with me
yourusername thank you so much for the opportunity! <3
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1 and 4.009.877 others danielricciardo stay hydrated folks! tagged: yourusername
yourusername you really had to include that first pic? 😭
danielricciardo ofc, i gotta get the message out there yourusername blocked.
landonorris you went and didn't invite me? kinda rude
danielricciardo sorry there wasn't space on the plane 🤷 yourbff do you have a private plane? landonorris yeah, why? yourfriend then we'll invite you the next time!
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourbff & 4.132.806 others yourusername this has been an amazing time! thank you so much for all the love!
danielricciardo you were amazing! loved seeing you do what you love
yourusername so happy you were able to be there! ❤️ yourbff 🤮 danielricciardo you were the one to bring me? 🤨 yourbff doesn't mean you have to be this cute yourusername aww you called us cute
charles_leclerc you looked gorgeous!
nvrris.ae did she cover 'hopelessly devoted to you' every night? or just the nights daniel was there?
scfty/n every night! but she did seem to sing it with more passion and with a bigger smile on her face whenever her friends or daniel was in the crowd nvrris.ae that's really cute honestly
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liked by carlossainz55, maxverstappen1 & 4.283.800 others charles_leclerc i was told to wait with making this statement until the whole situation had died down a little, but going to see yourusername live in sydney, i realized i'm done waiting. i love this woman with all my heart. i will do anything to win back your trust. i would stand in the rain for hours watching you do what you love, i would quit racing, i would go through fire and ice, and of course my pr manager is fired. i am truly and incredibly sorry for what i put you through, and i understand if you are never going to fully forgive me. i miss you, and i love you. and i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me at some point. i know you're currently in a relationship, and i'm not asking you to drop that. i just want a second chance. i want a fresh start if you think that would be possible. i hope from the bottom of my heart, that we can start over. i already told you exactly what happened over text, and i talked with everyone in the team, they are more than willing to also tell the story from their perspective. tagged: yourusername
leclrcs this is honestly the cutest little statement ever
scuderia.sf get heeer
danielricciardo watch out.
charles_leclerc i understand the two of you are in a relationship, and i'm not going to fight you, i simply just want forgiveness. i'm not interested in breaking the two of you up
yoursister are you being fr right now??? she's over you. you didn't have to make a public statement or anything at all???
charles_leclerc as i stated, i'm not expecting her to forgive me right now, right this second. i'm expecting it's going to take time, and i'm gonna giver her all the time she needs. yoursister you better sleep with one eye open.
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liked by yourusername, yourbff & 3.458.124 others danielricciardo cool date idea: ask your girlfriend what she wants for dinner and then buy her favorite snacks too tagged: yourusername
yourusername best date to ever exist
yourbff wow what about that time i made you a homecooked meal? yourusername you almost burned down my house??? yourbff um i thought we agreed to not bring that up yourusername no you agreed with yourself to never bring that up, i never agreed.
landonorris and i wasn't invited because???
danielricciardo i didn't know we dated? yourusername care to explain yourself? landonorris yeah care to explain yourself? danielricciardo woah hold on how many people am i dating???
mayasheart aww this is such a cute idea! hold on i'm writing it down
part 9
tag list: @exotic-iris13 @callsignwidow @destinyg237 @lanadelray1989
170 notes · View notes
seospicybin · 1 year
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Bangchan x reader. (s)
Too Hot To Handle Masterlist
Synopsis: You and Chan become contestants in a reality dating show, Too Hot To Handle. (11,7k words)
Author's note: Season 3 is done! See you on the next season :)
YOU: $0? [Facepalms] So, where do we go from here?
The bright sunny day is not working to cheer everyone up after the shocking announcement that there's no money left in the prize fund.
You've been sitting outside with Chan, holding each other's hand and trying to process everything while looking at the beautiful view of the endless sea and the surface of water glimmering under the sun.
Chan has been quiet for too long and it's concerning. You decide to break the silence, shaking his hand and saying, "We spent too much money, babe."
He sighs and rubs the back of your hand with his thumb, "Too much."
You don't want to put salt on the wound but it's time to face the the truth that you both fucked up.
"We let them down. We let everyone down," you say with a heavy heart.
He looks at you and sees you in the eyes, "I'm sure there'll be a way to make it up to them."
He doesn't sound that confident with what he said but you're grateful that in a time like this, he tries his best to comfort you.
"And we'll show them that we have a genuine connection," he says with a soft smile.
You return the smile and put your other hand on your clasped hands, "We took a big step last night."
Physical connection is not that new to you but after last night, you can feel that something shifts between the two of you into something that is peculiarly new yet familiar at the same time.
"I feel closer. I feel more connected to you," you honestly tell him the changes you felt.
"That's true," he agrees with a smile that is more brighter and hopeful than before.
You take the chance to comfort him this time and sweetly smile at him, "We got each other," you remind him.
It's you and him versus everyone. For better or worse, through ups and downs, you face it together. You may be at the bottom now but you're sure you both will be back on top, together.
"Always," he says.
He brings your mouth close to his mouth and kisses it, "Since day one."
That makes you take a look back. You've been going through so much together and it makes you realize that with him, you feel like you can do anything.
Together you are invincible.
YOU: I feel terrible for what I did but at least, now I no longer doubt the feelings I have for Chris. It feels real now and it's scary... in the best way.
In the afternoon, Lana calls everyone to the cabana.
Chan hasn't recovered from the announcements from this morning yet so he's not keen to know what's coming his way, he has an inkling that it's not good for him and you.
Just like you read his mind, you place a soft kiss on his neck and wipe the lipstick mark you left on it with your thumb.
"We got each other," you whisper.
Chan is grateful for you, you've been so open and understanding, even though he's a hard-shell type of person, you make it hard for him not to let you in.
The chime comes and Jace gags in response. The melodic chime is certainly, anxiety-inducing.
"The prize fund is currently at $0," Lana announces as if everyone has forgotten about it.
"However, there will be more tests and opportunities to replenish the prize fund," she further informs.
It's like everyone is collectively letting out a big sigh of relief and getting a breath of fresh air at the mention that there's a way to return some money into the pot.
"I'll commence the first test," Lana continues.
Chan gets stressed once again and so is everyone. Test means he's not doing great, test means that it's not going to be easy, test means bad.
The worst thing that could happen is his name got called by Lana for that test.
Like he manifested it into reality, Lana does call his name along with yours. He sees you look at him and feels bad that he can't show a brave face to you.
"I gifted you watches as an incentive to connect on a physical level for the right reasons. Yet you have shown a complete disregard for my gift and your fellow guests."
He looks at you and you put on a thin smile for him, he puts his arm around you to pull you closer, he needs something to hold on to.
"Therefore, drastic action is required," Lana sternly says.
CHRIS: I've messed up. Big time. [Deeply exhales]
Deep down, you know you deserve what's coming for you but you don't want to go home, no, not yet.
"You both..." Lana drags her words to heighten the suspense.
You and Chan still have some growing to do as a couple and if Lana is kind enough to let you stay, you'd be very grateful. If not, then... it's not like you didn't see this coming.
You have to own up to your mistakes so whatever happens, you will try to accept it.
"... have 12 hours to prove you can connect on a deeper, more emotional level."
You feel a little lighter knowing that it's not an elimination but it's not time to be relieved yet, you're still waiting for the catch.
"If you fail to get a green light in those 12 hours, your time here will be terminated."
There it is. The catch. This is you and Chan's biggest test yet. There's no wasting time, you have 12 hours to prove or you go home.
"Your time starts now!" Lana announces.
YOU: This is going to be a challenge for us. We've never really talked about our emotions.
It's going to be harder for Chan.
He realizes he rarely talked about his feelings with you. His default setting is to show affection through actions so he is never good at verbalizing it.
"I don't want to go home," you tell him, cuddling on the sofa outside, "I want to spend more time with you."
He holds your hand and puts it close to his chest, "I don't want to go home either but I just—"
He inhales air and finishes his sentence, "It's not easy for me, talking about emotions."
"We can try," you say with your fingers lightly caressing his bare chest.
You tilt your head to face him, "You know what? I'll start," you volunteer.
He puts your hair away from being blown by the wind and holds it there for you, "Yeah?"
"Remember when we first met and I made you tell your name again?"
He nods as the recollection of it plays in the back of his head.
"I pretended not to hear it because I wanted those lips near me," you confess with a giggle.
He can't tell if you're trying to get a green light or just want to make him feel better, either way, he finds it adorable of you.
You check your watch and pout seeing that it's not turning green, "Well, it's worth a try," you say with a laugh.
As he breaks into laughter, he pulls you close and kisses you on the cheek.
"No need to hurry," you playfully say.
You rub his back and place a sweet kiss on his neck, "We still have like ten hours to get a green light."
That only reminds him to hold you tighter, he needs it more now than ever after knowing that he possibly wouldn't be able to do it again.
CHRIS: I find it hard to open up and talk about my feelings. Not sure I can do it.
With time keep slipping out of your hand, and your heart is getting worried.
You give Chan space and time to be on his own, organizing his thoughts and maybe it'll help him find the courage to talk about what he truly feels.
You remind yourself that it'll not be his fault if both of you end up getting eliminated. So you let go of the guilt and prepare yourself for the worst outcomes.
Before he leaves for his workshop, you pull him aside and warmly hug him.
"I really like you, Chris," you murmur.
You look up and softly smile at him, "I care about you."
You don't want to pressure him but you want to let him know that whatever happens, you will have no hard feelings nor hold a grudge against him.
"I know it's tough for you to open up but if you weren't ready, it's okay. If we got sent home, that doesn't mean things between us are over, you know that?" You say with a smile.
"I know," he lowly answers.
You stand on your tiptoes to plant a long kiss on his cheek, "Don't pressure yourself, okay, baby?"
He nods and hugs you back, locking you in his big arms because this might be the last time you embrace each other like this.
YOU: This is more difficult than I thought. At that moment, I think we might be going home.
"That dress looks good on you, darling!" Dani praises you as she watches you checking your appearance on the big mirror in the dressing room.
"Yeah?" You ask yourself why bother looking this good on your last night in the retreat.
"Yes," you suddenly shout.
"I want to look good when I get eliminated," you take a jab at yourself and laugh.
"Nah..." Lola groans, "Don't say that!"
Dani props her chin with her hand and looks at you, "You're going to get that green light tonight," she says.
The boys are back from the workshop not long ago but they're all coming back with paints on their bodies. Chan is still showering and it'll take more time to get dressed.
You're waiting for him by the fire pit, sipping your wine while half-heartedly listening to Pierre, Alicia, and Olivia talking.
As you're sipping on your second glass of wine, Chan comes and holds his hand out at you.
"I believe we have to talk," he says to you.
You put your glass down and take his hand, feeling more nervous now than before.
"I'm rooting for you guys!" Alicia mutters with an encouraging smile.
Chan takes you somewhere quiet and sits on the bench that overlooks the sea with the reflection of the moon drawn on the surface of the water.
There are still three hours left to the time limit but it's never too early to start and try to open up.
"You want me to start again?" You ask because he's been so quiet even after you both get the privacy to talk.
He cracks a laugh and puts an arm around you, "Yeah, sure."
You lick your lips and try to articulate your feelings as best as you can. You look him in the eyes and just pour your heart out to him.
"I like you. I like that I can be myself around you. You understand me, you put up with a lot of shit to be with me..." you pause to let out a laugh, "I'm happy that we became closer."
Chan can't stop smiling as he listens to you speaking your heart out. You can see the fondness in his eyes and you also hope that he gets the sincerity in your words.
"And I think... this is a good chance for us to talk about how we feel about each other," you conclude.
YOU: I can tell him more things that I like about him but sadly, time is not on our side.
It feels great hearing what you thought about him but at the same time, Chan feels burdened to be as open as you.
He's aware of how much you've shared with him while he gave you so little in return. He owes you a lot and it's time for him to settle that debt.
"You look gorgeous," he starts with a compliment.
You reach for the collar of the baby blue linen shirt he's wearing and compliment him back, "So do you."
You rest your hand flat on his chest and dreamily sigh, "You look good in colors other than black and white, you know that?"
He grins at that and nods, "I'll wear more colors."
"Okay, good," you say with gentle pats on his chest.
It's not time for small talk, time is running out. Chan grits his teeth and starts talking, trying to empty his heart through words.
"I'll be honest with you," he begins.
He sees you swallow air and nods, "Okay."
"I haven't completely opened myself up to you."
"Mm-mmh," you hum in response.
He takes your hand and holds it tightly in his hand, "The last relationship I had..." he refrains from sharing too many details on his past.
"From that relationship, I got myself a trust issue out of it, and as much as I like you, it's hard for me to trust you. I got haunted by my experience with trusting someone with my heart..." Chan takes a moment to collect himself and not lose it completely to his emotions.
"I didn't think that I'd get here and find someone like you in here," he says with a low laugh.
You lowly laugh along with him, "Yeah."
"I feel extremely lucky to find you and I realize now that it's not fair that I compare you with my former partner. She might have caused me a trust issue but that doesn't mean you'll do the same to me," he says.
A smile blooms on your face and he feels your hand in shaking in his hold.
"I genuinely am feeling stronger emotions for you which I haven't felt in a long time," he earnestly says with a sincere smile.
His heart feels so much lighter and emptier now, that only means he has more space for these new feelings he has for you.
Chan's heart is full of warm feelings and other than that, it fills with hopes.
CHRIS: It's been such a long time since I've opened up like this with anyone but it feels so natural with her.
"I like you so much," Chan says while squeezing your hand in his.
It feels good to know that your feelings are reciprocated. You've been tormented inside and you keep it bottled up inside you, now you can let it go.
"I'm so excited for us," he adds with a smile.
Then the chime comes and you glance at your watch to see that it turns green.
You both did it and you didn't mean to cry but your eyes are like bursting dams right now, tears are flowing down your face. He immediately pulls you into a hug.
"I wasn't ready to go home yet," you croak with tears caught in your throat.
"Me too," he says.
He holds you for a moment and whispers into your ear, "Are we going to kiss or what?"
You completely forgot that the rules do not apply and you're allowed to kiss him. You hurriedly wipe the tears on your face with the back of your hands.
Chan doesn't hesitate to kiss you when you believe you look ugly from crying. He leans in and kisses you softly, brushing his lips as if he were telling you how you feel with it.
Your heart is heavy and quivering as it carries so much love inside you. You like him so much and it feels so good, it's so good that it's scary.
When he pulls away from the kiss, Chan holds your face and looks at you, tenderly wiping your eyes with his knuckle.
He's softly laughing as he says, "I can see now that you're just a baby."
He caresses your wet cheeks with his thumb as he fondly looks into your eyes, "just a baby, my baby," he says.
You pout yet smile at his words. There's no use to deny it when he can see everything now.
"My baby girl," he delightfully sighs and presses a long peck on your lips.
Sure you feel relieved you get to stay in the retreat but the best thing about all this is getting to know each other better, emotionally.
"Good job," you tell him with a smile.
"Good job," he says back to you.
YOU: Watching Chris open up and comfortably share his feelings makes me feel like I can understand him now. Also, it makes me fancy him more and more [smiles]
Chan didn’t expect everyone to wait for them to come back from their talk.
The resentment they have is nothing compared to the friendship they have sewn in time with both you and him. They look at him in anticipation of whether he passed the test or not. They're tucked in their beds and watch him as he walks to his bed with you trailing behind him.
"So...?" Pierre asks.
Chan can't contain his excitement anymore, he grins and says, "We got the green light!"
Everyone cheers for him and you, clapping with pride. Jace hurls a cushion at Chan as he shouts, "Congrats, Aussie boy!"
Alicia comes to his bed to hug you, "I told you. I'm rooting for you!"
Dani hugs her pillow in front of her and asks, "So, did anyone say anything?" She asks in curiosity.
"She told me she likes me," Chan answers without the slightest of embarrassed saying it out loud.
"Did you say it back to her?" Pierre asks.
"Of course!" He shortly replies.
You lay on your stomach on the bed, facing everyone, "It was really hard to begin with but he opened up to me."
"Aww..." Lola coo in response then lightly applauds for you.
"At least we don't have to worry about them rulebreaking now," Luke comments.
"Because there's no money to spend to begin with," Pierre adds.
Everyone is laughing the shared pain away. But with the promise that Lana will return some money through tests and you both passed one tonight, everyone gets hopeful again.
CHRIS: I'm so glad we're making progress. I'm so proud of her and me. We both got so far [smiles]
It's like you both got a fresh start at a new life.
Even with zero dollars on the prize fund, you feel happy to get to spend more time with him in the retreat. Yesterday was a torture and that only reminds you to use the time wisely.
But it's not like you can't keep yourself away from him you're smitten, you have butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
After last night, you talk about things deeply and openly, you talk more about your future together that it gets you giddy
You're straddling him on the bed and hovering above him, putting a safe space between your faces. You admire his beautiful face, trailing your fingers on his facial features, eyes, nose, and plush lips that lure you to kiss.
"Now that I'll be coming with you to Australia, where will you take me first?" You ask out of curiosity.
Chan has been resting his hands on your thighs and not letting them go anywhere. He looks up at you and answers, "My home."
You're giggling because your dirty mind can only think of one thing, "So we can—"
"I'll introduce you to my family," he slices through your sentence and takes you aback.
This seems that serious to him and you usually choose to step back when things get this serious, however, you're feeling excited about it instead.
"Yeah. I want them to know about our relationship," he casually says.
"Ooo... relationship," you point out the thing he just said and wonder if it accidentally slipped out of his mouth or he meant it. You bet it's the latter from how he gets so flustered and laughs at it.
"Why? Do you have anything else in mind?" He asks with a sly smile.
You look away from his eyes as he catches on your dirty thought, "You know what I'm thinking."
He sits up on the bed so he can hold you and you wrap your arms around his neck, "Well, before we do all that, I'll lock you in my room and we'll have lots of sex," he murmurs, then places a hot kiss on your neck.
You lowly moan at how his soft lips feel on your skin, sending a tingle down your spine.
"Oh, you have no idea what's coming for you," he seductively whispers with his breath tickling your ear.
He then switches to the other side of your neck and places a longer kiss with his tongue lightly licking the skin, leaving a wet kiss mark on it.
The emotional connection only heightens the sexual tension between you and him yet it feels like you've reached a new level in your relationship.
YOU: It's HARD! I like him so much therefore it's getting harder to resist him.
"Whoa, whoa, what am I walking into," Pierre says as he busted you straddling him on the bed.
Without getting up from his bed, Chan calmly responds with a joke, "There's no harm in losing more money."
"Damn right," Pierre replies with a laugh.
With someone else in the room, the tension is slowly fading out and you get off his lap, sitting next to him instead.
Chan notices that Pierre is smiling at himself and he knows that there must be something.
"What's up?" He asks while putting his arm out so you can rest your head on it.
"Alicia and I are going on a date later," Pierre replies.
"Oh, wow, that's great, man!" Chan offers his hand for a fist bump.
"I'm excited for you, Pierre!" You add with a gleeful smile.
But instead of bumping his fist at him, Pierre collapses onto his bed. It's the first time Chan sees him being this nervous, "Why are you so nervous?"
You're giggling next to him, "You've been sharing a bed with Alicia for so long," you add.
Pierre groans and holds his head with both hands, "Ugh... I don't know."
"Just do you, enjoy it, man," Chan suggests.
Pierre sits on the bed again now, "Yeah, you're right."
He gives Chan his fist bump now then gets up from the bed, "I have to get ready for the date now. See ya!"
"Good luck!" You shout at him before he gets out of the door.
It must be nice to get on a date with you but Chan understands that he has to earn it here. He looks at you and he can see that you're wishing for the same thing.
"We'll get our time," he tells you.
"Yeah," you reply with a smile.
"Come here! Hug me, baby girl!" He pulls you into a tight hug and flips over so you're under him now.
"I want to kiss you," he says as he looks at you.
You put your hand on his lips and glance at it, "We can't. We have to be good."
It's like the roles are reversed now. It's him playing the bad guy now and you're playing the good girl now.
"You're right," he says, he chooses to bury his head in your neck instead.
CHRIS: Lana, we’ve been good so please get us on a date too!
Lana throws a party tonight.
You're tired of guessing what she's trying to celebrate and if she has something behind it. The worst has happened, you want to enjoy tonight.
"What are you wearing tonight?" Chan asks while you're drying your hair.
"Uhm... nothing," you mindlessly answer.
He puts his arm around your neck and playfully puts you in a chokehold, making you laugh in response. He then nuzzles his nose into your hair and asks again, "I want to match my clothes with you."
"Aww... that's so cute, Chris!" Lola comments from the other end of the vanity table while putting make-up on her eyes.
You turn your head around and jokingly say, "Then... wear nothing."
He wraps his hand around your neck and tilts your head to the side so he can bite on your shoulder, "Just tell me what color!"
You're laughing as you try to get his hand away from you but he keeps ticking your neck with his nose. In the end, you both settle with his favorite color, black.
You're fixing the straps of your dress while looking at the mirror in the bathroom and Chan is leaning against the sink, running his eyes up and down your body.
"You're so gorgeous," he compliments with a grin and those cute dimples.
He bites his fist when you check the back of your dress in the mirror by turning your body to the side.
"Gosh, I'm the luckiest," he sighs.
You get flustered and say, "Stop it!"
Pulling him close, you turn him around and make him look at both of your reflections in the mirror. Not going to lie, you like what you see.
You turn to look at him and then say, "Damn! We look good!"
He looks back at you and smiles, "We look good together."
Without warning, he puts his arms around you and carries you out of the bathroom.
The party had just started when Pierre and Alicia were coming back from their date. Everyone is being nosy with their questions yet you can't help to get nosy as well.
"Tell us everything!" Lola demands.
From the look of it, Pierre and Alicia look happy and it makes you just as happy for them, everyone seems to feel the same way as well.
"It was nice. We went on a boat and enjoyed the sunset," Pierre says.
Alicia nods along to his words, "Then there was a funny question at the end," she says, then leers at Pierre.
Pierre cracks a laugh before answering, "I asked her to be my girlfriend."
Dani, being the one invested in the story, impatiently asks, "What did you say, Alicia?"
Alicia leers at Pierre again and smiles, "I said yes."
It's like watching a sports game and the home team scores, sending everyone into a celebration. Glasses of drinks raised to the air for a toast.
"To Pierre and Alicia!" Jace leads the toast.
"To Pierre and Alicia!" The rest repeat after him and take a sip of their drinks.
YOU: Well, unlike us... [chuckles] Pierre and Alicia are the most committed couple in the retreat so I couldn't be happier for them.
Instead of being jealous, Chan is happy for Pierre and Alicia.
He's happy to see his closest friend in the retreat happy and it's not like Chan is not happy, he is happy with you. He looks around and they're just as happy even though the prize fund is still at zero.
He holds you close and kisses the top of your head, "I'm so happy."
"Me too," you murmur with your head resting on his chest.
The music abruptly stops and Chan kind of guesses what comes next. There she is, the ultimate cockblocker and party crasher Lana.
Everyone already knows where to go and they drag their feet to head to the cabana. You sit next to Chan, putting one hand around his waist and the other clasped with him, resting it on his leg.
The money is at zero now but that doesn't make everyone less nervous, if anything, there's an anticipation for what Lana is going to announce this time.
Chan's heart skips a beat the second the cone lights up, signifying her arrival. She skips on greeting everyone and calls for both of your names.
You look at each other to exchange a mix of panicked and confused looks.
"On your previous test, you were able to access your true feelings for each other, proving to me that your connection is more than skin deep," Lana says.
That's good news and the applause everyone is giving toward both of you confirmed it.
"However, actions speak louder than words."
Chan hates it when that word comes in the sentence: 'however' because that means, Lana has bad news to tell.
"Tonight, you will both be put to the ultimate test, a night in the private suite."
Remembering that you both failed on the same test and knowing you both have to go through it again. Chan feels the pressure already and he sees you wince in response to that.
"If you refrain from breaking any rules, you will win back $100,000 for the group."
Everyone is cheering at the amount of money you can win back from it but your last failure reminds them not to haste to celebrate.
Chan notices a few pessimistic faces among the group and he understands that. But he knows that it's time he pays everyone back for the damages he did to the prize money.
"We'll try to win back the money for you guys," Chan earnestly says with you nodding along in agreement to his words.
"Please, make your way to the suite!" Lana orders.
He offers his hand to help you get up from the sofa and keeps holding your hand.
Jace nods at Chan to encourage him, "Don't mess up, 'kay? You got it!"
"Wish us luck!" You say to everyone for the last time.
CHRIS: This is it. This is the big, ultimate test.
The second you both enter the private suite, you throw yourself at him.
Thank goodness that he is quick to catch you and steadily holds you against him to keep you from falling. You loop your both hands around his neck and warmly hug him.
You pull away to look at his face, "We can do it," you murmur with a soft kiss on his cheek.
He returns the kiss but his lips land on your jaw instead, "for that to happen, we shouldn't have a bath."
You pout at him and say, "But I still need to have a bath. I'm dirty."
"You are dirty," he says with a sly smile.
You narrow your eyes at him and put your forehead against his, "Are you dirty?"
It's like a deja vu watching you get undressed in front of him, doing it so confidently like he isn't there and looking at your enticing body with dark, lustful eyes.
"You can join me or..." you nonchalantly say as you step into the tub.
"You can just watch," you continue as you lower yourself into the water, flashing him a naughty smile as you lean back in the tub.
Chan has seen and experienced this scene before but he doesn't like how it ended. This is why it's called a test, see if he can take it and come up with a better result than before.
"Atta, boy!" You exclaim as he starts to take his clothes off.
You intently watch him taking every piece of clothing on his body until there's none left. Your eyebrow raises as your eyes flick down there.
"Hi, there," you playfully talk to his semi-hard member.
Everything about you evokes the rebellious side of him, he just wants to do whatever he wants and pleases. He reminds himself that he needs to control himself and the money that he can win back from doing it.
With one foot down in the tub, Chan can already feel the heat of the moment.
CHRIS: When it's just the two of us the sexual tension goes...[Sighs] It's high!
Jumping onto the bed, you crawl over to get something from the tray of sex toys on the bedside table.
You know which one you want to get and take it with you as Chan dives onto the bed next to you. You waste no time straddling him, "Put your hands above your head!"
He ignores your order and laughs at you instead. He chooses to disobey you so you take both his hands and put them above his head, you cuff them with handcuffs.
"I'm sorry," you tell him with no hint of regrets whatsoever in your apology.
You look at him and smile in satisfaction that he's laying helpless underneath you.
"You've been very, very bad, Chris," you say in a low, sultry voice and run your fingertips down his bare chest.
He takes a deep breath and looks back at you, "I've been bad, so?" He dares you with a smirk.
As expected, he will disobey you and dare you to do things to him. He's enjoying it and you're more than willing to play along.
You crawl over to the side and use the opportunity to bring your ass close to his face while you take another sex toy from the tray.
You sit down on his crotch, intentionally hard, and enjoy the low groan he lets out. You show him the long, leather whip in your hand.
You put the end of the whip under his chin and used it to tilt his head to look at you, "Do you admit to being a bad, bad boy?"
Instead of answering, he bites his lips and fiercely looks at you. Taking him off guard, you slap his chest with the whip.
"Answer me!" You order.
He slyly smiles and refuses to answer again. You start to slap his chest and abdomen with the whip, making heart-shaped marks on his pale skin.
You decide to get off him and lay on your side next to him, "I'm going to keep doing it until you answer me," you taunt him as you drag the end of the whip down his thigh.
You lean into the side of his face and lowly whisper into his ear, "Answer me, Chris."
He shakes his head and you immediately land a slap on his inner thigh twice that he gasps in response. Feeling mischievous, you slip the whip under his boxer and rub him there.
"Will you answer me now, mmh?" You ask.
He catches you off guard now, rolling on the bed and putting his body on top of you. He buries his head deep in your neck while kissing you there.
"Oh..." you breathlessly moan as he bites on your neck.
Chan is always afraid to put his whole weight on you but you don't want to have it another way, so you put your legs around him and let him collapse on top of you.
He looks at you but his eyes are centered on your lips, "Do you want to kiss me, mmh?"
He alternates it by placing kisses along your jaw and finishes it with a sweet kiss on your cheek, "Actually, there are a lot more things I want to do to you."
YOU: Our prize fund is zero so that means there's no money to lose... [bites lips]
Chan keeps his handcuffed hands in front of him as you unlock it for him. He puts it back on the bedside table and sees you still straddling him.
He pats the space next to him, "Come here so we can cuddle!"
You shake your head and put your hands on his chest, "No, I like it here. I like sitting on top of you," you say with your eyes enchanting him to gaze back at them.
He puts his hands on your thighs, fingers teasing the hem of the short sleeping dress you're wearing, "Is this your favorite position?"
"Uh-huh," you answer and put your hands to hold your hair in a makeshift ponytail.
"You want to be on top, huh?"
"Yeah, I'm good when I'm on the top," you tell him with your head slightly tilted to the side and your lips curl into a naughty smile.
"Is that true?" He asks, allowing his hands to move up to your waist and hold you there.
"I can show it to you," you dare him.
Seeing you straddling him like this only gives him the glimpses of what you'd like fucking him and he bet it'd be so good. Swear his cock twitched just now from remembering how good it is inside you.
Now you're sitting on his crotch and there's only a layer of clothing that separates him from what he wants, he believes you can feel how his cock is achingly hard for you.
"Maybe next time," he kindly refuses no matter how much his body wants to scream yes.
"Why not now?" You ask with a low giggle.
You make it so hard for him that he has to lift you off him and lay you down next to him. Without giving you time to escape, he puts his arms and legs around you, limiting the things you can do around him.
"Stop teasing me," he presses a wet, long kiss on your cheek.
You helplessly try to get out of his hold while giggling but failing.
"Baby," you softly call.
You hold his chin in your fingers and turn your head at him, "I want to sleep naked tonight."
CHRIS: The longer they let us alone together, the more I want to do things to her [raises eyebrow]
Even after the morning comes, it doesn't mean that the test has been done yet.
Somehow, you wake up naked and find yourself snuggling to Chan who's just as naked. You don't want to force your brain to work just yet.
It seems like he's awake already as he puts his hand on your back and runs his fingers down your back, light and fluttering, lulling you back to sleep.
Realizing that the test is not over yet, he gets away from you only so he can lay next to you and easily places kisses on your bare back.
You delightfully hum every time his full lips make contact with your skin, warm and soft, making you tingle inside.
"You're so beautiful," he hums.
He then starts another trail of kisses from the nape of your neck and down your spine. He stops before he gets tempted to go lower than your waist.
"So soft, so beautiful..." he sighs with so much frustration as if he saw something he couldn't perceive.
Chan decides to prop both hands on each side of you and kisses your neck as he's hovering above you, waking you up with sweet, gentle kisses.
"Wake up, baby," he softly calls you.
Wanting more than just kisses, you pull him close so you can feel him whole, his body on your body, skin-to-skin. It feels rather more intimate than sex.
He puts all of your hair away to the side so he can pepper your shoulder with kisses, "Morning," he says in between kisses.
You smile with eyes closed and croak, "Morning."
There's not much time left in the private suite and you both have to face everyone soon.
"How are we going to tell them?" You meekly ask him, feeling the anxiety already.
He gently caresses your cheek with his knuckle, "I'll do the talking," he simply answers.
You overlap his body with yours and put your arm across his chest, "Can't we just stay here?" You innocently ask with a low laugh.
"We can stay a little longer," he consoles you with a kiss on your forehead.
As much as you want to stay, it's time to face the truth once more.
YOU: Last night was... special. The best night I ever had in the retreat. [smiles]
While holding Chan's hand, you wake slow walk on the way back to the villa, and meet everyone in the bedroom.
Everyone is looking a bit antsy even though they're still in their beds. They stop talking once they notice you're back from the private suite but they seem to be scared to ask the important question.
Chan gestures to you to sit on the sofa instead of on the bed next to the table where Lana is sitting still so prettily.
Before Chan can open his mouth and speak, Lana gets ahead of him, chiming on the table next to you.
"Last night, you faced your ultimate test," Lana skips the morning greeting and goes straight into business.
"As a couple, if you could refrain from breaking any retreat rules, the prize fund will be increased from $0 to $100,000."
You grimace at that because anything could happen at this point.
Lola gasps at the mention of that word and hides behind the duvet. It's your turn to gasp as Lana calls your name.
"Even though you were successful in sexually arousing Chris, he was able to hold firm and respect the rules of my retreat."
Applause and cheers erupt from every corner of the room. You hate that Lana exposed you for what you did in the private suite but it won't stop you from celebrating as well.
"Which means that the prize fund now stands at $100,000," Lana updates.
More cheers and whistles are coming from everyone at the announcement that you both gained half of the total prize money back.
"I am so proud of you, babe!" Dani says to you.
You blow her a kiss as a token of gratitude and look at Chan, he's looking as proud as you are.
"This is what I call growth," Pierre comments with a smile.
"Yeah, that's true," Lola agrees.
Everyone gets quiet as Lana continues talking, "As a reward for showing restraint and putting the interest of the group above your own, you will be going on a date."
You turn to look at Chan and smile, feeling so proud of both of you. You look around the room and ask, "Can I hug him, now?"
They are all laughing before answering, "Yes."
You walk up to Chan and he welcomes you into his arms, holding you so tight while lifting you off your feet.
It feels good to do good and get rewarded for it, you lean close to murmur, "I'm so proud of you."
"I'm so proud of us," he says back with a kiss on your cheek.
YOU: The last few days have been so hard for us so I think we deserve this date and I'm just so excited [grins]
To be honest, Chan is nervous.
Yes, he's happy and excited for the date. What he's worrying so much about is the talk he'll be having with you and he wants to make sure that he gets his emotions across.
It's important that you know his feelings for you.
His face lights up as you walk toward him, he helps you board the boat to get to the other small island where the date will be.
"Gorgeous," he sweet compliments as he brushes your hair and tucks it behind your ear.
"Thank you, baby," you mutter and take his hand to hold it.
The two of you take a short walk to where the date has been prepared, a cute little picnic with a bottle of champagne chilled in a bucket of ice which Chan can easily pop open.
"Mmh... My man is so strong," you playfully praise him.
You take one of the champagne flutes so he can fill it for you, "What are toasting to?"
He thinks for a moment, "Mmh... for passing the ultimate test?"
You chuckle and nod in agreement, "For passing the ultimate test!"
You both clink your glasses together and take a sip of the bubbly wine.
CHRIS: We both know that we have a strong physical chemistry between us but I need to know if we have a strong connection as well. I want this to last.
The sun is slowly sinking into the horizon, painting the sky with stunning bursts of flaming gold colors.
Even Chan is here, in one of the most beautiful places he's ever been, he thinks that what makes it so special is because he's with you.
"Have you realized that it's been me and you since day one?" Chan asks.
You fix your hair and prop one hand next to you, "Yeah," you answer while nodding.
"We've been going through such... a long journey," he says, emphasizing how rough it has been for the two of you.
You nod again and softly laugh, "You know, with other people, I would push them away and keep moving forward. I never once in my life thought I would find 'that someone'."
This is why he's comfortable around you. He shares a piece and you share one piece of you too, it's never going one way with you. Everything is fair and he thinks this is what good communication is.
"As you know, the last relationship I had... it was ugly but in here, in this retreat, I learned how to confront my emotions and open up to someone," Chan shares his piece of him with you.
You're looking at him with eyes that match the soft smile on your face while tucking away the hair getting blown by the wind.
"Also, this retreat helps me put things into perspective," he continues, "I'm able to show sides of myself that I didn't know I had."
You take a sip of your drink and nod again, "Just like I said when people get into my space, I'd normally push them away."
You put your drink away before continuing, "But the fact that I met someone that I like... that makes me feel emotional and vulnerable."
Chan would be lying to say your words aren't making him feel the slightest bit emotional as well. He can feel the sincerity in your words, they are pure and heartfelt.
"I wonder if we're compatible moving forward in the outside world," you finish.
He takes your hand and holds it in the space between you and him. He then clears his throat before speaking.
"Now it's time where I can tell you and it would be wrong for me not to say this..."
His heart hurts as every bit of emotion is getting squeezed out of him into words but he wants to tell you everything, baring it out for you so you know his true feelings for you.
He looks into your eyes, it gives him the confidence to go on and say, "I genuinely do love you."
You close your eyes and break into laughter, it's not the reaction he hoped for but he waits for you to say something.
"I can't believe I came here and fell in love..." you say with a sheepish laugh.
You stare into his eyes and squeeze his hand as you say, "I love you too."
It feels like a ton of weight has been lifted off his chest. He thought he would be bound and confined the moment those words were out of his mouth, instead of that, Chan feels like he's been set free.
CHRIS: When I arrived here, I didn't mean to meet a girl and tell her I love her. I'm a changed man and it's because of her [smiles]
Seeing him happy makes you happy.
The happiness only doubled knowing that the feelings go both ways. Never in a million years have you ever thought you would be falling in love with a guy like him.
Chan is a gentleman, he's kind and sweet, he's very thoughtful and caring, and he has everything that you're not looking for in a man.
But he changed you and made you realize that you deserve a better man. Meeting him and being with him is a blessing like a star falls right onto your lap.
"I always told myself I'm better single and do my things, but with you, I feel safe, comfortable, and powerful at the same time," you let your thoughts out loud to him.
You swallow air to not let the tears get in the way of you speaking your heart out to him, "The best thing is, with you, I feel more reassured and that's something that rarely happens."
The way he's looking at you now is the most beautiful view you've ever seen and you want to imprint it in the back of your head. You also want to bottle this precious moment so you can treasure it for life.
Chan has been quiet for a moment then he lets out a sigh, "I feel like I've won the lottery," he says.
This has been a long journey but you're grateful that you come out of it together, stronger and on top of that, in love more than ever.
Both of your watches chime at the same time and you glance to confirm that it's green.
"Oh?!" You look at him with a surprised face.
Chan smiles and crawls over to you, "Thank you, Lana!" He shouts.
The kiss feels special and it's ultimately because this kiss marks the beginning of your relationship, the first one of many, and hopefully, the start of a long-lasting relationship.
YOU: I'm the... [squeals] I'm the happiest girl in the world [gleefully smiles]
Everyone else is already sleeping when the two of you decide to sneak out to have one final swimming lesson.
Again, it's not a lesson and you both promise to not spend any money. You're doing it as tonight is the last night of the retreat.
Nothing is going to change even when the show is over but it doesn't stop you from feeling sentimental about it.
"It's going to be weird not waking up next to you," you sadly say as Chan hugs you from the back.
He rests his head on your shoulder with his hands wrapped around your waist, "You'll be coming home with me, remember?"
You nod but what you actually meant is how the outside world would be different than here. We have the stupid rules here but everything is much simpler and happier here, you're afraid of losing it all once you step out of this retreat.
"I'm just glad we won back the money," you say, shifting it to a much brighter topic.
"Or else we wouldn't have money for our flights home," Chan jokes.
Your shared waves of laughter are making ripples on the surface of the pool water.
"Who is going to win the money though?" You ask in genuine curiosity.
Chan shrugs in response to your question, "Definitely not us," he says.
Considering that the two of you are the big spenders in the retreat, you wouldn't even dare to think that there's the possibility of winning the prize money too.
To be able to come home with a man you are deeply in love with is already a big win for you.
YOU: I don't care about the money. I got what I want, I got my man [smiles]
"Good morning, friends!" Lola cheerily greets everyone the second the lights turned on.
Staying up until late last night causing him to feel sleepy, he keeps sleeping with his head buried in the pillow. He can feel you slipping your hands around him to spoon him from behind.
"Morning, Channie baby," you softly call him by his Korean name.
He told you about it last night, the name only his family and his close friends are allowed to call him with that name.
You are, of course, more than allowed to call him that. It feels strange to hear it at first but he likes the sound of it, especially the affectionate tone you're using.
He takes your hand and kisses it, putting it close to his chest as he tries to get a few more minutes of sleep. The sound of the melodic chime is enough to make him refrain from going back to sleep.
"Good morning, everyone!" Lana greets, sounding exceptionally kind even though she speaks in the same robotic voice.
"Morning, Lana darling!" Claire replies with a cracked voice.
"Welcome to the last day of the retreat," she announces.
Everyone sadly groans which is quite shocking compared to the first day of the retreat, now everyone is not wanting to leave.
His head snaps at you and it reminds him to soak up every minute left in this retreat with you.
"I will be announcing who the finalists are shortly," Lana further announces.
Everyone's ears perk up at the announcement, finalists in 'plural', which means there is more than one candidate to win the prize money.
Everyone else is secretly guessing who's going to win it but with his bad record, Chan chooses to sit back and wishes everyone the best of luck.
"It's the last day!" Luke remarks, still in disbelief of it.
"Let's make it the best one!" Dani adds as she yawns into her hand.
"And let's spend the whole money today," Chan jokes even though he's slurring his words.
"Funny, Aussie boy!" Jace says as he tosses a cushion at him.
CHRIS: I fully trust that Lana will choose the right person to win the money and I'm okay that I'm not it, Lana, I have no hard feelings [laughs]
"It's the last day so I'm going to wear the tiniest bikini."
Chan hears what you're saying since he's in the dressing room to take something out of his closet.
"Oh my, Gosh!" He responds to what you're saying.
You're chuckling and look at him as he stands across the room, "I'm putting another test on you."
He walks over to your chair and puts his hand around your neck, that way he can angle your head as he pleases. He attacks one side of your face with small kisses.
"Stop being so cute," Claire says as she hollowed her cheeks to apply some colors to them.
"Yeah, stop it before you spend some money," Alicia playfully adds.
Chan lets you go because he needs to go to the bathroom to style his hair, he finds Jace in there, putting his long blond hair into a small bun.
"Who do you think is going to win?" He asks.
It's the third time someone asked him the same question and he'll remain diplomatic about his answer, "Whoever wins I'll be happy for them."
Jace respects his answer and does not further press him to give a name but Chan gets curious about his answer.
"Who do you think?" He turns the table to him.
Jace sits on the edge of the tub and watches as Chan combs his hair in front of the mirror on the sink.
"I think it's you, Aussie boy."
Chan snorts in response, he figures that Jace wants to entertain him with his answer.
"Hey, the one who made a lot of mistakes is the one that is most improved," he defends his answer, proving that he's actually serious about his answer.
"Yeah, nah, I don't think it's me, mate," he refuses his answer to entertain the idea that he has a chance to win it.
"That's just my opinion," Jace says with a nonchalant shrug.
CHRIS: If it were up to me, I think everybody would win here but it's not, it's up to Lana. [Shrugs]
It's the time in the cabana again.
You're sad that it's going to be over soon but God! You're so glad that soon you'll not be hearing that melodic chime again. It's like hearing a soundtrack to a horror movie.
"Hello, everyone!"
"Hey, Lana," you reply, suppressing your anxious groan coming out of your mouth.
"I have been collecting data since you arrived and have now conducted my final analysis," Lana informs.
You can't tell what everyone is feeling right now, it's a mix of anticipation, anxiety or relief, sadness or happiness, everything is there.
"As you are aware, there was a prize fund of $200,000 allocated to aid your development."
You wince at the mention of the word 'was' and it brings back your not-so-finest moments in your head.
"The prize fund stands at $100,000."
"Whoo!" Lola whoops, "That's a lot of money, baby!"
"And it was very hard to gain," Chan playfully comments, sending everyone into laughter.
"Like literally," he adds.
You cover his mouth with your hand to stop him from embarrassing himself more and let Lana continue.
"There are three places in the final."
Now everyone is assessing each other for their possibilities to win the money. You're definitely not going to make the cut with how much you spent in the retreat.
YOU: It's clearly not going to be us. We're the antagonists in this show [chuckles]
"Following my rules alone isn't enough to win. The finalists are those who have shown personal growth during their time at the retreat."
Oh, wait? Personal growth?
If we're talking about personal growth, everyone can see how much Chan has grown since the first day of the retreat. People would think that it's a biased opinion but you believe that Lana sees it, or you hope so.
"The first finalist is..."
You're secretly praying that Chan's name gets called, it's not much about winning, he deserves to be in the final with the journey he's been through in this retreat.
"Pierre and Alicia."
It's kind of expected and everyone is clapping for them because they deserve it. You watch as they're hugging each other and looking so cute it makes you cooing adorably.
"The second finalist is..."
You continue to pray in your heart for one name to be called by Lana, you even have your hands clasped together and close your eyes as you deeply wish for it.
"Jace and Lola."
Again, everyone is clapping because they're genuinely made for each other, they complement each other in a way like no other.
"The third and final finalist is..."
For the last time, you wish and pray as hard as you can in your heart. You never wished for something this badly so for the first time in your life, please let—
Your mouth hangs open in response while he pulls you into a hug. You're at a loss for words for a moment until he pulls away from the hug.
You get teary as you see him standing up to take his place on the final, feeling so proud of him and the man he has become.
"Pierre and Alicia, Jace and Lola, Chris, one of you will walk away with $100,000."
Chan offers his hand at you so you can hold it while he's standing up in front of you. You can't fight the tears that are already pooling in your eyes.
"And the decision will be made by the remaining guests."
"Oh, my God!" You quietly gasp while dabbing the tears in the corner of your eyes.
"Will the shortlisted guests please leave the cabana while the voting takes place," Lana orders.
Chan bends down to hug you since he has to leave. He presses a long kiss on your cheek and caresses your cheek, "I'll see you soon, yeah?"
You nod with a smile, "Okay."
YOU: Oh, I don't care if people think that I am being biased but I saw his growth, every day in this retreat. My vote is going to Chris.
The dressing room is crowded because everyone is getting ready for the last party in the retreat. Everyone is wearing white per the dress code announced by the staff.
Chan pulls you to the bedroom to have some alone time before he gets to be separated from you because the finalists have their special entrance to the party.
He sits down at the end of the shared bed and then pulls you down onto his lap.
"I can't believe that I'm one of the finalists, it's... mad!" He says in disbelief.
You put your hands around his neck and look at him, "You deserve it, baby."
He takes a deep breath as though he was swimming in deep water. He then runs his hand in your hair and affectionately brushes your hair.
"Whatever happens, I'm happy, I'm winning," he says.
You nod.
"I'm going home with a girlfriend," he shyly says with his dimpled smile.
That gets you flustered as well and it seems like it has just sunk in you that you're dating him now, "oh, shoot, I have a boyfriend now," you say with a shocked laugh.
He hugs you as you both laugh at the sudden realization, he buries his head in your neck to drink in the scent that gives him a sense of comfort.
He allows his hands to trace down your sides and adores every curve of it, "Mmh... You look stunning tonight," he praises.
"Spin for me," he demands.
You get off his lap and elegantly raise your hands above your waist before spinning around on your feet to show him the whole look.
"Do you like it?" You ask.
"Oh, love it!" He answers with a dramatic, overwhelmed eye roll.
You sit on his lap again and let him rest his head on your chest, on the soft mounds of your clothed breasts. There are only hours left until the retreat ends but his hands are already getting impatient as they're teasing the zipper of your dress.
"Can't wait to take this off of you tonight," he murmurs with his lips grazing your cleavage as he speaks.
You're lowly humming in response and cradle his head close to your chest, "Anything you want," you tell him.
Those words are sending his mind wandering off and away from his head. He's not thinking about the money at all, all he can think about are the things he wants to do to you.
"You can do anything you want later," you say again with your fingers softly scratching the back of his hair.
"Now that's a real prize," he says with an enthusiastic smile.
CHRIS: Winning or not, I'm leaving in love [smiles]
You sit next to Claire and Nick as the rest of the guests are waiting for the finalists to come and join the party.
"It's sad, isn't it?" Dani says with a sad smile from the other bench.
"It's coming to an end, yeah," Claire shares with a pout.
You've been meaning to not feel sentimental about it but now everyone is feeling the same way, you can't help but have your say about it.
"It's bittersweet, you guys," you say.
Everyone is nodding in agreement and Luke initiates a toast to start the last party in the retreat. The talk continues with everyone sharing their memories here, happy, sad, or funny ones, also everything in between.
Mac has to abruptly stop talking as the finalists are about to enter.
A round of applause welcomes all five of them. First is Pierre and Alicia, and following behind them are Jace and Lola. Last but not least is your number one man, Chan.
You scoot on the bench to make space for Chan to sit on and welcome him with a hug.
"Missed you," you murmur even though you have only been separated from each other for less than an hour.
He caressingly kisses your cheek and puts his arm around you, you reckon he needs the comfort from how nervous he looks right now.
"Got all my fingers crossed for you," you whisper to him.
"Uh-huh!" You answer without a beat and grin at him.
You hold his face by the jaw and place a kiss right on his dimple, hurriedly wiping the lipstick mark with your thumb after.
The melodic chime comes from the cone and it's going to be the last you hear of her, Lana.
"During your time at the retreat, I have observed you all commit to the process, acknowledge your failures, and show significant change."
You nod and smile, "Thank you, Lana!" You sincerely say from the bottom of your heart.
"The time has now come to announce the winner of the $100,000 prize."
You put your heads together and hold each other's hands on his lap, letting go of everything all at once, and no matter what happens, you are happy with each other.
"Pierre and Alicia, Jace and Lola, Chris, please stand!" Lana orders.
YOU: At the end of the day, I'm leaving as a changed person and I'm in a relationship with a man I love. And that's something I have never imagined in a million years. [Brightly smiles]
Chan isn't that optimistic he would win the money.
Yet he feels so nervous Chan has to take a deep breath before getting up from his seat without letting go of your hand.
"You got it, baby," you mutter to him with a squeeze on his hand.
He peers over his shoulder to look at you and flashes you a grateful smile.
"Your fellow retreat guests have voted," Lana continues with the announcement.
Chan looks at the other finalists, at Jace and Lola, and the other way, at Pierre and Alicia. He never thought he would be considered as one of the finalists, he's still in denial about it.
"The person in third place is..."
His heart is beating faster and faster he starts to wonder if he's going to have a cardiac arrest.
"Jace and Lola," Lana announces.
Chan's head snaps in the direction of Jace and Lola who are embracing and congratulating each other despite they do not win the money.
CHRIS: I'm on the top two... [deeply inhales] not expecting this at all. If I win, it wouldn't be my own because she played a big part in my growth in the retreat.
Lana doesn't give him time to relax as she continues to the next announcement.
"Pierre and Alicia, Chris, one of you has been chosen to check out of the retreat with the prize fund."
He squeezes your hand in his hand hard enough that his knuckles turn white. He needs it, he needs something to hold on to.
"The winner who will be leaving with $100,000 is..."
Who doesn't want that much money? But honestly, it's not going to be a loss if he didn't win it. It's been one hell of a journey and an emotional one, he made friendships and experiences of a lifetime here.
"Pierre and Alicia."
He did end up not winning the money but he doesn't feel like losing at all. He's reeling from it and only aware of himself when you hug him so tightly.
CHRIS: Couldn't be happier for Pierre and Alicia.
YOU: [Nods] Yep, they definitely deserved it.
"Congrats, you two!" Chan takes his turn to congratulate the winning couple.
"So happy for you, man!" He says as he gives Pierre a big hug.
The celebration continues with them popping open bottles of champagne and spraying everyone with it. You hide behind Chan as Pierre is aiming the bottle at both you and him.
"You're dripping!" You exclaim, seeing his face sticky and wet with white wine.
You help by wiping it with the back of your hand while he brushes his hair to the back.
Chan looks around and sees that everyone is having fun and happy, there's nothing he wishes more than his. It's a memory he'll treasure for life.
Everyone settles back to their seats as Lana has one announcement left.
"Your time at the retreat is over and therefore, the rules no longer apply."
Chan is turning to you but you're looking the other way, you walk over to the other side and he sees that you're coming over to someone.
Chan and Luke can only laugh as you share another kiss after the retreat ends with Dani.
Luke has to pull Dani away from you to not let the kiss continue while Chan pulls you from behind.
"Okay, that was hot," He says with an impressed smile.
He puts his arms around you and pulls you close, "But it's my turn now."
You giggle at him and waste no time to kiss him, opening your mouth to let him kiss you deeper, relishing the craving he has for the taste of your lips.
CHRIS: We never thought we'd get this far.
YOU: [Nods] Yeah.
CHRIS: [Looks at you] I'm proud of you.
YOU: [Shyly smiles] And I'm so proud of you!
The sounds of the fireworks going off startle you and you both turn around to see them lighting up the sky in bright, colorful sparks.
He's hugging you from behind as everyone else is also watching the wondrous view. His heart feels full yet he wants more of it, he knows that the only way he can get more of it is by sharing it.
Chan brings his mouth close to your ear and says, "I love you."
You turn around to look at him with a confused look on your face, "I'm sorry what?"
It's the explosive sounds of the fireworks and the music playing that make it hard for you to hear what he said the first time.
He raises his voice a little louder and says again, "I love you."
"What?" You raise your voice even louder than him against the constant explosion in the distance.
Chan laughs because it reminds him of the first day you met. He can tell you're not pretending to not hear it this time, he tries again by pressing his mouth close to your ear with his hands cupping around his mouth, "I love you!"
You coo at him in response and turn around to face him, "I love you too."
He captures your lips in one long, lingering kiss and lets out everything in him, freely and intensely. He's not afraid to let go now because he knows that's the only way to love you fully.
And no one can stop him, not now, not ever.
CHRIS: No more Lana. No more rules.
YOU: [Looks at Chris] And that means...?
CHRIS: Get in here!
YOU: [Kisses Chan] [Moans]
CHRIS: [Let go of the kiss] [Looks at the camera] Can I go now? Cause she needs to be f—
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arcadia-of-pluto · 28 days
"Pragma(tic) Love"
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Pragmatic; meaning "dealing with things sensibly and realistically".
Pragma; one of the eight ancient Greek words for love, meaning "an enduring type of love". A passionate and committed form of love.
Paring(s); LADS Xavier x reader
Word count; 12,398 (GEEZ–)
Rating; 18+ for mature and sexual context; and swearing
Themes; childhood friends to lovers, unintentional flirting, reader isn't an idiot (sometimes), dumb humor, inspired by the webtoon "Childhood Friend complex"
Notes; some dumb humor, Xavier being out of character, kissing, poorly written sex (I haven't written smut in so long), vaginal penetration (finger and p), I could've done more but my Tumblr mobile app is lagging at 12k words–
Characters included; Tara, Jenna, Rafayel, Yvonne, Greyson (mentioned), Jeremiah, anyone else is just random names for other characters!
|| a part of the "tropes d'amour" mini-series ||
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You are a rather naive and impulsive woman, no one would argue with that. You knew what you wanted and you were never embarrassed to admit that. Always head-strong and never thinking about the consequences of what comes afterward. You have, also, never been in a relationship, but you can remember the first time you really wanted to be in one.
It was a few years back when you were in middle school. Fifteen and highly impressionable. You were staying the night at a friend's house with a couple of other girls and they decided to have a group viewing of some x-rated videos. Even at fifteen, this was something you never thought of so as you watched with a mix of horror and intrigue, your friends eagerly laughed and made different comments about how hot the actions in the videos were. You, however, were more focused on the kissing scenes. You enjoyed how passionate they looked and you wondered if a kiss would be as nice as it looked. To this day, you barely remember the rest of the video. Only the kiss scene that left an impact on you and made you wish for a relationship, just to have a kiss like that.
Though, back in the present day at twenty-one, you had bigger things to worry about. Like college work and the new gossip your friends had every week.
For example, today, you and your group of three other women were all sitting down in a coffee shop, talking about the different guys at your college. “Oh my god, have you seen how hot Rafayel is? We have two of the hottest guys at our college and I don't see how neither of them are dating anyone,” Yvonne says with an over-dramatic sigh as she tilts her head back. “If I'm honest, their hands are what I'm more interested in,” Jenna murmurs under her breath with her chin resting on her hand. “Hands?” You take a look down at your own as you ask and Yvonne slaps her hands down on the table. “You don't know about hand sizes?! If they have big hands they have a big d–” “Yvonne, we'll be kicked out if you're too loud.” Tara puts a finger to her lips as she looks around anxiously.
“Alright, alright.” Yvonne pouts and sits back down. “Anyway, as I was saying, our college has two of the hottest guys I've ever seen. I'm surprised none of them are dating someone. I'd definitely volunteer in a heartbeat.” “So…I was going to ask this earlier, but who's the second guy?” You ask and tilt your head to the side. “Xavier, of course!” Yvonne looks at you as if you're crazy. “You know, the 6 foot something hunk who is in the engineering department?”
Tara covers her mouth with a hand to hide her laughter as your group leaves the café with your drinks in hand. “Xavier? Are you serious?” You scoff with a hand on your hip and your drink out to the side. “Doesn't he give off, like…delinquent vibes or something? You should really have higher standards.” “Y/n…” Yvonne trails off, pointing at something behind you and you raise a brow, “What's wrong? Can't I talk shi–” You feel pressure on the crown of your head and when you look to the side, you see someone dip their head down to take a sip from your straw. “Ugh, this tastes like shit. You're still drinking crap like this?” You spot the silvery-blonde sticking his tongue out in disgust before you groan and hit him on the head.
“Xavier, what have I told you about sneaking up on me!?”
As the two of you yell and pull at each other's hair, Yvonne takes a nervous glance toward Tara. “They…” “They've been friends since childhood,” Tara says with a small laugh, rubbing the back of her neck.
You don't exactly keep it a secret that you're friends with Xavier. The two of you are just from two completely different departments. His being engineering and yours in liberal arts. You did, however, want to start putting some distance between him since no guys approach you. They always assume you're dating Xavier, even if you correct them, so if you ever wanted a relationship you'd have to distance yourself from him…but that's easier said than done since your mothers were friends.
Your mothers were pregnant at the same time, having met during a pregnant yoga class and coincidentally moved in next to each other, so naturally you and Xavier were practically raised together. You’d even go as far as to say he's like a brother to you.
Back in class, you're utterly exhausted. You rake your hand through your hair with a sigh, holding your face in your hands until you feel someone tap your shoulder. You look up, confused, before you smile up at him, “Hey, Rafayel. What's up?” “You seemed a bit upset, so I was gonna ask if you needed help with something,” the purple haired upper-classman says, his head tilting to the side. “Actually…I need some research files for our essay and I don't have nearly enough time to get everything together.” You collect your things and stand up from your chair, “but I'll figure it–”
“You can borrow my USB,” Rafayel offers, slinging his back over his shoulder. “We'll just have to stop by my dorm.” “Really? Thank you so much. You're a life-saver!” you clasp your hands together. Your facial expression looks a lot brighter, compared to a few seconds ago. “Can we go now? I'm really excited to get started on this project.”
The two of you leave your classroom and head off to his dorm. You were done with your classes for today, but you were a little worried you'd be bothering Rafayel during his off time. Though, it doesn't seem that way since he offered to help you and you don't want to overthink anything.
“I'm sorry if it's a bit messy.” He unlocks his door before opening it. A…bit messy was an understatement. His floor is littered with paint tube lids, a few stray clothing items, a colour pencil or two, there's a spot on the rug from a charcoal pencil. It's extremely messy, but it's the room of an artist so you weren't really sure what to expect. As you step deeper into the room, you're unsure of where to sit until Rafayel points to a spot in front of his bed. “You can sit over there. I have a few USBs so it might take a little time to find it.” He chuckles, seemingly unfazed at how dirty his room really is.
You tentatively sit down and hug your knees to your chest as Rafayel sits next to you with a handful of USBs. As he looks through them, your eyes can't help but be drawn toward his hands. His…hands..That reminds you of something. What was Yvonne trying to say earlier?
“If they have big hands, it means they have a big di–” A big…oh.
Rafayel's hands were big…
You pause your train of thought with wide eyes. “Y/n?” The upper-classman asks, waving his hand in front of your face. You blink a few times, a blush creeping up your cheeks as you quickly stand up and grab a random USB. “Thank you so much, Rafayel, but I've got togonowbye!!”
You don't even give him a chance to respond as you run out of his room. You pull out your phone to quickly shoot a few texts to Xavier.
Your stupid, dumb, idiot friend isn't responding, so you decide the best thing to do is barge into his house. You take a few labored breaths, having run all the way through his house and to his bedroom door, before you enter without even bothering to knock. It's not like he could be doing something important, right? Nahhh.
The moment you step into his room, you notice two things. One, he had your messages with your profile picture up on his computer monitor…and two, he has his left hand wrapped around his dick.
“Why the hell is my picture on screen!?” You blurt out the first thing you can think of in your panic as you quickly look away with a red face.
“It's not–” Xavier quickly turns away from you before noticing that your picture was, indeed, on his screen. He scrambles to his feet to fix his pants before words spill from his lips, “It's not like that! I was just…getting off and you were getting on my nerves from all your messages and I noticed you had a new profile picture, and I wasn't even looking at your picture when I was doing it anyways!” His face and ears are a deep shade of scarlet, and you shoot him a scrutinizing look.
“Look, I'm not going to judge you but…” Your lip curls up as you can't decide whether you're disgusted or flattered, but the expression quickly leaves your face as you notice his eyes watering. Is he…crying?
“I already said it's not what you think…”
For the first time in forever, your mind was dead silent. You were a little too focused on the redness in his face and the desperation in his eyes. You needed to leave. Now.
“I'll talk to you later, but seriously don't forget to lock the door next time!” You say your words way too fast, almost unable to understand them yourself, and dart out the house as fast as you can. You only stop once you made it to the gate outside, holding a hand to your chest with reddened cheeks. What the hell just happened?
The next day in class, you're beyond zoned out. You're not sure what to think of the whole situation…but you clearly saw it. His…well yeah. You could faintly picture his hand, fingers that could just barely wrap around his girth-
You smack your hands against your cheeks, snapping yourself out of your thoughts. “Jesus, Y/n! Are you okay?” Tara asks with a small laugh, putting a hand on your shoulder. You groan and tilt your head back before quickly turning to face her. “Okay, so I have a…story. Alright? This isn't about me. It's about a uh– a friend.” “Uh-huh…and what happened with this friend?” Tara raises one of her eyebrows as she looks around the classroom.
“Actually, let's have this conversation outside.” She stands up, picking up her bag before she takes your hand.
Once outside, you sit down on a bench and take a deep breath. “Okay so, this friend of mine…she has a friend she's known for a long time and she ended up seeing his..” you trail off, not wanting to say the word, but you have to say something to make any sense, “..his junk. She saw his stuff on accident and there was a photo of her on his screen-”
“Wouldn't it just make sense to apologize and act like nothing happened?” Tara questions, honestly a bit confused since it seems like it would be common sense to just apologize about it. “But my picture was on the screen. Wouldn't that mean he's into me or something?” You don't even notice your slip up and Tara doesn't care since she already knew this story was about you. “It could mean that, but how about you just hear him out and apologize?” The woman rubs her temples. She loves you to death, but sometimes you can be a little dumb.
“I guess I could do that– hold on, I'll be right back!” You spot Xavier in the distance, quickly putting on your bag before you chase after him. “Xavier!” You shout and the silvery-blonde turns to look at you for a moment. Then, he takes off running as well. “Hey, I need to talk to you!” You yell after him, continuing the chase but you were honestly tired at this point. He clearly wasn't slowing down anytime soon. “Why are you running?” You feel sweat dripping down your temple and he shoots the same question back at you, “Why are you running??”
“Because I need to talk to you!” Your breath was coming out in heavy pants and wheezing, so you probably look a bit crazy at this point. “Well I don't!” “Dude, stop–” As you chase after him you bump into another student. His cold brew coffee spilling all over the front of your white t-shirt. You notice Xavier immediately stops in his tracks.
“Damn it–” You curse under your breath before you turn toward the male student, “Hey, I'm sorry about your coffee!” “It's fine, what about your shirt? You could just give me your number and I could get it washed..” His eyes were clearly trained onto the front of your shirt and you made the horrifying realization that your black bra is visible. Suddenly, a bag is pressed against your chest and you feel a hand grab your wrist. Xavier sighs and begins tugging you behind him as he walks, “Let's go.”
“Go where?” You ask, clearly confused and he shakes his head, squeezing his hand around your wrist, “To the sport's center.” “Dude, you're hurting my hand!”
Xavier takes you to the sports center's locker room and is looking through his locker. “So..what're we doing here?” You stand in the corner with his bag still clutched to your chest. You can hear him let out an audible sigh, “Do you want to walk back to your dorm with your shirt like that?” “You could've just let me borrow your bag..” you murmur with a pout, but Xavier runs a hand through his hair, “You can see everything through the back too, idiot.”
“Thanks..” You finally say after a moment of silence before you set his bag on the floor to look at your shirt. You tug at the soaked fabric with a finger, your nose wrinkling up at the cold feeling. You should probably take it off before it gets your bra and skin all sticky..You pull your shirt half over your body, but then pause because you realized you almost took your shirt off with Xavier in the room–
The two of you have been together practically since the womb, so you couldn't even count how many times you bathed together when you were younger. Key word: younger. But now??
“Hey– don't turn around, Xavier. I already took my shirt off.” You sheepishly laugh, keeping your soiled shirt over your chest as you notice his ear tips turning red. “I– why–” But he can't finish his sentence because someone comes into the room. You backpedal into a locker to hide and listen to Xavier tell the other student that he'll put the guy's stuff away. Once he shoos the guy out, you assume he locks the door behind him.
“Y/n, where'd you go?” Xavier calls out as he walks back to where you are and you kick open the locker with an embarrassed smile, “I'm…stuck.” You hold your hands out for help while keeping your legs against your chest. Your so-called friend laughs at your predicament, about to make fun of you, but then his gaze flits from your face to the swell of your breasts. He quickly shakes his head and clears his throat. “Geez, you really are something,” he sighs before grabbing your hand to pull back with all his strength.
“Ouch, Xavier, that shit hurts– woah–!” You're suddenly flying out of the locker and you land on top of Xavier with your hands on either side of his head. Just as you're about to get up, you hear the door knob jiggling and you jerk your body down as if trying to hide. “Oh shit– you locked the door, right, Xavier?” You ask in a panicked whisper, before realizing you could feel heavy breaths against your bare skin. You turn your gaze down and your eyes widen as you see Xavier's face buried in-between your breasts.
You quickly scoot backwards with your hand over your mouth. “I am so sorry, Xavier…”
Your best friend runs a hand down his red face with a long, drawn out sigh. “It's fine! No, really, it's fine.” He waves his hands before he tosses a shirt at your head. “Now, put that shit on.” The shirt smacks you upside the head and a hiss slips from between your teeth. “Well, I take back my apology now.” You murmur under your breath as you pull his shirt over your head. Though your gaze is drawn to his toned stomach. His shirt must've rode up during the fall and he never pulled it back down. That reminds you of something…
When you and Xavier were in middle school, you remember an old classmate joking about the two of you dating. While you both reacted in disgust, you clearly remember Xavier saying he'd never see you as a woman and then when the friend asked, “You never know. What if one day, you start feeling like she is?” Xavier replied with, “If that happens, I'm going to take my balls off. Both of them.” You were clearly disgusted by this and, albeit, a little offended so you spit back a jab of your own, “I’ll shave my head.” “Dude, I put my balls on the line!” He laughs, “You gotta match me. Or else…are you afraid you'd fall for me?” “You son of a bitch!” You grab Xavier by his hair, “You really think I'd fall for you when you find so many ways to piss me off?? The only emotion I feel for you is rage. You hear me!?”
“Y/n?? Yo, earth to Y/n.” Xavier waves a hand in your face and you shake your head before a book, from the shelf you're leaning against, falls to smack you atop the head. You rub your head as you stand up, then you clear your throat and hold your hands behind your back. “Hey Xavier?” “Yeah?” He glances toward you with one brow raised and you sigh, “I wanted to apologize for leaving like that yesterday. It wasn't fair to not hear you out and to make assumptions on my own like that. That’s what I came to tell you.”
After a few moments of silence and a shocked expression from Xavier, you can't take it any more and you start hitting him on the back, “Seriously, what's gotten into us? All this awkwardness between us just doesn't feel right! Let's forget the whole thing and go back to being normal again, yeah?” With each hit, Xavier says an “ouch” but you keep at it with a nervous laugh. “Anyway, bye!! I gotta go work on a project.” You leave him behind with a dumb expression on his face.
Once back in class, you have no time to dwell on everything that happened because you're busy with an animation project. You're working together with Tara, Yvonne, and Jeremiah. You and Tara are animation majors while Yvonne and Jeremiah are in design. “Do you think we can finish this in time?” You groan, tiredly running a hand through your hair before you get back to sketching. The four of you talk amongst yourselves before Yvonne points out, “You're so good with drawings, Y/n…I can only do stick figures. I didn't know we'd be drawing people.”
“Well, I prefer using a pencil.” You yawn, holding a hand up to your mouth. “I'm awful with 3D software.” Your eyes are a bit blurry from all of your yawning and you squint at your drawing. “What did the muscle look like on this arm?” You murmur. Your pencil completely stops its movements as you were suddenly reminded of Xavier's arm trying to push you away and the bright blush on his face from before.
You really need to do something to stop thinking of your best friend like this…but his abs– No, just because he's got chiseled abs and a nice face…and a pretty voice…Stop– He's just your friend. Your childhood, wombhood best friend Xavier.
Maybe…you could go on a group date? No, that probably wouldn't help much, but you could go just to meet new people!
You shoot Yvonne a text from the bathroom saying that you're going back to your dorm and that you want to be included in that group date tomorrow. You try to emphasize that you just want to go as a potential friend, but she's clearly not listening after that.
You weren't really too thrilled when Yvonne had asked you about the group date, when you guys were out shopping for lingerie– she was going on a trip with her boyfriend, Greyson, and knew it was time. Whatever that meant. You had also bought a lingerie set, just a basic dark red set since you thought it was pretty.
Though, you really hope none of the guys would actually see you as a potential romantic partner, because while you wanted to get those images of Xavier out of your head– you really didn't want to lead some poor guy on.
Tomorrow comes sooner than you expected and it's Saturday now. You're sitting in front of a mirror while Tara applies some light makeup to your face. She's only curling your lashes, adding a shade of lip gloss that matches your skin, and maybe some eyeliner. Nothing too dressy since you're just going to meet new people– even if Yvonne doesn’t seem to understand that.
“So, what made you decide to go on this group date? When Yvonne brought it up at the lingerie store, you didn't seem interested.” Tara points out as she styles your hair. “Well…I wanted to expand my social circle–” “Look up, I'm applying mascara,” Tara cuts you off and you pause before looking up. “Like this?” “I take it back– do what you were normally doing!” Tara holds back her laughter and gets back to your makeup.
“But yeah, like I was saying, my life pretty much revolves around my classes and the dorm.” Once Tara is done, you quickly stand up. “Alright, now let's see if I have anything I can wear..” You muse, popping into your closet before stepping out a few minutes later. “Look, am I overdressed?”
Tara's back is to you as she speaks, “Just dress in something casual. It's a group date, afterall–” Though, she goes silent as soon as she notices what you're wearing. “That's…not what you're actually wearing, right?”
You look down at your red flannel button-up and your blue jeans with a frown. “Is it…too dressy?”
“Too dressy? I–...You're right, it is too dressy. Let me make a few changes.” Tara runs a hand down her face before hyping herself up to create a bombshell of an outfit for you.
“Oh my– look at you, girlie!” Irina, a fellow classmate, exclaims as you step down from the bus at your meeting spot. She nudges her friend, Winona, with an elbow as you look down at your scuffed white sneakers, a bit embarrassed by all of the attention. Tara got you all prettied up, having chosen one of your white turtlenecks, one of her black velvet camisoles, her black sling purse, and a checked skirt that Tara had gotten you a few years back as a gift. Your fingers nervously tugging at the hem of your skirt, worrying that it might be too short.
“You look gorgeous! You should wear that skirt more often,” Winona smiles at you, before grabbing your wrist as Irina continues, “The boys are here already, let's go.”
“Oh, right, I don't think Yvonne told you guys, but I'm only here for–” But you can't finish your sentence as you're pulled into the restaurant. Your phone buzzes in your hand and you notice that ‘Jerk’ is calling you– Jerk being Xavier. You hesitate, wanting to answer, but instead you put your phone in your pocket. Any other time, you would’ve answered, but right now it seems a bit rude towards the others.
“Hey guys!” Irina holds up a hand to wave once you walk up to the table that was seating three other people. You didn't recognize any of them, but maybe it would be easier to make friends that way.
“Hey you!” One of the guys says to Irina and she laughs, “What's up? You should know it's an honor to be set up with design students!” “Hey, PE majors are more popular, okay?” “Ah..Hello!” Winona tries to speak up, not wanting to be drowned out of the conversation, while you didn’t really mind it. You, honestly, almost wanted to just back out and leave, but you decide to stick it out because you could make some friends today. “Come, sit. It's nice to meet you!” The second guy motions toward the table with a nice enough smile. While the other two girls go to sit down, you awkwardly lean over with a small wave, “Hi everyone..”
“Woa–” “H-hello!” Two of the guys speak while the last stays silent, but a smile does tug at the corners of his lips. “What're you still standing there for? Come on, sit!” The first guy laughs and that's when you finally sit down.
You learnt that their names were Damian, Mateo, and Caelus. Damian was the PE major who was talking to Irina. Mateo was the second guy and Caelus was the third one.
“So, now that we all know who we are…let's toast!” Damian holds out his shot glass of soju while you stare down at the cup. You've…never had soju before. You sniff the cup before looking up in surprise as someone asks what you were doing. “Come on, let's toast!” Irina laughs, nudging you with her elbow and, honestly, you felt so drained already. You wondered if you could last the rest of this 'date’. You clink your shot glasses together and, while everyone else downs their drink, you sip on yours. But you get a bit nervous when everyone looks at you expectantly, so you toss your head back to finish it off. Hmm…this is actually really good for getting your mind off of certain things.
A few shots and an hour later, you were drunk– having the time of your life, but drunk. Maybe you shouldn't have drank on an empty stomach.
“Here, Y/n, have some water.” Caelus places a glass of water in front of you before saying, “You're in for a terrible hangover otherwise.” “Oh, You're Caelus, right? Thanks!” You grin at him before taking a sip from the cup. After another thirty minutes of playing around and chatting, Caelus was also a little buzzed.
“Can I ask you something? I hope this doesn't sound weird or anything.” Caelus rubs the back of his neck, nervously, with a small laugh. “What is it?” You were, also, still buzzed and excited about having a new friend. “Um..You don't have a boyfriend, do you?”
You blink in surprise. Oh, right. That was the purpose of a blind date, afterall, but you weren't here for that.
“Ah, me? No, why?” You ask, hoping he wasn't going to ask you out because then that would get awkward really quick. “Well…do you know that seriously good looking guy? He's famous on campus.” “uh..you mean Xavier?” Your eyebrows furrow. You weren't sure where this conversation was going. “Yeah, him! I don't know if you know, but you're sort of famous too. You two are always together and frankly, I was shocked because I had always thought you two were a couple.” Caelus admits and you tilt your head to the side.
Seriously? You weren't aware of that, at all. You and Xavier…together? Half of you wants to vehemently deny it, but there's another part that kind of–
“Don't be silly! They've been friends since they were kids.” Irina laughs, slapping her thigh. Her face was so red, she was probably drunk off her ass. “So…you two aren't together?” Caelus turns back to you, an almost hopeful look in his eyes. “We used to hang out since we were practically babies, that's all. We know and have seen everything about each other.” You shake your head before you pass at your last statement.
Seen everything…
You slap your hands against your cheeks to pull yourself out of your inappropriate thoughts while Irina and Caelus are both surprised at your sudden actions. You're now hyper aware of other patrons at the restaurant and how they're shaking condiment bottles, and decide that maybe it’s best to pass out drunk. You grab the soju bottle and tilt your head back to finish it off. The bottle clinks against the table and your forehead on the cool wooden smacks down to join the bottle shortly after.
The table felt so nice, compared to how hot your face felt. You could almost fall asleep. Almost, but the phone buzzing in your back skirt-pocket has you drowsily blinking your eyes and you reach back to grab it. Your blurry eyes scan across the contents of your messages;
💛: “pick up the phone”
: “im @ work”
: "lets get some desert after"
Oh right, Xavier did mention to you last week that he was picking up a part time job…Hmph. Guess he's perfectly fine, even after everything that happened. All while you're trying to make new friends and keep your mind off of it. Maybe you're the problem? That's right! You've got to snap out of it and just act normal like he's doing, but…why can't you do that? Ugh, this is annoying.
A sigh escapes your lips and you feel a hand on your head. “Are you alright?” You hear Caelus ask and you glance over at him. “Doesn't your head hurt?” Now that you think about it…yeah, your head does hurt. Inside and out.
“Everyone else went to get some hangover drinks. How is your head? You hit it pretty hard.” Caelus was clearly concerned for you and that would be sweet– if he were the right guy. “I'm not sure..It does sting,” you murmur, body tensing up as you felt Caelus's hand on your shoulder. Huh?
“Still? Let me see.”
Through your blurry eyes, you can see the man moving closer toward you. Or maybe not. You couldn't tell. Once he got close enough to where you could feel his breath on your nose, the loud clank of a bottle slamming against the table causes Caelus to jerk back. You curiously turn your head to the side, eyes widening because you've got to be seeing things. Right?
“Here are the two beers you ordered.” Xavier and he seems…angry? Upset? Hmm, so this is where he's working.
“Pretty…” You don't even realize you spoke out loud as you drunkenly meet his pretty blue eyes.
“Ah,” Irina exclaims as she stretches her arms up in the air, “That was such a good stroll. I feel so much better…I wonder if Y/n is okay, she had a lot to drink.” “Huh–” Winona quickly taps Irina on the shoulder, “Isn't that Xavier?”
You were still in a daze with your head on the table, but you snapped out of it and sat up so quickly that you felt dizzy. Did you just call Xavier pretty? You really hope you're hallucinating right now. It seems like you still have to get your act together. You look down at the table, contemplating hitting it again to knock some sense into yourself. You close your eyes, ready to slam your head down on the table, but instead of the table, you feel a warm hand on your forehead.
“What the..” You turn your head to the side, resting your cheek on the palm of whoever's hand this is before realizing that it's Xavier's hand.
“Are you drunk?” Xavier asks with a raised brow, “Is that why you're banging your head against the table?” He sighs, turning his head toward the four students, who were waiting to sit down. “How much did she drink?” He points at you as he rummages around in his apron with his other hand. “A-about a bottle and a half? She had soju..” Winona breaks the silence while the others are too stunned to speak.
“Soju!?” Xavier groans before quickly turning to look back at you, “A bottle and a half? Isn't this your first time? Are you out of your mind?” Your friend continues his rant, “Did you forget how you threw up after your first beer? Soju is even worse! Did you brain up and leave you before you drank that shit?? Why can't you learn?” He runs a hand through his silvery blonde hair.
“What're you doing, huh!? You're not my mom! Stop nagging me, I'm having a good time with my frie–” Your whining is cut off by Xavier tapping a cold can against your forehead. “–nds..what's this?”
“Drink this. No more soju for you.” Is all he says and you sigh, grabbing the can as you rub your forehead, “Did you just go out and buy this?” “Of course not, we sell that here.” His head turns toward the door as a bell chimes, signifying that another customer has walked in. “I gotta get back to work.”
After Xavier walks away, you hold the can to your chest. Heartbeat roaring in your ears. “Oh my god, how cute is he?!” Irina whispers to Winona and the other girl shakes her fists, “Even his apron is sexy..”
“Uh…I'm all buzzed out. I'm gonna go get some fresh air, okay?” You stand up, holding the can still, and do your best not to run your fingers through your hair. You didn't want to mess up all the hard work Tara did to fix it.
Once outside, you spot Xavier, who was taking out some garbage. “Hey!” You go to yell at him, but your words fall flat when you notice something sticking out of his mouth. “Are…you smoking?”
“...It's a lollipop.” “Oh..Anyway, why didn’t you tell me you worked here?”
“I did.” He says, dusting off his hands. “Did not!” You puff your cheeks out, trying to remember if he did tell you.
“Why? Are you embarrassed because I caught you acting all girly with some guys?” Xavier lets out a small laugh as he pulls the lollipop from his lips. “Well…Tomboys like you need to play coy to get a date, so I'll let it slide.”
So he somehow got the wrong idea too?
You'd love to tell him he's wrong, but you honestly didn't care at the moment. Instead, you change the subject. “Hey, take this back.” You hold the blue can he gave you back out to him, “You can't just give me this.” “I paid for it, so you take it,” he says as he pushes the can back against your chest.
At your silence, he raises a brow, “You know what? Give it back.” He holds his hand out toward you. “You got me all upset now, so I'll be taking it back.” “What?” You hold the can tighter to your chest, “No way! You said it was mine.” “Come to think of it…Why should I bother? You're too busy partying with guys to even answer my texts.” Oh, now Xavier is definitely pouting.
You quickly open the can and take a few swigs like a dog eating some table-food that hit the floor. “Oh–” Xavier pauses before his gaze squints and he leans forward. “Are you wearing makeup?” “So what? Tara did it for me. What's the problem with it?” You glare at him, immediately getting defensive. “Hmm…you can put makeup on a donkey, but it's still a donkey at the end of the day.” He shrugs as he moves away from you and you punch him in the shoulder, “You wear makeup too, you dick!”
“But I'm clearly not a donkey.” Xavier smiles.
You and Xavier continue to talk for a while, leaning against a green metal fence behind the restaurant. He pulls his phone out from his apron and sighs, “Ah, I'd better get back.” “Woah, how long has it been?” You turn your head to look at him as he puts his phone away once more, “It's been like fifteen minutes? Damn, I lost track of time talking about the beer vomit story.” He chuckles as he runs a hand through his hair.
“Say…Do you like any of those guys?” He asks, thumbs hooked through his belt loop. “Mmh…why?” You could easily tell him now, but you wondered why he asked that. “Just asking.” He shrugs, tapping the toe of his shoe against the pavement. “Anyway, we still on for dessert after my shift?” Xavier reaches down to ruffle your hair and says, “Let me know, but I seriously gotta go back in now.”
After he says what he needs to, Xavier goes back inside and you sigh, putting a hand in your skirt-pocket as you walk back around to the front of the building. “Huh–” you pause as you notice Caelus standing outside as well.
“I thought I'd check up on you since you've been outside for a while,” He easily answers you as if knowing what you were going to ask. “But I was wondering…if we could talk.” He smiles and boy, do you know what was coming. How were you going to let this poor guy down easy?
“So…you and Xavier look really close.” Oh…that's not what you expected. Or was he saying this to lead into something else? “Uh, yeah. We, kind of, grew up together,” You say, slowly, trying to gauge what his next sentence would be. “So you don't have feelings for him?”
Uh. Is this even an appropriate question to ask someone you just met? Sure, it's a good question if you were looking to date someone, but…it still feels weird.
“What?” “I know it's a silly question, but you two seem really close. That's why I asked.” Caelus laughs it off, rubbing the back of his neck. “So that means you're not seeing anyone?” “Well…not exactly, but I'm not here for–” “I'm interested in you.” He blurts out, cutting you off entirely, and you give him a deadpan stare.
“That's…very flattering, but–” “At the risk of sounding too forward, let me ask. Do you want to go out with me?” Your eyebrow twitches in annoyance and you take a deep breath. “Caelus, right?” You plaster the sweetest smile you can muster on your face and tighten your grip on the empty soda can in your hand. “If you'd allow me to finish my god da–” You pause, taking another deep breath before continuing, “–if I could finish my sentence for once, I'm not here to date. I’m not looking for a relationship. I told Yvonne this, but it seems like she didn't give everyone else the memo. I just came here to get out of my dorm room, for once, and make some new friends.”
“Anyway, I'm going back inside.” You clear your throat, after a tense moment of silence and walk past him to go back inside. But you feel a hand catch your wrist. “Y/n–” You jerk your arm out of his grip and turn your head to raise a brow at him, “Hey, did anybody ever tell you that shit only works in k-dramas and romance novels? Don't touch me without my permission. But, now that you've got my attention, what is it?” You cross your arms over your chest and he frowns, putting his hands in his pockets as he murmurs under his breath, “Geez, they always say the worst she can say no.”
“Annnnd that's all the patience I have left to spend on you. Nice seeing you never!” You wave to him as you re-enter the restaurant and go back to your table.
Sure, Caelus didn't seem like a bad person, but the vibes just didn't feel right to you. At all. Honestly, you’d feel a lot better once you got dessert with Xavier.
A few days later, you're chilling at Xavier’s house and eating some leftover cake from that time you went to a dessert café. Your laptop sits open on his coffee table as you're on the floor, in front of it, while Xavier is sitting on the couch behind you. He always liked to watch your work, for some reason. Maybe to make sure you did it right?
You had an empty word document in front of you and you tilt your head back to look at your friend. “Hey, are you gonna work on your assignments too or are you going to watch me like that vampire weirdo from Twilight?” Xavier was mid-bite when he started coughing, hitting his chest because he must've been laughing but choked on his food. “I'll work on it later. What's your assignment on?” He asks, once he's finally caught his breath, and wipes a few stray tears from his eyes. “Ah…it's a report on any classic film. I got a USB of the film from Rafayel, so I'll probably watch that first.” You move to grab the USB from your bag before plugging it in.
“Do you want me to watch with you? I could try and help.” He leans forward, resting his chin on your shoulder. “Uh–” you were startled at how close he had gotten, but you nod your head, “Sure…Huh, it seems like there's a lot to choose from…”
The titles were pretty weird too, but these could just be some indie films. “Animal addiction?” You murmur with a raised brow, glancing over at Xavier out of the corner of your eye and he shrugs, moving his finger to the touchpad to click on it. “Maybe it’s something like the Tiger man documentary?” He questions before both of you go silent.
The film was pretty grainy, appearing like amateur work. This didn't seem like a ‘classic’ film…Then, the camera pans to a woman laying down on a bed. Was she naked?? What the hell is this– a man joins her on the bed and–
“Ooh!” a moan erupts from your laptop. “Ah, yes! Right there!” Wet squelches are audible from your speakers, the sound of skin slapping against skin. “Harder!”
You quickly slam your laptop shut with your face in your hands. “What the fuck did Rafayel give me?” You murmur, face bright red and your heartbeat thundering. “Maybe…it's a risqué classical film?” Xavier offers, trying to hold back his laughter, even if his face was red as well.
You definitely knew it wasn’t a classical film, you recognized it. It was the same one you had seen in middle school!
“He could've accidentally added that to this USB.” You let out a panicked laugh, opening your laptop back up to scroll through the file. “Okay, so maybe…okay, these have numbers and symbols as the name so maybe these are okay?” You quickly click on it and silently take the USB out from your computer before the moans can even start. “...nevermind.”
You run a hand through your hair and rest your head on the couch. “I'm sorry, Xavi..I guess I grabbed the wrong USB.” You sigh, looking up at the ceiling until the light is covered up by Xavier's big head coming into view. No, not that head.
“Xavier?” You question, but he doesn't respond. He leans over you, dipping his head down lower…and lower. Though, you panic and put your hand over his mouth.
“Oh! Uh– sorry,” you quickly say as you move your hands back, holding them to your chest with a nervous laugh as you stand up with your laptop. “Actually, uh Tara– yeah, Tara told me earlier today that she needed her clothes back. You know, the ones that I borrowed! So…I should probably leave and go get those for her!” You clap your hands together, face probably even more red than when that porno appeared on your laptop.
“Y/n–” Xavier goes to grab your wrist, but hesitates. He drops his hand into his lap before he shakes his head. “I understand. Go ahead.”
Huh, why did he do that? He could've just grabbed your hand–oh, could he have heard your conversation with Caelus?
“Thanks, Xavi. I’m really sorry about that! I'll definitely see you later though.”
A week goes by and you finally submit your correct classical film report. You had to sneak the USB back to Rafayel and explain to him that you never even looked at it since you already finished the report. You’d rather not open that can of worms with him, afterall.
While you're leaving your college, you get a text message;
💛: “hey”
: “i got u some food from my mom”
: “come get it or”
: “dont i could eat it”
Oh hell no! If it's his mom's cooking, you definitely want it.
“Hey! I'm here for my food!!” You waste not a single second, having gotten on a bus and ran the rest of the way to Xavier's apartment. It wasn't too far from the school, so you were more than ready to sit down and ea…–
“Holy shit!” You slap your hands over your eyes as you were blessed with the sight of a shirtless Xavier with water dripping down his chest. He was drying his hair off with a towel as he curiously looked over at you. “Hey, you were the one who barged into my house.”
“Why're you naked, though!? My eyes–” You whine and you hear Xavier audibly scoff, “What? So, are you telling me that I can't even shower? In my own home?” Then, after a few moments of silence, you move your hands away from your eyes. Honestly, you loved being over-dramatic. It was like second nature to you. Anything to keep from blushing over your shirtless best friend.
“Forget it. You wanted the food, right?” Xavier points toward his couch. “Wait there, I'll go get my shirt.”
You didn't even realize how quickly you complied to what he said, already finding yourself sitting down not even a few moments later.
He comes back with a white shirt on, grabbing the reusable orange bags and sets them on the coffee table. “So, what's in it?” You ask, standing up excitedly. “Well, you know, only your favourites.” He takes the plastic containers out of the first bag and you rummage through the second one before pulling out a heavy glass bottle. “Huh, what's this?” Once glance was all it took to realize this was a bottle of Jack Daniel’s.
“Hey, it's hard liquor!” You show it off to Xavier with a grin and he runs a hand down his face, “Oh…great.” As if he knows where you're going with this.
“Put it back. It's probably your mom's. I must've grabbed it by mistake.” He goes to take it from you, but you look at him with a mischievous smile, “Do yoouuu want to try it?” “I– seriously, Y/n, it's your mom's. We can't just–” “I just looked it up and apparently it tastes good,” you tease, shaking the bottle in front of him before you sigh, “but I guess we can put it back…”
“Well,” Xavier perks up at it tasting good and clears his throat, “I mean we could give it a taste.”
The two of you each fill a cup with the amber liquid and sit around the coffee table with your food-filled tupperware. A nice alcoholic beverage and food always go good together.
“Blegh!” You stick your tongue out, nose wrinkling in disgust, “Why is it so bitter? What's the percentage on this shit?” “Hmm, maybe twenty?” Xavier grabs the bottle to see before he pauses, “oh…forty.”
“This shit is way too strong. You got any soda we can mix with it?” Even though you asked, you’re going straight toward his kitchen as if you live here. “Yup.” He leans back on his hands until you come back, mixing some soda into both of your drinks. You take another sip and nod your head, “Do you wanna try mixing it with other stuff?” “Hmm, I heard orange juice is good with it.” Xavier looks up from his phone. He must've googled it. “Yeah! Let's try out a ton of combos and find the best one!” you cheer, holding a fist up in the air.
Then, you pause. “Wait.” You hold your hand out. “First, let me borrow some of your clothes.” “Why?” “Because my clothes are too snug and I'm gonna eat some of my food– annnd I'll probably stay the night,” you say with a shrug and Xavier points in the direction of his room. “Go find something.” He nurses his drink while you change into the smallest clothes he owns.
Even if they're the smallest, they still practically engulf you. His shirt was loose around your body and his shorts were barely holding up around your waist.
“You look like a hobbit.” Xavier giggles to himself before he motions toward the plates on the coffee table. “Anyway, I unloaded some of your food. You’re sharing, by the way. You don't get a choice.”
As you shamble back toward the coffee table, you have to hold up your borrowed shorts. When did Xavier get so big..? Wasn't this shirt supposed to be a short sleeve? It's almost to your wrists…Hmm…
Where's this tingling sensation in your stomach coming from? Parasites, maybe? Maybe they'll go away if you drink.
“You know,” You slur, holding up an empty glass, “This is supposed to be hard liquor, right? Wouldn't it…be better to call it easy liquor since it goes down so easy?” Your body sways and you set your glass down next to the empty bottle of alcohol. “Here we go again. Do you realize how many times you’ve said that?” Xavier hiccups as he points at a plant in his room. Did he think that plant was you? Laughter bubbles in your chest before it erupts from your mouth and you lay onto the floor as you try to catch your breath.
“Hey..” Xavier brushes his hand across your heated forehead, “Aren't you gonna call your boyfriend?” “Eh? What boyfriend?” Your eyes were closed, relaxing as he played with your hair. “Didn't..well, that guy asked you out, right?” “Mmh…yeah, but I said no,” you say with a small shrug.
You raise a brow after you open your eyes and notice Xavier was smiling. “Why're you smiling? You look stupid.” You reach your hand up to poke your index finger against his cheek. “That checks out. Who would ask you out anyways.”
“Huh, are you trying to fight with me?!” You quickly sit up, body swaying from the slight feeling of vertigo as you glare over at him. “What? You know I'm right. Don't you remember, in elementary school, all the kids in our class thought you were a boy.” “And? All of the girls liked to dress you up in princess costumes because you were ‘pretty as a princess’ or did you forget about that?” You jab a finger against his chest.
“What about your last crush? He only realized you were a girl when you had to wear the girl's uniform.” Xavier leans closer, his face flushed from all the alcohol you both had drank. “Look who's talking Mister ‘I won an all girl's beauty pageant even though I was in the audience’.” Your face equally as red as you kept moving closer until your foreheads touched. “Tomboy!” “Delinquent!”
A silence fills the room as your breath washes over each other's face until Xavier closes the gap. You felt his soft lips against yours before he pulled back. “Huh–” You lazily blink a few times, gaze flitting between his lips and his eyes. You both stare at each other for a few more seconds, and then Xavier leans back in.
This time, he doesn't pull away.
Xavier kisses you softly, your body slowly leaning backwards until you're flat against the floor. You felt his tongue lick at your lips and you hesitate for a moment to let him in.
What…were you doing? With Xavier, of all people?
With another swipe of his tongue, you give up on thinking and open your mouth. Your head tilts to the side as the kiss deepens, his tongue dragging against yours. “Mmh–” a noise escapes your lips as he sucks your tongue into his mouth, tugging on it before he goes back to languidly kissing you. His tongue lazily fighting against yours for dominance, but neither side ever wins.
Your hand moves up to tangle in his hair, nails lightly scratching at his scalp. You shift in his hold, your chest lightly brushing against his and that's when Xavier tenses up. He pulls back, hands gripping your shoulders. “Hey…have your boobs always felt this nice?” He asks, looking down at them to see their stiffened peaks through the thin fabric of his shirt. “Hmm…I dunno since you've never felt them before.” You drunkenly tug at the neck of your borrowed shirt to look down at your breasts.
“Wait–” you squint your eyes as you notice something red coming out of Xavier's nose. “Is your nose…seriously bleeding from seeing my boobs?” You laugh. “What are you, a teenager?”
“Seriously, put your head back. It's getting everywhere.” You wipe at it until Xavier scoots back, “Hey stop–” He falls back against the couch, wiping his nose with a thumb. His legs are spread out with his shirt riding up his chest. His firm thighs…
You move a bit closer, your hand trailing up his shirt. “What're you doing?” He asks, stomach tensing up as your fingers brush against his abs. “I always wanted to feel them,” you murmur under your breath. “They're soft…I really thought they'd be firm.”
You poke at his stomach and Xavier groggily looks down at you, “It's because ‘m not flexing.” “ohh, what happens when you flex?” You already forgot what you were talking about. “My abs get hard.” “Hmm..flex it right now. I wanna see what happens.” Your fingers continue to prod and poke at his stomach. “Yo, you listening?” Your nails lightly scratch against his skin and he catches your wrist, “I heard you, so stop touching me…and this time, let me touch you.” His thumb rubs back and forth against your pulse.
“But…no.” You look away from him and Xavier raises an eyebrow, confused, “Why?” “Then…someone would be touching my body..and that's embarrassing.” You pout, cheeks somehow getting even more warm, as you squeeze your thighs together. “Then…it would be fine if I touch you in a way that doesn't make you shy, right?” He grabs your wrist once more, gently squeezing it before his hands dart to your waist. His fingers dance across your body as he tickles you.
A loud laugh slips from your lips and your body jerks around in his hold. “Xavi– wait!” Your body goes backward and you're back on the floor. Your hands push at his chest as your laughter causes tears to prick your eyes. He catches your wrists in one hand, pinning them above your head, as his free hand continues to tickle your body. “Hold on–! Let me catch my breath you, fucking–” More giggles come from your throat as you try to finish your sentence, “–you fucking psycho!”
Xavier finally stops, your shirt up to your neck as your chest heaved from your breathing. “Are..you okay?” He asks, slowly, and you look up at him with (happy) tears in your eyes, “After everything you did, do I look okay to you?” You were out of breath, sides still somehow feeling like they were being tickled. “Well…in any case, it doesn't seem like you're embarrassed anymore.” Xavier trails off, his gaze on your bra-clad breasts. His finger slides under the cups to grab your right breast.
“Ah..” you let out a small noise in surprise, back automatically arching to push more into his palm.
“Fuck..” he breathily laughs before he leans his head down to wrap his lips around your nipple. His tongue flicks across the stiffened peak before he nips it between his teeth. “Ouch, Xav..” you wince before a moan slips through your puffy, parted lips as he swipes his tongue against it to soothe the pain.
“Xavi..” your chest felt wet from more than just Xavier's saliva.
“Hey, lift your head for a sec.” You tug him up by his silvery blonde hair and notice his nose was bleeding again. “Again? Are you exhausted today or do you just go wild for breasts?” You sit up to panic over the poor guy, trying to find something to wipe his nose with.
“No..” but his gaze is drawn to your bare breasts once more and you could swear you saw more blood drip from his nose.
Fuck. You needed to find a tissue for him. Why isn't he helping? You glance over at him and can't help but think that he looks kind of cute in a daze like that. Then, you notice he's getting blood on his white shirt. Ugh. Blood stains are a bitch to get off. Uh…
“Ah, seriously…this is so gross but–” you murmur under your breath before you cup his cheek and lean forward. You drag your tongue up his chin and move along the trail of blood. Moving across his lips…but you stop before getting to his nose because that's…just nasty. You weren't licking his nose. You move back and stick your tongue out. “Blegh. I can't believe I did that. You know blood stains– Mmph” Xavier cuts you off with another kiss. This one was more intense than the last. His tongue sliding against yours as one of his hands holds your face by the chin. This kiss was passionate and wet. Saliva drips down your chin and you greedily swallow any that makes it into your mouth.
You turn your head to the side for air and lightly hit him on the back. “You’re getting more blood in my mouth.” You meet Xavier’s eyes but he's clearly gone, out of it. He dips his head back down to kiss you again, gently guiding your body back to the floor for the third time tonight. Your hand grips the back of his shirt as he kisses you harder, lips sloppily colliding and gliding against one another. You feel his hands make their way up your thighs until he's slipping his fingers under your shorts. One hand squeezes your ass, his fingers pressing into the skin.
Your body jerks in surprise as his fingers slowly move toward your center. Legs trying to close on reflex as you felt his middle finger press against your entrance. “X-Xavier?” You manage to choke out, your breath coming out in small pants. “You're so wet…is this all just from kissing?” He asks, seemingly in a daze as his middle finger penetrates you.
Xavier rests his forehead against yours as he presses his finger inside at a slow pace. The digit curling and pressing at odd intervals as if trying to find something. “A-ah..” you can't help the tiny moans that spill from your lips, your hips jerking with every movement from his finger.
“W-wait a second,” you panic as you feel something warm and thick against your inner thigh, and Xavier pulls back for a moment. Your gaze immediately drops to the front of his sweatpants and your eyes widen. “Oh..” “What're you thinking about?” His pretty blue eyes were filled with a hint of darkness, a bit of lust.
You…wanna try it.
“Xavi…do you have any condoms?” You ask, your hands cupping his cheeks to make him look at you. That's when he frowns. “No…shit, do I need to get some?”
Damn it.
“No, it's…fine. We can uh– ah–!” You cut yourself off mid-sentence as Xavier pushes his finger back inside your pussy, a second finger teasing your entrance. “We can still get each other off though, yeah?” He licks his lips before adding a second finger. His hips pressed closer to you so you felt the warmth of his length against your thigh once more. “S-sure,” you hiccup your sentence out as he begins to move both fingers, curling them to press into that spot. You let out a loud moan and roll your hips upward.
A similar moan slips from Xavier's lips as you unintentionally grinded up against him and he grabs your hand, placing it over his clothed dick. “Please?” he asks with a tilt of his head, curling his fingers against your g-spot for good measure. You quickly nod your head, squeezing your head against his length before you begin to rub it.
The silvery blonde haired man continues to fuck you with his fingers, his thumb swiping back and forth over your clit. “Fuck, Xavier!” You arch your hips up with a small whine as you feel something building up in your stomach. Your hand moves against his warm dick, trying your best to jerk him off without going under his clothes, and it seems to be working because he dips his head down to kiss you once more.
“Come for me,” he murmurs against your lips. “Please? Wanna feel your pussy tremble around my fingers.” You felt the thread in your stomach winding tighter and tighter until…
Your body jolts you awake and you sit up in the bed with wide eyes. A dream? No…your sticky, cold panties were telling you otherwise. You slowly turn your gaze to the warm body next to you. How did you both get up to bed?
Whatever. That doesn't matter. You check your phone, quickly silencing your alarm so it doesn't wake Xavier up and you jump up to get dressed.
Yeah, leaving. That sounds great. Especially when assignments can be used as an excuse! You put your pants up before cringing at your wet panties. You sigh, taking them off. Guess you're going commando today…you put the clothes in his laundry hamper and hurry out the door.
Almost a whole day went by and you didn't get a single thing done. You were sitting in a daze for the most part, but now you were reading a mature romance novel. Tara had left a few behind in the dorm so you were distracting yourself with them. Though…they weren't helping much. You were imagining all of the sex scenes in the novel with you and Xavier instead…
You slap yourself and quickly stand up. Snacks. Yeah, snacks could help.
You throw on a jacket and leave the house with your book in hand. You read a few pages as you step into the store, walking straight toward the snacks aisle but stop in front of the adult section. Your eyes scan over a few condom boxes.
If…Xavier had a condom yesterday, you would've had sex, right?
Your cheeks heat up and you shake your head. Were you always this obsessed with sex?
You pick up one of the boxes, looking at it and murmuring, “Ribbed…for her pleasure?” You tilt your head to the side. Would that feel good..? You kind of wanted to know, but you probably wouldn't ever find out. Who would you even do it with? Well…isn't Xavier a viable option? Do you like him? You, honestly, are starting to wonder at this point. You might.
“He might be interested in it…considering what happened yesterday,” you murmur under your breath. Your head curiously turns toward the door as you hear a ding come from someone else entering the small store.
You really hope he didn't see the condoms in your hand.
You speed walk to the checkout counter, buying the condoms in your momentary panic and drag him outside.
The two of you sit down on a bench in silence.
Maybe…you could ask him now? Or should you say you like him? Would it be rude to ask for sex without even dating?
“So…about yesterday..” Xavier begins and you excitedly look at him, pretending to play it cool when he looks at you. “We both made a mistake because we were drunk…maybe it's best to just forget about it all together–” Though he pauses once he notices the frown on your face. Your head was spinning and your cheeks felt hot. Did you drink today? It definitely felt like you had some alcohol.
Gosh, you're so embarrassed. Why were you thinking he'd ask to do it again?
“Ah…yeah, of course! We'll forget it ever happened. Yup! Just return everything back to normal, okay? Don't act all awkward when you see me again, you hear!” You awkwardly laugh as you hit his back. “It’s nothing special, am I right?”
“Stop that.” Xavier sighs, body barely moving from your hits. “Oh? Your back muscles are really prominent. Have you been working out again?” Your palm presses against his back and he shakes his head, “You know, it would do you some good to pick up some muscle too. I mean seriously, you–” he pauses as he realizes he has his arm wrapped over your shoulders, fingers touching your waist. Your hand was on his chest with your head resting on his shoulder and…This definitely didn't seem like ‘going back to normal’.
“Anyway, I'm gonna go! It's almost time for the dorm curfew so yeah!” Your ankles twist over one another as you try to quickly escape and you're falling toward the ground. “Hey, be careful–!!”
Xavier's arm wraps under your breasts to hold you up from falling and your hand rests on his elbow.
You both stood there for a moment with red faces until you cleared the silence with a nervous question, “Hey, I…Can I come over to your place..?”
Xavier kicks the door closed behind him, already closing in on you. You trip and fall back, the two of you landing on the floor with his hand cushioning your head. He looks over at the stairs before grabbing your arms. “Wrap your arms around my neck.” He tells you and you do it without question.
Suddenly, you're in the air with his hands gripping your ass as he hurries to his room. You can feel something hard– probably his dick– pressing hard between your thighs before he practically tosses you on his bed. Your body bouncing against the mattress as Xavier puts his hands on either side of your waist. You lean back on your elbows as you look up at him, nervously.
“Should I…take this off?” You tilt your head to the side, unzipping your hoodie to reveal your tank top underneath. “Should we?” Xavier lifts his shirt over his head and tosses it somewhere in the room. Then, he's back on top of you.
He pulls down your shorts and panties in one swipe, then your tank top follows so you're only in your sports bra while he's still wearing his sweatpants. His hand moves down to your pussy, tapping his fingertips against your clit before his middle finger dips past your entrance.
“Does it hurt?” He asks, finger gliding in easily with how wet you were. “N-no,” you choke out, doing your best to hold back any noises as he begins to thrust his finger. “I'm ah okay.” Your hips jerk and he holds them down with his other hand. “You're so…wet. Is that normal?” He asks as he adds a second finger. “How would I know!?” Your nails dig into his shoulder and Xavier lets out a hiss between his teeth, “Honestly…I've been hard since we were outside my door.”
“I know, I felt it.” A moan leaves your lips as he moves his fingers faster. Wet squelching sounds come from between your legs as his palm smacks against your clit with every thrust. “X-Xavier!” “I can feel your pussy squeezing around my fingers, are you close?” He questions as he curls your fingers and your body squirms underneath his grip as you cry out and come undone underneath him. “Ah…you didn't even answer me.” He tsks with a small pout.
“I'm…sorry.” An apology slurs from your lips as you try to catch your breath and Xavier pulls his finger out, bringing them up to his lips. He gives them a curious sniff before licking up his fingers, taking in your taste with a small hum.
“Fuck…are you gonna whip it out?” You sit up on your elbows, eyeing the wet spot on the front of his sweatpants and he chuckles, “Alright, greedy girl. I’m getting it out.”
He moves to take off both his sweatpants and boxers before he gets back onto the bed, stroking his dick with one hand. “Hey, grab the condoms.” He jerks his head toward your bag and you roll over to grab it from the floor. You feel a hard slap against your ass as soon as you grab the square packet and jerk your head toward Xavier. “What the hell?” The culprit holds his hands up in defeat and you hand him the condom as you lay on your back.
Xavier rips open the packet with his teeth, one hand still rubbing his cock before he rolls the condom along his length. His pretty pink tip was already leaking precum. He rubs his cock against your clit, coating the condom in your juices and then lightly presses the tip against your hole. “Ah–” you grab Xavier's shoulders to get his attention, “please be gentle?”
He smiles down at you, nodding his head as he slowly pushes inside. He waits a few moments, allowing your pussy to suck more of his length in as you adjust to his size. “It..hurts..” you bite down on your bottom lip. This was nothing like what the romance novel said. What the fuck. “Breathe,” he whispers, resting his forehead against yours. His hand moving down to roll his thumb against your clit. His other hand moves to arch your back, fingers pressing against your spine and a loud moan slips from your lips. Your hands smacking against your mouth in surprise.
“What's this, Y/n?” Xavier scoffs, a grin tugging at his lips. “Does it feel good when I touch your back?” He licks his lips as he lightly scratches his nails against your back. “A-ah, stop–” Another moan leaves you as he begins to move. His hips snapping forward and his balls slap against your ass. “Xav– fuck, please–” You weren’t sure what you were asking for, at this point. He changes the angle of his hips and you gasp out, legs wrapping around his waist as your back arches. “Hnngh!” You roll your hips up to match his thrusts, your gaze on his face to watch as it contorts with pleasure.
“Ahhh..fuck!” Xavier's hips still and you look up at him with a raised brow, “Did you just…” “Fuck, it's my first time too..I'll do better.” He pulls out to tie off the condom and tosses it in his trash can. He leans over to grab another one, rolling it onto his cock as he lines it back up with your pussy.
The pace is as harsh as ever. Skin slapping on skin, wet sounds and moans filling up the otherwise quiet room.
You can't even remember how many times you've came at this point, tied up condoms littering the floor since Xavier missed the trash multiple times. Your hands press against his sweaty chest as your equally sweaty body feels weak. “You said that was the last time!” You gasp out, legs shaky. “You've gotta cum one more time and then we're done, yeah? You can do it for me, right?” He throws one of your legs over his shoulder as he slowly thrusts into you. His thumb rubbing your clit to match his pace. “We'll cum together and then sleep, hmm?” He murmurs, dipping his head down for a soft kiss as he languidly thrusts into you.
You're not even sure if you can cum again, but you can't say no to that pretty face so you tiredly nod your head. Your fingers lightly running through his hair as you felt that stomach heat up. A soft moan slipping into his mouth as you came for the nth time.
Xavier's head turns to the side to break the kiss as he bites his lip and cums at the feeling of your warm pussy spasming around his dick. He pulls out, throwing the condom away once more and collapses next to you, one arm across your stomach. “Night…Xavi.” You yawn, eyes slowly drifting closed.
The next time you wake up, everything comes crashing back to you but you're not as shocked. If anything, you're content with it. You've come to terms with your feelings rather quickly and decided you would run away this time. But when you turn to see Xavier, he’s not there. You frown. Huh…was this how he felt when you weren't next to him before?
You get out of bed, pulling on one of Xavier's shirts as you wobbly walk into the kitchen. He must've cleaned you up since you didn't feel sweaty or sticky. Maybe he's still home..
You pause as you smell something and run to the kitchen like a newborn deer. Xavier can’t cook to save his life so you wanted to salvage the food somehow. You skid to a halt once you notice he's just heating up leftovers in the microwave.
“Oh, so you didn't try to sneak out on me today.” Xavier comments once he spots you behind him, his gaze raking up your bare legs. You snap your fingers and pout, “Hey! Eyes up here, idiot. We're not going at it again yet, I can barely feel my legs.”
“Yet?” He raises an eyebrow, setting a plate down on the counter. “Who says we'll do it again?”
“Mmh..” You pretend to think for a moment before you sheepishly smile, “Your…girlfriend?”
Xavier blinks at you owlishly in surprise before he shakes his head with a small laugh. “Girlfriend…yeah, that sounds nice. Great way to ask someone out, dumb ass.” He carries the plates toward his kitchen table. “Now let's eat before my dumb girlfriend passes away from starvation.”
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I'm gonna post this now, before I update TOF since I've got it done! I'm sorry for the abrupt ending, but I'm glad I finished it because apparently Tumblr doesn't like things over 12k. I gotta take note of that for the future..
I hope you guys don't mind that I couldn't go through and use italics and bold. I would have but my Tumblr is being so laggy from the word count that I honestly can't bring myself to do it. Anyways, I'm not sure when I'll write the next ones in this mini-series, but I hope you enjoyed reading through this! It's a lot longer compared to my usual updates. But yeah! ToF updates later on today so I hope you're ready for that!! <3
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wandagcre · 8 months
Ghostface Sam murdering R’s girlfriend in front of her (and R not even caring as she lets Sam pull her in).
It was how R got revenge on the women who once made fun of her as a girl. Quinn was the final kill. 👀
(For the request post in the tags if you’re feeling it, 💕)
murder on the dancefloor | sam carpenter 🔞
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WARNING: ghostface!sam, graphic violence, revenge, premeditated murder, this is just foreplay between reader and ghostface!sam tbh
The redhead was in front of you, face and mascara ruined with her unstoppable tears. Her wrists and legs intricatedly knotted in ropes, chaffing and red as she fought against the tight bounds.
Both roped somewhere in an abandoned house, a loud bonfire party happening in the miles away, but your phone was left and your girlfriend's were smashed by the Ghostface's sturdy black boots. Surrounded with an eerie silence and cold breeze, the unforgiving night is close to the end of this all.
You knew it was no use. There was no help coming in. You looked up in the dim lighting as you silently wailed, unmoving and seemingly has succumbed to the Ghostface's wishes.
"We're going to be alright," Your girlfriend uttered in between her cries for help. "We- we'll be alright, love,"
The flat of the knife was held to your girlfriend's neck. She shivered as it flipped to the knife's spine being pushed - a warning of what was about to come. You sniffled and shook your head.
Ghostface tutted her tongue. "Like Harvey and Rachel? How pathetic you must be. Reassuring (y/n) with your sweet little lies," The voice changer roared the last words with disgust. "I'm sure you have plenty of experience with that."
The redhead courageously looked up to the looming Ghostface. Under the dim light, you see her exhausted and dampened eyelids.
"FUCK you! We've done nothing wrong, we have nothing to contribute to your fuck ass games and dumb movie!" She says through gritted teeth and hoarse voice.
Ghostface tilts their head in wonder.
"Oh, but this isn't about the dumb movies, FUCK those movies." You see Ghostface tighten her grip in the kitchen knife's tang, flipping to its sharp edge. "But you were right about one thing. Your pretty girlfriend right there, hasn't done anything wrong at all."
Your girlfriend was confused by the perpetrator's words. How can she be involved, yet you were absolved?
"What do you mean?"
The heavy swish of the knife soundly makes it way to the air right before the tip of it comes in contact with the redhead's shoulder blade. She shrieks in agony, echoing through the abandoned building. Ghostface doesn't even move their face - even with the mask on, you feel their unwavering gaze over you. she takes another hit on the right side of her shoulder blade, Ghostface makes sure that it was plunged in deep and the blood rushes madly, insides squelching as they twist the knife for good measure.
The concrete crackles under the dense boots as Ghostface saunter their way towards you. Even in her weakest state, your girlfriend pitifully shouts in protest - not wanting you to be harmed.
"You have to witness this, it is the biggest highlight of your night!" Ghostface cheerfully says through the cold and grimly dubbed voice.
"S-shut the fuck up! Don't- don't h-hurt her!"
Her pleads of concern almost melted you. Almost.
Then the perplexed look behind her eyes made you chuckle. You can't stifle it anymore as the joy roared in your lungs. Ghostface joins in your sound of glee, her sharp knife effectively untying you from the brash restraints.
"You've already hurt her, 6 years ago. Poor (y/n/n) didn't have the strength to come to school, all because she feared you and your friends. The humiliation and stress you have put her through..."
"She, she's already forgiven me for that! I-I was under the influence of pressure and fitting in!"
You giggled as you slowly walked, casual and as though in wonder. "So, you were radicalized by these dead friends of yours?"
"I-I'm still confused. (y/n), we talked about this, right love? What's going on?"
Ghostface tilts their head again. They move to grasp your girlfriend's jaw, the edge of the bloodied knife taunting to cut through the skin of her cheek. They laugh mockingly at how the redhead was convinced by her own words. "And yet, you haven't figured it out yet. I'm here to help my girlfriend - (y/n/n) to put an end to the suffering you caused. She was never yours and never will be."
"Welcome to the act three, Quinn." you smirked and Ghostface was undeniably so proud of you.
The aghast look on her face upon realization was priceless. The blood had drained over Quinn's face, close to seeing the light and your reckoning was very unexpected. You were so sweet, an angel, she couldn't believe it...
You had the sweet front view of the Ghostface slitting your girlfriend's throat. It went deep enough for the blood to ooze disturbingly squirt, it didn't help that she soon choked for more cries of help, as the knife wounds to cut the blood vessels that once sustained the redhead's then alive body, completely draining them out.
Sam takes off her currently tainted crimson Ghostface mask, revealing her sweaty yet perfect face. Your fingers thread through her hair as she pulls you closer and you brushed your thumb over Sam's bottom lip, going for a much needed liplock.
It was Quinn's view before her dying breath has finally come.
Sam gently took your hand. "I'm so proud of you." She whispers intimately against your skin.
The desire and admiration between you two was palpable. In a normal person's view, it would be nothing else but simply disturbing.
"And I'm thankful for you. We really do make a good pair, Sam."
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amymbona · 1 month
i need angst so !! thinking about patrick with an introverted, shy, kinda closed off reader who sometimes needs to just be by herself and isolates and ghosts the people around her because she gets overwhelmed. and of course patrick gets mad because he doesn't get it and he confronts her about it and they get in a huge argument idk. i feel like she's a lot like a female version of art and she gest sneaky and mean when she's angry so i just imagine patrick seeing this part of her for the first time and they end up saying the worst things to each other
thank you <33
Patrick angst Zweig <3
I think that, as much as Patrick tries to be a good guy, he's just really oblivious and fails to notice important stuff. It doesn't mean that he doesn't care - no no no - but he's simply kinda stupid. And unfortunately, he's having issues with figuring out certain social cues.
So when your responses are dry, only sending simple yes and no to his messages, Patrick gets really pissed. What exactly is the issue - do you suddenly hate him? Has he done something so terrible that offended you and you weren't even able to talk to him about it? Or is it the harsh truth that you don't want to be friends with him anymore? While you're (somewhat) peacefully asleep, hoping to get past your anxiety in that way, Patrick spends hours pacing around his room, literal steam shooting from his ears.
And then he storms into your dorm in the middle of the night - because Patrick Zweig doesn't understand the concept of time and because Patrick Zweig doesn't care if somebody wants to get rest and mainly because Patrick Zweig doesn't like waiting - so you're forced to listen to him rant, half asleep, in your pyjamas.
"I don't understand it, I just - did I do something? - or what is it? Why won't you just tell me?"
"Patrick, just go to your place. We'll talk in the morning," you beg him with a sleepy voice, eyes closing.
He stomps towards your bed, hands on his hips, staring down at your tired frame, "Why? Why won't you just talk to me? You've been ignorin' me since the start of the week. What the hell's your issue?"
"Just go," you plead once again, genuinely not in the mood for any of it.
"Don't tell me to go - goddamn - don't sleep now! Just talk to me, for fuck's sake," Patrick is still pushing his luck, unable to respect your wishes. He is determined to get this answer. And unfortunately, that pushes you over the edge.
"Why do you have to be so pushy all the time? Oh my god, just leave me alone - why don't you get it? I'm not texting you cause I wanna be alone!"
He's dumbfounded, totally.
"What the hell, Y/N?"
But you're having none of it, sadly, too upset about this whole treatment, about Patrick constantly chasing you, glued to your back, not allowing you a single moment for yourself. You love him, but you need to be alone as well, "You're after me all the time - do you have an idea how frusttating that is? I can't be with you all the time, Pat. I'm not a robot, I need some time for myself too!"
And you know Patrick is quite an emotional guy, dependent too. He requires constant reassurance and presence of his loved ones - so much, that he's blind to all the hints of discomfort, unable to understand the world doesn't revolve around him.
"Oh," he nods, stepping away from your bed slowly, "Okay."
Like a harsh shake, the realisation that you have unintentionally hurt his feelings wakes you up. But you couldn't hold it back, you just couldn't, when you were so overwhelmed, "Wait, Patrick-"
"No no no," he cuts you off, "Good night."
And then you're left alone. But suddenly, you don't want to be alone. You want Patrick to come back, to be here, lay next to you and talk your ear off. To rant and rant and rant until you're asleep, unaware of anything he's saying, but snuggled closely to his side. Hurriedly, you pick up your phone and text him.
Y/N: pat [0:28 am]
Y/N: sorry [0:28 am]
Y/N: i'm sorry [0:28 am]
Y/N: come baxk [0:28 am]
Y/N: please [0:29 am]
Y/N: sorry [0:29 am]
Y/N: :( [0:29 am]
[seen by Patrick Zweig]
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libraryofgage · 3 months
The Wish Job (One)
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually
Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three | Four | Five Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two | Three Harley Quinn One | Two1 0th Doctor and Rose One | Two (on the way!) Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One | Two Queen Clarisse Renaldi One | Two | Three Leverage Crew One (you're here!)
This fic was line jumped! If you'd like to learn more about line jumping (getting to see your favorite fics updated sooner) you can read this post
I had a lot of thoughts for this AU, actually, so I'm really glad it got line jumped so I was forced to put them down into words lol
Steve becomes one of Nana's foster kids, but he spends a majority of this series with the Leverage crew working a job (as the name of this series suggests), and they fill similarly parental role.
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;P
After his father's arrest, everything is a blur. Steve can remember flashes, sure, but nothing concrete. Nothing more than two FBI agents in the door of his classroom, the cold steel of interrogation room chairs, an agent's ponytail with split ends, a kind smile but clammy hand on his elbow, the broken A/C of the car when he finally left the FBI office, and the slippery feel of the garbage bag he's given to pack 14 years of a life he'll never see again.
Nothing comes back into focus until he's faced with an older black woman, standing outside a two-story house. The man with a kind smile but clammy hands introduces her, but Steve doesn't actually hear the name.
"You can call me Nana," the woman says, looking at the man like she doesn't know why he's still there when his work is obviously done.
"Well, uh, Steve, feel free to call if you need anything. We'll keep in touch," the man says, nodding before half-running down the walk way.
"Never liked him," Nana says, clicking her tongue. "Too damn squirrely for my tastes. Now, Steve, come inside and we'll go over some ground rules."
Steve follows her mechanically, gripping his trash bag tightly and wondering far too late why he wasn't allowed to pack his own suitcases. The house is a cacophony of noises: feet running across wood floors, a TV blaring from the living room, shouts coming from every direction, a microwave beeping while the oven timer rings, a crash from the next room over that makes Steve wince.
Nana stands in the doorway, takes a deep breath, and then shouts at the top of her lungs, "Y'all had better stop all this racket right the fuck now before I cancel pizza night!"
The house goes silent, and Steve feels his shoulders tense even more. He hates the silence. Silence means anger, and anger means punishment. He clenches his jaw, trying to keep himself small as Nana nods and leads the way into a dining room.
A girl appears in the room shortly after, carrying a mug and a soda. She places the mug in front of Nana and the soda in front of an empty seat, gesturing for Steve to sit. "Welcome. I can take your bag, if you want," she offers, looking at the trash bag with bright eyes.
"Don't make trouble, Breanna," Nana says, dismissing her easily.
Steve watches her leave before sitting. He licks his lips, opens the soda as quietly as he can manage, and waits for Nana to take a sip from her mug before saying, "Thank you for taking me in, ma'am."
"I said to call me Nana, none of that ma'am business unless you're in trouble, and you're not in trouble," she says, waving her hand dismissively. "Now, the rules. No complaining about sharing a room. No TV remote access after seven because that's when my shows start. We all eat dinner together on Wednesday night. You go to school every day unless you're sick, and you tell me when you're feeling sick. You got all that?"
"Yes, m....Nana."
"Good. Now, I know you're used to a fancier living than this, but I expect you to adjust without too much complaint. You still get your own bed, and whatever you brought is yours to keep, but money is tight. We save where we can, and I expect you to help with that. Turn off lights, use less water, unplug things when you're not using them."
Steve nods again, inexplicably feeling a little better as Nana speaks. She's not treating him like a spoiled brat, but she's not coddling him, either. She gets another boy (an older one named Hardison) to give him a tour of the house. He shows Steve the mezzuzahs on each door and the Kaaba directional marker in each room---"We're a multi-denominational household, kid, Nana will get whatever you need if she doesn't have it already," Hardison says, grinning widely at him---and makes sure he knows which spots are good for hiding when he needs a few minutes.
He ends the tour at Steve's new room. It has two bunk-beds, three of the bunks with rumpled sheets and one bottom bunk devoid of sheets altogether. Hardison gives Steve blue sheets, welcomes him, and then leaves Steve to unpack by himself.
It's new, it's unfamiliar, it's terrifying. Steve hopes, despite himself, that it's not a temporary stop.
"I don't care! He can't stay!"
"We're already in London, Hardison. We can hardly send him back on a plane by himself."
"Isn't that how he got here in the first place? He's 17, not seven."
Steve moves his gaze from Hardison to Sophie to Eliot, feeling like he's watching a tennis match. He's sandwiched between Nate and Parker, a hand on his shoulder holding him back from trying to defend himself. Not that he's upset about it. Keeping everyone from turning their frustration on him sounds like a great idea.
"Yeah, and how did he get here?" Parker asks, dashing Steve's hopes right as they're forming.
He shifts uncomfortably as everyone looks at him, ducking his head and staring at the floor. A small part of him is frustrated, angrily protesting the familiar move when its usual target has long been absent.
"Hey, give him some room," Hardison says, moving forward to push Nate and Parker back a few steps. He stands at an angle to Steve, leaving him plenty of room to move away if he wants. "Nobody's angry, kid. Well, I'm a little mad, but only because you could be putting yourself in danger. So, how'd you catch up to us?"
Steve wonders for a brief moment about whose wrath he'd rather endure. In the end, he decides Breanna is scarier than Hardison, so he lies. "Nana and I overheard you on the phone with Parker at Hannukah dinner, and then Nana said she gets worried about you sometimes," he says, meeting Hardison's eyes before glancing away. He makes himself small again, but it's on purpose this time, broadcasting shame as he adds, "I still have, um, access to my savings account...from my....from them. Enough for a plane ticket and cab ride, at least."
"Aww, Nana worries about us," Parker says, smiling brightly as she nudges Eliot with her elbow. "That's sweet."
"If it weren't a lie," Sophie says, her lips pursed and her eyebrows raised slightly as she walks closer to Steve. She taps his shoulder, his temple, and his hand. "Lowered head but not as low as before. Shoulders drawn in but tense to hold them there. Fingers twitching just slightly. Impressive, I will admit, but I'm a professional, darling."
Steve sighs and lifts his head, his shoulders relaxing some as he frowns. "You didn't have to call me out on it," he mumbles.
"Breanna got you here, didn't she? Ain't no way you'd lie to protect anyone else."
"She could ruin me, Hardison."
"I can ruin you, too, did you forget about that?"
Steve considers him for a moment before shrugging.
"Well," Nate says, clapping his hands together and pulling everyone's attention to him. "Steve is here now, we might as well use him. Sophie, give him an Italian accent and some suede shoes."
"I can already speak Italian," Steve says, "and I have my own suede shoes to match a Cesare Attolini suit." He feels something like guilt twinge in his stomach when Hardison glances at him. Steve's mother may have forfeited custody of him, but she still sends gifts every now and then. Steve usually sells them, slips the cash into drawers and wallets and couch cushions so they can be discovered by Nana and his foster siblings.
The suit and shoes, though? Steve couldn't bring himself to sell them. If there was one thing he missed about life before Nana's foster home, it was the clothes. It was the way his clothes made him feel like a better version of himself, a version everyone would admire and approve of. So, yeah, he'd kept the clothes and shoes his mother sent him two months ago, and he'd packed them for this trip just because.
He'd glad they seem to be coming in handy.
After processing his words, Nate blinks, a smile growing on his face like he's discovered a treasure he won't be letting go of any time soon.
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elliesleftboob · 4 months
maybe we have more in common than you think part 1
Warnings: more fluff and angst, but still 18+, cursing, dealer!ellie, mean!ellie, alcohol and weed usage.
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As a kid you always loved dinosaurs, always expressing your love for them as you showed your parents fun facts about the Spinosaurus, but as you got older you lost your passion for it after Ellie fucking Williams bullied you for a presentation you had done in Highschool- you never liked Ellie but you were friends with Dina, Jesse, and Cat so you forced yourself to like her...
"hey" your roommate Dina says to get your attention, taking out your headphones you turn your attention away from the computer sitting in front of you. "Watcha doinggggggg?" Her voice hyped up, you knew she wanted something, she was always like this when she wanted something from you.
"what do you want?" You look up at her with a slightly worried expression, you never knew with her- last time she asked you for something was to go pick Ellie up after she had a panic attack on weed and she couldn't drive, but you wanted to see what she wanted.
"wanna come to Jesse's tonight?" She moves closer to toy with your hair- you sigh, whenever Dina was going to Jesse's to smoke, Ellie was there.
"will Ellie be there?" Your tone soft and slightly tired of asking this question.
"yeah but! So will Cat and I promise we'll make sure that she doesn't bug you"
You groan loudly.
"c'mon, you've been studying all day" Dina grabs the pillow and slams it on your back making you giggle loudly. "Fine-"
"yes! I love you!"
"yeah, yeah, lemme get ready" You get up and shower- keeping your hair down as you put on your baggy jeans, just mentally preparing yourself for the horror it is to sit in the same room with Ellie- memories crawling back to when you were younger
1 year ago -
"why do you even bother?" Ellie says to you, you turn your attention away from your phone to look at her "what?" you chuckle nervously.
"I mean like, you, yourself. Why even bother with college? you don't do anything anyways, always in your room doing fuck all"
You look at her in shock
"And you like dinosaurs still it's fucking childish" she laughs, tears swelling in your eyes as you look at your phone, she always does this when you're alone with her you think to yourself- "I- uh" your voice cracks "you fucking crying?" she frowns, you excuse yourself to the bathroom as you cry and cry, you weren't sure how long you had been crying for but obviously it was a long time.
"can I come in?" a familiar voice says, knocking at the door, you sniffle and unlock the door- eyes red from crying, nose red, and face flushed "Oh sweetie" Dina says, pulling you into a big hug, you sobbed in her arms for a few minutes before regaining yourself and calming down-
"what happened?" she says, Ellie looking at you and shaking her head, you knew she didn't want you to say so you just look at Dina and stay silent "ellie" you whisper, only loud enough for Dina to hear.
The rest of the night was silent, it was filled with Dina screaming at Ellie and telling her to stop bullying you and to stop being a dick, you always appreciated Dina but you felt like a little kid who couldn't defend themselves.
Present day
Yet again you are alone with Ellie in Jesse's living room when Dina went to get food with Jesse...
The silence was so loud
"you smoke?" Ellie says, trying to break the tension 'no' you quietly reply back.
"if you were wanna smoke, let me know" she looks at you "Ellie, what are you trying to do? If you want to bully me again just fucking say that instead of playing nice"
"I'm not, I'm trying to be nice Jesus" She lights her joint and you cover your nose as the smell of weed hits your nose-
more silence
Dina: sorry, it's taking so long- will be home in 15, everything going good with Ellie?
You: ya, she's tryna start a convo with me lol idk what to say
you turn your phone off and turn to Ellie, a very stoned Ellie who is looking at the lava lamp.
"you good?" you ask and she just laughs "yeah, man. I'm good"
you bite the inside of your cheek and nod, she turns her attention to you.
"Dinosaurs are cool man... I don't think i ever told you that shit" you giggle "what?"
"The Spinosaurus, that shit is sick! What's your favorite Dinosaur?"
this was unexpected, was it the weed? Maybe she wasn't a total bitch- but it's Ellie, too good to be true
"Uh, I'd say Stegosaurus or Triceratops, they're peaceful creatures- they mean no harm" you smile at Ellie and she moves closer, she's funny when she's high.
"I like the indoraptor" she blurts out, you frown "they are cool, dope as shit"
"that's.. Not a real dino els, it's a hybrid"
"the fuck is a hybrid?"
"I assume you watched Jurassic world part 1,2 and 3?" she nods "It's a hybrid of the Indominus rex and velociraptor genome" she nods even more, "interesting" she's lost in thought, you roll your eyes and chuckle.
"what's your number?" Ellie mumbles, the shock on your face, makes her blush slightly "pardon me?"
"What is your number" she says more clearly.... You think about it some more and give her your number- and that's how you started hanging out, she would come over to yours whenever Dina wasn't around or you'd go to hers when Jesse wasn't there- you'd watch her get high and play video games, just enjoying herself, you'd gossip about everything, for fuck sakes you even found out how much she loved Dinosaurs and talked to her about that or she'd ramble on about astrology, it felt like she was truly your friend until one night when Cat, Abby, Dina, Jesse, you and herself where all hanging out and Dina brought it up and Ellie denied it, you pulled her aside to talk to her.
"Ellie what the fuck?" she chuckles slightly as you manage to push her to the wall, obviously angry, she puts her hands on your shoulders to make you feel smaller "not like we were ever friends"
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a:n, sorry it's so short! It's my first time writing in this fandom! Lmk if you want a part 2
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omg okay I have a hurt/comfort request (I loooove all your writing btw 💕💕)
So reader goes with Tai and Van on the expedition south, and ends up with a leg scratch, however they hide it whilst helping Van back, because it’s ‘less important’.
When half the group arrives back to tell the others that Van is injured they go out instantly, Nat sorta notices the readers slow pace but didn’t think much of it.
Once they’re all back at the cabin and watching Van get patched up, the reader sits down, deathly pale from blood loss, Nat realises something is really wrong and she’s worried sick 😣
She gets you to admit to you leg wound and rolls up your jeans to see how bad it is and her face visibly drops. Reader prepares themselves for harshness but Nat is so sweet and gentle and worried, she can’t even comprehend scolding.
Nat bandages the wound and comforts the readers pain so sweetly, (being like “I know, I know it hurts, I’m nearly done”) and gets her to bed etc, reader falls asleep with her head in Nats lap
It's Gonna Be Okay, Baby
Summary: Your explorative trip ended worse than imagined, and your girlfriend helps patch you up.
Warnings: canon typical depictions of violence, injury, and mentions of death (nobody dies dw), mentions of nausea and vomiting, mentions of passing out
Thank you anon, for the compliment! It means a lot :)
You stood in the cabin, alone with Natalie as the rest of the girls stood outside, waiting to send everyone off.
"Y/n, please. Stay here. I want you here." Natalie was practically begging you, but you'd already made up your mind. You were going. Going wit Tai and Van and the others. You had to.
"I'm going with them. Taissa's finally doing something, and I'm not leaving her. I know that you can't go, that you have to find food for the others. But this is my way of helping. You can see that, right?" You take her hands in yours, squeezing them gently.
"They'll be fine without you, please. I'm sure they'll be alright. I just-" She inhales, composing herself. "I just want to make sure that you'll be safe."
"I will. But I'm going to be safe out there, finding help. I have to do this."
For a moment, it looks like she's going to keep arguing, that defiant look still in her eyes. But she softens after a moment, nodding. She knows that this is important to you, that you want to do what you can for the good of everyone. That didn't make the fact that you were leaving her hurt any less.
You almost say it for the first time. I love you. The words are on the tip of your tongue. They have been ever since you crashed, ever since you kissed that first time in the middle of the night, both of you unable to sleep. The two of you'd been dancing around romance for months, and it took a goddammed plane crash to get you to admit your feelings.
Instead, you opted for silence and a hug tighter than any you'd given her before. You hoped that it conveyed everything you were thinking.
I love you. I need you. I promise everything will be alright. I'll be back.
She hugged back, hands grasping at the back of your t-shirt. When you pulled away from the hug, she looked at you for a moment, seemingly drinking you in. Like she wanted to commit every part of you to memory.
The two of you walked outside, Natalie trailing behind you. Tai and the others who decided to come with her were already in the midst of saying goodbyes. Van comes up to hug Natalie, and you move to find Shauna and Lottie.
Lottie finds you first, pulling you in for a tight hug.
"Stay safe, okay? I don't have the best feeling about you leaving." She sounds genuinely terrified, and you squeeze your arms around her reassuringly.
"We'll be fine, Lot. Nothing's going to happen to us." You release her from the hug, and spot Shauna a few feet away.
She gives a small smile as you approach, and you return the look. Unlike Lottie, she doesn't say anything, just gives you a quick hug. Shauna's never been overly sappy or sentimental, but you know she loves you.
Once everyone had said their goodbyes, you turned to start your trek south. Before you can fully leave the clearing, Nat grabs your wrist to pull you into another hug. It doesn't say as much as the one you shared inside the cabin, since everyone was around. But you felt the love in it nonetheless.
When she pulled away, you give her another quick smile and turn to follow the rest of the group. You don't want to be too far behind.
In front of you, Tai and Van chattered on about horror movies and the bone necklace Lottie gave to Van. You couldn't help but feel jealous that your own girlfriend wasn't there. Not that there was any solid confirmation from either of them that they were together, but you knew. They were always sneaking off together, always glued to the hip, always coming back from foraging with puffy lips and messed up hair. It was endearing, in a way.
Part of you wanted to be upset that Taissa hadn't at least told you about the relationship, but it wasn't like you had revealed to her your own sexuality, let alone your relationship with Nat. So you let it slide. Everyone was entitled to their own secrets.
With Taissa occupied by Van, and Mari and Akilah being attached at the hip, that left you with Misty to talk to or to be alone with your thoughts. You chose the latter. Not that you disliked Misty, but she could be a lot to deal with sometimes. You were already preoccupied enough, you didn't need to end up snapping at Misty and have everyone pissy at you.
So, you walked alone with your thoughts. Thoughts about what might happen on this trip, thoughts about what Lottie was saying earlier about having a "bad feeling". But mostly, you thought about Nat and what she might be doing right now. Hunting, probably. She didn't do much else. She could be talking to Shauna, or more likely Lottie, or even Coach. It was a little upsetting knowing that she wasn't here with you, but you also knew she had a responsibility to the rest of the team. She was their hunter, even if there wasn't much to hunt anymore.
All of a sudden, you felt your foot catch on something and you lurch forward, stumbling right into Van. Luckily, she catches you, and she's laughing.
"God, fuck, I'm an idiot. I wasn't watching where I was going. Sorry, Van." By now, you're smiling, too, and you can hear giggles from behind you.
"You didn't twist your ankle, did you? It'd kind of suck if someone had to be your crutch until we found civilization," she joked, clearly not upset at all.
you right yourself and do a quick assessment, noting that everything felt and looked fine. "I think I'm good. I'll pay more attention, promise."
With that, you all continued on for a couple more hours before the sun began to set. Mari and Misty started a fire, and everyone else just sat around the firepit, getting warm and comfortable. Well, as comfortable as you can get in the middle of the woods.
After a few beats of silence, Van starts to tell everyone the plot of some rom-com that she had watched. It was entertaining to hear about, especially since you hadn't seen a movie in months, and the one she wad describing was one you hadn't watched. She rattled on for was probably twenty to thirty minutes. Not that you had much sense of time out here, especially at night.
Then, you heard it. Wolves. Everyone froze for a moment, remembering Coach Ben's words from months ago.
"Wolves are scared of humans. Plus, they sound pretty far away. No one has to worry," Tai assured everyone, her words sounding so firm nothing could convince you that they weren't true.
"You know who does have to worry? Our girl Sandy." Van quickly goes back to her retelling of the movie, and you relax a bit. By the time she finishes explaining the plot, everyone seems ready to go to sleep. You volunteer to take first watch, knowing it would be easier for you to stay awake rather than have to wake up later.
As everyone else fell asleep, you sat with your thoughts. It started to hit you that this might not have been your best idea, but it was too late to back out now. You missed Natalie, you missed the warmth of all the other girls in the cabin, you missed feeling at least a little bit safe. You honestly wished you were still trekking through the woods, because at least then everyone would be awake.
Taking a deep breath, you try to calm your racing nerves. Everything was fine. You were doing this to find help, and you weren't going to go back empty-handed. They needed you. Natalie needed you.
So you watched, and you waited, and you stayed awake until it physically felt impossible for you not to fall asleep. When you knew you couldn't keep your eyes open much longer, you gently shook Taissa awake.
"Tai... Taissa, wake up. It's your turn." She barely moved, and you were surprised. It wasn't that Tai was normally a light sleeper, but if someone intended to wake her up, it was never this difficult. You knew that, often sharing a room with her, both for away games and sleepovers.
"Taissa. Tai." With that, she finally woke up, still a bit groggy.
"Sorry, Tai, really. But I can't stay awake any longer."
She just stares at you for a moment before slowly sitting up, nodding as she does. It almost feels as if you're back home, waking her up for breakfast at one of your many sleepovers. Almost.
You shoot her a grateful smile and curl up on the ground, begging for sleep to take you. It does, quickly, and you're relieved for that.
The next morning, everyone wakes up only a bit worse for wear. Dirt on the arms, hair messy, mouths tasting like shit. Not much you can do now, but it's still a slight annoyance.
It doesn't take much to get everyone moving, the promise of finding help nudging you along. The morning goes by largely uneventfully, a little less chatter and a little slower than yesterday, but you move.
That is, until you find the dark red stream. The water honestly just looks brown to you, but Van's paranoia about Lottie's dream isn't helpful for morale, but neither is Taissa's outburst. Sometimes you wonder how the two of them could possibly fit together the way that they do, but somehow it works.
The afternoon brings a little more tension, now tired and already grumpy. No one is talking, save for Misty, and it's honestly driving you a bit insane. But you suck it up and smile, trying to bring everyone's mood up, at least a bit.
You take first watch again tonight, to avoid a fight between Tai and Van on who should get to sleep first. It largely goes the same as the night before, trying to stay awake as long as you can to help the girls to sleep for longer, waking Tai up before falling dead asleep.
It's only about an hour later when it happens. First, of course, you hear Van's screams. It takes a moment to process what's going on, and when you do, you immediately jump into action with the others. Fighting off the wolves. You don't know how long you're like that before Taissa appears, finally scaring them away, but by then it's too late.
Van's dead.
Building the pyre, you almost feel numb. Nothing is going on inside your head, except for mild grief at the loss of a friend. So, it's no surprise that you don't notice the large gash on your upper thigh. The adrenaline coursing through you blocks away the pain.
When you do notice, it's an easy decision to cover it up. You'd be fine, it wasn't that bad. Honestly, it barely hurt. That's what you told yourself, anyways.
So, you change your pants before Van's makeshift funeral.
"Really?" Van chokes awake, sputtering on her own blood. "Fire?"
In an Instant, Taissa is hysterical, and everyone is moving Van off of the lit pyre. Part of you is relieved, the other terrified.
Misty helps Taissa to wrap Van's face as best as possible, and you again forget about the pain in your leg. When you start moving back to the cabin, you can barely feel it, you're so focused on getting Van back alive.
"Just leave me here to die." It hits you like a punch to the gut, and you can't imagine how it feels for Tai.
"No. We're getting you back there." Taissa is firm, and you're grateful for her. When she tells the four of you to go on, you do it.
In hindsight, you aren't even sure how you managed to make it back. Your jeans were soaked with blood, a combination of both yours and Van's.
You practically collapse into Natalie when you see her, only managing to get out "Van," before trying to drag her into the woods. Luckily, Misty and Akilah seem to be more eloquent, explaining to the rest of the Yellowjackets what happened.
It doesn't take long for everyone to get moving, wasting no time in trying to find Taissa and Van.
You join in on the yelling, trying to keep up with everyone else. your leg is beginning to really hurt now, but you force yourself to keep pushing. Van needs you.
"Is she okay? She's limping," Natalie asks Akilah, voice low, as if she doesn't want you to hear.
"She tripped the other day, it might just be because of that. I'm sure she's fine." Suddenly, you're grateful for your fall. You didn't need someone freaking out over you instead of Van.
It isn't long after that you find them, curled up together on the forest floor. Taissa looks determined, more determined than she ever has before. And Van looks horrible. But with the help of Shauna and Natalie, she stands enough to drag her back to the cabin.
The stitches are the worst part. Everyone holding her down, the screams. You want to cover your ears and cry, but you don't. You hold Van down as she gets her stitches, and when she's done, you all but collapse on the floor.
Natalie comes to sit next to you, wrapping her arm around your shoulder.
"Hey. Are you okay? I noticed that you were limping earlier. And you've got blood all over you." She looks concerned, but you brush her off.
"It's Van's. And I tripped the other day." Neither thing was a lie, but it definitely wasn't the truth either.
"Y/n, seriously. You're pale as shit, you're limping. Just let me check your leg, okay?" She looks at you, and you immediately cave. It's easier to just pull off your pants, and by this point everyone has seen your underwear anyway.
She looks genuinely terrified, and you brace yourself for harshness, for "I told you so" or "Why wouldn't you say anything?" or "How could you be so stupid?"
Instead, Natalie softens, looking more worried than you'd ever seen her, save for the plane crash. She inspects the gash, noting the length and depth of it. You don't want to look, knowing how ugly it had looked before, sure it was worse now.
"Shit, fuck, okay. Relax, I'm going to get Misty or Akilah, and they can sew it up for you. It's gonna be okay, baby." She squeezes your hand softly before finding Akilah and the same needle and thread used on Van. She also brings water, and a stick for you to bite down on.
You take the water gratefully, sipping it slowly. The blood loss is making you dizzy and nauseous. While passing out could be a blessing when getting stitches, vomiting wouldn't be.
Nat sits beside you again, holding your hand as Akilah starts the stitches. You cry out, gripping Natalie's hand tightly.
"Shh, it's okay, it's going to be fine, you've got this." She keeps whispering soft, reassuring words to you, and you've never been more grateful for her in your life.
The stitches make you feel ten times worse, and it takes all your strength not to lose consciousness. You focus on Natalie next to you, trying to match her slow, steady breathing. It helps a little, and so does the fact that she's still telling you how strong you are, how amazing you're doing.
Finally, Akilah finishes, and you breathe a sigh of relief.
"You should wrap it up with a clean bandage," Akilah says to Natalie, and you know she means with a strip of cloth. Nat nods, grabbing one of her own t-shirts and ripping a strip from it.
"I'm gonna have to touch it, I'm sorry." She genuinely looks so sad, but you're grateful for the help.
"No, it's okay." When she hears you, she just nods again before wrapping the cloth around the wound. You wince, but the sting is mild compared to all that you'd been through in the past 24 hours.
Nat sits next to you again, and you're so exhausted that you don't care who sees you. You lie your head in Natalie's lap, and she immediately starts running her hand over your hair. It's nice, soft and intimate, something not readily available in the Wilderness. You drink all of it in, the way her thighs feel under your head, the way her hand feels on your hair.
"I love you." The words are firm, like they're the realest thing in this place. You feel Natalie's breath hitch for a second, but you don't have time to worry about what it could mean.
"I love you too." She leans down to press a kiss to your temple, and you swear this is heaven.
It doesn't take long after that to fall asleep, feeling safer than you have in months.
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maidragoste · 2 years
We'll be fine
Aemond Targaryen x Reader (Daughter of Rhaenyra) 
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
TW: Inc*st, Angst
part 2 part3
Summary: Greens win AU. Rhaenyra Targaryen is dead, the war seems to be over but that doesn't mean there is peace. Your relationship with Aemond is strained after he killed your brother and he will leave you for Alys Rivers.
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Frustration. That was what Aemond felt. Pure frustration. All he wanted was to be with you, to have you in his arms again but you refused to sleep in the same room as him. This morning you hardly looked at him when he went to your room to see the children.
Aemond hated himself for allowing himself to be bewitched by that witch. Worst of all, you didn't seem to believe him. You thought he cheated on you because he wanted to because he didn't love you. It hurt him that you doubted his love for you and their children. But how could I blame you? He had abandoned you in the middle of the war, you gave birth alone and raised the children alone. Oh, the boys, Baelon and Aemon, didn't seem happy with him either. When he picked them up, they were both hysterical. He shouldn't have expected another reaction from them, after all, he was a stranger to his children.
Three knocks on the door brought the prince out of his thoughts.
"Go ahead," he said imagining that it should be his mother or his servant. He didn't even bother to take his eyes off the flames in the fireplace.
"My prince." Aemond stood up the instant he heard your voice. Was it for some miraculous reason that you decided to believe him and had come to stay with him? He started to walk towards you, ready to kiss you "It's the children's bedtime"
Aemond tried hard not to show his disappointment at your words.
"I usually read to them before they go to sleep" you kept talking feeling nervous at the silence "then I was thinking that you could join us, you know that the boys start to get used to you and, I don't know, maybe start to form a bond with you ” you began to turn your ring, the ring that aemond gave you when you two got married “Only if you want”
You were more than angry with your husband but you did not intend to ruin the relationship between your children and him. If Aemond was willing to want to form a bond with them you weren't going to deny him, you were willing to help him. Your children deserve to grow up with a father.
"I would be delighted" replied the prince "Thank you" he took your hand and kissed it. You couldn't help but tense up when you thought that those same lips that just kissed your hand had kissed Alys Rivers, surely they had done more than kiss the witch, she ended up pregnant for a reason. With that image in your head, you jerked your hand away and left his room.
Aemond stood in the room for a moment, hurt by your rejection, before he went after you.
Aemond liked reading to children. He knew that the babies didn't understand the story he was telling but they were still happy every time he changed his voice to a more exaggeratedly thick one. He even managed to make them laugh and he was sure you wanted to laugh too but hid it with a fake cough.
The boys were already asleep so he should go now but Aemond didn't want to. You didn't seem to want him to go either because you hadn't kicked him out yet. The two were sitting quietly. You watched sweetly as your husband brushed Baelon's hair back from his face. How you would have liked that Aemond had been present from day one, that he had been with you those dark nights when you didn't feel like a good mother for not being able to make the twins stop crying, that he had calmed your fears… But he was too busy fighting the war and sleeping with Alys Rivers.
"I'm sorry" your husband broke the silence.
"For what exactly? For killing my brother? For killing my grandmother? For getting another woman pregnant while I was taking care of our children?"
Every word you said felt like a slap in the face to Aemond. Your voice was pure cold fury but your eyes had so much pain and he hated being the cause of your pain. But still, he couldn't help but get mad at you for bringing up Lucerys's death again. You were the first person he saw when he came back from Storm's End, he told you the whole truth, Vhagar had not obeyed him, and the two of them wept that night in each other's arms because he knew the war was coming.
"You know that Lucerys was not my intention. And I told you that damn witch put a spell on me"
"Excuses. You're just giving me excuses" you replied, trying to ignore the lump in your throat, and stood up to walk away from him. Aemond was not long in following you. I wasn't going to let you walk away from him.
“Why don't you believe me?” he said with clear frustration as he grabbed your arm and turned you around. Now his bodies were glued together. If Aemond bowed his head he might even kiss you. A part of you wanted me to and you hated yourself for it. You hated yourself for still loving him, you should want your husband to be rotting in hell after all the suffering he caused your family. You should be trying to get revenge on your brothers, your grandmother, and your mother but instead you were quietly playing house while the greens rejoiced in their victory.
"Why should I do it? I trusted you, I trusted you with my heart, and look how it ended ”you averted your eyes from her face, ashamed of yourself to see how your vision was clouded by tears. You cursed yourself for being so weak.
Aemond lifted your chin for you to look at him again “I love you” you started to shake your head “Yes I do. I love you ”I affirm again“ I promise you that I will spend the rest of my days trying to repay you for all the pain I cause you,” he said as he gently wiped the tears from your face.
"I don't think that one day I can forgive you," you said with a broken voice "But I still love you" you confessed making the prince smile.
Aemond felt a weight lift from his shoulders at those words. He was so afraid that you had stopped loving him. Your confession gave him hope for the future. The pain of the war was very recent but over time you two could come to an agreement. He could never bring your brothers back to you but he could give you more children, and create new memories. He could make you happy.
"We'll be fine" he promised and left a kiss on your forehead. He was dying to kiss you but he knew it wasn't time yet. But it didn't matter, you two had time and besides, he already felt satisfied knowing that you still loved him "I love you" he repeated and rested his forehead against yours.
"We'll be fine," you repeated.
Too bad your tranquility wouldn't last long because of Aegon.
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let me know if you want me to tag you for the next part
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hwaslayer · 11 months
project: make you love me (jyh) | eight.
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♣︎ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: yunho can’t stand how you’re so wrapped up in the notorious campus fuckboy, park seonghwa. he would gladly love you the way you deserve, despite being shy, awkward and the complete opposite of seonghwa. thus, when he finds himself spending more time with you over literature reviews and random study sessions, he decides to take on the challenge to win you over.
—pairing: jeong yunho x f. reader x park seonghwa
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) strangers/friends to lovers, college au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 3.2k
—chapter content/warnings: scary movie night with friends!!, flashback scene with seonghwa 😅, snuggles, holding hands, yunho is the sweetest and super gentle with oc 🥺, a kiss on the cheek hehe, the next two updates will also be very crucial for these lovebirds!! 🖤
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"What else should we buy in this aisle?" Chaery slowly pushes the cart down the chip aisle.
"Dude? We already have so much chips." Seungmin points at the popcorn boxes, nachos and other chips already sitting in the cart. "We haven't even gone to the desserts yet."
"Kim Seungmin, we are hosting a scary movie night. Back to back scary movies." She pauses to glare at him. "Of course people are going to look for food. We need to over-compensate than under-compensate." She continues to lecture him.
"She's kinda right." Soobin shrugs. "Gotta be good hosts." He shows the big pack of sour worms in his hand. "Sour worms?"
"Yes, but for decoration!" She grabs the bag and tosses it into the cart.
"Yeah, I'm going to put it into a fancy jar and organize it all cutely." Chaery giggles, making you shake your head as you trail behind with Soobin. 
"Can we please just eat these normally?" Seungmin continues to bicker with Chaery as they finally lead the way out of the aisle and onto the baked goods/dessert section. Soobin tucks his hands in his pockets, looking down at you with a smirk. You furrow a brow, confused as to what he's smiling like that for.
"What? Weirdo." He laughs and shakes his head.
"Oh, nothing." You playfully hit him on the bicep. "Ouch!"
"You can't just look at me then say that."
"Nah. It's nothing serious. But, Yunho is still coming right?"
"Yes." You squint your eyes at him.
"Goodluck making sure Chaery stays quiet."
"Oh hush, she'll be fine."
"Mhm." He wiggles his eyebrows.
"Just friends, remember?"
"Hm." Soobin hums. "We'll see about that tonight."
"Choi Soobin, what is that supposed to mean?"
"Scary movies are the best environment for PDA."
"Or, scary movies are just a good environment for friends in general."
"Mm, no." Soobin shuts you down, making you scoff. "But, we can say that if it makes you feel better."
"It does." You continue to squint at him. "You guys are such instigators."
"Sorry." He smirks. "Just know I think it's adorable." You make a face and roll your eyes. "On a more serious note, have you heard from Seonghwa?" You shake your head.
"Not really. Not after I told him we should end things." You shrug. "He can be mad all he wants, but I'm done with it. He doesn't realize he's wrong."
"Good." Soobin scratches at his temple. "What if he ends up running back to you, though?"
"No, I highly doubt that." You say lowly. "Why?"
"Just wondering. I, um, was just reminded of when Seonghwa never wanted to join in on movie nights or our kick-its. I know it's a small thing but it meant a lot to you. It's nice knowing Yunho is making the effort, even as your friend."
"Mm, yeah." You look at your feet as you continue to walk alongside of him.
"Hwa." You gently nudge him while lifting your head from his chest to look at him directly in the eye.
"Hm?" He hums, eyes still glued onto his tv screen in front of him. The both of you lay in his bed, his apartment awfully quiet after San and Mingi left for a late night fast food run. Seonghwa's fingers gently trace circles on the edge of your shoulder, his expression flat as he continues to watch the show that's on.
"We're having a movie night at the apartment in a few days. You should come." He lets out a small, pathetic chuckle before shaking his head.
"I don't know."
"Why not? You never come even though it's just my roommates and a few of our friends."
"Exactly. I don't know your friends like that, so why would I go?" You furrow your brows and lift your head from his chest.
"So wouldn't you take that as an opportunity to get to know them?"
"What makes you think your friends are interested in getting to know me? I know they don't like me." Seonghwa has a small smirk forming at the corner of his lips.
"Because they're my friends at the end of the day. They'll still try because they know it matters to me. Just like me asking you to do the same with them."
"It's just weird. I don't wanna be around people who don't like me. On top of that, I know they're your friends, but I'm sure they truly care less." He sighs. "Sorry, I just don't see myself doing it."
"Not even for me?"
"Why do you have to form it that way? You're trapping me into the situation." You roll your eyes, throwing your leg over him to start getting dressed again. "Where are you going?"
"I'm being honest, Y/N. I don't see the point of this." He sighs and tries to grab at your wrist. "You don't have to act like that. If it really makes you feel better, I'll do the next one. Okay?" He says just to give you what you wanna hear, though he doesn't mean it and he'll find another way to get out of it.
"Nevermind. Just forget it."
♣︎ END
"My point is.. people always realize after they lose something good. I just don't wanna see you get hurt by Seonghwa again, is all." Soobin chimes in again.
"Thanks." You give him a small smile. But, it immediately fades when you both hear Seungmin and Chaery bickering over the types of dessert they should buy, and whether or not Chaery should arrange a small charcuterie board last minute. Soobin cuts in and tells Chaery not to, while grabbing a pack of freshly baked cookies for dessert. He takes the cart from them and heads towards the self-checkout, making you laugh at how frustrated he's gotten in the past few minutes. When you and your roommates finally get home, you all get washed up and clean the apartment to start setting up the food at the table.
You're excited to see Yunho tonight, especially since you both haven't seen each other over the weeks due to tremendous amounts of tests, papers and projects. But, he still checked on you through random texts and calls, keeping it short for the sake of deadlines and letting you get rest. But, you missed Yunho, his company. You missed the random walks. You missed the McDonald's runs. You missed seeing him in the library— which, you haven't really gone to just because you've been spending more nights studying with your roommates comfortably in your apartment.
You remember asking him if he was still down to come tonight, reassuring him that he wasn't obligated and that you'd completely understand if he had other things to do. To be honest, you were ready for it. You were ready for Yunho to tell you he indeed did have other [better] things to work on.
'Nope. I'm gonna be there.' 
Is what he surprisingly comes back with when you tell him. When you heard his response on the other line, you felt your palms get a little sweaty, nerves starting to get to the best of you. How could you keep him entertained? Did he feel pressured? Did he even want to go? What was he going to think of you with your friends?
He is going because he is genuinely interested in going, right?
You couldn't help but overthink.
"Hey, what're you thinking about?" Chaery looks at you before unloading the chips into a big bowl.
"I hope Yunho didn't feel pressured or obligated to come."
"Are you kidding?! Absolutely not!" She sets the empty bag aside. "If he didn't want to come, I am certain Yunho respects you enough to be honest about it. But, I genuinely think he wants to come and just hang out with you." Chaery brushes your hair back. "Don't think that way, babe. If I were him, I'd love to spend time with you, too." You chuckle and roll your eyes.
"Please. We are just friends."
"For now." She winks with a playful pinch to the arm. "Promise he will enjoy himself."
"Thank you." You poke out your bottom lip. "So, how can I make myself useful?" She laughs.
"You are always useful. But, a bit of help with organizing the snacks would be great! People are gonna be here soon." You chuckle and help her set up the rest of the snacks, spreading the decorations across the table shortly afterwards. 
Just as she had mentioned, your friends started arriving quickly— all falling into your apartment one by one. You start to worry a bit when Yunho hasn't arrived, anxiously fiddling with your fingers and checking your phone. You head into the bathroom to relieve yourself and take a moment to calm down.
If he didn't want to be here, he would just say so.
You let out a breath and swing the door open, eyes landing on the front door ahead.
"There you are! She's finally done doing her business—" Your eyes widen when you see Yunho standing next to Seungmin, furrowing your brows at your roommate for having no filter most of the time.
"Seungmin." You say with clenched teeth, making him laugh.
"Kidding! Jeez." He gently taps Yunho on the arm with the back of his hand. "Anyway, I'm gonna help Chaery with the rest of this stuff in the kitchen. Feel free to grab whatever you need and get comfortable." Seungmin jogs over to the kitchen, leaving you and Yunho alone.
"I honestly thought you were gonna back out last minute." Yunho raises a brow before laughing a bit.
"Is that what you think of me?" You shake your head. "I told you I wanted to come."
"I'm glad you didn't change your mind." You smile up at him. "Hungry?"
"A bit?" You laugh and show him to the food, letting him greet your friends and roommates on the way. Yunho helps himself to a slice of pizza, while you take two— getting a bowl of chips and popcorn to share before you plop onto the couch and set your things down on the coffee table. Everyone is pretty much situated at this point, all sprawled throughout your living room while waiting for the first movie to play.
"Okay! Is everyone ready?!" Chaery asks, making sure everyone has their food before beginning.
"Let's go! Play it!" Hyunjin responds excitedly from the floor. And with that, the first movie begins: The Devil Inside.
Of course, with any scary movie, things can start off slow. It gives the illusion that it may not be as bad as you think— when indeed, it eventually does get to that point. Yunho sits next to you on the couch, hugging close to the arm rest to give you space in case you needed it. But, he feels your leg brush against his and he feels himself loosen up. He doesn't feel so tense when you set your plate back onto the coffee table and give him a few gentle taps on the thigh, asking him if he needs anything with that pretty smile of yours. He almost gets lost in the way your eyes twinkle when you look at him, the way your smile feels so genuine.
You are warm.
You are safe.
"I'm okay." Yunho responds to your question with a low whisper. You give him a small nod before proceeding to eat your food while watching the movie.
As the movie progresses, there are a few moments when you've already had to sit back and cover your eyes, the scenes too intense for your liking. Yunho actually hates these movies, truly. He can't stand them because he hates the visuals, the sounds. He doesn't really know where he lies about all this stuff, he truthfully wouldn't know how to explain it. But, he just doesn't like it. It's unsettling, and it's not his cup of tea. Of course, probably stating the obvious for most people.
The point here is that even if you had told him about the movie choice beforehand, he'd still show up. Because he genuinely wants to be here with you. He'll take any time he gets outside of school purposes.
"Oh shit!" You jump from the loud sound, instantly covering your face and digging it against Yunho's shoulder. He laughs at you, before wrapping his arm around your waist— pulling you closer to his body. 
"It's okay, it's over." He chuckles, looking at you while you continue to hide behind your hands.
"Don't lie to me!"
"I would never. I promise." 
"Ugh." You whine. "I'm sorry, I'm gonna hide from time to time."
"It's fine, I don't mind." 
"Really?" You look up at him as you find your body comfortably resting against his, Yunho's arm still wrapped around you to keep you there. He simply nods with a small smile, subtly biting onto his bottom lip when he feels you adjust in your position and scoot even closer. Yunho is trying his best not to be stiff, awkward; but in all honesty, he likes having you close and he just wants you comfortable. 
"Really." He whispers as the intensity in the movie climbs again. You smile at him before returning your attention to the tv, Yunho's hand gently resting on your thigh. 
"Dude." Seungmin whispers over to Chaery and subtly nods in your direction. "Cute."
"Stop." She harshly whispers back with a playful tap to the chest. "Leave them!"
"Says you." Seungmin bites back sarcastically before earning another hit on the bicep. 
You continue to let Yunho hold you, hand gently resting against your thigh as you keep close to him. He draws tiny circles on the surface of your leggings, making you silently giggle to yourself from the ticklish feeling due to his gentle touch. At some point, your hand lingers near his, but you're too afraid to make the first move [if any]. So, you don't. You can barely focus on the movie because you're too busy deciding if you should just say fuck it or not.
The movie says otherwise, though. Especially when a loud jump scare happens yet again.
"Oh my god, can they stop doing that!" You jump, hands coming up to cover your face.
"Y/N, watch the movie." Yunho teases, trying to pry your hands away from your face.
"Only if they promise to stop the bullshit." You joke.
"Okay, I'll call them and discuss." Yunho successfully pries your hands off after that statement, eyes peering into yours to check if you're okay. He doesn't necessarily let go of your right hand, letting you lace your fingers with his. 
"You're funny." You giggle. 
"At least you're laughing, though." He smiles. "Promise the rest of the movie won't be that bad. I got you, okay?"
"Okay." You nod, sinking back into your position against Yunho, hands still laced together. 
"Comfortable?" You smile at him.
"Mhm. If you are."
"Don't worry about me. As long as you don't feel threatened by the movie." You let out a small laugh.
As the movie continues, your position shifts in a way where you're almost laying onto Yunho, while he continues to have an arm wrapped around you and his hand locked with yours. Being with Yunho makes you feel comfortable, and the movies seem less threatening with him here. You can handle scary movies for the most part, but having him feels like a warm blanket on a cold, snowy day; having Yunho feels like the one sunshine ray poking through the clouds.
Yunho is safe.
The rest of the movie goes on, with Yunho being there to soften the blows of the remaining jumpscares. Before the next movie, you run to grab a few more snacks, with Yunho still welcoming you in his arms just like before. When the second movie gets rolling, things continue in the same manner with him. No one is really batting an eye, but everyone is also aware that you and Yunho have gotten closer lately. They try to mind their own business, except they all can agree on one thing: You deserve better than Park Seonghwa. You have been happier without him.
That's all that matters.
During the second movie, Yunho continues his subtle acts of affection— little pinches on your thigh, squeezing your hand, caressing the surface of your hand with his thumb as his way to console you, teasing you whenever you hide;
Nothing more, nothing less.
And it brings you so, so many butterflies. Yet, you're still not really sure of what you feel for Yunho. Maybe you're scared, maybe you're overthinking? Maybe Seonghwa was partially to blame since you're afraid of getting hurt. But, what you do know is that you hate when the movie marathon comes to an end because this means your friends go home, Yunho goes home. 
Everyone does their role in helping you and your roommates clean up, even though you've reassured them that they didn't need to. With that, the house is clean under half an hour, friends bidding their farewells shortly after. Yunho sticks around to make sure nothing else is needed, giving you leverage to join him outside once your roommates thank him for his help.
"What a night." Yunho laughs at your statement just as he slips back into his shoes, throwing his hood over his head. 
"A bit." You giggle. "I can walk you to your apartment—" Yunho shakes his head.
"No, then who is gonna walk you back?" He smirks. "We'll go back and forth." You snort.
"Fine." You cross your arms and look up at him. "Did you have fun, though?"
"I did have fun watching you cover your eyes and accidentally hit me from time to time." You laugh.
"Kidding. I did." He chuckles and gently taps you on the tip of your nose. "I'll be okay on the walk over."
"Okay." You smile. "Thank you for coming, and for being my shield?" You say in a questioning tone and Yunho smiles.
"Of course." You walk closer and open your arms for a hug, immediately wrapping them around his waist when he pulls you in. You hold your position against him for a bit, taking in his scent while he continues to hold you. 
Yunho is warm.
Yunho is safe.
When you finally pull back and look up at him, you hesitate with your next move. But, with the way Yunho continues keep his gaze on you, you almost feel like he's expecting your next move. Maybe he'd like it? You can't exactly help yourself, either. He was so sweet and gentle with you earlier, and he didn't have to come tonight. He didn't have to, especially not knowing anybody besides your roommates. Yet, he did. And he was there by your side the entire time.
You can't exactly help yourself.
So, you toss the overthinking out the window, tippy-toe and give Yunho a chaste kiss to the cheek. He smiles a bit, ears instantly hot and red.
"Seriously, thank you."
"You don't need to thank me, Y/N. I like your company." He digs his hands into his pockets. "Get some rest."
"Okay. I will. Goodnight, Yunho."
"Goodnight." He bites onto his bottom lip before turning on his heel for the lonely walk back to his apartment. It's a little past midnight and Yunho really does feel the loneliness the farther he gets from your apartment. When he steps into his own, he kicks his shoes off and gets ready for bed. As soon as he slips into his covers and his head hits the pillow, he can't help but think of you.
Tonight, Yunho doesn't think sleep will find him. But he's okay with it for once. Because it's you— you're the reason why sleep won't find him. You're the reason why he's been happier.
And he hopes you feel the same way, too.
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♣︎ taglist: @s-nsanshine @soupbinlily @tyongff-ff @jiminiscricket @g1g1l @staytinyinmybpack @woomyteez @gfksz @bitchwhytho @savluvsmingi @thisisntmyrightera @hyukssunflower @miriamxsworld @tmtxtf @kuromibabe04 @lmnhead @carrietwrites @tournesol155 @persphonesorchid @txt-yaomi @marsattacks @mxnsxngie @h-nji @mundayoonimnida @jalapeno-princess @nakiiko @asjkdk @kunikku @idkwgoh @kyeos4ng @agust-d2 @araknoid @bintific @primoppang @betray-the-light
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