#this drawing literally makes me want to bash my head into a wall. who on the crew drew this. i will die for you.
gaybutthead · 8 months
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i think im losing my mind
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2tarbell · 19 days
can i just say that i love you?! you write trailerpark!rafe so well and i’ve waited so long to find a writer that created a work solely based on him! my obsession with trailerpark!rafe literally came from that short film drew did with rudy 😭😭
anyways i saw that you were looking for blurb ideas and honestly i can’t get trailerpark!rafe and reader doing cute domestic things together like going to the grocery store, washing the truck together, and maybe us seeing how rafe asked reader to move in with him and seeing his reaction to her adding her sweet touches to the place and making the trailer more homey for them.
thank u my love :C ur so sweet and i appreciate the message!!!! wrote something a little small just detailing rafe’s feelings about domestic stuff 💝 ENJOY!!!!
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TRAILERPARK!RAFE who loves how reader has become his life.
he had watched her grow up beside him, neither family abundantly rich. but her chalk drawings of butterflies and hearts stretched along the path of her family home — the colors and softness always enraptured rafe, as well as the furrow of her brow when she yelled at him for killing some little bug. then she turned from a little girl with dirt on her cheeks into a mature woman with curves and determination she definitely didn’t have before.
he was sixteen when he fell in with love her, with her soul.
so he asked her to move in with him on their six month anniversary, all bashful and unsure in the way only she could make him. he was nervous about asking her to just come over, yet alone move in with him in such a shitty little trailer; void of decoration and love. he had always wanted to be more for her, for them. this precious woman that wormed her way into his heart since the moment they met at twelve.
it was cute, the way he was avoiding looking as he drove. she could see his ears turning a bit red, his knuckles turning white on the steering wheel. he’d been on edge the entire evening — shifty eyes and shaky hands so unlike the man she had come to know and love so dearly.
it all made sense when he spoke lowly, eyes still on the road ahead:
“so, uh... whaddaya— ahem… was thinkin’ ‘bout you maybe — uh — movin’ in?”
“you— you want me to?”
rafe couldn’t imagine anything better. so he nodded. and so did she.
the drive continued with her head on his shoulder, both biting back cheesy smiles at the next step they’d decided to take. rafe brought her hand to lips, pressing a long kiss to her knuckles — his fears of being not enough were washed away as his place eventually became their place.
there she was that very weekend, all tender and sweet and telling him where to put her stuff amongst his. he sees her in the furniture they picked, the flowers on the kitchen table, the pictures of them on the walls, in the very foundation of the trailer.
(then of course they fucked on every surface available, ‘christening’ the space.)
her hands soothing and gentle on his arms when he comes home to her. rafe never was good at being gentle like she is — he thinks loveliness lives in her bones as she kisses his cheek and mumbles something about dinner that she made him.
but it was the first night after they moved in together, he saw her in the bathroom preparing for bed and felt all air leave him. he can’t imagine a life without her in it. doesn’t want to even entertain the idea. the thought of a place without her burns in his mind — searing and almost painful. he can’t believe there was a time when she wasn’t his.
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
Eidolon Chapter 3: Visitation
Series: Eidolon
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Liam x Ghost
Rating: MA, NSFW 🍋🍋🍋
Word Count: 1,730
Song Inspiration: Sex with a Ghost by Teddy Hyde
A/N: So, I think those who speculated the ghost might be Eleanor can put that theory to rest now. It is not.
My other stuff: Master List.
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Liam stood next to Drake looking down at the dead body of the construction foreman. Just like Neville, there were no visible signs of trauma or obvious cause of death.
“I’m not saying Max is right, but this is starting to feel connected.” Liam said.
“Not you too.” Drake scoffed, “This man was in his sixties, overweight and a smoker. He probably had a heart attack or a stroke. I know it’s weird that it happened the day after Neville but it’s just a coincidence. And of course it happened in here, he probably stayed behind to work late.”
“Maybe.” Liam said doubtfully, “Even you admitted it was creepy in here.”
“It was.” Drake replied glancing around, “But it seems better now.”
The windows had been cleaned, electric light had been run in, the floors were drier and the wall holding the body had been demolished, all things that could account for improving the overall vibe of the room. But Liam was convinced it was something else. The absence of something.
Where had she gone?
Liam’s eyes were draw to the hallway outside the throne room door. He swore something moved past the door. It was nothing he saw or heard or could explain. It was more like something he felt.
The knowledge that he should be afraid flashed through his mind, but just as obvious was the fact that he wasn’t.
Drake wasn’t afraid because he didn’t believe there was anything to be afraid of. Liam believed there was something going on, something had been awakened in the ancient throne room, but he wasn’t afraid.
Max was terrified. So terrified, he’d already left the palace for Ramsford. Liam absolutely believed there was something going on, no, he didn’t believe it, he knew it! He felt it in his bones, but just as surely as he knew that he also knew that he wasn’t in any danger.
The body was removed for autopsy and the renovations continued.
Drake followed Liam back to his office to go over what they knew so far. Which was nothing.
“Still waiting on the autopsy results for Neville.” Drake told him.
“Any word about the skeleton?” Liam asked.
Drake shook his head, “Not yet.”
“Okay, then. Keep me informed.”
That night, Drake showed up at Liam’s door.
“What is it?” Liam asked, “Is there any news yet?”
“No,” Drake responded, “I just wanted to check on you. I know you’ve been having a hard time sleeping. Thought maybe you could use a little company before bed, so I stopped by for a drink.”
Liam grinned, “That sounds great, come on it.”
They sat out on the balcony, drinks in hand, watching the stars. Talk turned to Liam’s new royal duties, and Drake bashed Leo, as he often did during these talks, “I’m just saying, Li, none of this bullshit should have been yours!”
“If not me, then who?” Liam asked.
“Leo!” Drake answered, “Literally, Leo!”
“It’s ok,” Liam assured him, “At least I have you and Max and Tariq and Liv. I’m going to make you guys my small council.”
“Your what?”
“Small council, basically my closest advisors. Because I trust you.”
“Huh.” Drake responded, “You know we’ll always have your back, but what about a wife? Constantine wants you to have a social season already?”
“He does.”
“Seems rushed.”
“Eh.” Liam shrugged, “As long as they don’t try to force Madeleine on me.”
Drake laughed, “Damn. I thought I was the only one that couldn’t stand her.”
“It’s not her, personally.” Liam said slowly as he lifted his drink to his lips, “But…she’s been with my brother!” He shuddered.
“Yeah, ew, that’s just…. Ew.” Drake agreed, “Then who?”
“I….don’t know.” There was no one at court that he had any type of romantic feelings for but the pool of candidates considered acceptable by the royal council was limited.
Drake sighed, “I don’t envy you. I am never getting married!”
“Never say never, Drake.”
Liam chuckled, “Ok, if you say so.”
“I say so.”
Liam looked at his watch, then stretched, “Well, it’s getting late. I should at least try to get some sleep. Thanks for stopping by. We don’t do this enough.”
Both men stood and Liam followed Drake as he made his way to the door, stopping halfway there, “Oh, yeah, Liv got called away to Lythikos on business, but she left you this.”
Drake handed Liam a green bottle with no label. The top had a dropper built into it. “She said to put a dropperful of this in your bourbon before bed, to help with your insomnia.”
“Thanks.” Liam said, palming the small glass bottle in his hand with a fake smile.
He had no intention of taking it. He couldn’t deny that it helped him sleep, but it also made his sleep dreamless, and he didn’t like it. She didn’t like it. He wanted to be awake and alert if he heard her again.
He swore he’d heard his named called in the throne room that first day, and again the same night that Neville had died. If those things were connected, as Max suspected, he should be afraid.
She said it wasn’t her fault.
Drake left and Liam stripped down to his birthday suit. He sat the bottle on the nightstand, unopened, and crawled under the crisp, white sheets.
He tossed and turned, occasionally stilling as he strained to hear the voice again. It didn’t come. Nothing called his name. Finally, he dropped into a fitful sleep.
He dreamed of the gardens and a beautiful woman. He dreamed of witches and spells and murder. He twitched and moaned in his sleep. Then the dreams faded to black, and he heard a voice. It was her, the same voice he’d heard before.
He rolled over in his sleep, twisting in the sheets as something blocked the hallway light filtering in under his bedroom door. There was a soft click then a creak as the door opened just enough for a shadow to spill through the crack.
He was dreaming of the woman again, but this time she wasn’t in the gardens, this time she was in his room with him. She was beautiful, radiant and she smiled as she called his name.
He moaned again, shifting his position in the bed as his erection sprang to life. The scent of jasmine and lavender washed over him as the sheet was slowly pulled from his body.
A faint wisp of a draft ghosted across his body, and he shivered. Velvet hands glided gently over his body. Lips, soft and plump touched his skin. His moans took on a different quality as his body writhed under the sensations that had been ignited in him.
Sweat broke out on his brow as her warmth enveloped him, driving out the chill the draft had brought. She was all around him; he could feel her everywhere. He thrust his hips up, his hands reaching out to hold nothing. He could feel her touch on him, but his hands could not make purchase. Every swipe of his arms met empty air.
He felt hot breath against his neck and ear as she murmured his name again. He whimpered out loud in his sleep, arching his body toward her.
“Please.” It fell from his lips like a prayer.
His cock was throbbing, his body was on fire, his desperation to touch her reaching a fevered pitch when he felt her on top of him. Her touch became more solid, he could feel her weight pressing into him, feel her impale herself on him, feel her clenching around him as his hands finally made contact, fingers sinking into her hips as he propelled himself up into her frenetically.  
He exploded into her as a strangled cry escaped his lips. His body collapsed against the mattress, limp, weak, his chest heaving, breath heavy, dick still pulsing.
He gasped for air as the corporealness of her faded, enveloping him in a cool mist that descended on and surrounded him, pulling the sexual energy right out of the air, following the source back to his body, reaching inside and draining his very life force from him.
He tried to speak, he tried to move, but he could do neither thing. He could do nothing but lay there while she drank him down, sucking the energy out of him, pulling at his aura, imbibing his essence.
It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling.
He gave in to it.
He felt himself slipping into blackness.
There was her, then there was nothing.
He jerked awake, ice cold and shaking, skin clammy, covered in goosebumps. He sat bolt upright in the bed, frantically casting his glance around the room. There was no one there.
He glanced down at the stickiness coating his skin, proof of what had happened. His sheet, normally folded tightly and tucked under the corners of his mattress, was carelessly pooled in a heap on the floor.
He clicked the bedside lamp on and swung his feet over the edge of the bed. He stood and the door caught his eye. It was ajar and he was certain it had been shut and locked before he went to bed.
He made his way to the door, stuck his head out into the hall, and looked left and right. Nothing.
He shut the door and trudged into the bathroom to clean himself up. After he was done with that, he splashed water on his face. He stared at himself in the mirror. Was he paler? There were faint dark circles under his eyes. He dried his face and tossed the towel on the counter as he exited the bathroom.
He picked the sheet up off the floor and crawled back into the bed. He pulled the comforter up from the bottom, the room much colder than it had been when he’d gone to sleep.
His eyes fell on the bottle sitting on the bedside table. He drew a stopper full and swallowed the bitter liquid straight. He drew himself into the fetal position under his comforter as chills shook his body. Maybe he was coming down with a cold, he told himself. It was just a dream, right? No one had been in his room.
He drifted into a dreamless sleep and stayed that way for the rest of the night.
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somewillwin · 1 year
I get people are tired of male characters getting more attention/being perceived as "favored" by the author but there's like, a world of difference between something like Playchoices for example and an individual person creating a story suited to their own tastes.
Like these people aren't corporations making millions of dollars on false promises of representation like Disney. It's literally just some guy (gender neutral) in a room on their laptop writing a story, often completely for free when we're talking Twine authors, doing this stuff in their spare time.
The attitude that "we need to ask questions" or "hold them accountable" is a little delusional to me. Hold them accountable for what? To do what? At some point you're the equivalent of someone who gets mad at a fanfic author for not writing exactly what you want them to write. You can't force people to put out certain types of content. Would it be nice if they didn't have misogynistic biases? Yes. Are you going to change anything by writing essays about it on the internet? No.
It's way more productive to me personally to elevate IFs that are putting out content that I appreciate and highlight them/spread the word instead of bashing my head against a wall against cultural biases. Time much better spent than complaining endlessly about gender selectable ROs, imo. Sorry if this got long!
HAJAHHSHS no I totally get it!
Which is why I get their pov too. I mean I am just a girl alone in my room making content ultimately to myself. And if someone got into my inbox and told me “hey you need to draw more males” I would insta block them shhshshsh
And yeah I mean gender selectable RO in choices are horrible and these authors do so much better with them with no creative team behind them…. I love them so much they are so inspiring to me.
Like the most we can do is send asks about the female RO we like and engage positively with the authors about them and show them that people are interested in them.
Beyond that… there is nothing to do. Just boost your female RO and make content for them as fans of the boys do and maybe you get more people interested.
At the end of the day we have to engage more with our interests. I’m sure authors like to see readers edits fanfics and fanarts of all their characters being male or female.
I’m sure authors are bursting to talk about their others RO and answer questions about them. So go ahead and ask them about them…. POSITIVELY!!!
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bitetherabbit · 2 months
tw sh
fuck i feel like doing it again. i just want to die. getting yelled at for doing something "wrong" totally sets me off... getting yelled at in general. or even being around angry yelling. like. you don't have to yell to communicate goddamn! just talk to me! why do you have to raise your voice?! plus, said thing doesn't even involve you!!! and it's not something to be mad about! you're making it a problem!!!
not like she knows how to properly communicate. she can go for days without saying anything to me when she shuts down so then im like "did i do something wrong?" when it's not even to do with me. but i never know. and then she'll explain like a week later. fuck that. im sick of it. im done. im your fucking kid! we both deserve better!!!!
and i was having a pretty ok day, i made it to the grocery store on my own this morning and wasn't anxious for the majority of it. towards the end i was like ok get the last few things you came for and leave, no more browsing. but i'm glad i did it. and now this. and i want to fucking not exist anymore.
i like how the scabs feel when they're healing, but they're not as rough now cuz it's been a week or so. i want more, but i also don't. i need to stop it!!! but i just feel so casual about it like it doesn't matter. i literally am at the point of "i don't give a FUCK" about everything, even sh. everyone and everything makes hurting yourself out to be a big deal, a bad and dangerous thing, which it really can be if you're seriously going deep. so then i feel guilty about it usually. add it to the misplaced guilt trauma pile.
i don't cut deep at all. it squicks me out. i can look at gory art and draw it or whatever but if it's my own body i get nauseous. but i still get the urge to sh when im really fucking upset or depressed, which makes no fucking sense but that's my brain i guess. so i just do surface layer injury, like a bad scrape. sometimes they bleed. and it's enough pain to distract. and i make sure to keep it clean, at least. i don't want infection. people might be like "so why do it at all?" and i don't know. it doesn't actually help the problem, i know. it's just a coping thing. i didn't even consider it until i was 20ish yrs old? and then one day (certain events happened) i just thought to do it and jumped the fear hurdle of the first time and now it's a constant pressure in the back of my mind when im having a very bad time. yay.
may go do that. or draw! who fucking knows. oh, that last drawing i uploaded was the result of me thinking about bashing my head into the wall over and over! because that's the type of shit i think about when i feel really fucking bad and want to not exist anymore. so, y'know. a few cuts here and there really isn't that bad comparatively, right?
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙁𝙍𝘼𝙏 𝘽𝙊𝙔 │ 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙡 𝙟𝙖𝙘𝙤𝙗𝙨 (18+)
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◦ request(s):
I’m sorry but I NEED more edgy Karl, I’m literally in love with it <3 I wanna date him so BAD 
More edgy karl where he calls the reader bunny or puppy or a pet name like that 👀👀
◦ pairing: edgy!Karl Jacobs x fm!reader
◦ warnings: nsfw (minors dni), biting, domination, crude language, semi-public sex, asphyxiation, submission, slight degradation, frat boys
◦ word count: 3558
◦ links: ao3, main: genethequeen
a/n:  Thank you for all your support on this series! I love reading all your comments and suggestions! To find all previous parts, click the ao3 link above or explore the edgy!karl hashtag. If you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know!
As a reminder, my asks are always open for requests, comments, or just to chat :) Happy reading!
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You clicked your phone off, shoving it into your pocket and lifting your eyes to the mumbling crowd of your fellow classmates filing into the lecture hall. Spring break was nearing by the second, and it was obvious that everyone wanted to get in and out as soon as they could. You had previously decided that staying on campus was probably the cheapest and easiest plan for break.
It could only be a coincidence that you would spot the tall, willowy figure you’d tried to reach the week prior to no avail. His eyes were a mirror of grey smoke as his face showed an unhuman-like lack of emotion. You could already tell his headphones were probably blaring in his ears as he cut himself off from the incoherent chatter around him. 
Karl had become almost a constant in your life, the mutual late-night calls and mid-day escape nearly a drug for you as you came to depend on it. It got to the point where you’d casually mention to your roommate you couldn’t meet for lunch because you’d already had your plans with Karl. 
Yet, just as he was installed in your life, he suddenly had dropped away from you. Your once steamy messages had grown cold and vague on his end. No longer would you randomly receive a notification that he was nearby after you got out of a lecture, instead it was radio silence and a close to jaded response. He’d become a ghost in your class, barely making eye contact with you when he once only used to show up to kick your seat. You knew the two of you weren’t anywhere near anything to write home about, yet it was almost uncharacteristic for him to avoid you for as long as he had. 
You swallowed your pride and began to edge through the crowd toward him. As you brushed your fingertips against his hoodie sleeve, it was almost as if your sense of touch had hungered for him too in his absence. You almost instantly wanted to draw the fabric of his jacket around you, enveloping yourself in his scent. He peered at you over his shoulder, removing an earbud and raising an eyebrow at you almost nonchalantly. The crowd parted like the Red Sea around the two of you as he looked down at you. His grey irises swirled to life as you straightened up to lay your dignity at his feet.
His lip was split, something you’d figured had been a result of the dry, changing seasons, until you spotted another bruise on his face, your mind flashing back to him peering up at you from the bathroom floor with his first black eye. This time, his features were dark and stormy, and you’d be lying not to admit that his sulky façade was rather alluring to you. 
You drew in a breath, wondering where your previous confidence had fled. “Are you okay?” Was all you could think to manage, his eyes concentrating on you. 
He let out a short laugh. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he muttered, voice heavy with husk. It was this tone that could send your knees to jelly at any moment. “You miss me, Hancock?” He chided, a sly smirk drawing on his lips. A blush grew on your cheeks, realizing how this probably looked for you. 
You chewed the inside of your cheek, dropping your voice into an almost whisper as to not disrupt anyone walking around the two of you. “Are you ghosting me now?” 
He ran his fingers through his hair, ruffling his dark locks as he bit his bottom lip to avoid laughing at you. His smug appearance was beginning to set fire to your blood. He took a step forward, his arm dropping from lazily holding onto his backpack strap to ghost his fingers over your hand at your side. 
Before you knew it, you were tugging him into the bathroom behind you. 
It was as if someone had flipped a switch and you’d broken out of a daze as Karl’s body intertwined with yours, pinning you beneath him and the plastic stall divider in the bathroom. The two of you were a fumbling mess, tugging at each other’s clothing looking for more friction and something to relieve the tension that had grown between you. You dug your fingers into his hair as he reached down to grip your ass, pulling your hips roughly against his. His tongue slipped into your mouth, the sensation of him closing more distance between the two of you made you want him more. You tugged at his jeans, ready to commit yourself to whatever he wanted.
He pulled away from you, your lips burning without his connection. He swiftly bunched your skirt up at your waist as you quickly unbuttoned his pants.  He wrapped his hand around the back of your knee, hoisting your leg up against his side once again before driving himself into you. You groaned as he filled you up, feeling every inch of him as he retracted from you only to press himself deeper into you. 
He let out a deep moan, his lips finding yours once again as he began to grind against you, snapping his hips against yours to draw out your pleasure. You tugged his bottom lip between your teeth and curled your hips at his movements. Each of his sounds were the equivalent of a reward for you, you wanted to earn his approval and get him off almost more than you wanted yourself to. You were thankful for the slight height difference between the two of you as you wrapped yourself beneath one of his arms to grip onto his shoulder, pulling yourself up against him.
Karl’s hand gripped the top of the stall wall, his hips relentlessly bashing against yours, your mind blurring at each of his movements. Whatever frustrations you had previously encountered were quickly dissipating as your hands dug into Karl’s shoulders, his nose in the crook of your neck as his breath cascaded across your chest. 
The feeling of his tongue ring against your skin was a picture of solitude as you clawed at his clothed back, silently begging him to ravage you. His hand moved to grip your neck, pushing your head back against the plastic wall. His cheeks were flushed red with exertion, his eyes in a hazy smear of lust. His lips melded against yours in a searing kiss, before his teeth moved to dig into your shoulder. “Look at you, begging me to rail you in a public bathroom like a slut,” he chuckled darkly, his breath igniting goosebumps that spread across your body like wildfire. He pressed his lips against the sensitive skin behind your ear before continuing, “I’m sure your colleagues would love to know how submissive you are.” 
He pulled back to make eye contact with you again, wanting to see his effect on you. You groaned as he squeezed his hand, your breath hitching in your throat as he drove himself deeper into you. Seeing his blissed-out, slack-jawed expression alongside his now rapid movements, made stars flash behind your eyes as the urge to cum built within you. He pressed his lips against your flushed cheek as one of his hands returned to the wall behind you, his lips traveling to the crook of your neck as he moved in an upward motion. His newfound momentum sent you clenching around him as you chased your own high, wrapping your leg around his waist. Another moan ripped through your body. 
“God, I love how needy you are for me, bunny,” he almost growled in your ear, sending you over the edge unintentionally. He continued to ride against you, drawing himself to finish as you drew him back to kiss him again in a tangle of lust and bliss. After his release, he rested his forehead against your shoulder as the two of you fought to catch your breath. You almost didn’t want him to pull out yet.
He detached from you reluctantly, the two of you straightening your clothes as you pretended you weren’t struggling to stand on your wobbly knees. Your fingers reached up to touch your sore lips still buzzing from the feeling of his rough touch. You felt colder now as the mix of your and Karl’s fluids ran down your thighs, making you feel even more like he had reminded you who you begged for. 
You weren’t sure how you found yourself on the doorstep of Karl’s fraternity, but there you were, ringing the doorbell as various members were packing their cars to leave. You knew Karl was still around, but you’d figured a surprise visit wouldn’t hurt. Plus, after a mutual friend of yours spent the morning talking about a party there, your interest was piqued. 
The heavy, wood door popped open, revealing a tall man with broad shoulders. He looked busted up like Karl had previously been. His eyes lit up at the sight of you, straightening up his shirt as if you would care. You sent him a small smile in an attempt to humor him. “Can I help you?” He quizzed in an almost overly polite manner, slicking a hand through his hair. 
You bit your lip slightly. “I’m looking for Karl?” You asked more than stated. Frats were nearly the foil to Karl’s aura. 
The man’s eyes narrowed in disbelief slightly. “Karl?” His brows furrowed as his gaze traced over you again. You wanted to chuckle, thinking about how Karl would react when you would recount this to him later. “Karl Karl? Like… skinny, nail polish-” 
“I’m not sure what’s not clicking for you,” you stated, cutting him off as you sent him an amused look. 
His face dropped slightly, clearing his throat as if he was embarrassed. The man stepped to the side, now speaking at the speed of sound about how close he was with Karl. You nodded along to his words, looking around the grand foyer as he led you further into the house. It felt like there were staircases everywhere and Brothers here and there shoving different articles of clothing into bags like they hadn’t done laundry since winter break. 
In the midst of the last few people leaving the premises, Karl stood in sweatpants with a box of cereal discussing something with another guy. His eyes moved in your direction fleetingly as if he was checking who had come to visit. Seemingly expecting someone’s mother, he didn’t pay any mind to you until you watched the gears in his head click into place and his eyes snapped back to you with an almost bewildered look. “KARL,” the man beside you called to him. Karl handed the box to the guy he was talking to and made his way towards you. A few of the other guys gave you a once-over as they were leaving, something not unnoticed by Karl. 
“What are you doing here?” Karl inquired, fronted and uneasy as he looked around a bit. 
You faked a coy persona. “I figured you needed help packing,” you cooed, sending him a wink. Karl fought not to smirk, opting to bite down on the inside of his cheek to keep from saying something back. 
The man beside you moved to wrap an arm around Karl, eyeing you beside him now. Your eyes went wide, flashing a look of confusion to Karl, whose deadpan gaze was cased toward you. “Where have you been hiding her, stud muffin?” The man joked, pinching Karl’s cheek. Karl shrugged him off. 
“Don’t you have a plane to catch?” Karl grumbled, making sure to put himself between you and the man. 
The man laughed. “Is Karl any good in bed?” He directed at you suddenly and off-topic as if it had been burning in his mind since meeting you, making you choke back a laugh. 
“Alright,” Karl muttered, half gesturing you upstairs. 
“Have a good break, Jacobs. Don’t run your mouth while I’m gone,” the man joked, voice dripping with a dark kind of venom. He walked backward slightly before turning and leaving the house. You followed Karl to the second floor, your mind racing with questions yet a sense of pride had fluttered within you at the fact that Karl definitely won whatever fight he and the man had been in previously. You cleared your throat slightly as you followed him down one of the hallways. “Who was that guy?” 
Karl looked back at you slightly. “Just some douchebag that lives here.” You chuckled slightly at his words. “That’s his room,” he stated, lazily pointing towards one of the open doors as he walked. You grabbed his arm, pulling him through the threshold of the guy’s room. The walls were plastered with various trophies and certificates. “What are you up to?” Karl raised, crossing his arms and watching you move around the room. 
“And he just left, right?” You asked, plopping down on the edge of his bed. Karl inhaled deeply as if understanding where you were headed. 
He wet his lips. “Yeah, he took a bunch of the guys home too.” You hummed in response to his answer, running your finger along the design of the duvet. Karl leaned against the open door, peering out to see if anyone else was around, but the noise downstairs had silenced. 
You crawled further onto the bed, laying on your side as you peered up at Karl. “Were you the one that beat the shit out of him?” Karl only shrugged in response, but his eyes were dancing with amusement. “You know, you were kind of mean to me in the bathroom yesterday,” you beckoned, sighing slightly before continuing. “Calling me a slut and whatnot. Is that up to par with the Tri Phi values?” 
Karl snorted. “Kappa Alpha Order actually. We’re a gentleman's fraternity, so historically yes.” You chuckled at his words, shaking your head slightly. You were still rather appalled to find out he was a Brother. 
“That guy was kind of a dick,” you mentioned lightly. A devious smirk threatened to break Karl’s calm exterior. You sat up, kicking your shoes off and letting down your hair. “We should teach him a lesson,” you chided, tugging the flesh of your bottom lip between your teeth as you looked at him. 
Karl crossed his arms, seemingly weighing the consequences of his words. “I don’t know, baby…” He murmured, yet his tone suggested you had already convinced him. 
“Awe, is Todd gonna be upset if you fuck me on his bed? In front of all his stupid high school trophies?” You provoked, making him chuckle darkly. He wet his lips as you sat up, nearly begging him to join you. 
Karl rolled his eyes, kicking the door shut with his foot and climbing over you on the bed. You were quick to top him though, much to his surprise. “You’re a bad influence,” he groaned. He gripped your forearms smugly, pulling your hands to settle on either side of his head. His lips pressed against yours hungrily as if to cleanse your dirty words. 
One of his strong hands slipped against your thigh, grabbing at your ass and urging you to grind against him while the other settled in the crook of your neck. You kissed him brazenly, your need pulsing through your body with your new-found friction. He moved beneath you, smiling against your greedy mouth, knotting his fingers into your hair. You felt him getting harder with each of your movements. You fisted your hands in his jacket as you pulled away from him curling your hips to find your sweet spot. His hand explored your body, gripping your breast as he sucked at the thin skin against your collarbones, moaning into your hair.
God, he wasn’t even inside of you but his encouragement was a high you wanted to ride as long as you could. His fingers dug into your hips and you half hoped he would leave bruises again. You wanted him to mark you. 
You moved to press your lips against his neck, raking your teeth against the sensitive skin. He moaned at your actions, fingers yanking your shirt free from where it was tucked into your pants, giving his hands more roaming space. Each of his groans of approval sent heat to your core and an urgency of wanting more of him. Your hands slipped beneath his sweatshirt, slipping it over his head before he leaned up to capture your lips against his again. You pushed him back onto the bed, pulling your own shirt off as his hands threatened to tug at the lacy material. 
Despite being trapped between your thighs, Karl was still clearly in control of the situation as he ground his hips up against yours. Both your jeans and Karl’s sweatpants were discarded soon after. You went to slip out of your underwear but he stopped you, something you were somewhat thankful for because, frankly, you didn’t wear the set of lingerie for it to just be discarded right away. 
His expression flickered to excitement as your hand instead wrapped around the base of his cock, pumping a few times before you sank onto him, a moan dragging through the both of you. He smiled lazily, his perfect teeth glistening up at you. Veins ran near the tattoo on his neck as his chin tilted up in pleasure as you began to move against him. You ran your fingers into your hair as you bobbed on top of him, your hips rolling against his to draw out ungodly noises from him. He reached one of his hands behind him to grip onto the headboard for some kind of anchor. His other hand dug into your hip, the two of you moving to bring each other closer to climax. 
You rocked against him roughly, driving him deeper into you. You could help but rake your nails down his body, causing goosebumps to litter his chest and a groan to hiss from between his lips. You slowed your pace, only to slide one of your hands up to wrap around his neck. A dark expression clouded behind his eyes as if daring you to proceed with your malicious intentions. Pride swelled within you at the knowledge that you could pleasure him this much. Sure, the two of you usually had great sex, but this time it was you who was drawing it out of Karl. 
You applied pressure and his hand moved to wrap around your wrist, his head tilting back again as his teeth dug into his lower lip, your hips grinding against him slowly, driving him deeper into you. Sweat had begun to pool at his hairline and near his brow, his cheeks reddening from the stimulation. “You’re so hot,” you almost growled, making his eyebrows perk up, a pleasantly praised expression flashing across his features. You rode him harder, making him moan your name as if it were a curse. 
You leaned down, connecting your lips in a searing kiss. Karl pushed himself to sit up, wrapping his arms around you as the two of you reached for your orgasms. His teeth dug into your shoulder as your nails dug into his back. At the new angle, he had found your sweet spot and the tension was beginning to unravel deep within you.  “Fuck, I’m close,” he groaned, almost reluctantly. Your head dropped back slightly as you felt each movement of his shooting electricity through your body. Your fingers moved to drag through his hair, tugging at his locks and invoking a string of raspy moans to fall from his lips.
Your toes curled as you finally reached your orgasm, calling out his name and feeling him release as well, riding out your pleasure. You breathlessly sank further into his arms, his chest rising as he savored the rest of his orgasm. The two of you slumped back against the bed, Karl’s arm resting beneath your head. “I half expected a pin-up on the ceiling, not gonna lie,” you mumbled, your voice jagged. 
Karl laughed. “He moved it downstairs for a party,” he joked. 
“Charming,” you jeered. After a beat of silence, something crept into your mind. “Do you think I’m the only girl to finish in this bed?” 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Karl’s face break into a smirk. “I’m not sure, I usually only hear him.”
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@mrwinemaker  @ madsbbg 
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i-moved-blogs-ffs · 4 years
Danganronpa request can a reader who is really kind and a sweetheart adopt the warriors of hope and helpem to forget they traumas and also can the reader beat the hell up the warriors of hope parents after everything they done to those innocents children's please
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Of course, my darling! I love the WoH so much- I adopted them too, they're your adoptive siblings now so you all gotta get along ok-
These are probably gonna spiral into parenting headcanons because I cannot help myself- just let these kiddos have a happy home life man- :(
TW for mentions of abuse. It's nothing explicit, but it can be upsetting to some. Please be cautious.
Anyways, let's get started!
- 🌸🍭mod mikan🍭🌸
S/O adopting the WoH!
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Now, we all know these kiddos had a bad time.
They were all abused in different ways, neglected, put down to the lowest point they could be.
Junko was like a light at the end of the tunnel for them, a savior - someone who cared, someone who they could trust, someone who loved them. But it was all lies.
She didn't care.
They couldn't trust her.
She didn't love them.
But then, you came around. At first, they thought you were like every other demon; evil, cold and uncaring.
And yet, there was this warmth radiating off of you... Almost like another light they could chase to get to true joy.
After Komaru and Toko defeated each of them, they felt lost. What were they supposed to do now that their empire has failed? Were the adults going to punish them, by abusing and taking advantage of them even further?
The group wandered the streets of Towa City, alone, hiding from every adult they could see and fending for themselves.
However, they stumbled upon you and Komaru. You two have been actively looking for them after finding out they survived.
But the reason why you were looking for them, was pretty unexpected.
You wanted to take them in as your own. They were just kids after all, no matter how much they tried to make themselves seem bigger. You wanted to help them, teach them that not everyone will hurt them, because they deserve to be loved like any other child does.
And so, they went with you. Very reluctantly mind you, but they didn't have much of a choice.
And as time went on, they opened up to you, one by one. And soon, you guys became like a happy family.
Somewhat dysfunctional, but still happy family.
Ok so, origin story's out of the way, now let's get in a bit deeper-
Parenting the Warriors is pretty hard- they each have something about themselves that you need to keep in mind.
And besides, taking care of 5 children wouldn't be easy even if they weren't traumatized-
You have to be patient, warm and kind to them, and to you that's no problem!
I would imagine Masaru would be the first to let his guard down around you, because he could tell that you weren't a bad person from the start.
He would start to admire you greatly, seeing you as the only cool adult around!!
He's always trying to impress you or get your attention because of that. And you always give him praise, telling him he's the most awesome kiddo ever!!
He always gets a bit bashful when you do, scratching his head as an "awhh, shucks!", escaping his lips.
He's very fond of you! He wants to do the things you do, like trying out your hobbies or imitating your mannerisms. He just wants to be as cool as you are.
While it is cute, you have to teach him that he's only the best when he's himself!
Kotoko was probably the second to open up. The first thing she noticed is that you never, ever used her trigger word in a sentence, not even on accident. You always used words like "soft", "tender" or "mallow", maybe even "delicate".
Not me looking up synonyms on thesaurus.com rn shHDHS
Like Masaru, her initial gut reaction always told her you were a good person, but the walls she had built up just couldn't let you in right away.
And when she does get comfortable, she becomes super clingy. She's almost as fond of you as Masaru is, honestly-
She always goes to you for any sort of help. She feels like you're the only person she can trust 100%, whether it be with her feelings or some other problem.
You're like- the only person who she's super nice to all the time. She used to be like that with Monaca, until you took them in.
Actually, speaking of that, they completely stopped literally worshipping Monaca's every move once you entered their lives.
Now, next up is Jataro. He initially thought you hated his every move, and that you only took him in because of pity.
But, you were proving him wrong every day. Going out of your way to talk to him, being so incredibly kind that it made his heart hurt.
You always help him out with his art! He loves when you sit down and paint, sculpt or draw with him, even if you're not artistic yourself. He feels like he's wanted, and all of that self-hatred almost completely washes away.
The biggest moment was when you finally convinced him to take off his mask. And when he did, you could tell he was way happier.
You two burned the mask together, leaving that part of his life behind you and turning over a new leaf.
And because of your influence, the rest of the kids are way nicer to him as well now!
Nagisa was the fourth one to take his guard down.
He saw how much Masaru, Kotoko and Jataro trusted you, and after observing you further, he began to see why.
He was always very distant from you, and you respected that. So, you were pleasantly surprised when he suddenly started going out of his way to help you, talk to you or spend time with you. However, you never questioned it, which made him relieved.
It's like you two silently agreed that you were cool with eachother.
He's very mature for his age, so he's the first one to try and help you with regular day-to-day tasks, even without you asking for said help.
Mans over here about to start doing your taxes HDHDH-
You always tell him to chill out, but he insists. He knows how much trouble he and his adoptive siblings are making for you, and it's his own way of thanking you.
Now, Monaca's a little interesting.
At first she was only pretending to care about you, like she did with the rest of the Warriors, but after a while she genuinely grew to love both you and her siblings.
She doesn't like the fact she cares one bit, but she can't help it.
She still has very manipulative tendencies, but you always see through them and her lies. You call her out on it, but never berate her.
She's very kiss ass-y, I guess?? Always complimenting you for the smallest reasons and calling you sweet nicknames.
She sometimes just wants to make you mess up to try and get herself to stop caring-
Like whenever a problem comes up, she always goes, "S/O can fix it!😌🙏 Our (affectionate parental term) dearest can do anything!🥰💞" and the rest of the kids are like "yah!!💖💕" because they love and support you while you're just there like🧍
Because no you can't rebuild the economy do you look like bob the fucking builder-
AnywaY their parents are already dead, so you guys beat up H*ji instead. :)
Ah, family bonding time. 💕
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And done!! I love these little spawns of satan so much you guys don't even know- this was literally so fun to write that I think I got carried away a bit hshGhd- I hope this is ok!
Make sure to wash your hands, stay hydrated, take any meds you may need to and stay safe! You were so brave, have a lollipop! 🍭
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lunarmessenger · 4 years
Hi!!!!!!!! I just love jealous RFA so what their (plus minor duo but only if it’s not too much) reaction would be if girl confessed and they thought it’d be for RFA but turns out it’s for MC? And I love your chibi drawings that’s so precious >~<
Ohho, aren’t you precious? I actually love this concept omg thank you so much for your request!! Sorry it took me a bit to get it written out ;;; - luna xx
warnings: none really? just a bit of jealousy and possessiveness haha
• He’s literally so butt hurt
• He’s so used to admirers swarming the two of you to get his autograph or try to pine for his number
• While he gladly gives autographs for fans and even pictures, he always respectfully declined those who asked for his number
• He just loved seeing the slight tint of red on your cheeks when you got jealous and that’s why he wasn’t normally so forceful of telling other people no when they asked for his number
• Until one day you had went to go grab some water during one of Zen’s breaks at rehearsal
• One of his coworkers, a beautiful woman with long black hair and the perfect figure strolled up she reminded him a bit of Jumin honestly
• He was actually a little nervous to tell her no because he didn’t want to cause a scene but he would do it for you because he loves you
• So he begrudgingly held out his hand and she plops a piece of paper into it, a smirk on her face as he takes a deep breath
• “Look, I know that you and I work together but that doesn’t mean I’m available—”
• “Tell them that when they’re done with you, they should give me a call.”
• That’s when it clicks for him as he notices the way her dark eyes loom over your approaching figure, her tongue licking her lips as she winks at him then walks away
• He’s so infuriated that it hurts
• “Everything okay, Zen?”
• He rips the paper into so many pieces you didn’t even think that was possible
• “How about you go home, MC; I’ll tell you about it later.”
• You laughed for ages and teased him about it for weeks because, well
• “You’re not the only hot one in this relationship, Zen.”
• He’s always super bashful when girls in his class try to ask him out because he rarely finds himself attractive
• You were the same in a way; you were more confident than him, but still shy when people complimented you
• So while the two of you are on his campus, you holding flashcards in front of him to help him study
• You started to smile at a girl that approached the two of you, cheeks blazing pink as she stuttered over her words
• Her blue eyes were wide as she tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, looking as if she was taking deep breaths to calm herself
• “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’ve seen you both around for a while, and I just…well…”
• Yoosung turns just as pink, brows furrowing as he stutters over his words too
• “I appreciate it but I am taken!”
• For a moment the girl furrows her brows in confusion, adjusting the straps of her backpack as she tilts her head
• “Um…okay? Anyway, I think you’re really attractive and so; please accept my letter!”
• Both of your jaws drop as she kneels down and hands the letter towards you, hands trembling as you take it and nod
• “Aha, um…thank you?”
• She scurries off before you can even turn it over, and when you do you see your name written in beautiful penmanship surrounded by hearts
• Before you can even open it, Yoosung has snatched it out of your hands
• “Wha—Yoosung!”
• His purple eyes were clouded with anger as he rips it to shreds, an almost growl escaping his lips as he grunts
• “You’re mine. No need to read this letter when it’s gonna end up in the trash.”
• You couldn’t help but laugh at his possessiveness, tackling him in a hug and peppering his face with kisses as you shook your head.
• “What am I going to do with you?”
• She’s not the jealous type usually
• Like you can mention in passing that you were hit on and it won’t phase her a bit
• When it happens in front of her though? That’s a bit different;;;;
• Men tend to hit on the both of you often so that doesn’t phase her much but when it’s women?? Uh oh
• A really sweet woman was frequenting the bakery often; she would always get the same treat and the same drink, sitting at a table by the window
• She was quite pretty; short curly hair and tanned skin that had been specially kissed by the sun
• Jaehee was making the coffee for the next order when you’d gone to check on every table, stopping at hers and asking if she’d like another
• “No, thank you but…I was wondering. Would you like to go out for dinner some time?”
• Before you’d had a chance to respond you heard the sound of ceramic crashing, the mug Jaehee was holding now in pieces on the floor as she looked in your direction
• “Ah, while I’m flattered, I do have a girlfriend…;;;”
• The woman was understanding, putting two and two together as Jaehee rushed to pick up the mug and stomped into the back area
• “Jaehee! Jae, omg why are you so mad please—”
• “Because you’re my partner and how dare she think for a second that—”
• You interrupted her with a kiss and that shut her up quickly
• “You should be possessive more often. I actually like it…”
• “Shut up, MC.”
• He has plenty of women in the business world that try to win his heart even though you’ve already done that lol
• So he’s actually quite surprised when you join him for a business meeting and he notices one of the women staring at you
• It’s so painfully obvious he’s actually offended that she isn’t hiding it
• She peers up at you through her bangs that frame her face, short hair styled perfectly as she leans back in her office chair
• Jumin couldn’t even focus and in minutes the meeting was over and she was instantly at your side
• “What?” He’s stunned, watching as she gently takes your hand in hers and kisses it
• “I’ve heard plenty about you, MC. While I’m sure Jumin appreciates you as a business asset, I would love to get to know you on a more personal level.”
• He is livid
• Before you can respond he’s wrapped an arm around you and snatched you away from her, a smirk on her face as he frowns at her
• “I’d appreciate if you let their hand go. We have business to tend to; at home. Come along, MC.”
• “Jumin oh—” He has you pressed so close to him that you can smell his cologne, your face flushed from embarrassment as she grins
• “It was nice meeting you!”
• Jumin scoffs as he escorts you out of the meeting room
• You’re shocked; he’s never lost control like that, not even when men would make passes at you during events or dinner parties
• “So, what was that?”
• “We will not be discussing this, MC. Now, would you like French, or Italian for lunch?”
• You grin as you get in the elevator with him, pressing a small kiss to his cheek
• “No matter what, Jumin. You’re the one for me.”
• He makes so many jokes about the women that fawn over him that he too his stunned when a woman confesses their love for you
• It was during an RFA party, and you’d worn a particularly flattering outfit that accentuated all the right places
• He was watching you from afar when he noticed a woman with equal beauty walk up to you, long blonde hair and brown eyes drinking you in as she slightly leaned against you
• “Oh, it looks like I’ve had too much to drink; maybe you’d like to take me home? I’ve been an admirer of yours for a while…”
• You’re so embarrassed that you don’t know what to say; a clutter of “ums” and “uhs” leaving your mouth as you tried to make sure she didn’t fall
• With you holding her up it gave her a chance to press against you even more so much so that you could feel and see most of her chest oh god Saeyoung help me
• “Oh~ I am also way too drunk and love showing off my boobs to make people like me!”
• You immediately drop the woman in shock when you see your boyfriend waltzing towards you in a dress, a long red wig swishing behind him as he lands on you
• It couldn’t be helped; you were laughing so hard that you nearly fell over, Saeyoung grinning as he sneered at the woman who looked at the two of you in confusion
• “Wait…what?”
• “Oh! I’m sorry miss um, but uh, this is my boyfriend—”
• “Who happily takes them home every night so if you’d please let us be that would be the most polite!” He says in a sing song voice, placing a hand on your chest as you snort
• You’d never seen a woman walk away so fast in your life
• “Good riddance…how classless.”
• “Saeyoung you literally put on a dress just to be petty.”
• “That’s different MC.”
• He receives admirers from all over who adore mainly his work; and it doubles when they realize how handsome the painter is
• During an exhibition he’d gathered a rather large crowd, mostly women which wasn’t surprising
• It didn’t bother you much; you trusted V, and he always made it clear that he was happy in his relationship with you to all of the women who tried to grow close to him
• You’d gone to a different section of the gallery to take a minute to yourself, staring at V’s painting of you that he’d done with a fond smile
• “While he is talented, he surely will never be able to capture the beauty of the real thing.”
• You turned your head in surprise to see a woman staring at you, red lips and sharp green eyes piercing as she held out a glass of champagne towards you
• “Oh, well um…thank you.”
• “Of course. I understand the appeal to him but…I like to think that his partner is much more enticing.”
• You couldn’t help but blush as you stared at your bubbling champagne
• Then, the familiar smell of lavender and cedar danced across your nose, your head turning to see V approaching
• “You’re absolutely right, miss. They are the most enticing, and that’s why I made them mine. Now, if you’ll excuse us.”
• He plucks the champagne out of your hand and places it on the bench beside you, whisking you away while the woman pouts and hurries off
• “Um, V?”
• He hides the two of you in a dark hallway, closed off from the gallery as he presses you against the wall
• “I don’t know how you do this all the time MC; that was painful for me to see. Promise me that I’m the only one you’ll ever look at?”
• You giggle as you wrap your arms around the back of his neck, pressing your forehead against his as you whisper
• “I promise. She’s no match for you, my love.”
• He seals the promise with a kiss, savoring your taste as he breathes out
• “Let’s just stay like this for a little longer…”
• He’s so shy already that when he receives confessions from women he literally shuts down
• It’s even worse when women confess their love to you like what???
• He understands because he’s knows that you’re beautiful and that you’re such an amazing person
• But you’re also his like excuse me?
• You’re enjoying your lunch in the park that you always take once a week
• You were sketching in your journal while he explained the different plants you were seeing; it was one of your favorite pass times to do before it got too late
• The two of you were unaware that your sketching and laughter had gained the attention of another, who was working up the courage to confess
• She’d finally gained said courage, walking up with a brand new journal as she cleared her throat
• “Um…excuse me?”
• You both turned your eyes towards her, freckles dotting her shy face as she handed the book to you
• “I always see you drawing and, well, you’re really good. So I wanted you to have this.”
• You were shocked; such kindness from a stranger. But this was a gift you couldn’t accept.
• “Oh, thank you so much! But I can’t accept this, really because—”
• “Because I am their boyfriend.” You didn’t expect him to speak up, head snapping towards him in surprise
• He wasn’t angry just more apologetic; he’d experienced the same fear of rejection when he was pursuing you and he knew that what she was feeling wasn’t good
• “Oh, I see. Okay. Well, I’ll leave you two alone then.”
• She walked away dejected while he reached for your hand
• “I think I’ve just experienced jealousy and I didn’t like it much.”
• You giggled, resting your head in his lap as you looked at him
• “You handled it graciously, darling. Let’s enjoy the sun then head home.”
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
My Hero Academia Sentence Starters #1-10
A collection of the MHA sentence starters I've done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
1) Lee Deku, Ler Kaminari
“How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone?”
Kaminari blanched, shocked and hurt by Deku’s harsh tone. He took a step back, frowning at the boy who sat at his desk, eyes angry and fists clenched.
However, a moment later it seemed to register with Deku what he’d done, and he instantly went from looking livid to looking guilty. “I’m…I’m sorry, Kaminari. I just…” He sighed heavily. “I want to get this done, and everyone keeps telling me to take a break, but I can’t, I’m so close—”
Kaminari paused, looking at him with concern. “They’re…they’re right, you know. You need to take a break; you’ve been up here for hours. You��ve had half the class tell you to come eat dinner or watch TV or something.”
“I can’t!”
“Yes, you can. If not willingly, then because I’ll make you.”
Deku looked at him, seeing the wiggling fingers seconds before they made contact with his upper ribs, trying to wiggle their way into his underarms, which Kaminari knew was a bad spot. Surprised, panicked giggles spilled from Deku immediately, without his consent. “Nohohohoho! Kaminariehehehehehehe! I h-hahahahahave to fihihihinish--!”
“You’ll finish it after you take a break.” Kaminari finally managed to get into one underarm, nearly toppling Deku out of his chair in a fit of hysterical giggles. “Don’t make me use my tickle-shocks on you. I’ll do it, Midoriya.”
“Nohohohohohohohohoho!” Deku pleaded, squealing when Kami gave up on his other underarm and instead went for his hip. “NAHAHAHA!! OKAY OKAHAHAHAHAY I’LL TAHAHAHAKE A BREAK!!”
Kaminari grinned, satisfied, and tugged Deku out of his chair. “Come on. Dinner and video games. That’s what’s on the agenda for you for the next hour, my friend.”
2) Lee Deku, Ler Shinsou
“Wanna show me your face, bashful?”
Deku shook his head, still covering his blushing face. Shinsou smiled down at him, lazily trailing his fingers up and down his boyfriend’s sides, making him squirm and giggle quietly.
“That’s too bad. I guess you really don’t want me to tickle you, then.” Shinsou grinned.
“Shinsou,” Deku whined, “that’s not fair.”
“What’s not fair?”
“I can’t look at you while you’re t…tic…” Deku stammered, trying and failing to say one of his favorite words. Shinsou noticed his ears became as red as his face. “You know.”
“Do I?” The violet-haired boy chuckled lowly, gradually trailing his fingers up into Deku’s underarms. “Come on, Izuku. I want to see your cute face.”
“I c-cahahahahan’t,” Deku whimpered, giggling louder now, at war with himself between bringing his arms down protectively or keeping his face covered up. “You’re so mehehehehean…”
“Aww, but I want to see that big smile of yours.” Shinsou gently grasped his wrists. “Let me see you, Izuku.”
“Nohohohoho…” Deku kept giggling even though Shinsou wasn’t tickling him anymore, his hands gradually pulled away from his face. He twisted his head to the side, squeezing his eyes shut. Shinsou took the opportunity to begin nibbling on his exposed neck. Deku jerked beneath him, trying to cover up again, but this time Shinsou held his wrists firmly and wouldn’t let go. “Nohohohohoho! S-Shinsou, no fahahahahahahair!”
“You are literally the cutest thing on this planet,” Shinsou murmured between nibbles. “Sorry, Izuku – I’m not letting you hide this time~”
3) Lee Todoroki, Ler Kirishima
“Put me down,” Todoroki said.
Kiri grunted. “Nah, man, I got you. Go ahead.”
“You’re going to drop me.”
“I’m unbreakable.”
“I’m not.” Todoroki gripped Kirishima’s shoulders with his legs. He was perched precariously on them, trying to change a lightbulb in the living room. Rather than get a chair from the kitchen, Kiri had suggested using him as a boost, which Todoroki was now seriously regretting. “Kirishima, just put me down and let’s get a chair. It’ll be safer than whatever this is.”
“I got you, Todo,” Kiri replied, holding him firmer for emphasis. “Go ahead and change it.”
Todoroki rolled his eyes. He wasn’t playing this game today. Rather than do as Kiri said, he reached down to scribble into his open underarms, making the redhead yelp and tumble backwards, losing his footing and falling toward the couch.
Todoroki quickly made an ice slide for himself, knowing he’d fall over the back of the couch if he didn’t. Once they were separated – Kiri on the sofa, Todoroki on the floor – the icy-hot hero sighed. “Look what you made me do. I’m going to have to explain to Mr. Aizawa why the living room got drenched in cold water now.”
The next thing he knew, Kiri had leapt over the side of the couch and used his own slide to meet him on the floor, quickly straddling him and digging his thumbs into his hips. “If you’d have just changed the light bulb this wouldn’t have happened, Todo.”
“If yohohohohohou’d just puhut me dohohohown--!”
“I told you I had you, man.” Kiri smirked. “This is what you get for doubting me.”
4) Lee Aizawa, Ler Present Mic
“Wake up, sleepyhead!” Present Mic turned on the classroom lights, grinning at his friend who lay bundled up like a caterpillar in the corner of the room. “Lunch is almost over!”
“Go away,” Aizawa muttered.
“Your kiddos are going to be back any second!”
“I know.”
“You have to get up!”
“Let me sleep, curse you.”
Mic grinned even wider, striding over to Aizawa and yanking down the zipper on his sleeping bag. “Up, up, up!”
“Ungh.” Aizawa allowed himself to be pulled out of his warm cocoon, but made no effort to stand or do anything more than go limp. “You’re so annoying.”
After successfully managing to get his friend out of his hiding place, Mic crouched down behind him an drilled his fingers into his underarms.
“Nahaha-! Whahat the-?! Mihihihic!” Aizawa screeched, trying to roll over, but Mic pinned his arms to the floor with his knees and kept tickling. “Stohohohohp!”
“Get up, get up! The second half of the day is about to begin!”
“Dohohohohohon’t you hahahave somewhere to be?!”
“I do!” Mic laughed. “Right here, tickling you awake. Look alive – the students are coming!”
“Gehehehehet off, you annoying loudmouth!” Aizawa finally managed to wiggle his way free, scrambling to his feet while Mic got to his nonchalantly, the first of his students from Class 1-A walking through the door not a second later. Aizawa glared at Mic. “I have work to do.”
“You bet you do,” Mic replied, smirking. He turned and waved over his shoulder.
5) Lee Todoroki, Ler Iida
“I know you can do it!” Iida encouraged, unable to help but smile at his friend’s predicament. “I’ve almost got it; hang in there!”
“I CAHAHAHAHAHAN’T!!” Todoroki screamed, laughing hysterically as the marker dragged up and down his foot, drawing patterns on it he couldn’t see. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE IIDA!!”
The class rep was currently drawing a map to all the pressure points in the foot, both as practice for himself and a reference for his friend to use later. He’d been surprised when Todoroki offered to let him draw on him, and even more surprised to learn how incredibly ticklish his icy-hot friend was. He smiled at the hysterics he was inadvertently producing, holding onto Todoroki’s toes to keep his foot as still as possible.
“I’ve only got a couple left,” Iida replied over the loud laughter, grinning. “You can do it.” He resisted the urge to scribble wildly just because he could. He did have a job to do. “Just one more!”
Todoroki tossed his head back and laughed louder and wilder than Iida had ever heard before when he dragged the marker’s tip along the space just below the ball of his foot. If he weren’t in the room to know what was happening, he’d think his friend was being brutally attacked.
Finally, he pulled the pen away, released his friend, and sat back. “There! All done!”
Todoroki collapsed with relief, gasping for breath, still giggling. “T-That was awful.”
Iida grinned. “Ready to do the other foot?”
6) Lee Deku, Ler All Might
“I thought heroes were supposed to be strong,” All Might teased, smiling at Deku. He pressed his thumbs into the soft flesh of the boy’s sides, earning the brightest, bubbliest giggles in return.
“I ahahaham strong!” Deku insisted, squirming but not trying to stop him. “I can tahahahahake it!”
“Oh, can you, now?” All Might hummed. Suddenly his soft pressing became rougher digging, and Deku knew immediately he’d regret saying that he could handle it. “We’ll see how long you can last against the number-one hero.”
“F-Fohohohohohohormerly!” Deku reminded him, always one for accuracy. However, as soon as the words were out, he wished he could take them back. “Nohohohohoho, wahahahahait, I mehehean-!”
“You wound me, young Midoriya.”
“I’m sohohohohohohorry, I dihihihihidn’t-!”
“Take this!” All Might suddenly tackled him to the floor, pinning him in place as he scribbled his fingers up and down the boy’s torso, and Deku tossed his head back and screeched with panicked, excited laughter.
“Have you forgotten, Midoriya?” The former pro hero laughed. “I am still here!”
7) Lee Kaminari, Ler Bakugou
“Be careful where you put that thing!” Denki cried, jumping out of the way.
Bakugou gave him a sideways look. “It’s a hand buzzer. It can’t hurt that bad.”
“No, it doesn’t hurt.” The electric blonde huffed out a breath. “It tickles. Watch where you’re aiming it.”
There was a long, long pause.
Bakugou glanced at the item in his hand, then up at Denki, and he grinned evilly. “It tickles, huh?”
Denki turned on his heel and bolted, but not fast enough. Bakugou had him tackled to the ground and pinned to the floor within moments, the hand buzzer pressed into his side.
“NahahaHAHAHAHAHA!! NOHOHOHOHO!!” Denki cried, laughter bursting from him before he could think about it. “Dohohohohon’t! That reheheheally t-tihihiHIHIHIHCKLES!! BAKUGOU!!”
Bakugou laughed, pressing the buzzer everywhere he could. Sides, ribs, shoulder blades, lower back. All of it made Denki squirm and cackle beneath him, begging him to stop. “You’ve got to be kidding me! If this tickles you so bad, what are tasers like?”
“WOHOHOHOHOHOHORSE!!” Denki screamed, pounding the ground with his fist. “PLEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP IT!!”
“You know they’re worse?!” Bakugou laughed again, but he relented and let him go. “Have you been tasered before?”
Denki groaned. “Shut up.”
8) Switches Todoroki and Deku
“I just wanted a hug!” Todoroki cried, trying desperately to get away from Deku’s strong grip around his back. “Midoriya!”
“You’re getting one,” Deku replied, grinning, digging his fingertips into Todoroki’s ribs. “A tickly one.”
“You sneheheaky little-!”
“Aww, was that a giggle?”
“Of cohohohourse it was!”
“You’re so ticklish it’s adorable, Todoroki.”
The icy-hot hero blushed, squirming, trying to get away. “Stohohohop!” He grabbed onto Deku’s hip and squeezed. “Lehehet me go!”
“AIEE!!” Deku shrieked, pulling away so hard he actually took Todoroki with him, tumbling backwards and landing with a crash on the floor. Unfortunately, that left the half-and-half boy on top of him, and he was still squeezing Deku’s hip. “NAHAHAHAHAHA!! TODOROKIEHEHEHEHE!!”
“Whaaaaat?” Todoroki teased, getting settled, completely unbothered by the hands pushing at his head, his shoulders, anything they could reach. “I just want to give you a tickly hug, Midoriya~”
9) Lee Todoroki, Ler Momo
“For being such a tickle monster, you’re awfully ticklish,” Momo observed, smiling.
Todoroki lay on the ground, curled onto his side as she dug into his ribs and underarm, and he was giggling hard into the carpet. “I knohohohohohohohow!”
“Is that what you were trying to do? To get me to fight back and tickle you?” she teased, rolling him onto his back and squeezing a thigh, making him jerk and let out a loud bark of laughter. “Ooh, good spot?”
“NOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Todoroki cried. He couldn’t believe how fast the tables had turned on him. One minute he’d had Momo pinned beneath him, and now here he was beneath her, laughing helplessly as her nimble fingers danced all over his torso and now his thighs. “PLEHEHEHEHEASE NOT THEHEHEHEHERE!!”
“You’re just so cute like this, Todoroki. How can I stop now?” With that, she straddled his knees and grasped both thighs, kneading deeply and sending him into fits of hysterical cackling he had no control over whatsoever. “Aw, tickle, tickle~”
“Sorry,” she replied, not sounding sorry at all. “You’ll have to beg a little more than that~”
10) Lee Shigaraki, Ler Dabi
“Why are you always so grumpy?”
Shigaraki held perfectly still, staring Dabi in the eye, unwilling to give in. The fire-wielding villain had his hand wrapped around him as though going in for a side-hug, but the press of fingers into his ribs told Shigaraki that he was being anything but friendly.
“Why are you always so optimistic?” Shigaraki spat back. “It makes me sick.”
“Sorry, boss. Can’t help it, I suppose. Much like you probably can’t help being grumpy all the time.” Dabi let a slow, confident smirk creep across his face. “But I can fix that for you.”
“I don’t need fixing.”
“Oh, you need way more fixing than any of us will ever be able to help you with,” Dabi replied, digging his fingers in a little more. “But for now, I think this will do.”
Shigaraki tensed. The way they were positioned, he couldn’t easily get out of Dabi’s grip, and if he touched him with all of his fingers without thinking, he’d turn the fiery villain – quite ironically – to ash. “Don’t – don’t touch me, Dabi.” The league’s boss grunted and squirmed, but Dabi kept up. “This isn’t funny. Let me go.”
“Wow, listen to that! The boss is begging me to let him go.”
“I’m not begging,” Shigaraki snapped. “I’m demanding.” There was a pause, and then a sudden screech as a loud bout of laughter escaped him. He collapsed onto Dabi’s chest with unstoppable giggles that he hated himself for letting free. “Nohohohohoho! Stohohohohohop it!”
Dabi chuckled. “So the boss is ticklish, eh?” He wrapped both arms around him and pulled him in close, drilling his fingers into his ribs and sides and belly in rapid succession, and Shigaraki was helpless to the laughter that poured out of him in response. “That’s good to know.”
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phoenixblack89 · 3 years
Blank Canvas
Travis is definitely one of my favourite characters the gorgeously talented Mr. Reedus has portrayed. 
TAGS: @fandomsaremykryponite @autocon23 @lilythemadqueen @darylsgirl @writingdeadangel
WARNING: Just pure filthy smut 
The incessant beeping of your alarm clock woke you as you tried in vain to stay under the covers of your bed. Your head throbbed in pain, a lecture about hangovers and the dangers of drinking by your mother echoing in your memory.
It was all Derek's fault.
You would have been quite happy to have the loft to yourself last night while your three roommates went drinking but no. He insisted that you come along to make sure Travis didn't have another 'discussion with gravity' as he liked to call them. Needless to say all of you ended up slightly more than drunk, hell Travis was literally dragged into his room out cold last night.
The only thing making you feel better was the fact he too would be horridly hungover as you at the lecture.
"Y/N? You awake?"
"Just..." You croakily replied, throwing your pillow over your shoulder.
The door creaked loudly as Travis opened it and slowly, holding his head, made his way to you and climbed under the covers.
"Can we skip today?"
"Travis sweetums, you know we can't." You groan, turning and putting your head on his chest lightly. The crush you harbored on the quieter, shyer roommate was nothing secret. Both Jones and Derek knew, Travis seemed oblivious to it however. If he knew he wouldn't do his usual hangover routine which involved him climbing into your bed to snuggle and complain about his head until the afternoon. As it was you weren't complaining. You loved feeling the heat through your body from the innocent act by him.
"Fuck it. Let's skip. We can always catch up. We'll just say we ate dodgy food again. Blame Derek's cooking." You laughed and wrapped an arm around his waist and sighed.
"Shhh my head hurts. Let's go back to sleep" He wrapped his arms around you and closed his eyes.
The slam of the door jolted you awake. Fucking noisy bastards you thought, glancing at the clock and groaning. Travis rubbed his eyes and sat up slowly. Derek kicked the door open and bounced on the bed, crushing you and Travis back into the mattress.
"See you two finally fucked!" He laughed.
You and Travis both turned bright red and you shoved Derek hard to get out from under him. You stood and pointed at the door.
"Get out!"
"Hey I'm joking! Nice shorts by the way." He laughed, leaning on one elbow to look you over lustifully. You huffed and slammed the door as you entered the bathroom.
Derek was such an ass. If he didn't mind you being late on the rent occasionally you would of moved out but you knew you'd never find somewhere as awesome as the loft. Especially when it came to your art supplies. The space for your canvases was your priority. Hours and weeks and months were spent on your art and they needed special storage to ensure they didn't get ruined. Derek, thankfully, had the perfect conditions for this. Oil, acrylic, watercolour, whatever your classical and fine arts class called for you had on hand within reach. The last place you lived meant you had to rent out a storage unit and numerous pieces of art had been lost because of the shit climate and vermin. You shuddered as you showered, remembering Travis helping you clear the storage unit to move in and discovering one of your favourite pieces had been converted into a comfortable two up two down by a collection of rats. That hadn't been a pleasant sight.
Wrapping a towel around you, you exited the bathroom to a thankfully empty bedroom. The laughs of your roommates reached your ears and you smiled lightly, dressing quickly in your usual baggy clothes before throwing up your hair and sitting at your desk. You sent an email to your professor for the weeks assignment and leaned back, your head ending upside down as you looked at the large blank canvas behind you. You'd bought the thing on a complete whim. You didn't know what to do with it now you had it. And honestly, you'd forgotten you'd even bought it in the first place until the delivery men hauled it into your living room. Maybe you should just give it to Travis. He'd know what to do with it.
"Hey you."
"Hello Miss Jones. What can I do for you today?"
You knew what she was going to say as soon as she closed the door. When you gonna tell him how you feel... Blah. Blah. Blah.
"Before you say it. No. Things are good the way they are. I ain't gonna rock the boat."
"Nope... Not a chance Jonesy. Ain't telling my cute, sweet, sexy as fuck, roommate I share a vast majority of art classes with I like him. Not happening."
"You should. He's a sweetie."
"I know. That's why I can't. I ain't his type anyway. He prefers thin blonds."
"Oh hunny, you have no idea what he likes." Jones smiled and patted your shoulder lightly. "Maybe you should ask for his help on that huge monster of a canvas." She smirked as she left.
Frowning, you bit your lip and considered her suggestion. Jones smirked as she passed Travis and winked back at you.
Shit. Had he heard?
"You... Erm... Need help with the... Assignment?" He stuttered, his head ducked lowly as you blushed.
"Er yea... Later... I... I... I need to look it over some more.."
He nodded and smirked as he tapped against your doorframe before spinning on his heel and leaving. As soon as you were sure he was out of sight and earshot yoh banged your head forward on the desk with a groan.
"Fuck my life."
"Lift! Careful! Careful" You huffed as you directed Travis and Derek, who were lifting the canvas into Travis's room for the project that you'd come up with. You laughed as Derek bashed his arm against the door.
"Remind me to not let you get another one this big!" Travis huffed, setting the monster down against his wall and flexing his thick fingers.
"Its not that bad! It's gonna look awesome!" You laughed quietly, tying your Y/H/C into a high ponytail and smiling as Derek left grumbling. "Come on Travis. Let's get this baby started."
"What exactly are we doing again?"
You shook your head and tugged the canvas into a more pleasant angle, last thing you wanted or needed was to injure yourself by overstretching yourself. Travis glanced over his shoulder as he picked up his paintbrush, twirling it between his fingers with a cigarette hanging from his sinful mouth. Your eyes gazed over his wide shoulders and down his back. The black vest clung to the muscles in his back and tucked into the overalls he was wearing, the sleeves tied tight around his narrow hips. His boots banged against the wood floor loudly as he tapped his foot expectantly.
"Huh?!" You startled out of your thoughts of how he'd feel under your hands as your nails dragged scarlet lines down that delicious looking back. "Oh erm... Well I was thinking maybe... Erm... A sex scene but not straight up porn. Like two lovers in an embrace kinda thing out in nature... Does that make sense?"
"Hmm... So... Summit like this?" He asked, quickly sketching a rough plan of two lovers on a scrap of paper. The lines were sharp with his haste, the angles a bit off but it was perfect. The woman's head thrown back as the man's lips kissed her neck, the hands gripping onto the males broad shoulders, her leg thrown over his hip.
You smiled widely and began sketching it on to the canvas roughly. Travis smiled, flicked his cigarette and joined you. Each of you taking one of the figures to draw. Travis's eyes lingering on your rapidly shifting hands. He loved watching you loose yourself to your creativity. It was as beautiful as the sun rise to him. The look of pure joy and concentration on your face, highlighted your beauty. The dimples in the corner of your mouth as you placed your pencil between your teeth drove him wild. He couldn't help but wonder what they'd look like as you sucked his cock. He ducked his head to the side as he felt his cock getting harder at the mere thought.
You backed away from the canvas and tilted your head to the side. Something was off with the sketch and it was bugging you no end. You just couldn't put your finger on what it was. Was it the angle? The pose? Was it something small and seemingly insignificant? Was it because you'd taken the male figure where Travis the female?
"Something is off about it... I just can't see what it is though..." Travis agreed, another cigarette dangling from his fingertips.
"Yea... I see it but I don't. Ya know. Maybe we should... Nah... That's stupid." You blushed and ran your hands over your face. Your eyes were a tad itchy and tired from the low light in the room plus the smoke. Travis chewed his lip and walked to you slowly.
"Well... Maybe we should try the pose out. See if its because we didn't have a proper reference for it." Your eyes stayed on the floor, running over the numerous splatters of multicoloured paint that had been dipping onto it. Travis felt a lump in his throat as he shifted his weight nervously. He nodded his head upwards and slowly stalked towards you, licking his lip nervously. You shifted closer and with a glance at the canvas lifted your leg to his hip, pushing yourself closer to him. His fingers hesitated for a moment before wrapping around your thigh tightly. His lips slightly red from being chewed dropped to your neck before pulling away sharply.
"Hold up. Camera. Can't hold pose and look at it at the same time."
He rushed and grabbed his camera, setting it up on a tripod and grabbed the clicker to be able to take the photo. He smiled as he reached for you and you flushed, feeling the heat from his crotch against your core as he lifted your leg back into place across his hip. His mouth once more just brushing your neck as you ran your hand through his short dark tresses. The camera flashed suddenly and you backed away as Travis quickly hooked the memory card into his computer and gave a laugh at the blurry image on the screen.
"Still looks wrong. Maybe we should lose the overalls?" He suggested quietly, swallowing audibly as the image became more focused. You nodded and blushed, slipping the boots off your feet and shrugging the dark paint splattered overalls off your hips to pool on the floor beside his bed. Your throat went dry as his gaze ran along your legs, over your plain black panties and up your stomach to the thin white cotton vest you had on. Your nipples were clearly visible through the fabric, a dusty rose colour and hard from the tingle of arousal running rampant through you.
Travis's eyes darken as he removed his own clothes down to his boxers before returning to your side once more. You shuddered as his fingertips ran up your leg to grip you up around his hip once more. His eyes drilled into yours as he lowered his head to your neck. Your eyes closed, feeling his breath ghosting over your pulse point. You felt his cock harden against your core as your nails lightly scrapped his scalp and sucked in a gasp. His lips brushed against your neck as the camera flashed. His hand tightened in the back of your neck as he trailed kisses up your neck before pulling back to look into your eyes. You bit your lip and nudged your nose against his lightly.
"You... God... Y/N I like you. I've thought about you and me so much. I wanna..."
"Shut up and kiss me idiot."
You smiled at the smirk gracing his face as he did as he was told, pushing his hips into yours tighter. He grabbed your other leg and pulled you up into his arms, walking forward to his bed before dipping down onto his knees. His lips felt heavenly after so long of a wait. You nipped his lip lightly and pushed your tongue into his mouth as he gasped.
He growled and thrust against you as his hands ripped your vest from your chest and licked at your nipple. You grabbed his hair and tugged him back to your mouth as you pushed his boxers down his hips and felt the heavy, thick weight of his raging hard cock.
His lips left a trial along your neck, sucking and nipping gently as he ground his hips against yours slowly. A thrill of desire flared in your core, making your clit twitch against the cotton covering them. His fingers lightly tapped along the edge of your panties before gripping them tightly and dragging them harshly down your hips. Your hand ran up and down his length as he leaned his forehead against yours, his breaths coming out as soft groans.
"Fuck... I ain't gonna last if ya keep that up!" He moaned, feeling his orgasm rapidly approaching. With a slight growl, he grabbed your hand and pulled it off himself, slamming it down above your head and panted against your neck. "Fuck..."
"Travis... Please..." You moaned, wiggling under his weight. He smirked against your collarbone as he began kissing down your chest. He shifted his hips and aligned himself with your dripping core. In one swift thrust he buried himself inside your aching pussy as you gave a very loud moaning shriek. Your nails raked down his back as he set a hard, fast pace. His fingers digging harshly into your hips, sure to leave bruises for days.
You gave a loud moan as you felt your core tingling and fluttering around his hard cock, your pleasure sky rocketing towards the orgasmic bliss it craved.
Your release crashed over you as his fingers dug crescents into your hips as his thrusts became harder and rougher. His head leaned back as he enjoyed the sensation of your walls spasming around him, your mouth held open in a silent scream as pleasure rushed through your entire nervous system.
You pulled him towards you and crashed your lips against his as his hips began loosing their rhythm, his own release rapidly approaching. He gave a groan and pulled out, gripping himself tightly and splashing your stomach with his cum. He fell down beside you panting then chuckled.
"Yea." You replied with a breath laugh, your hand pushing your sweat soaked hair off your face and grimacing slightly at the stickiness coating you. "We should probably clean up.
"Don't be. It was worth it."
"Yea... Definitely. We should of done that ages ago." He said smiling, leaning up onto one elbow to look into your blissed out face, his other hand using his shirt to clean his mess from your skin. You pushed your hand through his hair and drew his lips to yours before pulling away and biting your lip with a smirk.
"Maybe we should get some more inspiration for that canvas huh?" You said flirty, wiggling an eyebrow up and down. He glanced behind him towards the canvas before laughing and diving on top of you again attacking your neck with his teeth. You gave a loud laugh.
The canvas certainly wouldn't be blank for much longer that was for sure.
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anakinlove · 4 years
i saw your request for soft anakin thoughts and after that incredible review of immoral i just had to comply with your wish-
i couldn't really think of anything amazing so let's just go on a first date with him
• anakin is a big man who strikes fears in the hearts of his enemies
• but you're just so cute he can't help but melt into a puddle when he sees you
• he finally plucks up the courage to ask you out after like a year of pining after you. he knows you're an incredible person who everyone wants a piece of so he's reluctant and draws back at first
• it take the clones, obi and ashoka egging him on and giving him confidence boosts for him to finally get the choobies to do something about his obvious feelings for you
• you see a group of them in the library one day. they're all frantically whispering in anakin's ears and you're Kinda Scared
• "is this the book you needed?" he asks while reaching up and picking up the thickest encyclopedia from the top shelf
• you look down to the cover. '5,000 facts about ancient weaponry'. then you look at the list in your hand of rom-com novels you actually came for and give him a confused look
• but you see the light in his eyes and you just can't bring yourself to kill it.
• "yes. that's exactly what i came here for, general skywalker, thank you."
• he blushes and stumbles over his words, "n-no it's- i mean, call me anakin." in his head he's speeding over all the different ways the clones have told him to ask you out, but right now none of them feel right
• "okay... anakin," you say, liking the way his name rolls off your tongue. "i'm y/n, but you can call me tonight. at 7"
• he almost faints. "huh"
• you laugh, "sorry, was that way too forward? it's just that i would love to take you on a date"
• his cheeks go pink and his flesh hand starts lightly tapping against his thigh, mirroring the fluttering beat of his heart.
• "that- i would like that very much, y/n"
• "will the troopers be coming with?" you tease, glancing behind him to see a bunch of them staring at the interaction with wide eyes.
• anakin tries to let out a deep, natural chuckle, but it comes out strained. "ignore them, they're idiots"
• you dress up cute for the summer evening date, and so does he holy fuck
• a loose, tan colored blouse sits on his upper body, and his slim black trousers make him somehow seem taller
• but his hair
• holy fuck his hair
• he has it pulled back into a loose bun, a few strands left behind which frame his face. like chocolate feathers against vanilla milk
• you're quick to compliment him but he's a stuttering mess. he can't believe how shy he gets around you after dealing with sith lords with the confidence of a king and the humor of a jester, but now it seems as though he's but a commoner outside of the palace looking in
• and you, mother of moons, you're the queen
• after a few drinks and some small talk, he relaxes. he's able to finally tell you he loves that color on you, and that he could listen to you hiccup after a big swig all day.
• now it's your turn to be shy, but your bashful giggles and the way your cheeks lift up with every stupid sentence he says once again renders him speechless, and he wants to bite one of them to see if they'd melt in his mouth because they look like they would
• so it's been the cutest date ever and he's dropping you off at home. and he's been so chivalrous and sweet all night and now it's coming to an end and you both kinda don't want it to but you're both also terrified of what inviting him in for a coffee means. so he just places the gentlest most tender kiss on your cheek, holds back from biting it, and feels it heating up before his lips even pull away
• when you hug him, anakin swears his heart skipped a beat. he feels ripped in half when he has to go back to his own dorm
• he doesn't sleep all night, replaying the date. there's something about you that reminds him of his home. no, not the rough and the coarse and the irritating, but the love and the warmth and the familiarity
• there wasn't much of it on tatooine but it's like you took his best moments from his childhood - winning pod races, hugging his mother, playing with his friends - and you amplified them
• and it's really hard to handle that kind of joy when you've never much joy before, but anakin takes a deep breath and lets himself fall into you.
• your name becomes synonymous with safety, your voice is the sound of love, your smile a gateway to heaven
hope u liked this wtf it got so long i'm sorry but i hope it quenched your need for soft anakin (although that is a plant that will never be watered enough)
Dude. DUDE
like this is my canon first date with Anakin everybody oh my god 
like you did this FOR WHAT
can I legally print this and put it in a frame on my wall like a fancy poem 
Its the way I would steal the ancient artifacts book and never give it back for me 😌
its official im drawing it thats amazing oh my god this mental image is the most I have ever been attracted to the man
the kiss on the cheek🥺
dude i love you im in love with you thank you i literally will do anything you want ever oh my god
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inkdemonapologist · 4 years
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Some of my doodles for Session Six of our Call of Cthulhu game!! We finally got back up with that potion-maker from Last Loop and tried to explain EVERYTHING to her, since she’s the one who seemed the most ready to believe us last time (Also, we saw her voluntarily possessed by a spirit at one point, so it seemed like it would be a good starting point to explain some of our problems).
This went.... chaotically, as there are 0 tells for who’s talking and everyone was very insistent on contributing to the conversation. The alive versions of Sammy and Joey mostly stayed out of this mess.
ALSO!! WE’VE PICKED UP SOME NEW INSANITIES! Henry has a mania that compels him to draw/document everything he learns (in case we lose memories or loop again), Sammy still has the mask thing, Joey’s picked up an obsession with symmetry after witnessing his body horrifically transformed by a corruption across half of it, and Sammy, after seeing the Star Pool lurker’s indescribably horrible non-ink-demon form, is filled with a terrified respect for it and has become strangely deferential. I DID NOT EXPECT SAMMY’S SANITY DROPS TO LINE UP SO PERFECTLY FOR CANON PROBLEMS, 
Anyway, have some more out-of-context quotes!! Some of these are just conversation because imagining people trying to hold a conversation with three different voices coming out of “Henry” is my favourite thing now.
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[Sammy] *summarising* (So we're gonna run by Josephine and see if she has anything that maybe we should know, uh, based on our current predicament, which has gotten even more complicated than the previous time we talked to her, which hasn't happened yet!)
[Alive!Sammy] Is something wrong? [Henry] No! No, everything's fine. Let's go. [Alive!Joey] ...I don't think anything's been RIGHT for a while...
[Sammy] (Are we, as a, uh, unit -- do we have the mask on?)
[Ghost!Joey] There's... three of us in here? [Ghost!Sammy] Sure, that's a normal thing to say!
[GM] Josephine looks like she is trying to figure out what to say, but she is having... trouble. [Ghost!Joey] Have you ever had someone... hang out with you... during the festival? Like, kind of, possession? [GM] She raises an eyebrow, but nods, and says "Yes, that's part of my duty, as a leader of this religion." [Ghost!Sammy] Fantastic. That seems to be happening to us. [Ghost!Joey] We're not, exactly sure how we managed to get... in the past again... but we're -- *points with Henry's non-sketching hand over at the live ones* [Joey] Live!Joey just confusedly shrugs and sips his coffee. [GM] "...Uh, go back a minute."
[GM] "And you don't know how this happened?" [ghost!Joey] Not exactly? I -- [Henry] Sammy fell into a Star Pool, and Joey got killed, or, was a host for the cultists. [ghost!Joey] I don't know if I got killed, but, [Henry] Well, you looked goopy. [ghost!Sammy] I don't know what was going on with me, either; I still seemed to be running around. [Henry] Also very goopy.
[ghost!Joey] So, that's a confusing answer! Um. Let's pretend *points at alive!Joey* that he didn't listen to you, and he went up to the Star Pools anyway, without the potion, and then something happened up there that resulted in whatever is happening to us now, which included us losing our memories and waking up later as the same... entity, but we didn't know for a while, and.... uh... it looks like the last time we saw our bodies that weren't alive and human still, they looked... corrupted by the Star Pools. [ghost!Joey] Do you know what might've happened to cause all that? [GM] "...I think there's a lot to unpack there," she says.
[GM] And, indeed, one of them has turned up a pair of gloves! It's somewhat worn, but they don't have holes or anything. Though they might not match your ensemble. [Joey] As long as they match each other, that's fine! [GM] They do that. [Sammy] (I mean, Henry has-- not to rag on Henry's fashion sense, as a man who's worn nothing but the same shirt and suspenders for twenty years, but Henry doesn't have much of an ensemble going on, really.)
[chatting while Joey's player steps away for a moment] [Sammy] Sorry for making you guys deal with Alive!Sammy; Ghost!Sammy genuinely doesn't know how to argue for this. [Sammy] It's like, yeah I dunno! Sounds like a raw deal! [Henry] Henry also doesn't know how to argue for this, it's like, Hey! Do you want a whole bunch of awful, horrible, terrible memories? ....No? Oh. [Sammy] CANT IMAGINE WHY!! [Sammy] Like, please? I'd like my body back? ...it's your body, we'd be sharing it-- but not like this situation, uh, [Henry] Just please, take... I have... take Sammy back. [Sammy] Could you take this off of my hands, I'm really tired of dealing with it, [Henry] I love 'im. But I need a break. Please come take your lost.... self. [GM] Your wayward self. [Henry] Who's this sassy lost child. [Joey] *re-entering chat* Ah, we're talking about Sammy. [Sammy] OH MY GOSH.
[Henry] I ROLLED A ONE HUNDRED! [Sammy] Henry is VERY tired and distracted. [GM] Henry's sketching again. He was left unattended for a bit and he's sketching again. [Henry] Yup, [Sammy] *sputters* HE CAN'T BE LEFT UNATTENDED, WE'RE BOTH HERE [Joey] HE LITERALLY CAN'T!! [Sammy] THAT'S THE WHOLE PROBLEM!! SAMMY WOULD LOVE TO LEAVE HENRY UNATTENDED!!!
[Sammy] Is the voice familiar? [Joey]  Is it the Lurker's? [GM] A bit...? [Henry] A bit familiar or a bit like the Lurker's? [GM] ...Yes.
[ghost!Sammy] Joey, what do you think it was? [ghost!Joey] I think it has something to do with our situation, and perhaps the fact that-- [ghost!Sammy] "OUR SITUATION" doesn't really clear anything up, that could be a LOT of things right now!
[Sammy] Sammy doesn't want to be back in the actual time we belong in! He's dead in that one!
[Sammy]  I guess it's also Alive!Sammy's turn. I don't, uh, [Sammy]  ...there's too many Sammys, [Joey] (Alive!Sammy just goes WHAT THE FUCK) [Sammy]  Yeah, I don't think he's prepared, when he turns the corner, to find cultists with swords, and Henry immediately drawing a gun and screaming at them; I don't think he's prepared for any of this, or has a game plan for what to do in case this happens, other than just, yelling, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” [GM] at Henry, or the cultists? [Sammy]  ....BOTH????
[Joey] Does Joey know of any way to interrupt magic? [GM] Injuring someone is a good, classic way to do that.
[GM] So, you can do an attack, whether it's with the gun or with your fists! [Sammy] *flipping through character sheet* I mean, I feel like I'm probably not just shooting him, I-- wHEN DID YOU ADD "DUSTPAN" TO MY WEAPONS???
[Sammy] The idea of Joey just continuously accidentally killing people is REALLY funny to me.
[Sammy] This is going MUCH better than the last time that we fought anybody! [Joey] Apparently Joey just needs to be really angry, and then my dice are like, “yeah, you can kill people.”
[GM] *flipping through the rules* Here we go, "Disrupted spellcasting, for example, if they are shot!" Well, okay then-- [GM] ......ohhh. [Sammy]  Uh, [Henry] "Oh?" [GM] HM! ........ let me get a d8. [Henry] Concern...???? [Sammy]  It's probably fine. It's... it's probably fine. [GM] ........ [GM] Uh..... huh. Well. That's an 8. [Sammy]  On the d8. [GM] Yyyeah,..... you disrupted his, casting,,, it's not a serious spell so most of this stuff is not extreme, but I rolled an 8, and that says, [GM] "A mythos monster is accidentally summoned." [Sammy]  WHAT?? [Henry] WHAT??? [Sammy] WHAT???? [Joey] *dying of laughter in the background* [Sammy]  I DIDN'T KNOW THAT WAS AN OPTION??? OKAY!!! [GM] I didn't think it was, at this level of spell!! [Sammy]  Remember when I said that this was going well? I NEED TO STOP SAYING THINGS.
[Joey] How is Sammy putting on the mask? [Sammy] With his.... hands...? [Joey] No, like, how is it laying on his head, [Sammy] OH.
[Joey] Ghost!Joey would like to turn it so it's like, in the middle of his head. But like, on forehead, so that they can still see. [Henry]  (A fancy visor!) [Sammy] (...you can still see if it’s on the side...) [Joey] (Joey would really like it if we, put it in the middle.) [Sammy] (...I FORGOT YOU HAVE A SYMMETRY THING)
[GM] You felt, when Sammy and the cult leader were both giving the Lurker commands, that there was a kind of tug-of-war going on there, and it seems like the cult leader won that round. [Henry]  Wait, we can give the Lurker commands? [Joey] We're allies. [Sammy] Yeah, we're the host. [Henry]  Oh, um, [Sammy] Sammy asked it for help! It didn't, uh... this is how things always go for Sammy, so, I feel like this is correct.
[Sammy] (...Henry pulls out a gun, someone tries to grab him and he just bashes that person over the head, Joey tries to help by shooting this cult leader to stop him from casting a spell, and this horrible weird bendy monster is unleashed, Henry IMMEDIATELY kneels to this creature, and it starts listening to him, and he grabs the amulet and starts directing it to murder people after pulling the mask down over his face, so, yeah!! I can see that being pRETTY UNSETTLING actually!!)
[Joey] And I've already accidentally summoned a demon, somehow! [GM] This is just how Joey rolls, he just aCCIDENTALLY SUMMONS DEMONS, apparently! Even when OTHER PEOPLE are casting spells, Joey finds a way to accidentally summon a demon!
[Sammy] We do need those; those ARE our bodies running away,
[Lurker, when asked if he can shapeshift] It depends on the host! I didn't do this. It's pretty awesome, though! I feel like this is actually something that was designed to be this way, for the first time I can remember! Deliberate, you know what I mean? [Henry] “Yeah!” Henry says, not knowing what he means.
[Sammy] We're very focused on getting out of here. [Henry] We're channeling Wally Franks! [Sammy] NO! Don't channel Wally Franks! He didn't get outta there he just YELLED ABOUT IT, which is what WE'RE DOING RIGHT NOW!! LET'S ACTUALLY GET OUTTA HERE!
[GM] You guys go around a corner that at least obscures you from immediate sight, though it's good the Lurker is as, uh...... [GM] ........ [GM] ........ [GM] ...uh, for lack of a better word, bendy as he is, [players explode with laughter] [GM] I TRIED, I couldn't think of anything else! [Sammy] NO I SAW THE GEARS TURNING IN YOUR HEAD
[GM] You have a small Bendy. [GM] He's blinking. [Henry] Henry is.... is having, a moment,
[Sammy] We're honoured you're joining us, but we really should get moving?
[Henry] Just let him ride on his shoulders like a kid, that'd be adorable! [Henry] Henry's having SO many emotions right now. He wants to be respectful, but also, oh my god, that's so cute?? and also my OC???? Oh my god??????
[GM] I don't think the Lurker is familiar with the concept of piggyback rides. I mean if he's asked I'm sure he's down for whatever, but, [Henry] Henry's gonna ask the Lurker if he wants to climb on his shoulders and ride. [GM] The Lurker thinks this is a FANTASTIC idea, because nobody has ever carried the Lurker around before!
[Alive!Sammy] Sammy's very pale. [Alive!Joey] You have a... Bendy now, Henry...? [Henry] Uh, kinda! This is the Lurker. [Alive!Joey] “The Lurker”? [Henry] The giant monster? He's... small now, so he's not a giant monster.
[Alive!Sammy] Henry WHAT is going on? Or, whoever you are right now, [Henry] It is me; look, I've been letting the others talk because I have no idea what's going on. I don't know... I just want to get everyone out of here alive. [GM] (What a Henry thing to say) [Alive!Sammy] *snarking* Well, we're alive SO far! Maybe don't run at people with swords, in the future? Might help with that. [Henry] That was Sammy. That wasn't me. [Joey] (*laughing* "By the way, that thing you were lecturing me about? That wasn't me, THAT WAS YOU!")
[GM] The Lurker settles down when it is clear that the hug is not a threat.
[Henry] (I AM LOSING IT! I hope you know what you've done to me!) [GM] (I was not expecting this either but here we are!!) [Henry] (Maybe it was my idea. I can't believe I've done this.)
[Joey] Alive!Joey at some point shows Bendy how to hold the pencil. [GM] He says "Oh, hey, neat!" and has an easier time. [Henry] Oh my god, cute? [Sammy] (*losing it in the background*) [Joey] I was just thinking that if he's sitting next to Henry, and he watches the Lurker fumble with the pencil enough, he's going to just, reach up and-- [Sammy] (I LOST NINE SANITY TO THIS ASSHOLE!!!) [Henry] (But he's so cute!) [Joey] (Well now he's cute, maybe you get some sanity back!) [Henry] (Like petting a cat! You get sanity back from petting the Bendy.) [Sammy] (Yes, he is adorable, I will serve him faithfully.)
[GM] Make a navigate check. [Joey] *rolls terribly* Joey doesn't know where the fuck we're going. [Henry] I missed the navigate check too. [Sammy] Ohhhh boy, we better not get lost... [Joey] Sammy, do you remember where we're going? [Sammy] Oh, don't ask Sammy. Don't ask either Sammy. [Sammy] Alive!Sammy will eventually ask "You DO know where we're going, right?" [GM] You guys..... uh, get lost! Well, let me check one thing. [GM] *rolls* [GM] ... THE LURKER, APPARENTLY, CAN GET YOU BACK TO WHERE HE APPEARED,
[GM] What a useful pocket demon. [Henry] I love our pocket demon. [Joey] I love our son... [Sammy] Joey, [Joey] Firstborn... [Henry] Adopted from a cult! [Joey] We went to Haiti and adopted a son. [Sammy] Sammy's role as third wheel here is getting weirder and weirder.
[Sammy] I can't believe Binoculars is a Bendy fan.
[Joey] (Meanwhile, Ghost!Joey remembers something? There is an inscription on the floor between the laundry room, and Josephine's room, that does not allow the passage of evil spirits. I... don't think the Lurker is going to make it past that.) [Henry] (Ohhhhhhhhh) [Sammy] (Hmm. Also... BRINGING THE LURKER in to see Josephine feels, hostile???) [Henry] (OH... I didn't think about that; he's just my kid now!)
[Joey] (I have literally no idea for Joey.) [Sammy] (Gosh, what a thing to ask... I just have to appreciate, what a thing to ask a Type Three -- "Okay, what's YOU?") [Joey] (Joey looks down at the mask, feeling all of his inner masks,,,) [Sammy] ("I'M COMPOSED OF THINGS THAT MAKE OTHER PEOPLE THINK IM SUCCESSFUL,,,")
[Ghost!Sammy] After you. [Ghost!Joey] Actually, I would feel more comfortable if you went first, [Ghost!Sammy] ...Fine. Fantastic. [Joey] (This is-- I don't know if Sammy can feel it, but this is definitely out of, still thinking about the slight guilt that ran through him when Sammy was blaming EVERYTHING on him, and telling him to keep them out of this,) [Sammy] (I mean, Sammy just thinks this is risky and wanted Joey to be the guinea pig, so, that's nice that you were thinking of him!)
[Sammy] A quick kiss won't be enough time for Sammy to like, stop bluescreening in time to react to this? So, um, uh, he- he just, uh, needs, uh, a- a minute, but he, will be, blushing furiously. I think that's the only reaction! [Joey] Perfect~ [GM] The spirit lady probably flashes him a thumbs up. [Joey] *laughing* Sammy DIES. We did all of this to get him alive again, and he just DIES. [Sammy] SLAIN INSTANTLY.
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
I don't know about you guys, but I think it's time we check on Charles.
If you haven't read the previous parts, you can find them here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 and revision
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Recap time: the symptoms of withdrawl are beginning to kick in and leave Charles in less than favorable conditions, which Henry shows to the government in order to get the sapphire back.
Got that? My episode synopsis-ing is getting better😃. Anyway, ONWARD!!!
We begin with Charles sitting against the wall with his head in his arms and his knees to his chest. It's been a few days, withdrawal's in full blast, and he can't even pick up his head when he hears Henry walk in and kneel in front of him.
"Go away."
Henry simply holds out the pills again. "It must be hard without these, just sitting and counting the stars. Assuming you can do that," he adds with a shrug.
He reaches forward and practically picks up Charles's jaw, lifting it up so they meet eyes, which Charles doesn't do because the chain on his hat is shiny, there's a red hair on his coat, a papercut on his thumb, the scar on the bridge of his nose, and tons of small things that keep getting his attention.
"My offer still stands, Charles. All I need is you to tell me where it is, and you can have these back. Every last one."
Charles only stares off as his face contorts with sorrow and frustration, even when Henry snaps his fingers to get him to focus.
"Come on, Charles. We've been at this for a while, and I'm having a hard time seeing you like this now, so tell me. Where did you hide the sapphire?"
Tears fill Charles's eyes and his shoulders drop. "I don't know," he sobs. "I... I don't know."
Henry sighs and scowls, pocketing the pills. "Well, damn it for the both of us, then."
As he opens the door, Charles rushes at him, hard enough to knock them both to the ground and dent the cuffs.
Charles, not looking a gift horse in the mouth, books it, running down the hall and around every corner he can.
Henry, chuckling, stands up. "Alright. Let's do this, Charles."
Charles keeps running(really getting his cardio and steps in here), ducking behind and diving wherever he can to avoid being seen and found, eventually finding his way to a weapon vault.
In a rush and a panic, he bashes the cuffs off and repeatedly slams his hand against the panel to slip inside; don't worry, his ribs are better enough to be Bold Action Man again.
Inside, Charles catches his breath and tries to get his bearings, even when Sven announces over the intercom to keep an eye out for a runaway pilot.
Now knowing people are looking for him, Charles lets out a sob-groan and throws his hands over his eyes, losing it before taking a few deep breaths.
"Just breathe," he mutters to himself. "Just breathe, Charlie. You've managed before once. You can do it again." Charles takes another breath and arms himself with a handgun as someone begins to open the door.
He quickly draws and aims at Henry(are you surprised?), who raises an eyebrow and gives Charles a look of, 'bitch, really?' and leaning against the doorway, propped up on his arm.
Charles only stands his ground, taking deep breaths as he shakily speaks. "Take me home."
Henry only responds by snapping his fingers on one side and tapping his nails against the doorway, two sounds that heavily distract Charles.
It gets worse when, in between snaps and taps, Henry cracks and pops his knuckles, even clicking and clucking his tongue and tsking.
It doesn't help that Charles keeps noticing the weapons on the walls, especially the damage some have on them.
Henry snaps his fingers in front of Charles and removes his top hat, so Charles has a clear shot to his head.
Charles clenches his eyes shut and pulls the trigger, damning the consequences and the fact that he still has no idea how to get home.
Charles pales as his stomach drops with his hands and the gun, sliding to the ground as Henry kneels back in front of him.
"Do you REALLY think we'd keep our weapons loaded when we don't use them?"
Charles goes to hit Henry with the gun, as it's now a blunt weapon, but Henry grabs his wrist and pulls him close, so his back is against Henry's chest and Henry can slip an elbown around Charles's neck.
"By the way," Henry says before leaning into Charles's ear and growling, "You should've taken that shot, when you had the chance."
Rupert and Calvin are driving on that off road from Part 4 and looking for Charles's car, he's gonna need for when he gets back.
"I hope Charles is okay."
"You said that yesterday," Rupert replies sharply.
Calvin shrugs. "I'm just worried, that's all. He's been gone for a while, and Henry's got him."
"And he wants to know where we put the sapphire."
Rupert stops when they find Charles's car, but Calvin's not done.
"Where's the sapphire, anyway?"
"Shipped it off," Rupert explains as he leaves the car. "The General's having some friends of his make a replica, though, out of glass."
Calvin follows and they find a very relaxed Terrence, who's lying on Charles's car.
Calvin steps up and demands to know what Terrence is doing here.
"Nice to see you, too," Terrence sighs as he gets up. "What brings you to my neck of the woods?"
"We're bringing Charles home, and he's gonna need that," Rupert snarls.
"Not where he is, but knock yourselves out," Terrence dismisses as he tosses the keys to Calvin. "Told anyone that it needed gas. Kept it company."
Calvin eyes Terrence, but loads in and starts Charles's car.
"I'll follow you," Rupert calls as he hops back into his car; the plan is that they're going to rtyrn the car to Charles's house, grab the twins', and return to the base. Rupert's following Calvin, for safety reasons.
Calvin gives a thumbs up and they head out toward Charles's house, Terrence riding with a tense Rupert.
"So the pilot's up in the stars now? Shame."
"You left him that note," Rupert replies sharply. "Why?"
Terrence raises an eyebrow. "When people can't solve a problem, you either give them a hint or solve it for them, which won't help them at all."
Rupert's eyes go wide as he stares at Terrence. "'Help?' You call getting Charles kidnapped 'HELP?'"
"Help is like art; it can mean anything."
"That son of a bitch is forcing him into withdrawl!" Rupert snaps. "He's keeping him from taking his medicine and you're just going to sit back and say you 'helped!?'"
Terrence stares down at his boots as Rupert locks his eyes on the road.
"I swear, if Charles dies, it's on you."
Terrence only stares out the window and remains silent for a while until they drop off Charles's car and head back to the base.
"He won't die. Henry won't let him."
"How do you know?" Rupert asks.
"Because he's selfish and childish, and he hates sharing his toys."
"But he LEADS the Toppat Clan."
"Which used to belong to Reginald," Terrence explains. "Charles is the General's son, adopted or otherwise, and the General calls MOST of the shots."
Rupert tightens his grip on the steering wheel. "And with Charles on that station, we can't attack."
Terrence nods. "The General's already lost a lot of people. What d'you think he'll do if he accidentally gets Charles incinerated in space?"
They're silent for the rest of the drive, after that.
Now that I bring up Galeforce, we cut to him watching the live feed of Charles escaping before being dragged back to his cell, kicking, screaming, and crying. Right, who's pulling him, grabs his hands and re-restrains him, so Charles is back to hanging.
He's struggling against his cuffs again as Henry, Right, Reginald and Ellie watch, unimpressed, fed up, and just sick of his BS.
"You know, this would've been A LOT easier, if he'd just stayed like this the entire time," Ellie rematks with her arms folded.
Henry nods, but signs, 'We can't have him atrophied or with his arms stick like that, but at least it keeps him in one place.'
They watch him keep trying to break free, Charles not noticing them.
"We could tell 'im 'ow to get to an escape pod, and 'e wouldn't listen," Right says.
"We could literally say ANYTHING, and he wouldn't listen," Ellie adds.
Reginald only sighs/groans as he leans his head against Right's shoulder. "How long is he going to do that until he realizes it won't help?"
They watch Charles for a little bit longer before, Ellie, who gets the 'okay' nod from Henry, steps up and slams her fist into Charles's stomach.
Charles stops instantly and has a coughing fit.
Cut to Galeforce seeing this and clenching a fist before cutting back to Charles as he keeps coughing.
"You're not doing yourself any favors, so just tell us what we want to know and we'll send you on your merry way."
Charles weakly glares at them, though he looks eyes with Henry.
"What part of 'I don't know where the sapphire is,' do you not understand?" He snaps. "I fell unconscious, when I gave it to them, so HOW could I be able to tell where they hid it?"
Henry furrows his brow before Reginald speaks up, "If you didn't hide it, someone else must have, and you're the top pilot, if you don't know where it is, who would?"
Charles immediately thinks of the twins, but shakes his head, eyes on the floor to avoid looking at everyone. "I don't know."
"Careful, kid," Right says. "If y' keep lying, you'll get yourself killed."
Charles shakes his head again. "I really don't know."
Right, knowing Charles is lying, punches him in the cheek with his non-cybernetic hand.
It makes Charles's ear ring and makes him taste blood(because he bit his cheek), before Henry approaches him and signs to him.
'Don't think I forgot about those twins you care about. If they know, we'll drop you off and pick them up, easy. Unless you want to tell us yourself where ths sapphire is?'
Charles's face drops with horror before he glares and spits a mix of blood and saliva at Henry, hitting him on the cheek.
"Fuck you."
Henry, ever the gentleman, scowls and wipes himself off, nodding at Right and Ellie; 'He's yours.'
He and Reginald turn to leave, but Henry lightly holds Ellie's arm and leans into her ear.
"Don't break him."
"Why would I break your new favorite toy? Give me some credit."
The two smile at each other and Henry leaves, Reginald behind him; he did not want to be in that room when Right and Ellie were there.
The door closes and the two turn to Charles, Right letting Ellie go forst because she's a lady👸
Cut back to Galeforce, who cringes as Ellie punches Charles sone more, the pilot groaning and crying out with each strike.
Victoria and Konrad enter the room carefully, Konrad holding a rolled up piece of paper and Victoria there as his escort and emotional support.
"General, you asked for us?"
Galeforce turns away from the monitor as he it shows Ellie letting Right take a turn and Charles pick up his feet to kick him away.
"I did. How's the design coming along?"
Konrad passes the rolled up paper to Galeforce, who opens and insects it.
"We've already got a few prototypes being built, so we should be ready for testing soon."
Galeforce nods at them. "Good. When they're done, have them tested ASAP, got it?"
Both nod and Galeforce dismisses them, though. Victoria stays to long enough to see him set down the paper and maks himself keep watching the feed, on which Right throws a kick HARD into Charles's stomach and makes him cough worse than when Ellie punched him.
It makes Victoria flunch becofe she turns to the General.
"I don't know who's getting it worse, him or you."
Galeforce ignores her, only watching as Right lets Ellie have a turn again.
Victoria puts a hand on his shoulder, and she can FEEL how much he's shaking.
"We're going to bring him home soon, General. I promise."
Galeforce, without looking, rests his hand on Victoria's.
"Thank you."
Right and Ellie are gone, and he's beat to all hell, his face and body bloodied and bruised, though his ribs aren't as significantly bruised as his face, because of obvious reasons.
Charles is breathing heavily and spitting out blood, because it taste makes him sick. He rests his head against his arm and gives his restraints another pull before sighing and letting out a sob.
He doesn't know if the others know he's on the station, but hopes that they're both alright and planning on getting him out, because he's trapped.
Then he thinks about how Henry knew Charles was protecting the twins, and breaks down.
Henry knows about the twins.
"I'm sorry," Charles says to no one in particular. "I'm so sorry."
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
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Category: Romantic Fluff
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Sora, Kairi
Additional Tags: Modern AU, College AU
Hey, hey, everyone! Here’s another story for @sokaiweek​, this time for the prompt “Distance”! I hope you enjoy what I’ve thought up for today! <3
Kairi tapped her pencil incessantly against her desk, and her blue eyes constantly flicked to the clock on the wall, where the minute hand inched towards five p.m.: the end of her final class for the day. Normally, Kairi tried to pay attention in class— especially because Naminé grew bored within the first ten minutes and began doodling, so Kairi always had to provide her notes— but she was in no mood for college algebra today. As soon as the clock struck five, she would hightail it out of this building like Cinderella fleeing the ball, except Kairi wasn’t running from her suitor. 
She was running towards him. 
Her boyfriend, Sora, attended a university many hours away from hers. Under normal circumstances, they were good students and were diligent with their studies. Though this afforded them good grades, this also meant that their time to spend together was minimal. They’d scheduled a Skype call today, and it would be the first time they’d spoken in nearly two weeks— which was why Kairi had practically snapped her pencil banging it against the desk with impatience. 
Finally, the clock struck five, and before the professor could even finish his announcements about some quiz next week, Kairi was tearing out the door. Her bag slapped against her thigh as she full-on sprinted towards her dorm, earning a few confused looks from the people walking at a more leisurely pace. In record time, she was throwing open her door (surprising her roommate, Selphie), wrenching her laptop out of her bag, and belly-flopping onto her bed. 
As Kairi frantically typed in her password, Selphie turned in her computer chair to laugh at her. 
“Calling Sora tonight?” 
“Yes,” Kairi said, now waiting with bated breath for the call notification. She was hunched over the screen like a hungry fox, her hands laced over her lips and muffling her words. She looked over when Selphie rose from her chair and began gathering her things. “Oh, you don’t have to leave! I can go somewhere!” 
“No, it’s okay. I have a study group in an hour, so I’ll just head off to the library early and start preparing. You kids have fun,” she teased with a wink, and then she was strutting out of the door. Kairi smiled at her friend’s consideration, but she then jumped violently when her laptop suddenly began to ring with the notification. She screamed as her laptop slipped off her comforter, and in her scramble to grab it before it hit the floor, she accidentally answered it. Therefore, Sora got a very flattering view up her nose while she hauled it up. He was laughing while she was setting it on her lap and trying not to look panicked, but her flushed face and disarrayed hair wasn’t helping. 
“Drop your laptop?” he guessed, and she could only smile sheepishly. “You’re so cute,” he said while laughing again, and Kairi felt her heart flutter. She settled herself back against her pillows, and when she looked to the screen again, she realized that Sora was moving. 
“Ah, are you calling from your phone?” 
“Yep, I’m on a walk. It’s a nice evening,” he said, turning the phone around to show her the beautiful sunset, dying the sky a russet red-gold. It shone above the tall skyline, where skyscrapers were dotted with white squares of light. When he turned it back to his face, he smiled brightly and ran his fingers through his spikes of brown hair. “How was class today?” 
“I don’t know. To be honest, I was too busy being excited,” she admitted with a cute, bashful smile. Sora’s face broke into a huge grin, and his cheeks turned pink with delight. 
“You wanna know a secret? Me too,” he said, and Kairi giggled girlishly. “Riku was doggin’ on me all day, callin’ me a sap,” he pouted, and Kairi crooned sympathetically. “I can’t help it! It ain’t like I get to see ya as much as I want to.” 
“I know.” Long-distance relationships sure had their challenges. She loved that Sora was attending a good university and pursuing a good career, but that didn’t make her feel any less lonely sometimes. She’d lie awake at night craving his touch and warmth. She’d daydream in class about their old dates, the way his hand fit so perfectly in hers and the sweetness of his kisses. They’d been at this for nearly a year already; Kairi didn’t know if she could survive the rest of university like this. 
Her sadness must have shown on her face, because when she looked back to her laptop screen, Sora was smiling understandingly. 
“I know it’s hard, Kairi. I appreciate you sticking it out for me,” he said, and she wanted to cry at the sheer amount of gratitude he was expressing. “I couldn’t ask for a better girlfriend.” 
“And I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend,” she countered shyly, grabbing her ankles and leaning back into the pillows while she balanced the laptop on her crossed legs. Sora chuckled at this, quickly texting someone on his phone before turning his attention back to her. 
“Eh, I am pretty great,” he joked, and Kairi batted the laptop screen, though she would’ve much rather slapped him on the shoulder. Sora tipped back his head in laughter, his rosy face illuminated briefly by the passing light from a streetlamp. Yeah, you are pretty great, Kairi thought affectionately, roped in by the pure infectiousness of Sora’s laugh. Her endearment rapidly turned into a cold pang of sadness, and she pushed back into her pillows, trying to draw comfort from their soft embrace. It only worked a little. 
“I really miss you,” she moped, and Sora gave her a sympathetic look. 
“I know. I miss you too, Kairi, every minute of every day.” Ugh, how could she be sad when he dropped romantic one-liners like that? One second she was sulking, the next her heart was pounding because her boyfriend was so goddamn smooth. It was an exhausting back-and-forth, but she wouldn’t give it up for the world. He smiled into the camera at her, and she couldn’t help but give him a teensy smile in return. “Don’t worry. We’ll be able to see each other in person soon. Just hang on a little longer, okay?” 
“Okay…” she relented, but jutted her lips out in a pout in the hopes it would speed up the process. Sora just gave her a little smirk. Ugh, he looked so handsome when he did that. She squirmed as her heart fluttered against her chest like a bird trying its best to escape her ribcage. 
Sora was suddenly enveloped in light, as he was walking into a building. He lowered the phone to talk in a low voice to someone, and for a few seconds, all Kairi could see was the fabric of his cargo shorts. After finishing his brief conversation and walking a few paces down the hall, he lifted the phone back up to smile apologetically. 
“Checking into the dorm?” 
“Yeah, but… Not my dorm,” he said, his expression morphing into an absolutely diabolical grin. Kairi just gaped at him, absolutely unable to compute. Not his dorm? Then who’s dorm was it? Riku, Ventus, and Vanitas all lived in the same dorm as him, so who else could he possibly be visiting? He was snickering at her while she struggled to process his cryptic statement; in her camera, she could see the absolutely stupefied expression she was making, mouth hanging open and eyes wide. She couldn’t help it! She was absolutely, completely bewildered!
“You still haven’t figured it out?” he laughed as he stopped in front of a door, and Kairi just shook her head wildly in exasperation. Sora laughed again; then, with a meaningful raise of his eyebrows, he knocked on the door behind him. 
Kairi literally screamed when she heard that tap-tap-tap echo through her dorm room. She didn’t even bother to shut her laptop, instead shoving it to the side and springing from her bed. Sora’s laughter bounced around the room as she raced across, but her bare feet caught on the area rug, causing her to slip. She just barely caught herself on the doorknob, and like a cartoon character, her feet scrabbled uselessly over the fabric until she bunched it up to hit the tile underneath. Once the rest of her body had caught up with her, she wrenched the door open to find Sora waiting, his arms spread wide and grin absolutely blinding. 
“Sora!” she squealed, and Sora leat out an oomph! when she jumped at him. She clamped her legs around his middle and her arms around his neck, smothering his face with kisses, while Sora grabbed her hips and spun on his heel to keep his balance. He could barely get a word out between her onslaught of smooches, especially because he was too busy laughing. He carried Kairi back into her room and kicked the door shut behind them so they stopped bothering her dorm neighbors, and finally, Kairi stopped kissing him to grab his face and give it a squish. 
“Is this real? Are you really here?” 
“Well, I sure hope so,” Sora chuckled with a look down at himself, then back up at her. “It’d be pretty hard to explain if I wasn’t.”
“How did you even get in here?” 
“Selphie let me in.” 
“That—!” she gasped, but Sora shushed her by sweeping her up in a kiss of his own. Kairi hummed into the meeting of their lips, the closing of the distance that had pained her for so long. He kissed her again and again and again until they were running out of air, but he kept kissing her until the absolute last moment, and they broke apart panting and red-faced. Kairi caressed his cheeks lovingly, eyes sweeping up and down his face like she wanted to commit it to memory. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she said, the realization suddenly hitting her and making her choke up. 
“Aw, Kairi,” Sora cooed as she latched onto him, burying her face into his neck while she cried. He rubbed her back soothingly, leaning his head against hers. “A good surprise?” 
“Mhmm,” she mumbled pathetically into his skin, smearing tears all over it while she nuzzled in as deep as she could go. She breathed in deep to get that lovely scent of his, salt and ocean water and coconut. As it flooded her nose, calm flooded her too, and the tears dried as soon as they had come. She relaxed in his embrace, tired from all the sudden emotion. Sora pressed a few kisses into her hair while he carried her to her bed, and then he just unceremoniously threw her on it. Kairi squealed as she bounced on the mattress, but it was swallowed up by Sora crawling on top of her to kiss her again oh-so-sweetly. 
“I love you,” he smiled once he’d had his fill of her kiss-swollen lips, leaning his forehead against hers. “So much it hurts sometimes.” There he went again with those damn one-liners. How was a girl supposed to deal with her heart nearly bursting out of her chest?
“I love you too,” she said. Though it felt like a lame reply in comparison, it was how she felt. Sora liked it well enough; he snuggled down into her, covering her in every inch of his warmth, and Sora responded in kind by wrapping him up like a koala hugging its tree. His hands massaged the flesh of her waist and hips in mindless, tender touches. 
“Riku’s right,” he smirked suddenly. “I am kind of a sap.” 
“Hehe, but you’re my sap,” she hummed, and Sora buried his face into her hair so deeply that she could feel his smile against his scalp. 
“I can live with that.” 
Kairi knew that he’d have to leave again soon, but she didn’t want to think about that. All she wanted to think about right now was him, his touch, his warmth, his love— the closure of the distance between them, if only for a moment.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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fig and gorgug’s excellent adventure
word count: 1.7k
read on ao3 here!
“Bill, my most esteemed colleague…”
Fig looks over at a quietly snoring Gorgug, his face softly lit by the shadows of Bill and Ted on her crystal. Even after a year of knowing each other, a few months of which were spent in a cramped cell together, she hadn’t known he snores. It had never been quiet enough, she had never been quiet enough, to notice that about him.
If Fig focuses, she can feel the rumble of the tour bus against her back, and, if she leans her head against the metal wall by her shoulder, the vibrations of tires over asphalt rattle around in her skull. They’ve only been on the road for a week, with just two concerts under their belts, and Fig is already kind of exhausted.
It’s a lot. The managers and the calls home and the makeup assignments for missed schoolwork. She probably wouldn’t even be doing the latter, but Gorgug spends his allotted midmorning time sitting at their extremely tiny table, with papers of Barbarian Theory and Engineering 1 scattered around him, and she’d feel like an asshole to just watch.
Fig hasn’t been sleeping well, either. The little bunk seems to press in around her, shoving her into an even smaller version of herself. Which feels stupid to complain about, because Gorgug is over a foot taller than her, since his growth spurt over the summer, and he’s sleeping just fine.
As if to prove her point, Gorgug shifts in his sleep, curling closer into Fig’s side. It’s just past one in the morning, and they have a gig tomorrow so Fig should really be sleeping too, but she’d felt like crying, for some reason, alone in her bunk. She’d crawled into Gorgug’s, instead, and pulled up Bill and Ted while he blinked blearily at her. It didn’t take him much longer to fall back asleep—now with his arm tucked around Fig’s shoulders—and Fig continues to hide from her emotions by watching Ted philosophize.
“Hey, Gorgug,” Fig hisses, burrowing her head into his chest in a way she knows will stick him with her horns. “Gorgug.”
“Hrmgh,” he grumbles, shifting more so that Fig can’t really poke him anymore. “Go to sleep.”
“No. Gorgug, hey. Come on, dude, I have an idea.” She doesn’t, really, more the idea of an idea, just like how Bill and Ted only operate on negative brian power and a pretty homoerotic bromance.
Homoerotic. She must’ve texted Kristen too much yesterday.
“Sleep is my idea,” Gorgug says, but it’s more of a sigh and a yawn wrapped up together and stretched like a yawning cat.
Fig’s brain unhelpfully supplies an image of sleepy Riz—ears cocked all funny and pupils absolutely giant. She shoves it back into the little chest lovingly marked “Bad Kids” that she’d constructed the second they drove away from Elmville because Fig is great at compartmentalizing and hiding her feelings. Totally.
“I’m bored, I want to do my idea.”
“You’re watching Bill and Ted.”
“No, I’m not. I’m talking to you.”
“Then stop talking to me and go to sleep.”
Fig huffs, about to say something just into the realm of mean, but then she feels Gorgug smile against the top of her head, and she relaxes a little.
“What’s your idea?” He asks, still sleepy, but also endearing in that goofy and sweet Gorgug way.
There’s a pause, while Fig tries to come up with her idea. The bus trundles along and Bill and Ted continue to kidnap historical figures. Finally, she says, much quieter than is warranted, like it’s some big secret she’s been holding close to her heart, “I’m gonna find a chronomancer so we can go back in time.”
“Like Augefort?” Gorgug yawns again.
“Absolutely not, Augefort doesn’t have Rufus energy.”
“I guess you’re right.”
“Maybe not a chronomancer, then, but like, someone who’s fucked with time, ya know. It would be cool to hang out with someone who’s fucked with time.”
“Like Augefort?” Gorgug says, before amending, “No. Wait. Rufus.”
“Yeah, Rufus,” Fig agrees. “Except if Rufus were hot, I think it would be more fun if our Rufus was hot.”
“Rufus is already hot. He’s got… sunglasses.”
Fig giggles and Gorgug snorts too. “You need your eyes checked, dude.”
“We watched the,” he yawns, “the Matrix last month. That’s what you said about Neo.”
“Uh. Neo is Keanu Reeves so just, automatically hot. Which. Speaking of. Bill and Ted are right there, dude.”
Gorgug laughs, quietly, voice still gummy with sleep, as he pokes her gently in the side, “I thought you liked older men.”
Fig makes a face that is very scandalized and very affronted. “That doesn’t mean I like Rufus.”
Gorgug shrugs, as best he can while in cuddle-mode. “I don’t know…”
Fig huffs and whacks him on the arm. “Maybe we should go to sleep.”
“Works for me,” he says, and settles back down.
“Hey. Hey! Don’t go back to bed, Gorgug. I’m still talking.”
He grumbles and turns his head even further into hers, trying to shield his eyes from the crystal’s light. “Watch your movie.”
“This is our movie, Gorgug. It’s ours.”
“It’s too late for it to be ‘our’ anything.”
“You’re no fun, you know that? No fun.”
“I’m sorry,” Gorgug says, way too sincerely for her to continue down that line of teasing.
“Hey, no, it’s fine. You’re tired, I should let you rest.”
Gorgug’s hand moves where it’s on her shoulder, rubbing over her sleep shirt, and then pausing, “Hey, is this mine?”
“Um,” Fig says, because it is, in fact, his. He’d left one of his Owlbears t-shirts on a chair, right after they unpacked all their stuff onto the tour bus, and she’d thought about it for approximately three seconds before snatching it and chucking it at her pile of clothes.
That first night, neither her nor Gorgug had gotten any sleep, sitting on the floor of the bus between their bunks, anxiously going over lyric and style choices for the next night’s show. So the shirt had waited until after their first concert, when both of them had been too tired to do much more than change out of sweaty, smoke-filled clothes and fall into their respective beds. It had smelled comfortingly of the Thistlesprings’ homemade fabric softener, but Fig’s varying states of cleanliness have not helped the smell stick around.
Now, though, cuddled up against Gorgug’s chest, she doesn’t miss the shirt’s smell. It’s nothing compared to the real thing.
“It’s okay if you took it,” Gorgug says, cracking a small smile. “It looks better on you anyway.”
“Since when do you have an eye for fashion, Mr. Hoodies-In-Summer?”
He reaches around and pokes her on the cheek, “Hey, my hoodies are a catch for women ages thirteen to twenty-eight.”
“We did sell, like, a literal ton last night,” Fig says, snorting.
There’s a lull in the conversation. Bill and Ted shred some sick air guitar.
“...It’s a little weird,” Gorgug says, eventually, in that introspective tone of his that promises paternal questioning.
“What is?”
“That we’re sophomores in high school and have so many people, like, caring about us. Or, I mean, watching us. Like, I guess we’re famous, or something? That’s weird.”
“I guess I never thought about it like that.” Fig’s been too caught up in the whole being famous thing to think about what it means for her, a fifteen year old, to be famous. She isn’t a fan of thinking about it, actually, and decides to put it off even further. This is why Gorgug’s the thoughtful, considerate one.
“That’s probably why you’re better at songwriting than I am,” Gorgug muses. “You just do what feels right.”
Fig shifts a little, so she can look at him better, his features cast in the shifting colors of the crystal. “Dude, that’s like all drumming is. Like, just playing your emotions and not overthinking it. And you’re literally the world’s best drummer.”
“Oh,” Gorgug laughs, “I wouldn’t say that.”
“You are. What other teenager gets to go on a tour while they’re still in high school?”
“Um. The Jonas Brothers?”
“I mean this in the nicest way possible, but if you compare our music to the Jonas Brothers again I will stab you with my horns.”
“I really don't think they’re poky enough to do that—”
“Stab, Gorgug. With force. You wouldn’t like it.”
“Okay, fine. I’ll take your word for it.”
“Wo-ah,” Ted says, on the crystal.
“Wicked,” Bill chimes in.
“What if we talked like them at our next concert?” Fig asks, “Just come out with full Bill and Ted voices and keep them up the whole show.”
“That sounds… hard.”
“No, it would be fun! Like, um,” Fig switches into the voice, drawing out her vowels and smiling dumbly, “we’ll totally get babes like this, dude.”
“You can get princess babes,” Gorgug says. “I’ve got Zelda. That’s basically the same thing.”
“Oh my god, you’re too cute,” Fig burrows closer to him, back in her usual voice.
She can tell Gorgug’s blushing by the bashful tone of his silence. “Um, thanks. I should probably call her tomorrow.”
“Do you mind if I join too? I really like her, she’s nice. And sick as hell.”
“Yeah, that would be fun! We can show her our set, maybe.”
“Totally! If school wasn’t on right now we could’ve brought her along.”
“I don’t know, wouldn’t that, like, Beatles us?”
“Did you seriously just mention another boy band? Also, beyond that, did you use the Beatles as a verb?”
“Sometimes, I wonder how you ever made it into the punk-rock scene. And then I remember that I invited you.”
“Thanks for doing that,” Gorgug says, wrapping his other arm around Fig’s shoulders. “I never really said it before, but, thank you. This has, um, it’s meant a lot to me.”
“Oh, it’s nothing, dude.”
“It’s, like, kind of everything right now, Fig.”
“So, I guess, um, thank you. For inviting me to join a band with you and taking me on tour.”
“I, uh… Of course. Thanks for being my drummer, Gorgug. I’ll always take you on my adventures.”
“And I’ll always go with you.”
Bill says, “Excellent,” on the crystal screen, smiling at Ted with big eyes.
Yeah, Fig thinks, as Gorgug sighs and smiles into the top of her head. Excellent.
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alygatorwrites · 3 years
Hey baby! This match up event is such a fun idea, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy 🥰
Also sorry for the long answers I just wanted to make it as easy as possible (and not because I want YOU to marry me 😤)
my name is sage
my pronouns or she / her
my sexuality is straight
my sign is cancer
my love language is quality time and acts of service
I love it when my partner goes out of their way to do something special for us, and I much prefer experience gifts rather than material gifts, like a weekend away or taking me to a restaurant or surprising me with a dinner or going for a walk together (pls I sound like a dog)
my hobbies and interests
I love animals with a passion and you will find me volunteering any chance I get! I’m a big fan of travelling and I would do it everyday if I could, my favourite places to go are Italy, greece and Australia. I’m also in love with Switzerland! But yeah anything beachy and woodsy is where my happy place is. I also love to journal about the places I have been, and collecting little souvenirs on the way. I’m like a magpie it’s crazy how much stuff I have from my travels.
my personality
my mbti type is isfp and I’m more of an ambivert, I’m outgoing with friends and family but I’m a bit more reserved when it comes to people I haven’t met before and would prefer if they started the convo first. After that initial awkwardness (which I hate with a passion) I’m good at carrying a convo. Once you get to know me I’m more of an extrovert. Over text I’m the most extroverted person but in person, I’m a lil shy and reserved until I get to know you.
I’m also VERY clumsy, I never seem to finish my day without breaking something or waking up with a new bruise. There was one time I literally broke 3 plates and dropped 4 glasses all in one day…..and the amount of times I trip or fall up the stairs. I seriously need a warning sign around my neck. I’ve also been told I have a bit of a resting bitch face but I swear I’m nice :)
I’m known to my friends as the funny one of the group and very free spirited. I have never been in a relationship and I don’t feel I need to be in one right now. I’m not looking for anyone at the moment, and I wouldn’t go out of my way to find someone (ie dating apps). I’d rather find them along the way. As you could probably tell, I’m more on the independent side and as of right now, I’m just enjoying that.
physical description
It’ll be a lot easier is I just add a picrew for the physical description cause I finally found one that looks like me :)
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And OF COURSE I want some nsfw headcanons!! You’re nsfw writing is what keeps me going BABYYY
I’m so excited to see who you pick for me mamas! *BIG FAT SMOOCHES* ilysm 💖
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♡ 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐧
→ your caring and charitable persona is what draws jean in, along with the fact that you’re pretty as hell. while he can be blunt and stubborn, this man finds himself magnetized toward those who are lively and vivacious — this is you! add in your sense of humor and he is instantly fixated on establishing a relationship.
→ jean finds the lives of others valuable, and he likes how you feel the same, shown by how you enjoy volunteering. this would make you extremely compatible! because you're both dedicated members of society with strong moral compasses, a deep sense of understanding is easily formed.
→ an opinionated extrovert who speaks his mind, jean would take the initiative in social situations. when you're uncomfortable or too nervous to start a conversation with a stranger, he'll be right there to introduce you and get the ball rolling. this balance and support is helpful! honestly, jean thinks it’s super adorable how shy you can be. the way you can go from being extroverted over text to a bashful girl in person is amusing to him!
→ you and jean's personalities form a mutually beneficial relationship! your understanding nature breaks down jean's walls, while his resolve and committed character keeps you grounded. this bond would be unbreakable as it's forged through trust, responsibility, commitment, and affection.
→ your love language of quality time would be respected by jean, and he’d have no problem in giving his undivided attention. as a practical individual who knows that a tomorrow isn't promised, jean finds that each passing minute is irreplaceable. he values being there for his partner. not only that, but jean's love language is also acts of service. this gives him an understanding of how precious it is to show and not tell. he will do things for you such as cooking breakfast, folding your laundry, brushing your hair, taking you to the beach, and even planning over-sea vacations. a little embarrassed to show his emotions, jean takes this as an opportunity to wordlessly express his love.
→ jean has a soft spot for beauty! this is what made you catch his eye. he's definitely a sucker for your curls; the way they perfectly frame your face — the spirals a gorgeous sepia-brown, brushing along each cheek — would make him melt. your beauty marks? he pecks them with a tenderness that can't even be explained. they're too cute and charming.
→ he finds clumsiness sweet. that being said, sasha and connie already keep jean on his toes as it is, so he'd never admit it. despite that, he's always down to help collect the broken pieces of whatever you knock over ... which usually results in him grabbing a broom and saying he'll clean it up for you altogether (those shards of glass can't be trusted!) jean can still be an asshole though, and he snorts out a laugh whenever you fall up the stairs.
→ your love for animals and wildlife would change jean for the better. this man doesn't have an affinity for them until you come along: watching the way you light up around a cat or dog makes him vow that he'll give you all the pets you want.
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♡ 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
→ the sharp inhales you make when jean fucks you has him bursting at the seams. hearing you moan when he holds tight onto your hips is his absolute favorite thing.
→ as mentioned before, jean loves hair, especially yours. his favorite thing is to tangle his hands in each lock — the brown swirls wrapping around his fingers — and gently tug them as he envelops your lips into a deep kiss.
→ reducing you to a quivering, breathless heap makes jean feel invincible. the power trip has his head swimming every time!!!
→ orally pleasuring you is a must for jean. he likes it even better than he enjoys getting off himself. the primal sensation of you gushing around his tongue can make him cum in seconds if he doesn't control himself.
→ this man has the worst corruption kink. jean will not hesitate to tarnish you until you go from a good little girl to a whore who thinks about nothing but his cock <3
→ really loud, moan-heavy sex makes jean weak at the knees. he adores every breathy whine you make, and relishes in the way your face screws up when he slides into you. he'll push strands of your hair away from your eyes, tucking them behind a ear and fiddling with your piercings.
→ jean can't get enough of the sexual tension before you both hook up. the second he sees your will-power break, and how you strip away your shirt... god, it's so sexy to him.
→ run your fingers through his mullet and jean is a goner 🥴
→ whenever jean carries you bridal style to the bedroom with a smug grin, be prepared for the best sex of your life.
→ 100% a dom. NO IFS, ANDS, OR BUTS.
→ "fuck, sage—" jean frequently whispers, lips brushing along your throat as he thrusts into you. the way your name tumbles from his mouth is always a broken groan. "feels so fucking good."
→ one of his favorite sex positions with you!
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