#this ep made me scream and my head pound
secondchoice-ragdoll · 3 months
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leilakisakabiri · 6 months
could u to a gavi x singer reader? she’s more outgoing and not as shy as he is and writes songs about him // dedicates them to him during her concerts and he’s just a super proud bf 💗💗
Number One (PG6)
Summary: Gavi being your biggest supporter.
A/N: Quick one! Miss him on the field already :(
Word count: 700+
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“I can’t tell you all how much it means to me that you’re here – I love you. Thank you so much for your support!” You exclaimed, in awe of the crowd chanting your name.
“I wanna dedicate this song,” you continued smiling as the cheering intensified, “to a special someone who’s basically my muse for this whole EP, thanks for getting me famous,” you joked, “Oh, and also for making me feel loved.”
The beginning beats of your most popular song began to play and if you thought the crowd was loud before they went even crazier, screaming when they saw the camera pan over to Gavi in the VIP section, a proud smile on his face while he cheered along with your fans.
You had just confirmed the rumors that had been circulating for weeks – you were together.
You couldn’t keep the grin off your face as you sang the chorus, hearing the crowd sing along, the camera once again panning to Gavi, showing him scream-singing the lyrics with his sister, his grin mirroring your own.
You bowed once you had finished your set, thanking your audience once again. You looked over to the VIP section and made eye contact with Gavi, he immediately put his hands into a heart shape, lifting it above his head for you to see.
You felt your heart swell, usually, you would be the one doing that at his games, and it meant so much to you that he had come to support you and had done the same thing.
Without a second thought, you copied his actions, taking a final bow as you exited the stage.
Your heart was pounding, adrenaline racing through your veins.
You couldn’t believe it. You had just played your first big festival and everyone had seemed to love it.
You were in the middle of taking off your earpiece when you saw Gavi and Aurora walking towards you.
You finished unhooking yourself before you met them in the middle pulling them into a group hug.
“You were amazing Y/n!” Aurora praised you.
You let out a laugh, “Thank you! And thank you guys for coming!”
“I wouldn’t miss it for anything.” Gavi replied.
Aurora huffed, “He’s definitely not lying about that.”
You gave her a questioning look.
She sighed, giving Gavi a glare, “Gavi was so annoying, he kept rushing me. He was so worried we wouldn’t make it in time that we left an hour and a half earlier than we needed to, and he wouldn’t even let me walk around, scared that we would miss your performance, so we stood in that tent for like three hours.”
You turned to face a blushing Pablo, who was desperately trying to avoid eye contact with you, embarrassed at having been called out.
You reached out, wrapping your arms around his waist as you peered up at him, “Awh Pablo! Thank you, you didn’t have to do all that.”
He finally looked at you, hands coming to rest against your shoulders, as his fingers absentmindedly played with the ends of your hair.
“Couldn’t miss your first performance. Especially since it was dedicated to me.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “Mhm how do you know I wasn’t talking about another guy?”
He gave you an offended look, “Please Y/n. We both know that no one makes you feel the way I do.”
You felt your stomach fill with butterflies at his words, you wanted him, and he knew it.
“Am I wrong?” He asked, face inching closer to yours.
Your eyes stayed fixed on his as he moved closer, a mischievous grin adoring his features.
“Ugh enough coupley shit.” Aurora groaned from beside you.
You laughed, pulling yourself back to reality and separating yourself from Gavi even as he tried to bring you back.
“Sorry! It’s all friendly here.” You declared.
Aurora smiled, grabbing your hand, “Perfect. Well, in that case, Gavi we’ll meet you by the food carts, I have to show Y/n this stand.”
You giggled as she pulled you along, looking back to see Gavi with an annoyed expression on his face as he watched his sister pull you away.
“I’ll be back!” You yelled.
“Not soon enough.” He shook his head smiling.
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bronx-bomber87 · 3 months
Good evening wonderful fandom! SO glad to have a new ep to do some quick thoughts on. I missed our babies. As stated few weeks back the gif library is a turd right after an ep. So quick hand made ones till summer. Off we go.
6x04 Training Day
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Lucy saying she’s fine as she consistently does all her fidgety tells screaming she is anything but LOL Tim picking this up too love it. Smart man saying what he does about “being fine.” They cute with her saying 'Does he want her to be upset?' He's so good at making her laugh in this moments. Makes my heart happy. Till John appears.... Way to jump in on their moment Nolan. Of course the man makes it worse…She was laughing before you got there John…Tim's face when she takes off. Like if I could punch you Nolan...
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Oh Lucy... Definitely hitting her hard she’s still a patrol officer. Tasks that didn't used to bother her as much are. Ugh my girl. This is rough. You are anything but fine my friend…Poor Lucy last thing she needs is more alone time with her thoughts at a scene that'll take forever to wrap up. Not only that but babysitting puke…I think our girl is headed toward quite spiral that has yet to happen. Tim is gonna do his best to keep her sane but I have a gut feeling we are headed there. I could be wrong but just how I'm feeling.
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Lucy killing me softly watching Juarez and Nolan get recognized on Tv. Mmm I am loving Tim coming to pick her up yum yum. Lucy mentioning almost getting that call... Damn nothing going her way today. Or lately... Think her only sanity at this point is that man next to her. Tim of course is picking up on it immediately knowing her mood is linked to Primm. Knows his girl so well. Stating she was hoping could've proved him wrong with catching a call like that.
I love this scene. Lucy telling Tim about her crappy day and Tim giving her perspective. Saying she could be the big hero tomorrow. Not only that but making her smile as well. Look at him building her up like it’s second nature. Cause it is. Damn I love these two. Him basically leaning on her and bumping her shoulder with his telling her not to be too greedy hehe That Lucy smile of his loud and proud. Making her beam as well. She loves this man next to her so much.
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Oh my lord this entire scene had my heart racing. What an absolute BAMF our girl is holy hell. Tim would've lost his mind seeing this. Hell I did. I screamed when she got hit and my dog ran from the room LOL The looks on Harper/Lopez's face when she went down oh my goodness. The absolute panic on their faces. Right there with you ladies. This was a huge risk she took to prove herself. One like I said Tim would’ve lost his mind at seeing.
Lucy was definitely being the big hero this entire scene oh my lord my heart was pounding. What a way to impress Harper and Lopez but give me a damn heart attack. That scene in the ally with the brother..... I was worried when he didn’t stop she was gonna have to shoot him. Giving me 5x19 flashbacks. I think she is going to CARRY this with her for a long time. Being an empath is no joke. Our girl one of the finest even at her own detriment.
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I was hoping for some insanely worried Tim and they DELIVERED. Like that man couldn't breathe till he set eyes on his girl. Oh my damn lord. The way he ran to get to her. Man on a mission doesn’t even stop to check in with Grey. By-passes them completely. Only wants to get to Lucy. His hand on her head had me reeling everyone. It's the gentle way he caresses her hair I'm squeeing. Also his non stop touching.
Trying to ground her by letting her know he was there emotionally and physically. Rubbing his thumb up and down her her collar bone. The sweet squeezes. I'm a puddle.. The way this man has transformed because of her still blows my mind. The sweet comforting touches. I'm losing my mind. His adorable attempt at a joke telling her she didn’t have to take the hero suggestion literally. Ugh Lucy breaking my heart into million pieces. Saying she doesn’t feel like one.
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Melissa you deserve all the awards madam I’m crying. Her little pre cry when he says they'll deal with it my damn heart. Killing me. I love how Tim's hands have not left her for 90 percent of this moment. Protective Tim was very much present in this scene with Wes. Grey was too being like dude let us take the win. Feral Tim having Wes back it off for tomorrow. Wade being the sweet man he is says that's ok. Lucy is going to be anxious about all this. I would be stressed about him succumbing to his injuries now that Wes said that. Read the room Evers lol
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Gah Tim telling her let’s go home. Then we get another glorious hug where he encases her in his arms. Protecting her emotionally from this situation. Lucy burying herself in his embrace. Wrapping her arm around him tightly to ground herself again. She needed to fall apart in his arms before they left. THIS IS SOO GOOD. Annnnnnd another head kiss I’m dead I am writing these thoughts from the grave.
Oh my word this season has delivered in spades both friggin crap. I’m out of breath from this episode in the best way. Also whoever does the music needs a raise I say it time and time again. But that song was perfection against the backdrop of this final scene. Was telling D earlier I already need to change my header to it.
I love this hug SO much it's insane. Sure I'll write a novel on it this summer. Having everything that's going on plus this I think our girl is hurtling toward a breakdown of some sort. Some actual UC/detective feelings coming with it. Cause our girl is anything but fine. I'm so excited to see where we go from here S6 has every bit worth the wait. I cannot wait till next week
Side notes -non Chenford
Yay Aaron progress in therapy. Back to active duty ha his heart rate going up for her too cute.
We finally get Nyla’s new hair style. Loving it
Adore the idea of Tim being one to take Aaron back out. Ain’t no one better.
Mmmh love hard ass TO Tim in metro uniform yummy. Does things to me. Aaron thinking he got this TRAIN but there is panic there.
‘Train is leaving the station officer Thorsen.’ Mmmm He does impress Tim for this first call. Yay Aaron haha
Giving Aaron only 9 minutes before bouncing him back to being a rookie oh my lord Timothy. I love you so much.
I do adore watching Tim watching Aaron do well. I’m sure there is a part of him that misses being a teacher. You can see it in these scenes. The pride and excitement he gets when Aaron is doing well. Aaron doing little fist pump and Tim shaking his head I’m dying.
Also How can Tim make leaning against a chair look so sexy? I want to be the chair he is leaning against in this scene with the wife LOL
Glad he passed Tim's TRAIN test. Glad they took their time getting him back out there. Was realistic
Feel free to comment any and all thoughts. I welcome them. See you all next week!
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tezzbot · 5 months
Part way through ep 2 of prime but I have to liveblog I'm goinvg CRAZY
When it cut back to Nine I was like ?? Is Shadow still fighting down there??? I forgot they put him in the pit HDJDGF
"You know what? You keep talking, Doc, and my Fist will be Affront to ya Face." [Very gently taps his own cheek]
I will not lie the floating hologram is so fucking funny to me GDKDGDF NINE BABY I'M SO SORRY I CANNOT TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY UP THERE
MANGEY..... I LOVE HIMFBHDSF HES SO PUPPY oh hi reused animation lmfao Unless it's bc I saw it in the trailers 10 times... maybe...
Of course it's a Tails and a Knuckles that rusb to Sonic's side of course of course Team Sonic for literally ever
Okay ep 3
What the....
GDJDGEJSF me when my memories are 16bit
Wait where Did Dread go...?
It's been a minute since I watched s2 GDJDF
Renegade Knux I fucking love you forever and ever
God I love animation.
I will not lie the teen doctor eggman is so fun to me I like him GDJDF
Sails... u r so cuteful....
These fucking birds scream and shake their heads like a fnaf jumpscare
I just noticed the stupid little gears in Nine's shoes.... girl what.... HDJDGD
Nine...... :((((
New Yoke Knuckles and Rouge besties literally forever and ever
Everyone in that room like who the fuck is Shadow GDJFD
Shadow still in that hole lmfao
I still love Nine's outift
"Lov a good chili Dawwwggg"
Suicide pact
My silly little space
Oh god.
Okay Elsa we get it.
Peepaw at it again
ARE THEY ACTUALLY FUCKING DEAD??????? IM . IM GOBSMACKED. They wont be. They aren't.
No really who is this.
Shadow is still. In a hole. DVJDFSG
If Nine has his eyes on Sonic why is Sonic hanging out with the groups who are trying to sneak up on Nine... VDJDFSJF
You Are Just A Little Boy In A Chair....
GOOD GOD. This is so much.
Grandpa you've made that joke 5 times now
We Are Not. Related.
Left him hanging...HE HIGH FIVED HIMSELF
Amy Underground. Start a band NOW
GDJDGSJSF Shadow is like Do Not Fucking Touch Me
Dr deeps legs: shattered lmfao
God. Just everyone...
Girl you're gonna hurt yourself......
He needs an ibuprofen
Nine... he's hurting himself.......
Oh god he's shaking
Oh god. Hi Bigbot..
Dread...... Dread no....
That birdie just out in the battlefield. Chilling
Uh oh lol
Ohhh Nine is trying to destroy the stabilisers...
BABBEL..... Why does that baby have a full set of veneers
Shadow incredibly cunt
God. Trows up.
Very very good show. That ending was. slightly disappointing, there was no like... cooldown it felt slightly abrupt BUT. Good Show I loved it so much<333
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Have you seen MVA specifically the tv series and what are your thoughts about it?
yes I have! like twice? or three times selectively? and that was like 2 years ago!
short answer; this show has all my love and hatred for its existence
long answer?
I like the concept of the monster agents having to "share" living space with the aliens, and I do like the idea of the different aliens sort of being foils or compliments to the monsters
the ongoing plots like coverton's relationships with the monsters and how he has redeeming qualities is really nice! and I appreciate some of the continuity like the teleportation bit. I am sad that didn't get resolved or that we got to see through with coverton's invasion plans
sqweep's relationship with link is especially sweet and I hold it so dear to my heart, and even small interactions for sta'abi with the others are also really nice
I adore and appreciate how the monsters interact with each other because they absolutely nailed the family vibe, and just how they behave with the aliens in general since there's that bit of speciescism in there
my favourite eps are;
‌The Toy From Another World
‌Frenemy Mine
‌Maximum B.O.B.
‌It Came... on a Field Trip
‌The Thing with One Brain
‌98 Pound Cockroach
‌Screaming Your Calls
‌It Came From Level Z
‌Driven to Madness
‌The Beast From 20,000 Gallons
‌It Spoke With Authority
‌This Ball Must Be Dodged
‌It Ruled With an Iron Fist
‌Race to the End...Zone!
‌That Which Cannot Be Unseen
(though I honestly don't remember what some of these were about haha)
now onto what I don't like
firstly, Butterflyosaurus isn't there, and secondly, Ginormica isn't ginormic all the time, but we'll touch on these later
the fact that nickelodeon produced it already had my expectations low, and the fact that it was in 3d made it worse. based on the style of the concept arts, I would've loved it better if it was animated that way in 2d.
the character designs for the aliens are so ugly and unappealing (except sqweep she's decent) but even the models are weirdly scaled and disproportionate for the humans. again, the concept arts for coverton, sta'abi, and vornicarn were so much better than the end result, it's a real shame honestly
the characterization for the monsters were awfully flanderised early on so it was very annoying how Bob was portrayed, and though it did improve a lot as the eps progressed there was always something better they could've done, which was frustrating and agonising to watch
I don't remember having any particular loathing towards any certain eps? because I kinda wanna stay positive about it, but my god were some of the writing just nauseating and aggravating I would get so frustrated and angry cause of how stupid it is
a major theme throughout monsters vs aliens is the use of camera angles and the sense of scale, and the other thing is accepting change since her entire life got flipped. that gets completely erased and the quantonium is replaced with hyperium in the pilot, so Susan can go big or small whenever she wants and the whole movie was a waste of time!! it might as well be a superpower instead of considering her a monster cause her whole thing was being abnormaly big!! and it's clear the show did this for convenience sake which really makes it unauthentic, hence why butterfly isn't there or mentioned at all. susan isn't even a main character most of the time it's bob, then doc, then link, and THEN..... coverton.
how poorly this show was mostly handled made me seethe so much that I have an idealised reboot in my head out of spite and love
it had the potential to be good, it just wasn't the best
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airyoubreath · 1 year
Animalia Chronicles  The Knight and the Prince [EP. 1 Prt.1]
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Come on pick me!
It’s all Kalani can do not to scream. She digs her claws tightly around the leather of her silver daggers. Her heart pounded with anticipation. Today was finally the day she could show her worth.
To show the other Toms that she-cats can be part of the Royal Corp just as much as them.
Kalani shifts on her paws to calm her racing nerves. General Zephyr trained them and will select who fights today. He stares at his warriors, his yellow eyes narrowing making them fidget. 
He’s focused. The orange striping of his fur and gold armor made General Zephyr look regal and scary, particularly with the scar above his left eye. You would’ve never guessed he was a loving father of four kittens and had a mate.
“Attention.” He finally speaks. All the other felines including Kalani stand to attention, like they’ve been trained to do so many times. Feet slightly apart, hands by their sides, and eyes staring straight ahead. 
A gray-striped tom with green eyes steps out of the line, but his posture is still attentive. There’s a long pause before the general picks the next challenger.
The white she-cat stepped out of line, standing horizontal to Casio. She let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding, before tuning into General Zephyr’s instructions.
“In the circle.”
In response to his command, they padded towards the circle. They stood facing each other. Kalani looked into Casio's eyes. They were cold. There was no emotion in his iris. She watched his ridged muscles beneath his training attire. He smirks sending a chill down the young she-cat's spine. 
“Shake paws.” They shook their paws. “Raise your weapons.”
As Kalani raised her daggers, Casio unsheathed his scythe. General Zephyr studies them, circling them before adding.
“Everyone knows the rules. Stepping out of the circle gives the other person a point. After you step out 3 times the other opponent wins. And please refrain from drawing blood. It's difficult to get up off the ground.”
General Zephyr sighed, knowing the furball stuffed headed Toms wouldn’t listen. “My Bastet rests their souls.” Shaking his head, he says the word the two felines wanted to hear.
From a window overlooking the courtyard where the guards were trained, Crown Prince Xajar watched with great interest. His eyes were fixed on the movements of the fighting felines below. Xajar was shocked by the tom's strength; he was afraid it would harm the she-cat. But where she lacked strength, her speed and agility were phenomenal. Each time the tom threw a strike at her, she was always ready to defend.
He watched as they circled each other. Then after a pause, the gray-striped Tom strikes catching the she-cat off guard with his scythe blade mere inches from her neck. Xajar holds his breath thinking it was the end for the white she-cat, but what happens next shocks him. 
She arches her back, dodging Tom's attack. Then she throws herself out of his way when he strikes her again. Xajar blinks making sure he wasn’t seeing things, when someone clears their throat behind him.
Turning his attention away from the window, his amber eyes find those of his teacher, Master Zito. 
“Master Zito, I didn’t hear you when you came in.” Xajar said stepping towards his teacher. The flat-faced Tom only smiled at his student.
“All is well my prince. I only just arrived.” 
Master Zito finds a spot on the sofa in the prince’s room and sits, while the prince follows behind him. Xajar rings a bell on the table in front of him, and a maid enters and bows. 
“Yes, your highness," the she-cat in palace maid attire said.
“Bring us the afternoon mint cream, and sandwiches, please.”
She curtsies again, “Right away your highness.” Spinning on her heels she leaves the room.
When the room is silent, Master Zito speaks. "So, my prince, what caught your attention in the window? Hopefully it wasn’t a butterfly this time.” Amusement gleamed in the older Tom's eyes.
Prince Xajar chuckles at the mention of a butterfly. As a kitten, he was distracted by the smallest things. The most notable one is butterflies. There was just something so majestic about them that drew him in.
 “No, this time it was the fight below in the courtyard. General Zephyr had some of his students in the circle.” 
As if realizing, Master Zito hummed, “Oh yes, I forgot that was today. The General tests the students to become your next personal guard.”
Xajar eyes widen at this news. “A new guard? Why? Haven’t I already got one?”
“Yes, but Sir Nam plans to retire soon, and your mother wants you to have a personal guard right away.” Master Zito explains.
The prince scrubbed his paws over his face, his white-tipped tail flickering in annoyance. Xajar wished his mother would come to him about things that concerned him. There was no notification to him that Sir Nam was about to retire. Truthfully, no one told him anything. How was he able to become the next ruler if no one told him anything?
Minutes later the maid returns with a tray with hot mint cream and sandwiches on. She sets the tray on the table; curtsies then leave the room.
Taking a sandwich off the tray, Prince Xajar chewed it slowly, hardly tasting the honey glazed salmon. It tasted bland, but he knew the chef wasn’t at fault. It was him. He had lost is appetite. Setting the sandwich down he dusts his crumbed paws on his tunic, then stands.
“I’m going to speak with my mother." He replied to Master Zito, who was busy savoring his cream.
“Whatever for?”
Xajar shrugs, “I haven’t seen her in a while. I think it's time to talk to her again.”
Opening the door, the prince exited the room. His mind reeled from the conversation with Master Zito. If no one told him that Sir Nam was retiring and he was supposed to get another personal guard, what other stuff were they keeping from him?
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foreverindreamlandd · 2 years
Okay, what if it's Steve's turn to save babysitter reader and she ends up in his arms and they start leaning in, like so close to kissing for the first time but the gang ruins it being all oooooo so they kinda laugh it off but then he kisses her later in the car when he drops her off or something.
Babysitters Club (2)
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
WC: 2.7k
Summary: You and the other dumbasses went through Watergate, and all Steve can think about is keeping you safe.
Warnings: Canon level violence, monsters, Vecna shit, mentions of a panic attack, mentions of nightmares. Takes place during and after episode 7 of season 4 (posted before the final two eps have dropped)
In the end, though, things had still managed to go to shit.
While you were celebrating your small victory of rescuing Steve,a new weird tentacle vine thing crept up the boat unnoticed.
And suddenly, Robin was flying back and into the water.
“ROBIN!” you and Steve screamed in unison, scrambling to stand to see if you could find her in the water.
She was gone, all that remained were some air bubbles rising to the surface.
“What do we do?” Nancy asked frantically.
Sirens blared behind you, and you turned to see cop cars pulling up, then to your right you saw four flashlights scurry off further into the woods.
You and Steve shared one look, then started to move, grabbing flashlights and weapons.
Then, you dove.
The rest went by in a weird, nightmarish blur. At one moment, you were swimming. The next, you were falling, and you landed in a desert of vines, giant monstrous bats attacking left and right, and then you were running, passing through a broken, disfigured version of Hawkins.
“Is that…is that my house?” you asked Robin as you headed down the dark street.
She grimaced. “Try not to pay too much attention to everything.”
You made it to Nancy’s house, and managed through hauntingly beautiful gold dust to connect with the kids and Eddie.
Everyone was acting way too calm, like this was all totally normal for them. The near-death moment for Steve in Lover’s Lake had already been a lot to process. To be attacked by literal monsters, be in some hellish alternate dimension, with no real plan on getting back.
It was too much.
And suddenly you couldn’t breathe.
“Hey, hey,” Steve whispered after picking up on your labored breaths, pulling you into the corner as Nancy and Robin continued communicating with the other side. “You’re okay.”
Your body was shaking, vision going dark and you knew you were well on your way to having a full-blown panic attack. “I-I can’t…this is…”
He started rubbing his hands up and down your arms. “Look at me. Y/n, look at me.”
His voice, strong and sure, brought your attention to him rather than the pounding in your ears, and your eyes slowly made their way to his.
His gaze was piercing, stabilizing, comforting.
“We’re going to get out of here, okay?” he said, squeezing your shoulders. “We’ve fought these things before and we always win. I’m going to keep you safe and make sure that none of them touch you. I promise.”
Tears fell down your cheeks and you nodded, trying your best to smile and failing.
Without hesitation, he closed the distance and wrapped his arms around you, resting your head against his bare chest.
His heart was racing as quickly as you knew yours was, and it was then that you knew he was as afraid as you were.
But he was here, and though it truly felt like the end of the world, when he said everything was okay, you believed him.
So you hugged him back, and as you felt the beat of his heart slow, you knew yours was doing the same.
“Besides,” he eventually murmured, “Someone has to make sure those little shitheads stay safe.”
You giggled, pulling back to meet his eyes once more with a genuine smile this time.
“Gotta make sure the pay grade doesn’t get compromised,” you said with fake seriousness.
He feigned annoyance. “I really gotta figure out how to get paid for making sure these kids don’t get killed by monsters.”
More laughter, enough to muster up the strength to wipe away your tears and continue forward. 
“Hey guys,” Robin said and you turned to her. “We know what we have to do.”
The four of you stared up at the ceiling of the trailer, staring into the eyes of Dustin, Lucas, Erica, Max, and Eddie as they stared at the ceiling of Eddie’s trailer in a different dimension.
“This is so…” you started.
“Trippy,” Steve finished.
The plan was eerily simple. The group on the other side went to work tying up towels, sheets, shirts, anything they could find to create a rope for you to climb up and then fall down onto a mattress they laid underneath the gate.
Robin went first, the three of you helping her up, and then once she was through she crashed onto the padding.
All of you breathed out a laugh of wonder, completely blown away by the ridiculousness of it all.
Nancy went next, as smoothly as Robin.
“Your turn,” Steve said, handing you the makeshift rope.
You opened your mouth to argue that he could go next and he just lifted up a hand to silence you. “Not up for discussion. I promised I’d keep you safe so I’m going to make sure you stay safe, alright?”
You frowned, looking around the room of floating spores. “But what if I climb through and the gate closes? Or something attacks you while you’re climbing and another vine thingy holds onto your ankle-”
“God, are you always this anxious?” he asked with an amused smile, hands going to his hips, a gesture you were quickly growing fond of.
Your eyes narrowed, but you couldn’t help but smile back as you crossed your arms in defiance. “I call it being prepared for anything.”
Steve just shook his head. “Y/n, please. The longer we’re in here the more likely it will be for danger to come knockin’. Now can you please get your ass up there so I can put a shirt on and maybe find a bandaid or two?” He gestured to his side at the gash left by one of the monster bats - Demobats as Steve started to call them. 
Dread coursed through your body and you grimaced. 
Then, finally, you grabbed the rope. 
“Promise you’ll be right behind?”
He nodded. “So fast I might even crash on top of you on the mattress.”
The cocky bastard winked at you and you snorted, rolling your eyes.
“Doesn’t sound so ba-”
Suddenly, everything went dark.
Steve knew the moment your hand dropped from the rope in a weird, lifeless way that something was wrong.
“Y/n?” he asked, trying to hide the concern from his voice.
“What’s taking you guys so long! Get your asses down here!” Dustin screamed, but he sounded far away to Steve now that his ears were only focused on hearing your voice.
“Y/n, enough playing around let’s get you up the rope-” he gently touched your shoulder and tried to spin you around.
Only you didn’t move. It was as if you were glued to the floor.
He jumped in front of you. “Oh God,” he cried out, hands instinctively moving to cup your face.
Gone were those lovely, striking irises he was so captivated by. They were glossed over with a white film. 
It was happening again. 
“Shit shit shit.” For a few moments, all he could do was panic, attempting to shake you awake even though he knew it wouldn’t work. “Come on, Y/n, please,” he begged.
Focus Steve, he thought, trying to gather his thoughts. You guys saved Max, you can save her.
He looked up at the group and shouted, “What’s her favorite song?”
Their brows furrowed, not understanding. “What…” one of them - Steve wasn’t paying attention who - said.
“Oh shit,” Dustin said, looking at Eddie with wide eyes, who looked at Robin with even wider eyes. The two of them ran into Eddie’s room.
Steve’s thumbs stroked the smooth skin over your cheek. “Please don’t do this to me, Y/n. You gotta come back to me. I promised to keep you safe.” His voice grew more choked, more desperate as tears welled in his eyes, completely overwhelmed with the devastating realization of how important you were to him.
“Listen,” he said, choking out a laugh, “You dying is definitely going to ruin any chance of me ever getting paid for babysitting. Can’t ruin my perfect record of keeping the shitheads alive, can you?”
“WE GOT IT!” Eddie yelled, throwing the walkman up until it fell into Steve’s hands.
Hands shaking, he gently put the headphones over your ears.
When he looked at the tape, he exhaled out a wet chuckle. 
“Tears for Fears,” he said, looking back at you. “It’s a good song-” his voice broke and he selfishly allowed himself one precious moment to place an arm around the back of your head and press his lips to your forehead.
Then, he pressed play.
You were in the backyard of your old house, running from the monster behind.
Vecna. This had to be him. Max hadn’t missed a single detail when describing him to you.
And you were his next victim. 
“Y/n,” Vecna called tauntingly, his voice echoing all around you. “Do not fight the inevitable. It is time for you to pay for all the harm you’ve caused…”
You weren’t sure how long you had been running for. It felt like seconds, it felt like days. Your limbs grew heavy, and when you turned you saw that he was gaining on you as he reached out to grab you-
A faint, familiar melody emerged into the air.
It was a guitar intro you identified from the first note alone.
Then, a hazy circle opened up ahead of you.
It was a portal.
And on the other side was Steve. Eyes wide and filled with pain, staring at something so intensely, as if it were the only thing that mattered in the world.
He was so far away, and you were so tired. There was no way you could make it in time.
“Come back to me, Y/n. Please,” Steve said, his voice sounding as if he were underwater.
That’s when you realized.
He was looking at you.
You took a step, then another as the music grew louder and louder. 
Welcome to your life
There’s no turning back
You started to run.
And then, you were falling.
Steve opened up his arms and caught you, holding your body to his as tightly as he could as you gasped for air.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” he kept saying, and you couldn’t tell if he was saying it for your sake or his.
A few beats later, once you caught your breath, you finally noticed how close you were to him.
“Hi,” you said, blinking a few times.
Steve chuckled, relief flooding through him. “Hey.”
“You saved me.”
He moved to brush a piece of hair from your face, his fingers resting along your neck as his thumb brushed along your cheek.
“I promised I would,” he whispered, and his eyes flashed down to your lips. The sound of your breath hitching in response made his head fuzzy.
Steve leaned in-
“IS SHE OKAY?” Dustin yelled, causing the two of you to jump back and look up to the group.
Erica punched his arm and he yelped. “Duh she’s okay,” she mumbled to him. “And they were about to have a moment, idiot!”
The two of you turned your gazes back to each other and burst out laughing.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” you said, standing up and grabbing the rope.
“Right behind ya,” Steve responded, smile plastered on his face.
“I don’t care what you say, Henderson,” Robin said, balancing a stack of movies in her arms. “I’m not seeing Spaceballs with you.”
Though he was arguing with his best friend, Steve couldn’t help but feel grateful for this moment. The normalcy of bickering over seeing a new movie rather than swinging paddles at monster bats.
“Come on Buckley. It’s going to be hilarious! Besides, I have months before it comes out to wear you down until you finally say yes-”
Bells jingled behind him to signify the entrance of a new customer. 
Based on the look on Robin’s face, it was an unexpected but familiar face.
Steve turned, and when he saw you at the door he temporarily lost control of his body and his elbow bumped into the computer at the register.
“Shit,” he hissed, rubbing the now sore spot. When he looked back up, your right eyebrow was raised in amusement.
“Harrington, is there ever a moment when you aren’t getting hurt?”
He narrowed his eyes at you, unable to suppress a grin caused just by being in your presence. “I heal quickly.”
“Um, I think there are some returns in the back that need processing,” Robin said, running away to leave the two of you alone.
More silence.
“So,” Steve started, running his fingers through his hair. “How you been?”
You nodded. “Good. I mean, I get a few more nightmares than I used to…but I’m fine.”
He sighed, nodding in understanding. “The nightmares will go away. Eventually.”
A shrug. “That’s what I keep telling myself.”
You laughed, and Steve’s smile widened. 
And then it was back to silence.
“Anything I can help you with?” he asked.
Your eyes swept across the video store as you took a few steps forward. “Couple things, actually. I’m watching Erica tonight and she made the mistake of telling me she’s never seen Star Wars. That little nerd is gonna love it.”
Steve smiled, jumping to action as he emerged from behind the register toward the sci-fi section. He turned and wiggled two fingers to signal for you to follow.
You complied, biting your bottom lip.
He scanned the shelves until mumbling a low aha!, grabbing the VHS and handing it to you with a smug smile.
“Perfect, thank youuu,” you said, grabbing it from him.
“For Hawkin’s beloved babysitter? Anything.”
You giggled, rolling your eyes before reaching into your bag. “Actually, Harrington, that was my second reason for coming here…”
Steve’s brows furrowed in confusion as you pulled out a laminated card and held it out to him.
He took it, staring at the yearbook photo of him printed on blue cardstock and the words next to it.
“It means virtually nothing,” you said as he continued staring. “But show that to parents and I can assure you they’ll drop some serious money.”
He shook his head in disbelief, then looked up with an awestruck expression that brought heat to your face.
“I can’t believe you put so much effort…..into a stupid inside joke.”
You grinned. “As if I would ever half-ass anything.”
Steve laughed, running his fingers over the card before taking out his wallet and safely storing it inside. “I love it. Thank you.”
“Thank you for saving my life two weeks ago. Again.” You nervously tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Well, to be fair, you also saved my life. So I guess we’re officially even.”
“For now,” you responded. “With the way you’re so willing to put yourself in harm’s way-” you pointed at his elbow “-someone’s gotta be there to keep you safe.”
Boldness took over as Steve took a small step closer to you, brows raised. “And who’s going to keep you safe?”
You scoffed. “I can keep myself safe.”
“Don’t doubt that at all,” he said, stepping closer, the corners of his mouth twitching.
“But if someone, like, wanted to give me a break at being so strong and awesome and independent all the time..”
“Well,” Steve started with another step toward you, “I am a certified babysitter now. Do you think that makes me qualified?”
Your lips opened slightly, as if you were getting ready to speak, but Steve was so close that his breath touched your skin and suddenly any word you ever knew was gone from your mind.
All you could do was nod.
“Can I ask you something?” Steve asked quietly.
You nodded again, lost in the nearly black hue of his eyes.
“Was Erica right that night? Were we having a moment?”
A small, breathy laugh escaped you, causing the corners of Steve’s eyes to crinkle.
“As if that girl could ever be wrong about anything-”
With that, Steve closed the now minimal distance between you as his lips pressed against yours.
Thank you for reading! :)
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subwaysurf45 · 2 years
Fragments (Ep.1)
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Summary: You always had a soft spot for innocent people who were viewed as monsters, must have been something in your blood. Nothing changed when you were assigned as the new handler for the Winter Soldier, he had just killed his previous one and you happened to be there at the right time to fill in. But what happens when you meet him years later? 
Episode: One
Warnings: violence, Winter Soldier fluff
Words: 3,067
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It had been a fuzzy few days since you’d been taken captive and you still hadn’t seen the Winter Soldier. You didn’t believe he was real for a while, just an online story made by a teenager to scare little kids. No one had ever sighted him before, a common name he went by was the Ghost Story, most people called him that because that’s what they thought he was; a story. 
It was a legend teachers and parents used on their misbehaving kids. Don’t hit people when you’re angry, the Winter Soldier might get you. Like El Coco or the boogeyman, a folktale used as a fear tactic to keep their kids in line. 
Currently, you were sitting in your bed and staring at the wall, you’d been doing it a lot lately to pass the time. The TV was standard cable and only carried the news, after three hours of background noise you grew tired and turned it off. There was a radio in a cupboard which had good white noise, some commercials ran a little long but you had three stations you flipped between to keep out the ringing in your ears. 
You had entered a haze, your eyes didn’t focus so everything was blurry and your ears felt like they were in water, distorting the sound. Everything was white or cream coloured, things camouflage into the walls. This felt like a simulation or a dream, none of this could actually be real, you’d be waking up soon enough. 
One good part was most of your belongings were brought to the room in somewhat good condition, some lamps or books were broken. The night the agents raided your room was a scary one. 
Four Days Ago,
The loud sound of a door being broken down woke you up. You glanced at the clock briefly to see that it was three in the morning, you didn’t have much time to question because men were running into your room and trashing the place. It seemed they brought in a tornado, everything was flying around. 
One man saw you and leaped onto the bed, using extreme force to hold you down and keep you restrained. You screamed for help, thrashing around but the man pounded punch after punch to your stomach, causing you to roll on your side and give up with a wheeze. He threw you over so you were laying on your stomach but still on your bed, tears streamed down your face as you screamed in pain. No one cared, every wallow would cause a blow to your back. 
His hand gripped your hair enough to pull out pieces, searing pain shot down your spine, "we know you talked to Silvius, you’re coming with us.” 
“no-no!” you tried to move, “it was my-my job, I swear-ow, you're hurting me!” you sobbed, his hand still gripping your hair, “I swear, I’ll never- I’ll never tell anyone, just pl-please leave me alone!” You sobbed as he tried to pull you up by the hair. You did everything to stay there, biting your bedding because your hands were held behind your back or rolling around so he lost hold of you. But nothing worked. 
“No way, sweetheart,” he chuckled before leaving you handcuffed and unable to see what was happening. You could hear the destruction being done to your bachelor apartment, glass was breaking and bangs could be heard consecutively. Later, he came back and pulled a bag over your head, throwing you over his shoulder and walking out. A gun was pressed to the back of your neck to keep you from screaming. 
You were thrown in the back of a car, lying awkwardly on your side. You were still in your pajamas, fuzzy socks with pink polka-dots were on your feet instead of shoes. You couldn’t tell how many people were in the car, no one was talking and you could barely hear the sound of breathing.  You wanted to ask who was there or where they were talking to but you also didn’t want to get punched again, your stomach was aching from the previous assault. 
Silvius was a patient you talked to a while ago in the prison. He was a nice man, near his late sixties and serving a life sentence. He didn’t talk much about why he was placed in jail, he had mentioned mob-activity but made no mention of anything more. You talked about his life within the cinderblock walls and how he was coping and adjusting to life there. You had talked to many mobsters before, you were known in the mob community because you didn’t snitch after men would tell you more incriminating things to add onto their ten-year sentence. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, “is anyone here?” 
“What?” A voice came from your left, a deep voice that shook you. 
“I don’t understand who I pissed off, where are we going?” your body shook in fear as you waited for a response. 
It took a while but the man replied, “Hail Hydra.” 
Present Day, 
A loud bang sent you flying off your bed, thinking they were going to break in again. But the knock came again and was followed by a voice, “get up, you’re seeing the Asset now.”  
Still in shock from the bang, you followed the orders and opened the door. You were in sweatpants and a hoodie but they didn’t seem to care, turning a perfect ninety degrees and walking, knowing you’d follow. The man’s walk was close to robotic, the way he moved caused you to try and fix your walk which made you trip over your own feet. 
The Hydra facility was massive, there were twists and turns everywhere. There were no windows which made you think you were underground, it made sense, Hydra was a massive target people could figure out where they were on land. Most of the walls were black, gold accents were everywhere with door handles, signs for directions, and the rim for the pot lights in the ceiling. You couldn’t help but think it was real gold and not spray paint. 
Slowly, less agents and guards were around you. It was just the man and you walking down a hallway before making it to your destination. The cell looked empty for a moment, you looked around and began to think this was a trap. Maybe this would be your new cell and they had fooled you again, the stupid middle child fell for the glitter thinking it was gold. 
But no, something white caught your eye. You quickly looked back and audibly gasped, a hand coming up to protectively cover your heart. The reflection of the small light that was in the hallway had caught the white part of the Winter Soldier’s eye, he was staring right at you as he sat right in front of the glass. He was so close your eyes skimmed past him. At the realization he was there your heart beat out of your chest, his was more robotic than the man guiding you. 
The Winter Soldier had his own section, there wasn’t a hallway full of cells, there was one massive one. There was a punching bag along with a toilet and tub out in the open, a cot that was ripped to shreds and had the coils sticking out. His door was glass but it was sturdy, a few holes in the glass for circulation but other than that, it was a normal glass wall. 
“Is it one way?” you asked, looking at the guard who had walked you here. Your finger pointed to the glass, hoping he was just staring off into space and it just so happened he was gazing into your soul.
“No, ma’am,” he said and fear was felt all around your body. “Here's your cart, it’s got everything you need but I’d suggest you take what you need in.” 
“Why’s that?” you turned to him. 
“He killed his last handler after a haircut,” he said so plainly, “the scissors freaked him out and sent him spiraling, his hair is good at this length but once it gets to his shoulders, cut it.” 
“Got it,” you could feel your stomach twisting in worry. 
“Go ahead,” he opened the door which caused a loud buzz. 
He was like a car accident, it was such a horrific thing but you just couldn’t look away. 
The Winter Soldier ran over to the corner and hugged his knees into his chest, at the sound of the buzz, shying away from you as you walked in. the door closed with a slam and both of you flinched, when you looked over your shoulder the guard was gone. 
“Hello,” you said uneasily, “my name is Y/N, wh-what’s your name?” your voice shook and went up a few octaves to try and sound soothing, you were also so extremely scared of the killing machine in front of you. One wrong move and this man could be on top of you, choking the life out of you slowly. You could only imagine what death would feel like coming from a trained assassin. You couldn’t help but ponder as you waited for some answer from him, was he a slow and painful death or a quick and easy blow? 
He didn’t respond so you walked over and sat beside him, one finger touching his thigh. At contact he looked up, tilting his head to the side to see if you were a previous handler. He looked like a dog trying to figure out a new sound coming from a chew toy, slowly shifting his head side to side to understand what was before him. 
“Hello,” you said softly again, “I’m new,” your finger still touched his thigh, “can I look at you for a bit?” After you asked he gave no answer, just looking at you with wide eyes and still features. “Give me a hand,” you faced your palm towards the Winter Soldier and he quickly put his hand in yours. You inspected his hand but he looked away the entire time, his head shoved against the wall as his eyes screwed shut. 
His skin was like sandpaper, there were callouses everywhere and they seemed to be picked at like scabs. The hand that wasn’t holding him gently ran over the back of his hand, trying to sooth him. His nails were long, long enough to leave a harmful scratch. It looked as though he got a shave a day ago, so you left it for another time. 
“Okay,” you said and petted his hand again, “I’m going to trim your nails, alright?” his face didn’t change, it looked as though he didn’t hear you in the first place. You stood and left to get the clippers, causing the loud sound again which both of you weren’t a fan of. 
When you came back he was still curled into himself, shaking at the initial contact when you grabbed his hand. “We’re going to go slow,” you took a deep breath and began clipping his nails. 
You had noticed his blue eyes first, they followed your every move and scanned constantly. They were always wide with fear, trying to prepare for the worst from you. You also couldn’t ignore the stench on him, it was obvious he didn’t bathe frequently, most likely after every mission. Dirt and blood caked under his nails and a layer of dust was over his face, it looked smudged and dark around the eyes. 
You were still in shock. He was a real person, you thought he was a fairytale. It didn’t make sense, he looked young. His stories of taking bad kids were around for years, your parents told you they were threatened with it before and still used it on you. That part added to the believability it was all fake, the Winter Soldier was close to a hundred years old. But this man looked to be in his late twenties, not a ton of wrinkles and a chiseled face. You didn’t know if this was really him, or this man would attack you soon to give Hydra one less threat in their walls. 
After clipping his nails you went back out to the cart, seeing a bowl full of water and cloth. “I’m going to wipe your face,” you said, “this cloth is warm, so that’s nice,” you talked him through it, he flinched away every time. Your hand moved to the back of his head to keep him still, “great job, staying so still,” you whispered and wiped down his neck, “look at you, perfect.” he didn’t have any reaction to the praise but you continued, “I’m going to get your eyes, close them, please,” he did right away and you wiped the stubborn substance. After running it over his hairline and a few times you sat back, “way to go,” your finger brushed over his clean cheek, “I’m going to give you a proper bath the next time I’m in here, alright?” he didn’t acknowledge it again but you had grown used to it, “do you have a name?” 
“Winter Soldier,” his voice wasn’t what you expected. You thought it would be horse and gravelly, extremely deep and quiet. But it was normal, a normal tone and noise level, there was a scratch to it but he wasn’t the talking type so it made sense. 
Your hand ran through his hair, “you were just a person, huh?” you combed it back, “me too, I’m just a person, I’m not here to hurt you, alright?” you didn’t know why you kept turning your sentences into questions, “remember that I’m not here to hurt you.”   
The door buzzed again as you left, the guard was standing around the corner. You walked up to him and he began to walk as well, leading you back to your room. Even though you had only walked the Hydra facility once or twice, you could figure it out quite quickly. There were some doors that were probably supposed to be shut but there were windows everywhere to show the meeting happening and the training in all the rooms. 
You had begun to see more agents which meant you were getting closer to your room, no one had said a thing to you yet. As you passed by tons of men and women carrying guns and snarling at you, you couldn’t help but look towards your guide for an ounce of help; he gave none. 
He opened your door and walked you in, when you heard the door lock your stomach dropped at the realization that he was about to do something. There was no getting out, there were no doors or windows to escape. You kept your back to him in hopes he would leave but you didn’t hear the door open again, so you gave in and turned around. 
“Is there something wrong?” you asked politely. 
“No,” he said and reached up to rub his stubble, “not at all, actually.” 
“Alright,” you nodded and ran your sweaty hands down your sweater and pants, “are you sure-”
“I’m on your side,” he cut you off quickly, “I’m going to get you out of here, just like myself, I promise,” his dead eyes had sprung with emotion, “I never wanted to work here, my dad forced me to do it, I want a real life and a real family- I just want to leave,” tears began to collect in his water line, “I’m sorry, it’s just…” he let out a deep breath, “you’re the first person I’ve met in five years that doesn’t belong here like me, I already trust you and just needed to get that off my chest- I’m sorry, I should go,” his hand touched the knob but you stopped him before he could leave. 
“Tell me more about the Winter Soldier,” you said and he stopped, “who is he and what happened?” 
“I can’t tell you all that yet,” his back was still to you, his hand gripping the door handle, “what I do know is that when you’re cleaning him up, he only responds to commands. The little questions you ask, adding the ‘alright’ and ‘okay’ to sentences to make him feel better don’t work on him, just tell him what you’re going to do.” 
You stepped towards the man, “I don’t want to, I will not fall into a commanding position over an innocent person, I’m going to treat that Soldier like a human being- even if it’s the last thing I do!” you walked up right beside him, and looked him in the eyes, “I’m not leaving with you, they’ll hunt me down and skin me, I’ll live out my sentence and leave when they let me- and if that’s never,” you hand moved his face so he was looking at you, “then I’ll give that Winter Soldier the feeling of love and care until I can’t walk from old age or my kneecaps get blown out, you hear me?” You let go of his face and watched him open the door, “I don’t know your name, how could I possibly put my hands in your life?” 
“I thought you were a therapist?” he whispered, “aren’t you supposed to be supportive?” 
“Support is different when you’re giving it to someone who endured solitary confinement for over a year or a serial killer,” that was a lie, you had never helped a serial killer before but you needed to sound threatening. “I'm not going to hold your hand and tell you it’s okay, I can’t trust you, I’ve just met you.” 
He left without another word, you fell back on your bed with a huff. Normally, you’d love to help the innocent out, talk to them and let them workout their problems. But him, no way. You were already punished for listening to one person, Hydra would raid and assault you again. He could be telling the truth about not wanting to be a part of the organization but alliances were not for the third day in, you had to wait it out and really see where this man’s intentions lie. 
You were done playing nice, done being fooled, and done being so easily trusting. 
Except for the man in the glass cell, there was something different that pulled you closer.
Series Taglist: @marvelouslovely-barnes​ @flyingbalto​ @fuck-is-going-on @readingbooksdrinkingtea​​ @linzc-reader​​ @hotleaf-juice​​ @honeybunchesofbucky​​ @sky0401​​ @striving4averagegirl​​ @seybox​​ @yaszx​​ @happyt0exist @soxysarah92 ​​
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ymirgf · 3 years
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after the fight.
time skip armin arlert x fem bodied reader!!
WARNING: spoilers for aot season four ep 14
cw: nsfw, dom armin,creampie,top armin,unprotected sex,rough sex,established relationship,spanking,panty gag,degrading kink.
☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
it was mid day, you were waiting for your boyfriend armin, to come home. you were biting your nails, since it had been quite the time he’d be gone.
you just hoped he was safe. your thoughts were interrupted as your door swung open, startling you, as you flung your hands in the air in fear.
normally if armin did do that and scared you, he would say, “don’t worry it’s just me.” but this time he didn’t even say a word.
it took you a second to realize his scars, wounds and bloody nose but once you did, you gasped and open your mouth to speak.
he interrupts you with his own sentence. “it’s fine. just a stupid fight i’ll clean up but i have plans w you so don’t go anywhere.”
you sit there like a dear in headlights looking at him with a slow nod.
he walks into the bathroom, you could hear the sink running as he washes his face. you wonder..
who could’ve done this to him? you knew it wasn’t a good time to ask and that he’d tell you about it when he’s ready.
a few minutes later he came out the bathroom just a few little strips of bandaids but he looked alright.
he started walking towards you, staring you dead in the face. “ar-“ you begin but he doesn’t give you the time to finish.
“don’t speak.” he picked you up and led you to the bedroom, locks the door and almost tosses you on the bed.
“armin? what’s gotten into you? you’re always so gentle..” you say that, ignoring the fact your arousal was already staining your panties.
“do you ever listen y/n? i told you to shut up.” he scoffs, he comes towards you and begins to lift up your shirt, tossing it to the floor immediately.
before you could even speak, he latched his lips on to your neck, leaving purple hickies everywhere. you gasp as he makes his way down to the valley of your breasts.
he reached his left hand to unclasp your bra, setting your boobs free as the cold air hardens your nipples.
he quickly latches his mouth onto one of your breast, sucking violently and twisting the other nipple with his hand. you bit your lip,
he told you to shut up right? so you’re gonna try your best for him.
you whimper the pain from biting your lip and his mouth on your boobs were already getting to overwhelming for you.
he got off your nipple with a pop, not giving your other breast the same attention. he reached your shorts and pulled them down rather fast.
“hey, go on all fours and stick your ass out for me okay?” he ordered, you knew not to speak so you just obeyed him and did what he said.
you could feel his eyes on you like he was already devouring you with his eyes.
he let out a low chuckle as he already seen your arousal dripping out of your lace f/c panties. he pulled your panties down, you lifted your feet so he could pull them off you. he pressed a finger to your core.
“already this wet?” he said rubbing your clit harshly. “what a slut, and just for me?” you whimpered as he rubbed harsher and harsher until he let go and had your walls clenching around nothing.
he took his clothes off,leaving him in nothing then his boxers, he took his cock out as it flung to his stomach.
he rubbed his tip a bit, pumping his cock just seeing if it was ready, and without warning he slammed himself into you.
“ah!! oh my fucking god what the fuck!” you moaned as he was relentlessly pounding himself into you, not even waiting for you to get used to him stretching you out.
you guys have had sex before but he always took his time, letting you get used to it, making sure you were prepped blah blah.. he slid in so fucking easy because of how messy your cunt already was.
you moaned back to back not being able to keep them in from how rough he was fucking you. he spanked your ass making you clench around him. “do you not fucking listen y/n i said don’t speak. since you wanna keep moaning like a little bitch take this.” he stuffed your panties into your mouth.
“maybe now you’ll shut up.” he changed to an unholy place as his head reached your cervix multiple times making you cry out, getting your saliva all over the panties.
you both knew you both weren’t gonna last long at this pace. you were gonna cum first, you could feel the knot in your stomach and how your slick was gushing all over his cock.
armin groaned several times now, each one getting louder showing he’s close to his orgasm, but he was in charge here he was gonna make sure you came first.
he placed other hand on your hip now using both hands to hold you, he slid his right hand down your front and starts rubbing rapidly at your clit.
your scream was muffled by your panties. you felt the feeling that your orgasm was reaching and your legs shook vigorously.
armin sped up, and thats the final push you needed to cum all over his cock, feeling it fall down your legs as you cried out with your legs still shaking. armin was surprised you made such mess but he wasn’t going to stop yet, your clenches around his cock made him closer and closer to his orgasm.
he threw his head back, pounding into you nice and rough until you clenched once more making him fill you up with his cum.
“ah fuck.” he breathed out, pulling out watching the cum fall out of your cunt.
after it was all over he apologized over and over saying that he was angry w the fight and he just had to get it out. he checked to see if he hurt you and laughed at him making him tilt his head.
“hey what’s so funny y/n”
“it’s okay stop saying i liked seeing that side of you it felt good, you didn’t hurt me one bit.”
his eyes widened. “oh okay.. ill keep that in mind sorry again i’ll go clean you up now okay? we can take a nice bath alright?” he said back smiling with some worry hinted in his face.
you laughed at him once again as he lifted you up walking to the bathroom. “hey what’s so funny!”
A/N: i hope that was okay i just made it in honor of the new ep b4 i never did anything like this so sorry if it’s bad!
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revenge-is-dead · 2 years
Let's Break Some Glass and See Where That Gets Us
Tw// alcohol consumption, mentions of past drug use, fighting, blood/self harm mention
Steven had slept through the whole five hour plane trip to Cairo. Leaving Marc in a pleasing silence within his head, while a large family a couple rows back was complaining about some of the other people on the plane and what their type of dress was. The racist pricks.
    Steven had actually recently purchased noise canceling headphones for nights when he needed to stay up and read his books, they were decent quality but didn’t block out everything. He rested the best he could but made sure he never let himself fall asleep. He was extremely tired already after having to take care of Steven the other day through a panic attack. But it would be even worse if Steven woke up, on a plane to somewhere.
    He had slept even longer than Marc even expected. Once he had landed he got himself some food, stopped at the liquor shop and made his way to his hotel. Checking in is when he first heard Steven voice chirp up, it a little gravelly with sleep.
“Where are we? Why are we at a hotel? We can just go back to my flat to sleep mate” 
    Marc didn’t respond to him, a tinge of warm anger filling the back of his skull. He simply continued to talk to the front desk lady in Arabic about his room. Steven continually peppered him with questions, them becoming even more frantic and needy of an answer. His hands begane shaking, the residual energy of Steven hitting their body. Smiling to the woman in front of him, he picked up his keys and made his way to the elevator. 
“Marc answer me, where are we? What language were you speaking to that lady. Are we even in London anymore?? What about gus-” Steven prattled on once he made it into the elevator. The mirrors show a bed heading Steven, red around the eyes and rubbing the pads of his fingers against his scalp.
The doors closed before he answered. “We're in Cairo.” He watched his other look up. Eyes wide, blinking a couple times before he answered.
“WHAT? WHY THE BLOODY HELL ARE WE IN CAIRO” Marc tried hard not to flinch at Steven screaming within his head, it bouncing around over and over again. Closing his eyes for a moment before taking a breath and opening them again.
“I’ll tell you once we get into my hotel room Steven. Be quiet until we are in there”
“Like the fuck im not! What the hell is wrong with you! You can’t just upend my life to go on a vacation when you want to!”
    He rolled his eyes as the elevator hit his floor, backpack on his back, a small duffel bag on top of his rolling suitcase. Grabbing his stuff he moved out and towards his room, room 240. He could feel Steven’s anger more now. Like an itching tense right under his back muscles, warm completely filling his already too hot body. He pushed into his room, the blinds closed thankfully and the ac unit pushing along with a horrid clank.
    Like clockwork he placed his things. Backpack by the doorway close enough for scooping up when needed. Duffel bag on the desk with clothes for the next day set out and a suitcase on the floor against the wall close to the bed. Out of his duffel bag he grabbed his left overs and newly purchased bottle of whiskey, the leftovers went into the mini fridge and the whiskey on the nightstand for later.
    He had quietly done all of this while Steven had been pounding around in his head way too much. A headache formed right behind his eyes and against his forehead. This was not going to be a fun conversation.
“Speak. To. Me.” Came through as he looked towards the mirror. Steven stood there, his flannel off, but his long shirt still on, he was sweating through the heat. Looking towards his other face he saw eyes burning. That was new.
“Alright, im speaking.” He took off his jacket, staring into Steven’s eyes, not backing down from the conversation to come. Keeping his face neutral but tense.
“Have you been listening to me you dumb arse. Why are we in Cairo?” He rolled his eyes, god he wished sometimes his alter would pick up on things way quicker.
“Why do you think we are in Cairo Steven. You decided to fuck around with Mr. Authur Harrow, going straight into his base, Layla had to come save your ass and along the way you lost the Scarab. Which now Harrow has, and if you didn’t fucking know. That leads straight to Ammit’s tomb.” he sneered, he was not at all in the mood to talk. His headache pounding, flight exhaustion and much more from having to take care of so many other things before he could leave London.
“I lost the Scarab? Oh no don’t push this onto me Marc, you took over the body and decided to go running on rooftops!” Steven’s fists clenched.
“I took over the body because you couldn’t handle one fucking Jackle, you allowed me control. Its not my fucking fault.” He was too warm, his clothes being way too constricting in his anger. Pulling off his shirt and throwing it onto the floor he went over to the night stand and grabbed the bottle of whiskey, opening it swiftly. He heard a scoff from the mirror.
“Like hell you’re drinking! I won’t let you ruin my liver while you're running around playing superhero!” His body, really. The audacity of Steven sometimes annoyed the living hell out of Marc. His liver was already fucked and he didn’t need Steven being controlling about what he did.
“Shut up, at least I'm not doing Special K sweetheart. I could be making sure My. Body was breaking down faster than you ever knew.” He took a large swig, burning heat. This heat more comfortable and familiar to him, easing some of the tension built up along his body.
“What?- HEY C'MON WHAT DID I SAY NO ALCOHOL.” A sharp yell from Steven, piercing the air behind him, his back still the mirror. Turning around swiftly, eyes blazing with fury.
“I can do whatever the fuck I want while im in control Steven. You don’t control me, now shut the fuck up and be good while I plan to fucking take care of the mess you started.” Stepping forward, seeing Steven looking like a child stomping his foot at being told he couldn’t have another cookie.
    All Marc could remember before he angrily pulled off his sweaty tight jeans, knuckles bleeding and whiskey splashed against the floor was. Him moving forward and punching the mirror twice, aiming for his alter’s head. Steven flinched back, against the bed terrified.
    Grabbing a half full whiskey bottle, he moved over towards the floor in front of the bed facing the curtains. Sitting there, head pounding in near silence, the only lasting sound of Steven sniffling and crying.
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pinktwingirl · 3 years
Loki Series Rewrite (AKA Loki Series but with Squirrel Girl): Ep 1
Hey guys! Long story short, I wasn’t a fan of the Loki series, so I decided to make my own rewrite (including my favorite Marvel character, Squirrel Girl!) These are basically a collection of scenes that I would’ve either added or rewritten to improve the show. Btw, this is a continuation of my Endgame rewrite where Loki comes back to life after dying in Infinity War, so the Loki in this version is modern-day Loki, not 2012 Loki. Also, the whole Loki x Sylvie self-cest thing made me VEEERRRRY UNCOMFY, so I got rid of it. Their relationship is purely platonic in this. Anyways, enjoy! (This work is in screenplay format.)
We pan through the TVA and see agents at work, checking timelines and watching training videos. We see various TVA posters warning about variants and "protecting the sacred timeline."
We then cut to RAVONNA RENSLAYER in her office. She is at her desk, sorting through files. Suddenly, an agent bursts in.
Ma'am, we have a situation.
Ravonna follows the agent to a computer, where we see a timeline branching off from the main one.
Is this the variant we've been searching for?
Ravonna glances at the computer and nods.
About damn time...
We see a woman with long, black hair and a green dress chatting with a man in a bar. The song "Devil Woman" by Cliff Richard is playing in the background.
Can I interest you in another drink, beautiful?
The woman lets out a flirty laugh and blushes.
Oh, you're too kind.
The man turns to the bartender.
Hey, can you get my girl here a...
(He turns to the woman.)
What can I get you, honey?
Surprise me.
The man turns back to the bartender.
You heard her.
The woman has a devilish smirk on her face as she watches them. The man turns back to her as the bartender starts mixing a drink.
You know, I feel selfish. I've been talking so much about myself, but I still don't know a thing about you.
Well... what do you want to know?
Suddenly, another man approaches them.
MAN #2
Hey, what do you think you're doing with my date?!
Your date? She's mine, asshole!
MAN #2
I caught her first!
(He turns to the woman.)
I'm sorry, honey, is this guy bothering you?
Bothering her?! You listen here, shithead-
He grabs the other man and they begin to wrestle with each other.
Oh no, please don't fight over me...
As the men grow more violent, a bit of green magic shoots out of the woman's hand, causing the first man's wallet to fly into her grasp. She slips by the men, undetected as the bartender tries to break them up. Outside the bar, the woman walks off. With a smirk, she shifts into LOKI, now in his male form. He unveils the tesseract with magic and disappears.
Loki reappears in the Guardians' ship, where Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy are waiting for him. Loki smirks.
Another successful venture.
Did they fight?
Like bilgesnipe.
Thor bursts into laughter, and Loki hands Rocket the wallet.
I also got the wallet, as requested. Although, I don't think Midgardian currency will have much value on the far side of the galaxy.
Who cares about the money? I just wanted the wallet.
(He dumps out the dollar bills and admires the wallet.)
This is nice leather...
Anyone else have any travel requests?
Oh, I got a whole bunch.
Quit acting like children. An infinity stone is not a toy to be played with.
Oh, please. The tesseract and I go far back. If anyone can control it, I can.
You know, I'm starting to think you've just gotten sick of being around us, and now you're just looking for an excuse to get away.
I will neither confirm nor deny that.
By that, he means "yes."
That's pretty rude of you, grease weasel.
Loki scowls at him.
Can you travel to Kylos? I would greatly enjoy having some trego fruit again.
The tesseract starts to glow in his hands.
The agent and Ravonna are still at the computer.
He's using the stone again. He's going to time-jump.
Block it. Intercept him.
The agent presses a button.
Loki crash lands in the Gobi Desert and wakes up, looking utterly confused as a group of villagers approach him.
(in Mongolian)
Who are you? Why have you come to our home?
Loki raises an eyebrow and opens his mouth to respond. Suddenly, a portal opens and several TVA agents enter. They lean down to examine the tesseract, and Loki abruptly rushes over to them.
Don't touch that!
The agents ready their prune sticks. Suddenly, HUNTER B-15 opens a portal and enters.
It appears to be a standard sequence violation.
(She checks her tem-pad)
Branch is growing at a stable rate and slope. Variant identified.
I beg your pardon?
On behalf of the Time Variance Authority, I hereby arrest you for crimes against the sacred timeline. Hands up.
The agents activate their prune sticks.
You're coming with us.
I'm sorry, who's "us"?
Hunter B-15 activates her own prune stick.
Last chance, variant.
Loki chuckles.
Look, I don't know who the hell you seem to think you are... But if you don't mind, this is actually your last chance.
Now get out of my way.
Before he can attack, Hunter B-15 strikes him with her stick.
Ravonna pounds her gavel.
Next case, please!
Hunter B-15 forces Loki onto the stand.
"Laufeyson"... Variant L1130, aka "Loki Laufeyson"...
I prefer "Odinson," thank you.
After a pause, Ravonna shrugs.
Very well...
(She crosses out "Laufeyson" on his case file and writes in "Odinson.")
Loki Odinson, you are charged with sequence violation 7-20-89. How do you plead?
Loki chuckles.
Madam, a god doesn't plead. Look, this has been a very enjoyable pantomime, but I'd like to go home now.
Are you guilty or not guilty, sir?
Loki smirks.
Guilty of being the god of mischief, yes. Guilty of finding all of this incredibly tedious, yes. Guilty of a... "crime"... against the "sacred timeline"? Absolutely not, you have the wrong person.
Oh, really? And who should we have?
Well, in my defense, the only reason I ever came in possession of the tesseract is because the Avengers traveled back in time.
Mobius enters the courtroom.
We're not here to talk about the Avengers. What they did was supposed to happen; you reviving yourself with the tesseract and running around time, causing chaos was not.
Loki laughs.
I'm sorry - not supposed to happen according to whom?
The timekeepers.
Mobius is showing Loki clips of his life and trying to dig deeper into his psyche.
You know, trying to kill all the frost giants, invading Earth, I don't see anything very mischievous about this...
He plays a clip of the bifrost nearly destroying Jotunheim. A family of frost giants runs in fear as the land is destroyed. A little girl screams as her father is vaporized by the blast. Loki is visibly uncomfortable.
Look at that. Did you enjoy doing that?
Enough of your games. You've made your point.
Ignoring him, Mobius plays the clip of him telling Kurse where to go.
And then, you tried tricking the dark elves into finding Thor, but instead, you sent them right to Frigga.
Loki tenses when he sees Frigga fighting Malekith.
I don't want to watch this.
He winces, trying to keep himself together, as he watches Malekith stab Frigga.
Well, you're going to watch it. Because that's your life, that's the consequences of your actions, and that is the proper flow of time! Now, why don't you tell me, do you enjoy hurting people?
I don't have to play your games-
Do you enjoy killing?
I'll kill you.
What, like you did your mother?
Enraged, Loki tosses a chair at him. Mobius dodges it, and it flies through the hologram of Frigga's dead body. Loki lunges at Mobius, but he uses the time twister to send him back on the ground. Loki growls in pain.
Sorry, the time twister just loops you, not the furniture. You weren't born to be king, Loki. You were born to cause pain and suffering and death. That's how it is, that's how it was, and that's how it always will be. All so that others can achieve their best versions of themselves.
(Voice cracking)
That's not true. You're lying.
It is true. Your life ended after Thanos snapped your neck, because you fulfilled your purpose of assembling the Avengers to destroy you. Your purpose was never to become a hero. You're a villain, and that will never change as long as the sacred timeline runs its course.
After Loki escapes and returns to the time theater on his own, he finds a folder of papers on the table. He opens it and reads the first file. It reads "LOKI ODINSON - MAIN OBJECTIVES: MURDER, LIE, MANIPULATE. LIFE PURPOSE: CATALYST FOR THE AVENGERS. OBJECTIVE FULFILLED. LIFE TERMINATED. END OF FILE.
Horrified, Loki stares at the file as tears run down his face. After a moment, he starts laughing as Hunter B-15 enters.
Something funny?
After a pause, Loki shakes his head.
Glorious purpose...
Loki is talking with Mobius after being apprehended again.
I will admit, the TVA is... formidable. Even an infinity stone is useless here.
You're not going to let me return to my own timeline, are you?
Normally, no, we wouldn't. But... if you help us... maybe the timekeepers might be willing to make an exception. A rogue variant's been killing our minutemen.
And you need the god of mischief to help you stop him?
That's right.
Why me?
The variant we're hunting is... you.
Have some actual Lady Loki yay! 
So yeah, the purpose of this episode was mainly to re-establish the show within the continuity of my version of Endgame. Squirrel Girl comes in next episode!
@drawntothedarkside Here’s your tag!
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asthmark · 4 years
❝ comfortable ❞ l.mk
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synopsis → “oh, i’m mark. mark lee.” he gives her a lop-sided grin, reminding you of a high school boy. the kind you would have a crush on.
word count → 3k
a/n → instead of admitting to the fact that this has been in my drafts since october what if i just said i was watching superm interviews and got inspired.. would anyone believe that??? anyway superm on the ellen show was a fever dream lol
your leg bounces nervously as your makeup artist touches up your look and you stare at the tv screen in anticipation. you were finally making your television debut. you knew you were blessed for the wonderful opportunity, especially for how new you were to the music industry.
you had started like nearly every other artist; posting covers on youtube. these were well received and gained a good amount of views and likes but your career really took off when you began creating original content. every time you would release a single, it would make it on the trending page thanks to your growing fanbase and exposure to the general public, who seemed to like you. soon enough, requests to interview you whether it be on radio, tv, or magazines were high and, thanks to your managers, you found yourself in los angeles, backstage in a studio, waiting for the ellen degeneres to introduce you to her live audience and thousands of viewers at home.
“don’t move so much, miss l/n,” the woman trying to apply your highlighter comments. “you’re smudging your makeup.”
you force yourself to sit still as you apologize. “sorry. pre-show jitters.”
the woman smiles, emphatically. “i understand, sweetheart. i would be nervous too.”
you’re quiet for a moment, debating if you should continue conversing with her. “can i be honest?”
she hums as she dabs a beauty blender into your cheek. “go ahead.”
“i am so nervous that i’ll mess up or say something stupid. the only thing close to an interview i’ve ever done was a q&a on my youtube channel. and at least i could edit stuff out then.” you huff. “if i make some kind of mistake on my tv debut, my career will be over before it even started.”
“well, think of it this way,” she says. “you went from a moderately popular youtube channel to the ellen show. that doesn’t happen for no reason. there are people out there who really admire you.”
you chuckle in disbelief. “it’s crazy to think about people actually wanting to see me. i still can't believe it.”
she giggles, softly. “they know there's something worth seeing.” at seeing your small smile, almost as if you were barely realizing your own star status, she laughs. “you seriously gotta wake up, girl. you’re famous!”
you smile at her, finding humor in her words. “thanks for the wake up call.”
you both direct your attention to the tv placed backstage that broadcasted what was happening on stage. you listen in to ellen’s monologue as she tells jokes and addresses current topics. before long, there’s a knock on the doorframe. you half expect a staff member to let you know that you’ll be on soon but instead you hear a quiet, “hello?”
you and your makeup artist both turn to the boy standing in the doorway. he's wearing a black jacket paired with dark, ripped jeans held up by a belt. he goes to bow, then remembers that korean etiquette does not apply and decides to wave as a greeting instead. you reciprocate the gesture. he stands with only one foot inside the room, almost as if he’s too polite to enter without being given the okay.
“did they send you to get your makeup done?” the woman who had done yours says.
he nods. “they said something about concealer and bb cream, i think?”
she smiles. “yeah, it’s basic stuff. come on in. what’s your name, dear?”
“oh, i’m mark. mark lee.” he gives her a lop-sided grin, reminding you of a high school boy. the kind you would have a crush on.
“well, mark lee, i’m lily. i’ll be doing your makeup, making sure you look pretty for the cameras.” she motions to you. “i'm just about done here so i’ll be right with you.”
“okay, thank you.” he shuffles in, his eyes glued to you and you hold his stare. he nods, a wordless greeting as he settles in next to you. in return, you throw up a peace sign and he smiles at your casual behavior.
“you know what? somebody used all the setting spray. i’ll be right back, i’m just going to steal some from my co-workers.” with that, lily darts out of the room.
it’s pure silence between the two of you until you spark conversation. “i didn't get to introduce myself but i'm y/n.”
“i know,” he responds, quickly. “i'm kind of a fan, actually. i mean, it’s practically impossible to not be. you’re all over the place. especially with the new single you dropped... which is a bop, by the way.”
you smile at his simply-worded praise. it was a nice switch up from the professional reviews you received from critics. “that’s so cute. i’m honored.” you miss the way mark’s ears turn slightly pink at your words. “but enough about me, what do you do, mark?”
“oh, me? i’m in the k-pop scene.”
you hum. “that’s a good genre to be in. which group?”
“right now i’m promoting with superm, it’s kind of like a side project. but originally, i’m in a band called nct.”
you lean forward at hearing the familiar name. “nct? as in, nct 127?”
mark’s eyes light up. “yeah! you know us?”
you nod, enthusiastically. “oh my god, yes! you collabed with ava, right?”
“we sure did. are you guys close?”
“i help her write lyrics sometimes.” you lower your voice down to a whisper for dramatic effect. “i wrote the chorus to ‘sweet but psycho’.”
the way mark’s jaw drops is almost comedic. “no way! that song got her famous, dude!” his lips curve into a playful smirk. “just because of that i’m gonna have to get you in the studio.”
you return the mischievous look. “is that a promise?”
“i’m back!” lily announces, giving mark no time to respond. she gives no warning as she spritzs you with the bottle she had gone to retrieve.
you cough, choking on the mist. “no heads up?”
“sorry, dear. you’re on in two minutes, no time to waste.”
you feel a chill go up your spine. it was finally time.
mark nudges your arm. “you okay?”
“a little nervous.” that proves to be the biggest understatement of all time because in reality your heart is doing somersaults.
“hey.” you stare at him, his brown eyes boring into you. “you’ll be fine. there’s nothing to worry about. you got this!”
you smile at his words of encouragement. he cared about you and you find that your heart is pounding for an entirely different reason now.
“i'll be here to cheer you on while you’re out there and i’ll be back when you’re done to tell you how amazing you did, okay?”
you nod.
“now get out there!”
“well, we have a great show for y’all today,” ellen says, clasping her hands together, having just finished her monologue. “i mean, it’s always great but the exciting thing is we have two musical guests today.”
the audience that cheered wildly is shown on screen. you almost forget about the knot in your stomach when you see some people in the crowd wearing shirts with the cover art and quoted lyrics of your last single.
“i see you guys are ready so, without further ado... let’s get started. our first guest is a soloist who has made quite a big name for herself in such a short period of time. she currently has three singles on the billboard charts, her most recent music video is number one trending on youtube, and she has a new ep coming out soon. here for her television debut, please welcome y/n l/n.”
you walk out from behind the stage, a huge smile on your face. the crowd screams and you wave to them until your hands become too occupied hugging the hostess who greets you with open arms and a proud smile. once the hype dies down and your entrance music fades out, you take a seat, opposite of ellen.
“how have you been y/n?”
“amazing,” you respond, letting your hands fall neatly in your lap.
“and why is that?”
you sigh, wistfully. “everything has been going so well for me lately. i mean, i feel like all these doors are opening up for me all of a sudden. i think i finally made it.”
“you’re just barely realizing that?” ellen exclaims.
you laugh, along with the audience. “kind of, yeah. it just all happened so fast.”
“is there an experience that comes to mind where you finally realized how famous you are?”
you try to think for a few moments before your eyes light up. “okay so, i was at a mcdonald’s like, last month and i went through the drive thru and ordered some nuggets and fries. so, i pull up to the window to pay and it’s around 2 a.m. so the cashier guy is super out of it, like he’s not even paying attention to me. finally, he goes to grab my card and he gets a good look at me and just freezes. like, full on shuts down. so i ask him if he’s okay and he nods so i try to hand him my card again but he goes, ‘no, you’re famous, you don’t have to pay’. and in that moment i just knew.”
“hold on, pause,” ellen announces, dramatically. “you’re telling me that you have been nominated as artist of the year, gained over ten million followers on social media and made your national television debut but the thing that really made you say ‘wow, i’m famous’ was a couple of chicken nuggets?”
“ellen, c’mon,” you begin, seriously. “it was a twenty piece.”
“oh, well, that changes everything,” she says, playing along with you, as the audience erupts into laughter.
the rest of the interview goes smoothly, running on jokes and sarcastic energy. you discuss your young age (thus resulting in some of your baby pictures finally being revealed to the world), millennial culture (the crowd went wild when you explained terms such as netflix and chill to ellen who claimed she didn’t understand yet her sly smirk said otherwise) and your upcoming ep (that you would be giving a sneak peek of later on in the show).
you continue chatting once the commercial break is announced and ellen showers you with praises, commenting how young talent never failed to amaze her, although it did make her feel old. you get to thank the hostess and tell her how much you appreciated her sweet words and the opportunity she had given you before the crew is dragging you backstage so you can prep for your upcoming performance.
you’re greeted by a “that was awesome!” and a high five one you get backstage.
you flash mark a full smile. “couldn’t have done it without my hype man.”
just then lily walks in to touch up your makeup.
“and my hype woman!”
she just rolls her eyes and chuckles as she reapplies gloss to your lips. 
“seriously though, y/n. why did you have to be so perfect? the bar is all the way up here now.” to emphasize his point, mark raises his arm as high as it will go.
“hey, i only tried hard because you’re up next. you’re a hard act to beat, mark lee. i mean, you’re charismatic, charming, witty; basically every talk show host’s dream.”
he scoffs yet you see how he avoids your gaze, your compliments obviously flattering him to the extreme.
a staff member walks by, cutting your conversation short. “y/n, you’re back on in one. superm is on right after.”
you and mark turn back to each other, speaking the same two words at the same time.
“good luck.”
ellen introduces you again, only this time you hold a guitar and stand in front of a microphone once you’re back on the stage. you perform a never before heard song but judging by the roaring applause and standing ovation you receive by the end of it, it’s another successful hit.
you bask in the amazing response and then you’re ushered backstage for the last time. you catch sight of the staff placing more seats on the stage as you exit and you smile eagerly, knowing exactly what’s to come. you search the hallways for your new friend, hoping you can catch him before the show goes back on air. you’re almost about to give up when you hear your name being called.
you lock eyes with mark who stands a couple feet away, barely hidden from the audience’s view. even from where you stand you can tell he has a nervous smile on his face. you jog towards him and to your surprise, he envelops your figure without a second thought. in return, you tentatively wrap your arms around him.
“great job,” he murmurs, breath fanning your ear. “i really did cheer you on.”
“i’ll make sure to do the same.” you hesitantly pull away from his embrace, holding him at an arm’s length away. “go get ‘em.”
he gives you a determined nod and you watch him rush on stage, the audience’s wild cheering increasing. their energy didn’t fade once throughout the interview and just as you had suspected, mark was doing wonderfully. he clearly thrived in interviews; his awkward, boyish nature enchanting everyone in the studio, yourself included.
ellen crosses her legs and clears her throat. “so, i have to ask you something, you know, for the fans.”
the group leaned forward in anticipation, awaiting her next words.
“are any of you dating?”
the crowd released noises of amusement at hearing the very personal question. you can’t help but feel intrigued although you knew ellen has always been quite the invasive person. you watched as the seven boys looked around at each other, unsure what to say but before their silence can become suspiciously long, mark ends up taking the question.
“why are you always so curious about this, though?” he blurts.
the audience absolutely eats up his response, cheering at his bluntness. even you find it humorous, shoulders shaking with a chuckle. that’s definitely gonna become a meme, you think.
“it’s my job!” counters ellen. “why are you so defensive?”
the crowd is very responsive to ellen’s rebuttal, ‘ooh’ing in amusement.
mark’s silence only pushes the hostess to continue teasing him.
“does it maybe have anything to do with y/n?”
your smile drops. had she seen you two? you’re not sure why you feel so exposed; after all, you had just been talking.
ellen’s lips adorn a sly smile at mark’s stunned reaction. “you seemed to be getting very comfortable with each other backstage.”
the black haired male stumbles over his words before he gets a semi-coherent sentence out. “we just, um—we just met.”
“oh really? you two looked like you had known each other forever.”
mark chuckles breathlessly, eyes glued to his lap, obviously at a loss for words. ellen stares at him expectantly so he mutters, “i like making friends.”
ellen, the audience, and even some of the band members laugh at his response.
“well, i’m sure there’s a lot of fans out there that wish they were your ‘friend’.” her tone makes it clear she doesn’t buy his excuse but she prods him no further, instead turning to stare into the main camera. “when we get back superm will be performing their title track ‘jopping’. during the commercial break, please feel free to place your bets as to how long mark and y/n will remain ‘friends’.”
the camera pans to mark for a couple seconds; his ears are bright red and his cheeks are dusted light pink, his makeup doing nothing to help hide the blush. his eyes dart around, anxiously and then they cut to commercials.
you shake your head, smiling at the entire situation and just how big of a dork mark was.
you attentively watch superm’s two performances, eyes mostly glued to a certain rapper. you sit patiently in the makeup room, waiting for mark to return backstage so you can congratulate him but he never appears. you try to conceal your disappointment, even when lily enters the room, smiling brightly.
“well, the show’s over, doll.” she removes her makeup stained apron and glances at you as she places it on a nearby rack. “hey, why the long face?”
you stare at your reflection in the mirror, no longer bothering to hide your pout now that your frustration had been made known.
“you did great, if that’s what you’re worried about. just ask mark.”
“he left,” you mumble. “i thought i’d be able to catch him before he left and we could… i don’t know, talk a bit more? i just really—” you trail off.
“like him?” lily suggests, too loudly for your liking.
your head snaps towards her, eyes wide, only confirming your feelings.
“don’t worry, dear, you can say it. i won’t tell ellen,” she jokes.
you sigh and slump down in your seat. “yeah. i like him.”
“well, then, i have good news for you.”
you half-heartedly hum, allowing her to continue.
she waves a piece of crumpled paper in front of your face. you grab it from her, staring at it curiously.
“what’s this?”
she nods her head at it, encouraging you to find out for yourself. “open it and see.”  
you obey, unfolding the tiny item. your eyes struggle to read the words inside but if you squint, they become clearer.
please call, me i would love to become closer ‘friends’.
(xxx) xxx-xxxx
it’s mark btw :)
you can’t contain your smile at the cute little note.
“he’s adorable,” you say, mostly to yourself but lily audibly agrees.
“he ran into me as he was leaving and begged me to deliver that message to you. which reminds me, i’m supposed to let you know that he wishes he could have stuck around but his schedule is ‘crazy tight’ so he had to ‘dip’. his words not mine.”
you nod, grin widening. “thanks, lily.”
“my pleasure. nothing like young love.”
you give her a glare although it’s all but threatening.
she folds her arms, teasingly. “so, are you going to give him a call or what?”
you’re sure she sees the phone in your hand and the way your fingers press the numbers on the keypad, excitedly but nevertheless, you decide to answer.
“i’d be crazy not to.”
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Request : Hi I was wondering if I can request a hotch fic So I’m still on season 4 ep 6 I’m beginning lol but I thought about that one episode is season 3 with bombing in the car ??? But it happen to Y/N instead of hotch 
I had fun writing this one, thank you for the request and I hope you like it ❤️❤️
As you and your squad were splitting up in the face of a possible terrorist attack your boss Hotch caught your arm as you passed him.
“Y/N, can you go with Agent Joyner, I have something else I need to handle.” You nodded your head.
“Of course,” Before shifting gears and going after the agent in question. You caught up to her side at the elevator, “Hotch asked me to go with you, he said he had something he needed to deal with,” You explained and Kate nodded.
You were on the street, walking towards the parked black SUV, Joyner was in front of you, talking about the possible location of the next attack. You looked up at her as your fingers flew over your phone, sending a text to Garcia. Joyner said your name and you looked up to respond and suddenly she was falling away from you, or maybe you were flying backward. You hit the ground with a dull thud and everything went black.
Garcia watched her phone as the bubble next to your name continued to signal you were typing. It continued, yet no messages were going through.
“There was an explosion,” the detective Garcia was working with informed her panicked, “A black SUV,” Garcia’s stomach dropped.
“Where!!! Pull it up!!” She practically shrieked, watching as your bubble continued, still no messages. She hit the phone symbol next to your name and held her phone to her ear. “Please pick up please pick up please pick up.” Nothing. Garcia dialed Hotch’s number next. If you were hurt he needed to know. She listened to it ring once before Hotch answered.
“A Black SVU blew up, Y/N isn’t answering her phone, we’re trying to pull the footage up now but it’s all over the news, oh my god Hotch, Y/N-” Hotch cut her off.
“Garcia. Find the video, send me the location now.”
“Yes sir,” with that he hung up, pulling a hard U-turn and flipping his lights on before peeling off back in the direction he left you, his heart in his throat. He did this to you, he asked you to go with Joyner. Hotch cursed out loud to himself and slammed an open hand onto his steering wheel. You had to be okay.
When you opened your eyes the world was spinning and everything was blurry. You felt like you were underwater and you briefly wondered to yourself ‘am I drowning?’. The ringing in your ear made your head hurt but you still managed to bring yourself to a sitting position, looking around. In front of you the SUV you had been walking towards was up in flames. You pressed a hand to your face and it came away bloody. You struggled to your feet staggering slightly, the only thing you could hear was that insistent ringing, and all you could see was the fire.
“Joyner.” You whispered to yourself, going towards the car, someone grabbed you, and you jerked yourself away. You hadn’t even noticed them approaching. They were saying something to you and you shook your head. “There is an FBI agent in there!” The ringing was either dulling or your brain was getting used to it but some of the fog was lifting and turning into panic. The fire must have reached the gas tank before there was an eruption of fire from the car that almost knocked you back.
“Y/N!” The voice came from your right, not the car being incinerated in front of you. Your head snapped and you saw the other agent laying on the cement some feet away. You rushed to her, falling to your knees in front of her.
“Kate, you’re okay, you’re okay.” You assured her but you didn’t… you weren’t sure.
“Y/N,” She repeated grasping you with a weak hand. You turned to the young man who was hovering beside you with wide eyes.
“Please call 911, tell them an FBI agent has been hurt.” He nodded and took a few steps away to dial his phone and make the call, you went back to Joyner. “I need to get my hand under you, I need to stop your bleeding, okay?”
Garcia replayed the video again and again watching your body hurdle through the air and land on the ground. She watched as you got up after a minute, staggering towards the car and then off-screen. You were alive.
Garcia sent Hotch the exact address of the explosion, and then a follow-up text confirming it was you and agent Joyner who were hurt, but you were alive. That only made Hotch feel a small margin better.
He made it to the scene in record time, getting out of the car and rushing forward towards the barricades that have been set up. Far down the street he could make out two figures and a mass laying on the ground. He kept pushing forward even more determined.
“Hotch!” He was intercepted by Morgan, who grabbed him by the shoulders, “You can’t go down there, remember? The first responders are the target.”
“I’m not a first responder,” He practically growled, “It’ll be a waste of a bomb.” He pulled away from Morgan pushing forward again. Someone else tried to stop him but he snapped “I am SSA Aaron Hotchner and that is /my/ agent down there.” The man looked at him for a moment before stepping aside and letting him past.
“Help!” You screamed, throat sore. Everything was sore, you could faintly hear your heart pounding a steady bass to the high pitched ringing that was still rocking your head. “Please!! We need help! I have an FBI agent down! Please!” You begged, holding your hand as tightly as you could to Joyner’s wound. Finally, a figure broke through the barrier and came towards you in a sprint. As the person got closer you recognized your boss running towards you and for the first time you felt a tiny bit of relief.
“Hotch,” You choked out as he reached you. He dropped down beside you, eyes blown wide in panic.
“Are you hurt, y/n?” He asked eyes scanning your face and then down your body looking for any injury. You shook your head, it didn’t matter right now.
“She’s bleeding bad,” You whispered and Hotch looked like he wanted to keep checking on you, but you both knew that you could wait. She couldn’t.
“Yes, okay we need to move her,” Hotch moved so his hands were under her arms, he looked at the young man who had been helping you, “Can you try and lift her legs? Y/N, try and maintain pressure on the wound. Kate, Kate.” He got her attention, “You’re going to be alright.” The men lifted her and you attempted to keep pressure but it was too much, blood seeped through your fingers at an alarming speed.
“Stop! Stop!” Everyone stopped, “It’s not going to work.” You stared up at Hotch, eyes wide with fear.
Hotch looked down at you. You were bloody and bruised, lip busted open and eyes red either from pain or from crying or possibly both. You were scared he could see it clear as day in your eyes, but the problem was he was too and the usually stoic man was having trouble hiding it.
Hotch knelt down again grabbing your arms and making you look at him full on.
“Y/N, It’s going to be okay.” He did his best to state it, without question in his inflection. You nodded slightly but you didn’t seem convinced. He wanted to take you in his arms and protect you, “This is my fault.” He didn’t mean to say it out loud but suddenly it was there, you looked shocked so he finished, “I asked you to go with Joyner. I sent you.” You shook your head and Hotch watched your eyes well with tears before you blinked them away.
“No,” Your voice was firm but your eyes were soft. “Don’t do that, Aaron, don’t do that to yourself. It could have been any car. Anyone.” He wished he could believe that but he didn’t argue. He wished it was him. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he grabbed it quickly answering.
“Hotch,” It was Garcia, she sounded worried.
“It’s him! The guy who was helping, he put the bomb there, and then he watched it blow up!” Hotch’s body completely stiffened. You had been alone with him this entire time. His blood boiled.
“You’re sure?” He asked.
“Thank you, Garcia.”
“Yes, sir.” He hung up and put his phone away slowly, looking over your shoulder at the man who had helped you. He had taken a few steps away but he watched as Hotch looked at him.
“It’s him,” Hotch said.
“What?” Your head swiveled and just like that the man was off and Hotch was on his feet running after him.
Morgan watched as the figure he knew as the good samaritan ran and the figure he knew as Hotch got up and chased after him.
“They’re running,” The cop beside him pointed out and Morgan cursed.
“I’m going down there.”
“No- you said we can’t!” Morgan didn’t listen, he took off at a jog down the street towards where you were still hovering over agent Joyner.
“Does anyone in the FBI listen?” The cop yelled after him but it didn’t matter.
You watched as Morgan ran up to you, hands still on Joyner’s open back wound. She was starting to slip and if you didn’t do something very soon she was going to die.
“What’s going on?” Morgan asked.
“He was the bomber,” You told him, “We need to do something, now.”
“Am I going to die?” Kate asked from below you, “It’s okay, I just want to know.” You shook your head pressing harder.
“I’ve got you, Kate.” You promised her. Just then, an ambulance came from the opposite direction of the barricade and you almost sobbed with relief. It pulled up to you and someone jumped out.
“I couldn’t sit and watch any longer,” That was all you needed.
“She’s lost a lot of blood,” You moved away so the EMT could take over, Morgan helped him get her onto a bed and into the ambulance.
“You stay with her, I’ll drive,” Morgan ordered before turning to you.
“Go to the barricade, there are EMTs there, go.”
“I’m coming,” Morgan shook his head already getting into the front of the ambulance.
“Y/N, go.” And with that he was off and you and the ringing in your ears were the only things left on the street. You turned as if in slow motion as the adrenaline that had been coursing through you began to dissipate. You began to walk in the direction of the lights and people standing at the other end of the street.
The first thing you noticed was that your ears were still ringing, then the headache really set in. You cracked an eye open and groaned at the light.
“You’re awake,”
“Close the curtain.” There was movement and then the light was cut in half. It was enough for you to get your eyes open. Hotch was sitting at the edge of the seat beside the hospital bed you were in. You touched your head and felt the bandages over your ears.
“Concussion,” He told you, “And a ruptured eardrum.” You sat yourself up slightly in bed even though most of your muscles were still screaming.
“Joyner?” You asked. Hotch’s face told you all you needed to know and you fell back into the bed again, eyes to the ceiling.
“Y/N,” His voice was gentle, but you didn’t want to hear whatever wise words he had to offer you. “You did everything you could.” He assured, reaching his hand out hesitantly to grab yours. You looked down at it, and it didn’t seem real. Your hand looked paler, bruised where the IV was. But his hand was so warm around yours, comforting. You squeezed his hand hard, letting a few tears drop onto the cheap hospital blanket.
“I could have lost you.” He whispered, you almost didn’t hear him. “I don’t know what I would have done. You could have been blown backward and cracked your head open. I keep watching that video. You don’t move for almost a minute, 57 seconds. I counted.” His words were coming out in a rush. You were shocked by the confession but you let him continue uninterrupted. “I memorized every second I thought you were dead,” were his eyes wet? His hand tightened around yours, “I never want to feel like that again.”
“Aaron,” You whispered and he looked at you with a sad smile.
“You could have died without me ever getting the chance to tell you I love you.” This was the second hardest impact you had experienced in the last 48 hours.
“What?” Aaron brought the hand he was holding to his lips and kissed it with closed eyes.
“ I love you, it took me a long time to admit it to myself, and even longer to admit it to you, but I love you Y/N and it’s alright if you don’t feel the same. But I needed you to know.” You smiled. It was your turn to pull his hand to your chapped lips, kissing the back of it.
“I love you too, Aaron.”
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Bay Breeze - ep. 04 - Rafe Cameron
Summary: A good day takes a bad turn. 
A/N: Chapter 4 rewrite...hopefully I’ll get the last two chapters out too.
Holiday in the Sun Masterlist | Outer Banks Masterlist
“Rafe!” Ward’s voice traveled through the door in something of a harsh whisper followed by a quick rap at the door.  
You pressed your lips against Rafe’s shoulder and closed your eyes, trying not to make too much noise as Ward called through the door once more. Ward’s pounding on the door had startled you awake first and, once you realized where you were, you had woken Rafe though he seemed far less bothered. The last thing you needed was his dad coming in to find the two of you in his bed.  
“Rafe, let’s go! Everyone else is already awake and ready!”  
“I’ll be right there!” Rafe promised, the volume of his voice so early in the morning a little shocking to your system.  
“Where are you going at,” you rolled away to look at your phone on the bedside table, “4:30?” You and Rafe might not’ve known too much about each other but you were fairly certain that nothing about him screamed morning person.
“God I hate your family,” you groaned as he pulled you back into him, shifting so that you were beneath him. You tried not to laugh as he pressed kisses into your collarbone and neck, all the way up to your mouth, “stop, you have to go remember?”
As if you had timed it with him, Ward called through the door again, “Rafe!”
“Fuck.” Rafe cursed, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against yours. He wanted to will his dad away, to prolong the best thing that had happened to him since the last time they took a family trip. If he could have just five more minutes.
You tilted your head back enough that you could kiss him, brushing away longer pieces of his hair that fell in his eyes and moving your hand to hold the back of his neck. Rafe kissed you back eagerly, tongue running along your bottom lip before he bit down on it gently, pulling on your lip as he pulled away.  
“I’ll see you later?”
You nodded, humming as he rolled off the bed and hurried to get dressed. Once he was gone, you got out of bed, grabbing your clothes off the ground and slipping them back on before sneaking across the hall to your bedroom. You doubted anyone would think much of finding you wandering around the house except that you were wearing the same outfit you’d been in at dinner and you were leaving Rafe’s room. That would definitely raise a few eyebrows, not to mention it would out Topper and Sarah as sharing a room.  
It wasn’t until you were back in your bedroom, changed into actual pajamas, that you realized you had forgotten your phone in Rafe’s room. It was still sitting where you left it on the nightstand. You could leave it and chance going in when everyone was awake or go back in now. You got out of bed and snuck back into his room, swiping your phone off the nightstand.
“Rafe went fishing with the guys.” Wheezie piped up from behind you and you jumped, turning to the door to find her standing there with the flashlight from her phone shining into the dark room.
“I know,” you replied, “I was just coming t get my phone, I left it in here.”
“When?” Wheezie asked, walking further into her brother’s bedroom as you clutched your phone to your stomach. This kid needed to pursue a career in the FBI at this rate.
“When did you leave it in here? Last night?” She continued the interrogation, flashlight shining at your face for a moment before she lowered it, “I saw you and Rafe go into his room last night.”
“Uh, yeah, we were...talking.” You offered, not sure why you felt the need to justify yourself to a kid.
“I’m not stupid, you know. I’m thirteen.” Wheezie said, fixing you with a surprisingly icy glare for someone her age. “Did you have sex with my brother?”
“Whoa, okay...listen Wheezie, whatever I do or don’t do with your brother is not your business.” You replied, walking passed her out of his room. There was no way you were going to discuss your sexual history with the youngest Cameron
“Where are you going?” She asked, turning off her flashlight and following you down the hall toward your room.  
“My bedroom, can I go to my bedroom?” You said, turning around to look at her. A pout on her face similar to the one that Rafe gave when he didn’t get his way, “What?”
“I can’t sleep.”  
You sighed, “okay, come on, we can watch a movie or something.”
“Can we watch gossip girl?”  
“Are you allowed to watch gossip girl?” you asked, holding the door open for her to walk into your room.  
“I’m 13!”  
“Just checking,” you laughed.
Wheezie climbed up on your bed, settling back against the headrest like she was in her own room while you grabbed your laptop off the nightstand and set it up between the two of you. Gossip Girl had been an obsession of yours for a significant enough amount of time that you owned all the seasons.
“You’re from New York, aren’t you?” Wheezie asked, looking over at you as the first episode started, Penn Badgley’s unfortunate hair cut coming into view.
“No, I’m from Connecticut.” You replied, “we’re kinda close but not New York, definitely not their New York.”
“Do you like it?”  
“Where you’re from?” She asked. Geography was not Wheezie’s strong suit but she definitely knew Connecticut, and New York for that matter, were far from the Outer Banks. “Do you like it or would you ever go somewhere else?”
“Well, I’m 17 so legally, I can’t just leave my house. Plus I’m still in high school.” You replied, “but yeah, I guess I like it. Why?”
“Cause if you date Rafe he’ll be in the Outer Banks and you’ll be up in Connecticut and if you don’t come down he’ll move up there-”
“Whoa, slow your roll Wheez, no one is moving anywhere.” You assured, “and your brother and I aren’t really...dating.”
It didn’t really matter what you said about it. Wheezie had been giving a lot of thought to the distance between you and her brother ever since she caught you kissing the day before. If you were dating her brother and he moved away to be close to you, because he could, she would be alone with Sarah, Ward and Rose. Not the worst thing in the world to happen but she was partial to Rafe over the rest of her family.  
Her freaking out thinking about you and Rafe dating wasn’t helping your internalized freak out trying not to think about the two of you being together and what that could possibly mean.  
“Do you wanna date him?” She asked.
“I don’t know,” you replied honestly. Right now was fun and you had always dreamed of Rafe liking you the way you liked him. But you weren’t sure if it was that thirteen year old in you finally feeling like she mattered or if the two of you really had something as natural as it felt. Did you like him because you liked him or because he liked you? “I don’t really know that much about your brother, to be honest. We haven’t seen each other in four years.”
“You could get to know him.” Wheezie replied. She wasn’t sure how she felt about the two of you possible dating or her brother catching feelings for someone but she did know that she liked you and that Rafe had been considerably nicer this trip. It was rare that Rafe be this happy when Ward was always around but Wheezie was definitely benefiting from the positive mood boost.  
You and Wheezie fell asleep before the first episode was even finished, ragging on the ridiculousness of the plot and talking about how creepy Chuck was. By the time you woke up again your mom was talking about going shopping. There was no arguing the matter either, with the guys gone for the day Rose had decreed shopping as the go-to solution.  
“I hate shopping.” Wheezie mentioned, following you and Sarah through one of the small stores along the shopping district. It was filled with all the cheesy tourist stuff that made gift shops so profitable, Sarah nabbing a couple of bathing suits to try on.  
“Maybe we can go to the beach later or something Wheez?” Sarah suggested, clutching her findings to her chest as she turned to look back at you and her sister, “for now, just try to appease Rose so dad doesn’t throw a fit later. I’m gonna try these on.”  
“Why do you hate shopping?” You asked, thumbing through a rack of coverups.  
“Cause my mom is always like, ‘no, don’t wear that, wear this, it’s more feminine’ and it’s always something ugly.” Wheezie replied, pitching her voice to mock Rose.  
“Trust me, that never ends.” You replied, “but we’ll hide from them, promise.”
“Who are you hiding from?” Rafe’s voice sounded from behind you, his hands gripping your waist, “sup Wheez?”
Wheezie’s smile grew at the sight of her brother, a little bit of the afternoon saved now that he had shown up. “Rose forced us to come shopping.” She looked passed him to Topper, “Sarah went to the dressing room in the back.”
“Thanks.” He nodded, heading back through the racks of clothing to find his girlfriend.  
“What are you guys doing back? I thought you were ‘spending the day’ on the boat?” You asked, twisting out of Rafe’s grip, suddenly conscious of the position with Wheezie around. You didn’t need any more interrogative questions from the youngest Cameron. You definitely didn’t need her spying on you at four in the morning to determine whether you were dating her brother. There was enough confusion around your feelings that you didn’t need to make sense of them for a thirteen-year-old.  
“It was overcast.” He shrugged, “my dad decided to turn around. Rose told us you guys were here and I just followed the sound of Wheezie bitching,” he teased, ruffling his sister’s hair.
“Stop it!” She jerked away from him, trying to fix her hair.  
“I’m just teasing.” He laughed, holding his hands up in surrender. Wheezie stuck her tongue out at him as she passed the two of you, walking over to where Ward had just come in. Rafe watched them for a second before turning back to you, ever mischievous grin on his face. “So, Top and I were thinking that the four of us could take the boat out tonight.”  
“Tonight?” You echoed, trying to keep your attention on the rack of brightly colored cover-ups and not on Rafe. It was useless really, you could feel his presence as he stood there, hands in his pockets, waiting for you to give him some sort of yes or no. “Why tonight?”
“Midnight swim.” He replied easily, “boat’s got lights, it’d be chill.”
“What if we get caught?” You asked, finally looking up at him.  
“Get caught by who?” He asked, grinning, “it’s my dad’s boat. Him and Rose’ll be sleeping and so will your parents.”
“Fine but I better not get into any trouble.” You replied.  
“I swear,” he made a motion of crossing his heart, “no trouble babe.”
You hummed, pulling a cover-up off the rack and heading for the changing rooms in the back of the store. Rafe was about to follow you when Wheezie called him over, asking if he would walk her down to get smoothies because no one else wanted to go.  
“Get me one!” You called over your shoulder as you.  
The yacht that they took out that morning, that you were standing in now, was imposing but not unfamiliar. You could remember a trip out in it with Rafe, Sarah, and Scarlett when you were thirteen.  
Topper offered to drive the yacht out of the dock and Sarah had gone up with him, leaving you and Rafe alone again. You weren’t sure if he planned it that way or if that was just how your luck was going lately but you didn’t fight it, standing in the middle of the lounge area, bare feet sinking into the plush carpet.  
“What’s with the face?” Rafe joked, grabbing a beer from the mini-fridge.
“I don’t have a face.”
“Yeah,” he sat on the couch, the very definition of man-spreading, “you do. It’s your ‘I don’t like this’ face.”
“Last time I was on this boat Scarlett told me I looked like a fat troll in my bathing suit.” You replied, walking close enough to him that he could pull you onto his lap. You grabbed the back of the beige leather couch as you fell against him and he wrapped his arm around your waist.
“I don’t remember that,” he admitted, “but I’m sure Scarlett was just being a bitch.”
“I don’t know, I was pretty rough back then.”  
“Yeah okay,” he rolled his eyes, “well, you look gorgeous now.”
“You’re really good at giving compliments, you know that?” You teased, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“How long do you think they’ll be up there?” He asked, nodding his head toward the ceiling before leaning toward you, placing a kiss against your jaw. He continued kissing your neck and you shifted on his lap, angling yourself away from him a little.  
“Not long enough, I’m sure. I thought we were supposed to be swimming anyway.” You replied.
“Yeah, once we get away from the coast.” He said, trying to kiss you again. When you tried to move out of his lap, he tightened his grip on your waist, “nice try.”
“I thought so,” you laughed. You finally surrendered, kissing him and brushing your hand through his hair and down to the back of his neck. Rafe deepened the kiss, tongue slipping in your mouth as his hand slid up under your cover-up. Before you could go any further you heard footsteps rushing down the stairs from the deck and pulled away, standing up.
Rafe laid his head back against the couch and groaned as Topper came into view. “Hey guys, hate to interrupt but we got a problem.”
“What do you mean ‘a problem’?” Rafe asked at the same time that you turned to him, eyes narrowed.
“You swore no trouble.”  
“What kind of problem Top?” Rafe asked, getting up and leaving his beer on the table as he followed Topper out onto the lower deck, you right behind them. Sarah had come down as well and she was standing there, watching as three coast guard boats got close enough to turn on their sirens, calling for the yacht to kill it’s engine.
“Is that the coast guard?” You said, leaning over the railing, “Rafe!”
“Shut up, let me think.” He snapped, waving you off.
“You guys told dad you were taking the yacht right?” Sarah piped up, looking at her brother as Topper ran up to cut the engine, “did you tell dad?”
“Shut up Sarah.”
“My brother,” Sarah said, turning to you, “so glad you decided to hook up with him, aren’t you?”  
“Sarah! Shut the fuck up!” Rafe shouted.
“Just fucking stop talking, both of you!” Topper cursed as he came back down the steps. He looked over at you apologetically, as if he was used to this kind of thing, and rubbed your back, “it’ll be fine.”
“This is not fine.”
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts  @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @mybnkjj @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects  @oh-annaa @aiifandomsunite @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @talksoprettyjjx @5am-cigarette @smiithys @dontjinx-it @outerbanksbro @mysticsthinking @heavenlymama  @rudy-pankow-needs-an-oscar @babymatilda @raekenliar @lemur46 @under-a-canyon-moon @calums-betch @prejudic3 @starrystarkey93  @28cnn @princezukohere @dpaccione
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gayenerd · 3 years
I just realized I didn’t post that 2007 Rolling Stone article I posted about here. 
Billie Joe Armstrong
The Green Day leader talks Bush, Britney and being a middle-aged punk for our 40th anniversary.
Posted Nov 01, 2007 8:19 AM
You have two young sons. What kind of America will they inherit?
This war has to finish before something new blossoms. There's no draft — that's why none of the kids give a shit. They'd rather watch videos on YouTube. It's hard to tell what's next — there is so much information out there with no power to it. Everything is in transition, including our government. Next year, it's someone else in the White House. There's no way to define anything. It's Generation Zero. But you gotta start at zero to get to something.
Is there anyone now running for president who gives you hope for the future?
Barack Obama, but it's a bit early to tell if this is the guy I like. I get sick of the religious-figure thing. People don't question their rulers, these political figures, just as they don't question their ministers and priests. They're not going to question George Bush, especially if he goes around talking about God — "I'm going to let God decide this for me. He's going to give me the answer." The fear of God keeps people silent.
When did you first vote in a presidential election?
In 1992. I was twenty. I voted for Clinton.
Did you feel like you made a difference?
Yeah. The Eighties sucked. There was so much bullshit that went along with that decade. I felt like Clinton was a fresh face with fresh ideas. There were times when he was dropping bombs, and I'm thinking, "What the fuck are you doing?" But he became a target. We have this puritanical vision of what a leader is supposed to be, and that's what makes us the biggest hypocrites in the world. We got so inside this guy's sexual habits. Now we have a president going around, killing in the name of what? In the name of nothing.
What did you accomplish with your 2004 anti-Bush album, "American Idiot"? He was re-elected anyway, and the war in Iraq is still going on.
I found a voice. There may have been people disenfranchised by it. People have a hard time with that kind of writing: "Why are you preaching to me?" It does sound preachy, a bit. I'm a musician, and I want to say positive things. If it's about self-indulgent depression or overthrowing the government, it's gotta come from my heart. And when you say "Fuck George W. Bush" in a packed arena in Texas, that's an accomplishment, because you're saying it to the unconverted.
Do you think selling nearly 6 million copies of that album might have an effect on the 2008 election? A kid who bought it at fifteen will be voting age next year.
I hope so. I made it to give people a reason to think for themselves. It was supposed to be a catalyst. Maybe that's one reason why it's difficult for me to write about politics now. A lot of things on that record are still relevant. It's like we have this monarchy in politics — the passing of the baton between the Clintons and the Bushes. That's frightening. What needs to happen is a complete change, a person coming from the outside with a new perspective on all the fucked-up problems we have.
How would you describe the state of pop culture?
People want blood. They want to see other people thrown to the lions. Do audiences want rock stars? I can't tell. You have information coming at you from so many areas — YouTube, the Internet, tabloids. Watching Britney Spears the other night [on the MTV Video Music Awards] was like watching a public execution. How could the people at MTV, the people around her, not know this girl was fucked up? People came in expecting a train wreck, and they got more than they bargained for.
She was a willing conspirator. She didn't say no.
She is a manufactured child. She has come up through this Disney perspective, thinking that all life is about is to be the most ridiculous star you could be. But it's also about what we look at as entertainment — watching somebody go through that.
How do you decide what your children can see on TV or the Internet? As a dad, even a punk-rock dad, that can make you conservative in your choices.
I want to protect them from garbage. It's not necessarily the sex and drugs. It's bad drugs and bad sex, the violence you see on television and in the news. I want to protect them from being desensitized. I want them to realize this is real life, not a video game.
The main thing I want them to have is a good education, because that's something I never had. Get smart. Educate yourself as much as you can, and get as much out of it, even if the teacher is an asshole.
Do you regret dropping out of high school?
Life in high school sucks. I bucked the system. I also got lucky. My wife has a degree in sociology, and there are conversations she has — I don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about. College — I could have learned from that.
But I was the last of six kids. At that point, my mother was fifty-eight, and she threw up her hands — "I'm through with this parenting thing." Also, I could not handle authority figures. But I wouldn't say I'm an authority figure for my kids. I provide guidelines, not rules.
What is it like being a middle-aged punk? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?
It's about the energy you bring with you, the pulse inside your head. I want to get older. I don't want to be twenty-one again. Screw that. My twenties were a difficult time — where my band was at, getting married, having a child. I remember walking out of a gig in Chicago, past these screaming kids. There were these punks, real ones, sitting outside our tour bus. One girl had a forty-ouncer, and she goes, "Billie Joe, come drink with us." I said, "I can't, I've got my family on the bus." She goes, "Well, fuck you then." I get on the bus, and my wife says, "Did that bitch just tell you to fuck off? I'm gonna kick her ass right now." I'm holding her back, while my child is naked, jumping on the couch: "Hi, Daddy!" That was my whole life right there — screaming kids, punks telling me to fuck off, my wife getting pissed, my naked son waiting to get into his pajamas.
There's nothing wrong with being twenty-one. It's the lessons you learn. At thirty, you think, "Why did I worry so much about this shit?" When I hit forty, I'll say the same thing: "Why did I worry about this shit in my thirties?"
What have you learned about yourself?
There is more to life than trying to find your way through self-destruction or throwing yourself into the fire all the time. Nihilism in punk rock can be a cliché. I need to give myself more room to breathe, to allow my thoughts to catch up with the rest of me.
Before Dookie, I wasn't married and I didn't have kids. I had a guitar, a bag of clothes and a four-track recorder. There are ways you don't want to change. You don't want to lose your spark. But I need silence more than I did before. I need to get away from the static and noise, whereas before, I thrived on it.
Are you ready for the end of the music business? The technology and its effect on sales have changed dramatically since Green Days' debut EP — on vinyl — in 1989.
Technology now and the way people put out records — everything comes at you so fast, you don't know what you're investigating. You can't identify with it — at least I can't. With American Idiot, we made a conscious effort to give people an experience they could remember for the rest of their lives. It wasn't just the content. It was the artwork, the three acts — the way you could read it all like someone's story.
Is music simply not important to young people now the way it was to you as a kid?
People get addicted to garbage they don't need. At shows, they gotta talk on their phones to their friend who's in the next aisle. I was watching this documentary on Jeff Tweedy of Wilco [Sunken Treasure]. He was playing acoustic, and he ends up screaming at the audience: "Your fucking conversation can wait. I'm up here singing a song — get involved." He wasn't being an asshole. He was like, "Leave your bullshit behind. Let's celebrate what's happening now."
We need music, and we need it good. I took it very seriously. There's a side of me where music will always send chills up my spine, make me cry, make me want to get up and do Pete Townshend windmills. In a lot of ways, I was in a minority when I was young. There are people who go, "Oh, that's a snappy tune." I listen to it and go, "That's the greatest fucking song ever. That is the song I want played at my funeral."
Now that you've brought it up, what song do you want played at your funeral?
It keeps changing. "Life on Mars?" by David Bowie. "In My Life," by the Beatles. "Love," by John Lennon.
Those are all reflective ballads, not punk.
I disagree. They are all honest in their reflection. The punk bands I liked were the ones who didn't fall into clichés — the Clash, the Ramones. The Ramones wrote beautiful love songs. They also invented punk rock. I'd have to add "Blitzkrieg Bop" to the list.
What is the future of punk rock? Will it still be a voice of rebellion in twenty years?
It's categorized in so many different ways. You've got the MySpace punks. But there is always the subculture of it — the rats in the walls, pounding the pavement and booking their own live shows. It comes down to the people who are willing to do something different from everybody else.
You are in a different, platinum-album world now. What makes you so sure that spirit survives?
I'm going on faith — because I was there. Gilman Street [the Berkeley, California, club where Green Day played early shows] is still around. And that's a hard task, because there is no bar — it's a nonprofit cooperative. It's like a commune — this feeling of bucking the system together, surviving and thriving on art. Punk, as an underground, pushes for the generation gap. As soon as you're twenty-five years old, there's a group of sixteen-year-olds coming to kick your ass. And you have to pass the torch on. It's a trip to have seen it happen so many times. It gives me goose bumps — punk is something that survives on its own.
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howtosingit · 4 years
if ur ok with it can u break down the tarlos huggggg in the lst ep after tk tells evy1 abt his addiction? bc that gd huggggggg i wanna no every thing u think abt it i live for ur love for tarlos theyre just so so cuteeeee
IF I’M OKAY WITH IT?! Anon, I feel like I have been waiting my entire life for this ask. I could literally talk about this hug for the rest of my existence. I would talk about this hug every second of every day if I could and never get tired or bored. This hug has owned my entire heart from the moment that it happened and I can never get enough of it. Brace yourself for this essay, and remember that you asked for it...
Okay, so before I get to the actual hug, I want to talk for a minute about why I love it so much and also how fantastic the scene is that comes before it. I’ll try to keep both of those brief (LOL). If you want to skip to the hug breakdown, I’ll give the sections titles. 
Why I Love This Hug
So, why do I love this hug so much? Honestly, because I never in a million years thought we’d get something like it, and it was a big turning point for me.
I have not been quiet about how disappointing I think season 1 was. Too much Owen being Owen, too much Iris plot (which never interested me for even a single moment, unfortunately), not enough of the other characters - specifically the characters of color - and definitely not enough Tarlos.
Following episode 3, the show established a really frustrating pattern with Tarlos: they either never interacted with one another, or there was a moment of them at the end of an episode where they were in the same place physically but never spoke directly to one another. Frustration doesn’t even begin to describe the Tarlos talking drought between episodes 3 and 10 - and honestly? It’s bad writing. To focus on a ship for 3 episodes, giving them a lot of different nuances and conflict, and then do absolutely nothing with it? Stupid. So, going into the finale, my expectations were low. At that point, I was literally tuning in just to catch a glimpse of Carlos, with the expectation that that was all I would get. I really didn’t think I was going to watch the show after season 1. 
When the finale started with a Tarlos scene, I was honestly very surprised. But, then, of course, it was a “break up” scene, and I was like... well. So much for that. See, I fully expected, based on the trend throughout the later half of the season, that that would be the only Tarlos scene we would get, and that that is how they would end season 1. 
But when that camera cut to Carlos Reyes walking through the station door looking like a modern-day motherf*cking Prince Charming? I cried. I’m not ashamed to admit that. And then WHEN WE GOT THE HUG?! I can honestly still feel my heart pounding in my chest.
The finale didn’t fix everything for me; they still barely talk in their final two scenes. It’s not all perfect. But this hug, this small moment? THAT. IS. PERFECTION. (And I’m gonna go on and on about why in just a minute!)
Framing the Hug
I just want to take another moment here to chat about the entire fire station scene with TK and the team/Carlos because there’s a lot that informs why this hug is so freaking incredible. It has everything to do with the directing choices that were made - and boy were they good ones!
We all probably remember how the scene starts: extreme close-ups on TK as he sits waiting for the crew to come back. He’s anxious and possibly having a mild panic attack, and the camera is used to create that moment. Certain shots are out of focus, the shots that are focused are zoomed in to his mouth/hands/eyes, the sound is distorted, his breathing is isolated. It’s all super effective. 
So the observations that I make about this brief moment are: TK is stationary, the camera is basically attacking him. And TK is alone. Pretend for a moment that the camera is a character. The camera won’t leave him alone. No one is there to help him. His anxiety grows. 
(Even when the team joins him, the camera stays pretty close to him, except for one moment where it backs off but then approaches again. It continues to invade his personal space and his personal moments with his friends and his dad.)
Now, compare that to how the scene ends: TK walks away from the camera, the camera doesn’t follow him. It gives him space. His interaction with Carlos happens in the distance. If the camera is a character, TK defeated that character. He leaves it there, it no longer threatens him. I just really like that visual storytelling; that through the 4 minute scene, TK not only faces his demons, speaks his truth, and conquers his anxiety but he beats the camera and goes off to hug Carlos untethered. (He even bounces towards him, but we’ll get to that in a minute.) That doesn’t really have anything to do with the hug specifically, but I thought it was interesting anyway.
The other comparison that I want to make is a simple one, but it’s another reason why I love the hug: TK initiates it. He doesn’t initiate the group hug with his team (he actually almost says “we don’t have to do that” when Mateo moves towards him), though he obviously enjoys it. Owen initiates their hug, flinging himself at his son, and TK obviously appreciates it.
But the Carlos hug? TK approaches him, TK raises his arm to wrap around Carlos’s neck.
Okay, now to finally answer the original ask...
First, can I just say from his first appearance to the end of this scene, Carlos is there for 20 seconds total and I am about to write a whole-ass essay about those 20 seconds?! I’m literal trash.
Okay, so Carlos appears looking like a fucking snack. He’s changed since the bus accident, looking like someone’s hot date, and I think we know whose... Owen is basically like “well this is unexpected” and honestly, same sir. TK is adorable and noncommittal, but clearly not surprised to see Carlos there. We’ve missed a moment between them since TK was sent to the hospital and Carlos called him impressive, that’s for sure. 
So when TK starts to walk towards him, the camera refocuses on Carlos and we see this adorable freaking look on his face that clearly says “how did it go?” or “all went well?” or something to that effect. I think Carlos knew what TK was doing at the station and he knew that it was a big deal for him, and I love that even before they are next to each other, he’s checking in to see how it went. He’s invested in TK’s well-being - as always - and he’s there to support him, both physically and emotionally. I COULD SCREAM.
In response to Carlos’s silent questioning, TK throws his head back and sighs. Like I said before, he seems to bounce towards Carlos, his body is pretty loose - his arms are swinging back and forth. This is a guy who just took a load off, and he’s relieved about having done so. The smile that Carlos gives him in answer says that he’s relieved too - that it went so well, that TK seems lighter. He might even be relieved that TK is being so much more open with him, clearly showing him his emotions. Their body language for this entire moment is very open, neither of them seem closed off. It truly does feel like, for the first time, they are meeting each other on equal footing, with all of their cards on the table before them. It’s such a different moment for them, certainly different than their body language during the boba date earlier in the episode.
I would be an absolute idiot if I did not pause and remark here how INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT IT IS that TK is the one that approaches Carlos. I’m not the first person to notice and say this, but Carlos “I hate being the one doing the chasing” Reyes stops just inside the door. He lets TK walk towards him. It’s such an interesting, nonverbal conversation between them. In this action, Carlos is saying “I’m here, but I’m still not going to force anything. You said you wanted space, so I’m giving it to you.” Sure, he comes to the station - but I would pay good money to bet that TK invited him there following some kind of conversation about what he was doing there - but he stays at the door. He’s cautious, but open. He wants something more with TK, but he’s not going to throw himself into it just to get hurt again. So, he waits. AND TK COMES TO HIM. TK leaves his own space and enters his. TK takes the final step. TK closes the gap. TK makes the big move, and they’re finally both right in front of each other, on the same wavelength. The find that solid ground from which they’ll build their relationship together. ISN’T IT JUST BEAUTIFUL?!
Seriously, kudos to Bradley Buecker for directing this episode with multiple levels of storytelling at play. It’s really great stuff.
OKAY, there’s a little Owen and Michelle moment, but then the camera finds Tarlos again. 
TK is standing in front of Carlos, they’re completely fixated on one another, their body language is just so fucking casual and comfortable I cannot stand it. See, the other hugs were all pretty intense: the team piles on top of TK, burying him, and Owen practically throws himself at TK, it’s a fairly hard hug for a man with an injured shoulder. But this hug? NOPE.
It’s so soft. It’s so gentle. TK raises his arm like he just can’t not wrap it around Carlos’s neck, like it’s the only way to be as close as possible to him and being as close as possible to him is all he wants in that moment.
What I really love about this hug is that it feels like two people who hug not because the moment is demanding it, not because they’re reuniting after a long time apart, not because they’re in a heightened state of emotion. 
These two hug like it’s just what they do, what they always want to be doing, like they don’t know how not to do it. The whole thing reads like “Hi, I’m TK and my arms belong around Carlos” and “Hi, I’m Carlos, and my arms belong around TK, what else would I be doing with them?” (It’s also the vibe I get from the club scene where they wrap their arms around each other.)
Look, to be a Tarlos fan, I think you have to be willing to look at the relationship on two different levels, right? One is what they verbalize to each other, which is admittedly very little (season 2, come through). The other is the story that they tell through their body language. These two have seemingly always been on the same page physically. It just comes naturally to them, from the minute they first dance to their obviously very pleasing sex scene to the way they flirt in the bar to the club to Carlos at TK’s bedside. 
Their chemistry is made clear through how they physically relate to each other, and never is that more clear than in this hug that LITERALLY LASTS 2 SECONDS BUT CONTAINS MULTITUDES.
Okay, back to it... so TK strolls towards Carlos, Carlos waits for him - they symbolism is making me scream - TK raises his arm, it’s all super casual...
And then he just kind of literally falls into Carlos’s body, and Carlos basically just catches him. HOW BEAUTIFUL IS THAT.
They don’t even speak but because they’ve had a nonverbal conversation with just those looks that I talked about, there’s just this understanding that TK needs to just collapse a little bit and he never for one second doubts that Carlos will hold him up. THAT’S JUST WHAT THEY DO.
OKAY OKAY OKAY now we’re going to break this down from head to toe.
Like, the way that their heads just rest against each other, TK pressing close - I can almost imagine that he breathes in the scent of Carlos’s shampoo, his nose is pressed right there in his curls. AND JUST IMAGINE HIS SMILE, I BET IT’S BLINDING.
I love that their heads kind of curve around each other kind of, perfectly Yin and Yang - like, from above they would totally look like that symbol.
First, it’s our first kiss since episode 2. 
Nothing screams “I want to know every part of this man on a deep, committed level” than a fucking neck kiss, and Carlos Reyes just... he fucking does it. 
Okay but he really does bury his whole face in there like he wants to keep it there forever, I have truly never seen something so soft in my entire life. 
I’m so in love with them I could puke.
But like, that’s why this moment means so much to me, because I really do think that it’s a solidifying moment for both of them. 
For TK, it’s a “It’s okay if I stumble or fall because this man will catch me or help me up” thing
For Carlos, it’s “he wants me, he wants this, he’s taking literal steps towards this thing between us, and he encourages me to sink into him, he wants me to do that, he really wants this”
Like, fuck. 
Moving down... we gotta appreciate Carlos being mindful of TK’s shoulder, unlike literally everyone else who has hugged him. Like, he doesn’t even go anywhere near those stitches because there’s no fucking way he’s going to watch TK bleed out for the third time, nope.
And the way that Carlos just slides his arms around TK’s waist, pressing his palms into his lower back?! 
I think there’s a whole like, thing, where when a person’s hands are flat and open they’re like, open and vulnerable. So there’s just something about the way that Carlos presses both of his open palms against TK’s back that feels so open and vulnerable and honest to me.
Also, the way that he literally covers as much of TK’s back with his hands as possible? He doesn’t place his hands on top of one another, he stacks them along TK’s spine - he completely covers the entirety of his lower back. That’s a really vulnerable part of the human body, and Carlos instinctively protects it. AND TK LET’S HIM.
Okay, finally, down to their feet: TK really does collapse against Carlos, throwing himself on top of him and trusting that Carlos will keep him upright. All of his weight shifts to that forward momentum, he even goes up on the toes of his right foot. Carlos plants his feet, and as TK sways into him, he wraps him in his arms and gently centers them so that they don’t tip over to the ground.
He literally re-balances them. The two of them together find a balance with one another during this TWO-SECOND HUG. They shift, they steady themselves, they sink into one another.
It’s literally symbolic of them both being completely, 100%, without question, ready for the next phase of their relationship together.
They keep each other standing, and that’s fucking true love, y’all.
I honestly cannot wait for season 2. This hug and the final scene on the hood of Carlos’s car - with TK again making the move to embrace their relationship by physically reaching into Carlos’s space for his hand and dragging it into his own space, firmly opening the door to his heart to let him inside, while also settling Carlos’s hand between his own to let him know that he’s willing to protect him and his heart too - makes me believe that we are in for some truly wonderful romance with these boys. 
My heart will not stop screaming about it.
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