#this fic is hauntingly beautiful yet so cruel
pandalilysavior · 1 year
“Time continued to pass. He never did fall in love again”
oh so you want me to kill myself ? you want me to END MY LIFE ???
ahb never truly leaves my mind
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heartfullofleeches · 9 months
“I've heard dreams are a pleasant escape for some people. Is it strange that all of my dreams revolve around you?"
fucking sobbing i love him so much (dea uses any pronouns right?)
id do everything i can to praise them in any/every way for the smallest things. theyre literally the sweetest. Any input on how they’d react if we just started calling them our spouse/partner out of the blue one day? -zs
[Using he/they for this fic but yes, Dea uses any pronouns. ]
Dea enjoyed grocery shopping with you. While the deity could simply will the ingredients needed for your meals into existence - there was something special about going out in public while at your side. They aren't one to boast about your relationship, but it's nice to have other bare witness of it. Their heart fills with joy whenever a human sees you as potential interest - only to be detered once they see the god lucky enough to reach you first hovering over your shoulder.
The two of you stand in line at checkout when someone calls your name from afar. If you noticed Dea taking a step closer as the familiar face approached you paid no attention to it. They squeeze your hand gently as you engage in conversation with your acquaintance. The god had finally worked up the courage to ask for your hand- Not in marriage, but at least whilst you were out and about. Dea had been quite fortunate when it came to your relationship however they doubted you'd go even to those lengths with them.
Alas - a god could dream-
"So who's this behind you?"
"Oh, right you moved away before I met them. This is Dea.. We've been together for a few years now- They're my spouse."
Spouse? Surely they misheard you. Dea felt blessed just being able to hold your hand. Spouse. The word repeats in their head. A beautiful, yet hauntingly cruel title. How could you call them your spouse when they hadn't even presented you with a ring yet? Could they even obtain a piece of jewelry on that would properly convey their eternal devotion to you before you lost interest and moved on? Spouse.. They're you're spouse. What could they have possibly done to deserve this honor?
Your vision distorts as a hitched breath tickles your ear. You look up to see Dea - hiding the glittery tears building in their eyes and the cracks forming along their skin with their robes. You bite pass the dizziness you feel as their physical form slips to grip their hand tighter as they sob.
"Dea...Are you.. okay?"
'I'm fine... I am more than alright, My Grace, I just - got a little overwhelmed. Thank you. Thank you for choosing me. I promise you not a single day will go by without me expressing the depths of my affections towards you. I love you so much."
"I love you too, Dea...." You kiss away their tears, dropping your voice to a whisper.
"But we really have to work on getting you outside without tearing a hole in my reality."
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Title: 'Found someone new'
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Black!Mermaid!Reader, Past!Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall
Warnings: some angst, Fluff, Elijah being protective, Innocent!reader, Jealous!Hayley
Summary: Elijah had left needing to heal a broken heart only to fall in love again.
A/N: @rere-the-writer had done a fic called 'kiss the girl' that had inspired me to write a mermaid fic so here we are. The song used here
Elijah and Hayley's break up was messy, very messy as Elijah had done as Hayley asked of him. The vampire had shown her everything of hisself to her but the hybrid couldn't handle it as Elijah's tastes was too much for Hayley as she didn't think Elijah could be so dominant in the bedroom making her inner Alpha want to show him who was boss. Then of course Hayley hated it when Elijah dropped everything for his siblings but she didn't mind if it was Hope he dropped things for.
After the break up Elijah had left for awhile needing to heal his heal, while Freya and Finn understood where Hayley was coming from. Klaus, Kol and Rebekah were on the side of Elijah and blaming Hayley for making the noble Mikaelson leave as they were unsure when he'll return.
"Cruel and cold like winds on the sea....will you ever return to me? Hear my voice sing with the tide, my love will never die. Over waves and deep in the blue I will give up my heart for you." Elijah heard one night as he stayed at the family home that sat on a private beach when he heard someone beautifully singing.
Elijah stepped out onto the deck after placing his book down and looked down at the beach to see a woman sitting on the beach. The moonlight bounced off the waves, it also gave the woman's warm chocolate skin a hauntingly beautiful glow and her long dark hair in waves down her bare back. Elijah was taken back when he saw her tail as the scales were reflecting the moonlight as the vampire moved down to the sand listening to her sing.
"Come my love be one with the sea rule with me for eternity. Drown all dreams so mercilessly and leave their souls to me. Play the song you sang long ago and wherever the storm may blow. You will find the key to my heart, we'll never be apart. Wild and strong you can't be contained, never bound nor ever chained." The woman seemed to sing turning to see Elijah.
The Original felt his breathing hitched, she was breath taking as her beautiful soft blue eyes met his mocha eyes when Elijah noticed her lips hadn't moved at all yet he could hear a song.
"Cruel and cold like winds on the sea will you ever return to me? Hear my voice sing with the tide....Our love will never die." The words flowed from the mermaid as she smiled softly at the vampire when he knelt infront of her as if he was in a trance. Elijah was pulled out of his trace hearing his phone rang and thought the woman would swim off but she stayed smiling at him lifting her tail as Elijah saw it bleeding as if something bit her.
"You're wounded." Elijah says getting a nod from her as Elijah moved scooping her up. Elijah looked out seeing a shark swimming near the sand as if it was waiting for the mermaid. Elijah looked at the mermaid seeing that she was in awe of him as she touched his cheek and took her up to the house and sat her on the couch and answered his phone.
"Hello Niklaus." Elijah says watching the mermaid look around in wonder seemly amazed by everything which Elijah couldn't help find her adorable.
'Hello 'Lijah, we were hoping you are going to return soon. As it has been nearly nine months and Hope wishes for her uncle to join us for the holidays that will be coming up soon.' Klaus tells Elijah as the mermaid was playing with his lights seemly in awe with how the lamp worked as she now had legs.
"I don't know yet....I will try to return soon." Elijah says grabbing a med-kit and returned to the mermaid seeing her calf bleeding a bit and began to clean the wound. Elijah ended his call with Klaus and focused on the mermaid as her attention was on him right away. The woman watched Elijah wrap up her leg as his eyes snapped up at her feeling her small hands on his cheeks.
"Something wrong?" Elijah asked watching her shake her head and grabbed his hand flipping it over and traced her finger across his palm spelling something out, 'You are beautiful to look at.' Elijah felt his cheeks warm seeing how innocently the mermaid smiled at him.
"Thank you....I'm Elijah and you are?" Elijah asked watching her happily spell out her name. 'I am Y/N, daughter of Triton and you are my one.' Y/N traced out confusing Elijah.
"Your one? Please explain." Elijah says feeling her get excited, 'You heard my song! Only my one can hear it. We are destined to be one, I am yours and you are mine.' Y/N writes out on Elijah's palm smiling brightly at him. Elijah looked to the mermaid feeling her trace his face either her fingers as he swallowed realizing she was still bare.
"Let me find you something to wear." Elijah says standing up and Y/N gripped his hand following him. Elijah noticed how short she was compared to him and how nice her hand felt in his. Elijah pulled out an old shirt and put it on Y/N making it look like a small dress on her.
"There we are, now why can't you talk?" Elijah asked worried that the shark had done more damage. 'I can but I just need time to get use to being on land again.'
"When was the last time you were on land?"
'Over a millennium ago.' Y/N wrote out on his palm smiling up at Elijah as he nodded taking in the information. A month had passed as Elijah was getting used to having Y/N around as her voice had returned and Elijah found the sound of it just music to his ears.
Y/N was an a sweet, innocent young lady as Elijah quickly realized with the time he spent with Y/N how amazed she was by almost everything and how excited she was to listen to Elijah explain things. Elijah met her father Triton and her sisters, Pallas and Triteia and got along every well with them.
Both Pallas and Triteia liked Elijah finding it adorable how their baby sister cling to Elijah while Triton watched from the sea with a protective glint in his eyes. Triton respected how Elijah's first instinct when meeting Y/N was to protect her not what most sailors would have done.
"Elijah, what is this?" Y/N asked holding a tub of chocolate ice cream as the two were in a store getting some food and Elijah wanting to show Y/N more things. Elijah raised an eyebrow looking at his young mermaid lover.
"Ice cream. Would you like to try it?"
"Can I?" Y/N asked as Elijah nodded watching her place the tub in the cart and smiled when she moved under his arms standing on the cart leaning back against his chest. Elijah had learned that Y/N felt more safe if she was in Elijah's arms as he placed a kiss on her head pushing the cart as they finished up their shopping and Elijah finding his lover adorable as she got excited over the new foods.
"Why have you come to the sea?" Y/N asked Elijah as they layed in a hammock under the night sky with Elijah holding the mermaid close their legs tangled with one another. Elijah layed there his fingers running over her hair as their other fingers were laced together.
"To heal a broken heart."
"You have another?" Y/N asked beginning to pull away but Elijah pulled her back into his arms.
"I used to but I have you." Elijah says smiling before groaning when Y/N kissed him deeply raking her fingers through his hair as Elijah's hands were on her hips lifting her up taking her to the bedroom.
Elijah watched from the sand as Y/N said goodbye to Pallas and Triteia after Triton had gave his blessing to Y/N and Elijah. It was Elijah's last day to spend at the beach house as he was going to return home and was ready to goodbye to the mermaid but was surprised when she told him that she can go with him. The vampire grunted feeling Y/N cling to him when she flings herself into his arms hugging him as he lifted her up hearing Pallas and Triteia giggling as they swam off with their father.
"They are happy for us."
"We should head off, my love." Elijah says kissing her forehead carrying her upstairs to the house then they headed back to New Orleans. Elijah drove he found it adorable how Y/N lit up at the sights of the city.
"You live here?"
"I do. You have never been?" Elijah asked watching his little mermaid be in awe of everything.
"No after the fall of the Greek empire, Zeus order everyone to stay in their temples and domins. I always wanted too as Dionysus would tell me stories." Y/N tells Elijah who blinked unaware that said God was watching with Eros, Apollo and Hermes. The four were in awe with how soft Elijah was being with the mermaid.
"Elijah....you're home." Hayley says seeing Elijah walking into the Abattoir with a woman who was seemly in awe with everything.
"Hello Hayley."
"And who is this 'Lijah?" Klaus asked smirking looking over Y/N as Elijah told Klaus who the mermaid was. Hayley watched with jealousy bubble in her chest as Y/N met Elijah's siblings and the hybrid saw how smitten Elijah was with the mermaid.
Hayley was surprised that Elijah moved on as she thought he would come back to her but the vampire instead brought home a woman. Y/N was gorgeous and Hayley felt oddly insecure when she saw the mermaid sitting next to Elijah getting to know everyone. Hayley hated seeing how Elijah seemed so happy with the mermaid and hated how she missed her chances to get Elijah back.
"Your siblings are really nice."
"I'm glad they adore you." Elijah says holding her close as they layed in bed as he pressed kisses on her face. Y/N giggled rubbing her nose against his making him smile as she kissed him.
"I love you, 'Lijah."
"And I love you, my little mermaid."
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phoebe-delia · 3 years
For your songfic playlist ask - #34, please and thank you!
Thank you for the prompt ask, lovely! I am very excited about this one, but I admit I'm a little nervous because I really want to do this song justice. This is arguably one of Taylor Swift's best-written songs. It's called "my tears ricochet," and it's hauntingly beautiful. There are so many directions to go in, but I went with this one. CW: MCD, a little dark, angsty mentions of blood/gore. BIG thank you to my child @starlitsilvereyes for the ever-helpful beta! <3
That was a beautiful ceremony, wasn't it? It's nice to see that Hogwarts would mourn even its more nefarious students.
It was, of course, at the great expense of my parents, but it was the least they could do, considering it was their choice to put me in harm's way.
Well, in your way, I suppose.
Did Granger write that speech for you? She must've, the little do-gooder. I'd wager she was torn between helping you save face and the cruel irony of eulogizing her schoolyard bully.
I would thank you for taking time out of your busy Savior Funeral Victory Tour schedule to attend mine, but it was the perfect opportunity to sneak in your bloody post-war agenda. That must have been satisfying—preaching about second chances and redemption next to the casket of the boy you hated to his dying day.
You just had to have the last word, didn't you?
Did you tell them how I died? Did you tell them about the pools of water mixing with my blood at your feet? Did you tell them about how you watched the remains of my tarnished soul leave my body with my last feeble breath?
I want to tell you how much you reminded me of Him in the mere seconds before you cast that spell. I want to tell you that, up until then, I'd been a failure. I failed at being a Death Eater, at my mission—at hating you.
I'm not the sort of ghost you can see. And yet I haunt you, don't I? My sobs and whimpers echo in your ears. My magic is in the wand you stole from me, the one you claimed was lost but we both know is stowed away in your trunk. My lifeless eyes stare at you when you try in vain to sleep without thinking of my eternal rest.
One day, when your atrocious black hair has turned gray, and your green eyes are more for aesthetic than function, you'll take your last breath.
And I'll be there, waiting.
For the last word.
Send me an ask about Harry Potter, broadway/musicals, The West Wing, and/or Taylor Swift! Or just about life in general :).
Also, I have a playlist of my 99 most listened-to songs of the year so far. Pick a number 1--99 and send me an ask and I'll write you a fic based on it!
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leviskokoro · 4 years
Can u just imagine the Pomefiore trio + the tweels and Malleus scaring the crap out of Mari’s mother? No child deserves to have a mom or grandmother like that (I’m also looking at Riddle’s mom)
thanks for the ask! I turned this idea into a fic! warnings: implied abuse, fatphobia, colorism, gore
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Tick tock...
Tick tock...
Tick tock...
Rows and rows of dolls in gothic dresses were lined up on shelves around each corner of the room; Their lifeless gazes from their beady little eyes were already enough to manifest a gnawing feeling at the woman’s stomach as she explored the room. It was as though they were watching her every movement, orhs following her back. The amount of dust on each piece of antique furniture gave off the impression that this place hasn’t been used in quite some time, as if centuries has passed since its last use. She was told that her daughter should be here but she hasn’t found a single trace of her. 
The room was strange; It was as if it was in an eternal state of abandonment and chilling silence. Not a single noise could be heard, only the ticking of the pendulum clock had prevented her from going mad. 
Why was her daughter here anyway?
“Hey, hey, Jade~” A jolly voice came from the distance; Deep, yet seemed to have such a childlike tone to it. “When’s the show starting? I’m getting bored just waiting” 
Brown irises scanned the area for any sign of other people but found every corner to be vacant, empty. Her eyebrows furrowed and she clutched her purse as she turned her head to different directions.
“I believe in a minute or so. Fufu, I’m excited for the story they’ll tell.” The next voice seemed to speak as if he was merely amused, full of mirth. “I heard they had been able to acquire the Cursed Doll of Nightmares.”
… What? This all sounded so ridiculous. And yet, the way they spoke to each other seemed so eerie in such an environment like this. It didn’t help that their voices seemed to be coming from nowhere. And wherever she went, she always heard them.
“Eeeh? A cursed doll?” 
“Oya? So you haven’t heard of the legends surrounding it.” 
The woman decided to continue looking in different rooms. Right, this was probably just a strange effect of the haunted house for this event. Really一 Her daughter should get better hobbies than play dress up.
“The legend is actually quite recent but it’s spread to be infamous to the entirety of Twisted Wonderland. The story goes like this: There was once a young man grieving because his previous wife died. He met a young woman and fell madly in love with her, so much so that he turned her and his son into marionette dolls so that they can never leave his side like his wife did. But then, a fire consumed his home. The only things that survived were three dolls.” 
“Eheh~ Humans can be so funny. Their stories are so different compared to merfolk.” 
“Fufu, yes. But it’s merely a story.” 
He was right. Tales like this were only meant to scare children into behaving well. The woman clicked her tongue as her hand gripped the doorknob and opened it. Inside was a theatre with a stage and blood red curtains. There were lined up seats, the cushions oddly enough looked brand new. But the dolls didn’t seem to stop. In fact, there were more all around her and in larger sizes. Their porcelain-like skin seemed to shine in the incredibly dim light of the candles above; So perfect, yet there was such a haunting quality in that near lifelike perfection. They had a similar gaze to the dolls from earlier, seeming to be watching her every move. 
As she approached the stage, the curtains had been drawn to reveal一 The woman’s eyes widened at the familiar sight of her daughter, dressed in such soft pink clothes as if she came from the 19th century. Her eyes scanned over her body from head to toe. It was as though she was an actual doll, sporting porcelain-like skin similar to the rest of the dolls in the theatre, lifeless glassy eyes whose gaze could send chills down anyone’s spines and a vacant smile on her rosy lips. There had been bright red strings attached to her limbs. 
Goodness, it looks like her daughter has gotten fatter. Not only that, but her skin has grown darker一 and uglier.
At her sides stood a boy and a man, both wearing clothes from a similar era. The shorter one had such fragile-looking features; Soft lavender hair and aqua blue eyes like the sea that complimented the childlike stature of the boy. The man was blond with lavender highlights and captivating amethyst eyes that shone. He had a much more mature and refined atmosphere compared to the rest of the dolls. They all looked far more hauntingly perfect among all the dolls in the exhibit. 
But then, a deep yet enigmatically charming voice spoke up一 Did it come from behind the stage? It was difficult to pinpoint exactly. 
“Here we have a tale of a beautiful man and his family, a tale of madness and love~” 
The sound of a piano playing a jolly tune echoed all throughout the theatre, yet that did nothing to ease the strange sense of dread that ate away at her being. It was as if every note had a haunting undertone to it. 
“Cruel Mistress Fate had separated the man and his previous wife,”
“How he grieved every night after her absence,” 
The dolls started moving at those words, the marionette of her daughter and the young boy was pulled to the side, leaving only the blond in a depressing state as he sat down, slumped over. His stiff movements were befitting of a doll as he laid limp and lifeless on the wooden floor. His glassy eyes looked down, vacant and empty. Yet despite this, he still seemed so regal and elegant. 
“Women had done their best to charm such a refined and wealthy man一”
Several dolls much smaller compared to the others were pulled onto the stage, surrounding the man. They danced around him with such fluid movements coming from whoever was pulling at their dark strings from above. 
The woman had seated herself on a soft cushion in front of the stage, feeling like she had no choice but to watch first despite her confusion and unease that made her stomach churn. She didn’t know why but the show seemed to captivate her attention enough to want to see it to the very end. 
“But none had come close,”
The rest of the smaller dolls were pulled away and left him to be in solitude once again. Shadows of the sun and moon cycled over his head, as if to portray the passing of time of him being like this. His son had been controlled to try to pull his father up but it was all in vain when the father refused to move. 
“Many years later, he had come across a woman as beautiful as he.”
The marionette that looked like her daughter was pulled back onto the stage with the red strings that were connected to her limbs. The man’s head was turned to look up at her, then he was pulled to his feet and approached her. 
“With a similar pain yet a heart of gold, she caught his own broken heart in an instant.”
“She revealed that a great many people had harmed her in the past一”
“As well as losing the one closest to her.”
The two dolls circled around each other in a waltz-like dance, the supposed puppeteer had such expert hands to be able to control their every movement.
“They got married soon after and the woman became a wonderful mother to his son.” 
“Ah… Beaute, what a magnificent family~” 
The lavender-haired doll was pulled in, depicting her and him being mother and child. It was as though they were playing with each other. The blond father had joined in soon later. Their movements were lively and joyous despite the eternally still features on their faces. 
But then一
The stage had been set aflame, piercing screams of agony came from the stage. It was as if the dolls had come to life, only to die in a fire only seconds after their fragile-looking bodies were engulfed by bright green flames. It spread throughout the stage, incinerating everything in its wake. Was that blood?
The doctor stood on her feet, body completely alarmed by this as she screeched. She turned around to run but a gasp fell from her lips to see that her exit was blocked by a pair of twins that gazed at her with the most frightening look she’s ever seen, like predators about to pounce on their prey. 
“Wh-Who are you people?!” She cried out, backing away. 
The twins said nothing; Their movements stiff like wood as they approached her. The ribbon-like pieces of fabric swayed as their arms reached out for her. Their toothy grins revealed their razor sharp teeth that glinted threateningly.
“STOP THIS INSTANT!” She tried to yell at them again but to no avail. 
Her heartbeat pounded against her ribcage the closer they got. Was this all just part of the show? Was this all some terrible nightmare? Her mind swarmed with questions as she tried getting away from them. The awful heat coming from every direction as the flames consumed everything with each moment that passed seemed to be proof enough that this was all happening. But she didn’t want to believe it. This couldn’t be happening. Why would God let such a thing happen to her when she’s done nothing wrong?
“Ara, is this that cruel woman you spoke of, dear?” A new voice entered the scene; cold like ice, a heavy contrast to the heat of the flames. 
“She’s the one who hurt you all those years?” Another one came, seeming to be delicate and yet had a bit of an underlying country accent.
But she’s never done anything wrong!
A dark feminine chuckle could be heard behind her. Her head whipped behind her and her eyes were met with a sight that was horrifying enough to make her heart lurch up to her throat, like her very soul was being ripped from her body. 
“Hello, mother.”
It was her daughter and the two other dolls, bloodied up and walking towards her. Their skin looked to have such severe burn marks and the flesh seemed to be melting off their bodies, going deep enough that parts of their bones were exposed. Tattered clothing with ashes sticking to it. The blood that dripped from their bodies stained the brown carpeting a striking crimson. 
“Remember when you used to be so proud of how much you hurt me with the belt?”
Her voice sent shivers down her spine at the very sound of it, a cruel bite to it. It was as though there were five of her voices layered on top of each other to create an echoing effect. Their gazes were locked, the crazed glint in her eye pierced through her soul as she tilted her head to the side. 
“Now it’s my turn.”
The mother screeched when her daughter lunged at her all of a sudden with lightning fast speed. Her legs moved before she could even think, sprinting as fast as she could towards the nearest emergency exit, leaving everyone in the fire. 
In the blink of an eye, the theatre was cleaned up and it was as though not a single spark of flame had touched it. Footsteps echoed against the floor as a new figure entered the scene. A smirk pulled at his lips at the sight of the groups’ victorious expressions. Glimmering green eyes gazed at his friend, who seemed to be in especially good spirits. She looked up and her soft brown irises lit up at the sight of him, like the sun rising. 
He had remembered his conversation with her earlier. 
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“I’ll make sure that she gets the fright of her life.” Malleus held a serious tone in his voice, with sadistic undertones in it. All he wanted was for his friend to enjoy a Halloween in Twisted Wonderland for the first time. The magicam monsters were already troublesome enough for her and Grim to deal with, but then her mother had to show up. The discomfort in her eyes doubled when she realised that her mother somehow followed her into Twisted Wonderland. “Consider it a gift for being in my good graces.” 
She sighed and shook her head, soft brown locks swaying lightly in the motion. Resolve burned in those milk chocolate irises as she turned her gaze to him. 
“Actually, I’d like to deal with her myself.” A mischievous smile graced her lips, one that he was unfamiliar with. She had always presented herself with such a delicate demure disposition, but he wasn’t so naive as to think she was fragile. “But I’d appreciate some assistance from you. I’ve made a good plan and it will require your specialty.” 
Malleus returned the smirk, interested in what she had to say. “Oya? And what could that possibly be?” 
“First, I’ll need to ask Vil and the others for some help as well.” 
The gleam in her eyes turned sadistic. 
“We’re going to put on the show of a lifetime.”
Sure, Malleus was fully aware that the deep wounds inflicted onto her by that woman would take much more than that to heal, it may take many years even. But seeing that satisfied smile on her face brought warmth to his cold heart. Her radiance as she chatted with everyone, thanking them for their assistance with making the show a success, was like the sun that rose during the dawn; A hope for a better tomorrow. 
A whisper flowed out from his lips.
“May your journey to healing be fruitful, child of man.” 
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remingt0nleith · 4 years
thorns | remington leith
try & find the hidden palaye royale song title in the fic! & additional A/N at the end. 
A/N: hi wow long time no write :( SORRY! I have ideas and I try to write then my brain just doesn’t want to put the ideas on the word document. + y’know having depression doesn’t help things bleh... BUT I did write a full something finally (yay bare minimum author things!) This was requested! gonna keep trying to turn out requests & work on dark cherries also my birthday is on thursday and i’m turning 24 (wow im getting old help) & also the bastards comes out the day after so yay! lets chat about it when its out ok?
Request: Where Remington cheats on the reader and she finds out, but he does everything he can to get her back? 
Thorns - A Remington Leith one-shot. || 1.9K words || under cut.
The catalyst for a ruined night came in a round of shots. Emerson poured the amber liquid into hot pink shot glasses that the boys had picked up days prior. Remington wasted no time in downing his, barely flinching at the bitter taste that now coated his tongue. 
“Slow down there, cowboy” 
Sebastian laughed before throwing his own shot back, placing a hand on Remington’s cheetah print covered shoulder.
“We can’t have our lead singer fucked up out of his mind, can we?” 
The eldest brother chided playfully as he took the bottle from Emerson and poured more shots.
As the brothers drank and talked anxiously about their first show of a new tour, Remington’s phone buzzed in his back pocket, taking it out he suppressed an eye-roll at the message filling his screen;
He wasn’t sure what had gotten into him lately, usually, he’d be thrilled at the love and adoration his girlfriend of three years was showing him. She was always cheering him on, listening to his music, and supporting his band in every way she could. Although she was unable to come to most shows due to a fast-paced work schedule she always made a point to let the band of brothers know they had her support. That should’ve been enough to keep Remington happy but recently he had become cold towards his girlfriend and as he put his phone away without responding all thoughts of her disappeared as well. 
Remington headed backstage after the show still high from the performance. The adrenaline from the encouraging crowd and kick-ass concert his band delivered had Remington feeling happier than he had in months. Once in the dressing room, the boys quickly changed out of their sweaty stage attire into more relaxed outfits, and like clockwork, shots were once again being handed out.
Once everyone had a decent buzz going the boys and their crew headed out to a nearby nightclub to celebrate the success of the show. Remington realized halfway to the club that he had forgotten his phone in the dressing room, a fact that didn’t phase him, in fact he was happy to be rid of the constant ringing. 
Once inside the packed club, Remington waved goodbye to his brothers and made his way to the bar.  His buzz had diminished slightly in the car ride and that was a no go for Remington so he ordered a drink, which quickly became two, then three before he headed to the dance floor. 
Packed in a sea of bodies the singer danced to the music, enjoying the happiness that came from the night’s events as well as the alcohol in his system. When a manicured hand grabbed him and pulled him close, he didn’t object, instead, he wrapped his arms around the dark-haired beauty. 
The pair danced together to the techno music blaring overhead, strobe lights illuminating their faces, hands roaming freely over each other’s bodies before the woman leaned in and planted a sloppy kiss to Remington’s lips. 
If there was a moment of panic, a spark of recognition somewhere in the sober part of his mind, Remington ignored it. Instead, he deepened the kiss with the gorgeous stranger, when the pair eventually pulled away from the kiss, they headed to the bar for more drinks. 
When Sebastian came to let Remington know it was time to head to the hotel, the frontman wasted no time in asking this new girl if she’d like to go with him. Much to the dismay of the older (and wiser) brother, she said yes and everyone piled into the van and were chauffeured back to the hotel to continue the party. 
Morning light filtered through the window a sign of a new day, but as Remington opened his eyes the gravity of last night hit him. He was alone in his hotel bed, the white sheets crumpled and covered in streaks of makeup (his or hers, he wasn’t sure). Flashbacks of last night filled his mind and all at once he realized the hickeys on his body were from a stranger, the realization filled him with shame and dread. 
He found his phone which had been placed on his nightstand by one of his brothers or their touring manager (who always cleaned up after the boys’ wild nights) and on it were several unread texts and calls which came in at varying points of the evening. 
[9:13 pm] My Love <3: It should be time for u boys to be on stage! I’ll be stalking twitter for updates and vids love u 
[12:02 am] My Love <3: Watched a ton of vids that are already being posted! Get back to me when u get this my love so proud of u xx 
[3:56 am] My Love <3: Guess your phone died or your out celebrating a great night. Call me when you see this or wake up. I love you. 
[10:20 am] 5 missed calls
[10:27 am] *attached photo* REMINGTON.... FUCK YOU.
The photo on his phone screen displayed the girl from last night under the covers as a passed out Remington slept beside her. The caption didn’t say anything besides a winking emoji and she tagged him and his band’s account. 
Instantly, he was dialing his girlfriend’s number, hands shaking as he paced around the spacious hotel room desperately waiting for an answer.
Rose answered, soft voice hoarse from hours of crying. 
“Fuck, I’m so sorry..” 
Remington started to explain, words tumbling out of his mouth faster than he could form them.
“Save it” 
Rose snapped before continuing her voice harder and more assured now than it was just moments ago. 
“I never thought you’d do this even as the band started to gain an audience, I told myself that I had nothing to worry about. All the pretty girls and boys didn’t matter because what we had was strong but it sucks being proven wrong huh?” 
Remington’s sudden surge of tears prevented him from speaking as the pain in his chest grew with each word. The saddest part of it all was that she was right and that ripped him up inside. 
“Rose I-” 
he whispered, voice barely audible even to himself. 
Instead of an answer he was left hearing the sound of the call disconnecting. 
The tour passed by in a daze for Remington and while his brothers desperately wanted him to be more present, they understood. He’d get on stage and sing, forgetting about the pain in his heart for that hour or so, as soon as the curtain closed the ache in his chest was back, a cruel reminder to the life-changing mistake he’d made.
Rose had cut off all contact with her now ex-boyfriend instead choosing to go through Emerson to inform him she was moving out of their shared apartment in LA. 
Each night in his hotel bed, memories of the past three years filtered through his brain until he exhaustingly cried himself to sleep. 
Remington used Emerson’s phone to send a series of texts to Rose to apologize, to accept full responsibility but the only reply he received was instructions to give Emerson his phone back and to leave her alone.
Just as quickly as the tour started it was now coming to a close a few months later. The boys were back in LA for a sold-out show in typical Los Angeles fashion. Remington never stopped trying to get ahold of Rose -- he sent flowers to her new address, letters where he begged for her back, apologizing and pleading for her forgiveness yet he was never awarded a reply. He didn’t blame her at all but that didn’t mean the pain hurt any less, he’d do anything for a second chance. 
Shots of vodka were taken, cheers and high fives were given and the boys hit the stage.  Remington gazed out into the crowd, a see of silhouettes behind bright stage lights.  After a few songs, Remington sat down at the end of the stage, dark boots quietly thumping against the side. 
“Y’know fans like to think we’re perfect” 
he stated which earned a chorus of “I love you’s” as well as cheers from the crowd. 
He smiled before continuing, 
“As much as I love to hear it, it’s not true and sometimes we royally fuck up. I fucked up and these past few months have been hell so I wrote this song.”
The crowd applauded as they watched their favorite singer head to the piano, the spotlight shining on him as he sat down. 
“This song is called Thorns,” 
Remington began to play a hauntingly slow ballad about losing the love of your life and how apart of you is lost as well. 
The pain in my heart is defeating me
Cracking me open for all to see
I’m numb to life, deep inside
Needing you to realize, you’re the better part of me
An illusion of love is what I fear
Taking each step is now unclear
A rose garden in my dreams,
You leaving now in front of me
Take my heart it’s filled with thorns
A rose trapped inside a perfect storm
Throw me to the wolves I’m on my knees
Begging for my rose to please believe
I made a mistake that I can see
Yet this pain without you is deafening
My heart of thorns cuts me deep 
Paralyzing me and making me weak
Please my rose I beg you, have sympathy.
The rose garden in my dreams,
But you’re leaving right now in front of me
Take my heart it’s filled with thorns
A rose trapped inside a perfect storm
Throw me to the wolves I’m on my knees
Begging my rose to please believe 
I love you Rose it’s all I know, I’m sorry for all my sorrow
By the time the song ended, Remington had tears blurring his vision. He was so wrapped up in playing the song he didn’t realize he had started to cry but to the audience that just made it so much more beautiful. 
After the show, Remington hurried off the stage in order to collect his emotions but in the dressing room sat Rose. Her blonde hair was curled and she wore a red dress and in a true movie moment a dozen roses sat in her lap. 
“Rem that song…” 
she started but before she could finish, Remington ran over and threw his arms around her, hugging her to make sure she wasn’t just a figment of his imagination.
“I’m so sorry”
he whispered once she hugged back. 
“The flowers were from Seb” 
Rose mumbled, green eyes flicking down to them after their hug. Sebastian must have ordered them because he knew what Remington was planning. That was his older brother alright, always playing the papa bear role. 
The singer’s mind was racing a mile a minute, he had a million questions but all he could do was apologize. 
Rose shushed him with a chaste kiss before speaking,
“By no means have I forgiven you completely. That song however beautiful doesn’t make everything go away but I’m willing to work on us”
Remington nodded, happy she was here and willing to give their relationship another shot.
“I’m willing to do whatever it takes,” 
he whispered, wrapping her in another hug.
They knew it would be a long road to get back to where they were before but Remington was happy he had his Rose back in his life. 
A/N: omg that song was not that good I came up with it on my own though and I’m not a lyricist lol hope u enjoyed xx 
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teyriantimelord10 · 5 years
“You have an ability humans have only dreamed of,” Peggy said firmly. “Use it. For both our sakes, don’t give up on her. For the past 25 years, my biggest regret has been that I’m living my life while you’ve been deprived yours. Go bring her back.”
(This is my fix-it-fic for Endgame in which Steve is ready to move heaven and earth to undo what happened to Nat on Vormir, and Peggy gets to live happily ever after with her husband. Read it on AO3 or under “keep reading” below. This is how it happened and nothing will change my mind...movie writers’ retconning bullshit interviews included.) 
It felt surreal, standing on her doorstep with a bouquet of flowers like a lovestruck teenager asking his sweetheart to prom. He knew who was going to open the door, and he was right. The man wasn’t particularly handsome in a traditional sense, with a short stature and a round figure, but above a slightly lopsided smile were kind eyes. The kind of eyes Steve recognized as a warrior who has been through hell and come out the other side determined not to let the weight of the world break him down. Maybe not a perfect soldier… but a good man.
“Christ almighty,” the man whispered through heavy breath. “It’s you. It’s really you. But, but, that’s not possible.”
“Can I come in?” Steve asked, trying to keep up his smile through the awkwardness.
“Of-of course,” the other man stuttered.
He stood aside and ushered Steve through the door, though when he looked down he noticed his hands were shaking. He wanted to reassure him that everything was alright and nothing was going to change, but that would be too much for him. Too much for them both. The inside of the house was almost exactly the way he pictured it would be. Peggy kept a clean home the way she kept a clean office and a clean team. The floors were immaculate, the window sills were free of dust, and the smell of a burning candle softly wafted through the living room.
“Darling, who’s at the door?”
Steve nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a voice calling from up the stairs. Her voice. There was the slightest hint of a rasp to it, probably from a long day of yelling orders, but still as melodious and beautiful as he remembered. He nervously shifted his weight from one foot to another and squeezed the flower stems in his hands until he felt a soft crunch.  All these years of planning for this moment and he still wasn’t ready.  
“It’s… It’s Captain America,” her husband replied without taking his eyes off Steve.
The ring of shattering glass was suddenly echoing through the house, followed swiftly by the fast clicking of high heels on wood flooring. In barely the time it took him to blink twice, she was standing in front of him with her face as pale as if she had seen a ghost. Well, he suppose she did. The slightly girlish touch of her youth as he had known her during the war was gone, but the powerful woman he loved remained, and that was what mattered most. He had seen her in her beginning and at her end; now they were meeting in the middle. Finally where they should have been a long time ago.
“Hi, Peg,” he said as strongly as he could through the wavering in his voice. “Sorry I’m late.”
He had played the hypotheticals in his mind a thousand different ways. Would she scream at him? Would she be glad? Would she break down sobbing? Would she throw him out? The few seconds it took her to process felt like years, but finally a wide smile came over her lips and tears began to stream down her face.
“You’re alive,” she managed to choke out through the sobbing and the laughter. “Steve, you’re alive!”
He wanted to run forward and pull her into his arms and hold her for hours on end, but he was acutely aware of how her feet were planted in place, and that her husband was staring at them slack-jawed.
“I can’t stay for long, but I owe you a dance.”
He thought of Peggy as he trudged across the empty sands. He’d been walking for miles and hours now. On Earth, night would have come and gone by this time, but the landscape was still cloaked in the same pale darkness with a slight gloss of purple from the eclipsed sun. His boots were soaked through in some liquid that looked like water, but smelled like sulfur and made his skin itch and tingle. The air felt humid and warm, and yet chilled his throat the same way a winter night would on a night mission back home. There was not a doubt in his mind that this was the kind of place capable of driving a man mad. But that wasn’t an option. He thought of Peggy, thought of everything he had missed on ice and everything he had gained after waking up. He thought of his mission.
Finally, the two spires he had been searching for appeared on the horizon, just as menacing as Clint and Nebula had warned him. He took as deep a breath as the atmosphere would allow and looked at the timepieces on his wrist. Bruce, Janet, and Hank had designed two watches designed specifically for his mission: one that aligned to where ever (whenever) he was, and one that timed his days away as a whole, as a way of knowing how much of his life had been devoted to this task to keep him from losing all sense of time and direction. 482 days and counting away from Earth… away from home. All the other Infinity Stones had been returned. This was his final task, and there was no way of knowing how it would end. He couldn’t take it anymore, and took off into a sprint. He ran until it felt like his knees were going to give out and his lungs were going to fail, but he at last reached the foot of the mountain. Steve touched the pouch on his pocket and felt the ebbing warmth from within, and all the dread and hatred that came with it. Still, a knot of hope rose in his throat at well. A familiar conversation came to mind.
“This is gonna work, Steve.”
“I know it will. Because I don’t know what I’m going to do if it doesn’t.”
This was going to work.
As he ascended the winding path up to the gateway, the warm dampness swiftly disappeared as he rose, being instead replaced with thin air and what could have been mistaken for falling snow. It smelled and felt more like ash. A faint vibration began bristling against his ears, so he removed the shield from its magnetic holster and strapped it onto his arm. He wasn’t sure what would meet him at the top, but he was very glad that he came prepared when he saw the cloaked figure hovering above the ground. However, he never in 10,000 could have prepared for what he saw then the phantom lifted his hood.
“Are you enjoying your future without flags, Captain?” Schmidt’s voice echoed hauntingly around the entire cliff face.
Steve threw his shield only to have it pass right through Red Skull and ricochet off the rocks behind him. Rage boiled in his stomach and under his skin. He thought of Peggy. What cruel trick was it that after all these years, he’d come face to face with the spectre of the man who stole his life. Stole his future. Stole his best friend. Stole his chance to be with the woman he loved so dearly. And to not be able to bash in that horrible scarlet face.
“I’m not here for you, Schmidt,” Steve growled. “There’s a deal you owe me.”
An eerie chuckle seemed to come from behind him, but Steve knew better than to turn and look.
“I don’t have the stone anymore.”
Steve took the opportunity to smirk as he pulled the Soul Stone from his belt.
“I do.”
The entire atmosphere of the mountain changed in a heartbeat. A gust swept around them and then elevated like a vacuum, nearly sucking all the air out of his lungs. The previously still sky tore open and he looked up to see what looked like a vortex forming above their heads; a tunnel of swirling clouds that reached up into the infinite darkness.
“A soul for a soul. That’s what you told Clint,” Steve shouted over the whirring of the column. “I give you this soul, and you give me one back. That’s how it works.”
“Give it to me!” the ghost screeched, diving down toward him, but Steve quickly rolled to the side of the cliff and extended his hand over the edge that dropped into a chasm so deep he could barely see the bottom.
He nearly vomited imagining all the things that happened here. All who had died in vain… and more importantly the ones who had not.
“A soul for a soul, Schmidt,” Steve repeated. “Give her back and I’ll let it go.”
He could see the seething rage burning in the Red Skull’s eyes.
“I do not have the power to make that bargain nor the arcane knowledge to see if this foolishness with succeed,” he said venomously. “I am merely the gatekeeper, not the source.”
Steve swallowed hard. So no matter what, there was no way of knowing. No way of fighting his way through to get what he wanted. He just had to have faith, and have hope that the stone could sense that he’d put his very soul into bringing her home… Bringing their Natasha home.
He almost didn’t notice the burning against his palm and fingers until he looked away from Red Skull and over to his own hand. The Soul Stone was glowing and heating with such intensity that it had eaten its way through his leather glove and into his skin. He held on as long as he could, endured as much of the pain as his body could handle. It was sinking down, down past his skin and into the flesh, the scalding of it beginning to melt into his bones. A shot of pain ran up his arm and throughout his entire body, clawing at his nerves and muscles until he had no choice but to let go. Steve’s eyes watched as the stone descended further and further into the canyon, falling almost indefinitely like a flair. But the moment it finally struck the bottom, a wave of light surged over the peak, and then fell into complete darkness. In the last second, he thought about Peggy.
“I don’t know what to do, Peg,” he admitted, pulling her a little closer and they swayed back and forth together. “I lost Bucky, then I lost you, and now I’ve lost her too and… I loved her.”
She lifted her head from his shoulder to look up at him with those rich, wise eyes.
“You have an ability humans have only dreamed of,” she said firmly. “Use it. For both our sakes, don’t give up on her. For the past 25 years, my biggest regret has been that I’m living my life while you’ve been deprived yours. Go bring her back.”
Steve kept his eyes shut while he evaluated his body. His entire right arm ached and his mouth felt like it was stuffed with sand, but other than that everything was… fine. The agonizing pain was gone like the lost memory of a forgotten nightmare. He heard a groan that seemed to express exactly he felt, but it wasn’t his.
It wasn’t his.
In an instant, Steve’s eyes snapped opened and he shot upright to a sitting position. He was sitting in a shallow oasis amidst the endless sand, but surprisingly didn’t feel any damper than before. Nighttime still hung over the landscape, but this time he didn’t marvel at the strange horror and beauty of the planet. He heard another groan and frantically looked around until he found the source of the sound. Lying a few yards away from him was a figure curled in on itself, knees tucked to chest and body visibly trembling in the dimness. Steve held his breath and prayed as he stumbled his way over. As he got closer, his entire heart almost exploded in joy as he caught the sight he had been hoping for most… red hair.
“Natasha!” he cried out, finally reaching her side and scooping her into his arms.
Her eyes were still closed and fluttering, like a child trapped in a bad dream. Even through the thick layers of her tactical suit, caked in dirt and blood, she started shaking even harder at his touch. Steve’s joy quickly melted into fear.
“Come on, Nat, wake up,” he whispered, slowly rocking them both back and forth. “We need you… I need you.”
Natasha’s face began to contort in what looked like pain, brows furrowed and lips twisting. The panic in Steve’s chest grew stronger as she let out a longer, louder moan. The bitter taste of dread made him wonder if he had made a mistake. Was this it? Had be bargained for her soul only to bring her back into a broken body?
“Come on,” he repeated, feeling tears well in his eyes. “Please, Nat. Please, wake up.”
He didn’t know what he would do with himself if he came this far only to lose her again. Too many times in his life, Steve had lost someone once just to lose them again. Bucky. Peggy. He couldn’t do it again, not with Natasha too. He’d do anything, give anything.
But after a few moments, she stilled. Her trembling stopped, her face relaxed, and her mouth opened slightly with the escape of a small hiss.
“Sss…. Sss… Steve?”
It took every ounce of willpower in his body to keep from embracing her as tightly as he could.
“I’m here, I’ve got you,” he answered softly.
As her eyes slowly opened, he noticed a faint orange glow tinting the green of her irises that gently faded away when she began to blink into lucidity. The haze of disruption on her face gave way to realization, and the entire air around her seemed to light up when a small, exhausted, smile pulled at her lips. Steve could not remember the last time in his life he had felt so relieved.
“Hey,” she said hoarsely. “Did we bring them back?”
Steve choked on a laugh that no power of heaven or earth could have stopped.
“You brought them back. And now we have you back too.”
Natasha gingerly wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her face into his shoulder. He had a million questions for her, but they could wait. Instead, he did his best to quiet his mind, and he thought of Peggy. He thought of everything she said to him with her wisdom and encouragement and guidance, of how she didn’t let him give up. He took a few moments to luxuriate in the warmth of having Natasha back in his arms again... Having his life, his love, his world back in his arms again. He’d have to find a way to thank her for that.
“I missed you,” Natasha murmured against his chest.
Steve gently kissed her forehead.
“I missed you too,” he replied, and scooped under her arms and legs so he could carry her as he stood. “Let’s go home.”
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The Most Amazing Person (Parker x MC)
OMG this took so long to edit. I still haven't really finished, but I don't have any patience anymore. So I hope this is good enough. XD
This one-shot is dedicated to @pbmychoices! Hope you like it! =)
And thank you, @kinda-iconic and @choices-fam for your support! ^-^
If anyone wants to be tagged, comment below! Just don’t forget to specify if you want to be tagged in all my fics, or only specific ships! =)
Pairing: Parker x MC (Harper)
This story includes:
Talk about trauma and murder
Summary: A few weeks before Harper leaves for school, she goes over for a romantic dinner at Parker’s house.
Word count: 1953
It felt like ages since Harper finally had time to relax. The last attempt on her life left her reeling, and it was still nearly impossible for her to let her guard down. She would wake up multiple times every night, every movement of Thumper a step of an intruder, every shadow a looming figure. She already made sure Richard Sutcliffe will never bother anyone again, but history taught her that nothing was ever certain. As far as she knew cult lackeys could still be hiding, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Richard’s ghost wasn’t an absurd theory either: if Josephine came back, who said he couldn’t do the same?
Harper’s only comfort was the marlinspike under her pillow. Every night she would take it out from its hiding space and hold it, her hand firn and the weapon ready to strike. In the moonlight it would shine like a beacon, warning any who dared come near. It was beautiful as much as it was deadly: the perfect weapon to kill anyone who dared harm the Vance family.
Harper didn’t know for how long she would sit in her bed, eyes alert and shoulders stiff. Sometimes it would be solely for minutes, while other times she would sit there for hours. Once the erratic beat of her heart slowed down she would force herself back to sleep, ignoring her shaking body. Everything’s fine, she would whisper to herself, everything’s fine.
And maybe everything was fine. Danni’s photographs were gaining more and more popularity, the demand growing the more time passed. Her smiles were much more common, her success in ClickIt the reason behind it. Tom was as excited as anyone could possibly be for his return to Hartfeld, talking animatedly about all the unique experiences waiting for him there. Imogen was finally free to find herself without the added weight of her parents, and she flourished now more than ever. Parker himself proved to be just as talented as Harper knew him to be, leading the police the way Pine Springs deserved.
As the time to leave neared, Harper found herself spending more and more time with Parker. He may have been much busier than his predecessor, but luckily for Harper, Pine Springs was a small place, leaving him more available than one would’ve guessed.  She loved entering his office in the morning, holding warm coffees for the both of them, and seeing his brilliant smile. It was the highlight of her day, and by the way Parker showered her with affection- she was sure it was the same for him.
But somehow he still managed to catch her off guard when he casually asked if she wanted to eat dinner at his place. The offer was long overdue, considering Parker saw her house more than a month ago, but she still hesitated before giving a yes. She never reached this stage before, but this was the first relationship where she really felt safe. She could never turn him down.
That was how Harper found herself at the entrance to a vast house. It wasn’t exactly the size of a mansion, but neither was it as small as a cottage. It's security was more upkeep than the Sutcliffe's mansion, warning her that one small step could kill her on the spot. Harper frowned as she scanned the exterior. This building was hauntingly beautiful and yet strangely empty, like a memory from the past. Was she sure this was the right place?
She squinted at the address written on the house, and compared it with the one Parker sent her. Once she was sure that was the right place, she smoothed down her dress and pressed on the intercom. At first there was only static, but then Parker's familiar voice sounded from the device. “Harper?”
“I'm outside.”
Even without seeing him, Harper sensed the smile in his voice. “I'm coming.”
She didn't have to wait long before a tall figure opened the door and walked in her direction. Parker smiled at her, the twinkle in his eyes stronger than all the light of all the streetlamps combined. He was always radiant when he saw her, but now he stopped mid stride. “Harper, you look-”
She shrugged, a small grin on her face. “I wanted to surprise you.”
Parker shook his head. He walked toward the keypad, which was in safe distance from the entrance, and absentmindedly entered the code. “If I knew you were dressing up I would have done the same.” He frowned as he looked down at his everyday clothes.
The light on the keypad pulsed green and the gate slowly opened. Harper hesitantly walked inside as the gate closed behind her with a metallic grinding noise. The crunch of the grass beneath her feet was almost deafening in the silence, but that didn't erase her smile.
She stopped once she reached Parker, and a small smile rose to her features. “It's fine, Parker. You look good in anything.” She scanned him once again, admiring how his tight shirt hugged his torso and the way his pants hung on his frame. Somehow Parker managed to pull off even the most simple clothes- something that was no small feat.
Parker smiled as he gently snaked an arm behind her waist. His brown eyes appraised her sea green dress, admiring the way it shone in the weak light. He turned so she was facing him before he lowered his head, his breath fanning her mouth. “And you, Harper, will always be the most beautiful girl in the world.”
Harper wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled. “Really?”
Parker pulled her so almost no space stood between them. “Even if all the others would wear the fanciest dresses while you would wear a potato sack.”
He cupped her cheek, his eyes shining in affection. “Even then you would be too good for me.” His eyes met her own before his gaze flitted to her lips. He leaned in, his lips brushing hers, before he backed away and cleared his throat. His warm hand found hers and he gently pulled on it. “Let's go inside.”
Somehow, the Victorian seemed even emptier once they entered. Everything was more advanced than Harper had ever seen: the door closed itself, the windows opened without waiting for a command, and a tiny screen blinked on with illegible writing. Warm air encased her, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She could swear that she could smell all the metal, even if it was hard to pinpoint exactly where some of the hidden technology lay.
Parker pulled her closer, a weak smile to his lips. “Abe wasn’t the type to spend his riches on big and fancy houses. Since he was the only one who lived here, he prefered to keep his house as modern as possible. Once we grew close he had more reason for such a big house, but he was never the generous type. Even I visited him only a few times.”
Parker shrugged nonchalantly, but his hold tightened on Harper’s hand. “He was always more of a loner. Sometimes I managed to break through and see a bit more of him, but never enough. I saw his fatherly side mostly at the station, but even then he still had his walls. I guess he just never wanted me to come close enough to find out everything he was hiding.”
A bitter laugh escaped him, and Harper’s heart sunk. She squeezed his hand, but his eyes still stared ahead. He was drowning in a sea of grief, and she didn't know how to fix it.
They passed through a vast living room, which was cluttered to a fault. Old clothes lay on the floor, thrown haphazardly in a careless mess. Police accessories were strewn around, while some albums lay open, revealing hundreds of pictures, all of them of Kelley: some were in color, while all the rest were in black and white.
Parker scratched the back of his neck. “Sorry about all this,” he cleared his throat and shifted his gaze, “ever since Abe died...” he trailed off, a faraway look in his haunted eyes.
“It's alright.” Harper smiled. She knew from experience how traumatizing death could be, and she didn't expect Parker to fare any better than he was already.
Parker sighed. “Somehow, even after everything he did, I miss him. He’s still the man who saved me all those years ago. Still the guy who took me in and turned me into who I am today.”
She squeezed his hand, and he shot a grateful smile her way. “Hey, it’s okay. I get it.”
It was hard to fathom how many of their group lost their parents in the bloody fiasco. Imogen was now all alone, barely coping with the nightmares of the horrible deaths she witnessed. Parker lost his only father figure twice: when he realized that the man who raised him wasn’t who he thought he was, and when Abe was murdered with a spike to his throat. Harper already lost both of her parents at the bloody crime scene Richard left in their home, and Josephine almost stole Arthur too.
She tightened her hold on Parker’s hand. A cruel string connected the three of them, tying them in a bond that would never break. Harper wished she could take all their pain away, but she knew better than that. Living in illusions wouldn’t help, but she could help them regain their strength. That way they could stand taller, and be stronger in their fight against the world.
Once they reached the kitchen, Parker hurried to prepare the ingredients. He didn't look at her as he emptied the fridge, though she could make out the slight blush to his cheeks. “I'm sorry you had to see the living room like that. I would've organized it, but there was something at work today that-”
Harper laughed, and Parker's eyes met her in question. “What's so funny?”
“I already told you it's okay. Why are you so worried?”
Harper walked toward the ceramic table, which was already piled with different ingredients. She could feel Parker's gaze on her, his warm brown eyes filled with adoration. Her whole body tingled as she reached for the cutting board, waiting for his answer.
“Harper… you're the best thing to ever happen to me. You know that?” Her hands froze and her pulse quickened, knowing he wasn't done. “I want to be the best I can for you, but then you come to Abe's old house, see the messy living room and watch me at my most vulnerable state. I guess that I'm just worried that maybe this is too much for you.”
Harper turned so she was facing him, a smile on her face. “Parker, since coming here I escaped crazy cultists, fought undead monsters and was almost killed more times than I can count. Somehow, through all of that, we stuck together. Do you really think that seeing a bit of a mess will make me run away?”
Parker's eyes shone, and in that moment Harper knew that he was the most beautiful person in the world. He walked toward her and stopped when they were only inches apart. “You're the most amazing person in the world. You know that, right?”
She took hold of the lapels of his shirt and pulled him so their lips were nearly touching. “Stop being so humble. You're the only person who would hurt himself before he would hurt others.”
“I guess we'll just have to see who's right, won't we?”
His lips brushed hers, and an unbidden smile rose to Harper's face. “I guess we will.”
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readyplayerhobi · 6 years
Symphony of Sin - The Graveyard Series
A series where I just post whatever I’ve written of fics I have no intention of finishing. Someone may as well enjoy them! They’re obviously not finished, nor are they proof-read, nor will they likely make sense! Scenes may jump around and so forth but...who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy?
Metal Vocallist!Taehyung x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Synopsis: Your world is softness and sweetness, gentle ballads of pure words and light, catchy beats merging together in dreams come to life. His world is hard and loud, songs of anger and rage pounded out of instruments in nightmares given song. But what happens when those worlds collide?
The tinkling of windchimes in the light breeze combined with the warmth of sun as you leaned back on your hands. Eyes closed, it felt like a tiny piece of heaven right here on Earth and you were loathe to ever let it go.
“Okay, nice! I’ve got it!” Momo called out, causing you to open your eyes and look over in her direction. She’s knelt on the floor, a Canon camera in her hands with a large wide-angle lens protruding from it that she’s currently intensely looking at, checking over the photos she’d taken.
You were both shooting your new music single cover image, lovingly titled ‘Afternoon Sun’. Sitting down next to her, you take a peek at the photographs and smile fondly. In the tiny image viewer, you’re sat on the windowsill with rays of sun beaming in and lighting up dust particles the float aimlessly around you.
The sheer, gauzy white curtains are blowing gently and the lighting gives an odd juxtaposition of shadows and brightness. A navy blue dress reaches mid-thigh and your legs drape over the edge, ending in pointed toes that years of ballet have given you.
It looks ethereal and whimsical, like a dream sequence that has been brought to life and to you, it’s like your song has taken physical form. Smiling at Momo, you connect up the camera to your MacBook and begin to upload the images, getting ready to edit them to perfection.
There’s plenty of people that happily call you hippie, deriding your indie music and style with a sneer. Your music is light hearted lyrics that belay deep meanings, softly sung words that when listening closely reveal your soul being poured out.
Songs about love and life, your health and your friends. Songs about heart wrenching love and songs about soul crushing despair. They are the songs that live in your head and are poured out onto paper, a keyboard, a piano; whatever you can find that will let the melodies and words flow.
While artists such as Shawn Mendes, Ed Sheeran, Lorde and Adele have made music and songs like yours more popular, there seems to be a limit to what people will accept. Music that is produced by the big labels is lauded as beautiful and game changing, smaller singer-songwriters like yourself seem to struggle and get derided.
Hippie music, boring music, music to die to. It seems that if there isn’t a voice layered over itself sixteen times along with a little auto-tuning and a ton of electronic instruments, people aren’t interested. It doesn’t bother you though, as you’re just happy making the music you like with the people you love.
Your little musical corner wasn’t very big, and you’re listener count hovered somewhere around 10,000 people on Spotify. Not even remotely enough to make a living off but you enjoyed self publishing your music. Your main job was as a photographer and videographer, though even that made living hard sometimes.
It did make shooting your music videos easy though as you simply asked your friends to help and your boss, the owner of the photograph studio, was always happy to expand his skills on his time off. You’d become a little renowned among your small circle for your high quality videos made on a low budget that spoke of sincerity while showing creativity.
But despite your small following on Spotify and Soundcloud, your fans were incredibly loyal and supportive. Any negative tweets when you were having a bad day were responded to with plenty of love and attention, causing a smile to rise each time.
You loved each and every one of them, even if you couldn’t meet all of them. The small fanbase you had was part of the reason you kept doing this, even though you had no real reason to carry on like you did.
So caught up in your photographs, finding the perfect one required close scrutiny to ensure there was nothing wrong and that the angle and lighting were perfect, you didn’t notice Momo’s sharp inhale of breath next to you.
It’s only when she begins to poke your stomach insistently that you look over, a frown marring your forehead at the interruption. She doesn’t notice though, too busy focused on her phone and gesturing to it insistently.
“Oh my god, oh my god! Y/N, oh my god!” Is all she says constantly, waving her phone around so much you can only see a blur of light. Scowling, you grab her arm to stop her.
“What?! What is it?” Momo looks at you with wide eyes before turning the phone screen to you, allowing you to see the familiar layout of Twitter staring up at you. The tweet is from some verified account that you’ve never heard of, answering someone else’s tweet. The original tweet is in a little box under their answer and you read that first.
Claire Fairngold @3scap3th3vort3x
@enterthevortex Taehyung! What’s your favourite song lately? #kimtaehyung #taehyungtime
The verified account had answered it and your eyes read over it for a moment without quite taking it in.
Enter The Vortex @enterthevortex
Thanks for your question! My favourite song right now is ‘It’s You And Me Against The World’ by @Y/N. Probably not what people expected but check her out, she’s very good!
You stare in confusion at the words, confused as to who on Earth this person was that had recommended your song. It was a year old song and one of your favourites, written when you thought you were in love and could conquer the world. The relationship had fizzled out but you still remembered happy times when you listened to it.
It’s only then that you capture the retweet and like counts and your eyes widen immediately in shock.
67K retweets, 367K likes and over 10K replies, to a tweet from someone you’d never even heard of! Tapping the user handle, the page loads up to reveal a cover photo of a huge arena crowd with six guys stood in front of them, hands held up together as stage lighting illuminates them from behind.
The profile picture is a band logo that is elegant yet imposing at the same time, white text on a black background. 7 million people follow this group, and you’ve never even heard of them. Looking at Momo in confusion, you watch as her lips twist into a smile before she’s leaning over, fingers pressing on the touchscreen and navigating back to your own profile.
“Look at that. That’s just in the last half an hour since he tweeted that. This is ridiculous!” She squealed, hands clapping together excitedly. In complete opposition, you sit in silence as you stare at your own follower count.
It had been hovering at just over 5,000 people for a few weeks now and you’d been pretty happy with it. But now you had over 100,000 followers and the number kept rising and that was to say nothing of your mentions which were exploding with people replying to the original tweet, including your own handle.
“Who...who are Enter The Vortex?” Momo stops looking at the phone to stare at you with creased brows, shock written all over her face like a New York Times bestseller.
“You...you’re kidding right? I know they’re a metal group but they’ve had a few songs hit the Top 40 over the last few years,” Your blank stare causes her to face forward in shock. “Okay, hold on.” She grabs hold of the phone and brings up YouTube, typing furiously before scrolling to find the video she wants.
Turning the device around, the screen rotates to fill out the whole width and you proceed to watch the video. At first there’s nothing but a haunting cello playing, the video taken up by a wide shot of a dead tree surrounded by mist. And then the wall of noise sounds.
Well, a wall of noise is being cruel. You can hear the melodies underneath the pounding bass, frenetic drums and relentless guitars, with an underlying piano subtly heard throughout. But it’s the screaming that causes your face to scrunch up.
Loud, like it has been filled with the rage of a thousand souls who died too soon, the vocals sound as if they are being ripped from the guy’s throat. And just when you think you’re ready to reach out and press stop, they suddenly vanish and a hauntingly sweet voice takes over, harmonising over the top of a deep and sultry voice.
They play with each other, rising and falling together before sliding in between the gaps each leaves open in the song. The unending energy and heaviness of the instruments makes it hard for you to truly love the song, but from a musical perspective you appreciate the complex melodies they have produced and the vocalists take your breath away.
“Well, it’s not my cup of tea I guess but the vocals were beautiful. I never thought that you could have vocals like that in a metal song?” The words are tinged with confusion and surprise, causing Momo to look at you with a raised eyebrow.
“I think you of all people should know to not judge things like what kind of music someone makes, right?” You look down at that, suitably chastised as you remember all the people who’ve criticised your music and put it down.
“Okay, but I did say they have nice vocals. How did they manage to crack the Top 40? This is not Top 40 material.” The video has ended now and it’s only then that you notice that the entire thing had been telling a story, with no band members present. Or at least you’re 95% positive that girl is not a member, though maybe she plays an instrument?
Momo chuckles lightly, taking the phone back as her fingers begin to tap away once again. “Oh girl, metal may not be your style but let me tell you...these guys are to die for. I’m not ashamed to say I started listening to them because I’d let every one of them ravage me.”
Eyes popping wide, you lean back at the phone that’s been shoved back into your face. The image you’re now staring at is of seven guys, which seems a little excessive for a band but what do you know?
And you have to give it to Momo, she’s not wrong. Each member exudes bad boy, and given the music they make they can probably back it up, but you have the disconcerting feeling that they could walk into Gucci tomorrow and come out models.
The main things you notice are muscles, oh holy wow muscles, tattoos, so many tattoos, and piercings. Momo begins pointing to each member and talking about them individually, the drummer called Hoseok with all monochrome tattoo sleeves that match his black hair that’s swept up to the rhythm guitarist named Namjoon, with his black hair shaved on all sides but the top platinum blonde, intricate art scenes blooming up his arms and along his neck.
She taps two individual members suddenly, two fingers pinching the screen and expanding it. One of them looks youthful with bright, colourful tattoos spreading along his arms and throat, a ring speared through the centre of his lip and a ridiculously large number of piercings in his ears. Black hair that looks soft but mussy, as if he’s rolled out of bed and run his hands through it a few times has a slightly blue tinge.
He’s unbelievably attractive with the cocky little smirk on his lips, just a hint of white teeth peeking through but its the glint in his eye that makes your stomach clench. He has a face of innocence and eyes of sin.
“That’s Jungkook, he’s the second vocalist. The one with the higher voice?” Momo sounds uncertain of how to describe it but you nod anyway, remembering the almost sweet voice that soared high. His face suits his voice, but the man next to him does not.
Hands pushing back fire engine red hair that looks soft and silky to the touch, his arms are dominated by bright splashes of colour that spiral their way up his muscled limbs, creeping underneath his shirt only to reappear around his neck. His lower lip is caught between his teeth, tugging the two lip rings on either side gently while his dark, eyeliner smudged eyes are hooded as they stare deeply into the camera, promising all sorts of dirty things you suspect he could fulfil.
Jungkook has the kind of youthful beauty that will make him popular for years to come, but this guy has a refined attractiveness that would inspire statues to last centuries. A sharp, cutting jawline is met with a perfect nose, a ring piercing his septum, leading up to two intense eyebrows that just add to the sheer magnetic pull of his face. You’d never considered eyebrows attractive until right now.
“He’s the main vocalist, Taehyung.” Momo’s voice is almost background noise right now as you observe him closer. This man, this celestial body turned into human flesh, did not look like he was the one who had been screaming out rage. But at the same time, he didn’t look like the kind of man who would croon darkly seductive tones with a deep voice. Everything about this man was a walking contradiction.
A face that belonged in artwork that would be revered in centuries to come and yet he had turned his own body into a walking canvas to be displayed to the world. A voice that could sing an angel into a fall from grace and yet he chooses to strain those vocals with unrestrained power and emotion.
Momo must take your silence as a positive as she nudges your shoulder teasingly. “He’s the one who recommended you, if you can believe it.” A soft giggle lets you know she’s just as shocked as you are, she’s just handling it better.
10 minutes ago, you would have said a metal band was incapable of listening to your music and enjoying it. Hell, even after seeing the pictures of them you’d think the same thing. But looking at Taehyung now, you’re not surprised.
Because his colourful tattoos, that would be taken as gaudy and offensive at first, are interwoven with layers of culture spanning centuries. His left arm, from wrist to elbow, at first looks to be a wild mess of colour but you spot the intricacies quickly. Blues, yellows and whites swirl together beneath musical notes, melting timepieces and more. He’s brought Van Gogh’s Starry Night to life on his arm.
His other arm has a stylised version of Edvard Munch’s The Scream that melts into the hyper coloured world of Leonid Afremov’s paintings. While there are plenty of things merging into these, they cause a smile spreads over your lips without warning as you realise that this man, who’s vocals sound like his throat is being ripped out, is a man of the arts. Something that surprises you intensely, instantly making you feel bad about your stereotypes and preconceived ideas.
Passing the phone back to Momo, you simply smile as she continues to scroll through all your new notifications. Picking up your own phone, you unlock the screen and navigate to the Twitter app, heart racing as you see the continuously increasing follower count. You’re not entirely sure why you do it, given their music really isn’t your scene, but you press that little blue follow button on their account.
It takes exactly three minutes for them to follow you back.
For a few days there’s no more interactions between the two of you, though that might be because you’re too busy making sure that your new song is fully mixed and ready to go. It’s at 12pm exactly that you release the song on Spotify and YouTube, sending out a quick tweet with a link and a little ‘surprise! Hope you all enjoy it!’.
So it’s a shock to find your tweet almost instantly liked by the verified account and a reply a few minutes later.
Enter The Vortex @enterthevortex
@Y/N love the new song!
Is all it says, but immediately your timeline begins to fill up with people practically screaming into it. You can’t quite figure out why this metal band has taken such an interest in your work, particularly given you can’t even get most mainstream artists to listen to your stuff.
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salty--alien · 7 years
Deeply Wired - Prologue
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Summary: It’s 2904. A mechanician known as the Doctor finds a broken android, Rose, and decides to take it with him and fix it. The two become closer quickly but soon a mysterious virus inside Rose starts acting up and revealing its true capabilities, changing everything. When Rose’s previous owner comes around and tries to get a hold of the Bad Wolf virus, the two are left with no choice. What lengths will they go to keep Rose away from the evil hands of the Master?
Pairing: Tenth Doctor x android!Rose Tyler (au setting)
Chapter: 1/?
Rating: T
Wordcount: 1183
Notes: This is my second attempt at fic writing. As some of you might know, I’m really into the android!au I’ve had around for some time. I have a full story planned, but I’m doing a test chapter of sorts to see if people are interested at all in this sort of thing. More will come if this catches off ~ Also a huge thanks to @wordsintimeandspace for being the beta for this chapter, she really helped me make this thing readable. Huzzah!
It wasn’t until the Doctor couldn’t see his surroundings properly that he realised how truly late it was. And when it was getting too dark to see, even an idiot knew what to do: stay out of the streets.
The Doctor wasn’t planning on getting robbed by a bunch of delinquents just because he’d forgotten the time while collecting spare parts in the scrapyard.
Rushing through the sea of mechanical parts and rusting pipes, something light caught the Doctor’s attention. Upon taking a closer look the light object turned out to be a limb, an arm to be precise.
The arm wasn’t alone either, he quickly noticed. Another similar looking arm and, more shockingly, a whole leg, were lying around in just a five feet radius.
The parts looked human, which would’ve been rather alarming, but the Doctor quickly realised that wasn’t the case. A wave of pure anger struck him as he realised the parts belonged to an android instead.
Following the trail of broken parts, the Doctor quickly found a lifeless torso of a female android, eyes empty and hollow. Kneeling, the Doctor examined the damaged AI.
“Who has left you here all alone?” the Doctor murmured to himself, brushing back the android’s dirty blonde hair to read its model number.
RO-53. A model that was already outdated and replaced by its successor, RO-54. A common service unit. It was already bad enough that someone had just… abandoned this life form in a scrapyard like a piece of trash, but to make the matters worse, that someone had clearly ripped off the android’s limbs as well.
The Doctor couldn’t say he was surprised, really; the AI were widely seen as lesser life forms around the city and many people thought all they were good for was humankind’s dirty work. It still angered him, though. These modern androids were so well-evolved that they were capable of writing their own code and personality. They belonged alongside people, not… not in some dirty scrapyard. Especially this RO-53 unit. As far as he could see there was nothing wrong with it. That is, if someone hadn’t torn it to pieces.
“Let’s take you home, shall we?” The Doctor smiled sadly at the android, picking up the torso and limbs one by one. The Doctor couldn’t find the RO-53’s right leg, but he was positive he could craft one at his workshop.
Usually fixing and tinkering with these sort of things took the Doctor only a day: he was rather brilliant, after all. Fixing this particular android turned out to be harder than he had anticipated, though.
He began by running a scan on the android, confirming that the insides weren’t badly damaged. However, things started slowing down when the Doctor connected RO-53 to his computer and ran another scan on her. He found small anomalies encoded into her system. All the memory data had been manually cleared out of the android’s chip, too. There was absolutely no indication of the AI’s previous owner, but the Doctor was ready to bet his money that it was them who had wiped out the memory data in order to stay untraceable. The thought made the Doctor frown in disgust.
He absolutely hated how selfish the humankind could be.
The next day the Doctor reconnected RO-53’s limbs to its body and repaired the outdated energy circuits, some which were poking out from under its shell. The android’s skin was soft and human looking, yet darker patches of stringy looking material kept the Doctor from mistaking her as human. He thought RO-53 looked absolutely beautiful. She might’ve been an older model, but the Doctor still admired the detail put into the android. It was astonishing, to say the least.
It was three days later when the Doctor finally finished fixing the RO-53 unit.
Now there was only one step left and that was rebooting the android’s system. Then – if the Doctor had done is work right – she would wake up and be fully functional. He hoped the small anomalies in the android’s coding wouldn’t be anything preventing it from working properly. They hadn’t been removable, after all. The Doctor smiled despite himself. It was time to wake her up.
A long, high noise emitted from the android as the Doctor restored its power. Silence fell after that. The Doctor held his breath, waiting for something to happen.
The android didn’t move.
Then, suddenly: “Restarting: artificial cooling system. Powering the system.”
The Doctor’s eyes lit up. It was working! The android… no, she, she was working!
The Doctor followed the android’s reawakening with excitement and curiosity. Soon, the AI’s eyes fluttered open, revealing a pair of whiskey brown, confused eyes. They looked hauntingly real. The Doctor found himself unable to look away.
There was a silence as the Doctor waited for the android to gather her surroundings. Finally, her eyes settled on the Doctor, just staring with open curiosity. The Doctor couldn’t hold back a goofy smile.
“Hullo there,” he greeted gently. The RO-53 continued to stare at him, silent yet listening.
“…Hello.” The android’s voice was young but tentative in tone. She was clearly disoriented. The Doctor didn’t blame her. She was, after all, devoid of all her memory data. There was nothing to grasp onto.
“I’m the Doctor—”
“Hello, Doctor,” the android replied before he could finish, then falling silent. “…Sorry. That was hello twice,” she noted. The Doctor laughed in a good-natured manner.
“No need to apologise. What I was saying was that I’m the Doctor. As in, that’s my name, not my profession. I’m a human and a mechanician.” RO-53 nodded, looking out of place.
“You must be confused, and that’s because you are suffering from a memory loss of sorts. But it’s okay, I’m a friend,” the Doctor assured, and something in the android’s eyes shifted. The uncertainty and hint of fear the Doctor had detected earlier were gone. She absolutely fascinated the Doctor.
“What’s my name?” the android asked, curious. Her head tilted a bit to the side.
“...Your name?” the Doctor deadpanned.
“Yes, my name. All humans have names, don’t they? So, what’s mine?” she inquired, stopping the Doctor dead in his tracks.
She thinks she’s human.
“I, uh…” RO-53. That was a bit of an impersonal name. He couldn’t tell her that.
“…It’s Rose. Your name is Rose,” he slipped before he could think twice.
The android’s eyes widened in a curious manner and a smile tugged her lips. “Rose? Yes, that’s it. I’m Rose,” she concluded.
“Wait, no, actually—,” the Doctor started. She wasn’t human. He shouldn’t mislead her like that. But then he glanced into the android’s eyes and found himself unable to correct her. It was a cruel world out there. Androids weren’t treated well. He… he couldn’t just… He wanted to protect this AI from that. Maybe if he just…
“—that’s right. I’m the Doctor and you are Rose, my good friend. Yup, that’s it!”
Rose smiled wide and the Doctor smiled back, knowing he’d made a mistake.
He didn’t feel too guilty, though.
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