#this final shot of them together is so beautiful
queenshelby · 2 days
Our Little Secret (Part 45)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Infidelity, Age-Gap, Triggers
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A few days later, you flew to Los Angeles with Cillian, Mara and Cillian's mother to attend the Academy Awards, which was something you were both excited and nervous about.
You couldn't help but be nervous about the upcoming ceremony, where Cillian was nominated for Best Actor. It was a night that was sure to be filled with glamour, intrigue, and pageantry, but you couldn't shake off the feeling of insecurity, of not belonging in this world.
But Cillian was there for you, always comforting and supportive, reminding you of how beautiful and smart you are.
"I don't know why I agreed to this," you told Cillian while clutching his hand just as the car pulled up in front of the red carpet. This was your first public outing with Cillian since the scandal about your illicit affair had broken just over nine months ago and whilst you had found your way together, society did not exactly approve of your somewhat controversial relationship with the 47-year-old. 
"It'll be fine. You need to trust me," he whispered in your ear confidently, as if it were just another date night for you and not the greatest gathering of Hollywood's glitterati. Deep down, you wanted to believe him but it was obvious to you that he had put on act, just for you, to calm your nerves.  He hated these events just as much as you did and knew how hard it was for you to adapt to this lifestyle with him.
"I should have stayed with Mara, Cillian. I never left her for so long, you know," you then tried to change the topic, talking about the daughter you had brought into this world together just under nine months ago, but Cillian simply chuckled. 
"Mara will be fine with my mum, at the hotel. I promise," Cillian assured you with a loving smile. "Despite, I really need you with me tonight," he paused, gently squeezing your hand. "I couldn't imagine being here without you, Y/N," he then finally told you as one of the red-carpet attendees opened the door for you both. 
"Don't you dare run off on me," you gasped, seeing all those intimidating photographers taking pictures of you both as he helped you out of the car, your white dress grazing the asphalt.
"I would never," he chuckled, playfully winking at you, as you bit back a smile, realizing that you were too easily flustered.
He then took your hand into his firmly, clearly showing the world that you belonged together and not a single soul would change that.
"Cillian, over here!" a reporter yelled out while, another, shorter woman with fiery hair, aggressively jumped in to get a good shot of you both. The molten sea of cameras around you ignited a varied assortment of insecurities you forgot you ever had. Suddenly, you were a ten-year-old girl again, your heart dancing under its master's feet set ablaze by judgement; but Cillian squeezed your hand gently, reminding you that you were a woman now—his woman.
A familiar warmth spread through your chest as his steely blue eyes fixated on yours. A silently brokered promise passed between you two: Survive this together.
The female reporter from earlier pushed her way to the front, locking her beady gaze onto Cillian with a voracious hunger.
"Cillian, how does it feel to be nominated as Best Actor for your performance in Oppenheimer?" she asked while you tried to back off a little, but Cillian would not leave you alone, holding you closer to him, showing the world that you both were together in this.
"It's a true honor to be nominated. I couldn't be more grateful. The cast, the crew, everyone really poured their hearts into the story, and I wouldn't be here without them. It was something unique and powerful," he responded, barely looking at the woman, but at you instead, trying to keep his focus.
"And I see you are being supported by your wonderful, young girlfriend tonight, making this your first public outing together. Is that right?" the reporter asked, curiosity sparking excitement in her voice as she studied you two intently. 
"Well, we do have a young child together, which makes it difficult for us to attend events like this as a couple," Cillian began to say while smiling at you intently. "But, especially tonight, I couldn't ask for more than her presence," he admitted, his voice dripping with sincerity as he gazed at you openly.
The intensity of his gaze made your stomach flutter: It was a look that held secrets, a silent vow. You squeezed his hand tighter now and were unable to keep the smile from growing on your lips.
Cillian then stroked the back of your hand with his thumb, causing you to disconnect from the chaotic dance unfolding before your eyes and connect to the feeling of being near him, a feeling that cantered and calmed you.
"Thank you Cillian, and good luck tonight," the reporter finally offered a soft smile before signalling to her photographer to take some more pictures. 
As you walked down the red carpet, a familiar pop song began to infiltrate your eardrums as you ignored the snippets of questions being hurled at both of you, creating a barrier between your world and theirs. Even with the nest of hundreds of reporters and photographers, the red carpet no longer scared you as it used to, especially when you had Cillian by your side, shielding you from the worst of it all.
Eventually, you both reached your seats, not too far from the front of the stage and Cillian introduced you to some of the actors and actresses he had worked with. You also met some familiar faces, like Emily Blunt and her husband John who both had a calming presence about themselves. 
The tension seemed to melt away as you chatted with them and, for a moment, you managed to forget all the critical eyes resting on you, fading into the background until it was time to be quiet for the opening speech.
As the ceremony commenced, you merely held hands with Cillian, giving his reassurance every time he gave yours. Despite the constant whispers and sly glances coming your way, you tried to embody Cillian's mantra, staying present in this moment and focusing on his unwavering companionship instead of the judgement weighing you down. For hours on end, you managed to simply enjoy the show and, when finally, it was his turn to shine, you clutched his hand even tighter. 
"And the Oscar goes to," the presenter announced, opening the golden envelope while, secretly you had been crossing your fingers for him all week long. "Cillian Murphy!" he then announced, making a-thousand-cameras flash simultaneously as your heart began to race uncontrollably against your ribcage. It was a strange feeling, this overwhelming sense of pride that flooded you, leaving you bruised and raw from the exposure.
Standing up simultaneously with Cillian, a big smile formed on your face as, quickly you caressed his face. "You did it!" you whispered to Cillian, hugging him almost desperately as he embraced you back, tightly. He then kissed the top of your head, taking a moment to soak in the gravity of his achievement as the crowd around cheered and clapped for him.
"Fuck," he gasped, still in shock, before stagehands began urging him to come forward and take his spot to accept the coveted award.
"Go on and give your speech," you chuckled, gently pushing him towards the stage while blinking away the tears threatening to mess up your makeup and, just before he took to the stage, he turned his head quickly to capture your lips for a fleeting second, leaving an imprint of adoration behind.
With shaking hands, he mounted the steps, greeted by rousing applause, and you leaned against the back of your chair, watching his every move as he accepted his award. 
"Fuck," was the first word that escaped his lips, causing the audience to laugh in response and his actor's instinct kicked in as he used his impromptu curse to deliver an exquisite speech that brought a tear to your eye. 
"I am clearly overwhelmed by all this. Thank you. Truly," he spoke, his voice shaky. "I first and foremost want to thank Chris Nolan and Emma Thomas for having faith in me and creating such a masterpiece. To the incredible cast, Robert, Emily, and the rest, thank you for teaching me so much about the craft. I can't believe I get to share a title with such incredible artists," Cillian said before his eyes drifted in your direction, a small smile pulling at the corner of his lips. "And, of course, I want to thank my beautiful partner Y/N for supporting me through this in those last few months. You have pretty much been a single mother in the midst of award season, and I am so grateful that you are here with me tonight. To you, our daughter Mara and my son Max, I love you beyond words," Cillian said, his voice heavy with emotion, and it was then that your vision blurred with unshed tears.
He then proudly lifted his award into the air before humbly walking back to his seat, stealing a glance at you long enough to let you know exactly what he meant. 
"I am so proud of you," you whispered as he squeezed your hand again while, around you, murmurs originated from fellow celebrities congratulating him on his well-deserved win.
"This means a lot to me Y/N. Thank you for having been my rock those past few months," Cillian whispered back, his gratitude evident in the warmth of his touch. The intensity of his words caused your heart to flutter unexpectedly and, suddenly, everything around you became distant and muted.
Not too keen to attend the after party even following his success, when the show drew to an end, Cillian engaged in the necessary press engagements before suggesting that the two of you slipped away before everyone made their way to Vanity Fair. 
Together, you crept out into the night unnoticed, weaving your way through indulging crowds, gazing at each other, lost in all the nuances of the day that had unfolded—all the stolen glances between you both during the award ceremony, to the brush of his fingertips against your hand while trying to lead you through the venous crowds.
Eventually then, you arrived back at the hotel where Cillian's mother was watching Mara. She was already eagerly waiting your arrival and, as soon as Cillian walked through the door with the golden statute in his hand, his mother embraced him tightly. 
"I am so incredibly proud of you," she beamed while gripping his face, hardly believing her eyes. "Now you've got it all, a beautiful family and the biggest achievement of your career," she remarked, wiping a tear from her eye while looking at you and Mara.
"Thank you mum, and thank you for looking after Mara for us tonight," Cillian expressed graciously, managing a weak smile as he hugged her again.
Mara then squealed with delight, screaming, "Dada!" and you both looked at each other with great surprise.
"Did she just say daddy?" you gasped. You couldn't help but be utterly taken aback, finding yourself at a loss for words as you clutched Mara in your arms and buried your face in the nape of her neck.
It was the first time she had spoken and as you held her tightly, you couldn't help but feel a surge of love that coursed through your veins, rendering you dizzy.
You glanced up at Cillian as he stood there, flabbergasted.
"Dada!" she said again, reaching out for the golden statute jutting out from Cillian's grasp. He chuckled and carefully placed it away before picking Mara up and pressing a kiss to her chubby cheek.
"Hello Babygirl," he said, laughter dancing in his eyes, and the love in that moment was palpable between them, radiating with a warmth that touched your heart. "I missed you," he then said and your eyes welled up a little. It was moments like this that made you rethink the decisions you made several months ago and you knew that it was time for you to make another now. 
"I think maybe it is time for us to move in together now," you proposed to Cillian suddenly, as he looked at you with a gentle smile.
"It seems like two wins for me tonight then," he replied, taking your hand in his as Mara gurgled contentedly between you. He had waited for you to make this call for months now, ever since he first proposed it to you and now it was finally here. 
But, his excitement to move in with you was short lived when, once again, Amanda called him for the fifth time that evening and after many times the days before.
She was persistent to say the least and, eventually, you had enough.
"She can't be serious!" you said to Cillian who had been ignoring her calls and who had, apparently, told her not to contact him again. 
"Just ignore it," Cillian responded, squeezing your hand a little more affectionately than usual in an effort to reassure you. "It's not worth the worry."
But you couldn't let it go. No matter how much you trusted Cillian and believed in the strength of your relationship, you were sick of Amanda's interference.
"No Cillian. Enough is enough," you told him as you reached for his phone  and answered the never-ending stream of calls.
"Amanda, you need to stop calling," you said, trying to remain calm while Cillian tried to get the phone from you, telling you to give it to him.
"I need to speak to Cillian right now. It's important," Amanda  demanded, her voice trembling slightly.
You felt a twinge of pity for her, knowing that she was struggling to come to terms with the fact that Cillian had moved on. But you couldn't let her destructive behavior continue.
"I'm sorry Amanda, but you need to respect our privacy. Cillian doesn't want to speak to you," you said firmly but, before you could hang up on her, she revealed something to you that shook you to the core.
"I am pregnant!" she blurted out, and time seemed to stop for a moment. You exchanged a brief glance with Cillian, who couldn't hear you but appeared nervous nonetheless. 
"What did you say?" you asked Amanda, trying to keep your voice steady.
"I am pregnant," she repeated, her voice trembling with emotion. 
"Great, congratulations," you said almost sarcastically, not yet considering the fact that the child might be Cillian's. 
"It's his child, Y/N. It's Cillian's child," Amanda confirmed, her voice quivering. The words hung in the air like a leaden weight.
"It's been months Amanda. It can't be his," you told her, a feeling of disbelief washing over you while Cillian looked at you, still unsure what you were discussing with his ex, although by this point he knew that, from the expression on your face, it couldn't be good. 
"It is," she then surprisingly told you. "We slept with each other not so long ago," Amanda finally admitted, revealing to you that Cillian had cheated on you. 
As you stood there in a state of shock, Cillian took the phone from you and ended the call with his ex, still not knowing what she had said to you, but assuming the worst.
You couldn't help but feel like your world was falling apart as you looked at him, unsure of what to say or do next.
"You are so fucking disgusting!"  you yelled into Cillian's face, your hands shaking with anger while his mother looked at you, confused and worried at the same time. "How could you do this to me? To us?" you asked him, and he knew now that Amanda had told you about the fact that he had slept with her, while yet remaining oblivious to the fact that she was pregnant with his child. 
Cillian's face fell, his own disbelief palpable. "I can explain, I swear. It was a mistake," he 
choked out, looking at you with regret etched all over his face.
But you were beyond hurt and anger, your pain and disgust boiling up from within. "A mistake?!" you screamed at him, tears streaming down your face. "Goddammit, Cillian!" you yelled and he hung his head, unable to meet your gaze.
"I know, I know. I'm so sorry," Cillian repeated, his voice laden with guilt and, just as he tried to explain himself to you, you interfered.
"Well, I am done with us for good now, and I hope you are going to be happy with Amanda because, congratulations Cillian, you managed to knock up another one of your affairs!"  you cried, shouting the last part so his mother could hear too. She gasped at your words, her hand flying to her mouth in shock.
You then picked up Mara and stormed past Cillian, trying to blindly locate the exit. "I can't believe I was so stupid!" you muttered to yourself, your voice trembling with rage. But deep down, you were more hurt than angry. You had trusted Cillian openly, and he had betrayed that trust in a way that shattered your heart into a million pieces.
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cressthebest · 2 days
Crimson Rivers thoughts part 37
chapter 56:
1. 😦 they.. they put a mask on sirius? they put him in azkaban?? my boy!! no!
2. 😭😭 sirius having already killed three guards tho. i love him
3. “Bastards they may be, stupid they are not.”
4. “At least he gets the sound of his own voice, though, which is a huge improvement in his opinion.”
he’s so funny i love him. he’s a murderer! he fell in love with a servant! he loves the sound of his own voice! he’s demisexual! he volunteered for regulus twice! he likes wood carving! he called the random guard “stuart”! he convinced the head gamemaker to change the rules so he can keep his brother and best freind! he continues to obnoxiously sing when face to face with riddle!
no one is doing it like him, i fear
5. “"Sounds like you've had a shitty week," is what Sirius says, finally, when he can bring himself to speak.”” 😭😭 he’s so bold. my dear, you are chained in front of the most dangerous man in the world and you tell HIM that his life fucking sucks. my dear. the ABSOLUTE GALL you have
6. “"I need not lie, Sirius."
"Yeah, that's what liars say."”
7. “”Kneel down on the floor before me like a dog and beg."”
i prefer this out of context. but in context, it’s riddle being an absolute bitch to sirius. like excuse you.
8. “Sirius Black is many, many things, but a peasant before a king is never and will never be one.” A-FUCKING-MEN
9. 😮 did sirius just BITE OFF A CHUNK OF RIDDLES ARM??? praise be
10. marylily?? marylily??? MARYLILY??? going feral at any and all hints towards them
11. “"I like your legs," Lily says stupidly, because her brain and mouth have disconnected briefly, apparently.”
bbg i’m in love with you 😭😭
12. aww any mentions of petunia from lily break my heart
13. lily being so desperately in love with mary is my new drug
15. “Lily gave him his [cigarette] first in six years days ago, and he'd coughed through the whole thing, then smoked five more back-to-back.”
16. “A stranger is just someone you haven't met yet. What do you call someone you knew better than yourself that you no longer recognize? A ghost?”
wtf wtf wtf that’s insane to write. lily and remus did NOT deserve this
17. “Lily has never known a Remus afraid of freedom, and Remus has never known a Lily afraid of love.”
18. “because they're still two bodies and one heart after all this time, if nothing else.”
that is beautiful and i’m forever grateful of the way the marauders fandom puts emphasis on the importance of friendships. like, this isn’t about a romantic couple. that is said about FRIENDS. friends got that description of their love for each other.
19. the fact that their friendship is so close, remus can REACH INTO LILY’S bra (to grab a cig) and she’s just upset cause his hands are cold.
20. crying actually, cause of all things to break me this chapter, it’s the fact that sirius and effie smoke together
21. oof i have a bad feeling about how dorlene is gonna end up
22. 😦😦 marlene gives the ring back. wtfffff damn that hurtsss
23. “”I am telling you this explicitly, right now, if you shoot your shot and fuck up in any way, I will let her pick a part of your body to take as a trophy, then remove it and give it to her. Still interested?"
"Even more so," Rodolphus says, wiggling his eyebrows. "She's got crazy friends, too. That's hot."”
me fr 😌 give me insane bitches (oh wait. maybe IM the crazy person)
24. 😳 practically fifteen seconds of flirting and he and barty decided to go fuck. that’s fucking insane. IS THIS HOW ALLOS ARE??? LIKE THEY CAN DO THAT??? (not all allos obviously, but some can do that??)
25. the way servants (slaves) are treated in the hallow make me angry beyond belief. like, seething white hot anger
27. riddle tortured sirius and lemme jsut say, if someone told that to remus and regulus, the war would be over in a day flat
28. “The odds are not in Riddle's favor. If you ask James, he'll bet on his people every fucking time. It's not a game of chance, or luck, but a game of faith—and James has that in spades.” james’ loyalty is probably my favorite character trait of his
29. honorary authors note mention: “also lmaooo sirius literally in prison and still killing people 😭 he really said: you put me in prison, im gonna commit crimes, duh 🙄 he's everything to me”
30. honorary authors note mention pt 2: “rodolphus "i will hit every step on the crazy ladder if it kills me" lestrange living his truth and getting with the most insane, available people he meets every chance he gets””
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hello hihi hru r u good?? I loved the Ananas fic u write incredible in my opinion -,w,-
Soo I was reading some fics the other day and I noticed that Millennial tree needs some more love tbh, so could you make a one shot of Millennial tree x GN Dragon Reader? I think it’s pretty interesting the dynamic (*'▽'*)
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→ ❛To Be Loved❜
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→ Pairing ; Millenial Tree Cookie x Dragon!Reader → Quote ; ❛❛I’ll become your protector, your guardian, and I’ll leave behind all of my treasures to have the greatest one of them all—You.❜❜ → Genre ; Drama , angst , romance → A/N ; Here you go! For a better experience listen this song > To Be Loved by Askjell ft AURORA while reading! (cw for mentions of wounds)
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Everybody knew the legend of the millenary tree, and the gentle being that embodied it. Full of knowledge and love, this beloved tree was once cursed by an evil being, but thanks to the efforts of others, it managed to awaken and bloom yet again, in an array of beautiful colors and comforting scents that brought anyone close to the millennial tree to their knees in admiration and mercy. Anyone, but you.
You were different, you were a dragon, a being of destruction, a greedy entity, possessive and obsessive, you took what you thought was yours, and you took it with pride. So to see that you found the tree in the forest a beautiful possession, you didnt take long to start courting him, whom the tree embodied.
“Im afraid that I must refuse your offer” The tree would speak gently, butterflies settling on his horns as he’d gaze at your form. “I barely know you, how are you so sure you love me as you say you do?”
“Because you’re magnificent and precious, and all precious treasures belong to me” Would you answer, holding your hand out. 
“What a greedy dragon” He’d muse with a low chuckle, his voice low and silky, shining like the finest of golds. “Perhaps if we chat more, I’ll fall for you, but until then, I must go…”
“Perhaps you’ll know at a later date” He’d chuckle once more, and then disappear within the forest.
This would continue for various days, various days where they’d both speak for a few moments before Millenial tree Cookie disappeared within the forest. Until, one day, the dragon would grow tired, of waiting and waiting, and finally chose to do what the cookie had asked them. 
“Wait, will… will you stay for a bit to speak? even if just a little bit?” The dragon would ask, and the tree would smile, turning to look at them with a gentle gaze.
“Of course, I thought you’d never ask”
From then on, the dragon and the millennial tree would speak, over and over again. They’d chat about the sky, the trees, the leaves and the cookies that wandered the earth. They spoke about the good in the world, the evil in the world, and they spoke about the things none of them would tell to no one. The dragon would become bare to the tree, sinking  in their gentleness, and the tree, knowledgeable as it was, would allow them to sink into their warmth. But love, love was a too strong of a word.
And so we reach of this day, where the dragon had yet again reached the tree to speak, only to find the cookie hadnt arrived yet, causing them fear and discomfort. Had they grown tired? Had they grown bored? Had all of these months been nothing but a facade? The dragon that new of no true love would feel their heart break slowly, bitterness growing into their mind, before a voice would call out to them, a gentle warm voice.
“(y/n) dragon cookie” Would he say, smiling softly as he walked towards the dragon, “I apologize for my late arrival, how are you faring?”
“Millennial Tree cookie…” The dragon would turn to greet them, their gaze blending together as the dragon would sigh, solemnly looking away. “Its alright, lets just talk like we always do.”
“Are you sure? I sense something is troubling you, my dear” He’d speak, gently as ever as they’d turn to face him. “You can trust me”
“Always so gentle…” They’d mumble, before speaking fully. “You and me, what are we?”
“Huh? Well, we’re friends, arent we?”
Confused about their emotions, they’d feel an arrow pass through their chest, a metaphor that only those who know of love and have lost it know of, but for them, it was a foreign feeling. For the dragon that in a few months had learned to admire and truly love the tree. Yet they didnt know that, still oblivious to such reality. They’d grasp their chest as if wounded, and the tree would only frown, knowing that reaction far too well. Where the other was knowledgeable on the art of war and courtship from those they lived with, the cookie would know too well of the hardships of love and rejection. And so, he’d offer a hand, but the dragon would deny it, turning away from it as quickly as he offered it.
“My dear friend—”
“Stop” They’d spit out, still holding their chest as these emotions overpowered the dragon. “Your words hurt, and I dont know why…”
“Im sorry, but please, allow me to help—”
“I told you to stop!!” They’d spit out with rage, turning to see him with a fire that could burn the entire forest down “... I must go, goodbye, Millennial Tree Cookie”
And so, the hurt dragon would take flight in the air, fully knowing that if they didnt they’d do something stupid, and so, they’d run, tears welling in their eyes as they tried looking away from the forest that they grew to admire and love. The tree however would look at them fly away, knowing of the pain that hurt them, but love was a delicate thing, it wasnt something you force nor something that grows so quickly, at least to him, love was a slow fire that should burn for long before it extinguishes into the loveliest of smokes, allowing flowers to blossom. So, for now, Millennial tree cookie would hide into the forest, yet to be heard from.
The dragon would hide too, hide in their cavern, falling from the sky like a wounded bird as they cried. This unknown pain that consumed them was something that didnt bid to what dragons should be, to what their prideful nature bids, but even then they’d allow them to fold and cower, all for a cookie. If the others saw them, they’d probably think less of them, they’d mock them, they’d laugh and call them weak, and said pain sublimated into anger, an anger that burnt deep within their throat. 
And suddenly, all of the gold they had amassed meant nothing, all of the treasures they had amassed meant nothing, and even in their rage, their heart felt heavy, and their longing rooted deep into their veins. And even in their rage, they couldnt bring themselves to destroy or hurt anything in their path, instead simply choosing to fall into a deep slumber, hoping that tomorrow would grow kinder on their beating heart.
Meanwhile the tree would think, he’d think for long moments, but they knew there was so much they could do. Oh, to be loved, a wonderful thing, even if for others it hurt. Days would pass, and winter would come, covering the forest in a beautiful wonderland of ice and snow. The tree would hide inside the bark of a tree, before a voice could be heard, a voice far too familiar.
“M-Millenial tree cookie” The dragon would speak, clear as day, yet with pangs of pain and hurt. “My tree, where are you within this snow?”
“(Y/N) Dragon Cookie!” Millennial Tree Cookie would speak as he’d leave the bark, a gasp leaving his lips as he’d gazed upon the state of the cookie.
Wounds lithered the body of the dragon, actual arrows piercing their body as the tree would rush to their side, worry filling their face as they’d contemplate what to do, holding the hand of the dragon in their as they’d attempt to make reason of what happened, of what went down in the land of dragons for such fate to overcome his friend.
“Oh my dear, what happened?” Millennial tree would exclaim, holding their hand close to his face, causing the dragon to wince, but smile.
“A fight has sprouted in the land of dragons” They’d speak. “Longan-Dragon Cookie wants to-Bring the past forward…”
“You heard me, my tree… As I opposed it, I was caught in the warfare… I only wished to see your face one final time.” They’d smile, and the tree would frown before sighing.
“You wont crumble so quickly, my dear friend…” He’d speak, softly as ever. “Rest for now, I shall see you recover as winter takes its toll on the land, allow me to become your healer.”
And so, the dragon would fall into a deep slumber in the arms of the Millenary Tree, who’d take them under his wing to recover. And the days would pass by, and days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, they’d speak once again, like old friends who had reunited once again, and for once, would the dragon speak of their feelings to someone, would they bare themselves fully to the tree, and he’d listen like always, holding their hand, holding them close.
“That, my friend, is love” He’d speak gently. “Its a wonderful thing, something that moves lands, moves seas, moves even the strongest of winds.”
“Then why does it hurt so much?” They croaked, laying in his lap. He’d only chuckle, and smile at them.
“Because like all emotions, it can also hurt, it can also do bad, for love, many have done the wildest of things…”
Silence would overcome them, in the middle of the start of spring, as the dragon would gaze upon them, and then ask.
“Will you ever love me back?”
“...” The tree would stay quiet, a calm smile in their lips, and they’d sigh before answering. “Perhaps, only the future can tell, my darling.”
“And yet, you call me in such loving ways” They’d protest, but the tree would simply laugh it off, and the dragon would pout.
This would continue until the dragon was finally better off, having healed under the watchful gaze of their friend, but before they’d leave, they’d return to the tree, who with a watchful eye had been gazing at them as they prepared for flight. All good things had to end someday, after all, even if some things had changed. 
“My tree…” The dragon would speak, lowering to one knee as they spoke with a sweetness and a tenderness that no dragon had known before, that the tree hadnt heard of before. “Even if Im aware of what your answer may be, please, just once, allow me to have you as my mate, allow me to be yours, allow me to be by your side from now on till the end of this earth… I’ll become your protector, your guardian, and I’ll leave behind all of my treasures to have the greatest one of them all—You”
“My dearest…” The tree was speechless, allowing the dragon to take his hand and kiss it like a knight would. “... All this time, you’ve been yearning for my love, for my affection, like a flame that cant be blown out… And even if I say refuse yet again—”
“Even then!” The dragon would stop them “Please, allow me to be here for you, to stay and protect you! I have no home in the land of dragons anymore, so please, allow me one second chance at life by your side”
And after years, the devotion of the dragon finally found the heart of the tree, whose cheeks blushed and whose eyes widened in surprise, before smiling, and lowering himself in one knee as well, holding their face in his hands.
“My dearest dragon…” They’d speak, their gentleness interchanged with love and affection. “I accept your proposal… Allow me to become yours, then, and allow us to unite in love… Allow me to be your mate”
And with a kiss, they’d seal the deal, the dragon becoming one with the trees, and the tree welcoming them in the life that surrounded him, and now, them. As so, legend says that nowadays, deep within the forest, you could find a dragon lingering in the roads and nooks of it, usually staying near the millennial tree, they’d wear with pride the crest of leaves and bark they had been gifted. All for their lover, all, for Millenial Tree Cookie.
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lovelytech9902 · 1 month
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knightzp · 7 months
mayonaka no nocturne played on my playlist and now im thinking abt how we're eventually gonna get new knights solos and how its impossible that happyele makes a better solo for ritsu
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schmirius · 10 months
the Ed/Izzy codependency post from @napneeders I just reblogged has reminded me of this great set about how Ed and Izzy touch each other by @laszlocravenworth:
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tenderness! violence! tenderness as violence! confident, entitled intimacy in caressing each other's hands and feet and faces!
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4giorno · 9 months
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rosiesroseas · 1 year
bf!suna who has an album of you filled with pics and the often stupid videos he takes when he’s feeling silly with you.
bf!suna who has a video of him standing behind you whilst you’re reading a book on the couch and his hand is in the video, faking a jerking off motion to you til you notice and then he releases his hand like he just finished.
bf!suna who has a video of you sleeping where your shirt has ridden up that your boobs are so close, if you stir in your sleep again they’ll, for sure, pop out. and in the video is another stupid clip of his hand, shaking madly while he gently (and reluctantly) pulls your shirt down, hand still shaking like it’s the hardest thing to do.
bf!suna who has another video of you sleeping and he’s just poking your cheeks softly, occasionally pinching them as well.
bf!suna who has a video of him creeping up behind you while you’re doing the dishes and he proceeds to cup your ass while bouncing it in his hand “hey everyone, back with another, this time featuring my girlfriends ass—with a review!” You obviously proceeded to wet him with the dirty sink water (he’s done this before, many, many times.)
bf!suna who has a video of you drunk and crying to the ending of coco while clinging to his side. his lips are pursed together while he’s giving you the nastiest yet nonchalant side eye, nodding once and a while to your complains, “this boys family is a menace Rin! Can you believe that?”
bf!suna who has a video of you squashed to his chest because your shirt is off out of annoyance to the heat of summer. You were bathing in the new chill of having no shirt that you didn’t notice he’s taking a video of him cheering silently while your side boob and his side of his chest are in view, mf is cheering like a teenage boy.
bf!suna who has a video of him randomly coming up to you and pressing your foreheads together while he opens his mouth wide in a funny way. You’re grimacing and he’s just in a silly mood to mess with you.
bf!suna who has a video of you walking from the water in your bathing suit, it flips back to him who falsely claims he’s been shot through his actions, “I’ve been shot by sexiness, someone help me,” it cuts after he pretends he’s dead on the sun-chair.
bf!suna who has a video of him after he’s done being your professional photographer. He pretends he’s taking more, going around you while you laugh, “look here, baby, yes! perfect! one more ms. Suna! Give me fierce!” Completely doesn’t care about the public walking past.
bf!suna who has a video of him pretending to be a YouTuber again. He has a cute headband on and a pink face mask on along with you who is busy doing a lip mask,
“hey everybody, welcome back! Today I am venturing into a women’s skin care,” you punched him in the chest playfully, “excuse you, i’m not just a women, thank you very much,”
he chuckled, “right, everyone, this is my beautiful, sexy, caring, and perfect girlfriend #soon-to-be-wife.” (he whispered that to the camera, hoping the songs playing on your speaker was loud enough.)
And finally, bf!suna who has a video of you crying while laughing after he just proposed, your quite literally balling and this mf is just smiling while cradling you to his side, “#soon-to-be-wife !”
bf!suna who just loves those videos so much (and taking more) that he hopes his storage doesn’t run out soon because he’s on his last storage plan.
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
Steve grows up playing piano, absolutely hates it, but is so good at it. His parents aren’t around enough by the time he’s a teen to force him to his practices, so he slowly stops going.
His music teacher happens to be Robin’s mom, who studied at Juilliard, and traveled for nearly a decade with various orchestras and bands before settling down with her husband in Hawkins.
She can see what’s going on with Steve from day one, but knows better than to interfere.
Until he quits.
She can’t stand by and let someone so musically gifted give it up.
She shows up at his house with a violin, her own violin that she hadn’t used in years.
He’s hesitant at first, but decides to give it a try as long as she doesn’t tell his parents. The last thing he wants is for them to find out he picked up a new instrument.
She can’t give him official lessons, so she shows up to his house twice a week and hopes that he practices in his own time.
He’s a natural.
He takes to it like a duck to water.
She encourages him to perform in a local talent show, all kids under 18, most of them not half as talented as he is.
He only agrees when she says she’ll be front row.
And sure enough, for once in his life, someone shows up when they say they will. She’s sitting front row with her husband on one side and her daughter on the other. She smiles as he takes the stage, nervous about people who know him seeing him and reporting back to his parents.
He performs with heart, something he lacked with the piano. He performs with talent, something he may have with any instrument he picks up.
But most importantly, he plays with a smile. He’s having fun.
He sticks around to watch some of the other people performing: Tammy Thompson singing a very out of tune rendition of America The Beautiful, some kid from one of his classes playing piano miserably, and some band performing very loud, very angry music.
Steve wins, and for once, it feels better than when he wins at a swim meet or basketball game.
He spends the next three years secretly practicing, only performing in shows out of town, never saying anything to his parents.
He doesn’t want them to ruin this for him.
He applies to Juilliard, not thinking he has a chance in hell, not with his academic grades.
Luckily, they see that he’s “exceptional with the strings” and “plays with emotion that can’t be trained.”
He gets in.
He goes.
He thinks he may actually be able to do this, use a gift he has to make his life better.
His parents even find it acceptable, mostly because he got into the best school he could have. They still don’t bother showing up for his shows, but Mrs. Buckley always finds a way.
In his sophomore year, Robin gets in, and they both move into a small apartment off campus together. He promised to look out for her.
She tells him that music wasn’t really her passion, she was just good with a trumpet. She really wanted to be an engineer.
In his junior year, Robin transfers to Columbia, starts doing what she really wanted to do from the start. He’s proud of her, but misses having someone on campus during the day to have lunch with.
Until he stumbles, literally, into someone vaguely familiar.
“Sorry, man. Running late.”
Steve pats the man on the shoulder and turns to get to his class when the man stops him.
“Harrington? You’re a student here?”
He turns back and finally recognizes the man in front of him.
“Munson? When did you get here?”
“I got in this year. Kinda fucked up my first audition last year and they were kind enough to give me another shot.” Eddie smiled. “What on earth are you here for?”
“Violin. You?”
“Guitar and songwriting.”
“That’s great, man. I’m just really running late. Catch up soon?”
Soon was two weeks later, when Steve ran into Eddie again while leaving class.
“We should probably stop running into each other like this,” Eddie smirked. “The universe is trying to tell us something.”
“What’s it trying to tell us?”
“Not sure. Maybe we should go grab dinner and find out.”
“Why not? Got better plans?”
Steve thought about how Robin was barely at the apartment due to studying for midterms. He thought about how his only other friend from here was busy rehearsing for their senior showcase.
“Nah. Let me bring this home first,” he held up his violin case. “Actually.”
Steve was on a budget. His parents gave him money, sure, but they thought he was living on campus so the money they sent covered rent and groceries and nothing else.
“I could make dinner. If you want?”
“Steve Harrington cooks? And plays violin?” Eddie fake swooned. “Be still my beating heart. How will I not be seduced?”
Steve rolled his eyes. He remembered Eddie’s dramatics from school and knew better than to feed into them.
“I can make some spaghetti. Nothing fancy.”
“Spaghetti sounds great,” Eddie’s fake swoon turned to a soft smile. “You want some help?”
Steve didn’t need help, usually didn’t even want any.
But something about the way his stomach dipped when Eddie stepped closer, and the way he thought about having Eddie in his apartment, made him agree.
They walked to Steve’s apartment in a comfortable silence, though Eddie kept tapping the back of his fingers against Steve’s hand.
Eddie fit next to Steve. They cooked together, they ate together, they even managed to clean up together. It was easy to find something to talk about. He’d never clicked with anyone like this, not even Robin.
By the time Robin came home, Steve and Eddie were both passed out on the couch, fingers laced together as if they hadn’t been brave enough to do anything more before they fell asleep.
By morning, Steve’s head was on Eddie’s shoulder, Eddie’s arm wrapped around him loosely.
Waking up to a soft kiss on his lips was something Steve couldn’t have imagined when he first ran into Eddie, but he was pretty glad it was how he started his day.
And almost every day after that, whether he woke up to a kiss, or met up with Eddie on campus for a kiss, he started his day with love on his lips.
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withahappyrefrain · 10 months
The 5 Times You Flirted With Bob + The 1 Time He Picked Up on It
Summary: You've fallen for your friend and have decided to drop some hints that you're flirting. Unfortunately, Bob doesn't realize that immediately.
Warnings: Language, no y/n, female reader, reader has a callsign (Honey)
Thank you to @dissonannce for this amazing idea. Thank you @acewritesfics for the dividers!
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"Your hands are so big."
It took Bob a moment to register that you were in fact, talking to him.
"Oh! Um yeah. My ma made me do piano because she felt I was given the hands for them," Bob wiggled his fingers for extra effect, "Y'know, since they're so long."
Yes, they were quite long. It was one of the first things you noticed about Bob. Well, after you noticed his beautiful blue eyes, his endearing lopsided smile, the way he was so considerate of everyone else, so gentle, and yet there was an underlying confidence about him. He was sure of himself, but he didn't feel the need to brag.
Who could blame you for falling head over heels for him?
You flashed him a smile, hand reaching towards his.
"It's just, your hand is so much bigger than mine. See?" You propped his arm up, allowing your palm to press against his, both your fingers spread out to showcase the difference in size.
"See? My hand is so small compared to yours," You giggled. Bob looked down at your hands. Your breath hitched, your fingers twitching, dying to entwine with his.
"Yeah, there is quite a difference in size," Bob said, giving you that small smile you adored so much. That smile gave you the confidence to entwine your fingers with his.
"I think they fit pretty well together, see?" He wasn't letting go. He was still smiling as he looked down at your hand holding his.
Maybe this was finally it, he'd finally realized that you liked him and would-
"I'm gonna go get some more peanuts, can I get ya anything?"
You mustered up a smile, trying to cover up your disappointment, "I'll take a water. Thanks Robby."
As soon as he left, you shot Jake a dirty look, "Seresin, you said that shit would work!"
Jake, who had been pretending to play a game of pool with Bradley, Javy, and Mickey, put his hands up in defense, "Because it usually does! Everyone knows when a girl compares hand sizes it means she wants you!"
"Everyone but Bob apparently," Javy muttered.
"Maybe you just need to be more obvious?" Mickey suggested.
You sighed. You knew Bob. The last thing you wanted was to be so blunt it would overwhelm him. But at the same time, you two had been doing this whole 'friends but also more than that and I'm pretty sure we're flirting?' for the last month and you were getting annoyed with it how seemed to be going nowhere.
Perhaps Mickey was right. You were going to have to be a bit more obvious.
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"Bee? You ready?" Bob called out from your living room. Bob's nickname of your callsign (Honey) always brought a smile to your face, as well as heat to your cheeks.
"Almost! Can I get your thoughts on this top?" You asked as you walked in.
"Yeah, I'm sure you look-oh." Bob's eyes widened as he took in the green top you were wearing.
It was tighter than the shirts you normally wore, highlighting your breasts. The fabric stopped right at the end of your rib cage, showing off your stomach and bringing attention to your high waisted jeans, which according to Jake "did wonders for your ass".
"What do you think?" You clasped your hands together, the action causing your breasts to stick out even further.
"Um the uh, the color is really great on you. B-brings out your eyes," Bob said, his eyes looking everywhere except you.
With the way his cheeks were bright red, it gave you confidence to step forward, your body now inches away from his, "I was hoping it would bring out something else besides my eyes Robby."
"I mean you you look great in everything you wear! So mission accomplished," Bob said quickly, his hands fidgeting with his car keys.
"Anything else you want to say about the outfit Robby? I really value your opinion." You stood on the tips of your toes, bringing your chest closer to Bob's face.
It was the first time since you walked in that his eyes landed on your chest. He cleared his throat, as if he was gathering up the courage to say it.
"You should grab a jacket, it's supposed to go down to the low sixties tonight," He said, turning around to head out the door.
God damn it.
You grabbed your phone, quickly texting the group.
Honey: We need to go to Plan C.
Rooster: Plan C?! You're saying the top didn't work?
Bagman: Dude, your tits were like out.
Rooster: Maybe they weren't out enough?
Coyote: If they were out any more, Honey would be getting a public indecency charge.
Phoenix: Maybe we shouldn't use clothes to express our feelings? Just a thought 🤦🏽
Fanboy: Yeah Nat, that's plan C.
Payback: Can we not blow up the group chat tonight? The finale of Insecure is on.
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Your right leg bounced up and down in nervous anticipation, your eyes never leaving the entrance to the Hard Deck.
"You don't think this is too much, is it?" You asked your friends/coworkers.
"Nah, it'll be perfect!" Mickey reassured you.
"You and Bob are going to walk out of here holding hands by the end of the night, guarantee it," Jake commented as he lined up the balls for a round of pool.
It took all your strength not to jump out of your seat when you saw Bob walk in. His iridescent blue eyes scanned the room, landing on you. He always seemed to search for you, which had to be a sign that he wanted more, that he felt the same way as you did.
You greeted him with a smile, patting the empty seat next to him.
"Hey Robby! I got something for you!" You called out.
Bob just smiled as he sat down, "I see you got my signature: water and peanuts. Thanks Bee!"
You giggled, shaking your head, "Yes, but that's not just it. These are for you!"
Bob stared at the bouquet of flowers you were holding out for him.
"For me? These are for me?" He asked, eyes wide as saucers.
"Yes! I was just thinking, like why is giving guys flowers not a thing? Because it totally should be! And no one deserves these flowers more than you Robby," You explained, a hopeful smile adorning your face.
Bob gently took the bouquet, admiring each flower.
"I thought they would go well with your eyes-that's why a most of them are yellow," you explained, trying to hide how nervous you were.
"These are perfect," Bob said before leaning down to smell the flowers.
"Really? Each flower has a different meaning," you began, hoping that by fidgeting with your hands, you'd be able to conceal your nerves.
Bob simply smiled, his face the epitome of saccharine, "Oh, I already know."
Your breath hitched, "You do?"
Bob nodded, "Oh yeah! Alstroemerias symbolize support, sunflowers are for loyalty, and violets stand for intuition!"
He wasn't wrong. You couldn't tell if you were upset by that or the fact that Mickey forgot flowers can have more than one meaning.
Time for Plan D.
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"Hey Robby! You ready to watch hot people make poor decisions?"
"Ready as I'll ever-that's new," Bob said softly, taking in the new loungewear you had on for your biweekly Love Island watch.
"Oh this? I think I got it last week," you said as you let Bob into your apartment, "It's super comfy and it has pockets!"
It also was cut low, showing off your cleavage, as well as the tops of your thigh.
"Yeah, the uh, color looks really good on you Bee," Bob commented. The compliment brought a smile to your face. He noticed you, noticed you were wearing something new, and seemed to be noticing your now exposed skin.
"Well, let's go see if these folks gain any common sense," you grabbed his hand, practically beaming at how your hand fit perfectly in his.
"Somehow I doubt it," Bob chuckled.
When he offered to hold the popcorn for while you two watched, you weren't disappointed. Sure, it meant you weren't able to hold his hand. But it did mean you could move closer to him, your thighs practically touching.
"I really hope he doesn't take her back," Bob muttered, his eyes glued to the screen.
"He will. They always do," you sighed, gently moving your head so it rested against one of his broad shoulders.
If your action had any effect on Bob, he didn't show it. Which was the problem.
"I would pick you in the recoupling," You revealed, hoping that would be enough, would finally be enough.
Bob smiled, placing a hand on your knee, "That's kind of you Bee. But I think friendship couples go against the nature of the show."
It took everything in you not to scream.
The rest of the night was just a typical Love Island watch night, no touching, no initiating, no declarations of love, and ending with Bob giving you a friendly hug goodbye.
With a sigh, you flopped onto your bed to check your messages.
Bagman: Bee, please tell us it worked and you're marking sweet love to baby on board
Phoenix: you're disgusting Seresin.
Rooster: why would they stop fucking just to text you Bagman?
Bagman: so we can pop some champagne to celebrate
Fanboy: Why the fuck is would we do that?
Coyote: It's a big event! Bee told Bob how she feels AND Bob's getting laid!
Payback: Can I just get one night of peace? Just one night?
You: No one's doing anything bc it didn't work!
Rooster: Not trying to be rude, but weren't you like almost naked?
Bagman: Like 52% nude.
Phoenix: JFC, we're going to plan E folks.
Coyote: Is that when we just lock them in a closet?
Bagman: No that's plan G
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"Hey Bee!"
The cheerful, charming voice always brought a smile to your face.
"Hi Robby!" You greeted him with a hug, the comforting scent of rosemary filling your nostrils, "You smell really nice."
"Oh um thanks," A hand flew to the back of Bob's neck, a nervous (and also adorable) habit, "Wanted to smell nice after doing all those pushups out in the sun."
"Well it worked, you smell great," One of your hands reached up to the nape of his neck, toying with the hair that had curled at the end, "Look great too."
The tops of Bob's cheeks were now a dusty pink, "It's just a white Tshirt."
You took a step forward, placing your hands on his chest, "It's a good look Robby. Shows off your muscles. I like it on you.
Bob's lips parted, then promptly closed.
"Uh, t-thanks Bee." He had to know now that you were flirting with him. It was clear as day.
Feeling confident, your hands trailed down to his, grasping them, "We should dance!"
You didn't wait for Bob to answer, dragging him out to the middle of the floor. The sounds of Bradley covering Frankie Valli (begrudgingly, as apparently Jerry Lee Lewis was better) filled the bar.
After a few minutes, Bob's shoulders visibly relaxed, a smile spreading across his face. You threw your head back laughing as he bust out a goofy dance move.
Everyone thought Bob was shy, but that wasn't the case. He was observant, determined to get a good read on someone so he knew how to approach the situation accordingly. Once he was comfortable, his personality shined and he was a sweet, goofy man who you adored with all your heart.
The grin you had was so wide, your cheeks were beginning to hurt. But you couldn't stop, not when he was twirling you around.
"Where did you learn to dance like that?" You asked, having to say it into his ear so he could hear your voice above the music.
Bob shrugged, "I come from a big family. When you know you're going to a lot of weddings, knowing how to dance helps. That and my mom made me do cotillion."
"Well, all that practice paid off. You're a great dance partner Robby." You rested your chin against his broad chest, looking up to meet eyes bluer than the ocean.
In that moment, all you could do was focus on him. The way the corner of his eyes creased when he truly smiled, his comforting scent, his pink, thin lips that you were dying to feel on yours.
You wondered if he could hear your heart pounding, if he could feel it since your body was practically on his.
His hands found their way to your arms, gently placing themselves on your biceps. Was this it? It had to be.
So you stood on the tips of your toes, your lips now closer to his. Your eyes began to close as you leaned in to-
"I gotta go. Jake stuck his foot in his mouth again."
This wasn't a lie. But it still didn't dull your disappointment. Nor did it sedate your growing frustration at this whole situation.
Perhaps you didn't need Plan G or H Perhaps it was time to go with your original plan.
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The next time you saw Bob was when Nat threw a small get together to celebrate the end of a long week.
He was wearing that damn white Tshirt again. Whenever he brought his cup of water to his mouth, the fabric stretched across his bicep.
Was he doing this on purpose? Did he know? Consciously or not, that you had fallen for him ever since you two first met at training?
Either way, you were tired of this game you had been playing for the past month.
"Are you sure about this?" Natasha asked.
You simply nodded before taking a shot of vodka. A little liquid courage was always nice.
"Nat, he's oblivious. Honestly, I don't know why we didn't do this the first time," Jake commented as he took the shot glass out of your hand.
"Because we didn't expect him to be that oblivious," Mickey countered.
"Well everyone, wish me luck." You walked out of the kitchen to find Bob still sitting on the couch, glass of water in hand.
His eyes met yours and he gave you a smile sweeter than honey. Your legs began to wobble, whether it was from that smile or your nerves, you couldn't say.
You walked over, making a beeline for him. Bob's eyes widened, his fingers gripping his cup. Your gaze was so intense.
"Hey Bee-oh!" Bob froze as you sat down in his lap, your thighs straddling his lithe hips.
"Hey Robby," your hands found his shoulders, fingers toying with the thin cotton fabric of his shirt.
"Uh Bee, there's um, there's a seat right there," Bob weakly pointed to the empty space next to him.
"I don't want that," you leaned forward, your forehead grazing his, "I want you Robby."
His eyes widened once more, as if he just saw an incoming train, "M-me?"
"Yes. Wanted you ever since that first day of training, when you offered me a mint," you told him.
"I uh, you looked sleepy and mint is known to wake you up and," Bob paused, "Did you say since the first day of training?"
You nodded, smiling at how you were able to see him process this information.
"The first day of training?" He repeated.
"Yes Bob, all you did was offer me a mint and smile to make me fall head over heels for ya," your fingers now went up to the back of his neck, twirling the curled ends of his hair, "Been trying to tell you that for the last month."
Bob opened his mouth, then promptly closed it, his brain still processing everything.
"You good Rob-" You never got to finish your sentence, as Bob decided right then was the best time to press his lips against yours.
His lips were soft and tasted faintly of vanilla, no doubt from the chapstick you watched him reapply. His touch was gentle, his thick fingers ghosting over your thighs, trailing up to your waist. Every move, no matter how small, made your heart fluttered.
Being so close to him, you could smell his aftershave, a mix of eucalyptus and sage. It was intoxicating and you wanted to be surrounded by it all the time, wanted to kiss him all the time.
When he broke away for air, you had to hold back a whimper, your lips desperate for more.
You turned your head to find Bradley, along with Mickey, Natasha, Jake, Javy, and Reuben standing by the doorframe, in perfect view of you and Bob.
You smiled and opened your mouth, ready to make a quick remark. But Bob's fingers hooked underneath your chin, turning your head back to meet his lips again.
Unlike the first kiss, this one was bolder. His lips moved against yours with more confidence. Your whole body felt warm, as if you were floating. His hands now cupped your jawline, which is how you learned that Bob's hands practically covered your whole neck, a discovery that sent you reeling.
Your hands trailed up to his head, desperate to feel his sun kissed locks, desperate to find out if they were as soft as they looked. But just before you could, Bob broke away.
"What?" Anxiety came rushing back, dragging you away from Cloud Nine, your previous location. Did he regret it?
"Let's go."
He moved your body to the empty space on the couch, quickly getting up. You took his hands, allowing him to help you get up. You held onto one hand as he led you to the front door.
"Bob! What are you doing with my backseater?" Javy called out.
"Making up for lost time!"
Maybe you should be a little embarrassed. But how could you? You had finally kissed the man of your dreams, he kissed you back. He wanted to leave with you.
The sounds of the house party fainted, becoming soft background noise as you went outside.
Bob stopped, turning around to face you. Before you could get out a sound, his lips were on you again. His hands pulled your body to his, closing the gap in-between.
You couldn't help but moan when you felt his tongue slide against your bottom lip, immediately granting him entrance. You could hear Bob's breath hitch, his hands roaming across your body, touching your soft skin.
Abruptly, he pulled away, leaving you desperate for more.
"Why do you keep doing that?!"
"I...." His face was flushed, "I meant to ask you if if you drove yourself here. But you looked so kissable. You still do, God I just wanna kiss you again."
"I'm not stopping you Robby," you grinned, stepping towards him, "I'm not stopping you at all."
"Oh don't tell me that darlin'" his Midwestern upbringing laced his words. You always loved his accent, having found it not just unique but also comforting.
Somehow, despite his lips pressed against yours, Bob was able to walk you back to his car, your back meeting the cool metal.
His broad body draped over yours, his tongue frantically exploring your mouth. Your fingers reached up, grasping his hair. It was soft and much thicker than you expected.
What else was there about Bob you had yet to learn? What kind of toothpaste he used, if he drank tea or coffee in the morning. Did he fall asleep to rain sounds or silence? How many pillows were on his bed?
You wanted to know everything.
But right now, you just wanted to kiss Bob.
Your fingers tugged on his hair in an attempt to pull him closer to you. Despite his chest being pressed against yours, it wasn't enough. You wanted all of him.
"We should get in the car," He said, voice breathless. With the way his chest was rising, one would think he had just ran ten miles.
Bob began moving towards the driver's side of his truck, but he stopped, turning back to you.
"I want to take you home," He stated. It sounded like a confession with the way guilt laced his eyes.
"I would love that Robby."
Instead, he just shook his head, "But I shouldn't because you deserve more than that. You deserve a nice date, like that Italian restaurant we always pass when we go to Bradley's. You deserve that and flowers and a lovely dinner with candles and wine that's older than both of us-"
You cut him off by gently pecking his lips, "It's okay Bob. You could take me to that diner up the room from your place tomorrow morning and I'd be elated because I would be with you."
He shook his head, clearly torn between continuing to talk and continuing to kiss you, "But....it's the least I should do. I mean, after all the hints you were dropping. I thought you were just being friendly and-"
"What friend asks another friend to look at their chest?" You asked incredulously.
"I thought maybe we were just really close! That you were really comfortable around me, which is why I didn't think anything regarding what you wore when we watched Love Island. I mean," his face reddened, "I did think about it. Um I thought about it a lot and if you ever want to wear it again, I would not mind-"
"Bob," you stepped forward, placing your hands on his chest.
"I mean, you got me Violets! Those mean loyalty and devotion, as well as delicate love! And believe me I wanted to kiss you at the Hard Deck, but that is entirely Jake's fault-"
"As most things are."
"And looking back it was so obvious and I can't believe I didn't pick up on it," He paused, "Sorry, I I had to get that out. I can take you home or back to my place, whatever you want."
You giggled, delighted by his ramblings. You wanted to hear more of it.
"And now I just want to kiss you. Like all the time," He confessed, his lips moving closer to yours.
"Robby, get in the car," you instructed.
"Oh, um, okay," Bob unlocked his car, moving towards the driver seat.
"No Bob. Get in the back of the car," you instructed.
Bob's brows knitted together in confusion, "But then how will I drive-oh!"
Who knows if you were going to make it back to his place or yours. All you cared about was getting your lips and hands back on Bob Floyd.
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twizzie-lairs · 4 months
My Darling, My Honey
Alastor X Fem!Reader (Part 7)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Quick Notes:
You, the reader who is an artist, and had become Alastor's sweetheart, have just died.
Alastor is about to find out.
Part 7:
The sound of a singular gunshot rang clearly in the night that had been so peacefully quiet up until that moment in time.
Alastor, with the engagement ring in his pocket, who had been peacefully reading a novel within the confines of your shared home, nearly ripped his book in half upon hearing the sound of a gunshot in these woods.
The forest around here was part of his private property, anyone who dared to trespass or hunt in his neck of the woods was shot on sight. Many people ignored the plentiful and very obvious warning signs, so it wasn't his fault so many people ended up becoming your and his meals. Everyone else just thought the law didn't apply to them, straight-up criminals. In his eyes, they all deserved it.
Thinking it was just another nuisance, a "tsk" left Alastor's mouth as he grabbed his shotgun and headed into the woods.
After a few minutes of walking, he finally caught sight of the transgressors. Two men that he, unfortunately, recognized right away as the men from the bar who liked to push his buttons by harassing you.
The seething rage pooled in his core, bubbling up into his chest. This was his chance to get rid of those nuisances once and for all.
They would trouble his darling no more.
For him to get into a better position to take the men out, he crouched down and quietly circled around them like a hunter playing with his prey.
After circling around to position himself behind the men, what he wasn't expecting to see was the most nightmarish sight he's ever seen.
His beloved sweetheart, soon to be betrothed, all disheveled and tied up against a blood-splattered tree with a bullet lodged in the middle of their forehead.
Your eyes were lifeless. There was no doubt about it, the love of his life was dead.
Alastor didn't need to even think before pulling the trigger on the men, shooting one after the other, over and over, even after their bodies had hit the ground.
He. Was. Enraged.
By the time Alastor was done with them, they looked like Swiss cheese, barely strung together.
Alastor's breath was heavy, his chest heaving, near hyperventilating, his eyes were enlarged and his mind was focused on one thing. You.
His beautiful love, he couldn't bear to see you in this state.
In his oddly manic and shocked state, he untied you from the tree and took your body back to your shared home in the woods not too far from here.
For a few moments, his rage was replaced by sorrow and mourning as he buried you in the backyard. As fucked up as he was in the head sometimes, he would rather die than think about eating you. You were sacred to him.
As he laid you down into the ground, he embraced you once last time and took the ring out of his pocket. He placed the ring onto your ring finger and kissed the top of your hand, "In life and in death, I am forever yours, as you are forever mine. I love you, dear."
After you were buried, the rage returned like a vicious tsunami. Oh he wasn't done with revenge just yet.
Every single man or woman that ever mistreated you or offended you, was put on his list.
This night was the catalyst that gave birth to the serial killer known as the "Bayou Killer".
Alastor stopped visiting Mimzy's bar since your death, with his sole focus and dedication in life going to hunting down those that had harmed you in life. After all, they deserved it, you were like an angel to him.
But what Alastor didn't stop doing, was broadcasting his radio show. So many of his connections were made because of his show, so it was a valuable resource to keep active, to use to his advantage.
Alastor continued living his life like this until every single name was crossed off his list.
It was then that it was time for his luck to run out.
Right upon the killing the very last person on the list, was Alastor also shot right square in the forehead.
Before his consciousness faded into black, all he could hear was the muffled panic of a stranger who seemed to be apologizing for mistaking him for some sort of animal.
All Alastor could do was chuckle at the irony of the whole situation, the maniacal laughter was the type that only a madman could produce- before everything went dark and he died.
He thought he would never see you again, because surely, his beloved sweetheart would end up in heaven right?
The answer to this would remain a mystery for many decades to come as Alastor descended into Hell and became who is now widely known in Hell as "The Radio Demon".
-> Part 8
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talaok · 4 months
The carpet
pairing: Pedro Pascal x fem!reader
Summary: You and your husband Pedro prepare for a red carpet, but once you're there you have a wardrobe malfunction, luckily, he's there to help.
Warnings: just so much fluff for no reason
a/n: i havent written something for Pedro that wasnt a request in literally 9 months, but guess what the hyperfixation is hyperfixating lately and I just needed to write down what i've been daydreaming about all day.
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"wow" he exhaled, closing the door behind him, his eyes trained on you.
You chuckled, looking at him from the mirror, as a choked "aww" escaped Linda, your make-up artist's, lips at the reaction.
You gave her a look and she just grinned, checking her work one final time before whispering "Seeing you two is better than watching any rom-com, I can't even remember the last time my Mark looked at me like that", making you laugh once more with a playful roll of your eyes.
"you look stunning sweetheart" Pedro breathed, right behind you now, his hands already on your waist
Another dreamy sigh fell out of Linda's lips before she decided it was time for her to go.
"i'll go wait downstairs then... leave you two lovebirds some time alone," she said, excitement piercing through her tone as if she was watching her daughter walk down the aisle.
"thank you Linda, we'll be down in a moment" You nodded, smiling sincerely at her as she started for the door.
But just when a foot was already out into the hallway, she turned around, a serious expression on her all of a sudden.
"And Pedro" she shot him a look "Just this once, try not to mess her lipstick up too much, will ya?" 
You couldn't help but laugh, loudly, wholeheartedly, but Pedro, ever so honest only answered with a "I can't make any promises Linda", before the poor woman groaned and shut the door behind her.
Just as the soft thud of the motion bumped from wall to wall, Pedro turned you around in one swift motion, getting to see your pretty face better.
"hi there" you smiled, placing your hands on his chest, softly playing with the hem of his tuxedo's jacket.
"hello sugar" he grinned, letting his eyes drink in all of you.
"You look handsome" you murmured, your right hand going to his face, feeling the soft stubble of his beard graze your palm.
"mhhh" he hummed, leaning closer already, much to Linda's disappointment "Well you know how it is... if my lady's gonna be the most beautiful woman on the red carpet I gotta step up my game"
You huffed out a laugh 
"'s that right?"
"need to at least try and look like you're not miles out of my league" he cocked an eyebrow, his hands on your waist pushing you flush against him.
"You're a bad man Pedo Pascal" you stifled a smirk "A bad, bad man" you whispered as his lips finally met with yours.
They were softer than usual, but heavenly just the same. 
His hold tightened on you and you melted right into his arms, whimpering weakly into his mouth, before after what was probably a good two minutes, he pulled away.
"we gotta go" you murmured
"I know" he groaned, half-heartedly leaning away.
And as you checked yourself in the mirror one last time, you couldn't help but chuckle, as your gaze fell to your lips.
"Oh Linda's gonna be pissed"
__ __ __
the carpet was booming tonight,
celebrities filled every inch of the crimson rug, and the flashes of the countless cameras pointed at you were so strong you swore they would have blinded you if you weren't so used to them.
You were posing to show off the gorgeous dress you were lucky enough to be wearing, and once you had exhausted all the poses you knew, you turned to your husband on the left as he offered you his hand, which you took with a smile, walking to his spot and leaving a soft kiss on his cheek the photographers seemed more than a little enthusiastic about.
But as you posed together, his arm on your back drawing soothing circles, an almost inaudible pop made its way to your ears, and all the sudden some pressure was gone from your chest, and when you looked down... when you looked down the button that was holding the two pieces of fabric covering your boobs had popped, and said fabric was starting to fall.
"oh my god" you blurted, but before you could do anything, your reflexes slowed down by the shock, Pedro's hand found your chest, salvaging the falling pieces of the dress.
"I-" you stuttered, not knowing what to say, or do as he moved in front of you, his broad build doing a hell of a good job of shielding you from the photographers
"I was about to flash so many people" you finally breathed, your voice faint.
"yeah" he said, trying, really trying to suppress the chuckle down his throat, but failing miserably "Yeah you were sweetheart" he laughed softly, his hand still holding your dress.
"are you- don't laugh!" you gasped, although with one look at your face, you could feel a bubble of laughter making its way up your thoat "It's not funny" you smiled, chuckling too now.
"no" he shook his head, sarcasm spilling out of his every pore " there's nothing remotely funny about this sugar, absolutely" he smiled, making you want to roll your eyes
"hold the dress for a sec" he said, having you do just that as he took his jacket off and instead, put it on you.
"thank you" you smiled, looking up at him.
"you just worry about keeping that jacket closed" he murmured, kissing your cheek "I've already seen too many men's eyes wondering a bit too much"
"oh shut up" you laughed, rolling your eyes as he escorted you off what must have been the worst red carpet of your life.
"Whatever you say flash" he laughed, obviously very proud of his own joke
"god I hate you so much" you sighed, smiling widely into his chest nonetheless.
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clbrq · 6 months
prompt; you and colby have never gotten along. you always bickered and never saw eye to eye. so, when your friendship group plans a trip that he’s invited to—you make it your life’s purpose to keep as far away from him as possible. although, that plan does down the drain when you have to share a room for 2 weeks..
warnings; SMUT, p in v sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, fingering, dirty talk, mentions of angst and arguing, cursing/swearing, enemies to lovers trope.
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“Oh, how fucking great.”
The words fell past his lips faster than your brain could compute what the flight attendant was telling you.
A loud sigh fell past your lips as you thanked her and continued walking to your seat. Colby was slow to follow.
It was bad enough that you were going on a group trip together, let alone having to sit next to each other on a five hour flight. You knew he was in a bad mood regardless due to his lack of sleep, and you knew your presence wasn’t making it any better.
You and Colby have never got along. You don’t know when it started, but you’ve never connected. At the start, you wouldn’t engage much and just stay out of each others way. But now, you fought, a lot. Your friends loved to compare you to a married couple—that really pissed you two off. You don’t really have a reason as to why you dislike Colby so much, you just do. Something about him just irritates you—whether it’s his ridiculous hair, or whining about not having a girlfriend, or how stupid rich he was. And you weren’t sure why Colby didn’t like you, but you didn’t care—the feelings were mutual.
So, when your best friend, Katrina, floated the idea of a group trip a few months ago, you were sparked with excitement. Until you realised Colby would be joining. And even better, the people coming on his trip were couples—besides you and Colby. How fabulous.
As you got comfortable in your window seat, you gazed out it with a comfortable smile on your face—trying to ignore the shuffles and huffs of annoyance from beside you.
“Do you wanna take up anymore room?”
Turning your head to face him, a smirk formed on your face as you locked eyes with him, “Yeah, sure.” You teased, pushing your legs out next to his.
With a harsh kick, Colby moved your legs back to under your seat, grabbing his headphones and placing them in his ears, “Don’t talk to me for the entire flight.” He stated, shutting his eyes and leaning his head back against the chair.
“Finally, something smart coming out of your mouth.” You mumbled, turning back to face the window.
The flight was peaceful, you got up once to go to the bathroom—having to disturb Colby which only lead to a small argument. Mixed with having to ignore the dirty looks he shot you when you returned to your seat.
“How was it?” Katrina asked, slinging her carry-on bag over her shoulder as you exited the plane.
“Take a wild guess.” You spoke sarcastically, raising your eyebrows at her. Katrina chuckled quietly, knowing the answer without you even having to tell her.
The bus ride to the hotel was short—almost everybody dozed off while they waited to arrive. Katrina happily rested her head on your shoulder as she snored, not noticing the way you huffed angrily as you listened to Colby complain about how you awoke him on the flight.
God, he was an ass.
“Alright, this is us.” Sam spoke, grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder, grabbing Katrina’s arm gently and rocking her awake.
The hotel was beautiful. Large, white pillars rose up from the ground guarding the fancy double doors to the entrance that remained open due to the heat. Surrounding the hotel were trees and plants, paired with colourful flowers—contrasting the white of the walls.
“It’s beautiful.” Colby spoke, admiring the hotel with his ocean, blue eyes.
“I know I am, but thanks anyways, Colbs.” You winked, turning around to shoot him a smug look.
Colby rolled his eyes in irritation, “Don’t flatter yourself. And don’t call me that.”
“Okay, Colbs.”
“God, you’re insufferable.” Colby breathed, shaking his head in annoyance.
“Please, can we have one nice holiday without you guys fighting?” Sam snapped, raising his eyebrows at the two of you.
“Sorry.” You both mumbled in unison, trying to please your friend. But, not enough to slyly shoot each other a dirty look as you entered the hotel.
“Hi, I have four rooms booked under the name Golbach.” Sam smiled sweetly at the receptionist as the rest of the group trailed behind.
“That’s fine, I’ve got it all paid for and set up for you.” She smiled, “So, I’ve got a Corey and Devyn in one room, then a Sam and Katrina in another.” She started handing the couples their room keys, “Then a Jake and Tara, and finally a Y/N and Colby.”
“Nope. That’s not happening.” Colby stated, a foul expression on his face.
“Is there a problem?” The receptionist frowned.
“Yeah, we cannot be within two feet of each other without an argument.”
The receptionist laughed, “Oh, I get it. Me and my husband are like that too.”
“No, no, no.” You laughed, “We are not…We will never be…” You trailed off, suddenly feeling like lies were spilling from your lips.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” She chuckled, nervously, “But, unfortunately, in case of an emergency, I cannot change the arrangements of the rooms. I’m so sorry.”
Colby sighed loudly as he pinched the bridge of his nose, you rolled your eyes at his immaturity, “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. Thank you.”
Grabbing the key card for the room, you wheeled your suitcase towards the room, feeling utter disappointment. You knew your holiday would now be ruined due to Colby. He would be complaining about every little thing you did, and you couldn’t help but bite back.
The room was huge. Large hallway leading up into the living area, with a 60 inch flat screen TV and rectangular coffee table in front of it. Next door rested a modernised and perfectly furnished kitchen with a marble top island in the centre.
You and Colby walked around the room in silence as you observed the beautiful room. As you walked down a small hallway, your heart raced with anxiety as you made it to the bedroom. There was only one room left, meaning that there was only one bedroom. You prayed it was double beds on opposites sides of the room.
Colby strolled slowly behind you as you pushed open the door. Your heart dropped at the sight.
Rose petals in the shape of a heart laid across the double bed, paired with others scattered across the floor leading up to it. In the corner of the room were red balloons in the shape of hearts and “Happy Holiday!” written across them. To push things further, a bottle of Champagne and two glasses rested on a circular table next to the balcony glass doors.
“Well, fuck.” Colby chuckled, “If only they knew.”
“If only they knew what?” You spat, waiting for the insult to hit you.
“That you were such a bitch, they wouldn’t have gone to all this effort.” He smirked, walking over to the bed and playing with the roses.
Ignoring his comment, you trudged towards the Champagne, popping it open and pouring yourself a glass. You sighed happily as the bubbly beverage slipped down your throat—hopefully this would calm your anger.
You and Colby didn’t speak another word the rest of the day. The others had sent a few messages to the group chat discussing dinner later in the evening, but other than that—nothing. Colby relaxed in the living area as you prepared yourself for the dinner. You elegantly did your makeup—your skin looking flawless, and your lips looking pink and plump. You then curled your gorgeous, silky hair, letting it rest comfortably on your chest as you slipped on your dress.
And by God, did you look good.
Your breasts were accentuated perfectly and your ass popped deliciously. You knew you’d get some attention tonight, and you were excited. But maybe not by who you were expecting.
Your heels clicked satisfyingly against the floor as you approached the living area. Colby was sat on the couch, phone in hand, in a suit as he scrolled endlessly. He looked up once to acknowledge your presence, before returning to his phone.
Not long after, his head snapped back towards you, a shocked expression on his face as you adjusted your coat, “What?” You spat.
Colby stared for a few seconds longer before plastering a smirk on his face, “Slutty as always.”
“Fuck you.” You seethed, glaring at him as he sauntered over to you.
“You wish, sweetheart.” He whispered, teasingly tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
Pulling your head away from you, you pushed his chest, forcing him back slightly, “Don’t fucking touch me.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice.”
Taking a deep breath, you swung open the front door as you walked into the hallway. You could not deal with him tonight, you wanted to have a nice night and not be bothered by his rude remarks. Luckily, your meal with your friends was unbothered by Colby as he sat at the opposite end of the table. Thank God.
“You coming to the club?” Tara questioned as you exited the restaurant.
“Fuck yeah.” You grinned, “I wanna get fucked up tonight.”
“Easy tiger.” Sam chuckled from behind you, “Remember who you’re sharing a room with.”
“What about it?” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
Sam shook his head, “Doesn’t matter.” He mumbled, turning around to engage in conversation with the boys.
The club was busy tonight. Typical for a Friday night, though. People were everywhere—dancing, drinking and singing. Just like you.
You were 5 drinks deep and you were hammered. The buzz you felt was beyond tipsy—you knew you were a lightweight, but not this bad. Yeah, maybe the fancy dinner had unbelievable portion sizes, but the Vodka here was something else.
As a familiar song began to play, you gasped in excitement as you grasped Katrina and Tara’s arms as you grinned at Devyn in front of you. The music flowed through your body as the rhythm picked up. The beat took over your body as you moved to the music.
You were thoroughly enjoying yourself when a pair of large hands slithered around your waist. A certain brunette asshole strangely made it’s way into your mind as you turned around, but you were, unfortunately, met with a stranger.
“Hey, beautiful.” The tall mousey brunette smirked down at you, “Care to dance?”
Feeling extremely drunk and dangerously cheeky, you agreed. Your hips moving sensually against his as he gripped your waist while you danced. Your eyes wondered over to the bar where your four male friends stood, watching over you and your friends. Your eyes locked with Colby’s and, more specifically, the angry look on his face.
A devilish smirk crept its way up on your lips, an evil idea making its way into your mind. Bending over, you couldn’t help but grind on the strange man behind you, watching as Colby’s face dropped even further at your action.
You ignored the cheers from your friends as you retained the eye contact with Colby as you flipped your hair over your shoulder to glance back at the very obviously aroused man. But, before you could even utter another word, you’re pulled upright and away from the dance floor.
“Dude, what the fuck?” The guy called after you, a confused expression on his face.
“Get the fuck away from her.” Colby growled towards him, shooting him a look of pure rage, one you’d never seen before. His cheeks were pink from the alcohol he’d consumed and the anger that flooded through him.
Colby swivelled back around and pulled you out of the club by your arm, his grip harsh as he did so. He didn’t utter a single word as he pushed you inside the hotel room.
“Colby..” You mumbled in a quiet voice, not knowing what to say.
“Shut up.” He spat, not turning around to face as you as he dragged you inside the bedroom and slamming the door.
“What did you do that—Mmf!” Your words were cut short when you were slammed against the wall.
“Y’know, it’s one thing to constantly be a bitch and piss me off,” Colby started, his arms above your head as he seethed above you, “But it’s another to grind on some fucking prick in front of me like I’m some sort of joke.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” You fired back, “It’s not like we’re together, Colby? I can do whatever the fuck I like.”
“Oh, is that right?” Colby laughed, darkly, “No.”
“Excuse me?”
“I said, no.” He smouldered, “You don’t get to do that around me.”
“And why’s that, Colby? Please, enlighten me, because you sound out of your fucking mind right now.”
Before you knew it, Colby’s lips were smushed against yours in a passionate kiss. You gasped into his mouth as you melted against his lips, your hands resting comfortably on his muscled arms as his laid against your warm neck. Colby grasped the underside of your thighs and pulled you off the ground, wrapping your legs around his hips.
“Colby..” You moaned breathily as his plump lips attacked your neck, “I need you.”
“Of course you do, who wouldn’t?” He teased, pulling your back off the wall and leading you both towards the bed.
“Seriously? You can’t stop being an ass even before we’re about to have sex?”
Colby chuckled from above as you laid in the rose petals beneath you, “You know, if you shut that slutty mouth for once, you’d be so pretty.”
“So I’m not already?” You fired back, shooting him a dirty look as he crawled between your legs.
“Shut up, Y/N.” He ordered, a shit-eating grin on his face as he leaned down to kiss you once more.
Colby wasted no time in stripping you of your clothes, chucking them on the floor along with his own as he continued to kiss you desperately. As Colby pulled your soaked panties off your legs, his lips slowly made their way down to your exposed breasts—his mouth finding it’s way around your mounds beautifully.
Quiet moans slipped past your lips as his hand trailed down to your core, your breathing quickening as he did so. His nimble fingers found themselves comfortably circling your aching clit, making you feel the smile against his lips as he kissed your neck. Your back arched off the bed in pure pleasure as he slipped a finger inside you, wanting nothing more than to scream out as he curled them upwards to hit your sweet spot.
“Please.” You moaned, grasping his forearm tightly as you scrunched your face up in pleasure.
Soon enough, Colby pushed your legs up and onto his shoulders, his tip teasingly rubbing against your soaked entrance. With a few whines and whimpers of desperation, Colby swiftly pushed his cock deep inside you. As a shocked moan rasped from your throat, he sped up his hips as he rocked his throbbing dick in and out of you.
“Oh, yes, don’t stop!” You sobbed, tears falling past your eyes as he pushed your legs further back to reach deeper inside your slutty pussy.
“Jesus, why didn’t I do this sooner?” He mumbled, his cheeks flared red as he huffed with each thrust.
Colby quickly got bored as he pulled out and flipped you on your stomach, pulling your ass into the air and slipping back into your warm hole. You gripped the bedsheets as he ruthlessly destroyed you from behind, degrading names filling the room as he spoke. You crumbled petals in your fists as you clung onto the bed for life, Colby showing no mercy as he fucked you.
“You’re such a whore, aren’t you?” Colby spat, yanking your hair back as your ear met his lips, “You’ve been begging for me to fuck for years now, haven’t you?”
“Yes! yes, yes, Colby. Wanted you for—Aah! for so long.” You blabbered, your throat feeling sore and dry from all the screaming that erupted from it.
“What a good girl—finally.” He praised, letting your hair loose as your head hit the sheets once more, feeling the pleasure build up in your stomach as his fingers deliciously rubbed your clit, “Fuck, I’m close.”
Before you could realise, Colby was cumming deep inside you as your own orgasm hit. His name released itself from your lips countless times as he fucked his load further inside you. As you came down from your high of ecstasy, Colby pulled out of you slowly, falling next to you on the bed.
“Fuck, Y/N.” He mumbled, his eyes staring intensely at the ceiling as he regained his breath, “That was something.”
“It sure was.” You murmured back, feeling a sense of awkwardness fill the air, as you coughed nervously, “I’m gonna go shower.”
But, before you could even move, Colby’s arms slid around your waist and pulled you close to his warm body. A smile rose to your face as he spooned you, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
“We can get to that later.” He informed you, nuzzling his head into your neck as he closed his eyes, “And don’t worry, we can go back to hating each other in the morning.”
its been a while i’m sorry!
i’ll probably be posting less but i won’t ghost y’all i promise
i love you all sm
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barcaatthemoon · 26 days
turned on || alexia putellas x reader ||
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a night out forces you and alexia to finally do something about your obvious attraction to one another.
alexia was awkward. you had known that long before you'd ever met the woman. the two of you were respective superstars for your countries, both the faces of your women's leagues. the news of the famed (y/n) (y/l/n) going from bayern to barcelona had shaken up the european football world. however, the events that would follow would do so once again, perhaps to a bigger magnitude.
you had been at bayern since their youth academy. there had never been another club for you, not even for a loan. however, when your contract with bayern ended, you had decided to look elsewhere. you loved the team, and the things that everybody was doing together, but you wanted a change.
barcelona had come knocking on your door the loudest. they were willing to shell out a lot of money, nearly three times as much as your old club. it wasn't just about the money, but you had to admit that it had a nice ring to it. there were things that you could do with this money that you felt would benefit your community much more than you just scoring a few goals during your games.
your first few months in spain had been difficult. you weren't exactly conversational in spanish, nor were you all that great with english. your teammates were patient with you, especially frido, ingrid, and caro. they were like your lifelines, none of them ever leaving you completely alone at training. unfortunately for you, they were all around enough to notice the way that you and alexia stared at each other.
"hmm, that's a very interesting shirt choice. it looks oddly familiar," frido teased as she grabbed the bottom hem of your shirt. you didn't give her little comment the decency of a response. yes, you had picked this outfit out because the last couple of times that you had worn it, alexia hadn't been able to take her eyes off of you.
"i think that our captain will like it. although, i'm not sure she'll appreciate the attention you'll get from it," ingrid said. you blushed a little as you turned away from them to finish getting ready. you had done your makeup a little bit edgier than normal. alexia seemed to like the darker look on you, at least that was what mapi had told you.
you checked over your outfit one more time before you followed your friends out of ingrid's room. mapi was flexing in the mirror, something that had both you and ingrid laughing at her. mapi ignored the two of you and continued, much to aitana's annoyace.
"let's go." frido wrangled everybody into her car, letting you have the passenger's seat. you were still getting used to things like the famous spanish affection and lack of personal space. befriending mapi through ingrid was a big help, but you were still even more awkward than caro in most situations.
at the club, you were immediately whisked away to the bar with pina, cata, and patri. they fed you shot after shot, which you enjoyed until alexia, irene, marta, and sandra pulled your group back from the bar. irene had been the one to grab you, but you didn't let that last for long. with some difficulty, you put yourself in alexia's grasp, allowing for pina to scurry off towards the dance floor.
"hi, oh wait, hola!" your accent was normally bad, but tonight, it was atrocious. alexia cracked a small smile at your accent. you returned it tenfold, absolutely beaming at her. "you are so beautiful. do you like my outfit? i wore it just for you."
"o-oh?" alexia questioned. her voice had cracked, something that you didn't miss, but chose to ignore. "you look very nice, but you shouldn't dress for other people. dress for you, i'd like any outfit you wore."
"that's not the point. i want you to take me home. i need to impress if you're gonna do that." you were slurring your words pretty badly, and alexia wondered how long you had been feeling like that. she wasn't going to get her answer though, not when you were whisked off towards the dance floor.
alexia didn't see you for nearly the entire night after that. you had been moving around enough to sober up quite a bit. alexia noticed that you didn't sway on your feet when you came over to where she was sitting. however, there was still just enough liquid courage for you to let alexia know that you wanted to dance with her.
"i think we should dance. you've been sitting here all night. even irene got up at least once." if it had been anybody else, alexia never would have even really considered moving. however, it was you, and unbeknownst to you, alexia had developed quite the soft spot for you.
at first, she told herself that she wanted to take care of you because you were younger than her and in a new country. however, much to alexia's annoyance, mapi pointed out several times that alexia's gazes towards you were never friendly. alexia thought that she was good at masking her feelings, but mapi was one of the few people in the world who could see right through her. it took a while, but alexia had finally admitted to herself, and an eerily excited mapi, her feelings for you.
"i'm not much of a dancer," alexia warned you. she had never been a good dancer, especially not sober. you weren't a professional or anything, but you were fairly decent in the scheme of things.
"it's fine, i'll take the lead." your words didn't exactly make alexia feel much better, but once the two of you were on the dance floor, she didn't do much thinking. you were just sober enough to know that this wasn't something that alexia normally would have agreed to so easily. you'd been around the team long enough to know that alexia rarely ever left the booth or table whenever the team went out.
"a-are you sure that this is okay?" alexia asked as you placed her hands on your waist. normally whenever you'd dance with the other girls, their hands were glued to your hips. it was a far less intimate hold, but your body craved a bit of intimacy, specifically from alexia.
"shh, don't think about it. just feel the music and move with me," you told her. it was fine for the first couple of songs, but then things slowed down dramatically. alexia's hands stayed right where you had placed them, but you weren't prepared to feel the press of her body against yours.
for someone who wasn't spanish, you were teased a lot for being touchy. it was always in good jest, and because of that, you often forgot how handsy your teammates could get. alexia was no exception, despite being the most reserved with her affections. you realized in that moment that alexia wasn't unaffectionate at all, she was just picky. tonight, it seemed that she had picked you.
"can i have one more dance?" alexia asked as she rested her chin against your shoulder. her face was partially buried in the side of your neck. alexia's breath tickled against your skin, something she couldn't have known would have you turning red in the face like it was. "please, i'm having fun with you. i don't want it to end just yet."
"i think i can handle one more." it was a total lie, but you didn't know it yet. the next song was more upbeat than the last, but alexia didn't move any further away from her. you could feel her hips press against your ass with each movement that she made. alexia was dancing with you like before, only closer now. it was reminscent of something that you hadn't experienced in quite some time.
alexia kept her hands around you even after the song had ended. the two of you made your way towards the booth, where several of your teammates were not sitting as well. alexia sat down first, and without hesitation, pulled you into her lap. they all quieted down at the sight of you, but neither you nor alexia missed the looks on their faces.
"problem?" alexia asked. her arm was snaked protectively around your waist, and as patri moved in closer, alexia's arm tightened. she had already been holding you tightly, but the addition of force managed to pull a squeak from you that unfortunately did not go unheard by anybody.
"the free show was nice, even if this isn't that kind of club," patri teased as she tapped on the tip of your nose. you swatted her hand away as you cursed at her in german. frido and ingrid's faces went red at your words, but they didn't let patri in on what you had said.
"what is that supposed to mean?" alexia asked.
"are you so oblivious that you don't see how turned on (y/n) is with her on your lap, capi? i mean, look at her. it's a shock that she's not squirming," cata pointed out. you grumbled as you tried to hide your hands. alexia looked at you questioningly, and when you refused to meet her gaze, she realized that there was a lot of truth to their words.
"you, uh… you… i'm sorry. i didn't mean to make you… i mean…" alexia stumbled through her words unlike anything you had ever seen before. the girls at the table laughed at her, which made a bit of anger flare up inside of you.
"hey, it's okay. you didn't know," you said sweetly. alexia bit her lip as you turned in her lap and cupped her cheeks. "i asked you to dance with me. besides this isn't anything that won't pass eventually."
"aren't you embarrassed?" alexia asked. she looked really guilty, and you wanted to kiss the pout off of her lip.
"it's fine, ale. if you really feel bad, you can buy me breakfast or something tomorrow morning," you told her. alexia looked confused for a moment before the cheering and hollering of your teammates clued her in. with that, she quickly stood up and walked you out of the club and away from them. you both knew alexia wouldn't just sleep with you, but you were surprised when she let you come over and stay the night with her anyway.
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abcjxyzyeo · 3 months
Mr Brightside.
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summary; Ever since you joined the gaang, Zuko had kept his eye on you. Even tho he hasn't officially joined your team, he thought you were kind, sweet, and good looking. But unfortunately for him, his mind tormented him with thoughts of you and Sokka, assuming you two were a couple. When he finally joined, he tried to make a move but yet it only confirmed his fears. Until...
Pairing; Zuko x afab!Reader(romantic) , Sokka x afab!Reader(platonic)
AN; !!!!! first post !!!!! Kinda nervy writing this cuz it's my first time writing something but I been on my avatar shiiii so yk I gotta do what I gotta do !! Anyways yea this is like kinda sorta based on Mr. Brightside by The Killers but it's also like not ?? And again it's my first time writing so the plot and dialogue and everything abt it is def messy and possibly rushed but pshh enjoy !! And also not to be a lil spoiler but ofc Zuko and y/n get together in the end 😘😘😘
Warning; Angst(???), F!reader(mentioned !!), sex and sexual implications(???) idfk 😭😭😭
Zuko paced back and forth, unsure what to do. You were the only thing on his mind, it bothered him and he had to do something about it. But yet ever since that day when you two first met, Zuko couldn't let go of the fact you were probably Sokka's girl. But he couldn't let go of your kindness, you sat and cried next to his uncle that had just been struck with lightning. But obviously, his emotions getting the better of him, he shot fire at you and Katara. He watched as Sokka grabbed your hand and waist pulling you up and running away. But eventually when he had gathered all his courage(which took a while) and his strength he walked up to you.
Comin' out of my cage and I been doin' just fine Gotta, gotta be down because I want it all
"Hey y/n." he grimly uttered
"Zuko! Hey! Why so down? Did someone die?" you chuckled to yourself
"Uh n-no. I was just wond-"
Just when he was about to admit his feelings, here came the killer of all his courage. Strutting with intensifying ego. Sokka. With widened eyes, Zuko stared as Sokka scooped you up and twirled you around. Wrapping your beautiful arms around his neck and burying your head with them. Zuko looked down and saw his hands firmly carry you while holding your ass. A twinge of pain and jealousy struck his intestines hard and fierce.
"What's on your mind?" You said with immense joy in your voice, but yet not looking Zuko in the eyes. Your attention now only focused on Sokka staring into his dazzling eyes.
"Uh, can I talk to you.. alone." Staring dejectedly at Sokka, and he simply shrugs, setting y/n down and walking away.
Zuko can tell you are obviously annoyed, and it worries him. Maybe he isn't wrong and you and Sokka are a thing, his palms start to become slick with sweat and he lets out an exasperated sigh with a low flame following.
It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this? It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
You watch as Zuko walks intensely closer, invading all your personal space. It wasn't a problem with you but it was definitely confusing. Zuko opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but nothing came out. Letting out a groan of frustration, he made a quick fast move. Grabbing the back of your neck and the small of your back, pulling you in and landing his lips on yours. At first for one mere second you found yourself kissing him back for a second, but when you came to your senses you pushed him off. Zuko falling flat on his butt and looking up at you with hurt in his eyes.
"Zuko what the hell?" You yell trying to shake off the weird feeling in your gut
"Y/n I'm sorry!" He tries to yell while you turn and run towards Sokka, great, you just kissed some guys girlfriend, he thought. "Ugh, I can't believe how stupid I am!" pitiful tears welled up in his eyes before he violently wiped them before they could even think of spilling out of his delicate eyes, god that was embarrassing. He got up and threw himself in his tent to try and take a nap to even forget what he did.
Now I'm fallin' asleep and she's callin' a cab While he's havin' a smoke and she's takin' a drag Now they're goin' to bed and my stomach is sick And it's all in my head
Zuko throws the sheets off of him, sitting up in a cold sweat. He wipes the sweat off the back of his neck.
"Shit," he utters
He kept having weird dreams about you and Sokka, as if he was looking right at you two, having to watch a repeating nightmare of the girl of his dreams get taken by another guy. He lays his head back down and closes his eyes. Clutching his stomach that's tied in all forms of tight painful knots making his throat slick with spit. Maybe if he just thought of anything else he would have some form of nice sleep.
But she's touchin' his chest now He takes off her dress now Let me go And I just can't look, it's killin' me And takin' control
Zuko was having yet another horrid nightmare, but it felt all too real. He had left his tent and made his way to yours to apologize for stepping over lines. Weird noises, smells, and heats emitted from your tent though. He grabbed the curtain and pulled it up, horrified at the scene in front of him. A topless Sokka laid over you on the ground, he was carefully stripping you of all your clothes. You looking over and making straight eye contact with Zuko as Sokka slides himself in.
Zuko shoots his upper body up covering his eyes and yelling. Softly opening up his eyes he realizes it was all a bad dream. But oh God what if that's actually happening? He wipes the sweat off his forehead and swiftly got up and out of his tent in one motion.
Jealousy, turnin' saints into the sea Swimmin' through sick lullabies Chokin' on your alibis
Zukos eyes landed on Sokka watching you practice your earth bending. He slipped down into a spot next to Sokka and blissfully watched a girl he can never have. He looked at Sokka through his peripheral vision, that very familiar pinch of jealousy hitting close to home.
"You're a lucky guy," he uttered
That caught Sokka by surprise and he laughed
"Y/n, look how talented she is! And she's kind and pretty, and she's yours."
This caused Sokka to laugh even harder
"Lighten up Zuko! Y/n isn't my girlfriend, she's just a close friend of mine being Suki's sister and all. I see Suki a lot in Y/n and according to Azula with Suki in prison it's nice to still have a piece of her somewhere."
But it's just the price I pay Destiny is callin' me
This caused Zukos eyes to widen fiercely. Everything he had worried about simply drifted away, even if you had rejected him he still felt worlds better. A giant boulder sized relief fell of his shoulders.
Y/n saw Zuko and Sokka sitting together and waved to both the boys with a happy smile, walking up to them and nodding Sokka off. Leaving the earth bender and the fire bender alone. Before you could say anything Zuko shot up from the floor.
"Y/n I'm so sorry, I never meant to overstep any boundaries I just thought-"
He was cut off by the feeling of lips on his own
"You talk too much," you giggled "I'm sorry for brushing you off earlier I was just caught by surprise and I was nervous. But I do like you Zuko."
Zuko smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into yet another kiss.
"I like you too."
Open up my eager eyes 'Cause I'm Mr. Brightside
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yandere-writer-momo · 6 months
Yandere Head Canons: You Are My Sunshine
Current brain rot: Yandere Sheriff from the Wild West. An older man has captivated me.
Jack Henry, the forty year old bachelor and Afab Reader
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Yandere Sheriff who’s devoted to locking criminals away. He’s never given relationships much thought. His life was too dangerous for anyone else to be a part of it long term so he’s had his fair share of one night stands but never true love… Jack Henry has lived a hard life and he was getting old. His chocolate hair and stubble was covered in gray hair. And his face and body littered in scars from the outlaws he arrested. Jack knew he was a terrifying man to gaze upon. His face alone struck fear into people.
Yandere Sheriff who meets the new resident in town. A sweet young woman with big eyes filled with innocence. A shy expression on her (skin color) face as she introduced herself to him. The lovely woman was named (your name), a pretty name for a pretty girl. She was a lamb amongst wolves… Jack was immediately smitten with her. He’d be her shepherd dog that would keep her safe in this wild world… wait. Why did he like her so much? She was just a lass…
Yandere Sheriff who would often see (your name) at the post office or at the general store. He caught himself constantly sneaking glances at her whenever he was in town. Jack thought she was attractive… maybe he could talk to her?Jack ignored the flirtatious stares of old flames in favor of talking to the young lass who was the apple of his eye.
Yandere Sheriff who began to court (your name). Jack is sweet with his words and he does his best to be gentle and soft for her. He brings her flowers and meals from town. His green eyes are filled with so much adoration for her. He swore she was sweeter than molasses. The more time they spent together, the more he wanted to be with her. Jack has never felt this way in his life. He wanted to protect her from everything. Jack wanted to come home everyday from work and see her waiting for him. For the first time in his forty years of living, he craved domesticity.
Yandere Sheriff who tries to take things slow but he starts to get touchy. Jack often holds her soft hands in his large, calloused ones while he shows her the town. His green eyes never leave his sunshine. The stubble on his chin tickles her shoulders when he rests his face on her shoulder while she wears his sheriff hat. Jack loves her… he loves (your name) so very much, it hurts.
Yandere Sheriff who can’t get her out of his head even when he dreams. Her face creates butterflies flutter in his stomach and her smile… her smile was just like sunshine. She was his sunshine… and he never wanted her to be taken away. The fear of his enemies harming her started to keep him up at night… he had to make it official so they could get married and he could keep her locked away and safe.
Yandere Sheriff who took (your name) out on dates on the weekends. Jack enjoyed taking her on rides on his horse, Gunsmoke. He adores how much smaller her body is than his. Their bodies fit together so perfectly… it was when Gunsmoke brought them up a hill where the sunset looked most beautiful that Jack felt like he should confess his love for her. The setting sun made her look like some sort of goddess on earth… a goddess he wished to worship until his final breath.
Yandere Sheriff who is shocked that she doesn’t feel the same way. They spent so much time together… why didn’t she love him too? Jack was upset that she didn’t feel the same way. Couldn’t she see herself with him? He saw an entire future with her… he saw children and a wedding. They were meant to be in his eyes… and he would teach her to love him.
Yandere Sheriff who doesn’t budge when (your name)’s fists beat against his chest while he kissed her. His stubble tickled her face and she could taste cigar smoke on him but his arms firmly held her against him. Jack was on cloud nine from the kiss. He sore lightning shot through his very being… she was so perfect. How could she not want this? How could she not want him? It wasn’t long before his lips moved to her neck to press hit kisses all over the soft, tender skin. His sweet whispers of love made her skin crawl.
“I love you… I love you so much.” Jack whispered into her skin, his hot breath tickled. “Let’s get married... my sunshine.”
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