#this gave me a distraction from writing but at what cost...... im now in my mitski feels
devinetheory-2 · 8 months
The writing below is from a dear friend
I was victimized by
her riteous heaven dipped
feared respected and revered pen.
Her wand is dark magic
Heavily guarded
tragic semi automatic
emphatic charismatic distraction
She keeps coming back like elastic
I can't help but feel that
the attraction
Between our souls
and our hearts is like magnets.
All you needed was one pen
And I was caught in your dragnet
An addict that won't break the habit
I cant help it
As passion had a chemical reaction
With tragedy
and gave birth to bat shit...
And I loved with everything I had
Back then....
Thank you for being you
Unapologetically savage
And tragicly empathic
Intergalactic rabbit
And I think I'm not afraid
As I am intoxicated by her magic...
And collapse in orgasmic
fantastic compassion
Tender madness
I'll eat you alive
In cannibalistic fashion...
But it always ends
in poetic madness.
As all things do
That are dangerous,
fast and attractive
As I fall into her dream
Wondering what it all means
I fade into the blackness...
- Devine Theory 👆 😁
rayven-interrupted 👇
Nov 10, 2023
He writes me, so indicatively
Perfectly capturing all my tragedies
His pen is the beauty of my insanity
She's watched me
descend from calamity
I can't pretend
Im not treading water anymore
Lust, lack of trust
Thick like sand
I've lost the entire world
When it was just in my hands....
I will not survive my own gravity...
And it always comes back to me
I pay for the weight of my mistakes
With these tragedies...
The hitman...
And every bullet fired is actually
Iron blasphemy
Sent from the mouth of God
With unforgiving accuracy
Ceasar watching the ones I loved
With everything in this now
Empty cavity take their justified
Stab at me
Its my own fault
As I dozed off
I chose wrong
And now my soul owes cost
my spirit begins to atrophy...
Standing at the gates of heaven
Hoping they'll have me
And God isn't mad at me
Because somewhere along
this dark and lonely road
Where you have been traveling
With your back to me
I was kinda getting used
to being someone you loved
But changed your act
And threw a toaster
in the bath with me....
And within this insantiy
we've lost our humanity
As the demons birthed
of my darkness pull at me
Grabbing me dragging me
Armed with matches and
Cans of gasoline
She tells me that she loves me
Narcissistic vanity
I try to escape its inevitable grasp
But death just rolls her eyes
And laughs at me...
While I'm chased into never
forever by my past
this fight is so old
Her essence now is so cold
And there is no limit to its savagry...
See, I've never felt like I've belonged
To this world of fake magic dreams
Where the REAL ones will die
Leaving holes inside
And their flesh just rots
for the maggots to eat.
And yeah.... She lied,
miserable little harlot star
She'd burn me down
Leaving nothing but scarlet scars
Now ive lost myself again
in this starlit dark
until I would feel like
the wrong one died
Tearing my heart apart
Just saying that
Made trauma that I cant repress
Now I beg for death
Nothing but salty tears
And anguish left
The danger is in the anger
Because I can't release
I might bury my grief
Deep into some strangers chest.
Dont look into my soul
Thats where my flames are kept
Fueled by her games
until my brain resets
Stained by the charred remains
Of regrets and her angry threats
I write about it
And pretend
some of the pain just left...
Don't judge me
This world has made me insane
my Guardian Angels have to be drained
And insanely stressed
I should maybe rest
But I keep up the fight
Like my line
cant be pressed
But today
i just remain depressed
A prisoner....
Chained to my regret.
Dont judge me...
I played my best
- Devine Theory
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hella1975 · 3 years
wait cause what are your fav mitski songs
omg it's crytime hours besties let's go
(ranked in order of how much they obliterate me from least to most) (and by obliterate i just mean how much they mean to me, it doesn't necessarily have to be sad) (even though this is mitski we're talking about)
me and my husband - i tend to listen to this when i'm doing my make up???? and idk why??? and it's pretty ironic bc the song is literally about being a housewife and im just there doing my silley little highlighter??? but yeah mitski isn't really 'getting ready for the day' vibes but this one's quite upbeat i really like the backing instrumentals
drunk walk home - fucking hell i've never listened to something that so accurately describes that dejection at the end of a night out. like not all nights out obviously, but lately bc i'm leaving my hometown (derogatory) in a matter of weeks and it's all suddenly so plausible that im finally getting out of here, i've found every time i go out with my friends to the bars, i'll have a big moment where i'm just so tired of this place and so angry at it and it's such a strange mix of exhaustion and rage and this song Gets That
townie - opposite of drunk walk home in that i think this captures the 'on your way into a night out/out on a night out' vibes. it's just such a good song for youth i think? like gives me green light by lorde vibes, because it's got that longing and got that need for more and excitement
why didn't you stop me - is an objectively good song but then i completely projected satosugu onto it until i can't think of anything else and now it just one punch annihilates me whenever it comes on
pink in the night - wow i can't believe mitski invented romance
two slow dancers - wow i can't believe mitski invented heartbreak
washing machine heart - i lose my absolute MIND to this song i go completely feral. i made my friend play it in the car once and everyone was like 'what the fuck this is... not the vibe' they were right of course but it still hurt
a pearl - a song that i used to love just because it's a brilliant song and then thought of azula one day when 'i fell in love with a war and no one told me it ended' hit and now i feel actual heart palpitations if i think too hard on that
nobody - the classic!!!! the gamechanger!!! the cultural reset!!! she went so fucking hard with this. from the very first line she popped off and she didn't stop from that moment on
last words of a shooting star - something about striving for perfection and even in your last moments thinking only of how you were viewed. something about 'i always wanted to die clean and pretty'. if you play this around me i WILL suckerpunch you in the throat
i bet on losing dogs - literally what fucking A-class crack did she put in this. i just want to know. i have a video in my snapchat memories of me during exam season with no make-up and a massive fuck off hoodie and the transcript of it is: 'i've made the executive decision that if anyone tries to call me baby it'll make me SAD. thank you mitski thank you for that one' and it's just super passive aggressive and i think that summarises what this song does to me
class of 2013 - so much to unpack here. every lyric is its own individual personally engraved bullet and i just get shredded to pieces every time. audible equivalent of me jumping into a blender or like, floating in a pool. no inbetween. the mummy issues. the fear of getting older. the desire to give up. 'leave what im chasing for the other girls to pursue' 'mom, am i still young?' literally why the fuck did she write this 😐😐😐
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falcons-wings · 4 years
an easy mission
sam wilson x reader
summary: the reader gets hurt on a mission where they received bad intel (this is a terrible summary but we move)
warnings: fighting, injuries, blood, swearing, guns, knives (i think that’s it?? pls tell me if there’s anything else)
wc: 1.5k+
a/n: i’ve written for quite a few different fandoms but never marvel for some reason idk, but i love this man with all my heart and he does not nearly get the love he deserves so i thought i’d write this little work for him - also i havent written in a while so im rusty so apologies in advance - hope you enjoy :)
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This was meant to be an easy mission. A nice break from all the stress, fighting and pain you had been experiencing recently since you started working with Sam and Bucky. You had even been sent in on your own to where the target was supposed to be whilst the boys kept watch because it was, as Sam so incorrectly said, “a simple in and out job”.
You had decided it was not a simple in and out job.
The target you had to extract was only meant to have two of his men guarding him, hence the easy part of the job, but the twelve guys who were now all either pointing guns at you or in fighting stances, proved that information very wrong.
It didn’t take long for all hell to break loose - there were gunshots flying everywhere as you began taking out some of the men closest to you. You threw a couple of knives from your harness at two of the men who had guns, not even looking to see if they had hit the mark (but you knew they did - you never missed) before running at the guy closest to you. A swift kick to his stomach followed by an elbow to the face was all it took to for him to go down, allowing you to focus on the other guys now approaching you - and a couple more knives were thrown in succession, getting rid of all but one of the shooters before you engaged in hand to hand combat with two of the assailants.
“Y/n? Is everything alright in there?” Sam’s voice spoke through the comm.
“Oh, everything’s just peachy Sam, I just want to say-“ You felt a sharp pain in your abdomen, interrupting your train of thought and speech, but your momentary pause cost you when one of the guys you were fighting got lucky with a hit to your face. Annoyed that you had let down your guard and most likely had a broken nose now, you kicked your leg out towards his shin and as he tripped slightly, you elbowed him in the gut and pulled his arm down as you rolled towards the floor, flipping him over so his front collided with the ground hard enough to knock him unconscious.
You turned your attention back to the remaining assailants when you registered Sam shouting your name over the comms.
“What Sam? I’m a little busy.”
“You stopped mid sentence I thought something had happened, we were about to come and see if you needed help.” You could hear the worry in his voice but the stubborn part of you still refused to ask for help from them even though they were your friends and you knew they wouldn’t think any less of you.
“No it’s all good here, I was just going to say that we’re never listening to your informant ever again and if we do, you’re getting sent into the hideout.”
“What? Why?”
“Well it turns out the two guys guarding the target,” you tackled the last armed guy to the ground, stabbing him in the chest in the process before getting back up and approaching the last couple of people left, “was actually twelve so I’ve not been having the best time here.”
“Shit. We’re coming in.” You could hear him saying something to Bucky but you didn’t care as this was when you noticed the original target was no longer in your sight, only two very angry looking dudes.
“No I’ve got this handled, but I’ve lost the target - he must’ve got away whilst I was distracted. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologise y/n, Barnes is going to get the target and I’m coming to you.”
Before you could respond to him, the last two guys came charging at you. You ducked underneath the arm of one, dodging the knife he had trained on you, and kicked him in the back with enough force that he fell to the floor and didn’t get back up. This left only one who swung at your face, which you sidestepped out the way of, but unfortunately failed to see him swing his leg out to kick you in the stomach. You stepped back, doubled over in pain for a moment, but quickly recovered and took out the last knife from your harness, throwing it at his chest with perfect accuracy as he made another approach at you.
The body fell to the floor just as you heard loud footsteps running into the room behind you. Still on high alert you spun to fight this next person but instead relaxed when you saw Sam run into the room and stop in his tracks when he looked at you.
“I did say I had it handled.” You smiled smugly at him, ignoring the stab of pain from your nose at the movement, but the smile quickly faded when he still didn’t say anything, not even one of his normal comebacks.
“What? Is there something wrong?”
He shook his head slightly and began walking slowly towards you, “Y/n, you’re bleeding. We need to get you help.”
“It’s just a broken nose Sam, trust me I’ve survived worse.”
He was right in front of you now, his dark eyes conveying so much worry as he looked you over more closely. “No y/n, we need to get you to a hospital.”
You didn’t get what he was on about until he angled his head at your stomach, where you could now see the bullet wound you must’ve received in the mess of the fight bleeding profusely.
“Oh. Well that’s not ideal.”
You stumbled slightly as you started registering the pain you were in, the adrenaline from the fight beginning to wear off now. Sam was quick to steady you with his arms, and the concern on his face, his concern for you, warmed your heart a little even amidst the pain.
He manoeuvred you to the floor to rest whilst he spoke to Bucky over the comms to update him on the situation, and it might’ve been the blood loss speaking but you couldn’t help but think to yourself that he looked even more attractive than normal. He raised an eyebrow at you when he caught you staring, and quickly shaking the thoughts out of your head you began speaking.
“I’m sorry, I fucked up, I didn’t want to call for back up so you would know I can handle things and then I lost the target and then apparently got injured in the mess. All in all not my best mission, so I’m sorry.”
He shook his head at you, crouching down in front of you, “No y/n, you have absolutely nothing to apologise for. This is 100% on me and I’m so so sorry - I hate to see you get hurt, and that’s exactly what happened here.”
“How’s it on you?”
“It was my informant who gave the wrong information which I believed without confirming it, and then you went in here with no back up. You could’ve died y/n. I- No, we, can’t handle another loss, especially if it was you, you mean too much to Bucky and I now.” He looked down at his hands, avoiding your eyes, “I’ll do better next time.”
You hated how sad and broken he looked as he admitted this to you, and bad injuries or not, you were having none of his wallowing today. “Listen to me here Samuel Wilson - you are not to blame for this, sometimes there is bad intel and that’s just something we have to deal with. And if you will not let me blame myself for anything that’s gone wrong today then I ban you from thinking the same about yourself okay?”
He finally looked up at you to see the sincerity in your eyes and gave a small smile, “Okay.”
“I hate to break up the moment,” you both sat up quickly, ready to fight, to see Bucky approaching the two of you and dragging the target behind him, “but we need to get you to a hospital and this guy to a cell.”
“That might be a good idea as my vision is starting to go a little blurry.”
“Shit, okay, I’m gonna pick you up is that alright?” Sam asked, only needing a nod from you before you were in his arms bridal style and following Bucky out of the building.
As you approached the vehicle you were using, you poked Sam’s cheek to get his attention.
“I don’t want to see you get hurt either by the way, you mean too much to me as well.”
His eyes shined as he looked down at you, but his attention was quickly caught by Bucky muttering under his breath “God, just kiss already, you two make me feel sick.”
You huffed a laugh, ignoring your own blushing cheeks, and instead looked at Sam who had his own red cheeks and was now glaring at Bucky with a look, that if it could, would kill him.
He soon gave up with glaring at his friend, and instead looked down at you with a small, possibly hopeful smile on his face that you readily returned.
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sanababes · 4 years
Requested by: ❄️ anon
Mafia!Jiu falls for a shy reader ♤
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she first met you during a stagnant mission which took her a few minutes before killing someone off, as per stated in the contract she previously had
it was past midnight and you were sitting alone on a bench at the park nearby her location, she was about to go straight (gay) into the extraction point but she doubted the feeling of leaving you without making sure if you were alright or something since it's late at night already
girlie eventually walked up to you while nervously fiddling with her hands, that is very unlikely of her btw
"hey, penny for your thoughts?"
you flinched and almost fell of the bench due to not being aware of the pretty stranger's presence
"oh! sorry, i shouldn't have came up like that" she apologizes quickly before letting her gaze fall into your breathtaking look
Jiu felt the time stopped for a minute, she never met someone that surely caught her eye within these past few years of her being a notorious gang leader
"u-uh don't worry, it's nothing" you huffed
the latter just nodded and the two of you instantly fell into an awkward silence
thoughts like "ack! stranger!" and "oh shit, who you?" kept your mind busy from entertaining the woman beside you, i mean realistically, who would talk to strangers right?
but yeah, a simp for milfs like you sure do
you tried to show a strong facade as you began to converse with the fierce-looking stranger, this made Jiu's heart swoon over your cuteness because of the thin blush on your cheeks and how the moon perfectly illuminates a dimmed light to your face
you guys exchanged each other's names which took long enough, the reason is because the two of you are COWARDS
"so... what brings you here?" Jiu finally asked. "nothing special, i just wanted... some air?" you muttered softly
of course Jiu being a whipped girl as well, just nodded and played along with you
2000 years later... (pun intended)
"would you like to hang out sometime?"
this question really caught you off guard. it was rare for someone to even talk to you then now a gorgeous stranger/now acquaintance is asking you out? IN A FRIENDLY WAY OF COURSE
you contemplated for a second before replying with a whispered 'sure'. then she gave her number and you did vice versa
BOOM! a new friendship is made, which will soon blossom into a full on dating shit
okay, moving on-
the next morning came around and Jiu is still wide awake. she's been up for a long time and her thoughts really kept her sleepless. well you being the main reason of it-
i feel like she will come upon Sua and Siyeon then she'll try to freely say her problems out loud BUT SHE WOULDN'T BARE THEIR TEASING so it's a big no for her
girlie just decided to distract herself by hosting a meeting with her subordinates which went pretty well :)
-or maybe not?
Jiu was holding her phone the whole time, dwelling on how she would send you a text to hang out while the second-in-command discussed about their on-going business with one of their drug enterprise (pathetic, jk)
btw, her subordinates didn't even dared to bat an eye on her due to the harsh frown and agitated expression on her face lol
meanwhile, you're just chilling on your couch when a notification disrupts you from the movie that you're currently watching. grabbing your phone from the coffee table, you pressed the home button and saw a message from an unknown number
you scoffed and almost blocked the whoever was trying to talk to you. then suddenly, a new message was sent from the same number
"it's Jiu by the way"
"oh..." you mumbled, utterly amused that she decided to text you first
well, her looks from last night gave you a feeling that she was someone tough, cold, and charismatic which is not true, she's just a soft baby
"hello, i'm glad you told me. you're a second away from almost getting your number blocked" you sent the message with a smile lingering on your face
"thank god, you didn't :p"
you rolled your eyes and immediately retorted back to the latter, "whatever"
the two of you started to converse virtually without any interruptions, well, maybe a few times from Jiu's side because of the meeting. nonetheless, she found you endearing at how timid you are which she can noticed by your messages
Jiu eventually made up her mind and settled herself by asking you out for a dinner
not making it a big deal, you agreed and arranged the time for you two can meet up. time went quick by then and you didn't it was already 7pm. you still have an hour to go but you decided to start dressing yourself up in a simple white button-up shirt and ripped jeans
when Jiu finally sent the address of a restaurant, you skimmed through the info and realized that it was an extremely luxurious joint. your eyebrows furrowed as you thought your meet up was just a 'normal' one, not something grand like how it usually is
you cursed under your breath and had no energy to change into a more formal outfit since you'll be running late if you tried to
on the other hand, Jiu was already at the said restaurant. she was anxious but excited at the same time, girlie doesn't even realize how obvious her body language is.
she also reserved a table in advance which she quickly did because of her wide 'connections'.
after what felt like eternity to the woman, you finally came in from the main door which made the chimes on the frame clang in an ambient sound. your eyes met and you began to blush furiously, 'ugh... why is she so beautiful?'
WANNA KNOW WHY? the woman in front of you is currently wearing a black fitted-dress that hugged her curves perfectly. the neckline of the clothing was plunging slightly which also made her skin show a lot, specially on her chest area.
anyways, YOU are looking RESPECTFULLY
"i'm glad you came," she said with a wide grin
you just nodded while smiling bashfully. she motioned you to seat across her which you obliged without any complaints.
"it's my treat tonight, okay?" Jiu proposed as she passes you the menu book
this woman raised her eyebrows in a certain way which made you gulp and just gave up on retorting back, i mean, you would have been broke if you did payed for the food so-
throughout that dinner, Jiu would never leave her eyes from you if it wasn't necessary. she liked how you fiddle with your watch, she liked how your cheeks puff whenever you have a bite of food, she liked how you blush at little things she would tell about you, in summary, she knew she fell for you, HARD
but she pulls herself together, 'it's too fast, let's take it slow, Minji-ah. let's take it slow...'
Jiu mentally notes to herself that she would protect you at all cost, especially there's a lot of risk due to her being a mafia leader. and to the fact that she just met you last night :)
(a/n: YAAAAZZZ after forever, i finally finished an update for you guys 😙 im really sorry if i couldn't update for the past 2 months??? i think?? im just really busy with my classes and don't have the inspiration to write for the last few weeks. don't forget, i love you mates)
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orionwhispers · 5 years
Fools Gold // Tommy Shelby
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(A/N - ok. i started this imagine in december but then life happened and here we are almost in march. this took a really long time to write and im honestly kind of iffy about it but i hope you guys like it. also side note - tommy is a MASSIVE dick in this and do not let a boy/girl/anyone treat you like this - this is purely fiction and irl if someone uses you like this then they are trash. also second side note im mean to grace in this but I have a lot of feelings ok. LOVE U GUYS)
Thomas Shelby needed a distraction.
His mind was hazy, like looking through a cloud of smoke. He saw Grace everywhere. Sunshine coloured hair reflecting on the grey puddles in the street, sapphire blue eyes watching him from the bluebells sitting on Polly’s desk, her soft laughter in his ears whenever he heard a bell chime. He wanted a distraction. He wanted a quick fix, something soft and warm that would fill the emptiness of his bed and the hole in his heart, but he never imagined just what that would cost.
The first time he saw you was on a Wednesday. The clouds were silver and the air was cold, and London was a welcome change in scenery. He was visiting Ada, in the city for business but wanting to see the kind face of his sister, some softness in his world of sharp. It was late at night, the moon round and full and the library almost empty, and he nodded at his sister in greeting as she filed away the last of the novels.
“Tommy.” She smiled, with rosy cheeks and tousled hair. “Let me just grab my coat and we’ll be off.”
She turned to speak to someone, and Tommy impatiently tapped his clipped fingernails along the edge of a desk, his brain always working, mentally relieving business deals in his head as he waited. He listened to the low hum of the roads outside and the incessant flickering of a street lamp through the window, turning slowly at the sound of footsteps approaching.
His breath hitched in his throat.
Standing beside his sister, all kind eyed and ink stained and sweet as strawberry ice cream was a girl. A girl that for the first time in a long time, made the memories in his brain curl off and vanish like wisps of smoke.
A girl that could be the perfect distraction.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright closing up? I’m sorry to rush off like this.” He didn’t register his sisters voice, his ocean blue eyes trained on you, with your cherry bitten lips and pink polished fingernails.
“Oh Ada, I’m fine. Have a lovely time.” You replied, voice just as honeyed as the rest of you. You gave Tommy a soft smile, wringing your hands together, slightly uncomfortable with the attention you had accidentally drawn to yourself.
He stepped forward without a second thought, his palm outstretched. You blinked back at him, like a deer caught in headlights. Ada had spoken about her brother; how he could sweet talk the devil, and how he was destined to rule the world with his golden mind and silver tongue. You had been intimidated by her words, and standing before him you felt utterly, hopelessly, mortal.
You tried to hide your nerves as you shook his hand, his large fingers engulfing yours and sending sparks down your spine. His blue eyes reminded you of the ocean, like a stormy sea and the smell of salt, and you were worried you might just drown. He wasn’t handsome. He was beautiful.
“My apologies for stealing my sister away.” He said, his voice even and still, warm like a summer breeze. “I’m Tommy.”
“(Y/N).” You replied, trying not to falter under his unwavering stare.
“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N).”
You held his gaze for as long as you could, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks and your neck grow hot. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking, and that was what unsettled you the most. You had never been in the presence of someone so powerful and striking, and you felt so small next to him.
After a moment you pulled away, biting your lip gently and motioning to the overflowing bookshelves around you. “I should get back, it was nice to meet you. Have a nice night, Ada.” You smiled at your friend, before turning on your heel and walking away, feeling eyes bore into your back.
Tommy watched as you left, entranced by the swish of your skirt and the soft footsteps you took, and-the dizzying length of your tight clad legs. Ada tightened her scarf around her throat, a smirk on her face as she made her way to the door.
“Don’t even think about it Tommy.”
It was hard for him not to.
That night, as he drove back to Birmingham, he pictured your pretty face, your teeth chewing on those rose coloured lips, the slight tremor in your words as you spoke. In the quiet of his bedroom, the moon watching him from high above, it was usually Grace who disrupted his nightly reflection. But for the first time in a long time, it wasn’t her voice soothing him to sleep.
He knew he wasn’t going to fall in love. Grace might have been on the other side of the Atlantic with a husband that didn’t deserve her, but Tommy was a romantic, and he truly thought that one day they would reunite. Lizzie was a good fuck, but she was temporary. Now she was hired as his secretary he didn’t want to blur the lines of their relationship, and he could already feel her growing too close for comfort. He didn’t need a girlfriend, especially when he knew that no one could compare to Grace, he didn’t need another person to worry about and he certainly didn’t need another broken heart. But what he did need was something to fill the void.
It was easy to find you, even with just your first name. He spoke to one of his informants in London, under the guise of ‘looking for a new assistant’ and the following day he had a stack of papers sitting on his desk.
(Y/N) (Y/L/N). You worked at the library two days a week, and spent the other three training as a nurse. There were no previous addresses or references from past jobs, just your current flat and the hospital where you worked part time. There was nothing personal, no mention of family or relatives nearby, just a slightly faded photograph of you taken before the war. You weren’t looking at the camera, your eyes occupied elsewhere, almost as if you were shying away from the photographer. You looked younger, but just as beautiful and Tommy thumbed the worn print between his fingers; careful not to smudge your face, a fingertip trailing along your lips.
The flowers came three days after you had met.
You had been at the hospital learning how to properly stitch wounds, and your head was numb from processing so much information. You were exhausted, droplets of rain splattering across your collar and down the back of your blouse, and you were desperate for the warmth of your bed. You toyed with the keys in your pocket, finger running across the ridges so that you could get in as quickly as possible, but you fumbled when you noticed a spark of crimson on your doormat.
It must have cost at least a hundred pounds. Rich, ruby red roses all neatly clipped and arranged, their petals healthy and as soft as butter, and the gold foil writing on the box was of a store on the other side of London, one you had been too intimidated to even step foot in. You assumed that it was for Mrs Kim upstairs, or perhaps a gift from Ron to Mark after they had one of their colossal rows, but as you reached for the label, you felt your brow furrow.
“It really was a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N). Regards, Tommy Shelby.”
You left them in your kitchen, squashed into the only vase you owned, clipping them practically to the wick to get them all to fit. You ignored them as you ate dinner, the radio nothing but noise in the background. You tried not to think of them as you sank into a scalding hot bath, or as you clambered into bed, and it worked - because what you thought of as you drifted off to sleep wasn’t ruby red roses, but ocean blue eyes.
Two more bouquets came in two weeks. Both just as lavish and extravagant as the first, and both sitting in the biggest drinking glasses you owned. Your flat smelt like a florists’, and pollen lingered on your clothes all day, a constant reminder of the man who had sent them. You busied yourself with work, letting the day to day distractions of the injured occupy your mind. The hospital had needed an extra pair of hands and you needed experience, but when you finally returned to the library, you cornered Ada as she restocked the shelves.
“Oh (Y/N)!” She smiled, as pure and fresh as new snow. “It’s not been the same without you.”
“I don’t want a boyfriend.”You blurted out, eyes wide.
You had hoped to say something more eloquent, but Ada’s jet black hair and similarity to her brother made you fall pathetically at the last hurdle. Her eyebrows shot up, and you inhaled deeply. “Sorry, that came out wrong. Please tell Tommy, thank you for the flowers, but I’m not really looking for something right now.”
“Tommy sent you flowers?” There was curiosity evident in her voice as she stepped forward, heeled boot clicking against the floor.
“Well, more like three bouquets.”
“Wow.” Her brows almost reached the pendant light dangling from the ceiling.
“I thought you knew - I mean, I thought you gave him my address.”
She shook her head, a small smirk dancing in her face. “Nope. But that’s never stopped Tommy before.”
You exhaled, looking up at her and chewing on the bottom of your lip. “You know that I - I can’t. I don’t think I’m ready, you know, after everything...”
Ada was your closest friend, she had been since she arrived in London. Beautiful and intelligent, with her young son and quick wit - you remembered meeting her on her first day at the library, feeling nervous and intimidated by such a confident and clever woman, but barely a week passed and it felt as though you had known her your entire life. As the months flew by, the two of you would often go for drinks or dinner by the river, staying out till midnight and laughing until your ribs felt tough. She trusted you enough to let you babysit Karl, the little boy calling you his Auntie and making your insides swell with pride. And finally, on a warm summer night, with her cherry red lips and coal black eyeliner, the two of you watching the sun set from the balcony of her expansive house, she opened up to you.
As the sky darkened and you shared champagne and strawberries in the open air, she told you about her family and her past. Her voice was smaller than you had ever heard it, such a powerful woman almost seeming meek as she bore her soul to you. She told you about Freddie, the headstrong and golden hearted man she had fallen for, and you intertwined your fingers when she spoke about his death. She told you about her reasons for arriving in London, cautiously speaking about a gang that roamed the streets back home, you listened intently, eyes wide when she revealed that the main members were of her own blood.
She trusted you inexplicably, telling you things that she had burrowed away for years and that meant the world to you. So under the moonlight, you tipped your head back and emptied your glass, blinking back tears as you explained your own past, the one you had been running from.
Now though, she pressed a kind hand to your shoulder, her eyes softening ever so slightly and it broke you away from your thoughts.“You don’t have to explain anything to me. I’ll tell Tommy to keep his cock in his pants.” She winked at you, making you let out the breath that you had been holding, a relieved chuckle escaping from your throat.
She tugged your sleeve gently, motioning to the overflowing pile of dog eared novels by her feet. “Come and help me sort all this out.” She said “And let me fill you in on my date yesterday.”
Ada phoned Tommy as soon as she arrived home. He answered on the third ring, his voice tired and thick with smoke, his exhaustion evident through the speaker. One mention of you however, and he perked up like he had downed three shots of espresso. Work had been fucking awful, and imaging you and those rosebud lips was a pleasant distraction from the ache in his skull.
Ada told him to back off, and he could practically feel his sisters stern expression despite being 100 miles away from her. “She’s too nice for you Tommy, and not interested. Besides aren’t there enough girls in Birmingham? Why do you have to come after the one I’ve actually made friends with?”
Tommy had rolled his eyes. He loved his sister, but he didn’t feel like explaining his reasoning to her. He knew that she would never approve, never really understand him.
“You know I want you to find someone, especially after...” She inhaled sharply, choosing her words carefully. “Look, Tommy, you’ll find someone, but just not (Y/N), yeah? She’s been through a lot.”
He hummed, not voicing his real thoughts, always liking to keep his cards close to his chest. He said his goodbyes and hung up, Ada’s words lingering in his brain. His spine had stiffened at the implication of Grace, he hated being reminded of the past, especially memories he was trying so hard to forget. But it wasn’t just that, there was something about the words she had chosen that had sparked a fire in his gut.
“She’s been through a lot.”
He wasn’t quite sure what she was insinuating, but to him, it made you all the more alluring. He would never pursue a woman who truly wanted nothing to do with him. He might not have been the textbook definition of a ‘good man’ but he respected those who turned him down - although it was very much a rarity. But there was something about you, something about the way that you had held his stare, the innocence in your eyes and the attractiveness that hung around you like sugar water.
He loved the chase, especially when the reward was as sweet as you.
He waited outside your flat, hands in his pockets and peaked cap low on his head. It was almost six and he knew that you would be returning from the hospital soon, so he crossed his legs, leaning on the doorframe with a cigarette between his lips, secondhand smoke curling in the air.
He heard you before he saw you; the hiss of the cold air as you fought with the heavy door, the clunk of your patent loafers across the concrete and the jangle of your keys in your palm. He smiled to himself. Watching as you walked up the stairs, rifling through papers in your hands and then looking up suddenly, your eyes widening with shock.
“Tommy.” You said, filled with genuine surprise, clutching your handbag tightly, sure that you would drop it otherwise.
He liked the way his name sounded on your tongue.
He reached forward, steadying your wobbling hands and collecting the papers before they could scatter down the hallway. You stiffened at the contact, but he held you secure.
“Is Ada alright?” You asked quickly, hoping his impromptu visit didn’t come with bad news. He looked down and felt his stomach twist at the sight of your long lashes and shining wide eyes.
He shook his head. “My sisters fine. I actually came here for you.”
“Ada rang me, and I wanted to apologise for being so forward. It wasn’t my intention.”
You straightened, pulling slightly away from his hands. “You could have called, or written a letter.” The words came out slightly sharper than you had hoped, but you felt bristled by his sudden appearance.
He smiled. A half tug that looked boyish and cheeky, almost a smirk, and you hated the way that it made your heart flutter. “Well, yes, but that would have meant not seeing you in person.”
You fought back your own embarrassed grin, feeling blush rise from your throat to the plump of your cheeks. A flicker of humour sparked in his eyes, feeling triumphant at getting even the smallest of responses from you. The heat around your collar was turning such a delicious shade of red, like a honeycrisp apple, and it was hard for him to look away.
“Let me take you to dinner.”
You shifted on one foot, trying not to look into his milky blue eyes, knowing that if you did he would have you hook, line and sinker. “Tommy... I don’t know.”
“Just one dinner and I’ll be out of your hair.”
You exhaled, feeling yourself starting to cave. “Okay. One dinner. And nowhere fancy.”
Five minutes later and you were out the door. You had slipped off your work uniform and stepped into a lavender beaded dress and a pair of modest kitten heels. You hated the way you double checked your reflection in the mirror, smoothing out the stray hairs by your forehead, placing a cool hand to your chest to try and level your breathing. You didn’t put on any makeup, you weren’t trying to give Tommy the wrong idea.
You reminded yourself that you were just going to dinner, as friends. Nothing more.
Tommy watched you under the shimmering lights of the club. The rhythmic clash of the jazz band echoed all around him, beautiful women laughed and swayed on the dance floor, and the air was thick with smoke and bitter whisky, but his attention was solely cast at you.
Your head was down, and you were picking at the food on your plate. The expensive bottle of red wine sat opened in the middle of you both, your glass untouched and his filled halfway.The owner had recognised him immediately and sent over the gift, and he didn’t miss the caution that flashed on your face at the gesture.
“Are you sure you don’t want a glass?” He asked, voice smooth like silk.
You looked up at him. “No, thank you though. I have an early shift in the morning.”
He nodded, cutting through his steak, a sliver of blood on his knife. “How long have you been a nurse?”
He already knew, but he wanted to hear your answer.
“Well, I’m technically not a nurse - not yet. I’m still training, but I only have a few months to go.” You smiled, and he watched as your whole face lit up as you talked about your passion. “I’ve always wanted to do it. Now I finally am.”
“Well, I think that’s very admirable.”
“And what do you do?”
“Oh. I’m a bad man.” He said, as if it was the most causal thing in the world. His cobalt eyes flickered from his plate to you, holding you hostage in his gaze.“But I’m sure Ada’s told you all about that.”
You inhaled. “I try not to judge people based on rumours.”
“Even if they hold some truth in them?”
You didn’t say anything. You swirled around the spaghetti on your plate, spearing your fork through a pea. After a moment you cleared your throat, daring to look up at him.
“I think the world has changed. Times have moved on, and sometimes it requires a firmer hand to get where you want to be.”
Tommy paused, genuinely taken aback by your reply. You had been so timid and placid before, but now there was an intensity to your words, one that he found particularly alluring.
“It doesn’t mean that I agree, but - ” You sighed. “A few years ago, I was turned down by a nursing school; they said I was too young and too inexperienced and... it really shattered my confidence. I was going to give up completely, but instead I decided to keep studying, and I was working three jobs to just make ends meet. When I applied again I made sure that there was no way they would reject me.”
Your eyes flickered up momentarily as you chewed on your upper lip. “All I’m saying is, sometimes you have to work hard to get what you want.”
Tommy mulled over your words, tongue running over his teeth. He picked up the stem of his wine glass and held it towards you in a toast. His eyes caught yours and his stare was unwavering, the edge of his lips unturned in a boyish smirk.
“To getting what we want.”
You really, truly, honestly, didn’t want to enjoy your dinner with Tommy - but you did. The night was so easy, after a while you managed to find a comfortable niche and the conversation flowed like running water. As time passed you found yourself giving into habits that you thought you had left behind, like tucking a loose curl behind your ear, or giggling into your hands, a warm shade of pink staining your skin. Tommy watched you, the anchor on his chest lifting slightly, the way it always did when he found himself getting his way.
He walked you home with his suit jacket draped over your shoulders; despite your protests, leaving you smelling like whisky sours and cigarettes. He could feel your apprehension as you stood under the archway of your apartment building. The wind had picked up and rain was drizzling onto the both of you, and his stomach tightened when you looked up at him with raindrops coating your eyelashes. He was waiting for you to speak first. If he had his way, he would be joining you in your flat, pressing you up against the wall and kissing your lips until they were swollen. He wanted to untangle the braid in your hair, unlace the dress that made you look ethereal and feel you breathless under him, but he remained patient.
The truth was that even though you had only spent one evening alone, the constant buzz of work and life in his brain had faded into static. (There was only one woman who had ever made it fully fade, but now he knew now to take whatever he could get). He had genuinely enjoyed the night, even without the guarantee of ending it in your bed. It was pleasant to spend a few hours talking about something other than business deals or brutality, to fill silences with stories about films you had seen or your misbehaving patients.
He would be satisfied with a goodnight kiss, to taste the sweetness of your lips and feel the curve of your waist under his palm. He liked the way that the nerves you had started the night with were flittering under your skin once again; it made him feel good, it made him feel wanted, it made him feel powerful. It would be enough to sate him over until the next time you met up - because believe him, there would be a next time - but even he couldn’t stop the flare of surprise that splashed over his face when you simply handed him back his jacket and darted up the stairs.
“Thank you for dinner, Tommy. Have a good night.”
Underneath the broken bulb in your hallway, with his expensive patent shoes slowly filling with water, he let out a loud, genuine, chuckle.
A few days passed, and whilst your evening with Tommy still lingered in your mind, work was much too hectic for you to be wrapped up in distractions. There were no more surprise bouquets or unannounced visits, and no phone calls at the end of your shifts either, you knew you should have been relieved, but you couldn’t ignore the tiny flicker of disappointment. You decided to tell Ada, mentioning your dinner casually the next time that you saw her, dropping it into conversation as though it wasn’t a monumental piece of gossip.
“You did what?” Her voice echoed around the expansive library and you playfully shushed her, pointing to the people reading on the floor below.
“It’s not that big of a deal!”
“Psh! Easy for you to say!” She huffed, elbowing you in the ribs as she meticulously rearranged the books on the shelf in front of her. “I thought you were... you know...” She waved her hand like she was wafting smoke from her face, a clear indication of what she thought you were going to do to her brother.
You sighed, wiping the dust from a hardcover. “I know, I know. But he’s... charming.”
“Yeah, like a fox.”
You laughed at her blunt tone. She turned away and continued working, her shoulders shrugging with her movements. “Just be careful, okay?”
“I will, mum.” You tugged on the bottom of her hair like a child, making her meet your line of sight. “Honestly, Ada, it was a nice night, but it’s not like it’s going to go anywhere. I have no plans to see him again - ever.”
Your intentions were shattered as you left the hospital one evening, stopping dead in your tracks when you recognised the distinct peaked cap and felt the unmistakable domineering aura all around you. You tried to bite back the smile threatening to take over your entire face when you saw him leaning against a red brick wall, tall and cool, the kind of man that would have a million songs made about him.
You couldn’t deny the twist in your gut when he smiled at you, so cheeky yet smooth like rich dark chocolate. You felt the envious glances of the other nurses leaving their shifts around you, bubbling with jealousy and curiosity. You didn’t even care that you would be the main topic of discussion at the next tea break on Monday, as much as you hated to admit it, you felt like the world around you was blurring, leaving nothing but the two of you.
“Is this a social call, Tommy? Or should I get the first aid kit.” You called out under the noise of the streets around you, your voice deceivingly controlled.
He flipped his leather notebook closed, one you hadn’t even noticed he was so engrossed in, sliding it into his pocket and uncrossing his legs, his eyes shining with humour.
“No, not tonight. Although I’ll know where to come if I ever need it.”
You came to a stop just before him, not trusting yourself to get too close.“What can I do for you, Thomas?”
He didn't comment on the space you had left between you, but you knew that he had noticed it. He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out his wallet, nimble fingers rifling through until he pulled out two stubs of paper.
“I have tickets for the play tonight.”
You felt your eyes widen as he showed you the passes. You had made an offhand comment at dinner about wanting to see this particular play, one that you didn’t think he had even noticed, but he was obviously more observant than you had given him credit for.
“Wow. That’s great.” You smiled, “Well, I hope you have a lovely night.” You winked at him, turning on your heel but he grabbed the edge of your sleeve, pulling you back towards him.
“I think it’ll be a little rude of me if I show up alone, and besides, a lot of these things tend to go over my head, I think I might need somebody to help me understand everything.”
You wanted to resist. You wanted to tell him no. You wanted to be strong and admit that the fortress you had built around yourself wasn’t ready to start crumbling down, not just yet.
But you couldn’t.
You knew that this could all be a mistake. Letting people in wasn’t something you were used to, especially not someone as charming and handsome as Tommy. But you found yourself liking him, as though he had some kind of magnetic hold over you, pulling you closer even when you wanted to run.
“Tommy I - It’s kind of you, but I don’t think it’ll be wise.”
“Please.” He said, and hearing such a vulnerable word coming from his mouth made your throat constrict. “I know that I’m being forward and feel free to tell me to piss off, but honestly, I had such a wonderful dinner with you and I would love to take you out again. And besides, you’re my only friend here in London.”
“What about your sister?”
“Oh we’re really not that close.” He teased.
You laughed, chewing on your lip so harshly you thought you might draw blood. Despite the protests in your brain you reached out and took a ticket, looking up at him with those big eyes that made his toes curl.
The theatre was beautiful. It was wide and open, with red velvet seats and high ceilings. It was the prefect escape, laughing and gasping with the audience as the actors fought and danced on stage, magnificent hand painted back drops making you feel like you were no longer in London. You ate truffle coated popcorn and drank glasses of champagne, all sent over by the ushers that recognised Tommy instantly, practically bowing to him when you both arrived.
But Tommy truly couldn’t care less for whatever was happening in front of you both, because he was completely captivated by you. He liked when you tipped your head back when you laughed, he liked the way your eyes lit up and followed the characters on stage, as though you were in a trance. He followed the curve of your nose and the pout of your lip under the cream coloured lights, unable to fight back the smile when you noticed him, blush rising up your neck like a tidal wave.
He walked you home that night, just like he had before, his jacket slung over your shoulders and his hand ghosting against yours. You seemed more open, your anecdotes a little more personal and your laugh a little louder, and he really felt like he might be getting somewhere. He liked making you giggle and the way you tucked into his side when a car raced by a little too fast, and he wasn’t even disappointed when you simply handed back his coat at the end of the night, a ghost of a smile on your lips - if anything it made him want you more.
The morning after the play, with eyes blurred from sleep and a migraine brewing behind your eyes, you found a still warm lemon loaf and a container of expensive coffee on your doorstep. You smiled as you tied your hair up messily with a powder pink ribbon you had around your wrist, placing the coffee inside by the kettle and half of the sickly sweet treat in your handbag, knowing you would need it to soften up Ada when you inevitably told her about the evening you had shared.
She had rolled her eyes and scolded you; reminding you to be cautious. And you wanted to be, really, but there was something about him that made you ignore the warning signs hammering in your chest, and before you knew it you were back under his arm when he next showed up on your doorstep.
He took you to a horse show on the other side of London, telling you that he needed another pair of eyes and a consultant for helping him choose a new mare. You had told him you knew nothing about horses, and yet he persisted, pulling you in with that damned smile and those ocean blue eyes. You had managed to get one over on him though, meeting him at his car the next day, dressed in a blood red gown that made his breath get caught in his throat. You looked beautiful, ethereal even, with your curled hair and shy eyes. And that colour red, the colour of sin against such a gentle soul made the fire in the pit of his belly reignite whenever he looked at you, but worst of all, was the way that colour reminded him of her.
He didn’t want to be wallowing in the past. So he allowed himself to get sucked into you, allowed the smell of your perfume and the sound of your voice and the warmth of your body distract himself from the blonde beauty that was clawing back into his mind.
He was waiting for you in his matte black car on his last night in London, and you tried to ignore the thump of your heart when you realised that he wanted to spend his final day in the city with you. He drove to Hyde Park, the sun was high and the sky was the cloudless, a long stretch of blue that seemed to go on forever. You walked across the grass, keeping your hands laced together so you wouldn’t risk brushing your fingertips against his, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to hide the goosebumps that would rise on your skin.You watched him smoke, inhaling and exhaling smoothly, blowing out nicotine like it was water, and he smiled when he caught your eye.
“Why did you bring me here today?” You asked finally, when the two of you came to a stop by the edge of the pond, watching the ducks and swans swim between the reeds.
“I like appreciating beautiful things.” He said, tilting his head so he was looking you in the eye.
You sighed, watching the sun reflect diamonds from the water. “I don’t understand you, Tommy, and that makes me nervous.” He didn’t know what to say, and so he let you continue. “How much has Ada told you about me?”
“Nothing. She’s a good friend.”
“She’s my best friend.” You murmured, and he watched the way your eyes glossed over, like you were replaying a million memories in your head. “You know, she told me to stay away from you.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt that.”
“I don’t know why you’re pursuing me.” Your voice was small, like the ripples that lapped over the top of the pond.
The truth is he didn't either. He knew it was wrong, using you as a way to get over Grace, but he’s never been known for having the most ethical methods. Doesn’t he deserve this? For everything he does, for the money he makes and the lives he’s built for his family, doesn’t he deserve something kind and pretty and gentle? Doesn’t he deserve a distraction from all the noise?
You reached into your handbag, rummaging around through the loose lipsticks and many receipts that you’ve shoved inside. He peered as you pulled out a small coin purse, rose coloured and no bigger than your palm. You unclasped the two little pearls at the top, and he noticed your fingers shaking ever so slightly, like a leaf in the wind.
You pulled out a picture and handed it to him, dog eared and greying but unmistakably you, laughing into the cheek of a young man, his arms slung over your shoulder. Tommy looked over at you, but you were watching the water, jaw clenched ever so slightly.
“Who is he?”
“Steven.” You cleared the lump residing in your throat, the one that always surfaced when you spoke about him. “We lived next door to each other, he was my first kiss, my first love, my first - everything.”
Tommy felt a pang in his gut like a sucker punch, he could hear the hurt in your words, he knows it too well, because it’s the same that echoes around his skull whenever he thinks about Grace.
You continued, “We were together since primary school, and all through secondary. I really thought we were going to be with each other forever.” You sniffled, and Tommy knows what you’ll say before you’ve even formed the words, because he’d been through the horrors himself. “He was a few years older than me though, and then he... and then he got drafted.”
“He was never made for the war. No one is, not really, but he was special. He was so kind and gentle and funny, and it wasn’t fair. We got married the day before he was sailing to France. I wore my mothers dress, it was too big and a few buttons were broken, but it was perfect. We were just kids in love.”
The silence that followed told Tommy everything he needed to know, and his gut felt heavy, like it was filled with lead. He wanted to reach out and touch you, the sadness radiating off of you like perfume, but he kept his hands to himself.
“How did it happen?” Tommy asked after a moment, knowing that you might not be able to bring up the subject unless he did.
“Second battle of Somme. Front line. They said he took the bullet instead of his comrade, jumped in the way to save him. They said he died quickly, that he wasn’t in much pain.”
“He died a hero.”
“He shouldn’t have died at all.”
Tommy agreed with that.
“The war took too many good men.” His voice was growing as sullen as his eyes, thinking back to a time that always sucked the life from him, his mind growing hazy with thoughts of the trenches and mud on his feet, sticky blood staining his hands.
“And destroyed those left behind.”
He inched closer to you. He was so tall and stoic, eyes focused on the water in front of you yet you felt completely seen, something about him making you feel content. Above you, the clouds were darkening, a chill whipping around you both. He brushed his shoulder against yours, the fabric making you shiver slightly, and he grabbed your wrist gently, intertwining your fingers with his, making the first move because he knew you couldn’t.
“Come on,” He said, voice raspy and thick like billowing smoke. “We don’t want to get stuck in the storm.”
The rain was torrential. It was almost comical how quickly the clouds gathered and darkened, spitting droplets from above that trickled down and splattered the both of you. You giggled as you ran to the car, Tommy holding his jacket above the two of you, your heels splashing through puddles. It felt like a weight had lifted from your chest, when you opened the car door and bolted inside, breathless and wild. It had always been hard to talk about Steven, the words getting stuck in your throat like thick honey, but the relief of having it out in the open was enormous. You didn’t realise just how much of the past you were holding onto.
Raindrops were scattered along Tommy’s fine leather seats, the bottom of your dress painted with a faint layer of mud. His windshield wipers squealed as the cleared away the water, the car thick with tension and heat rising from your damp bodies. It was late by the time you made it back to the centre of the city, the rain still cascading down loudly onto the pavement around you. You could hear your blood rushing to your ears, the kind of constant hum that made you feel as though you were being held underwater.
Your whole body was bubbling with apprehension, you could feel Tommy moving behind you, the edge of his jacket brushing against your arm. You couldn’t find your keys inside your handbag, struggling from adrenaline and the icy chill of the air. Wet hair clung to your forehead, and you were certain your mascara was halfway down your cheeks, and you turned to Tommy to apologise for your clumsiness, but he was already gazing at you.
You were looking up at him, so innocent and so gentle and so beautiful under the soft glow of the navy sky and the twinkling stars and all he really wanted was to kiss you senseless - so he did.
He tasted like sweet mint and nicotine, and you tasted like woodsmoke and wisteria. It wasn’t a gentle kiss, it wasn’t like stealing kisses in the alley when you were sixteen, or clumsy kisses in the bed you shared with Steven, this was intense and passionate and all consuming. Tommy allowed you to devour him, the smell of you overpowering his senses and he buried his soft aching hands in your messy hair.
His body was pressed against you, thick and hard against the velvet of your figure. You pulled away slowly, lips puffy and swollen and baby pink. You were blushing, red hot from nerves and exhilaration and you laughed sweetly against the crook of his neck, eyelashes fluttering against his flesh.
“Do you want to come inside?”
His fingertips were the paint coated brushes and your body was the perfect canvas. You reacted to his touch like it was everything you craved. Your kisses were open mouthed and messy, and he had to bite his tongue to stop the cascade of groans threatening to spill from his lips. Your pulses were synced, the low light of your bedroom made you look like a creature from a fairytale, and he touched you like you were made from glass. His hands were soft yet rough, you let him run his fingers through his hair and then leave bruises on your hip bones. He shuddered into your neck, sweat dripping onto your skin, whines leaving your mouth that he wanted to drill into his brain and remember for the rest of his life.
He was breathless. He closed his eyes as he laid down next to you, the sky outside black like coal. You had been perfect. He couldn’t hear the shovels. The usual constant battle in his brain was replaced by the salty memory of your skin, your hot breath against his ear, your legs tangling with his. He felt you next to him, curling into him slightly, your body still recovering and your toes twitching.
The bedroom was quiet, nothing but the creak of the wind against the window and the occasional pattern of rain against the glass. He felt his ears twitch when you opened your mouth, muffled and sleepy, a pang of sadness in your voice.
“Please don’t break my heart.”
He pretended to be asleep.
He was gone when you woke up. You weren’t quite sure what you were expecting, but cracking your eyes open to the lazy sunrise and the emptiness of your bed was as painful as a bullet in your spine. You felt embarrassed, looking down at the marks of your skin as you scrubbed away the night in the bath, running a warm flannel over your skin so many times that your flesh turned red. You felt ashamed; ashamed that you hadn’t listened to your best friend and ashamed that you had put your trust in someone that you knew would hurt you.
But deep down, in the pit of your stomach, you couldn’t deny that you still liked him, still wished that he was with you. You knew it was wrong but you forgave him. You knew he had to leave early; perhaps he hadn’t slipped out the way you had thought, perhaps he had truly wanted to stay. You felt foolish and young and weak, but you missed the feeling of his lips and his skin, the weight of his hips against yours.
Two full weeks passed by until he showed up again. There were no calls, no surprise bouquets or impromptu visits, just the lingering feeling of shame on your body. You didn’t say anything to Ada, too mortified to admit that you had slept with her brother and he had run out before you had woken up. You knew that he was the one in the wrong, he was the one who deserved to feel like shit for treating you that way, but that didn’t stop the pounding of your own insecurities.
Rich raspberry wine and candied cherries, these were the remedy for a broken heart. You were sitting cross legged on the sofa, the radio crackling behind you, soft jazz lulling you into a relaxed daze. You were sewing the hem of one of your dresses, threading the needle and watching the stitches close. You had already downed two glasses of wine, loving the taste and the burn in your belly, and you groaned when you heard two sharp raps on the front door.
“Ron, did you forget your keys again?” You huffed, expecting to see your forgetful neighbour waiting for you, but almost catching your fingers in the door when you realised who it was instead.
Piercing blue eyes and a jawline that could slice your palm, two things that you simultaneously adored and loathed. His hand curled around the door as you tried to slam it shut, pushing against you so it couldn’t be closed.
“Fuck off.”
“Please. Please. (Y/N).”
“No Tommy - Thomas. Fuck!”
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah? Well, I don’t give a shit.” You lied.
“Please just let me explain.” He said and you huffed, trying your hardest to not look at him for too long, it was like looking directly into the sun: painful and disappointing.
“I - No.”
Fuck him and that fucking voice.
You opened the door a crack, enough for him to slip through and into your flat. He looked so dark amongst the bright colours of your crockery and the yellow tulips planted on your windowsill. You moved backwards, trying to make yourself as small as possible, ignoring the ache growing inside of you, the ache to run into his arms and forgive him.
“I’m sorry for the way I left.” He scratched his forehead and cleared his throat, the sound echoing around the room. “There’s no excuse.”
“You made me look like a twat, Tommy.”
“I know, and I’m sorry.”
“Stop saying that.” You said, but you weren’t sure if you meant it, liking the vulnerability in his words, the tenderness of his voice soothing you despite your inner anger.
He lifted his palm to run through his hair, jet black coat cloaking over him like a shadow. You saw it then, under the light of the blue moon, a gash tearing through the skin on his wrist.
“You’re bleeding.” You stated, and you saw his eyes widen slightly, looking at the wound on his arm as if he hadn’t noticed it before.
“God, Tommy.” You inhaled, sucking air through your teeth, “Let me clean it, it looks like it needs stitches.” You hated yourself for giving in, knowing that the cut wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t like he was going to be leaving your flat in a stretcher, but you still cared for him, despite everything.
The smell of antiseptic wipes and the tangy metallic taste of blood filled your bathroom. You pressed on him a little too hard, smiling as he winced slightly. Neither of you spoke, letting the silence hang between the both of you, almost tangible. You could feel his eyes on you, those fucking sparkling eyes following the curve of your nose and the wave of your hair, lingering a little too long on your lips.
“I really am sorry.”
“Yeah, you said that.” You bit through the gauze, measuring it against his skin, anything to not meet his line of sight.
“I have a habit of ruining good things.”
You scoffed. “Do you think I’m stupid enough to fall for that line?”
“I thought you might hit me if apologised again.”
Against your better judgment, you laughed. “Yeah, I might have.”
His palm, warm and heavy and reminding you of the pressure of his body on top of yours, clasped over your own, making you still.
“Have I fucked everything up?” He asked. You didn’t say anything, not trusting your own voice. You felt the roughness of his fingertips circling your skin, languid like waves lapping across the shore. He inched closer towards you, smelling like fresh crisp apples and old cigarette butts, managing to always be the perfect mix of chaos and control. “Because I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”
You should have pushed him away, but you didn’t. You gave into the darkness of his blue eyes, the ring of lust forming around his pupils and the desire stirring in your belly like bubbling water. He tasted so sinful yet sweet and you were the perfect remedy for the terrible day he had, so receptive and angelic under his touch.
“If you rip your stitches, you’ll have to redo them yourself.”
He laughed into the soft, buttery flesh below your jugular, kissing your collarbones as his hands dragged you impossibly closer, lips crashing onto yours.
You fell asleep first. Hair cascading on your silk pillowcase, and he connected the freckles on your back like they were constellations. He could hear the gentle drip of the tap in the bathroom, and
the hum of the city around you. The noise in his head had stopped, but it still remained like a dull static in the back of his mind. He pushed it away though, focusing on the calming energy of your body and the tenderness of your touch.
He would be gone tomorrow.
He’ll let you wake up to him, he’ll drink the coffee in your kitchen and fuck you under the golden sunlight, open mouthed kisses shared in the confines of your apartment. But then he’ll leave again, giving you just enough to allow him to come back. He craved you, but it was medicinal, like a hit of opium when the shovels got too loud, not something he could afford to indulge in.
He looked over at you, fast asleep, your nose twitching slightly. He can’t give you what you want or what you deserve, but just for the night, in the quiet of your bedroom, with his hands on the curve of your hips, he’ll be the man that you want him to be.
His visits were sporadic and unpredictable. He would show up out of the blue, lurking around the back streets like a nomad, knocking on your door just before midnight, his hands covered in blood. On those nights you would clean him up, neither of you would speak as you washed away the crimson from his skin, rubbing ointment on the growing purple bruises on his knuckles. He would kiss you feverishly and wildly, desperate to feel your body so soft and pliant under his. Those nights he craved control, and you were the only person who would give it completely to him.
Sometimes he would show during the day, with a wide smile and an expensive suit, a bouquet of flowers in his hands. He would take you to dinner or for walks down the canal, you might sit curled in his lap at the pictures or perhaps drive to a new city, his hand in yours, allowing you to pretend that you weren’t just the girl he came to when he wanted to feel something.
He would take you gently, almost romantically. In the back of his car or at a hotel that cost more for one night than your months rent, moulding your body under his like clay. He’d make you moan for him, the prettiest sound he’s ever heard, and he’ll relish in the attention you’ll give him. You’ll be the one thing that calms him after a hard days work, it’ll be your body and touch that unclench his fists and help calm his mind. He uses you like snow, strong, hard hits that leave him gasping for breath.
He’d always be gone before the sunrises. He’d wait for you to be asleep, hair around your head like a halo, lips puffy and swollen from clashing with his, fingertip shaped bruises across your hips. He’d never stay long enough to hear the disappointment in your voice, see the gloss that coats your eyes, the hurt pounding in your chest.
It stings like alcohol on a wound even when you’re expecting it. When you wake up and your bed is cold and empty, and your body is missing the warmth of his. You’ll give yourself a few moments to cry, take a scalding hot bath and scrub his smell from your flesh, tell yourself over and over that this is the last time. Never again. But you know as you make your way home, with a clouded head and aching legs, that the next time he shows up, you’ll let him stay.
It had been almost a month.
A month of complete silence. You felt stupid but not surprised, the sadness nothing more than a dull pain in your chest now. You felt like you were just existing, not living. Constantly waiting for him to show up at your door and make your world start spinning again. You tried to distract yourself with work, but hearing the ladies gossip in the cafeteria about their loving boyfriends and amazing dates made the hole in your heart throb.
You hadn’t told Ada what had been going on, but she was your best friend, and you were certain she had already sussed it. You’d been skipping shifts at the library, spending more of your time cooped up in your flat or the hospital, opting for overnight shifts, anything to distract you from the loneliness of your bed.
Your cupboards were bare, cups of tea gone cold dotted all over your flat, and cobwebs starting to appear in the corners of your walls. You needed to go to the grocer and buy something that wasn’t bread or wine or chocolate. You were rooting through your purse, hands smelling like copper when you heard the shrill ring of your doorbell. Your heart stopped, but you didn’t get your hopes up; you were done waiting around for him like a bloody border collie.
You could see her silhouette behind the door, raven coloured ringlets and red lipstick. You sighed, running your fingers over the creases in your jumper before you opened the door, expensive french perfume wafting into your flat.
“You’re avoiding me.” She said sharply, waltzing inside, thick fur jacket brushing past you.
“No I’m not, Ada.”
“Yes you bloody are!”
You watched as she rummaged through your cupboards, pulling out two glasses and then flopping down on your sofa and patting the seat next to her. She grabbed a bottle of vodka from inside her handbag, almost bigger than your head, and she started to pour.
“Tell me everything.”
So you did. It was embarrassing and awkward, but damn did it feel good to get off your chest. Ada sat watching intently, pursing her lips and sighing when appropriate, burgundy nails tapping on your table when she got particularly annoyed. She threw her head back and finished her second glass, faint cherry red staining the rim.
“I’m sorry I’ve been such a shit friend.” You apologised, gulping the remaining droplets of your own drink. “I just - God, I had no idea what to tell you.”
“You know you can tell me anything.” Her voice was ernest and for the first time in a long time you actually felt like you could breathe, Ada always had that effect on you. She had a way of making people feel comfortable.
“I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you.” You sighed, cradling your knees to your chest. “I was too embarrassed.”
“It’s not your fault, babe, Tommy’s a dickhead!” She shoved you lightly and you smiled halfheartedly. “And I would tell him that in person! Not that I’ve seen him since Grace came back.”
You felt your spine go rigid.
Annoyance painted Ada’s face, and she pursued her lips like she was sucking on a lemon.“He didn’t tell you about her? That she came back?”
Not explicitly, but she had always been there. Ada had once told you about her brothers lover, the beautiful blonde vixen who had turned his world on its axis. That was partly why you were so hesitant, knowing you couldn’t compare to a woman like her, but Tommy had made you trust him, and look how that turned out.
Now you were slapped with the cold, hard truth, and it hurt.
She was the woman always on the tip of his tongue, the one that he saw when he closed his eyes. You were the body he used, the temporary buzz and the hit of pain relief, but she was the one he really wanted, the woman he pretended you were.
“No. Must have slipped his mind.” You laughed falsely, feeling tears build behind your eyes. You inhaled, your voice quiet. “But Grace - she was the one wasn’t she? You know, the one who...”
The one who broke his heart. The woman he loved, the woman he really wanted.
She hesitated, but then nodded sadly. “Yes.”
“God I’m such a fucking idiot.”
“I’m sorry baby.” Ada pulled you into her arms, cradling you against her chest like she was comforting her son. You let the tears fall, felt them cascading down your cheeks like a waterfall. Ada stroked your hair and pulled you close, and you closed your eyes, finally giving into the sadness.
It was slow - the healing process. Falling back into a routine of work and chores, and eventually starting to laugh and smile again. You passed your final exam with flying colours, finally becoming a registered nurse. Ada was there with Karl, cheering you on when you left the hall with papers in your hands. You continued working at the library, hiding behind the bookshelves at the back with Ada, clutching your stomach from laughing so hard, your knees weak. You made new friends with the ladies at work, visiting clubs and bars on the weekends, trips to the pictures after a long day on the job. You even got asked out on a date, with a handsome doctor called Dennis who always made you a cup of coffee in the morning and saved you the donut with pink sprinkles he knew you liked.
It took time, but you were finally starting to feel the wound scab over, but of course, a hurricane in the form of a smart mouthed gangster was just enough to blow down everything you had worked so hard in repairing.
Three months of no contact had passed.
It was late. Hot water billowed around you as you stirred your tea bag, inhaling the sweet smell of cinnamon and lemon. You pulled your satin robe tight against your skin, admiring the soft blush pink colour and shuffling towards the bedroom in your matching slippers. You hummed as you turned down your bed, longing for the sweet embrace of your covers, but you were pulled from your daydream by pounding on your front door. You sighed, ignoring it and continuing to fluff your pillows, but when it didn’t stop, you frowned and stormed towards the assailant.
“Do you have any idea what time it is?” You muttered, swinging the door wide open, but the words evaporated like ocean spray when you came face to face with the man you least wanted to see. It was such a cruel sense of deja vu, and you could feel your face growing red hot with anger.
“Get the fuck away from me.”
He ignored you, stepping over the threshold and back into your life. You held your hands up, defensively and aggressively, your brain not knowing whether to fight or fly. You inhaled loudly, you didn’t want to give in, didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing you upset.
“Please, Tommy. Just go.”
“I needed to see you.” His words were quick, raspy and urgent, but you brushed them off like they were nothing.
“You’ve seen me, now leave.”
“Not without speaking to you. Let me explain.”
“Was she busy?” You spat. “Is that why you’re here? She’s away so you think you’ll just come and see me and I’ll let you in? Let you touch me? Fuck you, Tommy.”
His eyes were wild, frustration painting his features. “It’s not like that.”
“Not like that?” You spat. “Not that you were using me as a tool to get over another woman? After everything I told you - ” You stopped, not wanting to think about your past. It was too painful.
He came closer, walking towards you so cautiously and softly you might have laughed. “Just hear me out.”
“Why the bloody hell should I listen to you?”
He shrugged exasperatedly, your words striking his skin like a branding, because you were right. He had no moral high ground or proper explanation for the way he had treated you.
“I’m fucked up. Too fucked up for you.” And he’s telling the truth. You’re so pretty and honest and kind, even when you’re crazy with rage, your whole body is practically buzzing with anger and you’re still so beautiful and light and he knows that he ruined you. You trusted him, you confided in him, and he still left.
“I can’t believe I was falling so such a goddamn righteous asshole!” You seethe, raking a hand through your hair. His eyes widened but you merely scoffed, if looks could kill he would have been swallowing dirt. “Don’t act like you didn’t know. Don’t act like you have no idea what I was feeling for you.”
He didn’t know what to say, and he could his stone cold heart breaking.
“I can’t do this anymore.” You sniffed. “This is the last time I want to see you.”
“Just let me stay, let me make it up to you.”
He moves closer, wanting to feel your hair between his fingers, the soft embrace of your touch and the sweetness of your lips. Things had been going wrong all day, the business struggling and the cops getting suspicious and all he could think about was holding you. He wanted to try, he needed to feel you, he needed to feel something real. He wanted to apologise, pull you under him and make the both of you forget. For one more night he didn’t want to be Tommy Shelby, he just wanted to be the man who got to hold you.
You inhaled. “I’m seeing someone else.”
He felt a knife slice through his abdomen. He had no right to feel the shock and jealousy prickling through his skin, not after what he had done, but he still felt the raging green envy bubbling inside of him. He was being completely unreasonable and cruel, but a part of him had really hoped you would wait for him, but it’s that unfair mentality that had cost him.
“I’m seeing someone - someone from work.” You said, finally gaining the nerve to stand up for yourself, wanting to wash away six months of your life you had given to him. “We’ve been going out for the past few weeks.”
“Who is he?” His tone was more demanding than he meant it to be, the shock and twinge of insecurity he felt from your announcement was making his words sharper.
“You don’t get to ask me that.”
He needed to take back control of the conversation, he needed to explain. He knew just how much he had fucked up, he’d been gone for too long this time, and his own selfishness might have cost him the best thing he had going for him. “I never meant to hurt you.”
“No, you just never meant for me to find out.”
“That’s not true, (Y/N). Listen to me, I - ”
“I have a busy day tomorrow, Thomas.” You said firmly, putting your foot down and refusing to let him try to right his wrongs - you had worked too hard on moving on. The hidden meaning in your words made Tommy’s jaw clench, his hands reflexively flinching at his sides. “So, please, just... just go.”
You were crying, but trying so hard to hide it. He could see the gloss coating your eyes and the flush rising from your chest, as though your body was leaking sadness from every pore. He felt his heart pound against his ribs. He was so used to getting what he wanted, in business and in private, and yet he felt like he might have just lost it all. So he turned and left, shutting your front door and trying to tune out the sound of your sobs, feeling even more empty inside then when he had arrived.
He finally got what he wanted.
Grace was sitting opposite to him, her knees brushing against his, her smell so familiar and dizzying, but yet it didn’t feel right. She was a vision in a sea foam dress, with her sunshine coloured hair and perfect features, her eyes filled with a million stars that he could once spend hours getting lost in, but not anymore.
It felt so fake, so forced. The conversation didn’t flow, his words were stagnant, getting caught in his throat. She was looking right at him, the same way she did when they would wake up tangled in one another, at a time in his life that he used to think he was the happiest.
But maybe that had changed.
He was finding pieces of you in her. He knew that Grace only drank red wine, but out of habit he almost poured her a glass of bourbon; because that was what you liked. The way she tucked her hair behind her ear when she was nervous, the same way you did. How the shawl draped over her shoulders would look perfect on you.
He was sitting across from the woman of his dreams, but none of it felt right, because she wasn’t you.
Perhaps his dreams had changed.
He tuned out Grace as she spoke, her voice not calming him as it once had. All he could think about was what he had lost. He had been a prick, he knew that for certain. He hadn’t meant to not call you, to leave you in the lurch like he did, he just didn’t like anyone getting too close.
When he was in Birmingham he was the leader of the Blinders. He was smart and strong and thought things through so nobody else had to. He was the kingpin, the man who ruled with an iron fist and got exactly what he wanted, when he wanted it. But with you, in London, he had allowed himself a sliver of peace. He let himself sleep next to you, peach coloured moon dancing over your bodies, curtains blowing in the wind. After a long day he found himself driving to see you. Wanting to see that shy smile that would make his knees buckle, feeling like a teenager even when he had beat a man half to death mere hours before.
You were a forest fire. Just a small spark, the smell of your hair, the velvet of your skin, the sound of your laugh, and his entire world was alight. He remembered taking you out, the feel of your small hand against his, genuinely wanting to know how your day had been. He remembered the sound of your laugh, when he had you pressed up against the window of his car, in between ticket stubs and cigarette butts and road maps, unable to stop the grin making its way onto his own face.
Even in the months he was gone; when Campbell came back and turned his world back to shit, in the quiet of his office, his mind always wandered back to you. He thought about you whenever he saw fog rolling over the hills or he felt rain patter across his shoulders, he would lose himself for a moment and his brain would conjure up a picture of you. When he saw John and Esme at the Garrison, soft gentle touches reserved for one another, that stupid dopey grin on his brothers face, he thought of you.
It was more than just sex and he was a fool for thinking that that was all it had been.
“Tommy? What’s the matter?”
It was Grace. Her voice like ripe berries and warm milk, but entirely wrong. He blinked, remembering where he was, feeling the velvet of the sofa under his suit. She smiled when she realised she had captured his attention, slightly smug and self assured, and she continued her story of the joys of living in New York.
Tommy looked at her, really looked at her for the first time since they had met up. Here they were, in a five star hotel room outside of Birmingham, with champagne and caviar and imported chocolates. But she’s married, to somebody else. And yet, she had rang him and expected him to drop everything and join her.
He almost laughed at the irony of the situation.
Grace was like the first sunshine after being caught in a storm, but perhaps he’d grown to like the rain. He’d been chasing her for too long, like a fucking puppy, and now she was sitting centimetres apart from him, and he realised that she didn’t look all that magical. He thought about the anguish he felt when she left, the pure heartache that almost split him in two when he found out she had married another man, the pain of sleeping alone once more - and it makes him falter, because that’s exactly the same way he’d treated you, and you deserved so much more.
He knew Grace wanted. She wanted to fuck. She wanted to feel something other than her pathetic new husband, she craved the feel of power and the memory of what it’s like to run around with the devil. Her hand moved from the stem of her wine glass to the top of his thigh, a gentle, almost timid touch, testing the waters before she fully submerged. This is what he’d wanted since the very minute she boarded that train, to be back with the woman he loved, but now her soft caress feels like a slap. She didn’t notice his internal struggle, wine drunk and ready to fall back into his arms, but all he could picture was you with another man, his hand resting on the silk of your skirt.
He felt the familiar tick in his jaw, the way his knuckles flexed unconsciously, he knew he had no right but jealousy was eating away at him. How fucking stupid had he been? And now another man would have the pleasure of taking you out, making you laugh and blush under diamond chandeliers. Another man would get to walk you home, listen to your voice and then kiss you under the silver moon. He couldn’t even bear to think of the next part, the mere thought making flames ignite around his pupils.
“Tommy?” Grace asked, her eyes big and round like saucers, lips parted and just waiting to be pressed against his. She watched as he stood up, his knees clashing against the bar cart, far more flustered than she had ever seen him before.
“I have to go.”
The club was loud, the bands instruments following you everywhere you went. The room was painted red and gold, shimmering lights and glowing pink shades reflecting from every surface. You were in a booth in the corner, nursing a glass of bourbon and eating sweet green olives, vinegar and alcohol on your tongue. Dennis was sat opposite, clad in a fine suit with a fresh haircut and laughing at his own anecdote, his hands gesturing wildly as he retold a story you had already forgotten.
You liked him, you did. He was nice and funny and handsome, - but he didn’t make sparks dance on your skin when he touched you, and he didn’t occupy your mind every second you were apart. Maybe that was for the best, maybe you needed to be sensible and date with your head, not your heart, because that was why you always got hurt.
You mind had been muddled since Tommy came back. All of your hard work had crumbled to pieces when he had knocked on your door. It was beyond frustrating, the way that he managed to crawl back inside your conscience with just a few words. You tried to blink away everything that happened, focusing on Dennis sitting on the other side of the booth, losing yourself in his kind smile and bright eyes.
He reached out and patted your hand with his, and you noticed how smooth his fingers were, not like the rough calloused pads that you could remember digging into your thigh and - you stopped, determined not to let your mind wander. You weren’t being fair to Dennis, he deserved someone who would give him their undivided attention, and didn’t spend the evening think of another man.
You let Dennis order another round of drinks, the conversation coming back round to the hospital - the only thing you seemed to have in common. You were just about to ask after a patient who you had heard wasn’t fairing very well, when you heard a commotion coming from the main hall. You raised your eyebrows and twisted around, trying to get a better view but you were blocked mostly by the sea of bodies. You turned to look at Dennis, but watched his own gentle brown eyes fill with shock.
“I need to talk to you.”
Fucking hell.
You felt flames licking your skin and ice cold water on your head at the same time. That stupid brummie accent that made your toes curl even after all the shit he had put you through. You saw surprise flash across Dennis’ face, his brows knitted at the stranger who had approached your booth. You didn’t want to turn around and face him, but you didn’t want the situation to get out of hand. You risked it. Swivelling in your seat so you could see him fully, your eyes flittering over the curls in his hair and the dammed sea blue colour of his irises.
“Tommy.” You kept your voice as level as you could, but it was proving hard. “Tommy, what the hell are you doing here?”
“We need to talk, come outside with me.”
His stare was so heated that it almost made you feel uncomfortable, and his hair was tousled, the way it always got when he ran his hands through it repeatedly. You could tell he was jealous, not missing the way his eyes had darted to Dennis’ hand covering your own. You could see the clench of his jaw and the tension in his forehead and it made you feel good, it was about time he had a taste of his own medicine.
“She doesn’t have to go anywhere with you.” Dennis said, rising from his chair so he could meet Tommy’s line of sight. You reached out and squeezed his wrist slightly, willing him not to get involved, not for your sake, but for his own.
“I’ve had a a really fucking long day and I think that it’s best if you don’t piss me off.” Tommy spat, his voice husky and exasperated, pointing a finger across the table. Coming face to face with you and your new lover was enough to tear the strings that were holding him together, he wasn’t a patient man and all he wanted was to explain himself, but it was hard when he was in such a jealous haze. His mind and his mouth weren’t working as one, he was losing his composure, and quickly.
“Stop it.” Your voice was stern, cold enough to turn him to stone. You could feel dozens of eyes on you, watching you all like you were performing at a play, mouths agape and eyes wild with anticipation. You blinked up at Tommy and you could see him soften, the hurt evident in your features enough to make him want to tear out his hair, furious at himself for how he always fucks things up.
You turned to Dennis, heart clenching as he held his ground despite being much smaller and a million times less intimidating then the gangster behind you. You gave him an apologetic look, knowing that the only way to diffuse the bomb that was Thomas Shelby was to speak to him alone.
“Thank you for everything, Dennis.” You said, shaking your head at the insanity of it all. “I’m so sorry, please forgive me for how this evening has turned out.”
He brushed off your words, as gentlemanly as ever, shooting a harsh look at Tommy. “Are you sure you’re alright going with him?”
You could see Tommy open his mouth to spit back something, his hands clenched at his sides, but you pushed him roughly in the torso and stormed past, heading for the back doors.
Your face was hot and red with shame, you could still taste alcohol on your tongue, but it had turned bitter and sour. You could hear him behind you, his expensive shoes clattering on the cobbled streets, his heavy exhales in the dark. He reached out, his touch timid and reserved despite the scene he had just created. At the feel of his fingers on your upper arm you pushed him off, walking further away into the alley.
“(Y/N)!) He called, but you ignored him, wiping away your tears before swirling on your heel, voice laced with venom.”
“It wasn’t enough for you to break me back at my flat?” You shouted, hearing your heart shatter with every syllable. “You had to come and do it in public too? What the fuck is wrong with you Tommy?”
“I know. I know.” He came towards you but you stumbled back, holding up a finger to keep him away from you. “I shouldn’t have made a scene.”
“Why can’t you just leave me alone?” You cried, it was hard enough to even try to get over him, but now he was making it impossible and you weren’t sure how much more you could take.
“I’m in love with you.”
You couldn’t stop the tears now. It was the words you had been begging him to say, the words that you had wanted to hear since you had first met, but they just made you weep harder. His face was so ernest, more honest than you had ever seen it, but it was so goddamn hard to believe him.
“You’re not in love with me, Tommy.” You murmured, swallowing the thickness in your throat. “You just want me because you saw me with another man.”
He shook his head, reaching out to touch you under the yellow glare of the streetlights. The feeling of you in his arms was so right to him, so familiar and warm that it felt like coming home. The tear streaks on your cheeks shone like the stars above the two of you, so beautiful and so heartbreaking and he needed to let you know how he felt.
“I’m in love with you.” His voice was firm, and even though you wanted to you couldn’t look away from him, trapped in his gaze. “It’s always been you. And I should have told you sooner.”
You stopped, everything you had wanted to say evaporated like ocean spray around the two of you, the water crashing so loud you could hear it in your ears. You were tired, and confused, half of you wanted to slap him and the other half wanted to fall into his arms. Instead, you sat down on the curb, feet planted in the gutter, dropping your head in your hands.
“I need a cigarette.”
Tommy smiled. He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his packet and a lighter, giving you a smoke before lighting the end, watching the flame flicker in your eyes. You took three long drags, trying hard to control your breathing and rivalling emotions before you spoke again.
“How did you find me?”
He inhaled, puffing on his own cigarette. “I’ve had men watching you since the first time we met.”
You snapped around to face him. “You’ve fucking what?”
“You really think I was going to let you go around the city without protection?”
“I don’t know what to think.”
“I know.”
The silence was deafening and you hated how you instinctively wanted to move by his side, press your body up against his for warmth. Instead you looked up at the navy coloured sky, counting the stars and pretending you couldn’t feel him watching you.
“I fucked up.” He spoke. “ I used you and I hurt you.”
You bit your lip to try and stop the tears from falling once again.
“I was heartbroken because of Grace, and I needed a distraction.”
“A distraction.” You repeated.
“I’m sorry. It’s redundant now, I know. But I am. I fucked everything up and I’m sorry.”
The tension between you was almost palpable, like the nicotine that was surrounding you both. You could feel the sincerity in his tone, but you also knew that he could talk a man out of his house if he really wanted to.
“Did she turn you down?” You countered, facing him. “Is that why you’re here with me?”
He shook his head, tongue running over his teeth, wisps of smoke leaving his lips. “I saw her for the first time tonight.” He said, honestly. “I sat across from her and I realised that she meant nothing to me, not anymore.” You felt him beside you, the pressure of his thigh digging into yours, desperate to get you to look at him.
“It was just sex.” You muttered, looking for some kind of safety net to stop you from making the same mistake, no matter how badly your heart is pleading you to fall onto him.
“Don’t fucking say that. Don’t lie to me.” He stammered, as though your words had truly hurt him.
“You treated me like shit, Tommy. How can I ever trust you?”
“I can’t promise I won’t fuck something up. I’m a bad man and I do bad things, but I swear, right, on my fucking life - that I will never do anything to hurt you.”
He was so close to you. The strong man so weak as he brushed his nose against yours. He felt years younger, and felt the overwhelming ache to drag you into his arms and kiss you senseless.“I need you with me. I can’t do any of this without you - And will spend every day proving to you just how much you fucking mean to me.” He whispered, words trailing off into the
crown of your hair.
You couldn’t stop it. All of the warning bells in your head extinguished like candles, and all you could think about was him. He had hurt you, dug a knife into your rib cage and left you to bleed, and perhaps a better woman would have left him sitting in the gutter, but you knew that the two of you were bound together - just as beautiful and broken as one another.
You shook your head, looking up at him through your eyelashes, the man who had turned your life upside down. You didn’t want to think anymore - so you didn’t, instead you smashed your lips onto his, making his head spin wildly, losing himself in you.He’s always had a high tolerance, but somehow, just one touch, just the brush of your lips against his, the heat of your breath on his skin, has him utterly, completely, wasted
“Please don’t break my heart.” You said, reminiscent of the first time you had slept together, pressing your forehead against his. He breathed you in, the smell of violets and salt, warm coffee and vanilla, the scents that he wished he could bottle. He pressed his lips to yours, claiming you as his as much as proving he was yours. He relished the taste of you, his kisses greedy and passionate, making sure that you were still there and knowing that he would never let you go again.
“I won’t.”
And it’s a promise he’ll keep.
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bubblyani · 5 years
The Flannel Giant
(Flip Zimmerman x Black!Female Reader)
A Flip Zimmerman One Shot
Rating: Mature
Request: flip zimmerman x black! female reader ?? it could be literally anything im just so desperate 😞💕 thank you if you do and even if you dont thanks for writing ! - @pastelhybristophiliac​
Author’s Note: This man is a literal thirst quencher. So this fic did not take long to form. I did take some time to write it cause I wanted it to be as perfect as it possibly could be. Plus, my very first Black! Female Reader fic. Hope y’all enjoy!
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Colorado Springs Police Department.
The sign just said it all.
Exhaling deeply, you began to walk towards the building. Your steps were slow, as if you were doubting yourself. And you could not help remembering the phone conversation you had with your friend Patrice an hour earlier.
“But Patrice! Why do I have to be the one to do it ?” You asked.
“Because you’re the one who saw it happen...” She said, “We can’t just let this go...” persuasion was strong in her voice.
“I know ...but-“
“Do you not want to go to the police Y/N?”
You paused. For she caught you there. “Maybe...” You began, as you twisted the phone chord “Can’t trust those pigs”
 “Not all of them are...” Patrice said, “Ron isn’t a pig. And even his coworkers are nice”
You scoffed. “Maybe that’s cause they all know you through Ron”
“Just go will you” Sighing, you nodded to thin air. “Fine”
Unwilling to break the promise, there you were, walking towards the building. With another deep breath, you entered with a cause.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Ma’am? Can I help you?”
A man in uniform inquired upon seeing you in the hallway. Directed towards the Intelligence Division, you stood there confused in the hallway. You noticed his name tag: Sgt Trapp.
“Uh yes Sergeant...” you said softly, entering the room he gestured you into, “I’m here to see Ron Stallworth”
“Oh, I’m sorry but he’s not in today” Sergeant Trapp replied.
As you glanced upon the empty desk next to you, you realized he was right. Embarrassingly, you sighed heavily. But that realization came at a cost when there was a room full of men at work, possible detectives typing away reports in their typewriters. Yet now, they were all looking at you.
Except one particular person, who kept  busy with his files.
All this staring made you quite uncomfortable. But being a black woman, this was nothing new.
“It’s just that...” you began “I was told to give a statement...” you continued, “... about the attacks that ...that happened last Friday” taking a deep breath, You added , “...during the Black Student Union meeting”
Suddenly, the sound of scribbles were stopped, and the occupied man looked up from his files. As you only saw his back, you could only notice the full head of raven locks that was filled with.
“Flip...” a grey haired man addressed the raven haired man, “...aren’t you working on that case too?” Standing up, Flip finally turned to face you.
“Yeah. Why don’t I-“ He paused, a few seconds upon seeing you, “...take...your statement” He said softly, his eyes never leaving your sight.
It had been a while since a man had left you with quite an impression. You thought you were so hard to please.
Until that very moment.
He was taller than the others in the room, almost gigantic. His dark blue flannel shirt along with the leather holsters complimented his wide shoulders perfectly. With his raven long hair elongating his face, you swore you were breathless.
And surprisingly, you weren’t intimidated by the room anymore. 
“Flip Zimmerman...” he said in his deep, soothing voice, “Please. Take a seat” ushering you to Ron’s seat as the sergeant pulled it out for you.
“Thanks...” you replied, “Y/N Y/L/N”
Like a spell wearing off, the others quickly resumed working as Detective Flip Zimmerman took your statement.
His pace was comforting, you felt calm. You answered all questions with confidence and detail. But at the same time, you wondered how you were able to maintain that whenever he looked at you. You could tell he listened to you with intent. And whenever he was not jotting down notes, his eyes were always on you. 
“...and just like that...they just ran off from there” you said, crossing your legs.
Reaching out to one of his files, Flip took out a photograph. “Did they happen to look like this?” He asked, showing it to you. In the effort to being polite, you merely leaned forward to look. Your eyes widened.
“Yeah! They’re the ones!” You replied with enthusiasm.
Snapping his fingers, Flip nodded. “Knew it!” He said, looking at his partner, “Jimmy, Ron was right...” he muttered softly.
Jimmy looked at you. “Okay...” he said, “Thank you Ma’am for coming in...I think we got all that we need”
“We did?”
“You did?”
Realizing you and Flip both inquired Jimmy in unison, you could not help but stifle a chuckle. And you hide it well. Clearing his throat, Flip began as he looked back at you.
“Yeah...we did” he said, standing up, “Thank you...Miss Y/L/N?”
Smiling warmly, you stood up in kind. “Yeah ...Miss Y/L/N...” You said, as you exited the room.
Smiles were abundant on your face as you walked out of the precinct, which was quite the contradiction compared to a few minutes before. Quite the interesting interaction it turned out to be. And you weren’t the only one to agree.
“Man...” Jimmy began, watching you walk out, “She is a beaut, huh?” “Mmm...”
Flip merely acknowledged as he sat down. Looking at his partner, Jimmy was no fool to not notice.
“Well well...look who’s getting chummy now?” he said, inciting a chuckle out of Flip.
“Fuck you, Jimmy” he said while laughing, trying to hide his subtle blush.
“No really Flip...“ Jimmy teased, “I’ve never seen you like this...”
“Fuuuck Youuu!” 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Days went by. And all was just as it should be. You carried on with everything.
Except, there was a new distraction in your head.
Detective Flip Zimmerman. The Flannel Giant.
The mere thought of him made you smile to yourself every single time. So much that sometimes you’d get in trouble when others asked you what was wrong.
“Y’all! she found herself a brother to love. All good!”
You’d smile shyly and cleverly move on to another conversation. You did not know how everyone would feel about you having a soft spot for a white man. Let alone a white police detective. But it wasn’t for you to choose. You couldn’t steer the heart. The heart steered you. And you did not mind. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The soapy bubbles covered your hand like a glove as you washed the dishes over the sink. The radio softly played in the living room on a Thursday afternoon.
The ring of the doorbell forced  you to finish the washing with haste. You wondered if it was Patrice, needing a textbook for class. Wiping your hands with your apron, you opened the door, only to find yourself lose your breath.
For it was Flip Zimmerman standing there.
“Ms. Y/L/N” he said softly, giving a soft smile. You involuntarily smiled back.
“Hey” you breathed, “Wait! How did you know where I live?”
“You gave it to us...” Flip said, “When you came to the precinct”
“Oh...of course”you chuckled embarrassingly at your own carelessness, “Please...come in...”
You found it surprising how you just let him in without even asking the purpose. He was just that easygoing.
“I’m sorry about this I was Uh...washing dishes...” you said embarrassingly as you invited him to sit on the sofa.
“Yeah Hehe...I can tell...” Nodding, Flip chuckled, watching you toss away the apron and sit on the armchair across from him.
The detective had come bringing forth good news. The two perpetrators behind the attacks were indeed members of the organization. Thanks to your valuable information they were arrested and will be tried. A huge wave of relief washed over you upon hearing the news. You couldn’t help but clasp your hands together with happiness. 
“Oh, Detective Zimmerman, this is just wonderful”
“Flip...” he corrected in an instant, “you can call me Flip”
“Okay...” you nodded, “Flip” you added with the sincerest form of affection.
With lips parted slightly, Flip nodded back. As if he was in mid contemplation.
“Anyways, Thank You very much for your cooperation Ms. Y/L/N”
Your heart sank upon hearing those words, when he stood up to leave.
“I-I’m so sorry I couldn’t even offer you a beverage” you said, standing up“You came all this way-” “Oh no no...” shaking his head, the flannel giant responded, “I was in the neighborhood”
Unwillingly yet enslaved to politeness, you made your way towards the door.
With your grip on the handle, you knew this could be the last time you’ll ever see him again. The case was closed, faster than you imagined.
“Thanks do much for coming, Flip” you said, halfway opening the door. “My pleasure, Ms. Y/L/N”
“It’s Y/N...”  this time you took the opportunity to correct him. “Y/N...”
His voice, you never heard it softer than you did just then. Standing merely inches away, he stood so tall before you. As your heartbeat began to quicken, as your cheeks started to burn, you knew the effect this man had on you was no joke. You did not want this to be the last time.
With the blink of an eye, his face seemed to appear centimeters away ,only to glue his lips on yours. And that was when you knew he felt the same.
The kiss was gentle. It was sweet and innocent. His facial hair sent shivers down your spine. But that just the first taste.
Lips were met once again for more experimentation, signaling your hand to push the door back and lock it tight.
The silent attraction that was developed between both parties from the first meeting seemed quite evident now.
Flip’s masculine hands made themselves home on your waist, moving behind to grab onto your buttocks. The way his hands felt you, made the white cotton of your short dress seem nonexistent when he pulled you closer to him.
Jumping into his arms felt effortless as he held you with ease. With your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms around his neck, you were comfortable as expected, body lines fitting with his like puzzle pieces.
The sounds of heavy breathing and kisses began to infuse with the soft sounds of the radio. Making himself comfortable on the couch, Flip was hospitable with you straddling him.
The kisses grew heated as his tongue caressed your own, deepening its connection and weakening you by the knees. Your moans echoed within him, urging you to hold him tightly by the collar. Indulging in pleasure, your body was naturally inclined to roll your hips against him.
But, all plans seemed to fly out the window when the telephone rang loudly, forcing both of you to pull away with surprise. Stretching out, you clumsily grabbed the phone.
“Y/N? It’s Patrice”
“Oh hey!” You greeted her breathlessly, keeping your balance as you held on to Flip.
There was a slight pause.
“You alright?” Patrice sounded serious as she inquired , “You sound weird”
“Yeah yeah I was just uh....dancing”
Covering the bottom half of the phone, you playfully slapped Flip on the shoulder in order to stop him from breaking into loud laughter.
“Oh...anyways, you coming tonight for the party-”
“I’m busy...” you cut her off, “Sorry Pat. Busy night tonight”
Finally hanging up, you blushed deeply upon seeing Flip‘s eyes that burned with desire. For there you were, with lips so swollen, straddling a man you barely knew oh so casually. Shyly, you allowed yourself to fall back on the couch next to him.
“Well...” Flip began, panting “this was-”
“....unexpected?-“ you guessed, panting alongside him.
“...Great...” clearing his throat, he revealed his final answer ”...this was really great”
Giggles erupted out of you in response , only to stop when he leaned towards you. Fully meaning well of what he just expressed, his lips greedily captured yours, enabling you to catch his scent easily while doing so.
“Bet your partner is wondering what’s taking ya so long to get back” you breathed into his lips, as he pulled away once again “Do you think he knows something’s up?”
“Maybe..” he said, staring at the wall ahead of him in thought. “Or maybe...with the case successfully solved, you invited me out for a drink....” Flip added, looking back at you, fueling inspiration, “...only if you wanted to-”
“I want to...” Your answer, it was so quick, so certain. And hearing his response was simply worth answering.
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minminnie-shii · 5 years
may I request an imagine of verivery dates: where each member would take, how they would treat you, and a whole lot of fluff too
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long. I accidentally deleted it like twice and I kind of gave up for a while
buttt I’m back at it and ready to write this because these boys are my babies and their comeback has given me motivation
I hope you like itttttt
Lee Dongheon
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what a hard-working boy
he spends most of his days watching over his six children making sure they don’t accidentally kill themselves
especially Minchan and Yeonho
moving on
whenever he has a day off he doesn’t hesitate to run and spend it with you
shows up at your apartment with your favorite snacks and special treats
the two of you run around grabbing all the blankets and pillows that you own
you make a large fort in the middle of your living room
once its done you both crawl inside
dongyeon opens up his laptop and puts on a cheesy movie for the two of you to watch
in the middle of the movie he starts to poke at your sides slightly
you ignore him until his poking turns into tickling
you giggle slightly and start to roll away from him
he would follow after you and the two of you would get caught in the blankets pulling down that fort
dongyeon would stop once the two of you were completely wrapped up in all the blankets
he would smile down at you and pepper light kisses all over your face
rubbing his nose against your he would finally kiss your lips gently
‘I love you’
after cleaning up the mess you made you would both decided to go to bed early
snuggling up together, dongyeon would tuck you safely under his chin
whispering to each other until he falls asleep
you carefully crane your head upwards pressing a soft kiss on his chin
you fall asleep to the peaceful sound of his breathing filling your ears
Bae Hoyoung 
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i may be in love with this squish
i wanna poke his dimple
move on
he loves doing outdoorsy things
going to the beach, amusement parks anything where the two of you can have fun at
he’s also the kind of person that will totally surprise you about going somewhere
he randomly shows up at you door
‘get dressed jagiya, we’re going out today’
you did as you were told and got dressed quickly
the two of you skipped through the streets happily
you couldn’t contain your excitement when you showed up at a festival
dragging him around you two would find many things to do
he would find a game that he really wanted to play
taking you over he would try many times to beat it so he could win you a cute plushie
after a few tries, he gave up with a pout
you smiled at him and played the game, winning on your try
you would hand him the llama plushie that you had one
‘wah, my jagiya is the best isn’t she?’
the two of you would walk around the festival until nightfall 
hoyoung would surprise you by handing you a lantern
‘shall we send one off with our wishes?’
‘you are my wish hoyoung’
he would cringe at how cheesy you were but tell you the same thing
after sending off your wish he would hug you tightly to him
‘you really are my wish jagiya, forever and always’
Hong Minchan
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minchan prefers more intimate style dates
the ones where it if just the two of you together
whether it’s the two of you lying on the couch together
or when you’re reading him a new book that you bought recently
his favorite type of date
is when the two of you are in his studio and he’s playing the piano for you
you expressed multiple times that you love it when you hear the sound of a piano
so anytime the two of you are in the studio together he makes sure to play for you at least once
he would motion for you over to sit next to him on the piano bench
you would stand up from the couch and walk over, sitting down next to him
he placed his hands delicately on the keys before playing a soft melody
it’s a melody that you knew all too well
your favorite ballad that he ever wrote
after all
he wrote it about you
about how he first fell in love with you and how he knew that you were the person he wants to be with forever
every time he would play for you, it would make you feel sleepy
your head rested on his shoulder as you continued to sing quietly
he would smile and look down at you as your eyes fluttered closed
his heart would burst at the sight of you
once he finished playing he would carefully shift so you was laying against his chest 
running his fingers through your hair softly 
he would hum quietly until you were finally fully asleep
he would carry you back to the couch and cover you up
letting you sleep until he was finished with his work
that was his favorite time with you
Jo Gyehyeon
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this boys only mission in life is to show off
especially to you
he loves it when you praise him for something
it doesn’t matter what it is
so where does he take you out on a date
a place to watch him perform his martial arts of course
you sit and gleefully watch as he does multiple flips and twists in the air
in an attempt to really show off to you he does a triple backflip
only for him to slip on his footing and fall on his butt
‘Ah, hyeonie are you okay?’ 
you run over to him to quickly check up on him 
he just lies there pouting with his arms across his chest
‘i can’t believe i did that’
you giggle and help him sit up
‘i can, you’re not exactly the most elegant one’
would pout even more because you made fun of him
he would whine and complain while rolling around on the floor
‘my jagiya made fun of me, my life cant go on anymore’
you would just watch amused as he continued to complain out loud
he wouldnt be paying attention to where he was rolling and would knock into your legs causing you to fall over 
would freak out because he accidentally hurt you
you would just laugh as he would run over to you 
‘jagiya, are you all right?’ 
you would grab his arm and pull him down so he was lying on top of you
holding him close you would stroke his hair and assure him that you were all right
‘youre the best, you know that right?’ 
would blush like crazy and hide his face in your neck
you would continue to compliment him until he couldn’t take it anymore
‘i’m only the best because you make me the best’
so much fluff and cheesiness between the two of you it’s unreal
Ju Yeonho
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this little squish
we are all aware that taking selfies is his life
so what does he do on a date with you?
takes you all around seoul so the two of you can take pictures together
it always surprises you that he always managed to find new places to take you to
but, he loved taking you the han river
he could take pictures of you in the sunset
though he always says that every picture he takes of you is pretty
he especially loved it when you take pictures of him
you always gush about how adorable he looks would cause him to smile even more
‘wah, you look amazing in this angle dont move’
would make you stand still for ten minutes until you convince him that he had enough pictures
he even takes pictures of you eating
‘yeonho, if you take one more picture of me, im throwing your phone in the river’
‘but you look so pretty, can i take one more?’
after you two were finished you would sit in the grass and just watched the stars
you would lie on his chest and point out all the constellations that you see
‘wah my jagiya is so smart, everyone must be so jealous’
while talking, you would eventually fall asleep cuddled to his chest
the second he knew you were sleeping, would pull out his phone and take another picture of you
‘delete it’
‘awe but it’s my favorite!’
Kim Yongseung
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so like
mr.competative over here
as soon as you make it to the dorm runs over to you holding to rubiks cubes
‘i bet you i can solve it faster than you’
‘bring it on’
you plop yourselves onto the couch and the boys all gather around you
‘ready? start!’ 
yongseung immediately starts working on it
his hands are flying as he expertly flips the sides
‘wow, noona’s really bad at this’
the boys would mutter about how much you suck causing you to be distracted
‘yah! how can i even try when you wont shut up?’ 
you stand up and throw the cube at minchan
‘it wasnt even me that said it!’
while youre all arguing yongseung stands up and slams the cube on the table
you look at him in shock
‘that’s not fair, they distracted me!’ 
he just smiles and grabs your hand
‘oh well, time for my reward for winning’
drags you into his room and lays you on the bed
‘you did that on purpose, didn’t you?’
he would just laugh as he hovered over you
‘maybe a little’
kisses you all over your face and neck while holding you close to him
‘i’m sorry ive been so busy lately’ 
you lean your head up and press your lips to his in a way to tell him that its okay
‘never, will i blame you for missing a date because of this, youre doing what you love, and i love that it makes you happy’
you really are the greatest
a very long and well needed makeout session occurs after that
after all, he did win
Yoo Kangmin
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this little bean is so precious and must be protected at all costs
his favorite things in life
are soccer and you
so he loves taking you to the field behind your house and playing soccer with you
most of the time while playing you little siblings come and join along
kangmin loves playing with your siblings
especially your younger siblings
being an only child made it hard for him to have fun most of the time
but now that he has you, he’ll gladly to everything he can to keep you close
even if it means having your little brother cling to his leg every time he walks through the door of your house
would take all of you out to the field to start a game
‘jagiya, come be on my team’
‘no i want her on my team!’
you wink at kangmin before running over to your sister
picking her up and resting her on your hip
‘come on together we can beat Kangmin!’
‘wah, are you really going against me?’ 
‘yep, we can totally beat you’
the game begins and you all laugh as you all run around the field
you little brother went to kick the ball he slipped and fell
he began to cry and rub his face softly 
kangmin would be by his side before you were
‘ah, did you get hurt? are you all right?’
your brother would attempt to wink at you causing you to smile
you would steal the ball from kangmin and kick it down the field
‘you betrayed me? i dont know how to feel!’ 
kangmin would chase after you and wrap his arms around your waist lifting you into the air
‘you tricked my jagiya, thats not fair’
you shrugged your shoulders and looked back at him
‘alls fair in love and war’
‘is it now? ill be sure to use that later’
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weeklysparksofjoy · 4 years
7.19.20 - 7.25.20
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Now that we’ve settled into our new place a bit more, the new setting has provided quite a bit of distraction from my usual work mindset. Lowered productivity and guilt have resulted in a shorter list of joy for this week.
1. Bagels with chive and onion cream cheese: This breakfast was just a pure throwback. I slathered my Thomas’s plain bagels with Philadelphia’s chive and onion cream cheese spread and ugh, it was so yummy that even my cat was constantly trying to get a lick of it. It’s not by any means healthy, but it reminded me of my childhood, when Thomas’s plain bagels was a staple.
2. Tantanmen with bok choy: I cooked this recipe this week and substituted oat milk for soy milk and it was amazing. I loved the rich flavor of the spicy broth and that a bite into the meat (I used ground turkey since the grocery store didn’t have ground pork) offers a different flavor. The clean and pure taste of the boiled bok choy (I accidentally skipped adding sesame oil to the boiling pot of water) led me to recreate boiled bok choy as a side dish for another meal.
3. Trash bags that fit our garbage can: This is a really silly one, but it is incredible what kinds of frustrations can emerge from a garbage bag-can mismatch. We own simplehuman’s semi-round step trash can, which we love, since we no longer need to lift a lid. When we first settled into the area, we had purchased a cheap Ikea trash can where the lid was a separate piece and each time we wanted to throw something out, we’d have to take the lid off and either hold it or lie it on the ground. These are all small details that when added up can cause a lot of disruption in daily living. Onto our current trash can, we tried to skip the cost of purchasing simplehuman’s liners and instead lined the cans with any plastic bags we got from grocery stores. No surprise that the weight of the trash’s contents would cause the bag to fall to the bottom of the trash can. More small ripples in our daily life. It was pure frustration reaching our hand deep into the can and try to scrap our dishes into the narrow slit of the crumpled plastic bag. Ultimately, we caved into simplehuman’s custom liners, which are the only bags that will fit this trash can, and there have been no small frustrations. In the end, this is also probably better for the environment. We were consuming plastic bags at a rate of once per day - the sum of the surface area far outweighs the surface area of a single simplehuman custom liner for a week. Additionally, now we can bring our plastic bags to the grocery store to get recycled. We’ve also been avoiding plastic bags at stores by bringing our reusable bags, so we would have likely run out of bags for our trash in the long run. Next on our list is composting! 
4. Morning pages: This week I began filling 3 pages in my journal with whatever’s in my mind. I heard Youtuber Jenn Im fits it into her daily practice, so I thought I’d give it a try. I think it did help make this week a little better. It gave me an opportunity to write out what concerns I have and then propose possible solutions.
Special thanks to Cassie for designing the image! Check out her work on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meta__morphosis__design/ 
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ninliane · 5 years
Haikyuu Secret Santa 2019 Gift Exchange!
tadaaa here’s my part for the gift exchange! this is for you alicia ( @bokunotan ) ! you said that you liked dadchi so i give him to u uwu. you know tbh daichi is the one character im not confident in writing in so i had to read a few fanfics to help me sort out his character! (it was mostly @imaginethathaikyuu haha thank you.) please tell me if you want it rewritten alicia! this is my first time writing for daichi but i think i did okay for a first shot haha. also thank you to @supern-a-vengers for hosting this event! anyway i used your name in the fanfic (honestly i love your name so much) so i really hope you enjoy your present :))
also if the title sounds weird its really supposed to sound like that, it’s a title of an old christmas song haha.
merry christmas! 
the day before the night before christmas (daichi x alicia)
It was the cold winter morning on the 23rd of December; you hadn’t done much except for making breakfast. You thought to get into the Christmas mood you could play some music while you cooked breakfast. It was..nice.
Calm music was playing as you enjoyed cooking, eating your piping hot food to warm you up, and curling on the couch nearby the window as you sketched random thoughts that would pass by your mind: the passing snowflakes, the white and leafless trees, the running water that had yet to be frozen.
‘What on earth..?’ you thought to yourself.
You looked at your notebook in confusion as you cautiously lifted your pencil. It was a face, but its features weren’t quite there yet. Who were you drawing?
That question ran through your mind for the rest of the morning until a vibration from your pocket shook you out of your thoughts.
‘The rest of the third years are going to go to the shrine since it’s almost Christmas, do you want to go?’
Oh? This was strange. Daichi rarely texted you. You read the text over and over again until you came to the conclusion: why not? You quickly put on your winter outfit but as soon as you finished you looked at yourself in the mirror and immediately started over. This went on for a good twenty minutes. Why can’t you decide what to wear? Usually, this would be easy for you..wait why are you even self-conscious? There’s no special reason to look nice is there??
You decided on going with a long unbuttoned beige overcoat. a long-sleeved striped shirt, and cute checkered shirt, long boots, a white scarf and a cute beret to top it off. Twirling around in the mirror you smiled to yourself, “Yeah this looks good.”
It seems all that time you spent in front of the mirror cost you. You ran through the crowded shrine, trying to look for your company. “Oh no..I’m not too late are I?” you looked frantically looked around. 
“Oh! Daichi Daichi there she is!”
“Where? Oh, I see her!”
“Go go go!”
“Agh- guys stop pushing me! And keep your voice do-“
You whipped your head as you heard your name called. It belonged to your fellow classmate Sugawara Koshi, linked in his arm was a certain volleyball captain, struggling to stand up. Behind him were two faces you knew well: Kiyoko and Asahi. You smiled at the familiar faces and walked up to them, your coat and scarf gliding in the wind as you walked. 
“Hi! Merry Christmas!” you greeting smiling. “Merry Christmas, Alicia-chan.” Kiyoko greeted, as did Sugawara and Asahi. The captain, who had just been standing there frozen, didn’t say anything. His eyes widened at your appearance, simply just, well, staring. You noticed this and your cheeks heated up a bit. “Merry Christmas, Daichi-san.” you said offering a smile. Daichi on the other hand, who was still frozen in awe, had to be hit by Sugawara. ‘Oi, respond you dumbass.’ the vice-captain whispered. “Oh! U-uh Merry Christmas, Alicia-san!” he stuttered which made you laugh. A laugh he oh-so adored. 
“This guy is hopeless..” his friend thought. Throughout the day the five of you walked throughout the shrine, getting fortunes and making whishes. As the four of you clapped your hands and closed your eyes, Daichi peeked one eye open, glancing at your as your eyes were tight shut, concentrating on your wish. He smiled and closed his eyes again, deciding to wish for one more thing.
Sunset arrived and the five of you walked down the steps. Kiyoko and Asahi are pulled to the side by Sugawara and you cocked an eyebrow, but soon distracted by it as Daichi approached you. “So, you got any winter plans?” he smiled. You laughed and shrugged, looking at the city glow that began to emit through the dark sky, “Not much, might just stay home and chill.” “Oh, is that so.” you stayed in silence for awhile before he continued. “Hey..if you’re not doing anythi-“
“Daichi, Alicia!” the two of you whipped your heads to Sugawara, who was walking away as he dragged Kiyoko and Asahi with him. “Asahi and Shimizu are gonna head to the restaurant nearby so I’ll join them, see you guys!”
 ‘Ah..so it’s just the two of us now..’ Daichi looked back to Alicia, “Alicia-san, would you like me to walk you home?” she giggled in response, “That would be nice thank you.”
The sun had now set, and the walk was comfortably quiet until Alicia spoke up, “You know I’m really glad you texted me today, I originally was just gonna stay at home but I really had fun with everyone, especially you!” she teased. Through the cold, Daichi felt his cheeks warm up, “Oh, haha really? I’m glad you accepted!” he’s gonna keep hidden from the fact that it was Suga who stole his phone and texted the message to you as he was too nervous to do it. He chose his words carefully as he mumbled, 
“S-so um..”
“Would you like to do this again?” they both spoke at the same time.
 The snow fell on their hair as they looked into each other's eyes. “Oh, uhm I mean just the two of us,” Alicia quickly spoke, “..if that’s okay with you?” she made eye contact again. Daichi thought these kinds of stuff only happened in dreams or on TV, he really couldn’t believe what was happening. “Yes, of course! I’d love to!” he earnestly told her. Alicia gave back a warm smile. Daichi leaned into her face, 
“Then I’ll pick you up for New Years'.” she felt his hot breath whisper into her ear. Alicia didn’t know what came over her to have asked such a request, but she knew she didn’t regret it. She finally finished the faceless drawing that was in her notebook. She stared at it for a bit before laughing.
“I should probably have him in front of me next time.” 
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~KISS AU writings 8~
THIS ONE HAS BEEN A LONG TIME COMING!! There’s apparently been a lot of anticipation for it too so here we go!! 
Featured Pairing: Bruce Kulick/Paul Stanley
Special Guests: Gene Simmons, Eric Carr, Ace Frehley, Peter Criss, Vinnie Vincent
Summary: Bruce’s friends take him to a gentleman’s club for his birthday. He falls hard for one of the dancers..and things go off the rails~ (told from Bruce’s POV)
I laugh as I’m showered with confetti as soon as I come through my door. Eric comes up and straps a party hat to my head. This was totally unexpected! I bet they’d been planning this for weeks! They guide me to my kitchen where there’s a huge pizza and a beautiful birthday cake waiting on the table. The living room is decorated with balloons, streamers, colorful plates and napkins. I can’t believe they did all of this for me! I’m not going to cry! 
Ace goes into my fridge and pulls out a big case of beer. “Can’t have a party without the party favors!” he said with his usual maniacal cackle. Gene shakes his head. “Just go easy on those cause we’ve got plans later. And if you get drunk I’m not taking you.” Plans? What’s he got in mind? Ace whines but eventually he agrees. These plans must be pretty damn great if it gets Ace to not drown himself in booze. I worry about him sometimes.. Eric distracts me by patting my back. “Cmon, birthday boy let’s get this party started!” 
We carry everything into the living room and set it all on the coffee table. Peter goes over to my tv to put in a movie. “I brought ‘the Godfather.’ It’s a great movie, you’re gonna love it!” Ohhhh, Peter and his love for gangster movies~ It’s a nice sentiment but I’m pretty sure nobody will pay attention except for me and him..and Eric. Cause he’s a nice guy like that~ Fortunately I was wrong. We all sat with our beers (Gene with his soda), and pizza with our eyes glued to the screen. I’d heard of this movie but I’d never actually seen it before. It was really good! Nothing gave Peter more joy than watching someone else enjoy the movies he enjoyed~ After the movie was over Eric went into the kitchen to grab a knife and candles. “It’s cake time!” After the candles were placed Ace took out his lighter to light them. They sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to me loudly and obnoxiously..just like I expected. Bunch of idiots. But they’re my idiots~ I blow out all the candles in one breath and they applaud. Eric hands me the knife. “Birthday boy gets the first piece!” I can’t wait to dig into it. It’s all chocolate. I can smell it..and it’s wonderful~ I cut out five pieces and put them on our plates. We spend the next couple of hours enjoying our cake and joking with each other. This has been the best birthday I’ve had in years~
Gene looks at his watch and grins. “Alright, gentlemen it’s time to go~ We gotta get there before all the good seats are gone.” Ace is already up on his feet and ready to go which startles the hell out of me. “About damn time! Lead the way, Genie!” Gene sighed. “Change first. We brought extra clothes for a reason.” I blink. When he sees my confusion Gene pats my shoulder. “It’s a very nice place..so we have to dress nice. I suggest a suit jacket and slacks.” Sounds fancy. And expensive. Also the fact that Gene is perfectly fine with spending that much money on me is not helping my case for not trying to cry. “O-okay. I’ll find something to change into.” I go to my room while the others take turns changing in the bathroom. Going through my closet I find the gray suit I wore to my brother’s wedding. This is perfect! Hoping it still fits I try it on. To my absolute relief it does. Taking off the jacket I take out a nice white button up shirt. I thought about wearing a tie but I decide against it. I don’t think we need to go that formal. Once we’re all done dressing we gather in the front hall. Gene picks up his keys. “We can all go in my car. I’ve got room for everyone. Birthday boy has shotgun~” I feel so special~ With a smile I let everyone out the door and lock up. Looks like it’s going to be a pretty interesting night~
When we reach our destination I see a long line of people waiting to get into some kind of club. “Is that where we were going? There’s no way we’re getting in there!” Gene parked the car and turned off the engine. “Relax, Bruce. I told you I’ve got it covered. Trust me~” When he says things like that I can’t bring myself to question him. We all get out and head straight for the entrance. Once the bouncers spot us I start getting nervous. They look like they’re ready to beat the hell out of all of us. Calm as ever Gene just takes out his wallet, opens it up and shows it to them. “Good evening. We have a reservation.” One of the bouncers narrows his eyes and looks closer, makes an expression of recognition and pulls the door open. “Good evening, Mr. Simmons.” he says. “Gentlemen, welcome to the Firehouse.” Ace was cracking up and smacking Gene on the back. “They know you by name, Genie? How many times have ya been here~?” Gene just reached back to put his wallet away. “If you really must know I just happen to have a VIP membership to this place. With it I can pretty much get anyone I bring with me in here for free so I figured why not~?” I’m just at a loss for words. Not to mention relieved that he actually didn’t have to spend ridiculous amounts of money to get us in. A high class place like this cannot be cheap. “I..I dunno what to say, Gene..except thank you~” I can tell Peter’s already taking a liking to his surroundings. I’m guessing this is his kind of place~ Eric looked a bit nervous but tried to play it off. I think as long as we stay with him he won’t get too overwhelmed. 
Gene guides us to the main lounge. The stage was lined with neon lights shaped to look like fire. The dance pole was of course made to look like one you’d see at a firehouse. Clever~ When we take our seats a very good-looking man comes over dressed in a skimpy gold fireman’s costume. “Good evening, gentlemen~ I’m Vinnie and I’ll be your server tonight~ Can I get you anything~?”
“How about a tall glass of you, baby~?” Ace said, leaning back in his chair and cackling with Peter joining him. Those two, I swear~ Whenever they get together craziness follows. Vinnie just took it all in stride. I’m sure he’s heard those kinds of comments before. Many times. “I’ve got the time if you’ve got the money, handsome~” Ace’s eyes went wide. He definitely wasn’t expecting that response~ “Why don’t you tell me what you’re worth~?” We all turn to stare at him, except Peter who’s still laughing his ass off. “What? Heeey..Brucie shouldn’t be the only one gettin’ the special treatment~” Vinnie was clearly amused at Ace’s eagerness. “Well..let me at least take your drink orders first before we get down to business~” We all order drinks, except Gene who asks for water. “Be right back~” Vinnie turned on his gold stiletto heels and walked off towards the bar. “Do you actually have the money, Ace?” Gene asked, leaning forward. “The ‘company’ here isn’t cheap you know. Some of these beauties cost up to $10,000 for a night.” My jaw drops. “Seriously?! I wouldn’t mind having some fun either but not if it’s going to bankrupt me!” Ace just waved us off. “Will you relax, Genie? I got it covered! That Vinnie’s lookin’ mighty fine and I want a piece of that tonight~”
A few minutes later Vinnie comes back with our drinks and sets them on our table before going over to Ace. “So what would you like~? It’s $1,000 if you want a private dance and $5,000 if you want my company for the night~” Ace is grinning from ear to ear as he gets up and wraps his arm around Vinnie’s shoulders. “Think I’m gonna go with option B, sweet thing~ Let’s go have some fun, hah~?” I can’t believe he’s doing this! Neither can Eric. We both just gawk at them as they leave. Peter on the other hand is beside himself. “Knock ‘im dead!” he shouts, waving until they’re out of sight. Gene picks up his glass and takes a sip. “I guess he’s finding his own way home tonight.” Before I can even fathom what the hell just happened the lights went out. The flames around the stage glowed brighter and a spotlight shined down on the dance pole. Looked like the show was finally starting! As soon as the music began everybody was clapping and scrambling to get closer to the stage. Apparently this dancer was very popular. I recognize the song right away and I have myself a little laugh. At least now I’m familiar with one other person who actually liked Queen’s Hot Space album~ The dancer sashayed down the dimly lit part of the stage to the song’s intro. Guys were attempting to lean over to get a closer look but the ‘flames’ were a pretty damn sufficient deterrent. 
Body Language
Body Language
Grabbing the pole the dancer pulled himself into the spotlight and hooked his leg around the pole, swaying his hips back and forth to the rhythm. The crowd was going wild and now I could see why. Holy shit, that dancer was sexy! He sparkled from head to toe in a rhinestone studded black bodysuit (with a large majority of those rhinestones covering his crotch) cut incredibly low in the front to reveal his entire torso, complete with a black leather collar and belt, studded with rhinestones that shaped stars. He had thick, curly hair the went down his back and bangs that framed his face just perfectly. A face that was covered in white makeup with a black star over his right eye and bright red lips. Wow..I don’t think I’ve ever seen an exotic dancer go that far with their makeup. But it was fascinating and impossible for me to take my eyes away.
Give me your body
Just give me your body
He slowly spun around the pole a few times, I think just to get a better look at his audience, who were already clamoring for his attention and holding out money in hopes that he’d take it from them. It was quite a spectacle. He ignored them of course, just to tease them further. I could see the smirk on his face as he pulled himself to the pole again and started grinding his pelvis against it. 
Give me your body
Don’t talk
Body Language
He moved up and down the pole with his legs spread apart, gyrating his hips while his hair flew about with every movement of his head. Damn, it was hot. Glancing around at the others I could see that they were just as mesmerized. I never thought anyone could command that much attention on a pole without even removing a single piece of clothing. 
Body Language
Body Language
He threw his head back, and he looked so damn good with his lips parted like that. Like he was giving himself the ultimate pleasure. 
You got red lips
Damn right he did~ He turned his head to look out at the crowd, tracing his upper lip with his tongue.
Snakes in your eyes
He leaned his head forward and threw it back again, making his curls fly everywhere.
Long legs 
Great thighs
He grabbed the pole with both hands and raised his leg high in the air. Only then did I notice he was wearing rhinestone studded platform heeled boots. How is he even doing that while wearing those?! They must weigh a ton!
You’ve got the cutest ass I’ve ever seen
Knock me down for a six any time
He turned his back to the crowd and swayed his hips again, showing off his beautiful ass to that hungry crowd. Oh, they were riled up now. Too bad they could look but they couldn’t touch. 
Look at me, I got a case of Body Language
Look at me, I got a case of Body Language..
The song was nowhere near over, but it began to fade out. What a cruel punishment. Give them a taste of what they want then cut them off and leave them begging for more. An excellent strategy to get them to pay more money. The dancer took the time to collect the money they desperately wanted to give him. They placed bills in his belt, in his boots, and if they were really lucky he’d lean down and they’d place bills inside of his suit. God, I wish I could give him money right now..cause he sure as hell earned it. As he moved off the stage the same way he came in, the entire place erupted in applause, us included. A voice suddenly blasted from the speakers. 
Alright, Firehouse!! Show your love for StarChild!!
So that’s what he’s called. Perfect name~ Since the show was over I figured we would all be leaving so I get up from my chair. Gene grabs my hand to stop me. “Hang on, Bruce..you’re not going anywhere just yet. You have a date with that dancer~” Wait. WHAT? I must’ve been hearing things! “I’m..what..?” Gene smiles and I can hear Peter and Eric snickering behind me. “That’s right~ A special little birthday gift from us to you~” I’m frozen. I can’t think. I can barely breathe. My brain is still trying to process what Gene has just told me. 
I am going to be spending the night with StarChild.
To be Continued!!
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haphazardlyparked · 6 years
a point of contention
regret everything part twenty-one (part twenty)
Noki begins coming back later and later at night, and his absences correlate directly to the impending deadlines for Congress proposals. Noki comes to bed when Kan’s already asleep, and by the time Kan wakes up in the morning, he’s already up and about. Kan spends a lot of his brand-new alone time thinking about the Exchange, and how he can best dismantle the group without mortally offending Noki.
The Exchange is becoming far too involved with different Samra-related pots to continue operating within Kan’s government. That Kan must force a choice on them is already apparent, though Kan doesn’t care what Noki chooses to do so long as his interests are clear, and his position is appropriate for those interests. Pure diplomacy hasn’t been Noki’s focus for a while now.
Kan decides he’ll start the process after Congress. Things will be calmer then... and Noki might be more persuadable.
“If you want my advice, Noki,” Kan drawls, passing the data screen with the Exchange’s draft proposal back to his lover. “You need to look at our side more closely again. You’re starting to sound like an agent of Samra, and not like a group dedicated towards Tasak’s successful future.”
He tries to couch it in a jest, but Kan hopes Noki sees his genuine concern. The Exchange has become very… bold recently, more so than Kan could have anticipated. Their proposal—to create an organization dedicated towards analyzing viable structures for bilateral trades between Samra and Tasak, as well as research on such an alliance’s potential benefits (and costs, Kan supposes)—is a good idea in theory, but their highlighted topics and outlined priorities heavily favor Samran scholars, and what Samra has to offer, and what Samra should be allowed to do or not do.
What about what Tasak has to offer? They may not have Samra’s sophisticated organic technologies, but their work with digital and mechanical construction has built wonders in their city. And Tasak has seated herself at the center of a grand alliance between multiple states, a trading coalition unlike any seen before it. There’s nothing in the Exchange’s proposal about how the alliance’s farmers and tradesmen and engineers will be protected from the adverse effects of Samran influence, let alone how this new relationship might change Tasak’s relations with her historical allies.
Noki cuts Kan an annoyed look. “Are you going to help me or not?”
“Not,” says Kan glibly. “It would be highly inappropriate if I did.”
The scowl on Noki’s face scrunches his nose. In an energetic attempt to derail the conversation, Kan leans sideways to kiss it; Noki evades him.
“I’m serious, Kan. This is important!”
“And I’m serious too, Noki,” Kan replies, exasperated. “I just gave you my opinion. You know I won't take risks for my people that Samra will benefit from, and which we might or might not.”
“I've already explained--”
“I know,” Kan says, trying to sound patient. “I know how you think these supposed provisional allowances will function, but you must recognize how narrow your plan’s vision is. The Exchange is going to keep heading down this road. You know this, don't you?”
“Excuse me?” Noki asks, surprised into sharp politeness.
Kan huffs. “You’re hardly one of my diplomats these days. Changing careers can be a good thing,” Kan adds quickly. “But you must see the beginnings of the need to change, right?”
Wrong, clearly. Noki’s expression shutters to blankness. “Is what the Dowager has been saying?” he asks.
“She doesn't have anything to do with this.”
Kan sighs. “She agrees with me, but that doesn't make me wrong, Noki. You're not exactly objective. And you do this thing, where you try to be the organization you want to gain permission for, only before you have the permission. The Exchange is an example of this, I think.”
Noki recoils, stung. In an effort to distract them, or to give himself a minute to think, he gets up from the sofa and goes to get a drink. While he’s gone, Kan wonders how he can get out of the rest of this conversation.
“How can you say I don't want the best for Tasak?” Noki asks when he comes back. Instead his spot by Kan, he sits on the chair beside the couch.
Kan frowns. “That's not what I’m saying,” he objects. “All I mean is that, as a diplomat in my court, you should be more objective when it comes to Samra. Understanding them and understanding where and how we can open dialogues and relations is important, but in the end, you're Tasakese, Noki.”
“I never said I wasn’t!” Noki protests hotly, sitting ramrod straight now. His eyes blaze with righteous anger, and Kan shakes his head.
“You speak with a whole host of Samran contacts every day,” Kan reminds him.
“Just as I spoke to Isokai every day too.”
“That was--is--different. He's the ambassador, and you're his Tasakese liaison here. Under what auspices are you carrying on your communications with various members of Samra’s Conclave and private strategic organizations? Would the Exchange even provide me a list of them, if I asked?”
Noki gasps. “Have you been spying on me?” he demands, using his outrage to avoid the question.
But Kan avoids his question in turn, because while he himself isn't doing the espionage, Sem and the Dowager do present him dossiers of information on the Exchange.
“In this matter, Noki, I am your lord,” he replies calmly, but with an uneasy weight in his chest that drags his voice down half an octave. “I can support your passion as your lover, but I cannot always condone your actions as your liege. You should know this.”
Noki sighs, and leans back in the chair. “I understand,” he mutters.
But Kan doesn’t know that he does.
A few nights later, Kan finds a familiar-looking ring sitting in an open box on his pillow. It’s made of a dull metal, with a white band circling its center, and he knows immediately that it is a strand of Noki’s dyed hair set into the band.
“I don’t want to fight with you over this—thing,” Noki says, coming into the bedroom from the bathroom. His voice is heavy, on the verge of cracking. “I love you, Kan.”
Smiling, Kan picks up the ring and box and sets it on the bedside table. Holding out his arms, he beckons Noki closer until they’re standing next to the bed. Then he hugs Noki so tightly, he can’t escape when Kan lowers his mouth to Noki’s ear and taunts, “One apology to one. What does that mean, in Samra?”
“I suppose,” says Noki quietly, shivering in an effort to fight his ticklishness. Kan loosens his hold so that he can poke at Noki’s sides. “It means that neither of us--is perfect!” The last comes out as a squeal, and Noki pushes at Kan lightly. When Kan loses his grip on Noki, he escapes backwards onto the bed. 
Kan follows him, and Noki pulls him down beside him. “I love you, Kan,” he whispers seriously, his hand running down Kan’s side and back up. Kan suppresses a shiver, and shifts in closer to Noki. 
“I love you too, my brilliant heart,” he murmurs back. 
Kan leaps out of bed and to his feet at the sound of doors slamming open.
“Lord Kan!” he hears someone shout his name. “Kan!”
He’s awake enough to realize that very few people can come into his and Noki’s home without triggering all manners of alarms, and then he recognizes Sem’s shouting.
Dread bores a hole into Kan’s stomach. He runs towards the front door, and meets Sem in the hallway.
“Kan!” Sem repeats, breathless, more a sob than Kan’s name. He’s red-eyed and he grasps for Kan’s arm, gasping, unable to say the words that he needs to.
Kan holds Sem upright and closes his eyes and wishes that Sem never finds a way to tell him. He might even take this moment, Sem in pieces and clinging to him, for eternity, just as long as—
“The Dowager,” Sem gasps. “The Dowager—Kan”—another sob wrenches free of Sem before he can continue, voice trembling—“I’m sorry, Kan. She’s gone.”
“What?” Noki gasps from the bedroom door. He looks as white as his nightshirt.
(next - twenty-two)
im afraid to tag people but  @gingerly-writing  @severe-fangirl-syndrome @rrrawrf-writes
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bonbonswirl-blog · 6 years
Proud dad
anyway i was not satisfied with the last fanfic I worte at ALL, it was very bad and I wont blame you if you think that too im sorry it went like this. I decided to write this one since I got the idea. Mason is always a sweetheart btw guys! I just may have changed him a little by accident in this one. Bc im not too skilled, reminder none of this happened and not canon, all these just from my mind with some little "headcanons" from me thx.
It was just a normal day. The golden rays of sunshine caressing everyone faces, shining up the bright blue sky that gives a feeling of comfort and ease, faint chirping of birds can be heard near the trees. Mason was sitting on a bench in a park, with a little smile on his warm face, which is being tickled by the gentle gold beams. his eyes were slowly scanning the small letter in his hands, re-reading it once more after numerous of time, his fingers touched the writing of pen on the white piece of paper, as if checking if this is a true thing, And it is. His eyes drifted from the paper in his hands to the playground in front of him, The sounds of children playing echoed from the park, stomping, running and laughing. None of the worries of adults crossed their minds, only how to elude capture by their friends. The rhythmic creaking of swings went back and forth, and some kids tried to time their jumps from the swings to the rhythm. The colors of the playground equipment were still fresh and bright, despite the years of wear and the endless use. his eyes trying to search between this crowd of kids for a certain one of his own, a few years old one with messy brown hair wearing a flatcap similar to his own one, it was something he gave his child on his previous birthday, mason tried to consider it as a gift to his son as an attempt to bring some joy to his little heart, it was the only thing that was in his pocket right now. He hoped that in the next birthday he will find a better present to give for his little boy that can truly make him happy. Moments later mason had found him, merrily playing on a slide with the other kids, which made his dad smile get bigger. For a last time he looked at the letter, he was so happy that someone had finally toke notice of him and invited him for a job intrview tomorrow morning, he practiced a lot for hopes in getting that job, if he gets it, he will no longer be dependent on those small live making things that doesnt help a lot and will have enough money to provide a good life for him and his son. Looking at the sky, he noticed that the sun is going to set soon, and it will get late to walk for home, they dont live near this park. He smelled the letter as it was some fresh air then folded it to put it in his pocket, giving more five minutes for his son to play until he is going to pick him up to go home.
It was night. As the colors of the day rest the dark was covering every part of the sky. all the kids have already went to their home with their parents, the air was silent, maybe an owl or some cricket can be heard from here and there, the streets were empty, no one was walking on them, expect for a single man holding his little son hand, mason looked at his child and smiled "how was your day at the park wallaby? Did you enjoy it? " He asked wallaby, making sure his son had a good time playing and laughing with all the kids, that he was happy with where his dad brought him today. " Yes dad! I founda buncha fweinds today! We pwayed a game cawed tag your it! Ya pway it by runnin after someone and ya ne....." but mason didnt hear the rest of the talk of how wallaby is teaching him to play tag your it, because his mind was in another place, filled with thoughts of how the interview will go tomorrow, will he get the job? Will he fail? What will he do if he failed? He doesnt want that...What if he gets it? But it was harder than he expected? Will he leave it? Will he push himself to continue? Will he...
" Dad?!?!?DAd?!??! DAD?!? " His son voice distracted him of his deep thought. He guessed that he was inside his mind for too long that he couldnt hear his child. " Yes my dear? " "Ma legs huwt :<" mason smiled again and giggled at wallaby cute little pout, it could make anyone fall for him so fast, his dad knows that there is still a bit of a way for them to get to their home yet, and that wallaby had already walked long enough with his small foot, not to mention he must be tired from all the running today. " Do you want me to carry you for the rest of the way? " " YA YA YA! " Wallaby said excited at that suggestion, reaching both his short arms up in the air for mason hold him, which made mason laugh a little and lean down to hold his small baby in his arms. " Who is my little good boy? " "ME ME!! " " Yes You Are!! " Mason tickled wallaby a bit which made the small kid laugh childishly, his laugh fuel his dad heart with delight. He hugged his son gently while keeping to walk along the road. " Dad? " " Yes! my sunshine? " "I saw some of ma fweinds today tawk about who is better at studying in school! dad, what is school? " ....Mason smile went away and he was silent for a while.... he remembered that wallaby was already old enough for his age to start going to school...but he couldnt afford the money to give this child the chance to go the kindergarten like all the other kids...when will he give him the chance to start learning?... " School is a place where you go to get education dear! Kids go to there everyday to learn new things! " He tried to smile as an attempt to comfort himself and answer the child question softly. " Will I one day go to school dad?" Wallaby innocent smile wasnt enough to sweep away the little sadness that mason felt at that question, he wanted so much for wallaby to get education like all the other people, and he was ready to do whatever it costed to do so, but he know he cant... he cant find the chance. " Maybe one day you will do dear... " that even gave the dad a bigger ambition to pass the intreview tomorrow, he will work as hard as he can to give anything that is needed to his son. Wallaby was silent for a little time in his dad arms while mason just kept walking, the small one looked at his dad again to shot another question at him. " Dad im hungwy :< " that reminded mason that they both didnt really eat enough since the last two days, he is trying to save up for more important things. He wished he have the ability to give him something good to eat right now, he used a lot of energy playing today anyway. " I know my dear...how about I give you an apple when we come back home? " " But I always ate apples dad! How about some candy? " Mason laughed a little "aww my dear! You need to eat lots of vegetables and fruits to grow up! " "awwwww :< " wallaby pout never fail to make mason grin, wallaby didnt eat lots of sweets anyway...maybe in the near future he will have enough money to feed wallaby and him in a right way. They both went silent for another minutes, Out of topics to discuss. Wallaby was thinking about something, he looked at his dad once more to ask a new question, a lot More serious this time... " dad?.." " yes wallaby? " "I....today when we were leavin the pawk.....I saw lotta kids standing next to a....woman....evewy kid have their own woman! The women were holdin their childwen hands just wike ya do to me...and the kids all tawk about their day with them just like I do now...the women seems to be with them...evewyday and evewywhere...like they are with them evewy second!...dad do I....do I.....do I have a woman who take cawe of me wike all those kids do?....."
Mason stopped walking.
He felt his chest starting to ache.
He didnt expect that one day wallaby will wonder why he have no mother like the other kids.
That he will start missing her....
he have no idea what to tell his son now.....he cant just tell him that he doesnt have one....what is he going to do now.....how can he tell his son the cold bitter truth....he cant...he is even so young to know about it...what is he going to do...
" Dad?...." ...wallaby was scared about his dad sudden hush...did he make him mad? he started to get worried now.... "...wallaby........I......" mason was out of words....he moved his head to the side... avoiding eye contacts with his son, looking at the ground shamfully...his eyes no longer have any shine or bright when he hears the gladness in his son voice whenever he talks about about a joyful thing he tried, or when he achieved any small victory. Mason finally gave up, he couldnt ignore his son like this any longer, he need to say something to wallaby.... mason toke a deep sigh...returning his head to look at his little boy who is laying in his arms, wallaby didnt look cheerful as he was a minute ago...he was looking to his side, with a frown in his little mouth, the dirt blush on his cheeks wasnt as red as when he is talking gaily with his adorable puffy cheeks, but they werent puffy anymore...the boy flatcap was going to fall down from his head soon, funny how he can keep it still on his head while running and jumping everywhere all day, wallaby didnt feel really ok at this point...
Mason looked with a grievous look at him before beggining to speak..... "wallaby...listen to me... " his voice was heavy with shame, the same way his guilt wheighed down upon his shoulders, that made his son look at him in the face again, but the expressions still the same. " my little sunshine......you do....you do have a woman like them too...this woman is called...a mother...the mom is the person who brought the life to her children...toke care of them from childhood until adulthood, she is always there to share with her children the laughs, smiles and their happiest moments, always there to comfort them in the sorrow, fear and their hardest moments, she is always the shelter from every harm, the guardian from every enemy, the key for every solution, she will always support her kids no matter what happen in any time and any place....every mom love is always with her kids forever wallaby... all the moms are great! And you should know wallaby that...you have a mom...like them all...but you wont be lonely because im here with you..."
Mason voice was soft, almost fragile, as if it and his heart would break any minute. Perhaps his heart was already broken...broken to bits from the harsh cruel world....mason was never really good with coping with the loss... The sadness flowed through his veins like a flowing river, cold and unending, deadened his mind. It was a poison to his spirit, dulling him, killing off the other emotions he felt when talking to his precious son until it was the only one that remained. He learned that anyone can be a pareng...but not anyone can be a family...He wanted very badly to tell wallaby that lucy still loves him, she still love her family...love them...love them a lot to the point that she left them.....he have no idea where she is now after she dissapeared, its been a long time, but for some reason, he cant fully let her go, she left a hole in his heart that can not be fixed, wallaby is now the only thing that still bring some life in mason dead core, he promised from the day he was left alone with the kid, that he will do everything to make sure he is living safe and sound..
The small wallaby face began to draw a pure smile again, his flatcap back in place, his hued eyes are back to their bright, he got up a bit from his dad arms. "I knew it! I knew I had one too wike them! Dad? Will I eva meet her?!" "Maybe one day sunshine....maybe one day...." mason couldnt bring himself to say no to this one...he doesnt know if wallaby will ever meet her...he may not ever find her, He hugged wallaby more tightly and began taking faster steps, this chat already broke his heart enough and he wants to get home to rest for a busy day tomorrow...good thing wallaby slept on their way home.
The next morning came as usuall, the sun rised, sent its woven strands, free and united, to flow into the sky for revealing and solidifying a new day. Mason used to wake up late, but this time he was early, today is the day, his plan is simple, go the inreview, success, and go to the job. He wasnt very content, he felt nervous, looking after every way that this can go wrong with. Last night wasnt the best for him, it made him re-think about his life with wallaby and how he is going to raise him. he was standing at the door, preparing himself to bring his legs to work straight to the place of that job, but before he can move the handle, he heard a voice behind him
" Dad?.. "
He turned around to see that his son had already woke up, standing confused there with a large jacket around him, it was so large that the jacket ends were on the floor, wiping it wherever the boy go, he looked like a child who have jacket that should be wore by only adults wrapped around him, which is the truth, wallaby always wear it to bed, using it insted of a blanket. " wallaby...uh why are you up so early dear? " " Dad whewe are ya goin? we gonna go to work now? " Mason smiled and kneeled down to put his hands on wallaby shoulders " did you know I got an intrview today? Im going to try to get a job! If i got it! We gonna have enough money to eat properly and go to school to learn! " Wallaby was happy hearing this, it made him almost jump " reawy? Yaaaaay! Wait! But dad! Ya will need ma help! " Mason smiled and ruffled wallaby messy hair " aww my little one, when you grow up you will have your own job to take care of! " When mason turned around to open the door again, wallaby voice stopped him. " but dad! Ya cawt go! " Mason looked behind once more " but why dear? " "Becawse....im gonna be so lonely without ya! " Mason was surprised a bit, wallaby stayed home by himself a lot of times, why is he going to feel lonely staying today? " But sunshine...you always stay home alone by yourself, why are you going to feel lonely today?" " Becawse...I awways hewped ya in your work...this time I wont be there to hewp ya! Ya will awways go to work without me! ya will feel alone! and i will stay more time at home and feel alone! Ya cant leave me dad! Pwease stay here with me.. " after hearing this, mason felt sad, again. He didnt know that wallaby actually felt happy working with him and that he felt so lonely when he all alond without, but he cant do anything about it. "dear...im sorry...but...I cant do anything to help that...please im doing that for you...just stay here and you will find me soon at home..." " but dad! I cant let ya go! Pwease stay! Arent ya my mama? " Whenever someone mention the word 'mom' mason never feel so good. "what?.... " " arent ya my mama? Ya awways pway with me and take cawe of me like all the mamas do! " Mason didnt know his opinion about this kind of thought. " Uh, my little boy, im not your mother...im your father.. " " but ya stiw take care of me! Like any mama! I wont let ya go dad...why dont ya stay hewe and tell me more stories about my mama! " Mason now REALLY didnt feel so good about this one...reminding him of lucy by any chance can make him lose it all...worst idea to think about..." ....wallaby...I need...to go......maybe at night... " " but dad! Pwease! " " goodbye wallaby " "Stay with me! " " Im coming back at night " "dad come on!" Mason tried to get out the house but wallaby was still following him, he cant go anywhere, he stayed standing there, listening to his son conmplains, he already know he made him late enough, almost all of wallaby suggestions was to talk about lucy, lucy lucy and only lucy, that name bring a chill to him whenever he hears it, that made him re-think about last night. A bad memory for him... no. more, About the past, oh..why did she left them? He knows the reason, but was he already the full reason? Or....did wallaby have anything to do with this? Every thought made him dig deeper and deeper in the...unwanted memeories, he cant get himself to get out of his mind and go to the inreview, all he think about now was who fault it was.
" Wallaby...I think you really need to stop now!! "
And that was the first time that mason rised his voice a little at wallaby, and honsetly, wallaby was very surprised, his dad never rised his tone like that at him before, he always talk too soft and gentle with him, so excited yo hear about his day. But now he didnt look to be in the mood to do that.
" Dad.... " " wallaby you must stay here! " " But da- " "im already late for this i need to go! " "pwease da-" "bye. "and with that mason closed the door behind him completely. leaving the house, and leaving the young child to spend another day at his home on his own. Mason was on the streets running, he felt like a lot of pressure and stress on him have been realesed when he got angry, now there is no more complaining about lucy and her absence.....but...he didnt feel alright yet...he felt.....regret....it was so heavy...he felt his heart carrying a heavy weigh...or that there are rocks in his chest...that didnt make him feel well by any chance, he tried to ignore it but it was a lot not to feel something...he felt so alone...he started getting cold...a feeling he didnt sense long ago...cause his body and heart always felt warm whenever he used to be alongside his son..but now he feels like he left him...he did...he feel like he did a mistake..he didnt mean it...he didnt mean to do that at all....he was just pressured and sad to rememeber a doleful memory...he didnt meant to hurt anyone...he wished he could go back and change something of what just happened..but now he cant, all he can do now is pass this intreview.
The night had fallen upon the land, the sky left with only a matt black canvas with no stars to be looked upon. The darkness was thick, mason path was hardly lit, if a normal person cant see good in this dark then this only made mason sight worse.  The interview went..........fine..........it wasnt what he was really looking for...and that was dissatisfied....but all what mason could care about is returning to his home and check something, rather someone....Other than the darkness and himself all that seemed to exist was the chilly wind thats harsh bite could be felt through the man skin. He could feel the hairs on his arms rise and the bite of the wind had left its mark in the form of small bumps that were tingling on his arms, but its bite was more than flesh deep. His blood ran cold through his veins and his bones were chilled. but the heat of what he was wearing did not reach his skin at all, mason know why, after what he done today he knew that today will not be a pretty day at all. The cold wind could be felt that its his inner repent, after what felt like days he saw his home, he may not see a lot good but it he could recognize his house, he stayed in the chilly wind for a few minutes, what is he going to do and say when gef back home?....
He sighed and gently opened the door, waiting to see someone in front of him when he do, to his surprise, there wasnt anyone....the house felt so quiet.....
so empty....
" Wallaby? " He called for his son, waiting for a reply, but none came. "Wallaby? " He called again. began walking around the house, maybe his son just didnt hear him..but he began to sweat.. " wallaby...?... " he searched everywhere in the house, the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, he couldnt find him! There was only one place left...the bedroom, he ran to there, seriously hoping that wallaby is here insode the house. He entered the bedroom and turned on the lights panicking.........then sighed.......wallaby was there...sleeping on the bed that they both together share....wearing the same jacket he woke up with around him...mason smiled a little at the view. With the corner of his eyes he toke a glance of some small crayons and a drawing white paper on the ground, he went to that drawing and picked it up to see what did wallaby draw while he was out, he slowly looked into it.
It was drawn in a chidish way, with simple colors of crayons...if mason not wrong, one of the two people in it was him, having a smile on his face, next to him a smaller figure, he wasnt sure at first if thats wallaby, that figure had a colorfull hair, and a red dot to where seemed to be the nose, that figure short arms were stretched and some different colored dots where around him. Was that a clown? Why would wallaby draw his dad with a short clown next to him playing with some balls?! But suddenly it hit him..he remembered...
Wallaby previous birthday....at that day, mason only concern was to give his child a little happy party...but he couldnt even afford a cake...let alone a present...when he came back home that day all what he brought was just a red ballon, but he didnt want the birthday to just go by like that, he wanted to try and give wallaby any kind of gift, the only idea in his head was to dress as a clown and try to impress wallaby or make him laugh. He made wallaby sit on the ground and just got some random things to try and throw in the air and catch them again, which was a fail, wallaby didnt do anything, other than sitting there with a stare, when mason thought about giving up he slipped on something and fell down, that did hurt a bit, but wallaby laughed a lot! Which made mason not regret this at all and laughed with his kid "Hahahha! That was so funny dad! Why ya dressin like that? :D " " Haha...i was trying to be like a clown son! " "a clown? Oooh! So today is dressin as diffwent people day? " " Heh..I guess? " " Yaaay! Imma dress like ya dad! " Wallaby looked right and left to find something that can make him look like his dad, luckily he noticed his dad flatcap and grapped it to put it on his head " look dad! Im ya! I love my son a lot! We both get books and stare at them together! " Mason laughed because that was actually funny and true, they both cant read correctly which lead them to just stare at any book they try to read. Mason got up and put a hand on the flatcap that was on wallaby head " and this, my dear son...is my birthday gift to you...happy birthday! " Wallaby eyes looked like they were starry and he touched his dad flatcap with both his hands " wooooow!! Rewwy! Thanks dad!! " wallaby jumped on his dad giving him a tight hug, to which mason gladly gave back.
Mason now got what the drawing is talking about, in wallaby birthday party he tried to make him laugh so he can feel better...now..wallaby saw his dad was angry..and wanted him to laugh again...so he dressed as a clown and tried to make his dad smile again...just like he did to him...mason looked up the two figures to see a childish writing, its may not be written right but he tried as hard as he can to read it.
' Am srry dad u ar angre, i wont u 2 smail plz, i lov u '
Mason felt he is going to cry.
He learned it, nothing in this world can ever be above his only family. He put the drawing on a table, turned off the lights, and layed down next to wallaby, though his small son was sleeping to his side, mason hugged him from behing carefully and whispered softly.
" Im so sorry I neglected you today my precious sunshine...I wont do it again...the words wont describe how much I love you, I will be your mama and dada...and will take care of you for every moment...I am a proud dad to have you...no matter what wallaby....you will always make me proud. "
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dewprisms · 6 years
kh3 spoilers idk tumblr keeps not saving them and idk what i was doing last :/ but this will be the last one unless there’s DLC or something
this terranort scene....everyone sure is taking their time to attack him
kairi where is your keyblade seriously??? maybe you should have it out???? why are they making her a fucking damsel in distress again
so Donald and Lea get hurt because Kairi’s too dumb to not have her keyblade out with monsters around what the FUCK was the point of her training if they’re making her NOT DO A DAMN THING EXCEPT BE A D-I-D
god is THIS why I saw posts about people being upset over kairi’s treatment? Because they don’t even have to do ANYTHING? or is it about to be worse?
....and Aqua just....doesn’t even try, she just drops her blade and lets go
this entire scene is suppose to be sad but I’m just getting pissed off at how FUCKING STUPID they all are
“where am i” looks like heaven, ur dead kid
....Chirithy def has Kairi’s? voice, def the voice of another character but higher pitched
oh shit Sora’s ACTUALLY dead
is....that xion?
...is this Chirithy....Ven’s Chirithy?
Lea never did change into his new clothes
oh, NOW I actually unlocked KG as an actual world
what....did time rewind? it’s the same scene...
LW!!!! Terra’s back!!
oh my god, THIS is where all the KHUX names come in? We help Sora fight the Darkness Tornado
aww, I didn’t see my name :( that didn’t seem like 300 tho
oh, so it IS KH1 Riku
there he is, my love!!! aand he’s gone
oh no, Mickey’s starting to lose hope
oh dang, Mickey knows Time magic? not Stop, but Time
man this is why he’s the most powerful magician in the series
oh shit there are 2 girls.....is it really xion?
mannnn Xehanort’s voice is sooooo bad and the accent just gets worse and worse like the dude isn’t even trying to hide it
where’s Terra? He’s not back yet
oh Luxord’s not dead
oh god, I have to fight ALL FOUR of them with Mickey
nvm, just me vs 3
nvm that was easy, just ignore larx and marly
oh, Luxord’s helping....and he dies again
where’s mar and larx tho. i didn’t kill them
oh, larx only helped to stay with marluxia....cause of their past in khux...
marly lost his memory too?
now i gotta kill my bf again....
yup, he never got one....xehanort lied to him....
they’re so mean to him :((((((((((( I mean he deserved it yeah but
im legit upset
oh no, it is repliku, not past riku....
the real repliku....is giving ups his chance of life for namine......
wow......kairi got hit twice and fucking passed out....she’s worse than donald.....she didnt do any damage and got knocked out way too fast...
xion :(
also-ran??? wtf is that
SSIC trio is back!
who the FUCK is “her” they keep talking about
so Saix was more bitter over over not just him but this mysterious girl they were searching for
nooooooo he died in Lea’s arms (also? apologize to Xion for how you treated her you fuck)
...so Xion’s hair is brown now....?
Also....why was Xion with them in the first place??? They NEVER said why
naturally, aqua vs terranort and ven vs van
JHBSJKKSD I killed Terranort and ALL he said was “ow??” like he hit his arm on a door
I don’t think they understand that Vanitas didn’t have a choice, he “chose” darkness because he IS darkness, that’s literally what he is, he never had a choice to be what he wanted, he can’t be with light because Ventus is his light
jfc Terranort shook them around so much they passed out
Holy shit IS THE THEORY TRUE??? The guardian is Terra’s Heartless!!!
so Guardian = Heart, Terranort = Body, LW = Soul, dude was literally split into the 3 states
fucking....they took Kairi to force them to fight the last fights....instead of LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE!!!! if Kairi is so fucking weak as they’re writing her to be, it would’ve been more beneficial to kidnap one of the stronger people (like Mickey!!) instead but no they gotta kidnap the girly girl who’s been a DID in every. single. main. game. so far. :))))))))
lmao killed YMX with the Magic Carasoule
ngl I was kinda expecting YMX to betray himself...
Xehanort just sit here and watches these little cut scenes after every individual defeat....
......oh....ansem sod was gonna betray them....but gave up hope he could change anything....
aww Mickey used Curaga on us right before he knew he was gonna get taken again also I forgot to equip Curaga for myself oops I still have Cura on my slots, why does it not automatically equip them now....nobody wants to ever use the weaker versions, lower magic cost or not
what, Xemnas actually regrets being bad to the org? why, it makes no sense from how he was written before
“Why her?!” because she’s a fucking girl in this franchise
im so goddamn pissed off, no WONDER everyone is so mad about the ending
....Xehanort’s VA is......so bad............he has no damn emotion..............like, people talk about Aqua and Terra’s VA”s being emotionless? Nah, this dude really sucks
so Riku and Mickey got Stop’d but Donald and Goofy didn’t (or Sora of course
oooooo Ven and Roxas noticed each other....that’s gonna be a convo.....
“Kairi will be alright.” Yeah after everything’s done and over with to keep her out of the action
............so he gets taken out because he’s too distracted to see the 11 people aiming for him? are you fucking kidding me
so Xehanort...is a portal...to Cable Town??
mannn so the guys in those gucci outfits aren’t even the new org, they’re all just old man xehanort himself
wait wait no, they have all the weapons of the org? so are they them or does he just have all their powers??? nvm they’re all him
god even his power-up scream was underwhelming........
yup, a goat, the sin of Lust iirc
.....that fight...was extremely underwhelming....is that it?
“there is one sky, one destiny” dude that’s kairi’s line fuck off
he just. straight up took the light from Sora and forced him into Anti-Form? ok
well, at least he actually sounds like he’s dying in pain
ERAQUS! at least he has his voice, that’s def mark hamil still
“that doesn’t mean that i can’t be there for you” you’re the one that fucking killed him you lying motherfucker
...so eraqus apologized to aqua and ven, but not to terra who he also attacked? ok
and so the boyfriends ascend to the afterlife together
where the FUCK is Kairi
so the game
fucking ends
with Kairi fucking dead
this whole ending is suppose to be sweet with all the reunions but I’m just royally pissed off
oh, it is Ven’s Chirithy....but he didn’t have his memory come back...
oh! Lea’s new outf- XION GETS ONE TOO AAAAAAAAAA AND ISA!!!!!!!!!!!
they just. found Kairi offscreen.........................................................................
whelp, SoKari def canon SoRiKai is way better tho, as is somewhat RepliNami and Terrqua and MarLarx
wait.....what happened to Sora? Is Kairi actually not back then??
omg, Drake Bell was young Eraqus??? what, it said the Foretellers in the credits....when was that?? I don’t recall ever seeing them.....
............what happened to the card Luxord gave Sora that he said could help turn the tide of the battle? It never came up as far as I can tell..
...uh.....did they forget that Frozen takes place in the summer.....why is the area still covered in snow? it stopped once Elsa controlled her powers.....
yup, there’s Luxu(?) and the KHUX hook, though I don’t see Ava among them
XIGBAR IS LUXU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’LL SEE HIM IN MORE GAMES AAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE THEORY WAS- wrong, cause everyone was saying he’s the Master of Masters
oh, I completely forgot about Maleficent and Pete lmao
oh, so Sora really was gone- oh what the fuck are they in the real world now????? no, what the fuck, the FF knockoff in Toy Box was real?? or is it a DLC hook?
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hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
Hamilton High School AU 28
Herc looked at John sympathetically as he dragged himself out of the dressing room. "I'm sorry, Jack... I shouldn't have left you alone with him."
"No.. I'm fine. Just can't believe I ever dated that guy sometimes." He sighed and plopped back down in the chair before announcing. "I've been thinking about getting a piercing. Or a tattoo. Something crazy."
Hercules laughed at the sudden absurdity, keeping an eye out as customers came into the shop. "Go nuts. I almost got my ears pierced a while back, but I chickened out."
John nodded. "Hopefully I wouldn't."
Hercules nodded and stood up straight, smiling as a customer came up to the counter.
She smiled at John as Hercules rang up her items, eyeing him up and down. "You're pretty cute."
Hercules chuckled and bagged her items, handing them to her after she paid. "Trust me, you're barking up the wrong tree."
John, the oblivious gay, just looked between the two blankly, trying to figure out what was happening.
"Oh.." she muttered and went red. "Sorry." She took her things and left.
"You don't even like girls and you get their attention more than Thomas."
"What?.. Oh! Was she flirting with me?"
Hercules laughed. "You're so gay."
He chuckled awkwardly, then sighed. "Yeah, I know." He checked his phone as it vibrated, then smiled. "I have to get home. I need to babysit for Maria."
"Have fun."
John nodded and left, walking home.
Lafayette pulled up outside of a nearby gas station and went inside, grabbing a slushie for him and his brother while he waited with Rosie in the car.
Alexander smiled and pulled out his phone, opening Snapchat and taking a picture with Rosie. [Got a bf nd i still get pussy]
John posted a picture in response to Alexander's, the picture featuring him holding a three year old and kissing her cheek. [Got a bf and I still spend all this time with my baby girl <3] He messaged Alexander. [Hey, I'm back at my apartment with Maria's daughter, as you see.]
Alexander smiled brightly and responded. [i c that] [she's almos as cute as u <3]
John chuckled and put her down, letting her color. [Doubt that, but okay.]
Lafayette slid back into the car, putting his phone in his pocket. "How dare you use my daughter for such an obscene joke."
He shrugged. "She made me, Laf. She insisted that I did it."
"Uh huh. Sure." He smiled and drove them to the park.
Alex responded to John's text with a picture of Lafayette sipping his slush as he drove. [Im wit tis bby grl. dont tink i can lift her]
Lafayette pulled up at the park and let Alexander walk Rosie on the harness that he got for her, glad he made sure she wouldn't be able to slip out of it. As soon as they got out of the car, she began sniffing around a bit, though was mostly interested in watching pigeons flying. And a few other birds, Alexander noted.
"Those are wagtails. They bounce around like that to make worms think it's raining so they come up and they can eat them." He smiled as he watched them bounce around, their tails bobbing behind them. "They're called wagtails for obvious reasons."
Lafayette nodded. "You always did have a love for birds."
"They do have fun Wikipedia pages when I'm home and George takes my Xbox away." He smiled as he got a response form John.
[She's cute, I guess, but my baby gets a makeover from her Uncle Johnny <3] [Laf should be jealous.] He sent her a picture of the same baby with her makeup done.
Alexander smiled. "John says you should be jealous." He showed him the picture. "I'm dating a dork."
Lafayette smiled. "I hope you are not just now realizing that. He's especially dorky around kids. And she does look cute."
Alexander nodded and responded. [she luks cute, unkle johnny ; P]
[So do I.] He sent a picture of both of them, now with his own makeup done. [Maybe you could come over and I can do your makeup, too, though I wouldn't be able to make you any cuter.]
Alexander practically squeaked with delight as John responded. "Johnwantsmeover- I mean.." He looked up at Lafayette, smiling sheepishly. "Would you mind?.." He didn't want Laf to think he was just second best, that he only wanted to be with him when he couldn't be with John.
"No, that's completely fine." He smiled. "You haven't seen him all day. I'd ask you the same if Herc asked me to hang out."
Alexander smiled. "Thank you."
Lafayette tugged at Rosie's leash, watching as she leaned forward, more interested in the wagtails. "Come on, Rosie."
She let out a disgruntled mewl, but listened and followed them back to the car.
"You know, I just realized," Lafayette began as he got in, "I don't know where John lives."
"Oh, right. I can tell you which way to-" He was cut off as Rosie jumped over the gear stick and across his lap, escaping through his open door. "I got it!" He jumped out of the car and followed the kitten, who was now more focused on terrorizing a squirrel than her frantic owners. Alexander watched as the squirrel began climbing a tree and hoped that it would discourage the kitten, but no luck. She scaled the tree right behind him, climbing to the highest branches and chasing the squirrel off the end of one of them before finally realizing that it was gone. She sat there on that top branch and licked her paw, completely unaware of what was happening below.
"I should've been watching her more closely, I can't believe I let her do this, how am I going to get her d- What are you doing?" Lafayette had been so busy panicking, he hadn't had much time to notice Alexander pulling off his hoodie and scaling the tree himself.
"I'll be right back," he responded simply as he climbed, his speed being rather impressive. He eventually reached that top branch and carefully placed himself near the trunk before leaning forward and reaching out, grabbing Rosie's harness and pulling her back, much to her displeasure. "Yeah, yeah." He sighed and looked back down at Lafayette, going a bit dizzy. Had he always been that high? "Uh.. Are you any good at catching, Laf?.."
"You'd better not jump! Um... Do you think you can climb down if she's out of your hands?"
Alexander thought for a second and nodded. "Yeah."
"Okay.. This may not work.." he muttered to himself before calling out. "Rosie! Come here, love!"
She may not have listened to Alexander, but she loved Lafayette. Though, instead of climbing down, she leaped out of Alexander's arms, landing safely in Lafayette's open ones.
He quickly put her in his hoodie pocket and tied her leash around one of his belt loops as he watched Alexander climb down, ready to catch him if he had to.
Alexander took a deep breath and began climbing back down, one branch at a time at a steady pace. All seemed well, until a branch snapped beneath his foot. He gasped and clung to the tree trunk, wincing as the broken end dug into his leg, piercing his skin. "Ow, ow, ow, ow.." he whimpered, before taking a deep breath. After all, it was still a long way down. He regained his composure and continued climbing until he was where he started, just a few feet up, and hopped down, Lafayette catching him and managing not to crush Rosie.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! She's my kitten, I should've gone after her instead of panicking."
"Laf, it's," he looked down at the blood on his jeans and gulped, "just a little cut.. I'll be fine.."
Lafayette sighed and took him back to the car, supporting most of his weight. "I'm still sorry... I'll take you home and fix your leg, then take you to John's."
Alexander nodded and let Lafayette help, sighing as they got in the car.
Rosie curled up in his lap, evidently tuckered out from her criminal actions, and Alexander simply allowed it, taking the situation well.
Before, he would've screamed at Lafayette for letting him fall or making him go after her, but he was acting pretty much reasonably right now. It was all the more proof that Alexander was a changed man. He got out his phone and texted John as Lafayette drove them home. [il b ther swn. gota go hoem frst] [may b bleadin, but dnt wory] [im ok. lafs here] [rosy is a demon in kiten from hel] His writing somehow seemed to be a bit more appalling than usual, the pain distracting him.
[What happened? Are you okay?]
[i piked a fite w/ a three nd lost] [il explane wen im @ urs] [dnt panik] [pls]
[A three?] It took John a few seconds to get it. [You fell out of a tree?!]
Lafayette arrived at their house and took Alexander inside to the bathroom, giving him some painkillers before rolling up his pants and fixing up his wound, cleaning it and putting a bandage on it. "Is that better?.."
Alexander stood up, wincing as he put weight on his bad leg, but nodding. "Yeah, that's better. Thanks, Laf."
Alexander limped back to his room and began packing a bag for things he'd need to stay over at John's apartment: a change of clothes, his books, his laptop, Rosie, his headphones- "Oh no you don't! You've cost me enough trouble today." He grabbed Rosie and took her out of his bag before zipping it up and slinging it over his shoulder, grabbing his phone. [no, i rely hat mats] [yes i ment tree] He chuckled to himself and followed Lafayette back down to his car. [im on my way, c u sun <3]
[Learn to spell so I can read your texts : P]
Alexander smiled and got in the car with Lafayette, giving him directions to the apartment as he texted. [m4b3 i sh0d tip3 l1k3 d1s 1nst3d] [w@ d0 u th1nk?]
[I think your typing just gave me an aneurysm : P]
He chuckled, then looked up at Lafayette. "Hey.. Do I look okay?.. Like John was with Madison and he dresses smart, so I just want to.. you know?.."
Lafayette nodded. "You look fine. Don't worry. You and I both know that John loves you and not Madison, anyways. He loves you for you and you are the one who makes him happy." He pulled up at John's building. "Go hang out with your dorky boyfriend."
Alexander smiled and leaned across the seat, giving him a hug. "Thanks, Laf.. I needed that." He smiled at him as he pulled away and got out, heading up to the gate and pressing the buzzer for John's apartment. "Delivery! One sappy boyfriend here for a weirdo."
John laughed as he heard the message and got up, responding before buzzing him in. "Great! I've been waiting forever. I don't have any money. I hope you accept payment in cuddles and kisses."
Alexander smiled and went in, heading over to John's apartment and hugging him as he let him in.
"Hey! I've missed you all day. Come in." He smiled and closed the door behind him, the toddler on the floor looking up at the stranger. "Alexander, this is Maria's daughter, Susan. Susie, this is my boyfriend, Alexander."
She smiled and waved. "You can call me Susie, too!"
Alexander nodded and looked between the two, feeling incredibly under dressed. John looked amazing with the makeup and Susie was no less than adorable. "Hi, Susie. You can call me Alex. John was telling me how great you looked with your makeup, but I didn't expect you to be so beautiful."
She smiled widely. "Thank you! He made me pretty, like my mommy. He can make you prettier, too!"
Alexander may not have been one for such feminine things, but he would've had to have been a monster to turn down such an offer. "How could I turn down an offer like that?"
John shook his head and knelt down to Susan's level. "I think he's just saying yes to be polite. Some people don't like makeup, okay?"
He smiled and kissed her cheek, then looked up at Alex. "Sorry.. She's three. She's excitable."
"It's fine. Thanks."
"No problem." He got up as the buzzer rang again, this time there being an actual pizza delivery. "I'll be right back." He left and got the pizza, Susie showing Alexander her coloring pages in the meantime.
He joined her in the kitchen and sat beside her at the counter. "Whatcha coloring?"
"My mommy as a princess! Johnny said that she's too pretty for a princess to look like her in my coloring book, so he drew her for me." He showed him the Disney princess style Maria Lewis in the sketchbook that seemed to be filled with similar drawings for her. "Johnny always makes coloring books for me." She smiled and flipped to another page, this one with John as a Disney prince, and showed her. "I asked him to draw this one because he's my prince."
Alexander smiled and looked at the drawings in awe, once again amazed at John's artwork, this time in the variety of styles he could draw in. He was so amazed that he didn't even notice John coming back in with the food. "John's my prince, too. He's my knight in shining armor with a heart of gold."
"I'm glad to hear that," John said as he placed a plate in front of Alexander.
"Shhiiii-ugar. Sugar. Oh, gosh." Even Alexander knew better than to curse in front of small children. "Looks like his highness has arrived."
"I thought you were my prince!" Susie whined as she finished giggling.
"I am! I'm your prince and Alexander's and my sisters'."
"Oh. Okay." She smiled and began eating, John sitting across the counter from the pair and doing the same.
Alexander stared at his piece, wishing it wasn't so hard for him to eat, especially in front of little Susie. He decided to distract them both from it. "Hey, Susie, want to see a trick?" He smiled and showed her his tongue, which was bright blue from his slushie earlier.
Susie giggled loudly when she saw. "How did you do that?"
"A magician never reveals his secrets." He smiled and began eating his pizza, taking a few small bites.
After everyone finished eating, John scooped up Susie. "It's getting late. Time for you to get ready for bed."
"But I want to stay with Alex," she whined.
"I know, but you have to sleep if you want to grow up and be a big girl. I promise you'll see him again."
John smiled and took her to the bathroom, giving her a bath and dressing her in pajamas before letting her take over his bed for the night. When he was done with that, he went back to Alexander and sat on the couch with him, pulling him close.
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softboywriting · 7 years
Mated Pt 12 // Werewolf Shawn
(sorry im a few mins late posting this. @sippingchai gave me a SWEET distraction)
Summary: You and Shawn are mates. He’s an alpha werewolf. You’re a human. Human’s aren’t usually mated to werewolves, but that won’t stop both of you from falling in love anyway.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
Everything hits the fan when you walk upstairs with Shawn and your dad is home. He takes one look and he knows exactly who Shawn is. What Shawn is. His face turns a little red, and you know he’s ready to blow up. This wasn’t exactly how you wanted to introduce Shawn to him, but here you were.
“So, are you the one that broke into my daughter's room?” your dad, Alan, asks with his arms folded. He tilts his head a little and you know he’s going to challenge Shawn.
“Sir,” Shawn starts with an oh so sweet smile, “I wouldn’t need to break into your daughters room.”
That’s it. That does it. You can see something in your dad snap. Why did Shawn have to be like this right now? He was already heated from the fact that Liam had been in your room and done what he did. Why did your dad have to open with such an accusatory question? You groan, wishing Shawn could have just answered with a simple, “No.”
“Exactly what are you implying?” Alan asks, stepping forward toward you and Shawn. Bad choice dad. Bad choice.
Shawn steps in front of you and straightens his back. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut. “I wasn’t implying anything. Simply stating a fact.” Shawn crosses his arms and looks your dad up and down. Properly sizing him up as an opponent. “I know who did break in though.”
Alan looks Shawn over, squaring him up the same way Shawn was. He fell short by about four inches and several pounds of muscle. There was no way your dad would ever be able to take Shawn on. “And who do you think it was, Sherlock?”
“I know it was her piece of shit ex boyfriend. Liam.”
“Ex?” Alan asks with raised eyebrows, looking at you. “So the two of you are a thing now?” He looks to Shawn with a disgusted face. “You moved in pretty quick then, considering Liam and my daughter were still together on her birthday not to long ago.”
“Dad, Shawn and I were already friends,” not exactly a lie but not a whole truth “and then things changed. We found out we’re mates so-”
Alan holds his hand up and shakes his head. “Excuse me young lady? Mates? Werewolves don’t mate with humans. Now, it’s bad enough you’re dating him, or whatever this is, but mates?”
“Dad, I’m not joking,” you say and try to step out from behind Shawn but he won’t let you. “Myra sent for me on my birthday and said she had a vision that-”
“A vision!? You believe that old woman? Honey, don’t feel like you have to do anything just because someone says they saw it in a dream. If you don’t want to be with Shawn-”
“Alan. Let your daughter speak,” Shawn growls, yes, literally growls this out. He’s radiating heat, his eyes are bright golden amber and all you can do is lay your hand on his back to provide some sense of comfort and grounding lest he snap and attack your dad and his big mouth. Alan takes another step forward, starting in on how Shawn better watch his tone, that this is his house and he will not be ordered around by the likes of him. You can feel Shawn losing his temper. It’s like fire on your fingertips where your hand rests on Shawn’s back, the way he was feeling was unmistakable, it was murderous.
“Shawn,” you say softly just as your dad stops speaking. “Shawn, please. This is not the way to do this.” Your dad watches you as you carefully step around Shawn and place your hand on his chest, pushing him slightly and he walks back against the door to the basement. “Please don’t lose your temper over this.”
Shawn averts his gaze to you and you can see he’s pleading with you. It’s all right there on his face. He’s begging you to let him accept the challenge your dad was posing. You shake your head a little. He looks back and down at you again. Silently asking to at least rough your dad up a little. You shake your head again. Shawn slides his hand into your hair and leans down to kiss you hard, teeth clacking against yours. He’s biting you lip, licking into your mouth. It’s a rough, frustrated, annoyed, angry, possessive kiss.  You lay your hand on his face and pull back as your dad clears his throat.
You turn around and see that your mom has joined your dad where he’s stood across the kitchen. “Dad, what’s happened has happened. Shawn and I are mates.  I-” you stop because you're not really sure how to phrase it to them that you’ve been turned. “I’ve accepted this, completely.”
“Dear, human’s can’t mate with werewolves. They just don’t reproduce. You’ll never have kids an-”
You cut your mom off as you say, “I’m not human.”
Alan looks like he saw a ghost. Grace looks like she has misheard you. It’s a clusterfuck of babbling as they both try to speak at once. Shawn’s arm slips around your waist and you lean back against him. Finally your mom gets a full sentence out. “I’m sorry, how is that?”
“I bit her. I’m an alpha like my father.”
“You WHAT?!” Alan starts for us and you pull away from Shawn to push him back, hand on his chest, he tumbles backward and you retract your hand quickly. You didn’t know you had that kind of strength. You only wanted him to stop before Shawn couldn’t lay his hands on him.
“I’m sorry! Are you okay dad?!” you stare at your dad laying sprawled out on the tiled floor. He sits up and rubs his head gingerly as your mom bends down to help him up. “I-I didn’t know that would happen.”
Alan sighs heavily. “I’m fine. Just a little surprised.”
“Honey, if Shawn is what you want, and if you’re a werewolf, then we’re just going to have to adjust. Right, Alan?” Grace says, rubbing his back. “There is nothing that can be done now. We can’t make you human again. We can’t take Shawn away from you, you aren’t a child with a toy.” She looks pointedly at Alan and he nods in solemn agreement.
“I’d like to take her home with me,” Shawn says quietly. “I’m afraid Liam may be watching your house and he might try to break in again.”
“Nothing was stolen?” Alan asks, looking at you for confirmation.
You nod. “That’s right. He didn’t come to take anything back. He came for me, we think. There was...dried...semen on my bed.”
“That little prick came into my fucking house and rubbed one out on your bed?!” Alan shouts, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He grips the counter top he’s leaned against and you think the wood trim on the side might pop off. “If that little fuck ever shows his face around here again I’ll-”
Shawn pulls you close to him. “I’ll take care of it. A wolf knows how to clean up it’s mess far better than a human.”
Grace’s eyes widen at this casual talk of a possible murder. “Shawn I know you care for our daughter but-”
“I’ll do what I have to. I will keep her safe no matter the cost.” Shawn kisses your head and you flush bright red. Your parents just nod, knowing that a werewolf’s word to his mate was a guarantee. It would be hard but they were going to have to let you go. You weren’t their innocent little girl anymore.
The two of you head back downstairs after a while and Shawn kisses under your jaw from behind you when you walk into your room. He pulls you against his chest and keeps kissing all along your neck. “Get some clothes, anything you need. I’ll see if we can use the guest house on the estate for a while.” He pushes you away playfully and you start grabbing some clothes and shoving them into your old backpack. “Don’t forget your homework. I’m sure you’re behind.”
“Yeah, I am. Also, sorry about my dad. I didn’t want it to go down like that.”
Shawn shrugs. “I didn’t kill him, so that’s a start.”
“Did you really mean what you said? You think Liam is watching the place?” You wind up your laptop charger and shove it in your bag. Shawn nods and you feel an unsettling sick in your stomach.
When you look back to question Shawn as to why he thought that, he grabs a pair of black lace panties out of your top dresser drawer and dangles them off one finger. “Pack these,” he says, voice low and commanding. “And these,” he grabs your pink and white/gold pairs. You flush and take them out of his hands to stuff in the outer pocket of your backpack.
“I’m almost ready to go,” you say and the last thing you grab is a pair of pajamas out of your laundry basket and Shawn wraps his arms around you, pulling you away. “Won’t need pajamas baby,” he kisses your neck and bites your earlobe. “I’ll make sure you’re plenty warm every night.”
Tag List: @pancakeclouds @welldamnshawn @sippingchai @ironfurycollector @shawnsr0ses @shawn-bliss @illumegeoff @shawnsassymendes @lostinshawnslight   (someone messages me earlier and i accidentally forgot to write down ur username so i didn’t tag you. im SORRY)
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sofiaruelle · 7 years
Hey Sofia! I was wondering, have you seen Stranger Things 2 yet If so, what did you think of it? love your art!! xxx
I’m glad you asked!I’m actually about to watch Episode 9 right this moment (on Nov. 8; 9:58am). (And i finished this 5:48pm writing this)
The CGI has gotten better 8)))))))))I LOVE THESE KIDS SO MUCH. They’re so good. Like we already know they’re amazing actors since Season 1. BUT LIKE THEY’RE EVEN MORE AMAZING IN SEASON 2 especially with Will’s and Mike’s PTSD.Ngl, i kind of stopped watching a bit around episode 3…. cause it was such a slowburn that didnt really hold my interest for so long.  I mean i’m all about slow burns in stories and the many perspectives is to set up everything for the last few episodes but yeah idk i got distracted by Net juu no Susume.Like i kind of wished they kept up with the DnD running theme that they had in the first Season?? or atleast kept with the Video Game references since they set that up in episode 1 just so everything is more tied up together… if that makes sense? I mean yeah sure they added that in the LAST part but like eh… THE LAST FEW EPSODES THOOOOOOOOO.
fersure i am dying in feelings.spoiler-y feelings under the keep reading (sorry for being all over the place i am not eloquent)
SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the long read. i have feelings.WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLike damn Noah Schnapp his acting is AMAAAAZING. LIKE HOLYYYYYYYSHITTTT. Especially this season everyone is just *EYE EOJIS AT WILL*. and BOOOOOOOOIIII did Noah step uppppp. I love how he’s wide eyed terriffied lamb protect at all costs and then the next he’s a stone cold intense.When Eleven was introduced outside of the Upside down so early into the series, I lowkey wished she stayed longer in the Upside Down cause they built it up in the first season that it takes her a while to recover after she uses her powers. i mean she was getting stronger…. but like you know…. idk. But i kind of liked the flashbacks of her surviving in the forest. And i also appreciate the fact most of the adult she has encountered arent mean to her. They’re always genuinely concerned for her well being and wished her well in her en devours.  8))))))
I like Eleven’s father-daughter relationship with Hopper. He’s relearning to be a dad and she’s learning how to human(?) and find herself. and its cute and they’re gonna be ok. (but i find the Mom files, that she finds, being in the cabin a little too convinent??? like hopper could have kept it in his house? but he also might have moved out to the cabin as well… *SHRUGS*) I’m just happy Hopper has an Arc of his own this season. The episode with her sister was kind of out of place? and kind of loses the urgency in the story and its feels disjointed??? but I also hope she’ll one day reunite with her sister and they’ll patch things up. (season 3!!!!!!!!!!!!)CAN WE ALSO TALK ABOUT LUCAS AND MAX?????????? THEY’RE SO CUTE. Lucas was really great. Im glad they gave him more screen time and really delved down to his character so he no longer seems like he’s angry 24/7. The glimpsed  we get of his home life is such a gem. I love it. especially his sister. WAHAHHAHA I sometimes think Max was added in for the sake of middle school romance and throwing a wrench in the boy’s friendship….. Like i dont hate her perse… i just didnt like how handled her character.  Like the time between after she helped out setting the trap in the junk yard; up until the time she stabbed her brother in the throat with morphine…. she was kind of tossed aside. i feel like there was some sort of deleted scene where she figures out how to drive a car ????? idk. I do hope she has a bigger impact next season. LET HER BE BEST FRIENDS WITH EL PLEASE.God Bless, Dustin. My sweet boy. I still cant believe he still has insecurities in his friendships (i cant believe he was fine with being replaced by Max in the party). I teared up when he kept calling out to his friends on the radios and no one was answering him. AND THE THING AT THE DANCE. ugh. that hit close to home. Nancy dancing with him ties up nicely with the first episode when he offers her pizza and she slams the door on his face. (Also i like how this didnt develop with out of place inappropriate pervy jokes at Nancy’s expense like in most movies when the comedic relief get the most beautiful girl in the end)
Also i love his new relationship with Steve. also i want him to be the Disney princess of the Demadogs. (i’ll probs draw that later)
STEEEEEEEEEVEEEEEEEEEEEEE. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENTTTTTTT YAAAAAAASSSSSSSS. best baby sitter. best older brother. I wish he had closure with Nancy. Like girl dick move for cheating on him when you guys have ambiguously broken up. idk man. The way they wrote Nancy was disappointing. I dont want to blame it on her PTSD? but i wish she just said something when Steve was assuring her that it was ok. LIKE GIRL DONT JUST LET HIM WALK AWAY. SAY SOMETHING. (whelp there goes my hopes and dreams for a jonathan steve nancy sandwhich *SOBS*)  Nancy is a smart cookie and i wish they handled her relationship with Steve and Jonathan better. She was pretty bad ass for grabbing that shot gun tho. Like Hopper didint even question it. and she took it like a master gunsman? marksman? like she was born to wield that gun. Good job on continuity. 8))))))))))))))))))))))))
The Park scene was A+++.That Conspiracy theorist tho………. I was expecting him to be a red herring of sorts? The Vodka… the russian music… It might be him just being vaguely racist in the “If i drink this and listen to this i will get into that Soviet headspace“ kind of sense? But i was expecting him to be a Russian spy and maybe do some damage later on and not just be there to help Nancy and Jonathan realized their attraction and give Barbs her closure. IDK. (and like shouldnt the blue side of the american flag be on the left side when you hang it vertically? or the blue side being on the right mean war or something? idk im not american. please confirm.)Joyce………… man. Also good character development. Cant believe she went from “need to save my boy” to “must protect at all cost cause he a fragile” to “i need to hurt my son in order save him” like damnnn. i was expecting Jonathan to convince his mom to amp up the heat and not the other way around. MY GOD. BOOOOOBBB BOOOOOOOOOOOOOBBBBBBB. THE SUPERHERO WE ALL NEED. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHH(I did not expect Samwise to be pretty tall. Also a friend pointed out that he was Sam and i’m just he’s the tallest hobbit). uggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh cant believe he died.Billy………………….Dacre Montgomery he’s so beautifullllllllllll. like his eyelashes are so fucking long and his jawline can cut me like a bitch. he’s a fucking beautiful man. and i am just fucking straight when i see his  but goooooooooooooood his character is such a fucking asshole. his lines were amazing. they tried to save his character by showing his shitty dad but i need one big redemption arc before i completely appreciate Billy. For now i will grumpily admire his eyelashes and jawline.ALSO I TEARED UP WHEN WILL SAW ELEVEN THE FIRST TIME IN 353 DAYS. AND I AM JUST SO HAPPY THEY GOT TOGETHER IN THE END. It wasnt too fan service-y (unlike Jonathan and Nancy) and it was just so sweet and right when they finally were together.ACKKKK SORRY FOR THE LONG POST. and the shitty grammar.
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