#this half of the season was so clear in what they were trying to accomplish with colin. idg how people aren’t getting it
lizzibennet · 4 months
personally the appeal of friends to lovers to me is that i like the idea of a person realizing they’ve always been a little bit in love with that friend, but they needed something to make them aware of it, to point out that that nice, warm feeling that they love about that person isn’t just friendship and perhaps hasn’t been for a long time. i love the idea of “of course i love you, i always have, how stupid of me to not have seen it before.” in that sense, i don’t think it makes sense when people say colin just starts liking penelope in s3/episode 4. the whole point of building up a friendship into a romance is to portray that these characters have deep feelings for each other that may or may not be romantic but that end up melding into a romance in the end. he’s only just understood his feelings but he’s clearly felt them for a long time. the fact he doesn’t understand being a rake doesn’t emotionally fulfill him and processes that through part one is telling, to me, that he’s only now beginning to fully understand what he feels, not only towards pen but also towards himself, towards life in general. so again, i think it makes sense that things become clear to him now, that doesn’t mean they’re just starting to happen now. i think that read of him is really superficial tbh
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ltash · 25 days
Pest Control 141
You were ready for anything—armed combat, hostile extractions, stealth missions. But what Ghost just called you for? Well, it wasn’t in the job description.
“Oi, get to the common area,” Ghost’s voice crackled through your comms. “We’ve got a... situation.”
You rush in, ready to face some unknown terror. Turns out, the "situation" is an eight-legged monstrosity clinging to the wall, looking like it’s planning world domination. Ghost is standing in the corner, arms crossed, keeping a good six-foot distance between him and the spider.
“You serious?” you say, trying not to laugh. “Ghost, the guy who can take down a platoon single-handed, is afraid of a little spider?”
“It’s not little. Look at the size of it!” Ghost says, nodding toward the creature. It’s huge. You’ll give him that. But still, the irony is too rich to ignore.
“Fine,” you sigh, grabbing a broom like a true warrior. “I’ll take care of it. Stay back, tough guy.”
You inch closer, broom in hand, ready for the mission. Ghost watches closely, clearly not trusting the spider to stay put. With the grace of a seasoned soldier, you raise the broom and swipe—only to miss entirely. Instead of falling to the floor, the spider launches itself… straight onto Ghost’s chest.
The next few seconds are pure chaos.
Ghost lets out a noise you’d never expect from him—half a growl, half a yelp. His hands flail as he tries to bat the spider away, but it’s too late. The thing is clinging to him like a special ops agent on a stealth mission.
“Get it off! Get it off me!” Ghost shouts, running around like he’s under enemy fire.
“Hold still!” you yell, trying to catch up to him with the broom.
“Hold still?!” Ghost snaps, dodging your first broom swing as you chase him around the room like a scene from a slapstick comedy.
In the middle of the commotion, Soap walks in, immediately bursting into laughter. “What the hell is going on in here?”
You barely glance at him, still in hot pursuit of Ghost. “Spider. On Ghost. Stand clear!”
“On Ghost?” Soap is doubled over now, laughing so hard he’s struggling to breathe.
Ghost is still running in circles, arms flailing. “For the love of—just hit it already!”
You aim another swing at Ghost’s chest, but he dodges, and the broom whacks him in the shoulder instead.
“That’s me, you bloody idiot!” he shouts.
“Stop moving, and I’ll hit the spider, not you!”
In one desperate move, Ghost trips over the couch, falls backward, and lands flat on the floor, the spider still crawling around like it owns him.
“Now’s your chance!” Soap shouts, cheering you on like it’s a championship match.
You raise the broom like a gladiator about to strike the final blow and bring it down. This time, you hit the target. The spider goes flying across the room, landing on the window with a satisfying *splat*.
Ghost lies on the floor, panting. “You hit me at least three times, you know that?”
“Yeah, but I got the spider, didn’t I?” you grin, offering a hand to help him up.
He swats it away, muttering, “I’d rather face a whole squad of enemies than deal with that thing again.”
Soap is practically on the floor laughing at this point, tears streaming down his face. “Oh, mate, this is the best day of my life. Ghost, scared of a little spider!”
Ghost pulls himself up, glaring at you both. “Say one more word about this, and I’ll make sure you regret it.”
Soap wipes a tear away. “Noted. But I’m definitely telling Price.”
You shake your head, trying to contain your laughter as Ghost storms out. Mission accomplished, but you’ll never let him live this one down.
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caustinen · 2 months
Hollywood!AU Clegan....
How about John wins a major award (career changing recognition) and Gale's his plus one at the event, and John goes for a massive smooch when his name is announced and it becomes a viral meme? :') <3 <3
Hehee I ended up trying something bit different with the format of this one but I hope you like it, thank you for the lovely idea!! 🖤🤍
hollywood au! award season (drabble)
John’s lips are twitching into a smile despite his best efforts as he observes Gale staring at the front page of the newspaper in mild horror.
“That’s…” Gale bites his lip and stops talking, and John has to look the other way because the way his husband bites his lips together in a straight line is both funny and insanely cute. They have been out late partying and thus the morning has started even later. While Gale hasn’t had a drop of alcohol he looks a bit hungover from the lack of sleep alone, slower and softer than usual, somehow.
“You look like you’ve been in a fight.” That’s what he finally settles on, diplomatically, still staring at the half-page picture. John nods, controlling his expression, and smiling just as diplomatically. “Well, it did look like I was trying to wrestle you down right before, so…” Gale hides his face into his palms. “Don’t remind me,” he whines, ”it’s not funny! Look at your lip, John! You can see exactly where my teeth got caught, I can’t believe this is how you-.”
John takes the paper from his hand then. ”It’s really not so bad,” he says, ”and I really liked the piece that goes with it.” He grins, and when Gale still looks bothered he clears his throat and starts reading aloud.
“At the end of the night John Egan, 35, took home the best actor trophy for his widely acclaimed performance as Layne Cornell in worldwide hit ’I’m Only Sleeping’. Fondly nicknamed ’Hollywood's Sweetheart’ since early in his career, the star had been previously nominated twice, once in the supporting actor category and once for the main trophy, but last night’s triumph marked his first individual reward in the Academy Awards. The long awaited honor brough this well-respected peer a standing ovation, but the moment before receiving the awards was almost overshadowed by a sweet incident with his husband, Gale Cleven-Egan.
As the actor’s spouse was getting up to congratulate Egan for his accomplishment, the later in visible excitement leaned to give him an assumedly affectionate peck to the lips. A miscalculation of speed, however, almost toppled Cleven over to the benches behind them, taking Egan with him. Luckily no one was hurt and a roar of laughter around the couple covered for the mishap as Egan managed his affection before walking up to the stage to accept the esteemed award after making sure Cleven was standing on his two feet again.
Egan is known for his cheekiness, and he stayed true to his nature last night as well as he started his acceptance speech with “apologizing for being disheveled after his better half tried to take a bite of him.” As the cameras panned away from Cleven’s now meme-formatted face hidden in hands, Egan then thanked the film crew, emphasizing the amazing work of the art departments on the costumes and cinematography, both of which have also received awards this winter in Golden Globes and Brit Awards. He took time to name all heads of departments and fellow stars on the screen alike, a class act through and through.
For the fans of what netizens have affectionately coined “Clegan” in reference to the relationship of Egan and Cleven, the night’s big prize was surely in the final part of his speech, however, when the violins were about to start to play. “Nothing in life is ever achieved truly alone, and certainly nothing about my career would have been possible without my husband,” visibly touched Egan started his conclusions, “my dear Buck, thank you for your patience, your guidance, your companionship, and for your amazing body. Baby, this is for you as much as it is for me. Thank you for your time, enjoy the rest of your night!”
Egan has never been shy to show his affection for his significant other ever since the couple made their relationship public in 2022, shocking audiences around the world as it was announced Egan and Cleven had been in a secret relationship for years. Later that year they tied the knot, and while generally still keeping their love private, they are often spotted together in Egan’s professional events. Egan’s social media presence has become something of a shared internet joke as he often posts exclusively from his husband who seems different levels of unimpressed by his doings.
I’m Only Sleeping did well in box office as well as receiving overwhelmingly positive reviews from critics before now being the trophy magnet in the award season. It also received Oscars for best supporting performances by…”
John looks up from the paper. ”And so on and so on.” Gale’s expression has softened despite the blush on his face having deepened. Bucky is suddenly so overwhelmed by emotion he drops the paper to the table as he stands up to reach for his husband’s hand and pulls him up too. Gale instantly hides his face into his neck as he relaxes to the embrace, leaving John to press an admiring kiss to his golden locks.
They hug and sway for a little bit in silence as Gale gathers himself. ”… I just wish your lip wasn’t so swollen in the picture. Otherwise it was cute,” is eventually muttered against his t-shirt, making Bucky chuckle. ”That was my own fault. Not the first time you left teeth marks on me either.” Gale sighs and finally looks up to him, the experssion in his big eyes a mix of anguish and amusement. ”Why can’t we ever manage to be cool about anything?”
He makes a protesting sound in surprise as he’s spinned around and then ends up with his back against the fridge, a huge familiar body crowding him against it. ”I think we’re plenty cool,” Bucky says absentmindedly like he’s already moved on from it, ”did I ever tell you how incredibly sexy you look bed-warm and ruffled?” Gale looks at him, unimpressed. ”Well, you did specifically take time to thank my ’amazing body’ while accepting a goddamn Academy Award, so-”
Bucky leans back so he can take a good serious look at Gale, his hands on both sides of the fridge around his head. ”Doll,” he says, and oh, the blush is back, delicious, ”I’ve done most, if not all of my best work under the influence and inspiration of this body. How could I have not-”
Gale shuts him up with a kiss, and decides it’s time to test the performance of his critically acclaimed idiot on his own.
(Hope you liked it!! 💘)
(more of hollywood au)
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klaprisun · 4 months
One Sunny Day
(Stardew Valley)(Haley x Female Farmer)
Chapter 25
Despite the drizzle of rain we are still getting, I decided I'm going to work on my farm. It is a lighter rain today, so it will be the best weather to work in until it gets sunny again. It's been nearly a week and a half with rain and I don't know how much more everyone can stand it.
I figured I'll chop down a few more branches, clear some grass, move stones and maybe even hangout with my new chicks. I had asked Robin to build a coop for me and immediately bought 4 chicks from Marnie to fill it. They are a lot of work, but I love them so much.
I have also recovered from my total unconscious and battered state from the mines minus the scratches and bruises. My head has been feeling better and doesn't ache every single time I move. It just took a night or two of resting to recover. Harvey made me go see him for a few checkups but he told me I'm still in the clear.
I'm so glad I haven't had to water all my crops these past few days while I have been recovering, too. The rain has done all the work for me, thank Yoba. They are making good progress with growing this season, but there are way too many things growing that it's hard to keep up with watering them all. Plus my little project I had going on the side, that is a total waste of time now, is adding to the excessive watering. I thought about digging it all up the other night, but decided to cool it on that.
I decided I'll cut the tall grass to start, and make my way to getting rid of out-of-place tree branches to make the farm look cleaner. I have gotten a few decorations around the farm too such as scarecrows and potted plants that I can change out through the seasons.
I have accomplished so much on this farm, my grandpa would be so proud of me. I feel like a totally new person, and life is so much better living the farm life.
The rain falls down around me as I continue tidying the foliage. My clothes are plastered to my body, boots covered in mud, and hair a wet mess on my head even with my hat on. It's a bit of a warm rain, but eventually the wind picked up and chilled me to the bone. Being covered with water doesn't help, so I decided it's time to pop over into the coop to see my chicks.
I started walking south of the farm where I had asked for the coop to be built. That way it is out of my way for planting and farming. Plus I will eventually get a barn for some cows and thought to get it built somewhere near the coop down this way.
Just as I'm about to enter the coop, I see a familiar blonde walking up the south pathway right next to the coop. My face contorts into an obvious frown at her presence, unsure why she has the nerve to show up to my farm.
Before Haley takes another step, I realize she might see the project I was working on and I don't really want anyone to see it, especially her. I quickly scale the fence that's around the coop and jump around her, wrapping my hands around her eyes. Startled by the weird embrace, she brings her hands up and grips onto my forearms for balance.
"Danny, what are you doing?" she squeals. I started waddling us to the chicken coop, hands still covering her eyes, so we were sheltered from the rain and so she couldn't see what I was up to.
When we finally entered the coop, I let go of her and took several steps back from her. I don't really feel like talking to her, let alone being in her presence. The little chicks are swarming around our feet, trying to get attention.
"What are you doing here?" I huff as I start getting hay out to feed the chicks. They don't like going outside in the rain so I stuff as much hay as I can into the trough.
"I wanted to talk to you-" Haley begins.
"What could you possibly have to say to me? You made your choice so you should stick with it. You shouldn't be here," I cut her off angrily. I see her arms wrap behind her back and she looks down sadly.
"Can you let me say someth-" She starts again.
"I don't even know why I brought you in here. I should've just turned you around and walked you back home. It's a shitty day out and I don't understand why you thought walking over here would be a good idea. Look you got your shoes muddy," I shout while sticking my hand out to point at her shoes. Her cute Mary Janes had their soles covered with mud. I don't know why I felt like pointing it out, but I just had so much to say to her.
"I don't care about that. I just had some time to think about what I wanted to tell you-" she tries again. I keep cutting her off.
"Why did you have to think about things? Did he break things off between you guys again and you are back to whining to me? I have every right to be mad at you, you've been playing with my feelings this whole time I have been here. Then right after we seemingly had a life changing moment together, you run off with a man. You can't tell me every moment we had together from running into each other at Pierre's, the Flower Festival, Marnie's, and the Luau, that we didn't have a little bit more than 'just friends' going on? Are you trying to hurt me, Haley? It was really hard to think we were just friends from the way you always look at me. But yet you still RAN OFF WITH A MAN after leading me on. That's really low of you," I rant while throwing my arms all around. I didn't have anything planned out on what I was going to say to her if I saw her, so I am kind of free-balling. My heart is doing a lot of the talking.
"Not to mention you didn't even come by to make sure I was okay. Did you know that I nearly died in those mines the other day? I was unconscious, Haley. It took several days for my headache to pass and these cuts and bruises will still be here for Yoba knows how long. Did you even notice all of the damage or are you too wrapped up in your own life to worry about others?" I continued on, angrily.
A moment of silence passes between us. However, the chicks are going wild still at our feet, filling that silence with little cheeps. I see her chest rising and falling heavily as she takes deep breaths. To let her know I'm done talking, I bend down and sit with the chicks on the floor. They all doggy pile into my lap, letting me pet them all gently on the head.
"I understand you have every right to be mad at me. I don't blame you for it," she takes a seat across from me on the ground causing a few of the chicks to run over to her for attention. "I just felt something in the air telling me to come here today. I felt it in my gut as well that I needed to talk to you, but I didn't want to do it too soon. I wanted to give you a few days before I forced you into my presence again," she chuckles nervously, but my eyes shoot daggers at her causing her to stop.
"The other night with Alex wasn't what I think you thought it was," she brings her hands up and waves them defensively.
"You sure about that?" I raise my eyebrow at her, knowing full well what I saw the other night.
She clears her throat nervously before proceeding, "Well... it might have... started out that way. But believe me when I say I didn't WANT to be doing that. I was just...confused and angry and went back to what I knew and-"
"Oh so you DID do what I thought," I interrupt.
She frowns at me and continues with what she was saying, "-and Alex got a telephone call. I picked up because he was in the other room. It was...a guy. His name is Taylor. Taylor and Alex are...um...more than friends," She stammers.
I suddenly sat up straighter after hearing this information, my brows raised in surprise.
"Alex had heard the phone ring and burst in. He saw me standing by the phone and knew that I knew. We had a big long talk between the two of us, clearing some things up and giving each other advice. Actually it was more like he gave me advice," she fumbles with her fingers, not looking me in the eyes. "So that's part of the reason I came here," she continued.
Trying to process everything I just heard, I lean back on my hands and squint my eyes in disbelief. "So what I'm hearing is that you guys WOULD'VE had sex if it wasn't for Taylor calling?"
"Oh my Yoba. The talk Alex and I had was ABOUT YOU!" She adjusts herself onto her knees, while taking a chick into her arms.
"And...?" I question, wanting more explanation.
"And I like you Danny! I reallllyy like you.," she whines in a breathy tone. "I wanted Alex to be YOU the whole night. I wanted US to leave the saloon together and do naughty things. I wanted to be by YOUR side all night and pressed up against YOU on the couch. I never liked Alex. He never liked me. We were just trying to suppress our true feelings by using each other as cover." Everytime she emphasized a word, she would jab her hand towards me. As soon as she finished her little rant, she moved her hands to her hair and smoothed her hair down, scared of what I'll say. I watch as her breathing picks up, her chest rapidly rising up and down now with each quick breath.
I let the silence fall over us once again, this time even the chicks were quiet. There was so much to process all of a sudden, my brain was working over time. I could only stare at her with wide eyes.
"And of course I noticed you all roughed up. I notice everything about you. I did know you were in the clinic as well...you just didn't see me. I came to visit through the night when you were still unconscious. I told Harvey not to tell you I came by because I didn't want you to be mad. I had to make sure you were okay and check up on you. You are always running through my mind whether you know it or not," she gives me a wary smile as she is still waiting for what I have to say to her confession.
"I-..." No words come to mind when I go to say something. I'm so flustered that my brain has decided to cut out on me.
"Are you okay..?" she asks.
"You have no idea how much I wanted to hear you say that," I say breathlessly. Neither of us dare to move from our spots.
"I understand that everything I've said doesn't justify my actions, but I hope it helped even just a little bit. If you are still mad at me I get it," she looks down at the chicks and sadly pets one on the head.
"How can I keep being mad at someone with such a pretty face?" I smirk as my eyes travel around the details of her face, causing her to blush. She makes it so hard to be mad at her and I shouldn't have broke as fast as I did. I should've let her stir in my anger, but her whole confession had my heart absolutely pounding. Oh how badly I just want to kiss her right now.
"I have to get back home now...before it starts pouring. If you have anything else to say or...anything... you know where I live," she kind of hesitates before getting up from the floor. Still mind boggled and speechless, I stupidly let her walk out of the coop.
"Don't turn around and look at my farm on your way back," is all I could stupidly say before she is out of earshot.
She turns to smile at me and cups her hands around her eyes so she can't see from her peripherals.
Stupid stupid stupid, I mentally kick myself for being such an idiot and not making some kind of move.
I lay back onto the floor of the coop in utter foolishness. I stare up at the low ceiling as the chicks use me as their personal playground.
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fanbun · 3 months
This quote from Variety's new Dan Harmon interview is concerning to me as a Rick and Morty fan… but it also explains a lot of the problems I have with the show’s writing...
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“I think a reset is a good way of looking at it. We had so much behind the scenes drama that I think we didn't need a lot of irony and challenge on the screen narratively. I think the experiment became, can we accomplish the show moving forward? Can the fans not lose their favorite show, not be distracted by any of the turbulence? There was also another important reason to reset, which is we're anticipating doing a lot more of these. This was always designed to be a show that could last thousands of episodes. And you can't last thousands of episodes if you're simply going to tell a serialized story about how your protagonist stops being the protagonist. I've always been obsessively focused on maintaining modularity, so that the more popular your show gets, the more accessible it is to a hopefully increasing freeway of traffic.” (source)
I really don’t like this business-minded approach that sacrifices story in exchange for an endless stream of content.
You could argue the show was always supposed to last forever, but the problem is that the writers set up major overarching storylines and focused their attention on Rick’s development as a character. Things in the show are changing and therefore a reset comes across as a forced decision to keep the show from coming to an end.
It seemed like in season 6 the younger writers in the room were allowed to experiment with larger narratives, but from this quote I think it’s clear that Harmon’s stubbornness really prevents Rick and Morty from evolving naturally and reaching its full potential.
What I find most concerning though is that he admits that they are playing it safe with the narrative because of all their behind the scenes drama. That sounds like the final nail in the coffin to me. Why expect anything truly interesting to come out of these characters when the goal is to be unchanging and marketable? Why hope for writing that is reflective of real life when the people working on it are trying to hide the chaos that spawned it?
Unlike Solar Opposites, the Rick and Morty showrunners said they wouldn’t even be referencing the behind the scenes drama for jokes. And it’s not like Rick and Morty hasn’t done those sort of meta references before either. They did it in season 3, a time where the writing felt like it had way more effort put into it.
So not only is the writing itself disjointed and detached from reality but the jokes also tend to feel forced and generic when there are topics that are off-limits to them. And yeah, this kind of downfall is par for the course when a cartoon has been running for a long time. But Rick and Morty didn’t need to become that kind of cartoon. It didn’t need to be a Simpsons or a SpongeBob.
Honestly this is why I vastly prefer what I have read fans come up with for the show. The creatively engaged fans like to dig deep and talk seriously about character development, make theories about the show's world-building, and create art from a place of emotion. There's something really engaging there that the show occasionally touches on, but whatever hopes we have as those type of fans are sure to be dashed. At the end of the day, the showrunners would rather make some casual viewers chuckle with a half-assed pun or movie reference than risk the death of their cash cow.
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nofacednerd · 3 months
just some more episode 6 thoughts
Obviously the Hughie thing is pretty prominent in my mind because uh. comfort character got SA'd but I'm seeing a lot of people here and on twitter think the writers were treating it as a joke? Idk if I agree with that. I think they were trying to make the scenes with it extremely uncomfortable to watch intentionally. The end of the episode at least makes it VERY clear that it (at least in the aftermath) isn't a joke. He's clearly extremely upset about what happened? idk maybe I'm not seeing something other people are seeing.
That being said, it's so gross that people on twitter/instagram ARE treating it as a joke. I think, yeah, it was kind of extreme (a lot more extreme than the other times it's happened in the show, which usually is a cut away and then talking about it afterwards) and the cake thing was just weird, uncomfortable, and unnecessary but idk I really don't think it was meant to be played for laughs for the most part
Unrelated to the above, I fucking loved Neuman this episode. Tbh I've liked Neuman a lot since season 3, she's a fun villain-ish? I'm gonna be honest, maybe I'm missing something somewhere or forgetting something, but isn't her end goal to literally just give supes opportunities to live outside of the entertainment industry? Like yeah she killed a ton of people but I feel like Neuman and The Boys have the exact same goals (killing Homelander/keeping the general public safe from superheroes) and she keeps trying to make an alliance with them??? Hughie she was your bestie for like a year and a half I know you feel betrayed by her but genuinely I don't think she's your biggest problem
Anyway Neuman especially shined this episode. The head exploding thing. Me too girl. Also her and lobotomy!Sage interacting was so funny I wish we could get more of that
Also loved that at the beginning of the episode, literally all of The Boys were there. That's his family and they're there to support him!!!!
ALSO I really like that they separated Frenchie and Kimiko this season a little bit, it's nice to actually see that Kimiko is friends with the others beyond him. Her and Annie both immediately agreeing to go rescue their boy in the mansion...... Hughie Kimiko besties are real and not just in my head for once
Tbh this whole episode showed really good team solidarity between at least Hughie, Kimiko, MM, and Annie. They all showed up to support Hughie while spreading his dad's ashes, Hughie off screen seems to have talked to Kimiko enough to know why she's upset, Hughie IMMEDIATELY coming in with the purell for MM, all 3 of them realizing how much danger Hughie was in and all going in with halothane to go rescue him, Kimiko going off to find A-Train and convincing him to take MM to the hospital, Kimiko, Annie, and Hughie all torturing Tek Knight for information and stealing all of his money and donating it to charity..... like this group was all so in sync with each other this episode it was great
Main negative thought is that honestly I'm confused on where the last 2 episodes are going to go? So far this whole season has just been disconnected B-plots. No major changes or revelations have happened yet (and based on this episode, I'm getting the feeling that Hughie might be tapping out for a bit from the team stuff). The main plotline is mostly about the supe virus and Sage, but that's all been very background stuff and it feels like there isn't going to be a lot of time to unpack everything going on? Especially since there's so many plotlines that haven't been completed yet. I know the thing this season is that the team isn't doing great, hence why they're all wrapped up in separate, personal dramas, but the last episode barely accomplished anything, on both sides.
I'm not complaining per se, I think this is the biggest issue with streaming service shows tbh. It's very obvious that the show wants to complete a bunch of emotional character arcs going into the final season (Hughie confronting his grief/inability to let go, Kimiko and Frenchie confronting their pasts and the guilt that comes with it, Annie struggling to figure out who she is as a person and as a symbol, MM struggling with his mental health and being a good dad, Butcher struggling to not kill literally everyone, ect ect) but there just isn't a whole lot of time to do both character studies, exploring different group dynamics, fulfilling show-long arcs, and keep up with a main plotline when you only have about 8 hours to do all of that and about 15 characters to do all of that with. If the seasons got more episodes, we could deal with a few filler episodes here and there to focus more solely on the characters vs the plot.
Tldr ^^ this season is more character-driven than plot driven, which makes it all kind of feel like filler and idk how the last 2 episodes are going to go
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Buddie & Madney - 7x6 & Karaoke
I'm still frustrated about the fact that 9-1-1 promoted episode 7x6 by using clips of Buck and Eddie to get people to watch. Also, I'm going to be real about it because the reason they did it was to get engagement but that's not the only thing that's pissing me off.
The Buddie and Madney 'ships have been intertwined since 2x6 "Dosed" when Buck, Eddie and Chimney helped Maddie move into her new apartment. They're ship pairings are similar to the Bathena and Henren 'ships because Hen and Athena are best friends and the four of them play cards and spend time together all the time. They don't necessarily hang out with Maddie and Chimney or Buck and Eddie like they do each other.
Buck and Eddie aren't married (Yet! If the narrative continues the way that it began in season 2 they will be but only TM knows what he's trying to accomplish with them now) but their friends to lovers love story has paralleled Maddie's and Chimney's and it appears the karaoke scene was intentionally added to parallel with Maddie's and Chimney's karaoke scene from 2x8. Furthermore, Maddie's and Eddie's lives parallel (both are the eldest siblings and they also had to shoulder a lot of their parents' responsibilities/secrets). Also, believe it or not but Buck's and Chimney's lives do too (they both have abandonment issues. Reminder, Sang left Chimney to fend for himself when he moved back to Korea).
The thing that's really irritating me about 7x6 is from the start it SHOULD HAVE ONLY BEEN ABOUT MADDIE AND CHIMNEY getting married. That's it! There shouldn't have been this whole Chimney gets kidnapped/abducted or whatever is supposed to happen because they've been through a lot. Why couldn't they have simply had a nice wedding episode that highlighted their relationship? It could have included flashbacks that showed where they started and how they arrived at the point they're at now. Also, it could have shown how they overcame adversity even after they decided to end things when they were on their way back to L.A. after Maddie left in season 5. Then they could have proceeded to show how they rekindled their true love in season 6. Too much has happened for them off-screen and also, they've had the most tumultuous relationship especially with the Doug Kendell of it all when he tried to kill both of them.
Buck and Eddie's party shenanigans might still be included but if they never intended to air their "karaoke scene" (they knew they weren't going to include it by the end of 7x5 because it's been said it takes 2 weeks for an episode to be edited but they kept promoting Buck and Eddie instead of Maddie and Chimney), therefore they shouldn't have focused on Buddie as much as they did. Additionally, OS said he was terrified of singing karaoke but he did it and he's proud of it. RG and OS both looked like they were having a good time doing it so IMO, they could have at least included 15 seconds of the song and eliminated something else.
I'm really trying not to feel like they're using Buddie shippers for views but that's what it seems like. If they wanted people to genuinely watch Madney's wedding for their love story then there wouldn't have been a need to add Buck and Eddie in the promos and they should have let JLH and KC do all the interviews after 7x5 aired in preparation for 7x6.
Finally, since they have more than an hour and a half of footage, it appears the wedding should have been slotted for 2 episodes instead of one and they could have accomplished it if they would have planned better. A lot of things that's included in 7x5 could have been condensed or added to 7x4 so they could have started the wedding scenes at the end of 7x5.
Be clear, this is NOT 9-1-1's first time filming a 10-episode season, that was season 1. Also, season 4 only had 14 episodes and that was because of the pandemic so they're not strangers to understanding how to fit everything into a limited number of episodes. Maybe they need to focus on time management instead of adding people to the ever-growing list of recurring characters and focus on their mains. Karen, Denny and Ravi are all recurring characters who've been around for several seasons (Karen and Denny since season 1 and Ravi since season 4) but for some reason they keep bringing new people and giving them more screen time instead of focusing on the core cast. We've all seen it before in season 5 with all the time they gave Taylor Kelly so this 7x6 debacle basically comes down to poor planning. IMO, someone who's responsible for the decisions that were made with the promos and the final edits should say something to the audience about it.
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‘Our Flag Means Death’ Sneak Peek: Inside Blackbeard & Crew’s New Season 2 Looks
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Breakups aren’t easy, but that’s especially true for the new and improved — depending on how you look at it — crew of the Revenge in Our Flag Means Death Season 2 premiering Thursday, October 5th on Max, as Blackbeard, a.k.a. Ed (Taika Waititi) continues to unravel after Gentleman pirate Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby) abandoned him in Season 1.
As with the end of Season 1, Blackbeard recedes even further into the persona of himself painted by various wanted posters. He’s sporting the same black eye makeup as he did in the first season’s finale and also influencing the way his crew looks while serving him aboard the vessel previously helmed by Stede. Above and below, we’re delving into some of those details with exclusive photos, exclusive interviews, and a brand-new clip teasing the dynamic aboard the Revenge.
In the sneak peek, below, times are tense for Frenchie (Joel Fry), Jim (Vico Ortiz), Fang (David Fane), and the newest member of the team, Archie (Madeleine Sami), as they observe Blackbeard’s second in command, Izzy Hands (Con O’Neill). As seen in the minute-and-a-half exchange, Izzy’s getting testy with the shipmates when they question orders to throw treasure overboard. “It is not your place to tell me what does or does not make sense. It is your job to follow my f**king orders,” Izzy spits, emotion welling in his makeup-darkened eyes.
Fang is the first to note that Izzy doesn’t seem to be doing fine, and Jim steps forward to add, “Yeah, we think you’re in an unhealthy relationship with Blackbeard.” Additional tidbits from the crew include the fact that Blackbeard does “a lot of rhino horn” and he’s cut off more of Izzy’s toes.
In other words, Ed’s downward spiral is wreaking havoc on Izzy and the rest of the gang. But depending on how you feel about certain pirate looks, their exterior makeovers are sure to excite, regardless of the reasoning behind them.
“[Blackbeard] sort of has this Mad Max thing that we already established in Season 1, that’s so gorgeous and so unique to [him]. So I just wanted to up that ante,” costume designer Gypsy Taylor tells TV Insider. “We started with that Mad Max black leather violent side of him, and he’s sort of infiltrated this crew now. So they’ve taken it upon themselves to become Beard’s crew in whatever circumstance they’re in.”
“They’ve all taken to that color palette of the black leather and filth, which makes ’em look mean,” Taylor adds with a laugh, but makes it clear, “individually, I wanted to give [them each] a really unique look.” Teaming up with Taylor to accomplish that look is hair and makeup designer Nancy Hennah, who enhances the fantastic clothing ensembles viewers will see onscreen.
“We spent a lot of time working out what we were going to do for the raid makeups,” Hennah says of the Revenge crew. “Blackbeard in particular has lost it a bit and is really going off on a tangent, and the rest of the crew have kind of been pulled into that. We spent a lot of time working out what products were going to be good to emulate [something like the] grease found on the boat and they’ve smeared it on their faces.”
“Blackbeard is really struggling with having lost Stede and is leaning into that dark side, which is frightening for everybody else, but they’re sort of trying to play along,” Hennah continues. While fans may have already seen previously-released photos of the crew, Taylor and Hennah dug into their personal archives to share exclusive sketches and behind-the-scenes photos to provide a closer look at their process and each individual character’s look aboard the Revenge. Check them out below.
Our Flag Means Death, Season 2 Premiere, Thursday, October 5, Max
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“With Jim, that’s a huge transformation,” Taylor says about star Ortiz’s onscreen evolution. “It was a really exciting one. We talked about it a lot with Vico, and I wanted to bring in a whole lot of ropes and things that they would’ve found on the ship to make an outfit out of and a giant fishhook that we made a belt out of.”
When it comes to the Revenge crew’s ensembles, there’s a focus on found materials doubling as clothing, “so sort of scrounging and finding elements around pirate ships that they could make a costume out of,” Taylor elaborates, noting that the pirates are being resourceful in “almost the same way that drag queens do.”
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When it came to styling Ortiz in their costume alongside the other crew members, Hennah says, “Vico had a great new hairstyle, which we were really excited about, and we cut that early on in our testing phase. Then they had to hide [it].
Everywhere they went, they were wearing a hat.” It was all about “getting the right balance between the amount of hair on top and the amount of hair that we took [off] on the side,” she adds of Jim’s mohawk sported by Ortiz, which can be seen in the sketch and behind-the-scenes test photos.
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Similar to Jim’s found fashion, Frenchie’s sporting an edgier look this season that is supposed to look like stolen wares from another pirate. “Because pirates steal a lot,” Taylor says, “they’ve quite often got cool things that they’ve stolen off of other pirates. And that’s where the inspiration for Frenchie’s jacket came.” As fans may recall, Frenchie found cats particularly terrifying in Season 1, so it makes sense that he’d emulate the feline, which has a motif on the back of his coat according to Taylor.
“Maybe he stole it from another pirate ship, and then he made it his own by putting this sort of ode to Desperately Seeking Susan on the back of his jacket with this rearing cat, which in the first season, the cat was very innocent lightly licking his paw, and now we’ve gone really manic and bad,” says Taylor.
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Meanwhile, Blackbeard’s soft-spoken, but brutish when-needed crew member is enhancing his look from last season with some ornamental additions. “We didn’t want to change Fang too much, but I incorporated a whole lot of new elements to his costume,” Taylor teases. “So he’s got the teeth of sperm whales all around his necklace, and then he’s got walrus teeth coming out of his jacket. So he’s sort of made a new look based on animals that he might’ve found out in the open seas, like dead carcasses and things like that.”
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This behind-the-scenes shot from Hennah offers a closer look at Fane’s Fang on set.
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An exciting aspect of the season for Taylor and Hennah was the addition of Archie to the crew, giving them something new to craft. “Archie’s now part of the gang, and she’s just a badass,” Taylor gushes. “We figured she was sort of deep from the dark alleyways of New York in her sort of street punk aesthetic.”
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One piece of Archie’s ensemble is an homage to one of Taylor’s favorite films, The Warriors. “She’s wearing a little Warriors red leather gang jacket,” Taylor shares, adding, “Her t-shirt is a really cool, very subtle print of Blackbeard’s wanted poster.” Why? “She’s a bit of a fan girl,” Taylor notes. “She really looks up to Blackbeard and how bad he is.”
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When it comes to tattoos, Hennah says, “I try to talk about their personal heritage and where they’ve come from and if there’s anything that they want in terms of tattoos.”
For Sami, Hennah sought out designs with Fijian and Indian influence to reflect the actor’s personal heritage. “I approached a Henna artist, and we just got her to do a drawing of some designs,” Hennah reveals. “And then Madeline and a few of the other makeup team [members] and I spent about four or five hours just turning those little puzzle pieces into the tattoos.”
Sami loved her tattoos so much that Hennah says she was told Sami “is thinking about getting one of the tattoos for real.”
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And when it comes to Izzy, he’s not changing things too much. “He’s just a man of his own. He wouldn’t really listen to Blackbeard,” Taylor says. “So there were very subtle things [that we were going to do], like adding studs to his gloves so that when he beat up people, it was a little bit more violent.
But in the end, we took it away. He’s enough of a badass on his own.” Ultimately, the only real change people will see on Izzy went the show returns is, “He got a bit dirtier from being at sea. We broke him down more, added a bit more sort of salt and all those crusty sort of overlays.”
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When it comes to the crew’s man in charge, Blackbeard’s transformation has evolved a bit since viewers last saw him in Season 1. “I wanted to keep his leathers because pirates, as you see in Season 1, are at sea for a really long time. They don’t have a closet, unlike the Gentleman pirate Stede. So they’re always just wearing the same thing and getting dirtier and dirtier and dirtier.”
When a pirate dons a new garment though, it’s usually stolen. Such is the case for Blackbeard, according to Taylor: “We figured he’d stolen this black leather jacket in a raid, but he’d sort of made it his own in his own manic way, much [like] he’s done with the ship where [things are torn down and burned].”
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Wanting to reflect the season’s production design in Blackbeard’s coat, Taylor says, “We burned it, and we ripped it, and we added six different belts to the sides that are holding it together, which would be like he murdered six pirates and stole their belts. And he’s started to collect a little bit more jewelry. So you’ll start to see some new rings and a little lovely pearl necklace that he’s stolen off of someone at the wedding party [seen in the teaser trailer] perhaps.”
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As for Blackbeard’s makeup and hair, Hennah says, “We stuck mostly around his eyes. It just looked more sinister, and he was a lot more disheveled. He spends a lot of time this season wet, which is a bit of a nightmare when you’ve got beards and wigs and drying and getting back to dry. He has always had two wigs, and we got an extra one made this season as well because we were having to swap between wet and dry a lot.”
Apart from the extra wig, it was the tattoos that made up Blackbeard’s biggest makeup change. “We added quite a few tattoos,” shares Hennah. “I think in Season 1, he had around 24 tattoos, but at times this season, we were up to 30, and three of them were the big chest tattoo and then a brand new back tattoo. I worked with Dean Sacred at Sacred Tattoo for the big back tattoo design. He did a beautiful drawing for us of the skull with the snake coming out, the skull’s eyes with the snake crying.” As fans can see, the snake and skull sit above another tattoo with the words “Trust No One.”
Will he ever trust again after Stede left? Only time will tell.
Source: TV Insider
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londonspirit · 1 year
Breakups aren’t easy, but that’s especially true for the new and improved — depending on how you look at it — crew of the Revenge in Our Flag Means Death Season 2 premiering Thursday, October 5th on Max, as Blackbeard, a.k.a. Ed (Taika Waititi) continues to unravel after Gentleman pirate Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby) abandoned him in Season 1.
As with the end of Season 1, Blackbeard recedes even further into the persona of himself painted by various wanted posters. He’s sporting the same black eye makeup as he did in the first season’s finale and also influencing the way his crew looks while serving him aboard the vessel previously helmed by Stede. Above and below, we’re delving into some of those details with exclusive photos, exclusive interviews, and a brand-new clip teasing the dynamic aboard the Revenge.
In the sneak peek, below, times are tense for Frenchie (Joel Fry), Jim (Vico Ortiz), Fang (David Fane), and the newest member of the team, Archie (Madeleine Sami), as they observe Blackbeard’s second in command, Izzy Hands (Con O’Neill). As seen in the minute-and-a-half exchange, Izzy’s getting testy with the shipmates when they question orders to throw treasure overboard. “It is not your place to tell me what does or does not make sense. It is your job to follow my f**king orders,” Izzy spits, emotion welling in his makeup-darkened eyes.
Fang is the first to note that Izzy doesn’t seem to be doing fine, and Jim steps forward to add, “Yeah, we think you’re in an unhealthy relationship with Blackbeard.” Additional tidbits from the crew include the fact that Blackbeard does “a lot of rhino horn” and he’s cut off more of Izzy’s toes.
In other words, Ed’s downward spiral is wreaking havoc on Izzy and the rest of the gang. But depending on how you feel about certain pirate looks, their exterior makeovers are sure to excite, regardless of the reasoning behind them.
“[Blackbeard] sort of has this Mad Max thing that we already established in Season 1, that’s so gorgeous and so unique to [him]. So I just wanted to up that ante,” costume designer Gypsy Taylor tells TV Insider. “We started with that Mad Max black leather violent side of him, and he’s sort of infiltrated this crew now. So they’ve taken it upon themselves to become Beard’s crew in whatever circumstance they’re in.”
“They’ve all taken to that color palette of the black leather and filth, which makes ’em look mean,” Taylor adds with a laugh, but makes it clear, “individually, I wanted to give [them each] a really unique look.” Teaming up with Taylor to accomplish that look is hair and makeup designer Nancy Hennah, who enhances the fantastic clothing ensembles viewers will see onscreen.
“We spent a lot of time working out what we were going to do for the raid makeups,” Hennah says of the Revenge crew. “Blackbeard in particular has lost it a bit and is really going off on a tangent, and the rest of the crew have kind of been pulled into that. We spent a lot of time working out what products were going to be good to emulate [something like the] grease found on the boat and they’ve smeared it on their faces.”
“Blackbeard is really struggling with having lost Stede and is leaning into that dark side, which is frightening for everybody else, but they’re sort of trying to play along,” Hennah continues. While fans may have already seen previously-released photos of the crew, Taylor and Hennah dug into their personal archives to share exclusive sketches and behind-the-scenes photos to provide a closer look at their process and each individual character’s look aboard the Revenge. Check them out below.
Our Flag Means Death, Season 2 Premiere, Thursday, October 5, Max
“With Jim, that’s a huge transformation,” Taylor says about star Ortiz’s onscreen evolution. “It was a really exciting one. We talked about it a lot with Vico, and I wanted to bring in a whole lot of ropes and things that they would’ve found on the ship to make an outfit out of and a giant fishhook that we made a belt out of.” When it comes to the Revenge crew’s ensembles, there’s a focus on found materials doubling as clothing, “so sort of scrounging and finding elements around pirate ships that they could make a costume out of,” Taylor elaborates, noting that the pirates are being resourceful in “almost the same way that drag queens do.”
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When it came to styling Ortiz in their costume alongside the other crew members, Hennah says, “Vico had a great new hairstyle, which we were really excited about, and we cut that early on in our testing phase. Then they had to hide [it]. Everywhere they went, they were wearing a hat.” It was all about “getting the right balance between the amount of hair on top and the amount of hair that we took [off] on the side,” she adds of Jim’s mohawk sported by Ortiz, which can be seen in the sketch and behind-the-scenes test photos.
Similar to Jim’s found fashion, Frenchie’s sporting an edgier look this season that is supposed to look like stolen wares from another pirate. “Because pirates steal a lot,” Taylor says, “they’ve quite often got cool things that they’ve stolen off of other pirates.  And that’s where the inspiration for Frenchie’s jacket came.” As fans may recall, Frenchie found cats particularly terrifying in Season 1, so it makes sense that he’d emulate the feline, which has a motif on the back of his coat according to Taylor. “Maybe he stole it from another pirate ship, and then he made it his own by putting this sort of ode to Desperately Seeking Susan on the back of his jacket with this rearing cat, which in the first season, the cat was very innocent lightly licking his paw, and now we’ve gone really manic and bad,” says Taylor.
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Meanwhile, Blackbeard’s soft-spoken, but brutish when-needed crew member is enhancing his look from last season with some ornamental additions. “We didn’t want to change Fang too much, but I incorporated a whole lot of new elements to his costume,” Taylor teases. “So he’s got the teeth of sperm whales all around his necklace, and then he’s got walrus teeth coming out of his jacket. So he’s sort of made a new look based on animals that he might’ve found out in the open seas, like dead carcasses and things like that.”
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An exciting aspect of the season for Taylor and Hennah was the addition of Archie to the crew, giving them something new to craft. “Archie’s now part of the gang, and she’s just a badass,” Taylor gushes. “We figured she was sort of deep from the dark alleyways of New York in her sort of street punk aesthetic.”
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One piece of Archie’s ensemble is an homage to one of Taylor’s favorite films, The Warriors. “She’s wearing a little Warriors red leather gang jacket,” Taylor shares, adding, “Her t-shirt is a really cool, very subtle print of Blackbeard’s wanted poster.” Why? “She’s a bit of a fan girl,” Taylor notes. “She really looks up to Blackbeard and how bad he is.”
When it comes to tattoos, Hennah says, “I try to talk about their personal heritage and where they’ve come from and if there’s anything that they want in terms of tattoos.” For Sami, Hennah sought out designs with Fijian and Indian influence to reflect the actor’s personal heritage. “I approached a Henna artist, and we just got her to do a drawing of some designs,” Hennah reveals. “And then Madeline and a few of the other makeup team [members] and I spent about four or five hours just turning those little puzzle pieces into the tattoos.” Sami loved her tattoos so much that Hennah says she was told Sami “is thinking about getting one of the tattoos for real.”
And when it comes to Izzy, he’s not changing things too much. “He’s just a man of his own. He wouldn’t really listen to Blackbeard,” Taylor says. “So there were very subtle things [that we were going to do], like adding studs to his gloves so that when he beat up people, it was a little bit more violent. But in the end, we took it away. He’s enough of a badass on his own.” Ultimately, the only real change people will see on Izzy went the show returns is, “He got a bit dirtier from being at sea. We broke him down more, added a bit more sort of salt and all those crusty sort of overlays.”
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When it comes to the crew’s man in charge, Blackbeard’s transformation has evolved a bit since viewers last saw him in Season 1. “I wanted to keep his leathers because pirates, as you see in Season 1, are at sea for a really long time. They don’t have a closet, unlike the Gentleman pirate Stede. So they’re always just wearing the same thing and getting dirtier and dirtier and dirtier.” When a pirate dons a new garment though, it’s usually stolen. Such is the case for Blackbeard, according to Taylor: “We figured he’d stolen this black leather jacket in a raid, but he’d sort of made it his own in his own manic way, much [like] he’s done with the ship where [things are torn down and burned].”
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Wanting to reflect the season’s production design in Blackbeard’s coat, Taylor says, “We burned it, and we ripped it, and we added six different belts to the sides that are holding it together, which would be like he murdered six pirates and stole their belts. And he’s started to collect a little bit more jewelry. So you’ll start to see some new rings and a little lovely pearl necklace that he’s stolen off of someone at the wedding party [seen in the teaser trailer] perhaps.”
As for Blackbeard’s makeup and hair, Hennah says, “We stuck mostly around his eyes. It just looked more sinister, and he was a lot more disheveled. He spends a lot of time this season wet, which is a bit of a nightmare when you’ve got beards and wigs and drying and getting back to dry. He has always had two wigs, and we got an extra one made this season as well because we were having to swap between wet and dry a lot.”
Apart from the extra wig, it was the tattoos that made up Blackbeard’s biggest makeup change. “We added quite a few tattoos,” shares Hennah. “I think in Season 1, he had around 24 tattoos, but at times this season, we were up to 30, and three of them were the big chest tattoo and then a brand new back tattoo. I worked with Dean Sacred at Sacred Tattoo for the big back tattoo design. He did a beautiful drawing for us of the skull with the snake coming out, the skull’s eyes with the snake crying.” As fans can see, the snake and skull sit above another tattoo with the words “Trust No One.”
Will he ever trust again after Stede left? Only time will tell.
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colorfulandblack · 1 year
In honour of getting though Witcher season 3 I would like to share with you my thought process while watching this show, not that anyone asked. Can you tell Jaskier is my fav?
Season 1
Me, seeing Jaskier for the first time: a baby! Must protect, already fave.
Me throughout the season: How are you still alive? And how are you not aging?
Me still at season one going through social media: oh, so you don't like Jaskier, huh? Square up bitch cos I'm coming for your ass. Also why the hell is he called Dandelion? Jaskier is a buttercup not a dandelion? Dandelion would be so fucking funny though [image of Sid and last dandelion of season vivid in my mind]
Me still on season one: ok I know we NEED to normalise closeness between two male friends but that's definitely gay, right? Like Jaskier just readies such dumbass bisexual energy and he so clearly is in love with Geralt
Me, during the mountain scene: Bitch, bitch, bitch how dare you [actually insert the Jaskier HOW DARE YOU picture] actually stops watching the show for like a week
Season 2
Me, immediately at the beginning: where's Jaskier? Where's my man? My child? Where's that idiot?
Me, after I see Jaskier: what have they DONE to you? But the songs absolutely slaps (talking about the whore song that was so funny)
The apology scene: Nope, nope, sir that's the most half assed apology I've ever seen
Overall season two: yes, yes serious matters and Jaskier is a comic relief but could you just try to give him some more screen time like bitch he's trying his best, he risks his life, he does some good, he loves Ciri and Geralt just fucking appreciate him! I know it ain't about him but for being Geralts friend for so fucking long I think he deserves some appreciation for his accomplishments from others characters, even a little
Season 3
Sees trailer: "Dear friend.." ahaha that's for Jaskier for sure! [Sees a blur of him] oh thank god he's in here!
Me, after seeing Jaskier: oh, god oh no. Why, why, WHY?! WHO they fuck took the game design?! Put it back I say PUT IT BACK!!!
Me seeing Radowid: *squints as he praises Jaskier, clearly flirts with him and actually appreciates him UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE* I want to trust you but that would be a mistake
Me, throughout the season: ah, so you finally admit that Jaskier is in love with Geralt who somewhat patched things up with Yen so you give Jaskier a new love interest, who is a man [icarly interesting image]
(listen I loved them this season but it felt like a weird sudden jump in their relationship and idk, by this season rocked I just wished they included Jaskier more and if canonicaly were not getting Graskier then fucking give him some screen time as a part of a family! He's great with Ciri!)
Also that Valdo scene was fucking HILARIOUS
Me when, suprise, suprise Radowid did a backflip: I knew it, why am I surprised, I knew it. Jaskier why do you have a TYPE?!
Final thoughts: Jaskier fits perfectly into their witcher family dynamics just give him more screen time! Please! also very curious about Radowid redemption arc although I'm not ready to let go yet, and also may I add the music, fantastic, don't care if it's periodic or not Joey my man you killed it.
It's clear that Jaskier has a type for like unrequited/getting hurt type of love or the writers just love whumping him which like fine but then make it fucking seen like by others? It takes a fucking plot device character in SEASON 3 to see it? like give me some fucking comfort as well you assholes.
Also super weird that they went with the game design and gradually changed it simultaneously ageing Jaskier. I mean why now? He hasn't aged in like a decade and then he suddenly did? Just keep him immortal will you?
Idk it's chaotic lads cos I just finished it and I think I've seen season 1 most times and the rest kinda blurs together so
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elmaestrostan · 8 months
Transfer chief Monchi on 'nuts' Unai Emery and the Aston Villa puzzle
Villa transfer chief Monchi has affectionately branded Unai Emery “nuts” and claimed he is now a better boss than the one who led Sevilla to three straight Europa League titles.
The pair enjoyed huge success together at the Spanish club and were reunited last year when Villa appointed Monchi president of football operations at Emery’s recommendation.
Villa have been transformed since Emery, known for his demanding and meticulous approach, was appointed in October 2022 and sit third in the Premier League.
Monchi worked with Emery when Sevilla won the Europa League in consecutive seasons between 2014 and 2016. He told La Liga TV’s Talking Football show how his fellow Spaniard has become an even more accomplished manager since.
“I’ve been lucky to have worked with him twice,” said Monchi. “He’s nuts! In 2013 we started at Sevilla in January and had three and a half wonderful years. Now I’ve been with him for six months (at Villa) and he’s evolved for the better.
“The Unai at Sevilla, who was already great, now the Unai at Aston Villa is even greater, and it’s because he was able to adapt to the times. To grow. Not just him, but being surrounded by professionals, building a wonderful working team.
“He’s maintained the good things and been able to learn from his weaker points and these are the results.”
Monchi is one of 11 Spanish members of staff in addition to Emery at Bodymoor Heath, with the head coach having assembled a large backroom team.
He believes Emery’s willingness to canvas opinion but also identify the biggest keys to success is one of his greatest strengths.
“If you want to go fast, go alone,” said Monchi.
“If you want to go far, go together. Unai wants to go far. I always say that, in life, you have to try to surround yourself with capable people, because you can’t complete the puzzle alone.
“For a puzzle you need people’s help, because it’s really big.
“The key is to clear the smoke. A football match generates about eight million data entries – they’re not all useful.
“If you want to improve corner kicks you don’t care about throw-ins, or about centre field horizontal passes.
“You have to find the data that’s the signal and avoid the data that’s the smoke.
“That’s an important job and the more qualified people you have, the better the performance.
“The fundamental, main figure is the boss, Unai. And the rest of what we do is trying to help him so that he’s focused on the work.
“That’s why Unai is the most complete coach I have ever worked with.”
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octoberobserver · 2 years
Practice Makes Perfect
(Read on ao3)
“I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna go full Uma Thurman and kill Bill.”
Eddie blinked, watching as Richie paced back and forth in their living room, running a trembling hand through his hair.
“A sex scene. On HBO. Me. The fuck was he thinking?!”
Eddie shifted on the couch, clearing his throat.
“Well, I’m sure Bill wasn’t actually the one who—”
“Do not defend that asshole, Eds,” Richie interjected with a groan, dragging his palms down his face and hunching his shoulders.
Eddie fell silent, frowning into his noodles, poking at them half-heartedly with his chopsticks.
“I mean, you’re a writer too, Rich. Showrunner. Co-creator. You could just veto the scene.”
Richie groaned louder into his hands at that.
“And be the asshole that turns down a gay love scene a season after his character has a cathartic, emotional coming-out? Yeah, no. I don’t want GLAAD to regret giving us an award.”
Eddie eyed the script that lay crumpled on their coffee table, the title page just about visible.
THE OUTCASTS Episode 2.09 “Confessions” Written By: Bill Denbrough Directed By: Gráinne McGrath February 14th, 2019
“You love Gráinne directing,” he threw out as a Hail Mary, “I’m sure she’ll make it as comfortable as poss—”
“I know she will, that’s not what I’m worried about,” Richie cut him off, beginning his pacing again.
Eddie placed his takeout down on the coffee table, (mindful not to spill any on the script), and stood up, heading over to the fridge to fish out some beers.
“Then what are you worried about?”
He deliberately made sure his back was turned for that question, knowing that if he were facing him, he was less likely to get an honest answer. Unsurprisingly, an inaudible mumble was all that escaped his lips. Eddie kept his back turned, pulling out the drawer and snatching up the bottle-opener.
“What was that?”
He heard him take a deep, shaky breath.
“I said I’m worried about being…you know…shirtless on camera and—and being like that with some random dude in front of like forty people.”
“James isn’t some ‘random dude,’ Rich,” he retorted, trying to shove the image of a shirtless Richie from his brain, walking back over and holding out a beer for him to take. “You’ve said tons of times how great he—”
“He is great!” Richie exclaimed, snatching the beer out of his hand and taking several large gulps.
Eddie watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down, a treacherous heat unfurling in his gut that he tried to smother. Because he was a good friend, dammit, and wouldn’t think sexy thoughts at a time like this.
Richie sucked in another breath as he lowered the beer.
“He also happens to be way hotter than me and a lot more experienced in acting.”
The familiar spike of jealousy shot through Eddie’s veins at that.
“He is not ‘way hotter’ than you,” the words tumbled from his mouth before he could stop them.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Richie freeze.
“And,” he hurriedly continued, his face on fire, “he might have more experience acting, sure, but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t talented. I think the Emmy on our mantle proves that.”
He didn’t need to look directly at him to know that he was blooming as red as a tomato, just like he always did whenever anyone praised his accomplishments over the last two years.
“You’ve already done a kissing scene with that guy Tony and it went well,” he pointed out, hating every single syllable falling from his mouth, the image of Richie (or more accurately, his character Robert) kissing a handsome, younger man burned into his brain for all eternity.
He had been so proud when he first told him of the storyline they would be doing over the course of the first season of his and Bill’s show. The buzz around it had been electric after only the pilot episode and Eddie honestly couldn’t be happier for his two oldest friends, he really couldn’t.
But at the time, he hadn’t exactly taken into account the fact that Richie would spend the majority of his days opposite hot actors that he would ultimately end up kissing on screen to an audience of over five million live viewers every week, while Eddie tried and failed to shove down his complicated, conflicting emotions about it.
Sure, he knew it was just acting. That it wasn’t like James (the actor playing Richie’s character’s love interest) or Tony (his character’s fling from season one) was Richie’s actual real-life boyfriend or anything, but that didn’t mean it was easy for him to watch him (his character dickwad, it’s his character,) kiss and hold hands and touch another man in all the ways Eddie wanted, ached for, for longer than he was willing to admit.
But living with that same best friend for two years now had made some truths absolutely undeniable. The fact that he was ass over teakettle in love with him, the first and foremost.
“I’m sure this will go well too,” he tried to reassure him as he shoved those thoughts to the back of his mind. “Jill is a great intimacy coordinator.”
“She is,” Richie agreed, “but I…Eds, I don’t think I can do this. It’s…it’s…” he waved a hand, seemingly unable to put into words what he meant.
Well, that’s a first.
“I’m sure it’s not that bad. Can I take a look? Maybe help you run lines? Ease you into it?”
Richie stared at him.
Eddie stared back.
“You wanna…help me run lines for my sex scene, on Valentine’s Day?”
Right. That was what today was. Like he could forget.
“Well, we were just gonna watch Street Fighter for the hundredth time, anyway. We can run your lines first then put the movie on after?”
Something complicated crossed over Richie’s face before he gave a quick shrug.
They both sank down onto the couch, Eddie careful to not brush against his thigh as he leaned forward and swapped his beer out for the script.
“It starts on page 27,” he piped up, sounding winded as Eddie raised the script to a level that they could both see, flipping through the pages to find the beginning of the scene.
ROBERT sits on his couch, staring over at EVAN. He holds out a piece of paper that has seen better days in his hands.
What is that, Rob?
Something I should have shown you a long time ago.
Eddie did his best to read ‘Evan’s’ lines as well as the descriptions, while Richie recited his, barely needing to look at the words on the script anymore, having mostly memorized them by now.
It’s a letter. Addressed to me.
From you.
It looks old.
It is.
ROBERT hands the paper to EVAN, who reads silently.
When did you write this?
When we were kids. Maybe 16, 17?
EVAN reaches out to take ROBERT’S hand.
Eddie wrapped his hand over Richie’s.
Richie jumped, apparently not expecting him to follow the directions to a T, but didn’t protest, letting his hand be held, eyes a little wide.
Why didn’t you give it to me back then?
I was scared.
Of what?
EVAN reaches for ROBERT’S face, leaning forward and—
“And then they kiss,” Richie said hurriedly before Eddie could read the rest of the description, snatching the script out of his hand and flipping over to the next page, his cheeks noticeably flushed.
Eddie paused, staring at him.
“Should we…uh…?”
Richie kept staring at the script, his hand tensing under his.
“Should we what?”
Eddie took a breath.
Slowly, Richie turned to blink at him. He scrambled to try and make that sound less incriminating.
“Well, the script says—”
“The script also says that we should strip and roll around on the couch, Eduardo. Should we do that too?”
It was meant as a joke. Eddie knew that. Except, his tone was…off, the punchline not quite landing the way it should have. Something about it made him feel bold.
You’re braver than you think.
“I mean if it’s what the script says. I’m just trying to be a good scene partner.”
Richie was studying him now, his bright eyes scanning his face with careful concentration that he wasn't usually known for. Eddie didn’t feel the urge to fidget though because it reminded him of when they were kids. He remembered (now that he was allowed to) how he had sometimes looked up from where he was reading the latest X-Men in the hammock to find Richie hurriedly looking away from him, his cheeks tinged red. He knew that he himself had been drawn to the hyperactive whirlwind, stealing glances at him from across the room, eyes lingering on his face as it was lit up by the TV, when that Trashmouth of his was running a mile a minute, and pretty much any time he wasn’t looking right back at him.
Eddie had always wondered what it was between them exactly that set them apart from the other Losers. While he thought the world of them, he never found himself quite as enthralled by Bill’s drive or laugh, Bev’s bravery or fiery hair, Mike’s intelligence or height, Stan’s dry wit or cheekbones, Ben’s kindness or eyes, or the myriad of other things that were emotionally and physically great about his friends. When it came to Richie, though? He was captivated. By everything. Always had been. His charm and jawline. His humor and shoulders. His generosity and thick Coke bottle glasses that magnified his already giant, gentle eyes.
And it may have taken him over thirty years to figure it out, but now he finally knew why.
It wasn’t new, this unspoken thing between them. But it was still terrifying.
You’re braver than you think.
That was what Richie had said on that terrible, horrible, no good, very bad weekend. And Eddie had been trying to live by it every single day since.
“But yeah no, we can skip it if you want.”
(He just wasn’t always successful.)
Richie nodded fervently and he tried not to let that sting too much, he really did. But he was only human. A human, 42-year-old nursing a 30-year-old crush that had developed into something dangerously deeper, particularly in the last two years of them reconnecting and sharing their lives and space with each other.
He cleared his throat. Focus, Kaspbrak.
“Uh okay, so what’s—”
“Unless you think I should practice?” Richie cut across him suddenly, eyes a little wild as he bunched the script up in his hand, crinkling the pages.
Eddie opened his mouth but Richie breathlessly continued.
“I mean, I’ve only had like two on-screen kisses before and they were pretty awkward and weird looking and I should probably like, I dunno, work on my technique or something, right?”
Eddie’s brain short-circuited.
“You…wanna practice kissing?”
A crease formed between Richie’s eyebrows as he doggedly stared at the now worse-for-wear script still clasped in his hand.
“I mean, you don’t have to make it sound like we’re twelve-year-old girls at a slumber party, Eds. But…yeah. We could—we could just follow the script. To uh, a point?”
He must have been silent for a beat too long because Richie began backpedaling, fast.
“Nope, scratch that, I hear it now. That’s crazy, forget it. I’ll be fine. I’ll work on it with James during rehearsal anyway, so—”
Eddie leaned forward and caught his cheek with his free hand, sweeping his thumb gently over the stubbled skin. He waited, watching as Richie’s eyes grew like saucers behind his glasses, his breaths quick and shallow, before tilting that little bit further until their mouths were barely half an inch apart.
With a shaky gasp, Richie closed the gap, their lips brushing feather-light. A shiver raked through Eddie’s body as he pressed closer, dropping his hand on his hip. Richie jumped at the contact. The kiss—a chaste pressing of lips really—broke.
“Shit, sorry—”
“‘S’okay,” Eddie reassured him, “that was…good, Rich.”
He stared at him, disbelieving.
“That was barely a kiss, man,” he winced. “God, if I can’t even do this without cameras and like a million people watching, what am I gonna be like—”
“Hey, hey,” Eddie swept his thumb back and forth on his cheek as soothingly as he could. “You’re gonna be fine, Rich. You’re a great actor and a great kisser.”
He snorted, “That doesn’t count, Eds. I can kiss way better than that.”
“Okay, so show me.”
Clearly, Eddie’s mouth and brain were not in alignment at all today.
“Uh, I mean…”
Anxiety serging throughout his body, he scrambled to say something, anything, to wipe the look of sheer astonishment off Richie’s face.
“Like, pretend I’m James playing Evan. Just…what would you as your character do?”
Richie stared at him for a long beat.
Again, Eddie didn't feel the urge to fidget, instead waited with a patience he was not known for.
“What would I,” he murmured slowly, “a man who has been in love with his best friend since they were kids, do when finally confessing it after decades?”
Eddie swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded.
Richie leaned in and kissed him, his hands coming up to cradle either side of his face. He swallowed his quiet gasp, his tongue darting out to trace along his bottom lip. Eddie’s brain kickstarted at that, his mouth dropping open wider, deepening the kiss as he pressed their chests together, his hands falling to his hips.
Richie licked behind his teeth, one of his hands slipping into his hair and gripping tight, wrenching a strangled moan from deep within him that he would later die of embarrassment from, but as it stood right now, his gut was busy sparking with fierce arousal. He could feel himself already starting to get hard in his baggy sweatpants and panic surged in his veins, mixing potently with the steady thrum of yes, fuck, yes, hammering in his ears.
Eddie Kaspbrak had never been kissed like this. Ever. In his entire life.
In fact, he had spent the last 42 years under the impression that he just wasn’t too enthused with the idea of kissing as a rule. Swapping spit and touching tongues seemed fairly gross actually, and he had certainly never enjoyed it with Myra or his grand total of two dates in college, so it just wasn’t his thing, right?
Well, turned out when you were kissing someone you were actually attracted to, and the love of your life to boot, kissing was pretty fucking awesome.
“H-Holy shit…” he gasped as they eventually broke for air, though not going far, their breaths bouncing off each other’s lips.
"Yeah," Richie murmured, sounding just as winded, his eyes still shut.
As Eddie struggled to get his brain back online, he let himself drink him in, his flushed cheeks, his labored breath, his swollen lips.
“S-See?” he croaked, forcing himself to try and be normal and not think of how he helped cause that. “S’like I said, you’re a great kisser and a great actor.”
Richie heaved in a large gulp of air before his eyes finally blinked open.
“Thanks,” he murmured, his expression unreadable, “you’re…not bad yourself, Eds.”
Eddie snorted at that, rolling his eyes, trying and failing to not let the words rub him the wrong way.
“‘Not bad’? Gee, thanks, Rich. I’ll add that testimonial to my Grindr profile. ‘Not bad at kissing—Richie Tozier, 2019.’”
Richie, instead of rising to the bait, taking the opportunity to lean into their bickering, just kept looking at him in that same enigmatic way.
“You don’t have a Grindr profile,” he said eventually, a tiny smirk beginning to spread across his face.
Eddie narrowed his eyes at him.
“No. I don’t. But I could.”
“You said online dating was the scourge of society and you ‘wouldn’t be caught dead perusing dick pics or hooking up with randos from Asswipe, Michigan.’”
He tilted his head in surprise.
“That was almost verbatim. Since when do you listen to my rants, Trashmouth?”
Richie just threw him another look and tapped his nose, eyebrow arched. Before Eddie could press, he leaped up off the couch, wiping his palms on his thighs and darting over to the fridge.
“Want another beer?”
Eddie eyed the two half-full beers sitting on the coffee table.
“Are we not continuing the scene?”
The words shot from his lips like a bullet.
Richie froze, his back still turned.
“Uh, I mean…if you want to?” he mumbled into the fridge door before letting it snap shut. “But fair warning, Edmundo, it gets uh…” he cleared his throat before dropping down onto the couch. “Pretty intense.”
A thin sheen of sweat was already lining Eddie’s entire body, but goosebumps broke out all over every inch of his skin at that. With shaking hands, he took one of the beers and picked the script back up from where it had fallen to the floor during their…ministrations.
“Intense? Something written by Bill Denbrough? I don’t believe it,” he tried to joke, it landing as flat as a board between them.
Richie let out a noise that sounded something between a laugh and a whine.
“Well believe it, Kaspbrak. Why do you think I’m freaking out?”
Eddie put his new beer down next to the other one on the coffee table to leaf through the script, his eyes scanning it rapidly, his heart rate rising by the second.
“Shit,” he whispered, drinking in the words. “Bill’s uh…not fuckin’ around, huh?”
“Nope.” Richie popped the ‘p’ before taking another large gulp from the bottle.
Eddie’s eyes locked onto his Adam’s apple again, homing in on it like a beacon.
“On a scale of one to the Full Monty, just how naked are you gonna be?”
That did wrench a laugh from him, his eyes dancing, his cheeks on fire.
“You askin’ me if I’m gonna hang dong, Eds?”
“Gross. Don’t quote It’s Always Sunny at me, asshole,” he winced, both proud and appalled that he understood the reference after two years of living with a man who had the humor of a perpetual 15-year-old.
His fingers itched to skim further through the script.
“But uh, yeah. Are you gonna…you know…” he waved his hand in the general direction of his crotch, hating himself more and more by the second.
Richie squinted at him, taking another gulp of his beer.
Eddie did not stare at his lips wrapped around the bottle. He did not.
“Everything but the plums and dingaling,” he shrugged, his shoulders hunched, “it’s HBO, sure, but I gotta draw the line somewhere, man. I’m no Mother of Dragons. Nobody wants to see what I’m workin’ with.”
I do!
He flushed, his throat as dry as the desert as his dick twitched. He had been fantasizing about precisely what his Richie Tozier could be ‘workin’ with’ for the last two years. A lot longer than that if his teenage self had been more self-aware. So, yeah. He very much, desperately wanted to know. For a long, long time.
“Anyway, thanks for runnin’ lines with me, Eds,” Richie continued, unaware of Eddie’s inner turmoil. “I’m sure I’ll be fine. Like you said, Jill’s a good intimacy coordinator and I’m sure Gráinne will focus more on James’ abs than my 2-pack gut and hairy—”
“People would camp outside the studio for days just for a glimpse of your fuckin’ barrel shoulders, dude, are you kiddin’ me? You’re hot as fuck.”
Richie’s jaw dropped.
So did Eddie’s.
The fuck is wrong with you, Kaspbrak?!
He looked into his stupid, handsome, dumbstruck face.
“You really have no idea what people say about you online, do you?” He doubled down, shifting on the couch to knock their knees together, pushing through his mortification.
“There are dozens of Twitter accounts dedicated to every inch of you, Rich. Your shoulders, your ass, your thighs, your dumb facial expressions, your bigass fivehead, and how you don’t know what to do with your arms on red carpets. They’re obsessed with you, man. I don’t think it’s gonna be James that people thirst over.”
Richie blinked, his entire face flushing just like it tended to when he was five bourbons deep.
“...I didn’t think you knew what thirsting meant,” he croaked, sounding as if he smoked forty cigarettes a day for the last thirty years.
Eddie’s eyes rolled to the ceiling.
“I’ve spent more than five minutes on the internet, dumbass. Of course I know what thirsting means.”
God knows I’ve been thirsting over you long enough.
Richie tilted his head at him then, eyes alight with that same something that he couldn’t read.
“And how do you know about all these accounts that follow me for my shoulders and ass?”
Eddie shrugged, clearing his throat and shrugging again.
“I’m your best friend, dude. S’my job to look out for you. Have your back.”
His cheeks burned with the honesty of it, but he didn’t take it back, letting it hang between them. Richie blinked slowly, before eventually clearing his throat and gesturing to the script.
“You wanna take it from the top?”
His gut lurched, the pages crumpling in his iron-tight fist.
“Oh, uh—”
“Only if you want to,” Richie interjected, that crimson still tinging his face and making Eddie’s stomach swoop.
God, I want to.
Swallowing down that confession, much like he had with all the others the past two years, he merely nodded, scrambling to the correct page with more zeal than he probably should have let on, his cheeks burning even hotter with embarrassment.
He watched with bated breath as Richie morphed himself back into Robert with a little shake of his head, his hands clasped tight in his lap.
“Uh, so…” he scanned the script and cleared his throat, delivering the lines as best as he could with his half a class of ‘Acting Techniques’ from college.
His throat grew dry as they edged closer and closer to the climax of the scene.
“Why didn’t you give it to me back then?”
“I was scared.”
Eddie kept his eyes on him, voice quiet.
“Of what?”
An azure gaze met his.
He didn’t need to read the script to know what to do next. Almost on autopilot, his hand reached up and clasped Richie’s jaw, pulling him into him.
Their lips met again, gently at first. A small noise escaped Richie before he opened his mouth and deepened the kiss, pressing harder, one of his hands landing low on Eddie’s hip and squeezing. He felt the heat of his fingers through his shirt like a brand, his stomach swooping with excitement as he felt the brush of his tongue along his lower lip.
He gasped as Richie gave a tiny nip of that same lip, coaxing his mouth open wider. Heat pooled in his gut as he licked behind his teeth, his grip on his hip tightening. Drunk on exhilaration, Eddie finally allowed himself to give in to temptation and buried his hands in his hair, tugging a little, flushing hot when it elicited the tiniest mewl from him.
Spurred on, he used his leverage to pull him down on top of him. As his back hit the couch cushion, something winged took flight in his chest, fluttering behind his rib cage as a thirty-year-long fantasy came to life before his eyes. Eddie Kaspbrak and his oldest, best friend in the world, were making out like horny teenagers on their shared couch on a Thursday night that just so happened to be Valentine’s Day. Holy shit.
“God, you’re amazing.”
The words escaped him before he could snatch them back, gasped into the flushed skin of Richie’s neck. He felt it through his lips as his entire body froze, as still as a statue.
“I—that’s not the line.”
It was mumbled quietly into his hair, stilted and confused. A fist squeezed around Eddie’s lungs.
“No, Rich,” he reached up and coaxed his chin down.
He stared up into the large, blue, bespectacled eyes that haunted his dreams even when he couldn’t remember who they belonged to, a trickle of bravery settling in his veins, the truth flowing from him easily.
“I’m saying you—Richie Tozier—are amazing. You’re gonna knock any scene, sex or otherwise, outta the park.”
Richie’s eyelids fluttered, his hand tightening on his hip.
“Uh, thanks, Eds, but I don’t think this counts.”
Eddie tried not to wince at the stab of pain in his gut.
“Why not?”
Something unreadable passed over Richie’s face as his eyes lingered somewhere to the left of his ear.
“Well, here, with you, it’s…easier. More comfortable.”
Eddie tilted his head.
“What? Acting?”
Richie let out a puff of breath, voice barely above a whisper.
“I’m not.”
Eddie blinked slowly, his brain trying to make sense of that.
“You’re…not acting? With me?”
Richie bolted up off him as if scalded, flinging himself halfway across the room.
“You know what? I think that’s good for rehearsing. How about we put on a bit of Van Damme and—”
He watched as he dragged a hand down his face, dislodging his glasses, a noticeable tremor to his fingers. Eddie leaped up and closed the distance between them in the blink of an eye, hand closing over those fingers, prying them away and holding them gently.
“Richie. Talk to me. What did you mean you’re ‘not acting’ with—”
“Come on, Eddie,” he interjected wearily, eyes focussed on a point somewhere over his shoulder. “I’m not that subtle. And you’re not that dumb.”
Time seemed to stand still. The air sparked with something exhilarating and terrifying all at once. Their eyes finally met.
A breath shook loose from Richie’s chest.
“You asked me to show you what I’d do when finally confessing to my best friend that I’m in love with him. But to be honest, I wouldn’t do any of this because I’m too damn scared of what would happen if I did.”
Don’t ask. Don’t ask. Don’t—
“...What are you scared of?”
Eddie almost reeled back at that, something jagged and uncomfortable unfurling in him.
“Richie, you don’t need to be scared of me. I’m your best friend.”
A heavy beat passed between them.
“Yeah…you are.”
Eddie’s entire body ignited as the dots connected and stars aligned within him, the truth to Richie’s words ringing in his ears. Hope bloomed from somewhere deep in his core, warm and soft, enveloping that once uncomfortable feeling with something a lot more pleasant, and safe, and familiar, and somehow new.
You’re braver than you think.
Squeezing his hand, he took that final step, staring straight up into that face that never failed to make him feel like he was the only person in the world worth looking at.
“You wanna know what I’d do when finally confessing to my best friend that I’m in love with him?”
A myriad of emotions crossed over Richie’s face, his mouth dropping open to reply and that was when Eddie took his chance—leaning up on his tiptoes and kissing the surprised breath from his lips. It took him a second to get with the program, frozen in place, but eventually, he kissed back with more fervor than ever before, their tongues tangling and hands flying everywhere as if they couldn’t decide where to land.
Clutching at the hem of his T-shirt, Eddie pushed him back towards the couch, biting at his bottom lip and sucking on it like he had been fantasizing about practically every night for the last two years, and pouring in every ounce of love, lust, and admiration he had felt for him for more than thirty years.
The written word had nothin’ on this.
“J-Jesus,” Richie gasped as Eddie shoved him down onto the couch and climbed into his lap, smattering kisses down his throat.
“Not quite,” he couldn’t help but retort, pressing his smirk into the thin skin of Richie’s Adam’s apple and finally allowing himself a small bite.
Richie pinched his side at that, before slowly running his hand up his back and causing a shiver to rack through him, a thousand goosebumps trailing in its wake.
He groaned, eyes squeezing shut as his heart raced a mile a minute.
“F-Fuck, Rich, I love you.”
The room plunged into silence as Eddie’s words caught up to him, washing over him like a tsunami. He squeezed his eyes closed even tighter as his pulse skyrocketed in his ears.
His eyes burst open.
“‘Ditto?’ ‘Ditto?!’ Seriously?! After thirty years of pining and heartbreak and separation and more pining, all you have to say is—”
Richie leaned up and crashed their lips together with a loud smack, hand clutching his scarred cheek before pulling back, his own cheeks noticeably tinged and his eyes alight with something like wonder.
“I love you too, Eds. Have since like the sixth grade. I never stopped, really. Not even when I couldn’t remember you. And as soon as I got you back, everything slotted into place, those feelings—the sweaty palms, the jackrabbit heart, the really inconvenient boners—all of it. These last two years have been the best kinda torture for me, man. All I’ve thought about every single second since we reunited has been kissing you into next week. I just…I never thought I’d get the chance.”
Oh. Wow. Sometimes, words are cool too. Especially when they aren’t written by Bill fucking Denbrough.
“You should write that down,” Eddie smiled, sweeping a hand through his hair, a furious blush spreading up his neck, “show Big Bill how it’s done.”
Richie shook his head, staring up at him with a soft expression that if Eddie let himself name, he’d call reverent.
“Nah. Those words are only for you. I’ve kept them in for thirty years. But they’re yours now.”
Happiness burst in his chest, his nerves singing. He traced his finger across his jaw and got a thrill from the shudder it evoked.
“Hey, you wanna practice kissing some more? I think I can be an even better scene partner.”
Richie grinned, blush deepening, large hands squeezing his hips and making his stomach do somersaults.
“Let’s take it from the top.”
(More Reddie fics)
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races-erster · 2 years
I’ve been trying to avoid doing this lately, but I really need to vent. You can ignore if you want, but if you’re interested at all, it’s under the cut.
I’ve...been having a really hard time to say the least. I’ve tried to hide it as best I can, but I’m not doing well. Everyday I’m in more and more pain. My CRPS has just gotten worse and worse and now it’s spreading to my other leg. I always try to take the informative approach when discussing it with other people, but I’m tired. I talk about it on here, but that’s easy. It’s easy to do it when I’m just typing it out, but when I’m face to face, I just can’t. I finally have doctors who believe me and want to help, but it just isn’t working. I’m on medication and I’m in physical therapy. They’re taking steps to help me, but I just keep getting worse. I’ve missed more school in the past 4 weeks than I did the entire year last year. I’ve been in physical therapy off and on for the last 7 years. how is this time any different?
 And since I’m physically feeling worse, my mental state has taken a dive. I feel like a burden. Because of me, we can’t go out and do things that we enjoy because I physically can’t handle it. My family has to take care of me and that’s not fair to them. Not to mention if I by some miracle find someone to love me, they’ll just be stuck. No one would want that when they can go out and live their life. I’ve been trying to hide the deterioration, but I’m now using a cane. I hate it. People stare, and I guess I should be used to that, but it calls attention to me. Without the cane, I look perfectly fine. I feel like I’m being judged constantly. There’s no in between. I want people to understand that not every disability is visible, but I don’t want any attention to be on me. And yesterday we did a song in my band class that requires us to stomp. Obviously, I didn’t do this, but the vibrations through the floor, up my chair, and down my leg made me practically useless. I was in so much pain. I couldn’t move or think the entire hour and a half. I was just stuck there in pain, surrounded by 50 people who are none the wiser. Some of them eventually noticed because I was crying, which just embarrassed me. 
Because my brother is in marching band, we’ve gone to a lot of schools this season for competitions. Their disability accomplished are atrocious. There were 2 handicap parking spots at the last school we went to. We didn’t get either spot, so we had to walk a quarter of a mile there and a quarter back. That may not sound like a lot, but it just hurt so much. People with disabilities deserve to be accommodated. It’s the same at college. The handicap door openers don’t work. The ramps go all the way down the hallways and then back up them. It’s clear that people don’t recognize disabled people who are still mobile. It hurts so badly, but they think they’re accommodating. It makes me feel like a freak. I should be able to do these things and I can’t. And then when I’m clearly having a hard time people just watch. It makes me physically sick.
I just don’t know what to do. these things that are supposed to help me aren’t. No one understands how I’m feeling. There was a joke made yesterday that had no relation whatsoever to me or my leg, but I just started crying. I’m tired of feeling like this. I’m tired of the pain. I just want to walk and move without pain, but I can’t. I want to be able to play with my little cousins and I can’t. They don’t understand why I can’t play with them and I feel awful. And then when I voice how I’m feeling and saying how much pain I’m in I feel guilty. I know I shouldn’t, but there truly ARE people who have CRPS who are worse off than me, but it just hurts so much. I’m just in so much pain and I’m all alone. I just hate it. I hate everything.
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fangurk · 3 years
Here Comes the Sun (Same Uley x Fem! Reader)
Y/n - Your Name Y/l/n - Your Last Name
Y/h/c - Your Hair Color Y/e/c - Your Eye Color
Prompt (given to me by @jessicas-underground ): Hi! Could you do one where the reader just moved to Forks from sunny California and hates it there because of the weather. She’s Sam’s imprint and he tries to change her mind about the town.
Reader Gender: Female (She/Her/Hers)
Summary: Forks, Washington is positively dreary, and the Reader hates it-- she misses California, misses the warm sun and the way it didn't constantly rain. But now, because of some supernatural force, she's had to make it her home, and maybe, just maybe, she can find the warmth she so missed in the stubborn werewolf who sleeps in her bed...
Warnings: kind of seasonal depression-y, mostly just fluff.
A/n: idk why my tagging is being all weird, but i'll figure it out. also the line about his smile is the best thing i've ever written...
Word Count: 850+
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You’re hiding, scowling, underneath the portico of your home. Your boyfriend Sam Uley stands a few feet in front of you getting absolutely drenched in the downpour, his hand extended to you in silent invitation.
“C’mon…” He says with a smile that brightens his whole face.
It should be considered unlawful, that smile of his. Rare and completely reserved for you, it only seems to come up when he needs to sway you in his favor-- because how can you say no to that smile?
“You’re crazy.” You mutter matter-of-factly, placing your hand in his.
“Only for you, baby.” The cheeky bastard lifts your hands to his lips and kisses you on the knuckles as if he didn’t know he’d win.
Rolling your eyes, you step out from beneath your protection. The rain quickly engulfs you, rolling off your jacket and soaking your head; Sam sees the way you wince, your nose wrinkling at the feeling, and has the audacity to laugh.
Hand in hand, you and your wolf run to his truck. Water kicks up underneath your feet and splashes up your legs, effectively chilling you to your core; you practically rip the door of the truck open, clambering in and rubbing your arms to warm up. Sam watches you adoringly, turning up the heater even if he really doesn’t need it.
It stops raining by the time Sam parks the car on the side of the road, finally arriving wherever he wants to go. All of it looks the same to you— alive and green and wet— but it must be special to him because there’s a strange, childlike excitement in his eyes.
“I told you I knew it would be fine.” He says, closing your door after you.
“Being a shapeshifter doesn’t come with weather-telling abilities— you guessed.”
He rolls his eyes half-heartedly and takes your hand, helping you over the road barrier.
“It was an educated guess.”
“Still a guess.”
The ground is soft and squishy under your feet as you start to walk deeper into the trees. Sam purses his lips at you, but doesn’t say anything more; for a short while, there’s no sound but the sounds of nature and your panting from the exertion.
“Just a few more steps-- and here we are!”
He sweeps his hand out and your eyes follow it. In front of you is a large clearing in the trees, a hilly plot of land absolutely blanketed by tiny purple flowers; they only come up to your ankles and they fill the air with a sweet aroma.
It’s a breathtaking sight.
“Woah-- Sam... “ Your words are stolen from you, and he’s smiling again.
“Pretty isn’t it?” Pretty is an understatement. “Ever seen anything like it?”
You can only shake your head.
Sam launches into a long talk about the field. He talks about the flowers and the grass and beautiful things. He’s looking at the field. You’re looking at him.
“Hey, babe!”
Begrudgingly getting off the couch, wrapped up in a thick woolen thing Sue Clearwater gave you, you trek onto the porch to find your wolf. He’s sitting on the steps, listening to his radio-- shirtless, somehow.
“What’s up?” You lean on the doorframe, wrapping your arms around yourself.
He turns to look at you, his eyebrows furrowed.
“They say it’s been a solid ninety all week where you’re from.” Sam says it as if it’s the most preposterous thing he’s ever heard.
You want to say ‘your body runs hotter than that’ but you don’t, all you do is snort and smile.
“It gets way hotter in Death Valley.”
You sit with him, tucked under his arm, and he listens happily to your explanation.
The boys help keep your mind off things. Cooking and cleaning give you something to do, and they’re always nice and goofy and just an overall good time.
Sam still worries. Of course, he does.
Slowly, more and more, you start leaving the house.
One of your boys is always with you, but it’s an accomplishment nevertheless.
The sand at First Beach is soft on your feet-- and almost dry.
Sam’s holding your hand, half dragging you down to the little fire pit that’d been set up and the excited werewolves bustling about. Half of them are playing soccer off to the side, half were trying to figure out the fire; when Kim sees you both, she waves.
“Hey, guys!”
You’re swarmed as soon as you put down the coolers with food, given brisk ‘thank you’s and side hugs that make you laugh.
“I’m starting to think that they only want me for one thing…” Kim laughs at your comment as you sit next to her.
Sam immediately joins the boys, completely in his element as he kicks a ball around with his pack.
A big part of you chronically misses California; it misses the warm, dry air and the constant sunlight. That part hates Washington more than anything.
But a bigger part of you is in love with Sam Uley.
He smiles bright and he's warm. He can be your sun, he has the capacity.
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Buddie & Emotional Release
Long post. Scroll down for the TLDR.
Also, I included examples based on my memory so if I forgot relevant moments, please let me know. Thanks!
Now that s5 is over I’ve been thinking a lot about catharsis in Buck and Eddie’s relationship, specifically overt mutual release of their feelings toward each other in a conversation and/or in the form of big physical contact like a hug. 
S5 stood out to me because we didn’t really get either of those things. Ultimately, I think the relative lack of that kind of catharsis is a big deal in the grand scheme of *fingers crossed* canon Buddie. Okay. Here me out.
Season 2
In s2 their first episode together included tension and catharsis. Buck was feeling threatened by the presence of another incredibly capable and accomplished young man on the team. By the end of that episode they were making wedding vows to have each other’s back because they recognized each other as badasses who they were happy to ride or die with. At the end of s2, after Buck narrowly escaped death by firetruck the two hugged at Eddie’s ceremony for promotion to full firefighter. That scene was the confluence of their mutual respect and admiration for each other as people and professionals, and a celebration of the fact that Buck lived to attend and be there for his partner.
Season 3
s3 started with another Buddie hug. In general that hug was a celebration of Buck’s physical recovery and his return to the job that he loves so much. But specifically in a Buddie context it was a joyous reunion between Buck and Eddie as partners who love, respect, and appreciate each other as ride or dies. It had all the energy of “I trust you above all others. I missed you fiercely and I’m so damn happy to return to the job we both love with the partner I love at my side.” It was an acknowledgment and affirmation of how much they mean to one another after an incredibly harrowing experience that threatened to tear them apart.
A little after that (still in s3) we got the tsunami. You know what I’m talking about: the “there’s nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you” and “I love him enough to never stop trying and I know you do too” and “thank you for not giving up”. Those lines were *markedly* more personal and arguably Buddie’s first non-job-related moment of emotional catharsis. It was Eddie laying bare what Buck means to him (someone he can trust with his heart and his world in the form of Chris) and to Chris (someone who will always love and protect him to the best of his ability). I think it matters that this catharsis was huge and beautiful and involved only enough physical contact between them to get and keep Buck’s attention (i.e. Eddie’s hand on Buck’s shoulder followed by Eddie making his escape).
Still in the first half of season 3 we got their divorce and supermarket showdown followed by the post-lawsuit hug in Monsters and then Buck’s full-on apology for not showing up for Eddie and Chris in THE Kitchen Scene in Fallout. So much of the tension was in terms of the job/lawsuit but in the supermarket confrontation it became crystal clear that for Eddie it wasn’t about that, it was about Buck up and leaving for his own reasons and Eddie being left alone at work and in their personal life. The hug in Monsters dissolved the immediate tension of it all and Buck’s formal apology showed Eddie how much Buck regretted not being their for him and Chris. It was an unspoken promise that he’d never up and leave them again. Again, no touching at that point because their mutual love and respect was so personal and intimate and real, and neither man was fully ready to deal with all that!
Turning Point #1
Over the course of s2 and up to mid-s3, Buck and Eddie’s emotional connection to each other increased tenfold. Post-tsunami and post-lawsuit (which puts us mid-s3) the primacy of work to forging that connection started to take a backseat to their personal/non-work connection (still mostly manifesting through Chris at least out loud which makes sense given that Chis is common ground because they both love him so much). So mid-s3 marked the turning point in their relationship. Once Buddie’s personal/emotional connection deepened and it was acknowledged through cathartic conversations and a hug, everything shifted. Cathartic physical contact between them (i.e. hugging) practically disappeared after those key s3 eps! We get shoulder bumps and shoulder touches sparingly...but they are still there after mid-s3. Hugs? Not really.
Season 4
Mid-s3 until the very end of s4 we have some lovely Buddie moments. I mean - *whomst* among us is not haunted by Breaking Point?? But they’re are light on conversations that talk about their feelings for one another (at least directly) and they definitely do not hug! We could say that Buck snatching Eddie from the street and hoisting him bodily into the firetruck in 414 counts for something...but what? I’ll get to that in a minute!
Before I deal with the shooting rescue scene in terms of catharsis, I want to talk about the emotional catharsis between Buck and Eddie that actually occurred while Eddie was healthy and safe and fully conscious and capable of initiating/reciprocating! So. When Eddie revealed to Buck that he’d made him Christopher’s legal guardian. Again, no hugging because everything between them is changing/has changed! They are in deeply personal and intimate territory and how to navigate that is still an unspoken question between them. The physical distance that we all talked about for months afterward was loud in The Will scene. Still it was a catharsis though. Eddie told Buck that he isn’t expendable and underlined his point with the will reveal, essentially telling Buck that he can’t be reckless with his life because Chris needs him and Eddie is depending on him to live and be there for them both. Eddie said/implied this from the depths of his soul and Buck accepted it and was obviously affected by it AND we got not a single touch between them at all in or near that cathartic moment. Excuse me, but WHAT?!
Turning Point #2
Bringing it back around to the shooting. Yeah, THAT’S WHAT! What doesn’t come back to that at this point?!. That was the most physical contact they have ever had. Ever. And it was while Eddie was bleeding out physically and Buck was bleeding out emotionally. The tremendous potential for loss in that situation should have driven them together *physically* if for no other reason than to affirm that they are both alive and reunited after a near death experience LIKE THEY DID AT THE END OF S2 & THE START OF S3. They hugged when reunited, not once but twice!! I see those two huggings as affirmation that they were almost parted by death and were reunited so that they could ride together again. Mind you both of those huggings were about Buck. Eddie almost died at the well. No hug. But that was late s3 AFTER EVERYTHING CHANGED. Same situation with the shooting. No hug. Because every-fucking-thing is different now, whether Buck and Eddie can realize/articulate it or not!! I don’t think either of them can convince themselves that a hug would be platonic anymore. If they hugged post-shooting, it would carry with it *every single thing that they feel for each other*. It would include what they mean to each other and that’s way more than just partners at work now. It would be a physical catharsis after the tsunami, and after the lawsuit, and after the will and - 
Season 5
This season was chock-full of yummy Buddie goodness but clear and direct catharsis in their relationship with each other was sparse. They were still in each other’s lives and doing the work of being besties of course. Like Eddie showing up for Buck when Chim and Maddie left and Buck showing up for Eddie (and Chris) during and after his breakdown. We got close to catharsis in the Outside Looking In desert conversation: “You don’t have to pretend with me” and then Eddie promptly pretended until he literally could not anymore and when Buck admitted that Eddie scared him with his breakdown Eddie promptly put his passing apology in terms of Chris “I didn’t mean to scare him”. But an actual emotional catharsis didn’t quite happen until the final ep when Buck received an acknowledgement from Eddie that his tendency to want to fix people’s problems helped Eddie. Even then it was a passing comment that Buck appreciated but it wasn’t a mutual outpouring of overt gratitude and “you mean so much to me” and “thanks, man” type content. 
The lack of full catharsis in the form of a clear mutual conversation and/or hug was LOUD!! The lack of it was actually kinda underscored by the huge catharsis that Hen and Chim had in Hero Complex. Like. Multiple times. Chim in Hen’s lap after he saved them. The conversation they had at the hospital complete with tears and handholding. Where was that for Buddie?!
The show managed to withhold big physical contact for Buddie for the entire season AND at the same time showed that big physical contact is warranted in a situation like theirs by having Hen and Chim (long-time actual platonic friends) go through a life-threatening situation together. 
Like. On just the verbal front with Hen and Chim, we also got a HUGE cathartic moment via the bedside conversation in Hero Complex. We got no such thing from Buddie this season and this season alone included the aftermath of the shooting and the frickin hostage situation. The contrast between Buddie and everybody else was also made clear by Eddie’s heartfelt “You’re a good man” speech to Bobby in Starting Over. He wholeheartedly if briefly shared his gratitude for Bobby and what Bobby did for him (by not letting him return to work thereby forcing him to face his problems). It was beautiful but it begs the question “where is Eddie’s analogous conversation and handholding with Buck?!”
That lack of truly cathartic conversation and/or physical contact for Buddie has to mean something in and of itself! Buck and Eddie must be consciously or unconsciously holding back!! It’s kinda evidence that things have changed and that when they finally do have that long-absent hug and/or a truly emotional conversation about what they mean to each other, it will make it abundantly clear to them AND to the viewers that they are moving toward/have moved beyond friendship into something potentially romantic.
I feel like s6 has to deliver that honest and vulnerable cathartic relationship moment between them where they acknowledge everything that’s passed between them and express their feelings of love and gratitude. At this point, it’s something that “just friends” would have already done - see Hen & Chim!!! So the clock is ticking on Buck and Eddie’s parallel moment but with romantic fireworks included, please!!
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ficninja · 3 years
A Beautiful Night Indeed
So I did a thing...
I wrote a Penelope and Colin fic! I haven't written anything in so long that I seriously surprised myself. I just couldn't help it, I've become so obsessed with them. I wanted to post it here for anyone interested in reading. It's an extended scene I guess, a wish fulfillment if you will, of what I wanted to happen after their dance at the Vauxhall Ball in episode 01 "Diamond of the first water."
Pairing: Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington Summary: Colin is protective of Penelope after Cressida spills her drink on her. Colin doesn't want to let go of Penelope's hand after their dance. Colin is confused about his feelings and Anthony calls him out on it. Colin wants more than anything for Penelope to trust him
A Beautiful Night Indeed
It was a beautiful night. Penelope had arrived to the Vauxhall ball a half an hour early with her Father and sisters. They were just in time to see the lighting of all the torches surrounding the expansive gardens right as the Sun began to hang low in the ever darkening sky…
Standing near the orchestra dining area, watching the dancing begin, Penelope looked around avoiding being spotted by one of her sisters. She was surprised when she heard Colin say her pet name.
“Pen…” Colin approached Penelope. He never had trouble finding her in a crowd. He was constantly captivated by her stunning red hair. Her hair beckoned him like a glowing fire, his eyes always drawn to the beauty of the permanent sunset. She was standing alone expectantly, he surmised she was looking for someone.
“Colin…” Penelope sighed adorably which made him smile to himself. She had the cutest voice, he had always thought so.
“I did not know you would be here.” Penelope was pleasantly surprised to see him. His height towering as he walked closer, making her feel small and delicate by comparison.
“Sorry to disappoint.” Colin teased, causing her to smile. She was never able to resist this pull he had on her.
“Have you seen Miss Thompson?” He inquired. Miss Thompson had many suitors and Colin supposed he should try to get to know Penelope’s cousin a bit more, lest his interest wane.
“She is ill.” Penelope informed him, a bit dispassionately, her smile faltering. “My mamá had to stay home with her.” She continued. “Papá had to chaperone.”
Colin looked over his shoulder to see Mr. Featherington enjoying a refreshment and in an animated discussion, completely unobservant of his youngest daughter.
Colin turned back to Penelope giving her his complete attention, the inquiry into her cousin’s whereabouts fleeting. He did not like that she was vulnerable without her Father’s gaze on her.
“I’m quite enjoying the fact that he is here.” Penelope’s smile picked back up and Colin recalled that she enjoyed spending time with her father… away from her neglectful mother.
Mrs. Featherington should be there as well, Colin thought to himself. This was Penelope’s debut season. What mother, wouldn’t accompany a daughter as sweet and innocent as Penelope everywhere?
“Mamá would never allow me to wear a dress like this.” Penelope’s smile brightened the darkened garden even more. “Not yellow enough, I think.” She giggled self-deprecatingly.
Colin had taken note of how especially lovely Penelope looked that night. Although it was hard for Penelope to look bad, given her cute face and enchanting hair, her mother seemed to be trying to detract from her looks with every yellow frock she forced on her. He would acknowledge that according to Eloise having a nice face and pleasant hair should not be considered an accomplishment. But given the lack of genteel stock in Penelope’s lineage, it was indeed a glowing accomplishment in contrast to her older sisters, at least according to Colin’s preferences.
Before Colin could genuinely compliment Penelope’s dress, Cressida Cowper appeared and interrupted their conversation. Accompanied by her entourage of ninnies, they pushed between he and Penelope.
“Mr. Bridgerton...” Cressida’s voice really grated on Colin’s nerves. “I believe you owe me a dance this evening. And I only have one more space remaining on my card at present.”
“How convenient.” Penelope observed, her words so softly spoken that Colin almost… almost didn’t hear her. But her tremulous voice carried over to Colin. It was like a melody… a song only for him in contrast to Cressida’s.
Cressida thrust her dance card out to her side and simultaneously spilled her drink on the front of Penelope’s dress. “Penelope, I did not see you there!” Cressida feigned shock.
Penelope gasped in sheer mortification, turning away from them as the blast of cold liquid slid down her chest. She looked down to check her dress, thanking heaven that the drink was clear and would not stain. Penelope felt heat color her cheeks and her eyes began to water. She was so proud of the way she looked that night and to have this happen to her at Cressida’s hands and in the presence of Colin no less, she thought she would pass out from the humiliation.
Colin glared at Cressida. How dare she attempt to injure Penelope’s person with that drink and right in front of him. He thought to himself, if Cressida was not a Lady and barely one at that… His anger peaked at the mental image of what he would do. His nostrils flared at her before he turned his attention back to Penelope.
“I’m afraid I cannot offer you that dance, Miss Cowper.” Colin’s voice barely remained courteous. “I am to escort Miss Featherington, to the floor.” His decided rejection of Cressida caused Penelope to turn around, astonished.
Penelope’s blue eyes, glossy with embarrassment, met his. Colin had a fierce look on his face. Determined he was, not to allow anyone to mistreat her in his presence. He reached for Penelope's gloved hand, slipping her tiny feminine satin-clad fingers through his larger masculine ones, as he glared once again at Cressida before escorting Penelope away and onto the dance floor.
Colin spun Penelope into position just as the spirited dance started. His fingers glided across the brocade material along her upper back. Her soft tresses skimmed across the back of his hand… This was one of Colin’s favorite dances and he smiled down at her excitedly. Penelope was an amazing partner. The embarrassment caused by Cressida eased from her eyes and she matched his enthusiam for the dance. The eager smile on her face as he spun her around caused an ache to invade inside his chest. The protectiveness he felt moments ago seemed to increase ten fold and everything inside of him wanted that smile to remain on her face for the rest of her life.
When the dance ended, Colin found himself irrationally thinking of a reason to keep Penelope's hand in his. An illogical impulse, given it would be improper since he was not officially courting her. The reminder to himself, that he was not in fact courting Penelope Featherington, but had expressed an interest in her distant cousin caused him to be inexplicably confused and annoyed with himself. The annoyance he felt was upsetting to him and he clenched his jaw in vexation. Just as he was about to convince himself to let her go, the announcement began…
“Ladies and Gentleman, a most extraordinary event is about to take place.
Right this way!
Come! Come!”
Colin looked down at Penelope just as she gazed her startled blue eyes up at him. Just looking in her eyes soothed away his baffling aggravation. He smiled at her mischievously as he pulled her along side him continuing to hold her hand. Definitely not letting go of her now.
Penelope was delighted that Colin wanted to continue their time together at the ball. The way he looked at her during their dance… she knew it was just a result of his protective nature. She believed he was genuinely outraged by Cressida’s behavior toward her. But his continued attention made her heart soar, even more than usual, just from being around him. A sort of magic seemed to envelop them, almost as if Colin was finally seeing her as a woman and not like a little sister. Penelope worried that the let down from reality settling around her again would break her heart irreparably.
“Come along, Pen. We must not miss this most extraordinary event!” Colin continued to grin at her as he pulled Penelope along.
Colin spotted an open section near the edge of the crowd and stopped there. It was a bit darker there, secluded away from the torches, and he couldn’t make out everyone around them. He tugged Penelope a bit closer in front of him as more people surrounded them.
He noticed that she trembled a bit, so he leaned down near her ear. “Are you ok, Pen?”
Penelope was looking forward to the show, whatever this would be, but she had never been quite comfortable with the dark or with surprises.
Penelope felt Colin squeeze her hand and she looked up at him. His blue eyes warm with concern. “Yes, I’m ok. It is just a bit scary is all.”
Colin smiled at her then and her heart skipped a beat. “Everything will be ok. I’m right here. I would not let anything bad happen to you.” And she knew, she could feel that Colin meant it.
“Do you trust me, Pen?” He asked, holding her gaze fervently.
Looking into his eyes so close to hers was intoxicating and Penelope began to feel a little unsteady on her feet. She swayed a little as she answered him. “Y- Yes, o-of course I trust you, Colin.”
Colin noticed that she stuttered a bit, but she seemed to get her bearings.
“Good.” Penelope’s assurance that she trusted him, did something to his insides and Colin felt unbalanced.
The announcement picked up again…
“It is with great privilege I present Vauxhall’s newest spectacle of illumination. Feast your eyes above and allow all that is radiant to overwhelm you!”
Penelope squeezed Colin’s hand just as the lights illuminated all at once above them. They were surrounded by the glass bulbs! The brilliance was magnificent. The sudden amazement caused Penelope to step back into Colin. His chest cradled her head and his other hand, that wasn’t holding hers, grabbed her waist to steady her.
The MC continued,
“Wonderful Light! Thank you!”
“Its alright.” Colin murmured softly into her hair. She smelled like orange blossoms. Colin could not keep himself from breathing her in. He wondered if it was just her hair or if she smelled of the fragrant flower all over her body. The hand holding her waist moved unconsciously to the ends of her rosy hair, his fingers delicately caressed the softness of her strawberry locks. Colin’s mind was muddled, he closed his eyes in contentment, memorizing the texture of her hair. He couldn’t think straight. He had to stop himself from dropping a kiss to the top of her head, the need to be a comfort to her began to outweigh his reason.
Penelope thought she imagined Colin’s fingers in her hair. The closeness of his body to hers was heady… She closed her eyes briefly, relishing in the warmth of him behind her. She inhaled at the pleasure of her current situation. She’d never been this close to Colin. The electrifying heat of his body pressed against hers was causing her to be incoherent. She began to breathe in shallow pants, her breaths coming quickly. Unsettled by her reaction to him, she moved away from him, letting go of his hand.
Colin felt the immediate loss of the warmth radiating from Penelope’s body pressed along his front. When she dropped his hand and moved away from him, he felt the grimace on his face and heard the growl in his throat. Desperate to have Penelope near again, he grabbed her hand and turned her to face him.
“Pen…” Colin spoke her name, not knowing what else to say, but also needing to stop her retreat from him.
Penelope looked down at her hand grasped in Colin’s, realizing that her glove had slipped off. “Oh…” was all she could say. The moment felt unmistakably intimate, him holding her hand again, this time bare.
“I’m sorry.” Colin apologized when he realized he’d unintentionally removed Penelope’s satin glove. “Allow me…” He bent down and retrieved her glove from the grass, her bare hand remained cradled in his the entire time.
His expression mischievous again, as he rose to his full height. “I guess I’m to keep it as a favour now.” Colin teased Penelope. He needed to take away the self-consciousness he saw in her eyes.
“Are you going off to battle then?” Penelope teased Colin back, unable to resist his ever present charm. She could think of no other time a lady’s favour was given.
“Well, there seems to be a fight for refreshments. And as a Gentleman, I will gladly enter the fray to procure something to drink for you, Pen.” Colin folded Penelope’s glove and slipped it into his inside jacket pocket finally letting her hand go reluctantly.
Colin looked down at Penelope adoringly. He couldn’t help himself, stepping closer to her, he whispered. “Wish me luck in battle?”
Penelope knew Colin was teasing her again, but he made her breathless. “Good luck.” She smiled and then she bit her bottom lip. “Promise me that you will return it me?” She looked pointedly to his chest where her glove rested inside his pocket.
Colin could only focus on the lushness of her mouth as she bit her full bottom lip, he was beginning to feel dizzy like he was spinning… spinning out of control. “You trust me, don’t you, Penelope?”
“Of course, Colin.” Penelope didn’t recognize her own voice. The huskiness of it, she couldn’t control as Colin inched even closer to her.
Colin bent down, next to her ear and whispered. “Good girl. Stay right here for me. I’ll be back.” He leaned in close enough that he smelled her intoxicating hair once more before he pulled himself away from Penelope and then walked toward the refreshments.
As Penelope watched as Colin walked away, his tall regal form a feast for her eyes, she noticed his brother Anthony walk up to him.
Colin was taking deep breaths to regain his composure as he walked away from Penelope. He felt a hand on his arm and turned to find Anthony with a stern expression on his face. He followed Anthony’s gaze to Penelope.
“She’s so young Colin… you need to try harder to conceal your… baser interests. Stop touching her so much. Don’t forget yourself. Penelope is a proper lady.” Anthony scolded Colin.
“I was not… I did not… for you to imply…” Colin couldn’t even form a sentence in his defense as twisted as his insides felt by his brother’s insinuations.
“Imply?” Anthony continued. “I saw. Your hand on her waist, apart from dancing. Your hand in her hair. The caress of her bare hand… and this could have been in the view of half the Ton. It is a wonder her father did not come looking for her and witness these improprieties or I would be making arrangements for you to court Penelope Featherington properly!" Anthony’s eyebrows raised in admonishment. “… and not expressing interest in her distant cousin.” The distorted expression on Anthony’s face spoke to how he felt about Colin’s fleeting interest in Miss Thompson.
“It will be a miracle if this is not in Whistledown tomorrow and I am not forced to have to make an offer on your behalf myself.” Anthony continued to reprimand Colin.
“Anthony, I would never do anything to scandalize Penelope!” Colin declared passionately. He could not even conceive of hurting her that way. He found that the thought of Anthony having to make an offer for Penelope’s hand on his behalf did not scare him and that lack of apprehension caused him uncertainty.
“I know that you would not, Colin. And I am not suggesting that you are. I am saying that your feelings... unacknowledged... for Penelope are maybe getting in the way of your… sensibilities where she is concerned.” Anthony pointed out.
“My feelings… for Penelope?” Colin was so confused. Penelope was his friend. He had not meant to be improper with her in any way. But he had begun to acknowledge in his mind and body that Penelope was becoming a woman… in every way. His reactions to her may very well be putting her in danger from him.
“Yes, Colin. I have eyes. I see you clear as day. You may not be ready to admit to or are even aware of how you feel about her. You do have feelings for her, not just emotionally, but now physically as well and you need to think about what you really want long term. Penelope has… developed a lush womanly form. Her curves are tempting to you, I see. Miss Thompson may be more mature and more able to handle your… physical interests right now, where as you would have to wait a while for Penelope to be ready for that.”
“Stop! Stop right now, Anthony. Speaking about Penelope in this way is improper and I will not engage with you any further on this.” Colin found his fists were balled up and his anger, at his brother was a tangible thing in his mouth… a vileness that he could taste. Anthony’s criticism of how he had handled Penelope and even more his comments on how her body had developed the curves of a woman, the kind of woman that Colin realized he was irresistibly drawn to, would be his undoing.
“See, you did not even mention Miss Thompson. Your irascible temper with regard to any perceived slight of Penelope…” Anthony spoke to Colin’s unexpressed feelings for Penelope, again. “All of that emotion… that is about Penelope Featherington.”
Colin clenched his jaw tightly and rolled his eyes at the truth of his brother’s perceptions. He balled his fists against his side as well.
“I am not telling you what to do, so do not look at me like that. I am merely pointing out that if you keep carrying on like this over Penelope and you keep finding yourself behaving in the manner in which you have tonight, you will not be in a position to make a decision. It will have been made for you. Does she not deserve for you to truly choose her? And loathe that I am of a match between you and Miss Thompson, I do not want you to have to contend with hurting her either.”
Colin took a deep breath before addressing his brother again. “Penelope is dear to me… so dear that I - I treasure her and our friendship. I would never hurt her intentionally, brother. That is all I’m willing to say on the matter. I do not wish to discuss Penelope with you any further here like she is the topic of some common gossip. I shall escort her back to her father, after the fireworks are over. Colin declared and then walked off, feeling immensely frustrated.
“See that you do, Colin.” Anthony called after him as Colin disappeared.
Colin turned from the refreshment table and spotted Penelope immediately again. His eyes seeking her siren hair. She had remained just as he had asked her to. A good girl for him she was indeed.
When Colin finally returned to her with refreshments, Penelope’s bright expectant blue eyes found his troubled ones.
“Is everything ok, Colin?” Penelope asked softly. “I saw you speaking with your brother…”
Colin smiled at her slightly as she drank her lemonade. He could not help it. She was so sweet, the most kind-hearted person he had ever known aside from his mother. Her concern mollified him. His anxiousness over his conversation with Anthony slipped away easily in her presence.
“Penelope, your dress is lovely tonight. I wanted to tell you that before Cressida showed up.” Colin could not help it, even after being cautioned by Anthony of being improper with her, he inched closer to her and took her bare hand in his again.
“Thank you, Colin.” Penelope sighed. The warmth of his hand surrounding hers made her breathless again. It felt almost as if Colin did not realize what he was doing.
“May I ask, how it came to be this rather fetching shade of pink and not yellow?” Colin teased her again. His eyes sparkling at her. They now looked the exact opposite of when he arrived with their drinks.
“Well, I was allowed to choose the color for myself, rather than mamá.” Penelope admitted. Her cheeks brightened to a beautiful shade of pink.
“You did well, Pen. It looks exquisite against your sun-fire hair and makes your porcelain skin look like the finest silk…” Colin looked down at her feeling inebriated, his voice betraying his ardor. His stomach flipped when he noticed her licking her pink lips before she spoke his name on a melodic sigh, again.
“Colin…” Penelope couldn’t believe he had actually described her that way… passionately… his voice filled with longing.
Colin raised Penelope’s hand to his lips, just as the music started for the next dance. He kissed the back of her fingers of her bare hand and Penelope was startled at the softness of his lips on her. She did not know what to say… She could not form words. All the breath had left her.
“One more dance, Pen? Before the night is over.” Colin requested. His eyes never leaving hers and her hand securely grasped in his. He didn’t have an excuse for his continued behavior with her and he found he didn’t care to continue to contemplate.
“I’ve never danced this one… in public.” Penelope admitted. She was so unnerved by Colin’s continued attention she would have agreed to anything at that point.
Colin smiled down at her, playfully. “Do you trust me, Pen?”
“Of course, Colin.” She assured him again on a sigh. “But this one is… what if I miss a step?” She was doubting herself and her ability to actually move after Colin’s kiss on her fingers.
“Penelope Featherington, you are an amazing dancer. You will be fine. He pulled her closer to the dance floor, but waited for her acquiescence. Colin looked her over as if he couldn’t bear for her to refuse him. "Please do me the honor?”
“Yes, Colin.” She smiled brightly at him. Her smile more luminescent than the globes of artificial light, her eyes sparkled more than the fireworks display. She even rivaled the stars that night as he spun her around and around on the dance floor.
It was a beautiful night indeed.
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