#this is Em's illusion magic
thestalkerbunny · 8 months
I'm not caught up on kitsune lore, actually.
You have come to the right place, my friend.
All I think about is weird fox based lore.
We'll cover the 3 big ones of Japan, Korea and China.
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The fox in many cultures-in this case countries residing in the Eastern areas of the world-have been symbols of mystery, trickery, transformation and deception. This may account to the fact a fox is naturally a very fast and intelligent animal, that is rather nocturnal and has a way to always evade danger that it finds itself in. They're problem solvers. They also scream like women in distress. Or when they're happy-they scream like cars trying to rev up.
THE KITSUNE: Japanese messanger of the gods and local nuisence
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The most popular of foxes in media, art and story, the Kitsune story comes from Japan. It has been the subject of movies, games, animes, mangas and even folk tales for generation. To put it simply, a Kitsune is a fox that possesses paranormal abilities. People already believed that foxes were supernatural in general-but with time and age, they'd grow smarter and wiser. A kitsune grows a new tail for every 100 years it lives-with those that have 9 tails being very powerful and with 10 tails earned, will ascend into GODHOOD.
-sound familiar to someone you might know?-
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Kitsune and humans have always lived together and gotten along mostly. Fox Urine actually repels rats-so stones soaked in the urine of foxes would be placed near fields; which most likely led to people finding foxes sacred and becoming a symbol of the Japanese Deity, Inari Okami-the God of agriculture-and eventually being regarded as their messengers.
Kitsunes had the ability to shape shift-often doing so into beautiful women (and sometimes men depending on the story) and getting themselves married, but usually getting run off by their spouses' dogs (which they are afraid of) They also have a tendency to reveal themselves when they get drunk or are careless as the tails are the one part of themselves they can't hide properly (which is tricky if you got 9 of 'em.) Beautiful women with certain face structures and high cheek bones are often called 'fox faced'
Kitsune can be good or evil-some of the more wicked ones going out of their way to possesse humans and have to be exorcised to free them.
THE KUMHIO: Korea's nightmare manic pixie dream girl
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The Kumhio is my personal favorite-hailing from Korean, the Kumhio (or Gumhio depending on spelling variation) is a fox similar to the Kitsune in many aspects. It's a very long lived 9 tail fox, it has supernatural powers of illusion, shapeshifting and magic. But the Kumhio is different in it's behavior. The Kumhio's favorite meal-unlike the tofu loving Kitsunes-is human livers. And they go about acquiring it in a very interesting way. They will become women (or men) and manage to get hitched up to whoever is most convenient and begin to systematically prey on everyone in the household. First the animals, then the servants, the family, and often times leaving the spouse for last. They are also known to dig up fresh graves to get the livers. They also sport something similar to the kitsune that was not mentioned-a Bead they keep inside their bodies that they can cough up. This is called a Fox Bead. Putting this bead in your mouth can give you IMMENSE knowledge of the sky land and seas. Often times this is only shared by the Kuhio via a sort of 'deep kiss' where it puts the ball in your mouth and then takes it back with it's long unnatural tongue. But most cases have been people trying to steal it/accidently swallowing it. Although humans are a Kumhio's prey-if a Kumhio abstains from killing and consuming a human for 1000 days, it too will become mortal and then can enjoy all mortal perks (getting married, sharing a life span with someone, not being a literal monster) They are sometimes in mythology (depending on who you ask and which variation of the story you read) regarded as a lesser creature, but still very very dangerous. I wouldn't wanna fuck around and find out with one of these puppies.
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Laon, it's a great horror read, kinda short, but still great. I love it unironically.
THE HULI-JING: Your friendly neighborhood fox ghost
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The Huli-Jing is another Fox Spirit, this time from China. Much like Japan, it has the same properties as the Kitsune; Supernaturally weird, crazy long lived, can become god, people tend to like them. Until they do fucked up stuff. One case had a huli-jing posesses an important woman in power and she and her husband while posessed basically started torturing and murdering people and starting a massive revolt against their dynasty. Unlike Kumhios who suck life essence from the mouth (and eat your liver) The Huli-Jing will go the Succubus route and.....steal semen. That's right, the foxes are turning into hot hot women and are stealing your life force via your jizz boys, keep it in your pants. But despite that, many villages in history love the Fox Spirit-a saying going as far as villages shouldn't be established without a fox spirit milling about. They're seemingly friendly provided you pay them the right respects. Many people would have in home shrined dedicated to them to make offerings right there.
TLDR: Foxes are fuckin' spooky, turnin into women, stealin' your semen, your liver and making your goddamn rice grow. fuckin' foxes doin' FOX SHIT.
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apomaro-mellow · 10 months
Demon!Eddie 2
Some police brutality in this chapter.
"I’m a cop.”
“And you’re my perp?”
“You caught me in the middle of a drug deal and I resisted arrest.”
Steve looked at all the people milling about, going on with their business but sure to soon notice the two dudes who suddenly popped up.
“Eddie, I can’t impersonate a cop!”, Steve whispered in a hiss.
Eddie held up his cuffed hands and snapped his fingers, and suddenly everyone in the room froze. “You can if you’re playing pretend. Which is what we’re doing.”
Steve looked in awe. “So none of these people are real? Is this your demon magic?”
“Oh they’re real people. Looks like we’re in...”, Eddie bent over to look at someone’s desk. “Fort Wayne, Indiana. Everyone here is an actual person out there in the real world. But in here? They’re like dolls.” And just because he could, Eddie hopped onto the desk to fart in one of the frozen cops’ faces. He jumped off and went back to Steve’s side.
“So it’s like playing pretend with dolls...”, Steve said, catching on.
“Exactly! If this is the life you want, I shall use my powers of persuasion to get you in the position to succeed. If not, we move on to the next job.”
Steve touched the badge on his chest. Having a bit of power felt kind of nice. “Alright. What’re you in for again? Selling drugs?”
“And resisting arrest. Can’t forget that part. Which reminds me.” Eddie covered his face like he was playing peekaboo. When he uncovered it, he had a black eye and a bleeding nose.
“What the hell?”
“Don’t worry, it’s all movie magic. Gotta make it believable.”
Then he snapped his fingers again and people were unfrozen and some guy was shouting at them.
“Harrington! Quit your mincin’ and get him in the room!”
Steve grabbed Eddie by the elbow and followed the sound of whoever was shouting at him. They came to a man in his 40′s, thick mustache and a mean expression, waiting in a room with a table and two chairs. Steve let go of Eddie once they were in the room but before Eddie could take a seat, the other cop pushed him down into the chair, then took a seat across from him.
“Looks like you had a number done to you already. So why don’t you make it easy on yourself, ‘kay?”
“Yeah, your guy really laid into me”, Eddie grinned and gave Steve a look.
Steve blinked, not knowing what he meant until he looked down at his knuckles and saw some blood there. He...he had done that to Eddie?
“So tell us who you get your stuff from and we can let you be on your merry way.”
“Actually, I think the head trauma jumbled my memory”, Eddie said. “I just don’t remember anything.”
The officer gave Steve a look, like he was supposed to be doing something other than standing there but Steve didn’t know what. With a roll of his eyes, the man stood, muttering to himself. “Jesus Christ, gotta do everything around here.”
He got behind Eddie and slammed his head onto the table, then kept him pinned there.
“Hey!”, Steve shouted.
“Hey, what?”, the other cop glared at him. “I know it’s your first week but show some balls. You gotta show ‘em you mean business.”
“You’ve got nothin’“, Eddie ground out from where he was pressed onto the table. “Your guy only thinks he saw me dealing, I’m clean.”
“We’ll see about that.” He gave Eddie a harsh shove, knocking him and the chair over before turning to Steve. “I’m going to evidence. Keep and eye on him.”
When they were alone in the room, Steve went over to Eddie and helped him up.
“What the fuck was that?”
“That Stevie boy, was the system at work. I guarantee you he’s going to get some drugs to plant on me.”
“What? For real? Well fuck that.” Steve found a set of keys on him and unlocked Eddie’s cuffs.
“What’re you doing?”
“Getting you the hell outta here.”
“But what if I am just a no-good, dirty, rotten drug dealer?”, Eddie batted his lashes.
“So you sell things people want? Doesn’t mean you deserve all this”, Steve gestured mostly to his face.
Eddie gave his face a wipe and the black eye and bloody nose was gone. “Illusion. Remember?”
“Yeah, well, still. We’re getting out of here.” Steve opened the door and started leading Eddie out.
“Harrington! Where is he!?”
“Hey why’s that guy not in cuffs?!”, another officer shouted.
“Run!”, Steve said, grabbing Eddie’s wrist and pulling him along until they got outside. Steve bolted to one of the cruisers and got in, starting it up. Eddie was hanging halfway out the window, giving two middle fingers as he peeled out of the lot.
Steve had no idea where he was going other than away from here. “What did I just do?”
“You just aided a criminal’s escape aaaaaand-” Eddie looked through the rearview mirror for the tell-tale lights. “Started a police chase.” He drummed his thighs. “I think it’s safe to say this career isn’t for you.”
“Would it really be like that? Just beating on people for no reason?”
“Even if you’re not the one doing it, your co-workers will be. And they’ll expect you to keep your mouth shut about it. And also not use an assigned vehicle as a getaway car.”
“Okay. Okay so I don’t wanna be a cop.” Steve had a pretty juvenile idea of what that entailed anyway. Hadn’t really considered it as a viable career since being a kid and playing in his yard. “What’s next?”
“Pull up here”, Eddie pointed to a small parking lot. 
Steve parked and when he blinked his eyes he saw he was in blue scrubs now. There was a sign in front of him that said Pet Hospital.
“Alright. I get it. We’re going down the whole list so I’m a vet no-” He turned and saw that where Eddie had been sitting was now a rottweiler. Steve’s lips turned into a thin line. He saw a collar and reached over to read it. Of course it said ‘Eddie’.
Okay, so he was a bit mean with the cop scenario. But Eddie didn’t rescue this guy from rich assholes just for him to get a job like that. If he wanted a job where he helped people he should be actually helping people. Eddie let Steve leash him up and then once they were inside, he led the way to where Steve’s office would have been.
Using his mouth, he snatched the leash from Steve’s hand and curled up in the bed set up in the corner.
Steve put his hands on his hips as he looked down at him. “You are the weirdest demon I’ve ever met.”
Eddie’s ears perked up at that. “You’ve met other demons?”
“Holy-! You can talk!?”
“I can fetch too~”
“You’re having fun with this, aren’t you?”
“No law that says I can’t. And even if there was, I know how you are about the law.”
Steve was about to reply when someone called out his name and said his appointment was here. Steve spent the morning, examining cats and dogs mostly, all who had pretty standard illnesses and ailments that he suddenly knew the remedies for.
When he got a break, he went back into his office and sat at his desk. Eddie got up and sat at his feet, then put his head in his lap, looking at him expectantly. Steve knew this was dog body language asking for pets but had to remind himself this was in fact a demon that had eagerly licked up his blood before.
He stroked the top of Eddie’s head anyway.
“Sooo animals are cute. And it’s nice to actually help people who need it.”
“And what about when you can’t help?”
Steve bit his lip while staring at the wall that had a calendar with some fluffy bunnies on it. More than once someone thought their pet was dying. Fortunately it wasn’t that serious, but what about when it was?
“I don’t like giving people bad news”, Steve said. And he couldn’t think of anything more devastating them telling a person someone they loved was dying.
“So being a vet’s not for you. Or a people doctor for that matter”, Eddie said, shrugging as well as a rottweiler could.
They went through another door together and Steve felt his scrubs get switched out for cargo shorts. He looked over at Eddie and saw that he was dressed the same, his hair tied back and under a wide-brimmed at.
“You really like playing dress up, huh?”
“It’s fun to pretend. And don’t act like you’re not enjoying it. Not a lot of dudes can pull off cargo shorts”, Eddie said, looking Steve up and down.
Steve couldn’t tell if he was serious or putting on airs but either way he couldn’t meet Eddie’s gaze. “So, uh, where are we now?”
“At the Smithsonian Zoo in DC!”, Eddie gestured broadly with his arms....to the employee breakroom.
“Your reveals are getting less grand. And what? You didn’t wanna be a monkey?”
“Oh I can be anything you want. But now seemed like a good time go a break.” Eddie sat in one of the chairs and propped his feet onto the table. “What’re you in the mood for?” He snapped his fingers. “Burgers? Chinese? Leftover casserole?” As he listed them, they appeared with a snap of his fingers.
“I’m in the mood for my food not to taste like feet.” Steve slapped Eddie’s legs off the table and grabbed the burger that had appeared first. While he ate, he did take some time to soak everything in. It was still so unbelievable that he was basically playing around on a holodeck but what was even more unbelievable was Eddie, a practical stranger, indulging him.
“So you like own my soul now, right? That’s why you’re doing all of this?”
Eddie looked up from his own meal, having gone with the container of orange chicken. “You mean the deal?”
Steve nodded and then Eddie got a sheepish look on his face.
“Haa, well, funny thing about that, um, you already gave me something.”
Steve’s brow furrowed. “When?”
“Uuh, remember last night?” Eddie was avoiding his gaze at first before holding up his hand, showing his palm. “Your blood. I took that and the deal was sealed.”
“What? Just my blood? Just like that? I thought demons ate souls or whatever.”
“We don’t eat them they’re just like the big bucks when it comes to making deals.”
Steve raised a brow. “And blood is like...?”
Eddie’s lips pursed as he searched for the proper analogy. “Nickels and dimes?”
“So I gave you chump change for all this?”
“Prrrretty much.”
“Sounds like you got cheated.”
“Hey, I’m flexible”, Eddie said, leaning in to the table. “If you wanted to slip a few drops my way, I wouldn’t complain.”
Eddie choked on his food and hacked it up in a cough. “Pardon?”
“I said okay”, Steve repeated.
“Steve, you don’t...you don’t owe me anything.”
“Then think of it as a tip. I had this part time job once and it made me realize how shitty my parents were to never tip. Just let me know when you get like, thirsty or whatever.”
Eddie looked at the veins on the back of Steve’s hand as he held the burger. He could track it up his forearm, then spent longer than was polite looking at his neck, then at his face and realized Steve was waiting for a reply. 
“Yeah, for sure, roger that. Hey! We can’t keep those critters waiting forever, let’s get a move on!”
He had to get them to the next moment, to the next scene, change the subject. If he thought too long about it he started to have dangerous ideas. Whatever path Steve chose, it would always lead to the same thing - leaving him. Eddie could have fun and enjoy this little dalliance. But he knew he would be in trouble if it ever became anything more than that.
So he donned his jester’s hat/tour guide cap as he led Steve into the Bird House.
Part 4
Yall didn’t really think I was gonna let Steve become a cop did ya?
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theroundbartable · 2 years
Once the ban on magic is lifted, Merlin goes all out.
Experiments with magic, illusion Charms, potions, wands, he invents them all.
Problem is, it requires a lot of time and with all threats gone and people accepting Arthur as the once and future king, he kind of starts neglecting his time with Arthur.
At least Arthur thinks so, cause he's a pining and needs Merlin in every second of the day. Not just at meals and during the council and when he's doing his manservant duties and.... You get it.
So he offers to play Merlin's guniea pig.
Merlin, the servants and the council are not only shocked, they get really, really worried.
Arthur is their KING. Offering to being a guinea pig for a clumsy sorcerer is like putting himself at unnecessary risk.
Which Arthur obviously ignores, because he also fights at the front lines of his wars. After convincing Merlin how good it would be for him to have someone to experiment on and that he knows Merlin would never harm him and trusts his instincts, cause Arthur is a sappy bitch, Merlin finally relents. Especially after Arthur orders it.
And because I'm in HP mode right now, Merlin ends up inventing HP magic.
Meaning, polyjuice potion, Veritaserum, etc etc.
He also invents the mirror of erised, or those disappear cabinets.
All things that make Arthur wonder and pine even harder than before.
He only gets to test them once Merlin is really, really sure it's save for the king. But Arthur loves their extra time together. He loves watching Merlin work.
And all of the above is just pretext so Arthur can smell at the Amortentia potion:
"Hey, Merlin, I'm not drinking that. That's your bathwater, isn't it?"
Merlin: "erm.... No? What do you mean?
Arthur: " its smells like you."
Merlin: it smells like me? No. It smells like metal and.... *Clears throat nervously* That soap I make you use."
Arthur:..... "The soap I can agree on. But it's more like.... i dunno. It just smells like you."
Merlin: "why do you even know how I smell?"
Arthur: "I've hugged you before..... Once."
Merlin:" when did that....."
Gwaine walking in: "hey! No one told me you're brewing apple cider, Merls!!! Let me try some!"
And then they have a problem.
It takes them weeks of shenanigans to get Gwaine to stop drinking Amortentia, though the effect on him is pretty similar to booze. Except more goal oriented.
They let all of Camelot smell the potion and describe it's contents. Most of them seem happy. Some embarrassed. But overall, the people seemed pleased by the smell.
Gwen: "it seems.... Like they all smell their favorite smells. Like I smell fresh bread and gleaming metal and Morganas shampoo...." She stares dreamily into the cauldron.
Merlin and Arthur look at each other, then Merlin clears his throat.
"that's .... A good theory. But that doesn't explain why Arthur thought I just boiled my own bathwater."
Arthur: *sweats*
Gwen: "oh.... Oh my."
Arthur: "Merlin, I think she might be right. Em.... This is awkward."
Merlin: *blank* what?
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agentsketchy · 5 months
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I watched unicorn academy over on Netflix and just had to designs some unicorns of my own!
The first one has earth magic. Just think earth benders from atla and lok and that’s their magic lol.
Then we have the second one which can either be shadow or illusion magic. This unicorn is my absolute favorite out of the trio. Maybe I’ll use ‘em for an actual oc who knows😆
The third I struggled with designing a symbol for sound magic that isn’t music notes. I ended up using those sound bars but maybe I’ll change it if I think of something better.
Enjoy all the unicorns!💖
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hiccuppps · 1 year
max's gustholomule fic recs!
sharing some of my favs i've read so far to help spread the gustholomule agenda!!!!!!!!!! also these live in my brain forever...
4:02 AM by kindofsortofmaybe : GOD. if by some chance you haven't read this already what are you doing. THEYRE SO FUJCING STUPID OH MY GODDDD <3333333 the vibes are incredible can you tell im a night owl? lots of gus pining :)
Gardenias by disco_girl : WAD timeskip! THIS IS MY CANON. first kiss and relationship discussion :)
One More Ride by WoorEnergy : *slaps screen* THIS. first kiss? late night drives? STEVE? sign me TF UP!!!!!!! how many times have i read this? yes.
dozy by rt5626 : sick fic <3 they're so cute i hope they explode.
i would've followed [you] all the way to the graveyard by emsprovisions : first kiss fic!!!!! they're so silly!!! absolutely lives inside my brain.
tfw boys have shoulders by killyhawk : post-canon. title says it all. read this NOW i laughed so hard.
A Little Bit of Sunshine by multishipperofmanyfandoms : takes place during FTF. i've read this so many times i love it so much.
we grew up so well by kairoskeeper : matt and amity friendship!!!! definitely fed my brainrot. gustholomule sprinkles. the "WHO EVEN LIKES GIRLS?" lives in my brain.
Heart Covered in Honey by This_Is_My_Guest_Name : very soft!!!
Eyes On You by killyhawk : OOO KILLY THIS LORE! i live for anything exploring gus's illusion magic + bonus established gustholomule and good bf matt <3
let's give 'em something to talk about by killyhawk : killy with another banger. THE gustholomule writer ever. idiots <3 i hope they explode <3
Palisman Playdate by AssignedK9 : short and sweet!! i love this one sm (garth my beloved). focusses more on their friendship with the ship sprinkled in but their interactions are so perfect.
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cutesharkstudios · 3 months
Owl House Group Chat 2
(Hexsquad) 11:07 Willow has entered
Willow: Hello?
Amity has entered
Amity: Hey Willow. No worries
Willow: Yes worries! I promised I would be off at 10 and lost track of time
Amity: It's cool, this is suppossed to be a casual thing.
Willow: Ok. Side note, what did y'all do when I was gone?
Amity: Scroll up.
Willow: Oh my
Willow: Ok, ok
Hunter has entered
Hunter: Hi Willow
Willow: Hi Honey
Hunter: 0//0
Amity: Cute
Hunter: I like that name.
Willow: Really?
Hunter: I think it's cute, like you
Willow: 0//0
Amity: oh my
Willow: Yeah I deserve that
Darius has entered
Darius: My Hunter senses were tingling
Amity: Uncle Darius?!?!
Willow: Uncle?
Amity: He babysat me a ton as a kid. He and dad claimed they hated each other, but they didn't, and he helped dad take care of me.
Darius: Speaking of him, I need some advice.
Amity: Sure
Darius: Could we do this in a seperate chat with you, me, and the twins? I'll hext you the link
Amity: sure, see ya guys
Hunter: have fun
Willow: bye
Darius: Amity will check in soon
Amity: Hey
Ed: Hi Amity
Em: Hey Ams
Amity: So what's going on?
Ed: Darius needs our help with something wonder what
Darius: And this doesn't leave this chat, ok?
Amity: 100%
Ed: got it
Darius: Em?
Em: Sorry, had to turn off the oven for dinner. Your secret is our secret
Amity: What ya making?
Em: Centaur roast and carrots
Amity: Thanks
Darius: Okay here it goes
Darius: I want to propose to Alador
Amity: WHAT
Ed: Really?
Darius: I've drawn up the plan and will send them soon.
Amity: OMG, Darius, this is awesome.
Darius: Thanks Amity, I hope it goes well. We've really grown over the 4 years of dating, and I hope I can be a good parental figure to you and the twins
Em: You really mean it?
Darius: Yeah, I've always wanted to be a dad, and now I have the opportunity. I hope I do well.
Amity: Well you can't do any worse than you-know-who
Darius: Thanks for the support, though she didn't set a high bar
Em: She set the bar at all?
Darius: Touche
Ed: And hopefully we will be good kids. I know we're adults, so it's probably not what you imagined being a dad would be like, but we promise to be good.
Em: And we'll continue to be good siblings as well. Side note, Amity?
Amity: Yes?
Em: Now that we are at a slower time in our lives, I want to ask, are we good?
Amity: Yes, why do ask?
Ed: Well, we teased you a lot in our youth. We never meant any harm, but we realise we may have been, as much as I hate to admit it, mean to you.
Em: That was never our intention, and we're sorry if we crossed any lines
Amity: Well, the only real line crossed was with the diary and Luz. But given how much of a jerk I was back then, I kind of had it coming.
Darius: I'm just as guilty. I crossed my share of lines in my past that Alador only told me about AFTER we started dating. Oof, not my finest moments
Em: Well what happened happened. We can't change the past, but we can make a better future.
Darius: Anyways, here's the plan…….
Room Created: OldWitches
Raine has entered Eda has entered Lilith has entered
Eda: Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day!
Lilith: Whoa, sister, calm down, what's the occasion?
Eda: After so long of trying to get an appointment, Raine's getting their sigil removing treatment!
Lilith: Awesome. I had mine yesterday, and I gave my sigil a certain gesture before it went away.
Eda: That's my sister. So, Rainestorm, what new magic do you want to try first?
Raine: You're not going to belive this but, of all types, illusions
Eda: I take it you saw that article I sent of Goops moping the floor with Adrian?
Raine: Yep, I had no idea you could tell when someone was hiding behind and illusion. We laughed at Adrian all dang afternoon post incedent.
Lilith: I would have paid SO many snails to see that
Raine: I got the whole thing on my scroll. And backed it up on three of my personal devices.
Eda: Whatever happened to him and the other defect coven leaders?
Lilith: Trying to find them, but so far no activity.
Raine: They should be dormant for now, but the hunt is still on.
Eda: Check out this news article I found. [link]
Raine: What is it?
Lilith: It better not be one of THOSE websites again.
Eda: You'll see
Raine: EDA!
Eda: Yes?
Raine: Why did you not tell me about this wonderful thing called fanfiction? I don't even know who wrote this but, God, they have excellent potential.
Lilith: I think I know who wrote it
Raine: Who is the author?
Lilith: If you scroll all the way up, you'll see the author is AzuraFanOtter, take a wild witch guess who that is
Raine: Well no wonder Luz is getting A's in her writing classes, this is wonderful
Eda: And fitting 20 characters in one scene while giving them all ample screen time is tricky, but she made it work.
Lilith: Maybe she should write her own book. The money made from that could benefit her greatly in the future.
Eda: Indeed, though she'll probably be fine when she marries Boots, cause all the Blights are LOADED.
Lilith: Now now, keep in mind, there is a change things don't work out for them. It's not like they were made with the other in mind.
Eda: …
Raine: …
Lilith: What? I'm serious.
Raine: We know, but I'll eat griffon feathers if they don't work out.
Raine has left
Lilith: Well, I promised Darius I'd help with a "surprise" for Alador.
Eda: Cool, have fun.
Lilith: Thank you for not making an innappropriate joke for that.
Eda: Yeah, sorry about last week's prank, didn't think it go over as bad as it did.
Lilith: No no, I should have just taken the joke.
Eda has left
Lilith has left
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beansismyreligion · 8 months
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*thinks lots of thoughts* -> uhh watcher/listener doodles n concepts :)
notes ↓
-watchers have more eyes , definitely , but they cover em (if not the mask , with the 'ear feathers') . listeners don't . but they only have the four anyways , the rest are fake .
-i forgot it in the second version , but listeners have the eye-spots on the wings , a darker spot within the main spot . the watchers have actual eyes on theirs .
-'imitation watchers' again . they *look* like watchers/avians but aren't . they're usually closer to moths bc their features can be mistaken as feathers easier . same with the ear things . there's an added magical aspect that helps the illusion , unless you're specifically looking for it , it's way harder to notice and differentiate
-i say moths but like . it's not a distinguishable type of bug usually ? layers and layers of thin dusty bug wings to form one pair of wings that hopefully pass as feathered avian wings . the shape is harder . they're usually odd-shaped like bugs .
↑ iffy on this . if it's layers or just a single shape . we'll see .
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averyfineboi · 8 months
Ok as i said i finished The Owl house and i loved it a lot so heres some random thoughts and opinions on the show i wanna share (spoilers)
-I love it
-i love what they did with Mattholomule in season 3 he's so good <3 they gave this guy an actual kinda character arc even though hes only relevant in like 3 episodes (also his name is actually Matt Tholomule which is so funny)
-ed and em are the best :3 i'm very bummed out they were barely in s3... they're a bunch of goofballs but can also be so thoughtful and sincere, especially to amity. one of my fav scenes ofcourse is in s2e5 when amity gives luz that adorable lil kiss (love them) and for some reason ed saying "bold move, sister" is just the cherry on top <3
-Lumity omg omg everything about them they're so cute <3 <3
-While i'm on the topic of the Blights uhh. Alador. I love that guy he's such a great guy i love him
-all of these so far are just me saying "i love them" but thats how it is so i dont care and i will keep going
-i love the Lulu-Hootsifer duo its so weird but they go so well together <3
-i like how Eberwolf, head of the beastkeeping coven, is just. a lil beastie guy. it's like "yeah this is our leading zoologist and veterinary expert, uhh he's a wolf or something idk"
-Darius is so good, love his dynamics with both Hunter and Eber
-Hunter <3
-Gus and Willow are soo great together <3 we don't see it that often but their friendship is so genuine and they're so supportive of eachother
-and yeah i love both of them so much, who woulda guessed
-speaking of gus s2e18 Labyrinth Runners omggg i love this episode its one of my faves <3 not only the backstories and the character developments are great, the illusions are soo damn cool i really want more of that (also Adrian Graye <3)
-why the heck is s2e8 so important to everyone's story but the episode is about and named after fucken hooty of all people?? i love this episode but why??
-do NOT get me started on s2e12: Elsewhere and Elsewhen i have a very complicated relationship with it
-Hunter had to come up with an alias when meeting Willow and Gus and on the spot he thought of Caleb?? Like, the guy he's like a clone of?? Which he didn't conciously know??? Like that's really fun and clever and i loved it when i realised that but it's just almost rude how they did that tbh (so cool tho)
-Raine Whispers <3 <3 <3 they're so cool and i love them and Eda and i love them in the finale and the bard magic is so cool omg
I should really sleep now but i'm most definitely gonna come up with many more things to say so get ready i guess
(i love toh)
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rainbowfoxes · 2 months
IDW TMNT: A Theory Confirmed, Questions Answered and Asked
Good tidings, folks, and welcome back to "Ruth is a Bit Unhinged About Turtles." In this episode we confirm a theory from our last installment, answer some questions, and ask some new ones.
Issue #148 provided us with one extremely interesting set of panels.
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[Image ID: A series of four panels from IDW TMNT #148. In them, Donnie and Future!Jennika (who is now a cyborg) have the following conversation: Jennika: Oh, hey, forgot to tell ya, but the future you cam through here not that long ago. Donatello: What? He did? Jennika: Yeah. Came through the city with his weird kids. After everyone got so mad at him 'cause of his magic crap, he drew a new family with that crystal pencil thing. Just drew 'em, and then they were real. Instant replacement turtles. Donatello: The Warp Crystal? He drew actual people? Not just illusions like I saw him do in his tower... But, okay, we're all alive and well in this time period, right? The he must be here somewhere! Maybe he can read the journal! :End Image ID]
What these panels mean for our theories and questions, below the cut.
(This post heavily references this previous one, I highly recommend reading it first.)
Theory Confirmed: The Origin of Donatello's Children
As Jennika confirmed in this issue, Donnie drew his children to life using his Warp Crystal. It seems, at least as far as Jennika knows, that he drew them straight into life without any other factors. We've seen him use similar skills before in TMNT: The Armageddon Game — The Alliance #4, but those beings were not truly alive, just illusions.
What does this Mean?
Well it could mean a lot of things. As discussed in the last post, in the Mirage comics, the permanency of things drawn to life with the Warp Crystal is dependent upon the materials used — things drawn with pencil are always temporary, while things done with ink can be last a lifetime — and the emotional investment of the creator in the item — Kirby's throw-away made up characters lasted minutes or hours at the most, while April's father could make a pencil drawing last for months and his ink drawing of April 30+ years.
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[Image ID: Two panels from IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Armageddon Game — Alliance #4. In the top panel, old Donatello draws ghostly green images of his family onto a blank white background using a pencil with a glowing green crystal attached. In the bottom panel, he addresses the drawings of his family morosely, “Hey, guys.” :End Image ID]
So how long will Donnie's children live? We're told that a pencil was used — and indeed, we see him using a pencil in Alliance #4 — but how long can the emotional tether of his grief and loneliness last? We don't see the kids at all in the far future, but Jennika has seen them recently — did they die between Jennika's future and Leo's?
Unfortunately, we'll just have to wait and see.
Answered Questions
Where are Donnie's Kids? According to Jennika, they are traveling with Donnie through time! Hopefully, Donnie, Venus, and Bob will catch up with them soon and we will finally get to meet them!
Why did he make them? According to Jennika, he made them as a response to his family turning on him — "replacement turtles," she called them. Is this the only reason, or is it just why Jennika thinks he did it?
New Questions
If Donnie used pure magic to make the Donnie-Spawn, then what's the deal with that tank of turtles? As discussed in the previous post, in Donnie's vision of the future, he is seen watching a tank of baby turtles. I had previously speculated that he used these turtles as a canvas of sorts to draw his children into life. If that is not the case, then what was he doing with these turtles?
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[Image ID: A panel from IDW TMNT #139, showing Donatello watching a tank of four baby turtles. :End Image ID]
What happened that made the others turn on Donnie? Jennika mentions that the family "...got so mad at him [Donnie] 'cause of his magic crap..." What did he do to make them so angry? Is it in response to this time-travel mess, or something else? Was it his hyper-fixation on magic in general, or something specific?
That's all for this installment — let me know your thoughts! Agree, disagree, got something to add? I wanna hear it!
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strawberry-metal · 27 days
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An SFW version of this base was planned a long time ago but I legit just forgot about it. My bad, sorry. Here it is now. One has more droopy breasts, and the other has more perky breasts. (Though I feel like the differences are more obvious in the R18 version of these bases lol)
Please don't ask for more bases I'm extremely drained in the art department right now.
TheBizarreKazeko RainwaterPearls and I are collabing to make some bases from Koikatsu, for MMD, to try and help combat the rule breaking of using models that aren't allowed with R18 content. This is the sfw version of the R18 base. You are only allowed to use the R18 version if you're an adult. You can get the R18 version in my DA gallery, just like how you can get this SFW version there, too.
Has groove and mother bone, twist bones, waist bone, upper body bone, and magic bones for the fingers. Has breast and butt physics. They're not AMAZING but they're better than the first base was! (Which you wouldn't be able to tell anymore because I updated it lol.) I left these physics in, in case anyone would want them for whatever reason, like maybe for a swimsuit model or something. You're free to edit them or just delete em all together!
The underwear is a separate mesh so if you need to get rid of it, you can remove it easily!
Credit TheBizarreKazeko, RainwaterPearls, ShannaHeart and ILLUSION.
Commercial use is NOT allowed! This is a game rip, you could get sued.
You can edit.
You can distribute a model you made using this base.
Alice, Kaz, if I missed any rules you wanted added to these bases, just let me know and I'll add em in.
Creation of base, texture editing, improvement of breast and butt physics, magic bones and initial cleaning: ShannaHeart (me lol)
Ripping and rigging, and adding of waist, mother, groove, upper body and twist bones, R18 texture removal: RainwaterPearls
Butt physics and breast physics, and more cleaning, naughty bits removal: TheBizarreKazeko
Poses by cutiebxt
Dropshadow effect by Beamman, edit by ChestNutScoop
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vivifriend · 18 days
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by the lovely @thequeenofthewinter 🩷 Thank you. I feel like I've pestered my friends enough today, so no extra tags. XD (If you don't agree with me, feel free to post what you're working on and tag me! ^_^)
Have some more from Copper's chapter. (Snowflake's Chance)
Leaning back slightly on the bench, they watched Erik move toward them, tilting their head slightly as they studied his aura. I can already see glimmers that suggest his power is going to increase. I wish I knew how I knew that though. Maybe it would help me turn this off.
He hesitated a few paces away, shuffling his feet awkwardly. "Serana said you don't mind if I sit by you?" he asked.
They inclined their head. "Have a seat."
He smiled, sitting on the bench, CuSith laying next to him, resting his head on his paws. "Hope you don't mind CuSith," he said.
"The only thing we need to worry about with him is how we're going to get him into Markarth," they said, studying the hound. "Somehow I don't see as many people there being accepting of his appearance."
"Serana and I have been exploring magic with Vice," he said. "She says it looks like I should be able to mold Illusion and Alteration pretty easily. That I should be able to figure out a disguise spell for him with enough practice."
They nodded slowly, looking over the rope in his aura. Wonder if it'll change color when he starts training his magic, or if it'll stay that dark. "If you get into Enchanting, you could see about affixing a spell to his collar."
"Serana did say that was another option. But I'm not sure how comfortable I am with Enchanting. Working with souls...," he shuddered.
"Most soul gems are animal souls, just have to stay away from black soul gems," they pointed out, glancing to see that Sarlfi and a three younger werewolves had entered, all four of them speaking animatedly with the group in the center, noting absently that the one in the trio with the strongest aura seemed to be arguing the most and shook their head.
"What is it?" Erik asked.
"Sarlfi said that these three have been too brash during training. I'd wager the ringleader is that one since he's the one arguing loudest, and has the strongest aura."
"Like goats," he said.
He nodded. "Yeah, you'll see the same posturing in young goats. They'll rally around their chosen leader and make trouble for their boss goat. Usually the boss goat has to knock em down a couple times to get them to see sense."
One of the trio turned bright red and Copper bit back a snicker. I'd say at least one of them heard us.
After a few more seconds of arguing, the trio turned toward their bench, making their way over. The ringleader was a lithe Imperial man who looked a couple years older than Erik, the other two a Nord and a Bosmer around the same age.
"So, why aren't you part of this demonstration?" the Imperial demanded.
Copper studied his aura curiously, noting with interest that his power seemed to have capped while the other two hadn't come into theirs fully yet. "Leg injury," they said cheerfully. "And Erik's still a novice."
He hmphed, moving to stand near their side of the bench, side-eying CuSith a bit uneasily. 
"Goats?" the Bosmer asked, staring at Erik. 
"Sorry, first thing that came to mind," he said faintly, fiddling with his tunic hem.
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notmyprey · 2 months
Have you told us anything about your character Jay yet?
Im going to assume you're talking about the sea dragon, seeing thats the only one I specified their name to be Jay. (I have a bad memory when it comes to names, so normally, I default to the names Jay and Lilly for my oc's)
Ive not talked too much abt them, but I can definitely give some more info!! (After the cut)
2 things to remember:
The world they live in does have magic.
The thing is, is that magic normally comes in the form of enchanted objects and is rarely able to be used directly by a creature.
To start basic info:
Jay is a sea dragon who does possess a special illusion magic that allows them to not only show visual illustrations but also audible and sensory. That means that they are effectively able to create a human illusion version of themselves that can interact normally with the world. That illusion can allow Jay to see through the illusions eyes, but it does not allow them to feel what its feeling. They also are not able to simultaneously move in their normal form and their illusion form.
Also, due specifically to their species, they can control if they have stomach acid or not.
Background about the world:
Humans were forced to live in underwater dome like places due to the lack of land to live on. The domes are just a little air bubble that's held together with magic.
Jay met their friends because their now friend Dave, who had inherited a sub from his late dad (ooo foreshadowing, is the dead dad important lol?), gathered a bunch of his friends to all go kinda "monster hunting," aka trying to find new sea creatures. The problem is that none of them know shit about sea creatures. That's where Jay comes in. Jay may not know the names of the creatures, but they will tell you whatever you need to know about it besides that. Jay ends up finding them through a little flier that the group posted asking for assistance in identifying sea creatures.
Eventually, Jay gets close to the group and eventually becomes really good friends with all of em.
To get food while also helping their friends, Jay keeps their mouth open at the entrance to their home so that fish get caught so they had an easy meal.
One day, while out exploring, Jay realized a little too late that they were horriblely close to where their home is. (They didn't notice cause in their normal form they are absoluntly fricking ginormous, and the landmarks they see at their normal size are harder to see when tiny) they are not able to keep up the illusion and move their physical body at the same time, so ofc they try to stear their friend away, but being curious little shits they keep going anyway.
They find the entrance to Jays home and end up going a decent way down Jays throat before Jay just opts to drop their illusion.
Jay coughes to push their friends out of their throat and slinks away from their friends and back into their home.
After gaining their footing again, the friends are like, where tf did Jay go??? It's an enclosed sub??? Huh??? They end up following the tunnel where "the strange creature," aka Jay, went.
They get into this really big ass cave with light flowing in from many small holes in the roof, allowing sunlight in. They then see a poor sobbing Jay, just absolutely devastated, believing their friends hate them and are afraid of them now.
Their fiends dont know its Jay, and they excitedly start to chatter among themselves and grab their cameras.
Jay hears the noise and move to look at it, and upon seeing its their friends the press themselves as far against the wall as they can. Jays friends, however, freeze, unsure how to know if this new creature is friendly.
Still trembling, Jay quietly apologies, tears starting to fall from their eyes again.
Finally, at hearing Jay speak, their friends finally figure out its them and go to comfort them.
A couple of "Filler Episodes" Lol:
1. The group is exploring (after knowing Jay is not human), and they run into a large creature. Jay tries to fight off the creature, but it is difficult since they also have to protect their friends. After the other creature almost hurts the submarine Jay's friends were in, they decide 'fuck it' and just swallow their friends, sub and all.
2. Jays friends go on a mini field trip down Jays throat and to their stomach.
3. Jay has not been able to taste most food since its such a small amount that their tastebuds dont detect it. Once Jays friends find that out, they set out to buy a heck ton of stuff so Jay can taste some good food. They end up making enough soup to fill a 2 story house to the brim, and fortunately, it was enough for Jay to get one bite of soup.
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ant1quarian · 4 months
Undertale Worldbuilding
I don’t take complete credit for all of this, considering it’s my own headcanons and also ideas I’ve picked up from Fics I’ve read that I really like.
General Monster Headcanons
My headcanons about LOVE
And my headcanons about MAGES.
LOVE and MAGES have violent topics, so be aware of that.
Putting anything on the South Wall is considered to be weird and also bad. No one knows why it’s bad. It just is.
All monsters make a variety of noises, but no two people’s growls/snarls are ever the exact same.
They have a specific language they speak in called “Font”. It’s basically them speaking through their SOUL, meaning it can create a massive variety of noises that is fully unique to them
Magic is aligned to a certain kind of element, which dictates what their Font sounds like.
For example, Dust Sans has a Blizzard Alignment, which allows him the ability to make things extremely cold and sometimes he can even start blizzards himself. His attacks often shed off a sort of snow-like substance that persists for as long as a week. 
His Font would sound something like wind howling, maybe the crackle of quiet thunder in the distance, and the sound of trees breaking under the weight of heavy snow.
When he gets angry, there’s more cracking and shattering noises mixed in.
Big Boss Monster SOULs have all of the alignments mixed into one. It’s what makes them so powerful.
Monsters are attracted to one’s scent among all of the personality stuff. 
The stronger and more comforting one’s scent is to them, the closer they are. This cannot be a one-sided closeness.
Not many monsters can purr, but those who can are: Ghosts, Cats, and Skeletons.
Ghosts and Skeletons are only capable of purring because when Monsters are especially content or happy, their SOUL gives off little pulses that attempt to communicate it.
This results in their SOUL’s shaking slightly and that usually creates a little buzzing noise in most monsters. It sounds more akin to a purr in Skeletons and Ghosts because there’s a lot less insulation.
LOVE, for Monsters, stays the same number as the amount of LOVE you managed to gain.
LOVE, for Humans, is a bit of a variable. It’s easier to see how much LOVE they can have by the amount of EXP they have. However, no matter how much you’re not intending to hurt anyone, your LOVE will never be able to be 1 again. Instead, at the very least, you’ll sit at LV 2.
LOVE, for Mages, is a very different thing. For mages, that shit just doesn’t work the same. A mage can appear to have an LV of 1 and can still have EXP in the millions. When Judging a mage, you have to check their EXP.
And if it appears glitched or distorted?
You fucking run.
Mages are actually on a very similar power level to Monsters when it comes to magic-use. They’re not all-powerful “you-couldn’t-kill-me-if-you-tried” beings
They’re humans, capable of using the powerful magic from within their SOULs.
No, what makes them so feared is the fact that when you enter a FIGHT– the only easy way a Monster can kill a human or mage–... is that they can just…
Change the playing field.
When you enter a FIGHT with a mage, you are entering their most powerful domain. They are capable of dropping them and the monster abruptly into a desert. Into a forest. Up onto a cliff. It’s like illusion magic, but it feels much more real, so the mage can’t just toss ‘em off a cliff, but they can use the landscapes to their advantage.
And also the fact that mages just don’t give up. They can be on their knees, almost dead, and they’ll still be going.
That’s because of the determination in their SOULs. It pushes them onwards no matter how broken and battered they may be.
On a much lighter note, they also have specific alignments their SOUL Traits adhere to.
Mage EXP gets glitched and distorted when they’ve passed LV 20. They don’t have to be LV 20 at the time for their EXP to look all glitched/distorted, so it’s the only real way to tell just how violent that mage is/has been.
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negative-speedforce · 2 months
Your OCs find themselves face-to-face with a fairy-tale trickster! They're told they have to perform one song of their choosing, and it must be suitably entertaining to the trickster, or they'll lose their greatest skill forever! We're talking superpowers, Max's ability to design tech, Hyun-Ki's kills with performance (how ironic), whatever it is that makes them stand out.
What song do they pick, and how do they make sure the trickster is entertained by their performance?
Siv: Shows off their years of guitar lessons with a half-decent performance of "Boulevard of Broken Dreams"
Jay: Can't sing to save his own life, so he gives backup vocals for Cassandra's performance.
Cassandra: Sings "Texas Hold 'Em" by Beyonce, and while her performance by itself would have impressed the trickster by itself, she ends up making them leave because they got uncomfortable when Jay and Cassandra started making out.
Hailey: "Jokes on you, you can't curse me, I'm dead."
Ember: Uses his powers to make gemstones rain on them from the earth as they lipsync to P!nk's "Raise Your Glass" in her glitteriest outfit.
Arya: Mostly impresses the trickster with the fact that every songbird and squirrel was falling out of the trees around them because of their siren song, rather than their performance of BlackPink's "As If It's Your Last"
Gina: Asks if the trickster can wait like ten minutes, and she calls a few of her choir friends over and they perform "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" together.
Esme: Performs "Work Bitch" by Brittany Spears, and impresses them with the fact that no one should be able to dance that well while wearing heels that high and a skirt that short and tight
Cat: Joins Gina and her choir friends for "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" because they're gonna need someone for the alto line (or potentially the tenor line, if Freaking Travis doesn't show up again).
Max: Takes the microphone and starts singing Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" while slow dancing with Kyle and looking longingly into his eyes.
Kyle: Gets his old turntables from when he tried to learn how to DJ and makes a sick remix of Mad Love by Mabel
Eric: Pulls out his violin and performs "The Devil Went Down To Georgia".
Jacob: Serenades his husband with Elvis Presley's "I Cant Help Falling In Love With You".
Khalil: Sings "Daniel In The Den" by Bastille, attempts to impress the trickster by using his magic to create illusions to go along with the lyrics
Ameerah: Growls out a passionate cover of Hell's Coming With Me by Poor Man's Poison
Reggie: Manages to get through Rap God by Eminem without missing a single beat, impresses the trickster because xe's just this tiny kid who can rap that fast.
Antonio: Follows the trickster around for two hours playing The Song That Never Ends on kazoo until they promise not to curse him (yay psychological warfare)
Rania: Sings "Can't Catch Me Now" by Olivia Rodrigo and manages to impress the trickster with the sheer emotion coming through her performance (she is actually crying tears of rage by the end)
Kelsie: Sits the trickster down and pulls out a pad of paper and her glasses, and begins digging down into why they feel the need to do things like this. They feel much better after this impromptu therapy session.
Torryn: Just steals the trickster's magic and runs off with it.
Cory: Impresses the trickster with her fry scream and midair acrobatics while singing Monstarrr by Ennaria
Meredith: Starts signing aggressively about how she's "deaf and mute, dipshit, how is she supposed to perform music?" until the trickster feels bad and goes away.
Director Hawke
Onnie: Disintegrates the trickster before they can curse them and then she goes on with her day to day life.
Pippa: Sings a dreamy cover of "Flowers In My Hair" by Wes Reeve while daydreaming about kissing that mysterious Thawne girl she's only met a few times...
Jessi: Performs one of her own hit singles, puts on a really great show, and attracts a crowd of people because "OH MY GOD IS THAT JESSI JUNO???" (if you're looking for a real-world song with a similar vibe to her music, try "Bitches" by Tove Lo)
Hyun-Ki: Sings a haunting cover of Ave Maria, because no one expects the K-Pop star to be classically trained.
Marie: Screams out Girli's "More than a Friend" while useless lesbian-ing out over Qiara's existence, until she's blushing so bad that her face is bright green.
Liah: Dances to "Bombay Dreams" by KSHMR and shows off her skills from her former job as a Bollywood star.
Qiara: "No." *vanishes*. Jokes on you, you can't do that to an omnipotent space god.
Soraya: Asks for a religious exemption, since she's of the school of Islam that doesn't allow music or singing, so therefore she doesn't really know that many songs.
<note: for the Star Wars OCs, just assume it's the space equivalent to the song>
Thalia: Sings Elastic Heart by Sia (Space Version), actually does a fairly good job.
Reyna: Thinks she sounds great, but actually sucks so hard as she quite literally screeches out Space Demi Lovato's "Cool For The Summer".
Laila: Sings "Trouble" by Space Halsey, very obviously singing it to Athena. Stabs the trickster for even daring to suggest cursing her once she's done.
Athena: Manages to capture the trickster in a sack and then takes them back to her lab, where she decides to vivisect them to see how they work, all while singing a very sultry, seductive cover of Space Ariana Grande's "Break Up With Your Girlfriend, I'm Bored"
Pyrrha: Screams out "Weapon" by Space Against the Current (which is basically her theme song), and impresses the trickster with her dance moves, since her cybernetic limbs have higher strength and range of motion than her natural ones.
Samira: Duets "Rewrite The Stars" with Aldrich, since it's their song as a vampire/human couple (BIG taboo on that one)
Aldrich: Duets "Rewrite The Stars" with Samira, taking Zac Efron's part while Samira does Zendaya's part.
Sohelia: Sings "Snakes" By PVRIS, all while visualizing Mr. Head of the Hunters' Guild, immortal alchemist, and accidental creator of Vampires everywhere, Thaddeus St. James, so she puts far more vitriol into her performance than necessary.
Dolores: Sings "Which Witch" by Florence + The Machine and impresses the trickster with her powerful belting and the sheer emotion behind the performance (living your life at risk of being hunted for sport will do that to you)
Victorie: Plays Vivaldi's Four Seasons on violin, since that was new music when she was alive.
Matt: Sings "Believe" by Cher, can't really do anything that special with his performance with his EDS and everything, so he makes sure and puts some extra "oomph" in with his voice.
Vanessa: Sings "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri, while slow dancing with Victorie, putting special emphasis on the line "Beauty is all she is".
Ellis: They're an angel, so they sing the Hallelujah Chorus with the voice of one. Probably go into the full "be not afraid" Biblically Accurate Angel form too.
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toh-tagteam-au · 2 years
so uh. how we feelin right about now
Bro, I don't even know anymore. I'm STILL processing everything that happened in that episode.
I'm probably going to ramble about it beneath the cut. Spoiler warning!
1)The palisman egg. It's such a PERFECT thing for Luz to carve but PLEASE I JUST WANT TO SEE WHAT IT IS OH MY GOD. Literally praying that it's a bat. Still have to wait a week (or possibly until season 3 ;-;) to find out. Frothing at the mouth.
2) The Day of Unity. I will BET MONEY that Belos succeeds with the Day of Unity and season 3 is the gang dealing with the aftermath. That seems to be the pattern for stories like this (the end-of-arc-2 failure, etc)
3) The collector. He literally made a deal with Belos with a pinky swear. This kid is obviously being taken advantage of/lied to but is ALSO evil. I love how his interactions with Belos vs his rambles to himself keep us guessing. I have a lot of thoughts about his connection with King, and how Belos definitely lit the Moon Mirror on fire the same way King was made to. They're probably the only ones that can see and hear the shadow, and the only reason why Luz and Hunter were able to see him in Belos's memory was BECAUSE it was a memory. Lowkey hoping that he has an actual name reveal too. Calling him The Collector feels vaguely de-humanizing.
4) You know when they explain the plan in a show that it's going to go wrong. No one is safe and I am so scared. Also those "Steve/Eber is the Traitor" theories out there. If either of them are, I will literally riot. If ANY of the CATTs are a traitor I will riot. This show is giving me STRESS.
7) Epic divorce, Blight parents. We love to see it. Does anyone else think there's symbolism in the oracle magic being used against the abomination magic? Hope Ed and Em are okay.
8) I have. SO many emotions over The Switch. I went into this episode BLIND and I knew Luz's plan that she whispered to Gus was still in play, but I had no clue what it was. I couldn't trust anything on the screen knowing that Gus was doing something. Was Alador an illusion? No, because he had King with him, and Gus wouldn't have known that. Kikimora was actually hitting stuff, so those weren't illusions either. When "Luz" teleported and saved Willow I just thought "Oh, maybe Luz's palisman helped her out there?" When "Hunter" blew a raspberry at Kiki I was like "I... guess he can put aside his trauma and literally do nothing to save himself for the sole purpose of antagonizing Kiki?" I literally had NO IDEA they switched until the illusion was broken. I lost my goddamn mind.
9) Even with all these emotional whiplash moments the only time I outright gasped was seeing Willow go sicko mode. Cape flapping in the wind and everything. Yes girl give us murder. Coven officials are LUCKY they have Luz to hide behind or else these witches would have killed them.
10) I am. SO EXCITED for more Belos and Luz interactions. It's going to be terrifying. It's going to be GREAT. Two humans in the demon realm what will they do.
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haystarlight · 3 months
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Luz Noceda-Blight "Mamá" (She/they, 45)
I let her keep the fang from the Titan Luz transformation. They also now have different color eyes.
Snake tattoo in honor of Manny. Like from the storyboards.
Still wears Amity's moon 🌒 necklace (also they switched earrings)
I gave her glasses and more belly, like Camila.
Owns a bookstore that sells human and witch books in Bonesborough.
Has already written at least one YA fantasy novel, published under an alias in the human world.
Still writes fanfiction but she only has WiFi to publish a new chapter when the portal to Earth is open.
People stop them for autographs on the street still.
Has learned to master King's glyph language and can now do magic again even without Stringbean.
King can turn her into her Titan form but only for very limited time and they're both weakened for a few minutes after. (Amity likes the Titan form tho 😳)
Their nieces and nephews call them "tía" or "tíe".
Taught both her kids Spanish.
Volunteers at the Bonesborough Orphanage, which is where they got Camilo from.
Sings her kids lullabies, both in English and in Spanish.
Is a consultant for the students learning about the human world at the University of Wild Magic.
Screams at her kids in Spanish when she's mad.
Both moms cook but Luz is the main cook of the household.
Can still lift Amity with their strong nerd arms (Amity swoons).
Amity Noceda-Blight "Mom" (She/her, 45)
Alador's hook nose.
Abomination hair like Darius.
A bit taller than Luz (by a few centimeters).
Thicc thighs save lives (broke Luz's neck by sitting on her face at least once).
Helps Hooty take care of the museum now that Lilith retired.
Still goes to read to kids at the library. (Sometimes Luz comes with her!)
Working full time as an abomination inventor/mechanic/engineer. Alador is also retired.
Has tried dyeing her hair lots of different colors before settling on this look.
Can turn into an abomination like Darius when she's angry.
Luz and Camila taught her some human food recipes, she finally understands that humans can't eat fairy pie.
Her nieces and nephews call her "Aunt Mittens".
Has to remind Luz to take their meds every morning.
Don't talk to her unless she's had her coffee.
She's the one that helps the kids do their hair.
Azúl Noceda-Blight (He/they, 8)
I wanted his name to be something more original. Too many people name their Lumity kids Azura. I went with Azúl because it's similar to Azura but not exactly the same, it's a Spanish name and it goes well with the character design.
Artificial pregnancy (Luz was the pregnant one).
The blue eyes are from Odalia, who's not in their life at all.
Mom and grandpa's nose.
Half-witch half-human actually results in very powerful offspring. As evidenced by the Clawthorne family. Azúl is stronger than you think.
Spends a lot of time with Uncle Gus, Aunt Em and Uncle Ed practicing his illusions. They're bad influences on him.
Is a very creative child and loves to draw, like their mamá.
Likes going to see Abu Camila on the human realm and help her at the vet clinic.
Healing magic and Illusion magic together make for a good anesthesiologist.
Mamá takes them to the human world to go trick or treating on Halloween.
Likes to play videogames with Uncles Gus and Hunter.
Wears a hat to hide their ears in the human world.
Doesn't really have any interest on the Azura books but likes it when mom reads Otabin to him.
Camilo Noceda-Blight "Milo" (He/him, 6)
Bipedal rat demon. Has a vial sac to do magic with.
They got him from the Bonesborough Orphanage when he was a baby rat. His biological parents are unknown.
Named after Abuela.
Azúl was a toddler when they got him but he was still very excited to have someone else to play with.
Milo's a very shy little guy and gets scared easily. Doesn't like initiating conversations unless he's comfortable. Azúl does a lot of the talking for him.
Does mouse noises a lot of the time. 🐭🐁🐀
Weirdly gets along well with Ghost.
Wanted to take Beast Keeping to understand creatures of the Boiling Isles a little better. Wanted to take Potions because he likes cooking.
Gets along really well with Eberwolf.
When visiting the human world, he wears a Concealer Stone that makes him look human with an illusion.
Tía Vee helps him whenever he has issues with his disguise.
Loves his adopted family a lot but is curious about his bio relatives sometimes.
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