#this is actually one of the best scenes in this movie
draculaxias · 18 hours
Modern! Zoya…
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Her first job was as a tattoo artist. Most of her costumers were women, they would specifically ask for her to do their tattoos; both because of her amazing work and the other… to get a close look at her. Whats better? Zoya is aware of the many women she is pulling (๑>؂•̀๑)
Imagine you two meet randomly bumping against each other and turns out you work at the shop right next to the one she works at!
Or you got recomendad by your friend to go to a certain shop to get your tattoo done, telling you to specifically ask for a woman named Zoya since her work is more professional and she is more trusted to give you great results.
She used to live in an apartment until she got a husky… I mean she it wasn’t like she couldn’t afford an average house but damn, she now has to pay more…
Has a love-hate relationship with her dog TRUST. Often complains of their sudden howling and the amount of hair they shed.
“It’s 1:30AM why the fuck are you howling like that!? You sound like you’re dying!” “Oh my f… You know i’m tempted in leaving you bald so I don’t have to deal with having your hair on the couch.”
At the same time however, they are also her best buddy and friend. There are times where she even lets them sleep with her on bed… For at least an hour before Zoya falls asleep and accidentally pushes s them off the bed in the middle of the night.
Yes she is a messy sleeper, god knows how the heck she ends up with on leg on the headboard and the other hanging on the bed. She snores like a dad…
Like even her huskey got scared for a second and kept barking until she woke up.
Listen, when going out she has this whole badass outfit, rings on her fingers, chains, unbuttoned blouse, a whole ass fit that screams “DADDY”
And then there are times where she just pulls up to the grocery store with an “Idgaf” outfit… Yet somehow she still looks hot. Jorts, a black baggy shirt, socks with the damn sandals or crocs combo (ಠ_ಠ)
Has a tongue piercing and you cannot tell me otherwise. If not, it is definitely her nipples.
Dark or alcohol filled chocolates girly. She isn’t a fan of overly sweet stuff.
Once choked on boba balls.
Honestly she can be romantic at times. She takes you to dates often— if not she plans something you two can do at home. Like cook, watch movies, play games or something.
Motorcycle rides with her are very common, more so with the fact that she doesn’t really own a car… Which she did confess that she may or may not be the best at driving.
Who knows how the heck she managed to stay alive with the many incidents she’s had while driving.. I guess she’s immortal.
Has an electric guitar, she posts videos on TikTok playing it and they get pretty high views! Like 406.1k views or something.
Her reposts mainly contain of two things; brain rots, lesbian.
Takes the most silly pictures of you and posts them on her story.
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Source ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
Holds you like a stuffed animal when sleeping. It’s actually so cute but it’s kinda hard to break free from her hold.
Her cooking is actually pretty damn good! I feel like she is especially a specialist when it comes to cooking meat.
If you are too shy to order your food whenever you two are out, or pay, DO NOT WORRY, SHE LITERALLY IS YOUR SAVIOR, NO KIDDING. This woman gives no fucks at all, too shy to order? She’ll do it, hot your order wrong? She’ll go up and tell them.
Have I mentioned she gets up at 5AM just to do pushups?…
The type to randomly smack or grab your ass, she doesn’t care about the size.
I don’t recommend watching romance movies with her… she will cringe at any kissing scenes acting like she wouldn’t or doesn’t do that with you 24/7.
Not the best at dancing… Girl is STIFF.
I have the feeling she is the type to not admit that she is in pain during her period. She will act all tough and all until she can’t anymore.
(We need more comforting the ptn women on their period instead of the other way around, they also need comfort 😔)
Oh yeah did I also mention she was close to breaking your phone once? It all happened when you were scrolling through TikTok and saw a thirst trap (*cough* Rhea Ripley *cough*) and when I tell you grabbed your phone and threw it… IT HAPPENED.
Says she hates kids but has a soft spot for them actually. They remind her of Horo when she was wayyy younger.
Randomly sends you weird TikToks…. Like it’s so random and she says nothing about it.
She isn’t a fan of dresses, but she once tried it for you and it was a sight. It hugged her curves right and she kept flexing her muscles. If you take any pictures she seriously will kill you. (Especially if you send them to her friends).
If you are out she WILL text and call you every 36 minutes if she can’t come with you. And if she is too busy to pick you up she will face time you on your way home.
Has like so many posters of her favorite bands, korn, kiss, Deftones, ect.
Randomly gives you kisses when you least expect it. They are so random, you could be distracted and she will kiss your cheek, or your forehead, or the top of your head.
If she sees anyone eyeing you while in public she will pull you close and give the person a nasty look.
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qprstobin · 3 days
Someone asked in the tags of my post for my Nicole headcanons so! This is... extremely mean girls trio heavy lmao, I see her as fourth piece of the puzzle. The DLC to a completed game.
Nicole is really fun for me to think about because she's a mover for some of the teens' drama but she doesn't just disappear after that scene, she's there the next day when they graffiti the movie theater. I don't think that she's as close to the mean girl trio as they are with each other, but she's definitely a lot closer to them than anyone else is.
She often got invited along on "double dates" with the trio. Normally when Steve wasn't dating anyone, but also sometimes even then because they enjoyed hanging out as a quartet that much.
Steve and Nicole never really dated, but they probably hooked up at least once. Nothing serious though. They have known each other for a while though because their parents do business together. So they're each other's standing dates for a lot of things.
Canon adjacently, I think they probably went to prom together. Nicole is the only one that Steve still talks too after the fight and blowout lmao.
Nicole often tags along to "save Steve from third wheeling" but I'm a Carol and Steve were friends first truther, so Tommy also ends up third wheeling a lot. So I think that Tommy kind of considers Nicole his best friend other than Steve. They hang out a lot on their own when Starol are wrapped up in Starol things.
@meangirlstobin suggested they go bowling together and are actually both really good at it.
Tommy and Nicole study together a lot too. Carol doesn't really care about school or studying, and Steve finds it boring and so only joins them when he needs to cram for a test.
Nicole has the most common sense of the group, and definitely is considered the most "normal" of the friend group.
@stregoniconiconii said she'd be the lawyer friend and honestly that's canon to me now. I think she's gonna go to school for law.
She's one of the school's main student photographers. (Jonathan definitely isn't doing that lmao) She puts more of her energy into yearbook, but does photography for the student newspaper as well.
She's not quite as into partying quite as much as the others, enjoys a quiet night at home way more. (Is probably a bit introverted - needs time to decompress from their crazy.) She does hang out with them sometimes but it's not an every weekend sort of deal.
She probably got invited to the Barb and Nancy party but decided to stay home because it was a weekday and she had shit to do.
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Say, recall that post on how Season1 to 3 could be done with the revised Butterfly? I realize one could get the same general plot beats out of season 4 with it & the 12 Kwami too... Well kinda.
Here's how I'd do it if I had to stick to some things bit not others XD
Season 3: As before, Kim was Tiger King & Chat Blanc was more like a prophecy. Also Gabriel steals the Miraculous that weren't being used, Mouse & Peacock.
Miracle Queen is slightly altered to show more sympathy for Chloe, either with her being an Akuma kid, so Gabriel forcibly Akumtizes her, or showing how unstable her head-space is.
Rather than declaring for Hawk Moth, Chloe just tries to run but its seen as an admission of guilt by the heroes who don't ear her out.
Season 4: Marinette & Adrien's whole arc is grappling with issues of trust, forgiveness, looking back and realizing mistakes sometimes in time other times too late & the increasingly crushing weight of their duties. Overall mostly the same-ish, the differences come from the villains and can be broken into 4 quarters.
Quarter 1: Truth & Lies is one episode, Gabriel has been subtly negging Kagami & having Lila through one means or another stoke paranoia in Luka. He uses Mullo to duplicate his Akuma & transforms them both at the same time, as well as giving them Familiars. He uses the Peaock to transmute their physical forms to make them more dangerous or hard to hit.
This nearly wins him the day, Marinette has to pull on most reserve heroes & uses a combo of Multi-Mouse & Trixx to protect her identity, which coincides with her having to reveal her identity to Alya to get the job done. The big reason he loses is the Kwami didn't tell him that while adults can use the powers more than once, they can still be hurt overdoing it, so Gabriel collapses from the strain & is pissed.
Stuck on more subtle methods for the next quarter he persists in trying to low key undermine Kagami, Chloe, harass the other temp heroes & uses Lila as his on the ground scout. She's living alone in a new apartment now with her mother thinking she's at a fancy boarding school & she's clearly... struggling, but doubling down thinking she can somehow 'win'.
The other big shift if Chloe's head-space is less pro Hawk Moth and more bitter cynic about the heroes. Sabrina notes she thinks 'something' happened on Miracle Queen Day but Chloe can't/wont talk about it.
Sole Queen happens here with her trying to be a good big sister, IE:
"Dressing and acting this way is expected, this is how we avoid mothers wrath, don't fall for fathers sad dog act give him an inch & he takes a mile. Our classmates have no sympathy for people who aren't doormats & if you want to resist Hawk Moth you have to be strong!"
The pressure she puts on Zoe is a microcosm of the pressure she's under & Zoe snaps. Then gets accepted by the class which Chloe has mixed vibes on at best. Their relationship persists a little longer n that Adrien & Chloe "I want this to work but not on your terms" and Chloe's "I want this to work but I need more from you than you give."
Quarter 2: Alya has been helping Marinette cover her identity, serving as substitute Ladybug and the "new" fox.
Lila continues stalking & sabotage. Chloe's head space continues to deteriorate, while others like Kagami also show issues they get sufficient support that it doesn't break them.
Queen Bananas is actually a major episode two one scene. When the movie is being discussed in class, Chloe is absent. It cuts to Gabriel's Manor where a very frazzled Chloe is being given a manipulative spiel about how "This movie is for you, to finally say your piece and have people hear you."
When she leaves she sees a similarly frazzled Lila being shooed away, "You are not meant to come here in daylight" and the two hair a brief stare off before looking away and pretending they didn't see the other. Besides that, when Gabriel sabotages 'her' movie and gives it to the class in secret, Chloe's breakdown reaches peak.
This is also where she realizes Gabriel is Hawk Moth intensifying her lashing out at Adrien, "Were you in on this!? Of course you don't understand you never listen!" and as Queen Banana she is extra unhinged. Still, nefore she transformed she was shown scribbling "Gabriel = Hawk Moth" on her arm.
Quarter 3: Lila has been stalking Alya and while nothing is confirmed, (To Gabriel) he does know she's still in Ladybug's confidence. Cue all that noise.
Alya almost gives in, but doesn't solely cos she knows Marinette's identity. IE, she would have gone Miracle Queen for her family too, but she had more reason to trust Ladybug.
Despite the win, this is where Alya has to publicly quit being Ladybug's ally because she's endangering her family.
& worse? The fox is missing.
Lila has it, but Hawk Moth doesn't know.
At the end of this quarter Gabriel is back to using all three Miraculous baby!
Penal Team is the culmination of Chloe's anger at the heroes, isolation from support & rejection by others all manifesting in a massive:
"You want a monster, I'll give you a monster like you've never seen!"
This also breaks between Chloe & Sabrina; potentially on purpose. The battle is hard and hectic & Ladybug has to call on many heroes to win & they ultimately end up in a stalemate.
Chloe's anger is to uncontrolled to articulate anything beyond vagaries abut being left exposed, how she thinks Hawk Moth will win, s just trying to survive, ETC. When looked back on it makes a major point but in the moment it gets a:
"This is why you were never fit to be a hero!"
Which ends up leaving her so depressed, along with the stalemate that she forcibly kicks Hawk Moth out of her head and just... Quits.
Lila comes to recruit her at the end of it but Chloe is looking at the broken glasses and smirking, stopping Lila in her tracks by asking if she wants a jib.
Quarter 4: Adrien is still being sent on some kind of tour, or Felix has some kind of prank (Seemingly) planned for the event. Either way Marinette needs to get in to see him for sentimental reasons like passing on a gift from class or to stop the "Prank" (the whole thing with the rings)
She is surprised that Jean seemed leery to add her to the staff when Zoe used her Chloe impersonation though. As well as confused there's another "new staffer" Its Chloe in a bird mask. Yet a confident, swaggering Chloe is also attending the party, whaaaat?
Yeah its Lila using Glamour and make up to pass as Chloe.
Meanwhile Chloe breaks into Gabriel's office, finds the secret entryway and basically holds reveling the truth or Emilie's life hostage in a very. "Yes I'll go down but I will take you down with me" way. Forcing Gabriel to surrender the Peacock "He used it least so he's likely to give it up" and swear to leave her loved one's alone.
He bitterly does so before Akumatizing himself to try and get it back.
Lila gets a message telling her to leave & that Chloe will be leaving Paris that night if she wants to come. Lila is unsure caught between escape or finding a way to do more than 'run and hide', but either trust Ladybug enough to jus tell her this stuff. So she gets caught & Gabriel realizes she had the Fox but she loses it.
The episode ends on a disguised Chloe getting a hotel room in London, having used the transmutation power to make gold.
The big finale is basically built around a major scheme of Gabriel's.
Like canon in that respect but also him offering Lila a "Chance at redemption". Which comes with incredible danger!
She manages to play her part well, in part by figuring out Ladybug's identity and does actually steal all her Miraculous, including Tikki.
Buuuut she doesn't trust Gabriel and when he does indeed turn on her she manages to slip away with Tikki & maybe one other.
She returns it to Marinette & gives her a brief summary of, "Hawk Moth is Gabriel, he messed with out heads, betrayed us, and was always going to throw us away, & I don't know what to do anymore."
Exactly what state she's in when its all over, or if its even her who makes the delivery or a Kwami she gave the Miraculous too, or if she stays in Paris are all unclear. The underlying theme is she got dragged in too deep and taken advantage of by a adult manipulator. & that she didn't think anyone would believe her or care once she knew how bad it was. So rather than trying to get out (As Choe did) she tried to turn the game on him and uuh, it didn't pan out.
This episode would also likely involve Adrien also discovering the truth about Gabriel & basically needing to run like hell, but he can't contact Ladybug about it in time.
Season ends on Marinette & Adrien revealing their identities as they resolve to continue the fight.
Chloe is shown watching Hawk Moth's dramatic "I will soon win!" proclamation with Doosoo insinuating she'll be making a comeback in Season 5.
Not sure what would happen there, but yeah. that's a general idea anyway XD
let! Chloé! Go! Feral!
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witheredapple · 2 days
You know what kind of DiaLuci fic I’m in the mood for rn?
A superhero au but more like Henry Danger than Marvel.
Diavolo as Ray/Captain Man, Mammon as Kid Danger/Henry, Levi first finding out who Kid Danger is then Satan (Ik Satan is smart but I kinda want Levi to be the first to find out cuz I’m in love with Mammon and Levi being as one of the best brother duos) and Lucifer as Henry’s mom (but instead of being married, he was engaged for a few months before finding out his fiancÉ (one e, not two) was cheating) 🤭
Diavolo and Mammon first meeting each other being the same as Henry Danger but changing it up a little with the fake job/shop. Mammon is still in high school, Lucifer is an adult (obviously) Barbatos obviously being the one to alert Diavolo about the crimes and looking out for the lair, Lucifer doesn’t know who is under the mask but finds the man kinda attractive (having a crush on him only after he ended his engagement), maybe sneak a little sex scene between Diavolo (as a hero) and Lucifer, but of course, Lucifer is oblivious to Mammon’s actual job.
Only reason I’m in the mood for it is bc I’m currently watching Henry Danger and I’m literally on season 1 💀 just cuz of an edit on TikTok got my interest and then wanting to see the scenes with Henry’s mom and Ray/Captain Man (and his crush on her cuz it’s just somewhat funny to me)
Ok but like, out of genuine curiosity, am I the only one who gets so inspired by a show/movie I’m currently watching and just wanting to make a DiaLuci version out of it??
Supernatural, The Office, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Outer Banks, Superman (Tom Holland), Jurassic World (where Lucifer is Claire, Diavolo as Owen, and the two boys as Mammon and Levi, the others are with Simeon back home), and a lot more that I can’t even think of them all rn.
I have so many DiaLuci fics in my notes but I haven’t even finished a single one, not even the first chapter 💀 I think there’s one that has been sitting in my notes since (late??) 2022. A majority of them only having a little bit of writing in it like atp why do I still even have them if I’m not going to finish any of them or even work on them??
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listranz · 5 months
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linusbenjamin · 11 months
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Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to man. For this he was chained to a rock and tortured for eternity. Oppenheimer (2023) dir. Christopher Nolan
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freefallintothevoid · 10 days
I believe in my heart of hearts that the Lego Batman movie exists in DC and that it was created by the batfamily as a way to throw off the conspiracy theorists
Maybe the superhero forums were getting too close to realizing their identities again. maybe one of their injuries had accidentally gotten spotted by the paparazzi. maybe they were just running out of plausible alibis. maybe they just wanted to be funny.
Bruce gave the world the "do the butts match" meme. His children give the world a cinematic masterpiece.
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blood-injections · 1 year
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They’ll be your android girl!!
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jacarandaaaas · 2 months
just saw someone call the dos oruguitas scene corny-
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maxwell-grant · 6 months
Was kinda interesting watching Aquaman 2 do that thing Hollywood movies do where a villain barks orders in an non-English language to signal to the American audience that they're foreign and scary, except this time the actress doing it was speaking portuguese so I actually understood everything she was saying and it was just weird and abrupt. I guess they just told her to translate and say the lines in her own language but didn't direct her how to adapt the dialogue accordingly, so she ends up just telling the henchmen to pick up a guy in a very stilted formal factual manner while everything's exploding around them, that was kinda funny.
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andorerso · 2 months
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while I love and appreciate everything Alexander Freed has done for the Rebelcaptain fandom, I just don't think he did the "rebellions are built on hope" scene justice. wym Cassian looked like he was gonna shrug. the man gave her the most intense passionate dedicated hopeful look I've ever seen in my life. hello???
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devilsskettle · 2 months
listen to me. tiffany relating to bride of frankenstein (1935) is a subversion of the title of the film bride of chucky because even though she is the titular bride of chucky, it's not the bride who she related to in the movie, it's the original frankenstein monster. she goes to all this trouble to put chucky back together and bring him back to life (like the creature demands to have someone made for him that he can spend his life with) and then she finds out that he never intended to propose to her and laughs at her for assuming that after finding the ring on the mantel the night he died (like the creature is rejected immediately by the bride who is afraid of him), and the shot of her crying while watching the movie is a direct response to the creature's tears in the movie. then at the very end it's the creature's words that she uses when she says "we belong dead." so the assumption that she is moved by the movie because she feels kindred to the bride (just because "bride" is in both titles of the film and they're both women) is incorrect, she's actually aligned with the creature in both scenes that reference bride of frankenstein. and this makes way more sense for her character throughout the film, since as the writers have said she has "more conventional" motivations (such as the desire for love and companionship and understanding, just like the creature) than chucky, who is more "straightforwardly bloodthirsty." hey did you hear me. i said
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hypodermicfroggy · 7 months
I wished for a Bioshock movie for Y E A R S
but now that we're finally getting one I don't want it
I do not have faith this is going to be a good adaption, I'm sorry, maybe 10 years ago this could have been a great passion project (especially if Gore Verbinski had been involved like originally planned) but I just know it's going to be an over-actioned, improperly funded (since it's a Netflix production they're absolutely going to either dump too much or not enough money in it then write it off as a failure if it doesn't 'perform' well enough), CGI-laden slop fest that doesn't even acknowledge or properly handle half the themes present in the series.
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#Bioshock#Bioshock Movie#bonus points if it only focuses on the first game and doesn't include ANYTHING from the tie-in novel or BS2#they're going to cut Sophia Lamb's role from the plot I just fucking KNOW IT#like she was fucking important! she was the one who actually STARTED the class war! Fontaine literally just took advantage of it!#hell half the problems with BURIAL AT FUCKING SEA could have been fixed if Levine wasn't a shit and hadn't refused to use ANYTHING from BS2#like is BS2 as good as the first? no but it's still fucking better than that shitshow you call Infinite!#and the tie-in novel actually quite skillfully blended both games together to help account for certain plot errors between the two#(a novel that Levine also REFUSED TO READ)#like you could tell it was written by someone who wanted to do the series justice which is more than I can say for most tie-ins#if this movie ends up actually being good I'll fucking eat my words but considering this director's body of work includes#the Will Smith I AM LEGEND and the last three* Hunger Games films#we are not batting 1000 for quality here#I say this as someone who likes the Hunger Games movies#but they are not really the best adaptions of the novels and really downplay a lot of the more horrifying aspects for action scenes#and I fear the same will be true for Bioshock's film as well.#like the Little Sisters alone should elicit nothing short of visceral disgust and pity but I just know they're going to be so boring#they're just going to be like pale girls with glowing eyes instead of proper blood-guzzling corpse-looting parasite hosts calling it now#croak.txt#reblog.wank
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thewritingpossum · 26 days
Currently rereading this french scifi book that's all about a bunch of medievalish people building this absurdly high cathedral (and by 'high' i mean that none of the living human in this book ever got out of what they call the cathedral and touched the actual ground)in an attempt to reach God but then the big plot twist is that the ruling class are actually a bunch of almost immortal alien beings who accidentally crashed on Earth during the actual Middle Ages, need to be at a certain height to launch their rocket and go back to their planet and therefore used the people's faith and whatever ingineering they had at this point to reach their goals, not caring that it would take centuries and centuries because it's litterally just a few hours for them and honestly this could be such a cool movie, somebody please adapt this thing right now
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witchwhaat · 3 months
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so. i watched anatomy of a fall
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the-acid-pear · 2 months
The thing about the painter analog that people don't get and makes them hate it is that at heart this isn't a serious horror story. This is pure gore not only for the sake of gore but for the sake of camp. Once I was talking of to my dad laughing at the guy who had his face sanded off and he was like yeah not new they did that in Jason already 🙄 which was later reinforced by UrbanSpook admitting this is inspired by those old 80s slasher which should tell you everything.
I'm saying this bc i saw a video pairing it with Playground and the incest game and while I don't know the second I watched a video on playground once and the difference is that that book is trying to tell a story and say something on top of the gore but the later makes it hard to care. Which is kind of the issue another "gone too far" piece of media my beloved A Serbian Film runs into where you cannot take yourself too seriously if you also want to show over the top violence or you'll lose the audience.
OF COURSE there are exceptions like Hostel, Saw and 😏 the human centipede ☺️ (cocksucker for that movie and it's more serious points, though it barely counts bc the gore is very tame save for in 2) and I couldn't exactly tell you what's the difference between what makes them work and what doesn't but still.
But I'm getting off topic I'm not here to say which media is good or not I'm here to point out the painter is not a serious story that asks you to care for the characters it's a over the top schlocky gore that asks you to go GROOOOSS or laugh at the over the top brutality it presents. Which is very standard in horror.
#luly talks#urbanspook#the painter analog horror#also yes actually I'll mention THC again bc that movie is deemed to go ''too far'' which is joked about often in its sequels#in 3 after the inmates at the prison watch the movie they echo the opinions of the public (calling the director sick saying he'd be jailed#etc except for my best friend who GETS IT and is laughing ILY BESTIE) and 2 is a direct response to the reaction of 1#while 1 is an extremely fucking tame horror movie BY ALL FUCKING MEANS (1 surgery scene and its so clean. after that just a tad bit of blood#and some minor infection) they made a movie that ACTUALLY went too far#and i ironically enough hate it despite appreciating this bc it just isn't fun for me. because it's trying a bit too hard.#but in case you don't know. one of the links of the centipede is a pregnant woman. she escapes and gives birth in the car. baby falls on the#brakes. she steps on its head.#pointing it out since children seem to be the point ppl go THIS IS TOO FAR#i personally found the baby squishing the highlight of the movie. second to that is. the barbed wire rape#which i didn't like because i don't enjoy seeing women be raped in my movies but its like#so funny man. literally bro put barbed wire on his cock. like that's just iconic#what shit like this and the painter are trying to achieve is simple shock. and that's FUN.#if you dont find it fun that's literally okay it simply isn't your piece of cake but that doesn't mean its bad or it shouldn't exist.#like i still see ppl insult it like GROW UP... THIS KIND OF HORROR HAS EXISTED FOREVER STOP BEING SUCH A BABY MAN
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