#this is also coming from someone who prefers the older games if thats a big deal?
drifloonz · 1 year
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i can!! the polycule ever. Being between these two is so funny bc i feel like theyd just barter and argue over you lightheartedly sometimes and then other times in private theyre both just loving all over you and eachother and the tonal shift is so funny.
also i accidentally answered this early because tumblr sucks so bad and APPARENTLY pressing enter does that which is why the ask is a screenshot instead of an Actual ask and that'll annoy me but oh well that was all i could do.
i hope you enjoy !
red x reader x blue! ( poly )
i'm not gunna separate the names here probably bc its a polycule if you get one you get both, even if thats more useful for the organization, So.
ღ whether you knew them as your childhood best friends or met them recently - probably on one of their travels or vacations - and somehow wormed your way into both of their hearts - you found yourself dating both red and blue. i'd like to imagine they both agreed to date you simultaneously in a polyamorous relationship because... well, they were already dating, and they're sort of a package deal. they discussed this with eachother and decided it'd be perfectly fine.
ღ blue's gotten older and is therefore a bit less of... how he used to act, being all smug and acting better than anyone else, but his cockiness and confidence will never go away no matter what, and he'll make it clear to you - he's definitely the main PDA giver in the relationship - red does give PDA as well, but mostly handholding and kisses. blue straight up will try to embarrass you with how overbearing and affectionate he is sometimes because he finds it really fucking funny. i like to think he tries to make a game of making the most embarrassing pet names and nicknames he can use for you and so every time you two talk in public he'll just keep coming up with them.
ღ in a related note, blue is also very protective and jealous over you. not with red, obviously, he was dating red and also dating you. just with anyone who tries to flirt with you or tries anything weird, he'll come over and put his hand on your shoulder and start to very obviously state that he's your boyfriend. red doesn't get as jealous or protective as easily, but he will do the same thing sometimes if he senses you're uncomfortable with talking to someone, simply putting his hand on your shoulder and making a little grunt towards the other person, then quickly walking you away from the situation.
ღ red's the tallest of you three unless you happen to be taller than him. he does use this to his advantage... which, is mostly just flexing on blue and you. blue's a close second ( once again unless you happen to be taller than him but shorter than/the same height as red ).
ღ i hope you like attention because both of them will give so much to you. they're pretty mindful in not accidentally excluding you from activities, wanting you to feel comfortable and included in anything the two do unless you outright don't wanna do whatever they're doing at that moment, which is fine.
ღ the funny thing abt this though is that blue specifically is very clingy and wants attention from either, preferably both of you, at all times. if you give red a kiss he'll be like "Hey, where's mine?" and will bother you until you ( both, usually ) give him one.
ღ related to the last point, they're both very adventurous in their own ways - traveling regions often, going to explore anything that interests the two of them... so you'll be moving around a lot, probably. hopefully you're fine with that. if you are, they'll both make it a point to make wherever you visit exciting and to show you the prettiest spots in whatever region they visit next.
ღ i hope you like getting cuddles from both sides, because if you three all choose to sleep together ( they will probably get a big ass bed solely due to this ), then you're usually going to be in the middle. they also both snore in their sleep, but blues is noticeably louder than red. so i hope that doesn't bother you LMAO. blue is also the type of guy who sleeps the fastest out of you all, and also changes sleeping positions a lot and he's probably pushed one of you two off the bed more than once. red takes a while to go to bed, usually waiting until you two have dozed off. he usually is just reading something to wind himself down before bed. he might even have reading glasses but who knows. red himself always makes it a habit to give both of you goodnight kisses before he himself goes to bed.
ღ if you ( or any of them ) are in danger, the other two'll know. it's like a secret sixth sense for them - they'll try to find you ASAP and protect you from any sort of threat, whether it be a strong pokemon or a malicious trainer, or something else. if it's fightable, they'll absolutely woop the things ass if it is a pokemon or a trainer giving you a hard time or even genuinely threatening you.
ღ it's not a guarantee, but i feel like you'd probably have to be a pretty strong pokemon trainer to get their attention in the first place - or someone else of note. but if you aren't, you know the drill. they'll definitely try to nudge you or help you get more pokemon and train them to be a powerful trainer. ... mostly as an excuse for them to have someone to fight on an equal level that wasn't just each other, if you weren't already a strong trainer. they're your personal trainer bfs...
ღ red's the most typically romantic of the group, i'd feel. although his preference for dates is just adventuring, similar to blue, he'll also take you and blue to places with the best sights and views, and is also the one who's most likely to take you all on a dinner date or something. type of guy to give you a bouquet of roses to confess. meanwhile blues the type to give you a random pretty stone or rock he found. ( admittedly, red would do the exact same probably. )
ღ i like to think that you and blue can basically understand anything and everything red says, despite him being mute. basically just seeing his expression and then looking back at someone and going "He says he likes your hat." or smth. Psychic Brain Link /j.
ღ red will scruff you and blue out of awkward or dangerous situations at a moments notice. which is funny bc reds prob a hypocrite and goes into fairly dangerous situations often just due to wanting a challenge or something.
ღ blue and red if you don't wanna go wherever they're going at that time, will be sure to at least leave one or a few pokemon to watch over you and keep you company. all of the two's pokemon are pretty familiar with you at this point, and they're all very happy to be around you :]
ღ they also like to show you any new pokemon they caught or at least saw along the way in other regions if you don't come with. will take pictures and show you.
ღ i like to think all 3 of you, intentionally or not, share clothes with eachother sometimes. its cute.
ღ most iconic polycule of kanto. amen.
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lillian-nator · 3 years
please do more backyard au hcs this sounds lovely
PEOPLE AND AGES - Tommy (5) Kindergarten - Techno (11) 6th grade - wilbur (18) Senior - Tubbo (4) Kindergarten - Schlatt (19) Just Graduated, goes to Community college - SapNap (7) First grade - Punz (13) 7th grade - Dream (12) 8th grade - Gogy (15) Sophomore - Ranboo (6) Kindergarten - Fundy (15) Freshman - Niki (16) junior - Puffy (17) Senior - Purpled (5) Kindergarten - Big Q (14) 8th grade - Karl (13) 7th grade ----------------------- SPECIES AND RELATIONSHIPS (put into friend groups) - Tubbo (Ram, Schlatt's son) - Tommy (Racoon) - Ranboo (enderman, kind of a street kid) - Purpled (Purple Sheep, Dream and Puffy's younger brother) - SapNap (Demon, Bad's son, Punz's baby brother)
- Techno (Piglin) - Dream (Ram, Puffy's younger brother) - Punz (demon) - Gogy  (Mooshroom) - Big Q (Duck) - Karl (Parrot hybrid)
- Wilbur (Blue Jay) - Schlatt (Ram) - Puffy (sheep - Schlatt's cousin) - Niki (fish? mermaid?) - Fundy (Fox) ----------------------- I think that Philza minecraft just slowly keeps finding kids in his backyard, and he slowly grows very attached to all of them Just like every afternoon his backyard is FLOODED with kids And he doesn’t understand why he’s the house everyone goes to, but he’ll feed them He just slowly finds himself being really endeared by each of them ------------------- And before he knows it, Phil’s warning SapNap and Ranboo away from the water, and balancing Purpled and Tommy on his hips And he knows all their allergies And all their favorite foods And he’s keeping track of the high schoolers grades, bringing Dream, punz, and techno to their games  ----------------- CARPOOL SOCCER MOM Mr. Philza Minecraft --------------------- Dream: Basketball Punz: Football Techno: Baseball Puffy: Softball Small children: Baby Soccer -------------------------- - Phil keeps track of all of boys'  games and practices. Because goddamn it, these kids deserve some sort of parental guidance - Dream, purpled, and Puffy don’t have present parents - Puffy had to step up to the plate - Ranboo’s a street kid - No one really knows if he has anyone - Bad just chilling in hell ---------------------------- Schlatt is really working himself thin, but he tries hard, he really does And everyone can see how much he loves Tubbo Sometimes Phil will wake up and see schlatt passed out on their couch. He got off at midnight But as soon as he gets home from work, Tubbo is immediately in his Dad’s arms Schlatt animatedly talking to the boy But you can just see how much love he has for his boy He’s just a bit too young to bare the burden alone ------------------------------ And the thing is, is that all of these kids are so like, independent Like Phil just needs to feed them And tend to the youngest ones every so often ------------------------------- I think it’s like musical chairs To see who’s sleeping at Phil’s house in the morning Like - who’s on the couch? An air mattress? Guest bed? Sharing a room with one of his kids? All of the small children like to pile around SapNap, who is also a small child, cause he’s warm Punz also always has children flocking him ------------------------------- Punz is also that teen who throws the kids in the pool he cant go into the water himself, prefering to lay on the grass and in the sun, but he does love just chucking kids in ------------------------------- Phil drives a beat up mini van. It’s baby blue It's always filled to the brim with passengers very dirty many crumbs has balls just thrown in it all the time Footballs, basketballs, baseballs, soccer balls it fucking smells, we all know it does Phil owns like 4 of those kid car seats despite only having one kid in that age group ---------------------------- Also if you couldn't tell Niki basically lives in the pool she's a fish hybrid so its a salt water pool instead of chlorine because its better for Niki --------------------------- Tommy, Tubbo, purpled, Ranboo, and SapNap play baby soccer its the best part of this au It’s so adorable, and Tommy picks at flowers the entire time Sometimes. Ranboo will come and entertain him for a little. Try and get him back in the game. He gives up when Tommy sits down tho Ranboo will more often then not join Tommy cause mmmm grass Tubbo is insanely competitive as a little kid we been knew though When he gets older Tommy gets really into it But as a baby He just chases bugs Plus he’s a raccoon hybrid, so shiny ------------------------ HE HOARDS SHIT UNDER HIS BED IS A MESS he as in fucking baby racoon Tommy whats the word for baby racoon small baby kit Phil 1000% calls him kit BABY RAMS ARE CALLED BUCKS FUCKING EVERYONE CALLS TUBBO "BUCK" THATS SO CUTE IM LOSING MY SHIT Things go lost? Go check tommys room Bermuda Triangle of a bedroom Very much like - Phil has to have a talk with him about it And he’s like “ I know you feel like you have to take them Kit, but they’re not yours” “If you want it, just ask me and I’m
sure we can figure something out.” Tommy also loses interest as soon as he gains it tho Tommy chitters at them They nod liek they understand and go “Uh huh, sounds mighty interesting Kit,” And then they pick him and let him climb around them -------------------------------- So much rough housing like SO much they're hybrids man Tommy also teethes ok. Chews on shit when his canines grow in so does Techno, and SapNap, and Punz (Punz and Techno's canines already grew in though, but they still chew on shit) The rams Rub their heads against stuff Head Itchy ------------------------------- A lot of Phil’s days off are just spent by the babies, just who are growing in hybrid traits He scratches Tubbo, sapnaps, and Puroled heads They’re all growing in horns Gives Tommy things to chew on Purpled. Never gets full horns. They are always little stubs just barely sticking out of his hair. His ears looks more human than ram too. Just for some reason never really grew into his hybrid traits And purple eyes He gets so upset about it too, when Tubbos horns outgrow his, because he’s older He’s a bit different. But it’s like being brunette in a family of blondes. It’s not unheard of He just is tearing up and Phil is just like “oh Bud, come ‘ere” They're like 8 And Tommy just gives Purpled the biggest hug, because Tommy is a sweetheart as a kid ------------------- I think that even the older kids wrestle Like obviously Dream, Techno and the rest of the middle school gang do Because they’re so fucking competitive Dream is so quick to just. Grab someone and wrestle them to the floor No warning But like, you’ll catch Wilbur and Schlatt jumping at each other Or Wilbur throwing Fundy over his shoulder Or anyone just man handling gogy ------------------- Phil gets to a point where he calls them all his kids And asks where they are when they aren’t At his house ------------------------ Puffy bringing them (Dream and Purpled) over after school. They go outside and play. Puffy sighs and collapses at the dining table. Phil silently hands her a coffee. “I’ll keep em busy” he says “you get some homework done” She looks up, and puts her head in her hand, “Dream has basketball practice in an hour” Phil just pats  her on the back. “I got it.” ----------------- Also let’s talk about how much food Phil needs to buy Like even if it’s just lunch That’s like 15 growing boys He can afford it, He just has to watch out for allergies He buys so many fucking snacks man Whole damn store He goes through like crates of those little chip variety packs Tubbo only likes the crunchy Cheetos Tommy likes barbecue Niki likes salt and vinegar Punz likes Doritos He knows which ones they all like I’m just imagining Phil calling out for the kids And they’re like lining out of the kitchen Oldest to youngest so that Phil can help the little ones They can eat anywhere in the yard, but Ohil has the little ones eat at the picnic table They’re all dripping wet from coming out of the pool, and he needs to make sure they eat their fruit and popsicles, they have tons of popsicles. ------------------ Phil totally takes Dad tax Like a chip from every plate And a tatertot from each breakfast very dad of him to do ------------------- Not not Phil kissing each of their foreheads goodbye And “drive safe” And “have a good day" ------------------ He’ll still pick up Texhno And Dream and Punz, right by the armpits And tucks them into bed ----------------- Tommy when he gets wet He loves swimming but the poor baby: his fur It’s hard to get him in the water but once he’s in it’s hard to get him out Because he feels all heavy and sticky afterwards ------------------ Adventures in the woods TOMMY IN HID NATURAL HABITAT Small boy makes hidey hole You may be asking Does. Does Tommy crunch on the leaves He does Like on ever y single one Carefully -------------------- All of the little kids And even technos group Just bonk heads Because of the goats They all just do it Sometimes softly Sometimes roughly Techno always does it roughly tho Rough houser Dream doesn’t mind Makes it feel like he has a
herd Feeds a primal instinct for ram playmates Feeds a primal instinct for ram playmates - Small boy And puffy has outgrown it But a young piglin brute? Perfect playmate. ------------------------- AND THATS THE AU YOU'RE WELCOME
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powerosewaterpuff · 4 years
yk so i was watching bmw (boy meets world :) ) while procrastinating an essay so oF COURSE i decided to write some more of my reverse robin au (that pertains to jason being the oldest of the batkids w/ him and dick growing up together) except fLUFF bc i cannot handle angst rn (oR cOulD I wE wiLL nEvER kNoWwwW)
oh and disclaimer there may be several medical inaccuracies so please feel free to correct me :)
jason often gets night terrors, ones that can get particularly awful when bruce goes on an overnight business trip. so one night bruce is in new york after being forced into it by lucius, with dick being adopted for some time now. dick was awake because he was having trouble sleeping, for no real particular reason in all honesty. he heard a short yell though, coming from the room next to him and he dashed over, tripping over his blanket and still gripping zitka tightly. he knew that he wasn’t supposed to fight yet, but he doesn’t really think about that as he yanked jason’s door open.
he then saw his brother laying on his side, turning back and forth, breathing heavily looking so visibly pained it was hurting dick. he rushed over to jason, his eyes darting around because he just didn’t know what to do. taking his chances he tapped jason’s shoulder gently, and he already felt like it wasn’t the right move but he sucked it up and tried again, only this time to some result. jason shot up, gripping on tightly to dick’s arm, his eyes hazy and unfocused and his chest heaving.
dick remained still, only slowly trying to push jason off of him and back into his bed. jason’s grip didn’t let but he laid back in bed, squeezing his eyes tightly as if he was trying to push away everything he had just witnessed. dick took this as an initiative to gently climb into bed, as jason fell back into a less violent but equally as stressful sleep. he placed zitka next to jason, who still hasn’t let go of his arm, and awkwardly sat up in bed, almost acting as a protector. slowly, dick began to doze off, feeling a lot more comforted in his brothers prescence then he had been in his own room.
jason on the other hand, doesn’t remember much of that night, as he rarely fully remembers any of his night terrors (only the scars they leave behind), but when he wakes up at the ass crack of dawn with a few fragments of something he would prefer not to remember, he puts it together rather quickly. he guessed it would happen, and he could’ve told bruce and he knew the guy would drop anything in a heartbeat, but that pissed him off, more so then it justifiably should. he wasn’t a child and he hadn’t been a child for a long fucking time, and it was stupid that he couldn’t deal with a single night without bruce. jason then turned onto his side, disgruntled with a new found rage directed at himself that he might take out on someone else, when he found dick, sleeping at an awkward position.
he was leaning on the headboard, but was slumped down and drooling a bit, which would have been hilarious blackmail material on any other given day. but today, jason felt a pit in his stomach. the only rational thought that his mind could conjure in its fear muddled frenzy was please tell me i didn’t hurt dick, pleasepleasepleaseplease. he quickly checked over dick’s face, cupping his checks and looking for any signs of a bruise. he had given bruce a particularly nasty one earlier in his tenure at the manor, after bruce attempted to restrain him while he was having a night terror so he could avoid hurting himself, instead jason kicked him in the jaw. he even felt bad about it the next day, which was an odd surprise for him at the time.
after checking over dick hasilty, he could see he wasn’t all that hurt, even though if he looked hard enough he could see inklings of nail shaped markings in dick’s right arm just under his shirt sleeve. jason felt a bit of bile rising up, as he gently shifted dick into a better sleeping position, and pulled the blanket up to his chin and slipped a pillow underneath him. dick opened his bleary eyes, mumbling jason’s name in question, and squinting his eyes. jason rolled his eyes but nodded, “yeah, it’s me. now sleep–why’re you shaking yer head? you don’ wanna sleep? too bad.” jason pressed another pillow onto the side of dicks face in a teasing attempt to smother him to sleep, but dick only proceeded to giggle, and snuggle closer to jason, who had sat up already. jason tossed the pillow to the side after a few seconds of play fighting, dick was going to be too sleepy to remember this break in the ‘teasing older brother’ façade. so, he ran his hand through his little brothers hair and laid back down, tracing soft circles into dick’s scalp absentmindedly. and feeling a rush of gratitude that bruce had brought this little circus boy into his life. he really didn’t know what he would do without his little brother. (needless to say, dick became a constant comforter in jason’s night terrors).
jason blames dick for everything. if a vase got knocked over, it was a dick. if the tv wasn’t working, dick had been playing with the satellite. if his phone was missing, dick stole it to play games. if his sweater had a stain, you better bet it was dick. the boy in question, of course, adamantly denies these facts and does have a way of persuading bruce (he is the golden child after all, jason could testify to that), but bruce also knows both of his boys are annoyingly good liars. so every incident is treated like a little miniature crime scene, and it never fails to make jason howl in laughter at dick explaining how he couldn’t have possibly used up jason’s shampoo because he has his own washroom with his own shampoo and so w h y jason w h y would i steal your shampoo. (jason’s usual response is a deadpanned ‘why wouldn’t you’, and that just gives bruce another headache as the two bicker on and on and on.)
the pair of them usually go biking together, and it’s usually quite tranquil to start. until dick makes a sly comment that jason’s old bones must be so tired from cycling, so why not take a break? jason snide reponse is how the fuck are you touching the pedals with your stubby ass legs. that’s really all it takes for them to delve into a full on biking race. it never really ends well, but the two always come out rolling in laughter so whose to complain.
dick thinks real housewives of beverly hills is better then new jersey, and jason is adamant that new jersey is superior in every shape and way. the two agree that atlanta is the absolute winner no matter what though.
jason is dick’s english tutor. and it’s safe to say that it’s an experience. dick already knew a fair amount of english growing up, his father had been a wonderful teacher but it wasn’t exactly up to gotham academy standards apparently (jason knew the feeling) and his accent was still quite prevalent to have him be considered an esl kid, so jason ended up being his tutor once dick started going to english class at school and after his time with an esl instructor. jason, who has an untapped passion for literature that not many can match, is absolutely dedicated to teaching dick, because fuck man this is genius! genius, dick! and dick isn’t exactly a fan, but he does secretly think jason should be a teacher, he’s better then any of the teachers he’s had that’s for sure (his father would’ve really loved jason too, that was also for sure). and dick is considering buying him a little briefcase with his little initials on it. ((it happens, and jason tries really really hard not to cry))
bruce is absolutely that parent that secretly takes pictures of every single moment possible. he isn’t a photographer, in any sense, but he likes to capture natural moments, and he has a series of pictures dedicated to the one trip him and the boys took to Barbados where he started this habit. he wasn’t and still isn’t a big fan of beaches, they’re hot, crowded and just too much for bruce to feel any kind of comfortable in. he remembers sitting under a floppy beach umbrella, feeling the knot in his chest sit heavily on his heart, fire ants scurrying across the underlining of his skin, burning under the side stares of those passing by. it wasn’t until he caught a glimpse of dick riding on jason’s little shoulders, as they trotted around waist deep in the clear ocean water, that the fist squeezing his heart like the rotten fruit it was began to ease. he glanced down at the camera that alfred had subtly slipped into their bag after dicks insistence, and lifted it up to fiddle with it slightly. then raised it up to take a swift picture. capturing jason mid laughter as he leaned back, in a joking attempt to shake dick off who was in the middle of a yelp but had entrenched his hands in jason’s mop of curly hair. it was hilarious imperfect, but bruce would not want it any other way. not at all.
(jason found it once. he saw the picture at the corner of his eye sitting by the keyboard of the ‘Batcomputer’ ((dick was so shitty with names, thank god he didn’t come up with flippy man as his code name )), and he hesitated for a moment before hastily grabbing it. examining it with an unexpected amount of gentleness, he rubbed his thumb against the glass above dick’s hands in his hair and felt something snake around his heart. slowly and methodically seeping into it until he felt like he couldn’t fucking breathe. then he heard damian trotting down the stairs as he explained the details of his anthropology class to dick who was hopping down behind him. jason shoves the picture back and grits his teeth together to ignore the sting that was absolutely not in his eyes)
aAAAND THATS ALL!! i’ve had these in my notes for a while so it’s relief to get them out there hehe so i really hope y’all enjoy ive legit been falling in love with this reverse au bC THERE IS SO MUCH POTENTIAL U G H IVE NEVER BEEN EXCITED TO WRITE SHIT UNTIL NOW SO Y A Y FOR INSPIRATION
Y A Y :)
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cosmosrival · 4 years
Rico besides Kama what do you think about the other indian servants?????
AHHHHHHHHHH THIS IS GOING TO GET SOOOO LONG!!!! i have a different view of the indo fam as a whole. i call them the indo fam but i mean the found family trope!!!! theyre like a group of college students sharing a dorm if that makes sense, since their servant selves are obviously different from their initial myths/human vessels!!!
OK SO. RECENTLY, i have an oomf that found books about arjuna that summarize his exploits in the mahabharata(I DONT HAVE THE STRENGTH TO READ IT ALL IM SO SORRY) and also talk about him in a more philosphical manner such as his states of mind during each event etc and i’ve been meaning to read said book because im genuinely interested in arjuna now!!! and i’d like to know more about this indo prince because from what i’ve seen, he is portrayed in a rather bad light(?) in FGO which i find extremely !!!!!!!!!!! and incrdibley !!!!!!! strange !!!!!!! the mahabharata’s conflicts can be put in a mostly grey area where there’s no good nor bad, its not black and white. so seeing arjuna get bashed because of the way his conflict with karna was written is... hm. let’s say that im REALLY starting to understand arjuna fans that dislike seeing him get mischaracterized so much. OTHER THAN THAT, his design is adorable, his travel outfit is my favourite because he deserves to relax and have some fun!!! fgo making him a chuuni is cute and his VAs little moans are cute cute cute!!!!!!!!!!! (mash grabs my shoulder and forces me to sit down) i think that arjuna deserves better and im really happy to see him have fun in his travel costume voicelines. i think we should take arjun on a date!!! he’s a great lover, we’d have the best time!! OH ALSO, kama seeing him as the student council president in their interlude makes me SOOOOOOO HAPPY its unreal, i think it fits him very very well, the seitokaichou who was elected because of everyone’s hopes and recommended by teachers because he’s suuuch a good student but because of that, the pressure to be good is constantly towering over his head and everytime he looks out the window he wishes he could ditch class and skip a day just because he felt like going to the arcade and be a bad student.......just this once........i think hes very very cute...... i want him to cook for me. HAVE YO U READ HIS BOND 4 VOICELINE ?mmmmmggg i want him to get embarrassed everytime i praise him for having such a muscular waistline. AUG
ANEWAYS i also have quite the thoughts about karna, his characterization in the game is linked to arjuna’s and thats fine but i think that forgetting how much of a little sassy bastard he can get was a mistake! did you know that in apocrypha’s german dub on netflix, when jeanne calls his name like “You’re Karna, aren’t you ? The son of the Indian Sun God !” HES LIKE “So ?” AND THAT WAS SOOOO BITCHY OF HIM, i think that karna is a good boy in fgo but the fact that he was such a fighty old man in the mahabharata shouldnt be forgotten and is a charm trait. I MEAN ???? HE THREW HANDS WITH AN 18 YEAR OLD(ARJUN) WHILE BEIN LIKE... THIRTY TWO. WHATS WITH THIS ANNOYING OLD MAN !!!!! knowing these little facts about him made me like him so much more actually !! i think karna being so nice is adorable!! but the little bitchy energy u can find in his voicelines is also very charming!! i think karna looking at me emotionless as i ask him to lend me his notes for the nth time that week and then saying “...Mn.” when i thank him is cute!!! his voiceline towards things he dislikes is interesting to me. karna seeming aloof and mean bc he doesnt know how to communicate but is actually nice underneath...... hey... thats a little delinquentcore........ i wouldnt say yankii but hes like... hes like... u know hes the handsome quiet one of the group of yankiis... u know the one...? hey where are you going
ganesha is also a character im deeply interested in but i havent played CCC so i dont know that many details about jinako herself !! my brain goes HMMMMMM it seems lord ganesha is trans in fgo ! (since kama used to be a male god originally as well!!) ganesha uses all pronouns!!! and ganesha is also special to me because they share similar traits with kama when it comes to their characterization AND mischaracterizations. ganesha isnt JUST jinako. theres a part of a god in the servant mix!!! and jinako HERSELF is actually a pretty sad character imo. the whole otaku/neet thing is obviously a facade and her true wish being that she wants to redo her whole life is also proof of how much she hates what shes become, yet at the same time, she doesnt know what else she could do. but anyways, i prefer looking at servants from a lore POV so i think that ganesha should still be considered a god and be adressed as such!! i like seeing people portray ganesha as jinako but i prefer it when a certain lavish more godly side of them is put forward. a side of jinako that managed to move on a little bit if that makes sense ? that got more serious. and became someone else entierly despite sharing similarities. needless to say their bond with karna makes me happy since he shows them respect as you should towards a god!! its a bit different from their bond in CCC... like they matured somewhat!! anyway ganesha is the one who taught everyone else in the indo fam about video games and technology and i will NEVER shut up.
ashwatthama..... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %_’(’ç_”’è_ç(è_’”545656455456545453£¨¨µ¨µMµ¨++°=)=)°+ goodness. jesus christ on earth. my love story with him makes me so embarrassed. when he got revealed i instantly fell in love with him despite knowing JACK SHIT ABOUT HIM but since i was the only one in my friend group who was hardcore into fgo at the time, i kept my love for him to myself and just... (looks away)(i drop my wallet full of picturses of him) quietly adored his everything in silence. WELL, ree having an intense crush on yankii type characters isnt new, its been my favourite trope for ages (gyarus go in hand with them!!) and im still very attached to it so thats what made me love him in the first place!!!! BUT THEN. I GOT INTO HIS MAHABHARATAN LORE. And OHHHHHHHHH BABY.......... (im twirling my hair) so theres this 7ft tall war criminal..........<3<33<3(mash leans in and informs me that the convention of geneva didnt exist at the time) SO THERES THIS 7 FTTALL IMMORTALMAN.......<233 gOD he makes me absolutely CRAZY9909840385%£%%£%%µ%µ%µ the love i have for this character is immense and whenever im sad i remember that pako exists and has a tablet and can draw and i suddenly feel so much better. ok im gonna stop horny posting a little bit. but hes my wife. AND WHAT I LOVE ABOUT HIS PORTRAYAL IN FGO IS THAT, they actually made him a good boy despite his initial roughness and misdeeds ???!!! HELLO?? ashwatthama wishing for a redemption ark is my favourite thing and his righteousness that was born because of his regrets is a very interesting drivepoint to me !!! hes a gorgeous character and im buying a ticket plane as we speak right now so i can go find him in northern india. i’ll find him. GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME !!!!!GET OFF ME !!!
miss lakshimi makes me very sad! because every female servant in the indo fam is an already known face. (... would sita count.) and lakshi being a jeanneface is a waste. well, she’s still very pretty and her lore is also quite interesting!! i havent looked into it fully yet but i think she should be kissed on the mouth. her bad luck makes me slip on a banana peel whenevr i get close to her to kiss her and i hit my head on the pavement and pass away- 
parvati is on a tough spot for me atm. i genuinely love thinking of her as the way the indian goddess herself is portrayed because thats where the fun lies for me in her character. especially when shes involved with other indian servants, thats a given!! i would like to see parvati grow, suffer and heal. because branding her as an “all-knowing mom” is easy, but every single parent makes mistakes if you follow that logic. also, since shes the sakura servant “thats closest to her initial personality”, she’s got some of the most Repulsive fans ive Ever witnessed in fandom spaces and lets say that im trying to work my way out of this hellhole and find things to like about parvati without the fandom’s influence. needless to say, im going to keep looking into her mythos and her lore by myself at my own pace and keep doing my own thing in my little corner. 
rama shouldve been a jock. THE RAMAYANA IS OLDER THAN THE MAHABHARATA, WHY IS.....Hrm well him being summoned as his baby version gives me hope for a future rama alt perhaps??? but i think that he shouldve been a total jock and he shouldve been huge with a huge red lion-like mane for his hair and a teethy grin and big biceps and intense love for his wife. SPEAKING OF SITA, her charm point is her purity but i wish.... that their artist still hadnt drawn them like That, im not a fan of lily servants and i think purity = being young is a bit of an annoying excuse!!! rama and sita looking similar is because of their shared history which is fine but... rolls my eyes............. rama shouldve been 6ft tall and sita shouldve been a milf to match...... anyways i doubt ravana would be added as a servant but i’d love to have a ramayana centric event!! where all indo servants have their own lore centric role to play!!! oh thatd be a dream.... but i have learned to not expect much from a fanservice game so im jus gonna draw my own stuff! (strikes a pose!) (mashu claps!)
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danni-chuu · 4 years
The 7 brothers with a 10 year-old lilith (+ side characters & mc)
This is an hc is inspired by the chapter 14 flashback, so the gist of this Hc is what if lilith gets turned into a 10 year old child try as diavolos way to save her. This is gonna be a really long post so strap in~❤️.
This hc post is made with the help of my friend, @heeminchan, thankiez.
General info about 10 year old lilith:
She has no recollection or memories about the celestial war or being an angel at all.
The post might say 10 years old but she's probably already pass the 1000+ mark, but still is and acts like a child.
She looks like ruri chan ( for reference here)
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So without further babbling, lez go❤️
" if you behave I'll give you a princess poison apple and play with you "
Lucifer being the eldest takes it upon himself to be a father like figure to her. In front of the others, he makes sure to keep a strict front but in private, he's alot more softer on her.
Lucifer's room has a toy chest for her since she likes spending time and playing in his room. And being the child that she is, she even dresses up the skeleton in his room. If he's not busy, he would play with her, simple playing house and all.
One time while lucifer was doing paper work,lilith wanted to help him . So to keep lilith busy, he handed her a bunch of void documents and told her to sign them. In the end she got bored and decided to draw her with her 7 older brothers. Which luci decided to frame and put up at the entrance hall.
If lilith gets into trouble, luci doesn't shy away from punishment. But rather than stringing someone upside down and leaving them like that for 100 years, he would just ground lilith and take away her toys. (Buuuuut her other brothers would just sneak some of her toys to her room, especially beel and belphie)
" heh you should be greatful you're brothers with the GREAT mammon, shortie! Huh?! w-wait dont cry! "
Mammon loves teasing lilith. Be it calling her a pipspeak, shortie, cry baby, etc. He's said them all, buuuuut he always takes it back because lilith might tell lucifer and he gets punished AG A I N.
Lilith as much as possible doesn't leave any of her things in mammon's room, because her other brothers warn her that he's going to sell them away.
One time mammon stole something from lucifer (probably something to profit from), and lilith was in lucifers room because she was playing hide and seek with beel. Seeing mammon stealing, she gets out of her hiding spot and tells mammon that she will rat him out to her big brother lucifer.mammon taking non of this shitz says he'll do whatever she wants. By the end of the day, lilith gets a new plushie and mammon still got ratted out because how can she lie to her big brother lucifer?
Mammon does try to get her involved in his schemes sometimes. Making her ask money from her other brothers and other more shenanigans, but when he's feeling it he will in fact spoil her with little treats such as candy.
" wooah you look so much like ruri-chan! Can you sing too?"
Levi is still as much of a shut- in, having a younger sibling that he can teach TSL or play games with is his dream come true. Lilith goes to his room to watch anime (for her its cartoons but dont tell levi because he will be very triggered) with him and play video games.
If lilith does go to levi's room , he's always watching out just in case she ends up using his precious figurines as dolls or touching his precious merch. Sometimes( most of the time) when he's too busy playing his games, lilith will just talk to henry 2.0 and feed him.
Levi is a mega ultra super duper (insert more hyperbolic words) fan of ruri-chan, so during lilith's birthday..he gave her a ruri-chan costume (the other brothers already knew where this was heading but they couldn't stop it since lilith liked the cute clothes). She wore them and levi literally freaked because she looked just like her! He posted a picture of her on devilgram and the pic got a decent amount of likes.
The only time that lilith gets in trouble with levi is her staying with him past her bed time, she gets pouty about it but in the end she still gets taken to bed by her big brother lucifer.
"i can read you a story or we can play tea time, what do you prefer? "
Satan acts alot like a tutor to lilith, he teaches her about manners, reading and writing, and many other things. Satan loves teaching lilith especially when he sees her trying to pronounce big words, which he finds adorable.
Satan for the most part wants lilith to stay out of his room because there are too many dangerous books around. But he would rather play with her in her room instead, either reading a children's bed time book before going to bed or playing tea time with her. They both share a love for pets and animals, so in his free time, he will take her to a kitty cafe where she can play with the lil furballs.
Satan was regulary teaching lilith about different animals, until they got to the cat. Lilith became so intrigued by cats that satan spent a good 30 minutes to an hour of answering her questions about cats. One day, he saw lilith crying by the stairs. He quickly went over and asked her what's wrong, only to find out that she asked lucifer if they can adopt a cat wherein lucifer completely dismisses the idea. Knowing that Lucifer's mind wont change, the next day satan surprises lilith with a black cat plushie with a red bow tie thats as tall (or alitte bit smaller) than her. Until this day, the cat plushie satan gave her is her favourite. She is never seen without it, and she even gave it a name, mr. Momo.
The only time that lilith ever gets in trouble is if she joins in on satan's pranks on lucifer. But most of the time she's let off the hook if they're harmless ones.
" waahh~ lilith's so adorable, but not as adorable as me"
To lilith, asmo is the closest thing to a sister she can have. Being the only girl in the house( before mc, if mc is a girl ), asmo likes to doll her up and make her his little dress up doll. He often buys clothes for her because he just LOVES making her pretty.
She doesn't spend as much time in asmo's room because there isn't much to do there, but when asmo calls her in after a shopping trip. She already knows he's going to make her pretty as a peach!
It was lilith's birthday and Asmo wanted to dress her up for the occasion! Hair? Check! Make up? Check! Clothes? Check! She was looking as pretty as ever (but not as pretty as him). After dolling her up , lilith went to her other brothers to show Amos work. All of them asked if a child should be wearing that much make up, but asmo tells lilith to shrug them off because they can't appreciate beauty even if it hits them in the face!
The one thing that gets lilith in trouble is lucifer seeing her being dressed by asmo , wearing clothes not fit for a 10 year old girl. Seriously, devilgram level make up on a kid is not appropriate (well in lucifer and some of the other brothers point of view)
" the eggs taste like plastic..huh? I'm not supposed to eat them? Sorry, they looked too realistic"
Beel is very close with lilith. He spends most of his time watching over her or bringing her to his favourite food joints to eat. Since beel is so big, she loves it when he carries her around, either on his shoulders or just being carried in general. Beel wants to protect lilith at all times, so if sorcerers or witches want to summon lilith, he comes along to watch over her still.
if its not Lucifer's room, lilith's next stop is always the twin's room. She goes in and jumps on either of the beds and having her toys there as well she can already entertain herself. When beel is there to play with her, she likes to play chef and make him food using her plastic kitchen toy set( though some pieces are missing since beel keeps forgetting that its plastic). If she doesn't want to play with her toys, she tries to tickle fight beel and always wins.
Beel was in his room eating a box of cupcakes until lilith barges in and sees him eating cupcakes, she pouts at beel asking why he didn't tell her that he had cupcakes. Beel, being beel just says to her, " they're my cupcakes". She pouts even more and says that she wants a cupcake as well. Beel couldn't resist and splits the cupcake, giving the other half to her. After finishing the cupcake, he promises to buy her a box aswell next time.
Lilith having a sweet tooth herself will often look in the fridge for sweets. She sometimes ends up eating beels food(custard), and hides the evidence. Beel rampages again and breaks the kitchen. Lucifer then lines all of them up and ask who ate the custard, and all of them immediately suspect mammon. But being a good girl, lilith admits her mistake and apologizes to beel, who calms down and says ," you could have left me some..".
" how about later...? Im still too sleepy to teach you..."
Belphie, same with beel, is pretty close with lilith. If he isn't cuddling her as his favourite cuddle buddy, he's teaching her how to dance ballet(Based it off his dancing sprite). Lilith spends most of her afternoon napping with belphie.
Besides playing with beel , lilith also loves playig around with belphie. She makes it an everyday challenge for herself to wake him up in the most creative ways. It can be things such as ice,drawing on his face, tickles, etc. When belphie is too lazy to stand up from bed( which is often), she just plays with his hair and does whatever she wants with it. When he finally does stand up, he teaches lilith some ballet. While she's even wearing her full ballet attire, with tutu included.
It was the middle of the night and lilith had a nightmare, she wanted to go to her big brother lucifer, but it was already late and she might be disturbing him. But then she remembered that mid nights is when his big brother belphie is awake, so she goes over to him with mr.momo. belphie is alittle confused since its way past her bedtime so he asked her whats wrong. She climbs up his bed and hugs him, after calming down she tells belphie that she had a nightmare. Belphie was well acquainted with nightmares, so he knew exactly what to do. They went to the kitchen and both had a cup of warm milk. Going back to his room, he cuddled up with lilith and made sure she had a good nights sleep.
Lilith ends up over sleeping and gets very cranky if she gets rudely awakened.the others find it very adorable.
"...." * Huwgs*
So this depends on the mc's personality but lets start from the beginning. After being sent to the devildom and having the basic run down of what is to come, mammon takes you to the house of lamentations. The first thing you notice once the door opens, is toys scattered all around the entrance hall. Not only toys, but you see a height lines at one of the door frames. Mammon gets more annoyed because he stepped on one of the toys and he shouts out," lilith!". A small girl carrying a black cat plushie almost her size comes down the stairs. Mammon scolds her for leaving her toys out like that and he introduces you to their 8th sibling, lilith. Lilith immediately hugs you (no matter the gender), because it's been a while since she's seen a human. And you become her instant play mate.
The mc's room already has a toy chest, filled with lilith's favourite toys. She likes to play around with the mc and actually gets quite attached to them.
Lilith gets so comfortable around the mc that she ask permission from her big brother luci if she can make a pact with the mc. Of course, lucifer is skeptical but he allows it because of liliths enthusiasm.
" ah lilith , I didn't think you would be accompanying lucifer today. "
Dia acts alot like the rich uncle that only comes back during the holidays to give out presents. Lilith rarely gets to see diavolo because most of the time it's only lucifer that gets to see him. But, when lucifer does come back he often gives lilith sweets that barbatos made by diavolo's order.
On the rare occasions that lucifer brings lilith along with him, she acts very reserved and shows off the manners lessons that satan has been teaching her.
On one evening, lucifer brings lilith along to dinner with diavolo. While eating, diavolo jokes around saying that lucifer should just stay in the castle with him. Suddenly, lilith bumps in and protests against the idea, " no big brother luci's staying with us". She hugs as much of lucifers arm that she can, giving diavolo her most pouty and "menacing face". Dia loves seeing how much she cares for her brother, while lucifer is trying his best to hide his embarrassment.
" ahhhhh! Im not a child! I dont want to play with a demon!"
When lilith first saw luke, her mind immediately said," playmate! ". Though luke always complains about being treated like a child because he's short, he tries to bare it because simeon convinced him to play with lilith.
When in the purgatory hall, she brings along mr.momo and some other toys. luke sometimes pretend he isn't there so he doesn't have to play with lilith, but once he hears a sniffle of her almost crying. He couldn't help but open the door for her and play.
Upon first meeting luke, the key difference in height was..still... apparent. Somehow, lilith is still a few inches taller than luke. Being the giddy child she is, she tells her brothers about it and they all start laughing their lungs out. And when luke finally got wind of it, he was so flustered and embarrassed, he almost refused to leave his room.
" why not make a pact with me?"
All her brothers warn her about solomon and to stay as far away from him as possible, she rarely gets to interact with him. But most of the times they do meet, he often ask her to make a pact with him. She always replies to him, " i have to ask big brother luci's permission first". Solomon just smiles and pats her head.
Huhu not much i can say about him since im sure the brothers distance lilith from solomon as much as possible.
And that concludes this very very long post , hope you guys enjoyed it❤️❤️❤️
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fireemblemmobile · 7 years
First thoughts on Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Keep in mind this is a first impressions “review”-- I’ve currently played through Act 1 and will be mostly discussing mechanics and how it looks. Keep in mind I have also never played Gaiden and went into this game with as little spoilers as possible. When I talk about plot, I’ll keep it as vague as possible-- still, keep in mind, there are possible spoilers under the read more! If you wish to only read about the mechanics of the game, skip the first two paragraphs where I talk about plot and characters.
First thing I’ll get out of the way is the plot so far. Personally I really like it-- so far, it’s honestly reminded me of the older GBA games I played, where the opening cutscene describes information about the world and the beginning is full of characters talking (it took me ~10 minutes to get to actual combat!). Although the information about the world isn’t as in depth as other games-- it doesn’t open like Sacred Stones, with descriptions of the countries and who rules them-- but it makes sense in the context of the game, which I heavily appreciate! Alm has never been outside the village he lives in, so of course he doesn’t know everything about the outside world; the opening cutscene tells you about the lore of the world, such as the Gods, that Alm would know of since he has been told stories as a child. There’s even times where Alm’s lack of knowledge of the outside world comes into play; there are multiple times where other characters have to tell Alm about famous people and places. It feels almost like I’m learning with Alm rather than I know everything about the world and Alm doesn’t. Another plus that the plot gets is that I’m actually intrigued about what happens next while not feeling lost. I know what’s happening-- but there are still things I don’t know of. For example, what is the mark on Alm’s hand? What is Mycan’s true intentions? Why did Zofia get invaded in the first place? Where is Mila? None of these I have answers for, but it’s not frustrating in a “why won’t this game tell me anything” sort of way. It’s been hinting at the answers to these questions without making it obvious, and it really makes me want to continue playing the story just to find out. 
Next up: The Characters. I’ll start out with saying that I love all of the characters in this game so far. They all have interesting personalities that aren’t bland; they all have palpable flaws as well. Alm may be talented with a sword, but he’s still naive. Lukas may be more experienced than everyone else, but he seems like he trusts a little bit too easily. It makes everyone way more believable that way-- even in the first impressions of the characters, you could grasp what their flaws. Plus, the character interactions are really really good. There’s genuinely funny moments, and a lot of the conversations do feel like two teenagers talking back and forth. The interactions don’t feel forced at all.  However, I do have my criticisms. All of the praising I’ve said falls flat when talking about two characters: Faye and Clair. Unfortunately, their personalities (mostly Faye’s) have been reduced to “has a crush on Alm”. Faye is constantly talking about him, her battle quotes are stuff like “For Alm!”/”Alm, did you see that?”, and in support conversations between Faye and Silque, Faye brushes Silque off because she “wants to talk to Alm”. This is less apparent with Clair (as she does have some personality when talking to other characters), but even then she hits on Alm often, and again, she said in a support conversation “At least seeing Alm would brighten my day”. Hell, in one of /Alm’s/ support conversations, Tobin brings it up that Clair is hitting on him. It’s all very off putting and awful in my opinion. It’s really tiring to see them trying to shoehorn in a possible love triangle when it really makes no sense that everyone but one character who is female on his team is into him (and I wouldn’t be surprised if Celica is into him as well). It’s tiring but not really a deal breaker at the moment. 
Now mechanics. This is probably what most people are interested in knowing; that being said, I’ll both describe mechanics and give some tips that I wish I knew starting right off the bat. First off, the way you get from place to place is very different. You get to pick where to go in a location where you’d like to go inside an area (obviously to some extent) and outside a set location it’s similar to the Sacred Stones where you move the character to a specific spot on the map. For example, in the beginning area, you can choose to go to your grandfather’s house, the town square, or by the town gate. There is also a “Free roaming” aspect in dungeons-- it feels a LOT like Legend of Zelda in my opinion. You control Alm and can cut grass, destroy crates, and destroy pots for money and items. Keep in mind though, when in these dungeons there will be enemies. Running into these enemies will cause a short battle-- it will become turn by turn, so don’t worry. If they catch you off guard (i.e. attack you when your back is turned), the enemy gets to move first. If you run straight into them, you move first. If you run into them from behind, you are set closer to them and get first turn; finally, if you slash at them with your sword, they will start missing HP. Also keep in mind in these dungeons, there are items to find, so definitely explore! Watch out for very powerful enemies, though. Sometimes they will surprise you-- I sure as hell got caught off guard when I ran into an enemy much too powerful for me.  When you choose a location, there will be a few options: Examine, talk, and move. Moving obviously takes you to a different location, and talking is to talk to NPCs or playable characters who are there. Talking is very important-- don’t forget to do it! Not only does the NPC’s word’s worldbuild, but you can miss recruiting characters if you don’t end of talking to them. And things will be different after time, so don’t forget to retread and talk to people again! What’s really cool about this game is that pretty much every line of dialogue is voice acted. I’ve run into one NPC who didn’t have a voice, and I believe it was because he didn’t have anything important to say. The only things that aren’t voice acted so far are examining text and the text on items (obviously) and at Mila’s shrine. The voice acting is also VERY GOOD. I was genuinely surprised at it, especially since even the NPCs have good voice acting!!  Examining is also very very important though, definitely definitely definitely don’t forget to look around. Not only can you get food items this way-- that will heal Fatigue (which I’ll talk about later), regain HP, and can be used as offerings to Mila-- but you can also gain weapons! And weapons are very very important-- you want to get the best you can, since there’s no weapon durability you don’t need to worry about losing them. Not to mention new weapons unlock new skills.
On that note, combat is generally the same as normal Fire Emblem games (turn by turn), but there are a few new things to keep in mind. There is no weapon triangle in this game; don’t forget that (I do it all the time). Probably most importantly, magic takes HP. It’s usually not a lot-- the beginning spells “Fire” and “Recover” cost 1 HP-- but as you get better spells, they cost more. “Thunder” costs 2 HP. By far the most damage that’s been done to a magic character is my Cleric Silque; once she unlocked her “Warp” ability, it took a bit of health to use it. However Clerics automatically come with a spell that, when it hits, they regain HP, so this balances out. Keep in mind that magic is now in two separate categories: black magic and white magic. White magic is anything that heals or is used to “support” (such as warp), while black magic is anything that damages. What’s also a bit of a change is that archers can hit you from close distances-- similar to Takumi’s close counter in Fire Emblem Heroes. However, the archer’s accuracy is lowered in one on one combat, so keep that in mind. Archers can also hit you from 3-5 squares away, so keep that in mind too! As I mentioned before, there are unlockable abilities. As a character progresses and fights more often, they can unlock “acts” that will give them the edge in combat. “Warp” is just one of them, but there are things like “Swap”, “Wrathful Strike”, “Hit and Run”... keep in mind though, these skills also take HP. Again, it’s usually not too much, but it is something to keep in mind while fighting very powerful enemies. These abilities can change-- some are class based, some are weapon based, some are item based, so keep that in mind when distributing items.  Another thing about combat is “Mila’s Turnwheel”. This is basically a mechanic where you can turn back time if you’ve made a mistake-- it can only turn back a certain number of turns, and can only be used a certain amount of times in battle. It’s for if you accidentally moved a character somewhere bad, or maybe a character got killed, you can reset the turn and not have to restart the entire level. I find it useful, and it definitely isn’t making anything too easy, so I wouldn’t worry too much about this. If anything, I’ve been using it mostly for “oops I healed the wrong character”/”Oops I attacked the wrong character”. Also! Just a tip, but when it comes to promoting characters, I would wait for them to be about level 8-10. You can change a villager’s class at level 3, but I would definitely recommend waiting for a bit to get the stat increases. Anything past level 10 I wouldn’t bother; in this game there isn’t really an incentive to go up to level 20 (since it takes a LOT-- once you hit higher levels, the EXP gains are much lower), so I wouldn’t plan to do so. Of course, you can promote as soon as possible without too much problem, I just prefer having the higher stats.  So, I mentioned Fatigue earlier. Basically what Fatigue is is a mechanic where characters get tired turning combat, and their stats suffer from it. It’s not too big of a deal, but if you’re constantly using one character, they will start to suffer. Your whole parties fatigue can be fixed by offering food at a Mila’s Shrine (also where you go to promote your units) and fatigue on a character basis can be fixed by eating food in combat, so it hasn’t negatively effected me yet. Offering food to Mila’s shrine will also usually give you a small tip for the next battle-- such as “you will need archers and mages in the next battle”, and such similar. It sort of reminds me of how in Fire Emblem 7 you can use a psychic to vaguely tell you who to bring into battle and what the battle will be like. These little tips aren’t too important, but keep in mind: support conversations happen in battle like in older titles (the game will tell you when you can have one), and you can grind for EXP in the dungeons with free roaming. I would definitely recommend grinding for EXP. Better to be overleveled than underleveled!
Now! To one of my favourite parts of this game so far-- the way it looks! Not only is the character design very nice (save for... the boob plate armour, @IntSys cut that out), but the environments, sprites, combat animations and cut scenes all look AMAZING. The cut scenes straight up look like they’re from an anime; the style and animation is smooth and visually appealing. How nice it looked genuinely took me by complete surprise. I wasn’t expecting such work to be put into the cut scenes.  The sprites and environments honestly are what I wanted Awakening/Fates to look like. I’ve mentioned to friends before that I thought the in combat sprites looked a bit unpolished in both those games as they had a lot of pixelation around them, but Echoes fixes that minor issue I had. The out of combat sprites are very very cute-- they remind me of the gameboy titles again, with the way they’re designed. And of course, the style in which all the characters are drawn is very nice and fits well within the game. I could gush about the art for a long while, but I’ll keep it to that so I don’t end up rambling too much. What probably makes me the most happy is the in combat animations. I love seeing a character I just moved 3 spaces to attack open their attack by rushing at the enemy, and I love seeing how the characters use their weapons. It isn’t the same every time-- sometimes Alm will slash, sometimes he will jab, etc.-- so it gives me a lot of incentive to not skip the battle animations. Even though the combat is turn by turn, it still flows naturally. Plus the way they use their weapons isn’t unnatural or inaccurate looking. Even the bowmen seem to have some difficulty pulling back their bow-- which makes sense, as it takes a lot of strength to do so! Plus, dodging (Depending on the character) looks great and flows really really well. For example, Grey will dodge an attack by jumping, and his next attack will be him slashing the sword downwards while in the air. I was really surprised to see how much work went into that! (But I’m also a huge nerd when it comes to battles).  That’s all I can think of to mention right now, but if you have questions feel free to ask them! I will answer them to the best of my ability! 
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azrcxlfatale · 4 years
under the cut you’ll find saint’s intro, its just a brief run down for now until i get bio pages up but it should help get a sense of the boyo all the same !! he is gentle and friend shaped is all i can say ajjdfg. THIS HAS NOW BEEN UPDATED WITH LIKE FIVE EXTRA LIL MORE CURRENT HEADCANONS! [ they r just like for his own growth nothing major has happened with saint and he’s still fundamentally the same as he was bc he’s always been a more laidback and less tragic muse but feel free to read em bc they do help contextualise how he’ll be career wise and with grandmami] : 
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so for the best part of his life saint was raised with his ‘grandmami’ as he terms her, but she’s better known to the whole island as ajumma solmi. for this reason he’s very doting toward her and a real grandma’s boy. he bakes with her often and they can often be found on street corners selling cheap priced but some of the finest flowers to the citizens because it’s grandmami’s tradition and its mostly done in hope to uplift the islanders and bring joy to their day in a small way and act of love. 
when i say doting i mean doTInG, he will help her in and out of chairs, help her cross streets, hold the groceries for her as she crosses, open doors for her even if grandmami insists he stops fussing because ffs saint ur making me look ancient and i’ll have u know i am still fighting fit and could knock any idiot on his ass with a fliCk of my finger. ajdhf. she is v fiery, if saint is like the picture of elegance and good manners then grandmami is the sTARK contrast. she has one hell of a potty mouth and just a no time for ur shit attitude. if anything saint is keeping her in line, not the other way around. 
his quirk is warp gate. he rlly just uses it to entertain himself mostly and help give his pals quick escapes when a prank of some sort has gone wrong. he can basically create portals out of a dark fog which can either be emitted through his breath or openings at the end of his fingers which he can activate, anyone can also use his portals to travel so long as he’s given them permission.
he just exudes sunshine rlly. is well known round the island for his out of this world smile which has been known to charm many. he is a very eligible and sought after bachelor but saint is like...not interested mostly bc he just like has no romantic awareness ahdhfhf not bc he doesn’t want it. and also bc he doesn’t like the way it’s mostly super young girls and guys just like awestruck by him. it feels a little too much like he’s a collective childhood crush by his groupies so yeah he is OBLIVIOUS. 
very humble and incredibly polite. just really down to earth whenever spoken to but being raised by an elderly person kinda makes u a little outdated, for this reason saint is kind of demure and bad at conversation mostly due to the fact he can easily talk for hours about his plans for baking with grandmami later, the book he read her this morning, the lovely walk they took in that gorgeous spot which he rlly recommends etc but he is god awful at talking about like typical young people stuff. 
lot of ppl think he plays hard to get, this is not true, saint just fr does not know how to fuckin speak and is the most oblivious person in the world to how to flirt, he’s easily flustered but bad at knowing when he’s being flirted with or if this person is just rlly nice and is usually too shy and respectful to rlly push luck by flirting in response hfhfjkg. USELESS. 
very 70′s/80′s aesthetic bby boy, sweet summer child. he is obsessed with old classic black and white films, had a collection before he moved to the island which he misses like everyday but luckily he has memorised ten million quotes. also collected records. obsessed with anything retro, is a collector of gaming merch. but he didn’t get to sneak much to the island :-( the only thing he rlly snuck was a small record stash. liked roller skating, bowling, drive in movies. dresses very retro but refined and classy with lots of layering. rlly good knowledge of classic literature. 
most likely to find him at the arcade in the funzone now on the island, he is a master at all the games but esp the old retro ones, usually goes early morning or late evening so he can spend hours uninterrupted on them and beat his high score everyday a bit more. if not there then he’ll be at zen’s computer gaming instead. he likes all tech really but prefers retro, he’s still figuring out modern. before coming to the island he was rlly getting into VR. if he’s not in either of these places, he’ll be on the beach in a volleyball match or doing a jog. still v much into his sports. 
ultimate sike power cause people think he looks like ur typical jock fuckboy but jokes on u he is pure of heart and dumb of ass himbo just blessed with ethereal looks, he is the breed of good lil boyo and that is all. 
obsessed with milkshakes and popcorn at the diners if he’s ever there u can guarantee that is what he is snacking on or treating himself to. his weakness is churros he fucken thinks that shit SLAPS. he’ll do anything if the prize is churros.  sMH someone help his diet. also loves fiddling with the jukeboxes there ajdjd. 
has two pet geckos one is peach colored and called zelda, the other is black and white leopard spotted and named zeus and he also has a chonk of a fluffy grumpy white cat called yoshi. he is the best. saint is a huge animal lover but probably still not on nyx’s level of dog worshipper. 
weeb. not as big of a one as nyx but he likes haikyuu, kuroko no basket, given, fruits basket, free! and yuri! on ice. he is very into anything that is slice of life or sports anime. 
has the nickname ‘koda’ bc of the movie brother bear, nicknamed after the lil baby bear cause he just reminds people of a baby bear ahdhd. 
he studies art, spends half his life in the studio working, big art nerd. once he gets in the work mode, he just does not stop for anything but water and snacks and goes at it all day into half the night. usually does big projects bc he loves a challenge. mostly paints, sometimes sketches. u know those vids of people mixing paint colors like a swatch of gold and turquoise? saint fuckin loves those so bad unf he does that all the time to calm himself. 
still lives with grandmami currently, he’s looking at getting his own place bc everyone tells him if he ever wants to have his own life then he needs to but he’s just v anxious about leaving grandmami on her own bc she getting older by the day and she’s all he has sO she cannot get hurt!! 
also in a bit of a dilemma with his art bc he kinda wants to make something out of it, like maybe teach some classes sort of thing and use it more as a career but right now he does not have the confidence in his ability and is mostly just doing it for fun and as a calming thing ( he’s an idiot he’s rlly fucken good pls someone make him take himself seriously )
never cusses but does say bitchin a lot, only ever uses fuck in bed basically so if u ever hear him say it then u know something next level has gone down bc saint refuses to swear even if he stubbed his pinky toe.
looks like a cinnamon roll but HE FUCKS!! boy is a kinky freak however saint has no shame or embarrassment like he will discuss it as casually as a discussion of what to have for dinner not bc he is like lewd but purely bc to him its rlly natural and like another form of art and he does not get the embarrassment or secret nature of it all like it is just factual to him that we come into the world like that and ppl enjoy it sometimes ajsj. 
gardening enthusiast!! has a fascination with studying plants and insects tbfh. still uses 70′s and 80′s kewl kid slang like unironically someone help him pls. sjjdjf. cute bonus fact: has freckles all over his shoulders and down his back. UWU. 
i would love for him to have a muse for art and/or to be someone’s muse. also and maybe interchangeably someone to kinda be his art mentor and be like saint u could pursue this fr if thats ur dream, then do it pls share this talent dont let ART DIE!!
someone he does gardening and insect studies with who gets his nerdy enthusiasm over it. 
a regular who gets flowers from him and grandmami, maybe he makes a special bouquet for them every day which always has a different meaning in the flower language bc he is soft like that ajjfl
someone who he can take on loads of cute lil platonic diner dinner dates bc he is a huge foodie as we can tell. this one is super fun like I imagine they scam tf outta restaurants that are over priced and for the elite by being like we all kno married couples or people getting engaged, celebrating anniversaries etc tend to get better deals on their meals. so he’s essentially doing this one bc he likes ur muses company and enthusiasm for food but also bc it means cheaper high quality meals for both and a guaranteed good time.
someone to nerd out with him over classic literature or films bc that would be hella cute
maybe someone who is also close with his grandmami and rlly loves spending time with her as well so he kinda trusts them to take care of her and trusts their judgement when they r like saint chill let the lady live okay go and do ur own shit akskf
he usually jogs alone but it would be cool for him to have someone to do that with and like table-tennis and shiz cause he just loves fitness activities and active leisure stuff too. 
maybe someone who is tryna teach him a little more about how to uH TALK LIKE SOMEONE HIS DAMN AGE AND STOP BEING SOME RETRO MAN STUCK IN MODERN TIMES AJDJD
so a lot about saint hasn’t overly changed because like he just is and has always been a very wholesome laidback boyo but just a few bits of like additional info for his personal growth can be added:
he’s owner and manager of the florist now, grandmami is also there most of the time and handles a lot of stuff when she’s feeling up to it but with her getting more tired more easily from her illness saint needs to head everything really.
he grew up in a neighbourhood on hosu which like consisted of his entire street pretty much being full of his aunts and uncles so now like it’s a street just littered with all his tiny cousins who like to follow him about everywhere and play ball games etc on the street with him and kinda take it over shs. you can hear their joyful playing from like streets over it’s very cute.
his mother gave him up when she realised she was pregnant with him and too young to raise him and that it would hinder her from pursuing the life she wanted with his father. saint doesn’t hold any resentment for her choice, it only bothers him that his grandma has always had a serious illness since the early days of talks of her having no choice but to take him on and that despite this his mother allowed him to be left to her care and another burden on her when she was already so ill.
grandmami is now at a point where she’s hanging in there but she won’t have long left and saint is essentially now her live in carer till her final days which is hard af for him but he refuses to let it show. he’s not sure how he’ll function when he loses her. right now he’s trying to extend the florist business into a wellness one as well and more of an apothecary so he can keep himself stable and busy.
this is more just a cute fun fact but he’s a Christmas Eve baby. uwu lil boyo was born on the night before Christmas bc of course he was sdjdj.
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dxitydoo · 4 years
So... the iPhone SE...
Alright this one is gonna be a long one so scroll on past if you’re not interested. If you are, then buckle up because here’s a multi-part essay about my opinions on the new SE.
For anyone that saw my post about getting a new phone and wondered what phone I got, I got the new iPhone SE (yes, I’m an Apple person. Don’t come for me).
At first, I was seeing videos of people getting excited over the phone but now, as time has gone on, those same people are now making videos criticising the phone.
Admittedly, they have some good points to bring up. The battery of the new SE is not amazing. It doesn’t outlast my dad’s XR which is somewhat annoying to say the least.
My counter-argument to that is that it lasted a whole day of me playing games on full brightness in the sunlight and didn’t die on me once which is honestly incredible after the last phone i had but anywho we’ll discuss this later.
My problem with a lot of those videos is that I feel like they’re getting the wrong end of the stick about what the SE is trying to be and they’re comparing it to the wrong phones.
The Original SE
The original SE’s main selling point (seriously why did Apple name them like this this is confusing) was that it had the newer internals of the 6S (so the faster processor, the better camera, etc) in the smaller body of the older 5S.
That was why I, and a lot of others I’m sure, liked it. Because it was a newer phone but in a size I preferred.
It also didn’t break the bank.
The old SE was praised for combining new and old in a way that complimented the old form-factor and rejuvenated in while also allowing people to access the newer features that were coming out in updates. At the time of writing this (27/04/2020), the old SE still supports new iOS updates and runs iOS 13 with minimal hiccups (not counting the fact that iOS 13 isn’t the most bug-free of updates).
But now, in 2020, the new SE is released and people are criticising it for the same thing they praised it for back in the day. They’re complaining that it has Touch ID, that it doesn’t have a edge-to-edge display, that it’s small, that the battery isn’t good, that the camera doesn’t stack up.
Everyone is free to have their own opinion. If you don’t like the SE, that’s fine. You don’t have to. No one is forcing you to. Just keep scrolling coz I do like the SE and I’m about to defend it til I run out of breath.
The “Old” Body
The SE combines old and new. That’s it’s schtick, that’s its gimmick. It was the thing for the 2016 SE, its the same for the 2020 SE. Although I would’ve loved to see an SE with an edge-to-edge display like any of the X or the 11 range, I’m not super surprised it hasn’t happened.
In fact, the small changes they have made, such as all colours now coming with a black bevel (and the better colour matching between the bevel and the screen), make it look really high-quality and beautiful honestly.
It has the same body as the 6, yes, but it doesn’t look like the 6 because of that colour-matching. And I appreciate that.
Oh! And the back being the non-metallic colour? God that’s sexy. The back is more reminiscent of the 11 (or the XR, I suppose, depending on what colour you got) than the 6 or 7. So it’s not unchanged?
Touch ID and Haptic Touch
Again, a controversial topic. The Touch ID in the SE is like the 3rd Gen or something?? I don’t actually know. But it’s several generations in at this point and it shows.
I came from the original SE, which had one of the first ever generations of Touch ID (if not the first) and the speed with which this new phone unlocks is incredible compared to the older model.
I tap the button once and the phone unlocks instantly. That is it.
Maybe it’s cumbersome to have Touch ID back again after all this time but if you’ve come from a Touch ID phone, especially one of the older models (which really... I think that’s probably the intended audience), it’s a big improvement.
And look no further for someone who was viscerally against the fake button Haptic Touch thing.
I hated the idea of it. My view was I either wanted the real button or no button at all. Full stop. End of story. You’d never change my mind.
Yeah... the new SE changed my mind.
I have the haptics turned up to the highest setting and it actually feels like a real button. Its less spongy than a real button, of course, and feels stiffer (kinda? Maybe just shallower) but its actually a really satisfying feature.
I remember first trying the fake button on the 7 and it vibrated at the wrong time or you’d try to press it to do one thing and it’d do another. It was confusing and made it very difficult to use.
I will say now I haven’t actually tried using an 8 so I can’t pass judgement on that but i like the SE.
And the Haptic Touch is really really nice.
I never thought I’d have a phone that has built-in rumble when playing games but here we are. This is the future.
Aside from being kinda nifty to feel the vibration in your hands when something happens on-screen, the Haptic Touch vibrates under your finger when interacting with the rotating dials to set timers or reblogging posts on tumblr. It’s a weird experience but not an unpleasant one and I like it way more than I was expecting to.
The Small Size
As for the size?
I really like it.
It’s big enough that it feels like a step-up from my old phone but not so big that I’m struggling to hold it (*cough cough* the XR *cough cough*).
Okay so my touch-typing is suffering a wee bit at the moment but tbh I started to struggle on my old phone before I upgraded coz the screen was just a little too small so it’s more a me thing than an it thing. I’m sure I’ll get used to it.
The camera.
I feel the need to mention that my last phone was the 2016 SE so, maybe it’s because my standards are really low, or maybe I’ve never owned an 11 and, therefore, have no comparison for it that way? But I don’t think the camera is bad.
In fact, I would even go so far as to say the camera is really fricking good.
After using a phone with a front-facing camera that could barely shoot 480p, stepping up to 1080p on the front is Wild™. The difference between this new camera and the old one is incredible.
If you want a camera that shoots good quality photos, has good colour balance, can actually show the sky as blue when shooting through a window (yes this is how low my expectations are), then omg this phone is incredible.
Obviously, its never gonna beat the 11 with its two cameras and its not gonna be able to contend with the 11 Pro series with their three cameras but hey, the phone is like half the price so??
The Battery
Okay, so lets talk about the battery.
I know this is a bit of a sore spot with people because iPhones recently have been coming out with bigger and better batteries every year.
I did a quick check through and, according to Apple, the battery life is about the same as both the 7 and the 8, which makes sense as they all share the same body. Unfortunately, that means that its probably a size issue. As in, thats the longest a battery of that size can last in a phone. Which is kinda annoying.
But, this is a post about my experience with the SE and I haven’t ever owned a 7 or an 8. My mum owned a 7 and the battery on that was god-awful and I’ve had a much better experience with my SE than she did.
First of all: some context.
Again, a friendly reminder my last phone was a four year old SE. It was a 64GB one as well, so you know I’m being legit (they stopped selling the 64GB (in the UK at least) about a year after the phone’s initial release).
So the battery on my old phone was absolutely fine. At first. As time went on and the phone got older, it did, unfortunately, begin to struggle.
As a reference, a few months before I replaced it (given lockdown doesn’t give the most accurate overview of what it was like to use on a day-to-day basis), it wouldn’t make it through a day at school without dying at least once, sometimes twice.
I had to carry a portable charger with me everywhere I went.
I left my house when it was on 100% and, by the time I got to school after an hour on the bus, it would be on 60-70% on a good day.
Letting your battery die everyday is really not good for it but, try as I might, I couldn’t stop it from happening.
I tell you this to let you know that my criteria for a good battery is literally just “lasts me through the day”.
I’ve had my new phone for about three days now and it hasn’t died on me once.
I played games on it in bright sunlight with the phone on full brightness for several hours straight yesterday and yet it still lasted me through the day and then some. After being off charge for 11 hours, it just about hit 20% before I put it on charge.
Today, I was on social media: tumblr, instagram, youtube, for the majority of today. Both tumblr and instagram had an uncanny ability to completely decimate the battery life of my old phone. They could reduce it from 50% to 40% after 5 minutes. But, again, no problemo for my new phone.
It got to about 50% today before I put it back on charge to go have dinner.
I’d say that lasts through the day quite nicely.
Especially given it’s getting a lot more use than it would normally because a) I’m stuck inside with nothing to do and b) shiny new phone!!!
But I digress.
So, Why Does The SE Exist?
I’m gonna be real. I don’t think the iPhone SE (2020) is trying to be anything fancy. It’s not trying to be the next iPhone 11, it’s not trying to replace the XR. If anything, it’s replacing the 8.
I don’t think the SE is a bad phone. It does everything it says it does and it does it well.
I think the YouTube reviewers have it slightly wrong. I don’t think they should be comparing the SE to the 11 or the XR because, realistically, the people who own those phones aren’t gonna be buying the SE for themselves.
The people who are gonna be buying the SE are the people who have the 5s or the old SE or the 6s or even maybe the 7. (I’m not sure how noticeable the jump would be from 8 to SE, given they have very similar specs).
They’re the kind of people who want a new phone but don’t have the money to go for the more expensive XR or 11 range.
Or maybe they don’t want a giant phone because idk bout you but I have small hands and the XR is both large and heavy and that’s not practical. Plus, the XR with women’s jeans? Really? Not happening.
So, while I understand why reviewers are comparing the SE to the 11s or the XR—because the SE has the internals of those two and is closer to them in terms of release date—I don’t think it’s actually realistic.
YouTube reviewers are comparing the SE to the recent phones when they should be comparing it to the older ones, which is the more likely transition. The iPhone SE has a lot more going for it than people say and I really like it.
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hxseok-honee · 5 years
messy love | how they met
requested by @turtle-street ! i just didnt wanna give this long ass answer in the ask box so im doin it here uwu :
jungkook - y/n met jungkook when they were in college; she was in the year above him and already friends with jimin, and he just happened to take the seat next to jimin in his first class. he and jimin hit it off almost immediately, joking around for most of lecture and walking out together once the class was over. jimin had forgotten he was supposed to meet y/n after class because she told him she would buy him coffee to celebrate his first day of college. it didnt take jungkook a long time to fall for her tbh- actually it took the span of her introducing herself and claiming that she would buy him coffee too just because she wanted to. from that point on whenever he would see her - in the library, in a coffee shop, on the quad, etc - he would run up to her with a huge smile on his face and walk her to wherever she was going, even if he was late for something. and every time she would find him about to do something like skip class or ignore his basic human needs like food and sleep during exam season, she would scold him until he agreed to be better and then she would treat him to food and call him a cutie because she felt bad about yelling at such a good bean. this girl definitely started falling for him about a year after they met, on their one year friend-versary to be exact, when he showed up at her door with gifts and a big smile and a confession of how happy he was to have sat next to jimin that day because she was the one person on campus he felt completely comfortable around and that he was really grateful to have her in his life. that confession, man- that shit got her.
tae - y/n met tae at a party actually! in her second year of college, she decided she was gonna try going out and having fun more, so she went to a party with jin and had a damn blast. but when she got there she lost the older boy pretty early on and was forced to just wander around with an empty red solo cup in her hand trying to find a good place to park herself and stay for the night. eventually she found a little corner where she could see everything and look for jin, but she had no idea that she was standing next to the guy she would later end up dancing the night away with. tae was a first year, and while he’s not a shy person, it was his first college party and he was kinda just lingering and trying to find the right vibe. he was also holding an empty cup, something that he was really embarrassed to show anyone, but he just wanted to fit in for the night. at one point y/n glanced over at tae, but he was already looking at her. he swears he had only been looking for a second, but y/n always jokes that he was staring for like ten minutes before he finally got his attention. what actually happened is that tae noticed her because she had come to stand next to him and, upon a quick glance and then a double take, he realized her cup was just as dry as his. so he spent like five minutes trying to find something to say to her that wasn’t completely lame, but she caught him staring in the process. somewhere along the line they started talking quietly and realized that they had the exact same sense of humor. they also realized that they had some mutual friends  - tae had gone to high school with namjoon and hobi, and he had actually come to the party with them but lost them at some point. y/n doesn’t remember when she started falling for him, but his chaotic nature and sense of humor played a huge part in making her feel as excited as she did whenever he was in the room, and- well. tae had already fallen for her when he saw her empty cup at that party. 
jimin - y/n remembers the day she met jimin with such clarity that sometimes she thinks she’s still in high school. by the time jimin started his freshman year, y/n was already friends with yoongi and jin, and she felt pretty secure in all her friend groups. she really didn’t think she would have anything in common with the people in the year below her, but jimin showed up in her life like a whirlwind mixture of cute and crazy, and it still blows her mind that her little ball of squish is the same guy that tripped over his own shoelaces in the hallway and fell to the ground right by her feet all those years ago. her little sweet prince is the same guy who hit the ground like a rock and then proceeded to hide his embarrassment by staring up at her from the floor and awkwardly choking out the words“haha,,, looks like i’ve fallen for you,,, haha,,,” . to this day, whenever yoongi or jin wants to tease jimin, all they have to do is whisper those words and he’s immediately whining for them to leave him alone. jimin was a little uncomfortable to be around in those days, kind of shy and kind of painfully awkward, but after a few weeks of hanging out with y/n and the older boys, his inner squish revealed itself and she was just absolutely hooked on him after that, always gushing about how adorable and cute he was when he wasn’t around. 
namjoon - y/n met namjoon during her college orientation- he was that dorky kid sitting at the front who had collected all the pamphlets he could find and was sorting through them slowly because he couldn’t decide what he wanted to do with his free time. y/n was actually late to that orientation meeting, so the only seat left was the one next to him all the way at the front. she felt so humiliated when she sat down that namjoon took one glance at her and just passed her some pamphlets so that she wouldn’t look so unprepared . when the meeting was over and she was giving the pamphlets back to him awkwardly, he just smiled sweetly and asked her for her name. they found out after a few minutes of talking that they had a class together, at which point he insisted that she meet his best friend hoseok since he was also taking the class. that was how the three of them became so close -  and it was during exam season that he realized he was beginning to fall for her. it was one of those nights before their midterm where they were sitting in her dorm room until like 5 am just studying their asses off, but at some point in the middle of the night they all started acting like a bunch of crackheads and namjoon found himself laughing so hard that he couldnt believe someone as perfect as her existed. y/n fell for him not that long after - during the exam to be exact. she was so sleep deprived that she just found herself staring off into space for part of the exam, but she was actually just staring at the side of namjoon’s face for those ten minutes. at some point her sleep-deprived brain just registered how attractive he was, especially when he was concentrating this hard, and she was absolutely whipped for him after that exam [which she failed, btw, but thats fine].
hoseok - as namjoon’s childhood best friend, he was automatically dragged into whatever namjoon was up to at any point in time, and that included skipping lunch to meet namjoon outside of his orientation meeting for what sounded like something urgent. when he got there and realized namjoon just wanted to introduce him to a girl, however, he couldnt help that he tried to strangle joon for making him miss lunch. he almost missed the way y/n laughed at his threats and offered to pay for his lunch to make it up to him. “we have a class together now,, i cant have you hating me already”, she had said with a smile, and hoseok couldnt help the way he relaxed almost immediately, smiling back at her sweetly and saying that he couldn’t hate her. he didnt realize how true that statement would become as he found himself falling for her more and more every day, saving her a seat in lecture and holding her head up for her when she fell asleep in the middle of class. their days were spent bickering about the most random shit and trying to distract namjoon during class, and their nights were spent sending each other memes and making lunch plans for the next day. there was only one day in their whole time in college that they were unable to hang out as a full set of three - the day toward the end of their first year that joon caught a stomach bug and was confined to his room all day. that was the only day she and hoseok spent alone, and it became a late night sleepover filled with life talks, drinking games, and disney movies. at some point hoseok started drunkenly rambling about how much he loved her and namjoon, and how he was so glad to have turned his duo into a trio, and that he would never let her go. y/n almost kissed him that night, but she restrained herself. 
yoongi - oh, y/n fell for this bitch on s i g h t. he and jin had met in their freshman year of high school, and as the saying goes, opposites attract. where jin was loud, cheerful, and popular, yoongi was quiet, awkward, and preferred to be left alone. he was really nice, but he just didnt see the need to show people that. so he just stayed out of everyone’s way and let jin do his thing. and that’s why y/n was so confused by yoongi when she first met him. she was just barely getting to really know jin, but his friendship with yoongi always confused her. she had to admit, though, that the first time she met him, she could already see that he was really kind and just quiet, and she couldn’t help that she thought he was the most beautiful human she’d ever seen as soon as she laid eyes on him. she found herself following him places and bothering him all day, even when jin wasn’t around. but yoongi never complained. even with jin he complained sometimes, claiming that the guy was too happy to be human - but with y/n he never complained, just letting her follow him and poke at him constantly. yoongi always had a soft spot for y/n, as much as he claimed he didnt, but it wasn’t until about the end of his first year of college that he actually realized he had fallen for her. she had just received her college acceptance letter - to the same school as him and jin - and, to his surprise, she had called him instead of jin [something that jin still complains about to this day]. hearing her on the phone, sounding so excited and bright, after he had had a stressful and draining day - it was enough to make him smile and feel warm inside. it was then that he realized just how much he had come to love her voice and her personality, and it drove him insane every day after that. 
jin - y/n and jin have actually known each other the longest out of any of them; they met in elementary school. jin was that cute older boy who everyone liked and wanted to be friends with, and y/n was that crackhead younger girl who just wanted to run around with her friends and have fun. they were always kind of aware of each other, you know how you sort of know everyone you go to school with at that age but you never talk? they were like that. and then he left for high school and she forgot about him and that should have been the end of that - until she ended up at the same high school as him a couple years later and they made eye contact again on her first day. by then jin was growing into the kind of boy that did whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. so he did what he always kinda wanted to do and approached her- he asked her what her name was and if she needed help getting around. that’s how they actually became friends, but y/n swears they were always lowkey kinda friends because she’s a nutcase, and jin just lets her say that because he lowkey thinks the same thing. and there’s no telling when they started to fall for each other, it was always kinda there with them- an attraction like the strongest of magnets
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pwnyta · 5 years
Nobody ASKED for any of my shitty Pokemon character doodles... BUT IM IN A MOOD.
SO yall have to deal with it.
This is under a read more so dont come at me about it being annoyingly long. Blame Dumblr. Theres a SHIT TON OF DOODLES UNDER THE CUT.
First off I wanted to give Holly a whole classroom of friends... it wasnt GONNA be an all girls school... but I kept crankin of little girly Mons....
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I dont actually have a shiny Darumaka or Eevee... but theyre two of my favorite shinies...
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I drew these four after so theyre a bit different in style. Shiny Swirlex has the same excuse as the other two shinies... I just love the shiny colors
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They also needed a teacher so I repurposed one of my older characters because I thought itd be funny to have a swan teacher... cuz swans are so scary but they care for their babies well.
Darla and Delilah can be bothered with threats because theyre safe with Mr Shandra.
Mikhail only takes classes that are small enough to fit under his wingspan so he can keep them all safe. And Eva and Tiffany learn from the best and just get pissed off like their teacher.
((Hes more bark than bite though... hes not a great fighter and a double weakness to Electric? Garbo. But he puts up a convincing enough front.))
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And because he was a swan I gave him a life mate. The only other being that gets any softness from him.
He was an ex pirate.
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Mikhail has no interest in criminals!!! So the captain gave up the pirate life and married a very short tempered bird and gained a lot of weight...because I wanted him chubby.
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‘’Spider’’, Esi, and dear ol Dad. Despite Reds best efforts to keep Esi out of Osborns hands he still ended up an immensely shady bastard but at least hes not as broken as ‘’Spider’’.
I didnt finish their moms because I couldnt settle on a design for Spiders mum....
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Now Spider works for Caedere his beloved boss who would never ever lie to him ever. (Hint: Spiders nature is ‘naive’)
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I tried revamping Ray and Hebanon...  but Ray still gay as hell for his boy.
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I bullied Sparky a little. He’ll probably be fine even if Rays got a Mega evo. Its the name of the game Ray... hes supposed to knock his opponent out... you cant get pissed when ever Hebanon gets fucked up in battle.
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Did I post these? Am I ever gonna finish these character sheets? No. And look I forgot the most pressing detail of Zippos and thats his fuckin Arbok mark on his back. IM A FOOL.
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Kreetan and his mum and dad.
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So many little comic things I’ll never finish because theres too many and instead of just stopping and finishing something I keep adding to my unfinished doodles instead. This is why I dont take requests or anything.
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I time where Leif and Cyndy actually grow up?
Zippo is curious.
.....AS A CAT.
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Polly is here too!! And shes ready to punch someone RIGHT IN THE NOODLE.
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I also thought itd be nice to draw out some other Chars of Zippo and Crizs generation.
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Theyre.. as you may have guessed are not finished yet.
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Clem is a timid lad, Mira... not so much. Very brave
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Addy is a modest princess type
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Jubilee is a sassy lass.
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And Criz. A sweet bashful boy whos never done anything wrong and certainly will not die because no one would be cruel enough to let that happen.
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Babby Clem, Addy, and Jubilee.
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Updated Mistletoe. One spooky righteous(in his own mind) lad.
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She only looks stoic to start... but shes quite the weirdo.
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She just got here and shes ready to go home. What a mood.
Now for some less polished individuals....
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Meh meh meh lookit me IM OMI. Im gonna put three of the exact same Pokemon in the same group so Pwnyta has to suffer tryna come up with different designs.
...But I do like them. I imagine that they remain Ekans because they wont need the mark of their tribe so no one will no where they come from. So spooky.
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I was torn between the codename ‘Sundown‘ and ‘Daybreak‘ for Crobat.
By day hes a wholesome trustworthy priest... by night he tortures people for a shady shady bug man. He’ll determine if youre truly innocent.
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Doc has to deal with all these fuckin weirdos... he just wants to be a doctor... BUT AT WHAT COST DOC?!
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This is a sequel to the doodle comic I was makin in a previous post... Kop and Doc develop an interesting friendship (In Kops mind. Its more a ‘stalker with a crush’ situation) But hey if Kops not being paid then hes got no reason to hurt Doc.
...Docs a fun character to bully because hes so smarmy and small.
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A man of few words and an intense curiosity with mortal beings and his own existence.
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A spooky lad who doesnt quite mean to torment his subordinates... its just his Pressure.
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Id imagine his form changes are a bit like Iron Man in IW when hes fighting Thanos.
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I drew some more science bitches...
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Some casual clothes for the original three stooges.
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Shes deaf Franz! She cant hear you.
Ya know IDK if itd be ‘canon‘ that they all met as kids... I just thought itd be cute. Little psychic babies all doofin off together... the most troublesome one being asleep 90% of the time due to being an Abra.... and narcoleptic. Abra sleep so much naturally... Geller sleeps even MORE... thats why hes so incredibly smart even for an Alakazam.
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I had a whole little redo sketch comic idea of Mewtwo breakin loose and fuckin shit up.... (its never been finished)
Franz tries to put him to sleep. (it doesnt work. He needs Emanuel and Nola to save him and he gets his arm broken for bein such a cheeky lad.)
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Mewtwo doesnt have too much of a problem with Geller due to his soft spot for kids and pure desire for knowledge... but if hes gonna protect the other assholes then PERISH.
Dont worry though big boss Deo wont let his subordinates die let alone the second smartest after him... and saves them all pretty easy. A sharp tentacle arm through the chest will stop even Mewtwo.
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Some booboos happen tho...
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But hes fine eventually and finds his ex wife home watchin the kids.
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Shes promptly expelled.
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Geller also goes back for Dilla and steals him. Lifes too short not to adopt an ancient fossil baby.
Emanuel isnt delighted... but he doesnt have the heart to call the authorities on a man who risked his life to save him.
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Fossil Mons come in two types-- Resurrected fossils which have the skin color of the primary coloring of their Pokemon form so they can be solid black or blue or red or w/e... Ancestors of ancient Pokemon have normal skin tones.
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And another comic sketch idea... where Geller and Roswell are gifted with some fancy new Mega stones... Ros? Not too keen on the idea hes seen what can happen to a bitch when they Mega Evo... he aint got time for that. Geller goes HARD for SCIENCE.
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Ros: Geller I know your a spoon guy but stick a fork in that bastard cuz hes done. COOKED. If he thinks im riskin my ass for his bullshit. Lets go tell him off together (im scared to go without you...)
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Geller: We experiment on living things all the time for the sake of scientific progress.... are we really too good to be subject to our own studies?
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After seeing Geller use his without hesitation, putting his body through a world of hurt for the sake of SCIENCE!!! Ros couldnt pussy out on his boy...
His Mega is just FABULOUS and now he loves it.
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I was also makin a team with the Pokemon that have the highest stats (non Legends/Psudos/Megas) but I got bored after Blissey. She has a Togekiss wife I didnt finish either... Oh well.
Shes a bold lass and prefers double battles with her support wife. She doesnt like using dangerous moves as its in her nature as a Blissey to heal.
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(I forgot his whiskers... OH WELL)
I wanted to give Flaminio some people who missed him after he got spirited away by his Ghosts.
After he disappeared people looked for him but he was never found and years and years went by and people stopped looking. Even Clove and Ceto had to move on.
Koban is a loyal bitch though and he never let it go. He still wants his friend back. Hes an old boy now... so old people probably call him ‘Nekomata‘ and wonder when his tail is gonna split.
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domesticangel · 5 years
ok ok a 68 plymouth gtx for ris is perfection but what do u think the rest of the squadra has? i really wanna say one of them has a studebaker somehow but i just dont know (ignore it was a us based company i love them anyways shhhh)
god. this is the best ask i couldve ever gotten. buckle up. ha ha. bc cars. and also bc I’m not gonna shut the fuck up
but YEAH NO SAME i also chose to foolishly disregard that italians wouldnt likely drive american cars (or necessarily drive at all…america is mad obsessed with cars compared to a lot of other countries so sdkfhsdkj) bc its all fun and games so ik a lot of this would be unrealistic but I’m american so i really only know about american cars/cars that are popular in america dskjfsdkjf so sorry for America-Centrism On Main but if any italians or ppl w knowledge of italian cars wanna chime in w their own takes, by all means!!!
oh and this post also foolishly assumes la sqaudra has money. lets pretend for just this post they all actually got paid for their jobs
SO WITH THAT OUT OF THE WAY warning this is gonna make this post rly long but I’m gonna ad pics of the cars i think they’d all drive like. in case anyone reading wants to know what they look like but doesn’t wanna look em all up so I’m gonna throw this under a cut in case it gets crazy
ok i can 1000% see sorbet and gelato sharing a like studebaker speedster that they would take out cruising for special occasions….it would spend most of its time under a tarp locked in a garage bc if you touch that car without permission you WILL die by their loving intertwined hands. some couples have babies. some couples get dogs. sorbet and gelato got a studebaker speedster and treated it with almost as much love as they do each other. one might think their driving would match the “crazy” impression everyone has of them but honestly? they prefer to take it slow and cruise so they have more time to enjoy each others company. on the job they’ll wreck a rental all to hell, but not their baby. the rest of squadra would low key fear for their lives on the rare occasion that sorbet and gelato offered them rides in their car bc the inside is spotless and they all knew if they left anything out of place or dirtier than they found it their time was up
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i think they’d dig a color scheme something like this; still looks mob and sophisticated without losing the whimsicality u feel me
i really like a classic chevelle ss or ‘67 mustang gt500 for formaggio
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(ignore how fuckin shiney these are bc make no mistake his would be scratched and worn all to hell)
in line w my headcanon that he’d be knowledgable about cars, i think he’d like supe them up and mod them for street racing or 1960s style drag racing. since we don’t get a lot of individual sqaudra backstory i sometimes think about him maybe losing his parents at a young age or having a bad home life as is typical of passione members and getting taken in by a local mechanic, and only as he got older realizing the shop had mafia ties which eventually paved the way for his induction etc but the knowledge and interest in cars always stuck with him. i think he’d probably drive the most recklessly out of all of squadra (rivaled only by ghiaccio ofc) bc he just loves to go fast as fuck and show off. he’s definitely a revs-the-engine-when-he-drives-by-someone-cute ass bitch
illuso would drive a ‘71 dodge demon, and honestly only because he liked the name and how it looked
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it would honestly drive formaggio insane that illuso would ONLY use this car to get around as opposed to flying down the countryside or doing burnouts in a field. illuso doesn’t know much about cars and he doesn’t care to learn either; if it looks good and the engine turns he’s happy. formaggio would BEG him to race him or let him take it for a spin, but illuso would be adamant in turning him down every time. he has no desire to take risks and tear up a perfectly good car, but if he feels especially generous he’ll let formaggio ride with him while formaggio excitedly rattles off specs illuso doesn’t understand in the slightest. he won’t readily admit to it but seeing formaggio that excited is really endearing and illuso would even end up learning something here and there from their time spent together
ghiaccio is anal enough about All Things Italian that he breaks my disclaimer and actually does drive an italian car. y'all already know what the fuck is going on
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hell yeah ghiaccio drives a lambo. ‘71 lamborghini miura to be exact. and boy does he make this motherfucker screech and drift. as much as he seems to abuse the car he’s extremely uptight about upkeep and will take it in as often as needed for repairs. you can also bet your ass he’d berate any of his fellow squadra members that didn’t drive italian-made cars, asking them why they’d choose to drive that trash on wheels when their country is home to the best cars in the entire fucking world and they have their pick. being in the passenger seat with him at the wheel is terrifying, don’t get me wrong, but he’s actually a very skilled driver, like to the point that he probably couldve been a stunt car driver if he wanted. but whatever you do don’t show any adverse reactions to his hard turns or brakes bc he will take it as a personal insult to his skill as a driver and you will find that the louder his voice gets the heavier his foot gets on the gas so Good Fucking Luck. (also yes ik we already see ghiaccio driving a car in canon but its headcanon time and during headcanon time ghiaccio rocks the fucking lambo)
prosciutto would drive a big beautiful blue ‘65 thunderbird convertible
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he would also be very particular about the upkeep of his car, but without any sort of personal touch; he hasn’t the time nor desire to keep up with the car himself so he just makes sure he takes it to a reputable shop to do it for him. it’s not his “baby” or an heirloom; its just a car. it runs and looks good as all fuck while doing it so thats all he really cares about tbh. that said, if anyone ever scratched or keyed or dented it they wouldn’t live long to regret bc as a wise man once said, you don’t fuck with a mans automobile. i mentioned this in the my squadra meme as well, but even though he smokes like a chimney, he NEVER smokes in his car. no smoking, eating, or drinking in the thunderbird. sealed packs of cigs in the console only and if the seals been broken it has to stay in your pocket. the upholstery is pristine and he prefers to keep it that way. he’s a very mild mannered driver and even often errs on the side of slow; he doesn’t really see the point in wasting gas by speeding or messing up the tires or alignment by showboating. he knows that he AND the car already look good enough to command bystanders’ attention so he doesn’t waste his time with any extra flashiness
ima keep it real with you chief: melone would drive a car you could fuck in the back of and thats about all there is to it, so look no further than the spacious ‘61 chrysler newport
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he would somehow figure out a way to get an aux cord and a sound system in this old motherfucker and would listen to his music so loud it about rattled the doors off, much to any passengers’ chagrin. he’s almost worse to ride with than formaggio or ghiaccio because he texts and messes with the music the entire time he’s driving. like its almost impressive how often he manages to NOT have his hands on the wheel. he’s a master knee-driver. all that in mind the rest of squadra groans in unison when melone offers to drive and risotto, who doesn’t have time for a squabble, gives the ok and send them on their way bc they know they’re gonna have to deal with melone insisting that driver picks the music and white knuckling the handles the whole time. but regardless, if the chrysler’s rockin and the britney’s boppin, don’t come a-knockin
since i see pesci as the youngest i think he’d be the last to get a car, but the rest of squadra would surprise him by all pitching in and getting him a ‘69 buick sport wagon
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it’d definitely be a fixer-upper (prosciutto insisted it’d be good for pesci to retroactively “earn” the car by learning how to take care of it, prompting the rest of squadra to point out prosciutto never even learned how to fix a car himself) but pesci would be out of his mind appreciative of it either way. after years of only ever riding in the back seat of someone else’s car he’d be so excited about finally having a car to call his own. formaggio would take him under his wing and show him everything he needed to do to make sure she stayed running in tip-top shape and they’d grow pretty close over it; formaggio would lose his damn mind the first time he’d convince pesci to do a burnout on his own. pesci would try his best to keep the car clean but he’d probably have a bad habit of leaving empty drink bottles in the floorboard or extra jackets in the back seat, but all in all he’d do a pretty good job taking care of the car and making the generous gift from his team worth it. most non-work related outings would have pesci chauffeuring, but he wouldn’t mind, bc seeing all his friends crammed into his car and having a good time would make him really happy
and last but not least risotto and his ‘68 plymouth gtx 🖤
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perhaps surprisingly he wouldnt be excessively meticulous about upkeep; he definitely wouldnt do anything needlessly reckless to harm the car or neglectful of standard upkeep, but he would definitely see it as more of a personal part of him than a machine that needed to maintain perfection. he wouldn’t really sweat scratches or dents here and there; they’re bound to happen to a car that old and if he found the time he’d take it to get it buffed. like i said in the hc meme i think it would’ve belonged to his father (or any family member he was close to really) and it was passed onto him when he died so it’s kind of a sentimental thing for risotto. though not quite the same level as formaggio, he’s fairly good at making standard repairs on his own, and doesn’t mind spending a weekend or two up under the car fixing it up and making sure it runs smooth. the rest of squadra would each be surprised the first time they ever rode anywhere with him; the second the car started old classic rock or metal would blast through the speakers, with risotto mumbling a quick sorry and turning it down, but not all the way off. they would find out that their stoic leader prefers to drive with the windows down, one hand on the wheel, other out the window tapping to the beat of the music on the hood
aaaaaaaaand YEAH. i told you i wasn’t gonna shut the fuck up DSFHKJADHKSDJ LMAO SORRY I WENT TF OFF BUT YEAH THOSE ARE MY. SQUADRA CLASSIC CAR HCs
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crafiet · 5 years
1-50 of the writers ask thingy, tell me everything :D
1 : What age-group do you write?adult! ive always written characters my age or a few years older
2 : What genre do you write?sff, mostly fantasy
3 : Do you outline according to big ideas or small details?hmmm, i guess small details? when i get an idea, i get an idea for single scenes or pieces of dialogue or a certain character, so i piece together an outline from that. but i have trouble with a overarching plot lol
4 : Which do you prefer–line-editing or plot-revisions?line-editing, i love editing. revisions suck bc it takes me 10,000 yrs to come up with an idea and now i have to replace it with another??? blasphemous
5 : Do you write better with or without deadlines?ive written my whole life without deadlines except for when i tried nano last year and failed. so without i guess, but then i dont have anything to convince me to write more lmao
6 : What would be the biggest compliment you could hope to receive on your current WIP?idk probably that its someones favourite book, or to see fanart *.*
7 : How long is your current WIP?26,305 words, its a rewrite heh
8 : What author would you be most excited to be compared to?hummmmmm,,,idk when people call new fantasy books “the next game of thrones” it sounds so fake lol but idk who my favourite author is...
9 : What do you struggle most with as a writer?writing
10 : Do you brain-storm story ideas alone or with others?mostly alone but YOU, ASH, help sometimes. its good to get an objective ear
11 : Do you base your characters off of real people?nah lol, im not good at characters
12 : Is your writing space clean or cluttered?clean
13 : Do you write character-driven or plot-driven stories?plot-driven. my writing is extremely fast paced, and i dont tend to like reading character-driven works
14 : Do you have a favorite writing-related quote?ive answered this in previous ask. the 'drunk on writing’ one by ray bradbury
15 : If you transport your original characters into another author’s world, which world would you choose?everyone else’s worlds are so harsh lol maybe id put them in atla so they can fuck around w bending
16 : Would your story work better as a movie or tv show? Why?miniseries ゚*。(・∀・)゚*。 but it would lend itself to a movie yeah
17 : Do you make soundtracks for each story?nah, lazy ass
18 : If you could assign your story one song, what would it be?unbecoming by starset
19 : Would you rather live in your characters’ world, or have your characters come live in our world?honestly? i wanna escape capitalism and wield a sword
20 : What book would you love to see adapted for the big or small screen?zero world by jason m hough!!!! its a pretty big book i think a movie duology or a tv show would work!
21 : Do you finish most of the stories you start?no
22 : Has your own writing ever made you cry?no lol 
23 : Are you proud or anxious to show off your writing?anxious cz im bad
24 : When did you start considering yourself a writer?i meannnnnnnn do i even now thoooooo
25 : What books are must-reads in your genre?sff is so broad, read whatever tf u want
26 : What would you like to see more of in your genre?diversity, not just in race gender sexuality but in fucking plots like damn give me something w a twist
27 : Where do you get inspiration from?real life, books, movies
28 : On a scale of 1-10, how much do you stress about choosing character names?about a 2, i just search on a generator until i find one i like im not a stickler for names nd i dont usually have placeholder names or anything
29 : Do you tend to underwrite or overwrite in a first draft?chronic underwriter hence the only 20k words
30 : Does writing calm you down or stress you out?calm me down, i have no control over my own life so its good to have complete control over my oc’s lives. i dont tend to have the ‘characters run away from me’ thing, but probably bc i dont see it like that lol
31 : What trope do you actually like?ride-or-die, charas who are knowledgeable and badass from the beginning, i hate following the character learning to do something lmao im impatient
32 : Do you give your side-characters extensive backstories?depends on the side character, every character is fleshed out to an extent but i dont do a massive family tree or anything
33 : Do you flesh-out characters before you write, or let their personalities develop over time?i tend to create characters before plot so i would say i know them pretty well before starting but i do let them develop naturally within the story without forcing them into any box
34 : Describe your old writing in one word.tryhard
35 : Is it more fun to write villains or heroes?mmm both have their merits, i went through a phase where i loved villains but a warped heroes journey or a morally grey/anti-hero can be super good too
36 : Do you write with a black and white sense of morality?nah, murky
37 : What’s one piece of advice you would give to new writers?try anything. anything it doesnt matter if ur nervous or you ‘dont write in that genre’ or you dont even like that genre. its good to train yourself and go out of your comfort zone, makes u a better writer imo. also dont read this and think ‘im not writing an entire historical romance novel bc i hate it’ i mean just one shots. a paragraph or two. try out writing prompts, it really flexes ur skillsalso dont feel like everything u have to write will be published, thats what i mean by try out little paragraphs or prompts. let go of this idea that any of this work will see the light of day [unless u rly want it to] and just have fun, go wild, go crazy, go stupid
38 : What’s one piece of writing advice you try–but fail–to follow?its mostly those ones that help u have cleaner, more beautiful writing. i write really beige-like and its hard to be poetic or flowery
39 : How important is positive reinforcement to you as a writer?probably super important
40 : What would you ask your favorite author if given one question?when ur next book out
41 : Do you find it distracting to read while you’re writing a first draft?nah
42 : Do critiques motivate or discourage you?ive never really had many, so i would say discourage bc i dont have a thick skin with my writing
43 : Do you tend to write protagonists like yourself or unlike yourself?unlike myself, i like to write bold, confident characters and im not that lol escapism much
44 : How do you decide what story idea to work on?whichever interests me the most at the moment, i can jump between projects easily so i dont have a problem 
45 : Do you find it harder or easier to write when you’re stressed out?harder, i cant look at my writing if im stressed else ill absolutely hate it and might do something drastic like delete it all lol
46 : What Hogwarts house would your protagonist(s) be in?ary is slytherincyri is ravenclawash is gryffindorcaena is slytherin [i dont know how to spell the house names]
47 : Where do you see yourself as a writer in five years?still writing id hope
48 : Would you ever co-write?nah
49 : Are you a fast and rushed writer or a slow and deliberate writer?i used to be fast and rushed bc i was so impatient i just wanted to see the end product but i realised that i really love being in the world of my wips as long as possible so i draw it out and really mull everything over
50 : Would you rather be remembered for your fantastic world-building or your lifelike characters?both lol? i do love worldbuilding but i think characters make a greater impact
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kendricksendrick · 5 years
im such a bitch heres some fun facts about me
how tall are you?
5 foot 2ish
what is your body type?
ex-gymnist who wakeboards a lot
what is your favorite part about your body?
um my boobs i guess idk
is your current hair color your natural hair color?
currently dirty blonde but once summer/vacation comes around my hair will go black to bleach blonde on its own
are you more outgoing or more shy
im quiet
are you more femme or butch?
are you tol or smol?
smol bean
wine mom or vodka aunt?
vodka aunt
weird habit?
need chapstick 24/7
favorite meme?
bon apetit
do you sing in the shower?
i used to but now i just have therapy with myself
ever used a bow and arrow?
are/were you a theatre kid?
yes haha
have you ever seen a broadway musical?
i want to!!
do you think musicals are cheesy?
no wtf i was just in one yesterday it was amazing
have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?
favorite Cards Against Humanity Card?
all of them also this just reminded me im gonna buy this game 
last movie you watched?
monsters in lol
behind the camera or in front of it?
favorite tv show?
30 rock
meaning behind your url
it came to me randomly
reason you joined tumblr
in 7th grade my friend told me it was cool and here i am 5yrs later with like 4 blogs
who’s your closest tumblr friend?
my irl friend alex
what’s something most people love that you hate?
kim k
have you ever taken narcotics?
have you had sex?
i wish 
have you ever gotten caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
never caught :)))
worst/funniest lie you’ve ever told?
funniest lie is that im straight lol
describe your passion without mentioning it.
its all with our mouths ;)
describe your best friend.
cute, funny, dumb asf, the best
give us one thing about you that no one knows.
im an open book just ask and i will tell
how do you feel right now?
tired and hungry
what is your biggest fear?
alone forever also sleep paralysis
what’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
gold mine by colbie calliat idk how to spell it
what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
saying no balls to myself and stalking through instagrams on a 3hr car ride to find my girl and the her snap and then sayying no balls and snapping her :))
have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end?
currently putting forth minimum effort i have senioritis
something you fantasize about.
kiss my gorl
last time you cried and why
last night or maybe it was this morning? i was doing the 24hr musical at my school (we have 24hrs to put together an ENTIRE musical and all $ goes to charity!) but i cried from laughing so hard doing yoga
what was the last thing that made you laugh?
the 24 hr musical
do you really, truly miss someone right now?
who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
my church gc bc we the true ho(e)mies
the last time you felt broken?
idk like a week ago
are you starting to realize anything?
ya actually maybe im just a lesbian and not bi who knows
are you more dominant or more submissive?
sub i think
i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)
you make me smile
do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
same age
describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.
great detail lets go!
shes in my grade bu9t goes to a different school but her hair is short like mine but darker and shes tanner than me and taller but just by a little bit! she has really nice eyes and a good smile and is sososo sweet no matter what stupid thing i say to her and i miss her a lot i wanna cuddle with her and i when we go on our next date catch me cuddling with her no matter what and she is in band too but going to college way far away in the fall so we will both be sad bois then but its okay because we have all summer to  hang out and cuddle and be something did i mention she is pretty af
do you have any kinks?
first thing you notice in a person?
tbh if they smell good and teeth
how can someone win your heart?
call me pretty
been rejected by a crush?
haha yes but its okay guys
have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
no but vice versa so thats super awkward
would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
is trust a big issue for you?
i just want the truth
did you hang out with the person you like recently?
is november for 2hrs considered recent ;(
is confidence cute?
what would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
happy 4 u 
would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
no lol
does the person you have feelings for right now know you do?
yes she does
ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
got my car stuck in the mud infront of hher on our first date
do you want to get married
worst thing you’ve ever done?
been a big bitch
three things that turn you on.
being called babe/baby, being teased, and idk
who do you hate?
lowkey one of my super lose friends oops
favorite term of endearment?
who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening?
intimidating girls or kind girls?
what do you look for in a possible partner?
nice to me
do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls?
i do not know ive only really ever liked one girl and also my straight best friend bc im a dumb bitch
are you good at flirting?
tbh no
who was the first person you came out to?
my church gc
do you have any friends who are wlw?
is your crush wlw?
last person to make you reconsider your sexuality?
the boy who asked me to prom has me thinking am i bi or lesbooo
write a short love poem to your crush/self?
sweet are your eyes like honey in the sun
you make me smile
do you fall in love easily?
is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
that time i was a big boi bitch to a girl 
are you good at hiding your feelings?
ha no
are you a forgiving person?
what is your “type?”
good question
fall asleep in her arms or rub her back until she falls asleep in yours?
probs fall asleep on her
tall girls or short girls?
taller than mee
hugs or kisses?
twirl her around or get twirled?
tummy kisses or thigh kisses?
ooh both
hairline kisses or neck kisses?
play with her hair or stroke her tummy?
making out or soft kisses?
soft kisses 
hugs around the neck or hugs around the waist?
how confident are you in your sexuality?
haha good one im happy with who i am tho!
when you like someone do you blush or get butterflies in your stomach?
butterflies to the maxx
have you ever liked a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them?
like(d) my straight best friend and will not be telling her that lol
my girl tho i def told her ;))
how old were you when you realized you were into girls?
16ish id say
most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a cute girl?
so many things everything i do is embarassing
do you have a favorite lesbian ship? is it canon?
what is the most aggravating thing someone has said to you about your sexuality?
every word about lgbt that comes out of my mothers mouth since i am not out to her and now not planning on it for a very long time bc shes a big ignorant bitch!!
when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter?
haha good question idk
what is love to you?
ALWAYS putting others before you no matter what
ask me anything.
i will answer do it no balls
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hackedmotionsensors · 6 years
Im not updated enough w the ships but did stony get wincested? I mean like. In the SPN fandom the biggest ship if not only at first was wincest, and then a new ship appeared called destiel and totally overpowered it? Thered be the common drama of ship wars but i wanted to know if thats what happened?
lol I guess!?!?! Kind of. I don’t think it was so much of an overpowering as it was a massive butting of heads. SteveTony is still a very big ship but Stucky is also a very popular ship though fairly new since most of it stems only from MCU. Kind of different than a ship encompassing only a TV show.
So here’s what happened. The full damned story. Probably fft. its gonna be a long one folks so strap in. This isn’t really a call out but if you were curious as to why there’s so much damned fighting in the marvel fandom over really dumb shit this is an unbiased as possible explanation. Beware. I think the whole thing is dumb but I got some extra time right now.
Back in 2006 and 2007 Marvel Comics decided to have an event. You probably heard about it and they made a big movie about it. Civil War. Civil War was promoted as being a huge rift that cut down through the lines of the Marvel 616 Universe. Do you register and be accounted for your actions as a super human, or do you protect the privacy of yourself and your loved ones in an effort to fight without the limitations of government and the fear you might be policed and punished just for having powers AND put your family at risk of Supervillains (many who are tech geniuses) accessing your information and attacking your loved ones.
That was the premise. What it ended up being was a huge divorce between Steve and Tony. Like LEGIT it read as this HUGE divorce. They’ve fought many times before but they always sort of end up back together as buds. Now as fandom we took that full stop as they are clearly in love. They are divorced.
And now Steve is dead. LETS FIX IT. So since 2006-2007 a huge wave of new fans started writing fanfic. Started doing fanart. We got horny Commander Rogers when Steve eventually came back. Tony wiped his brain and we got fics from that. Steve creates his own team and refuses to give Thor and Tony to Luke to use as Avengers.
Then in 2008 Iron Man 1 is released. A bit later Captain America is released. Having known about the comics before and the rift between the two this is where yours truly gets involved. *Smash bros voice LYDIA HAS ENTERED THE HORNY GAME* 
Captain America being released is also I believe the start of Steve/Bucky. Because in this universe Bucky isn’t a small child/teenager (A Robin to Cap’s Batman) so its less gross. (All things being honest I definitely drew bottom steve with young Bucky hohoho ho)
So then in 2012 Avenger 1 is released. And there’s a fresh wave of MCU fans. A lot came over from being 616/Ultimates fans but a lot were brand spanking new fans. 
And then Winter Soldier was released. And it was a big gay romance between Cap and Bucky and the power of LOOVE!!!! AND FRIENDSHIPP!!!!!! Like in the WInter Soldier comics Steve has to use a cosmic cube to free Bucky’s mind and in the movie all it took was Steve Can-do attitude and his pure kokoro.  Its great.
However. This is when TENSIONS RISE. Stucky being a relatively new ship and SteveTony being a fairly old ship have one common denominator and that’s Steve. And its the typical well this ship is better than that ship. This ship is older than that ship. This ship has more MEANING than that ship. This ship is PROBLEMATIC. And its been going on to this day. It escalated again when Civil War came out. Becaus Civil War is supposed to be a Steve movie but reads as an Avengers movie. But the big point of the movie is like in the comics the splitting of Steve and Tony. A big damned divorce. Now is that divorce a divorce because they can’t find a common ground, or is it that Steve’s love for Bucky over-rides his rational thought and makes him fairly hypocritical because well shit he just loves Bucky so much. He says it to Wanda “Rumlow said Bucky and I...”
It was a movie just asking for shipping wars to happen.
So that’s WHERE this stems from. But here’s the issue. I have no doubt there are plenty of SteveTony fans causing just as much shit as anyone else. But at least from my experience, the Stucky fans have been far and wide more aggressive in harassing artists, even artists who don’t speak English as a first language, harassing the actors, harassing the comic book writers and artists who don’t have anything to do with movies, claiming that they’re homophobic for wanting to have a story with Bucky (who is still in love with Natasha [and that’s a whole other ship war there]) team up with Hawkeye (who is also still mostly in love with Natasha) to hunt down Natasha. When the author said “Hey this story doesn’t have gay people in it unfortunately but here are a list of comics that have gay characters in it” they ignored them and continued saying they were being transphobic. Because the person happened to be a trans man and disagreeing with them was transphobia. Which had nothing to do with what had happened at all. They’re the same fans that in person and over radio harass Sebastian Stan so much that he has to hide who he’s dating. 
They’re the same types of fans who call me a hateful cunt (which..probably true lbr) but I haven’t done anything recently. They’re the types of fans who come up to me at a con and whisper “Are you a stucky or a stony fan” And I (Because I was raised right) tell them “Oh I like both but I have a preference for Stony”. And then the person walks away. I’ve had friends tell me of their own horror stories at artist alleys where Stucky fans will open a book (clearly labeled as stevetony) go “UGH GROSS” and then put it down.
They’re the types of fans who refuse to watch an Iron Man movie but will say things like “I wish Tony would get captured and tortured by Hydra so he would know what Bucky felt like” (Which...omg that’s literally the first 20 minutes of the first iron man and the start of the MCU my dude)
They’ve attacked Thorki (and other ships and don’t get me wrong I get why people would complain about Thorki. Thorki;s generally know and don’t care about those complaints)
They’ve made entire articles on CBR, on Polygon on other internet news pages, as editors they’ve had some feisty tweets that causes some fans to worry that storylines they were enjoying (ex: Bucky/Natasha’s relationship) will get lost and destroyed in favor of a ship.
Now generally. This isn’t anything unusual. These fans exist in every fandom. And I have Stucky friends, (My BFF, one of my coworkers) and we get along just fine. Because we’re old ass ladies who realize that a ship doesn’t define our life. I think Stucky has some of the most jaw droppingly beautiful artwork this fandom has produced.
They just unfortunately have a lot of bad apples that seem to have only time to hassle other people and try to tear down other fans and have the loudest voices.
Also I’m 1000000% not saying that SteveTony fans probably don’t start as much shit as the rest but from my experience and from what I’ve seen SteveTony fans only ever bitch about Stuckys after the fact. After they’ve been hassled or saw something that was really rude or very non-canon complaints (if that last bit makes sense)
Oddly enough it kind of died down a little with the MCU killing half of the cast including Bucky (he’ll be fine I’m sure). But occassionally someone gets a lot of built up energy and wants to come into my ask box and tell me that I’m an elitist shipper.
PERSONALLY. I like to think of SteveTony and Stucky as Coke and Pepsi. You’re going to have a preference for one or the other. And you’re either gonna tell the waiter “I’d rather have a water” instead of the opposite one that you like, just agree and order what they have bc honestly who cares its basically the same or you’re going to be rude to the waiter, complain the entire time, leave a bad review on yelp and not tip him.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Man, god, im just suddenly thinking about "ak/ur/oku" and like.. How the fuck did that even become such a huge thing in early 2000s fandom? Dear god so much early gay shipping in fandom was super unhealthy "sinful" bullshit made by straight people for fetishy purposes rather than genuine representation. But a/kurok/u was such a weird one because it was like.. Just globally accepted and never aknowledged to be problematic?? Man i still remember how lil 13 year old me didnt know there was anything wrong with it, like seriously when stuff like this becomes popularized it ends up sending bad messages to actual queer youth. Learning about your sexuality via the internet cos there's no sex ed irl for you, abd you end up stumbling into toxic fandoms before you have the critical thinking skills necessary to know that this stuff is bad and shouldnt be imitated. Like seriously one of the things i worry about EVERY NIGHT AT 2AM THAT KEEPS ME FROM SLEEPING is that stupid lil 15 year old me made a post on deviantart going like "are pedophiles really all bad? I mean it sounds like an illness. I mean maybe theyre just scared and they want help." Like im terrified constantly that someone will find that old thing and judge me as if i still believe that apologist crap, or as if it was actually an opinion i formed from a fully developed mind, rather than from a kid who (as far as i knew) had never met a pedophile, thinking about pedophiles in the abstract, while being influenced by fuckin pedophile-dominated fandoms and having NO IDEA. and of cooooourse i wanted to believe that i was mature for my age, i thought that was a compliment.. Uuuuugh...
Sorry, going a little offtopic there.
But anyway isnt it kinda weird how akur/oku was just.. Not even regarded as pedophilia? And when i was a kid it wasnt just me not understanding the gross parts of the fandom, i legit never thought axel was that much older than roxas. And it was one of the more popular gay ships cos at that point as far as we knew it was the only person axel had any sort of backstory with, and he cared so much about this guy that he was willing to sacrifice his life to help sora even when he knew roxas would never come back. At the time without further context it seemed like a reasonable assumption to make? And it wasnt until Days that i realized axel was intended to be an adult rather than a teenager, and even worse A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO MADE THAT SHIPPING ART KNEW THAT. Uuugh it was so gross in retrospect to go back and see all the clues i missed that these people were fetishizing roxas's inexperience and veey much writing him as underage. AAAAAAA!
Anyway im glad that shit is now recognized as shit and now we have canon evidence of this dude being old as balls. And honestly i love the relationship of him as a big brother/dad to roxas and xion a lot more, even though as a kid i was desperate for any kind of queer representation in kh. Like.. I never really actually liked the ship that much or felt any chemistry? I just latched onto a few bad writing flubs that could potentially be interpreted as Gay Evidence because i was SO damn desperate! Like i felt like i had to support all these gross abusive ships in fandom cos if i wasnt then i was being 'homophobic', i mean they were THE ONLY AVAILABLE OPTIONS, right? :( Its only now ive grown up i can see how wrong that was, and how people just used it as an excuse to make gross shit and get away with it. Like how in Black Butler all these 'yaoi fangirls' kept erasing the rarest of rare things, a canon trans woman, because 'its sexier if its gay'. Ughhhh. And seriously that discourse still exists for poor Grell, and there's still a lot of these shitty bigoted people pretending to be allies, but like seriously this was EVERYWHERE in 2005! And lgbt rights and even lgbt communities at all were way smaller and less available to the poor teenagers who really needed that positive influence while they were figuring out who they are. So man the abusive side of yaoi fandom was WAY more powerful, and wya more.mainstream, with barely any criticism. And the whole content of this fandom was creepy fuckin adults making pedo porn, and kids who just discovered they were queer and tried to headcanon their favourote characters as being like them. Fucking predator heaven! So yeh that ruined KH for me and definately made me scared of returning to Black Butler for almost a decade. And then i found out that the manga itself has none of that pedo shit and that one of the fandom's biggest abusive gay man archetypes was actually a trans woman this entire time, and just gahhhhh....
Also like seriously this is a tad offtopic but can we kill the anime trope of either everyone looking young or everyone looking old? Or creepy things where just one character looks the wrong age in order to fetishize pedophilia? I dont think kingdom hearts was one of those intentional ones, like i mean there's super bad shit where its like 'this 5 year old looking person is really 9000 years old/actually 18 and just hasnt had their growth spurt yet' (somehow its even more insulting when theres not even a magical excuse) Or the other way around and we have a character thats canonically underage but drawn looking sexually mature with big ol knockers so its somehow okay. The existence of those horrible things is why i end up feeling uncomfortable even seeing ambiguous ages as just a trope in completely innocent anime, yknow? Like in pokemon and digimon all the 10 year old protagonists are exactly the same height as all the adults, and all the female love interests for ash have to be early bloomers in terms of chest and hips, while notably Iris is the only one who actually looks her age and also the first non love interest. Its another reason why i prefer the new art style for the latest season, they make everyone look like kids and Lillie continues to look like a kid even though she's the main girl and has all the cute scenes with Ash. The girls even got very normal looking kiddy swimsuits in the beach episode! Why is that so uncommon, to find the bare minimum thing of underage kids not being sexualized at the beach??
Soooooo yeah, thats at least part of why kid me thought axel and roxas were within a similar age range. Like i thought roxas was maybe 16 and axel was 18?? Somehow?? I dont even know, kingdom hearts isnt even SUPER bad with the 'kids look like older teens,all adults look like age 20 at the most' anime syndrome. Its probably more because id been raised on games and anime that followed that trope, before i played kh. And as a kid you just dont really know the exact differences between 'old', like i mean i knew teenagers were tall and boys get a growth spurt, so somehow it made sense to me that axel could be the same age as roxas?? And man even if i knew he wasnt, i was barely educated at all about pedophilia and i didnt know the nuances of it. I just knew 'its bad for adults to marry kids' like man i was really behind the curve in general learning due to my undiagnosed autism and abusive parenting so like HERE'S 12 YEAR OLD ME NOT EVEN THINKING ABOUT THE SEX ASPECT. And i didnt know that adults in relationships with teenagers was bad too, or like 16/17 year old teens dating kids... I was so fuckin dumb... I really cant believe that not only did i believe stupid adults saying 'pedophilia isnt bad if you're non offending, its okay to make cartoon child porn as long as you dont physically abuse real kids' but also i somehow just DID NOT EVER REALIZE that axel was an adult and roxas wasnt even a goddamn older teen...
So yeh im making a lot of excuses for why my stupid younger self was blindly parroting bullshit, but im not trying to excuse how goddamn wrong and bad it was. I still wake up ashamed in the middle of the night for crapoy decisions i made as a dumb kid, and in terrified that some shreds of it might still exist out there on the internet and maybe someone else could read it?! Gahhhh! Seriously could i have accidentally helped spread that bullshit brainwashing to other kids? And seriously when people say this shit is harmless they just need to look at this, look at how being into problematic yaoi is such a common 'phase' for ACTUAL CHILDREN. Like its not fuckin NATURAL for kids to fall into this stuff, they do it because they dont know any better but the people making the goddamn founding blocks of the fandom are fuckin grown women fetishizing gay men or grown men fetishing lesbians. There's people who do know better who actually conciously decide that a/kurok/u is a good ship while knowing all the goddamn details of what it actually is and exactly what theyre supporting by shipping it. Ughhhhh!
So yeh fuckin Please Stay Safe In Fandom, Kids
And pedophiles have absolutely none of my sympathy, please ignore that goddamn shit i wrote as a little kid being fuckin groomed by a fandom without even knowing it.
This also applies a lot to the rest of LGBT+ aside from just gay shipping, like seriously it took me til age 18 to find any positive representation of trans people or even a proper explanation of what being trans is, yet before i was even 8 years old i'd seen a million 'lol gross man in a dress who gets sexual gratification from wearing women's underwear' jokes in kids shows. And when i was 12 i'd already been exposed to the fuckin hell of m/pre/g thanks to its prevelance of untagged n/sf/w shit in the kh fandom. And by age 15 i'd been exposed to pedophile apologists arguing whether child porn was okay if they only got off to that and didnt personally abuse that kid with their own hands. All of that shit but actually learning about homosexuality and gender in sex ed would have been 'too much' for someone my age...
God what a fuckin mess. Fuck im really really fuckin worried that any of my ignorant comments at those ages could have been read by other ignorant kids and contributed to that disgusting fandom atmosphere. Fuck i think about this so damn often im so damn ashamed of how ignorant i used to be yet i know the adult fuckfaces making pedo shit never reel one lick of shame any damn day of their life. I used to excuse their shit as an actual kid cos i just ASSUMED they would be ashamed and want to seek help! Gahhhh..
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clown-bait · 7 years
29 Neibolt ST (Monster Roommate AU) Chapter 3
Alright friends things are heating up. Pennyboi learns how to deal with feelings and Leech gets a job. Some weird stuff with meat happens. Leatherface is a pure beautiful soul and must be protected. Next chapter will contain SMUT.
Warnings: Mild Nsfw, Blood, Swearing, Drug Use, Alcohol, Fluff. 
The young vampire to be had been there a full month now and she hated to admit it but she had never been happier. This was truly a new start for her. People even stopped calling her by her original name preferring to use the one Pennywise had given her when they first met. It was meant as an insult but it fit her so well she kept it. She was a bloodsucker now after all. Lucy was gone Leech was who she was now. She had a new job lined up, new friends, a great mentor and she was even given a wig by Leatherface as a housewarming gift when her hair began to fall out. Aside from the impending death and losing humanity thing….and that damn clown…. this was nice. This could work.
Movie night at the Neibolt house was a big event. Everyone joined in even Pennywise who usually kept to himself but when Dracula insisted he join in to make a certain proto-vampire happy the clown reluctantly agreed. He hated that the elder vampire knew about his affliction.
When Dracula found out about it he had been confronting the clown over his disheveled state. “You seem less cruel to my young apprentice and you look like you have stopped feeding. You are infatuated.”
“Infat- What?! No! Leech is, she’s, well we’re just………I mean….I……..…..what do I do.” He was weak and defeated. Pennywise had never had a positive feeling like this before and Dracula was the only one other than Chucky that knew how to deal with this sort of thing.
“You must pursue her it'll be healthy for the both of you! My poor apprentice has been worried sick about her transition for weeks now! Yes! ROMANCE HER WOO HER GIVE HER YOUR LOVE.” The elder vampire was a complete hopeless romantic.
“I was just going to go back to eating my feelings till this goes away?”
“One, I'm way older than you. Two no.”
“What part of older than you do you- never mind lets pretend this never happened.”
Pennywise hated how that he was right about that. He tried eating more and began to look healthy again until Leech walked by in the kitchen two days later and gave him a damn compliment. Who does she think she is telling him he looked extra scary today. The nerve!
“At least theres popcorn” he grumbled plopping down onto one of the couches. Having two giant monsters in the house plus a very territorial cat required multiple couches and chairs so everyone could fit around the old antique tv.
“Whats on the menu tonight boys” Freddy says opening a beer taking up a whole lazy boy to himself.
“Something we can do a drinking game with please?” came Leech’s request from the kitchen she was busy making drinks for her new friends after she bragged she could make them killer cocktails that would knock their socks off. It also to try to persuade Leatherface to put in a good word for her when applied for the position of bartender at the newly remodeled Sawyer’s.  Dracula was assisting her while carefully watching her glances and shy smiles whenever she heard Penny’s bells. The elder vampire had never had a protege before and he had to admit her fiery personality was growing on him, shed make a fine creature of the night eventually he just had to get her past her unwillingness to change. Leech found it annoying that he was constantly nagging her about her transition. Tonight it was all about how vampires cant hold their liquor. But she liked her mentor, he was like the father she never had and she would often find herself coming to him with questions not only about her condition but also life in general.
“Atta girl Leech you're a woman after my own dead heart” Freddy shouted back the two had been bonding more smoking on the porch talking shit about people who got on their nerves that day. They did have quite a few things in common one was tequila and the other was epic amounts of sass. Pennywise did feel a twinge of jealousy over it but knew if he said something Freddy would tell everyone the eldritch embodiment of fear had a big stupid crush on someone he normally considered food.
“All right guys heres my official audition for bartender at Sawyer’s. Tip jar is on the counter for when all you assholes are blown away by how great I am.” she boasted passing out the drinks.
“Big talk for someone who's tolerance is sinking faster than the Titanic” said Chucky
“Shut up and drink doll. I’ll let my talent do all the ass kicking for me.”
“What the hell is this?” Freddy asked poking the puffy pice of spun sugar
“Cotton candy martinis bitch!”
Pennywise choked on his popcorn.
She begun finishing handing them out and as Penny picked his up his giant hand touched hers. They blinked at each other for a second. “Something wrong Pen? Did I uh offend you with the circus flavors?”
“Oh um no no just something on your um something on your face!” Dracula rolled his eyes at him dramatically from the kitchen.
“Oh where.” Leech frowned.
“Its um… no stop stop! Don't touch it. Just let me do it..” The clown quickly pretended to wipe something off her nose. “nailed it.” He thought.
Chucky's eyes grew wide when he saw the exchange. “No fucking way” he whispered.
Leatherface was delighted at the sweet drink. He even giggled when his friend put the cotton candy in the liquor and it dissolved. “So you think I got the job big guy?” he grunted happily in approval “Aw shucks Bubba you're the best!” she hugged the lovable giant murderer. Leech smiled wide with cockiness “nailed it.” She said to herself.
“Wait you only have a waitress job??? But I thought I was applying to be a bartender!?” she complained at the giant the next day. She wasn't mad at him though it was the rest of his family’s fault probably. They Sawyer clan were a bunch of boys they needed a cute girl in the restruant to be the bait for their…. meat source. Finally the young vampire sighed “Fine I’ll take it, anything at this point. Just let me know when I start.” Desperate times call for desperate measures. “Do I at least get a nice uniform?” she asked.
Leatherface nodded enthusiastically, he brought out a bag from behind his back and handed it to her. Freddy was now watching with glee from around the corner. He had been planning this for the past week.
“Oh you've got to be kidding me.” she growled from the bathroom and Freddy laughed.
“Whats so funny?” Pennywise asked sipping a hot cocoa with way too many marshmallows
“I helped the big guy pick the new uniform for the waitresses wait till you see it.”
Leech creaked the door open her face bright red. As she stepped out Pennywise spit his drink and nearly choked on a marshmallow. She was in a tied flannel top and daisy dukes. “Who told you this was a good idea Leatherface?” the giant happily pointed at Freddy’s hiding spot who was on the floor cackling now. Chucky walked by and his jaw nearly fell on the floor before running to get Tiff. Pennywise was 100% broken. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. “Can I at least wear an actual shirt instead?”
Leatherface looked sad she didn't like the uniform. “Oh no” she thought “He's proud of it.”
“Hey hey big guy! I didn't mean it the uniforms great don't be sad see I’m going to put it away for tomorrow ok!”
Pennywise left the room quickly unable to remain there for much longer without….feeeeeeling.
Chucky walked over to him giving his leg a sharp jab with his elbow.
“What do you want doll.” he snarled
“You're a mess Jingles. Why don't you do something about it?”
“I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Your lame school boy crush on the baby bloodsucker.”
“I dont-“
“Don't even man you were practically having a heart attack back there, plus you were staring at her the entire movie night. Tiff thinks its cute.”
“Does everyone know now?”
“Pretty much.”
The clown fell on the floor against the fridge. “Then I need your…………help.” The last word was a struggle for him.
Leech marched into the old house carrying the an entire butcher shop in grocery bags. Drops of cold animal blood dripped down from her purchases and Church had come out of hiding to follow her to the kitchen where she began to pack the fridge and freezer full of raw meat.
“Ok clown your girl’s home go talk to her.” Chucky whispered from behind Pennywise who was hiding on the stairway to the basement.
“Compliment her ears she's been very self conscious about them lately” Dracula suggested to him.
As Pennywise attempted to step forward he paused when he saw the young vampire. She looked to be in a trance as she put meat away finally stopping at a package of bratwursts and taking a deep inhale of the bloody sausage. She let out a small whimper and as a drop of drool fell from her lips the clown felt his breath hitch. “What are you waiting fo- woah!!!” Chucky paused when he saw that Leech has taken one of the sausages out of the package and was brining it to her hungry open mouth. Her tongue had rolled out and she swallowed the meat whole like a snake. “Holy fuck Jingles thats uh… thats some girl you got there…” Chucky’s jaw dropped. Pennywise was completely frozen unable to speak. “Well ah.. nosferatu fledglings do have a…ahem insatiable appetite” Dracula dabbed his brow.
“We’re uh….we’re gonna go….good luck Jingles…” Chucky and Drac both bolted out of the room as Leech finished the tray of sausages completely unaware and going into a slight frenzy.
She ripped open a roast now and began violently tearing the meat with her dull human teeth. She started sucking the blood through the flesh while making obscene gasping sounds as she fed. Drool poured out of Pennywise’s mouth in record amounts as he watched the vampire. She tore off her beanie revealing her bald head and large bat like ears which began to fold straight up against the side of her head. Leech’s eyes flashed forward as she finished Penny marveled at how they looked like little reflections of the full moon against her dark eye circles she was becoming a truly terrifying monster. The clown had never seen something so beautiful or smelled something so sweet. The nosferatu came down from her high panting and gasping looking at the animal blood on her hands and the drool on the floor. “What the hell just happened?” she said to herself. She heard a soft jingle and her face lit up, she quickly put on her beanie to hide her baldness and wiped her face. “Penny?!” she said asked excitedly a small blush creeped onto her cheeks. Her face fell when no one answered. “Must have been my imagination…” she mumbled starting to clean up her mess.
Pennywise had retreated to his lair leaning back in his nest panting with need. He looked down at the tall tent in his pantaloons and shut his eyes. This was bad. He never really felt feelings like desire or lust, not like this. There were maybe a handful of occasions where he was in heat and took a lover for the night disguised as a human but he saw them as more tools than mates. Pennywise couldn't even remember some of their names, he was pretty sure he ate a few after he was done with them too. But this oh this, this was completely different. This new feeling was not something he could just relieve and get on with his hunting. This was a burning need for someone he saw as an equal, someone like him. A fellow predator, a potential mate. He didn't want anyone else he wanted her. And he hated it.
As promised the next chapter will get STEAMY. So stay tuned for that. 
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