#this is fuckin dumb
polysucks · 1 year
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Some?? Kimetsu no Yaiba stills??? I recreated??? I’ve been obsessed with this halftone brush lately skskskks
My insta
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adriartts · 11 months
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hes always out pouting in the sheepyards
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steddieas-shegoes · 3 months
Steve’s parents send him on a gap year after high school in hopes that it’ll get him ready to apply to colleges and become a proper adult. They let him choose any of their three vacation homes so he chooses their condo in Paris.
He’s expected to find a job and himself.
The bakery down the block from the condo is owned by two old men who don’t wanna open anymore because they like sleeping in and sipping on their coffee on their balcony. Steve is happy to take over.
Especially when he sees the guy who works at the wine store across the road.
He’s in by 8 every morning, waving to the people coming in and out of the bookshop next to him and the bike repair shop next to them. His smile is contagious, and Steve often finds himself completely distracted by it even if he’s helping customers.
His long hair is always down when he gets there, but by the time Steve sees him leave in the afternoon, it’s pulled up and he has a sweaty sheen across his skin.
Steve decides to visit on his day off, maybe grab a bottle of wine even though he hates every wine he’s ever had to sip on at family functions.
But the man isn’t there when he stops by, or at least not at the counter. An older man is there, wrapping a bottle in paper for a customer who seems like they visit often.
It’s a small store, no bigger than the bakery, so it’s not like the guy could be hiding somewhere.
“Looking for something?” The older man asks as he walks around the counter towards Steve with a smile.
“Oh. Um.”
“You’re lookin’ for Ed right?” The old man’s smile turned into a smirk. “Ed! Customer!”
The man Steve had been seeing every morning and afternoon was suddenly rushing from the back of the store, clipboard in hand, hair sticking to his neck and forehead.
“Hi! What can I help you with?”
Steve could think of quite a few things he could help him with, but it probably wasn’t appropriate to say in front of someone else in his place of work.
“Sorry. Do you need me to speak French?” The man, Ed, asked in flawless French.
“No,” Steve assured. “I work in the bakery across the street. Just wanted to come by and say hi.”
Ed’s brows furrowed as he turned to the older guy who was already back at the counter trying to look busy.
“Does David need a bottle for something? He usually has Wayne pick his pairings.”
Steve shook his head. “No, not that I know of. I’ve just…um. Well, this is actually weirder now that I’m here. So I think I’ll go. Sorry to waste your time!”
Steve turned to go, but a hand grabbed his arm, tugging him back.
“Are you always this awkward?” Ed asked. Steve looked up from his feet to see him smiling. “It’s kind of cute.”
“Steve. How about you come taste our sample bottle for the day? Maybe it’ll take the edge off,” Eddie offered, gesturing towards a side table that had an open bottle of wine and small sample glasses. “You like rosé?”
“I don’t really know.”
“Then let’s find out.”
Turns out Steve didn’t mind rosé that much, but maybe that was the company. The flavor was a bit less bitter than he was used to, going down much smoother without leaving a burning sensation on his tongue.
And later, after Eddie had talked to him for nearly an hour about himself and the store and his uncle who took him in and worked for him, Steve leaned in and got a taste of the rosé on Eddie’s tongue.
Steve decided he liked wine more than he thought.
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arsonforcharlie · 7 months
great news, pigeon has discovered that sometimes when i hold a bag and it makes noise it's treats
bad news, she got a brain the size of a walnut and does not understand the difference between a tasty little salmon filled morsel and a spoonful of fucken turmeric, but she doesn't care, she fucken WANTS it
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l3viat8an · 10 months
MC: Asmo, how did you convince Mephisto to help us?…….did you bribe him?
Asmo: Bribe?! Sweetheart, you know I would never lower myself to bribery!! I blackmailed him~
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sammybeann · 1 month
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shiftythrifting · 4 months
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comemeration turkey dinner Bush (found circa 2018).. I regret not buying him every day
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dustybones · 22 days
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lae’zel has no concept of modesty part two
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maikamaika-art · 4 months
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Happy pride month.
(reference under read more)
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poorlittleyaoyao · 6 months
The Second Flautist remains the stupidest but also funniest adaptation choice. Su Minshan, heretofore portrayed as a cringefail loser who needed Wangxian and Wen Ning to save his ass from the Waterborne Abyss, overrides Wei Wuxian’s demonic cultivation abilities TWICE. Not only does he seize control of Wen Ning, but he manipulates the resentment summoned by Wei Wuxian to attack people and turn them into puppets at Nightless City SO EFFECTIVELY that Wei Wuxian cannot regain control of them even on an individual basis with the Yin Tiger Tally helping him.
Su Minshan, true Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, is the most overpowered character in the entire series, and we must therefore conclude that he chooses to be Jin Guangyao’s devoted henchman rather than seizing any power for himself because he finds it personally fulfilling.
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I’ve been highly confused as to why Michael “deeply openly thirsting on Twitter about David Tennant for half a decade” Sheen is half-in half-out the closet but apparently Wales is absurdly homophobic lmao what the fuck how is a country the size of New Jersey that much of a hater bruh we out number the shit out of you
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onionnstinks · 11 months
pretty self indulgedent drawin
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wanted to color this but i was just like "what the hell man whatever" ik it is a bit outta char for equius(which is why its more self indulgent than other arts...) but IDC!!!! i am here to have fun for me okayyy... anyway yeah
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funkbun · 5 months
i think it's funny how floofy n beffica are leading that Evil Grumpuses poll cause to me they're two completely different levels of "Shitty Person" lol
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they're like this to me
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spookberry · 8 months
One of the funniest/dumbest literal thinking autism moments of my childhood happened when I was in 2nd grade. I was going to a new school so I was made to do a bunch of assessments to see where I placed in different subjects. I was most excited for the reading one cuz at my old school I was the best reader in my class, and I wanted to show off.
The lady testing me hands me this little short story and asks me to read it aloud.
And for some reason that I still don't understand to this day, a bunch of the words randomly had like lines or dots above the vowels. Which idk seems like an unnecessary and confusing thing to include when testing a 7 year old. Like you're gaslighting them into thinking theres extra letters in the alphabet. So obvi I ask what the symbols mean cuz I've never seen them in this context. She sorta brushes me off and says, word for word, "those mean you just say the letters name"
What she undoubtedly meant was: "on those words, the letter highlighted will sound like what its called. O with the line sounds O and not uh or ew or whatever"
What I understood was "Just Say the Letters Name"
So anyways i proceeded to read the story aloud, stopping suddenly every other word to pause cuz I wasnt supposed to say bow i was supposed to say o. I know for a fact at one point I just said a word and then stopped and repeated the sentence with just the letter so she HAD to've known I'd misunderstood her. But she said absolutely nothing. I remember walking outta there feeling like a complete idiot, and feeling so embarrassed when later they told my mom my reading skills were an entire grade behind where I should've been. But also looking back at it like wtf how could theyve possibly gotten an accurate understanding of my reading ability under those conditions.
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shiftythrifting · 29 days
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A paperweight in the shape of a wadded up piece of yellow lined paper. Apparently these are collectibles and $28 new.
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A package of "Allerceptor" nostril filters that I presume were donated because they're uncomfortable to wear. Someone had already taken some out of the package. The package promises they can filter out 99% of irritants from the air.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
You know, the simplest thing I do to maintain hope and also acknowledge my emotions is to add a "yet" to whatever I want to complain to myself about.
"I'm not done being angry... yet"
"I'm not ready to let this go yet"
"I'm not happy yet"
I definitely think it can be toxic to refuse to acknowledge negative emotions, but it can be helpful to remind yourself that there is hope and that negative experiences do pass. You don't have to "get over" negative emotions because it's a bad thing to have "negative" emotions, not at all, and please don't use this post to guilt yourself over negative or uncomfortable feelings. Just know... it's okay to be hopeful, it isn't foolish to wish for a good future for yourself
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