#this is just my opinion of course...I know why he's used so much - bc he's Janeway's friend and the only high ranking person besides
tricoufamily · 4 months
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if you're wondering why bob is here it's bc in the original villareal story there was a very minor background detail that diego lobo and bob pancakes dated in college and broke up tragically and that's where the story peaked. so i included him it's still canon
thank you for these it was so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
i did these in my this is the fall sim style so i'm thinking. if they exist in this universe what's all their opinions on the 'did jacques do it' situation. let's take a look
don: saw a photo of jacques's wife on the news during the investigation. said "whoa mama that's a hot babe!" like johnny bravo and did not read the headline. does not know anything about it still.
vlad: well he's psychic he could figure out the truth if he actually cared. and he has!
olive: obviously respects it. except for the getting investigated part, would never happen to her.
diego: does not think jacques did it but enjoys the tabloids. knows other rich people personally who he thinks have killed their spouses
morgyn: will post things like "friendly reminder that j*cques v*llareal literally killed his wife and is a billionaire so maybe don't go to one of their hotels" on tumblr and will then do a call out post about like a fanfic writer who wrote an unhealthy relationship with more severity
pascal: knows conspiracy theories and this one is bullshit. or maybe it just doesn't interest him as much as aliens and that's why he thinks that
jeb: has a very "well of course he did. them rich folk can do whatever they want. there ain't no hope for the rest of us" while kicking a can down the road approach
bob: thinks he did it. is very alarmed that it was brushed off. eliza's like bob book the hotel and he's like am i going crazy. does anyone hear me.
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merlucide · 29 days
(If it’s too much characters just do a few 😭💀)
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Notes: OFC POOKIE🤩🤩 and hair slays so hard omg 🤭 slay the house downs boots Houston I’m deceased😍😍
characters: Rin, Chigiri, Otoya, Reo, Hiori, Kurona
warnings: cursing
Edit: oh my god I freaking misread this. ARE U KIDDING ME?!?! IM SO SORRY OMG. UH??? IM SO PISSED RN
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He was stopping by your house to give back your hair tie (yes that is his excuse to see you)
He did not expect you have cut your hair and NOT tell him
Bc girl who do you think you are for not telling him?? 🙄 
He likes to feel involved😔
“You cut your hair.” No shit Sherlock 😐
lmao he kinda glares at you for not telling him. 
When yall cuddle (only way he’ll be in a better mood) he twirls you hair around and mumbles ‘it’s looks pretty on you’ 
And you’ll be like “what did you say?” 😯
“I didn’t say anything moron.” 😡
damn bro chill🙄🙄
Anywho he totally tries to do your hair, he’s not bad but like he’s not good
He can do basic braids, he tried French braiding and he got so pissed he couldn’t do it.
He went home and YouTubed how to French braid so next time he can’t do it 😘
He thinks you look so pretty!! He really loves this look on you
He of course loved your hair before, but this one in his opinion, suits you better
He totally does your hair bc come on.
You want French braids? On it. Dutch? Ofc. Fishtail? Rope? Infinity? Carousel? Mermaid? Check, check and check mf 🤩
Beware, he yanks you head back if it’s tilted. He’s like a mom getting you ready for picture day 😭
He makes you do his hair after lol
He looks at you hair and then back at you
“Your hair looks fire bro”
Bitch I’ll strangle you
Please, please don’t let him touch your hair.
He make make it look horrendous.
It will be full of knots when he’s finished. 
Seriously, don’t let him near your hair.
He’ll try to do piggy tails and they will be so uneven and wonky looking 😭
He blames his mistakes on you cus it’s “not the right kind of hair” 
He gets so excited to see your new look
Makes you do a spin and all :3
He’s literally fangirling you lmao
“Y/N-san you look amazing! This haircut suits you wonderfully!!”
He insists on buying you new hair accessories.
I’m sorry I know I use the ‘he’d buy u stuff’ sm 💀 
He’s actually pretty decent at doing your hair.
Puts a big ass bow in you hair lmao
He loves you new look!
He tells you that it was time for something new and he loves it (not in a negative way)
he ruffles you hair lmao
like it was so pretty 🥲 why
he fixes it dw
Puts you hair in piggy tails and then y’all take those cute aesthetic couple pictures
he’s so blushy and gushy cus he thinks it looks really good on you.
He flicks the bottoms out and spins you around so he can see everything.
Obviously he braids your hair🤭
he does like small braids into a jumbo braid
It looks weird but he just likes braiding lmao
you braid his hair after :3 
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seriously idk why this took so long for the low quality that this is 💀💀
Made April 7th 2024
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moonyinpisces · 5 months
I am curious what you, a preeminent Aziraphale Understander, thinks about all the Final Fifteen theories i.e. the slew of theories that basically boil down to the F15 are not to be taken at face value, Aziraphale is either lying under threat or being manipulated by the Metatron via coffee or whatever, etc.
thank you for asking! it is a blessing and a curse to understand aziraphale but i will do my very best to put vibes into words. like everything he did in the final fifteen tracks to me, but i'll try to explain why in case people are still struggling with it. obligatory this is my opinion blah blah blah but if you disagree then make your own post so it's easier for me to ignore
anyway. here's the thing. i think textually it's pretty clear that aziraphale didn't have a choice. i think the show made that obvious with the "give me coffee OR give me death", the title sequence includes a coffee cup marching along with the other figures, this being a shared moment of materiality/consuming human food which was established as significant in "othering" angels/demons from their respective sides in the job minisode. the end result is meant to be a kinship to rationalize aziraphale agreeing with the metatron, as everything about the metatron in e6 was designed to 1. attract aziraphale 2. repel crowley
the repulsion worked on crowley, even just secondhand. he sees the manipulation and understands that aziraphale being used as distraction for the second coming is far more significant than what aziraphale believes he is capable of towards making any meaningful change in heaven. but i don't think the metatron's attraction worked on aziraphale. i don't think the end result we saw was aziraphale agreeing because the metatron was likable, and i think he's fully aware of the manipulation (even if he doesn't know about the second coming yet). just as, with the coffee cup, he is fully aware that he has no other choice. of course, this isn't a removal of autonomy to aziraphale; most of his character choices throughout the series are him working inside the idea that he he NEVER has a choice anyway (re: god's plan, ineffable or otherwise). and in this case, he knows just as well as crowley does that he was offered this position in heaven to be split up from crowley/earth for whatever reason; he just absolutely thinks that what he'll be able to achieve in heaven overrides however the metatron thinks he'll be able to be restrained/distracted. and in a much larger sense, he sees this as something he's meant to do via god
and aziraphale wants crowley to come with him. that's not fake or naive, and he doesn't think crowley will refuse bc their communication skills are quite literally the central conflict of the show. aziraphale is like, look how powerful we are together. look how much heaven wants to split us up. if you come with me to heaven, we are in a much better position of making meaningful change so we can have a peaceful existence together in the future, ON earth. which is what you clearly want. and i don't think this is a naive viewpoint to have like other people have said; i think this is confident. i think aziraphale is saying we can change the FOUNDATIONS of heaven, while crowley is saying the foundations CANNOT be changed. they are operating off two different modes of thought. and aziraphale uses crowley's perceived 'rejection' as fuel when he steps on that elevator, not out of anger towards crowley (at least not genuinely) but as desperate fodder to the fire that's been stoking 6000-so years of anger. in that moment (regarding the smile in the elevator), following the look to the bentley after he learns about the second coming and understands what crowley knew and was purposefully not saying, i just think that to aziraphale, crowley becomes another person to prove wrong
so ultimately did aziraphale have a choice? no. does he know this? yes. does he still make the decision to accept the supreme archangel position as if he had a choice? also yes. why? because he's insane (i say this with love). and also he has aligned himself with god more than he's ever aligned himself with heaven, and he's going to show everyone what he's capable of
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yeahspider · 10 months
awkward 🕸️
Ve’s note - bang chan exes to lovers? idk just angsty but kinda fluffy not detailed smut with a no resolution ending bc i’m mean . not proofread at all . enjoy it tho ! nsfw mdni <3
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“fuck i’ve missed you so much .” chan says as he kisses down your throat pulling choked sobs from you . it’s been three month since he broke up with you . but you never really stopped seeing wash other . every tuesday like clockwork you were under him . on top of him , all over him . a habit . a routine . established out of the live you still had for each other . his life was so busy . he was always so far away . he thought he wasn’t good enough for you . although he never asked your opinion on that . just ended the relationship so that he ‘couldn’t hurt you anymore’ . you still had clothes over at his place . a toothbrush in his bathroom . even your favorite mug still sat next to his in the cabinet . it’s like you never left . you’ve missed him . you felt used by him . this routine of yours was wearing you down . you didn’t know how much longer your heart could take it .
you hadn’t noticed you’d been crying until chan wiped the tears off your cheek . never stopping his movement inside you . your brain was foggy with the pleasure and pain you were experiencing at once . whispered ‘i knows’ and ‘it’s okay’ hit your ears but did nothing to calm you . stray tears turning into full sobs as your body reacted in the only way it knew how when it came to him . “baby hey breathe with me you have to breathe .” but you just kept sobbing .
mixtures of “did you ever love me ? and “don’t call me baby” “is this all i’m good for” tumbled from your lips as you slurred your words together . the pleasure you were experiencing was reaching its climax .
chan stopped his movements after hearing your words . his cock stilling inside you making you whine out . you were so close you needed this . “why would you say that my love ? of course i loved you i still love you .” you couldn’t see through the tears in your eyes but you could feel a few strays that weren’t your own landing on your torso .
“please don’t stop i need this please” you whined . the rope in you was so close to snapping . just a little but more pulling bf you’d be there .
he was hesitant “maybe we should talk about this . about us . or at least wait until you’re calmed down” and you immediately rejected that proposal .
“no i need this i need you please make me cum.” he could never deny you . not when you were pleading . so he started up again . hitting that spot in you that had your vision blurring . moans and tears coming from the both of you as you reached your highs together . he stilled inside you as he caged your body under his . protecting you from whatever this future conversation might bring .
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caineinthecorner · 1 month
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Languages (The Others)
★ Based on my language general hcs + the brothers' hcs.
Hi I am sleep deprived. Behold part two of my shitty hc delusions wooooo.
"Caine you missed some" yeah I'm lazy (+ don't know their characterization well enough). If you want to add hcs for the guys I skipped you can but in the meantime I'll go with the basic bitch options
Gentle reminder I make shit up. (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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★ Solomon.
Okay so like I said with Asmo he knows french (and they're both nasty with it)
Basically he rizzed up Asmo in french
Using the dude he was in based out of he also knows English (native probably), Welsh, German, full-ass Demon Tongue and like some latin for magic bs. Idk
(bcs the guy lived nearby those countries in ye old Europe(tm) and something something immortal so why tf not learn languages while at it)
(also of course he learned demon tongue. He wants to rizz up demons and what better way to do that)
He learned demon tongue from random demons and a lot of trial and error
Plus he knows japanese if we are under the pretense that mc is japanese.
So like Solomon tries to use language rizz to get close to you as the other human student in Devildom. So basically using the Asmo trick with you.
... He's kinda painfully obvious with it
(how tf did Asmodeus fall for this shit?)
If you don't speak any of the languages he is fluent in his ass will ABSOLUTELY pick 'em up and be like "hey I want to learn:)"
He uses language as a tool to get what he wants basically
No wonder him and Asmo get along
If you know a language that is not loquar-translatable and he speaks it as well prepare to get secret-talk'd a lot.
Not having people spying your convos is a incredibly valuable asset in Devildom
Especially since you're around the brothers almost 24/7 and they're fucking VIGILANT
Oh also he 100% knows that Asmo fakes being shit at English.
But he's a simp so 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠  ⁠)⁠ㄏ
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★ Luke.
Yes he doesn't need Loquar to communicate with you since he's an angel BUT
For some reason (cough your heritage cough) he keeps messing up in which language speak to you with.
Angel instincts are telling him to just use whatever language with you but the thing is that You Don't Know Whatever Language
Which is odd because that's something he only does with fellow angels????
But you are human so
He doesn't think much of it. He's probably just confused because he's around mean demons! >:T
(His basic subconscious instincts are harder to control since he's low ranking and his Angel brain is going "You = angel = language doesn't matter")
But since he keeps somewhat messing up around you he decides to gesture to hell when talking to you just in case
so you get the gist through his mannerisms in case his words get fucky
His least favorite language ever is Demon Tongue. Even outside of Not Liking Demons he doesn't like how throat-y and intensive it is.
↑ that is a popular Angel opinion btw. Demon Tongue in general is just annoying to use for them and barely any Angels use it outside of in-the-moment communication with Devildom natives.
If you ask him his preferred language he'll say some form of Latin since it's the preferred language of most high ranked angels, as well as Michael's.
But it's actually English.
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★ Simeon.
Since he is was a high rank angel, he doesn't mess up what language speak to you with. He has real good control of stuff like that that comes with experience and age.
(in fact he's very confused why Luke keeps messing up so bad around you but doesn't think much of it since Luke is technically still a fledgling)
I already said this but yeah his preferred language is Archaic Latin (shared it with Lucifer pre-fall).
Ever since Lucifer's fall he switched to plain English and that's the answer he'll give you if you ask.
Only Angel that isn't bothered speaking demon tongue and will do so at his own leisure.
If you try to learn the demon language he is unironically so helpful because he isn't a spiteful bitch like Lucifer and actually teaches you shit without throwing you into the wolves
In fact Simeon is amused as hell over the fact that Lucifer is making you learn the hard stuff first. That is so him.
He's like the good cop of the learning dynamic. Cool substitute teacher vibes
Simeon finds accents to be the cutest thing ever since it is an inherently odd concept for someone fluent in Everything Ever
He has (jokingly) cooed over Luci's accent when he speaks Latin nowadays. Lucifer is not at all amused.
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★ Barbatos.
He knows every language.
... Yeah that's it that's the list
Look at me dead in the eyes and tell me this motherfucker does not speak Sumerian
Ofc he knows every human language ever. And Devildom's. He knows™.
Funniest thing is that he doesn't even need Loquar to talk to you. He just deadass speaks your language with full fluency and you Never Notice
You only notice one day while having a normal convo with him and then Diavolo walks in speaking full deadass gibberish somehow and you're like ????? and Barbatos says "oh apologies I forgot to apply Loquar to you here you go"
Like deadass he would fuck with you so hard when it comes to languages.
Do not go to this man for language advice he will teach you proper stuff in the most incorrect way possible
(Probably! Or probably not! It depends! On what? Who the fuck knows™!)
He's deadass a roulette of proper, legitimate advice or literal shitposting
He wrote the Voynich manuscript. It was a housekeeping journal he was keeping in a dead Devildom idiom that ended up in the human realm by accident
He didn't retrieve it solely because seeing humans go insane over it was funny as hell and he has a secondary copy anyway. That book has nothing relevant in it besides like two recipes.
He did go to check back on it once to write down a meat pie recipe Diavolo's father liked bcs he didn't have on the copy
Barbatos is the definition of "wtf what language was that" "yes."
He and Lucifer have random days where they just pick a language to speak to each other. It helps to maintain fluency.
Barbatos jumpscared Satan once by going, full ass unprompted mid convo, "Oh right you speak Tagalog."
He knows what languages everyone speaks like a white girl knows zodiac charts
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★ Diavolo.
Ok so he probably knows English since it is Solomon's native and humanity's current universal(ish) language
Like of course he wants to communicate with humans! Of course he'll learn their language!!!
Unlike Barbatos and Lucifer who are very impressive Polyglots he's realistic in his language stuff. The more down-to-earth of the three
His English is hilarious
Not particularly because he says things wrong but his accent and tone just makes it sound incredibly funny
He sounds exactly like a dubbed-over superhero doing a friendship monologue At All Times
He is so earnest with it that you don't have the heart to explain why you're laughing
Anyhow fun fact:
Loquar for some reason translates what he says in Demon Tongue the most literal ass sense possible for literally no reason
Which is odd(tm) but mostly just funny as all hell
Everyone has been troubleshooting whatever the fuck happens to Loquar Ad Vos with Diavolo but no idea so far.
The phrase "have you tried unpapplying it and applying it again" has been uttered more than once unironically
The working theory is that since Diavolo is royalty and Loquar Ad Vos was created with the sampling of normal demons it works wrong on him since there's something different(tm)
Reverse engineering the Loquar spell to work on him has been in the works for a while. Loquar is drafted like shit since it is an old human-oriented spell (Basically like spaghetti code needing to be rewritten), so it proves a bit troublesome.
You later find that Diavolo speaks in a very uniquely pronounced manner
↑ Think of it like Devildom royalty has a very distinctive Way Of Speaking. Like an accent but also not. Probably magic related in some way(?)
"do you want to consume nourishment" ← Diavolo's ass getting mistranslated
So yeah Barbatos or Lucifer kinda have to lend a hand when you two communicate.
If you're English speaking then you two kinda communicate that way sometimes. You reassure him on his accent and help him along if he gets anything wrong.
(he's fluent-ish in Japanese as well if we are running in the assumption that the reason why MC's canonically japanese is because they needed someone who A) speaks a language translatable by Loquar Ad Vos B) is also a language Diavolo knows and C) is not of the same social background as Solomon)
He will get so unapologetically excited when you start learning demon tongue. You two can!!! Communicate even more!!!!!
Demons will be genuinely mortified if you gain Diavolo's accent while speaking demon tongue. Why does this random ass human speak like royalty ತ⁠_⁠ತ
Very (un)subtle way to tell everyone that you're besties/partner/whatever of the literal prince of Devildom.
Something something dragon being possessive something
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luddlestons · 3 months
Now you gotta give us an M9 booty tier list with those statements!!!
LMAO ok I will oblige. mighty nein ranked in order of best ass. TO BE FAIR: 7/9 of them have great asses. It's just that Veth and Molly have especially great ones that make up for the two at the end of this list
Veth. Of course. Absolutely. Sad that she's the one who's always at ass height but this just means she knows for CERTAIN exactly what she's got going on
Molly, although the tail whipping around everywhere does distract from his ass a lot.
Jester, and she would absolutely flip her skirt up if anybody felt like doing a comparison or something.
Yasha--extremely powerful glutes. however, her thighs are even more powerful and tend to be the focus for their head-crushing abilities
Fjord, who has no idea he has such a great ass and will frequently do things in tight pants that give way more of a show than he thinks he's giving
Beau, also extremely powerful glutes but she's too thin to really have THAT much of an ass even if it's toned af
Essek, has the same issue as Beau except that he's not actually that toned. Like his ass is fine it's just normal why are you asking???
Caleb. The man has no ass. MAYBE if he ate enough and wasn't so skinny he'd have like 2% of an ass but he's the kind of person who has to be careful sitting on people's laps bc he's so bony
Caduceus is an absolute goddamn stick of a man, you cannot tell me he has any ass to speak of. He's only mildly aware this is a part of one's appearance to care about, so he's fine with this ranking.
anyway there's my silliest character opinions!
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
heyyy i would like to make a request for spider-punk/hobie brown with a fem!spiderwoman!reader. the idea i have in mind is just a reader that shares the same morals/opinions that hobie has like hating the government and going against the norm. i also like the idea of the reader also having piercings and like an alt aesthetic bc i think that would fit well with hobie in a relationship. she can be more sarcastic/witty and make a lot of jokes but be really cool. it can be either headcannons or a fic but you absolutely don’t have to do it if you don’t like the idea or it’s too much to do!! thank you <3
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ꜱᴘɪᴅᴇʀ ᴘᴜɴᴋ/ʜᴏʙɪᴇ ʙʀᴏᴡɴ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ᴀʟᴛ ꜱᴘɪᴅᴇʀ ᴡᴏᴍᴀɴ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Tw: Hobie and reader are being little shits, that's it.
A/N: I actually like this idea, this is feeding my Hobie x goth/ALT reader hunger. I didn't have much in thought, but I manage to squeeze something out. I hope this was to your liking ♡
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The first time you both met, everyone knew right away that you were both going to end up together. It was as if, you and him were made for one another.
You shared the same thoughts and interests, also the same style. Except, Hobie didn't do a lot like you did. You really liked to wear a lot of things flashy yet dark things.
Hobie did have piercings, but he did not have as much as you did. You also liked to wear chokers with chains, leather, and dark clothes. Your boyfriend would also steal some of your clothes, always saying that what was yours was his, and that you both shared the same style.
If you want another piercing, he'll do it for you, he did his own piercings and he wouldn't mind doing whatever piercing you wanted.
Got Tattoos? Hobie is interested in them, from the design and why you got them. He also sees them as a form of art and another part of your ALT style. Despite them being of cute or scary whatever, he loves them.
He'll offer to draw you something to get tattooed, he'll work on it for days if not weeks. He isn't just going to give you something half assed, he'll make you something that you will love having tattooed on you.
When you want to upgrade your spider suit, Hobie will help you, he'll suggest what to put and add to your suit, he knows that you like that flashy stuff, so why not put them on your suit. He likes how you express yourself through your suit.
What he really likes about you is your sarcasm, specially when you use it on Miguel and Jessica, they're cool, but sometimes they'd get on your nerves to the point that you just use your sarcasm on them. It'd make Hobie just laugh by your attitude.
Also the fact that you were intelligent, but majority of the time you use your intelligence to mess with other, specially Miguel since you know that he hates it when you do that.
You and Hobie really like to mess with others, you both can sometimes be helpful but choose not to. In general you're just like that, even to each other as a joke.
You don't have to tell people you're together, you both make it somewhat obvious that you are. You didn't over do it, you just did enough to show that you and Hobie were an obvious thing.
When you first met Miles, he noticed how you and Hobie were basically doing your own thing together, as a couple and he got curious and decided to ask if you were dating.
You responded with 'No, we just like to kiss and make out on a daily basis, Of course we're dating!' he got the memo.
The important thing to both of you is communication, if you both didn't talk, then that was a problem, speaking your minds is the thing that made you both get together in the first place.
In general, you and Hobie are just that, you and Hobie. You weren't the perfect couple, you did have your differences and issues, but you always fixed them together.
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akunoniwa · 6 months
AN: i feel kinda evil bc the ending is sorta abrupt but this shit was getting too long babes... unless?
Synopsis: In which you and Dottore discuss pet names in conversation at first, putting them to good use not too long after...
Pairing: Il Dottore x fem!reader
Warnings: MDNI, Dottore finds your humiliation to be v irresistible..., use of 'master', 'daddy' (once! hear me out lmao), etc., mirror sex
WC: ~5.2k (she's long-winded, sorry, i think...)
You don’t understand the appeal.
As soon as you mentioned off-hand to Dottore that you didn’t understand why some thought it was hot to refer to their partners as ‘daddy’, he wouldn’t let you live it down. Not only did he find this addictingly humorous, but he also found himself curious… Perhaps you just never put it to proper use. Before you mentioned it, he didn’t have any opinions on the matter, let alone knowing it was a matter to begin with. But the fact that you were basically telling him that you would feel so degraded, so violated if you were to actually call someone this… He wanted to know, he wanted to weaponize this somehow, jokingly of course… He thinks.
“It’s just… Like, that’s how you address your father as a young child… Ya know?” You turned your head in the crux of your pillow towards him. You both lay in a leisurely type of bare, simply winding down from the day. Dottore had long set his book down, charmed by this topic.
“Well, wouldn’t it just… I’m not sure, darling… Some people are just so desperate to feel small, but I couldn’t tell you why or when it began. Sounds morbidly incestuous, to a degree.” You scanned his defined profile as he looked at the ceiling in thought, more committed to this investigation than you expected.
“Right? Like, why not ‘master’ or even… I dunno, someone not related to you?” You were waiting for this very reaction from him, a smirk pushing his fine smile lines to be visible.
“You never seem to call me any of those things…” Somehow the smirk dressed itself as a pout before your eyes.
“I– You never asked…? I don’t want to just randomly address you as something that might make you feel… Uncomfortable.” You must’ve forgotten who you were speaking to, a man who never seems to falter, a seasoned masochist. Even still, you stood your ground… In truth, the prospect of calling him anything other than his name simply embarrassed you, but you tried to keep that close to your chest in secret.
“I suppose you’re right.” He chose to respect your reasoning, “What if I asked?”
“Then I guess… If that’s what you like, I would do it.” You spoke matter-of-factly. In addition to the inherent embarrassment, you honestly found it hard to want to call anyone, any of those names, as you don’t usually give in that easily. This was something that only added fuel to his enduring fire, your playful resistance, the process of melting away your pride and dignity… All for him.
“You don’t even use my official title anymore. It’s almost funny, you’re the only one I like hearing my given name from, though usually, it’s only in here that I hear it.”
“Because you asked, you buffoon. You asked me to call you that because you told me you liked it.” You couldn’t keep a hold of your laughter any longer.
“Did I?” He remembers the day he did so, but found too much enjoyment in teasing you as he stroked his chin in faux thought.
“Maybe you should call me ‘master’.” Your giggles were running circles around the room.
“Would you like that?” He turned his head to you, his eye contact haunting you briefly, “Unlike a certain darling, I wouldn’t feel embarrassed to honor your filthy little wishes.”
“I said I would!”
It was his turn to chuckle, his deep voice resounding gently above you like its own duvet, “But you’d be reluctant, as you just informed me. Unfortunately, I find it amusing when you’re out of your comfort zone because I can tell when you’re just being your shy, bratty, self. You’d tell me otherwise.”
“Then we can both be masters.” Your laughter caved like a burst dam, dying at the thought of how ridiculous that’d be.
His face was hysterical, lips pressed so hard they’d lost their color as he tried not to let his laughter free, “I don’t know how that’d work… I don’t think we’d get anything done. Would we both be on our knees or just in a stalemate of power stances?”
“Stop– Stop talking.” The laughter was making your stomach tickle, unable to stop as he continued the hypothetical.
He rolled on his side to face you completely, “If we’re both standing in the power stance, how would one bend the other over their knee? It’s a logistical failure, darling.” His hand snuck over to gather a tear from your reddened face as your giggles died down. Perhaps being a buffoon wasn’t so bad if he got to hear your true laughter emanate from your infectious smile.
“I’d say we fight for the title, but… You’ve told me in various ways how you prefer to be the loser in that situation.”
“Try it,” you suggested, “Just try calling me master once, I wanna know how it feels.” A delicate, mischievous smile still lounged on your face.
An opening unlike any other, he’d overpower you with what you thought would be your pedestal. The sounds of blankets shifting flooded your ears as he moved to straddle over you, his powder blue hair hanging in ornate waves around his face.
“Is this not cheating?” You placed your hands on his blazing chest above you, your eyes lingering on how his arms flexed to hold himself over you.
“Only if you tell me it is… Master.” He didn’t hesitate, his eyes a deep, sappy scarlet, “You make the rules.” He referred to you like this so languidly, so heavily as he awaited what you might do next.
“I suppose I’ll allow it… I don’t feel very masterly when you’ve got me caged like this.” You took a liberty only the one ‘in command’ would, experimentally pinching his raised nipples for a reaction.
His long lashes fluttered as if a moth were shaking off dew. God, he wished you’d never stop, but he didn’t want to say that just yet, “Wouldn’t a master simply… Take control?”
He bent his arms to allow for his upper body to lean into you, his lips, taut once more in his trademark smirk, nearing your left ear, “Or… are you already stepping down?”
He felt your right hand slide down his front, anticipating your touch to collide with his exposed length, unfortunately the only thing he couldn’t conceal. He was easily aroused by you, though he was discovering… Toying with you like this, almost a perfect balance of submission was making his body rage for you. His willingness to even think someone had the higher ground was only because of you, finding that… Maybe he didn’t mind being controlled by you. But what really riled him was the thought of that pretty word leaving your mouth, so exasperated, barely able to think about anything beyond him.
Your hand sunk slowly against his searing, rigid body, not surprised to find he was already hard, his cock pronounced as it hung over you. You’d debated on touching him or not, but something about taking him into your hand was addicting… Just stroking his length, pulling on him deliberately from shaft to tip, as if you had him caught on a leash of your touch.
His voice, no matter the words or sounds that he used it for, was the key to your demise, deep with an alluring timbre. Quickly your mind was reminded, that he is the Second Harbinger… People find this man to be deplorable and menacing, his voice is only heard making barbaric commands or bickering with other deplorable, menacing Harbingers. All for good, supported, reason. But here, on top of his usual stony tone, grew flowers through the cracks of his demeanor, pollinated as you stroked him. His lips were so close… His shameless, sodden groans fall right into your ear. He was effortlessly always in control, knowing how susceptible you are to him.
“Don’t you want to tell me what to do, Master?” You wanted to punch him as he whined this into you, though not without defiance, his tongue shocking the helix of your ear, a trail of ice left behind. He wouldn’t dare allow himself to miss how your breath lurched in your throat.
You responded with a harsh enough pull on his cock to only remove your hand altogether, “You’re too good at this…” Not that you could mind too much. You pushed his chest in a way to urge him off of you, to which he easily obliged as you both switched places. His length pressed against his lower stomach as you sat over him to grind your pooled wetness along the underside.
“How long do you want to play pretend, darling?” You felt his hips gyrate up into you ever so slightly, “You clearly cannot get out of your mind, too busy wishing I was taking over it.”
You thought for a moment, wondering how you could catch him off guard… How you could make him lose himself, even for just a second. Your uncertainty was making it difficult, “How about…” You hesitantly removed yourself from him to retrieve a toy from your bedside drawer, laughing inwardly, almost nervously at his impending reaction.
He wouldn’t mind what you brought, his intrigue piqued as you revealed your futile efforts to best him in his own game. Your choosing a dildo could mean a few things in this situation… Did you want to fuck him? Was he to watch as you fucked yourself? He waited with bated breath, already missing your heat against him.
You returned to your position, a buzz of pleasure shooting through both of you at the continued contact. He’d do anything at this point, just wanting to see how far you’d go so he could obliterate you equally and more afterward.
After briefly taking it into your mouth, you dragged the wet tip along the center of his front, all the way up to his chin, “Would you suck cock for your master?”
A foreign feeling, not unlike pleasure, barrelled through him as he saw the look he was waiting for in your eyes, “You’re asking me?” Chills trickled through his body, all the way up through his nose as a pleased sigh.
“Be good for me… All you have to do is open your mouth…” You strung him along, though he was too turned on to care, parting his lips to allow you to slowly push into his mouth. He could feel your legs tensing on either side of him, your clit throbbing against his cock as he did so… This was so good.
“I wanna see your eyes.” You weren’t so much dominating him but rather he willingly entertained you by playing along, this is what he told himself anyway. Looking into your soul as his lips clung to the rubber so sweetly, his dextrous tongue working with more enthusiasm than you expected… You didn’t think he’d look so pretty doing this.
Once his spit generously coated the dildo, you dragged it from his mouth, depriving his twitching length of your sopping pussy as you sat between his opened legs. Opening your own, wide enough that he could see the lustrous stage you’d set. You easily slid the dildo, gleaming with his saliva, into your beckoning cunt as he was made to watch.
Well played, he thought… You looked so beautiful as your cunt clung to the dildo that was just in his mouth, your contorted face making it evident that you simply wanted to be filled… Your pace was slow with purpose as you imagined him fucking you like this… He wanted so badly to be inside you, to hear your abashed, small, voice call him dirty things. You swore you saw his cock jolt with impatience. 
His right hand lunged unhurriedly towards his sex, but you swatted it away, “You’re only allowed to watch.”
His lovely voice shaped as a threatening laugh met your ears. Threatening as in he’d let your antics wrack up to be used against you at the right time. His eyes were forced to shade themselves as he looked down over his toned torso, watching you intently. The only way you would be able to dominate him would be by his own hand… or cock. You had so many opportunities to learn from his example, though your mind was probably checked out at that point.
His movements to resist your words ceased, watching as you increased the pace of your self-assault, glorious sounds of your wetness snapping into his ears. His lower lip tucked between his teeth, your left hand playing mindlessly at the soft skin of his upper thigh… He couldn’t help but feel the fault lines of his heart threaten to burst at the lovely sight before him. It felt like his gaze alone was propelling your hand, the tension was caustic and heavy.
You brought yourself to the edge of your release, movements shaky as you caged over him like he’d done to you before. You only had to bring the toy to his lips for him to gladly collect your sweet, his moans, deeper than the Chasm, almost infusing with it as he did. He loved how your eyes branded him as you watched… Maybe you were learning something after all… How to adeptly destroy him, one glance at a time.
Setting the dildo aside, at this point, you just wanted to kiss him. His lips were glossed with a brew of spit and cum, but that only made it more enticing. Like leaves brushing against each other in a gentle breeze, your lips found his. His whole body felt particularly sensitive, your nips at his lips almost a tickle as you teased him. That is, until he captured your face between his hands, lifting his head to press up into you. It felt like the kiss had been placed into a kiln, searing and intense as he was exposing how much he just needed to have you. His heart attached to yours like jumper cables, reinventing what yearning felt like as his tongue swam against yours, disregarding aesthetics and grace.
You both were only left more of a mess than before. As you parted, briefly a salty thread of combined spit, like a spider web, hung between your lips before snapping silently.
His hands pressed down along your curves as if shaping clay, pausing at your waist. Your arms were growing tired, and you couldn’t keep your mind off the gravitational pull of your throbbing cunt, knowing how his cock merely sat in wait. You wanted to lay on his chest… For some reason, his grin only grew.
“Was it worth it? Do you feel transformed, master?” He batted at you with his words like a cat playing with its prey, knowing it was his turn, whether you decided that or not.
“You did well, darling.” You commented in a voice that mocked his own, causing you both to laugh in unison for the second time. Your head dropped in a forfeit as he squeezed your sides.
“Making fun of me, now… I see.” He clicked his tongue, returning to the program that he would see through to the end, “Go stand by the stool in front of the mirror.” He ordered as his hands dropped in time with a sensation of excitement in your stomach, starting with his interpretation of this act.
You obeyed, the kinetic flow of wanting to please leading you to where he directed. You were made to observe your naked body, though distracted when he approached from behind and sat beside you on the stool, “I want you to lay over me, your pretty ass perked for me.”
He could see a familiar gleam in your eyes that sent him universal, knowing you were following his every word like footsteps in snow. Bridged over his legs, his right hand found your plump ass as if it were a magnet, caressing your supple skin. You knew what his intentions were, though, bracing for how and when he’d deliver his first blow.
“Do you truly think, darling… That you’d be able to overpower me without me letting you?”
Whatever your answer was, he wanted to feel the recoil regardless, “You’d just tell me your submission was ‘playing along’ even if I did.”
His hand lifted but a few inches to collide with your ass cheek, gathering your flesh in his hand like a duvet, “It’s against your nature...”
You reeled in how he assumed his harsh demeanor so effortlessly, “Do you think the other Harbingers know you’d clearly bow to my will under your guise of controlling the uncontrollable?”
This clap to your ass felt more personal, making you wince as a squeak snuck out of your throat, “I don’t give a single fuck about those insolent boors. I’d not admit your curiosity in them, though you know I’ll just hit you harder.” Your eyes locked on his own in the mirror as he had well already caught onto your antics.
“So it goes… Perhaps I do wonder about them.” You pushed the topic over the cliff, the punishment he’d give could only really be a reward.
He tried to not allow his heart to be swayed by your taunts, “You think they aren’t familiar with your pathetic moans coming from my office?”
“If they’re anything like you, that’d only intrigue them further, I would think…”
This time you gave him a moan of rejoice, growing addicted to the sting, his hand falling over the crest of your ass to explore your cunt. Your wetness overflowed to coat your clit as it threatened to drip, loving his aggression.
“Hmm… I’ve barely grazed your desperate cunt until now, and it seems you’re trying to insinuate something foolish. Then tell me, my sweet, insatiable, darling, what or who is it that you want?” His middle and ring fingers pressed into your soaked, petal-like lips, coaxing you to answer. 
You were debating… Should you weaponize another man’s name to provoke him… It feels like foul play, as you really had eyes for no other madman but himself, he knows this well. But what if…
“You’re always hanging around that opulent-looking one with glasses… Pantalone, was it?” You chose to improvise listlessly with war anyway.
He gritted his teeth, eyes diverting away from you for the first time. He knew you were just trying to play the cards you had, God, he knew. But something inside could not prevent the inherent, possessive tendencies from making some kind of appearance. Of all the Harbingers, of course you’d choose Pantalone as your mode of combat. He’s such a duplicitous excuse of a man.
His two fingers plunged into your hole, he watched as the muscles in your back tensed, feeling your front wriggle over his legs, “I see how he looks at you, darling. He is so acquainted with wealth, he’s used to having everything available to him… He sees you with me and knows his ability to be conscious of his own existence will be compromised if he even thinks about touching you.”
His hand retracted to instead give your weeping clit a generous slap, the wetness enhancing the sound, then sinking back into you. His lithe fingers felt so dizzying as they paced against your spongy walls, how could you think of anything but that?
“Really, I brought it up because the thought of them seeing you like this turned me on, not because I want to fuck them.”
“Invariably, if they somehow saw me like this, you’d be the only logical cause… Look in the mirror, look at yourself.” His free hand slid under your face to push your cheek in the mirror’s direction, “Who are you bent over so pitifully for right now? It almost sounds as if you’d like an audience…” He noted where your eyes were as you followed his roaming hand at your backside, “Tell me.” He demanded, swatting your ass once more. He couldn’t chain back the grin on his face, waiting to see which title you’d attempt to christen him with.
You weren’t about to give in to what he wanted most, your pure humiliation…, so you opted to at least repay him equally, “You, Zandik… Master.”
“Really…” His fingers returned to your sopping cunt, more so as a reminder rather than a means of pleasure, “I think you know what I want to hear… I’ll give you another chance.”
Your face cringed slightly, though that wasn’t enough to disguise the way your hole clenched around his stilled fingers at the thought, “Fuck…”
He hunched down to ensure his words were clear, “You brought this up… It was eating away at your mind so badly that you thought it was safe to bring it up to me? It’s at the tip of your little tongue, darling… Your face is such a tender shade of red…” His hand pumped slowly into you, as if to lure it out of you with his feigned compassion, “Tell me, pretty baby, whose fingers are inside you right now.”
Your eyes looked to the supposed heavens for a moment, “I hate you.”
He scoffed sharply, “That sounds more in character… You’d be such a contemptuous little brat for me…” He gathered your hair haphazardly, pulling your head upwards, somehow amplifying his ministrations, “Go on, who’s got you bent at his will.” His tone was low though infected with his shit-eating grin.
“Fine– You… Daddy.” Your voice had almost entirely checked out. You knew he wouldn’t let you leave this position until you did so.
He laughed a riot right into your ear, though hissed like the snake he is afterward at the sheer pleasure of winning, maintaining his pace, “You look as if you could hurl, darling, but I don’t think I’ve felt your cute cunt clench around me quite so hard… You’re dripping down my fingers, I ought to make you clean this mess up.”
You whined as he increased his pace, egging you on, “That’s right… So fucking tight…”
In actuality, he didn’t care much for the pet name but rather just your adorable embarrassment, so he decided he wasn’t convinced, “Why not embrace it a little more…” Getting you close to the edge, retreating his hand only to prod at your lips, “Why not taste your humiliation, since you hate calling me ‘daddy’ so much? Hmm?”
You were shivering as the denied orgasm left you high, though not so much dry, taking his slender fingers into your mouth. Your tongue weaved between them so as to clean them completely, his eyes sharp, jabbing into your face as he watched. That feeling again, as if an hourglass had been flipped, all the blood rushed to his core as he fucked your mouth with his hand. When he was satisfied with your work, he slowly dragged his soaked fingers along your back to trace back down. You shook at the chilling trail it left.
“Hmm,” There was an arrogant triumph to his voiced sigh, “So sensitive, too… It drives me crazy, darling.” He moved to grip your waist, urging you off of him, “I wonder… Would you suck cock for your master?” His words wagged their fingers in your ears as he adjusted you to sit on your heels before him.
“And you say I talk shit?” You ran your hands flush up his parted thighs, observing how cute his folded tummy looked as he sat, watching you. His faint happy trail, the glazed plains of his pale chest in contrast to his florid, angular face. For a moment, he said not a word, realizing how desperately he required your touch, in any capacity. His cock leaned heavily to the side, as if in its last attempt of an exhausted taunt for your lips. Your hands closed in on him, his eyes fluttering as they gently pulled at his flushed length.
“I love it when you moan for me…” You mentioned as an aside before taking his swollen tip between your velveteen lips. His head fell back, and a groan, like a smoke ring, hovered to the ceiling.
His fingertips pushed their way through your hair, though with no other intent but seemingly to distract himself from losing himself too soon. He played with your hair almost domestically, petting you along as you took as much of his throbbing cock as you could. You could tell he so badly wanted to buck into your mouth, your hands gripping him at the pivot of his thighs and hips as he writhed… You wished he’d let you in on this kind of raw desperation more often, as this version of him played in your mind so sweetly.
“Such a good girl for me, fuck.” He’d never called you that before, but the sensation it conveyed in your brain felt as if your soul had fallen out of the window of your body. He had you where you couldn’t refute it, making you swallow that, too, without resistance, “I knew you’d like that…” He laughed wickedly despite his exasperated state, and it felt so good, “My good girl…” He almost sang it down to you the second time, making your chest waver, coasting your hands upwards against his tense torso. He untangled his hands from your hair, easily blanketing yours against his waist, effectively lulled by the lush of your touch.
His fingertips dragged down the stretch of your arms, over the horizon of your shoulders to round back to your face, causing you to pause in wait. Your eyes lazily gravitated up to his own, his face was tipped as he peered over his nose in his lecherous way, “Come here, darling, where you belong…”
Upon your standing, he twisted you around between his hands to face away from him, then pulled down at your hips to finally lower your pliant, sobbing cunt onto him. The friction of his firm chest against your back alone was tantalizing enough, his hot breath steaming your skin from behind making your body slack in his grasp. A hand left your side, gripping his length to align himself. The initial pleasure of his tip making contact with the magma that was your arousal against him was suffocating, your eyes heavy with refined lust, though you couldn’t tear them away. He lowered you onto his cock at a meticulous speed, so dreadfully slow, you swear you could feel his pulse. His groan of contagious desire shot through your spine as you watched him disappear inside you as he left you to sit completely full of him for his own amusement.
“Look at you, pretty darling, how you like to watch yourself take my cock so beautifully.” His wet lips played on your shoulder blade to leaf between his words, “How I wish this very image were branded into my mind…” Moving towards the crook of your neck, your head inadvertently swayed to the side to allow access, his hands forcing your hips to grind in his lap. His teeth brushed over the sensitive base of your neck, your shoulders raising as he teased your skin. You felt as if you were losing your grip on a certain aspect of consciousness, the way his thick length stirred inside you, brushing and shocking every nerve.
“Keep moving just like that…” He instructed in a whisper as his hands left to tend to your breasts, adding yet another layer of dizziness as he pinched and kneaded. He loved the way the soft skin of your ass brushed against his inner thighs, your cunt tied and bowed around his shaft so perfectly. He’d pause at your neck here and there to peek at your face, a delirious focus on maintaining your movements… Your precious sounds that now flowed shamelessly from your lips, he truly could never get enough of you.
You tried to lift yourself, needing to be properly rearranged from the inside out, but he halted your attempt, unraveling a whine, “I know, I know… My good girl has been working so hard…” His eyes fixated on how your slick literally overflowed, trickling down to his balls in a lewd stream. How you squeezed around him upon that name… It was too much for him to bear, “You really do like that, huh darling?”
“Mmhm…,” is all you could manage, your thighs twitching impatiently, an indescribable feeling winding up your body, “God, please just let me move.”
“I didn’t even have to ask you to beg, you sorry little thing.” He guided you to lift, your vision flickering at the sheer strength of the awaited friction, “Tell me more… How much do you want me to fucking destroy you?”
You gave in to his game, unable to resist, “So badly, Zandik, please.”
Finally, your hole just barely reached the precipice of his raging cock, holding you there, “I could make you cum just like this, giving you only what you barely need as you wished I’d fuck you right– Please what?”
“Fuck… Please, please fuck me, I need your cock… Please.” You squirmed as your voice was hoarse and almost unfamiliar to even yourself as you pleaded.
He slammed you down onto him easily, given how soaked you were, hardly able to wait himself, “When you’re this wet, I would think my cock is the only thing you need.” He talked both you and himself into oblivion, sticky slick between both his and your thighs accentuating the frantic collision of your bodies. His fingers were soldered to your waist, gripping you as he moved your body at his pace, watching as your breasts flailed rhythmically in his thrusts’ wake. He wished there was a way to consume the buttery noises you were making on top of him as his own bled into them.
You adored how his lips hung open, how his brows tensed upward as he exhibited both complete focus and abandonment, his mind devoted only to the way he fucked you in this moment. You found him infuriatingly handsome as it is, but to see him so breathless, his vast vocabulary reduced to exclusively vile taunts, he was utterly ethereal like this.
His lips curled up as you eyed him so intensely, forcing you off of him, the sudden vacancy in your cunt making you want to scream. He stood behind you, feeling up your front as he did so, “I can’t describe the feeling I get when you look at me like that, darling…” He turned you to face him, hastily stealing your lips for a kiss that dug into your chest like his nails did your back as he searched your skin hungrily. 
Upon stopping, he moved to hold your chin in place, your face displayed in his hand like a gemstone gleaming in the prongs of a ring. His swollen lips were still close, his crimson eyes had a glow to them, almost, cascading a dense shadow of need over your features, “However I may call you, you will most importantly, always, be mine. …And I hope… I will always be yours, darling.”
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I always think about how everyone who knows Kaz brekker, including the crows, negatively think of him as a coldhearted murderer who would do anything for money. Whenever a chapter is written in the perspective from someone who is not Kaz and Kaz gets on their nerves or seems disturbing or so they seem quick to think of him as his reputation: a murdered, a killer. And now I may be stupid for thinking this, but how many people has he actually killed, self-defense excluded? The cell member in the ice court and big bolliger comes to mind, but really other than that...
If we do want to talk about murderers we can talk about Matthias who belonged to one of the worst type of people there is disguised as warriors for a noble cause. Or Nina who was trained to be a ruthless soldier and was excited to participate in war as soon as possible, which includes killing people, even if it's for a "noble" cause. Inej has killed people too, but that's apparently okay because she feels guilty. Jesper has obviously killed. Wylan produces extremely dangerous bombs. Yet no one seems to think of themselves as murderers, but bc they are scared of Kaz (yes all of them to some extent) they think about everything people have said about him or how he talks about himself (bastard of the barrel, cruel, killer etc.)
I love all the characters and am quite fond of them, but it's important to acknowledge that all of them are also flawed. One of their flaws being their moral superiority in relation to Kaz. Even Inej tells us at the start that a lot of his reputation stems from rumors, yet she is afraid of him sometimes bc she doesn't know what rumors are true and which not (which really makes me question why she fell in love with Kaz, if it was bc he freed her and he's hot, after all she is a teenage girl, or some others reasons but that's anothwr discussion). Maybe I'm biased bc my favorite character is Kaz, but this really irks me. Time and time again he has proven that he wouldn't kill innocent civilians or children and what not. That what he and others say about himself isn't 100% a real reflection of who he is. Other than his provocative words (that he uses as a self-defense and really bc he's afraid of showing emotion, but also he just has a dry humor and a snarky personality) he isn't morally a lot worse than the other crows. The things I do find morally about him conflicting though are of course the things he has to do as a gang boss, like profiting off of gambling casinos and what not, but really he isn't responsible for the brutal capitalist system in Ketterdam and one might say that the want to become rich isn't a sin ("what a luxury to not want a luxury").
I like him for his morally grey compass and because he is a complex character but I don't think he receives as much compassion and care from the others as I think he should, but I digress. A lot of people are surprised that technically they won't stay friends, but I'm not. I have so much to say because this is such a complicated debate but I don't want to dig myself a deeper grave than already and maybe I have gotten some facts wrong. I'd love to hear more opinions.
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ksywoo · 1 year
let them see I'm yours / l.jh
pairing: woozi x reader pronouns: they/them, partner used in reference to reader word count: 1.3k genre: fluff, established relationship, woozi: *hates pda but wants people to know yn is dating him so he quietly sulks instead*. yn: *doesn't shut up about their bf woozi to anyone with ears* warnings: one tiny little kiss, alcohol mentioned, reader tipsy but barely mentioned or noticeable, a little bit of jealousy but it's more like annoyance note from fizzy: its short but I've had this in my wips forever and just wanna post something :( honestly surprised I'm writing for him before some of the others bc i thought he'd be difficult to write but i just love "super secure in his relationship but just annoyed when he thinks someone is flirting with you" woozi :(
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Jihoon didn’t get jealous often. He was confident and comfortable in your relationship, he knew your affection was only for him, but sometimes he could get a little insecure. You knew he wasn’t big on public affection, whether it be physical or verbal, and you had stated time and time again that he didn’t need to scream it from the rooftops for you to know how much he loved you. 
But there were some times when he wished he was more comfortable being loudly in love because maybe it would keep away the people that tried hitting on you. If he was louder, they would know you already had a boyfriend. 
But he wasn’t, so they didn’t. 
You had been hit on before, of course, you had. It would be absurd for him to expect people to stay away from you, especially since you were outgoing and obviously hot (he refuses to believe that's a biased opinion; it's simply a fact). He normally could brush off seeing someone make a move on you as long as you weren't uncomfortable. You had told him before that you found it funny rather than gross if someone openly flirted with you considering your relationship with Jihoon started after you pined after him relentlessly. There had only been one occasion where a stranger flirting with you had made you uncomfortable, but luckily Wonwoo had stepped in since your boyfriend hadn't been there.
Despite you being used to getting noticed by others, he still wasn't. He trusted you, and he knew at the end of the day that you weren't going to randomly dump him for the next person to ask for your number, but that didn't mean it didn't piss him off sometimes.
It was already an off-day for him, and he was feeling a little more bothered than usual, watching from the kitchen as you laughed at some guy who probably wasn’t even that funny. He huffed at himself as he leaned against the counter, annoyed at himself for being annoyed. 
If he was as affectionate as Mingyu or Soonyoung, he would go over to you and kiss your cheek or wrap his arms around you, pretending he didn’t know he was being obnoxiously jealous as he glared at the person talking to you. Initiating things like that wasn’t something he was comfortable with, and he didn’t want you to think he didn’t trust you or something, he just wished people knew you were dating him. 
He glanced over at you for probably the thirtieth time in the last hour when Seungcheol walked up to him.
“Hey, Wooz,” he greeted, slinging his arm over his friend's shoulder. “Why are you moping over here instead of hanging out with anyone?” 
“Hm?” Jihoon looked away from you to make eye contact with Seungcheol before looking away. “Oh, I don’t know.” 
“Well you look upset and it’s bumming me out–” 
“Hey, Cheol? Is it… Do you think people know me and Y/n are, like, dating?” 
Cheol pouted in confusion before following Jihoon’s gaze to the other room, where you were talking to the same guy you had been talking to all night. The tall boy was looking at you fondly as you spoke and Jihoon couldn’t blame him, it was easy to admire you when you were ranting or talking or existing or doing literally anything. But why were you rambling to that guy instead of your boyfriend? And why did you have the biggest, cheesiest smile on your face?
“Oh,” Cheol hummed, understanding the situation. “Honestly, not really. It took Mingyu and Dino literally three months to figure out you guys were dating. I mean, maybe if you, you know, actually talked with them at things like this…” he hinted, pushing Jihoon’s shoulder in your direction. "You two just aren't super affectionate in public, which is totally fine, but if you want something to change, you have to change."
“I just don’t want to hover. I don’t want them to think I’m needy.” 
“But you are needy,” Seungcheol teased with a smile. “And there’s nothing wrong with that. But that’s not even being needy, it’s literally just spending time with your partner. It’s obvious you’re dating when you two interact, you both have the biggest heart eyes when you talk. But if you avoid them, no one is going to assume you’re as stupidly in love as you are.” 
Jihoon pushed Cheol away and huffed. “Fine. Now leave me alone.” 
As Seungcheol grabbed a water bottle from the refrigerator, Jihoon mumbled a thank you for his friend's encouragement, to which the older patted his back affectionately and left the room. 
Jihoon took a deep breath and grabbed a water bottle as well so he had an excuse to walk up to you; as if him dating you wasn’t enough of an excuse. When he turned back to where you had been standing for the last hour, you had disappeared.
He frowned as he stepped past the doorway and his eyes darted around the room, starting to worry about where you had gone. He had looked away for just a few seconds, you couldn’t have gone far.
“Hey, Jihoon, right?” 
He looked up to see the guy you had been talking to. “Uh, yeah.” 
“I’m Soobin,” he introduced himself with a polite smile. “I was just talking to Y/n and–” 
Jihoon straightened his posture, prepared to hear something he didn’t like. Maybe this guy was about to go on about how amazing you were, not knowing Jihoon knew that better than anyone. Or maybe he was going to threaten to take Jihoon’s place or—
“—you guys are so cute together.” 
Jihoon raised his eyebrows. “Oh.” 
“I’m sure you know this, but Y/n talks about you like you’re the sun. It’s very cute how happy you guys are.” He had a very sweet and amused smile on his lips, seeming shy to compliment the older boy about his relationship. 
“You guys were talking about… me?” Jihoon awkwardly asked, pointing to himself. That’s why you had that look in your eye? Cute.
Soobin laughed with an excited nod. “Barely talked about anything else. I was going to ask if they knew where Seungkwan was but then they mentioned you and– Y/n really gets off on tangents when you get brought up.” 
“Sorry,” he apologized, but wasn’t sure what he was apologizing for. “I think I saw Seungkwan outside a few minutes ago.” He was fully embarrassed now, he could feel his face glowing red. He grimaced and Soobin chuckled. 
Here Jihoon was, jealous and worried about some guy talking to you when it turns out the guy is not only much younger, but you were gushing about Jihoon the whole time. Suddenly, he was glad he didn’t march over to you and make an ass of himself.
“Hoonie!” you called, entering the kitchen and wrapping your arms around your boyfriend’s neck just as Soobin slipped out, leaving you and Jihoon alone. 
“I was just looking for you,” he said with a soft smile, squeezing his eyes shut as you kissed his cheek. 
“My legs hurt from standing, I need to go sit down. Come on,” you said, grabbing his arm and dragging him to an unoccupied armchair. You sat down on the arm while he sat on the seat, wanting to give him space. “Why do you look so embarrassed?” you asked.
He looked at you as you started playing with his hair, admiring your bright smile even if you were slightly tipsy. “Didn’t realize you talked about me to random people.” 
“Are you kidding?” you laughed. “I talk about you to literally everyone I meet. There isn’t a soul I’ve met that doesn’t know I have the best and cutest boyfriend in the entire world.” 
He huffed as you pinched his cheek but he placed his hand on your thigh and gently tugged you down to sit on his lap before quickly pecking your lips. You looked scandalized and dramatically looked around to see nobody paying attention to you. “Jihoon! Someone could see us.” 
He chuckled and squeezed your leg. “That’s okay. If they do, at least they’ll see that I’m yours.” 
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the-milk-monarch · 5 months
Hello! I just want ya to know that u are my favorite writer for tdi in all honesty. I love how thought out your work is and how detailed it is. I saw that you wrote for Cody If so, could you possibly write a thing about how they would act if the reader was Chris’s favorite intern, and would sneak free gifts to help them in challenges (not that big just little small things) like a sweater for when they are somewhere cold, or a cookie if chefs cooking was bad. Could they also be confident and funny? (Strong reader supremacy).
I know you have a lot on your plate, it’s ok to deny or take as long as you need. Feel free to use this idea for other charecters :)
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I love this gif
☣ Aw that's so sweet to hear, tysm!! I never thought anyone would enjoy my writing so much so that's really lovely to hear 🫶 I try my best to write well thought out stuff bc I honestly enjoy thinking about it lol
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Summary: Reader gives Cody their jacket at Yukon + general headcanons. ☢︎ | Total Drama | ~1k words | gender-neutral reader ♡ | Cody ⚠ | haven't rewatched the episode so I'm only writing the episode as I remembered it with the help of the wiki lol
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⚠︎ | setting: Total Drama: World Tour
Cody really likes being around you.
You emit energy that just gives him that daily boost.
Whether it's your confidence and lightheartedness or a good joke, he usually has a smile while hanging around you.
He also likes to join in on playing the comedian with you if he feels creative, so you're a fun duo!
He's curious why Chris likes you so much.
I mean, he can see why, you're like, the best person ever to be around, (in his opinion) but still.
And you're kind enough to share anything extra with him!
You got him by a surprise when it first happened, as at the time you were friendly, but only briefly spoke to each other.
Next on the trip list was "Yukon". You knew it was gonna be cold. But being the TV host's favorite intern wasn't that bad, you knew you were probably gonna get decent clothing. As you expected, the temperature was freezing. But of course, Chris couldn't be cold, so he got himself a cozy and stylish jacket. You and Chef also got the blessing of getting something warm to wear, unlike the rest of the campers. You felt some hope after Chris announced that he ordered the jackets for the others, but it quickly washed away when you heard his response to Heather that "they should arrive in six to eight weeks". You sighed, but ultimately you were helpless to do anything. You took a liking to Cody, he was fun to be around and you thought his "tough man" was both entertaining and kinda sweet. I mean, at least he tried, right? You started talking in the short moments when you both had a break and a chance to interact with someone in between the challenges. You never went out of your way to help anyone as it was technically cheating, but you felt like you had to do something when you saw Cody freezing after he fell into the cold water and Sierra had to rescue him. You saw her throw him on the land from the floating ice block, thinking he's somewhat safe now, until you heard the abrupt sound of him hitting the nearby mountains which made you cringe from the secondhand pain. Once the camera focused on the other contestants trying to make it through the challenge, you sneakily approached Cody, who was visibly shaking while laying on his back and processing what just happened. "Oof- Dude, you alright?" You hovered above him with a concerned look on your face. "Y-Y/N?" He managed to stutter out while the cold tried to shut up him up. You offered him a hand so he could get up, to which he accepted with a shaking grip. Without a word, you gave him the only thing you had on you, your jacket. "T-That's for me?" He asked, a bit in disbelief for your kind act. "Of course, I can't let you freeze to death." You quickly explained with a smile on your face. "But what about you?" He questioned once more, seeing as you had nothing else to put on. "Hey, I haven't fallen into the freezing water, did I?" You pointed out, although you appreciated him worrying about you as well. "R-Right." He flashed a shaky smile and extended his hand as you passed him the clothing item. "T-Thank you." He tried to keep his teeth from grinding, which stopped as soon as he put it on. The cold was still biting your ass, but at least you felt good knowing he wasn't about to die anymore. Cody started to feel a bit awkward seeing you start to shake, though. "Hey- now that you're the one being cold, I feel kinda selfish here." He admitted, halfly-joking. You took a second before responding. "Well- There's always an option with huddling for warmth" You responded, also halfly-serious. You didn't mind close contact and free warmth, so you hoped Cody wouldn't either. "Unless you got cold feet." You heard a slight chuckle come out of his lips after your words. "Okay. But only to break the ice." He put on a grin which showed his goofy tooth gap. He was pleasantly surprised with the amount of casualness from you, but also a bit lost on how to act, so he resorted to lightning up the mood as well. You reciprocated the giggle and stepped closer, feeling his body against yours. He hesitated a little, but finally embraced you into his arms. "Don't let Sierra see you though, you might make some enemies with her after that." He warned you only slightly serious about it.
Cody was far more casual and friendly with you after that one kind gesture.
And with time, he began to see you as legit one of the closest people he got to meet on the show.
But the thing that made him enamored in you was when you got to his heart through his stomach.
You knew that the teams had to endure Chef's horrible cooking each time they lost, and you were glad when you didn't have to worry about the food being a probable cause of your death when Chris gave you your share of the meals. So, naturally you also wanted to grant that opportunity to your close acquaintance as well. Per usual, you approached Cody after you had a moment to yourself. "Hey Codemeister, what's up?" He turned his head towards you as he heard the familiar tone of your voice. "Y/N, hey!" His face lighted up and he straightened his back to properly look at you while sitting on the crappy, wooden seat, "Had your dinner already?" You asked casually, sitting next to him. "If that's what you call it- yeah." He cringed at the economy class food. "Why?" "Well, I just had this cookie that i conveniently kept for you, so..." You slightly teased as your hand slowly got the packaged, delicious goods out of your pocket. "What, dude, no way!" He gasped slightly as he saw the cookie in it's glory. "It's mine?" "Yeah." You nodded with a smile, already happy about his excited reaction. "You're amazing!" He attacked you with a hug without thinking twice. You felt Sierra staring daggers at you.
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hoejosatoru · 1 year
Stress Reliever
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x Chishiya (Alice in Borderland)
Summary: When y/n first meets Chishiya, she does not like him. However, when they are forced to become roommates at the beach, her opinion slowly starts to change. When Chishiya has a suggestion on how to manage stress, y/n can’t help but be intrigued. Ignore the boring ass title I could not think of anything better
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: Readers skin and hair color/texture not specified, not proof read, teasing, eye contact, fingering, p in v sex, cream pie. Tried to keep Chishiya in character (bc I think he would be such a tease and lil shit but in a sexy way) but if he’s ooc oopsies MDNI
“What are you doing here?” You huffed, standing in the doorway of your new room. Or what was supposed to be your room. So why the hell was Chishiya of all people already there.
“I knew you’d find your way here eventually,” he replied, ignoring your question. The ‘here’ was the beach compound. You’d heard whispers of the place since you started playing and finally found it. It was exactly what you expected - though you weren’t sure what you expected in the first place - but you agreed to join. Not that you really had much of a choice once the caught you lurking around the place.
“You didn’t answer my question,” you pressed.
Chishiya rolled his eyes. “Seemed too obvious a question to answer. I live here.”
You scowled. “But I was assigned to this room.” You doubled checked the room number you were given and the one on the door. You were in the right place.
“Guess that makes us roommates then,” Chishiya replied, stretching lazily. His indifference grated your nerves.
“But you’re a guy.”
Chishiya snorted with laughter. “We’re in a lawless land playing life or death games and you think people care about rooms being coed?” You didn’t want to admit that it was pretty stupid to care about that, so you just grumbled a ‘whatever’ and shut the door behind you. 
You truly could not believe the odds that you would end up with him as a roommate. You met Chishiya in one of your first games, which happened to be a game of wits. Unfortunately, most of your competitors were lacking in that department, which led to their demise. You, however, figured it out quickly, which Chishiya took note of.
He made some comment about being surprised someone was able to get it, which you took as a condescending crack. You’d been watching him since the start of the game, noting how calm he was. Almost to the point of smugness. The comment, you felt, confirmed your initial impression. 
Little did you know that Chishiya was also watching you, (though he does watch everybody) taking an interest in you. You were much more calm than anyone else in the calm, save for him. He was also impressed with your cleverness, seeing through the trick of the game almost as quickly as he did. Almost.
You’d played only one other game with him after that, which you left you feeling the same way: he was a smug know it all. He had tried to engage in casual conversation with you, but you brushed him off. You weren’t looking to get close to people in these games. You’d seem first hand how they would pit people together and tear them apart. You didn’t need anymore emotional turmoil. Besides, you could definitely see the two of you clashing, what with his attitude.
Chishiya, however, was draw to your attitude. He appreciated your intelligence of course, since far too many people seemed to lack it around here. But he liked that you challenged him, he even liked when you rolled your eyes or scowled at him. The more you tried to push him away, the more he felt the desire to get close to you. To break down those walls and get to know more about you.
“You better not be a shitty roommate,” you stated, sitting down on the bed adjacent to his. It was the comfiest thing you sat on in weeks.
“Oh don't worry,” he smiled, “I’m an angel.” 
You wouldn’t go as far as to call him an angel, but you couldn’t deny that Chishiya was a good roommate. He didn’t go out partying and drinking like everyone else here, nor did he ever leave a mess. You still found him to be a bit smug at times, but your stance on him softened a bit as yo got to know him. Though your pride was preventing you from showing it that much.
Your visas often expired at similar times, leading you two to playing a lot more games together. You couldn’t deny that you felt safe with Chishiya being there. Well at least as safe as one could be in these games. The two of you silently formed an alliance and looked out for each other. You never let yourself get complacent, but having Chishiya around always made you feel that, no matter the odds, you would clear the game. 
Something that you couldn’t understand, though, was just how calm was. You prided yourself on being able to keep yourself calm during the games, but you still very much felt the stress. Chishiya, however, was on another level. He seemed bored, as if you were just playing for fun and not your lives. It was almost unnerving.
After a particularly difficult game, you couldn't resist asking him about when you got back to your room. “How do you do it?”
“Hmm? Do what?” Chishiya asked from his bed.
“Stay so calm. It’s... spooky,” you replied. You laid on your bed, staring at the ceiling. 
Chishiya let out a huff of laughter. “You look pretty calm yourself.”
“Yeah I look calm, but it takes a lot of work to stay that way. It doesn’t seem to bother you at all,” you replied. 
Chishiya smirked. “I didn’t know you were watching me so closely.” Actually he did, but he’d keep that to himself for now.
“You’re doing that thing again.”
“What thing?”
“That thing where you deflect instead of just answering.”
Chishiya made a noise of amusement. “Sorry to disappoint, but I don’t really have an answer. I can’t change my circumstances, I don't see the point of freaking out about it.”
You sighed. As if it was that simple. “If I wasn’t your roommate, I’d be convinced you were an alien or a robot or something. I’m not fully convinced you don’t have to plug yourself in to charge up while I’m sleeping.”
Chishiya laughed, but said in earnest. “I am human, I can promise you that.” A silence fell between the two of you after that. You were often quiet together; it was one of the things you did appreciate about him. This silence, however, felt charged in a way you couldn’t quite put your finger on. 
After some time, Chishiya spoke again. “You knew, there is a pretty effective way to destress.”
“What’s that?”
Your head whipped around to him. You couldn’t have heard that right. “Sex?”
Chishiya smirked at your astonishment. “Yeah, sex. You know what that is right? Don’t tell me you’re a virgin,” he teased.
Your cheeks burned. “I am not a virgin,” you replied and immediately regretted it. It was true, but that absolutely sounded like something a virgin would say. It only made Chishiya laugh harder. “Oh shut up,” you grumbled, tossing a pillow at him. 
“Someone’s testy.” 
“So what? That’s your secret?” you questioned, “You just go around fucking people?” You couldn’t imagine how he had time for that. He never brought anyone to your room, thank god, and was never out for long.
“No,” Chishiya snorted, “I haven’t slept with anyone since coming here. I was just pointing out a fact. Sex helps with stress.”
Talking about sex with Chishiya was naturally making your brain think about having sex with Chishiya and that made your body react in a way you weren't expecting. You were flushed, feeling a prickle of desire. God were you really so stressed that you were lusting after him?
Sensing your hesitation, Chishiya continued. “I didn’t think I would have to spell it out for you, but it was almost an invitation.” You looked bewildered, which amused him. “Come here.”
Despite your hesitations, you followed his instruction. Chishiya sat at the edge of his bed and you stood between his legs. He looked up and down your body with a lopsided grin. You had grown accustomed to having to wear a bikini at all times at the beach; it was nothing new for him to see you like this. Yet, you felt so exposed under his gaze. You almost moved to cover yourself, but you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.
Chishiya’s hands found the back of your thighs, ghosting across your skin. “You’ve thought about it, haven’t you?” His voice was just above a whisper. One hand started to toy with your bikini bottom string. You held your breath as his eyes flicked up to yours. “Thought about me fucking you? You want it, don’t you?”
Your heard was quickened the longer his hands were on you. It felt so good to be touched by someone else in such a gentle way. That combined with his words was making you almost dizzy. “Seems like you’ve thought about,” you replied.
Chishiya yanked you forward by the back of your legs, making you fall into his lap. You legs landed on either side of his hips, leaving you straddling him. His face was closer yours now, the eye contact making your insides curl. “You’re that thing,” he teased, calling back to the comment you made. His hand was on the back of your neck now and you found yourself drifting impossibly closer to him. “But I’m not afraid to admit when I want someone thing.” His thumb brushed over your lower lip, making you let out a shaky breath. “So tell me, y/n, do you want me, too?”
You let go of the breath you were holding. “Yes.” Chishiya smirked triumphantly. He started to lean and you followed. Your lips were just a millimeter apart when he pulled back just to laugh at the frustrated look on your face.
You scowled. “Assho-”
His lips connected to yours before you could finish. God he was a good kisser. His lips moved against yours perfectly, his tongue slipping into your mouth with ease. Your body reacted so quickly to him, aching with desire. The need for more.
Chishiya sensed it, smirking into the kiss. His hands trailed up your back, finding the string of your bikini top. He undid the knot, tossing it to the side. He squeezed your tits as your kissed, pinching your nipples to make you gasp. You pushed his sweatshirt off his body, before yanking his shirt off.
“Mmm, someone’s eager, huh?” He commented.
“Shut up.”
In a flash you were flipped over and caged in by Chishiya’s body. “You’re not in the position to be telling me to shut up.” You narrowed your eyes at him, which made the corner of his lip curl up. You had to admit, him on top of you was a nice view.
You threaded your fingers through his blond locks, pulling him back in. His chest was pressed completely against yours. The weight of him and the warmth of his skin on yours soothed a nagging deep inside you. You wanted him closer. You wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him in. You rolled your hips up to meet his, grinding against him. A soft moan slipped from his slips, giving you a sense of satisfaction.
Chishiya’s hand came down, pressing your hips back into the mattress. You were about to huff in protest, but stopped when he started toying with the strings on the side of your bikini. He kept his lips on yours as he worked. Your pussy throbbed with anticipation while slowly, so slowly, pulled the knot undone. Instead of taking it off right away, he traced the line of where your bikini met your lower stomach to your other hip. His feather light touch gave you goosebumps.
He repeated his actions on the other side. You were buzzing with anticipation for him to pull the bottoms off you. Of course, he didn't right away. He just continued to kiss you, his fingers ghosting of your lower stomach, inner thighs.
“Stop being a fuck tease,” you grumbled.
“Oh? And what would you like me to do, y/n?” Chishiya mused. His eyes were locked on yours as he continued to let his fingers dance over your skin. You lost a bit of your nerve under his stare.
“You know what I want.”
Chishiya smirked. “I’m not a mind reader.”
You groaned. “Touch me! Finger me- fuck do something!”
He chuckled, hooking his finger into the fabric, but not pulling it down. “A please would be nice.”
You were too desperate to fight. He was so close, yet so far from touching you. You couldn’t stand it. “Please.”
“Good girl.” He pulled the bikini off of you completely. His eyes scanned your naked body, making you feel shy under his critical stare. Still, you refused to show it and let him have his look. “Pretty.” His finger slid through your wetness, making you gasp. “And soaked. Didn’t know you wanted me that bad.”
“Are you gonna do something or just talk all day?” you snapped. Chishiya didn’t challenged your remark, instead he slid a finger inside you. You let out a content sigh as he curled it, easily finding that spot inside you that made you weak. He licked and sucked at your breasts as he worked his fingers over you. He was more skilled than you cared to admit, easily making the curl of pleasure in your lower stomach. 
Chishiya played with your clit, rolling and pinching it, noting how each different move made you react. He slid a second finger inside you, stretching you and pumping faster. He loved how squirmed, how your chest heaved with ragged, pleasured breaths. He kept a neutrally smug look on his face, but internally his composure wavered. He wanted to know how your pussy would feel squeezing his cock instead of his fingers.
“Fuck, Chishiya, don’t stop,” you moaned. It had been so long since you felt this good. Chishiya rolled your clit just as you liked, sending you over the edge. He sat up so he could watch as you cum. He loved how your head fell back with pleasure, the sweet sounds that escaped you, the way your body fully submitted to his touch. 
“You look good like that,” he teased as you caught your breath. He got himself out of his shorts, your cheeks flushing at the sight of his naked body. He was bigger than you thought he would be, thicker too. “You realize you’re staring, right?”
You went red and mumbled, “Sorry.”
Chishiya laughed at you. “That's alright, I like when you watch me.” He grabbed the back of your thighs and yanked you closer to him. “I see you doing it all the time, you know.” He let his tip slide through your slick pussy lips. If you were so distracted by that, you may have been more embarrassed by his words. “I like it a lot. So I want you to watch while I fuck you.” He pressed his tip into your throbbing hole, but didn’t go any further. He leaned over, getting his face closer to yours. His voice dropped to a whisper.“You’re gonna look me in the eye when  I make you cum, got it?” 
You were barely audible when your replied, “Yes.” You liked him like this. Suddenly his smugness wasn’t annoying, rather it was an aphrodisiac. His demeanor, his voice, his stare, all of it just made you want him more.
Chishiya kept his eyes on yours as he slowly pushed into you, allowing you both to enjoy every inch. You sighed at the sweet stretch he have you, loving the feeling of being so full. Chishiya gripped your hips as he thrust into you. He was right, you felt even better wrapped around him like this. “Feels fucking amazing.”
He fucked into you with ease, each long, deep thrust making your head spin. You couldn’t believe how good he was, it almost wasn't fair. His cock hit that sweet spot inside you, making you gasp. “Please Chishiya,” you begged, not even sure what you were asking for.
“Feels good, huh?” he questioned, his thumb finding your clit. He rubbed circles over the sensitive bud. Your eyes screwed shut as the pleasure almost went over to overstimulation. “Look at me, y/n. Let me see you cum.” You forced your eyes open upon his demand. Making eye contact with him made everything feel more intense. Within moments that knot of pleasure inside you snapped, spreading a warm surge of pleasure all over your body.
“Fuc-nngh ‘Shiya!”
Chishiya couldn’t hold on with your pussy squeezing him like a vice while you moaned his name like that. His hips stuttered as he let out a low groan of your name mixed with curses. He fucked you slow and deep, letting you both savor it.
When you both finally finished, he laid himself down next you. You felt compelled to curl into him, not wanting to be without his warmth. For a second you were afraid you made a mistake, but then his arm wrapped around you and pulled you on to his chest. It was the first time you felt soothed since entering the games.
“I hate to admit it, but you were right. I feel less stressed,” you said.
“I love when you admit I’m right,” Chishiya mused, running his fingers along your spine. “While you’re in a good mood, I have a confession to make.”
“I arranged for us to share a room here.”
If he had told you that a week ago, you may have been annoyed. But now? “I have a confession, too. I’m glad you did.” 
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betty-gb · 2 years
characters x short s/o
alright here we go, this is hc of some of my favourite boys and one girl with a short s/o. like quite short, like 4’11/5’0. this honestly became more general hcs but they still focus on height factors.
includes: leo valdez, connor stoll, gilbert blythe, carter kane and kate bishop
disclaimer: these are just my personal opinions so please don’t be mean if you don’t agree. also lmk if i’ve made any mistakes regarding canonical facts about these characters.
pronouns: i think i only used pronouns once in this and it was they/them so anyone could read this although some head cannons were more geared towards a female audience as i myself am female.
warnings: some mild language
*not proof read*
leo valdez:
-starting off strong with our short king, mr. leo valdez
-he is canonically about 5’6 so we’re going to go with that
-he’s a little shit
-just putting that out there
-1000% using you as an armrest
-asking you to grab something for him that he knows for a fact you can’t reach
-the whole package of teasing
-but can we really blame him
-he’s been the shorty for a while and he enjoys finally having someone shorter
-now leo i hc as a little spoon
-just because our boy has some major trauma
-but if you were a demigod too you would probably have a whole lot of trauma as well
-we love
-anyway with the height difference i feel like he would big spoon a bit more but you bet he is still laying on your chest with his face in your boobs (for anyone who has them) or just your chest (for everyone else)
-you would probably come up to his nose area so perfect height for him to give you forehead kisses
-although i feel like he prefers to kiss the tip of your nose
-especially when it’s all rosy from the cold
-in terms of clothes sharing
-i feel like leo is more of a ‘let me try on your clothes that are too small for me for laughs’ guy than a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’ type of guy
-which makes me sad
-but it’s okay because he will still give you clothes if ur cold and he will most certainly blush and pepper your face with kisses
-now with you being tiny and all he feels a certain sense of protectiveness
-not that you can’t handle yourself yk being a demigod and all
-but he’s lost enough people and he will not let anyone hurt you
-anyone messes with you they mess with him
-which isn’t very intimidating as he’s also short
-but he makes up for it with attitude
-all in all leo will be a bitch about your height but he will also love being taller just the same
connor stoll:
-next comes my one of my favourite demigods
-idk why i love him so much but i do so ya
-let’s start with his height bc he’s a tall lad
-all we get from the books is ‘tall’
-so i hc him to be around 6’3
-i also think travis is about 6’2 so a little bit shorter than connor
-and boy he will not shut up about it
-but i’m getting carried away
-as you can imagine this is a biggg height difference
-probably the biggest one i’m gonna be writing about
-it’s like 15-16 inches so ya
-you don’t even come up to his shoulder
-kisses are always a struggle but you make do
-he picks you up
-you stand on a chair
-he sits on a chair
-it works fine
-he is another little shit
-wow i seem to have a type
-this time it’s even more extreme of a height difference tho so it’ll be sooo fun for you
-that was very sarcastic if you couldn’t tell ^
-he will toss you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and parade you around while you whack at his back
-and if you ask him to get something for you
-don’t expect it within the next hundred years because he will hold it just out of your reach so you have to literally climb him to get it
-unless it’s something you need of course because he’s secretly a sweetheart that would so anything for you
-in terms of cuddling, im assuming you already know it would be very hard for you to be the big spoon
-wow i just realized that this height difference is giving those draco fanfics where y/n is like 4’11 and not like other girls
-back to cuddling tho
-i think it would be okay because i see him as more of a big spoon anyway
-or he would like to have you lying on his chest
-omg i’m just picturing the whole him in sweatpants like rly low down on his waist with no shirt because you’re in his shirt which is way to big lying for you lying on his chest in bed
-i’m swooning
-but ya
-i feel like occasionally he would lie like lower on the bed with his head between your legs on his back
-so like the back of his head is resting on your stomach
-idk how to explain this properly i hope that made sense
-speaking of clothes tho
-i think he is more of a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’ guy
-only because he may rip your clothes if he tried them on
-if you were more similar in height he would totally be stealing your shirts and putting on a goofy fashion show for you
-and like i mentioned before his shirts are huge on you
-it’s adorable
-now for him the whole protectiveness is stumping me
-i feel like he would kinda respect you and know that you can handle yourself
-because you are like a badass
-but i feel like his whole protectiveness would come out more if a guy was like hitting on you and got handsy
-scary boyfriend privileges coming out
-in battle he would for sure try to protect you but not rly any more than you would try to protect him
-your amazingness makes up for the height in battle
-i generally feel like protectiveness in battle would be about equal both ways
-and he’s the quiet jealous type so i feel like if a guy was like flirting he wouldn’t necessarily do anything
-only if the guy got like to touchy or aggressive like i mentioned before
-wow i really rambled for connor
-i’m sorry i just love him so much
-so all in all he would be annoying but he would have so much respect for you and your abilities even with your height
gilbert blythe:
-alright we’re switching fandoms now
-for the first time in forever i don’t think he’s a little shit about your height
-gilbert is around 5’8
-but for my self indulgence let’s say he’s around 5’10
-because he gives decently tall guy vibes
-so that means we have ourselves a height difference of around 10-11 inches
-he really just sees your height as a way to coddle and protect you
-which obviously you don’t need
-but it being the late 19th century we got all the big strong man stereotypes
-he’s not possessive or anything though
-just protective
-especially from a certain someone
-*cough* billy *cough*
-we all know billy is a grade a asshole
-and it’s even better that my phone just tried to autocorrect billy to bully
-quite fitting
-as for cuddling
-gilbert is a big spoon
-and i am set on that
-he also loves being on the couch and just holding you in his arms while your head rests on his chest
-maybe he’s reading to you
-gosh i’m soft for him
-so the height difference works perfectly for you guys with cuddling
-and yes he is a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’
-i will stand by this until i die
-wear his sweater and he might just blow up on the spot
-from how adorable you are of course
-gilbert is just a sweetheart and such a simp that will do anything for you
-he doesn’t really look too much into the height difference
-he just loves you
carter kane:
-were heading back to the riordanverse because i am unorganized as heck
-i haven’t read the books in a while so bear with me if i make some mistakes
-i saw somewhere on the internet that carter is 5’6
-and sadie is too
-i think i can see this for the age he is in the books
-but when he’s older i’m picturing like 5’11
-because i hc that our boy had late puberty and a late growth spurt
-sorry sadie
-i hope you enjoyed the small amount of time being taller than him
-so ima talk about little carter when he’s still a shorty
-i don’t think he ever really payed attention to his height
-or others heights for that matter
-my guy was travelling so much and had like no friends his age so i don’t think he had much of a perception of how tall he should be
-at least until him and sadie were reunited
-then the teasing was relentless
-for the sake of this let’s say you either came to brooklyn house with them or were already there idc
-so then he saw you and noted that you were short
-yk a little mental note
-‘hey sadie y/n’s shorter why don’t you tease them instead’
-but it’s a sibling thing
-even considering that i don’t think he cares that much about height
-he just wants an inch on his sister
-cuddling with him is awkward but i think he’s pretty flexible with big spoon/little spoon stuff and your height difference isn’t so drastic that you can’t spoon him
-cuddling with him is pretty versatile
-i’m terms of clothes
-i saw someone say that he will leave his sweaters in random places for his s/o to find and hopefully wear
-i love it
-it’s perfect because he’s so awkward but he is definitely a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’
-i can’t remember who said this tho so if you find them please lmk and i’ll give credit
-now protectiveness is difficult for him
-he’s such a worry wart
-and a total mom
-so he like wants you to be safe and wants to protect you in battle and stuff
-so he used his height to help with that
-even though you’ve told him so many times that you are fine
-now when he’s in his godly avatar thing
-major height difference
-i’m joking
-let’s not get into that
-imaging kissing like this big chicken warrior head
-no thanks
-again i just think carter doesn’t really care about his height difference with you
-he just loves you
kate bishop:
-last but not least is miss kate
-i was originally going to do all boys for this but my bisexual ass couldn’t resist kate
-so kate is about 5’8
-and i like that
-nice solid height
-a bit tall for a girl
-but isn’t everything about kate perfect
-i feel like she lies somewhere in between being a little shit and a sweetheart
-because she is so confident and cocky
-but it’s hot and she’s a woman so it’s okay
-on the other hand she gives massive simp vibes
-because she is my favourite golden retriever character
-i feel like some people may disagree but i feel like she’s a big spoon
-that also may be biased though as i love to be the little spoon sooo
-it’s okay tho
-i feel like she likes you to be facing her while cuddling though
-and size works out for you guys because she is bigger and also the big spoon
-if you desperately want her to be the little spoon i can see that too
-and for little spoon kate i feel like you wouldn’t really have an option no matter your size
-you just gotta make it work
-because i see her as a little whiny poop
-big spoon kate is too tho
-who are we kidding
-she was spoiled growing up
-she’s not bad spoiled tho
-now onto clothes
-i think she’s both a ‘let me try on your clothes that are too small for me for laughs’ and a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’
-but i think she is more the latter
-for protectiveness i have two different cases here
-let’s say that you are an avenger/super hero/fighter or wtv for our first scenario
-she would totally be protective
-you’re her love
-she needs to keep you safe
-and you are also small
-more excuses for kate to be protective
-i feel like no matter your height tho she is just a protective person by nature
-so in battle she would be watching you in her peripheral vision all the time
-not that you aren’t doing the same tho
-option two
-you are not an avenger/super hero/fighter
-you are an average person
-don’t you just love the idea of have a tall sexy woman as your like personal body gaurd
-because i sure do
-dream come true
-but honestly
-you would probably get roped into her business with the tracksuit mafia so you are in danger a lot during that period of time
-and she’s the sweetest
-it’s a sad fact but we all know that shorter people are easier targets for bad people
-so she would be so cautious
-only because she loves you though
-she definitely protective
-especially of you
-and she for sure loves the height difference
thanks for reading and lmk if you want me to do hcs for a tall s/o!!
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chairwritexv · 1 year
Can i request platonic rottmnt little sibling chubby with all of the brothers HC?
Reader is same age as Mikey but what makes them different is they're on the plus size, their ninpo were made to be support class (and yes am thinking of rpg games).
This makes reader insecure about themselves; they're not " helping much " and they believe they're fat and not strong or skiny or have toned muscles like the rest of the mad dogs which put them down.
However the 4 brothers think otherwise and they have their own way to show their love & affection to reader/p
yess!! WE LOVE CHUBBY PEOPLE !!! i am such a green bean tho akfsjdns
also, i don’t play rpg games a ton, but after looking it up it appears to be a healer kinda? sorry if i got it wrong !
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r a p h
is actually really surprised to learn youre insecure about your size and ninpo
he’s pretty big but doesn’t really have problems with it ??? of course he doesn’t really realize the difference between ‘beefy af’ and ‘le chubby’ lmao
he wasn’t entirely sure what to do at first bc he’s never seen this before
and with his sibling?.?? afjsjsj
when he realized/you told him he tilted his head in confusion stared at you before bursting out
“you don’t like your body??? why???”
“raph has a big body and he don’t care!”
didn’t understand at first
“you’re the most perfect little sibling raph could want !”
”no matter what yer size!”
kinda felt bad, he felt like he should’ve noticed sooner since he was the Big BrotherTM
made sure not to be accidentally offensive about it just in case
when one of those lose-weight-or-no-one-will-love-you thought inducing ads would come on raph would block the tv
l e o
ok so. the lil shit probably teased you abt it in the past. but NOT in a rude or offensive way. like affectionate . well he tried to come off affectionate anyways …
he’d like just poke at your chub n stuff y’know?
he wasn’t really trying to be offensive he just found it interesting since all his other brothers were skinny beans, and raph was just super beefy
but oh my god
feels like it’s all his fault
apologizes so much abt it he’s the one the needs reassuring afsjdn
he wasn’t the main reason of your insecurities , but his teasing hadn’t helped it… yknow?
he reassured you there was nothing wrong with your body OR ninpo and no reason to be insecure abt it
tells you his past ‘teasing’ wasn’t meant to be rude in any way and apologizes
he hasn’t teased you abt it for awhile anyways, but still makes sure not to be rude abt it in any ways whatsoever
if one of those lose-weight ads comes on he’ll tell you a stupid joke or something to move your attention away from it
still feels bad abt the teasing tbh
d o n n i e
he’s the second most surprised
i mean, he knows that people feel insecure abt their chub sometimes thanks to the internet but he wasn’t expecting one of those people to be you
i mean, you weren’t even that chubby in his opinion
uses logic to reassure you that your body is fine in every way
same with your ninpo
”your ninpo is very important and crucial to the team, y’know-“
he will not have his little sibling being insecure >:(
if he notices you staring at yourself in the mirror with a less-then-positive-face on, he’ll drag you away from it under the guise of wanting to show you his latest invention
not good with emotions but he’s doing his best ok
if those lose-weight-and-you’ll-finally-be-perfect ads comes on he’ll either distract you somehow or cover your eyes with his battle shell arm
m i k e y
was confused at first, not understanding what you meant
when he finally understood he gasped
his twin?? disliking their body/ninpo???? UNACCEPTABLE
cue the doctor feelings speech
does absolutely everything in his power to make you feel good abt yourself
will draw you SPECIFICALLY highlighting your pudge bc there is nothing wrong with it and will take that to his grave
sends you body-affirming stuff at random times
will paint his nails with you whilst reassuring you you’re absolutely beautiful the way you are ✨
a lose-weight ad?
he will DRAMATICALLY scream at you not to watch it-
-before hugging you and dramatically putting his hand to his head
it’s such a funny distraction technique you can’t not burst out laughing
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thanks for reading!! hope you enjoyed!!!
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dnpbeats · 3 months
Earlier today, you said if they weren't together, they would have said so by now. But they have actually said it multiple times. I know they were in the closet for most of those times, which makes sense, but even now, they still emphasize that point, especially Phil. So, if we were to ''analyse'' their words in the literal sense, they're not together, which I think undermines your argument.
technically speaking I said I think they should say they aren't together and then I followed it up by saying it's not fair of me to say that lol. but I still wanna respond to your ask bc imo I don't think they have emphasized them not being together in recent years
let me preface this by saying that I was gone for a hot minute so I might not be up-to-date on like everything either of them has said about their relationship status since coming out, but im not aware of them emphasizing that they aren't together since coming out. I personally am not going to consider anything either of them said pre-coming out as anything of worth (that sounds mean I don't mean it like that 😭) just because, as you said, it makes sense why they would deny their supposed relationship when they weren't out
since coming out, ive only heard either of them say they won't talk about their person lives and then of course all of dan's avoidant interview answers when it comes to the topic. in BIG after dan said he and phil were in a relationship when they first met he says:
"And I bet so many people wanna know so much more about that which, honestly, I take as a compliment. But here’s the thing. I’m somebody that wants to keep the details of my personal life private. So is Phil." so like, to me, in this instance he could've easily made the point that they aren't together anymore, but he didn't. taking what dan says at face value he is not telling us anything about their relationship status, he's not confirming or denying. then in "answering questions I would normally avoid" Phil responds to the question about his current dating life with:
"I don't wanna open the door to my private life to millions of people. Because I think that door is quite a hard one to close. And everyone would have an opinion. And everyone would somehow feel involved in my personal life. And I like to keep that kinda thing offline." which again he could've just said "im not dating anyone." I guess that doesn't apply if he was dating another person that wasn't dan lmao, but even so like. Phil isn't dumb. he knows that the person asking that wants to know if he is dating dan, so he could've just not answered the question or been like "I don't wanna talk about that but I know what you're thinking dan and I aren't together" or smth yk? lol
and then with all of dan's interview answers, he dodged labeling his and phil's relationship every time he was asked about Phil. he could've just been like "yes my friend Phil who im perfectly normal about" but instead he's out here talking about "who the fuck knows what we are" and being tortoises yk 💀😭 like no he is not confirming they are together but again he isn't outright denying it either. (also to clarify ik they do call each other friends but I don't count that as an outright denial bc like, it isn't a lie that they are best friends.) so even when you analyze what they say or take their comments at face value I don't think there's anything (that I've seen) since 2019 that is them emphasizing that they aren't together
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hawkogurl · 1 month
I'll probably have more to say about this later bc I'm going to sleep soon, but I feel like, you, oliveroctavius, me, and a few other people are like the small minority I've seen anywhere who actually criticize TASM for the eugenics and ableism, and it honestly floors me that no one talks about it when it's so blatant and tumblr loves bringing up disability and ableism otherwise? Like, it's not even a case of how everyone has valid differing opinions and needs/wants when it comes to how the vast range of disabled experiences should be approached in fiction and there's nuance in how to do even tricky, but real experiences like grief and loss - we're talking about a film series where an antagonist meant to be sympathetic makes a speech about disability being a weakness of humanity that must be genetically eradicated to strengthen it (which is never deconstructed or challenged) and has no other characterization beyond sad amputee whose only interest for a decade is his missing arm, and where Peter is some kind of genetic chosen one whose Good Genes give him cool powers, and the whole mess with Harry.
The few other times on tumblr I've seen it brought up is to like, woobify (internalized) ableism even though the films go way beyond realistic personal struggle and straight into eugenics, and as someone with a Lizard niche in the Spidey fandom, I'm floored at how everywhere else, I keep seeing the TASM version of the character topping best adaptation discussions by a huge margin compared to way better takes with zero references of the ableism (this was not the case even a few years ago, idk what happened), and you can correct me on this if I'm wrong bc you would know more about the Harry side of things than me, but I feel like TASM!Harry used to be very popular and be moved, at least until MSM2017 and Insomniac came along.
Hi sorry my brother just graduated college. Anyways, in regards to the Harry side of things, I think a lot of the ableism SHOULD be pretty obvious, but apparently it’s not considering how little critical thought there is with all these villains. There’s the good genes bad genes eugenics of Harry wanting Peter’s blood to cure himself and then it doesn’t work because the spider only worked with Peter’s “good genes” (I don’t care about their in canon excuse, it still buys into this trope) and it reacted so badly with the TERMINALLY ILL CHARACTERS “bad genes” that he turned crazy and evil. And that’s ignoring my general distaste for disability or “insanity” being used primarily as a source of fear for the good, noble, and of course able bodied protagonists.
Something that’s also pretty weird that nobody mentions is the fact that like, Electro in these movies just HAD to talk to nothing. Normally it wouldn’t bother me as much or I might be willing to give it a pass, but it’s these movies, which just love to make their disdain for disabled people clear, so it comes off as super bad taste.
Like… I’m only scratching the surface. Why are there three people who consistently point out how ableist these movies are? Especially when as you said, tasm Harry is pretty popular! Ignoring my beef with him as a Harry Osborn, it’s so odd to me because so much of that is either like, sort of romanticizing his chronic illness and breakdown or getting off on that ableist insanity I mentioned earlier.
And when you bring it up, people get SUPER defensive. I don’t know if like, the amount of invalid criticism just makes people defensive or if it makes people think there’s NO valid criticism but like… these movies aren’t bad for the reasons you think. The issues they have are like… the writing saying that eugenics is cool and fun alongside generally iffy writing.
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