#this is like…. tbh art is like the fastest way for me to make something that then if people like it makes me feel good like art is such a
tarantula-hawk-wasp · 5 months
Sometimes i decide not to post vent posts bc if someone says something nice or appeasing in response to it I’m going to snap and become evil
#my problem is that all of my insecurities are so thoroughly thought out you need a presentation with empirical evidence for me to even#consider believing you AND if I feel like you think that I was asking for a platitude or compliment or whatever then I CANNOT process it as#sincere bc then you’re just being nice because you’re a good person and my friend not bc it’s correct or like real#I don’t think love has to be earned but my brain thinks praise does#like love is unconditional but like I’m constantly weighing my own merits so praise needs to be for tangible reasons#also if you try to say anything nice to me right now it’s not gonna go well I’m in a terrible mood#this is like…. tbh art is like the fastest way for me to make something that then if people like it makes me feel good like art is such a#crux of my mental health like I don’t get much academic validation and like it’s not parental issues my parents are nice to me#I think it’s really a ME thing of me being very contemplative and critiquing in a thorough way#also all of my criticisms of myself are for things I actively knew better but didn’t do or like very rational things#it’s not oh my friends secretly hate me it’s that oh maybe my peers think I talk too much about things that aren’t always on topic in semina#seminar classes and yknow that’s probably true#or that oh I had a sloppy presentation for teaching and I’m always behind on grading which is true#but the extreme thing is how much I hate myself for that BUT it’s bc of the executive dysfunction that I am constantly mad at myself
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chihiyro · 2 years
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An OC of mine. It's honestly been a huge while since I really liked any drawing I did. I caught myself drawing things I did not really want or rushed to do so I would stay on the trends (which tbh didn't do anything for me). I caught myself trying to make things the fastest, cleanest way as possible just so I had something to deliver. I just want to draw. I don't want to be a "content creator" by any means, but having no visibility means less "work". I feel like I have no chance if I don't keep trying to appeal to a greater audience and it frightens me sometimes. I think besides commission work (that I actually enjoy to do but sadly I recently haven't had any) I will only draw what I want for a little while. --------------------- Art © Chihiyro
You can see more artwork on my other SNS.
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neqeyam · 3 years
Kaeya Head Canons!
hey besties, me again! Kaeya brainrot hit hard today LOL, anyways some of these may be ooc bc I don’t main Kaeya anymore so i’ve forgotten a lot about his character plus I don’t read the lore (where tf do yall find it even). 
Also if some of my head canons for any charcter seem personal or have nothing to do with their character it’s me projecting LOL! 
anyways, onto the hcs!
(ps, thank you so much for the love on my last hc post! i really didn’t expect anyone to see it LOL)
He’s a menace. but everyone loves him
Kaeya skips, when he isn’t in a professional setting my guy is skipping. It’s so much faster than walking and more fun than walking. 
This^ is especially true when he’s out with his s/o. holding your hand, he’ll skip and force you to either jog or skip along with him to keep up. 
Again I say; he’s dating Albedo. Kaeya saw Albedo from across the bar and without missing a beat he got up, waltzed over and started flirting with him. Albedo had no idea what was happening, he then asked sucrose to accompany him the next time he went and it was sucrose who broke the news to Albedo that he was being flirted with. Kaeya laughed for 5 minutes and refuses to let Albedo forget it. 
(oh my god tell me why as soon as I go to write these they all leave my mf brain im sorry if these are terrible) 
Kaeya taught bennett how to sword fight, and still does on the rare occasion he has a free hour. 
^most people of Mondstadt think bennett went to Kaeya for help but that’s not true. Someone sent in a letter to AGM Jean (the hand writing looked suspiciously like Diluc’s but he refuses to admit it was him) saying that bennett was looking into learning the art of the sword. The next day Kaeya dispatched himself to look for bennett and for the next two months (technically it’s been like two years but bennett is a fast learner) Kaeya was a dad. 
Kaeya absolutely despises working out but he does it anyways because he wants to be able to pick up kids. 
Kaeya is AMAZING with kids, he makes jokes about hating them but when he sees one he melts. He has to work with them a lot because he is often dispatched for travel mishaps (hilichurls attacking carriages, that sort of thing) and often times the parents are injured so he has to comfort any kids that may be on scene. 
Kaeya is buff, absolutely jacked. you can’t see it because he dresses modestly (sorta) to down play his physical strength but my guy can deadlift like 350 LBS (idk if that’s a lot tbh I don’t workout anymore LMAO)
Kaeya is as smart as he is muscular. He’s among the smartest knights, probably top three (it goes kaeya, jean, lisa). HOWEVER, he ranks first in battle intelligence. my guy can analyse four opponents at the same time, find all their weak spots and exploit them in matter of seconds. 
Kaeya is also a master of manipulation. i can see it in his eyes, this man knows the mind of all his enemies, old and new. 
(wait now i’m imagining Kaeya riding a horse that’s full sprint HELP. I’m turning myself into a Kaeya simp....)  
Kaeya’s horse is all black except for a white patch that looks suspiciously like the star from Khaenri’ah (it’s on its lower neck). his horse is also by far the fastest in the entire company and was once part of a herd of horses that roamed Mondstadt’s country side. (Diluc helped him tame it but shhh nobody is supposed to know)
^Kaeya was extremely pissed of when Varka took his cavalry, still is in fact. I mean, he’s the cavalry captain damn it, find your own horses. Especially because there were enough horses so Kaeya’s could stay behind in case he needed it for something, but NOOOO Varka refused anything but teh best- which happened to be Kaeya’s horse.
Kayea’s named his horse Außenseiter, and that is absolutely a reflection of his feelings. 
Kaeya is fucking fantastic at masking what he’s feeling, you’ll never know what he’s actually feeling. If a situation starts to go downhill, you won’t know it until it’s practically too late because Kaeya is just. that. good. 
he’s also fucking fantastic at playing the long game. nobody knows but he’s the knights of favoniouses official interrogator and he is a menace. he always gets what he wants out of people, whether it takes two hours and two months, he gets it, and reports directly to AGM Jean his findings. 
Kaeya and Eula share ‘war stories’ (how they go their visions mostly, but other things like the way people treat Eula, and how they chalk Kaeya up to being ‘just a flirt’) 
he has a fan club. they aren’t as loud as the Diluc fan club but he knows they’re there. sometimes he’ll pop in on meetings and everyone just. fucking freezes bc their lord and savior- THE Kaeya is standing in their presence. he loves them. 
He openly talks about liking anyone he wants to so that the youth of mondstadt can talk about as well. and the LGBTQ+ of mondstadt know that if they’re having a problem with someone they have his permission of threaten said person with his name. 
^and archons hope he isn’t in the vicinity when it reaches that point. all rational goes out the window and then he’s all threats and no jokes. with a threatening smile that screams “test me, see what happens” 
^then he treats whoever was being disrespected to a meal, on him.
and that’s all for now! thanks again for the love on my first head canon post! i really need to learn how to use tumblr so i can make a masterlist of these LOL. there will definitely be more coming soon!
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churippu · 3 years
So I’ve been thinking about this for a few days now and I even said something about it on my insta and Twitter a week or so ago, but I am honestly so appreciative of the Sparks fandom right now.
Rant and blabbering about art/fandom stuff under the cut that I can’t get out of my head.
My previous fandom that I deep dived into was yet another part of why I stopped drawing (you can figure it out if you scroll far enough lol.) I felt taken advantage of in a way, I guess? I could barely get any traction on my drawings (as always though tbh.) I had a couple of runaway hits, but nothing major. The frustrating part of it for me though was that even though my art was ignored most of the time, it would still get stolen and reposted everywhere!! I’d see posts with my stuff that would have hundreds sometimes thousands of notes. Meanwhile the original post would have had like maybe 15 or so interactions.
Also at the time I desperately needed commissions for various things and I did get a handful from friends I had for years and still to this day I appreciate that soooo much! BUT I had more people wanting free art than not. I got guilt tripped and sent abusive messages when I refused to do free art for people, even had to block a few that wouldn’t leave me alone about doing art for them (one person went to my email instead after being blocked to send nasty messages and images to me.)
Don’t even get me STARTED on the many times I saw my stuff traced by some people I thought I could trust.
When I was introduced to Sparks (lol) I was immediately inspired by their aesthetic and story. I hadn’t drawn anything really in over a year, but I wanted to see if I even still could draw. I uploaded the image without a watermark, and just threw it out there not worried about anything but that maybe people would see and appreciate it. My partner egged me on to even tag Sparks (which I did to appease him lol) Little did I know that I’d end up drawing these guys almost everyday in a few months and meeting new friends from all over the world.
I have also been welcomed into this fandom the fastest ever, I talk to more people everyday than I did in the previous fandom too. It’s definitely different for me.
So I don’t know, it’s refreshing to have stuff that people really respond to. I’ve done stuff online for ages and it seemed like I just couldn’t catch a break. I know my art isn’t the best out there, but I put a lot of work into each piece and always hope that people will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.
(Also! Btw, not saying I didn’t meet some wonderful, lovely, and kind people in my previous fandom, I am so thankful to those handful of people I met during that time. So if you’re one of those (4) people reading this that still follow me... <3)
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rainbowrider1290 · 3 years
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My take on a Genshin Impact Circus AU Part 4 with Noelle as a strongwoman and Amber as a death-defying archery stuntwoman. Their backstories are under the cut!
First off I have a very self-indulgent headcanon that she is ridiculously strong. Like. Can benchpress people. Canonverse or AU.
She used to help out around the circus and she was kind of indifferent to the fact that she was likely going to be a maid. It's a respectable profession. And helping out at her childhood friends' (Kaeya and Diluc) manor as she'd been born into doing seemed like a good job.
How she got into the circus life requires a bit of backstory. Back when they were kids, Kaeya, Diluc, and Noelle would mess around (as kids do) and have little challenges for themselves. Who can run the fastest, who can do the best cartwheel, who can jump the highest, and the like.
Noelle got a little hesitant as she got into her early teens bc she was always told to be ladylike, so she spent one or two of their hangout sessions watching Kaeya and Diluc and talking. One day, however, Kaeya and Diluc are being Teenage Boys and lifting heavy things trying to outlift each other. Noelle has lifted furniture when cleaning up after these two so she figures this one unladylike thing would be okay.
She comes up behind them and just. Picks them both up. On top of the things they were lifting already. Kaeya and Diluc have to take a second and just look at her like "yeah no you are never sitting out of our competitions again"
And so they try other things like cartwheels and tests of courage like who can climb the highest on a tree and things are back to normal.
Skip forward a few years and Crepus dies. There's a huge mystery around it that not even his son's attendants are privy to. The only thing people know is that the sons have been sent away to boarding school. The whole manor is abandoned, all the workers fired.
Noelle for the next few years spends her time working at laundromats, and other odd jobs, but eventually she runs out of luck and suddenly there's too many people and not enough opportunities.
One of her friends from one of her old jobs invites her to go out and see this new circus that happens to be in town. She goes because why not. And wouldn't you know it one of the acts is her childhood friends doing these death-defying stunts that hit her with a wave of nostalgia bc their entire act consists of essentially the song "anything you can do" but with more and more dangerous stunts.
Noelle of course has to say hi, so they catch up and Noelle's lack of work comes up and would you look at that Aether and Lumine happen to have an opening for a maid.
So Noelle settles in, continuing to lift heavy shit to clean under it (Bennett swears up and down he saw her lift a fridge once but he might've been sleep-deprived). She also got into helping Chongyun with the techy stuff so sometimes she'll be at tech rehearsals moving things around and one time a rope holding up a person breaks near Noelle and she. catches it.
Now, one night. One of the acts drops out at the last moment bc injury or last-minute commitment or the like. And it leaves a gap in the show. Everyone else is busy. And panicking bc the circus is still relatively new and they really need to build their rep rn.
They start wondering what kind of last-minute acts they can put together like "what about the gymnasts??" "They all have group routines" "do they have old routines??" "Not polished enough for what we need" and someone somewhere pipes up "man I wish we had a strongman or something" and Diluc and Kaeya immediately whip their heads around to look at each other for like half a second before Kaeya bolts. He finds Noelle doing her usual rounds she's been doing for like a month now and Bennett was right, she is currently under a mini-fridge that she is lifting over her head whilst leaning it against a wall.
Kaeya takes Noelle by the shoulders and just zooms her over to where the commotion is happening and pitches the idea to Aether and Lumine. They're hesitant as hECK bc this is a huge risk they're taking since Noelle isn't even a performer but Diluc pitches that they could literally just scatter really heavy items and have Noelle clean under them and as long as she looks at the audience every once in a while it can be played off as a bit.
Noelle with qUITE the stammer says that she'll try her best but at this time is in need of a moment. She has never performed before. Kaeya and Diluc have to go perform so they leave her with a shoulder squeeze and a thumbs up.
She gets on-stage. She flinches under the lights for a second. She takes a deep breath and focuses on the first thing before her with her best "oh heavens, it's filthy in here", and she gets through the entire act by doing that for every object. So the audience is seeing this seemingly petite young girl lift the equivalent of a hecking car in order to clean under it.
Needless to say, there's roaring applause the second Noelle leaves (which she hears from far away because holy shit I just cleaned for people and they liked it)
This was a bit of a one-time thing and she goes back to her regular maid duties until the circus gets a new strongman by the name "Zhongli".
His style is more about lifting exTREMELY LARGE ROCKS, and breaking them in half whilst giving a history/geology lesson on them.
He quietly observes the maid who he hears fantastical stories of That One Time She Charmed An Audience By Cleaning. He was bewildered at first but saw the merit of it while watching her clean. He immediately decides that this girl has sO MUCH. POTENTIAL that is being wasted by having her work as a maid. He has nothing against maids or their profession, but he invites her to train with him.
Noelle gets hELLA stronger and they come to a conclusion. Noelle performs part-time and is a maid part-time. She doesn't have a particular performance style. She'll sometimes play catch with Zhongli and his big rocks, other times she'll be in the background of performers like Amber in the art lifting some hEAVY SHIT.
She gets along with Chongyun super well bc Chongyun has to make less trips to move his equipment since he's worked with her. She's a blessing for when they have to pack up and move.
Amber's story is a little more straightforward. She started out engaged to a suitor. Amber was the kid in kindergarten who was learning about dragons and "idk what everyone else was doing". She's known what she wants for a long time, and what she wants at the moment, is not a relationship.
Throughout her childhood she was a very lonely child. Her family exposed her to lots of academic or ladylike things (do not ask me when this au is set, it's the 1800s and the 1990s at the same time or a suspendes steampunk time) to get her away from the thing she liked most: archery. She'd been exposed to it as a kid and latched on.
This drove a bunch of suitors away, so her family got more desperate and exposed her to more classes and activities to get her away from it. She went "that's easy, I'll just practice at night"
So she does that. She practices at night and underperforms in the coming weeks. It is during this time that her parents (high class ppl) find her a man to marry for some business deal idk.
The man's nice enough. It's just obvious he can only take Amber in small doses, and Amber takes full advantage of this to practice and stay in shape.
How Amber gets into the circus life was essentially running away. She bonds with Eula over this.
So because of all the attempts to make her fit into the ideal lady description, her rebellious streak said "yeah we're going to go as far away from that as possible" and she goes "I'm going to run away with the circus" bc that's what the books she's read say is the most rebellious thing you can do.
She finds THE FIRST circus she sees and begs to be let in. This is the shadiest most sketchy place but Amber sees it as the key to her freedom. She signs a contract.
They treat her like the US treats their students. She barely gets time to practice for performances and she's mostly doing dirty work. When they ask her what she can do she's like "I'm really good at archery" and they go "cool, you're going to be doing that while everything is on fire now. Can you do a handstand"
Essentially they push her and push her and push her to do more and more hazardous things she has to pick up on under the threat of being kicked to the curb.
After a while of this Amber is extremely burned out (pun intended) and as she's packing up after one of her shows, covered in burns but proud bc she hit all her targets without killing anyone, she's approached by a blond foreigner.
Tbh for all she's read, Amber really doesn't consider leaving and this time she can't run away since she's now bound by a contract (not Zhongli's btw in case anyone was wondering).
This foreigner tells her that there's so many ways to improve her situation and that he runs a circus looking for members.
Amber refuses since she's not getting tangled up in another legal mess, but she takes his advice on how to take care of her burns, and improve safety while she's performing.
Skip a few months. She hears word of this mysterious new circus around. Her encounter with who she'll later know as Aether stuck with her, and so she goes. To see whether she could really shoot her arrows without being burned alive.
After a show one night, she tries to get past security and fails repeatedly. She turns to leave and wouldn't you know it there's Aether. And Lumine. Waiting for her once she turns the corner. Amber's biggest concern is her existing contract and when Aether and Lumine say they have a nICE lawyer, Amber sees her next step to freedom.
Aether and Lumine essentially gain custody of Amber (but like for adults) and Amber is. Shocked. She's walked through her new contract of employment clearly and essentially treated like a human being.
And now that she knows things and has more freedom (though still under the watchful eyes of Aether and Lumine to see how she does) her creativity and competitive streak flourish. She decides she actually doesn't hate fire, she just doesn't like when she doesn't know when or where it's coming. And she makes fast friends with the gymnasts, so she ends up incorporating that into her routines. Now she uses her canon goggles to protect her from the burning eyes of prolonged smoke exposure when she uses fire.
When she meets a little pyromanic girl named Klee, she's thrilled that someone this chaotic and sure of herself exists.
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Hi, sorry to bother you, but I saw your post about learning calligraphy to better your handwriting? I was wondering if you remember any practice materials or methods you might have used? I have horrible handwriting and am trying to better it, but keep hitting walls on finding any practice materials that aren’t kindergarten level. Again, sorry to bother you on an old post but I thought you might be able to help another in their pursuit for better penmanship.
Not a problem! And I just posted that yesterday, so you're good!
There's an absolute TON of instructional work on calligraphy, and I agree, most start off way too basic, and then just skip through the "practice practice practice" portion, and end up not really teaching the evolution of the letter forms, which is stupidly helpful, especially once you already know the basics of handwriting.
I'll post a list of books I 1000% recommend at the bottom, but there's a few things to know about calligraphy when you start.
Calligraphy and handwriting are seen as 2 different art forms now. They didn't use to be.
There is a HUGE difference between your "daily hand" and "calligraphy."
Learning calligraphy will have a relatively small impact on your daily hand unless you practice a style that is foundationally similar to what you already know.
So, you have 2 goals: learning "fancy" lettering, and improving your handwriting.
If you want to improve your handwriting, you have to go in reverse historical chronological order, so that your hands and eye adapts most naturally, which will give you the fastest results.
So where to start?
First, if you're American, you were probably taught the D'Nealian script (block and cursive) when you learned how to write (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%27Nealian)
This was derived from the Palmer Script (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palmer_Method)
Which is in turn derived from Spencerian script (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spencerian_script), and in turn before that, Copperplate (which is more of a font family rather than a specific style, it's most famous offspring being English Roundhand).
If your goal is to improve your daily writing style, practice those hands in that order. DO NOT BE TEMPTED TO START WITH COPPERPLATE, IT WILL MELT YOUR BRAIN. TRUST ME.
I'd start with Palmer tbh. That's probably what your grandparents learned, and have you seen letters from the 1940s? Fuckin beautiful.
The key points are the angle of your paper, the angle of your pen, and your letter spacing. The styles all the way back to Spencerian tend to still allow for you to manipulate the pen with your fingers (like you're used to) rather than your whole wrist or arm (like older scripts like classic italics, copperplate and Gothic styles).
Here's a really old and really fabulous guide to the entire Palmer method: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://lcweb2.loc.gov/service/gdc/scd0001/2006/20060809007pa/20060809007pa.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjwtLfquYvsAhXydM0KHUpDBCMQFjAbegQIAhAB&usg=AOvVaw3cruMOFNqF4iK6as-toBJN
It's a free PDF. Pay particular attention to the section of scribbles and circles! THESE ARE NOT OPTIONAL IF YOU WANT TO RE-TRAIN YOUR HAND. You have to use muscles in ways they're not used to moving, so get a pad of paper, and in idle down-time (watching TV, riding the bus, on that stupid Zoom meeting that could have been an email), SIT THERE AND SCRIBBLE OVALS LIKE A LUNATIC.
Seriously, this is the single best thing you can do to improve your handwriting. And artwork for that matter. You have to train your hand. You have to start being conscious of how the pen feels, how it scratches the paper depending on how hard you press, how thick lines feel vs thin ones, how a miniscule change in pressure changes the whole line and shape you're doodling.
AUTISM/ADHD NOTE: doing this may make you feel weird, or overstimulated! If it's not something you can keep doing, then DONT. If like me though, you find the repetitive movement and scratchy feel of the pen on paper soothing, you're gonna freaking love this part.
So that covers scripts for the most part (well at least for the past couple of centuries).
In my research, I found that those annoying bubble letters with the I hearts I despised in middle school actually had a historical precedent: Uncial lettering.
Uncial (and half-uncials) lettering was the signature font of the Kells Monastery, and what we all think of when we thing "celtic/Irish lettering". Famous examples are the way Bilbo Baggins writes in the Hobbit and LOTR films, more pub signs than you can shake a stick at, etc.
Remember what I said about how older scripts require less finger movement and more wrist/whole arm movement? Half-uncial is one of those odd intersectional fonts. Below a 5/8" line height, you'll probably get good results moving mostly your fingers, but as you scale up, you'll get smoother lines by moving larger joints (wrist, keeping fingers in place, and then whole arm for 3"+ line heights).
The foundation of half uncial font is the circle. But it's more of a horizontal oval. Once you can draw a slightly elongated circle, and a straight line, you're ready for half uncials because every other letter is based on the "O". A's? A circle with a stick. D's? 3/4 of a circle with a horizontal ascender.
Now this us where the books I recommend come in.
You're going to want to start with the Celtic Design series by Aidan Meehan. Start with "A Beginner's Manual". It lays out the mathematical and geometric construction behind every major facet of celtic illumination. I particularly like the bit on the geometry of Insular letters at the end.
Then go through "Celtic Alphabets", followed by "Illuminated Lettes" if you're interested in the embellishments and decorated letters, though it does talk about how letter forms are constructed geometrically, which i found super useful.
But the font i use the most on a regular basis is Architects Hand. It's an all caps highly angular and tight, but easy to read and execute hand. Here's an example:
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Since its mostly straight lines designed for optimal readability even at the smallest font point sizes, it's a super useful and easy way to write fairly quickly and legibly.
I hope this helps to answer your question and points you in the right direction! Since I moved on to specializing in knotwork and illumination fairly quickly after discovering calligraphy, I have a lot more information about those subjects than handwriting, but if you want more info, by all means, ask away!
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draikaesehoch · 3 years
Hi xD so since I have no clue about ice hockey feel free to tell me all about your favourite team or hockey player? ♥️
Thank you for sending this again (and fu to tumblr for swallowing my earlier reply).
Since I don’t really have a favorite player, I will just share my opinion and thoughts on the Oilers 😅 keep in mind I am still relatively new to hockey, so this is just me babbling. I didn’t fact check any of the stuff, so some of it could be bs… and honestly this whole thing is just me venting about this incredible team that most people don’t really take notice of.
I present you the Oilers:
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They are one of the seven Canadian teams in the NHL. Based in Edmonton, Alberta. Usually part of the pacific division, due to Covid, they will form an all Canadian division for the 2021 season (I am still in denial about that though, it's going to be a mess and someone will cry, probably me).
The Oilers are struggling to make it to the playoffs, despite their talented roster.
Their superstar is Connor McDavid (first overall pick in the 2015 draft), he’s arguably the best hockey player alive. His speed is unmatched (yeah Barzal won the fastest skater competition but we all know Connor is the fastest player, especially with a puck). They put a lot of faith in him to get the team to a regular spot in the playoffs. He’s obviously the captain.
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(this gif doesn't even do him justice!!)
And then they have this German dude, Leon Draisaitl, he was drafted in 2014 (3rd overall) by the Oilers. He didn’t have the best start and was sent to the WHL, but soon proved his potential. He got called back for the 2015-16 season. Had an incredible season in 2016-17 (with the Oilers making it to the playoffs and ending an 11 year playoff drought). He’s been getting better ever since and was named this year’s MVP (2019-20). As well as receiving the Ted Lindsay Award and the Art Ross Trophy. +Deutschland’s Sportler des Jahres Award! Which in a football (/soccer) dominated country, is HUGE!!
He has a super cute dog named Bowie. Leon is from Köln and like most Germans, he’s a football fan. Thank god he’s a decent human being and supports his local football club (and not some club like Bayern).
May I present Bowie 🥺💕 (the K, dude we get it, you love your hometown 🙄)
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Other notable guys are Ryan Nugent-Hopkins (also first overall draft pick), Darnell Nurse, Oscar Klefbom and Adam Larsson.... and Zack Kassian, he’s kind of crazy, not really a fan of him tbh (but that’s because he likes to beat up a guy from the Flames I am unfortunately quite fond of).
Okay tbh all of them are notable and amazing, this team is so great once you get to know them.
They have had like seven coaches in the last ten years, so it's safe to say they are still on their path of finding themselves. I'm not sure about Dave Tippett yet, but compared to his predecessors he’s going okay. We will ignore that they lost to the Hawks in the playoff’s qualifying round, because what the heck was that?! But that’s another thing, their leadership is still fairly young and especially Connor has to deal with a lot of pressure and expectation, they just lack experience but if they can keep the current team together, it wouldn’t surprise me if they win a cup in the future.
Sooo... Connor and Leon, they play the most beautiful hockey together, like it so beautiful to watch, I am not even kidding, their passing is incredible, THEY ALWAYS FIND EACH OTHER (they are probably hockey soumates or some shit). I could go on about this forever, every time I see them play together, I remember why I fell in love with hockey.
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but yeah having two so skilled centers on the same line isn’t necessarily the most efficient combination, there’s only so much time they can be on the ice together and only so much goals they can score, so they try to split them up. Makes sense I guess, because why have your two best players on the same line, when you can have them on separate lines and still have them produce just as well.
We still get to see them play together on the power play (or in overtime) tho and thank god because with their skill and blind understanding, makes the Oilers' power play the best in the league.
What else is there 🤔
Ahh, they got Jesse Puljujärvi back, which hell yes, I am so happy about that! I mean look at that precious ray of sunshine!!
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I am most excited about Tyson Barrie though, I think he can really bring something to them team, first and foremost experience and stability but hopefully some personality as well. The Oilers are, for the lack of better words, kind of closed off and boring? I don’t necessarily feel that way but people call them depressed and stuff. I would say, they are maybe a bit more private and potentially less glamorous. But then again, they are a Canadian team and the Canadian media can be quite harsh when it comes to hockey, so it would make sense for most of them to try to stay under the radar.
Have a gif of Tyson and Ralph (because who wouldn't want that 🥺)
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Was kind of dead for years, is coming back to live, it’s basically like the derby thing in football. The Calgary Flames and the Oilers are both from Alberta, so it’s a regional and divisional based rivalry but boy is it entertaining! To keep it short, they hate each other and there’s lots of fighting and bad blood.
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I mean there are goalie fights and all 😳🙌🏻
Und danke dafür, dass Du mein Hockey stuff erträgst... Deine Asks und Kommentare sind immer so unglaublich lieb und ich bin so dankbar!!! 🥰💕
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gm--requests · 3 years
Written Ship
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@sarahbkwl thank you so so much for you patience and understanding. i hope that you enjoy this ship enough to make it worth you wait! 
NCT Dream’s Jaemin- 
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dream was a little tricky, you share lots of similarities and hobbies with each member, but i eventually decided upon Jaemin due to the fact that i think your personalities would compliment one another very nicely. jaemin (while apparently being an infj-t) is definitely on the outgoing side, especially in comparison with you, however, i think that you would teach him that it is okay to embrace his awkward moments and live in his introverted tendencies sometimes and he would teach you how to open up more quickly and break free of your shy shell in order to show people your friendly side. jaemin really enjoys that you are a wholesome person with such an intimidating style. it’s like the best surprise ever to him when you first get together and it quickly becomes one of the cutest things about you. a little cinnamon roll dressed like they’re ready to conquer the world, how cute! also heads up, if you think you’re babied now, jaemin will baby you even more. this man is one of those pinch your cheek, squeeze you against his body like he hasn’t seen you in 12 years type boyfriends. one of those stare at you until you get flustered and then keep staring, just so that you’ll ask why he keeps looking at you, just so he can tell you it’s because you’re the cutest person he’s ever seen... he is cheesy and touchy and just very clingy in the best way possible. small things: he loves the cold weather because it means matching sweaters and an excuse to cuddle more, doesn’t know much about art but will listen to you talk about it for hours happily, is always trying to take you on late night adventures to find places where you two can star gaze for hours and talk about nothing. 
WayV’s Ten- 
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this was genuinely one of the fastest choices i’ve ever made for a ship. i think you two would just be absolutely irrevocably perfect for one another. first, let me start off with the fact that you have what seems to be the cutest personality in existence and i know chittaphon would see that immediately. in any moment that you are shy, he will make sure to stand out for the both of you, often over-acting in order to help you warm up faster and be the playful and friendly self that you might keep hidden. i think that your styles would either match brilliantly or be a wonderful juxtaposition. I also think that he would be one of the people around you that doesn’t baby you. Chittaphon would be in love with the strength that you show when you are your most authentic self and so he not be too keen on babying you, instead opting to laugh at your awkward clumsiness and find it super endearing. ten is sometimes conflict driven so he is a bit of an instigator but will always come and apologise. i think that if you two have any fights he will most definitely get frustrated at the way you keep your cool, but inevitably it will help him grow and he’ll be grateful. he also never apologises first, but will totally feel awful the whole time lmfaoo. lastly, your love for art. this is something that you both share and that he will encourage whole heartedly. chittaphon will always ask you to take the pictures that he is going to post, and will always be snapping the worst ones of you (because those are his favorites) and he would love going to museums and small art districts with you for dates and his most favorite thing to do is draw with you. he loves spending time with you like that and finds it to be very intimate. he enjoys staring at you and finds it a challenge to capture your beauty. tbh he probably doodles you all the time.
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Ace of Spades
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This gorgeous cover art was drawn by @corpsecro​ !
AN: I literally have no self-control so here’s another Kanej fluff chapter. I promise we’ll get to the real stuff soon. My bbs just needed/deserved some love (and tbh, so did we). 🖤💫
Chapter 3- The Iron Debt
Inej blinked. 
“Erm— Yes,” she said, clearing her throat. Right. Business. 
She’d thought a lot about what she was going to say. She’d even gone so far as to prepare a speech for this moment. But she now fumbled for its beginning like a tangle of yarn buried deep in a drawer. 
She squared her shoulders and took a long breath. Focus. It’s just Kaz. This is just business.
“There are a great many things to learn from the sea, Kaz,” she began. “One of the things I’ve learned is that it does not cost nothing to simply exist--and it costs a monstrous deal more to live and live fully.”
There was that face again. The opposite of scheming. 
Kaz’s eyes glinted over the tops of his steepled fingers as he waited. Inej found she was rather enjoying this.
“I have lived fully for the past seventeen months,” she continued. “And though it’s been a worthwhile existence, it has cost me greatly. The Wraith has blessed my crew with many months of home on the waves. But she has suffered countless blows and battles on our hunt for slavers. Try as my crew might to fix her up, I believe she is beyond our unprofessional care. She needs proper refurbishment—new sails, new tackle, new masts.”
Kaz furrowed his brows. “You need a new ship.” It wasn’t exactly a question, but it asked enough.
Inej shook her head. “I like The Wraith. She’s sturdy and reliable and damned near the fastest thing on the True Sea. If possible, I’d like to keep her.”
It was Kaz’s turn to blink, but his look of shock was shortly replaced by a smirk of approval. 
“A year and a bit on the ocean and you’re already cursing like a sailor,” he said.
Inej sighed and bit back a smile of her own. She forgot how unused to hearing her swear he must be. “Focus, Kaz.”
“When am I not focused?” His eyes bore into hers, and Inej found herself holding her breath. 
Fair point.
Kaz leaned back in his chair, eyes still fixed on her. “Well, if it’s just a bit of work you need done on the ship,” he said, “I know a guy. But if it were just a bit of refurbishing you needed, I don’t think you would have bothered coming all the way here.”
The ache tugged in her chest, a desolate siren call. 
“It’s not just refurbishing,” Inej said with a small, sad smile. “I want—I need to refurbish The Wraith. But I’d also like to pay my crew a livable wage for the services they provide. To feed them something other than beans for a change.”
“Anything else?”
“Some new boots would be nice.”
“Well, now you’re asking too much.”
She gave Kaz a long look, even as the corners of her mouth tugged up. He returned the grin in kind.
“But I can’t do all that,” Inej pressed on. “Not all at once. Not with the money that’s left.”
It was strange. She’d always thought she’d be able to live forever off her share of the money they’d glommed from the Merchant Council. At the time, it had seemed like so much. 
Especially after everything Kaz had done, everything he’d taken care of. For her.
He’d paid off her indenture, reunited her with her family, and bought her a boat so she could chase her dreams to the most distant shores. Her heart still gave a smarting twist sometimes, thinking of everything he’d given. 
The gift she was sure he didn’t realise he was to her. 
For the first time in her life, she had been truly free—limitless. So of course, she’d set up a bank account in her parents’ names and deposited a large sum of her share so they would never need worry. 
The rest went toward maintaining her ship and paying her crew. She’d tried to make the money last as long as possible. They’d eaten nothing but potatoes in every conceivable form for months. And when the fresh supplies had run out, they’d started on the dried beans and fermented cabbage.
As it turned out, hunting slavers did not pay well. It didn’t pay at all, actually. 
Inej had quickly learned that the money slavers did make was either too quickly spent to be looted by her crew after they’d ambushed a ship of them on the open waters, or was dealt with and kept securely on land.
And now, Inej was left with a much thinner cushion of kruge than she cared to think on for too long.
“If it’s money you need, Inej,” Kaz said. “You need only ask.”
“It’s not money I need,” she said, then gave him an apologetic look. “Not your money, at least.”
He cocked his head to the side. “What’s wrong with my money?”
“You’ve given me more than enough already, Kaz,” she said quietly, eyes lowering to her calloused hands. “I already owe you a great deal as is.”
“You don’t owe me anything, Inej.” His tone was sharp as a honed blade and so wholly sober that it made her peer up at his face again. He watched her with cold determination and eyes of glittering obsidian. 
Her smile was rueful and small as she said, “My gratitude, then. By way of friendship.”
At this, Kaz’s eyes softened. 
Kaz had never been good at friends. Inej was fairly sure their heisting days with the Crows a lifetime ago was the first time Kaz had allowed himself to think of anyone as his friend in earnest. 
“I’d like that,” he said. There was a soft vulnerability in his voice that took her by surprise. 
Kaz Brekker never did anything softly. 
She didn’t let that thought show on her face, however. “Me too,” she told him. Then, she huffed a sigh. “Even so, I can’t take your money.”
Kaz frowned. “Why not?”
“It’s the principle of the thing,” she said, lips quirking up. “I’ve made a name for myself.”
“So I’ve heard,” he mused. “Inej Ghafa, Slaughterer of Slavers.” 
There was a hint of pride in his voice as her newly minted title rolled off his tongue.
“Then you’ll understand that as generous as your offer is, I can’t rely on anyone financially. I cannot be beholden to anyone but myself. Ever again.”
Kaz nodded once in understanding. “Of course,” he said. “You have a reputation to uphold, it seems.”
“So if it’s not money you need,” he mused. “What is it you want, Inej?”
“I want you,” she said, and her heart stumbled, her head spinning and scrambling with the weight of her slipped words. “Your help, that is.” 
She very nearly cringed. If she was not a tomato before, she was surely one now.
Grinning, Kaz leaned back in his chair and waved a hand through the air with a dramatic flourish. “I’m at your service.”
This made Inej pause. She lifted her brows pointedly at him. “You don’t even know what it is I need your help for.”
“Yes,” he said simply, holding her gaze. Then, after a beat, “I thought we were friends. Is this not what friends do?”
“We are. It is,” she blurted. Too hurriedly. 
“So, I’ll help.”
“What— no careful consideration of every possible outcome? No overbearing Kaz Brekker scheming?”
He gasped in a dramatic fashion worthy of the stage. “I am not overbearing!”
Inej just fixed him with a long look. He was either taking lessons from Jesper or he was indeed still half-seas over.
“Inej, darling,” Kaz drawled. “I don’t spend most of my nights getting drunk in the bath because it is fun or particularly important. Helping you would be by far the most diverting thing to happen in weeks.”
Now, she eyed him incredulously. “So you’re helping me for your own amusement.” 
“Mostly. Besides,” he said, looking at her from under hooded lids, “This is your scheme. Far be it from me to interfere with whatever it is you have planned. I trust you.”
“Because we’re friends.”
“The best,” he said, and gave her a winning smile.
It was so unlike Kaz to relinquish control like this. Even if they were friends, even if he did want to help her, even if he was bored out of his mind--she would have at least expected Kaz to relish in the opportunity of helping her puzzle together a plan.
Instead, he was letting her take the reins. 
Unconvinced, Inej narrowed her eyes at him. “What if I said I needed your help fishing my hat out of the Kraken's stomach?” she asked, leaning forward on the dresser. 
A challenge.
“Then I’d say,” Kaz said, mimicking her movement, his elbows coming to rest on his knees, “Tie a rope to my belt and I’ll see what I can dig up.”
Inej considered him for a moment, appraising the man before her. His eyes, all fixed on her and black as the night between stars, swam with something like death or hope. 
It made her heart flutter. 
But she merely leaned back, placated for now at least, and said, “My, my, Kaz. You must be very bored to be so desperate for something to do.”
“Are you saying I can’t help a friend in her time of need? Out of the goodness of my own heart?” Kaz asked in feigned offence.
“Are you saying you have goodness in your heart?”
His lips twisted into a wry smile. “Let’s not be hasty now, Inej.”
She let out a breathy laugh, shaking her head. “So you’ll help?”
“Of course.” Kaz shrugged. “Though, knowing a bit about what I’m helping with might ease my mind. And my back.”
Inej frowned. “What happened to your back?”
“It gets tense when people scheme without me.”
She rolled her eyes. “Poor King of the Barrel.”
He barked a laugh. “I may be King of the Barrel, but I can assure you I am not poor.”
“Alright, smart ass,” Inej grumbled. “No need to boast. There are those of us who are presently in times of great need.”
For a moment Kaz’s face beheld genuine bewilderment. Then, he looked ready to burst into fits of laughter. But he staved it down for a smug mask instead. 
“Why, Inej, my darling treasure,” he hummed, “I do believe that was a joke, an insult, and a curse in one fell swoop.”
Inej, having let her well-practised tactics slip away from her with every passing minute in Kaz’s bedroom, blushed. Profusely. 
She hated him for it.
“I won’t tell the saints,” he whispered conspiratorially with a wink. “Promise.” 
She was sure her cheeks had been set ablaze. 
Stupid. How very stupid it was for her to be the one embarrassed when it was he who was drunk and flirtatious and talking business in silk pyjamas.
“Alright,” Inej griped, scowling at the self-satisfied grin on his face. “Enough of your brazen raillery.” Then, leaning forward again to fix Kaz with a glare, she said, “Do you want me to tell you the plan or do you intend on flirting yourself into oblivion instead?”
Kaz wisely covered his ensuing laugh with a cough and made a half-hearted attempt at arranging his face into seriousness. He crossed one leg over the other. “I’m listening.”
“Good,” she said, steeling her spine. “Now, lucky for you I have a solution to both of our predicaments. My lack of funds and your lack of… stimulation.” She gave him a smile that suggested she knew exactly what she was saying. Kaz’s mouth popped open, but before he could say anything in his own defence, she barreled on, “Have you heard of something called the Iron Debt?”
He frowned. “The name rings a bell, but I can’t say I recall—”
“It’s a lost treasure,” Inej cut in. “Long ago, in a time out of mind, the founding fathers of a secret organisation buried a treasure deep within the world. This organisation was a guild of merchants who made and sold impossible artefacts of great power and fortune. They called themselves The Founders.”
Kaz nodded. “Them, I’ve heard of.”
“Then you’ll know they still exist today,” Inej said. “Hidden in the unsearched cracks of society—unknown to those who haven’t a care to look, and lost to those who don’t look hard enough. Rumour has it, their treasure, the treasure left behind by the founding fathers, remains lost as well.”
Another frown puckered his face. “So you want to... put yourself up for the job? Find it for them?”
“Come now, Kaz,” Inej said, levelling him a look. “What happened to that genius criminal mind of yours?”
“It’s currently intoxicated,” he deadpanned. “Give me a minute.”
“No, Kaz,” she said with a sigh. “We’re not going to find it for them. We’re going to find it first.”
A slow smile slipped across his face. “I like the way you think.”
“Oh? And what way is that?”
“Like a pirate.”
When Inej beamed at him then, Kaz looked for all the world like he’d been blinded by the sun. 
“Well, then,” she said, smoothing her hands down her leggings, “A pirate and a veritable King of the Barrel. Undoubtedly the most ferocious team the world has ever seen.”
“Indeed,” he said, and rising from the desk chair, he wended his way back into the bathroom. 
Inej’s face wrinkled in confusion as she peered after him—a hard thing to accomplish from atop a dresser. A fact she found truth in when she nearly toppled to the floor. 
There was shuffling and clinking behind the bathroom door. 
Just when Inej thought she might need to check on him, Kaz emerged again with two teacups and the bottle of very old whiskey he’d been busy making a sizable dent in when she’d arrived. The price of said whiskey, she was sure, could ostensibly pay her way for a good week or two.
“So how exactly do you plan on finding this long lost treasure first?” Kaz asked, setting the teacups down on the desk. 
Only then did she notice the cups were lime green and pink and dotted with teddy bears. Inej wondered how in the Saint’s holy realm these teacups had ended up in the filthy hands of Kaz Brekker, self-proclaimed Bastard of the Barrel.
“Haven’t the foggiest,” Inej said flatly. 
In truth, she did have a vague idea. She was just too much of a coward to admit what exactly that idea was until she was sure she had the facts right. If this was her job, she was going to execute it professionally.
Kaz seemed to read her thoughts because he gave her a knowing look as he poured a finger of amber liquid into each cup. A look which suggested he was waiting for her real answer.
“Fine,” she breathed, “I do have some leads. Leads which I’ll tell you about as soon as we’ve assembled a team.”
“Ah,” he said, extending a cup towards her. “There will be others.”
Inej took the cup from his hand and tried not to leap from her own skin when his fingers grazed her wrist. Gooseflesh rose in his wake. Then, Inej smiled. 
“As formidable a team as we two doubtless make,” she said, “I’m thinking we might need more help on our side.”
“I think,” he said, taking up a place leaning casually against the desk, “That would be very wise. What about your crew?”
“Oh they’ll be keen, I’m sure,” she said. “But I was thinking more specifically. We’ll need people with certain talents. People we can trust.”
Kaz caught on quickly. “You want to get the Crows back together.”
“Do you think it wise?” she asked, attempting to hide her hopefulness by looking down at the whiskey she now swirled in the bottom of her cup. 
She wanted this. Badly. 
Of course, she hadn’t fooled herself into believing it would be just like old times. Inej knew everything was different now. So much had changed. But the fact of the matter was, Inej didn’t miss this place so much as she missed the people she’d come to care for here. And she wanted to think they missed her, too. 
So she waited with bated breath for Kaz’s response.
“I think you are very wise, Inej,” was all he said.
Her eyes snapped up. “Don’t butter me up, Kaz,” she said, setting her teacup down on the dresser. “And don’t sugar coat it, either.”
“Fine,” he sighed. “I think it might prove… difficult, roping them into a grand scheme like this.”
“How come?”
“Well, for starters,” Kaz said, placing his cup on the desk and folding his arms across his chest, “Matthias is dead.”
Inej’s jaw dropped. 
He’d said it as if it were an innocuous comment. As inconsequential as mentioning the weather outside. If she was honest with herself, she almost laughed from the sheer shock of it. 
“I thought you said not to sugar coat it,” Kaz said when Inej, still staring at him dumbfounded, floundered hopelessly for words. 
“I meant in terms of straight answers, you incredible arse.” Inej glared, ignoring the way his lips quirked up at the corners when she cursed. She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m well aware of Matthias’s whereabouts, Saints rest his soul.”
There was a pause in which Inej refused to look at him. 
She stared at the soot stain in the carpet again and thought she might be better friends with it at that moment than she was with the man who thought making quips at their deceased friend’s expense was a smart thing to do.
“I’m sorry,” Kaz said, and when she looked at him she thought he looked genuine. Though it could have been a trick of the light. “Look, Matthias is gone, Nina left, Kuweii is… gods only know where. Which leaves Jesper and Wylan, and they’re… well, they’re—”
Her heart sank to her stomach. “Saints, Kaz,” Inej breathed, trying not to panic. “What happened to Jesper and Wylan?”
Kaz gave her a bemused look. “They’re happy, Inej,” he said quietly.
Silence settled, heavy in the air between them. 
Inej didn’t know why. Part of her was awash with relief that nothing truly devastating had happened to her two dear friends. The exact opposite, in fact. And she should be happy for them. She was happy for them. They deserved the love they’d found in each other.
But there was a second part to Kaz’s statement, an unspoken part, that tinged the silence with something like sadness. 
They don’t need us anymore, the silence said.
And a thought occurred to her—that Kaz had been living with this fact for much longer than he would probably ever admit. 
That thought alone broke Inej’s heart a little.
“Oh,” was all she could muster. “Thank the Saints for that.”
“We can ask,” Kaz murmured. “But I doubt they’ll agree to join us. Wylan has the business and Jesper won’t want to leave Wylan alone for so long.”
Inej nodded. “I understand,” she said. “We’ll ask. And if they say no, we’ll assemble a new team.” 
“I have a few people in mind,” he offered.
“Yeah?” She inclined her head. “Like who?”
Inej narrowed her eyes, going to no great lengths to hide her suspicion. “I’ve never heard you mention a Jensen before.”
“Really? Must’ve met him while you were off being noble.”
“Huh,” she said, ignoring his jab. “And who is this Jensen, pray tell?”
“Ferocious thief,” he said. “Quick with his hands. Not bad with a knife, either. Might even give you a run for your money.”
“Doubtful.” Inej smirked. 
Kaz’s eyes glinted in the low light of the room. He was baiting her. She knew it. She supposed that made her a willing fish.
“Why would I hire him when I have you?” she asked. “You’re a ferocious thief. You’re quick with your hands. And I’m devastating with a knife.” Kaz hummed at that, his face full of amusement, which only fed her suspicions. “To be honest, Kaz, this Jensen seems like a redundancy I can’t afford.”
“Oh, you can afford him. He’ll do it for free.”
“No one works for free, Kaz,” she reminded him. “You know that. Not in our line of work. And especially not when the job involves life-threatening situations.”
“Jensen will.”
“How do you know?”
“Because,” Kaz said, face splitting into—dare she even think it—a shit-eating grin, “Jensen is a monkey.”
“A monkey?” Inej scoffed. “I thought you said he was a person.”
Kaz shrugged. “Semantics.”
“So you’re telling me a monkey is our best candidate for a new crew?”
Kaz nodded. “He’ll work for butter biscuits.”
Inej groaned and slid a hand down her face as Kaz’s terrible laughter rumbled through the room. 
“You’re incorrigible,” she said, trying to tamper down her own chuckles. A few escaped her lips despite herself. 
She knew it was a distraction. By some miracle, Kaz must’ve been able to read the tension in her shoulders like lines from a book. And for a moment, as Inej laughed at the absurdity of Jensen the pirating monkey, she’d felt that tension ease. 
It was probably the best kind of disappointment she could ask for at this point. 
“We’ll find a team, Inej,” Kaz assured her, more serious now that he’d collected his dignity off the floor where he’d dropped it. “It might not be with Jesper or Wylan. And it might not be with Jensen.”
“I think that would be wise,” she interceded, a smile ghosting at her lips. 
“We’ll find people.”
“People,” Inej clarified. “Not monkeys.”
“Fine,” Kaz sighed in mock regret. “I know of a parrot—”
She gave an incredulous laugh. “No animals, Kaz!”
“Right,” he said, drumming his fingers against the side of the desk. “Can we at least pay Jes and Wylan a visit, and kick their sorry butts at cards before we leave them to their domesticities?”
“That, I might agree to,” she said. 
And suddenly, she was remembering vividly all those nights between shoot-outs and scheming and heisting, when the Crows had gathered around a rickety old table to play cards. 
They’d bet on ridiculous things - like dares or a feathery hat the loser had to wear for a day - because all of them were skint and those things were better than money anyway. 
Usually, it was Poker or Bullshit, but many-a-game of Slap Jack had nearly snapped the table’s legs. There had even been a game of surprisingly competitive Go Fish or two when they’d exhausted all other options. 
Inej delighted at the echo of unmitigated ruthlessness of those games that danced across her mind.
The mischievous gleam in Kaz’s eyes told her he remembered, too. 
And as that gilded memory shimmered in the air between them, Inej felt warmer than she had in months. 
For all of his insufferable jokes and needling sarcasm, she found herself incredibly grateful for her friend, who had subtly reminded her that just because things had changed, it didn’t mean there were not still good times to be had.
“Then it’s agreed,” he said. “We’ll assemble a crew, get some leads, then take Jesper and Wylan for all they’re worth at the tables.”
Inej laughed and lifted her makeshift glass in a toast.
“What shall we toast to, pirate?” he said, lifting his teacup to match her own.
She thought for a moment. There were so many things to be grateful for.
“To very lost treasure,” she decided in the end. “And swindling the swindlers.”
“Pirate, indeed,” Kaz replied. 
Their glasses clinked, and Inej slid slowly into the warm refuge of her glass and the revelry of being home at last.
AN: Hope you enjoyed this fluff chapter because I am Kanej trash and I enjoyed writing it very much. Thank you so much for reading! More (serious) chapters to come soon- if you’d like to be tagged in future updates, just shoot me a message/ask 🖤💫
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Meet The Serrated Spades, the creative team behind Ace of Spades! 
Tag List: @velarhysismine​ @the-mithridatism-of-jude-duarte​ @knifewifejude​
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toxicsquad · 4 years
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There is no better way to get to know someone than through a good question tag. In this case we have decided to make an Indie game dev question tag with the responses of our four developers. We hope that it will reveal many unknowns, but if you are left with any questions, do not hesitate to use our ask.
What part of game development are you responsible for?
Athe: I write and write, I melt in my seat, I correct, I cry and then I program. It’s an endless cycle. Occasionally I laugh like crazy while I eat Pringles.
Sam: I draw and color without leaving the lines (almost always) the sprites, the illustrations and the ravings that usually occur to us past 3 in the morning.
Illy: English translations.
Sher: I draw BGs
What tools do you use (hardware / software)?
Athe: Recently my desktop PC has passed away, so I’ve had to rescue my old PC from the garage. I also have a laptop that saves my life more times than I would like to admit. As for the software, I need, above all, drive documents, video editing programs, image etc (I have an Adobe package) and of course Renpy and Atom.
Sam: My main friend and companion is my tablet, a wacom intuos S (pistachio color, so cute). As programs I mainly use the Paint Tool Sai, because there is nothing in this life like its stabilizer. And less frequently than I would like (for details, texture brushes, effects ...) I also use Clip Studio Paint, which I only know how to use at about 2% of its capacity ... If someday I have time I would love to stop and learn seriously what can be done with it.
Illy: During the school year I live in a residence, so I use an old laptop, and when I return home I use a desktop computer that never has memory space. I translate the chapters in the same Atom where the complete script is and I keep them in google drive files where I share them with our beta reader. I also use editing programs like photoshop when I have to translate comics or procreate for when my artistic skills are required.
Sher: ipad+procreate+some final tweak in photoshop, I don't need much more
What is your favorite part of the job?
Athe: Would it be wrong if I say that is when we released the episode? During the whole production time everything is very stressful, there are times when it’s really uphill, but when we release a new chapter it feels soooo good. It's like saying to yourself, yeah, dammit, I can do it. Look at everything you've climbed by yourself. You're doing it right.
Sam: In general, my favorite parts are when the first scenes start to be programmed, and I can see the sprites with the backgrounds, the texts, and how the illustrations look. Everything always looks so much better when viewed in-game… I also really like being able to check out the script as it is written. And from the artistic part that concerns me, when I see that my hands capture the idea that I had in my head ... Especially in character designs.
Illy: Having to find a way to translate very spanish expressions into English, research vocabulary that I have never had to use and commenting on some translations with our beta reader (which we adore) to make it understandable without losing the original meaning.
Sher: I like to do the lineart when the sketch is complete, if I no longer have to think about anything else and it's just going through it, I find it very fun and relaxing
What is the most difficult part for you?
Athe: Offf, yes, I admit it, sometimes writing is the WORST. Other times I love it, especially when I can expand on the descriptions or stop at a part that is intimate or that I find interesting (for example, Hasiel's conversation from 6.3, small spoiler: P). But, I HATE having to paste scenes, often the protagonist moves between scenes and you always have to add lines to those transitions that really do not interest anyone, but that otherwise the text would be confusing. Anyway... It is a very wide world, with a lot of history, I have to deal with what I need readers to know to understand the facts, although sometimes it gets a bit boring.
Sam: What part does not... Rather who e.e Zihel and Ariel are a thorn in my side. Especially Zihel. I know it has to do with the fact that it has never been my strength to draw boys, and much less if they are more masculine in appearance... That's why I also suffer a lot from drawing muscles. Another thing that brings me a headache is the perspective of the illustrations. Every time I try to get out of the typical shot or poses a little... It doesn't work out.
Illy: Doughy’s  stuttering ¬.¬
Sher: chairs, sofas, tables... anything with four legs is my enemy
Anything to help or encourage you while you are working?
Athe: I need music, no, seriously, I NEED IT. I’m unable to focus without it. If, on top of that, I can get what I hear to act as a sounding board for what I write, the text is a thousand times better... But the muse is a pretty bad person.
Sam: Having a show/movie in the background that entertains me. The longer the better, so I don't have to stop to think what I want to put on next.
Illy: Eating sunflower seeds to trick my brain and not be tempted to do something else that distracts me.
Sher: I try to see other artists to motivate and inspire me before I start drawing, what I find most difficult is that initial push and that is where I need the motivation, then I usually have something in the background but it is not necessary
Something that’s a pet peeve or discouraging?
Athe: Some narrative climax moments. Generally, they are not important plot moments (that is almost entirely decided), they are often small decisions to go from scene A to scene B, but I can spend a LOT of time deciding which is the fastest and best way to tie those two ends. I'm the worst.
Sam: Many times when starting, I can't get the poses to fit the way I want, for example.
Illy: Finding many parts in a row that I find especially difficult to solve and that make me believe that I have forgotten how to English properly. And looking at how many lines I still have left.
Sher: When I don't know how to fill in some area, if I see something very empty but I don't know how to solve it, I can spend days looking at the screen without being able to advance, even if I have other areas that I could do in the meantime
What is required on your table or work surface?
Athe: Notebooks, sticky notes, pens… I’m a person who writes everything down, especially the tasks, but I also order the story by color schemes. The stack of sticky notes have 9 different colors, each one represents a character and I play a lot with them for a lot of nonsense. Besides, even though I have been writing on the computer for many more years than I wrote by hand, I still have a preference for the analogical.
Sam: Coffee, sweets, chocolate, cereals... And cats.
Illy: My phone, the sunflower seeds, a Capital America: Civil War 1L water cup, sticky notes that remind me of tasks.
Sher: I have nothing really lol all my things are for decoration
Your most productive hours?
Athe: Owl. Totally nocturnal. Although I have several crises a month to force myself to work at other times that always end... Wrong.
Sam: Also at night for the most part, although I can no longer stay awake as long as I endured before having a job (the good old days...) However, in the middle of the afternoon, when the zoo that I have at home is still taking a nap, I also manage to go a long way.
Illy: From when I finish eating until 7 or 8 in the afternoon, when I don't have to cook, clean, run errands...
Sher: I take over for Illy apparently, from 7 or 8 is when I start to get into the mood until bedtime
Do working hours make you forget to eat or make you eat twice as much?
Athe: It depends, in the past I ate a lot, now if I have stress I don't eat anything. If I'm in a normal productive phase and I'm not on my nerves, I'm probably eating by inertia.
Sam: They make me eat more, but especially junk food e.e And they make me forget healthy meals, especially dinner at night.
Illy: It depends on my mood, but I usually eat twice as much.
Sher: I'm generally a VERY distracted person so I don't usually get to focus on a task to get to either of those two modes but I guess when I am sooooooo much on the task, I forget. But that happens like a couple of times a year and "forgetting" is "I delay an hour."
What part of your set up would you improve / change (in aesthetics or functionality) if you had no money limit?
Athe: I'm trying to match some of my peripherals with the rest. They are all a damn different color, apparently I'm cursed... Now seriously, I wish I had a better graphic card that would allow me to make video captures, some speakers and a quality printer.
Sam: Actually, I don't think I need anything more complex than what I already have… But if I had to improve something, I'm curious about the most professional tablets, the big ones with the included screen and all that stuff.
Illy: A new laptop that lets me open 4 chrome tabs, Atom and photoshop at the same time without dying.
Sher: A pc screen that will not change the colors I use on the iPad would be nice, really
Which character are you most like? And why?
Athe: Phew I think the easy answer would be to say Akane ... But, Akane is a better person. : P
Sam: This is very difficult... They are all very different, but still I do not think I look much like any of them. If I have to say something, I could identify with Maske's tendency to avoid problems, and his more homey and calm side. And well… Since Akane has been an OC of mine for many years, surely I have something of her too.
Illy: I think I partly have Maske's instinct to stay out of trouble, and on the other hand Joe's shallowness, although tbh I wish I really did look like any of our awesome babies.
Sher: surprised because (unpopular opinion around here) is one of those who I "least care" about really but I would say that Pin because he is a little dumb, happy and probably has a Satanic room and proud of it
Favorite CG/art.
Athe: AT THE MOMENT. Maske chapter 1. It couldn't be more predictable. I know.
Sam: I quite agree with Maske in chapter 1. But I would also put Pin in chapter 5 and Akane in chapter 6.2 on the top.
Illy: Kyeran in Coco's tank ?? Is he even real? Being basic is my brand.
Sher: surprised again and disappointed but I would say that of angel Hasiel because I like pretty dresses, pretty hairs and pretty wings
Favorite BG/scene.
Athe: The Red Light District amazes me. I already liked the life of that place, its history, but the way of expressing it... Uggg Sher took it to another level. The dirt on the street, the night, the constricted buildings...
Sam: I think I’ll say Raziel’s square, I like it a lot from the first day.
Illy: I don't know if I can choose just one T__T but I would say that the Red Light District and Valefar's pub are at the top.
Sher: for not repeating the red light district that I also like very much, I really like the areas of Coco's laboratory, including the “main” area although the perspective is horrible and makes the characters look tiny, but I like how it looks :(
Your favorite chapter to date?
Athe: Ufff... The first and second one I assure you no, hahaha. I will say that the third one, but also for things that are not necessarily from the chapter, but of the production. It was a good moment. I felt that everything was flowing with ease. We all assumed a clear role, they were times that made us feel comfortable and capable of assuming what came next, I think it was a qualitative leap also, both in texts and in art.
Sam: Oh. Well let's see... Chapter 5 is amazing for me, for everything that happens but also because there are many personalized interactions and choices. I can't say I have a definitive favorite, but it could come close… Also from the last ones I really like the 6.2.
Illy: Chapter 5 has so many details, so many things happen, it's hard not to be my favorite. But the last ones with the specific routes are so great that if I stay with the 5 it’s with the  pain of my heart to have to choose one.
Sher: I would say 5 also because in the end when a lot of things happen is when you remember the most
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No hay mejor forma de conocer a alguien que a través de un buen tag de preguntas. En este caso hemos decidido hacer un Indie game dev question tag con las respuestas de las cuatro desarrolladoras. Esperamos que os aclare muchas incógnitas, pero si os quedáis con alguna no dudéis en usar nuestro ask.
¿Qué parte del desarrollo del juego llevas a cabo?
Athe: Escribo, escribo, me derrito sobre mi asiento, corrijo, lloro y después programo. Es un ciclo sin fin. Ocasionalmente me río como una demente mientras como Pringles.
Sam: Dibujo y coloreo sin salirme de las líneas (casi siempre) los sprites, las ilustraciones y los desvaríos que suelen surgir a partir de las 3 de la mañana. 
Illy: Las traducciones a inglés.
Sher: Hago fonditos
¿Qué herramientas utilizas (hardware/software)?
Athe: Recientemente mi PC de sobremesa ha fallecido, así que he tenido que rescatar mi viejo PC del trastero, también tengo un portatil que me salva la vida más veces de las que me gustaría admitir. En cuanto al software, necesito, sobre todo, documentos de drive, programas de edición de video, imagen etc (tengo un paquete de Adobe) y por supuesto Renpy y Atom.
Sam: Mi principal amiga y compañera es mi tableta, una wacom intuos S (color pistacho, muy cuqui.) Como programas uso sobretodo el Paint Tool Sai, porque no hay nada en esta vida como su estabilizador. Y con menos frecuencia de lo que querría (para detalles, pinceles de texturas, efectos…) también utilizo el Clip Studio Paint, el cual sólo se usar como a un 2% de su capacidad… Si algún día tengo tiempo me encantaría pararme a aprender seriamente todo lo que se puede hacer con él. 
Illy: Durante el curso vivo en una residencia, así que uso un portatil del año que reinó carolo, y cuando vuelvo a mi casa un ordenador de sobremesa que nunca tiene espacio en la memoria. Los capítulos los traduzco en el mismo Atom en el que está el guión completo y los guardo en drive donde los comparto con nuestra beta reader. También uso programas de edición como photoshop cuando tengo que traducir viñetas o procreate para cuando mis habilidades artísticas son requeridas.
Sher: ipad+procreate+algún retoquito final en photoshop no necesito mucho más
¿Cuál es tu parte de favorita del trabajo?
Athe: ¿Estaría mal si digo que es cuando sacamos el episodio? Durante toda la producción todo es muy estresante, hay veces, que se hace realmente cuesta arriba, pero cuando liberamos un nuevo capítulo sienta taaaan bien. Es como decirte a ti misma, sí, joder, puedo hacerlo. Mira todo lo que has escalado tú solita. Lo estás haciendo bien.
Sam: En general, mis partes favoritas son cuando se empiezan a programar las primeras escenas, y puedo ver los sprites con los fondos, los textos, y cómo se ven las ilustraciones. Todo queda siempre mucho mejor cuando se ve dentro del juego… También me gusta mucho poder cotillear el guión conforme se va escribiendo. Y de la parte artística que me toca, cuando veo que mis manos plasman la idea que tenía en mi cabeza… Sobretodo en diseños de personajes. 
Illy: Tener que buscar la forma de traducir a inglés expresiones muy nuestras, investigar vocabulario que no he tenido que usar jamás y comentar algunas traducciones con nuestra beta reader (a la que adoramos) para conseguir que se entienda sin perder el significado original.
Sher: me gusta hacer el lineart cuando el sketch está completo, si ya no tengo que pensar nada más y es solo ir repasando me parece muy divertido y relajante
¿Cuál es la parte que más te cuesta?
Athe: Ufff, sí, lo admito, escribir a veces es lo PEOR. Otras me encanta, sobre todo, cuando puedo explayarme con las descripciones o detenerme en una parte íntima o que a mí me parece interesante (por ejemplo, la conversación de Hasiel del 6.3, pequeño spoiler :P). Pero, ODIO tener que empastar escenas, a menudo el protagonista se mueve de escenarios y hay que agregar siempre líneas a esas transiciones que realmente no interesan a nadie, pero que de lo contrario el texto quedaría mal montado. En fin… Es un mundo muy amplio, con mucha historia, tengo que lidiar con lo que necesito que los lectores sepan para entender los hechos, aunque a veces se haga un pelín peñazo.
Sam: Qué parte no… Quiénes, más bien e.e Zihel y Ariel son mi espinita. Especialmente Zihel. Sé que tiene que ver con el hecho de que nunca ha sido mi punto fuerte dibujar chicos, y menos si son de aspecto más masculino… Por eso también sufro mucho dibujando músculos. Otra cosa que me trae de cabeza es la perspectiva de las ilustraciones. Cada vez que intento salirme un poco del típico plano o poses… No sale bien. 
Illy: El tartamudeo de Doughy ¬.¬ 
Sher: sillas, sofás, mesas… cualquier cosa con cuatro patas son mis enemigos
¿Algo que te ayude o anime mientras estás trabajando?
Athe: Necesito música, no, en serio, LA NECESITO. Soy incapaz de concentrarme sin ella. Si ya consigo que lo que escucho haga de caja de resonancia de lo que escribo, el texto es mil veces mejor… Pero la musa es bastante mala gente.
Sam: Tener alguna serie/peli de fondo que me entretenga. Cuanto más larga mejor, así no me toca pararme a ver qué es lo que quiero poner después. 
Illy: Comer pipas para engañar a mi cerebro y no tener la tentación de ponerme a hacer otra cosa que me distraiga.
Sher: intento ver otros artistas para motivarme e inspirarme antes de empezar a dibujar, lo que más me cuesta es ese empujón inicial y es donde necesito la motivación, luego ya suelo tener algo de fondo pero no es necesario
¿Algo que te corte el rollo o te desmotive?
Athe: Los nudos narrativos. Generalmente, no son nudos gordos de la trama (eso está decidido casi en su totalidad), a menudo son decisiones pequeñas para pasar de la escena A a la escena B, pero puedo tirarme MUCHO tiempo decidiendo cuál es la forma más rápida y mejor planteada para atar esos dos cabos. Soy lo peor.
Sam: Muchas veces a la hora de empezar, no conseguir encajar las poses como quiero, por ejemplo. 
Illy: Encontrar muchas partes seguidas que me cueste especialmente resolver y que me hacen creer que no tengo ni idea de hablar inglés. Y mirar cuantas líneas me quedan todavía.
Sher: cuando no se como rellenar alguna zona, si veo algo muy vacío pero no se como solucionarlo puedo tirarme días mirando la pantalla sin ser capaz de avanzar, incluso aunque tenga otras zonas que pudiera ir haciendo mientras
¿Qué no puede faltar en tu mesa o superficie de trabajo?
Athe: Libretas, post-its, bolígrafos… Soy una persona que lo anota todo, sobre todo, las tareas, pero también ordeno la historia por esquemas de colores. La pila de post-its tienen 9 colores diferentes, cada uno representa un personaje y juego mucho con ellos para miles de idioteces. A parte, a pesar de que llevo muchos más años escribiendo a ordenador de los que escribí a mano, sigo teniendo querencia a lo físico.
Sam: Café, chucherías, chocolate, cereales… Y gatos. 
Illy: El móvil, las pipas, un vaso de 1L de agua de Capital America: Civil War, post-its que me recuerdan las tareas.
Sher: no tengo nada realmente lol todas mis cosas son de adorno 
¿Tus horas más productivas?
Athe: Búho. Nocturna totalmente. A pesar de que tengo varias crisis al mes para forzarme a trabajar a otras horas que acaban siempre… Mal.
Sam: También por la noche en su mayoría, aunque ya no aguanto trasnochando tanto como antes de trabajar (qué tiempos aquellos…) Aunque a media tarde cuando el zoo que tengo en casa aún está echando la siesta también consigo dar un buen empujón. 
Illy: Desde que acabo de comer hasta las 7 o las 8 de la tarde, cuando no tengo que cocinar, limpiar, hacer recados...
Sher: le tomo el testigo a Illy aparentemente, a partir de las 7 u 8 es cuando empiezo a entrar en el mood hasta que llega la hora de dormir
¿Las horas de trabajo hacen que te olvides de comer o te hacen comer el doble?
Athe: Depende, antes comía mucho, ahora, si tengo estrés no como nada. Si me encuentro en un rango productivo normal y no estoy de los nervios, probablemente, esté comiendo por inercia.
Sam: Me hacen comer más, pero sobretodo porquerías e.e Y hacen que me olvide de las comidas sanas, sobretodo de cenar por la noche. 
Illy: Depende de mi estado de ánimo, pero normalmente comer el doble.
Sher: en general soy una persona MUY distraída así que no suelo conseguir centrarme en una tarea para llegar a ninguno de esos dos modos pero supongo que cuando estoy muuuuuuy dentro de la tarea, me olvido. Pero eso pasa como un par de veces al año y “olvido” es “lo retraso una hora”.
¿Qué parte de tu set up mejorarías/cambiarías (en estética o funcionalidad) si no tuvieses límite de dinero?
Athe: Estoy tratando de que alguno de mis periféricos peguen con el resto. Todos son de un maldito color diferente, al parecer estoy maldita… Ahora en serio, desearía tener una mejor gráfica que me permitiese hacer videocapturas, unos altavoces y una impresora de calidad.
Sam: En realidad, no creo que necesitara nada más complejo de lo que ya tengo… Pero por mejorar, me llaman la atención las tabletas más profesionales, las grandes con la pantalla incluida y eso. 
Illy: Un portátil nuevo que me deje abrir 4 pestañas de chrome, el Atom y photoshop al mismo tiempo sin quedarse tieso.
Sher: Una pantalla de pc que no me cambiara los colores que uso en el ipad seria bonito la verdad 
¿A qué personaje te pareces más? ¿Y por qué?
Athe: Ufff Creo que la respuesta fácil sería decir Akane… Pero, Akane es mejor persona. :P
Sam: Esto es muy complicado… Son todos muy distintos, pero aún así no creo que me parezca mucho a ninguno. Por decir algo, me podría identificar con la tendencia a evitar problemas de Maske, y su lado más casero y tranquilo. Y bueno… Dado que Akane es OC mío de hace muchos años, seguramente tenga algo de ella también. 
Illy: Creo que en parte tengo el instinto de alejarme de las movidas de Maske, y por otro la superficialidad de Joe, aunque tbh ojalá parecerme realmente a nuestros bebés geniales.
Sher: sorprendida porque (unpopular opinión por aquí) es de los que “menos me importan” realmente pero diría que Pin porque es tontito, feliz y probablemente tenga una habitación satánica y orgulloso de ello
Tu CG/arte favorito.
Athe: DE MOMENTO. Maske capítulo 1. No podría ser más predecible. Lo sé.
Sam: Coincido bastante en la de Maske del capítulo 1. Pero también metería en el top la de Pin del capítulo 5 y la de Akane del capítulo 6.2. 
Illy: ¿¿Kyeran en el tanque de Coco?? ¿Es siquiera real? Ser básica es mi marca.
Sher: sorprendida de nuevo y decepcionada pero diría que la de Hasiel de ángel porque me gustan los vestidos bonitos, los pelos bonitos y las alas bonitas
Tu BG/escenario favorito.
Athe: Me flipa el Barrio Rojo. Me gusta la vida de ese sitio, su historia, pero la forma de plasmarlo… Uggg Sher lo llevó a otro nivel. La suciedad de la calle, la nocturnidad, los edificios constreñidos...
Sam: Creo que me quedo con el de la plaza de Raziel, me gusta mucho desde el primer día. 
Illy: No sé si puedo elegir solo uno T__T pero diría que el Barrio Rojo y el bar de Valefar están en el top.
Sher: por no repetir el barrio rojo que también me gusta mucho, me gustan mucho las zonas del laboratorio de Coco, incluida la zona “principal” aunque la perspectiva sea horrible y haga a los pj parecer diminutos, pero me gusto como quedo :( 
¿Tu capítulo favorito hasta las fecha?
Athe: Ufff… El uno y el dos os aseguro que no, jajaja. Diré que el tres, pero también por cosas que no son necesariamente del capítulo, sino de la producción. Fue un buen momento. Sentí que todo estaba fluyendo con facilidad. Todas asumimos un rol claro, unos tiempos que nos hacían sentir cómodas y capaces de asumir lo que venía después, creo que fue un salto cualitativo también, tanto en los textos, como en el arte.
Sam: Ay. Pues a ver… El capítulo 5 es una pasada para mi, por todo lo que pasa pero también porque hay muchas interacciones personalizadas y elecciones. No puedo decir que tenga un favorito definitivo, pero podría acercarse… También me gusta mucho de los últimos el 6.2. 
Illy: El capítulo 5 tiene tantos detalles, pasan tantas cosas, que es difícil que no sea mi favorito, pero los ultimos de rutas específicas son tan geniales que si me quedo con el 5 es con un poco de dolor de tener que elegir uno.
Sher: Diría el 5 también porque al final cuando pasan muchas cosas es cuando mas se te queda grabado
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ar-ray-of-muses · 5 years
Hello! I'm a bit new to the Sonic/disney Rpcs, and I'm really shy so I hope you don't mind me asking are there any rp blogs or muns you could recommend to follow off the top of your head?
Yeesh, I am so sorry I got to this so late! Ummm, I don’t know a many Disney peeps (mostly just Gravity Falls and Ducktales, tbh, still trying to find partners). I’ll just list a couple folk I interact with/see on the dash.
Sonic RPC:
@blucpincushicn / @twilightcaged / @twotailedwonder - Listen, all of Blu’s muses are absolutely amazing; they’re a stellar writer and they really know the characters they’re playing. They’re a super chill and super talented mun and I definitely reccommend them! …also i would die for their boi sonic
@chaosbcrne - 10/10 Shadow? Hits the nail with that boy, and his characterisation is so well developed; I love and adore this portrayal, tbh. Fantastic writer, and you can really feel the emotion in their writing. And the mun? Honestly, like - way past cool and generally a joy to chat with!
@fishing-purple-cat - Blessed muse with so much thought put into him; always a joy to see him on my dash! This muse is written so well, and you can really see the love and care put into this portrayal. You can also expect superb art that continues to wow me to this day. Mun is super friendly and caring, defo check them out!
@team-phantom / @heartfelt-silver - These muses are honestly so fascinating to me; the lore that Panda has built upon is super interesting, and one of my favourite things about their writing is the feeling and dialogue within it. Whether it’s angsty or dorky headcanons, they know how to make you feel for these boios. Panda is a fabulous person in general, super approachable and caring!
@inhibitcrs - Another one of my favourite Shadows! His characterisation is absolutely on point, and honestly? Always a joy to interact with; his relationships with other muses is so believeable and I love seeing his shenanigans on the dash. Also, the mun is also one of my dearest friends. Ender is super cool and amazing and PLS GO CHECK OUT THEIR BOI. PLS.
@chaosguided​ - So many wonderful muses, I really can’t pick sometimes. I need to interact with this blessed mun more, but their writing? Gaaaaah, I live for it - and their threads are so emotional and in-depth and my heart and gaaaaaaaaah they’re great and pls go check them out pls.
@fastest-hedgy-sonic - Another great Sonic full of attitude and a heart to match! Mun has a wonderful sense of humor and it really comes across in their muse’s character; Sonic is written fantastically and I am living for all of this lore they dish out. They’re really open and neat; pls give them love.
@mercenaries-for-hire - Idon’tinteractasmuchasIdidandmymusesucksforthat, but Vi’s interpretation of Team Hooligan has honestly made me adore them in ways I never thought I would before. The threads on this blog are really fun and engaging, as well as interesting, and I always have a great time threading with them. Vi is also stupendous and ilthem (fight me, vi). There’s also @defective--detectives​ and @moonlit-mystic​ you should totally check out!
Disney RPC:
@isoscelesnightmare - Pssssst, this is an amazing triangular abomination. Vince really captures this chaotic menace, salt, horror, and all! The threads I’ve had with them so far have been so fun and engaging; they REALLY capture the essence of Bill Cipher and they’re legit one of my favourite people to RP with. They also have a @pyrcnica​ muse you should totally check out! o:
@pinedecode - Hi, hello, the dorky son Dipper Pines? Ender really captures his personality; characterisation is spot on and I live for all the shenanigans that happen on dash. They really know what they’re doing with this muse, and it really shows! I definitely suggest visiting their blog ‘cause... AMAZING. Also pls do check out @nomorcstrings and @trouvaillend while you’re at it!!
@siximpossiblethoughts - Admittedly, I haven’t roleplayed much with their Alice yet, but what I have written with them has been a blast. They get up to such wonderful nonsense, have all these interesting verses and their characterisation of Alice is really fascinating to me. Max generally seems a really cool mun, too!
@waywardsonsanddaringdaughters - So many interesting muses, including Gravity Falls peeps! I honestly really adore their writing (and those portrayals are just... gah) and the mun is super friendly and understanding, as well as fun and easy to plot with! Definitely look into them; they’re great. :D
@romunomuses - Ro is a super fun person to write with; their muses are always so in depth and they capture them wonderfully, personality and all. One of their strong suits is the emotion they’re able to deliver in their responses and it honestly has me reeling sometimes. If you’re a fan of fluff or heartbreak, they’re the person to check out. : ‘D
@savethequccn / @ragefeathers - Both extremely amazing Donalds; I haven’t really interacted with them yet (former mostly bc I still need to finish KH3), but seeing their writing on the dash always leaves me inspired! They really capture duck boi and their portrayal of him in both verses is something to be admired.
@floofymuses​ - Huge multimuse, but they have Disney and Sonic! characters a plenty and they an absolutely amazing writer. They have a really complex understanding of their characters and really do nail how they would act! Also, mun is generally just super and nice in general. Worth a look, definitely!
These are all the folk I could think of off the top of my head?? But honestly, there are probably SO many more talented writers I haven’t listed yet. : ‘ D
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scribir · 6 years
Self Care for NSFW Artists - A Letter to Myself
As the title suggests, I’m writing this mostly for myself hence the term nsfw, but anyone can use this I suppose. It’s just some real life tips that I’ve learned through experience and wanted to write down. Maybe it can help someone.
Let’s go...
1- Get up! It is important to not be by your desk hunched over writing or drawing for extended periods of time. Not only is it unhealthy to be sedentary for that long, it is important for the mind that you walk away from your work and maybe get a little exercise by taking a walk or going for something to eat or drink.
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2- Feed and hydrate yo’ body! This point ties in with the first as artists (whether you write, craft or draw) tend to restrict themselves to their work for hours. Personally, I am very guilty of this as I can sit at my desk working for up to 18 (or more) hours, moving only when it’s absolutely necessary, only to return promptly to continue working. Food and water is forgotten and at times, many hours later, I’d realize that I didn’t even have breakfast only when a gnawing hunger threatens to kill me or my heart is racing because it was a hot day and I didn’t drink any water.
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3- Eat a balanced diet! So I did say that you should feed and hydrate your body, but I know you *points dramatically* you’ll choose the fastest option which most likely would be fast food for quick calories. But remember!!! Man cannot live by fast food and NSFW Art alone! You need calories from a range of diverse foods, including meat / meat substitute protein, vegetables and some fat and fiber.
Take a multivitamin too if you’re into that. Drink clean fresh water. Eat an assortment of fruits and vegetables everyday (local so it would be cheaper). Prepare your own meals to save money and give yourself healthier options. And if you don’t have the time to prepare meals everyday, do the preparation in advance on a day when you can spare some extra time. What I do is buy sandwich bags and prepare my breakfast, depending on what it is, in advance for the entire week or month. Lunches too I make in advance.
When you make your own meals, you know exactly what’s going into your body and can avoid all the nasties (processed stuff and artificial flavorings) that can be hiding in bought meals. But if you know a local company that makes packaged foods that are healthy, then go right ahead!
Remember that eating a balanced diet that includes a sufficient amount of pesticide-free fruits and vegetables is important to keep your body strong and healthy enough so that you can keep making content.
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4- Wear your damn eyeglasses (if you use those)! Personally I suck at this *puts on glasses quickly then continues to type* I would be at the computer writing / drawing for hours and remember only when my eyes start hurting :/ Don’t do that.
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5- Clean your damn glasses!! Another thing I’m very guilty of. Eye glasses tend to pick up all sorts of bacteria / other microbes when you rest them down or even by simply touching them. Then you put them on your face. See what I’m talking about?? Acne party.
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6- Practise Self care / Have a Self-care Ritual! Eh, so this is something I believe that a lot of people fail at. Move away from the computer / desk and go wash your face, brush + floss your teeth! Take a bath / shower daily. Try to also exfoliate your face and body routinely. Shave / trim too if you’re into that, wash your hair when it’s dirty, moisturize it and keep it up and away from your face while you’re working. This not only makes working on your projects easier but helps prevent acne from dirty hair and keeps your scalp healthy.
If you can, (these tips are for whatever your gender id is), don’t go to sleep without a night cream that’s suitable for your skin type. Wear sunscreen. Keep your hair wrapped with a silk / satin scarf whenever you lie down to avoid split ends, dryness and breakage, wash your pillowcases regularly and use a silk / satin tie when putting your hair up. Also, get a routine trim to manage split ends and hair length. Oh and most importantly, use moisturizers, shower products and treatments FOR YOUR SKIN TYPE. You won’t believe the difference that makes.
Self care also involves mental health and that’s very critical for artists and everyone tbh. Remember to follow any protocol given to you by your healthcare provider and not to neglect it because you were busy cREatiNG ConTEnt *I’m looking at you* Get enough sleep, eat healthy, rest whenever necessary and try to include some meditation and light exercise in the form of yoga / walking/ stretching / pilates. All this is good for the mind. I can go on and on about self care but let’s stop here please.
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7- Clean Your Room! Meh. I hate this one the most because I hate folding laundry, especially when I want to do something creative, but sometimes you just need to stop working and do it. Get up and do your chores. Doing them regularly, means  that your general environment where you work will always be healthy for your mind, body and spirit and will be conducive to you formulating plots for your art and writing projects! Please leave the vision of the artist (this includes writers) in a dark, dusty room piled high with books, dirty + clean unsorted laundry behind T_T
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8- Socialize! EHHHHH....NANI?! Ugh I hate this, but socializing is important for your physical and mental health. I’m an introvert by nature (shoutout to my fellow introverts) and sometimes go to extreme lengths to avoid people but socializing doesn’t mean that you have to go to a big party (an introvert’s nightmare) but simply remembering to respond to your social messages, calling a friend or even taking your mom and or dad out / going to visit them can work.
I hate to admit it but human connection is important (unless you’re a hermit on a mountain or a misanthrope). And look at it this way...interacting with real people is important for your craft! You can read books, look at videos / tutorials to learn about human interaction, but nothing replaces the story a friend would tell you about their day while drunk at 2am or the hot date they had last night, a genuine smile from a loved one, a quirky laugh or the natural movement of people who are unaware that they’re being observed - all things that can help to spark ideas that you can use for the characters in your writing and art. By hanging out with real people and seeing how they move and talk, you tend to create more genuine, believable characters that the people who use your content can identify with.
I should say too that you don’t have to interact with people directly all the time but you can just sit in a coffee shop, walk around the city, sit in the library or travel on the bus (or other public transportation). Just listen and watch and you will be privy to all sorts of gems from real people with real lives, victories and problems that can be used for character study.
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9- DON’T Take Yourself Too Seriously! / Stop doubting your talent! Okay, so this one is a work in progress for a lot of people. Feelings of insecurity when it comes to your craft can attack at anytime. You’re steadily progressing but then you look at other people’s work and think that you’re absolute crap. You think their prose and exposition is great, that their art / writing style is awesome and that you’d never be as good as they are within your lifetime because you don’t have as many kudos, favorites, bookmarks or likes / reblogs as they do.
I have one piece of advice for this problem and that’s to MIND YO’ DAMN BUSINESS. This may sound harsh but it’s critical for survival in the creative world. When you’re busy feeling shitty and insecure about someone else’s work, they’re busy practising hard and getting better while you’re busy hampering your own progress. Look at their work, admire it, send that fellow artist a like / comment then give a reblog and let awesome work of art MOTIVATE you to keep working hard on your craft. You can only get better through practice and and you’re only wasting time by doubting yourself / feeling insecure / feeling jealous because of other’s progress.
I should also say that you may see someone’s wonderful writing or art but you don’t know how many hours and effort they may be putting into their craft. Talent is a wonderful thing to have, but it is a tool that needs to be sharpened every single day. A lot of people don’t like to admit it, but getting to expert level with anything takes an insane amount of practice. When you’re sleeping, you have no idea what those talented people are doing in order to get better. You don’t see the moments where they’re falling asleep on themselves while they’re writing / drawing, you don’t see the amount of horrible drafts they churned out before they got “good” and you have no idea that they too feel like they still need to improve as they continue to work hard.
So be grateful for all the kudos, likes, reblogs or favorites you get but don’t let that define you. Keep moving forward. Keep grinding. I believe in you.
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10- Make time for Reflection! This may seem biased (because...introvert...), but time spent alone is important. Sure, you spend a lot of time alone writing, drawing, creating, but how much of that time is truly alone and without you doing work?? I personally believe that sometimes one needs to just go off to a quiet place to just think. Thinking about life, sorting the past, the present and the future helps to condition and exercise the mind. And a healthy mind makes for a good, capable artist that doesn’t become consumed and destroyed by their craft.
In this respect, I should also say that having Affirmations and doing Meditation is very important. Personally, I have a pinterest board that I use for that purpose and also a book with meditative quotes, passages etc that I try to read every morning.
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11- Make time for Recreation: Whether it is watching your favorite movie, playing a game, watching anime, reading a book or  comic, playing a board game or hanging out with friends, make sure to schedule recreational activities that take you away from your desk and work these into your routine. This, like Reflection, will help to keep your mind conditioned and also get you out of artist’s block. It also helps to generate ideas since personally I find that a good movie, action scene or well-crafted plot sends my mind into overdrive and I end up going back to write lol.
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12- Organization! Having things organized, whether irl or just your WIPs (through journaling, properly saving / titling files etc) will keep you sane and save time. Believe me!
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13 - Support Network! This is self explanatory but having at least one person who is genuine about liking your work and who is like your personal cheerleader is critical. Also, being your own cheer team is important! Don’t depend too heavily on others; love yourself and your work!
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14 - Negative Environments: I can go on an on about this as well, but yeah...being in a toxic situation whether it is at home, school, the workplace, a relationship or even one of your own creation is very very bad for your mental health and if it��s bad for your mental health it is bad for your art. Personally, negative situations help push me forward with my writing as I create a lot of vent stuff as a result but over time it is not healthy. It can mess with your head.
Do whatever you can to get out of your situation or if you can’t, then lay the foundations (saving money etc) to get out eventually. And while you’re unable to get out, remember to practise all the tips I mentioned before. Also, talk to a professional or even someone you can trust.
I think I’ll stop here as this post is getting quite long ^^; Anyways, I hope that my blabbering has managed to help someone as I was somehow unconsciously motivated to write and post this. If anyone wants to add anything, please do!
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exquisite-yoongi · 6 years
This post is hella long but there is everything you should know or watch about Min Yoongi. You’ll find facts, best of fancams, unforgettable quotes & legendary lyrics.
• real name is Min Yoongi
• born 9 March 1993
• from Daegu 
• Suga is short for Shooting Guard (his position in basket)
• alias Min Suga alias Grandpa alias Agust D alias Motionless Min alias Turtle alias Sugar alias DBoy alias Min Suga Genius Jjang Jjang man Bboong Bboong 
• loves music 
• absolute lyrical genius
• raps faster than the speed of light. hella control over his voice (X)
• is ranked 11 as the fastest rapper on Korea & on top three as fastest ‘idol’ rapper
• plays the piano (X & X)
• amazing on stage : completely in his element
• released a mixtape under the name Agust D 
• his mixtape saved hip-hop. Saved lives. Saved the world goddamn Yoongi
• he produced his entire mixtape just by himself. Worked very hard on it every time he could (between schedule, in planes, along working for other musics for BTS)
• this masterpiece was released for free
• there is no imitation, no meaningless lyrics, no misogyny and no racial slurs on it
• his mixtape talks about him and his struggles
• was the happiest person in the world when he met Kumamom. It was way too adorable for this world to handle (X)
• very socially aware, he wants to use his fame to shift people’s attention to global problems 
• which he did with the campaign Love Yourself in 2017 
• when he got sick and was rushed to the hospital, he couldn’t assist a concert. During his vacation time, he went to the stadium by himself and wrote about it in the fancafe. He sat in the seats of the stadium and forced himself to imagine the fans’ emotions on the day that was supposed to be the concert. He then wrote a long apology. 
• works from 12 am to 6 am on music. even after a full day of training or concert preparation or filming etc. That’s why he sleeps whenever he gets the chance
• when BTS had to pack for their backpacking trip through Europe, he was the one that remembered to pack medicine and first aid supplies. he cleaned up before living the hotel room, helped cooking and was in charge of their budget
• wrote, composed, produced some of BTS songs (like Tomorrow, Never Mind, Dead Leaves, Boyz with Fun, ~) 
• participate in the making of almost every Bts song
• looks gorgeous in every hair colour 
• twice said he would sue Bighit if his hair started falling out haha
• gummy smile (X)
• laughs in 10 different ways
• in the song ’Moving On’ he dedicated his section to his Mom, who was sick after she gave birth to him
• he danced around the studio in the early hours of the morning when ’Never Mind’ was approved to be the intro of HYYH pt.2
• really like a lamb skewers. wants to open a lamb skewers restaurant with Jungkook (X)
• his only goal is to make music that gives people emotions or comfort
• the root of his passion goes back to when he started making music at the age of 13
• his dream was to perform at Olympic Gymnastics Arena. at the end of the concert, he looked for his parents and brother in the crowd. when he saw them he smiled and got on the floor to do a deep bow (the kind where your forehead touches the ground) and cried for the first time at a concert (X & X)
• at fansigns, fan get to write them a question “What’s more important? Face or body?” Is asked a lot and Yoongi is the only one that writes a third option “Personality” and circles it and write that it’s the most important. he does this every time the question comes up
• when asked for the ideal weight in a girl he writes a ridiculous number
• when asked what age difference he would date he wrote 81 years haha
• tells everyone to eat well and take care of themselves 
• loves his fans more than anything
• extremely open-minded person 
• in a recent interview in the US, he always specified boyfriend or girlfriend when asked about dating
• when he and Namjoon were being disrespected by Bfree during an interview, he stayed calm and handled the situation very well.
• then proceeded to drag the HELL OUT OF HIM in Cypher pt.2
• the S in Suga stands for Savage
• sarcasm is his second name
• relatable af
• the time he and Hoseok (J-hope) reacted to a try not to laugh challenge of themselves and Yoongi laughed so hard he choked
• his existence is art
• the thing he does when his members are doing embarrassing stuff he just curls up and covers his face
• on his first birthday after he debuted he spent his own money to make gifts for the fans and hand-wrote over 300 notes (each one different…!)
• took pictures of Jungkook at his graduation like he was a proud parent
• the time when he and Hoseok lost a game and didn’t get dinner, Jimin brought them a crab from their table and Yoongi let Hoseok have it “seeing my dongsaeng eat makes me feel full”
• he silently takes care of bangtan
• says his members are his closest friends
• says Bighit is like a family
• when Hoseok was celebrating New Years alone in the dorms, Yoongi left his family and showed up with chicken just so Hoseok wouldn’t have to spend new years by himself
• that time during a fanmeeting a fan asked him “My Yoongi vitamin. I like you so much that I can’t live properly, tell me how to solve this?” and he responded “Just totally give up on this life and just only look at me.” (X)
• that one time Yoongi got really passionate about coffee and said he needed 309 people to help him “catch” coffee
• the time he sang his heart out with Hoseok for “I was able to eat well” and sounded terrible
• the time they had a high note challenge and Yoongi sang so high that no noise came out (X)
• so extra all the time
• that time he had to introduced himself and pulled confetti out of his pocket and threw it over himself (X)
• but also unamused all the time
• he’s a paradox
• the way he’s scared of fireworks going off (X)
• easily put in place by Jin, but also ignores all of his jokes
• really good dancer
• he just works hard
• that time a member woke him up by accident and Yoongi swore on camera (X)
• literally a deadass person at the awards show until Namjoon was up next to perform and Yoongi couldn’t stop being hyped and looking for him (X)
• that time Min Yoongi fell off a chair and told us on Twitter and RM made fun of him and suggested we now call him “MinClumsy” or “MinButt” 
• #MinButt (#민덩방아) was then trending on Twitter
• RM proceeded to publish a picture where Yoongi shows his butt and put 2 bandages on him (X)
• says he’s not always the best at expressing himself verbally, but wants everyone to know he is always thankful
• said in an interview his life style was “sleep eat work” 
• proud father of Shooky, his BT21 character 
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• Airplane pt.2, Lotte Family Concert (180622) -> I need holy water (1:44)
• First Love, Wings Tour Final (171208) -> couldn’t finish singing because of his emotions
• Spring Day, MMA (171202) -> absolute god
• Come Back Home, SEO TAIJI 25th Concert Anniversary (170924) -> this whole concert was dope tbh
• Fire, MMA (161119) -> infires man
• Blood Sweat & Tears, Mnet MCountdown Comeback Stage (161027) -> bless the wind
• Fire, (160907) -> happy, cute, cocky and sexy all at once
• Baepsae, in Beijing (160723) -> tired but still oh boy damn. 
• Tomorrow, in Beijing (160723) -> sweating Yoongi
• I like it pt. 2, (160614) -> smiles everytime he hears the fans screaming because of their dance then acts sexy on purpose
• Dope, KBS Open Concert (160315) -> this boy has no chill god dammit
• I Need U + Run, MBC (151231) -> Yoongi playing the piano
• I Need U, (151106) -> looks so good 
• Boyz With Fun, (151028) -> Suga having fun + smile smile smile + looks so fine 
• Cypher pt. 2 & 3, All Force One (150920) -> if you don’t know about this you’re missing on something big. 
• “A to the G to the U to the STD” - Agust D
• “My seat is business, yours is economy, forever behind me kissing my ass” - Agust D
• “Min Yoongi is already dead (I killed him)” - The Last
• “A word said like habit, oh, I don’t give a shit, I don’t give a fuck, those words are all words I use to hide my weak self” - The Last
• “This world sprinkled with my creations, I’ve tasted sweetness and bitterness and even shit, from that time I tried to sleep on the floor of a bathroom, now it’s a memory to me” - The Last
• “Dream, rather than humble, at the end we’ll be prosperous” - So Far Away
• “A brown piano settled on one side” - First Love 
• “It’s not easy but I say to myself, If you think you’re going to crash, step on the pedal harder” - Never Mind
• “Bultaoreune” - Fire
• “Yes, look down on me like that. It’s my hobby to prove you wrong” - We On
• “If I’m the sun you’re the moon, because when I rise, you go down.” - Cypher pt. 2 : Triptych
• “I’m a starfish that eats and grows on your jealousy and envy, As you know, my voice will turn you on, Whether it’s a guy or girl, my tongue will make you come" - Cypher pt.3 
• “Mic mic bungee” - MIC Drop
• “I’m a D-boy yeah I’m a D-boy” - Ma City 
• “love yourself love myself peace” - MMA (171202)
• "Min Suga. Genius. Those two words should be enough"
•  “I want to reincarnated and be a rock in my next life”
• “I’m father Louis Williams Suga Adams the Third”
• “I’m good at doing ugly stuff”
• “I’d like to introduce you to my lover… this neckpillow”
• “I’ve always wanted to nap in a different country”
Inspired by x 
OTHER MEMBERS : Jin / Hoseok / Namjoon / Jimin / Taehyung / Jungkook 
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franeridart · 7 years
Hello I love your art and love the new kiribaku kids. I did research on mako sharks and it said "The shortfin mako is on record as the fastest-swimming shark, capable of bursts of speed up to 18.8 metres per second (42 mph)." Its jaw is powerful enough to eat swordfish and sea turtles. And "Like other lamnid sharks, the shortfin mako shark has a heat-exchange circulatory system that allows the shark to be 7-10 °F warmer than the surrounding water. ". So I think mako would be an excellent hero
Never said she won’t be! As I’ve already explained tho the concept is that she’s young and most of he quirk-related abilities just haven’t developed yet - if she’d been living with her biological parents (which means, other people with a shark quirk) they would have already known what to expect from the quirk/she would have knows watching them, but as things stand she’s being raised by two people who’ve never known anyone else with that quirk, so they’re going at it completely blind. As far as Bakugou and Kirishima know her quirk’s abilities could stop at what she has now, but that doesn’t change that they’ll do their best to help her become the best hero of her generation, if that’s what she wants
Anon said: I can't believe the KiriBaku kids are literally Sharkgirl and Lavaboy, it's very cute. I also wanna say that Mako looks very much like one of the student from Ketsubutsu Academy, Nakagame Tatami, who has a "turtle quirk". Could it be that Mako is Tatami's biological kid and that when Tatami died (presumably from battle) Mako got adopted? Their quirks are a little similar (water-animal based), and hero's kids usually have very strong quirks even from a young age. Just a theory, love the kids tho!
I know you didn’t mean anything bad by this and I love how into them you are (thank you for liking them!) but please never, ever tell an artist that their OCs are literally some other characters, that’s the worst thing any creator can ever be told. Like, while I don’t exactly mind it since I knew this would happen even before posting them (as I said, I do know they remind of them - even though Tai’s quirk isn’t only about heating things up - and I’m still of the opinion that Kiri and Baku are pretty damn similar to Sharkboy and Lavagirl themselves so kids inspired by them were bound to remind of them, when coming from me) you might in the future find someone who’ll take it bad enough that they’ll just trash the characters and never work with them ever again, which I’m sure you don’t want
Just, mind your words next time you send this sort of asks, okay?
Anon said:(Hi, I'm the one who liked sharks and thought about mako's quirk too much) honestly some things she might do: be able to move/unhinge her upper jaw, have weirdly made bones because cartilage, absolutely terrify her parents by growing in her baby teeth and then immediately LOSING THEM w a second row ready, literally never get sick, heal faster than average
Her bones are normal human bones but everything else works for me! Tho as far as her baby teeth go Baku and Kiri hadn’t adopted her yet, back then haha
Anon said: here's a question, can mako talk underwater? i think tsuyu can so it doesn't seem unreasonable (don't quote me on that tho)
She can’t! For two main reasons: the first, she uses gills to breathe underwater - at the sides of her ribcage - which means that there’s no air passing across her throat to make her vocal cords vibrate to produce sound. Technically she could probably find a way to switch between breathing systems just enough to make herself able to talk, but it requires a type of coordination she still doesn’t have. She tried, nearly drowned herself, Kirishima freaked the fuck out and forbid her to try again at least until she’s ten; the second reason is that as far as I get it sharks don’t actually make noises underwater, which is why she can’t naturally talk while submerged and needs to switch between breathing systems for it to work~
Anon said:I think u never answered anything ab that so... what are/were your feelings on fat calling Kiri "chickling" when he found him under his belly?
Still unsure whether he actually called him chickling or if FA was right and the correct translation is “what are you, a chickling”, but either way it was adorable and I died a lot I’m so glad Kiri has Fat in his life ;A;
Anon said:Okay so I recently like two days ago recent found some of your Kiribaku art work and thought it was really cute so then I delved deeper and got into the characters and stuff but I thought that Bakugou controlled fire or something like he could heat up his body and stuff and now I really love this idea but it's now actually cannon and I don't want to make an au or anything but I thought you'd like to hear about human heater Bakugou who gives really warm hugs and cuddles to Kirishima- :)
I hc Bakugou as having an average temperature higher than normal because of his quirk, so this still works for me! It’s so soft and good, thank you for sharing it!!! ;u;
Anon said:I ship Tsuyu with Mina but it always low key feels like I'm alone in this :/
It’s not my fav ship for either but I do ship it too!!! They’re so nice tbh and they’re two of my fav girls in bnha so that’s an A++++ concept for me - and I’m sure you’re not alone!!! I’m pretty sure I read more than a fic with that ship as a bg one, so there must be people who main it too~
Anon said:Your BakuKiriKami art has me obsessed with these boys and convinced me to read the manga instead of just watching the anime! I just got to the hero license exam and the first thing I thought of when I saw Kaminari was "omg his boyfriends must find his updated costume so hot" because now I have a one track mind for this OT3 😂
LMAO that’s good and that arc is such a great thing for the ship too~ it was definitely the moment I started seriously shipping it!
Anon said:have you ever thought about doing a web comic?
Yeh! I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I found out webcomics were a thing lmao
Anon said:Hmm... would BakuKiriKami ever have kids, I wonder?
Are you asking me what kid they’d have or generally if they would because if it’s the second then sure - I really can’t see Kaminari and Kirishima never wanting kids tbh, and if it were with people he loves I think Bakugou would want a family too, probs
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asrafarel · 7 years
On Shiro’s and Sendak’s similarities (or maybe I’m just seeing double)
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(art by me) ************this is S3 spoiler free************* I haven’t even watched the last trailer yet. warning: long post It always pains me to see how most of the fandom is depicting Sendak as a bossy motherfucker with a short temper acting like a brutal fighter and enjoying non-con relationships. Seriously, have we seen the same show? Ok, Sendak is a villain (with a high potential for a redemption arc, please Dreamworks don’t let me down on this), but that doesn’t automatically make him an horrid asshole.
Yes, Sendak is a nasty opponent but he still has a lot of common points with Shiro and both stand on an equal foot in terms of leadership and fighting abilities (though I think that if Sendak had a less heavy and bothersome prosthetic he’d move better and thus maybe the result wouldn’t be the same, but I have nothing to support this theory). Actually, they have so many similarities they are literally mirroring each other.
First, let’s make a list of things we know about their shared past :
Shiro was detained on Sendak’s ship (along with the Red Lion)
=> Sendak is Zarkon’s first Commander, the emperor trained him personally. Sendak is loyal to death to the Galras (not to Zarkon, let’s double check this*) and trusted. He was given the responsibility to watch over a lion and the should-have-been-their-greatest-weapon-dude (I guess his name was Shiro or something).
They both had the Druids experimenting on them (although Sendak was willing)
=> We know (from his official bio) that Sendak lost his eye and his arm during his time on the frontlines (meaning quite some time ago, since that was before he was promoted in the hierarchy - only low ranks soldiers fight on the frontlines -, it also means Sendak rose up from the very bottom and earned his title through merit just like Shiro who started out as a cadet in the garrison) and volunteered to get a bionic prosthetic. Shiro stated that the Druids took his hand (yeah, hand, makes you wonder how much is actually missing).
Shiro has hallucinations about Sendak
=> Crystal venom is probably my favorite episode so far and it drops so many bombs about them, it’s impossible to think they never talked to each other before. The way Shiro provokes Sendak and the fact he’s getting a reaction from it tends to hint they had this conversation once, but reversed.  
So far nobody got under Shiro’s skin like Sendak did (not even Zarkon)
=> Seriously no one else did. This is (flashbacks aside) the only time Shiro panicked for real, like he completely lost his shit. Not Zarkon, not Haggar impersonating him or being stranded on a foreign planet wounded with angry animal on his tracks got him desperate like Sendak did. I know Shiro was hallucinating, but to him it was real and it was probably just a replay of past events (though I can’t prove this yet).
Now a list of their common points:
First in command of their respective boss (aka Zarkon and Allura)
Leadership skills (also charisma)
Lost an arm (opposite of each other)
Were Druids’ toys at some point **
Scar on face
Tacticians (have a good look at Sendak’s last sentries, they’re all half-broken and he managed to pull out a working plan with just 2 guys and 5 nearly out-of-order robots)
Composed demeanor (Sendak is more composed than Shiro tbh)
Matched in terms of fighting abilities, twice a draw (epic fist bump + last blow and in both situations they do have exactly the same stance, still the most epic fight to me)
Dedicated to their cause, never giving up even in desperate situations
Supportive and/or encouraging (Sendak praised Haxus easily)
“Climbing from the bottom to the top” career path (then falling into disgrace)
Both are the strongest around in their own group
(also they like to get lost in space)
(both names starts with an S *ba dum tss!*)
That makes 12 (14), but the core similarity is much more global. It encompasses all of this and is more like the general idea of their characters. Sendak is dark!Shiro in a way. They both have the same role and rank in their respective organisation, the same way of handling stuff coming their way with a seemingly cool and composed attitude, not letting their anger get the best of them.  
Sendak broke loose only when Pidge cut his arm off, crushing all hopes of winning and despite this he kept on fighting until he was trapped. Ironically, Sendak was made prisoner and detained on the Castle of Lions just like Shiro had been on his own ship. Reversing position and situation again.
They both are doing the same kind of choices (avoiding a fight if necessary, prioritizing tactics over frontal assault, giving everybody a role and benefiting from other teammate's skills -Sendak is the Commander/fighter/tactician and Haxus is the com tech/hacker/mechanic and their skills don’t overlap- etc..) and handling things in a similar way (they don’t give up, face desperate situation with determination, fight mental battles, etc..). It’s pretty fascinating because they are very different but at the time they’re totally similar.
Another thing that I realized while doing this analysis is that they have exactly the same career path. They started small and proved their worth. Sendak was named first Commander and Shiro is recognized as the best pilot on Earth. Then shit happens (Sendak lose to the Paladins and Shiro is framed for pilot error) and they both fall into disgrace.
Also, I’d like to pinpoint something in order to annihilate brutal-bloodthirsty-fanon-Sendak. During ep.4 (The fall of the Castle of Lions), when Sendak and Haxus are marching on the castle with their damaged sentries and Shiro opposes them, Sendak actually asks Shiro to let them through.
Tumblr media
*then fight starts*
(Kinda dubious dialog out of context… Dirty jokes aside, it could have been foreshadowing for Crystal Venom: Sendak actually got into Shiro’s mind.)
What’s important here is that Sendak had no intention to fight Shiro if it could be avoided. He’s no bloodrager on the loose. He fights when it’s needed, avoid unnecessary troubles and is dedicated to accomplish his mission. Just like, guess who? Yeah, Shiro.
The choice of words is also very interesting. Sendak didn’t ask Shiro to get out of his way or to get down or to go away, he asked him to “stand aside” as in to stay out of the matter, to not butt in, to let him do his work. Maybe I’m stretching this but that’s not exactly what you ask an enemy and when Shiro rejects the option, only then, Sendak goes for the kill. What’s funny is that he didn’t kill him when he had the opportunity later. He didn’t even knock him out, he just tied him (while Lance, who wasn’t considered a threat wasn’t even tied). To me it’s more like the way you treat a former ally (maybe ally is a bit too much).
I really really really hope Sendak is going to get some screen time in S3 and that the veil on their common past is going to be lifted. The character has so much potential and also the ability to drive Shiro insane (not the same insane as Slav tho).
I still might update this at some point with the upcoming seasons.
Hope you enjoyed it!
* Actually, the reason I think Sendak’s loyalty is to the Galras rather than to Zarkon comes from his first appearance. His very first quote is : "I fight for the empire. I conquer in the name of Galra. No foe has ever stood in my way and none ever will. Vrepit sa!" Maybe I'm stretching things too far, but to me it could be some sort of foreshadowing of Sendak turning against Zarkon (most likely Lotor) because he goes against the Galras as people. Remember, Ulaz said to the Paladins that Galras supported the empire because it would bring them stability, there was something genuinely desperate and hopeful there (incidentally hope is exactly what Shiro is to Ulaz). After all, their home planet had been destroyed, thus making them homeless too. Also, in S1e1 Zarkon refers to the Alteans as a foul race and that Voltron is rightfully theirs. We know nothing about the “dark history of the Paladins”. Galras probably have a very different opinion on who’s the bad guy. In S1e3, when Haggar asks Zarkon if Sendak can be trusted he doesn't say "yes, he just said he trained him and that only victory or death would stop him. So, I kinda fancy the idea of Sendak having certain aspirations for the empire and turning against whoever fails to reach said aspirations. Be it a Galra prince or whatnot.
And last thing but not least; Zarkon didn’t seem really forgiving regarding defeat/failure (that’s the fastest way to be demoted -cf. Morvok and the Kerberos commander- and in the Galra meritocracy that must means something huge), during S1e3 Sendak himself said: “Emperor Zarkon challenged us to rise from the mud”. That’s a cute way to say atone for failing him, but now that the emperor himself failed… what is Sendak going to do? How is he going to react?  
** This is what Sendak is implying by saying: “I see you spent some time with the Druids, they do love to experiment.” Meaning they used the first Commander as a pet project and probably not too long before he set foot on Arus since it’s implied Shiro got his prosthetic just a few days before being released by Ulaz. In any case, it’s less than a year ago meaning that Shiro probably met Sendak equipped with a less advanced prosthetic (or maybe no prosthetic at all). Also, and that’s very interesting, Sendak seems to discover Shiro’s prosthetic during the battle, which means the last time Sendak saw Shiro he still had his organic arm. @ferretfam thank you soooooooooo much for your help @canadarama here you go! Pssst! Sendak’s fans, give me your thoughts on this if you’d like @vrepit-sa @deception-and-disgrace @candyfoxdraws @ograndsovereign 
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Modern!Highschool!headcanons about what the boys are like when you're assigned together for a project/what class you'd have together?
I love doing these wowie okay
-When assigned a project with each other its a battle of who can get the most done the best and the fastest, which normally makes their project either amazing or extremely shitty
-They would definitely be co-captains of the debate team
-They would have not only debate club together, but AP English, both fighting to be the top of their class, when in reality the top of the class is James
-When doing a project John normally just sits back and lets Alex work; Not because he’s lazy, but he feels like he’s in Alex’s way when he tries to help
-They probably wouldn’t have any classes together; Alex is the busy smart kid, John is the artsy edgy kid. They would probably have lunch together, or be childhood friends
-Because it’s not a competition, Thomas gets bored when doing projects with James. James wants to do it right and smart, Thomas just wants to beat everyone else
-They would have like, every class together tbh
- c h a o s
- Lafayette is speaking fast french, Mulligan is slamming his hands on the table, Alex is trying to get the project done while John is distracting him
-The project either never gets done or is pure chaos
-They actually do projects really well together
-Hercules helps Lafayette with his grammar and Lafayette makes the project pretty and creative
-They would have stupid classes together, like arts and crafts or something, who knows
-Same as Mullette with projects
-They definitely have art together, and Laf paints John’s nails 
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